Effects of Industrial Pollution The world has seen rapid advancements in science and technology. But all these advancements have contributed to various forms of pollution. Industrial pollution affects our environment in many ways and is a major cause of concern. The large amount of waste generated by industries leads to pollution of resources like air, water, and land. In the United States, industry is the top polluter. It accounts for more than half the volume of water pollution. Various industries discharge the effluent into streams, lakes, or oceans. Manufacturing units that release undiluted corrosives, poisons, and other industrial pollutants are one of the top sources of industrial pollution. Hot water discharged by factories and power plants raises water temperatures, causing thermal pollution. The increase in water temperature changes the level of oxygen in the water and results in the death of many plant and animal species. Global warming is one of the most grave industrial pollution effects. Various greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane that are emitted from industries increase the overall temperature of the earth. Not only the environment, but humans are also affected by it. Melting of glaciers and snow-capped mountains due to global warming also increases the water levels in seas and rivers. This, in turn, increases the chances of flood. Diseases like malaria, dengue, cholera, and plague are on the rise due to global warming. In the last 3 decades Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has taken several measures to control industrial pollution, which destroys valuable resources. Industries have also realized this and are taking steps to reduce the pollution that they cause. This includes substituting hazardous chemicals with less hazardous substances, recycling to reduce waste, and finding new ways to make products that do not generate waste when they are manufactured. On our part, we can start by buying environmentally-friendly products like Oil Gone Easy S-200 that don’t cause any harm to the environment. By buying from companies that promote environmental stewardship and supporting environmental conservation organizations in your area you can make a huge difference.