Shoreline Cleanup

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Shoreline Cleanup Oil spills have a huge environmental impact. The impact on the environment is greatest when it affects the shoreline. Due to oil spills, not only the beauty of the coastline is spoilt, but the very survival of those life forms inhabiting there is threatened. So <a href=>shoreline cleanup </a>is a task of great importance. <br><br> Various techniques are used for oil spill cleanup on shorelines. Major factors such as the type of oil spilled, the geology of the shoreline and rate of water flow, and the type and sensitivity of plants and animals that are likely to be affected, determine the technique adopted for oil spill cleanup process. <br><br> Techniques used in shoreline environmental cleanups involve both natural processes and physical methods. <br><br> Natural Processes In some cases, the oil is left to degrade naturally as the <a href=>oil spill cleanup </a>operation could prove harmful to the shoreline environment. Evaporation, oxidation, and biodegradation are the most commonly used natural processes for environmental protection. <br><br> In evaporation the liquid components in the oil are vaporized and released into the atmosphere. Thus it decreases the toxicity of a spill over the course of time. In oxidation, the complex chemical compounds are broken down into simpler compounds that can easily dissolve in water. In biodegradation, the bacteria present in land or water consume oil. <br><br> Physical Methods Shoreline cleanup is also done using physical methods like pressure washing, steam washing, physical removal of oil by shovels or graders, raking or bulldozing, or wiping with absorbent materials. <br><br> In pressure washing, oiled shorelines are cleaned up using high-pressure water streams. The oil is then flushed into trenches, which are then collected with sorbent materials. Even though this shoreline cleanup process is inexpensive, it requires a lot of manpower. <br><br> Wiping with absorbent materials involves the use of materials that have the capacity to absorb many times their weight in oil. They do not cause any harm to the shoreline and some can even be reused. <br><br>

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