Steps to Reduce Oil Dependency
Before discussing the various steps and measures that can be taken to reduce oil dependency, we need to know what oil dependence is. It is estimated that the United States uses 20 million barrels of oil a day. Of this, nearly 55 percent is imported. More than $20 billion is spent on importing oil from the Middle East every year. This makes the United States rely heavily on the Middle East for oil resources. The cause of oil dependence has led to an alarming increase in the demand for fuel supplies. This is mainly due to the use of fuel-inefficient vehicles, cars, and trucks. The growing demand for oil in the developing nations also adds to this problem. Immediate measures must be taken to reduce oil dependency to solve this problem. The use of alternative energy sources is one solution to reduce oil dependence. Of the many, biofuel and space-based solar power are being regarded as highly viable alternative energy sources. Biofuels Fuel that is obtained from biological matter is called as biofuel. It is obtained from different plant sources like corn, sugar cane, soybeans, switchgrass, rapeseed, wheat, sugar beet palm oil, and vegetable oil. Biofuel can also be obtained from other sources like garden waste, manure, crop residues, and plant and animal by-products. However, the use of biofuels might lead to reduced availability of cropland and the spiraling of food costs. Space-based Solar Power Studies conducted by the Pentagon show that space-based solar power will help to reduce oil dependency. The mode of power generation was invented almost forty years ago in the United States. The major disadvantage of this project is the exorbitant cost involved in installing a solar power unit in space.