2022 Meat & Poultry Ontario Annual Report

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Table of Contents 4 President’s Message 5 Executive Director’s Message 4 - 5 Meet the Team 6 Representing A Diverse Ontario Meat and Poultry Industry 7 An Informed and Engaged Community 7 2022 MPO Events 8 Celebrating Excellence at 2022 Red Carpet Awards Gala 9 2022 Ontario’s Finest Meat Competition 10 Doug Easterbrook of Townsend Butchers Wins Ontario’s Finest Title at 9th Annual Competition 11 Team Canada Competes at the ‘Olympics of Butchery 11 Advocating for MPO Members 12 - 13 Industry Development 14 Advancing and Strengthening the Canadian Meat Processing Industry 14 Enhancing Food Safety and Assurance Programs 15 Processor Links: A New Tool Connecting Farmers with Available Processing Capacity 15 Optimizing Protection and Assurance Programs in Provincially Inspected Meat Plants Pilot Project 16 Building Sustainable Meat Businesses in a Changing Climate 17 Workforce Development for Ontario’s Meat and Poultry Sector 17 Meat Processing Industry Tackles Workforce Challenges with Education Partnerships: Ontario Launches Teacher Guide for Grades 7-12 18 2022 Financial Audits 19 Thank you to our 2022/2023 Corporate Supporters

Our Mission

A sustainable, respectful and diverse food system that celebrates the nutritional and economic value of meat and poultry.

Our Vision

We strengthen the meat and poultry industry in Ontario by connecting people, influencing change and empowering our members.

Our Values

People – and more specifically “Family” drive our businesses, and our purpose

Community – the impact and influence we have in our farming, rural and urban communities

Integrity – in our processes and relationships

Health – of our environment and the community we serve

Diversity – in the products and markets we serve

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Meat & Poultry Ontario

A Message from our President

I am delighted to write my first report as the President of this esteemed organization. Despite the challenges faced by our industry over the past year, we have continued to push forward and thrive, and I am proud to say that Meat & Poultry Ontario has remained steadfast in its commitment to excellence.

One of our significant achievements this year was the progress we made with the Interprovincial Trade Program, which aims to facilitate trade between provinces and territories in Canada. As a strong advocate for this initiative, MPO is proud to have contributed to unlocking new markets and increasing opportunities for our members.

Another important focus has been ensuring that our members have access to the necessary resources to maintain the highest standards of food safety. Through our collaboration with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA), we have been working closely on E.coli swabbing, which has been instrumental in strengthening the meat and

Meet the Team

Executive Director

Franco Naccarato

Franco is responsible for the leadership and management of the association, working closely with all levels of government, agricultural and industry groups on issues that directly affect Members and their businesses.

poultry industry in Ontario. We remain committed to working closely with OMAFRA to ensure that our industry continues to lead in food safety and quality.

We are also pleased to have launched the Center for Meat Innovation and Technology (CMIT) in 2022. CMIT is a Canadian meat processing hub powering industry collaboration and innovation. It is dedicated to showcasing the world’s leading meat processing technology to our industry in Canada, to help us become more competitive.

I would like to express my gratitude to the dedicated staff, board members, and membership of MPO as well as our broader industry stakeholders. Your support and partnership have been instrumental in our success.

Thank you for your commitment to MPO, and I look forward to a successful and rewarding 2023.

Technical Director Daphne Nuys-Hall

Daphne works on the regulatory aspect of the meat industry, providing regulatory and technical advice and assistance to individual member businesses. Daphne leads the industry development activities including MPO training workshops and technical bulletin.

Marketing and Communications Manager April Jackman

April is responsible for the MPO marketing & communications strategy, promoting a strong concise message to our members, industry and consumers. Leading our market development initiatives, April manages the MPO branding programs, events, social media strategy, and consumer outreach.

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A Message from our Executive Director

The year 2022 was characterized by significant transitions and progress in various sectors in Canada. The focus shifted from strategy to action, and tangible results were seen in initiatives such as the Centre for Meat Innovation and Technology, which was transformed from a mere idea to a reality. This initiative aims to inspire the next generation of entrepreneurs to explore the opportunities in the sector through innovative product development and collaboration with sophisticated businesses.

Another noteworthy achievement was the participation of a Canadian team in the World Butcher Challenge for the first time. The team’s success in Sacramento was a testament to the culinary expertise of Canadian butchers, and it was a proud moment for the industry and the country as a whole. The MPO played a crucial role in supporting the team and promoting the importance of butchers in the culinary world.

In terms of regulatory issues, progress was made in improving E.coli monitoring programs through recommendations presented by the Meat Industry Engagement Panel and MPO. The government’s

Office Manager

Meghan Schmuck

Meghan manages the day-today finance, maintaining our CRM and membership records, and providing ongoing administrative support to the MPO team.

commitment to adopting science-based programs is a positive development that will benefit both the industry and the government in the long run.

Furthermore, the year 2022 saw significant strides in facilitating Interprovincial Trade, an issue that has been discussed for over a quarter century. The agreement between the Federal and Provincial Governments to pilot three projects in Ontario is a promising development that will make it easier for businesses to conduct interprovincial trade.

Overall, the year 2022 was a year of transition and progress in various sectors, and the results of the initiatives undertaken will undoubtedly have a positive impact on the industry and the country as a whole.

Market Development Specialist

Derek Boudreau

Derek’s responsibility is to be in the field building membership through recruitment, engaging our current members, and increasing involvement in MPO’s many programs, events, and training, while also assisting with questions and concerns.

Director, Centre for Meat Innovation and Technology

Luis Garcia

Luis is the director of the Centre for Meat Innovation and Technology, with extensive experience in food processing.

Prior to joining Meat and Poultry Ontario, Luis led the Institute of Food Processing Technology, Packaging Engineering programs, and the Millwright cluster of programs at Conestoga College for 11 years.

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Representing A Diverse Ontario Meat and Poultry Industry

Top 2 Reasons Companies Join MPO

Membership with MPO is important because:

“Meat & Poultry Ontario has been a wonderful resource for our team and company. They listen to industry challenges and are always available to answer questions or offer support. It’s a membership and organization that offers value and we have appreciated the efforts of its leadership and team.”

“Poly-Clip/PreciPak Canada have been an MPO member for 11 years. In those years we have made great business connections and friendships with members and customers. Working with the MPO team has been a pleasure as they are committed to making Ontario the best spot to do business. The information that MPO relays to members is very beneficial to the ever-changing industry we are in. MPO gives us the opportunity to meet with fellow members and potential members on a consistent basis which helps to build those relationships and keep the relationships we have with customers, since there are times when we don’t have that opportunity to do that in this fast-paced industry we are in together.”

“Meat & Poultry Is a great partner to Deanco Meats Inc. We have been a member for many years, and they are incredibly important to my business. Whenever I have a question or concern, they have ALWAYS helped me find the right solution. I am very appreciative for all the help everyone there does to help my business succeed.”

“As a business member of Meat & Poultry Ontario for several years, we have found membership to be a valuable asset to our business. MPO provides opportunities to connect with other business owners in the industry, which has been helpful in discussing shared problems and finding solutions. Additionally, they have connected us with top equipment and solution providers for running our butcher shop. The staff at Meat & Poultry Ontario are attentive and excellent to work with. Give them a try, you won’t be disappointed!”

~ BJ’s Country Market

“Finest Sausage & Meat joined Meat & Poultry Ontario organization to gain a sense of community, to meet new people and find opportunities to grow personally and professionally. The organization is a great resource for continuing education, mentoring programs and networking opportunities.”


6 Meat & Poultry Ontario - 2022 Annual Report
54 134 Business Membership Associate Membership Membership by Category Number of Employees 57 33 41 3 1 to 9 10 to 20 20+ 200+ Member by Inspection Type Provincial 105 Municipal 20 Federal 8
Make Connections Technical Support

An Informed and Engaged Community

Blocktalk Magazine

BLOCKtalk, our quarterly magazine, remains our most important communication vehicle which was delivered in hard copy to all member companies, and electronically to an additional 2,000 people in the meat processing industry.

Social Media Overview


Our industry page @MeatPoultryON is up 20% ending the year with 991 followers.


Our industry account @MeatPoultryON more than doubled our followers. Increasing 27% ending the year with 746 followers.


MPO’s Instagram account @OntarioMeatPoultry, continues to see the largest amount of growth. Ending 2022 with a 13% increase in followers at 1359.


Followers are up 34% in 2022, finishing the year off with just over 1340 followers.


Word on the Block Enewsletter

With a focus on keeping our members current, Word on the Block, our electronic bulletin, was delivered to 500 individuals bi-weekly.

2022 MPO Events

Industry Day

In light of the continued pandemic restrictions, MPO hosted Industry Day Virtually in 2022. 60 guests logged in to take in the sessions and network using the event app.

The theme for the day was “Back to Business” – with an agenda packed full of speakers bringing innovation business solutions to our members, including knowing when to grow & boost revenues, influencer marketing from the food & beverage industry and how to future proof your business.

MPO’s Linkedin continues to attract the largest amount of new followers and ended the year with 1613 followers and counting, a 136% increase in followers in 2022.

Meat Industry Expo

The 2022 Meat Industry Expo was held on October 14-15 in Niagara Falls, and it saw an increase in the number of pre-registered attendees compared to the previous event in 2019.

The 2022 event saw 523 people pre-register, with a total of 385 attendees, representing 188 companies, passing through the doors. Additionally, there were 42 return visits, indicating a positive experience for attendees and a strong interest in the exhibitors present. The high number of pre-registered attendees suggests that the expo was well-promoted and generated significant interest amongst the industry.

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University of Guelph Meat Science Lab The Best Kept Secret on Campus Keeping Ontario’s Meat and Poultry Industry Informed Fall 2022 • Vol. 28, Issue ALSO INSIDE: Importance of Ongoing Food Safety Training Food Handlers Quality and Food Safety Is Key AbattoirTraceabilityCustomer Doug Easterbrook Ontario’s Finest Butcher Keeping Ontario’s Meat and Poultry Industry Informed Winter 2022 Vol. 28, Issue 4 ALSO INSIDE: Village Grocer Associate28MemberProfile: Kungfu Butcher Investing in TodaysWorkforce Finest Sausage & Meat The Dream That Became a Reality Keeping Ontario’s Meat and Poultry Industry Informed Summer 2022 Vol. 28, Issue 2 18 Sustainability More than a Buzzword Ontario’s Finest Butcher 24 Repurposing with Purpose Schinkel’s Legacy Upholds a Proud Family Tradition Keeping Ontario’s Meat and Poultry Industry Informed Spring 2022 Vol. 28, Issue 1 ALSO INSIDE: MeatExpoIndustry 30 Polytarp Ramps Up Its Food Wrap Business 34 Measuring Food Safety

Celebrating Excellence at 2022 Red Carpet Awards Gala

We had plenty to celebrate at the 2022 Red Carpet Awards Gala. The biennial event recognizes processors that produce award-winning, artisanal meats for Ontarians and honours the families of people that make up the association and their commitment to our industry. The night concluded with the crowning of Ontario’s Finest Butcher, in the ninth year of this annual competition.

MPO honoured Harriston Packing Company Ltd., Oakville’s Finest Butchery, Poly-Clip System and Stayner Meat Packers Ltd. as they received their 10-year membership plaques. Conestoga Meats was presented with their 25-year membership recognition and Gord’s Abattoir Ltd. was honoured for 40 years of loyal MPO membership.

The Associate Member Recognition Award (AMRA) is given to an associate member company that, judged by the membership, is deserving of recognition for their contribution to the association and to the industry. Last year Farm Credit Canada (FCC) was honored with this distinction, and accepting the award on behalf of FCC was Graham Smyth.

Newly introduced this year was the Public Service Recognition Award in honour of Pat Johnson. This award celebrates the partnership and collaboration MPO has with local, provincial, and federal governments. First time recipients Kelly McAslan and Natasha Bartlett of OMAFRA took home this honour.

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PSR Award Recipients Kelly McAslan and Natasha Bartlett of OMAFRA 25 Year Membership, Conestoga Meats 40 Year Membership, Gord’s Abattoir Ltd. AMRA Recipient, Farm Credit Canada (FCC)

Sausages - Fresh Other

• Platinum - L’Original Packing Ltd, The Mysterious Sausage

• Gold - J & G Quality Meats Ltd., Shepard’s Pie Lamb Sausage

• Silver - Speducci Mercatto Inc., Wild Boar Breakfast Sausage

Sausages - Fresh Pork

• Platinum - VG Meats, Spicy Mexican Pork Sausage

• Gold - Finest Sausage and Meat, Cheddar Bacon

• Silver - Halenda’s Fine Foods, Honey & Garlic Fresh Pork Sausage

Bacon - Back

• Platinum - VG Meats, Cowboy Coee Rubbed Back Bacon

• Gold - VG Meats, Smoked Back Bacon

• Silver - Sikorski Sausages Co. Ltd., Single Smoked Loin

Bacon – Traditional Side

• Platinum - Halenda’s Fine Foods, Ukrainian Style Bacon

• Gold - VG Meats, Thick Cut Pork Side Bacon

• Silver - Metzger Meat Products, Traditional Bacon

Beef/Veal Whole Muscle Deli

• Platinum - VG Meats, Beef Pastrami

• Gold - Halenda’s Fine Foods, Deli Roast Beef

• Silver - VG Meats, Chipotle Rubbed Roast Beef

Ham - Open

• Platinum - Halenda’s Fine Foods, Mini Dinner Ham “Mishka”

• Gold - Sikorski Sausages Co. Ltd., Farmers Ham

• Silver - Halenda’s Fine Foods, Eco Ham


• Platinum - VG Meats, Turkey Kielbasa

• Gold - L’Original Packing Ltd, Kielbosa

• Silver - VG Meats, Ham Kielbasa

Poultry Deli Whole Muscle Deli

• Platinum - Halenda’s Fine Foods - Homestyle Turkey Breast - nitrite free

• Gold Finest Sausage and Meat - Roast Turkey Breast Paprika

• Silver - VG Meats - Chipotle Rubbed Turkey Breast

Premium Dried or Dry Cured

• Platinum - Speducci Mercatto Inc., Bresaola Wagyu

• Gold - Speducci Mercatto Inc., Lamb Prosciutello

• Silver - Finest Sausage and Meat, Smoked Pork Neck


• Platinum - Speducci Mercatto Inc., Pork Coppa

• Gold - Speducci Mercatto Inc., Duck Prosciutello

• Silver - VG Meats, Ziguineer Salami

Sausage - Dry/Semi-Dry

• Platinum - Speducci Mercatto Inc., Trued Wild Boar Salami

• Gold - Speducci Mercatto Inc., Umbro Salami

• Silver - Halenda’s Fine Foods, Hunter Garlic Sausage

Sausage - Specialty

• Platinum - Florence Meats, Kranska with cheese & jalapeño

• Gold - Foods of the World, Spinach Sausage

• Silver - Finest Sausage and Meat, Jalapeno Cheddar

• Silver - VG Meats, Smoked Polski and Cheddar Cheese

Sausage - Traditional

• Platinum - Halenda’s Fine Foods, Kranska

• Gold - Sikorski Sausages Co. Ltd., Chorizo Sausage

• Silver - VG Meats, Smoked Beef Sausage

Premium Wiener

• Platinum - Halenda’s Fine Foods, All Beef Hot Dog

• Gold - VG Meats, Pork Hot Dog

• Silver - Sikorski Sausages Co. Ltd., European Wiener



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Bresaola Wagyu

Doug Easterbrook of Townsend Butchers Wins Ontario’s Finest Title at 9th Annual Competition

Doug, who also competed at the World Butcher Challenge as part of team Canada earlier in the year, had to battle his way through 17 of Ontario’s best butchers in an elimination round held on September 12 and was one of 3 finalists who moved on to the final round held October 14 in Niagara Falls.

The theme for the final ‘black box’ round was ‘Bougie Bites’ and Easterbrook, along with fellow finalists, Christopher McNutt of Halenda’s, and Nick Projkovski of Metro had 30 minutes to transform 2 whole chickens, a pork loin and beef shoulder clod into several upscale, display-ready items. The four judges’ combined scores determined it was Easterbrook who would take home the title.

With the competition in its 9th year, it was 4-time veteran, Doug Easterbrook of Townsend Butchers, who took home the title of Ontario’s Finest in October.

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Team Canada Competes at the ‘Olympics of Butchery’

Team Canada embarked on a journey in 2019 to compete against the world’s top butchers in the World Butcher Challenge, also known as the ‘Olympics of Butchery’. The competition aims to create an atmosphere where butchers strive to exceed current industry standards in workmanship, meat cutting, product display, and creative utilization of beef, lamb, pork, and chicken products.

During the competition, teams have three hours and thirty minutes to transform a side of beef, a side of pork, a whole lamb, and five chickens into a themed display of value-added products. Teams can use their own seasonings, spices, marinades, and garnishes to create innovative and saleable products, which judges score based on technique, skill, workmanship, product innovation, overall finish, and presentation.

On September 2-3, 2022 the best butchers from around the world gathered at Golden 1 Center in Sacramento California. The first team to step into the arena with the world’s best included:

• Brent Herrington (Port Perry, ON) – Herrington’s Quality Butchers

• Corey Meyer (Edmonton, AB) – ACME Meat Market

• Damian Goriup (Oakville, ON) – Florence Meats

• Dave Vander Velde – (Stoney Creek, ON) – VG Meats

• Elyse Chatterton (Edmonton, AB)

• Peter Baarda (Burlington, ON) – J&G Quality Meats

• Taryn Lee Barker (Port Moody, BC) – The Little Butcher

Junior Butchers

• Doug Easterbrook (Simcoe, ON) – Townsend Butchers

• Ronnie Keely (Cherry Creek, On) – Kam Lake-View Meats

The team was supported by Carmelo Vadacchino from F.Dick Knives as Team Advisor/Coach and Franco Naccarato as Team General Manager.

Advocating for MPO Members

Advocacy and government relations have always been a priority for MPO, and we strive to promote fairness, transparency, and balance in regulations and their implementation.

This past year, we focused on three major issues: Interprovincial Trade, E-Coli Monitoring Programs, and Condemnations.

To address these concerns, the Meat Industry Engagement Panel (MIEP) was re-engaged, consisting of 13 industry leaders who regularly meet with OMAFRA to discuss these and other matters.

Some of our successes include:

• One of the fist issues MIEP identified when it was formed was access to interprovincial markets. In 2022 the Federal and Provincial Governments approved

4 pilot projects to explore interprovincial trade of meats. It was the work of OMAFRA that secured 3 of those pilots to be located here in Ontario.

• In 2022 OMAFRA and MIEP held a dedicated meeting to review the E-Coli Monitoring programs and explored solutions for improvement. In response to this, OMAFRA began piloting a generic E.coli monitoring program and is looking to launch this in 2023.

• Together with Veal Farmers of Ontario, Beef Farmers of Ontario and the Ontario Cattle Feeders Association, MPO lobbied the provincial government to look into discrepancies between provincial and federal levels of condemnations. OMAFRA proposed a 3-step solution to addressing the issues. Work continues into 2023.

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2022 Labour Market Survey

The Meat & Poultry Ontario Labour Market Survey (LMS), launched in 2011, aims to capture vital information on the labour needs of the meat and poultry industry. The LMS is comprised of questions that collect occupation-specific data on current staffing needs, compensation, turnover, and forecasting as well as gather general information on recruitment and retention, training and human resource strategies. 92% of industry is still challenged with finding workers to fill the currently available positions. The following are the positions in which the respondents experience the most difficulty hiring for - notably meat cutters, both industrial and retail, general labourers, kill floor workers, sausage makers, and shipper/receivers.

to because extended Covid issues have cost cash flow issues because of more debt. So have not been able to solve issues with technology”. Another identified that “Robotics are too long delivery to solve problems, service to robotics difficult”.

Other barriers that are preventing them from adopting automation or technology respondents identified the following -

• Access to capital .............................. 13%

• Physical limitations of facility ......... 50%

• Return on investment ..................... 9%

• Unaware of what is available ......... 13%

• Time................................................... 16%

Respondents were asked if they are planning on adopting any new automation or technology in next 3 years. 53% responded yes and identified the following automation or technology they are considering -

• Various packaging equipment, completely automated packaging lines, pouch packaging

• Software-based to solve sales, finance and fulfilment issues

Respondents were asked how many openings their business currently has. 40% of respondents have between 1 and 4 job openings. 24% have between 5 and 10 openings. 6% have 20+ openings.

In the last 2 years 47% of respondents adopted new automation or technology to replace labour.

Unfortunately, there are those that want to implement new automation or technology but “haven’t been able

• New meat cutter, Steak Cutting Machine

• Robotics and line integration

• Increasing line capacity on kill floor and cut floor

• Automatic stunner, automate line/hide puller

• Expand our drying room and thus expand our packaging equipment

• Printed film and dater to current packaging machine

• Packaging, Sausage stuffer

• Conveyors

12 Meat & Poultry Ontario - 2022 Annual Report
Position Somewhat Difficult Very Difficult Unable to Fill Total Meat Cutter / ButcherIndustrial (NOC 9462) 0% 57% 29% 86% Meat Cutter / Butcher - Retail / Wholesale (NOC 6331) 10% 47% 20% 77% Live Animal Handler / Receiver 4% 28% 4% 36% Kill Floor Worker 4% 29% 13% 46% Sausage Maker 16% 29% 29% 61% Smokehouse Operator 7% 33% 22% 62% General Labourer 53% 34% 3% 90% Machine Operator 22% 41% 4% 67% Driver 32% 39% 4% 75% Shipper/Receiver 35% 32% 0% 67% Sanitation 37% 41% 7% 85% Maintenance 23% 37% 23% 83% Lead Hand / Supervisor 31% 42% 12% 85% QA/HACCP Coordinator / Technician / Manager 37% 4% 15% 56% Location of Workplace 29% Lack of Affordable Housing 35% Lack of Public Transportation 32% Competitive Wages 35% Working Conditions / Environment 52% Limited Career Advancement 39% Competition from Other Employers 52% Hours of Work 26% FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO HIRING CHALLENGES
Strengthening Ontario’s meat and poultry industry by embracing a robust food safety culture while aiding with operational challenges and regulatory compliance, training, and educational resources.

Technical Support and Services

While MPO staff were unable to visit as many meat plants across the province in 2022 due to the ongoing COVID-19 restrictions at the beginning of the year, we continued to offer technical and regulatory support to our members, answering emails and phone calls ensuring that we are hearing from the industry and responding to their concerns. The top three issues facing our members remains regulatory burdens, access to labour, and rising costs.

2022 TOP REGULATIONS Ontario Regulation 31/05 - Meat Safe Food for Canadians Regulations

and Quality Act, 2001


Training and Education

What participants had to say about the FHT workshops:


Food Handler Training

MPO received via email and telephone over 145 requests for assistance with regulatory, technical, and operational challenges from operators. The guidance MPO provided is not limited to Ontario Meat Regulation 31/05 but included other pieces of Provincial and Federal regulation that spanned many jurisdictions such as Health Canada, CFIA and the Ministry of Labour. Specific issues addressed included licensing or construction requirements, inspection issues, traceability, and corrective actions for adverse test results.

MPO’s Food Handler Training program is one of only two that meet the requirements for training as required by Ontario Meat Regulation 31/05.

MPO was once again able to deliver our in-person workshops. We delivered 3 in person food handler training workshops and distributed 105 self-study manuals in various languages.

Upcoming FHT Workshop Dates

June 20 - 21, 2023

November 15-16, 2023

Nutritional Analysis Service

“Instructor was highly knowledgeable and enthusiastic making course more enjoyable”

“Our instructor has a great amount of knowledge and great presentation skill set making it easy to listen to her deliver the info”

In 2022 FHT Exams were made available online and uptake was very positive. Of the 201 FHT exams proctored in 2022, 144 were taken online. Supervisor and Worker Exams in English are available to write online with additional languages being made available during the year. Please visit our website for more information.

MPO continued to provide this simple and cost-effective service which includes a detailed and comprehensive nutrition analysis, a report and cameraready Nutrition Facts Panel.

39 Nutritional Analysis were performed for a variety of fresh and ready to eat meat products.

Meat & Poultry Ontario - 2022 Annual Report 13
“You’re amazing and great at what you do. I enjoy how you get everyone involved.”
instructor was very clear and concise, knowledgeable, giving many adequate examples of real life occurrences”
Food Handler Training for the meat processing industry Food Handler Training Workshop for the meat processing industry Food Handler Training Manual for the meat processing industry
Act and Regulations Health of Animals
and Regulations Occupational Health and Safety Act INSPECTION TYPE Federal 17 Prov_FSMP 48 Provincial 45 Municipal 7 Supplier 6 Other 14 Training / Workshops 25 Regulations / MPGs 18 Inspection Issues 17 Labelling 14 Licensing / New Builds / Construction 10 Human Resources 9 Nutritional Analysis Services 9 Procurement / Sourcing 8 Written Programs & Protocols 8 Audit / Inspector Reports 6 Manufacturing / Production 6
Packaging and Labelling

Advancing and Strengthening the Canadian Meat Processing Industry

Meat & Poultry Ontario created the Centre for Meat Innovation and Technology (CMIT) to address increasing industry needs for support in training, leadership development and technology adoption. In early Spring, 2022, a Strategic Planning Committee was struck with representatives from the meat and poultry industry and their suppliers. The Committee included members from small, medium and large companies, from abattoirs to further processing, from red meats to poultry. A Strategic Plan was completed in early Summer, with a vision to be globally recognized in the transformation of a sustainable and innovative meat and poultry industry.

Through collaboration locally and around the world, our goal at CMIT is to access leading edge technology and knowledge in all areas related to meat processing and share it with Canadian processors. By forming partnerships and connecting, we want the CMIT to become the leading Canadian meat processing hub where companies find what they need to develop their innovation projects, to improve their market competitiveness and to grow their businesses. A good example of the type of relationships we want to build

is the collaboration with the University of Guelph’s Department of Animal Biosciences. Through it we have access to federally inspected facilities that include a harvest floor, a meat cutting room and a meat processing room, which are being used for new product/process development, testing/demonstrating new equipment and training. These facilities have been greatly enhanced by the support received from several MPO Associate Members.

We are working on the creation of career pathways and micro-credentials that will attract new talent to the industry. Training on knife skills, cleaning and sanitation and sausage making was offered in the Fall 2022 and is on the schedule for 2023, as are courses on meat and fish curing/drying/cooking. We are also open to developing customized training.

The Centre for Meat Innovation and Technology (CMIT) is driven to advance and strengthen the Canadian meat processing industry. We will help you make your business more successful!

Enhancing Food Safety and Assurance Programs

In 2022, the MPO team undertook a project aimed at improving food safety and assurance programs. The project sought to encourage a modern, proactive approach to regulations, protection, and assurance programs, as well as provide education and best practices to enhance food safety culture and outcomes. Additionally, the project aimed to explore how technology could be utilized to improve overall efficiencies. The project elements included:

1. Understanding the current regulatory environment.

2. Establishing a dedicated response and support system for meat plant operators,

3. Communicating best practices & promoting leadership development.

4. Innovating training and protection assurance programs.

The project also involved further developing Processor Links, a farmer/processor initiative that aims to streamline the process of connecting farmers and processors to fill demand for custom processing.

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Processor Links: A New Tool Connecting Farmers with Available Processing Capacity

In 2021 MPO began exploring how farmers and abattoir owners connected to book custom slaughter times. During the discovery phase of this project, we learned that some abattoirs had time available for custom slaughter but didn’t have any access to communicating this with farmers. At the same time there were other abattoirs that were overbooked and continued getting calls from farmers looking for available booking times. Upon conclusion of the discovery phase, it was recommended to explore a booking tool to make it easier for farmers to connect with processors.

This past year Processor Links was established in partnership with AgSights. A tool that makes it easy for farmers to see who has available processing capacity, and when the closest availability is at their local abattoir. The Abattoir Booking Dashboard currently lists about 30% of all abattoirs and is a one stop shop

for farmers to see when the next available booking is at their local abattoir. IT also provides them with the best way to reach that abattoir about making a connection. Abattoirs can update their listings at any time and can let Processor Links know about last minute openings that happen, which would be included in a special section that farmers can use to identify last minute opportunities.

The project concluded with recommendations for a fully functional booking tool and several additional features that could be included to help processors and farmers alike.

Visit https://agsights.com/what-is-processor-links/ for more information on how to using this new tool for our industry.

Optimizing Protection and Assurance Programs in Provincially Inspected Meat Plants Pilot Project

In 2022, MPO launched the “Optimizing Protection and Assurance Programs in Provincially Inspected Meat Plants Pilot Project”. The intention of this project was to encourage a proactive and modernized approach to regulations, protection, and assurance programs, provide education and best practices to improve food safety culture and outcomes and explore how we can use technology to improve overall efficiencies in provincially licensed meat plants.

Meat & Poultry Ontario (MPO) worked with Mallot Creek Group Inc., to conduct food safety and traceability gap assessments in 10 provincially licensed meat plants across Ontario. Targeted interviews and assessments were performed to identify gaps in food safety programs, any barriers to achieving regulatory compliance and individual and overall needs for training and other resources to improve desired food safety outcomes. Participants were provided a full report which included recommendations for facility improvements, SOP’s and record keeping documentation and where required training was provided. Of those who completed the satisfaction

survey, 100% indicated they have or will make changes in their business practices as a direct result of participating in the program.

At the Expo MPO hosted the first ever Food Safety Forum. We had three engaging speakers who spoke on the following - Key Considerations for New Equipment Adoption in Meat Plants, Cross-Contamination and Ways to Minimize Risks and Continuous Improvement of Operation & Profit Margin.

In the late fall MPO hosted a webinar series to deliver on timely, and critical topics to the meat industry. Guest speakers with various expertise were asked to share their knowledge and discuss food safety in the meat processing industry.

The webinars series cover the following topics:

• Traceability from Abattoir to Customer with Judith Kirkness

• Cleaning and Sanitising Our Tools with Amit Kheradia

• Food Labels with Lauren Cole

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Building Sustainable Meat Businesses in a Changing Climate

Last year we wrapped up a two-year journey discovering how businesses can improve their operations by reducing waste, reducing energy and understanding the importance of sustainability in their business.

“The meat industry has been facing increasing challenges over the last several years. The industry has seen a vacancy rate of 20%, 16.2% higher than the vacancy rate of the food and beverage industry as a whole. Inflation in Canada topped out at whopping 8% in June of 2022, the highest it’s been in 30 years. There continues to be supply chain disruptions from the pandemic. The war on Ukraine has caused geopolitical impacts on feed, fertilizer, grain, and energy. And climate impacts, including extreme weather events like heatwaves, droughts, and floods, continue to test the industry’s resiliency.

These unprecedented impacts on the meat industry are some of the worst I have seen in my professional career to date. In a world where meat is often criticized and seen as one of the larger contributors to climate change, it is one of the most exposed and vulnerable to its impacts, especially in terms of public trust. What’s worse is this will only get more critical as climate change accelerates.”

At the end of the program, companies reported achieving higher employee enrollment and engagement, food loss and waste reduction in their operations, identification of baselines on key environmental drivers that they never had in place before, refined business strategies through the lens of purpose and circularity, and engaged customers through strategic communications.

16 Meat & Poultry Ontario - 2022 Annual Report

Workforce Development for Ontario’s Meat and Poultry Sector

In 2021 MPO began as a CareersNow! project partner with Food and Beverage Ontario. As our sector is experiencing the largest employment gap it was identified that industry could benefit from a dedicated meat and poultry strategy assisting companies that have limited time, resources, and HR expertise to address their labour challenges. In 2022 MPO continued as a CareersNow! project partner with representation on the Industry Advisory Committee and through Laurie Nicol leading the meat and poultry engagement strategy working directly with the CareersNow! team to deliver support to Ontario’s meat and poultry processors under these six key project areas.

Meat Processing Industry Tackles Workforce Challenges with Education Partnerships: Ontario Launches Teacher Guide for Grades 7-12

In 2021 MPO spearheaded the Workforce Needs Assessment and Labour Mobility Feasibility Study, led by Laurie Nicol, which aimed to address the industry’s workforce challenges. One of the recommendations from this project was to create education partnerships to increase exposure to careers in the meat industry. Working with AgsScape, MPO helped to develop Meat Processing in Ontario, Teacher Guide for Grades 7-12 which was launched on Canada’s Agricultural Day. This comprehensive resource includes a Teacher’s Guide, providing an overview of the meat processing sector in Ontario, as well as three interdisciplinary lesson plans targeting grades 7-8, grades 9-10 and grades 11-12. Many different and relevant themes such packaging and food waste (7-8), industry challenges and solutions (9-10) and food safety (11-12) as well as an overarching theme of career exploration are covered in the lesson plans provided.

Meat & Poultry Ontario - 2022 Annual Report 17

2022 Financial Audits

The audit of the Ontario Independent Meat Processors Association 2022 financial records was conducted by the firm MNP LLP in Waterloo. It is management’s responsibility for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in accordance with Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. In the Auditor’s opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Ontario Independent Meat Processors Association as of December 31, 2022, and the results of its

operations and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations.

Copies of the 2022 audited statements are available upon request.

Treasurers notes:

As of December 31, 2022, the association held net assets of $634,838 with $350,000 internally restricted as an operating reserve to cover 75% of operating expenses. Below is a breakdown of revenue and expenses indicating the percentage of total budget. The operating profit of $54,515 realized in 2022 was higher than the Board approved budget.

Ontario Independent Meat Processors Association O/A Meat & Poultry Ontario Statement of Operations

For the year ended December 31, 2022

18 Meat & Poultry Ontario - 2022 Annual Report
2022 2021 Revenue Project revenue (Note 7) 666,063 669,668 Conference and expo 248,181 15,967 Membership fees 151,266 192,301 Sponsorship and supporter program 147,293 158,267 Advertising 102,797 69,362 Commissions for services (Note 8) 50,964 51,522 Industry development 44,300 25,335 Competition 31,596 2,100 Miscellaneous revenue 10,480Government assistance - 54,129 Investment loss (4,616) (1,306) 1,448,324 1,237,345 Expenditures Project expenses 545,097 623,958 Wages 549,801 443,182 Conference and expo 109,974 23,965 Office and general 58,712 45,417 Membership and promotion 26,740 33,618 Industry development 19,354 16,614 Professional fees 23,476 15,496 Competition 13,725 7,881 Bad debts 13,997Bank charges 9,485 5,973 Office travel 8,422 6,270 Marketing 4,656 10,953 Directors' meeting 4,383 150 Amortization 3,040 1,890 Insurance 2,947 3,851 1,393,809 1,239,218 Excess (deficiency) of revenue over expenses 54,515 (1,873)
Thank you to our 2022/2023 Corporate Supporters to our 2022/2023 CORPORATE SUPPORTERS DIAMOND PLATINUM GOLD SILVER Meat & Poultry Ontario - 2022 Annual Report 19

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