Ojai Valley News Real Estate Guide. July 23, 2021

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JULY 23RD, 202 1

OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 11-2 Donna Sallen, Realtor® “Stay Strong.Stay Healthy.Stay Connected.” RE / MAX Gold Coast Realtors

805-798-0516 www.donnasallen.com donna4remax@aol.com DRE 01488460

10580 CREEK ROAD Welcome to this nearly 10 acre working farm buzzing with bees making honey, delicious duck eggs from 40 ducks, and plenty of fruit trees & vegetables. Located on the creek which runs in the winter months there are two houses, a hay barn with a loft, plenty of stalls, an arena & hiking trails. The main house with its massive stone fireplace has three beds and two baths with a large dining room that also has a fireplace. The second house has three beds, one & three quarter baths & was originally built as the caretakers cottage. The views from nearly every window showcase the mountains surrounding the property. This ranch is perfect for someone who wants privacy with plenty of land, views & wildlife.

OJ A I VA L L E Y N E W S . S E R V I N G T H E OJ A I C O M M U N I T Y F O R 1 2 7 Y E A R S | 8 0 5 - 6 4 6 -1 4 76 | C I R C U L AT I O N @ OJ A I VA L L E Y N E W S .C O M

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