El Ojo del Lago - April 2019

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Saw you in the Ojo


Saw you in the Ojo


 D IRE C TOR Y  PUBLISHER Richard Tingen

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Alejandro Grattan-Domínguez Tel: (01376) 765 3676, 765 2877 Fax: (01376) 765 3528 Associate Publisher David Tingen





Dr. Daniel Acuff gives us some ideas for communicating more successfully and how to know when we’re “getting through.”



Graphic Design Roberto C. Rojas Reyes Diana Parra Morales


Special Events Editor Sandy Olson

14 WAR HYSTERIA William Franklin grew up in the early 60’s and remembers the bomb shelters and how it seemed the world was going through one international crisis after another. Today, he meets such moments with an eloquent shrug of his shoulders.

Associate Editor Victoria Schmidt Art Critic / Contributing Editor Rob Mohr Theater Critic Michael Warren Book Review Panel Margaret Van Every Margaret Porter Clare Gearhart Roving Correspondent Dr. Lorin Swinehart Sales Manager Bruce Fraser Carmene Berner Office Secretary Rocio Madrigal ADVERTISING OFFICE Av. Hidalgo # 223, Chapala Mon. thru Fri. 9am - 5pm Sat. 9am - 1pm Tel. 01 (376) 765 2877, 765 3676 Fax 01 (376) 765 3528


28 FILM REVIEW Many years ago, Tod Jonson reviewed the movie Selma, which was about one of the most stirring moments in all of American history. With the movie now in re-release, the review is again worth reading. 34 SPORTS HEROES Rico Wallace observes that being an American sports hero is not easy for great athletes to live up to—and that included even the legendary Babe Ruth. 56 SAYING GOODBYE TO A DOG Robert James Taylor writes about something that has happened to just about everyone who has ever loved and had to put down a dog.

Send all correspondence, subscriptions or advertising to: El Ojo del Lago http://www.chapala.com ojodellago@prodigy.net.mx Ave. Hidalgo 223 (or Apartado 279), 45900 Chapala, Jalisco Tels.: (376) 765 3676, Fax 765 3528 PRINTING: El Debate El Ojo del Lago aparece los primeros cinco días de cada mes. (Distributed over the first five days of each month) Certificado de Licitud de Título 3693 Certificado de Licitud de Contenido 3117. Reserva al Título de Derechos de Autor 04-2011-103110024300-102 Control 14301. Permisos otorgados por la Secretaría de Gobernación (EXP. 1/432 “88”/5651 de 2 de junio de 1993) y SEP (Reserva 171.94 control 14301) del 15 de enero de 1994. Distribución: Hidalgo 223 Chapala, Jalisco, México. All contents are fully protected by copyright and may not be reproduced without the written consent of El Ojo del Lago. Opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflect the views of the Publisher or the Editor, nor are we responsible for the claims made by our advertisers. We welcome letters, which should include name, address and telephone number.


24 SURPRISE! Margie Harrell, as a young girl growing in Canada and enthralled with the Royal House of Windsor once sent a letter to the Queen of England, never expecting any kind of reply. All these years later, she still remembers the day she received it.

El Ojo del Lago / April 2019

Cover by Mario Negrete


Editor’s Page

10 Imprints 12 Front Row Center 18 Bridge by Lake 20 Profiling Tepehua 22 If Pets Could Talk 24 Ramblings from Ranch 26 Welcome to Mexico 36 Lakeside Living

Saw you in the Ojo



Editor’s Page Guest Editorial By Greg Custer


exico’s new administration is racing out the gate, pledging to undertake the nation’s “cuarta transformación.” In the process, our new President AMLO is tearing apart Mexico’s bureaucratic labyrinth and political fiber, refocusing efforts toward social development, poverty reduction, and economic opportunity. In three short months, AMLO has made a frontal assault on government graft and its breathtaking corruption. It’s a do-over the scale of which no democratic nation has attempted in the 21st century. In Clive Cussler’s book Treasure, a would-be dictator (Topiltzin) wants to change Mexico into the old Aztec empire. For the record, AMLO professes no return to ritual human sacrifice. He is, however, in the early days of confronting Mexico’s “mafia of the powerful.” And like the fiction’s Topiltzin, he’s taking no prisoners. This sweeping change will affect us all. Much is unclear, including our role as expats. For the almost two million non-Mexican residents, will we be part of Mexico’s watershed transformation? Last September, I actually got to talk briefly with our new president. Now, lots of people get to approach our new president. He has shed his security detail, drives his own used car, refuses to occupy the Los Pinos presidential mansion, and is selling Mexico’s fleet of armor plated cars, jumbo jets, and assorted mobility perks so coveted by leaders of state. AMLO flies coach. His travel plans


El Ojo del Lago / April 2019

are not a state secret. I’d heard AMLO was coming to Guadalajara but had no expectation he’d emerge just steps from where I awaited my flight. So, seeing our president-elect walk off an Aero Calafia flight, I lurched into action. I leapt from my café chair and dashed ahead of the growing throng. I snapped a foto. AMLO continued toward me. With no security shield to stop me, we were suddenly shaking hands and walking side-by-side, talking privately while a mob of media snapped and clicked. I could have wasted the opportunity for a dehumanizing selfie; instead I used the time for a bit of transnational lobbying. Out came “I’m part of the expat community, living as a permanente in Chapala.” He responded, “Ah, I remember there are many foreigners living there.” I continued, telling our future president and Mexican Messiah how we expats could have gone anywhere on the planet, but found our way to a Lakeside string of communities, willing to accommodate our life 2.0 ambitions. I told him “We want to be part of the Mexico you were elected to deliver. We are Mexico’s ally and want to participate in the transformación, telling the world the realities of this remarkable country.” (Or that’s how I remember it going down…) AMLO listened, but was soon swept into another conversation with a local farmer, no doubt of more pressing concern. I had had my 15 seconds, and AMLOVE was now my man. I had just committed the entire “expat” community to become de

facto ambassadors. Some of us would embrace this opportunity to tell the world the joys and rewards of full-time Mexico living. Others would prefer to stay in the frustrating sphere of “How come they don’t…?” and questioning every daily challenge. Maybe we can start by agreeing what to call ourselves. Let’s start with “Americans.” Geography tells us we are all norteamericanos. America is a hemisphere, two continents, and the moniker we should all rally around. The term has been misapplied, hijacked for political jousting, and lost its true relevance.

Most Mexicans are quick to label us gringos, gabachos or americanos. Let’s put a finer point on our identity. I prefer Estadounidenses to sync up with our neighbors, the Canadienses. Then let’s figure out if we are invaders or part of the communities we inhabit. Whatever name you adopt, let’s agree America is home for us all. Ed. Note: Greg Custer lives at Lakeside as a permanente, and has worked in the international travel industry for 40 years. Greg Custer

Saw you in the Ojo


The Risk & Reward Of Communicating Intimately By Dr. Daniel Acuff Ph.D.

A friend of mine and his now ex-wife, (no, it wasn’t me), listened to their marriage counselor as he summed up their progress after a dozen sessions: “In my twenty some years as a therapist, I have never witnessed such atrocious, ineffective communication as I have between the two of you.” Ineffective communication is the prime culprit in the breakdown and failure of all kinds of enterprises whether in personal relationships, business, or, as we have been witnessing – in politics and government. This does not have to be so. COMMUNICATING INTIMATELY: It’s not uncommon to hear a spouse complain, “My husband doesn’t really talk with me. I share something quite intimate about myself, and all I get is an ‘uh-huh’ out of him. He never shares his feelings.” Well it could be that he experiences revealing parts of himself as “risky business”. You will see that as we progress down into the deeper levels of intimacy, risk increases…but so does the reward of deep and honest connection. There are four levels of intimacy in person to person communication. LEVEL ONE is what I call “superficial pleasantries.” At the grocery checkout: “How are you?” “I’m fine, thanks.” There’s no intimacy and no risk. In fact, we don’t expect the clerk to respond with some-


thing like: “Oh, well, let me tell you! I got so mad at my boyfriend this morning I threw a lamp at him. I didn’t really mean to hit him, but I did and it gashed him above the eye. Blood everywhere. Spent the morning in the emergency room. Eight stitches in his forehead. Made me late to work. Had to work overtime. My feet are killing me and my carpal tunnel hurts like my fingers were smashed in a car door. How about you? How you doin’?” INTIMACY LEVEL TWO is communicating one’s opinion. Ralph: “What do you think of Trump? Ted: “Oh I don’t know, I…” (Ted is afraid to say what he really thinks.) “Well I know what I think,” Ralph cuts him off. “I think he’s the worst #%$@% ever and a *@%#!! besides.” Uhoh. Did I just say what I really think of Mr. Trumpet? Sharing your opinion can be risky in that it reveals parts of your personality, values and beliefs. It reveals details about you and sets you up to possibly be judged. INTIMACY LEVEL THREE is the communication of feelings such as anger, resentment, hurt and fear on the negative side, and love, joy, appreciation on the positive. In a budding romantic relationship it’s risky to be the first to declare “I love you.” What if there’s no response! Other risky feelings: “I’m really hating you right now!” “When you do that it’s disgusting to me?”“You really want to know how I feel? Most of the time when we’re

El Ojo del Lago / April 2019

together I feel utterly alone.” INTIMACY LEVEL FOUR: This is a mode of communicating that many if not most of us have never had modeled for us by our parents— the communication of deep truth. This level is the most risky and potentially life-changing of all. “I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?” A “yes” and both succumb to tears of joy.” A “no” and— uhoh, awkward. The opposite: “I don’t love you anymore. I want a divorce.” Other examples: Wife: “Honey, why aren’t we making love more often?” Husband: “It’s hard for me to talk about. I’m afraid of not being able to perform like I used to. A courageous and vulnerable communication. Level four could also be reached as a gay person bravely announces his or her sexual preference. Life-changing. On which of the four levels of intimacy do you reside? Do you take the risk of communicating at the deeper levels of feelings and deep truth? For communication to be truly effective in your relationships you will need to open yourself up. For many this can be quite daunting. TECHNIQUE: WHAT’S GOING ON WITH YOU? Especially in intimate relationships, but in important other enterprises such as business, or even sports, it’s very helpful and often critical to know what’s going on inside the ones we live, work and play with. Far too often days and months, even years go by and we don’t take the time to share our inner feelings, our dreams, disappointments, fears and joys. There is a simple yet profound strategy to overcome this debilitating pitfall, and to practice all levels of communication. It will take some guts on the part of many because deep and effective communication can be very rewarding, but can also be dangerous in that it can upset apple carts. Here is the technique. It needs to become a habit to be truly effective. Once a week, let’s say every Sunday evening, you and your significant other set aside a half hour. Sit across from each other and sustain eye contact. One of you begins, let’s say, Barbara, by simply asking the other, her husband Pete: “What’s going on with you?” Then Pete shares whatever comes up for him. Then Pete asks Barbara “What’s going on with you?” As each shares, the person asking the question never interrupts, just listens without judgement as much as possible. Alternate sharing. The question can become more pointed as you continue. For example, “What’s going on with your feelings?” “What’s going on with you physically?” “What’s going on with you at work?” “What’s going on with you and your family?” “What’s going on with you about me?” As I said, for many, especially those who have been holding onto deep feel-

ings and perhaps withholds for some time, this simple exercise will take courage. But speaking your truth can also truly set you free. The challenge is for you to make this simple yet powerful technique a ritual in your lives. A caveat: Not everything needs to be communicated. For example, if something comes up for you that could be hurtful to your partner, you must make a judgment call. Sometimes it’s wiser to hold back certain communications. As mentioned, this technique can also be implemented in other scenarios such as business. What if every Friday supervisors sat across from individuals under their management and just for fifteen to thirty minutes asked them, “What’s going on with you?” Alternates: “What’s going on with you and your co-workers? With your supervisors? What’s going on with you regarding your responsibilities? And remember…Communication Is More Than Words “Words and phrases are approximately only 10 percent of the communication between intimate partners. The other 90 percent consists of body language, facial expression, voice intonation, rhythm, and physical connection. As partners talk to each other, they must be in touch with all of those parts of the puzzle in themselves, while simultaneously experiencing them in the other. Both partners must understand and accept that while they interact, both concurrently experience feelings, hopes, fears, anticipations, needs, and counterarguments or defenses, without necessarily expressing them out loud. Otherwise, both the speaker and the listener may take in the words without understanding them in the context of these variables.” (From a 2017 article by therapist Randi Gunther, Ph.D.) If you truly are committed to improved and effective communication, the invitation is to implement and practice intimate, truthful communication in all your close relationships. The risk may be great in some cases, but the rewards will far outweigh the risks. Ed. Note: Dr. Acuff’s Ph.D. is in philosophy, sociology and education. He has been a seminar leader for a variety of personal enhancement courses in front of more than 3,000 participants. He is author of fifteen books including three philosophical/ spiritual works of fiction: God Lied – What’s Really Going on Here, The Mysteries of Quan, and Golf and the Zen Master. Dr. Acuff is offering a weekly SELF EXPLORATION AND DISCOVERY workshop starting April 18 at LCS. See advertisement this page. Registration and Inquiries: danielacuff@sbcglobal.net Dr. Daniel Acuff

Saw you in the Ojo


IMPRINTS By Antonio Ramblés AKA Tony Passarello www.antoniorambles.com antonio.rambles@yahoo.com

Gone full circle

The Jalisco villages of Cajititlan and San Juan Evangelista face each other across a couple of kilometers of lake, but on the day of my visit they’re also separated by 300 years of Mexican history. I can’t take credit for planning this trip to Cajititlan on the Día de la Candelaria (Candlemas) but – as these photos show – the timing couldn’t have been more fortuitous. Candlemas observes the Biblical presentation of the infant Jesus at the temple in Jerusalem 40 days after his birth, but here it’s also the last observance of the Christmas holiday season. Figures of the baby Jesus first displayed in Nativity scenes on Christmas Eve are given presents from the Magi on el Día de los Reyes (King’s Day, January 6), and on the Día de la Candelaria (February 2) are dressed in fine


El Ojo del Lago / April 2019

clothes and presented at the church for blessing. Family and friends also traditionally gather on this day to eat tamales. In Mexico, this holiday is a follow-on to Kings’ Day, when children receive gifts and families and friends share generous loaves of Rosca de Reyes, a special sweet bread with a figurine hidden inside. Whoever finds the figurines in their portion must host a party on the Día de la Candelaria. We arrive in Cajititlan to find streets jammed with cars that surround blocks of the city center cordoned off for a great street festival. On the approach to the central plaza and the local parish church, the sound of drumbeats grows ever louder. The narrow street opens suddenly onto the plaza, where at least 40 dancers in full Aztec ceremonial garb move about in intricately choreographed lines. The costumes are elaborate and the pageantry is stunning. The dancers are men and women of all ages, and even a few children participate. As I draw closer I can hear faint strains of a violin, and in a moment see a fiddler walking among the dancers, an impresario guiding the procession toward the church. The church is packed as the procession makes its way up the central aisle toward the altar, the drums continuing their steady beat. It’s startling to see this spectacle of paganrooted pageantry occupy a place of Christian worship. As the ceremony ends and the procession backs slowly down the aisle and back into the sun-washed plaza, though, its leader makes the sign of the cross and kisses his fingers. As I study the dancers more closely I can see crosses hanging around the necks of many. Nearly 500 years after the Conquest, and 400 years after native artisans surreptitiously integrated icons of their native religion into the design of the church in nearby San Juan Evangelista, native tradition has reemerged as such an integral part of mainstream Catholic ceremony in Mexico that it’s no longer possible to imagine one without the other. Things have, indeed come full circle. Antonio Ramblés

Saw you in the Ojo 11


FRONT ROW CENTER By Michael Warren Sweet Charity Directed by Barbara Clippinger


his classic musical premiered on Broadway in 1966, and was nominated for nine Tony Awards, winning for Choreography. Subsequently, a memorable movie, starring Shirley MacLaine, was released in 1969. Bob Fosse directed and choreographed both the original production and the movie. Barbara Clippinger does a wonderful job bringing this very entertaining musical to our little town in Mexico. There’s a lot of fun and energy, and the cast all have a good time performing to an appreciative audience. Barbara is ably assisted by Patteye Simpson (Music Direction) and a Choreography team of Alexis Hoff, Val Jones, Cortlandt Jones and Barbara herself. Kristine Moily returns to the LLT stage as “Charity” and is naturally naïve and charming. I remember her about 10 years ago as the young wife in The Mousetrap. Welcome back, Kristine! There are many excellent performances in this show, and some very funny cameo scenes. At the Fandango Dance Hall, the hostess ensemble get the show off to a rousing start with Hey, Big Spender – what a great New York tune! It’s hard to pick stars, so I congratulate them all: Leigh Christiansen, Pamela Johnson, Patteye Simpson, Heather Hunter, Ann Elizabeth Grab, Patricia Reason, Maritza Freyslinger, Val Jones, Allyson deJong, Kate Hartup and Ninine Testa. Also Leigh Christiansen and Patteye Simpson sing a sweet number Baby, Dream Your Dream in the second Act.


El Ojo del Lago / April 2019

Peter Luciano plays the dance hall boss “Herman” who is constantly shouting at the girls to get back to work. However, we find out later that he is really soft-hearted with I Love to Cry at Weddings. Douglas Voet is a natural as heartthrob “Vittorio Vidal” while Florette Schnelle has a great time hamming it up as “Ursula” his beautiful girlfriend. Then there’s Cortlandt Jones as the swinging pastor at the Rhythm of Life Church. And I mustn’t forget “Oscar” the claustrophobic actuary played by newcomer Barry Michael Neal. The scene where he and Charity are stuck in the elevator at the YMCA is hilarious. There was one problem, which was that many of the words in the songs were not audible. Maybe the stage microphones were not working on the evening I attended. So we got the music but not the words. I enjoyed the show anyway. Charity Hope Valentine keeps being disappointed in her love life, and always bounces back up. As she says, it’s the fickle finger of fate. It’s a bittersweet message, but the show is so outrageous and funny that we can’t feel sad about it. I thank Barbara Clippinger and a terrific cast led by Kristine Moily, and everyone who worked on the show, for a very professional performance. Sandy Topazio was Stage Manager, which was a challenge for a show with such a huge cast – it must have been very crowded backstage! However, it all ran smoothly without a hitch. Michael McGrath was Producer and Jeff Kingsbury was Assistant Stage Manager. So ends Season 54, and Barbara Clippinger’s 24th show as director and/or choreographer. Was this her last show? Say it ain’t so, Barbara! Michael Warren

Saw you in the Ojo 13

THINGS I WORRY ABOUT... By William Franklin billstjamespl@gmail.com


hen I was young I was a kind of true believer. Though I knew Santa was a hoax I assumed a lot of the rest of the things I heard about might in fact be true. So to some degree I worried if I thought there might be some bad stuff in my future and I naturally looked forward to things I thought might be the good stuff. This is my list of the bad stuff. When I first noticed people in the neighborhood were building bomb shelters I asked my mom if maybe we shouldn’t have one too. We already had a car and two TV’s but we were short one bomb shelter. It was the early 60’s and I would walk around the neighborhood to confirm what was told to me by friends in school, “Mary has a bomb shelter and Nancy has a bomb shelter.” So I would walk by Mary’s house and Nancy’s house and sure enough, their

front yards were rearranged and something looked a little covered up and moved around and though I didn’t see any kind of submarine type telescopes coming out of the ground, I was pretty sure the rumors were right. But I was lucky and had a mother who was very practical and she told me not to worry, that here in San Diego we’d take a direct hit cause of our

military bases and so no little front yard bomb shelter was going to save us. This was oddly reassuring because if I were going to get snuffed by Khrushchev, I wanted Nancy and Mary to get snuffed too. I think at some point I realized, after we seemed to be attack free and people were still alive up and down the street, that people were a little embarrassed they had bomb shelters in their front yard and so, after a certain time, the rumors stopped about who had one and why and I think the shelters were deemed obsolete and just kind of not relevant and no one talked about them anymore. So I survived Cuba and all that. Then in high school they made us read 1984 and sure enough, there was something else to worry about—1984 when we’d all be slaves and named Winston. I couldn’t wait for 1984 to come and go so I could prove Orwell wrong or right or again maybe just irrelevant. When 1984 did come to pass I had two kids and so I couldn’t give a damn about Big Brother, I had a family of my own. Then towards the end of high school Paul McCartney writes “Will you still need me when I’m 64?” and I had something new to worry about. I thought that was a damn good question but I would have to wait years for the answer.

Dear Portia Advice to the Lovelorn, the Drastically Distracted and the Deeply Disgruntled


ear (Be still, my heart!) Portia, Though usually reticent, I feel led, perhaps even compelled, to express the feelings that burgeoned within me upon reading your interview with the Editor in a recent issue of the Ojo. Your pithy and trenchant comments ignited an instant bond. Finally I had found a soul mate, a mind and spirit fully in sync with my own mordant and malevolent self! Your willingness to speak your twisted truth out loud ignited in me a fire which I had thought was long since extinguished. While the Editor sought to reveal your “compassionate” side, it was exquisitely thrilling to discover in its place a pure and pristine void. Your sassy attitude is free and unfettered by maudlin, mainstream, mealymouthed values. What started for me as shock and awe at your outspoken


El Ojo del Lago / April 2019

wisdom has evolved into feelings of adoration of you, tinged with a soupcon of lust. Despite your photo, and despite my six plus decades of fealty to traditional sexual mores, I beg you to meet with me just once. Pick one of the sleazy strip malls south of Zapo-

Finally the answer came to me in a kind of a joke when I realized the satirical response to that question might as well be, “Will I still feed you when you’re 64? Well, what are you gonna do for me you pansy- ass white boy?” This seemed to satisfy me and I stopped worrying about being on the Isle of Wight with someone who was slowly starving me so as to get my Social Security check. Then, free from the fear of those fears, someone told me that chaos would rule the day in 2K when all the computer clocks would freak out over what exactly is leap year and maybe rockets would be launched and systems shut down and the economy would be up the creek without a paddle because no computer could handle the new millennium. That started me thinking about Mary and Nancy all over again and how prescient their moms were and how fatalistic mine was. But sure enough, January second, 2000 came to pass without a hitch. Now the Prez keeps bringing up carnage and MS13 and though I’m trying to get worried, I just can’t. I look around my old neighborhood and its total lack of bomb shelters and I think I’ll just let this particular worry slide.

pan where we can revel in anonymity while we explore mutual commonalities. Your penchant for stinky cigars entitles you to assume the more butch aspects of our relationship, should you so choose. Expectantly yours, Lucretia from Guadalajara Dear Lucretia, Well, as the old country western song says, “If you got the money, honey, I got the time.” But here’s a Weather Advisory: Could get stormy because I am no fonder of the female gender than I am of the male. Indeed, my role model has always been Franz Kafka, who once so accurately wrote that the world would be a wonderful place to live in, if it just weren’t for all the human beings. So I’ll agree to meet with you once, but you better bring along your best game because if it gets tedious, I’ll head out to one of the super malls, where I’ll drown my frustration by buying things I either can’t afford or am much too old to wear. Like a bikini. Now for Full Disclosure: I have agreed to meet with you only because I am hoping that with your unusual name, you are related to the Borgia Family, that old Italian clan that, while murderous, really knew how to party.

Saw you in the Ojo 15

Depression! By An Anonymous Contributor


cientists have long known that spending time with loved ones is good for our long-term health and may reduce our risk of cognitive decline, whereas loneliness is linked to high blood pressure, inflammation and a weakened immune system. But why exactly does loneliness have such bad effects on our health and well-being? One reason, according to a new study, may have to do with the way loneliness triggers cellular changes in our bodies that can make us more susceptible to viral infections. “Feeling lonely means you are not in a socially civil environment but rather in a relatively hostile environment,” Dr. John Cacioppo, a professor of Psychology and Behavioral Neuroscience at the University of Chicago and a co-author of the study, told The Huffington Post in an email. “In socially affine environments, protection against viral infections is especially important, whereas in hostile environments, protection against bacteria is important,” Cacioppo wrote. “The pattern of gene expression in the lonely [environment] decreases protection against viral infections and instead may increase protection against bacterial infections.” The researchers noticed increased activity in genes that produce inflammation in the body and less activity in genes that help to fight off illness in the adults who were lonely and in the monkeys, The Telegraph reported. In the monkeys, researchers also found that


El Ojo del Lago / April 2019

loneliness causes the body to produce “fight-or-flight” stress signals, which can impair the body’s antiviral responses. For instance, when the researchers infected monkeys with simian immunodeficiency virus, the virus grew faster in the monkeys that were classified as socially isolated than in monkeys that were not “lonely,” according to Live Science. This may be a result of the immune system releasing monocytes, a particular kind of immune cell linked to high levels of inflammatory proteins and low levels of antiviral proteins. “This study specifically showed loneliness causes a physiological reaction in people,” Dr. Matthew Lorber, acting director of child and adolescent psychiatry at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, who was not involved in the new research, told CBS News. “This is the first study I have seen that has actually gone into the details of showing loneliness leading to a decreased production of leukocytes (disease-fighting cells) and an increased production of immature monocytes,” Lorber said. “Leukocytes are what our body needs to fight infection. The fact that loneliness is leading to a decreased production of the leukocytes is really fascinating to me.” But to be clear, the research doesn’t conclusively prove anything. Still, the NHS went on, “what is fairly apparent from this and previous research is that, whatever the biological mechanism(s) that may be behind it, loneliness and social isolation do seem to be associated in some way with disease and illness.” The researchers said that they plan to continue examining how loneliness leads to poor health outcomes, and how these effects can be prevented in older adults. The study was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Saw you in the Ojo 17




ne of the great attractions of bridge is that no matter how much you play the game you are highly unlikely to ever see the same deal twice and there is always a new challenge to overcome. This intriguing hand was played in a match-point game at the Lake Chapala Duplicate Bridge Club in Riberas. North dealt and holding a nice 19 high card points opened the proceedings with 1 club. Although East had a six card heart suit, his paltry point count plus the unfavorable vulnerability persuaded him to pass. South had an interesting problem at this point. With a good six card diamond suit and a modest 5 card spade collection, his first inclination was to bid 1 diamond. But then, he thought, what would he do if North were to bid 1 no trump or 2 clubs? A rebid of 2 spades by South in either of those scenarios would be a gross overbid. So he bypassed diamonds to show his spade suit immediately. Curiously, like her partner, West also had a six card heart suit but she too was restrained from bidding by insufficient points and adverse vulnerability. North now reached into her bag of tricks and emerged with a bid of 4 hearts, a “splinter” bid showing the values for game (with at least four spades) but, more precisely, a singleton or void in hearts. South was momentarily stunned by this development as he also had extreme shortness in the heart suit. When he pulled himself together, he realized that his hand had grown significantly in stature so without further ado he jumped all the way to the small spade slam. West had a choice of leads and eventually picked her singleton


El Ojo del Lago / April 2019

club. When the dummy came into view, South saw that 6 spades was a very good contract but, this being a duplicate game, he strove to land an overtrick. But first things first – declarer won the club lead in dummy and cashed the spade ace. He eyed the fall of the spade jack with interest but next cashed the heart ace to pitch his losing club. “No hearts partner?” asked North somewhat incredulously to which South answered in the affirmative. Declarer next played a small diamond from the dummy to his ace followed by a low spade to dummy’s 9, which held the trick. Now it was simple to draw the last trump and claim 13 tricks. The play of the spade 9 was not random or a lucky guess but an example of the Principle of Restricted Choice which states: If declarer is missing two touching cards and an opponent follows suit with one of them, the partner of that opponent is more likely to hold the other card.” The logic behind this may be difficult to understand, but it works like this: If East held the queen and jack, he had a choice of plays and might have played the queen; with a singleton jack he had no choice – therefore, the latter is more likely. Similar reasoning would apply if East played the queen on the first round. So this fascinating hand produced a top board for one pair who combined aggressive bidding with thoughtful play to achieve their goal. Questions or comments: email: masson. ken@gmail.com Ken Masson

Saw you in the Ojo 19



President of the Board for Tepehua



igh above Chapala Lake sits pueblo San Pedro Itzican, past Mezcala in Poncitlan. It has approximately 6,000 inhabitants, about 12 % of whom are illiterate. Homes range from modest to hovels with varying degrees of amenities. There is no clinic, no doctor, but it is seemingly full of happy people whose lot in life is enough for them. The view is spectacular. The sun drives most of the people and the dogs into the shade of the lazy afternoons. Still, one senses a restlessness there of the young who are dying prema-


turely from kidney disease. San Pedro is hard to get to. The road from Mezcala is so bad, there are no buses past Mezcala. There is no reason for local government to fix the roads as there are only people there. . . . As the population grows and the amenities do not, the problems grow. And out of the problems emerge young leaders, aching for change. They know there are other things out there that can make life easier for people. They have tolerated lack of services for generations because that was the way, but not

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now. The young people have passion and idealism, and are angry over the lack of help from their elders and local government. Brigada Estatal de Proteccion Civil Bomberos J. Trinidad Lopez Rivas. A.C. created a volunteer Brigada several years ago but the youth under the direction of Anita Torres Guerrero took over. She could leave this village behind and become anything she wants to be. Because of her passion to help her whole community, she chooses to stay. The Brigada has been together for about 8 years. The Tepehua Community Center has taken this group of young people under their wing, and with the help of the private sector will assist them to bring about change. Courting the local government of Poncitlan, they are working to get a building donated to create a Community Center, so the people can take charge of themselves, a place in which those who want change can meet and talk to the people, to have a clinic and to provide counseling. To deal with the ever-growing mortality rate of young people succumbing to kidney disease, Tepehua has donated a kidney urinalyses machine to try and catch problems early.

Some of the “Brigadas” are studying for nursing and paramedic careers. They are all learning to be ‘First Responders’, but they need donations for this and will put in any work to earn money to pay for their education. Should you need help at any function, they are available. Car park attendants or car washers, they can help in many ways. They are distinguishable by their red shirts and beige pants. The money you pay them will be put into their education. When villages rise up and take on community development, each village’s needs are different. What works in Tepehua may not work in San Pedro, but after listening to the people they will know exactly what to do and they will find the right volunteers to do it. If they are fighting for what THEY want, it will work. If you ask them to fight for something you THINK they want, it will not. If you are interested in helping this village help itself, to stop babies dying, to ensure young people live a life to be proud of, please contact the author. Believe in the courage of the young.

Saw you in the Ojo 21

If Our Pets Could Talk By Jackie Kellum


o dogs really have to ‘run free’ in order to get the benefit of exercise? While researching this topic, many resources written by reputable dog organizations and professional dog trainers address this subject. Almost unanimously they state it is ‘nice’ for a dog to run free, but not an exercise requirement to keep a dog healthy. Most authors said that this option is more readily available if the owner and dog live in a rural setting. Those living in a city type setting are limited to access to this particular environment. Some cities have parks or open areas that can be utilized for pets and their owners. The malecons in Ajijic, San Juan Cosala and Jocotopec and Cristina Park in Chapala are examples; however, there are laws governing this activity. Jalisco State does have a law regarding pets and leashes. This law is: Article 23: “It is forbidden to travel in public places with pets that are not all controlled by a leash and other means guarantee the safety of passers-by and their goods.” Whether this law is being enforced by local government remains to be seen. Regardless of its enforcement, consideration for others is common respect. Dogs do need a physical outlet to expend extra energy and maintain health and fitness. Suggestions are made as to how to increase the level of exercise for a person’s dogs included making a ‘play-date’ with a friend who has dogs, and playing fetch or other games with your dog. The objective of taking a dog out of the house for exercise is to reinforce the training for the dog, that the owner is the leader and incharge. The main focus about a dog running free has to include two essential components. The owner has to be responsible for keeping his dog in sight and under his control at all times. Keeping the dog under control means that the dog immediately obeys a command to stop, come, sit or stay, when said by the owner. If these two elements are not met when the dog is off leash,


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then the dog is “out of control” and a potential hazard to others and itself. One lengthy article listed 15 specific consequences of a dog off leash that is “out of control.” I have organized these 15 potential hazards into 4 broad groupings. (1) Your dog can be grabbed and stolen, is tempted to chase something and can get injured or get separated or lost. (2) Your dog might get into a fight with another dog. Just because your dog is friendly, doesn’t mean the other dog is also. (3) Your dog may eat a harmful plant, a foreign object, or infected dog feces from another dog, etc. Yes, as disgusting as it sounds some dogs like to eat dog poop which may contain Coccidia which is contagious to other dogs. For those of us who have lived here for a while, some may remember the terrible deaths that occurred when poison was set out in public places. Your dog can eat something before you even get close enough to realize he was eating something and not just sniffing, and (4) Everyone is not a dog-lover, or feels happy when a pack of unknown dogs are charging towards them. Your dog’s uncontrolled behavior can cause possible injury to a child or an adult, especially a person who is disabled or elderly. Your dog has the possibility of biting, especially if the dog becomes frightened or feels threatened. Not picking up your dog’s poop on a walk shows disrespect to other people who share the environment with you. Bottom Line: Enjoy your dog, get some exercise together, but do not let its behavior cause problems to others or itself. Jackie Kellum

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bout two years ago, Bill and Melanie adopted our Maggie Mae. She wasn’t a dog we expected to be adopted, having been at the Ranch about six years. And during that time her personality had changed. Usually she was friendly and loving with everyone, but during her last few years at The Ranch she developed a fear of strangers and would cower at the back of the run when potential adopters came to visit. When it was just volunteers, she was her normal sweet loving self. She also had a bad limp from a fracture she suffered before coming to the Ranch that had never been set properly. Melanie and Bill walked through the Ranch and past all the friendly, beautiful, young dogs. Stopping at Maggie’s run Melanie asked me about the one in the back. We told Melanie the dog’s story and she immediately wanted to meet Maggie. They took the dog home, where Maggie attached herself to Mel that very day. A few months later Bill emailed to

say that they’d lost one of their dogs and wanted another Ranch dog. We started to recommend a few possibilities, and then stopped knowing Mel would choose her own dog. Just like the previous time, she went through the Ranch and set her sights on the most frightened, un-social dog we had, Ivy. When we brought them together and put Ivy in Mel’s lap, it was obvious Ivy didn’t want to move, she was home. It just so happened that Ivy had a sister at the Ranch, Zoe. Like so many of the wonderful, generous people who come to The Ranch looking for their next best friend, Melanie and Bill took both Zoe and Ivy to their forever home. Now, two months later here are the three former Ranch dogs, Ivy, Maggie Mae and Zoe snuggled together on their love seat. For more information on giving, volunteering and adoptions, visit our website at: www.adoptaranchdog@ outlook.com or call 331.270.4447. Follow us on Facebook: Lakeside Spay and Neuter Ranch and Adoptions.

Post From The Palace By Margie Harrell


s I sifted through the usual junk mail and utility bills one envelope caught my eye. It’s not every day you see the Queen of England’s coat of arms on your mail. If it was an advertising gimmick they had my attention. Weeks earlier, on a whim, I had dashed off a note to the Queen never dreaming it would be delivered much less that a response would follow. I was sure it would end up in the round file like most letters to Santa do, but as I gingerly opened it I could see it was the real McCoy. In place of a stamp it said “postage paid by Great Britain, Sandringham, London, England.” On the inner flap of


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the envelope was one word—conservation—which told me the palace had gone green. How nice. I was immediately struck by the personal tone of the letter as it referred directly to things I had said in my letter. This was no form letter sent to the masses. As a child growing up in Canada we spoke of the Royal Family in hushed tones and here I was holding a “post” from Her Majesty. Mind you, not for a moment did I entertain the thought that the Queen had personally written the letter so I wasn’t surprised to see it was signed by a lady-in-waiting. Having a vivid imagination, I immediately decided she surely must be a distant relative of Anne Boleyn’s or at least

Jane Seymour. For the rest of the day I read and reread my treasure until I could quote it word for word which I proceeded to do to anyone who came within ten feet of me. To others this is akin to having to watch vacation movies—boring! I have even mulled over the idea of enclosing a copy with this year’s Christmas cards. Mail from royalty tends to make some people silly and giddy I have found. Having resided in the U.S. for most of my adult life I am proud of my adopted country but as I began to hum “God Save The Queen” under my

breath I knew I was still a Canadian girl at heart. I suddenly had the urge for tea and crumpets, and could Yorkshire pudding be far behind? E-mails are the way to go these days but nothing can compare to holding a greeting in your hand from a “friend.” The letter is now tucked away for safe keeping for my future generations to enjoy. “Her Majesty takes great pleasure in receiving letters like yours,” it said. Believe me, Liz, the pleasure was all mine. Apparently dreams really do come true, Virginia!

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By Victoria Schmidt

Saving Time?


exico moves forward to Daylight Savings Time on April 7, 2019. The USA and Canada have already moved forward. This puts us in the twilight zone of time. When we call friends and family, we have to make sure we take into account that their normal time zone is different now. We have trouble keeping track. Are they an hour more or less than before? Will the business be open or closed now? The first time that there was a time change in Mexico, I went for a week thinking everything was just fine. Then I found myself standing in line at the bank and laughed at the clock; it was an hour off. Imagine my embarrassment when I found I was off. Of course that was before we got our satellite service. It was based on Central time, like Mexico, so it wasn’t a problem for a long while. But not too long ago, the service switched to Pacific Time. So while our clock says 11:00, our TV tells us it is 9:00. This is confusing enough, but throw in the fact that my husband has dementia; he gets really confused as to the time. Now when he looks for his favorite program, it’s only an hour behind, and he doesn’t know where that time went. Daylight Savings time has not always existed. Unlike the stories that credit Ben Franklin for the idea, he actually just wrote a satirical essay on the subject. Two others are credited for the idea. Englishman William Willett wanted more time to play golf, and a New Zealand bug collector, George Hudson, wanted more time to study. But it was Germany who first started using Daylight Savings in April of 1916. Other European countries also began to make the change. But the USA was slow to change. Farmers and railroads fought against the change. Both complained that the change in schedules would be hard on their work. But stockbrokers and manufacturers were in favor and they eventually won the de-


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bate. Woodrow Wilson signed it into law, and on March 31, 1918, it was enacted. Now, 101 years later, the US Congress is entertaining a bill to cease Daylight Savings time. If it withdraws, will Mexico and Canada also change? And if so, what will happen to all those electronic devices that change automatically? And how will it effect the various professions? And what of interfacing with the European nations? Will they go back to time as it was before World War I? No matter what, we will continue to be befuddled as to the correct time because of the various time zones around the world. And do not forget the International Dateline. So as made public by the rock band Chicago: “Does anybody know what time it is? Does anybody care? “ Here in Mexico, I’ve tried to change my relationship with time. I dreamed of coming to Mexico, and forgetting about wearing a watch, or writing down appointments. I disliked being a slave to the clock, rushing to get somewhere by the correct time, and living my life around a clock. I wanted to be more spontaneous as I saw the Mexicans. I wanted the people to be more important that a clock. I’d laugh when people would ask if the party would be on Mexican time or USA time. Slowly I understood. I found that to most of the Mexicans, there is nothing more important that family. And that time was a second priority … except at green lights. Don’t forget, April 7th, Mexico leaps forward by one hour. Victoria Schmidt

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Movie Review by Tod Jonson



d. Note: This magnificent movie has just been re-released in the United States and some parts of Europe.) Few people know the history of Ava DuVernay, a black artist who heretofore worked with short subject material. For this film, DuVernay stepped into the ranks of a first-class director of full length motion pictures with a script which in order to get it on film, she had to co-write with another person. But it was DuVelany’s statement that was heard around the world. Out of it came a re-enactment of a moment in history that touches all of our lives. During the Civil Rights Marches, black people started out just wanting to vote for that which affected their lives. Even if blacks were living in a Deep South which still harbored foolish prejudices, it was Martin Luther King at that moment who made it begin to become a thing of the past. DuVernay has pulled off a tricky feat: a movie based on historical events that never feels dull, wordy, or lifeless, that hangs together as a story and not just part of a schoolroom class project. Selma is at once intimate yet grand in scope. It is a work of art touching only some five years of MLK’s life—the same five years it took his intimate associates to convince him that he had to do the unthinkable, knowing the backlash could wipe him


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out, as it eventually did, though it was for a totally different reason. Selma does not go into his assassination, nor his womanizing, or labor on his being a preacher, or even into the forthcoming movement of Rosa Parks, who picked up where King could not go because of his death. Even if you know what’s coming, Selma hums with suspense and surprise, packed with incidents and overflowing with fascinating characters (townspeople and certainly Carmen Ejogo who plays Coretta King, Martin’s wife). It is a triumph of efficient, emphatic, cinematic storytelling. Much more than that, of course, a drama that started with the Civil Rights marches, and then moved into active integration long overdue in the world. British actor David Oyelowo takes full advantage of his close physical resemblance to King, but he wisely avoids mere impersonation, delivering a performance that’s as sensitive as it is spellbinding. The task could have been easier for Ava DuVernay if it had been a documentary, but it was filmed as a much needed bio-drama. Selma did receive two Oscar nominations, one for Best Picture, the second for Best Screenplay, but the heretofore unknown Oyelowo was overlooked, as was Carmen Ejogo (as Coretta King), but they have already won an Oscar as far as I am concerned. Tod Jonson

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SEPARATELY TOGETHER: A Coupling Option for Third Agers By Dr. Julia R. Galosy


he kids are grown. Your partner has passed on—in one way or another. You have found your tribe and your social life is flourishing. Your home is exactly as you want it. Your time is yours. Suddenly Cupid drops by and shoots an arrow into your heart. No, you don’t coo and smile. In fact, you panic. You tremble with fear. You pull up the drawbridge, batten down the hatches, inspect the new person in your life for every imaginable flaw, congratulate yourself when you succeed in pushing her/him away and just basically have no idea what you are doing or why. Every research study published


for eternity presents data that strong, intimate connections contribute in every way possible to well-being. So why do we, as Third Agers, fight so hard to keep them at bay? As one of the five life-tasks for wellness, the life task of love tends

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to be intimate, trusting, self-disclosing, and cooperative.1 Doesn’t sound so bad, does it? Apparently yes. I would suggest that the reason for this seemingly self-defeating response is simply that we are channeling old patterns of relationships and as a Third Ager, they don’t fit. As young people, Cupid dropped by and was welcomed by us. We looked for our soul mate. We connected easily and often. We married or found partners who lasted as long as they were meant to last. But in all instances we were looking for our other half, as if we weren’t whole. In between dramatic coupling we may have tried the Friends with Benefits options and that was probably fine for awhile, such as it is. Now we arrive at the Third Age. Two independent beings with no need for each other come together. The days of finding the soul mate are long over; no need for other halves. For Third Agers the option of connecting is simply to enhance our lives. In my classes on Understanding Human Behavior, I tell my students that any interaction between humans means that two people experiencing something together will be viewing the interaction from totally different perspectives and will try to describe their shared reality, or worse, impose it on each other. Good luck with that. (Think of the disparity among eye witnesses to an accident). The enhancement with Third Agers is that we have decades of experience and reams of words which each of us can use to describe our view to the other. Imagine being able to describe your reality to another person. There may even be understanding. What a gift! The enhancement. Each brings a whole new life to the other. New music. New books. New artists. New

travels. Who would have believed at this late stage we could find so much that is new? Thanks to our new, OMG what to call her/him? It was so easy when we were young and coupled. Girl friend, partner, main squeeze (Did you ever actually use that?), honey. I was once introduced as his heartner (Don’t gag, it was sweet). Now we search for a term that works to describe an intimacy shared exclusively by choice and when requested or desired. Nothing assumed. Keeping our independence and sharing intimacy is a delicate balance. It is more than possible to achieve, however. The underlying benefit is that two individuals sharing intimacy will create awe that is the result of the energy each has put into the connection. This energy will then be available to both and will be more than the sum of the energy contributed separately: Together they will create synergy. We don’t have to interfere in the relationships of our partner. We don’t have to move in together. We don’t have to go to holidays with his/her family. As Third Agers we do not have to lose our individual selves in the creation of the we. We can celebrate our independence while enjoying the fruits of our connection: To be known and understood without being judged; To be regarded with affection and respect without being used. These powerful attributes of strong connections. Third Agers have a real opportunity to find them, if we lower the draw bridge and let them in. *1 Witmer, Melvin and Thomas Sweeney. A Holistic Model for Wellness and Prevention Over the Life Span, Journal of Counseling and Development: JCD Alexandria Vol. 71 iss 2 (Nov, 1992) 140.

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It’s A Mystery By Anna Elena Berlin

It will be alright How, how will it be alright I don’t know... it’s a mystery Everything is going to hell It will be alright How can you be sure I don’t know... it’s a mystery Things never go my way Don’t worry, it will be alright How can you keep saying that to me Because I know it will be all right How, how do you know it will be alright I don’t know--it’s a mystery This mystery is a farse Things will not go well No, no you will see that in the end It will be alright If you say that again I will hit you You don’t have to believe me Just answer this one question When has it never turned out to be alright Uhhhh… There you see, it always turns out alright Yes, you are right Eventually it always turns out alright It always turns out alright one way or the other Because that is the way it works You just have to have faith and trust And be patient, everything will be alright


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The “Babe” Was Human By Rico Wallace


ompliments before criticism is the courteous lesson from Babe Ruth’s terrible 1922 baseball season. What happened to this “National hero,” bigger-than- life beloved legend, who adored the children that followed him almost everywhere? Growing up in Chicago, after a White Sox game, my friend and I would go across the street to McCuddy’s bar and see the big bat on the wall that the Babe gave Mrs. McCuddy. The place hugged you with nostalgia and it was cool to hang out for awhile in the historic place where Ruth would visit between games of a doubleheader. Like him we would have a hot dog or chili and a couple of beers. So I love the Babe. But at the start of his unhinged season, Ruth was suspended for the first thirty-nine days. He had violated the Commissioner’s rule banning a post-season exhibition tour. Five days after reinstatement he received another suspension for throwing dirt in the umpire’s face after being called out at second. On the way out he jumped in the stands, chasing a heckler, and then stood on top of the dugout inciting the crowd. The next month he was ejected after running in from left field to argue a call at second base. He was suspended three games the following day when he corralled the umpire during batting practice and threatened to maul him if thrown out of another game. August 30th he was suspended three days when he exploded after being called out on strikes. The Babe hit .315 with 35 homeruns and 99 RBI’S in 110 games. The Yankees


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got swept in the World Series while he hit .118 with a single and a double in four losses and a tie. He was booed when he bullied the 150-pound New York Giants third baseman. The baseball writers’ dinner at New York Elks Club featured speakers and friends who told Ruth he was great and loved. They then criticized his foolish behavior, on and off the field. The last speaker, Senator James Walker, really blistered the Babe, calling him a “great fool.” He said that, to the children, Ruth was like Santa Clause who had removed his beard to reveal the mean face of a villain. The Babe sat agitated and angry, listening. Suddenly he broke down in tears. ‘”So help me, Jim, I’ll go to the country and get in shape,” he blubbered. And he did. Still a national hero, November 2018, Babe Ruth was awarded the USA Medal of Freedom. Rico Wallace

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Sandy Olson

Phone: 331-283-8529 Email: sandyzihua@hotmail.com READ THIS FIRST! If you’ve picked up your copy of Ojo del Lago fast enough, you’re in time to attend the National Theatre Live broadcast of The Madness of King George, shown at the Lakeside Little Theatre on April 6 and 7 at 4 pm. The plot: It’s 1786 and King George III is the most powerful man in the world. But his behavior is becoming increasingly erratic as he succumbs to fits of lunacy. With the King’s mind unravelling at a dramatic pace, ambitious politicians and the scheming Prince of Wales threaten to undermine the power of the Crown, and expose the fine line between a king and a man. Tickets for each performance are 250 pesos. Since it’s late, stop by the Box Office one hour before one of the performances, then socialize at the Angel Terrace Janet Reichert Bar. OPEN CIRCLE Sunday morning finds Lakeside residents at the Lake Chapala Society and Open Circle, a forum on a variety of stimulating topics. A social hour with coffee and snacks at 10 am is followed by an interesting lecture and discussion at 10:30. April 7 Sacred Circles: Wheels of Power and Connection Presented by Gale Park Since the ancients first wondered at the sun and moon, circles have had a special spiritual significance. In this presentation on the symbolism and uses of sacred circles in spiritual practice, we will see how they align us with the natural world and the spirits that animate and sustain it. We will pay special attention to European and Native American traditions and seek to deepen our understanding of the most basic concepts--the directions, the elements and the seasons. April 14 Creationism vs. Darwinism, with Final Commentaries from Darwin and God Presented by Ed Tasca Ed will do flash sketches impersonating the tone and style of now famous comics and humorists, all on the subject of Creationism vs. Darwinism, with an introduction from Darwin and a closing from God. Ed Tasca is a writer, novelist, playwright, and essayist. His works have been published in the US, Canada, England, Australia, Italy, and Mexico. He currently writes a weekly humor column for the Guadalajara Reporter and does some acting. He has had his Mark Twain play performed at the Lakeside Little Theater, with Ed portraying the great humorist. April 21 The Why, What, and How of Meditation Presented by Janet Reichert There are certain spiritual questions that we answer only through our own direct experience. Many of us began to formulate these questions at a young age and unless we were very fortunate, they were unanswered. Some, if not all, likely remain unanswered in the twilight of our lives. By developing concentration and the insights that lead to wisdom, insight meditation practice can directly reveal the natural laws of existence. Janet Reichert began exploring meditation in the 80s. After moving to Ajijic in 2007, she began practicing in earnest and has attended numerous silent meditation retreats with both Insight and Zen meditation teachers. Janet is the director of The Heart of Awareness Meditation Community in Ajijic, and continues to sit retreats in the Insight Meditation tradition. April 28 What Exactly Is Rolfing? Presented by Will Gallucci Will graduated from the University of Colorado in 1984 and then worked in New York City for over ten

Will Gallucci


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years in healthcare marketing. In 2007, after a lifetime of chronic back pain, he was introduced to Rolfing. That experience was so transformational that it led him to return to Colorado to study Rolfing. Will attended the Rolf Institute® of Structural Integration in Boulder, Colorado in 2010, and opened his Denver City Rolfing practice in August 2011. In April 2018 he relocated to Mexico and opened his Rolfing practice at Lakeside. May 5 Metamorphosis: Surviving and Thriving through Environmental Illness Presented by Pam Wolski ¨Multiple chemical sensitivity, sick building syndrome, food/dental intolerances¨— these are just a few of the many terms that can describe environmental illness. Pam Wolski will tell of her 30 year struggle against this condition, which began after several overexposures to toxic chemicals. She will share how she learned to thrive instead of just survive, how she found true love along the way, and how she discovered the truth of the statement, ¨the greater the struggle, the more glorious the triumph.¨ Case studies, personal memoir, and poetry will be included. After graduating from college and working for 11 years as a book editor at a publishing company, Pam experienced the drastic changes in life that are caused by environmental illness. She spent many years researching and receiving medical treatments, exploring alternative methods in psychology and spirituality, and finding solace through friendships, faith, and poetry. SEE SOMETHING THAT MEANS SOMETHING Democrats Abroad is holding its 7th Annual Film Festival at the Plaza Bugambilias Theater in Ajijic. Tickets are $100. The shows are on Sundays at 1:30 pm. The doors open at 12:30. A portion of the proceeds funds local voter registration. April 7 Equal Means Equal (2016) The Equal Rights Amendment is a proposed amendment (introduced in 1923 and still not ratified) to the Constitution meant to guarantee equal legal rights for all American citizens regardless of gender it seeks to provide equal protection to women as a matter of law. April 14 Bleed Out (2018) A citizen’s investigation into America’s flawed health care system—an investigatory journey and cautionary tale April 21 Won’t You Be My Neighbor? (2018) A portrait of a man we all think we know, Fred Rogers, this moving film takes us into the heart of a creative genius who inspired generations of children with compassion and limitless imagination. April 28 BlackkKlansman (2018) From filmmaker Spike Lee, the incredible story of an African-American who sets out on a dangerous mission: to infiltrate and expose the Ku Klux Klan. RIBERAS AUTHORS You’re missing something both entertaining and educational if you don’t attend the Riberas Authors meeting on the second Wednesdays at 2 pm. The event is held in the back (way in the back) of the Lake Chapala Society (go past the gazebo and veer to the left and keep going). You get, for a $50 donation, to hear a book reading by a local author and have it personally signed, take a look at an art exhibition and hear live music, and enjoy a glass of wine. Last month the writer was Judy King, who read from her new book Echoes from the Wall. She describes the experiences of Mexicans who go North and then return to Judy King Mexico. This new book is available at Diane Pearl Colecciones. Also included in this Riberas Authors meeting was an art exhibition by Bev Kephart and live music by classical guitarist Ivan Olivares. On Wednesday, April 10 at 2 pm Sidney Metrick will read from her book From Here to There. Don’t miss it. Note: the founder of Riberas Writers is Antonio Ramblés. He has gathered 40 Lakeside writers who have written 150 books, all available on Amazon. ROTARY JUNIORS We’ve heard about the Rotary Club and its good works, but did you know that

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there’s a kids’ club too? Here in Ajijic it’s the Interact Club. Members are in the 11th and 12th grade in the Baccalaureate Program at the International Institute on the libramiento. There are 13 members of Interact here (when members are 18 they go on to the next age group, Rotaract). They are students in a class called Creativity, Activity and Service and do community service in San Pedro Itzican in the municipio of Poncitlan. They’re currently helping with translating in a women’s workshop called Poco a Poco, and Brigada, a group of young people who are training to be firefighters. We’re all familiar with Mia’s Boutique, where we go to browse around in the consignment goods, or to pick up performance tickets, but did you know that Mia’s is named after Mia Supan? This year Mia is Rotary Queen. Some of you may have seen her riding with Rotary President Santiago Hernandez, MD, at the Chili Cook Off Parade in the smashing convertible of Secretary Anastasia Boyd. Mia Supan We’re impressed with the activism of the Interact Club and look forward to hearing more about Mia and the other members. We predict a bright future. CAFE MORTALITY Here is another chance to engage in “an informal, respectful conversation about dying” in a place to hear stories and perspectives about dying. Attendees do the sharing. There is no agenda. Volunteer hosts are Wendy Jane Carrel and Loretta Downs. The gathering takes place on Tuesday, April 16 from 3-4:30 pm. Space is limited to 30 and reservations are requested. Coffee and tea and tip are included in the 65 peso donation. (Dessert is extra). All funds go directly to Danny’s Restaurant, Carretera Oriente 2 (east of Colon), Ajijic. RSVP cafemortalityajijic@gmail.com ARE YOU AS SMART AS THESE KIDS? Children between the ages of four and twenty meet on Saturdays at noon in the gazebo at the Lake Chapala Society to learn and play chess. Many of them were in the tournament last month at the Ajijic Plaza. The players are guided and mentored by Roberto Serrano and volunteers. It isn’t just about chess. Robert and his helpers “mentor children, providing art and English classes and even enrolling them in trade schools.” Roberto is president of the Huaraches Club de Ajedrez, which meets on Thursdays at 5 pm at Juan’s Cafe, Colon 16 and Sundays at 1 pm on the Ajijic plaza outside the Cultural Center. All ages and chess levels are welcome. Robert was taught by Roy Quiriconi and in turn Robert teaches adults and children. Stop by Plaza Pato at Parroquia 18 on the plaza (better known as the Flexi store) and talk to him about chess and membership. His telephone is 331-428-4180. Roy is at 331-7051636. HE WASN’T DEAD The April production from The Bare Stage is Parlor Games by Ed Tasca. It’s direct-


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ed by Roseann Wilshere. It shows April 26, 27 and 28. “A funeral goes chaotic when the deceased turns out to be alive.” A funeral parlor is the setting for this quirky, offkilter farce where family and “special” friends come to mourn and are met with a shocking surprise. Everyone thinks Donny Cast: Bottom row, left to right: Emily Crocker, Roseann D’Silva was killed Wilshere (Director), Jayme Littlejohn and John Ward in a car crash and Top row, left to right: Tony Wilshere, Allen McGill, cremated. But the Amaranta Santos and Diana Rowland victim wasn’t Donny at all. The real victim was Rodrigo Benitez, Donny’s former employee. Rodrigo’s family want reparations, until even Rodrigo shows up, so it’s not him either! The confusion worsens, as the families of the would-be dead try to take financial advantage of their perceived loss. So who was cremated? The theatre is at Hidalgo #261 on the mountain side of the carretera in Riberas del Pilar, across from the Catholic Church. Parking is available in the parking lot of the Baptist Church, behind the theater. Donation is $100. The Box Office and bar open at 3 pm. Show time is 4 pm. Reservations are by email at: barestagetheatre2018@gmail.com. For those who use Facebook, look for Bare Stage Theatre 2018 for breaking news and updates. A BIG CROWD… …came to the 36th Annual Juried Art Show last month sponsored by the Ajijic Society of the Arts. There were 86 artists showing 107 pieces, according to ASA Treasurer Gwen Lott.

Artist Melody Peterson ic.

This year the Grand Prize winner was Melody Peterson, with her “Warriors” in acryl-

BINGO! Here’s a reminder that Have Hammer Will Travel sponsors bingo every Tuesday at 1 pm at Maria Isabel Restaurant by the lake. Bingo cards go on sale at 1 pm and the session starts at 1:30. A bingo package is $200 for 10 games. The average price per game is $20. All proceeds go to charity. Come and enjoy the adrenaline rush! Bring your dog! Smoke on the terrace! Win discount coupons for tours, movies and salons!

Saw you in the Ojo 41

Blind Spot Fiction by Antonio Ramblés


yra’s husband Paul had been dead nearly a year when a couple young enough to be her children moved into the long-vacant home next door. Throughout the long vacancy, a gardener had faithfully tended their yard, and while Myra often admired the flowers through its wrought-iron fence, she took too much joy from the feel of earth between her fingers to hire a gardener of her own. Gardening helped to relieve her isolation, for only five homes shared the potholed, cobblestone cerrada just beyond the edge of town. She had wanted to live in the village, but Paul had insisted that they live apart from the Mexicans, and all of the owners on the cerrada were gringos. She had never understood why it mattered, since he spent all of his time with his American buddies at the golf course or a poker table, but still a day rarely passed that he didn’t utter the mantra, “You can’t trust those people.” Now that Myra was alone, the prospect of new neighbors was especially welcome, and the next day she dropped by to meet them. They had arrived with no more than would fit into their Jerseyplated SUV, and the house still felt bare. The husband, Sam, was solidly built and barely graying. The wife, Linda, was an attractive blonde who looked ten years younger. They seemed friendly enough, although Sam did most of the talking. Linda hung on his words as if unaware that a woman with her good looks


should be the center of his attention. ‘Mousey’ was the word that popped into Myra’s mind. While the pair soon greeted Myra daily as she puttered in her flower bed, they were an otherwise quiet couple who never had visitors. When Myra locked herself out of her car the week after they arrived, Sam deftly unlocked it with a tool she’d never seen before. The new neighbors seemed to be more than she could have hoped for. A month or so after their move-in, Myra’s house alarm went off after midnight, and her heart was still pounding when Sam, to her surprise, appeared at her door with a revolver in his hand. Whatever had tripped the alarm was gone by the time he arrived, and while she was grateful for his attention, something in his eyes told her that the weapon was not just for show. Within days, workers arrived at Sam’s place to tear out the wrought iron fence and build in its place a sturdy wall topped by razor wire and cameras. Soon Myra began to hear the barking of a big dog behind it. Paul, she knew,

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would have approved of “fencing the Mexicans out,” but she was disappointed that the flower beds were now hidden. After the wall went up, Sam and Linda rarely left their house, and Myra saw them even less after delivery meals began arriving daily. She returned from the market one day to find Sam standing in the street, screaming at a lineman perched on the utility pole overlooking his property. Myra gathered from his tirade that the lineman had shown suspicious interest in what lay behind the new wall. Sam’s fists were clenched, and with each word a spray of spittle burst from his contorted face. Unsettled, Myra hurried into her house, and it crossed her mind for the first time that he might not be just another harmlessly eccentric gringo. She had seen neither Sam nor Linda for weeks when a pickup truck marked POLICIA pulled up next door. She watched Linda talk for a long time with the officers through the front gate before they drove off, but when they returned a few days later, they did the talking and stayed only briefly. Myra’s curiosity was unsatisfied only until the next day, when she read that Sam’s body had been found off the carretera barely a mile away. He had been shot. His murder triggered hysteria within the expat community. This sort of thing was supposed to happen only among locals, and among the gringos it was widely assumed that the shooter was Mexican, perhaps a narco thug. Sales of home security systems and razor wire were suddenly brisk. Within a week, the expats’ panic was upended when an email link to an article in the Philadelphia Inquirer began circulating among them. It told of Sam’s connections to U.S. mobsters, and said that he had been wanted for questioning about the disappearance of an exgirlfriend scheduled to testify against him. One source claimed that Sam had fled the country with bets placed on a championship prize fight. After that, no one was surprised when both U.S. and

Mexican authorities chalked the shooting up to a mob hit and closed the case. Myra had not seen Linda since Sam’s death when a few weeks later an airport taxi showed up next door and the taxista began loading luggage. The new widow appeared, impeccably made up and fashionably dressed. Myra hurried over to offer condolences. “I’m so sorry about Sam,” she said. Linda shrugged. “He chose the life he lived,” she replied, dry-eyed. Myra tried not to show her surprise at the widow’s lack of grief as the driver loaded more bags into the trunk. The taxi continued to settle under their weight. “You’re moving back to the States?” Myra ventured. “Not any time soon,” Linda replied quickly, then added, “but I’m going to do some traveling. A world cruise.” The taxista slammed the trunk closed, and Linda settled into the back seat. “A world cruise has always been my if-I-won-the-lottery dream,” Myra said wistfully through the open window. “Mine, too,” Linda nodded. “Then you’re lucky that Sam left you so well provided for.” “Far better than he realized,” Linda replied. As the taxista slipped behind the wheel, she added as in afterthought. “Sam once told me that a contract hit costs just a thousand dollars in Mexico.” Myra gasped. “You think that he had a premonition about his death?” The taxi’s engine sputtered to life. “I don’t know,” Linda replied as it began to pull away, “but I can tell you that it costs a lot less than he thought.” In that moment, Myra thought that she saw the hint of a smile on Linda’s face, and as the taxi pulled away she heard Paul’s voice in her head saying, “You can’t trust those people.” Antonio Ramblés

Saw you in the Ojo 43

A Secret Within A Secret By Rob Mohr


lue sky, dark shadows with yellow and orange breaking through along the horizon animates this morning spent exploring. I have taken pictures of everything that caught my attention in a search for some hidden inner world - one I could enter, traverse, know, and become part of. I deduced from humanity’s collective memory, such a world might reveal itself in digital images I could capture using curved sensors which reveal unanticipated formations of light. Each blink of the lens cuts a hole into the fabric of reality, one that lays bare feelings and emotions expressed by once hidden phenomena, rather than the usual static, rendition of objective reality. What appeared as a gnarled tree becomes a doorway into unexplored spatial dimensions. My fleeting glimpse of a

woman running away, once broken down, reveals a hidden way into a world invisible to the naked eye. These fingerprints on the substance of dreams, these illusions beyond the organic, collectively have the capacity to alter all my archaic expectations. Each creative intervention, through intricate acts of computerized magic, manifest feelings

and sensibilities that foster insistent attacks on a viewer’s senses, while they simultaneously enlighten conscious understandings. The surreal glimmer of orange bordering the morning sky, juxtaposed with lingering shadows of night, when captured digitally, become the substance of a well integrated, living world where viewers engage in dialogue with its inhabitants - women, men, and life forms created by the power of the mind’s eye. Within these unexplored recesses, reflection dances to haunting tunes. We, I include you dear reader, in these moments have become gods who through the emotive power of the worlds we, and the camera, shape. We, in our collective conscientiousness, pull the strings. We activate revolutionary human existence, incarnate anthropomorphic beings who exist within unfamiliar frameworks that together become flowing rivers of experience where each feast, act of love, dream, and challenge surpasses the purest strains of reality. Once fully immersed within these created structures, we encounter Carla who dwells here as well - a woman of embryonic potential, electric intelligence, and enduring presence who enriches every aspect of our shared existence. We, you my Shadow-Reader, and I, are no longer the sole moderators of these social explorations. With her subjective arrival we relinquish our control, give her the reins, the power to shape reality. Carla, molds us into new beings, ones collectively able to transform every aspect of creation fixed in existence beyond the bounds of our bodies. She is master, lover, and queen within our shared kingdom, textured, and poly-chromed with ripples of magic. Her voice rings true, her words provocative, and thoughts soaring. Her being enables our every

breath, each moment of our new life. “Shadow-Reader, you who absorb what I have written, and I, through our dialogue and conversation with Carla can expose the dimensions of our new life. Speak with Carla, whose translucent skin is the substance of light, hair the black of crows, voice soft as golden silk draped around ripe corn in the spring.” “Do I have a choice?” “Perhaps, but if you are fully present, able to glimpse the worlds I have written of, the places where she and I dwell, then you have no choice.” “Why me?” “Because you are significant other. Think. What do these places fabricated out of humanity’s memories and imaginings reveal? What is it that you experience when you listen to Bach, read great literature, or enter a painting by Van Gogh? “Engage? Where is this leading?” “Into our creations, worlds made whole within our collective consciousness, given form by our senses, color from the earth under our feet.” “How?” “You may have forgotten how. You were born a creative being, but have been taught to forget. Talk with Carla. She embodies the magic of illusion. She is soft human flesh, yet her mind and being soar beyond the birds above.” (Shadow pauses, studies her expression) “Carla?” “Yes, I’m here Shadow. A woman who is much more than Rob has put in words. Imagine a woman who embodies all the connective aspects of femininity, one who is both sensual and reflective, with keen intelligence - one who stands here before you as fully woman, who exists outside of normal reality.” “How can I accept your being?” Rob interjects, “Stop, both of you. If you, Shadow, and Carla are in conversation you are both real within this world we shape. Shadow, for example, what if I give you responsibility to end this story?” “Me?” How?” “Let’s find out. This is your story now. Carla, please help him.” Ed. Note: Rob invites all who have become part of this story to add a final paragraph to be considered for publication in a future issue.

Rob Mohr


El Ojo del Lago / April 2019

Saw you in the Ojo 45

The Tears Of Horses By Dr. Lorin Swinehart


n animal’s eyes have the power to speak a great message.” —Martin Buber The class of young student nurses stood in shock and horror as they witnessed the scene of carnage in the local slaughter house. Pigs, squealing in desperation, were herded into a tiny, crowded pen where a steel chain was clamped around the hind leg of each one. Then, one by one, they were hoisted into the air. Their throats were cut, spilling gushers of blood down upon the others, each shrieking in terror as they awaited their turn. Pigs are intelligent creatures, to


which any farmer can attest. These hapless creatures knew what was about to happen to them. My sister, the novelist Linda Steele, was one of the members of that class on that dark day so long ago. Ever since, she has avoided all food containing pork and has attempted a largely vegetarian diet. The general public gives little consideration to where their beef and pork comes from or how it is processed. Cattle and hogs are fair game, as are sheep and goats among some ethnic groups. Few of us give chickens and turkeys a second thought. However, at least in most of the western world, horses

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are regarded as friendly creatures, pets, and assumed to be off limits as sources of human and pet food. Sadly, the reality is otherwise. A recent report from the Animal Welfare Institute reveals that horses all too often suffer fates as horrific as did those pigs on that faraway day. Horse slaughter has been outlawed in the US since 2007, following a federal court decision affirming a Texas law outlawing the practice. However, the cruelty continues in other lands, and American horses are all too often exported to Canada and Mexico where outrageously cruel fates await them. Unscrupulous livestock purchasers assure sellers that their pets will be adopted into safe, humane homes and refuges but proceed to export them to overseas abattoirs. Other horses are stolen by rustlers, a practice not limited to the romantic days of yesteryear in the Old West. Companies engaged in the horse slaughter business continue to export tens of thousands of animals to Mexico and Canada each year and continue to vigorously oppose legislative efforts to prohibit the practice. State laws governing the exportation of horses are insufficient. Too often, animals are transported by greedy traffickers to states with weaker laws. This is not a states rights issue. The slaughter of any animal for human consumption has long been federally regulated, ever since the heyday of muckraking investigative journalists like Upton Sinclair. Scenes of unspeakable suffering and horror that routinely take place in horse slaughter facilities have been reported by investigators from the Animal Welfare Institute and other organizations. There are reports of nightmarish scenes in which are horses whipped in their faces by cruel employees and flipped onto their backs, causing

severe pain and injury. Horses have been observed with broken bones piercing their hides and with eyeballs dangling by a thread. Horses are often shackled and hoisted alive by a hind leg to have their throats cut. One cannot help but consider the spiritual and emotional condition of those employees who routinely mete out such horrors, much as one considers the beings who daily shoved children into Holocaust gas chambers. Do their souls become so inured to the suffering of helpless creatures as to vanish altogether, leaving behind only a merciless husk, an automaton without conscience that exhibits only the physical resemblance of man. In 2015, the European Union banned the importation of horse meat originating in Mexico after widespread animal cruelty and food safety issues surfaced. It was learned that 87% of the horses involved originally came from the United States. Legislation has been introduced into the US House of Representatives to prohibit the export of horses to overseas slaughter houses, H.R. 961, the Safeguard American Food Exports Act, sponsored by Rep. Jan Schakowsky, a California Democrat, and Rep. Vern Buchanan, a Virginia Republican. The act, which is enthusiastically endorsed by the veterinary profession and equestrian organizations, would prohibit the export of US horses to other countries to be slaughtered. As of this writing, it is slowly winding its way through the legislative process. This is not a matter of simply sorting out and eliminating old, weak or ill horses. Before the practice was banned in the US, the Department of Agriculture deemed 92.3% of the horses fated for slaughter to be in good health. Horses who are sick, old or unwanted should only be euthanized by licensed veterinarians under humane conditions, as would any other pet. In survey after survey, the American people have condemned the slaughter of horses and voiced approval of legislation to end the practice. Now is the time for the U.S. Congress to rise to the occasion and pass the Save American Food Exports Act. Our equine friends are counting on us. Lorin Swinehart

Saw you in the Ojo 47

The Darwin Awards Are Out!


es, it’s that magical time of year when the Darwin Awards honor the “least evolved” among us. Here Is The Glorious Winner: 1. When his .38 caliber revolver failed to fire at his intended victim during a holdup in Long Beach, California would-be robber James Elliot did something that can only inspire wonder. He peered down the barrel and tried the trigger again. This time it worked. The Honorable Mentions: 2. The chef at a hotel in Switzerland lost a finger in a meat cutting machine and after a little shopping around, submitted a claim to his insurance company. The company expecting negligence sent out one of its men to have a look for himself. He tried the machine and he also lost a finger. The chef’s claim was approved. 3. A man who shoveled snow for an


hour to clear a space for his car during a blizzard in Chicago returned with his vehicle to find a woman had taken the space. Understandably, he shot her. 4. After stopping for drinks at an illegal bar, a Zimbabwean bus driver found that the 20 mental patients he was supposed to be transporting from Harare to Bulawayo had escaped. Not wanting

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to admit his incompetence, the driver went to a nearby bus stop and offered everyone waiting there a free ride. He then delivered the passengers to the mental hospital, telling the staff that the patients were very excitable and prone to bizarre fantasies. The deception wasn’t discovered for three days. 5. An American teenager was in the hospital recovering from serious head wounds received from an oncoming train. When asked how he received the injuries, the lad told police that he was simply trying to see how close he could get his head to a moving train before he was hit. 6. A man walked into a Louisiana Circle-K, put a $20 bill on the counter, and asked for change. When the clerk opened the cash drawer, the man pulled a gun and asked for all the cash in the register, which the clerk promptly provided. The man took the cash from the clerk and fled, leaving the $20 bill on the counter. The total amount of cash he got from the drawer: $15. [If someone points a gun at you and gives you money, is a crime committed?] 7. Seems an Arkansas guy wanted some beer pretty badly. He decided that he’d just throw a cinder block through a liquor store window, grab some booze, and run. So he lifted the cinder block and heaved it over his head at the win-

dow. The cinder block bounced back and hit the would-be thief on the head, knocking him unconscious. The liquor store window was made of Plexiglas. The whole event was caught on videotape. 8. As a female shopper exited a New York convenience store, a man grabbed her purse and ran. The clerk called 911 immediately, and the woman was able to give them a detailed description of the snatcher. Within minutes, the police apprehended the snatcher. They put him in the car and drove back to the store. The thief was then taken out of the car and told to stand there for a positive ID. To which he replied, “Yes, officer, that’s her. That’s the lady I stole the purse from.” 9. The Ann Arbor News crime column reported that a man walked into a Burger King in Michigan at 5 A.M., flashed a gun, and demanded cash. The clerk turned him down because he said he couldn’t open the cash register without a food order. When the man ordered onion rings, the clerk said they weren’t available for breakfast. The frustrated gunman walked away. 10. When a man attempted to siphon gasoline from a motor home parked on a Seattle street by sucking on a hose, he got much more than he bargained for. Police arrived at the scene to find a very sick man curled up next to a motor home near spilled sewage. A police spokesman said that the man admitted to trying to steal gasoline, but he plugged his siphon hose into the motor home’s sewage tank by mistake. The owner of the vehicle declined to press charges saying that it was the best laugh he’d ever had and the sick man had been punished enough! In the interest of bettering mankind, please share these with friends and family.... unless of course one of these above-mentioned individuals by chance is a distant relative or long lost friend. In that case, be glad they are distant and hope they remain lost. Remember: They walk and breed among us.

Saw you in the Ojo 49

Driving In Guadalajara Is Easy! By Suzie Lotven



d. Note: What follows is the literary equivalent of burlesque. Readers are strongly advised to take none of it too seriously!) Driving in Guadalajara is easy. You just have to know the rules. Not the laws—the rules. First and foremost, if you are in front you are right. It doesn’t matter how fast or slow you are going, or what lane you are in. As long as you have at least a fender in front of everyone else, you are in the right. Next are stop signs. When you come to one just keep on going unless someone is coming, and if you can’t fake them out, you stop. If it’s in the middle of the road all the better because you make them have to swerve around you, which serves them right for making you stop. If you come to an intersection and there is no light or stop sign, just keep on going. If someone is coming the other way, the one that is a chicken will have to stop. Now we come to traffic lights. First, you have to find them. They are usually off in a remote corner and if they are working, are so coated with dust and dirt you can hardly tell what color they are. Next, if it is blinking green you keep on going to get through it. If it is yellow, you hurry like hell to get through. If it has just turned red you go anyway and hope the cars going the other direction are paying attention. If


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you come to one where there is no traffic coming the other way, you just slow down and go on through. If you are unlucky enough to have to stop for a light and you are the first one in line, when you know that it is about time for the light to change to green, start going. If you get through before the light actually turns green, all the better for you. Now if you drive down a street with no lines designating lanes, just drive where you want to. The only things you have to worry about are the trucks that might decide they want your area. You might try to bluff them out, but they are usually better at that because they have had a lot more practice. Try to stay out of the far right lanes as the buses will stop at every corner to let people on and off, and really slow you down. Sometimes it won’t even be the farthermost lane. If they think it will slow them down too much to move all the way over, they will stop in the lane they are in. They are even known to sometimes just slow down and let their passengers jump off on the run. When you come to the turn you want, just turn. Don’t bother with signals as they will just confuse people. If you are in the right lane and want to turn left, go ahead and turn. (Remember rule number one?) If you miss your turn, just make a U-turn in the street, it’s OK. If the street is too narrow to

make it in one turn, that’s OK, too. Just back up and finish making it, the people behind you will wait. Which leads to another rule. If the person in front of you is stopped to visit with a friend, just wait patiently until he finishes. However, if he is stopped because he is broken down, or his car has died, lay on the horn immediately. He should know to get off the road. Glorietas have rules of their own. You know what glorietas are—the circles you come to in the middle of a road where you say three Hail Marys before going into them. When you come to a glorieta and there is no street light, just take a deep breath and charge right in. Most of the time the other vehicles will let you in. Go around the glorieta until you come to the street you want to get on, then just take off on it. In glorietas, the vehicles in the inside lane have the right-of-way. Now we come to signaling. If the vehicle in front of you has his left blinker on, that could mean one of several things. It could mean it’s OK for you to pass; or that he is going to pass; might also mean he is going to turn; or that he is planning to change lanes. What it probably means, however, is that he just forgot to turn the blinker off. But if someone has his right blinker on, beware! This is obviously a person

not accustomed to driving in Guadalajara or he would know you never use your right turn signal. The really tough part about driving in Guadalajara is trying to figure out where you are. If you are lucky enough to be on a corner that has street signs, you will probably have to stop the car and walk over to read them, because they are too small to see from your car. The street you want will probably be a one-way going the wrong way and you will have to go five blocks out of your way to get back to where you wanted to be. But what the heck, that’s half the fun of driving in a new city. What better way to learn how to get around?

Saw you in the Ojo 51

The Dancing Girl By Sydney Gay


or a number of years handsome James Riddle, Pastor of the Catfish River Church, catered to a congregation of six elderly women who adored him, although no one else attended the church. He delivered messages that set their souls on fire. Riddle captivated these ladies, he penetrated their hearts. There is no point being a pastor unless you have the talent to understand how the mysteries of God reveal themselves. Come Sunday Riddle inhaled the heartbeat of the room and waited for the Divine to spill out of his mouth; only in this way could he deliver those glorious words. Mondays was the obvious day for Riddle to rest, but nay it could not be;

every Monday he went to Puck’s saloon to greet drinkers and smokers, Puck’s clientele had to be handled with care; they didn’t relish Bible verses. The pastor had no quarrel with that, why quarrel, God only had to look into Puck’s place to find men who needed love. Be that as it may the pastor had his own troubles, he was lonely, no tender wife soothed his brow or rubbed his feet. “Oh, well,” he said as he ordered a piece of Catfish River pie, “thanks to God for Psalm 146, it can be read a thousand times and never be boring, “The Lord delights in those who do good.” Nearby two elderly congregation

members Eula and Maggie believed they knew exactly what James needed, and invited him to dinner. Eating homemade gumbo always led to enviable tidbits of Biblical information, oh so exciting, “Please, dears,” James explained, “Saint Matthew was absolutely right, when a man asks for your coat, give it to him, then take off your vest and give him that too.” Oh, so exciting. The very next day a traveling theater drove into the village The best show in town! Truth be told, the only show in town. The bus parked near the church, three ladies, three French poodles and a Mexican dressed as a lion tamer set chairs upon the grass. Halleluiah, this opportunity may never come again. Pastor Riddle walked over and introduced himself. They poured him a cup of what James supposed to be tea, as it looked the same color as tea. Wishing to appear casual he loosened his collar “Welcome to Catfish River, I was once in show business myself.” “When was that Pastor?” the tallest women shook the ringlets of her hair, as her hands fluttered in the air. “Some years ago,” replied the Pastor, “but lucky me, I found a new theater in service to the Lord. Come on Sunday, you won’t be disappointed.”

Thinking to himself, the lion tamer will contradict every word, Riddle knew the next sermon outshined all sermons, “please, please, do come.” “Nah Pastor, we don’t do that sort of thing,” said the lion tamer. “Well, I hope you surprise me.” On Sunday Miss Dufane, the youngest in the troupe, woke early, while the others slept, she freshened her face, squeezed a bit of lemon on her tongue, stepped into a purple dress, the color of plums, slid on her sandels and headed to church. Stepping carefully over the cobblestones, she noticed a green toad and stopped, “What a little beauty you are” she said, “are you going my way?” The toad followed Miss Dufane through the church door. “Ah, we have visitors,” Dufane’s exotic fragrance floated toward the air, the toad ducked under a chair, the old ladies sighed, Miss Dufane glided into the pew in her plum purple dress. Pastor Riddle lost his breath. Never in his entire life had he seen someone so beautiful, he coughed and cleared his throat, but immediately forgot the sermon. As if God Himself had altered the plan, Pastor Riddle opened the book of parables, he was on fire, joyously he lifted the bible to his breast, scripture spilled out of his mouth, delight and excitement filled the room, indeed, in that moment heaven opened a door, he read Proverbs 31:10, “A wife of noble character is her husband’s crown and glory. A woman wise in the ways of God does good all the days of her life, she is strong, her arms are open to the poor, she extends her hands to the needy, she speaks with truth and wisdom, she is to be praised at the city gates, her husband will be respected when he takes his seat among elders.” Sydney Gay


El Ojo del Lago / April 2019

Saw you in the Ojo 53

Roger Daltrey, The Who And Me By Tom Nussbaum


he Who claimed, in 1967, they could see for miles and miles. It might have been the hallucinogenic drugs. I also can see for miles and miles. But for me, it is the result of my recent cataract surgery. I didn’t—no pun intended—see it coming. The need crept up on me like a mugger in the night, slowly tiptoeing closer, then robbing me blind. My distant vision, I was shocked to learn, had diminished by about forty percent. I should have had clues when, while watching TV, I could no longer read bottom-ofthe-screen tickers during newscasts and sporting events. Then I realized I couldn’t decipher the state names on the sashes of the Miss Silicone Breasts contestants. Watching “Wheel of Fortune,” I couldn’t tell the difference between Pat Sajak and Vanna White. Hell, I couldn’t even see the program’s wall-size puzzles. The improvement was immediate after the first surgery. With just one

eye repaired, I saw details in the room I hadn’t observed prior to the procedure. The staff had faces, with masks over their mouths. I had thought they all had Cheshire Cat grins. I was shocked to discover a Starbuck’s, law office, and bus stop in the room. And then I realized I was looking out a window I had not noticed before. When the surgeon, who had been merely a soothing and

reassuring voice before spoke, she now was a Jessica Alba-beautiful woman. Had I known that, I thought, I would have shaved, brushed my teeth, and worn deodorant. I donned sunglasses and walked outside. Sunlight was no longer seen through a gauze filter like Lucille Ball’s face in Mame. Colors popped. Shapes had details. McDonald’s had golden arches. But it wasn’t until the next morning that I truly grasped the improvement in my vision. I awoke and looked through my bedroom doorway into the living room. I actually saw it, the living room. My paintings had colors. My recliner, that I thought was gray when I bought it, was green, forest green. I got up and looked out the window. The wall of eggplant-colored bougainvillea across the way was really psychedelic purple. I noticed for the first time a neighbor’s pink patio umbrella. A nearby tree had orange spots in it. “Oh, my god,” I gasped. “Those are oranges?” I had thought they were bird nests. I put on my sunglasses and climbed to my rooftop mirador. I looked to the north, toward Alaska. I could see Sarah Palin. She was gazing at Russia from her porch. I followed her eyes and saw suburban Vladivostok. I spotted a darling little brick house with three windows. I

saw wooden Russian nested matryoska dolls lined up on an oak credenza; the tiniest one had a slight nick. I turned and surveyed the northeast horizon until I saw Mar-a-Lago and I saw Melania’s stripper pole. Then I noticed a double-wide bathroom door and a Just for Men hair-dye box on the counter. It was #45-F, Pumpkin. Looking further north, I spotted Washington, D.C. and details new to me. I could see Elizabeth Warren. “Hell!” I yelled so loud, a startled vacationing gringo in Puerto Vallarta spilled his 8 a.m. margarita. “She’s not Native American!” All this time I had thought she looked like Marlon Brando’s Oscar-surrogate Sacheen Littlefeather. “Warren looks more like Sacheen Littleliar,” I chuckled. My gaze landed on Bernie Sanders. He was talking with a severely-acned senate page whose nametag read “Aaron.” “Holy stuff!” I exclaimed, and then bit my normally PC tongue. Damn, I thought, Bernie’s old! Who knew? His voice always sounds so soft, soothing, and youthful. I pivoted slightly and saw Mitch McConnell. I got queasy. “Oh, horrors. He’s even uglier than I thought,” I mumbled. Then I threw up over the railing onto an ant with a back tattoo of ’80s rocker Adam Ant. OK. Maybe it was a T-shirt; I couldn’t tell. My eyesight isn’t that good. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone waving at me. I turned toward Boston. It was Tom Brady in his MAGA cap. They’re red? I thought. Tom had five of his Super Bowl rings on his hands. A sixth was—How shall I say this tactfully?—lower. And it fit. Yes. I could see that. Because he was wearing skinny jeans. Commando. Then, with his right hand, Tom threw a football in my direction—not an official one marked NFL, but one with a picture of #45-F, Pumpkin and the initials DJT on it. It, however, was intercepted at the border by an ICE agent and sent back to China where it had been made. After I recovered from the shock of all I had seen, I looked due north again. I could see a wall at the US-Mexico border. That cracked red, white, and blue wall seemed to have no purpose other than to divide America. I saw no one climbing the wall or digging under it on the south side, nor anyone calmly talking about the barrier with others on the north side. Instead, I watched politicians tag the wall with preaching-to-the-choir graffiti. But the writing wasn’t in English or Spanish. It was in Russian. Two days later, I had the surgery on my other eye. I won’t even start to tell you what I could see after that. Tom Nussbaum


El Ojo del Lago / April 2019

Saw you in the Ojo 55

LETTING GO —Saying Goodbye to a Dog By Robert James Taylor


everal weeks ago I had to make that painful decision, that many of us have to make, one that we dread, and yet a decision we have to face in the name of compassion: putting your beloved dog to sleep. My companion of five years was tragically overcome by a sudden neurological disorder, one that so quickly consumed him. It was the final battle he could not win, and, when the pain and suffering was too much to bear, I could not get the vet here fast enough to end his agony. This has to be one of the most difficult and devastating moments we, as humans, have to face, sometimes several times in our lifetimes. The final moment when you look into his or her eyes that are imploring you to help them in that cry for mercy. My boy was scarcely seven years old. We found him, abandoned, with bleeding paws, five years ago and it took time for him to learn to trust us, and in time, we enjoyed a remarkable loving kinship. A year ago he lost the use of his left hind leg, but he coped with it, still played with me, and perhaps that is why this divine creature meant so much to me. His short life had been a challenge, but he knew of some blessed Hope, of which I was unaware. Afterwards, the torrent of raw emotions: the guilt, the denial, the emptiness, even anger as to why he was taken so early, and I knew the grieving process was going to be a painful journey. We grieve so much more, at times, at the loss of an animal, held dear, than we do of friends or relatives. That is because they have such fidelity, and without judgement, their acceptance, their trustworthiness, respect, forgiveness, dependability, love: how does this stack up with humans we know. Man’s best friend has always held a valuable place in our hearts, and as Anatole France once said “Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” Mark Twain knew the virtues of a dog when he said “Heaven goes by favor. If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in.” Even though I knew I made the right decision, the act of making it is shrouded with guilt and I still have sleepless nights thinking about the day he left me. I found great solace in the following poem, that should be required reading for all of us who have to experience this most difficult heartache. IF IT SHOULD BE If it should be that I grow frail and weak And pain does keep me from my sleep Then you will do what must be done For this- last battle- can’t be won. You will be sad I understand But don’t let grief then stay your hand For on this day, more than the rest Your love and friendship must stand the test.. We have had so many happy years You wouldn’t want me to suffer so When the time comes, please let me go. I know that in time you will agree It is a kindness you do to me Although my tail its last has wagged From pain and suffering I have been saved. Don’t grieve that it must now be you Who has to decide this thing to do We’ve been so close- we two- these years Don’t let your heart hold any tears, —Author Unknown— “Everyone can master a grief but he that has it.” —Shakespeare Robert James Taylor


El Ojo del Lago / April 2019

The Dream Homeless. Footloose. I met him quite by chance. I taught him to ride a bike, My bike, Shiny, new – white, with many gears. Wobbly, insecure, a big child, Smiling his toothless grin, Laughing his achievement. He disappeared with my new bike. Long after, he returned, The bike now black and worn. Ragged seat too high for me And another seat attached behind. Taxi! He yelled with gummy grin, And off he flew with passenger clung on. Then to my surprise Chained to a fence, I saw my bike unscarred. I woke laughing from the dream. My cycling lesson, a planted seed, Had sprouted a taxi driver with two wheels And a pocket full of change.

—By Gabrielle Blair—

Saw you in the Ojo 57



ow could America’s brilliant Founding Fathers, products of the Enlightenment, men of learning and culture, country gentlemen, sages and scientists, have so casually conceived a declaration as broad and unqualified as the 2nd Amendment to America’s admired and often emulated federal constitution, a declaration giving everyone in the nation the right to own firearms and eventually shoot everything from game to anybody wearing hoodies? It’s 1790, the War for Independence is over, and the American Constitution is being amended with


the addition of a Bill of Rights, which includes the indiscriminant right to bear arms. Let’s look at how this happened: The Militia The 2nd Amendment was originally intended to authorize the arming of militias to fend off invaders and protect individual communities from enemies like rogues from Newfoundland who wanted to join the union, the Spanish who seldom ventured into climates below 60 F, and native Americans who’d already been shuffled off west of the Mississippi – all very unlikely threats. And remember, the Mafia hadn’t arrived yet. In this context, the idea of post-

El Ojo del Lago / April 2019

Revolutionary War local militias never caught on with any degree of dedication or even organization, because: Militia membership was often a tedious, low-paying job that interfered with a man’s personal and family life and the time he could spend in the local tavern. A militiaman had to provide his weapon at his own cost. (The purchase price of muskets could be quite high then, averaging around $12 which could be a monthly salary for many, circa 1790.) In addition, militiamen also had to own sufficient ball, powder, flints and other miscellaneous cleaning gear, when all they really wanted was that new-fangled “rocking chair,” which had just been invented. It was post war. Men were tired of fighting. And what do men do who are tired of fighting? They have babies, lots of babies. So there was a baby boom, and wives said forget the rocking chairs, “Get ye posterior out there and feed this family!” So militia recruits were in rather short supply. The Musket At six feet tall, the ungainly musket wasn’t just a weapon. It was a high-maintenance obligation, harder to keep clean than a dune buggie. For most muskets their reputation for reliability went something like this: Each musket needed constant care to keep the barrel free of ash or soot and the ever-present corrosion, or else one shot could cost the shooter a thumb and an eyeball. If there was any humidity in the air or if the firer’s hands were sweaty, which they often were considering the owner’s anxiety over a possible backfire, the shot could land you on your butt in the mud looking up at an enemy bayonet. It took 20 seconds to load one shot in a musket and fire. So much for “Cover me, I’m gonna charge the bastards!” Muskets seldom hit anything be-

yond a few yards away, at least not intentionally. During the War for Independence, British soldiers were more likely to be killed during a pillow fight than by an American musket ball. Remember Alexander Dumas’s Musketeers? Dashing. Clever. You ever see them depicted with muskets? Possibly only if their enemy was sitting in his living room napping. The famous weapon was invented in the late 1400’s and hadn’t changed much in three hundred years. Pitchforks and axes were also carried by over 25% of American soldiers during the War for Independence. Although low tech for the time, the pitchfork and the axe generally landed where you pointed them. Musket proliferation seemed innocuous for as long as 70 years, until the musket was transformed into a practical version of the more forbidding breach-loading rifle – the next big ballistics breakthrough. So the 2nd Amendment was conceived around these two truths: In the aftermath of war, not many folks really wanted to march around in the cold at a moment’s notice carrying a weapon taller than them and pretending, despite the eye patches and missing fingers, that they’ve tended to its care and maintenance. More importantly, it was commonly accepted that even a welltended musket wasn’t really going to hurt anyone, unless somebody tripped over it. So the vote was in, an all-male vote, of course. Let everybody snap up a weapon, hang it over every hearth to look tough and prepared, and then learn how to hunt with a bow and arrow. So what I think the 2nd Amendment means is that every American should have the option of owning an 18th Century Ed Tasca musket.

THOUGHTS ABOUT GETTING OLDER... From a wise if anonymous contributor


he biggest lie I tell myself is ...”I don’t need to write that down, I’ll remember it.” • Wouldn’t it be great if we could put ourselves in the dryer for ten minutes; come out wrinkle-free and three sizes smaller! • Last year I joined a support group for procrastinators. We haven’t met yet! • I don’t trip over things, I do random gravity checks! • I don’t need anger management. I need people to stop pissing me off! • Old age is coming at a really

“no” which is shorter than “yes.” • I’m going to retire and live off of my savings. Not sure what I’ll do that second week. • Even duct tape can’t fix stupid—but it can muffle the sound! • Of course I talk to myself! Sometimes I need expert advice. • At my age “Getting Lucky” means walking into a room and remembering what I came in there for.

bad time! • Lord grant me the strength to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can & the friends to post my bail when I finally snap! • My ‘people skills’ are just fine. It’s my tolerance for idiots that needs work. • Teach your daughter how to shoot, because a restraining order is just a piece of paper. • If God wanted me to touch my toes, he would’ve put them on my knees. • The kids text me “plz” which is shorter than please. I text back

Saw you in the Ojo 59

The Time To Be Good By Judy Dykstra-Brown


he” is the most frequently used word in the English language and each of the other words in my title is the most common word in the English language for its part of speech. This is no surprise for the word “the.” “The” creates specificity. It helps us to define and narrow the field. It wins us precisely what we want. Ours is an era of so many choices—a plethora of brands of everything from potato chips to lipstick. Don’t even get me started on coffee. Starbucks alone maintains that it offers 87,000 combinations of coffee choices! Reason enough to need a bit of “the” in our vocabulary. Plain coffee Americano decaf with


El Ojo del Lago / April 2019

soy milk and stevia? That is “the” choice I make every time. “To” is indicative, I think, of our modern need to be elsewhere. A Ted Talk that I recently viewed showed a video that depicted all of the airplane flights occurring simultaneously, then all of the ships en-route. If it had tried to depict commuter traffic, I’m not so sure that much of the U.S. would have been lit up, rendering any distinction between vehicles or routes to be impossible to make out. We drive to work, to play, to school, to recreational facilities. Then on the weekends we drive elsewhere to “escape,” but in doing so, are trapped in more traffic. In airports, we watch people coming off a plane to come “to” where we are as we await the opportunity to board the same plane to go “to” where they just came from. We are almost constantly going “to.” I was surprised that “time” is the most commonly used noun in the English language, mainly because, with all of our labor saving devices, somehow we have less time rather than more. If someone disagrees, please, please inform me of how you have managed this. I no longer even

have time to read unless I listen to an audiobook and combine my reading with other activities such as driving, working in the studio or kitchen or while trying to fall asleep at night. So why is the word “time” so frequently used? As I tried to figure out why, a number of phrases I’ve used in the past 24 hours swam into memory. While preparing to leave for two months at the beach, I have almost constantly worried about not having “time” to arrange for everything I needed to arrange for in order to leave on “time.” I won’t bore you with the list, but it is long and varied and has kept me so busy for the past two weeks that I found my “time” had run out last night. I was due to leave this morning, but had not found time to say good bye to best friends, let alone time enough to write this blog and finish packing. So I delayed my departure by a day in order to gain “time” to depart in a more leisurely fashion. I made “time” for things important to me, such as this essay I am writing right now and the possibility of saying good bye to a friend whom I haven’t seen for weeks because neither of us has had the “time.” Perhaps it is our complaints of having so little of it that cause us to overuse the word? The most commonly used words that I am most heartened by are best when combined. “Be good.” What better advice for each of us and what message is most needed in a world of cyber shaming, corporate greed, Isis and the seeming impossibility of gun control, let alone control over the kids and crazies who refuse to exercise it? It is a selfish world we live in. “Be” is too often considered in regards to only ourselves. But “good?” It seems to be an aim that more and more of us yearn for—hoping to combine it with “be” in order to restore sanity and love and caring for our fellow human beings––whatever their skin color or religion or social group or national background. Perhaps in our choice of most commonly used words, be they conscious or unconscious, we are all sending ourselves a message. Like a crossword puzzle, we just need to combine them in the right way. It truly is the time to be good! (If you’d like to see other most commonly used words, go HERE. https:// en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Most_common_words_in_ English Judy DykstraBrown



ew circumstances warrant punctuation outside of quotation marks. Hence, “All’s well that ends well.” Not “ends well”. There are exceptions to this rule, but chances are good that none of us will encounter them more than a couple of times in our lifetime! 2. Always use one space after commas, periods, colons, semi-colons, and question marks. 3. Never use hyphen marks (-) when the dash (—) is required. Only use the hyphen mark to hyphenate words, e.g., “writer-director.” 4. Never justify right-hand margins. 5. Always use italics for the names of books, plays, movies, magazines, etc., e.g., The De Vinci Code, On the Waterfront, etc. 6. Always use quotes (“ ”) for names of articles, quotations, characters in plays, etc., e.g., A Streetcar Named Desire has two unforgettable characters, “Stanley Kowalski” and “Blanche DuBois.” (Also “” title of photographs.) 7. Always use single quotation marks (‘) only when bound by double quotation marks (“ ”), e.g., Jack said that “A splitting headache was the cause of the ‘unusual’ thing that happened to him that day.” 8. Always spell out the numbers one through ten, and use numerals (11—) thereafter. 9. Always use semi-colons, not commas, to join independent clauses. 10. Do not use CAPS or underlining within the body of an article. If emphasis is needed, use italics. The title of an article or column, however, should be written in CAPITAL LETTERS. The preferred format is, e.g., A TALE OF TWO CITIES By Charles Dickens (Only the title should be in caps.) 11. Proofread material to eliminate unnecessary words. Everyone should read Getting the Words Right by Theodore Cheney—one of the best books ever written on re-writing. 12. Put statements in positive form. Use active, not passive, voice. 13. Use specific examples. 14. Instead of relying on adjectives and adverbs, use vivid nouns and ac-

tion verbs. 15. Keep exclamation marks (!) to an absolute minimum. 16. Avoid overusing gerunds (words ending in “ing”) whenever possible. 17. Never begin a declaration with “The truth is . . .” or “The facts are . . .” or “frankly.” This implies that all other declarative sentences not commenced in such a way are not to be trusted. It’s also boring. 18. Avoid qualifiers such as rather, very, little, pretty, etc. Their use is the mark of an inexperienced writer. 19. Use the U.S. spelling instead of the British. Hence, favor rather than favour, etc. 20. Only submit material that has been carefully checked for spelling, punctuation and clarity. 21. When submitting material by e-mail, write in the subject line only the title of the article, such as All Quiet on the Western Front, or if it is a regular column, Name of Column–and month. Never use the subject line for a salutation, or something so vague as “New Column” or “New Article.” Always put your name on the material itself. Articles that arrive without the name of the writer are usually discarded. When submitting hard copy, it should be single-spaced, and with the font Times Roman 14. Page numbers should be marked, with the author’s name always on the material. Also make sure each paragraph contains at least five sentences. Single sentence paragraphs take too much space and seem affected, if not downright silly. Strict adherence to such standards will make our job here at the office much easier, as well as help to get your article published. Thanks! AG-D

Saw you in the Ojo 61

Uncommon Common Sense By Bill Frayer

It’s Easy to Identify a False Cause


o here’s the problem. You hear a report on television that a new study has found that people who take a daily multivitamin live longer than people who do not. “Wow,” You exclaim, “I better start taking a multivitamin” Simple, right? Well, not so fast. As a good thinker, you decide to read a description of the actual study, and you find, as expected, that the study asked people to report if they took a multivitamin every day, and followed them for a period of time. They eventually looked at the data and discovered that the vitamin takers lived longer. In other words, taking a vitamin correlated with a longer life. The problem is, it is impossible to tell if the vitamins actually caused the long life. It’s likely that people who take vitamins practice other healthy habits. Maybe they are more likely to exercise, eat good food, and drink the recommended glass of red wine each day. So we don’t know what, exactly, caused the extension of life. We can derive an important axiom from this example: correlation is not causation. If two events occur together (correlation) we cannot assume that the first event caused the second event (causation). Take superstitions as an example. Let’s consider a baseball player who is in a batting slump, and one day forgets to shave and gets three hits. He may (incorrectly) conclude that the growth on his face allowed him to hit better. In any event, he is unlikely to shave the next day. If his batting continues to improve, he may grow a beard. At some point we might suggest that the beard increases his confidence, thus his performance. But at its heart, this is a false cause fallacy. This fallacy is also known by its Latin name, post hoc, ergo propter hoc, which literally means, after this therefore because of this. This is such a common thinking error,


El Ojo del Lago / April 2019

that we are all guilty of making it at one time or another. It is appealing precisely because it’s so simple. It’s easy to see what looks like the most obvious cause, an oversimplification error. Think of some examples from your own life. Here are a few from mine: I was quick to blame one of my children’s friends for my child’s undesirable behavior. It may have contributed to it, but that was not the entire story. I wore my lucky Red Sox shirt during the 2004 ACLS and World Series. Of course the Red Sox won, but it logically had little to do with my shirt. And finally, I used to take antioxidant vitamins because there were numerous reports that foods rich in these antioxidants was correlated with lower rates of cancer and heart disease. Finally, clinical research demonstrated that taking the antioxidant in pill form did not have the same protective effect, and that some supplements could actually be dangerous. People tend to make this error because it’s easy and makes them feel as though they have some control over their lives. After all, if you can assure a safe plane ride by drinking cranberry juice before you leave, why not? If it worked before, it should keep working, right? Simple answers make us feel secure, but they easily delude us. The causes of events are usually the result of many factors, over which we may have little or no control. Sad but true. Bill Frayer

The Kings By Julie Galosy


e heard the church bells first: clanging some kind of secret message. They didn’t toll the time nor transmit a warning. They just chimed. Out of the window we saw the whole village in motion. Bundled up, they scurried down the hill, past the one-room church, toward the marina. They came in a steady stream, all 800 of them. No one was missing. Although we were the only foreigners in this Catalan village we didn’t want to be the only outsiders; we joined the migration. At the edge of the sea the marina housed the fishing boats, the soul of the town, and a few putt putts. It was here that the whole village had assembled along the board walk atop the harbor, clustered in family units. “Mira, mira,” our neighbor Carmina said to me with old Josep smiling and nodding at her side. He pointed out to sea. There was a distant glow moving slowly across the Mediterranean toward the village. We watched as it approached, the tension heightening. Children started clapping and jumping with excitement as the air buzzed with the shouts of anticipation. The glow got stronger and stronger until at last, its source—one of the fishing boats---entered the harbor. It was festooned from stem to stern in white lights encasing it in a halo as it slipped into its place. The crowd erupted in a hurricane yell of happiness, clapping, screaming. “Mira, mira” screamed Carmina over the din, “Los Reyes.” The Kings. Dozens of children came off the boat carrying flares to light the way. There followed the three honored guests-- Balthazar, Melchior and Caspar--The Three Kings. They were dressed in royal finery, long satin robes covered with shawls encrusted with sequins and rhinestones. Their long locks escaped from under golden crowns. Their beards were full and curled. They moved slowly, following the lights provided by the children leading them. As the retinue advanced, amoebalike along the marina, the Kings tossed candies to the screaming throngs of children wildly welcoming them on the

boardwalk. Each handful of soaring candies was greeted by a mad rush of urchins jetting about and around trying to capture the sweet projectiles. The court moved as one to the front of the church, the crowd parting as the Red Sea to let them pass. Cries of “Los Reyes! Los Reyes!” greeted them as they acknowledged the adulation of the gathering. Finally, they arrived at the church. The priest, already in position, awaited his duty, with his ever-present lover at his side. The crowd shifted from the edge of the sea to the plaza in front of the church. The priest blessed the crowd and welcomed the Kings in a speech barely audible, even with the feedback-squeaking microphone, over the screams of the children. Finally the mayor called for calm and like a shock—the crowd instantly silenced, but the frenzy of anticipation churned just beneath the surface. I looked at Carmina quizzically. “Espera, espera” she said. Wait. “Jorge Gonzalez” came the first name echoing through the quiet village. Answering with a shriek, a tiny tot disconnected from the crowd and working his way through the legs of the throng, he ran to the front of the church. There he found one of the Kings in possession of a festively-wrapped treasure just for him. With great affection the King bowed deeply to accept the two-cheeked kiss from the little lad before he eagerly grabbed his prize and disappeared back into the crowd, enfolding into its bulk. “Ann Marie Bustmante,” the name wafted through the village with the responding shriek as a girl worked her way through the maze of onlookers to receive her kiss and her gift from the Kings. And, so it would go for hours, until all of the children of the village had their moment, their instant of fame, gathered in the warmth of their families and the beneficence of the Kings. We melted away then, we guests in their midst, smiling with the knowledge that we had just been privileged to share in this magic moment with our neighbors who didn’t even realize how special it had been.

Saw you in the Ojo 63

The Ojo Crossword

The Last Meal By Jim Rambo


ACROSS 1 Hate 6 Haze 10 Recess 14 Friend 15 Net strung across a stream 16 Scan 17 Battle royal 18 Island 19 Exotic 20 Ram´s mate 21 Big party 23 Muscle contraction protein 25 Globes 26 Set 27 Grocery store worker 30 Fatty 34 Small quill feathers 35 Valley 36 Decade 38 Smelled 39 Billion years 40 Frighten away 42 Drunkard 43 Held back 44 Cuirass 45 Renounce 46 Elbows 49 Chop 50 Dislike 51 E. Indian fig tree 54 Hoopla 55 Average work performance 58 Test 59 Detail 61 Adult insect 63 Otherwise 64 Northwest by north 65 Asian nation 66 What Celestial Seasonings makes 67 Says (slang) 68 knot


DOWN 1 Peak 2 infuse 3 Cavern 4 Only 5 Deli sandwich ingredient (2 wds.) 6 People from Switzerland 7 Net 8 Cooking fat 9 Pixy 10 Gully 11 Green vegetables 12 Asian dress 13 Eve´s garden 22 Reduced (abbr.) 24 Talk incessantly 25 Stare at 27 Prohibits 28 Unsociable 29 Relish 30 Isolated 31 Diminish 32 Canned chili brand 33 Uncanny 35 Nerd 37 Loch__monster 40 Frying lightly 41 Surrender 43 Getting rid of 46 What a poem does 47 Body of water 48 Drowse 50 Religious songs 51 Purple vegetable 52 Shaft 53 Rocket builders 54 Greek goddess of youth 55 Old man 56 Seaweed substance 57 Dinner bread 60 Pair 62 Women´s partners

El Ojo del Lago / April 2019

ddie Pankowski was a member of Delaware’s Public Defender triumverate known as the “ski patrol”: Otlowski, Radulski, and Pankowski. He had the dubious distinction of being assigned to represent James Allen Red Dog. Red Dog was a thirty-nine year old Lakota Sioux Indian who had previously been convicted of rape and had committed four murders: one in Montana, two in Los Angeles and later, another in the federal prison at Marion, Illinois. The six-foot-five, 240 pound criminal warrior was eventually placed in the federal witness protection program, however, because he had given federal prosecutors valuable information in many other serious cases. As is too often the case, Red Dog committed his fifth murder while in witness protection in Delaware. After nearly decapitating his victim with a knife, he proceeded to rape the sole female witness. Following Red Dog’s arrest, Pankowski (known to the legal community as “Eddie P.”) came to his defense. Red Dog was a cold-blooded killer, for certain, and he was quickly convicted and thereafter sentenced to death in spite of Pankowski’s attempts at a spirited defense. No amount of mitigating factors presented to a reasonable jury would have avoided what was an inevitable result. It was March 3, 1993 and rain fell steadily outside the Delaware Correctional Center in Smyrna, Delaware. Midnight was the time set for execution; always midnight. Red Dog, who had waived any appeal of his conviction and death sentence, had ordered his last meal: shrimp, crabs, and lobster from Baily’s, a local restaurant on Route 13, near the prison. The meal had been delivered on a 3’x 2’ tray and was enough seafood for a family of six. In keeping with death penalty protocol, a tribal medicine man from Montana was permitted to enter the prison that dreary night to administer the last tribal rites. Pankowski, a non-smoker, sat in a cell with his client and joined in smoking the peace pipe in an effort to ease his client’s focus on the ultimate con-

sequences. Finally, the Sioux’s last meal was delivered to his cell. As Red Dog began stuffing down the seafood delicacies, his lawyer picked up a fork and joined in….only to help his client, of course. But when Eddie P. reached in for one of the lobster tails, Red Dog stabbed his hand with a plastic fork, mouthing menacingly, “Eddie, I’m a rapist, a five-time killer, and a Sioux without a soul. If you pick up another piece of my final meal, I will tear your heart out with my bare hands.” Pankowski, hurting from the stab to his hand, slid his own fork back on the tray, smiling nervously at his client’s threat. There was little doubt that the killer would make good on his threat. All of his other threats had been carried out without any hesitation or remorse whatsoever. When the last meal had been consumed, he was led to the execution chamber, an area about ten by twelve feet. There was a window separating the chamber from the witnesses required to attend. A curtain closed off the chamber from the witnesses until the warden declared that the drugs should be injected. The opening of the curtain gave those in attendance notice that the killer’s death was imminent. Red Dog’s final words, as he was led before the witnesses to his lethal injection: “I want to thank my wife, Bonnie, and my lawyer, Ed, but the rest of you can kiss my ass.” Drugs forged through the Sioux’s body quickly and he was declared dead in less time than many of his victims had suffered in his vicious, bloody wake. Fortunately, as it turned out, in spite of Pankowski’s feeble effort to join in the last meal, there was only one execution that night! Pankowski had been spared. “The compensation for a death sentence is knowledge of the exact hour when one is to die. A great luxury, but one that is well earned.” —Vladimir Nabokov, Invitation to a Beheading. (1934) Jim Rambo


Verónica By Estrella DaCosta

ALL SAINTS LUTHERAN Church Worship Service and Sunday School at 11:00 am 4600 Avenida Tepeyac, Guad. Tel. (01 333) 121-6741. ABUNDANT LIFE ASSEMBLY OF GOD Carr. 140 next to Mail Boxes etc, Tel: 766-5615. CENTER FOR SPIRITUAL LIVING CELEBRATION SERVICE 1st Sunday of each month, Nicolas Bravo #17 Ajijic. Tel: (376) 766-0920 or tim@revdoctim.com CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS Services in English and Spanish, 10 am, Riberas del Pilar Tel. (376) 7657067, President: Pedro Aguilera. Recidence (376) 762-0299. CHURCH OF THE HOLY SPIRIT Services Sun. 10 am, Alvaro Obregon 119, Chapala. Tel. (376) 765-4210. CHRIST CHURCH EPISCOPAL Eucarist for each Sunday 11:00 am The Little Chapel by the Lake. Rev. Danny Borkowski at (376) 766-2495 or Jim Powers (387) 761-0017. HOME CHURCH INT’L Locations by calling (332) 242-8648, or email yeshuapfa@gmail.com JEWISH CONGREGATION Santa Margarita 113, Riberas del Pilar, Tel: 766-2668. lcjcac@gmail.com for information and service times. Web site: www. lakechapalajewishcongregation.com. LAKE CHAPALA BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday, September 24, 11 a.m., Brother Hendrick will give the sermon at the worship service of the Lake Chapala Baptist Church. Santa Margarita 147, Riberas del Pilar. Tel. (376) 765-2925 www.lakechapalabaptist.com. LAKESIDE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Worship-Sunday 10 am; Bible Study-Friday at 9:45 am; San Jorge 250; Riberas del Pilar Church Office at 376-106-0853. Website at www.lpcchapala.org LITTLE CHAPEL BY THE LAKE Sun. services 11:15 am, Chula Vista,. Jal, Tel. (376) 106-1199, 766-4409 SAN ANDRES CATHOLIC CHURCH Services 7:00 am. Ajijic, Tel: 766-0922. SAINT ANDREW´S ANGLICAN CHURCH Calle San. Lucas 19, Riberas del Pilar, Worship begins at 10 a.m., and the bilingual children’s Sunday School starts at 9:45 a.m. “Coffee Hour,” a time of fellowship and welcome. Tel: 765-3926. www.standrewsriberas.com. ST. MARK’S ANGLICAN GUADALAJARA St. Mark’s is at Chichimecas 836 in Colonia Monraz. THE UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST The Unitarians meet Sundays at 10:30 am. Hidalgo #261 Riberas del Pilar. Fred 376-766-1458.


t was Sunday. She was beautiful. Her sandy brown hair fell in curly ringlets around her face as she danced on the wood floor in a semi-circle. The live band was playing her song. I tried to coax her to come my way so I could join in the dance of spirit, but she wouldn’t. As others trickled onto the dance floor, I inched closer to watch her. The dim lights overhead cast her shadow on the floor below and she amused herself as she suddenly started to follow it closely, chasing it here and there. As the tempo of the music picked up, she began to smile and prance, a deer in motion. I wanted to be her, free and easy to the beat of the music. She only stopped once to take a breath and a sip from her drink that sat lonely and waiting at the high-top table in the corner. It seemed to call her name from time to time. I thought soon she will tire, but she never did. As an hour passed, then two, she just got bigger and bolder with her movement. She was the red cape of a bull fighter as she fluttered across the slick wood underneath her feet. At times she appeared like the verónica pass of the muleta as the matador goes in for the kill, slowly swinging her arms away from her body while keeping her feet steadfast. For a long while I sat mesmerized by her intrinsic beauty, her deep brown eyes gleaming as if chestnuts in the morning sunlight. Playful eyes that lit up the room. It was clear that she had flown into this place from heaven above, an angel-bird with golden wings. I was in a trance-like state, a daze I wished to never end. Everything around me dissolved. Perhaps I could just stay here for the

rest of my life in this place, in this moment of pleasure and content: a contentment I had never felt before, never as a child nor as an adult. As she departed, I knew I would not see her again. Her memory was etched in my brain and would remain there always. The song still in my head as a constant reminder of the sweetness and power that music and the moment has to sweep you up and take you away. I will always remember her. She had the innocence of a child. She was a child. She was only three. She captured my heart.

Saw you in the Ojo 65


(NOTE: If there is any change, please advise us so that corrections may be made. Call: 765-3676) AJIJIC SOCIETY OF THE ARTS (ASA): www.ajijicart.weebly.com Provides local artists an opportunity to meet, demonstrate techniques and organize art shows; and provides assistance to young Mexican artists to learn and show their work. Deena Hafker 376-766-2249 or oliodee@hotmail.com AA LAKESIDE: Alcoholic Anonymous group. Meets Monday & Thursday from 4:30-5:30 PM at the Lake Chapala Society. Ian Frasier 376-766-4990 iandavid81@gmail. AL-ANON: No website or face book. Monday 10AM at Club12- Men’s meeting. Monday 10:30AM at Little Chapel-Open meeting. Saturday 10 AM at Club 12-Open meeting. Information: Call 376-766-4409, Cell 333-480-7675 AL-ANON (IN SPANISH): Mondays 6-7:30 & Wednesdays 5:30-7:30. Meets at the Lake Chapala Society. Ericka Murillo 376-766-1788 erickamurillo2000@yahoo.com.mx AJIJIC QUILT GUILD - Meets second Tuesday monthly at 10 am. Guests & New Members Welcome. ajijicguild@gmail.com AJIJIC WRITERS’ GROUP- Meets 1st and 3rd Fridays at 10 am. Nueva Posada. Coffee. Meeting followed by lunch at the Nueva Posada. AMERICAN LEGION OF CHAPALA POST- #7: General Membership meets 11 am 2nd Thursday. Tel: 765-2259. AMERICAN LEGION, FRANK M. VALENTINE POST 9: (Fito’s Restaurant in Riberas Del Pilar) 3rd Wednesday. For meeting times and information call Perry King at 763-5126 or Al King at 737-0859. AMITIES FRANCOPHONES: A social gathering for people speaking French fluently. The group meets the 3rd Saturday of each month at 1:00PM for a potluck and BYOB. Jill Flyer 331140-1171 fotoflyer2003@yahoo.com ANCIANITAS DE SANTA CLARA DE ASIS: Web site : https://rudiselj.wixsite.com/ancianitaslagochapal . Lisa Le :387 761 0002 - lisale888@gmail.com AXIXIC MASONIC LODGE #31- Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at LCS 5:00pm. Contact Sheldon Stone at (376) 765-3306 or stoneshel@gmail.com BARE STAGE THEATRE: Hidalgo #261 in Riberas del Pilar, barestagetheatre2018@gmail.com. BRAVO! THEATRE: www.facebook.com/Bravotheatre (unofficial) Semi-professionsal theatre with live theatre and ongoing adult arts education in dance and theatre. Jayme Littlejohn 331-045-9627 mymytickets@gmail.com BRITISH SOCIETY: Assist the British Community facilitates the transmission of information with The British Embassy in Mexico. Meetings are the 1st Saturday of the month at Manix restaurant for lunch and speaker. Sue Morris 376-766-0847 /331-156-0346 ibbocat@gmail.com CARD & DOMINO CLUB- Wednesday, Friday & Saturday. Call for times. We will teach; make friends! Tel. 766-4253, Cell: (045) 33-1402-4223. CANADIAN CLUB OF LAKE CHAPALA: www.canadianclubmx.com Club Objectives are: 1. To promote fellowship among Canadians and friends within the Lake Chapala area. 2. To encourage a cultural exchange and foster friendly relations with all residents. 3. To be a centre for providing current Mexican and Canadian Information. 4. The Club shall be non-profit, non-political and non-sectarian CASAS CARIÑOSAS, A.C.: www.abbeyfield-ajijic.org As part of the world wide non-profit organization of Abbeyfield, help an increasing number of older people enjoy a high quality of independent living provided through a range of services, including housing, support or care, with local community involvement. 376-766-2045 info@abbeyfield-ajijic.org CASA DEL LAGO (CASA DE ANCIANOS) CHAPALA: Provides support for local area elderly citizens through a residential home in Chapala. Ana Luisa Maldonado 376-765-2497 adultosdellago@gmail.com CENTRO DE DESAROLLO JOCOTEPEC, A.C.: www.cedejo.org Improve the quality of life for Lake Chapala families with limited resources through promoting the health and well being of the family. Calle Ocampo # 45-A. 376-766-1679 CHAPALA SUNRISE ROTARY CLUB: www.chapalarotary.org Participate in activities that will support lakeside residents. Provide assistance to international projects and meet with other like -minded Rotarians to build friendships. Meetings: Thursdays 10AM Monte Carlo Hotel CREM: AJIJIC MUSIC SCHOOL: www.cremajijic.com For 24 years this school has provided music education to children at lakeside. Students are taught to play an instrument and participate in the orchestra or the choir. There are 43 students and 8 faculty, all university graduates. Scholarships are offered to students from low-income families. 333-496-8976 cremajijic@ gmail.com CRUZ ROJA MEXICANA DELEGATION CHAPALA: www.cruzrojachapala.com Offers clinical, ambulance and other emergency medical services to all Lakeside residents and visitors. Yolanda [Yoly] Martinez Llamas Consejo President 766-2260 consejochapala@ gmail.com CULINARY ARTS SOCIETY OF AJIJIC: www.ajijiccasa.org Provides CASA members, Associates and guests a monthly forum to share foods, learn new preparation techniques, stimulate culinary ideas, meet new people and enjoy the world of food: in a competitive atmosphere that encourages creativity and rewards excellence. CASAlakeside@yhoo.com DAR: (At Lakeside) - THOMAS PAINE CHAPTER meets every 3 Wednesday at 12:30 noon at the Janelle´s Restaurant in Ajijic. September thru June. Tel: 766-2981. DAYS FOR GIRLS: www.daysforgirls.org, www.daysforgirlslakechapala.org A group of women working together giving days back to girls through access to lasting feminine hygiene solutions. This results in a more dignified and educated world, for the girls of the Lake Chapala area. We create hand made menstrual kits and distribute them along with education to empower, enlighten and strengthen the young women receiving them. All this because of access to these products and taking responsibility of ones menstrual situation, sexuality, pregnancy planning and hygiene. Darlene Macleod 387-761-0175 darmacleod@


El Ojo del Lago / April 2019

gmail.com DEMOCRATS ABROAD MEXICO/ LAKE CHAPALA CHAPTER: www.democratsabroad.org, www.facebook.com/DemocratsAbroadMexico Official arm of the Democratic Party of the United States, working as a state party for US citizens living abroad. The mission is to represent and serve American citizens living outside the United States who support the principles of the Democratic Party. Larry Pihl, Executive Chair 376-766-3274 larry.pihl@gmail.com, da_mexico@ democratsabroad.org ESCUELA PARA NINOS ESPECIALES (SCHOOL FOR SPECIAL CHILDREN) : www.schoolforspecialchildren.org The mission is to improve the educational opportunities for children with a wide variety of disabilities and in doing so, increase the probability that they might enjoy a brighter future. Mission is accomplished through provision of a clean, safe physical environment and improved nutrition during the school day. Working closely with the Mexican school board and teachers, we help support the educational programs for the children, young, adults and families. 387-763-0843 FERIA MAESTROS DEL ARTE: www.feriamaestros.com & www.mexicoartshow.com To preserve and promote Mexican indigenous and folk art. We help preserve these art forms and the culture that produces them by providing the artists a venue to sell their work to galleries, collectors, and museums. In collaboration with Mexican government agencies, we promote regional and international awareness to the plight of these endangered arts. Antje Zaldivar, President Rachel McMillen 333-442-3054 rjmcmillen@shaw.ca FOUNDATION FOR LAKE CHAPALA CHARITIES: www.lakechapalacharities.org The prime purpose is to attract money for the charities around Lake Chapala, Mexico and to allow those who donate to claim U.S. tax deductions for their gifts to those charities. The Foundation will also accept “endowments” and “memorial support” for any of the charities and will provide free Mexican legal assistance in setting up those endowments and memorials. 376-766-2606 or cell 331-260-7123 Admin@LakeChapalaCharities.org GARDEN CLUB- Meets the 3rd. Wednesday 12:00 noon at La Nueva Posada. GERMAN CLUB: Provides social opportunities for German-speaking residents. The group meets 2nd Thursday for lunch at 1PM. One does not have to be German but must speak German. Ing. Javier Aguilera 387-761-0777 javier.aguilera@mudanai.com HASH HOUSE HARRIERS: International running group with local chapter walks on Saturday morning, 8:30 AM, La Nueva Posada Hotel with goals of getting exercise, having fun, and enjoying breakfast. Denny Strole 376-766-0485 dstrole@gmail.com HOPE HOUSE: www.hopehousemx.org The Hope House is a safe shelter for boys ages 8 to 18. Our vision is to develop character, provide love and impart tools to be a successful part of society. Rodney Drutos 376-762-0032 oficina@casahogarmexico.org HAVE HAMMERS WILL TRAVEL: www.havehammer.com The mission is to provide learning and social experiences within a safe, supportive environment so that our students acquire: basic woodworking skills for exploration of career pathways (Level 1: ages 10-14) intermediate woodworking skills for entry-level employment (Level 2: ages 15+) advanced woodworking skills for professional employment, incl. coops (Level 3: ages 21+) skills to maintain a well equipped woodworking shop Tuition $400 pesos/month limited scholarships available Information: hhwtchapala@gmail.com. Office 376-766-4830 Richard Thompson 331-895-6866 rctinmx@yahoo.com, rcteaz@yahoo.com JALTEPEC CENTRO EDUCATIVO (FORMERLY CENTRO DE FORMACION JALTEPEC): www. jaltepec.edu.mx. A Tecnico Universitario en Hoteleria, providing education in hotel & hospitality management and an entrepreneurial program. 387-763-1781 info@jaltepec.edu.mx. LAKE ASSISTANCE: www.facebook.com/ LAG Importing equipment for firefighters and police and to distribute around the lakeside fire departments. John Kelly 331-758-0676 jkelly203@gmail.com LAKE CHAPALA BIRDERS: www.chapalabirders.org Encourages bird watching; organizes bird walks, bird trips and the Audubon Christmas Bird Count. John & Rosemary Keeling 376766-1801 chapalabirders@yahoo.com LAKE CHAPALA GARDEN CLUB: www.lakechapalagardenclub.org Promotes an interest, appreciation and better understanding of botanical subjects including but not limited to all plant materials, their care and use in the home and garden. Meetings explore the many garden species and practices unique to this area of Mexico. Open to all interested in gardens and their care. Supports lakeside organizations with beautification and educational projects. LAKE CHAPALA GENEALOGY FORUM: A group of family historians meeting once a month to share ideas, methodologies and topics of interest for genealogy enthusiasts. Meetings are the last Monday of the month at the LDS Church and Family Center in Riberas del Pilar. Marci Bowman marci452@yahoo.com LAKE CHAPALA SHRINE CLUB: www.shrinershospitalsforchildren.org & www.shrinersinternational.org www.facebook.com /pages/Lake-Chapala-Shrine-Club/757185090966972 Physical examination of lakeside children to determine if they qualify for treatment locally or by Family trips to the Mexico City Shrine Hospital the cost of which is financed by frequent Fundraisers such as Dine With the Shrine, Rib fest and tax deductible donations. David Eccles, President 331-017-1724 davideccles@hotmail.com Perry M. King 376-763-5126 pking1931@ gmail.com LAKE CHAPALA SOCIETY A.C.: www.lakechapalasociety.com The mission is to promote the active participation of Lakesides’ inhabitants to improve their quality of life. By making this commitment we signal to the community that our focus is based not just on ex-patriots, but everyone living at lakeside. For the Mexican community, provides English as a second language, remedial tutoring, student financial aid, Wilkes Education Center and Biblioteca at Galeana #18 and free medical checks. Ben White president@lakechapalasociety.com Terry Vidal 376-766-1140 executivedirector@lakechaplasociety.com LAKE CHAPALA SOCIETY CHILDREN’S ART PROGRAM: www.lakechapalasociety.com “A

visual arts program free for all lakeside community children aged 3 to 17 that provides them an opportunity to explore their creativity. A Neill James legacy program that began in 1954.” Danielle Page childrensart@lakechapalasociety.com LAKE CHAPALA SOCIETY STUDENT AID FUND: www.lakechapalasociety.com Provides financial support to qualified area students to enroll in university, vocational and high school programs. directoreducacion@lakechapalasociety.com. Alfredo Perez 376-7661140 apoyoeco@lakechapalasociety.com LAKE CHAPALA SOCIETY WILKES EDUCATION CENTER (BIBLIOTECA PUBLICA): www. lakechapalasociety.com Provides classes in language and other topics for both Anglo and Mexican community Alfredo Perez 376-766-1140 directoreducacion@lakechapalasociety.com LAKESIDE FRIENDS OF THE ANIMALS, A.C.: www.lakesidefriendsoftheanimals.org Provide funding for spay/neuters, emergency care and operations for pets of Mexican nationals of limited means. Assists in providing humane education programs in the local schools, and fund a feline leukemia testing program. Operate the pet store/shelter in Riberas del Pilar. Sue Hillis, President 376-765-5544 hilliss@yahoo.com LAKESIDE GARDEN GUILD: www.gardenguild.weebly.com Limited membership gardening group promoting the interest in the development of local gardens with an accent on the exotic species available in central Mexico. Presents annual Floral Design Show, supports local projects for community improvement and beautification such as Wipe Out Graffiti project in Ajijic. LAKESIDE LITTLE THEATRE A.C.: www.lakesidelittletheatre.com To provide theatrical entertainment to the residents and visitors of the Lakeside community: to nurture and develop existing and new talent in every aspect of the performing arts and technical support areas: and to maintain and preserve the theatre facility and properties. Tickets: tickets@lakesidelittletheatre.com 376-766-0954 lakesidelittletheatre@gmail.com Peter Luciano drpeterluciano@ icloud.com LAKESIDE SPAY AND NEUTER RANCH & ADOPTIONS, A.C.: www.lakesidespayandneutercenter.com Provides shelter and helps curtail the over-population of animals. Syd Sullins 376766-1411 or 331-270-4447 adoptaranchdog@outlook.com LAKESIDE WILDLIFE RESCUE & REHABILITATION: Promotes the rescue and rehabilitation of wild animals, trees and plants around Lake Chapala. 376-765-4916 LAKESIDE YOUTH PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA: orquestainfantildechapala.mx Golden Strings of Lake Chapala, A.C., training disadvantaged kids between the ages of 8 and 18 years who want to learn a musical instrument with the possibility of becoming a member of the “Lakeside Youth Philharmonic Orchestra”. Coco Wonchee 333-200-5563 soco.wonchee@gmail.com LA OLA/CASA HOGAR, A.C.: www.laolacasahogar.org La Ola Casa Hogar is a children’s shelter. We are an interfaith children’s ministry. Our scope is more than that of an orphanage in that we care for abandoned and abused children as well as orphans. 376-688-1005 laola@ laolacasahogar.org Becky Plinke 332-312-7756 bgnickel@yahoo.com LCS EDUCATION CENTER- Provides classes in language and other topics for both Anglo and Mexican community. Calle 16 de Septiembre # 16-A Ajijic. 766-1140. LCS STUDENT AID FUND- Provides financial support to area students to enroll in university, vocational and high school program. Calle 16 de Septiembre # 16-A Ajijic. 766-1140. LOS CANTANTES DEL LAGO: www.loscantantesdellago.com A community choir striving that is for artistic excellence in choral singing. We encourage members to improve their vocal skills and to work continually toward greater skill through rhythmic and note training in order to become more literate musicians. Our principal objectives are the support of young musicians, the performance of works of Mexican composers, and sharing our music with the Mexican community. LOS NIÑOS DE CHAPALA & AJIJIC A.C. (NCA): www.lakesideninos.org Provides financial support for the educational, nutritional and social development of local area children. Office 376-765-7032, info@lakesideninos.org LOVE IN ACTION- Shelter for abused and abandoned children. For volunteers and donations. Anabel Frutos 765-7409, cell: 331-351 7826. LUCKY DOG: www.facebook.com/LuckyDogRescueLakeChapalaJaliscoMexico/ www.luckydogmx.weebly.com/ To provide shelter to rescue dogs, socialize them and restore them to health, and adopt them out to good homes. To work with other animal organizations to promote spay and neuter. 331-300-7144 luckydogchapala@yahoo.com MARIPOSA PROJECT: BUTTERFLIES EN MEXICO: www.gomariposa.org Objectives: Provide options for how youth can make sustainable changes and provide opportunities for change. Mac Whyte 387-761-0360 ravensmac@gmail.com MEXICAN ASSOCIATION TO EMPOWER WOMEN FOR FAMILY INTEGRATION, AMSIF: amsif.org.mx To work with the poor, mainly women, to transform the family values in the community. Educate women so they can have a critical mind and thus liberate themselves and become agents of change through a liberated and integral education. A method of education used where they can “see, judge, and act”. MEXICAN NATIONAL CHILI COOKOFF: www.mexicannationalchilicookoff.com Organize a Mexican National Cook Off providing a carnival for residents of Lakeside and Guadalajara and thereby raises charitable funds ($20,000 pesos per group) for ten Lakeside IJAS approved charities. Jacques Bouchard 376-766-3167 jacqueandcarol@hotmail.com MUJERES APOYANDO A MUJERES: Mezcala jewelry collective with the focus to create a cottage industry jewelry making project that will give the women of Mezcala and la Cuesta a means of economic independence. The jewelry is being sold at Cugini’s and Diane Pearl in Ajijic. Doris Wakeman. NIÑOS INCAPACITADOS DEL LAGO, A.C.: www.programaninos.com A non-profit, all-volunteer organization that helps low-income Mexican families pay medical expenses for their children with disabling or life-threatening illnesses. Email: ninosincapacitados@programaninos.com Dave Pike, President 376-765- 3137 dave.ppni@gmail.com Carol Antcliffe carol.ppni@gmail.com “NO GRAFFITI AJIJIC” GROUP: Group of residents, who remove and cover graffiti. Paint donations appreciated. Contact with details. Email Dan Houck with graffiti reports. Dan Houck 376-766-3225 houck1022@gmail.com NORTHERN LIGHTS MUSIC FESTIVAL: Provides young talented Canadian artists exposure and experience on the international concert stage and provides the community with a wide

range of classical music venues including concerts and demonstrations to young Mexican students and musicians through an annual music festival. NSDAR CHAPALA THOMAS PAINE CHAPTER: www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~mextpdar/ thomaspainedar/Goal is to make education available to deserving students and to help the community. Contribute to scholarships for the Technical School and students in Ninos de Chapala. Contribute to Hammer Hammer Will Travel and to Needle Pushers and the Lake Chapala Society Wilkes Education Center. Lorene Fields 376-766-1658 ltfields@hotmail.com OPEN CIRCLE: www.opencircleajijic.org Provide a supportive environment for social interactions. Presentations span a wide range of intellectual, cultural, physical and spiritual topics. David Bryen 376-766-4755 opencircleideas@gmail.com, Margaret Van Every 376-766-2092 OPERACION AMOR: www.facebook.com/chapala.operacionamor Our mission is to provide free spay/neuter services for cats and dogs of persons of limited means in the greater Chapala area. 331-872-4440 cgcothran1@yahoo.com Amalia Garcia, Co-leader 376-763-5597 amgarciao10@gmail.com Cameron Peters Co-leader 376-766-4341 zo-onna@hotmail.com OPERATION COMPASSION MINISTRIES: Feeding the hungry a comida meal in San Antonio, Monday to Saturday at Jesus Garcia #4. Tom Music 331-547-2726 tmusic3856@yahoo.com OPERATION FEED: www.operationfeed.weebly.com Our mission is to increase self-sufficiency by providing weekly despensas and supporting other educational and income opportunities for people of limited resources in San Juan Cosala. OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS: www.OA.org Monday 12PM and Thursday 10:15AM. Lakeside Little Chapel, Carretera Ajijic-Chapala (next to Chula Vista Country Club). Information: 376766-4409, email Sugarfreeme@hotmail.com ROTARY CLUB OF AJIJIC: www.rotaryajijic.org Within the community and Rotary International, The Rotary Club of Ajijic serves as a model providing humanitarian serviced to others while maintaining high ethical standards. Rotarians develop community service projects that address many of today’s most critical issues, such as children at risk, poverty and hunger, the environment illiteracy, and violence. They also support programs for youth, and for educational opportunities. Meetings: Tuesday 1PM Hotel Real de Chapala ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION: http://royalcanadianlegionchapala.org To provide assistance to veterans of the Canadian Armed Forces, including veterans of Commonwealth Forces and, in some instances, U.S. veterans and Mexican veterans living in the Lakeside area. Being a Legion member is not required for assistance to veterans who meet the criteria. This is done through our Poppy Fund Campaign. To support the local community by providing money and assistance to specific projects as designated by our members. Our specific charity is El Corazon del Anciano, A.C., a residence and drop-in centre for seniors. John Kelly 331-758-0676 jkelly203@gmail.com SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, MEXICAN SOCIETY: Lineal descent from a Patriot of the American Revolution, not necessarily a soldier. Kenneth Loridans 376-766-2981 SoTouch@prodigy.net.mx ST. ANDREW’S OUTREACH PROGRAM: www.standrewsriberas.com Provides financial support to selected local charities from activities organized through this Anglican Church parish at Lakeside. The main fundraising event is a huge bazaar (Regalorama), which is held on the first Saturday of December, and is supported by the whole community. 376-765-3926 Laura Foster, Outreach Information foster312@earthlink.net TAILS OF MEXICO: www.spayneuterlakechapala.weebly.com Tails of Mexico’s mission is to provide free spay/neuter clinics in the municipality of Jocopetec, Jalisco Mexico to poor Mexican families, street dogs, and others of limited means in order to reduce animal suffering and help the communities in which we work. Another program is to relocate dogs to specific rescue organizations and shelters North of the Mexican border. Dee Mistrik 01-387-761-0041 deemistrik@gmail.com Linda Rudisell-Hines, Communication Lead 01-387-761-0688 rudiselj@yahoo.com TEPEHUA CENTRO COMUNITARIO, A.C.: www.facebook.com/tepehuacommunitycenter. org A center helping a village through education, counseling and social functions. President: Moonyeen King 376-763-5126 moonie1935@yahoo.com TOASTMASTERS: Weekly meeting of bilingual Lake Chapala Toastmasters. Open to all interested in learning public speaking. Tim Schubert 376-766-0920 revdoctimothy@gmail.com U.S.A. THINKING TEAM: www.usathinkingteam.com Office is in Ajijic for 12 years. Supported by Grandparents for a Better World. Support programs for charitable organizations in Ajijic and includes concerts with That’s Entertainment, speakers and radio shows. Contact: mexicosydneygay@yahoo.com UVA [UNIVERSITY & VOCATIONAL ASSISTANCE] SCHOLARSHIP FUND, A.C.: www.uvalakeside.org Founded in 1976, provide university/technical scholarship assistance to qualified Lakeside students. Monitor and verify the recipients’ qualifications for scholarship assistance (maintain a GPA of 8.5 or better each semester). Assure that 100% of donations for students are distributed to students. Operate as an independent charity and cease to exist if and when support of the charity no longer exists. Sue Torres 376-766-2932 mst0414@hotmail.com VIVA LA MÚSICA: www.ajijicviva.org Supporting fine music lakeside by helping Mexican musicians make beautiful music. To encourage Mexican music students and organizations. To provide performance opportunities at lakeside for Mexican musicians. To promote local concerts and bus trips to musical events in Guadalajara and elsewhere. Rosemary Keeling 376766-1801 vivamusica3@yahoo.com VILLA INFANTIL ORPHANAGE: www.villainfantil.com.mx Facebook: Villa Infantil Guadalupe y San Jose Provides care and financial support for 30 children under the care of the Catholic Sisters of the Congregation of Our Lady of Guadalupe and St. Joseph. info.villainfantil@gmail. com VEGGIE GROWERS CLUB: Meetings are held at Huerta Organic Café, Hidalgo #212 in Riberas del Pilar on the second Monday at 10AM. Discussions on problems with growing vegetables at lakeside, local pests and how to treat them, composting and all matters related to growing vegetables. John McWilliams 376-766-0620

Saw you in the Ojo 67


El Ojo del Lago / April 2019

Saw you in the Ojo 69




* ANIMAL CLINICS/PET SHOP - CLINICA VETERINARIA SAN ANTONIO Tel: 766-0808 Pag: 21 - CHURRY CAN Cell: 331-385-7539 Pag: 59 - LAKESIDE FRIENDS OF THE ANIMALS AC Tel: 765-5544 Pag: 17 - MASKOTA’S LAKE Tel: 766-0287 Pag: 50 - PET PLACE Cell: 333-1964-150 Pag: 60 - PET FOOD AND GROOMING Tel: 766-3062 Pag: 52

* ART GALLERIES/HANDCRAFTS - ART21STUDIO Tel: 33-3170-6135, 33-3677-3482 - DIANE PEARL COLECCIONES Tel: 766-5683 - LA BELLA VIDA Tel: 766-5131 - SOL MEXICANO Tel: 766-0734


- ESTÉTICA KAREN Cell: 331-741-8609 - NEW LOOK STUDIO Tel: 766-6000, 33-3950-9990

- EL OJO DEL LAGO Tel. 765-3676



Pag: 32 Pag: 55

* BED & BREAKFAST - CASA DEL SOL Tel: 766-0050 - CASA FLORES Tel: 766-5493 - CASA TRES LEONES Cell: (045) 331-350-6764

Pag: 07 Pag: 15

- GENERAL HOME SERVICES - Amancio Ramos Jr. Cell: (045) 331-520-3054 Pag: 46 - MARBLE & GRANITE Tel: 766-1306 Pag: 57 - PISOS Y AZULEJOS DE LA RIBERA Cell: 331-250-6486 Pag: 63 - ROOFING & WATERPROOFING SPECIALISTS Tel: 766-5360 Cell: 331-282-5020 Pag: 56 - ROBERTO MILLAN - ARCHITECT Tel: 766-3771, Cell: 331-340-3758 Pag: 25 - SIKA Tel: 766-5959 Pag: 48

Pag: 11

Pag: 47 Pag: 11

* BEER & LIQUOR STORES - BETO’S WINE & LIQUOR Cell: (045) 333-507-3024

Pag: 57


- AJIJIC DENTAL CLINIC Tel. 766-3682 - C.D. SANDRA ANAYA MORA Cell: (045) 331-218-6241 - DRA. ANGELICA ALDANA DDS Tel: 765-5364, Cell. 331-351-7797


Tel: 106-2430, (760) 314-9685 - NAPOLEON

Pag: 20

Tel: 766-6153


Pag: 74


Pag: 23, 55

Pag: 03


Pag: 18


Tels. 766-0599, 766-0630

Pag: 15 Pag: 45

Pag: 25

* HOTELS / SUITES - LA NUEVA POSADA Tel: 766-1444, 766-1344 - HOTEL & VILLAS MONTE LAGO Tel: 33-1095-6808, 33-2788-0208, (376) 766-5457

Pag: 61

* FINANCIAL SERVICES - LONAS MEXICO Tel: 766-0045, Cell: 33-3956-4852

Pag: 59

Pag: 34



Pag: 52

* FISH MARKET Pag: 13, 43


Tel: 108-1087

Pag: 59

* CLEANING SERVICES - AXIXIC SPRING CLEANING Tel: 766-5140- Cell: 33-1075-7768 - STEAM CLEAN Tel: 33-2385-0410


Pag: 53

Pag: 52



Tel: (376) 106-1618, 333-149-4536

Pag: 55

Pag: 16

Pag: 03

Pag: 38-39

* INSURANCE - HEALTH INSURANCE Tel: 766-0395, 1-888-449-7799 Pag: 47 - LAKESIDE INSURANCE - EDGAR CEDEÑO Cell: (045) 33-3106-6982 Pag: 34 - PARKER INSURANCE SERVICES Tel: 765-5287, 765-4070 Pag: 26 - PROTEXPLAN U.S. Toll Free 1-800-608-5743 Mexico Toll Free 01-800-681-6730 Pag: 18 - TIOCORP Tel: 766-4828 Pag: 24




Tel: 33-1172-1724

Pag: 61


Pag: 03


Tel: 331-520-5529, Cell: 333-676-6245

Pag: 22





Pag: 11


Pag: 43 Pag: 46


Pag: 12

Tel: 766-4386

Tel: 766-1064 Pag: 23



Pag: 09



766-1760 765-4444 766-5555



- CHRISTINE’S Tel: 106-0864 - EDITH’S Cell: 33-1310-9372

066 765-2308, 765-2553 766-3615


Pag: 34

- FRATS Tel: 765-2505, 765-3946 Pag: 22 - MULTISERVICIO AUTOMOTRIZ ESCALERA Tel: 765-4424 Pag: 62

- INTERCAM Tel: 766-5978 - MULTIVA Tel: 766-2499




- COLIBRI GARDEN Tel: 765-4412, Cell: (045) 333-156-9382


Tel: 765-5973

Pag: 16

Pag: 50

* LUMBER - REAL ORTEGA & SONS-Hardware for Carpenters

- ARELLANO CORPORATION GROUP Cell: 331-331-0249 - CONFORT SOLUTIONS Tel: 33-1228-5377 - DARK ARCHITECTURE Tel: 33-2174-7525

El Ojo del Lago / April 2019


Tel: 765-2404, 765-3404


Pag: 16 Pag: 50

Tel: 33-3689-2620

Pag: 28

Pag: 32


Pag: 41


Pag: 10

* MEDICAL SERVICES - ALTA RETINA - Dr. Rigoberto Rios León Ophthalmic Surgeon Tel: 766-1521, 688-1122 Pag: 35 - DERMIKA Tel: 766-2500 Pag: 10 - DR. BEN - CERTIFIED PLASTIC SURGEON Tel: 766-4871, Cell: 333-105-0402 Pag: 19 - DRA. CLAUDIA L. CAMACHO CHOZA Ophthalmologist Tel: 33-3403-3857 Pag: 27

* MOVERS - BEST MEXICO MOVERS US/CANADA: (915) 235-1951 US Cell: (520) 940-0481 - LAKE CHAPALA MOVING Tel: 766-5008 - STROM-WHITE MOVERS Tel: 766-6153



Pag: 54 Pag: 20 Pag: 52 Pag: 53 Pag: 08

* NURSERY - LAS PALMAS VIVERO Cell: 33-1195-7112

Pag: 60

* PAINT - QUIROZ-Impermeabilizantes Tel: 766-2311 - QUIROZ-Pinturas Tel: 766-2311

Cell: 331-354-2117 Pag: 45, 53 - KATYA MARTINEZ Cell: 332-631-9017 Pag: 46 - LORI FIELSTED REALTY Cell: 331-365-0558 Pag: 33, 43 - MICHAELA SIRBU Tel: 333-141-5979 Pag: 30 - MPR REAL ESTATE Tel: (315) 351-5167 Pag: 55 - RADISSON BLU - Ajijic Resort, Spa & Residences Tel: 766-4525, Cell: 332-255-5972 Pag: 02 - RAUL GONZALEZ Cell: 33-1437-0925 Pag: 03 - SHEILA MARGELLOS Cell: 331-894-3886 Pag: 45, 53 - HOTEL & VILLAS MONTE LAGO Tel: 33-1095-6808, 33-2788-0208, (376) 766-5457 Pag: 38-39 - VISTA ALEGRE Tel: 33-2002-2400 Pag: 05

Pag: 28 Pag: 26

* REAL ESTATE - ALL-IN-1 Tel. 766-1161 Pag: 21 - AJIJIC HOME INSPECTIONS Tel: 766-2836 Pag: 50 - AJIJIC REAL ESTATE Tel: 766-2077 Pag: 31 - BETTINA BERING Tel: 766-1049, Cell. 33-1210-7723 Pag: 24, 29 - CHULA VISTA NORTE Tel: 766-2177, Cell: (045) 33-1892-2194 Pag: 07 - CIELOVISTA Tel: 33-2002-2400 Pag: 05 - COLDWELL BANKER CHAPALA REALTY Tel: 766-1152, 766-3369 Fax: 766-2124, Tels: 765-2877 Fax: 765-3528 Pag: 76 - CONTINENTAL REALTY Tel: 766-1994 Pag: 15 - CUMBRES Tel: 33-2002-2400 Pag: 05 - EAGER & ASOCIADOS Tel: (376) 766 1917, 1918 Pag: 75 - FOR SALE BY OWNER Tel: (376) 766-2682 Pag: 54 - FOR SALE BY OWNER Tel: (376) 766-6069 Pag: 58 - HAIDE TELLEZ ORNELAS Cell: (045) 33 100 677 13 Pag: 51 - JUDIT RAJHATHY Cell: (045) 331 - 395 - 9849 Pag: 17, 27 - KAREN RAMSEY

- COLDWELLBANKER CHAPALA REALTY Tel: 766-1152, Cell:(045) 331-386-7597 Pag: 58 - FOR RENT Cell: 333-667-6554 Pag: 62 - FOR RENT Cell: 333-115-6584 Pag: 12 - FOR RENT Cell: 33-1399-8267 Pag: 56 - SANTANA RENTALS Cell: 315-104-3283 Pag: 55 - ROMA Tel: 766 3163, 766 5171 Pag: 50

* RESTAURANTS/CAFES/BAR - AJIJIC TANGO Tel: 766-2458 - ANTOJITOS INTERNACIONALES Tel: 765-6135 - ALFREDO’S CALIFORNIA Tel: 33-1301-9862 - ARMANDO’S HIDEAWAY Tel: 766-2229 - BLUE ROSE Tel: 766-2948 - C2 Tel: 766-1300 - CASA LINDA Tel: 108-0887 - DHARMA Tel: 33-2794-6101 - ELEGANTE Tel: 766-1066 - GALERIA LAS SALVIAS Tel: 766-1122 - GO BISTRO Cell: (045) 33-3502-6555 - GRUPO PASTA Tel: 33-3615-4952 - HUERTO CAFÉ Tel: 108-0843 - LA CASA DEL CAFE Tel: 766-2876 - LA CASA DEL WAFFLE Tel: 766-1946 - LA HACIENDA DE DON PEDRO Tel: 766-4906 - LA NUEVA POSADA Tel: 766-1444, 766-1344 - “LA TAVERNA”DEI QUATTRO MORI Tel: 766-2848 - LOS MOLLETES Tel: 766-4296 - MANIX Tel: 766-0061, Cell: 331-0650-725 - MOM’S DELI & RESTAURANT Tel: 765-5719 - SIMPLY THAI

Pag: 74 Pag: 48 Pag: 63 Pag: 34 Pag: 28 Pag: 27

Tel: 766-4767 - TEPETATE THAI RESTAURANT Tel: 766-2020 - THE PEACOCK GARDEN Tel: 766-1381 - TONY’S RESTAURANT CAMPESTRE Tel: 331-433-6112 - TRIP’S BURGER - YVES Tel: 766-3565

Pag: 44 Pag: 46 Pag: 12 Pag: 25 Pag: 33

* STREAMING TV - 7000 CHANEL TV Tel: 387-761-1101

Pag: 51


Pag: 32

Pag: 12


- CHAPALA TREE SERVICE Tel: 762-0602 Pag: 25 Pag: 48

* SELF STORAGE - SELF STORAGE-BODEGAS CHAPALA Tel: 766-0661, Tel/Fax: 766-1045 Pag: 32

* SEPTIC TANK PUMPING - JP HOME SERVICES Tel. 766-1569, Cell: 333-968-2938

Pag: 57

* TOURS - CHARTER CLUB TOURS Tel: 766-1777 - MAGNIFICENT TOURS Cell: 33-1159-3486

Pag: 09 Pag: 35

* WATER - TECNO AQUA Tel: 766-3731, 688-1038

Pag: 56

Pag: 63


Pag: 60 Pag: 37 Pag: 68

* SOLAR ENERGY - OPIERE SOLAR Tel: 766-6148, 01-800-099-0763 - SUN QUEST ENERGY Tel: 766-1761, Cell: 33-1603-9756

Pag: 45 Pag: 23

* SPA / MASSAGE - LA BELLA VIDA Tel: 766-5131 - TOTAL BODY CARE Tel: 766-3379

Pag: 34 Pag: 26

Saw you in the Ojo

Pag: 19 Pag: 59

The Ojo Crossword

Pag: 43 Pag: 65 Pag: 06 Pag: 21 Pag: 51 Pag: 12 Pag: 11 Pag: 50 Pag: 03 Pag: 30 Pag: 60 Pag: 14 Pag: 07

Saw you in the Ojo 71


FOR SALE: ACURA RDX 2010, excellent general condition. 4 cylinders, 90,000 km turbo, leather seats, air conditioning, Jalisco plates, all paid. Only 2 owners Price $220,000.00 pesos. Call to Alma 331005-3109. FOR SALE: SMARTCAR 2012 BY MERCEDES BENZ, CREAM puff - perfect condition inside and out. Less than 19,000 Km, Passion 3 LTR Engine -EXTREMELY gas efficient, Easy to park in tiny spaces. Mexican plates. $6,000 USD or peso equivalent. Call Michael to take a look 376-7664555 or 331-903-1990 FOR SALE: 2013 Hyundai I10, 67,000KM, standard in very good shape, $75K, Call: 331-415-9195 FOR SALE: CHEV. CORSA MEXICAN 05 130 kms, call if you interest to buy 332921-1540 in ajijic. $59.999 FOR SALE: 2013 SEAT X-Track54,000 Kms - TURBO 211 HP - low fuel consommationtion - perfect state - all maintenance done at dealer - MXN 170,000. Cell: 331 344 3341 FOR SALE: 2005 Artic Fox 11.5’ Camper. This camper can be used on a one ton truck or for a completely self-contained guest area on the ground. Air conditioned, Forced Air Heater, Hot Water Heater, Solar Panels, Generator, Dry Shower, Fridge (3 way) with large freezer, 3 Burner Stove and oven, Microwave, Stereo (cassette deck), Queen Size Bed, 2 6 Volt Batteries (charged by solar), One slide out in kitchen area. $8000. US. Email: mrippel@live.com. FOR SALE: SEAT X-Track- 54,000 Kms - TURBO 211 HP - low fuel consommationtion - perfect state - all maintenance done at dealer - MXN 170,000. Cell: 331344-3341. FOR SALE: 88 Honda, Runs Good, needs a bit of work, but runs nice. 40 MPG over the last 17,000 Miles. Email: coffeeboulder@gmail.com. FOR SALE: 2015 Chevrolet Spark, 5 speed manual, 33000km, as new condition. Selling because returning to US. $98000 pesos. 387-761-0125, Email: carphil10@ gmail.com FOR SALE: For Sale: 2006 Land Rover, Range Rover Supercharged SUV, 111K miles new tires fully serviced, fully loaded. Dk. Gray, with Leather interior. California title in hand. Located in Ajijiic. For more info and photo, email wrandywood@gmail. com or Whatsup App 858-336-6326 Make Offer. FOR SALE: 2017 Veloci motorbike 250cc. This motorbike is in like new condition with only 7,000 kilometers. Comes with cover and safty helment, Is not damaged in any way and has no mechanical problems. E-mail me for pics at lawandrew29@ outlook.com or text me at 332-726-5718 was asking $29,000 but now open to any serious offer. WANTED: US Plated Car and/or Trailer for a move to the states. Call Mike at: 331330-1050 WANTED: Would like to buy a 2006 to 2010 Ford Explorer. Call: 376-106-2204. FOR SALE: Motorcycle 2017 Pulsar 200 AS, black - perfect condition, 18,700 Km, $38,000 pesos firm. Mexican title (factura) paid and clear. cglane2007@yahoo. com – 376-766-1218 “Chris”


FOR SALE: Logitech speaker system Z313, Upgraded my system so no longer required, make me an offer. Call: 376-7660847 or 331-793-2625.


FOR SALE: Logitech Wireless Keyboard – Spanish. Logitech Wireless Keyboard k270 - brand new still in package - never used. Spanish keyboard. Retails on Amazon.mx for $569 pesos plus $175 pesos shipping. Asking price $250 pesos. I also do have 2 new Logitech Keyboards (1 English& 1Spanish). Please email arjay333@gmail.com or phone 376-7663103 and leave a clear message. WANTED: I’m looking for a used 19” or 21” Computer Monitor that can be connected via HDMI, I have a 2018 Lenovo Desktop and need an additional monitor for my work. Email: linda.excellenceenterprises@ gmail.com FOR SALE: Renewing system in home theater, I have the following pieces up for sale all in immaculate condition, as you can imagine they didn’t get abused as they were used in a Home theater server application. Gigabyte H87-d3h, LGA 1150 socket, 32gb ram maximum, sata 6gb/sec, asking $1799 pesos. Intel core I5 4570 quad core 3.2 ghz, 3.6 boost. $1,600 (have original heatsink). Email: daviesgareth@ gmail.com.


WANTED: Good Dog Grooming Clippers Wanted. If you have a set you no longer need, I sure would be interested in buying them. 766-4338. FREE: I don’t have the full story, but our cleaner’s daughter ended up with 9 puppies/rescues. The family is too tenderhearted to toss the dogs on the street, thank God, but they just can’t keep them for oh-so-many obvious reasons. These dogs are adorable and have their first sets of vaccinations. They were born (approximately) 31 November and are just waiting for their forever home. Please, can you help out? There are 3 females and 6 males. If interested, please PM me or call me at 332-617-3588. WANTED: Wanted Male Chihuahua, female dachshund or female Chiweenie (dachshund/chihuahua cross) 2 to 6 months. Puppy must be ready to travel to Canada by April 1, 2019. Email: sorenson85@yahoo.com. FOR SALE: Pet Carrier, 22x27 new 2700+ pesos for sale half price $70 dollars or equivalent. PM me if interested. Email: ms1cbtheone@gmail.com.


FOR SALE: Samsonite 4 wheel spinner suitcase 28 x 17 x 10 inches $700 pesos. Airway plaid 2 wheel suitcase 26 x 17 x 10 inches $400 pesos. INGEAR Soft sided carry on 22 x 13 x 9 inches 300 pesos. 2 backpacks with 2 wheels for use as carry on 450 pesos each. 376-766-4032. FOR SALE: SAMSONITE ROLLER BAG, Expandable, 11”x21”x32” including wheels. $200 pesos, nicely constructed. Lots of compartments 766-4360. FOR SALE: Olympic Hex/Trap bar weights 60lbs, 3 25lb plates, 2 10lb plates, 2 dumbbells with extra plates, 2 25lb Kettle Bells and 2 15 lb Kettle Bells. Hex bar is great for doing dead-lifts and squats without injuring yourself as you pull straight up rather than bent over. Much easier on the back. Asking price $3,000 pesos or US$150 for all or best offer. Contact Charlie chazgree@yahoo.com or Call 331-6935536. See the stuff at Villas Formoso Condos. FOR SALE: Never Installed Helvex toilet paper holder or towel rack, satin, model 15104, $1000 pesos (Mercadolibre $1435 pesos). Never Installed Helvex bath/show-

El Ojo del Lago / April 2019

er mixer tap, chrome, model E-702, $3000 pesos (Home Depot $3677 pesos). FOR SALE: Selling sun dolphin kayak 8 foot long never used $5000 pesos, antique pine trunk refurbished by noe, 2 piece desk also refurbished by noe, veloci arkon bike almost new $3300 pesos. Call: 332257-1104 FOR SALE: 24” LED TV perfect for bedroom or kitchen. Manuals in both English and Spanish. 2 HDMI and 1 VGA input. This is not a smart TV. $1899 Pesos. Call Mike at 766-2275. WANTED: looking for an air purifier. Email: pgreermexico1@gmail.com. FOR SALE: Cuisinart food processor with full set of tools. Wrong Voltage to take home so must go. Iain 376-766-0847 or 331-793-0847. FOR SALE: 6 drawer, handmade wooden curing rack. 300+ decorative bags. 61 Soap molds: Large honeycomb; pie slices; Round gift soaps(2 molds of 8); Long insert molds (6 - circle, square, moon, flower, star, heart); Large, 12 bar molds (2); Guest/individual molds (26 of 8 - “Soap,” 8 - “Thank You,” 10 - “100% Hand Made”); Various small soaps/inserts (7 - ducks, stars, hearts, and Xmas themes); Square soaps (2 of 9 bars). Price: $10,000mxn firm (this comes as a package; please don’t ask me to sell just the rack or anything else separately). Please PM me or call 332-6173588. WANTED: Not an extension ladder please since I have one of those and it’s heavy as sin. I don’t care if it’s got paint on it or is dirty. I would prefer if it didn’t have concrete chunks on it. I have a 5 step stepladder if you want to trade + some cash. Email: mexpooh2u@yahoo.ca. FOR SALE: Wood photo frame with glass. Can hold 11” x 14” or 8” x 10” photo. Hangs vertically or horizontally. $250 pesos. Phone 766-0527; email bos77coe@ gmail.com. FOR SALE: Slide Sorter and Viewer, This sorter holds up to 80 slides at a time and can be illuminated. Uses 2 60 watt bulbs. $200 pesos. I also have a Kodak Carousel 650H that doesn’t turn on. Perhaps it can be fixed, or useful for parts, like the lens. It is free with purchase of the slide sorter. Phone 766-0527 or email bos77coe@gmail.com. FOR SALE: Framed grapefruit painting; frame is 13” x 11” outside, and 8-3/4” x 6-3/4” inside. $300 pesos. Phone 7660527, email bos77coe@gmail.com. FOR SALE: Dehumidifier, wrong power supply to take home so must go. Iain 376766-0847 or 331-793-0847. FOR SALE: 2003 Yamaha 15hp 4 Stroke Outboard Motor, The motor comes with a stainless steel cart for transportation and storage. There is also a plastic gas container and the tubes to connect it to the motor. I am asking $15,000 pesos for all 4. Send me a PM or call 33-1526-1032 if you are interested. WANTED: Rearranging our outdoor space and looking for two COMFORTABLE armchairs. Any reasonable options considered. And I have two anti-gravity outdoor chairs if you’re interested. $300 pesos each. Email: ericurmudgeon@yahoo.ca. FOR SALE: Sanyo HiFi VCR player can be connected to flat screen TV plus over 250 PG and PG13 movies. Email me at rsw46231@aol.com. FOR SALE: Full/matrimonial bedspread, Off-white. 20” drop from welting at edge of bed top. Very good condition. Email: bos77coe@gmail.com. FOR SALE: Wood picture frame, hang

horizontal or vertical or stand horizontal or vertical. Glass included 7-1/2” x 9-1/2” inside; 9-3/4” x 11-3/4” outside. $100 pesos. Phone 766-0527. FOR SALE: Lightweight purse. Never used cotton/leather (we think) purse. Folds up (with velcro snap) to 14” (incl. handle) x 2-1/2”. Open size is about 13” wide by 12” high. Zipper opening. $150 pesos. Phone 766-0527. FOR SALE: 2 fabulous iron bar stools, beautifully upholstered. $2000 pesos for both. Phone me for picture. 376-766-1390. FOR SALE: Equipale round table 51.5” (129 cm). This table is really one of a kind, purchased at the Féria a few years ago and rarely used. It has a Lazy Susan with an Aztec design in the middle 21.5” (54 cm) diameter. The table is 30” (75 cm) high. Can easily accommodate 6 regular dining chairs, possibly more, or 4-6 equipale small dining chairs. $3,800 pesos. Phone: 7660527 FOR SALE: Jules jeans - Men’s. Grey. W32”, L30”. Button front. Like new condition. $400 pesos. 376-766-0527. WANTED: Looking for 10 speed men’s bike, mountain bike or hybrid bike in good condition. Email: lynhffmn@yahoo.com. FOR SALE: Honda gas generator. Like new. Less than 20 hours use. Model EG6500CXS-LD1H,6.6 KWS/5.5 KWS, Max/normal, 1 fase, 120/240V.motor 389 CC. Battery included. Phone 762-1695. FOR SALE: Cinsa-13B Propane Gas Hot Water Heater, 10 l./min. capacity; used only 1 month; original price $3,700 pesos; asking $2,500 or B.O. Call 763-5258(Vista Del Lago). E-mail: pedro121440@gmail.com. FOR SALE: Honda Gas Generator. Model EG6500CXS-LD1H. Has less than 20 hours use. Like new. Includes battery. $1200 U.S.D. Phone 762-1695. FOR SALE: 12 setting china dinner service. 108 items unmarked rarely used. Make me an offer. Iain 376-766-0847 or 331-793-2625. FOR SALE: Brand new portable toilet $950. p. Bath towel never been used 50X29 $130.p. each. Call me 333-721-4968 or pm. FOR SALE: I have a wooden framed, glass display cabinet for sale. The approximate measurements are 6’ 8”/2.3 mts in height x 5’ 7”/1.7 mts wide x 19”/48 cms deep with glass shelving. Asking price: $115 USD/Peso equivalent. Buyer moves. If interested contact scrubs1946@ msn.com. FOR SALE: Golf balls in bag- $400 pesos, Golf balls- & 80 pesos each box, Books and &CD-$ $250 for all of them, Golf shoes- $1,000 (Size 11 US), Body board $800, Weight lifting bar $ 400 . All prices are in pesos but I accept dollars equivalent as well. If you have any questions please feel free to message me. All items are used but in good condition. Email: sweetkandi425@yahoo.com. FOR SALE: 2014 8x5 enclosed trailer. Tie downs, lights with snap on baskets and accessories. Light wear. Title available. Travel ready. $1000 US or $20,000 pesos. 332-497-4148. English/ some Spanish. FOR SALE: Roku 3600R Streaming Media Stick - US Version. Price: 700 MXN. Email: angusamactavish@gmail.com. FOR SALE: Lovely sofa $500 pesos in Upper Ajijic. Email: tomorrew@hotmail. com. WANTED: I am in need of a food thermometer (0 to 120º Celsius or Fahrenheit equivalent). Any type/style is ok as long as it’s accurate. Email: ShalomBeWell@gmail. com.

FOR SALE: MAN (German) Gas powered on demand water heater. Wall mount. Works like new. Manual settings and LCD with operational status. $5000 pesos or best offer. 766-2534. WANTED: Yogurt maker or pressure cooker that makes yogurt. Email: ShalomBeWell@gmail.com. FOR SALE: Selling two used Head Liquid Metal 8 oversize racquets in excellent condition plus an Adidas tennis bag, three rolls of Babolat Hurricane string and three rolls of grip tape. Asking 3,500 pesos for all or will entertain reasonable offers. Contact Charlie at Villas Formoso, La Floresta 331693-5536 or 766-0200 or chazgree@yahoo.com. FOR SALE: Vintage Black Arcoroc Cups Gold Linear Art Deco Detail 8 each: dinner plates, salad plates, cups and saucer, soup bowls. 40 pieces total. Email: mdennisclark@yahoo.com. FOR SALE: Shaw 630 Dish and LNB. In good condition desactivated, ready to use. Also Dual Guad LNB E 75 Dish $1,000.00 pesos. 333-721-4968. Call or PM me. FOR SALE: Werner 6-Foot 250-Pound Duty Rating Aluminum Multi-Master Articulated Ladder #M1-6-12. As new, can deliver $4,000p. Email: angusamactavish@ gmail.com. FOR SALE: Zojirushi bread maker used once, pull out gold color couch used 2 times. Contact: irluvslyf@yahoo.ca. FOR SALE: Shaw 600 HD receiver with remote and power cord $2000 pesos. Shaw

630 PVR with remote, power cord and HDMI cable $4000 pesos. Both are free and clear to be activated. Also Shaw 800 receiver $3000 pesos. 376-766-4032. FOR SALE: Dvd video recorder/Video cassette recorder TOSHIBA with remote. $950.00 Pesos. Call me 333-721-4968. FREE: “gay” novels. I have collected a lot of novels over the years. Drop me a line. pablosemanas@gmail.com. No charge, just haul them away. WANTED: Still trying to find a DVD recorder to transfer VHS tape to a DVD. If you have one, I would like to borrow it or if you no longer need it, I will buy it from you. I know they are scarce but I’m hoping someone still has one. Email: silkfleurs@ outlook.com. FOR SALE: CANNON PRINTER PIXMA MG 3029 $1200 pesos New still in box. Call Susanne 376-766-4456 - Cell 331-824-5205. STAR CHOICE Motorola DSR 319RTZ $ 500 pesos. We still have a fantastic selection of GOLF BALLS pks of three(3) or by the dozen 90 pesos. TITLEIST, NIKE, PROV 1, NEXT TOUR, VELOCITY, and many more Brands. Golf shirts and caps $80 pesos $60 pesos various sizes. Call Susanne or David 376-766-4456 - Cell: 331-824-5205. FOR SALE: CHAIR LEATHER. Call Bill 376-106-2160 or sanbt69@live.com. FOR SALE: Window Blind, size 84 inches long by 46 inches wide. Original cost was $1,850 pesos, will sell for $1,500 pesos or best offer. Please phone 376-

766-3103 and leave a clear message or arjay333@gmail.com. FOR SALE: Dining Chairs $4000. 4 new in box dining chairs from Costco. If purchased separately, $7900 pesos. Please call 331-805-4654. Email: mysanditoes@hotmail.com. FOR SALE: Beige Patio Umbrella. This was purchased at the store a little west of Super Lake for $2149.00 pesos. The base cost extra. It has a 9’6” diameter when open and the stand is either straight or tilts. I’m selling both pieces for $1000.00 pesos. Rick 331-442-3930. WANTED: Where do I find mini split air conditioners in Chapala or Ajijic. Does anyone sell Carrier? Email: frank@maczko.ca. FOR SALE: Santa Fe Large Area Dehumidifier-Gone. $1500US but asking $10,000 pesos. Has pump which is usually 125US to facilitate discharge of water. Call 333-821-5148. Can be seen in West Ajijic. FOR SALE: General commercial meat grinder GSM50 as new, used only once. Asking $6,000 pesos. Call: 333-8215148. Located in West Ajijic. FOR SALE: Butterball Xl Electric fryer, steamer, or boil. Fry, steam or boil your favorite foods. Accommodates 20 lbs Turkey, 5 lbs wings, or a large seafood boil. Tested to commercial standards. Easy clean up. Used twice, returning to us. No room in car. $99.00 dollars check Amazon US for more info, as I am having difficulty posting pictures. Listed under Xl Butterball Electric Fryer. Email: keribowden@gmail.com.

FOR SALE: 2 Single Beds or use as a king - orthopedic mattresses and very solid, heavy bases in excellent condition. Selling only as a pair. $5900 pesos. 376-106-2204. FOR SALE: X-CARGO SPORT 20SV Rooftop Carrier. 20 Cubic feet Excellent condition. All mounting hardware and keys included. Asking $3000 pesos. Call 331340-8115 or preitano@netzero.net. FOR SALE: Sea Eagle 14 SC Sail Catamaran with Custom Trailer. Included: Catamaran - full set: 4 sits, mast, main sale, boom, 2 leeboards, rudder, and floor all in excellent condition; Accessories: foot pump, all transportation security straps, 2 adult life jackets, repair kit; Paid including custom fees $44,000 - sale $29,000. Email: mark.slavic.17@gmail.com. FOR SALE: 2 pedestal cabinets for under washer & dryer. (samsung) 8 gal. Capacity. Never used. Still in original boxes. $450.00 pesos for the pair. West Ajijic. 376766-5545. 331-450-3384. FOR SALE: Original Prada Shoes, size 24.5 mexican, Only 1 time was used, price $3000 pesos. Call to Alma 331-005-3109. FOR SALE: Individual Brass Headboard, Price $2,200.00 pesos. Call to Alma 331-005-3109.

Saw you in the Ojo 73


El Ojo del Lago / April 2019

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