Saw you in the Ojo
El Ojo del Lago / August 2012
Saw you in the Ojo
Richard Tingen
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Alejandro Grattan-Domínguez Tel: (01376) 765 3676, 765 2877 Fax: (01376) 765 3528 Associate Publisher David Tingen Graphic Design Roberto C. Rojas Jazmin Eliosa Special Events Editors Tod Jonson Barbara Clippinger Associate Editor Jim Tipton Contributing Editor Paul Jackson Contributing Editor Mark Sconce Drama Critic Michael Warren Art Critic Rob Mohr Roving Correspondent Dr. Lorin Swinehart Sales Managers Omar Medina Bruce Fraser Office Secretary Rocio Madrigal ADVERTISING OFFICE Av. Hidalgo # 223, Chapala Mon. thru Fri. 9am - 5pm Sat. 9am - 1pm Tel. 01 (376) 765 2877, 765 3676 Fax 01 (376) 765 3528 Send all correspondence, subscriptions or advertising to: El Ojo del Lago Ave. Hidalgo 223 (or Apartado 279), 45900 Chapala, Jalisco Tels.: (376) 765 3676, Fax 765 3528
Richard McGraw took a two-day horseback trip with Mexican friends that gave him new insights into and greater appreciation of the Mexican culture and people.
8 Shutterstock
Roberto Moulun’s narrator chances upon what seems a crippled Mexican beggar, but as the story goes on, neither is he first seemed to be.
Dr. Lorin Swinehart takes a close look back at the men who created two of the greatest monuments in all of US history, the better man sadly forgotten today, his inferior far more famous.
Rob Mohr spins a short story about a couple on a (Mexican?) beach. Little is said, and even less is done—but you get the idea that their lives have been forever altered.
SPORTS (really!?)
The Geigers and Eliana Herrerias report on a little-know aspect of bullfighting that make this “sport” even more repulsive.
Judy Dykstra-Brown’s poem is about two sisters, one whose memory is fading plays the piano, the other listens, her mind filled with sad memories of how her brilliant sister used to play.
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El Ojo del Lago / August 2012
Editor’s Page
Uncommon Sense
Bridge by Lake
Joyful Musings
Welcome to Mexico
Child of Month
Anita’s Animals
Hearts at Work
New Lease
Thunder on Right
Lakeside Living
Grape Expectations
The Poets’ Niche
Stay Healthy
Focus on Art
LCS Newsletter
Photo by Richard (Rick) McGraw
Saw you in the Ojo
Editor’s Page
By Alejandro Grattan-Dominguez
WARREN BUFFETT—The Benevolent Billionaire
e’s the world’s third richest man, yet for the last several years he’s been playing the “common man” roles made famous in the old Frank Capra movies like Mister Smith Goes to Washington and It’s a Wonderful Life. In the process, he’s become that rarity of rarities, a multi-billionaire radical, who actually believes that: • The super rich should pay their fair share of taxes, even though they regard him as traitor to his class, much as FDR was considered back the 1930s. • It’s good for America for him to give away 99% of his 45 Billion dollar fortune. • The US is lousy with bailout billionaires, who have created a culture of selfishness and greed. • The US can rise to any challenge but not if its citizens believe that the US is ruled by a plutocracy. • The US has to get serious about shared sacrifice. • The US must completely overhaul its health system, and calls the current system a “tapeworm that cuts corporate competiveness far more than taxes do.” • The market system rewards him lavishly, but that doesn’t mean that he’s more deserving of a good life than a teacher, social worker or an American soldier fighting in Afghanistan. • It’s basically unfair that he paid in 2010 only 17% on an income of almost 40 million dollars, earlier having donated almost 20 million to charities, or a lesser rate than that of his office staff. • When the average citizen is no longer able to climb up the economic ladder, it’s very bad for the economy—and an ominous sign for the rich. • People like himself who have made major “withdrawals” from society should have to pay a lot for it. • The assumption that lower tax-
El Ojo del Lago / August 2012
es for the Super Rich will create more jobs is “mystifying because we had the lowest taxes for this group for almost a full decade and about the worst job creation ever.” (See George W. Bush) So how did billionaire Warren Buffett (called by some “the Oracle of Omaha”) develop all these “radical” (termed, by some, Communist) ideas? His father, Howard, was a four-term Republican Congressman with a rock-ribbed sense of integrity, who once turned down a raise because his constituents had voted him in at a lower salary. Young Warren never forgot that. Nor did he forget that many years later, he heard Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. say something that stuck forever in his mind: “It may be true that the law cannot change the heart,” said King. “But it can restrain the heartless.” Yet Buffett still believes in the capitalist system and the American people, and does not think that despite the enormous disparity (the largest by far in all of American history) between the 1% and the 99%, chaotic upheaval is inevitable. Others are not so sure. Today, many of America’s Super Rich are as detested as was the French Aristocracy in the late 1700s—and perhaps they should keep in mind Spanish philosopher George Santayana’s ominous words that “those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Alejandro Grattan
hese are my Tres Amigos in Jalisco. The little guy in the middle is Pancho. He steals the refresco out of my hands whenever I’m not paying attention. They hang out on the street outside of the market which the smallest girl’s family owns. She dances in front of the mirror for a living. The other girl’s occupation seems to be whatever the other two are involved in at the time. Freelance Fun-Haver, I suppose. I am always reminiscent and elated when I see kids in Mexico playing the way I did in my own neighborhood, with my large family, and all the other kids from the hood, back in the day when I was raising hell. Mexican kids are allowed so much freedom, to just run about and explore their surroundings. Some of the fondest memories I have are of taking long, completely unfamiliar paths home from school, and turning what was a twenty minute walk down the road, into a two hour hike through the forest. I never told my parents I was intending to do this, simply because I didn’t know I was going to do it myself. I had no plan. The ability to be spontaneous towards living can at times be overshadowed day to day, self-imposed rituals of being an (for lack of another term) ADULT. I personally rarely suffer from this malady. Perhaps this may explain my rather embarrassing financial situation. We all tend to behave much differently when we believe no one is watching us, and speaking for myself (because I’m the only one that can) possess the ability to behave quite the fool. Downright moronic in my case. This is true in children as well, on an even larger scale. Children still flourish in the malfeasance of make-believe. In the absence of adult intervention, to just be allowed to wander aimlessly and daydream, (A privilege yours truly took advantage of almost daily) is paramount to a healthy and de rigueur; component of our psychological makeup. Although if you were to utilize myself as a relative,
persuasive tool for that argument I’m not entirely sure you could draw that conclusion. Albert Einstein was a great believer in the power of day dreaming, and thought that most breakthrough revelations in the formation of science, and ideologies, were the direct result of an uncluttered mind.... A.K.A. Daydreaming—by his own account the “Theory of Relativity” being high among them. Richard Branson has told a story of being five years old when his mother was walking him home from school one day, and she stopped at the top of a hill about two miles from their home. She pointed to their house and asked the young boy if he could see it. When Richard replied that he could, she told him that she had to go back into town for errands (an obvious stretch of the truth) and that she knew that if he believed in himself he could find his way home. (A brave undertaking for a mother indeed, as well as for a five year old.) He found his way home through wheat fields and pastures, and the event changed his life. He understood he could. So let your kids play, let them stare at bugs for an hour or so, let them dance in front of mirrors, and who knows, maybe we’ll get some more Einstein’s and Branson’s, and whatever else daydreaming might conjure up, in the bargain.
Saw you in the Ojo
etting out of my comfort zone on a two-day pilgrimage on horseback to Talpa de Allende with Mexican friends gave me new insights and greater appreciation for Mexican culture and life. I wasn’t sure whether I was up to the challenges involved, but I took the plunge and am so happy I did because it turned out to be one of the most interesting experiences I have ever had. And I felt compelled to share my story, because it’s not something that many non-Mexicans typically experience. I was honored by an invitation to join a group of Mexicans from Chapala and Ajijic who wanted to ride on horseback to Talpa de Allende which is about 200 kilometers west from Ajijic and 60 kilometers east of Puerto Vallarta. My wife Gayle and I have been coming to Mexico for over 15 years and built a home and horse stable in Ajijic four years ago and we celebrate Mexico all the time! Talpa is an old silver mining town founded by the Spanish in 1599 with a population of 10,000 and home to the Virgin of “Rosario of Talpa.” The beautiful Basilica de Nuestra Señora del Rosario de Talpa that houses the relatively small statue of the Virgin was built in 1782 and is one of the most venerated religious sites in all of Mexico. Mexican Catholics and others regularly walk, ride horses, drive or bus to Talpa to visit the shrine, but especially during four holy festivals. More than 500,000 people visit Talpa annually and at times swamp the small town with people ‘wall to wall.’ Our visit was during the Feast of Saint Joseph in the early spring of 2012. The Journey by Horse: music at the crack of dawn We travelled caravan style from Ajijic to a working farm just outside Estenzuela that belonged to a friend of the organizers. He was so gracious. “My place is yours,” he said. The guys in charge of food cooked a ‘guy’s meal’ consisting of beef and sausages along with salsa and of course
El Ojo del Lago / August 2012
copious amounts of cerveza and tequila. There were only about eight beds available for our group of 28 so some slept on the floor and other places. A few people were up at 4:00 AM to ready the horses, and everyone, and the horses, were ready and excited to go by 6:00 AM. At that hour it was of course very dark, but we had a full moon to guide us. It was quite spectacular to see this long line of horses heading down the trail in the moonlight accompanied by loud mariachi music coming from several ‘boom boxes’ tied to saddles. Now your first thought might be that mariachi music before dawn would be intrusive, but it wasn’t—it was very Mexican and a lot of fun! We rode over all kinds of terrain and stopped three times over the next eight hours before beginning the last four-hour leg of the journey for the day. It was the hardest because we were ascending up to an elevation of 8,000 feet at the hottest part of the day. One part of the trail was so steep that some of the horses had to be walked. At one point a fellow rider pointed to an unusual illumination in the foreground and suggested that it was evidence of the special power of the virgin. I had to admit it was totally unusual. We stopped riding at 6:00 that evening and then traveled by truck to a large ranch owned by yet another friend. After the tired horses were showered and fed, we were treated to a marlin stir-fry and a barrel of good old camarones. Not surprisingly, the riders were far more subdued after 10 hours of riding so everyone turned in early. Again there were very few beds available so most people slept in tents or in the feed room. Compared with the long day before, the five hour ride on the second day was relatively easy. We of course had the music going at full blast to the delight of everyone along the way. Other than to let the horses drink in a couple of streams, we only made one stop and that was to have a hamburger while sitting on our horses. The last
45 minutes was a spectacular descent down a mountain into Talpa on the valley floor. The Power of Religion: Religion is major part of the fabric of Mexico and a has historically played a huge role in shaping everyday life and motivating Mexicans. The “Virgin Rosario of Talpa” is said to have special healing powers and many miracles have been attributed to her. Some people also believe if they don’t make the trip to pay their respects, bad things will happen to them. What struck me were the sacrifices people made by walking such great distances to pray to a small doll. It is hard not to be in awe of the dedication by thousands to their religion. I watched 90-year-old men and women walking in 35C heat on the same trail where even our horses were finding it hard to walk. The Basilica in Talpa is much larger than the church in Ajijic but has no pews in order to accommodate the thousands of people who stream through every hour. Some actually crawl on their knees the last hundred yards or some even much longer along the main street to show their sacrifice. Not Made for High Heels: People come from all directions to Talpa. Ours was along an east to west road/trail of more than 100 kilometers that people and horses have been using for more than six decades. Sometimes it’s a road on which a car could travel and other times no more than a walking trail. At times it was very close to well-traveled highways or went through small towns. But most of the time it just wandered through valleys and climbed over mountains. There are refreshment stands every step of the way that feed and refresh the thousands who walk in the intense heat or the cool of the night. It gets so hot during the day that many only walk at night and rest during the heat of the day. There are no hotels for people to sleep and I never figured out where the people slept other than in cars/buses or under the stars. One reminder of how difficult the trek is was the number of crosses along the trail commemorating those people who paid the ultimate sacrifice while making the trek. Pilgrims of Every Description: I was also amazed at the variety of people making the pilgrimage to Talpa. There were old men and women in their nineties and babies being carried by young mothers. Young couples and old couples. Individuals and groups of 10 to 20 people such as ours with group names and identical shirts, commemorating their 2012 trip to Talpa. In our case it was a long sleeve shirt with 8 different sponsor badges. Almost every walker used a walking stick called a ‘mula’ with a multi-
pronged grip that symbolizes the head of a horse with ears and eyes that are made in Talpa. I can’t over emphasize the difficulty some people faced to travel to Talpa. Especially considering the changes in elevation, inadequate footwear and physical condition some of the pilgrims were in either because of age or not being in good shape. That said, they all soldiered on without complaint and with a dedication that is totally admirable! Everyone had a friendly greeting! Breath Taking Vistas: The mountain ranges and valleys of Mexico are vast , beautiful and endless. Those who have traveled by road from the Lakeside area to Puerta Vallarta or Manzanillo will know the type of terrain that the road to Talpa passes through. In some places the ground consisted of sheets or plates of rock with a very smooth surface that looked like they had been poured. At one point one of my fellow Mexican riders said with pride “I just love my country…it is so beautiful.” During our trip we reached elevations of 8,000 feet compared with 5,000 for Ajijic and were enveloped and shaded by stands of cedar trees and pine forests Traveling though the natural and unspoiled country of Mexico was definitely a highlight for me. Euphoric Arrival: The closer we came to Talpa the more people crowded on the trail. And the closer we came to the center of town, the more euphoric we became, we rode down the main street three abreast just like in a western movie. For the next three hours the eight piece band we hired serenaded us and the other pilgrims everywhere we went. The atmosphere in the street was festive and celebratory as people stood around watching people and listening to the music. We eventually joined the steady stream of people into the church to visit with the Virgin. Our band followed us right into the Church playing at full volume. Even with the noise and music, people still managed to find their personal space to pray in the middle of this chaos. The moment was as much a celebration as a highly religious, very inclusive and Mexican. The Mexican Experience: The trip to Talpa trip was a peak experience for me. The Mexican people know how to enjoy and celebrate life, and are so gracious when they welcome us in their beautiful country. I saw thousands of people on my journey, but not another gringo! Not only did I survive the trip, but also I gained an even greater appreciation for Mexican culture. So if the opportunity ever arises to participate in a similar trip, get out of your comfort zone and seize it with enthusiasm. See you there!
Saw you in the Ojo
hen teaching my critical thinking class in Maine, I often needed to find a controversial topic which would lend itself to class discussion. In the early 1990’s, gay rights was not a popular issue to discuss. If a student suggested it, the male students would put their heads down and stare at the floor. They wanted nothing to do with this topic. Ten years later, the atmosphere had completely changed. Students would often suggest gay marriage as a topic. The younger students (18-30 years) were overwhelmingly in favor of allowing gays to marry. The older students were not quite as enthusiastic, but they welcomed the discussion. So what changed? Why did the younger students embrace gay marriage so easily? It was decidedly not a conservative-liberal divide. Many of my young students were very conservative politically. Many supported the Bush-Cheney ticket and often had strong religious beliefs. I would have thought, intuitively, they would have been more uncomfortable with the subject. I can think of a few reasons these young adults embraced gay marriage. First of all, many had gay friends and thought of it as a simple civil rights issue. They overwhelmingly believed that “gayness” was not a choice but an inbred tendency. The fact they had gay friends indicated that being gay was not shameful
El Ojo del Lago / August 2012
Bill Frayer anymore. Moreover, many TV shows have popular gay characters. It’s easier to be openly gay today than at any time in our history. So, for my young students, this was a non-issue. A May 2012 Pew poll backs this up. Today 53% of Americans favor allowing same-sex couples to marry; 38% oppose. This is a big change from 2008, when 38% favored gay marriage and 53% were opposed. In 2004, only 32% favored it, with 59% opposed. American women, usually more progressive on social issues, favor gay marriage by 8%, while men oppose it by a similar 8%. The most striking polling data is the age split. Young people age 18-29 favor it by 62-32%. In the 31-49 group, the numbers are 47-44% in favor. The old folks are less supportive. 50-64 yearolds oppose it 47-41%, and the 65+ group opposes it 56-32%. So, as you can see from the data, this issue will most likely become a non-issue over the next few years. Canada, of course, has approved gay marriage for all the provinces. I predict we will soon view the opposition to gay marriage the way we now view the opposition to inter-racial marriage. I am not objective on this issue. My daughter, Cassie, and her partner, Alana, have been enjoying a longterm relationship for five years. They live in Portland, Maine where they enjoy a strong Gay-Lesbian-Bisexual-Transgender community. Maine, along with Maryland and Washington State will be voting this November to allow same sex couples to marry. Up until now, all state-wide voting referendums have opposed gay marriage. All current gay marriage laws have been passed by legislatures or approved by court action. We’ll see if Maine can resurrect the old saw, ”As Maine goes, so goes the nation.” I hope so. Many of us remember witnessing the end of Jim Crow and the acceptance of inter-racial marriage and the integration of schools and the US military. I suspect we are seeing the next civil rights evolution now.
esperate circumstances call for desperate measures and there were many frantic moments in this declarer’s play of a wafer-thin contract. This hand gave conniptions to South when it was played at one table during a match point duplicate game at the Lake Chapala Duplicate Bridge club in Riberas, but all was well that ended well. South opened a standard 20 to 21 high card point 2 no trump but her partner’s response was anything but standard. Admittedly, North had a number of options with his holding but his actual selection might not have won too many bidding contests. Probably the most likely contract would have been 3 hearts by South after a Jacoby Transfer sequence. Other possibilities may have included a Stayman 3 clubs with the intention of passing either major suit response, or even the pass of 2 no trump with the hope that declarer could somehow scramble 8 tricks. But our North this month was made of sterner stuff. His glass was not just half full, it was virtually overflowing. He saw his 6 card heart suit and immediately visualized game, despite the noteworthy absence of quality cards. It is probably just as well he didn’t have two queens or else his poor partner might have found herself in a small slam! In any event, North had Texas Transfers in his arsenal and no paltry holding of points was going to prevent him from using it. His 4 diamond bid showed 6 or more hearts and the values for game, an assessment that might not have gained universal approval.
West led the club queen and South tried to look confident as she appraised the dummy. Winning the first trick in hand with the ace, South cashed the diamond ace and ruffed a diamond in dummy to lead a small heart towards her hand. Noting the fall of the heart jack from East, declarer covered with the king and saw it won by the ace. West now continued with the club jack (nothing else would have been any better) which was won by South who now played her remaining trump towards the board. When West followed low, declarer put in dummy’s 9 which held the trick. This last play was not a random shot in the dark but an application of the Principle of Restricted Choice. When East followed with the jack on the first round of hearts, the odds favoured West holding the 10, thus South’s finesse of the heart 9. This concept will be discussed in more depth in a future column. South now cashed the heart queen followed by the spade 9, covered by the jack and queen, a diamond ruff in dummy, the spade 8 covered by the king and ace. Declarer continued on her merry way – West could take his trump 10 at any time but the net result was that South ended up making the unlikely total of 11 tricks for a top score on the board. The question now, of course, is will North expect his partner to play all future hands this well and continue to overbid forever more? Questions or comments: email: masson.ken@ Ken Masson
Saw you in the Ojo 11
Dear Sir: I was introduced to Javier Zaragoza a little over a year ago to talk about his ideas for a mural to honor Neill James, Mildred Boyd, Angelita Padilla and the Children’s Art Program. It would be painted in collaboration with another graduate of the program, Jesus Lopez Vega, and was to be located in the back patio of LCS. Javier’s love and respect for Neill James can be clearly seen in the finished mural. His humility, kindness and generosity are qualities to which the rest of us can only aspire. It was such a pleasure work-
El Ojo del Lago / August 2012
ing with him on this project. Now, Javier volunteers for the Children’s Art Program on Saturday mornings. He either conducts an art class, or sits with the children to discuss their art one on one. This summer, he’s also mentoring an up and coming graduate of the program, Luis Enrique Martinez, by giving him free art lessons. On behalf of the volunteers from the LCS Children’s Art Program, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Javier and to acknowledge his generous contribution. Danielle Pagé LCS Children’s Art Program
Joyful Musings By Joy Birnbach Dunstan, MA, LPC, MAC How Many Nails Are in Your Fence?
eople get angry. They get angry and do or say things they regret later. So they apologize. And then they get angry again because their apology is not warmly received and all forgiven. Sound familiar? So often I hear couples complain because one of them has a temper that erupts easily. That person vents their anger, gets over it quickly, and then expects an apology to make it all better. Meantime, their partner feels a lingering pain from the hurtful words or actions that were thrown at them earlier. Anger, particularly repeated anger, causes damage that doesn’t just go away after “I’m sorry” or a little time. Repeated apologies without a change in behavior become meaningless empty words. Here’s an old fable that illustrates this well. There was once a young boy with a terrible temper. At the slightest provocation he would speak harshly and get angry many times a day. His wise father told him that each time he got angry he had to hammer a nail into the wood fence in the backyard. The first day the boy hammered 45 nails into the fence. The next day, with his arm sore from hammering, he tried to get angry less. He hammered only 25 nails into the fence the second day. Within a few weeks, the boy proudly went to his dad and told him that he had not gotten angry all that day. So, the boy’s father told him that now he could start removing the nails from the fence. There were two ways nails could be removed: either if the boy could go an entire day without getting mad, or if the boy sincerely apologized to the person he had hurt through his anger. So, the boy began to apologize to people he had wounded, and he tried really hard not to get angry. Slowly, the nails all got pulled out of the fence. One day, the boy proudly went to his dad and told him that all the nails were out of the fence. He told his dad that his anger was a thing of the past. His dad then led the boy to the fence
and showed him that the fence was now riddled with holes. It was no longer the sturdy, strong fence it once had been. It was now weakened and damaged. “Do you see that?” the father asked the boy. “For you, anger is a thing of the past. Yet, this fence will never recover. Every time you get angry at someone it is like driving a nail into them. You may later remove the nail, but the hole is still there. The effect of your anger can not be removed.” In life sometimes it is easy to get angry, easy to yell, easy to hit those we love. We ease our own consciences by saying, “He made me mad,” or, “She made me hit her.” We think, “It’s no big deal. I said I was sorry.” Or we say, “Oh, but that was yesterday. Today I’ve been nice.” For the one who got angry, it may be that easy. But remember the fence still has those holes in it, even though you have moved on. The consequences of anger can be much more grave than whatever provoked it. If you’ve hammered a lot of nails, start pulling them out before it’s too late. Too many nails into someone and they will be permanently damaged and the relationship weakened beyond repair. Editor’s Note: Joy is a practicing psychotherapist in Riberas. She can be contacted at or 765-4988. Check out her new website:
Saw you in the Ojo 13
he blue sky of the Bajio extended itself forever. The red, white and green Mexican flag fluttered in the southern wind like a bird escaped from the jungle. I looked at the beggar sitting on the fourth step of the church’s courtyard. He was immobile with his eyes fixed on the flag, a wooden box containing a few coins in front of him. A man of some fifty wasted years. A noble head of graying hair hanging to his shoulders. Black eyes under dark lashes. Valiant nose curving like the beak of an eagle. Mouth hidden by mustache and beard. The face of a painting by Goitia over the ruin of a destroyed temple. His body was distorted and shriveled, as if a giant hand had crumbled it. Like me, he also waited. I walked toward the beggar, slowly, trailed by the malaise that we who are healthy suffer in the presence of those mutilated by life. Not easy to describe that strange experience. It is a faint remorse, an intimate guilt that we quench by giving alms. We feel as if somehow, we had usurped from them a happier destiny. He heard my steps on the worn-out stones. Stones keep no secrets. He heard my steps but didn’t turn to see me. His hand pointed to the wooden box. “There.” His voice was harsh. “I want to ask,” I said, “I have questions to ask.” “What questions?” “Have you been here all morning?” “Many all mornings.” “Did you see a woman waiting?” “Waiting for what?” His lips held ugly cynicism. “Forget that I asked. You wouldn’t know.” I dropped a coin into his wooden box. Then I looked at his body and felt sorrow. “You couldn’t know.” “Maybe I can answer,” he said. “A woman waiting?” “Yes, a woman, a woman with deep green eyes.” “This is not the only church in Lagos de Moreno. Was she to wait here?” “Is this La Parroquia?” “Si, la misma. I don’t see women’s faces where I sit. Only their legs as they walk by and drop their coins in my box. Wish they would drop...” He spat out an obscenity. His was the face of a satyr on a destroyed body. I wanted to rip that face with my boot. The noble face turned ugly. Perhaps it was his pain that spoke. “Was it the war?” I asked.
El Ojo del Lago / August 2012
“No, it was sickness and bad life. Yes, I saw the woman.” He looked at his wooden box. “Strange thing about coins. They hold memories, they carry feelings, but only a beggar would know.” He looked at me. I felt transparent to his eyes. His deformed hand dipped into the wooden box and scooped the coin I had dropped. He lifted it like a jeweler examining a gem, held it in his hand for a long time; then he enclosed it in the claw of a fist, perhaps to strangle an unwanted memory from it. “A gringo coin,” he said it in English with soft modulations, a lazy drawl with metallic echoes. “I also was a gringo long ago, up there in Kansas.” “I took you for a Mexican!” He gestured toward the flag. “The land, this land, swallows you if she wants you.” I wanted to touch him, to ask more, but respect held me back. One doesn’t rob a man of his last secret. “You saw her then, the woman who waited.” “I stole from her. She left her purse on the ground while she counted the coins she meant to give.” From the pocket of a tattered jacket he brought out a small book covered in soft leather. He handed it to me. “Maybe it wasn’t the same woman.” I glanced through the book and recognized her handwriting. She seemed to stitch her words to the page. “I am keeping the book.” He tried to shrug his shoulders, but could raise only one of them. “And she left. You said that she left.” He did not answer but gathered his box and jacket, and pushed them inside a cloth bag. “It’s tiring, begging.” “Don’t go yet, wait!” “What now?” He looked at me with wrath in his black eyes. “What else now? Haven’t you asked enough?” There were tears shivering in his words. He threw the gringo coin to the cobbled street but it fell short and into the gutter.
Saw you in the Ojo 15
By Victoria Schmidt
he morning rain was heavy, leaving the street gutters swollen with water. I was walking my normal Sunday morning route when I saw a pair of sweet young Mexican girls. One was about five years old, the other, about 18 months. The older one was leading the younger around the puddles in the street. When they reached the rain swollen gutter, the older girl with what looked like all her strength, lifted her little sister perhaps all of five inches in the air, and placed her on the sidewalk so her feet wouldn’t get wet. My heart melted. So often I have seen the loving ways in which the Mexican family interacts. I never saw it in the families I saw in the United States. Not even my own. Here, I have seen teenage sisters embrace in public, and hold hands as they walk to their destinations. I’ve watched teenage boys carrying a younger brother or sister, niece or nephew upon their shoulders—in front of their friends! I’ve seen mothers hold hands with their teenage sons, and grandmothers helped across the street by their grandchildren. In Mexico, family matters. Another thing I’ve witnessed has been the respect in Mexico for people. Strangers seem to always smile and greet other strangers. Doors are held open, pathways are cleared, and there are rules of social interaction I have learned that would only improve interactions in the other cultures. Take standing in line at a bank. No matter how long the line, elderly or handicapped people are often allowed to move ahead. When I first came to Mexico, I did not recognize it, and responded with my “Hey, I was here first” attitude. But then I began to understand and respect it. And, when I was injured, and found myself in line once, it was me who was the one they moved to the
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front. It didn’t matter that I was a “Gringa.” In traffic, I have also seen Mexican drivers allowing people to merge into traffic, or go first at a stop sign. I guarantee that would not happen in Minnesota…even if it is rumored to be repleat with “Minnesota nice.” OK, once allowed into Mexican traffic, they may drive past you like a bat out of Hades, but generally they are polite. I’ve never had a Mexican flip me the bird. (Can’t say the same for the guy with South Dakota plates a few weeks ago!) I have even seen a few Mexicans on their “bad days.” I saw one very disturbed about a situation. I admit, my Spanish wasn’t good enough to understand everything he said, but he made his point and walked away. But even so, he did so with respect, and restraint. I volunteer in a place that employs seven Mexicans. Each one of these people holds at least one other job. They work from very early in the morning to late at night six or seven days a week. Their lives are not always easy. Yet their days are filled with laughter, hard work, and I often hear whistling, humming or singing while they work. In watching people wherever I go, I see the same. Their lives are not easy, they deal with difficult living conditions; some of their homes have no windows, others have only dirt floors. Their homes often house many generations of family. Often you will find that they are dealing with health problems, in addition to economic, yet I see them approach their lives with openness, love and gratitude. I cannot say the same about many of my fellow ex-pats, nor the citizens of the country I have left behind. Victoria Schmidt
OUR NEW SOCIAL PAGE! Have you ever wanted to send us a photograph of your once-a-year visitors, a special party, a meeting, or maybe even of just yourself? El Ojo del Lago as of our September issue will have a Social Page wherein Lakeside’s social life can be published by you. It’s as easy as 1,2,3! 1. Visit: 2. Upload the photo of your choice 3. Write a caption for your photo Photos need a resolution of 150
dpis or more. Captions: max 15 words El Ojo del Lago reserves the right to print your photograph and/or your caption. So give it a try!
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! Our 18th Annual Writers’ Awards Luncheon on n will be held on September 18, 12 noon, at the e Ajijic Tango Restaurant in Ajijic. Those writers who contributed (sorry, Letters to the Editor are not included) to our pages from October 2011 through September 2012 are cordially invited to attend and encouraged to bring a guest. The event, featuring food, drink, entertainment ent and the awards ceremony, is the Ojo’s way of thanking hanking the many wonderful writers who are the main reason on for our success. See you there!
Saw you in the Ojo 17
of the month
By Barb Corol
eet our beautiful twins, Maria Estefania and Jose Roberto born to mom Brenda in April 2011. Mom was referred to Programa pro Niños Incapacitados del Lago by the DIF office in Jocotopec in January 2012. She was accepted into our program shortly thereafter. The twins were born prematurely and developed Infant Respiratory Distress Syndrome, also called Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome or respiratory distress syndrome of newborns. This disease was previously known as Hyaline Membrane Disease. Infant respiratory distress syndrome affects as many as 43% of premature babies born between 30 and 32 weeks, and almost all babies born before that time. This disease is one of the most common problems of premature babies causing babies to need extra oxygen and help breathing. Full term babies make surfactant, a chemical that helps keep the lungs inflated. Without enough surfactant, premature babies’ lungs don’t inflate well. Preemies may need artificial surfactant or help breathing while their lungs mature. This syndrome is more frequent in infants of diabetic mothers and in the second born of premature twins. The course of this illness depends on the size and gestational age of the baby, the severity of the disease and the presence of infection. Doctors suspected Brenda of having had a vaginal infection (sepsis) which was left untreated. This resulted in a cesarean birth at 27 weeks. Mom and the twins were transferred to the Hospital Civil in Guadalajara where the twins remained for three months. Antibiotics were prescribed for Mom and she was released from hospital a few days later. She was given a clean bill of health in a follow up appointment. There are other complications which can occur in preemies such as Retinopathy of prematurity or ROP also known as “immature eyes.” Blood vessels in the eyes grow abnormally
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and can result in retinal detachment and blindness. Because ROP is easiest to treat when caught early, the twins were screened while still in the hospital and laser surgery was performed. The most common long-term effect of prematurity is some form of learning disability. Disabilities may be mild, severe, or somewhere in between and often don’t become apparent until children begin school. Math is most commonly affected; vocabulary and reading are least commonly affected. Feeding and digestive problems caused by early feeding challenges can cause long-term feeding difficulties including food refusal and slow growth. Severe cases of necrotizing enterocolitis may require bowel surgery which can contribute to difficulty with feeding and digestion. Gastroesophageal reflux disease is another problem that premature babies may have as they grow. Reflux may be mild or severe and will certainly need to be treated. At this writing, the twins are doing well. Niños Incapacitados has reimbursed the family 5000 pesos for therapies, transportation and hospital consults. Maria Estefania and Jose Roberto are being monitored regularly with hospital check ups monthly and at present are not on any medications. This could have been another sad story, one that we hear all too often; however, in this case there is a happy ending. Brenda and her twins are living with her parents as she was abandoned by the birth father. Brenda’s mom and dad are just as happy with this outcome as she and the twins will be well cared for. As Director of the Jocotopec Clinic, thank you for the opportunity of presenting some of our children to you. If you would like to learn more about Niños Incapacitados, please visit our website at www.programaniñ or call Rich Petersen (376-765-5511) or Barb Corol (376-766-5452).
Saw you in the Ojo 19
Anita’s Animals By Jackie Kellum
s a person walks down, or up that long steep street seeing the various Ajijic tianguis booths, it seems pretty easy – show up, set up, and sell. It’s not that simple. Anita Strehlow of Anita’s Animals goes to the Ajijic market every Wednesday, in the heat, cold, rain or shine. Preparation starts days before, with re-organizing the many boxes of paperback books. She makes sure that the clothes for sale have been cleaned and ironed; organizes the food, water, pet crates, newspapers, other pet care supplies needed for the day, for the adoptable kittens and puppies that will be going with her to the market. She takes a few extra empty crates for kittens/puppies that may be turned in during that day. The truck is loaded late Tuesday , except for the kittens/puppies. Wednesday morning comes early – 4:30AM! The kittens/puppies are put in the truck for the ride in the dark to Ajijic. Then she waits in line with the other vehicles to off-load and setting up everything. The day is filled with many people. Some have questions and requests for help. Anita gives pet educational information, including referrals for Mexican Nationals, does screening of potential adoptive pet “parents”, accepting in rescued animals, happily accepting donations, and hopefully making some sales, which is Anita’s main source of money to support her rescue work. The market closes around 3:00 PM, at which time trucks line up again awaiting access for re-packing and departure. She drives home, hopefully having had some adoptions, and not returning with more puppies and kittens than she brought to the market that morning. Anita unpacks, putting the kittens/puppies into their respective places, and the “for sale” items back into storage. It is now about 6PM or so, and time for the cat and dogs’ evening meal and preparation to settle them in for night time. With any good luck, no one will show up
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after 8 PM with an animal they want to bring to her. Anita hopes the newly arrived puppies/dogs have adjusted and will not be barking during the night so she does not have to get up at 1 or 2AM to quiet them, and she might be able to get a well deserved quiet night’s sleep. The “official” hours of the sanctuary are 9AM – 2PM and 4PM – 6PM. Anita’s usual everyday is 7 days week, no holidays off. Work day starts at 7AM with a check of each animal, and organizing what needs to be done on that particular day. Anita has three paid staff ; each person has their assigned tasks and responsibilities. These range from: cleaning the animal resident areas, trips to the Vet. , picking up donated pet food and sale items, purchasing and picking up pet food, going with Anita to get a rescued animal from someone who has been able to trap one, on-going facility maintenance and repairs, bathing of dogs, laundry, twice a day feeding, scheduled kennel disinfecting, etc. Anita coordinates the tasks to be accomplished each day, and tries to prepare for unexpected things. She does daily animal examinations, gives scheduled vaccinations, sets up Vet. health checks and spaying-neutering surgeries, provides follow-up Vet care, “intake” assessments of animals, meeting and talking with many visitors, interviewing potential adoptive parents, taking the many phone calls, etc.. This is no easy undertaking, as there can be on any given day 50 – 60 dogs and 45 – 50 cats, not including kittens, puppies, mother cats and dogs and litters. I am tired just thinking about her “normal” day. But, this is Anita’s passion, and she does it with dedication, compassion, dignity and grace. www.
Saw you in the Ojo 21
MOUNT RUSHMORE AND THUNDERHEAD MOUNTAIN —Conflicting Realities of American History By Dr. Lorin Swinehart
t was in 1927 that the South Dakota historian Doane Robinson approached the famous sculptor Gutzon Borglum with a proposal to carve a colossal statue of the Sioux leader Red Cloud onto the face of a mountain among the craggy peaks of the Black Hills—an edifice to lure tourist dollars into the state. Borglum convinced him that a statue of George Washington would attract more tourists. The mountain would come to bear the likenesses of Washington, as well as Jefferson, Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt. The project was completed in 1941, requiring the efforts of 400 workers and the removal of 450,000 tons of
rock. No lives were lost in the construction. Native Americans, who regarded the entire Black Hills region as sacred, the Axis Muni or center of the universe, were not consulted. In 1929, Chief Henry Standing Bear of the Lakota Sioux commissioned Korczak Ziolkowsk, another famous artist, to carve a gigantic sculpture of Chief Crazy Horse, one of the victors at the Battle of the Little Big Horn, on the side of nearby Thunderhead Mountain. Standing Bear proclaimed, “My fellow chiefs and I would like the white man to know that the red man has great heroes too.” Work began in 1948, the face completed in 1998, and work on the re-
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mainder continues. When completed, it will be the world’s largest statue, the head alone large enough to include all four heads at Rushmore. Throughout his life, Crazy Horse refused to permit his photograph to be taken. The great Sioux leader, who was murdered in 1877, bayoneted in the back by a U.S. soldier, while he was unarmed and at peace, probably would not have approved of his likeness being carved onto one of his beloved Black Hills. When completed, the sculpture’s arm will extend toward the horizon, symbolic of Crazy Horse’s quote, “My lands are where my dead lie buried.” Many Native Americans and some environmentalists opposed both projects. The Fort Laramie Treaty of 1868 closed the Black Hills to white settlement forever. When gold was discovered in 1874, causing the hills to be violated by hordes of white prospectors, the U.S. government ignored the treaty and moved the Sioux to reservations in the western Dakotas. The Sioux still insist that the Black Hills belong to them. In 1980, the Supreme Court decided that the Black Hills had been illegally taken from the Sioux, and ordered that the original offering price for the region plus interest be paid, a total of $106, 000,000. The Sioux have refused to accept the settlement, kept in an interest- bearing account (and now amounts to $757,000,000), insisting instead that the Black Hills be returned to them. Ziolkowski, the son of Polish immigrants, was orphaned at the age of one year and grew up in a series of foster homes in Boston. He had no formal training as a sculptor but exhibited talent early on as a wood carver, creating his first marble sculpture in 1932, and working with Borglum on Rushmore in 1939. He was forced to shelve his plans for Crazy Horse because of World War II, during which he was wounded at Omaha Beach. Stubbornly refusing federal funds, he financed the project through ticket sales to the construction site. He died in 1982 and is entombed
at the site. His wife and seven of his ten children continue the project. One senses that Ziolkowski possessed a great passion for his work that surpassed any lust for wealth, fame or power. Borglum followed a more twisted path through life. The son of a polygamous Mormon father, who had married a pair of sisters and later abandoned the church and Borglum’s mother, forbidding anyone to ever speak of her again, Borglum, too, showed early promise, studying at Paris’s Academie Juian, where he knew August Rodin. After a series of successful projects, he was commissioned by the United Daughters of the Confederacy to carve a statue of Robert E. Lee on the side of Georgia’s Stone Mountain. He preferred, instead, to carve a column of Confederate soldiers marching behind Lee, Jefferson Davis and Stonewall Jackson. So much discord developed between Borglum and the commission that he eventually destroyed his models and left in a huff. While in the South, Borglum became so enamored of the Ku Klux Klan that he later became a member and rose to a position of prominence in that organization. In one of history’s greatest ironies, America’s Shrine of Democracy,” was planned and implemented by a racial bigot who chose to become affiliated with a group of terrorists. Today, the two colossi stand in all their glory, 17 miles apart, among the South Dakota hills. Rushmore was conceived in a spirit of local hucksterism as a lure for tourist dollars and constructed by a white supremacist. The statue on Thunderhead Mountain was inspired by a spirit of competition, rather than reverence for a Native American hero. Nevertheless, each year over 2,000,000 tourists now visit this place that honors the memories of five American heroes. Lorin Swinehart
Saw you in the Ojo 23
arvin sat in the driver’s seat of his truck, technically; his Chinese wife, Jade, sat at his side, authoritatively. They were waiting for the parade to end in this small, Mexican, ex-pat town. “Let’s go. No more floats,” said Jade. “These parades can be tricky. Anyway, we don’t really need to go,” said Marvin. “I thought you were in the mood.” “Yes, I’m in the mood, but we don’t need the Viagra.”
“We don’t need the Viagra, honey. You do.” “You don’t have to shout it.” “Don’t know why you’re so embarrassed about Viagra. You do need it.” “Once. It happened once.” “Better safe than sorry. . . Pull out. . . I can see no more floats . . .” “Okay, okay,” sighed Marvin. She usually could wear him down. At the next corner, spectators and parked cars blocked all turns. “Why are they still waiting?” asked
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Jade. “Look back. Some floats just turned the corner and are about to join us. We’re stuck in the middle of a Mexican parade.” “It’s not fair. And the car is so dirty. Why didn’t you wash the car yesterday? “Because I didn’t know we’d be in a parade today.” They were passing by the best hotel in town, the Camino Real. “That place is so elegant. Why don’t we ever go there?” asked Jade. “It’s very expensive,” answered Marvin. Jade didn’t argue. She was almost as cheap as her husband, but she felt the romance of their marriage had been lost. Where was the spontaneity? Marvin noticed his wife’s disappointment, but he thought they just needed a good roll in the hay. Marvin noticed a pharmacy which was open. “Be right back.” Marvin entered the pharmacy and was second online. Behind him, soon, was a nun, a gringo, and two Mexican men. “Buenas tardes, señor,” said a frail, female, elderly, bilingual clerk. “Buenas tardes.” He then added, in a whisper, “Viagra, please.” “What?” Marvin said it a little louder, “Vi-
agra.” The clerk said, “Oh yes. That’s that medicine for acid reflux, right? “No, Viagra,” said Marvin. “I’ll get it,” said the clerk. “Vitamins?” “Not vitamins, Vi-a-gra.” “Perdon,” she said. A male clerk replaced her. “Viagra,” Marvin asked, but an extremely loud band, outside, made it hard to hear. “What”? asked the clerk. Marvin, frustrated as hell, pantomimed a familiar fist motion for sex, shielded by his body . “Viagra.” The clerk was really trying his hardest. First he showed him a bottle of Vicodin, then Vidaza, Viragos, and Viagosa, which was a suppository. The gringo behind the nun complained about the wait. Marvin asked for Viagra again. Again, the clerk couldn’t hear him. Above the roar of the trumpets Marvin tried one last time. He practically screamed, “I want Viagra!” But there was a problem. A millisecond before he shouted out “Viagra,” the band came to a halt. Not only could everyone in the pharmacy hear him, but everyone within two blocks could hear him. Many theories were proposed and legends started as to the source of the scream. The most popular one was that a rival politician was trying to embarrass the mayor, who was 68 but still had a roving eye. Years later, this parade became known as the “Viagra Parade.” Meanwhile, back in the pharmacy, everyone except Marvin was laughing. There is a shade of purple so vivid that you can only find it in tropical flowers. Marvin’s face was that shade of purple. Then he said, “I’m getting it for a friend.” The clerk said, “We’re out of it. Would you like some aspirin?” Marvin was strongly tempted to give an intemperate response, but, slowly, a smile dawned on his face. “Who here has a driver’s license and would like to earn an easy 100 pesos?” Ten minutes later, Marvin, with a Mexican named Pedro, found Jade. Marvin said to her, “We’re going to the Camino Real, and this gentleman will bring the car back to the hotel when the parade is through.” Jade didn‘t need convincing. This was the man she had married, the man she had fallen in love with, adventurous, unpredictable, romantic. When they entered the hotel room, Jade asked if he had the Viagra. Marvin confidently popped a pill in front of her and got down to business, proving that, sometimes, aspirin can be just as effective a sex aid as Viagra.
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Hearts at Work A Column by James Tipton “This is the way of peace.”
ately I have been busy discarding papers no longer necessary, and most of which never were necessary. But in the process, I rediscovered and did not discard a tiny blue pamphlet given to me years ago by a hiking companion, Steps Toward Inner Peace, a little repository of wisdom, of truth reduced to its essentials. It was written years ago by Peace Pilgrim and still available at no cost on the Friends of Peace Pilgrim website: Peace Pilgrim began life as Mildred Lisette Norman. She was born July 18, 1908 on a small poultry farm in Egg Harbour City, New Jersey into a large family of free-thinkers that practiced no particular religion but that stressed reason and logic and that encouraged a strong peace ethic in their children as well as moral and social responsibility. By 1938 Mildred had “discovered that making money and spending it foolishly was completely meaningless.” Mildred, realizing she did not “know exactly what I was here for,” found herself walking all night through the woods, and by morning she had determined, “without any reservations, to give my life, to dedicate my life to service.” It was a point of no return. Throughout the 40s, she did service work, with senior citizens, with Quaker organizations, with the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, and she even met and worked with the pacifist and radical economist Scott Nearing. Also during this time she began to eliminate all clutter in her life, all unnecessary possessions and frivolous activities. She reduced her clothing to two dresses, became a vegetarian, and disciplined herself to live on $10 a week. She joined the Endurance Hiking Club and began to practice putting material things in their proper place. She wanted to “experience and learn to appreciate the great freedom of simplicity.” By 1952 she had achieved complete inner peace and was ready for her life’s work. On April 26, 1952, she began a 2,050 mile hike of the Appalachian
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Trail, beginning at Mt. Oglethorpe in Georgia and ending at Mt. Katahdin in northern Maine. She completed her trek in October 1952, the first woman to hike the entire trail in one season. Furthermore, she knew now what she was supposed to do. Marta Daniels, in her fine short biography (at writes that “She had been hiking for five months, living outdoors entirely, equipped with only a pair of slacks, one shirt and sweater, a blanket and two plastic sheets. Her menu, morning and evening, was two cups of uncooked oatmeal soaked in water and flavored with brown sugar; at noon, two cups of double strength dried milk, plus any berries, nuts or greens that she found in the woods. “Life on the trail agreed with her. Hiking reinforced her belief in simplicity and confirmed her ability to live in harmony at need level, for long periods of time, in all weather conditions. She felt her faith in God—as perceived through nature—strengthen and solidify as a clear and omnipotent source of divine inspiration. She became convinced that material possessions were simply a burden, and that to achieve a daily state of grace, she would need to maintain that simplicity once she got off the trail. The idea to become a pilgrim, walking cross-country for peace, came at this time in a vision.” For the next 26 years she walked back and forth across the country, crossing it seven times, and she made side trips to Alaska, Canada, and Mexico. Ultimately she walked well over 40,000 miles. More next month about this remarkable woman. Jim Tipton
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ver wonder how many minutes of your life you’ve lost doing meaningless things? When my children were young, I often had that thought. As I stood at their bedroom doors ensuring that toys and clothes were picked up and properly stowed away, I thought about the hours of time that I was giving up to this task over the years. But, teaching them to be organized and responsible was important, right? Now that I’m getting close to the end of this life time, I do wonder about some of the things that take our time without leaving a meaningful residue. Couldn’t we get science to help us with these tasks and give us even more time to enjoy a sunset or a margarita? Let’s take those toy pick-up moments. If we spend just ten minutes a day getting the toys picked up, that’s 365 times 10 times for at least 12 years. That’s 43,800 minutes or 30 days! A month of our lives getting the toys picked up. Science has to be able to help. I mean, what if all toys had a magnet inserted into them. Then we could mount a powerful magnet onto the ceiling of the room. Throw a switch, and all the toys are instantly swooped up to the magnet and held until the next time they are needed for play. Ah, one month of time given back to us; plus, think of the reduction of family stress this would cause. OK, it’s too late for most of us to enjoy that scientific invention, but what about those sticky labels that the evil,
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sadistic manufacturers like to put on everything… including fruit! I bought a toolbox recently and spent 20 minutes scrapping the label off the front. Even with the solutions that guarantee to remove sticky residue, it takes time. I stood in my kitchen scraping and thought of the time I’ve lost to this chore over my many years. Let’s say that you only have to remove three labels a month and it takes five minutes for each label. That’s 15 minutes a month throughout your adult life. If your mom scraped for you until you were twenty and you’re now sixty, that’s 7,200 minutes worth of scraping that you’ve put in. You’ve lost five days of time to label scraping! What I could do with five more days! So, here’s a scientific solution that creates new jobs, expands the economy and gives us back at least five days of our time. A brilliant inventor creates a simple label removing device that attaches easily to the refrigerator or microwave or can opener. This small devise is not too expensive, let’s say $9.99. The labels are made to stay on all products, including plums, until they are moved close to the devise. Then, magically the label come off the item and stays attached to the devise. Voila! Five days of time back in our hands. Plus my husband wouldn’t have to listen to me mutter about the stupidity of someone or some machine having a job that puts these blasted labels on everything just to irritate me in my twilight years.
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A NEW LEASE— LEASE—on Life! By Judit Rajhathy, B.A., RNCP, D.Ac.
Sweet Success or Sweet Misery? Artificial Sweeteners and You
y electrician in Nova Scotia was becoming increasingly ill. The worst symptoms were disorientation and memory loss, affecting him to the point where he could no longer do his work. He had visited many health care professionals, including a neurologist, trying to get answers. Finally one day it dawned on him as he scoured the internet looking for relief, that he was downing anywhere from six to twelve diet sodas a day! Within a few days of stopping this habit, his symptoms virtually disappeared and he happily resumed his career. Today artificial sweeteners are found in over 6,000 processed foods and beverages marketed as “sugar free”, “diet”, or “light”, including chewing gum, puddings, candies, baked goods, juices and sodas. The draw for the public is that artificial sweeteners are calorie free. You save 150 calories by drinking diet soda over regular soda, not that soda in general is good for you. On the other hand, many foods that are considered diet foods are not low in calories due to other ingredients. Artificial sweeteners associated with weight gain—Studies have shown that participants who drink diet soda have a greater chance of becoming overweight than those who drink regular sodas! Ouch! One reason may be that artificial sweeteners don’t allow leptin release, which signals our brain that we’ve satiated our hunger - which normally happens when we eat sugar. There is also some evidence that although artificial sweeteners don’t cause our blood sugar to rise, our bodies still respond as though there is sugar in our bloodstream by secreting insulin. This would cause appetite and cravings to go out of control. It is interesting to note that obese people and those who are diabetic use these products regularly. Safety of artificial sweeteners— This is a very controversial topic. According to Dr. Joseph Mercola, who runs one of the most popular health sites on the internet ( even though the FDA has approved many artificial sweeteners as safe, 85 percent of all complaints registered with them are for
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adverse reactions to aspartame, including five reported deaths! According to Mercola and many other complementary healthcare professionals plus the public at large who have been negatively affected by aspartame, artificial sweeteners are downright dangerous. Everyone has their own tolerance level to substances, and it is impossible to predict how your particular body will react. Ailments resulting from aspartame in particular range from birth defects, cancer, emotional disorders, epilepsy and seizures and even diabetes - to memory loss and chronic headaches and even fatigue and even diabetes contrary to what the Diabetic Association will have you believe. Why don’t we hear about these things?—The obvious reason that the general population does not hear about these serious reactions is primarily because most people do not associate their symptoms with the long-term use of artificial sweeteners. Also reactions such as these are not reported in the local newspaper. Now there are increasing numbers of stories to substantiate such adverse reactions and thanks to the internet and public involvement more people are discovering the causes of their health issues. Then there are those who are not affected by the ingestion of artificial sweeteners - at least not yet. And they might never be. The question remains, are you one of them? Maybe it is better to be safe than sorry - the decision is yours to make. *Judit Rajhathy is the author of the Canadian best seller Free to Fly: A JourneyToward Wellness and can be reached at 765-4551or www. Judit Rajhathy
By Paul Jackson
make a point of never buying a product made in Communist China. Why? Because I want to keep Americans and Canadians - and Mexicans - in jobs. Seems to me only the meanest, grasping kind of person would try to save a dollar or two rather than buy products made in the USA, Canada or Mexico and keep their neighbors employed. Add to that, China has a terrible human rights record. And I never buy products made in Asian nations that employ child labor. Why? I’d say the answer is quite obvious. Only by letting these rotten countries know we are not going to deal with them will they be tempted to abandon the appalling slavery of children. Plus I never buy a product made
Paul Jackson
in a dictatorship, and that includes Communist Cuba. Again why? Because I believe in democracy and freedom of expression, and I ask - here I exempt Americans, but not Canadians, who have not only made Cuba their biggest winter tourist destination after Mexico, but also take in fully 25% of Cuba’s exports - why aren’t they concerned that the Communist government there throws into awful, awful prisons hundreds of men and women who demand only the basic rights and freedoms we in democratic countries enjoy? Why does the Cuban Communist government censure all newspapers, radio and television stations, and refuses to allow free elections? Answer, easy - because
they are scared if they eased these restrictions they would lose control. As they would. Thankfully, because Canada is over-flowing with its own oil, I never have to fill my car up with gas from a Middle Eastern sheikdom, or gas from Venezuela, run by that awful anti-American thug, Hugo Chavez. Remember pre-Second World War when some companies still happily did business with Nazi Germany, and post-Second World War still did business and brought products from the Soviet Union,
that had enslaved half of Europe. Also, frankly, I’ve found that products made in the USA, Canada - or Western European and other democracies - and these include democratic Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, are of better quality than products from the countries whose human rights records I abhor. Bottom line: I’d rather have a clean conscience, and try and do some good in the world, than be a penny-pinching, heartless individual. But, these are my values, and yours may be far different.
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Evidence shows that Lo London has ‘fired the firrst volley” hosting its pr prestigious 2012 posit o with the iconic “rings ti tion of champions” which offic cially opened the Summ mer Olympic Games on July 27. Our State of Ja Jalisco was well represe sented on different roste e ters in which Jaliscans ex excels. Jalisco confirmed t th that it dominates the roste with sportsmen/womte ter n in a list of 100 athen letes. It is time to bring home the gold, silver, or bronze from winning streaks of our amazingly talented athletes. In past Olympiads, Mexico has been lethargic in showing our skills against other great countries of the world…BUT…Mexico has now stepped up to meet the challenge. Although it is too early at this point, major wins are certainly expected in almost every category in which Mexico is represented. VIVA, our sports people from JALISCO and MEXICO. A huge treat is in store for you during the August “Naked Stage Reader’s Theatre” presentation. The selection is “Picasso At the Lapin Agile”, written by film actor Steve Martin. The play tells us about Pablo Picasso and Albert Einstein who meet in a bar called Lapin Agile, in Paris’ section of Mommarte, in 1904. Both men are on the verge of amazing ideas. Einstein will publish: The Theory of Relativity and Picasso will paint: Los Demoiselles d’Aignon. They have an extended debate about the values of genius vs talent while inter-acting with a host of other characters. LLT’s popular and talented Russell Mack is directing the play for Naked Stage, scheduled to run August 24, 25, and 26th, 2012. This time reservations will be a must, and can be reserved by calling Ann Pinkerton at 766-5986. This is a genuine showcase of talents. Now: speaking of other local talents: Gifted Ed Tasca isn’t just blessed with acting abilities as demonstrated several times at LLT and recently in PV’s staging of FDR. He rises even higher as a whiz with humor, having recently won the Robert Benchley Humor Award, the most prestigious award of its kind in the USA. Ed is a regular writer of humor for OJO (latest being How to Find a Good Doctor), AND is just now releasing his newest book to the public: God’s Creatures….or Darwins? Sr. Ed, himself, says, “Humor? I’ve been told by people who like to tease me about my nose, it’s often filled with fundamental wisdom. So I’ve taken it upon myself to put the issues of creationism and evolutionary theory in the mouths of some of our great comic geniuses (26 in all) and see what happens. I thought it might help us put the whole subject to rest, or throw it open for a really fresh airing. Either way, it might be good for a few laughs. I have, with the greatest of respect to each and every humorist and comic I’ve imperson-
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ated, provided my own versions of how I believe these past and current jesters might have presented their thoughts on the creationism-evolution controversy.” This time you deserved to put airlines in their places. Canadian and USA airlines have finally accepted the challenge and agreed to allow their traveling customers from here to bring their beloved pets with them when flying into and out of both countries. European and Asian nations will follow this victory soon. South America, already in place, was never in the squabble anyway. WE WON, BY GOLLY! Speaking of our furry friends, there is a new Animal Shelter opening east of the old Train Station on the way to Santa Cruz. If you will seek out and read the Guadalajara Reporter of four weeks ago, excellent directions hael Forbes, Forbes owner of the Reporter and details are given thanks to Michael Reporter. The Lakeside Little Theater is holding auditions for “I’ll Be Back Before Midnight, by Canadian playwright, Peter Colley. This play has been done in 29 countries, 48 of the 50 USA states, and every Province in Canada . If you love a good ghost story you won’t want to miss this thrilling comic mystery…’s fresh, dark, and twisted. The NY Times sa said “It’s A Chilling Evening Down at the Fa Farm.” Roseanne Wilshere will direct an and is looking for 2 men and 2 women (a husband, a farmer, a wife, and a siste ter). Auditions will be held at the theatre a 10am August 10th and 11th. Watch at fo for LLT’s season roster of plays in the Se September, Lakeside Living. The Culinary Art Society of Ajijic (C (CASA) has continued with cooking delilig g lights of some of Lakeside’s best cooks. Th They have had contests, one a month, fo for 26 years or 312 sterling contests de delivering the best the village can possi sibly offer. Recently, President Pat Carroll, presented Geoffrey Kaye (Animal Shelter) with a plaque thanking him for his donation to CASA for the Auction dinner which was auctioned for another splendid organization, Ninos Incapacitados. CASA will hold its 5th annual picnic at La Iguana De Piedra on Labor Day, Sept. 3rd. at 1 p.m. CASA continues to be one of the most dedicated and active groups known at Lakeside. If any information is needed, call Pat Carroll: 766-3144. The 4th of July celebration at Chapala’s, American Legion Post #7, was a huge success! Everyone got to meet Kerry Brougham, Consular Chief of the U.S. Consulate in Guadalajara. Post 7’s indefatigable Victoria Schmidt, (her neck in a brace and her arm in a sling) proved a real trooper when hitting the dance floor with local writer/poet and Lakeside’s Poet Laureate, James Tipton. By the way, International Legion Commander Fang Wong recently presented to Victoria Schmidt a medallion for her services to the Chapala Legion Post #7. The Commander selects one individual from each of the 53 world-wide districts to honor. Cruz Roja Hawaiian Luau: August 25 at the American Legion in Chapala. Dust off your flashy aloha shirts and mumus. Cruz Roja is putting on another fun fundraising events starting at 4 - 5 p.m. with a cash bar. Entertainment is by a Tahitian dance group from Guadalajara. A
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Shakespeare tells us seven ages constitute the life of man, but DUFKDHRORJLVWV KDYH LGHQWL¿HG HLJKW PDMRU HUDV LQ WKH GHYHOopment of pre-Colombian man in Mexico. From the earliest hunter-gatherers to the sophisticated Aztecs, the cultural development has been a history of change, sometimes subtle but often drastic, as new ideas, discoveries and inventions affected the lifestyle, social structure and political organization of the various groups. The one constant throughout all the upheavals has been the love of art and the creativity of the comPRQ SHRSOH 0HVR $PHULFDQ SRWWHUV VFXOSWRUV SDLQWHUV MHZHOOHUV and weavers have left a rich legacy of achievement seldom, if ever, equalled by any other so-called primitive society. Styles, materials and techniques could, and did, change over the centuries, but the inherent devotion to beauty for its own sake always comes shining through. 1. Early Preclassic (2500-1200 B.C.) Over 3000 years ago Tlatilco, in the 9DOOH\ RI 0H[LFR ZDV D ÀRXULVKLQJ FHUHPRQLDO center before Tiglath-pilesar even founded the Assyrian Empire. The three hundred tombs of the main necropolis have yielded an astonishing array of ritually broken, or killed, pottery, including great numbers of FKDUPLQJ IHPDOH ¿JXULQHV WKDW KDYH EHHQ dubbed the Pretty Ladies of Tlatilco. Our ten and a half inch example is a bit different. A terra-cotta acrobat in a contorted pose that was designed as a container for liquids. One leg, twisted to touch the bead, serves as a handle and the other is cut off at mid thigh to form a pouring spout. The face is skilfully molded and almost portrait-like in detail. 2. Middle Preclassic (1200-300 B.C.) Long before Alexander the Great set out to conquer the known world, artists on the other side of the globe were producing masterpieces OLNH WKLV YLJQHWWH RI 2OPHF WLUH 7KLUWHHQ RI WKH PDWH ¿Jures in the group are carved from green serpentine, two IURP SUHFLRXV MDGH DQG RQH VHHPLQJO\ DW ED\ EHIRUH all the rest, is crudely fashioned of common red sandstone. Five uncarved but polished stones form a background. Some think the scene represents a columned hall with kings or priests MDGH DQG QREOHV RU MXURUV VHUSHQWLQH VWDQGLQJ LQ MXGJHPHQW RI WKH ORQH PDQ
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who could be either a criminal or prisoner of war. It was found at La Venta in Tabasco. 3. Late Preclassic (300 B.C.-A.D. 250) About the time Hannibal was crossing the Alps and rampaging unchecked through Italy, the civilization that built the 75 foot high, four stepped circular pyramid at Cuicuilco in the Valley of Mexico was reaching its zenith. Among the many artifacts GLVFRYHUHG GXULQJ QHDUO\ ¿YH GHFDGHV RI excavation were two terra cotta figures of Huehueteotl, the heavily wrinkled and almost toothless Old Man God common to almost all meso-American cultures. He ZDV FKLHÀ\ D KRXVHKROG GHLW\ SUHVLGLQJ over the hearth and tire, and is usually shown, as here, seated cross-legged and wearing a wide charcoal brazier on his head like a hat. 7KHVH WZR ¿JXUHV DUH FRQVLGHUHG DPRQJ WKH PRVW DQFLHQW in Mexico. 4. Early Classic (A.D. 250-600) While Goths and Franks wreaked havoc throughout Greece, Italy and Spain, Teotihuacan reigned supreme over a trade empire covering most of Central America. Although the products of its artists and artisans were not least among its exports, much of their talHQW ZDV GHYRWHG WR WKH EHDXWL¿FDWLRQ RI WKHLU RZQ FLW\ HVSHFLDOO\ LQ WKH IRUP RI PDJQL¿FHQW PXUDOV 6KRZQ KHUH LV WKH SDUDGLVH RI WKH 5DLQ *RG Tlaloc, who bestows life-giving water on the earth. Beneath him, those who died of drowning or lightning strikes plant maize and disport themselves eternally in various ways DPRQJ WKH ÀRZHUV DQG EXWWHUÀLHV DOO under the watchful eye of Quetzalcoatl, the Wind God.
5. Late Classic (A.D. 600-800) About the time Mohammed was having the visions and suffering the persecutions that led to the rise of Islam as a PDMRU ZRUOG IRUFH WKH XQVXQJ DUWLVWV RI the Gulf Coast lowlands in Mexico were creating classic works like this superb portrait head of a young woman. The piece is life size, about 10- 1/2 inches overall, and almost certainly molded from a living person. The features and even the hair style are surprisingly modern in feel. Unfortunately, the exact provenance of the piece is unknown, but the twin of this young lady might be encountered on the streets of Vera Cruz today. 6. Terminal Classic (A.D. 800-1000) About the time Charlemagne was crowned Holy 5RPDQ (PSHURU WKH 0D\DQ (PSLUH LQ <XFDWDQ ZDV UHDFKLQJ LWV ÂżQDO Ă&#x20AC;RZHULQJ 7KH P\ULDG ÂżJXULQHV found in the huge necropolis on the Island of Jaina not only give us enlightening glimpses of a society doomed to fall to the invading Toltecs, but qualify as superb works of art in their own right. This whimsical porWUDLW RI D GUXQNHQ ROG PDQ LV D GHOLJKWIXO H[DPSOH 7KH MXJ KH clutches so carefully to his chest explains the befuddled look on his face. Since we know of later laws forbidding public intoxication in anyone under age 70, this may illustrate one of the privileges of age.
technical excellence and superb beauty. This turquoise inlaid miniature shield, pierced by four spears, is an excellent example. The tiny, perfectly matched beads and the finely drawn wire, both very difficult to achieve, show a mastery of the goldsmithâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s art seldom equalled anywhere in the world. The piece was designed as a pectoral with eleven dangling bells to chime musically at the wearerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s slightest movement. It is three inches overall and is part of the fabulous treasure from Tomb Number Seven at Monte Alban. 8. Late Postclassic (A.D. 1290-1521) About the time the Mongols under KubODL .KDQ ZHUH FRQTXHULQJ &KLQD WKH HTXDOO\ ÂżHUFH DQG ZDUOLNH $]WHFV were conquering and ruling most of Central America. Though their artists ZHUH QR OHVV VNLOOHG WKDQ WKRVH RI WKHLU SUHGHFHVVRUV WKHLU VXEMHFW PDWWHU ZDV RIWHQ EDVHG RQ WKH EORRGLHVW DVSHFWV RI ZDU DQG UHOLJLRXV VDFULÂżFH They did, however, excel in the arts intended for personal adornment, LQFOXGLQJ IHDWKHUZRUN 7KLV PDJQLÂżFHQW KHDG GUHVV FRPELQHV SUHcious gold and even more precious quetzal plumes with other bright SOXPDJH WR FUHDWH D JLIW ÂżW IRU UR\DOW\ ZKLFK LV H[DFWO\ ZKDW LW EHFDPH ZKHQ (PSHURU 0RQWH]XPD SUHVHQWHG LW WR +RO\ 5RPDQ (PSHURU Charles V. Although there is a copy in Mexicoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s National Museum of Anthropology, the original is still displayed as part of the Hapsburg treasure in Vienna.
7. Early Postclassic (A.D. 10001250) While the old world concentrated on the First Crusade, and Baldwin I ruled in Jerusalem, Mitla dominated the southern highlands of Mexico and Mixtec craftsmen were producing golden ornaments of
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rroast ro o pig dinner is served beginni ning at 5 p.m. Dinner includes the p pi pig along with a fruit stuffing, grilled pi pineapples, baked sweet potatoes, gr green beans and mango ice cream fo for dessert. Hal Kaluhiokalani Matth thews is providing music during di dinner. The cost is only 300 pesos pe per person. All profits go to suppo porting the Chapala Cruz Roja C Clinic and Ambulance Service. Lu Luau tickets go on sale beginning M Monday, July 30 at the Cruz Roja Ta Table at LCS as well as the Chapa pala American Legion. For further in information, please call 765-5610 or email A note from that lovely and sy sympathetic continent/island: A Australia! The following dialogue ffrom fr o the Australian Tourism Webs si site was discovered by Lakesider, J o John Ward, while inquiring about tra tr a traveling through Australia. “We a ar are so great we even name our rocks here (Ayers Rock) if they are enormously over-grown pebbles.” When asked by a USAer, “Will I be able to see kangaroos in the street?” A thoughtful answer was: “Depends how much you’ve been drinking.” Another question, this time by a another USAer, “Which direction is north in Australia? Fatigued, but snappy, “Face south and then turn 180 degrees. Contact us when you get here, and we’ll send the rest of the directions.” Good Neighbors. There are still humanitarians in our midst. John Jones discovered his wallet missing after shopping spree on a Saturday afternoon near the SuperLake area. He posted signs, made all the right calls: NOTHING! By Sunday night he lost heart. However, Monday morning a static phone call came through in broken English/Spanish using the world licensia! Twenty minutes later, the doorbell a J h ’ door: d rang. Two men were att John’s one was a cab driver, and the other was the little blind m man, Luis, who sits outside SuperLake wearin ing dark glasses and a sign that reads: “It’s A B Beautiful Day, But I Can’t See It.” John said, “He h he held my wallet out to me. Someone, he said, ha had dropped it into his lap. He asked only for th the taxi fare. Needless to say, I offered much m more. I had, along with many hundreds of peopl ple, passed so often without ever seeing him. Lu Luis is a man worthy of being visible to us all.” On the flip side of the coin, Norberto Mejia, th the amiable and courageous cripple who can alm most always be found on his little platform on w wheels outside Bugambillas Plaza, was recently gi given a brand-new motorized wheelchair by Norberto Mejia La Lakeside philanthropist Jerry D. Fields. Jerry is from Texas, and his generosity does his homestate proud. The Brown Recluse Spider-Avoid any and all contact with the BROWN RECLUSE SPIDER. It is rumored that two people have been bitten by this spider in the Lake Chapala area. This spider has a venomous bite and there is no medication available at Lakeside at this time. Brown recluse spiders are usually between 6–20 mm (1⁄4 in and 3⁄4 in). Typically, they are light to medium brown. They live about 2 years and are very resilient. They can live with little water and food for over six months. They are rarely aggressive and bite
El Ojo del Lago / August 2012
only when they come in contact, often when the victims uses towels, clothes, bedding, work gloves, etc. that have been unused and left untouched for awhile. Their bite is very serious. Symptoms can include inflammations, vomiting, fever, rash, muscle and joint pain. The bite can result in an ulcer that destroys the soft skin around the bite and rots to the bone, leaving a deep scar. What to do if you’ve been bitten? Seek prompt medical care and bring the spider with you, if possible. Put Ice and aloe vera on the area until you reach your doctor. Antihistimins and anti-venom have proven helpful. LAKESIDE GARDEN GUILD LEAVES N NO LEAF UNTURNED… Surrounded by a tropical landscape everyw where we turn, it’ s natural that so many Lakesi side groups have evolved celebrating the joy of gardening in all its forms: grower groups, an orchid club, garden club, and our Lakeside G Garden Guild. This year’s Guild activities are h he headed by President Stacy Girton, supported b her board officers Mary Bragg, VP, Carmen by B Bentivoglio, Treasurer, Barb Corol, Recording S Secretary and Jan Quarton, Corresponding Se Secretary. Other guest presenters this year included pr professional florist Carroll Knutsen sharing ar arrangement secrets and tips, Laura Ortiz Caldero ron from th the local Garden Cent Ce nter er on on garden gard den pests, pes e ts t and a d Ajijic an Ajijiic resident Aj Center and floral expert Herbert Piekow, demonstrating contemporary Japanese Ikebana techniques. November heralds the much-anticipated annual floral show, a showcase of each member’s creativity, this year theme is “Designer’s Choice.” In addition to field trips to Guadalajara gardening clubs and the city’s floral market, several members have traveled to attend spring floral shows in Keukenhof, The Netherlands and the 5th Annual Blooms Festival in Dublin, Ireland. The Lakeside Garden Guild created and maintains the website www.LakesidewipeGail ou as a public serv vi vice. This year’s special comm munity project will be decorating m miniature holiday trees and deliv livering them to local shut-ins an and convalescent residences. A lis listing of English-Spanish terms fo for gardeners is also available fo for reference, as well as a vari ie of gardening links. Renee riety Ka Kaye Campo, 766-4510 or Las Ve Vegas # 702-505-9045 (rings on m my desk) www.lakesidegardengu
Blessed are those that can gi give without remembering, an and take without forgetting.
Saw you in the Ojo 37
he. “Where are we?” He. “On the beach, facing the ocean.” She. “The beach excites me, makes me glad to be alive.” The ominous, heavy sky forces a decision. To stay means braving the storm. Their eyes meet. The decision is made. There on the wide flat surface of the beach, just as the tide turns and begins its long, slow flow inward, the couple begins to dance, turning in harmony, hearing the notes of a waltz deep within themselves. She is elegant, tall, slender, with dark auburn hair streaming down her back. Her delicate hands and arms move in time with the music. Her face is soft, relaxed as she focuses outward on the churning sea. He is dark, controlling, leading their dance. His eyes are intense, black, reflecting the last of the light finding its way through the dense clouds rolling in from the sea. She glances at him, sees his determination, senses what he is thinking, and laughs. Her laugh throws him off stride. Their smooth passage slows; rhythm broken, they almost stumble. Correcting, he lifts their leading arms, pointing them outward, and puts his right foot forward. They again move in perfect time across the sand. She feels cared for, even loved. A tall man dressed in a formal
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black suit holds a broad black umbrella over their heads. The rain is soft, and the drops glisten in the gold light reflected off the leading edge of the clouds. The tall man’s focus is intense, mindful, concerned. Perhaps he is their servant, or perhaps her father, desiring to protect his daughter. The wind increases, driving the rain hard into the dancers, causing the tall man in the formal black suit to move back and forth in an attempt to protect the couple. They —without concern, ignore the wind, rain, and dark sky—continue to twirl across the hard sand surface of the beach. They are only aware of one another, but, in her heart, she knows she will never be able to love him. He. “To dance with the world spread out around us is like a dream.” She. “Yes, to be here is to soar within a universe coming into being for the first time. Yet, nothing is what it seems to be.” The roar of thunder, accented by a sudden clash of lightening, causes the tall man to grow concerned for the well-being of the dancers who are now executing a double reverse turn. The woman’s laugh becomes shrill; the sound is carried out over the incoming ocean. The man for the first time smiles as he holds his right arm out above her head, while she grasps his strong right hand, and turns in gentle circles as if guided by his will. The rain now is heavy, drenching. Sudden gusts buffet their bodies and cause the umbrella to reverse its form, defeating its protective purpose. Sensing the futility of his efforts, the tall man folds the umbrella, ties it closed, and then walks slowly inland to where a dark limousine is parked. He turns and looks one last time at the couple dancing in perfect time across the hard sand beach. Lifting his arm, he waves, but they do not notice. He slides into the car; the leather seats are cool, the smell of cigars permeates the air. Without looking back, he starts the car and drives directly inland toward the light, away from the storm.
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GRAPE EXPECTATIONS By Robert Kleffel and Noemí Paz Shiraz - Syrah
he first thing that we need to clear up is that wines sold under the names Shiraz and Syrah are produced from the same grape. In France, Syrah is the name used but the French use the appellation name rather than the grape shown on the bottle. The grapes originated in the Rhone area of France. In the southern part of the Rhone, the Shiraz grapes are blended with the Grenache grape. One of the famous blends is Chateauneuf du Pape (New Home of the Pope). In 1157, in keeping with Roman tradition, Geoffrey, the Bishop of Avignon, planted vines and personally managed his own estate and was most certainly the owner of a vineyard located in his fief in Châteauneuf. Chateauneuf du Pape celebrates the period of time when the Catholic Church moved their operations from Rome to Avignon in France from 1309 to 1377. Australia--The largest producer of the Syrah grape is Australia where it is known as Shiraz. In fact 40% of the red wine production in Australia is Shiraz and the production is higher than any other grape. The aromas and flavors of Shiraz vary with wine style and region, but are usually blackberry, plums, and pepper in varying degrees dependent on growing conditions. In addition, even more regionally based, we can find licorice, tar, bitter chocolate and mocha. Climate affects these characteristics with the warmer climates providing the plums and chocolate (Barossa) and the cooler climates giving more pepper (Victoria). North and South America--In the new world, both names, Syrah and Shiraz, are used for labeling on the bottles. The Syrah grape production is increasing in the state of Washington and California. Mexico’s Casa de Madero produces an award winning Shiraz which is sold widely in Europe. Chile is rapidly increasing their production of Shiraz. Pairing--The Shiraz wine is not a good general propose red wine. The heavy tannins in Shiraz love the bitter nature of charred food, so this is a great wine to pair with grilled steaks, peppercorn crusted tuna, and grilled vegetables like zucchini and eggplant. In fact, the peppery nature of Shiraz
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Robert and Noemi makes it a great companion with anything barbecued unless you use a picante Mexican hot sauce for flavoring. The Shiraz grape is a “big red” which will dominate delicate foods. Also remember that big red wines with high tannins don’t go with hot spicy foods. CASA MADERO – SHIRAZ -MEXICO $19.50 Dollars--“ …. Casa Madero Shiraz 2008, from Parras in the Mexican state of Coahuila, was delicious. It exhibited its pure Shiraz personality, with grapey, peppery berry, tobacco, violet and crushed raspberry flavors.” - A quote from Senior Editor James Laube, The Wine Spectator. EMILIANA SYRAH - CHILENO $7.20 Dollars--Very good wine with rich ripe black plums and chocolate over cigar box notes and dried spices. The wine has great complexity and medium plus fruit intensity. BLACK SWAN -SHIRAZ- AUSTRALIA $10.50 Dollars--There are flavors of black cherries, peppery spice and mocha enveloped in decadent dark fruit. This is a great wine to pair with grilled meats, pasta dishes and ripe cheeses. CASILLERO DEL DIABLLO – SHIRAZ - CHILE $11.25 Dollars--Look for layers of dark chocolate, black cherries and hickory smoke. It is full-bodied, supple and rich. SANTA DIGNA SYRAH CHILE $11.85 Dollars--This is an opulent wine, robust with a fine body and silky, rounded tannins. Highlights are its deep purple color and notes of forest fruits: blackberry, violet and hints of blackcurrant. The palate is elegant with character. Ageing in French oak contributes a pleasing toasty background. General Syrah Wine Characteristics: High tannins, high acidity, blackberry, dark chocolate, mint, eucalyptus, smoked meat, black pepper,licorice, cloves, aged leather, wet leaves and earth. Noemí Paz: Robert Kleffel:
ear Editor: I must compliment the Ojo, their management, and editor, Alex Grattan. You do something the other monthly magazine at Lakeside refuses to do. The Ojo gives the readers the opportunity to rebut the slanted statements of their regular writers. A writer in the other magazine made the outlandish statement in their June 15 issue, “The one undeniably true feature of free thought is intolerance.” He does not know or refuses to admi that free thinkers gave the US the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. Abraham Lincoln was a free thinker, who had absolutely no respect for any of the various religions, but worked to end slavery. If Lincoln had been a Christian, he would have worked to keep slavery as an institution ordained by the Bible God. Without free thinkers, America would be a Christian Nation with very limited religious freedom. It would require all office holders to be Christian. The writer has relegated religions, other than his own, to be myths and emphasized the barbaric nature of those religions. He has never mentioned the barbaric nature of his own holy book. While his holy book praises rape, incest, religious genocide, human sacrifice, cannibalism and other acts that are totally unacceptable in modern society, he never discusses these issues.
However, he degrades other religions for these very acts. He has declared that science is a religion. If this is true, I would like to see how he would bless himself with the sign of E=MC2. If evolution were not a fact, viruses would never mutate. http://w w w.americablog. com/2010/05/scientists-create-artificial-life-in.html “Scientists create artificial life in a test tube” “My Scientific Discussions of Evolution for the Pope and His Scientists” I knew Dr. Fox when I lived in Mobile, Alabama. Even though he created life, he never claimed to be the Creator or a god. Sidney had no respect for any of the various religions. He was a freethinker. I am a freethinker and have no respect for any of the revealed religions or their holy books. I don’t care what a person chooses to believe as long as they don’t try to get the government to endorse those beliefs. When they come into the market place of ideas, I feel free to challenge their ideas and holy book. Neither, will I stand idly by and listen to uninformed people make the claim the USA was founded on Christian principles. I will challenge a lie before it is assumed to be the truth. Thank you, Hank Shiver
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Little Words
It was easily said that unkind word That fell from your lips at morn, But you little thought as away it sped It would tear some heart like a thorn. You did not mean it, ‘twas thoughtless yes, But it flew on its onward track, And the prayers and tears of all life’s years Can never more call it back. It was easily said that kindly word That you spoke with a pleasant smile, But it cheered a heart that was lone and sad And it braved a heart for a trial. The strongest monuments crumble and break And into the dust decay, But a kindly word shall live on and on, Though the speaker has passed away. Oh, let us be careful of each small word We speak with but little thought. They will carry a message of love away, If we say the words that we aught. Then bye and bye when our lips are mute, And our record of life is known. The kindly words will shine like stars In the crown that shall be our own. (Ed. Note: This poem, written in about 1910, was sent to us by Lady Mary Flemming, known to her many friends at Lakeside as “Tad,” who says that the poem was written by her grandmother, Mary McGregor, who was born in Scotland in 1841. An educated gentlewoman, she married Tad’s grandfather, Sir Patrick Flemming. Tad remembers him as rather short tempered, and is sure the poem was written to him.)
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The Poets’ Niche
By Mark Sconce
19th c.Transcendentalist Poets
Mark Sconce
Louis Filler, my professor of American civilization, was a mischievous man. He walked into class one morning and said, “By now, you all know those three great transcendentalist poets-- Thoreau, Emerson, and so forth.” Such assertions sent us scrambling to the library; today we just Google it! And here’s what we find. So forth were many: among them, Louise May Alcott, Walt Whitman and Emily Dickenson during the rise of transcendentalism in mid-nineteenth century America. Scholars contend that it was a reaction against intellectualism, particularly that of Harvard University. Ever tire of über rationalism--the ponderous, almost pious platitudes of the scientific brotherhood and the intellectual elite whose jargon is nearly indecipherable? Well, then you know how the 19th c. transcendentalist poets felt. And, like you, they rebelled, only with more fervor. Emerson, Thoreau and So Forth believed in a new standard for truth and beauty—Nature. They held that a person’s physical self could be transcended by a spiritual self and that intuition rather than rationalization was the key. Transcendentalist poets wrote about how nature uplifted them and served as a source of inspiration. Emerson’s musings during long walks and Thoreau’s time at Walden Pond were perfect expressions of transcendentalism, where believers could feel the force that bind all people and nature together. We begin with the father of American transcendentalism, Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882), who believed “That every natural fact is a symbol of some spiritual fact.” Berrying “May be true what I had heard, Earth’s a howling wilderness Truculent with fraud and force,” Said I, strolling through the pastures, And along the riverside. Caught among the blackberry vines, Feeding on the Ethiops sweet, Pleasant fancies overtook me: I said, “What influence me preferred Elect to dreams thus beautiful?” The vines replied, “And didst thou deem No wisdom to our berries went?”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Comes now Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) who explained why he chose to live on Walden Pond for 26 months: “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.” The Summer Rain My books I’d fain cast off, I cannot read, ‘Twixt every page my thoughts go stray at large Down in the meadow, where is richer feed, And will not mind to hit their proper targe. Here while I lie beneath this walnut bough, What care I for the Greeks or for Troy town, If juster battles are enacted now Between the ants upon this hummock’s crown? Tell Shakespeare to attend some leisure hour, For now I’ve business with this drop of dew, And see you not, the clouds prepare a shower-I’ll meet him shortly when the sky is blue.
Henry David Thoreau
And, finally, my surprise choice for So Forth: William Ellery Channing (18181901). “I call the mind free which jealously guards its intellectual rights and powers…”
El Ojo del Lago / August 2012
Hymn of the Earth The forests and the mountains high, The foaming ocean and the springs, The plains O pleasant Company, My voice through all your anthem rings. Ye are so cheerful in your minds, Content to smile, content to share: My being in your chorus finds The echo of the spheral air. No leaf may fall, no pebble roll, No drop of water lose the road; The issues of the general Soul Are mirrored in its round abode.
Sir: I write in response to the following: The Charm of Creationism. Ed Tasca. El Ojo del Lago, June, p, 28 Letters to the Editor. Jay White Mirasol. El Ojo del Lago, July, p, 51 It keeps cropping up in the darnedest places - now even in El Ojo del Lago – that Adam gave his rib in exchange for the comforting body of a woman ; a risk-taking chap, Adam! The literalist implications of this Creationist mythology are staggering, especially when seen through the fixed eyes of the Evolutionist – amusing stuff on both sides, and harmless unless taken so seriously that we, in the way of Adam, exchange our ‘funny-bone’ for the satisfaction of winning a point of belief - religious or scientific. In the Creation vs Evolution exchange between Ed Tasca and Jay White Mirasol (El Ojo del Lago – June/ July), Mr Tasca ends his case with these words to Jay Mirasol, “Have you ever considered taking a writing course?” I wonder whether Mr. Tasca himself might be considering such a rash move. I would strongly advise both men against it. I speak from experience. Almost seventy years ago, I registered in a First Year University Writing
So Forth
Course described in the Prospectus as Creative Writing. My first assignment was to choose any word from the Oxford English Dictionary and illustrate its meaning in a paragraph of not more than 35 words. Had I been Ed. or Jay, I might have chosen either ‘creationism’ or ‘evolution’, but I chose ‘nonsense’ and wrote : Nonsense is never as neat or as clever As when it’s not nonsense at all ; For nonsense is primarily sensibly un-sensible And quite clearly understandably incomprehensible Unless it be seriously meant by a fool I was delighted with my work which had fallen so effortlessly onto the paper: but my initial rush of self-congratulatory youthful euphoria was soon to be slashed at the roots. Below my work, in a strong red-penciled hand, my Instructor wrote, “Take your assignments more seriously.” Below this was the letter ‘F’, circled. I never did learn whether the ‘F’ stood for ‘Fail’ or for ‘Frieda’, my Professor’s name, but my future as a potential writer was badly bruised by her Course in Creative Writing. Take care, Ed. And Jay, take care! - will it be your ‘rib’ or your ‘funny-bone’ ? mx
Saw you in the Ojo 45
STAY HEALTHY! By J. Manuel Cordova, M. D. Internal Medicine & Geriatric Specialist Special Nutritional Concerns Part II
HE PRUDENT DIET- Except for people who are in need of a therapeutic diet to deal with a specific health problem, the best approach is to adhere to the principles of food selection advised by the government agencies concerned with health and nutrition guides. These recommendations incorporate the best judgment of nutritionists based on current knowledge. Try to eat a variety of foods. Your body needs more than 40 nutrients for good health. These nutrients should come from many different foods, not from a few highly fortified foods or supplements. MAINTAIN HEALTHY WEIGHT- A healthy body weight depends on the percentage of body weight as fat, the location of the fat deposition, and the existence of any weight-related medical problems. Many people think that choosing a healthful diet requires making drastic changes in what they eat. Often, that´s not the case at all. For most people, a few small, gradual changes can make a big difference in the long run. To select a healthful diet, try something new. No single food supplies all nutrients you need. Increase the variety of foods you eat by trying new fruits and vegetables, whole grain breads and cereals, considering if you have intolerance or gluten disorders, and dried peas and beans. BALANCE YOUR CHOICES OVER TIME. Your food choices over several days should average out to the right balance of nutrients. Not every food or meal you eat has to be perfect. If you eat some foods high in fat, salt or sugar, select other foods that are low in these ingredients. MODERATE YOUR INTAKE-If you eat reasonable portion sizes, it is easier to include all the foods you enjoy and still have a healthy diet. USE SUGARS ONLY IN MODERATION-Sugars should be used in moderate amounts and sparingly if calorie needs are low. Because sugars can contribute to tooth decay, excessive snacking should be avoided and teeth should be brushed and flossed regularly
El Ojo del Lago / August 2012
USE SALT AND SODIUM ONLY IN MODERATION-Most of Canadians and Americans consume much more salt and sodium than they actually need. A reduction in salt and sodium intake will benefit people whose blood pressure increases with salt intake. IF YOU DRINK ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, DO SO IN MODERATION. Drinking alcoholic beverages has few health benefits and is linked to many health problems and accidents. Therefore, persons who drink alcoholic beverages are advised to use moderation. Moderate drinking is defined as no more than one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men. One drink may be 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, one half ounces of distilled 80 proof spirits. VITAMINS AND MINERAL SUPPLEMENTS: Many adults take vitamin supplements regularly. Some people regard them as essential food replacements; others see them as harmless “insurance.” The recommended dietary allowances (RDAs) are amounts of vitamins and minerals estimated to meet or exceed the requirements of most healthy people. They are neither minimal nor required amounts. A daily good quality multivitamin and minerals supplement that supplies close to 100% of the RDAs is not harmful, and it could be beneficial if you eat a very limited diet. There is also a danger: those who decide on their own to take megadosis (more than 10 times RDAs) of vitamins or minerals are taking significant health risks. Dr. Cordova
Saw you in the Ojo 47
Focus on Art By Rob Mohr The Fine Art of Body Art
rt is a personal act of courage, something one human does that creates change in another.” Seth Godin www. Patriot and creative philosopher Thomas Paine also understood the need for radical change in culture to insure openness. “That something has existed tells us nothing about its value. The past is dead and the living should use their powers of analysis to sweep away existing arrangements.” Japanese photographer Kimiko Yoshida (1963-), who rejects current cultural reality in her self-portraits, believes, “(Egocentric) preoccupation with ‘I’ has become a cliché.” She challenges that cliché by creating photos which defy compliance with clothing norms by wearing “art” costumes that reference haute couture in a ceremony of disappearance. In one, she wears a metal and plastic dress that completely reforms her persona. She has taken disappearing to an extreme in a series of works in white where a single part of her face is revealed in vivid color. Her goal is the erasure of her identity. “I am basically saying that there is no such thing as a self-portrait. Each of these photographs is actually a ceremony of disappearance. It is not an emphasis of identity within culture, but the opposite—an erasure.” Kimiko’s artworks are refined and remind the viewer of the diversity of ways that culture, ritual and a community’s visual language define what it means to be human. The globalization of cultures
El Ojo del Lago / August 2012
in the 20th and 21st centuries has created a homogenous face for humanity (a single ‘I’), and in the process destroyed the rich understandings found in historic human cultures. (Google Kimiko Yoshida) Her “Autoportrait,” The Red Akamba, recently sold at Phillips Gallery for $41,714. While Kimiko’s portraits represent one extreme of the fine art of body art, tattoos, along with body scarification, piercings, extreme hair, and exotic clothing represent other artistic ways of revolting against the norms of conventional culture. Tattoos on human skin from Pre-dynastic Egyptian burials have been revived, creating a repertory of body art that includes designs influenced by Japan, Africa and Oceania. The key motivation, as with Kimiko’s works, is defining one’s separation from the everyday sameness of homogeneous society. Serious artists, such as New Yorkbased artist Scott Campbell in his West Coast debut exhibition Noblesse Oblige, transformed tattoo subculture iconography into spiritual works that suggest a merger between the human body and fine art. (Photo) The human body then becomes an expression of individuality linked with ritual, deity, and nature. A recent exhibition in the American Museum of Natural History further demonstrated how the body as an artistic canvas has been treated throughout history to celebrate cultural diversity. Scarification, the radical scarring of skin tissue, has been adapted today to create a unique persona. Throughout history this practice was used as a rite of passage, to beautify the face and body, and as a mark of status. Those willing to endure the pain believed the raised images conferred physical acuity and spiritual protection. Today, scarification is an aesthetic choice signaling victory in the battle for separation from the crowd. It is clear that art plays a critical identity role in the healthy development of human cultures as it “sweeps away existing arrangements.” Click to see all Body Rob Mohr Art: com/photos/111258927866130698336/ albums/5765461975011893713
Saw you in the Ojo 49
THEY SHOOT HORSES, DON’T THEY? By Vern & Lori Geiger and Eliana Herrerías
pprox. 45,000 horses are killed in Mexico each year; however, it is estimated more than 250,000 bulls worldwide are killed every year in the bull arena. Countless horses are killed or injured. Often times the number of horses killed during a fight is higher. A common practice is to blindfold the horse so it cannot see; the reason the horse is blindfolded is so it does not see the bull charging and therefore does not try to run away in panic, which contributes to the suffering. Since the horse cannot see the bull, the heavy impact appears from nowhere without warning. They must trust the horseman (“picador”) to keep him safe; the ultimate act of betrayal. More often than not the bull disembowels the horse. Other common practices are to stuff the horse’s ears with cotton to prevent them from panicking, and many times their vocal cords are cut to prevent them from screaming in pain as the bull gores them. How much lower can the human race sink? The purpose of the picador is to stab the bull just behind the mound of muscle on the fighting bull’s neck, weakening the neck muscles and leading to the animal’s first loss of
El Ojo del Lago / August 2012
blood. The manner in which the bull charges the horse provides important clues to the matador about which side the bull favors. If the picador is successful, the bull will hold its head and horns lower during the following stages of the fight. This ultimately enables the matador to perform the killing thrust later in the performance. This encounter with the picador often fundamentally alters the behavior of a bull, and the bull becomes distracted as it tries to focus on a single target. Sometimes the horse wears some padding, but in reality, it does little to protect the horse, but rather serves to hide the serious injuries from the spectators. Once a horse is mortally wounded, it is dragged from the arena, and most times is inhumanely put down out of view of the patrons. While the bull is destined to die, the fate of the horses is not much better. The matador is not even man enough to face an uninjured bull; rather, one that is already seriously wounded and weak from blood loss. Promoters claim the bulls are aggressive and fearless but they are only fighting for their life. In the last 50 years, only 10 matadors have been officially documented as having been killed in the ring. By the time the picadors have finished debilitating the bull, my grandmother could put the poor animal out of its misery. Matadors are not macho, they are malignant. Horse lovers who would like a heavy plastic sign 1/4 meter in size, or bumper stickers free of charge, (one per person) contact Lakeside Wildlife 765-4916 References: http://www. Eliana Herrerías
FRONT ROW CENTER By Michael Warren Summer Scenes
n interesting and innovative event took place in June at the Lakeside Little Theatre. As the culmination of a course for aspiring directors, nine classical scenes were presented to the public in a two-hour show. Each participant in the course directed one of the scenes, and a group of talented actors were asked, cajoled or otherwise persuaded to rehearse and learn their lines in only three weeks. As for the scenes – described as an eclectic mixture of delights and dramas – those of us who have been requesting more serious plays at LLT certainly had our wish fulfilled. This was a bold experiment, with scenes selected by Dave McIntosh (who led the course) from plays of different genres and from different centuries and theatrical traditions. The playwrights included William Shakespeare, Harold Pinter, Jean Anouilh, Tennessee Williams, W.B.Yeats, Ariel Dorfman and Murray Schisgal. The actors and directors rose to the challenge and
delivered a wonderful series of performances. At the end of the show, we were given a lollipop in the form of a scene from Virtue in Danger or The Relapse by Sir John Vanbrugh, a hilarious Restoration comedy with Dave McIntosh as the idiotic snob Lord Foppington. These Summer Scenes prove that we have some terrific talent in this town, capable of handling serious and sometimes difficult material. Given the opportunity, they can stretch their wings and LLT can successfully put on plays – at least one serious play per season – from our wonderful English language heritage. Let the actors and directors show what Michael Warren they can do!
THE OJO INTERNET MAILBOX (Wherein we publish some comments about our previous issues.)
MURDER OF LEON TROTSKY IN MEXICO—Leaves Many Unanswered Questions Linda Steele I have always been interested in the Russian Revolution and, later, the cruel acts of Stalin. This article was well written and of great interest to me. OUR TRIP TO THE BUTTERFLIES Sue Jones Loved reading your story, Kay - but the whole time I was sure it would be clear at the top of the climb. You sure are good sports! Sorry it has taken me so long to read your story. MI AMIGA AMOEBA Larry Bferkowitz Do you also have a blog called barrabethsblog? I have followed you for some time and enjoy your writing
WILLS IN MEXICO Rafael What about properties held in Trust, do they really need a will?
Saw you in the Ojo 51
Dear Sir: The study of economics provides some insight into why we must end the war on drugs as explained in Mel Goldberg’s fine article on the subject. A principle characteristic of drugs is inelastic demand. What this means is that the demand for drugs is not greatly affected by the price. A drug user will pay whatever the market price of the drug of choice even if he has to beg, borrow, steal or kill to get enough money to buy the drug. Drugs are also inelastic even if they are cheap in that a drug user only can use a certain amount each day. In eco-
El Ojo del Lago / August 2012
nomic speak, it’s called diminishing marginal utility – which means when the user is satisfied, there is no longer a demand no matter the low price. On the supply side of the drug market, inelastic demand provides a great opportunity for drug cartels. When the various governmental agencies attempt to curtail the supply of drugs, the price goes sky high and the cartels make a lot of money. They make so much money that they are willing to corrupt officials, kill and do other violent acts because the profit is extraordinary. This has created a perfect storm where the drug user will pay any price to get drugs; the government limits supply causing the price to rise which makes it more profitable for cartels to sell drugs. Thus the only way to eliminate the violence is to legalize the use of drugs which will lower the price and stop the violence created by drug users as well as drug cartels. The savings to the government (US), according to Goldberg’s article, would be 45 billion dollars. The savings through legalization could be used for education and rehabilitation, and if the government chose to tax drugs they could pay off the national debt. The Goldberg solution is not a perfect solution but may be the only solution. Robert Kleffel
When W hen My My Sister Sissteer Plays Plays the the Piano Pia ano o By Judy Dykstra-Brown
The first notes, beautiful and true, float like a memory up the stairs. In the week I’ve been here in her house with her, she has not played the piano and so I thought her music was gone like her memory of what day it is or whether I am her sister, her daughter or herself. Yet on this morning after her 76th birthday celebration, Music slips like magic from the keys: song after song, from “Fur Elise” to a sweet ballad I don’t know the name of-sure and correct at first, then with a heartfelt emotion we had both forgotten. “Midnight Concerto,” “Sunrise, Sunset”-song after song expressed in an unfaltering language-some synchronicity of mind and hand her brain has opened the door to. While I listen, time stands still for me as it has for her so often in the past few years as yesterday and today shuffle together to crowd out all consideration of future fears. For ten minutes or more, she segues from melody to melody with no wrong note. Then “Deep Velvet,” a song she has played from memory so many times, dies after twenty-four notes. Like a gift held out and snatched away, I yearn for it, pray she’ll remember. After an uncharted caesura, her music streams out again, sweet and sure, for a staff or two— the sheet music giving her a guide her brain so often can’t. But after a longer pause, I know it is lost like the thread of so many conversations. A hiccup of memory, folding itself away. “Come And Worship” chimes out like the tolling of a bell. The wisp of the old hymn, two phrases only— before it, too, fades. That sudden muffled sound. Is it a songbook displaced from its stand as she searches for another or the lid of the piano, quietly closing on yet another partial memory?
Saw you in the Ojo 53
The Ojo Crossword
ACROSS 1 Valley 5 Record 9 Capital of Ghana 14 Dunking cookies 15 Towards 16 Zombie 17 Star 18 Trickery 19 Trainee 20 Water retention 22 Canned meat brand 24 Conger 25 Founded Neoimpressionism 27 Dreaded school subject 31 Has shoes on 32 Second day of the wk. 34 Amateur 35 Trounce 38 Part of a min. 40 Deck 42 Afloat (2 wds.) 44 Sun´s name 46 Urchin 47 Chew 48 Luau dish 50 Small particle 51 Beer container 52 Official 55 Dorm dweller 57 Mined metals 59 Clean 61 South by west 64 Felix (2 wds.)
El Ojo del Lago / August 2012
66Talk 68 Monastery 71 Canal 73 Visionary 74 Crawl 75 Clip 76 Russian Marx 77 Religious military man 78 In_(together) 79 Yes DOWN 1 Recipient 2 Eat away 3 Builder´s tool 4 Soil 5 Pluto 6 Involves 7 Step 8 Fight 9 Agency (abbr.) 10 Crack 11 Common fish 12 Regret 13 Alternative (abbr.) 21 Fire remains 23 Energy unit 26 Goddess 28 “Remember the_” 29 Implied, but not Expressed 30 Laughing dog 31 Prow 33 Hard boiled food 35 Brand of Tile game 36 Remaining one 37 Utilization 39 Police Officer 41 Bug killer 43 April (abbr.) 45 Truism 49 Note of debt 53 Adam´s wife 54 Diamond features 56 Flightless bird 58 Command 60 Lug 61 Beef dish 62 Baseball player Yogi 63 Twistedly 65 Publicity 67 Mexican sandwich 68 American College of Physicians (abbr.) 69 Undergarment 70 Pillow place 72 And so forth
Saw you in the Ojo 55
AA- Meets daily at 10:00 am. Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday at 4 pm. Marcos Castellanos 51-A. 766-5961. Meets every Wednesday 8 am for breakfast at La Nueva Posada. AA Lakeside- M+TH 4-6 Gazebo at the Lake Chapala Society. AA Women- TH 10:30-12 Sala at the Lake Chapala Society. A COURSE IN MIRACLES- Meets on Saturday at 2:00 at # 17 B Nicholas Bravo. For information email: AIR FORCE ASSOCIATION OF CANADA 904 WING- September to April meet the 2nd Thursday 4pm-6pm at La Nueva Posada. Ron Hudson 766-21-42. AJIJIC QUILT GUILD - Meets second Tuesday monthly at 10 am. Guests & New Members Welcome. AJIJIC SCRABBLE CLUB- Tuesdays and Thursdays noon-3 pm at LCS Ken Gosh Pavilion. Dan Stark 766-0411. AJIJIC WRITERS’ GROUP- Meets 1st and 3rd Fridays at 10 am. Nueva Posada. Coffee. Meeting followed by lunch at the Nueva Posada. AXIXIC MASONIC LODGE #31- Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at LCS 5:00pm. Contact the Secretary at (387) 7610017 for details. AL-ANON- Step study, M 4:30-5:30 Ken Gosh Pavilion at the Lake Chapala Society. Sat. 10 am, Club 12, Marcos Castellanos 51-A, Ajijic Contact (376) 766-5975. AMERICAN LEGION OF CHAPALA POST- #7 General Membership meets 11 am 2nd Thursday. Tel: 765-2259. AMERICAN LEGION, FRANK M. VALENTINE POST 9 - (Fito’s Restaurant in Riberas Del Pilar) 3rd Wednesday. Additional info Call Vince 765-7299. AMIGOS INTERNACIONALES- Every Wednesday 6 to 8 pm, Nueva Posada; informal friendly group meet to make new friends. AMIGOS DEL LAGO A.C.- Working to improve the ecology. See or contact us at AMITIES FRANCOPHONES- Meets every 3rd Saturday at 1 pm contact: Roland and Camille at 766-0149. ANIMAL SHELTER- Provide shelter and new homes for dogs and cats. Tel: 765-5514. ANITA’S ANIMALS- Free loving dogs and cats. call (01 387) 761-0500. ASA- Ajijic Society of the Arts. Meets every 1st Monday of the month at Nueva Posada, 10 am. ARDAT (Ajijic Rotary Dog Assisted Theraphy)- Theraphy dog visits & Children Reading to Dogs program. Julianna Rose 766-5025, BARBERSHOP MIXED CHORUS- Meets Mondays 10 a.m. Lake Chapala Baptist Church. Contact Audrey 387-761-0204 or Don 376-766-2521. BRIDGE AT MANIX RESTAURANT- Monday 1:15 check in. Alicia Salcido (387) 761-0185. BRITISH SOCIETY- Lunch meeting the 1st Saturday of each month, 1pm at Manix Rest. 765-4786, CARD & DOMINO CLUB- Wednesday, Friday & Sunday. Call for times. We will teach; make friends! Tel. 766-4253, Cell: (045) 33-1295-6485. CANADIAN CLUB OF LAKE CHAPALA- 2nd Wednesday of month, Sept. through April. Social hour: 3:00 pm, program 4:00 pm. CASA DE ANCIANOS- Provides support for elderly citizens, 765-2497. CASA DE LA AMISTAD PARA NIÑOS CON CANCER.- Provides funds, obtain cancer treatments. 01-55-3000-6900, 766-2612 CENTRO DE DESARROLLO AJIJIC- Provides family planning and reproductive health education. 766-1679. CHILI COOK OFF- Providing a carnival for residents raising charitable funds, 763-5038. DAR- (Guadalajara)- Daughters of the American Revolution, meets monthly Sep. through June. Cell:333-897-0660 or Tel: (376) 766-2284. DAR- (At Lakeside)- THOMAS PAINE CHAPTER meets every 3 Wednesday at 12:30 noon, September thru June. Tel: 766-2981 or 762-0834. DEMOCRATS- Meets 2nd Thursday 4pm at La Nueva Posada EASTERN STAR ESTRELLA DEL LAGO CHAPTER #10- 1st Wed. at 1:00 pm at Hotel Monte Carlo. 766-3785, ECO ORGANICO MARKET- Tuesdays,10 am-12-30pm, Centro Laguna Mall at carretera and libramiento. ECKANKAR- For information about HU Chants and Dream Workshops please call Penny White.766 1230 FRIENDS OF VILLA INFANTIL (FOVI)- Financial support for children: Lisa Le: (387) 761-0002, GAMBLERS ANONYMOUS- Wednesday 11:30-1:30 Ken Gosh Pavilion at the Lake Chapala Society GARDEN CLUB- Meets the 3rd. Wednesday 11 am for lunch at La Nueva Posada. GARDEN GUILD- promoting the interest in the development of local gardens with an accent on the exotic species available in central Mexico. GERMAN MEETING- 2nd Thursday, 1:00 pm. La Nueva Posada. Call Thea 765-2442 or Werner 763-5446. GOLDEN STRINGS OF LAKE CHAPALA, A.C.- Rehearsals at auditorio de la Floresta. Tuesday & Friday, 3-6 pm. HASH HOUSE HARRIERS- Every Saturday at 8:30 am at La Nueva Posada. HEART OF AWARENESS BUDDHIST COMMUNITY. Meditation and Dharma talks. Wed. at 4:30. Meets in Upper Floresta. or 766-0020. HUMANE EDUCATION ALLIANCE (HEA)- Fostering ethical treatment of animals. John Marshall, 766-1170, JUNIOR LEAGUE DE GUADALAJARA A.C.- Av. San Francisco #3332., Guadalajara, Jal. Tel. (33) 3121-0887. LAKE CHAPALA DUPLICATE BRIDGE CLUB- Meets every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 1:15 p.m.. LAKE CHAPALA GARDEN CLUB- Garden tours and meeting 3rd Wed at Nueva Posada for lunch and program. LAKE CHAPALA GREEN GROUP- Sustainable living for a better tomorrow. Meets first Tuesday, Sept. through May. LCS, 3:00. LAKE CHAPALA SHRINE CLUB.- Meets the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 1 pm in the Nueva Posada. Denny Strole (376) 766-0485 LAKE CHAPALA SOCIETY - LCS- 16 de Sep. # 16-A Ajijic, Open Monday - Saturday, 10 am to 2 pm. 766-1140. LAKESIDE COMMUNITY AWARDS- We benefit all the community by honoring lakeside’s most talented. 766-3232. LAKESIDE FREETHINKERS.- For all who reject relief in the supernatural, meets 3rd wednesday. Email LAKESIDE FRIENDS OF THE ANIMALS- For information contact John at 766-1170 or visit our website LAKESIDE LAUGHTER CLUB- Meets every Wed. from 9 am - 9:40 beginning September 29. For information call Charlene 766-0884. LAKESIDE LITTLE THEATRE A.C.- Balanced theatrical entertainment, English-speaking, 765-5942. LAKESIDE SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF- The 4th of each month. Nueva Posada 10:30 am. Call 766-3964, LAKESIDE USA TEA PARTY- Meeting 2nd Tuesday at 4pm, Sunrise Restaurant, Carretera, San Antonio Tlayacapan LAKESIDE WILDLIFE RESCUE & REHABILITATION- Rescue & rehabilitation of wild animals. 765-4916. LAKE SPAY AND NEUTER CENTR A.C.- Provides shelter and helps curtail the over-population of animals. 766-3813. LCS EDUCATION CENTER- Provides classes in language and other topics for both Anglo and Mexican community. 766-0499. LCS STUDENT AID FUND- Provides financial support to area students to enroll in university, vocational and high school program. 766-0716. LITTLE BLUE SCHOOLHOUSE- Provides financial assistance for students at school for disabled children in Chapala 766-1552. LOS NINOS DE CHAPALA Y AJIJIC, AC Providing educational scholarships to Lakeside children 376-765-7032, LOVE IN ACTION- Shelter for abused and abandoned children. For volunteers and donations. Anabel Frutos 765-7409, cell: 331-351 7826. MAS- Music Appreciation Society. Concerts from fall to spring. Classical music and dance concerts. For info call Kathleen Phelps, 766-0010. MISION SAN PABLO- Helping 60 orphaned children ages 2-14 yrs, Bonnie Shrall - #766-0009. NAVY LEAGUE, LAKE CHAPALA COUNCIL- Meets the third Saturday for lunch at 1 pm, Manix Rest. 766 4750 or 766-1848. NEEDLE PUSHERS- Sew dresses, knit or chet sweaters for local kids. Every Tues. 10 am at LCS. Gay Westmoreland - 765-5607. NIÑOS INCAPACITADOS DEL LAGO, AC.- Assisting Lakeside disabled children , 766-2201. NIÑOS Y JOVENES CARAVAN- Delivers foodstuffs and used clothing to orphanage in San Juan. Call Reuben Varela, 01-387-761-0828. OPEN CIRCLE- Fostering body, mind & spirit, every Sunday at the LCS from 10 am to 12 noon. 765-3402 or OPERATION COMPASSION OR SAN ANTONIO SOUP KITCHEN.- Located at 4 Jesus Garcia in San Antonio Tlayacapan. Tom Music, phone number: 331 547 2726, OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS- Every Tuesday & Friday 12 pm at Marcos Castellanos 51-A, in Upper Ajijic. Tel: 376-766-5975 or 766-1626. PASOS MILAGROSOS (MIRACULOUS STEPS.)- Helping Handicapped Children Through the Magic of Horses. Saturdays 8-2. RED CROSS VOLUNTEERS- Meets 1st Wednesday at 1:30-4 Gazebo at the Lake Chapala Society. New members welcome. ROTARY CLUB OF AJIJIC- Tuesdays. Fellowship at 12:30 p.m., meeting at 1:00 p.m., Hacienda Ajijic Steakhouse, Carr. Ajijic Pte #268-7. ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION- Meets the 3rd Tuesday each month @ 2:30 pm, Bar Tomas, Chapala. Contact or 376-765-2602. SAILING LAKE CHAPALA- Meets for lunch/drinks-1 pm the 1st Thursday Club Nautico in La Floresta, SAN ANTONIO TLAYACAPAN (SAT) EXPATS.- Meets last Saturday of the month 6pm, at Cenaduria de Elvira, #127 Ramon Corona, San Antonio SCIENCE OF MIND STUDY GROUP- Discussion Thursday at 10:30 AM, Nicolas Bravo #17 Ajijic; contact Rev. Tim at 766-0920 or SCOTIABANK NORTHERN LIGHTS ANNUAL MUSIC FESTIVAL- For details please visit: THE GENEALOGY FORUM- Meets monthly on the fourth Monday in the Sala at LCS, from 2:00 to 3:45. TOASTMASTERS LAGO DE CHAPALA BILINGUAL GROUP- Meets Tuesdays 6 to 7:30 pm. English & Spanish works! Learning center. Independencia 153 San Antonio, Jalisco. For info; Tim at 766-0920 or Maureen 766-2338. email UVA - University/Vocational Assistance (Little Chapel by the Lake a.c.)- Sue Torres, 766-2932 or Lynn Hanson 766-2660. VIVA LA MUSICA - Bus trips to the symphony, summer concert series, call Rosemay Keeling 766-1801. VOLLEYBALL IN CHAPALA- At Cristiania park Tues., Thurs., Sat. mornings at 10, 333-502-1264. VOLUNTEER HEALTH RESOURCE GROUP- Meeting last Saturday of each month at LCS in sala, 10:30. VOLUNTEERS OF THE CRUZ ROJA- Sponsors fund raising events and provides administrative and support services to the Delegation. (NOTE: If there is any change in the above, please advise us so that corrections may be made. Call: 765-2877)
El Ojo del Lago / August 2012
All Saints Lutheran Church Worship Service 11:00 am 4600 Avenida Tepeyac, Guad. Tel. (01 333) 121-6741. Abundant Life Assembly of God Carr. 140 next to Mail Boxes etc, Tel: 766-5615. Center For Spiritual Living Celebration Service, 5pm Fridays, Nicolas Bravo #17 Ajijic. (376) 766-0920 or Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Services in English and Spanish, 10 am, Riberas del Pilar Tel. (376) 765-7067, President: Pedro Aguilera. Recidence (376) 762-0299. Church of the Holy Spirit Services Sun. 10 am, Albaro Obregon #119, Chapala Tel. (376) 7654210. Christ Church Anglican Fellowship Eucarist 10am upstairs in Manix Restaurant Ocampo #57 Ajijic. Rev. Danny Borkowski at (376) 766-2495 or Jim Powers t (387) 761-0017 Grace Baptist Church 5th Sun. Evening service 6 pm, Pedro Buzeta No. 970, Guad. Tel. (013) 641-1685. Lake Chapala Baptist Church Mid-week service, 9:30 am, worship service, 10:45 am. Santa Margarita #147, Riberas del Pilar, Tel. (376) 765-2925, 765-3329. 7th Day Adventist meet at Camino Real #84 in La Floresta, 9:30 am, Potluck follows, Tel: 7665708 Little Chapel by the Lake Sun. services 11 am, Chula Vista,. Jal, Tel. (376) 763-1551. Lake Chapala Jewish Congregation Santa Margarita 113, Riberas del Pilar, Tel: 765-6968. For information and service times, please call Pres. Elliot Gould. contact us@ Web site: www. Lakeside Fellowship Sun. worship 11 am, Javier Mina #49 Ajijic, Tel. (376) 766-0795. Lakeside Presbyterian Church Worship-Sunday 10 am; Bible Study-Friday 10 am; Hidalgo 231A, Carr. Chapala/Joco; Riberas del Pilar Tel. Pastor Ross Arnold at 376-766-1238, or Norm Pifer at 376-766-0616 Website at www.chapalalakesidepresbyterian. org Saint Andrew´s Anglican Church Calle San. Lucas 19, Riberas del Pilar, Sunday 2 services, 9 a.m & 11 a.m. Rev. Winston W. Welty Tel: 765-3926. www.standrewsriberas. com San Andres Catholic Church Services 9:00 am. Ajijic, 766-0922. St. John’s Catholic Church Between Av. Vallarta & Av. Lazaro Cardenas, Guad. Sun. 11am. (013) 121-8131. The Lake Chapala Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Meets Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Sta. Margarita #113 in Riberas del Pilar (on the SW corner of Santa Clara) For additional information call 766-1119 or email to We are a Welcoming Congregation
August 2012 CAN-AM 2012
The weather in Ajijic contributed to this year's successful event for LCS whose ticket sales' goal was surpassed. The majority of non-profits reported that they were very well received and enjoyed the exposure and the entertainment.
LCS BOARD OF DIRECTORS NEWS The LCS Board of Directors has recently established an exploratory committee, under the direction of board member Cate Howell, to look into planning for the organization's future. The buildings and grounds that we all currently use and enjoy have been here for over 60 years and are showing their age. The unusual plants that are a part of Neill James' legacy are getting lost in these marvelous gardens and need attention. Developing a long-term growth plan for the next 10-30 years is the committeeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mandate. We seeking and evaluating suggestions for expanding the buildings, converting existing space to multi-use capability, adding and updating plumbing, electrical and security systems, and landscaping areas to better show off our gardens. We are looking for help from our membership. We need people with a wide variety of talents to step up and help. Specifically we need people with experience in the following areas: space planning, feasibility studies, fund-raising, grant writing, project management, capital campaigns, architecture and last but not least, landscape design and horticultural knowledge. If any of these hats fit you, we'd love to talk to you and get you involved. Please contact either Terry at the main office, or Cate Howell, often to be found in the library workroom. Thank you and we look forward to your input.
Saw you in the Ojo 57
English as a Second Language (ESL) Class Registration Tell your freinds and neighbors, the annual registration for ESL Classes at the LCS Wilkes Education Center will be held August 13-15 from noon to 3 PM. Students must be 15 years of age and older, (bring proof of age). The school year runs for midSeptember to May. The cost is only 350 pesos for the textbook. Volunteer to Teach ESL Teachers and substitute teachers are needed for our ESL classes. The only requirement is the ability to speak English and a willingness to volunteer your time for this worthwhile endeavor. Interested volunteers can e-mail for more information. Classes begin late in September and continue through May. There are vacation periods during the year in December/January and during the Easter season. If you know anyone interested, please let them know about registration for these classes. Volunteers are asked to teach three hours per week. Course materials and guidance are provided.
INTRODUCTORY SPANISH CLASSES The August LCS Introductory Spanish classes start on August 7th and are held each Tuesday of the month on the LCS campus from noon to 1:30 pm. Tuition for the four week program is $150 pesos with all materials provided to the students. NEW! CONVERSATIONAL SPANISH CLASSES LCS announces the addition of our Conversation Spanish Classes beginning Wednesday, September 5th and will cover seven weeks of study.
CASI NUEVO THRIFT/CONSIGNMENT STORE It’s been quite an exciting month for us. Since we started going consignment two months ago, we have generated many more customers, lots of new and interesting items and many more donated articles. We must be doing something right because our consignments come in one door and go out the other so quickly that we have plenty of room for new items. If you have anything you would like to consign or donate, we would be more than happy to pick up you articles. Don’t forget, our split is 70% to you and 30% to the store We need volunteers! If you have clerical experience or not, please consider volunteering, we will train you. If you like people and want to brush up on your Spanish, and get first pick of the new items, please contact or call in Ajijic 766-1303. Our charities are: the School for Deaf and Children With Special needs, Have Hammers...Will Travel and the LCS Community Education Program. Our store is located across from the 7-11 in Riberas del Pilar; it’s on the corner with the red door.
LCS SINGLES GROUP The Lake Chapala Society Singles Group took a much deserved hiatus for July and August. The committee encourages all those interested in joining our group or becoming an activities volunteer to please contact us at our secured yahoo group site:]
Participation in the LCS Conversation Class will be limited to those students who have completed at least Level 2B and are currently taking LCS Warren Hardy Spanish classes Level 3A, Level 3B or Level 4 through LCS. The LCS Conversation Class is not to be taken alone when the student has not completed through Level 4. This means that students who have not completed Levels 3A through Level 4 must take their regular class (i.e. 3B) in addition to the Conversation class. Graduates of Warren Hardy Level 4 (given through LCS) will be admitted with instructor approval. All other interested students will be considered at the sole discretion of LCS and will require an interview with the program instructor. Priority will be given to students who have taken the Warren Hardy classes through LCS. Register for upcoming classes at the LCS office on Tuesdays and Fridays from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm and during the week of August 27th through August 31st (M-F), at the LCS campus under on the blue umbrella patio. LCS is located at 16-A, 16 de Septiembre, Ajijic. Office: (376) 766-1140. Class schedules, LCS membership, tuition for the seven week term, policies, materials needed and additional information can be found on the LCS website at
El Ojo del Lago / August 2012
Rear Row, Left to Right: David de Jesus Flores, José Maria Reyes Cornejo. Front Row, Left to Right: Jim McCormack accepting on behalf of Jessica Alejandra Garcia, Luis Fernando Gonzalez Avelar, Alfredo Grajeda Contreras, Melissa Miramontes Guzman, Fatima Guadalupe Lopez Guzman, Alonso Romero Ibarra.
AUGUST ACTIVITIES *OPEN TO PUBLIC ** US CITIZENS CRUZ ROJA * Cruz Roja Sales Table M+W+F 10-12 Cruz Roja Monthly Meeting 1st W 1:30-4 HEALTH INSURANCE * IMSS M+T 10-1 NYLife/Seguros Monterrey Insurance T+TH 11-2 TioCorp M 10:30-1 HEALTH & LEGAL SERVICES * Becerra Immigration F 10-12 Blood Pressure F 10-12 Blood Sugar Screenings 2nd+3rd F 10-12 Hearing Services M & 2nd+ 4th SAT 11-3 Sign-up Information Desk M-SAT 10-2 Loridans Legal T 10-12 Optometrist TH 9-4 Sign-up Skin Cancer Screening (Free) 2nd+4th W 10-12 Sign-up US Consulate 1st W 10:30-12:30 Sign up 10AM LESSONS Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Art SAT 10-12 * Country Line Dancing T+TH 10-11:15 Exercise M+W+F 9-10 Have Hammers T 10-12+ TH 3-5 * Intermediate Hatha Yoga T+TH+SAT 2- 3:45 Spanish Conversations M 10-12 Grammar Required LIBRARIES Audio TH 10-12 Book & Video M-SAT 10-2 Talking Books US Library of Congress TH 10-12 ** SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Beginners Digital Camera W12-1 Computer Windows Club F 10:30-11:45 Digital Camera Club W 10:30-11:50 Discussion Group W12-1: 30 )LOP $ÂżFLDQDGRV VW UG 7+ %HJLQV $XJ )LOP $ÂżFLDQDGRV QG WK /DVW 7+ %HJLQV $XJ Genealogy Last M 2-4 iPad/iPod/iPhone F 9:30-10:30 Kundalini Yoga F 2:30-4:30 *$ Mac OS 1st M 12-1:30 Mac User 3rd W 3-4:30 Mah-Jonng F 10-2 Needle Pushers T 10-11:45 Scrabble M+F 12-2 6WRU\ 7HOOHUV QG 7 Tournament Scrabble T 12-2 SERVICE & SUPPORT GROUPS * $$ /DNHVLGH 0 7+ AL-Anon/Al-aTeen M 4:00-5:30 Gamblers Anonymous W 11-1 MS Support Group 3rd W 3-4:30 NiĂąos de Chapala & Ajijic F 10-2 Open Circle SUN 10-12:15 SMART Recovery W 3-4
Saw you in the Ojo 59
Do you enjoy playing Mexican Train, Rummy Cubes,Texas Hold 'Em, Hand & Foot? Or would you like to learn how to play these games which are popular here at Lakeside?
Lic. Luis Enrique Ramos Bustillos, Notaria Publica, will give a seminar on Mexican wills and under what circumstances a Mexican will is recommended. He will cover general information and then there will be a question and answer period.
If so, you are invited to join a group of volunteers on the back terrace at LCS between 10-2:00 pm on August 18th. LCS members play free; non-members pay 20 pesos for the day. Our cash bar serves Bloody Marys, wines and beer. Just show up or for further details call Patricia Doran at 766-0794.
Did you know that during the month of September, Mexican wills are half price? If you want it translated into English, that’s extra! The seminar will be held August 30th at 10:30 AM in the sala. You must reserve a space, please email
UPCOMING EVENTS Sunday, September 16 Mexican Independence Day The Lake Chapala Society invites you to a community party: Viva Mexico. A mega fiesta celebrating Mexican Independence. Last year’s event proved to be a big success thanks to the catering expertise and organizing skills of Manix Restaurant.
Held July 20 to support the Ajijic Plaza remodeling project was a colorful afternoon. The food was delicious and the entertainment superb. Thank you and good luck with the project!
For 120 pesos in advance you will enjoy a traditional Mexican meal: birria, pozole, tamales, tacos al pastor and sopes. Free admission for Children, 10 years and under, includes the food and a beverage. Children’s games will be held throughout the day and prizes awarded. 120 in advance; 150 pesos at the entrance. Saturday, October 6 Oktoberfest Another Oktoberfest is on the way. Remember this event will have limited ticketing so buy your tickets well in advance of the event. More to come.
THE LAKE CHAPALA SOCIETY, A.C. 16 de Septiembre #16-A, Ajijic, Jalisco LCS Main Office: (376) 766-1140 Office, information and other services open Monday – Saturday, 10 AM to 2 PM. Grounds are open until 5 PM LCS BOARD OF DIRECTORS President - Howard Feldstein (2014); Vice-President - Fred Harland (2013) Treasurer - Paula Haarvei (2013); Secretary - John Rider (2014) Director - Karen Blue (2014); Director - Lois Cugini (2013); Director - Aurora Michel Galindo (2013); Director - Cate Howell (2013); Director - Ann D. Houck (2014); Director - Wallace Mills (2013); Director - Erik Slebos (2014); Director - Sharon Smith (2014); Director - Ben White (2013); Executive Director - Terry Vidal
◊ THE LCS NEWSLETTER IS PUBLISHED MONTHLY. ◊ Deadline for submissions is the 17th of the month preceding publication. ◊ News items can be e-mailed to Reba Mayo; cc to Terry Vidal ◊ Note: The editorial staff reserves the right to edit all submissions. ◊ Articles and/or calendar of events will be included according to time, space availability and editorial decision.
El Ojo del Lago / August 2012
Saw you in the Ojo 61
Tel: 766-0292 - MODELORAMA Tel: 766-2678, 765-2055
Pag: 40
Pag: 61
- AJIJIC DENTAL Tel: 766-3682 - C.D. MARÍA LUISA LUIS VILLA Tel/Fax: 766-2428 - C.D. SANDRA ANAYA MORA Tel: 765-3502, 765-5444 - DENTAL EXPRESS Cell: (045) 331-121-6518 - DENTAL HEALTH ONE Tel: 1060-826 - DR. ALBERTO DON OLIVERA Tels: 765-4838, 765-4805 - DR. CARLOS CERDA VALDÉZ Tel: 766-0336 - DR. FRANCISCO CONTRERAS Tel: 765-5757 - DRA. REBECA SANDOVAL Tel: 1060-839 - DRS. MEDELES & BODART Tel: 766 5050 - HÉCTOR HARO DDS Tel: 765-3193 - INTEGRITY Tel: 766-4435
- HUNTER DOUGLAS Tel: 766-0026 Pag: 48
Pag: 30
* ART GALLERIES/HANDCRAFTS - ART HOUSE Tel: 765-5097 - DIANE PEARL COLECCIONES Tel: 766-5683 - EL PALOMAR Tel: 01 (33) 3635-5247 - LOLITA’S INN GALLERY Tel: 766-1857 - ZARAGOZA Tel: 766-0573, 766-7049
Pag: 55 Pag: 19 Pag: 61
Pag: 57
Pag: 13
Pag: 31 Pag: 25
* BEAUTY Pag: 60 Pag: 20 Pag: 15 Pag: 40
* BED & BREAKFAST - CASA DE LAS FLORES Tel: 766-5493 - CASA DEL SOL Tel: 766-0050 - CASA TRES LEONES Cell: (045) 331-350-6764 - VILLA SAN FRANCISCO
Pag: 03 Pag: 17 Pag: 19 Pag: 50 Pag: 53
- REAL ORTEGA Tel: 765-7556
- DR. VICTOR J. YOUCHA Tel: 766-1973
Pag: 66
Pag: 40
- FUMIGA Tel: 766-6057 - FUMI-TECH Tel: 766-1946
- MAILBOXES, ETC. Tel: 766-0647, Fax: 766-0775 761-0363, Fax: 761-0364
Pag: 24 Pag: 11 Pag: 15 Pag: 05
Pag: 13 Pag: 22
Pag: 30 Pag: 10
Pag: 16 Pag: 47 Pag: 18 Pag: 14 Pag: 12
Pag: 59
Pag: 52 Pag: 47
- L & R WATER GARDENS Tel: 766-4386
Pag: 51
- CABO DO MUNDO- INTERIOR DESIGN Tel: 766-0026 Pag: 30 - CONSTRUCTION & REMODELING Tel: 766-3626 Pag: 13 - WARWICK CONSTRUCTION Tel: 765-2224 Cell. (045) 331-135-0763 Pag: 65
- NATURAL SOLUTIONS Tel: 765-5666 - SAVIA Tel: 766-0087
Pag: 49 Pag: 40
Pag: 59
Pag: 57 - ELECTROVENTA Tel: 765-2222
Pag: 58
* HOTELS / SUITES - ADOBE WALLS INN Tel: 766-1296 - ESTRELLITA’S INN Tel: 766-0917 - LA NUEVA POSADA Tel: 766-1444, Fax: 766-2049 - LOLITA’S INN GALLERY Tel: 766-1857 - QUINTA DON JOSE Tel: 01-800-700-2223 - VILLAS DEL SOL Tel: 766-1152 - VILLA SAN FRANCISCO Tel: 765-2178
Pag: 21 Pag: 38 Pag: 03 Pag: 60 Pag: 20 Pag: 58 Pag: 37
* INSURANCE - EDGAR CEDEÑO - MEXICO PROTECT Cell: (045) 33-3106-6982 - LAKECHAPALAINSURANCE.COM Tel: 01-800-467-4639 -O&A Tel: 766-0152, 766-3508 - PARKER INSURANCE SERVICES Cell: (33) 3809-7116 - PROTEXPLAN U.S. Toll Free 1-800-608-5743 Mexico Toll Free 01-800-681-6730 - TIOCORP Tel: 766-3978
Pag: 16 Pag: 46 Pag: 25 Pag: 22
Pag: 48 Pag: 19
Pag: 10
Pag: 33
- NAPOLEON Tel: 766-6153
Pag: 17
Pag: 28
- INDUSTRIAL LAUNDRY FOR SALE Tel: 333-952-4677, 333-200-3799
Pag: 43
El Ojo del Lago / August 2012
Pag: 42
Pag: 07
Pag: 15
- TEMPUR, MATTRESS AND PILLOWS Tel: (52) 333-629-5919, (52) 33 3611-3049 Pag: 49
Pag: 07
Pag: 14
Pag: 40
766-1760 765-4444 766-5555
Pag: 13
066 765-2308, 765-2553 766-3615
Tel: 765-7556
- QUE BUENA ONDA Cell: 333-115-1130
Pag: 47
- BLUE MOON Tel: 766-0937 - JAMES DON SALON Tel: 766-4073 - NEW LOOK STUDIO Tel: 766-6000 - SAVIA Tel: 766-0087
- ARATI Tel: 766-0130 - CUGINIS OPUS BOUTIQUE Tel/Fax: 766-1790 - FIAGA BOUTIQUE Tel: 766-1816 - LA BELLA VIDA Tel: 766-5131 - MI MEXICO Tel: 766-0133 - ROSIE’S Cell: (045) 33-1242-1304
* BANK INVESTMENT - INTERCAM Tel: 766-5978 - MULTIVA Tel: 766-2499 -O&A Tel: 766-4481
Pag: 44
Pag: 60
* AUTOMOTIVE - LINEA PROFESIONAL Tel. 766-2555, Fax. 766-0066
- SANDI Tel: 01 (33) 3121-0863
Pag: 57
* HARDWARE STORES - FERRETERIA Y TLAPALERIA GALVEZ Tel: 766-0880, Fax: 766-2440 Pag: 66 - REAL ORTEGA-Hardware for Carpenters
- MAGO’S OFFICE Tel: 765-3640
Pag: 08
Pag: 26
* MALL / PLAZA - CENTRO LAGUNA Tel: (376) 766-5514
Pag: 67
* MEAT/POULTRY/CHEESE - AJIJIC MEAT CENTER Tel: 766-45-54 - TONY’S Tel: 766-1614, 766-4069
Pag: 41 Pag: 25
* MEDICAL SERVICES - BERNARDO LANCASTER JONES MD Tel: (33) 3813-2090 Pag: 21 - COSMETIC SURGEON-Sergio Aguila Bimbela M.D. Tel: 766-2500 Pag: 53 - DERMATOLOGIST Tel: 766-1198, 765-2400 Pag: 44 - DERMIKA Dermatologic Center Tel: 766-2500 Pag: 26 - PODIATRIST-DOCTOR GEORGE Tel: 766-4435 Pag: 30 - DR. RAFAEL ARENAS-Plastic Surgery Tel: 765-7777 Pag: 43 - DRA. MARTHA R. BALLESTEROS FRANCO Cell: (045) 333-408-0951 Pag: 17 - HOSPITAL ANGELES DEL CARMEN Tel: (01) 3813-0042 Pag: 08 - INTEGRITY Tel: 766-4435 Pag: 12 - INTERNAL MEDICINE SPECIALIST & GERIATRICS Dr. J. Manuel Cordova Tel: 766-2777 Pag: 59 - ISILAB Tel: 766-1164 Pag: 45 - LAKE CHAPALA HOSPICE Cell: 331-265-5075 Pag: 54 - PLASTIC SURGERY-Dr. Benjamin Villaran Tel: 766-5513 Pag: 39 - PLAZA MONTAÑA HEALTH & BEAUTY CENTER Tel: 766-5513 Pag: 39 - RECONSTRUCTIVE & PLASTIC SURGERY - Dr. Manuel Jiménez del Toro Tel: 766-5513 Pag: 39
* MOVERS - BALDERAS Tel: 01 (33) 3810-4859 - LAKE CHAPALA MOVING Tel: 766-5008 - STROM- WHITE MOVERS Tel: 766-4049
Pag: 06 Pag: 10 Pag: 17
Pag: 31
* PERSONAL ASSISTANCE - JUSTUS HAUSER Tel: 763-5333, Fax: 763-5335 Emergencies: 01 (33) 3441-8223 Pag: 19 - NEWCOMERS ILSE HOFFMANN Cell: 33-3157-2541, Tel: 01 (33) 3647-3912
Pag: 58 Pag: 28 Pag: 57 Pag: 60 Pag: 47
Tel: 766-2836 Pag: 50 - AJIJIC REAL ESTATE Tel: 766-2077 Pag: 21 - ALL IN ONE REAL ESTATE SERVICE Tel: 766-1161 Pag: 19 - ALMA NIEMBRO Cell: 331 212 9553 Pag: 21 - BEV. & JEAN COFELL Home 766-5332,Office 765-3676 Pag: 42 - CHAVEZ REALTY & SERVICES Tel: 766-5481 Pag: 27 - CHULA VISTA NORTE Tel: 766-2177 Cell: (045) 33-3841-8867 Pag: 11 - COLDWELL BANKER CHAPALA REALTY Tel: 766-1152, 766-3369 Fax: 766-2124, Tels: 765-2877 Fax: 765-3528 Pag: 68 - DEREK TREVETHAN Cell: 333 100 2660 Pag: 21 - EL DORADO Tel: 766-4525 Pag: 02 - GEORGETTE RICHMOND Tel: 766-2077 Pag: 11 - HAMACAS Tel: 766-2099 Pag: 02 - MYRON’S MEXICO Cell: 331-364-6524 Pag: 26 - PABLO CABRAL Tel: 766-2612 Pag: 23 - PETER ST. JOHN Tel: 765-3676 Pag: 38 - PRIMAVERA DEL MAR Tel: (33) 3642-4370 Pag: 33 - RAUL GONZALEZ Cell: 33-1437-0925 Pag: 03 - SENDEROS DEL LAGO Tel: 01 (33) 3648-9000 Pag: 05
* RENTALS/PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - COLDWELLBANKER CHAPALA REALTY Tel: 766-1152, movile: (045) 33-1175-9632 Pag: 52 - FOR RENT Cell in US: 626 226 7314 Irma Cell in Mx: (045) 33 1183 8191 Lupita Pag: 54 - HACIENDA Tel: 766-3320 Pag: 15 - JORGE TORRES Tel: 766-3737 Pag: 20 - MANZANILLO VACATION RENTALS Tel: (314) 100-6773 or (314) 125-2817 Pag: 50 - RENTAL LOCATERS Tel: 766-5202 Pag: 38 - SANTANA RENTALS Cell: 315-104-3283, Pag: 60 - VILLAS DEL SOL Tel: 766-1152 Pag: 58
- TABARKA Tel: 766-1588 - THE SCORE SPORTS BAR Cell: 331-789-5937 - TOMAS Tel: 765-3897 - TONY’S Tel: 766-1614, 766-4069 - YVES Tel: 766-3565
* SOLAR ENERGY Pag: 29 Pag: 25 Pag: 51 Pag: 25 Pag: 52
* RETIREMENT/REST/NURSING HOMES - AQUA REST HOME Tel: 766-2361 - LA CASA NOSTRA Tel: 765-3824 - LA VALENTINA Tel: 766-5179 - SHANGRI-LA Tel: 766-1359 - THE BLUE HOUSE Tel: 766-3558
Pag: 27 Pag: 06 Pag: 19
- E2 ENERGIAS Tel: 01 (33) 3673 5499 - ESUN Tel: 766-2319
Pag: 41 Pag: 23
* SPA / MASSAGE - LA BELLA VIDA Tel: 766-5131 - TOTAL BODY CARE Tel: 766-2319
Pag: 19 Pag: 21
Pag: 17
Pag: 45 Pag: 23
* SATELLITES/ T.V. - AJIJIC ELECTRONICS S.A. DE C.V. Tel/Fax: 766-1117, 766-3371 - SATELLITE SERVICE Cell: 331-100-2800 - SERVICIO BELTRÁN Tel: 765-3949, 766-4586
- CHARTER CLUB TOURS Tel: 766-1777
Pag: 09
Pag: 60
Pag: 50 Pag: 57
Pag: 60
* SELF STORAGE - SELF STORAGE-BODEGAS CHAPALA Tel: 766-0661, Tel/Fax: 766-1045 Pag: 28
Saw you in the Ojo
* REPAIRS - TV REPAIR SERVICIO BELTRÁN Tel: 765-3949 - WATCH & CLOCKS Tel: 765 5190, Cell: (045) 33-1331-9226
Pag: 57
Pag: 60
The Ojo Crossword
* RESTAURANTS/CAFES/CLUBS - AJIJIC TANGO Tel: 766-2458 - BAYA BISTRO Tel: 766-2845 - BRUNO’S RESTAURANT Tel: 766-1674 - CASA DEL WAFFLE Tel: 766-1946 - GO LE CLUB Cell: (045) 33-3502-6555 - LA NUEVA POSADA Tel: 766-1444, 766-2049 - “ LA TAVERNA”DEI QUATTRO MORI Tel: 766-2848 - LE CAFE PARISIANNE - LOS TELARES Tel: 766-0428 - MANIX Tel: 766-0061 - MOM´S DELI & RESTAURANT Tel: 765-5719 - NUMBER FOUR Tel: 766-1360 - PANINO Tel: 766-3822 - PIZZERIA TOSCANA Tel: 765-6996 - RUSTICA-Bakery & Cafe
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Saw you in the Ojo 63
CARS FOR SALE: Suzuki Grand Vitara V6, Full equip. Texas plated. 147,800 Miles. Excellent condition, one owner. Price: $2,700.US. Call: (376) 766-2811. FOR SALE: Astro van. Mexican plated, fully serviced Almost Perfect: 4 new shocks, vortech engine and complete towing package: mecanical, paint and interior. Price: $62,000 pesos. Call: 331-176-9733. FOR SALE: 1996 Toyota Camry. Engine and transmission are fine, Price: $1,700 USD. FOR SALE: 2008 Toyota RAV4 Limited. Fully loaded. Very low mileage. 4 cyl, 2WD. Excellent Condition. Runs perfectly. Jalisco plates. Price: $15,000 US. Call: (376) 765-7319. FOR SALE: 2005 Ford Taurus. US plated. Price: $ 43,000. Price reduced to $39,000 pesos, for quick sale. Call: (376) 765-2726. WANTED: Small Car/town transportation. Call: 331-101-0966. FOR SALE: Dodge van. Year 1997. Texas title and plated. Price: $30,000 pesos. Call: (376) 766- 5130. FOR SALE: Older 4-door sedan, with Mexican plates and current registration. Price: $1,500 pesos. Call: 331-171-5935. WANTED: Used golf cart or utv. Call: (376) 165-2726. FOR SALE: Jeep Grand Cherokee 2001. 4x4. All gear boxes have had recent oil changes. Price: $85,000 pesos. Call: 333-482-8731 FOR SALE: Pristine Honda Accord. This car is in excellent condition, one hand owner. Price: $6,500 USD. WANTED: Honda CVR or equal SUV. Will pay a fair price for an SUV in good condition. Would prefer year from 2004 to 2008, mileage low. FOR SALE: Mercedes SL 560 Roadster white with gold trim. New leather upholstery and soft top. 2 tops, hard and soft, Euro cover. Manuals, A/C. This is like new classic automobile!! Price: $13,500 USD. Call: (376) 765 4902.
COMPUTERS WANTED: Epson R1800 Computer Printer. Call: 331-431-7264. E-mail: FOR SALE: Epson Stylus C92 ink printer. Software included. Price: $350.00 pesos. FOR SALE: Change bag essential for changing film outside, for cutting unprocessed film and/or putting it on spool for darkroom development, with light proof sleeves for your arms and spacious inside pouch to work in. Price: $250 pesos. Call: (376) 766-3025. FOR SALE: Lexmark - 310 Series Photo Jetprinter. New and has manual and all paperwork. Cal: (376) 765-4590.
PETS & SUPPLIES FOR SALE: Two brand new cat trees (scratching posts).Your kitties will love the carpet & sisal combination for the necessary practice of removing the old outer
sheathes of their claws. Price: $1,800 pesos each. Call: 331-161-4817. WANTED: Young female dog. White Bishon Mix or similar, under 20 pds. Call: (376) 106-1213. FREE FOR ADOPTION: Beautiful male chocolate brown puppy, affectionate, brave and intelligent. Free to loving home! FOR SALE: 300-Litre Aquarium and stand, fresh water fish(approx. 18); all supplies included (2 pumps, high-end filter, light, heater, etc.). Dimensions of tank are 45cm deep, 80 cm high and 103 cm wide. Price: $10,000 pesos. FOR SALE: Gorgeous Black Azteca / Quarter horse 3 yrs. filly, well started w/ Parelli natural training in a halter, direct/ neck reins & takes correct leads, ponies, bathes, free lunges both directions. Wonderful disposition, very intelligent & willing. Branded plus has current shots & papers in order. Price: $ 5,500.00 pesos ($400 US), Call: (387) 761-0177 WANTED: Wanted a Malinois belgian shepherd pup. Recommended to me as a top breed. FOR SALE: Bay Azteca /Quarter horse male, 9 yrs. In excellent health, smart, willing, gentle, very sweet and easy to work with. Has wonderful flowing trot. Wintec synthetic leather western saddle, 15” seat, black, low care & ultra lightweight. Price for saddle: $1500 pesos ($110 US). Price for horse: $10,000 pesos (750 US). Call: (387) 761 0177. FOR SALE: African Grey Parrot, excellent domestic pet is considered one of the most intelligent parrots, Spanish spoken only. Price: $25.000.00 pesos.
GENERAL MERCHANDISE FOR SALE: 10 sheets of dry wall. Price: $900 pesos. Call: (376) 762 1646. FOR SALE: Large sofa in excellent condition. Three cushions in seat, three cushions in the back -- and two bolster style arm or back cushions. Price: $3,500 pesos. Price: 376-765-2978. FOR SALE: Complete diner set. Cedar wood two piece hutch, dinning table, 8 chairs. All is hand carved wood. Price: $18,000 pesos. FOR SALE: Hand carved stand up corner cabinet with glass on top and doors on bottom. Price: $2,500 pesos. FOR SALE: Wood table. Hand carved design with glass cover. Price: $3,000 pesos. FOR SALE: Combination/Key safe. The Protector fire safe. Stand up safe with combination and key. Price: $3,500 pesos. Call: (387) 763-1475. FOR SALE: Almost new living room sofa. excellent condition two large sofas and one small. Wood with red velvet type cloth. Price: $10,000 pesos. Call: (387) 763-1475. FOR SALE: Sport bag/backpack, appx 17” H x 13” wide. Almost brand new. Stylish mauve and purple pattern against a black background. Rain resistant. will sell for $450. It has 2 large compartments
El Ojo del Lago / August 2012
plus 3 other outer pockets and one inner pouch, plus a water bottle holder. Price: $450 pesos. Call. (376) 766-3025. FOR SALE: Char Broil Propane 3 burner BBQ. $1,750 pesos. FOR SALE: Compact Tiered Computer Desk. Brushed metal & glass tiered computer desk. Assembly required if purchased after August 15th. It’s assembled now. 48” x 24” x 40” (LxWxH). Price: $900 pesos. Call: 333-338-2397. FOR SALE: “Red Hat Society” book. Price: $270 pesos. Fun and Friendship After Fifty. Price: $30 Pesos. FOR SALE: Men’s casual dress pants, size 34-38, brand names, Price: $100 Pesos each. Leather belts, regular and reversible, size 36-38, Price: $50-70 Pesos. FOR SALE: Equipales. 2 Sets 2 Tables/8 Chairs $2,000 pesos. Per set. 10 Bar Size Chairs $400 pesos each. $3,600 pesos. For all. 1 6´ Sofa $1,500 pesos. 2 4´Sofas. $1,000 pesos each $1,800 Both. Call: Roberto. 333-903-5581. FOR SALE: Satellite receiver, Dish Network. Price: $300 Pesos. FOR SALE: Olympia Typewriter in carrying case. Price: $225 pesos. WANTED: Buy or lease a slide projector for a short time in order to view all the slides before to downloading them onto my computer. FOR SALE: 2 Carafes 1 Quart capacity vacuumed glass liner that keeps drinks hot or cold for up to 8 hours. Elongated push-button mechanism and curved handle for easy pouring. Price $20 USD For both. FOR SALE: It’s a small take out next to the Malecon in Ajijic, This is a great location, and can be used for just about any take out business you desire. It has a beer and wine license. The price includes the 9-flavor Gelato freezer display valued at $2000, and a recently renovated and charming structure. Price: $3,000 US. FOR SALE: Queen mattress & includes the wooden frame. The brand is AMERICA LUXURY, Orthopedic Thermo flex. Price: $200 US. Or Best Offer. FOR SALE: Shaw satellite receiver box, dish and remote. Great reception. $250 USD. FOR SALE: Set = Sofa, Love Seat & Chair medium blue fabric, cushions reverse to beige print. Year and a half old and very clean, very comfortable. Price: $4,000 pesos. WANTED: Used computer training books. Call: (376) 1652-726. WANTED: Good used refrigerator. Medium size is fine. FOR SALE: Thule 21 cu, ft. cargo box Used for one trip from Arizona to Ajijic, Mexico. In great condition. Attached and detached easily and locked securely. Price: $400 USD. FOR SALE: Pool Table. Nearly new Brunswick Contender model, perfect cloth, with cues, balls & cue rack. Price: $34,995 pesos. Call: (33) 3121 2395. FOR SALE: Woman’s midsize HUB LOT Watch. Original and Authentic Hub
lot midsize 139 10 2. This watch is made out of Stainless steel and solid 18K yellow gold. featuring a striped black/black mate/black face this is an extremely rare watch. Price: $27,000 pesos. Call: (387) 761-0570. WANTED: Comfortable Recliner. Leather or nice cloth covered. FOR SALE: 4 inch memory foam mattress topper with cover. Price: $1,000 pesos. Call: (376) 766-3537. FOR SALE: Computers, Kids Clothing, Shoes, English Books, Household Items, Bicycles, Tanning Lounge, Toys, Crafts, Electronics, Lego’s, American Girl Toys, Furniture. FOR SALE: Spanish Roof Tiles. There are approx. 1000. Price: $1,500 pesos. Call: 331-171-5935. FOR SALE: Clothes Dryer. heavy duty 4 cycle 2temp. Price: $900 pesos. FOR SALE: Used large old wooden beams. of about 15-20, mostly 7”x3.5” or 5”x3”various lengths (most are 6+ feet). Price: $2000 pesos for all-obo. WANTED: Looking for a good place to find a new sunroof or well made laminate substitute for my 2000 Ford Escort ZX2. Also seeking new automotive carpeting, preferably a roll. FOR SALE: Golf Shoes.. Size 7.5. Lightly used. Price: $500.00 pesos. FOR SALE: 3-Seat Sofa, loveseat, chair; Taupe, newly upholstered, mint condition. Price: $700 US. Call: (376) 7665299 WANTED: Roommate to share expenses. Own bedroom & bathroom, large garden. Secure home. Available from July 1st. Reference will be asked. Include cable, gas, internet & electricity. FOR SALE: Elliptical – Precor EFX. Great machine. Gym quality. Brought from States Price: $1000 US. Call.(376) 766-0059. WANTED: matching leather couch & loveseat. Call Dan 766-2464. Call or email FOR SALE: DESIGNER SHOES 10M. Designer women’s shoes, size 10 B. Have some brand-new and like-new, name-brand slip-on sandals with mediumhigh heels, size 10M. Price: $250 pesos per pair. One pair black Crocs: $ 400 pesos. Email: THETIS01@GMAIL.COM WANTED: Step Ladder Wanted, 8-10ft stepladder and in good condition FOR SALE: Almost new WHITE Kitchen aid Mixer. Only used twice for Christmas cookies. Bread dough hook, Wisk, mixing paddle and stainless steel bowl included. Price: $3,000.00 pesos, Call: (376) 765-6325. FOR SALE: Shaw Direct (Star Choice) Race. I have two 401 model receivers for 500 Pesos each and two 530 model DVR’s. Pause and rewind live shows or record for later viewing. Price: $4000 pesos each. Call: (376) 108-0151. All have remotes and power cords. FOR SALE: Glasses, clothes, quilts, placemats, hats, dress jackets, appliances, cutting boards.
Clive Cussler books. Some items are brand new, still in original boxes. Price: $ 200 pesos each. Call: (387) 761-0798. FOR SALE: Electronic Bug Killer, never used, ideal for your house and terrace, 2x6 W ultra violet lights. Price: $300 Pesos. Call: (376) 766-2839. WANTED: Small Efficiency Refrigerator. Right now I’m in the US, but in September I’ll be in Ajijic and I need a small efficiency refrigerator for our casita. Email: FOR SALE: Used older, sturdy bike for sale. Great for tooling around on the malecon or the bike path, has front shocks, wide seat, rack and brand new tires. It’s a little older and funky looking but it gets you around! Price: $700 MXP. Call: (376) 766 5431. FOR SALE: 300-litre aquarium and stand; fresh water fish (approx. 18); all supplies included (2 pumps, high-end filter, light, heater, etc.). Dimensions of tank are 45 cm deep, 80 cm high and 103 cm wide. Price: $10,000 pesos OBO. FOR SALE: Four pairs of Authentic Salvatore Ferragamo woman’s footwear (some were only tried on), 3 pairs of boots ankle to knee high and one pair of dress shoes. All include original boxes, size 7.5 AA US. Prices from $800 - $2700 pesos. Call: (387) 761-0570. FOR SALE: Making Hot- Wax- Dyed Eggs. I have several dye packets (never opened), beeswax, styli, instruction books, and patterns, plus samples of eggs I’ve made. Price: $400 pesos. WANTED: Lake Chapala Hospice AC needs a digital projector and projection screen to be used for informational purposes like showing our documentaries. Right now only limited funds are available. Email: FOR SALE: “New Air 12000E” portable A/C unit, with wheels, immaculate condition, original box, “Nano Max” technology requires no water drain or tank, long external vent hose fits any window, compact and ergonomic, 2 speeds, thermostat, timer, remote control, 12000 btu covers rooms to 400 sq. ft. Price: $350 USD OBO. Call: (376) 766-1312. WANTED: Seeking cushy, comfy long equipale sofa, table and chair set. Prefer bistro height or wicker lightweight for mirador. Also small light patio chairs and table. Call: (376) 766-4106. FOR SALE: High quality, heavy duty treadmill. Milestone 1200, stability extension system in excellent condition. Price: $550. Call: (387) 761-0827. FOR SALE: Harley Davidson touch
lamp new in box. Price: $20 USD or peso equivalent. Call: (045) 333-496-5883. FOR SALE: Pine armoire, 3 drawer bottom & 2 door top, 62” tall by 32” wide. Price: $75 USD or peso equivalent. Call: (045) 333-496-5883. FOR SALE: VW Trike, built in 2011, rebuilt engine & transaxle, new tires, rims, carb, Mexican plates. Price: $2200 USD or peso equivalent. Call: (045) 333-4965883. FOR SALE: Down ‘throw’ or child’s duvet, sage green cotton percale top, fleece backing, packed with down between. Like new. Price: $ 250 pesos or $18 USD. Call: (387) 761-0177. FOR SALE: This snuggly, lightweight down duvet. Canadian made of white goose down in quality percale ticking, matrimonial. Price: $600 pesos. Call: (387) 761-0177. WANTED: Looking for someone to share our Mail Box at Home services. The annual fee is $3,459 pesos so half amounts to $1,729 pesos. Call: (376) 7665779. FOR SALE: Pasta Maker and Fondue Pot. Atlas pasta maker made in Italy, has flat pasta plus spaghetti and broad pasta noodle attachment Price: $250 pesos. Rival electric fondue pot with forks. Price: $120 pesos. Call: (387) 761-0259. FOR SALE: Magnet Mattress Pad. Magnetic travel mattress pad for single a bed. Price: $750 MXP. Call: (376) 763 5187. FOR SALE: Brand New electric scooter never used. Fire engine red lights and horn comes with hydraulic lift and ramps. Price: $2000 USD. Call: (376) 766-4456, (376) 766-4087 and (376) 766- 2066. FOR SALE: Various Tools. Drop forged steel wedges, 2 for $100 pesos, long handle shovel, $90 pesos, pitch fork $70 pesos, (2) Garden Hoses 50 ft. long, $150 pesos each, FOR SALE: Quarter violin in excellent condition is only missing 1 string. Price: $1500 pesos. Call: (376) 765 5523. FOR SALE: Bench with large extension, bar, weights (150 LBS). Price: $1600 pesos. Call: (376) 765 5523. FOR SALE: Orthopedic Equipment, 2 Orthopedic Patient walker belts $100 pesos each, foot exerciser, wood from Finland $200 pesos. FOR SALE: Countertop dishwasher, still in box, brought from Canada. Danby countertop dishwasher, white w/ stainless steel interior & spray arm. Holds service for 4, quick connect to faucet. Price: $190 USD or $2,500 pesos. Call: (387) 7610177.
Saw you in the Ojo 65
El Ojo del Lago / August 2012
Saw you in the Ojo 67
El Ojo del Lago / August 2012