Saw you in the Ojo
Saw you in the Ojo
Richard Tingen
Alejandro Grattan-DomĂnguez Tel: (01376) 765 3676, 765 2877 Fax: (01376) 765 3528 Associate Publisher David Tingen Graphic Design Roberto C. Rojas Diana Parra Morales
18 ADVANCEMENT? Michael Cook’s article “Genesis� is a harsh if comedic look at the birth and popularity of cell phones.
Associate Editor Victoria Schmidt
Contributing Editor Mark Sconce
Mark Boyer takes a critical look at this past year in U.S. politics, and offers some suggestions for making the next election season far more civil.
Theater Critic Michael Warren
Book Review Panel Margaret Van Every Margaret Porter Clare Gearhart
Art Critic Rob Mohr Sales Manager Bruce Fraser 2ႈFH 6HFUHWDU\ Rocio Madrigal ADVERTISING OFFICE Av. Hidalgo # 223, Chapala Mon. thru Fri. 9am - 5pm Sat. 9am - 1pm Tel. 01 (376) 765 2877, 765 3676 Fax 01 (376) 765 3528
Dr. Lorin Swinehart remembers his days as a farm boy in the rural Midwest of the United States, when life was simpler if occasionally very frightening.
Editor’s Page
12 Imprints 14 Child of Month 16 Uncommon Sense 20 Ghosts Among Us 34 Rambling from Ranch
Michael MacLaughlin pretends to be an editor at a book publishing firm responding to Ernest Hemingway’s submission of a short novel called The Old Man and the Sea.
36 Lakeside Living
40 Welcome to Mexico
Bob Drynan profiles Jim Tipton, one of Lakeside’s most interesting residents and formerly one of this magazine’s most accomplished columnists.
Bob Strand’s Tough Time on the Mountain is a compelling true story about a long-ago airplane flight over the mountains of southern Wyoming.
60 LCS Newsletter
Send all correspondence, subscriptions or advertising to: El Ojo del Lago Ave. Hidalgo 223 (or Apartado 279), 45900 Chapala, Jalisco Tels.: (376) 765 3676, Fax 765 3528 PRINTING: El Debate El Ojo del Lago aparece los primeros cinco dĂas de cada mes. (Distributed over WKH ÂżUVW ÂżYH GD\V RI HDFK PRQWK) &HUWLÂżFDGR GH /LFLWXG GH 7tWXOR &HUWLÂżFDGR GH /LFLWXG GH &RQWHQLGR Reserva al TĂtulo de Derechos de Autor 04-2011-103110024300-102 Control 14301. Permisos otorgados por la SecretarĂa de GobernaciĂłn (EXP. 1/432 “88â€?/5651 de 2 de junio de 1993) y SEP (Reserva 171.94 control 14301) del 15 de enero de 1994. DistribuciĂłn: Hidalgo 223 Chapala, Jalisco, MĂŠxico. All contents are fully protected by copyright and may not be reproduced without the written consent of El Ojo del Lago. Opinions expressed E\ WKH DXWKRUV GR QRW QHFHVVDULO\ UHĂ€HFW WKH views of the Publisher or the Editor, nor are we responsible for the claims made by our advertisers. We welcome letters, which should include name, address and telephone number.
8 &RYHU E\ 5RG 3\H
Special Events Editor Sandy Olson
Roving Correspondent Dr. Lorin Swinehart
El Ojo del Lago / August 2017
Saw you in the Ojo
Editor’s Page %\ $OHMDQGUR *UDWWDQ 'RPLQJXH] Normalizing Incivility
nce upon a time and so o long ago that I am re-luctant to mention a specific time-frame, I enrolled at Texas A&M, hoping to someday become an officer/flyer in the United States Air Force, and with any luck at all, a gentleman, as well. For as long as I can rememn ber, the major military colleges in the United States, hallowed institu-tions such as West Point, Annapoliss and the Air Force Academy, have e held the high ideal of providing the United States with a never-ending stream of first-rate military leaders who were also exceptionally fine human beings, i.e., “officers and gentlemen (or ladies, because for the past several decades, that goal has included future women officers, as well.) Texas A&M was back then, and had been for many years, the largest military college in the world, its graduating classes often numbering in the thousands of cadets, as against those at Annapolis and West Point, whose graduates usually numbered yearly in the hundreds. In WWII, a huge number of college-educated officers in the United States Army had come from Texas A&M. I mention all this because the same referenced code of gentlemanly conduct should likewise apply to the Commander-in-Chief, who is, of course, also the President of the United States. Yet the current President’s recent diatribe against a well-known American journalist, in which he shamefully and needlessly mentioned that she had recently undergone a face-lift, seemed far beyond the normal political discourse and indicative of a deeplyseated antipathy toward women. Sadly, such snide remarks are the rule rather than the exception. A Few Examples: “And if you’re a star, they let you do whatever you want. Grab them by the p***y.”
El Ojo del Lago / August 2017
“Megyn Kelly’s blood was coming out of her eyes, her wherever …” “Arianna Huffington is unattractive, both inside and out. I understand why her husband left her. He made a good decision.” “Hillary Clinton cannot satisfy her husband, what makes her think she can satisfy America?” “On military sexual assault cases, 26,000 unreported cases, only 238 convictions. What do they expect when they put men and women together?” “Look at Carly Fiorina’s face (recent contender for the Republican nomination for president). Would anybody vote for that?” Re critical female reporters: “It really doesn’t matter what they write as long as they’ve got a beautiful piece of a**.” To an attorney who called for a brief recess in a court proceeding to use a breast pump to feed her three-month-old daughter, “You’re disgusting!” To the misogynistic remarks, I would add what many consider Trump’s most sickening display of bad behavior, his heartless ridiculing of a disabled reporter. It is one thing to approve/disapprove of the politics of the current administration. Each of us is entitled to our opinion, which will depend on our personal/family history, party affiliation, education and general philosophy about the basic role of government. But regarding
his uncivil behavior, we can apply a far less flexible criteria and start by asking a simple question, as it relates to being an “Officer and a Gentleman.” Can you imagine any of the foregoing statements or the abovecited behavior with the crippled reporter having been made or committed by any former Commander in Chief like . . . Lincoln, Eisenhower, FDR, Reagan, Kennedy, or even Nixon? Or military leaders like Pershing, Marshall, Nimitz, MacArthur, or (going way back) Robert E. Lee? Equally troubling is that when
incivility is commonly demonstrated by the man holding the highest political position in the country, such behavior tends to “normalize” it in the minds of children. “Class” and “Civility” can sometimes be difficult words to adequately define when it comes to behavior and style, but the distinct lack of such attributes is far easier to recognize. Alejandro GrattanDominguez
Saw you in the Ojo
etting old sure ain’t for sissies,” Ann the special education teacher said, paraphrasing an old Bette Davis quote, a few days before retiring. The choice of words, perhaps, could have been better selected by both women. The phraseology could have been considered offensive to some, as being homophobic or non-professional. But Ann was saying this to Norm and me, two of her assistants, and she knew we were gay. She, and we, also knew we weren’t sissies. We had proof. We had taken a test measuring the sissy level in gay men… You doubt there is such a test? You calling me a liar? Why I
El Ojo del Lago / August 2017
ought to scratch your eyes out…and, although I had a 14.2% sissy score versus Norm’s 17.6%, our sub-20% scores assured we were not sissies. Our low scores indicated we were so masculine that we likely could attend a Cher concert without shrieking, could name two professional sports teams and place them in the correct city, and had a 50/50 chance of identifying the hammer in a picture of an open toolbox provided the picture was in color. Nevertheless, the words “Getting old ain’t for sissies” rang in my ears long after Ann said them, continued echoing in my head as I entered my sixties, and have repeatedly yelled at
me once I retired. As we age, we face physical ailments, situations, and problems we never thought about when we were younger. Some are specifically female, some male. But many are equal opportunity pains-in-the-ass. Asses, in fact, are one of the issues with which we have to deal. By asses obviously, I mean sagging asses. There was a time I could feel that my gluteus maximus was firm and round without thinking about it. I didn’t need to consciously flex or tighten any muscles to make my rear look better. It came naturally. Having a firm, high-riding butt was part of being young. Now, however, whenever I walk, I feel like a basset hound’s ears are hanging down the back of my legs. And, worse, I feel like everyone can see it because my hind end is so flat, my pants have fallen below what once was the bottom curve of my butt. And to make it worse, my underwear’s elastic waistband has become totally ineffective, hanging on to my flattened behind like a cartoon character desperately clinging to the edge of a disintegrating cliff fully aware of the looming inevitable fall. Digestive issues and regularity also are an issue we never had to think about when we were young. Now, when I order pizza, I no longer opt for the large special with 47 ingredients piled on it. Instead, I have the small size pizza covered only with Metamucil. Mexican food, too, creates problems because most of it is served with salsa. But the onions and peppers in most salsas cause digestive havoc. Therefore, I find if I crush pain-killers and sprinkle them over the Mexican dishes, instead of adding salsa, I can make it through the night without waking more than three or four of my neighbors with my crying. I’ve also learned to hate shoes as I’ve aged. Putting on shoes require bending over. They require nimble fingers to tie the laces. And they require immediately removing them and replacing them with a matched pair. If Donald Trump really wants to make America great again, he would invent Perma-Shooz. Hair, the loss of or the unexplained appearance of is another problem I didn’t think about as a young man. Some women have to deal with thinning hair or the disturbing appearance of facial hair. Many men deal with losing their hair, going bald. The men in my family were not bald. In fact, we never even had bald tires. But when the top of my head got sun-burned on a trip to Puerto Vallarta, I realized my hair
was thinning, exposing my scalp to the sun. As a result, I would look at old photographs of myself with thick Beatle bangs, a full wavy Jew-fro, shoulder length tresses, a ponytail, and even an unflattering mullet and I would sob. But as I wept, I realized the tear-driven snot from my nose was dripping from hairs longer than Miss Piggy’s eyelashes. My hair once thickly arranged atop and around my head had simply relocated to my nostrils and ears. Now, I’m a practical, enterprising person, so I started cutting and saving these hairs. Some of the nose hairs, in particular, were so long I sold them to school children to glue on to map assignments as rivers. Two, deftly connected, could easily serve as the Nile, Amazon, or, if they were particularly dirty, the Ganges. And the shorter, thicker, coarser hairs bundled in my ears like sheaves of Kansas wheat, got stuffed in zip-lock sandwich bags and are now being used as padding to give elderly flatassed people the illusion that they still have the firm round bottoms they had in their youth. But I think the aspect of ageing I dislike the most is when elderly friends say, “Remember when…” or” Remember how…” or “Do you remember…?” Of course I remember the incident. I just don’t remember the friend’s name or if the person with whom I am talking is still alive. And that brings me to the issue of memory. There was a time in our lives when a senior moment meant posing for your final yearbook photograph, getting accepted by the college of your choice, being elected prom queen, or getting your skirt irremovably caught in your locker as you slammed it necessitating stepping out of the stupid skirt in front of a judgmental crowd of students and staff, exposing that you had left your underwear behind the bleachers at lunch—all experiences I had as a senior. Today, of course, a senior moment has a completely different meaning. Like yesterday, I sat down to write an article about…oh, hell. I forgot. What the hell was I going to write about? Oh, yes, my retired teacher friend Ann and her painfully true quote about ageing. She was telling me about her two assistants. I think she said their names were Tom and Norm. But I have no idea who they are. She says they are getting old. But neither of Tom Nussbaum them are sissies.
Saw you in the Ojo
perie ience ienc ncce y first experience ls wa w as as with wheels was racing down n sideside si dewalks on a tricycle tri ricy ricy ycl cle le and spilling over bumps along on ng the th he way. Next came a little red wagon wag agon on n pulled by friends, and of course sse e the wagon tilted over bumps,, probably overloaded with myy little buddies and maybe a e dog or two, squealing all the way. d skates Balancing on four-wheeled was a challenge that resulted in many a bloodied knee and a local amusement park offered bumper cars and roller coaster rides for family fun. My first bicycle came with training wheels as my father jogged alongside while I found my balance. It was fun to pin playing cards in the wheel spokes and pretend to be riding a motorcycle as the cards slapping the
spokes sounded like a motorcycle engine, more or less. Many years later, my bicycle speedster resulted in a traumatic crash which involved wheelchair rides to physical therapy to correct a fractured ankle (ouch!) Many Friday nights during my teen summers were spent cruising up and down Main Street USA in a sweet yellow convertible checking out all
El Ojo del Lago / August 2017
the other teens doing the same thing. The drive-in movies challenged our criminal talents while hiding cohorts in the trunk of the car to avoid paying an extra ten cent charge. My boyfriend through high school drove a Geo Metro which his father was smart enough to buy for him because it was too small for acrobatic indiscretions when we parked at the lake to watch the submarine races. I tried a motorcycle ride once, but vowed never again! After a couple of years of college, I donned high heels, a bouffant hairdo and caught a commuter bus into Downtown Dallas to work in a high rise office building. And working as a legal secretary, I spent many years at an IBM Selectric keyboard, while the font wheel spun out words of wisdom for profit and posterity. My first car was a gently used lavender blue Karman Ghia which barely held me and a couple of suitcases when I vacationed westward on the two-lane Route 66 to explore the California coasts. Because I have always been inclined to travel, there are interspersed memories of a horse-drawn wagon on a dusty Texas trail ride, an electric trolly car ride in picturesque San Francisco, a noisy train ride from
Dallas to Chicago in the early 60’s, overhead loop rides above glittering Las Vegas lights, a sometimes lucky roulette wheel and subway rides in fantastique Paris. On a brief jaunt to the Riviera, there was a harrowing zip along the narrow mountain roads as the taxi spirited us from Monte Carlo across the border into Italy (those guys are crazy). Along the way there were planes ... small twin engines that thrilled and bumped along the runways. There were small commuter jets that gave me cause to kiss the ground on successful landings, and later multiple commercial jets with their frustrating time schedules and baggage problems. The jumbo 747 jet has no earthly reason to be able to lift off the ground but feels like a Presidential Suite. My wheels today include a large van which is designed to tote children, pets and supplies to malls, dentists and veterinarians. The van may not be as exciting as that cute convertible of the past, but it certainly fits my current lifestyle. Large or small, wheels have sped me down life’s many pathways, and now I also find myself walking cautiously … trying not to spill over the cobblestone bumps.
Saw you in the Ojo 11
Shanghai’s Taikang Food Market
I’m always drawn to local food markets. The Foodie in me is always intrigued by foods I’ve never before seen, and there’s no better way to get a candid look at everyday people than in a market. The Taikang Food Market in the French Concession satisfies on both counts. While I’m no stranger to Chinese food, this market is chock full of never-beforeseen produce and seafood. It doesn’t hurt that on the day of this visit it’s also mercifully devoid of tourists. Just inside, a vendor be-
El Ojo del Lago / August 2017
Nothing goes to waste here
hind a deli counter is selling ready-to eat foods, but beyond her most of the booths are dedicated to fresh foods. The floors and tiled walls of the Taikang Market are well-worn and the market itself is dimly-lit, but the food stalls are immaculate. Carefully manicured fresh produce is vibrant beneath pools of low-hanging lights. This place would be the envy of the Stateside Whole Foods Market. Most of the vendors are middle-aged or older, and there’s a sense that they and their families have been working their booth for a lifetime, if not for generations. Like many Chinese their age, they’re emRice noodles, rice cakes, phatically camera-shy. DQG ULFH ZLQH DUH RQO\ D IHZ The Chinese put great emphasis on freshZD\V WKDW ULFH LV FRQVXPHG ness, so it’s not all that surprising to see sea-
food still alive and kicking in watery bins. I do a double-take, though, at what looks like sea kelp and snakes writhing in side-by-side bins. In this nation with so many mouths to feed, there’s little waste. Poultry is sliced open end-toend to display innards, and both head and feet are still attached. Chicken feet are considered a delicacy in China, so much so that they can
There are squashes and tropical fruits in exotic shapes and colors, and dragon fruit soon becomes one of my breakfast staples. One booth displays freshly made rice noodles as varied in size and shape as Italian pasta. Rice is the primary staple grain in southern China. In the drier and more temperate north, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wheat. Further on, the seafood become more familiar. Shanghai cuisine is known for its generous use of seafood. Although China is the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s largest pork producer, red meat is conspicuous here largely due to its absence. Soybean curd is an important source of protein here.
actually cost more per kilo than chicken breasts. Demand for feet is so high that China now imports them from the U.S. Chicken feet are no more about meat than are buffalo wings. The appeal is in the preparation, which includes deep-frying or steaming them until they turn almost to gelatin, and simmering them in flavorful sauces. There are Chinese eggplants well over a foot long and â&#x20AC;&#x153;long beanâ&#x20AC;? string beans even longer.
The Taikang Market is often omitted from Tianzifang tours, but itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a great from-the-groundup introduction to Chinese cuisine. And the eye candy of this market is at least as satisfying as the neighboring bistros and galleries. This is the real deal. Antonio RamblĂŠs
Saw you in the Ojo 13
of the month
atima was born in July 2012 in Chapala. She came to our clinic in October 2015. She had difficulty walking. We made an appointment with Dr. Gonzalez as he is the Doctor who examines children for Shriners. Dr. Gonzalez referred her to the Shriners Doctors in Mexico City who advised that she would need surgery for hip dysplasia on both hips. Her first surgery was in July 2016 and was successful. She was in a body cast for two months following but was doing well. Her second surgery took place in December 2016, again in Mexico City. The body cast was removed in early February 2017 and she is presently
El Ojo del Lago / August 2017
awaiting another surgery in December to remove plates and nails. We are very thankful to the Shriners Organization who help many of our children each year with surgeries and follow up in Mexico City. The family is also very happy that their little girl will be able to lead a normal life without limping and will be able to do everything that children her age do. We have reimbursed the family a total of 37,199 pesos mostly for transportation to and from Mexico City. Thank you once again for this opportunity. We see families at 3 locations: Jocotepec, Ajijic and Chapala. Should you be interested to attend a clinic please contact Barb Corol (766-5452) for Jocotepec or myself (766-4375) for Ajijic and Chapala. I invite you to visit our website at:
Saw you in the Ojo 15
uthoritarian regimes throughout history have a long tradition of suppressing the arts. Hitler referred to any art created by Jews or communists or any modern or abstract painting as “degenerate” art. Stalin severely limited the “approved” art in Soviet Russia and imprisoned the novelist Alexander Solzhenitsyn in a gulag for penning novels critical of his regime. The Chinese Communist party placed the sculptor and photographer Ai Wewei under house arrest for his work which was considered subversive. So I suppose it was no surprise that Donald Trump has proposed eliminating all federal funding for the National Endowment of the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities in his first budget plan. I’m sure he would like to eliminate Saturday Night Live, if he could! Why are authoritarian leaders so fearful of free artistic expression? The arts, in all forms, have traditionally been an effective means of protest that can give voice to the powerless against a repressive government. Just recently, New York City’s Public Theatre enraged conservatives by staging a version of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar in which the title character bears a distinct and unflattering resemblance to the President. History is replete with many examples of effective protest expressed in various artistic media. Diego Rivera’s and Jose Orozco’s murals here in Mexico have routinely depicted the power brokers of the church, hacienda owners and greedy capitalists as demonic. Picasso’s famous Guernica pictures the horrors of the Spanish Civil War in vivid detail. Pinochet, on assuming power in a 1973 coup, ordered Chilean muralists to be arrested, tortured and exiled. Poetry has always been a vehicle for political statements. Tennyson’s “Charge of the Light Brigade” depicted the horrors of war, as did Wilfred Owen’s “Dulce Et Decorum Est” and Randall Jarrell’s “Death of the Ball Turret Gunner.” Jose Marti, the beloved Cuban poet and au-
El Ojo del Lago / August 2017
%LOO )UD\HU thor of Guantanamera, was executed for his writing by the Cuban regime. Theater has been used in similar ways. Bertolt Brecht criticized the hypocrisy of the Church and political leaders in 1920’s Germany when people were suffering from poverty and hunger in the Wiemar Republic. The cast of Hamilton publicly rebuked Vice President Pence after a performance in Washington during the Inauguration, for the Administration’s racist stance on immigrants and on gay, lesbian and transgender people. Of course, we all remember the strong voice American folk music played in resisting war and economic unfairness in the 20th century. Artists like Woody Guthrie, Bob Dylan, Phil Oches, Pete Seeger and many others devoted their careers to protest music. Political art has also included film, performance art, dance, puppet and even graffiti. Today we are obviously in a period of political turmoil. Income inequality has created a situation in which the wealthy are controlling more while average workers are stuck with stagnating wages. Right-wing and racist groups are promoting their values on Internet outlets, often promoting fake stories to make their arguments. Immigrants are under increasing threat of deportation; even legal immigrants are the targets of hate speech. LGBT citizens are, once again, targets of intolerance and hate. Politicians in many US states are trying to cut the safety net for poor people who are facing increasing threat from lack of medical care, affordable housing and experiencing food insecurity. We need the arts now, more than ever. Consuming art in all forms, from literature to theater to drama to music to street theater enriches us all. Perhaps most importantly, it enables us to experience life through the eyes of others, increasing our empathy. We need this now, more than ever.
Saw you in the Ojo 17
HV & &RRN 3 3K 3K' %\ 0LFKDHO -DPHV &RRN 3K'
ome say that the he a he addvent of the cell p phone ho h on ne e was the thin end off tth the do he wedge when it comes to social so occiia al ininin teraction. But then came along the anti-Christ of thee very core of our social fab-ric, social media. Umm... where herre did diid d id all go wrong? The world ass we we knew k ew kn ew it became a cult member off a global global bal ba communication sect. On average ave v rag vera ge the hee 18-25 year old will check their phone eirr ce ei celllll p ho hone one 50 times a day for the mostt benign b textt messages that an amoebicc intellectt can possibly dream up. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Bought some new shoes today d will post a pic on Facebook later so you tell me if they are me.â&#x20AC;? They say that today the technology that goes into a cell phone is the equivalent of the vast room of IBM mainframes that NASA used to put a man on the moon. Call me a dinosaur, but I still adhere to meaningful face to face conversation. So letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s just look back and see how this religion took over the world.
On n tthe he day first first d ay ourr o ou ssocial ocial god created this humongous that phone h th t llooked k d like lik a walkiewalkiealkie talkie talkie. Conversations didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t do d d â&#x20AC;&#x2122; llast as llong as they h d today because it was like holding a brick to your ear. Then came along the Swedish god Nokia who downsized the cell to make it fit in a purse or pocket. Progress you might think. But then the gods created towers that sprang up like weeds allowing the disciples to make longer distance calls. The disciples though wanted more, and the geeks fed their appetite with a phrase that now is synonymous in
El Ojo del Lago / August 2017
cell religionâ&#x20AC;Ś The Next Generation. On day two text was created which in turn evolved into a whole new language for its followers. With terms like OMG, LMAO, everything became an acronym. I read an article about a student who wrote an essay for her English professor in text and got an A mark, go figure. Like Muslims on their pilgrimage to Mecca, people queued up religiously for cell time credits, the more affluent took out monthly or yearly plans. What next you ask? Day three brought us the camera with video option, if you had the next generation, how cool is that if youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re not a wedding photographer or a police officer beating the shit out of somebody, not good! â&#x20AC;&#x153;Pixels, more pixels, high definition, we the disciples demand it, â&#x20AC;&#x153;became a mantra like the followers of Krishna. It didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t seem evident that the fabric of society was being slowly eroded. Sons and daughters were buying their parents cells for Birthdays and Christmas, they too soon were becoming indoctrinated. The poor land line stands now weeping on table, obsolete, unwanted, gathering dust. Day four saw the creation of a travesty. The sophistication of these Siamese twins that attach themselves to our ears, developed into the dark phase of Narcissism. What, pray tell? Let me give you clue from the witch in Snow White, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all.â&#x20AC;? The Selfie. At this time I am wishing the gods would take a day of rest. Once this disease became virulent, a whole new attachment became a must, and that was the selfie stick. And, forgive my ignorance, that allowed you place your religion on it so you could take photos of yourself from different heights and positions. It extended, retracted and could take photos around corners so you couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be seen. At this point in this article, I am losing the will to live. Anna and I sometimes, when we eat out, have a small wager, especially if a family is in the restaurant. The wager is
who will be the first to get out their cell. It seems that once the hugs are out of the way, and a little small talk, boredom creeps in. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sad, donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t you think? When I first came to Mexico what endeared me to the Mexican people was their sense of family enjoyment. What galls me the most is the fact that the words Let me call you back is now non- existent. It seems every call is a life or death situation that requires it to be answered at the disrespect to others. Just maybe if I prayed to the sun god it might cause a huge solar flare of energy that would burn out all the cell chips and the poor discarded land line would suddenly become their best friends again. Day five, the gods and the geeks are dreaming up new ways to drip feed you new applications so you will, after only a year, trash your IPhone for the new and improved one. The idea being to shame your friends into buying a new one. Talk about keeping up with Joneses. Hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a highly classified leak for day five. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s called The Hit on Me App. You scan a bar and the camera lens measures the dilation of the eyes to see if you are mutually attracted to each other. It then sends an instant text asking if they would like to share a drink. Then up pops on the screen a message to tell you that your heart is racing. Then it gives you the top ten icebreakers. If, and I do mean if, you want to talk in the old fashioned way. Day six and your whole life is becoming so grim that all you do is talk to this oblong box or text. You have friends, but who are they because you never see them anymore. You have followers on Facebook but who are they, have you ever met them either? Bullying and shaming people can now be done at a distance in the peace and quiet of their homes. Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hope we can return to the good old days of two empty soup cans Michael joined by piece of James Cook string.
Saw you in the Ojo 19
THE GHOSTS AMONG US %\ )UHG 0LWWDJ Grigori Rasputin (1869-1916) “The Great Faith Healer”
asputin was a reputed psychic and faith healer. The Russian Imperial family’s only son and heir to the throne, Prince Alexei, was a bleeder (hemophilia). In 1907 Czar Nicholas II invited Rasputin to the royal palace in St. Petersburg. Alexei fell ill, and doctors thought he would not live, but Rasputin went into the sick room and miraculously revived Prince Alexei, aged four. To this day, doctors cannot explain how he did it. In any case, the peasant Rasputin became part of the royal entourage and quite influential. Alexei’s mother, Czarina Alexandra, believed he was a holy man. Rasputin carried baggage, however. He committed criminal acts of
drunkenness and stealing horses and the people wanted to run him out of town. He avoided ostracism by promising to go on a pilgrimage and walked 260 miles to a monastery where he studied the Bible and theology under a famed monk. Rasputin’s wife tolerated his womanizing by saying he was man enough for more than one woman.
El Ojo del Lago / August 2017
People bribed him for access to palace officials. Rasputin believed that true Christianity required humility and that a perfect person could not experience humility. Rasputin chased women, drank to drunkenness, and committed criminal acts in order to achieve the imperfection necessary to maintain his Christian humility. The First World War was going badly for the Russians because of poor leadership. Rasputin declared that it was necessary that Czar Nicholas take personal command of the war effort. But the czar had no military training and disaster was the result, with many Russians killed or coming home with missing limbs. Everybody had a relative or friend who was a casualty of the mismanaged war with Germany. With the czar absent, Czarina Alexandra took charge of domestic affairs. She practically worshipped Rasputin, which, in effect, meant that he ruled Russia. If he sensed political opposition from a minister, he simply had the czarina dismiss that official. Russians began to suspect Rasputin and the czarina secretly wanted a separate peace with Germany, thus breaking treaty agreements. Some nobles decided the only solution was to murder Rasputin. Prince Felix Yusopov was one of the wealthiest men in Russia and was quite handsome and happily bisexual. He boasted openly of his homosexual escapades. He befriended Rasputin. What kind of relationship they had is controversial, but for a time, they were seeing each other daily. Yusopov charmed Rasputin into a visit to his palace in the winter of 1916. Yusopov promised a possible sexual encounter with his beautiful wife (who would not even be there). Other nobles, part of the conspiracy, entertained Rasputin with cakes and wine that were laced with enough cyanide (provided by a doctor) to kill five men. The conspira-
tors became alarmed that Rasputin seemed immune to the poison. In desperation, Yusopov shot Rasputin, who fell to the floor. The conspirators went into another room to celebrate. After a while, something made Yusopov go check on Rasputin. He was still on the floor, with no pulse. But then one eye opened and he jumped up and grabbed Yusopov around the neck. Yusopov freed himself and ran to the other conspirators, shouting, “He’s still alive!” Rasputin began running across the courtyard. One of the noblemen gave chase and shot Rasputin, and again, he fell. They dragged him back to the palace where Yusopov, in frustrated anger, beat Rasputin with a metal dumbbell. It would soon be dawn and they had to get rid of the body. They went to the river by the palace to a prearranged place where there was an opening in the ice. They bound Rasputin’s arms and legs and wrapped the body in a heavy cloth and dumped it in the river. But they forgot to attach weights to the body and it emerged downriver – with water in the lungs, which suggests that he drowned! The conspirators were the czar’s kinfolks, so their only punishment was exile. The czar unknowingly did them a great favor, because revolution was coming and Yusopov was able to live out his life in France until he died in 1967. Back home, the Bolsheviks murdered the entire Romanov family in 1918, including Czar Nicholas II, Czarina Alexandra, Prince Alexei, and his four sisters – to make certain the monarchy could not be restored. Rasputin, though devoted to the Romanovs, played an important role in their fall and the rise of Vladimir Lenin and Communism. Fred Mittag
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122 Reflections on Thiss Past Year of U.S. Politics %\ 0DUN %R\HU
hese are a few of my personal ah-hahs from this past year of politics: 1) I have never liked politics, but it is nearly impossible to escape... if we care and want to be part of the solution and not part of the problem. 2) While I look at politics from the perspective of what kind of world do I want to live in, more often than not I look at what kind of world can best work for all of us. And frequently this is about giving voice to those who have been marginalized or under-represented. 3) Ideologies -- religion, political affiliation, philosophy, or propaganda -- can sometimes get in the way of our humanity. Rather than ask what my party believes, it’s often better to think critically and humanely about what’s best for all of us. 4) We need a more active and participatory form of government of the people. We cannot afford to be complacent, misinformed, or unengaged. The current representative form of government is too often corrupt by the self-interest and prejudice of politicians who do not understand that their job is to serve as wise and informed leaders in supporting the genuine interests and needs of their constituents.
5) Integrity, ethics, and character are too frequently considered unimportant, and there can never be any long-term good without these. 6) We need to find an appropriate balance for individual freedom and the good of society, and this needs to be an ongoing conversation to build greater clarity and focus. 7) Many of the issues are extremely complex, and too often we impulsively jump to simplistic and narrow answers. They deserve depth of understanding and action. 8) We need to realize that resistance is also a form of patriotism, and we need to become actively involved when government pursues its own agendas over the needs and interests of people. 9) Capitalism and profit should be the result of a good society, and not be the drivers of society. 10) A great country is a SYSTEM that advances the flourishing of people, environment, and all life. A great country collapses when it abandons necessary areas of support for the system in favor of overemphasis in any particular area (e.g., military). 11. We need to develop the ART OF THE LONG VIEW that is based on facts, data, and truth. Too often we are focused on short-term results or individual legacies, and information is warped to accommodate different agendas. The art of the long view is always forward-thinking with a focus on sustainability. 12. While it is easy to be swayed by what others think and say, we need to continually reflect on our own unique lives to determine what really matters in living fully and enthusiastically. By Mark Boyer
El Ojo del Lago / August 2017
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To That Dog Poisoner Christy Wiseman I can’t believe that the dog killer has not yet been caught. I hope he or she is caught soon. We like to say “he” but considering Ayn Rand’s admiration of Hickman as Swinehart did, it may just as easily be a sociopathic woman. When caught, I hope that person is put in a cell for the rest of his or her life. Punishing him or her with violent behavior, while understandable, and perhaps temporarily satisfying, would only cause this evil to claim yet another victim. Editor’s Page - June 2017 Christy Wiseman I confess I haven’t read this book, nor did I have any intention of doing so. I would never have considered it had it not been for this gentle insight into the catylyst for the writing of it. Aren’t we all wanting to live out our lives with “dignity, courage, humor and composure” and to witness via this book how one person was able to do this and impart
his wisdom while doing so with his treasured friend and former student, makes this a must read. Who knows what pearls of wisdom await... Thanks, Alex. Focus on Art - November 2012 Christopher Lewis When was this painted? Medical Emergencies In Mexico Mikel Miller Thanks for publishing this piece. Hopefully, it will help expats and visitors communicate with emergency medical personnel. And perhaps it will prevent another carbon monoxide poisoning. Latinos and the US Economic Growth Michael Hogan Excellent article and timely. It shows clearly why it is in our own self interest to acknowledge the contributions of Latinos in the US, and counter the weak arguments of those who would denigrate them. Statistics and facts such as these as powerful weapons for truth
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and, one would hope, for a bit more “domestic tranquility” in the North. Thank you, Herbert Piekow. M WOLAND Both the article by Mr Piekow and the letter from Michael Hogan, though admirable in their bounty of good intentions and empathy, seem to tilt in the direction of paving roads to a certain ‘hot place’. Rather than worrying so much about Latinos contributing, or not, to America (meaning the USA) and how dire the loss of the best Latino minds “doctors, lawyers, schoolteachers” and “young, well-educated” Latinos in general would be to the USA, would it not be more visionary and ethical to consider the effects of the now centuries old ‘brain drain’? This is a process which has depleted Mexico and its gene pool by siphoning off its wealth-producing talent for the benefit of us whiter folks in the North. One of the many casual crimes of modern neo-Imperialism, and of US neo-Imperialism in particular, is precisely such theft of the talented, outstanding, and often already educated, from other nations. Nations which have paid the price of raising, nurturing and educating their own, only to see them lured away by the perennial (false, and ultimately broken) ‘promise’ known as The American Dream. From the Philippines to the once (but no longer)- broken USSR and now to the artificially ‘failed’ states of the Middle East, the US has benefited, and goes on benefiting, from its export of ‘disaster capitalism’. In many ways, the brain-drain engendered by mainly US-sponsored war, regime change, economic stagnation and subsequent dislocation is more beneficial to the USA than slavery once was. Especially as it provides the added benefit of concealing the pernicious causes and effects of this kind of gene and knowledge ‘wealth transfer’ westwards, always westwards. What could be easier?
People deprived of opportunity for the Land of Opportunity - but somehow, never enough people. As expats who, I assume, love Mexico, shouldn’t we be cheering the fact that a wall may be built, and that the brain-drain and emotional dislocation which accompanies it cease? Then the Mexican (and Canadian) ruling classes may actually finally have to do something with the nation they wield, along with its people - for instance, ‘govern’ them wisely and provide them with opportunity at home, instead of sending them off to the USA as an itinerant labor force. Stopping this practice, which serves to cover up the massive indolence and incompetence which led to the state having no need of its population in the first place, would be a clanging wake-up call for the Ruling Class, which until now has mainly been interested in perpetuating their unearned, often obscene, ease, as are the majority of Ruling Classes worldwide. Most alarming of all is the fact that Mexico, and Canada, seem not to be alarmed at this far greater existential threat than labor-drain; brain-drain. Editor’s Page - May 2017 Spinoza I have a half brother who is now 78 years-old who has been a hard core Ayn Rand follower and member of the Objectivist Society for 45 years (and later an avid Tea Party member). He preaches her ideas like a southern preacher nonstop. He has an answer for everything. He is also uneducated and not very bright. At first I thought it rather amusing and harmless. In later years I see that philosophy as evil. Thanks for the insightful article. (Guest Editorial by Dr. Lorin Swinehart) LINCOLN AND MEXICO—The Play! Lee Campbell Are there more upcoming performances of Hogan’s work? We would love to see one!!
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%\ 5REHUW -DPHV 7D\ORU â&#x20AC;&#x153;Deaths Shrouded in Mysteryâ&#x20AC;?
acagawea, the most celebrated woman in American Native History, immortalized by 23 statues across the parks of the USA shares the same riddle as that of her son. They both have two grave sites. A controversial subject, about which many books have been written supporting both versions of the conflicting dates of their deaths, and their final resting places. The Sacagawea legend is well known- a brief synopsis: She was born in 1788 of the Lemhi Shoshone tribe, near Salmon, Idaho, in the Lemhi County. In 1804, when Lewis and Clark embarked on their famous expedition to the Pacific Coast, through unchartered territory, they chose Sacagawea to accompany them, with her husband, Charbonneau, as guide and interpreter (her knowledge of Hidista and Shoshone language would prove invaluable later on). Two months prior to the departure, she gave birth to a boy, named Jean Baptiste, and Clark, who was eventually devoted to the child, nicknamed him Pomp. Sacagawea carried the baby on her back for thousands of miles between 1804 and 1806. Clark would later write that the presence of Sacagawea and her child played an integral role in the mission: perceived as a â&#x20AC;&#x153;white flag of truceâ&#x20AC;? so that hostile tribes would sense their peaceful intentions. After the expedition Clark offered to educate little â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Pompâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; and he eventually adopted him: Jean Baptiste spent years in Europe with a Royal Family and learned several languagesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;but that is another story. Little is known about Sacagaweaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s life after the expedition, but records show that she died on Dec. 20th 1812, aged 25, at Fort Manuel, SD. A John Luttig, a clerk, wrote in his journal â&#x20AC;&#x153;The wife of Charbonneau, a snake squaw, died of putrid fever.â&#x20AC;? He did not record her name and it was known that Charbonneau had another wife named Otter Woman. Clark himself,
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a meticulous record keeper, wrote in a list of expedition survivors in 1928, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Se-Car-ja-we-au DEADâ&#x20AC;? Now we fast forward in history: Grace Raymond Herbard (1861-1936) was a prominent academic in Wyoming; a prolific writer, political economist, who spent years seeking out first-hand accounts of the pioneers. She wrote a book on Sacagawea in which she expressed the belief in the Shoshone oral history that, in fact, Sacagawea died in 1884, on the Wind River Reservation,WY, aged 99. One critic wrote â&#x20AC;&#x153;Undeniably long on romance and short of hard evidence suffering from a sentimentalization of Indian culture.â&#x20AC;? On the Wind River gravestone is the following: â&#x20AC;&#x153; Identified, 1907, by Rev. J. Roberts who officiated at her burialâ&#x20AC;? who later quoted that he just buried an old Indian woman but was told by Grace Hebard, that she was named Sacagawea. On one side of the grave there is a marker for her son, Jean Baptiste that reads, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Jean Baptiste died on this reservation in 1885, and is buried west in the Wind River mountains.â&#x20AC;? More is known about Jean Baptiste, who led an extraordinary life: he died in Danner, Oregon, now a ghost town, on May 16th, 1866. There is a large marker headed under Oregon History that states â&#x20AC;&#x153;This site marks the final resting place of Jean Baptiste Charbonneauâ&#x20AC;Ś.â&#x20AC;? Again, Grace Herbard claimed he died on the Wind River reservation. The mystery continues to this day.
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The Old d Bachelor, the Old d Maid d and the Bull %\ 'U /RULQ 6ZLQHKDUW
was 15 years old when one warm October evening, the bull killed the Old Bachelor. Life and death were everyday realities for those of us who grew up in the rural Midwest. Farm boys all knew where calves, and foals, and piglets, and human infants came from. We knew, too, where our food came from, that pigs were generally raised and fattened up, only to be shot on New Years Day and processed into hams, pork shoulders, “side meat,” stuffed sausage, “cracklins” and tenderloin. Those of us who hunted and fished supplemented the family diet with catfish, bluegills, cottontail rabbits and fox squirrels. It was all taken for granted. No one seemed to give it a thought. Small subsistence farmers added precious dollars to meager incomes by trapping muskrat, raccoon, and, when fortune favored them, mink. But, the violent death of the Old Bachelor was an exception. The images remain indelibly etched in my memory yet, nearly 60 years later. All the neighbors knew the couple that owned the small dairy farm as The Old Bachelor and the Old Maid. No one seemed know why. Perhaps they had married late in life. The titles would be considered pejorative and incorrect today. They had no offspring, probably a blessing given that their frequent shouting matches out
in the barn and the milk house reverberated across the neighborhood. As a boy, I felt empathy for the Old Bachelor, a quiet, gentle soul who wrote poetry and who always seemed to be attempting to quiet the Old Maid’s tirades. Among the couple’s small herd of dairy cattle was a Guernsey bull, a magnificent animal that spent his days quietly grazing in the pasture behind my parents’ house. In truth, the bull had never behaved in any but a peaceable manner. Never bellowed, pawed the ground or engaged in any activity that one might associate with an angry, aggressive bull. One evening, while visiting the Old Bachelor in his barn, my dad suggested that he not trust the bull. Males of that species can turn on a person without warning. The Old Bachelor chuckled and answered that the bull was a gentle beast, a “big pet,” as he scratched behind the animal’s ears and gave him a pat on the head. Everything changed dramatically on one summer evening. As the Old Bachelor was mucking out the stall, the bull pinned him in a corner and gored him to death, eviscerated him, as it turned out. Death must have been instant, for there was later found to be a loud gash from his groin to the tip of his forehead. One can only hope that it was instant.
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Well, what else can one do under such circumstances but call the police? As darkness fell, police cruisers, an ambulance and a truck from a local meatpacking firm arrived. Bright lights flooded the farmyard, as the Old Bachelor’s remains, draped in a white sheet, were transported to the waiting emergency vehicle and carted off. The bull, meanwhile, grazed unconcerned amidst all the noise and turmoil. In fact, it is most likely that the animal had meant the Old Bachelor no harm, that it was simply being playful, frisky, and did not know its own strength. Be that as it may, the contorted reasoning of that day required that the animal, now a man- killer, had to go. A man from the meat packing facility mounted a hay wagon with his .22 rifle and took aim at the nonchalantly grazing bull. His trigger pull resounded with a loud “click.” Nothing. Either the ammunition had grown old and outdated or perhaps had drawn moisture. It could be that the rifle itself was malfunctioning. I only know that multiple trigger pulls were answered only by multiple clicks. Somewhat bedazzled by the bright lights and all the excitement, the bull took notice and rose up, placing his front hooves on the hay wagon. This caused the panicked shooter to seek safety by scaling the hay rack. More trigger pulls. More clicks. A police officer, hoping to address what was becoming an ever more perilous situation, opened up with his .38. I heard the slugs smack into the side of a neighbor’s barn across the field. With the man on the hayrack unable to fire his rifle, and the marksmanship of the police sadly insufficient, a neighbor ran home and returned with his deer rifle. There followed a scene of unanticipated cruelty and horror. It took several rounds to dispatch the unfortunate bull. Each round caused the bull to sag a little more, until it finally crashed to the ground dead. The bull was carried off in the back
of the meatpacker’s truck. Parts of the Old Bachelor remained behind. While milking the Old Maid’s cows the next evening, my dad found the Old Bachelor’s eyeball staring up at him from the straw covered stable floor. I later learned that the Old Maid had the bull processed and brought the meat home to her freezer. Over a period of time, she consumed the steak and burgers that had once been the bull. Whether this was a manifestation simple rural, Midwestern pragmatism or some vague and macabre form of revenge, no one ever knew. Years passed. The Old Maid would be seen most nights, wandering among her dairy herd by the dim light of a kerosene lantern. I have never known any other farmer to do that, but her presence would be evident late on the blackest of nights from then on. On foggy nights, she presented a somewhat haunting specter. On occasion, she would let loose with a sneeze that would echo back and forth across the neighborhood. I was told that toward the end of her days, she sequestered herself in her basement and avoided the light of day. She finally passed away unnoticed and, one can only suspect, un-mourned. The cows, by now aging and long unproductive, lived on, untended. My dad used to toss apples over the fence to them. He said that they seemed appreciative. It is all gone now. The milk house is in ruins, the fences rusted and collapsing, and of the old barn only the skeleton, the aged, weathered frame, remains, the shingles and siding blown away by gales of winter blizzards and summer thunderstorms. For sixty years, I have pondered the meaning of this story. Perhaps there is no meaning. Perhaps Dr. Lorin it simply is what it is. Swinehart
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am sorry but we are going to pass on your book, The Old Man and the Sea. Although the book has some interesting writing, the writing lacks, how we say in the book business, “heads nor tails.” Basically the story does not meet our standard for modern creative fiction on many levels. Mr. Hemingway, may I make some careful observations about your book? The book is too short and nobody has published novellas in a long time. Can you flesh out the story to 300 pages? The modern reader feels cheated with a short book. Quantity may not be married to quality, but they are
kissing cousins. And so are books sales. We can’t charge 37 dollars for a glorified short story. In simple terms, it is a hard sale. Amazon has ruined the book business for us all. You have the old man hook a Marlin. Marlins are an endangered species and your choice of fish would not work with the environmental crowd who are also big book readers. Could the old man catch a big Grouper or a tuna fish? You have him catch a 1500 pound (today we use kilos not pounds, I might add) with his bare hands and fight the fish for three days. Really? That is not physically possible; no one would believe an “old” (your word) man could fight for three days
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with a 1500 pound wild beast, sans rod or reel, using only his bare hands. That aspect of your book is the closest side of impossible. It is beyond macho, don’t you think, Mr. Hemingway? You would need the old man to wear a cape to accomplish that feat. Though, introducing super heroes in every story is peaking in our popular culture, thank God, and you were wise enough not to have the old man drink something or be stung by a sea creature and turn into a comic book version of The Super Old man and the Sea. The word “old” in the title and the reference to the “old man” is pejorative in this day and age. Most readers are young millennial folk who are now the dominate book buyers. Perhaps you could update the story so the not-soold-man sails out with his GPS, it is lost overboard in the titanic struggle with the fish. No GPS and then he is surrounded by sharks. Perhaps change the title to: The Ancient Millennial and the Sea. At the beginning of the book you have an interaction between the old man and a young boy. Sorry but that is taboo for the modern reader—an old man and a young boy. Think about it. Creepy. You can’t mention “old man,” “boy” and “bed” as you did in the same paragraph. Thank God you didn’t have the old man with a young girl, that would have gotten your book banned by every library and the entire Christian world…who I might add are readers and people who fish. By the way, Mr. Hemingway, did you know that fishing is the sport of philosophers? It is. Maybe you could have a fish out of water (no pun intended) like a young fishing boy, who is also a computer hacker existentialist, who finds redemption in the catching of a really big fish, by hand, and during the course of the struggle a tattoo of a stigmata appears on his hands…well, just a suggestion. Plus, if the fisherman drifts for three days out of Cuba he would be in US territorial waters and sure to
be picked up by the US Coast Guard. Now if the old man was a refugee from Communist Cuba, make it Che Guevara, who survived the CIA assimilation in that Peruvian jungle in 1967, who then makes a deal to be forgotten the rest of his life, goes back to Cuba, to become a fisherman, becomes disillusioned at the Cuban revolution, after Castro dies of course, and sails out of Havana renouncing his past revolutionary ways. Then he accidently hooks the big fish, and somehow in the ordeal he is reenergized with Communist revolutionary zeal, returns to Cuba and starts another revolution. Or, on a more bitter note, Che Guevara, the sad old revolutionary fisherman sails out into the sea on a one-way voyage to death—a literary metaphor of the death of Communism? The introduction of the sharks was scary and scares off (again) the environmental crowd as well as fish lovers everywhere. Sharks are fish, too. There is no love interest in the story. Most of the readers in the world are now women. I am not saying you change your story where the old man finds an old woman and they have near pornographic sex in a small skiff in the moonlight. Nor am I saying it should be The Old Woman and the Sea, though that would be an interesting concept. And, I’m NOT saying The Old Lesbian and the Sea would work much better as a book. Finally, the ending to the book is not satisfying. As I read it, the old man hooks a giant fish, fights for three days, using his own hands, catches the big fish, the sharks come in the night and old man loses his big fish to the sharks who eat all the flesh off the big fish. He sails home with just the giant bones of the fish. Hardly an uplifting ending and not for the modern reader who expects a positive end. In this brave new world, winners win and losers lose. This man is a loser. Having the good fight is not good enough today, Mr. Hemingway, unless you had the old man die at the end, sort of like the movie Moby Dick, Gregory Peck as “Captain Ahab,” his body attached to the white whale— the obsessed becomes part of the obsession. Our old man hanging on to the giant Marlin in much the same way. Man and nature in a symbiotic relationship: a love/ death embrace? Good luck in the future, Mr. Hemingway. All the best, The Editors (AKA Michael MacLaughMichael lin) MacLaughlin
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dreamed last night that we were clearing out my mother’s house. The front doors of all the kitchen cabinets had been removed and I was puzzled about this. On the mantelpiece, I found China bulldog after China bulldog that was a replica of one my mother had told me to take home with me when I cleared out the house after my father’s death.“ Judy asked for this. You can fight over the rest.” Said a note taped to the bottom. A mayonnaise jar, it was of white glazed ceramic that had a rainbow sheen. Its head came off as a lid and its bright orange tongue was the handle of a spoon. The body fit into a depression in its saucer that had the outline
of the bulldog’s feet and bottom so it nested a bit. One of my first memories was seeing it sitting on the small triangular shelf in our kitchen. My mother never used it and later, in newer houses where it didn’t suit the decor, it always sat within a cupboard. My mother was too modern for China cabinets or knickknacks that didn’t match the color scheme. When I was small, her taste went to magenta and chartreuse. Beige and pink and turquoise marked the seventies, the turquoise and pink traded in for avocado and burnt orange in the eighties and back to a more understated green and beige in the nineties.
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Whatever the color scheme, the bulldog never quite fit in, but it was the one object asked about by both of my sisters after the Loma Prieta earthquake. I was living in a house near its epicenter, and the bulldog had worked its way from the back of my kitchen cupboard to sit teetering on the edge, but it had not fallen. It was one of the few things in a house packed full of art and artful objects that I chose to bring with me to Mexico. I’d like to say that it has assumed a position of importance in my house in Mexico, but sadly, the China bulldog just never quite seems to fit in to the mainstream. It has sat on a shelf in my studio for the past twelve years, somewhere near the back where it is safe but unseen. But for some reason, if I were to be able to take one more object from my house, the China bulldog is what my mind falls upon. Perhaps it is time to think about why. I often dream about a subject that I end up writing about the next day. For some reason when I start with that dream topic, it is never very difficult for me to begin the day’s writing. In this case, once I’d settled on the bulldog as my topic, I immediately remembered that in my dream I had found five or six bulldogs on my mother’s mantel. Some were without bodies, all without their dishes. Some were smaller than others and lacked the brilliant sheen or bright colors. One seemed to be almost crumbling, as though it had been under water for a long period. All were missing their tongues. In the dream, I imagined my mother combing second hand stores and never being able to resist whenever she found a bulldog in the same shape as the one her older sister had given her when she was a child. It’s been at least 100 years since she received that strange gift that was the only remaining thing that seemed to have been brought with her when she moved first from Missouri, then to Kansas and then to South Dakota, to marry my father.
She told me no stories about it and as I think about that, I realize she told me few stories at all. Not about her wedding or my birth. The stories in my family all centered around my father while her stories seemed safely tucked away on a shelf like the China Bulldog. Perhaps that is why that one piece of all the pieces of my mother has assumed a center place in our memories. I know that my middle sister, who lived in the same town as my mother for the last six years of her life, has mourned her loss the most over the years. My oldest sister, who was estranged from Mom for the last twenty years of her life, is in the throes of Alzheimer’s and so never mentions her at all. It has been fourteen years since her death and I don’t think of her daily or even weekly, but every so often, something happens and the thought comes in a flash that I have to be sure to tell Mother about it; and for the past year, most of my poetry has been written in her joking, rhythmic cadence and rhyme. Perhaps some essence of her that has been steeping in me for over sixty years has suddenly reached its saturation point and must come out. And the China bulldog? The dream? It is as though for all these years she has been trying to get it back, never quite replacing it but nonetheless not giving up the search. And I can’t overlook the irony that it is these less perfect incomplete bulldogs that she chose to put on her mantel. My mind ricochets as I continue to try to find the meaning of the dream. Perhaps it is my mother’s gentle prod as she tries to tell me something about beauty or the adherence to a dream. Perhaps what the dream teaches is that it is time to leave perfect things behind and to get on with my life. My mind ricochets as I continue to try to find the meanJudy Dykstraing of the dream. Brown
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light to Freedom is a new campaign The Ranch has spearheaded. Thanks to a wonderful former Lakeside resident who worked at The Ranch ten years ago, a relationship has formed with a shelter in Washington State that has a terrific facility and lots of people wanting to adopt a shelter dog. What they don’t have are dogs, but The Ranch has the solution to that problem! Cora and Bubbles were two of an eight-puppy litter abandoned, along with their mother, in a house in Mirasol. Six of the pups were adopted right away, but not Cora and Bubbles. It wasn’t until the
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two pups were flown to the Pacific Northwest shelter that they too were adopted within a week. Now the shelter has requested that Valentina, the puppies’ mother, make the trip as well. The family will be reunited in the U.S. The Ranch has raised thousands of pesos and sent over 35 beautiful Mexican street dogs to this shelter where every single dog gets adopted. In fact, it’s considered very “chic” to adopt a Mexican dog. The dogs fly with a human escort, on a direct Volaris flight from Guadalajara to Seattle. They are met at the airport by a volunteer from the shelter, who then drives them 2 ½ hours to a ferry that takes them to their new home. Everything is completely coordinated between The Ranch and the shelter. The Ranch dogs are selected carefully; all are especially wellbehaved and friendly. This helps to ensure that our Flight to Freedom campaign continues. The cost per dog is $200 USD and includes vaccinations, spaying/neutering, crates and airfare. Anyone wishing to fund a dog or is flying direct to Seattle on Volaris and is interested in escorting dogs or please contact The Ranch: www. or 331.270.4447.
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Sandy Olson
Phone: 331-283-8529 Email:
MARILYN MONROE’S LAST NIGHT Lakeside Little Theatre is pleased to announce a special summer fundraiser, M.M. xx, to celebrate the 55th anniversary of the death of one of Hollywood’s most famous actresses, Marilyn Monroe. Her death, like her life, continues to be a mystery, shrouded in rumor and political intrigue. If you’ve ever wondered what that last night might have been like, you won’t want to miss Lakeside Little Theatre’s pre-season production of M.M. xx. Directed by Peggy Lord Chilton and featuring Candace Luciano as Marilyn, M.M. xx captures more than Marilyn Monroe’s doomed final act. It also provides an intimate portrait of the life of the woman who was born ordinary Norma Jean Mortenson but died one of the world’s enduring icons. LLT has added this special pre-season fundraising show to support the on-going upgrading of the theatre building and technical equipment. The play opened on Friday, August 4. It runs through Thursday, August 10. Saturday and Sunday are 3 pm matinées; all other shows begin at 7:30 pm. There is no show on Monday, August 7. Tickets are 250 pesos. Don’t wait if you want to see M.M.xx. Email: or call (376) 766 0954. Tickets might also be available one hour before curtain time. IT WAS A BIG DAY… Members of the Ajijic Writers’ Group honored founder Alejandro Grattan-Dominguez last month for the 30 year anniversary of the group. A commemorative cake and laudatory speeches by Ed Tasca, Margaret Van Every, Mark Sconce and many others were followed by the introduction—courtesy of Mel Goldberg hauling it across the border—of a new lectern, and now can read their work while standing up. This isn’t just any lectern—it carries a plaque dedicated to Alex and reads: “The Alejandro Grattan-Dominguez Lectern—In appreciation for founding the Ajijic Writers’ Group and fostering, mentoring and promoting Lakeside writers.” Some member of the crowd claimed that after ten years the lectern will convert itself into a walker. We’re looking forward to seeing that happen. OPEN CIRCLE Sunday morning finds many Lakeside residents at the Lake Chapala Society and Open Circle, a forum on a variety of stimulating topics. A social hour with coffee and snacks at 10:00 a.m. is followed by an interesting lecture and discussion at 10:30. August 6 Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda Presented by Lou Raskin Sound familiar? These words are deeply embedded in the vocabulary of many people living regrettable lives. The presentation provides insights into the usage, lingering effects, and ways to move beyond such disabling excuses. Lou Raskin has lived in Mexico 12 years, the latest two at Lakeside. As a member of the Open Circle Steering Committee, he oversaw the development of the website, which he currently maintains. He earned degrees from Naropa University, Boulder, CO, in Transpersonal Psychology and in Ecology. The two were integrated into the study of Ecopsychology, the relationship of the human species with the natural world. August 13 Finding Your Way to Wellness Presented by Marlowe
Marlowe will talk about the frustration of not being able to sort out all the things one needs to know about how to stay healthy and where to get help in treating an illness naturally. One day low fat is good and the next day we learn we should be eating butter! Marlowe will shed light on these issues and share the information she has gathered over the years with those committed to taking control of their own health and wellness. Marlowe is a Certified Health and Wellness Coach, having completed year-long studies with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York. She is also certified as a Digestion Specialist through Holistic Nutrition Labs and is presently working on certification for Functional Medicine Coaching. August 20 More Than a Feeling Presented by Sandy Britton Human emotion has long been considered too subjective to be studied by science, but the relatively new discipline of Affective Neuroscience is changing all that. Learn what the latest research says about why we have emotions, how they can help or hurt us, and how to develop your “emotional intelligence quotient.” Sandy Britton is from Northern California. Her background is in software development, but she’s always had a fascination with the “computer” between our ears. She combines her love of brain science and public speaking to bring you this talk. August 27 How Our Stories Find Us Presented by Rachel McMillen In the world we live in today, with millions of people displaced by war or hunger— divided by conflicts and religion, divided by culture and by politics—sharing our stories may be one of the most important and generous things we can do. Sharing our stories, talking together, communicating, is what makes us human. It’s what allows us to connect with each other, to understand each other. Without it we would be isolated islands that had no concept of how others felt or what others experienced. Rachel McMillen is both a writer and an adult educator. Her Dan Connor mystery series has been nominated for three awards, and her workshops are always in high demand. September 3 September 16, 1810, Brought to Life Presented by Jim Cook In September, we celebrate Independencia, Mexico’s great struggle for freedom from Spain. Did you know Mexico’s Paul Revere was a woman? Or that George Washington was a long-haired hippie who loved wine, women, and song? Jim will talk about the vivid personalities and dramatic events that launched Mexico as an independent nation. Photo-Journalist Jim Cook and his wife Carole moved to Ajijic in 2007. Since then, they have traveled all over Mexico and Jim has intensively studied the country’s history and culture. Their photojournal blog, called “Jim and Carole’s Mexico Adventure,” has attracted more than 1.5 million page viewers in over 130 Jim Cook countries on every continent in the world, including Antarctica. Jim’s stories and photos have appeared in a number of websites, magazines and books published in English, Spanish, Danish, and Russian as well as in a film soon to be shown on the History Channel. LITTLE THEATRE PLAYHOUSE SERIES Lakeside Little Theatre is pleased to announce the 2017-2018 Playhouse Series. This will be the fourth season of collaboration with London’s National Theatre Live. All of these are actual performances recorded in stunning high definition before live audiences and shown on LLT’s 14x8 foot screen. Amadeus and Buried Child have already been shown. Still to come are: August 12-13 Romeo & Juliet by William Shakespeare September 9-10 Obsession by Jan Peter Gerrits, Simon Stephens Orlando Bloom as Romeo October 14-15 Peter Pan by JN Barrie
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November 18-19 Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmond Rostand, Anthony Burgess December 2-3 Il Volo with Placido Domingo Notte Magica January 27-28 Angels in America 1&2 by Tony Kushner March 3-4 Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? by Edward Albee April 7-8 Yerma by Simon Stone, Federico Garcia Lorca Performances are Saturday evenings at 7:30 pm and Sunday matinees at 3:00 pm. Tickets (250 pesos) for the upcoming shows can be purchased two weeks prior and the week of the show at the LLT box office Wednesday and Thursday from 10am until noon; plus one hour before curtain. VIVA CONCERT SERIES —“SUMMER IN THE VILLAGE” The third and last Viva concert of the summer will be at 4 pm on Thursday, August 24 at the Auditorio and features Canadian mezzo-soprano Michelle Bogdanowicz with her Mexican-American husband tenor Ernesto Ramirez. Join Ernesto and Michele on a musical journey of some of the most beautiful classics including De Falla’s popular “Spanish Songs” and famous Italian art songs by Testi, Donaudy and Caccini. They will also sing arias Michelle Bogdanowicz and duets from La Boheme, Carmen, Madame Butterfly and other operas. Tickets are available at Diane Pearl Colecciones, Mia’s Boutique and at LCS Thursdays and Fridays from 10 to noon, for 300 pesos. For further information on Viva’s upcoming season, please visit their website at or call Rosemary Keeling att 766-1801. THE DEACON AND THE BISHOP It was a beautiful day last month when Jim Powers, member of Christ Church Episcopal, was ordained as a deacon by Bishop Lino Rodriguez Amaro, Bishop of the Diocese of the West in the Anglican Church of Mexico. Christ Church is led by Father Danny Borkowsky. Numerous clergy, retired and active, were in attendance at the ordination, as well as Jim’s friends and associates. The ceremony was followed by a reception. DREAMS AND IMPOSITIONS The next Naked Stage production is Opening Night, a comedy directed by Roseann Wilshere. It runs August 25, 26 and 27. The story: Jack and Ruth Tis- Deacon Jim Powers and Bishop Lino Rodridale celebrate their 25th wedguez Amaro ding anniversary with an evening at the theatre. It’s a dream come true for Ruth and an imposition for Jack, who would rather be at home watching the World Series. However, after the events both on and off the stage that fateful night, their lives and those of all involved are irreparably altered. Naked Stage is at Hidalgo #261, on the mountain side and directly across from the
Left to right: Tony Wilshere, Ken Yakiwchuk, Jon DeYoung, Anne Drake, Don Beaudreault, Jayme Littlejohn, Linda Freeman, Michael Warren
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Catholic Church. Reservations are recommended. For more information and reservations, email For those who use Facebook, look for The Naked Stage for breaking news and updates. EAT SOME RIBS AND SAVE A LIFE It takes $4000 to ship a load of fire and medical equipment from Canada to Lakeside. This equipment will be distributed to fire departments and first responders in Jalisco and bordering states. To support this effort, the Lakeside Assistance Group is sponsoring a barbecue held at the Central Cultural Gonzalez Gallo (Old Train Station) in Chapala on Saturday August 26 from 1-5 pm. The ticket donation is $250 pesos and includes a BBQ rib plate with two sides. So far three large containers have been imported and the contents distributed to 47 different departments based on need. Tickets can be purchased at the Tuesday Market, at Diane Pearl Colecciones, or by contacting John Kelly at 331-768-0676, Karl Dyer at 376-766-0365,or email w.karl.dyer@ Please help raise the funds to support this worthwhile cause. DIG OUT THOSE OLD BELL BOTTOMS The joint is jumpin’ at Ajijic’s beautiful La Bodega Restaurant on Thursday nights, when Cindy Paul and Pancho Martinez (AKA aQuarius Duo) take everybody on their magical mystery tour back to the 60s and early 70s for a real love fest. Get in the spirit by wearing your best tie-dye or fringe; you might just win the Coolest Hippie Garb prize for the evening! aQuarius Duo plays from 6:30-8:30 pm every Thursday. There’s no cover charge, but be sure to make reservations: 376766-1002. WE HEAR MORE FROM VIVA LA MUSICA This is exciting news for music and ballet lovers. The Jalisco Philharmonic Orchestra first fall concert in the Teatro Degollado will be on September 14. The Ballet de Jalisco performing Romeo and Juliet by Prokofiev will be in the third week of September. Viva will confirm their fall bus trip schedule in August. Also, Viva needs our help. There are openings on the Board of Directors. If you have time and interest in helping them to run this lovely musical club, please respond to Rosemary Keeling at To be sure, the 16th Annual Feria Maestros del Arte doesn’t happen until the weekend of November 10-12, but it’s not too early to consider getting involved. We’re told that this is “the most incredible folk and indigenous art show in Mexico. Buyers and collectors come to the Feria to purchase the highest quality Mexican art at the best prices available.” Check Face Book to learn more and sign up to volunteer for this important event. 100,000 PESOS TO LOCAL CHARITIES! Want your favorite Lakeside non-profit charity to be considered for a grant up to 25,000 pesos? This summer, the Foundation for Lake Chapala Charities new Grant Program will award four to six charities a total of 100,000 pesos. Application Deadline is August 31 and then the Grant Program Committee will select the recipients. Summer 2017 applicants must be a registered Mexican AC or IAP organization. Email Margy Kassier at or Susan Smith at For questions, phone Margy at 766-4337. The Grant Program thanks Charlie Klestadt’s salesmanship, the Starlit Paella fundraiser, and the generosity of our Lakeside community for making this new Lakeside initiative possible, and the Foundation wants us to know that 250,000 pesos will go into the community in 2017 and there’ll be more to come in 2018 ..
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The Help (Re-Published by Request)
few years ago, a friend loaned me a book written by Kathryn Stockett, entitled The Help. Later this story was made into a movie. The story is set in Mississippi in the 1960’s and, as the title suggests, it is about the “colored” maids working in the homes of “white” employers. What did it feel like raising the children of white people? Cleaning their homes? Acting as if they were invisible? In the book, one of the community organizations is pushing for an initiative for the employers to install a separate bathroom for the help to use while working in the home. Remember, that this is the Deep South in the 60’s. “Separate but equal,” the leader of the initiative snidely chants as she glances sideways at the maid. As I read this book, I was uncomfortable with the racism, and uncomfortable with our history. I grew up blissfully ignorant of this type of overt racism, having lived in a town where the only other race I encountered was one family from Asia. While watching the movie, I was appalled at how people were talking about the maids as if they weren’t even there. As if they couldn’t see, hear, and feel. Days later, I sat at a restaurant in Ajijic discussing this with a friend of mine, but into our conversation, I began to pay attention to a conversation I could hear at another table. A woman was discussing her Mexican maid with her friend. As the Mexican staff waited her table, cooked her food, and could see and hear every word she said, she berated her maid, her work, and accused her of stealing from them. Now, this may have all been true. But she was doing what was done in the 60’s. She was blind to the fact that the Mexicans could see their body language and hear what these women were talking about. I began to take notice wherever I went. At a restaurant in Chapala, during happy hour, I heard loud discussions of the expats and their thoughts about their Mexican staff, and even
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comments about the staff at that restaurant, discussing the “help” as if they were invisible. I saw this behavior as a sad statement of how some of us see ourselves. I’ve heard people say, “You can never trust a Mexican.” I even had feedback from one of my columns when I said the only time we had anything stolen here in Mexico was by an American. A reader challenged me, even sounded insulted that I said it was an American. But it was the truth. Caught him redhanded. But what I marveled at was this reader seemed to live in a world where Americans can do no wrong. My experience in Mexico has been that the people here are very respectful and polite. And while I am sure they have occasion to speak about the way some of the expats act, for the most part I have seen them keep it to themselves in public. Shoes can be placed on the other foot. Once, on Day of the Dead, friends of ours were with us while we were walking through the displays of alters in Chapala. A group of teenage boys taunted me in Spanish… assuming I didn’t know their language. I turned, shook my finger and said “Yo hablo Español!” And having been caught, in unison, they hung their heads in shame. Just remember, though the indigenous population at Lakeside may not speak fluent English, but they know enough to understand. Victoria Schmidt
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ne who is defeated is one who stopped dreaming”. A new graffiti on the walls of Tepehua, to be proud of, people stop to take photographs. Beautifully written and grammatically correct. (I am not to sure about the translation, but it is close). This writer does not know the Author yet, but the hunt is on. It is this attitude the Community Center has been pressing on young peoples minds. The middle aged women of the center get it, they are pushing for knowledge and change and it shows in their children. The children are grabbing for education like hungry puppies. The seven years the Community Center has been trying to shed light on Tepehua, seems to be paying off. The spay and neuter program of Operacion Amor at the Tepehua Community Center was successful in more ways than one. The writer has seen gangs of young men sitting around anywhere they can log into WIFI, (usually outside the Center smoking weed) and with them are always street dogs....snoozing gently. An aura of comradeship. At the spay and neuter program Tepehua, the boys kept bringing in dogs on chains...claiming them as
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their own and getting them ‘fixed’. It was found out later they released them back on the street. The street dogs and their young male companions are a special family, they belong. A family formed out of need. A little boy about seven, wandered into the Center and asked if he could help, Harvey Bernier was doing the tattoo on the animals to show that they had been treated, so they worked together on those still anesthetized. But a boy walked out the door with a be a veterinarian. Websters definition of dream: A strongly desired goal or purpose. “To sleep, perchance to dream”, Hamlet was contemplating suicide, but he was afraid he would still dream in that final sleep, so he took revenge for his Father’s death instead. This writer is basically talking about “Day Dreaming”; in life where dreams become a reality. Amy Fries wrote: ‘Many of us see the relationship between daydreaming and creativity in the arts and science, but slow to see its usefulness in business. But say ‘the visionary’ and we can understand how having a vision, a mental image or plan-can help somebody start a breakthrough company or service.’ unquote. The Tepehua Comunitario Center has created many dreams, by not only putting young children into the local school system, but sending others on to University pursuing dreams they once never dared to dream. Native Americans believed in “Dream Catchers”, knowing the night was full of dreams, good and bad, they created the circle to catch all dreams, the bad dreams got entangled and died with the first mornings light, but the good dreams went through and slid down the feathers to the dreamer. One is never too old to dream.
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ear Sir: Sorry, Charlie but you REALLY missed the mark on your “Another Victim of Socialism” piece in the June issue of the Ojo. I am a solid capitalist, conservative. The structures and organizations are EXACTLY what The Founding Fathers had in mind- KEEP COMMON NEED ORGANIZATIONS AT THE MOST LOCAL LEVEL POSSIBLE. The volunteer groups, co-ops and LOCAL legal authority do just that. Would you prefer these organizations group together with others to form larger organizations further away from the immediate need? That is utopian/socialism. With respect to property taxes, I too, as a Texan, got killed by property taxes. There is an alternate to thatstate income taxes. NO WAY! Also, I believe that only land owners should have the right to vote or sales taxes should be higher and land taxes lower. Most renters are Democrat/Socialist. They have too much pull in the laws and interpretation of same. (deleted by Ojo) The better approach would have been to be grateful for the volunteerism of Texans and locally controlled utility and safety services. God bless Texas! Mark Gregory
ear Sir: In my day, newspapers had a political section which gave as much print space to the conservative point of view as it did the liberal point of view. That way, people could make up their own minds which party best represented their interests. The liberals of today have been indoctrinated with mind control suborned by main stream media. There is no better example than the unmitigated bias of Fred Mittag’s “False Equivalence.” His entire theory of what constitutes a conservative is nothing but the same old rhetoric and a sad attempt at self-aggrandizement. Shame on you Ojo Del Lago for publishing it and shame on you for having no backbone. Hire a conservative writer, give him or her equal print space and tell the lefties who don’t like it to pound sand. N Horne Our Editor Replies: Over the past several years, we have repeatedly solicited articles written from the conservative viewpoint. The response has never been little more than tepid. We have, however, published many Letters to the Editor that reflect a conservative and negative response to some of our more progressive-oriented articles, the latest example being your own letter. Thanks for your interest in the Ojo.
ear Sir: In my two visits to Ajijic last year as a medical tourist, your magazine proved very useful indeed. I was attracted to it first of all by the quality of its photography, then realized it was full of ads by doctors, two of whom I later used. I then took several editions of the Ojo home and read through its articles. I’ve written an account of my visits and hope it might be of as much value to El Ojo as an article as El Ojo had been to me in October in finding doctors. Best Regards, Richard R. Palmer Tel: (530) 762-8122 (USA)
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he worst feeling in the world, or so I was told, is to have to impart the bad news that a child has been injured, while under your care. When my son was about eight, my dad took him ice skating. My son had never been on ice skates before, but after some tentative attempts he was soon circling the rink and having a great time with his grandpa. Suddenly some much older boys skated right up to my son, cut in front of him, and several of them went down in jumble of bodies, arms and legs flying. At the bottom of the heap lay my son, valiantly trying to get up, with one arm at a distinctly odd angle. When I answered the phone, I immediately knew something was wrong from my dad’s tone. “Meet me at the ER, there’s been a slight accident” words that no mother ever wants to hear from anyone. I raced to the hospital to find my son, smiling and happy, sporting an electric blue cast on his left forearm, eagerly anticipating showing it off to all his friends the next day at school. Meanwhile, my dad, the WWII Navy pilot, a black belt in karate, had turned into a quivering mass of Jello when faced with the task of calling me to let me know that his beloved grandson had been injured “on his watch.” The years passed, the children grew up, and we all survived their childhood mishaps and a few broken bones. I became a grandmother and then a great grandmother, and I loved the times when I could babysit the little ones and take them on outings and adventures.
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That is until the day I had to make “the phone call.” I was at the park with three of my great grandkids and was enjoying watching them run and play on the swings, slides and jungle gyms. “Watch this, Grandma,” they would shout as they performed feats of daring do. Then, without warning, my great grandson decided to see if he could fly, leaping from the top of the jungle gym only to land in a heap in the sawdust at the bottom. As he struggled to his feet and I ran to him, I could see he was trying his best not to cry. But then I saw his arm, bending back at an unnatural angle, and I knew. As I bundled all three of them into the car and headed straight for the emergency room, it hit me that I had better call my granddaughter to meet us there. As I told her what had happened I was struck by an overwhelming sense of guilt. How could this have happened while the kids were with me? As my great grandson emerged from behind the closed ER doors, smiling and sporting a fluorescent orange cast, I was instantly transported back to that day so long ago, when Dad had called to tell me about my son’s accident. As with so many things he taught me, he was right. The worst feeling in the world is when you have to tell a mother that her child was injured Kathy Koches “on your watch.”
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Iff Our Pets Could Talk %\ -DFNLH .HOOXP
ats actually do ‘ talk,’ we just have a hard time figuring out what they are saying. Feral cats living in colonies, usually are nonverbal. When a cat lives with a human they will talk in varying degrees. Cat brains have many similar brain structures as people, including areas involving emotions. Cats do show love by cuddling, rubbing their head on those they do love and vocalizing their affection. Research has shown that cats are sensitive to human moods. They are less likely to approach strangers or those expressing sadness. They are more likely to approach people who describe themselves as feeling happy or extroverted. Cats love to be petted, but they have their limits. If you do not recognize the signals telling you to stop petting, like tail flickering, ears pointing backward , shifting body position or cessation of purring, the next ‘stop petting me’ communication will come in the form of a scratch or bite. Cats have the habit, if they like you, of pointing their butt in your direction. Take this as a compliment. There’s a simple reason for this. He is not ‘mooning’ you, or being insulting. He’s actually displaying immense trust in you. Since a cat is an animal that is both a predator and prey, he wants to position himself in the safest possible place. If he turns his back on you and he settles down, he’s showing that he trusts you. This behavior also indicates he’s watching the environment for the protection of both of you. Don’t take offense when your cat scratches like he is trying to bury his food. He is not saying: “Gee, I hate this food.” It is a primitive behavior. Cats are hunters and when they do not complete eating their meal, they try to cover it. The purpose is two-fold. This pawing at the floor and food is an attempt to cover the food so as to not attract
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any predators. It also prevents potential prey from being alerted to the fact that a predator is in the vicinity. Even an indoor cat who has never gone outside to hunt retains this survival instinctive behavior. Have you noticed that your cat paws at his water bowl or he moves it? It really has a purpose. In the wild, cats like drinking from moving water, it indicates it is fresh. This pawing behavior lets your cat know if there is any water in the bowl and at what level the water is within the bowl, before he puts his head in the bowl. Cats are visual hunters, relying on their senses to give them information about their environment. You are a big part of their environment, providing protection, food, shelter and companionship. Cats are body language readers. When you notice your cat is watching you, think about why she might be interested in you. Her interest may be in the way you look, your mood or expression and what you are doing. Perhaps she is using your appearance to help her decide how she should respond, or sharing with you how she feels. She may want to be sure that you are watching her in return because you share a family group bond, and it assures the social stability of your group. Take your cat’s interest as a compliment. Not every person has the captivated attention of a feline friend. If you notice her watching you, take a moment to stroke her or speak to her. If you do, she will learn that watching you is a good pastime, and you both will benefit. Be sure that you are worth watching!
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I don’t have the words to tell you how much I love you, but this I know: I am not at fault for trying, for Pablo Neruda, who in the still of night, with his sonnets, ripped the future words from my mind, giving them to Matilda. “…when I hold you I hold everything that island, time, the tree of the rain, everything is alive so that I can be alive: without moving I can see it all: in your life I see everything that lives.” I am bereft of the words to tell you how much I love you, for that knave Robert Browning, in the middle of the night, ran off to Paris with Elizabeth, and plucked the future out of the very words I could have penned to you NOW. “You are around me for once, you beneath me, above meMe—sure that despite of time future, time past, -This tick of our life-time’s one moment you love me! How long such suspension may linger? Ah, Sweet— The moment eternal—just that and no more— When ecstasy’s utmost we clutch at the core While cheeks burn, arms open, eyes shut and lips meet!” I cannot find the words to tell you how much I love you, for Walter Rinder’s Spectrum of Love, deftly captured the thoughts penned up inside of me, and in the silence of the night left me speechless. “When I touch you, / or kiss you, / or hold you, / I am saying / a thousand words.” Even to this day, this hour, I can only repeat what has been said; therein lies the beauty of words, like sunsets, never the same, and blossoms erupting in beauty over and over again, and the very scent of you, a breath of color in moonlight, the sound of my heart beating to the rhythm of your soul repeating over and over again, when lips meet, how much I love you. 100 love sonnets #Vlll Pablo Neruda, NOW by Robert Browning, Spectrum of Love by Walter Rinder
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Jim Tipton—A Profile in Courage %\ %RE 'U\QDQ
’ve been invited to write a profile of my dear friend, Jim Tipton. I’ve known him for over ten years, but to be frank I don’t know his history except in bits and pieces. I know he was raised in Ohio by a Quaker father and for thirteen years taught English and Literature at Alma college in Michigan where he also raised bees as a hobby. Later in the deserts and highlands of Colorado he became a full-time bee keeper and developed his avocation as a poet. An adventurer, he made extended trips to Peru and Colombia in South America and later visited Turkey, the Greek islands of Rhodes and Crete, and followed the footsteps of Jesus in Israel. He participated in the fine arts community of San Francisco in the mid-Sixties. He found his way to the Chapala Lakeside and made his here home thirteen years ago. Jim became an Associate Editor on the staff of the Ojo del Lago and, as well, was a regular participant in several writers’ critique groups and workshops. He has earned some renown as a poet and writer of short stories. In 1999 Jim received the Colorado Book Award for his book of poems entitled Letters from a Stranger. He has published two other collections of poetry at Lakeside and shared in locally produced short story anthologies. While in Peru, Jim ran across a book written by Isabel Allende, herself a celebrated author. Impressed, he wrote to her and they became fast friends who remain in touch to this day. But that is merely a litany of a few of the steps in his life’s journey. We all begin life as an inchoate being, growing and evolving as life leads us through events, missteps, successes, loves and losses. Each step of the way shapes us through what these experiences have taught us, and how we respond to those les-
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sons. We were many things over our life’s span and a different person in each of its stages. The man I’ve come to know and love as a brother is the sum-total of his past and how it shaped him. Of that I can write. Jim Tipton is innately a gentleman, and more to his credit, a gentle man. I felt his arm around my shoulders when my wife of forty-six years passed away. I’ve observed his caring touch when others of our community have suffered loss, pain, distress. I’ve seen his whole-hearted enthusiasm when he shares the joys of other’s successes. His poems and stories reflect his sense of beauty, not the superficial, but that which shines from within, as in, “When the Fat Lady Runs in the Rain” or when an aging Navaho makes his last journey in “Willie Bill Begay’s Long Walk.” The courage and engaging good cheer Jim exhibits in the face of his struggle with cancer, the discipline and diligence that he brings to the battle with this adversary, are an example for all. His success has astounded his friends and physicians alike. If any one word best describes Jim Tipton, it is “Love;” love for his friends, an unthreatening and protective love for women, and a wholesome, exuberant love of life. When his turn comes, his time in our small world will have made it a better place than it was before he entered it. Bob Drynan
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Focus on Art %\ 5RE 0RKU
very great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the worldâ&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Â Harriet Tubman Francisco Goya with drawings, etchings and paintings depicting the violence caused by greed and the quest for power, forever changed the culture of Spain and France. Van Goghâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ability to share human emotion through his paintings added new dimensions to artâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s impact on Western culture. Henry David Thoreau, the founder of Transcendentalism, protested against intellectual-
ism and organized religion, while encouraging humanity to renew its relationship with nature. The Bauhaus in Germany, and Black Mountain College in the North Carolina mountains, through multi discipline arts education, spawned hundreds of students, teachers - and Abstract Expressionism which forever changed Western culture and art forms. And, in a modest way, the writerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, music, poetry and visual arts groups in Ajijic and Lakeside, have had lasting impact of the culture of Jalisco. The arts record humanityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s collective memory, and visions, dreams, and utopian projections while preserving what fact-based history can-
not. They enable us to communicate among human cultures in an environment free from greed, resource control, and the violence of war. Arts are not personal events; they engender communities where people come together even when they see the world in different ways. They enable a society to understand itself and evolve in a progressive and healthy way. To be a successful change agent, â&#x20AC;&#x153;an artist must guard their interior integrity from the pressure of realityâ&#x20AC;? (Poet Wallace Stevens). An honest look at life is the artâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ultimate subject matter; then their creative seeing will become insight for participating communities of men and women who desire wholeness in life. Artistic interchanges effect humanities understanding of social, political and ecological challenges, and lubricate the search for sound solutions. Like artists of the past, todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s artists are called to portray social reality in ways that enable people to see what they really look and act like. Many artists create protest art, and offer counter solutions to societal challenges. When discourse fails, protest art offers a unique mirror through which the greedy predators, oppres-
sors, and perpetrators of violence might grasp the destructive nature of their actions. Francis Ford Coppolaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s film Apocalypse Now revealed the utter emptiness of war and violence. Victor Hugoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s book Les Miserables exposed the reality of poverty and the thoughtless marginalization of vast numbers of Englandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s people. Francis Baconâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Study After Velazquezâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Portrait of Pope Innocent X, completed in 1650, offered stark comment on corruption and manipulation by organized religion. Eben Barnard protest through song A Rage Against Darkness encapsulated the disintegration of society and the enslavement of its people.â&#x20AC;?                       My people forced to decide   . To conform to the system Their souls engaged I feel a rage. Graffiti by street artists like Banksy (his identity remains unknown) provide sharp and insightful critiques on human oppression and marginalization. His painting of Steve Jobs (who is the son of  Syrian refugees) shows an early Mac computer in Steveâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s right hand and a full cloth sack over his left shoulder. Jobâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s portrait signifies both a refuge that US President Trump would exclude, and a capitalist entrepreneur who has amassed great wealth at the expense of the health and welfare of poor and marginalized peoples. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Art is the imagination pressing back against the pressure of reality.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Wallace Stevens Through the arts our culture, and society come into too clear focus, and we humans are changed Rob Mohr by what we see. Link to Art:
El Ojo del Lago / August 2017
Saw you in the Ojo 55
Tough Time On The Mountain %\ %RE 6WUDQG
hey left Salt Lake City, Utah, early in the morning on their way to Rapid City, South Dakota. It was raining and cloudy, but he was an experienced pilot, and the twin-engine Beechcraft carried him and his wife uneventfully eastward across southern Wyoming. It was early May, and the rain at Salt Lake had turned to sleet and snow over the Ferris Mountains, a rugged spine of peaks rising to 10,000 feet that split the ranch almost evenly from one end to the other and stood directly in the flight of the Twin Beech. Dalton LeMasurier and his wife, Dorothy, could not see the ranch land below or the rapidly rising ground beneath them as they made their way toward the mountains. The first indication of trouble came suddenly, when they flew out of a cloud bank and directly toward the side of the mountains at over 9,000 feet. Dalton frantically pulled the airplane into a sudden and steep climb, but the straining airplane could not clear the mountain crest. It stalled and slide sideways into a rock slide, tearing off a wing and coming to rest not 500 feet below the snowy summit. Not a sound was heard by the cowboys in the cow camp 4,000 feet below. The droning of engines and the fiery crash had all been muffled by the clouds and falling rain, below. Rain
had already been falling, constantly, for several days, and they were wet and cold and miserable in the freezing moisture of the Wyoming spring storm. It would be a week before news of the plane crash would make its way from the home ranch to the cow camp on the head of Sand Creek. And the rain would not have stopped for a single day, keeping the mountains above the camp completely shrouded in clouds. When the ranch owner brought supplies, he only casually mentioned that a search was under way for an airplane that had disappeared in Wyoming. “No one seems to think that they were this far south,” he said, “but you might keep an eye out when this rain clears up.” But the rain continued to fall, day after day, making it hard to get anything done. Cowboys and horses grew weary of one rainy day after another, and no one ventured into the mountains above camp. Another week passed, and still the rain fell on the cow camp. And snow fell on the couple stranded above. After the plane slid to a stop under an outcropping of rock, the LeMasuriers were able to exit their down aircraft without any apparent injury. But the plane immediately caught fire and ex-
El Ojo del Lago / August 2017
ploded as they huddled in the snow nearby. The explosion blew their luggage away from the fiery remains, along with two parachutes that were carried on the plane. The clothing provided warmth for the bodies, and the parachutes formed a wind break. In the luggage, they carried vitamins and a few candy bars. These few provisions would be their only resources for what they couldn’t realize would be a 19-day ordeal on a snow-covered ridge at timberline. During the third week, word came to cow camp that a $2,500 reward had been posted for anyone finding that downed airplane. The cowboys were astounded at such a large sum of money. None were making more than $150 a month plus room and board, so $2,500 represented more than a year of very hard work for any one of them. They began to think that they should get out there and get to looking for that plane - if only the rain would stop. By now, it was starting to warm in late May, but, still, the mountains remained covered with snow. On the 18th day, the cowboys finally saw the mountain tops. They were glad just to dry out and see some sunshine, but it wasn’t more than late morning before a cowboy named Jack Putnam spotted the plane’s severed wing high above him, shining in the morning sun. “Fellas, I think I just earned myself a lot of wages today. I’m sure I can see that airplane from over there on the east side of the Larson pasture. I need to get to a phone and see if we can get some help up here.” It would be late afternoon before he could ride to an oil-pumping station and use their phone to call the home ranch. By the next day, they had more company in cow camp than they had ever seen before. Sheriff’s vehicles and ambulances and news reporters all tried to make their way to the camp over rough, muddy roads, and few succeeded except on foot. Most were mired in mud up to the hub caps, and all began to curse the rain that was beginning to fall once more. Worst of all, everyone was beginning to get discouraged, and they questioned whether Jack really knew what he had seen on the mountains above, mountains which were once again covered with clouds. “Yes, I know I saw an airplane up there. I know this country like the back of my hand, and I have never seen anything like that up there before.” By the next day, it was apparent to everyone that the best hope to get on
the mountain would be by seasoned men with well-shod horses. And so, in a lightly falling rain and dense fog, they began to make their way up a rocky ridge that Jack imagined should come out on top just east of the wreckage he had seen the day before. Their horses snorted and struggled for several hours as they carried them high on the mountain, through fog and slide rock, and scrub pine at timberline. Over their saddles, they carried two canvas body bags. “Don’t think they should be badly decomposed,” commented a sheriff’s officer who accompanied them. “At this altitude, it must be like a freezer every night.” “We have to be getting pretty close,” Jack said, as the horses slipped and slid on the wet slide rock and snow along the mountain crest. “It should be just here below and ahead of us a little ways.” Suddenly, the horses stopped and threw up their heads with their ears pointing sharply forward, nostrils flaring and eyes wide. “Can you hear anything?” Jack asked. “Not me.” “No, nothing.” “Well,” said Jack, “These horses sure sense something, that’s for sure. You sure you can’t hear anything?” The horses really began to spook, and, as their riders tried to settle them down, a ghostly figure emerged from the fog in front of them. It was wrapped in a parachute shroud and was stumbling toward them over the rocky ground.” “My God! My God! I’ve been saved.” It was all the men could do to keep their horses from running off, and chills of fear ran up their backs as they watched the scarecrow of a figure approaching them. It was Dorothy LeMasurier. “Who are you? How long have I been here? Where am I?” were her first questions as she clung desperately to their clothing. She had hidden from them at first, fearing the noise of the horses slipping and sliding over the rocks above her. It was only when she could hear their voices that she came to them through the fog. The woman led the searchers back through the fog to where her husband lay dead, wrapped in a parachute below the ridge of rock running above the wreckage of their plane. “How long has he been dead?” someone asked. “I don’t know. I don’t even know how long we have been here.” It was apparent to the men that she was suffering from amnesia, but not much else. She was 50 pounds
lighter but otherwise unaffected and was able to make her way slowly down the mountain until it was safe to get her on a horse. Behind her, and over the saddle, they brought her husbandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s body. It would be several days before she could tell relatives how they had existed on snow water, vitamins, and a few candy bars and how her husband had slowly lapsed into a coma and then, sometime, slipped from life into death. Not wanting to leave him, and not sure whether he was alive or dead, she stayed there day after day, afraid to
take the walk down a ridge that would have led her off the mountain to the cow camp in less than three hours. The Denver Post and Life Magazine would carry pictures of a frail, grayhaired woman who defied all odds for nearly three weeks of terrible winterlike weather in the mountains of Wyoming, and of the wet and weary cowboys who rescued her. And every one of them would take his hat off to one tough lady who accomplished a feat that none of them was sure he could have endured himself.
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The Ojo Crossword
ACROSS 1 Join 6 Tinter 10 Syrian bishop 14 Bye 15 Merit 16 Cheater 17 Smear 18 Young Women’s Christian Association 19 Satiate 20 That (possessive) 21 Asian country 23 Japanese entertaining girl 25 Mature 26 Deer relative 27 Famous Russian Ruler 30 Admit 34 Transparent gem 35 Bit 36 Referee 38 Seasoner 39 Long time 40 Revelry 42 Yea 43 Grade 44 National emblem 45 Walk lazily 48 Reiterate 49 Constrictor snake 50 Vow 51 Make numb 54 Dreaded school subject
El Ojo del Lago / August 2017
55 Married woman 58 Truant 59 Connect 61 Fool 63 Lotion brand 64 Snack 65 Daft 66 Writer Bombeck 67 Potato sprouts 68 Birds with webbed feet DOWN 1 French Sudan 2 Revise 3 Chest bones 4 “To the right!” 5 Speak in praise 6 Wood nymph 7 Show boredom 8 And so forth 9 Substance measuring substance 10 European clover 11 Prejudice 12 Tub 13 Location 22 Males 24 Santa´s helper 25 Alack´s partner 27 Bide 28 Sounds 29 Imitative 30 Task 31 Barn noise 32 Move forward 33 Scent 35 Welt 37 Pare 40 Smoldering 41 Way 43 Swaziland capital 46 Loss of ability to make decisions 47 Female parent 48 Rodent 50 Profanity 51 Cook 52 Pitcher 53 “Cheers” regular 54 Ruminate 55 Tiny spider 56 Decays 57 Eye infection 60 Child 62 Owed
What would you suggest that might make living at Lakeside even better?
bournemouth Given current conditions, reliable trash pickup would be truly wonderful. johanson I love it here, but if I could have a slightly faster internet connection and a closer Costco or Mega store everything would be perfect. Yo1 Fewer gringos RCman I think proper sidewalks along the south side of the Carretera from Gossips to Colon would make shopping along that section much easier. After all its the main business area and undoubtedly the worst section of sidewalks in the whole village. I can’t even tell you what shops etc are along there other than an old favorite Brunos’s restaurant. JayBearII A good shoe store that sells brands
like Ecco. My feet need an arch support and a heel cup. I can’t even get good shoe laces here for the shoes I have, all of which come from NOB. Alas, I am getting too old to go NOB to buy shoes! There are a couple or three good shoe stores in Guadalajara, but they seldom have the right size in stock, so it is useless to go there. JayBearII Mail in a timely manner. We get mail here in west Ajijic once or twice a month. CFE and TelMex bills seem to get the attention of the Post Office, so they come around and deliver whatever has accumulated. Remember Christmas cards?-a few years ago, when people still sent Christmas cards, we used to have a sort of contest as to who received the latest Christmas card from the frozen north--it was always March something or other. Now no one sends Christmas cards by
mail, so that “competition” is gone. And of course, since all of us correspond online, mail is not a big deal any more, anywhere, with rare exceptions. LifeNo5 If our infrastructure was better maintained, I would be happy. To be honest, I hate to see this area become a series of store malls. Guadalajara has most of what we really need and is closer than a flight to the states. just my opinion. Ajijic hiker Consequences for bad behavior: Throwing trash out the window, speeding and running red lights, dogs off leash and no dog do pick up, pounding music after 2 am, electing officials who do nothing for the community, worthless transitos and policia, etc.. gringal I’d be happy if the streets and main roads weren’t full of potholes that destroy small cars. Some of the above answers are leaving me gobsmacked: More lousy fast food restaurants like the U.S.? What ARE those people thinking? Why did they move here, anyway? MyHomeSweetHome Smoother well done roads that are well lit in areas such as the libramiento and the highway coming into Chapala from Ixtlauhacan. Or maybe that odd form of local snobbery here where some pride them-
selves on pretending they are no longer “gringos” and hence superior to some. John Shrall The Chapala highway from the libramiento to the La Barca cutoff is an embarrassment not to mention dangerous at night. No lights, no reflectors and no stripes to tell where the windy road is going. There’s no median so half of the oncoming traffic with their brights on blind you. Not to mention all the potholes you can’t avoid as you try not hitting anything or anyone and keep on the road at the same time. The only difference in the highway of today and 14 years ago is more fences to keep the cows and horses from killing themselves and motorists. The section from the La Barca cutoff to Guadalajara isn’t much better but there are at least visible stripes and a few reflectors. The road is straighter too. jrm30655 Reading all this, most of you want the US. It is 700 miles north of here. If you want to pay US taxes and put up with the US laws, you can get all that stuff. The easiest thing to do is just go back to the US. Then you can have all those things. Personally, I miss a lot of things about the US. The high taxes, silly laws, constant surveillance, 28 feet of snow in the winter, high cost of living etc.
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Over 60 years of “People Helping People”
Lൺൾ Cඁൺඉൺඅൺ Sඈർංൾඍඒ
Fifth Annual LCS Children’s Art Camp What had five days of classes, 10 + teachers, 55+ volunteers, more than 130 local kids, and fun art at great prices? The answer: the Fifth Annual LCS Children’s Summer Art Camp. Children’s Summer Art Camp was held from July 17 to 21 at Lake Chapala Society. This five day event, sponsored and generously supported by the Ajijic Society of the Arts (ASA), LCS, and more than 60 dedicated volunteers and teachers. Some of the kids’ parents also joined in to help. Art Camp was attended by over 130 local kids each day. The children learned to use their creativity and imagination during workshops on jewelry-making, acrylics, watercolour, printmaking, drawing, and painting, as well as tabachin pod decorating. A special workshop was held with projects tailored for kids eight and under. Each day, the children were given a nutritious snack, and on Friday, the last day of the program, a special lunch was held. Food for the program was provided by Margaret Ann Porter. Many children chose to sell their creations during a four-hour sales event held on Saturday, July 22. There was an overwhelmingly enthusiastic turnout for the sale! Children received half of the after-tax proceeds from the sale of their artwork and the balance went toward buying additional art supplies for this most popular of all LCS programs. The Children’s Art Program is held every Saturday, from 10 a.m. to noon on the Art Patio in the rear of LCS. The class goes ahead rain or shine except when LCS is closed for holidays. The program is open to the public, is free of charge, and welcomes all children from the ages of three to 18. The Children’s Art Program builds on Ajijic’s art legacy and is made possible through the help of our dedicated volunteers and legacy artists such as Javier Zaragoza and Jésus López Vega, who were once in the program as children. This project is a cornerstone of the outreach programs LCS provides to the Mexican community. Other such LCS programs include English as a Second Language, the Spanish Library, the new Chess Club, and Student Aid. In the Works! The LCS Children’s Art
El Ojo del Lago / August 2017
Program sincerely thanks the Ajijic Society of the Arts for its generous support through its donations and dedicated volunteers, and thanks the lakeside community-at-large for its volunteers and donations. If you are interested in volunteering, drop by any Saturday morning. The need for volunteers is especially great during the low season, so if you would like to help, please email
MUSIC FEST August 26 1-6 PM FEATURING: Mike and the Suspects Funky Drivers La Catrina Roll Up Food provided by: Café Corazón & Alex’s Pasta Cash Bar 5D൷H Admission (MXN): $120 Members $170 Non members $200 at the gate
Wanted! Blood Pressure monitoring group is looking for volunteers with medical/nurse education to take blood pressure on Fridays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. on the LCS campus. Garden Crew needs volunteers to trim, plant, weed, and maintain our lovely gardens. Information Technology is looking for volunteers familiar with IT support, networking, and wireless functionality. Position requires climbing stairs several times a day. ¡Que Ganga! needs volunteers Mondays and Thursdays. Special Events needs volunteers to greet guests, collect tickets, and help with fiesta decorations. If you are an outgoing person and have a bit of flair, this may be for you. ESL Program at Wilkes is looking for volunteer instructors. For more information about these and our other volunteer opportunities, see the website at or fill out an application in the Service Office.
Introduction to Spanish This is a casual class for the beginner that covers the Spanish alphabet, simple vocabulary and phrases useful about town for shopping, and information about the Lakeside area and Mexican culture. Starting the first Tuesday of the month and continuing for three weeks, the next session will start Tuesday, August 1, on the LCS campus from 12 to 1:30 p.m. Learning materials are provided. Tuition is $175 pesos. Sign up at the LCS office, or on our website at This is a members only program. You must be a member of LCS to attend, and your membership must be current for the duration of the program.
Condolences Murray Blanchard We are saddened to learn of the loss of longtime LCS member Murray Blanchard who died July, 8 in Calgary, Alberta at the age of 90. Murray, an MIT graduate, loved LCS and while in country could be found almost daily in the café with his morning chat group. His gracious friendliness will be greatly missed by all of his LCS friends. Condolences may be sent to his daughter, Lise, at Tributes in his memory may be made to any animal shelter.
Follow Us on Facebook Follow us on Facebook. Keep up on all things LCS. Like us at
ESL Registration Registration for new students of English will be held at the Wilkes Biblioteca on August 21,22, 23 and 24 from 12 to 2 p.m. Students must be 15 years of age and must bring a copy of their birth certificate. The cost of the book is $450 pesos, the course is free. Classes begin the middle of September. Class times depend on the results of placement tests administered at the time of registration.
U.S. Passport Update The updated passport information includes a form on the reverse you may use for faster service when you to need to obtain the required check from Banamex. The updated form reflects the decrease (19 vs 18.5 peso to dollar) in fees required for passport services. Nothing else has changed. Applicants with checks drawn for the previous higher fees will receive change reflecting the difference. Ask for the new form at the Service Desk in the office.
Thank You I would have never imagined I would be at a loss to find a fitting way to say “thank you” to those who have so generously helped me during my recent health crisis. Your help and concern, calls and contributions, gifts and prayers have been my guiding light. I look forward to seeing all of you. Please remember that you and your kindnesses will never be forgotten. - Barbara Madren [Editor’s note - Barbara is an LCS Life member who underwent life saving surgery in June. Several LCS members donated after a call for assistance went out.]
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Video Library Additions August
August Activities *Open to the Public ** US Citizens (S) Sign in required (C) Membership card required Health Insurance * IMSS & Immigration Services Mon+Tues 10-1 Lakeside Insurance Broker Tues+Thur 11-2 Health and Legal Services * Becerra & Galindo Services Thur 10:30-12:30 Blood Pressure Fri 10-12 Hearing Aid Services (S) Mon+2nd and 4th Sat 11-4 Ministerio Publico Wed August 9 + 30 10-2 Optometrist Claravision (S) Thur 9-3 Skin Cancer Screening (S) 2nd + 4th Wed 10-12 US Consulate** Wed August 2 10:30-12:30 Sign up Lessons(C) Chair Yoga Fri 2-3 Children’s Art Sat 10-12* Children’s Art Camp July 17-22 9-12 sign up Children’s Chess Club Sat 12-1 Children’s Reading 2nd Sat 11:30-12:30 Clases de Bordado Artistico Mon 3-6, Wed & Fri 4-6 Exercise Mon+Wed+Fri 9-10 Exploring Spanish Wed 12-1:30Sat 11-12:30 Fitness Thru Yoga Mon 2-3:30 Intermediate Hatha Yoga Tues+Thur 2-3:30 Introduction To Spanish Tues 12-1:30 (S)+ cost Line Dancing Tues+Thurs 10-11:15 Photography Club 1st Mon 12-2 Stretch and Balance Exercise Tues+Thurs 8:45--9:45 Warren Hardy Spanish Classes Mon-Sat Sign-up+cost Write-to-a-Prompt Thurs 10-12 Zumba Gold Wed 10-11 Libraries Audio Thur 10-12 Book & Video Mon-Sat 10-2 Library of Congress Books*/ Talking Books Thurs 10-12 Wilkes Mon-Fri 9:30-7, Sat 9:30-1* Social Activities (C) All Things Tech Fri 10-11:30 Bridge 4 Fun Tue + Thurs 1-5 Creativelymindful Art Wed 11-12:30 Discussion Group Wed 12-1:30 Everyday Mindfulness Mon 10 -12 Film Aficionados Thurs 2-4:30 Games Group Mon1-4 Needle Pushers Tues 10-12 NextChapter Book Group 2nd Thurs 1-3:30 Scrabble Fri 11:30-1:30 Spanish/English Conversation Sat 11-12:30 TED Learning Seminars Tues 12-1:15 Tournament Scrabble Tues 12-1:50 Service and Support Groups * ASA Board Meeting Wed August 30 10:30-12 Al-Anon (in Spanish) Mon 6-7:30,Wed 5:30-7:30 Information Desk Mon-Sat 10-1 Lake Chapala Painting Guild 2nd Fri 1:30-3:30 Lakeside AA Mon +Thurs 4:30-5:30 Open Circle Sun 10-11:30 Toastmasters Mon 7-8:30 p.m. Ticket Sales Monday-Friday 10-12 a.m.*
El Ojo del Lago / August 2017
The library needs couriers to bring back DVDs to help us keep our inventory current. We order them on-line, pre-pay them, and have them delivered to the address of your choice. If you can help, email Tom Keane at Thank you. We are always on the lookout for movies that will interest the LCS members. If you have any suggestions about good movies, old or new, please give the title of the film, your name and email address to the volunteer on duty. We will check it out and get back to you. Thank you for your help! Here are a few new additions for August. See the Green catalog for more. The Founder #7639 Michael Keaton as Ray Kroc, a salesman who turned two brothers’ innovative fast food eatery, McDonalds, into one of the biggest restaurant businesses in the world. Sweet Bean #7636 Another story about an eatery on a much smaller scale, owned and operated by a much more compassionate man. “Sweet Bean” is a Japanese film that revolves around Dorayaki--small pancakes that are glued together with sweet red bean paste. The manager of a pancake stall finds himself confronted with an odd but sympathetic elderly woman looking for work. Lark Rise To Candleford #6752 et al. An adaptation of Flora Thompson’s autobiographical novel set in 19th century Oxfordshire. A young girl moves to the local market town to begin an apprenticeship as a postmistress. BBC series. Captain Fantastic #7641 An entertaining and thought-provoking story of one family’s unconventional approach in a world that seems to expect and accept only the conventional. See the review in the Green Catalog. Life Between Oceans #7644. A man takes a job as a lighthouse keeper. He meets a beautiful young woman and they eventually marry. One day they see an infant in a small dingy floating in the ocean. They struggle over the decision to report it or keep the baby. Of Mice and Men #7632 The film follows Steinbeck’s novel closely, exploring questions of strength, weakness, usefulness, reality and utopia, bringing Steinbeck’s California vividly to life. We recently added a few of The Great Courses presented by The Teaching Company. The courses available are listed in the Pink Catalog. Also available are many courses on VHS tapes, which can be transferred to DVDs. We’ll transfer your old VHS tapes to DVD format cheap. Ask the volunteer on duty.
¡Que Ganga! Update We still need your help! The thrift shop is an important revenue source that helps support the LCS’ important work. Please keep donating merchandise and keep purchasing merchandise. We need household items, furniture, and appliances. We love knick knacks! Call us at 342-100-2081 We’ll even pick-up your donations.
TED Talks Learning Seminars Tuesdays In the Sala 12 noon to 1:15 p.m. Members only. Bring your card. August 1 Rewild the World Wolves were once native to the U.S. Yellowstone National Park until hunting wiped them out. But when wolves were re-introduced in 1995, the rest of the park began to find a new, more healthful balance. In a bold thought experiment, George Monbiot imagines a wilder world in which humans work to restore the complex lost natural food chains that once surrounded us. August 8 Nature Is Everywhere How do you define “nature?” If we define it as that which is untouched by humans, then we won’t have any left, says environmental writer Emma Marris. She urges us to consider a new definition of nature that includes not only pristine wilderness but also the untended patches of plants growing in urban spaces -- and encourages us to bring our children out to touch and tinker with it, so that one day they might love and protect it. August 15 Let the Environment Guide Our Development Human growth has strained the Earth’s resources, but as Johan Rockstrom reminds us, our advances also give us the science to recognize this and change behavior. His research has found nine “planetary boundaries” that can guide us in protecting our planet’s many overlapping ecosystems. August 22 Four Environmental Heresies Stewart Brand helped usher in the environmental movement in the 1960s and ‘70s. He has been rethinking his positions on cities, nuclear power, genetic modification and geo-engineering. August 29 The Case for Optimism on Climate Change Nobel Laureate Albert Gore poses three questions. The answer to the first question, “Do we have to change?” involves a bit of bad news. The answers to questions two and three, based on worldwide information on global policy changes and the development of workable solutions, suggest we have the means at hand and need only the will to prevail.
PEP Gardening Returns Attention gardeners: introductory and advanced gardening classes given by instructor Francisco Nava will be August 15 to September 7 in the Sala. “Introduction to Lakeside Gardening” Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:30 -10:30 a.m. “Advanced Lakeside Gardening” Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:30 -11:30 a.m. Members only. $500 pesos. Limited to 20 students. Sign up in the Service Office.
Thursday Film Aficionados Open to LCS members only. Bring your card. All films shown in the Sala from 2-4 p.m. No food. No pets. August 3 Healing the Living 2016 France An interweaving of three stories connected via an accident will have you thinking, and possibly changing your attitude about life and death. (98 minutes) August 10 A Quiet Passion 2017 UK The story of American poet Emily Dickinson, from her days as a schoolgirl to her later years as a reclusive, unrecognized poet. This film should get attention at Academy Awards time. (119 minutes) August 17 The President 2014 Georgia A brutal dictator faces the injustices committed by his regime when his country is taken over by revolutionaries. Filmed in Tblisi, Georgia and environs. (116 minutes) August 24 The King’s Choice 2016 Norway* On the 9th of April, 1940, The German war machine arrives in the city of Oslo. The Norwegian King faces a choice that will change his country forever. (125 minutes). August 31 The Man Who Knew Infinity 2016 UK* The story of the life and academic career of the Indian mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan and his friendship with his English mentor, professor G. H. Hardy. Dev Patel and Jeremy Irons star. (104 minutes)
Bus Trips August Thursday, August 3 Galerias Mall and Costco Cost is $350 pesos for members and $450 pesos for non-members. Enjoy major retailers and restaurants. Bus departs promptly at 9 a.m. from the sculpture in La Floresta. Wednesday August 23 Tonala and Tlaquepaque Shop Tonala for home decor and handicrafts. In Tlaquepaque find upscale retailers and fine dining in an historical architecturally significant, pedestrian-only zone. Cost is $350 pesos for members and $450 pesos for non-members. Bus departs promptly at 9 a.m. from the sculpture in La Floresta.
Children’s Art Cards Our wonderful art cards, designed by children attending LCS’ Saturday Art Classes, are available at Café Corazon. Children earn ten pesos per each card; portions of the proceeds support this most popular community program.
THE LAKE CHAPALA SOCIETY, A.C. 16 de Septiembre #16-A, Ajijic, Jalisco LCS Main Office: (376) 766-1140 Office, information and other services - Monday-Saturday, 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM Grounds open until 5:00 p.m. LCS BOARD OF DIRECTORS President - Ben White (2018); Vice-President - George Radford (2019); Treasurer - Michael Searles (2019); Secretary - Carole Wolff (2018); Directors: Matthew Butler (2018); Dee Dee Camhi (2019); Nicolas Hanson (2019); Cate Howell (2018); Geofrey Kaye (2018); Roberto Serrano (2019) Janis Sirany (2019) Immediate Past President: Howard Feldstein. * Executive Director - Terry Vidal
The LCS Newsletter is published monthly. Deadline for submissions is the 17th of the month preceding publication. Submit all news items to Note: The editorial staff reserves the right to edit all submissions according to time, space availability and editorial decision.
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El Ojo del Lago / August 2017
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%(' %5($.)$67
* ADVERTISING / DIRECTORY (/ 2-2 '(/ /$*2 Tel. 765-3676
* ANIMAL CLINICS/PET SHOP - CLINICA VETERINARIA SAN ANTONIO Tel: 766-0808 3DJ '((¶6 3(7 +27(/ Tel: 331-765-7074 3DJ /$.(6,'( )5,(1'6 2) 7+( $1,0$/6 $& Tel: 765-5544 3DJ 0$6.27$¶6 /$.( Tel: 766-0287 3DJ - PET PLACE Cell: 333-1964-150 3DJ - PET FOOD AND GROOMING Tel: 766-3062 Pag: 60 9(7(5,1$5,$ 2PDU (GXDUGR 5H\HV Tel: 766-0725, 3DJ
* ART GALLERIES/HANDCRAFTS $=7(& 678',2 3DJ - DIANE PEARL COLECCIONES Tel: 766-5683 3DJ - LA BELLA VIDA Tel: 766-5131 3DJ - SOL MEXICANO Tel: 766-0734 3DJ
* BEER & LIQUOR STORES %(72¶6 :,1( /,4825 Cell: (045) 333-507-3024
- LONAS MEXICO Tel: 766-0045, Cell: 33-3956-4852
Pag: 26
Pag: 60
%$1. ,19(670(17
- EASY TECH Tel: 33-3598-3263
* BEAUTY &+5,67,1(¶6 Tel: 106-0864 - CRISCO SALON Tel: 766-4073 - GLORIOSA Tel: 766-3372 - HAIR BY SASHA Tel: 765-2223, Cell: 33-3362-1272 - MICROBLADING BY HILDA RAMÍREZ Cell: 33-3676-2514 1(: /22. 678',2 Tel: 766-6000
- COSTALEGRE Tel: 108-1087, Cell: 33-1242-9457
El Ojo del Lago / August 2017
$-,-,& /(*$/ 6(59,&(6 Cell: (045) 33 1172 1724
Pag: 20
%$-$ *5,//6 Tel: 106-2430 - NAPOLEON Tel: 766-6153
- L&D CENTER Tel: 766-3506
Pag: 02
* MEAT/POULTRY/CHEESE 721<¶6 Tel: 766-1614
- MARBLE & GRANITE Tel: 766-1306
- CENTRO LAGUNA Tel: 766-5514
- LA NUEVA POSADA Tel: 766-1444, 766-1344
- REAL ORTEGA & SONS-+DUGZDUH IRU &DUSHQWHUV Tel: 765-2404, 765-3404 3DJ
$-,-,& :$7(5 *$5'(16 Tel: 766-4386
Pag: 62
- EXTERMINIO DE PLAGAS Tel: 765-3237, Cell: 331-102-0834 3DJ - MOSQUITO CONTROL Cell: (045) 331-498-7699 3DJ
/$.(6,'( +($5,1* 6(59,&(6 Cell. (045) 33-1511-4088 - OTICON Tel: 765-4805, 33-3813-1302
* DENTISTS - C.D. MARÍA LUISA LUIS VILLA Tel/Fax: 766-2428 - C.D. SANDRA ANAYA MORA Tel: 108-0977, Cell: 331-218-6241 - CHAPALA DENTAL CARE Tel. 765-5584, 766-3847 - DENTAL EXPRESS Tel: 106-2080
- GENERAL HOME SERVICES - $PDQFLR 5DPRV -U Cell: (045) 331-520-3054 3DJ - MARBLE & GRANITE Tel: 766-1306 3DJ - ROBERTO MILLAN - ARCHITECT Tel: 766-3771, Cell: 331-340-3758 Pag: 22 6,.$ Tel: 766-5959 3DJ :$5:,&. &216758&7,21 Tel: 765-2224 Pag: 62
- STEREN Tels. 766-0599, 766-0630
- UOU Tel: 106-1618
/$.(6,'( ,1685$1&( ('*$5 &('(f2 Cell: (045) 33-3106-6982 3DJ 3$5.(5 ,1685$1&( 6(59,&(6 Tel: 765-5287, 765-4070 Pag: 22 - PROTEXPLAN U.S. Toll Free 1-800-608-5743 Mexico Toll Free 01-800-681-6730 3DJ - TIOCORP Tel: 766-4828 3DJ
- COLIBRI GARDEN Tel: 765-4412, Cell: (045) 333-156-9382
),6+ 0$5.(7 3DJ
Tel: 766-0880, Fax: 766-2440
* CHIROPRACTIC '5 9,&725 - <28&+$ Tel: 766-1973 - INTERLAGO CHIROPRACTIC Tel: 766-3000
- DENTAL HEALTH ONE Tel: 106-0826 3DJ - DR. ALBERTO DON OLIVERA Tels: 765-4838, 765-4805 3DJ - DRA. ANGELICA ALDANA LEMA DDS Tel. 765-5364, Cell. (045) 331 351 7797 3DJ /$.( &+$3$/ '(17$/ *5283 Tels: 766 0144, 108 1707 3DJ /((1' *HQHUDO 'HQWLVWU\ 6SHFLDOWLHV Tel. 766-1870 3DJ - MC DENTAL Cell. 33-1850-8664 3DJ 2'2172 &/,1,&. Tel: 766-5050 3DJ 2'2172/2*< '(327 3DJ
- FRATS Tel: 765-2505, 765-3946 - LINEA PROFESIONAL Tel. 766-2555, Fax. 766-0066
- INTERCAM Tel: 766-5978 - MULTIVA Tel: 766-2499
- CASA DEL SOL Tel: 766-0050 - CASA FLORES Tel: 766-5493 - CASA TRES LEONES Cell: (045) 331-350-6764
EMERGENCY HOTLINE $0%8/$1&( &58= 52-$ ),5( '(3$570(17 POLICE $MLMLF &KDSDOD /D )ORUHVWD
* MEDICAL SERVICES - ALBERTO OCHOA M.D. Tel: 766-2428 3DJ - ALTA RETINA - Dr. Rigoberto Rios León 2SKWKDOPLF 6XUJHRQ Tel: 766-1521 3DJ &$6,7$ 0217$f$ Tel: 766-5513 3DJ - CHAPALA MED Tel: 766-4435, Cell: (045) 331-605-9645 3DJ - DERMATOLOGIST Tel: 765-2400, Cell: (045) 333-170-6570 3DJ '(50,.$ 'HUPDWRORJLF &HQWHU Tel: 766-2500 3DJ '5 +e&725 %5,6(f2 * &DUGLR 9DVFXODU Solutions Tel: 766-1870 3DJ - DR. GABRIEL VARELA Tel: 765-6666, Cell: 333-128-6347 3DJ '5 -8$1 0 $&(9(6 0 Tel: 766-1244, Cell. 331-429-1343 3DJ
- DRA. CLAUDIA L. CAMACHO CHOZA 2SKWKDOPRORJLVW Tel: 33-3403-3857 3DJ - DRA. MARTHA R. BALLESTEROS FRANCO Cell: (045) 333-408-0951 3DJ - GO LAB Tel: 106-0881 Pag: 20 +263,7$/ $-,-,& Tel: 766-0500, 766-0662 3DJ - HOSPITAL ANGELES DEL CARMEN Tel: (01) 3813-0042 3DJ ,&0, 'U 5DPRQ *DUFLD *DUFLD Cell: (044) 333-157-4741 3DJ - IMED INTEGRITY Tel: 766-5154 3DJ - ISILAB Tel: 766-1164 3DJ /$.( &+$3$/ &$5',2/2*< *5283 Tels: 766 0144, 108 1707 3DJ /$.( &+$3$/ 36<&+2/2*< *5283 Tels: 766 0144, 108 1707 3DJ /$.(6,'( &$5',2/2*< &/,1,& 'U 6DOYDGRU 0R\D Tel: (387) 763-0665 3DJ /$.(6,'( 0(',&$/ *5283 Tel: 766-0395 3DJ - PLASTICA LIFT Tel: 108-0595 3DJ 3/$67,& 685*(5< 'U %HQMDPLQ 9LOODUDQ Tel: 33-3630-1135, Cell: 33-3105-0402 3DJ - VARICOSE VEINS TREATMENT Tel: 765-4805 3DJ
* MOVERS /$.( &+$3$/$ 029,1* Tel: 766-5008 - STROM-WHITE MOVERS Tel: 766-6153 7+( 029(56 /$.(6,'( Tel: 01 55-5767-5134 (045) 555-478-6608
Pag: 06 3DJ
* MUSIC / THEATRE / EVENTS ' - +2:$5' Tel: 766-3044 3DJ /$.(6,'( /,77/( 7+($75( Tel: 766-0954 3DJ 7+( 1$.(' 67$*( 5($'(5¶6 7+($75( 3DJ - VIVA LA MUSICA 3DJ
* PAINT 48,52= ,PSHUPHDELOL]DQWHV Tel: 766-2311 - QUIROZ-Pinturas Tel: 766-2311
/$.( &+$3$/$ 3$,17,1* 6(59,&( Tel 33-1741-5501 3DJ
* PERSONAL ASSISTANCE - NEWCOMERS - ILSE HOFFMANN, Tel 01(33) 3647-3912 Cell (045) 33-3157-2541
* REAL ESTATE $// ,1 Tel. 766-1161 $-,-,& +20( ,163(&7,216 Tel: 766-2836
* RENTALS/PROPERTY MANAGEMENT &2/':(//%$1.(5 &+$3$/$ 5($/7< Tel: 766-1152, movile: (045) 33-1175-9632 3DJ - FOR RENT Tel: 765-2671 Pag: 62 - FOR RENT 3DJ Tel: 387-761-0987, Cell: 33-3952-5225 - FOR RENT Tel: 766-3682 3DJ - MANZANILLO VACATION RENTALS Tel: (314) 100-6773 or (314) 109-0657 3DJ - SANTANA RENTALS Cell: 315-104-3283 3DJ
- FARMACIA CRISTINA Tel: 766-1501 - FARMACIA EXPRESS II Tel: 766-0656 )$50$&,$ 0$6.$5$6 Tel/Fax: 765-5827 - FARMEX Tel: 765-5004
- ARELLANO CORPORATION GROUP Cell: 33-1331-0249 3DJ - BEV COFELL Cell. 331-193-1673 3DJ - CHULA VISTA NORTE Tel: 766-2177 Cell: (045) 33-1892-2194 3DJ - CIELOVISTA Tel: 33-2002-2400 3DJ &2/':(// %$1.(5 &+$3$/$ 5($/7< Tel: 766-1152, 766-3369 Fax: 766-2124, Tels: 765-2877 Fax: 765-3528 3DJ - CONTINENTAL REALTY Tel: 766-1994 3DJ - CUMBRES Tel: 33-2002-2400 3DJ - EAGER & ASOCIADOS Tel: (376) 766 1917, 1918 3DJ - FOR SALE BY OWNER Cell: 33-1172-1724 3DJ - FOR SALE BY OWNER Tel: 766-2601 3DJ - GEORGETTE RICHMOND Tel: 766-2077 3DJ -8',7 5$-+$7+< Cell: (045) 331 - 395 - 9849 3DJ - MICHEL BUREAU Cell: 33-3129-3322 3DJ - MPR REAL ESTATE Tel: (315) 351-5167 3DJ 3(7(5 67 -2+1 Tel: 765-3676, 331-323-0893 3DJ - RADISSON BLU - $MLMLF 5HVRUW 6SD 5HVLGHQFHV Tel: 766-4525, Cell: 332-255-5972 3DJ - RAUL GONZALEZ Cell: 33-1437-0925 3DJ - VISTA ALEGRE Tel: 33-2002-2400 3DJ
- ELECTRO FIX Cell: 313-177-2727
020¶6 '(/, 5(67$85$17 Tel: 765-5719 3DJ - PIZZERIA TOSCANA Tel: 765-6996 3DJ - POUTINE PLACE Pag: 62 - SIMPLY THAI Tel: 766-4767, Cell: 333-393-2770 Pag: 26 - TEPETATE THAI RESTAURANT Tel: 766-2020 Pag: 60 - THE BAGEL PLACE Tel: 766-0664 3DJ - THE HOT DOG SHOP Tel: 766-3807 / Cell: 333-662-9990 3DJ 7+( 3($&2&. *$5'(1 Tel: 766-1381 3DJ 75,3¶6 %85*(5 3DJ 721<¶6 Tel: 766-1614, 766-4069 3DJ - YVES Tel: 766-3565 3DJ
* RETIREMENT/REST/NURSING HOMES - CASA ANASTASIA Tel: 765-5680 / 33-3452-5864 3DJ - LA CASA NOSTRA Tel: 765-3824 3DJ 0, &$6,7$ 1XUVLQJ +RPH $VVLVWHG /LYLQJ Center Cell: (045) 33-1115-9615 3DJ 1856,1* +20( /$.( &+$3$/$ Tel: 766-0404 3DJ - OHANA Tel: (01387) 761-0403 3DJ
* SATELLITES/ T.V. $-,-,& (/(&7521,&6 6 $ '( & 9 Tel/Fax: 766-1117, 766-3371 3DJ - SHAW SATELLITE SERVICES Tel: 33-1402-4223 3DJ
/26 1,f26 '( &+$3$/$ < $-,-,& Tel: 765-7032
* SPA / MASSAGE - CORPO BALANCE Tel: 31-2132-3415 - FRAU SPA Tel: 766-4393, Cell. 33-1736-5772 - GANESHA SPA Tel: 766-5653 - LA BELLA VIDA Tel: 766-5131 - TOTAL BODY CARE Tel: 766-3379
* TAXI - ARTURO FERNANDEZ Cell: (045) 333-954-3813
Pag: 60
* TOURS - CHARTER CLUB TOURS Tel: 766-1777 3DJ &+,//,1¶ 72856 Tel.: 376 108 1738 / Cell.: 4421188442 3DJ /<',$¶6 72856 Tel: 765-4742, (045) 33-1026-4877 3DJ
* SELF STORAGE - SELF STORAGE-BODEGAS CHAPALA Tel: 766-0661, Tel/Fax: 766-1045 3DJ
6(37,& 7$1. 3803,1* -3 +20( 6(59,&(6 Tel. 766-1569, Cell: 333-968-2938
* SOCIAL ORGANIZATIONS /$.( &+$3$/$ 62&,(7< Tel: 766-1140
Saw you in the Ojo
Pag: 26
* RESTAURANTS/CAFES $-,-,& 7$1*2 Tel: 766-2458 3DJ $50$1'2¶6 +,'($:$< Tel: 766-2229 3DJ - GO BISTRO Cell: (045) 33-3502-6555 3DJ - GRUPO PASTA Tel: (33) 3615-4952 3DJ )22' /$.( &217$,1(5 Tel: 108-1760, Cell: 33-1131-3103 3DJ - HUERTO CAFÃ&#x2030; Tel: 108-0843 3DJ -$60,1(¶6 &ODVVLF ,QGLD Tel: 766-2636 3DJ - LA ANTIGUA RESTAURANT Tel: 331-329-8748 3DJ - LA CASA DEL WAFFLE Tel: 766-1946 3DJ - LA CASA DEL CAFE Tel: 766-2876 3DJ - LA HACIENDA DE DON PEDRO Tel: 766-4906 3DJ - LA MISION Tel: 108-0887 3DJ - LA NUEVA POSADA Tel: 766-1444, 766-1344 3DJ ³/$ 7$9(51$´'(, 48$7752 025, Tel: 766-2848 3DJ - LOS MOLLETES Tel: 766-4296 3DJ - MANIX Tel: 766-0061 Cell. 33-1065-0725 3DJ 0(/¶6 Cell: 33-1402-4223 3DJ
The Ojo Crossword
Saw you in the Ojo 67
FOR SALE: Motorcycle -Year 2011 - KAWASAKI-KLR 650 - Now $92,500 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; pesos. 2011 - Kawasaki motorcycle. Only 8200 miles, Mexican plated, Located in Las Fuentes near Jocotopec. Call Rick Cel. 333-497-6446 FOR SALE: Thor 21â&#x20AC;&#x2122; travel trailer, 2005 Wanderer model, MUST SELL-PRICE REDUCED TO $100,000 pesos (from $180,000 pesos) Self-contained w/ solar panels, 2-40 lb propane tanks. Call for appointment to see: ( 376) 766-1253 WANTED: Starting university in August, looking to buy a small car in good condition so that I can get to school, I would prefer a four cylinder, and it doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have to be very new. My dad is a mechanic so no worries about minor details. You can email me at FOR SALE: Nissan Altima model 2.5, 4 cylinders, very economic, has air conditioning, cruise control, a stereo with a CD player and Bose audio system, power windows,120,000 km. Price: $89900 Pesos. Call: FOR SALE: 2009 Clio hatchback, auto trans - 4 cyl - 4door, air conditioner, elect doors locks and windows - CD player, 95,200 km, needs new trans gasket. SHVRV (PDLO VLONĂ&#x20AC; FOR SALE: 2006 BMW X5 M $195,000 pesos. 87000 km, 20â&#x20AC;? original/ factory wheels tires 85%. Email: WANTED: Classic Mazda Miata 19891997. Willing to pay more than the car is worth if itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the right car. Email: issaction@ FOR SALE: Sears X-Cargo rooftop SUV cargo pod. Large capacity, all accessories for attaching to any roof rack. Price: $100 pesos. Call: 763-5107 FOR SALE: 13â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Scamp Travel Trailer $125,372 Chapala, Jalisco, Purchased new in 2010, driven to Mexico. Lightweight, sleeps two, toilet, shower, gas range, fridge, sink. Has to be picked up at WKH ERUGHU ÂżUVW RI -XO\ DQG EURXJKW EDFN into Mexico by new owner in order to legalize. $7000 USD. FOR SALE: 2002 Honda Accord. White with Tan interior, and very clean 202,000 kms, Ex or LX 4 cylinder. Air, electric windows and locks. Runs good. Jalisco Plated and all up to date. $69,000p. Email: FOR SALE: Jeep limited 2007, 100000 kilometers reals, agency services all time, new tires, 8 cylinders, hemi 5.7, suspension 100%. For more info please call 333-459-5533. FOR SALE: Mexican plated 2005 dodge verna. 4 Cylinder. 4 Doors. New battery and recent tune up. Price: $42,000 pesos. Email: FOR SALE: 1982 Jeep CJ-8 Scrambler. All original in very clean condition. 258 cui 6, 5 speed manual, 4x4. New tires with chrome wheels. Good paint. Clean US title with 2017 South Dakota registration. Email:
FOR SALE: I am in need of a used server rack. Contact me at bobkat1226@ FOR SALE: HP Laptop for Sale (Used). Now i have replaced it with new
parts. Also its an English keyboard and Operating System (Windows 10) Hard Drive 500GB (New), 8GB DDR3 (New), Battery (New), Quad Core CPU AMD 2.0GHz. Price asking: $6,000.00 Peso. Email: FOR SALE: Sony S-VHS Hi-Fi stereo editing video recorder. Model slv-r-1000 with remote. Loaded with features and mint condition, like new probably used 5hrs total. Asking $300 us. Call: 333-4447868. FOR SALE: Wireless HD Audio/Video transmitter. IOGEAR model GW3DHDKIT up to 100ft. Full 1080p and 5.1 digital audio. Like new used for approx 2 hours. Asking $160 US. Call 333-444-7868 FOR SALE: Laptop Computer (English), Samsung Model 2016, used and Copier (English), Xpress M2070FW- 2016, /LWWOH XVHG 3OHDVH PDNH DQ Rá&#x201A;&#x2021;HU &DOO DIter 5 p.m. Cell: 331-105-9681. FOR SALE: Large package of HP 02 ink, including: 5 black, 7 lightmagenta, 9 magenta, 7 cyan, 9 yellow, 8 light cyan. Price: $450mxn. Please call 376-7655085 or write FOR SALE: Computer accessories. Microsoft SideWinder Precision Pro Controller, Tandy A/B Switch w/connectors, Belkin 4 Way Data Switch, 3 RCA Audio Video Switch (laser disk, VCR, CD, DVD) to TV w/cables, D-Link 2.4Ghz Wireless Range Extender (w/setup disk). Price: $350mxn. Please call 376-7655085 or write FOR SALE: Wireless Keyboard & Optical Mouse. 129 Key Wireless Internet Keyboard and Optical Wheel Mouse (never used) with the following features: 27Mhz wireless receiver w/1 USB and 1 PS/2 connector, USB to PS/2 adapter3 AA & 2AA batteries. Price: $100mxn. Call 376-765-5085 or write britkennels@msn. com. FOR SALE: ADATA HV100 portable hard drive, capacity 1 TB. New, never used, my ancient desktop canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t use it. &RVW SHVRV Rá&#x201A;&#x2021;HUHG IRU SHVRV Call 766-3870 or FOR SALE: Logitech Computer Keyboard â&#x20AC;&#x201C; English. USB connector, Mod. Y-UM76A $295 pesos. Include contact information when replying via this web forum or to this email address: mex4sale@ WANTED: computer speakers or dog whistle or other similar device. Email: FOR SALE: HP 6550 B American Keyboard $3000 pesos. Selling my old laptop could not edit 4k video great for someone looking to surf the web, play solitaire, watch youtube videos or use photoshop. If interested please call me: FOR SALE: Wireless Keyboard, mouse and laptop base w/fan. KB/Mouse used one time. Wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t sell separately. Call: 376-765-6348. Collect in Chapala Haciendas. Free digital camera w/purchase. FOR SALE: Surplus Electronics. Logitech k400 wireless tv keyboard $500 pesos. 3d glasses 2 pair $150 pesos. Samsung VG-STC3000 TV camera $600 pesos. Shaw hddsr 600 - $2500 pesos Logitech mx 3200 keyboard and mouse used $450.00 pesos. Microvolt 1200 as new $500.00 pesos. Call: 1062019 Roger.
El Ojo del Lago / August 2017
WANTED: Need to buy a medium size dog crate. Not for airline use, just around the house. Email: FREE FISH: For Garden Ponds. /RWV RI VPDOO ÂżVK WKH\ JURZ WR DERXW ´ ORQJ 1RW *ROGÂżVK EXW RI 0H[LFDQ RULgin, some with, Long tails (Males?), They need regular feeding, Bring container. Call: Tel. 766-3273 FREE: I rescued 3 puppies that showed up on my patio. There are 2 males and 1 female and are about 2.5 months old. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve given them their vaccinations and dewormer. Contact Barb at 376763-5663 if you would like to meet these delightful pups.
WANTED: I want to purchase a treadmill. Email: WANTED: I want to purchase a practice piano--I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want an electric keyboard. My only requirement is that it is tunable. Email: FOR SALE: ESPA 1.5 HP water pump. Very good condition. Reason for sale, upgraded. Asking $1,850 MXN. Tel: (376) 765-5085 or email: scrubs1946@msn. com. FOR SALE: Prince EXO3 Hornet 110. Originally priced at Tennis Mart online at $129 U.S., I bought it at Midtown Racquet Club in Chicago. It was used only a few times and hasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t a scratch on it. It might need new strings as I bought it a couple of years ago, but didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t use it. Price: pesos. (PDLO IRWRĂ&#x20AC;\ FOR SALE: 1LVVLQ 77/ Ă&#x20AC;DVK 0DUN ,, Di 622 power zoom, 24 - 105 mm. FabuORXV Ă&#x20AC;DVK FDQ ERXQFH OLJKW +DV RSDTXH OHQV WR XVH WR GXOO LQWHQVH Ă&#x20AC;DVK ,W KDV TTL (Through the Lens) metering. Used price at New York stores is $75 U.S.; new 1LVVLQ Ă&#x20AC;DVK LV 8 6 :LOO VHOO IRU 8 6 2%2 :ULWH -LOO IRWRĂ&#x20AC;\HU #\ FOR SALE: Sigma lens, almost brand QHZ PP ZLWK EDJ DQG ÂżOWHU Use with Nikon camera, maybe others. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s an 18 PP ]RRP 8 6 RU PDNH DQ Rá&#x201A;&#x2021;HU Send me an email: IRWRĂ&#x20AC;\HU #\DKRR com. FOR SALE: Nikon D200 professional camera for sale with Nikon 18-200 mm zoom. It comes with 3 batteries, several 6' FDUGV D EDWWHU\ FKDUJHU D ÂżOWHU IRU the lens, a sunshade and a camera bag. The lens used goes for about $425 USED and new about $650. Plus the batteries each cost about $40.00 (or $120 for all 3) I will sell the camera with the lens, batteries and all the equipment listed above for 8 6 &RQWDFW PH DW IRWRĂ&#x20AC;\HU # FOR SALE: IKEA single blue bed sofa, new condition with spare beige cover. Price: $300 USD. Call: 763-5272. FOR SALE: GE 5.8GHz 3 Handset cordless phone system w/answering machine and dash mount charger for cell phone. Price: $250mxn Please call 376765-5085 or write FOR SALE: Bird ScarerAuto function w/5 - 30 mins. intervals for large area protection. Sounds of hawks and owls may scare away rats, mice and rabbits. Time interval adjustment. Special chip recording of actual predatory calls from hawks, falcons & owls. Price: $350mxn Please
call 376-765-5085 or write britkennels@ FOR SALE: Double six domino set in wooden case w/instructions. Price: $100mxn. Please call 376-765-5085 or write FOR SALE: Portable Black & Decker hand-held vacuum w/charging stand. Handy for quick cleans, cleaning the car carpet, etc. Price: $200mxn. Call 376-7655085 or write FOR SALE: If you have a Wii system, then this is for you! For only $500mxn, you get the following: Wii Fit Plus Board, 2 Active Trainers, 2 Game Cubes, 2 Wheels, Charging stand, 15 games. 2 hand controls. This even includes a Wii game system -- we believe it works, but we canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t guarantee it, so weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve included it for free. Please call 376-765-5085 or write WANTED: I will be traveling a good bit and would like to purchase a used kindle in good working condition solely for my month long travels. The model is not important but it really needs to be in good working order, some books loaded would be a plus. Call richard in chapala at 331116-6081. WANTED: We are looking for a twin or full bed and frame. Email: paschall1964@ FOR SALE: Icom ICR-75 30kHz60MHz Receiver. Like new with power supply, carrying handle, and DC power cable. $10,000 MXN Firm. FOR SALE: Lockable Raised Medical Toilet Seat with Arms. Email: mex4sale@ In excellent condition and offered for sale at $750 pesos. FOR SALE: BATHTUB/SHOWER MEDICAL CHAIR. In excellent condition and purchased this year for $3,050 pesos. 2á&#x201A;&#x2021;HUHG IRU VDOH DW SHVRV (PDLO FOR SALE: Loveseat -- dark rattan ZLFNHU IUDPH FXVKLRQV JHQWOH SLQN Ă&#x20AC;RZered pattern. Decorative chest -- 42 in/106 cm wide, 31 in/79 cm high. Bookcase -maple hardwood, 31 in/79 cm wide, 80 in/203 cm high. All top quality, to view call 766-3870 or FOR SALE: Yamaha P-80 electronic piano, with stand and travel cover. Full size 88-key, voices include piano, organ and KDUSVLFKRUG 2á&#x201A;&#x2021;HUHG KDOI SULFH DW pesos. Call 766-3870 or mexrayh@gmail. com FOR SALE: Daewoo Model DFRN162D 16 cu ft almond colored Refrigerator with frost free freezer on top. Energy Há&#x201A;&#x2C6;FLHQW %RXJKW QHZ LQ IURP &RSSHO for $7200 pesos. Asking $3500 pesos. 30â&#x20AC;? wide by 27â&#x20AC;? depth by 69 â&#x20AC;&#x153; height. 766-0095 FOR SALE: Pool Table. Pool cues are ÂżEHUJODVV DQG QRW ZRRG 7DEOH EDVH PDGH of 1â&#x20AC;? Italian stone. Table surround made of pine wood. Call 331-382-4771 for appt. Buyer must arrange for transportation. Price: $25,000 pesos. WANTED: My wife started a little business doing cakes and need one mixer/ blender especially from kitchen Aid any model, because we think it last longer. If you have one spare or don´t need any more let me know please? Email: FOR SALE: JVC RS-1 1080P DILA Projector + Spare Lamp. Original lamp is still very bright. Complete with remote and original user manual. Big price reduc-
tion, now only $4000 pesos or $240 U.S. at current exchange rate. PM me or email WANTED: Looking for a bench press and weighs, i.e. dumbbells and barbell. Email: WANTED: I will be returning to Ajijic mid-September, for the next one to two years. I am looking to share the cost for a Shaw box and active account. I would prefer an Ontario account (to watch Maple Leafs games) However, the box and acFRXQW FRPH ÂżUVW (PDLO mseng49@gmail. com. FOR SALE: 3 Onyx wall sconces. 9.5 in tall. 7.75 in from wall. Calux brand. Price: $750MX for all 3. Willie: 766-4489. WANTED: Looking for a recliner chair in good condition with built in lift. Email: FOR SALE: Almost-new refrigerator for sale. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 14 cu ft, silver-tone, Mabe. Price: $5000 pesos. Email: FOR SALE: Cubeta Comex outdoor paint. 19 L, Comex Prima, vinyl Acrylic, I bought it last month. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s never been opened. Price: $900 pesos obo. Email: WANTED: 15 pound hand weight, also a 12 pound and a 20 pound. Email: FOR SALE: Dean Koontz Frankenstein series 5 books. Price: $250 pesos for the set. Email:
FOR SALE: Large Area Rug. Just VK\ RI IHHW [ IHHW 2OHÂżQ 3RO\SURS\OHQH ÂżEHU +DV IULQJHG HQGV 6XEWOH design, mostly muted shades of light to medium blue. Price: $900 pesos. Email: WANTED: Propane or gas portable generator. Email: sunshineyday2013@ FOR SALE: Pair of metal mirrors. One is 48â&#x20AC;? tall, 24â&#x20AC;? wide; inset mirror is 34â&#x20AC;? x 14â&#x20AC;? One is 50â&#x20AC;? tall, 16â&#x20AC;? wide; inset mirror is 39â&#x20AC;? x 7â&#x20AC;? $450 pesos each or both for $800 pesos. Email: FOR SALE: VINTAGE ROOF TILES, Circa 1900. Approximately 350 to 400 (XURSHDQ VW\OH Ă&#x20AC;DW WHUUD FRWWD JUHHQLVK ÂżQLVK RQ RQH VLGH YHU\ XVHDEOH FRQGLWLRQ Located in Chapala. Only 6 pesos per tile, sold as one lot only. Call: 331-116-6081 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Richard. FOR SALE: Garmin nuvi 3450. Perfect condition, works perfectly. OS & maps are up to date. Price: $2,500 pesos. Call: 766-4558. FOR SALE: Slightly over 100 meters of fabric for only $1845. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s approximately $1USD/meter. Several â&#x20AC;&#x153;boltsâ&#x20AC;? are large enough for curtains, tablecloth. Call: 376-765-5085. FOR SALE: Dark brown glazed talavera type tiles for sale...2 3/8â&#x20AC;? square.... apps 140 pcs...$200 MX. Willie: 766-4489. FOR SALE: Commode chair on casters, rolls into shower, can roll over a toilet
or you can use the chairâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s facility which is removable for cleaning. Price: $500 US or peso equivalent. Send a message or call Linda: 333-843-5903. FOR SALE: Punched tin and tiled (calla lillies) mirror for sale....20â&#x20AC;? x 53â&#x20AC;?....73 cm x 136 cm. Can be hung horizontal or vertical. Price: $1,000 MX. Also a round punched tin and tiled mirror, traditional tile design, blue with some yellow, 36â&#x20AC;? diameter. Price: $800 MX. Willie: 766-4480. FOR SALE: I have a TomTom XXL GPS. Asking $50USD or equivalent. If interested call me at 766-2724. FOR SALE: Deluxe china cabinet, VROLG RQH SLHFH ÂżQH ZRRG XSSHU JODVV display shelves, drawers fabric lined to protect silverware, lower shelves. Call: 766-3870 or WANTED: Want to buy WTB furniture, including: King size canopy or 4 poster bed frame, wood or metal okay. Full size Rustico style (cheap pine, platform okay) bed frame, can be 4 poster or canopy. Email: FOR SALE: Two top-quality large leather lounge chairs and matching ottomans for sale. Cafe Latte color. Like new. Priced to sell at $500 USD for the pair. Call: 766-4338. FOR SALE: Hoover Floor Mate Deluxe Hard Floor Cleaner, FH40160PC Corded $1340p. FOR SALE: Samsung HW 750 TV surround System. Paid $750.00 CDN sell for
$5000.00 pesos. Roger 106-2019. FOR SALE: BMW motorcycle 2005 1200 GS, perfect condition 190000. Km priced to sell $1250000.pesos. Jalisco plated. Call: 765-4185. FOR SALE: Looking for a good used serger. PM me if you have one. Email. FOR SALE: ResMed S8 Escapeâ&#x201E;˘ II CPAP Machine includes extra nose SLHFHV DQG KXPLGLÂżHU ,W ZDV XVHG RQO\ D couple of times. Email: FOR SALE: Someone purchased about 6-7 cases of decorative tiles from me...could that person please call me? I thought I had some saved as extras but FDQÂśW ÂżQG WKHP QRZ DQG GHVSHUDWHO\ QHHG 6 -7 tiles to replace those that were destroyed during construction. Willie. 376766-4480. FOR SALE: Tilting TV wall mount. 42 - 70 inch capacity. Decided to go another route. Price: $300 pesos and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s yours. Call: 765-2290 Mick. FOR SALE: Shaw remote control and 305 receiver. Great as a second receiver IRU YLHZLQJ GLá&#x201A;&#x2021;HUHQW FKDQQHOV RQ GLá&#x201A;&#x2021;HUent tvâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s at the same time. Price: $150 CAD. Cell: 331-431-7264, Home 766-2196. WANTED: Does anyone have or know of a hospital bed that I can borrow or rent? Please call Mike 331-330-1050.
Saw you in the Ojo 69
El Ojo del Lago / August 2017