Ajijic’s first cardiac catheterization! Dr. Sergio Morett, Cardiologist
s long as technology advances, doctors and hospitals in Ajijic’s area have been trying to improve medical attention by expanding treatment and diagnostic possibilities, diminishing the urgency of looking for medical attention in the big city of Guadalajara. Cardiovascular emergencies can present at any time, so early treatment is vital. Most cardiac emergencies can be treated in hospitals where a cardiac catheterization lab is available, supported by other areas such as an intensive care unit (ICU) and a cardiovascular surgical team. Cardiac catheterization with coronary angiography is a procedure where a small tube, called catheter, is advanced through the radial or femoral artery to the heart, where coronary arteries lie, injecting a dye called contrast media. This procedure can only be performed by expert interventional cardiologists, helping them to visualize inside the arteries and determine if an angioplasty or another treatment is required. During an angioplasty, an interventional cardiologist places coronary stents, which are regularly covered with medication to avoid stent closure. The battery of treatments and proce-
El Ojo del Lago / August 2021
dures an interventional cardiologist can perform is amazing. We are proud to announce the first cardiac catheterization in Ajijic’s area, performed two months ago by Dr. Sergio Morett, in a patient with resting angina, also known as unstable angina. The procedure was a great success, with immediate relief of symptoms, diminishing the risk of a heart attack. Having the opportunity to treat complex heart diseases in Ajijic, is great news for everybody in the Ribera.“ Dr. Sergio Morett, a professionally trained interventional cardiologist and expert in cardiovascular diseases, CEO of CardioDinamics, dedicated to improve cardiovascular health and prevention. Devoted father and husband, blog writer and technology fan. [Ed. Note: This is the beginning of a medical column devoted to issues faced by people in our age group. We will feature issues, health, and healing. Other doctors, such as Dr, Morrett’s wife will contribute to issues in her specialty Gastroenterology. This is for informational purposes. As always ask your own doctor for your specific concerns, This is NOT an advertisement for services.]