Saw you in the Ojo
Saw you in the Ojo
Richard Tingen
Alejandro Grattan-Domínguez Tel: (01376) 765 3676, 765 2877 Fax: (01376) 765 3528 Associate Publisher David Tingen Graphic Design Roberto C. Rojas Sandra Hernandez Special Events Editor Sandy Olson Associate Editor Victoria Schmidt Contributing Editor Mark Sconce Theater Critic Michael Warren Book Review Panel Margaret Van Every Margaret Porter Clare Gearhart Roving Correspondent Dr. Lorin Swinehart Art Critic Rob Mohr Sales Manager Bruce Fraser 2ႈFH 6HFUHWDU\ Rocio Madrigal ADVERTISING OFFICE Av. Hidalgo # 223, Chapala Mon. thru Fri. 9am - 5pm Sat. 9am - 1pm Tel. 01 (376) 765 2877, 765 3676 Fax 01 (376) 765 3528 Send all correspondence, subscriptions or advertising to: El Ojo del Lago Ave. Hidalgo 223 (or Apartado 279), 45900 Chapala, Jalisco Tels.: (376) 765 3676, Fax 765 3528
Dr. Lorin Swinehart writes about the exalted personage ZKRVH OLIH DQG GHDWK JDYH ULVH WR WKH PRVW VDFUHG KROLGD\ LQ DOO RI &KULVWHQGRP
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Michael Cook’s long poem touches on something that is never far the conscious mind of many people here at Lakeside: the loss of memory.
Margaret Van Every weaves a tale about a Canadian woman living alone in a Mexican village, and of the dream she had of someday no longer being alone.
After living for many years here at Lakeside, Bonnie Phillips and her husband had to relocate for health reasons back up to the United States, but she will always remember the going-away street party that her Mexican neighbors gave her.
Bernie Suttle is old enough to remember the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, and the hysteria it caused in California, and recalls that despite the tumult he had only one concern!
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Roger Johnson looks at the highly topiFDO LVVXH RI LPPLJUDWLRQ DQG ¿QGV VRPH rarely-found humor in the subject.
El Ojo del Lago / December 2016
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Saw you in the Ojo
Robert McNamara and the Vietnam War
he late Robert McNamara’s best-selling book, In Retrospect, recently went into another printing, which has prompted us to republish our review of the book which originally ran soon after its initial release. The lessons of the Vietnam War are especially relevant now, as some politicians are screaming for sending a massive number of troops into various parts of the Middle East. (Ever notice how almost never are any members of these politicians’ own families sent off to fight and die in these wars of choice? Vice President Joe Biden’s son, Beau, was a rare exception.) Vietnam. That name, even now, so many years after the fall of Saigon, still possesses the power to flush forth tears of anger, remorse and shame in the hearts and minds of millions of Americans. The Vietnam War is a psychic wound that has never healed Recently, that wound was reopened by a literary bombshell. Robert McNamara, who as Secretary of Defense under John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson, was one of the chief architects of the war, and has written a book which again turns friend against friend, liberal against conservative, even father against son. Yet when the present furor dies down, McNamara´s book will be recognized for what it is: an act of atonement—and an ominous warning. In Retrospect is currently besieged from all sides. Conservatives are furious that McNamara believes we were “Wrong, terribly wrong” to have been in Vietnam in the first place; liberals are indignant that it took the former Defense Secretary all these years to finally make known opinions he covertly held as early as 1965. Why McNamara changed his mind about the war, and why he has decided to so publicly disclose
El Ojo del Lago / December 2016
his reasons for doing so, make for a book that is painful to read. For behind every mistake in judgement lurks a casualty statistic, beyond every belatedly-perceived truth a sobering reminder that the “best and brightest” of any country and any generation are as susceptible to error as most of the rest of us. In the opinion of many, all the signs that we would encounter only dead-ends in Vietnam were there even in the 50s. Our first mistake was in assuming the infallibility of the socalled Domino Theory, i.e., if South Vietnam fell to the Communists, all of Southeast Asia would surely follow. Yet when France pulled out in 1956, nothing of the sort happened. Nor has it happened since. Another error came in presuming that Red China would enter the war, though Vietnam and China had long detested each other, indeed had been sporadically fighting one another for hundreds of years. Thus, erroneously determining that the defense of South Vietnam was absolutely vital to our national interests, the US imposed, either in ignorance or arrogance, the Diem family—a discredited Catholic clan living in luxurious exile in New York City—upon the head of the corpus of a Buddhist nation. We also failed to recognize that Ho Chi Minh was a national hero in both South and North Vietnam; indeed, our own State Department had referred to him as the “George Washington of Indochina.” After the Diems were deposed, we frantically propped up one puppet politician after another in Saigon. But none could succeed in win-
ning the hearts and minds of even their own people. Not that they tried very hard—most seemed far more interested in the cocaine and heroin business, as well as the lavish trappings of power and the size of their Swiss bank accounts Another troubling sign was that America’s upper-classes had apparently decided the war wasn’t worth the blood of their own sons. That left much of the killing and dying to the poor and middle-class whites, blacks and Hispanics who could not afford the price to dodge the draft. But the war would finally cost even America´s elite more than they were prepared to pay: almost sixty thousand dead, hundreds of thousands wounded, many thousands of subsequent suicides, and tens of billions of dollars. The war would also take from many of us the great pride we had always felt in our country. We became disillusioned and disgusted; finally deeply cynical. Later, what the war had not destroyed of our faith, Watergate finished. That national sense of cynicism, now more pervasive than ever, is part of the reason McNamara wrote his book. The men who plunged us into one of the most tragic experiences in all our history, he reminds us, were not egomaniacal, evil-minded men. They truly believed, as he once had, that our cause was righteous. They had simply been wrong. But try telling that to the millions of people who every year visit Washington to weep at the Vietnam War Memorial. And what of those men who fought and died, or were seriously maimed in both body and soul? Personally, I think they are heroes on the same scale as that gallant generation of Americans who in World War II helped change the course of the last half of the twentieth century; indeed, perhaps our Vietnam warriors were of an even hardier breed—for they were ordered to wage a war
that, almost from the beginning, had only half-hearted popular support. Sadder still, returning home they encountered an enemy almost as insidious as any they faced in Vietnam: an apathetic public, hostile demonstrators and a hypocritical government. President Ronald Reagan later would call the war “noble” and extol our effort in Vietnam, even as he covertly reduced the benefits of the men who had fought and been maimed there. The ancient Greek dramatist Aeschylus wrote, “The reward of suffering is experience.” Robert McNamara, in courageously admitting his own complicity in the tragedy, has bequeathed to us a few immutable and hence invaluable lessons. Never again should young Americans be sent to fight and die in a war that cannot sustain an overwhelming level of popular support, nor be asked to shed blood in support of an inept and corrupt foreign government. (We did that again in Afghanistan, and had little to show for it other than making its president one of the richest men in the entire world.) McNamara’s stated reasons for not having spoken out much sooner remain open to question. His belief that he owed President Johnson his continued loyalty is a tragic misconception; surely McNamara owed the American people (whom Johnson had repeatedly deceived about the war) a greater allegiance. Further, McNamara’s opinion that his voice of dissent would not have made any difference smacks of intellectual dishonesty. Yet one thing is sure: he has shown us that every man and woman, be they politicians or private citizens, should have but one true conAlejandro stituency: their own Grattanconscience. Dominguez
Saw you in the Ojo
ach year at this time, we celebrate his birth, but it seems that his message has been lost amidst all the frenzied commercialism. We know the basics: that he was born, was baptized by John the Baptist, that his ministry probably lasted about three and a half years; that he was crucified by Roman authorities with the connivance of his local detractors. Christians say that he arose from the dead, continued for a period with his teachings, and then mysteriously departed. He is regarded not as simply another great teacher who said wise things but as the Incarnation of the Creator God. He was probably short by mod-
ern standards, dark complexioned from long days in the desert and from trudging along the roadways of Palestine. He probably bore calluses from physical labor with tools during his early years. He would have worn a beard. He never seems to have owned a thing other than the simple clothes on his back. Although he occasionally traveled by boat or astride a donkey, most of the time he walked everywhere. His diet consisted of whole grain bread, vegetables, fish and red wine. Nearly everything we know about him is found in the written accounts of four men, only one of whom may have witnessed his acts of mercy and kindness and spiritual insights.
El Ojo del Lago / December 2016
His oratory had to have been captivating, given that it is remembered and celebrated even now, over 2000 years later. His parables, especially “The Good Samaritan” and “The Prodigal Son,” are among the world’s most beautiful stories, their subtle, underlying messages packing even more punch than the tales themselves. He required no litmus test of anyone who sought him out. The multiple marriages and relationships of a Samaritan woman whom he met at a well were forgiven, although he admonished her to go forth and sin no more. He appears as concerned with the personal consequences of one’s offenses as with their effects upon others. Those who obsessed on the minutiae of the law, while stubbornly ignoring its spirit condemned him for his association with society’s outcastes: Lepers, prostitutes, beggars, foreigners, the detested tax collectors and others. His most stern rebukes were reserved for more serious violations. He preached that he had come not to contradict the Mosaic Law but to fulfill it. He defined the spirit of Law as requiring love of God and love of neighbor. He responded with the story of the Samaritan when asked who is one’s neighbor; all people are neighbors. The polar opposite of the love that he insisted upon is hardheartedness. In the story of Lazarus and the rich man in St. Luke’s Gospel, the consequences of hardheartedness are illustrated in colorful detail. The rich man, impervious to the cries of the impoverished, pain-racked Lazarus at his gate, finds himself spending his afterlife in hades. Even there, he demands that the patriarch Abraham order Lazarus to bring him water with which to quench his thirst in his place of torment. In his arrogance and sense of entitlement, even in hell, he insists that the poor man Lazarus exists to serve him. His demands are denied, and his condition remains unchanged. C.S. Lewis theorizes that hell is a very real, self-imposed condition, that each person is confined by his refusal to relinquish whatever deficiency of character lies at the root of his imprisonment. If given the opportunity, most, in the words of John Milton, would rather reign in hell than serve in heaven. So it would seem to be with the rich man and others with the hardest of hearts. In chapter 25 of the Gospel of St. Matthew, Jesus defines the vast difference between kindness and hardheartedness and at the same time identifies himself with all who suffer. “I was hungry, and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, na-
ked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.” Or, you did not. No room here for Ayn Rand’s, “I am not my brother’s keeper,” even among national candidates who profess to follow Jesus, but instead, “Store up treasures on earth,” whether in the form of filthy lucre or political clout. Jesus preaches peace, but he is no pacifist. When he finds the sanctity of the Temple in Jerusalem violated by loud, raucous moneychangers and salesmen, he overturns their tables, arms himself with a whip, and sends them fleeing. If one agrees with John Muir that cathedrals built by man pale in comparison to those created by nature’s God, one wonders how Jesus looks upon those who defile the earth today. It seems that all spirituality is inspired and nourished by a sense of wonder. The world of nature provides perhaps the most evident portal through which to wonder. Love, agape, lies at the very root of Biblical ethics. The Decalogue mandates that one dare not lie to, steal from, murder, bear false witness against nor covet the wife of one’s neighbor/brother. In that spirit, one can only reason that it is equally wrong to contaminate the air one’s brother breathes or the water he drinks or to deny him basic human rights or a livable environment. In his first Epistle to St. Timothy, St. Paul explains that it is not money but the love of money that brings out the worst in people. For those professing Judeo-Christian values, wealth requires generosity, an eagerness to share, “To do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with your God,” in the words of the Prophet Micah. St. Paul tells us, echoing Jesus, that if we possess adequate food and clothing, the basics, we should be content. Jesus warns, “You cannot serve both God and mammon.” In committing to follow him, we are expected to practice kindness, mercy, and forgiveness, and to struggle for justice. He denounces holier than thou attitudes, divisions of class or ethnicity, cruelty, rapaciousness, greed, selfaggrandizement, but extends the hand of forgiveness, friendship, brotherhood to even the worst of offenders, like St. Peter who denied him and St. Paul who persecuted his followers. To the degree that we are forgiving of those who persecute us, we will be forgiven, a hard saying, but he makes it clear that by our judgments we will be judged. On October 2, 2006, a milk tanker truck driver named Charles Carl Roberts III entered West Nickel Mines
Amish School in Pennsylvania, shooting and killing five little Amish girls and severely wounding five others before taking his own life. Almost immediately, the local bishop admonished his people, “We must not think evil of this man.” The Amish community reached out to the family of Roberts, concerned that his wife had lost a husband and his children a father, even establishing a charitable fund to help them with their loss. Thirty Amish attended Roberts’s funeral. The secular world was astonished by this act of Christian charity; the Amish and others were not. S.S. Colonel Herbert Kappler was one of the cruelest persons to surface during the Holocaust of World War II. He was responsible for countless Jewish people being sent to the gas chambers. His hatred was especially directed at Monsignor Hugh O’Flaherty, the “Scarlet Pimpernel of the Vatican”, so excellently portrayed by Gregory Peck in the movie The Scarlet and the Black. Because O’Flaherty rescued and concealed 6500 allied servicemen and Jewish civilians in barns and convents from the Nazis, Kappler tried to have the kindly priest assassinated on more than one occasion. Lugwig Koch, the chief of the fascist police in Rome bragged that he would torture
O’Flaherty before killing him if he got his hands on him. After the war, O’Flaherty visited Kappler in prison monthly for the rest of his life, overseeing his conversion to Christianity and baptizing him in 1959. Whenever his church devolves into a coterie of mutually congratulatory “nice” people congratulating one another on their niceness, the life, the teachings and the sacrifice of Jesus is trivialized, as are the heroic acts of such as O’Flaherty and forgiveness and love of the Amish of Lancaster County. The church of Jesus Christ must at all times function as a free clinic, its doors flung wide open in welcome to all wounded and ailing souls. Antebellum southern preachers who defended slavery and more recent ones arguing on behalf of segregation and racism, stand in direct contradiction to the teachings of Jesus, but he warned of wolves in sheep’s clothing. He tells us that blasphemy, attributing evil to the Holy Spirit, will exact a heavy price; perhaps those who use his words to justify the marginalization or persecution of any group or individual do so at great spiritual risk. It would seem that the foundation for any ethical system would be a simple question, “How would you like it?” that is, if the shoe were on the other foot. Jesus offers the Golden Rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Dr. Lorin That is who this JeSwinehart sus is.
Saw you in the Ojo
he Met Office and Climatic Research Unit at Britain’s University of East Anglia reported that the Earth’s average temperature has increased by 1-degree C (1.8 F). The world’s biggest network of sensors that measure the constituents of the Earth’s atmosphere, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) that has been tracking carbon dioxide concentrations for many decades because it is vital for plant life and traps the sun’s heat to make our planet warmer, also reports that CO2 concentrations have risen 0.5 % during 2013, which is average for the decade, but that methane and nitrous oxide has increased much faster and warming of the planet
El Ojo del Lago / December 2016
increased by 36 % since 1990. WMO Secretary General Michel Jarraud said: “We are moving into unchartered territory at a frightening speed and soon we’ll be living with globally averaged CO2 levels above 400 parts per million as a permanent reality (the carbon dioxide levels should remain well below 400 ppm to avoid long-term disruptions to the Earth’s climate). The implications for the planet are hotter global temperatures, more extreme weather events, melting ice, rising sea levels and increased acidity in oceans. It is an invisible threat, but a very real one!” Mauna Loa Observatory too reported a 24 % increase since they began record keeping (1958) and NASA’s Dr.
Michael Gunson observed: “We are on an inexorable march to 450 PPM (parts per million) and…it should be a psychological tripwire for everyone.” Other scientists at NASA said: Climate change is a threat to life on Earth and we can no longer afford to be spectators. The next threshold is the…point of no return in mankind’s unintended global-scale geo-engineering experiment. As a football score: It is Catastrophic Climate Change 400, Humanity 0. If we want to survive we must listen to the scientists, vote wisely, beat carbon addiction and put humanity into the game. Pew Research reports that majorities in all the 40 nations polled say that climate change is a serious problem (the global median is 54%), 78% want greenhouse gas emissions limited and 67% support major life style changes. In the US only 20% of Republicans believe that climate change is a serious problem, but 68% of Democrats do. We must reduce 80% of CO2 emissions by 2020 by changing over to 100% electric vehicles and renewables for all other power needs. We also must get into the habit of frugality with Earth’s resources. Family planning, education and healthcare for all are essential. The choice is obvious.
Saw you in the Ojo 11
Old Shanghai
The Old City of Shanghai stands on the site of a small ancient settlement which first came to prominence when upstream silting forced the move of dock and market activities downstream in the 12th and 13th centuries. Old Shanghai shop Shanghai soon became one of seven ports of entry designated to handle overseas trade, and Old Shanghai grew up around the customs house.
El Ojo del Lago / December 2016
In the 1800’s, as foreign concessions developed into new urban areas, Chinese authority was effectively restricted to the old city. In the late 1990’s and into the next decade, parts of Old Shanghai were redeveloped into high rise hotels and residences, drastically changing the streetscape. The development roused controversy, since it required the destruction of several houses of historical significance and demolition of the last surviving section of the old city wall. Wide, circular streets now follow the vanished wall’s footprint. In 2006, the Shanghai municipal government protected the remaining 34 streets of Old Shanghai as an historic landmark. The Old City has been necessarily renovated, but its ancient winding streets 5RRIWRSV DOPRVW WRXFK DERYH QDUURZ ODQHV and hundred-year-old stores still retain the flavor of old China Most of the buildings now standing date from the 1600’s through the end of the 1800’s. Shops here feature an incredible array of jewelry, porcelain, jade, and silk clothing, and there are a number of antique and curio shops. American food chains including Baskin Robbins and Starbucks have opened here, but they’re sorely outnumbered by local take-away food stands, teahouses, and noodle houses. There is also a seemingly endless number of shops selling snacks and sweets in flavors unheard-of in the West. Not surprisingly, Starbucks serves no Chai in the land that introduced tea to the world, but Chinese green, white and oolong teas are offered along with local specialties like a Lychee & Straw7KH 2OG 6KDQJKDL DIWHUQRRQ FURZG LV PRVWO\ ORFDO berry Mooncake or Green Tea Latte. Very surprisingly, neither Starbucks or its many Chinese imitators serve decaffeinated coffee. While Old Shanghai is quite tranquil early in the morning, tour busses filled with badged Westerners and flag-carrying tour guides typically arrive before midday to beat the rush. The crowd becomes increasingly robust as the day wears on, when it becomes a people-watcher’s delight. Couples of all ages wander the narrow lanes and teens and pre-teens hang out here. There are few Westerners around in the afternoon, but foreigners have
been a feature of Shanghai life for so long that they invite no second look from local visitors. Several unarmed police officers walk casually through the main courtyard, the first that I’ve so far seen walking a beat. While Shanghai, like any city its size, has its share of pickpockets and motor scooter thieves, there is no sense of insecurity when it comes to personal safety. Possession of weapons – from firearms to swords – is forbidden in China and penalties are severe. When shopping, don’t be surprised if purchases are not rung up, but instead totaled and dis-
Old Shanghai
played on a hand calculator. Also don’t be surprised when a merchant who speaks little English pulls up a language translator on a smartphone and the conversation proceeds as tag-team translation. Fortunately for the tourist, China’s last dynasty, the Manchus, replaced cumbersome Chinese numerical characters with the Arabic numbering system used in the West, and it has been in prominent usage within China since early in the 19th century. While my guide offers assurances that merchandise in Old Shanghai is the real deal, he also offers cautionary advice on shopping in other areas frequented by tourists.
China has a well-deserved reputation for knock-offs of Western products, so it’s “buyer bewareâ€? or your silk may turn out to be polyester. Such retail fraud – along with change rendered in  counterfeit Chinese currency or an obscure foreign currency can be widespread in areas frequented by tourists. It proves to be sound advice for my next 20 days in China. Shanghai’s tranquilly beautiful Yu Garden is adjacent to the marketplace, and it’s the topic of 7UDGLWLRQ KROGV WKDW WKH ]LJ ]DJ EULGJH WKZDUWV GHPRQV ZKR WUDYHO my next post. RQO\ LQ VWUDLJKW OLQHV Antonio RamblĂŠs
Saw you in the Ojo 13
his play ran briefly on Broadway in 2014, and was nominated for a Tony Award in that year. Shanley is a talented playwright, best known as the author of Doubt – an intense and thought-provoking play which was well performed here in 2007. Here he turns his hand to an Irish love story, with some colorful language and a happy ending, as we wipe away our tears. Ann Swiston conceived an original opening by bringing on the author to introduce his play, and Peter Luciano is entirely convincing as “John Patrick Shanley” who sets the mood for the evening and places us in the green countryside of rural Ireland. When the play opens, “Tony Reilly” and his son “Anthony” return to their farmhouse, after attending the funeral of their neighbor. The widow “Aoife Muldoon” stops by for a few tears and a cup of tea. Of course it’s Ireland, so there’s much talk of death and much brewing of tea. Mary Hunt, in her first role at LLT, is excellent as the widow Aoife, and I hope we will see her again in future. The acting is terrific, and, though it took me a little time to tune in to the Irish accent, I truly believed that I was in the kitchen of an Irish farm. Dave McIntosh gave one of his best performances as the old curmudgeon Tony, obstinate and lovable and determined to hold on to his land. His late wife Mary was born Mary Kelly and Tony holds that the Kelly family are known to be crazy. After all,
El Ojo del Lago / December 2016
her brother talked politics with a turkey, and then accused his dog of slander. Therefore he believes his son Anthony to be strange, and not worthy of inheriting the farm. Douglas Pinkerton is very real as the shy and withdrawn Anthony, who claims not to like people. He also says that he has no feelings, but perhaps the truth is that he feels too much. There’s a powerful scene at the end of the first Act, when Tony is dying and asks his son to forgive him. It’s beautifully written and acted, and both actors and the director deserve much credit and applause. When Aoife’s daughter “Rosemary” enters, we instantly know her as the driving force of the family. Deborah Spitz gives a wonderful and ultimately moving performance as Rosemary, who turns away all her suitors because she is waiting for Anthony to declare his love. Time runs slow in Ireland and it takes many years and much prodding from Rosemary in a long and revealing final scene. The language is beautiful in this play and the actors do it justice. We also had the pleasure of the song Wild Mountain Thyme, recorded by Patrick and Patricia DeGabrielle, who visited Ajijic recently for a Celtic Night performance. At the end of the play the author returns, perhaps unnecessarily. I felt that the climax of the play was Anthony’s message of love “Go to her” and that further words were superfluous. But the whole evening was delightful, and I congratulate Ann Swiston and her talented cast. I should also mention the set designer Ruth Kear and her creative use of the rotating stage. The Stage Manager was Win McIntosh and her Assistant was Sandy Jakubek. Next up is Chapter Two by Neil Simon, which opens on December 2. Get your tickets now! Michael Warren
Saw you in the Ojo 15
inally, finally the interminable election season in the United States has ended. It was worse than usual. Thank goodness it is over, at least for the time being. I am particularly concerned with the lack of comity on both sides. The election may have been settled, but the quality of the dialogue is not like%LOO )UD\HU ly to improve. Readers of this column are likely familiar with my tendency to focus on the lack of real fair-minded discussion between parties who disagree. I ran across an excellent poem by the Israeli poet Yehuda Amichai which may offer us some guidance: The Place Where We Are Right From the place where we are right Flowers will never grow In the spring. The place where we are right Is hard and trampled Like a yard. But doubts and loves Dig up the world Like a mole, a plow. And a whisper will be heard in the place Where the ruined House once stood. This lovely poem is about our orientation when we discuss difficult subjects. Our opinions are formulated, we presume, after serious deliberation and consideration of the evidence. When we speak to others about subjects we care deeply about, we speak from the space Amichai describes in the poem. We are standing firmly in the “space where we are right.” But, as he points out, “Flowers will never grow” in this place because it “is hard and trampled like a yard.” This is a metaphorical description of the landscape we find ourselves in. Amichai, I imagine, was referring to the Israeli and Palestinian conflict, but his poem really applied to us all. The more entrenched we are, in this self-righteous territory of being “right,” the less likely we are to reach out to understand those who we think are “not right.” We cannot achieve progress, or even productive dialogue, if we are both entrenched in the hard-packed soil of our immutable positions. Of course we have different views, but if we share our “doubts and loves,” those passions and beliefs which animate our souls, maybe we can find some common ground. If we can allow ourselves to show our vulnerability by plowing up our common soil, allowing air and moisture into our hard-packed terrain, perhaps we can make some progress. We all want the same things, don’t we? People of all colors, traditions, and political persuasions usually want prosperity, security for their families, active and engaged community life, strong artistic and entertainment options, good education for their children, and the promise of a good future. Our disagreements are usually about methods, not goals. There are many things on which we can easily agree if we leave our egos at the door and focus on our common loves and doubts. These loves and doubts are what make us human. We are all vulnerable and imperfect. We need to start to hear each other’s whispers, and we can’t do that while we’re shouting. And, in the meantime, we could all do ourselves a favor by reading some good poetry rather than watching television!
El Ojo del Lago / December 2016
Saw you in the Ojo 17
of the month
%\ 1LFROH 6HUJHQW &OLQLF 'LUHFWRU Carla Estefania C.S.
arla was born in 2014. She was born with an imperforated anus and had a colostomy soon after birth. She was found to have allergies to dairy and needed special formulas, the family came to our Chapala Clinic in November 2014 as they needed help with transport to and from Guadalajara, also with the special milk and nutritional supplements that she needed. In October of 2016 doctors performed a re-connection, she did very well at first but after three weeks of eating a normal diet she had a bowel obstruction and needed to go in the hospital again. As of now, she is on a liquid diet, only soft foods, and doctors are monitoring her weekly. If she can start on solid food again in the next three to four weeks all will be well. If she cannot and has another obstruction doctors will again perform a colostomy. The family hopes that all will be well and it is our hope for her as well. We have, so far, reimbursed the family a total of 67,246.00 pesos. The family is very grateful and as her mother said at our general meeting she is thankful that Carla’s problem can be resolved as compared with some of our children who are facing life long
El Ojo del Lago / December 2016
illnesses. As Clinic Director, I thank you once again for this opportunity to present one of our kids. I invite you to join us at our monthly meeting at the Real de Chapala in Ajijic on the second Thursday of the month at 10:00am to meet our “Child of the month� and to learn more about our organization. We see our families at three locations, Jocotepec, Ajijic and Chapala. Should you want to visit or become a volunteer, please contact Barb Corol for Jocotepec (766-5452) or myself for Ajijic and Chapala (766-4375). I invite you to visit our website at:
Saw you in the Ojo 19
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o emigrate is to leave one’s country to live in another. To immigrate is to come from another country to live permanently. A fine line but perhaps an even larger, more encompassing word that covers this all is change. To leave one’s way of life and adopt another could be either positive or negative experiences. I read something recently that made me think about my life today and those around me. It is interesting to me that the concept of what was being experienced by the whole of people, as the United States was being settled, never really registered with me. Truly, a lot of my education in these areas came from the likes of “Little House on the Prairie” and “Gunsmoke” I recently read that:*When the Indians were the sole inhabitants of the United States, their wants were few. Their arms were of their own manufacture, their clothes consisted of skins of animals, whose flesh furnished them with food and water from the streams. The Europeans introduced to the Indians of North America, firearms, spirits and iron. They taught the Indians to exchange for their manufactured stuffs. The rough garments that previously satisfied the Indian’s untutored simplicity then changed as new tastes were acquired. The Indians had little to offer except rich furs which abound in the woods and fields. While the wants of the natives increased, their resources began to diminish. When a European settlement
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formed in the territory occupied by the Indians produced continuous sounds of European labor, the Indians began to depart to the West following the elk, buffalo, and the beaver. Try to conceive the extent of the sufferings which accompanied these forced emigrations. They were undertaken by a people already exhausted and emotionally reduced. The territories to which they moved were inhabited by other tribes which received them with hostility. Hunger was in the rear and war awaited them with misery beset on all sides. To escape a host of enemies, they separate and each individual endeavored to support themselves in solitude and secrecy, living as an outcast from a formally civilized society. The social ties weakened by this dissolved. The Indians as a whole lost their country and their families are obliterated. Names they bore in common were forgotten, their language perished, and traces of their origin disappeared. So, I am now thinking today, why have I chosen to emigrate and live in Mexico the last ten years? What was I experiencing that made me want to do that? Do you suppose the outcome of the last election for the President of the United States had anything in common with emigration or the need to change the voter’s way of life? A teenager interviewed recently was asked what one item would it be most difficult to live without and responded, “My cellphone” What happened to food, clothing and shelter? *An excerpt from Alexis de Tocqueville’s 1831 book, DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA Roger Johnson
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Focus on Art %\ 5RE 0RKU
lice was through the glass, and had jumped lightly down into the looking glass room.” Lewis Carroll—Through the Looking Glass The rich metaphorical stories by Lewis Carroll give the reader new understandings concerning the worlds created by artists through artifacts and performances. Art makes hidden worlds manifest through emotions, sensations, and understandings of the materials, sounds, and words used in the process of creation. Yet how often do we, without reflection, prejudge literature, poetry, visual arts, classical music, and opera, and say, “I don’t get it - Too modern for me - I’ve never liked poetry - This is beyond me.” John Dewey taught reflection is essential if we are to avoid the loss caused by such snap judgments. The curious mind explores, seeks nutritive input, wel-
comes challenge, and seeks the stillness of reflection. Creativity encourages random thoughts to wander through the landscape of the mind. How might your life change if in place of rejecting works of art, you opened yourself and engaged them in a two way conversation? Enter through that doorway into unexplored worlds that offer challenges, a different culture, with different norms, customs, and language that broaden your understanding of the possible. Your inability to initially speak the alternative language will ultimately increase your excitement and the thrill of exploration as you learn. Harold Bloom (1930 -) called this transition, “the ecstasy of the privileged moment,” a moment when one steps into a painted world like Pieter Bruegel’s (1525-1569) Wedding Dance, to become a participant in a dance that took place in the Netherlands of 1551. (Photo 1) Pass through the same looking glass into the synergy of the cave drawings in Chauvet (30,000 BC), or the domains of Pablo Picasso (1881-1973), and experience how both reveal worlds previously unimagined. Or journey with John Cage (1912-1992), who made music from random sounds, or Jackson Pollock (1912-1956), who used paint as his subject. Pass through sensual, often spiritual, windows opened by Henri Matisse (1894-1910)(Photo 2) and Mark Rothko (1903-1970). Or consider the abstract works of Gerhard Richter (1932-), who understands art as an unexpected transcendent journey where viewers may connect with universal consciousness. These artists and works reveal the wonder of places and realities never seen before - places and experiences of infinite, sensory, cognitive and spiritual dimensions that engender a sense of wonder. Art, whether figurative or abstract, brings unknown universes into being, and communicates with us in a new language that meets our hunger for transcendence. Mark Rothko’s vibrant abstract panels, heavy with paint and rich in color, become portals to an ethereal space. He believed, “… only abstract art can bring us to the threshold of the divine.” The Rothko Chapel in Houston has become a destination for spiritual pilgrimages where participants, fixed in silence, surrounded by his works, experience spiritual stillness akin to Buddhist centering. Poetry also challenges us to transcend the limits of reality. Cross the threshold into poetry’s realm and be transformed by the rich language and erotic imagery of Pablo Neruda, or eavesdrop on Cynthia Cruz’s introverted, and tortured, province of fear. Pablo Neruda I do not love you as if you were a salt rose, or topaz or the arrow of carnations the fire shoots off. I love you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret, between the shadow and the soul. Cynthia Cruz I am. The sorrow … The night, With its kingdom of lanterns and awful blue lark. How we waited, how we hid Like wolves, in the revolving questions of a field. Pass through the metaphorical veil of Lewis Carroll’s stories to affirm how encounters with the visual arts, music, performance arts, literature, and poetry, transcend and define human evolution and expand our search for the meaning of life. Nourish yourself – experience the rapture engendered by the arts. albums/6347713394110798161
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Rob Mohr
Saw you in the Ojo 23
ll of us will be busy in the next few weeks with holiday activities - going places, gathering with friends, eating delicious food, buying gifts, and hopefully pausing long enough to appreciate what we have in our lives. During this time, do think about those who may not be as fortunate as we are. Although many of us are retired and living on a fixed income with a budget, there are others who have less than us. Please consider making a donation to a charitable organization of your choice in the name of a friend or relative in lieu of buying that person a gift. This is a win-win-win proposition for all concerned. This is a reminder that rescuing an animal may appear to be ‘a good thing’. However, you need to keep several things in mind. First – the question: are you removing an animal from the street that is not homeless or does not really have an owner? Do due diligence to see if you can find its owner before going further with your ‘rescue plan.’ Second, you now have the animal – what are YOU going to with it? Once you take the animal, you are solely responsible for its care until you find a home for it. That may involve Vet care, care of it in your home, etc. Do not assume that there is room in the local animal shelters to take in ‘your’ rescued animal. The reality is that each of the local shelters have been operating at full capacity for several years now, many with a long waiting list. So your rescue plan,
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and it must be a plan, has to include where will the animal go, as if going into a shelter is not an available option. The last several months some of our community ex-pats have died, some unexpectedly, leaving their animals behind with no plans in place for the care of their pets after their [owners] demise. Friends and neighbors have had to scramble to take care of this task not dealt with by the pet owner. Despite wishful thinking, we are all going to die. If you really do love your pet(s), as you say you do, take and make the time to prepare for this situation. On Anita’s website there is a tab called: Pet Godparents. It has a form which can be completed and printed to help organize your plan for your pet’s care in the event you can no longer care for your pet or in the event of [your] death. Also on Anita’s website is some additional helpful information. One tab: Should I rescue? offers guidelines to help you distinguish between a ‘street dog’ versus a ‘dog in crisis’ that may need an intervention and what you can do if you get involved. There are other tabs: Lost Pet Procedure – describes timely action to take to help you organize a search for your pet that has gotten out and is lost. The other tab: Found Pet Procedure – provides steps you should take in trying to find the owner of a pet before declaring you have rescued this animal. Anita and her volunteers wish to acknowledge and say THANK YOU! to our community for their support, The Cat Shelter, The Ranch, and Lucky Dog, individuals who are in the background doing foster care and rescue work, donors who support our local animal organizations, those Vets who provide vet care at discounted fees to animal rescuers, LFA, Operacion Amor and Operacion Compasion. Wishing you ALL a Healthy, Happy and Joyous New Year to come. - PayPal available.
Saw you in the Ojo 25
Child of fear, partly formed middle-aged man! You flounder bravely to catch your lost youth, A knotted ball of yearning to be free, You now attempt to unravel. The rights of passage never were endured To take you to manhood. Haltingly you test your courage, Try to go beyond your coddled safety zone. How you talk and talk - the ifs, the buts, “the when I’m stronger,” Preface to the voiced dreams of exploration and adventure. The need to be encouraged, To soothe barely concealed fears that lurk like demons Scuttling your far-reaching plans Of letting go of props and crutches, To be the independent man you’ve never been. Baby steps get taken, But not without the play and replay of anxious thoughts, The endless overture to action. —By Gabrielle Blair—
Walking Luna ²%\ 6KHOO\ 6PLWK² Luna - descending from a proud race, but still in need of daily exercise. My tempo dictated to by the nose of a dog. Outside circumstances. Walking Luna is not so much walking as stopping. I stop. I stop. Impatient to be moving on. Blindly waiting – eyes rolling to the empty sky. And suddenly with a change of focus, I see. Not up there, but underfoot. Another world, rich and slow, full and tactile. I move between the stopping. Feeling through my feet. Being told stories of cultures - and living, of making and doing, of moving through space- in time. I can lift my gaze and take in more – see more – notice more. What a gift the nose of a dog is. Opening up minute spaces for the exploration of landscapes. (Ed. Note: Walking Luna was previously presented as part of the paper ‘At the Crossroads – Writing Spaces Between Academia and Embodiment’ in July 2016 at the Writing as Spaces 4 conference, Oxford, England, and in this connection will be part of an e-book publication through Inter-Disciplinary Net publishing in 2017.)
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Saw you in the Ojo 27
Some people say to me Who are you To that I say just history Who are you I am just a memory Who are you I can’t remember Do I see me Unravelled in the knot of life Are you a mirror or forgotten wife I think I am a forgotten landscape Capable of just Anything If I put my mind to it I remember at the age of five Staring Staring At a forgotten landscape Of vagaries and mist If I remember I shall call her Mom I thought I was in love Yet the instructions
Were in a Babel God’s curse bewitched the sinner A failure to understand One another Such a joyous moment That reeks hypocrisy To understand another’s pain Yet I remember it quite hell Too well Haunting life a shadow in the moonlight It sits at the foot of my bed Smiling with the teeth of a piranha To devour good memories away A shoal They sense a feast of all that’s good The cave is dark and only you sleep alone For loneliness is your memory Of lost but wanting to be found Am I me or am I you Pull the covers over your head and sleep And today I will remember Over burnt toast because I forgot the time And jam that went moldy Just like me Out of date I smile because I can buy another jar If I remember Today I see sea shells on a bleached sand A hand In mine I see today a time Walk with me See what I can sea A sarape clinging to my thigh The rolling surf wanted us Yet my lover wanted me amor We fought the earth’s nature in a battle royale And the surf surrendered With licks of froth and a gentle caress We became one You steal that and I never will forgive you I forgive and forget a lot of things but not that day If love is all that lasts I say play on...Minstrel For you are music to my heart Begone And these years will be Mine My senses may be weak yet still I am beyond reproach Why because I am me I leave my history behind In a glorious dignity Open your eyes you merchants of gloom Because we live for today For I am a capsule of all that is good in my Life You will never take that away The End…..
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Transitions %\ 7RP 1XVVEDXP
hy don’t I like to play with dolls, Jeremy?” nine-year-old Michelle Klein asked the lanky teenager sitting on the window seat in her bedroom as she pushed a red toy race car across the desk sitting next to the window. “I don’t know, Michelle,” Jeremy, the Klein’s neighbor, answered. “But it’s OK. Besides, you do play with dolls.” “They’re not dolls. Jeremy. They’re action figures and superheroes,” Michelle argued as she raced the car across the desk again. The car stopped at the edge of the pale pink desk, where the pink-and-white checked ribbon border had been attached. Michelle looked over Jeremy’s shoulder
and through the curved window into the claustrophobic backyard. “It’s really raining,” she observed. Somber classical music, so quiet it could barely be heard, wafted across the room from a radio resting on a nightstand matching the desk. “I know that. But they are dolls, sorta.” Jeremy turned to look out the window. “Hey,” he said, “look way out there, Michelle. There’s a thin ray of light breaking through the clouds. It’s kinda cool.” “And didn’t I tell you to stop calling me Michelle?” The child looked up from the toy and at Jeremy for only a moment, but the distraction caused the red car to slip from her fingertips
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and shatter on the floor like splattered blood. “But that’s what I’ve called you since you moved next door, ever since I helped you guys unload that moving van, ever since I became your ‘big brother.’” Jeremy bounced the basketball he had held cradled in his lap. On the third bounce, it brushed the side of a large black Michael Jordan basketball shoe and shot cross the floor, stopping at the closet door that stood ajar across the room. “Anyway, I don’t know what else to call you. Have you decided? Is it Mitchell or Marshall?” “I don’t know. I can’t decide. This is so hard, Jeremy.” Michele suddenly lurched forward, falling face first on the desk, and began to cry. Before her second painful sob dribbled onto the desk, the tall teenager leaped from his perch to her side and rested a comforting hand on her shoulder. Michelle looked up. “Why don’t you decide for me?” she pleaded. “Oh, I can’t do that,” Jeremy rebuffed the request. “Only you can define who you are. Don’t ever let anyone else do that. Don’t ever let someone else slap labels or expectations on you.” He patted Michelle’s head and returned to his window seat perch.“ If you are a boy named Mitchell or Marshall, then that is who you are. If you like classical music and pro football, don’t let anyone convince you that that is a weird combination.” He leaned forward and touched his young neighbor on the forearm.“ Look at me. I’m the only Black dude on my basketball team and I listen to country music. The White guys are all like ‘Whoa.’ But I don’t care what they think or that they like rap.” Michelle sat up, wiped her cheek with the long sleeve of her black Oakland Raider football jersey, and fingered the desk’s pink-and-white trim. “I hate this trim.” “I know,” Jeremy said, as if he had heard the complaint a hundred times. “Why couldn’t it be orange and blue like the Denver Broncos or silver and black like the Raiders?”
Ignoring the question, Jeremy made a request.“ Promise me something?” “Sure. What?” “That you will never let anyone tell you who you are, that you will not let anyone label you or define you.” The rapid tapping sounds of a woman’s heels on a wooden hallway floor interrupted the conversation. It stopped at the doorway of the bedroom. “It’s time, Sweetie,” Rachel Kline announced in a whisper. “ Jeremy’s funeral will be in half an hour. Are you ready?” Michelle rose from the chair and turned toward her mother. “Yeah,” she sighed. She wore black dress slacks, a white button-down collar long-sleeve shirt and a sportyblack Raider V-neck sweater-vest with the team’s foreboding logo resting over her broken heart. “I’m trying not to hate that Dawaine guy for hitting Jeremy with his car. But why did he have to be driving so fast? It was night. It was dark. And this is a quiet street, Mom. Didn’t he see that?” “I know,” Rachel said in a voice as soothing as steaming chicken soup in January. But before she finished the two-word sentence, Michelle cut her off. “Why was he so afraid of the police anyway, Mom?” “It’s complicated, Sweetie. You’ll understand better when you are a little older. Besides, you have enough grownup things to think about.” Michelle put her hands in her pants pockets and looked down for a moment. Her shoulders drooped as if they supported the weight of another person. She half-heartedly kicked an imaginary football with her white Nike. Suddenly, Michelle stood tall, as if she had shed that crippling weight. She looked directly at Rachel and smiled. “I’ve figured it out, Mom. I finally know who I am.” She paused, pride taking over her posture. “My name is Jeremy now.” Tom Nussbaum
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A Christmas Story
hen my son Justin was born, he was given a Teddy bear. Just a normal old bear, in no way exceptional except to him. Most children have an “attachment object” preferred to all others and Tedrina was Justin’s. He played, ate and slept with it. It was his constant companion. And, like all children, there were times that Justin would need to be soothed when he was sick, crabby or had trouble getting to sleep. Almost a member of the family, Tedrina accompanied us everywhere. Until one particularly busy day when we returned home and discovered that Tedrina was missing. The car was searched, the house
torn apart yet no Tedrina was found. A difficult night ensued with promises that all our steps would be retraced the next day in order to find the AWOL bear. Despite days of searching in all logical, and many illogical, places she was never found. The child grieved. I mean really grieved. There was no wailing, no overt anger, but lots of quiet crying. Almost every night he would say before bed: “ I really miss Tedrina.” And he would quietly look for her. It was difficult to watch and there was very little that could be said. Several months went by, but it was clear that he still missed his bear. He would speak of her lovingly and
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say things like: “I hope if someone took her they are nice to her.” As parents, you can’t help but feel for your kid, but on the other hand, we felt he really needed to “move on.” His Dad suggested, in practical Dad fashion, that we embargo any further discussion of the bear and try to focus on other things like learning to play ball and eat more neatly. But I concocted a plan to replace Tedrina. Justin was one of those children who, for whatever reason, seemed to always be able to read. He knew his alphabet by sight before the age of two and could read very competently by three. I decided a letter from Tedrina would be the perfect way to introduce a new bear. I enlisted my husband, grudgingly, and my mother, enthusiastically, in the plan to recruit the “new Tedrina.” We set off on a trip to the Vermont Teddy Bear factory without revealing our destination to Justin or his younger brother. On the way, we stopped at a park for a break and I said to Justin: “Oh, a letter came for you yesterday. I forgot. Here it is. Why don’t you read it?” While my mother, husband and I sat on a park bench, Justin pulled out the letter and read: My dearest Justin: I know you miss me terribly and I miss you a lot. But I am happy and I want you to be happy too. I snuck on a plane to Minnesota and returned to my Mommy, Daddy and little brother Amos. Yes, I have a little brother like Alex, and he is annoying too. I have heard you are going to a farm in Vermont. I have made a special plan. You see, I think I may have left you a little too soon and you do need a very special bear for a bit longer. At the Vermont Bear Factory a special bear is waiting for you. I cannot describe her, but you will know her the moment you see her. Pick her up, cuddle her and take her home. She will be a very lucky bear to be loved by a little boy as nice as you. And, some day, perhaps not so long from now, she’ll be ready to leave. And, believe it or not, you’ll be ready to let her go.” When you are a bit older, I will write to you again from the woods of Minnesota and let you know what I have been doing. Until then, and forever... I love you, Tedrina XXx P.S. One little X for Alex The letter was a masterful stroke on my part, and he seemed to totally buy into getting a new bear. The remainder of the trip involved discussion of how Tedrina’s family must have been so excited when she got back and what their den was like. At the factory, he looked and looked for just the right bear. In the
end, he chose a bear nothing like Tedrina and named it Chrysanthemum. It rode home on his lap. But the bear was clearly not Tedrina. And still, from time to time, he would say, “I really wish Tedrina would come home... maybe even for a visit.” He had lost the bear in the spring. We had gotten the replacement bear in the summer. Now, it was fall. During the course of seven or eight months of tearing apart the house Tedrina never made an appearance. In late November, I was in the hall closet (which I had totally dismantled looking for the bear in late spring) bending over to get a shoe when something hit me on the back. I reached down and it was... of course, Tedrina. I closed the closet door...opened it... closed it. Sat down and thought. Where did it come from? Was this divine intervention? White magic? I could NOT have missed that bear. Should I give it to him? Wasn’t he getting a little old for the bear? I was in no shape to make a decision. Everybody was home and the usual chaos was ensuing so I decided to let it be for a little while. After the kids were in bed, I revealed the “startling truth” to my husband. He came down definitively on the side of its not being divine intervention or magic. I called my mother, and she was just as convinced it was either divine intervention or white magic or both. My husband felt that Justin was getting too old for the bear and it would be better to just let Tedrina “hibernate eternally” in the closet. My mother was all for running upstairs immediately and plopping the bear in bed with the kid. It was late November and that time when all things Santa erupt on the scene. Justin announced it was time to write his Santa letter. In the past, Justin’s letters could run to several pages and involve detailed descriptions of each item he wished to receive. He had also confided to me that there were troubling aspects as to how Santa managed to make, pack and deliver all these toys around the world but he was not yet willing to deduce the obvious explanation. I handed him a ream of paper and pencil. I was shocked when he was back in two minutes. The letter read: Dear Santa: All I want is for Tedrina to come back. Please help. Justin The brevity. The sincerity. The trust. OK, OK she’s coming back! Time for yet another letter. Christmas Morning. Piles of packages are ripped apart in a frenzy of preschooler delight. Justin is moving methodically through each package. He smiles with varying degrees of
pleasure and moves on to the next.... and the next. Finally it is over. There are no more. His shoulders droop. No one says a word. I enlist his brother and my mother to go and start breakfast. His dad asks him to help build a fire. They open the fire screen and there is a package. Bright red with a big white bow. His Dad yells, “ Hey, Santa dropped one on his way down the chimney.” We all run into the living room as Justin carefully opens the present. He grabs a paw and leaps into the air. Tedrina comes free and flies into his arms. He dances, lurches, hugs and screams. He is happiness defined. There is, of course, a letter. My dear Justin: Last night, as we took off, Mrs. Claus shouted: “Santa, don’t forget your special gift for little Justin.” Over Montana I yelled “Rudolf, hang a left” and on we sped to Bear Paw. So, I set the sled down in a snowy field and I trudged along until I came upon Tedrina, Amos and their parents just settling down for their long winter’s nap. I explained how much you missed Tedrina and how you longed to see her again. Everyone agreed that Tedrina’s place was really with you. So, with a twinkle of my eye, Tedrina was changed from her full bear self back into the little Teddy you have
loved for so long. A kiss for her parents (and Amos) and off to the sled we sped. Justin, I understand that you and your brother Alex have had some doubts about me and how Christmas really happens. But, you see, I am magic and magic can’t be explained. And there is magic in you too. So, grab that bear and take good care of her. And never lose that touch of magic that brought Tedrina back to you. Our sons are grown now, but they still talk about the Christmas that Tedrina came home, and it keeps alive for us the small beauties of the Christmas Season.
Saw you in the Ojo 33
onald Trump is a true believer that all is fair in love and war, and that political campaigning is war. In his first venture into politics he defeated the cream of the crop of Republican stalwarts. His antics, statements and promises amazed not only Americans, but the entire world. His battles continued into the General Election where his bizarre behavior caused the odds makers to predict victory for his opponent, a lady with sterling credentials. In each and every occasion he ended the victor. All during his campaigning he vowed to overturn every bit of legislation that Democrats hold sacred. He promised to revoke every single Presidential decree that President Obama had issued. Regulations governing industry and mining would be terminated. International treaties would be renegotiated or terminated. He repeatedly stated that Hillary is a crook and Obama has been the worst president in history. We will see if, in his first two years as President, he follows up on all his campaign promises and is successful in lowering taxes on the super rich, cancelling regulations that safeguard the environment, and persecutes those who opposed his election. We will know if religious institutions can contribute funds to politicians without paying taxes on the money they receive, or on the property they own. Will the working man be secure in his job with a fair wage? Will our President be considered a wildman on both the domestic and international scene? Will International Relations be in shambles? In the words of Alexander Pope, HOPE SPRINGS ETERNAL IN THE HUMAN BREAST. If in two years we are not better off than we are now, and the future shows no real promise, the Democrats will have a shot at majorities in the House and the Senate. Mitch McConnell established a precedent of refusing to bring to a vote on a nominee to the Supreme
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Court. Relying on Article XXII of the Senate Rules, the Democrats can follow suit. Rule XXII provides that a filibuster can only be stopped by a two third’s vote of all 100 senators that means that 60 senators must vote to end debate. This is called Cloture. This means that a confirmation of a Justice Scalia-lookalike could be blocked. A filibuster could also block a Senate vote on odious bills without a 60 member vote on cloture. As of this writing, we have learned from the Donald that Hillary is now a strong and brilliant woman. We also now know that Obama is so wise that Trump will frequently be consulting with him. Obama Care will not be obliterated, it will only be amended. The ¨Wall¨ may include stretches of a fence. Who knows, if these shifts from lunacy to rationality will continue. After all, Trump owes little to Wall Street or to the Republican hierarchy, and he once was a Democrat himself. If at the end of his first two years unemployment is down, wages are higher, women are closer to equal pay, and the world is more peaceful, we must give the Devil his due. We must remind ourselves that the Democratic Party is not an end in itself. The ends are the goals sought by the Party and if some of these ends can be reached by supporting a Republican President, so be it, and we should give credit where credit is due. Trump is erratic; he was unbelievably uncouth and violated standard rules of decency and still won, against all odds the nomination and presidency of the United States of America. If this conduct continues into the White House, history will not be kind to him. But consider this, Donald Trump’s ego has an insatiable appetite, and he will not want to be in the sub-basement of the Pantheon of Presidents. Henri Loridans
Saw you in the Ojo 35
laire La Flamme wasn’t the least flamboyant. From Montreal, she was a plain girl who drifted into the art school in our Mexican village, perhaps in search of finding a few artsy friends as she was passing through. We art students were a cliquish sort disinclined to pay any mind to people passing through. Nonetheless, she sniffed the air and decided this was the place for her, at least until she was ready to launch the next leg of her ill-defined journey. No one could figure out what brought her to our doorstep, why Mexico, and least of all, how she was sustaining herself, there being no visible means of support.
As the only other single woman of about the same age, I conceded to lightly befriend her. I had compassion for the lone woman in need of companionship but dreaded her becoming overly dependent. There was an attractive innocence about her that, though appealing, made me think she could be headed for trouble. What trouble I couldn’t fathom, only that she was a 35-year-old child who could have passed for twenty, waiting for a disaster to find her. Imagine my surprise when Claire confided to me that she was here for the sole purpose of snagging a man to impregnate her. She wasn’t in search of a husband or someone to father,
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in the sense of raise, the future child. Quite the contrary, she was looking for a stranger passing through who would never even suspect he had made a child. Her intention was never to see the inseminator again. She had no misgivings about the moral implications of such a deception for the child or the father, nor did she entertain any notions about wanting to conceive her child in love. After a pleasurable one night stand, what happened next was none of his business. She spent her days hanging out in the zocalo, assessing likely specimens for their genetic potential. Germans and Scandinavians were prime candidates. Her prototype was a handsome, virile, intelligent ectomorph. Several months after her revelation, we reconnoitered over coffee. “I’m happy to announce,” she beamed, “I am with child. Just as I’d hoped, it was with a guy I’ll never see again, a backpacker from Amsterdam named Hans. We don’t even know each other’s last name and there’s no way to get in touch, even if we wanted to. He’s on his way to Patagonia!” “I’m happy for you,” I pretended, “if having a child is your dream. Motherhood seems an essential part of your sense of fulfillment and you really don’t have time to dally. What will you do now? go back to Canada?” “Oh, I’ve thought it all through,” she said. “If I go home I’ll be subjected to obstetrical violence—the stirrups, forceps, episiotomy, giving birth flat on my back with brutal lights in my eyes. Who needs all that? I’ve already lined up a birth witch who’ll take care of everything right here. Madre Lupita is from a nearby village and she’s been doing this work for 50 years—learned it from her own mother. You might say she’s given light to the entire pueblo, including several generations. She’s adored, treated like a revered goddess. We don’t speak the same language, but giving birth and assisting in birth transcend language, really. I trust that all her years of experience more than qualify her to do the job.” “Well, I’m not completely convinced,” I said. “You could have a natural childbirth up north, you know, under a lot safer conditions. I mean, aren’t you worried about sanitation and making sure the water and dressings aren’t contaminated?” “Oh, relax,” was Claire’s response. “How do you think women have been giving birth since the beginning of time? Birth happens. It just plain happens and there’s no stopping it, whether there’s purified water or water from a nearby stream. Just consider rural China and India! God only knows how newborns survive there. Look, I’m not worried or I wouldn’t be doing this . .
. and I don’t want you to worry either.” “. . . but,” I said, “how will you tell Madre Lupita when you need her? There are no phones where she lives. I bet she doesn’t even wear shoes . . . .” “Her son lives here and has a car. He even has a phone. It’s really not a problem. He’ll fetch her when I need her.” Long pause. “Well, it’s clear you disapprove but my mind’s made up. I kind of wish now I’d never told you because your negative vibes could be bad for my unborn child. I just needed to tell someone. I probably won’t be getting together with you over the coming months. I need to be preparing myself for the most important event of my life. I’m renting a room at the Jardin de Xochicalco.” I went on in my self-absorbed pursuit of birthing forms, otherwise known as sculpture, and seldom thought about Claire and her pregnancy. Then several months later I received a message from her inviting me to join her for lunch at the Xochicalco on a given day. I took two buses to get there and didn’t know what to expect, except that by my count she must be at least six months along and would have quite a belly. She welcomed me with a warmer than usual hug. Her dimpled smile and delight in seeing me belied what I interpreted as an underlying fatigue, maybe even desperation. Dark rings encircled her eyes. Weren’t expectant mothers supposed to exude a special radiance? Maybe she was depressed from sheer isolation. She ushered me into a room reminiscent of a nun’s cell—clean, basic, spare—and told me how happy she had been awaiting the arrival of her dream. “I don’t crave human companionship,” she explained, “because I’m constantly communicating with the evolving spirit within me. You can’t understand unless you get pregnant yourself,” she winked. She waved her hand at a stack of books on the rustic desk. “The new research claims the fetus thrives on Mozart, poetry, my own voice, and all kinds of other stimuli from outside the womb. That’s why I sing and talk to her.” At a table on the motel’s grassy lawn, surrounded by tropical flowers and punctuated by the screech of parrots, we shared a lunch of nameless cheese cuts from a huge chunk, served on a baguette, with some grapes and papaya. In this setting Claire disclosed her reason for summoning me. She’d been seeing blood in her underwear and was afraid she was about to miscarry. Madre Lupita had warned her she must now stay in bed until the baby arrived. With two whole months remaining, she didn’t know how she was going to manage that. She had
solved the logistics of getting food— Pepe the gardener had befriended her and was bringing her food and necessities during his siesta hour. “Lying in bed is the difficult part,” she moaned. “A body simply has to be moving or all its systems want to shut down.” A month or so later I received a written note from Claire at the school, asking me to join her in a coffee shop in town. I barely recognized the gaunt young woman who approached the table. She sat down and wasted no time in spilling out her tragedy. “I felt abdominal pain and thought labor was underway so I sent for Madre Lupita. She arrived in a couple of hours with a suitcase full of plastic sheeting, clean linens and towels, and some standard tools of the trade. First she looked inside me to assess how far along I was. Then she took my hand and gently told me the truth—I was not pregnant and it looked like I had not been for a very long time . . . if ever.” Claire burst into a flood of tears. I patted her hand in consolation and disbelief, unable to comprehend how an imaginary pregnancy was even possible! “Madre Lupita didn’t then just pack up and go,” she continued. “I made us some tea and she sat with me awhile as I recovered from the shock. She said she’s seen other cases like mine, that
it happens to women who so desperately want a child that their brain signals the body to release pregnancy hormones. The result is everything a woman might have during a normal pregnancy— morning sickness, swollen belly and breasts, disappearance of the period, and even feeling the fetus moving inside her.” “So now what?” I managed to ask. “Back to Canada,” she sighed. “Let’s stay in touch.” Five years later I was back in Atlanta, having abandoned my own dream. I was a sculptor who could no longer support my addiction to birthing forms. I had become my own collector and had run out of space to display or store my work. Now I’d settled into a mindnumbing job shuffling papers for the State. A holiday card arrived one day from Montreal, which I opened with great interest. Inside was a photo of a radiant young woman with a boy of around three. They were seated on the floor by a Christmas tree surrounded by wrapped and beribboned packages. On the back of the photo the words, “Michael and me. Margaret Van At last.” Every
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THE OJO INTERNET MAILBOX (Wherein we publish some comments about our previous issues.)
GRANDPA’S COIN Brian Dalziel Thank you, Alexsi Currier, for relating this poignant story. Beyond Israel, nationalism is on the rise today in Poland and Hungary, England and France. And in the United States, witnessed by the rise of presidential candidate Donald Trump. The Economist news magazine calls these movements authoritarian populism. How sad to consider, as your Grandfather lamented, that history is repeating itself and decades of progress in trade, peace, and tolerance is slipping through the collective fingers of the world. - Brian Dalziel, Texarkana, Arkansas USA A MOST CONFLICTED PRIEST Marcel Woland Duran was of course not the only priest to champion indigenous Americans against the colonizer Oligarchs of the day. Bartolomeo de las Casas, a Catholic Friar, stands out among others. He made numerous trips to Spain (a
dangerous undertaking) to denounce the rapacious cruelty of the Spanish, carpet-bagging fortune-seekers (even more dangerous) to the King. He wrote, in his 1542 denunciation, ‘Account of the Devastation of the Indies’: “Yet into this sheepfold, into this land of meek outcasts there came some Spaniards who immediately behaved like ravening wild beasts, wolves, tigers, or lions that had been starved for many days. And Spaniards have behaved in no other way during the past forty years, down to the present time, for they are still acting like ravening beasts, killing, terrorizing, afflicting, torturing, and destroying the native peoples, doing all this with the strangest and most varied new methods of cruelty, never seen or heard of before, and to such a degree that this Island of Hispaniola once so populous (having a population that I estimated to be more than three million), has now a population of barely two hundred persons.” I fear that no similar champions or
document exists from the time that the northern part of the continent was being cleansed of the native tribes who owned it by the northern counterparts of the Conquistadors - European ‘Americans’. It was not until four hundred and twenty years later that Angie Debo could write, and have published, her heartbreaking ‘History of The Indians of the United States’. This opened a dialogue of sorts in the USA but unlike the case in Mexico, it was, frankly, too late. The damage inflicted on the Natives for well over three centuries had marginalized and traumatized them to near extinction. Their road of pain and tears puts most other state-organized atrocities pale in comparison. I applaud Mr. Piekow’s focus on priests like Duran and Las Casas, in whose tradition Hidalgo and many modern Catholic Bishops and priests also stand. It is far too easy and common to paint all Spaniards, and especially the Church, in nothing but shades of black. BENT TWIG Gabrielle Blair Terse, hard-hitting, believable story. It makes me think of the saying: “In the beginning is the end.” Hear a mantra often enough, internalize its meaning and it becomes part of your fabric. “Stupid, stupid, stupid.” So sad! Marcel Woland Powerful and elegant in the telling. You achieved a lot more by doing a lot less. Your story packs a wallop. MORNING IN AJIJIC Art Sanchez We really enjoyed our stay there got to know Ajijic a bit and was a very pleasant stay...till next time. BTW, I’m husband of Teri Saya. TRADING TOMORROWS Christy Wiseman What a beautiful tribute to Margarita with also a touching remembrance of someone who was an important part of your past. We do have choices. How wise of you to choose to live in the now
and to have such a wonderful companion with whom to share your life. SEÑOR TOPE Christy Wiseman Great mix of facts and fiction. I loved this story. The only thing better than reading one of your stories is to hear you read it! AN OLD MAN’S MUSINGS Gabrielle Blair A beautifully told nostalgic story! How vividly you bring to life your childhood memory of the train, and how well, those of us who remember those huffing and puffing huge steam engines, can relate. When I was eight years old, growing up in South Africa, my sister and I traveled to boarding school from Cape Town to Pietermaritzburg on trains like that. If you stuck your head out of the window, you’d feel the blistering desert heat and come back inside flecked with soot. How we loved those journeys! Thank you for the reminder of past days. JIGSAWS AND WRITING Gabrielle Blair Your essay on writing and the value or point of even bothering to be creative, leaves the reader with plenty to think about. As you rightly point out, everything is ephemeral and shortlived. If creation only concerned itself with longevity, we would exist in an arid world, actually we wouldn’t exist at all. The crumpling of the completed puzzle after it had lain around to be appreciated for only a few days, reminds me of some of the extraordinarily creative sand sculptures I have seen. They are made to be enjoyed for a day or two, before weather and vandalism turn these meticulously molded works of art into piles of sand again. And then there are the colorful sand and sawdust ‘tapetas’ painstakingly made for one night only to celebrate the Day of the Dead, adorning the road where cars would normally drive. Thankfully there are always those who create for creation’s sake, no matter how fleeting will be their outpourings. A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A GOVERNMENT-HATER Pablo How true. Excellent article WELCOME TO MEXICO! - NOVEMBER 2016 Gabrielle Blair A good suggestion, Victoria. Most of us who are reading this magazine can afford to stretch our generosity and be mindful that a few extra pesos left in tips can go a very long way to helping our Mexican hosts, who have so much less than we do.
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The advent of dealing machines and computerized scoring have added enormously to the enjoyment of bridge players, as they allow us to check our results against all others holding the same cards in any given event. This is usually available only in pairs games but Mike Roney and his team of directors at the Lake Chapala Duplicate Bridge Club in Riberas have found a way to replicate the hands for Swiss teams events which levels the playing field, so to speak. With all the teams in the event playing the same hands the luck factor that can occur with different peopledealt hands in each match is largely eliminated. The illustrated deal was played at one of these team games and those who went down in their contract were able to find the folly of their ways by examining the hand at leisure in the comfort of their homes later! I’m sure that a bid of 2 no trump was the choice of the majority of Souths holding these cards and they all likely got to play it there. Those declarers who received the lead of a spade would have found themselves outgunned and would have had no chance to make their contract but a low diamond was the more likely lead from most Wests and then it was up to South to find a way home. Declarer could see that if the opponents’ clubs were 2-2, 9 tricks were likely: 2 spades, 2 diamonds (if West had, as expected, underled the diamond ace) and 5 clubs. After winning the diamond king declarer laid down the ace and king of clubs to discover that East had a winner in that suit which had to be dislodged before more could be cashed. When East won the club
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trick he returned the spade queen which caused declarer much discomfort as he could no longer score all the tricks he needed to make his contract. If he attempted to score a second diamond trick he would have no way back to his hand to cash a second spade and get to the dummy to run more clubs. The result: down one. The great lesson on this hand is understanding the difference between matchpoints (the normal duplicate pairs game) and IMPs (the method used for scoring Swiss Teams). In pairs your score is compared to every other partnership holding the same cards as you, and overtricks are prized to such an extent that players often jeopardize their contract in their quest for them. In teams, on the other hand, making your contract is of prime importance. Declarers who concentrated on making just eight tricks were duly rewarded when they approached the deal in this fashion: win the opening diamond lead in hand with the king. Next, cash one high club and when both opponents follow play a small club from both hands. When West shows out you are rewarded for your thoughtfulness by keeping control of the hand. If East switches to a spade you can win in hand and lead a diamond towards the dummy. Whether West rises with the ace or not you can’t be prevented from winning 2 spades, 2 diamonds and 4 clubs and, more importantly, making your contract. Questions or comments: email: masson.ken@ Ken Masson
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hat do Tilly, One-eyed Jack and six adorable puppies have in common? They were either abandoned, abused or ran away, all of them to be rescued by the Ranch’s responsive services. Those dogs are not alone – over seventy other dogs currently call The Ranch home, each with a story as to why they were rescued and how they came to live at The Ranch, waiting to be adopted. Tilly was one of a liter of five puppies dropped off along the road. Six months later this adorable beauty is walked and fed by volunteers until she can curl up on a soft bed with a family to call her own. The other pups, her brothers and sisters, have found homes, now Tilly patiently waits for hers. One-eyed Jack ran away from an abusive situation, his scars bearing silent testimony to what his life was like
before living at The Ranch. Fiercely fearful when he first arrived, Jack has learned to trust humans and is now playing and fetching a ball while he too awaits a kinder home than the one he fled. Then there are the puppies. They were not the first box of puppies to be abandoned and left at The Ranch, and won’t be the last. Still too young to be without their mother, volunteers lovingly bathe and dry them as they tremble, frightened and alone. But, in no time at all they are joyous, rolling in the grass, jumping on one another, chewing on toys. Like all of the dogs they long to make someone’s life a whole lot happier. That’s what happens at The Ranch – dogs are saved, but only with help from our community. In this season of giving, please consider making a donation of time, money or adopting a dog or two!
Embellishment Surrounded by an army of doom and gloom cynics, I enrolled into the University of Hell. Going for a Master’s in Wisdom, with a Minor in Instinct. Discovering a fortress of absolutes, With an armor almost impenetrable, Where intangible forces filled with possibilities and probabilities penetrate. Gazing into a thousand one horizons, I became tender, more vulnerable. Tears of joy and sadness cascade, Allowing my inner soul to connect. Walking a path in my own rhythm, Allowing instinctive forces to guide me, As I discover the pain, Learning that nothing is permanent, Everything is temporary. Living in a world of an adolescent, Where pain is part of growth, Possibilities and probabilities allow intangible miracles to counter dogmatic absolutes, So I walk in innocence! With faith, love and hope.
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Sandy Olson
Phone: 331-283-8529 Email:
“AIN’T THAT GOOD NEWS,” INDEED If you’re in the mood to get really Christmassy this December, attend any one of the concerts offered by Lakeside’s brand-new 18-singer vocal ensemble, the Lake Chapala Chorale. Director Cindy Paul tells us that the one-hour program, called “Christmas: Ain’t That Good News!” is 100% Christmas music, with a bit of theatre thrown in for Director Cindy Paul and the Lake Chapala Chorale extra good cheer. “The first half of the concert is all early sacred music,” says Cindy, “where the second half is more modern and familiar.” Songs range from “O Come Emmanuel” to “O Holy Night” and the title piece, “Ain’t That Good News!” Entrance is free to all but unreserved, so arrive a little early to be sure you get a seat. Dates are December 8 at 7 pm at the Chapala Train Station; December 10 at 4 pm at the Lakeside Presbyterian Church; December 13 at the Lake Chapala Baptist Church (a 20 minute special appearance at 5:30); and December 23 at 7:30 pm at La Bodega Restaurante. If you get lucky, you may catch the LCC8, an octet extracted from the larger group that will be flash-mob performing all around town during the holidays. Donations are not obligatory but are merrily accepted. Write LakeChapalaChorale@ for details about this very special yuletide offering. JUST A FEW TICKETS LEFT, SO HURRY Chapter Two, written by Neil Simon, is the current Lakeside Little Theatre presentation. It’s directed by Phil Shepherd. The cast members are Zane Pumiglia, Collette Clavadetscher, Michele Lococo, Dennis McCary. The characters have to deal with sudden love, grief, recovery from divorce and contemplation of an affair. It’s called Zane Pumiglia, Collette Clavadetscher, Michele Lococo “an extraordinarily and Dennis McCary funny, heartfelt and witty comedy.” The play examines what it means to truly love someone else, and asks whether finding a soul mate can happen more than once in a lifetime. Show dates are December 2-11. Curtain is 7:30 pm evenings, and at 3 pm for first Saturday and both Sunday matinees. Tickets are 200 pesos at the Box Office. LLT Box Office hours are 10 am to noon every Wednesday and Thursday plus 10 to noon every day during the show, except for Sunday. For information on ticket sales, call 376.766.0954 (messages are okay), or email Also, visit the website at for more information on ticket sales, upcoming productions and general information THE LIFE WE SAVE MAY BE YOUR OWN …says the Lakeside Assistance Group, and they’re serious. These dedicated volunteers are importing fire, rescue and medical equipment across two borders, to benefit citizens in the greater Jalisco area. So far they have imported three containers of equipment, worth millions of dollars, from Canada. As a result, they’ve been able to supply equipment to 78 different firefighting, civil protection and medical teams throughout the state of Jalisco. The cost to import one container is around $4000 US. They have a goal of importing one container a year. A good way to support this worthy—and lifesaving—effort is to show up at their semi-
annual pancake breakfast on Saturday, December 10 from 9 to 12 at Tobolandia Water Park. Besides doing some serious carbo loading, you can talk with bomberos and check out the new ambulance and fire truck. I’ll see you there. OPEN CIRCLE Sunday morning finds many Lakeside residents at the Lake Chapala Society and Open Circle, a forum on a variety of stimulating topics. A social hour with coffee and snacks at 10:00 a.m. is followed by an interesting lecture and discussion at 10:30. December 11 Holiday Stories Presented by Michael Warren Michael will read two well-loved Christmas stories. First “Hoodoo McFiggins’ Christmas” by Stephen Leacock, a famous Canadian humorist who died in 1944. For many years this story was a staple of Canadian radio at Christmas time. Next he will read the Christmas classic “The Gift of The Magi” by O. Henry. Michael Warren was part of the group that founded Open Circle in 2001, a spin-off from the New Dimensions Sunday Discussion Group. Michael is a poet and playwright and has published a collection of his poems under the title A Particular Blue. Michael has appeared onstage in eight plays at the Lakeside Little Theatre. For the last seven years, he has been writing the theater reviews for El Ojo del Lago in his column “Front Row Center.” December 18 Inspiring with Humor! Laugh Your Way to Motivation Presented by David Pisarra As humans we are hardwired to learn through story, so David will be using a mixture of jokes, stories and personal insights to inspire you to keep growing and changing. His brand of authentic sharing lets you in to see his journeys and how he “finds the funny” to create a teachable moment. He is a columnist with the Santa Monica Daily Press, author of six books, and a professional speaker who helps people find their story and voice. As he David Pisarra shares his journey he encourages others to share their story. NOTE: from10 to 10:30 am everyone’s invited to an End of the Year Celebration. December 25 No Open Circle. Celebrate the morning with family and friends. January 1 No Open Circle on this day either. Sleep off the old year. Set goals for 2017 (only if you feel like it, of course). CHILIS EN NOGADA AND MORE CASA, the Culinary Arts Society of Ajijic is pleased to announce that an initial printing of 100 copies of its 30th anniversary cookbook is now available. Confirm your copy now for holiday gift giving by emailing VIVA LA MUSICA! LOVES BIG BANDS Viva’s annual Christmas Concert this year is a performance by the Rafael Terriquez Big Band, to be held on Thursday, December 15 at 6 pm at the Auditorio. Rafael Terriquez is a home grown Mexican from Guadalajara, He formed the band, consisting of more than 15 musicians and two vocalists, in 2015. The concert will include popular composers such as Glen Miller, the Beatles and the romantic Juan Gabriel, as well as a few surprises. Tickets for the concert are now on sale at the LCS Box Office, Thursdays and Fridays from
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10 to noon, Mia’s Boutique, Diane Pearl Colecciones, and at the Auditorio from 10 to 10:30. For further information and tickets, email or call 766.1804. The price is 300 pesos. HO HO HO Santa Claus is coming and this year he’s on a motorcycle. Los Güeros Motorcycle Club is gearing up for its third annual “Toys for Tots” run. They have placed collection boxes for toys at Mama’s Bar, the Iron Horse Saloon, Adelita’s, Just Chillin’ and the American Legion. Please join them in giving the children of Mezcala a Merry Christmas. Peso donations can be left at Legion headquarters. The ride itself will take place on Saturday, December 17, and will start at the American LeRafael Terriquez gion at 10 a.m. for breakfast. The ride to Mezcala to deliver the toys will leave at noon. Both cars and motorcycles are welcome to join in the procession. BUS TO THE BALLET WITH VIVA LA MUSICA Sunday December 18 The Jalisco Ballet performs Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker Suite. This is always a Christmas sell-out. The bus leaves at 10:30 a.m. Bus trip tickets are 500 pesos and 600 pesos for non-members. Bus trip tickets are available at the LCS ticket booth on Thursdays and Fridays, 10 a.m. to noon. THEY’VE EVEN HEARD ABOUT HER IN INDIA The Hindu is an Indian newspaper. Recently, in its Sunday Magazine, it reviews a work titled “Veils, Halos and Shackles: International Poetry on the Oppression and Empowerment of Women.” It’s a collection of poems by over 180 contemporary poets all over the world. The review singles out our own Judy Dykstra-Brown and her poem “‘Zauditu.” Judy is a prolific poet and, as well, has a blog called judydykstrabrown. com with over 3000 followers. Check it out. LOVE THOSE MASONS Here’s how it works: volunteers from Masonic Lodge #31 show up at a school on a Tape a Bike Day, open the gates and wait….and wait. Eventually a couple of boys show up and ask what they are doing. They hear that the Masons are fixing bikes free of charge. The kids take off and within a very few minutes hordes of them show up, waiting very politely in line for their turn to have repairs to their bikes. For several hours the men oil chains, repair flats, replace blown Judy Dykstra-Brown tubes, adjust seats and handlebars and accomplish as many repairs as they can. On one day they serviced 82 bicycles and made those 82 children very happy to be riding out on a safer bicycle. They will have another Tape a Bike Day next April with a trip to Jocotopec. PLAYING CUPID, WHAT FUN The next Naked Stage production is Lunch with Mrs. Baskin. It’s directed by Don Chaloner Here’s the plot: Although she has no intention of buying anything, Mrs. Eva Baskin, a sweet, retired widow, continuously sets up appointments with sales people solely to have lunch and conversation with them in her home. Two young sales people, Terry, who not very Brian Howard Hard at Work successfully sells garage doors and Kira, who does successfully sell solar panels and has just learned that her fiancé is cheating on her, accidentally meet in Mrs. Baskin’s apartment. Although neither has the slightest intention of getting involved in a relationship, Mrs. Baskin thinks otherwise. The production runs December 30, 31 and January 1. The Naked Stage is in Riberas del Pilar, at Hidalgo #261, on the mountain side and directly across from the Catholic Church. For more information and reservations, email For those who use Facebook, look for The Naked Stage for breaking news and updates.
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The cast: Clay McAdam, Phyllis Silverman, MaryAnn Waite, Florette chnelle, Douglas Pinkerton. Not shown: Dick Yanko
PAINTING WHILE YOU WATCH Members of the Lake Chapala Painting Guild will be offering demos in various media at Sol Mexicano. The artists and their demonstration dates are as follows: Nancy Gray, January 5 and 6; Carol Ann Owers, January 19 and 20. Each session will begin at 11 a.m. and continue until at least 1 p.m. There is no charge and reservations aren’t necessary. Everyone is invited. Sol Mexicano is on Colon #13 in Ajijic, a half block south of the plaza.
THE MIRACLE OF WATER Water’s interaction with earth, air, light and the human being are taken for granted. Come and find out more on January 6. Introducing us to the spiritual qualities in the movement of water, this weekend workshop entitled Water’s Own Voice will take place at Flora Exotica (corner of the carreterra and the libramiento) and will be led by Jennifer Greene, founder and 40-year director of the Water Research Institute, Blue Hill, Maine. On Friday, January 6 at 7 pm, there will be a slide lecture presenting the scientific research. Saturday, January 7 at 10 am begins an all-day participatory demonstration of experiments revealing water’s natural tendency to move and change its environment. On Sunday at 2 pm revelations of water’s miracles will continue until 5 pm. For entry fees and further information, please contact GET READY FOR AN EXPLOPhoto by Xill Fessenden SIVE THRILLER The next show in the Lakeside Little Theatre’s season is Death and the Maiden. It is directed by LB Hamilton, and will be on stage January 13 to 22. Set in a post-revolution South American country that has only recently returned to democracy, this explosively provocative, award-winning psychological thriller stars Jacinta Stringer, Paul Kloegman and Jim Ryan. Make sure you get your tickets early – this is an excellent way to kick off the New Year! Tickets will be on sale at LLT’s box office during the usual hours. Check details at www.lakesidelittletheatre. com. FOR YOU JAZZ LOVERS OUT THERE Niños Incapacitados is announcing the return of jazz great Guido Basso, legendary trumpet and flugelhorn player, vocalist Heather Bambrick, and acclaimed jazz musicians. They will perform in two concerts at the Auditorio, in different programs. There are two shows: Saturday, January 14 at 7:30 pm and Sunday, January 15 at 2:30 pm. Ticket prices are 350 and 450 pesos, depending on the seating. For reservations, contact or call her at 766-2030, Tickets are also available at the Auditorio on Thursdays and Fridays, 11-1 pm.
Guido Basso
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“WORLD VIEW 2016” %\ /RLV 6FKURႇ
n 2013, 350 ppm (parts per million) was considered a safe level of CO2 (carbon dioxide) emissions in our atmosphere in order that we continue our comfortable life-style. Further, we were told by our leading scientific thinkers, that if the number grew to 450ppm, we would find ourselves in danger. Now, in only three years, in April of 2016, the number escalated to 409ppm. Is it any wonder that the leaders of the US and China have finally announced that they will join the rest of the world in addressing “climate change”--hopefully meaning that they will put in place meaningful legislation to curb the appetite of multi-national corporate greed—capitalism—before it is too late. Materialistic thinking (materialistic science) seems not to be concerned about life, except where it can be gainfully manipulated through animal feedlots, immigrating workers, chemical dumping and spraying, water manipulating, soil poisoning and wholesale destruction of rain forests. A deeper understanding is needed (a science of nature rather than simply matter) where ideas can develop concerning how life can be sustained, rather than exploited. It must be obvious after thousands of years of aggressive behavior that our systems of non-compassion are overcoming us. Fracking that leads to earthquakes, ever more destructive
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wars with the latest scientific gadgets, an over-heated planet, polluted land and plastic-filled oceans are some of the rewards. Perhaps space exploration is being promoted in order to discover a planet we can move to after we destroy earth? Corn, soybeans and grains are covering former rain forests in order to provide sufficient food to fatten livestock for our hamburgers, steaks, ham and bacon. But the animal agriculture industry can make more money running the grains through animals first than by simply allowing farmers to raise grains for direct human consumption. We want to shield ourselves from the processes required to butcher billions of cattle and hogs to satiate our appetites. It would be just as effective in promoting human health (while at the same time protecting the rain forests and other tillable soil) if humans simply ate the grains that provide as much protein as do animal products. Unless we wake up and see ourselves as part of the great plan of nature and not towering above it, it seems we will go on fighting with each other and with our verdant planet until we destroy everything. After that time, the lichen will grow once more and nature will prevail. Lois Schroff
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just returned from a trip north of the bor borb order. Not to California, rnia, ia where I was born, but to W Washingashi hing-ton State in the Pacific Northwest. ort rth hwes estt. IItt is lush and green because it does doe oes rain raain i there – a lot. But this is the he story off a different kind of water shortage. rtage. The day after I arrived, my daughter, Wendy, and I went to the mall to have a coffee and spend some time, just the two of us. On the short drive I realized I was extremely thirsty, hirsty, probably due to dehydration brought on by traveling. As we entered the mall I spotted two large vending machines, just inside the door. “Oh, great!” I thought, “I’ll just get a bottle of cold water.” The first machine contained various types of sodas, but the second one had both juice and bottled water. “How much does a bottle of water cost these days?” I asked my daughter, as I had not been in the US for over a year. “Let me look” she replied. “It is $1.50.” “What??? For one small bottle of water?” I was ap-
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palled. “Uh, Mom, does that sound like a lot?” she asked. “Well, where I live in Mexico, it would be about eight pesos, which is about fifty cents!” “Welcome to the US Mom!” Wendy laughed. I dug around in my coin purse and managed to find six US quarters, left over from my last trip. “Ah, success!” I thought, as I looked at the vending machine. I stared and searched, but the coin slot was nowhere to be found. Feeling rather foolish, I asked Wendy, “Where do I put the coins?” After laughing for about three minutes, Wendy told me, “Mom, it only takes debit cards!” Say what? Now I do have a debit card, but did not have it with me. Who would have thought you would need it at the mall? I did have a credit card with me, but was not about to put $1.50 bottle of water on it! Apparently, everyone uses debit cards for EVERYTHING and no one uses cash anymore! It was at that point I decided I was not really all that thirsty and didn’t need a bottle of water that much. But I think there must be a water shortage that I never knew about in the Pacific NW! Kathy Koches
Saw you in the Ojo 55
High Season
igh season at Lakeside is definitely in high gear. Welcome back to those who don’t live here yearround. You may not realize it, but those of us who are full-time residents miss your impact on the area. Impact? You bet. Small, but important things happen. Take food shopping, for example. Now that you are back, the shelves in the local stores are fully stocked. Did you know that there is more of a selection when it is high season? The stores can’t support all the variety of the imported goods during the low season, so they don’t stock a wide selection during the low season. Times have been really tough for Mexicans while you were away. It is as if the peso value has been cut in half. So, the wise store owners waits for more customers to return. There is more entertainment now, as all the groups at Lakeside vie for your attention. There are plays, music, art shows, conferences, and of course, fundraisers. Those fundraisers are vital to all the charities that assist not only the Mexican people, but some, such as Cruz Roja, assist the ex-pat population as well. If you have come to Lakeside and are bored, you really have to ask yourself why. During this past rainy season, you can see that the roads have taken a hit. We passed the pothole stage months ago. We now have craters. Some well-traveled streets have been repaired, while others provide a severe driving challenge. If the person in the vehicle in front of you is swerving, don’t think that they are driving under the influence, they are just trying to miss all the road damage. Some of the roads here are actually on their second or third repair cycle. Traffic, of course, is up. Way up. I now allot more time to reach my destination. After all these years
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of living here, I still haven’t been able to completely eliminate that “on time” urge I grew up with in the States. I do find that fighting traffic increases anxiety; if you are the same way allow extra time! Your return provides us with more shopping opportunities, and more entertainment. Don’t get me wrong, there is plenty to do to keep us busy year-round. But the high season brings us so many more choices. You may have noticed that the lake has regained some of its size due to a beneficial rainy season. Of course, all the fertilizer in the run off has really done a number on the weeds in the lake. So much so that the municipality has secured a weed mower. That is certainly a welcome addition. Although, in some spots along the lake, there are full grown trees standing in the water. They will need a different solution for those. But the water is always needed and wanted. Your favorite restaurant may have changed hands, relocated or closed. The low season can be a little too low for some restaurateurs to survive. But don’t fret, there are quite a few new restaurants to explore. Get out and indulge. Finally there are the battles of the village squares. San Antonio is changing theirs, I don’t know how many different versions they will end up going through, I hope everyone likes the finished product. Meanwhile, in Chapala, vendors still haven’t been allowed back into the plaza and it remains pretty empty, while the sidewalk past the plaza is crowded with vendors. We miss the square as it was. Teeming with people, with much to see and enjoy. So welcome back snowbirds make the most of Mexico! Victoria Vi t i Schmidt S h idt
Saw you in the Ojo 57
ild honey bees literally swarmed around my sunny Santa Clara, California yard. Many of them even set up shop there. There was a colony in the old oak tree, a hive in the eaves of the patio and even a big tortoise hump of a colony on the monster palm tree in the front yard. My neighbor J.D. and I had discussed these bees often; usually over a couple of cold beers. “You should get a hive,� he would advise. “Then all of that honey wouldn’t go to waste.� “The bees use it,� I would point out. J.D. would just roll his eyes and call me a hippy, an accusation he made often.
I’d actually thought about bee keeping a lot. I’d even attended some lectures. Though, admittedly, I went to lectures on just about anything. I was fascinated by people who were both knowledgeable and excited about a topic. One beekeeper, an older white guy with spectacular Einsteinesque hair and mutton chop sideburns, could not contain his glee when describing the queen bee’s chamber. “It looks just like the inside of a PEANUT!� It was J.D., though, who started bee keeping first. His wife was against it. “You don’t know what you’re doing!� she complained. He really didn’t, but this didn’t seem to bother J.D. at all. He felt as if
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the bees were an offering from some higher power when his boxer, Hercules, discovered a well-established colony in his screened pantry. “I told you to fix that damn ripped screen!â€? was all his wife had to say. J.D. did fix the screen. But only after he had purchased and white washed a wooden box (a Langstroth hive, he would tell me later, showing off his newfound bee expertise). He built a stand for the box and bought a bunch of accessories: honey super frames, a queen excluder, a screened bottom, a camouflage hat and veil, some giant white gloves that made his hands look like Mickey Mouse’s and some other stuff he rambled on about. By the time all of this preparation was finished, the bees had built three oven mitt size combs in the pantry. According to him, the relocation from the pantry to the hive was smooth sailing. Nothing like the bees everywhere, honey ruining the pantry shelves disaster that his wife described. I didn’t hear about any of this until J.D. brought over a mason jar full of fresh honey. I ate big spoonfuls of it straight from the jar for the next few days. It was citrusy and delicious. And I’ll be damned if my allergies didn’t clear right up. I was officially bitten by the beekeeping bug. Unlike J.D., I did copious amounts of research. I looked at those Langstroth hives, read about the pros and cons of WarrĂŠ hives, and even considered straw skeps before I decided on a usually less productive, but gentler on the bees, top-bar hive. “Hippy,â€? was J.D.’s only comment. I read the beekeeping classics At the Hive Entrance and Honey Farming and read endless advice on the web. I thought about joining local beekeeping clubs but couldn’t find the time. I asked J.D. many, many questions. I decided early on that I wanted to attract wild bees to my hive rather than buy them. I was sure that if I strategically placed the top-bar hive, local bees (like Silicon Valley renters who
smell a good deal) would be falling, or flying I guess, over each other to move in. I put a chunk of comb that I had nicked from J.D. into the top-bar hive and concocted some home-made bee attractant from honey, vinegar and lecithin, a formula provided to me by a local vegetable vendor who had kept bees in Mexico. After a year of beehive vacancy, I realized I had to up my bee attracting game. I got some fresh comb and ordered some field-tested swarm attractant from the bee lady of Berkeley. My backyard bees were immediately attracted to the hive! BUT they lost interest after a few days. It wasn’t until a few weeks later that I realized my grandson, mistakenly believing he was applying the bee attractant, had been spraying the inside of the hive with Spray n’ Wash. I scrubbed the hive down and tried again, but never did have any luck. The beehive sat in the backyard for a few more years, often the subject of neighborly chit chat and the spark of beekeeping and local honey discussions. I thought about giving it to J.D. but I didn’t want to strain my relationship with his wife. I shouldn’t have worried. He pulled up stakes and moved to the East Coast one spring, taking his beekeeping equipment, but leaving his wife behind. Around this same time, my friend Wade started keeping bees on his little farmlet in Humboldt County. I brought the hive up there on my next visit and was pleased to see it a few months later, painted royal blue and humming with activity. I can’t say that I reaped any rich rewards from my failed foray into beekeeping. I never kept a single bee. I invested money with no return. I learned a lot about bees and beekeeping, but nothing truly practical. I was the butt of many family jokes. However, some part of me is happy I wasn’t able to keep wild bees, just providing a beefriendly yard for them was and is enough for me. I know what J.D. would say: “Hippy.�
Saw you in the Ojo 59
Going Up There! %\ %RQQLH / 3KLOOLSV
exico was the “paradise” we dreamed of. It was to be the place we would live, until we died. Where we immersed ourselves into this wonderful culture, where we were lucky enough to have Mexican extended family, where we all laughed during the Mexican lottery game at our mistakes (Corona is a crown and the name of a beer, carona means fat face). Where we joked with our friends about El Chapo finding Trump, where I spent hours making 50 tamales with my friend’s mother, where we spoke Spanish each day with strangers, people with businesses and with our friends who are
meseros (waiters). (Every Christmas we’d bring the restaurant staff two bottles of tequila and jugo (juice) for those who didn’t drink). Where we started up “baby pools” for the meseras (waitresses) who were pregnant, the customers and staff paid 20 pesos for each guess about the birth date and time of birth for the four women who worked at our favorite restaurant. Half of the money went to the mother and the other half went to the winner. Mexico is where we’ve felt honored to be treated like family and where we’ve been included in all of the fiestas (New Year’s Eve, baptisms,
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funerals, weddings and more.) I once got wrapped up as a mummy, with toilet paper, at a baby shower while the women laughed and the men watched, smiled and drank beer. With deep anguish and broken hearts we have to say goodbye to our family and friends in Mexico. My husband has been sick for many weeks with multiple respiratory problems and only one good working lung, along with his M.S. I, also, have been sick for far too long with respiratory problems. Between the altitude, pollen, dust, humidity and mold we can no longer ignore the “elephant in the room.” Our doctor said it would only get worse if we continued to live here. We grieved for weeks while searching up north for a dryer location at a lower altitude, as we anticipated what the doctor would say. And we dealt with other things: our cat was seriously ill for over a week and almost didn’t make it, we had a “surprise” visit, for ten days, from my sister and her wife, my computer no longer accessed the internet, and we found out that our dog also has an auto-immune disorder. At one point, since Emily is like a “service dog,” I suggested Bill might want to swap places with her and be Emily’s “service human.” After I took our dog for one of her weekly injections, I took her across the Carretera (main road) for a walk, and when I was ready to leave I discovered I’d lost all of my keys. I couldn’t drive my car home, nor contact my husband for the other key because my phone didn’t work. All the keys to our house and the digital chips to the car had to be changed. Thank goodness my husband has as warped a sense of humor as I do; it helped us get through a lot. Amidst all the chaos and knowing we absolutely “had” to leave our “forever” home in Ajijic, and return to Los Estados Unidos, we realized the seriousness of the situation and focused, with tunnel vision, on the upcoming move that would tear us away from the people and life that we loved. We have said our good-byes, we have cried, we have told many how much we will miss them and believe it or not, we went through everything in our household, eliminated most of our possessions, and had a yard sale six days after the doctor said “Fuera, mas pronto.” (“Go, very soon.”) On the first day of the sale, my dear friend, Kathy, manned, I mean “womaned” the table where people paid for what they wanted to buy. She was cool-headed and fantastic
even though she looked like she’d disappeared inside of a flash mob, or a subway train in Japan, during rush hour. When I looked through the window I saw only the tips of her blonde hair and heard her calm voice, “Momentito, por favor, Momentito.” (“One little moment, please.”) On the second day of the sale, there were still many items to sell, but something felt off to me. I remembered when our children were young and, like all parents who find an unexpected opportunity, I wanted to buy them something. I turned over the yard sale sign and wrote in Spanish, Muchas cosas estan gratis (Many things are free) and removed the price tags. I told everyone in the garage only the wrought iron rocking chair and the tapestry weren’t free but everything else was. Then I asked them to tell their friends and family members. I was pleased to see lots of people looking, but still not quite sure about taking things. I realized a special moment was at hand con mi vecinos (with my neighbors) and it gave me one of my most treasured interactions with them. “Gracias,” I said to everyone, “Para comparti tu pais con mi esposo y yo. Ahora, nosotros gustan comparti nuestro cosas con uds. Todo estan gratis.” (“Thank you for sharing your country with my husband and me. Now, we would like to share our things with you. Everything is free.” Something happened. Strangers and neighbors alike, we laughed and joked with each other, children politely asked how much if they found a price tag left on an item. I would tear it off, they would smile. One neighbor I hadn’t met before told me she and her family lived six doors down and across the street from me. Another said, “I’m the wife of so and so.” My husband talked with our neighbors, laughed with them and brought out more things as he found them. People spoke with muted excitement, they helped correct our Spanish and we thanked them. They hesitated with arms full of things as they started to leave and when I smiled, they said “Muchas gracias.” (“Many thanks.”) I answered with, “De nada, pero, gracias a uds. para ayudando nosotros.” (“You’re welcome, but thank you for helping us.”) They smiled, some took my hand or touched my shoulder and they left. They left us with memories of why we’ve loved living in Mexico. And they gave us so much more to look back on when we live “up there.”
Saw you in the Ojo 61
What Is War? %\ %HUQLH 6XWWOH
esterday, December 7, 1941, a date that will live in infamy, the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.” Our family heard these words from President Roosevelt as we sat in front of the Philco at home in Monrovia, California. Dad said, “We’re in it now, it’s war.” He knew all about war. He was in the last one. I have his officer’s hat. He never talked about it. I was eight and war didn’t mean a thing to me. “There’ll be shortages. I’m buying a hundred pound bag of sugar for mother’s canning and baking before
it’s rationed.” “What’s rationing?” I asked. “Because of war there’ll be a shortage of lots of things so they’ll limit what we can buy. That’s rationing.” “Will rationing keep me from getting a bike? Mom, how old do I have to be to get a bike?” “I don’t know, Son. When you’re big enough to ride it I guess.” “I can ride Jerry Bride’s Schwinn now.” “Oh! Your Dad doesn’t want you to have a bike. He says you’ll fall off.” “ The War “ will just give Dad another excuse for not letting me have a TwoWheeler. I want a bike more than anything.”
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I noticed new things in our town. A small encampment in the park made up of a tent, searchlight, electrical generator, six draft rejects in bad uniforms, and each one of them had a bike. All this was for a World War One surplus Barrage Balloon to defend against low flying aircraft. The government requisitioned Santa Anita Race track as a concentration camp for our Japanese neighbors. I saw some kids I knew inside the fence between the tarpaper barracks. They were throwing a football back and forth. I wondered how they liked being in there. “Did they get to keep their bikes?” Later they shipped the Japs away and the track became, “Camp Santa Anita” with continuous truck convoys and trains bringing in troops and equipment. I treasured a “Johnny Jeep” hat a guy threw to me from an Army truck. I wore it everywhere. Where did they send him to the war? One night after dinner at the Dillards’ farmhouse I watched my Dad siphon gas from our car into a five-gallon can. I never told anyone about this. The Dillards were allowed only four gallons of gas a month. Dad said they were good people, didn’t drink, smoke, or go to movies. Gas was twenty cents a gallon. They gave Dad five dollars for five Gallons. “Would now be a good time to mention the bike to Dad? Better not, he’ll just get mad. Wait ‘til later?” “C’mon, we’re going to the Monrovia Theatre free. Just bring a pound of scrap rubber to get in,” Davenport said one Saturday morning to a group of us kids. Soon a typhoon of pillaging began. Pickings were slim until Kyle showed up with a tire casing enough for 30 admissions. Rolling this godsend he led a procession of happy kids that marched into the theater. Only later did someone discover that the tire that had provided a swing across the wash was missing. “Mom, what is a ‘Bliss Creek?’” “Say that again dear. Where did you
hear that?” “On the radio about the War. Germany had a ‘Bliss Creek in Poland.” “Oh, that’s a ‘Blitz Krieg.’ That’s a battle in German.” “Do they have bikes in Germany?” Paul Woods was 19 years old. He lived three houses up from us on Maple Street. His dad worked at the lumberyard. His mom stayed home and canned their apricots. When the war started Paul became a conscientious objector. He wasn’t one before. “I don’t know what they do but maybe he won’t need his bike.” While out in our ’37 Plymouth, Dad stopped to pick up a young sailor. “Hop in back. With the kids.” “Thanks, mister.” “Where you headed?” “Pasadena. The Pasadena Civic, to a dance there.” “Always glad to give a service man a ride. You based in ‘Pedro?” “Not really anywhere ‘til I get a ship. My carrier was sunk by the Japs. It’s on the bottom of the Indian Ocean.” “You’ve been there?” I asked “Yep. South Pacific, too. You join the Navy, you go everywhere.” “Wow! That’s for me. Did you have a bike before the War?” “Bernhard, Bernhard.” I heard Mrs. Gallagher, the Air Raid Warden’s Dutch wife call over the fence, “Do you think your mother would let us have the wicker stroller that sits unused in your garage? It’s for our son, Chris’s, new baby. I could give you Chris’s old bike. He doesn’t need it now that he’s in the army. Then, Mrs. Gallagher told me that when the Germans invaded her Holland they took all the bikes away from the Dutch. Even though Mom said she was nosey, she went along with the idea. I was thrilled. I rode the bike with no front tire and a flat rear tire. I was far removed from the deprivation of war but now I knew what war was. “I want us to win. I want to keep my bike.”
Saw you in the Ojo 63
The True Story of Jumper and “Jack, The Signalman” &RXUWHV\ RI -RKQ :DUG
hen the Cape Government Railways opened the first railway line to Port Elizabeth from Cape Town during the later part of the 1800’s, the town Uitenhage was established. The railway station became world-renowned when the local railway guard James Edwin Wide had a working baboon – “Jack the Signalman” that assisted him in his daily tasks. James Wide was known as “Jumper Wide,” due to his habit of jumping from one railway truck to another. Sadly one day, whilst jumping from one truck to another he slipped and fell underneath the moving train. As a result, Jumper Wide lost both legs at
the knees. Jumper could no longer work as a guard for the Cape Railway Government and became unemployed. He was forced to make his own peg-legs and strap it onto the lower half of his body. He then made a trolley with an intricate hand apparatus that allowed him more mobility. James was again employed for the railway company as a signalman and one Saturday morning while visiting the market place, he noticed an oxwagon being led into the market by a young baboon that acted as “voorloper” (Oxen leader). Jumper Wide pushed himself closer and introduced himself to the owner of the baboon and af-
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ter some demonstrations Wide was convinced that this intelligent animal could serve him in a useful capacity. Its owner reluctantly parted with his favorite pet and thus began one of the most amazingly symbiotic friendships between animal and man. Jumper Wide’s cottage was about half a mile from the station, and he found the walk and the moving of his trolley very difficult. He started to train Jack, the baboon, to push him on the railroad track. Jack learned quickly how to push Jumper to work in the morning and again at 5pm, from work to his cottage. Jack would push the trolley uphill and when the trolley gained speed downhill he would jump on with great excitement and get a free ride. Jack also learned how to lift the trolley on and off the track and also “manhandled” the old condemned railway sleepers as he tumbled them over and over from the dump yard to the kitchen door where they would be used as fire wood. Jumper had been warned by the previous owner that Jack was to be given a lot of good Cape brandy every night and should he, for some reason, fail to remember, that Jack would sulk the next day and refuse to have anything to do with him. Jumper remembered this very well when on one occasion Jack refused to assist him to get to work In the signal-box at the station, Jumper kept an important key that unlocked the points to enable the locomotive drivers to reach the coalsheds. Whenever a locomotive driver needed to load coal he gave four blasts on his whistle and then Jumper Wide would totter out on his crutches and stumps and hold up the key. Jack watched this performance for a couple of days and then one day when the locomotive driver blasted the familiar four blasts, Jack rushed to the signal box, grabbed the key and went outside where he held the key up for the driver to collect. The inevitable happened one day
when a prominent and meddlesome lady on route to Port Elizabeth was horrified to see that the signals at the station were being changed by a baboon. Fearing for her safety, the woman reported the incident to the authorities in Cape Town who at first could not believe her story. An inspector visited the station and both Jumper Wide and Jack were dismissed from duty. Again Wide pleaded, and fortunately the system manager decided to test the ability of Jack. A locomotive driver was given secret instructions and all present waited to see if Jack would pass this strenuous test. Each time the driver blasted a different signal, Jack would change the correct signal and points without fail. Jack even looked around in the direction of the oncoming train to confirm the correct lever and signal were changed. Jack had passed his test with flying colors and was duly re-employed by the authorities. From that day, he became known as Jack the Signalman. Not only did he get his monthly rations from the government but he also received an employment number! Around Jumpers cottage, Jack also learned to perform other tasks such as removing trash, sweeping the kitchen floor and other small tasks. He also turned out to be a very good watchman and any intruder was greeted by a fierce fanged guard who could frighten the wits out of anyone. In 1890, Jack contracted tuberculosis and died. Wide was inconsolable at the loss of his friend as they had become inseparable. Jack’s skull is on display in the Albany Museum in Grahamstown, South Africa. (Ed. Note: The moral of the story is . . . well, you really don’t want to know.) John Ward
Saw you in the Ojo 65
d. Note: Our apologies for not including this highly topical article in an earlier
issue.) The harvest moon rose over Lake Chapala as a swarm of squealing munchkins pushed the buzzer with relentless eagerness. The bell ringers must have been told that houses with glowing outside lights signaled that a warm welcome awaited. I peeked out through the slated blinds to the wrought-iron gate. These novice participants wore dribs of lipstick, rouged cheeks and dark circles drawn on their faces with their mother’s eyeliner. No lavish costumes here. They carried pillowcases, plastic bags and other improvised candy totes. A new game for these Mexican kids, they were just catching on to this October 31st holiday. Innocence prevailed, as they had no idea what ‘trick’ meant. They practiced the only rules they knew: take to the cobblestone streets, look for the houses where foreigners live, ring the buzzer and grab as many goodies as possible. The simplicity made me smile. Halloween in Mexico; but this date also marked the anniversary of a lifealtering decision. Ten years ago this night, my husband and I pulled into the flagstone driveway of our newly purchased, totally empty, house in Chapala, Mexico. Gone was everything Pennsylvanian. We looked like tourists. We felt like scared children, waiting for the ghouls to jump out from the echoing brick and adobe walls. We slept on cold, ceramic tiles, wondering when the tractor trailer full of our comfortable ‘stuff’ would make it through customs at the Mexican border. We clung to each other during those first sleepless nights asdreaded scorpions scooted across the bare floors. Shocked by our new moniker ‘expat,’ our ghostly pallor mirrored the fact that we had retired−here. Egad! What had we done? The incessant buzzer interrupted my thoughts. I carried a basket filled with individually wrapped candy and ap-
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proached the hoard hanging onto the iron bars of our front gate. Wanting fingers stretched through the narrow spaces and snatched fists full of chocolate bars. I realized that unless I handed the candy out, the tub of sweets would be emptied by this first batch of ‘treaters.’ Teenage mothers, carrying babies, also poked free hands into the wicker container, craving a dulce to soothe their hard lives. The throng shouted a well-rehearsed ‘Happy Halloween’ before continuing on to the next house with beckoning lights. They jammed into the back of a battered pick-up truck, clutching their bags, wearing enormous smiles and offering a chorus of gracias. Inevitable sugar-highs trailed after them. The next day, November 1st, Mexicans would start preparations to celebrate Day of the Dead. I tried to get a head-start by lighting candles on the Dia de los Muertos altar I had assembled on the long table fronting the wall of glass doors. I had come to cherish this Mexican custom of creating a special place to honor friends and relatives who have passed, as much as those children making memories of an October American holiday. Talavera pottery crosses, candlesticks graced by calaveras (skulls) and vivid orange and yellow cempesuchiles (marigolds) to brighten the way for the spirits to return provided a backdrop for the photos of my loved ones. It had been a year of losses. The crowded altar begged for a respite. The daybreak sun silhouetted the steep mountainside of the Sierra Madre range that rises behind our house and pierced a seamless expanse of steel blue. Against this back-drop, Mexican families trudged through the silent streets, on their way to the local pantheon (cemetery) to prepare for the all-night vigil by the gravesites. Some pushed wheelbarrows loaded down with offerings of flowers, candles and favorite foods of those to be remembered, while others carried meager, but meaningful
mementos to celebrate and reflect on the lives of their deceased relatives. It was a day of contemplation for me, too. I plunged into the cold waters of our lap pool, sandwiched between the main house and the casita’s flower box, bursting with purple and fuchsia bougainvillea blooms. Face down, stroking through the water, competing thoughts raced through my head. My mind floated back through the past ten years of the ordeals and triumphs we had experienced while embracing a foreign culture and language. I remembered my first attempt at Mexican grocery shopping, and recalled returning home from that initial encounter at the Mexican Supermarket giant, Soriana, in tears. With just two half-empty bags, I swore to my husband that we were going to starve. Nothing felt familiar, I couldn’t figure out the meat cuts, understand the signage, or be sure what I was buying. I felt like a food shopping cripple. Then I realized that just this past week, I had flitted between the local family-owned store, El Torito and the Mexican high-end chain, Mega like a free bird, shopped at the butcher and meandered through the outdoor fruit and vegetable market. The vendors knew my name, we chatted in Span-
ish about their family, the weather, the cost of produce. It had become so easy, done in a language not my own, in a country not my native land, but in a foreign culture that I had assimilated into. Like the Mexican Halloweeners, I had learned the rules of a new game and was reaping the treats from playing it like a local. Gone was everything Pennsylvanian and I rejoiced in the simplicity of living the Mexican life. Carol L. Bowman
Saw you in the Ojo 67
MESSAGE FROM MOONIE: The month of November has seen the incredible compassion people can show for those they have never met. Starting with the Canadian Medical Team, most from London, Ontario, Canada, Rotary Clubs joining forces, and people just teaming up to give help because they could. The team of 25 visited Tepehua first, and saw about 100 patients, using the fine facilities that have just opened for the maternal health unit, a private sector donation with Rotary involvement. The Tepehua Team helped the Medical Team replace all the confiscated medicine that they brought with them from Canada (which still sits at the Guadalajara Airport...or not, it probably has found another home). Next stop was the Men’s Rehabilitation Center in Santa Cruz - CREADO. Inmates were about 50 patients. It is a good place to visit if you are looking for a project. The men are trying to straighten out their lives - they work hard at rebuilding the Center, looking for another chance. They could use donations of food. Soriana gives them unsalable veggies as pay for work cleaning store rooms, but they could use some protein. The Tepehua Community Center supplies them with men’s wear and uses some of the men for labour, which they call “service”. Our lives have all been touched by addictions of some sort. It takes courage to change. At Chapala Prepa School, the number of families and adolescents seen
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has not been counted, but it was easily around 200. Some of the students, who are Mexico’s future, go to school hungry. If you have ever been in education, volunteer at the schools, help with nutrition. Give your knowledge. At San Pedro, one of the poorest barrios East of Chapala, the Medical Team saw 204 patients. San Pedro lacks water, and the water they do have is polluted. A group will be taking doctors´ reports to this tiny barrio, and is going to try and help the village help itself. Another very worthy project if you have time to volunteer. Contact Moonie and you will be put in touch with the people who are going to take help to this village. The Tepehua Clinic will help in every way we can. At the Mescala Prepa the Team saw 387 patients. All these will have to be followed up to make sure they get the help they need. The Medical team left Tepehua Center’s pharmacy with pharmaceuticals they didn’t use. We will make sure all patients who were given hope by this visit will be given service. MANY THANKS to the local Doctors who came forward to help the medical team from is what THANKS GIVING should be all about: Dr. Carlos Rodriguez; Dr. Carlos Garcia and his wife Dra. Angelica; Dr. Santiago Hernandez; Dra. Marimar Sainz from Guadalajara; Dr. Lawrence Whitehurst. Dental: Dr. Alfonso and his wife Sylvia; Dra. Marlene; Dr. Geo. Not counting all the volunteers from the local Rotary Club of Ajijic, who helped set up the whole program, and all the volunteer foot soldiers, especially the administrator of the prepa schools of Chapala and Mescala, Lucy Soltelo. Her story will come later. A special thank you to a remarkable group of people, who, on their dime and their time, came to help the people of Mexico. Thank you Canada, you have opened your hearts as well as your borders. This is what happens when people come together. We are stronger together and can help those, who because of circumstances beyond their control, need a helping hand up. Please, stretch out your hand this Christmas season. You will be glad you did.
Saw you in the Ojo 69
Honey Bee Alliance Project %\ &DUORV 6DQFKH]
bjective: To establish a group of concerned citizens for the care and conservation of honey bees that are being affected by various human activities, like contamination due to the use of insecticides, herbicides, and other poisons that are being spread into the atmosphere. On the other hand, they are also being affected by civil protection groups who are tasked with protecting the local citizens and because of their lack of training and knowledge they are killing the bees and as such they are destroying these creatures and at the same time they are destroying the natural resources that are necessary for maintaining a
healthy population. The project’s objective is based on my experiences gathered throughout the years working as a beekeeper and l have detected that the problem has increased over the last several decades. Be assured that it is urgent that we take concrete actions to stop this mortality. Unfortunately, the honeybees are yet to have a group dedicated to protecting them. Since we do not want them to ever get close to being in danger of going extinct, it is necessary to start one of these types of groups. By doing this, we hope to
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save the bees and begin to create new sources of work for the local population. If we don’t act, the bees will continue to die and we will lose a great natural resource. That is why we believe that it is of vital importance to create one of these types of groups because that way our action will be decisive to better protect the bees and also, to be able to take advantage of their products and generosity for a healthy lifestyle. In this way, the main objective is for a short, medium, and long-term conservation and to utilize the bees as an invaluable natural resource that must be protected for their great value as pollinators and transmitters of life. What we hope to achieve is the conservation of the bees, and next the creation of jobs by establishing beehive rescue groups. Once we begin rescuing the hives, the bees, in all due time, will naturally begin producing their products which are honey, pollen, etc. And from there, the rescue groups will be able to start generating their own resources so as to become self-sufficient. As we achieve our goals, we will begin documenting our work through videos and photos that the groups can use in presentations they will give to the local community detailing their day to day activities. We will also publish this information in newspapers, local magazines and maybe one day have our own website to inform the rest of the community the importance of creating similar groups. The materials and tools we need to execute the project are: Beekeeper’s gear which includes overalls, gloves, boots, smokers, face mask, and a means of transportation that in given time may be individual or collective. The project will be located primarily within the municipality of Chapala, and if the situation permits, in the future it may spread to surrounding municipalities. A building in the Las Redes neighborhood of Chapala will be used as a base for the group. Our activities will primarily consist of training the group in how to rescue beehives and next they will be ready to take calls from the local population who are in need of their assistance. The group will maintain contact with Civil Protection authorities, and they will supply them with personnel specialized in bees. The bees that are to be rescued will be taken to previously established locations and placed in boxes for their care and conservation and in due time, the bees in question, will produce their products and for this activity we will need more personnel (it will be necessary to obtain additional workers and equipment prior to carrying out such an operation.) This is
how we plan on generating resources for our already established groups. The essential resources that we will need to protect the bees are boxes to place the hives in which the groups may either build or purchase them, we will also need tools such as saws and hammers, etc. The human resources that are currently at our disposal are people that are very aware of the problem and are ready and anxious to learn how to do the job. We can obtain the resources that are needed from non-governmental organizations or perhaps from government support funds, civil associations interested in protecting the bees and/or companies who are committed to protecting the environment. The budget estimate: taking into account that we need tools and materials, in addition we will also need full bee keeper equipment that costs $1,380.00 pesos per person, adding up to be $6,900.00 pesos for five people. The purchase of honey bee boxes which are $350.00 a piece. We will start off with 50, so it will come to a total of $17,500.00, a used vehicle at $35,000.00, computer $5000.00, and tables and chairs for $3,000.00. The acquisition of these items will allow us to begin the operation of honey bee conservation and the total amount needed will come to the sum of $74,400.00 pesos—taking into consideration that this amount is the initial investment that we will need to begin the project. The following list is the weekly costs to pay the worker’s wages, transportation to rescue sites, and movement of the hives. A weekly wage of $1,700 pesos will be assigned to each worker and $2,500 will be paid to the group coordinator. The gas needed to run the vehicles may vary depending on distances of the location of the hives that will need to be rescued, but we will assign a weekly average amount of $800.00. The weekly costs will come to a sum of $5,000.00. The costs of electricity, water, paper, and telephone will vary but we’ve estimated that to be at $500.00 a week. The initial estimate that is needed to cover the expenses of the initial month will be $22,000.00 pesos a month. On the other hand, as it has already been mentioned, in due time the bees will begin producing their honey, pollen, and etc. And the groups that are able to take advantage of these resources will have products to sell in the communities and this will give them a means to make money, they may also accept any donation or grant that is given to them. Recognizing that the groups are committed to the environment, in their downtime, they will create nurs-
eries full of plants that can be used in the cattle industry and agriculture that will in time work for the beneďŹ t of the bees. Also, talks were held in the local communities to bring awareness of the plight of the bees. And allow us to make the suggestion to the community that they should be planting fruit trees that do not affect buildings nor the security of the population, such as citrus, peaches, loquats, apple, pear, apricot, Capulin trees, and vines like grapes, kiwi and blackberries that help to generate oxygen and refresh the environment. (Ed. Note: This article was com-
posed by Carlos Sanchez, a beekeeper for more than 25 years with work experience in various states of the Mexican Republic, United States (including Hawaii) and Canada. The Ojo does not ordinarily promote free of charge the solicitation of funds, but given the vital importance of the bee population to our area, we have made an exception in this case.) For those that wish to help, anything that you could give would be greatly appreciated. For more information, please contact Carlos at: 327109-4267 or E-mail him at
Saw you in the Ojo 71
The Larggest Nativve Ameriican Protest Iss Happeninng Now—andd Why It Mattters %\ 0DUN %R\HU
e live in times when there is often preference for what is new over what is old. Things are consumed or thrown away, so that they can be replaced by something shiny, new, and maybe a bit faster. This frenzy has too frequently led to a false belief that everything (and everyone) is replaceable. In the midst of this rush, our indigenous cultures around the world have been urgently saying we are in danger of losing our earth and our soul. The most recent outcry has been in North Dakota (United States) where the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe lives. If you have not heard of a series of events related to the Dakota Access
Pipeline, you are not alone. And yet, this may be the most important story of our time. This is about whether we blindly pursue progress and an insane sense of unlimited profits, or begin to take a look at how our choices impact our deeper understanding of life, interdependence, and future generations. The Dakota Access Pipeline is slated to become the largest oil pipeline in the U.S., which would accommodate North Dakota oil reserves and the fracking boom. The 3.8 billion dollar pipeline would transport up to 570,000 barrels of crude oil daily through the Dakotas, Iowa, and Illinois for more than 1,150 miles across farmlands, wildlife areas, and multiple major waterways like the
Mississippi and Missouri Rivers. Investors in the development of this potentially huge for-profit pipeline with Energy Transfer Partners include Citibank, Bank of America, HSBC, UBS, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, BNP Paribas, SunTrust, Royal Bank of Scotland, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, Misuho Bank, TD Securities, ABN AMRO Capital, DNB First Bank of Philadelphia, DNB Bank of Norway, ICBC London, SMBC Nikko Securities, SociĂŠtĂŠGĂŠnĂŠrale, JPMorgan Chase, and others. In short, a lot of big time players. Meanwhile Energy Transfer Partners has assured everyone that there is no danger of leaks from this pipeline. A simple check on Wikipedia of “List of Pipeline Accidents in the U.S. in the 21st Centuryâ€? shows, however, that there have been hundreds of devastating environmental leaks from pipelines in the last 15 years. Part of the Dakota Access Pipeline is being built near Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in North Dakota. The tribe says the pipeline disrupts sacred sites, intrudes on past treaty agreements, and is an imminent danger to their water supply since it passes underneath the Missouri River – the main source of water for the reservation. An earlier proposal had the pipeline crossing the Missouri north of Bismark, but officials were concerned about the risk to the capital’s water supply in the event of a pipeline spill. So concern about Bismark water supply caused the pipeline to be moved near Standing Rock Sioux Reservation. The Standing Rock Sioux have banded together as dedicated protectors of their environment. They have been confronted by pipeline security guards with attack dogs and pepper spray. They have chained themselves to construction equipment. They have ridden their horses in the pathway of construction. A frequent cry of these Native Americans is: “Water is Life.â€? And their cry has been heard by all Native Americans across the United States. Now
all tribes of the Sioux and thousands of people from tribes throughout the United States have gathered at Standing Rock in a massive show of solidarity. This is a larger gathering of Native Americans than Little Bighorn or Wounded Knee. While communities from Flint (Michigan) to New Orleans (Louisiana) have been compromised by injustice, Native Americans are taking a strong stand for the environment and life. They are not concerned for only their own well being, but also for the 17 million people downstream from them. They recognize we are all interdependent. They know we do not live in a replaceable world. Many of the Native Americans who have traveled to Standing Rock speak of this as a spiritual reawakening and a re-commitment to their role as protectors of the land, water, and the air we breathe. Much of the Dakota Access Pipeline has already been built, but Native Americans have temporarily succeeded in stalling construction in the Standing Rock Sioux area of North Dakota. After a federal ruling supported construction, President Obama stepped in to request further assessment. The Department of Justice, the Army, and the Interior Department are responsible for review of permitting decisions for the pipeline under the National Environmental Policy Act. By the time this article is published, a decision may have been determined. The Lakota Sioux in Standing Rock often refer to the pipeline as the black snake. They have an ancient prophecy that speaks of a black snake crossing the land, bringing with it destruction and devastation. Hopefully we will all learn to listen more openly and trustingly to old and wise ways in the midst of perceived progress and profits. Mark Boyer
El Ojo del Lago / December 2016
ear Sir: The people of Mexico recently have been subject to vilification, verbal and racist abuse so that I feel it necessary to share one of my many personal experiences of Mexican kindness and thoughtfulness during my 21 years as a permanent resident of this beautiful Mexican Lakeside community. Around a year ago my wife and I who recognized inevitable signs and symptoms of aging decided that it was time to move to an Assisted Living Facility. Quite by chance we heard that such a facility existed in Chula Vista and, after meeting the young owner, a competent, educated Mexican woman, an example of the growing Mexican modern business entrepreneur, we decided to move. Within six months of our move we had became happily established, together with three other elderly residents, into the life and activity of this pleasant assisted living routine, thanks to a dedicated staff and the efficient management by the owner. During this period my wife and I realized that we urgently needed to visit our severely handicapped middle son, Tony, at his residential facility in Edmond, Oklahoma. There was one big snag. Because of our own disabilities we could no longer drive or fly up to Oklahoma to spend time with Tony. Physically, we just could not do it!! Having fostered a close and caring relationship with the owner of our Assisted Living Center I broached my concern with her who was most sympathetic and understanding. A day or two later after discussing the issue with her husband at their home in Guadalajara, she agreed to be our companion on our flight to Oklahoma and do the constant driving which would be her responsibility in driving us back and forth between our hotel in Edmond and Tony’s residential center. At the time I understood that my request was challenging for her to abdicate her management responsibilities and spend time with us on a personal
journey to see and be with our son. After making sure that her facility was adequately and professionally staffed and that her medical professional family in Guadalajara would provide adequate supervision while she was absent, we made the pleasant and uneventful journey to Oklahoma together. This young Mexican lady literally bent over backward to make sure that we were well taken care of in every way and she showed great patience in meeting some of our challenging requests while she transported us around both Edmond and Oklahoma City. But what touched us most of all was the loving and kind way that she accepted our physically and mentally handicapped son. Please remember that this is a young Mexican woman who up to that time had no children of her own and suddenly to come face to face with a child in an adult body with multiple motor and sensory problems! Tony has always had an interest in attractive women and this young woman came into that category. Tony immediately took to her and as is his normal habit he wants always to love, and hug any human who comes into his sight and who will accept him. It was a lesson in loving acceptance by our Mexican ‘caregiver’ who, without any reticence in the least, allowed Tony to embrace her, pull her long dark hair, look lovingly at her with his misshapen face ...and she reciprocated Tony’s uncontrolled movements of love with her own acceptance, pleasure and understanding. Mr. Trump, you have no idea of the character, integrity and caring nature of the Mexican people!! How about coming down here and living with a Mexican family and then your racism will maybe die a natural death! Bert Slocombe Chula Vista Norte PS: The names of the real characters in this short vignette remain incognito to protect their identity:
Saw you in the Ojo 73
A Different Point Of View %\ 7HUL 6D\D D
was in a taxi going clear across town for a presentation that I had committed to do. It was a very long ride and on top of that, it was raining, and I felt sorry for my taxi driver having to deal with not only traffic, but the rain as well. An American friend of mine had recommended him and I was glad for it. His name was José and he had lived in Chicago, Illinois long enough to be fluent in English. As he deftly maneuvered the taxi through deep puddles and heavy traffic, he asked questions that I was obliged to answer. I’ve always admired
people who are curious and inquisitive, and I was intrigued when he asked tentatively, “I hope you don’t mind me asking, but,did you vote in this United States election?” “Well, yes,” I said. “I voted for Bernie Sanders.” I kinda knew he was gently trying to bring up the Trump issue. “How did you do that, being here in Mexico and all? I mean, how were you able to get your vote in?” “Well, it was an Internet thing. I filled out the form online and had to print it out and sign it, and then I took it to the American consulate. They
mailed it off to the United Sates and supposedly, my vote was counted.” José nodded, but I could tell he was just bursting to ask the ‘Trump’ question, so I continued. “Bernie didn’t win, neither did Hillary, and when I found out Trump had won, my husband and I were really, really bummed.” The floodgates opened and José began a dialog that got me thinking. “Yes, it’s a sad situation when someone goes into a high profile job where they have little experience.” he said. I looked over at José, “Experience? He has none whatsoever! His campaign began as a media boost for his gigantic ego. A circus clown is how I see him,” I said. I was suddenly on a roll… “He’s proven to be a racist and a liar. Now, there are groups of racists coming out of the woodwork, the KKK, Nazis! And OMG, the NRA is having a field day!” Wow, did all that just come out of my mouth? José whipped the cab around a bus. “Well, haven’t those groups been around all along? There’s always going to be racism no matter who is president.” My balloon a bit deflated, I said, “I guess you have a point there. But, what do you think about the wall he intends to build?”
“I actually think it’s a good thing,” he said. This was a surprising statement coming from a Mexican, “Really!? Why?” I said. It ran across my mind that maybe José was a bit racist and didn’t want Americans coming into Mexico. The rain was coming down hard now and José slowed the taxi down from hyper-speed to light-speed. “It would be safer for Mexicans who are trying to cross the border illegally. Many of them die from thirst and exposure in the U.S. desert. And many of them suffocate in packed trucks or are shot in altercations with the border patrols. If the wall is big and strong enough, they wouldn’t try to climb it or go through it in ways other than legally.” It sounded as though José had first-hand knowledge of these problems, as if he might have lost a loved one trying to cross the border. “That sounds logical, I guess, it’s just sad that we have to have borders at all,” I said feeling a bit depressed. The rain had let up and José pulled the cab up to the building where I was to get off. “In a perfect world, there wouldn’t be borders or racism, or clowns who become president. But isn’t it the adversity that makes us all stronger people?” he said. José drove away and left me standing there to ponder his words. He was right, of course. His point of view had softened my heart and reduced the anger I had felt after the election. The United States has elected Donald Trump as president, even though it seems so surreal. Now we move forward through the adversity. However, I am happy to be living in Mexico at this time, and I am even happier to have met José. I went to do my presentation feeling lighter and far more optimistic. Teri Saya
El Ojo del Lago / December 2016
Saw you in the Ojo 75
Who Dares...Wins! %\ 5RVHPDU\ *UD\VRQ
lsa Picazo, artist, model, author, journalist, mother and sister has just launched her latest book, Dare to Be a Woman with a Capital W. ‘Who dares wins’ is the motto of the UK’s SAS, their special forces elite. Like the USA Seals, they are internationally acclaimed as some of the toughest guys on the planet. So how tough is to dare to be woman in Mexico in 2016? Ilsa is a role model for daring Mexican woman hood; her mission is to help the not so daring. “I speak directly to women as a friend. I want to reveal women to themselves. I aim to identify their innate power and how to use it to advantage. With information and advice to boost their self esteem, is how everyone wins,” said Ilsa, whose namesake is the famous heroine of iconic movie classic, Casablanca. With a light touch, thrice married Ilsa shares information first hand on divorce, often a taboo subject. Her take on moth-
,OVD 3LFD]R erhood, a role that could reach infinity, is more than refreshing, she announces: “You don’t have to love your mother. If the chemistry is wrong, realize it with no guilt and seek to manage both your lives around it.” Whilst to mothers, Ilsa says: “You are told to be beautiful, sexy, faithful, a perfect cook housekeeper, loving and supportive to your husband and children, plus caring for your relatives.” Not to tick all the boxes on this superhuman shopping list, makes many
El Ojo del Lago / December 2016
women feel they are failing. Clearly this is unachievable, yet paternalistic forces batter away daily at your self- worth to do so. Building a strong circle of female friends can be a vital counter measure.” She has a brave pop at grandmothers. Ilsa says: “Avoid being the victim of the age-old family black mail via hidebound tradition. Just because grandma intimates some ghastly outcome should you veer from the path, gently point out it is no longer a good reason for you to continue.” To effortlessly elevate critics to volcanic opprobrium, possibly yet predictably setting her book flying off the shelves, is the women’s sexuality theme. Aimed not disingenuously at male readers too, Ilsa feels men have no real knowledge of the whole package and what orgasm means emotionally to a woman. She lays it on the line. Naturally, apart from first hand observations, her sources are broad and impeccable; Naomi Wolf’s Vagina, Simone de Beauvoir The Second Sex, John Gray’s Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus and Carl Gustav Jung. The new book is based on local research and direct requests from an unofficial focus group. Ilsa has a colorful candy store in Gallerias Plaza, Guadalajara and so qualifies as a member of a businesswomen’s association. After
reading or hearing of her first book on menopause, they clamored “What about we younger ones?” She has already sold 1,000 books. A voracious reader, Ilsa has got through Don Quixote seven times. At only nine years old, Ilsa horrified her mother, a highly qualified hospital blood analyst and father, a top government PR man, with her driving ambition to write. With a more marked career pathway in view, Ilsa at 17 was bundled off to the top art School in Mexico City, where they lived, to study illustration at the San Carlos Academy. Falling in love and marrying a bull fighting groupie and alleged poet, 12 years her senior curtailed all but a year’s study. Ilsa needed to monetize her relationship, which now included baby Ilsa to keep her pride intact against the storm of parental disapproval. Her resume soon included sales, in a posh department store, receptionist at a funeral home and model. But still in hot pursuit of the written word, Ilsa completed a three-year journalism course in 18 months. Her proud father offered a car. Ilsa did a deal for tickets to Madrid to hone her true identity. A year later, at her welcome back to Mexico party, enter El Che, Ricardo, an Argentinean architect. He was Ilsa’s next husband and father of Hernan, 34, now a top Toronto businessman, thanks to her. Her love of words, seven years later catapulted her into the arms of Morris, a scientist and aspiring writer whom she met at the writers’ group, which ironically, Che had encouraged her to join. Playfully unabashed Ilsa feels her life’s journey so far ideally equips her with solid credentials to talk to women. Ilsa Picazo lives in Chapala with her husband Morris, a Nuclear Physicist and Research Scientist for the Mexican government. Rosemary Grayson
Saw you in the Ojo 77
The Ojo Crossword
ACROSS 1 Jeer 6 Star Trek Automoton´s 10 Northwest by west 14 Rounded part 15 Opera solo 16 Dunking cookies 17 Togetherness 18 Jacob´s son 19 Drift 20 Be introduced 21 Acquiesce 23 Compass point 24 Jewish scribe 26 Rock group__ Kick 28 Isn´t able to 31 Wire projection 32 Miner´s goal 33 Hawk 36 Asian nation 40 Woodwind instrument´s need 42 Ogle 43 Heroic tale 44 Nothing 45 Type of salad 48 Eat 49 Military post 51 Pours 53 Bitty 56 Prego´s competition 57 Stray ,QÀDPH ZLWK ORYH 61 Relax 65 Related
El Ojo del Lago / December 2016
67 Continent 68 Eagle´s nest 69 Outlaw 70 Lean 71 Cubicle 72 Eve´s garden 73 Grub 74 Household cleaner brand DOWN 1 Ghetto 2 Pointed cylinder 2ႇ %URDGZD\ DZDUG 4 The witch tried to __ up Hansel and Grettel 5 Cook with oil 6 Light weight wood 7 Mined metals 8 Tear 9 Contradict 10 Neither´s partner 11 Not right 12 Lotto 13 Females 21 Branch of learning 22 Sticky black substance 25 Collection of animals 27 Wading bird 28 Cob vegetable 29 Location 30 Penury 31 Honey makers 34 Type of moss 35 Grain 37 Reckless 38 Malaria 39 Dozes 41 Loony 45 Having a notched or scalloped edge 46 Seaweed substance 47 Toupee %XOO¿JKW FKHHU 52 Security 53 __ of absence 54 Peeved 55 Corny 56 What a car drives on $ÀRDW 60 Candy 62 Extremely long time periods 63 Farm building 64 Signal 1RW SUH¿[
68 Sign language
Christmas %\ -RKQ 'RGGV
hristmas kick-started my 50-year love affair with poetry, and although it’s no longer chestnuts roasting on an open fire, or listening to yuletide carols being sung by a choir, it’s still a time where feelings rise to the surface—and that’s what poetry is all about. For a teenager in the Air Force, stationed in Alaska, it was a dark, cold, lonely holiday season when I penned my first poem on a Christmas card sent to a home I would never get back to. Retired now in Mexico, the customs differ from those of my Canadian and American roots. The fiesta on the Dia de la Virgen de Guadalupe, December 12, and the Día de Reyes on January 6, are the season’s bookends, and inbetween a storied celebration of family, friends, and music. Here on the shores of Lake Chapala, family, although residing much closer to the North Pole, through the luxury of technology are ever present, while friends in the village are a constant celebration, not limited to a holiday season, and the music—well that’s another story. Over time Christmas morphed into Xmas, and holidays became dependent on my circumstances, but somehow it never went away, that spirit of a moment in time, it lingered in the memory box where good times are stored—waiting. I never really rejected the idea of Christmas; like the Puritans who outlawed it, or Castro banning it for over twenty five years when he decided it was interfering with the sugar harvest. December 25th was first arbitrarily recognized as a moment to ritualize in the year 336 by the Christian Emperor Constantine. Over the centuries the celebration has managed to fulfill our collective need to gather with family and friends in one form or another, be it Christmastide, Navidad,
The Festival of Lights, or Eid. Well into middle age the spirit re-emerged with a vengeance, with the surprise of my son, born on Remembrance Day, a gift that kept on giving through that holiday season, and many, many more to follow. I never really had the opportunity to live that Christmas feeling other than in my imagination, until I was able to experience it through the eyes of a little boy. Now it is a season of remembrance, that makes one subtly aware of the changes in our lives; grown children with children of their own, friends no longer at the table but always in our hearts, and the present life in a village called home, gift wrapped with all of the love we’ve had to share. As for the music, on cool, snowless evenings in Ajijic, I throw a log on the fireplace, light up the stick tree decorated with bulbs for the cats to play with, and in moderation turn on Johnny, Frankie, Bing, and Ella. Mi esposa, who worked in retail for many years where the seasonal tirade of holiday music ramps up once the BOO is off the shelves, refuses to shop in Walmart once the music begins, and starts to shiver hearing; ‘Dreaming of a White Christmas’ more than once. Except for my enjoyment of liturgical music, and having to listen to Ave Marie one too many times—trying my partner’s patience, on Noche Buena there’s no Santo Clós, no single star shining bright in our lives any more, just that feeling we can, at least for one more day, feel the last stanza in my first poem: “It wasn’t really long ago / when Holidays brought that certain glow / and all was not a frame of mind, / that only came at Christmas time.” John Dodds
Saw you in the Ojo 79
Over 60 years of “People Helping People”
Lൺൾ Cඁൺඉൺඅൺ Sඈർංൾඍඒ
December 2016
Café Corazon Re-launched! Great news for all you foodies! LCS’ popular Café Corazon is being re-launched. Look for an exciting new expanded menu will soon include a variety grilled items. The Cafe itself is being remodeled, re-organized and upgraded. And in case you haven’t noticed, you can enjoy the food with a selection of beers and red and white wines. Look for more good news about Cafe Corazon coming in future editions.
Mail Alert! For those of you sending holiday greetings by volunteer couriers who take mail north from the LCS Service Office, many airports in North of the Border no longer have post boxes available. If you are a volunteer courier or a member who wants to use this service, be aware of this change. 2017 Member Directory is Now Available. This year’s directory has come out early, so that snowbirds can take advantage of the exciting savings and unique discounts offered by more than 40 advertisers. Taking advantage of the discounts offered will more than pay for your annual membership.
Mexican National Chili Cook-Off Needs You! With the 39th annual party happening on Feb. 10, 11, and 12, 2017, it’s time to get organized and the MNCCO has asked LCS to help get out the word. The Chili Cook-Off Board of Directors is in need of new members to oversee parking, admissions, entertainment, volunteers, and charities. Volunteers are needed to work in all of these areas during the three days of the Cook Off. Entrants are needed for the chili, salsa, and margarita contests, as well as judges to decide the winners. If you can participate in, or help out with this important event, go to the web site www.mexicannationalchilicookoff. com, email, or call President Jacques Bouchard at 376-766-3167. Remember that the Cookoff is one of biggest and best parties of the year, and it raises money to support many Lakeside charities.
Please join us for a Celebration of Life for our friend Rick Cowlishaw, Friday, December 2 at 11 a.m., at Rancho La Salud Village, 1259 Carreterra Poniente (large green sign), located 200 meters west of Arileo Restaurant on the mountain side. We also mourn the passing of Ann Heath a long time librarian at LCS. A celebration of life will be announced as soon as a date is set.
El Ojo del Lago / December 2016
LCS will be Closed December 24 and 31 AND January 1
Thursday Film Aficionados
Each month we will list volunteer opportunities at LCS. ESL Program at Wilkes always needs instructors. Gardeners are needed to trim, plant, weed and maintain our lovely gardens. Blood Pressure monitoring group is looking for volunteers with medical/nurse education for Mondays and Fridays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Talking Books Program is looking for a volunteer to work Thursdays from 10-12 p.m. The Special Events manager is looking for people with a bit of flair to help with decorations, take tickets and greet guests. If you are an outgoing person, this may be for you. Que Ganga! is looking for sales clerks LCS needs a volunteer instructor to teach Windows 10. For these and other volunteer opportunities, see the website or fill out a form at the service desk.
Open to LCS members only. Bring your card. All films shown in the Sala from 2-4 p.m. No food. No pets.
Bus Trips December Wednesday, December 7 Andares Mall Holiday shopping at the upscale Andares Mall. Look for unique boutiques, unusual offerings and fine dining. Cost 300 pesos members, and 350 pesos non-members. Departs promptly at 10 a.m. from the sculpture in La Floresta. Monday, December 19 Galerias Mall Major retailers including Best Buy, Sears and restaurants Cheesecake Factory, PF Chang and more, also shop Costco, Sams and Super Walmart. Cost 300p for members and 350p for non-members. Meet at the sculpture in La Floresta, bus departs promptly at 9 a.m. Wednesday, December 28 Tlaquepaque Find upscale retailers and fine dining in an historic, architecturally significant, pedestrian-only zone in Tlaquepaque. Cost 300 pesos for members and 350 pesos for non-members. Bus departs promptly at 10 a.m. from the sculpture in La Floresta. For those who wish to shop Home Depot and/or Forum Mall arrangements will be made.
Introduction to Spanish Classes This is a casual class for the beginner that covers the Spanish alphabet, simple vocabulary, phrases to use around town, and other useful information about our lakeside community and Mexican culture. Classes are held on the the first Tuesday of the month and continue for three weeks. Classes starts Tuesday, December 6, at LCS from 12 until 1:30 p.m. Learning materials are provided; the cost is $175 pesos. Sign up at the LCS service office during regular office hours or for fast and easy registration, use the website.
Bazaar ¡Que Ganga! (kay gaan-gah) LCS’ new thrift shop is located on the carretera just past La Canacinta next to El Ancla. Hours are Thursday through Tuesday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. We’re closed Wednesdays. We can deliver your purchases or pick up donated merchandise. Call us at 342-100-2081 or 766-1140.
December 1 Crimes and Misdemeanors 1989 USA One of Woody Allen’s more compelling films. The shift between comedy and a study of morals has never been handled more deftly. A great cast heads my all-time favorite Woody Allen film. (100 minutes) December 8 Café Society 2016 USA Woody Allen’s latest portrays Hollywood in the 1930’s. The film is a “glittering valentine” to the stars, socialites, politicians and gangsters of the age. (92 minutes) December 16 Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown 1988 Spain Pedro Almodovar’s sensational film that thrust him onto the screen of world cinema. Carmen Maura stars and the world gets its first look at Antonio Banderas. (86 minutes) December 22 Julieta 2016 Spain Pedro Almodovar’s latest film. We see a heart- broken woman decide to confront her life and face the facts about her estranged daughter. Look for this one at Academy Awards time. (93 minutes) December 29 Hunt for the Wilderpeople 2016 New Zealand From out of nowhere comes this remarkable movie that is in the hunt for an Academy Award. A national manhunt is ordered for a rebellious kid and his foster uncle who go missing in the wilds of New Zealand. (96 minutes)
Photography Club Our newest member offering, the Photography Club will continue to meet the first Monday of the month in the Sala from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. This is a class for members at any level of experience. Topics covered will be lighting, camera settings, printing and other pertinent subjects. Contact Doug Huffiness at or call 333947-0575 for more information. LCS members only.
Kick Start to Tranquility Kick Start to Tranquility Coloring Pages, designed by wellknown Ajijic artist Diane Pearl, is a pilot program designed to take you to a serene place that will help you restore a healthy balance of mind and body. Relax, de-stress and improve your vision, coordination, and fine motor skills. Join us on Thursdays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the Art Patio near the Gazebo. The Kick Start to Tranquility pilot program continues through December.
Android Returns Another “Android for Beginners” class will be offered in the LCS Sala on two successive Thursdays, December 1 and 8, from 9:30 to 11:45 a.m. Registration is required, and space is limited. For more information or to register, send an email with your name and LCS membership number to
Saw you in the Ojo 81
December Activities *Open to the Public ** US Citizens (S) Sign in required (C) Membership card required HEALTH INSURANCE * IMSS & Immigration Services Mon+Tues 10-1 Lakeside Insurance Broker Tues+Thur 11-2 San Javier Hospital Services Last Fri 10-12 HEALTH & LEGAL SERVICES * Becerra & Galindo Services Thur 10:30-12:30 Blood Pressure Mon+Fri 10-12 Hearing Aid Services (S) Mon+2nd+4th, Sat 11-4 Ministerio Publico Wed Dec 7+21 10-2 My Guardian Angel Tues 10-1 Optometrist Claravision (S) Thur 9-4 Skin Cancer Screening (S) 2nd + 4th Wed 10-12 :30 US Consulate** Wed Dec 14 10:30-12:30 Sign up 10-11:30 LESSONS (C) Chair Yoga Fri 2-3 Children’s Art Sat 10-12* Exercise Mon+Wed+Fri 9-10 Fitness Thru Yoga Mon+Fri 2-3:30 Intermediate Hatha Yoga T+ TH 2-3:30 Line Dancing Tues+Thur 10-11:15 Photography Club 1st M 12-2 Strength and Balance Exercise Tues+Thur 8:45--9:45 LIBRARIES Audio Thur 10-12 Book & Video Mon-Sat 10-2 Library of Congress Books**/ Talking Books Thur 10-12 Wilkes Mon-Fri 9:30-7, Sat 9:30-1* SOCIAL ACTIVITIES (C) All Things Tech Fri 9:30-11:30 Android for Beginners Thur 9:30-11:45 Bridge 4 Fun Tue + Thur 1-5 Conversaciones en Espanol Mon 10-12 Creative Coloring Consciousness Thur 11-1 Discussion Group W 12-1:30 Everyday Mindfulness Mon 10:15-11:45 Film Aficionados Thur 2-4:30 Learning TED Seminars Tues 12-1:15 Needle Pushers Tues 10-12 Neill James Lectures T 2-4 Open Gaming (open to the public from 2) Mon 1-4* Philosophy Group W 10:30-12 Scottish Country Dancing Thur 11:30-1:30 Scrabble Mon+Fri 11:30-1:30 Spanish/English Conversation Sat 11-12 Tournament Scrabble Tues 12-2 SERVICE & SUPPORT GROUPS * Information Desk Mon-Sat 10-2 Lakeside AA Mon +Thur 4:30-5:30 Open Circle Sun 10-12:30 Toastmasters Mon 7-8:30 pm TICKET SALES Monday-Friday 10-12 *
El Ojo del Lago / December 2016
Video Library Additions December Christmas goodies: Lost Christmas #7443 The making of a new Christmas classic about an orphan taking care of his grandma by fencing stolen property and Oh Christmas Tree #7445 A romantic, family comedy and the old classic, A Christmas Carol (no # yet) – Wow! What more could you ask for? Free State of Jones #7446 Matthew McConaughey as a disillusioned Confederate army deserter leading an uprise against the corrupt local Confederate government – based on a true story. Shoot The Moon #7447 Albert Finney and Diane Keaton dissolving their 15 year marriage leaving the entire family in chaos Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind #7457 No details herein. With a title like that you have to go to the Video Library and look it up. Ain’t this fun? Her #7453 Joaquin Phoenix and Scarlett Johansson in a film about a lonely guy who is “drawn into” a fantasy with the first artificially intelligent operating system. Only Joaquin could pull off something like this. Mr. Nobody #7465 “The quest for mutuality in love” Words of one of the reviewers from the Internet Movie Data Base. Drama/ Fantasy/Romance 7.9 on scale of 10 A Place to Call Home #7466 et al The second season of the Australian series added last month. If you have grandchildren coming to visit for Christmas and are worried about how to entertain them, we have dozens of animated children’s movies available. But, alas, they are on VHS tapes. If you do not have a tape player and you want to keep the little guys happy, we can transfer them to DVDs for you. Drop in and check out the titles; you will be surprised. Merry Christmas to one and all from the devoted volunteers of the Video Library, even the manager.
TED Talks TED Talks are held in the Sala Tuesdays from 12 noon to 1:15 p.m. Open to members only. December 6 hosted by Rick Rhoda: Transportation Engineer, Wanis Kabbaj: “What a Driverless World Could Look Like�. It takes the average American workers 26 minutes each way to commute to work, up from 22 minutes in 1980 equals nine full 24 hour days commuting each year. Even with more urban highways being built, why are commute times increasing? What can be done to reduce all the hours wasted commuting? Wanis Kabbaj, examines a range of solutions. December 13 hosted by Ron Mullenaux: Historian David Christian offers “The History of Our World in 18 Minutes�. Backed by stunning illustrations, David Christian narrates a complete history of the universe, from the Big Bang to the Internet, in a riveting 18 minutes. This is “Big History�- an enlightening, wide-angle look at complexity, life and humanity, set against our slim share of the cosmic timeline. December 20 hosted by Reba Mayo, Neuroscientist Sophie Scott: presents “Why We Laugh�. Sophie Scott, Deputy Director of University College of London’s Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience and pioneering researcher into the science of laughter, discovered a second vocation: that of stand-up comic. This is a fast, funny dash around the sometimes surprising world of what make us laugh.
Neighborhood Movie Night at Wilkes The Wilkes Education Centre (WEC), presents family films, free of charge every Friday night at 7 p.m. All films presented in Spanish. Films for December: December 2 La Mujer sin Alma December 9 El Libro de la Selva December 16 Los Cachorros Salvan la Navidad The Wilkes Education Centre (also called the Neill James Biblioteca Publica de Ajijic), is located at Galeana 18. Call 766-2940 for information.
Follow Us on Facebook Now you can follow us on Facebook. Keep up on all things LCS - programs, activities, special events, updates and news. Like us at lakechapalasociety.
Neill James Lectures: A New Series on Being Human December 6 Extreme Bodies: Humanity’s Journey from the Savannah to the Soda and Beyond, Our first presentation on Being Human. Dr. Nina G. Jablonski Anthropologist and  paleobiologist, known for her research into the evolution of skin color in humans, and author of two books Skin: A Natural History and Living Color: The Biological and Social Meaning of Skin Color, looks at our biological and cultural evolution over the last 2 million years, including how we evolved to be physically active. December 13 What Explains the Rise of Humans?  Yuval Noah Harari, a lecturer in history at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, in his book Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, asks what made homo sapiens the most successful species on the planet. His answer: We are the only animal that can believe in things that exist purely in our imagination, such as gods, states, money, human rights, corporations and other “fictionsâ€?. We have developed a unique ability to use these stories to unify and organize groups and ensure cooperation. December 20 Think Again Because Once Might Not Be Enough We all suffer from defects in thinking, but none is potentially more disastrous than the Survivorship Bias. We pay attention to the successful without realizing the knowledge and wisdom we can get from failures, which often we don’t know existed because they disappear from sight.  Phil will look at the consequences of this bias and how many lives have been saved by recognizing it. Â
THE LCS WEBSITE Did you know that you can search for any book in our collection by simply accessing the LCS website? You can search by title, author or genre or even keyword for any book housed in our library. So, before you spend money to purchase a book online, check out our library’s 26,000 volume collection, one of the largest English language libraries in Latin America. You can also search the Children’s Art Collection, sign-up for PEP and Spanish classes, and renew your library books. There’s plenty more, go and explore now!
Get Your Children’s Art Holiday Cards Now! The Children’s Art Program Holiday Card catalogue is now available at the CafÊ Corazón on the LCS campus. Order forms can be found in the back of the catalogue. All orders will be fulfilled within three days.
THE LAKE CHAPALA SOCIETY, A.C. 16 de Septiembre #16-A, Ajijic, Jalisco LCS Main Office: (376) 766-1140 Office, information and other services - Monday-Saturday, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Grounds open until 5:00 p.m. LCS BOARD OF DIRECTORS. President - Ben White (2018); Vice-President - Cate Howell (2017); Treasurer - Michael Searles (2017); Secretary - Carole Wolff (2018); Directors: Matthew Butler (2018); Dee Dee Camhi (2017); Lois Cugini (2017); Barbara Hildt (2017); Geoffrey Kaye (2018) Yoli Martinez (2017); George Radford (2018) Immediate Past President: Howard Feldstein. * Executive Director - Terry Vidal
The LCS Newsletter is published monthly. Deadline for submissions is the 17th of the month preceding publication. Submit all news items to 1RWH 7KH HGLWRULDO VWDয় UHVHUYHV WKH ULJKW WR HGLW DOO VXEPLVVLRQV DFFRUGLQJ WR WLPH VSDFH DYDLODELOLW\ DQG HGLWRULDO GHFLVLRQ
Saw you in the Ojo 83
El Ojo del Lago / December 2016
Saw you in the Ojo 85
(0(5*(1&< 180%(56
(/ 2-2 '(/ /$*2 Tel. 765-3676
$/&2+2/,&6 $121<0286 $/&2+2/,&6 $121<0286 Tel: 766-5961
$1,0$/ &/,1,&6 3(7 6+23 - CLINICA VETERINARIA SAN ANTONIO Tel: 766-0808 Pag: 20 '((¶6 3(7 +27(/ Tel: 331-765-7074 3DJ /$.(6,'( )5,(1'6 2) 7+( $1,0$/6 $& Tel: 765-5544 3DJ 0$6.27$¶6 /$.( Tel: 766-0287 3DJ - PET PLACE Cell: 333-1964-150 3DJ 3(7 )22' $1' *5220,1* Tel: 766-3062 3DJ 9(7(5,1$5,$ 2PDU (GXDUGR 5H\HV Tel: 766-0725, 3DJ
* ART GALLERIES/HANDCRAFTS - ART HOUSE Tel: 765-5097 3DJ $=7(& 678',2 3DJ - DIANE PEARL COLECCIONES Tel: 766-5683 Pag: 11 (/ &25$=21 &5($7,92 7+( &5($7,9( HEART 3DJ - LA BELLA VIDA Tel: 766-5131 Pag: 10 0(;,&$1 .$/(,'26&23( Tel: 108-0887 3DJ - NADINA DE NADA 3DJ 62/ 0(;,&$12 Tel: 766-0734 3DJ =$5$*2=$ 678',2 Tel: 766-0573, 766-7049 3DJ
$872027,9( - FRATS Tel: 765-2505, 765-3946 - LINEA PROFESIONAL Tel. 766-2555, Fax. 766-0066
Pag: 16 3DJ
* BAKERY - ROCHATAS Chapala: 376-765-3150 Jocotepec: 387-763-0295 6&$1',1$9,$ 6RXUGRXJK %DNHU\ Tel: 766-0604
Pag: 10
* BEER & LIQUOR STORES %(72¶6 :,1( /,4825 Cell: (045) 333-507-3024 9,126 /,&25(6 3$= Tel: 766-0292
$ 3,//2: 678))(' :,7+ ',$021'6 %\ 0DUJDUHW 9DQ (YHU\ 3DJ $ 62/',(5¶6 621 Pag: 61
* BOUTIQUE &86720 6(:,1* - ARATI Tel. 766-0130 - CUGINIS OPUS BOUTIQUE Tel/Fax: 766-1790 0, 0(;,&2 Tel: 766-0133 2/*$¶6 Tel: 766-1699
3DJ 3DJ 3DJ Pag: 21 Pag: 61 3DJ 3DJ 3DJ 3DJ 3DJ 3DJ
- STEREN Tels. 766-0599, 766-0630
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)80,*$7,21 (;7(50,1,2 '( 3/$*$6 Tel: 765-3237, Cell: 331-102-0834 3DJ
'5 9,&725 - <28&+$ Tel: 766-1973 3DJ - INTERLAGO CHIROPRACTIC Tel: 766-3000 3DJ
* CHURCHES / CONGREGATION /$.( &+$3$/$ -(:,6+ &21*5(*$7,21 Tel: 766-2668 3DJ
- SPRING CLEAN Tel: 765-2953 - THE CLEAN SPOT Tel: 766-5444 Cell: 33-3137-5364
Pag: 06
&216,*10(17 6+23
- CALLI 3DJ Tel: 766-5922 - 7(0385 0$775(66 $1' 3,//2:6 Tel: (52) 333-629-5919, (52) 33 3611-3049 3DJ
$8720$7,& *$5$*( '225 23(1(56 Tel: 766-4973 3DJ
* GARDENING $-,-,& :$7(5 *$5'(16 Tel: 766-4386 - GARCEN CENTER Tel: 765-5973
*5$1,7( 0$5%/( 0$5%/( *5$1,7( Tel: 766-1306
*(1(5$/ +20( 6(59,&(6 $PDQFLR 5DPRV -U Cell: (045) 331-520-3054 3DJ 0$5%/( *5$1,7( Tel: 766-1306 3DJ :$5:,&. &216758&7,21 Tel: 765-2224 3DJ 52%(572 0,//$1 $5&+,7(&7 Tel: 766-3771, Cell: 331-340-3758 3DJ
* GRILLS - NAPOLEON Tel: 766-6153
+$5':$5( 6725(6 )(55(7(5,$ < 7/$3$/(5,$ *$/9(= Tel: 766-0880, Fax: 766-2440 3DJ
* HEALTH 3DJ 3DJ Pag: 11 3DJ
* HOTELS / SUITES - DOLPHIN COVE INN Tel: 314-334-1515 - HACIENDA DEL LAGO Tel: 766-0907, 766-0937 - LA NUEVA POSADA Tel: 766-1444, 766-1344
* INSURANCE - BLUE ANGEL SOLUTIONS Tel: 766-0547 3DJ - LAKESIDE INSURANCE - EDGAR CEDEÃ&#x2018;O Cell: (045) 33-3106-6982 Pag: 16 - PARKER INSURANCE SERVICES Tel: 765-5287, 765-4070 3DJ 3527(;3/$1 U.S. Toll Free 1-800-608-5743 Mexico Toll Free 01-800-681-6730 3DJ - TIOCORP Tel: 766-4828 3DJ
* LEGAL SERVICES $-,-,& /(*$/ 6(59,&(6 Cell: (045) 33 1172 1724 - SOLBES & SOLBES ABOGADOS Tel: 331-520-5529, 333-676-6245
- REAL ORTEGA & SONS-+DUGZDUH IRU &DUSHQWHUV Tel: 765-2404, 765-3404 3DJ
0$// 0$5.(7 - CENTRO LAGUNA Tel: 766-5514
$-,-,& '(6,*1 Tel. 333-457-2981
- CORE TRAINING IN CHAPALA Tel: 766-3860, 333 474 1192 3DJ
El Ojo del Lago / December 2016
$-,-,& '(17$/ Tel: 766-3682 & ' 0$5Ã&#x2039;$ /8,6$ /8,6 9,//$ Tel/Fax: 766-2428 & ' 6$1'5$ $1$<$ 025$ Tel: 108-0977, Cell: 331-218-6241 - CHAPALA DENTAL CARE Tel. 765-5584, 766-3847
),6+ 0$5.(7
/21$6 0(;,&2 Tel: 766-0045, Cell: 33-3956-4852
Pag: 20
&20081,&$7,216 3DJ
- AFRODITA Tel: 766-6187 $1*(/¶6 &5,6&2 6$/21 Tel: 766-4073 - ART OF BEAUTY Tel: 766-1731 &+5,67,1(¶6 Tel: 106-0864 (',7+¶6 6$/21 Tel: 766-1510 - GLORIOSA Tel: 766-3372 - GLOSS NAIL SALON Tel: 766-0375 - HAIR BY SASHA Tel: 765-2223, Cell: 33-3362-1272 1(: /22. 678',2 Tel: 766-6000 - ONLY GELISH Cell: 33-3676-5456 - PANACHE Tel: 766-228, 333-404-5276
Pag: 21
%$1. ,19(670(17 ,17(5&$0 Tel: 766-5980 08/7,9$ Tel: 766-2499
- CASA DEL SOL Tel: 766-0050 - CASA FLORES Tel: 766-5493 - CASA TRES LEONES Cell: (045) 331-350-6764
'(17$/ (;35(66 Tel: 106-2080 3DJ - DENTAL HEALTH ONE Tel: 106-0826 3DJ - DENTAL OFFICE-Dr. Francisco Contreras Tel: 01 (376) 765 5757 3DJ - DR. ALBERTO DON OLIVERA Tels: 765-4838, 765-4805 Pag: 12 '5$ $1*(/,&$ $/'$1$ /(0$ ''6 Tel. 765-5364, Cell. (045) 331 351 7797 3DJ - LAKE CHAPAL DENTAL GROUP Tels: 766 0144, 108 1707 3DJ 0& '(17$/ Cell. 33-1850-8664 3DJ - ODONTO CLINICK Tel: 766-5050 3DJ
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Pag: 02
0($7 328/75< &+((6( - PURITAN POULTRY Tel: 765-4399 721<¶6 Tel: 766-1614
0(',&$/ 6(59,&(6 - ALTA RETINA - Dr. Rigoberto Rios León 2SKWKDOPLF 6XUJHRQ Tel: 766-1521 3DJ %,2/2*,&$/ 0(',&,1( )520 *(50$1< Tel: (33) 3070 3362 / 3070 3372 Cell: 33 3408 5909 3DJ %,267(0 3DJ &$6,7$ 0217$f$ Tel: 766-5513 3DJ &+$3$/$ 0(' Tel: 765-6399, Cell: (045) 331-605-9645 3DJ &/,1,&$ < )$50$&,$ 0$6.$5$6 Tel: 765-4805 3DJ - COUNSELER TANATOLOGIST Cell. 33-1863-32136 3DJ '(50$72/2*,67 Tel: 765-2400, Cell: (045) 333-170-6570 3DJ '(50,.$ 'HUPDWRORJLF &HQWHU Tel: 766-2500 3DJ '5 $/(-$1'52 /23(= Tel: 766-5513 3DJ - DR. GABRIEL VARELA Tel: 765-6666, Cell: 333-128-6347 3DJ - DR. HECTOR BRISEÃ&#x2018;O G. - Interventional &DUGLRORJ\ Tel: 766-1870 Pag: 26 '5 -$0(6 -$5$0,//2 &+$9(= 0 ' 0HGLFDO 3V\FKLDWU\ Tel: 765-4805 3DJ '5 -8$1 0 $&(9(6 0 Tel: 766-1244, Cell. 331-429-1343 3DJ
'5 /$:5(1&( 52:( :+,7(+8567 Tel: 766-5265 3DJ '5$ &/$8',$ / &$0$&+2 &+2=$ 2SKWKDOPRORJLVW Tel: 33-1750-8504 3DJ '5$ 0$57+$ 5 %$//(67(526 )5$1&2 Cell: (045) 333-408-0951 3DJ - GO LAB Tel: 106-0881 Pag: 20 +263,7$/ $-,-,& Tel: 766-0500, 766-0662 3DJ +263,7$/ $1*(/(6 '(/ &$50(1 Tel: (01) 3813-0042 3DJ ,&0, 0LQLPDOO\ ,QYDVLYH &DUGLRYDVFXODU Interventions Cell: (044) 333-157-4741 3DJ - ISILAB Tel: 766-1164 3DJ - LAKESIDE CARDIOLOGY CLINIC - Dr. Salvador 0R\D Tel: (387) 763-0665 3DJ /$.(6,'( 0(',&$/ *5283 Tel: 766-0395 3DJ - PLASTICA LIFT Tel: 108-0595 3DJ 3/$67,& 685*(5< 'U %HQMDPLQ 9LOODUDQ Tel: 766-5513 3DJ - QUALITY CARE Tel: 766-1870 3DJ 5,&$5'2 +(5(',$ 0 ' Tel: 765-2233 3DJ 9$5,&26( 9(,16 75($70(17 Tel: 765-4805 3DJ
029(56 /$.( &+$3$/$ 029,1* Tel: 766-5008 67520 :+,7( 029(56 Tel: 766-6153 7+( 029(56 /$.(6,'( Tel: 01 55-5767-5134
Pag: 06 3DJ 3DJ
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* PAINT 48,52= ,PSHUPHDELOL]DQWHV Tel: 766-2311 48,52= 3LQWXUDV Tel: 766-5959
3DJ Pag: 26
* PERSONAL ASSISTANCE 1(:&20(56 ,/6( +2))0$11, Tel 01(33) 3647-3912 Cell (045) 33-3157-2541
3+$50$&,(6 )$50$&,$ &5,67,1$ Tel: 766-1501 )$50$&,$ (;35(66 ,, Tel: 766-0656 )$50$&,$ 0$6.$5$6 Tel/Fax: 765-5827 )$50$&,$ 81,&$ Tel: 766-0523, Cell: 33-3190-0010 )$50(; Tel: 765-5004
* PHYSICAL REHABILITATION ),6,2 1(: /,)( Tel. 766-4284, Cell. 33-1293-1270
* REAL ESTATE $-,-,& +20( ,163(&7,216 Tel: 766-2836 3DJ %,(1&20 Cell: 33-1412-4675 Pag: 62 - CHULA VISTA NORTE Tel: 766-2177 Cell: (045) 33-1892-2194 3DJ - CIELOVISTA Tel: 766-2688 3DJ &2/':(// %$1.(5 &+$3$/$ 5($/7< Tel: 766-1152, 766-3369 Fax: 766-2124,
Tels: 765-2877 Fax: 765-3528 3DJ - CONTINENTAL REALTY Tel: 766-1994 3DJ &80%5(6 Tel: 766-2688 3DJ - DON SNELL Cell 33-1005-9129 Pag: 21 - EAGER & ASOCIADOS Tel: (376) 766 1917, 1918 3DJ )25 6$/( %< 2:1(5 Tel: 331-256-9255 3DJ )25 6$/( %< 2:1(5 Tel: 3313 1961 06, U.S.: (209) 981 4485 3DJ )25 6$/( %< 2:1(5 Tel: 763-5297 3DJ )25 6$/( %< 2:1(5 Tel: 33-2310-1860 3DJ *(25*(77( 5,&+021' Tel: 766-2077 Pag: 11 *(5$5'2 0(',1$ Cell. 331-121-7034 Pag: 21 -8',7 5$-+$7+< Cell: (045) 331 - 395 - 9849 3DJ /8&, 0(55,77 Tel: 766-1917, 766-1918 3DJ 0(*$1 7,1*(1 Tel: 765-2877 3DJ 035 5($/ (67$7( Tel: (315) 351-5167 3DJ 3(7(5 67 -2+1 Tel: 765-3676, 331-323-0893 Pag: 66 - SANDI ALLIN BRISCOE Tel: 765-2484, 331-563-8941 3DJ 62&2552 :21&+(( Tel: 766-1917, 1918 3DJ 5$8/ *21=$/(= Cell: 33-1437-0925 3DJ - ROBERT BICHLBAUER Cell: 332-164-5301 3DJ - VISTA ALEGRE Tel: 766-2688 3DJ
³/$ 7$9(51$´'(, 48$7752 025, Tel: 766-2848 Pag: 21 /26 02//(7(6 Tel: 766-4296 3DJ 0$1,; Tel: 766-0061, Cell: (045) 331-065-0725 3DJ 0(/¶6 Tel: 331-402-4223 3DJ 020¶6 '(/, 5(67$85$17 Tel: 765-5719 3DJ - PANINO Tel: 766-3822 3DJ 3,==(5,$ 726&$1$ Tel: 765-6996 3DJ 6,03/< 7+$, Tel: 766-4767, Cell: 333-393-2770 3DJ - TEPETATE THAI RESTAURANT Tel: 766-2020 3DJ - THE BAGEL PLACE Tel: 766-0664 3DJ - THE PEACOCK GARDEN Tel: 766-1381 Pag: 61 75,3¶6 %85*(5 3DJ 721<¶6 Tel: 766-1614, 766-4069 3DJ - YVES Tel: 766-3565 Pag: 26
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&2/':(//%$1.(5 &+$3$/$ 5($/7< Tel: 766-1152, movile: (045) 33-1175-9632 3DJ - FOR RENT 3DJ Tel: 765-2671 - FOR RENT Tel: 387-761-0987, Cell: 33-1344-3192 3DJ -25*( 7255(6 3DJ Tel: 766-3737 +$&,(1'$ 305 3DJ Tel: 766-3320 0$1=$1,//2 9$&$7,21 5(17$/6 Tel: (314) 100-6773 or (314) 109-0657 3DJ - SANTANA RENTALS Cell: 315-104-3283 3DJ
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The Ojo Crossword
Saw you in the Ojo 87
:$17(' Any suggestions on where, in the Lakeside area, to take a car for speaker repair? Email: FOR SALE: Mexican car, I am the original owner, fresh tune up and brakes, 180 km, 4 cylinder, auto, loaded.. a/c condition. $69.999. No emails, Call: 322-146-5496. :$17(' If you have an enclosed trailer, please call Ralph at 766-1404. FOR SALE: 2012 EZ GO golf cart with roof and wind shield in excellent condition. Comes with plastic/vinyl cover. Located in San Antonio near Super Lake Store. $59,000 pesos. Phone. 376-766-5689. FOR SALE: Volkswagen polo 2004. 4 FLOLQGHU HVWDQGDUW DOO HOHFWULF D F ZRUNV ÂżQH Jalisco plates. Tires new. Price $67000 pesos. Call: 333-459-5533. :$17(' Looking for Vocho (VW Original Beetle) in excellent condition. Email: FOR SALE: Mazda CX-5 Sport 2014, one owner, 56,000 kms, maintenance records at the dealer, still under warranty. Price: $279,000 pesos. Call me at 331-2692696, Rafael.
FOR SALE: HP Cartridges. 61 XL color and 61XL Black. $250.00 each or $450 for both. Pick up in Chapala Haciendas. 376765-6348 FOR SALE: Xerox Model 510 High Speed Scanner. )ODWEHG RU $') :RUNV ÂżQH Needs updated drivers for W10, only works on XP now. Pick up in Chapala Haciendas. 376-765-6348. :$17(' I am looking for a used laptop in good condition. Does not need to many bells and whistles but would require HDMI capability. Emai: FOR SALE: Apple....MacBook Air... 322146-5496 in Ajijic, 11 inches. $399 usd. I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t reply to emails. FOR SALE: Apple Watch Version 1. Have used this Apple Watch Sport Model (syncs with iPhone 5 and later) for only two months. questions at (376-766-3420) or (331-746-1288) or email me at jbrickman@ I am asking $200 but will entertain DOO Rá&#x201A;&#x2021;HUV FOR SALE: All In One Dell Computer. Purchased one year ago. Has Windows 8.1 in Spanish, and it is in great condition in all ways. It is a Dell 7X3270 (thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s an AMD A4-5000 quad core CPU with 4 Gigs of RAM. Cost was $8,290p. I would say the lady will let it go for $6,500p. Contact me if you are interested and I will put you in touch Mike. Email: FOR SALE: House cleaning various PC items for sale or free. Pay in USD or MXN equivalent. All PC products work with Windows, most with Linux. No idea about Apple. Please visit the page and check all the items at: ZZZ H FODVVLÂżHGV FKDSDOD FRP. Email: :$17(' Where can I have a laser printer repaired in Ajijic or Chapala? Email: FOR SALE: Unused Micro Innovations wireless keyboard and optical mouse, still in the original packaging, for Windows 98/ME/ NT 4.0/2000/XP. $275mxn. Call 376-7655085 or email FOR SALE: 4 HP printer cartridges: 3 remanufactured black cartridges (98) and 1 manufacturerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s original color cartridge (99). These are still in their sealed packages. While there is no guarantee, they are being sold for a fraction of their actual value. $200mxn. Call
376-765-5085 or email britkennels@msn. com. FOR SALE: HP Photosmart Printer Cartridges (HP 02). This is a box of 45 remanufactured HP Photosmart HP02 ink cartridges still in their original, sealed packages. 5 - Black 7 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Cyan, 8 - Light Cyan, 7 - Light Magenta, 9 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Magenta, 9 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Yellow, The black cartridges are 20ml. Price: $750mxn. Call: 376-765-5085 or email britkennels@msn. com.
FOR SALE: Petco Adjustable Mesh Harness for Dogs in Green & Gray. Fully adjustDEOH IRU D VQXJ FXVWRP ÂżW %UHDWKDEOH OLJKWly padded mesh for the utmost in comfort. Nylon strap has two metal D-rings to attach a leash & extra tab for attaching an ID tag or FKDUP %ROG FRORUV JXQPHWDO ÂżQLVK PHWDO hardware to showcase your dogâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sense of style. ( Med Size.) $297.00mxp. Email: richDUGÂżVFHOOD#SURGLJ\ QHW P[ FREE: Dogs need homes. Mexican rescue 4 years old about 30 lbs male. Buchone mixed 5 years old about 20 lbs male. Mexican rescue black lab mix 7 years old about 70 lbs. female. Boxer 10 years old about 50 lbs. male. All are spayed or neutered. Contact at Cell 331-425-7787. FOUND: FEMALE BASSET HOUND. Found in West Ajijic, close to Villa Nova. 28 lb Female Basset Hound, good condition, very well behaved. Contact Carol 331-512-6432. FREE: Lab mix needs a good home. Molly is a one year old, housebroken, lab mix. She is healthy, has been spayed, and KDV DOO KHU VKRWV 6KH LV Dá&#x201A;&#x2021;HFWLRQDWH DQG gentle. She is shy around strangers and friendly to other dogs. Email: bob.patience@
FOR SALE: Android TV boxes...Loaded with KODI. Kodi is an app that brings you every movie ever made, every series, live networks, live sports, documentaries, Nat Geo, Discovery, Hallmark, HGTV, Lifetime, History etc... There are no fees after. No geo-restrictions. Just wonderful viewing of pretty much anything you want. Networks from Spain, Germany, South America, Mexico etc... The boxes are $2500 pesos installed and with ongoing support. Email: :$17(' Need electric weed wacker in good/new condition. Please PM me if you are interested in selling one. Email: jausten09@ :$17(' Wanted Power Washer in good/new condition. Email: FOR SALE: Toastmaster food slicer, household. $1000 pesos. Please PM me if interested. Email: FOR SALE: Four older door knobs and associated hardware. $100 pesos OBO. Email: FOR SALE: BLU Dash JR 4.0k Smart Phone. Loaded with SIM card but never used. Paid $230.00usd will accept $2000pesos. Please call Susanne at 376-766-4456, cel 333-104-7455. FOR SALE: Satellite Receiver DSR SHAW 209. SHAW DIRECT DSR RSN209. Paid 1200 pesos asking 1000pesos. Please call Susanne at 376-766-4456 - cell 333-104-7455. FOR SALE: DVD player hardly used great for DVDâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s from Oscar Wednesday market Ajijic phone 108-1748 or write sanbt69@ FOR SALE: Older TV 19in color phone 108-1748 or write
El Ojo del Lago / December 2016
FOR SALE: Rose colored recliner chair for sale near new condition. Material not leather or vinyl. Phone 1081-748 or write FOR SALE: I have a one and a half horse power motor and attached pump in excellent condition for sale. Price is negotiable. Email: FOR SALE: Living Room Set. A three SLHFH FKHVWHUÂżHOG VHW 1HXWUDO FRORU FUHDP only one year old. Must sell 7500 pesos. Call 387-761-0021 or email rennicint@yahoo. com. :$17(' Does anyone live in the Racquet Club and use ATT cellular for your smart phone provider? or know someone? I am moving to RC next week and Telmex has NO lines available for RC, so I must use a smart phone to get internet. Reply here or call (333) 841-7228. Patricia. FOR SALE: Commercial Grade Meat Grinder. SHVRV RU EHVW Rá&#x201A;&#x2021;HU (PDLO FOR SALE: Dog sweaters for small to medium dogs. Very reasonable. Call 376765-6348. :$17(' Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d like to buy a copy of Living in Lake Chapala book. Diane Pearl no longer carries them. Ron. Email: elasupa@ FOR SALE: Two chaise lounges. They are heavy duty. Do not need cushions. Cell: 331-125-8877. :$17(' Does anyone know anyplace that sells used motor scooter parts in the Lakeside area? Ron. Email: elasupa@gmail. com. FOR SALE: IW VWHSODGGHU :HUQHU ÂżEHUglass. $1500 pesos. Cell: 331-125-8877. FOR SALE: Menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s left-handed golf clubs (Tour Edge woods, Mizuno irons, bag, and balls). 3000 pesos. 331-944-2955. :$17(' We are seeking a 54 cm road bike, for a family member which will be visiting for 5 days. Prefer to rent, but will consider other (purchase). Email: pwdpwrd@gmail. com. FOR SALE: Geonics EM 16 VLF unit with new crystals from Geonics Toronto. Manual and padded carrier. Many uses in mineral exploration and hydrology. Email: FOR SALE: Bed Canopy mosquito netWLQJ ÂżWV XS WR NLQJ VL]H EHG SHVRV (PDLO FOR SALE: Large traditional black iron Mexican chandelier for foyer or living/dining area, approx. 1 meter wide and high, 2000 pesos, send inquiry to tucantalk@ FOR SALE: Whirlpool dishwasher in excellent working condition. Bargain at $130 USD or Peso equivalent. Call 766-1177. FOR SALE: Bosch Gas Cooktop. 28 inch x 20 inch 5 burner cook top, excellent condition. Similar to $900 USD model at Lowes, 1,800 MXP. will deliver. 333-199-7453. FOR SALE: Weber Q1000 portable BBQ Grill complete with gas tank and all attachments. Electronic push button ignition and full burner control. Plus Weber folding/rolling VWDQG DQG FRYHU *RRG FRQGLWLRQ ÂżYH \HDUV old and in regular use. USD $100 or MXN pesos $2,000. Ajijic phone 376-766-1498. FOR SALE: TV box loaded with software for US TV shows. Works with most keyboards and mice to function like a PC. $75 & $90 respectively. Setup instruction and support available if needed. Located near San Juan Cosala. 331-547-3129. FOR SALE: Car Box for your Hitch. Measures 2 feet x 4 feet wide. $1200p. Email: FOR SALE: Shaw Receivers. DSR630 -
$5500p. DSR630 - $5200p. These 2 record 600 - $3000p no box 600 - $2800p. 600 $2500p. All HD. Email: julieywayne@yahoo. com. :$17(' Looking for a good condition 2 line telephone. This is a telephone that you can connect two telephone number to Sterens had them on sale (model tel-250) and they sold out. Reply here or email: ken. or call my one line telephone at 766-1087 FOR SALE: Naturalizer Sandals. Color is â&#x20AC;&#x153;spring denim lea,â&#x20AC;? which is a pretty denim-shirt gray-blue. Style is Cyrus. Sz 7.5 M womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, sling back, rounded, covered toe, leather upper. Wedge with heel height of 1 to 1.25 inches. 800 pesos, paid $64. Email: :$17(' Wanted - one outdoor chaise cushion. PM me if you have one with details/ price etc. Email: FOR SALE: Motorola cordless phone 6.0 ZRUNV ÂżQH 3ULFH SHVRV &DOO FOR SALE: Obus Forme Ergonomic Seat in black, from Unused in perfect condition. Receives very good reviews. I paid $40 USD + $17.61 shipping and handling but will not charge for S/H. Asking price $30 USD. call 376-766-3103 or email FOR SALE: 18 Cubic foot GE refrigerator for sale 4000 pesos. Email: rskryd@ :$17(' In need of a foam mattress topper, preferably memory foam. Email: :$17(' Would like to buy, rent or borrow a single bed/twin bed, cama individual. Needed from January 1 to January 17. Email: FOR SALE: King Size Polyester Fill Duvet Insert. No cover. 600 Pesos. 376-7663416. :$17(' Want to buy used washing machine in good condition. Electric. Phone Patricia (333) 841-7228 or 766-4422. FOR SALE: MOSQUITO REPELLENT. I bought several bottles of 40% '((7 UHSHOOHQW ,W LV VR Há&#x201A;&#x2021;HFWLYH WKDW , think I have too much bottles now. It is the VWXá&#x201A;&#x2021; WKH\ XVH LQ UHDO LQIHVWHG ]RQHV $Othough not really ecologic, it is approved by EPA. Pesos $225.00 each. Email: :$17(' Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m looking for a mid to large VL]HG GHKXPLGLÂżHU RU D VWRUH WKDW VHOOV WKHP call Ron at 331-717-2437. FOR SALE: Pool cue tips/chalk. 1 package of cue tips & cement (assorted, 1114mm). 1 package of 3 push on tips (11mm). 1 package of billiard chalk (6). All items made by Viper in their original packages. $65mxn. Please call 765-5085 or e-mail britkennels@ :$17(' Looking for outdoor chaise lounge cushion. My light green, Sunbrella IDEULF ORXQJH FKDLU FXVKLRQ KDV ÂżQDOO\ ELWten the dust. Am looking for a new one, or gently used one and/or recommendations as to where to look for one. Email: FOR SALE: Inkjet Ink, unopened bottle. /RRNV OLNH LWÂśV OLWHU *UHDW LI \RX UHÂżOO \RXU own cartridges. $150, you pick up in Chapala. 376-75-6348. FOR SALE: Wii System & many extra goodies. The package includes all of the following (many still in their original packaging): -- Wii game console --4 controls (2 regular and 2 â&#x20AC;&#x153;nunchukâ&#x20AC;? style) --Power up charging stand --Wii Fit Plus exercise board. Price: $2250mxn. Pls call 376-765-5085 or email britkennels@msn. com.
FOR SALE: Ritchey Pro 4 axis bicycle stem. 100mm. Barely used. $500mxn. Pls call 376-765-5085 or email britkennels@ :$17(' We are helping a friend of ours who is on a very tight budget. She has just moved into a small place in Chapala. She is in need of some full size cotton sheets, towels, dishes, glasses, blanket, tablecloth, a comfortable chair, bath mat, kitchen rug or larger rug for living area, cleaning supplies (such as dust pan, etc), small gardening supplies such as pots, tools. Email: FOR SALE: Electrical Wheelchair for sale. $18000 pesos. Include two batteries, little use, almost like new. Washer machine gas, like new, only 3 hours used. $5000 pesos. For more info please call Raul 333-4595533, he can answer for you. FOR SALE: Warren Hardy Level 1 Spanish workbook and CDs. Good condition. Please PM me for contact info. Email: FOR SALE: Love seat and over-sized chair $3,000 pesos for the set. Located in Roca Azul in Jocotepec. Call Riley at 387763-0263. Or cell phone 333-480-5571. FOR SALE: Electric hospital bed comes with rails and mattress. Two and a half years old. Please call me to make arrangements to see; also you will have to pick up. I can send pictures. Can be disassembled easily. Price: $12,000. Phone: 376-766-5024 or 331-1914094 FOR SALE: &Rá&#x201A;&#x2021;HH [ [ VRID
23square x 24 TV stand with 4 open shelves on rollers 51x15x23 sturdy/excellent condition or ready for painting. Call: 766-1071. FOR SALE: Have a single piece of sheer curtain for sale. It is approx. 8.5 ft. wide by 7.5 ft. tall. Please email me at quereterokid@ Please call 331-382-4771if interested for phone and directions. Asking 800 pesos. :$17(' Looking to purchase an Oxygen machine anyone have one they want to sell. Email: FOR SALE: Beautiful Pine Display Case w/5 display shelves. 204cm (H) x 45cm (D) [ FP : SDQHV RI JODVV Âż[HG LQ WKH center (1 upper and 1 lower) and the left and right are doors. Center panes measure 52cm (W) x 82cm (L). Doors measure 44cm (W) x 82cm (L) (contents not included). Price: $375USD or Peso equivalent. Tel: 376-7655085 or FOR SALE: Clothes manufacturing equipment. Selling two steel, saw horse type supports, one cutting board of three quarter inch plywood with cutting slot. Electric scissors, price tag attached, all for 5,000 pesos. Also available, various colors of special cotton materials to make Ropa de Manta clothing, priced cheaply with purchase of equipment above. This is all in Jocotepec. Pictures possible by e mail later. Email:
Saw you in the Ojo 89
El Ojo del Lago / December 2016