El Ojo del Lago - February 2013

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Saw you in the Ojo



El Ojo del Lago / February 2013

Saw you in the Ojo


Richard Tingen


Alejandro Grattan-Domínguez Tel: (01376) 765 3676, 765 2877 Fax: (01376) 765 3528 Associate Publisher David Tingen Graphic Design Roberto C. Rojas Sandra Hernandez Special Events Editor Kay Davis Associate Editor Jim Tipton Contributing Editor Paul Jackson Contributing Editor Mark Sconce Drama Critic Michael Warren Art Critic Rob Mohr Roving Correspondent Dr. Lorin Swinehart Sales Managers Omar Medina Bruce Fraser Office Secretary Rocio Madrigal ADVERTISING OFFICE Av. Hidalgo # 223, Chapala Mon. thru Fri. 9am - 5pm Sat. 9am - 1pm Tel. 01 (376) 765 2877, 765 3676 Fax 01 (376) 765 3528 Send all correspondence, subscriptions or advertising to: El Ojo del Lago http://www.chapala.com ojodellago@prodigy.net.mx Ave. Hidalgo 223 (or Apartado 279), 45900 Chapala, Jalisco Tels.: (376) 765 3676, Fax 765 3528 PRINTING: El Debate





Ed Tasca is of the firm opinion that the Lakeside area is good not only for your soul, but for your body, as well—a special place ideal for revival, restoration, rebirth and even redemption.

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Herbert Piekow reminds us that the Annual Lake Chapala Writers Conference is coming up on March 7 and 8 at the Nueva Posada in Ajijic. As always, the list of speakers include many awardwinning writers.


Editor’s Page


Uncommon Sense


Bridge by Lake



Joyful Musings


Welcome to Mexico


Grape Expectations

Jim Tipton reviews Robin Bayley’s enchanting book, The Mango Orchard, a chronicle of the author’s quest to follow in the footsteps of his great-grandfather, who came from England to Mexico in the early part of the 20th century.


Carol Curtis relates how a request from her gardener set her off on an adventure that ended in friendship, community spirit and gained confidence for all who participated in it.


Neil McKinnon continues to psychoanalyze the “Canadian Character” and writes of a tendency to preface every action with an apology, such as “I’m sorry I left my shin where you were going to kick.” That Neil is himself a Canadian only mixes up the matter even further.

82 UNWELCOME BEDFELLOWS Jim Evans writes of one of the few things that can cause hysteria and turn even husky, 200 pound ex-pats into blithering cowards: Mexico’s scorpions!

El Ojo del Lago aparece los primeros cinco días de cada mes. (Distributed over the first five days of each month) Certificado de Licitud de Título 3693 Certificado de Licitud de Contenido 3117. Reserva al Título de Derechos de Autor 04-2011-103110024300-102 Control 14301. Permisos otorgados por la Secretaría de Gobernación (EXP. 1/432 “88”/5651 de 2 de junio de 1993) y SEP (Reserva 171.94 control 14301) del 15 de enero de 1994. Distribución: Hidalgo 223 Chapala, Jalisco, México. All contents are fully protected by copyright and may not be reproduced without the written consent of El Ojo del Lago. Opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflect the views of the Publisher or the Editor, nor are we responsible for the claims made by our advertisers. We welcome letters, which should include name, address and telephone number.




El Ojo del Lago / February 2013

20 Anita’s Animals



22 Child of Month


26 Hearts at Work 29 Thunder on Right 42 Lakeside Living 44 Magnificent Mexico 70 View from the South Shore 77 The Ghosts Among Us 81

Front Row Center

85 Stay Healthy 86 The Poets’ Niche 94 The Ojo Crossword 97 The LCS Newsletter 104 Classified Section




Saw you in the Ojo


Editor’s Page Guest Editorial by Fred Mittag Urban Gunslingers


he monstrous killing of children provokes outrage among humanitarians, while it drives paranoid gun nuts into deeper defensive lunacy. It’s manifest idiocy to say we need guns for self-defense. If guns made us safer, we would be the safest country in the world, since there are 300 million guns among us. If you wrote insurance, you wouldn’t lower premiums for a household defended by a gun – you should raise the premiums, because a gun in the house increases liability. For each time a gun is used in self-defense, it’s used eleven times for suicide, seven times in criminal assaults and homicides, and four times in accidental death or injury. That’s a record of only one time in every 22 events for the logic of selfdefense, a percentage so low as to render the argument ludicrous. The Harvard Injury Control Research Center has shown that even among cases where the killers claim self-defense, the gun was most often used in escalating arguments. And their use was both socially undesirable and illegal. This kind of self-defense received publicity in Florida two times in succession. The first was when George Zimmerman felt threatened by a black teenager, Trayvon Martin, who was purchasing candy while dressed in a “hoodie” in the rain. The second was when Michael Dunn felt threatened by the loud music coming from a parked car and then killed Jordan Davis, another black teenager. Both killers are claiming self-defense under Florida’s “stand your ground” law. The Second Amendment is proclaimed the holy altar of gun worship. But that, too, is egregious mendacity. At the founding of our country, nobody had any idea of a national standing army. That’s why the responsibility was given to each state to maintain a “well regulated militia.” George Washington, as pres-


El Ojo del Lago / February 2013

ident, asked the state governors to provide him with 13,000 militia that he personally led to put down the Whiskey Rebellion and to enforce federal authority. Paranoid gun nuts believe the Second Amendment is intended so they can protect themselves against the federal government, when the amendment’s purpose was the exact opposite – to guarantee federal authority. A Republican Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court, Warren Burger, was blunt. In an interview with McNeil-Lehrer, he said, “The Second Amendment has been the subject of one of the greatest pieces of fraud – I repeat the word ‘fraud’ – on the American public by special interest groups that I have ever seen in my lifetime.” His point was that there is no guarantee in the Second Amendment of private gun ownership; it only allows a “well regulated militia” to maintain the “security of a free state.” Nobody can claim the killer at Sandy Hook Elementary was “well regulated.” There was a 66% decrease in the use of assault weapons linked to crimes after President Clinton signed the ban in 1994. Their number continued to dwindle until George W. Bush and the Congress allowed the ban to expire in 2004. When assault weapons again became available, they flooded into the drug cartels and Mexico’s murder rate went up dramatically. And assault weapons have been used in our own mass murders, including Sandy Hook Elementary. That’s their sole purpose, after all. When we toss all the NRA talking points into the garbage dump, we are reduced to a simple fact: America is awash with guns. We have an

astonishing 30 times the per capita gun deaths of France or Australia. Do Americans have darker hearts than Australians or Frenchmen? No, Americans simply suffer a cornucopia of guns not available elsewhere. A preposterous NRA motto is: “Guns don’t kill people; people kill people.” This sounds much too smug and cute, because people use guns as efficient tools of death and 40% of purchases escape background checks – through gun show loopholes, for example. Now NRA chief Wayne LaPierre has expanded the “people kill people” slogan by adding video games and Hollywood. To hear LaPierre and his fanatics tell it, guns had nothing to do with the killings at Sandy Hook Elementary. The answer to protecting school children from “people, video games, and Hollywood” is more guns – yes, arm the teachers with guns! This is delusional insanity. President George H.W. Bush wrote a famous letter canceling his lifetime membership in the NRA. He was offended that LaPierre obscenely labeled federal agents who had been shot and killed as “jackbooted thugs.” Bush was the victims’ boss. The NRA was obscene after Sandy Hook, and former Republican

Chairman Michael Steele said he was “speechless.” Wayne LaPierre doesn’t represent hunters and sportsmen. He represents the money lobby for gun sales and murder. Sandy Hook should finally, at long last, force Americans to denounce LaPierre’s delusions about self-defense, the Second Amendment, and his cute slogans, and say, “Enough!” Fred Mittag

Saw you in the Ojo


LAKESIDE: L AKESIDE: L Lourdes ourdes w without ithout tthe he Rich R ich FFrench rench FFood oo d By Ed Tasca


here’s been a rush to find nature’s own original health balms and cures within every earthly nook and cranny, probably from the time Homo Erectus realized chasing mammoths around all week made for serious joint pain. With all the talk of health issues and aches and pains and tests and surgeries we hear about at Lakeside, because of our age skew, I want to present a different conversation about health and survival at Lakeside. I believe Lakeside might be a unique location like few others on the planet, a confluence of climatic, geo-


logical, natural and culture conditions that make it a special place for revival, restoration, rebirth, even redemption for many of us – a place that could change one’s life. And since emigration from north of the border has dwindled down to a trickle — unless you’re counting automatic weapons – I want to demonstrate some compelling reasons for us to be encouraging, even coaxing our friends and family to come down here to see firsthand what Lakeside has to offer. And of course, to help us raise our property values. I’m not talking about the Tequila Express.

El Ojo del Lago / February 2013

Let me begin by pointing out that there’s still a vast libido down here. Remember the price-war ads between Pepto Bismol and Maalox, or Crest and Colgate? Well, the other day I walked past several of the farmacias in the village, and the ad wars are between Viagra and Cialis. And we all know that competition ain’t for the Mexican market. And when you hear everybody down here talking about deep tissue massage, sacro-lumbar manipulation, hip-pelvis motor stimulation… they’re talking dirty. I started on this investigation, because so many people I knew claimed they experienced unexpected reversals in otherwise troublesome health conditions, dozens, in fact. These were reversals that astounded each and every one of those involved. This was enough anecdotal evidence for me to conclude that the curative effect here isn’t wishful thinking, placebo-trickery, or simply a probabilistic fluke. My first thought about this was quite simple. Lakeside’s confluence of climatic conditions is the type of environment that spawned us hundreds of thousands of years ago and gave us the magnificent physical qualities and brain enhancements we have today and watch weekly on The Kardashians. Lakeside may simply have returned us to those unique circumstances that gave birth to the species and infused us with the vitality and resilience that springs from nature itself. A physician at Lakeside for over 25 years agreed with me. He has also seen visitors shed their disabilities and chuck their medications: ‘We were products of a moderate climate, which at the time was lush and fruitful, and our bodies and internal systems operate most efficiently and productively in a place that doesn’t require us to fight off climate extremes, while providing us with a constant, neverending flow of Vitamin D.’” A doctor of Naturopathy certified by the American Naturopathic Medical Board, added that, “There’s a ‘happiness’ factor here. This overall lack of stress and better moods isn’t just from climate, but from the slower, more serene pace of life, cleaner air from abundant mountain foliage and lack of humidity, and ready access to the outdoors every day. All of this helps rebuild the immune system, which in turn creates greater vitality and feelings of well-being.” What’s more, from a renowned neuroscientist, Robert Epstein, I discovered that “cognitive decline is slowed and moods elevated for those living in a comfortable locale where there are plenty of new sensory stimuli (like the rich palette of flora or an

abundance of nice medicinal herbs, some nicer than others (if you know what I mean), new artistic and musical expressions, community activities and entertainments, exotic experiences, to say nothing of the hustle of learning to accommodate a new culture and a new language. These conditions stimulate the brain and slow brain degeneration. That means, all things being equal, if you forgot where your car keys are here in Ajijic, in Philadelphia or Toronto, you’d have the car keys in your hand but you wouldn’t have a clue what to do with them. Another important benefit to wellbeing that’s always over-looked: the local Mexican people themselves are an even-tempered, gentle people, despite misperceptions abroad. They bring a calm, genial formality to their public appearances. There is rarely a public display of temper, frustration or emotion, something that comes more easily to gringos. This quality of polite formality is something Mesoamerican anthropologists call cortesia, often translated narrowly as courtesy and gentlemanliness. But it’s more than that. It’s an old-fashioned mode of behavior, consisting of restraint and politeness in public—something you might remember from North America during the Fifties, when men tipped their hats and ladies charged into washrooms if they were about to cry. We’ve all experienced cortesia here. What does it do? I think it creates a village-wide sense of serenity we can all relate to. As long as you stay off the carretera. On the carretera, cortesia appears to be… optional. One final thing. There are often exotic remedies here unheard of or even dismissed for lack of scientific backing north of the border. These remedies, while not for everyone, are added nostrums that can help with stubborn illnesses, and might not be available outside of Mexico. And as far as local serenity goes, we gringos contribute to our own tranquility in an interesting way, too. For the most part, horrid news doesn’t enter our local English-language media, at least not in the brutal detail and volume we remember from news media north of the border. We’ve had murderers down here serving us burgers. Investment swindlers at our parties. Relocated felons. Even fist-fighting fraccionamientarians. But it generally stays out of the public record. This absence of bad news is an insulation that reduces anxiety and stress, and leaves us to think of nothing but our various moveable feasts. So, to be absolutely clear, there are

no guarantees of miraculous cures at Lake Chapala. Nobody suddenly sees religious figures in their pancakes and gets well overnight. Nobody leaps out of their breathing apparatus and joins a rodeo. And you will not meet Benjamin Button here. Equally, not everybody coming here is going to experience significant changes in their health. Especially those who choose to haul down here the exact same lifestyle, diet, experience and environment they lived with north of the border. But for many of us, Lakeside living can become transformative. That said, to be brutally honest and scientific about all this and fairminded in the process of wooing others here, it’s important to provide the proverbial other side of the Lakeside coin: The Carretera (our beloved roadway) Our local Survival Game: Makes the Running of the Bulls in Spain look like a game of hopscotch by comparison. A little stress there. If you’re driving, consider exploding your airbag against your face before you even pull out of the driveway. TelMex Your phone and other communications systems here will be run by TelMex. And to many, TelMex is held in as high esteem as any religious site. That’s why there’s more praying goes on at TelMex than any place in the village. Our beloved Lake Beautiful to look at, with occasional boating and water-skiing. But bathing isn’t recommended nor is eating any of the fish. Its heavy metal content may be toxic, so that when you see the kids out there on jet skis… those aren’t jet skis. They’re lake trout. Rockets and fireworks November starts the season of near perpetual fireworks. The rockets start with Dia de los Muertos, the Day of the Dead, Nov. 2. Honoring those who have passed, and loud enough to wake them all up. The pyrotechnics celebrate the heav-

enly virgins, from Our Virgin of Guadalupe to the Virgin of the Rosary and so on. That’s right. They celebrate virginity here with a bang. Now, in most of the U.S. these explosive devices are outlawed for being too dangerous. The safer approach, as we Americans all know, is that if the kids want to raise a celebratory fuss, they can hop down to their local gun store and pick up a 357 Magnum. Yes, one thing you can say about the States: Safety First. Bullfights The bullfight in Mexico is a little different. It’s more a symbolic thing and it doesn’t happen very often. It’s a lot like mail delivery here. The rainy season A thunderous rainy season takes some getting used to, where it rains throughout the night, sometimes outthundering the rockets. Occasionally, it even rains during the day, but never between the hours of 2 and 4. Earthquakes Yes, we have some. If you happen to be from north of the border and you’re planning to move to Mexico, you need to do some research. Visit homes in various Mexico neighborhoods. If your neighbor’s living room and kitchen are divided by a ravine, don’t let them tell you it’s an old Toltec architectural design. Look across town. Amoebas These are no secret. Yes, they can be little buggers. They get into your body and they can turn your digestive system into Old Faithful. But since Lakeside seems to generate a frothy feeling of goodwill and good nature, even this other side of the coin has its merits: it gives us a few well-needed laughs. And laughing is also good for your health. Ed Tasca

Saw you in the Ojo


UUNCOMMON NCOM MM MON CCOMMON OM MM MON SSENSE ENSE By Bill Frayer billfrayer@gmail.com Do You Doubt?


t appears to me that we could use a little more humility and doubt in the world these days. I am not sure if this is a new phenomenon or not, but everywhere I look, people seem to be satisfied that they know the “truth.” Whether it’s deeply religious people who totally believe what they read in the Bible, the Koran, or other religious text, or those on the political left or right who believe they have the exactly right answers to our public policy problems, there is a dearth of doubt. This not only leads to rigid, black-and-white thinking, it can also be dangerous. Poet and Unitarian minister Robert T. Weston has written thoughtfully about this subject. “Cherish your doubts, for doubt is the attendant of truth. Those that would silence doubt are filled with fear; their houses are built on shifting sands.” These wise words, to me, encapsu-


Bill Frayer late so many of our problems today. When you lack doubt, you are, by definition, not open to opposing views. If you enter every discussion convinced, from the start, that your views are correct, then what is the point of discussion? I guess it’s just to hear the sound of your own voice (which you may enjoy) or to convince others that you are correct after all. Isn’t the point of debate and discussion to get closer to the truth on a subject? If we bring our different experiences and separate knowledge base to a difficult problem or topic, aren’t we more likely to find a reasonable, defensible position? Too often, as we see in the newspapers and around the dinner table, people are engaging in discussion without any doubt that

El Ojo del Lago / February 2013

their views are absolutely correct. The result is, of course, that real dialogue does not occur. Real understanding is not possible. Weston goes on to say that, “A belief which cannot be questioned binds us to error, for there is incompleteness and imperfection in every belief.” In other words, no belief is without weakness, limitation, and possibly built on some false assumptions. To believe otherwise is arrogant and foolish. Of course we hold strongly-held beliefs. We all do. But refusing to subject those beliefs to scrutiny, to some degree of doubt, will inevitably lead to rigidity. Well-founded beliefs can withstand serious questions. We should welcome this and subject our ideas to thoughtful examination. And it is possible, that we might have to review and change our beliefs from time to time. After all, even the Dalai Lama has made the assertion that if science produces evidence that conflicts with some tenet of Buddhism, then Buddhism will have to adapt! So how do we cultivate doubt? How do we subject our beliefs to genuine scrutiny? First, we have to have a willingness to engage in legitimate discussion with those who hold differing views. The most helpful tool at our disposal is to formulate good ques-

tions for ourselves and others. Good questions require us to reconsider beliefs and hold them up to the light to see if we can see them more clearly. Good thinkers enjoy this process. They like to enter a debate with an open mind and look at others’ views and evidence. Recognizing where your views may be unsupported or even wrong presents you with the opportunity to reconsider and refine your beliefs. But coming into any debate without doubt, without an open mind, may feed your ego, but usually leads to a pointless discussion. So how often do you doubt?



f it’s February, it must be time for the Annual Ajijic St. Valentine’s Bridge Tournament. This popular event attracts people from other parts of Mexico, the US and Canada as well as most of the local duplicate players. As always, last year’s event featured many interesting hands, though painful may be a more apt adjective for the one in the diagram, at least as far as your humble scribe was concerned. Herself and I entered the fray optimistic as always and had some modest successes during the first three sessions we played. In the fourth session we struggled to keep our heads above water and by the time we reached the final round we had garnered 54% of the available points but were too far back to challenge for the title. Still, a good finish could get us into a respectable placing but then the deal above presented itself. North dealt and began proceedings with bid of 1 club. Many players prefer to open 1 diamond with 4-4 in the minors as it allows them to rebid clubs over their partner’s major. However, 1 club is gaining popularity among players who like to guarantee 5 diamonds when they open diamonds and rebid clubs. It is really a matter of style and neither is right nor wrong, simply a personal preference. Sitting East, I decided not to overcall with my anaemic heart suit, especially as our side was vulnerable. South bid one diamond which was passed back to North who raised her partner’s bid to the two level. Without further ado, South jumped all the way to 3 no trump.

Sitting West, herself led the spade 10 which I perceived to be the top of a sequence of a long but weak suit as there wasn’t room in her hand for many points based on the bidding and the 11 points in my hand. After all, South could easily have 3 or 4 spades headed by the ace and king on the bidding. Declarer won in hand with the ace and led a diamond to dummy’s king and my ace. Under the illusion that herself’s lead was from some number of lesser spades, I thought our best hope lay in finding the heart king with my partner so I switched to the heart four. Declarer rose with the ace, as herself followed with the 7, and declarer fired back a low club to dummy’s king and my ace. Still obsessed with the notion that hearts would lead to our salvation, I led my 3 spot only to see declarer win the king and wrap up his contract with an overtrick: One spade, 2 hearts, 4 diamonds and 3 clubs for a near bottom board for us. If I had any inkling that declarer might have bid 3 no trump with a singleton ace I would have returned my spade jack (not the seven which would block the suit from running) we would have taken 8 tricks in all and put the contract down 4 tricks. My partner was not amused. In fact, herself was beside herself. I spent the rest of the evening trying to explain my reasoning but to no avail. I’m still in the doghouse one year later! Questions or comments: email: masson.ken@ gmail.com Ken Masson

Saw you in the Ojo 11



ne of my neighborhood street vendors is selling lingerie, so I decide to stop by and have a look. The selection includes the usual padded bras. I ask the señora if she has a bra without…and point to the padding. “Without sponges?” she asks. I reply, “Yes, I would like a bra without sponges.” But, she didn’t have any. While chatting with a friend in the plaza, a boy selling vegetables came up and noticed the visually unremarkable (from a distance) but energetically charged Mayan labyrinth medallion that I always wear around my neck. Surprised, I asked him if he knew what it meant. He flashed me a big grin, pointed up to the heavens, and darted off. After the village began to come back to life after several fear filled weeks a while back, I dared to walk down my street to the lake to enjoy the view once again. A group of teenage boys were happily kicking a soccer ball around. As I passed through their group a stray ball came my way, so I did the natural thing and gently kicked it back towards them – perfectly! They cheered me and I laughed. Upon returning the same thing happened. I managed to kick the ball to them with perfect accuracy and they cheered me again! – the miracle being that I have never played soccer in my life!


El Ojo del Lago / February 2013

During a routine tiendita visit, the owner’s mother tells me all about the long-gone traditions that used to be, but are no longer in Ajijic, seemingly due to disinterest of the young people. Que Lastima, I say…the kids used to have to learn lots of verses to the songs of the Christmas pastorelas, which used to be part of the posadas and featured the devil and his wife coming to visit the Baby Jesus…a little hard to imagine, but I notice that The Devil still shows up in a funny costume sometimes at various fiestas or parades… it’s all in good humor, not the fear and guilt trip of the Northern Cultures. At the beauty shop…Did you see the view this morning?...Oh, yes, the view is really beautiful here, isn’t it, but I can only see the mountains and not much of the lake because of all the trees…No, I meant the view on TV. My mind blanks for a minute. I completely forgot that up north, “the view” is a TV show. “Elotes, chayotes, camotes del cerro, cinco pesos” intones the woman from her vending truck which slowly passes by every evening playing traditional Mexican songs through tinny loudspeakers, making me feel like I’m living in an old Mexican movie where the cast is dressed in Revolution era attire as they perform enchanting song and dance numbers in their rustic plaza. What a lovely escape. The following anecdote includes a literal translation of Spanish spoken by a foreign couple on the bus. They board…Riberas, Riberas…and stand in the crowded aisle. Upon approaching their destination the man moves towards the front of the bus…alla o aca? says the driver…there, here. The woman shoves her way forward through the throng haplessly yelling Dog! Dog!! Dog!!! She then bends over to look out the front window thereby putting her hind end right in front of my face. I can barely refrain from pinching her posterior in front of all the people knowing full well how Mexicans love a good laugh. They disembark as the man says Sorry, I don’t speak, I don’t speak… And so goes the daily, delightful minutiae of life in Ajijic.

Joyful Musings By Joy Birnbach Dunstan, MA, LPC, MAC Keeping the Love Lights Glowing


he stability of a long-term relationship can be comforting and secure. But let’s face it – it can also be dull and boring. Everyone loves the excitement of a new relationship, the heady exhilaration of what some call NRE, New Relationship Energy. The key is figuring out how to keep some of that NRE in your old relationship. When the chemistry is right, new relationships don’t take a lot of effort. They’re fueled by a chemical soup of hormones that adds excitement to even mundane activities. In contrast, after years of repetition, those mundane activities become, well, mundane. It takes more effort and imagination to keep the sparks alive. So what can you do to add new life to your old relationship? Here’s a few ideas to jump-start your tired old engines. Listen more, listen better. Long-term partners have a tendency to tune each other out and offer non-committal responses without really paying attention to what their partner is saying. Show an interest in what your partner tells you by responding with curiosity to hear more about it. Be interested because s/he is interested and you care about your partner even if you don’t care about the particular subject. Listen for the feelings underlying what is said. If s/he comments, “What a day! I got stuck in heavy traffic and was late for lunch with my friends,” instead of dismissing it with “Yeah, traffic is really bad this time of year,” you might respond, “How frustrating. I know you were really looking forward to seeing them today.” Your partner will feel heard and cared about. Share more and connect. Good listening promotes more sharing, and sharing leads to connection. After many years together, partners may begin to lead parallel, disconnected lives. Become a better conversationalist by sharing humorous or lively details about your day. Give more than a report of your activities; share about your experience of what it was like for you to do it or be there. Be surprising, do new things together. Plan a ‘date’ doing something out of the ordinary. Instead of going out in your old scruffies, dress up and let him or her know they’re still special and attractive.

Take a class and learn something new together, or cultivate a shared hobby. Do something old in a new way, like watching a movie together at home but adding candles, a little wine, and an exotic snack (tip: this works way better with a romantic movie than a shoot ‘em up). Let’s get physical. I’m not just talking about sex (though that is also a terrific way to stay connected). Hold hands, give lots of hugs, and frequent quick kisses just because. Have at least one long kiss a day that lasts a minimum of five seconds. Offer praise and compliments. Relationship expert John Gottman says partners in healthy relationships should make at least five positive comments to each other for every negative one. Complaints and criticism carry more weight than praise and compliments, and so the 5 to 1 ratio is important to maintain a positive balance. Remember when you couldn’t keep your hands off each other? The real relationship began when you got past that and truly deepened your friendship. There’s something irreplaceably special about sharing a life together with someone who’s your best friend and your lover. Keep the special from going stale by treating your long-time partner like a newfound friend. The perks are well worth the effort. Editor’s Note: Joy is a practicing psychotherapist here at Lakeside. She can be contacted at joy@dunstan.org or 7654988 or through her website: http://joydunstan.weebly.com .

Saw you in the Ojo 13

An A n Old Old Man Man Remembers Remembers tthe he Beautiful B ea autiiful G Girls irls off his his Youth Youth h By Steve Griffin

Vague as childhood memories only known through tales, Elusive as the half-remembered dream, Illusory as shimmering colors that light reflects through water spray, The phantasmagoric train of beautiful young girls from his past startle the old man’s mind. They are not a static gallery of still-life faces and bodies, but rather flashes of color, distorted images that flow, mingle, dissipate, sounds that fade and echo, touches that linger less than a breath of wind on barely ruffled water. Brown legs that scissor in sunlit dance, knees that dimple as skirts slide up thighs as tawny and supple as young lionesses, lips seem to touch his so subtly their breath would not disturb a dandelion, Yet they dagger him with myriad memories of kisses of all flavors and all fervors. Eyes green, blue, black, brown, gold flecked, hair swinging and swaying in liquid rhapsodies, red-gold-ebony, all separate, but one, as softly plucked strings of a harp vibrating together. His poor heart questions. Did these old eyes ever see such sights? Did these old ears ever hear such melodies? Did these old lips ever taste such ripeness? Or is this just a wishful delusion of aging clay, trying vainly to deny the grave?


El Ojo del Lago / February 2013

Every Word


By Herbert W. Piekow


very word a writer writes has meaning yes, sometimes they never get published or the book editor suggests another word, but every word we read, write or utter has significance. For each of the past eight years The Lake Chapala Writers Conference has brought in motivational, educational, entertaining and award winning speakers. This year is no exception; both Karen Karbo and Bruce Holland Rogers are teaching the craft of writing this March 7th and 8th. They are entertaining, multi published, award winning writers, who will share their experiences, frustrations and successes as well as help attendees realize that although each story is different all writers share similar experiences from the germ of the idea to the satisfaction of print on the page. Rogers writes short stories, flash fiction, novels and also teaches. His published works have brought him an international following as well as numerous writing awards. Rogers is a member of the fiction faculty of the prestigious MFA program of the Northwest Institute of Literary Arts. He has taught and done story research in Hungary, Finland, Japan, France, Greece and Portugal. It is no wonder he has an international following. His stories have been translated into more than two dozen languages. Among some of his writing awards are two Nebula Awards, two Micro Awards, two World Fantasy Awards, a Pushcart Award, the Bram Stoker Award and the Johnny-Cat Litter-ary Award for his cat-related story Enduring as Dust, which was also nominated by the Mystery Writers of America for the Edgar Allen Poe Award. In doing research I came across an Internet site called Bruce Holland Rogers-Summary Bibliography and counted over one hundred published short stories, several fiction novels, several poems, essays and this does not include the anthologies or collections that have published his stories, including works in El Ojo del Lago. Besides writing, winning awards and teaching Rogers is a recognized motiva-

tional speaker who is frequently hired by corporations to train managers and workers in creativity and practical problem solving. His Word Work: Surviving and Thriving as a Writer, was selected by Writers Digest Book Club. Local writers who attend The Lake Chapala Writers Conference will certainly have every opportunity to learn from Rogers, ask questions, participate in his classes and get motivated to bring their own writing to the next level, perhaps finish that long ago started novel or memoir or submit a short story to be published. It can all be done, sometimes we just need a little confidence, something or someone to motivate us or learn about where to find publishing resources. Karen Karbo is also a well known, much published writer and college level instructor, who has written six published novels, six biographies (no not all of her life, but of famous people as well as a family story), her works have appeared in numerous well known magazines such as Elle, Vogue and O. She is the author of How Georgia Became O´Keefe which the New York Times called “Amazing.” A review in The Washington Post said: “Karen exceeds at bringing life to the page.” Another review said about Karbo´s book The Gospel According to Coco Chanel, “This book delivers more wisdom and wit per page than Dr. Phil will dispense in a lifetime.” Conference Dates: Thursday, March 7, and Friday, March 8, 2013 Location, Hotel Nueva Posada, Donato Guerra #9, Ajijic This year the conference will be under a large tent so that we may enjoy the spectacular Lake and mountain views with warm March weather. Registration: $1,200 pesos through February 14th February 15th to March 1st is $1,400 pesos or $110 USD or CDN. Registration includes two full days of classes, two lunches, coffee and cookies for all breaks. Tickets available at Diane Pearl’s Gallery, Colon & Ocampo For questions please e-mail: victoriaAschmidt@gmail.com

Saw you in the Ojo 15

By Victoria Schmidt

A Night on My Street


tanding outside my house in the darkness of the early evening I await my ride. Yup, there I stand outside, in the dark, in Mexico all by myself. And I feel perfectly safe. When I did the same thing in my home in the United States, I waited inside a locked interior entrance, and wouldn’t go outside until the car pulled up. I didn’t feel safe there even though I was surrounded by a nice, quiet neighborhood. I knew a few of my neighbors. But I also know they were tucked into their homes behind at least two, if not three locked doors. But now I marvel at how comfortable I feel here. Cars pass me, three policemen on bicycles pass me returning my wave. My neighbor across the street arrives home, rummages through his car, and then crosses the street into his home yelling a quick “Buenas Noches” at me as he ducks into his house. The lights go on and I could see his wife come into their small kitchen, and his son run into his arms as he’s scooped up and swirled in the air. I can’t help but see this, yet feel a little like a voyeur. It’s so heartwarming to see the love in that house. The family seems to spend most of their time upstairs. But they have no windows or doors in their upstairs; in fact, they have a curtain as a wall. As the cool evening breeze sur-

rounds me, I marvel at the fact that they live in such an open area. I look at my watch, wondering where my ride is. The father comes back out of the house, and starts wiping off his car, cleaning the windshield and the top of the car, as his wife busies herself in the kitchen, while their Chihuahua spring boards on their balcony. A steady parade of foot traffic parades in front of me, people going home, kids with MP3 players plugged in the ears, but each person nodding or greeting me as they walk by. Some are total strangers, and some are the familiar faces of my neighbors. Two doors down my neighbor ends her conversation with a friend, turns and waves good night as she steps inside. A neighbor next door to me passes me in his car. Someone has parked in his space. He keeps moving up the block. A short time later, returns, and this time, I wave him into the empty spot in front on me, which clearly said “no parking in service 24 hours.” My neighbors are very respectful of our parking space. I’ve never spoken to him before, but I tell him my car was is in the shop, so please, use the space. His tired eyes sparkle with relief as he parks. Then I see a figure walking towards me, deliberate in his pace. He walks directly towards me. I take a breath, but then the streetlight bathes him in light and I discover it is a neighbor from further down the road. He greets me, and then asks if I am all right, is there a problem? I laughed and explain I am fine, just waiting for a ride, and we speak for a few minutes. I can’t get over the thought that he’s walked over a half block just to make sure I was OK. This just didn’t happen to me in the USA. Never. I’ve lived in this neighborhood for 18 months. I lived in my home in the USA for 15 years. My most favorite thing in Mexico: Mexicans! Victoria Schmidt


El Ojo del Lago / February 2013

Saw you in the Ojo 17

GRAPE EXPECTATIONS By Robert Kleffel and Noemí Paz

Wine Love Poetry


here is something about wine and romance that just go together. It seems that in every movie or novel, where romance is involved, the action begins with the couple looking at each other over a bottle of wine. The link between wine and love is not a product of the modern era. Consider Euripides, while known for his tragedies he is also noted for quotable quotes. Where there is no wine there is no love… Euripides (484 BC - 406 BC) Another early writer who made the connection between love and wine was Anacreon (c. 570 – c. 480 BC) Bring water, bring wine, boy! Bring flowering garlands to me! Yes, bring them, so that I may try a bout with love… About a thousand years ago, Omar Khayyám a brilliant Persian polymath, wrote important treatises on mathematics and astronomy. Today he is known to us from a poem he wrote called the Rubáiyát. Many a fair maid has been seduced by this one stanza from the Rubáiyát. A Book of Verses underneath the Bough, A Jug of Wine, A Loaf of Bread— and Thou Beside me singing in the Wilderness— Oh, Wilderness were Paradise enow! ****** Come, My Beloved... Let us both drink from The same glass Until the bouquet Intoxicates and fills us With its sweet warmth As we passionately dine Together At Love’s table... Marie Shine


El Ojo del Lago / February 2013

Toasts and Sayings —In water one sees one’s own face; but in wine, one beholds the heart of another… An old French proverb —May our love be like good wine, grow stronger as it grows older… Old English Toast —We are all mortal until the first kiss and the second glass of wine…. Eduardo Galeano —Love as you might, You’ll have your first fight… Drink this wine, While you make up all night. Poems Wine comes in at the mouth And love comes in at the eye; That’s all we shall know for truth Before we grow old and die. I lift the glass to my mouth, I look at you, and I sigh. W.B. Yeats I Love You I love your lips when they’re wet with wine And red with a wild desire; I love your eyes when the lovelight lies Lit with a passionate fire. I love your arms when the warm white flesh Touches mine in a fond embrace; I love your hair when the strands enmesh Your kisses against my face. Ella Wheeler Wilcox A St. Valentines Suggestion: Purchase a bottle of fine wine – create your ownpoem or note of love – pour two glasses of wine – give her the note of love – fall in love again, just like the first time.

Saw you in the Ojo 19

Anita’s Animals By Jackie Kellum


s we start this New Year, the following are a few basic reminders that are important when you have a family pet. Owning a pet is a lifetime commitment - if you can’t make the commitment, don’t get the pet. Your pet, especially if it is a dog, should at all times be wearing a collar with an ID even if it’s an “indoor pet”, in the event it should get out of the house without you. Show respect for your pet by having a plan in place for their care in the event something should happen to you. Try to be respectful of your neighbors who may not enjoy your dog’s barking and etc., while you are not home or at night time. Keep your family pet up to date with it’s vaccinations, especially if you walk it or it “travels” in your neighborhood . Other cats/dogs in your area may not be vaccinated, which can pose a risk to your pet. If you walk your dog, please do not let your dog leave behind “presents” deposited on the sidewalk for someone else to find when they take a step. Make sure your home is “pet safe“ regarding pesticides, medications, household cleaners and some houseplants (ie. dieffenbachia, philodendron, hyacinth) as they can be deadly to your pet. Provide your pet access to water at all times and feed a proper diet obesity can be as deadly as malnutrition. Be aware that some foods can be deadly, such as chocolate, and fatty foods can cause pancreatitis. PS: People that believe pets do


El Ojo del Lago / February 2013

not have souls should not become pet owners. Like many other countries, sadly Mexico also has “puppy mills.” It also has individual persons who use their female dog for breeding as a means to make money. You see these individuals with their puppies crowded into small cages by the side of the road or outside populated stores. They also carry their “products” for sale in their arms at the tianguis. These salespersons have been known to misrepresent their product, such as offering under-age puppies [too young to be taken from the mother], of questionable health and even questionable breed, i.e. a cute haircut does not guarantee it’s a poodle. There are dog shelters at Lakeside trying to deal with the large volume of unwanted, abused, and abandoned puppies and dogs. These shelters offer for adoption a wide variety of puppies and dogs of various breeds - some purebred and some “mixed” breeds. Please consider adoption of a puppy or dog from a shelter rather than buying a puppy and perpetuating a cruel practice of puppy mill production. Anita’s Animals is present at the Ajijic tianguis each Wednesday, regardless of the weather. She is located going down the hill on the right side, a little below Salvador’s restaurant. At her booth she has available for sale used paperback and hard bound books, books on CDs, movie DVDs, music CDs, gently used good quality clothing, sometimes small appliances, and etc. There is also a donation container on a table. This is Anita’s primary means for raising money to support her cat/dog rescue work of over twenty years. Donations of books, clothing, pet food, newspapers [used for kittens and puppies], pet items and any other items that can be resold is greatly valued. Stop to say Hi, and help if you can – it’s appreciated.

Saw you in the Ojo 21


of the month

Rich Petersen Santiago Cervantes Tinoco


nother cherubic face whose parents brought him to Programa pro Niños Incapacitados del Lago is Santiago Cervantes Tinoco. Santiago is just two years old and lives in the Cedros area of Ixtlahuacan with his parents and two siblings. His Mom, Ana, is a housewife and his father, Armando, works in construction. Santiago was born with—get ready for this long name---Opsoclononus Myoclonus Syndrome, luckily shortened to “OMS.” OMS is an


t l rare neurological l i l di extremely disease which appears to be the breakdown of an autoimmune process involving the nervous system. OMS usually appears between the ages of 12 to 36

El Ojo del Lago / February 2013

months, with the child having had normal development until that time. There are two known causes of OMS: a neuroblastoma, which is a cancer of the sympathetic nervous system in infants and children, and a viral infection. In Santiago’s case the doctors believe the cause of his OMS is the latter. Symptoms are involuntary, unpredictable fast eye movements; brief involuntary twitching of a muscle or group of muscles; dysphasia, a language disorder despite evidence of speech ability in the past (this is often part of a larger neurological or psychiatric disorder); lethargy, crossed eyes, sleep disturbances, loss of balance and loss of fine motor skills. At age two Santiago should be able to stand up and walk a few steps, as well as be able to speak a few words, but he cannot do either. He suffers from convulsions (a side effect of OMS) and has to be on anti-convulsive medications and predisone. His convulsions were bad enough back in October that he had to be hospitalized. These drugs and others are the only known method of trying to control OMS. It is not an infectious disease or thought to be genetically transmitted. Chemotherapy

has shown some benefit in other patients, but little Santiago has not had to undergo this treatment yet. Since he is fairly new to our Program we are just beginning to monitor his progress every month when his mother brings him to one of our “clinics” for reimbursement of their medical expenses for him. We are hopeful that with good care and some physical and motor skill therapy—as well as the loving care of his mom and dad—Santiago will overcome this very disabling syndrome. At our last regular meeting we were rewarded with this sweet smile, hopefully one of many to come. To meet another of “our” children and to learn more about what Niños Incapacitados does, please join us the second Thursday of each month for our members’ meeting. Coffee and cookies at 10:00 a.m. at the Hotel Real de Chapala in La Floresta; meeting starts at 10:30. However, please note: Since the second Thursday of March is also the date of our annual dinner/dance fundraising event—this year “All Aboard the Orient Express”-- our March meeting will be the FIRST Thursday of March, the 7th. Hope to see you there and at the Gala event on March 14th.

Saw you in the Ojo 23

NEWS S REL RELEASE LEAS SE PUERTO PU UERT TO VALLARTA VA ALLA ARTA WRITERSÊ WRIT TERSÊ GROUP GRO OUP Re: Eighth annual writers’ conference Release author – Bill Jory – wpjory@rogers.com Contact for more information – conference chairman Doug Danielson at dougdanielson@yahoo.com By Bill Jory


avid Lyons, the longtime Puerto Vallarta resident who converted his career as a globe-trotting international lawyer into that of full-time novelist writing about a renegade federal judge who takes justice into his own hands, is about to reveal the secrets of his new trade. The author of the thriller, Ice Fire, will be keynote speaker at the eighth annual Puerto Vallarta Writers’ Conference Feb. 22-24 at Biblioteca Los Mangos in Puerto Vallarta. “For years David Lyons has been an inspiration to all the ex-pat writers in Puerto Vallarta,” says conference chairman Doug Danielson. “He is an outstanding example of what talent and perseverance can mean to your writing career. We celebrate his success and look forward to hearing how he landed on top of the slush pile.” “Writers Unleashed” is the theme of the 2013 conference sponsored by the Puerto Vallarta Writers’ Group and the library. Lyons will be expanding on that theme with his opening address: “Everything You Need to Know About Being a Writer: the How, the Why, the Risks and the Rewards.” After producing several self-published books, Lyons hit the jackpot with Ice Fire which was published by Atria/Emily Bestler Books, an imprint of Simon and Schuster. Packed with suspense, science, politics, and murder, it is the tale of a U.S judge who confronts one of the most powerful energy companies in the world. Ice Fire is the first in the series. Along with Lyons, the three-day conference will also feature three best-selling authors, a one-time national magazine columnist and a literary agent conducting seminars, workshops and discussion groups. “I’m excited about the quality of presenters,” Danielson says. “They are at the top of their game, full of enthusiasm and youthful exuberance.”


El Ojo del Lago / February 2013

The presenters include: Beth Groundwater: She is the bestselling mystery writer of the Claire Hanover gift-basket designer series that includes the novel, A Real Basket Case, which was a finalist for the Best First Novel Agatha Award. She has also written the Rocky Mountain Outdoor Adventure Series, which includes Deadly Currents, an Amazon bestseller. Suzy Spencer: The New York Times bestselling author of four true-crime books – Wasted, Wages of Sin, Breaking Point and The Fortune Hunter. In 2004, she began a journalism investigation of Americans’ alternative sex habits and the result was her first memoir, Secret Sex Lives: A Year on the Fringes of American Sexuality. Corey Mitchell: The Los Angeles Times bestselling author of such true-crime books as Hollywood Death Scenes, Murdered Innocents, Evil Eyes, Stranger, Pure Murder and Savage Son. He is also the founder of the true-crime blog, In Cold Blog. James Callan: He has written a monthly column for a national magazine, has been published in several anthologies, has two published non-fiction books and a mystery, Cleansed by Fire, which was published in paperback and audio. He also co-authored Murder a Cappella with his daughter, Diane Bailey. Suzie Townsend: The agent with New Leaf Literary and Media will be holding private sessions for those who have books to pitch. She will also be offering workshops on Finding an Agent and What do Agents Look for in a Query Letter. Registration is $125 (U.S.) or 1,600 pesos until Jan. 31. After that, it is $150 (U.S.) or 2,000 pesos. Seating is limited so early registration will guarantee participation. Registrants will receive further emails outlining the program of workshops and seminars. Online registration is at http:// www.pvwg.com/2013-conference/


Those who get too big for their britches will be exposed in the end. When she saw her first strands of gray hair, she thought she’d dye. Acupuncture: a jab well done.


o all you Lexophiles .... (those who love playing on words) To write with a broken pencil is pointless. When fish are in schools they sometimes take debate. A thief who stole a calendar got twelve months. When the smog lifts in Los Angeles, U.C.L.A. The professor discovered that her theory of earthquakes was on shaky ground. The batteries were given out free of charge. A dentist and a manicurist married. They fought tooth and nail. A will is a dead giveaway. If you don’t pay your exorcist you can get repossessed. With her marriage, she got a new name and a dress. Show me a piano falling down a mineshaft and I’ll show you A-flat miner. You are stuck with your debt if you can’t budge it. Local Area Network in Australia: The LAN down under. A boiled egg is hard to beat. When you’ve seen one shopping center you’ve seen a mall. Police were called to a day care where a three-year-old was resisting a rest. Did you hear about the fellow whose left side was cut off? He’s all right now. If you take a laptop computer for a run you could jog your memory. A bicycle can’t stand alone; it is two tired. In a democracy it’s your vote that counts; in feudalism, it’s your Count that votes. When a clock is hungry it goes back four seconds. The guy who fell onto an upholstery machine was fully recovered. He had a photographic memory which was never developed.

Saw you in the Ojo 25

Hearts at Work A Column by James Tipton

The 7 Day Mental Diet


he most important of all factors in your life is the mental diet on which you live. It is the food which you furnish to your mind that determines the whole character of your life.” These words, and some others that follow, are by Emmett Fox (1886-1951), and are in his popular booklet, The 7 Day Mental Diet: How to Change Your Life in a Week. In the first half of the 20th century, Fox was one of the most influential New Thought ministers, so popular that at his peak thousands attended his weekly services at the New York Hippodrome and Carnegie Hall. Fox believes that “Everything in your life today—the state of the body, whether healthy or sick, the state of your fortune, whether prosperous or impoverished, the state of your home, whether happy or the reverse, the present condition of every phase of your life in fact—is entirely conditioned by the thoughts and feelings which you have entertained in the past, by the habitual tone of your past thinking. And the condition of your life tomorrow, and next week, and next year, will be entirely conditioned by the thoughts and feelings which you choose to entertain from now onwards.” For Fox, the Great Cosmic Law is this: We are transformed by the renewing of our minds. When you change the way you think, your life will— must—change. To help us shift to new life, Fox suggests we devote seven days solely to building a new habit of thought, and during that week let everything in life be unimportant as compared with that. If you will do so, then that week will be the most significant week in your whole life. It will literally be the turning point for you.” Fox does not mean that you will then be better able to cope with your present difficulties. He means that the difficulties will no longer exist, “the difficulties will go.” And what is his diet program?


El Ojo del Lago / February 2013

“For seven days you must not allow yourself to dwell for a single moment on any kind of negative thought. You must watch yourself for a whole week as a cat watches a mouse, and you must not under any pretense allow your mind to dwell on any thought that is not positive, constructive, optimistic, kind.” These seven days will be strenuous. Indeed, “fasting would be child’s play in comparison,” and the “most exhausting form of army gymnastics, combined with thirty mile routemarches, would be mild in comparison.” But at the end of your “7 Day Mental Diet,” then, “for the rest of your life here, for all eternity in fact, things will be utterly different and inconceivably better than if you had not carried through this undertaking.” Negative thoughts will come to you, but it does not matter “provided that you do not entertain them. It is the entertaining or dwelling upon them that matters.” He offers this instructive metaphor for handling negative thoughts that float into your mind: Imagine you are sitting by an open fire and suddenly a red hot cinder flies out and lands on your sleeve. If you knock it off at once, without any delay, the sleeve is saved and no harm is done. But if you allow it to stay “for a single moment, under any pretense, the mischief is done, and it will be a troublesome task to repair that sleeve. Do not tell anyone else that you are on the diet, or that you intend to go on it.” Finally, “remember that nothing said or done by anyone else can possibly throw you off the diet. Only your own reaction to the other person’s conduct can do that.” Jim Tipton

Saw you in the Ojo 27



don’t know why we chose to torment Miss Stewart. There was nothing unusual about her. She had ordinary features and figure and teacher-type clothes. Her face was ruddy and she wore black-rimmed glasses. Maybe we sensed her inexperience: that she was in her first semester of teaching eighth grade math, fresh out of college and eager to get on with her new career. We met Miss Stewart for the first time on a fine day in the fall of 1950. This is a poignant time in the San Francisco Bay Area. Just as the summer fogs recede and the weather turns warm, children have to march off to school,


freshly washed hair, new clothes and all. Then Miss Stewart met us. Of the classes she was assigned to, our fifth period arithmetic class became--for us--a free-for-all. The boys threw things of one kind and another across the room and wouldn’t stay in their seats. The girls swiveled at their desks and gossiped and passed notes. For Miss Stewart it was--a challenge. A crucible that alchemized her into a fine teacher? A message from God that she was in the wrong profession? For us, it was just what we did in Miss Stewart’s classroom. In our other classes we behaved normally for that

El Ojo del Lago / February 2013

time: coming into the classroom before the five-minute bell warning, sitting and making a nominal effort to look attentive. But it was different in Miss Stewart’s class and okay to ignore her, even that day when the principal slipped in and took a seat in the back of the room. He took a lot of notes. The weeks wore on until Christmas vacation approached, finally, and a few of the girls decided that we needed to get her a pity gift, so we took up a collection. We decided to keep this a secret from the boys, because they were too crude and insensitive to be included. What to get her? Oblivious as we were to teachers’ personal lives, we knew that she spent time with the beautiful Miss Pennington, of the white skin and flawless pageboy. We stopped her in the hall between classes and told her what we wanted to do. She looked at us with those cool blue eyes and told us, “Oh yes, I’ve heard about that fifth period class.” Now we felt competent to take the bus to downtown Berkeley and start looking for the perfect gift. We ended, after much discussion, with a modestly priced yellow sweater, and a small green silk scarf and rhinestone pin from Woolworths. We presented the wrapped pack-

age to Miss Stewart on the last day of school before Christmas. I don’t remember her reaction. Probably she was, as usual, trying to be contained and self-controlled. Maybe she wept later in the teachers’ lounge. We went home for Christmas break. On the first day of school in January, Miss Stewart came back to school, shoulders squared, in the yellow sweater, green scarf, and rhinestone pin. I would like to report that we were transformed: that the boys didn’t throw spit wads any more and the girls stopped gossiping and paid attention to their workbooks. This was not the case. We morphed back into That Class and stayed that way until the semester ended late in January. I mostly forgot about Miss Stewart. Her name slipped into that imaginary file that could be labeled “Misdeeds of Youth.” But recently I visited an old mission and there came one of those odd moments, when faces and deeds from the past surface. While sitting in an ancient pew in a contemplative mood, and evoked perhaps by guilty memories, my thoughts drifted to that long ago time, to the ordeal of that innocent lady who stoically showed up, without hope or help, in that fifth period math class day after day. Forgive us, please, Miss Stewart, wherever you are.

By Paul Jackson paulconradjackson@gmail.com

Paul Jackson


’m told that in the USA between 45 million and 50 million people are on food stamps. This, as President Barack Obama said during his campaign for health care reform, in the “wealthiest” country in the world. Yet in Mexico, not the “wealthiest” country in the world, but not the poorest, no one is on food stamps. And in India, the world’s most populous democracy, and one of the poorest countries in the world, no one is on food stamps, either. In Mexico and India, almost everyone does almost anything to make a living. They sell fruit in the streets, they wash cars, they polish shoes, they open up small businesses. People work. At anything. Industrious and entrepreneurial. The food stamps fiasco in the USA shows the fault-line of socialism - what Americans euphemistically label the

Liberal-Left - in that if the government will give you something for free - then why get any kind of a job? In Britain, during the decade Tony Blair was Prime Minister, the most prosperous decade in Britain’s history, fully five million men and women never had a job even though there was no unemployment crisis. Why not? Because what with jobless benefits and rental subsidies anyone without a job could receive 70% of what they could earn if they had a job. Again, a fault-line of socialism. In Canada, where no one ever gets a bill from a doctor, some people visit their doctor once a week just to have a chat. Others have two or three doctors in tow at any given time. The doctors daren’t refuse to see them in case they are actually sick. So the system is outrageously abused.

Just as food stamps are in the USA, jobless and rental subsidies are in Britain, and just about every government program is in the 27-nation European Union. Florida’s Marco Rubio (Republican Senator)- whose family has known real poverty - estimates just perhaps five million - rather than 45 million to 50 million - people in the USA actually need food stamps. The impoverished elderly, and the tragically infirm. If the food stamps program was reformed, some 40 million or 45 million, now on food stamps would do what men and women do in Mexico or India, find

some work, or make some work. Instead, they use food stamps at the local supermarket, and then nip over to the liquor store to buy a six-pack. Follow Rubio’s philosophy and the USA would create - overnight - perhaps 40 million entrepreneurs. That esteemed economist of the Left, John Maynard Keynes, actually said that no one should be given governments subsidies for free. Even if all they were required to do was to dig holes and then fill them in, they should be forced to do it. For once, I’m with Keynes. How about you?

Saw you in the Ojo 29

H ome Grown Grown Arte Arte e Home By Antonio Ramblés AKA Tony Passarello www.antoniorambles.com antonio.rambles@yahoo.com The moment that I walk through the doorway of Colon #15 only a few blocks from San Cristóbal Zapotitlán’s central plaza, I realize that the Ostrich Ranch tour is about to be displaced as the high point of my trip. The house is unassuming, a stucco home not unlike many others on the street. Only a hand lettered sign next to the front door gives any hint of what’s within: CANASTAS de PALMA y MANUALIDADES CON HOJAS de MAIZ Palm Baskets & Corn Husk Crafts The rooms are typically small, the walls stuccoed and the floors tiled. The house is sparsely furnished except for a well-worn display cabinet and shelves on which stands a virtual army of intricately fashioned miniature figures, dozens of woven baskets, and vibrantly lifelike artificial flowers. A bride and her entourage stand in immaculate sepia before an unseen altar. Lambs stand at the side of the manger in a Christmas crèche. In the next room bundles of palm leaves, sliced into narrow strips as tall as a man, stand drying. Another doorway opens onto a softly

lit room with a ceremonial feel. Selections of the handiwork sit on covered table and I move toward them for a closer look. Just to the side of the door behind me an ancient woman seated on a low stool is weaving the palm strips into a basket. Her shoulders are stooped and her head bowed over sturdy fingers. She wraps the palm tightly and densely to fashion trays, baskets, and vases that are at once pliable and sturdy. Two women seat themselves on a bench behind the table and a pile of dried and brightly colored corn husk leaves – hojas de maiz – and begin before my eyes to fashion the kinds of miniature figures seen in the front room tableaus. They work with a quiet intensity, their fingers so automatically folding and twisting and wrapping the


El Ojo del Lago / February 2013

leaves that their eyes seem less to guide than to observe. Three generations of women have built and continue to work this cottage industry artisan enterprise. Some of their photos hang on the wall of this room. Back in the entry room Herlinda (I know her from Ajijic’s Friday Artisans’ Market), is joined by a young woman and the two of them quickly begin another demonstration of their craft. The young woman threads small bits of violet corn husk together much as a sportsman might craft a fishing fly. It turns into a flower, followed by another and another until she has crafted a small bouquet. Herlinda, beginning with a lollipop stick bit of palm and folded corn husk, fashions as I watch a tableau of a woman rowing a flower-festooned boat made of woven palm leaf. It’s clear that each of these women has developed a particular skill, and that the success of this cottage industry rests upon their ability to orchestrate their individual efforts to produce endless combinations of artisan eye candy that delight and inspire. All of this is accomplished with apparent effortlessness, a genuinely collective spirit, and an obvious joy in the work. It employs only human energy, and uses only natural, sustainable, and readily available raw materials. Once you’ve seen the women and the work behind these artifacts, you’ll see their craftwork through entirely different eyes. Friday Artisan’s Market Ajijic, where you can meet some of these artisans and purchase their work weekly.

Saw you in the Ojo 31

The T he M Mango an ngo O Orchard: rc chard: The Extraordinary True Story of Family Lost and Found By Robin Bayley Book Review by James Tipton Published by Random House UK ISBN 978-1848092245 Paper $14.95 US Kindle $9.96 US


suspect that more than a few local readers have fantasized about discovering a fascinating ancestor who lived in turbulent times and exotic places and then, by literally following in his steps, bringing that ancestor to life again. We would return with a far deeper understanding of who he was and what he did, but equally important, who we are and what we do. This is exactly what author Robin Bayley did. As a boy, he had always loved the stories about his great-grandfather’s Latin American adventures: brushes with bandits, wild jungle journeys, hidden bags of silver and a narrow escape from the Mexican Revolution. But there was something in these family tales that he felt was missing: an ending. All of his life Bayley had listened to the stories told to him by his beloved grandmother, stories that usually were about her father, Bayley’s great-grandfather Arturo (Arthur Greenhalgh, born 1874 in Tottington, England) who managed a cotton mill in western Mexico in those challenging years immediately preceding the Mexican Revolution. Bayley, over one-hundred years later, “was plagued by the same fear about life passing me by.” Visiting his grandmother’s home in Sheffield one weekend, she showed him Arturo’s old suitcase which contained some letters he had sent home from Mexico along with twenty photographs and his actual guidebook filled with notes. That was the moment for Bayley: “In that instant I knew I had to go to Mexico.” Finally he does arrive in Mexico, in Veracruz, where his greatgrandfather had first arrived, and from there he begins to “follow the route he took to Mexico City and Guadalajara and on to Chapala, which might be the place where he lived.” In Veracruz, eating at the


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Hotel Imperial, where his greatgrandfather had stayed a hundred years earlier and considers “I liked the idea that I might have inherited a memory, emotion or unresolved dilemma from Arturo.” That, of course, is really what the book is about, the sense of something not resolved in the family stories; and that drives Bayley on, even when it looks like the clues have led to nothing. But he goes on, relentlessly pursuing and pondering ideas, new clues, tiny hints, bits of information, until he discovers what the subtitle announces: “The Extraordinary True Story of Family Lost and Found,” a family of some 300 relatives, many bearing his surname, living in western Mexico, treasuring similar memories and even some identical photographs of their beloved common ancestor Arturo, the great-grandfather of the author. The Mango Orchard is for the most part a sweet story of a family that had some important beginnings in the dark days preceding the Mexican Revolution, a large family that a hundred years later discovers itself more deeply, and then opens to the remarkable love that flows out of this discovery. [Ed. Note: This is a condensed version of a review that originally appeared in MexConnect at www. mexconnect.com and is used here with their permission.]

THE END OF THE WORLD (written on December 21, 2012)

They say the world will end today – It’s not a day too soon, My problems just won’t go away, The market’s in a swoon – I just ran out of orange juice, My dogs are out of food, My bowels feel a little loose, I’m in a filthy mood. The garden’s overgrown with weeds, The sky is dull and grey, I have too many wants and needs – I hope the world will end today! But stop! I saw that woman smile, Perhaps she smiled at me – The end of world can wait a while, A year or two – or three – She smiled again, and blew a kiss, And now I see the sun – There never was a day like this, Let’s pray the world will carry on! By Michael Warren

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SACRED GROUND The dramatic inside story of the monumental collision of interests at Ground Zero in the decade after 9/11. www.16acresthemovie.com

Monday, March 4, 2013; Two benefit screenings 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. All the proceeds from the benefit screenings will go to

Both screenings at Cinemas del Lago in Plaza Bugambilias on March 4, 2013, will be followed by Questions & Answers with Mike Marcucci, Producer; Joe Woolhead, Official 2:00 pm Cinemas del Lago - Documentary Benefit Screening - Matinee followed by Q&A 200 pesos per person VIP matinee tickets – 250 pesos each includes preferred seating and “16 Acres” goodie bag 6:00 pm Cinemas del Lago - Cocktail and Documentary Benefit Screening – Gala performance followed by Q&A 400 pesos per person (includes botanas, one glass of wine, performance and Q&A participation). VIP matinee tickets – 500 pesos each. These tickets include botanas, one glass of wine, preferred seating at the gala performance with Q&A, and goodie bag. Tickets will be available for sale from 1st February onwards from the Cinemas box office as well as from Board Members of Niños Incapacitados, or from Kari Higgins 766-3651, Jane Hainsworth 766-1937 or from ppni.ac@gmail.com. ABOUT THE FILM The rebuilding of Ground Zero is one of the most architecturally, politically and emotionally complex urban renewal projects in American history. From the beginning, the effort has been fraught with controversy, delays and politics. The struggle has encompassed 11 years, 19 government agencies, a dozen projects and more than $20 billion dollars. Aside from the staggering engineering challenges, a major complicating factor is the sheer number of interested parties. Politicians, developers, architects, insurance companies, local residents and relatives of 9/11 victims all profess a claim to the site and are often in conflict with one another. According to The New York Times, “Where some saw lucrative real estate, others saw a graveyard. Where some saw Rockefeller Center or Lincoln Center or Grand Central Terminal, others saw Gettysburg.” There will be a “Meet the people behind 16 Acres” cocktail at Hacienda del Lago Boutique Hotel and Restaurant on Ocampo Privado #1, Ajijic on Saturday, 3rd March from 4:30 – 6:00 pm. A maximum of 100 people will be invited to purchase tickets – these will be available directly from the hotel (766-0685). The hotel will be serving elegant botanas, one welcome drink and provide a cash bar. Tickets are 300 pesos pp.


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ulwor th ChamberpotSmythe was born at a very early age in Leamington Spa, England in January 1862. His birth was serendipitous, almost miraculous. His father: Lord Cheltenham Chamberpot-Smythe, peer of the realm in 19th Century England, suffered an unhappy marriage to Bulworth’s mother, Beatrice. An exciting and promiscuous girl of nineteen when his Lordship married her, Beatrice Glumm had turned to religion after meeting charismatic Episcopalian Bishop Cyril Creeven at her wedding. She subsequently believed, with no small influence from Bishop Creeven, that all forms of sex were evil, with the single possible exception of manual stimulation through the curtain of a confessional. On the single occasion Lord Cheltenham actually managed to mount his wife it was with considerable help from a date rape drug of the period called GIN. After a celebratory dinner party that evolved into a night of unbridled debauchery, Beatrice Glumm, now Lady Chamberpot-Smythe, drank enough gin to become paralytic. She fell to the floor unconscious - her nether regions raised and exposed. With his Lordship behind her screaming: “Damn the cavalry, I’m using cannon,” the couple conceived of a son, who would later grow up to be the Poet Laureate of New Guinea and an enormous influence on my personal writing life. Many of his poems survive to this day. Even Hollywood used one of his poems in a film called: The Man with Two Brains. The poem is entitled “Oh Pointy Birds.” Oh pointy birds, oh pointy birds, oh pointy, pointy./You fly above my head so high, anointy-nointy. At the time Chamberpot-Smythe was writing, England was going through its Industrial Revolution. Coal was the source of energy that made that revolution possible and coal was burned everywhere from factories


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to Steam Engines, to home hearths with the result that coal dust and soot formed a blanket over everything and everyone. Bulworth wrote the sadly compelling poem: “My Dog” in free verse at this time and managed to get it published by a local gambler who happened to be trying out some new printing equipment he had won from a Dutch trader called Hoof. My dog does nothing./He lies there all day and night-time too./He never moves, even when it rains./I call and call and call, but he just lies there./Covered in soot, I think he’s dead. At one point Bulworth was offered the opportunity to recite a poem he had written to her Majesty, Queen Victoria. This opportunity was offered by an Irish Traveler called O’Rourke who explained that he was a good friend of John Brown, the Queen’s closest confidant and therefore had the Queen’s ear. Bulworth merely had to give two thousand pounds sterling (all he had) to O’Rourke, who said it was needed for the Queen’s re-election campaign. Unfortunately Queen Victoria died on Tuesday, 22nd of January, 1901. Since his passage back to Ireland had not yet been booked when the death occurred, O’Rourke told Bulworth that her death was an unsubstantiated rumor, circulated by jealous French Republicans and that the funeral which was held on Saturday 2nd of February in St. George’s Chapel, was for the Queen’s pet Pomeranian Turri. On that Sunday after the state funeral, O’Rourke took Bully with his portfolio of poems to Windsor Park, where he read his poem “I Like The Queen - a Lot” out loud to a group of confused royal deer. Much later in his life, Bulworth discovered that Queen Victoria had indeed been buried the day before his reading. Although she was not present, aware or even alive at the time, Bulworth was, nevertheless, proud to have read his poem to her and boasted for the rest of his life that he had writ-

ten and read a poem to Queen Victoria. Since England already had a Poet Laureate, Bulworth began writing to various governments that were under the British Yoke, asking if they needed a Poet Laureate. Unfortunately most governments either didn’t know what a Poet Laureate was or had already eaten theirs, but one day in Spring 1903 a letter came inviting Mr. ChamberpotSmythe to be Poet Laureate of New Guinea in return for a small stipend of one hundred pounds sterling a year, which, they explained, Bulworth could pay in installments. Unfortunately Bulworth Chamberpot-Smythe died suddenly, all alone, destitute and over a period of seven years. Although sudden, it was a slow agonizing death passed in a straw mattress bed atop a public house in the South End of London which he rented for tuppence ha’penny a month. Although he was dying Bulworth bravely wrote on, leaving the world more poetry. Most of his later poetry is very difficult to interpret; in fact some of the major critics of the time including G.K. Chesterton called it “Unmitigated crap.” Still there is beauty in the following lines: Now I lie in bits of straw/The fleas they bite; the rats they gnaw./I don’t mind the raucous din/That wafts aloft

the pub within,/But when the whores come up to play/I wish they’d let their client’s lay/Over there in another room, or at least/A different bed as this one’s leased./Still and all they are my friends/ And I have seen some fine rear ends./ Goodbye moon, goodbye sun, Goodbye each and everyone. Bulworth Chamberpot-Smythe died only six years after writing that poem surprising both himself and his physician. John Ward

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MEXICO IS NOT FOR SALE! By Herbert W. Piekow


he recent Mexican n PresiPresi Pre Pr esies idential election w with iitth claims of fraud an and nd vote buying reminded me o off an interesting, true event iin n the saga that occurred in th the he Roman Empire. The date was Ma Marc March rch h 28, 193 when the Praetorian Guards offered the entire Roman Empire from the Euphrates to Scotland to the highest bidder. To fully appreciate this storied event I must digress to Augustus Caesar who in 43 BC formed the powerful 5,000 strong cohortspraetoriane, the Praetorian Guard, who for nearly 200 years were the only soldiers allowed into Rome, the city that ruled the world. These soldiers were special in many ways because besides protecting Rome they also had political power and a strong voice in Rome´s affairs. Sejanus, the Praetorian prefect, “convinced” the Emperor Tiberius to retire to the Isle of Capri, while Sejanus be allowed to run things in Rome. But this did not last long because Marco, Sejanus´s successor, decided that Tiberius had lived long enough and so Tiberius met an untimely death and Caligula became emperor. Are you still with me? It may not be Mexican history but it just shows that the more things change the less they change. Suffice it to say Caligula was arrogant and vengeful and did not appreciate the Praetorian Guards, who held the real power and so one afternoon in AD 41 they killed him and installed Uncle Claudius as Emperor of Rome, remember PBS series, I Claudius? By this time the Praetorians realized they, not the emperor, held the real power and a few well-placed Praetorian leaders succumbed to the charms of Agipina; she was then able to have them declare her son Nero the latest Roman Emperor. Not all the Praetorian Guards or Roman emperors were greedy or corrupt or venial. Many were honest and upright and behaved both respectfully and splendidly. There were many “good” emperors like: Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antonius Pius and Marcus Aurelius.


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Howe Ho owe weve verr Marcus ve Marcus Marc u Aurelius us Aur u el elliiu ius commitius comm co mmiit mm ititHowever ted a grave error when he appointed his son Commodus as his successor. Commodus was a hedonist with 300 concubines, three hundred “ripe young men” (puberesexoleti), an ancient biographer wrote; (turpis, improbus, libidinosus, ore quoque pollutes etconstupratus) or more impure than Nero. Despite all this, Commodus signed his own death warrant and precipitated the sale of Rome when he pushed a Praetorian Guard into the imperial pool, then had the man dance naked before the emperor´s concubines. After humiliating the soldier, Commodus had the guard murdered. The Praetorians made quick work of Commodus and choose an excellent and venerable senator as the next ruler of the Roman Empire. Pertinax was too good and virtuous and after twelve years of lax rule and loose morals with Commodus, the praetorian soldiers did not appreciate a righteous man who ate modestly, cut the palace expenses in half and auctioned off Commodus´s things including his ambisexual harem. Exactly eighty-seven days after Pertinax was appointed Emperor of Rome by the Praetorian Guards, outraged by his righteousness, killed him without thought of who might replace him. The date was March 28, 193 and the Roman Empire was suddenly without a ruler. Three historians tell of what happened next but most credence is given to Dio Cassius, a Roman senator who was there when it all happened. No one knows whose idea it was to sell Rome and her empire but Roman Soldiers shouted from the streets that the empire was for sale. One can imagine the soldiers running down the Via Condott shouting, “Auction! Auction!” The bidding came down to two

men, Sulpicianus, the mayor of Rome and DidiusJulianus, who was the richest man in Rome. Julianus was described as a, “fat, money grubbing gourmand with low morals.” Like many of the citizens of Rome, he was indoors eating dinner that March evening and probably would not have gone to the auction but he was goaded into buying Rome by both his wife and his daughter, his only child. The two insisted he leave his dinner table and return with Rome. The two men bid against one another until they reached the sum of 20,000 sesterces for each Praetorian.

Suddenly Julianus shouted 25,000 sesterces for each of the guards, about USD $1,200 per man. With that bid the entire Roman Empire belonged to DidiusJulianus. And so the man who left his dinner table to bid on Rome had dessert in the Imperial Palace. But like his predecessor the rule was short because after only sixty-six days he too was assassinated on July 1, 193. I don’t think Carlos Slim, the world´s richest man and a Mexican, would want to buy Mexico and I do not think Mexico is for sale. What I do believe is that Mexico is a healthy country with great economic and political power.

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THE OJO INTERNET MAILBOX (Wherein we publish some ome comments about our previous us issues.) issues.

HARRY TRUMAN—THE MAN WHO SAVED WESTERN CIVILIZATION Frank Prothero Dr. Swinehart’s article on Harry Truman contains a fatal (and typical) error of fact. The United States did not go to war against the forces of North Korea. It was the United Nations that took that important action. American writers too often look at the past with a narrow patriotism that distorts the reality of our collective experience. Perhaps, Dr. Swinehart might issue an apology to the families of Canadians, Australians and other nationalities who lost their fathers and sons in that grim conflict. Frank Prothero. Dr. Swinehart Responds: Mr. Prothero is correct in noting that the Korean police action was a combined UN effort involving many nations. However, the United States provided 88% of the forces that came to the aid of South Korea, and the effort was placed under the command of Douglas MacArthur, an American general. ROK forces bore the heaviest number of casualties, those listed as dead, wounded or missing in action, 984,400. The US suffered 169,365, and the combined forces of the Commonwealth 8161. Other nations provided vital military, air and naval support, including Turkey, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Greece, Columbia, Ethiopia, the Philippines and Thailand. The article was not intended to emphasize the Korean conflict but to explore the character of Harry Truman, a man thrust onto the stage of history and required to make more decisions affecting the lives of more millions of people than perhaps any other US president. Truman himself stated that the decision to commit US forces to Korea was the most difficult of his presidency. While I may plead guilty to many faults, a “narrow patriotism” is not one of them. Dr. Lorin Swinehart WEAPONS OF MALL DESTRUCTION Bill Ross We’da won if Laura Secord-Choklit had been on the shopping expedition. Rebecca Schram Funny, but alarmingly near possible! I really laughed when the Cana-


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dians stranded on the roof of Costco were rescued by the milk producers... and the bit about the ‘boat people’. Terrill Oh wow .... chuckling foolishly to myself! You outdid yourself :) But cheap granola stateside too? Get outta my way! VIEW FROM THE SOUTH SHORE JANUARY 2013 Carla Pendergraft I loved this story and look forward to visiting the… area one day. LAKESIDE LIVING - NOVEMBER 2012 Richard Stoner I’m trying to get in touch with Jeritza and Bob. We knew them in Florida in the 50s. rich and lora. rhodas kids. stonegeezer70@gmail.com loras orchids.com ROBERTO MOULUN—VOICE OF THE SPANIARD Patricia Pettit Pace Dear Roberto, You wear the kindly face you have earned. FOCUS ON ART - SEPTEMBER 2012 Jonathan Carlson Milo, give me a call we don’t have new number and address for u 3109956666 PROFILING TEPEHUA-- PART ONE Robin Ewart I am a retired professor of medicine from the US, currently living in Chapala. I understand that I can “assist” a Mexican doctor or doctors in providing care to the people of Tepehua even though I do not have and do not wish a license to practice medicine in Mexico. If you can provide any advice about how I should proceed, please let me know. Robin Ewart



ear Dr. Freud, I heard you were a pretty smart guy, but even you couldn’t answer your own question: “What does a woman want?” Some say men and women should live on different continents and procreate by getting together once a year in a neutral country like, say, Switzerland. However, Sigmund, I think you men still have hope, so I’m gonna tell you what we used to want, how we wrested much of it from you, and what we want today, in the 21st Century. Waaaay back when we collected nuts and berries and you were having contests of who had the longest loin cloth, we didn’t ask for much. Little things, like you should bring borne a steak to go with the salad.

And we wanted you to invent fire for the barbeque. Nothing big. After that, we allowed you to put our bustled and petticoated selves on that pedestal and treat us as dainty flowers who only accepted gifts of candy, cracked our Gibsoned heads against steel ceilings, suffered mightily for the vote, investigated cold sodas at the corner drugstore and hot jazz al the speakeasies, bobbed our hair and our skirts, and Charlestoned our way into F. Scott Fitzgerald’s Gatsby.

When you went off to fight wars, we wanted you to notice how well we performed the jobs you had left behind, how well we raised the kids all alone, and how well we hid our loneliness without you. Then we wanted you to take the bra-burning seriously and not object if we chose to return to the workforce. We wanted you to volunteer to do some of the grocery shopping and childcare, without our asking. We wanted you to retain your masculinity while cooking and diapering. We wanted to be like you, but not. We wanted you to be like us, but not. Having gone through all that and lived to see the solid steel ceiling converted to breakable glass, Hillary Clinton turns out to be a counterfeit feminist, and Martha Stewart seduces us back into the kitchen. It seems that we got much of what we wanted, but don’t quite know what to do with it. Perhaps the point all along was just to get it. So here’s the skinny on what we want now: We want you to be stronger than we are but in a gentle and tender way. We want you to respect our whims of iron. We want you to open doors, light

cigarettes, and never accept our offer to pay the restaurant check. We want you to take yes for an answer. We want you to take no for an answer. We want you to leave us alone. We want you to pay us attention. We want you well-bred, well-read, and underfed. We want other men to look at us. We do not want you to look at other women. We want you to be sensitive as well as rugged. We want you to break broncos if you care to, but don’t try to break us. We want you to ignore our frailties and praise our strengths. We want to be partners, with one of us holding 51 % of the stock. Well decide which one. We want your loyalty, devotion, love, care, time, and attention; we’ll give the same to you. These things are pretty much written, maybe not in stone but in clay, so we can change our minds. Only two constants remain through the ages: (1) Be there when we need you and (2) take out the garbage. Just tryin’ to help, Siggie. Sincerely, Maggie

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Kay Davis Phone: 376 – 108 – 0278 (or 765 – 3676 to leave messages) Email: kdavis987@gmail.com

la Ribera on Rio Bravo #10A (behind Daniel’s Restaurant). Shows are at 4 p.m. daily; box office opens at 3:15. Reservations guarantee a seat: phone Michelle at 765-6408 or email nakedstagereservations@gmail.com. February 20, 11:30 am, Alejandro Grattan will present his epic novel Dark Side of the Dream at the Oasis Cloud Café, Calle San Luis #330 in Riberas. There is a lovely garden and excellent food so you might want lunch; reservations: 765 – 3616. Dark Side of the Dream is about the migration of Mexicans into the US during World War II, their challenges and graciousness in adapting to a different culture and

PAST EVENTS Los Niños de Chapala y Ajijic threw a bash at Lake Chapala Society in December. It was their 3rd annual fundraising dinner and concert featuring the music of Anikan. Even the complimentary margarita was delicious, as was the food from Tony’s (BBQ chicken and ribs), all accompanied by soft rock by Anikan, a booming sucSra. Executive for IJAS (Instituto Jalicess. On Dec. 4th Los Niños sciense de Asistencia Social) presents award de Chapala y Ajijic was pre- to Margarita Llona (sponsor-student liaisented an Outstanding Serson) and Bill Friend (NCA volunteer) vice Award by IJAS (Jalisco State Social Assistance Agency). The award, here accepted by Bill Friend and Margarita Llona, recognizes NCA’s support of educational expenses for thousands of Lakeside area students over 35 years. Education makes a huge difference in the lives of these children and their families. On December 22, Mrs. Alicia McNiff, owner of The Chapala Inn, held her annual Christmas party for friends and past guests. Special guests this year were a choir of 13 boys and girls aged 6 – 16 from The Salvation Army and Hogar de Niños in Guadalajara. The choir entertained for two hours with a selection of Mexican Christmas songs. Anyone who wants more information on The Salvation Army or Hogar de Niños may contact Alicia at 765 – 4786 or deposit monies direct to: SCOTIANBANK. CTA.NO. McNiffs’ Christmas choir of local kids 101697499. In January O’Rourke & Asocidados presented Jamie MacDougall, internationally acclaimed Scottish tenor and pianist Michael Barnett. Jamie sang songs of his heroes, Mario Lanza, Caruso, Al Jolson and Nat “King” Cole, among others. He and Michael, his pianist, are well-rehearsed, versatile and fun in performance. They covered every style of music and never missed a beat. COMING EVENTS: February 22, 23 & 24 The Naked Stage is showing Beyond Therapy by Christopher Durang, directed by Robin Lawrason. This farce focuses on Prudence and Bruce who seek stable romantic relationships with the help of their psychiatrists, each of whom suggests the patient place a personal ad. The Naked Stage Theater is situated in the Plaza de


Jamie MacDougall sings favorites

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Alejandro Grattan’s Dark Side of the Dream & real migrants on the road their contributions during the war. Despite their astounding accomplishments, hundreds of thousands were deported through a program called Operation Wetback. This engrossing novel is ideal as a movie or TV series, and with the growing numbers of Latinos in America, it should be. Although not a “cause”, this sweeping epic reminds us that we share borders and more. March 1st begins a reprise of the popular The Fantasticks by My!My!HowNice Productions. The show has been touted as “the best show ever at Lakeside”. The same cast includes Marie-Claire and Christian, 16 and 17 year old local co-stars and the stunning voice of Lalo Muño Zúñiga from Guadalajara, as well as Fred Koesling, John Ward, Valerie Jones, Ken Yakiwchuk and Roger Larson and with Timothy G. Ruff Welch and Judy Hendrick playing dual pianos in accompaniment. Performances: 7:30 p.m. Fri., March 1and Sat., March 2 3:00 p.m. Sun., March 3 3:00 p.m. AND 7:30 p.m. Mon., March 4 (yes, 2 performances) 7:30 p.m. Tue., March 5 at Plaza de la Ribera (formerly Sol y Luna). Tickets may be reserved for either show by emailing mymytickets@gmail.com or from Diane Pearl Colecciones or Mia’s Boutique. With more comfortable chairs, there is less seating available so get your tickets early! March 6, 2 - 6 p.m. is the 7th Annual Lake Chapala Shrine Club Ribfest at the Villa Encantada located on the curve heading into Chapala from Riberas. This year the Ribfest will feature Tony’s “world famous” ribs and chicken. Food service will be 2 – 5 p.m. Tickets $350 pesos, currently available from Noble DENIS (the Event Chairman) at 766 – 2200, Noble FRANCIS (Ticket Sales Chairman) 766 – 4619, or any Shriner. Get a group of 10 and reserve a table. Good food, two bars, door prizes, great entertainment. Everything you want! You can park in the lot just west of Villa Encantada; handicap parking at the entrance. Street parking is limited, so do not block the ciclopista or you’ll get a ticket! Additional parking at the Monte Carlo Hotel and near the Maskaras Clinic in Riberas (look for signs); use the Hope House tourist bus for pick up and return. The Ribfest is the major source of revenue for the Lake Chapala Shrine Club who have assisted 854 children at a cost of over $1.5million pesos. The Shriners (and children) thank you for you support and look forward to seeing you March 6. March 9 the Rotary Club of Ajijic celebrates International Women’s Day with an International Women’s Golf Classic at the Chapala Country Club in Vista del Lago. The tournament is open to amateur lady golfers of all levels. There will be activities for non-players. Participants are limited; early registration is recommended. The entry fee is $1,200 pesos including green fees, golf cart, beverage cart during play, a Women’s International Golf Classic shirt, and a gift bag with a souvenir cap. Check-in at 10:30 a.m., Shot Gun start at 12:30. There will be golf clinics, celebrity picture signing, games for family members, ending with an Awards Banquet featuring a Roast Pig Dinner and music by a local dance band and award presentations for the tournament winners. The highlight will be an auction featuring a week’s stay (up to 5) at the luxurious Royal Cancun beachfront resort. For information, to become a sponsor, or to donate items for the gift bags, visit the Rotary webpage at www.rotaryajijic.org or call Golf Classic organizers Rod Hensley at 766 – 5600, email hensleymex@gmail.com; Keith Foster at 766 – 1742 or email procom2008@prodigy.net.mx; Sandra Loridans at 766 – 2981 or email sandra.loridans@gmail.com. A novelette Minnie by Allen McGill has been released and is available on

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GoodReads. It will also be available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble (BN) and Smashwords but if not online yet, try again in a week. It’s not a paper publication but can be ordered on-line. For information, contact Allen McGill at 765 – 5627. And check availability at http://www.jmsbooks.com/index.php?main_page=product_ info&cPath=36&products_id=692 Mulitple Events: In March the American Legion is having a “shutterbug” contest for 14 winning photos to use in the 2014 calendar. Dinner will have everyone in attendance vote on the top photos. The 14 winners will receive: 1. A gift certificate to a meal at the Legion. 2. Their photo in the 2014 Calendar with photo credit and contact info. 3. A free copy of the 2014 Calendar for each photo used in the calendar. Details: March 14, 3 – 5 p.m. photo selection Newly released by guests and cocktail hour 5:00 p.m. dinner, ballots turned in Menu: Lasagna Florentine, broccoli salad, green beans, hot french bread, hot fudge cake for dessert Price: $120 pesos for guests, $100 pesos for contestants LIMITED TICKETS available at Legion and from members CONTEST RULES: Deadline: MARCH 5, 2013. Photos must be in landscape orientation; printed 4 x 6 photos are needed for judging. Limit of 5 photos per contestant which can be submitted to Victoria Schmidt at the American Legion with all contact information on the back of each photo. Winners must provide a digital image in 300 dpi. The American Legion Auxiliary Unit #7 retains usage rights for the first image published. Winning images cannot be published locally until 2015. For further information, please contact Barbara Prince at 765 – 3418. Check their website for further events. Lake Chapala Society: February 12, 4 p.m. the next Storytellers program offers the theme “Love and Lust” to warm us up. Location: LCS back patio and when it’s cold out, the show moves indoors to the Sala. The bar opens at 3:30. Some of Lakeside’s local writers will read on that provocative theme. Admission is free, but donations are welcome as all proceeds go to help local Mexican kids with school expenses through the Jim Collins Education Fund. So come and enjoy “Love and Lust”. Visit www.lakechapalasociety.com for other news. Lakeside Little Theatre news: Tickets are $200 pesos per seat, $250 for the musical. For full listing of shows, box office and ticket information and to get email updates, go to www.lakesidelittletheatre.com. Box office hours are 10 – 1 and one hour prior to each performance.

Scotiabank Northern Lights Music Festival February 15 - March 2 Salon Series: Meet the extraordinary musicians of the Festival in the intimate ambiance of Ajijic’s finest homes. Accompanied by wine and cheese, these concerts are sure to sizzle. Series of 3: $850 pesos, or individually $300 pesos. Concert 1 is Tango for Two, Feb. 16, 3:30 pm, Villa Wilshere. Artistic director, Christopher Wilshere, and Alvin Tung team up with tango and Spanish dances for violin and guitar. Concert 2 is Songs of Life & Love, Feb. 21, 7:30 pm, Villa Champagne. Baroque specialist Erin-Cooper Gay and romantic baritone Jesse Clark share beautiful songs from Bach to Irish folk tunes. Concert 3 is Zephyr, Feb. 24, 3:30 pm, Villa Esperanza. Canadian clarinetist Graham Lord with Aaron Copland’s masterpiece, Appalachian Springs. Festival Series: Intimate Settings, Feb. 18, 3:30 pm & 7:30 pm, Villa Champagne. Attacca Quartet in residence at the Juilliard School of Music in New York, back for chamber music. $300 pesos. Keyed Fantasies, Feb. 19, 7:30 pm, Plaza de la Ribera (previously Sol y Luna). World known pianist Jasmin Arakawa performs Leopold Godowsky’s “Java Suite” with French Canadian violinist Veronique Mathieu in Schubert’s Fantasy. $300p. Gala Orchestra, Feb. 22, 7:30 pm, Instituto Tecnologico, Libramiento. The “Festival Orchestra” is joined by renowned Canadian violinist Jeremy Bell in Christos Hatzis’ concerto “Arabesque”. $350 pesos. Jazz at Sunset, Feb. 25, 7:30 pm, Sound Stage, Libramiento. This stunning location highlights Richard Underhill’s jazz quartet. Richard’s virtuosity on the Saxophone has won him numerous Juno awards. The Festival is excited to have him back. $300 pesos. Going Baroque, Feb. 26, 7:30 pm, Instituto Tecnologico. Baroque specialist and acclaimed violinist Jeremy Bell with the “Festival Orchestra”. Explore Italian baroque composers Vivaldi, Handel, Scarlatti & Tartinni. $300p. Closing Night, Mar. 1, 7:30 pm, Instituto Tecnologico. Graham Lord performs Mozart Clarinet Concerto and the “Festival Orchestra” follows up with Tchaikovsky’s Serenade for Strings. $350 pesos. Off Festival Events: Hot Jazz at La Nueva Posada, Feb. 20, 6 pm & Feb. 28, 6 pm. Tickets $500 pesos including concert, dinner, gratuities. Christos Hatzis, A Portrait, Feb. 27, 4 pm, Location TBA. How does a composer compose and where does inspiration come from? The Festival players perform some of this renowned Canadian composer’s most precious gems. Q&A with the composer and a “meet the musicians” cocktail hour, catered by No.4 restaurant. $500 pesos. Become a Patron Friend of the Festival: $2,200 pesos receives: - 6 concert tickets - 2 private concerts Feb. 15 & 28 at 3:30 pm - 1 Gala reception Feb. 22 after the Gala Orchestra Visionary : $3,200 pesos receives all of the above plus Violin Tasting, Feb. 23, 3:30 pm. What makes a Stradivarius so special? Why are some violins better than others? All the violins of the Festival will be discussed and performed as we savor the subtle differences. Rising Stars, a private in-home concert, Mar. 2, 4 p.m. Concert and buffet dinner with the musicians in the garden. Drinks included. - Access to orchestra rehearsals - Conductor’s Circle: $5,000 pesos receives all of the above plus a special concert dedication to you or a loved one and ticket to Hatzis, A Portrait. * Contact: Judy at judytravels80@gmail.com or 766 – 5379. Tickets sold beginning February 1 at the Lake Chapala Society Ticket Booth from 10 – 12, M – F and at Charter Club Tours 10 – 3, Plaza Montaña on the Carretera at Colon in Ajijic. Visit www.scotiabanknorthernlightsmusicfestival.com.

The Drowsy Chaperone Sunday box office access is just prior to a show. Curtain time is 7:30 p.m. with Sunday matinees at 3 p.m. To call box office: 766 – 0954. For February the LLT presents The Drowsy Chaperone by Martin, McKellar, Lambert & Morrison, a spoof of a 1920s song and dance frolic as imagined by an obsessive 21st century musical aficionado. Director: Dave McIntosh, assisted by Ann Swiston. Choreographer: Barbara Clippinger; Musical Director: Judy Hendrick. Performances February 16 – 26. Tickets on sale Feb. 14th but don’t wait – this show will sell-out!


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Erin-Cooper Gay

Jeremy Bell

Saw you in the Ojo 67


Gray white plume and slate blue wings, Great Blue Heron, breasting the breeze; Ancient bird, fisherman in springs, Gliding o’’er my Lake Louise. Great avian pedestrian, Your stately stride is dignified, Unlike your fellow pelican. And big broad wings soar six feet wide. Arrow speed, you spear to fishy depths; You shatter murky glassy green, An uncoiled snake, your S-shaped neck, And beveled beak—your guillotine. A floppy fish of flappy tail And jerky head in just a blink; You strike a pose—insouciant male. You swallow whole; you take a drink. I watch you at a distance, impressed; Your yellow bead eye regards me. Which of us is truly self-possessed? You preen indifferently… Mark Sconce


El Ojo del Lago / February 2013


A child sits on a curb at the age of four The crowd wonders “Is a young boy at the door?” An old gray man lost in nature’s own grind soon places himself in a wee lad’s mind Neighbors arrive looking for a small tot who playfully thinks about fun a lot Thin-haired old man lost in nature’s tight lock, sad, sits at the curb on Riverton’s block Police arrive and parents fret Their baby taken away, that’s not known yet A wrinkled old man now laughs and thinks “Happy days past and youthful high jinks” Both Mom and Dad frantic, milling about Deity Holstein smiles and then starts to pout A rather young senior stands up at last Deity Holstein is starved and needs a repast “Nice little kid,” M’am, sure hope he’s OK” Up for lunch he climbs, with saunter and sway Charmed old man’s dreams have quickly passed Deity Holstein is home at last! Walks the halls of 11 Riverton Drive Child’s play ended when he was about five “Sure, many more years!” now shouts aloud Suddenly giving hope to the gathered crowd Alas, young Deity’s gone, no more we need know His demise took place when the strong winds did blow An old gray man lost in nature’s own grind Deity Holstein has left no relics behind. Tom Halley

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View From The South Shore

By Kerry Watson kerry.r.watson1@gmail.com

Day Tripping on the South Shore


t this time of year when the north shore is more congested than ever, you may feel as if the noise, commercialism and traffic are everywhere. But just an hour south of Lake Chapala you will find peace, serenity and soul-cleansing on the “Eco-Tourism” route called the “Sierra del Tigre.” This is a special scenic route that winds up into the breathtaking mountains, into the pines and crystal-clear air. The winding asphalt roads are excellently-maintained, wellmarked and painted frequently. On the way back you will have amazing vistas of Lake Chapala. The Sierra del Tigre eco-route is designed as a nice one day driving loop, with picnic and viewing sites at the side of the roads and quaint little villages along the way. If you love a twisty mountain road, all you need is the map and your car for a great adventure. Or go directly to Mazamitla, the star of the route which bears the designation “Pueblo Magico” or Magic Town. This designation by Mexico’s Secretariat of Tourism brings additional dollars to the area for infrastructure (such as the beautiful roads into town) as well as strict adherence to architectural and other requirements. Mazamitla has been compared to the Swiss Alps, but it reminds me more of mountainous Santa Fe, New Mexico with its uniform architecture. Virtually every building in Mazamitla is white stucco top, red stucco bottom. All business signs begin with a red first letter, and the rest of the print is black. The only variation is natural wood, used extensively in the windows,


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doors, trim, and ceiling beams (vigas). Outside of town, thousands of wood or log cabins or “cabañas” are available for overnight rental. A program called “Mazamitla Intenso” highlights many extreme activities available to families and teens, including zip lining, paint ball, mountain climbing, and an off-road ATV park. In the summer there are horseback or hiking trips to the waterfalls. Bus tours to all these places are available from many vendors around the plaza. My favorite Mazamitla-area destination is the natural hot springs at Spa Las Jaras, about 20 kilometers southwest of Mazamitla on the Sierra del Tigre route. A spa day pass is only 100 pesos, allowing full access to the grounds, large jacuzzis of naturally heated spring water, and large natural steam rooms. The Jacuzzi area extends into an interesting labyrinth of interior rooms where you can swim, soak or relax and cool off out of the water on many different perches. Massages are available in the beautifully decorated spa area for about 400 pesos an hour. Rooms are available for about 1200 pesos. Private in-room jacuzzis are an additional 200 pesos a night. There is a natural juice and snack bar, a full indoor restaurant, and a separate water park for kids and families to romp around in. It is under new management so prices and information are subject to change. Important: If you accidentally turn off the excellent Sierra del Tigre Eco-Tourist asphalt roads, you will quickly be on rutted and poorly-marked dirt roads. I have had many good adventures on those dirt roads, but that is for a future column. MORE INFORMATION: If you don’t read Spanish, use Google Chrome browser for automatic page translation: http://www.google.com/chrome/ Eco-Tourism Route Sierra del Tigre: http://www.sierradeltigrejalisco.com.mx/ indexesp.html Printable Map of Sierra del Tigre Route: http://www.sierradeltigrejalisco.com.mx/ mapa-tigre.jpg Mazamitla Intenso: http://www.apsmac.com/site/?page_ id=48 Adventure World Ecological Park: http:// www.cabanasenmazam i t l a . co m / m u n d o _ Kerry Watson aventura.html

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THE AWESOME TREE OF LIFE By Vern and Lori Geiger


hy are trees important? Trees are the lungs of life; we breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. Trees breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen so if it wasn’t for trees we wouldn’t be able to breathe. Without trees we humans would not exist on this beautiful planet. Trees clean the soil; absorb chemicals and other pollutants that have entered the soil. Trees store harmful pollutants or actually change them into less harmful forms. Trees filter sewage and reduce the effects of animal wastes, clean roadside spills and clean water runoff into streams. Trees control noise, muffling noises as effectively as stone walls. Trees, planted at strategic points in a neighborhood or around your house, can abate major noises from freeways and airports. Trees slow storm water runoff and flash flooding can be dramatically reduced with tress either planted or growing wild; they can intercept more than 1000 gallons of water annually when fully grown. Trees are carbon sinks to produce its food; a tree absorbs and locks away carbon dioxide in the wood, roots and leaves. Carbon dioxide is a global warming suspect. A forest is a carbon storage area that can lock up as much carbon as it produces. This locking-up process stores carbon as wood and not as an available greenhouse gas. Trees clean the air by intercepting airborne particles, reducing heat, and absorbing such pollutants as carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide. Trees remove this air pollution by lowering air temperature, through respiration, and by retaining particulates. Trees shade and cooling is what a tree is best known for. Shade from trees reduces the need for air conditioning in summer. In winter, trees break the force of winter winds, lowering heating costs up to 30%. Studies have shown that parts of cities without cooling shade from trees can literally be heat islands with temperatures as much as 12 degrees Fahren-


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heit higher than surrounding areas. Trees fight soil erosion, erosion control has always started with tree and grass planting projects. Tree roots bind the soil and their leaves break the force of wind and rain on soil and conserve rainwater and reduce water runoff and sediment deposit after storms. Trees also increase property values; real estate values increase when trees beautify a property or neighborhood. Trees can increase the property value of your home by 15% or more. Not only to do they sustain our very life, but, they provide food for people and animals; they provide us with shade and beauty, they are homes and a source of food to countless animals. Simply put we could not survive without them. When a tree dies or is cultivated for a specific propose, they give us shelter; we build our homes with wood products, and use wood to heat our homes. Millions of trees are harvested every day; we can help by planting endemic trees; not just for us but for future generations. Not only do they provide us with the above but also are used for medicinal purposes; for example we owe the willow tree for aspirin, relieving headaches and breaking fevers, the eucalyptus tree gives wonderful essential oils. the list is very long and to most unknown. If you see someone illegally cutting down a tree, report it. Yes permits are required to cut down trees. Contact our local ecology dept. in Chapala 765-5600 or Profepa in Guadalajara at 01 333 824 6508. Clip this article and take to Flora Exotica for a 15% discount on trees.

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ear Editor: While many Americans do admire Harry Truman, the number who regard him as one of America’s “wisest, most effective leaders” may be fewer than Dr. Lorin Swinehart implies in his article in January’s El Ojo. Certainly many would not be persuaded by the assessment of Truman by arch-conservative and soundlyrejected presidential candidate Barry Goldwater that Swinehart seems to offer as evidence. Lawrence Stone and Peter Kuznick offer evidence in their television series and book, The Untold History of the United States, that had Roosevelt lived longer or Henry Wallace instead of Truman succeeded him, civilian populations in Japan might not have been incinerated by atomic bombs, an act that in the opinion of many irreparably and unnecessarily damaged the moral authority of the U.S., and the world might have been spared the nuclear arms race and the worst of the cold war between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. Swinehart claims that use of the bombs was a painful alternative to an estimate by the Joint Chiefs of Staff that the U.S. would suffer a million casualties in having to invade Japan to force its surrender. But Stone and Kuznick show that there is no documentation that such an estimate was made. It has been


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used to justify Truman’s decision to use the bombs, but there is evidence that once the Soviet Union opened a second front against Japan, it would have surrended without the bombs having been used. Stone and Kuznick (the latter a professor of history at American University) provide evidence that Roosevelt favored Wallace and did not replace him with Truman as his vice-presidential running mate. That was done by Democratic party bosses under the leadership of party treasurer Edwin Pauley, who ran the convention at which Truman was nominated, because they realized that Roosevelt might not complete his term and wanted to stop Wallace, who they regarded as too liberal, from becoming president. Wallace’s name was about to be placed in nomination by Claude Pepper and he would doubtless have been nominated by acclamation, had not the convention been abruptly adjourned just as that was to be done, in what has been called “Pauley’s Coup.” I think it would be more balanced to say that like other presidents, Truman did some very good things--asserting civilian control over the military and ordering an end to racial discrimination in it--along with some very bad ones. (Dr.) Kenneth G. Crosby San Antonio Tlayacapan gypsyken@prodigy.net.mx

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By Moonyeen King


ndigence: a level of poverty in which real hardship and deprivation are suffered, and comforts of life are wholly lacking. Webster. This describes the Tepehua Indigenous. Living in lean-to’s, where a family of five to seven live, sleep and love. One of the senses poverty cannot break is the ability and need to love, in spite of burdens thrust upon the woman. She still loves, begets and nurtures, and grows old quickly. Babies follow after reaching puberty: a reality. The closeness of the family group makes no shame out of sex. Lack of privacy educates the children at a very young age. Taboo of family planning is slowly being pushed aside. Computers, Television, other media, the availability of birth control, give some of the young a choice. Illiteracy blocks knowledge of all kinds. Although the Church tries to stop the education of family planning, not just in Mexico, but around an overpopulated world, availability is slowly achieving results. A woman can be in control of her body; it makes the machismo of the male powerless. Having this control empowers the woman; she needs to be educated about how to achieve that power and know there is a choice. Preteens, not yet fully formed for procreation, are having deformed or mentally challenged babies. That is why so many grandmothers up the Tepehua hill are taking care of multiple grandchildren that their girl child drops off. Where are the fathers? That same machismo is responsible for the spread of STD’s, (sexually transmitted diseases), a major killer for women of the barrios. Untreated STD is a known cause for cervical cancer. Women are still dying needlessly giving birth. In the barrios very few women have the availability of prenatal and postnatal care. Women go to the “free” hospital in Guadalajara by bus to have their babies and are sent home the same day. Due to lack of hygiene, they quickly get infections and lack of postnatal care causes her death. Although around the world, more babies survive, the mortality rate


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of the women is still far too high. The use of condoms is not just for family planning, it is to stop the spread of diseases. Societies are promiscuous, it is our nature, especially for the young. Teaching birth control is not encouragement to be promiscuous; education is control and choice. Women in power push knowledge, but men in power hold back. Surprisingly, men of power here in Mexico are in favor of family planning and women’s choice; it is the Church that holds it back. That same Church states, “It is a man’s right to chastise his women.” The Church is an organization of celibate men. One could question their experience, knowledge and intention. Education and family planning also tend to leave families better able to earn a living and more likely to accumulate savings. The result--they are better able to afford health care, which is allocated to maternal health. “Maternal deaths in developing countries are often the ultimate tragic outcome of the cumulative denial of women’s human rights,” notes the journal Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology, “Women are not dying because of untreatable diseases. They are dying because societies have yet to make the decision that their lives are worth saving.” Empowering barrio women, is like the Chinese proverb: “Educate a man, and you educate an individual. Educate a woman, and you educate a village.” This is by no means putting the barrio men down; the roles are different. The burden is different. Men in the barrio have a role...but the poverty on the hill cuts him off from that role. It is hard to find work. He is still begetting. His woman wants food on the table. He turns to drugs and alcohol in his frustration. The cycle of violence begins, and children learn to hide behind silence. If they do not make a sound, he will not notice them in his rage. But his woman takes the pain, and his pain, and she accepts it. This can change. moonie1935@yahoo.com.

THE GHOSTS AMONG US By Fred Mittag Black Elk (1863-1950)


homas Morgan, the US Commissioner of Indian Affairs, wrote a review after the massacre at a South Dakota creek called Wounded Knee: “It is hard to overestimate the magnitude of the calamity which happened to the Sioux people by the sudden disappearance of the buffalo.” The new railroads considered the great herds of buffalo to be a nuisance and kept guns on board. When a herd was encountered, the train stopped and the passengers were invited to shoot the buffalo from the train. At about the same time, a market developed for ground buffalo bones for fertilizer. They were shot by the millions and left to rot so the bones could be gathered later. Also, the six-shooter came along and finally gave the white man the advantage over the bow and arrow. The fate of American Indians of the Great Plains became irreversible. Commissioner Morgan was devoid of empathy. Even a year before the Wounded Knee Massacre, Morgan wrote: “The Indians must conform to the white man’s ways, peaceably if they will, forcibly if they must. . . . The tribal relations should be broken up, socialism destroyed, and the family and the autonomy of the individual substituted.” Black Elk had seen 500 soldiers on the move on December 28, 1890, and sensed that something terrible was about to happen, and it happened the next day. He said, “In the morning I went out after my horses, and while I was out I heard shooting off toward the east, and I knew from the sound that it must be cannon going off. The sounds went right through my body, and I felt something terrible would happen. I painted my face all red, and in my hair I put one eagle feather for the One Above.” On his way, other Lakota men, a branch of the Sioux, joined Black Elk. A galloping rider came to them and reported “They are firing on our people!” The men promised one another the courage to fight, but when they got to the area, the soldiers were dug in and there were not enough Indian braves to dislodge them. In the evening the soldiers left and Black Elk said, “And then we saw all they had done there. Men and women and children were heaped and scattered all over the flat at the bottom of the little hill where the soldiers had their cannon, and

westward up the dry gulch all the way to the high ridge, the dead women and children and babies were scattered. I saw a little baby trying to suck its mother, but she was bloody and dead.” Black Elk was a famous Lakota holy man, or shaman. He had witnessed the Battle of Little Big Horn at the age of 13, where they defeated George Custer. He was wounded while trying to intervene in the Wounded Knee Massacre. In the 1880s he toured with Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show before returning to Pine Ridge, his original home in South Dakota, which had been established as an Indian reservation. In 1930, he began telling his story to the poet and historian John Neihardt and the result was Black Elk Speaks, an account of Lakota history and spiritual traditions. Black Elk movingly reflected on the moment Red Cloud convinced him and others to surrender in the wake of Wounded Knee: “I did not know then how much was ended. When I look back now from this high hill of my old age, I can still see the butchered women and children lying heaped and scattered all along the crooked gulch as plain as when I saw them with eyes still young. And I can see that something else died there in the bloody mud, and was buried in the blizzard. A people’s dream died there. It was a beautiful dream.” There are plenty of photographs of Black Elk in his native Indian dress, but the one in the white man’s coat and tie would surely be the one most pleasing to Indian Commissioner Thomas Morgan. The suit seems like a final triumph over Black Elk’s Indian soul. In 1990, a century later, the United States Congress issued an official apology, expressing “deep regret” for the slaughter of over 370 men, women, and children at Wounded Knee Creek. “At the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit. And that center is really everywhere. It is within each of us.” – Black Elk Fred Mittag

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ometimes the stars align and it’s a beautiful thing to behold, especially when things don’t start out that way. A simple request from our gardener set us off on an adventure that ended in friendship, community spirit, and gained confidence. Our gardener asked if it would be alright to trim the vines that were growing over our wall and nearly reaching the ground outside. Since this was only the second week in our San Juan Cosalá house, we didn’t think twice about saying, “Sure.” Once he was done, we were left with a bare, grey wall that had the remnants of old graffiti. We had unwittingly cut down the colorful vines and added a very unbecoming view to our neighborhood. A few days later, some children came to visit us and I asked if they might be interested in helping paint a mural on the wall. This led to very enthusiastic statements about flowers, lizards, butterflies, and snakes. It seemed that we would not lack for artists. Having been teachers for years, my husband and I knew that we couldn’t turn the kids loose with buckets of paint. We needed an artistic leader. There entered Arcelia Real. It seems that the wall wasn’t the only thing trying to gain a new outlook on life. Arcelia (Arce) had stumbled through difficult times. She was born and raised in Ajijic in a home that was built by her grandfather. Her roots are deep and her love for the community great. But that didn’t mean she had an easy time. She credits her mother with raising five children by herself. Her mother always believed in her and worked hard to provide what she could for all the children. There wasn’t enough money to allow Arce to finish high school, though, so she took on many jobs including bartender, secretary, house painter, and more. As with so many young people all over the world, Arce turned to alcohol to numb her feelings of failure and loss. She really didn’t feel that she was doing what she was meant to do, until she began exploring her love of art. With the prodding of a boss at one of her jobs, she started painting some fun charac-


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ters on school walls to provide the children with a colorful environment. This was the beginning of having her believe in herself as an artist. Then came the next gift. A Canadian employer saw her potential and made her a promise: Stop drinking and I’ll pay for art classes. And she did! Arcelia’s favorite phrase is “Thank you, God.” And she is most thankful that others believed in her and gave her the chance; plus that she had the fortitude to make the changes. So, she came from her own Cinco de Mayo to ours to make a difference in the neighborhood and for the children that were here to be young artists. She started by painting the entire wall white … a blank canvas for the children who eagerly awaited their turn. Then, she directed the thirty or more children who came to leave their mark. We had suggested that the wall show three of the local environments – open fields, water, and the mountains. The children took right to this idea; they worked well together and enthusiastically waited for Arce’s assistance. Parents helped the smallest artists to be a part of this experience. Others sat on the curb and watched the project progress. Arcelia spent three days guiding the children. She never lost sight of the fact that the wall art had to be theirs. She showed them how to hold a brush or helped them with an idea for a bird, but it was their art. The end project is truly the children’s wall. Not more graffiti, no more grey bricks. We have a bright and fun art piece right here on our Cinco de Mayo in San Juan. Of course, now the children want to know what’s next? Carol A. Curtis

Saw you in the Ojo 79

By Neil McKinnon


n a previous piece, I said thatt a uniquely Canadian charactereristic is the tendency to preface ace ce every action and sentence with a an n apology, and that there is no circummstance where it is not appropriate forr a Canadian to apologise. I used examples: es: If someone bumps me in a crowd, d, I say, “I’m sorry.” “I’m sorry I left my shin where you you yo were going to kick.” “I’m terribly sorry but I stepped right ght gh ght where your dog just defecated.” “Please accept my apologies for pututting my ribs in the way of your elbow.” Unfortunately for Canadian pride, we appear to be in danger of losing our cherished spot atop the heap of international apologists. Folks in other places seem to be catching on. Recently there has been a world-wide flurry of apologetic words, many of which approach the skill and frequency of those employed by Canadians. We have witnessed professional athletes mistake steroids for everything


from chip ffr fro rom om cold colld medications medi me dications to chocolate ch cookies, cook co okiies politicians confuse noon-time noon tim orgasms for loving family relationships and televangelists misconstrue erotic back-alley encounters for the spread of salvation. All have apologised profusely to everyone from friends and family to fans, constituents, fellow citizens, voters, party members, their ancestors, the world-at-large and Santa Claus. Our problem is that Canadian apolo-

El Ojo del Lago / February 2013

gies are simple and private. In an effort to correct this situation and show other Canadians how we might recapture our pre-eminence in the field of apologetics, I have decided to go public with many of my past mistakes, particularly the ones that I failed to acknowledge at the time of the transgression. Let me begin by apologising to my parents for the stress that my birth caused, not just to my mother who labored long hours to bring me into this world, but also to my father who became so chagrined when he first saw me that he exclaimed, “Christ, he looks just like a fried egg!” I take full responsibility for my early arrival and accept that my inability to hang on until after the wedding is no doubt due to a congenital character flaw. It is also appropriate to apologise to my wife Judy and to thank her for standing by me during recent difficult times. As well, I would like to apologise to the chicken that perished unnecessarily in 1951 while I and my brothers were conducting research to try and discover what the term dead weight might mean. Again I wish to say how grateful I am that my wife Judy chose to stay by my side. What a comfort she has been these past few months. It is well beyond the time for me to express my sorrow at the grief that I caused the parents of Lisa, my first girlfriend. They returned home early one afternoon and found the two of us nude on their kitchen table. I acknowledge that Lisa’s father was absolutely correct. We had not removed our clothes to clean grease spatters acquired while deep frying a flounder. Let me just say that I would not have been able to make it through all of the present setbacks without the help and support of my family, especially my wife, Judy. When I was sixteen, a man named Phil moved next door to my parent’s house. Phil owned a brand new Ford Thunderbird. One evening, when my parents were away, I asked Phil if I could borrow his Thunderbird to go across town to visit my dying grandmother. Next day, the police found Phil’s car on its roof next to second base on the high school ball diamond. Contrary to what I claimed at the time, it had not been commandeered at gun point by Bonnie and Clyde who, so far as I know, never made it to Saskatchewan and, in any case, they were no longer functioning by 1956. If it is any comfort, Phil, you should know that your Thunderbird went faster in reverse around the base path than did any of my friend’s cars going forward. Also, I need to say sorry to my grandmother who lived to be one-hundred and two and who, notwithstanding what I claimed, was not a party to my deception and who, so far as I know, was never associated with Bonnie and Clyde.

At this time, I would like to thank my new partner Adele who, unlike Judy, says that she will stick with me no matter what happens. Once, in Toronto, I met a lovely young lady named Gail who sat next to me at All-Star Wrestle-Mania. I want to assure Gail that there really was nothing in the shape of her eyeball to indicate that she may have had a fatal disease. No matter what I said, I am not a doctor. I acknowledge that locking ourselves in the wrestler’s changing room so that I could perform a complete physical exam was not proper medical procedure. Please accept my heartfelt contrition. Also, I need to apologise to Killer Konetskey for using his dressing table without permission and to assure him that my back healed quickly once I was out of traction. My new partner has been steady as a rock. Thank you, Adele. I’ll repay the money once I catch up on the alimony. I would like to apologise to Adele’s husband, Gary. I understand that it was your bank account that Adele dipped into when she so generously agreed to help me out of my financial difficulties. Let me reiterate my promise to repay the debt as soon as all of my obligations have been taken care of and as soon as I find work. Speaking of work, I wish to say how sorry I am to Mr. Ken Alcott at ABC Trucking. I confess that my experience as a long haul trucker was not quite what I claimed when I applied for the job. In fact, it was limited to the time I was hitch-hiking on Route 23 and was picked up by a man named Armand who let me drive while he and his girlfriend fumbled each other in the passenger seat of his half-ton. I now recognise that this episode did not qualify me to drive an eighteen-wheeler. I should also acknowledge the problems I caused Mr. Alcott’s insurance company after the accident. Unfortunately they discovered how little blood was left in my personal stone. I would like to say how well my new wife, Laynee, helped me recover from my depressed state after Adele returned to her husband. Congratulations, Gary. The best man won and again, thanks to you and Adele for your financial help. I should not conclude without apologising to my son Will who has limited intelligence. I fully understand my comparison of your early musical efforts to the squealing of a wounded pig has a great deal to do with your present incarceration. And also, before I end, I must say I’m sorry to Laynee, my new wife. The fact that I fathered a baby with your Aunt Lottie in 1967 was as much of a surprise to me as it was to you. These are just a few examples. Now, if other Canadians will only go public with their own past indiscretions, it will go a long way toward us regaining our lost status in the world.

FRONT ROW CENTER By Michael Warren Too Soon For Daisies By W. Dinner & W. Morum Directed by Sally Jo Bartlett


have tried to discover something about these two playwrights Dinner and Morum. Between them, they are responsible for 48 plays written between 1943 and 1988 – this play Too Soon for Daisies falls in the middle of that period – but that is all the information I can find. So far as I can tell, none of these plays have been produced in the West End or on Broadway. These authors are mysterious and anonymous, and I surmise that the names Dinner and Morum are a pseudonym for Queen Elizabeth or one of her courtiers. No doubt she used her influence to get the plays published. Anyway, the play’s the thing! There are these three old ladies who have escaped from a sad existence at Eventide, a retirement home for the elderly and impoverished. They land in a rowboat somewhere in Suffolk, and find an empty house which they hope will be their new home. “Freda” is played with considerable energy by Anne Drake – she frequently has to remind the other two that you have to fight for your happiness. Suzanne Forrest (surprisingly this is her first appearance on the LLT stage) is dreamy and slightly crazy as “Joy” who writes bad poetry on the back of napkins. And Phyllis Silverman plays “Edie” who used to be a pickpocket, presumably in London – I suspect that there were many in the audience who had a hard time deciphering her cockney accent. “Paul Vanderbloom” shows up fresh off the boat from Australia to enjoy his new house. He conveniently dies almost immediately and the ladies hide his body in the old well. No one will ever know! (Unfortunately John Foster was unable to play his part due to an unexpected domestic crisis, and a lastminute rewrite had Vanderbloom die offstage). Jon DeYoung plays an old busybody doctor in heartily genial style, and then a young woman “Jackie Jackson” arrives to find her uncle’s new house. Cydney Supan McMinn does a great job as Jackie, complete with red and black hair and tattoos – welcome back to Cydney after a lengthy absence from the LLT stage. There are also some other villagers who appear in the second Act with Douglas Pinkerton (who was delightfully enthu-

siastic) as a local handyman, and Kevin Leitch as a policeman. These two are also newcomers to the LLT stage. Finally I should mention Orry Robb as the paper boy whose right hand appears momentarily on stage. Hopefully we’ll be seeing more of him soon. It’s a convoluted plot with lots of comings and goings, and with the dead body hauled back on stage in a large box marked THIS SIDE UP. It could be a funny, even possibly a hilarious play with poignant overtones, but unfortunately it isn’t. I think the problem lies with the writers, whoever they are. The play is not humorous enough to be a comedy, nor is it dramatic enough to be a drama, nor mysterious enough to be a mystery. As a result the cast is required to be frantic in order to maintain the energy of the action, and sometimes the lines were lost amidst the excitement and confusion. This is the second play this season featuring old or senile people, and a third play (Best Wishes) was about a family returning home for a funeral. Let’s take a break from funerals and retirement homes – some of us are still able to walk and talk and think, all at the same time! Although I question the choice of play, Sally Jo Bartlett did an excellent job in staging it and also gave us some new faces on stage. The energy level was high and the audience certainly enjoyed the show. Thank you, Sally Jo, for your casting choices. The set was well constructed – bare at the opening, and gradually becoming furnished during the play. I was impressed by the huge table (how did they get it on stage?) and also the wheely thing which transported the box with the dead body in it. Congratulations to Sally Jo and all her cast and crew for a tremendous effort. Graham Miller was Stage Manager and Beth Leitch was Production Assistant. And now I look forward to the musical which will be directed by Dave McIntosh. The Drowsy Chaperone opens on February 16. Michael Warren

Saw you in the Ojo 81

YIKES! By Jim Evans Ev vans evansjames@prodigy.net.mx mes@prodigy.net.mx


ne w warm arrm ra rainy ain i y su summers umm merrs eve e last lastt year, yea e r, I was was treated treat ated ed d to my my fi first rst visit viisi sit from sit f om a Mexfr Mex M ex xican scorpion. Now I am a pretty big guy, but I broke the record for short distance withdrawal. I observed the 3+ inch long critter climbing up the side of my brand new queen size overstuffed mattress, probably on his way to hide under my black comforter. I immediately reverted to my basic military training, I panicked, grabbed the comforter off the bed and shook it ignoring the existing threat. Luckily he dropped down the side of the mattress and tried to make a hasty get away. I was thinking if he gets away I will not be able to sleep here ever again. (On a recent road trip, my travel partner convinced me that the bugs on the ceiling were scorpions, ready to drop at any moment. I spent the night with more than one eye open.) I managed to get control of the situation and efficiently disposed of this intruder with a combination of bug spray and muriatic acid. He finally quit moving and I figured he was probably done for. I had used half a can of bug spray and several ounces of acid. Now, not only did I have to dispose of his remains, but the floor was a mess and my sheets needed to be laundered. I started to laugh at myself for being so silly, when I realized, “what if there are more three-inch black messengers of instant death?” I immediately stripped


El Ojo del Lago / February 2013

the bed, removed the mattresses and started on my closet. What now? Simple, the internet, of course. I entered “scorpions Mexico.” The first site indicated that not all scorpions are deadly, and being the lucky sort I knew mine was a nondeadly kind. But, then: “In Mexico there are various Centruroides species which are deadly to humans. Go calmly to the nearest hospital or clinic prepared for treatment for scorpion stings.” I didn’t want to be treated, whatever that entails, and I don’t want to go to the nearest hospital or clinic, (did I mention it is Saturday night in Manzanillo, and another fiesta is in full swing?) I went to another site, this one much more technical and factual. “Scorpion stings are a major public health problem in many underdeveloped tropical countries” That’s reassuring. “In Mexico, 1000 deaths from scorpion stings occur every year. A Scorpion has a flattened elongated body and can easily hide in cracks.” Good news, “Out of 1500 scorpion species, 50 are dangerous to humans.” I decided that maybe a Corona would help while I made plans to find alternate shelter and asked a neighbor if he knew about scorpions. After conversations with neighbors, I discovered that there is time to get to the hospital (how comforting), and the results of any given sting are pretty much up to the individuals physiology. (Fine time to be turning 68!) I spent a rather restless night, sleeping with one eye open and lights ablaze. My bed was covered by a single sheet and for most of the night I wore my shoes. Of course the bug spray and Muriatic acid were close by. The next morning I set off in search of ways to deal with these sneaky beasts. Driving by the local dive shop I noticed my friend Carlos, a former US Marine, loading his truck for a dive. I pulled up, jumped from my car and breathlessly said, “I had a scorpion in my house last night, what can I do about them?” To which he replied, “Just step on them.” YIKES!

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The Greatest Short Story Ever Written By Jim Tuck


ith due respect to Poe, Maupassant, O. Henry and other masters of the art, my nominee for outstanding short story writer of all time is Somerset Maugham. For one thing, Maugham had the advantage of longevity, living longer than Poe and Maupassant put together. Ask any Maugham aficionado the title of his finest piece of short fiction and almost certainly the answer will be Rain. Enormously successful, Rain was staged on Broadway and filmed twice. Taking nothing away from it, I would nonetheless rate it Number 2, with top honors going to The Outstation. My choice is based on a conviction that The Outstation presents the reader with a character study far more complex—and in the end more interesting than the somewhat simplistic theme of an austere cleric who becomes infatuated with a prostitute. Locale of the story is British North Borneo and principals are Warburton, the Resident, and Cooper, his assistant. The two are polar opposites and an intense hatred eventually develops between them. Warburton is a ferocious snob who has taken the colonial post only because he went broke gambling. An incurable name-dropper, he never tires of informing bored listeners that he once played baccarat with the Prince of Wales. Cooper, on the other hand, is a rough-hewn colonial who detests Warburton’s snobbery —to say nothing of Warburton’s obvious perception of him as a social inferior. The tone of their relationship is set at the very beginning. Cooper comes to dinner in shorts and encounters Warburton in white dinner jacket and black tie. Incredulously, he asks Warburton if he always dresses for dinner. Warburton frostily replies that he does. Cooper: “Even when you’re alone?” Warburton: “Especially when I’m alone.” Another exchange gives Maugham the opportunity to display his gifts as a master social satirist. At dinner with Cooper, Warburton “told a little anecdote, of which the only point seemed to be that he knew an earl.” By now the reader is fully prepared


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to loathe the snobbish Warburton and feel sympathy for Cooper. It’s at this juncture that Maugham springs his trap and the story takes on an entirely new dimension. Though a snob, Warburton is no racist and his relations with the Malays are excellent. By contrast, Cooper’s egalitarianism begins and ends with the white race and he harbors an ugly prejudice against people of color. This brings on another confrontation between the two men. To Warburton’s comment that he respects well-born Malays every bit as much as he does their English counterparts, Cooper boorishly replies that to him all Malays are “niggers.” In the end, Cooper’s blue-collar bigotry has fatal consequences. He beats up Abas, his houseboy, and that night Abas slips into his bungalow and stabs him to death. The story ends with Warburton’s reaction to Cooper’s murder. Talk about not a dry eye in the house! Dutifully, he tells Abas’s uncle that Abas should turn himself in. The uncle hesitates. Will the tuan hang Abas? Reassuringly, Warburton says Abas will serve a short term of imprisonment and then he himself will take him on as a houseboy. Abas shouldn’t have killed tuan Cooper but, he adds comfortingly, “the provocation was very great.” His pleasure mounting, Warburton looks forward to a congratulatory letter he plans to write his friend, Lady Ormskirk, who has just given birth. To the best of my knowledge, The Outstation was never filmed. Hollywood really dropped the ball on that one.

STAY HEALTHY! By J. Manuel Cordova, M. D. Internal Medicine & Geriatric Specialist Mdjmcordova1204@yahoo.com Weight And Health


ood’ health is not all about weight. It is not unusual for many people to associate weight with health but weight in itself is certainly only one factor to be considered. There are certain foods which can help our bodies more so than others. There are also a number of supplements which can be helpful if your normal diet is not supplying sufficient amounts of nutrients that your body needs. Don’t assume, however, that ‘more’ of a particular supplement is a good thing. Some supplements can actually be harmful to your health and can cause serious problems, particularly if taken with certain medications. Although there is unlimited information available about food, diets and supplements, the age factor is very important --and in many cases, is not specifically addressed in ads or promotions of the products. The senior population and baby boomers typically take more medication than a younger person. For this reason, you should be very careful about taking supplements or herbal enhancements in conjunction with your other medications. You might experience severe adverse affects and not understand why. Your current health condition is also an extremely important factor to consider before taking supplements, potions or herbal enhancements. Always consult with a qualified physician regarding your health and what is best. Even though a prescription may not be required to purchase many items, certain supplements, potions and herbs ... and even some food, could cause harm. Don’t make assumptions when it comes to your health. One example is getting too much Vitamin K. If you are on a prescription medication for anticoagulation, such as warfarin (coumadin), you should be aware of too much Vitamin K. It’s fairly common for a physician to prescribe coumadin after a surgical procedure to help prevent blood clots. Too much Vitamin K can reduce the effects of the anticoagulant, making you more at risk for blood clots.

Green tea is very popular for anticancer effects, but also contains Vitamin K. In moderation, there should be no problem. Too much, however, may cause problems. One case I recently became aware of involved a man who drank a gallon of green tea everyday. His medication did not work until he stopped drinking the tea. Spinach and cabbage also contain Vitamin K. Certain combinations of herbal ingredients may block your body from absorbing other medications and supplements. Every person is unique when it comes to your health. The older we are, the more of an issue this becomes. Caution is warranted when starting something new. What we see on the outside does not always reflect our true health and wellness condition on the inside. A person can be slightly overweight and still be healthy, particularly if you normally eat a balanced diet and are physically active. Here is some information that may help a little regarding foods that are especially good for you and easy to include in your current meal planning. 1. Apples ...good source for fiber that can help lower cholesterol and glucose levels, and good vitamin C. 2. Blueberries...good antioxidant, fiber and vitamin C. 3. Mango ...good antioxidant and high fiber to help lower cholesterol. 4. Broccoli ... good source of folate for better red blood cells, may help prevent heart disease, diabetes & some cancers, and good vitamin C. (Ed. Note: Dr Còrdova lives and has his Medical Practice here at Lakeside, He is the President of the Geriatric & Gerontology Association of Jalisco. 766-27-77.) Dr. Cordova

Saw you in the Ojo 85

The Poets’ Niche By Mark Sconce msconce@gmail.com Anna Akhmatova (1889-1966) Anna Akhmatova is to Russia what Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz is to Mexico. They are the most gifted women poets of their respective countries. When I look at the calm countenance of Akhmatova (adjacent painting), I’m reminded of the calm, dignified face of the poet nun who graces our 200 peso notes. These are seemingly serene faces. But knowing both their stories, s, I see more than serenity serenity. I see stoic faces, suffering faces, enduring faces—visages for the ages. What these two women were forced to endure would test the equanimity of a yogi. In Sor Juana’s case, the harsh, Inquisition-minded Church of the 17th century that actually removed the writing materials from her convent cell; in Anna’s case the harsh, murderous repression of the Stalinist years. In her words: “That was a time when only the dead could smile. The stars of death stood over us/And Russia, guiltless, writhed/Under the crunch of bloodstained boots/Under the wheels of Black Marias.” (Trans. by Stanley Kunitz) Her first husband was executed in 1921 for “counterrevolutionary activity.” Her son, Lev, was imprisoned for eleven years accused, as was Anna, of bourgeois and, therefore, decadent tendencies. The strong-armed authorities forbade publication of her poems for decades. She didn’t even dare write them down, so she and her closest friends memorized them. Under Khrushchev’s de-Stalinization program she was allowed to partially publish once again. And the result was “Requiem” her most famous poem that recounts the suffering, grief and mourning of the Russian people under Stalin’s tyrannical rule. She had taken on the public role as chronicler of the Terror, the purges and the persecutions. She became deeply loved by the Russian people. And of her imprisoned son? Seventeen months I’ve pleaded for you to come home. Flung myself at the hangman’s feet. My terror, oh my son. And I can’t understand. Now all’s eternal confusion. Who’s beast, and who’s man? How long till execution? (From Requiem. Trans. by A.S. Kline) Anna Akhmatova was more aristocratic than bourgeois and had become a popular poet and “cultural celebrity” long before the 1917 Revolution. Her fame stemmed from her femme fatale looks and her fascinating poems that focused on the topic of love in all its wondrous and confusing aspects. The ice in my breast was unthawing/But my step as before remained light. On my left hand I found myself drawing/The glove that was meant for my right. Trans. by Professor Emeritus James E. Falen Professor Falen’s exquisite translations continue from his new book Intimations. Come close and sit beside me here/And with a joyful eye take note Of this blue book of yesteryear---With all the girlish verse I wrote. Forgive me that I lived in pain/That in the sun my joys were few. Forgive as well that I in vain/Mistook so many men for you. (1915) *** How often, after wind and frost/Before the hearth I loved to rest. But there I failed to guard my heart/And someone stole it from my breast. It wasn’t hard to guess the thief/I know him by his eyes, you see, How dreadful, though, that soon enough/ He’ll give his booty back to me. (1914) *** Do not crumple, my dearest, my letter/Don’t weep at an intimate lie, But deep in your tattered old satchel/Keep my letter uncrumpled and dry. (1912) Mark Sconce


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Latest Outrage Stimulates Debate Over Preventative Measures By Dr. Lorin Swinehart


s we lament the recent murder of 27 people, 20 of them innocent first graders, we are all asking ourselves what could have been done to prevent this horror, what can be done to forestall the next incident. A serious discussion of possible preventative measures is overdue. Alas, we have heard it all before: More restrictive firearms laws, more and better mental health resources, clamping down on movies, TV programs and video games that glorify violence. As a parent and as a 36-year veteran classroom teacher, school shootings affect me on both levels. We who are parents can only imagine the agony with which others waited hopefully for news of their children, the sorrow felt by those who learned that their tiny sons and daughters would never return. As a retired teacher, I imagine former students as victims. The media refers to this act as a tragedy. A tornado or a tsunami is a tragedy. This was a crime, committed by a criminal. Let us begin by calling it what it is. Someone was so determined to cause as much heartache and destruction as possible that he was willing to trade his life for the opportunity. It has become a familiar story, but the killing field keeps expanding, the body count growing. One no longer feels secure in school, church, a shopping mall, a theater or a meeting with a congresswoman. Gun control is the most frequent response. Having grown up in the rural Midwest, where guns and hunting were a way of life, I remain unconvinced. Given my first firearm at the age of 13, a single action .22 rifle, the gun safety lecture was drilled into me over and over by my dad and grandpa, two men I never wanted to disappoint. Wonder what ever became of those sorts of relationships. I stopped hunting years ago, but I believe that people possess the right to defend themselves. A few years ago, seeking employment after the park where I served as a ranger had closed for the season, I went to work for a local outfitter as a gun salesman. Most of my customers fell into two categories. Many were pheasant or duck hunters purchasing shotguns. Many were single


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women, living alone in rural areas, concerned over their safety and wellbeing in a lawless society. I conducted the required background checks with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms before each sale. I have had no reason to regret any of my sales in the years since. To question the effectiveness of firearms restrictions is not necessarily to oppose all restrictions. Does the average hunter/ marksman have any use for a bazooka, heat-seeking missile, fully automatic machine gun? The rifle used by Adam Lanza in the school massacre more closely resembles a weapon used by the orcs of Middle Earth than anything belonging to a turkey hunter or a night nurse fearing robbery, rape or murder as she heads home from work. Limitations upon large capacity magazines seem sensible, as well as limiting the sale or possession of certain socalled assault weapons, a designation that remains nebulous. I doubt the efficacy of most gun laws. A former student murdered a deputy sheriff with a sawed-off shotgun, a weapon that has been illegal since the 1930’s. One of my inmate students in an Ohio prison once opined, “If I was out on the street, I could get you a gun in five minutes.” “England,” a country that ceased to exist with the 1707 Act of Union, is often held up as an example of successful firearms legislation, and yet the laws of the UK failed to curtail the violence in Northern Ireland. Meanwhile, heavily armed societies like Switzerland and Finland have miniscule crime rates. The argument that more mental health resources need to be made available is a sound one. But one cannot be forced to seek meaningful counseling. By what criteria are we to determine whether a person is competent to own a firearm? Would the availability of

more mental health services have prevented the massacre in Connecticut? Without exception, the perpetrators of mass murder have been described as loners; quiet, shy, polite. Such designations would have sent many of us to the psycho ward when we were teens. We cannot arrest and incarcerate people for crimes they may or may not commit. Perhaps violent video games could be banned in the same way that children’s pornography is, but I would not trust any level of government to determine what materials citizens may read or view. Hitler and Stalin loved such practices.

I would place an armed police officer in every school building in the land. Will the public step up to the plate to finance such a plan? We need to quiet the rhetoric, shun the name calling, and begin a sane and serious discussion of realistic preventative measures. There will be more mass murders. At this moment, in every municipality, someone is watching the grief and suffering unfold and muttering to himself, “Cool!” Lorin Swinehart

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ANYTHING YOU CAN DO (They can do better!) By Tom Clarkson


ou know the sort, it may be a brother-in-law, next door neighbor or that particularly irritating high school bully who has gone badly to seed. Several years ago, while flying home, trapped at an altitude of 39,000 feet, one such person sat next to me. The following is a recap of that conversation. Anticipating take-off in the next week or so, our jet slowly creeped onto one of the taxi tarmacs, as I mentioned how my wife and I hoped to soon get a Labrador puppy. He rejoined that he also had pets, mastering effective two-way communication with his lowland gorilla that shared its housing with an exceptional and uncommon, white Asian elephant and a Siberian Musk Ox. And then, as an afterthought, he added that his Costa Rican Sloth and Australian Dingo both enjoyed riding on the back of his Cyprus Dwarf hippopotamus. With mouth agape, I mumbled something about how, earlier in my work life, I had been in college administration. He launched into a discourse of how - following a round of lectures regarding his personally conceived plan for curricula innovations at Harvard, Cambridge, Yale, Oxford, Stanford and MIT - he planned to pursue postdoctoral work regarding the relevance sub-atomic vagaries effecting postcoital deportment of a rare plum eating piranha found only in one seasonal stream located some 255 kilometers from the primary Amazon tributary.


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n-He co conth hat tinued that nticcipathe anticipatth the Na aed both Naographicc tional Geographic and Smithsonian to do full features on his work – explaining that he didn’t want to write up the research himself as he didn’t care to again face all of the “interview hassles” by the Pulitzer Prize committee. After an extended, mouth open, pause to assimilate that bit of information, I struggled to offer that early in my adult life I had enjoyed serving in elective office in Midwest Kansas. Tut-tutting, he responded how he had personally tutored United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in proper international parliamentary procedures, had honed Former President Bill Clinton’s image (post-Monica), had been begged, repeatedly, to take Ted Kennedy’s seat in U.S. Senate, but - being the humble sort he was - had not wished to call attention to himself and (in a conspiratorial whisper) explained how, in all reality, it had been he who had written the entirety of the Health Care bill. Wishing to steer clear of all that hinted of politics, I hurriedly changed topics telling him how we had thoroughly enjoyed the climate while living and working in the Kwajalein Atoll in the far south west Pacific. Before I could explain the nature of our work he interrupted saying that, each Spring, he immersed himself in the Italian Riviera lifestyle; each summer, jetted between the Galapagos Islands, several of the westernmost Mongol provinces and the Great Barrier Reef off of Australia; during the fall he hiked several of the seldom traversed Alps, peaks of the Hindu Kush, a number of the Northernmost Tibetan highest reaches and the “oh, so tame” furthermost Canadian Rockies; and in the winter relaxed in the “chillier parts” of Antarctic . . . but was vague on specifics or explanation of that season’s sport. . . which I wisely did not pursue! At this point, incapable of cogent

response to the preceding, I mentioned how in addition to a daily regime of walking – as a result of slightly raised blood pressure – I now took medication. Conversely, he explained how he worried little about any manner of bodily infirmities as he could lower his heart rate to twenty beats per minute, could control his body temperature to anywhere between 90 and 110 degrees, often held his breath to just over ten minutes – and could do all at the same time! Eyes – and ears – glazed over, I turned the conversation to more famil-

ial matters, mentioning how our oldest granddaughter had just finished second in the grade school spelling Bee. He observed that that was all well and good, but his daughter did crosswords in Sanskrit, sang a multiplicity of ancient songs in Aramaic and home schooled her children in Esperanto, Etruscan and conversational Latin as well as how to properly write in one of the more ancient variants of Japanese Kanji. Mercifully, the pilot then announced we were about to land.

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hen you travel to New Zealand, be sure to visit the Haiku Pathway.” These words were emailed to me by Beverley George, the editor of the Australian haiku magazine Eucalypt in which several of my haiku have been published. As the author of a book of haiku, I was intrigued and discovered that the Haiku Pathway exists in the Mural Town of Katikati, about one hundred miles southeast of Aukland where I would be at the end of my six week journey. Several years ago, as part of its participation in the Millennium Project, the Haiku Pathway was established in Katikati, voted New Zealand’s most beautiful town in 2005 because of the murals painted on walls by the town’s artists. The pathway is a paved walk lined with boulders inscribed with haiku along the Uretara Stream. The Millennium Project, founded in 1996 with the cooperation of the Smithsonian Institution, the United Nations University, and other groups, is an independent non-profit global participatory group connecting individuals and institutions around the world. The Haiku Pathway, opened in 2000 and the only one in the southern hemisphere, is a peaceful, quiet walk along the Uretara Stream. The walk begins at the north end of Katikati. Visitors may wind their way along the tranquil stream, cross the specially designed footbridge, and meander along the other side of the stream reading the haiku inscribed on the boulders. This is the largest collection of haiku stones outside of Japan. The boulders are local volcanic andesite, each chosen for its suitability for haiku inscription. Once a boulder is placed along the pathway, a haiku is chosen to suit the particular setting. Each haiku is individually hand chiseled by a professional engraver. As visitors walk along the tranquil stream, they may pause and read each inscribed boul-


El Ojo del Lago / February 2013

der. Each haiku may take several readings to grasp its full meaning and the walk may take from an hour to several hours. The pathway along the stream was conceived by Catherine Mair, a wellknown New Zealand haiku poet. Her idea became a reality in 2000. In addition to the boulders, haiku contests are held periodically and winning haiku are set in stone along the pathway. Many international writers visit the pathway. One well-known international writer to visit the pathway was George Swede, the first Canadian appointed as editor of the Journal of the Haiku Society of America. My three and a half hour bus trip from Aukland through sheep land and coastline put me in Katikati about 11:30 in the morning. I immediately crossed the street and found the steep log steps leading to the stream where I saw the sign for the Haiku Pathway. A few feet along the path brought me to a boulder with the following haiku by New Zealand poet Jeanette Stace: at each end of the park bench a man a woman All haiku are selected from international, peer-reviewed literary journals and represent excellence in the art of writing haiku. Many of the writers have received international awards. The authors range from ancient Japanese to contemporary writers from New Zealand, Australia, Britain, Canada, and the United States. As I continued on the path, I discovered this haiku by USA poet Michael Dylan Welch, editor of several books of haiku and tanka and editor/publisher of Tundra: The Journal of the Short Poem: beneath the moon the heron’s slow step towards frog-sound As I walked and read each haiku, I paused, took a deep breath, and felt a sense of peace and tranquility. The placid setting and the serene stream, with benches provided for people to sit and reflect, offered an untroubled and relaxed atmosphere.

After walking for more than an hour reading and photographing the haiku boulders, I was rewarded by seeing a kawau (a black shag, member of the cormorant family) warming its wings in the sun. Then I crossed the bridge back to the world of cars and people. I ate lunch and boarded the bus for the trip back to Aukland, which took another three and a half hours. Although I spent only a short time in Katikati, it was an awe-inspiring trip for a writer of haiku. MEL’S BOOKS ARE AVAILABLE AS EBOOKS SHORT STORIES:

A Cold Killing http://uploadnsell.com/buy/fxRCpA POETRY A Few Berries Shaken From the Tree http://uploadnsell.com/buy/PfYbba VISIT MEL’S WEBSITE: www.authormelgoldberg.com LINK: https:// www.amazon.com/ author/melgoldberg Mel Goldberg

Saw you in the Ojo 93

The Ojo Crossword

ACROSS 1 Adding term 5 Hairstyle 9 Poem division 14 Am not 15 Dressed 16 Tree masted Mediterranean boat 17 Sock´s partner 18 Fill 19 Clerk 20 Apply paint to 22 First month of Jewish calendar 24 American sign language 25 Worthless 27 Beautiful bird 31 Russian ruler 32 Yes 34 Brew 35 Central Thai 38 Cat´s nemesis 40 Poke 42 Gushes 44 Big Apple (abbr.) 46 Fear 47 Got up 48 Luau dish 50 Color 51 _Lanka 52 Nervous system 55 Lotion ingredient 57 Dr. Jekyll and Mr._ 59 Swallow up 61 Collect 64 Foil


El Ojo del Lago / February 2013

66 Regional plant life 68 Sheer, triangular scarf 71 Genghis_ 73 On top 74 Constellation 75 Economics abrv. 76 Ponder 77 Creature 78 Wizened 79 Imitated DOWN 1 Grassy plain 2 Deceivers 3 To that time 4 Prow 5 American Cancer Society (abbr.) 6 Iron (2wds.) 7 Relationship 8 City 9 Russian ruler 10 Sponsorship 11 Compass point 12 Decade 13 Fall mo. 21 Aurora 23 _! (call attention) 26 Little bit 28 Shore bird 29 Fish tank growth 30 Indigent 31 Binds 33 Goal 35 Discard 36 _Houdini 37 Shirk 39 Cheat 41 Suggest 43 Part of a min. 45 writer of something with someone 49 Queasy 53 Pristine 54 Serpents 56 Spoiled 58 Basic beliefs 60 Decorate 61 Risen (2 wds.) 62 Jagged 63 Recorded 65 Chivy 67 Dalai_ 68 Watch chain 69 Anger 70 Central Intelligence Agency 72 Compass point

Saw you in the Ojo 95


El Ojo del Lago / February 2013





FIESTA LATINA 2013! FEBRUARY 2, 2:30 PM GET YOUR TICKETS NOW! Entertainment by Orchestra Tipica de Chapala playing pieces from Mexico’s rich musical heritage and music from the Andes. Four couples will demonstrate Latin dances including mambo, cha cha, cumbia and will be available for dance instruction with Fiesta attendees! Food will be catered by Roberto’s and includes mouth watering cuisine from Chile, Ecuador, Panama, Argentina, Peru, Columbia, Mexico and the Caribbean. A complimentary Margarita is included in the price. A silent auction with exciting items including a flat screen TV, B & B stays, artwork, spa packages, a private dinner for your guest, a wine pairing in your home, a golf package and custom jewelry will be held in the Sala. Tickets are $450 pesos and are available at LCS from 10-2, Diane Pearl Colecciones and Lois Cugini’s Opus Boutique during store hours. What Neil James began for our community many years ago, let us continue by supporting our important community education programs and events.















The Annual General Meeting is the most important meeting of the membership. This is an opportunity for each member to share their voice concerning the direction and management of LCS. The 2010 LCS Constitution modi ed the dates of the AGM so that it occurs when a majority of the members are Lakeside. The AGM is the paramount authority of LCS, and since it only happens once a year, please consider participating.

2012 FINANCIAL UPDATE The numbers are in! 2012 was a favorable year for LCS. Income exceeded expenses by $2 5, 32pesos. The pie charts to the left show where LCS gets its money, and where the money is spent. You can see that membership dues account for only 35 of our income whereas salaries and taxes account for 3 of our expenses. Clearly, LCS has done an excellent job nding other revenue sources to support the myriad of community programs we offer.


Saw you in the Ojo 97

LCS Learning Seminars February (via TED Internet podcast) All Seminars in the Sala on Tuesday at Noon LCS Members Only February 5 - Chaired by Fred Harland, The Wireless Future of Medicine. Cardiologist Eric Topol shows how wireless technology can change the future of health care. Topol highlights several of the most important wireless devices in medicine's future -- all helping to keep more of us out of hospital beds. February 12 - Chaired by Ron Mullenaux, Gaming Can Make a Better World. Jane McGonigal argues that games like World of Warcraft give players the means to save worlds and the incentive to learn the habits of heroes. What if we could harness this gamer power to solve real-world problems? Jane McGonigal says we can, and explains how. February 19 - Chaired by Bill Frayer, Perspective Is Everything. Rory Sutherland suggests that the circumstances of our lives may matter less than how we see them. He makes a compelling case for how reframing is the key to happiness. From unlikely beginnings as a classics teacher to his current job as Vice Chairman of Ogilvy Group. Rory Sutherland has created his own brand of the Cinderella story. February 26 - Chaired by Fred Harland, Will Our Kids Be A Different Species? Juan Enriquez explores the far reaches of human change and asks whether we are finished evolving. A broad thinker who studies the intersection of science, business and society, a member of Craig Venter’s marine-based team collecting genetic data from the world's oceans, a managing director of a life sciences venture capital firm, and CEO of Mexico City's Urban Development Corporation, Enriguez helped negotiate a cease-fire with Zapatista rebels, and has published widely on topics from the technical to the sociological. His work Homo Evolutis, is the basis of this podcast.

Night-time Carnival Parade and Fiesta! Tuesday, February 12 - 7 PM LCS members are invited to come out for the new and wacky CARNAVAL NOCTURNO sponsored by the Village of Ajijic and the Seis Esquinas (6 Corners) neighborhood. This is a multi-cultural family festival of music, food and drinks. The parade starts at Seis Esquinas and ends at the malecon. Wear your favorite Carnival outfit and bring your beads! Bring flashlights too. Vote for your favorite “Queen”. There may be a few surprises! Contact Manuel or Hector Espana at 33 1065 0725 to donate your support.


El Ojo del Lago / February 2013

VIDEO LIBRARY NEW ADDITIONS FOR FEBRUARY New additions Video Library are previewed on the LCS web page. Catalogs have been updated for 2013.

IMITATION OF LIFE Ref# 6051 “Oldie but goodie” tearjerker with Lana Turner. A struggling young actress with a six-year-old daughter sets up housekeeping with a homeless black widow and her lightskinned eight-year-old daughter who rejects her mother by trying to pass for white. THE CORPORATION Ref# 6052 Documentary that looks at the concept of the corporation throughout recent history up to its present-day dominance. English subtitles. cc/Sp/Fr New foreign films: CHUSHINGURA Ref# 6046 Chūshingura are fictionalized accounts in Japanese literature, theatre, and film that relate the historical incident involving the Forty-seven Ronin and their mission to avenge the death of their master, Asano Naganori. Including the early Kanadehon Chūshingura, the story has been told in kabuki, bunraku, stage plays, films, novels, television shows and other media. With ten different television productions in the years 1997–2007 alone, the Chūshingura ranks among the most familiar of all historical stories in Japan. Japanese soundtrack with English subtitles BIG LOVE (Series) Ref Nos 6061 – 6073 Derived from user reviews on the Internet Movie Data Base web page: I cannot remember when I enjoyed a television show quite so much. There are many well-developed characters in complex relationships. The intricate plot moves at a fast pace without sacrificing believability. There are a lot of insider references made to Mormon culture and religion. Bill and his family live in suburban Salt Lake City In many ways, they seem normal, but when the story takes place in the polygamous compound things are anything but normal. BILL PAXTON JEANNE TRIPPLEHORN SERIES IMMORTAL BELOVED Ref# 6050 The life and death of the legendary musical genius Ludwig van Beethoven. The film atempts to discover the identity of a nameless beloved he once wrote a famous love letter to. Not an easy task. Hollywood Biography TUNES OF GLORY Ref# 6042 Alec Guiness at his best. Major Jock Sinclair has been in this Highland regiment since he joined as a boy piper. His regiment has returned to Scotland, As acting commanding officer during WWII, Jock faces a soon to be appointed new commanding officer. He finds himself pitted against his new CO, his daughter, his girlfriend, and the other officers. JOHN MILLS GORDON JACKSON We have several hundred previously viewed DVDs for sale at 15 pesos each.and a few VHS tapes for 10 pesos. If you have old, brittle VHS tapes you’d like to have transferred to long lasting, space saving DVDs, we can do that. Cheap too, only 50 pesos per tape.


*OPEN TO PUBLIC / ** US CITIZENS CRUZ ROJA * Cruz Roja Sales Table 10-1 Cruz Roja Monthly Meeting 1st W 2-4 HEALTH INSURANCE * Blue Angel Insurance TH 10:30-1 IMSS & Immigration Services M+T 10-1 Mexico Protect Insurance T+TH 11-2


Becerra Immigration F 10:30-12:30 Blood Pressure M+F 10-12 Diabetes Screenings 2nd+3rd F 10-12 Hearing Services M & 2nd+ 4th SAT 11-3 Sign-up Information Desk M-SAT 10-2 Loridans, Marquez & Assoc T 10-12 Optometrist TH 9-3 Sign-up Skin Cancer Screening 2nd +4th W 10-12 Sign-up US Consulate 1st W 10:30-12:30 Sign up 10AM

LESSONS Children’s Art SAT 10-12 * Exercise M+W+F 9-10 Intermediate Hatha Yoga T+TH 2-3:30+SAT 1-2:30 Line Dancing T+TH 10-11:15

LIBRARIES Audio TH 10-12 Book & Video M-SAT 10-2 US Library of Congress Talking Books TH 10-12 ** Wilkes M-F 9:30-1:30, SAT 9:30-1

SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Beginners Digital Camera W12-1 Beginners iPad W 1-2:30 E-mail Registration Required Bridge 4 Fun M+W 1-4:30 Conversaciones en Espanol M 10-12 Grammar Required Digital Camera Club W 10:30-11:50 Discussion Group W12-1: 30 Everyday Mindfulness M 10:30-12 Film Aficianados 1st & 3rd TH 12-2 Show LCS Card Film Aficianados 2nd+4th +Last TH 2-4 Show LCS Card Genealogy Last M 2-4 Jukebox Sing-Along M 2-3* i Stuff Discussion Group F 9:30-10:30 Learning Seminars T 12-1:30 Mac OS 1st M 12-1:30 Mac User 3rd W 3-4:30 Mah-Jonng F 10-2 Music Jam W 2-4 * Needle Pushers T 10-11:45 Scrabble M+F 12-2 Storytellers T -12 February 3:30-5 * TED Philosophy Discussion W 10:45-11:45 Tournament Scrabble T 12-2 Windows Computer Group F 10:30-11:45

SERVICE & SUPPORT GROUPS * AL-Anon Step Study M 4:30-5:30 Fibromyalgia/CFS Support Group 2nd TH 2-3 Gamblers Anonymous W 11-1 Green Group 1st T 3-4:30 Lakeside AA M+TH 4:30-6 MS Support Group 3rd W 3-4 Niños de Chapala & Ajijic F 10-1 Open Circle SUN 10-12:15 SMART Recovery W 3-4


February Trippin’ (LCS Bus Trips) Wednesdays

February 5 - Galerias Mall Includes stores like Liverpool, Sears, Bestbuys, WalMart, SAMs, Costco, Mega, Krispy Kreme and many more. We return from the Costco area at 3:30 PM $200 pesos. February 13 - Guadalajara Zoo This is a beautiful zoo: trip also includes train and safari rides and the aquarium. If you’ve never seen this wonderful world-famous zoo, now’s the time. $300 pesos. February 27 - Tonala, Tlaquepaque, and the New Home Depot Gift shopping special in Tonala and Tlaquepaque. Tlaquepaque will feature a performance by a colorful women’s mariachi band from 3 to 4 PM. $200 pesos. All trips leave from the sculpture in La Floresta at 9:30 AM. Sign up for tickets at the LCS table Monday to Friday 10 AM to 1 PM.

CASI NUEVO THRIFT & CONSIGNMENT SHOP If you're looking for part-time work with meaning, consider working at the Casi Nuevo Thrift & Consignment Shop. Experience selling retail is a bonus but not a necessity because the Casi Nuevo shop's management will train you. Casi Nuevo is an all-volunteer organization which supports three children's charities: School for the Deaf & Children with Special Needs, the LCS Community Education Program and Have Hammer....Will Travel. The shop has a very successful consignment capability partly because it is large and has the ability to display numerous items of furniture and household items. It helps too that there are many satisfied repeat customers. There is a pickup and delivery service for large items. If you need this service or further information, contact Jacqueline at 766-1303 or email smithjacqueline55@gmail.com. If you have small items to donate, the Drop Box located at LCS next to the Video Library is there for your convenience. You'll recognize the Casi Nuevo shop because it is the corner store with the red door on the Carretera across from 7-Eleven in Riberas del Pilar. Both LCS and Have Hammers... are having their major annual fund raisers this month. See the cover for more information on LCS’ Fiesta Latina. Please support both of these worthy causes. Have Hammers... Will Travel’s 4th Annual Fund Raiser will occur on Wednesday, February 13th from 6 to 10 PM. Get your $300 peso tickets at Diane Pearl Colecciones, Actinver Bank Ajijic, LCS Ticket Sales and the Have Hammer Learning Center in Riberas. Ticket includes a sit-down chicken or BBQ rib dinner at Club Exotica (at the rear of El Jardin Restaurant) and entertainment by the The Tall Boys Band.


Sponsored by ReHealth & San Javier Hospital on Saturday, 16 February titled “ Treating Heart, Lung, Vascular, Diabetes and Orthopedic damage with adult stem cells…. A promising solution”. Free pancake breakfast at the LCS Gazebo and Neill James Patio at 9:30 AM for the first 60 people with presentation to follow.

Saw you in the Ojo 99

Film Aficionados Thursdays in February

Members only - No dogs All films in the sala *BRING YOUR CARD* 7 February - NOON - ELDFJALL (VOLCANO) Iceland This film has won many awards for its unsentimental tale of love, loss, and devotion. 14 February - 2 PM - AMOUR- Belgium A deeply felt story nominated for multiple Academy Awards, including Best Picture. 21 February - NOON - WAR WITCH- Canada. Academy Award nominee for best Foreign Language Film, this movie tells the story of a young African girl kidnapped from her village and forced to become a child soldier. 28 February- 2 PM - To be announced....

IT’S THE PARTY CRUISE OF THE YEAR! The Batur cruise ship, the spectacular lake views, the sun, great music, dancing, fun people = magic. Last year’s amazing party cruise was a great success. We’re doing it again! Everyone is welcome - marrieds and singles. The Batur leaves from the east end of the Chapala Malecon on Saturday, February 16, at 3:30. Cruise until 7PM and enjoy the sunset. The $200 peso tickets include a free drink and all the fun and enjoyment you can imagine. Tickets are on sale from 10-12 PM January 28- Feb 15 at LCS, at Diane Pearle Colleciones during business hours, or through Phil at Carphil10@gmail.com or 01 387 761 0125. Refreshments and food are available. Sponsored by the Lake Chapala Singles



Storytellers Presents: Love and Lust Storytellers’ next program, coming up February 12, is titled Love and Lust. Fans of these events know they can expect entertaining readings of original stories written by Lakeside’s best writers. With a theme that involves love, the writers will present all that the word implies: warmth, humor, drama, sex and—sadly—broken hearts. Storytellers events take place on LCS grounds. If the weather is chilly, the program will move indoors. Do come! It’s a very pleasant way to spend the afternoon, and there’s a bar serving wine, beer and cold drinks at very reasonable prices. The program is free, but we pass the hat for donations. All the money raised goes to the Jim Collums Education Fund to cover the school expenses of local children. Funds are distributed by LCS. Visit us Tuesday, February 12 - 4 PM on the Patio. Bar opens 3:30. Free admission. Donations welcome.

“Is Mexico Important on the World Stage?” 2 PM, Tuesday, February 19 - LCS Sala This important 90 Minute PowerPoint presentation by Richard Rhoda, PhD. co-author with Tony Burton of the 2010 book: GeoMexico: The Geography and Dynamics of Modern Mexico, focuses on significant issues such as: ethnic identities, ecosystems, economic power, earthquakes, education, exports-imports, the political system, corruption, climate change, reform initiatives, biodiversity, demographics, drug wars, gender issues, globalization, migration, living standards, poverty programs, health and obesity, the justice system, monopolies, the role of religion, links to the USA, social problems, volcanoes, and global importance. For information contact: rhodarick@yahoo.com. This program is free and open to the public. Come early; seating is limited. (Repeat of Dec. 10, 2010 presentation)

American-Japanese Relations 1853-1941: Prelude to War Presentation February 8, in the LCS Sala 12-2 PM. Members Only

THE LAKE CHAPALA SOCIETY, A.C. 16 de Septiembre #16-A, Ajijic, Jalisco LCS Main Office: (376) 766-1140 Office, information and other services open Monday – Saturday, 10 AM to 2 PM. Grounds are open until 5 PM LCS BOARD OF DIRECTORS President - Howard Feldstein (2014); Vice-President - Fred Harland (2013); Treasurer - Paula Haarvei (2013); Secretary - John Rider (2014); Director - Karen Blue (2014); Director - Lois Cugini (2013); Director - Aurora Michel Galindo (2013); Director - Cate Howell (2013); Director - Ann D. Houck (2014); Director - Wallace Mills (2013); Director - Ben White (2013); Executive Director - Terry Vidal ◊ THE LCS NEWSLETTER IS PUBLISHED MONTHLY. ◊ Deadline for submissions is the 17th of the month preceding publication. ◊ News items can be e-mailed to Reba Mayo rebaelizabethhill@yahoo.com; cc to Terry Vidal tqv56431@yahoo.com ◊ Note: The editorial staff reserves the right to edit all submissions. ◊ Articles and/or calendar of events will be included according to time, space availability and editorial decision.


El Ojo del Lago / February 2013

Saw you in the Ojo 101


Pag: 72


Pag: 95


Pag: 73 Pag: 25 Pag: 98 Pag: 82

Pag: 96 Pag: 19 Pag: 82 Pag: 36 Pag: 70


- CASA TRES LEONES Cell: (045) 331-350-6764 - LAS CÚPULAS Tel: 766-1157

Pag: 11 Pag: 69

- BETO’S WINE & LIQUOR Cell (045) 333-507-3024 - LICORES PAZ Tel: 766-0292 - MODELORAMA Tel: 766-2678, 765-2055

Pag: 07 Pag: 18

Pag: 05

- HUNTER DOUGLAS Tel: 766-0026 - QUICK BLINDS Tel: 765-5067

Pag: 14

- SANDI - Bookstore Tel: 01 (33) 3121-0863 - THE DARK SIDE OF THE DREAM Tel: 765-3634 - THE IGUANA SPEAKS MY NAME

Pag: 85


Pag: 17


- FUMIGA Tel: 766-6057, Cell: (045) 333-391-3215

* BED & BREAKFAST Pag: 35 Pag: 09

Pag: 91

Pag: 32 Pag: 72 Pag: 03 Pag: 14 Pag: 98

Pag: 20 Pag: 16 Pag: 89

Pag: 82 Pag: 30 Pag: 40 Pag: 89 Pag: 25

- L & R WATER GARDENS Tel: 766-4386

Pag: 81

* LIGHTING Pag: 16

Pag: 35



Pag: 27





- LIGHTING & DESIGN CENTER Tel: 766-3506 - QUICK BLINDS Tel: 765-5067

Pag: 37 Pag: 74


Pag: 15

El Ojo del Lago / February 2013

- BLUE ANGEL Tel: 766-0547 - EDGAR CEDEÑO - MEXICO PROTECT Cell: (045) 33-3106-6982 - PARKER INSURANCE SERVICES Cell: (33) 3809-7116 - PROTEXPLAN U.S. Toll Free 1-800-608-5743 Mexico Toll Free 01-800-681-6730 - RACHEL’S INSURANCE Tel/Fax: 765-4316 - SEGUNET Tel: 766-5974 - SKYMED Tel: 766-0096 - TIOCORP Tel: 766-3978


- TEMPUR, MATTRESS AND PILLOWS Tel: (52) 333-629-5919, (52) 33 3611-3049 Pag: 77

- NAPOLEON Tel: 766-6153

Pag: 17


- AJIJIC DENTAL Tel: 766-3682 - C.D. MARÍA LUISA LUIS VILLA Tel/Fax: 766-2428 - C.D. SANDRA ANAYA MORA Tel: 765-3502, 765-5444 - DENTAL EXPRESS Cell: (045) 331-121-6518 - DENTAL HEALTH ONE Tel: 1060-826 - DR. ALBERTO DON OLIVERA Tels: 765-4838, 765-4805

Pag: 86

Pag: 64


Pag: 93

Pag: 21 Pag: 80

- HOTEL LA CASONA Tel: 01-800-700-8877 - HOTEL PERICO Cell: 333-142-0012 - LA CASA DEL ARTISTA Tel: 01 (314) 334 4704 - LA NUEVA POSADA Tel: 766-1444, Fax: 766-2049 - QUINTA DON JOSE Tel: 01-800-700-2223 - VILLAS DEL SOL Tel: 766-1152

Pag: 90



Pag: 14

Pag: 83

Pag: 19

Pag: 35

Pag: 100

766-1760 765-4444 766-5555

Pag: 03

Pag: 90

Pag: 36

Pag: 20


- CUGINIS OPUS BOUTIQUE Tel/Fax: 766-1790 - FIAGA BOUTIQUE Tel: 766-1816 - LA BELLA VIDA Tel: 766-5131 - MI MEXICO Tel: 766-0133 - ROSIE’S BOUTIQUE Cell: (045) 33-1242-1304

- ARELLANO CORPORATION GROUP Tel: 766-4696, Cell: 333-954-1264 Pag: 46, 63 - ARQ. GUSTAVO RIVERA MENDOZA Tel: (044) 333 952 6475 Pag: 79 - ARQ. ROBERTO MILLÁN Tel: 766-3771 Pag: 93 - CABO DO MUNDO- INTERIOR DESIGN Tel: 766-0026 Pag: 14 - DITO HUBER Cell: 044 331 519 3094 Pag: 78 - WARWICK CONSTRUCTION Tel: 765-2224 Cell. (045) 331-135-0763 Pag: 98

Pag: 100


- CASA DE LAS FLORES Tel: 766-5493 - CASA DEL SOL Tel: 766-0050

Pag: 75

- SKYFITNESS Tel: 766-1379

Pag: 37 Pag: 77



- AFRODITA Tel: 766-6187 - FRESH BEAUTY SALON Tel: 766-4596 - GLORIOSA Tel: 766-3372 - GRECO SALON Cell: 331-113-2778 - JAMES DON SALON Tel: 766-4073 - NEW LOOK STUDIO Tel: 766-6000 - MAR D’CAM Tel: 766-0087 - SARA’S UNISEX SALON Tel: 766-3518

Tel: 766-4828


Pag: 79

- BARBERSHOP COYOTE Cell. 331 405 9503

Pag: 95

Tio Corp Business Center

Pag: 74



- TETÉ Tel: 766-1321




066 765-2308, 765-2553 766-3615




Pag: 33 Pag: 10


Pag: 84

- DR. VICTOR J. YOUCHA Tel: 766-1973

- BANCO MONEX Tel: 765-8100 01 800 0036 663 - INTERCAM Tel: 766-5978 - MULTIVA Tel: 766-2499

- DR. CARLOS CERDA VALDÉZ Tel: 766-0336 Pag: 88 - DR. FRANCISCO CONTRERAS Tel: 765-5757 Pag: 16 - DRA. ANGELICA ALDANA LEMA DDS Tel: 765-5364 Pag: 38 - DRS. MEDELES & BODART Tel: 766 5050 Pag: 18 - HÉCTOR HARO DDS Tel: 765-3193 Pag: 22 - SPECIALIST DENTAL CARE Tel: 106-0858 Pag: 20, 90





Pag: 92


- LINEA PROFESIONAL Tel. 766-2555, Fax. 766-0066




- ART HOUSE Tel: 765-5097 - DIANE PEARL COLECCIONES Tel: 766-5683 - EL PALOMAR Tel: 01 (33) 3635-5247 - SOL MEXICANO Tel: 766-0734 - ZARAGOZA Tel: 766-0573


Pag: 13 Pag: 07



* HOTELS / SUITES Pag: 68, 71

Pag: 12

- ADOBE WALLS INN Tel: 766-1296 - ESTRELLITA’S INN Tel: 766-0917

- AJIJIC MEAT CENTER Tel: 766-45-54 - TONY’S Tel: 766-1614, 766-4069

Pag: 81 Pag: 23


- HEAL YOUR LIFE Pag: 64 Cell: (045) 33-3157-7790 - IN PAIN? Tel: 333-441-5079 Pag: 86 - LAKE CHAPALA CENTER FOR SPIRITUAL LIVING Tel: 766-0920 Pag: 74 - MAR D’CAM Tel: 766-0087 Pag: 80 - YOGA AJIJIC Tel: 766-0523 Pag: 29

Pag: 11

Pag: 27

Pag: 02 Pag: 88 Pag: 38


- FERRETERIA Y TLAPALERIA GALVEZ Tel: 766-0880, Fax: 766-2440 Pag: 106 - REAL ORTEGA & SONS-Hardware for Carpenters Tel: 765-7556, 765-2404 Pag: 93

- LAKESIDE HEARING SERVICES Cell. (045) 33-1511-4088


Pag: 18 Pag: 34

- CLINICA Y FARMACIA MASKARAS Tel: 765-4805, 765-5827 Pag: 91 - DERMATOLOGIST Tel: 766-1198, 765-2400 Pag: 64 - DERMIKA-Dermatologic Center Tel: 766-2500 Pag: 26 - DOCTOR PINTO OPTICAS Tel: 765-7793 Pag: 71 - DRA. MARTHA R. BALLESTEROS FRANCO Cell: (045) 333-408-0951 Pag: 17 - HOSPITAL ANGELES DEL CARMEN Tel: (01) 3813-0042 Pag: 06 - INTERNAL MEDICINE SPECIALIST & GERIATRICS Dr. J. Manuel Cordova Tel: 766-2777 Pag: 89 - ISILAB Tel: 766-1164 Pag: 26 - LAKESIDE MEDICAL GROUP Tel: 766-0395 Pag: 68 - NEW OPTICAL Cell: (045) 333-157-4984 Pag: 76

- ORTHOPEDIC SURGEON Tel: 33-3640-0686 Pag: 76 - PLASTIC SURGERY-Dr. Benjamin Villaran Tel: 766-5513, Cell 044-333-105-0402 Pag: 45 - PLAZA MONTAÑA HEALTH & BEAUTY Tel: 766-5513 Pag: 45 - VARICOSE VEINS TREATMENT Tel: 765-4805 Pag: 78

* MOVERS - BALDERAS Tel: 01 (33) 3810-4859 - LAKE CHAPALA MOVING Tel: 766-5008 - STROM-WHITE MOVERS Tel: 766-4049

Pag: 06 Pag: 08 Pag: 17



Pag: 14 Pag: 89

* PERSONAL ASSISTANCE - JUSTUS HAUSER Tel: 763-5333, Fax: 763-5335 Emergencies: 01 (33) 3441-8223 Pag: 19 - NEWCOMERS ILSE HOFFMANN Cell: 33-3157-2541, Ilse40@megared.net.mx www.mexicoadventure.com/chapala/guadalajara.htm Tel: 01 (33) 3647-3912

* PAINT - QUIROZ-Impermeabilizantes Tel: 766-2311 - QUIROZ-Pinturas Tel: 766-5959 - SHERWIN WILLIAMS Tel: 766-1855

Pag: 84 Pag: 82 Pag: 90


- GEORGETTE RICHMOND Tel: 766-2077 - LORENA C. BARRAGAN Cell: 045-331-014-5683, 766-2103 - MATEO PEREGRINA Cell: 331 134 7891 - MIGUEL ROMAN Tel: 765-6557 - MPR REAL ESTATE Tel: (315) 351-5167 - NOÉ LOPEZ Cell: (045) 331-047-9607 - PETER ST. JOHN Tel: 765-3676 - PRIMAVERA DEL MAR Tel: (33) 3642-4370 - RAUL GONZALEZ Cell: 33-1437-0925 - SANDI ALLIN BRISCOE Tel: 765-2484 - SARA ARREOLA Cell: 331-438-8489 - TONI COMBS Cell: 333-946-5909

Pag: 11 Pag: 24 Pag: 88 Pag: 67 Pag: 97 Pag: 33

Pag: 81 Pag: 97 Pag: 100 Pag: 28


* REAL ESTATE - AJIJIC HOME INSPECTIONS Tel: 766-2836 Pag: 92 - AJIJIC REAL ESTATE Tel: 766-2077 Pag: 21 - ALL IN ONE REAL ESTATE SERVICE Tel: 766-1161 Pag: 19 - ALIX WILSON Cell: (045) 331-265-5078, Office: 766-2612 (13) Pag: 43 - ARELLANO CORPORATION GROUP Tel: 766-4696, Cell: 333-954-1264 Pag: 46, 63 - BEV. & JEAN COFELL Home 766-5332,Office 765-3676 Pag: 76 - CHAPALAJARA Tel: 333 953 8620,Office: 106 1206 Pag: 31 - CHAVEZ REALTY & SERVICES Tel: 766-5481 Pag: 87 - CHULA VISTA NORTE Tel: 766-2177 Cell: (045) 33-3841-8867 Pag: 34 - COLDWELL BANKER CHAPALA REALTY Tel: 766-1152, 766-3369 Fax: 766-2124, Tels: 765-2877 Fax: 765-3528 Pag: 108 - COLLINS REAL ESTATE Tel: 766-4197 Pag: 27 - CONTINENTAL REALTY Tel: 766-1994, 766-2415 Pag: 73 - FOR SALE BY OWNER Tel: 762-0252 Pag: 13 - FOR SALE BY OWNER Tel: 765-7357 Pag: 84

Pag: 38 Pag: 31 Pag: 40 Pag: 23 Pag: 35

Pag: 39 Pag: 03 Pag: 67 Pag: 88 Pag: 21

- AJIJIC RENTALS Tel: 766-1716 Pag: 73 - CENTURY 21 Tel: 766-2612 /13/14 Pag: 71 - COLDWELLBANKER CHAPALA REALTY Tel: 766-1152, movile: (045) 33-1175-9632 Pag: 92 - HACIENDA PMR Tel: 766-3320 Pag: 79 - JORGE TORRES Tel: 766-3737 Pag: 24 - LAKE CHAPALA PROPERTY MGT & MORE Cell: 334-593-8551, 331-601-8211 Pag: 69 - LA MANZANILLA HOMES Tel: 52 (315) 351-5369 Pag: 12 - MANZANILLO VACATION RENTALS Tel: (314) 100-6773 or (314) 125-2817 Pag: 91 - RENTAL LOCATERS Tel: 766-5202 Pag: 82 - RENTAL CENTER Tel: 765-3838 Pag: 99 - ROMA Tel: 766-3163 Pag: 74 - SANTANA RENTALS Cell: 315-104-3283, Pag: 97 - VILLAS DEL SOL Tel: 766-1152 Pag: 98

- LA CASA NOSTRA Tel: 765-3824 - LA VALENTINA Tel: 766-5179 - SHANGRI-LA Tel: 766-1359

Pag: 03 Pag: 19 Pag: 69

* SATELLITES/ T.V. - AJIJIC ELECTRONICS S.A. DE C.V. Tel/Fax: 766-1117, 766-3371 Pag: 18 - SERVICIO BELTRÁN Tel: 765-3949, 766-4586 Pag: 100 - SHAW SATELLITE SERVICES AT LAKESIDE Tel: 331-402-4223 Pag: 37

* SCHOOL - ENGLISH KEY Tel: 3616-7932, 3630-4504 - INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE Tel: 766-0903 - INSTITUTO TERRANOVA Tel: 766 2401, 766 3999

Pag: 86 Pag: 21 Pag: 41

* SPA / MASSAGE - BALNEARIO SAN JUAN COSALÁ Tel: 01-387-761-0222 - HOLISTIC MASSAGE Cell: (045)33-1601-5546 - HYDROPOOL Tel: 766-4030 - LA BELLA VIDA Tel: 766-5131 - MASSAGES SPA IN HOME Tel: 044-331-185-2795 - RESPIRO SPA Cell: (045) 33-3157-7790 - TERMAL COSALA Tel: 01 (387) 7610-494/ 7611-100 - TOTAL BODY CARE Tel: 766-3379

Pag: 94 Pag: 83 Pag: 19 Pag: 20 Pag: 35 Pag: 107 Pag: 39

* STAINED GLASS - AIMAR Tel: 766-0801

Pag: 98


Pag: 17

* TOURS - CHARTER CLUB TOURS Tel: 766-1777 - TOUR GUIDE-Carlos Andrade L. Cell. 333-4000-838 - WHALE WATCHING Tel: 766-0523, (33) 3190-0010

Pag: 09, 15 Pag: 12 Pag: 83



Pag: 36

Pag: 97

- SELF STORAGE-BODEGAS CHAPALA Tel: 766-0661, Tel/Fax: 766-1045 Pag: 28

* SOCIAL ORGANIZATIONS - A SEASON FOR NONVIOLENCE Pag: 20, 34 - CHILI COOK OFF Tel: 108-0343, (331) 279-1721 Pag: 07 - LAKE CHAPALA SOCIETY Tel: 766-1140 Pag: 97-100 - LAKESIDE SPAY & NEUTER CENTER, A.C. Tel: 766-3813 - LOS NIÑOS DE CHAPALA Y AJIJIC Tel: 765-7032 Pag: 95

Pag: 100


* RESTAURANTS/CAFES - AJIJIC TANGO Tel: 766-2458 - BAYA BISTRO Tel: 766-2845 - CAFÉ ADELITA Tel: 766-0097 - COFFEE & BAGELS Tel: 766-0664 - DELI 8 Tel: 766-1569 - EL AZUL DE FRIDA Tel: 766-3437 - EL PIANO ROJO Tel: 766-2876 - GO LE CLUB Cell: (045) 33-3502-6555 - HACIENDA DE DON PEDRO Tel: 766-4906 - KAMELLOS SHAWARMEX Tel: 333-598-8997 - LA CAVA Tel: 766-4642 - LA NUEVA POSADA Tel: 766-1444, 766-2049 - “ LA TAVERNA”DEI QUATTRO MORI Tel: 766-2848 - LE CAFE PARISIANNE - LOS 5 POTRILLOS Tel: 762-1779 - LOS MOLLETES Tel: 766-4296 - LOS TELARES Tel: 766-0428 - MANIX Tel: 766-0061 - MEL’S Tel: 766-4253 - MOM´S DELI & RESTAURANT Tel: 765-5719 - NUMBER FOUR

Pag: 32



- TV REPAIR SERVICIO BELTRÁN Tel: 765-3949 - WATCH & CLOCKS Tel: 765 5190, Cell: (045) 33-1331-9226

Pag: 17, 21

Pag: 78

* REPAIRS Pag: 98

Tel: 766-1360 - PANINO Tel: 766-3822 - PIZZERIA TOSCANA Tel: 765-6996 - TABARKA Tel: 766-1588 - TEPETATE Tel: 766-0147 - TONY’S Tel: 766-1614, 766-4069 - YVES Tel: 766-3565

- ESUN Tel: 766-2319 - NUUPOWER Tel: 33-4624-9140

Pag: 23 Pag: 93

Pag: 96 Pag: 37 Pag: 97

The Ojo Crossword

Pag: 79 Pag: 70 Pag: 39 Pag: 74 Pag: 23 Pag: 85 Pag: 86 Pag: 91 Pag: 03 Pag: 30 Pag: 89 Pag: 99 Pag: 100 Pag: 28 Pag: 68 Pag: 34 Pag: 13

Saw you in the Ojo 103


FOR SALE: Toyota Avalon XLS, Excellent car, Michelin tires, garage kept, South Dakota plate. Price: $6,300 USD. Cal: 7654177. FOR SALE: 2005 Honda CRV EX-L. Year 2005, U.S plates, Title and plates can be exchanged for new owner, but car must be legally removed from imported status, U.S Trade in Value. FOR SALE: Chevy Blazer 4 x 4, This SUV is Legalized in Mexico with Jalisco Plates. In very good condition, T & N lifetime Air Filter fitted. Price: $115,000 pesos Tel: (387) 763 2001 FOR SALE: Motorcycle, 2006 Kawasaki Vulcan 500. Excellent condition. 6 speed trans. Low seat. Liquid cooled. Chrome wire spoke wheels. New battery and rear tire. Jalisco plate. Price: $45,000 pesos. Call: 766-2352. FOR SALE: Nissan X-Trail, 2012 in pristine condition with only 2,900 miles. White w/beige leather. Heated front seats. Tinted windows. Sliding roof. Front and rear bumper protector bars. Mexican plates. Extra lights on roof. Economical 2.5 Ltr four cylinder engine. Cost $366,000 mxp, will sell for $305,000 mxp. Cell: 331-264-7881.


FOR SALE: Ink cartridges for HP printer, I have a 1 black and 1 color ink cartridges size HP 61 purchased at the Ink Factory on 1/8/13 in the US. I have the receipt and will sale for purchased price of 24.00 USD or 300.00 pesos for both. Price: $24.00 USD, Cell: 331-518-7381. FOR SALE: USB wireless receiver, This is for your (older) P.C., notebook/netbook that doesn’t have wireless. Price: 150, Call: (376) 765-63-48. FOR SALE: 1 flat screen computer monitor, 11inx 14in/ 28cmx36cm, Use as extension to a small-screen monitor on your laptop, to get a larger area of print/pictures or movies. Price: $900 pesos or B.O. Call Stella 331-065-6453. FOR SALE: Computer will not boot, Case all usual components including floppy drive, cd, Evan a Colorado tape backup unit. Hard drive has legit Windows XP. Your working MBoard plus the monitor I’m selling and you’re in business. Price: $900 pesos. Call: (376) 765-4667


FREE TO GOOD HOME: Free to good home. Beautiful male Chihuahua 7 months old. Sweet loving personality. Perfect with people or other dogs. Trained to come to his name. Perfect ears. Pear head not Apple. Leaving for Ecuador on the 28th please contact soon. FOR SALE: Toy pure bred Poms imported from the States. Dam and Sire are AKC and on site. Light orange and orange sable. Correct per AKC standard. Approximately 6-9 pounds full grown. WANTED: Parrot, Want to buy African Grey or second choice a Mex yellow head. FOR SALE: Puppies for Christmas!. Toy Poms ready to go just in time for Christmas. Light orange and orange sable. Pure bred, correct per AKC standard. Sire and dam on site. Approximately 6 pounds full grown. Very sweet and well socialized. FOR SALE: Horses, Young and mature riding horse for sale. American trained


for western riding or english style. Quarter horses, Tennessee Walkers, Paso Fino and crossed breeds. Price: $2,000 pesos and up FOR SALE: Beautiful 9 yo mare. 15 hands, black and white tobiano. Smooth gaits. No vices loves people. Bathes, accepts fly spray, barefoot and comes with boots. Comes with saddle, bridle, Price: $3,000 US. FOR SALE: Luxury kitty condo / playpen. them! Has food and water containers, hammock, room for a litter pan. http://kittywalk. com/deck_patio.asp. retails at $139.94 USD, for sale for $950 pesos. FOR SALE: Aquarium, 300-litre aquarium and stand; all supplies included (Resun air pump AC9362; DC battery air pump SA1500; Aqua Clear power filter-Model 110; test kits for ammonia, nitrite and pH; T5-11 high-performance 28watt light; Bio Pro H100 300 watt heater; auto feeder when absent). Dimensions of tank are 45cm deep, 80 cm high and 103 cm wide. Price: $7,000.00 pesos. Call: (045) 331-382-4771.


FOR SALE: Nobel-Preis fore Literatuer vom 1901 bis 1988. Sind perfekt gehalten. Price: $125 pesos pro Buch, Call: 765-2603. FOR SALE: Nobel Prize for Literature in German. From 1901 thru 1988. There are 23 Volumes, each selling for 125 Pesos or buy as a set and save. They are in perfect condition., Price: $125 pesos per book. Call: 765-2603. FOR SALE: 1990-91 Fender Stratocaster Gu, Fender Strat with whammybar, gig bag and new strings. Used by professional, mostly studio use. Very nice condition. Price: $4,500 pesos. FOR SALE: Headphones, Sennheiser HD202 Dynamic Headphones. New. Price: $40. Call: 766-0884. FOR SALE: DSR305 or DSR315 Star Choice standard definition receivers complete with remote. Deactivated and ready to add to your account. Price: $750 pesos each. Call:766-4105 FOR SALE: contemporary couch and loveseat nearly new but in new condition chair also available cost $20k sell for $10k peso. instant hotwater heater for large home Price:$1500 pesos. 2mo old water softner for larger home Price: $4500 pesos. FOR SALE: This is a full keyboard, upright electronic Kawai piano with bench. Price: $650. USD or peso equivalent. FOR SALE: Bamboo 3-Shelf Bookcase from Singapore; Low, 2-shelf Bookcase; High computer desk with 4 shelves; 1920’s China Cabinet Low-rise, 3-shelf, English Style; 3-Seat Wicker Settee; Wicker Glass-top Coffee Table; Chinese Red Display Cabinet from Singapore; 1920’s telephone table with seat; 4-Drawer mini chest of drawers. Price: 376-108-398. FOR SALE: Mahogany Entertainment Unit. Large entertainment unit with turnstile for TV. Double slideback doors above and below. Unit is in two pieces. Can forward picture if interested. Price: $2,000 pesos. Call: 765-2603. FOR SALE: Mahogany Chinese Coffee Table with very unusual design. Can forward picture if interested. Price: $1,000 pesos. Call: 765-2603. FOR SALE: Unusual glass top Bamboo and Rattan End Table. Also matching coffee table for sale. Price: $1,250 pesos, Call: 7652603. FOR SALE: Compact Digital Camera,

El Ojo del Lago / February 2013

Fuji F770EXR Point & Shoot compact digital camera. 20x Optical Zoom, 3.4x digital Zoom, sensor resolution 16.0 MP, screen size 3”, max video resolution 1920 x 1080 (HD). Includes free 2GB Memory Stick & Spare Battery. Price: $200 US (original cost $379, barely used). Call:766-3587. WANTED: We would like to buy a folding, metal music stand. WANTED: We would like to buy a good, used electric bass piano or guitar WANTED: We would like to buy a good, used tambourine. FOR SALE: KYB Rear gas shock absorbers for Chrysler Minivans, fits 2001 2007. Price: $500 pesos, Call: 765-4590. FOR SALE: We have come up with a whole line of efficient pilot static testers. A pressure generator and measurement instrument intended to simulate your aircraft’s flying condition. Price: $3,850. Call: 310.649.0400. FOR SALE: Shaw / Star Choice HD receiver DSR505 remote included. Deactivated and ready to add to your account. Price: $1,200 pesos. Call: 766-4105 FOR SALE: Home Security/Self defenseblack 21” expandable wand $35/$450 pesos, Compact rechargeable tazer $85/$1,100 pesos, Crossbow pistol, 12 bolts and extra string $100/$1,300 pesos, Motion sensor alarm $55/$700 pesos. Call: 331.312.6068 FOR SALE: Hot Tub-Hot springs Jetsetter, 5 by 6.5 foot, just reconditioned, new heater, top quality naugahyde cover, extra new motor and filters, Latest model new retail is $6000 plus tax and shipping; eBay price this model used is $3000. Price: $1,700 USD. Call: (376) 766-1082. FOR SALE: Coffee table with thick beveled glass and sculptured metal base ($150 US or peso equiv) and matching end table of same design ($100 US or peso equiv.) Call: 766-2266. FOR SALE: 2 very nice but unused metal (steel, iron?) chaise lounges, verdigris greenish blue with adjustable backs and wheels, complete with cushions. $125 US each or peso equivalent. Call: 766-2266 FOR SALE: A wireless home security alarm system with remote control.1 Keypad / Control Unit (wireless with Auto-dialer)5 Door / window wireless sensors2 Motion sensors (wireless infrared detectors) 2 Remote controls (wireless key fobs)1 Siren (Indoor, wireless, very loud) Price: $200 USD. Call: (376) 765-4521. FOR SALE: Excellent condition, steel legs, suitable for holding computer, crafts, extra guest table. Size 46inx23in /117 cmx58cm. Price: $450 pesos. Call Stella 331-065-6453. FOR SALE: Portable, Oscillating Heater. Has remote control & auto temp regulation. Price: $300 pesos. Call Stella 331-065-6453. FOR SALE: Black steel, wheeled end table. with side pocket- excellent condition20inx20inx23in high/51cmx51cmx 59cm high. Price: $250 pesos. Call Stella 331-0656453. FOR SALE: Two folding canvas camp chairs, almost new, both with arm rests and drink holders, one has foot rest, $250 pesos each or 2/$400pesos. One folding canvas chair without arm rests $70 pesos. Call Stella 331-065-6453. FOR SALE: MB-Forte-11-150cc Black Silver, only 134km-Scooter. $15,000 pesos. Guarantee 1yr or 12,000 km. See Scooter www.MB Motos.com Maxspeed 80km. Call: 766-1102.

FOR SALE: Two foam mattress toppers, both matrimonial size or easily cut to fit as desired $250 pesos each. Call Stella 331065-6453. FOR SALE: 42 inch Flat Screen TV, Sceptre brand, color picture, bought new in Canada, Price: $4,000 pesos. Call Stella 331-065-6453. FOR SALE: Wood Picture Frame, antiqued gold color, scroll design, sturdy hanging wire attached, suitable for a painting ( has inner frame, measuring 61 cm x 51 cm/24 in x20 in, for securing canvas) Price: $400 pesos. Call Stella 331065-6453. FOR SALE: Framed Wall, antiqued silver color frame- 20inx24in /51cmx61cm, Simple design-will fit into any decor. Price: $500 pesos. Call Stella 331-065-6453. FOR SALE: Lakewood Radiator Style Heater, Price: $250 pesos. Call Stella 331065-6453. FOR SALE: Printer/Scanner/Fax Machine, Excellent condition with roller type scanner. Price: $300 pesos. Call Stella 331065-6453. FOR SALE: small vacuum cleaner with 3 different heads...great for cars or small jobs. Easy to empty dust bag. Price: $300 pesos. Call: 766-3537. WANTED: looking for a rod and reel for bass fishing. Call Jim: 766-3537. WANTED: Refrigerator. Medium Size (15-18 cu.ft.) Reasonably Priced. Call Mike: 766-2275. FOR SALE: I have a box of “Recoveron” Acido Acexamico medication (crystals). There are 10 packets in one box. I opened the box, but did not use the medication or open any of the 10 packets. Cost $897.30 MXN. Since I didn’t end up using it, perhaps someone else could? Would like to get $500 MXN if possible, or make an offer. FOR SALE: Large Jacuzzi. like new 6 seat Jacuzzi with red wood skirt.$ 50,000 pesos - less than half the purchase price. WANTED: I would like to buy a good, used guiteron (Mexican bass guitar) Price: $ 1,000 to $2,000 pesos. FOR SALE: Master built hitch haul cargo carrier and expandable cargo bag-requires a travel hitch. New $160 US- Used twice- asking $800 US or $960 MXP. Call Sharon: 7661861 WANTED: Looking for an electric powered ice cream maker. FOR SALE: Tonala semi-new pine wood chair in perfect condition. Price: $300 pesos. Call: 333-480-7369. FOR LEASE: Active Starchoice System, Looking for long-term annual lease. Has Ultimate Choice package, meaning almost all channels. Installer charges an additional $1,000 pesos. Can also include a TV and VCR. Price: $490 pesos per month. FOR SALE: 27” Philco. Silver in Color. Good Picture. Price: $1,200 pesos. Call: 7654275. FOR SALE: Many items for sale from windows, doors, gates, kitchen cabinets, copper bathroom sinks and faucets, toilets, wrought iron fencing, roof tiles. WANTED: Laptop. hardworking young sister is in need of a working laptop for Preparatory. If you’ve upgraded recently and still have your old one here’s an opportunity to be of real service. Call: 766-5544. FOR SALE: Shaw direct satellite receiver for sale. Plus, satellite dish with LNB. All in good working condition. Price: $1,000 pesos for each. Call: 510-926-3945. email: dennisl-

james@gmail.com. FOR SALE: Nearly New Mabe 19 K Washer/Dryer. Water Saver Washer. Asking $10,000 OBO, will entertain a reasonable offer. You deliver. WANTED: Two queen size bedroom sets. Two bedroom sets. Prefer complete sets that include head board, end tables and dresser. Will consider just pieces. Call: 7663314. FOR SALE: queen bed, 2 night stands, dresser, $6,500 MX; Italian breakfast table with 6 chairs, 5,500; 10 kg. Whirlpool automatic washer $2,000; whirlpool microwave $1000. land phone 766 4315. FOR SALE: 4 new Watair Atmospheric Water Generators. Makes pure (hot and cold) water from the air all around us. Simplemente crea agua pura del aire (caliente y frio) que está a nuestro alrededor. -- $1,000.00 US each, or best offer. Please call (376 765 4521) or e-mail (livingincommunitymx@ gmail.com). FOR SALE: Brown leather sofa with recliners on either end. These are one year old from Costco. Excellent condition. Rarely used. New price was $26,500. Delivery can be arranged. Asking $12,500 pesos. Call 331-249-2156. FOR SALE: Char-Broil Gas BBQ in great condition. Stainless Steel and Black exterior. Side burner. Includes new propane tank. Delivery can be arranged. Only $2,500 pesos. Call 331-249-2156. FOR SALE: Hot tub, 8’x8’ Sundance Spa in excellent condition with new filters. 14 air Injector jets with quiet 1.5 hp air pump, 2 high flow 2.5 hp pumps, 5 controls/2 selectors, Micro Clean filtration system. This spa uses very little power on Economy setting as it heats itself during the filtration cycle. Have CFE bills to prove low power usage. Will help with relocation. New in the USA is $12,000 USD. Asking $55,000 Pesos. Call 331-2492156. WANTED: Sonicare toothbrush replacement heads - E series. 766-4106. FOR SALE: Water Purification. I have 3 stainless steel water distillers. High quality units Price: $200.00 obo-your choice, First comeFirst choice. Call: 376-108-0417. FOR SALE: Electric golf cart with battery charger. price: $18,000 pesos. phone: 7663537. FOR SALE: Camera - Nikon D7000 which is this year’s new model, almost brand new, & still under warranty. Paid $1850 U.S. at B & H Photo in New York. Includes video cam in camera. 16.1 megapixels. Comes with total kit: cushioned camera & accessory bag, zoom Nikon lens (18-105), sun shade, battery, battery charger, media card, battery grip, UV filter & more. Will sell body & kit without lens, but will not sell lens without the body. Price: $1,350 U.S. FOR SALE: Shaw/Star Choice DSR505 HD receiver complete with remote and component cables. Programming included until April 1st. 1500 pesos. 766-4105. WANTED: Wanted to Buy - 2001 VW Auto Top Luggage Rack. IF you have one for sale contact me at wminmex@gmail,com. FOR SALE: Artificial Christmas Tree 6ft. $1600 pesos new at Wal-Mart. It’s in very good condition and set up on patio so come take a look. Price: $600 pesos. Call: (376) 765-4667. FOR SALE: Barbeque charcoal, on stand, chimney style excellent condition Price: $250 pesos. Call Bob 766-5947. FOR SALE: Barbeque propane, table model, propane cylinder excellent condition Price: $500 pesos. Call Bob at 766-5947. WANTED: Mexico National Chili Cook Off needs a 2 drawer file cabinet. Letter size but would take legal. Reasonable price please, a donation would be even better. FOR SALE: 3 IKEA brand new matching hanging light fixtures still in the box. Kroby pendant lamp, nickel plated hardware and ceiling chandelier. (article number 900.84.08) Will add class to your kitchen, Price: $1,500 pesos. Will sell separately. Call: 766-4105. FOR SALE: Brand New Shaw Triple XkU

LNB - quad outputs; Price: $1,300 pesos. Call: (376) 766-4217. WANTED: Ipod, At least 4gb. FOR SALE: We have a wrought iron patio set. Includes 5 chairs with the cushions as well as the umbrella. The table has a tempered glass which is only 4 months old and this alone cost $1,000 pesos. Price: $5,000 pesos. FOR SALE: Golf Clubs. Ladies Callaway Steelhead X-14 Irons, 9 thru 4 plus Sand Iron, Pitching Wedge, Carbite DH Polar Balanced Putter, Taylor Made R7. 425--11.5deg. Driver, Big Bertha Steel Head 3 Wood, Big Bertha Steel Head 5 Wood and Big Bertha Steel Head 7 Wood; all in a Green SportsTrek Golf Bag: Everything is in pristine condition, some clubs are in ‘as new condition’ having had very little use. $7,000 pesos or USD Equiv. ONO. Phone: 376 766 4665 or 331 751 7520 FOR SALE: Gorgeous, heavy solid wood China Hutch and storage unit ~ 3 small drawers with 4 doors underneath with tons of room for storage ~ the top portion of the hutch has glass doors for showing off your favorite valuable collectibles and keeping them dust free. Price: $200 USD. FOR SALE: Beautiful solid wood long credenza with metal work on bottom and Calla Lilies ~ comes with matching mirror that is HUGE, with the same Calla Lily theme ~ and also includes two matching end tables with the same metal/Calla Lily theme ~ email me for photos. Price: $150 USD. FOR SALE: Double Hammock Heavy rope White Good condition. Asking $1,000. pesos Call: Maryanne or Terry (376) 7665907. FOR SALE: Maytag 21 cubic foot Refrigerator White Very good condition. Maryanne or Terry (376) 766-5907. FOR SALE: Eureka Optima model 426. Lightweight upright carpet and bare floor vacuum. Bagless, 12amp motor and less than 10 lbs. Used in excellent condition. FOR SALE: Treadminll. Top of the line treadmill - LIME brand- lightly used-includes free hand held weights and built in fan. Price: $500 USD. FOR SALE: 21 speed mountain bike. Ridden about 5 times. Price: $3,200 pesos. WANTED: Freelance writer in desperate need of ergonomic computer chair at moderate price. Call: 331-364-2195. FOR SALE: New Vertical vinyl blinds 84x104, color is cottage white purchased from Lowes Hardware. Never used-Still in box. $950 Pesos. Call Maria in Jocotepec 387-763-0908. FOR SALE: Bright Brass 42” Ceiling fan with Lights. Flush mount works well with boveda ceilings. Price: $895 pesos. Call: Mike (376) 766-2275. FOR SALE: Shaw Direct Satellite. Complete system with digital DSR209 receiver and remote, 48 inch dish with dual connection LNB, and about 30 feet of RG6 shielded cable. Price:$800.00 pesos. Phone 7666093. FOR SALE: Bow flex exercise equipment, It can be appropriate for a more progressive exercise program for both men and women. There is also a video as well as manual and fitness guide with 70 exercises. with replacement cables and foam as well. Price: $5,000.00 pesos, Call: (376) 766-1786 FOR SALE: Eureka Optima model 426. Lightweight upright carpet and bare floor vacuum. Bag less, 12amp motor and less than 10 lbs. Used in excellent condition. Price: $500 pesos. FOR SALE: Spacious 5th wheel trailer - 36ft with 4 slide outs - queen bed etc. phone, internet, Shaw TV, located in San Antonio on secure lot with 3 other trailers. Price: $23,000 pesos. Call: (376) 765-6859. FOR SALE: Fitness Equipment. Top of the line treadmill - LIME brand-lightly usedincludes free hand held weights and built in fan. Price: $500 USD. FOR SALE: Brand new complete set DM golf clubs complete with bag. Price: $1,800 pesos. Call Jim (387) 761-0162.

FOR SALE: Long Display case with many dividers to hold pastries, cookies and breads. Clear plastic front with red trimming. Ideal for a small bakery retail or wholesale business. Price: $4,500 pesos. FOR SALE: Glass refrigerated display case with 2 glass shelves. Curved glass front. Excellent condition. Ideally suited for a small pastry store. Price: $5,750 pesos. Call: (376) 765-3147 FOR SALE: Three Commercial Grade Metal Shelving Units. Adjustable Shelves. Two units with 7 shelves and 1 unit with 6 shelves. Ideal for a business requiring strong shelving units, or for a large storage space in you home. Price: $1,200 pesos each. Call: (376) 765-3147. FOR SALE: Commercial grade blower, 1 HP. Good for construction projects to dry a room, or dry plaster or paint. Price: $3,500 pesos. Call: (376) 765-3147. WANTED: Freelance writer in desperate need of ergonomic computer chair at moderate price. Call: 331-364-2195. FOR SALE: Precor Elliptical Trainer. This is a heavy duty trainer that retailed for over $2400.00 US (plus tax and shipping). It was brought down from the States. Price: $990 USD. Call: 766-6004. FOR SALE: New Vertical vinyl blinds 84x104, color is cottage white purchased from Lowes Hardware. Never used-Still in box. Price: $950 Pesos. Call Maria in Jocotepec 387763-0908. FOR SALE: LG Portable Air Conditioner – 9000btu includes exhaust hose and components. Price: $2,800.00 Pesos. Call John & Beth in Jocotepec 387-763-1116 or cell 331-434-9639. FOR SALE: Indonesian Unique High Back Rattan Chairs and glass top table, newly upholstered seat cushions with new glass in table. Price: $2,200.00 Pesos. Call: John & Beth in Jocotepec 387-763-1116 or cell 331434-9639. FOR SALE: Nordic Track Pro crosscountry ski aerobic exercise machine. retails at $599 USD, for sale for just $4,000 pesos. Great aerobic workout! Burns more calories than any other exercise machine! Works both arms and legs. Easy to set up, can fold to slide under bed. Call: 333-177-8359. WANTED: Looking for used, fully functional full size food processor with instructions & attachments at a modest price. WANTED: Looking for comfortable, gently used wicker/rattan sofa or loveseat and chair. Modestly priced; cushion condition not important if price is right. Call: 331-364-2195. FOR SALE: US Range cast iron and stainless steel 4 burner stove with griddle; Price: $1,200 US. Please call (331 330 1050) or e-mail me (livingincommunitymx@gmail. com). FOR SALE: Oval wooden dining room table; Price: $250 US, or best offer. 6’ x 3 1/2’. Please call (331 330 1050) or e-mail me (livingincommunitymx@gmail.com). FOR SALE: Precor 931 treadmill --

$3,000 US, or best offer (livingincommunitymx@gmail.com) FOR SALE: Landice L8 Cardio Trainer Treadmill –Price: $2,800 US, or best offer. Please call (365 765 4521) or e-mail me (livingincommunitymx@gmail.com). FOR SALE: Hobart “under the counter” LX30 Commercial Dishwasher. Wash cycle: 85 seconds/150° F (66°C), rinse cycle: 10 seconds, 180° F (82° C) – Price: $2,000 pesos, or best offer. Please call (376 765 4521) or e-mail me (livingincommunitymx@gmail. com). FOR SALE: The John Frieda JFHA Hot Air Brush has 2 heat settings plus cool shot. Titanium ceramic coated barrel gives safe, even heat with no damaging hot spots. Price: $475 pesos. Call 765-7629. FOR SALE: Magic Lumi Primer is a liquid light formula that blends seamlessly into skin to boost its liveliness and luminosity. Price: $175 pesos. Call: 765-7629. FOR SALE: Earth Therapeutics Loofah Exfoliating Scrub Qty(5.) Neutrogena Triple Moisture 1-minute Daily Deep Hair Conditioner. Helps even severely dry, overprocessed hair Qty(4.) Nailtiques Nail Protein Formula 2+ Treatment for excessive problem nails Qty(2.) Ketoconozole 2% shampoo--US equivalent of KETOMED at a significantly lower price Qty(8.) Price: $130 pesos each. Call 765-7629 before 6 PM. FOR SALE: This DeLonghi Safeheat radiator heater features 3 variable heat settings and a thermostat that automatically maintains the selected temperature Price: $300 pesos. Contact me at ernst_graf@yahoo.com or call me at 766-3210 FOR SALE: Squat Rack with 6 levels, heavy duty. Price: $500 pesos. 765-4590 FOR SALE: Sony Wega TV 32”, great picture, works well, remote, manual, $2,500 Pesos.- 8 ft wood ladder $ 350 Ps., Tools, Artwork, Elec. Space heater, $280 Pesos.Much more, call 766-2839, FOR SALE: Elec. Space Heater for Dec./ Jan., portable, Travel Aire, was new $448.-, will sell for $280.- Pesos. Call 766-2839. FOR SALE: Elec. Space Heater for Dec./ Jan., portable, Travel Aire, was new $448.-, will sell for $280.- Pesos. Call 766-2839. FOR SALE: Beautiful 29’ Samsonite Expandable Spinner suitcase, black, Price: $199.00 USD. FOR SALE: Roll-up silicone electronic piano keyboard with AC power, percussion, and carrying case. New. Cost $100. Asking $75 US. Call: 766-0884. FOR SALE: Games. Scrabble, brand new in case, $100.00 Pesos. - Cribbage board, new, $50.00 Pesos, - Monopoly game, excellent condition, $90.00 Pesos. New Puzzles 500 & 750 pieces, $50 Pesos and $80 Pesos. Call: (376) 766-2839 WANTED: Looking for someone to share our Mail Box at Home services. The annual fee is $3,459 pesos so half amounts to $1,729 pesos. If interested please call: 7665779.

Saw you in the Ojo 105


El Ojo del Lago / February 2013

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