Saw you in the Ojo
El Ojo del Lago / February 2015
Saw you in the Ojo
Richard Tingen
Alejandro Grattan-DomĂnguez Tel: (01376) 765 3676, 765 2877 Fax: (01376) 765 3528 Associate Publisher David Tingen Graphic Design Roberto C. Rojas Sandra Hernandez Special Events Editor Sandy Olson Associate Editor Jim Tipton Contributing Editor Mark Sconce Theater Critic Michael Warren Art Critic Rob Mohr Roving Correspondent Dr. Lorin Swinehart
Alice Hathaway reviews one of Neill James’ most famous books, Dust on My Heart, a review that might help explain to newcomers why Ms. James has rightly been called “The Godmother of Ajijic.�
Sunny Sorensen writes about a group in Jocotepec that helps the Mexican DJHG DQG LQÂżUP DQ DUWLFOH VXUH WR make every reader marvel once again at how lucky they are.
Jeremy Monroe loves to sit in the Ajijic plaza late in the afternoon, and his vivid descriptions of what he sees and hears will make you want to join him.
Ron Barnett gives us the history of a custom that almost all of us have enjoyed but still know very little about how it started: the tianguis.
2IÂżFH 6HFUHWDU\ Rocio Madrigal
Send all correspondence, subscriptions or advertising to: El Ojo del Lago Ave. Hidalgo 223 (or Apartado 279), 45900 Chapala, Jalisco Tels.: (376) 765 3676, Fax 765 3528 PRINTING: El Debate El Ojo del Lago aparece los primeros cinco dĂas de cada mes. (Distributed over WKH ÂżUVW ÂżYH GD\V RI HDFK PRQWK) &HUWLÂżFDGR GH /LFLWXG GH 7tWXOR &HUWLÂżFDGR GH /LFLWXG GH &RQWHQLGR
Dr. Lorin Swinehart writes about a woman who has stood up for our planet: the brave-hearted Jane Goodall!
Barbara Clippinger has passed along some health tips that involve the imbibing of good wine. Reader Advisory: 3OHDVH UHDG WKH ÂżQH SULQW
Herbert Piekow, long one of Lakeside’s best writers and a frequent contributor WR RXU SDJHV VRXQGV WKH ¿QDO EHOO IRU the upcoming Lake Chapala Writers Conference—starting March 11.
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El Ojo del Lago / February 2015
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Saw you in the Ojo
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here are those who disagree with just about everything that was ever said by Ronald Reagan, the politician—and it has been fashionable for them to likewise rudely dismiss the late President Reagan’s long career in the entertainment industry. But with what follows, we’ll try to make a case for Reagan, the actor. Item: While still in college in Iowa, Reagan used to broadcast the Chicago Cubs baseball games. No big deal, except Reagan never actually saw the games. Instead, working off a telegraph play by play of the game, he created the illusion that he was actually in attendance, watching the ballgame unfold—and did it so brilliantly that no one ever suspected the truth. Now granted that was not exactly like playing Hamlet, but a quick wit, compelling voice, engaging manner and a vivid imagination are usually some of the tools a fine actor uses to ply his trade. Item: Only a few short years later, Reagan was signed by Warner Bros. Studio, and soon appeared in one of Bette Davis’ most famous films, Dark Victory. Playing the rather bland part of a charming young country-club loafer, Reagan brought to the role a sadder, darker dimension which registered with audiences, hinting as it did at some of his personal history in dealing with a failed, alcoholic father. Item: Another triumph soon materialized when Reagan was cast as the legendary George Gipp in Knute Rockne—All-American. Gipp had been one of the greatest college football players of his era, time and again having taken Notre Dame to victory over heavily-favored opponents. Gipp was not, however, the standard sports hero. On the team’s long train rides out to play college teams on the West Coast, Gipp would spend all his time in the gambling car, playing and beating the card-sharks that always went along on such trips. But Gipp is best remembered for the speech he made when he was only 25 and soon to die of a severe throat infection. Taking the hand of Coach Rockne, whom he revered, Gipp said
El Ojo del Lago / February 2015
something that I’ll bet no college football player has ever forgotten: “Some time, Rock, when the team is up against it, and the breaks are beating the boys, ask them to go in there with all they’ve got and win just one for the Gipper. I’ll know about it and I’ll be happy.” “Dying” on-screen is one of the hardest things for an actor to bring off, with most failing to truly touch our emotions because they’re trying so hard that the scene ends in bathos rather than pathos. Reagan did it in pitch-perfect style—and Notre Dame players are still being shown the movie (some 90 years later!) in the hope that they can go out and “win one for the Gipper.” Item: In 1944, Reagan starred, along with Robert Cummings and Ann Sheridan, in King’s Row. The movie was extremely daring for its time, dealing (though in various degrees) with incest, psychiatry, medical malpractice, class distinction, sadistic surgeons and insanity—and all this in a prim and proper small town in the Midwest around the end of the 19th century. Reagan plays a carefree playboy whose life-style is crushed when his family’s money is embezzled by the owner of the town’s main bank. Thereafter, he takes a night job with the railroad, moves in with Sheridan and her poor family, and becomes a working stiff—until one night when he slips and falls under a train. Severely injured, he is attended by the town’s most prominent doctor, who has long hated him, and decides to (needlessly) amputate both his legs. Thereafter, the young man sinks into an unfathomable depression until later, in finally learning the truth from his boyhood friend, (Cummings, now a psychiatrist) actor Reagan does an amazing turnaround, going from deep grief to fully recovering his once-
formidable fighting spirit—and all in one brief scene that might have taken another good actor several scenes to achieve the same effect. Unfortunately, Reagan’s screen career did not end there, as he went on to a lackluster series of movie and TV roles that demanded little more of him than he simply show up on the date of the filming, silly films like Bedtime for Bonzo (in which he co-starred with a chimpanzee) and the terminally dull movies he made with his wife-to-be, Nancy Davis. Today, most people only remember the last stages of his acting career
and judge him accordingly. But here, we have a cultural divide: Anglos place a very high premium on consistency; Hispanics believe in judging a man by his best moments, and believe that once he has done something exceptional, he always has it in him to do it again. We leave it to our readers to judge which method is the more equitable. Alejandro GrattanDominguez
Saw you in the Ojo
d. Note: This is a review that we publish periodically to acquaint newcomers with some of the literary works of the woman who has been called “The God Mother of Ajijic.” Among many other things, Ms. James started the Children’s Art Program and also donated the land that now is the home of the Lake Chapala Society.) You might wonder who’d want to read a book about Mexico that was written more than seventy-five years ago. But if that book is Dust On My Heart by Ajijic’s own Neill James, you’d be surprised how many people want to get their hands on a copy. This book was originally published by Scribner & Son in 1946, the last in Neill’s “Petticoat Vagabond” series. Her adventure/travel books about native cultures in faraway places were best sellers during the Great Depression, when few people could afford to travel around the world. Sharing her adventures vicariously through books and lyceum lectures substituted for the real thing. When World War II curtailed the globe wandering of single women, Neill settled for a six-month exploration of remote regions in Mexico. Research suggested several areas off the beaten track where she might need to travel by horseback, burro or on foot if they could not be reached by road or rail. She packed her sleeping bag, knapsack and notebooks and set out for Indian country to let the adven-
El Ojo del Lago / February 2015
tures happen. Meeting people, learning their history and taking chances provided the stuff for her wonderfully descriptive writing. I wished for a map as I read the chapters about the Otomie Indians who live in land without water. I had never heard of Orizabita or Espiritu in the state of Hidalgo, where “seven-odd thousand Otomies derive their livelihood from the cactus.” The average earnings of five families encountered at random amounted to 19 cents a week, less than ten dollars a year. (This was 75 years ago, remember.) Neill was surprised to learn that even such a meager sum was taxed by 53%, and little was returned to the community in the form of roads, schools or medical services. Always interested in schools, she recognized Mexico’s problem of educating the masses where the government had to deal with poverty-ridden, unlettered people steeped in 16th century European religious superstitions, who spoke a hundred languages and dialects. Their villages were situated at levels ranging from sea level to treeline at 10,000 feet. Neill James’ travel through the rural countryside showed that the Conquistadores who ravished the land in search of gold overlooked more mineral wealth than they took. She went to the mountains of Oaxaca where silver and mica were mined, to the Guatemala border in Chiapas, down to the coast at Veracruz, to Mitla and Monte Alban and back to Mexico City in November to join the Explorer Club’s winter climb of Popocateptl. That adventure ended in disaster for the author when she slipped on the frozen descent and tumbled down the
icy slope with the speed of an express train. When she dug in her ice axe, the speed of her falling body jerked her arm from its socket. Only the quick action of two young Mexican climbers stopped her near-fatal fall. They braced themselves in her path and caught her unconscious body against their rigid legs, risking their own lives in the process. After months in the hospital and a long convalescence at a mineral spa, Neill had recovered enough to go to the emerging volcano near Uruapan. The incredible birth of a new volcano in the cornfield of Dionisio Pulido, a humble Tarascan Indian, was a new wonder not to be missed by the intrepid “petticoat vagabond.” With scarred face, useless arm and broken leg, supported by a crutch, she visited the exploding mountain on June 1, 1943, just 101 days after the advent of Paracutin Volcano. A shelter had been constructed near the blazing cone to shield scientists and photographers from falling debris. Neill and her companions photographed the fireworks shooting out of the crater, then went to sleep on petate mats in the shed. At three in the morning, the roof collapsed under the weight of sand and ash. The central beam fell across Neill’s body, cracking
her pelvis. She spent the better part of a year in Mexican hospitals, unable to use a typewriter to complete the book she had come to Mexico to research. When she was able to travel, she sought a lower altitude and more salubrious climate in the little Tarascan village of Ajijic on the shores of Lake Chapala, where she found a few English-speaking artists and 2,000 Indian neighbors. There is an old saying that “when the dust of Mexico has settled on your heart, you cannot then find peace in any other land.” Neill spent the last fifty years of her life in Ajijic, contributing her time and attention to the village where she had come to recuperate and finish writing her book. She was much loved and revered as the patroness of schools, libraries and the embroidery/ weaving industries, all of which improved the lives of the native population. Neill James died just months short of her hundredth birthday. (Final Note: Neill James wrote several other books, all published by Scribner and Sons. Some of our readers might remember that this same firm also published most of the work of F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway and Thomas Wolfe. Our own Neill James was in pretty good company!)
Saw you in the Ojo
his past December The Pope declared that animals do go to heaven. Those of us who have had animals in our lives already knew this. Our pets bring us joy, loyalty, compassion, unconditional love and teach us lessons in how to live a fuller life. However, at times they do not give us a perfect life lesson when they chew thru our computer Internet wire or literally kill our [computer] mouse. But they cannot always be a purrfect role model. Our cats and dogs can also teach us about humanity. If they are a rescue animal, they have seen both the worst and the best of humanity. Despite the negatives, they seem to forget and forgive [most times] those who have done them harm. Our pets celebrate life to the max, by living in the moment and treasuring every small event in their life.
We live life so fast that we often forget to get excited and celebrate the good times because we’re already on to the next thing. Often we do not pause to look around at the surrounding beauty, take a risk, break out of our routine and discover or do something out for the ordinary, or appreciate true friends. Life at times is short, enjoy the moment you are in. Cat and dogs know who they are. They do not try to make themselves into some one else’s version of perfection, instead they relish their own distinctive characteristics or life. Enjoy being you.
El Ojo del Lago / February 2015
Have you ever noticed a cat or a dog at times approaches some individuals with caution? They have developed an instinct about their own safety. Animals don’t care about words. They recognize what’s really going on beneath the surface. Many of us have lost touch with this all-important instinctual part of our natures. By paying attention to nonverbal cues such as body language and energy, we can learn more about our friends, some good, some not so much, and ourselves. Trust your instincts. Our animals communicate directly. If they want a treat they go straight for that ‘statement’ without an around-about conversation. They do not have private agendas or gossip about their fellow pet housemates or others. They make judgments based on their own experiences. Humans at times rely on other people’s opinions which might be slanted or biased for their own self-serving purposes about things and others. As humans we can learn from animals. Be courteous, respectful, honest and direct in communications. When we are sad, feeling alone or troubled, not having a ‘good day,’ our pets seem to know this. They do
not have the ability to use words to comfort and console us at these times. They use what comes instinctively to them. They give you a lick, touch you with a paw, listen to you, or just sit next to you. Their mere presence is comfort. When we have a friend who is having a hard time and words of comfort are difficult to find, follow your pet’s caring lesson – just be there. Support our two lakeside spayneuter organizations: Operacion Amor and Operacion Compacion. By assisting them it helps reduce further pregnancies of unwanted puppies and kittens. It will also indirectly benefit our local shelters who have been at capacity for several months now with many abandoned, abused and unwanted animals. Anita’s Animals is a cat and dog rescue sanctuary in San Juan Cosala. It is open 10A – 2PM and 4P – 6PM Friday through Tuesday. Donations of pet food is greatly appreciated, as well as money donations to help cover the cost of daily care, vaccinations and spaying-neutering. Anita’s website: has PayPal available for donations as well. Enjoy the moment and life’s little pleasures!
Saw you in the Ojo 11
Guanajuato’s Centro Historico
The first sight of Guanajuato is breathtakingly beautiful.  Thousands of brightly colored buildings are draped across the hills like a mosaic carpet, and the colors are warm in the morning sunlight.  It’s picture postcard perfect. Guanajuato has played an important role throughout much of 3OD]D GH OD 3D] *XDQDMXDWR 0H[LFR Mexico’s history, including its service as one of  Mexico’s provisional capitals  up until its capture during the French intervention in 1863. This city’s spirit is well summed up by its  Plaza de la Paz – the Peace Plaza. This is where the wealthiest of colonial families built their homes.
El Ojo del Lago / February 2015
It is also the site of the BasĂlica de Nuestra SeĂąora de Guanajuato – the Basilica of Our Lady of Guanajuato. One of the plaza’s most distinctive feature is an allegorical sculpture of the woman “Peaceâ€?. Since much of Guanajuato’s through traffic has been routed through the tunnels of abandoned silver mines which run below it, the narrow streets of the Centro Historico are very pedestrianfriendly, and beg to be walked. The Alhondigas de Granaditas – The Granary – dominates the  old city, and has played a central role in its history for more than two hundred years. Today it is one of the venues for the Festival Internacional Cervantino, held here every fall since 1972. The festival  celebrates the life and work of Miguel Cervantes, who is considered by Spanish-speakers to be as significant an influence on their literature as Shakespeare is to English literature. The Alhondigas is best known, though, as the site of the first battle in Mexico’s
War of Independence. In 1810, insurgents led by patriot Miguel Hidalgo entered the city to find that Royalist troops and  sympathizers had barricaded themselves – and millions of pesos of silver – in the Alhondigas. The Royalists were counting upon the granary’s thick and windowless walls and single gated entrance to resist a siege, and they were able to fight the rebels to a stalemate. The impasse was broken when miner Juan JosĂŠ de los Reyes MartĂnez, better known to history by his nickname of El PĂpila, armored himself with a large flat stone strapped to his back and crawled to the wooden gate with a flask of tar and a torch. MartĂnez’s  courageous act enabled the patriots to take the building, and his heroism is commemorated by a colossal statue of him that now overlooks the city.
The building now serves as the Museo Regional de Guanajuato, documenting the city’s history  from before the Spanish Conquest. Its architecture honors heroes of the Mexican Revolution with mascarons, gargoyle-like sculptures that incorporate their faces. The walls of the main stairwell contain murals by JosĂŠ ChĂĄvez Morado that allude to Independence, along with paintings and photographs. It is a long-standing tradition to celebrate Mexico’s Independence Day with a reenactment of Miguel Hidalgo’s “El Grito de Doloresâ€? – the call to arms – in the Alhondiga’s large courtyard. An eternal flame is re-lit here each year on the anniversary of the battle. It ‘s no surMurals, Alhondigas de Granaditas, prise that this *XDQDMXDWR charming and historic city is one of Mexico’s thirty-two World Heritage Antonio RamblĂŠs Sites.
Saw you in the Ojo 13
t no longer seems incomprehensible that the United States will elect a woman as President. Of course, the US is far behind in this respect. Women have already served as heads of state in Sri Lanka, India, Israel, Argentina, the Central African Republic, The United Kingdom, Portugal, Iceland, Norway, Belize, the Philippines, Pakistan, Germany, Ireland, Bangladesh, Poland, Canada, Rwanda, New Zealand, Switzerland, Finland, Indonesia, Chile, South Korea, Lithuania, Brazil, Denmark, and Thailand. I may have missed a few, but it will not be an extraordinary event when the US elects a female president. Although the US lags behind in electing female politicians and appointing women to head large corporations, girls are increasingly
%LOO )UD\HU outperforming boys in school. Girls consistently have higher average GPS’s as high school seniors. According to the latest statistics I could find, women earn 58% of bachelor degrees, 62% of masters degrees, 53 % of doctoral degrees, 48% of medical degrees and 46% of law degrees in the United States, and these numbers are growing. As many readers already know, I now split my time between Maine and Ajijic. While in Maine I teach writing at our local community college. These days, my classes are dominated by women, both in numbers and in performance. Not all of my women students are excellent writers, but they are serious students. They show up for class, accept my feedback to revise
El Ojo del Lago / February 2015
their work, and achieve better grades consistently in my classes. Colleges across the country are increasingly populated by women. I volunteer at an intercity program which provides athletic facilities, a music room, homework help and college application assistance to middle school and high school students, mostly African immigrants in our city. The homework area is consistently filled with girls who rush in after school to snag one of the computers and work on their assignments. Eighty percent of the students who ask me to help them on their homework are girls. The boys are more interested in playing soccer, basketball, and pool, when they’re not trying to sneak into the homework room to flirt with the girls. This is a wonderful trend for the girls, the women of the future, who will have many more opportunities than their mothers and grandmothers. But it is a disturbing trend for the boys. I am, of course, aware that males in US society still enjoy many advantages because of their sex, but the trends are not favorable for them. It used to be true that men could get good jobs, usually working in factories, shipyards, as truck drivers, or learning trades as apprentices with only a high school education. Not anymore. Most of the jobs lost in the recession of 2008 were male-dominated jobs. More and more adult women are out-earning their male partners. As the economy is changing from a manufacturing to a technology-centered service economy, women are thriving while men are lagging behind. I’ll never forget a young man I had in my English class several years ago. He was a pleasant enough guy who attended class regularly, although he handed in few assignments and often fell asleep in class. I invited him into my office to discuss his performance one day. I asked him what was going on. He informed me that he was working full time while going to school. I
asked if he was living on his own. No, he was living at home with his parents. “Why, then, are you working full time while trying to be a full time student,” I asked him. He replied that he had a big payment for his brand new, 4-wheel drive, heavy duty pickup truck which probably cost him over $25,000. The sad fact is that he’s not the only young man making that kind of bad decision. Predictably, he dropped out of school. I hope he’s enjoying that truck. In fact, many young boys don’t have good role models anymore. Some are raised by single moms. Many spend their free time in their cars, playing video games, and working at dead-end jobs. The media is not much help, with male characters in TV and movies often achieving success through violence and sexual dominance. A recent article in the New York Times highlighted the work of cognitive neuroscientists Mara Mather, from USC, and Nichole Lighthall, from Duke, whose research indicated that under stressful conditions, men and women make decisions very differently. When under pressure, men tend to take greater risks and seek difficultto-attain high rewards. Women, on the other hand, when under stress, make less-risky choices for more certain gains. In the real world, the safer bets often work out better. We should all be glad that girls are doing well in school and achieving success. It (hopefully) means that some of the structural inequality that exists in society might finally even out, and women might achieve the rewards they deserve for their hard work. But I am worried about the boys. For many boys, school is uninteresting, and they have trouble feeling good about it. Most of their interest and interaction is on the athletic field or with video games. As the girls outpace them and earn more money, the men often feel marginalized. It’s no surprise that most domestic violence and other violent crimes are perpetrated by men. Many men feel hopeless and don’t have good support systems. They don’t have the emotional awareness and communication skills that many women do. Many educators and mental health professionals are aware of this problem. We hear more about the plight of young boys. Books are being written about this issue, and more attention is being paid to the development of boys. In the meantime, the girls are working hard and succeeding in greater numbers. Who ever thought we’d have to worry about the men?
Saw you in the Ojo 15
hey are called ancianos. Some are so feeble they can no longer walk and suffer from incontinence. Others, because they have no homes, sleep in cardboard shacks on the street and in alleys. All are struggling with hunger and some would not have any food at all if it weren’t for a Registered ed Nurse, Nurse Gloria Solis Barzzo, and her Asilo Casa Corazon in Jocotepec. Who are there— the forgotten and helpless elderly of Jocotepec. At age 92, ANGELA sells peanuts on the street for a few pesos with which to buy food. Her two children cannot take care of her. She lives alone, needs warm clothes, and depends on help from Casa Corazon. [PHOTO] Ninety year old MARIA in diapers and a wheelchair. Her three children are poverty stricken and cannot support her or buy her medications. She is pictured here with the home’s founder, Gloria Solis Barzzo. Widower ANTONIO, wheelchair bound and incontinent. He was a ranchero singer until he became ill and unable to walk. He has no children. Casa Corazon tries to help with diapers and medical prescriptions. At the age of 58, a blind woman, MARIA EUGENIA was found abandoned in a hypertensive and malnourished condition outside the Asilo with no documents to say who she was. Many of her teeth were missing and she still has serious gum problems. Since then, Gloria has discovered she is from Tijuana and has no family. What’s more important, a roof or food? Prescription drugs or hot water? How can you choose? To Gloria, the ancianos, and the elderly in hopeless street environments, it’s not about decisions. It’s about survival. It’s about having someone and a place that cares. The Mexican government does not provide care for them. Their families either can’t, won’t, or there simply are no family members at all. While these elderly depend on Casa Corazon, the asilo is dependent on compassionate people like you to help them live with some dignity. Casa Corazon takes care
El Ojo del Lago / February 2015
of 10 sick elderly women in their casas (and shacks), and provides a Saturday meal to about 30 other elderly senoras who have little or no resources. On Wednesdays and Fridays there are physical therapy activities—dancing for those who are able, massage for those who are suffering physical pain due to aging bones and arthritis. This Valentine’s Day, please make a heartfelt pledge to support the only refuge many of these ancianos have: a home with a heart, Casa Corazon. Casa Corazon needs donations of food, clothing, medical supplies, and pesos to continue never-ending work. The cost of a weekly meal for 30 elders is $1,050 pesos or $ 4,200 pesos per month. Most needed items: 20 generous people to pledge $200 pesos each and every month for meals for six months or one year/six plastic chairs/ packs of toothpaste, tooth brushes, hand soaps, shampoo, and lotions for older dry skin, toilet paper, paper towels, napkins, mops, brooms, laundry soap and Clorox. Food suggestions: Dry goods: beans, rice, lentils, cereal, powdered milk, salt, sugar. Canned goods: tomatoes, tomatillos, beans, Mexican salsa. Tuna. Vegetable and fruit juice. Fresh fruits, vegetables: oranges, grapefruit, bananas, mango, papaya, tomatoes, carrots, onions, cabbage, peppers, garlic, potatoes, chayote. Meat: chicken, pork, fish. Any medical supplies. To make a donation or pledge, or for more information on how you can help, CONTACT: Rose Ann Wagner at 387761-0896, e-mail ROSEANNWAGNER@ HOTMAIL.COM or Casa Corazon directly at 01-387-763-0780 (Spanish only) (333-270-8044.)
Saw you in the Ojo 17
OBAMA ADMINISTRATION— kicks the oil-and-gas industry while it is down! %\ 0DULWD 1RRQ
or the past six years, the oil and gas industry has served as a savior to the Obama presidency by providing the nearlone bright spot in economic growth. Increased U.S. oil-and-gas production has created millions of well-paying jobs and given us a new energy security. So now that the economic powerhouse faces hard times, how does the Administration show its appreciation for the oil-and-gas industry that has been a boon to the economy? By introducing a series of regulations—at least nine in total, according to the Wall Street Journal (WSJ)—that will put the brakes on the US energy boom through higher operating costs and fewer incentives to drill on public lands. WSJ states: “Mr. Obama and his environmental backers say new regulations are needed to address the impacts of the surge in oil and gas drilling.” U.S. oil production, according to the Financial Times: “caught Saudi Arabia by surprise.” The Kingdom sees that US shale and Canadian oil-sand development “encroached on OPEC’s market share” and has responded with a challenge to high-cost sources of production by upping its output—adding to the global oil glut and, therefore, dropping prices. Most oil-market watchers expect temporary low-priced oil, with prediction of an increase in the second half of 2015, and some saying 2016. However, Ibrahim al-Assaf, Saudi Arabia’s finance minister, recently said: “We have the ability to endure low oil prices over the medium term of up to five years, even if it means delving into fiscal reserves to cover a large deficit.” Many oil companies are already reevaluating exploration, reining in costs, and cutting jobs and/or wages. “In the low price circumstance like today,” Jean-Marie Guillermou, the Asian head of the French oil giant Total, explained: “you do the strict minimum required.” In December, the WSJ reported: “Some North American companies have said they plan to cut their capital spending next year and dial back
El Ojo del Lago / February 2015
on exploring for new oil.” It quotes Tim Dove, President and COO for Pioneer Natural Resources Co.: “We are seeking cost reductions from all our suppliers.” Last month, Enbridge Energy Partners said: “it has laid off some workers in the Houston area”—which the Houston Chronicle on December 12 called: “the latest in a string of energy companies to announce cutbacks.” I have previously warned the industry that while they have remained relatively unscathed by harsh regulations—such as those placed on electricity generation—their time would come. Now, it has arrived. The WSJ concurs: “In its first six years, the administration released very few regulations directly affecting the oil-and-gas industry and instead rolled out several significant rules aimed at cutting air pollution from the coal and electricutility sectors.” According to the WSJ: “Some of the rules have been in the works for months or even years.” But that doesn’t mean the administration should introduce them now when the industry is already down—after all, the administration delayed Obamacare mandates due to the negative impact on jobs and the economy. Canada’s Prime Minister Stephen Harper gets it. Under pressure from the environmental lobby to increase regulations on the oil-and-gas industry, he, during a question session on the floor of the House of Commons in December, said: “Under the current circumstances of the oil and gas sector, it would be crazy—it would be crazy economic policy—to do unilateral penalties on that sector.” Introducing the new rules now kick the industry while it is down and shows that President Obama either doesn’t get it, or he cares more about burnishing his environmental legacy than he does about American jobs and economic growth. Marita Noon
Saw you in the Ojo 19
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t’s fun living with dementia, if it’s not you. Or now it can be, even if it is you. To enter Thebes, they say the Sphynx‘s riddle was: “‘Which creature has one voice and yet becomes four-footed and two-footed and threefooted?” Those who got it wrong died. To enter a new world of hope and happiness, let me help solve another riddle. It’s called, “Contented Dementia.” Counter intuitive, a contradiction in terms or simply a psychobabble headline grabber, are entirely bearable reactions. When you know I live in an assisted living facility, where I do some of the assisting, give me a fair crack of the whip. “When dementia begins, a single striking change happens in what gets stored: the factual content is not registered, only the feelings”, says Oliver James, psychologist and author of this revolutionary new way in dementia treatment. Also author of The Selfish Capitalist and Praise for Affluence, James’s Contented Dementia, written only eight years ago brings startling benefits for patients
Nellie and care givers alike. And here’s where I come in. Imported from the UK by such exceptional and caring friends, I found it impossible to become one of three people in their marriage, to quote Princess Diana. As badly damaged goods from the equivalent of fleeing the holocaust, for me here was a perfect bolt hole at Casita Del Lago. Mention of ‘assisted living facility’ over coffee in a Lakeside plaza, stirs up hideous images, guilt ridden mum-
El Ojo del Lago / February 2015
blings or a swift change of subject. But drill down to ‘I live in one and love it’ and then the mood changes. My ticket is to banish fear. And it’s Dementia and Alzheimer’s, the D or A words that need an instant and strong spotlight. I am a volunteer with the blessing of Sara Vegas and Ron Langley. Most of the residents have dementia. My personal mission is two-fold. I listen to the experts, those who have dementia and translate what they communicate to their two teams of caregivers. The home team is the on the spot nursing staff. As Mexican women, they have care fused into their DNA. The away team is family and friends at Lakeside or scattered across the globe. As always the devil is in the details. Communicate is a vague and debased word. My background is TV reporting and journalism. It turns out that getting a story out of someone as painlessly as possible fits the bill. Excavating the right subjects, then exploring them at length is a major part of the deal too. Happy cover- ups put the icing on the cake. Dementia cannot be cured. We are in the business of damage limitation here, yet happily so. SPECAL (Specialized Early Care for Alzheimer’s) on which the ‘Contented Dementia’ system is based was founded on the experience of Penny Garner, a British housewife and graduate, inspired by the dementia of her mother Dorothy. The flagship notion for both teams of caregivers, Penny says is: “The only difference between the person with dementia today and the person you used to know is a single disability: they can no longer store new information efficiently.” One fine upstanding 92-year-old former farmer’s wife, here with a hand shake like an unskilled worker, asks me the way to the lavatory five times each and every day. Yet on our daily walks we discuss farm management in detail. That sounds like casual chat yet indeed there is a system governed by strict rules of gentle engagement. In-
cluded are well-tested simple devices known as the ‘photo album,’ “the primary and health themes” plus others to explain the absence of loved ones, for long or short stretches of time. The three commandments are, “don’t ask questions,” “learn from them, the experts on their disability,” and “always agree with everything they say and never interrupt them.” I practice the method and it has instant heartwarming results. To see eyes brighten as they engage is like the dawn breaking. Loss of self esteem is the casualty of this disability. If left in a void, it can develop into aggression. So “the ladies,” as they are affectionately known, have regular hair care, manicures, pedicures and parties amongst other life enhancing experiences. All the drop-dead gorgeous, eagle-eyed nurses, who work 24/7, have boundless patience. One day an 87-year-old former top golf pro in her time seemed to have trouble eating her breakfast. She was the top member of the “clean plate club” here. Instantly one of the girls popped a hygienicallyclad finger in the lady’s mouth. Look no teeth. No good enquiring, just whoosh, an instant, silent well-oiled team action plan rolled out. One girl dashed to the bedroom, another to the bathroom and a third to the kitchen waste bin. New lining in the bin proclaimed the stuff had been cleared to big containers on the main road. So breathless, in sparking white uniforms, these visions of loveliness were seen dumpster diving on the green verge. Oblivious to the leering traffic horn hooters, they bounced back in triumph. Rubbergloved as if in medieval gauntlets, they bore aloft the dentures as deliriously as they might the Holy Grail itself. Rosemary Grayson
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FRONT ROW CENTER %\ 0LFKDHO :DUUHQ Wrong Turn at Lungfish By Garry Marshall and Lowell Ganz Directed by Peggy Lord Chilton
f you were to read the script of this play, you would probably find it dark and distasteful. The scene is a hospital room somewhere in New York City, and “Peter Ravenswaal” is an old, blind, dying patient. He’s an exdean of a New York university, and is angry and frustrated at being ill and helpless. Enter “Anita Merendino” as a volunteer reader – she’s a street person, not a great reader, and we wonder what she’s doing volunteering at the hospital. Well, we find out later that she looks for lonely dying men in order to get their money. Her boyfriend “Dominic De Caesar” is a thug who beats people up for a fee. It gets even more unpleasant when Anita attempts (to put it gently) sexual seduction on Peter while he’s asleep. Maybe evolution did take a wrong turn somewhere post-lungfish if this is what passes for comedy in New York. However, the director pulls off a small miracle in making this material both touching and entertaining. There are plenty of funny oneliners, and the actors do a great job in their respective roles. Kenneth Bridges is very convincing as the grouchy old patient. He is onstage for the entire play, and he gives a superb performance as the dying teacher and lover of books. He really seems to be blind, and he deliv-
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ers his lines with pace and authority. Tina Leonard is sweetly amoral as Anita, willing to do anything for love or money. She speaks with a genuine New York accent, and generally she comes across well as a dumb and ditsy girl from the wrong side of the tracks. Beryel Dorscht is suitably harried and bad-tempered as the overworked nurse, while Ken Yakiwchuk has a lot of fun playing nasty Dominic. With his sleeves rolled up to display his tattoos, he’s on the verge of out-of-control anger throughout the second Act. He’ll do you a favor and beat up anyone you want, for free if he likes you. There are some serious moments in the play, when Peter muses on the mystery of life (and death). And at the end Anita and Peter read some lines from T.S. Eliot’s Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock. The lines come across clearly and, as Anita’s voice breaks, the poem creates a poignant ending to the play. Peggy Lord Chilton did a good job in bringing out those more thoughtful moments, and the cast performed with pace and much humor. The audience certainly enjoyed the play, and the actors received well-earned applause at the curtain call. Beth Leitch was Stage Manager and the play ran smoothly on- and off-stage. Congratulations to cast and crew for bringing the lungfish out of the water, and giving us a tender and enjoyable play. Next up is the classic drama The Night of the Iguana by Tennessee Williams, directed by Dave McIntosh. It opens on February 20 and runs through March 1. Michael Warren
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or those of you new to Mexico and for those who have been here for a while and need a refresher course, here is a little help in understanding one aspect of Mexican driving customs and practices. Most importantly, it is wise not to expect anyone to follow the indications of their indicators. If they do, see it as a bonus, but probably a coincidence. In other words, if you are at a red light and the on-coming car facing you has his left turn signal on, as if to turn in front of you, it is very possible that he will turn left, but equally possible that he is unaware of his signal, so when the light turns green, expect the driver to go straight, turn right, turn left across you or start reversing down the street he just came up. Right turn signals are generally easy to deal with. If a turn signal ahead of you indicates a right turn, it is entirely possible that the vehicle ahead of you could turn right. Remember, that possibility quotient is equal to the possibility that he might continue driving straight, stop dead in the road, or go into reverse to pick up a family member who has fallen out of the truck and is running alongside trying to catch up.
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You might think “a turn signal that has been on for a while suggests the driver turned it on and forgot it was on.” This is a legitimate assumption. In fact in many vehicles on the Mexican highways, the turn signal reset does not work and that right turn signal might be a vestige of a right turn the driver made the night before. The left turn signal is the most complex signal to interpret. In most western countries it is used to indicate a desire to turn left. In Mexico it is a far more complex set of indications. If a vehicle traveling ahead of you turns on his left turn signal, it could actually be that he intends to turn left; however, the vehicle, on approaching the turn, might go to the right to turn left as it has been the custom in Mexico to go towards the right curb and wait for passing traffic on the left to ease up enough and then turn across the lanes to the left. For this reason I would caution you not to try to pass on the right when you see a left turn signal come on. Another use of the turn signal in Mexico is a decent attempt by slower vehicles to let you pass. Sometimes you want to pass, but cannot see ahead of a taller vehicle. Often the driver ahead will see your intention and if they are
able to see ahead that there is no oncoming traffic, they will turn on their left turn signal to invite you to pass. At this point you have to wonder several things: Is he inviting me to pass? Is he about to turn left? Is he about to pass someone in front of him? Is he using his flashers and the right light is out and he is about to stop? Is he about to slam it into reverse and back up the highway? Is his automatic turn signal reset broken? Is he just a fan of blinking lights? (The latter possibility is a real one as Mexicans love color, noise and lights.) On occasion the left turn signal is to warn you not to pass. The vehicle
ahead sees something he assumes you do not, so he puts on his left signal so that you will not pass, thinking he is about to pass someone or turn left. Whether he is indicating “pass” or “don’t pass” is graciously gifted to you to interpret. Now you know exactly how to interpret Mexican Turn Signal usage, so don’t drive. Sell you car and take the bus. John Ward
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Hearts at Work $ &ROXPQ E\ -LP 7LSWRQ What Country is the Happiest?
very few months I come across still another survey to determine what are the happiest countries in the world. Knowing that one can find happy people in every country in the world, I take these studies with a bucket of salt. The January 2015 International Living summarizes the current Happy Planet Index, which ranks 151 countries (out of around 200 in the world) for happiness. The rank is based on 1) life expectancy, 2) well-being-quality of life graded by residents on a scale of 0 to 10, and 3) “ecological footprint,” a measure of sustainable resource consumption. Costa Rica topped the list as the happiest country, followed by Vietnam #2, Colombia #3. Also appearing in the top 10 were El Salvador, Jamaica, Panama, Nicaragua. Venezuela, and Guatemala. Happy Planet Index calls itself the “leading global measure of sustainable well-being.” It is supported by some large organizations like “Friends of the Earth.” Bangladesh comes in as #11, Cuba as #12, Pakistan as #16. Let’s go much farther down the list, those countries scoring way into the bottom half for happiness…and there we find Libya as #84, Ethiopia as #94, Ukraine at #99, Sudan at #100, Belarus at #104, and then, at last, the United States of America at 105 out of 151! What nonsense! (Mexico, incidentally, comes in at #21.) The most recent World Happiness Report (2013) prepared for the United Nations General Assembly ranks these countries as the happiest: #1 Denmark, #2 Norway, #3 Switzerland, #4 Netherlands, #5 Sweden, #6 Canada, #7 Finland, #8 Austria, #9 Iceland, #10, Australia. In this study, Costa Rica, which was #1 in the Happy Planet study was #12; Vietnam, #2 in the Happy Planet study was #63; Colombia, which was #3 in the Happy Planet study was #35. In the United Nations Report, the United States came in at #17, just after Mexico at #16. In a new and nicely organized global survey, the highly regarded Pew Research Center’s Global Attitudes Project recently reported (2014)
El Ojo del Lago / February 2015
that Mexico is the happiest country. (see The December 31, 2014 issue of This Week tells us in a piece titled “What wealth does to your soul” that “Getting rich won’t make you happy…but it will make you more selfish and dishonest.” Michael Lewis writes that “The evidence overwhelmingly suggests that money, above a certain modest sum, does not have the power to buy happiness, and yet even very rich people continue to believe that it does: The happiness will come from the money they don’t yet have.” On average they believe that 2 ½ times what they have now will at last make them happy. To the general rule that money, above a certain low level, cannot buy happiness there is one exception. ‘While spending money upon oneself does nothing for one’s happiness… spending it on others increases happiness.” Interestingly, “people with incomes below 25 grand give away on average 4.2 percent of their income, while those earning more than 150 grand a year give away only 2.7 percent.” A study done by the University of California at Berkeley psychology department discovered that people driving expensive cars were four times more likely to cut in front of other drivers than drivers of cheap cars” and at intersections they discovered “The drivers in the cheap cars all respected the pedestrians’ right of way. The drivers in the expensive cars ignored the pedestrians 46.2% of the time….” Some neuroscientists are convinced that wealth actually causes chemical changes that make the wealthy “less likely to care about anyone but themselves or to experience the moral sentiments needed to be a decent citizen.” (How about this for a little aside? December 12, 2014 This Week reported
that “The 400 highest earning taxpayers in the U.S. had an average tax rate of 18 percent in 2010, the latest year available…. The average income for the group was $265 million per return.”) I think people who decide to be happy can be happy in any country, and being wealthy has nothing to do with it. The happiest country is that little country you carry inside of you, wherever you are. I watched Mother Teresa on a BBC video years ago talk about the purpose of life. “Very simple,” she said, “It is to love and be loved.” Last week I went to the cine to see the latest Night at the Museum. In one
of the earlier films in this series, Teddy Roosevelt, delightfully played by Robin Williams, begins to explain the secret of happiness to Larry, the night guard played by Benjamin Stiller, but just as Teddy is about to speak, the sun rises and he returns to wax. Late into the movie, Larry tells Teddy he thinks he has figured out what the secret of happiness is: “It is doing what you love with the people you love.” That’s good enough Jim Tipton for me.
Saw you in the Ojo 27
t almost 18, I had been working my “school credit” job as Assistant Manager of our town’s newest and fanciest Motor Hotel for about eight months. Every day, my greatest hope was that a little excitement would walk through the door. Growing up in the late fifties in small town Nebraska could definitely have been called “sheltered.” Everyone knew everyone and you couldn’t get away with a thing without somebody telling your parents. Daily life was so safe that at age seven, I walked three blocks to Preble’s Grocery Store, filled my red wagon from my mother’s list and pulled it home -in spite of the fact that Preble’s was on the busiest highway in North America – the “Lincoln” Highway 30. “Sheltered” included not having television until the sixties where I lived, but we did have radio– a 50,000 watt Denver station. All of my worldly sophistication came from either the radio programs like Art Linkletter and The Chase and Sanborn Hour, or the public library. Personally, the word “sheltered” never entered my vocabulary. It was more like “boring.” Working at the hotel definitely livened up my personal scene. People from almost all 50 states had stayed at the hotel in the year
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since it opened. When I was on duty, food from the restaurant was a perk, so I indulged myself daily. One spring afternoon, I was eating in the nearly deserted restaurant when an elderly balding man accompanied by one of the handsomest young men I’d ever laid eyes on - even in movie magazines -strolled in. By then, I had been working there long enough that I fancied myself to be the grand hostess of the place. I walked over, smiled my most charming smile, and welcomed the two. “I guess you work here,” the balding man said. “Yes, I’m the Assistant Manager and I would be happy to help you with anything you need. Are you planning to stay overnight?” “We should, I think,” he replied. “This is half-way between Lincoln and Laramie, and the only reason we got here this early is that Dom drives so fast. He broke every Nebraska speed law!” “When you’re finished here, I’ll register you in the main lobby,” I said, smiling my most fetching smile. As I walked away, I had the strangest feeling that I’d heard that voice
before. To this day, I recognize voices better than faces. They stick with me. I was puzzled. Why would I have heard the voice of a total stranger? I arranged to walk outside and glance at the only strange car in the lot. California plates. Mercedes-Benz. Not too many of those around. An hour later, the younger man signed the register: Dominic Frontieri. No mention of the other gentleman. Address: Los Angeles. Seconds later, the older man walked in the door with a long, fairly flat, brown suitcase that looked like it should hold a musical instrument. He came toward the desk. A little grin was blooming across his ruddy cheeks as he carefully placed it on the counter in front of me and clicked it open. The back flipped up, obscuring my view of what was inside. His hand dipped in with a rather strange motion and then flipped up, holding a boy doll. “Hi,” the doll said in a funny little voice. “My name’s Charlie McCarthy. You’re cute. What’s yours?” I burst out laughing. Of course I recognized the voice. It came to me from our big Philips radio on the weekly Chase and Sanborn Hour. The balding gentleman was Edgar Bergen. Charlie was his puppet. Suddenly it was a game. “My name is Puddle Abernathy, and I’m from Pillsville. Where do you live, Charlie?” “I live with my friend . . . here, I’ll introduce you,” and Charlie dived into the suitcase and a hand came up with another boy puppet. “I’m Charlie’s friend, Mortimer Snerd,” the other puppet announced in a deeper, stranger voice. “We live together in here. Sometimes it gets kinda crowded, but I guess it is okay. I like you. Can you come out and play?” Edgar said Dominic was doing new music for his show. They just happened to both be going from New York to Los Angeles and neither liked to fly, so they were driving. Lucky for me. Years later, just a few years before his death, I saw Edgar Bergen again at a dinner in Pebble Beach, CA, honoring him. With him were his beautiful wife and a daughter, Candace, her mother’s carbon copy. I told Edgar how much pleasure he had given me that day. He said maybe I should have made more fuss over Dominic who ended up marrying Georgia Rosenbloom, the owner of the Los Angeles Rams. I told him I’d always like puppets better than football. Pia Kraus Aitken
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THE OJO INTERNET MAILBOX (Wherein we publish some comments about our previous issues.)
QUIPS Gabrielle Blair Thank you Max! I’m not a bird, but the advice is useful and it sounds like you got excellent treatment from Dr. Magana. THE CONSERVATIVE CORNER Alex Glad I found your column. I was beginning to think there were no conservatives or libertarians in Mexico. I am familiar with Agenda 21, yet it seems the majority of the world is not. Such ignorance and denial is so dangerous. I don’t know what people have against freedom. So, where do I meet other of like mind in Chapala? We will be there next month. THE TIME HAS COME TO REIN IN BIG BUSINESS Jim Dickinson I totally agree with this article and would like to converse with the author.
My phone number is 376-763-5107 email UNCOMMON COMMON SENSE JANUARY 2015 Rich Bill, great article, but the Far Right has declared war on progressive and liberal politicians. Obama cannot do anything. The Democrats only hope is Hillary because she is middle of the road. The tea party vs. the progressives is a real and passionate battle fought with hundreds of millions of dollars coming from the likes of the Koch brothers. BELIEFS - SELF EVOLVEMENT SERIES Rich I appreciate your comments on fear and negative feelings. Personally for me, I found that it goes back to my childhood and now I misinterpret excitement as fear. It made me more negative than I should be in my life.
El Ojo del Lago / February 2015
WELCOME TO MEXICO! - JANUARY 2015 Dusty Burton After reading Victoria Schmidt’s article on “Reverse Culture Shock” I feel obligated to respond. Although she did not share what area of the U.S. she returned to, it certainly does NOT reflect the U.S. that we know. Though our home is in the Midwest, my wife and I have traveled extensively across the U.S. (all 50 states), especially the Eastern half. In all of our travels across the entire U.S., we have NEVER encountered a McDonald’s with a coded restroom door! As for flush toilets and automatic faucets - please Victoria, join us in the 21st century! I remember the trip to the outhouse (especially in winter) all too well! Regarding friendliness, when I walk through a mall or store, I make eye contact with the people I meet and my expression of a smile is almost universally returned! Admittedly, that same positive response has been received here in Mexico! Considering the cost of living, in my observation, the same quality of establishment has a very nearly comparable cost. The standard of living one chooses is a matter of individual choice or is dictated by resources. My major disagreement Victoria, is
my visualization of MY Statue of Liberty! My Statue of Liberty still stands straight, proud and tall! The light of her torch still welcome thousands, no, millions of the wretched and poor, coming to the U.S. to escape poverty, physical danger, abuses and lack of opportunity! The beam of her torch lights the way to a better lifestyle, better educational opportunities, employment and healthcare that they never would have in their native country. I regret that you have lost the vision that the majority of U.S. citizens still have - in spite of its blemishes, it is still my country of choice and the recipient of my loyalty! God Bless the United States of America and the freedoms it represents!! Respectfully submitted, Dusty Burton Note to the Editor - I would welcome an opportunity to sit and discuss our different views on this matter. As a first time visitor to Mexico, my wife and I are also experiencing “culture shock”! Thank you. THE IRISH SOLDIERS OF MEXICO Michael Hogan Great review. Thanks for re-printing. The audio book is now available. Here is the link on Amazon. amazon. com/The-Irish-Soldiers-of-Mexico/ dp/B00S9XKSKC/ref=tmm_aud_title_ popover
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he only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” —Edmund Burke The demonstrations in Paris in the wake of the murders of journalists, Jews and police officers last month certainly showed that millions of “good men” were at least willing to take to the streets. Christians, Muslims, Jews, Atheists, people from all walks of life renounced violence as a solution to social issues, and defended the freedom of expression globally. It was an impressive display of unity on behalf of a basic principle of democracy. The problem remains, however, that we also have a global society interspersed with crazies – people whose interpretation of right and wrong is, to varying degrees, much different than mainstream society. Because they are a small minority, we tend to disregard these people and even mock them. Magazines such as Charlie Hebdo print clever cartoons that amuse the intelligentsia, but insult and anger some of the crazies. As old-timers used to say when the circus came to town, “Don’t poke the bear!” But, of course, the youth of the town thought it was pretty smart to sneak into the tent and give the captive bear a couple of pokes. Most of the time, it was pretty safe to do so. Every once in a while, though, the bear would be able to break loose and lay a few licks on his tormenters. Did the good burghers discipline the boys? No, they shot the bear. “Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility.” —Sigmund Freud Along with all of our freedoms comes responsibility. If we marginalize individuals and groups, every once in awhile one (or some) of them will retaliate. Then, we will have a “disaster.” If France has the resources to track 5,000 alleged terrorist suspects (as per CNN’s broadcast of events on Jan. 7), why are there no resources or no will to intervene on a preventive basis? If these people are susceptible to the persuasions of radical recruiters, can we not create some options for them that would divert them from a violent path? “If we don’t believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don’t believe in it at all.” —Noam Chomsky What happened in Paris last month is going to happen again and again unless we can find some way to channel the
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emotional and intellectual energ energy rgy of mi minorities (and disadvantaged majorities, such as the poor in Mexico) into peaceful and, hopefully, developmental actions. We have the resources – just look at the billions and the brainpower that are being allocated to contain and eliminate the crazies. “True freedom is not advanced in the permissive society, which confuses freedom with license to do anything whatever and which in the name of freedom proclaims a kind of general amorality. It is a caricature of freedom to claim that people are free to organize their lives with no reference to moral values, and to say that society does not have to ensure the protection and advancement of ethical values. Such an attitude is destructive of freedom and peace.” — Pope John Paul II Anyone who has taken a commercial flight in the past 13 years can attest to our freedom having been reduced considerably by the threat of terrorism. What additional inconveniences will we have to endure in the wake of the Paris killings? As impressive as the demonstrations in Paris appeared, I can’t help but conclude that we are missing the point. At the same time as we see the newspapers and magazines of Europe rally to assist Charlie Hebdo to meet its publication deadlines, we are all spending an extra hour or more at an airport for every flight we take, international banking has become more complex and costly as banks have to prove they are not receiving funds from or moving funds to terrorist groups, and our taxes have increased as we pay more and more for anti-terrorist security. Who is really free? “Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!” —Patrick Henry Bruce Fraser
50/50 ODDS ON LOVE maybe you can make it if you forget about the odds slip them under the pillow while you’re learning to love be honest be gentle with your secrets take long walks through your bodies & taste everything wash each other play the lead in your production and let your partner steal the show grow raindrops together & watch them flower commit your possessions to the hours for you may have a lifetime to parade to flaunt to wrap quietly around your minds and warm you —John Thomas Dodds—
Saw you in the Ojo 33
he morning was very slow in the second day of May in which I found myself alone in the Regina bookstore trying to find a way to attract more visitors to increase our sales. It disappointed me a little to see that most of the people leaving the clothing store next to our place after buying there would normally come by to visit our place and after browsing around our books and showing genuine interest to acquire them ended up not buying anything since they had no more money left. Maybe next payday, they would say. I was engaged in these reflections when even with my eyes fixed in the recently arrived book list I had in the desk, I felt a presence that I can only imperfectly describe as a mixture of an extremely powerful but loving and compassionate energy, filling abruptly the whole space. This new magnetic and pleasant vibration forced me to turn around immediately towards my right where I discovered a young woman with a beautiful face, pleasant and slender figure and dressed with a purple cotton garment that was paying special attention to some books of Conny Méndez in one of the shelves of the wall. Her bearing was of great nobility and I would almost say royal and natural. There was nothing in that woman
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that could inspire the minimum fear but instead a deep respect and a melancholic longing. Attracted by everything that transpired from this beautiful being, I approached her to offer some help and I surprised myself by almost making a reverence before its presence and stopping a meter of where she was with my hands united behind my waist. She turned to look at me with an enormous smile and asked for the price of one of the books she was interested in. I confess that I lost all composure when I heard the sound of her voice, because it was something beyond description, like a melodious but simultaneously thunderous murmur. “How much is this book?” she inquired, again looking directly into my eyes with enormous naturalness In the best way I could, and only after brief moments, I recovered my composure and with great effort and an enormous sacrifice, I took my glance away of those powerful eyes that revealed an immeasurable purity and an immaculate innocence and provided the information she requested. Sending a last look to the book at issue, she carefully returned it to the shelf. Immediately afterwards, and without any warning, she nailed her powerful and compassionate eyes into mine again and for some instants that seemed to suspend the passage of time, she added: “Thank you very much, I’ll see you later.” Without saying more, she left the bookstore, smiling. The brief but transcendental encounter had finished. I remained standing in the same spot without moving absolutely for several minutes, trying to assimilate the extraordinary experience with all my being and in a never before reached state of authentic inner silence. Throughout my soul circulated a comforting peace and in those precious minutes, no
noise of the street or person existed in my immediate surroundings. The powerful spiritual vibration of the strange visitor caused that at least for some brief moments I was fully immersed in the spiritual dimension and somehow also in the material world. Little by little, that indescribable state of awareness started to dissipate to give way to the understanding that I just had a brief encounter with a woman of a high spirituality and a superior consciousness that had shown me through the power of the glance, the unspeakable beauty of the spirit that animates us all, as if wanting to
attest the importance that any spiritual work— no matter how modest— has when its being done in favor of the awakening of our society. When I shared my fortunate encounter with my wife, she was glad to know about the fortuitous gift and message of encouragement that the visit of this mysterious spiritual woman represented for our work and modest efforts, which did not prevent her from laughing at my expense because she said that far from being in this world, I acted and walked some days like somebody living in a far and distant land.
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THE TIA ANGU UIS:: A Mesoameric can Leg gacy y %\ 5RQDOG $ %DUQHWW
onday in Chapala, Wednesday in Ajijic, Thursday in Jocotepec, the tianguis, or open street market, is a familiar weekly event at Lakeside. But did you ever wonder why these enterprising merchants and vendors get up so early and work so hard to set up their booths and displays for only a few hours one day of the week? Business, of course. A social event, to be sure; a place to meet friends and neighbors and pass the time of day. But the tianguis is much more than that. Its roots go back to classical Aztec times and beyond to other peoples of ancient Mesoamerica.
The term Mesoamerica refers to a large cultural area extending from Tamaulipas, Mexico in the north to central Honduras and Costa Rica in the south. It is characterized by certain common cultural traditions and features, some of which go back as far as 2,000 B.C. One of the most important of these cultural traits was the “tianguis”, which in Nahuatl means “marketplace.” By extension this came to mean the buying and selling of goods on a fixed day of the week. Early Spanish Colonial writers have left us vivid descriptions of these early markets. Bernal del Castillo, one of the Conquistadores, in de-
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scribing the Great Market at Tlatelolco in Mexico-Tenochtitlan, the capital city of the ancient Aztecs, wrote: “But why do I waste so many words in recounting what they sell in that great market? I shall never finish if I tell it all in detail!” He did, however, go on at great length to describe such wares as paper, tobacco and pottery, as well as both familiar and exotic food items. The local market system was one of the few native institutions actively encouraged and carefully preserved by the Spaniards. Open daily, the Tlatelolco market was fostered and protected at first by the Aztec state. No business was allowed to be carried on outside the market. Special officials checked on the quality of the goods, and three judges regularly in attendance settled disputes on the spot. Penalties for breaking the rules were severe. Thieves were immediately stoned to death. It was a highly organized economic trade system with taxes on goods; basically a barter method, with a rudimentary money usage based on blankets, cacao beans and gold dust for exchange. The tianguis also served as a place of refuge. Every fifth day larger gatherings were held at Texcoco, Cholula, and many
other cities and towns. A slave who broke loose in the market place and escaped automatically became free. Anyone who stood in the way was enslaved in turn. The lure of the market place was strong. Fray Diego Duran wrote the following anecdote: One day Padre Duran met an Indian going to the market to sell firewood. He offered the Indian money and told him to go home and use the wood himself. The Indian agreed, but a little later the padre met the same Indian still on his way to the market. The priest scolded the Indian for his superstitious attachment to the market. The Indian replied that it was not superstition or even religion that impelled him to sell his wood in the market place. It was the costumbre (or custom) to do so. The Indian then politely offered the dumbfounded priest his money back. This is the origin of the modern tianguis. Another priest, Fray Bernardino de Sahagun, writing not long after the Spanish Conquest, described the merchants and vendors who operated the great Tlatelolco market. Among these were the sellers of maize grain, beans, chili and various herbal remedies. Today, the medicine seller still sits on his site on a reed
mat. Many of the goods sold or bartered at these early markets are still with us today: maize (white, black, yellow, red), poultry, fish, squash seeds, tuna cactus, and an abundance of other fruits and vegetables. But for an exotic change, why not try water-fly eggs, or the water-flies themselves? And for that special roast dinner? Sahagun wrote that a bad meat seller sold dog meat, but Fray Duran said that dogs were sold by the thousands for food. Whatever your preference, all this and much more was available in those bygone days to the discerning shopper. The weekly street markets in Ajijic, Chapala, Jocotepec and other Lakeside towns have changed greatly over the years. Gone are many of the traditional arts and crafts for which Mexico has long been famous. Gone too is the ancient barter system. And wrong-doers are no longer stoned to death. Yet even without such constraints the merchants today are as honest in dealing with their customers as were their ancestors. And the past is not completely dead. Still lurking among the commercial, manufactured products are hand-made jewelry, tradi-
tional ceramic figures and regional kitchenware. An Indian family sells nopal cactus next to a shelf full of the latest electronic gadgetry. The cassette stands blast out rock music next to a display of Huichol religious art. The tianguis exists today not because people are fearfully compelled to attend, nor because they are forced by their rulers to provide provisions for the village; rather it is, in part at least, the costumbre that has survived the centuries of political and social upheaval in Mexico. The external appearance of the tianguis may change, the vital spirit remains.
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omething has changed. The air is suddenly still. Children’s screams of joy are dialed down. I look up from the pages of my book. The shadows fade with the light as the sun descends below the western mountains, perhaps below the distant sea. Yet there remains some natural light in the heavens. It would be easy to miss the transition from daylight, through dusk, into night; it takes but a moment of inattention for the entire plaza to make the transition into night. Mexico can be that way. The slightest lake breeze caresses the moment. Then comes the evening’s big blow. It charges through the plaza seeming to turn on the lights as it scatters the red, blue, green, and white bits of confetti and splashes of white flour here and there on the plaza tile floor. Children of all ages break open huevos con confetti on each other’s heads in sneak attacks, and screaming in laugh-
ter, run for cover. All the while, in anticipation of day’s end, soccer balls fly among groups of three or four boys; other boys whizz through the Plaza traffic on sport bikes, and skate boards. Lovers hold hands making their plaza rounds. Dogs, with no apparent home other than the plaza, wander freely. They sniff the tiled plaza floor in search of a dropped morsel or a bone abandoned by another dog that lost interest, attracted by another dog’s behind. Dogs leave their mark on Mexican style chairs in front of coffee or alcohol venders. Gringos and Mexicans alike sip coffee drinks, beers, and tequila by the shot, or Margarita, con or sin sal. Battery operated miniature cars whip around venders of colorful trinkets and toys spread on a tarp, or table. A vendor with bright eyes and a gracious smile carries an amazing selection of woven straw items in his arms, and a selection
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of straw hats stacked on his head. Octogenarians, cane in one hand and an ice cream cone in the other, shuffle between ice cream parlor and park bench; once safely out of traffic, they smile with relief and might converse with each other on this and that, reminisce, perhaps sit silently with their dog, as old as their master in dog years. The strong wind blows by, ending unnoticed, not even by the clouds of hovering bobos, innocent but bothersome fly-like insects that gather in clouds at the same well-lit places every night. Mournful tones of a lone saxophone leak out from the cultural center, soon joined by a cacophony of band instruments, all seemingly soloists in a band being lead by Sun Ra, now reincarnated in this Mexican village. They play the well known “Concerto for Sun Ra‘Arkestra’” and “Chaotic Community Life.” Now, a family strolls by, a young boy, perhaps a five-year-old, walks between his parents, left hand in his mother’s right, right hand in his father’s left, while father, with his right hand absentmindedly steers his twelve-year-old daughter using her pony tail as a sailor uses a tiller. A group of young girls giggle by as a nearby group of stone-faced boys feign disinterest.
An inexperienced plaza watcher would expect a mass collision: dogs, pocket Chihuahuas to full-size German shepherds, soccer balls and players, skate boards and boarders, sit-in plastic autos scooting this way and that, uncontrollable remote control toy cars whizz around, (indifferent to their contradiction in terms), insouciant couples, octogenarians (still carrying their cane and ice cream cone), inebriated tequila drinkers, and wide eyed caffeine addicts, one and all tangled together in a heap. It’d take a crack team of bomberos to disentangle them without injury. However, plaza goers don’t subscribe to some Hobbesian social contract. Instead, all players safely slip by one another without incident, perhaps like the flock of black birds that take off from the trees in the churchyard, up through the sky, appearing almost as a single organism, only to return to the same trees as individuals, perhaps the same tree, perhaps the same branch. Plaza life is not necessarily for you if you’re faint of heart, or if you’re uncomfortable without formal rules for others to follow, but it can be exciting! Jeremy Monroe
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Sandy Olson
Phone: 331-283-8529 Email:
READ THIS FIRST! On February 7 and 8, just a couple of days from now, the $MLMLF 6RFLHW\ IRU WKH Arts is presenting The Fourth Annual Open Studios Tour. Here’s a chance to get into our artists’ studios and see them in their natural habitat. Fifty-eight artists are represented and will be showing from West Ajijic to Riberas del Pilar. Passes are available for 50 pesos and can be bought until February 6 at the ticket booth at LCS, Diane Pearl Colecciones and from members of ASA. This H[FLWLQJ HYHQW EHQHÂżWV WKH DUWists of ASA and the Children’s Art Program at the Lake Chapala Society. -$== $1' 12 &29(5 CHARGE -XDQ &DVWDxyQ and the %OXH 9HOYHW -D]] 4XDUWHW will be playing at several venues in February. Every Tuesday at 7:30 at Jasmine’s Restaurant at the Ajijic Plaza Every Wednesday at 7:30 at Guitarist Juan Castaùón the Ocampo #71 Bar Saturdays February 14 and 28 at 8 at Lago CafĂŠ, Carretera Poniente #29 Friday, February 20 at 9:30 “playing the funkâ€? at La Sangrita Bar, Morelos #12, Ajijic 1,Ä•26 ,1&$3$&,7$'26 $ *2 *2 There’s still time to get tickets for the -HIIHU\ 6WUDNHU concerts. Jeffery is a Canadian pop singer-songwriter. His piano-based pop musical style has drawn comparisons to Elton John, Neil Young, and Rufus Wainwright. The dates are Thursday and Friday, February 12 and 13, 7 pm at the Auditorio. Thursday will feature the launch of Jeffery’s new CD. )ULGD\ LV Âł1LÄ–RV 3DUD 1LÄ–RV.â€? Jeffery will be accompanied Jeffery Straker by the CREM Children’s Orchestra and Choir. A VALENTINES DAY TREAT 7KH /DNH &KDSDOD 3DLQWing Guild presents New Works,â€? a show that will be launched with a 4 to 6 pm reception on opening day, Saturday, February 14. The show is at the Ajijic Cultural Center, and will be on display through February 25. Members participating are &DUROLQD 2ZHUV *HUDOdine Classen, Lois Schroff, 6WHYH $FKV 9DUQ &\QWKLD GX %RLV :LQQLH +XQW 1DQF\ *UD\ 0DU\DQQ /LQKDUW $QLWD /HH (IUHQ *RQ]DOH] 0DULRQ 'HFNHU 6RQLD 0RFQLN DQG
Rinconito de Amour by Geraldine Classen
$QWRQLR /RSH] 9HJD GET OUT THOSE DUSTY DANCING SHOES The traditional %ODFN DQG :KLWH 'LQQHU 'DQFH *DOD for the School for Special Children makes its return February 20, 2015. Tickets are on sale for 600 pesos at Diane Pearl Colecciones and at Miaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Boutique on the carretera. Reserve your table of eight or join friends for this incredible moonlit night on the lake with an elegant meal and big band dance music from the Fabulous Forties at Villa Encantada in Chapala. For more information, contact Gala Coordinator Claudette Champagne at 766-1033 or NIGHT OF THE IGUANA The Night of the Iguana by Tennessee Williams opens at the Lakeside Little Theatre on February 20 and runs through March 1. It is directed by Dave McIntosh. This classic drama is set in Mexico in the 1940s. Tickets are 225 pesos, and can be obtained by calling the box RIÂżFH DW 0954, or by email: The cast from left to right: Jutta McAdam, Abril Iniguez, Bill McFadden, Roger Larson, Deborah Kloegman, 7KH ER[ RIÂżFH Clay McAdam, Gabriel Casillas, Greg Clarke, Jose will be open from Gambino Madrid. Front and center: Kathleen Morris 10 am to noon on February 18 and 19, and at the same time each day except Sundays during the run of the show. THEREâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S SOMEONE FOR EVERYONE The February 1DNHG 6WDJH production is Baggage, a comedy directed by Russell 0DFN. It runs February 27, 28 and March 1. 7ZR GLIÂżFXOW VLQJOH SHRSOH 3K\OOLV DQG Bradley, both trying to heal from their respective disappointing relationships, get their OXJJDJH PL[HG XS DW WKH DLUSRUW $IWHU D YHU\ GLVDJUHHDEOH ÂżUVW HQFRXQWHU WKH\ HYHQWXDOO\ GLVFRYHU WKDW ZKLOH WKH\ PD\ EH WRR GLIÂżFXOW IRU HYHU\RQH HOVH LQ WKH ZRUOG WKH\ DUH right for each other. Cast members include 3DWWH\H 6LPSVRQ 5RE 6WXSSOH 1HDO &KHFNRZD\ /\QQ 3KHODQ 1DNHG 6WDJH JLYHV DQ\ SURÂżW IURP WKH SUHYLRXV \HDU WR &UX] 5RMD every January. 'LDQD 5RZODQG says, â&#x20AC;&#x153;This year we just wrote a cheque to them for 20,000 pesos!â&#x20AC;? 1DNHG 6WDJH LV ORFDWHG DW $ 5LR %UDYR 7KH ER[ RIÂżFH RSHQV DW DQG WKH show starts at 4:00 p.m. The email address for reservations: nakedstagereservations@ Reservations guarantee a seat until 3:50, after which seats will be sold to those waiting without reservations. )25 <28 5(' +27 $1' :,/' 5($'(56 Vince MartĂnez will headline the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Red Hot and Wildâ&#x20AC;? evening on Saturday, February 28, sponsored by $MLMLF &$5(6. Tickets are $500 pesos per person and includes the meal and gratuity, plus a contribution to VIHAS DE VIDA, an organization formed to help educate and bring awareness and compassion to those living with HIV/AIDS. The cash bar opens at 5:30 with dinner to follow, at Arileo Restaurant (west of Ajijic, just past the overhead Jocotepec sign). For tickets or more information contact Bobby Lancaster at or 766-4267. :5,7(56 6$9( 7+(6( '$7(6 The 11th AnnuDO /DNH &KDSDOD :ULWHUVÂś &RQIHUence is scheduled for March 11-13. The venue will be Danza del Sol in West Ajijic. Six speakers/ workshop presenters have been invited. They include Diane Committee members, left to right: Carol Bowman, Harriet +LFNV 0RUURZ, a Canadian Poet Hart, Victoria Schmidt, Herbert Piekow, and Sandy Olson. Laureate, Dennis Stovall, winner of the prestigious 2015 Rittenhouse Lifetime Achievement Award, and best-selling author of The Midwife of Venice Roberta Rich, /LQGD -R\ 0\HUV president of the National Association of Memoir Writers, will also present, as well as our Lakeside resident Rachel McMillan, with her popular Da n Con-
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nor Mystery series, and respected New York editor, Sandi Gelles-Cole, will schedule one on one sessions for writers to have their manuscripts reviewed. (A visit with Sandi the â&#x20AC;&#x153;book doctorâ&#x20AC;? requires preregistration by March 1). 7RSLFV UDQJH IURP Âł:ULWLQJ %DVLFV´ WR Âł3XEOLVKLQJ 'HP\VWLÂżHG ´ (DUO\ UHJLVWUDWLRQ before February 28, is 1300 pesos. From March 1 on the cost is 1500 pesos. The price includes two lunches and beverages during breaks. Registration forms are available at Diane Pearl Colecciones, or at Hacienda Property Management and Rentals, Hidalgo 27A, Ajijic. For further information, check on Facebook:, email Victoria Schmidt at VIVA MUSICA SPRING SEASON Viva Musica plans a full line up of events â&#x20AC;&#x201C; three FRQFHUWV ÂżYH EXVHV WR WKH Met Live, and six buses to the Symphony in the spring season. The -DOLVFR 3KLOKDUmonic Orchestra has just announced its spring season (January to April). Viva will not only organize buses to all of these concerts, but the price has been reduced to the ridiculously low price of 250 pesos (350 pesos for non-members). As always, the Friday trips will stop for dinner in a restaurant area in the Zona Rosa. 6XQGD\ )HEUXDU\ 7&+$,.296.< , Waldteufal: Skaterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Waltz; Wieniawski: Violin Concerto #2; Tchaikovsky: Symphony #1. The bus leaves at 10.00 a.m. )ULGD\ 0DUFK 7&+$,.296.< ,, Khatchaturian: Flute Concerto; Tchaikovsky: Symphony #5. The bus leaves at 4.30 p.m. with a stop for dinner. 6XQGD\ 0DUFK 7&+$,.296.< ,,, Revueltas: Sensemaya; Tchaikovsky: Piano Concerto #1; Tchaikovsky: Symphony #6. The bus leaves at 10.00 a.m. )ULGD\ 0DUFK 7&+$,.296.< ,9 3URNRÂżHY $OH[DQGHU 1HYVN\ 6XLWH 7FKDLkovsky: Symphony #4. The bus leaves at 4.30 p.m. with a stop for dinner. 6XQGD\ $SULO )UHQFK 9LUWXRVLW\ Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Indy: Symphony on a French Mountain Air; Ravel: Daphnis & Chloe (complete). The bus leaves at 10.00 a.m. Get your tickets at LCS Thursdays and Fridays 10 to noon; or to make alternate payment arrangements contact Marshall Krantz (766-2834, or Ingrid Goodridge (766-2194, The buses depart from the carretera, just east of Farmacia Guadalajara in Ajijic. VIVA CONCERT IN THE AUDITORIO 7KXUVGD\ 0DUFK 7KUHH 6RSUDQRV Berenice Barragan, Patricia Hernandez and Viviana Baez, with piano accompanist Gaby Zepeda, singia selection of operatic areas and classic Mexican songs. Back by popular demand. Auditorio, 7:00 p.m. Tickets are $200 and are available from Diane Pearl Colecciones, the Auditorio and LCS on Thursday and Fridays from 10.00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; noon and at the door. Bus trips to the Metropolitan Opera Live in HD 6DWXUGD\ )HEUXDU\ 7KH 7DOHV RI +RIIPDQQ by Offenbach, with the magnetic tenor Vittorio Grigolo as the tortured poet in the title role of Offenbachâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s operatic masterpiece. Bus departs at 10:30. 6DWXUGD\ )HEUXDU\ 'RXEOH %LOO ,RODQWD by Tchaikovsky and Bluebeardâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Castle by Bartok, featuring breathtaking soprano Anna Netrebko as the EHDXWLIXO EOLQG JLUO ZKR H[SHULHQFHV ORYH IRU WKH ÂżUVW time; followed by Nadja Michael as the unwitting victim of the diabolical Duke Bluebeard. Bus departs at 10:00. Soprano Viviana Baez 6DWXUGD\ 0DUFK 7KH /DG\ RI WKH /DNH by Rossini with superstars Joyce DiDonato as the â&#x20AC;&#x153;lady of the lakeâ&#x20AC;? and Juan Diego FlĂłrez as the king who relentlessly pursues her. Bus departs at 9:30. 6DWXUGD\ $SULO 'RXEOH %LOO &DYDOOHULD 5XVWLFDQD by Mascagni and Pagliacci by Leoncavallo. Tenor Marcelo Ă lvarez rises to the challenge of playing the leading roles in operaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most enduring tragic double bill. Bus departs at 10:00. LETâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S PUT FOOD ON THAT TABLE Villa Infantil Orphanage is in need of volunteers who can purchase, prepare, and provide a nutritious and appealing lunch for the 30 children who make the orphanage their loving home. Their â&#x20AC;&#x153;Lunch Bunchâ&#x20AC;? coordinator can tailor your volunteer experience to suit your needs. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a great opportunity to learn more about the orphanage, practice your Spanish while the little ones practice their English, and you will be heartily thanked for your
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efforts by 30 of the most endearing smiles youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll ever see. For more information on the volunteer lunch program and how you might help, contact Connie Ondola at (376) 765-3839. Also, to learn more about Villa Infantil (its mission, location and vision) please visit $ 21( :20$1 6+2: I, Claudia is a riveting, hilarious, and heartbreaking journey into the raw psyche of an extraordinary girl with a lot on her mind. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a one woman Canadian play and is directed by /\QQ 3KHODQ with -D\PH /LWWOHMRKQ as the actress. The dates are March 6, 7, 8 and 13, 14, 15 and 20, 21, 22, Friday through Sunday (Sundays are matinees). . For information please email Jayme Littlejohn at The venue is The Bravo! Theatre, the brainchild of our local and very talented Jayme Littlejohn, founder, producer, actor and singer. It was built by a team of generous people at Lakeside, led by 5XVVHOO 0DFN The address is Rio Bravo #10B. It is directly across from The Naked Stage in the old Sol y Luna Complex. The space will be the permanent home of 0\ 0\ +RZ Nice! Productions, also created and administrated by Jayme. It will also be available for other theatrical, music, fundraiser and lecture events. YOU DONâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;T HAVE TO BEHAVE YOURSELF Jayme Littlejohn For a mere 250 pesos (for padded center seats) and 150 pesos (for seating on the side rows) you can come out and see your friends and neighbors like youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve never seen them before, at Lip 6\QF 6HYHQ The show runs March 20â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 24 at the Auditorio. Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re encouraged to bring your cameras, take all the photos you wish, make as much noise as possible and show your appreciation with whistles, cat calls, and tossed objects. You may even leave your cell phone on. Producer Michael McLaughlin says, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re covering music from 1835 to 2011. This show is like no other. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve persuaded several choreographers and dancers to join us, so this show will include plenty of dance numbers. This year weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re going for a record number of songs--27.â&#x20AC;? Tickets will be sold by cast members and LCS, Diane Pearl Colecciones, Casi Nuevo Thrift Shop, Auditorio Riberas, El Granero, Edithâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Yolyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Charter Tours and from cast members. Mark your calendars. Lip Sync Seven is a Lakeside tradition not to be missed.
Howard Feldstein from Les Miserables
*52: <285 2:1ÂŤ â&#x20AC;Śvegetables, that is. The $MLMLF 2UJDQLF 9HJHWDEOH *URZHUV meet on the second Wednesday of the month at 10 at the gazebo at Tabarka Restaurant, Rio Zula #7. The next meeting will be on February 11. Remember if it is cold, dress warm because it is an open venue. New members are welcome. They can contact John at or by phone at 376-766-0620. 7KHUH DUH WZR ZHEVLWHV WKDW JDUGHQHUV ZLOO ÂżQG YHU\ LQIRUPDWLYH and 648($.< :+((/ 5($',1*6 La Rueda (The Wheel), a coffee gallery in San Juan Cosala, stages monthly readLQJV LQ (QJOLVK 7KH\ DUH KHOG RQ WKH ÂżUVW :HGQHVGD\ RI HDFK PRQWK DW The next reading will be on Wednesday, March 4. Writers who want to read, or those needing further information, can contact Judy Dykstra-Brown. Email her at $6$ 3/$=$ 6+2:6 Members of the $MLMLF 6RFLHW\ RI WKH $UWV will hold shows in the Ajijic plaza on February 14 and March 14, Sundays from 10 until 2.
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Seeds Of Hope %\ 'U /RULQ 6ZLQHKDUW
he public image of Jane Goodall is that of a nice lady who has befriended wild chimpanzees, but she is also a multifaceted, renaissance person who is concerned with many global issues. Her latest book Seeds of Hope explores the history of man’s dependence upon plants for food and medicine, and delineates the threats posed to the precarious balance of nature and the world’s food supply by the irresponsible actions of industrial and agricultural interests. Worldwide, plant nature is being contorted to serve selfish interests. Goodall courageously speaks out against destructive farming practices,
genetically modified plants, and the widespread poisoning of the earth. Goodall says, “The corporate greed machine uses any method to advertise and sell its goods.” She laments habitat destruction in the interests of short-term profits. Hundreds of square miles of old growth tropical forests are routinely destroyed to produce palm oil for bio-fuel and for inclusion in food products. She charges, “Destruction of the world’s forests is one of the greatest ecological disasters of our time,” and goes on to document the catastrophic annihilation of tropical rain forests and the people and animals who depend upon them. Timber companies drive roads into
El Ojo del Lago / February 2015
the few remaining pristine areas of Africa, opening them to poachers and traders in bush meat and to overgrazing by livestock. Healthy ecosystems are destroyed and replaced with unsustainable monocultures characterized by diminishing water tables and soil poisoned by chemicals. Much of the world’s cotton is produced by child labor. Children are forced to work in fields while crops are being sprayed. The cotton industry uses $2 billion worth of pesticides per year, 40% labeled hazardous by WHO. Pesticides are the number one cause of poisoning deaths among West African children who are trafficked for the cotton industry. The slave trade is still with us, feeding upon people rendered desperate by poverty and lack of education. Less than 15% of the North American corn crop directly feeds humans. The remaining 85% is used to produce bio-fuels or to feed factory farm animals in order to satisfy the global demand for more meat. The widespread introduction of genetically modified organisms (GMO’s) may pose the greatest danger to the present and future health of the biosphere. We are entering an era of biotechnology in which science fiction becomes dystopian reality.
Corporate propaganda assures us that inserting bacterial genes into plant DNA, causing them to produce toxins inimical to insect pests, will eliminate the need for pesticide spraying, kill weeds without harming crops, cause crops to thrive in a warmer world and produce greater yields for farmers. However, the Union of Concerned Scientists reports that genetic engineering has not contributed to increased yields of any crops. Insect pests often become resistant to GM plants. The toxins kill beneficial insects, such as honeybees and ladybugs, as well as target species. The genes of bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) have been inserted into the DNA of such food crops as potatoes, corn, cotton and rice. Five species of superbugs, among them the western corn root worm, have already become resistant to Bt toxins, leading to ever greater pesticide use. The Bt potato introduced into Canada was found to exhaust nutrients from the soil, leading to greater use of chemical fertilizers. Superweeds are as great a threat as superbugs. Monsanto has created “Round Up Ready” genetically-engineered soy, corn, alfalfa, canola and soy beans, tolerant of their own brand of herbicide. Unfortunately, fourteen Roundup-resistant weeds, including water hemp and Palmer pigweed, now infest ten million acres of US crops. Spokesmen for agribusiness insist that factory farms are more productive than independent farms, but the independent US farmer has successfully fed and clothed much of the world for generations. GM crops are not the solution to the world’s agricultural problems, but, rather, pathways into a nightmare future of chemically dependent food Dr. Lorin Swinehart production.
Do you have feelings of inadequacy? Do you suffer from shyness? Do you sometimes wish you were more assertive? If you checked any of these boxes, ask your doctor or pharmacist about Cabernet Sauvignon. It is the safe, natural way to feel better and more confident about yourself and your actions. It can help ease you out of your shyness and let you tell the world that you’re ready and willing to do just about anything. You will notice the benefits of Cabernet Sauvignon almost immediately and, with a regimen of regular doses, you can overcome any obstacles that prevent you from living the life you want to live. Shyness and awkwardness will be a thing of the past and you will discover many talents you never knew you had. Stop hiding and start living! Cabernet Sauvignon may not be right for everyone. Women who are pregnant or nursing should not use it. However, women who wouldn’t mind nursing or becoming pregnant are encouraged to try it. Side effects may include: Dizziness, nausea, vomiting, incarceration, loss of motor control, loss of clothing, loss of money, loss of virginity, delusions of grandeur, table dancing, headache, dehydration, dry mouth, and a desire to sing Karaoke
and play all-night rounds of Strip Poker, Truth Or Dare, and Naked Twister. Warnings: * Its consumption may make you think you are whispering when you are not. * It may cause you to tell your friends over and over again that you love them. * It may cause you to think you can sing. * It may create the illusion that you are tougher, smarter, faster and betterlooking than most people. (Ed. Note: Now just imagine what you could achieve with a good Pinot Noir or Merlot!)
Saw you in the Ojo 63
The Writing Muse %\ +HUEHUW : 3LHNRZ
ost creative people agree that they receive some of their best inspiration from fellow artists, usually people they respect and admire. With the new breakout sessions the 2015 Lake Chapala Writers Conference will provide plenty of learning and inspiration for writers of all levels and genres. However, putting together a panel of qualified and respected writers can be a challenge as some people are good at writing, but not so expert at sharing
their methods or at motivating others. By the end of November the conference committee and the presenters were all in agreement and we began our final plans. Like almost everyone I seldom like last minute changes, especially when the concrete is almost dry, but by now we’ve all learned to, “roll with the punches.” So, when one of the Lake Chapala Writers Conference confirmed speakers e-mailed the day after Christmas saying, “due to . . .” I didn´t panic, I just asked myself who can best
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fill this vacancy and give our attendees what they want and need. Linda Joy Meyers, President of National Association of Memoir Writers was the person who easily came to mind. She is the award-winning author of four books dealing with memoir and healing. Her books on memoir writing, her fiction, non-fiction and memoir pieces have been published in literary journals and online. She writes for the Huffington Post, and co-teaches the program Write Your Memoir in Six Months. This year´s conference attendees will have the opportunity of learning from Linda Joy as she talks about The Three Stages of Memoir Writing plus she will work with writers during two breakout sessions where Linda Joy will lead workshop discussions about, where to begin, how to find your themes, discuss truth, lies, secrets and how to manage the inner critic as well as how to decide what publishing path to choose so you can write and publish your memoir. To emphasize the fact that there are many publishing opportunities Dennis Stovall, head of the Portland State University Publishing Program, will explain the truths about today’s publishing opportunities. Stovall says, “The real problem is not, can I be published, but what´s the best route for my project. Stovall, winner of the prestigious 2015 Rittenhouse Lifetime Achievement Award, has been in the publishing industry for years and is a publishing savant. Stovall suggests that questions sent in advance often make for lively and informative sessions. Topics conference registrants can e-mail me at and I shall forward your questions to Stovall. Rachel McMillen will lead two workshops that she promises, “will have your words dancing off the page.” In her workshops participants will learn “how to make our stories come to life.” Originally from England she was raised in Australia, worked in Greece and married an Irish-Canadian. She now lives in Mexico and all of this makes her a
woman with stories, so come and learn how to tell your own stories. Most of us have read some historical fiction and wondered how did the author know that? In her Thursday afternoon workshop British Columbia family lawyer and bestselling author Roberta Rich will share her secrets of research and writing novels that sell. Canadian Poet Laureate Dianne Hicks-Morrow will conduct daily workshops tailored to anyone who wishes to write. Dianne’s Wednesday afternoon workshop is titled, “The Poet’s Toolbox.” Every writer relies on their own tools, but it is helpful when others share their building blocks. Her Friday workshop is titled, Anyone Can Write Poetry. Every writer needs to learn how to use words in the most efficient way to clearly convey their ideas and emotions, and poets are masters at using words and writing emotions. Nothing gets published without an editor. The problem is publishing houses no longer have in house editors and so the writer must find and pay for an editor. One of the most frequent criticisms of self-published works is, too bad they didn´t use an editor. But book doctors, or editors charge for their expertise and just like any doctor they worked hard to earn to their credentials. Sandi Gelles-Cole, from New York, has years of experience and some excellent literary credentials. Friday afternoon Ms. Gelles-Cole will work one on one with pre-registered participants who submit a brief story outline and the first four pages of their work. These spaces are limited and pre-registration is required. If you have a manuscript you would like to be reviewed by The Book Doctor send your outline and the pages to be edited to: Victoria, who is the conference registrar, will forward these to Sandi Gelles-Cole prior to the conference. Registration forms are available at Diane Pearl Collections, Colón # 1 and at Hacienda Property Management, Hidalgo # 27-A, Ajijic. Registration by February 28 is $1,300 pesos, after March 1´st the cost is $1,500 pesos. Registration includes cocktail reception, botanas are provided, daily lunches and Friday afternoon closing reception. Conference location is: Hotel Danza del Sol, Zaragoza 165 and Rio Zula, Ajijic. Conference dates are: Wednesday, March11 for cocktail reception, Thursday and Friday March 12 and 13, 2015 all day sessions begin at 8:30 AM. Herbert W. Piekow
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It is often said that defence is the most difficult part of bridge. While declarer has the benefit of seeing both sides of his assets, each defender has to make do with viewing only half his partnership’s cards. The defenders must exchange information through signalling and to do that they must watch each other’s carding carefully and be on the same wavelength. The East-West pair got a top board in this month’s hand by cooperating smoothly to beat the no trump game that was played at the Lake Chapala Duplicate Bridge Club in Riberas. South opened the bidding with a normal 1 club and when her partner responded 1 heart she took an aggressive approach and jumped all the way to 3 no trump. This was a far from hopeless contract as shown by the fact that at 6 of the 9 tables North-South made 10 tricks while declaring 2 or 3 no trump and at the other 2 tables North-South also had part-score pluses, so it would take something special for the EastWest duo at this table to get a positive result. West got her side off to a good start by leading her fourth best diamond and when declarer called for the 9 East played the 3, a “count” signal showing an odd number of cards in that suit. This partnership had an agreement that when they couldn’t top the card played from dummy they would attempt to show their partner how many cards were held in that suit – a high card followed by a lower one the next time the suit was played would show an even number of cards whereas low followed by higher would show the odd number.
El Ojo del Lago / February 2015
At trick 2 declarer called for the club jack which held the trick. When South called for another club, East went in with the ace to return the diamond 4 and this time West cooperated beautifully by playing the 2. This was crucial to the defence as West knew East had another diamond and that South had the king. Since West had no quick entry to her hand she had to hope her partner did so she needed to leave the lines of communication open. The play of the diamond 2 also informed her partner that she had originally held 5 cards in that suit as her opening lead of the 7 had been “fourth best from her longest and strongest.” At this juncture, declarer was without recourse. She could count four club tricks and two in each of diamonds and spades but when she attempted to win a ninth trick by playing a heart to the king East pounced on it with the ace and returned his last diamond put the contract down one. Although West and East did work together adeptly to earn their reward, the single most important defensive play in the hand was West’s refusal to win the ace of diamonds on the second playing of that suit. It may seem counter-intuitive to spurn a trick, but at times it may be the only way to ultimately gain a greater reward. It is good strategy for partnerships to take a few moments periodically to discuss defensive signals to make sure they are both on the same track. Questions or comments: email: masson.ken@gmail. com Ken Masson
Dear Sir: U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-Florida) is the son of Cuban parents. He is angry that President Obama is restoring relations with Cuba. Conservatives in general agree with Rubio, with notable exceptions such as U.S. Senator Jeff Flake. Flake happily went to Cuba to accompany the return of Alan Gross, who had been held in a Cuban prison for five years. Senator Rubio called President Obama insulting names and he made some utterly false claims. Rubio said that President Obama’s opening of diplomatic relations with Cuba would put Americans all over the world in danger, because now they know all they have to do is take an American hostage to get whatever they want out of the Obama administration. I predict that ISIS will
not change their behavior one way or the other because of President Obama’s Cuba policy. They will still take American hostages when they can, and behead them, except if it happens in the future, Senator Rubio will blame President Obama’s Cuba initiative. Senator Rubio was especially irked that President Obama asked Congress to lift the embargo. Rubio said that would be removing the only leverage we have against Cuba. This embargo began in October of 1960 under Eisenhower and was enlarged in 1962 to include almost everything. The Castro brothers have survived the embargo under eleven U.S. presidents. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, somehow expecting a different result. Marco Rubio was born in 1971. The
embargo was already in place for eleven years when Rubio was born. This is 54 years of empirical evidence that the embargo is not working. What is it about the conservative brain that denies empirical evidence? Exactly what leverage is Rubio talking about? In which century does he think it will finally work? Furthermore, our Cuba policy has earned us the disrespect of almost all South America. The United Nations has voted almost unanimously 23 times to urge the United States to drop the embargo, with only the United States and Israel voting against it. The vote was 191 to 2. Do we think the whole world is crazy and we’re the only ones who know anything? Incidentally, the United Nations also praised Cuba for their help in Africa against Ebola. Cuba has an advanced medical system. I don’t understand how we can call ourselves a “free” people and go anywhere in the world except to Cuba. I have been legally to Communist China. I have friends who have legally visited Communist Vietnam, where only a short time ago 58,000 Americans died in years of warfare. Everybody else in the world can go to Cuba and trade with them. Cuba is an important tourist attraction to Europeans. Only Americans can’t go there. Unbelievable.
When the new Congress takes office in January, Marco Rubio will be the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere. Senator Rubio promised that the embargo will not be lifted, as President Obama has asked, and that no ambassador to Cuba will ever be confirmed. Rubio promised to unravel all the foreign policy changes to Cuba that Obama is making. What did we Americans do to deserve a conservative brain like Marco Rubio in such a responsible position? Fred Mittag San Pablo
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“A Flickering Flame in the Dark Night” %\ 5RVDPDULD &DVDV
or Juana Inés de la Cruz, the greatest writer of Mexico’s 17th century, has been described by a contemporary poet as “A flickering flame in the dark night of Colonial Times.” Her name was Juana Inés de Asbaje y Ramírez de Santillana, but upon entering the San Jerónimo’s Convent in Mexico City, she became Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. The writings of this passionate young nun have touched and influenced the minds of every Spanish-speaking person interested in literature. The world knows very little about
the first years of her life, except the outstanding occurrences that speak of her genius. At the age of three she taught herself to read, and when she was seven, she learned Latin in twenty lessons. Legend says that often she cut ten centimeters off her beautiful hair. If she didn’t learn the most difficult lesson of the week, she cut it again. In those days women always had long hair; therefore, Juana learned her lessons and thus avoided the self-inflicted punishment of having her hair sheared. The Viceroy, Marquis of Mancera and his wife heard of the talented
El Ojo del Lago / February 2015
child, who could write poetry of outstanding quality at age eight, and requested that she become a lady-inwaiting of the Vice-Queen, the Marchioness of Mancera. By the time she joined the court, Juana spoke Latin and Nahuatl, was knowledgeable in music and science, was beautiful and had a charm that left no one untouched, male or female. The Viceroy was obviously fascinated by Juana’s culture. When she was fifteen, he wanted to know if this child’s mind was as advanced as he and wife thought. He invited forty wise men from the church and the university to test her scholastic achievements. Everyone was present for the occasion: The main doctors of the Royal Pontifical University, the wiser clergymen, the poets of the time, the outstanding judicial minds, the principal ladies and gentlemen of the court. One could imagine the mixture of habits, gowns, robes, farthingales, hoop skirts and bejeweled people that anxiously waited for the examination to start. No similar act had taken place in the Viceregal Palace. It was going to be an occasion never repeated in the history of Mexico. Fifteen-yearold Juana, dressed in the style of the 17th century court, with jewels given to her by the monarchs, faced a unique ordeal. For several hours she was bombarded with questions that went from law to astronomy, literature, medicine, linguistics, mathematics and many other topics. Later, the Viceroy said that the young woman defended herself from the inquiries of her inquisitors like a frigate against the fire of the enemy. And she finished the battle with flying colors, having defeated those who wanted to destroy her reputation or diminish the glowing sphere of influence she had with the Viceroy and his wife. In the Mexico of the 17th century, a woman by the age of 18 or 19 had only two choices in life. Either marry or become a nun. Who could Juana
marry? An illiterate military with a high rank but lacking a formal education? A rich criollo who would want her at home having children and not reading books all the time? A pedantic university professor who would be jealous of her knowledge? A man of science who would dispute her ideas on the subject? Obviously there were no satisfactory suitors so Juana chose the convent. She first entered the Carmelite Order, but found the austere discipline too rigorous and left to join the Jeronymite Order. She became Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. (Sister Jane Inés of the Cross.) The Convent of San Jerónimo in the outskirts of Mexico City (now surrounded by a chic residential area) was spacious and bright, with a church where nuns assisted in the religious ceremonies behind a wrought iron grill. Every nun had a large cell, and three or four servant maids who took care of their daily needs. In a city of 100,000 people, there were 29 monasteries and 22 nunneries. This means that a substantial part of the population was secluded from the life of the city and dedicated mainly to scholastic endeavors. The beauty of Sor Juana was portrayed by the best artists of the time, and they show a young woman of black expressive eyes—and a billboard under her chin. This outstanding young woman from age 19 on to her death respected the vows of chastity, poverty and obedience and wrote some of the best literature, prose and poetry of Mexican letters. She portrays in poetry everything that life denied her and speaks of love like very few people have done. She does not speak to anybody in particular, but speaks of the love she herself felt all her life and was unable to give to someone. Her transparent style responds to the intensity of her feelings. She castigates the cruelty and arrogance of men and she appears before the imaginary beloved as a woman who only has her tears to show the essence of her passion. Then a plague, which cost thousands of lives in Mexico City, entered the convent and Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, along with a dozen other nuns, succumbed to it. Sor Juana died April 17th, 1695, at the age of forty-three, but she is still very much alive in the minds of literature lovers in Spanish-speaking countries all over the world—a flickering flame that was never extinguished. (Ed. Note: Rosamaria Casas is a former Editor-in-Chief of the Ojo, and one of Jalisco’s most celebrated writers, having twice won major awards for her literary work.)
id you know that for the past five years, nothing short of a miracle has been taking place in San Antonio? In February of 2010 Tom Music and Richard Bailey opened Operation Compassion, a soup kitchen. It is still going strong today; feeding 60 to 80 people five days a week. In addition to the soup kitchen, 35 meals are sent out to shut-ins unable to come out for a hot meal. Tom estimates that 2/3s of the people receiving a hot, nourishing and healthy meal each day are children. Sadly, Richard Bailey passed away in October of 2010, and Tom has managed alone until the fall of this year when Larry Chapman arrived on the scene. They now work as co-directors, managing the dayto-day operations of shopping, seeking donations and raising funds. The soup kitchen is fully supported by donations. There are 26 volunteers who help serve, and one paid employee who serves as the cook. Tom says, “Everyday we try to offer chicken and
vegetable soup, lentils or other beans, tortillas and of course salsa. We try to have a cookie for the children too. For many people, this is their only meal of the day.” Would you like to see how the soup kitchen works? Drop in any Monday thru Friday on Jesus Garcia, about a half of a block down from the carretera. The meal is served between 1pm and 3pm. If you or your club have a party and find you have extra food, please think of donating it to help feed those that have so little. Any donations to support this on going cause are always welcome, and may be given to Tom or Larry at Operation Compassion or at Panino’s Restaurant.
Saw you in the Ojo 69
of the month
ou first met Joaquin in August 2013; this is his follow up story: Joaquin was born in December 2010 and diagnosed with West Syndrome. This is an uncommon epileptic disorder in infants named after an English Physician. The syndrome is age-related, generally occurring between the third and twelfth month and generally manifesting around the fifth month. There are various causes but often it is an organic brain dysfunction whose origins may be prenatal, perinatal (caused during birth) or postnatal. Statistically, boys are more affected than girls. Joaquin was diagnosed in his fifth month. Joaquin spent the first year and a half in the hospital. Doctors were trying desperately to control his “jackknife convulsions”. Research indicates
that spasms tend to occur upon awakening or after feeding and often occur in clusters of up to 100 spasms at a time. Infants with this diagnosis may have dozens of clusters and several hundred spasms per day. Sadly Joaquin falls into this category. Joaquin came to Niños Incapacita-
El Ojo del Lago / February 2015
dos in July of 2012. During the initial intake, we learned that once the doctors were confident with their diagnosis and came up with a cocktail of anticonvulsive medicines, they decided it was time for Joaquin to go home. It was generally felt that the family could provide better care for Joaquin. They provided the family with a hospital bed and all the paraphernalia needed to care and feed Joaquin. Mom was instructed on proper feeding and medicating techniques. Due to the number of spasms Joaquin has throughout the day, at present these are occurring every fifteen minutes, all feeding and medicating is done through a drip bag hooked up to his bed. Given Joaquin’s erratic movements coupled with the aggressive convulsions, all agencies that could have helped declined saying they could not be responsible for him. The family was left with no choice but to hire a private therapist. Niños Incapacitados was unable to reimburse the family for these treatments as the therapist did not have valid government facturas. Mom & Dad however said they were happy to pay themselves as it provides a much needed respite for the family. In August 2013, the family sought out a new physician who came highly recommended. He suggested a
change in medicines to that of a herbal treatment as an alternative to the cocktail he was presently forced to take. Joaquin responded immediately and very positively. The family was ecstatic. Joaquin’s seizures were reduced to two a day and sometimes only every other day. Whereas up to this point he was completely bedridden, he now sat up in a specialized chair giving him a new glimpse of the world around him. His siblings started a regime of daily exercises which he enjoyed immensely. Mom said he looked forward to their return from school. The doctor was confident that if Joaquin continued to progress as well as he was, the feeding tube could be removed and feeding could start by mouth. The family was encouraged to keep working with Joaquin to build up his muscle tone. With the help of a customized jogger’s stroller Mom was able to take Joaquin out. Something she had not done since his birth. Joaquin continued to improve month by month. Mom was elated when she told us of Joaquin trying to speak. She said they will take one day at a time and see where it leads. Compared with other forms of epilepsy, treatment of West Syndrome is relatively difficult and the results of therapy often dissatisfying. Statistically, 5 out of every 100 children with West Syndrome do not survive beyond five years of age. Sadly Joaquin died in December at home with his family. He had just turned four. Mom said he took a couple of very big breaths and was gone. However sad the family feels they are so happy to have seen Joaquin enjoy life for the past fourteen months. As Director of the Jocotopec Clinic, thank you for the opportunity of presenting some of our children to you. If you would like to learn more about Niños Incapacitados, please visit our website at www.programaniñ or call Rich Petersen (376-765-5511) or Barb Corol (376-766-5452).
Saw you in the Ojo 71
n Sunday afternoon, at about ten minutes before 4PM local time, in bullrings all over Spain and Mexico, matadors kneel in arena chapels and pray to La Virgen de la Macarena to protect them. For precisely at 4PM, a bugle will blow and they will go forth to meet their destiny. Moments later, a gate swings open and a two thousand pound bull bred to kill comes charging in. The matadors stare either straight ahead or down at the dirt. Many continue to mouth silent prayers. Earlier, following the matadors and the banderillos, have come the picadors on padded horses, lances pointed skyward. As they draw close to the barrera, they all tip their hats to the dignitaries, then slide behind the shoulder-high protective barricades that shield them off from the arena itself. The matadors, their Trajes de Luces sparkling in the sun, confer with their managers while swinging their capes to test the wind. The banderilleros, who will be the first to test the bull, move to the opposite side of the ring and along with the senior matador, await the first bull. When the beast finally enters, the capeadores wave their capes at him, trying to incite a charge. But they must never “pass” the bull; that is for the matador only. Having watched how the bull charges, and whether he hooks left or right, the matador now moves into the ring. Now he must face the bull alone. The “corrida” has begun. I saw my first bullfight in Mexico City in 1947. Luckily, that fight featured Fermin Espinosa and Carlos Arruza—two of the best bullfighters to ever pick up the sword and muleta. Thereafter, hopelessly hooked, I read every book I could find about La Fiesta Brava. I attended the bullfights again in
El Ojo del Lago / February 2015
1952 in Mexico City, and later in Acapulco. Slowly I began to realize that the sport was not only a contest between man and bull; more dramatically, it was the epitome of a more universal struggle: man’s conquest of his own fears. Once, I was able to get into the callejon--the tight circular “alley” that runs around the ring, and normally off-limits to all but the bullfighters. Seen up close, the matadors appeared very nervous, as they looked over at the gate whence the bulls would come. I now understood why the entryway was called “The Gate of Fear.” It was on a trip in 1960 that I first heard about a young man named John Fulton. From Philadelphia, Fulton was working as a novillero, hoping someday to become a full-fledged matador. Some seven years later, I heard that Fulton had been “confirmed” in Madrid, the first American bullfighter to reach such a height. Yet when I returned to Spain in 1978, there was no mention of Fulton on any of the corrida cards. In 1983, however, we finally found John Fulton in Sevilla. Now an established painter with his own gallery, he had also written several books. I asked him a few questions that had long been on my mind. “Matador,” I said (always until the day he dies, a bullfighter is addressed that way), “Is it true that all bullfighters live in continual fear?” “Yes, both before and after the fight. But we are not afraid of the bull. We are afraid we will fail.” “But you must have some fear in the arena itself.” “True, but our pride, and even our anger, pushes it away.” “Pride and anger?” I asked. “Pride because we are watched by other matadors, as well as our cuadrilla. Anger because sometimes we get mad at the bull if he
is a bad bull.” “And the crowd?” “They do not matter. Most of them do not understand. All they want is blood. We must satisfy ourselves, not the crowd.” I understood what John Fulton was saying. It had been the same for me in the Marine Corps during World War II. The fear of showing fear, along with my festering anger, had allowed me in battle to ignore danger. But before and after was another story... Later, John told me that he had decided to become a bullfighter while studying art in San Miguel de Allende. Dropping his real last name of Short because Mexicans couldn’t pronounce it properly, he began to fight up along the border as a novillero. And because he was a novelty, Americans crossed the river to watch him. Over the next few years, John fought constantly, perfecting his skills. However, when he went to Spain in 1956, things changed. Though no one denied his skills, contracts were few and far between. Luckily, John was a talented artist and able to survive financially. Through sheer perseverance, he finally became a full-
fledged matador, and then went on to fight the bulls for the next 14 years. By 1983, he was 51, yet still had not retired from the ring. By now, though, he was a well-established artist. His days as a matador seemed over. But in April of 1994, and now in his early sixties, John returned to San Miguel de Allende where he fought two bulls, cut two ears, and then cut his own pigtail—at last retiring from the ring. A final footnote: Many Americans regard bullfights as brutal and inhuman. True aficionados, however, appreciate the great courage and enormous skill needed to face down an animal with the killer instincts of a fighting bull. In the final analysis, the drama playing out in the arena is not about the matador triumphing over the bull, but rather over himself. And who among us cannot respond to such a noble quest? So while we all may not approve of the bloody spectacle that is La Fiesta Brava, we must salute that solitary figure that opens each Sunday’s ritual standing utterly alone in the arena, challenging his fate with no more than a cape and sword in his hand.
Saw you in the Ojo 73
A Guide to the No-Tell Motel %\ 6DQG\ 2OVRQ
e were e tired, Itt was getting g dark, and we were e somewhere in the state e of Tamaulipas, with no towns in sight. There was a sign on the other side of the highway that read “Auto Motel” – neon-lit—but it looked tacky and foreign for Mexico. Neon? Nothing looked good to us anyway at that point. We found an OXXO and asked about a hotel. The girl at the cash register directed us back the way we came. We had no choice so made a U turn and pulled into the driveway. A man ran out from nowhere and waved us into a garage space and pulled down the metal cortina. He collected payment from us and we were set for the night. This whole thing
looked a little spooky-where was the registration desk? Who was this guy? Why was he in such a hurry? But we unloaded the car and pulled down the cortina. We were a little worried by now, especially after looking at the flimsy door lock, so we pushed a table in front of the door, then noticed that the table had an ashtray with two condoms. This was a clue. We began to understand where we were. Also, there was a mirrored wall behind the king size bed. A faint odor of some kind of industrial cleaner led us to hope that the room was as sanitized as it looked.
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We settled in and relaxed and even had a dip in the Jacuzzi and all in all it was a good night, even though the TV shows were limited to a lot of pink skin programs. We hoped that mirrored wall behind the king size wasn’t really a window, but at my age I wasn’t too concerned about maidenly modesty. “Knock yourself out,” I said to any lurking peeping tom. We discovered after a few more experiences later on that Mexican no tell motels are modern, inexpensive and quiet, except for maybe a few groans from the next room. You will not find a family cooking beans in the courtyard or a bunch of gringos partying on a balcony. For the innocent but adventurous traveler, here are some ways to tell if you are looking at one of them: there is normally a high wall shielding the interior from passing traffic. The words “auto” or “motel” can be clues to where you are. They are usually away from a town center, probably as a concession to the adulterous pairs who want secrecy. It’s unlikely there’s a registration desk. As you pull in, someone will pop out from who knows where and take your money. You might have to make it clear that you want to spend the whole night. There aren’t likely to be restaurants nearby if you need something to eat…eventually. The management will offer a solution. In the room there might be a turntable built into the wall, and a dog eared menu. You can write out an order if you are feeling adventurous, spin it, and–we hope—a palatable enough meal will show up eventually. A word about the Jacuzzi: those of us who need a little help are not likely to find it here. You are on your own getting in and out without hand rails. Take a shower instead. And if you enjoy reading, bring your own light. The bathroom may be well lit but romance and lust depend on low level lighting so guests can ignore the realities of
life for an hour or two. Some of my friends have reported problems when trying to stay at one of these places. I suspect it’s due to an expectation that guests are going to be “normal,” that is to say, heterosexual couples. My friend Judy got a quick rejection when she wanted to stay with her dog. I’m not sure about the reason for that. The manager took a look at my friends Donna and Nancy and told them that if they arrived at 4 pm they’d have to leave at 4 am. My most recent experience was stopping at a hotel south of Mazatlan. It was 3:00 in the afternoon and I was alone, and tired. I pulled in and as usual someone appeared as if by magic, a woman this time. She had one of those tired, “I’ve seen everything” looks. I told her I needed a room. She said, “Sola?” I was alone. What was I up to? I sensed her hesitation so I played the pity card: “No tengo compañero,” I said, trying to look wistful. She caved then and gave me a room and even turned on the water heater so I could enjoy the Jacuzzi all by myself. But she drew the line when I asked to borrow a reading lamp. Also, I had stupidly dug around and brought in my laptop without thinking that Internet service wouldn’t be happening. So it was a long afternoon, trying to read in the semi dark. I decided to forgo the dining experience and scrounged a stale bolillo and a bag of licorice from my duffle. It wasn’t a bad day as those things go. If I were writing a Best Western recommendation—not that they’d ever want one—I’d give the typical no-tell motel maybe two stars for the quiet modern room at a reasonable rate, and the security of the cortina for the car, and an extra star so you can brag to your friends up north about the experience. Leave the dog and the grandchildren at home and check it out.
Saw you in the Ojo 75
PROFILING TEPEHUA %\ 0RRQ\HHQ .LQJ President of the Board for Tepehua
he United States has 14.24 gun related deaths per 100,000 people each year. Brazil has 12.95, closely followed by Mexico with 12.69. These three top a very long list and the one at bottom is Japan with 0.05. Mexico has two arms laws: ‘The right to bear arms’ and ‘The right to keep arms’. Which are different. ‘The right to bear arms’ means anyone in the military branches, law enforcement, etc have the right to ‘carry’ without applying for a special license, they are exempt. All others who wish to ‘carry’ have to apply for the special license, such as public officials and politicians, private guards and privileged families, bank guards etc. “The right to keep arms” applies to you and me, we can keep in our homes 10 guns, (9 long guns and one hand gun). KEEP IN OUR HOMES is the operative word here, we are not allowed to ‘carry’. But all weapons must be registered with the Federal Government. According to David Kopel, fourteen per cent of Mexican’s have a firearm in their home, and of that 50% are in poor neighborhoods with a high violence rate. The Government does not defend these areas, so Citizens defend themselves. Unintentional gun deaths in Mex-
El Ojo del Lago / February 2015
ico in 2014 was 0.47, in the United States it was 0.30 and in Japan 0.01. 57% of accidental deaths were with hand guns as opposed to long guns, and more unintentional deaths in rural areas than cities, which is not surprising as most guns are in rural homes rather than city homes. Jacqueline, one of the Tepehua Community Centers brightest young students, heading for college which was her dream, was shot in the head two weeks before Christmas. A young nephew had found his Fathers gun and with the curiosity of youth, played with it, it went off and struck Jacqueline just above her left ear entering her brain. It shattered, the main part was lodged in the brain. The medics removed most of the shards, including the bone splinters, but decided to leave the bullet and another large quantity of shards in the brain, as removal could result in brain damage. The tenacity of youth to survive worked, she is walking and speaking, she remembers speech in two languages, she has balance...everything that points to a recovery. Except that fear of having a foreign object lodged inside her head, and every new twinge suggesting it is moving. Which is rare once scar tissue builds up, but tell that to a teen who has a bullet in her head, she is living with fear. Without the help of the Tepehua Free Clinic, getting the vital medicines she needs would be impossible for this family, only the operation was free. Some of the medication she will be on for life. Without a Rotary grant from Rotary Seguin, Texas, for the free clinic of Tepehua, this could not have happened. For so many years arguments for and against gun control has raged. Mexico has about one or two licensed gun shops in the whole of Mexico, which makes sense. That is the beginning of control. Stateside, should a family shop like Walmart’s or any of the chains be licensed to sell arms? In a licensed establishment they have to stick to the rules or get closed down...a place like
family chain stores, when an incompetent sales person doesn’t do the back ground checks or stick to regulations they get fired, they are then replaced. That, of course does not address the incompetent gun owner, who keeps a loaded gun in a home with children, or the black market where guns abound no questions asked. The insanity of all this paints a morbid future. This column addresses the unintentional deaths by and of children. What about the victims that survive like Jaqueline...some in a vegetable state and others living with that fear perhaps one day that bullet they carry may move, or they will die in a wheel chair...these and many accidental shootings are not counted. Look at the intentional shootings, that are multiplying each year, again with children being able to get guns and commit suicide by taking others with them? Science has the ability to rid the world of polio or TB...not totally but enough that children are safer...why can’t we rid ourselves of gun plague? The Author has no answer. Just anger at the insanity of it all. Jaqueline was not the only victim, the young boy who shot her is traumatized and needs help. They
become a burden to a family that already carries the burden of poverty. Whilst it is true the owner of the gun is at fault and should be booked for endangerment, they are all victims of the broken society we seem to be living in. So for those who believe in the ‘right to bear arms’, help us solve this problem, and for those who have the ‘right to keep arms’? keep them out of your children’s hands, they have the right to live. This week, Jaqueline is well on the way to recovery, in three months it is possible she may return to college. She is one of the lucky ones.
Saw you in the Ojo 77
arjorie Ferguson was sixty-seven years old, and she was beginning to think that the one goal she had striven for all her life was not going to be realized. It hadn’t seemed like it would be such a challenge when she first started, back when she was only a child, but over the years she had come to recognize the barriers that had been put in her way. They weren’t presented as barriers of course – they were always phrased in polite prevarications – but she had learned to see through them. To see them for what they were: Lies and evasions. She pushed herself back from the desk and shifted her body in the old leather chair. It had been her mother’s chair and over the years it had formed itself to the contours of her mother’s body – her adoptive mother, she reminded herself, not her real mother – and yet the chair seemed to embrace her body perfectly. From the bedroom she could hear the sound of her sister, sorting through her mother’s clothes. Even though she couldn’t hear the sobs, Marjorie knew Catherine would be crying as she lifted out each garment. She would be stroking the fabric, fingering the buttons, remembering a time when her mother had worn it. Their mother’s death had been much harder on Catherine than it had been for her. For Catherine, the relationship had been real. It wasn’t that Marjorie hadn’t loved
El Ojo del Lago / February 2015
her mother. Of course she had. Mary Ferguson had been the only mother she had ever known. The woman had always been there for them, even though they were not really ‘hers’. They weren’t really sisters of course, she and Catherine, at least not by blood. They had both been adopted, but unlike Marjorie, Catherine had never felt the need to find her birth mother, and that was something Marjorie simply could not understand. For her, it was a need. An obsession. How could you not want to know who you really were? Over the years that burning need had built a wall between her and the only mother she had ever known. It had built a wall between her and Catherine too, and between her and the man who had wanted to marry her. She reached back to the desk and opened yet another drawer. The others had held stacks of bills and bank statements, but this one held a single cardboard box. She placed it on the top of the desk and opened it. The documents were old, the paper fragile, the ink brown and fading. Carefully she lifted the first one out. Her grandfather’s – no, adoptive grandfather’s – birth certificate. Andrew Ferguson had been born in Scotland in 1903, the son
of a shipbuilder and a housewife. She placed the document onto the desk and lifted out the next one. A marriage certificate for Andrew Ferguson and Norah Brown, bachelor and a spinster. She smiled at the oldfashioned words. So quaint, but somehow appropriate for the dour, unsmiling couple she remembered. She put the papers aside. Catherine would cherish these testaments to what she had always embraced as her family, but for Marjorie they were simply a reminder of what was missing. What she had never found. Her own family. Her real family. She kept sorting. Another document, this one very plain. A printed heading: Children’s Welfare Department. Catherine’s name typed in at the top. Marjorie stared at it in shock. Had Catherine seen this? Did she know she had been born to a seamstress called Elizabeth Smythe? That her birth name had been Susan?
ear Sir: I read with good humor Don Daniel’s comments about my defense of Maurice Strong. He was making some reasonable points and I wasn’t going to respond, but then out of the blue comes the statement that, ”Representative Peter De Fazio (sic) of Oregon...was and still is a card carrying Communist.” My God, I didn’t know that, and he is a representative from my home state of Oregon!
Marjorie closed her eyes. Was her own adoption certificate here, hidden from her all these years? Slowly, her fingers trembling, Marjorie removed the other papers one by one, scanning each for a glimpse of her name. Near the bottom she found a letter from her grandfather. Some of the ink had run, but it was still legible. “You will stay there until your bastard has been born,” she read. “They are instructed to put it up for adoption.” Below the letter was an envelope. It contained two documents. The first was a birth certificate for Marjorie Jane Smith. Mother: Mary Louise Smith. Father: unknown. The second was an adoption certificate. Marjorie Jane Smith had been adopted. Her adoptive mother was Mary Louise Ferguson. Marjorie Jane Ferguson let her fingers gently stroke the fading paper as the wall she had built crumbled into an abyss of loss.
Needless to say, Rep. DeFazio is not a communist (and never has been one). It is this kind of irresponsible slander that gives the Republican Tea Party a bad name. The faulty logic must go something like this: DeFazio is a progressive; all progressives are Communists (false); therefore DeFazio is a Communist. Logic 101 says this is not a valid argument. Chad Olsen Chairman, Lakeside Progressives
Saw you in the Ojo 79
BRINGING IN THE NEW TEAR â&#x20AC;&#x201D;With a Fla amenco Dancer! %\ -DQLFH .LPEDOO 0 ) $
t the stroke of midnight I found my arms around a diminutive Flamenco dancer, her spirit intact despite her advanced years. She pointed out the blue moon. It hovered over us from a heavenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s distance. The moonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s magnetic glow seemed to reach out to us, as if in embrace. The effect was amplified by the contrast of hot embers crackling as we roasted marshmallows and warmed our noses around the campfire on the cobblestone street in front of Aztec Studios. We tossed sparklers into the nightâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s air when we heard the bells from the church of the Virgin of Guadalupe at Six Corners ring in the New Year. I had not known Aida before that night when we hugged under the moonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s magic. She weighed not much more than a bird. I neednâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have worried about the effects of the cold and late hour on her, however, as her chutzpa far outweighed her fragility. Jill, who had brought Aida to the New Yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Eve gathering despite the bone chilling cold, was determined not to leave until after midnight. The rest of the eveningâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s revelers left early and most likely were by now asleep in their beds. But Aida was a match for Jill. She stylishly tossed her fluffed boa tighter around her neck to ward off the cold and began telling me her story, as if the evening had just begun. Her accent may have been from Spain or South America, I didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t ask.
El Ojo del Lago / February 2015
â&#x20AC;&#x153;I would peek out at my audience before I went on stage. I measured their anticipation, and like a barometer, mine would match theirs. But that was before the surge of the dance of Flamenco took me over, then took the audience over in my performance and they did not want it to end. Who wants passion to end?â&#x20AC;? Aida almost leapt from her chair when describing the excitement she felt from their applause and their cheers after her performances and of curtain calls the times she almost brought the house down. â&#x20AC;&#x153;But it was the challenge of the apathetic audience sitting in wait for me to go on that gave me my greatest thrills. For them, I must abandon my very being so that the power of the dance can captivate their soul!â&#x20AC;? The two of us sat in comfortable silence, both aware that age does not diminish our capabilities, but modifies our expression of it. Yet,
the urgency with which Aida spoke, alerted me to the possibility that she was leading up to something that went beyond reminiscence. I glanced up at Jill in question. But Jill, who could still play a mean game of tennis, was preoccupied with kicking at the fire’s embers in an attempt to keep the fire burning. Aida reached over and took my hands in hers. “I am experimenting with paint,” she said studying me. “I never learned to draw; can I still become an artist, a painter?” Jill overheard, and in playing devil’s advocate commented, “Jack-
son Pollack couldn’t draw and he became famous…But, still, I am not sure I consider his dribbles art!” “You already are an artist,” I said looking Aida directly in the eyes.“ When you can walk into your canvas and paint with the same passion you have for dancing, then you can call yourself an artist whose media is paint.” Janice Kimball
Saw you in the Ojo 81
127 $// 7851 $%2876 $5( )$,5 3/$< %\ %RE 7HQQLVRQ
iving just b beelow the pov-erty line, e the last thing the was as Marshalls needed was ap pa fifth child, but it h hapely ha hand ndpened. An extremely handm very ver ery proud, prou pr ou ud, but but u some boy made them ze he ze he had had d to o be also made them realize as llucky uckky enough the last. The father was n iff it was driving to be employed, even a garbage truck for the city. None of their other children would tell any of their friends that their father did this, as they considered it to be a very low occupation, not considering the fact that he was very fortunate to even be employed in their day’s economy. They named him Donovan and enrolled him in school as soon as he reached the allowed age. He enjoyed going and was a quick learner. He wore hand-me-downs from his older brothers and took his lunch in the same brown paper bag daily, always knowing that it would be a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, Once in a great while he would find an apple or a banana inside and often a cookie, which was a real treat He had no trouble swapping his sandwiches with some of his classmates, as his mother’s homemade jellies were a real winner. He enjoyed tuna fish salads, ham and cheese, and once in a while after holidays turkey and roast beef, which he would never have had otherwise. Some of his classmates made jokes about his clothes, and he always made mental notes of those who did knowing that someday he would somehow get even.
His life life fe did did d His n t become no beco be come co me a not prrob p oble lem m un un-problem til he entered d til High Hi h School and an nd his hi p e r s o n a l i t y hi changed from being a gentle boy to becoming one with a quick temper and ready to fight at the simplest provocation. He spent many hours in the Principal’s office being lectured to about his violent behavior, and it soon got to the point of his being expelled. His parents had no telephone, but they received a letter informing them of his dismissal and the reasons why. His father pulled a few strings and got his son a job working on the garbage trucks, which he considered too far below his ego to even consider. Without any consideration for his parents, he left home and moved into a house with a well-known group of gang members whose reputations left a great deal to be desired. One of his older brothers took over the job of helping his father, hoping Donovan would change his mind and come back, but he didn’t. The morning following a PTA meeting at the school, the body of the Principal was discovered still in his car, but he had been murdered. The first thoughts, of course, were that it was Donovan’s handiwork. However, he was serving a three-day sentence in jail on a DWI without a license. The fa-
READER ADVISORY! This is a much longer version of the wonderful poem The Day After the Day of the Dead by Mark Sconce. The shorter version won the Best Poem Award at last year’s annual Ojo del Lago awards luncheon and can be found at index.php/mid-month-articles Each mid-month, we will be offering superb articles that while a bit too long for our print version are perfect for our new format. Check it out!
El Ojo del Lago / February 2015
ther, considered the next possibility, was away on a long awaited three-day fishing trip, so the quandary began. As luck would have it, a female detective from FBI Headquarters in New York was in town on another case. She was called in for help, and her first comments were that the method used was more like that of a woman than a man. The mother? Bingo! Her only comment over and over was â&#x20AC;&#x153;That man ruined the life of my baby boy.â&#x20AC;? It took very little time to reach the proper conclusion that she was definitely the guilty one. Going to prison did not seem to faze her even a little, as her mental balance was not one hundred percent in working order, and had not been since the expulsion from school. The local librarian was the only one who had been aware that this elderly woman was reading nothing but books about women criminals and suspected what she was obviously planning but made nobody aware of her thoughts. She was shocked beyond words when the news was aired on TV and in the local paper. The violent weather outside was perfect for the execution about to take place in the prison. The entire family was there, still unbelieving what was about to happen to their mother who
had always been so gentle and kind. Donovan was almost hysterical when the switch on the electric chair was pulled, but it was definitely the reason for his making a complete turnaround in his way of life. He reentered school, graduated with honors and joined the police force when he graduated, all in honor of his mother and her love for Bob Tennison him.
Saw you in the Ojo 83
Mexican Time
have returned from the clutches of the USA and find myself fortunate to be reunited with my heart--Mexico. Here we have the youngest “older” people I have ever experienced. I felt ancient in the USA. But here there is activity everywhere. Octogenarians are playing on the tennis courts, and on the dance floor! Our expats are active and alive. It is as if retiring to Mexico gave us all a new start on life. People take advantage of the varied opportunities here to expand their personal horizons. There are many free or low cost workshops in different fields that we never made time for “back home.” There are special interests groups here, card playing, game playing, knitting, writing, ukulele playing, singing, music, performance groups, discussion groups and many more. If you can’t find a group that meets your needs here, you can start one. When living in the States, I wanted to learn more about writing. The classes offered at the writers’ center in my city started at $300 USD and went up from there. There were no free groups. Here there are several groups, many of those who participate in those groups are among the pages of this publication. Others are given the opportunity to exercise that yearning to learn to sketch or paint. Or start their own gallery, while others learn to weave or work with fabric as an art form, or
El Ojo del Lago / February 2015
just get together to share the love of quilting for the home or competition! Lakeside has an extremely active arts community, and includes many of the local artisans. Of course, there is ample opportunity for physical exercise. Walking paths are plenty and the malecons are inviting. But there is golf and tennis, parks, martial arts, gyms, swimming pools both public and private, meditation, yoga and jazzercise. Volunteerism is big for those who retire here. People use their skills to teach classes, or work with orphans, or join service organizations that reach out into the Mexican community. Many people retire to Mexico, and one thing I have learned is this: many couples come to Mexico with mixed expectations, and I have seen many couples where one or the other loves Mexico while the other does not. The resolutions? Some split their time between countries, others return to their point of origin, and some, sadly, break their union. I have found that those who embrace the community and the culture in Mexico transition beautifully and enjoy their retirement. It keeps them young! The one thing I have the most difficulty in adapting to in Mexico, is time. Although transplanting to Mexico many years ago, I simply cannot manage to lose the American sense of time. When invited to dinner and given a time, I find myself asking “American time or Mexican time?” I’ve embarrassed myself many times by showing up exactly at the printed time on the invitation to quinceañeras, birthdays, graduations and other celebrations. I soon learned that the time printed on the invitation is often the time people arrive to start setting up! I’ve made mental notes to try to arrive an hour late. Sometimes even that has resulted in my “early” arrival. I cannot lose the knack of arriving on time for things like doctor appointments. Once I was actually seven minutes late, and I found that the doctor wasn’t even in the building! Why do I bother?
I also try to shop in the afternoon. Often busy with volunteer work in the mornings, errands are relegated to the afternoons. Trying to support the local economy and buy from the smaller stores, or vendors. I cannot begin to tell you how many times I arrive ready to shop only to find the shop closed. Why doesn’t it sink into my brain that these businesses close between two and four? I’ve been in Mexico long enough to know better! My timing just always seems off. I show up at restaurants before they open, or when they have closed for a day off, or worse yet—when they have closed permanently. I’ve made plans with people to meet at a restaurant, only to meet them there and find our two cars are the only cars in the parking lot. I am learning to adapt, but not fast enough. Now I make a plan “B” and select two possible locations. I’ve noticed that I am not the only expat with a problem with time. The other morning I watched a man walk into a restaurant that was overflowing with people, with only one waiter on staff. After sitting there an entire 30 seconds, he was complaining about being ignored by the waiter. Where does our sense of urgency come from? Are we born with it? Was it our culture? How do we learn to let go?
The man in such a hurry, for instance, he’s retired, would a short wait really be harmful? Sometimes I find myself in traffic muttering, “Hurry up, move it!” And yet, just what is the rush? Mexicans seem to make time for a conversation, take all the time they need to accomplish their task, and make time for both family and fun. The one thing I have learned best from the Mexican culture so far is their ability to cherish their families and friends and to celebrate life. Every possible life event is given the attention it deserves. Every Saint is celebrated, along with a few Virgins. Each village celebrates their Patron Saint. And now, as we move towards lent, the ultimate celebration in Chapala will begin—Carnival! Where there will be parades, and bands, fireworks, fiestas and pageantry galore. It is a time I look forward to and sometimes dread, as the celebrations and bands go to the wee hours of the morning for nine days straight. To live amongst a culture that lives “in the moment” and celebrates so much when many have so little is an inspiration to me. I wish to embrace this Mexican “time.”
Victoria Schmidt
Saw you in the Ojo 85
The Ojo Crossword
ACROSS 1 Tree 6 Child 10 Soft mineral 14 Cupboard church 15 Big hairdo 16 Press 17 African country 18 Change course 19 Put down 20 Mr. . ´s wife 21 Haul (a sail) 23 Mostly 25 Slant 26 Lyric poem 27 Walking in the river 30 Fallacious 34 Prevent 35 At sea 36 Possessive pronoun 38 4-H (spelled out) 39 Kittenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s cry 40 Walk slowly 42 Facial twitch 43 Flightless birds 44 Voids 45 Morning moisture $IÂżUP 49 Goof 50 Desert 51 Tropical fruit 54 Elated
El Ojo del Lago / February 2015
55 Rotten 58 Other _ 59 Taboo 61 Monkey house 63 Single 64 Sketch 65 Trio 66 Colored 67 Bound 68 Author Poe '2:1 1 Salve 2 Native ruler in Asia 3 Tides 4 Sob 5 Jacinth 6 Ocean surges 7 Not many (2 wds.) 8 Anger 9 Island off of China 10 Surroundings 11 Asian nation 12 Spiral &RPHGLDQ *ULIÂżWK 22 Fall back 24 Hoopla 25 Ethiopian currency 27 Drift 28 Eschew 29 Tie in tennis 30 Finish 31 Nightly tv show 32 Distinguished 33 Takes the edge off 35 Bullets 37 Perch 40 Come before 0XIĂ&#x20AC;H 43 Missions 46 Got off the bottle 47 Parch 48 Wing 50 Transported by airplane 51 Posttraumatic stress disorder 52 Sailors â&#x20AC;&#x153;heyâ&#x20AC;? &RORU GHÂżFLHQW 54 Chew 55 Floating ice 56 Region 57 Tinter 8QUHÂżQHG PHWDO 62 Doctoral degree
Saw you in the Ojo 87
â&#x20AC;&#x153;People Helping Peopleâ&#x20AC;?
Lŕľşŕś&#x201E;ŕľž Cŕś ŕľşŕś&#x2030;ŕľşŕś&#x2026;ŕľş Sŕś&#x2C6;ŕľźŕś&#x201A;ŕľžŕś?ŕś&#x2019;
February 2015
As President of the LCS, I am sometimes exposed to situations where the limits of my comfort zone are WHVWHG /DVW PRQWK , KDG VXFK DQ HYHQW , ZDV QRWLÂżHG WKH GD\ EHIRUH WKDW LPPLJUDWLRQ RIÂżFLDOV IURP *XDGDODjara would be at LCS to distribute visas. I was asked WR DWWHQG JUHHW WKH RIÂżFLDOV DQG KDQG RXW WKH YLVDV , was also reminded that it would not be good form to wear shorts. 7KH QH[W PRUQLQJ , DUULYHG WR ÂżQG FKDLUV VHW XS on the Neill James patio and large speakers playing 70â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s soft rock music, managed by a technician with an elaborate sound board. I also noticed a television crew from Guadalajara was on hand. I was ushered to the camera by Yoly Martinez, chairperson for the Chapala Chamber of Commerce, who acted as my translator. I asked Yoly to offer my apologies for any mispronunciation of their names. I have seen these situations on TV, but have never had the opportunity to participate. I have a sense that P\ LQWHUYLHZ SUREDEO\ ODQGHG RQ WKH FXWWLQJ URRP Ă&#x20AC;RRU With great pomp and circumstance the new visas were presented to each recipient, who then graciously VKRRN KDQGV ZLWK HDFK RI WKH VL[ RIÂżFLDOV )ROORZLQJ WKH ceremony, Ricardo Ariel Vera Lira, Migratoria Delegado Federal in Guadalajara, announced a new program VSHFLÂżFDOO\ IRU IRUHLJQHUV ZKR DUH LQ 0H[LFR LOOHJDOO\ that affords them an opportunity to obtain legal status, which amounts to an offer of amnesty. What a great idea. Afterward, I met with Ricardo and Jorge Arizpe Garcia, head of the Estacion Guadalajara de la Policia Federal in Jalisco. I congratulated Ricardo on his amnesty process and asked Jorge if he would return at a later date to discuss with LCS members ways to be safer travelers. His aide also volunteered to present a program on identifying telephone scams. At the end of our meeting we not only shook hands but embraced each other as true amigos and agreed our next meeting should include music and vino! Ben White, President
On Wednesday, January 28, Canadian Ambassador to Mexico, Sara Hradecky planted a maple tree donated by Canada on the LCS grounds in commemoration of 70 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries. LCS Board President Ben White and Keith Martin, one of our Canadian board members, along with LCS Executive Director Terry Vidal, welcomed Ambassador Hradecky and participated in this historic event.
El Ojo del Lago / February 2015
:DNH 8S WR /&6ÂśV ([FLWLQJ 1HZ &KLOOLQ &DIH LCS welcomes our new business partner, restaurant â&#x20AC;&#x153;Just Chillinâ&#x20AC;? to our campus. This new local restaurant will operate the Chillinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; CafĂŠ, a brand new concession that will provide an exciting variety of food and beverage offerings at our cafe counter. For the convenience of members and visitors, Chillin Cafe hours will be expanded from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. every day including Saturday. Come visit the congenial staff and savor our exciting new menu. Let us know what you think.
8QLTXH &ROODERUDWLRQ $MLMLF 6RFLHW\ RI WKH $UWV Open Studio Event and the LCS Children's Art Program Each February, the Ajijic Society of the Arts (ASA) holds an Open Studios Tour for its members. This major event, unlike any other art program gives Lakeside residents and visitors the opportunity to see and talk to artists as they work in their studios and homes. This year, Open Studios is being held on Saturday and Sunday, February 7 and 8. Tickets (passports) are $50 pesos each, and are available at LCS and Diane Pearl Collecciones on ColĂłn. Passports are good for as many visits as you like, as often as you like, and may be used for both days. 7KH /&6 &KLOGUHQÂśV $UW 3URJUDP &$3 EHQHÂżWV VLJQLÂżFDQWO\ from this event, allowing the CAP to purchase more and better quality materials for the Saturday art classes and to help defray the cost of our annual week-long Art Camp held each July. Last year, ASA generously donated $13,000 pesos from this wonderful event. Visit the exhibit and sale of original artwork and cards created by our budding talents and legacy artist JesĂşs LĂłpez Vega at Galeria de Arte de Axixic at Rio Zula #1 in west Ajijic.
Have you got stuff you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t need or want? Are you a seasonal resident with things you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want to take home with you? Maybe you are selling your house and donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t need the furnishings...or you bought a house and want to redecorate it with your stuff, not the stuff the previous owner left? +HOS XV IXOÂżOO RXU PLVVLRQ WR VXSSRUW WKHVH FKDULWLHV :H depend on you and youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve come through very well. As a measure of how well, in the month of December, Casi Nuevo contributed over $47,000 pesos to our charities: â&#x20AC;˘ LCS Education Fund â&#x20AC;˘ School for Special Children â&#x20AC;˘ Have Hammerâ&#x20AC;ŚWill Travel That stuff that you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t wantâ&#x20AC;Ś we do! We are very, very successful in taking your unwanted stuff like furniture, framed art, clothing, furnishings (dishes, lamps, rugs, tables, chairs, sofas) and working appliances (refrigerators, washing machines, etc) and turning them into contributions for the charities we support. You can help us by bringing good stuff in for consignment or as a contribution. You get 70% of the selling price on consignments, 30% goes to our charities. Contributions mean that 100% of the selling price goes to our charities. Just a word on consignment: Casi Nuevo does not take clothing or electronic items on consignment, and any consignment item that is brought in must have a selling price over $150 pesos and be in good condition and/or working order. We also do not accept dvds, cds, non-operating appliances or electronics at all. We reserve the right to refuse items if we feel they wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t sell or if they do not work. Every item we accept must be in the kind of condition you would expect if you wanted to buy them. Deposit your items at the drop box the LCS campus near the Video Library. If theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re heavy or very large, call us at 106-2121, Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. One of our charities, Have Hammer...Will Travel will have their annual fundraiser on February 11. Tickets are going fast, so call soon to reserve your table for choice seating. Have Hammer...Will Travel supports Mexican youth by teaching hands-on carpentry skills. For individual tickets or tables of ten, call the workshop at 766-4830 and leave a message or call Eloy Gonzales766-4663 or Casi Nuevo is always looking for volunteers. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re the store on the corner with the red door across the street the Seven-Eleven on the carretera in Riberas.
Introduction to Spanish
This is a casual class offered for the beginner that covers the Spanish alphabet, simple vocabulary, phrases, and other useful information about Lakeside and Mexican culture. Classes are held the second Tuesday of the month and run for three weeks at the LCS campus from noon until 1:30 p.m. Materials are provided and tuition is $175 pesos. 6LJQ XS DW WKH /&6 RIÂżFH IURP D P WR S P 0RQGD\ through Saturday. For information, go to, call us at 766-1140, or email coordinator Peter Donaldson
7XHVGD\V S P LQ WKH 6DOD )HEUXDU\ Âł(YLGHQFH RI $VLDQ ,QĂ&#x20AC;XHQFHV RQ WKH $QFLHQW $UWV and Cultures of the New World: Making a Case for Multiple 3UHFROXPELDQ 7UDQV 3DFLÂżF &RQWDFWV´ E\ 6X]DQQH )RUUHVW 'U Forrest has researched pre-Colombian societies for decades, published books on the subject, and has delivered numerous lectures to the Lakeside community. )HEUXDU\ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Science: Its Wars and Mythsâ&#x20AC;? by Fred Harland. Fred Harland a well-known scholar in our community, has very broad interests: religion, philosophy, health and longevity, geography, evolution, cosmology, and social science. This lecture focuses on the practice and malpractice of science. )HEUXDU\ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Human Evolution: Did Language and/or Religion Play a Role?â&#x20AC;? by Rick Rhoda. This second of two lectures on evolution investigates how humans out-survived Neanderthals, Denisovans and other Homo species and asks whether language and religion gave humans a survival advantage.
$EXH/LQGDÂśV $XWKHQWLF 0H[LFDQ &XLVLQH Classes )DEXORXV )HEUXDU\ IHDWXULQJ GHOLFLRXV 0H[LFDQ VSHFLDOLWLHV See the LCS website for the complete listing and details. Cost is $300 pesos members or $350 pesos for non-members. 0H[LFDQ 6SHFLDOLWLHV &KLOHV HQ 1RJDGD 3 February, Tuesday: 4-6 p.m. Deadline: January 31 Tianguis to Table 4 February, Wednesday: 10 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. Deadline: Feb. 2 0H[LFDQ 6RXSV 6WHZV 6DODGV DQG 6DOVDV &DODED]D 6RXS and Salad 5 February, Thursday: 4-6 p.m. Deadline: February 3 0H[LFDQ 6SHFLDOWLHV 0RORWHV IURP 2D[DFD 10 February, Tuesday: 4-6 p.m. Deadline: February 7 Tiaguis to Table 10 February 10, Wednesday: 10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Deadline: February 7 0H[LFDQ 6RXSV 6WHZV 6DODGV DQG 6DOVDV 3R]ROH 9HUGH 12 February, Thursday: 4-6 p.m. Deadline: February 14 0H[LFDQ 6SHFLDOWLHV &RFKLQLWD 3LELO 17 February, Tuesday: 4-6 p.m. Deadline February 14 Tiaguis to Table 18 February, Wednesday: 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Deadline February 16 0H[LFDQ 6RXSV 6WHZV 6DODGV DQG 6DOVDV 3ROOR FRQ 5DMDV 19 February, Thursday: 4-6 p.m. Deadline: February 17 0H[LFDQ 6SHFLDOWLHV 5RPHULWRV 24 February, Tuesday: 4-6 p.m. Deadline: February 21 Tiaguis to Table 25 February, Wednesday: 10 a.m. 12:30 p.m. Deadline: February 23 0H[LFDQ 6RXSV 6WHZV 6DODGV DQG 6DOVDV 6WXIIHG &DODED]D )ORZHUV DQG &KLOH 5HOOHQR 26 February, Thursday: 4-6 p.m. Deadline: February 24
Saw you in the Ojo 89
*Open to the Public ** US Citizens (S) Sign in required (C) Membership card required &58= 52-$
Cruz Roja Sales Table Mon-Fri 10-1 CRIV Monthly Meeting 2nd Wed 2-5 +($/7+ ,1685$1&( IMSS & Immigration Services Mon+Tues 10-1 Lakeside Insurance Broker Tues+Thur 11-2 San Javier Last Thur 10-12 +($/7+ /(*$/ 6(59,&(6 Becerra Immigration Fri 10:30-12:30 Blood Pressure Mon+Fri 10-12 Hearing Aid Services (S) Mon+2nd+4th, Sat 11-4 Ministerio Publico Wed Feb 4+18 10-2 Claravision Optometrist (S) Thur 9-4 Skin Cancer Screening (S) 2nd + 4th Wed 10-12 :30 US Consulate** Wed Feb 11 10-12 Sign up 10-11:30 LESSONS (C) Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Art Sat 10-12* Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Reading Program Sat 9-10* Exercise Mon+Wed+Fri 9-10 Intermediate Hatha Yoga Tue+ Thur 2-3:30, Sat 1-2:30 Line Dancing Tues+Thur 10-11:15 Scottish Country Dancing Thur 11:30-1:30 LIBRARIES Audio Thur 10-12 Book & Video Mon-Sat 10-2 Library of Congress Books**/ Talking Books Thur 10-12 Wilkes Mon-Fri 9:30-7, Sat 9:30-1 SOCIAL ACTIVITIES (C) All Things Tech Fri 9:30-11:30 Beginnerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Android Classes (S) Tue 9:30-11:30 Beginners iPad Classes (S) Thur 10-11:45 Bridge 4 Fun Tue + Thur 1-5 Conversaciones en EspaĂąol Mon 10-12 Discussion Group Wed 12-1:30 English/Spanish Conversation Sat 11-12 Everyday Mindfulness Mon10:15-11:45 )LOP $ÂżFLRQDGRV 7KXU Genealogy Forum Last Mon 2-4 History Club 3rd Tue 1:30-4 Mac OS 1st Mon 12-1 Mac User Group 3rd Wed 1-2 Needle Pushers Tues 10-12 Neill James Lectures 1st, 2nd, 4th, last Tue 2-4 Open Gaming (open to the public from 2) Mon 1-4* Philosophy Group Wed 10:30-11:45 Scrabble Mon+Fri 12-1:50 TED Learning Seminars Tues 12-1:20 Tournament Scrabble Tues 12-1:50 6(59,&( 6833257 *52836 Have Hammer Workshop Demo Mon 10-12* Information Desk Mon-Sat 10-2 Lakeside AA Mon +Thur 4:30-5:30 Open Circle Sun 10-12:30 SMART Recovery Wed 2:30-4 Toastmasters Mon 7-8:30pm 7,&.(7 6$/(6 0RQGD\ )ULGD\
Viva eSun!
,Q WKH ÂżUVW IXOO \HDU RI RSHUDWLRQ RXU eSun power array saved LCS a whopping 59.3%!
)ROORZ 8V RQ )DFHERRN Now you can follow us on Facebook. You can keep up on all things LCS - programs, activities, upcoming special events, updates and news. Like us at
El Ojo del Lago / February 2015
9,'(2 /,%5$5< 1(: $'',7,216
See the Video Library bulletin board and the binders RQ WKH FRXQWHU WR ÂżQG ÂżOPV RI LQWHUHVW This is a partial list of the new additions. Space considerations limit us to this abbreviated format. See the LCS web page or the green catalogs outside the Video Library to get full review of 20+ new additions. Atonement #6818 Keira Knightley and James McAvoy Drama Chef -RQ )DYUHDX DQG 6RÂżD 9HUJDUD Comedy The Fault in Our Stars #6821 Shailene Woodley and Ansel Olgert Drama Still Mine #6835 James Cromwell and Genevieve Bujold Drama 3HUH] )DPLO\ #6817 Morisa Tomei and Angelica Houston Comedy &KH\HQQH 6RFLDO &OXE #6833 James Stewart and Henry Fonda Comedy 6WRU\ RI ,QGLD #6831 and 6832 Mini-Series Documentary/History See the LCS web page, the Video Library display and/or the green catalogs for reviews of the complete list of new additions for February. Got VHS tapes that you would like transferred to dvd discs? See the volunteer on duty at the Video Library for information and assistance. We are dependent upon couriers to keep the Video Library current. If you can â&#x20AC;&#x153;bring backâ&#x20AC;? videos or have visitors headed south sometime soon, we would appreciate your help. We buy the dvds online, prepay them and have them delivered to the address of the courier. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s easy and they donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t take up much room. Please think of us.
All three computer discussion groups (Windows, iPad, iPod, iPhone, and Android) have merged into All Things Tech and will meet in the Sala Fridays from 9:30 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 11:30 a.m. There are still spaces available for the next Beginners iPad class starting February 12. Sign up at lcsipadclasses@gmail. com. Classes from 10 -11:45 a.m. An LCS member number is required to register. History Club meets Tuesdays, at 1:30 PM in the Sala. Important note: Information and arrangements for bus trips, sales of books, and donations to the kitty fund can now be made in WKH VHUYLFH RIÂżFH <RX PD\ DOVR SXUFKDVH RXU ZRQGHUIXO FKLOGUHQÂśV DUW cards at the LCS Patio Cafe.
Android for Beginners
To meet the high demand for this platform, a new session of Android for Beginners--both tablets and phones, will start on Tuesday, February 3 in the Pavilion from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. You must preregister to attend. If you wish to register or obtain more details, send an e-mail with your name and LCS membership number to Space limitations allow us only 18 participants, and only registered participants will be guaranteed a seat. Late registrants will be scheduled into the next class in March. To attend, you must be a paid up member of LCS. You will also need to obtain the password for the /&6 :L)L IURP WKH /&6 RIÂżFH 7KH VHUYLFH GHVN FDQQRW UHJLVWHU \RX nor can you register by phone. Topics will include connecting to the Internet, sending and receiving e-mail, connecting to the Google store and downloading apps, downloading and reading e-books, music and other media, taking and e-mailing photos, setting up folders, basic word processing functions and travelling with your Android device. Participants will also be asked what they would like to be covered. This is a beginnerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s class open to members and associates only.
)HEUXDU\ Chaired by Bill Frayer, features international law professor of the University of Californiaâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;Davis, Karima Bennoune: â&#x20AC;&#x153;When People of Muslim Heritage Challenge Fundamentalismâ&#x20AC;?. Bennoune grew up in both Algeria and the United States and now lives in northern California. In her talk, she shares four powerful stories of real peoSOH ÂżJKWLQJ IXQGDPHQWDOLVP LQ WKHLU RZQ FRPPXQLWLHV E\ refusing to allow the faith they love to become a tool for crime and murder. These personal stories humanize one of the most overlooked human rights struggles in the world. )HEUXDU\ Chaired by Ron Mullenaux, features Mellody Hobson: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Color Blind Or Color Brave?â&#x20AC;? The subject of race can be very touchy. Financial executive Hobson says its a â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;conversational third railâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; which is exactly why we need to start talking about it. In this engaging, persuasive talk, Hobson makes the case that speaking openly about race makes for better relationships and a better society. )HE 1R VHPLQDU )HEUXDU\ Chaired by Fred Harland. It features global health expert Hans Rosling: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Religion and Babiesâ&#x20AC;?. Hans Rosling had a question: do some religions have a higher birth rate than others â&#x20AC;&#x201D; and how does this affect global population growth? Speaking at the TEDxSummit in Doha, Qatar, he graphs data over time and across religions. With his trademark humor and sharp insight, Hans reaches a surprising conclusion on world fertility rates.
In a medical emergency or accident, minutes count, so if you canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t speak for yourself, providing caregivers crucial information like medical conditions, allergies, medications, and emergency contacts can be vital. The My Guardian Angel program, available to everyone in the Lake Chapala area, provides this information on a sturdy printed card for your purse, wallet, car, or bedside table. My Guardian Angel has teamed with LCS to provide access to the Post Life/Emergency Registry program for new and existing LCS members a discount. This resource of critical information is available to any member at any time. Just bring all the scraps of paper, medicine containers, and other information with you and a coordinator will help you ÂżOO RXW WKH IRUPV Look for the My Guardian Angel table on the front patio at LCS from 10:30 a.m. to 1p.m
/&6 0HPEHUV 2QO\ %ULQJ <RXU &DUG All films shown in the Sala from 2-4 p.m. No food No pets
)HEUXDU\ -RVHH 7KH 7LJHU DQG WKH )LVK Japan Tsuneo, a university student working part time at a mah-jong parlor, hears customers talking about an old lady who pushes a baby carriage through the streets. Is there something nefarious in the carriage? )HEUXDU\ 7KH 7UDS .ORSND Serbia Mladen, an ordinary man, is forced to choose between the life or GHDWK RI KLV RZQ FKLOG 7KLV PRGHUQ ÂżOP QRLU UHĂ&#x20AC;HFWV WKH WUXH IDFH RI a Serbian society in transition. )HEUXDU\ &DOYDU\ Ireland After being threatened during a confession, a good-natured priest must battle dark forces closing in on him. )HEUXDU\ This presentation will be announced by e-mail after the Academy Award winners are selected.
Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve held our own in the caring and feeding of our feline friends this past year. Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re happy and healthy romping on the grounds. Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re earned their keep by ridding the LCS campus of rats, mice and other undesirable critters which may be lurking in our beautiful gardens. 7KH NLWW\ IXQG UHFHLYHV QR ÂżQDQFLDO DVVLVWDQFH IURP /&6 DQG LV entirely dependent on your generosity. The cost of pet food has inFUHDVHG VLJQLÂżFDQWO\ LQ WKH SDVW IHZ PRQWKV VR ZH QHHG \RXU DVVLVtance to feed and maintain our feline friends and guardians. Meow, meow! (Muchas gracias)
The next LCS trip is to the Guadalajara Zoo, )ULGD\ )HEUXDU\ , leaving the sculpture at La Floresta at 9 a.m. Cost is $320 pesos for members, and $370 for non-members. One of the best regarded in Latin America because of its diversity--over 2,200 animals from 360 species, the zoo features the popular Skyride, Masa Masa Safari, Monkeyland, the Rainforest, and the Panoramic Train ride. See very UDUH %HQJDO WLJHUV DQG MDJXDUV OLRQV DQG WKH MHOO\ÂżVK GLVSOD\ 7XHVGD\ )HEUXDU\ Meet at 9:30 a.m. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re going to the Galerias Mall in Guadalajara. Cost is $250 for members and $300 for nonmembers. Galerias Mall features stores including Best Buy, Sears, Liverpool, H&M, and Sandbornâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and nearby Super Walmart, Samâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Club, Costco, and Super-Mega. US and Mexican restaurants are located in and around the mall, including the new Cheesecake Factory.
THE LAKE CHAPALA SOCIETY, A.C. 16 de Septiembre #16-A, Ajijic, Jalisco LCS Main Office: (376) 766-1140 Office, information and other services - Monday-Saturday, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Grounds open until 5:00 pm LCS BOARD OF DIRECTORS President - Ben White (2016); Vice-President - Cate Howell (2015); Treasurer - Michael Searles (2015); Secretary - Carole Wolff (2016); Directors: Lois Cugini (2015); Ernest Gabbard (2016); Aurora Michel Galindo (2015); Fred Harland (2015); Keith Martin (2016); Pete Soderman (2016); Executive Director - Terry Vidal
The LCS Newsletter is published monthly. Deadline for submissions is the 17th of the month preceding publication. Submit all news items to Note: The editorial staff reserves the right to edit all submissions according to time, space availability and editorial decision.
Saw you in the Ojo 91
El Ojo del Lago / February 2015
Saw you in the Ojo 93
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(/ 2-2 '(/ /$*2 Tel. 765-3676
$/&2+2/,&6 $121<0286 - ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Tel: 766-5961
$1,0$/ &/,1,&6 3(7 6+23 - CLINICA VETERINARIA SAN ANTONIO Tel: 766-0808 3DJ - DEE’S PET HOTEL Tel: 762-1646 3DJ /$.(6,'( )5,(1'6 2) 7+( $1,0$/6 $& Tel: 765-5544 3DJ 0$6.27$¶6 /$.( Tel: 766-0287 3DJ - PET PLACE Cell: 333-1964-150 3DJ - PET FOOD AND GROOMING Tel: 766-3062 3DJ
$57 *$//(5,(6 +$1'&5$)76 $1$ /8&,$ 3(:7(5 Tel. 33-3683-2794 - ART HOUSE Tel: 765-5097 - ALFREDO’S GALERIA Tel: 766-2980 - DIANE PEARL COLECCIONES Tel: 766-5683 - EL PALOMAR Tel: 01 (33) 3635-8089 - LA BELLA VIDA Tel: 766-5131 - SOL MEXICANO Tel: 766-0734 - THE CREATIVE HEART Tel: 766-0496 =$5$*2=$ Tel: 766-7049, 766-0573
$872027,9( - LINEA PROFESIONAL Tel. 766-2555, Fax. 766-0066
%$.(5< - COLIBRI GARDEN Tel: 765-4412, Cell. (045) 33-3156-9382 - ROCHATAS Tel: 765-3150 6&$1',1$9,$ 6RXUGRXJK %DNHU\ Tel: 766-0604
%$1. ,19(670(17 - INTERCAM Tel: 766-5978 - MULTIVA Tel: 766-2499
%($87< - AFRODITA Tel: 766-6187 - FRESH BEAUTY Cell: 33-3141-5626, 33-3185-1353 - GLORIOSA Tel: 766-3372 - GLOSS - Nail Salon Tel: 108-0848 - MARIALE Tel: 766-4229 1(: /22. 678',2 Tel: 766-6000 - PANACHE Tel: 766-2228, Cell: 333-404-5276 - SARA’S UNISEX SALON Tel: 766-3518 7+20$6 /8.( 6$178$5,2 Tel: 766-0229
Pag: 11 3DJ 3DJ
%((5 /,4825 6725(6 %(72¶6 :,1( /,4825 Cell (045) 333-507-3024 /,&25(6 3$=
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%287,48( &86720 6(:,1* - ARATI Tel. 766-0130 &8*,1,6 2386 %287,48( Tel/Fax: 766-1790 - FIAGA Tel: 766-1816 - HEIDI’S Tel: 766-5063 - MI MEXICO Tel: 766-0133
&+,5235$&7,& '5 9,&725 - <28&+$ Tel: 766-1973 3DJ - SPINAL DECOMPRESSION THERAPY Tel: 766-3000 3DJ
&20081,&$7,216 - HANDY MAIL Tel: 766-1569 - ISHOPNMAIL
&216,*10(17 6+23 - TEPEHUA TREASURES Tel: 763-5126, 763-5147
)80,*$7,21 - BUGS OR US Tel: 762-1516 - FUMI-TECH Tel: 766-1946, Cell (045) 333-369-3737
$8720$7,=(' *$5$*( '2256 5 * Cell: (045) 33-1385-4473, 33-3874-4445 3DJ - AUTOMATIC GARAGE DOOR OPENERS Tel: 766-4973 3DJ
*$5'(1,1* - GARDEN DESIGN Tel: 766-3843 / 5 :$7(5 *$5'(16 Tel: 766-4386
*5$1,7( 0$5%/( 3DJ
*5,//6 - NAPOLEON Tel: 766-6153
Pag: 11 3DJ
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Tel: 766-1152
,03257(' ,7(06 - CASA GOURMET Tel: 766-5070
,1685$1&( - EDGAR CEDEÑO - MEXICO PROTECT Cell: (045) 33-3106-6982 3DJ 3$5.(5 ,1685$1&( 6(59,&(6 Tel: 765-4666, 765-4070 3DJ - PROTEXPLAN U.S. Toll Free 1-800-608-5743 Mexico Toll Free 01-800-681-6730 3DJ - RACHEL’S INSURANCE Tel/Fax: 765-4316 3DJ - TIOCORP Tel: 766-3978 3DJ :(67 &2$67 0(;,&2 ,1685$1&( Tel: (818) 788-5353 3DJ
/,*+7,1* - ILUMINA Y DECORA Tel: 765-5067
/80%(5 - REAL ORTEGA & SONS-+DUGZDUH IRU &DUSHQWHUV Tel: 765-2404, 33-1261-0053 3DJ
0$// 0$5.(7 - CENTRO LAGUNA Tel: (376) 766-5514
*$5$*( '2256 23(1(56
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- 7(0385 0$775(66 $1' 3,//2:6 Tel: (52) 333-629-5919, (52) 33 3611-3049 3DJ
- MARBLE & GRANITE Tel: 766-1306
$54 3('52 $5(//$12 $552<2 3DJ (0( $548,7(&726 Tel: 765-4324 3DJ - GENERAL HOME SERVICES - $PDQFLR 5DPRV -U Cell: (045) 331-520-3054 3DJ - HOMESERVICES &HOO 2I¿FH 3DJ - MARBLE & GRANITE Tel: 766-1306 3DJ - ONLINE ARCHITECTURAL TECHNOLOGY Tel: 765-7123, Cell: 331-252-1613 3DJ :$5:,&. &216758&7,21 Tel: 765-2224 3DJ
El Ojo del Lago / February 2015
6.< ),71(66 Tel: 766-1379
- C.D. MARÍA LUISA LUIS VILLA Tel/Fax: 766-2428 - C.D. SANDRA ANAYA MORA Tel: 765-3502, Cell: 331-218-6241 - CHAPALA DENTAL CARE Tel. 765-5584, 766-3847 - DENTAL EXPRESS Tel: 106-2080 - DENTAL HEALTH ONE Tel: 1060-826
),1$1&,$/ 6(59,&(6 ()),&,(17 :($/7+ 0$1$*(0(17 Tel: 766-2230
&216758&7,21 3DJ
- CASA DEL SOL Tel: 766-0050 - CASA LAS FLORES Tel: 766-5493 - CASA TRES LEONES Cell: (045) 331-350-6764
- DENTAL OFFICE-Dr. Francisco Contreras Tel: 765-5757 3DJ - DENTAL PLASTICA LIFT Tel: 108-0595 3DJ - DR. ALBERTO DON OLIVERA Tels: 765-4838, 765-4805 3DJ - DRA. ANGELICA ALDANA LEMA DDS Tel: 765-5364 3DJ - DRA. REBECA SANDOVAL Tel: 106 0839 3DJ - HÉCTOR HARO DDS Tel: 765-3193 3DJ ./,1,..(1 'HQWDO &HQWHU Cell: 333-107-9364, Tel: 3613-3035 3DJ 2'2172 &/,1,&. Tel: 766-5050 3DJ - ODONTOLOGIA INTEGRAL Cell: (045) 331-212-7003 3DJ
(0(5*(1&< +27/,1( $0%8/$1&( &58= 52-$ ),5( '(3$570(17 POLICE $MLMLF &KDSDOD /D )ORUHVWD
0($7 328/75< &+((6( 1(: <25. 67</( &251(' %(() Tel: 766-5063 - TONY’S Tel: 766-1614
0(',&$/ 6(59,&(6 $/7$ 5(7,1$ 'U 5LJREHUWR 5LRV /HyQ Ophthalmic Surgeon Tel: 766-1521 3DJ - CASITA MONTAÑA MEDICAL CENTER Tel: -766-5513 3DJ - CHAPALA MED Tel: 765-7777, Cell: 33-3950-9414 3DJ &/,1,&$ < )$50$&,$ 0$6.$5$6 Tel: 765-4805 3DJ - DERMATOLOGIST Tel: 765-2400, Cell. 333-170-6570 3DJ '(50,.$ 'HUPDWRORJLF &HQWHU Tel: 766-2500 3DJ - DILABIM - Laboratiorios Clinicos Tel: (33) 3615-1790 3DJ - DOCTOR PINTO OPTICAS Tel: 765-7793 3DJ '5 *$%5,(/ '( - 9$5(/$ 5,=2 1HXURORJ\ DQG 1HXURVXUJHU\ Tel: 765-6666 3DJ - DR. HÉCTOR BRISEÑO G. Tel: 766-1870 3DJ '5 -8$1 $&(9(6 1RQ 6XUJLFDO /RVV Programs Tel: 766-5513 3DJ '5 0$5< /28 9,//$5$1 &OLQLFDO 3V\FKLDWULVW Tel: 766-5513 3DJ - DRA. MARTHA R. BALLESTEROS FRANCO Cell: (045) 333-408-0951 3DJ - DOROTHY MCCAULEY RN, CDE Tel: 766-5513 3DJ - HOSPITAL ANGELES DEL CARMEN Tel: (01) 3813-0042 3DJ - ISILAB Tel: 766-1164 3DJ /$.(6,'( &$5',2/2*< &/,1,& Tel: (387) 763-0665 3DJ /$.(6,'( 0(',&$/ *5283 Tel: 766-0395 3DJ - MED INTEGRITY Tel: 766-5154 3DJ - PLASTIC SURGEON-Sergio Aguila Bimbela M.D.
Tel: 108-0595 3DJ 3/$67,& 685*(5< 'U %HQMDPLQ 9LOODUDQ Tel: 766-5513, Cell 044-333-105-0402 3DJ - RICARDO HEREDIA M.D Tel: 765-2233 3DJ - VARICOSE VEINS TREATMENT Tel: 765-4805 3DJ
029(56 /$.( &+$3$/$ 029,1* Tel: 766-5008 67520 :+,7( 029(56 Tel: 766-4049
086,& 7+($75( (9(176 &+,/, &22. 2)) 3DJ ' - +2:$5' Tel: 766-3044 3DJ *2/'(1 +,76 3DJ - NIÃ&#x2018;OS INCAPACITADOS PRESENTS: 9,9$ /$6 9(*$6 3DJ 6&27,$%$1. 1257+(51 /,*+76 086,& FESTIVAL Tel: 766-6087, Cell: 33-1626-0717 3DJ - SUNDAY AFTERNOON MOVIES-Democrats $EURDG 0H[LFR Tel: 766-3274 3DJ 7+( 1$.(' 67$*( 5($'(5¶6 7+($75( Tel: 765-3262 Pag: 11
1856(5< - LAS PALMAS Cell: 33-3170-1776/33-1195-7112 3DJ
3$,17 48,52= ,PSHUPHDELOL]DQWHV Tel: 766-2311 48,52= 3LQWXUDV Tel: 766-5959
3(5621$/ $66,67$1&( 1(:&20(56 ,/6( +2))0$11, Tel 01(33)3647-3912 Cell 33-3157-2541
Pag: 11 3DJ 3DJ 3DJ 3DJ 3DJ 3DJ 3DJ 3DJ 3DJ 3DJ 3DJ
5(17$/6 3523(57< 0$1$*(0(17 &2/':(//%$1.(5 &+$3$/$ 5($/7< Tel: 766-1152, movile: (045) 33-1175-9632 3DJ - FOR RENT Tel: 765-2671 3DJ - FOR RENT Cell. 333-349-5599 3DJ - HACIENDA PMR 3DJ Tel: 766-3320 -25*( 7255(6 Tel: 766-3737 3DJ 0$1=$1,//2 9$&$7,21 5(17$/6 Tel: (314) 100-6773 or (314) 109-0657 3DJ - RENTAL CENTER Tel: 765-3838 3DJ - RENTAL LOCATERS Tel: 766-5202 3DJ - SANTANA RENTALS Cell: 315-104-3283, 3DJ - VILLAS DEL SOL Tel: 766-1152 3DJ
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3+$50$&,(6 - FARMACIA CRISTINA Tel: 766-1501 - FARMACIA EXPRESS II Tel: 766-0656 )$50$&,$ 0$6.$5$6 Tel/Fax: 765-5827 - FARMEX Tel: 765-5004
- GEORGETTE RICHMOND Tel: 766-2077 /$.( &+$3$/$ 5($/ (67$7( Tel: 766-4530, Cell: (331) 223-9014 - LORENA C. BARRAGAN Cell: (045) 331-014-5683 - LINDA FREEMAN Cell: (045) 333-661-6386 - LUCI MERRITT Cell (045) 331-545-6589 - MPR REAL ESTATE Tel: (315) 351-5167 12e /23(= Cell: 331-047-9607 3(7(5 67 -2+1 Tel: 765-3676 5$8/ *21=$/(= Cell: 33-1437-0925 - SANDI ALLIN BRISCOE Tel: 765-2484 - VISTA ALEGRE Tel: 766-4867 - VISTA LAGO Tel. (33) 3616 4536, 3125 6363
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5($/ (67$7( $-,-,& +20( ,163(&7,216 Tel: 766-2836 3DJ - ALL IN ONE REAL ESTATE SERVICE Tel: 766-1161 3DJ - BAP INMOBILIARIA Tel. 33 3915 0589, 33 3647 8646 Cell. 333 954 22 39 3DJ %(9 -($1 &2)(// +RPH 2I¿FH 3DJ - BUTCH HARBIN Cell: 333-107-8748 3DJ - CHULA VISTA NORTE Tel: 766-2177 Cell: (045) 33-3841-8867 3DJ - CIELOVISTA Tel: 766-4867 3DJ &2/':(// %$1.(5 &+$3$/$ 5($/7< Tel: 766-1152, 766-3369 Fax: 766-2124, Tels: 765-2877 Fax: 765-3528 3DJ - CONTINENTAL REALTY Tel: 766-1994, Cell: (33) 1366-2256 3DJ - CUMBRES Tel: 766-4867 3DJ - DON SNELL Cell 33-1005-9129 3DJ - EAGER & ASOCIADOS Tel: (376) 766 1917, 1918 3DJ )25 6$/( %< 2:1(5 Cell: (045) 33-3149-9415 3DJ )25 6$/( %< 2:1(5 Tel: 765-7749 3DJ )25 6$/( %< 2:1(5 3DJ )25 6$/( %< 2:1(5 Tel: 331-602-7728 3DJ )25 6$/( %< 2:1(5 Tel: 766-3907 3DJ )25 6$/( %< 2:1(5 Cell. 333-485-2210 3DJ - GERARDO MEDINA Cell. 331-121-7034 3DJ
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- TRATTORIA DI AXIXIC Tel: 766-3796, Cell. 33-1795-5253 - TONYâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S Tel: 766-1614, 766-4069 - YVES Tel: 766-3565
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- SPA TERMAL COSALA Tel: (387) 761-0494 - TOTAL BODY CARE Tel: 766-3379
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72856 - CHARTER CLUB TOURS Tel: 766-1777
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:$7(5 - EL MUNDO DEL AGUA Tel: 766-0060
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Saw you in the Ojo
The Ojo Crossword
Saw you in the Ojo 95
FOR SALE: 2000 mint VW Bug. Only 30,000 original miles. Everything is original. Must see. Especially if you are into collectibles. Price: $5,000 USD. FOR SALE: Fantastic 1976 VW Thing. Recently painted in military olive green. Apco-sealed 5 years ago. New pistons, rings and head. New exhaust. New tires. car or a museum example, but a fantastic rare VW 181. For seeing in Riberas del Pilar. All original papers from its fabrication to today. 'HÂżQLWHO\ D FROOHFWLEOH LWHP 3ULFH USD. FOR SALE: Nissan Frontier SE Pickup, white with gray interior, 4x2 V6 with new tires Michelin. Price: $198,000. Call: 333156-7768. FOR SALE: Model: Cadillac CTS, Year 2009, According to Broker at Border the year 2009 has not been released for naturalization. Perfect car for someone going back to U.S.A. price: $17,000.00 OBO. Call: 376-766-5779. FOR SALE: 2009 Jeep Patriot with less than 54,000 miles & all the bells and whistles. Silver. Well maintained. New tires and battery. Sticker price was $25,080, but going permanente and must sell. South Dakota plates. Price: $12,500.00. Call: 7662266 any day after 4:00. FOR SALE: Full loaded motorcycle, national, Jalisco plates, 750 cc, 5 gears, cruise control, 6,000 usd on adds, new Pirelli tires, new shocks, synthetic oil. Price: $92,000 pesos. Call: 331-269-2696. FOR SALE: VAN COVER. MANUFACTURER AND MODEL Cover King Cover bond 4 VAN M2 ...lock and cable kit included, Fits Acura MDX and RDX, Chev Venture, Dodge Astro or Caravan, Chrysler Voyager or Town and Country, Ford Free star or Windstar, Honda Odyssey or Fit, Mitsibushi Montero, Nissan Murano or Quest, Pontiac Montana, Toyota Sienna. $1000 pesos (over $200 USD new) 766-0657. FOR SALE: 2000 Honda Odyssey. Bought this in U.S. to move here. Had it Mexican platted. Everything works and runs great. The paint and interior in great condition. Tires and brakes 6 months old. NO TRADES. Asking $75000 pesos. Make an offer. Call: 376-106-2146. FOR SALE: Cargo area cover (wayback area) for Honda CRV (2007 - 2011). Retractable cover; dark grey. Price: $800. FOR SALE: Great Lincoln Aviator 2003. Price: $97,500.
FOR SALE: 19 in color TV good working condition. Price: $900. Call: 765-7144. FOR SALE: Sony Notebook 15.6. This computer is old but in mint condition. Excellent large and clear screen with great colours. Great for email and computer internet searches. Price: $2000 pesos. FOR SALE: Gently used 2009 MACBOOK 13â&#x20AC;? Laptop with DVD drive, white, 250GB.core 2DUO. Price: $500.00. Call 765-4435, Gloria FOR SALE: Keyboard case for IPad Mini protects both top and bottom. Mini can be viewed at any angle including putting the keyboard completely under the unit to use DV D WDEOHW 3ULFH UHĂ&#x20AC;HFWV %ODFN )ULGD\ VDOH price on website and saves you the ship-
ping cost. Price: $1400 pesos. FOR SALE: Dell Inspiron Laptop. Screen Size: 15.6 Hard Drive 500 GB Number of USB Ports 2 Average Battery Life (in hours) 6.5 hours Warranty details for your Inspiron 15 May 06, 2016. Price: $4000 pesos. Call: 331-330-1050. FOR SALE: Hardly used, purchased in August 2014, manufactured late 2013. Imac Desktop Computer. Extremely thin monitor. Comes with DVD/CD Rom drive. Have original purchase invoice. Price: $26,000 pesos. Call: 045-331-382-4771. FOR SALE: New English keyboards, they come with larger than normal letter size and high contrast colors for ease of use. Price: $350 pesos. Call or email me. If you call, leave a message. 765-2538 or
:$17(' we need a small cage that can hold our dachshund. :$17(' I rescued a larger dog; took her to Dr. Ladron and will be keeping her until she is OK. I need to walk her but she is not leash trained and chewed through 2-leather leashes. Need a metal leash; preferably low priced. Call: 376-765-63-48. FOR SALE: Lg. 5 level cage with many doors. L30xW18xH52. Wire platforms and ladders to each level. Removable heavy rubber tray and on castors. $1400 pesos. Clean. Three med. bird cages. L17xW17xH25. Food Cups and perches included. $300 pesos each. Call: 331-319-1012
FOR SALE: Shaw Receiver with remote DSR317. $500p. Call: 765-4590. FOR SALE: This is a FLIP, Pure Digital camera with removable suction mount. Records up to 60 minutes on internal memory. Comes with two rechargeable batteries. Price: $750 OBO. I have lots of personal stuff on my website at I live in Chapala Haciendas. 376-765-6348 If not there, call back, I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know how to use the Telmex voice mail. FOR SALE: Complete Shaw Satellite System includes Dish, HD Receiver, and Remote. Price: $4,000 obo. FOR SALE: 8 dining room chairs wood with fabric seat cover, excellent condition. Price: $4500 pesos. FOR SALE: Three piece orange colored living room set, two couches, one love seat excellent condition. Price: $11,000. FOR SALE: Koblenz EOS True Cyclonic AD-1500 Blue Vacuum Cleaner. In perfect condition. Price: $750 pesos. Has ergonomic handle with suction regulator, retractable cable, start pedal, LED fullness indicator and 4 standard attachments. Does not require a bag. 1500 watts. Contact me at 766-3210 or FOR SALE: Perfect condition, self-contained Vita Hot Tub/Spa, seats 6 comfortably, LCD control panel with 8 jet settings (includes energy saver, and aromatherapy Comes with lovely, iron ladder for ease of entry-or just step in, brand new marine JUDGH YLQ\O FRYHU LQVLGH ÂżOOLQJ UHSODFHG also) American made. Price: $4,500 USD. For photos, please call Barry or Christine at 376-762-1628 or email heltonbcs@aol. :$17(' 4 string bass guitar. Price:
El Ojo del Lago / February 2015
$600. Pesos or less. FOR SALE: 19 in color TV with remote. Price: $900. FOR SALE: Glass, tools and supplies suitable for stained and fused glass artists. Will deliver to an arranged point. Call Jill on 331-319-6106 for more information. FOR SALE: I have this Motorola DSR401DS satellite receiver for Shaw TV, with the LBN 1000 free and clear to set this up with a new account. Price: $500. Call: 333-106-7868. FOR SALE: Glass Pitcher hand blown. Holds around 3 quarts. Price: $130 pesos. Call: 387-761-0259. FOR SALE: Gently used large blue suitcase, 26â&#x20AC;? x 17â&#x20AC;? x 8â&#x20AC;?. Has wheels and a handle. Great for storage! Price: $250 pesos. Contact me at 766-3210 or ernst_ FOR SALE: Samsung Tantus ST-62T6. Screen 1.25cms (49.5â&#x20AC;?) wide by 94cms (37â&#x20AC;?) high. Whole furniture is 132cms wide, 153cms high, and 70cms deep. Remote control. DVD input (RGB); Dual tuner picture in picture; Power 15Wx2; 3 image mode; 5 sound mode; audio/video input front and back. S-VHS; Timer On/Off; Sleep. Price: $7900. FOR SALE: Pool table. Illness forces. Illness forces return to NOB. Nearly new regulation size pool table, complete with balls, cues and rack. Also house full of furniture. Price: $6000 pesos. Call: 331-7620447. FOR SALE: 6XQĂ&#x20AC;RZHU 3ODQWHUV 7KHVH are from Tonola, beautiful bright yellow sunĂ&#x20AC;RZHUV RQ EOXH EDFNJURXQGV DOO VL]HV DQG shapes! Varies $50-$200p. Call: 376-7663120. FOR SALE: Shaw/Star Choice DSR305 UHFHLYHU VWDQGDUG GHÂżQLWLRQ QRW +' FRPplete with remote, power source and cord to connect to TV. Free and clear and ready to be added to your account. Price: $500 pesos. Call: 766-0657. FOR SALE: Many items. Taser/Stun gun, hearing aids, electric water pumps, blood pressure machine, sony computer, DVD recorder (like LCS). I did a website. Phone 376-765-6348 FOR SALE: Uniden Security System. Orig. cost US $500. Two cameras, enhanced memory chip, Internet access for off-site viewing, cameras are day/night with perfect imaging. Price: $200 US or equiv. pesos. :$17(' Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re expecting house guests and need a few extra â&#x20AC;&#x153;temporaryâ&#x20AC;? EHGV RU ODUJH LQĂ&#x20AC;DWDEOH PDWWUHVVHV would be perfect. New or used okay. Must be clean. FOR SALE: 1. Dewalt 18 volt cordless Drill $50.00 U.S. 2 Dewalt 18 volt cordless Hammer drill $75.00 U.S. 3.Dewalt corded 1/2 inch Drill $40.00 U.S. All in good condition. Sold without batteries. Price: $165.00 U.S. for all 3. FOR SALE: 4â&#x20AC;&#x2122; x 6â&#x20AC;&#x2122; painting by Ramos of girl. Painted in 1998. Dimensions include frame. Price: $450 Call: 765-4737. Riberas. FOR SALE: Tennis Tutor Pro-Lite Battery Powered Ball Machine with remote control, 75 practice balls and pickup basket. Lightly used, rechargeable battery, easily portable at only 29lbs. Price: $9,500 pesos or best offer.
FOR SALE: Complete surround sound system complete with remote control. One year old. Purchased for $16,499 Pesos asking 1/2 price or best offer. Speakers and controls. Excellent condition. Price: $8250 Pesos. Call: 765-7061. FOR SALE: red kayak for sale 10 feet long come with paddle and vest red recreational kayak, one person sit in two free lessons. Price: $4,000 pesos. FOR SALE: Shaw/Star Choice HD 600 receiver with remote and power cord. Free and clear to be activated and added to your account. Price: $2200 pesos. Call: 766-0657. FOR SALE: Moving Sale Misc Items. Oaxaca rugs asst., large stuffed recliner, hot/cold plug-in cooler, exercise bench, DVVW SDLQWLQJV ODPSV RIÂżFH GHVN Z GUDZers and glass top (5â&#x20AC;&#x2122;x3â&#x20AC;&#x2122;), patio table 4.5â&#x20AC;&#x2122;x3â&#x20AC;&#x2122; with 6 chairs, DUNLOP elliptical exercise bike, 2 reclining patio lounge chairs, charcoal BBQ and tools, planters and stands and MUCH MORE. Call: 376-766-3120. FOR SALE: This 1987 Hummel Spice Jar Collection was available exclusively from the Danbury Mint. Each spice jar is FUDIWHG RI ÂżQH SRUFHODLQ HDFK SRUWUD\LQJ D different work of Sister Hummelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s adored art and each hand-embellished with 24kt gold. Price: $1500 pesos. Call: 766-0657. FOR SALE: Callaway Golf Set Like New, 13 piece Ladies Callaway Golf set. Right hand. Price: $490.00 US dollars. FOR SALE: Midnight special 9-DVD box set. cost $140usd. Now only $1000 pesos, still factory wrapped. FOR SALE: DVDâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s of award winning TV series, Homeland. Season 1. Price: $110. Pesos. FOR SALE: YORK Home gym. Over 30 exercises no cable changing 12 level resistance (up to 180lb/82kg) Durable coated steel frame Vinyl upholstery Cable tension adjuster - linked chain Features: Vertical press - three hand position Pec Dec - with foam rollers Lat pull down - with storage clip Leg extension with foam rollers Low Pulley row/arm curl. Price: $6000 mx pesos or BO. Call Jim 387761-0162. FOR SALE: Artist polyester portfolio case. Harper Classic black portfolio carry case with short and long handle. 2 zippered compartments 21 inches by 26 inches. A third zippered compartment 14 inches by 14 inches. Made in Canada. $500 pesos. Call: 766-0657. FOR SALE: Cane-back rocking chair, medium sized. Wood frame and cane back of chair are in excellent condition. Seat needs repair. Price: $850 pesos. Call: 7661301. FOR SALE: Egg-crate mattress topper with protective cover from Costco for single bed. Price: $300 pesos. Call: 766-1301. FOR SALE: 18 inches thermostatically controlled. Decorative logs Royal English Oak style Flame proof embers Made by DESA heating products, model CLD3018PTA Operations manual in English and Spanish. Price: $350 dollars OBO. Call: 333-966-5657 or 765-3061. :$17(' Looking to purchase good quality recumbent bike. Call Wally at 333444-7868
FOR SALE: Portable Oxygen Concentrator 2 Lithium Batteries Car Adaptor Carrying Case. Price: $250.00. Call: 376-7657373. FOR SALE: Nebby Nebulizer. Price: $50.00. Call: 376-765-7373. FOR SALE: Tracer 1000 Wheel Chair. Price: $175.00. Call: 376-765-7373. FOR SALE: Perfecto2 Home oxygen concentrator. Price: $700.00. Call: 376-7657373. FOR SALE: Jazz-tap shoes, unisex oxford style with dance rubber and taps, soft leather, padded soles, very comfortable, womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s size 10. Price: $400 pesos. Call: 766-4106. FOR SALE: Chrome cast. Complete in box with cables and power supply. Price: $550 Pesos. Call: 766-2275 FOR SALE: Geophysical prospecting equipment one Scintrex MFD-4 Magnetometer and one Geonics EM-16 VLF survey tool with manual. If you want to prospect for minerals and fault zones, these are your tools. FOR SALE: Tools, Boat, Misc. Small 6RID ,QĂ&#x20AC;DWDEOH 5DIW %RDW .HURVHQH Lamps, Trilby Kites FOR SALE: Fender F-310 12-string acoustic. A few small scratches. Features include: Manufactured between 1985 & 1988. Spruce top. The back and sides are PDGH RI 0DKRJDQ\ IUHW URVHZRRG ÂżQgerboard under-saddle transducer invisible, electric pickup. Serial # A-5223460 I am including FREE soft sided case. 6KRXOGHU VWUDS Ă&#x20AC;RRU VWDQG DQG H[WUD strings. Since we are in Mexico, price is $4,500 pesos. No U.S. dollars. Jocotepec. FOR SALE: Car top carrier, Thule Cascade XT, used once to drive to Mexico. Length: 85in/225cm and width 16in/40cm. Price: $2000 pesos. Call: 376-766-5870.
FOR SALE: Black fabric, hardly used, DGMXVWDEOH RIÂżFH FKDLU 3ULFH SHVRV Call: 376-766-5870. FOR SALE: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Life Gearâ&#x20AC;? precision Inversion Table. Price: $1250 pesos. FOR SALE: Used, stacked washer/dryer unit; White Westinghouse. Works Great, Price: $6,600 OBO. FOR SALE: Dish Network 322 Satellite Sta. Two tuners for independent viewing of satellite TV programming in two rooms with a single receiver. 2 tuners. Agile modulated mono output can send the second tuner signal to multiple televisions via home distributions remotes 1 uhf. dish pro plus tuners. Price: $350 pesos. Call: 376-766-4260. FOR SALE: 1â&#x20AC;?glazed Italian marble, cream color, used for end & coffee table bases. Shapes are 2 square boxes & 1 rectangle box. Can be separated for various purposes. Packaging crates included. Price: $2000-$4500 pesos. Call for details. (376) 106-0903 Cell: 045-331792-9723. FOR SALE: 16 foot Alumacraft Bass Boat 48 horse Even rude motor. Trailer with new tires and a spare. Seats 4 people Semi New Decking and Carpet (Blue). Price: $1299.00 U.S Dollars. FOR SALE: LQĂ&#x20AC;DWDEOH JUH\ WZR SHUVRQ Sevylor Kayak, with 2 two hour lessons, used 15 times, folds up to 30x20x12. Price: $6,000 Lamont owner 376-766-5128 Lake Chapala or Wayne :$17(' Cast Iron Cookware. I need several pieces such as frying pans of various sizes, pots, perhaps a dutch oven. Will HYHQ FRQVLGHU PXIÂżQ SDQV LQ FDVW LURQ &DOO 765-7628. FOR SALE: Kill A Watt. Had a friend buy me one of these in USA for $30; have hardly ever used it. Comes with Operational
Manual. Good for measuring appliance usage of CFE. Price: $200 pesos OBO. Call: 045-331-382-4771. FOR SALE: FIRE ENGINE RED. Golden Technology 3 wheeler scooter comes complete with Hydraulic lift and 2 sets of ramps, sadly its owner never got to have the pleasure of riding upon it. Price: $2000usd obo. Make an offer. Call: 766-4456, 331138-3193. FOR SALE: Technics Turntable, belt drive, DC servo, dust cover, Model SLBD20D, 2 speeds (45 and 33 rpm), includes cartridge, operation manual, original box, excellent condition. Price: $80 US or equivalent. FOR SALE: Sherwood Surround Sound System, Model SP-155-S, very good condition. Five (5) speakers, one powered subwoofer, brackets, all black. Price: $65 US or equivalent. Will accept best offer. FOR SALE: Shaw HD 600 receiver with remote, HDMI and power cord. Receiver is free and clear and ready to set up on your account. Price: $2,100 pesos. Call: 7665947. :$17(' Wanting a set of free weights and bench in good shape. Would prefer metal weights but will also consider the plastic covered type. Call: 765-7628. FOR SALE: Hydropool - SPA / Hot Tub. Bought in 2009 and not used in the last 3 years. Original price $5,995. US. will sell for $2,700. (OBO) Maintained and supported E\ DQ $MLMLF ÂżUP ,I LQWHUHVWHG H PDLO RU &DOO 766-3885 (Pls leave message). FOR SALE: Three pair Ecco lace-up shoes size 37, excellent condition. Black leather. Tan Nubuck and Light Tan leather. Make offer. Afternoons 765-7629. FOR SALE: Lovely glass punch bowl with 18 cups. Wonderful for large gatherings, hospitality rooms, parties, schools
and churches. Includes ladle and base to elevate bowl. Price: $480 MXN. Call: 376766-1213. FOR SALE: Bowling. Almost new Columbia 300 series White Dot deep amber/ gold tones marbleized ball. Very nice-looking and weighs approximately 14 pounds (or a little less). Of course, the holes can be re-drilled. Price: $250 MXN. Call: 376766-1213. FOR SALE: Swivel bar stools - 49â&#x20AC;?H to top of chair back, 34â&#x20AC;?H to seat, for the 2 is $1500p. Call: 331-762-7717. FOR SALE: Two Wilson Tennis Racquets. Hammer system 5.8 and 7.4. In very good condition. Price: $500 pesos each. Cal: 045-331-382-4771. FOR SALE: Yukon Advanced Optics 7HOHVFRSH [ ÂżHOG GHJUHHV 1000 yards. Comes with original instructions, carry case, neck/body holder and adjustable stand. Like new - only 4 yrs. old. Pictures on request. Price: $1000 pesos. Call: 045-331-382-4771. FOR SALE: Hand held luggage scale. Price $91 pesos. Call: 765-7629 afternoons. FOR SALE: Roof Tiles. 480 Very Good Quality â&#x20AC;&#x153;walk-on strengthâ&#x20AC;? red clay roof tiles (9â&#x20AC;? x 16â&#x20AC;?). Will cover about 500 square feet of roof. Market price for new is $17 pesos/ tile. Selling at $8.00 pesos/tile or OBO. FOR SALE: This is Ironstone (Pottery) service for 12 in burnt orange with beaded black octagon shaped rims from NOB. Includes serving pieces. Each place setting has dinner plate, luncheon (or dessert or salad) plate, soup or cereal or ice cream bowl, cup and saucer. All pieces are still available when needed. This service is dishwasher and microwave proof. Price: $2750 MXN. Call: 376-766-1213.
Saw you in the Ojo 97
El Ojo del Lago / February 2015