El Ojo del Lago - July 2016

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Saw you in the Ojo


Saw you in the Ojo



Richard Tingen


Alejandro Grattan-DomĂ­nguez Tel: (01376) 765 3676, 765 2877 Fax: (01376) 765 3528 Associate Publisher David Tingen Graphic Design Roberto C. Rojas Sandra Hernandez Special Events Editor Sandy Olson Associate Editor Jim Tipton Contributing Editor Mark Sconce Theater Critic Michael Warren Book Review Panel Margaret Van Every Margaret Porter Clare Gearhart





14 LOCAL PROFILE Margaret Van Every writes about Jim Spivey, the man mainly responsible for the huge success of Open Circle. In an DUHD ÂżOOHG ZLWK IRUPHU VXSHU DFKLHYHUV Spivey is in a class all his own.

18 CANINE CAPERS John Ward rescues an adorable little puppy left abandoned on the highway, DQG ÂżQGV RXW DJDLQ DQG UDWKHU ODWH LQ life) what it means to be a parent.


Art Critic Rob Mohr

Ed Tasca is (seemingly) convinced that there are many benevolent forces at work here at Lakeside—and nowhere are they more manifest than along our overworked carretera

2ႈFH 6HFUHWDU\ Rocio Madrigal ADVERTISING OFFICE Av. Hidalgo # 223, Chapala Mon. thru Fri. 9am - 5pm Sat. 9am - 1pm Tel. 01 (376) 765 2877, 765 3676 Fax 01 (376) 765 3528 Send all correspondence, subscriptions or advertising to: El Ojo del Lago http://www.chapala.com ojodellago@prodigy.net.mx Ave. Hidalgo 223 (or Apartado 279), 45900 Chapala, Jalisco Tels.: (376) 765 3676, Fax 765 3528

8 Shutter Stock

Roving Correspondent Dr. Lorin Swinehart

Sales Manager Bruce Fraser

51 WILDLIFE ADVENTURES There are not many Forest Rangers who also hold a Ph.D, but Dr. Loren Swinehart is one of them, and here relates how he and his wife were once joined for lunch by a grizzly bear.

&2/8016 7+,6 0217+


Editor’s Page

12 Imprints 16 Uncommon Sense 28 Hearts at Work 32 Lakeside Living


38 Welcome to Mexico 44 Anita’s Animals

58 ON MASS MURDERS Mark Boyer tries to make some sense of the senseless killings at Orlando— to which we say “Good Luck!�

PRINTING: El Debate El Ojo del Lago aparece los primeros cinco dĂ­as de cada mes. (Distributed over WKH ÂżUVW ÂżYH GD\V RI HDFK PRQWK) &HUWLÂżFDGR GH /LFLWXG GH 7tWXOR &HUWLÂżFDGR GH /LFLWXG GH &RQWHQLGR Reserva al TĂ­tulo de Derechos de Autor 04-2011-103110024300-102 Control 14301. Permisos otorgados por la SecretarĂ­a de GobernaciĂłn (EXP. 1/432 “88â€?/5651 de 2 de junio de 1993) y SEP (Reserva 171.94 control 14301) del 15 de enero de 1994. DistribuciĂłn: Hidalgo 223 Chapala, Jalisco, MĂŠxico. All contents are fully protected by copyright and may not be reproduced without the written consent of El Ojo del Lago. Opinions expressed E\ WKH DXWKRUV GR QRW QHFHVVDULO\ UHĂ€HFW WKH views of the Publisher or the Editor, nor are we responsible for the claims made by our advertisers. We welcome letters, which should include name, address and telephone number.




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El Ojo del Lago / July 2016

52 LCS Newsletter


Saw you in the Ojo



Editor’s Page *XHVW (GLWRULDO E\ *UHJ &XVWHU For more editorials, visit: http://thedarksideofthedream.com

Say What! Weed Legalization in Mexico?


t’s a brave new world in Mexico. It seems there’s no end to the ‘say what!’ news in this the Western Hemisphere’s most evolving democracy. If you peek beyond the rhetorical and resort walls, what’s happening may challenge some of our dearly held views of Mexico. So let’s pause in this election year to contemplate our new home and the societal and political debates that are reshaping our Mexico lifestyles. Writer Glen Olives Thompson wrote recently (Mexico News Daily) about how (despite our close ties) we Americans don’t know much about Mexico. The same applies to Mexicans looking north. It’s true, most Americans are either blind to their southern neighbor, or we form an opinion from vacation visits, a fleeting chat with the guy who mows our lawn, or current election hyperbole about our immigration mess. As a full-time Mexico resident, I see how North Americans who reside here (lakeshore and beyond) are sometimes no better informed, as socio-economic and linguistic walls still divide us gringos from our neighbors. Mexican leaders and public opinion wrestle with issues from the intractable to the inane: education reform, bullfighting’s morality, tope eradication, trade union opaqueness, protecting journalists, putting the military back in the barracks, the rights of women, and poverty abatement. There are also the less strident reforms of recent times, like the banning of saltshakers on restaurant tables in Mexico City (blood pressure abatement), or how you get a 75% reduction in traffic tickets if you pay the fine within seven days (does that mean your original pecadillo was only 25% wrong?) So it’s with this background of societal stirrings we learn last week Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto’s intent to send legislation to congress to significantly liberalize Mexico’s draconian ‘mariguana’ restrictions. The new law would open medical weed and up the personal possession limit to about


El Ojo del Lago / July 2016

an ounce. One could conclude this is just another case of Mexico adopting a trending US topic, as so often happens in the post-NAFTA world. However, some 70% of Mexicans say they are against liberalization. That’s not exactly a tipping point. Are American travelers demanding this reform, with ‘I want my weed’ boycotts of countries that don’t permit marijuana use? Of course not. A more likely cause: the societal and personal fatigue from a catastrophic war against drug transit routes crisscrossing Mexico that all point toward satisfying US consumers. No matter where you stand on the marijuana issue, drug use liberalization was an unthinkable issue to champion just a few months ago. What’s telling is how this taboo has suddenly become a political priority. It’s as if Mexico’s people and leaders know things must change, but can’t decide where to start. It’s likely we are years away from a ‘Jamaica-fication’ of the Mexico resort landscape. But it’s today that Mexico is in the throes of a transition like no other nation in our Hemisphere. It’s not always pretty to watch, but up north we’d better start seeing Mexico as more than a beach playground or political piñata for what might or might not make America ‘great again.’ What happens in Mexico most certainly will not stay in Mexico. Greg Custer

Saw you in the Ojo




hocolate has a four thousand year history and its origins are shrouded in myth. Mayans, Tolascans and Aztecs used the bitter chocolate mixed with chili in their religious ceremonies. Cortez wrote that Moctezuma consumed three gallons of chocolate per day as an aphrodisiac; although I doubt Cortez´s veracity, Moctezuma did have nineteen concubines. Reports tell that the emperor drank the bitter brew from gold goblets, which surely made the beverage taste a little sweeter. There are numerous legends of how man learned about chocolate. The most often told is the tale of the plumed serpent god Quetzalcoatl, who so loved his hard working people that he stole a tree from his fellow gods,


who were the only ones with knowledge about the cacao tree. After Quetzalcoatl planted the cacao tree he later showed the Toltecs how to harvest, dry and grind the seeds. He patiently taught his people how to mix the paste with chili and water to be turned into a refreshing drink. There is a surviving Aztec fresco that depicts the making of the chocolate drink. Figures are shown from harvesting, grinding, adding spices and pouring the beverage from cup to cup until a frothy beverage results. When Quetzalcoatl shared the gods’ secret with man he angered the other gods, who thought the drink should be reserved only for their pleasure. Like Prometheus, of the Greek pantheon, who gave fire to man, the other gods decided to punish their

El Ojo del Lago / July 2016

fellow god. They tricked Quetzalcoatl into drinking pulque, the native tequila brew. The inebriated, light skinned god embarrassed himself in front of his people and the next morning he felt so ashamed he waded into the ocean, but he did promise to return one day. This promise is said to have worked in Cortez’s favor, although in reading the biography of the Spanish conqueror he made no such claim himself. When chocolate was brought to Spain it was so valuable that only the royalty and the upper classes could afford the drink. Hernan Cortez started a Cacao plantation and told his king, “We will grow gold.” In 1656 the Spanish court painter, Diego Velázquez, painted the Spanish Royal family, the painting features the five year old Spanish Princess Margarita. She sits in the painting´s foreground holding a Mexican clay chocolate cup while everyone else in the painting, including King Philip IV, his wife, Velázquez, several servants, two dwarves, a dog and other court figures are in the background. One of the things that makes this painting unique is the king and queen are pictured as looking on from a mirror and the young princess herself is holding the precious chocolate cup. Incidentally, this painting is considered so valuable that it never leaves the Prado Museum. Prior to 1732 the cacao beans were crushed and ground by hand, or in small amounts. During Europe´s Industrial Revolution there was also a chocolate revolution as machines were invented to crush the hard, dried beans into a consistent powder. Later the Dutch added powdered milk and in 1845 the Swiss Lindt family opened their first confectionary shop in Zurich, they were quickly followed by Cadbury in England and Milton S. Hershey in the U.S. When the process became easier and more consistent, chocolate was then available to almost everyone. The down side was the increase in slave labor to grow and process sugar, as well as cacao. Cacao trees are small and must grow in the shade of taller, broad leafed trees such as banana trees. The cacao tree takes up to five years to produce and the tree is so tender the pods must be carefully harvested. Usually the harvester uses sharp knives attached to long poles. The pods are roughly the shape and size of a child´s football and the outer shell is ribbed and the coloring resembles some squash. When harvested the pods are split by hand and the white, slime encrusted beans are laid in the sun to dry. To ensure uniformity some growing co-ops invest in solar powered dryers. When the beans or fruit are dried they are bagged and sent to ware-

houses to be tallied. Besides diseases, fungus and insects most farmers must fight against monkeys who love to raid and steal the ripening fruit. The Cacao tree only grows within twenty degrees north or south of the equator. The past few years there has been a dwindling of production, while the demand continues to grow. The farmers blame global warming for the shrinking growing zone. In the past few years Chinese have begun to develop a fondness for the drink and that has doubled the world demand. The Indonesian government is investing in promoting cacao farming, but so far their efforts have not succeeded due to fungus and climate. Recently I visited with Astrid Arce de Laurent from the Yucatán, Mexico. She tells me that Mexico is making an investment in the future production of cacao and currently Mexico produces about ten percent of the world´s needs. Much research continues to be done on the effects of cacao on the human system. It is confirmed that dark chocolate has a chemical called phenethylamine or PEA which releases a mood altering endorphin during sex, it also can “intensify feelings of attraction between two people,” according to Lori Buckley, a certified sex therapist. Maybe the report about Moctezuma was correct. The February 2012 Journal of Sexual Medicine featured an article titled: Eat Chocolate for Better Sex. An excerpt reads, “ . . . Chocolate leads to higher levels of desire, arousal and sexual satisfaction . . . participants who consumed at least one cube of chocolate a day experienced more active libidos and better overall sexual function than those who didn’t.” In researching I read an article in Women´s Health which stated, “Chocolate isn´t junk food anymore . . . study after study proves dark chocolate . . . sweet, rich and delicious . . . is good for more than curing a broken heart.” Best Health lists seven reasons why chocolate is healthy. Number one states that dark chocolate is loaded with antioxidants and that dark chocolate, “appears to have more flavonoids than any other food.” Dark chocolate also can lower cholesterol levels. Studies show that healthy chocolate has at least 70% cacao, but research cautions that one should eat no more than four bars per week. Well, I´m not sure if all this information is going to make me healthier, but it is an incentive to increase my consumption of chocolate! Herbert W. Piekow

Saw you in the Ojo


GET WHAT YOU NEED: Skills to Build Your Destiny Author: Anna Elena Berlin 5HYLHZHG E\ 0DUJDUHW 3RUWHU


hilosophers have debated the distinction of “fate” and “destiny” ever since Socrates held discourse in the Agora. In her book Get What You Need: Skills to Build Your Destiny (Wisen-Up Publishing; 200 pages), Ajijic resident and author Anna Elena Berlin offers her take on the two: Destiny is to choose the course of life; Fate is to remain at the mercy of events. In the book, Berlin offers a practical path for changing the course of your life with the focus being the discovery of an individual’s true destiny as the way toward restoration and joy. After a short exploration on “needs and wants,” the book takes the reader through nine chapters, titled: Beliefs, Perceptions, Thoughts, Words, Actions, Habits,


Values, Destiny and Power. Included in the narrative are insights into positive health habits and recovery from stress-related diseases, which Berlin suffered after performing care-giving for her husband of 33.5

El Ojo del Lago / July 2016

years through his Alzheimer’s disease and death. “I learned so much from the experience of living abroad while handling all the details of my husband’s illness and death. Doing so took a toll on my body, mind and spirit. I began to research ways to heal myself, and I wrote this book because I want to share with other people what I know about re-balancing these three elements in their lives. I didn’t go through all of this for nothing,” Berlin says. As she began to write the book, her skills as a life coach increasingly came into play and the book expanded into Get What You Need. “I wrote this for the people in this community, but it is appropriate for all ages … and as a gift for your teen or adult children and grandchildren, or a friend who needs some guidance and encouragement.” Berlin had a long career in the travel industry and has lived all over the world. She refers to herself as a “researcher,” a quality of all successful travel agents, and she’s employed these skills here. The book suffers somewhat from a lack of organization as some of the information seems to have been included at random, and referring back and

forth in the book is sometimes difficult. Yet Get What You Need offers an approachable narrative that has the feel of a resourceful friend who cares enough to guide and help. It contains inspirational quotes from sources as diverse as the Buddha to Albert Einstein, and Berlin includes a bibliography of titles that inspired and helped her along the way. A two-year resident of Ajijic, Berlin says that she chose the community because it has an active writers’ group (the first and third Friday group that meets at 10 a.m. at Nueva Posada). The group encouraged her to finish Get What You Need, and it has received three ‘passes’ of editing from various members. The book was also the impetus for creating Berlin’s own book imprint: Wisen-Up Publishing. Get What You Need: Skills to Build Your Destiny can be purchased at Diane Pearl’s, from Kindle ebooks, and from the author. Anna.Elena. Berlin@gmail. com. (ISBN 9781-942545-27-9; Selp-Help) www. Wisen-Up.info Margaret Porter

Saw you in the Ojo 11



Padua (in Italian “Padova“) is less than half an hour’s drive from Venice, and even the time spent on a farewell breakfast at the hotel on Lido and a ferry ride back to the mainland to retrieve the car still allows for a mid-morning arrival. In fact, the distance between each night’s stay for this trip rarely exceeds 100 miles, and the short travel legs make for plenty of time to wander off the beaten path. Like stops earlier in this trip at Bergamo and Verona , Padua is a destination omitted from shorter Italian itineraries, despite the fact that autostradas place it within easy reach of Venice or Florence. On this morning, the itinerary is very off-the-cuff, and Padua is a place which %DVLOLFD RI 6DLQW $QWKRQ\ 3DGXD


El Ojo del Lago / July 2016

lends itself well to such spontaneity. This city is perhaps most well-known as the final home of Saint Anthony of Padua, buried in his namesake basilica. A Portuguese-born Catholic priest and Franciscan friar first renowned as an eloquent preacher, and later as the patron saint of finding lost people or property, he was a saintly superstar canonized within a few years of his untimely death around the age of 40. As elsewhere in Medieval


Europe, relics of the saints held a pre-eminent spot in Catholic practices, and among the grisly relics on display here are his skeletal remains and what is purported to be the great orator’s tongue! This city is also home to the University of Padua, one of Europe’s earliest. Older than any Italian university except the one at Bologna, it once numbered Galileo among its lecturers. Padua claims to be the oldest city in northern Italy, settled almost 1200 years B.C.E. by a Trojan prince who led his people there from Turkey’s Black Sea coast.  A sarcophagus reputed to hold the prince’s remains was unearthed there two-and-a-half millennia later.  By the Bridge over the Bacchiglione time of Christ’s birth, Padua had become a Ro5LYHU 3DGXD ,WDO\

man town with a population of nearly 40,000. (Today it’s over 200,000.) Like many cities in this part of Italy, Padua suffered barbarian invasions as the Roman Empire collapsed, and through the Middles Ages was dominated by – and frequently traded among â€“the region’s city-states and puppet kingdoms.  It nonetheless has a tradition of constitutional government dating back more than a millennium. During the wave of revolutions that in 1848 swept Europe and Latin America,  Padua’s students and citizens staged an unsuccessful revolt against the Austrians that turned the University and the city’s famed Cafè Pedrocchi into battlegrounds.

3HGURFFKL &DIp 3DGXD ,WDO\ The Italian Army made its headquarters here during World War I. At the war’s low-water mark, the city was within range of Austrian artillery and was bombed several times, but it was also in Padua that the Austrians surrendered to the Italians when the armistice came. During the Fascist era, Padua was the venue for one of Benito Mussolini’s largest rallies, where a crowd of more than 300,000 attended his speech. During World War II, the city was bombed by Allied planes. Notwithstanding its contentious history, Padua remains a picturesque town. It sits on a bend of the Bacchiglione River, which once fed a moat surrounding the city walls, and make of it a city of bridges, among which several date back to the time of the Romans. The old city is criss-crossed by a labyrinth of streets which open into large piazze that make it a great place to just wander about. One of the most memorable sites is the city’s famed Cafè Pedrocchi . The original part of this cafe dates from 1772, although it was expanded more than once in the century following. Cafè Pedrocchi  follows in the tradition of European coffee houses where students, artists, and activists met to exchange ideas and plot revolution. The owner’s heir willed the cafĂŠ to the City of Padua in 1891, 3LD]]D PDUNHW 3DGXD ,WDO\ charging the city fathers with “the solemn obligation to preserve the building as it exists today in perpetuity for public use “. Today’s travel plan is to spend the afternoon and evening in Bologna, but just before the departure from Padua, a stroke of good luck carries this city walk past an open market in a piazza. The fresh produce under the canopies is eye-popping, for the Italians take little as seriously as eating well, but this is  also a great spot to people-watch. It’s been a morning delightfully spent, but it’s time to return to  the autostrada and the promise of Bologna well before nightfall. Antonio RamblĂŠs

Saw you in the Ojo 13

JIM M SPIV VEY Y—Stilll in Pursuit of Ansswerrs to Un naske ed/ /Una answ were ed Questtionss %\ 0DUJDUHW 9DQ (YHU\


carrot and stick motivated Jim Spivey to fulfill his potential against seemingly impossible odds. The stick was having been born into grinding poverty; the carrot an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. Add to these the synchronicity that put him in the right place at the right time to provide the education and connections to launch an impressive career. In 1943, a struggling Milledgeville sharecropper was caught by the Feds moon-shining, so naturally he jumped bail and hightailed it with family to Tennessee, where he had kin. While there, Jim Spivey was born and after a year the family returned to Milledgeville. Jim’s dad was a misfit with a 4thgrade education, an alcoholic who had trouble keeping steady employment. Milledgeville, Georgia in the 40’s was a rural farming community where hunt-


ing and fishing and dependency on the land were ingrained in the culture and picking cotton for three dollars per 100 pounds is part of his legacy. Childhood poverty gave Jim a lifelong struggle with low self-esteem, but it goaded him to try harder to succeed. He often had to go to grade school shoeless through the slippery, red Georgia clay. Winters it was painful to walk on when it froze. Undisciplined and impatient with formal learning, he graduated nonetheless from the public high school. The Milledgeville high school had good teachers, some

El Ojo del Lago / July 2016

with PhDs, and Jim had taken collegebound courses. With his probing mind and penchant for math and abstract thinking, he gravitated to the sciences. After graduation Jim immediately had to find a job—no possibility of university—and he was admitted to a prestigious apprenticeship program at nearby Warner Robbins AFB. From 2000 applicants, he was one of 20 selected for an 18- month pilot co-op program of intensive training in electronics of airborne radar on B-52s. The Vietnam War was underway and to avoid being drafted into the Army he joined the Air Force. They trained him to be a Nuclear Weapons Specialist and assigned him to a Canadian AFB in Germany for three years to secure, maintain, and supply US nuclear weapons to the Canadian Air Force. Though he had ethical conflicts about how these weapons would be used, he says that indoctrination during training quelled humanitarian doubts. He was 22 at the time. On returning from Germany, he found a job at the State Mental Hospital in Milledgeville, working nights and attending college during the day, majoring in Psychology but not finishing his studies. About this time his sister put him onto Edgar Cayce’s The Sleeping Prophet, which spoke to his early (age 11) interest in hypnosis and parapsychology. At 15, he had studied the world’s great religions, trying to understand who he was, where he came from, what he was doing here. Now in his 20’s, upon reading a book about Cayce’s life, There Is a River, his own life took a new direction. One morning at 4 a.m. he awoke laughing and filled with happiness. He’d just dreamt that his path to fulfillment led to Virginia Beach, home of the Cayce Institute and Library. He enrolled in Cayce Foundation advanced courses in hypnosis and past life regression, and held meetings at his house applying what he’d learned. The purpose of this was to find information people could use to improve their current lives, but he knew this wasn’t the whole story. What he wanted, which be-

came a lifelong obsession, was to bring metaphysics and science together. His next job was with GE Medical Systems as an engineer for medical imaging equipment, but the most significant achievement of his career came after he was hired by Daughters of Charity Hospital in Norfolk to be the engineer for radiology. With a team of radiologists from Johns Hopkins, they developed a system to isolate pulmonary nodules and diagnose without surgery whether they were malignant. The team won the top prize in radiology research that year at the Radiological Society of North America convention in Chicago. This technology is now used in all diagnostic imaging. After retirement, around 2000, he volunteered to run and improve the Audio Visual Department for the Cayce Research Institute and indulged in long-postponed thrills flying ultralights and airplanes, riding motorcycles and scuba diving. He’d heard Lake Chapala was paradise, which was exactly what he wanted—a temperate climate where he could pick fruit off the trees. He came to Mexico with one suitcase and made up his mind to stay, leaving behind a warehouse of books, photo albums, and personal possessions. Far beyond the climate, he discovered a community he thought approximated Cayce’s “spiritual city.” Jim immediately became involved with Open Circle, which had already evolved into today’s format and was meeting at LCS. First he served on a steering committee and gradually assumed most of the administrative responsibilities himself, which he continued to do for 12 years until leaving it to others in June 2015. He describes his major contributions to the organization as stopping commercial activities, improving the sound equipment, upgrading the quality and variety of presentations, and growing the audience. Another notable contribution Lakeside was the Edge of Consciousness courses he gave at LCS for over two years, comprising subjects like hypnosis, genetic engineering, and how organic, reproducible organisms evolved from inanimate components. He did figure out a valid “Framework of Reference” that explains the evolution of religious beliefs and scientific method. Now he focuses on gathering books and documentaries addressing answers to universal enigmas that have dogged him all his life, including the mysterious connection between science and the metaMargaret Van physical. Every

Saw you in the Ojo 15




ertrand Russell once observed, “The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are so certain of themselves and wiser people are full of doubts.” When I first wrote about Donald Trump several months ago, I was fairly certain he would have disappeared from the stage by now. He was, to me, so monstrously ill-suited to be president that it was unimaginable that he would prevail over much more qualified candidates running for the Republican nomination. So what happened? Historians will have their say, eventually, but it seems to me that many who follow politics have simply underestimated his appeal to ordinary voters. So what is the appeal of this man? On some level, I think it is that when he speaks he is not constrained, at all, by any self doubt. In the critical thinking class I taught for years, I would often joke that the candidate who is a true critical thinker would be unable to defeat a chronic over-simplifier. Ask the thinker how he or she would solve a problem, and we would be likely to hear a detailed, provisional answer. Unsatisfying. Ask the over-simplifier, and we would get a clear, unequivocal answer. The clear, simple solution will always sound better than the complicated difficult-to-understand answer. So this is where we are. Most of us do not like to spend a lot of time thinking. It takes a long time; it is difficult to do well; and it is unsatisfying because the outcome is often ambiguous or un-


El Ojo del Lago / July 2016

%LOO )UD\HU certain. We would prefer to have our thinking done for us and explained in clear language that we can immediately understand. This tendency is made worse because we are in such uncertain times. Radical Islamic terrorists are creating fear and generating almost unprecedented migration, especially into Europe. The consequences of income inequality are being felt in communities everywhere. Crime is creeping up again, and it’s become very clear that racial tension is still simmering. Rational, wise voters will realize that these problems have not sprouted up overnight and that there are not any easy solutions. It is genuinely difficult to know how to begin to think about the issues we face. But if we start with an appropriate level of doubt, we will be addressing our questions honestly. I see people on both the left and right suffering from a lack of doubt. I frequently read blog posts and articles which make claims with absolute certainty. I often think that it must be comforting to know that one has all the answers. Wouldn’t we be better off if we stopped being so damned certain of our correctness and practiced a bit more intellectual humility and admitted that complex problems are difficult to solve. We may not have all the answers. Our view may be biased and insufficient. Donald Trump surely suffers from a lack of doubt, but so do many of us. We love to sit around and explain to others exactly how they should look at the world. I find myself un-following friends on Facebook and deleting emails from people who have an agenda and love to pontificate to the world. I enjoy spending time with people who know they don’t have all the answers. They like to listen to multiple points of view. They understand that the world is complex and not easily categorized. They are comfortable in their doubt. We actually listen to each other. I think I learn more from these people. Wouldn’t we all?

Saw you in the Ojo 17



he was abandoned with her brother on the side of the highway. The sweet, considerate person who abandoned them wrapped them in a towel as some sort of conscious-assuaging salute to pseudo-altruism. They were four weeks old. Luckily a kind soul found them on her way to work. She picked them up and took them to the Lucky Dog Animal Shelter. They got a medical checkup and were taken back to the shelter. They were too young to be left in the shelter overnight so were fostered by local families on weekends. The little male was a handsome fellow and was adopted almost immediately. The little female was being fostered by a couple when we picked her up. The puppy raising ritual began. We have three Chihuahuas already. The mother is Sushi, the daughter is Sake and the son is Tako, so when a friend suggested the name Maki it was a foregone conclusion. At night Maki would get lonely and whine pitifully. Our bed is very high and there is no way she could sleep up there because if she wandered off, she’d fall and injure herself, so my concerned and caring wife volunteered me to sleep on the floor with Maki so there was nowhere to fall. The first week I felt like I’d entered the last circle of hell. Maki would not sleep in her bed beside me on the floor; she had to feel the warmth of a body beside her. I thought, “The poor little thing didn’t have much time with mother and siblings, I can understand the need for company.” To avoid piddles on the floor I would have to get up every hour and a half, in the dark, half asleep, to take her outside


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so she could go in the grass. Unfortunately, each blade of grass has to be checked for its last anointing before a new anointing can be bestowed. She is most equitable in urine dispersal. In the meantime I am doing the cross-legged “need-to-pee” hop. I will confess there were times I just peed in the grass myself. After the lawn began to die I went back to the hop. Any gentle encouragement like “Pee, damn you” only results in distracting her and she loses count and has to go back to checking each blade before actually releasing the seven drops of pee she has managed to store in her pea-sized bladder. Luckily, in her third week of having me on the floor and as her personal valet, the frequency of her having to pee reduced to the frequency I normally have to pee, so I would get up, go to the bathroom, come back and get her before her whining could wake my wife in the bedroom and take her out to the garden to begin her pre-urination pastoral analysis. Sometimes she would come in from the garden and decide she had to play for a half an hour before she can go back to sleep. The toys are strewn all over the lounge for this purpose. Getting up in the dark with toys everywhere often results in stepping on one causing a sharp squeak filling you with horror that you’ve stepped on the puppy and waking everyone, including the puppy, who now wants to play. Alternatively, she wants to eat and whines until you feed her and give her milk. This is usually at three in the morning. My regular bed-mate Sake, who owns me, is very upset. Sometimes she comes to sleep with me on the floor too, but as soon as Maki moves she emits a blood curdling growl. I lie there with all the hair on my neck standing at attention trying to remember what two hours of uninterrupted sleep was like. After the symphony of growls and yips dies down, Maki falls asleep and I wait for the next time she, or more likely I, have John Ward to pee.

Saw you in the Ojo 19



he faint smell of jasmine tea vapor floated up to her nose, and she inhaled deeply, enjoying the warm mist. Suddenly she felt et el self-conscious and looked up. A man an she had noticed sitting at the same me table yesterday was staring at her err intently. His gaze was soft, and aatttentive. A gentle half-smile came to her lips unbidden and she went back to typing. The following morning, when she arrived, the man she had seen the day before was now seated at her usual table, his chin pointed toward her expectantly. She understood the lack of subtlety in his move to her table. After ordering tea, she walked directly to him and asked if she might join him. He nodded his head, his straight blond bangs tickling his eyebrows. “I was hoping you would. My name is Dell.” he said, as though he was expecting her. They talked for hours, about things both mundane and intimate. There were interludes with no talking at all, and those lulls were easy, not calling for words or gestures, just existing like waves between them. Their relationship progressed in a blur of warm and sensual encounters. She recalled how he entranced her when he bragged “I know the secret to lovemaking.” She laughed a dismissive “Hah!” But that evening when he removed her shoes and began kissing her feet, one toe at a time, she believed him. And through their intimacy she came to know what it felt to be blissful. Dell became her husband within three months.The marriage, loving and almost effortless, had suited her from


El Ojo del Lago / July 2016

the start. She and Dell rarely fought and understood respect and compromise. For this reason, there were no hard places between them, no emotional bricks left to mark fights unresolved. They had celebrated their second wedding anniversary the previous Saturday night, and it was at 8:45 on Monday morning when the house phone rang. She noted a doctor’s name on the phone’s Caller ID as she answered. The woman’s voice calmly informed her that Dell had missed his appointment and they were concerned. A callback was requested. She made a note on the notepad, and wondered what was wrong with him. That evening she asked him about the call before they sat down to dinner. For the first time, she felt him avoid her stare, and noted an evasive tone when he answered that it was just a routine appointment. She knew he was lying, but wasn’t sure how to react to this realization. Less than a week later, she found his body, in a state of peace, no blood, no gore. The note next to him made clear that he had invited death: My Darling Jessie, I learned of my condition only two months ago. The dying would have been ugly, painful and drawn out. Our love is too vibrant to leave you with memories that do not reflect what joy we have known. Had I asked your permission, you would have begged me not to take this path, not realizing how devastating the progression to the inevitable death would be. After long and careful thought, I act for me, for you and to preserve what we have had. All my love, Dell Years have passed, and Jessie still comes to the coffee shop most mornings. She sits up by the baristas, on a stool, her laptop bag on the seat beside her to discourage anyone from sitting next to her. Katina Pontikes

Saw you in the Ojo 21

Inhaling Sunbeams %\ 0LFKDHO 0F/DXJKOLQ 5HYLHZHG %\ +DUULHW +DUW


here may be readers out there who enjoy questions like: “What is the sound of one hand clapping?” I am not one of them. To me, the answer is simple, there is no sound because one had doesn’t clap, if anything, it waves. Inhaling Sunbeams by M.G. McLaughlin poses that question (known in Zen Buddhism as a koan), not once, but many times. This is a novel about an American journalist who travels to Tibet to interview a guru and Taoist priest, Michelle Yang, and whose stay in the same monastery as the spiritual leader results in her personal enlightenment. She travels home to New York, has a couple of misadventures en route, and arrives a changed woman. The bulk of this book is dialogue; approximately one third of it is taken up with an interview between the journalist and the priest, the theme of this interview being a definition of Taoism. You don’t need to read a novel 313 pages long to find one. My copy of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to World Religions by Brandon Toropov and Father Luke Buckles (which I highly recommend) sums it up in a single sentence: “The Tao may best be described as the way the universe works.” Having said that, I enjoyed the book. For one thing, the action picks up after our heroine leaves Tibet and the focus changes from Joan’s inner to outer journey. And then there’s the writing. McLaughlin writes very well. Whether the narrator finds herself in a remote Tibetan village or Times Square, New York City, the setting is realistic. Here we are in Tibet: “I could see the village better in the morning light. Breakfast smoke floated from metal vent pipes above the houses. Off in the distance I saw slouching farmers carrying hoes, walking to their fields on the sides of the steep mountains. No one was in the streets; I saw only a pack of dogs peeing on the sides of buildings and black rusted bikes leaned up against stone walls. The bikes looked too old to steal. Valuables were protected by rust and despair.”


El Ojo del Lago / July 2016

The characters are well drawn. Take this store clerk in San Francisco for example: “Maybe the deaths of her husbands and the head-on with the lumber truck were true stories, but everything else was fabricated; told by a person high on legal drugs and forced to live in the real world. The woman clerk lived in marriages that were knockdown, drag out fights. I bet she gave as good as she got.” There is too much dialogue, but it is well written and believable. Here is our heroine being interrogated by the authorities when she returns from abroad: “Well, you came from China and your clothing and behavior were a little…odd.” My sarcastic smart-ass mouth was now in control. “I didn’t know the N.S.A. had dress codes for passengers at airports. New regulation since I’ve been gone? We all know terrorists have no fashion sense. I’d be looking for guys with black shoes and white socks.” McLaughlin’s sentences are smooth, his language colorful, his descriptions vivid, his characterizations believable and his settings realistic. Is all this enough to keep the reader entertained? Yes and no. I am left with several questions. Is the author qualified to teach his readers about Taoism? It’s a difficult subject to tackle. If that was his intent, why choose to write a novel? Why not an essay or series of articles instead? Inhaling Sunbeams is an ambitious book. I leave it to its readers to decide if it succeeds. Harriet Hart

Saw you in the Ojo 23


ear Sir: I just wanted to comment on the Donald Trump (Guest Editorial by Victoria Schmidt) article in the Ojo this month. The article was “bang on.” This man is scary and I pray for the future of the United States let alone the world should he be elected. Mr. Trump is no longer entertainment. It is time to take this man’s rhetoric very seriously. We have very little choice this presidential election as to who would be the best to lead the Free World. Those of us who are not impressed by either party may de-


El Ojo del Lago / July 2016

cide to not vote at all…..very bad idea. This could mean a “shoe in” for The Donald. So weighing the “pros and cons” of each candidate I would be on the side of Hillary…not because she is a woman but I believe she would be the lesser of the two evils. I prefer to not have any allegiance to a particular Party. Whatever happened to voting for the PERSON who will do the best job for the country as a whole and not any specific interests groups. Sincerely, Marie MacGregor

Saw you in the Ojo 25





s rain birds sing in Chapala...the first storms for rainy season arrived. It rained heavily in Tepehua, the new Maternity Clinic of Tepehua stood secure. From breaking ground in September 2015 until end of April 2016, the building slowly rose from the playground of the Community Center of Tepehua....built by donations from the private sector, and the build out and equipment by donations from Rotary International. Spearheaded by the Ajijic Rotary Club. Tepehua has four Rotarian’s on the


board of Directors...and many others in the North actively working for the benefit of this Indigenous show case that has changed the lives of so many. The purpose of this building is to change the way Mexico looks at Rural Women’s health...especially during and after pregnancy. It will be a pilot program for local clinics to take initiative without Government aid. Primarily it will be for prenatal and postnatal care, but the laboratory will be there for the needs of the whole family. Hopefully next month will see the laboratory fitted with required machines. Especially sonogram...to

El Ojo del Lago / July 2016

catch problems early, lowering Maternal Mortality rate for all barrios Lakeside. There is a plan yet to be finalized to make this Maternal health Program sustainable. It has to be. It is too important to rely on donations alone. The Pathway out of poverty is education. Please support it and send a child to school. It does take a ‘village to raise a child’. The next semester is around the corner... and we have a waiting list of worthy young people trying to further their education...also those from lower grades who need help with uniforms and books. The Dental unit, the busiest, is doing well...but they need material assistance. We have three chairs...only one works, so we need a donation to get the chairs in working order, and attached to water supply etc. This is a good time to say how much we appreciate our doctors and nurses....volunteering their valuable time with idealism. A good time to salute all our volunteers, without whom the improbable would not become possible. In November a group of 24 Doctors of varying specialties, will visit from Canada, to observe what the maternal Health Clinic does, to take their skills to other villages apart from Tepehua. An incredible tribute to humanitarians the world over. Our bazaar, jewelry making and sewing center are sustainable, making money for women, who have learnt micro-business as well as micro-saving. They sell their goods at local markets and small stores that accept their work on commission. Counseling on many subjects take place several times a week...a good program that shares problems and builds support programs. We have more to add... especially on addictive behavior. As our Councillors are volunteers, they are sustainable programs, it costs nothing to have group meetings. Support for the centers overheads

will always be needed, its very nature of helping people help themselves will not allow it to be self sustaining. As with the Friday Social Brunch, which feeds over 200 women and children, financial donations for food will always be needed. This is an extremely important part of the structure of the center, it brings women together, they share their problems and their joy, and form their own support groups. The Habitat Tepehua program... which helps very poor patch up their shacks in the dry season, to keep out leaks of rainy season, which causes so much congestive problems in infants and toddlers... who sleep in damp beds and clothing. When those concrete homes get so wet, even in sunshine the walls weep as they attempt to dry out. This year some twenty homes got the help they needed. Many thanks to all who donated. This too is a nonsustainable program. We have started a new approach to diseases carried by the mosquito... we are trying prevention by collecting mosquito nets...especially for pregnant women and infants. In Africa they had a very successful drive against malaria simply by supplying nets, we can do this to. Your help on that would be appreciated. As most families have the communal bed where parent and babies sleep... one King size net per family would at least help. In closing, I would like to thank everyone for the support given. This is an incredible program and has grown so rapidly out of need. It is pushed ahead with the help of the people themselves...they have claimed it as their own, and therein lay success. The acceptance and shared responsibilities. If you feel you can be of help, please contact moonie1935@yahoo. com, for donations or volunteering. Hope everyone has a very good summer, and thank you for making a difference.

Saw you in the Ojo 27


Hearts at Work $ &ROXPQ E\ -LP 7LSWRQ


I WANT A WOMAN WHO SHOWS SOME WEAR Sensuality in the young is rare— In youth, hormones, not soul, hold body hostage. I want a woman who shows some wear.

My once young muse is now this ancient crone! No longer pampered by the masses She slips into my room at night alone.

I like the way those babes toss back their hair And buck like wild horses through the sage, but sensuality in the young is rare.

“I come to you she says,” in that old tone That made me vulnerable to her passes. (My once young muse is now this ancient crone?)

Who do I want for a first-rate affair? Erotic wisdom really comes with age. That’s why I like a woman with some wear.

My tired heart listens, no longer stone: “My love, all those other men were asses.” My muse slips into my room at night alone.

I want curled with me in a sofa chair A seasoned goddess of the Golden Age. (Sensuality in the young is rare.)

“Those lovely ladies I found for you outshone The world itself, a type that now outclasses Even me your muse and now this ancient crone.”

Her sense of presence moves the subtle air Around her, her lips attract our homage. I like a woman who shows some wear.

“You’re beautiful,” I say, “but what testosterone I had has gone away, not knowing at long last That you would come and slip into my room alone.”

Old Time has not been able to impair A bit her loveliness, her deepest image. Sensuality in the young is rare— I prefer a woman who shows some wear.

We both look now like bodies made of bone,


Standing naked but for canes and glasses. My once young muse and still beloved crone Has slipped into my room at night alone.

El Ojo del Lago / July 2016

Jim Tipton

Saw you in the Ojo 29

Rites of Passage at Jaltepec Centro Educativo %\ 7HUU\ DQG &DUROH %DNHU


t Jaltepec, Graduation will take place in August 2016 and the hard working second year students are soon to complete the coveted Technical Degree in Hoteleria. They have been immersed in two years of intense studies and activities which can be seen as their “Rites of Passage,” leading to a daunting future that will change their youthful lives forever. A “Rite of Passage” is a ceremonial transition from one phase of life to another. Although it is often used to describe the tumultuous transition from adolescence to adulthood, it can also refer to any journey concerned with initiatory rites of passage. Initiation is defined as, “the rites, ceremonies, ordeals or instructions with which a youth is formally invested with adult status in a community, society or sect.” The Jaltepec Rites of Passage involves classwork, practical lessons, entrepreneurial proposals and projects, administration, finance, community work experience and volunteering as examples. One recent exciting event was the Jaltepec Entrepreneurial Expo Presentations held in April 2016.


El Ojo del Lago / July 2016

The Business Incubation Department of the Pan American University in Guadalajara as well as local prominent business people were present to judge those students wishing to start up their

own businesses after graduation. The successful competitors received an ON LINE Business Instruction Guide, UNIEMPRENDE, valued at $7,000 pesos, to be completed in one year or sooner. The Business Incubation Department was also there for the student should she need advice or guidance for the first two years of starting up her business venture. We are pleased to report that two teams excelled. One student is planning to start a business with cooking classes in Oaxaca. The second team of three plans to open a café. Congratulations to all!

Saw you in the Ojo 31

Sandy Olson

Phone: 331-283-8529 Email: sandyzihua@hotmail.com

OPEN CIRCLE Sunday morning finds many Lakeside residents at the Lake Chapala Society and Open Circle, a forum on a variety of stimulating topics. A social time with coffee and snacks at 10:00 a.m. is followed by an interesting lecture and discussion at 10:30. July 10 The History of the English Language—1500 Years in 40 Minutes Presented by Karl Homann Modern English is the third most widely spoken native language after Mandarin and Spanish. It is also a second language for roughly 1,500,000 people and is the most common language in the world of trade, commerce and diplomacy. This presentation explores the historical and linguistic events that have influenced modern English during three distinct periods. July 17 Think Again . . . Because Thinking Once Might Not Be Enough! Presented by Phil Rylett Want to be successful? Then study failure. Our great admiration for the successful makes us believe we can learn much from them. Unfortunately, a flaw in how we think, called “the survivorship bias,” makes us disregard their failures. Using examples, Phil will reveal the consequences of ignoring this bias. July 24 St. James the Moor Slayer Presented by Jim Cook July 25 is Mexico’s Fiesta of St. James the Apostle, also known as Santiago Matamoros (St. James the Moor Slayer), patron saint of Spain and the Spanish conquistadors in Mexico. Jim will tell us how St. James came to be the patron of Spain and of the Conquistadors, and how this day is celebrated in Mexico. Traveler and Writer Jim Cook July 31 The War on Aging Presented by Patsi and Rob Krakoff Seniors are much younger these days. And yet usually around age 60 or 65 they know there’s a lot of different “stuff” going on in their bodies and brains, and they wonder what to do about it. Or is it too late? The new imperative is to exercise. Nothing else will do as much to delay the decaying process and eliminate the chronic diseases of old age. August 7 Letting Mexico Mellow You Out Presented by Sandy Britton When you travel to, do business with, or move to another country, the culture clash can puzzle and even frustrate you – or it can expand your mind and change the way you see things. Sandy will share how the concept of “cultural intelligence” helped her understand her adopted country better, but even more important, how her time in Mexico has altered her view of life. BEETHOVEN BY BUS Viva la Musica is sponsoring two Beethoven bus trips to the Philharmonic at Teatro Degollado in Guadalajara Sunday July 10 Matinee: Beethoven Symphonies No. 6 and 8. The bus departs at 10:30 a.m. Sunday July 17 Matinee: Beethoven Piano Concerto No, 5, Symphony No. 7. The bus departs at 10:30 a.m. Symphony bus tickets are 350 pesos, (450 for non-members), and are available at the LCS Thursdays and Fridays, 10 to noon. NOTE: It will greatly help Viva if you will email vivamusica3@yahoo.com and tell which of the symphony bus trips you intend to take. The buses will only run if enough people sign up. CHAMPAGNE AT THE LAKE, AND MUSIC TOO Join music lovers for a lovely evening presented by Viva la Musica, a “Champagne Soi-


ree” on Thursday, July 28 in a private lakefront residence. There will be a champagne reception in the garden from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m., followed by the concert in the salon. Tickets must be purchased in advance at LCS Box Office Thursdays and Fridays from 10 to noon. The ticket price is 450 pesos and 500 pesos for non-members. The program: French-born lyric soprano Laetitia Grimaldi and pianist Ammiel Bushakevitz perform a program of Romantic French songs, presented in the style of a Parisian salon concert from the Belle Epoque; songs by Franz Liszt, Gabriel Fauré, Jean-Philippe Rameau, Charles Gounod, Georges Bizet, Léo Delibes and others. This will be an outstanding event. Both performers have won many international awards. A FAR FLUNG HAIKU Our prolific local poet and writer Mel Goldberg entered the first ever Haiku Society of Bangladesh kukai (competition) this year and was selected as a finalist. Haiku poets from UK, Nigeria, Israel, Romania, India, Australia, Pakistan, and many other countries participated. Mel’s Haiku: end of each war the struggle to find meaning PLAYS! OPERA! BALLET! After a fine start last season through its collaboration with London’s National Theatre Live, Lakeside Little Theatre has broadened its Playhouse Series to be a key offering throughout the year. Reserved seat tickets for each performance are 200 pesos each. Show times are Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday at 3 p.m. Here are the final two performances of the Portrait of Mel Goldberg season. by Bev Kephart Lucia di Lammermoor by Gaetano Donizetti, July 16-17 Cavalliera Rusticana/Pagliacci, Pietro Mascagni/Ruggero Leoncavallo, August 13-14 Choose and reserve your seat at the time you purchase and pick up your tickets at the LLT Box Office on a first come, first served basis. Reserved seat tickets for each performance are 200 pesos each. Performances are Saturday evenings at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday matinees at 3:00 p.m. BRAVO! (THEATRE, THAT IS) We hear from Jayme Littlejohn, founder of The Bravo! Theatre, about her upcoming Extravaganza! variety show. There are plenty of acts--the Ukulele Club doing a sing-a-long, improvisation with audience participation, twisted fairy tales (one in Shakespearean style), tap dance numbers, and, of course, chanteuses extraordinaire! The accompanist is Timothy G. Ruff Welch. Performances are Thursday, July 21 at 4 p.m., Friday, July 22 at 7:30 p.m., and Saturday, July 23 at 4 p.m. Tickets are 200 pesos and can be picked up at The Bravo! Is at Rio Bravo 10. Or can be reserved by emailing mymytickets@gmail.com or by stopping by Mia’s Boutique or Diane Pearl Colecciones. A TURF WAR IN ASSISTED LIVING The Naked Stage July production is Ripcord. It’s directed by Collette Clavadetscher. The story: Abby lives in one of the most desirable rooms in the Bristol Place Assisted Living Facility, so she isn’t best pleased when she finds herself encumbered with a new roommate, Marilyn. In fact, she sets her mind to getting rid of her as soon as possible. A battle for territory begins between the two women, which quickly escalates into a dangerous game of

The cast: Carolyn Cothran, LB Hamilton, Georgette Richmond and Steve Browning. Not pictured: Kevin Leitch and Al Kirkland continued on page 34

El Ojo del Lago / July 2016

Saw you in the Ojo 33

one-upmanship. The show runs July 29, 30 and 31. The Naked Stage is located in Riberas del Pilar, at Hidalgo #261, on the mountain side and directly across from the Catholic Church. For more information and reservations, email naakedstagereservations@gmail.com. For those who use Facebook, look for The Naked Stage for breaking news and updates. LET’S PLAN AHEAD There’s an exciting 2016-17 season at the Lakeside Little Theatre. First, there’s a special summer show: Mark Twain, Uncensored, written by Ed Tasca and directed by Barbara Clippinger. You won’t want to miss the wit of these two talented people. The show runs August 23-28. The 2016-17 season looks like this: Painting Churches, September 23-October 2 Outside Mullingar, October 21-30 Chapter 2, December 2-11 Death and the Maiden, January 13-22, 2017 Chicago, February 11-28 Second Summer, March 24-April 2 For information on ticket sales, call 376.766.0954 (messages are okay), or email tickets@lakesidelittletheatre.com. LAST YEAR WAS DELIGHTFUL‌. ‌.and this year’s Cochera Cultural children’s production will also be a treat you don’t want to miss. In May children attended a series of creative writing workshops at the Wilkes Center and their stories will come to life on stage at the Lakeside Little Theatre on July 30 and 31 following a two week theatre camp. The 2016 show will involve the telling of travel legends developed by the children and inspired by Ajijic New Year’s Eve traditions of dreams for the coming year. Tickets for the shows will go on sale for 200p pesos at Lakeside Little Theatre, Diane Pearl Colecciones and Fiaga Boutique. All proceeds go to support this children’s program and their Mexican maestros. For more information contact Jennifer Stanley at jenthom.enroute@gmail.com or go to http://cocheracultural.blogspot.mx/ LOVE THAT BLACK LEATHER Los Gßeros Motorcycle Club is a little over two years old now, and there are 40 members.  You too can join, with or without a motorcycle. Some people don’t own or ride



El Ojo del Lago / July 2016

motorcycles, but are interested in attending the club’s social events. This is a very friendly bunch and guests and visitors are welcome. Just show up at the Iron Horse Bar in Riberas del Pilar at 7 p.m. on Wednesdays. For bikers, there are generally two rides scheduled per week, on Wednesdays an (open ride) and Saturdays (closed ride).  They have a club meeting once a month on the first Wednesday of the month and social nights at the Iron Horse bar on other Wednesdays. The club sponsors charitable events and also has created a safety program.  Look for more information on their website: http://losgueros.com.  BINGO IS GOOD FOR YOUR BRAIN The British Psychological Society states: “Bingo turns out to be good for the brain, especially in older people. According to new research, bingo players performed mental tasks faster and more accurately than those who did not play the game. Bingo requires mental speed, accuracy, concentration and ability to recognize patterns.â€? So don’t think you’re just having fun when you show up at Maria Isabel on Tuesdays at 1 p.m. The Committee: Wayne Renz, Richard Bansbach and Greg ZuĂąiga The ongoing Bingolago is a benefit for the Have Hammer Carpen- The Committee: Wayne Renz, Richard Bansbach try School, which proand Greg ZuĂąiga vides a much needed service at Lakeside for training young Mexicans in carpentry skills. Besides exercising your brain, you can increase your chance of winning by bringing and donating a prize item with a value of over 300 pesos or choose to car pool, bringing at least three friends with you, and then the driver gets an extra bingo package free, with purchase of one. At 1 p.m. the bingo cards go on sale. Bingo starts at 1:30 p.m. SAN JUAN COSALA DOINGS Campamento Estrella, a camp for 30 children ages 9 to 12 who live in San Juan Cosala, was a smash hit last year and is on again this year. The dates are July 2-30. Emphasis will be on teaching the children to have pride in themselves and their village with special emphasis on town history, what children can do to improve their pueblo, kind treatment of animals, personal ethics, hygiene, and the importance of staying off drugs. The organizers are currently seeking funds to cover the cost of art supplies, food, camp t-shirts and the salaries of the young Mexican camp counselors. They will greatly appreciate your support! Donations may be made at Diane Pearl Colecciones, Viva Mexico Restaurant in San Juan Cosala or by contacting Judy Dykstra-Brown at jubob2@hotmail.com (387.761.0281) Audrey Zikmund at az62343@gmail.com (766.106.0821) or Jere Fyvolent at jeredepaul@ yahoo.com. (387.761. 0813).  FERIA MAESTRO DEL ARTE The 15th annual Feria will be held November 11-13, Friday and Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission will be 50 pesos. The feria’s location is at the Club de Yates de Chapala (Chapala Yacht Club), Paseo Ramon Corona in Chapala. This is a great volunteer opportunity. If interested, please contact Rachel McMillan (376) 106.0935, rjmcmillen@shaw.ca. Those of you who might want to try hosting, please contact Sandra Spencer, (376) 766-1923, sandraspencer@gmail.com. KARAOKE IN THE AFTERNOON Cindy Paul, talented singer (also a former Lakeside Living editor), has created a karaoke event that meets every Wednesday from 2 to 5 p.m. Music lovers gather around a long table at La Bodega to cheer each other on by singing along, listening, or leading a song with the microphone. Cindy says, “Get exposed to some great new songs while you get to know a wonderful group of like-minded people. It’s afternoon karaoke at its friendliest!â€?

Cindy Paul

Saw you in the Ojo 35


The man I want to be is the man I have become, a dreamer, reaching for the stars, as moonbeams illuminate Nordic nights. Gentle breezes caress my optimistic soul, magic sounds of a train rolling upon tracks to some faraway universe. A blast of horn excites fantasies within me. The man I want to be is a gentle one who embraces hope and truth.

A leaf gently falls. Oh, the Surprises of this day! Serenading flowers are kissed by butterflies. The man I want to be hears the song of the rooster as exotic as the sound of the rolling train. With frail body, the essence of my spirit is nourished in this complicated world.



ll things can be seen as reflections of Highest Knowledge. By the power of my will I choose how I see, on what do I focus, and how to clean the lens of my mind. Now this lifetime’s values seem outlived, as I awaken from a foggy dream. I am aware of a Source of powerful Love, beyond my recent comprehension; a benevolence to guide my way past self-imposed blocks, unneeded defenses, even past self-projected minefields. Now I can move toward simple happiness. I set aside obsolete pre-occupations and let my Higher Self lead me to the next dawning awareness on the path. In this newness, I see that I have no sin that needs absolution; I am free to proceed in Wholeness. Since I was created Whole in Love, I realize I am still a pure love being. Old guilts are deceptions, like out-of-date traffic signs, on this path. Knowing that, I can move forward, relieved of the confusion of these guilty mis-directions.


El Ojo del Lago / July 2016

As I quiet my mind, I can find connection with inner guidance for direction on this path. In this tranquil state, I can also better consider the sayings of others who traveled before me, such as: Buddha, Jesus, Rumi, and Yogananda. I find many wise directions they have in common: Seekers will be finders; forgive one another and oneself; perform small acts of loving kindness; be confident of God’s Love; look beyond all the differences that seem to divide us; breathe deeply and slowly. As I contemplate what they have found and seen, I share a glimpse of their vision. They realized they were a part of a vast oneness of Infinite Love. Some spoke of a non-linear path, begun when time began; the path that leads back to our essence: where our birthright is Perfect Wholeness; our inheritance is Profound Peace; and our eternal home is Complete Bliss. I follow this path of quiet meditation, deep thought and simple acts of love.

Saw you in the Ojo 37



Do you see?


s I drive through a wealthy fraccionamiento, I see a Mexican couple sorting through the trash accumulated on the corner for garbage pick up. The couple sort, pick and chose from the cast offs of the residences. Do you see? On an early morning walk, I see an older Mexican woman stooped with rounded shoulders as she goes about her sunrise work, sweeping the streets of Chapala with a stiff broom. An older man with one bad arm and one bad leg walks from Chapala to Ajijic and back at least once a day to collect recyclable cans. Do you see? There is a steady stream of people walking back from the market with the daily purchase of vegetables for their daily meal, while there is one young woman who purchases diapers for her baby, one at a time. Do you notice? A family of four sits on the curb, they are all young. They share a single orange. The young man assists me across the street, although I need no assistance. His eyes search my face and I see his exhausted mother, infant sister in his father’s arms as I dig out a coin. I see they have no home, no money, and no job.


El Ojo del Lago / July 2016

As I run through my daily chores, I look around and see the signs of the poor here at Lakeside. There are many who stop me on the street and ask for work. Some ask for food, others ask for money. My heart breaks as I see the true need. The value of the peso has decreased, we’ve all seen the prices go up in the stores, but it hits the Mexicans hardest of all. This time of year, we see children on the streets hawking the beans and vegetables that grow in their back yard. I have a friend who takes two buses to get to her work, her job doesn’t pay much, and the tips she earns barely cover her bus fare. She works a full day cooking in a steaming hot kitchen, while we sit in the breeze and complain about the heat. Then she goes home to her seven children, and tries to feed them with her meager wages. Driving the libramiento, I see a shanty with cloth for walls and people living there, cooking at an outdoor fire. Have you seen? I ask if you see. Do you hear? I don’t hear many complaints. I don’t hear many complaints. These are people who accept their lot and try to get through it. And I see them share what little they have with their friends and their families. They are good to their children, and their faith is important. I look to my own country of origin. I hear the complaining, the blaming, the finger pointing the violence and the rage. And I am ashamed. By comparison, even our poorest have so much more than the poor here. I read where Mexico printed a Forbeslike list of their richest 10 citizens, but they also printed a list of their poorest 10 citizens. It was one of the most humbling things I have ever seen. Victoria Schmidt Did you see?

Saw you in the Ojo 39

THE OJO INTERNET MAILBOX (Wherein we publish some comments about our previous issues.)

LIFE ONGOING - When Will I Ever Grow Up? Gabrielle Blair A wise list, Christy Wiseman! One that could be copied and posted on the fridge. Our life is indeed a work in progress, if we continue to WORK on it. Ah, there’s the challenge. Jean Morrell I love this article...and it really makes me stop and think! Thanks Christy... for capturing those important things that we forget....and recognizing that childish and child-like are not nearly the same! Woland This thoughtful and disarmingly candid list exudes light. Jody Morris This is thought provoking, Christy! Thank you for the insight. I love your words and thoughts, but, having known you for decades, I don’t believe you were ever totally dependent on anyone! Barbara McGregor You have given yourself and the rest of us many challenges for being all “grown up”. Lots of great goals. May these not be realized, for any of us, as burdensome tasks, but as we take on these challenges, we may realize the gift of freedom to experience more love in our walk. Thanks Christy In Memoriam —Eric Roberts— Gabrielle Blair A lovely gracious tribute, Mark, to a gracious person who will be missed. Editor’s Page - June 2016 Gabrielle Blair You have summed up the situation very nicely. It’s difficult to know, however, how much of Mr. Trumps grand-standing actually is what he thinks. I wish he would get to read your letter.

Marla Santy Victoria, I am not sure if “insulting” and “tough Talk” are anywhere as egregious as the embarrassing lying of Hillary Clinton. As an American living in Mexico and before that in Costa Rica, I can tell you both peoples have asked me “How can Americans allow such a candidate to run?” I have also had my local Mexican friends confide to me that they agree with much that Trump says and resent the Mexicans who take advantage of things such as running over to birth their kids. These people have green cards and work off and on in the USA and such behavior they say has affected their reputation when doing so. Further Victoria, your last article made me actually gasp out loud as I read the last sentence where you insinuated that Americans are thieves. Since so many people tromp through your home, just how sure are you that an American robbed you? I am wondering if and when we will be seeing an article about all double talk coming out of Clinton’s mouth these days. MARK SCONCE: Poet And Prince Among Men Christy Beautifully written revelations about this charming and gifted man. :-) Woland Love you Markovich. And very happy to see you are still alive. I thought it was an obituary. Farewell To A Friend Christy Delightful - makes “crossing over” a joyful reunion. Sure hope he is right. Jack the Ripper Part Two Christy I’ve been waiting for this and wasn’t disappointed. Kominski as the killer makes sense. Now I’ll look forward to part 3!! Death And Life In Mexico Woland Thanks for the chuckle. So, Americans bring elevated death counts with them wherever they go? Not only for others but for themselves as well. I suspect that last people to hear of this will be Americans. Emotional Connection Michael James Tremendously insightful Ana, giving the reader a snap shot of your wonderful book Get What You Need: Skills to Build Your Destiny. Michael James


El Ojo del Lago / July 2016

Saw you in the Ojo 41

THE AJIJIC VORTEX – Its Most Astounding Attraction %\ (G 7DVFD


here’s a miracle vortex (derived from the Tracian word meaning, “What the hell is that?”) in Sedona, Arizona, a marvel of health-giving geography that has become a sacred destination boasting magical powers, which defy rational explanation. Ajijic has such a place, too. It’s a place that spawns miracles every single day of Lakeside living. It’s a place where the paranormal has taken a fierce hold, making it one of the most mysterious locations, possibly in the Western Hemisphere. The place of which I speak is the intersection of Hildalgo (the carretera) and Calle de Revolucion,


known to most as the market street. This is a place where lives are spared daily, limbs are left to their owners and where no one, pedestrian or motorist, no matter how reckless or incautious, seems ever to be in any danger from a run-in with death or calamity—this when all rational, statistical even observable evidence points to slaughter and mayhem each and every day. Cars, trucks and buses careen from shoulder to shoulder, shoot through and around pedestrian clusters – blitzing from the north, the south, the east, the west, with even more springing forth from the laterals east and west, along with

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bicyclists on the cyclopista who dart through and over and across with otherworldly confidence and convenience. This wild-eyed chaos of bustling random intercourse at this intersection goes on all day, seven days a week, peaking on market day. And yet, the sacred aura of the place protects all, no matter what stupid action one might take. It’s miraculous, no other word explains it. What’s most revealing as well: it answers that nagging mystery of why we need no traffic light there. Why waste the valuable resources on a traffic light. There are two traffic lights in La Floresta, just fifty meters east, and notice how few street-crossers there are at these spots. That’s because gods are not watching over people crossing in La Floresta. Any holiness that La Floresta may once have had has been sucked westward to Revolucion. That’s why La Floresta Castle never sold. This is a Lourdes for jay-walkers and drunken pedestrians, for mindless, speeding drivers, for willynilly bicyclers, and for the myopic that shouldn’t be driving at all. That’s the wonder of it. As a pedestrian, you don’t have to think about anything as you tarry through this sanctified passage, doing your nails or having a yogurt. You don’t have to consider the ordinary perils of crossing the carretera on foot elsewhere by preparing for the crossing weeks in advance with a trainer. And every Lakeside driver knows he can pass on any side he pleases; that there’s no need for a turn signal, working headlights, preventing children from hanging off the back of trucks, slowing down for bus passengers or putting phones aside, because-It doesn’t matter. Back up over a shoulder at 40 miles an hour! It doesn’t matter. Fly over a lateral to jump standing

traffic! It doesn’t matter. One will never hit anything but a pothole. The potholes themselves are another proof of how powerful the divine safety shield is there, given that cars don’t travel in straight lines on Revolucion but in unpredictable trigonometrically complex swerves around potholes, which, at any other location, would dizzy and befuddle any normal pedestrian trying to figure out where a vehicle might actually be trying to go. Not at Revolucion. It doesn’t matter where the car ends up, nothing calamitous is going to happen. My final proof that Revolucion is enshrined with providential oversight: Often, altruistic drivers will stop to let motorists, who are trying to change direction, do so. They stop, yes, actually stop for no apparent reason, and flash their lights to give another the right of way. I don’t believe this is actually done by the driver as many believe. I think it’s managed by cryptic controls at the hands of the “unseen.” And the driver of the car giving the signal is just as mystified by this action as the driver receiving the signal. And of course, the obvious explanation among the locals: Centuries ago at this very carretera location, the Aztecs or the Toltecs somehow figured out the precise number of human sacrifices and heart displantations acceptable to the gods, and BINGO, we won a vortex here. Whatever the explanation, I do believe that one day cures for major diseases will be had at the market, so that one could purchase a cheap watch, fresh fish and a cure for Irritable Bowel Syndrome all on the same day. The world would forget Lourdes. Ed Tasca

Saw you in the Ojo 43




hiss topic hi topic topi ic iss a an n em emot emotional otio iona nall subject that is faced by any person who has had a family pet. The death of a beloved pet is profound. Although we know our pets have a shorter lifetime than humans, our hearts still are wrenched hen it happens ho when happens. Man Many people who do not have such a close attachment to an animal or have never had a pet do not understand this phenomena. Pets are family and can be as close or closer sometimes than our own human family members. Animals give to us love, loyalty, appreciation and understanding without expectations of something in return. Their absence in our lives leaves a great void. Each of us grieves in our own way and length of time. During this reflective time we possibly think about maybe getting another family pet, or not, in the future. This decision making time is a combination of a head and heart evaluation process. There is no one answer for everyone. It is a personal decision, not to be influenced by others. If your decision is to take another pet into your family, you are not showing disrespect to your lost pet, and certainly are not “replacing” your lost buddy. No other animal can be exactly like your deceased beloved pet. Let your heart lead you to your new pet family member instead of a list of requirements. While the topic of loss is being discussed, this is a reminder that human parents [pet owners] have an obligation to their pets to provide for their pet’s care in the event of the owners’


El Ojo del Lago / July 2016

death or inability to care for their pets. During the last two months several incidents occurred where friends / neighbors had to scramble to take care of family pets that had been left behind after the death of their owner who made no provisions for their pet’s care. To be blunt, we are all going to die. There are no exceptions although we may think we are special. It is not if, it is when. Do not place your beloved pet in a precarious situation about its future. Please, if you really do love and worry about your pet and take seriously your obligation of having a pet, plan ahead. There is a simple form available to fill out giving instructions to others about what care your pet needs and what is to happen to them when the owner is unable to care for them. The form is available on Anita’s website, www.anitasanimals.com and titled: Pet Godparent. A small dog came to Anita’s – dumped by someone who did not want to take care of her. She was not the most attractive girl you would have ever seen. But aside from her body that had mange, she had loving eyes. A local woman did see beyond this girl’s body, and she saw her gentle soul through the dog’s brown eyes. This abandoned dog was given the name “Honey.” Her new mom waited until mange treatment was completed at Anita’s and Honey went to her forever home to start a new life with a family who loved her. Although Honey was smaller than her two larger dog-siblings, they understood that she had a place on the couch [and bed] and was part of the family now. Anita and her volunteers would like to again thank the community for their support for her animal rescue work. And thanks to the individuals, spay & neuter groups and rescue group volunteers for their dedication and love of animals – It does take a village.

Saw you in the Ojo 45



o, what can make emotionally connecting so challenging? Well, our emotions firmly reside in the realm of the subconscious mind where we can be at its mercy when emotional connection is involved. Our awe inspiring subconscious accounts for 95% of our mind and processes forty million bits of information per second. That’s a million times more per second than our conscious minds do. Our subconscious minds wield extraordinary power over our conscious minds, bodies, beliefs, perceptions, thoughts, attitudes, values, behavior, feelings, emotions, and our experience of life. Learning how to get it to cooperate with your deep needs and conscious goals is beyond beneficial. I particularly appreciated the effective results detailed in the book, “Psych-K‌ The Missing Piece/Peace In Your Lifeâ€? by Robert Williams. His approach to improving people’s lives through understanding the differences between the conscious and subconscious mind focuses on getting positive results. This appears to be much more effective than the traditional approach which obsesses over finding the origin point of the subconscious mind’s conflict. It may seem too daunting to address subconscious issues that keep us from the good feeling life that emotional connection provides. Those that find connecting with others problematic are rarely aware that their subconscious residing emotions are holding them hostage from the fulfilment that they make possible. I know some of you think that you are too old and set in your ways for this to work for you so it really doesn’t apply. But, this is wrong thinking because studies on centenarians, enabled by the technology of MRI and CAT scans, have proven that learning that challenges the brain enables it to grow more gray matter, and fight off dementia. In my view, the neu-


El Ojo del Lago / July 2016

roplasticity gift of this conscious act makes learning in our elder years more important than childhood learning. And, learning new good emotional habits can enrich your life more than anything else. Almost four years ago, my husband of over thirty-three years died of Early Onset Alzheimer’s Disease. I was his sole caregiver for the last ten years of his life. For the last four years of it I spent almost all of each week at home caring for him. After so much isolation I became socially inept. I was so aggrieved that making an emotional connection seemed impossible to me. My daughter and I suffered his loss so much that the strain of not being able to help ourselves, much less each other, alienated us to the point that I thought we may never be close again. This happened even though we had always been very emotionally connected her whole life. To salvage and rebuild our connection I made healing my battered emotions, and the Autoimmune Diseases I believe they caused, my main priority because nothing mattered more to me. I realized that if I could learn how to heal myself, I could help her to learn as well. Through self study and reflection I found the emotional distress that had stolen my life away and healed it, and then I helped my daughter to heal hers too. This miracle could not have happened had I not made me a priority in my life. Women, particularly, are deeply ingrained with the practice of doing for everyone else first and tending to their needs last. This emotional bad habit takes its toll in isolation, negative feelings, and a lackluster experience of life. If you want to be the best possible you for your loved ones, you have to learn to be good Anna Elena with yourself first. Berlin

Saw you in the Ojo 47



wanted to take time to respectfully mourn the loss of lives in the Orlando massacre, and I also wanted to take time to more deeply understand the background of this tragedy (and others). I observed the reading of names of all who lost their lives and participated in my own vigil with others around the U.S. and world. I think it is important to first note that U.S. history books frequently do not reveal the extent of tragedies because they have often been imposed by dominant culture on minorities, and there have been MANY massacres. This particular murderer was clearly a “mentally troubled” and “conflicted” individual, and efforts had been made in the past by others to bring notice to potential danger. He may or may not have been a jihadi, and it is important for everyone to know there is a vast difference in beliefs among Muslims and jihadis. Just as there have been centuries of travesties committed by Christians under the banner of Christianity, many of us know that these acts were not representative of the true spirit of Christianity. Therefore I am saddened to see misinformed generalizations about Muslims by politicians and the public that could have very unfortunate consequences for masses of innocent and good Muslims, and also enormous unfortunate consequences for the U.S. and the world. The U.S. has sometimes had a tendency to hastily misdiagnose problems and apply the wrong solutions, which has included wars. I am also saddened to see individuals and organizations who have absolutely disrespected the LGBT community and their rights, and are now attempting to manipulate this tragedy to make a case against Muslims. Whenever the situation arises to oppose the LGBT community and their rights, many of these same people will also once again


El Ojo del Lago / July 2016

pounce on this opportunity. The objective is clearly an attempt to create a dysfunctional dominance among people who look, think, and believe the same. With the exception of the Native Americans, all of our families have been immigrants to the U.S. The true greatness of the U.S. is in its diversity. When we fail to recognize this, we often have greater internal conflict than any external influence. Finally, just a brief comment about the controversy over guns: Although I am not a gun owner, I have no problem with people owning guns for hunting, recreational use, and self-protection. I do have a problem with assault weapons that can easily be used for mass killings and are not appropriate, in my opinion, for public use. Just as some states have adopted state flowers and birds, some states have begun to adopt state guns. The official state gun for Tennessee is the Barrett .50-caliber semi-automatic rifle that is capable of shooting commercial aircraft out of the sky. I really don’t see why we should make these kinds of weapons available for public use, particularly at a time when mental health issues are extreme in the U.S. and when there is obviously no effective screening and clearance processes. I recently saw a posting that a girls’ volleyball team was giving away a Barrett .50-caliber semi-automatic rifle as a fundraiser! I write this in honor of the LGBT community and all who sadly lost their lives in Orlando. I also write this in honor of all, who in the past have sadly lost their lives out of hatred, ignorance, and intolerance. May we LEARN from these past tragedies, and become kinder and more caring human beings. Mark Boyer

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The Ojo Crossword

ACROSS 1 What a man does 6 Volcano 10 Consumer 14 Type of cuisine? 15 Midday 16 Insect in a cocoon 17 Dickens´”__of Two Cities” (2 wds.) 18 Relax 19 Haze 20 Floating ice 21 Small copies 23 Genius 24 Cain killed him 26 Time periods 28 Mediterranean island 31 Times 32 The other half of Jima 33 Ladies titles 36 Fewer 40 Organization concerned with civil liberties (abbr.) 42 Computer makers 43 Elliptic 44 Very large trees 45 Something to run 48 Wrath 49 Father´s sister 51 Greek mathematician 53 Canyon walls 56 Earring need 57 Cover 58 Papa (2 wds.) 61 Remark


El Ojo del Lago / July 2016

65 Soon 67 Middle East Dweller 68 Wonted 69 Lazy 70 Outlaw 71 Elephant teeth 72 Spar 73 Pitcher 74 __ Lauder DOWN 1 Replacement for a striker 2 Loathe 3 Open 4 Crude 5 Vane direction 6 Recruit 7 Has toed 8 Face part 9 Animal Horns 10 Highs 11 Shrub 12 Era 13 Furies 21 Tableland 22 Resort hotel 25 Tramp 27 Capital of Norway 28 See ya! 29 Young Women’s Christian Association 30 U.S President 31 Austin novel 34 Earth 35 Abridged (abbr.) 37 Cruel 38 Frock 39 Sleigh 41 U.S. Air Force 45 Bring into bondage 46 Lighted sign 47 Give a nickname to 50 Alien´s spaceship 52 Population count 53 Demand 54 Singer Ronstadt 55 Gods 56 Toil 59 Outlined 60 Spouse 5HPRYH IURP RႈFH 63 Usurp 64 Otherwise 66 Yield 68 North American Indian

THE BEAR WHO CAME TO LUNCH—and other adventures from my life as a Park Ranger %\ /RULQ 6ZLQHKDUW


ear!” my wife LaVon shouted as we sat down to lunch. There, standing erect and peering through the window at us was a huge black bear. I grabbed the camera and ran outside to steal a photo of our ursine visitor, but he fled at my approach, galloping across the meadow toward the NPS firefighters’ loop and off into his forest home, leaving me standing in a state of wonder, awe, stupefaction. This may have been the supreme wilderness experience of our seventh season as National Park Service rangers, occurring during our five month term at Colorado’s Rocky Mountain National Park. Our previous seasons had been spent at Perry’s Victory and International Peace Memorial, near a War of 1812 battle site on South Bass Island in Lake Erie. My career as a ranger began in June 2000. For me, a small town high school teacher, this was to become my most exciting adventure. I went from being king of my classroom to becoming a member of a highly functioning, mutually supportive team. Fellow rangers were teachers, retired military, college students, writers and social workers. They held degrees in history, biology, business administration, criminal justice, art, music, accounting. They hailed from teeming cities, the deep woods of West Virginia, from Texas and California and small towns in Michigan and Ohio. I was to meet my future wife, a fellow ranger, there and form many enduring friendships. One hundred years ago, on August 25, 1916, President Woodrow Wilson signed into law the bill establishing the National Park Service. Prior to its inception, parks had been patrolled by the army, often by buffalo soldiers, who fought forest fires, dealt with poachers, vandals and those who illegally grazed livestock or harvested timber on public lands. Lacking enforcement powers, they had to devise creative ways of dealing with offenders. It was not a perfect system. If a child is lost, if a bear appears near a campsite, if an elderly visitor ap-

pears to be having a heart attack, if a pregnant woman is becoming “awfully uncomfortable” during a severe thunderstorm, if a telltale puff of smoke causes concerns about a possible forest fire, if a camper has locked himself out of his trailer, if someone is behaving irresponsibly in close quarters with a bull elk, if a baby bird has fallen from its nest, “Call a Ranger!” For a ranger, no two days are alike. The first rangers were all males, between the ages of 21-40, rugged Ranger Rick/Mark Trail types. The NPS insisted upon men of good character and sound physique, those who could be tactful in dealing with the public. Rangers were expected to be skilled horsemen, to handle firearms competently, to possess wilderness survival skills. The work included building trails and fighting forest fires. The hours were long, and there was no overtime pay. Rangers earned $1000 a year, with which to pay all their expenses, including $45 for their uniforms. A ranger was expected to love the work. Each year, I have found myself covering my badge with black tape to honor the memory of a ranger who has died in the line of duty. During one season, a young ranger at Organ Pipe in Arizona was ambushed and killed by drug smugglers. That same week, another was killed by a hit and run driver at a roadblock in Maryland. The following year, while fighting a forest fire in Idaho, a ranger was killed by a falling tree. Later, another was killed by a rockslide in Hawaii. To become a ranger, applicants must now pass a thorough Homeland Security background check. Four years of college or equivalent experience helps, as does law enforcement, fire fighting or wilderness first responder training. Each park presents its own set of challenges, requiring the ranger to learn new skill sets. At Fort Raleigh, North Carolina, the site of the fabled “Lost Colony”, our first aid training included treatment for the bites of copperheads, cottonmouths, rattlesnakes, scorpions, black widow and brown

recluse spiders. At Perry’s Victory, I learned to conduct black powder firing demonstrations and see to the safety of visitors atop a 317-foot open air observation deck. At Florida’s Big Cypress Preserve, I did off-road vehicle inspections and issued backcountry permits. At Rocky Mountain National Park, we struggled to prevent a mother bear and her cubs from becoming addicted to food items left behind by careless campers, requiring that they be put down. We saved the bear and her children. Our stories are many. A herd of javelina would meet us on the trail at Fort Bowie, Arizona each morning, wishing to have their bristly ears scratched and become pets. One afternoon on Loop Road in Big Cypress, we observed a huge, sinister Burmese python stretched across our right of way. One morning in Colorado, a buck mule deer sped across a meadow outside our bedroom window, his antlers aimed at the posterior of a fleeing coyote. LaVon tells friends and family, “This man has dragged me all over the country,” to which I reply, “But, look at all the interesting ‘people’ you have met: Wild bears, wolves, coyotes, gators, dolphins, eagles, ravens, a badger, a Florida panther, javelina, Rocky

Mountain bighorn sheep, deer, elk, hawks.” My career with the park service may have ended where it began, back at Perry’s Victory last year. After nearly five years of complete retirement, I was consumed by the urge to serve just one more season. Whether or not, at 74, I have hung up my flat hat for the last time, I will always have fond memories of my years as a ranger. Lorin Swinehart

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Over 60 years of “People Helping People”


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July 2016

Annual Fund Drive We’re getting there but I need to nudge. The Lake Chapala Society’s Annual Giving plea is still underway! We launched the appeal in late March and in the last three months we’ve reached 33% of our goal! We are doing a good job. We are in fact, “People Helping People.” For new arrivals we hold their hands and give them reassurance so they can adapt to life Lakeside. For snowbirds we are their winter social grounds with activities, events, tranquil spaces, a nice café, and all the necessities for a winter away. The long term residents enjoy a wealth of services and activities and the knowledge that LCS is working with all levels of government to assure a safe and collaborative community for all of the residents Lakeside. Last but not least the Lake Chapala Society contributes to the enrichment of knowledge across cultures. Our philanthropy embraces the notion that knowledge is power and we assist those motivated to seek it through libraries, English and Spanish classes, art creativity, student aid and more. Today we have reached deeper into the Mexican community more than ever. We are proud of the programs and services LCS provides to create a robust bicultural community. Our goals are ambitious. For this we ask our members for additional help by assisting us with our annual plea. It’s simple to do, just go to our website or the office. Please consider making a donation today. What’s up with the Annual Directory? With the change in a members expiration date to their birthday, you must be wondering what are the new rules to be in the directory? To be in the 2017 directory you need to be an LCS member between Oct. 31, 2015 and Nov. 1, 2016. Another change is that we intend to publish the directory in November and be filled with bargains for the new season. We need your help. We want to sell ads and we want your favorite commercial vendors present. We’re even giving them a discount if they give LCS members a discount through their ad. Get more details in the office, and pick some flyers with the costs and specs to leave with your favorite merchant.


El Ojo del Lago / July 2016

Fourth Annual Children’s Summer Art Camp The Children’s Summer Art Camp, a perennial favorite program of the LCS Children’s Art Program, will celebrate its fourth season starting Monday, July 18 and ending Friday, July 22. Last year some 130 children attended the week-long program and this year we’re expecting 140. This year’s workshops include classes in acrylics, collage, fiber art, drawing, watercolor, jewelry making, and papier-mâché. We offer daily projects for the little ones, aged five or younger, who are accompanied by an adult. Our wonderful children’s artwork from the Saturday classes will be offered for sale the next day, Saturday, July 23 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Gazebo on the LCS campus. These projects would not be possible without the generous financial support of the Ajijic Society of the Arts (ASA) and the dedication of our volunteers. If you would like to help at the Art Camp and/or donate materials, please contact Danielle Page at childrensart@lakechapalasociety.com.

LCS Warren Hardy Spanish Classes The next term will run from July 5 to August 22. Classes meet two days a week for an hour and a half each session at the Wilkes Education Center (N.J. Biblioteca). A representative will be available to answer questions and take registrations every day from June 26 to July 1 on the Blue Umbrella Patio from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. The Warren Hardy Spanish language course is designed for the adult student. Ongoing registration for classes is available in the LCS office or on line. Tuition for the course is $750 pesos. The textbook is an additional $570 pesos, and other instructional materials may also be separately purchased. For more information about the Spanish classes visit our website

Introduction to Spanish Classes The next class for LCS members begins on August 2 and is held in the Gazebo on the LCS campus from 12 to 1:30 p.m. This is a casual class offered for the beginner that covers the Spanish alphabet, simple vocabulary and phrases to use about town for shopping, and other useful information about our area and Mexican culture. Classes are held each month starting the first Tuesday of the month and continue for three weeks. Materials are provided, and the tuition for the classes is $175. Sign up in the LCS office during regular office hours, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Monday through Saturday or online.

July Bus Trips Wednesday, 6 July Tonala, Tlaquepaque and The Home Depot and the Forum Mall in Tlaquepaque. Shop Tonala for home decor and handicrafts and in Tlaquepaque, find upscale retailers and fine dining in an historical architecturally significant, pedestrian-only zone. ****For those who wish to shop the Forum Mall and The Home Depot, accommodations will be made.**** Cost 300p for members and 350p for non-members Bus departs promptly at 9 a.m. from the sculpture in La Floresta Thursday, 21 July Galerias Mall. Major retailers including Best Buy, Sears and restaurants Cheesecake Factory, PF Chang and more, also shop Costco, Sams and Super Walmart. Cost 300p for members and 350p for non-members Meet at the sculpture in La Floresta, bus departs promptly at 9:30 a.m.

LCS is entering the Thrift Shop business again! We will be opening the store on the west side of Ajijic. Grand opening September 16, Independence Day! What we need right now is volunteers to help in the store and quality stuff to sell. We will be publishing a list of needs later. Contact executivedirector@lakechapalasociety.com.

U.S. Voter Assistance July 18 on the LCS Blue Umbrella Patio; 10-12 p.m. Open to the public regardless of political affiliation. Sponsored by Democrats Abroad. Contact Howard Feldstein at 766-5707

LCS Blood Pressure Service The LCS Blood Pressure Group, is a dedicated group of volunteer nurses, doctors, and emergency medical technicians. During the high season as many as 50 people per day take advantage of this free program which is available Mondays and Fridays from 10 a.m. to 12 noon on the NJ Patio. Because blood pressure and pulse are critical indicators of overall health, if a reading is out of the ordinary, the volunteer may suggest a follow-up consultation with a doctor. LCS policy precludes volunteers from dispensing medical advice. BP volunteers also provide health education such as handouts on hypertension and preventive measures. If you have had formal training and practice taking blood pressure, consider sharing your expertise. Volunteer on a regular basis or just once a month. Applications are available in the LCS office. Comments and suggestions are welcome.

Costco Returns Costco will be here July 26 and 27, 11-1:30 a.m. on the Blue Umbrella Patio

Saw you in the Ojo 53

Activities *Open to the public ** US citizens (C) member card required HEALTH INSURANCE * IMSS & Immigration Services M+T 10-1 Lakeside Insurance T+TH 11-2 HEALTH & LEGAL SERVICES * Becerra & Galindo Services TH 10:30-12:30 Blood Pressure F 10-12 Drug & Herb Consultation 4th M 10-12 Hearing Aid Services M & 2nd+ 4th Sat 11-4 Sign-up Ministerio Publico W July 6+27 10-2 My Guardian Angel M + TH 10-1 Optometrist Claravision TH 9-4 Sign-up Skin Cancer Screening 2nd +4th W 10-12:30 Sign-up US Consulate W July13, 10:30-12:30 Sign up /(66216 &

Children’s Art Sat 10-12 Exercise M+W+F 9-10 Fitness thru Yoga M+F 2-3:30 Intermediate Hatha Yoga T+Th 2-3:30 Line Dancing T+Th 10-11:15 Stretch & Balance Exercise T+Th 8:45-9:45 /,%5$5,(6 &

Audio Library Th 10-12 Book & Video M-Sat 10-2 US Library of Congress Books**/ Talking Books TH 10-12 Neill.James Biblioteca Publica (WEC) M-F 9:30-7, Sat 9:30-1* 62&,$/ $&7,9,7,(6 &

All Things Tech F 9:30-11:30 Beginner’s Android Th July 7+14 ,10-12 sign up Bridge 4 Fun T +TH 1-5 Discussion Group W 12-1:30 Everyday Mindfulness M 10:15-11:45 )LOP $¿FLRQDGRV 7+ Needle Pushers T 10-12 Open Gaming M 1-4 Open to public 2-4* Scottish Country Dancing Th 11:30-1 Scrabble F 11:30-1:30 Spanish/English Conversation Sat 11-12 TED Talks Learning Seminars T 12-1:15 Tournament Scrabble T 12-2 SERVICE & SUPPORT GROUPS * Caregiver Support Group 2nd+4th W 10:30-12:30 Have Hammer Workshop Demo 1st & 3rd M 10-12 Information Desk M-Sat 10-2 Lakeside AA M +TH 4:30-5:30 Open Circle Sun 10-11:30 Toastmasters M 7-8:30 7,&.(7 6$/(6 0 )

Gardening Lakeside 101 In collaboration with the Chapala Garden Club, an 8 week gardening class for English speakers will be offered from Aug. 3 to Sept. 21. Wednesdays, 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Tuition $500 members LCS or Garden Club members, $550 non-members. Sign-up and get more details in the office.


El Ojo del Lago / July 2016

9LGHR /LEUDU\ 1HZV -XO\ Spare Parts #7313 A comedy about high schoolers building a robot to compete against MIT, the National Champions. Jamie Lee Curtis and George Lopez. 7ZHOYH $QJU\ 0HQ #7304 A juror adamantly holds out trying to get his dissimilar colleagues to reconsider the evidence. Henry Fonda. Great cast. Great acting. $OO $ERXW 0\ 0RWKHU #7301 Foreign drama about a young man who wants to become a writer and also wants to discover the identity of his father, carefully concealed by his mother. 2000 Oscar for Best Foreign Movie. %HLQJ -XOLD $ VHULRXV FRPHG\ DERXW D JORULÂżHG VWDJH actress, in the 30’s, disenchanted with life due to approaching middle age and her sexually disinterested husband. Annette Bening (Oscar nomination for Best Actress) and Jeremy Irons. 7KH 6HSWHPEHU ,VVXH #7310 An in-depth documentary about the editor-in-chief of Vogue magazine and the frenetic efforts to publish the single largest issue ever Meet The Patels #7300 You must have met at least one Patel during your travels. A comedy about people with the surname Patel poking fun at themselves. Panch Villa Outlaw Hero #7306 A pretty good biography. Only 44 minutes, but, only 5 pesos to rent. Indochine #7298 1930 French colonial rule in Indochina is ending. An unmarried, wealthy, French woman and a Vietnamese princess, whom she raises, both fall in love with the same )UHQFK QDYDO RႈFHU %HVW )RUHLJQ 0RYLH 2VFDU DQG %HVW $Ftress nomination for Catherine Deneuve. *UDPV #7305 A freak accident brings together a critically ill mathematician (Sean Penn), a grieving mother, and a born again ex-con. 558 “User Reviewsâ€? gave it a rating of 7.7 on a scale of 10

:H 6WLOO 1HHG <RX The Garden needs volunteers to plant, trim, weed and generally maintain our gardens. 7KH ,QIRUPDWLRQ 7HFKQRORJ\ 'HSDUWPHQW needs volunteer programmers and those who have experience building computers, installing software, and working with networks, including overall troubleshooting. Requires climbing stairs several times a day. lcsitmgr@gmail.com. Special Events Coordinator is looking for volunteers to JUHHW JXHVWV FROOHFW WLFNHWV DQG KHOS ZLWK ¿HVWD GHFRUDWLRQV ,I \RX KDYH D ELW RI ÀDLU WKLV FRXOG EH IRU \RX 7KH QHZ 7KULIW 6KRS needs volunteers in good physical VKDSH ZKR FDQ FRPPLW WR ZRUNLQJ IRXU WR ¿YH KRXUV RQ D JLYHQ day. For more information about volunteering, contact Rachel McMillen at volunteer@lakechapalasociety.com.


TED in the Summer


Tuesdays 12 - 1:15 in the Sala July 5 How Reliable Is Your Memory? Dr. Elizabeth Loftus, a Distinguished Professor at University of California, Irvine branch, received her B.A. at UCLA in both mathematics and psychology before completing work for an M.A. and Ph.D. in mathematical psychology at Stanford. In the early 1990s, her focus turned from cognitive psychology to the study of human memory and its application in forensic settings, especially how memories can be manipulated. Though her work is not without controversy, she has participated in hundreds of legal cases as an expert witness. July 12 Why Eyewitnesses Get It Wrong Dr. Scott Fraser is a forensic psychologist who thinks deeply about the fallibility of human memory and encourages a more scientific approach to trial evidence. In this powerful talk, which focuses on a deadly shooting at sunset, he suggests that even close-up eyewitnesses to a crime can create “memories� they could not have seen. Discover why and how. July 19 The Riddle of Experience vs. Memory Widely regarded as the world’s most influential living psychologist, Dr. Daniel Kahneman won the Nobel in Economics for his pioneering work in behavioral economics — exploring the irrational ways we make decisions about risk. He is Professor Emeritus in psychology and public affairs at Princeton’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. In this TED talk, he reveals how our “experiencing selves� and our “remembering selves� perceive life differently. July 26 No TED Talk

/&6 PHPEHUV RQO\ %ULQJ \RXU FDUG )LOPV shown in the 6DOD IURP S P 1R IRRG 1R SHWV All showings subject to change July 7 - Embrace of the Serpent 2015 Colombia The story of a relationship between an Amazonian shaman, and a European who explores the headwaters of the Amazon for 40 years. Academy Award nominee. July 14 - Tanna 2015 Vanuatu Set on a remote rain forested Pacific island dominated by an active volcano. This story, enacted by the Yakel tribe tells the story of a forbidden love affair and the pact between the old ways and the new. July 21 - Two Lives (Zwei Lieben) 2013 Germany/Norway   The Berlin wall has just fallen. Katrine, raised in East Germany but living in Norway for the last 20 years, is a war child of a Norwegian woman and an occupying German soldier in WWII. A web of secrets is revealed. What carries more weight: a life lived together or the lie it is based on? The great Liv Ullman came out of retirement for this film. July 28 - Last Cab to Darwin 2016 Australia When Rex, a Broken Hill taxi driver, is told he doesn’t have long to live, he sets out on an epic journey to Darwin in a bid to die on his own terms.

July Android Classes LCS will be offering a second session of free classes in the use of Android devices from 10 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. on Thursday, July 7 and Thursday, July 14. Topics will include an overview of Android, setting up email, downloading apps, using widgets, using cell phone as a GPS, managing apps and data, including photos and photo editing apps. You must be LCS member with an Android device. Send an email to lcsandroidclasses2016@outlook.com and include your LCS membership number. Registration will not be made over the telephone. You may also indicate any other topics that you’d like us to cover.

THE LAKE CHAPALA SOCIETY, A.C. 16 de Septiembre #16-A, Ajijic, Jalisco LCS Main Office: (376) 766-1140 Office, information and other services - Monday-Saturday, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Grounds open until 5:00 p.m. LCS BOARD OF DIRECTORS. President - Ben White (2018); Vice-President - Cate Howell (2017); Treasurer - Michael Searles (2017); Secretary - Carole Wolff (2018); Directors: Matthew Butler (2018); Dee Dee Camhi (2017); Lois Cugini (2017); Barbara Hildt (2017); Geoffrey Kaye (2018) Yoli Martinez (2017); Monica Powers (2018); George Radford (2018) Immediate Past President: Howard Feldstein. * Executive Director - Terry Vidal

The LCS Newsletter is published monthly. Deadline for submissions is the 17th of the month preceding publication. Submit all news items to newsletter@lakechapalasociety.com 1RWH 7KH HGLWRULDO VWDয় UHVHUYHV WKH ULJKW WR HGLW DOO VXEPLVVLRQV DFFRUGLQJ WR WLPH VSDFH DYDLODELOLW\ DQG HGLWRULDO GHFLVLRQ

Saw you in the Ojo 55



El Ojo del Lago / July 2016

Saw you in the Ojo 57





- CASA FLORES Tel: 766-5493 - CASA TRES LEONES Cell: (045) 331-350-6764

$'9(57,6,1* ',5(&725< (/ 2-2 '(/ /$*2 Tel. 765-3676



- ART HOUSE Tel: 765-5097 - DIANE PEARL COLECCIONES Tel: 766-5683 - ZARAGOZA GALLERY Tel: 766-0573, 766-7049

Pag: 62 3DJ

- FRATS Tel: 765-2505, 765-3946 - LINEA PROFESIONAL Tel. 766-2555, Fax. 766-0066 7,7$1 &RPSOHWH $XWR %RG\ 6KRS Tel: 765-4570

$-,-,& %22. &/8%

- CUGINIS OPUS BOUTIQUE Tel/Fax: 766-1790 - MI MEXICO Tel: 766-0133


- LONAS MEXICO Tel: 766-0045, Cell: 33-3956-4852



* BEAUTY - CHRISTINE’S Tel: 106-0864 - GLOSS - Nail Salon Tel: 766-0375 1(: /22. 678',2 Tel: 766-6000


%(' %5($.)$67 - CASA DEL SOL Tel: 766-0050



- HOMEDECOR 3DJ Tel: 106-0856 - 7(0385 0$775(66 $1' 3,//2:6 Tel: (52) 333-629-5919, (52) 33 3611-3049 3DJ



Pag: 26

- GENERAL HOME SERVICES - $PDQFLR 5DPRV -U Cell: (045) 331-520-3054 3DJ :$5:,&. &216758&7,21 Tel: 765-2224 3DJ

El Ojo del Lago / July 2016

* LEGAL SERVICES $-,-,& /(*$/ 6(59,&(6 Cell: (045) 33 1172 1724

$-,-,& :$7(5 *$5'(16 Tel: 766-4386 - GARDEN CENTER Tel: 765-5973



- NAPOLEON Tel: 766-6153




+$5':$5( 6725(6






- CENTRO LAGUNA Tel: 766-5514

- TONY’S Tel: 766-1614

* GOLF - ATLAS COUNTRY GOLF COURSE Tel: 3689-2620 EXT 120 / 0


0($7 328/75< &+((6(



$-,-,& '(17$/ Tel: 766-3682 & ' 0$5Ë$ /8,6$ /8,6 9,//$ Tel/Fax: 766-2428 & ' 6$1'5$ $1$<$ 025$ Tel: 108-0977, Cell: 331-218-6241 - CHAPALA DENTAL CARE Tel. 765-5584, 766-3847 - DENTAL EXPRESS Tel: 106-2080 - DENTAL HEALTH ONE Tel: 106-0826 '5 $/%(572 '21 2/,9(5$ Tels: 765-4838, 765-4805 - HECTOR HARO DDS Tel: 765-3193 / 6410 / 6974 2'2172 &/,1,&.

/$.(6,'( ,1685$1&( ('*$5 &('(f2 Cell: (045) 33-3106-6982 3DJ 3$5.(5 ,1685$1&( 6(59,&(6 Tel: 765-5287, 765-4070 3DJ - PROTEXPLAN U.S. Toll Free 1-800-608-5743 Mexico Toll Free 01-800-681-6730 3DJ - TIOCORP Tel: 766-4828 3DJ

0$// 0$5.(7










- TEPEHUA TREASURES Tel: 763-5126, 763-5147


- EXTERMINIO DE PLAGAS Tel: 765-3237, Cell: 331-102-0834 3DJ - TOTAL MOSQUITO CONTROL Cell: 331-49-87699 3DJ


%$1. ,19(670(17 - INTERCAM Tel: 766-5980 - MULTIVA Tel: 766-2499


+27(/6 68,7(6






%$.(5< 6&$1',1$9,$ 6RXUGRXJK %DNHU\ Tel: 766-0604


- SUPER SENIOR FITNESS Cell: 33-34581980 - FAMILY FITNESS CENTER Tel: 331-417-5247


- LA NUEVA POSADA Tel: 766-1444, 766-1344



* BOUTIQUE &86720 6(:,1*

'5 9,&725 - <28&+$ Tel: 766-1973 - INTERLAGO CHIROPRACTIC Tel: 766-3000


()),&,(17 :($/7+ 0$1$*(0(17 Tel: 766-4836



- STEREN Tels. 766-0599, 766-0630

/$.(6,'( +($5,1* 6(59,&(6 Cell. (045) 33-1511-4088









%(72¶6 :,1( /,4825 Cell: (045) 333-507-3024

$57 *$//(5,(6 +$1'&5$)76



$1,0$/ &/,1,&6 3(7 6+23 - CLINICA VETERINARIA SAN ANTONIO Tel: 766-0808 3DJ - DEE’S PET HOTEL Tel: 331-765-7074 3DJ /$.(6,'( )5,(1'6 2) 7+( $1,0$/6 $& Tel: 765-5544 3DJ 0$6.27$¶6 /$.( Tel: 766-0287 3DJ - PET PLACE Cell: 333-1964-150 3DJ - PET FOOD AND GROOMING Tel: 766-3062 3DJ

Tel: 766-5050 3DJ

(0(5*(1&< +27/,1( $0%8/$1&( &58= 52-$ ),5( '(3$570(17 POLICE $MLMLF &KDSDOD /D )ORUHVWD

- FERRETERIA Y TLAPALERIA GALVEZ Tel: 766-0880, Fax: 766-2440 Pag: 62

* HEALTH /$.( &+$3$/$ &(17(5 )25 63,5,78$/ LIVING Tel: 766-0920 3DJ - YOUNGEVITY Tel: 332-160-5002 3DJ

* MEDICAL SERVICES $/7$ 5(7,1$ 'U 5LJREHUWR 5LRV /HyQ 2SKWKDOPLF 6XUJHRQ Tel: 766-1521 3DJ &$6,7$ 0217$f$ Tel: 766-5513 3DJ - CHAPALA MED Tel: 765-7778, Cell: (045) 33-3950-9414 3DJ - DERMATOLOGIST Tel: 765-2400, Cell: (045) 333-170-6570 3DJ '(50,.$ 'HUPDWRORJLF &HQWHU Tel: 766-2500 3DJ '5 $/)2162 0$<725(1$ /(<9$ 3DLQ Clinic Tel: 765-6666, Cell. (045) 333 370 1217 3DJ '5 *$%5,(/ 9$5(/$ Tel: 765-6666, Cell: 333-128-6347 3DJ '5 +(&725 %5,6(f2 * ,QWHUYHQWLRQDO &DUGLRORJ\ Tel: 766-1870 3DJ '5 -8$1 0 $&(9(6 0LFURELRORJLVW Tel: 766 1244, Cell. 33-1429-1343 3DJ '5$ &/$8',$ / &$0$&+2 &+2=$ 2SKWKDOPRORJLVW Tel: 333-441-5902 3DJ

'5$ 0$57+$ 5 %$//(67(526 )5$1&2 Cell: (045) 333-408-0951 3DJ - GO LAB Tel: 106-0881 3DJ - HOSPITAL ANGELES DEL CARMEN Tel: (01) 3813-0042 3DJ - ISILAB Tel: 766-1164 3DJ /$.(6,'( &$5',2/2*< &/,1,& Tel: (387) 763-0665 3DJ /$.(6,'( 0(',&$/ *5283 Tel: 766-0395 3DJ - MED INTEGRITY Tel: 766-5154 3DJ 252=&2 51 3DJ - PLASTICA LIFT Tel: 108-0595 3DJ 3/$67,& 685*(5< 'U %HQMDPLQ 9LOODUDQ Tel: 766-5513 3DJ - QUALITY CARE Tel: 766-1870 3DJ 5,&$5'2 +(5(',$ 0 ' Tel: 765-2233 3DJ - VARICOSE VEINS TREATMENT Tel: 765-4805 3DJ

* MOVERS /$.( &+$3$/$ 029,1* Tel: 766-5008 3DJ 67520 :+,7( 029(56 Tel: 766-6153 3DJ 7+( 029(56 /$.(6,'( Tel: 01 5557675134, (045) 555 478 6608 3DJ

086,& 7+($75( (9(176 ' - +2:$5' Tel: 766-3044 3DJ - MIDNIGHT TRAVELERS OF THE UNIVERSE 3DJ 7+( 1$.(' 67$*( 5($'(5¶6 7+($75( Pag: 22

* NURSERY - LAS PALMAS Cell: (045) 33-3170-1776/33-1195-7112 3DJ

* PAINT 48,52= ,PSHUPHDELOL]DQWHV Tel: 766-2311 - QUIROZ-Pinturas Tel: 766-5959

3DJ Pag: 22

* PERSONAL ASSISTANCE - EFFICIENT QUALIFIED MALE Cell: (044) 33-1103-8124 3DJ /$.( &+$3$/$¶6 3(5621$/ $66,67$17 Tel: 331-075-2479 3DJ 1(:&20(56 ,/6( +2))0$11 ilsecarlota40@gmail.com, www.guadalajarachapalatravelguide.com Tel 01(33) 3647-3912 Cell (045) 33-3157-2541

* PHARMACIES - FARMACIA CRISTINA Tel: 766-1501 - FARMACIA EXPRESS II Tel: 766-0656 )$50$&,$ 0$6.$5$6 Tel/Fax: 765-5827 - FARMEX Tel: 765-5004



* REAL ESTATE $-,-,& +20( ,163(&7,216 Tel: 766-2836 %(9 -($1 &2)(//


+RPH 2ႈFH 3DJ - CHULA VISTA NORTE Tel: 766-2177 Cell: (045) 33-1892-2194 3DJ - CIELOVISTA Tel: 766-2688 3DJ &2/':(// %$1.(5 &+$3$/$ 5($/7< Tel: 766-1152, 766-3369 Fax: 766-2124, Tels: 765-2877 Fax: 765-3528 3DJ - CONTINENTAL REALTY Tel: 766-1994 3DJ - CUMBRES Tel: 766-2688 3DJ - DON SNELL Cell 33-1005-9129 3DJ - EAGER & ASOCIADOS Tel: (376) 766 1917, 1918 3DJ )25 6$/( %< 2:1(5 Cell: 33-3808-0324 3DJ - GEORGETTE RICHMOND Tel: 766-2077 3DJ - GERARDO MEDINA Cell. 331-121-7034 3DJ -8',7 5$-+$7+< Cell: (045) 331 - 395 - 9849 3DJ - MPR REAL ESTATE Tel: (315) 351-5167 3DJ 3(7(5 67 -2+1 Tel: 765-3676, 331-323-0893 3DJ - RAUL GONZALEZ Cell: 33-1437-0925 3DJ - VISTA ALEGRE Tel: 766-2688 3DJ

Tel: 766-2020 - PIZZERIA TOSCANA - THE BAGEL PLACE Tel: 766-0664 7+( 3($&2&. *$5'(1 Tel: 766-1381 - TONY’S Tel: 766-1614, 766-4069 - YVES Tel: 766-3565

- SELF STORAGE-BODEGAS CHAPALA Tel: 766-0661, Tel/Fax: 766-1045 3DJ




- ALICIA’S CONVALESCENT Tel: 766 1194, Cell: 333 954 9534 3DJ - CASA ANASTASIA Tel: 765-5680 / 33-3452-5864 3DJ - LA CASA NOSTRA Tel: 765-3824 3DJ 0, &$6,7$ 1XUVLQJ +RPH $VVLVWHG /LYLQJ Center Cell: (045) 33-1115-9615 3DJ 1856,1* +20( /$.( &+$3$/$ Tel: 766-0404 3DJ - OHANA Tel: (01387) 761-0403 3DJ

$-,-,& (/(&7521,&6 6 $ '( & 9 Tel/Fax: 766-1117, 766-3371 3DJ 6+$: 6$7(//,7( 6(59,&(6 Tel: 33-1402-4223 3DJ



* SOLAR ENERGY - ESUN Tel: 01-800-099-0272


63$ 0$66$*( - BLUE MOON Tel: 766-0937 - TOTAL BODY CARE Tel: 766-3379




* TOURS - CHARTER CLUB TOURS Tel: 766-1777 - LYDIA’S TOURS Tel: 765-4742, (045) 33-1026-4877



:$7(5 - TECNO AQUA Tel: 766-3731, 108-0808





* SHOE SHOP - CALZABIEN Tel: 766-4956

/$.( &+$3$/$ 62&,(7< Tel: 766-1140 3DJ /26 1,f26 '( &+$3$/$ < $-,-,& Tel: 765-7032 3DJ

- ARTURO FERNANDEZ Cell: (045) 333-954-3813

6$7(//,7(6 7 9

- HOME SECURITY CAMERAS Tel: 33-1175-3330



5(7,5(0(17 5(67 1856,1* +20(6

5(17$/6 3523(57< 0$1$*(0(17 &2/':(//%$1.(5 &+$3$/$ 5($/7< Tel: 766-1152, movile: (045) 33-1175-9632 3DJ - FOR RENT 3DJ Tel: 765-2671 - FOR RENT Tel: 387-761-0987 3DJ Cells 331-344-3192 & 333-952-5225 -25*( 7255(6 Tel: 766-3737 3DJ - HACIENDA PMR Tel: 766-3320 3DJ - MANZANILLO VACATION RENTALS Tel: (314) 100-6773 or (314) 109-0657 3DJ - ROMA 3DJ Tel: 766-3163, 766-5171 - SANTANA RENTALS Cell: 315-104-3283 3DJ




5(67$85$176 &$)(6 $-,-,& 7$1*2 Tel: 766-2458 3DJ - CASA FUERTE Tels: 3639-6474 / 81 3DJ - GAUCHERIA Tel: 766-4357 3DJ - GAUCHO TEQUILA Tel: 766-0764 3DJ - GO BISTRO Cell: (045) 33-3502-6555 3DJ - GOSHA’S Tel: 766-2121 3DJ - HOSTERIA DEL ARTE-Ristorante Italiano Tel: 33-1410-1707 3DJ -$60,1(¶6 &ODVVLF ,QGLD Tel: 766-2636 Pag: 26 /$ &$6$ '(/ :$))/( Tel: 766-1946 3DJ - LA CASA DEL CAFE Tel: 766-2876 3DJ - LA HACIENDA DE DON PEDRO Tel: 766-4906 3DJ - LA MISION Tel: 108-0887 3DJ - LA NUEVA POSADA Tel: 766-1444, 766-1344 3DJ - “LA TAVERNA”DEI QUATTRO MORI Tel: 766-2848 3DJ - LOS MOLLETES Tel: 766-4296 3DJ - MOM’S DELI & RESTAURANT Tel: 765-5719 3DJ - PIAN THAI RESTAURANT

The Ojo Crossword

Saw you in the Ojo 59


FOR SALE: VW Jetta 1.8 turbo year 2001. Car has air. Sunroof very quick for merging $65,000 pesos OBO $11000 pesos repairs three months ago. Phone 766-4557. FOR SALE: Honda Civic 2001 - Jalisco Plated - White, 4-door, manual shift, 4 new tires, 2 spares, new battery, 147,000 km. $5,000 USD or MX Pesos equivalent. Car runs ÂżQH EXW WKH LQVXUDQFH KDV H[SLUHG VR \RX have to come east to Vista Del Lago area to see and test drive it. Call: 376-763-5664 and leave a message if no answer. FOR SALE: 1997 Ford Explorer Sport SUV 2dr auto Used daily. Good for long and short trips. Taxed with Jalisco plates. Regularly maintained and has a very comfortable ride. Located in Zapopan. No rust. Only negatives are sun bleached paintwork and spedo needs WR EH Âż[HG 0H[ Richcooke@gmail. com Call: 331-827-9727. FOR SALE: Rear Storage Cover for 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee-$1500 pesos. Email: brianway1@gmail.com :$17(' I am looking for a small-tomedium SUV asap. Examples of models I am interested in are: Nissan X-Trail, Honda CR-V, Toyota RAV4, Nissan Frontier, Ford Escape, Ford Explorer, Buick Encore/Chevy Trax, in roughly that order of preference, model years 2007-2011 approx. Please call or email: Lewis 766-1266, stockardlewis@gmail.com. :$17(' Looking for a VW Vocho in excellent condition. Body, interior, running rear and engine. Email rvanparys@hotmail.com. FOR SALE: 2009 Toyota Rav. 4 Sports. 108,000 km, excellent condition, Mx. Plated, Price: $160,000 Mxp. Email. pmatys@rogers. com. FOR SALE: Nissan Juke 2012, Turbo, very sporty and fast, manual 6 speed, 43,700 km, sunroof, like new, Mx. plated, Price: $225,000 pesos. Call: 765-7746. :$17(' We are looking to purchase an automatic transmission, Mexican plated vehicle. Preference are for an SUV type car. Options: Nissan Rogue Honda Fit Mazda CR-7. Email: zebra@cryptogroup.net. FOR SALE: Nissan 1986. 4 cil, manual old pick up Jalisco plates all paid $1800 dollars or pesos text anytime 331-007-8873. :$17(' Looking for a US plated vehicle to drive back into the US and take my belongings (not furniture) with me. It has to be an older model, maybe around 2000 to 2004 in very good condition and has been well maintained. It could be a minivan, car, SUV etc. I will dispose of it in USA. when I arrive. Call: 106-1160. :$17(' I´m looking to buy a small to medium vehicle with US or Canadian plates to return to the US and register. I prefer a 20002006 year. I will not pay bluebook value because it will cost me time and money to return it, but I´m willing to cancel your permit so you can get your deposit back. Canadian cars must meet US environmental requirements. Email: marquezamo@hotmail.com FOR SALE: 1988 Ford Crown Victoria, 109 K miles, South Dakota, $1000 US or best RႇHU &DOO :$17(' We’re looking for a used car for our son to take back to the US. Honda CRV or something similar is what we have in mind, but the bottom line is that it should be good in the snow and reliable, with good gas mileage. Please send a private message if you have such a car to sell. Email: msalexg@gmail. com. FOR SALE: 1993 Suburban 2500, V-8, automatic, seats 8 – 9, Mexican built and plated, All fees paid including emission control. Red body in good shape with a few dings, engine excellent; recently paid 10,000 for repairs, KBB value: $3,000


86' $VNLQJ SHVRV RU EHVW RႇHU will trade for Beetle or Jeep of equal value. Email: gmel1936@yaho o.com.


FOR SALE: I have a used Moto 360 Version 2 that was advertised as compatible with the iPhone. It does do some things with the iPhone but not nearly what an Apple Watch can do. However, it will work great with an Android phone. So I would like to sell this watch, complete with charger and directions. Call 376766-3420 for more information. FOR SALE: Printer, +3 2ႈFH 3UR Color, black and white, 2 sided printing, scan, copy, fax, wireless or cable, manual, software disk, needs ink cartridges, empty cartridges included, price: $125.USD, ph 333-815-7436 :$17(' I’m looking for a place that sells &KURPHERRNV VSHFLÂżFDOO\ RQH WKDW KDV D ´ screen. Does anyone know a place in Guadalajara that would sell them? Email: saileach@ yahoo.com. FOR SALE: Ordered 2 by mistake. This one in sealed package. Works a treat with my laptop. Almost triple the range. Works through walls. Plug in to a USB port Install drivers with included CD and away you go. Can help install in Windows if needed. Just bring your laptop to El Limon. Email: rskryd@gmail.com.


:$17(' Looking for a parrot, preferably young, hand tamed and raised at home-could EH $IULFDQ *UH\ DQG GHÂżQLWHO\ RQH WKDW FDQ would talk. Email: donnalainson@yahoo.com.


FOR SALE: 20 gallon water pressure tank with pump. Bought last week, used I day, change of mind over forced decision, has one year guarantee. Cost was $7500 pesos, would sell for $5000 pesos. Can send photos. In Raquet Club. Call (387) 761-0002. FOR SALE: Apple Iphone 6S Plus, space gray colour, 16GB for sale - $13,000 pesos. Less than one year old. FOR SALE: FOUR HAND CARVED HORSES. Each approximately 12â€? long by 9 ´ KLJK DQG HDFK D GLႇHUHQW SRVH &DUYHG from Parota wood or Rosewood from Michoacan. $795 pesos each or $2950 for all four. jrkoelbel@hotmail.com. FOR SALE: Display cabinet. 24â€? wide, 17â€? deep, 42â€? high. Display opening: 18â€? wide, 23â€? high. 2 lower drawers. $895 pesos. ReFHQWO\ UHÂżQLVKHG MUNRHOEHO#KRWPDLO FRP FOR SALE: Whirlpool 3.5 cu ft freezer. Price: $2000 pesos. Call: 331-125-8877. FOR SALE: Samsung Air Conditioner Window Mount $1800p. 2 years old, hardly used. Bought at Costco for $3000p. 12,000 BTU. Email: julieywayne@yahoo.com. FOR SALE: IW :HUQHU ÂżEHUJODVV VWHS ladder. Price: $1500 pesos. Email: garmemorial@hotmail.com. FOR SALE: Whirlpool 3.5 cu ft freezer. Price: $2000 pesos. Call: 331-125-8877. FOR SALE: Family size pancake grill. Listed at Walmart $649. Price: $150. Call: 331125-8877. FOR SALE: Sears and Roebuck rototiller. Used for 20 hours, 5.5 hp. Did a great job clearing property for landscaping and no longer needed. Price: $300 US or peso equivalent. FOR SALE: Brookstone Big Blue Live Wireless Speaker. Rarely used, like new, paid $79 USD plus tax, asking $450 pesos. FOR SALE: 9FT LONG QUICK BLINDS. Originally paid $4,500p each. Sale Price: $1,500pesos each. Call: 376-765-7123. FOR SALE: Nikon Camera D-3200 kit,

El Ojo del Lago / July 2016

with 18-55 and 55-200 lenses, camera bag, memory card, CD, etc. Used once or twice. Price: $500 USD or its equivalent in pesos. FOR SALE: Fold out table & clamped outrigger with harness for small breed dogs. Price: $900P. FOR SALE: 40 Inch atvio lcd hd 1080p TV. best pc monitor, 2 x hdmi inputs, 1 x vga input/pc, 1 x vga audio input/pc, 1 x usb input, 1 x component input/dvd-players etc., 1 x standard video in left & right audio plugs yellow, red & white, 1 x auxiliary output/ear phones, receiver speakers, 1 x coaxial cable input/ tv, dish or cable. Price: $4,650pesos or $250usd. Call: 376-765-7123 or 331-252-1613. :$17(' Looking for a gas kiln for potWHU\ (PDLO GLDQHKVFKDHႇHU#JPDLO FRP FOR SALE: Samsung 22� class 350 series 720p lcd hdtv. Sale price: $3,400pesos. Value on amazon.com $325:00us - $6,045 pesos. Call: 376-765-7123 or 331-252-1613. FOR SALE: Veggie / rice steamer, like new. Kenmore steamer, steams multi-layers of veggies and has a bowl for steaming your rice at the same time. Contact: simpsca2000@ gmail.com or call 387- 761-0259. FOR SALE: 2 HOUSE HOLD LADDERS. 1 x 16ft foldable extension ladder $900pesos US made better quality than WalMart $1,300p. 1 x 5’-6� interior painters ladder with bucket stand $500 pesos Trupper 3 step painters bench costs $770pesos. Call: 376-7657123 or 331-252-1613. FOR SALE: Patio Furniture. 2 seat couch, VLQJOH VHDWV FRႇHH WDEOH ZDOPDUW VHW OLNH knew $1,200. 1 cabinet with top draw $2,000p. IROGLQJ WY WDEOH S ÀLS WRS WUDVK FDQ $150p was $300p. Complete set sale price: $3,500pesos. Call: 376-765-7123 or 331-2521613 FOR SALE: Professional Portable Massage Table. Excellent condition. Price: $500.00 8 6 RU EHVW RႇHU (PDLO JORULDBSDOD]]R#\Dhoo.com. FOR SALE: Professional stainless steel meat grinder almost new. Price: $700 usa ¿UP &DOO FOR SALE: A Semi-Nueva food slicer. Price: $500 pesos. Call: 331-125-8877. FOR SALE: Large Solid Wood dining table 46� diameter (top can be removed from base if necessary) - $50 US or equivalent pesos. Pick up in Chapala. Email:jenn@thefeatheredleopard.com. FOR SALE: 3DSHU 0DFKH *LUDႇHV %RWK for $1000p. 1 is 4 feet and 1 is 3 feet tall, they hang on the wall. FOR SALE: Dual lnb 4’-2� Dish & Shaw Satellite receiver. Price: $3000 pesos. Call: 376-765-7123 or 331-252-1613. FOR SALE: Automatic Door Opener. Chamberlain liftmaster 1/2 h.p. $210us on ebay = $3,906pesos. Price: $2,500pesos. Two remotes & gate arms included. Call: 376-7657123 or 331-252-1613. FOR SALE: 6FT X 2’-6� Fold up Table. WalMart $1,400p Now $1,100p @ WalMart. Sale: $700pesos $200p price reduction. Call: 376-765-7123 or 331-252-1613. FOR SALE: Folding Pepsi Table. Call: 106-2103. FOR SALE: Shaw Satelitte Receivers, DSR 505 HD, DSR 315, Satellite Dish and Shaw LNB, Only US $200. Call: 387-7610642. Email: elegast@yahoo.com FOR SALE: Reclining Sofa ($18,000 pesos) and Loveseat ($12,000 pesos) in excellent condition. Set is chocolate brown leather (no synthetics) and wall-hugger style made by Palliser. Will sell together for better price. Email: dlmitch99@gmail.com. FOR SALE: Black Cleveland Golf Bag with hood. No foot stand. Weight est. 10lbs. Asking $1,000 pesos. Proceeds going to as-

sist a Mexican family. Contact: Linda - 333843-5903. FOR SALE: FIR sauna. 2 person far infra red, red Canadian cedar sauna with color therapy and music. New $2,800 and brought down in boxes. Used only a few times. Moving back home. Asking $2000. Tel. 376-766-5130 or cell 331-420-5771. FOR SALE: 3 Year Old White GE Dishwasher cost $14,500pesos . In good working condition. will sell for $2,500p. Call: 376-7657123 or: 331-252-1613. FOR SALE: 2 SINGLE BED, BEDROOM FURNITURE SET. 2 x Single Beds, Mattress & box springs: $3,000pesos each = $6,000pesos for 2. 2 x sets of bed linens with mattress covers & 2 pillows: $400pesos a set = $800pesos for 2. Set of Painted wood furniture. 1 x Circular lamp table: 1 x Lamp: 1 x Chest of Draws: 1 x Wall Mirror: Total: $6,800pesos. 1 x Wicker Chair: $1,200pesos Head boards & Chest of draws signed by NoĂŠ of Arte Ameneser.com. Call: 376-7657123 or 331-252-1613. FOR SALE: Surround Sound DVD Player $800p. Samsung ht-e330k home theater surround sound DVD Video & Audio Player, USB, Auxiliary TV receiver bought at Walmart last year for $2,770pesos. Great condition. Call: 376-765-7123 or 331-252-1613. FOR SALE: Large Tan Asian Carpet 10’6â€? x 6’-5â€? Comfortable to walk on. May need cleaning. Sale price: $500pesos. Can & do cost XS WR S LQ *XDGDODMDUD )LUVW FRPH ÂżUVW served. Call: 376-765-7123 or 331-252-1613. FOR SALE: BEACH PARASOL & CHAIRS. Complete Sun deck, beach or terrace set for 2. Striped Umbrella with tilting & IROG DZD\ FKURPH DGMXVWHUV SODVWLF UHÂżOOable base. 2 x Water proof Beach or sundeck Chairs. 1 x water proof table. Price: $2,500p. Call: 376-765-7123 or 331-252-1613. FOR SALE: I have Ink cartridges Number 34 (Black) and 35 (Color) Combo pack for the Lexmark Printer. In the original box, unopened. E-Mail: captnaselli@netzero or Call 766-5687 ZLWK \RXU RႇHU FOR SALE: Exercise equipment. We are selling a Health Rider. It is basically a cross between a stationary bike and a rower. It is a durable, compact piece of equipment with low impact on your knees/body. No parts to wear out. Easy to transport. Retail price is $500 USD. We want 2,500 MX Pesos. Google Health Rider to see what it looks like and how it works. We can also send you a photo via email. Factory Manual included. Free delivery in Lakeside area. peteneri@gmail.com 376763-5664. FOR SALE: Hospital bed. Head of the bed raises and lowers, knees can be raised, and the height of the mattress raises and lowers. All powered from your 110 V system. Side rails raise and lower. Old, but completely functional. As is normal, this bed is sold without a mattress. $6000 pesos, bring 2-3 strong men to move it out of the house and into your truck. I can e-mail a picture on request. 376-765-3213 home phone. We are near Chapala on the Ajijic side. FOR SALE: 5HG IDEULF RႈFH FKDLU 3ULFH $700 pesos. FOR SALE: This trampoline has a 12 foot diameter. The entire structure is just under 14 feet in diameter. The trampoline is almost 3 feet above ground and it has a 6 foot high safety net all around. Paid $300 US. Will sell for $200 US, o.b.o. Contact: house 766-5130, Cell 332-129-51 61. :$17(' Looking for motorcycle. very clean; KLR, Versys, Ninja 300, CBR 300, 500, Yamaha R3, Suzuki DRZ-400. Email: cglane2007@yahoo.com. Call: 766-1218, or 331-745-5757 cell.

FOR SALE: Motorcycle, HONDA Shadow 750 cc - 26,950 Km. Excellent maintenance, extras. Clear Jalisco title. Price: $58,500. Email: cglane2007@yahoo.com. Call: 7661218, or 331- 745-5757 cell. :$17(' I would like to buy a guitar. A XVHG DFRXVWLF JXLWDU ZRXOG EH ÂżQH 1RW IRU me but I’m buying it for a young Mexican who wants to learn how to play one. :$17(' This might be a long shot, but worth a try. Looking for secure monthly parking for my vehicle close by Chapala centroSOD]D 3DUNLQJ LV D OLWWOH GLႈFXOW DW RXU KRXVH and would prefer an easy in/out secure space if that is possible! Can pay up to $500Pesos a month. Any info- either respond or email me at jenn@thefeatheredleopard.com FOR SALE: Captain’s bed with large storage drawers underneath. Custom foam sleeping pad with matching cushions. Price: $1900pesos. San Juan Cosala. Phil: 387-7610125. FOR SALE: Hard Wooden dining table, 6’long and 3’wide. Easily seats 8. Has a plastic coating to prevent burns and stains, $1900pesos. San Juan Cosala. Phil: 387-761-0125. FOR SALE: Hover board. It’s top of the line Roboturbo with dual batteries to eliminate charging concerns. I have used and charged many times. There’s not a scratch on it. It’s great exercise, but good balance is a must. If I had a car I would take it to where I could ride on smooth pavement and not consider selling LW EXW LWÂśV GLႈFXOW RQ D VFRRWHU ,ÂśP DVNLQJ US or peso equivalent which is less than I paid for it. Email: sunnyvogler@yahoo.com.

:$17(' I am looking for someone Lakeside who can tune my piano and has repair knowledge, not cosmetic, as the move was very rough on the innards. Please refer to my email. mexicocurty@gmail.com. FOR SALE: Luis XV. Design. All pieces are included in the pictures: $50,000p. Table with 8 chairs is 2.8 meters long. + China Cabinet. Call Katia she speaks English at 331-5204997. FOR SALE: I have a tower fan and two electric space heaters. One heater has a fan with thermostat and heats a room quickly. The other heater is the radiator type also with thermostat. My new house has ceiling fans and is warm in the winter. Each item is $150 pesos. Email: sunnyvogler@yahoo.com. :$17(' Gym equipment. Weights, bench, Email: ojays5077@gmail.com. :$17(' Looking for paint donations of left over from your recent home improvement HႇRUWV :H DUH WU\LQJ WR SDLQW WKH KRXVHV LQ San Juan Cosala to beautify the town. We will pay tokens to the workers who in turn can purchase donated items in our Magical Token Store. Magicaltokenstore.weebly.com Call: Tony 333-368-8137. :$17(' Recliner Chair. Email: sunshineyday2013@yahoo.com. :$17(' Adjustable Intravenous pole with wheels and adjustable. Please respond to mycasa17@gmail.com. FREE: I have just bought a new Costco IULGJH DQG KDYH DQ ROG *( SUR¿OH DERXW D 25ft3 side by side with water and ice dispenser (cubed and crushed). Measures 32.5� (83cm)

wide, 31.5� (80cm) deep by 69.5� (177cm) high. It needs repair to work to replace the electronic card. I want to give it away to someone who would come and collect it, but doubt anyone wants to buy a fridge that needs repair. SO, if you want to come and cart the old one away its all yours. :$17(' Reasonably priced portable electronic music keyboard, with 4 or more chromatic octaves, and sustain function for notes and chords. Email: rosesmich@gmail. com. FOR SALE: Quartz Heater. Like new vertical heater/2 speeds. Call: 331-125-8877. FOR SALE: Gas Clothes Dryer, used very little, excellent condition, white. Price: $2500 pesos. Cell: 331-174-7133. FOR SALE: DISHNET box and 1.8 meters dish already connected and functioning now - out of New York with HD and the major networks ABC, CBS and NBC - great large package that includes Turner Classic Movies (uninterrupted by ads) AMC and 70 Sirius music channels to satisfy any whim and/or taste. Box $4000 pesos - dish $4000 pesos and 6 months service for half-price at $4000 pesos = $12000 pesos - Parting with the items due to a death in the family and the buyer must remove the dish themself and pick up with the box. Call: or email: william_ moreno@hotmail.com :$17(' Upright Freezer not chest type. Already checked around Ajijic and Chapala. Email: sunshineyday2013@yahoo.com. FOR SALE: Whirlpool refrigerator. Approx size: 162cm tall X 64 wide. Price: $4,000p

OBO. Email: l@ziggypiggy.org. FOR SALE: Roof Top Carrier BIG attaches to roof rack U$200 or equivalent. Norman Cell: 331-624-2081. FOR SALE: Chula Vista Golf Club selling cheap the last half of my year membership. 3ULFH SHVRV ¿UP \RX VDYH PXFKR Act fast because l leave soon. Call: 376-7664557 Chris. FOR SALE: Turbo 7-Speed Ladies Bicycle. 28� wheels, carrier, front & rear lights, cup holder and rear view mirror. Excellent condiWLRQ $VNLQJ SHVRV RU EHVW RႇHU &DOO (376) 766-5984 or 331-801-5039. E-mail: bobcard@shaw.ca :$17(' Looking for a grey card for photography for friends who leave for Guatemala on Tuesday, April 12. Or if anyone knows where to purchase locally or in GDL, please advise. Email: clkindschi@gmail.com. :$17(' Need an item from Home Depot in the U.S. Painting the inside of my house. Regular paint rollers are too much work for a house my size, and my wife forbids workers inside. I need the Wagner Smart Roller, which I used a lot when I was living in the States and is a godsend. Unfortunately, Home Depot will not ship it to Mexico and Home Depot here does not sell it. If it was taken out of the box, there should be no problems at the border. I was hoping that someone on this board is planning a road-trip across the border and would be willing to pick me up one. I’d pay cash upfront $50 + the cost of the device + extra custom rollers + tax. My number is 331-859-6766.

Saw you in the Ojo 61


El Ojo del Lago / July 2016

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