El Ojo del Lago - June 2011

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Saw you in the Ojo



El Ojo del Lago / June 2011

Saw you in the Ojo


Richard Tingen

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Alejandro Grattan-Domínguez Tel: (01376) 765 3676, 765 2877 Fax: (01376) 765 3528 Associate Publisher David Tingen Graphic Design Roberto C. Rojas Jazmin Eliosa Special Events Editor Kay Davis Associate Editor Jim Tipton Contributing Editor Paul Jackson Contributing Editor Mark Sconce Drama Critic Michael Warren Art Critic Rob Mohr Staff Photographer Xill Fessenden Sales Manager Tania Medina (045) 33 1140 3570 ojodelago@gmail.com Office Secretary Iliana Oregel ADVERTISING OFFICE Av. Hidalgo # 223, Chapala Mon. thru Fri. 9am - 5pm Sat. 9am - 1pm Tel. 01 (376) 765 2877, 765 3676 Fax 01 (376) 765 3528 Send all correspondence, subscriptions or advertising to: El Ojo del Lago http://www.chapala.com ojodellago@prodigy.net.mx Ave. Hidalgo 223 (or Apartado 279), 45900 Chapala, Jalisco Tels.: (376) 765 3676, Fax 765 3528 PRINTING: El Debate





Fred Mittag examines the medical uses of marijuana—and finds that many of its benefits have been known for hundreds of years.

8 Cover by Paul Boorah

18 FANCIFUL COMMENTARY J.C. Kottler quotes right-wing provocateur Ann Coulter, who after the recent ecological disaster in Japan, said that radiation is good for one’s health. Before this satirical article is over, Ms. Coulter has been thoroughly sliced and diced.


Editor’s Page


Faith & Fables


Bridge by Lake


Thunder on Right



Uncommon Sense

Michael MacLaughlin spins an apocryphal tale of a teenaged Mexican girl who finds herself pregnant, though she has never had sex. Explaining that is all part of the fun.


Joyful Musings


This World of Ours


Child of Month


Hearts at Work


Welcome to Mexico


Lakeside Living


Magnificent Mexico


Focus on Art


Wondrous Wildlife


Anita’s Animals


Stay Healthy


New Lease on Life


Poet’s Niche


LCS Newsletter

44 GALLOWS HUMOR Bob Tennison relates the tale of a grandmother who violated Mexican law through no fault of her own. Seems she entered the country on a six-month tourist visa and never returned to her own country. It’s complicated.

56 PROFILE M.A. Porter writes about her favorite Mexican neighbor, accurately titling the article “A Life Loved in Two Cultures.”

59 POETRY Allen McGill remembers Manhattan, and especially that magical hour just as night is surrendering to morning.

El Ojo del Lago aparece los primeros cinco días de cada mes. (Out over the first five days of each month) Certificado de Licitud de Título 3693 Certificado de Licitud de Contenido 3117. Reserva al Título de Derechos de Autor 04-2007-111412131300-102 Control 14301. Permisos otorgados por la Secretaría de Gobernación (EXP. 1/432 “88”/5651 de 2 de junio de 1993) y SEP (Reserva 171.94 control 14301) del 15 de enero de 1994. Distribución: Hidalgo 223 Chapala, Jalisco, México. All contents are fully protected by copyright and may not be reproduced without the written consent of El Ojo del Lago. Opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflect the views of the Publisher or the Editor, nor are we responsible for the claims made by our advertisers. We welcome letters, which should include name, address and telephone number.




El Ojo del Lago / June 2011






Saw you in the Ojo


Editor’s Page

By Alejandro Grattan-Dominguez

Ajijic Writers’ Group



d. Note: With the group honored recently by the Lakeside Community Awards Committee, this seems a propitious time to rerun the following article.) For almost a hundred years, writers have gravitated to this corner of Mexico. In the 1920s, D.H. Lawrence wrote The Plumed Serpent while living in Chapala. Later, another celebrated British author, W. Somerset Maugham, wrote some of The Razor’s Edge while spending a summer in Ajijic. A few years afterward, Tennessee Williams stayed at the Old Posada, where he penned a short story that eventually became a full-length play called A Streetcar Named Desire. Given this illustrious backdrop, little wonder that writers’ groups have always flourished here. The oldest and most established of the current crop is the Ajijic Writers’ Group, formed 23 years ago, this writer having been its founder, in association with Mary Jo Kimbrough. The first meeting at the Old Posada went rather well, if at times somewhat unruly. Mary Jo thought otherwise. She never came to another meeting. Two years later, I ran into her and asked why. She said that when she saw what a collection of egotists and rowdies we had brought together, she felt like Doctor Frankenstein must have, wondering what kind of a monster has been created here! Maybe not all that much has changed, but in the years since then, a sizable number of formidable talents have come through our doors. Among the most famous were Ray Rigby and Barbara Bickmore. Ray had won the British equivalent of an Academy Award for his script of The Hill, which starred a young fellow named Sean Connery — who, it is said, went on to bigger things. Ray also published many top-flight novels. Barbara wrote several novels, most of which were translated into a dozen languages. Another excellent writer was Tom Fitzgerald, a Navy Seal (much in the news these days for


El Ojo del Lago / June 2011

its successful mission in Afghanistan), who wrote about his Vietnam wartime experiences in a harrowing novel that won glowing reviews all around the world. Another member, Marilyn Davis, penned the classic, Mexican Voices, American Dreams, a book published by Henry Holt that went through six printings. Another early member of our group, the late Jim Tuck, published several acclaimed books, a few having to do with Mexican history. A more recent member, Ed Lusch, wrote two marvelous books on wildlife along the Pacific Coast that have become collectors items. In the tourist season, our meetings sometimes attract as many as 80 people, and most remark that the sessions are surprisingly civilized. Occasionally, however, when someone complains about the harshness of a particular criticism, I remember a critique that was voiced years ago, when I was reading what later was the opening chapter of my first published novel. When I finished, a sweet-looking old lady asked if she could voice her opinion of the chapter. “Of course!” I said, smiling. “Burn it,” she snarled. Despite these little bumps, our group continues to flourish, with new members appearing with gratifying regularity. As for the qualifications to attend, I once told an elderly gentleman, dubious about his being allowed admittance, that we had a stringent rule in that regard. Attendees must have a palpable pulse rate! The group meets the first and third Fridays of each month at 10:00 at La Nueva Posada. The public is cordially invited—and if nothing else, dear reader, it’s a good way to meet some of the most interesting people in all of Mexico!

Alejandro Grattan

OF FAITH AND FABLES By Bob Haynes bzhaynes@gmail.com “Here I Raise Mine Ebenezer, Hither By Thy Help I’m Come”


s my battle with cancer takes even another pathway, I find myself once again saddled with some cumbersome equipment which supplies my needed “oxygen.” I’m connected to a feeder line leading to either a tank or an oxygen generator. It’s not fun but I have come to realize that “oxygen” is my friend. With it I’m here to fight another day, without it right now I would not survive (or so they say). At any rate, my being temporarily confined to the house, I am once again searching the Bible for inspiration and hope. Of course, each time I begin one of these adventures I find both waiting for me, this time in the Old Testament and First Samuel. The book of Samuel is really pretty exciting, in a rough-and-tumble way. It’s the story of Eli and Samuel and Saul and David, and even Jonathan. It’s chock-full of intrigue, battles, strategies, good guys and bad guys. It even mentions a witch or two (for you Harry Potter fans). Sometimes my brain seems to have a mind of its own and just when I want to concentrate on one thought, suddenly another appears. At first, it doesn’t seem appropriate or meaningful but a bit later, I get the connection. This time the interruption was in the form of lyrics to a well-known hymn ‘Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing.” The second verse caught my attention. The second verse begins this way: “Here I raise mine Ebenezer, Hither by Thy help I’m come. And I hope, by Thy good pleasure; safely to arrive at home. Jesus sought me when a stranger; Wandering from the fold of God; He, to rescue me from danger, interposed his precious blood.” I had stumbled onto something that God wanted me to understand. It had to do with “Raising my Ebenezer” and thanking Him for seeing me through thus far. In the story when Samuel and the Israelites defeated the Philistines near Mizpah, Samuel erected a huge “standing stone” to commemorate the victory. He

named that stone “Ebenezer” and proclaimed, “Thus far the Lord has helped us.” As a result of that victory all the lands stolen by the Philistines were restored to Israel and for the rest of Samuel’s life the people of Israel lived in peace. Such stones were common in those days and were the source of many conversations as to exactly what was so important that happened here that a huge stone was raised. Important events were thus passed down by word of mouth. The messages melded into one thought; “Thankfulness for the Lord’s help, thus far.” In my battle with cancer, the results of constant prayers and the faith and love and caring displayed by so many people have produced some good reports as to my progress. So much so that I pause to say, “Here I raise mine Ebenezer.” And with thankfulness will proceed through the next phases of recovery, no matter how inconvenient they may be. I know that only with continuing prayers and complete faith will I ever find “peace” but I’ve come down a long road thus far and God has been with me in my journey. I’m hoping to soon be able to say, ‘Here I raise mine Ebenezer, hither by Thy help I’m come.” While I haven’t raised that “Standing Stone” quite yet, I think I know where it should go and to Whom to give the praise. Shalom!

Saw you in the Ojo


The Brujas of Mexico and California r By Fred Mittag


edical marijuana ana n is is available in Calialienfornia in dispensaries if one has an easily y ob o obtainbtain ta ain in-able certificate of need. Production rod od cttiiion on n and consumption have become so entrenched that it would be foolish for the government to try to enforce federal laws. Cable TV recently presented a full-length documentary on marijuana production in California. Today’s “War on Drugs” inevitably invites comparison to the failed experiment in Prohibition – and to the related Mafia and Mexican drug cartels. If it’s war, it’s time to surrender. One of the craziest examples of illogic deprives U.S. farmers of an important industry in the growing of hemp, which has 50,000 commercial uses besides making rope, sails, paint, and health foods. Hemp seeds contain all the essential amino acids and fatty acids necessary to maintain human life. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson both grew hemp, and Benjamin Franklin owned a mill that made hemp paper. Although hemp has no psychedelic properties, the U.S. government does not distinguish between hemp and marijuana, making it a “controlled substance.” China is the world’s biggest producer of hemp, France is a big producer, and it’s grown in Canada. Hemp produces more biomass per acre than almost any other plant, if we’re ever interested in alternative fuels. Marijuana has been used for centuries in Mexico. People use it medicinally to make liniments for sore muscles, and in other ways. There are markets in Guadalajara that specialize in herbs, barks, and all kinds of products for folk cures that are used by curanderas, women who know secrets, sometimes called brujas, or “witches.” U.S. pressure on Mexico has taken marijuana out of public display in these markets, but it’s still available “behind the counter.” A boy 17 years of age, named Adolfo, had an accident on his bicycle one Sunday and came to work the next morning wearing a mask. I asked


El Ojo del Lago / June 2011

him h hi im ab about bou o t it it an and nd h he e re removed em mo ove ed th the em mask askk to show a frightful bloody wound on his mouth and chin. I wanted to take him to a doctor, but he refused and said he would be fine. Each day he came to work he showed signs of improvement. I soon learned from some of the older workers that the boy’s grandmother was a bruja. They said that she is highly respected in San Juan Cosalá. Adolfo healed, with only the slightest trace of a scar. His grandmother treated him with applications of foam from the fermentation of pineapple. I told a doctor friend about this and he said the grandmother’s treatment could make medical sense. Alexander Fleming, a Scot, discovered penicillin, but African “witch doctors” had been using it since time immemorial. The mold on bread is penicillin, and that’s how the Africans got it, and the same mold is where Sir Alexander Fleming discovered it. There have been articles about cutting in the Amazon, and young people leaving for the cities, without learning the medical secrets of the forests from their elders. These articles say it’s probable that we’re losing access to much valuable pharmaceutical research through deforestation. When scientific marijuana research is made legal, there will be medical benefits similar to those perceived in Mexico for centuries. It’s already known that marijuana has benefits for terminally ill cancer patients. Proposition 19 failed in California. It would have legalized marijuana throughout the state, instead of just on a local jurisdiction basis. California friends said it was because everybody thought it was a done deal and didn’t bother to vote, while the anti-marijuana forces – like Susan B. Anthony and Carry Nation from another era – fought hard, no doubt seething with the same moral righteousness.

A Love Story


ove in Action Orphanage started on a mountain in a potter’s shed. It took love and six years to renovate that shed, and eventually move the orphanage in 2008 off the mountain to a bigger better place on Pedro Moreno in Chapala. The building on the mountain stood empty for two years, broken into by scavengers and squatters. The rooms that once housed and protected children were being violated. In 2010, a group decided to re-activate that old building in Tepehua, into a Community Service Center where the poor could go for food, counseling, help of any kind. Renovations began with generous donations and by November of 2010, it was ready to start a Soup Kitchen. This was to introduce the volunteers to the villagers and to gain their trust. Stasia Neilson helped the people understand the drill. Volunteers stepped forward to man the kitchen under the supervision of Susan Netherton, master chef. Each Friday session saw more and more and finally we reached 200 women and children. A donation came from a gentleman of 600 pesos once a week for the meals on Friday— for one year. Dried food was donated by a Mexican Company called ITACATE, enough for a year. The program was assured, at least for one year. Then came counseling for the mothers every Monday, which created the need for a nursery for the children the women couldn’t leave at home. Donations of clothing came in and we gave out tickets to every woman who registered her family with us to go “shopping” free once a week for their families. Once they are registered we can help get their children into school... but it looks as though our nursery may have to turn into a pre-school center as most of the children have never been to school before, nor have they been registered at birth, which is a requirement for school. The mortality rate for the babies born at home is high, not just for the child but for the mothers, who some-

times are children themselves. Now, we need a free clinic. With donations and the help of a company called C.U.R.E, in mid-November our doors will open to the public, with three doctors standing by to help the people—but they will have to be registered with the Tepehua Community Center. DIF has already agreed to bring the free inoculation for the children to the Tepehua Community Center, instead of the children going to them, which is impossible for most of these families. Gradually we are training the local women to take responsibility. We have four training for the Soup Kitchen now. More will be trained for the nursery. Tepehua is one of the poorest barrios in Jalisco, its roads once littered with garbage. So a program was started to teach them there is money in trash. Now the neighborhood is looking better, as the young and old bag the trash and bring it to the Center where it is weighed. A volunteer takes it to the bone yard, and the villagers get their money. A village helping itself. We are still young, but the Center is proving a huge need and desire for change. Change in the way they treat children and family, change in keeping self-pride. Tepehua is now a separate AC (non-profit organization), able to give receipts for donations. This is a program to prevent families from breaking apart, showing families a better way, hoping to teach the young teens on the threshold of moving into the work force. Our aim next year is for workshops to teach sewing, cooking, woodwork, hydroponic gardening, etc. Rotary has just put on solar panels for water heating and purification, for which we thank them. We can now start a family shower program, where those with no water in their homes can come for hot showers at least once a week, under the supervision of the clinic. Should you wish to join in this program, please call Moonie 763-5126, president or Susan Netherton, vice president 766-3118, or Stasia Neilson, Director 765-2312.

Saw you in the Ojo




ne of the first adages aspiring bridge players learn is “Eight Ever, Nine Never.” This refers to the best way to play suit combinations when you hold 8 or 9 cards in a suit missing the queen. The theory is that with just 8 cards you should always finesse for her majesty but when you hold 9 cards you should play for the drop. But like many things in bridge – as in life – there are exceptions and it would have been beneficial to the declarer of this month’s hand to be aware of them. The bidding was competitive which always leads to some uncertainty as to what the final contract should be. East passed in first seat and South opened 1 heart. West took advantage of the vulnerability to make a weak jump overcall of 2 spades and this put North on the spot. With 11 high card points and four hearts North had to decide whether to make a conservative bid of 3 hearts or the more aggressive 4 hearts. Even though the queen of spades was of dubious value on the auction, North decided to take a shot at the heart game. East pondered whether to enter the fray by bidding 4 spades which could have been a good non-vulnerable save against 4 hearts but decided that with 2 aces and the trump queen there was a reasonable chance of defeating South’s contract, so he passed. West led the jack of spades, which would not have been everyone’s choice, but with East holding the Ace, no harm was done. When the jack held the trick, West continued with


El Ojo del Lago / June 2011

a spade which was ruffed by declarer. Without much further thought, South led a small trump to dummy’s ace and another one back to his king, only to get the bad news that the “nine never” maxim had failed him this time. Even with careful play from then on, declarer lost a trick in each suit (he took the normal club finesse, losing to the doubleton queen). What South had failed to take into consideration was the fact that West’s bid of 2 spades altered the probability of where the queen of hearts might be. The theory of vacant spaces states that when the distribution of one or more suits is known, the probability that an opponent holds a particular card in any other suit is proportional to the number of vacant spaces remaining in his hand. Therefore, any missing card is more likely to be with the opponent who is known to hold fewer cards in another suit. Thus, with West having shown a probable 6 card spade suit (leaving 3 spades in the East), there are 10 vacant spaces in the East hand versus only 7 in the West, making the odds in favor of finessing East for the queen of hearts. Of course, if West had opened the bidding at the one level, or made a takeout double, it might have been necessary to place the queen of hearts with him to justify his bidding. That’s what makes this game endlessly fascinating! Questions or comments: email: masson. ken@gmail.com Ken Masson

By Paul Jackson paulconradjackson@gmail.com

Paul Jackson


he last snowstorm of winter swept across the Canadian prairies in May—yup, even in May—so on that night of despair I picked up my much-fingered copy of Conrad Black’s mammoth book Richard M. Nixon: A Life in Full and gave it yet another deep read of a politician and president so unjustly maligned. Black’s assessment is - despite the absurdity of the Watergate break-in – and while Nixon was at sometimes neurotic and at times tawdry - he was a top-notch leader. I fully agree - and if you are looking at a president who actually won the world award for being tawdry look at Bill Clinton. In his work, and in a recent newspaper column, Black, a man I admire greatly - who also penned the best work ever done on Franklin Delano Roosevelt, notes Nixon received little credit for helping to promote the Marshall Plan to rebuild Europe after the World War Two, and also “pulled the rug” from under the red-baiting fanaticism of Senator Joseph McCarthy. Coincidentally, Nixon’s exposure of Alger Hiss as a Soviet agent of influence - now fully admitted by Moscow as its man - brought Nixon the enmity of the so-called Liberal-Left for the rest of his life. In an act of great nobility, when he lost the 1960 election to John F. Kennedy by just 9,000 votes in Illinois, the most corrupt political state in America, Nixon rejected advice to challenge the result on the basis to do so “would tear apart the nation.” As Black notes, to this day some of those suspicious ballot boxes are still missing. When Nixon finally took office, there were a reluctant 500,000 draftees in Vietnam, and the bodies of hundreds of dead Americans returning in body bags every week. This awful legacy of Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson dumped into his lap, Nixon fought dayin, and day-out to end the war. Those who contend Nixon didn’t end America’s involvement soon enough should reflect he was thwarted all the way by both the Soviet Union and Communist

China, and Nixon was determined not to throw millions of innocent South Vietnamese into North Vietnam regime death camps. Black reminds us that Nixon ended school segregation, founded the Environmental Protection Agency, and with SALT 1 signed the greatest arms control agreement in history to that date - until President Ronald Reagan forced the Soviet Union to capitulate - opened the door to China, and started ending the draft. Plus much, much more. He even pondered a project of a ‘guaranteed annual income for all Americans’, that would have been enough for an average family to live on, but not a reluctance to work, and also cutting out a vast bureaucracy of other social welfare programs on which the utterly lazy feed on. Nixon’s list of achievements go on and on - but the irrational hatred for him by the fraudulent Liberal-Left media continues to tarnish his image and his accomplishments. As for Watergate, Nixon knew nothing about the break-in until after it occurred, and was only culpable in foolishly, due to misguided loyalty, trying to cover up those who ordered and committed the irrational crime. Bottom line: Read Black’s work yourself - and give it and Nixon a fair assessment. paulconradjackson@gmail.com

Saw you in the Ojo 11

UUNCOMMON NNCOMMON COMMON CCOMMON OMMON SSENSE ENSE By Bill Frayer billfrayer@gmail.com What You Know May Not Be Correct! Bill Frayer


recently came across the following quote from the British philosopher, Bertrand Russell: “The value of philosophy is, in fact, to be sought largely in its very uncertainty. The man who has no tincture of philosophy goes through life imprisoned in the prejudices derived from common sense, from the habitual beliefs of his age or his nation, and from convictions which have grown up in his mind without the cooperation or consent of his deliberate reason. To such a man the world tends to become definite, finite, obvious; common objects arouse no questions, and unfamiliar possibilities are contemptuously rejected.” This statement is worth rereading and thinking about (with apology for its dated, sexist language). For it is a good description of what ails us. People believe things without reason. They do not consider what they believe to be the least bit uncertain; they reject what is unfamiliar or new; and they hold onto their beliefs in spite of any contradictory evidence. Any knowledge, any belief, must be subject to some doubt. Our ability to know things is limited, so the evidence upon which we base our beliefs is, by nature, imperfect. Those of us who believe that global warming is caused by human action, despite strong evidence to support this assertion, must remember that we could be wrong. Certainly, those who believe otherwise, on less evidence, must also harbor some intellectual humility. Medical researchers run into this


El Ojo del Lago / June 2011

problem all the time. A recent study has pointed to the possible risk that taking calcium supplements might cause heart attack or strokes. Wasn’t it accepted that calcium supplements were safe and helpful? Of course, in medical research there is always doubt. It took years of replicated studies to arrive at the overwhelming probability that cigarettes cause lung cancer. On an everyday basis, how often do we believe something is true when we cannot know for sure? We believe it is safe to live in this area of Mexico, yet we cannot know that drug violence will never dramatically affect this area. We may want to believe that IMSS will provide sufficient medical care if we encounter a sudden medical emergency, yet most people know little about the inner workings of the IMSS system. Of course, those who believe that IMSS is an inadequate system may also be basing their opinion on speculation, not knowledge. Most of our knowledge about IMSS is based on anecdotal evidence. Most knowledge, of course, is infused with some degree of doubt. We must, therefore, bring some humility to our opinions. The problem is, once most people have formed their opinions, they tend to believe them without qualification. I think this tendency is part of human nature, but it can be dangerous. By realizing all knowledge has limits, we can keep our opinions conditional, and keep our mind open to new evidence. I used to teach critical thinking. My wife sometimes suggested that my tendency to suspend judgment made me “wishy washy.” Perhaps, but I’d rather not draw a definite conclusion about something, especially something important, without sufficient evidence. In fact, I don’t see a problem with keeping my opinions conditional. “Based on what I know, I think…” or “If the current information proves to be correct, then it seems…” If we all remembered that we can’t know all there is to know, I think we’d all be better off! —Genuine poetry can communicate before it is understood. T. S. Eliot

Joyful Musings By Joy Birnbach Dunstan, MA, LPC, MAC The Devil’s Radio


umors run rampant here at Lakeside. And false rumors seem to run even faster than true ones. What is it about small-town living that makes everybody else’s business so interesting? In a small community like ours, we are all more visible to each other. We tend to know more of our neighbors, and it’s easier to meet new people and make friends. We look out for one another. That’s the good part of life here. Retirement brings more time for socializing and idle conversation, and nothing makes better conversation than gossip or a juicy rumor. That’s a not-so-good part of Lakeside living. The dictionary defines gossip as idle talk or rumor, especially about the personal or private affairs of others. It is one of the oldest and most common means of sharing information and opinions but also has a reputation for introducing errors and variations on the original story. Remember the old telephone game and how different those stories became with each repetition? Gossip is usually benign in intent but can sometimes have harmful consequences. It has been called “the devil’s radio” because it spreads information that is interesting but not necessarily factual. Talking about others who are not there to speak for or defend themselves can spread untruths, destroy trust, and damage relationships. If someone has shared something personal with you, that information does not become yours to share with others. And don’t forget, a person who gossips to you will surely later gossip about you. It is laughingly said, “the nice part about living in a small town is that when you don’t know what you’re doing, someone else does.” Trouble is, they don’t really; they just think they do. And once a rumor gets started, stopping it is like trying to un-ring a bell. The dangers of gossip are cautioned in almost all spiritual traditions. Buddhist teaches “right speech” as an important principle of the eightfold path toward enlightenment. Right speech means to abstain from lying, divisive and abusive speech, and idle chatter.

I wrote recently about The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. Gossip violates at least two of these agreements. Ruiz says to “Be impeccable with your word. Speak with integrity. Avoid using words to speak against yourself or gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.” Ruiz also says, “don’t make assumptions.” Gossip often spreads assumptions we have made about others’ behavior or intentions without checking out the facts and learning the whole story. Our community is small, and we are easily available to each other. Take the time and have the courage to communicate with others before spreading rumors based on assumptions. Most people appreciate others taking an honest interest in them and would be willing to discuss something with you directly. And if they’re not willing, you certainly shouldn’t be discussing it with others. Singer and actress Lisa Kirk, put it well when she said, “A gossip is one who talks to you about others; a bore is one who talks to you about himself; and a brilliant conversationalist is one who talks to you about yourself.” Be a more brilliant conversationalist and less of a gossip. Your friends will appreciate it. Editor’s Note: Joy is a practicing psychotherapist in Riberas. She can be contacted at joy@dunstan.org or 7654988.

Saw you in the Ojo 13

Letter to the Editor


ear Sir: I often wonder if the Ojo readers would be better served if all political comment were avoided. A lot of what gets printed about political issues falls into the category of “inaccurate,” cheap shot sensationalism and Fred Mittag’s guest editorial in your May issue certainly fits the bill. He states that “only 400 Americans now own more wealth than half of all Americans combined” and he finds this unbelievable. Unbelievable by what set of statistics? Is this higher or lower than it was 100 years ago? We all know that Bill Gates and Warren Buffett head the list of richest Americans. Are they representative of the greedy capitalists he excoriates earlier in his piece? I think not. Both are self made men and both have given billions to charities all over the world. Microsoft is frequently listed as a wonderful place to work and salaries are just part of that. Buffett selects well run companies to buy, where workers are happy and future prospects are good, and then lets them get on with it. Mittag goes on to say that “Tax responsibility has shifted from the very rich down to workers.” What rot! Does he know that the top 50% of wage earners pay 97% of all income taxes collected in the USA? In my career the union I worked most closely with was the ILWU (west coast longshoremen). Because of circumstances allowed by the US government, they are able to hold the whole country to ransom. Our west coast stevedoring costs are the highest in the world, by far, and that adds cost to everything the consumer buys. The least experienced earners in the ILWU make over $100,000 per annum. Many, like crane drivers and clerks, make over $200,000 per annum. Additionally they have full health coverage for themselves and their families provided by the employers throughout their working life and in retirement thereafter. These are facts Fred Mittag not just cheap shot sensationalism. David Harper – Ajijic PS: I don’t know who was responsible for the accompanying cartoon to the Mittag piece but a John Q Public type saying “Die Union Scum” to a depiction of a New York City Fireman on 9/11 is despicable. Fred Mittag Replies: David Harper suggests censorship for others, but presumes readers will benefit from his own utterances. The editorial that Harper calls “cheap-shot sen-


El Ojo del Lago / June 2011

sationalism” is based on standard history and economics that most of us studied in school. Harper can check Forbes, or the WSJ for the statistics he requests. Today is worse than a hundred years ago, when the richest 2% owned one-third of the nation’s wealth. Teddy Roosevelt, a Republican (and John McCain’s “hero”), began the correction of wealth distribution with a speech in 1910: “Therefore, I believe in a graduated income tax on big fortunes, and a graduated inheritance tax on big fortunes … and increasing rapidly in amount with the size of the estate.” Harper is correct that Warren Buffett is not representative of greedy capitalists. Buffet said it’s not right that his secretary pays more in taxes than he. Buffett told a Senate committee that the rich should pay more taxes and that taxation has shifted too much to the middle class. Harper adulates Buffet, then denounces his Senate testimony on the shift of tax responsibility from the rich to the middle class as “rot,” a wonderfully smelly word. Harper’s poetic “rot” imagery has overwhelmed his critical thinking skills. It’s not even clear that Harper knows what “wage earner” means. The very rich don’t earn “wages.” Harper asserts the ILWU “held the whole country to ransom.” During contract negotiations in 2002, management locked out the workers at all ports on the West Coast, quite the opposite of a strike. Harper venerates the wealth of Gates and Buffet, but begrudges the wages and health benefits of the ILWU, which he overstates: “The least experienced earners in the ILWU make over $100,000 per annum.” According to Answers.com, that figure is $60,000. Harper deems Ted Rall’s editorial cartoon as “despicable.” Ted Rall’s cartoons appear in 100 U.S. newspapers. He is the president of the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists. He served as a war correspondent in Afghanistan and his book To Afghanistan and Back won the Best Book of the Year Award from the American Library Association. Ted Rall’s own words about his 9/11 firefighter cartoon are: “After 9/11 conservatives loved firefighters. Now they’re bashing unions … which includes firefighters.” If Harper favors censorship, he might begin with himself.

The T he G Great reat C Condom ondom W War ar O Of f1 1932 932 By Robert W. Sconce (Submitted by the author’s son, Mark Sconce)


sst, buddy! Slip me a dom do mss, will wiillll can of condoms, he way way I you? This is probably the pal al who who wh put it to a trustworthy pa re e. That That hat worked at the drug store. ad of of was in 1932 when I wass a llad tii 14 and condoms were unmentionable among respectable people everywhere. Still, I thought it time I found out about such things, so a friend and I collaborated on a condom caper. He had the 50 cents. I had the gall. We both agreed that our parents would kill us if they found out, but we felt we must take that chance. We expected to get exciting merchandise with aphrodisiac side-effects. Instead, what we got reminded me of grandma’s grubby little thumb protectors (she called them thumb stalls), a device used in sewing. Our curiosity satisfied, we decided to destroy the condoms but finally yielded to the waste-notwant-not cornerstone of our home training and hid them for a later stage of life. I had just the place…three hollow coins in a Mysto-Magic set my folks gave me one Christmas. The condoms snuggled into the coins, the coins went back in the MystoMagic set, and the set went back in its place on a high shelf in my closet where it had been setting unmolested for several years. Then one day I made a discovery: The set was gone! Who? Where? When? I didn’t dare ask, so the mystery persisted. On the eve of my departure to the army, I was then 23 and a fullfledged member of the family. I wanted to ask my dad a few family questions. Not about the condoms. That one I planned to carry with me to the grave, but I wanted to know what happened to my Uncle Roy. He was my mother’s brother, and he and his family often dined with us on festive occasions. I asked my dad if he

woul woul wo uld d care caare e to would expl ex plai pl ain w explain why Uncl cle le Ro R oy h Roy Uncle had i l d simply dropped out of our lives. Dad, a hard-shell moralist of the old school, was not happy with this question. “Son,” he said in a confidential tone, “do you know what a rubber safety is?” I told him solemnly I thought I knew. “Well,” he continued, “a few years ago Roy wrote me a nasty letter having to do with your old Mysto-Magic set your mother had given Roy’s daughter as a Christmas gift.” Oh, God…I could see it coming. Seems that when Uncle Roy’s 10year old daughter was performing magic for a Sunday visitor—their minister, no less—the condoms fell out of those coins, and everybody went into shock. Uncle Roy reacted by writing a “nasty” letter referring caustically to what he called dad’s holier-than-thou attitude and accusing him directly of hiding his “rubber safeties” in a used magic set which he then tried to fob off as a brand new Christmas gift. “Pretty tacky!” said Roy. Dad blasted back, claiming the “rubber safeties” were probably some of Roy’s own he’d hidden and forgotten. That did it. Uncle Roy and family dropped out of sight never seen by us again. Though all the leading players in this domestic drama have gone to their rewards, I still feel compelled to clear my conscience before I die. Will the remaining kin of Uncle Roy please come forward? I’ll treat them all to a holiday dinner. They’ll eat turkey while I eat crow. I want to get this outfit back on track again. Contact me at Box 1113, Omaha, Nebraska 68101.

Saw you in the Ojo 15

Senior Internet Dating In Florida


OXY LADY FROM KINGS POINT Sexy, fashion-conscious blue-haired beauty, 80’s, slim, 5’4’ (used to be 5’6’), searching for sharp-looking, sharpdressing companion. Matching white shoes and belt a plus. LONG-TERM COMMITMENT - BOCA TEECA Recent widow who has just buried fourth husband, and am looking for someone to round out a six-unit plot. Dizziness, fainting, shortness of breath not a problem. SERENITY NOW: CENTURY VILLAGE-LYONS ROAD I am into solitude, long walks, sunrises, the ocean, yoga and meditation. If you are the silent type, let’s get together, take our hearing aids out and enjoy quiett times. WINNING SMILE - BROKEN SOUND Active grandmother with original teeth seeking a dedicated flosser to share rare steaks, corn on the


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cob and caramel candy. BEATLES OR STONES? - Boca Lago I still like to rock, still like to cruise in my Camaro on Saturday nights and still like to play the guitar. If you were a groovy chick, or are now a groovy hen, let’s get together and listen to my eight-track tapes. MEMORIES ARE MADE OF THIS - FORT LAUDERDALE I can usually remember Monday through Thursday. If you can remember Friday, Saturday and Sunday, let’s put our two heads together. IN MINT CONDITION - DELRAY BEACH Male, 1932, high mileage, good condition, some hair, many new parts including hip, knee, cornea, valves. Isn’t in running condition, but walks well.

AS I SEE IT By Henri Loridans RLMSC@prodigy.net.mx SYLVIA by Bryce Courtenay (McArthur & Company 2007)


recently inherited a stack of books, several by authors with whom I was not familiar. Bryce Courtenay is one of these writers, and I admit this knowing that my not being acquainted with him reflects negatively on my literacy. He is Australia’s best-selling novelist. The book I read is SYLVIA, an historical novel featuring the Children’s Crusade which began in Eastern Europe in the early Thirteenth Century. Sylvia Honeyeater, the heroine of this spell-binding chronicle, is a beautiful peasant girl from near Cologne with many talents, including an astronomical IQ, an angelic voice and other mysterious gifts. SYLVIA is filled with a bevy of other unforgettable characters: there is the Pied Piper, Nicholas the boy prophet, Doubting Dominic, Frau Sarah the Jewess and endless priests, bishops and archbishops. The book leaves no doubt as to why this period is known as the Dark Ages. The Children’s Crusade was not well documented by contemporary scribes, and the reports we do have are conflicting and sometimes preposterous. The author’s depiction of the trials and tribulations of this incredible event are probably accurate. Courtenay combines the talents of several of my favorite writers. I find in him the ability of Cervantes to take quixotic events and weave intriguing tales with commonsense truths. Many of his phrases are artfully worded and deserve to be read slowly to savor their phraseology and syntax. I compare this talent to that of Dickens. Then there is in Courtenay reminders of Henry Miller and Erskine Caldwell; the ability to describe the physical activities between a man and a woman in their most brutal and despicable form, and then lift these most intimate of relationships

to the heights of celestial pleasure to which we all aspire. When this popular Australian treads heavily on the hierarchy of hallowed institutions, I am reminded of the philosopher Bertrand Russell. Sylvia encounters more perils then does Pauline, and the book never drags. It is a great read.

Saw you in the Ojo 17



nn Coulter, right-wing provocateur, assures us that radiation is good for your health. She writes, “...anyone exposed to excess radiation from the nuclear power plants is now probably much less likely to get cancer.” This gave me a wonderful idea for a business opportunity-- the first “Radiation Tour of Japan.” This is not like those cheap tours where they only let you near the damaged reactors. I guarantee to get you inside them, where you can get the full benefits of natural radiation. The first group of customers for my tour have just come back from Japan, and all have given me glowing reports of their experiences. If anyone doubts this, come to my office, and I will show you testimonial after testimonial. Charles Esterbrook III, my very first customer, writes, “Before I left for the radiation tour, my doctor told me I only had three months to live. My cancer was rampant. Now, not only am I cancer free, but I no longer have trouble seeing in the dark. It’s almost like I have my own invisible headlights to steer my way through.” I have a collection of crutches that would make Lourdes jealous. My formerly crippled patients walk now without the slightest trace of a limp, and several have become successful faith healers. When they put their hands on you, you really feel it. Some of my patients report that they don’t need remote controls for their TV anymore. They just press the


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appropriate parts of their hands and it changes the stations and adjusts the volume. Cuthbert Twilly, of Boston Mass., writes, “Before I took your tour, I was a dull guy. Now everyone thinks of me as an electric personality. High fashion models lust after me, and movie stars envy me. I don’t need a microwave oven to cook food anymore, and I open doors automatically without touching them. Even my dandruff problem has disappeared, and I save money by not needing haircuts. I call it “the Bruce Willis look.” The highlight of our tour comes on the last night, when you are entertained by our “Radioactive Review.” Our opening act, “The Tea Party Tappers,” has a dramatic entrance, a totally black stage, radioactive lights silhouetted around the black garbed dancers. Next, Pat Boone comes out with a foot long radioactive ingot and sings to it, “I’ve Got You Under My Skin.” The highlight of the evening comes when the blonde bitch goddess herself, Ann Coulter, makes a dramatic appearance. For years, she’s served up many a wet dream for her admirers. Remember, she was the first sexy Republican, long before that newcomer, Sarah Palin. Coulter, the tall, blond bombshell with the never ending legs, is dressed in three inch black heels, slinky black dress and whip. She dramatically snatches the cylindrical, foot long ingot from Dick Clark and swallows it whole! The ladies faint; the men can’t stand up. Lady Gaga, eat your heart out.

I will soon add a “Take Out” department to my business. If Mohamed can’t go to the mountain, we can at least extract the uranium from the mountain and bring it to Mohamed. I will provide a much needed service to the nation by becoming the first mail order Radioactive Supply Company. We will only supply the very best uranium and all 15 isotopes of plutonium. We believe in only the best quality control for our product. You have our guarantee that every gram of radioactive material is stolen directly from the former Soviet Union. We don’t bother with the cheap stuff from Niger.

The mainstream media stupidly has labeled the events in Japan a tragedy. They even think that this is both a personal and economic catastrophe. Ann Coulter has proven that the health of the Japanese people will instead be improved. Now I have proven that the reactors can become the greatest tourist attraction in the history of Japan, the new Lourdes. My company is planning to make it easier and easier to get your radioactive supplies. How do you like this as a name for our new stores—“Homer Simpson Drive Through Uranium Marts.”

Saw you in the Ojo 19

THIS WORLD of OURS By Bob Harwood bharwoodb@hotmail.com

My Vision For Canada


anada’s fourth election in seven years transformed the political landscape. Conservatives won 54% of the seats to form a majority. New Democrats won 33% and Liberals plummeted to less than 19%. The Bloc Quebecois fell from 40 to just 4 seats and the Greens finally won a seat. But in popular vote terms Conservatives were under 40% only 9% ahead of the NDP. Voters voiced their angst with constant elections and an uncivil, multi-party parliament. Canada has been an oasis of stability with its well-regulated economy and strong demand for its resources. While a more stable government is a positive, Prime Minister Harper must proceed with care. The Economist in a May issue before election results were known labeled Harper “the least bad option” giving him credit for sound fiscal management but noting the major roles of the surplus and strong regulatory regime he inherited from the Liberals. The new government has key issues that I, and the Economist, feel must be addressed. Parliamentary reform. The Economist’s biggest concern was Harper’s “contempt for the rules of Canadian democracy as he twice prorogued parliament to avoid questions about officials lying to the House, getting rid of watchdogs his government found too independent and handing over as little information as possible to the public.” Harper must collaborate respectfully with opposition parties who, after all, won 60% of the votes. He must pursue not just his own rightist agenda but one that also addresses the priorities of the moderate majority of Canadians. Climate change. I deem slowing climate change the most critical issue of our time. And action is frustrated by what Britain’s Gordon Brown called “the mismatch between


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timing of environmental and electoral impact.” The Economist noted that “Harper has been a dinosaur on climate change.” He reneged on Canada’s formal Kyoto endorsement to stay in step with America and shield tar sands oil in his political base. North America’s per capita emissions are now roughly twice those of European countries. Canada and America must join the rest of the world in slowing climate change. Only from that moral base can we encourage emerging powers to do their part. And emissions must be measured per capita, not per country, to reflect vast differences in populations. International leadership. In recent years Canada abandoned its traditional peace keeping and foreign aid roles. One-sided support of Israel ignored the plight of Palestinians. The recent reunification of Palestinian factions raise world hopes for finally resolving the Israel / Palestinian conflict at the root of terrorism. Canada was downgraded on Amnesty International’s ratings on human rights and for the first time lost its bid for a rotating seat on the UN Security Council. I recall when Mike Pearson won the Nobel Peace Prize for averting the Suez crisis, when Lloyd Axworthy led in creating the International Court of Justice and the banning of land mines, when John Bethune’s still revered work in China set the stage for Doctors Without Borders, when Stephen Lewis led the battle against AIDS, when Maurice Strong was the UN’s point man in addressing climate change leading up to Kyoto. I take pride in Canada’s cultural mosaic model blending from immigration to integration and mirroring my world as a whole. To claim its future Canada must reclaim its past. Bob Harwood

Saw you in the Ojo 21


of the month

By Rich Petersen María Fernanda Aimar Obregón


his angelic face belongs to 13-year old María Fernanda Aimar Obregón. Fernanda lives in Ajijic with her younger sister and her father, Sergio, who is a stained glass artist. Sergio is a single Dad, raising his two daughters on his own and doing a great job. Fernanda had been quite healthy up until last October when she was diagnosed with SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus). The diagnosis was a shock to her and her father since there had been no preceding health problems. Just after her diagnosis, Fernanda suffered a heart attack and was rushed to the Hospital Civil in Guadalajara where she recovered from the heart attack after a two-week stay in the hospital. At that time the diagnosis of lupus was made. Lupus is an autoimmune disorder, which means there is something amiss with the body’s normal immune system response. For most of us our immune system protects us from harmful substances, but in someone with lupus the immune system can’t tell the difference between a “harmful” substance and a healthy one, so this out-of-control immune system begins to attack otherwise healthy cells and tissue. This leads to long-term inflammation of one or more organs or body systems, but always with the fear that another organ or system will be compromised in the future. The heart attack in such a young girl meant that her immune system had taken aim at her otherwise healthy heart. There is no cure for lupus and treatment depends on the severity of each person’s symptoms; many people only need non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, some need corticosteroids; others need more serious medication and treatment, but all lupus patients are to avoid direct sunlight and always wear a high SPF sun screen when outside. Luckily for María Fernanda some very competent doctors took up her case and immediately started her on anti-inflammatory meds plus chemo-


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therapy in fairly high doses in order to combat the attacks on her body. She responded very well to this and after leaving the hospital started monthly chemotherapy sessions for the next six months. She has responded so well to this that her doctors have changed her chemo schedule to every once every three months for the next two years. She is also on multiple medications for blood pressure, heart rhythm, and is being seen by a rheumatologist. Her medication doses have been cut back recently, she is responding well to her chemo, and is back in school here in Ajijic. When asked what classes she was best in, she responded “all of them.” Niños Incapacitados has paid for Fernanda’s hospital stays for her chemo, the chemo itself, various lab tests (which are ongoing) and of course doctor consults. Her prognosis at present is very good and at age 13 she is capable of understanding a lot about her condition and knows what to do and what not to do with regard to keeping healthy. We are very optimistic that this little girl will continue her life without further incident. Niños Incapacitados takes the summer off in the sense that we have no monthly meetings in June, July or August since so many of our members are away for the summer months. We do not stop assisting our families with their medical expenses during this time, so donations are still most welcome. Please see our website www. programaninos.org for more information, and mark Thursday, September 8 as the date of our next regular members’ meeting at the Hotel Real de Chapala in La Floresta. Please come and meet another one of the children we are helping.

Saw you in the Ojo 23

KELLY HAYES-RAITT —Whose License Plate Says “Dosmthn” By Margaret Van Every

Kelly Hayes-Raitt shares an ice cream with Nebras, an Iraqi beggar she met before the US-led invasion and found again in a Baghdad market four months after the war started. Photo by Yosiko Robinson


elly Hayes-Raitt has briefly come to roost Lakeside while she writes a memoir. And does she ever have something to write about! Her life has been defined by the sometimes risky pursuit of humanitarian causes, prodded by a conscience that allows no rest. Her focus for the last decade has been the Middle East, and now in particular she is championing the plight of refugees there. She says her interest in the Middle East unfolded in unexpected ways. In 2003, she traveled to Iraq five weeks before the US-led invasion and returned to Iraq during the early months of the occupation, nine weeks after “mission accomplished.” Having gotten credentialed as an independent citizen-journalist by the Jordanian government, she was able to access Saddam Hussein’s palace and the recently looted National Museum. She reported live over satellite phone from Baghdad, Fallouja, Hilla and Basra to National Public Radio and other news outlets. Kelly was enraged by the terrible impact war has on women and children. Over the next two years, she traveled back to the Middle East, interviewing people in order to put a human face on the untold casualties of US governmental policies. During this time, she experienced the array of terrors and thrills that accompany the job of journalist in a war zone. She relates, “I’ve been held at gunpoint at a checkpoint in the West Bank and also by U.S. soldiers in southern Iraq, visited a Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon a week after the Lebanese Army destroyed it. I received dance lessons from Iraqi girls imprisoned in Damascus for prostitution, and have interviewed Iraqis languishing in a snake- and scorpion-infested camp


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in the No Man’s Land between the Iraqi and Syrian borders.” People have shared their most horrific and humiliating stories with her and now she feels obligated, through lectures, articles, and her book, to get those stories out. She perceives that most of the issues that incite her social outrage stem from injustice and inequality but pinpoints “If I could wave a magic wand on just one of these issues, it would be to eliminate the weapons industry, to eradicate the war economy that drives far too much of America’s foreign policies. I know we need to maintain a national defense, but I do believe that many of the U.S.’s foreign policy decisions are rooted in economics and not in democracy or defense.” What fashioned this unlikely activist from a comfortable middleclass home in a time of relative social complacency? Kelly relates that when she was 12, she heard Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm, the first black and the first woman to run for president on the Democratic ticket, speak. Chisholm’s campaign slogan was “Catalyst for Change,” and Kelly knew at that moment— that’s what she wanted to be. She began in politics, spending 30 years in community organizing, fundraising and acting as spokesperson on campaigns. One campaign she initiated when she was 23—and lost—was written up in Middle Class Radicalism in Santa Monica. Now she hopes her writing will incite people to action. She says she finally realizes “that the best way to be a catalyst for change is simply to treat people with respect and honesty and leave them feeling happier because I was around.” Her goal in writing a journalistic memoir is to be less specific about what folks should think or do. “In campaigns,” she says, “the action is always very clear: ‘Vote yes.’ ‘Donate

here.’ ‘Protest this.’ Now I’d like readers of my book to absorb information that motivates them to decide for themselves how they can make a difference.” Two of her Iraq chapters have been published in mainstream anthologies (Female Nomad and Friends: Tales of Breaking Free and Breaking Bread Around the World, Random House, and Best Women’s Travel Writing 2011, Travelers’ Tales). Five additional chapters have won literary awards and were published in literary journals (as well as in El Ojo del Lago!).

At HayesRaitt@aol.com anyone can join Kelly’s list of friends whom she emails every few months about her literary and geographic ramblings. People on this list will receive a discount on her book. She would be honored to address Lakeside organizations and congregations about her experiences in Iraq. She has presented this talk to more than 300 audiences throughout the US and abroad. Her bio is on her blog at www.PeacePATHFoundation.org. Kelly will be the featured speaker at Open Circle on June 19.

Saw you in the Ojo 25



paraprosdokian sentence consists of two parts, where the first is a figure of speech and the second an intriguing variation of the first. They’re used typically for humorous or dramatic effect. * Never argue with an idiot. He’ll drag you down to his level and beat you with experience. * Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car. * The last thing I want to do is hurt you, but it’s still on the list. * If I agreed with you, we’d both be wrong. * We never really grow up; we only learn how to act in public. * Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad. * The early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.


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* How is it one careless match can start a forest fire, but it takes a whole box to start a campfire? * Dolphins are so smart that within a few weeks of captivity, they can train people to stand at the edge of a pool and throw fish. * I didn’t say it was your fault; I said I was blaming you. * Women will never be equal to men till they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut and still think they’re sexy. * A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory. * You don’t need a parachute to skydive, but you do need one to skydive again. * The voices in my head may be fake, but they have good ideas! * Hospitality is making your guests feel like they’re at home, even if you wish they were. * I scream the same way whether I’m about to be eaten by a shark or seaweed touches my foot. * Some cause happiness wherever they go, others whenever they go. * There’s a fine line between cuddling and holding someone down so they can’t get away. * You’re never too old to learn something stupid.

Hands Like Eyes By W. Burns Taylor (Ed. Note: Burns teaches blind children to use a Braille laptop computer like his own.) In the country of the blind it was the feeling hands the most. Like spiders with thick legs They crawled into all the secret nooks and crannies, forcing intimacy upon strangers. They rubbed the wooden banisters silky and wore down the iron benches. Hands like creatures with a life of their own. Long hands with fingers the size of dill pickles; Short wide hands with stubby fingers like Vienna sausages; Tiny withered hands with long thin fingers like pencils; Hands with a touch as gentle as butterfly kisses Blind, inquisitive, intrusive hands, Like those of a surgeon probing for a tumor. Between reach and contact between touch and recognition lies the mystery of intention. Hands like eyes, That rummage through the world around them like a dog searching for a buried bone, stretching across the boundaries of isolation and unknowing striving to connect the world of darkness to the world of light grasping at art, caressing faces. King Touch, overriding all the other channels. Blind loving wrestling touch, sheath’d hooded sharp-tooth’d touch!� Rambunctious, energetic hands Knocking things over, picking things up; Reading Braille, feeling of signs; Struggling to synthesize a whole From the sum of the parts. Hands like eyes, touching, squeezing, holding on, wanting to know. What is this made of? How does it work? Why is it shaped like this?

Saw you in the Ojo 27

Hearts at Work A Column by James Tipton

“…this is the best season of your life.”


recently had the pleasure of being invited to speak at the local Unitarian Universalist Fellowship…on the topic of “aging.” I happily accepted, said that I could easily do that, hung up, and then immediately realized I know almost nothing about aging. Well, knowing nothing about a topic has never stopped me before. And in fact, at age sixty-nine I know that “Early Middle Age” is just around the corner, waiting for me with open arms. While pondering this, I also began to realize that I do not really believe in aging. I do believe we are spiritual beings, immortal, sojourning in space and time, and during this fascinating and sometimes complicated dance between birth and death, hopefully we are also awakening to Self- and God-realization.


I opted, finally, to talk about the “Poetry of Aging,” and I do know at least a little about poetry. I like in particular some of the ancient Chinese and Japanese poetry written by Buddhists and Taoists, many of whom, as they grew older, chose to leave, detach from, the world of external values to seek the internal values that might lead to liberation. After I gave the talk, I returned home and spent a lazy afternoon rediscovering the joy of lots of those old poems I once loved. Seng-Ts’an (?-606), the “Third Founding Teacher of Zen,” instructs us that: “The Great Way isn’t difficult

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for those who are unattached to their preferences. Let go of longing and aversion, and everything will be perfectly clear.” He concludes this particular passage thusly: The mind of absolute trust is beyond all thought, all striving, is perfectly at peace, for in it there is no yesterday, no today, no tomorrow.” Li Po (712-770), like so many early Chinese poets, loved the mountains, and he writes contemplatively about them: “We sit together, the mountain and me, until only the mountain remains.” (Legend has it that Li Po died drunk while trying to embrace the moon in the Yellow River.) Tu Fu (712-770), perhaps the most famous of the early Chinese poets, believed so much in the power of poetry that he even prescribed his own for the treatment of malaria. In spring in the mountains he visits the hermitage of a monk: “You want nothing, although at night You can see the aura of gold And silver ore all around you. You have learned to be gentle As the mountain deer you have tamed. The way back forgotten, hidden Away, I become like you,

An empty boat, floating, adrift. Aging well, then, for these early poets includes leaving the busy world behind, living in harmony with totally ordinary daily affairs, realizing as Layman P’ang (c.740-808) discovers, “Even the poorest thing shines” and that “you are neither holy nor wise, just an ordinary fellow who has completed his work.” What truth we may find is inside, and as Tung-Shan (807-869) tells us, “If you look for the truth outside yourself, it gets farther and farther away.” All of these poets seem to be asking, “What’s the use of cluttered houses, and cluttered minds? So much clutter that we can no longer experience a mountain, the moon, the scent of jasmine, our own hands.” I think I’ll include with a favorite of mine, by WuMen (1183-1260): Ten thousand flowers in spring, the moon in autumn, a cool breeze in summer, snow in winter. If your mind isn’t clouded by unnecessary things, this is the best season of your life. Jim Tipton

Saw you in the Ojo 29

By Victoria Schmidt

Mexican Currency


admit it. I am dumbfounded by the currency of Mexico, coming from the USA where all currency was green and on cotton fiber and uniform size for the notes, and the coins while in various sizes, were uniform in color. The currency from my first trip to the ATM in Mexico reminded me of Monopoly money. The bills were various sizes, different colors and some of it felt like plastic. As I began to accumulate them, the coins themselves were even more confusing. There were several different sizes but everything looks incredibly alike. The 1¢, 2¢ and 5¢ all looked the same to me at first glance, and I was constantly confused about the $10 peso coin and the 10¢ coin until I realized the $10 peso coin was big, and therefore worth more. Duh. But now, nearly four years later, I have additional conundrums. Why does the Bank of Mexico reissue money so frequently? There are two different sizes of $100 and $200 pesos notes…and several different designs. One design has no real obverse or reverse. Some $200 peso notes have what looks like statues on both sides. And the $500 peso notes have two different men on two different notes, and one has a woman on the opposite side. But at least so far, the colors have stayed consistent. However, what drives me round the


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bend are the centavos! The newest issues of the 10¢ and 20¢ are the worst. They look like tiny buttons! The printing is so small I can’t tell the difference between the 10¢ and 20¢, because the size seems virtually the same—miniscule! I can’t even see them when I drop them on the floor! Like everyone else in Mexico, I have that container where I collect the coins that are useless to carry, and wonder what I will do with them as they mount in numbers. Personally, I think the centavos are getting smaller because it costs more to produce them than they are actually worth. Ever curious, I looked up the content of the 1992 series 10¢. Ready? They’re made of stainless steel, chromium, nickel, carbon, silicon manganese, sulfur, phosphorous and iron. Who knew so many items of the periodic table of elements could be fused into a tiny coin? I don’t know what the more recent issues are made of, but I think the final products are more valuable as products used in arts and craft projects. Maybe they could be used to form chainmail. No one I’ve met seems to be thrilled with these little nuisances. Most businesses round up or down to the nearest 50¢. Fine by me. Banks only take them because they have to, and did you know that Mexico doesn’t use those wonderful little paper rolls to organize their coins? Nope. They use scotch tape. Imagine the dexterity it takes to roll ten 10¢ coins together? Those little buggers roll everywhere, and are so small they could be lost under a fingernail! Imagine being the unlucky employee at the bank that must roll those coins. I bet the tape is worth more than the coins by the time they get done with them! Since most businesses seem to round to the nearest 50¢ perhaps the 10¢ and 20¢ should be permanently retired from circulation. Until then, I’m moving my stash into the empty five-gallon Victoria Schmidt water bottle!

THAT SPECIAL TIME OF LIFE By Margaret Van Every margaret.vanevery@gmail.com


gg cells peak numerically during the embryo’s 20th week of gestation at around 6 or 7 million, after which they dramatically degenerate and decline in number throughout a woman’s life. Only about 500 cells are actually used for potential fertilization, and at menopause only a few thousand remain. Since peddlers caught wind that menopause is a market, they’ve coined a pretty phrase for it— “that special time of life.” What’s special about it is that a woman runs out of eggs, and her body runs amok when all the eggs are gone. Does she miss the eggs? Hell no, she never saw one unless the thing was zapped. For forty years she’d see the bloody wash that flushed the eggs away, the corks and rags. Nonetheless, some say she grieves when all the eggs are gone—grieves she’ll see the bloody messenger no more, grieves for lost potential.

But this is a special time of life, they say. Could this be what they mean: for want of estrogen her bones will thin, her back bow, her privates atrophy, and she may be incontinent, a fancy word for needing diapers. Flashes, sweats, and migraines, too, make this a special time, but not to worry, she’s not sick, she’s changing. Hairs on her head may take a mind to go and leave her bald; those hanging on, lose luster, turn gray. Whiskers will sprout where never seen before. Wrinkles, wens, and spots will force character on this woman’s face, before so bland. Her arteries will harden, mental functions blur, and equal at last with men, she’ll be at risk of heart disease in all its forms. During this special time, if husband or lover views The Change with patience, sex could be a blast, there being no concern for pregnancy or prophylaxis. Children grown and gone, the bedroom’s finally safe for sex, the sanctuary dreamed of all those years. The problem is, the lady out of eggs may be out of something else— desire, because ‘t was hormones all along that made her like it so and now she can’t seem to give a fuck, plus the prick in question may not find the sagging flesh and shriveled parts appealing. So, what’s a prick to do that has its own depletion woes, running out of juice and jazz, running out and down? Take heart. You see, it’s his special time of life, as well. This simultaneous coming apart is part of nature’s plan for golden years. How sweet it is to come of age together and fall downhill like Jack and Jill, hand in hand, and laugh the whole way down—that is, till someone breaks a crown.

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What’s W hat’s A G Girl irl To To D Do? o? By Michael MacLaughlin


aria Guadalupe Rosario Garcia was a typical teenaged girl who lived in Dolores Hildago, Mexico. She enjoyed talking on the phone, wearing sexy clothes and eating pizza. “I’m late to school.” Maria remarked to her parents, “No breakfast. I’ve been gaining weight.” They too noticed her weight gain and after cena they talked to her. Her father started. “How do you feel Maria?” “Something has come over me, like a glow within.” She laughed out loud. Maria’s mother said, “You’ve been gaining weight and. . . ” Maria cried. “I’m a virgin!” She shook her finger in the air. “Impossible! I haven’t been visited by an angel.” Maria’s mother glanced at her husband, and asked, “Did you miss, ah . . . your period?” Suddenly Maria stood and began to cry, “I’m a virgin.” She stormed out of the room. Her parents sat in silence. Finally, her father broke the silence. “I believe our daughter.” Maria’s mother knew better. Some things you can’t hide from a woman. Weeks later to satisfy their grave concerns it wasn’t a giant tumor growing in her stomach, they went to see Doctor Villa. Tests were done. Maria was pronounced pregnant. Maria sat there shocked. Maybe she had been given a drug and raped while unconscious? Then Maria asked to have an examination to see if her hymen had been broken. The doctor shook his head and reluctantly agreed. He counseled Maria she was ashamed of her condition. Maria insisted she never had sex. After the examination, Maria and her parents met with Doctor Villa. He said, after pausing to rub his chin, her hymen was intact. Maria was a virgin. Maria’s parents were stunned. “How’s that possible, doctor? Doctor Villa immediately started talking in medical terms, finally concluding with the word parthenogenesis. Maria’s parents didn’t know what it meant but accepted the fact she was a virgin and pregnant. God worked in


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mysterious ways. Months later when Maria was at home, too pregnant to go to school her mother answered the door and a poor woman clutching two dirty children in rags asked to be blessed by the virgin mother. Maria’s mother laughed, thinking it was a hoax, but the woman’s tattered clothes and the children’s dirty faces were far too real. When she summoned Maria, the poor woman fell to her knees and asked to be delivered up from her poverty. Maria didn’t know what to do, so she gave the woman some coins. The poor woman went down into the village, bought a lottery ticket with money Maria gave her and won 100,000 pesos. She ran screaming down the street claiming it was a miracle. The very next day people came to the house to see Maria and ask for their miracle too. Maria’s parents became scared and called in the parish priest for advice and guidance. Padre Sanchez was a man grounded in common sense and religious practicality. He had never seen a miracle. “Now Maria, you must tell people you cannot do miracles.” “People won’t listen.” Padre Sanchez sighed, “We Mexicans are a romantic people, but sometimes our fertile imagination comes before reason.” He sighed, hugged Maria and asked, “How far along are you, my child?” “Six months.” That night he had a crazy dream about bleeding stigmata, virgin births and riding with the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse through a fiery hell. He awoke sweating, breathing heavy and dazed from his dream. The next night the same dreams came back. Three days later after much prayer and fasting, he phoned the Bishop in Mexico City and told him of Maria. “So Padre Sanchez, this girl, she claims to be a virgin? Don’t they all? And there are miracles?” “Well, maybe more mass hysteria.” “Perhaps there is blue mold in the corn of the tortillas you eat?” “Perhaps, Your Excellency.”

In quick time, Maria and her parents were besieged by people from around Mexico stealing any “relic” to include: the garden hose, clothes drying on the clothes line, an old mop and even their telephone lines. Finally the police were called in to guard their casa for fear zealots would take it apart piece by piece. Maria and her parents were petrified. Again, they called Padre Sanchez for help. In a moonless night he drove them to safety. But the Padre’s midnight drive was found out and quickly people accused the church of hiding her and using her miracles for their benefit. Just before Sunday Mass, Padre Sanchez was called to the phone. It was the Bishop again. “Yes, Excellency. “Help is coming.” He hung up. Padre Sanchez had no idea what the Bishop meant. But it was in the hands of God now. A day later a helicopter landed next to the church and a black robed Jesuit priest got out wearing sunglasses carrying a leather satchel with the Papal seal. Quickly pagan groups alleged it was all a giant conspiracy perpetuated by the Catholic Church to gain converts. Posters began showing up around the village declaring the unborn child to be the Antichrist and should be killed. Then the dream merchants from Hollywood came calling, throwing money around for an interview, movie deals and exclusive pictures of the live birth. Dozens of men came forward saying they were the father of child and should be included in any money deal. In a quiet, desperate moment, Maria felt she should kill herself and the baby and end it all. Why had God done this to her? Why? Events went from the bizarre to the macabre. There were rumors the Jesuit priest would be in the delivery room and if the boy looked like the devil, the baby would be strangled to death with rosary beads. In her ninth month, Maria went into labor and was rushed to the hospital followed overhead by helicopters, airplanes and spy satellites. Soldiers were stationed along the route in case the antichrist forces tried to intercept the car and kill Maria and the baby. Outside the small hospital there was a sea of satellite trucks and every television station in Latin America was there. Thousands of people stood outside the hospital praying and chanting, waiting for, what most believed now was the Second Coming. Maria rested in the hospital bed waiting to give birth. Around her were her parents, the Bishop of Mexico, the Jesuit priest with a cell phone pressed to his ear and in direct contact with

the Vatican. Standing behind them all was a Mexican government official. A law was hurried through Congress and signed by the President giving them authority to take Maria and the child away for the . . . peace and tranquility of Mexico and the world.” The morning of the birth when the sun rose there was a complete arching, marvelous rainbow that filled the sky. There was no doubt in any person’s mind that soon the earth and the heavens would be forever changed with the birth of this child. It was an easy delivery and when the child was lifted and spanked, the Jesuit priest lowered his sunglasses, smiled and whispered in the phone. Moments later a hospital spokesperson came out and stood in front of a forest of microphones and cameras, reporters shouting questions before anything was said. The spokesperson took a deep breath, the room hushed in silence waiting for the official word. Words everyone was sure would spiral the world out of control. Only the faint chanting could be heard outside. “At 7:11 a.m. Maria Guadalupe Rosario Garcia gave birth to a baby. . .girl.” A collective groan went up from the reporters and they began breaking down equipment and packing up. In an hour, it was old news. Quickly Maria and her daughter Christina lived in obscurity again. Maria finished high school and did make some money by signing movie rights and book deals that, of course, never came to be. She still lived with her parents and all were happy. Maria’s mother made a scrap book of all the outlandish news stories and copies of the Antichrist posters. The day after Cristina’s third birthday party, Maria found her on the floor scribbling on a piece of paper. The small girl smiled up at her mother and handed her the paper. “What is this darling?” Maria looked at the note. It was addressed to the Pope, and written in Latin.

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Phone: (376) 766-4774 or 765-3676 to leave messages Email: kdavis987@gmail.com PAST EVENTS: At the Community Awards ceremony May 3, Chapala Police Chief Reynol Contreras was honored for his unstinting dedication to the job even following a criminal attack on his home, and consequently, his family (See this month’s centerfold). A newspaper article stated: In mid-January the home of Chapala Police Chief Reynol Contreras was bombed by hoodlums. The bombing did about $30,000 pesos worth of damage to his home. A fund has been set up to help with reChapala Police Chief pairs, and if any money is left over, it will go to the police department to continue their Reynol Contreras work against criminal activity in our community. If you can, please help us help Chief Contreras. Just go into either branch of Actinver/Lloyds and tell them you wish to donate to the fund for Chief Contreras under the name of Robert Jerry Eubanks, account #6678064. Mr. Eubanks is a long-time resident with an impeccable reputation. He is a friend of Ann Heath, who is the liaison with the Chapala Police Department, and he has agreed to put the account in his name since the bank requires a name on the account. Actinver/Lloyds, # 6678064, name on account: Robert Jerry Eubanks. You can also use Paypal with a credit card, even without a Paypal account. Just go to http://lakesidecrime.com/donate. At the April 18 meeting of CASA, Mary Ann Waite and Lee Monaco won Peoples’ Choice for their presentations at the Culinary Arts Society of Ajijic (CASA). Lee’s presentation was Sri Lankan Vegetable and Bean Curry and Mary Ann’s was White Chocolate Fruit Tart. Mary Ann, CASA President, was also awarded First place for her presentation. The official judges (Mike Campo, Fran Murphy and Brad Feldser) awarded Monica Molloy First place in Category Mary Ann Waite and Lee Monico, CASA A – Asian/Oriental/Indian People’s Choice winners for April Entrée. Second place in Category A went to Wayne Palfrey for Asian Lettuce Wraps, and Third place to Marti Hurley for Honey Walnut Prawns. In Category B Pam Ladd was awarded Second place for Raspberry Truffle Tart, along with Hazel Tash for Individual Pear and Anise Star Tarts. Speaker for the meeting was Norma King, who discussed the various kinds of wraps that are used in preparing many Asian/Oriental/Indian dishes. Monica Molloy’s presentation of Crab, Shrimp, Fish, and Chicken Paste on Sugar Cane with Peanut & Sweet and Sour Sauce won First place in April (see above) for her Asian/Oriental/Indian Entrée. Her entrée for March, South Indian Curry, won First place that month. Monica’s January presentation, Peppered Rosti with Crème Fraiche and Caperberries, received Peoples’ Choice award. “I absolutely love CASA; it is in my blood,” Monica stated. Her work has paid off; since joining CASA she has won 6 Bing Awards (in 2001, 2003, 2005, 2008, 2009 and 2010). The Bing is given to presenters who have won 3 First Place Awards in a calendar year. Born and raised on a farm in southern Alberta, Monica admittedly did not learn how to cook until much later in life,” Monica reported. A friend presented her with Julia Child’s How to Master the Art of French Cooking. “That was the beginning of a passion, to learn as much as possible about cooking,” Monica said.

Later, after meeting and marrying Michael Molloy, Monica had the opportunity to travel, experiencing local cuisines and also taking cooking classes to learn some of the exotic dishes that she had sampled. After moving to Ajijic in 1999, Monica was introduced to CASA and she joined that same year. Surprising to her, Monica’s first presentation won Second Place and “I was hooked!” she exclaimed. Anyone interested in learning more about CASA, contact Mary Ann Waite, President, at 766 – 1436. In May approximately 130 Rotary Club members and guests gathered at La Nueva Posada on Cinco de Mayo for the Club’s biggest annual fundraising event. The celebration included festive Mexican attire, mariachi music, delicious Mexican food and drinks, a silent auction and a 50-50 drawing. Projects completed so far in the current Rotary year (July 1, Monica Molloy, winner of 2010 through June 30, 2011) are (amounts in CASA’s Category A and 6 U.S. dollars): · Hope House Carpentry Workshop Bing Awards $41,578 · Libraries for Local Schools - $24,650 · Atotonoquilo Rescue - $735 · CODENI Workshops and Equipment - $19,130 · Drug Rehab Chapala Facility - $400 · CODENI Otomi Homecoming Support - $891 · Prepa Scholarships - $2,300 · Dog Assisted Therapy - $820 · Hope House Supplies, Generators - $10,000 · Hope House Chicken House Supplies - $1,500 · Love in Action Bunk Beds and Closets - $1,000 In the works are the following projects: · Tlachichilco Water Treatment - $7,500 · Tepehua Community Center - $13,321 · Wheelchairs - $940 · Love in Action, Water - $13,959 · Love in Action, Bazar - $4,609 · San Nicolas Secundaria - $2,500 · Fire Equipment - $12,000 · Horse Stories Books - $6,400 For more information about Rotary Club of Ajijic, visit the Club’s website at www. rotaryajijic.org. Todd Stong sent out a summary of work undertaken and on-going this year.

Scholarships Chair Marvin Harthcock and Secretary Helaine Harthcock In case you did not have a chance to hear him speak at Open Circle or to see the Community Awards ceremony where he received 10 awards(!), here are the key elements from his summary. 1. Low Priced Bottled Water: We now have a village with a water system for filling the 5-gallon drinking water bottles whereby the people can buy them for 5 pesos instead of 20 pesos, saving each family 4000 pesos/year. This is to be a model for 30 million people in rural Mexico. The management and operation is to be run by women. 2. Aquaculture Jobs: We have a low-risk, appealing way to introduce aquaculture (fish farming) to the interior of Mexico and the government is considering a significant

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investment. In that Mexico has only a 10% stake in aquaculture while the world average is 55%, we see a possibility for this project to create 100,000 to 400,000 new jobs in Central Mexico. 3. Heavy Metals Testing of Fish and Lake Water: We have now completed over 160 tests (going for 250) and we know much more about specific parts of the lake and the safety of its fish for human consumption. 4. Lake Testing for Recreational Safety: Water samples are being tested from various points around the lake for fecal coliform bacteria. This is our 4th Todd Stong with Sr. Hector Alvarez at year at this. Results so far look very good. Community Awards 5. Wetlands: What is the future for creating man-made (engineered) wetlands in front of each of the 16 waste Water plants to assure any treated water from such plants has a chance to undergo natural, biological treatment before entering the lake? EVENTS TO COME: On June 17, 5 – 8 p.m. at Salvador’s Restaurant, Animal Buddies Campaign (ABC) is having a Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser to aid Dr. Pepe Magaña with low cost Spay/Neuter for local rescuers. Live traditional Mexican and American music will be played. Ticket cost is $190 pesos. Door prizes. Introducing ABC custom made wooden dog/cat beds. Tickets at Diane Pearls, Mia’s Boutique, Anita’s Animals (Wed. Tianguis), Salvador’s, New Look Studio in San Antonio and from ABC members (blabbyabbey@gmail.com). Join us for a fun evening and help the animals at the same time. You must bring a ticket for admittance and door prize entry.

Spaghetti with Meatballs Mulitple Events: The American Legion post #7 schedule for June: Sundays.......12 – 3 p.m. Legion grill burgers Jun 1..........8:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. Yard Sale Jun 2..........3 p.m. Maple Leaf Club – calling all Canadians, bring botanas Jun 8..........9 – 9:45 a.m. – US Consulate Services (late? go to LCS) Jun 9..........5 p.m. – 3rd Annual Jimmy Buffet Shrimp Boil (cocktails at 4) Jun 14..........3 p.m. – Flag Day – flag burning ceremony Jun 23..........3 p.m. – Lone Star Club (Country-Western music) For information, call 765 – 2259 or www.americanlegionchapalapost7.org Lake Chapala Society offers many activities for a variety of tastes and needs. There are the clearly identified libraries of books and DVDs; there are singles activities; medical tests; documentation for afterlife; special fund raisers, and on and on. Whether you are a member or a visitor, LCS holds an important place in our community, and one of the primary services is teaching local children the rudiments of art. Some of our community’s finest artists began with lessons here at LCS. The Singles Mix & Match June Activities include: June 11 “Terry’s Trip” to his favorite places in central Guadalajara, bus leaving Ajijic at 2 p.m., dinner at 5:30 p.m. at an Argentine restaurant, bus home at 7:30 p.m. June 22 LCS Mixer at LCS with cash bar, free botanas, music, a chance to meet and greet other singles at Lakeside; non-LCS members $20 pesos. June 28 “Annie’s Trip” for a shopping experience at Galerias Triunfo and other stores, bus leaves Ajijic at 9 a.m., 2 p.m. lunch, 5:30 p.m. Brazilian dinner on Plaza Patria, 7:30 return bus. A group of dedicated volunteers met in January to restructure the leadership of the successful Saturday morning art program to ensure that it continues for many years. The group adopted a mission “to provide opportunities for children to explore and develop their creativity” and created a six-member steering committee to provide on-going leadership. During the first 55 years there were only two leaders, Neill James and Mildred Boyd. While the program has prospered, no individual can replace either of these women. It is hoped that a new shared leadership will stimulate a flush of new growth


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Jesús Lopez Vega teaches art to Luisa, Jorge and Daniela and others. from very old roots. Visit on Saturdays from 10 – 12 on the back patio at LCS to meet the children and see the projects they are working on. The program is free and all are welcome. The program depends primarily on donations of time, talent, materials and funds from residents and visitors. More volunteers are needed to assist with the Saturday morning program and special events. They are also looking for someone to act as Event Coordinator and participate on the Steering Committee. If you have an interest, contact Delayne Giardini at 762-1721 or delayne@onemoremind.com. June 6 – 9, 10 – 12, Lakeside Little Theatre Presents 2011 Summer Workshop on Theatre Fundamentals for Beginners with Larry King. Learn the basics of stage theory, acting, and movement from the director of such audience favorites as The Glass Menagerie, Same Time Next Year, Incorruptible, The Dresser, and The Foreigner. June 11 there will be a performance for an invitation-only audience of family and friends with a potluck wrap-up party to follow. This workshop is free to LLT members and season ticket holders. Annual memberships are $100 pesos and will be available for purchase at the Workshop. Don’t miss this perfect opportunity to prepare for next season’s auditions! Contact Larry at alark427@yahoo.com. Love in Action: This year at the Community Awards, Anabel Frutos was presented with the “Project of the Year Award” for the further development of the Love in Action Center. The Center is now home to 60 lucky children from 18 months to 18 years. Children are placed by government agencies, or are dropped off by parents unable to care for them. There are many sad stories of how some arrived. With the love of caring adults, these children’s lives have been changed. See the Love in Action Center Website under “News” at loveinactioncenter.org. A special thanks from Mary Anne Molinari to Adriana of Hacienda Ajijic Steak House. A few weeks ago the Center’s bazar cash register got fried from a big power surge in Chapala. Mary took it to an electronics man who claimed it could not be repaired. The register cost $4,000 pesos (a gift from Rotary). Mary was in Hacienda Ajijic Steak House, asking where to buy cash registers (most use computers now) and Adriana said she would have someone look at it. He fixed it for $200 pesos. Now there is a proper surge protector on it. VIVA La Musica: Jalisco Philharmonic – The summer Jalisco Philharmonic Orchestra season has not yet been announced. As soon as details are available on the next season, bus trips will be planned accordingly. Viva Fall Concerts – There is an exciting & varied line-up of concerts for this fall: Sep 29 Vocal Contrapunto Choir Oct 27 Piano “Four Hands” – Guillermo Salvador and Rosalinda Preciado Dec 1 Dolores Moreno, soprano, with the Chris Wilshere chamber orchestra The concerts will take place in the Auditorium at 7:30 p.m. Ticket prices are $250 pesos for members, $300 pesos for non-members. Season tickets are now available for these 3 concerts. Call Rosemary 766 – 1801. Patrons and Series ticket holders will have priority seating in reserved rows G and H center. SPECIAL SHOW—Featuring Dan Noll at Ajijic Art House gallery in Chapala (The Art House Gallery, Chapala). The date has been changed to June 21, at 4pm. Drinks and botanas. The location is 1/2 block beyond Notary #5 as you enter Chapala. (229 Hidalgo). The gallery is open 10 to 5 daily. The venue is a spectacular two-story building. Dan’s reproductions are of some of the greatest paintings of all time! (See the Focus on Art column in this issue for more information. All art work is for sale.)

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Wherefore Art Thou, Grandma Minnie? By Bob Tennison


t a church function in DalIas, a friend asked me if I had made up my mind about moving to Mexico. At that time I was still undecided. He went on to tell me about their trip to Copper Canyon, when his wife and he took their Grandma Minnie. Her Grandmother had taken care of her since she was five years old when her parents were killed in a hotel fire. Margo’s Grandmother Minnie was one swinging lady. Her favorite saying was that she had the only motorized broom in the area. She smoked, drank scotch, and frequently used language that would make a sailor blush -all the things that my mother told me not to do as I was growing up. She was about to celebrate her 90th birthday and many times had stated that the only thing she wanted to do and had wanted to do for at least 10 years was to see Copper Canyon in Mexico. She had many friends who had made the trip, had seen dozens of pictures of it and it was the only thing left of the things she desperately wanted to do. Margo had collected enough money from the death of her parents that she would and could be able to grant her this wish. Margo and her husband went shopping for a camper trailer that would meet their needs for a real first class trip. The scenic trip down was most enjoyable for all of them, as none of them had been to Mexico before. They made many stops along the way in order not to miss anything. Camp grounds were available which they had checked out on a tourist guide map to ascertain their locations well before leaving. They arrived in Copper Canyon early in the morning of Minnie’s birthday. They set up camp before leaving for the Canyon, which was only a few miles away, and the splendor and magnificence of the views were more than they had anticipated. They covered as much as possible, photographing the spectacu-


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lar views from every possible angle until the daylight began to fade. They decided on their way back to camp to return early the next morning for final viewing and more photos from different locations. They returned to their campsite to have a drink and an early dinner in order to be well rested for an early departure the next morning. Minnie wanted to spend her last night there in a sleeping bag under the stars, so they settled her before leaving to go inside to finish cleaning up and packing. He went outside to say good night to Minnie and had the shock of his life to discover she was dead. He called Margo to come immediately. They were both grief and panic stricken with the realization that they could not repeat this to any official and would be unable to leave Mexico for who knew how long, and it would cost a fortune to have her body shipped back. Reality had to be faced through their sorrow and inability to think clearly. They decided to close up the sleeping bag and put her on top of the camper along with the rest of the luggage. By the time they were finished putting everything in place for the trip home, they fell into bed exhausted, hoping they would hear the alarm when it rang. At sunrise, he went outside to secure the luggage. He thought he was dreaming when he looked up and found that all of it, including Grandma Minnie’s sleeping bag, was missing. The top of the camper was totally empty.

He was too stupefied to believe that this was really happening, but it was true. Margo almost fainted when he told her what had happened. She had to sit down for about ten minutes before she came outside. She finally looked up at the top of the camper and collapsed in his arms, remaining there until she was finally able to accept reality. They eventually discussed what they were going to do at the border. They would have to leave as planned but did not want to report the theft as it would cause major problems. Should they be asked

why they had no luggage or equipment in their camper they could not explain it without causing more problems. The border crossing turned out to be as lengthy as anticipated because they did report the loss of their luggage and equipment as well as when and where it happened. What with forms to fill out and papers to sign, it took about three hours. Grandma Minnie was not mentioned. Shortly after crossing they got out of the car, held hands, faced Mexico and bid farewell to Grandma Minnie.

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Focus on Art By Rob Mohr robmohr@gmail.com Original Art Work and Reproductions: The New Reality


rovidence on occasion juxtaposes realities in ways that enable unusual insight. Such is the case when the new Art House Gallery in Chapala, which features Giclée oil reproductions of works by local artists, invited gifted artist Dan Noll to have a one-man show of his hand-painted copies of great paintings. This exhibition, which opens at 4PM on June 21, will give art lovers a chance to experience these remarkable works which are both affordable and offer a collector the same experience as the original works of art. Giclée (to spray) is an innovative process in which original art works are scanned digitally and then reproduced by spraying water-based pigments onto canvas or paper with a large inkjet copier which simultaneously seals the paint with an oil-based varnish. The finished copy even smells like an oil painting. These flawless reproductions mean that works once owned and enjoyed by kings and queens may now enhance the quality of life for persons of moderate income. www.chapala.com/ajijicarthouse. html Dan Noll’s hand-painted copies offer the art collector an opportunity to own great words of art at a fraction of the cost of the originals. As did the apprentices of the greatest artists of the past, Dan copies the paintings of the great masters as a way to deepen his understanding of how artworks shape human understanding of life. Partly as a result of this discipline, Dan has won numerous awards from NY and Los Angeles for his own original paintings. “Copying the work of a great artist, I have in mind what went into the creation of the original work. You discover the depth of talent that brought the original into being. Even the process of searching for an artist to copy helps me find direction as an artist. I get joy from mastering the medium and love the sense of being alive that painting gives me. Copying helps me look with a critical eye at what is around me, and to understand the discrepancies between my initial perception and what really exists” Dan is searching for truths that re-


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main stable through time and changes of culture and taste - for the emotion that lies beneath the paint. As he lays down the paint for an apple, then a knife next to it, he, “paints the story of the unseen hand that cuts the apple and then eats it.” www.danielnollstudio.com/ In contrast to hand-painted copies or original works of art, Giclée prints provide local artists an effective and affordable way to legally reproduce their works in a numbered and signed series. Once the image is digitally refined and stored, additional ‘true’ copies can be produced for the artist as needed. Also the artist may change the scale of the reproduction. A small drawing or painting may be enlarged and framed to suit the needs of the art collector. www.giclee. es/ A work of art in an age of mechanical reproductions takes on new meaning and creates an opening, an exposure for humanity to great art which has never existed before. Accessible, quality art may now awaken humanity and shape human life as it never has before. Art House Gallery in Chapala, Lakeside’s newest art gallery, is open 10 to 5 daily. The gallery - located at Hidalgo #229, one-half block beyond Notario #5, on the left as you enter Chapala from Ajijic - is housed in an old family mansion with gracious rooms and high ceilings and offers the perfect setting for viewing quality artworks. Come and enjoy copies of great masters by Dan Noll and Giclée reproductions of the artworks of a number of area artists. *(All artworks will be for sale.) Rob Mohr

Saw you in the Ojo 47

Wondrous Wildlife By Vern and Lori Geiger The Old Man’s Head


veryone is familiar with Mexico’s little burros sporting a sombrero or the green iguanas with a colorful serape, but when one ventures beyond the tourist zones, you have a chance of seeing some truly amazing animals you’ve probably never heard of. One such species is the Tayra, a cousin of the weasel and the otter. But, it looks more like something from the ‘Island of Dr. Moreau’, with a doglike head and wrinkled facial skin on a mink-like body. Most tayras have dark brown or black fur with a lighter patch on its chest. The fur on its head changes to brown or gray as it ages. Tayras live in the tropical forests of the Yucatan as well as Central and South America. Typically denning in hollow trees or burrows in the ground, they also may make nests in tall grass. They are a diurnal species usually traveling alone or in pairs; however, on occasions they may be seen in small groups of three to four individuals. They are particularly active at dusk and just before dawn. Tayras are both terrestrial and arboreal, and very fast runners. Despite their limited eyesight they are expert climbers. They have been reported to climb down smooth tree trunks from heights of greater than 40 meters. Terrestrial locomotion is usually composed of erratic, bounc-


El Ojo del Lago / June 2011

ing movements much like that of a ferret; with the back arched and the tail along the ground. Arboreal movements among the branches are fluid and graceful. Tayras are omnivores and will eat almost anything, feeding on rodents and invertebrates, as well as tastier thing such as eggs and honey. Not to mention fruit; they can frequently be found raiding orchards. Tayras are quite social and playful and easily tamed. Indigenous peoples, who often refer to the tayra as cabeza del viejo, or old man’s head, in years past, kept them as household pets to control vermin. Today wild tayra populations are shrinking, especially in Mexico, due to habitat destruction for agricultural purposes. Despite their wide distribution and relatively large size, scientifically speaking, surprisingly little is known about tayra, as to their reproduction, life span, home ranges and habits. It is documented that after a gestation of 63 to 70 days the female gives birth to a litter of two to three babies. Newborns open their eyes in about five to eight days and they nurse for two to three months. Some researchers believe this is per season with births occurring March thru July. Others believe that the tayra has monthly mating periods and is a non-seasonal breeder. Obviously researchers have much to learn about these curious creatures. We would like to thank all our volunteers for their continued support at various events, and remind all that this time of year is especially difficult for wildlife; for those who live in country settings think about putting out a shallow container of water for wildlife, they will thank you for a drink and will be less likely to venture into your garden. If you find a wild animal in need of help you may contact us or if we are unavailable, you may contact the Fire Dept. 766-3615. If you are able to assist the animal, you can take it to Dr. Pepe Magaña in Riberas for treatment.

Saw you in the Ojo 49

By Jackie Kellum


itten season has arrived in high gear at Anita’s sanctuary. By the number of arrivals last month, you would think there was a “ maternity ward “or “ vacancy ” sign posted outside . Within just 10 days in May, 12 pregnant cats arrived, so far along in their pregnancy, the only thing to do was wait till kittens have been born. Later, these Moms will be spayed. Kittens in large numbers have also been arriving. Many people have been most kind by donating kitten and cat food to help support the extra daily expenses of their feeding. Until kitten season is over, the need will continue for extra cat food. Anita has a replacement truck! In March, her 1988 pickup truck was stolen while she was at the Ajijic market. Not having a vehicle has created great difficulty for Anita picking up rescues and donated food and items, and getting animals to the Vet. Several people have provided help by providing transportation for these tasks while funds were raised. The community responded in a compassionate and generous manner. In particular, the Raquet Club residents and those who attend a fund raiser event deserve a large thank you. This RC event organized by Lisa Le and Maurita Morrill, raised almost half of the funds needed for the purchase of a vehicle. An anonymous


El Ojo del Lago / June 2011

donor also gave 10,000 pesos toward the truck fund. Thank you all who have been very generous with your donations. Sadly, Mexico like NOB, also has puppy mills. You can recognize these so-called “designer puppies” held up high in the air by vendors, advertising them for sale. Most of these puppies are tiny, very young, and not necessarily healthy puppies. I have heard many sad stories from folks who have spent a lot of money purchasing such a puppy, then incur large vet bills and have their heart broken when their puppy died a terrible death. Purchasing these puppies is supporting this cruel practice of puppy mills. Our area certainly is not lacking in its own un-planned brand of “designer dogs;” local dog shelters can attest to this by the volumes they take in. Although puppies and kittens are cute, they do grow up unless they meet an untimely and cruel death. Pet over-population continues, with more pets than there are homes for them. Anita receives no specific funding help with spay-neutering expenses for the rescued animals she takes in. To help support Anita with these specific expenses, a group of individuals called Animals Buddies has organized a fun fund raiser - an evening with live music and a spaghetti dinner event. The event will take place on Friday, June 17th, 5P - 8PM at Salvador’s restaurant – Ajijic. The live American and Mexican traditional music is being provided by local professional musicians. Tickets cost 190 pesos, and can be purchased at the tianguis – Anita’s Animals booth, Vet Pepe Magana’s office, Salvador’s restaurant, Diane Pearl’s and Mia’s Boutique. Look for the advertising about this event which will give more details about the evening.

Saw you in the Ojo 51

STAY HEALTHY! By J. Manuel Cordova, M. D.t mdjmcordova1204@yahoo.com www.mdjmcordova.com 376-766-2777 “Stress—The Other Killer” Part II


ecognizing Stress…. Occasionnally, these changes are ree so gradual that you or others around you may ay not recognize them until your health or relationships atio at ions nshi hips ps change. As with the physical symptoms described bed d earlier, you may not recognize such emotional changes for what they really are, signals of increased stress. Many people find themselves perplexed by the changes and often feel guilty or propone to blaming others. The term “burnout” often is used to describe a combination of physical and psychological limit responses to stress. DEALING WITH STRESS: In the course of daily events, we develop various ways of dealing with stress. We work hard to decrease the newness of the changes we face, we talk about the experience, and we use things that we can count on already in our lives as “safe havens “ from the new or adaptive changes. Much of this we do without really thinking about it. However, some of these changes are monumental, such as switching jobs or moving to another part of the country. Others are routine, such as turning in reports, taking a test, meeting a new client, interviewing a baby-sitter, meeting a new teacher, or dealing with a child’s temper tantrum. Mostly, we do pretty well in getting through fairly major as well as minor crisis. Sometimes, we could do better. The first step in learning to manage our stress-related reactions better is to become more aware of the things that may be particularly stressful for us individually. Not everyone responds to the same life event with the same amount of distress. For instance, a so-called workaholic may be thought by others to be working into an early grave, but


El Ojo del Lago / June 2011

he or she may have found that taking on fo extra challenges in a work related environment helps him or her to feel more in control. For Fo this Person, the work wo itself may be a form of stress management, ment and unstructured time of a vacation without goals or “relaxation g “at home may be much ho greater stress. We must learn to recm ognize in ourselves those things that th cause the most stress. We W may not be able to avoid them, but, when we encounter them, it may reassure us to know they are the source of our extra discomfort. Just recognizing such elements helps to make us feel more in control. Understanding the real cause of discomfort also can minimize anxiety about the total manifestations of stress we experience. Another important step involves actually dealing with stress. Most of the people want to do something when we are distressed so that they can feel as if they are making an active choice to reassume control in their lives, the very thing we feel we have lost to some degree in facing life’s challenges. Over the years, most of us have found techniques that help us feel more comfortable. These vary from Person to Person and from Personality to Personality, so there is no way to provide a list of things everyone should do. Each person needs several tools, or techniques, at His or Her disposal. To be continued (Editor’s Note: Dr Cordova lives full time at Lakeside. He is an Internal Medicine & Geriatrics Specialist and Lakeside Chapala Medical College President.) Dr. Cordova



Save the whales. Collect the whole set. 2. A day without sunshine is like, night. 3. On the other hand, you have different fingers. 4. I just got lost in thought. It was not familiar territory. 5. 42.7 percent of all statistics are made up on the spot. 6. Light travels faster than sound, which is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak. 7. I feel like I’m diagonally parked in a parallel universe. 8. Honk if you love peace and quiet. 9. Remember, half the people you know are below average. 10. He who laughs last, thinks slowest. 11. Depression is anger without enthusiasm. 12. The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese. 13. I drive way too fast to worry about cholesterol. 14. Support bacteria. They’re the only culture some people have. 15. Monday is an awful way to spend 1/7 of your week. 16. A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory. 17. Change is inevitable, except from vending machines. 18. Get a new car for your spouse. It’ll be a great trade! 19. Plan to be spontaneous tomorrow. 20. Always try to be modest, and be proud of it! 21. If you think nobody cares, try missing a couple of payments. 22. How many of you believe in psycho-kinesis? Raise my hand. 23. Ok, so what’s the speed of dark?

24. How do you tell when you’re out of invisible ink? 25. If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something. 26. When everything is coming your way, you’re in the wrong lane. 27. Hard work pays off in the future. Laziness pays off now. 28. Everyone has a photographic memory. Some just do not have film. 29. If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends? 30. How much deeper would the ocean be without sponges? 31. Eagles may soar, but weasels do not get sucked into jet engines. 32. What happens if you get scared half to death twice? 33. I used to have an open mind but my brains kept falling out. 34. Why do psychics have to ask you for your name? 35. Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what happened. 36. If the world did not suck, we would all fall off.

Saw you in the Ojo 53

A NEW LEASE— LEASE—on Life! By Judit Rajhathy, B.A., RNCP, D.Ac.

Time for Change


o everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven . . . (ecclasiastes) It is with mixed feelings that I write this month’s column. It is time for change - a change of pace. When we opened our doors six years ago there were just three other fitness facilities in this area - Structures located in central Ajijic, Spinning and Pilates on the Libramiento and Club Oxigen in west Ajijic. I recognized the need for a facility that would provide gentle strength training with hydraulic equipment combined with a good cardiovascular workout - and out of this need Change of Pace was born. We had six excellent years and I was blessed to have had an amazing staff who offered their best and became great friends with many of our members. My life has been enriched with the privilege of being able to spend this time with you all. Along with getting more fit, we have shared many of life’s ups and downs - the richness of our lives along with sicknesses and deaths. We have felt you all as family. My heartfelt thanks to all of you who have supported our venture over the years. It is now time to pass the torch new energy, new blood! Today I am


El Ojo del Lago / June 2011

happy to see that not only do many fraccionamientos have their own fitness facilities that are complementary for the residents but that many local gyms have sprouted over the past six years and that there are more to come. No longer do any of you have excuses to not be in the best of shape! There is something for everyone - so get out there and shake your booty! I always ended my articles with “and see you at the gym”. Now it will be “see you around the village”! (Judit) I cannot begin to describe how grateful and fortunate I am for the time I spent working at Change of Pace! The opportunity of getting to know you all (as well as the people I worked with over the years) with your varied personalities and backgrounds has been a treasure for me. Change of Pace became my second home surround with great friends. It will be difficult to not see you on a daily basis but I am sure we will see one another around the village. So in this sense I feel a bit sad but am at the same time very excited to have a change of pace in life . . . Keep up the workouts! (Rosalba) I thank every one of you for allowing me into your lives. Working at Change of Pace has been a pleasure and has contributed greatly to my life. You have been a huge motivator for me to learn English. Thank you for being my beloved friends and if I don’t see you around the village I will see you at Walmart! Take care and hope you stay well. And don’t forget to work out! I remain your friend forever. (Gilberto) Judit Rajhathy is the author of the Canadian best selling book Free to Fly: a journey toward wellness and can be reached at rajhathy@gmail.com. She continues to do laser therapy, EFT, NAET, and acupuncture at 765-4551. Judit Rajhathy

LAUGHING BEACK: Healer & Friend By Duncan Aldric


tanding at the threshold of where the water churns and toils to break down, over centuries, the sand that is the edge of the beach that has become my friend and healer, I allow my body to be pulled and pushed, urged and cajoled back and forth and even side to side. Today, the waves are slow, long and only about four or five feet high. What is special about today, as every day here is special in some different way, the waves and tide and sand have all worked to provide a “ditch” in the sand where the waves don`t “break” in a long row, they churn and roll in place, each wave for several seconds, allowing you to stand in place and feel the actions of the wave act upon you for seconds at a time. Healthy movement for mind, body and spirit. There is no one else on the beach except a white dog, not yet fully mature but with a gifted nature of loyalty, play, trust and comradeship (and recognition, she is not mine but if I ride my bike into town and she is there with her owner, she spots me from afar and runs to greet me every time (sometimes stopping traffic in the process!)). She is resting after I spent some time wrestling with her and throwing a coconut into the ocean for her to retrieve. Though I try to keep an eye on her (I am trying to break her of the habit of digging up crabs to chase (in play) because she doesn`t understand that the crab is harmed and often killed by this), I am nonetheless pulled into the breath of the ocean. Shenna, a scientist/surfer friend of mine has taught me to listen for the breath of the ocean. And wow, the ocean DOES breath… in cycles and cycles within cycles. Some days the waves, at times, are simply too giant for me to swim, but having learned to feel the breath of the ocean, I can still swim these days if I am careful about the riptide and

cycles of waves. You see, where I swim is between two sets of outcropped rocks. The currents, riptides and eddies can be a bit daunting but with care, I can think of no more powerful medicine for healing everything from arthritis and disintegrated discs to mental agitation caused by the hate and blame of the selfish in the world. Spiritual growth is the gift of this friend I call Laughing Beach. And nature is filled with these places of healing and beauty. My roommate, Sasquatch, of whom you have heard me speak before, thinks that this beach is located on a special energy point found at various places on the Earth. He also thinks, based on the similar sizes and shapes of some of the rock out-croppings, that this used to be a location whereupon was once built a temple. It is my understanding that the water, now brown and somewhat sick looking, was, not more than a couple of generations ago, bright aqua blue, the result of a thriving reef that has since been ripped out for various human activities having nothing to do with loving the planet, loving others nor giving thanks—and everything to do with lining the pocket book. What a change has undergone this place, still so willing to offer friendship and health to me, an interloper. Imagine, if you will, a people neither governed by men nor women but rather by goodness, who spend their lives sharing the land and ocean, doing nothing knowingly to destroy or harm either and doing everything to give thanks and honor. Who toil for no other reason than to eat and to create art by building temples at points of great energy to heal the poor of spirit, body and soul. And, perhaps most importantly, to simply give acknowledgment and gratitude for the beauty and bounty that is this Earth and Sky.

Saw you in the Ojo 55

MARTHA M ARTHA A ACEVES: CEVES: A LLife ife LLoved oved in n T Two wo C Cultures ultures By M.A. Porter


hen Martha Lule de Aceves smiles at you, a flower blooms. She and husband Alfredo live in the prettiest house on our Ajijic street, built five years ago in an elegant design that captures both the glory of Mexican tradition and the best of modernity. Martha’s home is her metaphor: As a girl, she enjoyed an idyllic life in a Mexican village. Then in 1962, at age 15, she was plopped into the modern world when her family moved to Chicago. Before that, Martha’s mother Mercedes ran the central tienda in her hometown of Juanacatlan, across the river from El Salto. Her father Augustin worked in the nearby denim factory, but as Martha says, “My mother had the business sense in the family, so she ruled.” Her parents had three children – two daughters and a son – and then 10 years later came little Martha, who delighted in the bustling tienda. The only negative was, “I don’t think my mother ever made a tortilla!” Martha exclaims. “And homemade tortillas are at the heart of who we Mexicans are!” Mercedes’ only son reached adulthood and found himself wishing to be part of the USA. So she sold the tienda, packed up Augustin and Martha, and followed her son to Chicago.


El Ojo del Lago / June 2011

It was tough at first. Martha didn’t speak a word of English and couldn’t attend high school. Worse, the family lived in a cramped third-floor apartment on the north side, quite different from their expansive Mexican life. While father and son worked, Mercedes was forced to become a housewife, so things were grim. Nevertheless, picnics in Chicago’s parks elevated their mood, and mother and daughter decided to get busy. Martha enrolled in night school so she could learn English and continue her studies, and she began sewing for two aging Mexican sisters who lived in their building. The sisters – Spanish descendents – had fled to Chicago in the 1920s after the Mexican Revolution. They treated Martha like a servant. “So one day, I said, ‘Listen here! You are no longer on the hacienda!’ They were a lot nicer after that.” Her face beams at the memory. Mercedes opened a grocery store called Abarrotes Jalisco in their culturally diverse neighborhood. Soon they had a roaring trade and the family worked 18 hours a day, so they

needed more help. This is how Martha met Alfredo, who, in addition to his fulltime job at Chicago’s Merchandise Mart, began working at the store. “He was a life-saver,” she says. Smitten with Martha, Alfredo proposed when she was 17. “I flashed my engagement ring around the store, so proud of it, but the customers said, ‘Martha, how come you marry so young?’ No one was happy for me. So even though Alfredo had spent a lot of money for our marriage, it made me think, ‘maybe I should wait.’ I kind of wanted to go to the dances. I had not been able to go because I worked all the time.” She explained her feelings to her mother, who responded, “Alfredo is a good man. You are wild. He has spent money. So you will get married!” And so, she did. “It was the right decision, for two reasons,” Martha says. The marriage has lasted 47 years. “And I finally had freedom. Alfredo and I were always going to the movies, to dances – we had so much fun! Even after the kids were born.” The couple had a set of twins – a boy and a girl – and another son two years later. Abarrotes Jalisco expanded into a larger location and Martha’s parents returned to Mexico, so she and Alfredo ran the business and then sold it to buy a flower shop in an affluent part of Chicago. It disappointed – the owner from whom they were to buy the business reneged on the deal and treated them like hired help. Still, they sallied on. They opened a restaurant and their growing children began the Burrito Buggy, which had several kiosk locations. Martha also began selling Jafra cosmetics. She chuckles, “A funny thing about Latinas – they might not have money for bread, but they always have money for face cream.” She was so successful that she became the Latin Market Sales Manager for the parent company, Gillette. Eventually, the couple bought real estate and commercial leases in Chicago, “For pennies, and we sold them for dollars,” Martha says proudly. As they reached retirement age, Martha and Alfredo were drawn back to Mexico. Today, they are landlords for several Ajijic rentals and Martha has become a talented quilter. “I make my art every day,” she says, fingering her handiwork, a beautiful cubist quilt, the colors perfectly situated against each other. Kind of like her life – with all available colors, in designs old and new, she’s pieced together something brilliant.

Saw you in the Ojo 57

The Poets’ Niche

By Mark Sconce msconce@gmail.com

A Passion for Pushkin (1799-1837)


his month’s featured poet is Alexander Pushkin, Russia’s most famous bard and a man for whom I have enorPush shki kin n be bega gan n 17 yyears ears ea rs aago go o na mous respect and brotherly love. My passion for Pu Pushkin began on

freezing February morning in Moscow when Tamara, my guide, showed me his statue, ghostly and mysterious through the refracting hoarfrost. And then I saw them—flowers placed reverently on the pedestal just as they have been placed every single day since the statue was unveiled June 6th, 1880! Not all of me will die, for through my art, I know, My soul shall long outlive my mortal body’s death, And I shall be renowned while on this earth below At least one poet still draws breath.* Pushkin’s popularity and exalted status are accorded partly because he touches people’s hearts through his graceful poetry and partly because subsequent great Russian writers—Gogol, Turgenyev, Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy among many others—acknowledged their debt to another Russian genius. Pushkin changed the course of Russian literature forever by fashioning a literary language where before there was only High Church Slavonic and colloquial street talk. The upper crust of course spoke French. His most illustrious work is Eugene Onegin, a novel-in-verse made up of nearly 390 stanzas, each stanza containing 14 lines and of a very particular rhyming pattern throughout. It took Pushkin over eight years to compose it. For a taste of its drama, read aloud this Onegin stanza about a pistol dual over a beautiful woman where the poet loses. And what would be your own reaction If with your pistol you’d struck down A youthful friend for some infraction: A bold reply, too blunt a frown, Some bagatelle when you’d been drinking; Or what if he himself, not thinking, Had called you out in fiery pride? Well, tell me: what would you…inside Be thinking of …or merely feeling, Were your good friend before you now, Stretched out with death upon his brow, His blood by slow degrees congealing, Too deaf and still to make reply To your repeated, desperate cry? How eerie, how uncanny that Pushkin himself, age 37, should die of a pistol wound received during a duel over Russia’s most beautiful woman, namely, his wife Natalia. And who knew that the “soul of Mother Russia” was part black on his mother’s side tracing to an ancestor from Eritrea, North Africa? Yes, the Pushkin saga is compelling. We only have room here to sample a few of his most famous lyric poems--his “lyric wealth,” observed a fellow poet. Keeping then my readership’s core interests in mind, I have selected one about love and one about death. My voice for thee, my love, with languorous caresses Disturbs the solemn peace the midnight dark possesses. Beside this couch of mine a mournful candle glows, And, welling up, my verse in rippling murmurs flows; It flows in streams of love, its music wholly thine, And in the dark thine eyes are sparkling over mine. They look at me and smile—and, oh, the sounds I hear: “My sweet and tender friend…my love… my dear, my dear.” *** And yet I love, On autumn eaves, when silence reigns above, To visit some ancestral village keep, Where all the dead in solemn stillness sleep; Where every simple marker has a home, And in the dark no pallid robbers roam; Where only some old villager comes by To greet the mossy stones with prayer and sigh. In place of petty pyramids and vases, Of noseless Angels and disheveled Graces, A spreading oak looms high above the graves And, rustling, stirs… *The inspired translations used in this piece are those of my good friend Professor Emeritus Jim Falen, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, widely regarded as Pushkin’s most faithful English translator. Rhyme, meter, meaning—Jim Falen has it all.


El Ojo del Lago / June 2011

Mark Sconce


Nearly midnight, silence beyond the glass barrier that separates me from the world below. I watch the lava flow dwindle to swift-moving sparks, limning parallel river drives heading south; tunnel-swallowed where they meet. Illuminated webs spread erratically between, moving at the whims of amber, red and green. Spastic jolts and halts, anticipatory edging across painted gridlines. Revolving jewels atop black-and-whites racing across town. A trio of garlanded bridges span the eastern river, static, but for a lone bus speeding across. Beyond a building spire, rising from an isolated speck of island in the harbor, a beam-lit statue elevates a glowing torch. Rooftops, black as pits. Lights emerge, then blink away as cleaners move from floor to floor, office to office. Reflected light in facing windows - across from my aerie - too distant to see my own reflection. An aircraft passes overhead, invisible but for its wing-lights against the matte-black sky. Imagined engine roars reach my ear, as did a police car’s wail, an ambulance’s siren. But no, just the fluorescent’s hum from the ceiling here. The city eases into the early hours, barely slowing to recoup its energy - as if in respect for those asleep, or dying. Stars diminished, unable to compete with the glare of neon. Midnight – shift over - I leave to stroll the empty streets.

Saw you in the Ojo 59

The Ojo Crossword

ACROSS 1 Entice 6 Recess 10 Father 14 Hide away 15 Part of the “KKK” 16 Implore 17 Red headed orphan 18 Chow 19 Be in a ___ 20 Stinging fish 21 Sign 23 Planet near Neptune 25 Cheese 26 Charged particle 27 Romantic attractiveness 30 Condiment and preservative 34 Monkey’s cousin 35 Floating ice 36 Lay 38 Flavoring 39 Rio de Janeiro 40 Computer code for characters 42 Root 43 Potter’s oven 44 Parry 45 Pasta 48 Dress 49 Regret 50 Comfortable 51 Mutate 54 Poetic “has” 55 Ram’s mate


El Ojo del Lago / June 2011

58 Decoy 59 Require 61 Left out of gear 63 Seaweed substance 64 Duke 65 Lubricated 66 Huge whale 67 Doctor’s picture 68 Indigent

DOWN 1 Tyrant 2 Gas burner 3 Opp. of few 4 Pounds per square inch 5 ___ Roosevelt 6 BB Player Abdul Jabar 7 Aspire 8 Rested 9 Resulting 10 Shot up quickly 11 Iraq’s neighbor 12 Prego’s competition 13 Sight organs 22 Impair 24 Fish eggs 25 Flightless birds 27 Delighted 28 Russian ruler 29 Friend (SP.) 30 Brides’ headdresses 31 Smooth 32 Cravat 33 German realm 35 Soft cheese 37 Small fry 40 Liquid for religious washing 41 Walk 43 Nose tissue 46 Disagreeable 47 Shoveled 48 Nervous system 50 Not happily 51 Chowder ingredient 52 Author, Victor 53 Arabian 54 Juno 55 Women’s magazine 56 Remove unwanted plants 57 Swirl 60 Serving of corn 62 Stamping tool

Saw you in the Ojo 61



ecause of the current U.S. recession, the fed’s less aggressive pursuit of illegals and a severely reduced flow of Mexican immigrants across the U.S. border, it’s been reported that U.S. border agents - normally alert, professional and keen - are having a hard time managing the lack of action and the ennui. When the order came down to border patrol supervisors from The Chief of Border Patrol to “Keep the men sharp and provide a learning experience as well,” many possibilities tweet-


ed to life, none e non ne n e of of which wh hicch came c me ca e by by way way of Air Traffic Controllers. I can share with you some of the more compelling that didn’t have to do with mobile phone games or body scan simulations. Living off the land. One sector chief chose to instruct his team (Troop A) on the torturous discipline of living off the land and surviving any and all kinds of unpleasant conditions, such

El Ojo del Lago / June 2011

as eating scorpions, luring roadrunners into snares made of sage brush and a sock, and using your underwear to treat gingivitis. The training sounds arduous but the men are allowed certain basic, useful tools: a string and a bottle cap. Regrettably, after three days, two of the men from Troop A were found wandering dazed around the outskirts of Laredo pleading for a Snickers. Another agent, living in a dug-out built from palm fronds and cow patties, was heard screaming, “Amigos, come on in! Just don’t forget the pozole!” The training was later banned. Advanced Physical Fitness. Troop B chose advanced physical fitness based on the programs used by Navy Seals. The PowerPoint training presentation, which was projected on the steel fence separating the border with the U.S. and Mexico, went fetchingly at first, until the lesson on how the Seals claw-climb steel fences at night carrying eighty pounds of food and gear and a dog was shown. The presentation could be seen from bluffs on the Mexican side of the fence, and crossborder immigration picked up significantly. Politicians stepped in and the lessons were replaced by Kindle feeds of Jumping Jacks. Learning Transcendental Meditation. After two weeks of intense introspection, four decorated law enforcement agents of Troop C became so spiritually inspired and enlightened they went AWOL; and were reportedly last seen healing the sick in and around Ixtlahuacán using nothing but Reiki non-touch healing and essence of lavender. The AWOL agents returned home frustrated within two weeks, claiming they couldn’t figure out IMSS paperwork. The Eco-Patrol. One group of agents, Troop D, chose to spend its slow hours cultivating the barren areas around the border fence and growing heart-healthy foods, herbs and seeds to be shared with colleagues. The little biosphere regrettably had to be

abandoned when it was discovered by inspectors that their extremely popular “nopal” patches turned out to be peyote. The Book Club. Finally, one motivated team, Troop E, concerned with more intellectual pursuits, decided to test an all-male book club—that’s right in situ - right there in the gritty bleakness of the desert. Several uniformed and armed men gathered around a campfire during their slow time to discuss The Kite Runner. Bowls of Tostitos were served, along with a homemade dip made of mustard. (Records indicate it was a cup of mustard.) Opening discussions were unanimous that the book didn’t have the subtlety and sensitivity of the latest Penelope Cruz movie. And that the person who chose the book didn’t bring enough Tostitos. When a fistfight broke out over the Tostitos, the troop supervisor brought out a box of Cream Crackers. “Cream Crackers!” one combatant yelled, “They don’t have any taste. That’s why only the Brits eat them.” (He proved his point by crumbling several crackers over an ant hole and pointing out that even the ants wouldn’t touch them.) The Book Club Troop were suddenly besieged by hunger-frenzied, disoriented members of the Living Off the Land experiment who smelled the Tostitos. Another fistfight broke out over the Tostitos, until members of The Transcendental Meditation team stumbled in, broke up the fight and forced everyone into a group chant. A renegade member of the Eco-Patrol heard the commotion and brought “nopal.” For the sake of his men’s safety and sanity, Chief of the Border Patrol, still wishing to have his Mexican enemy return, had one more idea. He organized one sector of the border patrol into an all-volunteer Mariachi band and ordered a parade along the fence. Unfortunately, Mexicans living across the border in Chihuahua complained about the noise.



he road, once dusty, is now paved in stone, but the tiny, clean coffee shop is still across from the sign, “NO TIMESHARE, DISCOUNTS, WHALE WATCHING, SUNSET CRUISES. As I sit savoring the coffee and eating my favorite sandwich with scrambled egg, jalapenos, onions and tomatoes, I chat with the owner, telling her I’m grateful she’s in business during these down times. After paying her, I walk across the road to Scot’s Tours. “How much for the Rhythms of the Night?” Scotty points to one of the white plastic lawn chairs and hitches up his leather belt. He is preparing for a leisurely discussion. A simple question to Scotty is rarely answered with one sentence and today is no different. Scotty, a Mexican citizen, was born in one of the two countries considerably north of his shop in Nuevo Vallarta. With his grizzled face and blotchy pale skin, Scotty appears to be an older man wrinkled from too much sun, but he’s probably about sixty something. Dressed in cotton clothes and sandals, his language switches easily from Spanish to English. Before he answers my question, we discuss the virtues of Rhythms of the Night – the food, the music and dancing, the lush island, and the boat trip. Because this travel agency is a garage-like edifice with several lawn chairs, some in the sun, some shaded, a desk, chair, telephone, and mounds of pamphlets and flyers, passers-by on the street comfortably step inside for conversation and information. Some tourists wait politely until Scotty pauses his conversation, but acquaintances jump right in, so I shouldn’t be startled when I feel a vigorous tap on my arm. I look up to see a grinning man in shorts with a two-day growth of hair on his face and no hair on his head. His wide grin allows me to see he has missing teeth and at least one large gold filling. Speaking as though I were across a large room, he bellows, “Want to go on a three day fishing cruise?”

car window and the vehicle speeds away. “He should’ve waited for the cab,” says Scotty. “But Mannie can make a lot of money with this man. He has a lot of money.” “That guy?” “Yeah, he owns a buncha stores and a bar. After driving around in that car all afternoon, Mannie can get his reverse fixed. Been out about a week.” The next day, after my husband and I thoroughly enjoyed Rhythms of the Night, I saw Mannie and asked about his car. He was on his way to get a new transmission.

“No thanks.” The man leans sideways. I notice his eyes are deep blue in a sea of red. As he leans forward, I hope his dangling cigarette doesn’t burn me. “Want to see my tattoos?” “I’m not much of a tattoo person.” When he pulls his shirt over his face and flints it across the room, the small area erupts. Keys, cigarettes and loose change scatter on the cement floor. As his head reappears, he grins and edges close to me. He turns his forearm inches from my face. Too close to properly focus, I believe his tattoo has an USA or Canadian flag. I cannot read what is written in black and red going laterally down his arm. “Well, well, whatcha think?” “Nice,” I answer. Scotty smiles as the man turns toward him. “Call me a cab, amigo?” he asks Scotty. “Where you goin’?” Scotty dials the phone and asks for a cab. “Bucerias.” “You’re in Bucerias now, man.” “Lots of places. Gotta go lotsa places.” In a business-like tone, Scotty tells the taxi company that a customer needs to go to “various lugares.” I return to the discussion of Rhythms of the Night. I still don’t know the price. As Scotty rattles away on his calculator, a car drives up. The tattoo man has picked up his belongings and shoved them into the pocket of his shorts. His shirt is on Scotty’s desk. When he sees the car, he begins to shout, “Mannie, amigo, hola, hola.” Lunging toward the car, he opens the driver’s door and pulls a smiling man out to give him a bear hug. Still sitting on his lawn chair, Scotty raises his voice slightly and addresses the driver. “Mannie, you ever get your reverse fixed?” Tattoo man continues to hold Mannie, the driver, in a stranglehold. “I pushed him backwards about five times yesterday. He’s my amigo, no?” Scotty throws the shirt into the open

Saw you in the Ojo 63

AA- Meets daily at 10:00 am. Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday at 4 pm. Marcos Castellanos 51-A. 766-5961. Meets every Wednesday 8 am for breakfast at La Nueva Posada. A COURSE IN MIRACLES- Meets on Saturday at 2:00 at # 17 B Nicholas Bravo. For information email: clarecgearhart@gmail.com AIR FORCE ASSOCIATION OF CANADA 904 WING- from September to April we meet the 2nd Thursday 2pm at La Nueva Posada. Contact Don Slimman 765-4141. AJIJIC QUILT GUILD - Meets second Tuesday monthly at 12 noon. Guests & New Members Welcome. ajijicguild@gmail.com AJIJIC SCRABBLE CLUB- Tuesdays and Thursdays noon-3 pm at LCS Ken Gosh Pavilion. Dan Stark 766-0411. AJIJIC WRITERS’ GROUP- Meets 1st and 3rd Fridays at 10 am. New Posada. Coffee. Meeting followed by lunch at the New Posada. AXIXIC MASONIC LODGE #31- Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at LCS 5:00pm. Contact the Secretary at (387) 7610017 for details. AL-ANON- Step study, Monday 4:30 pm, Lake Chapala Society, 16 de Septiembre & Marcos Castellanos Ajijic, Rear Gate. Contact (376)766-5975 AL-ANON- Sat. 10 am, Club 12, Marcos Castellanos 51-A, Ajijic Contact (376) 766-5975. AMERICAN LEGION OF CHAPALA POST- #7 General Membership meets 11 am 2nd Thursday. Tel: 765-2259. AMERICAN LEGION, FRANK M. VALENTINE POST 9 - (Located at Fito’s Restaurant in Riberas Del Pilar) Gen. membership 3rd Wednesday of the month 12:30 pm. Exec. Com. meets 2nd Wednesday12:30 pm. Additional info Call Vince 765-7299. AMIGOS INTERNACIONALES- Every Wednesday 6 to 8 pm, Nueva Posada; informal friendly group meet to make new friends. AMIGOS DEL LAGO A.C.- Working to improve the ecology. See www.amigosdelago.org or contact us at info@amigosdelago.org. AMITIES FRANCOPHONES- Meets every 3rd Saturday at 1 pm contact: Roland and Camille at 766-0149. rvanhoudt@prodigy.net.mx. ANIMAL SHELTER- Provide shelter and new homes for dogs and cats. Tel: 765-5514. ANITA’S ANIMALS- Free loving dogs and cats. call (01 387) 761-0500. www.anitasanimals.com. ASA- Ajijic Society of the Arts. Meets every 1st Monday of the month at Nueva Posada, 10 am. ARDAT- (Ajijic Rotary Dog Assisted Therapy), therapy dog visits and education to prevent animal abuse. Juliananna Rose (376) 766-5025. BRIDGE AT OLD POSADA- Monday 1:15 check in. Mary Andrews 766-2489. BRITISH SOCIETY- Lunch meeting the 1st Saturday of each month, 1pm at Manix Rest. 765-4786, chapalainn@prodigy.net.mx. CARD & DOMINO CLUB- Wednesday, Friday & Sunday. Call for times. We will teach; make friends! Tel. 766-4253, Cell: (045) 33-1295-6485. CANADIAN CLUB OF LAKE CHAPALA- Meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month, September through April. Social hour: 3:00 pm, program 4:00 pm. Visit www.canadianclubmx.com. CASA DE ANCIANOS- Provides support for elderly citizens, 765-2497. CENTRO DE DESARROLLO AJIJIC- Provides family planning and reproductive health education. 766-1679. CHILI COOK OFF- Providing a carnival for residents raising charitable funds, 763-5038. DAR- (Guadalajara)- Daughters of the American Revolution, meets monthly Sep. through June. Cell:333-897-0660 or Tel: (376) 766-2284. DAR- (At Lakeside)- THOMAS PAINE CHAPTER meets every 3 Wednesday at 12:30 noon, September thru June. Tel: 766-2981 or 762-0834. EASTERN STAR ESTRELLA DEL LAGO CHAPTER #10- 1st Wed. at 1:00 pm at Hotel Monte Carlo. 766-3785, www.oesestrelladellago.org. DEMOCRATS- Meets 2nd Thursday 4pm at La Nueva Posada FRIENDS OF VILLA INFANTIL (FOVI)- Provides financial support for children: www.friendsofvillainfantil.org. Contact Lisa Le: (387) 761-0002 or email : lisale888@gmail.com GAMBLERS ANONYMOUS- GA Meeting held every Wednesday afternoon at 3:00 PM in the Doctor’s office at the Lake Chapala Society - Charlie K. at cell: 331-445-2136. GARDEN CLUB- Meets the 3rd. Wednesday 11 am for lunch at La Nueva Posada. GARDEN GUILD- promoting the interest in the development of local gardens with an accent on the exotic species available in central Mexico. GERMAN MEETING- 2nd Thursday, 1:00 pm. La Nueva Posada. Call Thea 765-2442 or Werner 763-5446. GOLDEN STRINGS OF LAKE CHAPALA, A.C.- Rehearsals at auditorio de la Floresta. Tuesday & Friday, 3-6 pm. HASH HOUSE HARRIERS- Every Saturday at 8:30 am at La Nueva Posada. IRISH- Meet 2nd Monday 4pm for lunch at La Nueva Posada. JUNIOR LEAGUE DE GUADALAJARA A.C.- Av. San Francisco #3332. ligagdl2@prodigy.net.mx, Guadalajara, Jal. Tel. (33) 3121-0887. LAKE CHAPALA DUPLICATE BRIDGE CLUB- Meets every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 1:15 p.m.. www.chapalabridge.com. LAKE CHAPALA GARDEN CLUB- Gardening at Lakeside with garden tours and meeting 3rd Wed of every month at Nueva Posada for noon lunch and program. Contact sandy_feldmann@yahoo.com. LAKE CHAPALA GREEN GROUP- Sustainable living for a better tomorrow. Meets first Tuesday of each month, September through May. Lake Chapala Society, 3:00. Everyone is welcome. www.lakechapalagreengroup.com. LAKE CHAPALA SHRINE CLUB.- Meets the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 1 pm in the Nueva Posada. Perry King at (376) 763-5126. LAKE CHAPALA SOCIETY - LCS- 16 de Sep. # 16-A Ajijic, Open Monday - Saturday, 10 am to 2 pm. www.lakechapalasociety.org. 766-1140. LAKESIDE COMMUNITY AWARDS- We benefit all the community by honoring lakeside’s most talented. 766-3232. LAKESIDE FRIENDS OF THE ANIMALS- Board meets 3rd Thursday at 2:15 every month. info@lakesideanimalfriends.org. LAKESIDE LAUGHTER CLUB- Meets every Wed. from 9 am - 9:40 beginning September 29. For information call Charlene 766-0884. LAKESIDE LITTLE THEATRE A.C.- Balanced theatrical entertainment, English-speaking, 765-5942. LAKESIDE SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF- The 4th of each month. Nueva Posada 10:30 am. Call 766-2280, www.lakesideschoolforthedeaf.org. LAKESIDE WILDLIFE RESCUE & REHABILITATION- Rescue & rehabilitation of wild animals. 765-4916. LAKE SPAY AND NEUTER CENTR A.C.- Provides shelter and helps curtail the over-population of animals. 766-3813. LCS EDUCATION CENTER- Provides classes in language and other topics for both Anglo and Mexican community. 766-0499. LCS STUDENT AID FUND- Provides financial support to area students to enroll in university, vocational and high school program. 766-0716. LINK- Assisting foreign community. Desk at Lake Chapala Society-Monday, 10 am-noon. LITTLE BLUE SCHOOLHOUSE- Provides financial assistance for students at school for disabled children in Chapala 766-1552. LOS NINOS DE CHAPALA Y AJIJIC, AC Providing educational scholarships to Lakeside children 376-765-7032, www.lakesideninos.org. LOVE IN ACTION- Shelter for abused and abandoned children. For volunteers and donations. Anabel Frutos 765-7409, cell: 331-351 7826. MAS- Music Appreciation Society. Concerts from fall to spring. Classical music and dance concerts. For info call Beverly Denton, 765-6409. MISION SAN PABLO- Helping 60 orphaned children ages 2-14 yrs, Bonnie Shrall - Bonnie@shrall.com #766-0009. www.misionsanpablo.org. NAVY LEAGUE, LAKE CHAPALA COUNCIL- Meets the third Saturday for lunch at 1 pm, Manix Rest. 766 4750 or 766-1848. NEEDLE PUSHERS- Sew dresses, knit or chet sweaters for local kids. Every Tues. 10 am at LCS. Call Gay at 766-2902. NIÑOS Y JOVENES CARAVAN- Delivers foodstuffs and used clothing to orphanage in San Juan. Call Reuben Varela, 01-387-761-0828. OPEN CIRCLE- Fostering body, mind & spirit, every Sunday at the LCS from 10 am to 12 noon. 765-3402 or frankdburton@yahoo.com. OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS- Every Tuesday & Friday 12 pm at Marcos Castellanos 51-A, in Upper Ajijic. Tel: 766-2575 or 766-1626. PROGRAMA PRO NIÑOS INCAPACITADOS DEL LAGO AC.- Assisting Lakeside disabled children www.programaninos.org , 763-5010. PASOS MILAGROSOS (MIRACULOUS STEPS.)- Helping Handicapped Children Through the Magic of Horses. Saturdays 8-2. www. pasosmilagrosos.com. RED CROSS VOLUNTEERS- Meets 1st Wednesday at 2:00 pm at the Sala LCS. New members welcome. ROTARY CLUB OF AJIJIC- Meets every Tuesday at 1:00 pm at Hotel Real de Chapala. Contact at 766-3302. www.rotaryajijic.com. SAILING LAKE CHAPALA- Meets for lunch/drinks - 1 pm the 1st Thursday of the month at Club Nautico in La Floresta near Ajijic, Paseo de la Huerta No. 57. Learn how to sail the lake. Visit www.sailinglakechapala.com for info and updates. SCIENCE OF MIND STUDY GROUP- Discussion group every Tuesday at 10:30 AM Lake Chapala Center for Spiritual Living at Nicolas Bravo #17 Ajijic; contact Rev. Tim at 766-0920 or tim@revdoctim.com. THE GENEALOGY FORUM- Meets monthly on the fourth Monday in the Sala at LCS, from 2:00 to 3:45. UVA - University/Vocational Assistance (Little Chapel by the Lake a.c.)- Sue Torres, 766-2932 or Lynn Hanson 766-2660. VIVA LA MUSICA - Bus trips to the symphony, summer concert series, call Rosemay Keeling 766-1801. www.ajijicviva.org. VOLLEYBALL IN CHAPALA- At Cristiania park Tues., Thurs., Sat. mornings at 10, 333-502-1264. VOLUNTEER HEALTH RESOURCE GROUP- Meeting last Saturday of each month at LCS in sala, 10:30. VOLUNTEERS OF THE CRUZ ROJA- Sponsors fund raising events and provides administrative and support services to the Delegation. (NOTE: If there is any change in the above, please advise us so that corrections may be made. Call: 765-2877)


El Ojo del Lago / June 2011

All Saints Lutheran Church Worship Service 11:00 am 4600 Avenida Tepeyac, Guad. Tel. (01 333) 121-6741. Abundant Life Assembly of God Carr. 140 next to Mail Boxes etc, Tel: 766-5615. Center For Spiritual Living Celebration Service, 5pm Fridays, Nicolas Bravo #17 Ajijic. 7669020 or tim@revdoctim.com. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Services in English and Spanish, 10 am, Riberas del Pilar Bishop Wyvell Tel. (376) 765-7067, Bishop’s residence (376) 766-1532. Church of the Holy Spirit Services Sun. 10 am, Albaro Obregon #119, Chapala Tel. (376) 7654210. Christ Church Anglican Fellowship Eucarist 10am upstairs in Manix Restaurant Ocampo #57 Ajijic. Rev. Danny Borkowski at (376) 766-2495 or Jim Powers t (387) 761-0017 Grace Baptist Church 5th Sun. Evening service 6 pm, Pedro Buzeta No. 970, Guad. Tel. (013) 641-1685. Lake Chapala Baptist Church Mid-week service, 9:30 am, worship service, 10:45 am. Santa Margarita #147, Riberas del Pilar, Tel. (376) 765-2925, 765-3329. www.lakechapalabaptist.com. 7th Day Adventist meet at Camino Real #84 in La Floresta, 9:30 am, Potluck follows, Tel: 7665708 Little Chapel by the Lake Sun. services 11 am, Chula Vista,. Jal, Tel. (376) 763-1551. Lake Chapala Jewish Congregation Santa Margarita 113, Riberas del Pilar, Tel: 765-6968. For information and service times, please call Pres. Elliot Gould. contact us@ lakechapalajews.com. Web site: www. lakechapalajews.com. Lakeside Fellowship Sun. worship 11 am, Javier Mina #49 Ajijic, Tel. (376) 766-0795. Lakeside Presbyterian Church Worship-Sunday 10 am; Bible Study-Friday 10 am; Hidalgo 231A, Carr. Chapala/Joco; Riberas del Pilar Tel. Pastor Ross Arnold at 376-766-1238, or Norm Pifer at 376-766-0616 Website at www.chapalalakesidepresbyterian. org Saint Andrew´s Anglican Church Calle San. Lucas 19, Riberas del Pilar, Sunday 2 services, 9 am & 11 am. www.standrewsriberas.com San Andres Catholic Church Services 9:00 am. Ajijic, 766-0922. St. John’s Catholic Church Between Av. Vallarta & Av. Lazaro Cardenas, Guad. Sun. 11am. (013) 121-8131. The Lake Chapala Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Meets Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Sta. Margarita #113 in Riberas del Pilar (on the SW corner of Santa Clara) For additional information call 766-1119 or email to lcuufinfo@gmail.com. We are a Welcoming Congregation www.lcuuf.org

Saw you in the Ojo 65




June 2011

President's Report Hello everyone. Though everything is running relatively smoothly at LCS, I don’t want you to think that your President or the board has become complacent. Since the new board was elected in March, we have been busy getting to know and work with our new board members as well as integrating them into our standing committees. Recently, the Audit and Advisory Committee completed its audit for 2010 and reported to the board on its findings. This report is now posted on the LCS website for your review. The board will prepare its response to this report and will post it online later this summer. The Management Committee has recently formed a special subcommittee to review all aspects of membership and report back with recommendations. If you would like to participate or have comments you'd like to make, please contact Ben White, chairperson of the subcommittee at benlindywhite5@gmail.com. To give you a little advance information, the Fund Development Committee is planning a Gala fundraising event for next January. This will be a grand party, the likes of which you've never seen before at LCS. Stay tuned! Your president and the board also want to thank the Lake Chapala Garden Club for completing the makeover of the LCS Wilkes Education Center gardens. Besides a new and gorgeous outdoor space, the entire facility is now handicap accessible. This is a great example of cooperation between two area organizations coming together for the betterment of the community. A job well done. I hope you'll stop by soon to see for yourself. So you can see that although the board often works in the shadows, we are hard at work with planning and policy making (and the occasional fundraiser) on your behalf. We like to hear from you, so please let us know what you think. Howard Feldstein President


El Ojo del Lago / June 2011

ESL Student Recognition Day - 2011 More than 250 people - students, family members and friends as well as the volunteer teachers - gathered together on the grounds of the Lake Chapala Society on Saturday, May 15, to celebrate English as a Second Language (ESL) students who completed the 2010-2011 school year. Well deserving students were honored with a Certificate of Recognition from their teacher for a very successful school year. Many thanks to all the teachers who volunteered their time so freely to help the eager learners of our community who pursue their studies despite many obstacles. Some of our much loved teachers are retiring this year so we are looking for volunteers for the coming school year, which runs from the middle of September until the beginning of May. If you are availabile during most of this timeframe and have a willingness to share your talent and and a willingness to share your time, talent and mastery of the English language please contact Inez Dayer at Inezme@gmail.com - (some Spanish may be helpful, but not necessary).


CASI NUEVO THRIFT SHOP IS CHANGING! The new hours are 10 a.m. to 3 p.m, Monday through Saturday. You will also find a bright new paint job. Soon, we will finish remodeling the bathroom for use as a Changing Room. A big GRACIAS to all of our friends who are donating items in the LCS Drop Box and also at the Thrift Shop.

Bertha’s going away party was fun and sad at the same time. Here she is cutting her cake with several Board members supervising.

SINGLES MIX & MATCH June 22 - LCS Mixer at The Lake Chapala Society. Cash bar, free botanas, music and a chance to meet and greet other singles at Lakeside. Non-LCS members pay a $20 pesos entry fee. June 28 - Annie’s Trip A day trip into Guadalajara for a very unusual shopping experience at Galerias Triunfo and the upscale Andares Mall, followed by dinner at the culinary school of Guadalajara. 9 a.m.: The 17-passenger bus leaves Ajijic from the carretera at the sculpture in La Floresta. 10 a.m.: Arrive in Guadalajara at Galerias Triunfo. From here we take a ride and visit the Andares Mall. 2 p.m.: Culinary School (ECI) Lunch cooked and served by culinary students. 4:30 p.m.: Bus trip back to Ajijic.

lcsmixandmatch@yahoogroups.com Patricia Doran, 376-766-0794 or inajijicpat@yahoo.com

LCS optometrist Luz Zepeda has provided her services at LCS for 15 years this month. Congratulations and thank you for your quality service.

DON’T FORGET - FREE EYE EXAMS ON THURSDAYS Sign up outside the eye clinic.

It’s time to clean out your “attics” and “basements” and donate those unused household appliances, tools, and electrical equipment. How about those outsized clothes that no longer fit because of your dieting success? And those shoes that you wore three seasons ago and are no longer in fashion? We also can use canned goods, towels, bedding, throw rugs, and vitamins. If you have furniture or large items to donate, please notify the LCS Office personnel and we will gladly arrange to pick them up. The Thrift Shop is an important source of funding for the LCS Education Program, School for the Deaf, and Have Hammers… Will Travel.

From the Director’s Desk One of the best parts of my job is getting to know the many volunteers and characters making up this unique community. The flip side to this is suffering their loss when they pass on. In the short two and a half years that I have been here, the latter has occurred too often and has proven to be one of the most difficult aspects of my job. Our condolences to the family and friends of former LCS president Cody Summers, and Library volunteer Jerry Eubanks. On the brighter side, there are several milestones I would like to recognize. The 21st Annual Community Awards just happened and I would like to congratulate the awards commitee and especially Tod Jonson who has spearheaded the awards throughout its history. It is an honor that LCS can offer its encouragement and recognition to this community institution. I am happy to announce the appointment of two more operational managers: Hebina Hood has accepted the position of Medical Programs Manager, and Lindy White has accepted the position of PR & Marketing Manager, welcome aboard and thank you both! I would also like to thank Ed Farnsworth, who recently resigned, for his work as Membership Manager. His leadership brought LCS into the 21st century.

Saw you in the Ojo 67

JUNE ACTIVITIES LIBRARIES* Book & Video M-SAT 10-2 Talking Book TH 10-12 MEDICAL/HEALTH INSURANCE Blood Pressure M+F 10-12 Cruz Roja Sales Table M–F 10-1 Cruz Roja Monthly Meeting 1st W 1:30-4 Hearing Aids M & 2nd + 4th SAT 11-3 IMSS & Immigration Services M+T 10-1 NY Life/Seguros Monterrey Insurance T+TH 11-2 Optometrist TH 9-5:30 Skin Cancer 2nd + 4th W 10-12 Sign–up LCS office INFORMATION Becerra Immigration F 10-1 Information Desk M-SAT 10-2 Loridan Legal T 10-12 Los Niño’s de Chapala /Ajijic F 10-1:30 US Consulate 1st W 10:30-12:30 Sign up 10AM LESSONS Children’s Art SAT 9-12 Country Line Dancing T+TH 10-11:30* Exercise M+W+F 9-10 Have Hammers T 10-12+TH 3-5 Intermediate Hatha Yoga T+TH+SAT 2 - 3:30 SOCIAL ACTIVITIES AA Lakeside M+TH 4-6 AA Women TH 10:30-12 AL-Anon/Al-aTeen M 4:30-5:30 Cancer Support Group 1st+3rd M 11:30-1 Computer Windows Club* F 10:30-11:45 Discussion Group W12-1:30 Film Aficionados* 2nd+ 4th+ Last TH 2-4:30 Gamblers Anonymous W 11:30-1:30 Genealogy Last M 2-4 Great Books 1st & 3rd F 2-4 Green Group 1st T 3-4:30 Green Transition in Action 2nd M 11-1:30 Ipod/Iphone F 9:30-10:30 Lakeside Friends of Animals 1st TH 2:45-4 Mac OS 1st M 12-1:30 Mac User 3rd W 3-4:30 Mah Jonng F 10-2:30 Masonic Lodge #31 2nd + 4th W 4:30-8, 4th T 3-4:30 MS Support Group 3rd W 2-4 Music Jam W 2-3 Needle Pushers T 10-12 Open Circle SUN 10-12:15 Scrabble M+F 12-2 Tournament Scrabble T 12-3 TICKET SALES M-F 10-12 *LCS membership required


El Ojo del Lago / June 2011

LCS Spanish Program Spanish classes will be on hiatus until July 25. Registration is the week prior with notice of dates to be announced in the July newsletter.

VIDEO LIBRARY INSIDE JOB - For those of you who enjoy documentaries. Charles Ferguson's Inside Job is strong, fair, and rational. The director tries mightily to untangle the complex architecture of the financial meltdown that has cost millions their jobs, their homes, and their savings. Narrated by Matt Damon, this movie has an 8.2 rating on a scale of 10. A SHINE OF RAINBOWS - Roger Ebert says: “As you can possibly guess from the title, A Shine of Rainbows is a feel-good movie. Hey, what's not to like about cute orphans, baby seals, sweet moms and gruff dads with hearts of gold? And rainbows? If your heart is going thumpety-thump at such a prospect, here is the movie for you.” ----As always, we appreciate people offering to help us keep the video library current by bringing movies back when they travel north, or having their friends and family who are visiting, bring some down. There is no cost. We order the DVD’s, prepay them and have them shipped to a pre-arranged address. We also appreciate donations of videos sitting around your house taking up space and gathering dust. If you have old VHS tapes or camcorder cassettes that you would like to have transferred to long lasting DVDs, we will be happy to do it for you for $50 pesos per tape at the LCS Video Library.

HIRE A MEXICAN WORKER As a means of assisting both the foreign & Mexican communities, a non-profit registry of local Mexicans who need & are looking for work of all types is maintained. No pre-screening is provided, just a database of willing applicants. You interview and choose to hire or not. Come to the Chapala American Legion on Monday between 9 and 11 a.m. or email Rony at: elbelgicano@yahoo.com - http://vivachapala. blogspot.com/ .

20% off SALE Arden Indoor Furniture is teaming up with Blue Concepts Outdoor Furniture and LCS on Saturday June 18 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.offering all LCS members a 20% savings! On the carretera at the Arden Showrooms.

FILM AFICIONADOS Films and discussion each Thursday in the Sala at 2 p.m. There will be four movies this month! 2 June - VALENTIN – 2002, Argentina. Nine-year-old Valentin lives with his grandmother in Buenos Aires. He believes that his family has problems that only he can solve. 9 June - A WEDNESDAY – 2006, India. This actionpacked drama takes place over the course of four tension-filled hours in Mumbai, India, beginning with a phone call to the police commissioner. He’s skeptical when the caller warns of a bomb, but when the bomb is actually found, the police are forced into negotiations with terrorists. 16 June - A SCREAMING MAN – 2011, Chad. In an ingenious and moving take on F. W. Murneau’s classic novel, “The Last Laugh,” Chadian director Mahamat-Saleh Haroun tells the story of Adam, a former swimming champion who was the long-time pool attendant at a luxury hotel and has been demoted to gatekeeper. With great skill, Haroun evinces the pathos of privatization, the hell of civil war, the ferment of migration, and the eternal dramas of aging and paternity. Through the intimate crises of a handful of characters, he raises their drama to a universal, muffled state of frustration and rage. 23 June - TO BE ANNOUNCED at the 16 June showing. (a must see :-) Admission is limited to those with a current LCS membership card. If you are an LCS member and would like to receive notices and reviews about upcoming Film Aficionados showings, please email: mak1939@gmail.com

LAKE CHAPALA SOCIETY 16 de Septiembre #16-A, Ajijic, Jalisco LCS Main Office: 376-766-1140 Office, Information and other services open Monday – Saturday, 10 to 2. Grounds are open until 5. LCS BOARD OF DIRECTORS President - Howard Feldstein (2012); Vice-President - Fred Harland (2013) Treasurer - Paula Haarvai (2013); Secretary - Lynn Bishop (2012) Director - Lois Cugini (2013); Director - Aurora Michel Galindo (2013); Director - Cate Howell (2013) Director - Tod Jonson (2012); Director - Wallace Mills (2013); Director - Mary Alice Sargent (2012) Director - Sharon Smith (2012); Director - Ben White (2013) Executive Director - Terry Vidal ◊ THE LCS NEWSLETTER IS PUBLISHED MONTHLY. ◊ DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS IS THE 17TH OF THE MONTH PRECEDING PUBLICATION. ◊ NEWS ITEMS CAN BE EMAILED TO MARGARET JOHNSTONE MARGARITA_JOHNSTONE@GMAIL.COM NOTE: THE EDITORIAL STAFF RESERVES THE RIGHT TO COMPLETE EDITING PRIVILEGES. ARTICLES AND/OR CALENDAR EVENTS WILL BE INCLUDED ACCORDING TO TIME, SPACE AVAILABILITY AND EDITORIAL DECISION.

Saw you in the Ojo 69




DIRECTORY Tel: 766-5420, Cell (045) 333-507-3024 - MODELORAMA Tel: 766-2678, 765-2055


Pag: 16 Pag: 62



Pag: 65

- DEE’S PET CARE Tel: 762-1646 - FURRY FRIENDS Tel: 765-5431 - SALUD ANIMAL Tel: 766-1009

Pag: 66 Pag: 67


Pag: 68


Pag: 20 Pag: 03



- DIANE PEARL COLECCIONES Tel: 766-5683 Pag: 29 - HECHO EN MEXICO Tel: 765-4689 Pag: 63 - EL PALOMAR Tel: 01 (33) 3635-5247 Pag: 50 - MEXICAN ART & DECO Cell: 33-1437-1848 Pag: 57 - MEXIXIC- La Mancha Pag: 24 - THE AJIJIC ART HOUSE Tel: 765-5097 Pag: 07, 22, 50, 66, 73

- MAILBOXES, ETC. Tel: 766-0647, Fax: 766-0775 761-0363, Fax: 761-0364

Pag: 52 Pag: 13

Pag: 29 Pag: 23



Pag: 26 Pag: 51 Pag: 59

* BED & BREAKFAST Pag: 47 Pag: 15 Pag: 19



- NAPOLEON Tel: 766-6153

Pag: 10 Pag: 56

- EDGAR CEDEÑO - MEXICO PROTECT Cell: (045) 33-3106-6982 - LAKECHAPALAINSURANCE.COM - LEWIS AND LEWIS Tel: (310) 399-0800, (800) 966-6830 - LLOYD Tel: 766-0152, 766-3508 - RACHEL’S INSURANCE Tel/Fax 765-4316

Pag: 18 Pag: 59 Pag: 57 Pag: 23 Pag: 61

Pag: 11

- ELEMENTS Tel: 766-5826 - TENERIFE CENTER Tel: 33-3640-1283

Pag: 23 Pag: 43

LEGAL SERVICES - MAGO’S OFFICE Tel: 765-3640 - LAW OFFICES Tel: (322) 222 0499

Pag: 10 Pag: 30



Pag: 75


- FERRETERIA Y TLAPALERIA GALVEZ Tel: 766-0880, Fax: 766-2440 Pag: 74

* HEALTH - BIOFEEDBACK THERAPY Tel: 766-5179 - KARIN J. MILES Cell: (045) 333-481-8307 - WEIGHTWATCHERS Tel: 01-800-710-3378

Pag: 48 Pag: 59 Pag: 47

Pag: 69

* HOME APPLIANCES Pag: 13 Pag: 09 Pag: 15 Pag: 32 Pag: 18 Pag: 20


- ELECTROVENTA Tel: 765-2222

Pag: 66

* HOTELS / SUITES - ADOBE WALLS INN Tel: 766-1296 - DOLPHIN COVE INN Tel: 314-334-1515 - HOTEL PERICO Cell: 333-142-0012 - LA MANSION DEL SOL Tel: 01 800 715 9339 - LA NUEVA POSADA Tel: 766-1444, Fax: 766-2049 - POSADA YOLIHUANI Tel: 434-342-1666

- TONY’S Tel: 766-1614, 766-4069

Pag: 12




El Ojo del Lago / June 2011

- CENTRO LAGUNA Tel: 01 (33) 3560-2670

Pag: 57

* DENTISTS - AJIJIC DENTAL Tel: 766-3682 - C.D. MARÍA LUISA LUIS VILLA Tel/Fax: 766-2428 - C.D. SANDRA ANAYA MORA Tel: 765-3502, 765-5444 - DENTAL EXPRESS Cell: (045) 331-121-6518 - DR. ALBERTO DON OLIVERA Tels: 765-4838, 765-4805 - DR. FRANCISCO CONTRERAS Tel: 765-5757

Pag: 17

Pag: 11

- ARELLANO Tel: 766-4696 Pag: 38, 39 - CABO DO MUNDO- INTERIOR DESIGN Tel: 766-0026 Pag: 25 - CONSTRUCTION & REMODELING Tel: 766-3626 Pag: 44 - EDIFIK ARQUITECTOS Tel: (045) 33-1431-2687 Pag: 44 - WARWICK CONSTRUCTION Tel: 765-2224 Cell. (045) 331-135-0763 Pag: 61

Pag: 29


- CASA DE LAS FLORES Tel: 766-5493 - CASA DEL SOL Tel: 766-0050 - CASA TRES LEONES Cell: (045) 331-350-6764

Pag: 69

Pag: 16


Pag: 25

- MARY KAY Tel: 765-7654 - NEW LOOK STUDIO Tel: 766-6000 - SUSAN KOLEV


- HOSTEL Tel: (33) 3614-2811 - QUINTA DON JOSE Tel: 01-800-700-2223 - VILLAS DEL SOL Tel: 766-1152


Pag: 21


- SOFA-COMPANY.COM Cell: 331-576-6974 Pag: 19 - STRESSLESS Tel: 33-3640-1283 Pag: 43 - TEMPUR, MATTRESS AND PILLOWS Tel: (52) 333-629-5919, (52) 33 3611-3049 Pag: 25


* BANK INVESTMENT - ACTINVER Tel. 766-3110 - INTERCAM Tel: 766-5978 - MULTIVA Tel: 766-2499 -O&A Tel: 766-4481

Pag: 54

766-1760 765-4444 766-5555



* AUTOMOTIVE - GRUPO OLMESA Cell: (045) 33-3806-9231 - LINEA PROFESIONAL Tel. 766-2555, Fax. 766-0066

Pag: 06


Pag: 53



066 765-2308, 765-2553 766-3615


- CURVES Tel: 766-1924 Pag: 31 - PROFESSIONAL QUALITY GYM STUFF Tel: 766-5800 Pag: 54

Pag: 26, 68

- VENTILADORES DEL OCCIDENTE Tel/Fax: (33) 3631-6619, 3634-9982

Pag: 52


Pag: 25


Pag: 10

- FUMIGA Tel: 762-0078, (045) 33-1155-7059


Tel: 766-2914


Pag: 27 Pag: 61 Pag: 52 Pag: 61 Pag: 03 Pag: 22

- BERNARDO LANCASTER JONES MD Tel: (33) 3813-2090 Pag: 48 - DERMATOLOGIST Tel: 766-1198, 765-2400 Pag: 48 - DERMIKA Dermatologic Center Dra. Monica Ramos Tel: 766-2500 Pag: 22 - DRA. MARTHA R. BALLESTEROS FRANCO Cell: (045) 333-408-0951 Pag: 17 - HOSPITAL ANGELES DEL CARMEN Tel: (01) 3813-0042 Pag: 08 - INTERNAL MEDICINE SPECIALIST & GERIATRICS Dr. J. Manuel Cordova Tel: 766-2777 Pag: 18 - ISILAB Tel: 766-1164 Pag: 47 - MEDI TRAVEL SOLUTIONS Tel: (888) 228-8972 Pag: 53 - OPHTHALMOLOGIST Cell: 01(33) 3161-5577 , 765-3073 Pag: 16 - PINTO OPTICAS Tel: 765-7793 Pag: 14 - PLASTIC SURGERY-Dr. Benjamin Villaran Tel: 766-5513 Pag: 24 - PLASTIC SURGERY-Sergio Aguila M.D. Tel: 766-2500 Pag: 45 - RED CROSS Tel: 765-2308 - SURGERY HOST Tel: 766-3145 Pag: 46

* MOVERS - BALDERAS Tel: 01 (33) 3810-4859 - LAKE CHAPALA MOVING Tel: 766-5008 - SEYMI Tel: 01 (33) 3603-0000, 3603-0256 - STROM- WHITE MOVERS Tel: 766-4049

Pag: 08 Pag: 14 Pag: 50

Tel: 766-3508 - MEXICO PROPERTY RESOURCES Tel: (315) 351-7489 - PETER ST. JOHN Tel: 765-3676 - RAUL GONZALEZ Cell: 33-1437-0925 - SANDI ALLIN BRISCOE Tel: 765-2484

Pag: 23 Pag: 54 Pag: 26 Pag: 03


Pag: 33

- AJIJIC ELECTRONICS S.A. DE C.V. Tel/Fax: 766-1117, 766-3371 - SERVICIO BELTRÁN Tel: 765-3949, 766-4586

Pag: 17



Pag: 65

* PERSONAL ASSISTANCE - JUSTUS HAUSER Tel: 763-5333, Fax: 763-5335 Emergencies: 01 (33) 3441-8223 Pag: 05 - NEWCOMERS ILSE HOFFMANN Cell: 33-3157-2541, Ilse40@megared.net.mx www.mexicoadventure.com/chapala/guadalajara.htm Tel: 01 (33) 3647-3912

Tel: 765-4187, Fax: 765-5815 - LA VALENTINA Tel: 766-5179 - THE BLUE HOUSE Tel: 766-1256

- COLDWELLBANKER CHAPALA REALTY Tel: 766-1152, movile: (045) 33-1175-9632 Pag: 60 - HOMES AND APARTMENTS FOR RENT Cell: 33-1163-9686 Pag: 40 - FOR RENT Tel: 766-3799 Pag: 60 - LA MANZANILLA -Ocean Front Condominiums Tel: 315-351-5014 Pag: 66 - RENTAL LOCATERS Pag: 56 Tel: 766-5202 - RIBERA RENTAL CENTER Pag: 63 Tel: 765-3838 - ROMA Pag: 12 Tel: 766-3163 - SANTANA RENTALS Cell: 315-104-3283, Pag: 54 - VILLAS DEL SOL Tel: 766-1152 Pag: 56

Pag: 06

Pag: 19

Pag: 27

* THERAPISTS Pag: 55 - PROFESSIONAL REHABILITATION Tel: 766-5563 Pag: 17 - RESPIRO SPA Tel: (045) 33-3157-7790 Pag: 24, 54 Pag: 13

* TOURS Pag: 68 - CHARTER CLUB TOURS Tel: 766-1777



- TOTAL BODY CARE Tel: 766-3379

Pag: 09


Pag: 69

* WATER - HIFLO SYSTEMS Tel: 766-5495 - TECNO AQUA Tel: 766-3730, 766-3731

Pag: 67 Pag: 57

Pag: 63

* SELF STORAGE - SELF STORAGE-BODEGAS CHAPALA Tel: 766-0661, Tel/Fax: 766-1045 Pag: 29



- TV REPAIR SERVICIO BELTRÁN Tel: 765-3949 - WATCH & CLOCKS Tel: 765 5190, Cell: (045) 33-1331-9226

Pag: 68

Pag: 69

Pag: 50


- LAKE CHAPALA SOCIETY Tel: 766-1140 Pag: 66-69 - LAKESIDE SPAY & NEUTER CENTER, A.C. Tel: 766-3813 - LOS NIÑOS DE CHAPALA Y AJIJIC Tel: 765-7032 Pag: 51

Pag: 68 Pag: 20

* POOL MAINTENANCE - EQUIPMENT AND POOL MAINTENANCE Tel: 766-1617 Pag: 61 - TECNO AQUA Tel: 766-3730, 766-3731 Pag: 57

* REAL ESTATE - AJIJIC HOME INSPECTIONS Tel: 766-2836 Pag: 12 - ALIX WILSON Cell: (045) 331-265-5078 Pag: 59 - ALL IN ONE REAL ESTATE SERVICE Tel: 766-1161 Pag: 05 - ARELLANO Tel: 766-4696 Pag: 38, 39 - BEV. & JEAN COFELL Home Tel. 766-5332 Office Tel. 765-3676 Pag: 46 - BRISAS DE CHAPALA Tel: 765-6297 Pag: 45 - COLDWELL BANKER CHAPALA REALTY Tel: 766-1152, 766-3369 Fax: 766-2124, Tels: 765-2877 Fax: 765-3528 Pag: 76 - CHULA VISTA NORTE Tel: 766-2177 Cell: (045) 33-3841-8867 Pag: 30 - EL DORADO Tel: 766-0040 Pag: 02 - FOR SALE BY OWNER Tel: 766-5124 Pag: 68 - FOR SALE BY OWNER Tel: 765-2222 Pag: 69 - FOR SALE BY OWNER Tel: 765-7349 Pag: 65 - FOR SALE BY OWNER Tel: 766 3870, 766 2512 Pag: 63 - FOR SALE BY OWNER Tel: 33-3199-2009 Pag: 66 - FOR SALE BY OWNER Cell: (045) 33 1040 5573 Pag: 67 - FOR SALE BY OWNER Tel: 766-5429 Pag: 56 - GEORGETTE RICHMOND Tel: 766-2129, 766-2077 Pag: 11 - LLOYD REAL ESTATE AJIJIC

- AJIJIC TANGO Tel: 766-2458 - CASA DEL WAFFLE Tel: 766-1946 - DAVID’S CAFE Tel: 766-2341 - EL CAMALEÓN Cell: (045) 33 1079 4760 - EL JARDIN DE NINETTE Tel. 766-4905 - EL FIGÓN Tel: 766-5468 - GO LE CLUB Cell: (045) 33-3502-6555 - HACIENDA AJIJIC’S Tel: 766-4906 - JOLANDAS Tel: 315-351-5449 - LA BIKINA - LA NUEVA POSADA Tel: 766-1444, 766-2049 - LA PRENSA FRANCESA Tel: 33-1173-4833 - LA VIÑA Tel: 766-0281 - LAS MICHE - LOS MOLLETES Tel: 766-4296 - LOS TELARES Tel: 766-0428 - MOM´S DELI & RESTAURANT Tel: 765-5719 - NUMBER FOUR Tel: 766-1360 - PANINO Tel: 766-3822 - SIMPLY THAI Tel: 766-5665 - SUBWAY - TABARKA Tel: 766-1588 - TONY’S Tel: 766-1614, 766-4069 - TWO SPOONS Tel: 766-5089

* SOLAR ENERGY Pag: 44 Pag: 03 Pag: 66 Pag: 66 Pag: 26 Pag: 16 Pag: 27

- ESUN Tel: 766-2319

Pag: 58

* SPA / MASSAGE - CECILIA MONTAÑO Cell: (045) 314-872-2644 - HYDROPOOL Tel: 766-4030 - RESPIRO SPA Tel: (045) 33-3157-7790

Pag: 67 Pag: 53 Pag: 24, 54


Pag: 45 Pag: 28 Pag: 68 Pag: 03

The Ojo Crossword

Pag: 61 Pag: 24 Pag: 17 Pag: 33 Pag: 51 Pag: 07 Pag: 23 Pag: 19 Pag: 26 Pag: 74 Pag: 55 Pag: 12 Pag: 67


Saw you in the Ojo 71



FOR SALE: HONDA 2001 CRV. Best little car on the market for Ajijic, runs great nothing needed just gas great family car cell: 333 458 1929 FOR SALE: It shows its age, but nevertheless a nice car. Maintained locally. New res. Price 22,000 pesos. We are selling because we have bought an SUV. Contact me for info: paulus@ajijicorganic.com FOR SALE: Great clean car that gets great mileage and has a lot of pep. I am selling only because I may be leaving the area. Well maintained. Mexican plates, $4,500 US. Cell. 331-069-7988. FOR SALE: Mexican-plated mechanically sound 1999 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited; looks good but has some minor dings; nearly new res. Priced below blue book. Email pms@psconsult.com or call: (376) 766-0777. FOR SALE: Pickup truck, engine in good condi on, transmission leaks, but s ll runs good. U.S. plates, $2,000USD. Call: (387) 763-0004 FOR SALE: 2009 2-dr Chevy, Mexican plates, Silver, low mileage, Excellent condion, $7,600 US, Call: (376) 766-5429 FOR SALE: Mercedes 1982 SD500 Turbo Charged 5 Cylinder Diesel, needs works to restore it to its classic status $3,500 pesos or best offer. NO e-mail, please Call: (387) 763-3266 FOR SALE: Excellent Conver ble. Imported, Mexican plates, insurance paid for 2011, taxes and importa on paid unl 2010. Motor 2.5 ltrs, working great. new res, new shock, magnesium rhins, $35,000 pesos. For appointment Call, at Cell: 33-1113-6192 FOR SALE: Fully Equipped Handicapped Van with Li , Low Mileage, Mint Condi on $7,500 USD. Call: (376) 766-3994 FOR SALE: Chrysler Cirrus LXI 2002. Three-owner car - Mexican plated (Jalisco); very well maintained and low mileage. Always kept in garage for protec on of exterior. 68,000 pesos. Call: (387) 761-0094 FOR SALE: 1993 Mercury Villager, 7 passenger van, automa c, A/C blows cold, 154,000 miles, cloth interior, clean, one owner, U.S. plated $3995 U.S. (376) 7635367 FOR SALE: 1989 Suburban with trailer hitch, automa c transmission. New motor 39,000.00 Km. New exhaust system, 4 new res. Min. of 16 other parts was exchanged. Mexican plated. Well maintained. $35,000.00 pesos. Cell. 331 446 -1709 FOR SALE: Mercedes SL560 roadster. New leather upholstery and so top. Has 2 tops, hard and so . Euro cover. Manuals. This is a classic automobile. $5,500.00US. Call: Carol-Joan Daniel at (376) 765-2598 FOR SALE : This car was driven down from US in July of 2010. It has been legalized in Mexico. 2x2 5.2 liter engine. $95,000 pesos. Contact: Donnie Glover FOR SALE: 2005 Ford Taurus, runs good, needs some body work, $67,000 pesos or USD. No e-mail please Call John (376)765-6613

FOR SALE: Spyder 2 Pro Studio Professional Color . Calibra on System for CRT and LCD displays. In original packaging, with installa on CD and extra so ware. (ColorVision DoctorPRO, Color Efex Pro 2.0, PANTONE colorist). Contact: Eniko Hunter FOR SALE: New in box Sony external DVD drive. USB-2 plug in. Handy if you have a netbook or need an addi onal drive. $500pesos. Call: (376) 765 7356 FOR SALE: I have for sale a number of boxes of Photo paper (mostly Staples brand) Gloss, semi-gloss, sa ng and flat. I also have part used boxes. Price will be half of list price. Call: (376) 765 7356 FOR SALE: I will have for sale in June a er 23rd, (I’m moving away) 2 monitors. One 17” Gateway for 600pesos and one 19 NEC for 800pesos. Both are working perfectly and give a nice picture. Call: (376) 765 7356 WANTED: Epson R1800 computer printer in good condi on. Contact at 331431 7264 or n hor@hotmail.com WANTED: Kindle Reading Device - New or used - new or recent vintage - perfect working condi on - reasonably priced. Email: busyman@usa.com FOR SALE: Laptop, works fine, just checked by Computerland in Riberas. Wireless, good ba ery and has USB ports (3), SVideo and connec on for external monitor. S400 connector and two/2 PCMCIA slots. $2,500 OBO. Call: (376) 765-63-48 FOR SALE: Netbook computer, hardly used but needs hard disk. Fix or use parts No power unit $50. Call: 7653824 FOR SALE: UPS with fresh ba eries. I bought a new one on bad advice. Your gain. $500 pesos. Contact: Tom Holeman FOR SALE: Very good condi on Ipod Touch 64 GB, virtually no scratches on screen, $3,000 pesos. Contact Issac Roberts FOR SALE: Very Fast HP Laptop with Pen um Dual Core CPU 2.30 Ghz X2 and 4GB of RAM, Comes w/ the Charger. Good Condi on, missing one key (up arrow), wireless, windows 7, $12,000. Contact Issac Roberts FOR SALE: Magicjack allows you to make unlimited calls to the United States and Canada for one year. Renewal is then $19.95 per year for as long as you own the magicjack. $50.00. Call: (376) 765-2326


PETS & SUPPLIES FOR SALE: Beau ful and lovely male ki y of 2 months old. Loves to play and be around people. Very clean and knows how to use the li erbox. Has been vaccinated. Contact: Monica Haro FOR SALE: Cassie and Leo are beau ful, loving Tuxedo cats looking for a loving “cat person” to adopt them. Please call Chrisne at 766-5870 or email: rodm.bass@ gmail.com.

GENERAL MERCHANDISE WANTED: I want to buy a pressure washer, gas powered or electric, in good condi on. Call Bud 766-1127 or geebud-

El Ojo del Lago / June 2011

gee@gmail.com FOR SALE: Cargo trailer, fully enclosed. Dust seals on doors, jack stand with wheel. Spare re. Locks for hitch, hitch ball and doors. Like new. US$1,300 or equal in pesos. Bud 766-1127 or geebudgee@gmail. com FOR SALE: Padded headboard suitable for queen or king ma ress set. Taupe fabric. perfect condi on, $100 USD. Call: 7661667 FOR SALE: 2 small medium-colored wood tables with glass tops for sale. Suitable as small end tables, $70 USD for the pair. Call: 766-1667 FOR SALE: Two dark wood night tables with 2 drawers each. As-new condi on, $150 USD for the pair. Call: 766-1667 FOR SALE: Six assorted toss cushions in shades of brown for sale. 2 large and 4 medium sized, $120 USD for all. Call: 766-1667 FOR SALE: One tradi onal styled table lamp for sale. Excellent quality and just like new, $120 USD. Call: 766-1667 FOR SALE: Two beau ful as-new tradi onal table lamps for sale, $115 USD for the pair, $115 USD. Call: 766-1667 FOR SALE: Unused Queen size mattress and box spring for sale, $350 USD. Call: 766-1667 FOR SALE: Model 311 Dish Network receiver only 2 years old with remote, $500 pesos. Call: 765-4590 WANTED: VHS Videos of: Jules and Jim, Black Orpheus, Manon of the Spring, Swept Away, Babel. Contact: Mick Wen FOR SALE: Satellite Dishes 52” x 47” one with Star Choice LNB - one with DISH Network LNB - moun ng hardware included. $500 pesos each. Call: (376) 766-4217 FOR SALE: White 31-inch Mabe gas stove/oven with broiler, 4 burners + central griddle/ burner, $2000 pesos. Contact: M. Petela FOR SALE: We are renova ng our kitchen and on the exterior we would like to ad a gas barbecue. If you have one for sale contact me at paulus@ajijicorganic.com. FOR SALE: 1983 Correct Cra , 18’ 9” (5.72 m), “Air Nau que”. Customized, restored, and fully na onalized, $85,000pesos. Contact: C. Hunter @ (376) 766-1718 FOR SALE: Uniden PC68LTW CB Radio w/64”Antenna and antenna wire. New condi on!! $750 pesos. Call: (376) 765-6334 FOR SALE: Extension mirrors for 1999 Chevrolet 3500 Pickup. I bought them to use when pulling my camper, but sold the camper. The mirrors are new, they are black. $400 pesos. Call: (376) 765-6334 FOR SALE: Samsung 50” HDTV TruSurround XT w/Digital. Accommodates DVD players, Camcorders, Digital Cameras, PC’s, and other Gear. 20-Wa stereo amplifier, 2 speakers and SRS TruSurround XT furnish room filling audio with surround sound effects, $10,000 pesos. Contact: Sue Hurst. WANTED: Need someone to renew headliner in my car in Guadalajara. Prefer if you do at home. Contact: Frank Raimo. FOR SALE: BIG _SS TV! 51¨ Hitachi, Awesome for ac on flicks, sports, or group

viewing. 51¨screen, built in speakers on bo om. Good picture & sound, $3000 pesos. Contact: Sherry Hudson. WANTED: Looking for a slide projector. I have slides to review. Would like a screen if possible. Contact: Reginald Doresa FOR SALE: Star Choice - DSR 205 and DSR 405 receivers complete with remote, $2000 pesos. FOR SALE: Telular cell phone (Telmex) 200 pesos. It looks like a regular desk phone, plugs into wall socket or ba ery operated. Has speaker. Call: (387) 761-0259 FOR SALE: Newly-recovered in olive green ultra suede with bolsters. Bench ideal for foot of bed. $1000 pesos. Call: 765-6977 FOR SALE: Nice set of 2 end + coffee tables. Heavy glass tops, 900 pesos. Call 765-6977 FOR SALE: Set of three brass/glass top occasional tables. Tradi onal style, 600 pesos. Call 765-6977 FOR SALE: Nice large, copper-sheeted coffee table, 750 pesos. Call 765-6977 FOR SALE: Purchased at Arden for 13000 pesos, now 4500 pesos. Gently used and beau ful, 4500 pesos. Call 765-6977 FOR SALE: 32” Sony Bravia, 1080 HD, used 6 months, will take $300 USD or 3,600 pesos. Also DVD player, like new for $50 USD or 600 pesos. . Call: (387) 763-0004 FOR SALE: Ceiling fan s ll in box 52” for $60 USD or 700 pesos. Office chair, black with mesh back, $75 USD. Call: (387) 7630004 FOR SALE: Easel contains box with removable paint tray and pale e. Like new - has been used once, 600 pesos. Contact: Ju a Fernald. FOR SALE: Cisco Systems Linksys phone adapter with 2 ports for Voice over IP(Vonage), 600pesos. Contact: Gary Matson FOR SALE: Propane BBQ stainless steel grill in near new condi on with three or more burners. Contact: Jim Brill at jb4625@ gmail.com FOR SALE: 25” Daewoo Television in almost new condi on. Asking 200 USD. Please phone Norm at (045) 33-1431-7264 FOR SALE: Mini Component of High Fidelity System SONY GENEZI 7 speakers, MP3, USB recorder. Excellent condi ons, 2.200 pesos. Call: (045) 33-1040-5206 FOR SALE: solid wood divider handicra ed in mahogany, fine design, 4 foldings. Have to see it, 9.000,00 pesos. Call: (045) 33-1040-5206 FOR SALE: Jason’s Tea Tree scalp normalizing shampoo ends dry, flaky, itchy scalp. Enriched with soothing botanicals and pro-vitamins. Total 7 bo les. 17.5 fl oz each. $96 pesos each. Contact: Susan FOR SALE: An Arden Teak Colonial style chair that matches a bench which is also for sale. Like new condi on. $1800.00 pesos. Call: (376) 765-7356 FOR SALE: A Colonial style teak bench in like new condi on. Perfect for an entranceway or pa o. $3,000.00 pesos. Call: (376) 765-7356

FOR SALE: A custom made Pine bookcase (not rus co) 39 3/4” wide X 91” high. Raised and fielded side panels with 7 total shelves of varying height for regular and larger books. $1,800 pesos. Call: (376) 7657356 FOR SALE: A pair of Japanese made stereo speakers with matching sub-woofer. Perfect for classical music but also great performers with Rock etc. In boxes with manual. $3,000.00 pesos. Call: (376) 7657356 FOR SALE: Clairol Nice n’Easy Root Touch Up in dark brown. Product just arrived from US. Have 5 for sale $60 pesos each/$300 pesos all. Contact: Susan FOR SALE: Stereo Speaker: ·High Gloss ‘Piano Black’ lacquer finish, Frequency response: 60-22kHz ±3db, Nominal Impedance: 8Ω, Sensi vity: 85db 1 wa / 1 meter, Recommended RMS Power: 50w per channel, Tweeter: 1 inch silk, shielded dome, Bass-mid: 4” Kevlar cone shielded, Crossover frequency 4.5 kHz, Dimensions (W x H x D): 6” x 10” x 8”, Weight: 2.80Kgs, $1,900 pesos. Contact: A T FOR SALE: I have a 18” and 19” bowl. Great for mixing salads. I also have a 16” strainer. All are made of stainless steel and are in excellent condi on. $200 pesos each one. Contact: Keefe Eckert FOR SALE: Kitchen Aid Food Processor, $3500 pesos. Contact: Keefe Eckert FOR SALE: Rus co Bar With 3 Stools Reddish Color. Distressed crackle finish. Stools with backs are upholstered. $100.00 USD/1250.00 Pesos. Great for an entertainment area or a covered veranda. Please e-mail ccalfapietra@hotmail.com or call (U.S.) 956 755-9490. WANTED: Willing to pay a fair price for a good working star choice receiver and remote. Please call 766-6051 WANTED: Want to buy 2 stackable single-drawer, le er size, metal file cabinets. Call: 766-5347 FOR SALE: Ultrama c Bed slightly used double size, extra long, dual motors head and foot raises and lowers - massage feature - includes 2 sets of custom size sheet sets. $1000 US Firm. Phone Dee @ (376) 765-7542 FOR SALE: Two 250 rolls of new copper romex. Each roll $1200 pesos - price firm. Call: 766-1757 FOR SALE: Nike Driver, 3 wood, 5 wood. 1-9 irons, pitching wedge, 4 extra wedges of different sizes. Odyssey pu er. Bag with balls and extras. $8,000. Contact: Keefe Eckert FOR SALE: New Cecilia alto saxophone for sale, $250. James Tipton, (376) 7657689. FOR SALE: I have two dozen books by or about George Gurdjieff and P.D. Ouspensky, including Maurice Nicoll’s five volumes (hardcover) Psychological Commentaries on the Teaching of Gurdjieff & Ouspensky. Come and take a look, then make offer on whole collec on. James Tipton, (376) 7657689. FOR SALE: Refrigerator bigger with icemaker. This one works fine $3000 pesos. Contact: Joe Schmitz FOR SALE: Fire engine red 3 wheeler scooter it comes with an electric li and two ramps. This equipment has never been used, $3000 OBO. Please call Suzi Klein 766- 4456 email ssnnkenn7@aol.com WANTED: Want hardware/so ware to convert VHS tapes to DVD disks. Call: Donald Williams at 768-2762 FOR SALE: 6’ Pa o Table. Has pebbled

frosted glass top with chocolate brown aluminum frame. $200 USD. Call: (376) 7664636 WANTED: Mailbox Partner, looking for someone to share a mailbox at Sol y Luna. One year contract required. Your share is $150 pesos per month. Call Thip at 7665665 in June or email any me at thipphonsavath@hotmail.com” FOR SALE: A complete set of le handed golf clubs $2,000 pesos call 7663537 FOR SALE: NEW TOILET SEATS. Almond color. Oval shape. $9USD/110pesos each. Please reply to ccalfapietra@hotmail.com FOR SALE: Mexican Po ery Lamp. Base is vase shaped. Shade is po ery too with decora ve cutouts through which the light shines. Terraco a color. $15USD/190 pesos. Please reply to ccalfapietra@hotmail. com FOR SALE: Assorted Landline Telephones. Used $65pesos; New $90 pesos. Please reply to ccalfapietra@hotmail.com FOR SALE: Three Piece Living Room Or Veranda Set. Occasional chair, love seat, sofa. Mexican made, Victorian style. Upholstered in burnt orange. $150 USD/$1,300 pesos. Please reply to ccalfapietra@hotmail.com. FOR SALE: Assorted Voltage Regulators: 600 wa $150 pesos; 1200 wa $190 pesos; 1500 wa $250 pesos. Please reply to ccalfapietra@hotmail.com FOR SALE: Large amplifier, built in speaker, dual guitar/mic inputs w/individual volume control, dual casse player/ recorder with tape speed control, echo feature, earphone jack allows for privacy. $600 No email, Please Call Lee Borden at 333-496-5883 FOR SALE: Casio Portable electric organ w/hard case and collapsible stand, 12v/120v adaptor synthesized instruments, back up rythums, digital recorder, earphone jack allows for privacy. Very lightly used, new condi on $2,500. No email, Please Call Lee Borden at 333-496-5883 FOR SALE: Professional microphone stand-chrome, adjustable height and boom. $400. No email, Please Call Lee Borden at 333-496-5883 FOR SALE: Harley Davidson touch lamp, new in box $400. No email, Please Call Lee Borden at 333-496-5883 FOR SALE: Bar Style Table. Round 30” diameter laminated top on 42” high metal pedestal base. Includes 3 tall, wooden, swivels stools w/back rests and brass foot rails. Excellent condi on, $4,000. No email, Please Call Lee Borden at 333-496-5883 FOR SALE: Three drawer locking file cabinet. Excellent condi on, $1000. Call: Keefe Eckert at 33 1416 1050 FOR SALE: (38) 12”x12” glass blocks for a glass wall or a window in a wall. The design is like bubbles in a fish tank, $20. Call: Keefe Eckert at 33-1416-1050 FOR SALE: Chest freezer, 9cu. ., plugged in only for 2 months to keep ice cream cold, $4,000. Call: Keefe Eckert at 33-1416-1050 FOR SALE: Assortment of purse hangers, keep your purse off the floors. Many colors and designs. $120pesos. Call: (376) 765-4590 WANTED: Does anybody have one of those Beta Sony Video Casse e Recorders (or any other brand that fits beta size casse es) from the 80’s?? in good running condi on??. Maybe I can buy it from you, please call Rick in (376) 766-4804 FOR SALE: This is just the LMB for a dish to get Dish Network. 3 years old. $250pe-

sos. Call: (376) 765-4590 FOR SALE: Set of 4 cast iron sizzle plates with 2 wooden handles and 4 serving dishes. $600 pesos for the whole set. 2 are used, 2 new. Sold new $32USD each. h p:// www.google.co...ved=0CCUQ9QEwAg. Call: (376)765-4590 FOR SALE: Steel door, unused, with anchors. Very heavy double steel, two locks with keys. Ready to install. Measure 42 inches by 82 inches. Price $4,000 pesos. Call: 33-1 446-1709 FOR SALE: Danby Countertop Dishwasher, holds full 4 place se ngs, hooks to faucet. 5 cycles, white with stainless steel interior & spray arm. Low power consumpon! NEW in box, $2,800 pesos. Contact: Sherry Hudson FOR SALE: BAR JUST REDUCED TO $2,500 USD. Handcra ed from old Mexican wood. Iron accents. With lights and 3 stools with backs and leather seats. Call or reply to ccalfapietra@gmail.com FOR SALE: 4 person portable hot tub, $22,950 pesos or UDS Call John (376) 7656613 FOR SALE: 16 Cu.Ft Glass door freezer Excellent condi on Restaurant Quality $9,000 pesos. See www.tor-rey-refrigera on.com/freezers/index.htm for specs. Call: 766-4474 WANTED: Walker, with wheels, for older man, 5 130lbs. Call: 765-3583 or e-mail moewriter98@gmail.com FOR SALE: Portable Singer Sewing Machine. Used only once. $150 UDS Call: 7657648 or email: il3queen@yahoo.com FOR SALE: Grande Electric Skillet, Black and Decker. New 400 pesos Call: 765-7648 or email: il3queen@yahoo.com

FOR SALE: Many, Large and small plants in wonderful Mexican po ery. From 50 pesos to 1,300 pesos Call: 765-7648 or email: il3queen@yahoo.com

COLLECTIBLES FOR SALE: 9-DVD Box Set. Collec on of the best of “Midnight Special” TV series featuring the best of the rock, pop, and soul stars of the 70s. Factory sealed, 1000 pesos. Contact: Mick Wen FOR SALE: Exclusive Rosenthal Hardware Studio Linie. White color. Can be sold by small sets. Call: (045)33-1040-5206 FOR SALE: Opportunity to own a limited edi on lithograph/ar st signed print. 29”x33”. Double Mat and Wood frame. Famous Alaska Ar st. American Ar st of the Year 1981. Passed in 2002. $9,500 Pesos. Call: 33-1416-1050 FOR SALE: Flowers on stamps. Very colorful. I have a nice accumula on from all over the world, including complete sets. I will sell at a deep discount from Sco Catalog value. $40 US takes the lot. James Tipton (376) 765-7689. FOR SALE: Mexican Stamps are hot! (And beau ful!) I have full sheets of 150 different Mexican pictorial stamps. 2011 Sco Catalog value over $2,500 US. All yours for $1,000 US. James Tipton, (376) 765-7689. FOR SALE: Incredible collec on of 750 different Mexican stamps, all pictorial, all mint and never hinged. Call James Tipton, (376) 765-7689. Only $200 US.

Saw you in the Ojo 73


El Ojo del Lago / June 2011

Saw you in the Ojo 75

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