El Ojo del Lago - June 2016

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Saw you in the Ojo



El Ojo del Lago / June 2016

Saw you in the Ojo



Richard Tingen


Alejandro Grattan-DomĂ­nguez Tel: (01376) 765 3676, 765 2877 Fax: (01376) 765 3528 Associate Publisher David Tingen Graphic Design Roberto C. Rojas Sandra Hernandez Special Events Editor Sandy Olson Associate Editor Jim Tipton Contributing Editor Mark Sconce Theater Critic Michael Warren Book Review Panel Margaret Van Every Margaret Porter Clare Gearhart Roving Correspondent Dr. Lorin Swinehart Art Critic Rob Mohr Sales Manager Bruce Fraser 2ႈFH 6HFUHWDU\ Rocio Madrigal ADVERTISING OFFICE Av. Hidalgo # 223, Chapala Mon. thru Fri. 9am - 5pm Sat. 9am - 1pm Tel. 01 (376) 765 2877, 765 3676 Fax 01 (376) 765 3528 Send all correspondence, subscriptions or advertising to: El Ojo del Lago http://www.chapala.com ojodellago@prodigy.net.mx Ave. Hidalgo 223 (or Apartado 279), 45900 Chapala, Jalisco Tels.: (376) 765 3676, Fax 765 3528






8 Shutter Stock

14 LAKESIDE PROFILE Margaret Ann Porter wraps up her ORQJ SUR¿OH RI 0DUN 6FRQFH PDNLQJ obvious that both writer and subject are among Lakeside’s most interesting people.

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Editor’s Page




Uncommon Sense


Focus on Art

20 FASCINATING FACTS Greg Custer writes about death and life in Mexico, an article that is not as grim as one might suspect from the subject matter. 18 MOVIE REVIEW


Bridge by Lake


Profiling Tepehua


Lakeside Living

Michael Cook checks in with the second part of his series about England’s infamous Jack the Ripper.


Internet Mailbox



Anyone Train Dog

Christy Wiseman takes a hard look at the long list of things she shall have to learn before she considers herself “grown up.�


LCS Newsletter

: / 0HVXVDQ ZULWHV DERXW D ÂżOP WKDW was shot almost entirely in Mexico, and since its production in 1948 has consistently been regarded as one of the ten best movies ever made.


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El Ojo del Lago / June 2016





Saw you in the Ojo



Editor’s Page *XHVW (GLWRULDO E\ 9LFWRULD 6FKPLGW For more editorials, visit: http://thedarksideofthedream.com

An Open Letter to Donald Trump


r. Trump: I’d like to give you some input, although, from my own observations, you don’t take to well to suggestions. First of all, I’d like you to know that there is a big difference between being “politically correct” and manners. You, sir, have no manners. It is possible to make your point without hurling insults and venom. Your immigration “policy” is flawed. It is not clear to me that you understand that immigration to the United States is global. On some level you must see that. After all, your mother came from Scotland. Two of your three wives are immigrants. Immigration isn’t just people coming through Mexico to the United States. It isn’t all about keeping “illegals” out. Are you even aware that the net immigration with Mexico is zero, and has been for the last several years? Do you even comprehend that most immigrants to the USA right now are Asians, followed closely by Africans. Recently while speaking to a Wisconsin group of supporters, you stated that you would make Mexico pay for “the wall” by ceasing cash transfers to Mexico. Many USA citizens send money to Mexico for a variety of reasons. Not all cash transfers are from Mexican’s living in the USA. Recent changes in USA banking rules have made it nearly impossible for expats to deal with their own finances. Most Mexican banks won’t even take a check from the USA. Western Union is also cracking down on cash transfers. Do you, Mr. Trump, have any concept on how your brash statements can impact not only the Mexicans, but also American expats who live here in Mexico? You’ve been bashing the Mexican people, and now they are literally bashing you with piñatas made in your likeness. As a culture, Mexicans are polite, helpful, very proud of their country, not criminals at all, and don’t want a wall. Look at the Berlin Wall, built and later torn down. You’ve insulted our North-


El Ojo del Lago / June 2016

ern neighbors for no reason. Do you think before you speak or do you just regurgitate “tough talk” to please your audience? We’re listening Mr. Trump, and we don’t like what we hear. And don’t get me started on your comments on Muslims. My Congressman is Muslim! Let’s not repeat past mistakes. Have you ever sat down to figure out how much Mexico contributes to the USA economy? “Mexico is a major producer of petroleum and other liquids and is among the largest sources of U.S. oil imports.” According to the Office of the United States Trade Representatives, “The U.S. goods and services trade deficit with Mexico was $49 billion in 2012. Mexico is currently our 3rd largest goods trading partner and the U.S. goods trade deficit with Mexico was $54 billion in 2013. According to the International Monetary Fund, as Europe weakens, Mexico will be in the Top Ten in the not-too-distant future.” Now: does it make sense to alienate your business partners? Mexicans are savvy business people. Do you think they will take your threats lying down? Absolutely not! And Mr. Trump, until you’ve lived in Mexico, you will never understand the true meaning of a Mexican standoff. Believe me, you won’t win. Each time the USA changes immigration in a way that Mexico sees as negative, Mexico changes their immigration policies. Are you aware of how many USA immigrants are in Mexico? The Washington Post says “an estimated 1 million.” Oh, and yes, we vote! Victoria Schmidt

Saw you in the Ojo




erro Garcia, the dormant volcano across from Ajijic, has taunted me for 17 years to get off the couch and visit. Over those years I’ve developed a defense why I shouldn’t. Hikers have said it is a long, dangerous and exhausting climb. Others have said that strange cooking goes on up there; the trails are not well marked and hikers have gotten lost and spent the night up in the clouds. I focused on the rewards of the climb; incredible views, the foliage colors and how the wilderness would strip away the clutter from my materialistic world. As the years rolled by, the taunt intensified, then one day I came up with a


simple plan: Do it. I found two hikers. Bruce Pinder is a positive 75, 6’1”, wiry guy. Keith Tandy is 50, 6’4”, with superman qualities but without the tights. Bruce and I secretly felt Keith could carry us down the mountain if one of us croaked. Then there was me; 73, short, loud and taunted. Not long into the hike we quickly realized that the overgrown foliage spilling onto the trail may make for a slower climb. We became bushwhackers without machetes. The closest thing to sharp that I had was a plastic knife in my lunch bag. The trees surrounding the mountainside made it difficult at times to see landmarks, but when we

El Ojo del Lago / June 2016

could see a red marker it was in such an obvious location. The less obvious parts of the hike were either a lightly trodden trail or refuse left behind by previous hikers. I would grin with delight when I saw an empty bottle of water or a candy wrapper as it verified that we were on the right trail. Of course this assumption was predicated on the theory that the previous hikers (litterbugs) were not lost. Other times we used our intuition and guessed to determine the right trail. This was no place for sissies, so we sucked it up and dug deep. We missed the first scheduled rest stop at 6900 ft, called the Lookout because we were preoccupied with staying on the trail. With no GPS, I guess our intuition was a little off. Later on our winding trail was interrupted by a series of large boulders. Here we ran out of trail markings. Beyond the boulders we spent time thrashing around before we found the trail. Eventually the forest opened up to incredible lake and mountain views that slowed our pace. Our “oohs and awes” became blurts of excitement. There was a bit of an insulting theme to this hike that kept repeating itself. After two hours into the hike we came upon a knoll that was far steeper than any we had experienced. The prize at the top of this insult was the summit, which we couldn’t see. It was hard slugging. Each step became slower and higher while each breath and heart beat became quicker. For an hour our eyes were trained in the general direction of the invisible summit. The foliage was too thick to give us any sliver of motivation that we desperately needed. Mother Nature had been working overtime. Then, like a mirage through a gap in the forest, we saw the spark of motivation we needed so badly; a white metal cross some 150 feet away. It was not a pretty sight to see three grown men leaning up against the concrete base staring at the cross of Jesus with their tongues hanging out making an unintended pool of spittle below their chins. We introduced the sacred grounds to a panting sound usually heard at the Boston Marathon finish line and a sprinkling of expletives heard during traffic jams. I’m sure Jesus forgave us. The views were spectacular, the kind you see in National Geographic but without the subtitles. We jabbered away with our mouths full of lunch. This was not the place for table manner etiquette. Excitement does that to three big city boys in the wilderness. While we were joyous, we knew this was the false summit, not the real one. The real one was another hour away. After 15 minutes of being watered and fed our breathing and heart rhythms were back to normal. It took a split second of discussion

for us to agree that we would push on to the Big Kahuna in the sky. Obviously our minds were not back to normal yet. But hey, we were young with old legs, we were invincible, we were close to our goal and we were semi-comatose. The trail to the real summit was narrower and not as well trodden, perhaps because many hikers had turned back at the false summit. We pushed on and then to our dismay we started to descend. Another insult, I mumbled. The forest could hear the sound of glee as we started to ascend once more, then hear three men groan in unison as we descended again. Coney Island’s roller coaster came to mind, but this was a lot slower. Finally we reached the last insult, I mean ascent, to the real summit. It was steeper than anything we had encountered. Twenty steps then stop, gasp and puff. We repeated this mantra for what seemed longer than Rip Van Winkle’s nap. My alter ego was screaming at

me to listen to reason and turn back. I mentally turned my hearing aids off so I couldn’t decipher my inner jabber. It just made too much sense. We pressed on. I was driven by obsession for glory, bragging rights, embellished stories and getting our story published in El Ojo Del Lago. Within an hour we reached the 9079 foot summit, or did we? I was looking for a sign that might say: “THE REAL SUMMIT” or “THE REAL SUMMIT IS ANOTHER HALF HOUR AWAY.” No such sign existed. I mimicked Rocky Balboa’s dance that he did at the top of those Philadelphia steps, but my arms were at half-mast; I was dog tired. We high-fived, hugged, took pictures and gawked at the incredible views. Then we saw the Nevado-de-Colima Volcano. We fell into a silenced trance. High altitudes make people say dumb things. Mine was suggesting sheepishly that we climb Colima. That sheepish remark rallied into a bullish: “Hell, why not!” So we are off to see the wizard who lives at the summit of the Colima Volcano

this April. It occurred to me that when three big city boys make decisions in the high altitude, someone should alert the American Psychiatric Association. I wonder if Dr. Gotta B. Nuts of Harvard is still doing pro bono counseling. We turned from fantasizing about our future climbs to focusing on getting down the mountain. We streaked down with few breaks and little interest in jabbering at one another. We were hell bent for leather for the frozen beers that awaited our parched and tired bodies. At Keith’s house, we sat staring at our conquered nemesis as we guzzled beers and scoffed down a pound of cashews in a New York minute. What a ride! There are several personal experiences I took away from this hike. The paramount one is that when a person has a commitment and passion for a goal, no barrier or excuse will get in the way. For Bruce, he had forgotten his heart pill that morning. He didn’t tell us until we arrived back at the trail head, six and a half hours later. He could have cancelled, turned back at the false summit or ask that we slow down. He didn’t, not a peep. One of the things that drives Bruce is his positive outlook on life and his desire to see and experience it all. Cerro Garcia was his dream and nothing would stop him.

For Keith, he sprained his ankle playing softball five days earlier. He didn’t tell anyone. He could have cancelled, but he didn’t. We heard no complaints, groans or moans. Upon our return to the trail head we could see the inflammation, redness and the bugle in his hiking shoe. Ouch, man! He was done playing softball for a while. Or was he? You never know about him. He has true grit and we saw it. As for me it was my longest, highest and most grueling hike of my life. At the beginning I felt nothing was going to stop me. During the ascent I was tested. But the thought of failure was more punishing than the new challenges pounding away at my body. The further I hiked the more aware and confident I was that my body would not let me down in reaching my goal. My physical and mental capacities were working in sync. If they had worked separately, I would not have made it. I had found my inner zone again and I will never lose it moving forward. Watch out Nevado de Colima Volcano, here we come. My wife plans to notify the Psychiatric Association when we are going. Chuck Pattinian

Saw you in the Ojo




hristmas Eve 2015 was typical for many, a holiday dinner with friends and family, maybe singing and exchanging gifts. But for 22 dogs rescued from intolerable conditions inside the house of an extreme hoarder, that night was filled with miracles. Shaken and terrified by their ride in the back of a panel truck another miracle occurred as one of rescued dogs gave birth to a litter of pups. Calls went out to all the shelters around the area with the hope of finding homes, even temporary. The dogs were dispersed throughout the community, five straight to the Ranch. The frightened dogs were unloaded from the truck and led into the play yard, biting, jumping and howling unsure of their new surroundings and their futures. Once in the yard they all ran to the furthest corner, huddled together in a pack where they would spend the night. Christmas Day the volunteers at The Ranch sprang into action, calling


anyone who had expressed an interest in fostering or adopting. One volunteer, Moe, took two small dachshunds, Lily and Mocha. At first the two dogs would not approach Moe at all, they huddled together eyeing her suspiciously. Coming from inhumane conditions it was no wonder they were distrustful. But, Moe believed the two pups would learn to trust. And she was right – as night settled in Moe noticed them inching closer to her as she sat on the couch watching TV. Before too long, although apprehensive, they allowed Susie to pet them. Soon they were enjoying hugs and cuddles like other dogs that have not been traumatized. Now Lily and Mocha take long walks along the malecon, let other humans pet them and even enjoy playing with other dogs. The Ranch does one thing and does it well – it saves the lives of dogs. Please join us by donating time, money or doggie companionship. Contact us at www.lakesidespayandneutercenter.com

El Ojo del Lago / June 2016

I remember it was yellow on my world map, so I always pictured it so and it worked with my images of deserts, sombreros, and corn. Is it scarlet, like the bougainvillea cascading over the cracked whitewashed wall or crimson of her grandfather’s blood shed generations ago fighting the haciendas with Zapata? Or is it deep green like the avocados in the market, the nopal cactus in the desert, or the innumerable heads of lettuce and cabbage Téo picks all day in the sun to collect enough pesos to feed his children? It could be the inky braid of the Huíchol muchacha who sells raspberries and cactus fruit in the market or the black heart of the drug runner who no longer cares for his brothers and is afraid of his boss who kicks the street dog with his shiny black boots. It could be the incremental shades of coffee brown in the faces of these Mesoamerican children of Cortez and Montezuma as they help their families slice and lug and sweep and laugh together or the honey-colored tequila the Tapatios sip in the cantina as the young niño tries to complete his math homework in the kitchen. México blinds us with vibrant primary hues: the casas, the senoritas, the hot blood, the birds of paradise, the hibiscus, and the rainbows over the Sierra Mádres that turn the brown heads towards the rich beauty, away from despair and hunger. §—William Frayer—§

Saw you in the Ojo 11



Venice’s Piazza San Marco

Anchored by its iconic Basilica and campanile, the Piazza San Marco – St. Mark’s Square – is as essential a part of Venice’s identity as its canals. Its main entrance is the Piazetta corridor adjacent to the Doge’s Palace that connects it to the Grand Canal. The Basilica San Marco reflects the conviction held by Christians in the Middle Ages that physical remains of a holy site or person had healing powers, and that possession bestowed honor and %DVLOLFD 6DQ 0DUFRV DQG FDPSDQLOH privileges upon their owners. 3LD]]D 6DQ 0DUFRV 9HQLFH ,WDO\ Tradition holds that St. Mark Christianized Venice in the first century before his martyrdom in Alexandria, Egypt, from which a body believed to


El Ojo del Lago / June 2016

be his was stolen by two Venetian merchants in 828. The city quickly adopted St. Mark as its patron and built the first church of San Marco as its sanctuary. It also adopted the saint’s winged-lion symbol as its own. When Constantinople was sacked during the 4th Crusade, plunder %DVLOLFD 6DQ 0DUFRV 9HQLFH ,WDO\ shipped back to Venice included the two pillars which still stand where the Piazzetta meets the canal, along with marbles and mosaics installed on the Basilica’s west facade. The booty also included the bronze Triumphal Quadriga – the â€œFour Horses of Saint Markâ€?. Originally part of a larger Roman monument, they stand on the Basilica’s loggia above the porch. It’s an interesting bit of trivia that the heads were detached in order to transport these bronzes, and collars were added to hide the cuts during reassembly. In the late Renaissance, the original campanile was replaced to house a new astronomical clock, and the Piazza was enlarged to its present size. Today, the only pre-Renaissance buildings and monuments still standing are the Basilica San Marco, the Palazzo Ducale – the Doge’s Palace – and the two great columns in the Piazzetta adjacent to it. When the Venetian Republic ended with Napoleon’s conquest 1797, stonemasons were ordered to destroy images of the winged lion, which Revolutionary France saw as a symbol of aristocratic rule.  The Four Horses were sent to Paris along with the winged lion perched on one of the columns in the Piazzetta.

 The headless statues were later replaced by copies, and both the winged lion and Four Horses were returned in 1815 following Napoleon’s abdication. The Palazzo Ducale – the Doge’s Palace – faces the canal adjoining the Basilica and the Piazzetta. It was not just the Doge’s residence, but the center of government. )RXU +RUVHV RI 6W 0DUNÂśV It was here that foreign delegations were received and from here that communications with ambassadors and regional governors were managed. It was here that the meetings of the Great Council and the Senate were held, and from here that justice was administered. It was from here that recruitment of crews for Venice’s war galleys and the outfitting of its fleet were coordinated. While the Doge served for life, the Republic maintained a strong system of checks and balances. It is a testament to this ingenious system that the Council was Doge’s Palace and Grand Canal, Venice, Italy compelled to remove only two of the 120 Doges who served continuously from 717 to 1797. The Great Council was made up of all male members of patrician families over the age of 25. Smaller councils carved from it had responsibilities including assuring punishment of the guilty, redress for the innocent, and enforcement of regulations concerning the practice of law. The Venetian Senate dates back to the 13th century. State Censors were charged with preventing electoral fraud and protecting public institutions. State Advocates safeguarded the rule of law and verified marriages and births to preserve the legitimacy of the patrician ruling class. The Doge’s private apartments are well-appointed if not large. The walls of the Palazzo’s rooms are covered in gilded wood, frescoes, and paintings by Renaissance masters. The Ponte dei Sospiri – the Bridge of Sighs – links magistrates’ chambers in the Palazzo Ducale to the New Prisons, from which Casanova is reputed to have escaped. The bridge’s name refers to the last look at freedom it afforded to those on the way to prison. Local legend holds that lovers who kiss on a gondola at sunset under the bridge as the campanile’s bells toll will be granted eternal love and bliss. %ULGJH RI 6LJKV 'RJHÂśV 3DODFH Antonio RamblĂŠs

Saw you in the Ojo 13

MARK SCONCE: Poet And Prince Among Men %\ 0DUJDUHW $QQ 3RUWHU


ast month, we explored the passion Lakeside resident Mark Sconce holds for the Russian literary genius Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Here, we look at the influences in Mark’s youth: Mark’s mother was descended from Hungarian peasant stock, which he says accounts for the gypsy in his soul. He revels in the fact that his mother and Pushkin were born on the same day. “Neither could be bought,” he says. “Pushkin was a man whose upbringing should have seen him on to a solidly prosperous life among nobility and the landed gentry. But instead he wrote profound stuff, and in every genre, loved with his entire heart, fought pistol duels, criticized royalty and all of the hypocrisies of his time, climbed and jumped and danced with


abandon, and … well, he was a flamboyant gypsy, and so am I sometimes.” On the other side, his grandfather (Scotch/Irish) was the Plywood King of Omaha, Nebraska, during WWII, which saw the family prosper handsomely. Everyone had high hopes for Mark, who by age 12 had proved himself to be driven and bright but unmanageable in your typical Nebraska public school setting. He claims it was all due to a substitute teacher in 5th grade with a personality problem. He was sent to St. James and Shattuck Mili-

El Ojo del Lago / June 2016

tary Academy in Minnesota where his grades went back up and his mind and body were engaged by rigorous training (hazing); he belonged to the timehonored Shattuck Crack Squad precision drill team. “It was just another form of being in a gang,” he says. “Those of us still living stay in touch to this day.” Gang or not, he was set and ready for higher education at West Point when his gypsy heart decided instead to attend Antioch College in Ohio, which offered an innovative workstudy program that had been developed by a Humanist Quaker, Arthur E. Morgan. Interspersed with his studies in political science, Mark interned as a legislative assistant in a Washington congressman’s office, worked as an assistant to the curator of the Chicago Natural History Museum, Dr. Paul Martin, on an archeological dig in Arizona and helped bring in the harvest in Herning, Denmark. Further studies included French in Neuchatel, Switzerland and German in the Goethe Institute in Berlin. Well-rounded and with a Bachelor’s Degree in-hand, Mark joined the Peace Corp in Nepal. As he recalls his experience of “pure love and adventure” among the Nepalese people, he reveals that the recent earthquakes there profoundly affected him. “I was able to track a few of my friends. Thank God they survived…” Sometime after this long, formative period, Mark went home for a visit and tried to be part of the plywood and lumber business, learning at his grandfather’s knee. “After a short while, he sat me down and said, ‘Son, this business probably isn’t for you; why don’t you go explore other things …’” Grateful for the freedom, Mark headed to California where, on a Fellowship, he enrolled in the Professional school of Journalism at UC Berkeley. He also helped organize the gubernatorial run of Jesse “Big Daddy”

Unruh, who lost to Ronald Reagan. Increasingly a committed liberal Democrat, Mark went on to work for George McGovern. When Mark returned to Omaha, he met and married Nancy Bounds, who owned a Midwestern modeling school and agency. Over the next 28 years, he helped build it into an international concern, supplying high fashion runway models to designers in Paris, Milan, New York and Tokyo. “How proud we were to see our kid from Morse Bluffs, Nebraska, coming down a Paris runway for Yves Saint Laurent. But most of the students, of all ages, enrolled to improve or change their look and gain personal confidence in a society that places a great premium on image, whether we like it or not.” “I, too, learned something important. I learned to work for and with a strong woman. And I have always admired women, from my mother to the girls who passed through our school, to Lell of course and her accomplishments. Women are often quite courageous, and they have an inner understanding of what is valued and needed. They lead with nuance and strength, rather than ego and bombast,” he says, his eyes fierce. “That’s why I’m going to do whatever I can to make sure we have Hillary in the Oval Office come 2017!” More, Mark is a strong supporter of Planned Parenthood and its president, Cecile Richards.

“The manner in which the Congressional committee treated Cecile in the recent hearings is a national disgrace. Family planning is critical to family health, and women must be able to govern their own bodies.” Like Pushkin, he’s putting his heart and talents where the fight is. Last month, Mark was invited to recite poetry in a program called a Potpourri of Poetry, featuring the works of Pushkin and other poets, each recitation interspersed with a performance by renowned pianist Vera Kong. The event – one of 18 small, intimate affairs in Santa Barbara County – raised over fivethousand dollars! Margaret Ann Porter

Saw you in the Ojo 15



What Happened to Secular Values?


am a baseball fan. Since September 11, it seems as though at every major league baseball game, during the seventh inning stretch, “God Bless America” is played instead of the traditional “Take Me Out to the Ballgame.” At first, I got it. The terrorist attacks were so horrific that people had an emotional need to display their patriotism publicly. But fifteen years later, “God Bless America” seems to have become the permanent seventh inning anthem. I think this is as much a religious statement as a patriotic one. Patriotism seems to have developed a more religious tone over the years.



The Pledge of Allegiance only added the words “under God” in 1954. The founding fathers wisely, I think, made it clear in the constitution that there was to be no establishment of religion in the United States, which has been interpreted to mean that there shall be a separation of church and state. Nevertheless, I think this “separation” has been eroding. Although school prayer was abolished by the Supreme Court, contro-

El Ojo del Lago / June 2016

versies around public prayer, public displays of the Ten Commandments, and public celebration of Christmas, Easter and other Christian holidays seem to have become more common. We frequently see prayers at important government ceremonies. “In God We Trust” is engraved on our currency. And I think many people erroneously believe that the United States was established as a “Christian Nation.” To me, however, the most disturbing truth is that people are intimidated by religion. Let me explain. One group of people universally reviled by the public is atheists. I remember in one study which compared the public’s attitude toward various individuals, atheists were rated at a similar score with rapists! Seriously? Even today, atheists are held in contempt by a vast majority of Americans with over 60% of Americans holding a negative view of them, according to a recent Pew poll. I think this is interesting because atheists are not defined by what they believe, but by what they do not believe. Atheists are not theists. They do not believe in an all-powerful god. As Sam Harris has pointed out, most of us are atheists about Zeus. We are similarly unbelieving about the Egyptian goddess Isis or the Aztec god

Quetzalcoatl. Yet, few people these days will suggest that they do not believe in the Christian God. No politician would dare run for high office and declare him or herself an atheist. It would probably be political suicide. Belief in God seems to be expected of people who seek to hold the public’s trust. In my view, however, we would be better off, in many respects, if we embraced secular values. I am certainly not against people holding their religious beliefs, but I am uncomfortable when they want to impose those views on the rest of us. Secular values are those that recognize that religion is not helpful in establishing social institutions like public education and government. These public institutions should be based on sound reasoning and scientific research, unbiased by religious belief. For example, just because some religious thinkers reject Darwin’s Theory of Evolution does not mean that it should not be taught in public schools. Overwhelming evidence supports its scientific truth. Similarly, government should be based on secular principles. Government-funded programs should be evaluated on their efficacy and thrift, not on how well they conform to any theological principles. Individual people may find religion helpful in understanding moral ideas, but moral values can be based in rationality and compassion, without any direct reference to any particular religion. You might say that singing “God Bless America” at baseball games does no real harm. But it might. Such public conflation of patriotism with religious belief establishes an anti-secular environment. It can gradually make people feel intimidated if they do not share these religious beliefs. In my opinion, when facing serious climate change, radical Islamic terrorism, and world hunger, we need secular values more than ever.

Saw you in the Ojo 17



n 1947, director John Huston brings his stars, Humphrey Bogart, Tim Holt, and father, Walter Huston, down to Mexico to shoot a film about three American misfits who mine and lose a fortune in gold. He already has an inkling he’s creating a timeless cinematic masterpiece. His recipe for making a classic movie includes these ingredients: author B. Traven’s novel of adventure and greed (greatly improved by Huston’s brilliant screenplay), superb directing, authentic locations, steller cinematography, an appropriate music score, and outstanding performances by his actors. Huston starts with a good story.


1925),) SStranded d d iin TTampico i ((circa i Americans Dobbs and Curtin (Bogart and Holt) are swindled by a crooked contractor. After they get back what they’re owed in a bar-room brawl and Dobbs wins a small lottery prize, the misfits seek out experienced prospector Howard (Walter Huston). The pursuit of gold leads the unlikely trio into the mountains of Mexico. As soon as they strike it rich, the dark side of human nature begins to tear the men

El Ojo del Lago / June 2016

apart. Huston crafts a screenplay that’s superior to the novel in many ways. He deletes chapters from the book, interludes full of romance and idealism about the Mexican Revolution, paring the story down to focus on the three partners. He adds a new, more positive ending. Still, stories warning about the danger of attempting to gain the world at the expense of losing one’s soul are as old as the Bible. So, what’s the magic alchemy at the heart of Treasure? First, Huston directs with the vision of an artist. He draws upon his early years in Paris where he studied and worked as a fine arts painter. He painstakingly sketches scenes on paper beforehand, then carefully frames his characters during the filming. The director doesn’t rely on post-production editing to shape his final work, literally creating his film while it’s being shot. Variations of tempo and an invisible style brings the story to the forefront. The director blends in a tantalizing variety of authentic locations. Treasure includes fourteen outdoor locations: early scenes are filmed in the city of Tampico, mountain scenes in the state of Durango, and desert scenes on location in California and Arizona. They spotlight Huston’s selective eye and his understanding of how to use location for visual and emotional effect. Huston’s use of the Mexican setting throughout the movie feels authentic. It’s free of stereotypes. Hardworking locals fill the screen. Mexicans speak nonsubtitled Spanish throughout the film with vital information repeated by the leads in English. John Huston insists on adding steller cinematography. Ted McCord’s camera work results in a subtly photographed film that’s sensitive, unaffected, and visually alive. The shots are “picture perfect,” neither too preparedlooking nor overly-dramatic. No shotsfor-shots sake in this black-and-white film. Another feature is a tasteful music

score. Although some critics think Max Steiner’s music is too melodramatic, it plays up the adventure and the Mexican background splendidly: light-hearted, when the prospectors head into the mountains; romantic and hopeful in a scene describing a letter about a Texas fruit orchard beckoning to Curtin; and, wild, when Bogie’s laughing face is consumed by superimposed fire. The final ingredient is the acting. Bogie sheds the suave leading man image he created years earlier in Casablanca (1943) as his character Fred C. Dobbs is transformed from an average, congenial guy to a heartless murderer in a mesmerizing portrayal of paranoia and mental deterioration. After heavy coaxing from his son, the elder Huston (Canadian born Walter) removes his false teeth and generates the lovable old prospector role that wins him the Best Supporting Actor Oscar of 1948. His son collects the Best Director and Best Screenplay Oscars. Huston (Howard) dancing an uninhibited, triumphant jig when he finally discovers gold is pure magic. Outstanding performances from Tim Holt and Bruce Bennett lend strength to the film. Seldom mentioned is Huston’s intelligent handling of amateur and semi-professional actors. His work with Alfonso Bedoya as bandit leader Gold Hat results in an immortal quote, “Badges? I don’t have to show you no stinkin’ badges!” Over budget and beyond schedule, Huston refuses to be rushed. He blends the aforementioned elements together to create a cinematic feast for the eyes and ears, but also for the mind and heart and soul. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre is an unflinching look at the dark side of human nature offset by satirical humor and an underpinning of hope. Movies just don’t get any betW. L. Mesusan ter.

Saw you in the Ojo 19

Death And Life In Mexico %\ *UHJ &XVWHU


his is not a story about Mexico’s celebrated Día de los Muertos ritual, or how Americans come here to retire, then forget to die. The other day I came across the black-and-white details about where and how US citizens meet their maker in foreign lands. You see, the US State Department is required by law to report non-natural deaths by US citizens in foreign countries. Anyone who’s explored beyond the comforts and wonder of Western Europe knows our global village has some tough neighborhoods. In fact, in the two-years 2014-15 exactly 1,723 unfortunate US citizens ‘bought the farm’ beyond US soil. The categories to define cause of non-natural death range from air accidents to suicide, drowning, terrorism, various shades of vehicular demise and of course, homicide. Let’s say a blessing to those who died in a foreign land. We have no doubt lost some talented ambassadors of American goodwill. No one wants to die alone in a foreign land. The report reveals that “most citizens who die abroad were residing abroad” without defining ‘most.’ So we can assume most US citizens knew some degree of die-where-you-live comfort. All non-natural death spells tragedy. Let’s pray some fatalities were in the pursuit of happiness. Crossing a


El Ojo del Lago / June 2016

London street after a pint (then looking the wrong way), or a sunset boozecruise man-overboard can at least be understood with a twinge of ‘oh well…’ Mexico detractors will paint how more Americans die of non-natural causes in Mexico than any other country. This fact is true: 488 US citizens were reported dead of non-natural causes in the 24-month period 2014-2015. It’s 28.3% of the total body count. Mexico accounted for 50% of worldwide homicides involving US citizens. But before anyone calls Bill O’Reilly and launches another Mexico travel boycott, a level-headed look at the figures is warranted. Let’s not minimize how Mexico is in a war with narco traffickers who covet transit routes to US consumers. It’s no surprise that 92% of US homicides in Mexico happen in Mexico’s border states and/or regions rarely accessed by vacationers. Headed on a beach vacation or to an inland big city? Here are the murder figures involving US citizens: Source: US State Department I’m not a statistician; however, my brilliant son Andy is! So I asked him ‘On a typical day vacationing in a Mexico resort (over the next 24 months), what is the probability you will become a homicide victim?’ 13 homicides in two years/10 million beach visitors/730 days= .0000000178% probability I suspect this figure is right up there with being hit by lightening while being eaten by a shark--while riding a unicycle. Yes, more people die of non-natural causes in Mexico -- precisely because more US citizens live here. Same is true with vacation tragedies, such as drowning or vehicular accidents. With over 13 million Americans having fun down south during 2014-15, accidents are bound to follow, especially in a developing world setting where ‘personal responsibility’ means ‘watch out’ (and not ‘call your lawyer’). So is Mexico safe? The million of us who call it home look at ‘safety’ through a different lens. Is it safe to drive a car? Not entirely. How about riding a bike? Not really. Walking on sidewalks? Uh, often no. Accidents happen, and some of us are luckier (and smarter) to avoid being in the wrong place at the wrong time. It’s part of death and life in Mexico.

Saw you in the Ojo 21

Focus on Art %\ 5RE 0RKU

Miguel Miramontes (1918 - 2015) – Lakeside’s Master Sculptor


rt embodies the essence of being human.” Wislawa Szymborska (1923

– 2012) In our home we have a small bronze Miramontes statue of a young woman bathing that we encounter and converse with every day. Many artists here at Lakeside have studied with Miramontes and those of you who visit the Cultural Center in Ajijic brush against his soul—retching Survivors which captures the struggle of an impoverished indigenous family, or when you enter the Train Station in Chapala, encounter his voluptuous women. Who was this master Sculptor? What was his vision, motivation,


and innermost hope for his art? My first encounter with Miramontes was in his garden which was filled with a menagerie of sculptures. They were all there –- well formed women in dramatic poses, social justice commentary forever fixed in bronze, lovers eternally embracing --- with the single exception of his public art which remained locked in the domain of city

El Ojo del Lago / June 2016

planners in Mexico City, Guadalajara, and Houston Texas. These more personal works revealed his salient desire to express life in its most vibrant form. He once commented, “I always look for expression.” This commitment was manifest in every corner of his garden by potent works that captured the suffering of those marginalized by society, the dreams of youth, the erogenic beauty of a woman’s body, or the sensuality of an intimate embrace between a man and woman in love. In Guadalajara his public art, more staid in form, includes sculptured portraits of national heroes, city fathers, important teachers, and, in a heroic effort which broke the mold, soccer players encapsulated in a momentary burst of athletic energy. A work that evokes sculptures by Myron and other classical Greek sculptors, and ranks among the most sensitive and alive sports sculptures ever created. This same visceral understanding finds powerful expression in his statue of three indigenous women being pushed back by the forceful winds of injustice (Photo), and in a series of works depicting couples in erotic embraces that convey love rather than sexual union. These intense matings created at the apex of Miramontes’ career, powerfully reflect the influence

of Rodin’s The Kiss and other great sculptures of human intimacy and love. They individually and as a group create sanctified space for the human spirit, a space filled with freedom and touched by tenderness. “Art is contemplation...searches into essential reality and defines the spiritual essence which nature has imparted.” Auguste Rodin (1840 -1917) Miramontes’ sensitive and contemplative works bring together all the elements that give form to great Mexican art. They raise questions, provoke excitement and awaken sensual pleasure in the viewer. He invests his sculptures with his life, his inner vitality and strength while he exhibits a freedom of expression difficult to achieve in a rigid medium. Miramontes was a master in his understanding of the technical dimension of sculpture, whether removing the surface from a block of stone, or forming a plaster model from which a lost wax mold is made – the stage where the sculptor adds the essential details before the final is cast in bronze. Classically trained, Miramontes was a mature artist, with awareness of the human condition, and great sculptures and sculptural techniques, in every period of human history. This mastery became a guide for us and three generations of young artists whose works continue to enrich our lives. To have had an artist of this magnitude in our midst enriched our lives. His artistic revelations provide therapy for our souls; they draw out our humanity and open doors to the miraculous. Miguel Miramontes’ sensual creations enable us to transcend our self-interest, to enter empathetic union with others. As with all great art, we are given a way of being fully alive toRob Mohr gether.

Saw you in the Ojo 23



he powerhouse that is our subconscious minds is the reason we don’t have to will our hearts to beat or our lungs to breathe. But its primary function is to assure we stay alive, otherwise it loses its other job which is to keep our bodies, minds, and emotional functions operating. Your subconscious mind is machine—like in its dedication to keeping you safe, using fear as its main motivator to get your cooperation. Even if you are striving to live through your heart and love, the 95% of your mind that is subconscious has a lot of control over you, and its agenda isn’t always aligned with your conscious goals or your need for emotional connection.


If you’ve ever experienced the deep feeling of loss from a broken heart your subconscious mind can sense danger when the possibility of it happening again is present. To keep you out of danger’s way it automatically puts up defence walls of fear around your heart. This sets you up to sabotage your own efforts to get close to someone again. Your conscious mind’s choice to take another chance on love is in conflict with your subconscious mind’s mandate to keep you from danger. Your hard working subconscious is just doing its job effectively. It can’t tell the difference between the risk of being eaten by lions and that of suffering another broken heart. It senses only that there is danger

El Ojo del Lago / June 2016

and uses fear to keep you from it. The subconscious mind believes danger can lead to death, and to be fair there is no doubt that people actually do die of broken hearts. More importantly is the fact that according to the research literature people live longer, healthier, happier lives by far with a life partner. However, since your subconscious mind’s main priority is to keep you from danger it initiates protective measures to secure your safety, even if you are willing to take a risk on love and long to have it in your life again. It automatically throws up red warning flags out of nowhere, causing a physiological chain reaction in your body. One minute you are fine and the next you’re squirming in your chair, your heart is racing, you’re perspiring like a sprinter, you can’t get out of there fast enough, and your promising date goes to hell without your conscious consent. Despite your desire for love, and regardless of your need for intimacy, you are a victim of your own highly effective survival mechanism. Your subconscious senses that you are in danger, activates this mechanism and blame, self recrimination, and more lonely time follows. To add insult to injury we blame ourselves for the resulting subconscious originating misery because it feels like it came from our conscious minds.

If you think that you are flawed for driving away a prospective mate, now is the time to give yourself a break. It’s just not possible to fix this or any other disruptive subconscious originating reaction without being aware of its dynamics, or even that it’s possible to fix. If you believe that you are romantically doomed because you are (pick any one, or a combination, of the following words): inept; afraid; weak; stupid; frigid; awkward; damaged; hopeless; clueless; paying for some past sin; or unworthy, then this story you are telling yourself is the reality you are living in. That is the power of your unchecked subconscious mind, to make a great person like you believe a fiction like this. That is the power of your beliefs to make or wreck your life. Who knew? You can stop beating yourself up for self sabotaging your attempts at romance. You are not to blame for the pain your subconscious mind has inflicted on you in the past, only for what you consciously do, or don’t do, to keep it from happening again now that you are aware of it. There is every reason to believe that you will have love in your life. If love didn’t work out before it’s likely because the two of you didn’t work well together, not just because of you alone. Some things just aren’t meant to be. Nonetheless, feeling the appreciation and support that having a life partner offers enables people to flourish in all areas of their lives, and is more than worth taking a chance to get. It is essential to understand that it’s difficult to get someone great in your life if you don’t feel great about yourself. The way you feel about and see others is a reflection of the way you feel about and see yourself. Learning skills to deal with negative self views is supremely valuable because it leads to the healing that enables emotional connection which leads to self evolvement and a Anna Elena better feeling life. Berlin

Saw you in the Ojo 25

Autumn Years



I want to introduce my 3rd leg, constant companion “Bertha’s Beast.” These last forty years you and I’ve been together. Spring’s past, Summer’s gone, now Autumn weather. Note wrinkles, furrows, graying hair grown thin, Paunches, spare tires, flabby thighs, drooping skin. Our voices familiar, thoughts left trailing … Forgetting a name - call something a “thing.” Small kindnesses shown reveal that we care, Hurt feelings let go, still moments we share. Things left unsaid, sometimes deeds misconstrued; Sadness dispersed with a joke understood.

Its main purpose is balance so it keeps me off the ground at least. The Beast has hidden talents, which were a nice surprise. Taco my dog is protected from nasties by Beast’s strength and size. The Beast alerts all men there is a lady in need of help so they better hurry too. So the men waste not a moment to offer their hand as they should certainly do. The Beast is not something I dreamed about possessing. But I admit it gives me Independence which is a Blessing. My vision of the Beast was only with an invalid or old one.

Winter’s approaching, be mindful of cold! Keep home fires burning, as all must grow old. Smiling and laughing, we cling to the fun. For light-hearted joy’s kept loves web re-spun. § Gabrielle Blair §

I do not see myself that way so this is just for fun? With my Lord’s help my anger will certainly melt away. I have been humbled with this body and hope it is not here to stay. The sooner the better that the Beast and I learn to Love one another, Then God will give me humor to accept it all together.


El Ojo del Lago / June 2016

Saw you in the Ojo 27




ne of the fascinating things about duplicate bridge is the opportunity it provides to discover new things all the time and hopefully benefit from them when the situations warrant. Largely due to the relatively recent impact of computers and the Internet it is now easy to access and study hands we have played and see how we could have improved our results by different lines of play. It is a never-ending absorbing process, which for the true bridge aficionado can be an added enjoyment rather than a chore. East certainly should have learned a valuable lesson when he played the diagrammed deal at the Lake Chapala Duplicate Bridge Club in Riberas. After East opened the bidding 1 club, South entered the fray with a sound 1 spade overcall. Note that although South had 13 high card points and shortness in the opening bid suit, the hand is not suitable for a take-out double because of the relative lengths of the two major suits. Holding five HCP and five of his partner’s suit, West had a clear-cut raise to 2 clubs in a competitive auction. Similarly North was well worth his bid of 2 spades. East tried one more time to win the auction but South with the boss suit had the final say and played in 3 spades. West dutifully led the fourth best card in his partner’s suit and the trick was won by East’s club queen. Without taking time out to plan his defence, East quickly continued with the club ace which was ruffed by declarer. South now played two high spades picking up his opponents’ trumps followed by four rounds of diamonds to pitch a


El Ojo del Lago / June 2016

heart from dummy. Declarer now conceded 2 heart tricks before ruffing a heart and claiming 10 tricks meaning his contract had made with an over trick. So where did the defence falter? When East won the opening lead he should have realized that West likely held five clubs and that another club was unlikely to cash. Looking at dummy, the most likely source of defensive tricks lay in the heart suit. If West happened to hold the heart king, perhaps some tricks could be garnered in that suit. But it was necessary for East to lead a specific heart for maximum reward and that card is the jack! This is known as a surround (or surrounding) play and as the cards lay the only way for the defence to win three heart tricks. Try leading any other heart card from the East hand and you will see that eventually declarer would have to come to one trick in the suit. The learning wasn’t over yet for East. Had he found the heart jack lead at trick two he would inevitably have won the third trick in that suit for his side no matter how declarer chose to play his hearts. Now East could have administered his coup de grace. Because of his partner’s holding in the trump suit, had he played the 13th heart it would have promoted West’s queen of spades into the 5th defensive trick thereby defeating the contract by one trick. A good bridge lesson indeed! Questions or comments: email: masson.ken@ gmail.com Ken Masson

Saw you in the Ojo 29



hen I was a student in England during the fifties, all my landladies seemed bizarre, but the one I remember most vividly, and fondly, was Mrs. Buck. Mrs. Buck was a dear old soul and an ardent Communist: she embraced Communism with the same uncritical enthusiasm with which she welcomed her lodgers. She kept a life-size portrait of Lenin in her sitting room, against whose wall was a large table laid perpetually, Mrs. Haversham style, with the dried, calcified remains of some long ago soiree. Every Thursday night the local Communist Society met there and in


my bed-sitting room below I would hear the stamp of feet and the faint chorus of some rousing march. At Christmas she sent me a card with a procession of skeletons marching across the front. On their shoulders they were carrying a black coffin with CAPITALISM painted across its side. Underneath was printed Happy Christmas! Mrs. Buck lived with her brother, Fred, who had no legs. He had two artificial ones which he hated wearing, and he avoided doing so about the home, preferring to swing about on his stumps. The house, being old and narrow and on four floors, had a narrow winding, windowless stair-

El Ojo del Lago / June 2016

case. I never got used to feeling my way up in the dark to meet a legless torso thumping his way down from step to step for a late night cup of cocoa. Like most houses of its era, the kitchen was in the basement, a dark ill-lit cavern. The only light came from a dangling bulb swathed in a heavily tasseled plum-colored shade which swung slowly backwards and forwards over the table, sending strange grotesque shadows to the murky corners of the room. Here Mr. Buck, who was blind, spent most of his days in the company of the family cat, a large tabby. Mr. Buck would sit at the table eating his meals out of a large roasting pan; the tabby at his elbow would be daintily licking from the same dish. He was a well-fed cat. It was Mrs. Buck’s habit after she’d made a good fry up, a daily occurrence, to put the greasy frying pan on the floor for the tabby to lick clean. Then it would go back on the stove for the next meal. I tried not to visit the kitchen too often and when I did, I was thankful for its dim lighting. Mrs. Buck loved to make ginger beer, she produced vast quantities of it, and being short of storage space, she kept most of it on a long row

of shelves under the window in my room. Unfortunately she hadn’t got the corking procedure down quite right, and so every so often I would shoot out of bed at what seemed to be the sound of rifle fire, as one bottle after another exploded. This added considerably to the excitement of my first attempts at sex with my nervous boyfriend, who, over the course of the relationship, became ever more nerve-wracked as each of his clumsy attempts at lovemaking were met by a hail of gunfire. It certainly dampened his ardor then, and Heaven knows what regrettable effects it may have had on his later love life. But everything, even suffering, is relative I realized when, each vacation, I was expected to go to Glasgow to spend time with my grandmother. Like my father, my grandmother was a dour Scot who believed life was grim, and that whatever you did, the main thing was not to enjoy it. Fortunately when visiting her that was not difficult. The only warm room was the kitchen. My grandmother had a vast cast-iron stove almost filling one wall. Here there was always some hellish brew bubbling over the fire. Usually it was boiled mutton. This literally was boiled mutton, big vats of greasy, grey water with fatty lumps of ancient sheep floating sadly on the surface. Nothing else, no onions, no carrots, not even salt and pepper. It was served in vast white soup dishes. Forcing this down was an experience not for the faint of heart. Hanging on the wall above the kitchen table was a murky painting of some doleful highland cattle, damned forever to huddle together, shivering in some frigid gale. They only added to the general ambiance of suffering. After a week I couldn’t wait to return to the genial Mrs. Buck’s – exploding ginger beer, legless torsos, chorusing Communists and all.

Saw you in the Ojo 31

Sandy Olson

Phone: 331-283-8529 Email: sandyzihua@hotmail.com OPEN CIRCLE Sunday morning finds many Lakeside residents at the Lake Chapala Society and Open Circle, a forum on a variety of stimulating topics. A social hour with coffee and snacks at 10:00 a.m. is followed by an interesting lecture and discussion at 10:30. June 12 Eating in the 21st Century Presented by Greg Laviolette Greg’s talk will focus on three compelling reasons why people should adopt a plant- based diet. He will also share his personal experience of transitioning from KFC and Burger King to a fully plant-based diet. Greg Laviolette is a plant-based chef from Sarnia, Ontario, where he kick started his career as a food activist in 2011. Realizing that Facebook posts won’t change the world, he organized “Sarnia Grows,” a documentary film festival focusing on urban agriculture. June 19 Father Hunting Presented by John Thomas Dodd Father Hunting is a personal journey in poetic narrative exploring abandonment, separation, and fatherhood. It chronicles the child in search of a father, becoming a father himself, overcoming child custody, and then letting go, coming full circle in a loving father/son relationship. Following years as a consultant in training & development in Ontario, John Dodds moved to Massachusetts and ran the Vocational Department in a residential treatment center for abused males age 11- 21 June 26 Trío del Lago Presented by Diana Laguna (violin), Areli Medeles (cello) and Liliana Laguna (piano). This piano trio is made up of three friends who are highly accomplished musicians. They love to play chamber music together and aspire to grow professionally in their music, ultimately to perform at the international level. Their Open Circle program will include Piano Trio 11 by Beethoven, and lighter works by Debussy, Massenet, Bach, and Piazzolla. Astor Piazzolla is their favorite composer, whose tangos inspired them to form this piano trio and at the same time pay homage to a great Latin American genius. July 3 Midnight Travelers of the Universe—Past, Present, and Future Presented by La Cochera Cultural Creative Children’s Writing and Theatre Workshops In May, La Cochera Cultural held four weekend creative writing workshops for local kids. From the stories they developed, six were selected to be told by the children at the Lakeside Little Theatre in July. At Open Circle the kids will share excerpts from their stories and maestros will provide some background about the program. The experimental La Cochera dreams up cultural projects on an ad hoc basis with the assistance of many volunteers. Co-founders Jennifer Stanley and local artist Maestro Antonio Lopez Vega will be present, along with choreographer and puppet teacher Abril Iñiguez and production manager Thom Weeks. Stop by the Sala before or after the presentation to see projected images of highlights from last year’s performance, La Leyenda de la Reina Xochitl-MichiCihualli. YOU WON’T WANT TO MISS THIS ONE… Democrats Abroad is hosting a terrific Independence Weekend party on Saturday, July 2 at the Hotel Montecarlo in Chapala. The party runs from 2 to 6:30 p.m. There’ll be great traditional American food: hot dogs, hamburgers (veggie burgers too), baked beans, cole slaw, apple pie and ice cream, and a cash bar. The pool and also the thermal pool will be available, so bring your swim suits. The committee is planning a number of activities: a dunking booth, bean bag toss, croquet, games and maybe volleyball. Noe Raygoza and Jimmy Barto will provide music for dancing. There’s talk of fireworks too. And, finally, our own Ed Tasca will do a bit on famous American women and their representative images on our currency. Tickets are 250 pesos. They will be available at the Hotel Montecarlo and also at Diane Pearl Colecciones. You’re encouraged to get tickets early, as there will likely be very limited tickets for sale (300 pesos) at the door. SAN JUAN COSALA DOINGS Campamento Estrella, a camp for 30 children ages 9 to 12 who live in San Juan Cosala, was a smash hit last year and will be held again this year. The dates are July 2-30. The photo


shown is from last year’s camp. Emphasis will be on teaching the children to have pride in themselves and their village with special emphasis on town history, what children can do to improve their pueblo, kind treatment of animals, personal ethics, hygiene, and the importance of staying off drugs. Other activities will be the teaching of flamenco dance to the girls and break dancing for

the boys, as well as art activities: mask making, posters promoting the cleanup of the pueblo, drawing and painting and jewelry making. The organizers are currently seeking funds to cover the cost of art supplies, food, camp t-shirts and the salaries of the young Mexican camp counselors. They will greatly appreciate your support! The camp will end with two performances—one free performance for the families of the campers on Friday night and a second fundraiser dinner on Saturday afternoon at Viva Mexico where donations will be collected to fund next year’s camp. Donations may be made at Diane Pearl Colecciones, Viva Mexico Restaurant in San Juan Cosala or by contacting Judy Dykstra-Brown at jubob2@hotmail.com (387.761.0281) Audrey Zikmund at az62343@gmail.com (376.106.0821) or Jere Fyvolent at jeredepaul@yahoo.com. (387.761. 0813). PLAYS! OPERA! BALLET! After a fine start last season through its collaboration with London’s National Theatre Live, Lakeside Little Theatre has broadened its Playhouse Series to be a key offering throughout the year. Reserved seat tickets for each performance are 200 pesos each. Show times are Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday at 3 p.m. Here are scheduled performances through August. As You Like It by William Shakespeare, with Rosalie Craig, June 18-19 Lucia di Lammermoor by Gaetano Donizetti, July 16-17 Cavalliera Rusticana/Pagliacci, Pietro Mascagni/Ruggero Leoncavallo, August 13-14 Choose and reserve your seat at the time you purchase and pick up your tickets at the LLT Box Office on a first come, first served basis. Reserved seat tickets for each performance are 200 pesos each. Performances are Saturday evenings at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday matinees at 3:00 p.m. IS IT ART OR IS IT TRASH? The Naked Stage show for June is Bakersfield Mist. It’s directed by Diana Rowland and stars Roseann and Tony Wilshere The plot: Maude, a fifty-something unemployed bartender living in a trailer park, has bought a painting for a few bucks from a thrift store. Despite almost trashing it, she’s now convinced it’s a lost masterpiece by Jackson Pollock worth millions. But when world-class art expert Lionel Percy flies over from New York and arrives at her trailer home in Bakersfield to authenticate the painting, he has no idea what he is about to discover. This is going to be a good one! The performance runs June 24, 25 and 26. For Diana Rowland, Director, and Rosemore information and reservations, email ann and Tony Wilshere nakedstagereservations@gmail.com and, for those who use Facebook, look for The Naked Stage for breaking news and updates.

continued on page 34

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THEY’RE BEAUTIFUL AND THEY CAN SING, TOO Los Cantantes del Lago made a tour of Cuba recently and exchanged music and techniques with three different choirs while they were there. The Cuban choir members were welcoming and generous with their time and talent, and genuine in their welcome to their beloved country. Music Director Timothy G. Ruff Welch designed the program to show Cuba how much Los Cantantes wants to see our countries work together and create unity and peace through music. And there was music‌. everywhere. DON’T MISS THIS ONE‌ Join Diane Pearl and Anna Elena Berlin at a Create and Color Event, Thursday, June 23, between 1 p.m. and 5 p.m., at Maria Isabel restaurant.. Experience the joys and health benefits of adult coloring books, along with spontaneous readings from their new books-- Kick Start to Tranquility and Get What You Need: Skills to Build Your Destiny. While Diane’s book helps you to enjoy the benefits of meditation in a fun creative way, Anna’s book helps you to get a life that’s perfect for you. The books will be available for purchase and signing. Come for an afternoon of entertaining socializing, and, yes, cake! DIG THIS NEW GARDEN GUIDE  Says Rosemary Grayson, of the Lake Chapala Garden Club, “Flummoxed by foliage, frustrated by failing flowers and floundering in a sea of seed packets? Then this new guide is for you.â€?  This 150 page Garden Guide, 2016 edition, is a handy sized volume. It hit Ajijic last month at a book launch at La Nueva Posada. This new edition was created by Sandy Feldmann, Past President, and Nancy Segal, IT Director. It includes chapters from “Aâ€?—A Little Spanish for the Gardenâ€? --to “Xâ€? for “Xeroscape.â€? It sells for 150 pesos and is available at the book lunch and through the Garden Club. For more details, email:  www.lakechapalagardenclub.org. Another item of interest is that the Garden Club will sponsor gardening classes, to be held at LCS. The dates and time are to be announced. VEAL PATE AND STICKY BUNS Members of the Culinary Arts Society of Ajijic meet monthly to enjoy cooking— and eating! There is friendly competition and points are awarded on food and preSandy Feldmann and Nancy Segal sentation. Members prepare one dish corresponding to one of the two categories assigned for that particular month. This month the first place winners were Monica Molloy (CASA President) and Michele Lococo. CASA meets the third Monday of each month at La Mision Restaurant on Rio Bravo, with social time beginning at 3:30 pm (unless otherwise notified). The next CASA meeting will be on May 28. To inquire about CASA membership, contact their membership chairman, Rick Feldman, or use the website: casalakeside@yahoo.com. LET’S PLAN AHEAD There’s an exciting 2016-17 season at the Lakeside Little Theatre. First, there’s a special summer show: Mark Twain, Uncensored, written by Ed Tasca and directed by Barbara Clippinger. You won’t want to miss the wit of these two talented people. The show runs August 23-28.


El Ojo del Lago / June 2016

The 2016-17 season looks like this: Painting Churches, September 23-October 2 Outside Mullingar, October 21-30 Chapter 2, December 2-11 Death and the Maiden, January 13-22, 2017 Chicago, February 11-28 Second Summer, March 24-April 2 For information on ticket sales, call 376.766.0954 (messages are okay), or email tickets@lakesidelittletheatre.com. DON’T THEY LOOK LIKE WINNERS? We hear from Linda Buckthorp, Community Facilitator at Jaltepec Centro Educativo in San Juan Cosala. An Entrepreneurial Expo last month involved students Michele Lococo and Monica Molloy who want to start up their own business upon graduation. Now, 15 percent of Jaltepec’s graduates are starting up their own businesses and the number is increasing each year. In this case four students, involving two different business proposals have won a business course on computer to the value of $7000 pesos to be completed in one year. The Business Incubation Department of the Pan Am University will help and guide them for the first few years to develop their businesses. ESL STUDENT RECOGNITION DAY Wilkes Center celebrated the end of another successful year of Lake Chapala Winners, left to right: Vania HĂŠrnandez VĂĄzquez, Society’s English as a Second Language Janet Zavala Ramos and Jacqueline Rojas CerProgram. vantes. Not Shown, VerĂłnica VĂĄzquez Cruz Approximately180 adult students gathered on the back patio of the LCS campus to receive their certificates of attendance and achievement awards as proud family members looked on. It was a beautiful day and the students, along with family and friends, had a lovely celebration of the students’ efforts. GROW YOUR OWN‌.. ‌‌..vegetables, that is. The Ajijic Organic Vegetable Growers meet on the second Wednesday of the month at 10:00 in the gazebo at Tabarka Restaurant, Rio Zula #7. The next meeting will be on June 8. For information, email John McWilliams at mcwilliamsmx@gmail.com or by phone at 376.766.0620. There are two websites that gardeners Maria Huerta, Manager of the Wilkes will find very informative: growingyourgreens.com and smilinggardener.com/ Center Biblioteca and Inez Dayer, the introductions/why-grow-a-garden.The 3URJUDP 'LUHFWRU SUHSDULQJ FHUWLÂżLakeside Little Theatre, in its collaboration cates for the recognition ceremony. with London’s National Theatre Live, has broadened its Playhouse Series to be a key offering throughout the year. FERIA MAESTROS DEL ARTE The 15th annual Feria will be held November 11-13, Friday and Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission will be 50 pesos. The Feria’s location is at the Club de Yates de Chapala (Chapala Yacht Club), Paseo Ramon Corona in Chapala. This is a great volunteer opportunity. If interested, please contact Rachel McMillan (376) 106.0935, rjmcmillen@shaw.ca. Those of you who might want to try hosting, please contact Sandra Spencer, (376) 766-1923, sandraspencer@gmail.com.

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Last Little Piggy Goes To Market -XG\ '\NVWUD %URZQ

I am the littlest piggy, and when I commenced to roam, why did I cry “Wee, wee, wee!” all the long way home? My sibling went to market and I followed along. The path was rough and winding––as steep as it was long. My little legs were tired, yet I followed close behind. I wondered if he knew that I was following if he’d mind. My family never let me go hardly anywhere, so market piqued my interest. I wondered what was there. I asked my other siblings if they wouldn’t like to try it, but one was into his roast beef, the other on a diet. She said she would be tempted by the pastries and the candy, and this was what convinced me that this market was a dandy. When we crested the last hill and passed the final bend, the market spread out for so far, I couldn’t see its end. Booth after booth was set up to sell its chosen fare. My head swung fast from side to side to see all that was there. Buttons, bolsters, bumbershoots and books with songs or riddles. Little dainty donuts with whipped cream in their middles. TinkerToys and rubber balls and cricket bats and kites. My eyes could not keep up with all these delicious sights. I lost sight of my brother, but I didn’t care. I was too busy ogling all this varied fare. My tummy started rumbling. Ice cream, cakes and pies. I wished that I could put my mouth where I had put my eyes. But then I stopped to look at a very curious rig and a big sign that said “Barbecue—what? Barbecue pig?? Folks stood around with sandwiches filled with dripping meat and then I saw another sign that said “Pickled Pig’s Feet!” My pig’s feet took me out of there as fast as I could joggle. I didn’t stop for donuts. I didn’t stop to ogle. I scurried for my own safe yard, squealing “Wee, wee, wee!” I’ve sought enough adventure. Home is enough for me!!!


El Ojo del Lago / June 2016

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The Credible and the Bizarre Myths


hat we do know is that the five murders attributed to Jack the Ripper took place in the Whitechapel area, which is part of The Tower Hamlets borough in the dock area of East London. The area itself is quite small yet there were 62 brothels and 1,200 working girls. It was a slum area that attracted sailors and paupers and foreign immigrants. With that kind of environment came crime; it was the perfect killing ground for someone like Jack. During the Victorian Era, London was plagued by fog from coal being burnt—it was an easy place to disappear into the night and not clearly be seen. Prostitutes were very much victims of murder but it was not until the heinous acts of Jack and the mutilation of their bodies did it bring down the full force of Scotland Yard into the investigation. Frederick Abberline, who had been promoted out of the area, was brought back to lead the investigation. Many believed it was the work of local gangs who would try and extort money from the prostitutes. With Abberline’s knowledge of the gangs, it was hoped one would turn and give information about the killer. When this proved fruitless, they conducted over 2,000 door to door interviews; of that total 300 were investigated and 80 people detained. At that time police investigations were not very sophisticated and the police were loath to tell the newspaper journalists anything regarding the case. Cases were solved by informers or catching the perpetrator in the act. The Jack the Ripper letters are held in the Scotland Yard archives. They are so badly contaminated that DNA testing would be inconclusive to the possible identity of Jack the Ripper. Profiling was something in the future. Artist’s sketches did appear in the papers from witnesses showing some shadowy figure fleeing down a dark ally. At the height of the investigation the public demanded that the police put up a reward. This didn’t happen because The Home Office which is responsible for the police force in the U.K. refused. So let’s examine some of


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the theories about the identity of Jack the Ripper starting with Prince Albert Victor. Prince Albert Victor, the son of Queen Victoria, was never brought in for questioning, but theories emerge when people put two and two together and get a dozen. They say that the Prince impregnated a shop girl called Annie Crook. It was left to the Queen’s physician Dr Gull to make it go away. He did so by institutionalizing her and with cruel methods make her forget. Now this is where things get interesting—the child was left with Mary Kelly the last of Jack the Ripper’s victims. They say that she spread word about the Princes dalliances with her fellow prostitutes. And so they too had to be disposed in the most grisly fashion. Another theory about the Prince was because of his penchant for slum girls he contracted syphilis and went insane making him in people’s eyes a natural serial killer. The kicker to put a damper on this was that the Prince was out of London when these murders were committed. The creator of “Sherlock Holmes,” Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, speculated that Jack the Ripper could have been a woman. Mary Jill Peacey was convicted later of killing her lover’s wife. The theory posed is that she pretended to be a midwife and that in Victorian times it was common to see a woman with blood-stained clothing walking the streets. An Australian scientist in 2006 also suggested that Jack the Ripper could have been a woman but the DNA testing proved inconclusive. Richard Wallace must be the “magic bullet” of Jack the Ripper theories In his book Jack the Ripper, Light Hearted Fiend he suggested Lewis Carroll, the author, was the murderer. Wallace took passages from Carroll’s children’s books and made rubbish anagrams. He changed words and left out letters to suit his theory. This is just an extract from Carroll’s Nursery Alice interpreted by Wallace. Dodgson and Bane found a way to keep hold of the fat little whore. I got a tight hold of her and slit her throat, left ear to the right. It was tough, wet, disgusting too. So weary of it, they threw

up. Over 500 names have been put forward as Ripper suspects, but Aaron Kominski, a Polish immigrant, seems the most credible suspect. The blood stained shawl of Catherine Eddes was kept by a police sergeant Amos Simpson who was first on the scene. He wanted it for his wife but she was horrified and the shawl was put away and passed down through generations. It came up for auction in 2007 and Russell Edwards, a self-confessed Ripper fan, bought it. He sought out Jari Louhelainen, an expert in molecular biology, who using pioneering tech-

niques found DNA from her blood and that of the killer. In his book, Naming Jack the Ripper, he says it proves beyond doubt Kominski was the killer. It was shortly after the last murder that Kominski was admitted to a lunatic asylum and the murders stopped. He died in 1899 of gangrene. In Part 3, I will look at what makes a psychopath turn to violence and become a serial killer. Michael James Cook

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THE OJO INTERNET MAILBOX (Wherein we publish some comments about our previous issues.)

ONE IS A LONELY NUMBER Karen Foster Wow. Christy, your article blew me away. Having also lost a spouse, I can honestly say that you clearly nailed it on every emotional level. Your writing is a gift to those struggling with so many areas of loss that come with the death of a spouse. I look forward to reading many more of your articles coming in the future. FOR THE LOVE OF PETS Michael James Cook I wholeheartedly agree. I adopted Clementina from a couple returning to Canada. LIVING LA VIDA LAKESIDE Sherr Moody Tom, the educator and author. Lived down there for 6 months and already has his new home nailed. Nice article with great information. Christopher Lawrence So good to read how well you have taken to Ajijic. Great article. Clearly I need to get some financing to come and visit for a couple of days. LIFE ONGOING—JUST A CUP OF COFFEE Michael James Cook Never realized having a cup of coffee could be so dangerous. Protection vs Life. Interesting take. Michael Gabrielle Blair Family members are possibly the last people we should be informing about our private affairs. They seem to think they are the ones who know what is best for us, and are only too free with their uncalled for advice. Delightful lighthearted article. SMALL TOWN – SMALL MINDS: BEING SINGLE AT LAKESIDE


El Ojo del Lago / June 2016

Raymond :D Hilarious - well said! Michael James Cook John was that woman the same one that I saw you with last week!!!! LMAO. Good stuff John needed be to said Michael. Christy Wiseman I treasure my friends, but even more so after reading your article. When we talk together, it is about subjects that interest us, like the next play or quilt show or recipes, or project ideas. Several of us are single, so while I’m sure what you say is true, we haven’t knowingly been the basis for gossip. If you have created a bit of excitement in the gossip crowd - Congratulate yourself on their confidence in your abilities - lol Life is too short to get too serious at this stage. Fun article - Bravo Alice Hudson Dear John, The problem is that you believe everyone cares so much about your personal life that they’re all agog about who you see and what you do. When in fact, any rumors about you are just that, rumors. Nothing more, nothing less, and people who deliver or hear such news then immediately start talking about something or someone else. So relax, man, because your life is about as boring as anyone else’s even though you’re getting laid. (Sex, after a certain point, is truly boring if it isn’t executed between two confident people.) Get some professional help with the paranoia, or better, to learn how to meld “who you are and who you want to be.” Get in touch with that authentic John inside of you and learn not to give a damn what other people think or say. It’s possible, but you have to want it as much as you want sex.

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eing somewhat dependent on someone else and then learning to be wholly independent takes a bit of doing. In the process, I’ve sometimes heard the question: “When will you ever grow up?” I must admit that I’ve occasionally looked inside myself and wondered that very thing. The easy answer can be: “Hopefully never.” There is a lot of truth in that quick response because who among us wants to lose the child-like wonder when coming upon an unexpected scene of beauty, or the absolute joy of welcoming a new day full of possibilities? Life, however, also brings us other more weighty issues as we age and for me the answer is complex. I will be all grown up: When I realize that the greatest treasure on earth is friendship, whether it be with a lover, a companion, an acquaintance, a relative, a stranger or with myself. When I realize that each person needs to have boundaries, set by their values and priorities as you get, for the most part, what you accept. I need to accept those thoughts, actions, suggestions and criticisms that will help me improve in this process of becoming. When I realize that being childlike in my joys and in my life is very different than being childish. When I choose to believe people are good, and still put important things in writing so that disappointments in another’s behavior remains his or her problem on his or her path, and is not destructive to me. When I realize that any of us is guaranteed is this moment in time, so we need to keep our priorities straight and live joyfully and gratefully within our system of values. When I realize that your God and my God or “higher power” are really from the same source. When I learn that life should be about love—of my family and of the


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very special people I’m blessed to call friends; of people who are different than I am in whatever ways they are different, understanding that my way is right for me. It isn’t THE way or right for everyone. When I learn to make amends to those people I’ve harmed, knowing that I can only control my action, not their reaction. I need to know that however this turns out, I’m now free to let this issue go. I have done what I could. When I learn to let go, rather than to try to make another person’s progress in life my business or dependent on me. We all have freedom of choice and we need to each take ownership of the consequences. When I learn that people whose values are toxic to me can and should be blessed and avoided. When I learn that forgiveness isn’t weakness and that forgiving others is really about clearing out my head and heart so that those spaces can be filled with positive energy. When I learn that other people are also a “work in process” and I can love them for their good qualities and let them worry about their own challenges, while not allowing myself to be affected by them. When I learn that the baggage from my past can only affect my now and my future if I choose to let it. When I take along the baggage that enhances me and leave behind that which needs to be left behind. When I understand that the only person I can change is me. I am, until I die, “a work in progress” on this road to “growing up.” Christena Wiseman

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Anyone Can Train Their Dog %\ $UW +HVV artthedogguy@yahoo.com

The Treat


ince we use positive reward based training, the treat is an important tool in our training. It is firstly a lure to move the dog into a position or through an action, hence it must be highly aromatic, and next it is offered as a reward for performing the task, so it must be tasty, easily ingested, and small and quick to eat. The treat is the “chocolate cake and ice cream” that acts as the motivator which makes the student anxious to repeat the task. Imagine it as a finger tip sized piece of delicious chocolate as opposed to eating a whole chocolate bar. We don’t want our student to be standing there for a minute or so while he consumes the treat and he forgets what he did to earn it in the first place. We don’t want to lose our training momentum. The treat must also be easy for the trainer to carry and offer. Delicious cheese is a great reward but obviously would get a little gooey in our pocket. I think of treats as being high, medium, and low value. High value is a lure and reward for a new or perhaps more challenging task, while low value would be an everyday acknowledgment of recognition and focus—or a reminder to “pay attention.” When we first start teaching lure and reward we want a high value treat while the student figures out just what we are doing. As he catches on we can back off to treats of lesser value because we want to save the high value for special occasions and achievements. Our day to day medium value treat is the reward and recognition for performing a familiar task. As we proceed through the learning and mastery of a task we will start with high value as a “jack pot” reward and phase down to medium or lower value. We sometimes hear people say their dog is not food motivated and for the most part this simply


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means they haven’t tried enough options. I’ve never met a dog that didn’t like to eat. Occasionally you need to avoid feeding just before training so you set yourself and the dog up to win. If you have difficulty determining which is the most desirable treat, do a simple taste test. Take four different treats and put them in little piles about two feet apart and introduce the dog to the area. Take note of which he consumes first, second etc. Now remove the dog and put the treats down in different locations and repeat the test. Do this several times and he will show you which is his preferred treat. Unless it happens to be filet mignon, this is your “numero uno” motivator. So what makes a good training treat? There are many commercial treats available and they vary from basic to pheasant and blueberry flavored. If you are training full time there are lots of other options and I list some below. If you use your imagination I’m sure there are lots more. Cooked chicken pieces, Dried roasted liver, meat pieces, carnitas, bacon pieces, cheese................. these would be “high value treats” Pieces of cookies, biscuits, wheat thins, croutons, chopped carrots, green beans, peanuts or other mixed nuts..........”medium value treats” Kibble, cat treats, bread crusts etc...................”low value treats.” In a future article I will show you how I make 330 pieces of great treats for a buck. Stay tuned. The important thing is don’t be lazy and chintzy. This is a training process and builds your dog’s habits. Make the effort and your dog will provide you with a lifetime of companionship and enjoyment. Art Hess

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ur daughter Hope’s aging mixed breed Labrador retriever recently passed away. My wife and I always referred to Kodi Lynn Dog as our grand-dog. Kodi and I enjoyed many walks near our daughter’s home in North Carolina. Kodi’s passing leaves a vacancy in all our hearts. A few days before she left us, I sent Kodi this email, which I am now sharing with the readers of El Ojo del Lago. Dear Grand Dog Kodi, I know that you are going to have a wonderful time trading stories with some of my oldest and very best

friends. Give them a shake of the paw from me. First, is my grandpa’s dog Bobby, who used to slip up the road to the neighbor’s place, steal the farmer’s dog’s dish and carry it home. You will love those stories. I would see Bobby merrily running down the road with the other dog’s dish in his mouth. Grandpa’s big hounds, Mitty, a black and tan, and Lead, a redbone, can tell you all sorts of hunting stories. And my first dog Tippy, a mixed breed beagle, will tell you about the time he went raccoon hunting with Grandpa and the big dogs, but de-

cided that running around in a rainy woods at night wasn’t his thing. When we got back to the farmhouse, he was fast asleep under Grandma’s woodstove. Buddy, the fox terrier that my sister and I grew up with, can tell many stories, like the time I was sitting around my campfire in the swamp behind Grandpa’s house when I was about 12 and heard him barking. I rescued him just before a huge, very angry snapping turtle sunk his jaws into him. Belle was a beautiful golden retriever who agreed to come live with me when she was a year old. She can tell you many stories of our wandering in the woods. When things became too hectic and stressful in my life, Belle and I would head off into the woods for a a few hours. She didn’t like cats. The neighbor’s cats would prance around on the other side of the fence at home because they knew she couldn’t get at them. One got stuck on the wrong side of the fence one time, and she gave him a piece of her mind and a good shaking to boot. I think the feline trespasser still had a few of his nine lives left, but from then on he remained on his own side of the fence and no longer teased Belle.

Tiger, my border collie, can tell many stories of living alone when she was still a pup in the mountains of New Mexico and catching grasshoppers to eat. My backpacking buddy Gary and I rescued her from the site of her family’s abandoned Hogan one brilliant autumn day. Tiger accompanied me on many camping trips and backpacking adventures all over New Mexico and Arizona and up into the mountains of Colorado. Ask her about the time I picked her up just before she bit into a porcupine. I lived in a little Navaho town called Tohatchi that year. Tiger would go out prowling each evening. I was amazed that she didn’t seem to ever touch her bowl of dog food. Then one day, a friend explained that she had at least six houses she would visit each evening, begging for a handout. Lexi will just have to tell you about the summer she stayed with me at Put-in-Bay, on an island in Lake Erie, where I worked as a ranger. Once, on our evening walk, a wicked llama poked fun at her tail. Lexi was determined to go back and have a fist fight (er, hoof and paw fight) with it, forcing me to drag her for miles down the road backwards. She will also tell you about the time the AnheiserBusch Clydesdales pulled their beer wagon into the parking right outside the bedroom window. When I got off duty that afternoon, she told me all about it as she ran excitedly from window to window, explaining to me that her barking had frightened the huge beasts off. I know that you will have many stories to share too. Tell my old friends that I will be along someday and to continue to frolic in heavenly meadows until then. See you later. Shake of the Paw, Grandpa Dog Lorin Swinehart


El Ojo del Lago / June 2016

In Memoriam —Eric Roberts—

Eric Roberts, longtime member of the Ajijic Writers’ Group, passed away on May 1st of this year. We were unable to reach the survivors for historic data, but we can say for sure that he was born in Hollywood, California in 1930, and he died of cancer 86 years after his birth. We know that his mother Nora was a friend and confidant of Ingrid Bergman, and son Eric grew up in that exotic Hollywood milieu. His readings at the Writers’ Group were particularly popular as his colleagues basked in nostalgia and the light of Hollywood stars. In telling how it was growing up in Tinseltown, Eric charmed us with stories People Magazine never picked up and often told them in a whimsical way. A star athlete in basketball and the high jump, he recalls with sentiment the Hollywood High School emblem—a heroic profile of Lawrence of Arabia, The Sheik, “… only in those days it was Rudolph Valentino after his 1928 smash hit movie. And so we athletes became The Sheiks. I see that Vintage Sheik Condom tins

are now selling on E-Bay for a pretty penny. But I digress…” “Next to the Chinese theatre was an Ice Cream Shop serving the Best Hot Fudge Sundaes. And if you were lucky, Lana Turner would shake your---I mean make your shake…Oh, you know what I mean. After the movie we drove far west on Sunset Blvd. On our way home we listened to radio songs like ‘Star Dust,’ ‘The Way You Look Tonight’ and ‘Paper Moon’ by the King Cole Trio.” We Members of the Ajijic Writers’ Group believed in Eric and loved his anecdotes and loved him. We shall miss his tall Hollywood tales and his lanky gentle grace. We extend our sincere condolences and best wishes to his gracious wife Patsy. Submitted by Mark Sconce

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usic gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” —Plato Music has always been a part of my life. From my birth, and even before, my mother would sing to me. I remember her soft, gentle voice, soothing my childhood fears and sharing joy and wonder with me. We sang as a family, silly songs, religious hymns, Christmas carols, and I learned all the words and melodies. One of my favorite quotes is from J.M. Barrie, who wrote Peter Pan: “If you cannot teach me to fly, teach me to sing.”


Another of my favorite quotes is from Maya Angelou: “Everything in the universe has a rhythm, everything dances.” One of my favorite pastimes as a young girl was to dance. Besides the ballet and tap lessons, I used to shut myself in the living room, turn on the hi-fi and dance for hours to my father’s classical music records. My father had no sons, just two girls. My sister enjoyed sports, so she and my father would go to ballgames and sporting events together. But my “special time” with my dad always involved music. We would sit quietly and listen to music together, and sometimes he would take me to a concert or ballet. I remember going

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to the Hollywood Bowl, an outdoor amphitheater, many times with him, and being swept away by the music. “You have to take a deep breath and allow the music to flow through you. Revel in it, allow yourself to awe. When you play allow the music to break your heart with its beauty.” — Kelly White Growing up I sang in my church choir, learning to read music and sing harmony. “Music is the language of the spirit. It opens the secret of life bringing peace, abolishing strife.” — Khalil Gibran It surely did that for me. “Music touches us emotionally, where words alone can’t.” —Johnny Depp When tragedy struck me, I realized that I could escape, even if just for a few minutes, in music. “People haven’t always been there for me but music always has.” —Taylor Swift Music can calm your soul. “My heart, which is so full to overflowing, has often been solaced and refreshed by music when sick and weary.” — Martin Luther As a young woman, I traveled to Germany and discovered another truth about music and myself: “Music is the universal language of mankind.” —Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. It was through music that I first was able to communicate in my new

home. When I first met my husband, Bob, one of the things we discovered we had in common was our love of music. On our first date he serenaded me for my birthday, and then took me dancing – an auspicious beginning! “Music acts like a magic key, to which the most tightly closed heart opens.” —Maria von Trapp And so it was. “Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent.” —Victor Hugo We joined Vancouver USA singers and the UU choir and sang together for 20 years before moving to Mexico, and we were fortunate enough to give concerts in many other countries. One of my most cherished memories is singing in the music room of Neuschwanstein Castle, an opportunity not afforded to most people. “Music is the great uniter, an incredible force. Something that people who differ on everything and anything else can have in common.” —Sarah Dessen Music is an integral part of my life. “Ah, music! A magic far beyond all we do here!” J.K. Rowling I enjoy listening to many types of music and have been fortunate to join Los Cantantes del Lago here in Lakeside. “We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams.” —Arthur O’Shaughnessy And so I say to everyone, in the words of Friedrich Nietzsche, “Without music, life would be a mistake.” William Shakespeare, in Twelfth Night, put it succinctly: “If music be the food of love, play on.” I cannot imagine my life without music. To quote Kurt Vonnegut: “If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph: THE ONLY PROOF HE NEEDED FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD WAS MUSIC.” And in the end, may the words of Rob Sheffield ring true: “When we die, we will turn into songs, and we will hear each other and remember each other.”

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The Ojo Crossword

ACROSS 1 Clasp 5 Lovers quarrel 9 Sound of a sneeze 14 Upon 15 Small particle 16 French money 17 Giant 18 Type of hair do 19 Set again 20 Groove 22 Walk quietly 24 Stage Scene 25 National Capital 27 Painter of melting clocks 31 Baby powder 32 Rock group 34 After sun. 35 Indonesian island 38 Little bit 40 Put a rope through a hole 42 Burst outward 44 Movie star Taylor 46 Light-__ 47 Vice __ 48 Sup 50 Sour 51 East northeast 52 Kitten 55 Green seedless plant 57 Girl 59 Canned meat brand 61 Fish eggs 64 Shaddock


El Ojo del Lago / June 2016

66 Drink 68 What tourists take 71 Sheet of glass 73 American state 6WURQJ URSH ¿EHU 75 Part of the eye 76 Small fry 77 Greek philosopher 78 Bird´s home 79 Zoom '2:1 1 Horses feet 2 Slant 3 Prance 4 Bard 5 Drink slowly 6 Fanciful description 7 A vacation (2 wds.) 8 Mess with 9 Big hairdo 10 Credo 11 In possession of 12 Single 13 Fall mo. 21 Estimated time of arrival 23 Truss 26 Alternative (abbr.) 28 One-celled water animal 29 __ boy 30 Sluggish 31 Points 33 Married woman 35 Angle measurer $WKOHWLF ¿HOG 37 Baits 39 Single dice 41 Dines 43 Rap 45 Ice cleaners 49 Doll 53 Tree 54 Men´s jewelry 56 Concord e.g. 58 Jack __ 60 Proclaim loudly 61 2:1, for example 62 Japanese city 63 Anesthetic 65 National capital 67 Not ins 68 Teaspoon (abbr.) 69 Lubricate 70 North American nation 72 Eastern Standard Time



was seated at The ThreeSided Square, my outdoor surrogate church, before the program got underway. Someone wearing the kind of perfume that rocks your space sat down a couple of rows behind me. —“O-h-h-h,” groaned my seat mate, rolling her eyes, “in Canada public gatherings like this have a fragrance-free policy.” We both started to cough. “I’m allergic to perfume! Can’t stand to get a hug from perfumed people, but sometimes it’s impossible to stop them. When they come running toward me with outstretched arms, gushing with anticipation, how can I tell them ‘back off before it’s too late, your fragrance makes me sick?’ But then if she does hug me, I’m stuck smelling like her till I shower and wash my clothes.” —“I understand, my friend, but I’m curious how Canada enforces its vaunted freedom from fragrance. Is there a plain clothes sniffer at the door or does someone report the offender to a bouncer? I have problems breathing around perfumes, too. I have to avoid the detergent aisle in the grocery store, and once I had to change my season tickets to the symphony because a perfume wearer had season tickets nearby. The other night a guest brought a beautiful bouquet of toofragrant lilies to my party and I had to put them outside. As we age and our sight and hearing begin to fade, I suspect our olfactory sense gets sharpened. I don’t remember being so sensitive to smells before.” —“Here’s a helpful tip. I learned that I can endure the lilies if I snip out the stamen in the middle of the blossom. It’s the culprit loaded with the pollen.” —“Sounds good, but I wonder how the hostess manages that as other guests are arriving (with their flowers) and the meal needs constant last minute attention.” —“I’m also allergic to the color yellow.” —“No, that can’t be. You’re putting me on.” —“No, it’s the truth. If I wear yellow or sit next to yellow, I get very hot and start to sweat. If I don’t move away from the yellow, I might break out in a rash, could even die. Look,” she says as she reaches into her purse,” I always

carry my emergency shot with me, just in case!” —“Wow, lady. You win the prize. I’ve never heard of being allergic to a color. I hope for your sake the sensitivity doesn’t spread to other colors. Say, I guess if the perfume really bothers you, you could complain to the committee that runs this thing. You know, people complained about dogs, and poof, the dogs vanished just like that. In fact, that same committee banned all pets, including birds, though the wild ones chirping in the trees are allowed to stay. While they’re at it, maybe they could chop down this tree that dumps its pollen-laden stuff on us this time of year, though I was ok until they told me to stop wearing my hat.” —“Well, just look around. We’re not the only ones. It’s obvious, many of us are allergic to this particular tree, blowing our noses throughout the presentation. I happen to be allergic to bird feathers, too. If the tree comes down, you can bet the birds will go somewhere else. People should come Margaret Van first.” Every

Saw you in the Ojo 51

Over 60 years of “People Helping People�


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June 2016

/&6 0RYLQJ )RUZDUG in 2016

Progress on Annual GivLQJ &DPSDLJQ We achieved another 5% towards our Annual Giving goal. We have received donations a little over $123,000 MXN or 30% toward our goal of $400,000 MXN. There are ways to donate other than cash. We recently received the donation of a car from a member who returned north for health reasons. If you have an unwanted car or other items of value consider donating it to the campaign. Ask us how U.S. citizens can receive a tax deductible receipt. We’re looking for a mechanism so we can also provide the same opportunity to Canadian citizens. LCS Soon to Accept Credit Cards We will soon be accepting credit cards at the /&6 RႈFH DQG RQOLQH <RX ZLOO be able to use your Visa or MasterCard to pay for classes, membership dues and even donations to the Annual Giving Fund. We need to train the volunteers and work out the bugs, WKHQ LW ZLOO JR OLYH DOO LQ DQ HႇRUW to provide better up to date service for our members. 3HUVRQDO (QULFKPHQW 3URJUDP Starts in July. Recent surveys have indicated that our membership is interested in classes and seminars about making Mexico home. The new Personal Enrichment Program (PEP) will do just that. :RUN RQ /&6 &DPSXV 0DVWHU 3ODQ &RQWLQXHV 7KUHH TXDOLÂżHG DUFKLWHFWXUDO ÂżUPV UHVSRQGHG WR /&6Âś request for proposals. The winning plan must be compatible with the architectural context and scale of Ajijic. Any plan must be executed in phases to avoid disruption of LCS programs and to preserve green space on the campus. The design must be 100% handicapped accessible and incorporate “green technologyâ€?. LCS Free Services Open to the public, include: blood pressure, skin cancer screenings; eye and hearing exams. We also provide access to insurance, legal and immigration assistance. Let your neighbors know that LCS is here for everyone! --- %HQ :KLWH, President


El Ojo del Lago / June 2016


Join us for some good old-fashioned summer fun complete with IRRG GULQNV DQG JDPHV IRU HYHU\RQH 7KH /&6 6XPPHU 3LFQLF NLFNV Rႇ Saturday, June 18 from 2:30 to 6 p.m. with hamburgers and hot dogs with all the trimmings, corn on the cob, pies, cake and an open cash bar. There’ll be a watermelon seed spitting contest, line dancing, and a UDႉH 'DQFH WR WKH PXVLF RI WKH 7DOO %R\V RQH RI RXU IDYRULWH ORcal groups, in their farewell appearance on the LCS stage. Admission is $180 pesos at the door. Advance tickets are $100 pesos for members and $150 pesos for non-members. Tickets are for admission only. Food and drinks are available for purchase.


LCS’ popular annual Children’s Art Camp will take place from July 18 to 23. The LCS Music Festival scheduled for Saturday, July 30. A Tequila Adventure to Los Altos of Jalisco is being planned for late July.


-XO\ Âą 6HSWHPEHU Min/Max Students required: 11/20 Course Location: Darling Classroom I Come and participate in the Lake Chapala Society’s new Personal Enrichment Program. We’ve decided to answer our members calls for more programs both entertaining and fun. 2XU SUHPLHU ODXQFKLQJ RI WKH SURJUDP GUDZV IURP WKUHH KLJKO\ TXDOLÂżHG H[SHUWV WZR ORFDO DQG WKH RWKHU KDLOLQJ IURP 3XHUWR 9DOlarta. Each one will be presenting topics that will elucidate an understanding of yourself and Mexico. 7KH FRXUVHV DUH HDV\ WR FKRRVH IURP VSUHDG RYHU RU ZHHNV 7KH SULFHV DUH YHU\ DႇRUGDEOH DQG WKH SURJUDP LV IRU PHPEHUV RQO\ :H KRSH WKDW \RX ÂżQG WKLV SURJUDP LQWHUHVWLQJ DQG IXQ 6LJQ XS DQG SD\ LQ WKH VHUYLFH RႈFH

,QWURGXFWLRQ WR 0H[LFR WKURXJK /LWHUDWXUH Âł7KH 0DNLQJ RI 0H[LFR´ Instructor: Judy King Course Fee: $600 MXN Course Dates: July 27 – September 16, 2016 Course Time: Friday, 11-12:30 Explore and discuss the transformation of Mexico that began when the Aztecs, Maya, Toltecs and Nahua, the most powerful of the many thriving native civilizations, faced Spanish explorers and missionaries and then succumbed during the Spanish conquest. During the eight-week course students will read and discuss several books written about this explosive time in history.

/DWLQ $PHULFDQ +LVWRU\ &XOWXUHV LQ &RQĂ€LFW Instructor: Daniel Grippo, Ph.D. Course Fee: $400 MXN Course Dates: August 22 – September 1, 2016 Course Time: Monday thru Thursday, 11 – 12 “Latin Americaâ€? is a cultural designation that describes a vast region comprised of Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, South America, and sometimes incorporating Iberia (Spain and Portugal). We will take a “macroâ€? view of the vast region, focusing on major historical moments and cultural movements including: the great indigenous cultures; the violent clash of cultures; colonial consolidation; dissolution and independence; upheaval and dictatorship; Eurocentrism to national cultures; dependency, revolution, and multiculturalism; 21st century themes and directions,

0LQGIXOQHVV 0HGLWDWLRQ 0DGH 6LPSOH Instructor: Daniel Grippo, Ph.D. Course Fee: $600 MXN Course Dates: August 22 – September 1, 2016 Course Time: Monday thru Thursday, 4 – 5:30 7KH FRXUVH ZLOO RႇHU DQ LQWURGXFWLRQ WR PLQGIXOQHVV PHGLWDtion with a brief overview of the recent history of its development and popularity as well as its roots in time tested Eastern meditative traditions. Periods of guided meditation will give the student a sense of the practice and some basic tools that can be used to develop an ongoing meditation practice or enhance an existing one, for those who so choose.


Course Fee: $400 MXN Course Dates: August 22 – September 1, 2016 Course Time: Monday thru Thursday, 1:30 – 2:30 Mexico is a nation both ancient and modern, open yet mysterious. We will enrich our understanding of this great nation by examining key movements and moments in Mexican KLVWRU\ XS WR WKH FXUUHQW VWDWH RI DႇDLUV LQ 0H[LFR

8QGHUVWDQGLQJ 0RGHUQ 0H[LFR *HRJUDSKLFDO DQG 6RFLR HFRQRPLF 3HUVSHFtives Instructor: Richard Rhoda Course Fee: $750 MXN Course Dates: July 25 – August 31, 2016 Course Time: Monday and Wednesday, 9:30 – 10:45 Drawing from “Geo-Mexico: The Geography and Dynamics of Modern Mexico, this course provides a lively, up-to-date and comprehensive exploration of Mexico, from climates to culture, population to politics, ecosystems to economy, transport to tourism, and globalization to gated communities.

PEP Instructors: 'DQLHO *ULSSR 3K ' Latin American History, Univ. of .DQVDV 'LVVHUWDWLRQ 5HOLJLRXV &RQĂ€LFW LQ 0H[LFR 7KH &ULVtero Rebellion and the Cultural Revolution (1926-1936) Experience : Univ. of Kansas, Univ. of Missouri-KC, Avila College, Kansas City, Center for Outreach, Chicago, International Friendship Club of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Currently lives in Puerto Vallarta. -XG\ .LQJ Journalist, Real Estate, Business, Publisher, Editor Columnist. Author: “Living in Ajijic,â€? 2014. Living in Ajijic since 1990. 5LFKDUG 5KRGD 3K ' Regional Economic Geography, Univ. RI ,RZD 'LVVHUWDWLRQ 0LJUDWLRQ RI (GXFDWHG <RXWK IURP 5XUDO Areas in Ghana Experience : Univ. of Iowa, Univ. of Maryland Extension, Cairo, Egypt, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). Author: Geo-Mexico: The Geography and Dynamics of Modern Mexico, (with Tony Burton), 2010.; Urban and Regional Analysis for Development Planning, 1982. Living in Ajijic since 1999.

Daniel Grippo, Ph.D.

Saw you in the Ojo 53

June Activities *OPEN TO PUBLIC , ** US CITIZENS &58= 52-$ CRIVC (Cruz Roja) Sales Table M-F 10-1 CRIVC (Cruz Roja) Monthly Meeting 2nd W 2-4 +($/7+ ,1685$1&( IMSS & Immigration Services M+T 10-1 Lakeside Insurance T+TH 11-2 +($/7+ /(*$/ 6(59,&(6 Becerra & Galindo Services TH 10:30-12:30 Blood Pressure F 10-12 Drug & Herb Consultation 4th M 10-12 Hearing Aid Services M & 2nd+ 4th Sat 11-4 Sign-up Ministerio Publico W June 1+22 10-2 My Guardian Angel M + TH 10-1 Optometrist Claravision TH 9-4 Sign-up Skin Cancer Screening 2nd +4th W 10-12:30 Sign-up US Consulate W June 15 10:30-12:30 Sign up /(66216 &

&KDLU <RJD ) Children’s Art Sat 10-12 Exercise M+W+F 9-10 )LWQHVV WKUX <RJD 0 ) ,QWHUPHGLDWH +DWKD <RJD 7 7K Line Dancing T+Th 10-11:15 Stretch & Balance Exercise T+Th 8:45-9:45 LIBRARIES Audio Library Th 10-12 Book & Video M-Sat 10-2 US Library of Congress Books**/ Talking Books TH 10-12 Neill James Biblioteca Publica (WEC) M-F 9:30-7, Sat 9:30-1* 62&,$/ $&7,9,7,(6 &

All Things Tech F 9:30-11:30 Bridge 4 Fun T +TH 1-5 Discussion Group W 12-1:30 Everyday Mindfulness M 10:15-11:45 )LOP $¿FLRQDGRV 7+ Needle Pushers T 10-12 Open Gaming M 1-4 Open to public 2-4* Scrabble F 11:30-1:30 Spanish/English Conversation Sat 11-12 TED Talks Learning Seminars T 12-1:15 Tournament Scrabble T 12-2 6(59,&( 6833257 *52836 Caregiver Support Group 2nd+4th W 10:30-12:30 Have Hammer Workshop Demo 1st & 3rd M 10-12 Information Desk M-Sat 10-2 Lakeside AA M +TH 4:30-5:30 Open Circle Sun 10-11:30 Toastmasters M 7-8:30 7,&.(7 6$/(6 0 )

$EVHQWHH 9RWHU $VVLVWDQFH IRU 8 6 &LWL]HQV Thursday, June 2 and Tuesday, June 14 from 10 to 12 p.m. on the Blue Umbrella Patio.

Costco Returns to LCS Tuesday, June 14 and Wednesday, June 15 from 10-1:30. Open or renew your memberships.


El Ojo del Lago / June 2016

9LGHR /LEUDU\ 1HZV -XQH <RX PD\ KDYH QRWLFHG ZH KDYH D QHZ very sophisticated, web page. Check it out. As with many new things, there are still a couple of things to be worked out. Just stay tuned it will be totally debugged very soon. Bulworth #7292 An hilarious comedy for you broad-minded people who are fed up with U.S. politics and politicians. Warren Beatty as a crazy California U.S. Senator. Concussion #7282 An award winning, but not rewarded performance by Will Smith as a doctor vs the NFL disagreeing on brain injuries to players. Sunset Boulevard #7277 Three Oscars and eight nominations. It is worth seeing again!!! William Holden and Gloria Swanson, who gives a classic performance. ,UDT )RU 6DOH 7KH :DU 3UR¿WHHUV #7291 A documentary E\ 5REHUW *UHHQZDOG DERXW ZDU SUR¿WHHULQJ E\ FRQWUDFWLQJ companies Haliburton, CACI and KBR. 0H DQG (DUO DQG 7KH '\LQJ *LUO #7293 A charming, funny, yet poignant, story about three interesting high schoolers who are faced with the possibility of death. /LYLQJ ,V (DV\ :LWK (\HV &ORVHG #7294 Spain 1996, An English teacher on a quest to meet John Lennon, picks up two hitchhikers. Foreign comedy with great reviews. 7KH &KLQD 6\QGURPH #7290 Jack Lemmon and Jane )RQGD ERWK QRPLQDWHG IRU EHVW DFWRU $ UHSRUWHU ¿QGV ZKDW appears to be a cover-up of safety hazards at a nuclear power plant. If you have suggestions for movies that might appeal to our members, please give them to the volunteer on duty. Leave your name, telephone number and email address and we will get back to you.

+LVWRU\ 0DWWHUV Here’s a tidbit from the archives. Upon Neill James’ arrival to Ajijic, rent for a small house was US$ 5.00 monthly; the cost of a maid was the same. One generally arrived by boat from Chapala since the road to Ajijic was hazardous. LCS is still looking for historic photographs of LCS. We are especially looking for photos from the 1970’s when the LCS would have been in Chapala. Please contact executivedirector@lakechapalasociety.com.

)RXUWK $QQXDO &KLOGUHQ¶V $UW 6XPPHU &DPS July 18, - July 22, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon daily. 7KLV SURMHFW ZRXOGQ¶W EH SRVVLEOH ZLWKRXW WKH JHQHURXV ¿nancial support of the Ajijic Society of the Arts (ASA) and the dedication of its members. Workshops include: Acrylics, Collage, Daily Projects for kids aged 6 to 8, Drawing, Fabric Art, -HZHOU\ 0DNLQJ 3DSHO PDFKp DQG :DWHUFRORXU :H DOVR RႇHU daily projects for the little ones aged 5 and under who must be accompanied by an adult. 6DWXUGD\ -XO\ IURP D P WR S P D VDOH RI WKH children’s creations will be held in the Gazebo If you would like to help and/or donate materials, please email Danielle Pagé at childrensart@lakechapalasociety.com.


6XPPHU 7HG 7DONV 7XHVGD\V June 7th The Story We Tell About Poverty Isn’t True Based in Oakland, California, Mia Birdsong has been a passionate advocate for strong communities and the self-determination of everyday people. For over 30 years she has fought for social justice. A graduate of Oberlin College, Mia is a frequent speaker and writer on low-income families and communities, social capital, and collective self-organizing, Mia has been published in the 6WDQIRUG ,QQRYDWLRQ 5HYLHZ WKH +XႈQJWRQ 3RVW 2Q %HLQJ and The Good Men Project. She has also guest lectured at UC Berkeley. June 14th +RZ 'R <RX ([SODLQ &RQVFLRXVQHVV" In one of the 10 most commented-on TED talks, philosopher David Chalmers acknowledges that consciousness is a fundamental aspect of our existence â€œâ€Śbut at the same time, it’s the most mysterious phenomenon in the universe.â€? Lecturing at the Australian National University and New <RUN 8QLYHUVLW\ KH LV ZLGHO\ SXEOLVKHG LQ WKH ÂżHOGV RI FRQsciousness, cognitive science, the philosophy of language, metaphysics and epistemology. June 21st The Science of Happiness Harvard psychologist Dan Gilbert says our beliefs about what will make us happy are often wrong. The premise of his current research--that our brains systematically misjudge what will bring us happiness--is supported with clinical research drawn from psychology and neuroscience. These quirks in our cognition make humans very poor predictors of our own bliss. A Ph.D. in Social Psychology from Princeton, Dr. Gilbert has an engaging, often hilarious, style of delivery. June 28th The New Era of Positive Psychology Psychologist Martin Seligman founded positive psycholRJ\ LQ D ÂżHOG RI VWXG\ WKDW H[DPLQHV KHDOWK\ VWDWHV such as happiness, strength of character and optimism after 30 years as a “traditionalâ€? therapist using the disease model in treatment. Rather than focusing on the repair of unhappy states, positive psychology turns its attention to the propagation and nurturing of happy ones. His name is ranked 13th in cites of psychology texts.


Contact: volunteer@lakechapalasociety.com

LCS members only. Bring your card. Films shown in the Sala from *2-4 p.m. No food. No pets. -XQH %DPDNR 0DOL &DXJKW LQ WKH VWUDQJOHKROG RI GHEW $IULFD LV ¿JKWLQJ IRU LWV VXUYLYDO Representatives of an African country (Mali) bring an action against WKH :RUOG %DQN DQG WKH ,0) 7KLV ¿OP QHHGV WR EH VHHQ DUJXHG RYHU and seen again. Not a documentary. -XQH :KHUH WR ,QYDGH 1H[W 86$ A subversive comedy in which Michael Moore, playing the role of invader, visits several nations to learn how the USA could improve its own prospects. Documentary. -XQH &ORYHU¿HOG /DQH 86$ $ \RXQJ ZRPDQ ZDNHV XS DIWHU D WHUULEOH FDU DFFLGHQW WR ¿QG VKHœV locked in a cellar by a doomsday prepper who insists that the world outside is uninhabitable and that he’s saved her life. -XQH 0U +ROPHV 8. $ QHZ WZLVW RQ WKH ZRUOGœV PRVW IDPRXV GHWHFWLYH DV KH UHÀHFWV RQ the unsolved case that forced him into retirement. -XQH 2UGLQDU\ 3HRSOH 86$ Robert Redford’s directorial debut is a powerful domestic drama. Won Academy Award for Best Picture, Best Director and more. This is RQH RI P\ DOO WLPH IDYRULWH ¿OPV $OO ¿OPV VWDUW SURPSWO\ DW S P

June Bus Trips :HGQHVGD\ -XQH )RUXP 0DOO 7RQDOD DQG 7ODTXHSDTXH Shop the Forum Mall featuring specialty shops and major retailers like Home Depot. Find home decor and handicrafts in Tonala. 9LVLW 7ODTXHSDTXH IRU XSVFDOH UHWDLOHUV DQG ¿QH GLQLQJ LQ D KLVWRULF DUFKLWHFWXUDOO\ VLJQL¿FDQW SHGHVWULDQ RQO\ ]RQH &RVW LV SHVRV IRU members and 350 for non-members. Bus departs promptly at 10 a.m. from the sculpture in La Floresta. :HGQHVGD\ -XQH *DOHULDV 0DOO Our popular regular shopping trip features major retailers like Best Buy and Sears, and well-known restaurants like The Cheesecake Factory, PF Chang and many more. Shop nearby Costco, Sam’s and Super Walmart. Cost is 300 pesos for members and 350 pesos for non-members. Bus departs promptly at 9:30 a.m from the sculpture in La Floresta.


THE LAKE CHAPALA SOCIETY, A.C. 16 de Septiembre #16-A, Ajijic, Jalisco LCS Main Office: (376) 766-1140 Office, information and other services - Monday-Saturday, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Grounds open until 5:00 p.m. LCS BOARD OF DIRECTORS. President - Ben White (2018); Vice-President - Cate Howell (2017); Treasurer - Michael Searles (2017); Secretary - Carole Wolff (2018); Directors: Matthew Butler (2018); Dee Dee Camhi (2017); Lois Cugini (2017); Barbara Hildt (2017); Geoffrey Kaye (2018) Yoli Martinez (2017); Monica Powers (2018); George Radford (2018); Pete Soderman (2017); Immediate Past President: Howard Feldstein. Executive Director - Terry Vidal

The LCS Newsletter is published monthly. Deadline for submissions is the 17th of the month preceding publication. Submit all news items to newsletter@lakechapalasociety.com 1RWH 7KH HGLWRULDO VWDয় UHVHUYHV WKH ULJKW WR HGLW DOO VXEPLVVLRQV DFFRUGLQJ WR WLPH VSDFH DYDLODELOLW\ DQG HGLWRULDO GHFLVLRQ

Saw you in the Ojo 55



El Ojo del Lago / June 2016

Saw you in the Ojo 57


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$1,0$/ &/,1,&6 3(7 6+23 - CLINICA VETERINARIA SAN ANTONIO Tel: 766-0808 Pag: 18 - DEE’S PET HOTEL Tel: 331-765-7074 3DJ /$.(6,'( )5,(1'6 2) 7+( $1,0$/6 $& Tel: 765-5544 3DJ 0$6.27$¶6 /$.( Tel: 766-0287 3DJ - PET PLACE Cell: 333-1964-150 3DJ 3(7 )22' $1' *5220,1* Tel: 766-3062 3DJ

$57 *$//(5,(6 +$1'&5$)76 - ART HOUSE Tel: 765-5097 - DIANE PEARL COLECCIONES Tel: 766-5683 =$5$*2=$ *$//(5< Tel: 766-0573, 766-7049

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Pag: 62 3DJ 3DJ

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+20('(&25 Tel: 106-0856 Pag: 22 - 7(0385 0$775(66 $1' 3,//2:6 Tel: (52) 333-629-5919, (52) 33 3611-3049 Pag: 29

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/(*$/ 6(59,&(6 - AJIJIC LEGAL SERVICES Cell: (045) 33 1172 1724 - CONCIERGE SERVICE Tel: 766-5972

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- REAL ORTEGA & SONS-+DUGZDUH IRU &DUSHQWHUV Tel: 765-2404, 765-3404 3DJ

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El Ojo del Lago / June 2016

- NAPOLEON Tel: 766-6153

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- TEPEHUA TREASURES Tel: 763-5126, 763-5147


Pag: 17


/21$6 0(;,&2 Tel: 766-0045, Cell: 33-3956-4852

Pag: 26

- AJIJIC DENTAL Tel: 766-3682 & ' 0$5Ë$ /8,6$ /8,6 9,//$ Tel/Fax: 766-2428 & ' 6$1'5$ $1$<$ 025$ Tel: 765-3502, Cell: 331-218-6241 - CHAPALA DENTAL CARE Tel. 765-5584, 766-3847 '(17$/ (;35(66 Tel: 106-2080 - DENTAL HEALTH ONE Tel: 106-0826 '5 $/%(572 '21 2/,9(5$ Tels: 765-4838, 765-4805 2'2172 &/,1,&. Tel: 766-5050

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Pag: 21

- CHRISTINE’S Tel: 106-0864 - CRISCO SALON Tel: 766-4073 - GLORIOSA Tel: 766-3372 - GLOSS - Nail Salon Tel: 766-0375 1(: /22. 678',2



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%(72¶6 :,1( /,4825 Cell: (045) 333-507-3024

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$872027,9( - FRATS Tel: 765-2505, 765-3946 - LINEA PROFESIONAL Tel. 766-2555, Fax. 766-0066 6<& 027256 Tel: 33-1943-7095

Pag: 29

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Pag: 24

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Pag: 20 Pag: 42 3DJ

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/$ &$6$ '(/ :$))/( Tel: 766-1946 - LA CASA DEL CAFE Tel: 766-2876 - LA HACIENDA DE DON PEDRO Tel: 766-4906 /$ 0,6,21 Tel: 108-0887 - LA NUEVA POSADA Tel: 766-1444, 766-1344 ³/$ 7$9(51$´'(, 48$7752 025, Tel: 766-2848 /26 02//(7(6 Tel: 766-4296 0$1,; Tel: 766-0061, Cell: 33-1065-0725 020¶6 '(/, 5(67$85$17 Tel: 765-5719 - PIAN THAI RESTAURANT Tel: 766-2020 3,==(5,$ 726&$1$ Tel: 765-6996 7+( 3($&2&. *$5'(1 Tel: 766-1381 - TONY’S Tel: 766-1614, 766-4069 - YVES Tel: 766-3565

Pag: 17 3DJ

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Pag: 49


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Pag: 49

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Pag: 07

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6$7(//,7(6 7 9

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3DJ Pag: 11

72856 - CHARTER CLUB TOURS Tel: 766-1777 - LYDIA’S TOURS Tel: 765-4742, (045) 33-1026-4877

Pag: 09 Pag: 40

75(( 6(59,&( - CHAPALA TREE SERVICE Tel: 762-0602


:$7(5 7(&12 $48$ Tel: 766-3731, 108-0808

Pag: 49

$-,-,& (/(&7521,&6 6 $ '( & 9 Tel/Fax: 766-1117, 766-3371 3DJ 6+$: 6$7(//,7( 6(59,&(6 Tel: 33-1402-4223 3DJ

6&+22/ - INSTITUTO TERRANOVA Tel: 766-2401, 766-3033


The Ojo Crossword

5(67$85$176 &$)(6 - AJIJIC TANGO Tel: 766-2458 - CASA FUERTE Tels: 3639-6474 / 81 - COLIBRI GARDEN Tel: 765-4412 - GAUCHERIA Tel: 766-4357 *$8&+2 7(48,/$ Tel: 766-0764 - GO BISTRO Cell: (045) 33-3502-6555 - GOSHA’S Tel: 766-2121 -$60,1(¶6 &ODVVLF ,QGLD Tel: 766-2636

Pag: 44 3DJ Pag: 46 3DJ Pag: 22 Pag: 11 3DJ Pag: 28

Saw you in the Ojo 59


:$17(' We are looking to purchase an automatic transmission, Mexican plated vehicle. Preference is for an SUV type car. Options: Nissan Rogue Honda Fit Mazda CR-7. Email: zebra@cryptogroup.net. FOR SALE: Nissan 1986. 4 cil, manual old pick up Jalisco plates all paid $1800 dollars or pesos text anytime 331-007-8873. :$17(': Roof Rack & Carrier For Honda Fit. Email: lorijaelynn@gmail.com. :$17(' Looking for a US plated vehicle to drive back into the US and take my belongings (not furniture) with me. It has be an older model, maybe around 2000 to 2004 in very good condition and has been well maintained. It could be a minivan, car, SUV etc. I will dispose of it in USA. when I arrive. Call: 106-1160. FOR SALE: Toyota pick-up. 4 cil, automatic, paid 2016 stickers, Jalisco plates, new all terrain tires, chrome rims, new paint, new seat, Alpine sound, no mechanical problems, Cell: 331-007-8873. Email: Sergiogudino5@gmail. com call or text anytime. FOR SALE: 2005 HONDA CRV. Runs great, new tires, regular oil changes. Bought from original owner three years ago. Price: $126,000 pesos ($7,000US) Please email me at bstiles1063@gmail.com or call: 331-8217980. :$17(' I´m looking to buy a small to medium vehicle with US or Canadian plates to return to the US and register. I prefer a 20002006 year. I will not pay bluebook value because it will cost me time and money to return it, but I´m willing to cancel your permit so you can get your deposit back. Canadian cars must meet US environmental requirements. :$17(' Looking for a VW Vocho in excellent condition, body, interior, running rear and engine. FOR SALE: 1988 Ford Crown Victoria, 109 . PLOHV 6RXWK 'DNRWD 86 RU EHVW RႇHU Call: 766-0948. :$17(' We’re looking for a used car for our son to take back to the US. Honda CRV or something similar is what we have in mind, but the bottom line is that it should be good in the snow and reliable, with good gas mileage. Email: msalexg@gmail.com. FOR SALE: VW Jetta 1.8 turbo year 2001. Car has air. Sunroof very quick for merging 65,000 pesos OBO 11000 pesos repairs three months ago phone 766-4557. :$17(' Mexican plated small/compact SUV. Prefer 2010 - 2013, quality features, excellent condition. Contact Gary at evergreen410@gmail.com or 333-480-7675. FOR SALE: 2009 Toyota Rav. 4 Sports. 108,000 km, excellent condition, Mx. Plated, $160,000 Mxp. FOR SALE: 1993 Suburban 2500, V-8, automatic, seats 8 – 9, Mexican built and plated, All fees paid including emission control. Red body in good shape with a few dings, engine excellent; recently paid 10,000 for repairs, KBB value: $3,000 86' $VNLQJ SHVRV RU EHVW RႇHU will trade for Beetle or Jeep of equal value. Email: gmel1936@yaho o.com. FOR SALE: Motorcycle Honda 750 Shadow. 26,950 km, excellent condition, drive shaft, clear Jalisco title. Price: $58,500 pesos. Call: 376-766-1218. :$17(' Kawasaki 650 KLR or similar only good condition. Call: 376-766-1218. FOR SALE: 1992 Volkswagon Combi camper with rebuilt engine, low mileage, solar panel. Excellent shape. Pop top. Double bed below, single bed above. Propane stove. Storage. Two batteries, one operates with solar power. Standard transmission, 4 cylinder engine, alarm. Jalisco plated. Metal cage that attaches to rear of camper for extensive trips.


Price: $140,000p. Call 376-106-0849. :$17(' Looking for a Merc Benz, 100120k, preferably C-Class, about 2004. Reply here if you have one you’d like to sell. Also interested in older 1980s (W123 or W126) model.


FOR SALE: HP Laptop, $5000 pesos. HP Elitebook 8540P Notebook - Intel Core i5 2.53 GHz, 4 GB Memory 160 GB HDD - Windows 7 Professional. One year warranty, Color: Silver CPU Type: Intel Core i5 CPU Speed: 2.53 GHz Screen Size: 15.0� Touchscreen: No Operating System: Windows 7 Professional HDD: 160 GB Memory: 4 GB. Call: 331-3301050. FOR SALE: HP 74 black and HP 75 tricolor - $100 pesos for both. Send message if interested. Email: lassalvias2005@yahoo.com. FOR SALE: Amazon Gift Card $US - Receipt included. Originally priced US $51.95 selling for US$50 or peso equiv.


FOR SALE: Dog stairs only 1 left. Two VHWV RI VWDLUV IRU GRJV XS WR SRXQGV ,Q ÂżQH condition and measuring 18 inches deep, 14 inches wide and 12 inches high. The cover is machine washable. The stairs are collapsible. Asking $150 pesos each or both for $250 pesos. Call: 766-5870 or email: bjmiller@prodigy. net.mx


:$17(' Looking for motorcycle. very clean; KLR, Versys, Ninja 300, CBR 300, <DPDKD 5 6X]XNL '5= (PDLO cglane2007@yahoo.com. Call: 766-1218, or 331-745-5757 cell. FOR SALE: Motorcycle, HONDA Shadow 750 cc - 26,950 Km. Excellent maintenance, extras. Clear Jalisco title. Price: $58,500. Email: cglane2007@yahoo.com. Call: 7661218, or 331- 745-5757 cell. :$17(' I would like to buy a guitar. A XVHG DFRXVWLF JXLWDU ZRXOG EH ÂżQH 1RW IRU me but I’m buying it for a young Mexican who wants to learn how to play one. :$17(' I am looking for someone in the lakeside area that can build custom wood work tables for my studio. I need 2-3 tables. Need something built solid, but nothing fancy RU ÂżQLVKHG DV , GR OHDWKHUZRUN , KDYH VLPSOH EXW VSHFLÂżF GLPHQVLRQV IRU P\ VSDFH (LWKHU reply here or my email at jenn@thefeatheredleopard.com. FOR SALE: <HDU ROG ZKLWH *( GLVKZDVKer cost $14,500pesos. In good working condiWLRQ ZLOO VHOO IRU S RU QHDUHVW RႇHU FDOO 376-765-7123 or 331-252-1613. FOR SALE: <DPDKD .H\ERDUG 3ULFH $1800p. Call: 106-2103 for an appointment. FOR SALE: Men’s X-large Polo Shirts. Like new Price: $150p each. Call 106-2103. FOR SALE: Men’s Sketcher Tennis Shoes. Size 10 1/2us. Worn only once. Ordered 11 and they sent the wrong size. Price: $500p. Call:106-2103. FOR SALE: Garden Boxes. Made of heavy metal, 5.5 feet long, 22â€? wide, 10â€? deep, overall height is 31â€?, quantity of 3, Price is $900 pesos each or 3 for $2500 pesos. Call: 333815-7436. FOR SALE: Twin bed- wood frame/headboard with mattress and brand new sheet set - $50 US or equivalent peso. Large Solid Wood dining table 46â€? diameter (top can be removed from base if necessary)- $50 US or equivalent pesos. Pick up in Chapala. Email:jenn@thefeatheredleopard.com. FOR SALE: +3 2ႈFHMHW 3UR ZLUHless or cable, print, copy, scan, fax, two sided copies, color, manual, requires ink cartridg-

El Ojo del Lago / June 2016

es, Phone 333-815-7436. Price $175 USD or peso equivalent. :$17(' This might be a long shot, but worth a try. Looking for secure monthly parking for my vehicle close by Chapala centroSOD]D 3DUNLQJ LV D OLWWOH GLႈFXOW DW RXU KRXVH and would prefer an easy in/out secure space if that is possible! Can pay up to $500Pesos a month. Any info- either respond or email me at jenn@thefeatheredleopard.com FOR SALE: Captain’s bed with large storage drawers underneath. Custom foam sleeping pad with matching cushions. Price: $1900pesos. San Juan Cosala. Phil: 387-7610125. FOR SALE: Hard Wooden dining table, 6’long and 3’wide. Easily seats 8. Has a plastic coating to prevent burns and stains, $1900pesos. San Juan Cosala. Phil: 387-761-0125. FOR SALE: Hover board. It’s top of the line Roboturbo with dual batteries to eliminate charging concerns. I have used and charged many times. There’s not a scratch on it. It’s great exercise, but good balance is a must. If I had a car I would take it to where I could ride on smooth pavement and not consider selling LW EXW LWÂśV GLႈFXOW RQ D VFRRWHU ,ÂśP DVNLQJ US or peso equivalent which is less than I paid for it. Email: sunnyvogler@yahoo.com. FOR SALE: Sears and Roebuck rototiller. Used for 20 hours, 5.5 hp. Did a great job clearing property for landscaping and no longer needed. $300 US or peso equivalent. Email: sunnyvogler@yahoo.com. :$17(' I am looking for someone Lakeside who can tune my piano and has repair knowledge, not cosmetic, as the move was very rough on the innards. Please refer to my email. mexicocurty@gmail.com. FOR SALE: Luis XV. Design. All pieces are included in the pictures: $50,000p. Table with 8 chairs is 2.8 meters long. + China Cabinet. Call Katia she speaks English at 331-520-4997. FOR SALE: I have a tower fan and two electric space heaters. One heater has a fan with thermostat and heats a room quickly. The other heater is the radiator type also with thermostat. My new house has ceiling fans and is warm in the winter. Each item is $150 pesos. Email: sunnyvogler@yahoo.com. :$17(' Gym equipment. Weights, bench, Email: ojays5077@gmail.com :$17(' Looking for paint donations of left over from your recent home improvement HႇRUWV We are trying to paint the houses in San Juan Cosala to beautify the town. We will pay tokens to the workers who in turn can purchase donated items in our Magical Token Store. Magicaltokenstore.weebly.com Call: Tony 333-368-8137. :$17(' Recliner Chair. Email: sunshineyday2013@yahoo.com. FOR SALE: Folding Pepsi Table. 3 prices we have 7 - $200p fair, 4 - $220p good, 10 $250p best Call: 106-2103. FOR SALE: Lightweight Adjustable Cane. Price: $200. Email: julieywayne@yahoo.com. :$17(' Adjustable Intravenous pole with wheels and adjustable. Please respond to mycasa17@gmail.com. FOR SALE: Tool Craft 2500 Watt Gas Generator. Used only a few hours. Like new. $4,000.00 Pesos Contact me at: neptune54321@gmail.com. :$17(' Bench sander. This is a sander where the sanding belt runs vertically and there is a platform perpendicular to the sanding belt. FOR SALE: I had my vintage Bernina 830 red accessory box stolen while being shipped to Mexico. I will pay $100 dollars US or in pesos for another one. The one I was supposed

to get had about 14 feet. Please PM me if you locate one. Email: jausten09@yahoo.com. FREE: I have just bought a new Costco IULGJH DQG KDYH DQ ROG *( SURÂżOH DERXW D 25ft3 side by side with water and ice dispenser (cubed and crushed). Measures 32.5â€? (83cm) wide, 31.5â€? (80cm) deep by 69.5â€? (177cm) high. It needs repair to work to replace the electronic card. I want to give it away to someone who would come and collect it, but doubt anyone wants to buy a fridge that needs repair. SO, if you want to come and cart the old one away its all yours. :$17(' Reasonably priced portable electronic music keyboard, with 4 or more chromatic octaves, and sustain function for notes and chords. Email: rosesmich@gmail.com. FOR SALE: Rival food slicer. Price: $500 pesos. Call: 331-125-8877. FOR SALE: Quartz Heater. Like new vertical heater/2 speeds. Call: 331-125-8877 FOR SALE: Gas Clothes Dryer, used very little, excellent condition, white. Price: $2500 pesos. Cell: 331-174-7133. FOR SALE: DISHNET box and 1.8 meters dish already connected and functioning QRZ RXW RI 1HZ <RUN ZLWK +' DQG WKH PDjor networks ABC, CBS and NBC - great large package that includes Turner Classic Movies (uninterrupted by ads) AMC and 70 Sirius music channels to satisfy any whim and/or taste. Box $4000 pesos - dish $4000 pesos and 6 months service for half-price at $4000 pesos = $12000 pesos - Parting with the items due to a death in the family and the buyer must remove the dish themself and pick up with the box. Call: 333-833-7819 or email: NOLIKRUQV# \DKRR FRP :$17(' Upright Freezer not chest type. Already checked around Ajijic and Chapala. Email: sunshineyday2013@yahoo.com. FOR SALE: Whirlpool refrigerator. Approx size: 162cm tall X 64 wide. Price: $4,000p OBO. Email: l@ziggypiggy.org. FOR SALE: Roof Top Carrier BIG attaches to roof rack U$200 or equivalent. Norman Cell: 331-624-2081. FOR SALE: Chula Vista Golf Club selling cheap the last half of my year membership. 3ULFH SHVRV ÂżUP \RX VDYH PXFKR Act fast because l leave soon. Call: 376-7664557 Chris. FOR SALE: Professional Portable Massage Table. Excellent condition. Price: $500.00 U.S. RU EHVW RႇHU FOR SALE: 5HG IDEULF RႈFH FKDLU IRU VDOH Price: $700 pesos. FOR SALE: Turbo 7-Speed Ladies Bicycle. 28â€? wheels, carrier, front & rear lights, cup holder and rear view mirror. Excellent condiWLRQ $VNLQJ SHVRV RU EHVW RႇHU &DOO (376) 766-5984 or 331-801-5039. E-mail: bobcard@shaw.ca FOR SALE: Round Wood Pedestal Table. Excellent condition. 24â€? dia top X 28 1/2â€? high. Asking $2500 MXN. Call Walter at 376-7665452. FOR SALE: French Cabriole style love seat. Approx. 60â€? wide X 31â€? deep X 32â€? high. Good condition. Asking $2200 MXN. Call Walter at 376-766-5452. :$17(' Looking for a grey card for photography for friends who leave for Guatemala on Tuesday, April 12. Or if anyone knows where to purchase locally or in GDL, please advise. Email: clkindschi@gmail.com. :$17(' Need an item from Home Depot in the U.S. Painting the inside of my house. Regular paint rollers are too much work for a house my size, and my wife forbids workers inside. I need the Wagner Smart Roller, which I used a lot when I was living in the States and is a godsend. Unfortunately, Home Depot will not ship it to Mexico and Home Depot

here does not sell it. If it was taken out of the box, there should be no problems at the border. I was hoping that someone on this board is planning a road-trip across the border and would be willing to pick me up one. I’d pay cash up-front $50 + the cost of the device + extra custom rollers + tax. My number is 331859-6766. FOR SALE: Liberty portable sewing machine, model 653 L with foot pedal. Original instruction book but it is in Spanish. Several GLႇHUHQW W\SHV RI IHHW 5XQV JRRG EXW RQO\ needs thread adjusted and I don’t know how. I bought a computerized one. Price $50 usd. Call:106-1160. FOR SALE: 3 Reebok Steps. Used but in good shape. 2 are the standard reebok steps HDFK ZLWK ULVHUV 7KH UG LV D NQRFNRႇ EXW KDV WKUHH OHYHOV RI ULVHUV 0DNH PH DQ RႇHU Email: achartier@admiralsecure.com. FOR SALE: Bar and Restaurant License. Available for transfer. Price: $20,000.00 U.S. RU EHVW RႇHU &DOO 'U -LP DW :$17(' Large items wanted for consignPHQW 'XH WR KHDY\ WUDႈF DQG H[FHOOHQW ORFDtion Casi Nuevo Across from 7-11 in Riberas. We have space for large items. Just recently sold a large hutch for $12,000 pesos. Please call us phone more information 106-2121 all consignment fees go school for special needs children and have hammers carpentry school. FOR SALE: 7ZR GRZQ ÂżOOHG Q\ORQ MDFNHWV by “Hermanâ€? size large, one navy blue and the other royal blue in excellent condition. Only $30 USD each. Call: 106-1160. :$17(' Does anyone know where I can

buy a gas grill at Lakeside without having to go WR *XDGDODMDUD" (PDLO roglobal@yahoo.com. :$17(' Price range: $2,000p-$2,500p. Mini Bar style Fridge. Must be in good running FRQGLWLRQ &DOO +HLQ] 6WDSႇ RU 376-765-7123 Email: somosplanes@gmail. com. FOR SALE: I recently acquired an almost new men’s mountain bike and would like to swap it for a woman’s mountain bike. It is a black Benotto. Please email me at: learlady010@comcast.net or even better PM me. :$17(' We have a piece of softside luggage that needs to have the handle repaired EHIRUH ZH FDQ WDNH LW RQ RXU ÀLJKW :H KDYH WULHG WR UHOHDVH LW EXW FDQQRW ¿[ LW 7KH DLUOLQH may not like a piece of luggage with a foot of handle sticking up! Is there someone in the DUHD ZKR FRXOG ¿[ WKLV VRRQ" FOR SALE: Alberca System. CHLORINE GENERATOR. Pentair Intellichlor, for salt system pool or spa. Used only two seasons. InFOXGHV VHSDUDWH SRZHU FHQWHU ,QWHUQDO EDႉHV free of corrosion. New cost: $800USD. Asking SHVRV 5HDVRQDEOH RႇHUV FRQVLGered. 333-807-5035. :$17(' I’m looking to purchase a skinny tire road bike, at least 10 speeds. I’d also consider a hybrid bike as well. Email: mwg1914@ gmail.com. FOR SALE: 4 Wood and rattan Mexican style dining room chairs. Very solid and very good condition. Price: $2000 pesos for 4. Call: 766-4105. FOR SALE: Green plastic dividers 4 inches HDFK LQ OHQJWK 7KHUH DUH ¿YH DQG GLYLGHUV

They are cleaned and ready for your garden. Asking $300 pesos for all. Email bjmiller@ prodigy.net.mx or Call: 766-5870. FOR SALE: Two garden obelisks, silver in colour. One is 2 feet 8 inches tall and the other is 2 feet tall. Ready for your garden climbers. Two for $200 pesos. Email bjmiller@prodigy. net.mx or call 766-5870. FOR SALE: Grass trimmer 13 inch with three prong extension cord. Truper whipper snipper 13 inches with extra line. Used for a short time on very small lawn. Cleaned and ready for new owner. Includes manual and 16 foot three prong extension cord. Paid 847 pesos for trimmer. Asking $600 pesos for both. Email bjmiller@prodigy.net.mx or Call: 7665870. FOR SALE: 4 wheel mobility scooter. SHVRV RU EHVW RႇHU 2ULJLQDO ZKROHVDOH $18,000 pesos, retail at Lake Med $28,000 pesos. Details call Bev 376-106-2070. :$17(' Want to buy 16 - 20 foot catamaran. Email Rob at robertjgagnon@yahoo.com. 7KDQNV 2U GR \RX NQRZ ZKHUH , FDQ UHQW RQH" :$17(' Looking for corded AC tools: sanders, drill, hacksaw, handsaw, pipe wrench, and more. Call Rob at 766-5992 or email robertjgagnon@yahoo.com. FOR SALE: Shaw Satellite dish and 3 receivers. Paid two years ago $598 US/These will be available on April 12 as we are moving then. Will hold with a deposit. Price: $300Mx. Call: 376-106-2143. Email: rmolson75@gmail.com. FOR SALE: 1LFH RႈFH GHVN PRGHUQ great shape, Please email for pictures. $1,500

pesos. Email: bstiles1063@gmail.com. FOR SALE: (TXLSPHQW IRU ZDWHU SXULÂżFDtion purposes. $2000 USD or mxn equivalent. See it at plaza messico next to Dr. Pinto. FOR SALE: White Mabe Gas Clothes Dryer, in Good Condition, used very little, located in Chapala Price: $3500 pesos. Call: 331-1747133. FOR SALE: 'LႇXVHUV IRU \RXU VWRYH ´ Heat Master Flame Tamer. A must for slow simmers on Propane Mexican stoves at high altitude!! Provides uniform controlled heating for electric or gas stove tops. Constructed of aluminum steel Changes your pan into a double burner Special air pockets. High Quality +HDW 'LႇXVHU 0DLQWDLQV 3HUIHFW 6LPPHULQJ Slow Cooking On All Fire Surface. Price: $400. Call: 766-1717. FOR SALE: Sony CMT-DV2D Micro HiFi System AM/FM Radio, Cassette player, Single CD Player + Remote. Plus 2 Pioneer Model CS903 Speakers with 4 Tone Selector, Norm, Soft 1, Soft 2 & Crisp. Power indicators: db -27-26-24-22-19-16-13 & overload. Each speaker measures 45 cm wide x 25 cm deep x 71 cm high. Great sound & ideal for Garden or Patio setting. Call to arrange for a demo, Tel: (376)765 5085. Asking $75 USD or MXN Peso equivalent. :$17(' looking for someone to share my mail box. Price: $132. US for 14 months available now. Call jerry at 766-0397.

Saw you in the Ojo 61


El Ojo del Lago / June 2016

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