El Ojo del Lago - June2017

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Saw you in the Ojo


Saw you in the Ojo



Richard Tingen


Alejandro Grattan-DomĂ­nguez Tel: (01376) 765 3676, 765 2877 Fax: (01376) 765 3528 Associate Publisher David Tingen Graphic Design Roberto C. Rojas Diana Parra Morales Special Events Editor Sandy Olson Associate Editor Victoria Schmidt Contributing Editor Mark Sconce Theater Critic Michael Warren Book Review Panel Margaret Van Every Margaret Porter Clare Gearhart Roving Correspondent Dr. Lorin Swinehart Art Critic Rob Mohr Sales Manager Bruce Fraser 2ႈFH 6HFUHWDU\ Rocio Madrigal ADVERTISING OFFICE Av. Hidalgo # 223, Chapala Mon. thru Fri. 9am - 5pm Sat. 9am - 1pm Tel. 01 (376) 765 2877, 765 3676 Fax 01 (376) 765 3528 Send all correspondence, subscriptions or advertising to: El Ojo del Lago http://www.chapala.com ojodellago@prodigy.net.mx Ave. Hidalgo 223 (or Apartado 279), 45900 Chapala, Jalisco Tels.: (376) 765 3676, Fax 765 3528









Herbert Piekow has researched what the Latino-Americans pump into the U.S. annual economy, and the stagJHULQJ ¿JXUHV ZLOO JLYH SDXVH WR HYHQ the most fervent supporters of Trump’s Wall.




Dr. Lorin Swinehart delivers another of his fascinating “truth is stranger than ÂżFWLRQ´ DUWLFOHV WKLV RQH DERXW WKH ÂżUVW recipient of the Medal of Honor.



Editor’s Page




Child of Month


Uncommon Sense


Anita’s Animals


Lakeside Living


Profiling Tepehua


Focus on Art


LCS Newsletter


Tom Eck writes about Nevada’s “paradigms of pulchritude� and credit cards—an unholy combination.




6XH 6FKRROV UHPHPEHUV KHU ÂżUVW YLVLW to Ajijic in 1997 and recalls a charming truck stop outside San Luis Potosi that is now a parking lot. Ah, the good old days.



Henri Loridans weighs in with what is really wrong with the American health care system. Especially troubling is that the USA, the richest country in the world, delivers a vastly inferior system than do nations with just a fraction of the U.S. Gross National Product.

PRINTING: El Debate El Ojo del Lago aparece los primeros cinco dĂ­as de cada mes. (Distributed over WKH ÂżUVW ÂżYH GD\V RI HDFK PRQWK) &HUWLÂżFDGR GH /LFLWXG GH 7tWXOR &HUWLÂżFDGR GH /LFLWXG GH &RQWHQLGR Reserva al TĂ­tulo de Derechos de Autor 04-2011-103110024300-102 Control 14301. Permisos otorgados por la SecretarĂ­a de GobernaciĂłn (EXP. 1/432 “88â€?/5651 de 2 de junio de 1993) y SEP (Reserva 171.94 control 14301) del 15 de enero de 1994. DistribuciĂłn: Hidalgo 223 Chapala, Jalisco, MĂŠxico. All contents are fully protected by copyright and may not be reproduced without the written consent of El Ojo del Lago. Opinions expressed E\ WKH DXWKRUV GR QRW QHFHVVDULO\ UHĂ€HFW WKH views of the Publisher or the Editor, nor are we responsible for the claims made by our advertisers. We welcome letters, which should include name, address and telephone number.



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El Ojo del Lago / June 2017


Saw you in the Ojo




Tuesdays With Morrie


hough it is not our custom to review books in this column, exceptions are what prove the rules. Such an anomaly concerns Mitch Albom’s Tuesdays With Morrie. The book falls into the category of “spiritual/inspirational,” and ordinarily I would not venture within ten miles of this genre. Books such as Jonathan Livingston Seagull, Illusions, and The Celestine Prophecy, all of which are, in our opinion, the intellectual equivalent of baby food, have long since served to inoculate me against this species of literary virus. Such books, straining to be “inspirational” often arouse little more than boredom—and as someone once said about writing, while there are few rules, there are many sins, and cardinal among these is dullness. However, the book under discussion was recommended by a woman with impeccable taste and a no-nonsense attitude toward all things, literary or otherwise. Thus, with something resembling a slight chip on my shoulder, I began to read . . . and within only a few pages, the author, as well as his subject, Morrie Schwartz, had straightened me out, but good! Many years before the birth of the book, Mitch Albom had been a student at Brandeis University, where one of his teachers was Morrie Schwartz, a Professor of Sociology. The fun-loving and gregarious Schwartz was greatly admired by all his students, though he forged a special bond with Albom, the man who 20 years later would immortalize him in a book which has become an international best-seller. Even so, after graduation, the younger man had drifted away, eventually becoming a well-known sports columnist and local TV celebrity in a faraway city. He had not seen his old college professor for almost two decades when one night, quite by chance, he was amazed to see him being interviewed on “Nightline.” By this time, Professor Schwartz had developed the malady today known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease, an affliction that melts the nerves until the


El Ojo del Lago / June 2017

body is about as functional as a pile of wax. Watching the program, Albom decided that very night to fly hundreds of miles to visit his old mentor, hoping to see him before the teacher had taught his “final class.” Their reunion was joyous and within an hour they decided to enter into a collaboration; Albom, who despite his professional success had lost his spiritual way in the world, would document the thoughts and feelings of the older man, who would soon be leaving that very same world. They agreed to meet each Tuesday of every week, until the collaboration was complete, or . . . Morrie Schwartz wanted to live out what remained of his life with as much dignity, courage, humor and composure as he could muster. He came up with plenty of each, though sadly, dignity is usually the first thing diminished by the grip of impending death. Yet, with little or no attempt to handle any intellectual heavy-lifting, the old professor taught several beautiful and humorous life-lessons as he inched toward the day of his last lecture. The writer was there to record it, and soon after his friend had gone on to his reward, Albom completed what is as inspirational a book as this jaded observer has read in many a moon. Mitch Albom’s life was greatly enriched by the experience— and it’s a good bet that anyone who reads his valuable little book will someAlejandro day be able to say the Grattansame. Dominguez

THE OJO INTERNET MAILBOX (Wherein we publish some comments about our previous issues.)

E ditor or’’s P ag ge - Ma Marc rch h 20 2017 017 Editor’s Page March Herbert Piekow Herb He rber ertt Pi Piek ekow ow This is one of those stories that renews faith humanity. f ith iin allll h it IIn my heart I hope that Celsito has succeeded and that he remembers you as fondly as you do him. Mohr Nice to know who you are through this story, and where your heart is. You are the man I have respected and with whom l have shared friendship thru the years. Great story. Rob Tired, Just Tired Bonnie Hall You wrote from the heart my dear friend, and I think many of us should take what you wrote to heart. Most of us are retired we shouldn’t always be in a hurry or feel stressed. We should all step back and be honest with ourselves, and then make time for ourselves. Thank you, Kathy, for your words of wisdom. I love you my friend! The Lakeside’s “Mister Bojangles” Mark Gulko Thank you for this lovely story. We’ve only lived here a short time but have met Paul, heard about him a little. But this filled in so many blanks. Thank You, Mother! Gabrielle Blair A touching story with tons of sentiment without being cloying and sentimental.

G Gr reat re eat Ar A rti tic ti icl cle, iiff l ev ver n eed ee d sur-Great Article, ever need gery tthis gery hiss is the guy hi guy l am am coming comi co ming ng to. to. Anyone care to share his contact infformation ti or location. l ti To That Dog Poisoner Riley Rose It is rare that the killer truly smiles inwardly. The killer(s) hell is more than they can stand. Deep is their desire to bring that hell to others. This has less to do with hate of dog, than hate of those who are free of the killer’s hell. Christy Wiseman I can’t believe that the dog killer has not yet been caught. I hope he or she is caught soon. We like to say “he” but considering Ayn Rand’s admiration of Hickman as Swinhart did, it may just as easily be a sociopathic woman. When caught, I hope that person is put in a cell for the rest of his or her life. Punishing him or her with violent behavior, while understandable, and perhaps temporarily satisfying, would only cause this evil to claim yet another victim. Joyful Musings - May 2017 Brad Mowers Thank you, Joy, it is always envigorating to be reminded of the Four Agreements. A bit of clarification: when you refer to “the ancient city of pyramids outside Mexico City” you are referring to Teotihuacan. This is a city much more ancient than the one the Toltecs lived in which was Tula, in current Hidalgo. Thanks again for the article!

From Doctor To Patient USA-XPAT

Saw you in the Ojo




s I drew a slow sip of pineapple juice infused with gin and syrupy liquors through the slender straw, my taste buds quivered at the intense sweetness. But, perhaps it wasn’t the sugary, pink concoction that sent shivers into my center. Maybe, it was knowing that Rudyard Kipling could have lingered on this very barstool. Maybe, Somerset Maugham had pondered plots for his novels over a whiskey, here at the bar. Maybe, Alfred Hitchcock, puffing on a Cuban, imagined this setting of intrigue and grandeur at the Raffles Hotel Singapore as the ideal location for his next film. All these luminaries and others had graced this spot and now I joined the list, but without the celebrity fanfare, yet. I have read that this experience is considered ‘one of the truest rites of passage of travel.’ I have also read that some visitors call it a tourist trap, ‘a place for parting people from huge sums of money with little value in return.’ What site, what monument, what natural wonder of the world that commands historical significance is not a tourist trap, I thought. Would a traveler bypass Machu Picchu, the Taj Mahal, or Havana’s Floridita, where Ernest Hemingway threw back Daquiris, just because hordes wanted to see it, feel it or taste it? I suppressed the blatant realities: that my cocktail had been premixed, that this famed, secondfloor bar had been relocated from its original street-level venue, that the price for one 8 oz. drink measured $36S (Singapore Dollars)- about $28 US. Instead, I closed my eyes and let visions of the past surface. Exotic tales seeped from the mahogany lined walls and rose up from the tiled floors. One of the few remaining 19th century guest lodges in the world, the Raffles Hotel Singapore, inspired by Malayan plantation life of the late 1800s, still stands as a grand dame, dwarfed on four sides by the gleaming, glass skyscrapers of this modern, sleek city. The hotel’s colonial architecture, marble colonnades, pol-


El Ojo del Lago / June 2017

ished teak verandas and lush tropical gardens have offered a slow paced, luxurious stop-over for the wellheeled for over 130 years. Although located two blocks from the waterfront due to land fill extensions, the hotel was originally built directly on Singapore’s harbor. Armenian hoteliers, the Sarkies Brothers opened a 10-room guest house in 1887 to provide residence for the wealthy in transit and a watering hole for the community’s elite. Within the first decade, three additional buildings were added, and by 1899, the complex, the only hotel in Singapore with electricity, had expanded to include the two-story main structure built around a verdant courtyard. They named it after the founder of Singapore, British Statesman, Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles. As I took another sip of my decadent libation, I imagined the barroom filled with handsomely dressed sugar and rum traders and their Gibson Girl look-alike companions. The gentlemen nursed gins and whiskeys, as they stood at the Long Bar, so named for the teakwood shelf that ran the length of the hotel’s tavern. Proper British decorum prohibited the ladies from consuming alcohol in public, so boring fruit juices and teas were offered to the fairer sex. Legend has it that women who traveled to Singapore and frequented this bar at the Raffles Hotel around the turn of the century can thank the Chinese Bar Captain, Ngliam Tong Boon, for freeing their shackles of culturally imposed abstinence. Historians quibble about the exact date, but around 1915, Ngliam created a cocktail that looked like pink fruit juice, but which packed a punch from invisible clear gin and colorful liquors. The birth of the Singapore Sling gave ladies a socially acceptable way to soothe the sharp, ‘Wild West’ conditions of the Far East. Any woman who had been at the hotel that memorable day in 1902,when a stray tiger sauntered into the Billiard Room, was cornered under

the pool table and shot by a gentleman sporting his rifle, needed something stronger than grapefruit juice to calm her nerves. For decades, sipping a Singapore Sling at the Raffles Hotel Long Bar has topped the bucket list of ‘must-dos’ in this city-state on the southern tip of Malaysia. The cocktail is now regarded as the national drink and the building complex was declared a National Monument in 1987. With dutiful determination to experience this traveler ‘rite of passage’, we arrived before the 11 A.M. opening. We wanted to soak up the ambiance of times gone by and swill down the famed potion before the tourist throngs descended. The lustrous wooden bar stretched across the back wall and despite the early hour, the bartender lined up tulip shaped glasses ready for the onslaught. On average, they serve 2000 Singapore Slings a day, and at $36S per drink, that adds up to a pretty pink $56,000US daily take. We gave the price a passing sigh with the knowledge that in 40 years of travel we never paid that much for a cocktail. But what price, history! The furnishings consist of traditional cane and rattan chairs and tables, centered with small burlap bags of Malaysian variety peanuts. Singapore has strict laws against littering, to the point that even discarding chewing gum in the street brings a hefty fine. Cracking peanuts open and throwing the shells on the floor feels like a crime but this is perhaps the only place in the entire city where intentional tossing of debris is permitted. However, just in case patrons can’t make themselves litter, a wooden ‘shell’ receptacle sits alongside the peanut pouch. A spiral wooden staircase in the center of the room leads to a second floor where live music is featured nightly. Above, on the ceiling, rows of palm-shaped 19th century style cooling fans oscillate back and forth, representing the air conditioning tech-

nology of the period. The architecture reflects true colonial design with long shuttered windows that transport the room back to a reserved British feel. But it wasn’t the interior’s motif or the fruity punch-like drink that enthralled me. The people who graced these halls and what they had been doing there became the focus of my fascination. I wanted to hear their conversations, I wanted the walls to talk. I wanted the floors to squeal secrets of the past. I wondered what topics Charlie Chaplin or Ernest Hemingway had discussed, if Elizabeth Taylor got drunk on too many slings, what transpired when the Japanese occupied Singapore during WWII and renamed the hotel, Syonan Ryohan, and if the staff quivered when they buried all the silver cutlery and tea-sets in the Palm Courtyard before Japanese officers took up residence there. This is where my imagination took me as I sipped my Singapore Sling. An annoying din of chatter brought me back to reality. I looked up to witness the evidence that the hordes had arrived: every table and barstool occupied, every patron drinking the same pink cocktail, the frenzied bartender pouring twelve identical tipples at a time, a line forming at the entrance. It was time to go. We forked over the $72 S, grabbed our coasters displaying the unique Raffles Logo and a copy of the original recipe for the Singapore Sling and headed down the sweeping, wooden staircase. We had completed our ‘travel rite of passage,’ and I had loved every tourist-trapping moment. Critics say that there are many other establishments throughout Singapore, where visitors can get a better tasting, freshly mixed Sling that costs far less. That’s probably true, if just having a drink is the goal. But I doubt that I would be able to see the image of Rudyard Kipling sitting on a barstool. Carol L. Bowman

Saw you in the Ojo




he Little Theatre was jampacked with ex-pats and Mexicans affably getting to know one another. Excited chatter filled the hall and patio of our Lakeside Little Theatre. You could tell that something special was about to happen. Attractive women in beautiful outfits and admiring gazes gathered around playwright Dr. Michael Hogan like groupies around a rock star. And Michael was the star and the play was the star and the kids were the stars in the playhouse firmament. LLT president Peter Luciano enthused about how wonderful the young cast and crew had been to work with, how


well the performance went the night before, and how impressed he was with the play, Lincoln and Mexico. When the chime sounded, we all took our seats and paid attention to Peter. He said that the two performances represented a major move for the 50 year-old theatre, a move to create a long-term relationship with the American School Foundation of Guadalajara, one of the top 15 American high schools in the world. He praised the kids, the school’s drama department, especially Stacy Ohrt Billingslea, its fantastic director, the author/playwright, and then (bombshell) announced that the Board had decided

El Ojo del Lago / June 2017

therefore that all the proceeds from the two performances would be given to the school’s Drama Department. Cheers rang out loud and clear. Then it was Dr. Hogan’s turn and beside him stood a young woman of perhaps 21. A thunderous applause ensued and continued and got louder with sustained cheers. A somewhat embarrassed Hogan thanked us all and introduced Luciana Mendez, one of his longtime students who had just flown in from Chicago where she now attends DePaul University. He explained that without the nagging of Luciana, he would never have completed the book or begun the play. She was his muse. The Luciana character actually appeared in the play, and yes, she nagged and cajoled. After the cheering died down, friends and new friends continued to buzz about what they had just seen and heard. One enthusiast said, “It doesn’t get better than this.” The play itself was better than the performance in Guadalajara, in this writer’s opinion. Of course the kids knew their lines cold, so the acting was better. There were some sound issues but the light shows included an innovation not often seen. The players representing Abe, Mary Todd and friends suddenly went silent, and a projection appeared on a screen of an angry Benito Juarez and a cower-

ing aide. They were student players who had videotaped the scene prior to the show! Also on the screen appeared actual movie battle scenes, bloody scenes that gave us a real look at the Civil War. Mary Todd in Susie’s Millinery Shop was a thigh-slapper. Anyway, the play was a huge hit, the ovations rolled on. Hugs and kisses and tears of joy prevailed. It was a triumph of the first water for Dr. Hogan. He was caught up in the evening and he was celebrated...What a night! Mark Sconce

Saw you in the Ojo 11


,035,176 %\ $QWRQLR 5DPEOpV DQWRQLR UDPEOHV#\DKRR FRP Barbados’ Andromeda Gardens

What h Wh happens when h a traditional di i lE English li h garden d iis iinfused f d with iha big dose of the tropics? The answer is Barbados’ Andromeda Botanic Gardens, and you don’t


El Ojo del Lago / June 2017

have to be a horh t ticulturist to a appreciate the beauty of this six b a acre tropical garden d in St. Joseph Parish overlookP i ing the island’s ruggedly scenic r east coast. e The garden was started as w a private plant

collection around the home of local horticulturist Iris Bannochie in 1954. First opened to the public during a ‘70s fund raising event, the garden has ever since remained open to the public, and Mrs. Bannochie later willed it to the Barbados National Trust, which now manages it. Here there are over 600 different species of plants including native banyan, more than 60 different species of palm, cacti, and ferns set among pools and waterfalls fed by a stream that flows through the property. At the heart of this botanical wonderland, though, are its startlingly brilliant and inventively shaped flowers. Gardening enthusiasts will doubtless recognize many of them, an amazing number of which a are a varieties of orchids so unlike each other that it’s u hard to believe that they’re h all a of the same species. For garden-challenged people like me, it’s enough p to t wander the garden and take in its beauty without t benefit of much introducb tion, and t each of e the pict tures here t is certainly worth a thousand t words! w Antonio Ramblés

Saw you in the Ojo 13



of the month



aria was born in August 2009 and lives with her family in Chapala. In late 2014 she was diagnosed with Leukemia. She was being treated at the Hospital Civil in Guadalajara and started chemotherapy treatments in November 2014. The family came to us in January 2015 as they needed help for transportation to and from the Civil and also with special nutrition like Pediasure. From her doctor’s report, she will be undergoing chemotherapy for approximately three years. In July 2017 she will undergo a spinal


El Ojo del Lago / June 2017

tap and then her doctor will decide how many more treatments she will need. We have reimbursed the family a total of 24,455 pesos for transport mostly. When we see her at our clinic in Chapala she is always smiling and has a very positive attitude. Thank you, once again, for this opportunity to introduce this child. We have clinics at 3 locations: Jocotepec, Ajijic and Chapala. Should you be interested to attend a clinic, please contact Barb Corol for Jocotepec (7665452) or myself for Ajijic and Chapala (766-4375). I invite you to visit our website at: www.programaninos.com

Saw you in the Ojo 15




year or so ago, an alarming study was released that indicated that the death rate for middle-age white men was rising quickly. This was attributed to more drug and alcohol use, risky behavior, and suicide. It was counter-intuitive because we still think of this group as better off, financially, than other demographic groups. Indeed they are. So why? I think it can be attributed to depression caused by being lonely. All the research I’ve seen about why people are happy concludes that it’s all about our relationships with other people. It doesn’t matter how much money you have. It doesn’t matter where you live. It doesn’t even matter how healthy you are. What makes you feel happy and valued is having good loving connections with other people. A Cambridge University psychiatrist, Dr. Richard Schwartz linked loneliness to a greater risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke and Alzheimer’s. A longitudinal study out of Brigham Young University demonstrated that socially isolated people who lived alone had a 26-32 percent greater risk of premature death. So why is loneliness on the increase? And why is it worse for men? Much has been written about the ubiquitous smart phone and how it has isolated us from one another. We are all familiar with the disturbing spectacle in a restaurant where the entire table is silently looking at their phones. Technology is clearly isolating, a supreme irony because in many ways it provides more timely and convenient means of communicating. Yet, people


El Ojo del Lago / June 2017

%LOO )UD\HU use technology when they are alone. Many people feel more comfortable communicating online than they do in person. The problem is, they lose the face-to-face communication skills. Families don’t even eat together as often any more. And when they do decide to spend an evening together, it’s often to stare at a streaming video on Netflix or to play video games; together but alone. Somebody remarked recently that Donald Trump has no real friends. That may sound strange, but I suspect it’s true of many men. Deborah Tannen, the linguist, has filmed men and women in conversation. It’s striking how, when women converse with each other, they face each other and look at each other. Men will often look in another direction when they converse. I think close, intimate conversation is more difficult for men. I consider this a social crisis of our times. Loneliness is endemic to our society, and not just for men. Children are victims of isolated family structures and cyber-bullying. Women are more naturally communicative than men yet also suffer from social-media isolation and damaging media images which focus on youth and skinniness. It’s rather easy to go through an entire day without speaking to anyone. We have so many choices: what to watch, what to read, where to shop online. Many people have remarked that living in Mexico, in a sense, is like living back in the 1950s. I know what they mean. Walking around the village, doing our shopping, meeting friends for lunch at an outside restaurant, simply living at Lakeside is more engaging, less isolating, than living alone in a house or apartment in a city somewhere in the US or Canada. Yet, we can all do more to reach out to those who may feel isolated, even in Ajijic. Even living in paradise, someone can be digitally connected but very lonely at the same time. It’s good to remember that.

Saw you in the Ojo 17



uring the recent Feria International del Libro de Guadalajara, the worlds largest International Book Fair, Josefina Vasquez Mota, Mexico’s 2012 PAN presidential candidate launched her book, “Nosotros los dreamers.” In the book she retells the personal stories of 44 immigrants who were brought to the United States illegally as children. If these young immigrants referred to as “Dreamers” are allowed to remain in the US, it is estimated that in the next decade they will contribute US$ 2.1 billion to that nation’s economy. These estimates are confirmed by a recent TIME Magazine article


El Ojo del Lago / June 2017

entitled, How Latinos Drive America´s Economic Growth. From 2007 to 2013 Latinos made up the fastest growing small-business owners in the U.S. According to a study by Standford Latino Entrepreneurship Institute, Latinos launched small businesses at a rate 60 times that of their non-Latino counterparts. During the past nine years women-owned, or Latina businesses have grown 137%. When one realizes that all Latinos combined make up only 17% of the US population and 15% of that nation’s workforce, it is amazing to acknowledge the fact that Latinos pump an estimated 1.3 trillion into the US economy per year. Statisticians say that by 2060 Latinos will represent at least 30% of the US population. The TIME article estimated that all undocumented immigrants represent only about 5% of the country´s workforce. When the current school year began a survey it showed that Latinos spent approximately $75.8 billion dollars on school supplies or about 16% more than “white” households. In real estate Hispanics were responsible for 40% of all home sales from the years 2000 through 2014. Early on Wells Fargo Bank recognized this trend and they have committed a substantial investment to attract the Latino home buyer. In 2015 Latinos accounted for 11%, or USD $27.9 billion in new vehicle transactions. Both Toyota and Honda acknowledge that the Latino market is strong and their advertisement campaigns reflect the buying power of Latinos. A recent Honda ad campaign featured a Latina girl dreaming about being an astronaut, the car´s English language adds aimed at the young American market did not. A Nielsen report found that in recent years the US beauty care market for both US men and women has declined. However, at the same time Hispanic households spent more for cosmetics, hair care, shaving creams and household appliances. Latinos in the U.S. are a younger

workforce. Young, well-educated Latinos are stepping into the workforce at unprecedented numbers and their buying power helps fuel the US economy by consuming goods that create more jobs. Since the 1980s Latino purchasing power has been growing 70% faster than “Americans,” this according to a 2013 report from the Selig Center for Economic Growth. The Latino workforce is not only young, but they are well-educated. They are paying taxes that contribute to Social Security and these young Latino workers are paying the taxes that help keep the US afloat. Every million working Latinos will average $500 billion more into the Social Security Trust Fund over the next 25 years; this is more than they will take out. These statistics are from The Wall Street Journal which further states that in 2013 Hispanic households contributed $98 billion to Social Security and $23 billion to Medicare through payroll taxes. Some economists acknowledge that Latino workers are the key to keeping the Social Security system strong. A CNN report stated that; “With an aging white population Latino youth are many of our future doctors, lawyers and schoolteachers. America´s future economic well-being and competitiveness is increasingly contingent on the success of the Latino population.” At the turn of the last century businesses often posted signs that read, “Irish need not apply.” Before the Irish the Chinese were discriminated against and many other people whose ancestry were deemed unworthy to belong to the great US. The Evian Conference of 1933 specifically prohibited Jews from immigrating to the US with the result that the German Nazi Party felt free to persecute Jews, just as some radical US groups now feel free to torment Muslims and Hispanics. But remember a scion of an Irish immigrant became one of the most beloved presidents of the US and the Jews who have immigrated to the US have made tremendous contributions to the US economy, culture, science and medicine. Latinos are no different than any other group of US Immigrants. Latinos want quality education, affordable housing, safe communities, good government and access to health care. Latino success not only impacts the Latino population but it ensures the success of the United States as a whole. Herbert W. Piekow

Saw you in the Ojo 19



he film Pat y Paco, shot here in the streets of Ajijic a year ago, is now entering post-production. It’s a large production for a forty-minute film and involves twenty speaking roles, a hundred background performers, a crew of more than twenty volunteers and filming fifteen days at forty Ajijic locations. All in all nearly two-hundred Ajijic residents, both Mexican and expat, participated in this non-profit community project. The theme of this film is friendship. Pat y Paco is a tender, heartwarming story about two youngsters in a small Mexican town who, despite living in two very different worlds, become close friends. Pat is a privileged expat youngster and Paco a Mexican street boy. Their worlds collide through the intervention of an unknown bicycle thief. A friendship develops through the prodding of a kindly, understanding adult and the mysterious powers of a mystical white burro and a magical Lake Chapala. The story has a timeless quality of a fairy tale or fable, and the feel of realismo magico. This film has special significance in this uneasy and often ugly climate in relations between United States and Mexico. The hopeful and positive story of friendship may serve as a balm in these difficult times and


El Ojo del Lago / June 2017

an antidote to the ‘wall’ mentality. Pat y Paco has grown naturally out of its environment and blurs the border between fact and fiction. Many of the characters in the story are based on actual people living here. Even more remarkable, many of those same people are the actors in this film. The story has an allegoric quality reflecting the expat and local Mexican people and how they live together in harmony in the Lakeside area. Key creative personnel involved are long-standing professionals in the film world in Canada. Manfred Guthe is one of Canada’s top cinematographers, winner of the best cinematographer award at the New York Film Festival and other important CSA awards. John Friesen, Pat y Paco writer, director and producer, has had a long and varied career in the film world as an actor and writer with more than one-hundred productions to his credit. Both have contributed their work as volunteers. The film is scheduled to be complete and ready for showing some time in the next year. It will be shown locally as well as in film festivals throughout Mexico, U.S. and Canada. jfriesen1@bell.net

Saw you in the Ojo 21



alling in love with Ajijic on my first visit in ‘97, I returned each February when possible to compete in the Mexican National Chili Cookoff. I won the championship title the last year it was sanctioned in 2008, and decided it was time to make the big move and retire to my lakeside paradise. Living in Texas and owning a huge Dodge Sprinter Van (like Fed Exp), I started driving down from Laredo with all my worldly goods, which required several trips. My van contains a bed, a porta potty and an ice chest so I can go anywhere! Because I travel with large dogs and am not a welcome hotel guest, I have often stayed overnight at my favorite truck stop on the outskirts of San Luis Potosi. El Potosi is a rest stop for the luxury buses and tractortrailers and at a popular junction between Guadalajara and Mexico City and heading north through Monterrey then on to Laredo, Texas, connecting with I-35 which is a major shipping corridor to Canada. My favorite times were arriving at sunset and parking on the western side to see the flickering lights in the distant city of San Luis Potosi. Sunrise is a time of bugles and a call to action, but sunset is a reward for a day well spent. And these were especially relaxing moments for me. In mid-April of this year, I timed my trip to park on the west side of the truck stop to enjoy my favorite view. They also offer Church’s, Papa Johns, Mexican fare, an excellent coffee bar and complimentary WIFI. So I ordered my dinner to go and arranged myself

for a spectacular sunset, back-dropped against San Luis Potosi and the surrounding low mountain range. EGAD !! Across the divided highway was a monstrous truck parking lot with a couple dozen high beam streetlights. The streetlights themselves obscured my sunset view but added was the continuous flow of 18-wheelers with their own headlights blinding me. And off to the south was a new housing development with their own blinking lights and evidence of humanity. A few years ago, an occasional big rig roared by in the night but in early 2017 the truck traffic was continuous, all night, a constant roar and groan of shifting gears and jack brakes. I’m certainly not going to get into politics … but this incredible increase in the trucking industry points to an extremely healthy commercial economy in Mexico. Not only are these truckers delivering produce and goods but they are stopping along the way to buy their own meals and fuel, which provides income to the many tiny communities which dot the highways. I’m really happy for Mexico’s booming economy, but there is a new bypass around the city, and I’m sorry to be missing El Potosi in the future. Don’t it always seem to go That you don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone? They paved paradise Put up a parking lot —Big Yellow Taxi By Joni Mitchell


Anyone Can Train Their Dog %\ $UW +HVV artthedogguy@yahoo.com

TRAINING is not an OPTION. It is an OBLIGATION. It is not something to be done only AFTER I start causing problems and doing those things you don’t want me to do. It is HOW TO PREVENT those problems from ever starting.


El Ojo del Lago / June 2017

Saw you in the Ojo 23



he state capitol of Nevada in Carson is just thirty miles from Reno, the “Biggest Little City in the World.” But more significantly, it rests only three miles from a gaggle of houses of ill repute. It was in Carson that I began my law practice, not because of the proximity to the houses, but because of its distance in space and culture from smog-ridden Los Angeles, where I was raised and schooled. Three days into my practice, my law partner approached me. “Tom, I want you to research whether using credit cards by the Kit Kat Ranch, will in some way violate the Mann Act.”


I was puzzled. “How would accepting credit cards equate to bringing women across state lines for immoral purposes? That’s quite a stretch.” “Well you know the Feds. They will twist federal laws any way they can to get a conviction. I should know, I was once a prosecutor. Of course, you will have to visit the ranch to check out their operation and card processing procedures.” He winked. The euphemistically named Kit Kat Ranch was located in Lyon County where prostitution was not illegal, but it was not actually legislated as legal. This provided ample opportunity for the sheriff, the district attorney and the local judge to extract

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recompense from the establishments under the guise of protection from local politicians who might threaten to close them down as a public nuisance. Payment was in cash and in kind, although I doubt the old judge ever exacted anything but money. So, I delved into research, poring through case law and law review articles. It was 1970, long before the days when a click of a button on a computer could reveal the answer. After three days I reached a preliminary conclusion. But I still had to meet with the client at her place of business, and check things out. I was not looking forward to going out to the ranch. Who might see me there? I was married with children, and just beginning my practice. What kind image would this project? But duty-- and a great deal of curiosity-- spurred me on. The ranch was anything but. Located in a canyon below Highway 50, a road leading to the town of Lovelock, it was a series of three double wide mobile homes surrounded by a fenced parking lot with a sign over the entrance reading “Welcome to the Kit Kat Ranch. Men only.” Obviously, Nevada was still the Wild West where men were men, and the sheep were nervous. Good, I thought, no cars there and mine won’t be seen from the highway. I approached the main entrance and the door was immediately opened by a smiling portly lady who looked like Aunt Jemima. She directed me into a reception area. There they were. One dozen of them in a row-- pert, perky paradigms of pulchritude. Above each pair, a face, with a well-rehearsed smile and bedroom eyes promising nothing but ecstasy. The girls were surprisingly attractive, all probably in their mid-20s. In less than thirty seconds, a wizened woman with over-colored red hair and too much makeup approached. She was the stereotypical madam. With her cold green eyes. She looked me up and down, as if inspecting a side of beef. Then she smiled. “You must be Tom. I am Marie Morrison. Welcome.” Then, under her breath, she said something to the girls and they scampered away as if my perceived penury was somehow contagious. “No mon, no fun,” one of them laughed. I examined the credit card processing operation. “What do you write on the credit card slip,” I asked. “Why ‘entertainment’, of course,” she replied. Then she offered me free samples

from her inventory. I declined. In a week, I provided a written opinion that the use of credit cards did not violate the Mann Act. A year later, true to form, the Feds tried to prosecute another brothel, and my opinion was used as a defense. The U.S. Supreme Court agreed with my conclusions. Marie Morrison was the perfect client. She regularly needed legal help and would pay her bill the next day in cash. Since I didn’t know where it had been, I made my secretary count it. A few years later she came to me for a divorce. Her husband was claiming the Kit Kat was community property. We went through the normal litigation process and when it was time for depositions, I had a dilemma. Typically, I would have lunch with my client at the break and we would discuss the morning and prepare for the afternoon. Still worried about my image in the small town of Carson City, I was not looking forward to having lunch with a known madam. But then, I thought, anyone who knew her would have to be a client, and shouldn’t be pointing fingers. Still, I was uneasy. But Marie solved the problem. “Tom, do you mind if I don’t have lunch with you. Our local furniture store is having a sale on mattresses and you won’t believe how fast they wear out in the mirror room.” I hoped she didn’t notice my look of relief. The case ended with Marie winning, but her husband appealed. Fortunately, his lawyer made some procedural errors, and I managed to get the appeal dismissed. Marie was elated, because now the case would not be printed in the Nevada Reports for all to see. “My grandkids live in San Francisco and they don’t know what I do. You have done such a great job, you can come out to the ranch anytime and ‘relax.’” I never took her up on the offer, but at times was tempted. Marie was honest about her business, but not apologetic. She was doing nothing illegal, and no one coerced the girls to work for her. They were in it for the money and were making more than three times my monthly salary back then. And she was not without a sense of humor, from the name “Kit Kat Ranch,” to the sign emblazoned on the portal over the exit. It simply read, “Thanks for coming.” Tom Eck

Saw you in the Ojo 25




ith it h the th he start star st artt off Summer Sum umme merr comes some potential health hazards for our pets, that we need to keep in mind. The following are a few Summer pet safety tips: Never leave your pet in a car! Even parking ki in i the h shade h d and d leaving l i the h windows open is not an option. While you are “just running a quick errand,” in a hot car your pet’s temperature can rise rapidly and can overheat in a very short period of time. For example, with the outside temperature at just 78 F, and the car parked in the shade, the inside car temperature can quickly reach 90 F. A car parked in the sun, the temperature can quickly rise to 16o F. It only takes minutes to reach dangerous levels leading to heatstroke and even death. Always make sure your pet has cool, clean water available at all times. This is one of the easiest ways to avoid heat injuries in the summer months. Dogs, even cats, drink more on hot days, and water warms up quickly, so make sure to change your pet’s water often. Do not allow your dog to hang out of the window of a moving car. Objects such as gravel or small rocks on the street / road could seriously injure your pet’s face or eyes, or he/she might fall or impulsively jump out. Your pet CAN get sunburn. This is more likely in white dogs, hairless dogs, and dogs with light colored fur, such as Pit Bulls and Dalmatians. If you have a pet such as these, it is recommended that you apply sunscreen to your pet before it is allowed to be out-


El Ojo del Lago / June 2017

side for an extended period of time. Keep your dog’s paws cool at all times. Limit the time you let your dog roam in the backyard and outdoors, especially on hot asphalt. Since the ground heats up quickly during the summertime, your dog’s body heat can rapidly rise, and sensitive paw pads can get burned. Try not to walk your dog during the hottest part of the day: 11AM – 3PM. If you walk your dog and you carry a bottle of water for yourself, have water also available for your dog, and keep the walks short. Consider if the dogs will be more comfortable and safer at home when it is hot outside, while you run your errands rather than having the dog go with you, especially if you are going to a crowded warm place like the tianguis. Some signs of heat stress are: heavy panting, glazed eyes, rapid heartbeat, restlessness, excessive thirst, lethargy, dizziness, lack of coordination, profuse salivation, vomiting, a deep red or purple tongue. IF any of these are present, immediately move your dog into the shade. If possible, apply a cool wet towel to your pet’s head, neck and chest. Let your pet drink small amounts of cool water. If the your dog does not improve, see your Vet immediately. Before the rumors start to fly, Anita is taking some time off to visit her homeland of Germany. While she is on vacation, her family and longtime, caring staff will be taking care of Anita’s shelter and the cats and dogs during this time away. You may have already met a young woman named Tulu at the Wednesday Ajijic tianguis, who will continue to be there each week while Anita is away. Although she may appear young, she is mature beyond her years and has a true love and respect for animals. Please stop by and introduce yourself. I know she will appreciate your support and help to keep Anita’s Animals rescue work to continue. PayPal available.

Saw you in the Ojo 27


—First Medal of Honor Recip pie e nt %\ 'U /RULQ 6ZLQHKDUW


t first glance, Jacob Parrot would not have impressed many people as a national hero. He appears in photos as a pale, thin young man sporting a dark mustache and with something of a haunted look in his eyes. A farm boy from near Lancaster, Ohio, he was orphaned at an early age. Little more is known about him, except that he relocated to Kenton, Ohio, until he enlisted in 1861 at the age of eighteen in the U.S. Army as a private in Company K of the 33d Ohio Infantry. He first saw combat during the little known Battle of Ivy Hill. In April, 1862, he was asked by his commanding officer if he would be


willing to volunteer for a highly secret and very dangerous mission behind enemy lines. Parrot agreed and became one of a group of twenty soldiers and two civilians recruited for a daring raid into the heart of the Confederacy. The group, known as Andrews’ Raiders, was to carry out a plan hatched by General Ormsby MacKnight to infiltrate behind rebel lines and hijack a locomotive known as The General near Big Shanty, Georgia. Led by their commander James J. Andrews, they would then destroy all bridges between Atlanta, Georgia and Chattanooga, Tennessee, thus cutting off the supply route of the Confederate Army. Penetrating two hundred miles into the heart of the Old South, the unit succeeded in grabbing the train and leading their pursuers on a merry chase through Georgia, an escapade that was later to become the subject of several books and a Walt Disney movie entitled The Great Locomotive Chase. The mission was basically a failure because the unit was able to do little damage before being stopped by the enemy. Realizing that they were about to be captured, Parrot and a companion fled into a nearby woods. Eventually leaving the protection of the trees and brush, they were captured by four Georgians and taken to a company of Confederate soldiers in

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the town of Ringgold. There they were interrogated by an officer. When Parrot refused to answer questions about his fellow soldiers or their mission, he was taken outside, where his shirt was removed. He was then bent over a stone and given over one hundred lashes with a rawhide whip. Throughout this brutal treatment, two pistols were held at his head, and he was told that he would be shot if he resisted. Three times, the flogging was stopped and the officer, a lieutenant, demanded that he cooperate. Each time, he refused to provide any information. Meanwhile, a crowd of civilians gathered carrying a rope, demanding that he be hanged. Only the intervention of a colonel saved him. It has been speculated since that Parrot, only nineteen at the time, was singled out for this torture because he was the youngest member of the unit and, therefore, considered most likely to break under pressure. The ordeal of Parrot and his comrades was not over. They were taken to a jail in Chattanooga and left in a hot, cramped, dark filthy room, handcuffed together and with trace chains padlocked around their necks. Parrot’s own words testify to the horrible conditions of their imprisonment, “We had scarcely any light at all. Frequently, we could not see to pick up a pin from the floor. The windows were very small, and the room was so close, and we were so warm, that we had to take our clothes off entirely. We were covered with vermin. The room was so small that we could not all lie down, and we had to rest ourselves by leaning against the walls. We were not allowed to leave the room under any circumstances while we were confined in it.” One can only imagine the discomfort of Parrot, his back still sore from the flogging. Weeks later, when debriefed by Union officials, he testified that his back was still sore. The meager rations provided by their captors

could only have aggravated his condition. According to Parrot, they were only given some wheat flour mixed with water and then baked and a very small ration of spoiled pickled beef. He received no medical treatment for his wounds until he reached Richmond, where a physician applied some mustard plasters. On March 25, 1863, shortly after being exchanged for some Confederate prisoners held by the Union, Parrot and five other raiders were taken to Washington, D.C., where Secretary of War Edwin Stanton told them, “You’ll find yourselves great heroes when you get home.” Impressed by Parrot’s youth and his good manners, Stanton presented him with the first ever Medal of Honor, saying, “Congress has by recent law ordered medals to be prepared on this model, and your party shall be the first to be given to private soldiers in the war.” Jacob Parrot was offered many honors, even an education at West Point, but he opted to return to the war. He took part in many actions and was commissioned a second lieutenant in 1863, following his participation in the Battle of Stones River. In 1864, he was promoted to first lieutenant. After the war, Parrot returned to Kenton, where, in 1866, he married Sarah Lawrence, a local girl, and spent the remainder of his days as a cabinet maker. He passed away on March 25, 1908 from a bout with angina pectoris and is buried in the Grove Cemetery in Kenton. A road in Hardin County is named Jacob Parrot Boulevard in his honor. In 1990, Jacob Parrot’s heirs returned his Medal of Honor to Congress, and it is now on display in the rotunda of the U.S. Capitol in Washington. Dr. Lorin Swinehart

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he health care system in the United States is the costliest among the ten wealthiest nations in the world, and the general health of U.S. citizens is the worst among these countries. The life expectancy of a Canadian is 81.3 years compared to an American expectancy of 78.1 years. The U.S. is also the only one of these countries not to guarantee full healthcare to all its citizens. Living in an area with many retired and semiretired Canadians has given me the opportunity to learn more of the Canadian system, not only from academic sources, but also first hand from those who have experienced coverage in Canada. I have asked 45 Canadians living full time or part time in Mexico “what


changes, if any, would you make in the Canadian Health Care System?” Several said they would make revisions. Only two said they would scrap the entire plan. I later discovered that one of the scrappers had moved to the U.S. and established an insurance agency. Those Canadians I questioned included professionals, executives, and a conservative syndicated columnist. Not being a professional pollster, I checked the Pros; one found that 91% of Canadians strongly prefer their system over that of the U.S.; another came up with an 82% preference. The problems that the Canadians complained of were: Lacking in preventative care Doctor availability

El Ojo del Lago / June 2017

Technical support Utilizing a Federal vs. a Provincial coverage Overall timeliness The almost universal follow-up was that they would rather work to iron out these kinks than make basic changes to the system. One Dual Citizen added that “If one is covered or has deep pockets I feel the US has excellent medical care.” In Canada, the system is administered by the Provinces. Health Care is funded by both the Federal Government and the Provinces. Each citizen is taxed in accordance with his ability to pay. In the U.S. in 2016 the average cost for an individual for health insurance was $386.00 dollars per month. The cost for the average U.S. family exceeded $25,000.00 per year. These costs did not factor in deductibles or co-pays. In Canada in 2015, the average family of five paid the equivalent of $11,735.00 U.S. per year for 100% medical coverage. Canadian coverage does not include 100% of pharmaceuticals. But, for example, in Ontario 4,400 basic drugs are covered. What happens to a Health Insurance premium in the U.S. before it reaches a health care provider? First the insurance agent receives a commission. Then the insurance agency takes a portion to cover overhead, salaries, and profits for owners. The funds then go to the Insurance Company which takes a portion to cover overhead, salaries and advertising. The company officers and directors, in order to keep their jobs, must make sure that the stockholders receive ample dividends. In 2012 the Health Care Industry in the U.S. spent more than $500,000,000.00 lobbying Congress and the Federal Government. That was more than any other industrial sector. That year, 2,400 individuals were registered as lobbyists for the Health Care Industry. In the single pay system, the overhead of the health care provider is simplified and cost efficient. A secretary fills out an uncomplicated form and the provider is paid. There is no need for an employee to analyze a complicated insurance policy, and the provider does not have to hire a lawyer to collect from patients who have trouble paying their co-pays or deductibles. When Dr. Tom Price was being confirmed as Secretary of Health and Human Services, he testified before the Senate Committee that many doctors have more business employees on their staff to process insurance claims and collect bills than they have nurses and technicians to assist in the administration of health care. A switch to single pay would also put all health care under a single umbrella. No need for separate administration for Medicare, Medicaid, Veterans’ Care or the problem emergency facili-

ties have with care for indigents. When the Canadian pays his taxes, the funds are administrated by nonprofit entities, primarily Provincial agencies. The portion of taxes for health care is calculated by the same formula for each citizen regardless of age. It is the same for healthy 20 and 30 year olds as it is for the elderly with increasing health problems. In the U.S. system, many twenty and thirty year olds think it is unfair to pay for health insurance they don’t need. Compare the Canadian system to U.S. Social Security. I began paying my Social Security taxes when I had a part time job at 16. I continued to pay for 46 years and did not realize a nickel of my investment until I reached the age of 62. If I had died at 61 I would have received no return on my almost half century of payments. SS gives invaluable security to Americans as either basic or additional security in their retirement. Why do so many Americans so adamantly oppose Single Pay? Many say it’s because they would not be able to choose their doctor. Canadians do pick the doctor they want. Others are horrified by anything socialistic. In the U.S., the Government accomplished creating Social Security which keeps a multitude from ending up in the Poor House. The private sector could not have mandated payment into a retirement plan. The same rationale applies to health care. Then, perhaps to some, the payment of a tax is more odious than a premium, even if the tax is much lower. The system, as it exists in America, cannot mandate that all citizens provide themselves with health coverage. There will be some who use their available funds to pay for a child’s education. Others will fritter away more than they have on trips to Las Vegas. In either case, a civilized society will not permit a citizen to suffer or die from lack of basic health care, the costs for which will be borne unfairly by the more benevolent and charitable among us. A 2014 survey revealed that among the advanced nations, the United States paid more for health care, and yet had the worst performance. Is there a valid argument for the maintenance of a second class system for which citizens pay their medical bills with premiums from which are deducted not only overhead, but also commissions, profits, dividends, advertisements, payments to lobbyists, and campaign contributions? Americans could learn from those countries that have pioneered with health care and develop a superior plan, but no such plan should include payments of premiums to the “for profit” Insurance Industry. Henri Loridans

Saw you in the Ojo 31

A Positive Parade %\ 5LFR :DOODFH


n a sunny day, going home, Sammy stopped by the church. Fortunately the Padre was there, holding his beads, praying. “Padre, I want to give you this donation; I experienced a miracle,” he said. “Bless you my son,” the Padre said. ”Was it a vision?” “My car broke down in the desert and nobody would help us,” Sammy said. “My wife was terrified, so I held her hand and said, ‘Jesus you told us, all we have to do is ask, and you will move mountains.’ Right away a man pulled up, delivering water, and we begged him to help us. He said he would. His


name was Pedro.” “Oh, my son,” the Padre exclaimed while making the sign of the cross. “’I build my Church upon this Rock.’” “He towed us to a mechanic and then drove us to a hotel while they worked on the car. The Mechanico’s name was Gabriel,” Sammy said. “Oh, my sweet Lord,” the Padre said. “An Angel of God.” “I know, Father,” Sammy said. “His name means, ‘sent from God.’” “A miracle, a miracle,” the Padre shouted. Out of the Church hurried another Priest and Brother and a few Sisters. “Let us follow you

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a while, my son,” Padre said. “So we can pray and bask in your glory from God.” When they got to the Plaza a little girl came up to Sammy. “Munee, mu-nee,” she said. Sammy stopped and picked her up above his head. She laughed and made a little squeal. He brought her down and whispered in her ear. “Be good to your mother and father, Princess,” he said. “You can do and be anything you want.” The little girl, excited after being picked up off her feet, followed the Sisters with a couple of other children who were watching. As they walked down Colon, a school band member, who was on his way to practice, saw them and phoned his Maestro. “There is a parade going down Colon,” he said. “What?” the Maestro said. “A parade and they did not inform us? Stay where you are. We will come.” When they exited the trucks, they marched in the rear, tuning their instruments. As Sammy turned on Ocampo, headed home, more children were joining. They were playing and teasing each other, “Mu-nee, mu-nee,” Down the street they romped. With Sammy, the Padres,

the Brother, the Sisters, the Children, and the Band, there was now a crowd of people. At Six Corners, Sammy went up on the patio under the big tree. “I am almost home,” he said. “Take the people back to the Plaza.” The Padre called out to Sammy, “What can we do for you my son?” “Just believe,” Sammy said, “Tell them to believe.” The parade went up Hidalgo Street. The band was playing “When the Saints Go Marching In.” It was not long before Sammy heard the fireworks coming from the Plaza.

Saw you in the Ojo 33

Sandy Olson

Phone: 331-283-8529 Email: sandyzihua@hotmail.com

MUSIC—POWER—JEALOUSY Lakeside Little Theatre, in affiliation with London’s National Theatre, presents a Live HD screening of Amadeus, by Peter Shaffer. The show runs June 10 and 11. The story: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, a rowdy young prodigy, arrives determined to make a splash. Awestruck by his genius, court composer Antonio Salieri has the power to promote his talent or destroy it. Seized by obsessive jealousy he begins a war with Mozart, with music and, ultimately, with God. Tickets are 250 pesos and can be purchased at LLT’s Box Office on Wednesday, May 31 and June 7 and Thursday, June 1 and 8, from 10 am to noon. Email: tickets@lakesidelittletheatre.com or call (376) 766 0954. A LIVELY VIVA SPRING Viva la Musica is presenting a nice array of musical productions this spring. Here is what’s going on in June. Jalisco Philharmonic Schedule for June Thursday June 8 “Bach, Beethoven and Brahmsâ€? Bach Little Fugue in G Minor, Beethoven Trio Concerto for Violin, Cello and Piano and Brahms Symphony No. 2. The bus leaves at 4:30 for dinner at a fine restaurant before the concert. Sunday June 18 “The Seaâ€? Arnold Bax, Tintagel Symphonic Poem; Sergei Prokofiev, Concert for Flute and Orchestra in D Major; Mendelssohn, Fingal’s Cave, and Debussy, La Mer. The bus leaves at 10:30. Sunday June 25 “Mozart’s Europe.â€? Marco Parisoto, Conductor: Mozart Symphony No. 31, “Paris;â€? Symphony No. 36, “Linz;â€? Symphony No. 38, “Prague.â€? The bus leaves at 10:30. Sunday July 2 “1001 Arabian Nights;â€? Tchaikovsky, Eugene Onegin: Polonesa and Waltz; Barber, Concert for Violin and Orchestra; Rimski-Korsakov, Scheherazade. The bus leaves at 10:30. Tickets are available at LCS on Thursdays and Fridays from 10 to 12, or call Rosemary Keeling at 7661801.The cost will be 450 pesos for members, and 550 pesos for non-members. The bus leaves from the carretera close to Farmacia Guadalajara. OPEN CIRCLE Sunday morning finds many Lakeside residents at the Lake Chapala Society and Open Circle, a forum on a variety of stimulating topics. A social hour with coffee and snacks at 10:00 a.m. is followed by an interesting lecture and discussion at 10:30. June 11 Exponential Technologies: A Road to Nirvana or to the Disappearance of the Human Race? Presented by Dr. Morris Schwarzblat Previous technological revolutions have allowed us to adapt gradually over a period of years. Industry 4.0 is changing things at lightning speed. What will be the changes that Artificial Intelligence, 3D printing, synthetic biology and robotics, e.g., will bring to our lives? What are the social, economic, and ethical Dr. Morris Schwarzblat issues we will need to face? Will playing God end the human race as we know it? Dr. Morris Schwarzblat is a nuclear physicist with ample experience in academia, research and industry. He has worked in Mexico and in Canada, where he lived for sixteen years. Morris represented Canada as a member of the Co-ordinated Research Program on Artificial Intelligence at the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna. He is currently Director General of Science and Technology Development at the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology of Jalisco. June 18 Good Poetry and Sonorous Songs Presented by Mark Sconce and Olga Kaplounenko Those familiar with Mark Sconce’s dramatic readings and Olga Kaplounenko’s vocals will not want to miss this Sunday’s presentation. Their main theme is poignancy, followed by whimsical, frivolous poetry and song to make you laugh out loud. Mark’s wit, stage presence and obvious love of poetry will be on display, and Olga will back up his readings with her favorite soulful songs. Prior performances at Open Circle have earned them an enthusiastic following. Mark is Contributing Editor and Essayist for El Ojo del Lago. Olga, born and educated in Moscow, earned a Masters in Electrical Engineering and also studied jazz vocals in Moscow Jazz College. At Lakeside she sings with Los Cantantes and has performed in several plays at LLT. June 25 Water Governance in Mexico: Managing Scarcity


Presented by Luis Enrique Ramos Luis, local Attorney at Law and Notario PĂşblico, has worked during the last 17 years in water-related projects as an independent consultant at all three levels of government, as well as for not-for-profit and international organizations. His primary legal expertise lies in water governance, aligning the interests of and resolving conflicts among stakeholders in the water sector. He will speak about what is happening with water policy in Mexico, what is being done to address problems of water pollution, scarcity, and usage, as well as projects to clean the water of rivers and lakes in Mexico, specifically of Lake Chapala. He will address government policy with regard to big infrastructure projects and issues related to the human right Luis Enrique Ramos to water and how to implement better policy for both surface and underground water in Mexico. July 2 How to Be Fluent in Spanish in 40 Minutes Presented by Phil Rylett Most of us would like to be able to speak Spanish, but many consider it too daunting. New research in second language learning has revealed something quite surprising. You can learn a language by using a language. Although this sounds a little paradoxical—using a language you don’t know to learn the language—it works! And it’s more fun than learning grammar rules! Phil Rylett started teaching English as a second language after retiring as a systems analyst. He discovered the traits of the successful language learner from observing his students. And he began to realize true communication does not come out of a book. Phil has lived in Ajijic for four years and though he arrived with only rudimentary Spanish, he has trained youth soccer teams here and has participated in many other traditional village activities. SOMETHING FISHY The Ajijic Fishing Club recently enjoyed a full three days of fishing at From left: Richard, John Poston, Jim and Brenda Cabo Pulmo, a vil%ROHV -RH .RSĂ€HU *HRUJH 5DGIRU lage on the East Cape of Baja California. Members caught yellowfin tuna, red and yellow snapper, trigger fish and surgeonfish. They ate as much as they could: sashimi, tuna steaks, ceviche and fried and grilled white fish for tacos prepared by the restaurant. They gave the rest to the villagers. A good time was had by all, as the saying goes. From left: Richard, John Poston, Jim and Brenda Boles, Joe Kopfler, George Radfor The club meets on the first Monday of the month at 9 am, at Dona Lola Restaurant, west of Ajijic on the lake side. For information about the club, check their website: http://drhook50hp.wixsite.com/ AN EXCITING YEAR TO COME Lakeside Little Theatre has announced its offerings for the 2017-18 season. Look for further announcements. Season tickets will be available in September. SUMMER IN THE VILLAGE Viva la Musica is offering a “Summer in the Villageâ€? Series, priced at 300 pesos per concert, or 800 pesos for the package of three events. Thursday June 22 Viola and Piano Recital, music by Glazunov, Schumann, Barbosa and Toussant at Casa Wilshere. Thursday July 27 Piano Recital with rising star pianist/composer and Viva scholarship winner, Sergio Parra, playing music by Schubert, Berg, Liszt and Schumann. At St. Andrew’s Church, Riberas del Pilar.

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Thursday, August 24 Mezzosoprano Michele Bogdanivich and tenor Ernesto Ramirez, singing songs by DeFalla, Tosti, Donaudy and Caccini and operatic arias and duets from La Boheme, Carmen and Madame Butterfly. Tickets are available at the LCS ticket booth on Thursdays and Fridays, 10 to noon and at Diane Pearl Colecciones and Mia’s Boutique. AJIJIC BOOK CLUB This month members of ABC will read and discuss a book with a strange but meaningful title - Thank You for Being Late: An Optimist’s Guide to Thriving in the Age of Accelerations, by Thomas Friedman, the Pulitzer Prize winning New York Times columnist. In this latest bestseller, Friedman addresses three large forces reshaping our world, all which are accelerating. ABC will meet at Just Chillin’, at Constitucion #32, on Tuesday, June 27at 4 pm. For more information contact Initiating Member John Stokdijk at abc.lakeside@ yahoo.com. DOWN WITH CORPORATE RAIDERS The Naked Stage play for June is “Other People’s Money.â€? It is directed by Patricia Guy.

/HIW WR 5LJKW 'LUHFWRU 3DWULFLD *X\ 0HUHGLWK 0LOOHU 6XVDQ 4XLULFRQL Johan Dirkes, Don Beaudreault, and Chris L’Eclus The show runs June 23, 24 and 25. A Wall Street raider threatens a hostile take-over of a “mom and popâ€? wire and cable company. The patriarch of the undervalued company is faced with the task of protecting his company, his family and his employees while maintaining his integrity. He enlists the help of his wife and her daughter, who is a lawyer, to try and protect the company. The raider and the lawyer enjoy the thrust and parry of a legal battle as he tries to win her heart. This compelling drama explores whether corporate raiders are monsters of capitalism or realists. Naked Stage is in Riberas del Pilar, at Hidalgo #261, on the mountain side and directly across from the Catholic Church.  Reservations are recommended. For more information and reservations, email nakedstagereservations@gmail.com. For those who use Facebook, look for The Naked Stage for breaking news and updates.  READ THIS, LOVERS OF BALLET The Lakeside Friends of Ballet de Jalisco is a loosely formed group of ballet lovers who have been amazed at the high quality of this very talented classical and semi-classical ballet



El Ojo del Lago / June 2017

company. A fundraiser was held in April at the home of Blair Ferguson, and included a slide show, champagne and gourmet hors d’oeuvres, a silent auction and raffle, and a barre demonstration. A 42,200 peso donation came from the event, and it was handed over in full at the end of the evening to the Company Director, Dariusz Blajer. The company expects to be able to use this money to bring in as many as four professional coaches from various parts of Mexico, each to work with the company for an entire week. The first fundraiser in January raised the money to provide more point shoes to soloists. This professional ballet company is the only one in the State of Jalisco. It’s financed under a State financial trust, which doesn’t begin to provide many of the things that a company needs, with a goal of becoming a leading performance group with international  recognition. For more information, contact Suzanne Salimbene at salimbene.s@gmail.com. GREEN IS GOOD The Veggie Growers Club has been meeting for three and a half years. They meet at Huerta Organic CafĂŠ, Hidalgo #212 in Riberas del Pilar on the second Wednesday of the month at 10 am, unless members are notified by email that they are meeting at a member’s house. Members discuss problems with growing vegetables at Lakeside, local pests and how to treat them, composting and all matters related to growing vegetables. Sometimes guest speakers give presentations. Members also share seeds and starter plants. The next meeting is Wednesday, June 14 at 10 am. For more information call John at 766.0620 SHAKESPEARE COMES TO LAKESIDE As part of their Playhouse–Actors Studio series, Lakeside Little Theatre is pleased to announce The Shakespeare Project. Join the workshop. Topics include: An overview of English Renaissance Theatre; Shakespeare, the man and his works; vocalization and the language of Shakespeare; scene study and basic acting techniques in Shakespeare’s plays; and the Shakespearean soliloquy. This workshop is for Season 53 Lakeside Little Theatre members only and is offered at no charge. Existing members will have preference, but if you are not already a Season 53 member or season ticket holder, and space is still available at registration, you may purchase a mem'DYLG *ROGPDQ bership on the first day for 300 pesos. The three days of the workshop are Monday, June 26, Friday, June 30 and Monday, July 3. Participants must have performed in at least one play at Lakeside or elsewhere. The instructor is David Goldman, veteran of the American Conservatory in San Francisco and The Drama Studio in London. WILD WEST ADVENTURERS Small is beautiful for a long established close knit garden group. “Visits to the Guadalajara Flower market, a boat to Scorpion Island, or a garden crawl, all feature on this year’s calendar. With our membership  of  20 plus a strong monthly turn out topping over a dozen, we have scope to explore so much more’: said Carol Curtis, Webmaster and secretary of the Westenders’ Garden Group. The group meets on the first Monday each month. New members are always welcome. contact Carol Curtis at 2onadventure@gmail.com Westenders Garden Group members Back row, Irene Vanalstine, Claire Le enjoyed hostess Jean Shortt’s garden and pool on the Lake’s south side.

Normand and Carol Curtis )URQW URZ 5RVHPDU\ *UD\VRQ

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he H.O.W. AC. (Health Outreach for Women,) said good-bye to one of its founding members, Sylvia Flores. Having ridden with the Maternal Health Mobile Unit visiting women in rural areas since H.O.W’s inception, Sylvia will return to her own CEDEJO clinic and pursue her work in sex education for the young. The Mobile unit will continue with its President Jose Antonio Jimenez Aguilar, Registered Nurses Marta Olga Lara Aguilar, and Susana Ramos Lopez. The Tepehua Maternal Health Program and H.O.W plan to join forces so that they will be able to take more services to the villages. The Tepehua Medical Mobile Unit will follow on the heels of the Maternal Health Mobile Unit, and our Doctor Carlos and nurse will give medical help and education on sexually transmitted diseases including HIV. For the patient whose health will be served better by going to the Tepehua Clinic, the Tepehua Unit will take them to Tepehua Community Clinic for treatment. Overall Health services for the Lakeside barrios has escalated as the number of private organizations providing service has expanded. All of them willing to work together for the good of the whole. This includes veterinarian services. The Tepehua Community Center will open its doors for the spay and neuter service of the Chapala “Operacion Amor” under the supervision of Dr. Daniel Barrego, (photo above in Tepehua scrubs made for him for the occasion), whose office and clinic is next door to Soriana.


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All services at the Tepehua Center will be free between the dates of June 24th and 25th. If you know of financially challenged families who would like to take advantage of this service, please tell them where and how to get to the center. If you can afford a donation to help this incredible service please contact Cameron Peters, zoona1951@gmail. com. Dee Mistrik, johnanddee47@icloud. com, whose organization “Compassions and Companions” covers the Spay and Neuter projects in the Jocotepec area, stated at a Rotary Ajijic meeting, that “since they have been working there they have noted that with pet education, people are taking much better care of their pets now than five years ago.” If you would like to donate or help, contact Carolynn Cothran - cgcothran@yahoo. com. There is a special place somewhere for those who help the helpless, you will know it when you get there. “No act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted” AESOP.

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Focus on Art %\ 5RE 0RKU Mexico’s “Cactus Curtain” - Jose Luis Cuevas - (1934 - )


ne way of seeing beneath the surface is to create a hole, a window into what is below.” —Andy Goldsworthy Jose Luis Cuevas creates just such an opening in Mexican society. He reveals a dark underworld inhabited by soulless humans who live without focus or meaning—who drift into addiction, crime, houses of prostitution, and insanity. “A decadent shadow world,” Cuevas said, “Ignored by the Muralist led by ‘los tres grandes’,” (Rivera, Siqueiros and Orozco.) Frustrated with their decorative, politicized art, Cuevas created a storm with an exhibit of provocative works that exposed an infirm core within society. His neo-humanistic focus seeded a “new wave movement” among Latin American artists. In response, the ‘art


establishment’ blocked access to rebelling artists. An angry Cuevas wrote, “We are locked in a musty Mexican closet.” He followed with a poignant story about a young artist breaking through a “Cactus Curtain.” His story precipitated a war with heavyweight conservatives, while progressive intellectuals, including art critic Marta Traba, and art curator Jose Gomez Sicre (who introduced Cuevas to Europe and New York) provided transformative support. Established as a major player in the artistic renaissance precipitated

El Ojo del Lago / June 2017

by the Republican intellectuals exiled in Mexico after the Spanish Civil War (1939-42), Cuevas --- with understandings resulting from his observation of the ‘human sewer’ in the alley below his boyhood home, his exposure to La Castaneda mental hospital where his wife volunteered, and his lifelong quest for erotic experiences --- provided psychological insight which exposed a distorted core of Mexican life. Self Portrait in Blanes, (photo 1) reveals Cuevas’ power of observation

and innate artistic talents. Within what appears to be a bar/whorehouse, two women, distorted in form by their life’s work, pose available, as two men, one transformed into an anthropomorphic predator, the other a pensive Cuevas, consider their options. In the background, the Madam oversees events, while an enigmatic face peers out from behind a curtain on the right. The work radiates an overwhelming sense of lost-ness, degradation, and apathy. Cuevas wrote, “I make symbols of them, stripping all that is transient … I render them universal in their repulsiveness.” Cuevas’ compositions are provocative. Color creates ambience --- affect that heightens the inner mood. With the deft hand of a master, lines are given life, they breathe essence and form into his subjects. Unnatural juxtapositions of forms invoke a silent world through which humans of variable size drift. Combined, these elements create a well defined, psychological world that exists beyond what words can convey. As he walked the back streets and poor barrios of Mexico City, Cuevas encountered a factious, ‘Bruegelesque’ hell of absence, consumption, human degradation, and insanity (he feared this might be his lot). His drawings and paintings come to life in this eerie

nether-land, where an odor of desperation seeps outward to be inhaled by viewers who emotionally absorb their emptiness, and pain. (photo 2) His paintings, drawings, and etchings are visual poems whose content has been shared by Mexican/Spanish poets like Leon Felipe – Let me wallow in this cesspit, below the mud where life is a green phantom that no one has ever seen. Cuevas’ works are plays with distorted beings who play human roles. Grotesque or anthropomorphic forms reveal the volatile, psychological world that exists within his subjects. “My works render the human condition, so I need to exaggerate the figures … as in Pre-Columbian art, where my roots are…”--- a world where kings and priests take on the characteristics of a jaguar or other animals. Empowered, his characters became gods like those who acted on the stage at Ex Balaam. We enter the dark world of Bruegel’s Torment of Death, Goya’s Third of May, Edvard Munch’s Scream, Francis Bacon’s Portrait of Pope Innocent 10th, and Heather Horton’s Depression --- all visions of unrestrained shadows walking through life. (Link to paintings below)* Cuevas teaches us to see and understand that the world remains a fractured reality in need of healing.

He reminds us of who we become if we accept fate with indifference. He exposes how our affluence and self indulgence steal hope, health, and space from those we take from but never see. We (humanity) become the anthropomorphic beast Jose Luis renders. Understanding, “an unexamined life is not worth living,” Cuevas anguished over the causes --- avarice, corruption, and societal Rob Mohr brokenness. His art brings to life the world of indifference that society evades. *<https://plus.google.com/photos/111258927866130698336/albums/6414115071516434225>

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y spouse and I once owned a small ranch h not too far from Austin, n, n, Texas, and lived there over er twenty years. Life was good od out in the country, and we prospered. But ever since e we retired, sold the place, e, and moved to Mexico, I have ve suffered from horrible nighthtmares. This burden finally b became overwhelming, and I submitted myself to psychiatric care. With professional help and much soul searching, I have confronted my demons, and gradually regained my mental equilibrium. However, my therapist has concluded that I must pass through one more stage to achieve complete recovery, and that involves publicly exposing the root cause of my problem. It’s now time to pass over that bridge, and I have chosen this venue for the last step. Here now is the terrifying truth: my


life in rural America infected me with Malignant Socialism! (I know what you’re thinking ... In Texas? IMPOSSIBLE!…well, maybe not socialism by Webster’s definition, but at least in the sense that I became part of several systems of common ownership and shared responsibility, and those march in the same parade!) It happened gradually, so much so that I was never conscious of the insidious influence breaking me down, but introspection has revealed that I was

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surrounded by it from the moment we took up residence on our rustic acreage. I won’t go into all the details of how I was affected, but discussion of a few of the local Fabian institutions which took control of my life will reveal how truly deep-rooted the subversion was. Before closing the purchase of our land, we became aware that our electricity and water would be supplied by so-called “coops”, non-profit memberowned organizations that controlled a service area established by agreement with the “state.” In order to participate, we had to purchase a share and become a member-owner, so we willingly, but unwittingly, fell into line and signed up. With the electric coop, we just owned the means of distribution (partial socialism). However, with the water coop, we owned it all; the product (water), the means of production (wells and pumps), the means of distribution (pipes) ... and that amounts to PURE socialism. Then, shortly after we occupied our new home, I was approached by a neighbor who, after an introduction and some innocent banter, suggested that I might want to familiarize myself with an organization known as the Volunteer Fire Department, a group of local residents who had banded together to serve the area as firemen. They voluntarily and without compensation performed demanding and often perilous duties, frequently leaving their jobs to answer calls. They provided for their own equipment and training through constant fundraising activities, often having to practically beg for contributions to meet their most basic needs. I made the choice not to join, but became a regular and generous donor to the cause. Fortunately, we never had need for this service … but some of my neighbors did. Sneaky, but surely another socialist intrusion into our lives! Then, as we grew our ranch, we became aware of the benefits provided by the non-profit farmer’s coop headquartered in the nearest town. Membership qualified one for significant discounts

on necessities, and we regularly purchased diesel fuel, feed, seed, fertilizer, and chemicals at big savings (and free of taxes). This organization also maintained a small fleet of farm equipment available to members at nominal rental fees; therefore, we didn’t have to purchase and maintain expensive implements that we only needed a few days each year. We regularly employed the Coop’s fertilizer spreaders, seed broadcasters, chemical dispensers, and no-till drills to better maintain our land. All we had to provide was a tractor (John Deere 3020D – 70 hp). By this time, we were practically drowning in Socialism. But all the above was just a drop in the bucket compared to something else we experienced from the very beginning … OMG! LOCAL TAXES! Seems there were certain institutions where we lived, made up of elected officials, that were authorized to collect taxes from all property owners under the guise of spending those monies to bless the entire community with infrastructure, public health and safety, tuition-free schools … and more. These agencies were our county commissioners’ court, city governments, hospital and school boards. Now most Texans I know absolutely hate taxes and would much prefer to spend that cash on a couple of new guns, but we paid our assessments, and I must admit I was mollified (and drawn farther out on the slippery slope) as I saw roads paved, bridges built, laws enforced, restaurants inspected, and our local high school football team win two state championships. Eventually, I just took the taxes AND the improvements for granted. Thus was I turned into the left-winger I never expected to be, but I have fought back and now have won! This confession sets me free! No more guilty nightmares! Oh, excuse me … my wife is calling … what’s that, dear? … Our Social Security checks are in the bank? … AWRIGHT! … LET’S GO TO WALLYWORLD!

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Buttterfflie es En Mexic co Gala


n April 22nd supporters of Butterflies in Mexico gathered at the home of Leslie Martin for cocktails, horsd’oeuvres and the world premier of a fantastic puppet show “EHÉCATL”performed by Art Xik Xik and the Teatro Coyolilzel. This was the world premier of an original puppet theatre production directed by Abril Iñiguez. Based on an Aztec legend, using original, pre-hispanic style puppets, Ehécatl the god of wind, falls in love with a human named Mayáhuel. Mayáhuel was human at a time when people still could not love one another. Ehécatl gave all humanity the ability to love so that Mayáhuel could respond to the passion of the gods and reciprocate his love.

The gala was a fundraiser for Butterflies en Mexico (BEM), A.C., a local, not-for-profit charity that empowers youth to make healthy life choices and provides opportunities for change. BEM does this in 3 ways through its programs: anti-violence education in the Chapala public schools, anti-hunger food distribution in our neighborhoods and through vocational training projects that assist local youth in obtaining cost of living wages and employment. You can designate that your donation goes to support one of the specific projects such as Vocational, Textile, Emergency Food, Safe Schools & Communities or General. For more information or to donate to this worthwhile cause see the BEM website at www.gomariposa.org.



any are familiar with lyrics from the Cheers theme song “sometime you want to go where everybody knows your name, and they’re always glad you came”. It’s just natural (I almost said human nature) to wish to be among those that know and care about us. But, I believe that all living things share similar feelings to some extent. I sense it whenever I arrive at The Ranch, where I know I will find seventyfive or so good friends that I’m glad to see. And, if wagging tails and plaintive barks are any indication, they are happy to see me as well. I know bringing a bag of tasty treats along makes me a more likable guy. It’s like buying a round for the bar. You’re everyone’s pal. I suspect and hope it’s more than the tasty surprises that create the feelings of friendship and inclusion. On my weekly sojourns, eight or ten of my buddies and I go for 15-20 minute promenades around the property. Back-scratching, belly-rubbing and face-licking assure me that we are sharing something special and reveal the truth that contentment abides in the moment. There are other lessons and insights


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I receive from my companions about what friendship and life entails (pun intended). I can’t help but find inspiration from Oreo, who is totally blind, yet leads me on our sojourns. Or Buster, my three-legged pal, that folks thought was a bit crazy. Turns out he was just loco for love. Why not experience these simple pleasures for yourself? We all have free time, no matter how busy we tell ourselves we are. The guys and gals are always available, unlike some “friends” we’ve all known. You don’t have to call, email or set up a meeting. Just show up. For more information on The Ranch contact: www.adoptaranchdog@outlook.com or 331.270.4447.

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y mind did an exuberant flip this past Easter season when I read in one of my scientific journals that the craziness of quantum physics might explain some of biology’s fundamental processes. As a self-taught scientific buff and with a life-long belief system embedded in the teachings of Jesus The Christ, and faith, love and hope of a life to come other than our present terrestrial existence, l was elated by the tentative findings of a small group of physicists who explored a strange mechanism to explain how our DNA —the molecule that carries our genetic code, may mutate. Incredulity was the response of their fellow physicists. This just could not be because we all know that quantum physics supposedly holds sway over the micro scale and cannot govern large biological molecules!! One specific research team was amazed at these apparent phenomena when they examined the most efficient energy conversion system on the planet - namely photosynthesis. Photosynthesis achieves a whopping 95% energy transfer rate which is more efficient than any other transfer energy process known to man.


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Originally it was thought that the energy transfer was along a single pathway but calculations showed that this could only account for 50% efficiency rate which only left the physicists to believe that the energy must exist in a quantum superposition state, travelling along all molecular pathways at the same time - similar to the quantum computer that could simultaneously search all entries - similar to an atomic particle that can be in two positions at the same time. Now to get back to the reason why l briefly mentioned my belief of faith and love in Christ. Could it be that the phenomenal accounts of Jesus’ post resurrection appearances to his disciples be manifestations of the weirdness of quantum physics being shown in Jesus’ ability as God to disappear or reappear at will, to transport Himself through molecular walls and solid doors and always to encourage and to be with His disciples as they were about to face life in all its bitter sweet reality? Is this another small window into the wonder of God’s continuing creation and the wonder of the sciences which are opening up avenues of thinking hitherto unknown? And for those readers who may be professional scientists, I would like to close by saying that the above mentioned theory and information is still tentative and yet has to be proven by repeated experimentation and consensus by the scientific community. And for those rank and file readers, like myself, I hope that your incredulity will not keep you from an open mind and a continual love of learning on issues that really matter not only for this present life, but for the life to come. For further information Google Scientific American - scientificamerican.com, and Science - www.sciencenews.org

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columnist for El Ojo del Lago wrote in the May issue that “People, liberal and conservative alike, do not like having to think about arguments with which they disagree. That’s why people seek out news outlets that reflect their own biases. If you only hear opinions you can enthusiastically agree with, you are necessarily uninformed.” The columnist thereby commits the logical fallacy of false equivalency. The first criterion should be the value of the opinions with which we enthusiastically agree. To suggest that Fox News deserves the same respect as the BBC is to abandon basic critical thinking skills. “Conservative” and “liberal” describe different behaviors that have been studied by various disciplines. Satirists understand the difference, as when Stephen Colbert wryly said, “Facts have a liberal bias.” This was a twist, because facts are neutral. Bias is the intruder that distorts the facts, cherry-picks them out of context, or even makes up fantasy facts in order to massage some internal need. Liberals are more fact-oriented than conservatives; hence, they have a propensity for self-correction. Conservatives have a wonderful new term for facts of their own creation: “alternative facts.” Economist Paul Krugman, a Nobel


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Laureate, said, “Republicans believe many things that aren’t so, and no amount of contrary evidence will get them to change their minds.” Krugman’s observation is buttressed by empirical evidence. For example, Republican supply-side economics is a failed economic theory. Yet, because of stubborn ideological devotion, conservatives refuse to acknowledge Keynesian economics, which in both theory and practice actually works for all the people and not just the top few. Chris Mooney has written a book that is a compilation of scientific writing from various disciplines. It is titled The Republican Brain: The Science of Why They Deny Science and Reality. He reports on seven different studies that show the viewers of Fox News to be the most misinformed people in America. For example, almost 70% of the Fox News audience believes Saddam Hussein was working closely with Osama bin Laden, but only 16% of people who get news from NPR/PBS believe that falsehood. Hussein and bin Laden were bitter enemies, not allies. A study at the University of Alabama showed that conservatives are less interested in viewing scientific data. A study at Yale showed that offering factbased rebuttals to misinformed conservatives only makes them cling more stubbornly to their misinformation. The Texas Republican Party officially opposes the teaching of critical thinking skills in their state platform. In other words, they want kids to be trained to work and be obedient citizens. Conservatives want to “protect” children from studies in the humanities that teach them to think independently and thus become a threat to Republican ideology. Conservatives gravitate toward indoctrination rather than toward education. Conservatives confuse critical thinking skills with indoctrination. They

complain that colleges indoctrinate students into becoming liberals. But college doesn’t turn students into liberals. What happens is that those with a penchant for critical thinking skills are attracted to the liberal arts colleges; the non-thinkers are attracted to vocations that emphasize training rather than thinking. The columnist should have specified that it is “Conservatives who seek out news outlets that reflect their own biases.” Liberals are curious and seek to be informed – not reinforced in their personal biases. Several commentators noted that conservative George W. Bush was the most incurious president we ever had. If viewers who don’t watch Fox News are better informed, then obviously they are choosing to be informed rather than to comfort their biases. A liberal arts education means a background in the humanities, the social sciences, the natural sciences, and mathematics. There is no such thing as a “conservative arts college.” There is a reason why 97% of college professors identify as liberals. They concentrate on intellectual honesty and accept facts as they are. A liberal is more comfortable with ambiguity, while conservatives see only black and white, yes and no. A liberal is more excited by not knowing and wants to find out. A conservative, especially one who is religious, already knows everything and has no need for further investigation or research. Religion and ideology have provided all the information they need inside the safety of their impermeable bubble. Global warming, for example. Liberals want to understand it better and favor more research and green energy. For conservatives, it’s a hoax, so there’s no need for research and they want to burn more dirty coal. Therefore, the Trump administration wants to drastically cut the budget for the EPA, fire many of the scientists, and put a gag order on the rest. Facts are what they are, not what we wish them to be. Biblical Genesis is not the equivalent of biology, no matter how passionately believers wish it to be so. Astrology is not the equivalent of astronomy. Medieval alchemy is not the equivalent of chemistry. Republican supply-side economics is not the equivalent of Keynesian economics. The false is not the equivalent of the true. A free democratic society must have a free press with integrity. Some news outlets have found courage and no longer call a lie a “falsehood” or a “misstatement.” They call it a lie. That’s a step toward journalistic integrity. Fred Mittag

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Medical Emergencies In Mexico %\ 0LNHO 0LOOHU


here are many positive perspectives about emergency care at Lake Chapala, which has better medical care than remote parts of Mexico and is only 30 minutes away from first-class hospitals in Guadalajara. Getting treatment within the “golden hour” as doctors call it, increases odds of survival. Sometimes, however, medical personnel don’t speak English very well— even 911 responders—and some expats don’t speak Spanish well enough to communicate clearly. For expat residents and visitors at Lake Chapala, here are two emergency tips that include some basic

Spanish. Remember, minutes count. 1. Call 911. If the responder doesn’t speak English, say something like this: “¡Ayuda! Es una emergencia médica. Necesito una ambulancia inmediatamente. Mi nombre es xxxxxxxx, y mi ubicación es xxxxxxxxx. Mi teléfono es xx-xxxx-xxxx.”(Help! This is a medical emergency. I need an ambulance immediately. My name is xxxxxx and my location is xxxxxxxx. My telephone is xx-xxxx-xxxx.) 2. The Cruz Roja ambulance will probably take the patient to the nearest Cruz Roja facility for triage. If paramedics decide the patient needs to go to an emergency room in Guadalajara, have the paramedics alert the ER and

describe the emergency. As an expat living and traveling in Mexico, I know of serious medical emergencies that occurred at Lake Chapala and elsewhere in Mexico. Most people survived but some didn’t, partly because they failed to get treatment quickly enough. In Mexico, the difference may be the ability to speak a little Spanish. More than six years ago, on the Baja peninsula, one of my friends choked during dinner one night at her remote hillside home. Dinner companions tried the Heimlich maneuver unsuccessfully, and called for an ambulance. But there were no street signs, they didn’t speak Spanish well enough to give precise directions to the location, and they had to drive her by car to the ER 40 minutes away. She was D.O.A. In late April of this year, the husband of an expat writer friend became seriously ill during a getaway weekend at an upscale hotel in Chapala. He was unable to walk or talk, and was almost unconscious. Fortunately, the wife speaks fluent Spanish, and could explain the situation to Cruz Roja emergency responders. She suspected carbon monoxide poisoning from a faulty hot water heater outside their room, and the ambulance sped them to a Guadalajara hospital within 30 minutes. Extensive lab tests confirmed the suspicion of carbon monoxide poisoning. After multiple hyperbaric oxygen chamber treatments and lots of anxieties during three days, the husband was well enough to travel. Also, consider buying a battery-operated travel version of a carbon monoxide detector. Many hotel rooms and rental houses don’t have them, even in the USA. Some models are available online for only $30, or at hardware stores. I bought one after reading her experience. --Mikel Miller’s book I Love Baja! is available on Amazon. Mikel Miller

MID-MONTH BONUS! Margaret Ann Porter’s nostalgic short story Knowledge is about growing up in West Texas, and a teacher who made the main character’s transition into womanhood much easier. Wise, warm and touching, Knowledge can be found at http://chapala.com/elojo/index.php/ mid-month-articles Each mid-month, we offer superb articles that while a bit too long for our print version are perfect for our digital format. Check it out!


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t seems that Cervantes had me in mind when he created Don Quixote. Looking at my life to date I see myself as Quixote’s personification. I have looked for quests that I could charge and apply my solutions whether needed or not. Nothing was too big or too small to escape my lance. “By using my program your nonprofit organization may receive income of up to two million dollars within two years. “ “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that you won’t use my proposal. You say it’s too risky but instead will count on donations for survival. Well good luck.” “Your ice-cube tray sticks in the fridge? Generously apply salad oil to the tray bottom. See how smoothly the tray slides in and out?” “Oh, now you are upset because salad oil is hard to remove from the fridge and is dripping on the food below? Sorry, but you do have easily removed ice cube trays.” “So, you don’t want to spend your beer money on text books. Borrow them from the college library. Return them at the end of the semester.” “You are upset because when you got to the Library all the text books you needed were gone?” “Well, just remember the early bird gets the worm.” I have often enlisted cohorts in my endeavors, “To right the night table wrong,” but sadly, they did not stay to the end. They failed to “reach for that unreachable star.” I see my quests as following the American Way. I’m a problem solver. But first I must identify a problem even where no one else sees one. Then I must charge, “Where the brave dare not go”. I’m surprised at how difficult it is to convince the people who will benefit from my correcting zeal, and sometimes I’ve been fearful that by the time the light shines through for these reluctant recipients the problem may disappear and my solution will be left dangling in a void of emptiness. When I tell the one suffering from this unrecognized problem, “All you have to do is just…” and give him my solution he drifts away with a blank look. I don’t know if it’s lack of energy or commitment or if his “arms are too


El Ojo del Lago / June 2017

weary.” Surprisingly, I do not get lots of thank-yous. I give my efforts freely and I want them to be freely received. I see it as helping make the world a better place. Am I concerned about failing? Never. The only failure is not to have tried. It is man’s innate urge to make the world a better place, to overcome ignorance with truth. To not struggle for a goal is to yield. One must not follow the usual distractions that lead us down a well worn but errant path. Sometimes when I present my solution to the yet to be recognized problem I am met with a grimace of fear and disgust as if I were a Kirby vacuum cleaner salesman at their door. I certainly have not relied on these quests for my livelihood. My quests have been offered in a solely altruistic manner. I have sustained myself with irregular employment while always searching at my work place for a quest to which I could bring an immediate and fruitful remedy. My boss would say, “Why don’t you just pay attention to your job. You weren’t hired to spend the whole day trying shortcuts and ways to get out of work.” Now as I grow weary nearing the end of the trail I am satisfied and at peace that, “I have followed my star,” won some, lost many, but always taking on the “glorious quest”. “I have been true. The world is better by this. I still strive with the last ounce of courage to reach the unreachable stars.” Bernie Suttle

Saw you in the Ojo 53

The Ojo Crossword

ACROSS 1 Sheer, triangular scarf 6 Be (PL.) 9 Not far 13 Muslim´s religion 14 Constrictor snake 15 Artery 16 March 17 Lawyer´s test 18 Protective covering 19 Child 20 Mermaid´s counterpart 22 Baboon $ႈUPDWLYH 24 Purchase 25 Totals 27 Household cleaner brand 29 Rolling… keep them Doggies Rolling__! 33 Bind 34 Dekameter 35 Leave out 36 Transparent gem 39 Disrespect 40 Infra´s opposite 41 Berate 42 __ Rummy (card game) ,Q¿UP 'LႈFXOW 2ႈFHU LQ WUDLQLQJ 49 Went into the water 50 Condensation 51 Throw


El Ojo del Lago / June 2017

53 II 56 Slanted 58 Webbed 59 The living dead 61 Thai 62 Elevate 63 Regions 64 What a nurse gives 65 Red headed orphan 66 Tear 67 Stretch to make do 68 Adolescents DOWN 1 Suitably 2 Asian nation 3 High-class 4 Christmas meats 5 Arbiter 6 Convent 7 Menacing animal noise 8 Signs 9 Neither´s partner 10 Writer Bombeck 11 A spinning toy (2 wds.) 12 Not well cooked 15 Root beer brand (3 wds) 20 Very slow horse 21 Eve´s husband 24 Seethe 26 Ought to 28 Writing tool 30 Pixy 31 Director (abbr.) 32 Terminal abbr. 34 Loud noises 36 Lingerie 37 Serving of corn 38 Free of &RPSXWHU ¿OH VWRUDJH 40 Salad 6WLFN\ VWXႇ 43 Chilled 45 Fertile desert area 47 Jerry Seinfeld´s friend 48 Alarm bell 50 Keep free of ice 52 Groups of eight bits 53 Tyrant 54 Had on, as clothing 55 Bode 57 Stroll 58 Sole 60 Awful 62 Bowler derby



igorous exercise, for me, is bending over and tying my shoelaces or stretching to put the just-washed casserole dish on the cupboard’s top shelf. But I’ve recently discovered how effective and enjoyable swimming laps can be as a form of exercise. It, however, does not come without its problems. Swimming laps, and focusing on technique, has brought out the ADHD in me. My mind wanders. In fact, it begins meandering before I take my first stroke, as I enter the pool, and rambling streamof-consciousness thoughts continue as I glide back and forth in lane one of the indoor public pool down the road. Aaahh. The water is warmer than last time. Perfect! And I’ve got the pool to myself. No one to distract…Do I still have my underwear on? No, it’s just my bathing suit…OK. Let’s go…Shoulders in. Reach. Breathe…But it doesn’t feel right. Is this suit mine? It’s too tight. Have I gained weight? Stroke. Reach. Breathe…This water has a salty quality. Not a good salty quality. Not like margarita salt …Man, I could use a margarita about now…Is this even a man’s bathing suit?…Stroke. Reach. Stroke Reach…What was I going to do after swimming?…Stroke. Stroke… I feel like I’m rowing in the Henley Regatta on the Thames…Stroke. Reach. Breathe…Where did I leave my glasses? They couldn’t have just disappeared. Well, at least I don’t need them here at the…Ouch! Where’d that damn wall come from? I didn’t see it and I think I scraped my knuckles… Stroke. Reach. Stroke…Focus on swimming in a straight line. Avoid the wall. Oh, that’s funny. Me, swimming in a straight line. A gay line would make more sense…Am I bleeding?…Oh, my God. Gary’s birthday is Saturday. What should I buy him? Wine? A book? How old is Gary anyway? …Ouch! Dammit. Who the hell put this wall here? Trump? Oh, I get it. This is the wall…God, I hate that man…Stop it. Don’t think about him…Think about swimming…Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream…Hey, this lane is like a stream.

Does that mean I’ve finally stepped into the 21st Century and I’m streaming? Or does it just mean I’m a streaming queen? Oh, that was a horrible pun! Don’t ever use it again. Never say it. Never write it down. …Why do I feel like I have my underwear on? Stroke. Pull. Stretch. Stroke…Oh, there’s a woman in lane 3. Where’d she come from? knuckles are stinging. Stupid salt…She’s not really wearing a red twopiece suit, is she? I really like Gary. He’s so real, nothing fake about…Lady, you’re too old for that suit. And too big. You should be wearing a black suit with vertical stripes…Stroke. Reach. Pull…And why are you wearing an orange bathing cap with a red two-piece? Where did I get this suit? Is it mine? It doesn’t fit right… Is that woman looking at me? She wants me. I can tell… Stroke. Reach. Stroke…These ceiling beams remind me of that restaurant. Oh, what is its name? Crap. Another senior moment. The restaurant with the good margaritas…Man, I really could use one of their margaritas now. It’s an “M” name…Maria’s? Montoya’s? Maggie’s?…Oh, Maggie, I really miss you. You were a special girl. You were the best cat. Maggie the Cat…Man, I haven’t watched Cat on a Hot Tin Roof in a long time… Hey, lady in lane 3, stop staring at me. Stop fantasizing and swim. Your drooling is raising the water level…72. Gary’s 72. And he looks terrible. Maybe I should buy him another botched facelift…Wall! Dammit. I swear that side wall is moving closer to me.… Oh, now I see why my suit doesn’t feel right. I’ve got both my legs through one of the liner’s leg openings…How embarrassing! I can’t get out of this pool until the looky-loo in lane 3 leaves…Reach. Reach. Pull…Elizabeth Taylor was so beautiful in that movie. Oh, hell, what was the name of that movie? I just said it. Maggie the Cat in, oh, oh, yeah, The Cat in the Hat…How the hell did I get both legs through one leg hole? Oh, yeah, you’re going to Walmart after swimming. Did I take my shopping list with me? I left it on the counter. And

that’s where my glasses are!…Reach. Stroke. Stro… Oh, good. That woman is finally getting out of the pool and, of course, she’s looking at me again. Why am I not surprised? And now she’s taking off that hideous cap. Oh, my God. It’s Deb, my lesbian neighbor. “Yes, Deb. I had a great swim. Did you? I didn’t recognize you with that lovely swim cap. What? Oh, that’s a great idea. Let’s go and have margaritas. Yes, of course, Deb. With salt.” Tom Nussbaum

Saw you in the Ojo 55

Over 60 years of “People Helping People”


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A Most Generous Library Gift


Summer Fun Returns!

The LCS English-Language Library extends warmest thanks to Janet Levy for her recent contribution of 25 large print books. Her donation includes titles we don’t have in our existing collection of large print books. Large print editions are not only significantly more expensive than the familiar smaller size books, they are not easily available in Mexico. Our large print patrons will be delighted with so many new titles including several the library doesn’t even have in regular print. As soon as we can get her donation processed and placed, these books will appear on a separate shelf on the “New Arrivals” rack in Room Two of the library. They will remain there for three months. Look for them soon .

A Friend Needs Our Help... LCS Life member, Barbara Madren has been diagnosed with cancer and is scheduled for surgery the first week of June. Her friends, recognizing her financial need, have organized a fundraiser on her behalf at the American Legion in Chapala, her other home. By the time you receive this that event will probably be over, though her need will not. We are accepting donations at LCS on her behalf to help defray the costs she will be facing. Barbara has lived Lakeside for more years than this writer is aware of. Many. Her involvement at LCS includes the video store, information desk manager and newsletter editor to name a few. She was a cornerstone for the success of the American Legion when they experienced management problems a decade ago. A generous person who has served this community for well over two decades now needs our help. Any support you can give will be greatly appreciated. This past winter LCS members, Roy Quiriconi, and Roberto Serrano worked with LCS to form a chess club to promote chess amongst community youngsters. Initial meetings with local schools have shown a high degree of interest among students, teachers and administrators. For children who want to learn how to play, the club meets at LCS on Saturdays from 12 to 1 PM, everyone is welcome. Founding members of the club state, “the goal is to establish an ongoing chess program in all the schools so that all children can participate in the game. Playing chess has proven to raise scholastic performance and provide skills that carry on through adulthood.” A tournament will be scheduled at LCS this fall.


El Ojo del Lago / June 2017

Member Discounts As reported several times throughout the last year, LCS has been working hard to get our members exclusive discounts with a variety of services. The Villa Group provides a 20% discount, on top of other discounts, to our members. Their line of exclusive resort packages is incredible. Check them out at: www.villagroupresorts.com and use the promo code: LAKECHAP. Or use the links that accompanied the email distribution of the newsletter. The Villa Group is also a sponsor of our Summer Picnic. We will be auctioning off a 2 night certificate for two adults European Plan in a Deluxe Superior Room at Villa La Estancia Riviera Nayarit. We are also proud to announce that the deal with Skymed Travel is now in effect. Go to their website and find more travel related deals at deep discounts. Every booking you make with them will help LCS generate revenue. Register at www.skymedtravel.com and when prompted please use the code: 1512556. ITS THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN to thank our vendors traveling for over 15 years from Guadalajara to provide services at LCS: Claravision Optometry, Luz Zepeda; Lakeside Hearing, Leopoldo Gonzalez; Lakeside Insurance, and Edgardo Cedeño! It means a lot to LCS that the three of you continue to give excellent service to our members!


¡Que Ganga! UPDATE

Membership needs a volunteer to work one shift a week. Requirements include the ability to follow written procedures, work with computer software and handle money. Blood Pressure monitoring group is looking for volunteers with medical/nurse education to take blood pressure on Fridays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. on the LCS campus. Garden Crew needs volunteers to trim, plant, weed, and maintain our lovely gardens. Information Technology is looking for volunteers familiar with IT support, networking and wireless functionality. Position requires climbing stairs several times a day. ¡Que Ganga! needs volunteers Mondays and Thursdays. Special Events needs volunteers to greet guests, collect tickets, and help with fiesta decorations. If you are an outgoing person and have a bit of flair, this may be for you. For more information about these and our other volunteer opportunities, see the website at volunteer@lakechapalasociety.com or fill out an application in the Service Office.

Que Ganga!, the LCS’ thrift store, is 9 months old. The LCS board conducted a six month review of the thrift shop. The findings remain optimistic, the store is moderately successful and well worth the effort, though things should be done to promote it more. The most important result was to terminate the experiment to be open on Sundays, something no other thrift store in the area does, and given its location we had hoped to attract the Sunday traffic between Ajijic and San Juan Cosala. However sales did not justify keeping the store open on Sundays especially in light of the difficulty in finding volunteers willing to work the Sunday shift. We therefore proudly announce the new store hours: Monday through Saturday 10 AM to 3 PM.

Warren Hardy Spanish Classes The next session of Warren Hardy Spanish language classes for LCS members will begin on Monday, July 3 and continue through August 19. Classes meet two days a week for an hour and a half each session at the Wilkes Education Center (Biblioteca) on Galeana. The program is based on the Warren Hardy Spanish language course designed for the adult student. Several levels of instruction are available to suit the student’s proficiency. Register for upcoming classes at the LCS Service Office or online. The program manager will be available to answer questions and to register students every weekday from Monday June 26 to Friday June 30 from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at LCS on the Blue Umbrella Patio. Tuition for the course is $750 pesos. The required course textbook is an additional $670 pesos. Other instructional materials may be purchased separately. For more information about the Spanish classes or LCS membership, visit the LCS website www.lakechapalasociety.com. or call the Service Office at 766 1140. This is a members only program. You must be a member of LCS to attend and your membership must be current throughout the program.

Introduction to Spanish This is a casual class for the beginner that covers the Spanish alphabet, simple vocabulary and phrases useful about town for shopping, and information about the Lakeside area and Mexican culture. Starting the first Tuesday of the month and continuing for three weeks, the next session will start Tuesday, June 6, on the LCS campus from 12 to 1:30 p.m. Learning materials are provided. Tuition is $175 pesos. Sign up at the LCS office, or on our website at www.lakechapalasociety.com.

Of COURSE we still need your help! The thrift shop is an important revenue source that helps support the important work of LCS. People Helping People! Please keep donating merchandise. Please keep purchasing merchandise. We need household items, furniture, and appliances. We love knick knacks! Give us a call at 342-100-2081 and we’ll even pick-up your donations.

Pulitzer Prize Winners at LCS Library The Pulitzer Prize for Fiction is one of the seven American Pulitzer Prizes that are annually awarded for Letters, Drama, and Music. It recognizes distinguished fiction by an American author, preferably dealing with American life, published during the preceding calendar year. This prestigious recognition is one of the most coveted literary awards in the world. Several recent winning entries grace the shelves of our library, including “The Goldfinch” by Donna Tartt (2014) and Anthony Doerr’s “All The Light We Cannot See” (2015), Viet Than Nguyen’s “The Sympathizer” (2016)). Although we do not, at this printing, have the 2017 winner Colson Whitehead’s “The Underground Railroad”, we do have two of his highly praised previous work ”John Henry Days” and ”Sag Harbor”.

Saw you in the Ojo 57

Video Library Additions June June Activities *Open to the Public ** US Citizens (S) Sign in required (C) Membership card required Health Insurance * IMSS & Immigration Services Lakeside Insurance Broker

Mon+Tues 10-1 Tues+Thur 11-2

Health and Legal Services * Becerra & Galindo Services Thur 10:30-12:30 Sat 10-12:30 Blood Pressure Fri 10-12 Hearing Aid Services (S) Mon+2nd and 4th Sat 11-4 Ministerio Publico Wed June 14 & 28 10-2 Optometrist Claravision (S) Thur 9-3 Skin Cancer Screening (S) 2nd + 4th Wed 10-12 US Consulate** Wed June 7 10:30-12:30 Sign up Lessons(C) Children’s Art Sat 10-12* Children’s Chess Sat 12-1 Clases de Bordado Artistico Mon 3-6, Wed & Fri 4-6 Exercise Mon+Wed+Fri 9-10 Exploring Spanish Wed 1-2:30, Sat 11-12:30 Fitness Thru Yoga Mon 2-3:30 Introduction To Spanish Tues 12-1:30 (S)+ cost Line Dancing Tues+Thurs 10-11:15 Photography Club 1st Mon 12-2 Strength and Balance Exercise Tues+Thurs 8:45--9:45 Warren Hardy Spanish Classes Mon-Sat Sign-up+cost Libraries Audio Thur 10-12 Book & Video Mon-Sat 10-2 Library of Congress Books*/ Talking Books Thurs 10-12 Wilkes Mon-Fri 9:30-7, Sat 9:30-1* Social Activities (C) All Things Tech Bridge 4 Fun Discussion Group Everyday Mindfulness Film Aficionados Games Group Needle Pushers Scrabble Spanish/English Conversation TED Learning Seminars Tournament Scrabble

Fri 10-11:30 Tue + Thurs 1-5 Wed 12-1:30 Mon 10 -12 Thurs 2-4:30 Mon1-4 Tues 10-12 Fri 11:30-1:30 Sat 11-12:30 Tues 12-1:15 Tues 12-1:50

Service and Support Groups * Al-Anon (in Spanish) Mon 6-7:30,Wed 5:30-7:30 Information Desk Mon-Sat 10-1 Lakeside AA Mon +Thurs 4:30-5:30 Open Circle Sun 10-11:30 Toastmasters Mon 7-8:30 p.m. Ticket Sales Monday-Friday 10-12 a.m.*

Children’s Art Cards Our wonderful cards are available at Café Corazon.


El Ojo del Lago / June 2017

The library needs couriers to bring back DVDs to help us keep our inventory current. We order them on-line, pre-pay them, and have them delivered to the address of your choice. If you can help, email Tom Keane at keanhombre@prodigy.net.mx. Thank you. Here are a few additions for June. Please see our bulletin board for more new additions, foreign films, TV series and some oldies, but goodies. The Infiltrator #7602 A biographical film about a U.S. Customs official who goes underground to expose a money laundering scheme and Columbian drug lord. Miss Sloane #7601 A female high stakes D.C. lobbyist and power broker you’ll love to hate and want to see go down. The Man Who Would Be King #7605 Sean Connery and Michael Caine stirring up the kaka in British ruled India. From a short story by Rudyard Kipling. Sorry, no subtitles. A Walk in the Woods #7596 Robert Redford and Nick Nolte acting like they know what they are doing on the 2200 miles Appalachian Trail Mr. Church #7603 Eddie Murphy showing his acting skills in a non-comedy about a unique friendship with a little girl and her dying mother. Crash #7597 Los Angeles citizens with vastly different lives collide in interweaving stories of race, loss and redemption. Don Cheadle as a down-to-earth L.A. cop. Hidden Figures #7606 The true story of a team of African-American women mathematicians who played a vital role in NASA during the early years of the U.S. space program. Got a favorite film on tape and would like to have it transferred to CD format? We can do that for you--cheap. It’s only 50 pesos for members and 75 pesos for non-members for each copy. Ask the Video Library volunteer at the desk.

TED Talks Learning Seminars

Thursday Film Aficionados

Tuesdays In the Sala noon to 1:15 p.m. Members only. Bring your card. June 6 - Three Principles for Creating Safer A.I. Hosted by Susan Weeks - How can we harness the power of super-intelligent artificial intelligence (A.I.)? As we move closer toward creating all-knowing machines, A.I. pioneer Stuart Russell is working on something a bit different: robots with uncertainty. Hear his vision for human-compatible A.I. that can solve problems using common sense, altruism and other human values. June 13 - The Power of Vulnerability Hosted by Susan Weeks - Brené Brown studies human connection — our ability to empathize, belong, love. In a poignant, funny talk, she shares a deep insight from her research, one that sent her on a personal quest to know herself as well as to understand humanity. June 20 - Listening to Shame Hosted by Susan Weeks - Shame is an unspoken epidemic, the secret behind many forms of broken behavior. Brené Brown, whose earlier talk on vulnerability became a viral hit, explores what can happen when people confront their shame head-on. Her own humor, humanity and vulnerability shine through every word. June 27 - Facing the Future Without Fear, Together Hosted by Reba Mayo - These are the times that try men’s souls, and they are trying ours now, begins Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks in a provocative and electrifying talk about how we can face our increasingly uncertain future. The world is changing faster than we can bear. To solve the most pressing issues of the day, we must cultivate relationships based on community, cooperation and trust to counteract the fear, anxiety and isolation prevalent today.

Open to LCS members only. Bring your card. All films shown in the Sala from 2-4 p.m. No food. No pets. June 1 - Get Out 2017 USA A young African-American man visits his Caucasian girlfriend’s mysterious family estate. Several genres rolled into one brilliant film that is the early favorite for an Academy Award. (101 minutes) June 8 - Ustav Republike Hrvatske 2016 Croatia “The Constitution” is a story that follows four people who live in the same apartment building in Zagreb but avoid each other because of differences in their assets, sexual habits and religion. A very timely film that features brilliant acting all-around. (87 minutes) June 15 - Inherit the Wind 1960 USA Based on the actual Scopes “Monkey” Trial from 1925. Two great lawyers, Clarence Darrow and William Jennings Bryan, face off in a Tennessee courtroom. Spencer Tracy and Frederic March are stellar in this Academy Award winning film. (128 minutes) June 22 - Marmoulak-”The Lizard” 2004 Iran A recently jailed petty thief disguises himself as a Mullah and succeeds in escaping, but has to remain in the Mullah role longer than he expects to. (109 minutes) June 29 - M 1931 Germany When German police are unable to catch a child murderer, other criminals join the manhunt. This sensational film has finally been restored to mint condition by a collaborative effort of six countries. One of the better films of all time. (110 minutes)

Follow Us on Facebook Follow us on Facebook. Keep up on all things LCS. Like us at www.facebook.com/lakechapalasociety.

Upcoming Bus Trips - Galerias Mall/Costco Wednesday, June 28 & Thursday July 27 Shop major retailers including Best Buy, Sears and restaurants Cheesecake Factory, PF Chang and more, also shop nearby Costco, Sam’s and Super Walmart. Cost 350 pesos for members and 450 pesos for non-members. Bus departs promptly at 9:30 a.m. from the sculpture in La Floresta. THE LAKE CHAPALA SOCIETY, A.C. 16 de Septiembre #16-A, Ajijic, Jalisco LCS Main Office: (376) 766-1140 Office, information and other services - Monday-Saturday, 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM Grounds open until 5:00 p.m. LCS BOARD OF DIRECTORS President - Ben White (2018); Vice-President - George Radford (2019); Treasurer - Michael Searles (2019); Secretary - Carole Wolff (2018); Directors: Matthew Butler (2018); Dee Dee Camhi (2019); Nicolas Hanson (2019); Cate Howell (2018); Geofrey Kaye (2018); Roberto Serrano (2019) Janis Sirany (2019) Immediate Past President: Howard Feldstein. * Executive Director - Terry Vidal

The LCS Newsletter is published monthly. Deadline for submissions is the 17th of the month preceding publication. Submit all news items to lcsnewsletter2016@gmail.com Note: The editorial staff reserves the right to edit all submissions according to time, space availability and editorial decision.

Saw you in the Ojo 59


El Ojo del Lago / June 2017

Saw you in the Ojo 61


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El Ojo del Lago / June 2017




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(/(&752 ),;

6,03/< 7+$, Tel: 766-4767, Cell: 333-393-2770 3DJ - TEPETATE THAI RESTAURANT Tel: 766-2020 3DJ - THE BAGEL PLACE Tel: 766-0664 3DJ - THE CAVE Tel: 33-1411-5811 3DJ - THE HOT DOG SHOP Tel: 766-3807 / Cell: 333-662-9990 3DJ 7+( 3($&2&. *$5'(1 Tel: 766-1381 3DJ - TONY’S Tel: 766-1614, 766-4069 3DJ - YVES Tel: 766-3565 3DJ

5(7,5(0(17 5(67 1856,1* +20(6 - CASA ANASTASIA Tel: 765-5680 / 33-3452-5864 3DJ - LA CASA NOSTRA Tel: 765-3824 3DJ 0, &$6,7$ 1XUVLQJ +RPH $VVLVWHG /LYLQJ Center Cell: (045) 33-1115-9615 3DJ 1856,1* +20( /$.( &+$3$/$ Tel: 766-0404 3DJ - OHANA Tel: (01387) 761-0403 3DJ


63$ 0$66$*( - FRAU SPA Tel: 766-4393, Cell. 33-1736-5772 - GANESHA SPA Tel: 766-5653 - LA BELLA VIDA Tel: 766-5131 - TOTAL BODY CARE Tel: 766-3379


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* SELF STORAGE - SELF STORAGE-BODEGAS CHAPALA Tel: 766-0661, Tel/Fax: 766-1045 3DJ

6(37,& 7$1. 3803,1* -3 +20( 6(59,&(6 Tel. 766-1569, Cell: 333-968-2938


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Saw you in the Ojo




* PAINTING SERVICES /$.( &+$3$/$ 3$,17,1* 6(59,&( Tel 33-1741-5501 3DJ

* PERSONAL ASSISTANCE 1(:&20(56 ,/6( +2))0$11 ilsecarlota40@gmail.com, www.guadalajarachapalatravelguide.com Tel 01(33) 3647-3912 Cell (045) 33-3157-2541

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$// ,1 Tel. 766-1161 3DJ $-,-,& +20( ,163(&7,216 Tel: 766-2836 3DJ - ARELLANO CORPORATION GROUP Cell: 33-1331-0249 3DJ - CHULA VISTA NORTE Tel: 766-2177 Cell: (045) 33-1892-2194 3DJ - CIELOVISTA Tel: 766-2688 3DJ &2/':(// %$1.(5 &+$3$/$ 5($/7< Tel: 766-1152, 766-3369 Fax: 766-2124, Tels: 765-2877 Fax: 765-3528 3DJ - CONTINENTAL REALTY Tel: 766-1994 3DJ &80%5(6 Tel: 766-2688 3DJ - EAGER & ASOCIADOS Tel: (376) 766 1917, 1918 3DJ )25 6$/( %< 2:1(5 Tel: 314-333-1885 3DJ )25 6$/( %< 2:1(5 Cell: 33-1172-1724 3DJ *(25*(77( 5,&+021' Tel: 766-2077 3DJ -8',7 5$-+$7+< Cell: (045) 331 - 395 - 9849 3DJ /8&, 0(55,77 Tel: 766-1917, 766-1918 3DJ 035 5($/ (67$7( Tel: (315) 351-5167 3DJ 3(7(5 67 -2+1 Tel: 765-3676, 331-323-0893 3DJ - RADISSON BLU - $MLMLF 5HVRUW 6SD 5HVLGHQFHV Tel: 766-4525, Cell: 332-255-5972 3DJ 5$8/ *21=$/(= Cell: 33-1437-0925 3DJ - VISTA ALEGRE Tel: 766-2688 3DJ


/$6 3$/0$6 Cell: (045) 33-3170-1776/33-1195-7112 3DJ

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The Ojo Crossword

Saw you in the Ojo 63

CARS FOR SALE: Jeep limited 2007, 100000 kilometers reals, agency services all time, new tires, 8 cylinders, hemi 5.7, suspension 100%. For more info please call 333-4595533. FOR SALE: Nissan Platina 2006, 4 cylinders, in good shape, Jalisco plates, very economic, automatic. Call me to check more details: 333-498-5194. FOR SALE: 2002 Honda Accord, White with Tan interior, and very clean 202,000 kms, Ex or LX 4 cylinder, air, electric windows and locks. Jalisco Plated and all up to date. Price: $69,000p. Email: julieywayne@ yahoo.com. FOR SALE: Mexican Plated 2005 Dodge Verna. 4 Cylinder. 4 Door. New battery and recent tune up. Price: $42,000 pesos. FOR SALE: Chrysler 300 2007, Very economic, 6 cylinders, legalized, nice car, new tires, 22 wheels, Jalisco plates. Call: 333498-5194 FOR SALE: 1982 Jeep CJ-8 Scrambler. All original in very clean condition. 258 cui 6, 5 speed manual, 4x4. New tires with chrome wheels. Good paint. Clean US title with 2017 South Dakota registration. Email: hitechservices1@yahoo.com. FOR SALE: 2013 Chevy Matriz. State taxes paid, Price: $63,000. Call 333-8099642. WANTED: Want to purchase small SUV, like Chevrolet Tracker or similar. Must be Mexico plated. Please call 331-039-5150. FOR SALE: 1995 Ford Windstar. I’ll sell it for $38,000 less the cost of the smog check and registration. Phone: 376-765-63-48. WANTED: looking for good used 4 wheeler, anyone have any input on where to look? Email: boswelltb@yahoo.com. FREE: Ford v-6 explorer. Free oil filter. Call: 331-125-8877. FOR SALE: 2006 Honda Civic EX. Great condition, 187,000 km, 2 Owners, Automatic Transmission, Jalisco Plates. Price $102,000.00 pesos. Cell: 331-005-3109 Alma Rivera. FOR SALE: Italica 125 cc Scooter. One year old. 750 kilometers. Price: $13000 pesos. Email: sldronan@hotmail.com. Call: 001-830-203-9099.

COMPUTERS FOR SALE: Excellent H.P. Desktop computer with 17 inch Dell monitor and keyboard. Windows 10 upgraded, 64 bit operating system. 2gb ram dual core processor 148 gb. memory, OS Build 14 93.693. Runs very well. I moved and don’t have space for desktop. $ 2500 Pesos (mouse not included) Call: 331-039-5150. FOR SALE: 7-Port USB 2.0 Hub. Price: $45 USD. FOR SALE: ASUS CM5571-BRoo3 Desktop unit with Intel Pentium Dual-Core ES400 2.7GHz, 6GB RAM (upgradable to 16GB), 1TB new hard drive, 8 USB 2.0 ports, US keyboard and mouse, Fast Ethernet 10/100/1000 mps running clean copy of Windows 7 Home Premium but NOT pirated software so upgradable to Win 10 if so desired. No monitor supplied so only US$300 or peso equiv. Call Brian at 7664836. FOR SALE: Garmin GPS, Nubia 650


with 110 volt charger and car charger included. Mexico, USA and Canada up grades. Price: $1150 Pesos. Call: 331-0395150. FOR SALE: Acer Aspire 14” Laptop Computer, Model E1-421-0428, US keyboard, Windows 10 Professional 64 bit. AMD E-450. 1.65 GHz .Radeon Graphics card. 4 GB RAM. DDR3. 500 GB hard drive. 2xUSB3. HDMI. Price: $2,200 pesos. Email: cglane2007@yahoo.com – 376-766-1218 FOR SALE: Excellent Hewlett-Packard Desktop computer with 17inch Dell monitor. Windows 10 upgraded, 64 bits ram, 2 gb, dual core Intel processor. Mouse not included. Price: $3500.00 Pesos. Email: Lessegel@gmail.com - 331-039-5150 FOR SALE: Personal Surplus Electronics. Logitech k400 wireless tv keyboard 500 pesos. 3d glasses 2 pair new 150 pesos. Samsung VG-STC3000 TV camera new 600 pesos. Shaw hddsr 600. $2500 pesos. Logitech mx 3200 keyboard and mouse used $450.00 pesos. Microvolt 1200 as new $500.00 pesos. Call: 106-2019 Roger. WANTED: I want a decent all-in1 computer that I can connect an external mouse, keyboard and if needed, touchpad. Let me know you have and details about it. Email: 1988jeopardychampion@gmail.com. WANTED: Single paraplegic father needs a workable computer for 13 year son to continue with schooling. (junior high school requires computer use but no money to rent computer time). Email: mcintosh.barry@gmail.com.

PETS & SUPPLIES FOR SALE: Dog car seat size small. Strap easily fits over headrest in front or back, $500 pesos. smwschoon@ outlook.com. FREE: Two grown Cats need a new home. Interested party’s please call: 376765-7123 or 331-252-1613. WANTED: Would like to buy a hard sided large dog kennel suitable to transporting a dog by air travel. SkyPet or other similar make. Please contact Carol at 766-0450. Email: carolcam@rogers.com.

GENERAL MERCHANDISE FOR SALE: Elliptical machine used. It doesn’t come with the weights. Price: $2,000 pesos. Please Call: 333-486-2983. FOR SALE: Yamaha P-80 electronic piano, with stand and travel cover. Full size 88key, voices include piano, organ, and harpsichord. Offered half price at $10,000 pesos. Call 766-3870 or mexrayh@gmail.com FOR SALE: Alvarez guitar, good for beginner. Nylon strings replaced recently with D’adarrio Hard tension. This guitar is good for a beginner. Need better for performance, so upgrading. In Riberas-331-540-8947. Price: $700 pesos firm- no case FREE: You haul it. Dried MESQUITE wood. About a cubic yard/meter. Cut into 1’ logs. Thick, heavy, dried for over a year. Great for grilling...will last you a lifetime. PM me. FOR SALE: Deluxe china cabinet, solid one-piece fine wood, upper glass display shelves, drawers fabric lined to protect silverware, lower shelves. Call: 766-3870 or

El Ojo del Lago / June 2017

mexrayh@gmail.com WANTED: Want to buy WTB furniture, including: King size canopy or 4 poster bed frame, wood or metal okay. Full size Rustico style (cheap pine, platform okay) bed frame, can be 4 poster or canopy. Hacienda and Rustico style furniture, including tables, chairs, shelving, storage. Email: kimanjo@gmail.com. FOR SALE: Professional scuba gear in like new condition for sale. Includes tank, 2 sets of regulators and complete gauges, 2 sets of fins, wet suit, 2 regular masks. Paid $2300 for entire set up. Will accept $700.00 US for entire lot. 376-106-0862. Email usfbi@earthlink.net FOR SALE: I have a one-year-old Truper lawnmower with bagger for sale. Excellent condition, well cared for, stored inside. I paid $6027 pesos, for the mower, sale also includes 20 different garden tools. Phone: 376-106-0862. FOR SALE: Two top-quality large leather lounge chairs and matching ottomans for sale. Cafe Latte color. Like new. Priced to sell at $500 USD for the pair. Call: 766-4338. FOR SALE: Hoover Floor Mate Deluxe Hard Floor Cleaner, FH40160PC - Corded $1340p. FOR SALE: Samsung HW 750 TV surround System. Paid $750.00 CDN sell for $5000.00 pesos. Roger 106-2019. FOR SALE: Punched tin and tiled (calla lillies) mirror for sale....20” x 53”....73 cm x 136 cm. Can be hung horizontal or vertical. Price: $1,000 MX. Also a round punched tin and tiled mirror, traditional tile design, blue with some yellow, 36” diameter. Price: $800 MX. Willie: 766-4480. FOR SALE: JVC RS-1 1080P DILA Projector + Spare Lamp. Original lamp is still very bright. Complete with remote and original user manual. $6000 Pesos including spare lamp which is $100 in the U.S. by itself. PM me or email houck1022@gmail.com FOR SALE: BMW motorcycle 2005 1200 GS, perfect condition 190000. Km priced to sell $125000 pesos. Jalisco plated. Call: 7654185. FOR SALE: Shaw HD Receiver DSR600. Free and clear and ready for hook up. $2500p Guarantee or your money back. Email: julieywayne@yahoo.com. FOR SALE: Shaw HD DSR630 Recording. $4500p free and clear and ready to be hooked up. Only about 1 year old. Email: julieywayne@yahoo.com. FOR SALE: 32” Smart TV for sale, Less than two yrs old. Philips LED HDMI DOLBY Digital plus dts TRU SURROUND sound with sound bar, Price: $3900 obo. Chapala. Call: 331-451-5949. FOR SALE: Looking for a good used serger. PM me if you have one. Email. peteredwards052@gmail.com. FOR SALE: ResMed S8 Escape™ II CPAP Machine includes extra nose pieces, and humidifier. It was used only a couple of times. Email: julieywayne@yahoo.com. FOR SALE: This is a custom made table about 1 yr old, made from a very old piece of eucalyptus tree trunk. 45” round, more or less, not perfectly round but close, top can be removed to relocate, 6” thick, 33” tall. Price: $5,000 MX. Call: Willie 766-4480. FOR SALE: Someone purchased about

6-7 cases of decorative tiles from me...could that person please call me? I thought I had some saved as extras but can’t find them now and desperately need 6 -7 tiles to replace those that were destroyed during construction. Willie. 376-766-4480. FOR SALE: Bang & Olufsen BeoLab 6000 speakers. Price: $9000 pesos. Send me an email at nadine.and.henry@pobox.com if you’re interested and I’ll send you a map to our house. FOR SALE: Tilting TV wall mount. 42 - 70 inch capacity. Decided to go another route. Price: $300 pesos and it’s yours. Call: 765-2290 Mick. FOR SALE: Shaw remote control and 305 receiver. Great as a second receiver for viewing 2 different channels on 2 different tv’s at the same time. Price: $150 CAD. Cell: 331-431-7264, Home 766-2196. WANTED: Does anyone have or know of a hospital bed that I can borrow or rent? Please call Mike 331-330-1050. WANTED: We are looking for a twin or full bed and frame. Email: paschall1964@ gmail.com. WANTED: Has anyone purchased a good quality electric massage chair Lakeside, Ocotlan or Guadalajara? One of those items I did not bring with me when I moved, unfortunately. Email: mhopkins2@outlook.com. FOR SALE: Electric Drill Black and Decker 3/8’s. Price: $30. Email: billyking50@ yahoo.com. FOR SALE: ONEIDA SILVER plate, Country Lane pattern, 43 assorted pieces, 15 Dinner Forks, 15 Dinner Knives, 6 Soup Spoons, 7 Ice Tea Spoons. Value $462 USD Buy for only $300 USD Call 331-447-6456 (cell). FOR SALE: I have a used exercise bike for sale for $50 U.S. I live in upper Ajijic. Please call if interested at 376-766-3420 or 331-746-1288. FOR SALE: CFE METER COVER. Painted white, thick metal cage with lockable gate. Price: $25.00. Email: billyking50@yahoo. com. FOR SALE: Motorcycle 2006 Suzuki V-strom DL 1000, 52,000 Miles, top box, saddle bags, crash bars, center stand. Ajijic - $65,000 mxp cglane2007@yahoo.com Send phone & name. FOR SALE: Backgammon set and Professional Poker game. Professional Poker Set in Aluminium case - 300 Chip set. Price: $1,000 pesos each or $1,800 pesos for both. Call Roland 331-143-2361 or email callbackmx@yahoo.com. Located in Ajijic - center. FOR SALE: Sony 40” LCD TV + LG or VIOS BluRay Player. Price: $4500 Pesos for both the TV and BluRay/DVD/USB Player. Email: mike@acspaging.com. FOR SALE: Red two person Kayak, 13.6’ long, made of rigid polyethylene, includes two ors. Price: $6,000 pesos. Call: 331-116-6081 in Chapala. FOR SALE: Photographers Dream Set. Price: $500Pesos. Sony Cybershot Digital Camera With USB Cable. Fully Adjustable 6FT Tripod. 2’X2’X4” Macro Photo Box with Multicolor Backdrop inserts in Fabric. 3X Multicolor Fabric Double Batton Washable 5’X6’ Backdrops. Call: 376-765-7123 / 331252-1613 OR 331-785-7100.

FOR SALE: Queen Sized Bed Base. Just a base or headboard, if it’s a package deal. Email: imburnen@outlook.com. FOR SALE: Mountain bike for sale, in good condition. Recently did a lot of maintenance. Price $5800 pesos, if interested please call 001-830-203-9099. FOR SALE: Kindle 2. This older Kindle is in great shape with just a slight hairline crack on the upper right corner of the case. The screen is perfect. The battery holds a charge better than my new Paperwhite. No problems with the WiFi. Kindle and charger and all that reading for $500 pesos. Call 376-766-2521 or PM me. FOR SALE: Portable traction device (universal head halter). Price: $200 pesos. Call 331-382-4771 if interested and for appt. FOR SALE: Pool Table. Pool cues are fiberglass and not wood. Table base made of 1” Italian stone. Table surround made of pine wood. Call 331-382-4771 for appt. Buyer must arrange for transportation. Price: $25,000 pesos. FOR SALE: One open spot in my Shaw satellite TV account. Cost is approx. $22 USD per month. You must provide your own receiver, dish and LNB’s. This is not a commercial offering, but rather a share of my account at cost. Includes both east and west coast US networks. Call me for a list of channels. Call Mike 766-2275.

FOR SALE: Canon Power Shot battery charger. Call: 766-1496. FOR SALE: Estee Lauder eye pencil refills. Color: 17- charcoal, That’s a medium brunette. That is no longer me. Amazon is selling them at $26 usd each. Best price. Pesos are fine. Email: pgreermexico1@gmail. com. FOR SALE: Yakima RocketBox16 roof box. Crossbar spacing requirements: 30”- 36” (76 - 91 cm). Measures: 92 x 16 x 26 inches (L x H x W). Storage: 16 cubic feet / 453.1 liters Weight: 56 pounds/25 kilo. SKS lock core (lost the keys, it will cost 120 pesos to make a key). crossbars not included. Asking $5000 pesos. Email: goldensassafras@ gmail.com. FOR SALE: Golf clubs:Acer 3, 4, 5, 7, 9 irons and pitching wedge, plus Calloway sand wedge and Ping putter. Comes with nice bag and a few balls. $2000. Single mattress. Nice one, used less than three months: $1500. Four beige folding chairs from Costco. Still have labels on them. High quality plastic: $1400 for all four. Call US number: 719-629-8327. WANTED: Looking for a 3 or 4 panel privacy screen in all wood or with curtain insert. Email: silkfleurs@outlook.com. FOR SALE: Bicycle for sale color green works $1000 pesos for large child or adult. You can see it at Todo Bueno consignment and resale store. Hidalgo 231 Riberas del

Pilar. FOR SALE: Cobra fairway woods. Fly-Z, 3 & 5, Senior flex, hit only once on range. $4000 for both. Email: davidhf2@yahoo. com. FOR SALE: Corner sofa to make a statement in the center of a room, or fit perfectly into a corner. Contemporary style cream leather sectional sofa. 3 sections, one with headrest. Total length 545 cm. $16,500 pesos. Call Michael 331- 319-1163. FOR SALE: Two lamp shades white $300 pesos. Can see at Todo Bueno consignment and resale store #231 Hidalgo. Riberas del Pilar mountain side next to S and S auto. Email: rvhowardrenz@aol.com. FOR SALE: Sofa grey $4000 pesos. Can see at Todo Bueno consignment and resale store #231 Hiladgo. Riberas del Pilar mountain side next to S and S auto. Email: rvhowardrenz@aol.com. FOR SALE: Samsung Wireless Charging Pad with 2A Wall Charger. Price: $20. Email: egweiss@outlook.com. FOR SALE: Samsung microwave in very good condition, price is $800 pesos. If interested please call 001-830-203-9099. FOR SALE: TV Programs DVD. All originals in excellent condition unless reflected in much lower than Amazon price. If interested, send PM. The Bob Newhart Show Season 1. $9. Email: egweiss@outlook.com. FOR SALE: Mitsubishi EX200U DLP

projector. Refurbished: $5500 MX on ebay. Mine, very lightly used, excellent likenew condition. Will include ceiling mount. $5000 MX. Email: egweiss@outlook.com. FOR SALE: Furniture. Both table and standing lamps with shades each -- for sale; 600 pesos each or 2/$1000. ( 2/$50). Large cream colored large, cozy, easy chair; leather -- $2,000 pesos ($100). 1 wooden rocker; needs repair - $400 pesos ($20 USD). Email: ajijic62@yahoo.com or 766-5723 FOR SALE: Mendoza 22.cal Repeating Air Gun. Price $2500 pesos, if interested call 001-210-418-9798. FOR SALE: AXL Electric guitar. It comes with guitar strap, guitar cover, guitar amp and cable. It has a broken E string, that I have not had time to fix. Price $2200 pesos. If interested please call 001-210-418-9798. FOR SALE: 40” LED Flat Screen Tv’s. 2, 40 inch flatscreen LED element. Price: $3000 pesos each, or best offer. If interested if interested please call: 001-830-2039099. FOR SALE: I have very nice planters of assorted shapes and sizes. Long ones have stands. They are not chipped or cracked. Priced to sell from $50 pesos to $200. I also have a large wrought iron rack or trellis for hanging plants for $500 pesos. Call: 331-319-1012.

Saw you in the Ojo 65


El Ojo del Lago / June 2017

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