El Ojo del Lago - March 2011

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Saw you in the Ojo



El Ojo del Lago / March 2011

Saw you in the Ojo


Richard Tingen


Alejandro Grattan-Domínguez Tel: (01376) 765 3676, 765 2877 Fax: (01376) 765 3528 Associate Publisher David Tingen Graphic Design Roberto C. Rojas Jazmin Eliosa Special Events Editor Kay Davis Associate Editor Jim Tipton Contributing Editor Paul Jackson Contributing Editor Mark Sconce Drama Critic Michael Warren Art Critic Rob Mohr Staff Photographer Xill Fessenden Sales Manager Tania Medina (045) 33 1140 3570 ojodelago@gmail.com Office Secretary Iliana Oregel ADVERTISING OFFICE Av. Hidalgo # 223, Chapala Mon. thru Fri. 9am - 5pm Sat. 9am - 1pm Tel. 01 (376) 765 2877, 765 3676 Fax 01 (376) 765 3528 Send all correspondence, subscriptions or advertising to: El Ojo del Lago http://www.chapala.com ojodellago@prodigy.net.mx Ave. Hidalgo 223 (or Apartado 279), 45900 Chapala, Jalisco Tels.: (376) 765 3676, Fax 765 3528 PRINTING: El Debate El Ojo del Lago aparece los primeros cinco días de cada mes. (Out over the first five days of each month) Certificado de Licitud de Título 3693 Certificado de Licitud de Contenido 3117.





Carol L. Bowman visits a spa alongside the Dead Sea in Israel, takes a mud bath treatment and barely survives with her dignity still intact.

8 Cover by Dani Newcomb



Roxanne Sumners Utzman writes about the chia plant, which has been helping restore people to good health since the time of the Aztecs!


Editor’s Page


Faith & Fables


Bridge by Lake


Uncommon Sense


Joyful Musings


Thunder on Right


Wondrous Wildlife

Ed Tasca has waged a long battle here in Mexico with some cutter-ants, who have apparently made it their mission in life to destroy his garden. As of this date, there seems little hope of a diplomatic settlement.


World of Ours


Hearts at Work


Welcome to Mexico


Lakeside Living



Magnificent Mexico


Front Row Center


Animal Shelter Report


Stay Healthy


Viva La Vida Loca


Focus on Art


Child of Month


New Lease on Life


LCS Newsletter


TRAVEL (sort of . . .)

Roberta Rich recounts her experiences in driving with her dog, Maggie, all the way from Vancouver to Colima. Roberta was especially intrigued by what she calls the “Hot Sheets” motels in Mexico.




Roderick MacDonald has a touching story to tell about the only person to win two Academy Awards for the same performance—and he did all without his hands!



Jim Collums died unexpectedly last month. Our community has lost one of its most colorful characters.



Mark Sconce, a former member of the Peace Corps, waxes poetic about his stint of duty in unforgettable Nepal.

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El Ojo del Lago / March 2011






Saw you in the Ojo


Editor’s Page Guest Editorial by Mark Sconce

The Power of Poetry


hilst knocking on doors for Barack a few years ago, I encountered a lady of about 40 standing defiantly in her threshold, eyeing me suspiciously. Brandishing my badge and literature, I asked if she intended to vote Obama this Primary Day. She replied that, while she liked Obama, she just couldn’t get to the polling station. In that instant, I knew I had heard a Russian accent. On a whim I broke into a poem by Alexander Pushkin in Russian. Her jaw literally dropped. She said, “ Da! For that, I go to vote.” This is but one of many examples of the power of poetry I have experienced over the years. And if you read January’s “cover poem” by Bill Frayer, Mother Mexico, you also experienced the power of poetry. Along with my own “cover poem” Pedro Loco, Bill’s lyric lines represent a turning point in the attitude of the powers-that-be at El Ojo del Lago. There was once talk about reducing poetry’s presence in the magazine. So Lakeside poets can only be happy with this turn of events. But we want more! The crown of literature is poetry. It is its end and aim. It is the sublimest activity of the human mind. It is the achievement of beauty and delicacy. The writer of prose can only step aside when the poet passes. - William Somerset Maugham If you believe, as I do, that poetry is the highest branch of literature, it follows that this very magazine, devoted to good writing, should expand its space for poetry. And that is what I am proposing in this Guest Editorial. If El Ojo Del Lago can find space for a monthly Bridge column, a Wildlife column, and vaguely funny old jokes, I believe it can institute a new niche, a Poet’s Niche—an every month niche. Not for the use of our Lakeside poets. Their space need


El Ojo del Lago / March 2011

Pushkin as a Child not change. But rather a niche for the poets whose poems you have read, recited or memorized in high school, college or along life’s way. The ones that made you ponder, wince or cry. The ones that made you experience the Power of Poetry. Shakespeare “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate...” Keats “Already with thee! Tender is the night.” W.B. Yeats “O body swayed to music, O brightening glance/How can we know the dancer from the dance?” E.A. Poe “All that we see or seem/ Is but a dream within a dream,” A.S. Pushkin “Always contented with his life, and with his dinner and his wife.” Lord Tennyson “I hope to see my Pilot face to face/When I have crossed the bar.” Longfellow ‘The bards sublime/Whose distant footsteps echo/ Through the corridors of Time.” Walt Whitman “I hear America singing, the varied carols I hear.” Will Lakeside poets be upset by this poetic intrusion? Not likely. All the ones I know, myself included, have healthy egos, yes, but we also know who our betters are. And that includes the current lions and lionesses: Billy Collins, Rita Dove, Robert Pinsky, Maya Angelou, Seamus Heaney. The recently departed ones: Robert Frost, Carl Sandburg, AE Houseman, Dylan Thomas, Edna St. Vincent Millay, TS Eliot, Vachel Lindsay, Cole Porter, John Masefield, Boris Pasternak—there are plenty to choose from!

OF FAITH AND FABLES By Bob Haynes bzhaynes@gmail.com

The Power Of A Gratitude Journal


he Bible says, “be made new in the attitude of your mind,” (Ephesians 4:23) and “be transformed by the renewing of your mind,” Romans 12:2. That’s God reminding us that every behavior starts with a thought. So as I begin another week of chemo, I’m trying valiantly to remember to approach each day with gratitude and to keep my individual thoughts positive. This past week gave me more than enough reasons to be grateful for all God has done for me. It began with a visit by two of my wonderful friends Don and Wylene Cohagan. I love them like a brother and sister. With them they brought a gift bag filled with cards from members of our church in Bentonville, Arkansas all proclaiming love and concern for me as I battle this cancer, and confirming once again the power of intercessory prayers. You cannot imagine how uplifting those messages were. Then I received two emails from folks who had read my column in the El Ojo Del Lago magazine in Mexico. The first proclaimed that he enjoyed my columns each month and was praying for me and the other, a lady from Canada vacationing in Mexico, asking for an email copy of that article that she could send to a friend in Canada who is also battling cancer. I sent a copy of my column to the lady who asked for an email format and the next day I received an email from the friend in Canada. She thanked me and affirmed the fact that the power of intercessory prayers and concern for others can do wonders. Her letter meant so much that I’m enclosing portions of it in this column as examples of grace and gratitude. She wrote: “My friend forwarded me your lovely articles which I have printed so I can read them for inspiration as I continue my journey in the fight against this formidable cancer foe. I so agree with you about the need to have a positive fighting spirit that’s grounded in grace and gratitude. While cancer represents a number of negatives for me, it’s also brought some wonderful things into my life, as I’m sure it also has for you--starting with the enormous outpour-

ing of love and kindness from friends.” “Facing a terminal diagnosis has definitely kick started me on an amazing spiritual journey which has made me wonder how I could have been so spiritually disconnected for so long (living in my head and all consumed with work!). As soon as I was diagnosed, I started a gratitude journal to remind myself that no matter how bad things felt, my cup was always more than half full.” That’s a great idea for everyone, I thought. A gratitude journal - what a wonderful exercise to begin - and what wondrous things will happen. My prayer for you today is for the thought of beginning a gratitude journal to spur you to action. I’ll close this column with this prayer. While I don’t know the author’s name, I do think it is appropriate.“May today there be peace within. May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith. May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content knowing you are a child of God. Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us.” The power of a gratitude journal is something that each of us can begin, no matter what our circumstances Shalom!

Saw you in the Ojo




ow can a body of water be so deadly that no living thing, except one type of bacteria, can survive within its midst, yet be so therapeutic for the human organism? How is it possible to start at ‘sea level’ and travel down 1300 feet and still be on land and not under water? Who ever concocted the idea that slathering the human torso with mud dug from the bottom of this dead water could heal the body and beautify the skin? I topped-off a recent pilgrimage to Israel with a respite at the lowest place on earth, the Dead Sea. This nadir point is reputed to be uplifting and exhilarating, despite its Hebrew translation of ‘Killer Sea.’ I came to test the waters and its mud. Formed millions of years ago, as part of the Jordan Rift Valley, the Dead Sea registers a salinity content of 35%. The Jordan River trickles in as its one water source, but no rivers drain from it, so evaporation serves as the only escape route. This loss of water leaves deep deposits of mineral salts behind. The Dead Sea served as a place of refuge for King David, a health resort for Herod the Great and a beauty spa for Cleopatra. There must be something to the hype for thousands of years. Would I be so buoyant that I could float like a boat? Could a mud wrap leave my body as advertisedcleansed, revitalized, toxins eliminated and muscle stiffness miraculously eased? Cleopatra believed it. I had to find out for myself. After checking into a resort hotel on its mysterious shore near the biblical towns of Sodom and Gomorrah, I raced to test the buoyancy factor. At the water’s edge, white salt reflected from the bottom, giving off a yellow glow in the shallows. Whoa, Warnings posted: walk, do not run into the water, do not get any water in your mouth or eyes, do not attempt to swim, do not panic; bend one’s knees slightly and float. Hmm, so many rules for a quick dip. No way- a lot of bunk, I thought. I eased into the briny liquid, the in-


El Ojo del Lago / March 2011

stant sting of salt grinding into a small cut on my hand. In three feet of water, I tested the knee bending exercise. Without effort, the sea took control. I found myself prone, staring at the sky, floating like a balsa log, toes sticking above the water. In fact, standing erect turned out to be the more daunting task. Okay, Cleopatra, I believe; on to the mud wrap. The hotel’s spa receptionist introduced me to the masseuse assigned to rub me down and wrap me up. The image of an old ‘I Love Lucy’ TV episode flashed through my mind, as a goliath of a Ukrainian woman, who didn’t speak English, complete with a fake, two toned, blond and platinum braided beehive attached to her head, appeared. I asked the pretty young receptionist how we would communicate. “Oh, she speaks a few words of English, don’t worry,” she reassured me. Helga, I named her Helga, guided me through a maze of 25 sub-terrain rooms to the appointed chamber, where I feared torture awaited. The long table draped with a massive sheet of plastic reaching down to the floor beckoned her victim. “Everything off ; everything,” bellowed my mud wrapper, using two of the five English words she knew. I lay naked on the plastic, waiting for the massive woman to return, my mind churning outlandish scenarios. Here I was, at the Dead Sea in Israel, no clothes, in a tiny room within a maize, waiting for someone I couldn’t talk to, someone whose giant hands were about to cover me, maybe smother me in mud from the Killer Sea and I was voluntarily paying an incredible sum of money for this supposed pleasurable experience. Egads! The door opened and my fate rolled in. A caldron on wheels, bubbling with hot, grayish mud loomed closer. Sensing her victim’s panic, the mud expert went to work. She piled mounds of bubbling, gurgling, mineral salt laden, heavy gunk on my stomach and started spreading it- everywhere, every nook, cranny, pore, orifice, open-

ing and appendage. She cemented my hands and feet to make sure fingers and toes had no movement. “It’s therapeutic. Cleopatra loved it. People would die for this experience,” I silently shouted to my brain waves; they responded that perhaps people had, died that is. The initial torture completed, the giant woman wrapped the plastic around my body, tight, encasing me mummy style, sealing the therapeutic scalding, brackish stuff inside. Hidden under the plastic, the final blow, a heavy thermal blanket waited to close the hatch. “Don’t sit up,” my soothing masseuse barked, using the other 3 English words in her repertoire. She lit some candles, turned on a CD of dream music and swooshed from the room, leaving me with fears of suffocation from the mud’s choking sulfur smell and heat steaming within the double wrap. My last thought before succumbing to this experience was, ‘now I know how it feels to be buried alive’, realizing I never wanted to know that. I gave in and drifted into a semi-dreamland, semi-conscious state. I tried to register what I was thinking. It seemed so important to be able to report how my mind processed this collapse, but I can’t recall a thing. I just remember

submitting to an external control. The door opened. Helga intruded. “No not yet, don’t interrupt my dream sleep. Please, I’m in the middle of a shut-down,” I begged. But my words fell on non-English ears. My allotted time in the cocoon had elapsed. The lights flicked on, candles snuffed, music stopped, blanket removed, plastic unfurled, nakedness exposed. More plastic covered the floor. The woman, in her robotic moves of mud wraps, turned on the shower, directed me to slide from the table and shed the mud caked layer from my body. I slipped, mud squishing between my toes as I slithered to the shower, still in a semi-trance. I stood under the warm pelting water, feeling cleansed, as toxins poured down the drain. Cleopatra, I will never doubt you again. Miss Beehive gathered the piles of mud soaked memories and refitted the table with fresh sheets of mummy cloth for the next Mud Wrap victim; a repetitious slathering of hot minerals on a flabby patron, who hoped for beauty and health miracles. I wondered if this woman had ever experienced Dead Sea mud and mind control. She should. Miraculously, this Dead Sea muck made me feel alive and instead of being at the lowest point on Earth, I felt on top of the world.

Saw you in the Ojo




he Annual Valentine’s Sectional Bridge Tournament in Ajijic was once again a big success this February. Many thanks are due to the organizing committee headed by Norinne and Dick Nelson who made sure that everyone had a good time by providing a pleasant playing area with complimentary snacks throughout the course of the event provided by members of the Lake Chapala Duplicate Bridge Club. While most bridge enthusiasts enjoy the competition and added masterpoints available at tournaments, many club players fear the “computer hands” which are the norm in the pairs games. There is a deep-seated suspicion that somehow the computer conspires to produce devilishly complicated hand layouts that only experts have a chance of figuring out and the less experienced participants become mere cannon fodder. This, despite the fact that countless studies have shown that in the long run computer-generated deals more closely approximate statistical probability than those produced by humans. As a case in point, the illustrated deal was played by the team of Elsie Johnson, John Fraser, herself and myself in the Swiss Teams on the last day of the tournament and these hands were people dealt! In this event one partnership of a team sits East-West at one table, while their teammates sit North-South at the other. A given number of hands are played at each table and afterwards a comparison is made to see which team has the best result. At our table, herself was sitting West and opened the bidding 1 diamond. North bid 2 diamonds, the Michaels Convention, showing both major suits (there


El Ojo del Lago / March 2011

is no denying that is what she held, even if a little thin in high card points!). I couldn’t be sure which side owned the contract but I thought I would mix things up a bit by raising partner to 5 diamonds. This did not slow down South who chimed in with 5 hearts only to see herself bid 6 diamonds and North raise her partner to 6 hearts! At this point I felt proceedings were getting out of control so I decided to end the madness by doubling the contract. Herself duly led the diamond ace and North, to our consternation, placed all her cards on the table in two neat columns instead of the normal four. Declarer wasted no time in trumping the opening lead in dummy and playing a spade towards her hand. I won the spade king and with a sinking feeling played another diamond, ruffed again in the dummy. In quick order, declarer proceeded to ruff two spades in her hand setting up winners in the dummy, draw trumps and claim her contract – 6 hearts doubled made for a score of 1210! Herself and I desperately tried to think of some way of explaining this debacle to our team mates when they returned to our table to compare scores but lo and behold when they did come back it was with the news that they had duplicated the result at their table! Unfortunately, we lost that match but at least it wasn’t due to this aberration of a hand that couldn’t even be blamed on a computer! Questions or comments: email: masson.ken@ gmail.com Ken Masson

Chia —Revival of an Ancient Aztec food By Roxanne Sumners Utzman roxanneutzman@hotmail.com


ould you like to stabilize your blood sugar, decrease your cholesterol levels, lose weight and increase the nutrient content of your foods? Try chia seeds! The chia plant (Salvia hispania) belongs to the mint family and grows naturally from Mexico to South America. The tiny seed was so valuable that it was used as currency until the conquering Spaniards prohibited its’ cultivation. Chia was known as “Indian Running Food” because a small handful of seeds and plenty of water was known to sustain a man traveling for an entire day. Indeed, chia seeds have valuable nutritional properties. They contain no gluten, have the highest fiber content of any food in the world, and are a complete protein with all 9 amino-acids in the appropriate balance. They contain more antioxidants than blueberries, more calcium than milk and more Omega-3 fatty acids than flax seed. Richard Lucas, in Common and Uncommon Uses of Herbs for Healthy Living, recommends chia be prepared as a gel and then used with other foods or liquids. The flavorless gel can be mixed into juice, yogurt, oatmeal or just about any other food, thus displacing calories and fat while increasing the food’s nutritional value. Studies in the US and Canada indicate that daily ingestion of chia seeds can lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Chia gel holds moisture, helps retain the body’s electrolyte balance, absorbs toxins and creates a physical barrier between carbohydrate foods and digestive enzymes, thus slowing the release of carbohydrates and preventing an insulin surge – especially helpful in people with diabetes. Some merchants claim white seeds are superior to black ones, but Dr. Wayne Coates, foremost researcher on chia, says that there is virtually no difference between the two. In his book, Chia: Rediscovering a Forgotten Crop of the Aztec, he writes that the nutrient content in chia seeds relates to where and how they are grown. Coates also says they can be stored for long periods of time without becoming rancid and can easily be

grown organically because insects and other pests are not attracted to chia. The Magic of Chia, by Jim Scheer, contains nearly 100 recipes created by a group working to upgrade meals served in school cafeterias. They cite the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, which recommends using chia gel to replace 25% of oil and/or eggs in cakes, muffins, and other baked goods. Chia is known to thin the blood and bring down diastolic blood pressure, so people who take blood thinners or have low blood pressure should use chia with caution, as should people who are allergic to mustard seeds or salvia. To prepare chia seed gel, use 9 parts water to 1 part chia seeds: In a sealable glass container, fill 3/4 with pure water. Mix in chia seeds using a whisk or fork. Wait ten minutes and mix again. If the mixture resembles pond scum, it is ready to use or it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. Start with about 1/3 cup of gel twice a day. But don’t take it too late in the day, as it increases energy and may keep you awake! We have found that the easiest way to use the gel is to mix it with equal parts of fruit juice before breakfast and midday. You can also toast seeds and use them on cereals, potatoes, or as a coating on meatloaf, burgers, etc. They add a nutty taste and nice crunch (like poppy seeds). Chia seeds can be found online and locally in many natural food stores.

Saw you in the Ojo 11

UUNCOMMON NNCOMMON COMMON CCOMMON OMMON SSENSE ENSE By Bill Frayer billfrayer@gmail.com Is More Openness Always Better?


n my December column, I referred to Václav Havel’s assertion that we should never consider any conclusions to be “selfevident.” I was thinking about this recently as I read Fareed Zakaria’s 2003 book, Beyond Freedom. In this book, Zakaria makes a case that, although it seems self evident that more openness and more transparency would be a good thing, it is not always so. He draws an interesting distinction between effective government and democratic government. What makes a government effective is its ability to identify and solve problems, provide necessary services to its citizens, and plan effectively for future growth. And there are many examples of less-than-democratic governments which, nonetheless, do a rather good job of meeting the needs of its citizens. He cites Singapore and South Korea as examples. Although a democracy now, for many years South Korea had a wellfunctioning economy under an autocratic regime. The most glaring example today is China. It is unclear whether, in the long run, their economy can be productive without freedom and openness, but so far they seem to be doing rather well. In the United States, until the 1970’s, many decisions were made in back rooms, in secret. Candidates for public office were often selected in “smoke-filled rooms.” The party leaders chose to select the candidates which they thought would have the best chance of winning. In Congress,


El Ojo del Lago / March 2011

Bill Frayer many bi-partisan deals were made in private, over dinner, and no one knew the details. Few people knew FDR was confined to a wheelchair or that JFK was a philanderer. Today such secrecy is unimaginable. The public and lobbyists alike are privy to every political deal and lurid accusation. Candidates have little privacy, and politicians are under immense pressure, from the public and from their leaders, to conform to their party’s pre-determined talking points. I remember in the 1970s when some of these changes were occurring. It seemed to me, and many others, that the secret deals which had been conducted in the past were both immoral and undemocratic. In other words, it seemed self evident that we would be better served if everything was conducted in a democratic fashion, out in the open. There would be no more secret deals ala Lyndon Johnson or Richard Nixon. A new era was upon us. Now, 35 years later, how well have we been served? Is there such a thing as too much openness or too much democracy? Zakaria argues that there is, and I think he may be right. Imagine, for a moment, that political opponents are trying to work out agreement on a contentions tax or health care issue. In the past, they could go into a private meeting and do some serious horsetrading to get something done for the good of the public. Lobbyists would have to wait, like everyone else, for the outcome of the negotiations. The politicians could come out, announce the deal, and tell the lobbyists, “Hey, I did my best. This is the best deal we could get.” Today, all subcommittee hearings are open to the public and to the lobbyists; all deals must be made in the open. The result is polarization and often complete impasse. Media cater to specific ideological positions, and the politicians pander to their base. Nothing gets done. To be fair, Zakaria does not argue for a return to complete secrecy, but he does make the case that although it may seem self-evident that more democracy is better, it’s simply not always true. Sometimes, secret deals do work well.

Joyful Musings By Joy Birnbach Dunstan, MA, LPC, MAC Toltec Wisdom


ersonal power is the cornerstone of creating a positive and fulfilling life. Without it, we are victims at the mercy of everyone and everything else; life happens to us because power is perceived to be “out there.” There are as many approaches to conquering victimhood as there are victims. One of my favorites comes from the wisdom of Don Miguel Ruiz in his book The Four Agreements. These agreements, as he calls them, stem from the teachings of the Toltecs, a powerful empire that lived in the ancient city of pyramids outside Mexico City known as the place where “Man Becomes God.” Ruiz teaches that as children we learn how to behave in society: what is good or bad, what to believe or not to believe, what is beautiful or ugly, what is right or wrong. As kids, we don’t choose these beliefs; we learn them from our parents, teachers, religious leaders, friends, and the media. We become programmed to carry them with us into adulthood. These beliefs are deeply ingrained agreements about how to live. Ruiz calls this acceptance of hand-me-down beliefs “the domestication of humans.” Wanting praise and approval, we value ourselves by our ability to live up to these agreements. Fear powerfully reinforces them: fear of rejection, fear of not being good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, and so on. If we instead follow Ruiz’s Four Agreements based on love and acceptance, we maximize our energy thus restoring our personal power and transforming our lives. I consider these the four basic rules of life. • Don’t take anything personally. Each of us lives in our own personal dream, and what we think, say, and do come from the agreements we maintain in our own minds; they reflect only our self. By the same token, others’ opinions and moods have nothing to do with us; they stem from their own agreements and situation. There is nothing to take personally. When we believe that whatever is said or happens is about us, we feel

hurt and take offense from things that are not about us at all. A huge amount of freedom is gained when we take nothing personally. • Don’t make assumptions. We make assumptions when we think we know what others mean, or when we think they know what we mean. The problem with all those assumptions is that we believe them as the truth. Assumptions set us up for misunderstandings and create big dramas for no reason at all. Have the courage to clarify what someone means rather than assume you know. Clear communication is the foundation of all positive relationships. • Be impeccable with your word. This agreement reminds us to have integrity in all we say: say what you mean, and mean what you say. Our words are our most powerful and magical tools. Never use their power against yourself or others. Through the power of words we can clear up communication problems, heal relationships, and create enough personal power to break our old limiting agreements. Depending on the seeds we sow, we grow feelings of hate and rejection or love and acceptance. • Always do your best. When we do our best, we avoid self-condemnation and blame. Our best is constantly changing. It varies with the knowledge, expertise, and other resources we have at the time. Some days our best is better than others. What’s important is simply to do the best we can and forgive ourself when it is not perfect. When you hear the Inner Judge chastise you against an old self-limiting agreement, you can say to yourself, “I did my best” and move on with no regrets. What sort of agreements do you live by? Recognize those old agreements based on self-limiting ideas and replace them with the Four Agreements to enhance your personal power and gain true freedom of the spirit. Editor’s Note: Joy is a practicing psychotherapist in Riberas. She can be contacted at joy@dunstan.org or 765-4988

Saw you in the Ojo 13



hen I arrived at the front desk of the Fantasy Land Hotel in the West Edmonton Mall, I was handed my room key and two complimentary passes to the water park. This was my first attendance at the Canadian Paraplegic Association’s national meetings since my recent promotion. “First impressions are important,” John, my uptight boss warned. “Of course,” I replied. That evening in the hospitality suite I asked: “When should we go to the water park?” and was met with blank stares. “It’s too expensive,” someone said. “I got two free passes when I checked in ,” I replied. “We didn’t.” From the corner a deep masculine


El Ojo del Lago / March 2011

voice said: “I’ll be your guest.” “Who are you?” “I’m Patrick O’Reilly, a consultant hired by National Office. “I’ve got my swim suit in my suitcase.” “Tomorrow at 5:30 in the lobby?” “It’s a date.” The next day, after eight hours of listening to provincial service reports, I was ready for some fun. When Pat and I reached the water park, I saw several water slides and a giant wave pool where a siren warned swimmers when the waves were coming; everyone splashed each other and acted like kids. All this was visible through tall banks of windows separating the water park from the mall. Once inside, Pat suggested we try a water slide. “They look scary.”

“Be a sport. You’ll love it.” “I chose the corkscrew, never stopping to consider that the name might actually describe the shape of the slide. A sign at the entrance read: “To slow your descent, put your arms straight out and touch the sides.” Did I mention that I hate speed, heights and water? I’m the woman who falls down on purpose when faced with a slight slope cross country skiing, the driver who never exceeds the posted speed limit, the swimmer who sticks to the shallow end of the pool. There I stood wearing nothing but my old two piece strapless black swim suit. I stepped up to the cavernous entrance, lowered myself gently down into the slide, spread my arms, closed my eyes and invited gravity to have its way with me. The corkscrew lived up to its name, twisting and turning all the way to the bottom. Just when I thought it had to be over, it was. The corkscrew turned into cannon and shot me through the air. I became one of the Flying Wolendas until a “splash” signalled that I was going down, down, down into the briny deep. My feet touched bottom. I stood up. There was water up my nose and down my throat, but I was alive. I opened my eyes. Pat and a lifeguard stood six feet away staring intently at me. A cool breeze fanned my breasts…my bare breasts. Where was the top to my black bathing suit? Did I leave it behind in the corkscrew? No, it was wound around my waist like the elastic on a canning jar. “Your wife could use a new suit,” the lifeguard said. “That’s not my wife,” replied Pat. I pulled my top up, donned what remained of my pride, and held out a hand so Sir Galahad could assist me out of the tub. “Don’t you breathe a word of this to a living soul,” I hissed. Next morning I was greeted with a round of applause. “What’s going on?” asked John. “They heard I went down a water slide last night even though I’m terrified

of water.” My secret would probably have stayed one except that night my boss, a quadriplegic, suffered an accident of his own. Wheeling back through the mall after dinner, he toppled head first into one of the fountains. The water had been turned off for the night and he banged himself up badly. I was in my room at the time, nursing my damaged dignity so someone else had to call the medics and mop him up. A week later, John called me into his office. “Can you explain this email from Alberta?” “What does it say?” “You Manitobans sure know how to have a good time – leaping into fountains and losing your bathing suits in the water park.” I confessed. There must have been a hundred witnesses to my crime. Besides, it was an accident, no worse than falling ass over teakettle into an empty fountain. John successfully sued the mall so there are now tasteful brass railings protecting shoppers. I bought a new swimsuit with straps and retired to live in sunny Mexico. At my farewell dinner, John read his David Letterman style top ten list of reasons to remember me. What was number one? “Harriet gives new meaning to hanging out at the mall.”

Saw you in the Ojo 15

By Paul Jackson paulconradjackson@gmail.com


anada’s Sir Wilfrid Laurier declared the 20th century would belong to his magnificent country. Laurier, was the nation’s seventh, and first French-Canadian prime minister, leading his Liberal government between 1896 and 1911. He also built his Liberal party to be by far the most dominant political force in his nation for the rest of the entire century. But when it came to Laurier’s prediction, it didn’t quite happen, and the 20th century actually came to belong to America. Now we are told the 21st century will belong to China. Folks, that won’t happen either. If anything, if this century doesn’t continue to belong to America, it will belong to Canada. Why? China has huge problems, Canada has none. Geographically, Canada is the second largest country in the world, but has a population equal only to that of California. China, with 1.3 billion people, is squashed by its population. Canada’s quality of life is equal to that of the United States - more so in some respects while in China 90% of the population live without inside toilets and running water. Despite its seeming economic might, China is a Third World country. China is surrounded by traditional enemies - especially Japan, and India, with which it fought a border war not so long ago - and rippled with exploding racial tribal tensions. Canada has no real enemies, and Quebec separatism is more about preserving a segment of French-Canadian culture than anything else. China has few natural resources and is polluted coast-to-coast, while Canada has vast and varied natural resources, perhaps more than any other nation in the world, and an environmental record second to none. Frankly, and I admit saying this as a Canadian, Canada has everything going for it this century. Yet, also, as a Canadian, I contend that unlike the doomsayers, the


El Ojo del Lago / March 2011

Paul Jackson

United States is far from being in decline never mind dying. Despite its woes, brought on mainly not by traditional Liberalism - but by license verging on anarchy and shyster lawyers who twist and turn anything and everything to get criminals off free and subvert both fair justice and the Constitution, it’s still a dynamic society of entrepreneurial people. Sure, the zany Liberal-Left has spent the USA into deep, deep financial debt, and eroded its moral base, but on Main Street and in rural areas there is still solid backbone. Forget the sordidness of today’s Hollywood. And in spite of Communist China’s 1.2 million strong military, the USA is still the foremost military power in the world. The scare stories about the USA becoming a second-rate nation are greatly exaggerated. It can do so only if naive American consumers and greedy manufacturers continue to buy cheap goods made in low-rate China rather than buying top-rate American-made goods, while they ignore China’s military and industrial subversion and spying against them. Americans must go back to the standards set by the likes of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, Lyndon Johnson and Ronald Reagan. They must not let frivolous government spending by both self-serving Democrats and some Republicans allow Congress to destroy the dollar. As for Canada, cheer it on. No matter how rich it becomes—and this century will see it become incredibly rich—it will never be America’s enemy. Only America’s friend. The days of the War of 1812, when the Americans tried to do to Canada what they did to Mexico, but ended with not only the northern nation fighting back ferociously but even burning down the White House in 1814, are long over.

Saw you in the Ojo 17

Wondrous Wildlife Submitted by: J.T. and H.C. Just say No


beautiful Sunday morning, a lovely day to do some bird watching, enjoying nature or not, as two friends ventured out to do some undercover birding in Guadalajara’s Sunday Baratillo. What they discovered was heartbreaking. The following was submitted to us by them; our collective aim is to raise awareness of the plight of our wildlife. Remember what you see at any market is just the tip of the iceberg. Never buy any wild bird, or any fauna. In their words, this describes their early morning bird watching excursion, in a most unnatural place, far from nature. In February, my friend and colleague and I visited this thriving market in the heart of Guadalajara to see what might be found in their captive bird section. We are both experienced birders, one of us known for species identification and the other more focused on bird conservation. First of all, most cities in areas where there are abundant and colorful local avifaunas have outdoor markets where captive species (not only birds) are sold usually in depressing and squalid conditions. Some of the worst we have seen are in Asia, for example Kuala Lumpur and Jakarta. It turns out Guadalajara is no exception. Despite being illegal under the wildlife regulations of Mexico, we identified at least 24 species of local birds and upwards of 500 individuals being held in small wire cages, all looking like pale and frantic versions of their wild cousins. Not wanting to attract too much attention to ourselves, a quick walk through the market revealed the following 24 species, many of which are rare as well as Mexican endemics: Green jay, Black throated magpie jay, Blue mockingbird, Northern


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mockingbird, Brown back solitaire, Cardinal, Rufous backed robin, Hooded oriole, Altamyra oriole, Streaked back oriole,Yellow headed blackbird, Red winged blackbird, Common dove, Ruddy ground dove, Kiskadee, Rust crowned sparrow, Black headed grosbeak, Aztec thrush, Painted bunting, Lazuli bunting, Varied bunting, Grey silky flycatcher, Blue rumped parrotlet, Curved bill thrasher. No doubt there are more that we didn’t see. Prices for the birds ranged as high as 1,500 pesos for a pair of magpie jays. Several private dealers also approached us and noted they had additional collections outside of the market including local parrots. We managed to take a few furtive photos of some of the sad specimens all destined for short half-lives. We are anonymously passing on this information to local bird and wildlife groups in the hope that SEMARNAT and PROFEPA, the agencies responsible for enforcing wildlife laws, will be encouraged to act to eliminate or at least reduce the trade in wild birds that so many residents and visitors to Mexico come to see. “For anyone with the fortitude to visit the market, which is one of the largest in Latin America and carries the full range of goods from antiques and clothing to motorcycles, and can tolerate the sadness of caged wild birds, go to the northwest corner of the market next to the puppy mill section—in itself another depressing scene.” Note: Despite the urge to buy these unfortunate creatures, to save them, the best thing to do is report it to the officials. Do not buy these animals, as it only encourages vendors to capture more and once again the vicious cycle of death continues.

Saw you in the Ojo 19

THIS WORLD of OURS By Bob Harwood bharwoodb@hotmail.com

Egypt At The Epicenter


gypt was at the epicenter of a seismic shift in the earth’s geopolitical structure. The first tremors were felt in Tunisia a week earlier as a long- standing despot was ousted in a matter of hours by angry citizens. This triggered an uprising in Egypt, breathtaking in its suddenness, scale, non-violence and in its success. Untold thousands gathered daily in Cairo’s Tahrir Square calling for Mubarak, a despotic ruler of more than three decades, to step down now! Tech savvy youths in a country where the median age is 24 used Facebook and Twitter to coordinate each stage. As demonstrations persisted the powerful military remained neutral, expressed understanding of citizens’ concerns. The people were not motivated by extremism but protesting low wages, high unemployment, soaring food prices, and rampant corruption. As protests spread Mubarak finally did step down February 11 just 18 days after the revolt began. Euphoria erupted. Pride was restored to the nation. Protestors scaled back and spaced out peaceful demonstrations but demanded early signs of tangible reforms to a more democratic society. The military dissolved Parliament, invoked military law and urged people to return to work pledging that a constitutional amendment plebiscite and elections be held within months. Shock waves were felt throughout the region. Egypt was a strategic ally of Israel. Would the new Egypt be secular or fundamentalist? Was Israel’s oppression and impoverishment of Palestinians akin to Mubarak’s oppression of Egyptians? Were Israeli secularists, and there are many, applauding while Netanyahu’s right wing-partners worried? Was an elected but extremist Hamas at odds with Abbas and more moderate Palestinians? Iran’s brutal theocracy hoped an ally would emerge but feared the worst. Hereditary oil sheikdoms watched nervously lest they be caught up in a domino effect by masses no longer willing to endure obscene economic contrasts between rulers and


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the ruled. In the days following, protests erupted in Algiers, Yemen, Bahrain, and in Iran where thousands of protestors were again met with force when they thronged the streets reinvigorated by Egypt’s success. People power had found its voice. Shock waves were also felt on distant shores as nations around the world, caught flatfooted by the suddenness of it all, worried about the impact on longstanding alliances and interests, scrambled to adjust responses day by day. Was America’s support of despots in pursuit of security and economic interests at odds with its self -image as a champion of democracy? What of its reliance on mid east oil, on the Suez Canal as a major waterway, on military bases and alliances in the region? Might what is happening in the Arab world be extrapolated to a host of issues in and beyond our own national borders that we must ponder in the months and years ahead. Are gross inequalities and oppression a primary cause of terrorism? Might one man’s terrorist be another’s Freedom Fighter? Is it more righteous to slay by collateral damage from the skies than in hand to hand combat? Has the West’s support of tyrants and use of the military option actually fueled terrorism and at times directed it their way? Has our broader understanding of Islam been distorted by equating it with extremism? Should we move beyond a fragile dependence on Mid East Oil to less dependence on oil altogether to save a threatened planet? Will soaring food prices fuel more uprisings be desperate people? If not addressed will gross contrasts between poor, underpaid or unemployed people and huge bonuses to those who brought on the recession lead to social unrest within our own borders? At what point do some of our own democracies degenerate into plutocracy, the rule of the wealthy? I see many challenges and opportunities, domestic and global, in the aftermath of Egypt. Bob Harwood

Saw you in the Ojo 21

PEPITO ASKS: DID YOU KNOW...? —That our website www.chapala. a. an com is currently receiving more than six million hits per month! n o ur —That all the ads and articles iin our te! magazine also appear on our website! n c ol or a ll —That our magazine is now all iin color all the time, and the response to this innovation has been terrific! —That the Ojo has the largest Classified Section of any English-language publication in the entire state of Jalisco—and it’s FREE! —That our magazine’s enormously popular Web Board is the best way to find out what Lakesiders are thinking, saying and doing! The Board now has 8,000 members signed up and has recorded more than 75,000 posts! —That the Ojo has many of the best writers and photographers in the entire country of Mexico, many of whom have won awards in Canada and the United States! —That the magazine was founded more than 25 years ago and has repeatedly won the “Best Lakeside Publication” conducted by El Mejor de Los Mejores. —That the Ojo prints many more copies each month han n and delivers them to more placess tthan de! any other publication at Lakeside! taff —That our Editorial and Sales S Staff o is totally bilingual and anxious tto er help our Advertisers in whatever st way possible to achieve the best possible results! Just thought you’d like to know. Gracias!


El Ojo del Lago / March 2011

Saw you in the Ojo 23

A LURE By David Bryen


ired of scooping salamanders from under the surface of the lake, naming them and racing them against her younger brother’s hoard, she ran up to me with a new idea: “Daddy, can I take the Aqua Pod out and go fishin? I wanna catch a fish.” Standing up from my chair, I tossed her a faded orange life vest and helped her strap it on: “Which pole do you want to use?” “The fly rod. Will you put your favorite fly on it?” “Its already on.” I’d been thrashing the lake water in vain trying to persuade a fish to my dinner table with my seductive $1.49 Muddler Minnow fly, supposedly the local’s best for landing the big ones. We’d seen the silver sides of a few salmon roll not far from shore. Maybe her luck would be better than mine. At six years old she’d already declared herself a vegetarian, routinely spitting out or gagging on dead flesh whenever we could convince her to eat “real” food, so fishing didn’t make a lot of sense. I admired my little darling for heading out alone and who was I to question the urge that pulled her. With the pole ready my bright blond second grader shoved away from the dock in the kayak with my final bit of wisdom: “Don’t forget to spit on the fly!” a tradition taught to me by my Montana old-timer Uncle Noah, who taught me everything important about fly fishing and spitting. He would have been proud too. Who knows how long, for her an eternity, finally her frenzied movements out in the lake caught the edge of my eye. I grabbed the binoculars and in horror watched her struggling to wield the boat back to safety. It had imposed its own will, randomly swinging from side to side as if caught in a vortex she couldn’t escape. I rushed to the dock to hear her terrified and terrifying scream: “DADDY, DADDY! COME GET THIS FISH! COME RIGHT NOW! HELP ME! I CAN’T GET TO SHORE!” Her puffy cheeks, reddened eyes, voice hoarse from screaming for help, shirt stained by tearful drool, her little hands in vain paddling the double


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ended paddle while trying to corral the doubled over, throbbing fishing pole she’d jammed against her seat. “Let the line go free and paddle to shore!” I coached. “Don’t worry about the pole.” She made it to the dock and I lifted her sagging body then the pole out of the boat. The salmon, exhausted from towing her around the lake was easy to land. The collective fury of 10,000 powerless people possessed her young body and like a genie, grew 10 feet as she stood over that vanquished king, fists clenched and would have clubbed it to death except for her fear of this ocean-grown leviathan. Nearly as big as she was, that three foot long silver savage lashed the dock with its tail, starving for air, desperately seeking escape from this rabid seven year old girl hurling crimson diatribes its direction: “I HATE YOU FISH! I HATE FISHING! I HATE THIS LAKE! I HATE FISHERMEN!” And I thought immediately of The Old Man and the Sea and how that fish caught him and pulled him like destiny. I didn’t have time to ponder long: “THROW IT BACK, THROW IT BAAAAACK!!!” Her words disappeared into an inaudible shriek. “Karis, it’s a good fish and we can eat it.” “NOOOOOO!” I never expected such vehemence, or such volume and I immediately tore the hook from its mouth, amazed at the authority fear authorizes, and with complete obedience to her ancient bone rattling demand, grabbed its writhing tail and pushed it back and forth in the water to get oxygen across its gills while she screamed: “HURRY, DADDY, HURRY! GET IT OUTTA HERE!” eviscerating all that she’d been storing. As soon as the revived salmon tore off, she melted into my arms, convulsive sobs heaving all the way from her toes. She managed,

through the broken cadence of her laborious crying: “I tried to bite the line, but I knew it was your favorite lure.” Uncomforted by the breadth of my love she fled upstairs, threw herself into bed burying her head as far as possible under her pillow. As if she had been asked to accept too much, she clamped her shoulders to her ears in refusal, stuffed her fists in her eyes, and pounded the bed with her feet. Shaking the cabin with her sobs, she fell asleep alone trying to escape what she went fishing for and what caught her.

Saw you in the Ojo 25

Maggie and the Hot Sheets Motel By Roberta Rich


riving three thousand kilometres from Vancouver to Colima, Mexico with Maggie is an unalloyed pleasure- except for one thing. She is seven years old now, placid, sedate, the doggy equivalent of late middle age, kind of like us. She has her bed in the back of the station wagon and as my husband is fond of saying, a little too often for my liking, she never criticizes his driving and she never whines for a pee break. We are well acquainted with the U.S. chain motels throughout Washington State, Oregon, and California in all of their splendidly cheap, convenient and dog friendly guises. Their lurid signs beckon from the I-5 and at the end of a long day, we and Maggie gratefully snuggle into the charmless but antiseptic arms of a Motel 6, Motel 8, or Travelodge. If you don’t believe me, I have dozens of purse size plastic bottles of body lotion, shampoo, doll-size bars of bath soap, and hair conditioner to prove it. Our gruelling schedule of ‘gas/ pee –drive- drive- eat/pee- sleepget up- eat’ and do the same thing all over for six days and nights serves us well until we cross the border. Then the problem starts. There are two breeds of dogs in Mexico: the purse dog, also known as a ‘d.w.p.’ (dirty white poodle) and the ‘roof dog’ a snarling, teeth-baring creature designed to terrify and intimidate all who come within a block of the roof in question. Maggie fits into neither category. Being a German Shepherd, she has the look of a wolf but the disposition of a purse dog. ‘No perros (dogs)’ is the rule, which makes finding a motel room a challenge in a country of carefully tended, vigilantly guarded Mom and Pop hotels. However, this was the year of our big break through. We discovered the concept of ‘the hot sheets motel’ (sometimes called ‘love motel’)


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numerous throughout Mexico. Our personal favourite was the Dix Motel in Culiacan, Sinaloa. (Culiacan was in the news recently as the locale for battling narcotraficos but don’t let this deter you. It’s a happening little place.) The typical Mexican house is small and lacking in privacy, and the neighbours are as nosey as neighbours anywhere, so the pay-by-thehour motel is a popular institution. (Attention President Sarkozy! Countries concerned about declining national birth rates may want to encourage this discrete, low rise, anonymous institution.) You enter through a curved high walled entrance, drive up to the reception building of smoked one way glass. An electronic arm extends to receive your two hundred pesos (about $20.00); the arm extends again to give you a key. Then you and your car disappear into the maze of 70’s style motel units with attached garages. Think Mexico meets Edward Scissorshand. Each room comes equipped with an adjacent parking space complete with a heavy green plastic curtain on rings to conceal your car (or an elephant) as you unload selves, luggage, and dog. Inside is a comfortable king size bed and a menu from which you can order by phone everything from burritos and enchiladas to Viagra and a cream called ‘Analease’. The delivery of these purchases is effected through a revolving turnstile similar to the one Hannibal Lector received his meals through in Silence of the Lambs. You place your pesos on the shelf, spin, and presto, your piping hot burrito, or Viagra, appears as if by magic, on the return spin. You will see not a soul from the moment you pull into the entrance until you pull out in the morning, cheerful and relaxed after a blissful sleep and a good romp. Dog lovers rejoice.

Saw you in the Ojo 27

Hearts at Work A Column by James Tipton Reprinted By Request “You’re still carrying yours.”


wo monks, one mature and the other still a student, were walking down a gentle path that ran beside a river. As they were walking, they saw two bullies walking toward them. The older monk smiled at the bullies and wished them a good afternoon. The younger monk, although worried, attempted a smile and wished them a good afternoon as well. One of the bullies pointed to the other side of the river and said, “We need to cross that river, but we do not want to get our feet wet.” The older monk continued to smile. The younger monk stared at his feet. “You will carry us across,” said the other bully. The two monks then bent over, allowing the bullies to jump on their backs, and then set out to wade across


the river.r. Once Onc ncee on the o other t err th side, the bu bullies b lll ie iess jumped off and ff a n nd walked a away. way. wa y y. The monks recrossed the river and d resumed their morning walk. Hours later, the younger monk spoke. “Those two bullies have made me so angry. What right did they have to do that to us? The younger monk said, “Aren’t you angry that we had to carry them across the river?” The older man rested his hand on the shoulder of the younger monk and said, “The difference between me and you is that you’re still carrying yours.”

El Ojo del Lago / March 2011

I have told this charming story many times, partly to continue to remind myself about the importance of being d detached from anger, or if angry, of simply simp witnessing it in myself rather than be being driven by it. Tha young monk was angry, but That the older old monk taught him how to respond. Likewise, we ourselves become angry, when people cast, like a net, their an anger over us. wa involved romantically for too I was many years y with a woman who was proud of “being in touch” with her anger, no matter how inappropriate or irrational irra her anger was in terms of the th situation or the person she chos chose to attack. She would, for examp ample, regularly return home from her group therapy sessions to relea lease still more anger on to me, eve even as I was preparing dinner ffor her, h even though hours later she would sometimes acknowledge I was not connected with her anger of that moment. I asked her one time, “If I was on my deathbed, and you came home so angry from your group therapy sessions, and you knew for certain that anger was not about me, would you still feel the need to take it out on me?” Without hesitation, she answered, “Yes, of course. I don’t want to get cancer!” Well, some situations are so pre-

posterous that you simply need to turn and walk away. Best to let every bully like that slip off your back and head down their own dark road alone while you return to the path that is truly your own. Some of us here at Lakeside remember the Chicago Journalist, Sidney J. Harris. Harris wrote memorable lines like, “The real danger is not that computers will begin to think like men, but that men will begin to think like computers” and “The good person loves people and uses things, while the bad person loves things and uses people.”

Saw you in the Ojo 29

By Victoria Schmidt

Battle of the Bands


ecently I had the most unusual dining experience yet in Mexico. My husband and I walked to our favorite restaurant to have a nice romantic dinner. But when we found it closed, we decided to try out a restaurant further on down the block. We’d always eyed this establishment and talked about trying it, but had never taken the opportunity. It was by far the largest Mexican restaurant we’d visited. We had a beautiful view of the Malecon, and the setting sun. The tables were surrounded with Mexican families enjoying their meals. This restaurant had a swing set, stairs and slides. I’ve been in family oriented restaurants in the USA… even those with games, and a fun land for kids. But this was the first time I saw something like that in Mexico. As we awaited the delivery of our food, several people stopped by our table. A young woman holding her infant stopped by to try to sell us gum. A shirt vendor stopped and showed us the many shirts he wanted us to purchase. Next a sweet-faced young boy was fanning us with faux flowers…followed later by a balloon vendor. Didn’t I see a sign when I walked in that said no vendors? And why were they all concentrating on our table? At the far end of the restaurant, a live band playing Mexican tunes on their stringed instruments. It was pleasant. I enjoyed the setting sun, the view of the water. I could even appreciate the squeals of delight from the children playing on the swing set. And then it happened. Another band entered the restaurant. The first band dressed in matching white jacket were playing their stringed instruments at the furthest end of the room, and we selected seats far away from the band, as we tend to be “sound sensitive.”


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The second band, in their identical black shirts, made their way through the restaurant, and picked a spot mid-way in the large area. They and their brass instruments were much closer to us. But what truly surprised me was that they started to play, even though the original band was still playing. I was beginning to have visions of “Dueling Banjo’s” but it was nowhere near as melodic. Just as we were finishing a third band walked in. This band, in purple sequined shirts, walked up to the table next to us. They set up their drum. Then their accordion player lined up next to a tuba player, followed by a singer. And they started playing what could loosely be described as music. But the people at the table sang along with tune, while we made wild motions to our waiter for our check. Checks are never quick to the table in Mexico, and we were in dire need to escape the battle of the bands, the shrill squeals of the children, the constant flow of vendors. “It’s like a circus in here,” shouted my husband. It took longer to get our change than it did to prepare our meals. Finally, change in hand, we were released. When our ears stopped pounding about a block later, we vowed never again to go anywhere near that restaurant. We find it fascinating that the Mexican culture can be so tolerant of loud noise. Their festivals are filled with bands playing loudly long into the night, usually accompanied by fireworks, loud singing and joyful noises. They celebrate with nearly every part of their being. I admire that. But three bands playing at the same time is more than I can tolerate! Victoria Schmidt

Saw you in the Ojo 31

My Sex Life As A Fire Hydrant By Jeremy Monroe


ne day I became a fire hydrant. Sounds odd I suppose, but really not so different from Gregory Samsa.l Surprising, yes, but less disgusting. And, we never learned about Gregor’s sex life as a bug. Probably we had preconceived ideas about that too. My sex life has been quite satisfying, as you’ll see. You ask how can the sex life of a fire hydrant be satisfying? Well, to begin with, have you ever had a rough, tough, handsome fireman come to ream your pipe? First, they put that big two-footlong wrench on the cap nut and begin to lean on it, really put the pressure right on the nut. It begins to turn, first slowly, then, finally, it comes lose, and those big gloved hands take the cap on either side and give it a spin, then, spin again, and again until the cap comes off and falls away dangling by its chain, lose and free (except for the chain holding it so it won’t roll away). Next, as if that weren’t enough, he takes out his sturdy reamer and inserts that shiny thing in as far down the pipe as then can get it, and he turns it, slowly at first as it scrapes off the crusty deposits from the inner walls of my pipe. Then, when he’s done, he gives it a final spin. Let me tell you! That’s the feeling I’d been waiting for. But that’s not the end of it. Next, with my cap off my pipe, dangling by its small length of chain, he takes that strong, sturdy length of wrench and fits its female part over my valve nut on top and


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begins to turn. I can feel it releasing pent up pressure from my most inner places, places way down, below street level, where the sun never shines, where the real power lies. Slowly, the water begins its surge. First a trickle out my valve, then surging faster, and faster, until I am spraying a four inch column of water five feet across the whole damn sidewalk! The reassembly is nice too; turning off the valve and shutting down the spray a little at a time, until finally the water left on the wet threads serves as a modest lubricant for replacing my cap. At this point, I am S P E N T! You think that’s it? No! Have you ever had a big, strong, fireman, decide to paint your entire body with a rich, thick, viscous, fire hydrant red, enamel paint? Your entire body? Leaving no spot unpainted? Well, I thought I’d died and gone to heaven. First, he scrapes off all the flakey paint, rubs me down with a stiff, steel brush, and maybe a light tickle touch with an emery cloth. I’m pumped and ready now! Then, get this, he takes a three inch paint brush with soft, dense bristles, dips it in the can of flaming red paint, and begins to spread it over my body. He begins at the bottom and works his way around and up, up to the tippy top nut. He pokes the bristles in here and there getting into some of the narrow parts of my casting. Always, as he works his way over my body, he works the paint out to a glossy smooth finish with no rough spots. Now, I look like a million dollars, and feel smooth, mellow and hot for a fire. So, don’t tell me that being a fire hydrant doesn’t have its rewards. Sure, those goddamned dogs...But, wow! Ain’t nothing like a work-over by a big, strong fireman! 1 The Metamorphosis, Franz Kafka

Saw you in the Ojo 33

AS A ST THE HE T TACO ACO T TURNS URNS (And takes the world with it) By Beth Berube berubebeth@yahoo.com Finding a Blouse in My Size or How to Stuff a 20-Pound Sack of Potatoes into a 5-Pound Bag


here is a store in Seattle called Chicos. Their clothes buyers have a brilliant philosophy. If a woman wears an off the rack size eight at every other store, she can try on a frock at Chicos in a size two. Voila! A perfect fit. A little confusing perhaps but hey, we all need an ego boost now and again. In Mexico, the fashionistas have a sadistic polar opposite approach in sizing women’s clothing. Case in point --There are about three sizes to choose from in the women’s department. The first is chica or small. A blouse in this size might fit someone with the physique of a Chihuahua. In fact, I don’t think I have seen anyone wearing a size chica unless they were in diapers. The next step up is mediana. Medium. On most charts, this is where I would fall. The third size is Grande. Like the Rio Grande or the Grand Canyon. Not something a gal gets excited about pulling off the rack and trying on. In the morning, I weigh about 130 pounds, give or take, depending on how many servings of flan I had the night before. I am not skinny, but if I were to place a singles ad, I could describe myself as height/weight proportional and nobody would call me on it. Last week I celebrated my 55th birthday and decided to go shopping in Manzanillo for a shiny, new blouse. I plucked a cute little number off the


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rack. It was medium, and I made a beeline for the changing room. I looked like an elephant sporting a tight teddy. Realizing that drastic circumstances call for drastic measures, I sauntered over to the lingerie department. There on a rack in front of me I found a Body Silhouette Contour Waist Length Shaping Bra that promised to reduce my girth by one whole size. Shazaam!! Pop a crown on my head and point me towards the runway. I wanted to be certain that it would fit, so I snatched up a size Grande and headed for home. The reality of what happened next was savagely troubling. I practically needed a crowbar to get it over my head and past my shoulders. I enlisted my husband Larry’s help and between the two of us, we were able to make the necessary adjustments. Unfortunately, the spandex material kept rolling up like a window sash, squeezing my solar plexus with boa constrictor strength. Fearing I might pass out from oxygen deprivation, Larry mustered all the energy he had left and was able to extricate me. It’s so nice to have a man around the house. My self-worth is in shambles and my pride smashed into subatomic particles. If a Chicos store ever opens around here, I will be their first customer.

Saw you in the Ojo 35



ur garden, a lovely house-front apron of flowering plants, shrubs and fruit trees, has been under siege by cutter ants, with no hope of a diplomatic settlement. They’ve been turning new and old-growth vegetation into confetti for weeks and carrying it through endless parades over my garden day and night. What’s worse, they couldn’t have been more conspicuous and brazen about it if they were wearing plumed medieval helmets. And for some reason unbeknown to God or man, they will not touch my weeds. “I hear the queen loves a good weed snack on occasion,” I think


El Ojo del Lago / March 2011

I yelled out one evening. Someone once told me their trail of troops can extend miles. I did some extrapolating and discovered that creatures the size of splinters organizing a parade one mile long is the equivalent of humans marching around the circumference of the earth carrying some ridiculous amount of trail mix over our heads – without ever stopping to eat it. It was the last straw as I watched the dauntless troopers carry portions of my mango tree over my shoetips whistling, It’s a Long Way to Tipperary! Bring in the gardener. My gardener just shrugged and drizzled a few ounces of gasoline into the entrances

to their nests and went home. Nope! This just seemed to give them a psychotropic, methanol high and the late night nibbles. I could have been imagining it because it was getting dark, but I think they actually began growing in size. At that, I even lost the courage to stomp on them for fear of being leg swept into the air and dumped on my head. Bring in second garderner. Patrone. (Poison.) “They like the taste of it. They take it to the nest and the whole pack of them dies,” my second gardener said. And yes, he was right, they liked the taste of it, and they did take it to their nest. But instead of wiping them out, I believe they had a fiesta. “Hey, is there any more of that Patrone left?” I swore I heard them yelling up the line at 3 AM. With all patience gone, I went and found myself a bruja (witch, for those needing subtitles). The invasion happened so paranormally sudden, what else could it be but the evil eye (mal de ojo), a common belief in Mexico. I know who the perpetrator was too – that weird guy sitting in his truck trying to sell me manure: “Manure?”, “No, gracias.” “Es bueno!”, Hoy, no.”, half-hour later, Caramba, a plague of insects! That’s how fast it happens. My bruja, a blessed Huichol woman, claimed to have the power to treat victims of the evil eye and, later in the day, do some laundry - a full return to my tranquil Buena Vibra and a bundle of whites for a tiny fee. Perfect! The first thing she did was take a camote (sweet potato), and sculpt it into a face, which she said was me something she called a blessed milagro. (Yes, I was now suspended in some paranormal dimension in the form of Mr. Potato Head.” My medium sat with my effigy in her lap and chanted incantations over it while she breast-fed her baby. I was okay with that, until the bruja’s cat be-

gan gnawing off the top of my right effigy temple. I became concerned, because, frankly, I was getting a weird headache right around my right eye. I still had hope that the ants were getting a good scolding from the gods and packing up to leave. Finally, my enchanted medium, baby asleep, asked that I take the camote home and bury it, and the cutter ants would disappear. I agreed to do this, but when I arrived home, I found burying my own Mr. Potato Head likeness, especially a Mr. Potato Head that might have contained a part of my spirit, an affront to the Enlightment. So, unable to bury the tuberous likeness, I cooked it up into a batch of pancakes instead, and washed it all down with a fine Anejo, followed by another and then another. In the end, I was feeling pretty good, and in no time, believe it or not, I was directing cutter ant traffic. Live and let live, I thought. And, here’s the surprising thing! The ants suddenly disappeared on their own. Obviously, the bruja knew her stuff. Of course, there is nothing left of my garden and several neighbors have been dropping off their basura into what is now my vacant field. But the ants are gone!

Saw you in the Ojo 37

HAROLD RUSSELL –The Best Years of His Life By Roderick MacDonald


n late 1944, as the Second World War was struggling to a close, the legendary film producer Samuel Goldwyn was inspired to make a movie that would tell the story of returning service veterans trying to adjust to civilian life. Goldwyn hired former war correspondent MacKinlay Kantor to write a screenplay, but with unpredictable results. Kantor’s work was published as a novella named Glory for Me, which he wrote in blank verse. Goldwyn then turned to screenwriter Robert Sherwood to adopt Kantor’s work into a screenplay and hired veteran combat photographer William Wyler to direct the film. Filming on the movie began in April 1946 and was released later that year as The Best Years of Our Lives. Kantor was reportedly incensed over the renaming of the script, however the film went on to earn seven Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Actor and in a stunning upset, the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor was awarded to a disabled Army veteran with no previous acting experience. This is the remarkable and often tragic story of a young man from North Sydney, Nova Scotia, and how he became part of film industry lore. Harold John Russell was born in


El Ojo del Lago / March 2011

North Sydney on January 14, 1914. When he was 19, he moved with his family to Massachusetts. In 1941, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. Russell, now 27, was profoundly affected by the attack on his adopted homeland and enlisted in the U.S. Army the next day. In 1944 Sergeant Russell was stationed as an army instructor with the U.S. 13th Airborne Division at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. On June 6th, 1944 (D-Day), while training other soldiers in the use of explosive devices, a defective fuse detonated an explosive in his hands. He lost both hands and was given two hooks as crude prosthetics. After the war and his subsequent recovery, Russell attended Boston University on the GI Bill. While a student there, he participated in the making of a documentary film called Diary of a Sergeant about rehabilitating war veterans. As fate would have it, Wyler happened to see the film and immediately cast Russell as one of the three main characters in his new movie, alongside Frederic March and Dana Andrews. In fact, Wyler had

Sherwood rewrite the script to adopt Russell’s character of Homer Parrish, a Navy seaman who had lost both hands in the war and was fearful that his childhood sweetheart would reject him. During the making of the movie, Russell was extremely nervous about his demanding role, which required him at one point to perform a piano duet. However, the other cast members were touched by his quiet and self- effacing manner and they went out of their way to provide support. The evident on- screen chemistry between the main characters deeply moved theatre audiences everywhere and does to this day still. As a result, the film swept the Academy Award presentations in 1947, winning every major award. Although Russell was nominated for Best Supporting Actor, few members of the Academy’s Board of Governors gave him much hope of winning. They created a special award that was given out early in the ceremony to Russell for “bringing hope and courage to his fellow veterans.” When the winner of the Best Supporting Actor award was announced, the audience erupted in applause, many in tears. To this day, Russell holds the distinction of being the only actor to win two awards for the same role, and one of only two non-professional actors to win. (The other was Haing S. Ngor for his role as Dith Pran in The Killing Fields.) After the awards ceremony, Wyler advised Russell to go back to school “since there were not many roles for an actor without hands.” Russell returned to Boston University, where he graduated with a business degree in 1949. That same year the first of his two autobiographies, “Victory in My Hands,” was published. Russell went on to become a driving force for veteran’s rights. He served three terms as National Commander of AMVETS,

and in 1964 was appointed by President Johnson as Chairman of the President’s Commission on Employment for the Handicapped, a position he held until the late 80s. He was often asked about his dexterity with the prosthetic hooks and would quip, “I can pick up anything but the dinner check!” However tragedy and controversy dogged his later life. In 1978, Russell’s first wife Rita died suddenly at the young age of 34. In 1982 his son Gerald, an Eastern Airlines pilot was convicted of murder in the Florida shooting death of another Eastern pilot over a reported love triangle involving the other pilot’s wife. In September 2007, his application for parole was denied and he remains incarcerated. In 1992, Russell ignited a storm of controversy over his decision to put his Best Supporting Actor award up for auction. Remarried at the time to, Russell stated that he needed the money to pay his wife’s medical bills. He defended his action, saying: “I don’t know why anybody would be critical. My wife’s health is much more important than sentimental reasons.” The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has required all Oscar recipients since 1950 to sign an agreement forbidding them from selling their award. As a pre-1950 winner, Russell was exempt from this provision. Despite the efforts of the Academy, the statuette sold for approximately $60,000 and reportedly sold to the late Hollywood mogul Lew Wasserman, who returned it to the Academy. While the relatives and friends of other recipients have successfully sold their awards posthumously, Russell holds the dubious distinction of being the only living recipient to sell his academy award. Russell died of a heart attack on January 29, 2002 and is buried in Wayland, Massachusetts.

Saw you in the Ojo 39

Phone: (376) 766-4774 or 765-3676 to leave messages Email: kdavis987@gmail.com PAST EVENTS: At the Club Nautico de Chapala a new Board of Directors was installed for the Medical College of the Ribera de Chapala. The Board for 2011-2012 is made up of Dr. José Manuel Cόrdova Cervantes – President, Dr. Carlos Garcia Diaz del Castillo – Vice-President, Dr. Sergio Ramirez Acuña – Secretary, Dr. Monica P. Ramos – Treasurer, Dr. Victor M. Garcia Diaz – Honor & Justice Commission, Dr. Nicolás Alonso Estrella – Associate College Commissioner, Dr. Luis Javier Flores Alvarado, MSc – in charge of Certification & Dr. José Manuel Accreditation and Dr. Felipe Ochoa Hernández – in charge Cόrdova of Press Releases. Dr. Cόrdova has practiced medicine for the past 31 years, specializing in Internal Medicine. He served in the Mexican Army & Air Force for 14

most fortunate to have had them visit us here at Lake Chapala. February 18, at Quattro Gallery, Colon #9, Ajijic, Daniel Stewart, photographer and retired professor of literature, held a photo exhibit entitled “Retratos y Sombreros” (Portraits and Sombreros). The show was a compilation of portraits from Mexico and South American countries, including a series of portraits of people wearing the same sombrero. Having emigrated originally from Canada, Daniel settled in Ajijic in 2010. He Swan Lake by the has held Russian State Ballet exhibits in Columbia; Guanajuato, Mexico; and several in Vancouver, Canada. He has been specializing in portrait photography for over 30 years. For more information, call Daniel at 766 – 1899 or write him at stewart@ istar.cc. The following day, February 19 at the Cultural Center on the Plaza in Ajijic, Jill Flyer and Luís Mancera MC of Quattro Gallery held a show of Smiling Lady with Sombrero their own photos. EVENTS TO COME:

Winners of Worst Sentence Contest with judge, Mary Rosenblum years. He is also president of the Gerontology/Geriatrics Society of Jalisco and is the past president of the Centenaria Sociedad Medica de Guadalajara. His column “Stay Healthy” is carried each month in El Ojo del Lago. On January 28 the Lake Chapala Writers Conference wrapped up with a Worst Sentence Contest. The sentences were selected by one of this year’s speakers. Winners were, from the left, Mike Myers – 1st place, Judy Dykstra-Brown – 2nd place, and Roberta Rich – 3rd place. Both speakers, Mary Rosenblum and Bob Dugoni, were quite personable as well as superb at teaching their craft. Attendees rated them very highly, along with the hotel food and services. The conference was held at the Hotel Real de Chapala. In February Rick Present and Ute Hagen held an art show at the Cultural Center in Ajijic. Rick’s use of color is impressionistic and quite pleasing while Ute uses her unique style to show scenes of Mexico from a different perspective. February 10 the Russian State Ballet entertained us with the most beautiful suite from Swan Lake. The performers brought the house to their feet with applause. These young dancers came out of the greatUnder the Volcano est schools of Choreographic Art in Russia. Every year they tour the world, and we are by Ute Hagen


El Ojo del Lago / March 2011

March 2, starting at 3 p.m., in the lobby at the El Dorado high rise, there will be an exhibition of works by Elizabeth Skelsey. The show will run from March 2 – 31. Food and drinks will be provided for the opening. El Dorado is the new construction on the Libramiento next to Birds of Paradise. Quite nice, worth a look. March 17 is the next special event for Lakeside Friends of the Animals who are hosting a St. Pat’s for Pets Party. Why not enjoy one of their great parties and show your love for animals at the same time? This one will be held at a private residence. Only $300

Wall in Chapala by Elizabeth Skelsey

pesos gets you wonderful appetizers from 5 – 8 p.m. with live music by the Lucky Dogs, prizes and a cash bar. Tickets are available by calling Aileen at 766 – 2618 or Ellie at 762 – 0462 or through Diane Pearl’s Colecciones at #1 Colon (and Ocampo), the law offices of Henri Loridans at 58A Carretera Ote, Ajijic, and the Animal Shelter and Clinic in Riberas. March 20, 4 – 6 p.m. Love in Action will hold their 2nd Annual Garden Party and Open House. Mexican Faire features a Taco Share your love – animals love Bar, entertainment and a cash bar. See the center and the kids. Tickets are $250 pesos you back each, available by March 1 at Diane Pearl’s, at the LiA center in Chapala or call Bonnie Newman at 766 – 0963 or Weezie Burgess at 766 – 2830. Please get tickets by March 16 so they can prepare enough food. March 22 Jaltepec Centro Educativo will host a fund raising meal, last of the season, to benefit the students. A no host bar opens at 6:30 p.m. with hors d’oeuvres and cocktail music compliments of Timothy Welch. The three-course dinner is prepared and served by the students: a choice of main courses, donation $350 pesos per person. Please feel free to call Linda Buckthorp at 766 – 1631 for menu and reservations or email buckththorp@laguna.com.mx. Tickets can be picked up from Multiva’s Reception Desk as of March 16. It would help the bar service if those ordering a bottle of wine do so when they RSVP. Available will be Santa Alicia Reserva, Merlot or Chardonnay at $220 pesos per bottle, paid for at the door.

Saw you in the Ojo 41


n the past 24 hours, while you ate, slept, worked and played, 48 living species winked out of existence! Think about it! True; natural selection and cataclysmic events have been ZHHGLQJ HDUWKœV ÀRUD DQG IDXQD since life began but the activities of mankind have accelerated the process alarmingly. Environmental scientists now estimate that 17,000 species now disappear each year. Despite its relatively small land area, Mexico is rich in animal life, ranking second among world populations, of mammals, fourth among amSKLELDQV DQG ¿UVW DPRQJ UHStiles. Unfortunately, 12.5% of its many birds, 25% of its mammals and 50% of its reptiles and amphibians are threat-

ened with extinction. True also, many of the threatened spe-

cies have long been considered pests with no earthly use that we know of. And there’s the rub. Of a possible 30 million life forms only about two million have even been FODVVL¿HG ZLWK OHVV WKDQ RQH SHU cent of those extensively studied. Suppose one of yesterday’s victims had been a lowly mold like the one that gave us penicillin?

Tomorrow, another 48 will be missing. Many of them are already doomed. Doesn’t it make sense to save as many as we can while it’s still possible?

Harpy Eagle One of the largest and most powerful of all eagles, this magnificent raptor played an important part in MesoAmerican religions as a symbol of the sky and bearer of the blood and hearts of human VDFULÂżFH WKDW QRXULVKHG WKH VXQ +LV 35 to 41 inch body length, six-anda-half foot wing span and 20 pound weight are impressive enough to account for such worship. Talons like grizzly bear claws and powerful, downturned beak made him a formidable predator of the small animals in the humid lowlands he once dominated. +H LV DOVR DQ H[WUHPHO\ KDQGVRPH ELUG +LV PDMHVWLF VL]H VWULNing black-and-white plumage and distinctive double crest are easily LGHQWLÂżHG EXW WKH DYHUDJH ELUGHU LV unlikely to add this

one to his life list, at least not here. Today, any child could count every one still existing in Mexico on his fingers. Only ten of them were still around at the last census.

Green Turtle One of the largest of marine

turtles, with a carapace three feet or more, a green can weigh almost 400 pounds. They may wander far in search of the algae and marine grasses which constitute their diet and sometimes bury themselves in mud to hibernate in colder climates, but they make their nests on warm tropical beaches. Unfortunately, female turtles sadly ODFN PDWHUQDO LQVWLQFWV +DYing deposited several dozen leathery eggs, and covered them, sometimes haphazardly, with sand, mama immediately returns to the sea and forgets them. Then the trouble begins. Numerous wild creatures relish turtle eggs and few nests are well enough hidden to survive their depredations. Even lucky hatchlings must run such a gantlet of voracious predators that few reach the relative safety of the sea. That any make it at all is due largely to the efforts of conservators who keep vigilant watch over clutches and shepherd the baELHV RQ WKHLU VHDZDUG MRXUQH\

Ocelot Leopardus pardalis albescens, a medium-sized cat which averages only about 30 inches in length, once roamed freely over inhospitable desert areas along the Mexico-United States border. Today, only 80 to 100 still live and most RI WKRVH DUH FRQÂżQHG WR a single, woefully inadequate refuge.


El Ojo del Lago / March 2011

Peregrine Falcon

Though their beautifully marked fur has made them a prime target for hunters since pre-Columbian times, the real threat is the loss of habitat, the illegal pet trade and, to a lesser extent, speeding cars. As more and more land is cleared for agriculture, the spiny brush that females prefer for their dens becomes scarce and the males, who usually mark out and control some 500 acres, are IRUFHG WR ÂżJKW IRU territory. Add the disappearance of the small animals and reptiles which are their natural prey and the increased road traffic to which these nocturnal hunters seem unable to DGMXVW DQG unless something is done soon, the future of the ocelot looks bleak.

The Latin word peregrinus means ‘to wander’ and the WanGHULQJ M IDOFRQ FHUWDLQO\ OLYHV XS WR KLV QDPH +H LV DW KRPH YLUWXDOO\ HYHU\ZKHUH IURP WURSLFDO MXQJOHV to arctic tundra, from lonely deserts to crowded cities and from sea level to 12,000 feet. Though he occasionally eats small animals, reptiles or insects, his natural prey is other, smaller birds which he takes in midDLU DIWHU D GUDPDWLF FKDVH +LV KDELW of plunging at incredible speeds from above on his hapless victims made him a favorite with Medieval falconers. Yet, despite his adapta b i l i t y,

Fortunately, they found sanctuary in the Desierto EI Vizcaino Biosphere Reserve where vigilant protection against poaching and a semi-captive breeding program have increased their numbers and given them a chance, however slim, to survive.

Iguana They are harvested for many reasons; their eggs are tasty treats for predators, their meat is considered a delicacy, their skins are valuable as leather and there is a thriving, if mostly illegal, pet market. But it is, once again, destruction of their natural habitat that has landed most members of the family iguanidae on the highly endan-

gered list. Though these strictly fruit-eating, arboreal lizards may resemble ferocious miniature dragons, they are not only harmless but are essential in re-seeding the ecosystems they inhabit. One note of hope is Costa Rica’s 3UR ,JXDQD 9HUGH SDUN ZKHUH LQ ¿YH years, 80,000 wild iguanas have been released in a rigidly controlled and protected habitat. Former hunters now raise the iguanas needed for food and other products and farmers are taught how to harvest without destruction. This may not be the answer, but at least it is an answer that seems to be working.

the peregrine nearly went the way of the dodo when the indiscriminate use of DDT caused the females to lay thin- shelled eggs that seldom survived to hatching. Thanks to banning of DDT and the conservationists who released thousands of captive-bred birds to the wild, most populations are now recovering. But the Wanderer still wanders and many countries still allow the use of DDT Pronghorn.

Antelope One would think that any creature capable of running at 70 miles per hour for long periods and thriving on the little moisture provided by scanty desert foliage, including plants poisonous to others, would be a real survivor. Not true. This tiny antelope is barely one meter tall, weighs only 50 kilograms and is the second only to the cheetah as the fastest animal on earth. Still, he hasn’t been fast enough to escape the threat of extinction. It was the old story of habitat encroachment and indiscriminate hunting that, by 1990, left only 125 of these dainty, graceful animals alive.

Saw you in the Ojo 43

Your attendance will help the needier students of this Technical Universario in Hotel & Hospitality Management, one of only five in all of Mexico. Your support raises the economic standard of the entire family unit – the students value the education they receive and, in turn, are able to help educate their siblings. Jitters poster On March 25 – 27 the Naked Stage returns to Sol y Luna, now Plaza de la Ribera, with Jitters, a Canadian comedy written by David French and directed by Betty Lloyd Robinson. Jitters is a play within a play about performers rehearsing for that big night with all the problems, personality clashes and jitters that go before an opening. There will be a no host bar. The production is not suitable for children. Donation $80 pesos. For information and directions, please call 766 – 5986 or email alandoley@gmail.com. Multiple Events: The American Legion post #7 schedule for March: Sundays.......12 – 3 p.m. Legion grill burgers (Mar 20 = doggy day too) Mar 2............9 – 9:45 a.m. – US Consulate Services (late? go to LCS) Mar 4............8 – 1 p.m. – Yard Sale Mar 8........... 4/5 p.m. – Mardi Gras – Fat Tuesday event (cocktails at 4) Mar 12...........4/5 p.m. – Rib Rodeo (cocktails at 4, dinner at 5) Mar 31...........3 p.m. – Lone Star Club (Country-Western music) For information, call 765 – 2259 or www.americanlegionchapalapost7.org Cruz Roja (Red Cross) Bus Trips for March are scheduled: Mar 15 to Guadalajara Zoo – leaves 9 a.m., leaves zoo at 3:30 p.m., cost $250 pesos includes bus trip, zoo entrance, aquarium, train ride and the safari tour; this trip is very popular – there are only a few seats left. Mar 17 to Tlaquepaque – leaves 9:30, leaves Tlaquepaque 4 p.m., cost $150 peMardi Gras Dragon sos; the Patio restaurant has a group of female mariachis beginning at 3 p.m., giving guests time to see them and be back to the bus by 4. Email June at junecooper39@yahoo.com for more information on trips. There are no refunds or exchanges once tickets are purchased. Sign up at Cruz Roja table at Lake Chapala Society, M – F from 10 – 12. Note: buses leave from the lights at the entrance to La Floresta. The Lake Chapala Society Annual General Election is scheduled for March 10 at 10 a.m. Elections for board members will now be staggered; this year LCS needs one VP, a treasurer and up to six members at large. Bring your membership card. The LCS Singles Group has planned for March 16, 5 – 8 p.m. a social cocktail mixer and dinner at Recoleta Restaurant in Chula Vista. There is a cash bar, and entrees include filet mignon, chicken or medallions. Reservations for dinner are required. The restaurant is in Chula Vista, ½ mile past Super Lake on the left side of the highway heading east. Keep tuned for additional activities for March by checking out the LCS bulletin boards or sign up on the Singles Mix & Match. There are many interesting events in the planning stages. Check at http://yahoo.com/group/lcsmixandmatch or call Patricia Doran at 766 – 0794. The US Consulate General announces a New Payment Process for services rendered at the Lake Chapala Society and the American Legion. The US Consulate General Guadalajara requires all applicants to pay with travelers checks. Participant banks are BBVA Bancomer in Ajijic and Chapala and Banamex in Chapala. Services are available at LCS the first Wednesday each month from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Fees for passport renewal – $110 USD, for notary services – $50 USD for each; full fee schedule at www.travel.state.over/passport/fees.


El Ojo del Lago / March 2011

Lakeside Little Theatre news: The fifth show of Season 46 of the Lakeside Little Theatre is Richard Adler & Jerry Ross’ The Pajama Game. Performances run until March 8. Tickets go on sale one hour prior to show time during the run of the play. The final show of the season is The Foreigner, written by Larry Shue and directed by Robert Coull, presented April 2 – 10. Painfully shy Charlie is left at a rural hunting lodge where everybody mistakes his fear of conversation as an inability to speak English. The fun begins as the local heroes and villains reveal themselves, never knowing that Charlie is silently hanging on every word. If you would like to volunteer behind the scenes, contact Don Chaloner at 766 – 1975 or email at 77dondo@gmail.com. MAS MUSICA (Music Appreciation Society) announces its 3rd play-reading fundraiser – “Towards Zero” by Agatha Christie. This ingenious mystery, set in Lady Tressilian’s country house in Cornwall, will be performed on March 11 at 4 p.m. on the Back Patio at LCS. Tickets are $100 pesos (includes your first drink) and will be on sale every weekday morning at the LCS Tickets booth from February 28 – March 11. Season tickets for concert season 2011/12 will be on sale from March 7 – March 18. Season ticket prices have had to go up for the first time in many years. The three-tier price system is retained at $1100, $1400 and $1700 pesos. Reserve your seats now! VIVA! LA MUSICA Bus trips to the ‘Live from the Met’ Opera series at Teatro Diana: Mar 19 – Lucia di Lammermoor (Donizetti) at 11 a.m., bus at 9:30 Apr 9 – Le Comte Orcy (Rossini) at noon, bus leaves at 10:30 a.m. Apr 23 – Capriccio (R. Strauss) at noon, bus leaves at 10:30 a.m. Apr 30 – Il Trovatore (Verdi) at noon, bus leaves at 10:30 a.m. May 14 – Die Walkure (Wagner) at 11 a.m., bus leaves at 9:30 a.m. Contact Marshall Krantz at 766 – 2834. Tickets cost $300 pesos for members, $350 pesos for non-members. For the January 8 opera, arrange tickets ASAP. The New VIVA Concert Series start times are aimed for 4 p.m. The preliminary lineup at the Auditorium: Mar 10 – 6 p.m. Cuban latino music and dance Sep Ensemble “Vocal Contrapuntal” Oct Piano four hands: Guillermo Salvador, Rosalinda Preciado Nov Dolores Moreno, soprano with harp Ticket prices for the Concert Series are $1100 pesos (members), $1250 (non-members). Single tickets are $250 pesos (members), $300 pesos (non-members). The Jalisco Philharmonic Season schedule has been revised to Sunday matinees; buses depart from Farmacia Guadalajara at 10:30 a.m. The cost is $250 pesos for Viva members, $300 pesos for non-members. To make a reservation, contact Marshall Krantz at 766 – 2834 or email marshallallenkrantz@yahoo.com. Mar 13 – Mahler’s 5th Symphony Mar 27 – Marcello Baroque oboe concerto, Debussy 3 nocturnes, Ortiz altar de piedra The San Miguel de Allende Baroque Music Festival Trip March 17 – 20 total package is $4300 pesos for Viva members, $4500 pesos for non-members, including concerts and pre-concert lectures, 3 nights double occupancy in the Best Western Monteverde, full breakfast, taxes and deluxe bus to and from San Miguel. Optional extras are available. Call to inquire. The Baroque Music Festival schedule: Mar 17 – 9 a.m. depart Auditorium, arrive San Miguel 2 p.m. Mar 17 – 7 p.m. Goldberg Variations in El Obraje chapel Mar 18 – 7 p.m. Age of Magnificence Concerto Grosso in the chapel Mar 19 – 7 p.m. Opera “Dido & Aeneas” by Purcell in El Obraje theatre Mar 20 – 10 a.m. depart San Miguel – no stops – arrive Ajijic 3 p.m. For further information, contact Joyce Lawrence at 766 – 1804 or email joyceanoriega@live.com. Check the festival website: www.baroqueconcerts.com.

Saw you in the Ojo 45

FRONT ROW CENTER By Michael Warren Tribute By Bernard Slade Directed by Roseann Wilshire


ribute is a strange play, a mixture of comedy, sentimentality and pathos. As a result, the audience is kept off balance, unsure whether to laugh or cry. It is much to the credit of Roseann Wilshire and a talented cast that we manage to believe in the characters and their mixed-up emotions. Don Rausch plays “Scottie Templeton” – a loveable rogue who has lived a happily irresponsible life –with great skill and stage presence. I didn’t always catch the oneliners when he dropped his voice or turned away from the audience, but he was always totally believable as Scottie the joker. For him, life is one long party. His son “Jud” doesn’t like his father very much – the play revolves around the difficult relationship between Jud and his Dad. Kevin O’Byrne handles the role of Jud very well, with repressed emotions bursting out from time to time into entirely understandable rage. Meanwhile, Betty Lloyd Robinson is happily sympathetic as “Maggie Stratton,” Scottie’s ex-wife and Jud’s mother. It turns out that Scottie is suffering from leukemia, and is forced to contemplate his own mortality. But, hey, life is a party and Scottie keeps up the one-liners. He’d like to reconcile with Jud, but neither of them quite knows how to do it.


El Ojo del Lago / March 2011

Phyllis Silverman plays Scottie’s doctor “Gladys Petrelli” who makes personal house-calls (can you believe it?) and is mostly the bearer of unwelcome news. And Don Chaloner is personable as “Lou Daniels” – Scottie’s best friend and landlord who acts as a sort of Master of Ceremonies for the tribute that they all organize for Scottie who (thank goodness!) agrees to the chemotherapy treatments that may save his life. There are two girl-friends in the play. It seems that they were hookers or professional escorts whom Scottie has befriended. Collette Clavadetscher is a newcomer to the LLT stage and performs creditably as “Sally Haines” as she tries to help Jud like his father. And Beryel Dorscht (“Hilary”) has a very funny scene as she pretends to be a nurse, and goes beyond the call of duty for a confused Scottie. The set was interesting and cleverly constructed with various levels to provide height and contrast. Congratulations to the set designers Alex Pinkerton and Tony Wilshere. Roseann Wilshere directed this difficult play with considerable subtlety and drew out the best from her cast. I wondered why Scottie didn’t seem at all sick or even slow down after chemotherapy, but perhaps that would have been out of character. Good work by all concerned! Next up is the musical The Pajama Game by Richard Adler and Jerry Ross – many of us will remember its popular songs. The Pajama Game opens on February 26, and will still be running when you read this review at the beginning of Michael Warren March.

Saw you in the Ojo 47



emember Maya, the beautiful young deaf kit? First she was taken home by Barb, our Cat Lady, but Barb’s territorial grown-up cats refused to accept this pleasant little newcomer and acted out in very unpleasant ways. So back to the Cat Center for Maya. Then a wonderful stroke of good luck: A woman wanted Maya and, as a companion for Maya, adopted Ivy. Maya and Ivy became inseparable and happy in their new home. But then things took a bad turn (long sad story) and both kits had to be retrieved for their own safety. A foster mom cared for them and was charmed by how friendly and playful they were. Then she had to return to the States. Back to the Shelter for both kits, where they sweetly await a new loving home. It would be especially wonderful if someone would adopt them together. They are each less than a year old, healthy, beautiful and truly special. While we worried about the special case of Maya and Ivy, in comes a man only days later with an adult cat in his arms. He told Geoffrey that it was his neighbor’s who was leaving the next day. Without further ado, he thrust the cat at Geoffrey and turned and left. Suddenly we had a grown-up cat whose history was unknown to us; we weren’t even told her name. You know we’re not set up to take in adult cats as they often don’t adapt to life in our main cage. So far, “Olivia” is no exception. Nevertheless, she is a lovely,

friendly cat with short white hair, in excellent health, spayed, and about 16 months old. Her life has changed abruptly. Used to a home of her own, she’s obviously yearning to have one again. A short time after Olivia arrived, we broke our own rule and took in two more adult cats. We had room and the circumstances were sad: The Mexican husband died suddenly and the widow’s relatives came to take her back to Florida. The grieving woman was further upset to have to give up her pet cats, but had no choice. It cheered her a bit to know that they were safe with us. Nefertiti is a gorgeous seal-point Siamese, 2 1/2 years old. Isis is about 7 and is one of those intriguing-looking Maine-coon type cats. We realize that Siamese and Maine coon cats are particularly popular with our cat-loving friends, so we have hopes that Nefertiti and Isis will find new and loving people. So here we are with five special cats, once with homes, now unexpectedly under our roof (and, for Maya and Ivy, back under). Please come in to meet them. Please consider them for adoption. We want to call your attention to something new being offered on our website. You can now see the lovely dogs looking for foster or permanent homes that we haven’t room to take in to our center. Give them a chance, too. Go to www.lakesideanimalshelter.com. As for the dogs currently in residence at our Dog Center, trust me, they are an exuberant bunch. So pretty, so smart. Sometimes we wonder how adopters can resist any one of them. More about them next time. Thetis Reeves


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Notes from San Blas By William Haydon wshaydon@yahoo.com

The Cracked Tiles Of San Blas


have lived in Mexico for well over a year now. I have experienced Mexican weather through good seasons and bad. From virtual non-existence, my Spanish language skills have progressed to a sort of primitive fluency. I have eaten bad chorizo and recovered from the experience to the point that I can once again be in itss presence without vomiting. When I walk to the plaza I receive so many friendly greetings I can easily pretend I am downright popular. In short, I feel like I have become a local. The town seems a bit smaller now as the faces become more familiar, and I have gotten to know the back-stories of many of my fellow gringo expats. I learned very early on here to be careful about asking people what brought them to San Blas, because more times than not, they will be happy to tell you, and you had better hope that you have a comfortable seat and a cold drink as the stories are seldom short. My friend Lou says that San Blas is a mosaic and we are all cracked tiles. When I first arrived here, that comment might have offended me but after a year, I can say I think I know what he´s talking about. In a mosaic, there are places for tiles of virtually every shape and color and in fact the only common trait they all share is that they are all broken. Of course I don´t mean to say that all of us gringos living in San Blas are actually broken, but we are, quite frequently, very uniquely shaped. Those of us who are not actually living out our golden retire-


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ment years have often ended up here because of hardship or adversity back home. Most of us are motivated by financial necessity. Some of us are seeking a fresh start after a failed relationship or business endeavor. Others are nursing chronic health problems. There are various other reasons people end up here, many characterized by some type of misfortune, and yet in spite of this we don´t seem to think of ourselves as that unfortunate. Quite the contrary. Mexico has rewarded us with one of mankind´s rarest, most precious commodities: a second chance. Whatever it was that compelled us to relocate to Mexico becomes immaterial upon arrival here. It is part of our former existence, a skin we can shed and leave behind. It may have little or no bearing on the life we now lead here. As for myself, I have actually grown to regard what once seemed a personal tragedy instead as the cathartic event that changed my life by convincing me to give up trying to fit in with the other perfectly square tiles back home and to find my place here, among the other cracked tiles, in the mosaic of San Blas.

Saw you in the Ojo 51

A Cornish Cliff By Bobby Johns The cliff massively monumental, majestically stands, its feet firmly planted in sand of its pulverized self. The cliff crafted from molten rock, cooled by sea winds and sculpted by South Westerly gales.. The cliff, face pocked with ragged nests alive with screeching , wing flapping sea birds. Loose rocks fall dislodged by goats feeding , meagerly, on the sparse grass girding gashed paths. Small eye socket caves split the vertical nose like ridge above which, a bulging overhanging brow frowns. Smooth cheeks of softer rock,bejeweled with sun drenched minerals, contrast the steep starkness. The cliff contentedly listens to the tune of the on shore breeze as it jostles and combs its hair of Sand Rushes. The gurgling full tide touches the Cliff ’s toes, cheeks turn red stained by the setting sun. The cliff waits for the flashing farewell of the sun slipping below the sea’s watery horizon. A rising mist mixes with lengthening shadows and covers its face. The cliff eagerly awaits the arrival of its friend. It sees her dancing over the distant country’s stage, Soon she will, once again, dance before him. Dawn, her chorus and glory. The Cliffs of Godrevy Head in Cornwall. U.K



ill Rogers, who died in a 1935 plane crash with his best friend, Wylie Post, was probably the greatest political sage the US ever has known. Enjoy the following: 1. Never slap a man who’s chewing tobacco. 2. Never kick a cow chip on a hot day. 3. There are two theories to arguing with a woman. Neither works. 4. Never miss a good chance to shut up. 5. Always drink upstream from the herd. 6. If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. 7. The quickest way to double your money is to fold it and put it back into your pocket. 8. There are three kinds of men: The ones that learn by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on


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the electric fence and find out for themselves. 9. Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment. 10. If you’re riding’ ahead of the herd, take a look back every now and then to make sure it’s still there. 11. Lettin’ the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier’n puttin’ it back. 12. After eating an entire bull, a mountain lion felt so good he started roaring. He kept it up until a hunter came along and shot him. The moral: When you’re full of bull, keep your mouth shut.

By Anonymous Contributor


n 2003, police in Warwickshire, England, opened a garden shed and found a whimpering, cowering dog. The dog had been locked in the shed and abandoned. It was dirty and malnourished, and had quite clearly been abused. In an act of kindness, the police took the dog, which was a female greyhound, to the Nuneaton Warwickshire Wildlife Sanctuary, which is run by a man named Geoff Grewcock, and known as a haven for animals abandoned, orphaned, or otherwise in need. Geoff and the other sanctuary staff went to work with two aims: to restore the dog to full health, and to win her trust. It took several weeks, but eventually both goals were achieved. They named her Jasmine, and they started to think about finding her an adoptive home. Jasmine, however, had other ideas. No one quite remembers how it came about, but Jasmine started welcoming all animal arrivals at the sanctuary. It would not matter if it were a puppy, a fox cub, a rabbit or, any other lost or hurting animal. Jasmine would just peer into the box or cage and, when and where possible, deliver a welcoming lick. “We had two puppies that had been abandoned by a nearby railway line. One was a Lakeland Terrier cross and another was a Jack Russell Doberman cross. They were tiny when they arrived at the centre, and Jasmine approached them and grabbed one by the scruff of the neck in her mouth and put him on the settee. Then she fetched the other one and sat down with them, cuddling them.” “But she is like that with all of our animals, even the rabbits. She takes all the stress out of them, and it helps them to not only feel close to her, but to settle into their new surroundings.. She has done the same with the fox and badger cubs, she licks the rabbits and guinea pigs, and even lets the birds perch on the bridge of her nose.” Jasmine, the timid, abused, de-

serted waif, became the animal sanctuary’s resident surrogate mother, a role for which she might have been born. The list of orphaned and abandoned youngsters she has cared for comprises five fox cubs, four badger cubs, fifteen chicks, eight guinea pigs, two stray puppies and fifteen rabbits and one roe deer fawn. Tiny Bramble, eleven weeks old, was found semi-conscious in a field. Upon arrival at the sanctuary, Jasmine cuddled up to her to keep her warm, and then went into the full foster-mum role. Jasmine the greyhound showers Bramble the roe deer with affection, and makes sure nothing is matted. “They are inseparable,” says Geoff. “Bramble walks between her legs, and they keep kissing each other. They walk together round the sanctuary. It’s a real treat to see them.” Jasmine will continue to care for Bramble until she is old enough to be returned to woodland life. When that happens, Jasmine will not be lonely. She will be too busy showering love and affection on the next orphan or victim of abuse. (And, just in case you wondered, Snopes.com <http://snopes. com/> has verified the truth of this wonderful story - so you can pass this story on, and help make someone else’s day to be just a little brighter!)

Saw you in the Ojo 53

STAY HEALTHY! By J. Manuel Cordova, M. D.t mdjmcordova1204@yahoo.com www.mdjmcordova.com 376-766-2777 Peripherical Vascular Disease m Killer —The Phantom Killer—


ome patientss d developed evel ev elop oped ed pain in their legs egs that got worse when n they walked even a short distance stance and some doctors initially nitially attributed it to an old back injury. But three years and many doctor visits later,r, an appropriate specialist finallyy gave them the correct diagnosis: Peripheral artery ry disease. Often referred to as poor circulation, peripheral artery disease,, or PDA, is a potentially fatal atal blockage of large arteries in thee lower exegs, caused tremities, usually in the legs, by the same kind of fatty deposits or plaque that can build up in the coroo the heart. nary arteries leading to ften not indiThe poor circulation is often cated because of lack off any symptoms or manifestations. ons of the Clinical manifestations rity of padisease vary. The majority tients are asymptomatic. This may reflect the presence of limited disease or, more commonly, inactive patients. Mild to moderate PAD can produce lower extremity discomfort with ambulation. The pain is often described as an ache or “charley horse” in the calf, buttock, or thigh after a fixed distance of activity. Skin changes are insignificant or usually not present until significant PAD develops, with changes including local cool, dry, shiny skin, and thickened nails. Ulcers and gangrene can develop at the tips of the toes. Between eight and twelve million Americans have PAD, federal data shows. By some estimates, those ranks could double in the next decade as the population ages and risk factors as Diabetes and Obesity—Major Risk Factors—become more prevalent. PAD has very serious consequences. Patients have rates of heart attack, stroke and death equal or greater to those with coronary artery disease (CAD). A recent study of 68,000 patients in an international registry (PAD-MCRS MorbilityComorbility Retrospective Study) shows patients with PAD have a 21% chance of suffering a heart attack or stroke, be-


El Ojo del Lago / March 2011

hospitalized ing in g ho hosp spit ital aliz izee or dying of complicaone year. That risk doubles tions within on for those who also have artery disease in the Heart. PAD and Coronary heart disease (CAD) Corona often go hand-in-hand. As many as 60% of PAD Patients have both. The prevalence of PAD rises rapidly with age, pres present in more than 20% of people who are 75 or older. pe PAD is diagnosed by lless than 30% of Primary Care Physicians. C Only about 25% of those with PAD know they have it treatment of any or are undergoing unde kind. Leg pain pa and cramps, the most symptoms, are often miscommon sy diagnosed as a muscle aches, rheumachronic arthritis. tism or chron Peripheral artery disease is the Periphera common, deadly and costly most comm cardiovascular disease that the pubcardiovascu of. Hospitalization lic hasn`t heard h costs alone for PAD exceed $21 billion dollars annually. A recent study of Medicare data shows that it costs about 5% more to treat PAD patient than one with Coronary Artery Disease. (Dr Alan T. Hirsch University of Minnesota Medical School`s Cardiovascular Division). More than two million patients annually end up in the most advanced stage of PAD, known as critical limb ischemia, which can lead to ulcers that don’t heal and gangrene. Within one year, 30% will have to have a leg amputated, and 25% will die. Risk factor modification is necessary to slow or halt progression of peripheral arterial disease and decrease the risk of cardiovascular and cerebro-vascular death. To be Continued (Note: Dr Còrdova resides and has his practice in the Lake side area. He is now the President of Lakeside Medical College. 376-766-2777 mdjmcordova1204@ yahoo.com) Dr. Cordova



ast night I heard an old recording by Lena Horne about “A Ms Otis regretting she would not be able to dine today.” As Pago would have questioned, “Who in the blue-eyed world was Ms Otis and why was she so important that the song was written?” She is not in any Who’s Who in America in any of the many issues I checked, so she still remained a mystery to me. I couldn’t get the song out of my mind, and I feel certain I am not alone in wondering about this, so, for all of you thousands of people who have spent these many years tossing and turning through sleepless nights trying to come to a conclusion as to why she had to cancel that luncheon engagement, I have arrived at what I feel sure happened on that fateful day, as all of my research was vain: It all began with a call to her dearest and closest friend, Marsha Mason as follows: “Rogers, Beckman and Armstrong. How may I direct your call”? “This is Ms. Lucinda Otis calling for Marsha Mason.” “One moment, please, and I will connect you.” “Hello, Lucy. What’s going on?” “I regret that I will be unable to dine with you today.” “Oh, no. Is something wrong? You sound upset.” “I just shot and killed Raymond, and I need to call the police.” “What?! You just killed Raymond? Your husband? Why?” “I found out he has been cheating on me for a long time, and I lost it.” Dead silence. “Do you have any idea with whom?” “Yes. A nurse at the hospital where he works.” She could have sworn she heard a brief sigh of relief from Marsha’s end before Marsha asked, “What are you going to do?”

“After I do some cleaning up, I will call the police. I will call you later. On second thought, why don’t you just come over after work so we can have a farewell drink together before I call them.” “That I will do. See you at five.” Shortly after five and a somewhat lukewarm hug from Lucy, Marsha followed Lucy into the living room saying. “Oh, I just can’t believe this. Whatever shall I do without you?” Lucy told Marsha to make herself comfortable as she walked behind the bar and started mixing the Martinis. After placing the one for Marsha on a small serving tray, she crossed over to where Marsha was seated, handing her the tray. As Marsha leaned over to pick up her glass, she noticed that next to it was a sheet from her monogrammed note pad, immediately recognizing it as the one she had given to Raymond the night before thanking him for the flowers and the beautiful bracelet. Obviously, he had left it in his coat pocket. Her first quick thought was how stupid it had been on her part to have used that note pad, and as she looked up towards Lucy, who was only a few feet away and pointing a gun at her, giving her an evil smile, and saying, “He was cheating on both of us.” Before she could say anything to Lucy, the gun was fired, the glass dropped into her lap bounced onto the floor, and Lucy was saying. “I’ll see you in Hell, you Judas.” As Lucy walked toward the phone to dial 911, she said to herself, “It will be months before they find the body of that silly nurse.” Later the song was written.

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ast month, I wrote of James Thurber whose birthday, December 8th, was one day before mine. Well, F.T. Eyre has – once again – reminded me of yet another humorist writer whose works, as well as his last name, are singularly “Brilliant” – Ashleigh Ellwood generally precedes his unique family name. Lo and behold, he and I share the same day of birth – the 9th – with his birth preceding mine by eleven years, being in 1933. He was described in The Wall Street Journal as “history’s only full time, professional published epigrammatist.” Unique to his work, he employs a self-imposed limit of 17 words per epigram. (For those who may have forgotten, an epigram is “a concise, witty, and often paradoxical remark or saying.”) That well describes his works. Two excellent examples: “What good is it if I talk in flowers while you’re thinking in pastry? And “Strangely enough, this is the past that somebody in the future is longing to go back to!” Thought provoking, those. There is simple brilliance in the counsel that, “If you don’t do it, you’ll never know what would have happened if you had done it.” And is there not poignant truth is this: “Why does life keep teaching me lessons I have no desire to learn?” Those who know me are well acquainted with my general rejoinder to their greeting queries of my health – “Parts of me are perfect, my hair follicles and toe cuticles. Everything in between, however, seems to have gone to hell!” Now you know I’ve but “lifted” from Mr. Brilliant’s, “I may not be totally perfect, but parts of me are excellent.” Who among us, that has observed our politicians in action, cannot but agree that this seems to well apply to the preponderance of them and their conduct, “The time for action is past! Now is the time for senseless bickering!” • You can’t just suddenly be my friend. You have to go through a training period. • Keep some souvenirs of your past, or how will you ever prove it wasn’t all a dream? • The best reason for having


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Ashleigh Ellwood dreams is that in dreams no reasons are necessary. • My opinions may have changed, but not the fact that I’m right. • Strange as it may seem, my life is based on a true story. • I want either less corruption, or more chance to participate in it. • It’s not easy taking my problems one at a time when they refuse to get in line. • Please don’t lie to me, unless you’re absolutely sure I’ll never find out the truth. • Sometimes I need what only you can provide—your absence. • By doing just a little every day, I can gradually let the task completely overwhelm me • Maybe I’m lucky to be going so slowly, because I may be going in the wrong direction. • A good friend is worth pursuing... but why would a good friend be running away? • I don’t understand you. You don’t understand me. What else do we have in common? • My sources are unreliable, but their information is fascinating. • Try to be the best of what you are, even if what you are is no good. • All I want is a warm bed and a kind word and unlimited power. • I waited and waited, and when no message came, I knew it must be from you. • To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first, and whatever you hit call it the target. • Inform all the troops that communications have completely broken down.



ne of the staples at our house for 30 years or so has been the martini, straight up with a twist of lemon peel. Word has got around that I make the best martini in the West which helps my social life. That’s because lots of casual friends invite me to their dinner parties so they can ask me to make the martinis. They believe good martinis tend to improve their social status. And they are right. Therefore, it is with deep dismay that I read the martini is on its way to history’s ash heap. One author I read even said that “to the young, Vermouth is a state.” All this caused me to look around to see what people were drinking on our St. Maarten trip, and I was devastated by the evidence that nobody but nobody ordered a martini. I ordered one once at a fancy, haute cuisine sort of place and at first they didn’t seem to know what I was talking about. After I explained, they finally brought something in a brandy snifter. The liquid was cloudy, room temperature, and had a slice of lemon floating in it. I thought I would throw up. I have done all I can to revive interest, especially among the young,

but I’m not getting anywhere. Beer, fruity concoctions and exotic aperitifs seem to be the drinks of preference, don´t ask me why. One of my customers even euchred me into trying an Amaretto sour, whatever that is. It had a fetching flavor like an imported gumdrop, but it did absolutely nothing to bring on that glorious martini euphoria that wafts me into Elysian Fields. The only ray of hope I’ve had in recent weeks came at an Omaha restaurant known for its honest approach to food and drink. They served me a martini not quite as subtle as I like, but not bad at all. I told the waitress it was very good, and she said “We’ve been getting lots of compliments from our martini customers since we quit putting in Vermouth.” POOR ROBERT SCONCE (Ed. Note: The following was tendered by Mark Sconce, a newcomer to the Ajijic Writers’ Group. “My Dad wrote the piece below many years ago for a newsletter he sent out to the building trade. Poor Robert’s Almanac became so popular that he was given an award at a black tie affair one night at the Waldorf. ‘The Vanishing Martini’ is one of his droller pieces.”)

Saw you in the Ojo 59

Focus on Art By Rob Mohr robmohr@gmail.com

Elizabeth Skelsey – An Australian Artist in Ajijic


n an open garage on Constitution in Ajijic, a laptop and a mainframe computer, coated with layers of paint, somehow continue to provide music, pictures and communication, as Elizabeth Skelsey, a remarkable woman artist, creates painting after painting. “I don’t hold art as a sacred sort of thing – it’s the work I can do. I wanted to be a musician, but my talent was visual. I love being in front of a canvas.” Elizabeth who holds a Master’s degree from Sydney University, College of Fine Arts, confided, “My real education comes from the streets of Sydney where homeless friends like Alex Tromph taught me cultural anthropol-


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ogy in ways no university could.” This street education informed her painting, The Problem Child (photo), which appears at first to be an interaction between two exuberant women posed in front of three bright windows opening on a garden. But a more careful examination reveals a very different world, one ablaze with an effervescent light and profound symbolic meaning. The two women are the ‘yin and yang’ interacting in a complex, multi layered, web of connections and synergies that emerge as a unified whole.

“The universe was one, then became two - creator and created, each a complementary reality with components of the other.” The painting delineates the artist’s understanding of the bifurcation of the universe with rich symbolic associations - one figure holds a bouquet of flowers, the gift of consciousness; the three small cakes on the table represent Father, Son and Holy Spirit; glasses of wine, the blood of Christ; the Bible on the right, marked by footsteps, represents human sin. We are thrust into a world where the unexpected comes to life as a vivid, seriously considered fictional dream. Her anomalous, ‘super-real’ painting (Weavers) unveils a world occupied by two indigenous women who are carding, spinning, and dyeing wool for their weaving. Other works such as Dresser and Lilly Pads invite the viewer to look into secret, mysterious worlds hidden within the everyday. And her painting Overgrown Garden, glows with a light that permeates and brings to life a garden of stunning beauty. (*Skelsen link.) Paintings that have instructed her include Stanley Spencer’s (1891-1959) luminescent, “bread-and-butter” landscapes; Jenny Seville’s (1970-) uncom-

promising paintings of the human body; and Lucian Freud’s (1922- a grandson of Sigmund) meticulous paintings such as The Larger Interior (1983) which reveals a haunting, provocative vision of humanity. Elizabeth’s comprehensive understanding of the development of painting since the 1850s gives her a keen understanding that the dream created cannot be interrupted by mistakes or conscious ploys that make the artist the subject. She unerringly runs straight at the image being created. (*See links below) To watch Elizabeth paint is revealing. She unfolds her painting as a series of completed components, which, when joined, become a unified whole. She may begin in a corner or in the center creating a detailed component, and then invariably work in magical steps until the complete structure emerges. At that juncture, she adds light, texture, and layering to bring the work into final harmony. The act of painting is organic and carried forward by her senses. “I follow my nose a day at a time. My fully realized paintings come into being and then transcend themselves to become a third entity.” What does the future hold for this mature artist? “What I would like to do now is dissect an object, or a reality, and paint everything visible and invisible that goes into their creation.” This “deconstructive” approach is already evident in her current works. *Elizabeth’s works are on exhibition and for sale from her studio/ home at 30 Constitution, Ajijic, and through Galeria La Manzanilla, Manzanilla, Jalisco www,artinmexico.com. inkgal8290@yahoo.com Links: Skelsey http://inkgal8290.deviantart. com/gallery/ Rob Mohr

Saw you in the Ojo 61


of the month

By Rich Petersen Juan Antonio Galaviz Vaca


right and smiling, this is two-year old Juan Antonio Galaviz Vaca who lives in San Antonio with his parents and one older brother. Mom María Guadalupe has to stay at home with her younger son; dad Gonzalo is a gardener. Our child this month was born with West Syndrome, a fairly rare epileptic disorder that presents itself in the first year of a child’s life. Sometimes known as “infantile spasms,” the syndrome has no known cure (yet but hopefully in future) but can be controlled with anti-seizure medications. Little Juan Antonio also has tuberous sclerosis (a side effect if you will of West Syndrome), another fairly rare genetic disorder that causes non-malignant tumors to grow in the brain and on other vital organs such as the kidneys, heart, eyes, lungs and skin. Now while all of the above may seem a little depressing, when this little guy and his mother were present at the last monthly meeting of Niños Incapacitados, his demeanor and attention were remarkable. One of our members who is a pediatrician remarked that Juan Antonio will in all likelihood have a better outcome due to the love and care of his family. They have been diligent in taking him to neurology consults at the


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Hospital Civil in Guadalajara, and he has undergone several CT scans. He is due for an EKG and EEG within the next month in order to monitor his progress. Niños Incapacitados is pleased to be able to help the family with these expenses as well as with his monthly medications. Juan Antonio cannot yet walk but he is learning to crawl and can now pull himself up into his bed and onto chairs in the living room. With his condition, speech has been slow to develop but he can say “Mamá” and Papá” and interacts well with his brother and his cousins. Mom says he likes to listen to music and moves to the beat—a good sign. He’s also very fond of cartoons on television, but his favorite pastime is playing with a toy ambulance he got for Christmas. He has learned to open and close the doors for a “patient” and to play with the stethoscope and other toy equipment. Mom and Dad read stories to him, but so far his attention span is very short and he won’t sit still for long. If you would like to meet other children being helped by Niños Incapacitados, please attend our regular monthly meetings on the second Thursday of each month in one of the meeting rooms at the Hotel Real de Chapala in La Floresta. Coffee and cookies at 10:00, meeting at 10:30. You will learn how you can volunteer in many different ways and how your monetary support helps so much to assist needy families whose children suffer from a chronic and/or debilitating illness or condition.


Every day I visit the small market. Every day I see the battered cooler. Get there early, or they’re gone. I open the lid, the sweet smell. The humble tortilla. Corn masa Mixed with water, flat and round. They cook ‘em on a griddle Flipping with fast fingers. Filled all day, every day, thousands, Meat with red chiles, Beans with fresh cheese. Push around the food Stuff the mouth, drip down the chin, With the sweet taste of Mexico. Fragrant whole grain corn Ground from stone, the perfect food, Connecting us now Scooping comfort and succulent sauce, Tasting the spirit Of the ancient people, Nourishing those who worked In the soil in the sun, Chewing the abundance of this land. This is a profound connection To the Mexican soul. I can feel the warm weight Of the damp paper-wrapped bundle From the old cooler, and—for me— Walking home, I too am Mexican, If just for a moment With this humble tortilla. Genuine poetry can communicate before it is understood. --T. S. Eliot

Saw you in the Ojo 63

Fifty Year Anniversary – What’s Next for the Peace Corps? By Rob Mohr, RPCV Ecuador


sk not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country.” —President John F Kennedy. While the Peace Corps (PC) has meant something different to each of the 200,000 volunteers who have served in 139 countries in the developing world, it has always been an expression of the USA’s highest values which have often been at odds with US foreign policy. The seed for the PC was planted by philosopher William James, who wrote in 1904, “Young Americans should be drafted for peace and


El Ojo del Lago / March 2011

not war.” When the League of Nations was formed in 1919, President Woodrow Wilson dreamed of a united peaceful world. Later, President Franklin Roosevelt toyed with the idea of drafting young men into an international peace brigade, but limited his action to the formation of a national Civilian Conservation Corps (1933). Finally, in 1960, Senator Hubert Humphrey proposed a bill to establish the PC. The bill caught the attention of then-Senator John Kennedy, who, when elected President, asked Sargent Shriver to do a feasibility study. Within two months, Kennedy wrote an executive order establishing the PC with Shriver as director. Within a year, Congress passed a law formally establishing the PC. Beyond the good will created by Americans living and working with marginalized communities throughout the developing world, most volunteers admit that the major impact has been on them. Volunteers who completed their service (two years plus two or more months of training) were usually awakened to the common bond all humans share and realized that all people deserve equal treatment, justice, and opportunity no matter their status or country. Transformed by the experience, returning Volunteers frequently went to work with nongovernmental organizations, and governmental agencies such as USAID. A significant number went on to become effec-

tive members of Congress. Steve Moore, a RPCV wrote, “PC service in Korea had a dramatic impact on my life - I married a Korean woman, majored in Korean Studies in graduate school, and joined the US Foreign Service. My attitude toward my country and the world had changed. Even my decision to live part of the year here at Lakeside was based in large part on my tour as a PC Volunteer.” David Pierson said, “The PC opened the world for me.” Mark Sconce confessed, “The Nepalese taught me more than I taught them.” Those words resonated with our experience as PC Volunteers in Ecuador. After our service was completed, my wife Linda and I returned to South America where we began a twentyfive year career using non-formal education to enable sustainable, locally controlled, community development. Over the last half century three goals have focused the work of PC volunteers: (1) to live and work within marginalized communities at the social and economic level of the people; (2) to generate good will while learning from the local culture and people; and (3) to share what the Volunteer learned with the people back home. Matt Brown, RPCV from Guinea, wrote, “Through this cross-cultural exchange, prejudices are toppled, boarders erased, and friendships forged.” While Shriver and Kennedy imparted vision and a commitment to work toward a world where all countries live together in peace and prosperity, over the last fifty years this dream has become a nightmare of war. In 2010, the USA spent 700 billion dollars on two wars and defense, while spending only four hundred million on the PC. Unfortunately these expenditures make clear to the world US priorities, yet PC Volunteers continue to go out to be transformed by those they come to call friends and to return and share that magical truth back home. After fifty years of service, the PC remains one of the brightest beacons of hope in a world divided by religions, political systems and economic disparities. *Former Volunteers and PCV working in Mexico gathered in Ajijic on March 1st to celebrate the 50th anniversary and the life of Sargent Shriver.

“You have just entered the Twilight Zone.� By Peter L. Rosenberg Mexicanseahorse1948@yahoo.com


e could hear those words being said by Rod Serling as we drove up the highway from Barra De Navidad to Puerto Vallarta. The top was down on the convertible as the weather was sunny and about 73 degrees. Then, rounding a curve, about 20 miles south of Puerto Vallarta, we suddenly saw this mass of gray up ahead. Sally figured it was a low cloud as the mountain tops were still in the sun. I thought that it was fog that just had not dissipated yet. Neither explanation made real sense as we were at sea level so a cloud would not be that low and, since it was 11 am, any fog should have disappeared earlier. Approaching this gray material, it was like a solid wall with a distinct line where the sun came to an immediate end. The front of the car nearly disappeared while we were still enjoying the idyllic weather. Then, we were inside and felt as someone had opened a freezer door and put us into it. The temperature gauge on the car fell the second we entered. But, it was an unusual drop because it never went down a degree at a time but always in two degree intervals. It was now 71 according to the gauge and about every eighth of a mile it

fell another two degrees. It only moments, we had gone from riding two hours in the sun and heat to pulling over, putting the top up, and turning on the car’s heater. The outside temperature had fallen to 57. I have lived from northern Canada to Florida and many places in between and am certainly used to experiencing cold fronts. But, never in my life had I actually seen the edge of one before. It was spooky and we imagined coming out of it and finding ourselves amid conquistadors with a Spanish Galleon anchored in the Bay of Banderas.

Saw you in the Ojo 65

Tripping At times I trip out of my spin And climb to the top tick-tock I am thinking of fallen decades And I know somewhere joy stopped. The chimes stop for a midnight pause A snug rest from the drum-beaten throbs Twelve o’clock and I go ahead Joy is somewhere but now it seems dead. My mind catches peaks of the past I close my wet eyes with regret Pull a blanket over mistakes And wonder why joy was lost. The kitten curls up to be near My dog snuggles close to this babe They give warmth to the frosty night And the three of us drowse on the bed. So I smile and know it is true That petals of joy do revive -A warmth that is soft as the breeze When it comes from the tap of a touch. By Jeannette Saylor


El Ojo del Lago / March 2011

IN MEMORIAM JIM COLLUMS —A Wonder- Filled Member of Our Lakeside Family – September 17, 1935 – February 16, 2011 Do not stand at my grave and weep, I am not there – I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow, across the lake we all now know. —Mary Frye As eternal youth among us, Jim Collums marked all of our lives here at Lakeside. Jim, without limits, reached out to everyone, embraced every new member of the community, and brought unbounded enthusiasm and energy to everyone and everything he touched. In loving Nancy Martinez, he found the stability and peace he had long searched for, while the love of his children brought him joy. His daughter Kelly calmed his cyclonic wind, and his son Doug danced (like his father) with joy that Jim’s lakeside friends had provided him with the home and family he had longed for. A born story-teller he enriched our lives with well-crafted chronicles overflowing with “southern” humor. Brother Jim, we will be lost for a time without your wit, love and mischievous smile. —Submitted by Rob

Mohr (There was a celebration of Jim’s life on Tuesday, February 22nd, at La Tasca, in Ajijic, followed by a processional to the pier where his ashes were scattered on the lake.)

Saw you in the Ojo 67

A NEW LEASE— LEASE—on Life! By Judit Rajhathy, B.A., RNCP, D.Ac. DECEPTION: Unhealthy skinny people?


eing thin doesn’t automatically mean you’re not fat.” —Dr. Jimmy Bell, Imperial College, London One of my members recently asked me to write an article about how very important it is to exercise even if your weight and body mass index are within the normal range. It is true that over the years I have met many people who look great on the outside but can barely make it up the stairs without huffing and puffing. Others have difficulty bending, lifting and carrying even light items. How good can their fitness levels be? To make matters worse, MRI scans have now shown that some of these people who never exercise store internal fat which surrounds vital organs like the heart, liver and pancreas.


El Ojo del Lago / March 2011

The latest research shows that diet alone is simply not enough to maintain a healthy life - it i d by b a regular l carmust be accompanied diovascular exercise program. In actual fact, the thinner the people were when they were scanned the bigger the surprise! It almost seems impossible to imagine that a Sumo wrestler with huge ripples of fat may have a better metabolic profile than some of their thinner spectators, says Dr. Bell “because the wrestler’s fat is primar-

ily stored under the skin, not streaking throughout their vital organs and muscles.” Other very important reasons why everyone should exercise - whether heavy or lean: Helps to maintain a lean body especially for those who had fast metabolisms in their youth but developed a tendency to gain weight in their middle years. Helps to eliminate fatigue and gives more energy even though at first you may feel more tired right after exercising - over time you develop more energy, stamina, and focus. Lowers your risk of disease - regular exercise makes the body stronger thereby diminishing the risk of certain cancers, cardiovascular diseases, and other ailments. Builds endurance and strength - those straining to breathe just climbing stairs find their capacity greatly improved in a very short period of time and able to effortlessly carry and lift luggage while travelling. Elevates mood - endorphins released in the brain during physical activity are important for preventing as well as treating anxiety and depression. Exercise breaks routine and relaxes the mind. Promotes better sleep.

Promotes bone health. Promotes longevity - studies have now shown that those who do well in fitness tests are likely to live around five years longer. Just thirty minutes of cardiovascular activity five days a week can change your life. During these thirty minutes, it is not necessary to exert maximum energy for the entire time. Rather, interval training where you exert as fast as you can for a few seconds and then cut back to where you can carry on a conversation without losing your breath. This is why circuit training is ideal - resistance combined with low impact cardiovascular training. Adding weight bearing exercise can also be helpful but not without supervision from a professional - especially when in the senior years injuries abound. With this in mind, I hope to see you in the gym! Judit Rajhathy is the owner of Change of Pace Fitness Center in central Ajijic. She is the author of the bestselling book Free to Fly: a journey toward wellness. Judit can be reached at 7665800 or rajhathy@ gmail.com. Judit Rajhathy

Saw you in the Ojo 69

When Sitting With Nepalese

When sitting with some Nepalese, I wander back in time To my old village in Nepal Where I did once abide. Sindhuli Madhi was its name, A Himalayan site: With Annapurna on the left, And Everest on the right. Thatched roof adorned my village hut, While cow dung formed the floor, And sticks and wattle were its walls. No sense to lock the door. My lanterns fed with kerosene Provided reading light; And I had water from our stream To bathe in every night. The milk of water buffalo To froth my tea each morn; Good chai from tea stalls down below And by my bearer borne. Sir Adhikari was his name Just eighteen years of age, A Hindu Brahmin, he became My guide and cook and sage. He cooked me rice and lentil soup, Spiced vegetables a treat; The fish he found in our bazaar Were barely fit to eat. Our hardships, though, were small indeed Compared to village ways; The men were yoked to ox and plow The same as ancient days. When looking out our window gap, One cloudy afternoon, We saw a body borne aloft Before the great monsoon. The mourning family bore the corpse And placed it on a pyre, Beside the rushing river shore, And set their son on fire. We watched the smoke ascend like shrouds We watched the Hindu priest, We watched the billows reach the clouds And with them the deceased. These memories oft return to me, Both pleasant and profound, When I sit down with Nepalese On this my native ground. By Mark Sconce Former Proud Member of the Peace Corps


El Ojo del Lago / March 2011


28 September 1936 – 7 February 2011 I held her hand for hours, Until I couldn’t anymore, I kissed her goodbye, And covered her face. She taught me to love, I didn’t believe I could, A gentle touch, a soft tear, A quiet cry in the night. She taught me about courage, Followed me to foreign lands, Our infant child in her arms, She couldn’t speak the language. She taught me diligence, She learned the language, In the streets and markets, Without aid of a teacher. She taught me compassion, Servants cleaned and ironed, She taught them how to sew, Gifted each a sewing machine. She taught me about beauty, Children, animals, flowers,

And she gave me a glimpse, Deep into her eternal soul. She gave me a daughter, Oh, what a glorious gift, Together they taught me, I too, am worthy of love. And now, I have learned to cry. Submitted by Robert Drynan

Saw you in the Ojo 71

AA- Meets daily at 10:00 am. Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday at 4 pm. Marcos Castellanos 51-A. 766-5961. Meets every Wednesday 8 am for breakfast at La Nueva Posada. ACÁ- Teaches youths, families sustainable agriculture, Joco and Jaltepec. Meet 14th of month. For more Information 387 763-1568. A COURSE IN MIRACLES- Saturday 2:30 to 4pm Revolución #29 Casa #10, 7662622 www.lynnegreen.com No charge. Ongoing. AIR FORCE ASSOCIATION OF CANADA 904 WING- from September to April we meet the 2nd Thursday 2pm at La Nueva Posada. Contact Don Slimman 765-4141. AJIJIC QUILT GUILD - Meets second Tuesday monthly at 12 noon. Guests & New Members Welcome. ajijicguild@gmail.com AJIJIC SCRABBLE CLUB- Tuesdays and Thursdays noon-3 pm at LCS Ken Gosh Pavilion. Dan Stark 766-0411. AJIJIC WRITERS’ GROUP- Meets 1st and 3rd Fridays at 10 am. New Posada. Coffee. Meeting followed by lunch at the New Posada. AXIXIC MASONIC LODGE #31- Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at LCS 5:00pm. Contact the Secretary at (387) 7610017 for details. AL-ANON- Step study, Monday 4:30 pm, Lake Chapala Society, 16 de Septiembre & Marcos Castellanos Ajijic, Rear Gate. Contact (376)7665975 AL-ANON- Sat. 10 am, Club 12, Marcos Castellanos 51-A, Ajijic Contact (376) 766-5975. AMERICAN LEGION OF CHAPALA POST- #7 General Membership meets 11 am 2nd Thursday. Tel: 765-2259. AMIGOS INTERNACIONALES- Every Wednesday 6 to 8 pm, Nueva Posada; informal friendly group meet to make new friends. AMIGOS DEL LAGO A.C.- Working to improve the ecology. See www.amigosdelago.org or contact us at info@amigosdelago.org. AMITIES FRANCOPHONES- Meets every 3rd Saturday at 1 pm contact: Roland and Camille at 766-0149. rvanhoudt@prodigy.net.mx. ANIMAL SHELTER- Provide shelter and new homes for dogs and cats. Tel: 765-5514. ANITA’S ANIMALS- Free loving dogs and cats. call (01 387) 761-0500. www.anitasanimals.com. ASA- Ajijic Society of the Arts. Meets every 1st Monday of the month at Nueva Posada, 10 am. ARDAT- (Ajijic Rotary Dog Assisted Therapy), therapy dog visits and education to prevent animal abuse. Juliananna Rose (376) 766-5025. BRIDGE AT OLD POSADA- Monday 1:15 check in. Mary Andrews 766-2489. BRITISH SOCIETY- Lunch meeting the 1st Saturday of each month, 1pm at Manix Rest. 765-4786, chapalainn@prodigy.net.mx. CARD & DOMINO CLUB- Wednesday, Friday & Sunday. Call for times. We will teach; make friends! Tel. 766-4253, Cell: (045) 33-1295-6485. CANADIAN CLUB OF LAKE CHAPALA- Meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month, September through April. Social hour: 3:00 pm, program 4:00 pm. Visit www.canadianclubmx.com. CASA DE ANCIANOS- Provides support for elderly citizens, 765-2497. CENTRO DE DESARROLLO AJIJIC- Provides family planning and reproductive health education. 766-1679. CHILI COOK OFF- Providing a carnival for residents raising charitable funds, 763-5038. DAR- (Guadalajara)- Daughters of the American Revolution, meets monthly Sep. through June. Cell:333-897-0660 or Tel: (376) 766-2284. DAR- (At Lakeside)- THOMAS PAINE CHAPTER meets every 3 Wednesday at 12:30 noon, September thru June. Tel: 766-2981 or 762-0834. EASTERN STAR ESTRELLA DEL LAGO CHAPTER #10- 1st Wed. at 1:00 pm at Hotel Monte Carlo. 766-3785, www.oesestrelladellago.org. E.R.I.C.- Provides support for the construction and renovation of educational buildings. 766-2866. DEMOCRATS- Meets 2nd Thursday 4pm at La Nueva Posada FRIENDS OF VILLA INFANTIL (FOVI)- Provides financial support for children: www.friendsofvillainfantil.org. Contact Lisa Le: (387) 761-0002 or email : lisale888@gmail.com GAMBLERS ANONYMOUS- GA Meeting held every Wednesday afternoon at 3:00 PM in the Doctor’s office at the Lake Chapala Society - Charlie K. at cell: 331-445-2136. GARDEN CLUB- Meets the 3rd. Wednesday 11 am for lunch at La Nueva Posada. GARDEN GUILD- promoting the interest in the development of local gardens with an accent on the exotic species available in central Mexico. GERMAN MEETING- 2nd Thursday, 1:00 pm. La Nueva Posada. Call Thea 765-2442 or Werner 763-5446. GOLDEN STRINGS OF LAKE CHAPALA, A.C.- Rehearsals at auditorio de la Floresta. Tuesday & Friday, 3-6 pm. HASH HOUSE HARRIERS- Every Saturday at 8:30 am at La Nueva Posada. IRISH- Meet 2nd Monday 4pm for lunch at La Nueva Posada. JUNIOR LEAGUE DE GUADALAJARA A.C.- Av. San Francisco #3332. ligagdl2@prodigy.net.mx, Guadalajara, Jal. Tel. (33) 3121-0887. LAKE CHAPALA DUPLICATE BRIDGE CLUB- Meets every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 1:15 p.m.. www.chapalabridge.com. LAKE CHAPALA GARDEN CLUB- Gardening at Lakeside with garden tours and meeting 3rd Wed of every month at Nueva Posada for noon lunch and program. Contact sandy_feldmann@yahoo.com. LAKE CHAPALA GREEN GROUP- Sustainable living for a better tomorrow. Meets first Tuesday of each month, September through May. Lake Chapala Society, 3:00. Everyone is welcome. www.lakechapalagreengroup.com. LAKE CHAPALA SHRINE CLUB.- Meets the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 1 pm in the Nueva Posada. Perry King at (376) 763-5126. LAKE CHAPALA SOCIETY - LCS- 16 de Sep. # 16-A Ajijic, Open Monday - Saturday, 10 am to 2 pm. www.lakechapalasociety.org. 766-1140. LAKESIDE COMMUNITY AWARDS- We benefit all the community by honoring lakeside’s most talented. 766-3232. LAKESIDE FRIENDS OF THE ANIMALS- Board meets 3rd Thursday at 2:15 every month. info@lakesideanimalfriends.org. LAKESIDE LAUGHTER CLUB- Meets every Wed. from 9 am - 9:40 beginning September 29. For information call Charlene 766-0884. LAKESIDE LITTLE THEATRE A.C.- Balanced theatrical entertainment, English-speaking, 765-5942. LAKESIDE SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF- The 4th of each month. Nueva Posada 10:30 am. Call 766-2280, www.lakesideschoolforthedeaf.org. LAKESIDE WILDLIFE RESCUE & REHABILITATION- Rescue & rehabilitation of wild animals. 765-4916. LAKE SPAY AND NEUTER CENTR A.C.- Provides shelter and helps curtail the over-population of animals. 766-3813. LCS EDUCATION CENTER- Provides classes in language and other topics for both Anglo and Mexican community. 766-0499. LCS STUDENT AID FUND- Provides financial support to area students to enroll in university, vocational and high school program. 766-0716. LINK- Assisting foreign community. Desk at Lake Chapala Society-Monday, 10 am-noon. LITTLE BLUE SCHOOLHOUSE- Provides financial assistance for students at school for disabled children in Chapala 766-1552. LOS NINOS DE CHAPALA Y AJIJIC, AC Providing educational scholarships to Lakeside children 376-765-7032, www.lakesideninos.org. LOVE IN ACTION- Shelter for abused and abandoned children. For volunteers and donations. Anabel Frutos 765-7409, cell: 331-351 7826. MAS- Music Appreciation Society. Concerts from fall to spring. Classical music and dance concerts. For info call Beverly Denton, 765-6409. MISION SAN PABLO- Helping 60 orphaned children ages 2-14 yrs, Bonnie Shrall - Bonnie@shrall.com #766-0009. www.misionsanpablo.org. NAVY LEAGUE, LAKE CHAPALA COUNCIL- Meets the third Saturday for lunch at 1 pm, Manix Rest. 766 4750 or 766-1848. NEEDLE PUSHERS- Sew dresses, knit or chet sweaters for local kids. Every Tues. 10 am at LCS. Call Gay at 766-2902. NIÑOS Y JOVENES CARAVAN- Delivers foodstuffs and used clothing to orphanage in San Juan. Call Reuben Varela, 01-387-761-0828. OPEN CIRCLE- Fostering body, mind & spirit, every Sunday at the LCS from 10 am to 12 noon. 765-3402 or frankdburton@yahoo.com. OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS- Every Tuesday & Friday 12 pm at Marcos Castellanos 51-A, in Upper Ajijic. Tel: 766-2575 or 766-1626. PROGRAMA PRO NIÑOS INCAPACITADOS DEL LAGO AC.- Assisting Lakeside disabled children www.programaninos.org , 763-5010. PASOS MILAGROSOS (MIRACULOUS STEPS.)- Helping Handicapped Children Through the Magic of Horses. Saturdays 8-2. www. pasosmilagrosos.com. RED CROSS VOLUNTEERS- Meets 1st Wednesday at 2:00 pm at the Sala LCS. New members welcome. ROTARY CLUB OF AJIJIC- Meets every Tuesday at 1:00 pm at Hotel Real de Chapala. Contact at 766-3302. www.rotaryajijic.com. SCIENCE OF MIND STUDY GROUP- Discussion group every Tuesday at 10 AM Lake Chapala Center for Spiritual Living at Nicolas Bravo #17 Ajijic; contact Rev. Tim at 766-0920 or tim@revdoctim.com. THE GENEALOGY FORUM- Meets monthly on the fourth Monday in the Sala at LCS, from 2:00 to 3:45. UVA - University/Vocational Assistance (Little Chapel by the Lake a.c.)- Sue Torres, 766-2932 or Lynn Hanson 766-2660. VIVA LA MUSICA - Bus trips to the symphony, summer concert series, call Rosemay Keeling 766-1801. www.ajijicviva.org. VOLLEYBALL IN CHAPALA- At Cristiania park Tues., Thurs., Sat. mornings at 10, 333-502-1264. VOLUNTEER HEALTH RESOURCE GROUP- Meeting last Saturday of each month at LCS in sala, 10:30. VOLUNTEERS OF THE CRUZ ROJA- Sponsors fund raising events and provides administrative and support services to the Delegation.

(NOTE: If there is any change in the above, please advise us so that corrections may be made. Call: 765-2877)


El Ojo del Lago / March 2011

All Saints Lutheran Church Worship Service 11:00 am 4600 Avenida Tepeyac, Guad. Tel. (01 333) 121-6741. Abundant Life Assembly of God Carr. 140 next to Mail Boxes etc, Tel: 766-5615. Center For Spiritual Living Celebration Service, 5pm Fridays, Nicolas Bravo #17 Ajijic. 7669020 or tim@revdoctim.com. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Services in English and Spanish, 10 am, Riberas del Pilar Bishop Wyvell Tel. (376) 765-7067, Bishop’s residence (376) 766-1532. Church of the Holy Spirit Services Sun. 10 am, Albaro Obregon #119, Chapala Tel. (376) 7654210. Christ Church Anglican Fellowship Eucarist 10am upstairs in Manix Restaurant Ocampo #57 Ajijic. Rev. Danny Borkowski at (376) 766-2495 or Jim Powers t (387) 761-0017 Grace Baptist Church 5th Sun. Evening service 6 pm, Pedro Buzeta No. 970, Guad. Tel. (013) 641-1685. Lake Chapala Baptist Church Mid-week service, 9:30 am, worship service, 10:45 am. Santa Margarita #147, Riberas del Pilar, Tel. (376) 765-2925, 765-3329. www.lakechapalabaptist.com. 7th Day Adventist meet at Camino Real #84 in La Floresta, 9:30 am, Potluck follows, Tel: 7665708 Little Chapel by the Lake Sun. services 11 am, Chula Vista,. Jal, Tel. (376) 763-1551. Lake Chapala Jewish Congregation Santa Margarita 113, Riberas del Pilar, Tel: 765-6968. For information and service times, please call Pres. Elliot Gould. contact us@ lakechapalajews.com. Web site: www. lakechapalajews.com. Lakeside Fellowship Sun. worship 11 am, Javier Mina #49 Ajijic, Tel. (376) 766-0795. Lakeside Presbyterian Church Worship-Sunday 10 am; Bible Study-Friday 10 am; Hidalgo 231A, Carr. Chapala/Joco; Riberas del Pilar Tel. Pastor Ross Arnold at 376-766-1238, or Norm Pifer at 376-766-0616 Website at www.chapalalakesidepresbyterian. org Saint Andrew´s Anglican Church Calle San. Lucas 19, Riberas del Pilar, Sunday 2 services, 9 am & 11 am. www.standrewsriberas.com San Andres Catholic Church Services 9:00 am. Ajijic, 766-0922. St. John’s Catholic Church Between Av. Vallarta & Av. Lazaro Cardenas, Guad. Sun. 11am. (013) 121-8131. The Lake Chapala Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Meets Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Sta. Margarita #113 in Riberas del Pilar (on the SW corner of Santa Clara) For additional information call 766-1119 or email to lcuufinfo@gmail.com. We are a Welcoming Congregation www.lcuuf.org

The Ojo Crossword

ACROSS 1 Reference 6 Dregs 10 Seaweed substance 14 Mislead 15 Lawyer (abbr.) 16 Toboggan 17 Japanese poem 18 Trickery 19 III ____ 20 Yang’s partner 21 Strap 23 Fake 25 Dog food brand 26 Thai 27 Discover 30 Dapple 34 Ancient Greek marketplace 35 Filthy film 36 Proof ending 38 Slouch 39 Mutilate 40 Honestly 42 Adjust 43 Bare 44 Rise 45 Dangers 48 Heaps 49 Spr..month 50 Put on __ 51 Laugh boisterously 54 Farm building 55 Couple 58 Skip 59 Wallops 61 Turn over 63 Competent 64 Truant 65 Frigid 66 Worker 67 Run 68 Stops moving

9 Sickness sign 10 Even though 11 Sage 12 Old 13 Remake 22 Liable 24 Stood opposite 25 Air (prefix) 27 Pops 28 Heron 29 What the tooth fairy trades in 30 Tons 31 Refined 32 Tie 33 Dig 35 Indecent language 37 Colors 40 Meticulous 41 Cincinnati baseball team 43 Arctic toothed whale 46 Ceiling beam 47 Environmental protection agency (abbr.) 48 Fat 50 Hallway 51 Nettle 52 Convex shape 53 Rasp 54 Pawl 55 Dale 56 Dimension 57 Chances of winning 60 The other half of Jima 62 Legume

DOWN 1 Ashen 2 Siamese 3 Set down 4 Raiders of the Lost___(Harrison Ford movie) 5 Coif 6 Noose 7 ___-a-sketch 8 Estimated time of arrival

Saw you in the Ojo 73


Lake Chapala Society


March 2011

The Nominations Committee Proudly Presents the following candidates for election to the LCS Board of Directors, during the Annual General Meeting, March 10, 2011:

Lois Cugini - Director at Large Living in Mexico for 30 years and an LCS member the entire time. Prior to arriving, served on various boards in Boston. Experience with fund raising in US and Mexico. Founded Children’s Library in San Antonio Tlay., with a long-term interest in children and literacy.

Aurora Michel Galindo - Director at Large Regional Director at the Ajijic branch of Actinver. An active community volunteer lending leadership for social and environmental causes for the last 20 years. Born in Tuxcacuesco, Jalisco, and a Life member of LCS recognized for her service in 2001.

Fred Harland - Vice President Current Vice President of LCS and a member of LCS for 12 years. Founded the Great Books group and Co-coordinates the weekly Tuesday learning seminars. Extensive experience in working with and providing leadership to Canadian Boards and non-profit organizations. Significant experience in community relations.

Wallace Mills - Director at Large Ph.D. in African history. 37 years as faculty at St. Mary’s Univ. in Halifax. Experience as board member on 3 community organizations. Lived in Ajijic since May, 2008 when he joined LCS. Is a proud Godparent to 3 girls (4-5 years) at Love in Action.

Bill White - Director at Large Former Chief Appraiser for City/County of Denver, CO. Worked extensively with city Officials, boards and committees. Volunteered on several boards in Denver related to children and education. Full-time Lakeside resident and LCS member since 2009.

No photo available for the following candidates: Paula Haarvai - Treasurer Current Treasurer, having worked for several non-profits north of the border. An accountant by training, Paula has volunteered for LCS since 2009. Cate Howell - Director at Large Has lived at Lakeside for 2-1/2 years, volunteering at LCS for 2 of them. Previously from Bellingham, WA, where she partnered in 2 businesses with her husband. Over 10 years experience as Executive Director in non-profit organizations. 11 years working in management and sales serving businesses in Vancouver, B.C. and Denver, CO.



El Ojo del Lago / March 2011

2011 LCS DIRECTORIES now available. www.lakechapalasociety.org

PROUDLY PRESENTING THREE NEW LCS LIFE MEMBERS With unanimous consent of the LCS Board of Directors the following three volunteers are extended our greatest honor: Barbara Madren - who has served in multiple capacities over the years including almost 10 years as Information Desk Director. Elizabeth “Betty” Schrader - who pioneered the Post Life Planning Program, a community institution for almost 2 decades. Coralie White - who has managed our Student Aid Program since its inception in 1992. LCS thanks you for your years of dedication and conscientious service!

TALKING BOOKS LIBRARY The Talking Books Library lends fiction and non-fiction books in audio cassette and CD formats. The Library offers two programs: (1) The U.S. Library of Congress Program for U.S. citizens with reading impairments, including but not limited to blindness, attention-deficit disorder, multiple sclerosis, and quadriplegia; and, (2) A collection of commercial audiocassettes and CDs available to any LCS member. The Library of Congress program provides a playback machine and a catalogue of specially formatted tapes to approved participants. Talking Books volunteers are available to help you with the application process and communicating with the staff at the Library of Congress. The commercially produced audiocassettes and CDs are very popular for use on those long drives north and for entertainment during exercise routines and other repetitive activities. We are located in a room off the patio area. Thursday mornings: 10 -- 12 For further assistance, please call Alicia Macnamara (7662448). DONATIONS NEEDED! Talking Books Library relies entirely on the generous donations of LCS members to stock the commercial portion of the Library. Please check your vehicle and residence for audiocassettes and CDs that you would like to donate. Donated materials can be left at the LCS main office.

TRANSFER your old VHS to DVD A service offered in the Video Library ONLY 50 pesos each!


March 1 - chaired by Bill Frayer. featuring (via a TED internet podcast) Yanders Ynnerman. Today medical scans produce thousands of images and terabytes of data for a single patient in mere seconds, how do doctors parse this information and determine what’s useful? Scientific visualization expert Anders Ynnerman shows us sophisticated new tools -like virtual autopsies -- for analyzing this myriad data, and a glimpse at some sci-fi-sounding medical technologies in development. This talk contains some graphic medical imagery. March 8 -- chaired by Bill Frayer. featuring (via a TED internet podcast) Elaine Morgan. Morgan will be discussing “Are We Descended From Aquatic Apes?” In this fascinating lecture Morgan makes the case that humans came from the water, not the land. March 15 -- chaired by Bill Frayer. featuring (via a TED internet podcast) Psychologist John Haidt discussing “The Moral Roots of Liberalism and Conservatism.” Haidt presents the five moral values that form the basis of our political choices, whether we’re left, right or center. March 22 -- chaired by Fred Harland featuring (via a TED internet podcast) Parag Khanna discussing “Mapping the Future of Countries”. Khanna illustrates the enormous changes that have taken place in our world and what we might expect in the future. March 29 -- chaired by Bill Frayer. featuring (via a TED internet podcast) Michael Shermer discussing “The Pattern Behind Self-Deception.” He suggests that the human tendency to believe strange things -- from alien abductions to dowsing rods -- boils down to two of the brain’s most basic, hard-wired survival skills. He explains what they are, and how they get us into trouble.

CASI NUEVO - Your Thrift Shop of Choice Time to plan for your summer holidays. We received a large selection of clothing that will be perfect for your vacations and cruises. We have all sizes of clothing including XXXL. We also have children’s clothes. We are having a sale on our large collection of men’s and women’s shoes. All shoes are half price for the month of March. Need some odds and ends for your household and kitchen? We’ve got them! As usual, the thrift shop is looking for additional volunteers and constributions. All sales proceeds go to support three charities: School for the Deaf, Have Hammers...Will Travel., and our own Community Education Program.

Saw you in the Ojo 75

MARCH ACTIVITIES LIBRARIES Book & Video M-SAT 10-2* Talking Book TH 10-1* MEDICAL/HEALTH INSURANCE Blood Pressure M+F 10-12 Cruz Roja Sales Table M–F 9:45-1:15 Cruz Roja Monthly Meeting 1st W 1:30-4 Hearing Aids M & 2nd + 4th SAT 11-3:00 Sign-up IMSS M+T 10-1 NYLife/Seguros Monterrey Insurance T+TH 11-2 Optometrist TH 9-5:30 Sign-up Skin Cancer 2nd + 4th W 10-12 Sign –up TioCorp BUPA & Plan Seguros M 10:45-12:45 INFORMATION Becerra Immigration F 10-1 Information Desk M-SAT 10-2 Loridan Legal T 10-12 Los Niño’s de Chapala /Ajijic F 10:00-1:30 US Consulate 1st W 10:30-12:30 Sign up 10AM LESSONS Children’s Art SAT 9:00-12 Country Line Dancing T+TH 10-11:30* Exercise M+W+F 9-10* Intermediate Hatha Yoga T+TH+SAT 2 - 3:30* Spanish Conversation Club M 10-12* Yoga Basics M 10-11* SOCIAL ACTIVITIES AA Lakeside M+TH 4-6 AA Women TH 10:30-12 AL-Anon/Al-aTeen M 4:30-5:30 Beginner’s Camera W 12-1* Bridge for Fun T 1:30-4:30* Computer Windows Club F 10:30-11:45 * Digital Camera Club W 10:30-12* Dimitar’s Art Thru Ages TH 12-2 Discussion Group W 12-1:30* Everyday Mindfulness M 10:30-12 Film Aficionados 2nd+ 4th+ Last TH 2-4:30* Film Seminars M 2-5* Gamblers Anonymous W 11:30-1:30 Genealogy Last M 2-4* Geo-Mexico “Understanding Modern Mexico” F 12-2 Great Books 1st & 3rd F 2-4* Green Group 1st T 3-4:30 Green Transition in Action 2nd M 11-1:30 Learning Seminars T 12-2* Mac OS 1st M 12-1:30* Mac User 3rd W 3-4:30* Mah Jonng F 10-2:30* Masonic Lodge #31 2nd + 4th W 4:30-8, 4th T 3-4:30 MS Support Group 3rd W 2-4 Needle Pushers T 10-12 Open Circle SUN 10:00-12:15 Scrabble M+F 12-2* Tournament Scrabble T 12-3* TICKET SALES M-F 10-12:30 *Membership may be required.


El Ojo del Lago / March 2011


Spring is in the air and the high season is upon us! The first Annual General Meeting (AGM) under the new constitution is upon us. The agenda is below. At the AGM the board will be expanded in size to up to 13 members. The nominations committee has done a great job at presenting the membership with a highly qualified group of candidates to lead LCS into the future. The new constitution allows nominations from the floor at the AGM, so filling vacancies is now a very inclusive process. The upcoming board will be the first board in LCS history to be guided by a strategic plan. Board committees have been working hard to develop a framework that will be the guiding principle for LCS for years to come. Members will be asked to ratify this framework of long range and strategic planing at the AGM. What’s the old adage? Plan to fail if you fail to plan! Well, LCS is planning for success, and the members should feel confident that the work being submitted has been deliberated by numerous volunteers with LCS’ vision and mission always at the fore.

Our vision is a future where all Lakeside residents continually have a role in enriching the community’s quality of life, vitality and prosperity through the exchange of knowledge, expertise, culture, heritage and language. The mission of The Lake Chapala Society A.C. is to contribute to the social enrichment of its members and the Lakeside community. The 2010 financial statements are an insert* to this newsletter. They will show that we proceeded cautiously during the first year of a new system of governance and operations. They speak for themselves with respect to our success. I want to thank every volunteer who has supported LCS over the last year, a year of great transition, and congratulate each of you for your perseverance and patience - YOU are what makes LCS successful, and because of YOU, the future looks great! * Provided only in newsletters distributed from the LCS office.


Annual General Meeting (AGM) 10:00 AM, Thursday, March 10, 2011 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Call to Order Establishment of Quorum Adoption of Agenda Adoption of Minutes President’s Report Ratification of 2010 Financial Report Ratification of appointment of internal financial auditor for 2011 Ratification of Reserve Fund Account 2011 Budget Projections Adoption of Long Range and Strategic Goals (Strategic Plan) Report on Annual Objectives Ratification of Membership categories and dues. Election of Officers and Board Members Ratification of appointed Officers and Board Members Adjournment

Gourmet Pancake Breakfast !


Pancakes, Sausages, Coffee & Juice all for $50 pesos!

March 1 -- COCKTAIL HOUR -- from 4:30 to 6 in the lovely back gardens at The Garden Restaurant where peacocks and roosters roam freely among the flowers and trees. Complimentary botanas and cash bar. A special menu from 6 - 8. Dancing on the adjacent patio. The Garden Restaurant is located at Colon #8. The restaurant’s telephone is 766 1381.

We will also have another surprise flavor for you to try.

March 16 -- SOCIAL COCKTAIL MIXER & DINNER from 5-8 at Recoleta’s Restaurant in Chula Vista. Cash bar and an exclusive choice of entrees. $160 pesos per person (don’t forget a tip!). Reservations for dinner are required in advance. This is an opportunity to dine with fellow Singles members for reasonable prices at a restaurant receiving very good reviews. Recoleta’s Restaurant is a half mile past Superlake towards Chapla.

We will be serving breakfast on Thursday, March 10th just before the AGM (Annual General Meeting). Come try our Banana Walnut Pancakes with maple syrup and whipped cream! From 9:00am to 10:30am in the Gazebo.

MS Support Group

Beginning 16 March 2011, LCS Gazebo 2-4 - 3rd Wednesday of the Month Contact: Bill Phillips: banbefree@gmail.com, 766-1815 or Valerie Rhoda: valerie_rhoda@yahoo.com, 766-4522.


Additional activities in March on the LCS bulletin board or sign up, http:// yahoo.com/group/lcsmixandmatch/ or call Patricia Doran, 766-0794.

Monday, March 14 -- 11:30 Green Transitions in Action will present either a film about Dr. Emoto or a film on Plastics. Location: The Sala at LCS.

"Mexican Tax Concerns for Foreign Residents"

Friday, 1 April - LCS Sala 12-2 Seminar on personal & business considerations including buying & selling property, rentals, and operating a business. Presented by Giovanni Lapporta

"Adult Learning & Meaning-Making" March, 24 - 12-1:30 LCS Sala Presented by James Thornton

FILM AFICIONADOS Films and discussion the 2nd, 4th and last Thursday in the Sala at 2 pm THERE WILL BE THREE FILMS THIS MONTH ON THE BIG SCREEN MARCH 10 - AS IT IS IN HEAVEN (2005) - SWEDEN Academy Award nominated drama tells the story of a small-town boy who escapes his tiny village to become a famous conductor. A tragic mishap sends him home in search of a fresh start. MARCH 24 - SAMSARA (2003) - LADAKH From the northernmost region of the northernmost Indian State of Kashmir comes a hauntingly beautiful spiritual story of desire.......quite unlike anything you’ve ever seen before! (first shown here 7 years ago) MARCH 31 - SEPAPHINE (2008) - FRANCE Awestruck by the vibrant and imaginative artwork of uneducated housekeeper Seraphine, a German art critic takes the woman under his wing, but a world war interferes. A stunning performance by Yolande Moreau as Seraphine will hold your attention. For LCS members to get on the Film Aficionado email list to receive notices and reviews of upcoming showings you can email me at: mak1939@gmail.com

LAKE CHAPALA SOCIETY 16 de Septiembre #16-A, Ajijic, Jalisco LCS Main Office: 766-1140

Office, Information and other services open Monday – Friday, 10 to 2 and Saturday 10 to 2. Grounds are open until 5


Saw you in the Ojo 77






- EL OJO DEL LAGO Tel. 765-3676


Pag: 60

Pag: 73


- HUNTER DOUGLAS Tel: 766-0026

Pag: 25


- ANIMAL CARE Tel: 766-3062 - DEE’S PET CARE Tel: 762-1646 - FURRY FRIENDS Tel: 765-5431 - PET SHOP - SALUD ANIMAL Tel: 766-1009

Pag: 74 Pag: 75 Pag: 71 Pag: 76

- ARATI Tel: 766-0130 - CUGINIS OPUS BOUTIQUE Tel/Fax: 766-1790 - FIAGA BOUTIQUE Tel: 766-1816 - LA BELLA VIDA Tel: 766-5131 - LEATHER GALLERY Tel: 766-2845

Pag: 58 Pag: 38 Pag: 65

Pag: 03 Pag: 30, 76 Pag: 39 Pag: 46


Pag: 47 Pag: 29

Pag: 18

- VENTILADORES DEL OCCIDENTE Tel/Fax: (33) 3631-6619, 3634-9982

Pag: 06


Pag: 18 Pag: 20 Pag: 08

- DR. VICTOR J. YOUCHA Tel: 766-1973

Pag: 59

* CHURCHES Pag: 27, 66 - LAKE CHAPALA BAPTIST CHURCH Tel: 765-2925 Pag: 38, 59

- AUTOMATIC GARAGE DOOR OPENERS Tel: 766 - 4973, Cell: (045) 33-3157- 6536 Pag: 76

- GRUPO OLMESA Cell: (045) 33-3806-9231 - LINEA PROFESIONAL Tel. 766-2555, Fax. 766-0066 - RON YOUNG-MECHANIC Tel: 765-6387

Pag: 15

- MAILBOXES, ETC. Tel: 766-0647, Fax: 766-0775 761-0363, Fax: 761-0364

Pag: 16

Pag: 74


Pag: 21 Pag: 25

- CAFE INTERNET AJIJIC Tel: 766-3626 - COMPUTERLAND Tel. 765-7595 - NEW WORLD TECHNOLOGY Tel. 766-4343

Pag: 11 Pag: 73 Pag: 57

Pag: 29 Pag: 23


Pag: 25

* BEAUTY - AFRODITA Tel: 766-6187 - ELIA NAVARRO GOMEZ Tel. 766-2323 - MARY KAY Tel: 765-7654 - NEW LOOK STUDIO Tel: 766-6000

Pag: 22 Pag: 67

- CABO DO MUNDO- INTERIOR DESIGN Tel: 766-0026 Pag: 25 - CONSTRUCTION & REMODELING Tel: 766-3626 Pag: 11 - FMC Tel: 766-3596 Pag: 56 - HOME SERVICES Tel: 766-1569 Pag: 73 - SPECIALIZED ARCHITECT-Alfredo Yeme Cell: 33-1273-0322 Pag: 28 - WARWICK CONSTRUCTION Tel: 765-2224 Cell. (045) 331-135-0763 Pag: 76

Pag: 75

* DENTISTS Pag: 39

* BED & BREAKFAST Pag: 55 Pag: 15

- AJIJIC DENTAL Tel: 766-3682 - C.D. MARÍA LUISA LUIS VILLA Tel/Fax: 766-2428 - C.D. SANDRA ANAYA MORA Tel: 765-3502, 765-5444 - DENTAL EXPRESS Cell: (045) 331-121-6518

Pag: 19

El Ojo del Lago / March 2011


- CHANGE OF PACE Tel: 766-5800 - FITWELL Cell: (045) 331-149-7271

Pag: 49

Pag: 15

- FUMIGA Tel: 762-0078, (045) 33-1155-7059 - FUMI-TECH Tel: 766-1946, Cell. (045) 333-369-3737

Pag: 35

- ADOBE WALLS INN Tel: 766-1296 - CASA HUMBOLDT Tel: 01-55-5568-0871 - HOTEL AJIJIC Tel: 766-0383 - HOTEL CIELO ROJO Tel: 311-258-4155 - HOTEL DOLPHIN COVE INN Tel: 314-334-1515 - HOTEL LA ESTANCIA Tel: 766-0717 - ISLA DORADO Tel. 01-800-777-6060 - LA MANSION DEL SOL Tel: 01 800 715 9339 - LA NUEVA POSADA Tel: 766-1444, Fax: 766-2049 - PALMA REAL Tel: 01-800-777-1515 - QUINTA DON JOSE Tel: 01-800-700-2223 - VILLA BORDEAUX Tel. (01-387) 761-0494 - VILLAS DEL SOL Tel: 766-1152

Pag: 37 Pag: 24 Pag: 45 Pag: 60 Pag: 16 Pag: 20 Pag: 65 Pag: 71 Pag: 03 Pag: 46 Pag: 22 Pag: 26 Pag: 18

- L & R WATER GARDENS Tel: 766-4386


Pag: 77


- ARDEN MEXICO Tel: 765-3540 Pag: 41 - ARTE AMANECER Tel: 765-2090 Pag: 61 - INFINITY ARTE Tel: (01) 33 3792 5901 Pag: 49 - INTERIOR & FURNITURE -RICARDO FERNANDEZ Tel: 766-4331 Pag: 53 - TEMPUR Tel: (52) 333-629-5919, 333-629-5961 Pag: 32 - VIGOLARI Tel: 765-5649 Pag: 31

- ELEMENTS Tel: 766-5826 - HOME DESIGN Tel: 765-5649 - TENERIFE CENTER Tel: 33-3640-1283

Pag: 12

- MAGO’S OFFICE Tel: 765-3640

Pag: 45

Pag: 10

Pag: 71

* MALL / PLAZA Pag: 83

* MEAT/POULTRY/CHEESE - TONY’S Tel: 766-1614, 766-4069


Pag: 31


- CENTRO LAGUNA Tel: 01 (33) 3560-2670

- FERRETERIA Y TLAPALERIA GALVEZ Tel: 766-0880, Fax: 766-2440 Pag: 82

Pag: 23




Pag: 12

Pag: 32


Pag: 54

- BERNARDO LANCASTER JONES MD Tel: (33) 3813-2090 Pag: 34 - DERMATOLOGIST Tel: 766-1198, 765-2400 Pag: 60 - DERMIKA Dermatologic Center Dra. Monica Ramos Tel: 766-2500 Pag: 22 - DRA. MARTHA R. BALLESTEROS FRANCO Cell: (045) 333-408-0951 Pag: 17 - HOSPITAL ANGELES DEL CARMEN Tel: (01) 3813-0042 Pag: 08

Pag: 26 Pag: 47



Pag: 52

Pag: 19 Pag: 17

Pag: 53

- EDGAR CEDEÑO - MEXICO PROTECT Cell: (045) 33-3106-6982 Pag: 34 - LAKECHAPALAINSURANCE.COM Pag: 59 - LLOYD Tel: 766-0152, 766-3508 Pag: 23


- LIFE LEADER MINERALS - KARIN J. MILES Cell: (045) 333-481-8307 - VIDACELL Cell: (045) 33-1335-2660 - WEIGHTWATCHERS Tel: 01-800-710-3378

- ELECTROVENTA Tel: 765-2222

Pag: 30, 68



Pag: 61



* BANK INVESTMENT - ACTINVER Tel. 766-3110 - INTERCAM Tel: 766-5978 - MULTIVA Tel: 766-2499 -O&A Tel: 766-4481





Pag: 56


- CASA DE LAS FLORES Tel: 766-5493 - CASA DEL SOL Tel: 766-0050 - CASA TRES LEONES Cell: (045) 331-350-6764

Pag: 07

Pag: 60

- RELINCHO Tel: (01) 33-1353-7239

766-1760 765-4444 766-5555



066 765-2308, 765-2553 766-3615

Pag: 10

Pag: 71



Pag: 07



- CATHY CHALVIGNAC Tel: 766-1153 - DIANE PEARL COLECCIONES Tel: 766-5683 - EL PALOMAR Tel: 01 (33) 3635-5247 - ENGLISH GREETING CARDS - MEXICAN ART & DECO Tel: 766-5508 - SOL MEXICANO Tel: 766-0734 - THE AJIJIC ART HOUSE Tel: 765-5097

- BETO’S WINE & LIQUOR Tel: 766-5420, Cell (045) 333-507-3024 - MODELORAMA Tel: 766-2678, 765-2055

- DRA. ANGELICA ALDANA LEMA DDS Tel. 765-5364 - DRA. DOLORES RUSSELL D.D.S. Tel: 766-2881, 766-0075 Cell: (045) 333-108-7727 - DR. ALBERTO DON OLIVERA Tels: 765-4838, 765-4805 - DR. FRANCISCO CONTRERAS Tel: 765-5757 - DR. HECTOR HARO, DDS. Tel: 765-3193, 765-6974


Pag: 75

- INTERNAL MEDICINE SPECIALIST & GERIATRICS Dr. J. Manuel Cordova Tel: 766-2777 Pag: 17 - ISILAB Tel: 766-1164 Pag: 35 - PINTO OPTICAS Tel: 765-7793 Pag: 14 - PLASTIC SURGERY Tel: 766-2500 Pag: 35 - RED CROSS Tel: 765-2308 - SURGERY HOST Tel: 766-3145 Pag: 51

* MOVERS - BALDERAS Tel: 01 (33) 3810-4859 - LAKE CHAPALA MOVING Tel: 766-5008 - SEYMI Tel: 01 (33) 3603-0000, 3603-0256 - STROM- WHITE MOVERS Tel: 766-4049

Pag: 09 Pag: 14 Pag: 52 Pag: 15





- FOR SALE BY OWNER Tel: 766-1660 Pag: 24 - FOR SALE BY OWNER Cell: 331-213-4556 Pag: 62 - GEORGETTE RICHMOND Tel: 766-2129, 766-2077 Pag: 11 - HACIENDA LA CANACINTA Tel: 766-4971 Pag: 62 - JEFF HERD Cell: (045) 33 1546-0228 Pag: 36 - JUAN PABLO GIOVANNINI Tel: 766-1569 Pag: 38 - LA MISIÓN Tel: (01) 33-3137-5885 Pag: 33 - LLOYD REAL ESTATE AJIJIC Tel: 766-3508 Pag: 23 - MANZANILLO REAL ESTATE Tel: (314) 120-3878 Pag: 37, 51 - MEXICO PROPERTY RESOURCES Tel: (315) 351-7489 Pag: 69 - MICHEL BUREAU Cell. (045) 333-129-3322, Home: (376) 765-2973 Pag: 63 - MONTAÑO REALTY Tel: 766-1134 Pag: 36 - MYRON’S MEXICO Cell: 33-1065-7688 Pag: 32, 37, 62 - PETER ST. JOHN Tel: 765-3676 Pag: 30 - RAUL GONZALEZ Cell: 33-1437-0925 Pag: 47

Pag: 48

* PERSONAL ASSISTANCE - JUSTUS HAUSER Tel: 763-5333, Fax: 763-5335 Emergencies: 01 (33) 3441-8223 Pag: 05 - NEWCOMERS ILSE HOFFMANN Cell: 33-3157-2541, Ilse40@megared.net.mx www.mexicoadventure.com/chapala/guadalajara.htm Tel: 01 (33) 3647-3912

- COLDWELLBANKER CHAPALA REALTY Tel: 766-1152, movile: (045) 33-1175-9632 Pag: 70 - HACIENDA LA CANACINTA Tel: 766-4971 Pag: 62 - FOR RENT Tel: 33-1353-7239 Pag: 54 - FOR RENT Tel: 766-4043 Pag: 38 - RENTAL LOCATERS Tel: 766-5202 Pag: 59 - ROMA Tel: 766-3163 Pag: 12 - SANTANA RENTALS Cell: 315-104-3283, Pag: 76 - VILLAS DEL SOL Tel: 766-1152 Pag: 18


Pag: 75 Pag: 36 Pag: 77

- TV REPAIR SERVICIO BELTRÁN Tel: 765-3949 - WATCH & CLOCKS Tel: 765 5190, Cell: (045) 33-1331-9226

Pag: 76

Pag: 76

- SUBWAY - TABARKA Tel: 766-1588 - TOMAS Tel: 765-3897 - TONY’S Tel: 766-1614, 766-4069

Pag: 82

- VILLA BORDEAUX Tel. (01-387) 761-0494

Pag: 26

Pag: 48

* THERAPISTS Pag: 51 Pag: 12


Pag: 06

* SATELLITES/ T.V. - AJIJIC ELECTRONICS S.A. DE C.V. Tel/Fax: 766-1117, 766-3371 - SERVICIO BELTRÁN Tel: 765-3949, 766-4586


Pag: 17


Pag: 09

* TREE SERVICE Pag: 19 Pag: 76

* SELF STORAGE - SELF STORAGE-BODEGAS CHAPALA Tel: 766-0661, Tel/Fax: 766-1045 Pag: 29


Pag: 77

* WATER - IRRIGATION SYSTEMS Tel. (33) 3135 3645 - TECNO AQUA Tel: 766-3730, 766-3731

Pag: 34 Pag: 17

* SCHOOL - LEARN SPANISH - Chapala Learning Center Tel: 765-5498 Pag: 35

* SOCIAL ORGANIZATIONS - EL BAZAR DE LOS NIÑOS Tel: 765-3147 Pag: 50 - LAKE CHAPALA SOCIETY Tel: 766-1140 Pag: 74-77 - LAKESIDE SPAY & NEUTER CENTER, A.C. Tel: 766-3813 - NIÑOS DE CHAPALA Y AJIJIC Tel: 765-7032 Pag: 50

* SOLAR ENERGY - E2 ENERGIAS Tel: (33) 3673-5499 - ESUN Tel: 766-2319

Pag: 67 Pag: 58

* SPA / MASSAGE - LA BELLA VIDA Tel: 766-5131 - GOLDEN AGE Tel: 766-3989 - RESPIRO SPA Tel: (045) 33-3157-7790 - TOTAL BODY CARE Tel: 766-3379

Pag: 39 Pag: 63 Pag: 32 Pag: 19


Pag: 73


* POOL MAINTENANCE - EQUIPMENT AND POOL MAINTENANCE Tel: 766-1617 Pag: 62 - HOME SERVICES Tel: 766-1569 Pag: 49 - TECNO AQUA Tel: 766-3730, 766-3731 Pag: 17

* REAL ESTATE - 1ST CHOICE HOMES LAKESIDE Tel: 765-2484 Pag: 57 - AJIJIC HOME INSPECTIONS Tel: 766-2836 Pag: 11 - AJIJIC REAL ESTATE Tel: 766-2077, Fax: 766-2331 Pag: 03 - ALL IN ONE REAL ESTATE SERVICE Tel: 766-1161 Pag: 05 - BEV. & JEAN COFELL Home Tel. 766-5332 Office Tel. 765-3676 Pag: 48 - COLDWELL BANKER CHAPALA REALTY Tel: 766-1152, 766-3369 Fax: 766-2124, Tels: 765-2877 Fax: 765-3528 Pag: 84 - CHULA VISTA NORTE Tel: 766-2177 Cell: (045) 33-3841-8867 Pag: 39 - CHRISTY HERD Cell: (045) 331-444-6394 Pag: 36 - DOTTIE SLAIMAN Tel: 765-2326 Pag: 27 - EL DORADO Tel: 766-0040 Pag: 02 - FOR SALE BY OWNER Tel: (387) 763-1974 Pag: 54 - FOR SALE BY OWNER Tel: 766-5124 Pag: 77

- AJIJIC TANGO Tel: 766-2458 - CASA DEL WAFFLE Tel: 766-1946 - CHILI BANG BAR Tel: 766-1919 - COFFEE & BAGELS Tel: 766-0664 - DAVID’S CAFE Tel: 766-2341 - EL ESCONDITE Tel: 333-161-7918 - EL JARDIN DE NINETTE Tel. 766-4905 - GO LE CLUB Cell: (045) 33-3502-6555 - JOLANDAS Tel: 315-351-5449 - LA BODEGA DE AJIJIC Tel: 766-1002 - LA NUEVA POSADA Tel: 766-1444, 766-2049 - “LA TAVERNA” DEI QUATTRO MORI Tel: 766 2848 - LOS TELARES Tel: 766-0428 - MANIX Tel: 766-0061 - MELANIE’S Tel: 766-4253 - MOM´S DELI & RESTAURANT Tel: 765-5719 - NUMBER FOUR Tel: 766-1360 - PANINO Tel: 766-3822 - RISTORANTE DI AURORA Tel. 766-4013, Cell. (044) 33 1265 7900 - SIMPLY THAI Tel: 766-5665

Pag: 34 Pag: 03 Pag: 25 Pag: 77

The Ojo Crossword

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Saw you in the Ojo 79

CARS FOR SALE: Like new, excellent condi on 2007 Town and County MiniVan loaded with DVD player. Only 60,000km. Jalisco plates. $15,000USD. E-mail: mgc007@yahoo.ca FOR SALE: Chrysler Sebring 1996. Insurance paid for 2011, imported, excellent motor, Mexican plates, good condi ons call for an appointment to show you the car. $3,000USD. Cell: 3311136192 FOR SALE: Chrysler Cirrus LXI 2002. Threeowner car - Mexican plated (Jalisco); very well maintained and low mileage. Always kept in garage for protec on of exterior. 68,000 pesos. Call: (387) 761-0094 FOR SALE: Ford Ka 2004. Well-maintained Ford Ka with A/C and CD player. All service records. Easy to park, Jalisco plates. Call: 7661847 FOR SALE: 1993 Mercury Villager, 7 passenger van, automa c, A/C blows cold, 154,000 miles, cloth interior, clean, one owner, U.S. plated $3995 U.S. (376) 763-5367 FOR SALE: 2002 Ford Mustang, 6cyl/3.8 engine, excellent condi on, recent mileage tune up, new shocks, rebuilt AC, new ba ery, belts & hoses. 120,000 hwy miles. S.D. plates. $4,900 USD. Cell (045)331-194-4783 FOR SALE: 1989 Suburban with trailer hitch, automa c transmission. New motor 39,000.00 Km. New exhaust system, 4 new res. Min. of 16 other parts was exchanged. Mexican plated. Well maintained. $35,000.00 pesos. Cell. 331 446 -1709 FOR SALE: 1994 VW sedan 1600 i/Bug Collectors item. Like new. Silver colour,32000 original km., nted glass, fuel injected, fully reclining velour seats, chrome bumpers, 2 chrome mirrors, alarm system. $5,000 USD. Cell. 331 446 1709 FOR SALE: Good condi on 17’ motorhome. Sleeps 6. Kitchen, Bathroom, air condi oned, heater. Don’t build casita for guest, this one has it all. $2,000 USD. found.cyberspace@ gmail.com FOR SALE: Mercedes SL560 roadster. New leather upholstery and so top. Has 2 tops, hard and so . Euro cover. Manuals. This is a classic automobile. $5,500.00US. Call: CarolJoan Daniel at (376) 765-2598 FOR SALE: Mercedes Roadster Conver ble. Two tops—hard and so . Manuals. $9000.00 US. Call: Carol-Joan Daniel FOR SALE : Priced to Sell. This car was driven down form US in July of 2010. It has been legalized in Mexico. 2x2 5.2 liter engine. $95,000 pesos. Contact: Donnie Glover FOR SLE: 2005 Ford Taurus, runs good, needs some body work, $67,000 pesos or USD. No e-mail please Call John (376)765-6613 FOR SALE: 1992 Isuzu Rodeo, US plated, v/6, 5 speed. $1200 USD or OBO. No e-mail please Call: 331-218-9649 FOR SALE: 1991 4 Cyl. Ford Escort Hatchback. Mexico Plated and runs great, no rust, body needs repair of dents, 14,000 pesos. No e-mail please Call 331-218-9649

COMPUTERS FOR SALE: Magicjack allows you to make unlimited calls to the United States and Canada for one year. Renewal is then $19.95 per year for as long as you own the magicjack. $50.00. Call: 765-2326 WANTED: HP wireless printer. Prefer a three-in-one. Must be in excellent condi on. Please call 33 329 9368 or email mysauthor@


aol.com FOR SALE: Barely used wireless mouse and keyboard. Great for small spaces and the keyboard is ergonomic great for people suffering from Arthri s or those who use a computer for long periods of me. $75. Call: (376) 765 2648 FOR SALE: Dell Celeron, 1 GB Ram, 2 CD Drives, Windows XP, Service Pak 3, Microso Office, ESET security, Photosmart and other so ware. 15” monitor, Webcam, Microphone, Speakers, Keyboard, Mouse, HP Deskjet 640C Printer, Works Great – $1800 pesos firm. Call: 766-4105 FOR SALE: Make skype calls using your wi-fi without computer. Includes charger, so ware CD &USB connector $120 USD. Call Gilles @7664057 FOR SALE: Professional pen, mouse & tablet for photographers, designers, or ar sts. I have two Intuos 2 tablets, both in good condi on. Selling them for $600 pesos each. Contact: E. Hunter. FOR SALE: Professional pen, mouse & tablet for the serious photographer, designer, or ar st. Works on Mac and Windows. In original packaging. $1300 pesos. Contact: E. Hunter. WANTED: Epson Printer (wide format) R1800 or R1900 in good working condi on. Call: 331 431 7264 FOR SALE: Linksys Wireless-G 2.4GHz Broadband Router with 4 port switch. $90 US 376-763-5367 FOR SALE: 2008 HP Compaq Presario with Windows Vista Ul mate (English). 19” Monitor built in Speakers. 28 mos. le on Full Guarantee by SICI in Chapala. VERY DEPENDABLE. Roxio EMC 10 and other extras. $5,800.00 pesos OBO. Contact: Rafael Terracino. FOR SALE: 15” Macbook Pro - MAC OS X. 4 GB 1067MHz. $1,700.00 US. Call 387-761-1028 or e mail. This laptop is in perfect condi on. rjschoen@juno.com FOR SALE: Nextel cell phone no longer use Nextel. Model color is brown with designs on it. $300 pesos. Contact: Frank Raimo FOR SALE: Color Printer, Scanner, Copier. Mul -func on color printer, scanner and copier. Includes new, unopened cartridges. In good working order, except one printer head needs replacing. $499 pesos or OBO. Please email arjay333@gmail.com or phone 7663103. FOR SALE: Apple iMac G3/400 - 1GB ram, 10 GB hard drive, CD/DVD ROM drive, phone modem, built-in microphone and stereo speakers, 2 USB ports and 2 Firewire ports. Includes apple keyboard and mouse. OSX 10.4 opera ng system. Contact: Michael McGrath FOR SALE: CD disk burner, good condi on, with disk and manual $50USD, Call: John Whiley 765-3824 FOR SALE: Magicjack, call unlimited to the United States and Canada. Price 50.00 includes one full year of service, renewal for the next year is only 19.95 for as long as you own the magicjack. Call: (376)765-2326

PETS & SUPPLIES FOR SALE: Portable Water Dish. This is a red and black portable, collapsible water or food bowl for traveling. Call: 765-4590 FOR SALE: Robbie (white with red) and Misty (white, blue-eyed, not deaf) were adopted from the shelter as babies. Now their Mom is ill and unable to live alone, and her new life can’t include the cats. SCOTTISH

El Ojo del Lago / March 2011

FOLDS are very rare in the Chapala area these days, so this is your chance to adopt a very special INDOOR cat and give one (or both) a second chance. Please see Barb at the Animal Shelter for more info. 765-5544 FOR SALE: Giant Schnauzers. Both parents are champions to pups born 1/15/11 and to be ready mid-March. Non-shedding, smart, loving, humorous and protec ve. Males will be 90 pounds and females will be 70 pounds of awesome. Once you’ve owned one you will never be without. $700. Call: 342-103-9380 WANTED: I’m IVY, a sporty white / black SH, and I’m the “hearing ear cat” for my best buddy MAYA, who is white, blue-eyed, and deaf. We were adopted together last August but things went bad so now we’re back at the Animal Shelter and praying for a second home TOGETHER because we are inseparable. Foster parents say we are really fun! We love to play but also cuddle. We need an INDOOR home to keep Maya safe. PLEASE come and see us right away! (Ask Barb for more details) FOR SALE: Black rubber pond or pool liner is 13 by 20 feet. Never used - s ll in box. The strongest grade. Call Peter at 766-5577 FOR SALE: 2 Large (180 ml) bo les of Metacam Oral Suspension used for pain control and inflamma on due to hip displasia, arthri s, etc. $125USD or $70 each. No longer required as we lost our beloved dog recently. Contact: Judy Madill

GENERAL MERCHANDISE FOR SALE: Bar Style Table. Round 30” diameter lamenated top on 42” high metal pedestal base. Includes 3 tall, wooden, swivels stools w/back rests and brass foot rails. Excellent condi ons $4000. No email, Please Call Lee Borden at 333-496-5883 FOR SALE: Harley Davidson touch lamp, new in box $400 No email, Please Call Lee Borden at 333-496-5883 FOR SALE: Professional microphone standchrome, adjustable height and boom. $400. No email, Please Call Lee Borden at 333-496-5883 FOR SALE: Casio Portable electric organ w/hard case and collapsible stand, 12v/120v adaptor synthesized instruments, back up rythums, digital recorder, earphone jack allows for privacy. Very lightly used, new condi on $2500 No email, Please Call Lee Borden at 333496-5883 FOR SALE: Large amplifier, built in speaker, dual guitar/mic inputs w/individual volume control, dual casse player/recorder with tape speed control, echo feature, earphone jack allows for privacy. $600 No email, Please Call Lee Borden at 333-496-5883 FOR SALE: Sage colored size L man’s sports shirt By Tarponwear interna onal. Has 2 breast pockets in front of shirt with bu on closure. Light weight & easy wash & dry. 380 Pesos. Contact: Yolanda Mc Gaughey FOR SALE: Gently used recliner. Clean, comfortable & a rac ve. Please call: 765-7280 FOR SALE: Barely use Logis cs keyboard and mouse. Key board is ergonomic for those suffering from arthri s or those who use a computer for extended periods. $75. Call: (376) 765 2648 FOR SALE: Brand New never used Electric Black and Deck lawn mower. Perfect for small yard.75 USD. Contact: Pa Bush FOR SALE: Assortment of purse hangers, keep your purse off the floors. Many colors and designs. $120pesos. Call: 765-4590 FOR SALE: Satellite Dish 42” in diameter.

Great recep on for Star Choice receivers (Shaw Direct) plus other systems. $500 pesos. Phone: (376) 763-5330 WANTED: Does anybody have one of those Beta Sony Video Casse e Recorders (or any other brand that fits beta size casse es) from the 80’s?? in good running condi on??. Maybe I can buy it from you, please call Rick in (376) 766-4804 WANTED: Gas lawn mower 4.5 H.P. engine, low mileage cost new was 2000 pesos sale price 1200 pesos. Phone 765.7097 or email dobilin@hotmail.com FOR SALE: Sofa, 4 chairs & 2 small end tables all solid bamboo. New! Asking $12,000 pesos. Paid $ 15,000. A lovely set worth having a look. Call: ( 376) 763-5229 FOR SALE: Wood & glass top round coffee table complete with 4 under table sea ng stools. Stools are wood frame with suede like fabric. New! Paid $ 400 CDN. Asking only $ 3500 pesos. Call: (376) 763-5229 WANTED: Toolbox, small,medium plas c containers with covers, do not have to be waterproof. Belt sander, Rotary Tool, (Dremel Tool) table top drill press. Contact: Marvin Armendinger WANTED: Pain ngs or photographs of Mexican scenes. Also, rus c Mexican entryway table not wider than 48”. Call 331 329 9368 or email mysauthor@aol.com. If no answer, please call again. FOR SALE: Bought exercise bicycle for daughter, she found out you must use it to get proper exercise. She lasted one day, have not used it since it is 1 year old. $750 Pesos Contact: Frank Raimo FOR SALE: New Sony SA-WMP1 Subwoofers, can be sold separately or together at a special price. High-end audio cables available as well. $50 Per Unit. Call: (376) 765 2648 FOR SALE: Complete set of woman’s golf clubs. All clubs, driver socks and bag. Prestwick clubs great for woman of average height. Call: (376) 765 2648 FOR SALE: New Balance Treadmill. Excellent unit. Solid machine, incline, programmed rou nes, very quiet, strong motor. Used very li le. Folds up for be er storage. $7000. Call: 33 1416 1050 FOR SALE: Receive Skype calls without your computer using your home wi-fi. Includes handset, charger and CD-ROM installa on manual. $120 USD. Call Gilles at 766 4057 FOR SALE: 16 foot aluminum fishing boat. Three years old, well cared for. Easy to handle and launch. 25 HP Mercury, goes good and great gas millage. Includes trailer, adder, anchor, life jackets, depth finder and much more. 4000.00 US or best offer. Cell: 322 181 2820 or e-mail warmweathermark@yahoo. com FOR SALE: TACK BOX - Store saddle, saddle blanket, bridle, etc. in custom made all metal water & dust proof, security locking, 36” x 36” x 67” high portable unit. $5,000 pesos 7664365 FOR SALE: variety of things. 32” LCD TV, 27” TV, Some wooden furniture: small and medium sofa set (brown), an outdoor sofa set, a wooden office desk, file cabinet, fax/phone, stools, new restaurant tables and chairs, Call: 33 1416 1050 FOR SALE: Rolling rubbermaid mop thingy’s, neck massager, motorcycle ba ery monitor/charger, nice clothes, double deep fryer (gas), glass construc on blocks, professional TURMIX juicer, man’s urinal,

paper towel and soap dispeners, JVC surround sound stereo et. Call: 33 1416 1050 FOR SALE: Custom made light table, was using it for art work, but it can also be used for viewing film nega ves, or even X-ray images. $150 pesos. Contact: E. Hunter FOR SALE: Phillips HD LCD. Excellent condi on. $6000. Call: 33 1416 1050 FOR SALE: 15.4” HD Widescreen LCD TV, High quality picture defini on. User’s guide, stand and wall mount brackets included. Excellent condi on. $1250 pesos. Call: (376) 765-7629 FOR SALE: Washburn acous c/electric, Model D46SCE with hard case. Simply beau ful - brand new, never played. $6,000 pesos 376766-4365 WANTED: Seeking someone who can transfer recorded VHS tapes to DVDs so I can save them (and they’re smaller to carry) longer. The DVDs should be playable in US or MX equipment. Contact: Donna Maher FOR SALE: Magamex 60L water heater 75 USD. Contact: Murray Blanchard FOR SALE: Four panel Mexican wood carved screen. Elaborately carved on both sides with flowers & birds. (front & back) Truly handsome & useful privacy screen. Sized: 44” X 71, $125 USD Call: (376) 765-7280 FOR SALE: Ma ress Pad, great for arthri s relief & a good night’s sleep! Egg carton style foam rubber pad fits on top of ma ress to make bed so er. Size: 54” Wide X 70” long color: off-white. Call: (376) 765-7280 FOR SALE: HTC G1 Android phones, rooted, upgraded to current Droid Froyo so ware, unlocked for any sim card, with accessories. Works with either Telcel data plan or Amigo plan and WiFi.GPS, music player etc. $2200 pesos. Call: 765-2518 FOR SALE: 3 pulmonias like the famous ones found in Mazatlan Mexico, they are in perfect condi ons and are ready to enjoy or ready to work whatever you desire. If you are interested in viewing the vehicles please contact Oscar at 669-116-0572 or e-mail at oscar.cisneros@gmail.com WANTED: Down Comforter wanted - Up to Queen Size. Contact: Mitchell Perey FOR SALE: Steel and glass top office desk. 47” (120cm) wide, 23.5” (60cm) deep and 29.5” (76cm) high. Excellent condi on - picture on request. $1200 pesos or best offer (387) 761-0094 FOR SALE: Handpainted corner unit, tastefully painted not gaudy, $2000 OBO. Contact: John M Brown FOR SALE: Unusual Desk with Leather Swivel office chair. Excellent condi on elegant looking. $5,000 OBO. Call: (376)766 - 0288 FOR SALE: Side by Side KitchenAid Superba Model KSRS25FBBL. Refrigerator/Freezer with thru the door automa c water dispenser and automa c icemaker, crushed or cubes. Black, excellent condi on. Call: (376) 766 2206 FOR SALE: 28’ Wilderness Camper Trailer 1995,VGC, Refrigerator, A/C, Furnace, Gas Lines, & Hot Water Heater Newly Serviced. New Surge Protector, resealed roof. Includes spare re and many accessories needed for camping and towing. $6500.00 USD Contact: Sue Hurst FOR SALE: two auto roof racks, good condi on. The first one is a Thule, hard-shell, cargo box, for 1500 pesos. The other is a Thule, open roof carrier, black steel tubing, gu er type, 1500 pesos. Contact: Dennis James WANTED: Motorized treadmill. Any size motorized treadmill needed for rehab efffort. Contact: Mar n Wolf FOR SALE: brand new FIRE engine RED three wheeler electric scooter it is a package including electric li to put in your vehicle and two ramps. This is ideal for the person who cannot get around easily. Call Suzi at 766 4456 or email ssnnkenn7@aol.com FOR SALE: 4 pairs of brand new ladies size 8/10 jeans $12.00 never worn s ll with the labels on. Call Suzi at 766 4456 or email

ssnnkenn7@aol.com FOR SALE: This is just the LMB for a dish to get Dish Network. 3 years old. $400pesos. Call: (376) 765-4590 FOR SALE: TV console Brand new, never used Royce TV console in dark brown wood, 62” W x 21” D x 28 1/2 “ H. Flat panel TV mount, $2,600 call for more informa on. Call: (376)766 5686 FOR SALE: Sony 32” television NOT flat panel - 32” with built in stand. Stand has glass shelf built in. Excellent condi on, excellent picture. $3,000 pesos. Call: 766-5686 FOR SALE: Star Choice oval dish 75E, new in box, fresh from Canada, large HD dish needed for all weather recep on at lakeside. 350 USD. Call: (376) 766 5173 WANTED: Used gas cylinder, the tall one delivered locally by the trucks. Call: (387) 7632962 FOR SALE: Pocket translator 2 1/2” x 3 1/2” w/ large LCD screen. Fits right in a shirt pocket. Over 200,000 words and phrases in 6 languages including Spanish. A great aid in learning Spanish. $25 USD. Call: (387) 7611028 FOR SALE: Just plug the MagicJack into your computer then your phone into the MagicJack and make unlimited calls to the U.S. and Canada for free. Come try out mine if you wish. The price includes 1 year of calls. $50.00 US Call: (387) 761-1028 FOR SALE: Garden RR Track/Switches. Numerous unused Bachmann G scale track both curved and straight as well as manual switches and elevated bridges. Priced by piece or in en rety. habach @prodigy.net.mx FOR SALE: Mass AquaPlus Water So ener, Model SF28 the household water so ener integrates controls with almost zero maintenance and easy opera on used 1 month. Original cost 8400 pesos, asking 7000 pesos. Contact 766-2513 WANTED: wanted to buy gas barbeque in good condi on. Contact: Jack Ross FOR SALE: Nikon 35mm professional auto wind camera excellent condi on with carry case. $2900 pesos OBO. Call (045)331-1944783 FOR SALE: Perfect condi on Sony camcorder with case, charger, extra ba eries and TV hook up to view videos. $3900 pesos OBO. Cell: (045)331-194-4783 FOR SALE: Set of 4 cast iron sizzle plates with 2 wooden handles and 4 serving dishes. $750p for the whole set. 2 are used, 2 new. Sold new $32USD each. h p://www.google. co...ved=0CCUQ9QEwAg. Call: (376)765-4590 FOR SALE: NIKKEN Ma ress Pad King Size Magnet in pad for improved circula on. $250USD. Contact: Dionne Hearne FOR SALE: Steel door, unused, with anchors. Very heavy double steel, two locks with keys. Ready to install. Measure 42 inches by 82 inches. Price $4000.00 pesos. Call:. 331 446 1709 WANTED: Someone to share Star Choice (Shaw) programming. Must have satellite dish and receiver. I currently spend $57 U.S./mo., would like to share the cost. Call 766-3025 & we can discuss program packages. FOR SALE: Large pain ngs 18”x26” 80 ps eq. Each. 2 smaller “ 13”x10” 30 ps eq. Each. Priced individually. 80 pesos & 30 pesos. Call: (376) 765-7280 FOR SALE: New Bookshelf Speakers. $1900 pesos/pair. Great pair of bookshelf speakers to add to exis ng system, i.e. stereo, home theatre, etc. h p:// nyurl.com/27btm6q for picture. Contact: A T FOR SALE: Wrought Iron Drapery Rod. TOTAL LENGTH 76”. Purchased from Arden’s but wrong size. Was $ 45 US Is heavy duty rod & looks very classy! REDUCED TO $38 US or equiv. Please call for further info 376-765-7280 FOR SALE: 2006 Scooter, runs well, taken well care of. A few small defects, speed doesn’t work. Looks great. 150cc, 2006, top speed 90100kph. Fills up with 25 pesos and you only

need to fill tank 1 or 2 mes a week. 8,000 pesos. Contact: Spencer McMullen WANTED: Mailbox Partner, Third party to share our Sol Y Luna mailbox. One year contract required. Your share $106 pesos per year or approx. $90 pesos per month. Call Dale 766-3207. FOR SALE: Jewelry Cabinet which stands on the floor. Medium oak. 5 drawers and two side cabinets which open for necklaces. Top has stand up mirror and places for two photographs. Unique piece. Please telephone or reply to ccalfapietra@gmail.com FOR SALE: COMPUTER DESK made from solid Mexican pine and stained cherry. Two piece L shaped. Pull out keyboard drawer. Total 6 drawers. Plate glass cut to fit top in two pieces. $600 USD. Please telephone or reply to ccalfapietra@gmail.com FOR SALE: JUST REDUCED! Hotpoint gas white full size STOVE and oven. Lightly used. You will be responsible for disassembling and removal.$360 USD. Please telephone or reply to ccalfapietra@gmail.com FOR SALE: An que Mexican wood Folding Screen. Distressed blue and green stain on the vine carving. This screen was made from a pair of old Mexican doors. $100 USD. Please telephone or reply to ccalfapietra@gmail.com FOR SALE: HOT TUB—holds up to 8 persons. Teal blue color. Complete with padded cover, chemicals, steps, accessories. JUST REDUCED: $2000 USD. Please call or reply to ccalfapietra@gmail.com FOR SALE: Door wooden medicine cabinet with mirrors on front and 3 shelves. A rac ve addi on to your bathroom. 30 inches by 30 inches by 6 inches deep, $900 pesos. Call: 7664105 FOR SALE: Danby Countertop Dishwasher, holds full 4 place se ngs, hooks to faucet. 5 cycles, white with stainless steel interior & spray arm. Low power consump on! NEW in box, $2800 pesos. Contact: Sherry Hudson FOR SALE: BAR JUST REDUCED TO $3000.00US OR BEST OFFER. Handcra ed from old Mexican wood. Iron accents. With lights and 3 stools with backs and leather seats. Call or reply to ccalfapietra@gmail.com WANTED: Looking for a shop vac in excellent condi on about 6 horsepower. Willing to pay reasonable price. Contact: Rubi Diamond WANTED: Looking for 6000 wa generator and portable oil/electric heater. Contact: Rubi Diamond WANTED: Looking for 52” Flat Screen T.V. with high defini on. Will pay reasonable price. Contact: Rubi Diamond FOR SALE: Child’s Barbie bicycle with training wheels for 3-5 year old. Pink paint is somewhat faded but decals remain bright. $200 pesos Call: (376) 765-2601 FOR SALE: Evenflo child’s car seat. Good condi on, $500 pesos. Call: (376) 765-2601 FOR SALE: Several cookbooks, including hardcover Barefoot Contessa At Home and Barefoot Contessa Par es! $35 pesos each. So cover Rachel Ray’s 30 Minute Meals 2. $25 pesos. So cover Rick Bayless Salsas That Cook. $20 pesos. Also books featuring fish, Asian, French, shrimp, lowfat, etc. $10-$25 pesos each. Phone only please (376) 765-2601. FOR SALE: Two louvered wood doors, 81” high, 22” wide with talavera handles, $100 each. Phone only please (376) 765-2601. FOR SALE: New in bag Surefit loveseat slipcover. Sage green and gold textured stripe pa ern, $250. Phone only please (376) 7652601. FOR SALE: 19” Magnavox color TV with remote. Works well, $1000. Phone only please (376) 765-2601. FOR SALE: Serta double bed. Ma ress, boxspring and metal base on wheels. Lightly used, $1000 pesos. Phone only please (376) 765-2601 FOR SALE: Several wrought iron rus c chandelier light fixtures with four glass globes

in choice of amber or green glass, $400 pesos each. Phone only please (376) 765-2601. FOR SALE: Large rus c wood trunk with curved top (like for pirate treasure), $600 pesos. Phone only please (376) 765-2601. FOR SALE: Rus c Mexican cabinet. Two shelves with amber glass doors and carved wooden owls, drop-down desktop and three drawers below. Measures 72” high, 35-1/2” wide, 18” deep. Phone only please (376) 7652601. FOR SALE: Rus c Mexican bookshelf with drawers. dark wood. Three shelves on top with four drawers below. Measures 72” high, 34” wide, 16” deep, $1000 pesos. Phone only please (376) 765-2601. FOR SALE: Rus c Mexican bar cabinet. Dark wood. Measures 35” wide, 34” high, 171/2: deep, $500pesos. Phone only please (376) 765-2601. FOR SALE: Dark wood rus c Mexican dining table. Rectangular, comfortably seats eight. Measures 85” long, 38” wide, 29” high. Tabletop surface is 1-1/2” thick dark wood, $1700 pesos. Phone only please (376) 7652601 FOR SALE: SONY STR-DE335 Home Theater Stereo Receiver plus Bose Acous mass 5 speakers and stands, $300 USD, more info Contact: Michael McGrath FOR SALE: 4 person portable hot tub, $22,950 pesos or UDS Call John (376)765-6613 FOR SALE: Mexican queensize ma ress and base $1,200 pesos Very Firm. Call: 7664474 FOR SALE: White Wooden Desk. $500 pesos 4’x3’aprx.Orig Computer Desk Lockable draw. Needs paint. Call: 766-4474 FOR SALE: Glass top Bar Counter $1500pesos/$120usd. Thick Glass inlay top white 2x2 wooden frame two lower shelves 6’x2’2”approx. Call: 766-4474 FOR SALE: Stainless Steel Top Prep Table. Great work bench, $2000 pesos/$160USD. Call: 766-4474 FOR SALE: Sony camcorder in excellent condi on with spare cartridge and manual. $85. Call: 765-3824 FOR SALE: Gorrilla Brand2 ea. - Steel storage racks, can be converted to work benches. Each one measures 18” X 48” X 72” and has 5 shelves. $85 US. Call: (376) 766-3212 FOR SALE: 2 - Natural Plywood cabinets for display and storage. Bo om half has three separate compartments for storage with doors, and top half has three display shelves. Great condi on. $100 USD each. Call 766-3212. FOR SALE: Double Steam and Espresso Outputs. Restaurant Quality. Excellent condi on. Mod Cafe 2M120/2 see www. lapavoni.com/model.asp?id=313, ours has double steamers and comes with la Pavoni Coffee Grinder. $34,700 pesos/$2,800 USD. Call: 766-4474 FOR SALE: 16 Cu.Ft Glass door freezer Excellent condi on Restaurant Quality $9,000 pesos. See www.tor-rey-refrigera on.com/ freezers/index.htm for specs. Call: 766-4474

COLLECTABLES FOR SALE: Large Christmas Village, All pieces are ceramic and the houses, boats, and trains are lighted. They are lots of people too. I am moving back north and can’t take it with me. The photo is only about 10% of the en re village. $3000 pesos. Call: 3334946499 FOR SALE: amazing collec on of new and used comics and art prints. 1st edi ons of both Marvel and DC from 1992-1996 and older edi ons of Spider-Man. A couple hundred comics needs to be seen in person. Call: (376) 765-2648 FOR SALE: Two Cathy Chalvignac pain ngs. Large $1000. Small $350. Beau ful fine art by famous ar st. See cathychalvignac.com. Serious inquires only please. Contact: Rubi FOR SALE: Sweets book indexed catalog and building construc on Dated 1906. $500 pesos. Contact: Frank Raimo.

Saw you in the Ojo 81


El Ojo del Lago / March 2011

Saw you in the Ojo 83

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