Saw you in the Ojo
El Ojo del Lago / May 2011
Saw you in the Ojo
Richard Tingen
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Alejandro Grattan-DomĂnguez Tel: (01376) 765 3676, 765 2877 Fax: (01376) 765 3528 Associate Publisher David Tingen Graphic Design Roberto C. Rojas Jazmin Eliosa Special Events Editor Kay Davis Associate Editor Jim Tipton Contributing Editor Paul Jackson Contributing Editor Mark Sconce Drama Critic Michael Warren Art Critic Rob Mohr Staff Photographer Xill Fessenden Sales Manager Tania Medina (045) 33 1140 3570
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Carol Bowman writes about an unforgettable spectacle she witnessed during Semana Santa in Antigua, Guatemala. The Passion Play as enacted in that Central American city is truly awe-inspiring.
8 Martha Elba
14 STILL THE SAME OLD STORY Beth Berube chronicles the love affair of a couple of Mexican donkeys whom she nicknamed “Eliza� and “Professor Henry Higgins.�
&2/8016 7+,6 0217+ 6
Editor’s Page
Faith & Fables
Bridge by Lake
Uncommon Sense
Justin Horner writes about three different car breakdowns he had while driving in California—and how the only people who ever stopped to help him were Mexican immigrants.
Joyful Musings
Thunder on Right
World of Ours
Hearts at Work
Welcome to Mexico
Wondrous Wildlife
Lakeside Living
Focus on Art
Front Row Center
Stay Healthy
Viva Vida Loca
The Poet’s Niche
Animal Shelter
Harriet Hart writes about an old friend here in Ajijic that many people have taken for granted for years and now needs our help: The Ajijic Auditorium.
Child of Month
New Lease on Life
LCS Newsletter
26 CHILDHOOD EXPERIENCES Jay White remembers how as a young boy he once came across a bedraggled Mexican vagabond outside Sonora, Texas, who through seemingly ill and totally exhausted seemed to be trying to get back to his homeland. Even now, many years later, the writer occasional
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it home.
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El Ojo del Lago / May 2011
Saw you in the Ojo
Editor’s Page Guest Editorial by Fred Mittag
A Brief History of Work
or artisans, work was good during the Middle Ages. At 14, a boy might proudly be apprenticed to a master craftsman. By 21, he was called a journeyman, and finally became a master. They belonged to trade guilds, to which they paid dues. They took a lot of pride in their work. A cobbler did everything, beginning with the leather and measuring his client’s foot. When the boots were made, he could hold them up and look, knowing they were 100% his creation. The cobbler worked from his own home and had freedom in managing his time. Such trades were called “cottage industries.” In 1733, there were a series of inventions, beginning in the textile industry, and then broadening to the invention of steam power and other machines. These machines replaced hand-manufacturing techniques. No longer could a worker look at a piece of finished work and call it his own. Mass production replaced cottage industries. Quality was lost, but goods became available to more people. People displaced by the new machines came to the towns to work in the factories. They submitted to bosses and the clock, no longer free to choose their own hours. They no longer had their home gardens and became dependent on money for their survival. History calls this sea change the Industrial Revolution. Thousands of people lost work with the invention of a new machine. The streets of London filled with destitute and hopeless people drinking cheap gin. The new machines were dangerous and when a worker lost his arm – too bad, he was out of work. As wages went down, children worked, in competition with grown men, chained to their machines. Charles Dickens
El Ojo del Lago / May 2011
knew something about these conditions. Building factories required more money than any individual had. So groups pooled their money, with each one having stock in the company; then they hired a manager. The way the manager made the stockholders happy was to generate maximum production at minimum cost in labor. Unlike a master, his wife, and his live-in apprentice, a corporation was a cold and impersonal arrangement. In 1914, in Ludlow, Colorado, 1,200 coal miners went on strike to win the right to organize. The Colorado National Guard attacked their shantytown and burned it to the ground. Two women and 11 children burned to death. Nineteen people died. After the Ludlow Massacre, President Woodrow Wilson signed the Clayton Act, prohibiting the prosecution of union members. Twenty years later, Franklin Roosevelt signed the National Labor Relations Act that protected the right to organize. Only 400 Americans now own more wealth than half of all Americans combined – unbelievable, but true. Work is out-sourced to India and wages have stagnated for many years. Tax responsibility has shifted from the very rich down to workers. Americans now compete with labor from Chinese prisons. Republican governors are busy with union busting, against President Obama’s feeble protest. Governor Walker in Wisconsin is beholden to the Koch brothers, as was proved by a prank telephone call that he eagerly accepted. Unregulated capitalism becomes a cold-blooded Behemoth.
OF FAITH AND FABLES Worry And The Law Of The Garbage Truck
e really waste a lot of time worrying when it is really just that: a waste of time. A lot of our worries are about things that actually never happen, and many more of our worries are about things we can’t do anything about. Seems to me that the logical conclusion about all that is this: If you can do something about what you are worrying about, then do it. If you can’t, then don’t. Those thoughts reminded me of an e-mail I received a few years ago that talked about “The Law of the Garbage Truck.� While it didn’t focus on WORRYING it really hit home about how we often allow circumstances to cloud our mood and how we allow other people’s actions to ruin our day. That article tells the story of a near accident in a New York City taxi. The individual relaying the story said that he was on his way to Grand Central Station when a black car jumped out of a parking space in front of them. The taxi driver slammed on his brakes, skidded and missed the other car by inches. What happened next would change the writer’s life. The driver of the other car, the guy who almost caused a big accident, whipped his head around and started to yell obscenities at us. What really blew the writer away, however, was what the taxi driver did in response. He just smiled and waved at the guy in a very friendly manner. When asked why he did that in response to someone who had almost caused us to be in a terrible wreck the taxi driver told him about “The Law of
the Garbage Truck.� Here’s the way the taxi driver explained it. “Many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment. As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump it. AND, if you let them, they’ll dump it on you. When someone wants to dump on you, don’t take it personally. Just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. You’ll be happy you did. I guarantee it. And that’s the Law of the Garbage Truck.� The writer of the article said that he began to wonder just how often he allowed Garbage Trucks to run over him. And, how often did he take their garbage and spread it to other people: at work, at home, on the streets. After considering the validity of the Law of the Garbage Truck, I found myself being more involved than I thought. In fact, just remembering instances of taking home someone else’s garbage and then spreading it my self, brought tears to my eyes. Now, the author said, he sees folks who are like garbage trucks. He sees them coming to drop the load off and doesn’t take it personally anymore. He said, “I just smile, wave and wish them well, and I move on.� What a great idea. The bottom line is that successful people do not let Garbage Trucks take over their day. What about you? What would happen in your life starting today, if you let more garbage trucks pass you by? You can bet your bottom dollar that you’ll be much happier. I guarantee it. Shalom!
Saw you in the Ojo
Las Alfombras of Semana Santa Antigua, Guatemala
e sat in the plaza facing La Escuela y Iglesia del Cristo and watched as the participants for the day’s event arrived by foot, taxi, horse, scooter and bicycle. Women, young girls and elderly matrons, all clad in funeral black suits, dresses or miniskirts and black lace veils secured with barrettes or clips, ready to cover their grieving faces, hurried into the church to prepare. Some donned high-heels to endure greater penance while walking over the uneven cobblestones, while others wore more sensible flat shoes. Their somber expressions revealed a sense of honor and responsibility. Of the nine processions that we had witnessed so far during Semana Santa in Antigua, Guatemala, we anticipated this one, the Virgin of Loneliness Funeral March, on the last day before Easter Sunday’s jubilant Resurrection Parade, to be the most sorrowful. A hand-crafted wooden platform float, called an anda carrying a larger than life image of the Virgin Mary waited inside the sanctuary. Faithful parishioners, tourists and indigenous people crammed the stone steps, eager to offer blessings to the Virgin Mary, before she began her journey through the streets for the multitudes to view. Mary held her son’s crown of thorns and tears inched down her porcelain face, atop the 40 ft. long anda. Other floats transporting sculptured images of Mary Magdalene waited around the square to follow the Virgin in the procession. Eighty women, forty per side, assembled to carry the 7,000 pound float on their shoulders from the church vestibule, down the steep steps and onto the cobbled streets. Only female followers, called cucuruchos, may carry the Virgin Mary’s anda on this day. Hundreds of recruits walk along side the procession, waiting to provide relief and take up the sacred privilege of bearing the burden, representative of the loss Mother Mary had endured.
El Ojo del Lago / May 2011
We slipped in the church’s side door to witness the preparations. Funeral March band members, dressed in black suits and white shirts, stretched out in the courtyard, resting up for the parade route lasting 8 hours. Men cloaked in wizardry costumes, with pointy hat head garb that covered their faces except for eye-slits, took their lead-off parade positions. While activity mounted within the church, a frenzied commotion escalated outside homes around the square. A Maya woman emerged from the shadows of her casa, wearing traditional skirt and brightly colored embroidered apron. She carried large dried pods from Coroza flowers, filled with natural materials to make an alfombra (carpet). Antigua residents design natural carpets from colored sawdust, flower petals, fruits, vegetables and other materials to soften the rocky path underfoot for the religious processions during Semana Santa. The couple’s carpet needed to be finished before the procession began, to provide cushion for the slow heaving motion as the women carried the Virgin through the Via Dolorosa. They started strewing pine needles in a long rectangle, measuring the length of their house frontage. La senora kept rearranging el senor’s outer edges of the carpet. She lined up corncobs in a crisscross pattern of Maya geometric design. With time lapsing, the woman quickened the placement of bougainvillea blossoms. Sensing her distress, onlookers waiting for the procession, offered to assist. As the carpet masters directed their foreign helpers, the tourists soaked up this opportunity to participate. The last petal fell into place as the church doors opened and the anda with the grieving Virgin Mary carried by the women dressed in black, emerged. Within minutes of completion, the carpet, tendered with devo-
tion, looked like a rumpled mass of needles and petals kicked about in a disarray of dust. The anda and the cucuruchos walked through this and every carpet lain throughout the processional route in Antigua. Only the floats carrying religious sculptures of either Jesus Christ or the Virgin Mary may tread on these pieces of art. Even dogs instinctively circumvented the carpets that waited for the sacred passage. After the carriers passed, bystanders flocked to grab intact remnants for their personal altars at home. They believe that discarded alfombra materials are blessed. The Clean-Up Brigade - men with shovels and brooms, front end bobcats and large trash haulers- followed behind, scooped up all vestiges of the masterpiece, wiping the cobblestone slate clean. Every procession during Semana Santa, depicting the entire spectrum of the last days of Jesus Christ, required fresh carpets. As soon as one vanished into the garbage truck, another took formation. The swaying of the burdensome andas through the streets and the revered dedication by the participants ranks Antigua, Guatemala’s spectacle as the most magnificent in the Americas. It earned the distinction of a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1979.
Thousands of Christians and nonChristians flock to Guatemala during Holy Week to witness the event and viewing the carpets remains a stirring part of the experience. Visitors roam the streets at 3 or 4 AM to watch groups forming their masterpieces, to snap photos of the art before the processions turn them into heaps. The designs express religious as well as contemporary themes and competition amongst carpet makers wafts through the streets. Sawdust, dyed in brilliant colors acts as a base, using large wooden stencils to set the scene. Many are touched off with bougainvillea, carnations, roses and other native plants. In the smaller villages outside of Antigua, residents make their carpets from modest materials. Water sprinkled on finished products keeps patterns in tact and flowers and pine boughs fresh and crisp, ready to soften the way for the floats carrying Jesus and Mary at various stages of their journey. The images of the Alfombras of Antigua remain ingrained in my mind. If you haven’t seen them first hand, make plans to be in Antigua, Guatemala next year during Semana Santa. You will never forget it.
Saw you in the Ojo
ometimes, despite holding a wealth of high cards, you will reach a slam and when dummy comes down you will see no clear way to making your contract. Such was the case when this hand was played in a match-point duplicate event. South began proceedings with 2 clubs, the strongest opening bid in their system. North responded 2 diamonds, a waiting bid showing at least a king or two queens, but not saying anything specifically about her diamond holding. This bid meant that the partnership was committed to reaching at least game. South now bid two spades to show his longest and strongest suit and North decided to show her longest suit by bidding 3 diamonds. As South held good support for his partner’s suit, he bid 4 no trump, Roman Key Card Blackwood asking North how many of the 5 key cards (4 aces and the king of diamonds) she held. Her bid of 5 clubs showed 1 keycard so South decided to place the contract in 6 spades, the higher scoring slam and hoped his spades were strong enough to do the job. West led the club queen and declarer saw that he had a problem. Even if the spade suit performed for no losers the most he could count was 11 tricks: 6 spades, 3 hearts, 1 diamond and, with no entry to the dummy, 1 club. The club situation was particularly frustrating as the ace and king in the same suit are normally good for two tricks but, with no entry to the dummy, there didn’t seem much chance of cashing the ace for his 12th trick. One possibility was to win the
El Ojo del Lago / May 2011
opening lead in the dummy, giving up on ever cashing two club tricks, and playing the jack of diamonds from the dummy. If East covered with the king or queen South would win the trick in hand, draw trumps and play the diamond 10 from hand establishing the 9 in dummy for his 12th trick. Then he realized that if East held 3 diamonds to one honor and didn’t cover, west would win the trick and South would never be able to capture the other honor in the east hand. Then the solution hit declarer: if he could strip the opponents’ hands of spades and hearts and then play the ace and another diamond, as long as each opponent held a diamond honor (or both were doubleton in the same hand), whoever won the trick would have to give declarer his 12th trick. And so it transpired. Declarer won the opening lead in hand, drew trumps in four rounds, played three rounds of hearts noting the opponents followed to all three of his honors, and played the ace and 10 of diamonds. West followed low to the 10, east won with the queen and had nothing left but clubs which she had to play allowing declarer to make his contract. If west had risen with the diamond king, he would have gobbled up his partner’s queen and would have had nothing left but low diamonds and clubs and would also have been faced with Hobson’s choice! Questions or comments: email: masson.ken@ Ken Masson
enny Joseph proclaimed, “When I am an old woman I shall wear purple, and a red hatâ€? and she spawned a cadre of copycats who took her words literally. I believe she was saying, â€?be yourself, dear.â€? Wear any damn color you please. I dress the way I want to and enjoy my own flair for style and fashion. But‌ I look at myself in the mirror, in the spotless baĂąo, and admit that I look old. It’s my face that is betraying me: I’m up to SPF #85 to protect my fragile skin, and I am pale as a spirit. Around my face, my hair is snow-white (well, at least not blue, you may say). I’m not pretty anymore. This makes a huge difference in who is kind to me, who speaks to me, how invisible I am, and whether or not I feel safe on the streets. To respond in order: Other women are kind to me. Both men and women I pass dog-walking speak to me. It is the aged, local women who are least visible, for being poor and not beautiful is one of the most severe states of non-being. Safety is a positive side-effect. I am an older woman out walking her dog within a few blocks of her apartment, not even carrying a purse: yes, I am safe. I do make a point of not smiling at Mexican men in the evening, and though this may cause some hurt feelings, it is the self-preservation of the female. A recent story told of a 65-year-old woman who imagined herself a mysterious Latina of indeterminate age, and lived out this persona. One evening among gringos shattered her illusions: she was horrified to overhear the men say, “She may be an old bag, but her body looks like it could still hold up under two tough old buckin’ Texas boys don’t it?â€? The writer, who is a male, sure got the danger right. I am hovering at that point of acceptance which requires I step across a cavernous divide and become an older woman. I am thinking of my mother: she wore turtlenecks in mid-summer to hide her wrinkled neck. She said she wanted to come back as a giraffe. I am
not my mother, and not an old lady – but I am not quite on the other side of the divide either. In my own mind, an older woman is a positive and realistic self-image that implies a number of traits: t 1SFGFSSJOH UIF DPNQBOZ PG XPNFO to men at practically every decision point. t " EFFQ TBUJTGBDUJPO JO QSPEVDUJWF time spent alone. t )BQQJMZ UISPXJOH PVU BMM TIPSUT and short skirts (I’ve already done this one) with a sigh of relief. t ,OPXJOH QFSGFDUMZ XFMM UIBU UIF surest route to joy is love for others. t 3FBMJ[JOH UIBU BMM GVUVSF TFYVBM BDtivity may be solitary. t #FJOH PLBZ XJUI UIF QSPCBCJMJUZ PG never being in love again. Not in waking reality. Not this time around. As I write this last point I realize I have gotten to the edge of the divide. In my list of traits, the healthy older woman has learned to value passion in all its forms, and to embrace love as it finds its way into her life. Passion exists for me, and it will continue to: it blazes in my work, in color and texture, in fragrance, and as it enters my ear from my MP3 player. It is skin on skin caresses that I cannot let go of. The mystery of orgasms shared with another, no matter whether they are simultaneous. The deep satisfaction of cradling my partner’s bottom between my knees and belly, my cheek pressed against his back, just before falling into the abandonment of sleep. I miss this terribly. I do not believe that this is desire for sex itself; the ache for pleasure. It is a longing for certainty. The exquisite certainty one feels at such a moment. And what is all this to do with the steady approach toward death? “It is a journey/to a world unknown. Who will I be/ when I am at its door?� In imagining the cavernous divide, I implied a leap across it. This will not happen. There will instead be incremental steps in the thin air of reality: I will proceed, one trait at a time under my belt, until one day I will find that I have forgotten my list entirely.
Saw you in the Ojo 11
ne of the reasons we, and I imagine many others, decided to leave the US or Canada and settle in Mexico is because we wanted to simplify our lives. Certainly, contemporary life, particularly in Western culture, is busy, complicated and stressful. Many of us balanced work, family, and other activities for many years. The thought of being able to live a more simple life is very appealing. Although we may believe that simplifying our lives would be good, what does this really mean? After all, life itself isn’t simple. What do we want to do when we say this? Live in a cabin and grow beans like Thoreau? Eschew all material pleasures like Gandhi? I suspect that most of us would like to have time to live as we like, doing those things we enjoy and avoiding that which make us feel stressful. We want to live in nice surroundings, but we don’t want to have to worry about lots of problems. I think living simply has two primary components: not having too many material possessions and not being too busy to enjoy your life. We Americans tend to have too much stuff. When we own a large house, perhaps even an extra house, nice cars, many clothes, toys, and other things, we can become what Philip Slater called, “a janitor to our possessions.� Even owning a home, the American Dream, certainly complicates one’s life. You need to maintain it, tend to the yard, and worry about
El Ojo del Lago / May 2011
$ its resale value. So, the more things you own, the more worries you assume. The second component of achieving a simple life is to avoid becoming too busy. Easier said than done. Certainly we all want to be busy doing things we enjoy, with people we enjoy, but it’s easy to find ourselves so busy we don’t have time to enjoy our moments mindfully. Do we have time to sit and watch a sunset? To pause and chat when you run into friends around town? To read a good book and have time for a regular siesta? We can control our time and our commitments more easily in retirement, but do we take advantage of that opportunity? Life is just a series of present moments. Are we too busy to enjoy those unplanned moments? Ironically, living a simple life is not a simple process. There are many online resources and books available on how to simplify. The “voluntary simplicity� movement has been popular for a long time. It requires us to make conscious choices about our life. These include deciding how we choose to spend our time, deciding how much money we actually need to live to a comfortable, but reasonable standard, and avoiding unnecessary financial commitments. Basically, living simply is using our time and money to live as we choose, doing what makes us happy. This presupposes that we know what will make us happy. We need to learn to say “no� to time or financial commitments we cannot afford to make possible those things we need to be happy.  We can decide to live in a way that puts a priority on what is important to us. Sounds simple. But it takes planning and regular attention. Buy what we need, not more. Do what we enjoy; avoid activities and people we do not enjoy. Don’t let others dictate our priorities. Easy, no; important, yes! —Genuine poetry can communicate before it is understood. T. S. Eliot
What’s the Big Deal? It’s Just a Dog‌
adly, there’s frequently a lack of real understanding from family or friends when it comes to losing a pet. “What’s the big deal?� they say, and then suggest you go to the shelter and get a new one like you might replace your broken toaster. But for most of us pet owners, losing a pet is like losing a human loved one. We love our pets like our children and losing them can be devastating. For some people, their pet is their only family, and perhaps even their best friend. If you’ve lost a pet, don’t let anyone tell you that you’re being crazy or overly sentimental to grieve. A grief response is completely natural and normal at a time like this. And feelings can be intensified if your pet has died an untimely or cruel death like the recent spate of killings that occurred in our village. Sometimes, it is the very differences between humans and animals that make us feel so close to our pets. Our pets don’t talk and so they can’t pass judgment or argue with us (although my dogs certainly express some strong opinions!). For many, pets provide a source of unconditional love, affection and companionship. The qualities of a beloved pet are hard to match in human form. There’s some truth in the old joke, “What’s the difference between a new spouse and a new dog?� After a year, the dog will still be excited to see you. Losing a beloved pet is difficult enough, but the agony is even greater when we are faced with the dilemma of whether to euthanize a sick or aged pet. With animals we have the ability, even the responsibility, to end their life if they are living in pain and suffering. I’ve had many pets over the years, and there is no harder question to face than whether it is the right time to help them go. In making that decision, your
veterinarian is the best judge of your pet’s physical condition, but you are the best judge of the quality of your pet’s daily life. With the dogs I’ve had, I found that their eyes told me all I needed to know. Even if your pet is needing some extra care or special treatment, if there is still a sparkle in the eyes and an enjoyment of life, it may not be time. However, if your pet is in constant pain, undergoing difficult and stressful treatments that aren’t helping very much, unresponsive to affection, unaware of its surroundings, and uninterested in life, it can be a caring and loving decision to end your beloved companion’s suffering. Nothing can make this decision an easy one, but it is truly the final act of love you can make for your pet. If you have lost your pet, you may wonder about getting a new one. Generally, it’s not a good idea to do that right away. If your emotions are still in turmoil, you may resent a new pet for trying to “take the place� of the other one. You may think you could never let yourself bond to a new pet or feel like loving a new pet is “disloyal� to the previous one. A person needs time to work through grief and loss before attempting to build a relationship with a new pet. When you are ready to find a new animal friend, avoid getting a “lookalike� pet, which makes comparisons all the more likely. Don’t give a new pet the same name as the old one. Don’t expect your new pet to be “just like� the one you lost, but allow it to show you its own personality. With a little luck and a lot of love, you’ll soon have a new best friend to share many rewarding years with. Editor’s Note: Joy is a practicing psychotherapist in Riberas. She can be contacted at or 765-4988.
Saw you in the Ojo 13
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first saw them ten months ago. If not for the trickle of light spilling from a waning moon, they would have escaped my notice altogether. Their bodies were ghostly silhouettes, but I could see his lips resting on her neck and they had no regard of my presence as I passed. That evening their lively serenades deprived the sleepy town of Barra de Navidad of its slumber. His croon was not a lilting warble. Indeed, it was an explosive death rattle as loud as a lawnmower. Eeyore, eeyore. I wrapped the pillow around my ears in an attempt to muffle punchdrunk- donkey- lust braying. Yikes, had I remembered to fill my Ambian prescription? The next morning I discovered them kanoodling under a palm tree at the edge of town. I paused, resting my hands on a broken down fencepost. She was the smaller of the two and looked quite young; I guessed maybe sixteen or so in human years. Judging from the tuft of grey fur at his jaw line, he must be older. Yes, considerably so…she was hardly old enough to have experienced the cruel sting of rejection. I decided to name them. “Hmm,” I pointed to the jenny. I shall call you Eliza Doolittle and your inamorata shall be Professor Henry Higgins.” In the film My Fair Lady, Eliza and Professor Higgins never shagged. In fact, they didn’t even kiss, but at the end of the movie when she hunched over and tenderly placed a slipper on his foot while staring lovingly into his eyes, you knew they would be getting it on before the credits finished rolling. And like my new friends, theirs was a May- December romance. “He may be attentive to you
El Ojo del Lago / May 2011
now, little sister,” I admonished. “But let’s see where your precious Don Juankey is ten months from now.” She cast an indifferent glance my way from under her woolly eyebrows and flicked her tail dismissively as if to say, “What do you know about love anyway?” Their dalliances continued for the next few days. I would catch a glimpse of them here and there and sometimes I could hear the clatter of eight hooves clip clopping down a cobblestone street. Then one day they were gone. For many days, the only animals I saw behind our house were a herd of goats. Two months shy of a year I saw Eliza again. It was Christmas Eve and she approached my bay window where I had placed a nativity scene. Her belly was heavy with life. She bore a yoke of sadness that made her seem tired and despondent. Professor Higgins was nowhere to be seen. I wondered, had he promised her a life full of adventure and then galloped out of town like he was fleeing a barn fire when he figured out she was in a family way? Her silky muzzle rapped against the window as if she were knocking to be let in. Had she seen the Baby Jesus and prayed there might be a place for a knocked-up burro next to the manger? She sighed, turned and walked away. A few months later, I saw a familiar looking donkey grazing in a nearby field. Her figure was as trim as when we first met. A rambunctious filly scampered near her feet and then dashed away to play tag with the goats. “Hola, Eliza.” I exclaimed with hearty enthusiasm. I offered her my apple. “It appears you found yourself a new family, even if they are a differ-
ent species. If I could speak Donkey, do you know what I would tell you mi amiga?” She shifted her weight from one foot to the other, her body language telling me unsolicited nuggets of knowledge would be unwelcome. Nevertheless, I continued. “Love is more powerful than a moment of passion, Eliza. Successful relationships are like a mirror. If a horny old jackass looks in, you can’t expect a noble white stallion to look out.” She seemed to understand. Her kayak shaped ears perked up and she tossed her head forward. I prided myself that the wisdom of my words had restored in her the heady confidence she would need to rebuild her life. I heard a raspy bray, at first faint and then building to lawnmower crescendo. Eeyore, eeyore. A dun colored burro trotted towards the fence. “Professor Higgins” I trilled. “You’ve come back!” Yikes, had I remembered to fill my Ambian prescription? “I guessed I misjudged your
character, you old coot. I’m sorry I called you a jackass.” I ran my fingers through his mane and sang him my version of the show tune’s chorus. Someone’s chin restin’ on her knee Warm and tender as he can be You’ve come back for your sweet donkey Oh, wouldn’t it be loverly Eliza hunched over and tenderly placed a bit of apple on Henry’s hoof. She looked up lovingly and stared into his eyes.
Saw you in the Ojo 15
h, Oh - Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll have to do the Nelson Eddy and Jeanette MacDonald gig about Rose Marie country again. Yup, hints of the Song of the Mounties and Indian Love Call. Following my April column on Canadaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s economic and financial stability readers - yes, I still have a few of those - ask what else is different about the Land of the Maple Leaf compared to that of the Star-Spangled Banner. My April column was spurred by a piece by Jim Bacon in the Washington Times with Bacon suggesting Canada, second largest country in the world, but with a population equal only to that of California, is now the land of the future because it is so well governed and without the blights of the USA. Here, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll confess, Bacon never mentioned the long and arduous Canadian frigid winters summed up neatly by an advertising campaign for a car battery that went something like this, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Starts at 40-F below zero, or we pay the tow.â&#x20AC;? Ever heard of a block heater? Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s under your hood in every Canadian car and when you park you plug it into an outside electrical socket to keep your battery and oil warm. On an average winter day here exposed flesh freezes within a minute. Americans think they are tough - and they are - but to withstand a Canadian winter one has to be really tough. On to other topics: Last year Canada accepted 280,000 legal immigrants. Since the USA has a population 10 times as large as Canada, thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s like the USA welcoming 2.8 mil-
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Paul Jackson lion legal immigrants in a single year. This year Canada will accept another 250,000 legal immigrants - in equivalent USA terms, 2.5 million. Since most of our immigrants are from former British colonies or Commonwealth countries - in Africa, or Pakistan, India, Hong Kong and the like - they tend to speak English, have been bought up in a British-style educational system, and a British-style public service culture so tend to assimilate well. There are few crimes committed with firearms. With extremely rare exceptions, personal possession of handguns has been banned since 1935, and to buy even a simple hunting rifle involves exhaustive police checks and security measures. The police make sure you have not the slightest criminal record, and authorities might go to your doctor, your employer and likely check with your neighbors - even your local bartender. Then, if you are allowed a hunting rifle, it must be stored in the trunk of your car when in use, not on display. At home, both the rifle and ammunition must be kept separately and under lock and key to prevent thefts. As well as the traditional â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;baby bonusâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; and a special allowance for parents who have a child with disabilities, the federal government recently instituted a program in which every family receives an additional $100 a month for each child five years of age and under. This was designed to give parents a choice of either using it to pay to send their children to daycare, or allow the mother to stay at home and nurture them herself. Oh, donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t try to smoke in Canada. Cigarettes cost $12 and up a pack. All cigarette advertising is banned, and so are even displays of cigarettes. Stores selling cigarettes have to have them hidden from view, like â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;girlieâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; magazines of old, and new laws mean 75% of a cigarette pack must show ghoulish pictures of people dying of lung cancer and so on. Why? Because smoking related diseases are threatening to undermine the countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;freeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; health care system. No wonder only 17% of Canadians now smoke. Now, back to the weather issue nope, I think even I will pass on that.
Letter to the Editor Dear Sir: I have been in the screenwriting business for a long time—and I think it quite an achievement that you were able to reach the stage you did three times, making the top two percent of the many thousands of entries in the most competitive, international screenwriting contests in the world. (The Amazon Screenwriting Competitions) I’ve read your submission, The Stuff of Dreams, and I believe it could easily have gone even further in the contest, possibly into the money phase. But much of these judgments are so subjective that at this level of craftsmanship and talent, just about anybody could have won. Anyway, I hope everyone appreciates what you achieved. If somebody hasn’t bought you a drink, I will. Well done! Ed Tasca Villa Nova Ed. Note: Ed Tasca is the recent winner of the Robert Benchley Hu-
mor Award, this after having been a finalist in this celebrated contest for the previous three years. The award, named after the famous humorist, is the most prestigious award of its kind in the United States.
Saw you in the Ojo 17
A Santiago Sunrise on a Manzanillo Morn By Tom Clarkson
nother glorious day began at its regular time for me of 7:00. Gingerly, I gently (read “creakingly”) rose through comfortable somnolence to a state of wakeful awareness. As has been the case for many, many years, no alarm clock was necessary. Years ago, barracks routine and military discipline had instilled a mental wake up ability for whatever time was sought. And 7:00 AM seemed sinfully well past those uniform clad, early morning formations, PT drills and double-time runs commencing at 0500 hours! We’re retired now you know, and I say, “Let the sleeping dogs of war lie” – to badly mix my metaphors! Finally, having made the transition from comfortably horizontal to moderately upright, through still sleep filled eyes, I surveyed my surroundings. Still slumbering by my side was she who had redeemed us moderately at the poker table by finishing the evening nicely on the positive side. Through the fully open southern side of our bedroom and beyond its terrace came the repetitive and quietly reassuring sound of waves reminding of the idyllic conditions in which we ex-pats in Mexico live. Our rooster neighbors (from whence they come I know not as, to the best of my awareness, our neighbors have no roosters) heralded the day with crowingly enthusiastic zeal. They’d, obviously, already been up for a while judging by
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their almost frenzied fervor to awake everything above that of a single celled amoebae in the entirety of the State of Colima. Given their passionate commitment to this cacophonous task, one could but wonder if, already this morning, they’d put their little peckers into some cracked corn well laced with high strength caffeine – a chicken cappuccino, if you will. Momentarily, I speculated as to if these loud mouth fowls were the same ones - with their “time to crow” clocks somehow severely askew – that clarioned with such zeal mid afternoon and around bedtime each night. Whomsoever these foul- feathered fellows were, I suspected that they were in cahoots with that poor beagle, boxed in a tiny pen, several physical blocks away but mere nanoseconds by sound, that sometimes bayed his trapped - and much repeated but very justified - ire about his incarceration to the world. With such ponderous thoughts mulling through my mind, I limp staggered down the stairs, badly in need of my morning coffee. (Those individuals with knees that had been a party to innumerable and painfully arduous miles of forced marches trudging in combat boots, hundreds upon hundreds of kilometers run in practice for or employment in 10 K races, or squatted and kneeled working with thousands of ground level plants will well understand
a “limp stagger!”) The new – clearly Fascist – coffee pot, we’d recently purchased to replace our long used and always dependable one, had chosen to once again leak, spew, spit and mechanically upchuck water and coffee grounds all over the counter. I stepped in a puddle of gritty light brown and then hopped to fetch a paper towel – first to clean my foot and then address the counter top. (By the way, I don’t recommend caffeine via osmosis through lower limbs!) Surely such a mess was not the fault of we who pre-prepared the coffee late last night having stayed up well past midnight at our weekly poker game! That event, to continue with governmental epithets, may have been of the Socialist genre as I certainly remember liberally spreading my limited wealth out and around to the working masses, with better hands, who sat around the table! Muddled puddles eliminated I strove to refill the pot with fresh tap water only to ascertain that but a minimal amount dribbled forth. Inspection in the guest bathroom revealed that the stool innards – flushed at some point last night by beer swilling pals – had chosen to not properly seat itself and, hence, had run, unabated all night... at least our septic system must be well washed. . . along
with my foot! Waiting for the coffee, I stepped outside, sat down in our dining palapa and took in the magnificent vista. Off to the southeast, the sun was just beginning to pinkly peak through fluffy clouds; below us stretched beach, bay and rolling waves; behind me, a cool evening mountain breeze still gently wafted down from the mountains. Following a deep breath of fragrantly scented air from flowers in our tropical garden and a slow and thoroughly enjoyable stretch I pondered the day ahead. Even on the worst of days, here, life is good!
Saw you in the Ojo 19
People Power Goes Global
ith Information Age, instant communication People Power has been unleashed at a pace and on a scale never before experienced. Some of the factors at play are lack of freedom, corruption, obscene economic contrasts, soaring food costs and rising unemployment. Entrenched Arab despots scramble to implement appeasing concessions or respond with suppression and brute force. In Libya, this became a deadly civil war causing the UN Security Council, without a veto, to bring in air power to protect civilians. In see-saw battles back and forth it remains to be seen if reinvigorated rebel forces will ultimately oust Gaddafi. As casualties mount from deadly responses to protests and senior officials defect might the rulers of Syria or Yemen be next to go? Justified or not, Saudi Arabiaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s military coming to Bahrainâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s aid raised Sunni / Shiite tensions in a region vital to both American and Iranian strategic interests. Iran recalls the protests after its disputed 2009 election. As West Bank and Gaza citizens seek to end Israelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s harassment and impoverishment of their people, might serious two-state negotiations finally get underway to address the issue above all others that fuels Arab angst against the West? Egyptians now call for Mubarak to stand trial. In Italy 100,000 women protested Berlusconiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s denigration of women in his public policies and decadent private life. He is now to be tried before three women justices for purchasing sex with a minor and faces other charges. Global International Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Day protests remind that much remains to be done on gender discrimination. China ramped up its suppression of dissidence fearing echoes from the Middle East. But at some point Chinaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s huge economic gains must be followed by political reforms. Â America must ponder its role in the Middle East unrest. It has been a prime supporter of despots
now under siege by their own people for oil, strategic military bases or as bulwarks against Iran and Al-Queda. Most shameful has been gross abuse of its Security Council veto. In the past 35 years it has cast 60% of all vetoes, commonly as the sole voice blocking any critique of Israelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s continuing oppression of Palestinians. And on the home front America is poorly positioned to deal with People Power outrage as it struggles with unsustainable debt at every level. Difficult choices must be made in a country too often at odds with the rest of the world. Military expenditures are 43% of the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s total. Prison populations far exceed all others with draconian sentences for minor offences while citizens arm to the teeth as a constitutional right. It lacks universal health care yet its more costly private system leaves tens of millions unprotected. An aging demographic has lost its dream of universal home ownership. Ideological extremes clashed as a dysfunctional government played brinkmanship with complete shutdown as much for ideological as budgetary reasons. Cutting public sector perks in unionsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; last public sector bastion will invoke mass protests far beyond Wisconsin. As Americans bemoan the price of gasoline Europeans have long paid two to three times as much to help avert the looming climate change Americans still deny. Millions continue to pay the price of reckless, often fraudulent conduct of an under regulated financial sector still issuing obscene bonuses. Astronomical lobbying and campaign outlays mock the very meaning of democracy. To cling to his modest start on health care reform, Obama had to accept extending Bushâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tax cuts for the wealthiest. Turbulent times lie ahead for America. Caution: As I file this weeks before you read it in print daily changes on the ground continue. Bob Harwood
El Ojo del Lago / May 2011
Saw you in the Ojo 21
of the month
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Ulises SaĂşl Guerrero VelĂĄzquez
hat a great name, eh? This is â&#x20AC;&#x153;almostâ&#x20AC;? 9-year old Ulises SaĂşl Guerrero VelĂĄzquez. Ulises lives in IxtlahuacĂĄn with his parents and three siblings. Mom, MarĂa Guadalupe, is a housewife and also does sewing and alterations. Dad, SaĂşl, works on the assembly line of one of the factories in the El Salto area. I wrote about Ulises several months ago during our summer hiatus, but this time he was able to attend our monthly meeting and his progress has been so remarkable that I thought an update was in order. In the photo Ulises is on the left and accompanied by his little brother Gael and his mom. Ulises was born with right hemiparesis; in other words, his right side is weaker than his left. While there are many causes of this disorder ranging from a brain injury, head injury, cerebral palsy, or meningitis, in Ulisesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s case it is thought he suffered a small stroke during birth. His parents became aware of his condition at around age two and began seeing an orthopedic specialist at the Hospital Civil in Guadalajara. At first physical therapy proved useful, but as the boy grew he required further assistance with a right leg brace, special orthopedic shoes, and then a brace on his right forearm to augment his strength there. All the while he continued his therapy at a branch of TeletĂłn, the national childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s rehabilitation center, in Guadalajara. Two years ago the doctors at TeletĂłn tried a new treatment on Ulises-- the injection of Botox in the muscles of his right arm, and then the following year in his right leg. This new use of the anti-wrinkle agent Botox has been used with several of the children in our Program to relax the tense taut muscles that accompany paralysis. In the photo you can see that
El Ojo del Lago / May 2011
Ulisesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s right hand is a bit crooked. He is not able to grasp objects very firmly yet, but with his continued therapy and the arm brace, he is making great progress. In addition to his regular orthopedic shoes, Ulises is also now using special orthopedic tennis shoes so he can participate in physical education at school because his right leg is now relaxed enough for him to run and play soccer. NiĂąos Incapacitados has paid for his therapy sessions, the transportation to and from his appointments, his orthopedic shoes and brace, plus one-half of the Botox injection. (TeletĂłn pays the other half.) Ulises is a very good student and now in the third grade. He is quite good at drawing cars and likes to dance and sing. When asked what he would like to be when he grows up, his prompt answer is â&#x20AC;&#x153;a teacher.â&#x20AC;? His winning smile and outgoing personality are wonderful to see. If you would like to learn more about NiĂąos Incapacitados and what we doâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and if you would like to meet one of the children in the Programâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;please attend our regular monthly meetings at 10:00 in one of the conference rooms at the Hotel Real de Chapala in La Floresta. The May meeting on the 12th will be the last until September as so many of our members are away for the summer. Nonetheless, our work in helping families pay for medical expenses continues no matter what the season.
Saw you in the Ojo 23
By Justin Horner
uring this past year I’ve had three instances of car trouble: a blowout on a freeway, a bunch of blown fuses and an out-of-gas situation. They all happened while I was driving other people’s cars, which for some reason makes it worse on an emotional level. Each time, when these things happened, I was disgusted with the way people didn’t bother to help. I was stuck on the side of the freeway hoping my friend’s roadside service would show. The people at the gas stations where I asked for a gas can told me that they couldn’t lend them out “for safety reasons,” but that I could buy a crappy one-gallon can, with no cap, for $15. But you know who came to my rescue all three times? Immigrants. Mexican immigrants. None of them spoke any English. One of those guys stopped to help me with the blowout even though he had his whole family of four in tow. I was on the side of the road for close to three hours with my friend’s big Jeep. I put signs in the windows, big signs that said, “NEED A JACK,” and offered money. Nothing. Right as I was about to give up and start hitching, a van pulled over, and the guy bounded out. He sized up the situation and called for his daughter, who spoke English. He conveyed through her that he had a jack but that it was too small for the Jeep, so we would need to brace it. Then he got a saw from the van and cut a section out of a big log on the side of the road. We rolled it over, put his jack on top and we were in business. I started taking the wheel off, and then, if you can believe it, I broke his tire iron. It was one of those collapsible ones, and I wasn’t careful. I snapped the head clean off. Damn. No worries: he ran to the van and handed it to his wife, and she was gone in a flash down the road to buy a new tire iron. She was back in 15 minutes. We finished the job with a little sweat and cussing (the log started to give), and I was a very happy man. The two of us were filthy and sweaty. His wife produced a large wa-
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ter jug for us to wash our hands in. I tried to put a 20 in the man’s hand, but he wouldn’t take it, so instead I went up to the van and gave it to his wife as quietly as I could. I thanked them up one side and down the other. I asked the little girl where they lived, thinking maybe I’d send them a gift for being so awesome. She said they lived in Mexico. They were in Oregon so Mommy and Daddy could pick cherries for the next few weeks. Then they were going to pick peaches, then go back home. After I said my goodbyes and started walking back to the Jeep, the girl called out and asked if I’d had lunch. When I told her no, she ran up and handed me a tamal. This family, undoubtedly poorer than just about everyone else on that stretch of highway, working on a seasonal basis where time is money, took a couple of hours out of their day to help a strange guy on the side of the road while people in tow trucks were just passing him by. But we weren’t done yet. I thanked them again and walked back to my car and opened the foil on the tamale (I was starving by this point), and what did I find inside? My $20 bill! I whirled around and ran to the van and the guy rolled down his window. He saw the $20 in my hand and just started shaking his head no. All I could think to say was, “Por favor, por favor, por favor,” with my hands out. The guy just smiled and, with what looked like great concentration, said in English: “Today you, tomorrow me.” Then he rolled up his window and drove away, with his daughter waving to me from the back. I sat in my car eating the best tamale I’ve ever had, and I started to cry. It had been a rough year; nothing seemed to break my way. This was so out of left field I just couldn’t handle it. In the several months since then I’ve changed a couple of tires, given a few rides to gas stations and once drove 50 miles out of my way to get a girl to an airport. I won’t accept money. But every time I’m able to help, I feel as if I’m putting something in the bank.
Saw you in the Ojo 25
% . /
hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a highway bridge over the Devils River on the outskirts of Sonora, Texas, where I and my cousin Butch used to hide out to smoke cigarettes. One day after school, we ducked under the bridge and came upon a vagabond Mexican so filthy we thought at first his face and hands were covered with scabs. He had no shoes and his clothing was nothing but rags held together by dirt. He was lying on the cement embankment in a state of total exhaustion, and when I spoke to him, he turned his head a little to see me but
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seemed not to have the strength to raise it. There were flies in his hair and beard and his eyes were the color of lead. Butch would not approach the man because he said he thought he might be rabid. But I was a less cautious child. I went up to him and offered him tobacco. He just looked at me, forlorn and helpless. I ran over to the corner Magnolia station and bought a Coke and some Moonpies to give him, for I thought to save his life, and hustled back. My cousin was still under the bridge when I got back, but the poor vagabond had gone. Butch said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;He just up and left,â&#x20AC;? and I said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Where?â&#x20AC;? and Butch said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Yonder,â&#x20AC;? and pointed down the river bed, and in a minute or two we saw his form in among the dead reeds, going away to the south. He was trying to get back to Mexico, I guessedâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;trying to get home. When I told Mama about the man she said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Yawl hadnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t ought to be playing under them old bridges, Jay Raymond. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s dangerous.â&#x20AC;? Sometimes now, at odd moments from time to time, I wonder about that Mexican vagabondâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;I wonder if he made it.
Saw you in the Ojo 27
Hearts at Work 0 ' % 1 *
â&#x20AC;&#x153;If you love someoneâ&#x20AC;Ś.â&#x20AC;?
ebanese-American writer and artist Khalil Gibran is largely remembered for The Prophet (1923), one of the best selling works of the 20th century. This collection of 26 inspirational and poetic essays became one of the guiding lights of the 1960s revolution that attempted to restore America to a culture that indeed would care more about love in all of its variations than about power and money. Gibran was born in the mountains of northern Lebanon on January 6, 1883. His father, a compulsive gambler, was imprisoned around 1891 for alleged embezzlement and all of
the family property was confiscated. Although his father was released in 1894, his mother Kamila Rahmeh (a Maroniteâ&#x20AC;Śvery old sect of Syrian Christians) in 1895 immigrated with her four childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;but without her irresponsible husbandâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;to South Boston. While she sold her handsewn lace and linens door to door, young Khalil began to study English and art. Teachers recognized his tal-
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ent. In December 1896, he was introduced to photographer Fred Holland Day, whose reputation at the turn of the last century rivaled that of Alfred Stieglitz. Day declared Gibran a â&#x20AC;&#x153;natural geniusâ&#x20AC;? and became his mentor. While exhibiting his art at Dayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s studio, Gibran met Mary Elizabeth Haskell, a prominent educator, who became another mentorâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;for two decades she was his patron, his supporter, and his tutor in English. In 1898, Gibran returned to Lebanon for several years to study his own culture. In 1902, he returned, going through Ellis Island a second timeâ&#x20AC;Śalthough he never became an American citizen. In 1908-1910, Mary Elizabeth Haskell provided funds for him to study painting and drawing in Paris. His teachers included Auguste Rodin. Most of his earlier writings were in Arabic, and they were about aspects of Christianity, particularly spiritual love. By 1918, Gibran was writing and publishing in English and in 1923 he published The Prophet. It has never gone out of print and has been translated into more than twenty languages. Some claim Khalil Gibran is the third best-selling poet of all
time, after Shakespeare and Lao-Tsu. Most people are familiar with some of his words. For example, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Your daily life is your temple and your religionâ&#x20AC;? or â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone, even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music.â&#x20AC;? Being close to God is the important thing. Being close to others can be obsession rather than love. Gibran writes, â&#x20AC;&#x153;If you love someone, let them go, for if they return they were always yours. And if they donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t, they never were.â&#x20AC;? Sting adapted the idea to a song, â&#x20AC;&#x153;If You Love Somebody, Set Them Free,â&#x20AC;? and Gestalt psychologist Fritz Perls adapted the idea this way: â&#x20AC;&#x153;If you love someone, let them go. If they truly love you, they will return. And if they do not it was not meant to beâ&#x20AC;Ś.â&#x20AC;? This idea had such circulation in the popular culture in the 60s and 70s that I had a lover whose favorite t-shirt drew all eyes to this variation printed across her braless and significant breasts: â&#x20AC;&#x153;If you love someone, let them go. If they donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t return, hunt them down and kill them.â&#x20AC;? Well, that was decades agoâ&#x20AC;ŚI assume she is no longer trying to hunt me down.
Fritz Perls, who actually founded Gestalt Therapy with his wife Laura Perls, was a popular psychotherapist in the 60s and 70s (associated with Esalen Institute). His “Gestalt Prayer” begins: “I do my thing and you do yours. I am not in this world to live up to your expectations, and you are not in this world to live up to mine.” Gibran, much earlier and much more poetically, expressed something somewhat similar, but with a focus on his favorite word… love. “But let there be spaces in your togetherness and let the winds of the heavens dance between you. Love
one another but make not a bond of love; let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.” Gibran recognized the role suffering has in soul development: “Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.” Khalil Gibran was only 48 when he died in New York City on April 10, 1931. Jim Tipton
Saw you in the Ojo 29
2 Be Prepared
s retirees, weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve reached one very uncomfortable stage in our lives. Our friends are becoming seriously ill, and they are dying. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve lost several friends this past year. I remember my grandmother talking to me about this stage in her life. It was the time when she would read the obituaries and have to schedule whose funeral she needed to attend. She was sad because her friends were dying and she was lonely. At that time, she was 80. She told me she was â&#x20AC;&#x153;ready to go.â&#x20AC;? But she lasted another 21 years. We donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t like to think of illness or death. We donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want to think of ourselves as becoming infirm, or needing help. But we are now at the point where we cannot put off major decisions. As I was beginning to write my column tonight, I received a call telling me that another friend had died. She lived here alone. Several of her closer friends spent most of the last week trying to take care of her. They brought her food she would not eat. They hired a nurse to bathe her and change her. They found someone to clean her house, and when she started to go downhill, they got her to the Red Cross, contacted the Canadian Consulate, and finally were able to track down her son. Her paperwork was not in order, and people who were trying to help her were hamstrung by not knowing whom to call, or how to access information to help her pay for her medical care. They felt helpless and frustrated. One of our responsibilities as expats living so far away from our families, is that we must take the time to get our lives in order so that we can help other people help us when the need arises. In 1999 I suffered a very serious illness and ended up in a coma. My husband was totally lost because I kept all the information, and he didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know how to access anything. I learned from this experience, and it is something I believe strongly that every person should have written down, and easily accessible in case of an emergency. In my own case, I have a file in my computer, and my best friend has been told how to access this file. This file contains emergency contact names and telephone numbers, where our wills are located, who our doctors are, our Post Life Planning information, insurance information, bank accounts, access
El Ojo del Lago / May 2011
codes, medication lists, a list of who we owe money to, and when and how payments are made. Because of my husbandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s health issues, I know he will need someone to help him with this information should anything happen to me. But someone needs access to this information should anything happen to both of us. I update the files as often as necessary. This need isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t limited to the older residents. I have a young American friend who is only 31 years old, but due to recent medical issues, I had to locate his family in the USA. At present, heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s unable to be at home, and I wonder, who is feeding his cats? Who has keys in case of emergencies such as this? Shouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t we have someone watching the house while heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s away? Another friend died very unexpectedly recently. Before he died, I sent emails to people trying to find help, blood donors, etc. Eventually, my emails were forwarded to his family who were trying desperately to get information. But by the time they reached me, their brother, father, and uncleâ&#x20AC;Śhad died. Had that information been available, these people could have had the closure they needed, rather than an email from a complete stranger saying, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I am so sorry to have to be the one to tell youâ&#x20AC;Śâ&#x20AC;? So I implore each and every expat at Lakeside. Get your affairs in order. Register with your Consulate. Fill out the appropriate paper work. Put your essential information on paper. Give this information to a trusted friend so when illness, emergencies or death strikes, those of us here that love you, can help you as well as your loved ones in your nation of origin. Victoria Schmidt
Saw you in the Ojo 31
Phone: (376) 766-4774 or 765-3676 to leave messages ; < ) =>? PAST EVENTS: At the March CASA meeting @ J ' 0
0+ + @ K # ) " " $ # * Monica presented South Indian Vegetable Curry in Category A, Vegetarian EntrĂŠe. For Category B, Cookies and Bars, Ginger won for Lemon Bars Deluxe. Linda Fossi and Sandy Feldmann won Peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Choice awards. Lindaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Vegetarian Entree was Exotic Mushroom Stroganoff and Sandyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s presentation in the Cookies Ginger Perkins and Monica Malloy, and Bars category was Peanut CASA winners for March Butter and Fudge Brownies with Salted Peanuts. & ' * + ; & < = > $%" <
! ? >
The Secret Garden. Pam Ladd and Marti Hurley came second and third respectively for Wild Mushroom Carmelized Onion Shepherdâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Pie and Lasagne de Acelgas a la Mexicana in category A. For category B, Hazel Tash and Roberta Hilleman won second and third for Chocolate Kumquat Bars and Deep Dish Chocolate Shortbread Pizza. Anyone interested in learning more about CASA, contact Mary Ann Waite, President, at 766 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 1436. 1 " ( ) * /
Q* '
** The Hotel Real de Chapala has hosted the conferences for the past several years, and they have done a % " ' " N + %
Q%% " U lowing thanks to the hotel, the committee presented a donation on behalf of students (JovĂŠnes Committee) in Santa Cruz de la Soledad, a community sorely in need of student supplies. Apolonio Rodriquez Siordia, Delegado (mayor), accepted.
annual choral competition with groups from many nations. The proceeds from the April concerts will help with the cost of travel. Check their website at loscantantesdellago. com. Not every choral group of seniors is good enough for an international competition. We are so lucky here. '
*' X 0 Some are winning money, as well. Mel Goldberg has won twice, this latest success for a sonnet contest by Writers Digest, a highly " $ * N Z
% <
$ * %
10 for a sonnet titled â&#x20AC;&#x153;Pony Express Riderâ&#x20AC;?. This is not an easy position to attain from among thousands of entrants. Congratulations, Mel.
Los Cantantes perform â&#x20AC;&#x153;Facets of Loveâ&#x20AC;? EVENTS TO COME: " Z [\]] ) '
0 ' '* ' ^'
_ This annual award ceremony is open to the public free of charge and will take place at the Auditorium in La Floresta, starting at 7:30 p.m. The Committee was selected on the basis of their familiarity with individuals and groups and consisted of Lynne Bishop; Jeanne Chaussee, press; Kay Davis, press; Pat Doran; Aurora Michel Galindo; Tod Jonson; Hank Shiver; Dan McTavish; Megan Tingen; Joyce Langford Vath; and Mayor Jesus â&#x20AC;&#x153;Chuyâ&#x20AC;? Cabrera of the City of Chapala. Two honorary members were Ektor Carranza and Richard Vath. And the nominees are as follows. Please note that the winners are highlighted in bold print. / ` < % $ ( '
; Anabel Frutos, Love in Action; Sandra Loridans, Rotary; Lina Polonsky, founder, Colegio de Axixic; Patsy Smart, building houses for poor people; Libby Townsend Man of the Year: Morris Batstein, educator; Charles Klestadt, Red Cross dynamo; ^ ! < % % _ ` = %
{% | Loren . ( ' )q ; Todd Stong, potable water and lake preservation Project of the Year: Anabel Frutos, Love in Action spearheader; Todd Stong, Z ! Couple of the Year: % . ! ( 2 "' * vation of auditorium; Brigit and Peter Simons, charity work beyond any call Restoration Project of the Year: Garden Club at WEC, beautify with plants at WEC; Viva La Musica, restoring the auditorium, John and Rosemary Keeling; / * ' K
'*, developed clean up ' ' 0 ` : Music Appreciation Society, continuous international musical event imports; 2 "' ( ' ' '** " Q ' artists
â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Harriet Hart, Luz Elena, Herbert Piekow
Apolonio Rodriguez Siordia, Herbert Piekow
W 0* * ' ' *
0' . The show was called â&#x20AC;&#x153;Facets of Loveâ&#x20AC;? led by Timothy G. Ruff Welch, the groupâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s music director. Opera, pop, musicals and movie music, as well * * * <
Y *
% * $ Z $
musical pieces familiar and loved by the audience, there was a standing ovation by $ * % * * [ U * <
piece was Eres TĂş performed by three extraordinary young Mexican singers. Los Cantantes is planning to go to Vancouver next summer to participate in the
El Ojo del Lago / May 2011
Humanitarian of the Year: % & ( '
) X x % ; Anabel Frutos, humanitarian and charity efforts working Love in Action Note: the following have only one possible winner â&#x20AC;&#x201C; these are not highlighted. W ' ' 0 < Tom Gladney, Scotia Bank Northern Lights Music Festival, musicians teaching local students to play instruments 0 0 < Harry Wylie, author of HBOâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Best Picture of 2010 ! * $ < Libby Townsend, Tarahumara Indian project Pioneer of the Year: Alejandro Grattan-Dominguez, Editor in Chief of El Ojo del Lago and Co-Founder in 1988 of the Ajijic Writers Group Teacher of the Year: Jose Francisco Cervantes Alvarez, Instituto Technologio Superior
Saw you in the Ojo 33
Painting the village of Ajijic provides the visual artist an incredible range of colors and textures in the natural world - pungent reds, a range of blues, pale purples, brilliant yellows - seen against an unending array of textures: broad fronds, lace-like vines, slender bamboo, aromatic pine needles and an unending verity of leaf shapes. As a result, this ‘magical’ lakeside fishing village has spawned a number of successful Mexican artists and, in recent years, has attracted artists from other parts of North America. This burgeoning art community and a stable writer’s colony have become major attractions for new visitors and those seeking longterm residence here at Lakeside. Sensitive to this rich visual and cultural milieu, native Ajijic artist Efren Gonzalez
El Ojo del Lago / May 2011
has created paintings that encapsulate the environmental richness, while bringing to life an idyllic village that seems more mystical than real. These visually calm works consistently evoke a sense of place and a tranquil life lived in simpler times. A child of his ‘ideal-village,’ Efren Gonzalez developed his love of art as a student of Neill James and Dona Angelita. Not wanting his own children to become captives to television, and responding to request from a number of parents and children with similar concerns, three years ago Efren took a financial and personal risk by moving his studio into a large house at #7 Marcos Castellanos, just below the church in Ajijic. There he and his brother established a school for forty or so young people who come to learn painting each day after school. Students come each day after school learn how to become a self-sustaining artist. Within the joy filled ambiance created by the children and the gentle, supportive teaching provided, each child is encouraged to develop their own vision as an artist. The variety of works created prove the wisdom
of this strategy. The quality of the student works is remarkable. To sustain their sense of professionalism students help support the cost of their materials by selling their finished works as mailable post cards for 125 pesos. Framed, the paintings sell for 250 pesos each. A percentage of this money covers the cost of materials and the rest is paid to the students making them ‘professionals’. As artists, the after-school students gained in fame, when in 2010, Harriet Hart selected the students’ works to illustrate her bilingual book about the adventures of an unusual bird living in the Sierra Madre Mountains. The book may be purchased a t D i a n e Pe a r l ’ s gallery in Ajijic.
life-changing gift of art awareness. Current financial support for the educational program comes from the combined patronage of residents and visitors, from a percentage of the sales at quarterly auctions of art works, and from commissions from the sale of the students’ work to local collectors and visitors. If you are interested in participating, your help is welcomed.
To be present when the students are at work (at 4:30 each week day) on the back terrace and in the garden is a gratifying experie n c e . Fo r t h o s e who love the visual arts, the center provides a perfect place to volunteer and to support the
Saw you in the Ojo 35
Student of the Year: Boy: Luis Edgar Oliva Amezquita, Instituto Technologico Superior Girl: Lily Barker, Secundaria, highest scholastic rating Lakeside ; 0 ` < Dr. Todd Stong, dedication to potable water systems and preservation of the lake Note: Loren Reynolds, the back-bone of the annual Chili Cook-off and other charity events, died a few days before Easter this year without knowing that he had been unanimously selected as the 2010 Man of the Year sponsored by the Lakeside Community Awards, part of the Chapala City Hallâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;thank youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;sâ&#x20AC;? of the year. The ceremonies on May 3rd at 7:30 in the Ajijic Auditorium still honor Mr. Reynolds by preference of the entire Awards Committee. It has been an honor for all who have worked with him. " ]Z( ><Z\ * 1 & K' + ( 1 1 1 W (
# ( & W !' ( " Q ( * $ * ' Italian dramatic poems meant to be sung have brought fame for tragedies with lyrics. They are presented by this new generation of artists who have achieved worldwide fame at major U.S. venues, Russia, Hungary, China, Korea, Israel, Switzerland, Australia, Canada. In a program of two parts, the tenors will show the audience the impressive vocals
$ % * = % * $ mous arias from operas like Tosca, Recondita Harmony and Elucevan le Stelle from La Traviata (Alfredoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s aria), among others. In the second part they will present the most beautiful arias from the operas The Merry Widow, Countess Marie, Land of Smiles and a number of famous Neapolitan songs like O Sole Mio, Funiculi-Funicula, Santa Lucia, the Spanish song La Amapola or the Mexican Granada. Tickets are available from Ticketmaster, at MixUp stores, or online at ticketmaster. Prices range from $250 - $600 pesos, plus Ticketmaster service fee. There is " * >
Â&#x20AC; > < %
In addition, bus transportation may be arranged, much as VIVA does, if there are % * " Â Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A; % * "
two rows of the First Balcony. It will be necessary to know by May 4 how many wish this = < % $
* $
will be made to receive payment starting May 9. Please reserve seats by reply email to
Memorial Day at the Legion
Mulitple Events: The American Legion post #7 ' " < Sundays.......12 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 3 p.m. Legion grill burgers May 1..........Mexican holiday â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Dia del Trabajo (Workersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Day) May 4..........9 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 9:45 a.m. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; US Consulate Services (late? go to LCS) May 5..........3 p.m. Maple Leaf Club â&#x20AC;&#x201C; calling all Canadians May 6..........8 a.m. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 1 p.m. yard sale May 14..........5 p.m. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Parmesan Chicken (cocktails at 4) May 26.........3 p.m. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Lone Star
Club (Country-Western music) May 30.........10 a.m. Memorial Day (ceremony 1:30 p.m., meal 2:30) For information, call 765 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 2259 or NOTE: Several people have expressed an interest in forming a branch of the Royal Canadian Legion with the blessing of the American Legion Post #7 in Chapala. An exploratory meeting will be set up when responses are received. If interested, please contact Barbara Madren at (376) 765 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 5752 or W ' J ' . + ' ( % * ( 0+ + It is just east of Dona Lolaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s restaurant and directly across from the car wash. Inside, it is spacious with a kitchenette and a half bath. The paramedics have arranged their furniture in one corner with two beds and a TV. A good used stove, 2 comfortable chairs and a shower head with all the attachments are still needed. Free training classes are planned for the near future, * % <
" " %
classes will be in English and in Spanish and will be announced at a later date. If you should drive by and not see the ambulance and the doors are closed, the paramedics are out on a call. Remember that Cruz Roja (Red Cross) is for everyone 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. The new digital x-ray machine in Chapala has been installed and is operating. You can also have your blood pressure or your glucose checked at any time. Donations are appreciated. Events the Cruz Roja International Volunteers are having include:
El Ojo del Lago / May 2011
- The August 4 annual BBQ at the Chapala Golf and Country Club. - The November 3 annual Golf Tournament at the Chapala Golf and Country Club. Look for more in events in December and January. And check out the new website at )
1 < The plays and directors for Season 47, 2011 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 2012 are: 1. The Kitchen Witches by Caroline Smith, directed by Roger Treadway, running October 1- 9, 2011. 2. Clue? â&#x20AC;&#x201C; The Stage Play adapted for the stage by Anne Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Neemuss from Jonathan Lynnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s screenplay, directed by Roseann Wilshere, appearing from November 5 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 13, 2011. 3. Greetings! By Tom Dudzick, directed by Peggy Lord Chilton, showing December 10 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 18, 2011. 4. How the Other Half Loves by Alan Ayckbourne, directed by Dave McThe Kitchen Witches Intosh, January 14 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 22, 2012. 5. Chicago by Kander, Ebb & Fosse, directed by Barbara Clippinger, choreographed by Alexis Hoff, running from February 25 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; March 6. 6. Sex Please, Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re Sixty by Michael & Susan Parker, directed by Larry King, running April 7 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 15, 2012. LLT season ticket renewals & new ticket sales for Season 47 are $1,000 pesos per reserved seat for six plays from September 2011 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; April 2012, including LLT membership. Individual tickets are $200 pesos, $250 for the musical. Payment is preferred by cheques (checks) drawn on a Mexican bank. Season ticket holders who DO NOT WISH TO RENEW, please notify Paula McTavish at or call 766 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 0954 (leave message) as soon as possible. "0 "' J ' [\]] @ [\][ '* < Oct 18 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Blas Galindo Orchestra featuring Rodrigoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;Concerto Andaluzâ&#x20AC;? Nov 15 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Ballet Classical and Neoclassical of Jalisco Dec 8 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Choir of Morelia Jan 19 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; San Luis Obispo Philharmonic Orchestra Feb 14 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Classical FXâ&#x20AC;? Washington DC Opera Company Quartet All performances are scheduled for 7:30 p.m. at the Auditorio, La Floresta. 2W20_ 0 "z W 0 ' * { " J * 1 & '* " ]| & / )} / The bus leaves at 9:30 a.m. for a performance at 11 a.m. Contact Marshall Krantz at 766 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 2834. Tickets cost $300 pesos for members, $350 pesos for non-members.
Die WalkĂźre 0 *q'*( ' ( >\ ' $ * $% $ ' % Â&#x2C6; ! $
" * % % tion. Sip 10 ounces of potassium-rich tomato juice and recovery will speed up while * > % $% Â&#x2030; %
Saw you in the Ojo 37
The Foreigner By Larry Shue Directed by Larry King
he Foreigner is a hokey comedy set in a fishing resort in the backwoods of Georgia. The play had some success in an off-Broadway production in 1984-86, and eventually won two Obie Awards and two Outer Critics Circle Awards, including Best New American Play and Best Off-Broadway Production. The comedy revolves around â&#x20AC;&#x153;Charlie Bakerâ&#x20AC;? who is so pathologically shy that he is unable to make conversation. In order to avoid problems, his English friend â&#x20AC;&#x153;Froggy LeSueurâ&#x20AC;? explains that his companion comes from a strange country and cannot speak a word of English. Roger Larson is very good as Charlie who gradually gains confidence during the play, and he has an excellent scene in telling a story in fluent Gobbledygook. Meanwhile, Dave McIntosh gave us his best Cockney as the bomb disposal expert Staff Sergeant Froggy. Before long, Charlie finds that other visitors discuss secrets and scandals in front of him while he sits mute or says one phrase â&#x20AC;&#x201C; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thank you.â&#x20AC;? Florette Schnelle plays a young blonde as â&#x20AC;&#x153;Catherine Simms,â&#x20AC;? a rich and beautiful heiress who is courted by â&#x20AC;&#x153;Reverend David Lee,â&#x20AC;? a dishonest preacher who is after her money. Jon DeYoung is suitably slimy and two-faced as the Reverend, while Florette is cute and innocent in her Daisy Mae role. Her brother â&#x20AC;&#x153;Ellardâ&#x20AC;? (convincingly played by Jack Vanesko) is a simple boy who tries to teach Charlie how to speak English â&#x20AC;&#x201C; or what passes for English in backwoods Georgia. Meanwhile, mean and nasty â&#x20AC;&#x153;Owen Musserâ&#x20AC;? (played with pent-up rage by John Foster) plans to oust sweet home-owner â&#x20AC;&#x153;Betty Meeksâ&#x20AC;? and convert the lodge into a meeting place for the Ku Klux Klan. The Klansmen are not too smart â&#x20AC;&#x201C; they fall for a clever trick with Charlie doing a voodoo performance, using a neat special effect that involves the new trapdoor. And Betty Lloyd Robinson enjoys herself and gives a great performance as Mrs. Meeks, being motherly to Charlie
El Ojo del Lago / May 2011
and making tea and scrambled eggs and hominy grits for him and for Ellard. These characters are such ridiculous stereotypes that the play cannot be taken seriously, and indeed the audience sat back and enjoyed this unusual farce. At the same time, the author makes some subtle points about the value of silence. Larry King had an excellent cast, and moved the action along emphasizing the farcical element. As a result, this production was very entertaining, although at times some of the Georgia accents sounded phony. It can be a problem for local actors to perform plausibly and audibly in a different accent, and I couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t always understand the dialog. I saw the play twice, and on the second occasion the first act was at least 10 minutes shorter. The pace really improved between the preview and the show I saw a week later. I congratulate the director and all the cast, and in particular Roger Larson who gave a virtuoso performance as Charlie. I should also mention the curtain call â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;boosâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; that greeted the bad guys, played by John Foster and Jon de Young â&#x20AC;&#x201C; a tribute to their realistic nastiness. The set design (by Alex Pinkerton) was clever and attractive, and I also appreciated the imaginative set decoration by Lori and Brad Dobko. Thanks to Stage Manager Kathleen Neal and all the crew for good work backstage, and thanks again to Larry King and the cast for a solid performance. So ends another successful and entertaining season with good acting and directing and a lot of laughs. I look forward to Season 47, which opens on October 1st with The Kitchen Witches by Caroline Smith, directed by Roger Tredway. And so farewell â&#x20AC;&#x201C; have a great sumMichael Warren mer!
Saw you in the Ojo 39
Wondrous Wildlife 2 K Silent Flight
he Barn Owl is one of the most widely distributed species of owl, found almost everywhere in the world except polar and desert regions and the Pacific islands. The Barn Owl is a pale, long-winged, long-legged owl with a short square tail. Depending on subspecies, it measures about 9.8â&#x20AC;&#x201C;18 inches in overall length, with a wingspan of 30â&#x20AC;&#x201C;43 inches. Tail shape is one way of distinguishing the Barn Owl from other owls when seen in flight. Their light heart shaped face with its black eyes give the bird an odd, eerie appearance. Their color typically varies between a light brown and a dark grey especially on the forehead and back feathers. Some are a golden brown, but all have fine black and white speckles. Their heart-shaped face is white; in some sub-species it may have a hint of brown. Males tend to have fewer spots than females and the females are larger, as is common with owls. Contrary to popular belief, they do not hoot like a great horned owl; they make a characteristic shrill screech. When captured or cornered, they throw themselves on their back and flail their sharp taloned feet, an effective defense; as we found out with our first rehab. Also in such situations they may make a raspy, clicking sound, produced by the bill and tongue, or a hiss
El Ojo del Lago / May 2011
sounding similar to air leaking out of a tire, to frighten away intruders. Like most owls, the Barn Owl flies silently; tiny serrations on the edges of its flight feathers help to break up the flow of air over its wings, thereby reducing turbulence and the noise, giving it an advantage over their prey. They hunt by flying low and slow over an area of open ground, hovering over spots that conceal potential prey. Barn Owls are nocturnal feeding primarily on small mammals, particularly rodents. Studies have shown that a nesting pair and their young can eat more than 1,000 rodents per year. The Barn Owl has acute hearing, with ears placed asymmetrically for improved detection of sound position and distance, they do not require sight to hunt, they target and dive down, penetrating its talons through snow, grass or brush to seize rodents with deadly accuracy. Compared to other owls of similar size, the Barn Owl has a much higher metabolic rate, therefore requiring more food. Pound for pound, they consume more rodents, than possibly any other creature. This makes the Barn Owl one of the most economically valuable animals to farmers. Farmers often find these owls more effective than poison in keeping down rodent populations; many encourage Barn Owl habitation by providing nest sites. Unfortunately most only manage to breed once in their life, falling victim to predators or accidents before reaching two years of age; only one young in three manages to survive to its first breeding attempt. Due to the increased use of poisons and loss of habitat in some areas, Barn Owls are listed as endangered species; in most areas they are now considered a species of concern. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d like to thank Lic. Alvaro Becerra for his pro bono work; heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not an owl or old, but is very wise and will assist you in bringing your exotic pet safely and legally into Mexico, as well as a variety of other legal issues. Alvaro100@yahoo.
Saw you in the Ojo 41
1 .
aya, the lovely deaf cat, and her companion, Ivy, have really lucked out this time and been adopted into a happy home with nine (!) other cats. Their new mistress says Maya likes sitting in her lap to be rocked in the rocking chair. Because of her deafness, Maya can be startled when a cat approaches from behind and her reaction is usually a tigersized hiss. Her housemates just stroll on by unperturbed by the drama. Her favorite sleeping spot is on top of the refrigerator, soothed by the motor vibrations. How do you protect your furniture from dusty-pawed and hair-shedding cats and dogs that simple refuse to stay on the floor? Do you spread towels over the seat cushions? Or sheets over the entire chair or sofa? Or drape colorful Mexican spreads from the markets, convincing yourself that the effect is just as good as the look of the fabrics you chose so carefully and now rarely get to see? Do you run around when guests are expected removing the sheets, towels and blankets knowing that a dog or cat will soon occupy any chair that you or the guests are not seated upon? Do you pretend to be shocked when your sixty-pound dog wedges himself between guests on the sofa and tell them that he never gets on the furniture but
obviously he can think of no other way to be alongside his two most favorite people? Do you tell the dog sternly to get down and he doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t, so you tug at his collar so hard that it slides over his head while he stays put? Do you anticipate as you read this that the definitive solution to pets not wanted on furniture is about to be offered? I hope not. Those answers may be found in pet training manuals and dog obedience classes (where the dog behaves perfectly until it gets home). No, what Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m suggesting is a change in your attitude. Get over the embarrassment and frustration. Think of Dog as DĂŠcor and Cat as Conversation Piece. Convince yourself and lead your friends to believe that your entire home is color coordinated with the earth tones of your dogs and cats in mind, that your sense of interior design includes fur coats that are vibrantly alive and placed anywhere but on the floor for best effect. Think of the cat that sprawls across the clutter on your desk as paperweight, a very helpful, thoughtful one. Consider your cat that ingeniously slips under the sheet covering the sofa to spread itself out of sight across the linen cushions as especially clever. Brag about this to your friends and theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll want pets just like yours. You can find such dogs and cats up for adoption at the Animal Shelter wearing the best fur coats in town and guaranteed to pick up a bit of dust on their paws as they walk across the room toward your sofas, covered up or not. Just in case you havenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t heard, in response to your requests Our Store now carries Mira, the dry pet food product from Bayer, packaged for puppies and adult dogs. Thetis Reeves
El Ojo del Lago / May 2011
Saw you in the Ojo 43
A NEW LEASEâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;on Life! %' . + ( 0 ( .X #( & 0
Hot Dogs - Maybe . . . butt Ch C Chicken? hick h ic cke ken n??
ost people know that at processed meats are carcinogenic because they usually contain sodium nitrite, a preservative which turns into toxic nitrosa-mines in the body. But few people le know that a report by the World Can Cancer Research fund (WCRF) found that eating just one sausage a day increases your chance of getting bowel cancer by 20 percent. Yikes! If that is not bad enough other studies have found that processed meats increase the risk of colon cancer by 50%, bladder cancer by 59%, and stomach cancer by 38%. Research at the University of Hawaii studying 200,00 men and women for a seven year period who consumed large amounts of processed meat showed a 67% increased risk of pancreatic cancer over those who consumed little or no meat products. After reviewing all data connecting nutrition and cancer risk, another group, The Cancer Project, concluded that processed meats increase the risk of colorectal cancer, on average by 21% for every 50 grams consumed daily and this serving is approximately the size of just one typical wiener! The report concludes that no amount of processed meat is considered safe for human consumption. This same project developed a very shocking, profound television ad based on this same report called â&#x20AC;&#x153;Protect Our Kids.â&#x20AC;? The ad is called â&#x20AC;&#x153;What You Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t
El Ojo del Lago / May 2011
Know About Hot Dogs Could Kill Youâ&#x20AC;? and it features three elementary school children who describe their lives from the perspective of adults who are battling cancer. It is interspersed with still shots of processed meats that are often found in school lunches. It is quite an eyeopener. You can learn more by checking out So if you insist upon eating processed meats, buy the stuff that says â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;uncuredâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; - ones that do not use nitrites.  Just when I thought I was doing the right thing by switching over to my beloved rotisserie chicken . . . and loving the skin the most - in fact the darker the skin the better the taste - I thought I was ahead of the game by eating chicken instead of processed meats. Wrong! HCAs, otherwise known as heterocyclic amines, are compounds created in meats and other foods that have been cooked at high temperatures and these compounds are known to cause an increase in stomach, colon and breast cancers. According to a study published in the June issue of Meat Science it was found that the skin of rotisserie chicken is one of the worst culprits. Grilling is worse because it also exposes animal products to cancercausing chemicals in the smoke that results from burning coals. How long the item is cooked is also a factor in heterocyclic amine formation so the shorter the cooking time the safer it is for consumption. Time for reflection once again . . . I only hope that as I pass by my favorite rotisserie chicken place I can resist the urge to chow down on my favorite parts - the more crunch and burned the better the taste! Now I will need to deal with this information . . . Judit Rajhathy
Saw you in the Ojo 45
STAY HEALTHY! % " ' ( " & t 376-766-2777 Stressâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;The Other Killer
tress results esults difrom indid,, vidualized, e personal response uto different situmations and circumstances that create rmal and pressures. It is a normal perhaps necessary part orof our lives. It is a normal physiological response to specific stimuli or â&#x20AC;&#x153;stressors.â&#x20AC;? These responses produce body systems so that they can help us adapt to the constant demands and changes of our lives. Sometimes stress responses may be so mild that they go virtually unnoticed. At other times, they can seem to be an overwhelming burden. One of the greatest current stressors may be the feeling that we should not have the discomfort associated with increased stress. When this discomfort happens, some of us may assume that we are not coping well or that this is a sign of illness. The assumption that we should feel good all the time, no matter what changes or problems we are facing, can add to the pressures we already feel. There are two basic types of stressful circumstances or events: One is intense, an alarm reaction that readies your body for an emergency situation. The other is less intense and alerts your body to meet a long-term problem that calls for endurance. The effects of stress are not always instantaneous or fleeting. In many people, the impact can be deferred for weeks or months. As a result, many illnesses are thought to be affected by accumulated stress, whether the illness has been either brought on or worsened by stress. Simply stated, stress produces or worsens symptoms when demands outweigh personal resources to cope with them. RECOGNIZING STRESS Many are not very good at recognizing the emotional reactions we have and consequently find that first
El Ojo del Lago / May 2011
we notice the physical responses to stress. Stress can produce such sy symptoms as headach ache, insomnia, lost or gain g weight, sexual impot impotence and disorders, u upset stomach or digest digestive changes, chest pain. Y You may feel physical sym symptoms or emotional fatigue fa as the first clues of increased in stress. An old nerv nervous habit such as nail-bitin nail-biting may reappear. Because you may not recognize that you are under increased stress, you may interpret the symptoms as those of an illness rather than the manifestation of an adjustment or adaptation process. The thought that you may have an illness can be frightening and can add to the emotional burden you already have. We need to make some considerations about stress. The stress experience also may become apparent through psychological changes. The most common change is increased irritability with people who are close to you. You also may feel more cynical, pessimistic, or resentful than usual. Many people report a sense of being victimized, misunderstood, or unappreciated. You find that things to which you normally look forward seem burdensome. Some people become anxious or reclusive or prone to crying or laughing or to inappropriate aggressive behavior. To be continued (Editorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Note: Dr Cordova lives full time at Lakeside. He is an Internal Medicine & Geriatrics Specialist and recently was elected president of the Lakeside Chapala Medical College.) Dr. Cordova
Saw you in the Ojo 47
7+( 5 5(9(/$7,21 2 2) 6 67 * *(25*( By Duncan Aldric
would like to do what I think is the most important thing that I can do, that is to introduce you to whom it has been said is the greatest writer of Neo-Mythic Poetry that has ever lived… exceeding, in his writings, even the Genius of such stories as The Iliad, Gilgamesh and Beowulf. The man I speak of is George MacDonald. George MacDonald was born in 1824 and died in 1905. He was a contemporary of Charles Dickens and, during his life, was considered the greater genius of the two. He was friends of Reverend Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, known to us as Lewis Carrol, and, in fact, Dodgson wrote Alice in Wonderland during a two week visit to the country home of the MacDonald’s. It was George himself who talked Dodgson into publishing “Alice”. MacDonald was friends with (or at least acquaintances of ) Lady Byron, Tennyson, Dickens, Wilkie Collins, Trollope, Ruskin, Lewes, Thackery, Longfellow, Walt Whitman, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Whittier and Stowe. And though Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) disliked George MacDonald’s writing at first, after they met, they became friends and MacDonald was likely, in part, responsible for lessening Clemens’s animosity toward religion and increasing his opinion toward the intellect of women. But it is not who MacDonald knew rather than what has been
El Ojo del Lago / May 2011
said of MacDonald that is important. C.S. Lewis said, after buying the book Phantastes by George MacDonald, “a few hours later, I knew I had crossed a great frontier. What it actually did to me was to convert, even to baptize my imagination.” Elisabeth Yates said of Sir Gibbie (one of MacDonald’s books) that “It moved me the way books did when, as a child, the great gates of literature began to open and first encounters with noble thoughts and utterances were unspeakably thrilling.” Samuel Clemens wrote regarding one of MacDonald’s fantasies, “All these things might move and interest one. But how desperately more I have been moved tonight by the thought of a little old copy in the nursery of At the Back of the North Wind. Oh, what happy days they were when that little book was read, and how Susy (his late wife) loved it.” G.K. Chesterson said, “When he (MacDonald) becomes more carefully studied as a Mystic… It will be found, I fancy, that he stands for a rather important turning point in the history of Christendom… As Protestants speak of the morning
stars of the Reformation, we may be allowed to note such names here and there as morning stars of the Reunion.” J.R.R. Tolkien, Madeleine L’Engle, Oswald Chambers and many more have also spoken highly of and were influenced by George MacDonald. Indeed, we would most likely not have the privilege of such great stories as “The Lord of the Rings”, “A Wrinkle in Time” and “The Chronicles of Narnia” were it not for the influence that George MacDonald had on the writers of these great stories. Perhaps the greatest thing ever said of George MacDonald was, again, by C.S. Lewis. Lewis said that “George MacDonald taught me to love goodness.” In 1895, MacDonald released what his family jokingly called “The Revelelation of St. George.” The book was actually called Lilith. I recommend everything written by MacDonald, but perhaps most of all Lilith. It will make the hardest heart cry and long for goodness. MacDonald touches us this way. In it, Novalis says, in the closing words of the book, “Our life is no dream, but it should and will perhaps become one.” I will challenge you. Rid yourself of television for but a month and read MacDonald’s works instead. You will gain a new insight into life and love and goodness. Perhaps together we will begin the transformation from a buried seed into a reaching tree and a crawling caterpillar into a fluttering butterfly. You need not be pro religion or anti religion… A Christian hater or lover… A Muslim, Buddhist or Pantheist. Or you may be any or all these things. In any event, the constructs of religion are not what you will find, but perhaps you will find Nature or God or some mix therein, either way, it will be a new beginning for you: You will step closer to the Creator of us all. Recommended internet sites: h t t p : / / w w w. g u te n b e rg. o rg / browse/authors/m#a127 com/watch?v=Nki8mQzIPw&feature=related George_Macdonald com/ At the Gutenburg Project, you may get complete copies of MacDonald books free in HTML, or you can find a few of his books in print at
Saw you in the Ojo 49
The Poets’ Niche By Mark Sconce
Lord Byron, Childe of Passion
Time spent pouring over poems and their poets has convinced i d me off one th thi thing certain: Any attempt to discover a connection between a poet’s behavior here on earth with the sublimity or beauty or sensitivity of his or her poetry is quite likely
to fail. This month’s poet amply supports that finding. Byron’s short 37 years were filled with financial scandal after sexual scandal after-- including but not limited to incest with half-sister, Augusta. “Mad, bad—and dangerous to know,” said one jilted lady. He made Buttafuoco, even Casanova, look like pikers, yet was among England’s best ever poets, a very Romantic poet indeed! Of course it works the other way, too. Take a poet like Guest—Eddie Guest who led an exemplary life but wrote such god awful poetry back in the 30s that my dear mother, rest her soul, was driven to say, along with Dorothy Parker: “I’d rather flunk my Wassermann Test than read the poems of Eddie Guest.” Distant relative of Charles the First, Lord Byron (no one called him George) had an ambivalent take on the aristocracy—at once, one of them, but contemptuous of so many of them. The pressure they exerted finally forced Byron to flee the country in 1816, never to return. Adieu, adieu! my native shore Fades o’er the waters blue; The Night- winds sigh, the breakers roar, And shrieks the wild sea-mew. Yon Sun that sets upon the sea We follow in his flight; Farewell awhile to him and thee, My native Land - Good Night! Sojourning in many countries, particularly in the Levant, the shores of the Aegean, he died of a fever contracted in Missolonghi, Greece in 1824 at the age of 37 while fighting for Greek independence from Turkey. By then he had completely captivated the world with his good looks, his heroic air (Byronic) and of course his amazing poetry beginning with Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage and ending with Don Juan, considered by critics his most artistically successful. But there were many, many lyric poems in-between, and we here have just a little room for some of the most famous. First, for you writers: But words are things, and a small drop of ink, Falling like dew, upon a thought, produces That which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think; ‘Tis strange, the shortest letter which man uses Instead of speech, may form a lasting link Of ages; to what straits old Time reduces Frail man, when paper - even a rag like this - , Survives himself, his tomb, and all that’s his. from Don Juan If you love dogs, you love Byron. Remember this excellent excerpt from the Inscription on the Monument to his dear dog, Boatswain: But the poor dog, in life the firmest friend, The first to welcome, foremost to defend, Whose honest heart is still his master’s own, Who labours, fights, lives, breathes for him alone, Unhonour’d falls, unnoticed all his worth-Denied in heaven the soul he held on earth: While Man, vain insect! hopes to be forgiven, And claims himself a sole exclusive Heaven. And one of his most quoted poems: She walks in beauty, like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that’s best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes; Thus mellowed to that tender light Which heaven to gaudy day denies. P.S. For those who care about such things: To those who maintain that Byron had a club foot, please know that recent medical investigation and evidence reveal that the deformity resulted from a case of spina bifida. Despite that deformity, he swam the Hellespont, after Leander, in a remarkable time of one hour and ten minutes. Mark Sconce
El Ojo del Lago / May 2011
Saw you in the Ojo 51
7+( )27+(5,1*+$0 63((&+ By Allan Fotheringham
(Ed. Note: What follows are excerpts of a speech that this widely-renown Canadian writer and foreign correspondent recently made to the Ajijic Writers’ Group.) was born in Hearne, Saskatchewan. People from Hearne are called Hernias. One church, one blacksmith shop, two grain elevators, 26 people. In fact, the town was so small we couldn’t afford a village idiot. Everyone had to take turns. At age nine, my family moved me to British Columbia and this improved the IQ of both provinces. BC was cut off by the Rocky Mountains from the rest of Canada. The other nine provinces thought we were so goofy, they called us British California. I grew up eventually and wrote for 27 years the Back Page of Maclean’s, Canada’s equivalent of Time and Newsweek. I had a national newspaper column reaching from Vancouver to
El Ojo del Lago / May 2011
Halifax. I was 10 years on Front Page Challenge, the Number One CBC show in Canada. I wrote a book a year, eight of them in total. I went to Russia in a Volkswagen, accompanied by 22-year old Soviet tour guide Ella Dimetrieva. I introduced her to lipstick and pantyhose and we said goodbye in Odessa on the Black Sea where I was headed to Istanbul. She kissed me goodbye and turned me over to the Soviet police who seized my camera and all of my photographs. What I learned in my travels is that mature countries always have their capitals in their largest cities. Immature countries like Canada and the Excited States of America put their capitals in
obscure little towns. The mature nations know that their politicians have to go out every day and bump into the voters, traffic problems, lining up for food, etc. Washington is well away from the center of the US. The actual figures show that there are five lobbyists for every Congressman. Ottawa is even worse. A backwater where the only inhabitants are the press, the politicians and the swivel servants. The only real voter a member of parliament ever meets is a bartender or a taxi driver. Canada, of course, envies the United States, especially John Kennedy… rich, handsome, dazzling. Pardon my language, but a close friend of JFK once said to a New York Times columnist, “This guy is going to do more for f . . . . . . than Eisenhower did for golf.” My employer sent me to Washington for five years. I gave myself a personal ambition to visit each of the 50 states. I would take a rent a wreck each year and go off to Alabama, Arkansas, wherever and introduce myself as a Washington correspondent. After the second drink, once they realized I was a Canadian, they would look at me rather strangely. America became the most powerful country on earth because it fought off an English king and became an independent country.
It can’t understand why Canada still has, in this century, the head of state who lives in a castle 4000 miles across an ocean. Queen Elizabeth, a nice lady whom I have met three times, is 85 and won’t abdicate because she knows her son Prince Charles is a kook. He talks to flowers, and he has the Bill Clinton disease, a leaky zipper. I don’t blame Americans for looking down on Canada because my country has not yet grown up. It never will until it junks those jerks from across the water. My ninth book will be published at Christmas and is called, “Boy From Nowhere.” I hope you will enjoy it.
Saw you in the Ojo 53
he Auditorio de la Ribera is like an old friend - sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s always been there for us when we need her, so we may have started to take her for granted. Friendships need work. The Auditorio does, too. She is now 35 years old and although she still functions, her innards are worn and outdated. In 1995, our committee raised $180,000 pesos from the community and repaired the stage floor, replaced the carpeting and purchased a new sound system. Since then the Department of Culture has from time to time funded maintenance upgrades (repairing the roof, refinishing bathrooms, etc) and music organizations like Viva la Musica and Mas Musica have spearheaded individual projects such as installing hand rails and more comfortable seating, but no major improvements have been undertaken. Performers began to complain about the acoustics, lack of air conditioning and say that they ceased to enjoy using the facility. Viva La Musica was listening. In 2010, it commissioned a study by retired architect Tom Weeks, a theatre renovation specialist who prepared a 32-page report titled Redevelopment and Upgrade Plan for the Renovation of the Auditorio de la Ribera. The report recommended several necessary improvements which include:
El Ojo del Lago / May 2011
Replacing the obsolete and hazardous electrical wiring/Improving the acoustics of the stage and hall/Installing new air conditioning/ Upgrading the stage lighting/Installing a new sound system All these improvements come with a hefty price tag, an estimated $4,750,000 pesos or $400,000 USD. Five local music associations: Viva la Musica, Mas Musica, Los Cantantes del Lago, CREM and the Scotiabank Northern Lights Festival have formed a non-profit organization called Pro Auditorio del Lago de Chapala A.C. which is officially recognized by the Chapala Municipal Council to raise funds. During the fall of 2010, Aurora Michel of Banco Actinver was instrumental in presenting the report to key political decision makers. All were impressed by the quality of the report and the importance of the project and said they support the upgrading of the auditorium. A funding plan has been developed to solicit 2/3 from the state and federal governments and 1/3 from the community. Our challenge as a community is to raise $1,500,000 pesos in the next six months. At a time of economic hardship, this presents an enormous but not impossible challenge. After all, so many of us use the place. In 2010 alone, 82 events were held in the Auditorio, including 30 concerts, 22 graduation ceremonies, 20 dance performances and a number of government workshops. In total, 21,000 people participated. Clearly the Auditorio is an important facility at lakeside. Pro Auditorio del Lago de Chapala is developing a number of strategies to solicit funds from the community. Events will be held, corporations will be approached and individual donations will be solicited. But why wait to be asked? Let an old friend know you still care. Go to Banco Actinver (Lloydâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s) and make a donation to the Pro Auditorio account (no. 6679559) or contact John Keeling at, telephone 376 766 1801. Tax receipts are available.
Saw you in the Ojo 55
AA- Meets daily at 10:00 am. Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday at 4 pm. Marcos Castellanos 51-A. 766-5961. Meets every Wednesday 8 am for breakfast at La Nueva Posada. A COURSE IN MIRACLES- Saturday 2:30 to 4pm RevoluciĂłn #29 Casa #10, 7662622 No charge. Ongoing. 0W. $ . ; 0 W01W X $ 0X0&0 =\| /WXKq from September to April we meet the 2nd Thursday 2pm at La Nueva Posada. Contact Don Slimman 765-4141. 0%W%W ~zW 1 KzW & - Meets second Tuesday monthly at 12 noon. Guests & New Members Welcome. 0%W%W .0 ; z q Tuesdays and Thursdays noon-3 pm at LCS Ken Gosh Pavilion. Dan Stark 766-0411. 0%W%W /.W1;. J K. z#q Meets 1st and 3rd Fridays at 10 am. New Posada. Coffee. Meeting followed by lunch at the New Posada. 0 W W "0 XW &K; Â&#x20AC;Z]q Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at LCS 5:00pm. Contact the Secretary at (387) 7610017 for details. AL-ANON- Step study, Monday 4:30 pm, Lake Chapala Society, 16 de Septiembre & Marcos Castellanos Ajijic, Rear Gate. Contact (376)766-5975 AL-ANON- Sat. 10 am, Club 12, Marcos Castellanos 51-A, Ajijic Contact (376) 766-5975. AMERICAN LEGION OF CHAPALA POST- #7 General Membership meets 11 am 2nd Thursday. Tel: 765-2259. AMIGOS INTERNACIONALES- Every Wednesday 6 to 8 pm, Nueva Posada; informal friendly group meet to make new friends. 0"WK &; 0K 0 q Working to improve the ecology. See or contact us at AMITIES FRANCOPHONES- Meets every 3rd Saturday at 1 pm contact: Roland and Camille at 766-0149. ANIMAL SHELTER- Provide shelter and new homes for dogs and cats. Tel: 765-5514. ANITAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S ANIMALS- Free loving dogs and cats. call (01 387) 761-0500. ASA- Ajijic Society of the Arts. Meets every 1st Monday of the month at Nueva Posada, 10 am. ARDAT- (Ajijic Rotary Dog Assisted Therapy), therapy dog visits and education to prevent animal abuse. Juliananna Rose (376) 766-5025. BRIDGE AT OLD POSADA- Monday 1:15 check in. Mary Andrews 766-2489. BRITISH SOCIETY- Lunch meeting the 1st Saturday of each month, 1pm at Manix Rest. 765-4786, CARD & DOMINO CLUB- Wednesday, Friday & Sunday. Call for times. We will teach; make friends! Tel. 766-4253, Cell: (045) 33-1295-6485. 0X0&W0X z $ 0!; 0#0 0q Meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month, September through April. Social hour: 3:00 pm, program 4:00 pm. Visit CASA DE ANCIANOS- Provides support for elderly citizens, 765-2497. ;X1. &; &; 0.. 0%W%W - Provides family planning and reproductive health education. 766-1679. W W ! $$q Providing a carnival for residents raising charitable funds, 763-5038. DAR- (Guadalajara)- Daughters of the American Revolution, meets monthly Sep. through June. Cell:333-897-0660 or Tel: (376) 766-2284. DAR- (At Lakeside)- THOMAS PAINE CHAPTER meets every 3 Wednesday at 12:30 noon, September thru June. Tel: 766-2981 or 762-0834. ;0 1;.X 10. ; 1.; 0 &; 0K 0#1;. Â&#x20AC;]\q 1st Wed. at 1:00 pm at Hotel Monte Carlo. 766-3785, ; . W q Provides support for the construction and renovation of educational buildings. 766-2866. DEMOCRATS- Meets 2nd Thursday 4pm at La Nueva Posada FRIENDS OF VILLA INFANTIL (FOVI)- ! %% Â&#x152; Contact Lisa Le: (387) 761-0002 or email : GAMBLERS ANONYMOUS- Â?Q Â&#x2018; *
Z Â&#x152;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A; !Â&#x2018; Â&#x20AC; Â&#x2019; > % { Â&#x2030; Â&#x201C;
at cell: 331-445-2136. GARDEN CLUB- Meets the 3rd. Wednesday 11 am for lunch at La Nueva Posada. GARDEN GUILD- promoting the interest in the development of local gardens with an accent on the exotic species available in central Mexico. GERMAN MEETING- 2nd Thursday, 1:00 pm. La Nueva Posada. Call Thea 765-2442 or Werner 763-5446. K &;X 1.WXK $ 0!; 0#0 0( 0 q Rehearsals at auditorio de la Floresta. Tuesday & Friday, 3-6 pm. HASH HOUSE HARRIERS- Every Saturday at 8:30 am at La Nueva Posada. IRISH- Meet 2nd Monday 4pm for lunch at La Nueva Posada. %zXW . ;0Kz; &; Kz0&0 0%0.0 0 q Av. San Francisco #3332., Guadalajara, Jal. Tel. (33) 3121-0887. 0!; 0#0 0 &z# W 01; .W&K; z q Meets every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 1:15 p.m.. 0!; 0#0 0 K0.&;X z - Gardening at Lakeside with garden tours and meeting 3rd Wed of every month at Nueva Posada for noon lunch and program. Contact 0!; 0#0 0 K.;;X K. z#Â&#x2030; { " * " $ Â&#x2018; $ < { % $" * Â&#x2018;
Chapala Society, 3:00. Everyone is welcome. 0!; 0#0 0 .WX; z q Meets the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 1 pm in the Nueva Posada. Perry King at (376) 763-5126. 0!; 0#0 0 W;1` q q 16 de Sep. # 16-A Ajijic, Open Monday - Saturday, 10 am to 2 pm. 766-1140. 0!; W&; ""zXW1` 0/0.& Â&#x2030; Z " $$ " * > Â&#x2019; $ Â&#x2030; Â&#x2022; Â&#x2022; 0!; W&; $.W;X& $ 1 ; 0XW"0 - Board meets 3rd Thursday at 2:15 every month. 0!; W&; 0zK 1;. z q Meets every Wed. from 9 am - 9:40 beginning September 29. For information call Charlene 766-0884. 0!; W&; W11 ; 1 ;01.; 0 .- Balanced theatrical entertainment, English-speaking, 765-5942. 0!; W&; $ . 1 ; &;0$q The 4th of each month. Nueva Posada 10:30 am. Call 766-2280, 0!; W&; /W & W$; .; z; Â&#x201A; .; 0 W W101W Xq Rescue & rehabilitation of wild animals. 765-4916. 0!; #0` 0X& X;z1;. ;X1. 0 q Provides shelter and helps curtail the over-population of animals. 766-3813. LCS EDUCATION CENTER- Provides classes in language and other topics for both Anglo and Mexican community. 766-0499. LCS STUDENT AID FUNDÂ&#x2030; ! %% <
* % * $ Â&#x2030;Â&#x201A; WX!q Assisting foreign community. Desk at Lake Chapala Society-Monday, 10 am-noon. LITTLE BLUE SCHOOLHOUSEÂ&#x2030; !
% Â&#x2030; Â&#x2013;Â&#x2013;Â&#x2022; XWX &; 0#0 0 ` 0%W%W ( 0 Providing educational scholarships to Lakeside children 376-765-7032, LOVE IN ACTION- Shelter for abused and abandoned children. For volunteers and donations. Anabel Frutos 765-7409, cell: 331-351 7826. MAS- Music Appreciation Society. Concerts from fall to spring. Classical music and dance concerts. For info call Beverly Denton, 765-6409. MISION SAN PABLO- Helping 60 orphaned children ages 2-14 yrs, Bonnie Shrall - #766-0009. X02` ;0Kz;( 0!; 0#0 0 zX W q Meets the third Saturday for lunch at 1 pm, Manix Rest. 766 4750 or 766-1848. NEEDLE PUSHERS- Sew dresses, knit or chet sweaters for local kids. Every Tues. 10 am at LCS. Call Gay at 766-2902. XWÂ&#x192; ` % 2;X; 0.020Xq Delivers foodstuffs and used clothing to orphanage in San Juan. Call Reuben Varela, 01-387-761-0828. OPEN CIRCLE- Fostering body, mind & spirit, every Sunday at the LCS from 10 am to 12 noon. 765-3402 or OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS- Every Tuesday & Friday 12 pm at Marcos Castellanos 51-A, in Upper Ajijic. Tel: 766-2575 or 766-1626. #. K.0"0 #. XWÂ&#x192; WX 0#0 W10& &; 0K 0 q Assisting Lakeside disabled children , 763-5010. #0 "W 0K. Â&#x201E;"W.0 z z 1;# Â&#x2026;q Helping Handicapped Children Through the Magic of Horses. Saturdays 8-2. www. RED CROSS VOLUNTEERS- Meets 1st Wednesday at 2:00 pm at the Sala LCS. New members welcome. . 10.` z $ 0%W%W q Meets every Tuesday at 1:00 pm at Hotel Real de Chapala. Contact at 766-3302. 0W WXK 0!; 0#0 0q Meets for lunch/drinks - 1 pm the 1st Thursday of the month at Club Nautico in La Floresta near Ajijic, Paseo de la Huerta No. 57. Learn how to sail the lake. Visit for info and updates. SCIENCE OF MIND STUDY GROUP- Discussion group every Tuesday at 10:30 AM Lake Chapala Center for Spiritual Living at Nicolas Bravo #17 Ajijic; contact Rev. Tim at 766-0920 or THE GENEALOGY FORUM- Meets monthly on the fourth Monday in the Sala at LCS, from 2:00 to 3:45. z20 q z
Â&#x2020;2 0 Â&#x201E;
* ) Â&#x2026;q Sue Torres, 766-2932 or Lynn Hanson 766-2660. VIVA LA MUSICA - Bus trips to the symphony, summer concert series, call Rosemay Keeling 766-1801. VOLLEYBALL IN CHAPALA- At Cristiania park Tues., Thurs., Sat. mornings at 10, 333-502-1264. VOLUNTEER HEALTH RESOURCE GROUP- Meeting last Saturday of each month at LCS in sala, 10:30. 2 zX1;;. $ 1 ; .zÂ&#x2021; . %0- Sponsors fund raising events and provides administrative and support services to the Delegation. Â&#x201E;X 1;< W ( * ' < ?Â&#x2C6;jq[>??Â&#x2026;
El Ojo del Lago / May 2011
All Saints Lutheran Church Worship Service 11:00 am 4600 Avenida Tepeyac, Guad. Tel. (01 333) 121-6741. Abundant Life Assembly of God Carr. 140 next to Mail Boxes etc, Tel: 766-5615. Center For Spiritual Living Celebration Service, 5pm Fridays, Nicolas Bravo #17 Ajijic. 7669020 or Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Services in English and Spanish, 10 am, Riberas del Pilar Bishop Wyvell Tel. (376) 765-7067, Bishopâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s residence (376) 766-1532. Church of the Holy Spirit Services Sun. 10 am, Albaro Obregon #119, Chapala Tel. (376) 7654210. Christ Church Anglican Fellowship Eucarist 10am upstairs in Manix Restaurant Ocampo #57 Ajijic. Rev. Danny Borkowski at (376) 766-2495 or Jim Powers t (387) 761-0017 Grace Baptist Church 5th Sun. Evening service 6 pm, Pedro Buzeta No. 970, Guad. Tel. (013) 641-1685. Lake Chapala Baptist Church Mid-week service, 9:30 am, worship service, 10:45 am. Santa Margarita #147, Riberas del Pilar, Tel. (376) 765-2925, 765-3329. 7th Day Adventist meet at Camino Real #84 in La Floresta, 9:30 am, Potluck follows, Tel: 7665708 Little Chapel by the Lake Sun. services 11 am, Chula Vista,. Jal, Tel. (376) 763-1551. Lake Chapala Jewish Congregation Santa Margarita 113, Riberas del Pilar, Tel: 765-6968. For information and service times, please call Pres. Elliot Gould. contact us@ Web site: www. Lakeside Fellowship Sun. worship 11 am, Javier Mina #49 Ajijic, Tel. (376) 766-0795. Lakeside Presbyterian Church Worship-Sunday 10 am; Bible Study-Friday 10 am; Hidalgo 231A, Carr. Chapala/Joco; Riberas del Pilar Tel. Pastor Ross Arnold at 376-766-1238, or Norm Pifer at 376-766-0616 Website at www.chapalalakesidepresbyterian. org Saint Andrew´s Anglican Church Calle San. Lucas 19, Riberas del Pilar, Sunday 2 services, 9 am & 11 am. San Andres Catholic Church Services 9:00 am. Ajijic, 766-0922. St. Johnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Catholic Church Between Av. Vallarta & Av. Lazaro Cardenas, Guad. Sun. 11am. (013) 121-8131. The Lake Chapala Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Meets Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Sta. Margarita #113 in Riberas del Pilar (on the SW corner of Santa Clara) For additional information call 766-1119 or email to Â&#x160;*$ $. We are a Welcoming Congregation
The Ojo Crossword
ACROSS 1 Injure 5 Capital of Senegala 10 Chow 14 Land mass 15 Swelling 16 Appeal 17 Classical scholarly study 19 Type of tea 20 Thai 21 Commander of “Deep Space Nine” 23 Author Poe 26 Burned 28 Straw 31 ___ voyage 32 Brand of soda 33 IOU part 34 Club 37 Fish stories 39 Chichi 40 Self-righteous 42 Gospel 45 Furthermore 49 Building addition U $ Y 53 Note of debt 54 Executive 55 Mickey’s dog 56 Locale 58 Stupefy 60 Also known as (abbr.) 61 Cow noises 63 Northern grouses 69 Point 70 Uncanny 71 Epochs 72 Shade of black 73 Monster 74 Eye infection
23 Move away 24 Pain unit 25 African antelope 26 Sailors “hey” 27 Newsman Rather 29 Wonder 30 Aye 32 Lay 35 Reservoir 36 Holds 38 Past 40 Fly alone 41 Married woman 42 December 43 Roberto’s yes 44 Spherical 45 Tangle 46 Contend 47 Long time 48 Fear 51 Married secretly 52 Legging 56 Winter sport 57 Zoo animals homes 59 Spy 60 Prayer ending 61 Microgram 62 Possessive pronoun 64 Build up 65 River (Spanish) 66 Music 67 Congressional vote 68 Compass point
DOWN 1 Traveler’s aid 2 Fire remains 3 Three 4 Island nation 5 Café 6 Flurry 7 Container 8 ___ curiae 9 Intolerant person 10 Great 11 Booze 12 Ball holder 13 Gloomy 18 Canoe propeller 22 Miss Liberty, for example
Saw you in the Ojo 57
Lake Chapala Society
May 2011
$. " 1 ; &W.; 1 .J &; ! Bertha Yanez Marquez is retiring after 20 years of service. Bertha began her service at LCS taking care of Neill James. You know her as the lady who takes care of patio sales: childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s art cards, books, maps, t-shirts, etc. Berthaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s last day of service was April 30, and LCS held a small retirement party for her on the 23rd. She has been a trusted employee of LCS for many years and her absence is emotional for many of us who have gotten to know her. We wish Bertha and her family well. Que le vaya bien Bertha!
Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d like to mention a more sensitive subjectâ&#x20AC;Ś. CATS! I am aware that LCS has an interesting history with different animals on the grounds over the years. Presently a burgeoning cat population is being witnessed. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m a cat guy myself, but there is a line that must be drawn. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m in favor of one or two cats on the grounds to control rodents. The bodega where baby rental Bertha and Mary Alice Sargent equipment is stored has been known to attract nests of critters. For awhile, we had the rat problem under control, but at the current time I am reminded of a Warner Brothersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; cartoon where the rats and the cats shake hands every day and cuddle together at night. Recently we put up the following announcement:
Please do not feed the cats! If you would like to help, please donate CAT CASH or FOOD to the Red Cross Volunteers. We are Feeding the cats, if you feed them, well.... Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll have an abundance of fat cats and happy rats! # ;0 ; & X 1 $;;& 1 ; 01 _
PLEASE help us control this situation so that it doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t become a problem.
In April we had an historic board meeting with a full board in attendance (save one) at the newly renovated back patio of the LCS Wilkes Education Center (thanks Lake Chapala Garden Club!). Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m pleased to see the committees are all up and functioning - busy prioritizing the newly adopted long-range and strategic goals and identifying and prioritizing annual "' % " * > "
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El Ojo del Lago / May 2011
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' ( " ?: The American Society (AMSOC) has invited the LCS Singles members to its Kentucky Derby party at its headquarters in Guadalajara. There will be a â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;most creative Derby hatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; contest for men and women, plenty of food on the menu and mint juleps at the bar. The Derby race will be viewed as it happens at 5 pm. A poll has been posted on the LCS Singles Mix and Match Yahoo site. Those Singles members interested in joining the festivities at the American Society should respond online (lcsmixandmatch@yahoogroups. com). Car pooling or sharing a van and driver are our transportation options.
LCS members are cordially invited, on behalf of the board of directors of AMAR Retirement Communities Association in Mexico, to the AMAR Guadalajara 2011 International Congress & Expo. The program will include various activities during the day, including art and cultural events, competitions and art exhibitions, food and tequila tastings,
$ N * % N $ QÂ&#x2018;Q^Â&#x2019; %
Further information: Lake Chapala Society bulletin board or email
For more information, email:, or by phone 01 (664) 681.0433, U.S. or 1 (619) 564.4007. Website -
1' ( " ]\< 430-6:30 a mixer on the back patio of LCS serving up drinks at the cash bar and free botanas. These Mixers are very casual and offer Lakesiders the opportunity to meet new people and share common interest. Guests who are not members of the Lake Chapala Society will be charged a small fee of 20 pesos. { { * * % Â&#x2030;% * N
= Y " Y
expat community, the ;Q*0 ;Q* , where you will be able to participate in a visual arts national contest. Event will be held at the Gudalajara Expo, Av. Mariano Otero #1499.
Casi Nuevo Thrift Shop â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Got ) _
Other activities are in the planning stage and will be announced on the website by May 1. Patricia Doran, 376-766-0794 or
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As a means of assisting both the foreign & Mexican $$ < ^ $ Â&#x2030;% *
local Mexicans who need & are looking for work of all types. No pre-screening is provided, just a data-base of willing applicants. You interview and choose to hire or not. Come to the Chapala American Legion on Monday between 9 and 11 a.m. or email Rony at:
TRANSFER your old VHS to DVD A service offered in the Video Library ONLY 50 pesos each!
1 * $ " Â&#x2C6; ' ) * 1 * * " ' ' ]\<Z\ Z * X' . # north side of the carretera ?q; The profits from the Thrift Shop benefit the children in the '
; ' # ( ) & ( / 1
Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Forget - Free Eye Exams on Thursdays Sign up outside the eye clinic.
Saw you in the Ojo 59
MAY ACTIVITIES LIBRARIES Book & Video M-SAT 10-2 Talking Books TH 10-1 ";&W 0 Â&#x2020; ;0 1 WX z.0X ; Blood Pressure M+F 10-12 Cruz Roja Sales Table M â&#x20AC;&#x201C;F 10-1 Cruz Roja Monthly Meeting 1st W 1:30-4 Hearing Aids M & 2nd + 4th SAT 11-3 Sign-up IMSS M+T 10-1 NYLife/Seguros Monterrey Insurance T+TH 11-2 Optometrist TH 9-5:30 Sign-up INFORMATION Becerra Immigration F 10-1 Information Desk M-SAT 10-2 Loridan Legal T 10-12 Los NiĂąoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s de Chapala /Ajijic F 10-1:30 US Consulate 1st W 10:30-12:30, Sign up -10AM LESSONS Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Art SAT 9-12 Country Line Dancing T+TH 10-11:30, Show LCS card Exercise M+W+F 9-10 Have Hammers T 10-12 + TH 3-5 Intermediate Hatha Yoga T+TH+SAT 2-3:30 Spanish Conversation Club M 10-12, No Registration SOCIAL ACTIVITIES AA Lakeside M+TH 4-6 AA Women TH 10:30-12 AL-Anon/Al-a-Teen M 4:30-5:30 Beginnerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Camera W 12-1 Computer Windows Club F 10:30-11:45 Discussion Group W 12-1:30 U $ Q Â&#x2022; <Â&#x203A; Â&#x153; ; Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;Â&#x203A;Â&#x152; Â&#x201A;< { {
card Gamblers Anonymous W 11:30-1:30 Genealogy Last M 2-4 Great Books 1st & 3rd F 2-4, Open to members Green Group 1st T 3-4:30 Green Transition in Action 2nd M, 11-1:30 Ipod/Iphone F 9:30-10:30 Lakeside Friends of Animals 1st TH 2:45-4 Mac OS 1st M 12-1:30 Mac User 3rd W 3-4:30 Mah Jongg F 10-2:30 Masonic Lodge #31 2nd + 4th W 4:30-8, 4th T 3-4:30 MS Support Group 3rd W 2-4 Music Jam W 2-3 Needle Pushers T 10-12 Open Circle SUN 10-12:15 Scrabble M+F 12-2 Singles Mix & Match 1st W 5-8 Tournament Scrabble T 12-3 TICKET SALES M-F 10-12
El Ojo del Lago / May 2011
The Lakeside Community Awards in conjunction with LCS has AWARDED LUIS ENRIQUE MARTINEZ H. YOUNG ARTIST OF THE YEAR Luis Enrique, an honors high school student, has done three covers for LCS and is now an active volunteer in the art program helping other children develop their skills and talents. Congratulations, Luis Enrique, for your outstanding contributions to the Arts!
Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Art Program Update A group of dedicated volunteers met in January to restructure the leadership of the successful Saturday morning art program to ensure that it continues for many years to come. The group adopted a mission â&#x20AC;&#x153;to provide opportunities for children to explore and develop their creativityâ&#x20AC;? and created a six-member steering committee to provide ongoing leadership. Â?Â&#x20AC; * % * $Â&#x2019; Â&#x2013;Â&#x2013; <
< _ Â&#x17E; $
and my mother, Mildred Boyd. While the program has prospered, no individual can replace either of these women. I believe that the new
% $ * $
roots," commented Lizz Clark, Steering Committee member-at-large. Join us on Saturdays from 10 to noon on the back patio at LCS to meet the children and view the projects they are working on. The program is free and all children (and visitors and volunteers) are welcome. The program depends primarily on donations of time, talent, materials, and funds from residents and visitors. We currently need more volunteers to assist with the Saturday morning program and special events. If you have an interest in working with local children, art and creativity, please contact a volunteer at
0XXz0 0!; W&; ""zXW1` 0/0.& PRESENTATION MAY 3 Ajijic Auditorium, 7:30 p.m. Winners of the 2010 WOMAN, MAN, & PROJECT Awards, including 15 other special awards honoring members of our Lakeside community. It is the one time each year when the Chapala City Hall says thank you for all the contributions of merit so willingly given through the generosity of both our Mexican friends combined with the foreign community. Free to the general public.
NEEDED - VOLUNTEERS FOR THE BLOOD PRESSURE GROUP Persons with medical/nursing training and practice in taking blood pressures and with an education in the theory of Hypertension and Hypotension are needed to take blood pressures. MONDAY AND/OR FRIDAYS 10 TO NOON. FLEXIBLE SCHEDULE, EVEN ONCE A MONTH WOULD BE APPRECIATED. Please pick up a volunteer form at the LCS Â&#x20AC; Â&#x2018; >Â&#x152;
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0 ` .;X10 ;~zW#";X1 X;;&;& For those of you who donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know, but NEED TO KNOW, LCS has a baby equipment rental program. If you have high chairs, car seats, playpens, etc. in good condition, we would appreciate any donations.
FILM AFICIONADOS Films and discussion the 2nd, 4th Thursday in the Sala at 2 p.m. THERE WILL BE TWO FILMS THIS MONTH ON THE BIG SCREEN
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Â&#x2022; Â? % Â&#x2013; LCS BOARD OF DIRECTORS # q $ Â&#x201E;[\][Â&#x2026;Â&#x152; 2 q# q $ Â&#x201E;[\]ZÂ&#x2026; 1 ' q # ' Â&#x201E;[\]ZÂ&#x2026;Â&#x152; q * Â&#x201E;[\][Â&#x2026; & q ' Â&#x201E;[\]ZÂ&#x2026;Â&#x152; & q 0' " K Â&#x201E;[\]ZÂ&#x2026;Â&#x152; & q Â&#x201E;[\]ZÂ&#x2026; & q 1 % Â&#x201E;[\][Â&#x2026;Â&#x152; & q / " Â&#x201E;[\]ZÂ&#x2026;Â&#x152; & q " 0 Â&#x201E;[\][Â&#x2026; & q Â&#x201E;[\][Â&#x2026;Â&#x152; & q / Â&#x201E;[\]ZÂ&#x2026; ;Q ' & q 1 2
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Saw you in the Ojo 61
DIRECTORY - CASA DEL SOL Tel: 766-0050 - CASA TRES LEONES Cell: (045) 331-350-6764
* ADVERTISING q ; % &; 0K Tel. 765-3676
Pag: 57
0XW"0 WXW #;1 # - DEE’S PET CARE Tel: 762-1646 - FURRY FRIENDS Tel: 765-5431 - SALUD ANIMAL Tel: 766-1009
;;. W~z . 1 .; q ;1 J /WX; W~z . Tel: 766-5420, Cell (045) 333-507-3024 # < ]j - MODELORAMA Tel: 766-2678, 765-2055 # < j[
# < j> # < j= # < ]
- CATHY CHALVIGNAC Tel: 766-1153 # < ]j - DIANE PEARL COLECCIONES Tel: 766-5683 # < [= - EL PALOMAR Tel: 01 (33) 3635-5247 # < |[ - HECTOR’S ART GALLERY # < [ - MEXICAN ART & DECO Tel: 766-5508 Pag: 55 q 1 ; 0%W%W 0.1 z ; Tel: 765-5097 # < ]=( |[( j|( j>( j
- HUNTER DOUGLAS Tel: 766-0026
* ELEVATORS z1W~z; 1 WXK 1 .;
- GRUPO OLMESA Cell: (045) 33-3806-9231 - LINEA PROFESIONAL Tel. 766-2555, Fax. 766-0066
- CUSTOM MADE HOME ELEVATORS Cell: (045) 33-1234-5867 # < j[
- ARATI Tel: 766-0130 q zKWXW #z z1W~z; Tel/Fax: 766-1790 q $W0K0 z1W~z; Tel: 766-1816
# < [\
* CEILING FANS - VENTILADORES DEL OCCIDENTE Tel/Fax: (33) 3631-6619, 3634-9982
# < \
$z"WK01W X #; 1 Pag: 44
# < \
* FURNITURE # < j>
Pag: 44
0X! WX2; 1";X1
- FUMIGA Tel: 762-0078, (045) 33-1155-7059
q "0W ; ( ;1 Tel: 766-0647, Fax: 766-0775 761-0363, Fax: 761-0364
# < ]
- ARTE AMANECER Tel: 765-2090 # < |= - INFINITY ARTE Tel: (01) 33 3792 5901 # < [| - STRESSLESS Tel: 33-3640-1283 Pag: 37 - 1;"#z.( "011.; 0X& #W / Tel: (52) 333-629-5919, (52) 33 3611-3049 # < [j
# < [=
- CASA DE LAS FLORES Tel: 766-5493
# < j>
1; zW1; q 0& ; /0 WXX Tel: 766-1296 - DOLPHIN COVE INN Tel: 314-334-1515 - HOTEL LA ESTANCIA Tel: 766-0717 - LA MANSION DEL SOL Tel: 01 800 715 9339 - LA NUEVA POSADA Tel: 766-1444, Fax: 766-2049 - SAN PABLO Tel: (33) 3614-2811 q ~zWX10 & X % ; Tel: 01-800-700-2223 - VILLA BORDEAUX Tel. (01-387) 761-0494 - VILLAS DEL SOL Tel: 766-1152
# < [? # < j] # < ]> Pag: 55 # < \Z # < ] # < ]\ # < Z> # < |>
* INSURANCE - EDGAR CEDEÑO - MEXICO PROTECT Cell: (045) 33-3106-6982 # < [[ - LLOYD Tel: 766-0152, 766-3508 # < [Z
* INTERIOR DESIGN - ELEMENTS Tel: 766-5826 - TENERIFE CENTER Tel: 33-3640-1283
# < [Z Pag: 37
LEGAL SERVICES - MAGO’S OFFICE Tel: 765-3640 q 0/ $$W ; Tel: (322) 222 0499
# < ]\ # < |>
- CENTRO LAGUNA Tel: 01 (33) 3560-2670
Pag: 67
";01 # z 1.` ;; ;
Pag: 47
q 0%W%W &;X10 Tel: 766-3682 q & "0. 0 zW 0 zW 2W 0 Tel/Fax: 766-2428
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# < ]
# < |]
# < j=
Pag: 47
# < ]j
q . /01;. K0.&;X Tel: 766-4386
Pag: 45
# < |>
* BEAUTY - HAPPINESS GARDEN Tel: 766-0866 q %0"; & X 0 X Tel: (387) 763-1933 q "0.` !0` Tel: 765-7654 q X;/ ! 1z&W Tel: 766-6000
# < ]]
- CABO DO MUNDO- INTERIOR DESIGN Tel: 766-0026 # < [j - CONSTRUCTION & REMODELING Tel: 766-3626 # < ]] q ;&W$W! 0.~zW1; 1 Tel: (33) 1370-1407 Pag: 55 - FMC-Pinturas Tel: 766-3596 Pag: 46 - HOME SERVICES Tel: 766-1569 Pag: 43 q /0./W ! X 1.z 1W X Tel: 765-2224 Cell. (045) 331-135-0763 # < j=
q .;X&0J 0!;.` z1W~z; Tel: 765-2987 # < |=
Cell. (045) 33-1511-4088
"0 # 0 0
q 0$; WX1;.X;1 0%W%W Tel: 766-3626 q X;/ / . & 1; X K` Tel. 766-4343
# < [Z
? q]? \ 765-4444 766-5555
# < [] # < [j
\ ? jq[Z\>( ? jq[jjZ ? qZ ]j
# < ]?
- INVESTMENTS IN MEXICO Tel: 01 33-1591-2224 # < |\ q 0!; W&; $WX0X W0 0&2W . &02W& ; XW ! $# CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER Fax: 001(623) 327-1277 # < ]= q 0!; W&; " .1K0K; X z 10X1 Tel: 766-2914 # < \?
- AUTOMATIC GARAGE DOOR OPENERS Tel: 766 - 4973, Cell: (045) 33-3157- 6536 # < ]
q & 0X&.0 0X0`0 " .0 Tel: 765-3502, 765-5444 # < ]? - DENTAL EXPRESS Cell: (045) 331-121-6518 Pag: 33 q &.0 0XK; W 0 0 &0X0 ;"0 && Tel. 765-5364 # < ]\ q &.0 & .; .z ; & & Tel: 766-2881, 766-0075 Cell: (045) 333-108-7727 # < \? q &. 0 ;.1 & X W2;.0 Tels: 765-4838, 765-4805 # < ]> q &. $.0X W X1.;.0 Tel: 765-5757 # < [\ q &. ; 1 . 0. ( && Tel: 765-3193, 765-6974 # < \>
# < [j
q &. 2W 1 . % ` z 0 Tel: 766-1973
# < ]=
0.1 K0 ;.W; 0X& .0$1
- ACTINVER Tel. 766-3110 - INTERCAM Tel: 766-5978 - MULTIVA Tel: 766-2499 -O&A Tel: 766-4481
# < ]j
;";.K;X ` 1 WX; 0" z 0X ; q .z . %0 $W.; &;#0.1";X1 POLICE 0+ + Chapala La Floresta
El Ojo del Lago / May 2011
# < ]Z # < \=
- NAPOLEON Tel: 766-6153
# < ]j
- TONY’S Tel: 766-1614, 766-4069
# < ][
0.&/0.; 1 .;
* HEALTH - AUDA HAMMETT q W $;;& 0 ! 1 ;.0#` Tel: 766-5179 q !0.WX % "W ; Cell: (045) 333-481-8307 q /;WK 1/01 ;. Tel: 01-800-710-3378
* HEARING AIDS q 0!; W&; ;0.WXK ;.2W ;
Pag: 53 Pag: 45 # < j] # < Z=
q ;.X0.& 0X 0 1;. % X; "& Tel: (33) 3813-2090 Pag: 44 - DERMATOLOGIST Tel: 766-1198, 765-2400 # < |\ q &;."W!0 & & " . Tel: 766-2500 # < [[ q &.0 "0.1 0 . 0 ; 1;. $.0X Cell: (045) 333-408-0951 # < ]? - HOSPITAL ANGELES DEL CARMEN Tel: (01) 3813-0042 # < \> - INTERNAL MEDICINE SPECIALIST & GERIATRICS & % " ' Tel: 766-2777 # < ]> - ISILAB
Tel: 766-1164 Pag: 33 - PINTO OPTICAS Tel: 765-7793 # < ]| q # 0 1W z.K;.`q& + 2 Tel: 766-5513 # < [ q # 0 1W z.K;.`q 0 ' " & Tel: 766-2500 Pag: 47 - RED CROSS Tel: 765-2308
* MOVERS - BALDERAS Tel: 01 (33) 3810-4859 q 0!; 0#0 0 " 2WXK Tel: 766-5008 q 1. "q / W1; " 2;. Tel: 766-4049 q 1 ; " 2;. 0!; W&; Tel: 01(55) 5757 3734
# < \= # < ] # < ]j
Tel: 33-1081-7869 - GEORGETTE RICHMOND Tel: 766-2129, 766-2077 q `& .;0 ; 101; 0%W%W Tel: 766-3508 - MEXICO PROPERTY RESOURCES Tel: (315) 351-7489 - MIGUEL RUEDA ROMAN Tel: 765-6557 - MYRON’S MEXICO Cell: 33-1065-7688 q #;1;. 1 % X Tel: 765-3676 - RAUL GONZALEZ Cell: 33-1437-0925 - SANDI ALLIN BRISCOE Tel: 765-2484 - VERONICA NAVARRO Cell: (045) 33 1252 1349
# < \ # < ]] # < [Z
q 10 0.!0 Tel: 766-1588 - TONY’S Tel: 766-1614, 766-4069 q 1/ # X Tel: 766-5089
# < |] # < ][ # < j=
Pag: 44
.;1W.;";X1 .; 1 Xz. WXK "; Pag: 33 # < [ # < Z\
- LA CASA NOSTRA Tel: 765-4187, Fax: 765-5815 - LA VALENTINA Tel: 766-5179
# < \ # < [?
# < \Z
01; W1; 1 2
Pag: 33
q 0%W%W ; ; 1. XW 0 &; 2 Tel/Fax: 766-1117, 766-3371 # < ]Z - SERVICIO BELTRÁN Tel: 765-3949, 766-4586 # < >
Pag: 55
# < |[
.;X10 #. #;.1` "0X0K;";X1 "z W 1 ;01.;
q %z 1z 0z ;. Tel: 763-5333, Fax: 763-5335 Emergencies: 01 (33) 3441-8223 # < \j q X;/ ";. ILSE HOFFMANN Cell: 33-3157-2541, Tel: 01 (33) 3647-3912
q &/; 0X!;. 0#0 0 .;0 1` Tel: 766-1152, movile: (045) 33-1175-9632 Pag: 54 - HOMES AND APARTMENTS FOR RENT Cell: 33-1163-9668 Pag: 53 - FOR RENT Tel: 766-3799 Pag: 57 - LA MANZANILLA -Ocean Front Condominiums Tel: 315-351-5015 # < j> - RENTAL LOCATERS # < |> Tel: 766-5202 - RIBERA RENTAL CENTER # < j] Tel: 766-0958 - ROMA # < ][ Tel: 766-3163 - SANTANA RENTALS Cell: 315-104-3283, Pag: 44 - VILLAS DEL SOL Tel: 766-1152 # < |>
.;#0W. "0WX1;X0X ;
Pag: 55
- FARMACIA CRISTINA Tel: 766-1501 - FARMACIA EXPRESS II q $0."0 W0 "0 !0.0 Tel/Fax: 765-5827 - FARMACIA MORELOS Tel: 765-4002 - FARMACIA UNICA Tel: 766-0523
# < j= Pag: 45 # < |[
- TV REPAIR SERVICIO BELTRÁN Tel: 765-3949 q /01 ! Tel: 765 5190, Cell: (045) 33-1331-9226
# < >
# < ]
# < \
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q 0%W%W 10XK Tel: 766-2458 Pag: 46 q 0 0 &; /0$$ ; Tel: 766-1946 # < \Z - CAROLI’S Tel: 766-1811 # < j] - DAVID’S CAFE Tel: 766-2341 # < j> - EL CAMALEÓN Cell: (045) 33 1079 4760 # < j> q ; %0.&WX &; XWX;11; Tel. 766-4905 # < Z\ - EL FIGÓN Tel: 766-5468 Pag: 43 - GO LE CLUB Cell: (045) 33-3502-6555 # < [? q % 0X&0 Tel: 315-351-5449 # < |] - LA NUEVA POSADA Tel: 766-1444, 766-2049 # < \Z - LA PRENSA FRANCESA Tel: 33-1173-4833 Pag: 53 - LA VIÑA Tel: 766-0281 # < [ - LAS MICHE # < ]j - LOS TELARES Tel: 766-0428 # < ]= - MANGLAR CAFÉ # < |= - MANIX Tel: 766-0061 # < ]> - MOM´S DELI & RESTAURANT Tel: 765-5719 # < ]| - NUMBER FOUR Tel: 766-1360 # < [Z - PANINO Tel: 766-3822 # < ]? - RISTORANTE DI AURORA Tel. 766-4013, Cell. (044) 33 1265 7900 Pag: 45 q z /0` # <
* POOL MAINTENANCE q ;~zW#";X1 0X& # "0WX1;X0X ; Tel: 766-1617 Pag: 45 - HOME SERVICES Tel: 766-1569 # < Z= q 1; X 0~z0 Tel: 766-3730, 766-3731 Pag: 57
* REAL ESTATE - ABBOTT REAL ESTATE Tel: (314) 334-7460 Pag: 53 q 0%W%W "; WX #; 1W X Tel: 766-2836 # < ][ - ALL IN ONE REAL ESTATE SERVICE Tel: 766-1161 # < \j q ;2 %;0X $; Home Tel. 766-5332 &
# < |\ - BRISAS DE CHAPALA Tel: 765-6297 # < [? q &/; 0X!;. 0#0 0 .;0 1` Tel: 766-1152, 766-3369 Fax: 766-2124, Tels: 765-2877 Fax: 765-3528 # < > - CHULA VISTA NORTE Tel: 766-2177 Cell: (045) 33-3841-8867 # < Z= q & X q WX&0 /.WK 1 Tel: (376) 766-1862 # < [j - EL DORADO Tel: 766-0040 # < \[ q $ . 0 ; ` /X;. Tel: 766-5124 # < \ q $ . 0 ; ` /X;. Tel: 765-2222 # < ] q $ . 0 ; ` /X;.
- HAPPINESS GARDEN Tel: 766-0866 - RESPIRO SPA Tel: (045) 33-3157-7790 - TOTAL BODY CARE Tel: 766-3379 - VILLA BORDEAUX Tel. (01-387) 761-0494
# < ]j # < [
q 0 z01W 0 0#0 0 q /W""WXK Tel: 765-4060 # < |] - CHAPALA LEARNING CENTER Tel: 765-5498 # < Z> - INSTITUTO TERRANOVA Tel: 766-3999 Pag: 43 - OCTAVIO PAZ INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY # < Z] - OLÉ MÉXICO SPANISH INSTITUTE Tel: 766-2068 Pag: 43
# < ]= # < Z>
* THERAPISTS - PROFESSIONAL REHABILITATION Tel: 766-5563 # < ]? - RESPIRO SPA Tel: (045) 33-3157-7790 # < [
q 1 ; X0!;& 10K; .;0&;.J 1 ;01.; Tel: 766-5986 Pag: 43
#0 "0 0K;
# < \=
# < ]
/01;. q 1; X 0~z0 Tel: 766-3730, 766-3731
Pag: 57
* SELF STORAGE - SELF STORAGE-BODEGAS CHAPALA Tel: 766-0661, Tel/Fax: 766-1045 # < [=
* SOCIAL ORGANIZATIONS q 0!; 0#0 0 W;1` Tel: 766-1140 # < j>q ] q 0!; W&; #0` X;z1;. ;X1;.( 0 Tel: 766-3813 q XW &; 0#0 0 ` 0%W%W Tel: 765-7032 # < |=
* SOLAR ENERGY q ;[ ;X;.KW0 Tel: (33) 3673-5499 - ESUN Tel: 766-2319
Pag: 47
# < j\
The Ojo Crossword
Saw you in the Ojo 63
=!" " 3 ! 1 = ! "! 554 47
FOR SALE: 2009 2-dr Chevy Mexican plates silver low mileage excellent condi
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55 4 4 4
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El Ojo del Lago / May 2011
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Saw you in the Ojo 65
El Ojo del Lago / May 2011
Saw you in the Ojo 67