El Ojo del Lago - May 2018

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Saw you in the Ojo


Saw you in the Ojo



Richard Tingen


Alejandro Grattan-DomĂ­nguez Tel: (01376) 765 3676, 765 2877 Fax: (01376) 765 3528 Associate Publisher David Tingen Graphic Design Roberto C. Rojas Diana Parra Morales





Neil McKinnon’s On Becoming a Canadian just proves again that Canadians can laugh at themselves—unlike some other nationalities we could mention.


Jim Tuck discusses the pros and cons of namedropping. Strangely enough, there have been some famous people who made it respectable.

Associate Editor Victoria Schmidt Art Critic / Contributing Editor Rob Mohr

(;3(&7$7,216 Ana Rasgo details the dangers whenever we tend to assume anything—and with several comical instances, she proves it!

Theater Critic Michael Warren Book Review Panel Margaret Van Every Margaret Porter Clare Gearhart

Sales Manager Bruce Fraser Carmene Berner 2ႈFH 6HFUHWDU\ Rocio Madrigal ADVERTISING OFFICE Av. Hidalgo # 223, Chapala Mon. thru Fri. 9am - 5pm Sat. 9am - 1pm Tel. 01 (376) 765 2877, 765 3676 Fax 01 (376) 765 3528



Well-known “dog whisperer� Art Hess has found a list of complaints received by a famous cruise-ship company, and warns our readers about those who made such complaints because “They walk among

us and they multiply.�


Professional cartoonist Sergio Drummond draws a cartoon that says that here at Lakeside, people happily don’t seem to know their limitations.


Rob Mohr second (and last) part of his story Transition is proof that often the most SHUFHSWLYH WUXWKV LQ D SLHFH RI ÂżFWLRQ DUH WKH KDUGHVW RQ ÂżUVW UHDGLQJ WR ÂżQG

Send all correspondence, subscriptions or advertising to: El Ojo del Lago http://www.chapala.com ojodellago@prodigy.net.mx Ave. Hidalgo 223 (or Apartado 279), 45900 Chapala, Jalisco Tels.: (376) 765 3676, Fax 765 3528 PRINTING: El Debate El Ojo del Lago aparece los primeros cinco dĂ­as de cada mes. (Distributed over WKH ÂżUVW ÂżYH GD\V RI HDFK PRQWK) &HUWLÂżFDGR GH /LFLWXG GH 7tWXOR &HUWLÂżFDGR GH /LFLWXG GH &RQWHQLGR Reserva al TĂ­tulo de Derechos de Autor 04-2011-103110024300-102 Control 14301. Permisos otorgados por la SecretarĂ­a de GobernaciĂłn (EXP. 1/432 “88â€?/5651 de 2 de junio de 1993) y SEP (Reserva 171.94 control 14301) del 15 de enero de 1994. DistribuciĂłn: Hidalgo 223 Chapala, Jalisco, MĂŠxico. All contents are fully protected by copyright and may not be reproduced without the written consent of El Ojo del Lago. Opinions expressed E\ WKH DXWKRUV GR QRW QHFHVVDULO\ UHĂ€HFW WKH views of the Publisher or the Editor, nor are we responsible for the claims made by our advertisers. We welcome letters, which should include name, address and telephone number.



Special Events Editor Sandy Olson

Roving Correspondent Dr. Lorin Swinehart



El Ojo del Lago / May 2018


Editor’s Page


Bridge by Lake


Hearts at Work


Saw you in the Ojo



Editor’s Page *XHVW (GLWRULDO E\ )UHG 0LWWDJ Shame On The Cowards!


he script for Congressional Cowards after a shooting massacre: Speaker Paul Ryan has already said, true to the playbook, that we shouldn’t rush to conclusions, that we need to get the facts. He said that now is not the time to politicize the tragedy. A congressman replied to Speaker Ryan, “We already have the facts: Children have been murdered!” Governor Rick Scott (R-Florida) said about the same thing as Paul Ryan. Congress would not dare debate a gun bill while feelings of anguish are high. If they vote on anything, they will wait for the public to forget and for people to get on with their business. And then they will vote to allow mentally incompetent people to buy firearms and Trump will sign it. This is literally true, and it’s the only signing for which Trump will not allow any pictures to be released to the media – although they exist. Ordinarily, he makes a big production out of his signings, and holds the signed bill up for the cameras (Hey, look, I can write my name!)– but not the bill to allow mentally incapacitated people to buy guns. Here’s the standard Coward’s Playbook: The killer is 19 years old. In Florida, he cannot buy a beer, but he can buy an AR-15 assault rifle. One father of a daughter in the Florida school said, “I’m tired of your thoughts and prayers. Do something!” There is a general ridicule of “thoughts and prayers.” As a result, for this massacre, “thoughts and prayers” appear to have been worn out and politicians are finding other expressions that are the same thing, but at least, a slightly different wording, such as “My prayers and heartfelt sorrow go out to the families.” But it’s only a substitution and still follows the playbook. Cowardly Congressman: “Oh, I’m so sorry about your kid being shot to death at school. But I’m not sorry enough to stop taking political donations from the NRA.” Senator Rubio has received $3.3 million from the NRA. He said after the shooting, “I don’t know of any law that would have prevented this shooting.” He voted against a ban on the military


El Ojo del Lago / May 2018

assault rifle called an AR-15. An AR-15 is what the shooter used to kill 17 kids at the Florida high school. Senator Marco Rubio has an A+ rating from the NRA. The NRA newsletter lauded Governor Scott for signing more pro-NRA bills than any other governor, and they give him an A+ rating, also. Yep. That’s how it works. An AR-15 sells for between $1,200 and $1,800 each, and over 1.5 million of them are sold each year. That’s over $2 billion a year. The AR-15 is big business – yet it’s a gun that belongs only in military combat. It’s a weapon that turns human flesh into what looks like bloody hamburger. In my opinion, all the families involved in every school, movie, restaurant, nightclub, etc. shooting should get free airtime for a television commercial to be aired on all channels naming and showing pictures of the officials who refuse to vote on reasonable gun legislation. One mother’s statement: “The gunman, a crazy person, just walks right into the school, knocks out the window of my child’s door, and starts shooting – shooting her! Killing her!” “President Trump, you say ‘What can I do?’” “You can stop the guns from getting into these people’s hands. This is not fair to our families, that our children go to school and have to get killed. President Trump, please do something! Do something! Action! We need it now! These kids need safety now!” “I wish I could include a link to a video, but the woman had just spent two hours planning her daughter’s funeral, and you can imagine the anguish in her voice.” CNN reported that students are speaking out and demanding action. At least one student had a chance to voice his opinion on the CNN news hour. He is David Hogg and he said: “What we really need is action. Because we can say, ‘Yes,

we’re going to do these things, thoughts and prayers.’ What we really need more than that is action. This is the 18th one this year. We’re children, you people are the adults. Take action, work together, get over your politics and get something done.” Editor’s Note: Here are a few facts that came to light after this most recent school shooting in Florida: Some 94% of the public is in favor of much stronger gun laws. A very large percentage of the members of the National Rifle Association are also for tightening the laws regarding gun sales. About the only factions opposing such commonsense legislation are the leaders (whose salaries are astronomical) of the NRA, the gun-makers in the United States and the spineless politicians in Congress who have been bought, “lock, bump stock and barrel” by the NRA. Dozens of so-called “public servants” receive many tens of millions of dollars in campaign funds to make certain that laws that might truly protect all Americans never even come to a vote in Congress. John F. Kennedy’s Profiles in Courage was about historical figures in American history that put principle over power and in the process became political icons—would that we had more of them in Congress today! I wonder what fate might befall a young, idealistic politician

who might someday say, “If it’s a matter of choosing between our country’s young people and those who manufacture assault weapons, I don’t want their money. I stand with the young people!” I like to think that he or she would be overwhelmingly elected. Finally, one has only to look at the gun laws in Mexico to realize the benefits of reasonable gun-control. Here in our beloved adopted land, it is wellnigh impossible to buy a hand-gun, and God help you if the authorities discover that you have a weapon like an AR-14. It would go better for you if the police found you had filled your garage with heroin. One result: never in all of Mexican history has there been a single instance of someone walking into a school and dealing out death and dismemberment on innocent Mexican children. Oh, but there has to be a downside to Mexico’s stricter gun laws, right? No, none. People still come from all parts of this area of the world to enjoy hunting (with licensed rifles) in Mexico. And if you’re wondering where the cartels buy their ghastly weapons? That’s easy: in the United States! Fred Mittag

Saw you in the Ojo




recent newspaper car-ried an item about ut ut mnew Canadians comciti ti-plaining that their citieen ee n zenship test had b been ev ve en n too difficult, that even ra ais ised d in in people born and raised be able ab ble to to Canada would not be on ns. New CaCaanswer the questions. ey Woo-Alleyey” Woo Alley ll nadian, Aristotle “Limey” ople born and Sing agrees. “Even people raised in Canada would not be able to answer the questions,” Woo-AlleySing says. There was also commentary by other Canadians who dismissed the complaint by saying that potential citizens should have to study and learn something of the country’s history before they are allowed to gain citizenship. Jeremy Riverbottom, a long-time Canadian, commented while skinning a beaver with the curved blade of his son’s hockey stick. “Potential citizens should have to study and learn something of the country’s history before they are allowed to gain citizenship,” Riverbottom says. “I mean, how difficult is it to remember that Justin Beiber is a Canadian.” After listening to both sides, I’ve decided that Riverbottom is wrong. These immigrants deserve their new status, not because of any ability to regurgitate founding facts, but because of their instinctive recognition of the one characteristic, shared by all Canadians, that contributes most to binding us together as a culture and as a nation—our universal love of whining, bellyaching and complaining. I believe that this is the only relevant requirement for citizenship and that the recent grumblings have aptly met that criteria. However, this does lead to a question. What is it that makes a Canadian? What unique traits define us and make us different from other cultures? After pondering this through most of my last coffee break, I believe that I have isolated two qualities. The first is well known—my and every other Canadian’s predilection for saying “eh.” “Eh” is more than a sound. It’s a statement of opinion, “Eh Bob... she’s a fast one, eh.”


El Ojo del Lago / May 2018

question, “She is, It’s a question is eh?” It’s a fixed expression, “Eh Bob ... I’d run around her block, eh.” It’s an exclamation, “Effin-eh ... maybe a marathon on ‘er mattress, eh!” It’s a statement of fact, “Eh Bob ... I did it, eh. I chalked a story on her blackboard, eh.”” It’s a command, “Tell me the story, eh.” It’s a narrative, “Eh Bob ... we were dancing, eh. We went out for a smoke, eh. We got in the back seat of my car, eh. I wrote my story, eh.” It’s an accusation, “Hold on, eh. You’re lying, eh. You ain’t got a car, eh.” It’s an insult, “Eh Bob ... Maybe no car, eh. But I got the chalk, eh ... and you don’t, eh.” Eh is also an affirmation, a descriptor, an adjective, a salutation and a signifier of agreement. As such, it is almost as useful as the f-word. In fact, there is nothing more powerful in the language of a Canadian than the two used together. “Effin-eh” is as close as two Canadians can get to a meeting of the minds. “Eh” also has a number of punctuational functions, often taking the place of a question mark, an exclamation point or a period. Eh is actually added because of uncertainty. Once you get to know a Canadian you will discover that he or she is uncertain about everything although often we cleverly disguise this fact with belligerence and insults to Americans. The speaker is really trying to ascertain the level of comprehension, interest and agreement veiled within the listener. When I ask, “What constitutes a Canadian, eh?” It’s a question but I also want affirmation that it is a legitimate question. When I say, “She’s gained a lot of weight, eh.”

Or ... “You know George, eh ... well, he got drunk, eh ... fell in the river, eh ... damn near drowned, eh,” I’m looking for affirmation that your following my drift, but I’m also looking for agreement that what I’m telling you is legitimate and that I’m not wasting your time. I’m actually inviting a supportive noise ... which can be “eh.” Before I dispense with the topic of “eh,” I wish to shine a light on a couple of ugly rumors that have no doubt been spread by jealous Americans: It is not true that Canada’s Olympic contingent is known as the “EH” Team. It is false that we came up with our country’s name by putting all the letters into a bag and then choosing at random ... picking out a C, eh ..., then an N, eh ... and then a D, eh. When performed in Canada, Take the A Train, made famous by Duke Ellington, is not known as Take the Train, Eh. The use of “eh” is a natural outgrowth of the second uniquely Canadian characteristic—namely the tendency to preface every action and sentence with an apology. If someone bumps me in a crowd, I say, “I’m sorry.” “I’m sorry I left my shin where you

were going to kick.” “I’m terribly sorry but I stepped right where your dog just defecated.” “Please accept my apologies for putting my ribs in the way of your elbow.” Therefore, there are only three hurdles for new immigrants. The first is to complete an intensive language training program so that they come to understand that without the constant use of “eh” they will never be able to fully communicate with others in their adopted land. Second, they must be taught to apologise in all situations. There is no circumstance where it is not appropriate for a Canadian to apologise. Third, they must be taught how to gripe like other Canadians. They can start simple, by whining about the weather, gradually getting into complex bitching about the government and eventually graduating to a higher level of sophistication by complaining about Americans. The next time you meet Aristotle “Limey” Woo-Alley-Sing, though he may be wearing a burka, if he says how sorry he is that you spilled hot coffee on his lap, or he comments that it’s been too cold, eh and it’s America’s fault, eh ... know then that

you are in the presence of a bonafide Canadian. *** I’m sorry that this piece is not very good, eh ... but I was distracted, eh. I thought the U.S. was about to invade Saskatchewan, eh. (Ed. Note: Neil is a long-time favorite with our readers and is also, we hasten to add, a Canadian!) Neil McKinnon

Saw you in the Ojo




ry to remember the e las last st time you heard someme one favorably reeferred to as a name-dropper. r. It’s a melancholy fact that on any scale of social approval the e term ranks somewhere between “pickpockckpocket” and “con man.” Attempting to cast light where heat has so long prevailed, allow me to play devil’s advocate. Who, after all, is a name-dropper? Answer: almost everybody. From the coolie on the Ganges who titillates peers with knowing references to his overseer to the literary climber who speaks familiarly of Updike and Vidal, this is a planet of name-droppers. The only exceptions are those Olympian figures who are such names themselves that name-dropping is virtually impossible. (Picture somebody saying: “That phony Einstein –always dropping Oppenheimer’s name.” My central thesis is that while most phonies are name-droppers, not all name-droppers are phonies. On the theory that there’s no substitute for an “eyeball-to-eyeball” encounter, I’d like to resurrect two now defunct figures whom I met in New York during that golden era when Tony Bennett and Rosemary Clooney were au courant entertainers rather than the theme park figures they later became. Alan Nottingham (pseudonym) was a glib men’s fashion editor whose favorite name-dropping gambit might be called the “friendly conspiracy.” (“Three of my crazy friends played the

most hilarious joke on me.”) The madcaps invariably turned out to be people with names like Noel Coward, Cole Porter and Fred Astaire. Nottingham’s downfall came at a cocktail party when a listener became deeply suspicious of his claim to having stayed with Noel Coward in Jamaica. Following an inquiry, Nottingham’s nemesis gleefully spread the word that “Noel wouldn’t know him if he stepped on him.” Playing counterpoint to Nottingham was “Lucas Bullard,” a florid bon vivant who was such a devotee of the maligned art that his own children referred to him as “the MND,” an acronym for Master Name-dropper. Where Nottingham’s name-dropping resembled a burst of machine gun fire, Bullard’s had the calculated recklessness of a kamikaze attack. Many fall but some get through. You might miss the name of the Texas oilman honored at his last dinner party but you’d learn that among the guests were Cardinal Spellman and the Windsors. Bullard’s great offense was matched by a daunting defense. Try dropping one on him, as did a callow rival who let fall the name of a famous painter. “Not only have I known him for years,” riposted Bullard, “but I introduced him to...” As the would-be interloper stood dumbfounded, a volley of names pelted him like hailstones. Speaking of a political rival noted for getting himself arrested in subway toilets, Winston Churchill remarked: “That man would give sodomy a bad name.” Applying the analogy to name-dropping, for every Nottingham who brings the maligned art into disrepute, there’s a Bullard to redeem it. Jim Tuck


El Ojo del Lago / May 2018

Saw you in the Ojo 11

May 13—Nott A Da ay To Celebrate %\ 0HO *ROGEHUJ


exicans e ex xic ican ica ans ns celebrate cele ce ele lebr ebrrat ate Inde ate IIndeIn ndedede pendence Day on Sepd D S tember 16, the day in 1810 when Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla rang the bell of his little church, issued his famous Grito de Dolores, and called for independence from Spain. When Spain signed the Treaty of Córdoba on September 27, 1821, Mexico included three provinces north of the Rio Grande River: California, Texas, and New Mexico. Mexicans also celebrate Cinco de Mayo, which commemorates the defeat of elite French troops by Mexican irregulars at the battle of Puebla in 1862. However, one notorious date that

both b bo otth h the the he United Uni nite nit ted States ted Stat Sta St ate ess aand nd M nd Mexico exic ex xico ico ic is ttend d to t ignore i i May M 13. 13 That Th t was another day that will live in infamy, although most history books scarcely mention it. May 13 was the day in 1848 when President James K. Polk declared war against Mexico, a war which has impacted citizens of both countries for the past 168 years. In the 1820s, when many Americans sought cheap land in the Mexican province of Texas, they were welcomed. In many instances, land was given gratis, at no cost. But the immigrants who inhabited the Mexican land were a thankless bunch, complaining about the laws and customs of the country that

had embraced them. One of these immigrants, Sam Houston, publicly declared that he did not want to live under Mexican rule. In 1836, he led a move for Texas independence, which was thwarted when the Alamo at San Antonio was taken by Mexican troops led by General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna. Bur President Polk was not dissuaded. He believed in the concept of Manifest Destiny, popularized by New York journalist John L. O’Sullivan, who urged the annexation of Texas. In 1845 President Polk sent John Slidell, a Louisiana senator (and later a Confederate supporter), to purchase California and New Mexico. Mexican president José Joaquin de Herrera said, “Lo siento, pero no están para la venta.” Angered, the U. S. Senate in 1846 voted to annex Texas. When Mexico severed relations with the United States, Polk sent General Zachary Taylor to set up camp on the northern bank of the Rio Grande facing the Mexican army across the river. Ordered to leave Mexican soil, Taylor refused. On April 24, the Mexican army crossed the Rio Grande and killed or wounded sixteen American soldiers. That gave Polk the excuse he wanted. He declared war, stating that the Mexican army had “invaded our territory and shed American blood upon the

American soil.” One significant Mexican commemoration of the war occurs in honoring the “Niños Heroes,” when American troops attacked Chapultepec Castle in Mexico City on September 13, 1847. At the time, Chapultepec Castle served as the Mexican Army’s military academy. The castle was defended by Mexican troops under the command of General Nicolás Bravo and included young cadets from the academy. The greatly outnumbered defenders battled General Scott’s troops led by Brigadier General John Quitman for several hours before General Bravo ordered retreat. However, six cadets refused to fall back and fought to their deaths. According to legend, in an act of bravery, the last of the six, nineteen-year-old Juan Escutia of Tepic, wrapped the Mexican national flag around his body and jumped from the top of the castle in order to keep the flag from being taken by the American enemy. The war between The United States and Mexico ended on February 2, 1848, with the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. Mexico lost almost half its territory. Interestingly, in that war, two young American West Point graduates, Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant, got their first battle experience. Because of America’s first war of aggression, about 150,000 Mexicans became part of the American population, producing a cultural clash that galls MexicanAmerican relations to this day. To be sure, some Americans denounced the war. Abe Lincoln condemned it in Congress. Henry David Thoreau went to jail for refusing to pay taxes to support it. But because of this inglorious period in each country’s history, perhaps it is understandable why both countries tend to ignore May 13. Mel Goldberg


El Ojo del Lago / May 2018

Saw you in the Ojo 13



t was August in the Pacific coastal town of Playa los Cocos. The heat and humidity those siblings of misery - were neck and neck at 94 and racing higher. I was on the roof of my house and involved in the local pastime of dripping sweat while also exploring the untimely death of the air conditioner. The motor had rusted off its brackets. It was easy to see because a hole the size of a softball had rusted through the unit’s housing. The A/C was three years old. It lasted as long as it had taken the ocean salt to corrode the hardware in my laptop and TV. The wooden beams supporting the porch roof were made of what they


called ironwood, and I was beginning to wonder if they would rust out too. When I decided to move from Canada to the Mexican coast, friends were supportive of my enviable good fortune. They said things like: “I hate you� or “I hope a shark bites you right on the ass.� But, as the old wisdom goes, a little bit of knowledge can be a deranged thing. Most people from the north country, of course, visit Mexico in the winter months. Puerto Vallarta, Ixtapa, Cabos, and, for the unfortunate ones, Cancun. These are mostly all beautiful places in the winter. They are sunny and lush with foliage and flowers, prettier that way than Lake Chapala I

El Ojo del Lago / May 2018

would add so you don’t think I’m trying to sell you property here. The gringos love these visits and so they should. But most of them think the Mexican coast is Eden year around; they really do. They move to the ocean under this misimpression until summer arrives in a rage for no less than six-months. They soon begin looking out to sea and yearning for ice bergs. The thought of their eyelids freezing shut in Edmonton becomes a fun memory. The experience of sliding on the snow into a ditch seems like clemency. They say to themselves: “Holy jalapeĂąo! What in blue blazes have I done?â€? During one summer storm in Playa los Cocos, 28 centimeters of rain fell in a day. (That’s 11 inches for you metrically-challenged Americans). There was a three-metre high seawall (ok, ok, 10 feet) in front of the property. During that storm, the ocean slung stones over the seawall into the front yard. The stones were as big as golf balls. I shouted “FOREâ€? - a word I know well - and headed for the back room. The downpour wiped out a bridge. When it was rebuilt, it was painted Day-Glo yellow like that huge millennial testament to the Big Mac in Guadalajara.

The locals in Los Cocos started calling the replacement the Golden Gate Bridge. (As an aside, I wonder if the Americans’ reluctance to join the rest of the world on weights and measurements means they are secretly onside with the isolationist Trump. I mention it only in case any of you Democrats are starting to nod off about now). Anyway, it was the broken A/C epiphany that spurred me out of the burning ring of fire in favor of Lake Chapala. One attraction for gringos to this area is the large expat population, with concurrent tribal benefits and ease of using English. I keep trying to learn more Spanish but the words refuse to stick in my aging mind. Workers are building an addition on top of my house here. During the last rain, water streamed onto the kitchen floor from above. I thought I had remembered the Spanish word for rain - lluvia - and pronounced in English like “you’ll via.â€? When the foreman of the job arrived, I pointed at the source of the problem, mentally stuttered, and said something like: “you have a visa.â€? Time to take out my smart phone. The word miracle is overused, except for walking on water. So voice activated language translation doesn’t rise to the level of a miracle either, although

we might consider canonizing whoever invented it. Of course, the other big attraction here is the weather, year around. Sure, it rains here, but you don’t need scuba gear in your Go Bag. It has been stated, almost virally, that National Geographic rated Lake Chapala as having the second best year-around climate in the world. I haven’t been able to source that to National Geographic. Maybe, in the spirit of cheerleading, someone made it up and off it went. I’ll happily stand corrected if someone knows better. Even if that rating isn’t legitimate, it would

be hard to reasonably design a better climate than this one. But everything leaves some room for griping. The road to Guadalajara should be called the Highway of Holes. The government alleges - pre election - it will be re-paved this year. We’ll see. Other than that, no sweat, no heatstroke, an A/C that works when it’s lightly needed for two months. And Mexican people who are usually cheerful and courteous, more so than a lot of gringos. Says Google Translate: No hay problema. poulsenc3@hotmail.com

Saw you in the Ojo 15





olunteers are not paid--not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless”. International Volunteers day since 1985 is held on December 5th. The Tepehua Centro Comunitario’s April Fools Party honoring the volunteers that have made Tepehua strong held at the Sunrise Restaurant in Riberas, was so diverse as village people and ticket holders joined together to celebrate the power of volunteerism. Other Charities were represented - President of the Chapala Shriner’s David Eccles with a group; Rotary Ajijic;


Cameron of the Spay and neuter program and Lucky Dog helped serve bar; Lake Side Assistance group; the LaZapotera Mayor with village people who are associated with the new Community Center of La Zapotera, which is almost at its completion and a sister Community Center to Tepehua, an experiment that clearly is heading for success under the guidance of Todd Stong and Harvey Bernier. The local women of Tepehua were honored for their role, they have taken over the responsibilities of the center, and claimed it as their own. The volunteers of Tepehua

El Ojo del Lago / May 2018

Treasures consignment store were heavily represented under the lead of Judi Vance, and acted as bar girls, serving drinks and keeping everyone happy with their antics, a unit of Volunteers that really are a very strong financial support for the Center’s education program. Volunteering became strong in the first decades of the 1900’s. Organizations such as Rotary, Kiwanis and Lions Club were born according to Stephanie Rosenburg. Benjamin Franklin developed the first volunteer firehouse as far back as 1736, an idea that is now the American norm as 70% of firefighters are volunteers. Another great “War on Poverty” was started by Lyndon Johnson in 1964. Volunteering today has become a pastime of which the Internet has played a huge part connecting people with projects. The Fools Day was topped off with an organization called “Fauna Silvestre Mexico”, a wild life rescue organization, who brought snakes, an owl, a hawk, an iguana and a few other species to join the party and have their picture taken by fascinated guests. Its mission is to help people lose their fear of the wild, and not destroy the species you find in your “space” uninvited.

Remember, it was their “space” first. Should you have an uninvited guest, call Byrne at 331-020-2585, they will be happy to bring their rescue truck and remove the offending visitor. To end an incredible coming together of Benefactors and beneficiaries, Big Al, the singing waiter of the Sunrise restaurant gave a heart-felt rendering of “I did it my way”. “Your life and mine should be valued not by what we take, but by what we give”.

Saw you in the Ojo 17

Clev ver Sa ayingss And Lesso ons Learrned d %\ $QD 5DVJR


ave you heard the saying, “if you assume, you make an… out of… yourself.” If you don’t know the phrase, study my example and you will figure it out. Another saying is, “when I point a finger, three more are pointing back at me.” I love it when people come up with clever sayings like these. What I don’t enjoy is when I embody those sayings. Like when I visited a restaurant and ordered a sirloin burger on a plate. When the burger came out I was frustrated as they served it with mushrooms. Mushrooms were not listed on the menu! I slid them off my burger and enjoyed the burger. The finest sirloin I have ever eaten. I did not get sick, so it was safe to say the mushrooms were a garnish and not in the meat. Mushrooms are the only food I have gotten sick on in Third- World countries. It happened in India and in Mexico. So, I stay away from mushrooms even though I loved them in my youth. Well, I visited the restaurant again and forgot to ask them to hold the mushrooms and fries. I was late for a phone conference and planned to make the meeting while having lunch. This time I was glad I forgot as the fries came with one lovely sweet potato fry on the top, a staple in my keto diet. That one fry was divine. Fast forward to the evening, I arrived home and snacked on pecans and chocolate; still within my macros. By the time I prepared for bed I was ill. I spent that night gracing the presence of the porcelain gods. I was ill for three days and lost three lbs. I guess the universe was telling me to get serious about losing weight! But still my mind went to the restaurant in accusation. I bet they put mushrooms in the meat this time! How could they put them in the meat when they are not on the menu? I can tolerate them being on top as a garnish, but not in the meat. I should complain, and on and on my thoughts roamed. On the fourth day I was feeling a little hungry, so I got the pecans out and ate a few. I noticed a strange taste, but my youngest son ate a few and said nothing, so I thought it was my imagina-


El Ojo del Lago / May 2018

tion since I had been sick. Within a few minutes my stomach turned. It felt the same way it had three days ago. I was back with the porcelain gods in no time. I thought my sickness was caused by mushrooms and it was the fault of the restaurant. I realized my mistake while kneeling before the porcelain for the second time. Remember that saying about when one assumes? I apologize for my negative thoughts and ranting towards this restaurant. Thankfully, my husband and children were the only ones who experienced those rants. But I am bringing my negative thoughts to light in public to help others avoid my mistake. When I assumed something negative about the restaurant without looking at the facts, I had the potential to harm them. This restaurant, while not including mushrooms on their menu, has never to my knowledge put them into the meat. So, I had no reason to blame them for my sickness. Also, if I had looked at the facts surrounding the situation, I did not become ill until after I arrived home many hours later. I react to mushrooms much faster than that. It is almost instantaneous. I was visiting a beach town in India and had a pizza with mushrooms one night. Within a half hour I was returning to my hotel room, ill and scared as I was sixmonths pregnant. When I had mushrooms here in Mexico, it was in a friend’s dish. I have eaten her food many times. But I tried a mushroom chicken dish that day and was again running home ill. So, the fact is, I react to mushrooms quickly. This was not the case that day. When my stomach turned that first day, it was only about a half hour after eating the pecans. They were full of mold, but I could not taste it because of the chocolate I was eating with them. I tasted the mold on the second occasion. I learned two lessons that day. First, look at the facts and stop reacting to situations. When I look at the facts, I can respond to the situation and not cause another person undue hardship. Second, instead of pointing fingers at others, I better check my nuts!

Saw you in the Ojo 19



f we could learn from our dogs’ perspective…

A dog deserves our love and respect, for they bear no grudge or disrespect. They do not care for color of skin, or what beliefs we hold within. For every language that we convey, our dogs all know the words we say. How much better our world could be, if we only learned from this mentality. Adapted poem from the book Horse Daze By Peter J. Hurst My wife and I moved from Gabriola Island, British Columbia, Canada to Lake Chapala in August 2017. It wasn’t long after we decided to foster a dog from the Ranch. On our arrival at the Ranch we met with Syd who runs the facility. A few barks could be heard in the background, until we entered the kennel enclosure that is. Then we were greet-


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ed with a sonic array of barks in every octave, each bark expressing a command for attention. We were attracted to a rather quiet dog, named Brandy, as she was not following the pack for attention. We decided to adopt her and not foster as intended. Brandy is a medium size black and tan mixed breed that had a minor heart condition when vetted. We adopted her sister also black and tan but smaller. We call them the odd couple. Both have become inseparable. They are again beginning to trust after being abused by the cowardly acts of others. They play constantly and are becoming more confident with their new surroundings. We have renamed them Lucky and Taco. Their acceptance of and love for us has been rewarding. Supporting The Ranch gives confidence to a dog willing to trust again! To find out how to volunteer, adopt a dog or make a donation please contact The Ranch: www.adoptaranchdog@outlook.com or 331.270.4447.

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“I think it should be explained in the brochure that the local convenience store does not sell proper biscuits like custard creams or ginger nuts.” 2. “It’s lazy of the local shopkeepers in Puerto Vallarta to close in the afternoons. I often needed to buy things during ‘siesta’ time --this should be banned.” 3. “On my holiday to Goa in India, I was disgusted to find that almost every restaurant served curry. I don’t like spicy food.” 4. “We booked an excursion to a water park but no-one told us we had to bring our own swimsuits and towels. We assumed it would be included in the price.” 5. “The beach was too sandy. We had to clean everything when we returned to our room.” 6. “We found the sand was not like the sand in the brochure. Your brochure shows the sand as white but it was more yellow.” 7. “They should not allow topless sunbathing on the beach. It was very distracting for my husband who just wanted to relax.” 8. “No-one told us there would be fish in the water. The children were scared.” 9. “Although the brochure said that there was a fully equipped


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kitchen, there was no egg-slicer in the drawers.” 10. “We went on holiday to Spain and had a problem with the taxi drivers as they were all Spanish.” 11. “The roads were uneven and bumpy, so we could not read the local guide book during the bus ride to the resort. Because of this, we were unaware of many things that would have made our holiday more fun.” 12. “It took us nine hours to fly home from Jamaica to England. It took the Americans only three hours to get home. This seems unfair.” 13. “I compared the size of our one-bedroom suite to our friends’ three-bedroom and ours was significantly smaller.” 14. “The brochure stated: ‘No hairdressers at the resort.’ We’re trainee hairdressers and we think they knew and made us wait longer for service.” 15. “When we were in Spain, there were too many Spanish people there. The receptionist spoke Spanish, the food was Spanish. No one told us that there would be so many foreigners.” 16. “We had to line up outside to catch the boat and there was no airconditioning.” 17. “It is your duty as a tour operator to advise us of noisy or unruly guests before we travel.” 18. “I was bitten by a mosquito. The brochure did not mention mosquitoes.” 19. “My fiancée and I requested twin-beds when we booked, but instead we were placed in a room with a king bed. We now hold you responsible and want to be re-reimbursed for the fact that I became pregnant. This would not have happened if you had put us in the room that we booked. (Note: Be aware. They walk among us and they reproduce!) Art Hess

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The great thing about duplicate bridge is that it reduces the luck factor in the game. Every hand in match point games can be interesting and challenging as you are striving to score better than the other pairs holding the same cards. A low-level contract such as 1 no trump making 2 can be a great result for your side if all, or most, of the pairs sitting in your direction make a lower score. Similarly, if you defeat a contract while others are letting it make, you will also do very well in the comparisons Notice I said duplicate “reduces” not “eliminates” luck. There is still a certain amount of good fortune needed to do well even at the duplicate version. Such was the case when the illustrated hand was played at The Lake Chapala Duplicate Bridge Club. South opened the bidding 1 spade, as did surely every other player in the room in that seat and North responded 2 hearts, which in their system was forcing to at least game. South now showed her second suit, clubs, at the 3 level and North was faced with a quandary: to settle for the probable safe game of 3 no trump or to make an effort to explore at least a small slam? North was an aggressive player so he bid


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4 clubs in the hope that this might spark his partner to climb to greater heights but to his disappointment all she could manage was 5 clubs. Now North was faced with his second predicament on the same hand: should he pass and risk a poor result because everyone else is in the higherscoring 3 no trump, or should he take the plunge and hope his partner could bring home the slam? To his mind there really wasn’t much choice, so with little delay he bid the small slam. West took a few moments to ponder her opening lead and eventually hit upon a low trump. As North put the dummy down he could tell from his partner’s expression that she did not consider it a thing of beauty. Undaunted, however, she proceeded to play the following tricks: she captured East’s club queen with the king, ruffed a spade in dummy, played a heart to the king, ruffed another spade in dummy, cashed the heart ace, ruffed a heart in hand, ruffed another spade in dummy, then another heart in hand and cashed her final trump, the ace, as both opponents followed. Nine tricks were in and now all that remained was to hope that the player with the last trump also had been dealt three diamonds and so it transpired and 6 clubs duly came home for a clear top board. And the decision to play in a small slam was justified by the confirmation following the game that had NorthSouth stayed in 5 clubs and made 6, they would have had a very poor score as 3 no trump made 4 (or more!) at most other tables. So on this hand good luck was certainly on declarer’s side! Questions or comments: email: masson.ken@gmail. Ken Masson com

Saw you in the Ojo 25


Hearts at Work $ &ROXPQ E\ -LP 7LSWRQ What Country is the Happiest?


very few months I come across still another survey to determine what are the happiest countries in the world. Knowing that one can find happy people in every country in the world, I take these studies with a bucket of salt. International Living summarizes the current Happy Planet Index, which ranks 151 countries (out of around 200 in the world) for happiness. The rank is based on 1) life expectancy, 2) well-being--quality of life graded by residents on a scale of 0 to 10, and 3) “ecological footprint,” a measure of sustainable resource consumption. Costa Rica topped the list as the hap-


piest country, followed by Vietnam #2, Colombia #3. Also appearing in the top 10 were El Salvador, Jamaica, Panama, Nicaragua. Venezuela, and Guatemala. Happy Planet Index calls itself the “leading global measure of sustainable well-being.” It is supported by some large organizations like “Friends of the Earth.” Bangladesh comes in as #11, Cuba as #12, Pakistan as #16. Let’s go much farther down the list, those countries scoring way into the bottom half for happiness…and there we find Libya as #84, Ethiopia as #94, Ukraine at #99, Sudan at #100, Belarus at #104, and then, at last, the United States of America at 105 out of 151!

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What nonsense! (Mexico, incidentally, comes in at #21.) The more recent World Happiness Report (2013) prepared for the United Nations General Assembly ranks these countries as the happiest: #1 Denmark, #2 Norway, #3 Switzerland, #4 Netherlands, #5 Sweden, #6 Canada, #7 Finland, #8 Austria, #9 Iceland, #10, Australia. In this study, Costa Rica, which was #1 in the Happy Planet study was #12; Vietnam, #2 in the Happy Planet study was #63; Colombia, which was #3 in the Happy Planet study was #35. In the United Nations Report, the United States came in at #17, just after Mexico at #16. In a new and nicely organized global survey, the highly regarded Pew Research Center’s Global Attitudes Project recently reported (2014) that Mexico is the happiest country. (see www.pewglobal.org) The December 31, 2014 issue of This Week tells us in a piece titled “What wealth does to your soul” that “Getting rich won’t make you happy…but it will make you more selfish and dishonest.” Michael Lewis writes that “The evidence overwhelmingly suggests that money, above a certain modest sum, does not have the power to buy happiness, and yet even very rich people continue to believe

that it does: The happiness will come from the money they don’t yet have.” On average they believe that 2 ½ times what they have now will at last make them happy. To the general rule that money, above a certain low level, cannot buy happiness there is one exception. ‘While spending money upon oneself does nothing for one’s happiness… spending it on others increases happiness.” Interestingly, “people with incomes below 25 grand give away on average 4.2 percent of their income, while those earning more than 150 grand a year give away only 2.7 percent.” A study done by the University of California at Berkeley psychology department discovered that people driving expensive cars were four times more likely to cut in front of other drivers than drivers of cheap cars” and at intersections they discovered “The drivers in the cheap cars all respected the pedestrians’ right of way. The drivers in the expensive cars ignored the pedestrians 46.2% of the time….” Some neuroscientists are convinced that wealth actually causes chemical changes that make the wealthy “less likely to care about anyone but themselves or to experience the moral sentiments needed to be a decent citizen.” (How about this for a little aside? December 12, 2014 This Week reported that “The 400 highest earning taxpayers in the U.S. had an average tax rate of 18 percent in 2010, the latest year available…. The average income for the group was $265 million per return.”) I think people who decide to be happy can be happy in any country, and being wealthy has nothing to do with it. The happiest country is that little country you carry inside of you, wherever you are. I watched Mother Teresa on a BBC video years ago talk about the purpose of life. “Very simple,” she said, “It is to love and be loved.” Last week I went to the cine to see the latest Night at the Museum. In one of the earlier films in this series, Teddy Roosevelt, delightfully played by Robin Williams, begins to explain the secret of happiness to Larry, the night guard played by Benjamin Stiller, but just as Teddy is about to speak, the sun rises and he returns to wax. Late into the movie, Larry tells Teddy he thinks he has figured out what the secret of happiness is: “It is doing what you love with the people you love.” That’s good enough for me. Jim Tipton

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My TV is smarter than I am am, springing to life on a whim. whim When my Jack-of-all-trades comes to work here, I think she is flirting with him. She flicks on and then off in a second, just like she has given a wink, or perhaps registers disapproval by shutting us off with a blink. I know she has much to complain of since I purchased her two years ago. I’ve never connected to cable or dish, so she doesn’t have too much to show. Although she connects to computers, my Apple ignores that she’s here. That I haven’t read the instructions? I know it’s exceedingly queer. She’s equipped to show movies in 3D, but my housekeeper threw out the glasses. So if I want movies to jump out at me, I must go view them out with the masses and not in the privacy of my own home with my cat or myself or my friends. I haven’t checked out buying more on the Web, and for this I must soon make amends. My computer is usually my viewer of choice when my friend sends me movies by Skype. The films that he sends are amazing. He knows the best subjects and type of videos that I like viewing. They are smart and they’re funny and Indie. He doesn’t send action/adventure or slapstick or horror or Hindi.


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But I never watch them on my Smart screen, preferring my laptop to it. I set it right there at my poolside and watch as I try to get fit doing my pool aerobics for an hour and a half, maybe two. My workouts just seem to last longer whenever I’ve something to view. My TV can see out the window that I’m faithful to screens that are small and I’m sure that I’ve given a complex to my big gal I don’t watch at all. So I started a “Last Sunday” film night where I can share films that I savor We eat and we drink and we talk and we laugh as we all view the movies I favor. For one night a month, my TV springs to life when I plug in the little thumb drive. Her face flushes up in an enormous blush, for she sees that I know she’s alive. The eyes of all eight of us fix upon her. She’s the center of all our attention. We laugh at her jokes and cry at her pathos. Respond to her mysteries with tension. But the rest of the month her expression is blank, sitting alone in her corner looking so sad and so lacking in life that I feel that perhaps I should mourn her. The first time she lit up when I entered the room to say she didn’t recognize me, I realized with shock for the very first time that my TV could both talk and see! I hadn’t quite realized the extent of her powers when I bought her at Costco that day. My old TV weighed in at five hundred pounds—more than a TV should weigh. I’d inherited it from my mom when she died so I had a personal attachment, but to move it alone, one risked heart attack or at least a vertebral detachment. And so I gave in to cajoling by friends that it was time to buy another. and I gave away the monster TV that I had acquired from my mother. But guilt has suffused me ever after that day, for I really don’t need a TV, and this smart girl is lacking in challenges, just wasting her talents on me. She’s recently started to turn herself on (something that girls alone do) and talking to me when I enter the room and enter her angle of view. Finally I just unplugged her—an act of most selfish defiance. I haven’t the time in my life just to chat— Judy Dykstraespecially to an appliance! Brown

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ate” is a strong word. Many people would tend to shy away from revealing that they hate someone. Yet politics, notably in the United States, has become dominated by an emotional animosity, almost tribal in nature. We can easily sit back and scratch our heads at Middle Eastern and African tribal conflicts characterized by blood-thirsty hatred. In the West, we don’t usually kill our political opponents, but we vilify them nonetheless. In fairness, this is nothing new. Thomas Jefferson was very familiar with this tendency when he said in his 1801 Inaugural Address, “Having banished from our land that religious intolerance under which mankind so long bled and suffered, we have yet gained little if we countenance a political intolerance as despotic, as wicked, and capable of as bitter and bloody persecutions.” The vast majority of voters are turned off by this politics of vicious conflict, yet it persists. I think, for many people, politics has become an emotionally-charged “us vs. them” epic battle. Liberals disdain conservatives while conservatives disdain liberals. There are fewer people in the middle who will listen objectively to both sides. Many people, myself included, have tended to blame the media, particularly cable news programming, for inciting this political tribalism. That certainly is true. However,


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these cable networks are also pandering to self-selected viewers who tune in specifically to be aroused and angered by the “news” presented from their biased viewpoint. It is a vicious cycle. I think another problem is the nature of the Internet, which provides a forum for angry readers to vent their hatred, often anonymously. I am familiar with people, in Ajijic and beyond, who regularly spend a great deal of time alone with their computers reading and pontificating to their respective tribes. I have no problem with honest disagreement about public policy, but ranting in cyberspace does not adequately replace thoughtful discussion and debate. When criticism devolves into ad hominem name-calling and insulting tirades about other political tribes, little is accomplished. It surely makes the writer feel better, but his or her words are not likely read by those who might disagree. They are accomplishing nothing. In many ways, I think we have lost our perspective about politics. Political conflict is a natural and useful component of democracy. Public policy certainly has important consequences for society, but it’s not the only important component that affects our lives. When those with whom we disagree are in power and making decisions we disagree with, it isn’t pleasant, and we may consider the consequences of their decisions harmful. But we move on and continue the struggle. The Dalai Lama has said hate is “our true enemy,” and has “no other function than simply destroying us, both in the immediate term and in the long term.” All sides need find ways to repudiate hateful discourse and find ways to work with their political opponents to make the world a more kind and compassionate place. The longer we allow hateful, spiteful discourse to dominate political discussion, the more difficult it will be to address our increasingly serious problems.

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Ed. Note: SERGIO DRUMOND is an artist, theologian and writer. Born in Brazil, he worked in Europe and Asia as a book illustrator, cartoonist, painter/animator. He also lived in the Philippines, Japan, and Thailand, teaching art as well as helping NGOs with social and relief work. He and his wife, Cynthia, lived at Lakeside until recently. sdrumondart.weebly.com Email: sdrumond777@gmail.com


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Saw you in the Ojo 33



arla, what’s going on? When you left yesterday you seem frightened, as if our time together had been too real, too much fun, and too different from what you have experienced in the past.” “Maybe some of that - but I am here now.” Will wondered if she would be strong enough to trust again. Today, it seemed possible. She was selfcontained, vibrant and intellectually alive. Yet she was a woman who had lost her capacity to be intimate, expose herself in significant ways, and maintain the trust a relationship required. He wanted to help her break free, but was afraid strong moves on his part might drive her away. “Carla – remember the dream trip to Scotland I have planned, well, my thought is to go in early April before the European tourists come. Any chance you could be gone that long?” Carla, shocked by Will’s offer, concentrated on the garden unsure of what to say. “Will you know how hard that would be - I have my piano and obligations here.” In reality, she thought, ‘just too many useless lunches with pseudo-friends.’ He stood up and walked over to the rear French doors and was silent for a time looking out into the garden. He turned and went back and sat beside her, took her hands in his. “You have so much to give. Let me help you.” “I have to go.” “I don’t want to lose you.” “You are not losing me silly. It’s just so complicated now. Don’t you see?” “I’m working on it.” “I have to go.” Lucy ran ahead of them and pawed the lower door panel. Carla leaned against Will for a moment and kissed him on the cheek and rushed out. “Bye.” He thought of how troubling she


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was to be with – lost, distant and inaccessible. A damaged woman, used by two egocentric men who saw her as an object, who had no idea of the treasure she was. ‘Perhaps my trust in her might engender trust of me,’ he thought. He felt a surge of hope, yet understood the cage of doubt that surrounded Carla suspended her within an uncertain world. Yet, he sensed her tentative moves to be close. That would have to be enough. Lucy looked up at Will and with her innocent eyes asked, ‘What’s going on.’ Will sighed, and tried to put Carla out of his mind, yet deep within himself he understood that she had forged a place within him that he could not escape. He was now caged by bars of a different color. The deep blue cast of his garden created a momentary feeling of peace as the undisturbed rhythms of nature embraced him. ******** Over the next few weeks they shared a level of comfort that was rare for both. Today, the morning breeze was cool and refreshing as Will and Carla enjoyed coffee and fresh donuts on the veranda of Will’s house. “Will this morning I see the world anew, like now, the view of the lake from here is perfect - how did you manage to find this place?” Carla’s observation delighted Will, who, as an artist, taught his students the art of seeing. “We are fortunate to have this house. A good friend lived here for years and when he went back to the states for medical care, I purchased it, so it’s all ours.” “Speaking of togetherness, my birthday is on the twenty-seventh, might we plan something special? Carla watched for Will’s reaction. “Darling woman – I was hoping you would ask. Of course, let’s have a late afternoon supper in the garden. I can grill some small filets or hamburgers and make a fresh salad. ” “Hamburgers, please…”

“Will I was awake for a time last night wondering what the status of your trip to Scotland is?” Surprised by the question, Will hesitated. “I have decided to put it off until next year. My life here, my time with you, makes me happy. We can talk about the trip later.” ******** The evening of Carla’s birthday, Will lit the grill and placed a small gift wrapped in white with a large red ribbon on the table - just before she walked in. Carla surprised, proclaimed, “Will this is perfect, my best birthday ever.” “Dear woman, I hope that we are able to share many more.” Carla considered Will’s statement for a moment. “Yes, that would be nice.” After they finished the meal of ground fillet hamburgers, Will opened a bottle of dry, aged Port he had saved for the occasion. He uncovered a plate of dark chocolate. “A simple desert.” “Indulgent.” “Yes but it is your birthday. Open your gift and after we may go inside. The night air is cool.” Carla carefully opened her gift and discovered a small ceramic figure inside.

“Dates from about 200 BC. It’s Olmeca.” “Will, this is too much.” “Come in, I have something special to show you.” Carla had noticed that the curtains had been pulled closed so that they could not see inside. She had wondered why. Will opened the French door, and held it for Carla. She stepped inside, and gasped, “Oh my God. What have you done, this is the most beautiful piano I have ever seen.” Carla thought, ‘This was where Will’s Scotland money went.’ “It’s a refurbished Steinway Baby Grand that a music teacher had in storage when he died. I knew that it was the instrument that you have dreamed of. This is your home too.” Without a word, Carla moved to the piano and began to play. Each note filled the air with a clarity neither she nor Will had ever experienced. The sound rose and filled the house as the complex tunes of Bach unfolded. They both realized that the world around, and within, was in harmony. Rob Mohr

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ur vecinos, neighbors, are our amigos. We’ve lived in this neighborhood for seven years. We have experienced all aspects e of our lives together. The first neighbor we got to ter, goknow was a mesero, waiter, ing to school and supporting his wife and his four children, the youngest of whom helped out at the restaurant. He studied, and became a homeopathic doctor. We also celebrated the birth of their first grandchild. When I had surgery, even though we aren’t catholic, our neighbors had a special mass for me at our local Chapalita. Our next door neighbor became


a widow, while the family across the street had a baby boy who now plays with his friends in the street. Through surgeries, births, graduations, life gr and death we have all shared our lives with each other. My husband and I are the only gringo family in the neighborhood. Another gringo lived next door but had to move, yet he remained connected to our neighborhood until his death. Our neighbors have helped us, and we’ve helped them. My husband has not been well, and our neighbors have

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brought food, and helped us, and some stay at our house to help watch him so I can get rest. Often when things have felt difficult for me, I concentrate on how lucky we are to live amongst such wonderful company. In my entire life, I have never felt so wanted, secure, included, and cared for in a neighborhood before. As many of you who read my column regularly know, we live in a simple Mexican neighborhood. We do not live behind thick walls, gates, or have a guard by our property. Our “guards” are our neighbors who always keep a watchful eye on us, as we do with them. As I write this at the eve of my deadline. Our night-time helpers, a young couple to whom we are padrinos for their upcoming wedding, are having fun taking photos with us. A position of honor for us, as we dearly love these two young ones. We’ve watched him grow up. I helped him with his homework when he was in school. And now, we are helping him prepare for his life as a married man. This has been such a loving and rewarding place to be. Yet sometimes life throws us challenges. After nearly seven years of living in a neighborhood we love, we must now move. It is one of the major disadvantages of renting a home. I wish

we could create a vacancy right here in this neighborhood so that we will have them all near us. We don’t know yet where we will end up, but we will always be close to these people and will carry them in our hearts wherever we go. Some people ask us if we will return to the USA--absolutely not. Soon this may no longer be our neighborhood, but Lakeside and Mexico will always be our home. Victoria Schmidt

Saw you in the Ojo 37

If Our Pets Could Talk %\ -DFNLH .HOOXP


oes your dog like to howl or “sing?” My Boxer thinks he is Andrea Bocelli. After a little while, he then gets his other dog-mates to join the chorus, which then spreads to the neighborhood dogs. There are a wide variety of reasons that dogs howl Dogs use vocalization to express all kinds of emotions. Yips, barks, muffled snorts, something like a yodel, and even sneezes. They all have meanings that the dog is trying to express. The most primal, hair-raising sound the dog makes comes from deep in his throat, when he holds his nose high, purses his lips and howls like a wolf. All howling is not sad, despite how it may


sound to our ears. Dogs express joy by howling, too. They may tilt their noses up and howl when they see a best pal at the dog park, or to announce your arrival back home. In the wild, wolves and feral dogs howl to bring scouts back to the pack after a hunt. Dogs who remain behind howl to provide the location of their base. This dog howling acts as a vocal homing beacon or a kind of auditory lighthouse. Our pet dogs howling can be a similar expression, particularly if you’ve been out of the house all day. Dogs howl to beckon their loved ones back home.

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Dog howling can signal to other dogs that the area they are entering has been claimed and is a warning to outsiders. Howling dogs announce their presence and alert their community to changing circumstances. This may be a defense mechanism, warding off potential predators and ensuring the safety of the dogs in the pack. In a domestic setting, like your home, dogs may howl for the same reason. Some dogs bark, others howl when a stranger comes to the door or an unfamiliar sound is heard in front of your house. A dog’s howling can be a response to environmental triggers. Common provocations include ambulance, police, or fire-engine sirens, some music or a popular television theme songs, or the sound of musical instruments. Some people who enjoy dogs howling even seem to encourage their dogs by howling themselves! It could be that one reason dogs howl is the experience of community or of bonding. Dogs can actually hear each other better after the sun goes down. There is less atmospheric disturbance at night, so sound travels much farther. There are also fewer cars and machines, etc. So there’s less interference. It’s basically the

time of day when your pup and his pals get the best reception for their calls. The fact that the moon is out has little to do with that. It is this time of day that the moon and the howling are most noticeable to you when you’re just trying to sleep. If your dog knows that you leave for extended periods of time, he may howl as an expression of separation anxiety. Dogs that don’t have toys or sufficient things to entertain them in your absence can get sad, lonely, and depressed. Dog howling can be in protest of being left alone. A howling dog may simply want attention. Some dog owners have learned that dogs can be as emotionally manipulative as any human. The sound of a dog howling attracts the attention of its owner. This howl causing you to dash across the house to see what’s wrong, only to find yourself greeted by a dog who wants you to play with him. Go through this routine enough times and the dog will learn that howling is an effective way to bring you running. Dogs howl for a reason, and we just have to learn what they are saying. Jackie Kellum

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A WORLD THAT WORKS—For Everybody (A talk delivered at Ajijic Women’s March 2018)



n January 21 last year, women of all ages and walks of life took to the streets, five million strong on all seven continents. Today marks a continuation of the work of changing the world—each of us one by one, and, each of us united—the work, yes, no less, of changing the world. Like the world-wide Women’s March last January, the largest protest in U.S. history, we stand in solidarity with women all over the world. We declare that women’s rights are human rights, and we connect to all other progressive movements—for racial equality, for protection of the natural environment, for gay rights, immigration reform, for healthcare reform, to dismantle the war machine, and for multiple other progressive causes. As women we bind the movements into one resilient strand. As women, we understand that focusing on a single identity can be a path to prejudice. We grow beyond identity politics, to become kindred spirits on parallel pathways- creating a world that works for everybody. In whatever local or global avenue our heart guides us to contribute our personal effort; we are part of this broad movement toward a sustainable planet. As women and men who share a vision of healing for our Mother Earth and all earthlings, we are an international alliance of peacemakers. We all know it’s been a tough past year for maintaining hope. Here’s a poem from the writer Ellen Bass to remind us how to carry on:

To Love Life The thing is to love life, to love it even when you have no stomach for it, and everything you’ve held dear crumbles like burnt paper in your hands, your throat filled with the silt of it… Then, you hold life like a face between your palms, a plain face, no charming smile, no violet eyes, and you say, yes, I will take you. I will love you again. The Israeli poet Yehudá Amichaí has a poem I want to share about righteousness. From the politics going on in the US, we’re getting a close-up view of just what self-righteousness looks like— from the outside. Amichaí urges us to notice it and root it out from the inside of ourselves as well. The Place Where We Are Right From the place where we are right Flowers will never grow. In the spring the place where we are right is hard and trampled/like a yard But doubts and loves— dig up the world like a mole! like a plow! And a whisper, will be heard in the place where the ruined house once stood. When people feel certain they are the only ones who are morally justifiable— no progress gets made, the ground is “hard,” and no “whispers” of peace can emerge. But now we are in a great wave of transformation, a Turning Time of human evolution. Smack dab in the middle of the short-view, and the chaos that is currently unfolding, we are being called upon to contribute a longer view— what Amichaí calls “the doubts and loves,” the uncertainties, that dig up the world. We can do this! Clarissa Pinkola Estes reminds us, Friends, don’t lose hope— We were made for these times. I will end with a poem of my own, called One Thousand Years of Healing From whence my hope, I cannot say, except it grows in the cells of my skin; in my envelope of mysteries, it hums. In this sheath so akin to the surface of the earth, hope whispers. Beneath the wail and dissonance in the world, hope’s song grows. Until I know that with this turning we put a broken age to rest. We who are alive at such a cusp now usher in one thousand years of healing! Winged ones and four-leggeds, grasses and mountains and each tree, all the swimming creatures, even we, wary two-leggeds hum, and call, and create the Changing Song. We remake all our relations. We convert our minds to the earth. In this turning time we finally learn to chime and blend, attune our voices; sing the vision of the Great Magic we move within. We begin the new habit, getting up glad for a thousand years of healing.


El Ojo del Lago / May 2018

Susa Silvermarie

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Sandy Olson

Phone: 331-283-8529 Email: sandyzihua@hotmail.com

The May Cultural Festival in Guadalajara this year has the participation of artists from France, Quebec, Germany, Mexico and Poland, and is offering from May 4 to 25 a total of 43 activities in more than 15 locations in the Metropolitan Area of Guadalajara. Among the artists who will perform for the first time in Mexico, are French pianists Katia and Marielle Labeque on Sunday, May 20, the Amadeus Chamber Orchestra of the Polish Radio on Tuesday, May 22. and the pianist Vadym Kholodenko, in a recital on Wednesday, May 23. He will also be the closing ceremony in a concert accompanied by the Philharmonic Orchestra of Jalisco, led by its director Marco Parisotto on Friday, May 25. The Festival Cultural de Mayo takes place in the forums and cultural spaces of the State of Jalisco, highlighting the Degollado Theater and the Cabañas Cultural Institute. Also featured are activities in disciplines such as music (in various genres), exhibitions, conferences, workshops, master classes, cinema, contemporary circus, street entertainment, literature and gastronomy. The sale of tickets will be through the Ticketmaster system and at the Degollado Theater box office and for the Performing Arts Ensemble event the sale of tickets will be at the local box office or through www.conjuntodeartesescenicas.com For more information consult the official website: www.festivaldemayo.org or www. facebook.com/festivaldemayo. OPEN CIRCLE Sunday morning finds many Lakeside residents at the Lake Chapala Society and Open Circle, a forum on a variety of stimulating topics. A social hour with coffee and snacks at 10 am is followed by an interesting lecture and discussion at 10:30. May 13 Mariachi Real Ajijic Dani Medeles, whom you already appreciate as director of the San Juan’s Children’s Choir and Orchestra, will wake us up royally with Mariachi music. This group of (mostly) young musicians is home grown and was formed only a year and a half ago. It is already seen as the best in the Riberas de Chapala area. Their freshness, versatility, and talent make them unique. They accompany the Ixlahuacan Ballet Folclórico of Ixtlahuacan, Lola la Tequilera, and Paco Padilla, among others. Last summer they toured Costa Rica where they performed in more than ten cities. They have just returned from a performance in the US commemorating the Battle of Puebla. Performers are Daniel Medeles, Director and violin; Sergio Medeles, violin; Tomás Hinojosa, violin; Héctor Flores, vihuela; Eliseo Olivares, guitarra; Giovanni Orozco, guitarrón; Carlos del Toro, harp; Carlos Torres, trumpet; and Juan Torres, trumpet. May 20 Four Very Helpful Truths Presented by Janet Reichert The presentation will focus on how learning about basic Buddhist teachings and philosophy plus a simple daily meditation practice can help us live our lives more intentionally, with less suffering and, perhaps, a bit of “grace.” Drawing on personal experience, traditional teachings and modern scientific evidence, Janet will describe the benefits and challenges of intentional mindfulness, and include practical suggestions for how to begin or expand the experience of a helpful meditation practice. May 27. What Ex-pats Need to Know about Mexican Law Presented by Juan de la Rosa As a Mexican resident, what are your rights? As a Mexican resident, what are your obligations? What should you do if you witness a crime? What should you expect from the Mexican authorities if you are involved in a crime? If you are in a traffic accident, what should you do? Juan de la Rosa will address these and other questions. Ten years a practicing attorney at law, Juan de la Rosa moved to Chapala with his wife and four children nine months ago after falling in love with the Lakeside people and climate. Through his work he is committed to helping people and looks forward to assisting ex-pats in the local community however he is needed. He is also involved in nature conservation in the Chapala area. June 3 Why Fit in When You Were Born to Stand Out (or Normal Is Overrated) Presented by Sydney Metrick “The most talented, thought-provoking, game-changing people are never ‘normal.’ They usually overcome great obstacles, take surprising routes to their goals, are often dysfunc-


El Ojo del Lago / May 2018

tional and under no circumstances do what people expect them to do,” asserts Sir Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin Group, billionaire, and someone who has ADHD. People who have Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD) or other executive function disorders, and even people who are simply divergent thinkers, like those in the arts, have ways of being in the world that might make successes more of a challenge; but it doesn’t have to be that way. Dr. Sydney Metrick, coach, teacher and author, personally familiar with both failures and successes, offers unwavering support, enthusiastic encouragement, and practical tools and resources to others. June 10 Experiences with Sathya Sai Baba Presented by Michael Warren This is a story of an academic and spiritual journey. Michael and his late wife Marianne were devotees of the Indian guru Sathya Sai Baba for almost Sydney Metrick two decades during the 1980s and 1990s. Their first of eight visits to his ashram near Bangalore was in 1980. At that time, Marianne was working on her PhD and her topic was the enigmatic saint Shirdi Sai Baba, who died in 1918. Sathya Sai Baba claimed to be his reincarnation. Michael will talk about life in the ashram, classical Indian philosophy, and the charismatic guru Sathya Sai Baba himself. Michael is a poet and playwright and has published his collected poems under the title A Particular Blue. He is a member of the Not Yet Dead Poets Society and is also a contributor to their 2017 anthology Romancing the Muse. Michael and Marianne were among the original founders of Open Circle—a spin-off from the New Dimensions group—in 2001. PIG OUT AT THE LEGION Don’t miss this one—a beautiful Memorial Day service at noon at the American Legion Post 7 in Chapala on Monday, May 28. The service is followed at 2 pm by a mouth-watering pit roasted pig, baked beans, corn on the cob and ice cream. The public is welcome. There will be live band, raffles and door prizes. Tickets are $250 and are sold at the Legion. Call 765-2259 for information. A LITTLE ART APPRECIATION One of the important people in Ajijic’s past is Juanita Reed, lovingly referred to as “La Japonesa”. She lived here for 27 years and took an active interest and role in the ecology and the beauty of Lake Chapala and the villages surrounding it. She founded “Hagamoslo Junto” (We’ll Do It Together), a program to instill community responsibility in local children. The children spent every Saturday picking up trash all along the streets of Ajijic and returned to her home for sandwiches and milk. She also provided school tuition, uniforms, shoes, medical and dental care. Whatever they needed she managed to provide. Now she will also be remembered by this sculpture in the malecon, close to her home in Seis Esquinas, that is created by Estella Hidalgo. Many of the workmen who helped build this monument were once part of her Hagamoslo children’s team. The statue also commemorates the 50th anniversary of the Lakeside Garden Guild. A LOCAL HERO Agustin Vasquez, owner of Viva Mexico restaurant in San Juan Cosala, is well known for his efforts in helping the community, particularly for establishing Operation Feed after the 2007 tornado that wreaked havoc in the village. Rotary Club of Ajijic awarded Agustin a Paul Harris* Fellow pin and certificate in honor of his service, at its recent “Man (or Woman) of the Year” award luncheon. Dr. Santiago Hernandez, incoming president of Ajijic Rotary, spoke in honor of his service to his community and the surrounding area.

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There are now 1.2 million Rotary Club members worldwide. The Rotary Club of Ajijic is one of the few Englishspeaking Rotary clubs in Mexico, and has been serving the Lake Chapala area since 2002. It meets at Hotel Real de Chapala on Tuesdays at 12:00 noon, and guests are welcome. *Who was Paul Harris? He started the group in February 1905, along with four other men. They rotated the meetings to different offices: hence, “Rotary Club.” One of their first efforts was to oversee the establishment of public toilets for women in downtown Chicago. A COMMANDING PRESENCE

Dr. Santiago Hernanez and Agustin Vasquez Richard Thompson was recently elected Commander of the American Legion Post #7 in Chapala. Richard served all over the world in the Air Force. His final rank was that of Tech Sergeant. Here at Lakeside he is active in Have Hammer Will Travel, and works at Todo Bueno resale shop along with his wife Cindy. Richard identifies himself as a “Type A” who likes to keep busy. He has plans for renovating the Legion’s kitchen. Other projects are in the works. DO THE HOKEY POKEY Shown left to right are Doreen Cox, Kathryn Vine, and Laurie Zibnack from Christ Church Episcopal’s “Sing-A-Long” visit to Casa Anastasia. Tongue in cheek, Vicar Danny Borkowski refers to the Lakeside Singers doing the “Hokey Pokey” as a “deep theological song.”

Front row left to right : Judie Keck, President; Karen Rowell,Treasurer; Erica Pierce, Secretary Middle row left to right : JeanMarie Harmon, Membership Director ; Nancy Segall, Webmaster ; Karen Calderon,Events Director. Back row left to right :Barbara Baker, Raffles Chair; Rosemary Grayson,Public Relations Director; Melanie Wolski, Rrograms Chair. Not seen here: Sandy Feldman, board member and former president.

Richard Thompson

They sing most Wednesdays at 4:30 at nursing homes and assisted living facilities at Lakeside. Members of the church and their friends welcome new people; there are no rehearsals and no fees. For information, call Kay Borkowski at 7662495 or email her at kaybork@yahoo.com. A BEVY OF BEAUTIFUL GARDENERS The Lake Chapala Garden Club elected new board members for 2018 recently. The club was founded in 1977. It currently has 450 members. It promotes better understanding of botanical subjects, including but not limited to all plant materials, their care and use in the home and garden. Membership is open to all. The club meets on the third Wednesday of the month. Contact them if you would like to join one of their meetings. There is a garden tour before the meeting, followed by lunch, a raffle and a speaker. (Cost of the lunch is not included in the invitation). Check the website: lakechapalgardenclub.org. VIVA LA MUSICA On Thursday, June 21 at 4 pm Viva la Musica will be giving a concert at the home of John and Rosemary Keeling, with a champagne reception featuring The Marval Duo, Roberto Markus on violin and Rosa Maria Valdez, piano, He is from Slovakia and she is from Sinaloa, Mexico. They will be playing a program of music from Mexico, Spain and Slovakia. Tickets will be available soon at the Lake Chapala Society Thursday and Friday 10-12 and also at Diane Pearl Colecciones and Mia’s boutique and will cost $400.


El Ojo del Lago / May 2018

MARK YOUR CALENDARS We’ve just heard from the planners of Feria 2018, which is November 2-11 this year. The three Feria coordinators who have a wealth of knowledge about Mexican folk art and the artists in their states are: Linda Hanna (Oaxaca), Brigitte Ordoquy (Chiapas) and Terry Baumgart (Michoacán). One of the artists Linda Hanna will be introducing to the Feria this year is Alicia Leticia García Blanco ,who makes incredible muñecas (female figures/dolls) and is recognized for her work in Grandes Maestros del Arte Popular OAXACA. It’s not too soon to think about hosting or volunteering. Contact feriamaestros@gmail.com. WHAT’S COOKING AT JALTEPEC Linda Buckthorp , Community Facilitator of Centro Educativo Jaltepec, held a fundraiser recently at her home in support of Jaltepec’s General Scholarship Fund. Linda says, ‘Twenty yrs. ago, I started with three culinary students seeking scholarships and 15 friends were invited to tour the facilities and enjoy lunch. Now we have added Preparatoria to our two year program, to attain a degree en Hoteleria, I had 16 students this year seeking help with their tuition, and of course tuitions

continue to rise annually.” It was a very good year for Jaltepec, but the General Scholarship Fund is short by $55,000. The fundraiser at Linda’s beautiful home was held to cover the shortfall. She plans to hold another of these events later in the year, possibly in October. Students prepared and served the luncheon. Musical accompaniment was furnished by Timothy G. Ruff Welch. To support this fine teaching program, contact Linda Buckthorp at 333-407-8193,766-1631 or email buckthorplm@gmail.com for more information.

Bill Dingwall, Linda Buckthorp and Tim Welch

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changed my car horn to gunshot sounds. People get out of the way much faster now. * Gone are the days when girls used


to cook like their mothers. Now they drink like their fathers. * You know that tingly little feeling you get when you really like some-

El Ojo del Lago / May 2018

one? That’s common sense leaving your body. * I didn’t make it to the gym again today. That makes five years in a row. * I decided to stop calling the bathroom the “John” and renamed it the “Jim”. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning. * Old age is coming at a really bad time. When I was a child I thought “Nap Time” was a punishment. Now, as a grownup, it feels like a small vacation. * The biggest lie I tell myself is...”I don’t need to write that down, I’ll remember it.” * I don’t have gray hair; I have “wis-

dom highlights”! I’m just very wise. * If God wanted me to touch my toes, He would’ve put them on my knees. * Last year I joined a support group for procrastinators. We haven’t met yet. * Why do I have to press one for English when you’re just going to transfer me to someone I can’t understand anyway? * Of course, I talk to myself; sometimes I need expert advice. * At my age “Getting lucky” means walking into a room and remembering why I came in there. * Actually I’m not complaining because I am a Senager. (Senior teenager) I have everything that I wanted as a teenager, only 60 years later. I don’t have to go to school or work. I get an allowance every month. I have my own pad. I don’t have a curfew. I have a driver’s license and my own car. The people I hang around with are not scared of getting pregnant. And I don’t have acne. Life is great. (I have more friends I should send this to, but right now I can’t remember their names. Now, I’m wondering...did I send this to you, or did you send it to Christy C hristy Wiseman me?)

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he Most Unselfish Living Creature Is Your Dog. If you are in danger, your dog needs only to hear your cry for help, and he will come to your aid without fear of losing his own life. The Most Patient Creature In The World Is Your Dog. Whatever you give him, whatever you do for him, he is always sincerely grateful to you. To your dog you are the most wonderful person in the world. In his eyes and heart, you can do no wrong. The Most Sincerely Friendly Creature In The World Is Your Dog. Of all of God’s animals, he alone


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works for man without a whip. He is always happy to be with his master, wherever he may be, whatever he may do. He is sadder than any living creature when his master is away, and is the only creature that can actually die in a short time from lonesomeness for his master. The Most Forgiving Creature In The World Is Your Dog. Among humans, true adherence to genuine forgiveness is found only with saints. Your dog carries no grudge and no spite. Punish him even when he does not deserve it and he comes to you and nudges his wet cold nose into your hand, looks up at you with honest, pleading eyes and wags his tail hesitantly as though to say, “I forgive you, you can kill me if you want to, and I still forgive you.” The Most Loyal Creature In The World Is Your Dog. Whether you are dressed in rags, or the height of fashion; whether you are a beggar or a wealthy man; whether you are thought of as a hero or a coward, a wise man or a fool, your dog is waiting for you with a loving, friendly bark of happiness, a friendly wagging tail, and a heart that is full of nothing but true love for you.

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fter a few hours of fitful sleep, he woke up one sultry Saturday morning in


July, in a fetal position, trembling and shivering. He didn’t want to live any more. He had been drinking until two in the morning, before passing out on the carpet of his study with the last drink spilled beside him. Well, why not do what he always did each morning. He rolled out of his bed, stumbled down the short corridor, which seemed longer than it was, steadied himself on the walls, till he reached the kitchen. Thank God, there were about two fingers left in the bottle of Cockspur, the cheapest rum one could buy. He put the bottle to his lips and took a deep swallow, as he had for many mornings, to steady his hands and raise the alcohol level in his blood so that he could function at his job. But this time, it did not work. The magic was gone. His friend in colorful bottles had abandoned him. He poured the rest down the sink, crawled back into bed, shivered and trembled some more. He was still on holiday and didn’t have to return to work for another two weeks. What now? When he finally got up, he phoned the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission of the province in which he lived. He phoned the library; perhaps, in his subconscious as professor, he thought that he could find a book to read himself out of his dilemma. “I am not sure if this is the right number,” he slurred into the phone, when the librarian answered. “Well,” she said, “it could be. What is

El Ojo del Lago / May 2018

the problem?” His tongue stumbled over his next words: “I drink a lot, and perhaps may need some help.” “Well,” answered the woman. Don’t hang up. I’ll be right back.” He was tempted to hang up, but some invisible force, stronger than he, kept his hand from moving. When the woman came back on the line, she said, “O. K. you have an appointment at 1 p.m. downtown in our counselling office.” **** Two endless hours later he drove to the ADAC office and filled out a form the receptionist handed him. How much do you drink per day? What and how often? Where? And so on, and so forth… And for the first time in his drinking years, he answered honestly. When the counsellor came, she looked over his list. “Ehem”, as if to clear her throat, she said: “Based on how you have been going at it. There is only one safe option. The detoxification center.” “What! The DETOX center!” He had often wondered what kind of people were in there, as he passed by it two blocks from his work. “When?” he asked. “Now.” “NOW! I can’t. It’s the end of the month and I have bills to pay and laundry to wash.” She paid him no attention and picked up the phone instead. “You are in luck.” She said. “They can’t take you till 5 o’clock. So, go home, do what you have to do and then get yourself down to detox.” Thus, a Saturday afternoon turned into the longest day of his life. **** After he got home, he phoned his doctor: “Doctor Yip, I am going to the detox center.” The good doctor answered: “I am so proud of you.” Why phone his doctor? Perhaps, because he had lied to him so often, when the doctor, after examining his liver, asked, “How much do you drink each day?” Or because the doctor at the end of each consultation asked, “Do you mind if I pray for you?” Then he phoned his girlfriend and told her what he was about to do.“Shall I take you there?” she asked. “NO,” was his emphatic answer, “I have to do this by myself. But please do me a favor, get rid of all the empties before I come home.” He had always joked that on the day he should die, he would buy his last bottle to help him across to the other side. The problem was that he was not dying fast enough. Each month he had to cash in the empties to buy his last bottle before the next paycheque. He grabbed an athletic bag, stood by his bed in his modern two-bed-

room, two-bathroom downtown condominium and thought: How does one dress for such an occasion? Will they have a single room for me? He finally got his stuff together and trudged to the detox center, about ten blocks away, under a grey sky, placing one foot in front of the other. **** When he entered the center, the attendant told him to wait, as some ambulance guys brought in a one of those people he had often wondered about. They put the guy under the shower, clothes and all, to clean the vomit and excrement off him and his rags. Lord almighty, what the hell am I doing here? Finally, the attendant took him to his bed in the corner of a room full of ten others. He looked at the puke stained mattress, glanced at the urine stained toilet seat in the bathroom, and froze on the far side of his bed. “Why aren’t you in your bed?” asked the attendant as he walked by. “I am not sure I belong here,” came the feeble excuse. “You belong here all right. Take off your clothes and get your ass into bed.” That night they gave him something to calm down and sleep. The days that followed were filled with AA meetings. Luckily, he accepted and admitted that he was an alcoholic. He did not ask why. (A futile question, anyway.) He also understood that never ever again in his life would he be able to take another drink of alcohol safely. With alcoholism there may be recovery, but there is no cure. The question was what to do with that information and how to survive from then on without alcohol. Upon leaving the center, the counselor asked him if he had a follow-up plan. He did. A group of AA friends, a doctor, two lawyers, an accountant, two realtors, a psychiatrist, a finishing carpenter, and even a priest (alcoholism does not discriminate) would take him to their own homegroup and to public meetings, one meeting a day for three months. **** That was over 22 years ago. He hasn’t had drink since. He is grateful that he did not end up in jail for killing someone while driving drunk, or in an asylum, or the graveyard. He thought he was smart, but his sponsor put him straight: “Smart!?” He laughed. “You were just damn lucky. “ During his drinking days, he lost houses, wives, horses, but above all he lost himself. The final irony is that he lives in Tequila Land now and cannot have one of his favored Tequila “Sunrises.” But he can watch the sun rise every morning at the east end of the lake.

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he upcoming Season 54 promises to be entertaining and thought-provoking. First up is Clever Little Lies, directed by Collette Clavadescher, a comedy by Joe DiPietro which opens on September 14. This play was recently read at Naked Stage, so some attendees will know the story. DiPietro has a light, sentimental touch while dealing with painful family revelations. He’s an author in the Neil Simon tradition, and his one-liners will keep the audience on their toes. In October, we have Proof by David Auburn, directed by Alicia Madrid. I remember seeing this play at LLT in 2004, with Cindy Paul in the lead role. If the acting is as good now as it was then, you will enjoy the challenging twists and psychological


turns of this very well-written play. Proof won the 2001 Pulitzer Prize for Drama and the Tony Award for Best Play. Opening on November 30, we can look forward to a classic farce, Noises Off by Michael Frayn, directed by Dave McIntosh. You will laugh your socks off, as we see onstage and also the view from backstage of a chaotic play-within-a-play called Nothing On. You don’t have to be crazy to be an actor, but it helps. In complete contrast the next

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play, opening on January 11, is Ghosts by Henrik Ibsen. It was written in 1881 and first staged in 1882 in Chicago. Like many of Ibsen’s plays, Ghosts is a scathing commentary on 19th-century morality. Because of its subject matter, which includes religion, syphilis, incest and euthanasia, it immediately generated strong controversy and much negative criticism. Now it is acknowledged to be a great play by an author who was decades ahead of his time. Ghosts will be directed by Peter King. In February, there will be what is described as a black comedy, The Same Deep Water as Me by Nick Payne, directed by Neal Checkoway. This is a recent English play about two semicrooked solicitors (translation: lawyers) being scammed by an equally dubious client who has faked a car accident in order to claim damages. All is revealed when the case goes to court. The play is not so much about the legal system as the hope and despair of the various characters. It sounds like an interesting play. Finally, the musical Sweet Charity opens on March 22 and rounds off a varied season. Many will remember the 1969 movie with Shirley MacLaine as “Charity,” an endearing dance-hall hostess. Can you sing or hum “Hey,

Big Spender” or “If My Friends Could See Me Now”? If so, you’ll want to see Sweet Charity – it should be a lot of fun. Barbara Clippinger is coming out of retirement, especially to direct this musical, Patteye Simpson will be the Music Director, and Alexis Hoff will be the Dance Choreographer. So there you have it – a really interesting season is in store for 2018/19. Don’t forget to book your season tickets, either now or in September. Michael Warren

—Wayne Palfrey— Back in 1974, John Goodridge and Richard Tingen, worried about their children’s education at the time, decided to go to private bilingual schools in Guadalajara. Oak Hill School agreed to come to Chapala, sending Wayne Palfrey as principal and school manager. With financial help and volunteer parents, the school opened its doors in 1975. Wayne proved to be an excellent principal and teacher in mathematics, and the school maintained a high academic level thanks to him. He insisted on the correct formation of the students counting on a great work team and support. He was a responsible and strict person, inspiring many generations by instilling values, enthusiasm and caring for the environment, without mentioning that he promoted and always cared about everything bi-cultural. Wayne is also responsible for the Nutcracker Festival that is celebrated year after year at Christmas in the auditorium of the Ribera de Chapala. It all started on the school grounds when it was located in Chapala. Years later, Oak Hill School made its new

home in Antonio, Tlayacapan, i San S A t i Tl continuing the Christmas Traditional Nutcracker at the Lakeside Little Theatre, and then later at the auditorium. Oak Hill School closed its doors in 2003 and became the new Instituto Loyola where Wayne continued to serve until the beginning of this year. On April 24 of this year, Wayne passed to a better life. He is survived by his wife Dale, his children Andrea and Phillip and their granddaughter Kaira. “Wayne your memory will always be present.” Rest in peace. Submitted by Cuca Velarde

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he tears came the minute we started to load up the car for my return trip to the U.S. after living at Lakeside for over three years. This is silly, I thought but flow they did, for the next four days. My son, who had been elected to drive down to Ajijic to collect this sniveling mess, was beside himself. Between a nervous cat and a crying mother, this was not the Mexican vacation he had hoped for. I have been “State side� for a week now and the tears have subsided a little but the questions remain. Why am I so affected at leaving Mexico? I have the radio tuned to a Spanish radio station and a postcard of the Ajijic plaza is prominently displayed in hopes a revelation will come to me and explain the empty feeling inside my heart. I recently married a wonderful man and have started a happy life in his chosen town of Las Vegas, Nevada. It was a conscious decision on my part to return to the U.S. I was excited about starting a new life with my husband but... Mexico won’t let me go. It tugs at my heart strings every time I hear a Spanish melody or pass by a restaurant and smell refried beans cooking. The only people I talk to are the Mexi-

can busboys and gardeners. My Spanish was never that good but it makes me feel great to “connect� with a fellow Mexicano and they seem delighted to be able to use their native tongue if only briefly. Fortunately, I have a dear friend who recently moved to Austin, Texas, after living in Mexico for five years. She understands what I am going through and said it would take me about three months to go through my “grieving� process. Repeatedly I asked her why I was feeling like this after only three years in Mexico. Her answer was simple, and complicated also. “It is the music, the flowers, the smells and most of all, it is the people, the wonderful, warm, friendly Mexican people. Nowhere else will you find such friendly people.� She is right, it is many things and all of them tug at your heart and soul. I shall cry more tears over the next few months , of that I am certain. But I also know that Mexico hasn’t seen the last of me. I shall return, as someone famous once said. He did and I will too. Mexico, mi Mexico, ‘till we meet again. Margie Harrell



El Ojo del Lago / May 2018

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y two-seater Cessna, chartered through Aeortaxis de Baja de California, was late coming in from Cabo, later still leaving Ensenada for the Mexican Island of Cedros, 267 miles south off the Pacific coast of Baja. The plane’s cargo of fish first had to be offloaded, then the interior swabbed down before take-off. Once on Cedros I was to hitch a ride on a fishing boat that passed that way twice a week. My final destination, 15 miles further west, was a cluster of three barren outcroppings, the Islas San Benitos. In what passed for a harbor there a Boston Whaler would ferry me and provisions ashore. I’d flown from L.A. via San Diego to


Ensenada, and was to continue onward to rejoin oceanographer Bruno Vailati and his crew on location on the San Benitos. Bruno’s Rome-based company, Sette Mare, was underway on another documentary in the TV series “Men of the Sea.” This episode would feature Mexico’s legendary Ramon Bravo free-diving with the migrating killer whales—orcas—filming them as they passed by these desolate islets. (Freediving in Arctic waters, intrepid Ramon had once chased a polar bear under water, camera and underwater ‘sungun’ in hand; Bruno and Frenchman, Michel Laubreau, followed in SCUBA, filming the action and one another. The bear, displeased, perhaps by the glare

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of the light, made a lunge for Ramon’s foot, but got a taste of rubber flipper instead and took off.) Our crew, along with these three venerables, included our Italian grip, a giant of a man, nicknamed Mimi; Dutch, boatman and jack of all trades; and myself, my work topside, keeping the daily log and roughing out script material for our English-language version, co-produced with Hollywood’s David Wolper. Two Mexican families from Cedros completed this polyglot group. The men fished, and, in an improvised kitchen, their wives cooked, their children along for the ride. Our fare was largely what was pulled out of the briny. We bivouacked in abandoned, jerry-built shacks knocked together with flotsam and jetsam thrown up by the sea; abalone fishermen camped here, but only during high season. In January of 1972 the San Benitos were deserted save for our presence; an official census taken in 2001 numbered permanent residents as two. That said, elephant seals increased the population by the thousands. The orcas were taking their time putting in an appearance, but the elephant seals provided memorable, standalone footage. When our photographers weren’t in wet suits, they filmed them on land, the females lazing on the shingle, their pups posing for their pictures. But it was the males, formidable in size, their proboscises resembling elephants’ trunks that put on a show that more than compensated for the orcas’ delay. By pure luck, our vantage point a bluff above the strand, we chanced on two enormous bulls rearing up in battle royal at water’s edge, the younger challenging an elder for possession of his harem, an age-old rite of passage. After an hours-long exchange of chargings, rammings, thrashings and more, the old bull finally weakened, ceasing to respond to his adversary’s repeated attacks. The victor made no attempt to go for the kill; he moved aside, permitting his defeated opponent to withdraw

with dignity. The huge beast subsided onto the shingle, labored to the water, and disappeared into the sea…. I loved roughing it on location, but as our vigil wore on, basic provisions and film stock were running low, and I was dispatched back to L.A. as designated shopper, making the junket in reverse. My generous boss Bruno insisted that I accept as a bonus for slogging in the wild, accommodation at the Beverly Hilton. I luxuriated in silky sheets and pillows to sink into, with room service and mini-bar, and above all a steaming tub, with scented soaps and little bottles of shampoo, an extravagance of towels and a wrap-around-robe— heaven after bathing in the buff in January’s chill Pacific; my salary was modest, but the perks were magnificent. I got my errands done in short order, a friend of Bruno’s my chauffeur. Now with the delay in Ensenada, I visited with the charter personnel and moseyed around the small airport. At the last minute I turned up a vendor of chocolates and bought up as much as I could fit into my tote, a treat for the children from Cedros. Then, finally shipshape and gear aboard, all was set for take off as the sun began to set over the Pacific. My pilot, Vicente Cuevas, had a little English, and with my few words of Spanish we got on fine. Once aloft, I relaxed in the glow of late afternoon’s fading light and the companionable crackling of our open radio. With the sun’s rays slanting over a shimmering sea, it was a beautiful run. That would change. As we began our approach to the island, the crackle in the cockpit was overridden by a harsh, urgent voice, a woman’s, coming from the Cedros airport tower. Thick fog was rolling in, conditions worsening by the minute. The gist of the woman’s increasingly agitated, rapid-fire Spanish was clear enough; there was no landing on Cedros—the island was socked in. Nevertheless, Vicente made a pass for the runway--unsuccessfully. The voice from the tower grew louder and shriller. Undeterred, Vicente tried for a second pass, but aborted. When a third attempt failed, our controller, screaming hysterically, prevailed. Vicente banked and dipped eastward back toward the peninsula—in darkness; by now all light had drained from the sky, and we were without benefit of moon. In as casual a tone as I could muster I asked, “Back to Ensenada?” “No, no night landing in Ensenada,” he said, “no night lights there.” I pressed on hopefully. “But in an emergency, yes?” Vicente’s succinct response left me mute. “No sufficient fuel….” To Be Continued Next Month

Saw you in the Ojo 57

Little Morris’ View Of The World %\ 7RP 1XVVEDXP


have no idea a who Little Morris was. But I was ny y introduced to him many times throughout my ch childhildhood. We met wheneverr I would naively state my child-likee expec-tations about a new experience errience or in an unfamiliar situation. attion. Comments like, “I can buy b a lot with a whole dollar, laar,” “Politicians must really care ree about the people because see they get so many votes, s,,” “Popular girls will be nice icce to me even though I don’t n’’t play sports,” would draw Little itttle Morris into the conversaation. My father, who wass born and raised in Germany and my Swiss mother would respond to my naïve comment with what could loosely be translated from German as “How Little Morris sees the world.” More worldly English-speakers might have said, “Oh, you’re in for a big surprise,” or “That’s not how it works,” or “You’ll see.” Moving to Mexico in April has reunited me with Little Morris--Many times. A particularly awkward occasion occurred in May when I attended my first Ajijic Writers Group meeting. I had learned about the group through the Lake Chapala Society. I am a struggling writer and thought this group would be a perfect place for me to improve my skills, receive constructive criticism, and network with other needy wouldbe authors. I envisioned a group of 6-10 people huddled around a table sipping coffee and critiquing one another’s attempts at creating a New York Times best-seller. I arrived at La Nueva Posada several minutes before the meeting began and meandered throughout its restaurant searching for the Ajijic Writers Group. The restaurant was rather empty. The few diners there were in pairs, not groups. I was a bit puzzled and disappointed. I wandered outside where I found a lovely patio and garden dining area full of people. “Ah,” I thought, “we’re in Ajijic. Why eat or meet inside when you can do so in the fresh air and sunshine?” Preoccupied, I did not notice the lack of menus or dishes on the tables. I scanned the tables, studying the faces, searching for what appeared to be a group of writers. Although none of them looked like Papa Hemmingway,


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J.K Rowling, Marcel Proust, JJ.K. or o Willa Cather, one group of o four looked like they cou ul be writers. could “Is “Is this the Ajijic Writers Group?”” I asked. “Yes, “Yess,” a woman said. Without asking permission, Witth I plopped plop pp into an empty chair next n xtt to her. “I’m Tom,” I said. ne “I’m m new.” The woman courteously introduced the othteo e ers errs at the table to me and then thee pointed to an empty chairr across from me. “We’re waiting ffor one more to come,” she s said. Another woman arrived a moment later and sat in the empty a chair. We were introduced and I expected the meeting would begin. But it didn’t. So, to make small talk, to fill the awkward silence, I asked how many people usually attend these meetings. Our table seemed full, I thought; how many more could comfortably fit? “Oh, forty, maybe forty five,” the first woman answered.” I reacted with a jolt. Then it hit me. I turned in my chair and scanned the other tables dotting the patio garden. My head swiveled from side to side studying the faces around me. “All these people are in the Writers Group?” I asked with great embarrassment. “Yes,” the woman confirmed. With that, the event facilitator began the meeting. She used a microphone because it was necessary with a crowd that size, a gathering so much larger than I had expected. She made a few announcements and introduced the first writer who read an excerpt of his work. I listened to several others that day. They exhibited various degrees of skill, a variety of styles, and they wrote about vastly different subjects. It was quite enjoyable, educational, and entertaining. As the readers read, I perused the audience. I knew no one, but I saw one man who looked vaguely familiar. He looked a bit like an acquaintance from my distant past. After the meeting, I approached him and asked him his name. “Morris,” he said. Tom Nussbaum

Saw you in the Ojo 59




horeau reminds us, “The muskrat will gnaw its leg off to be free.” Throughout history, humans have endured unbelievable hardships in their quest for freedom from persecution, whether their efforts involve confrontations with the fire hoses and electric cattle prods of the likes of Bull Connor, the gunfire of the Vopos guarding the Berlin Wall or the perils of the Kmer Rouge infested jungles of Kampuchea. In 1939, Hitler’s Germany and Stalin’s USSR signed the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, a treaty of non-belligerence between the two powers. While the treaty established spheres of interest in Eastern Europe, it also secretly divided Poland between the two. On September 1, 1939, Hitler invaded Poland, and Stalin followed suit on September 17. Trapped between the two monolithic meat grinders were millions of Polish people, who were to suffer ghastly persecution under Hitler and decades of repression under Soviet dominance. For many years, one of my favorite books has been The Long Walk, by Slavomir Rawicz, an epic tale of the quest for freedom by a small band of unjustly imprisoned men. On November 19, Rawicz, then a young Polish cavalry officer, was arrested by the Soviet NKVD, the predecessor of the KGB, while celebrating his wedding and taken first to Kharkov and then to Moscow’s infamous Lubyanka Prison, for a lengthy and merciless purgatory of interrogation, torture and imprisonment unique to the stone cold insanity of the Stalinist form of totalitarianism. He was never to see his new young wife or his family and friends again. Following a long, torturous journey, first crammed into a railroad car with other prisoners and then marched and dragged across the harsh winter tundra, an ordeal which many did not survive at all, half dead from exposure, exhaustion and meager rations, Rawicz arrived at his destiny, Camp # 303, on the north side of the Lena River in eastern Siberia. Here, Rawicz had been sentenced to spend the next 25 years of his life at hard labor, convicted of trumped up espionage charges and a forged confession. In addition to daily hard labor cutting timber, the prisoners were forced to construct their own barracks or die in the


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extreme cold. In the meantime, they survived by sleeping in snow holes. Rations consisted of a daily bread ration, coffee, thin soup containing mostly turnips, and on rare occasions dried fish. Rawicz and others dreamed of the unthinkable: Escape. Transferred from timber cutting to a workshop where he made skis for the military, Rawicz was befriended by the camp commandant’s young wife because of their mutual love for classical music. Slowly and secretly, she aided and abetted his plans for escape. In spare moments, he constructed a long bladed knife. He and six fellow conspirators stole furs from animals that had been shot or trapped by the guards and sewed together moccasins, parkas, and caps. They secreted away an axe head, a single spoon, a mug and small bits of bread. There were seven, counting Rawicz himself: An American known only as Mr. Smith, an engineer who had been recruited to work on the Moscow Metro but had been convicted of spying; a Lithuanian prisoner named Marchinkovas; Eugene Zaro, a Yugoslav; fellow Poles Kolemos, Paluchowicz and Makowski. They made their break sometime around Easter, April 13, 1941, near midnight during a heavy snowstorm so that the falling snow would cover their tracks. Like all escapes, this one was breathtaking in its suspense and precariousness. Timing had to be perfect to avoid guards and their dogs as the escapees fumbled through barbed wire and over deep trenches. There followed long days and nights of non-stop flight through the freezing taiga, the men ever alert for police, soldiers, or informants. Campfires were out of the question. On one occasion, they

gorged themselves on fresh venison after slaying a buck deer with their axe when they found his antlers entangled in the roots of a tree. On another occasion, they stole and slaughtered a pig. Ever on the alert for pursuers, they crept carefully across frozen rivers and the closely guarded Trans-Siberian Railroad. The plan was to travel across Siberia, Mongolia and Tibet to safety in India. Along the way, they were joined by a 17-year old Polish girl named Kristina Polanska, who had witnessed her parents being beaten and strangled with barbed wire by a Ukrainian mob as land was reclaimed from Polish farmers during the Soviet invasion. Sentenced to work in Siberia, she had fled the sexual advances of her foreman. Once across the border into Mongolia, the threat of recapture diminished. Using the cover story that they were pilgrims on their way to Lhasa to pray, they were befriended by Mongol herdsmen, who exhibited courtesy, generosity and hospitality to such impoverished travelers, providing them with figs, nuts, barley grains, oat cakes, and dried fish. Surviving a severe storm in Mongolia’s Kentei Mountains, traveling thirty miles a day, they descended to a hot, dry plain. The trek across Mongolia consisted of a series of forced marches from water hole to water hole before entering the

furnace of the Gobi Desert. After many days, surviving on snake meat, parched with thirst and near death, they arrived at a tiny oasis where muddy water provided some respite. Two of their members perished in the Gobi, first Kristina, who quietly drifted away, then Makouski, who died in his sleep. The journey from the Gobi to Tibet took three months, during which they passed from intense heat to the freezing heights of the Himalayas. Tibetan villagers welcomed them and fed them generously, but the travel was nevertheless fraught with peril. The tallest, most forbidding peaks blocked their way. Sometimes, they were forced to scale rocks and cliffs hand over hand. They were warned by villagers to avoid Chinese troops, uncertain as to how they would be treated. Fearing awkward questions from officialdom, they bypassed the holy city of Lhasa. One freezing night, Marchenkova also died in his sleep. Shortly before reaching India, Paluchowicz slid off a precipice and plummeted to his death. Enduring gales, heavy snow and sleet, ravaged by scurvy, and infested with lice, their feet reduced to bloody pulps, the four survivors at last crossed into India where they met a patrol of native troops. After a journey of 4000 miles on foot in twelve months, the Long Walk

was over. Rawicz never saw his surviving comrades again. Regaining his strength after long days of delirium in a Calcutta hospital, he was shipped to rejoin elements of the Polish army fighting under British command in the Middle East. As the end of the war neared, he trained as a Royal Air Force pilot. After being mustered out, he spent the rest of his life living quietly in the United Kingdom as a woodworker and cabinetmaker. The Long Walk, first published in 1956 and made into a film entitled The Way Back in 2010, is an unparalleled survival epic, a testimony to the endurance and indomitable spirit of Rawicz and his friends. It also provides a reminder, that the evils of totalitarianism forever lurk on the perimeters of our consciousness, that the horrendous mistreatment accorded prisoners within the confines of Hitler’s Stalags and Stalin’s Gulag are reflected in more recent times in the torture chambers of Abu Ghraib and the dungeons of Chilean and Argentinian generalissimos. Freedom is purchased at great cost but can easily be forfeited through inattention, indifference, or determined ignorance. Lorin Swinehart

Saw you in the Ojo 61

There’s More Than Tacos at the Taco Stand %\ -RKQ &RPDQGR


’ll have to admit that, when I first arrived here, I was a little wary of the taco stands. I’ve since learned that a trip to a taco stand can spice up your taste buds, if not your life. Maybe you’re intimidated, like I was, because you’re not sure about the cleanliness, what to order, how to order it, and how to eat it without embarrassing yourself. Frankly, I’m more intimidated by the menu and food at Taco Bell. The best way to find a good taco stand is to follow the locals. Generally, their concerns about quality and food safety are the same as yours. If you see lines waiting to order and be served, most likely its product and reputation


are good. Most foreigners stick to tacos at the taco stand. They probably don’t realize there’s a lot more variety available. Did you know you can order items like quesadillas, gringas, campachenas, vampiros, or tortas? Sounds confusing? Don’t worry. All of these concoctions are variations on a theme. So let’s introduce you to all these yummy choices starting with tacos as made in this area. Mexico is a very diverse country, and there are lots of regional and family variations. Everything Corn Tortillas Tacos here are made with soft corn tortillas, warmed on the grill, and filled with a meat of your choice. The meat

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is cooked on the grill and chopped before it’s heaped on a waiting tortilla. The meats are mostly beef (res), chorizo sausage, and pork (puerco, carnaza, and adobada). More exotic are tacos de cabeza that use all the parts of a pig’s head from ears, tongue and lips to eyeballs and more. If you add grilled cheese to your taco, you have a campachena. It’s a few more calories, but the cheese adds a gooey surprise. Vampiros are like mini tostados. In this case, the corn tortilla is allowed to crisp on the grill until the sides curl up into a little cup. The cup is filled with cheese and meat and heated until the cheese melts. These delicious morsels are not to be mistaken with the pink drink of the same name. Foreigners are familiar with tacos dorados or barbacoa found at the tianguis or on the plaza on Sundays. These start with stewed meat that is put into a tortilla, folded over and crisped on the grill until golden. Tacos al pastor are cooked on a vertical spit like gyros. Thin slices of pork are layered on the spit with onions and pineapple and their juices flavor the meat as it cooks. The cooked meat is sliced off. You can add an array of condiments to your taco. Usually they include chopped cilantro and onion,

radishes, cabbage or lettuce, beans, an assortment of pickled vegetables, and of course the ubiquitous salsas of various heat. It will come as no surprise that a few tacos can make a filling meal. Tortas If you want to venture further afield, a good bet is to order a torta. Tortas are grilled sandwiches made with rolls (bolillos). The rolls are smeared with crema and toasted on the grill with shredded cheese. The cheese melts into the bread, and meat of your choice is spooned on top. When you add condiments to your torta, you have a feast. And the experience in your mouth is magical. The combination of tastes is much greater than the sums of the individual ingredients. We’ve all seen the road signs for tortas ahogadas. They’re a little bit different - a Mexican version of a pulled pork sandwich found up north. They’re made with chopped carnitas, pork that’s generally cooked in vats of fat until it falls apart. The chopped pork is heaped on a roll and doused in thin gravy. Quesadillas and Gringas Quesadillas can be found on the menus of many north American restaurants. Most taco stands here can make them. They’re made with flour tortillas, filled with cheese, folded over and grilled until the tortilla is crisp and the cheese is runny. If you put chicken, meat, or shrimp in them they become gringas (which is also the name of a female North American). Are you still intimidated? Armed with this information, you should be able to navigate most taco stands. But, if you’re still not sure what to do, just observe what the locals do, follow their lead, most of all have fun. Buen provecho! John Comando

Saw you in the Ojo 63



ever before have I seen a headless human body run. My mother has. She saw it as she dodged allied bombing in Genova during the Second World War. Yes, I know, that’s a long time ago, seventy four years ago, but still the most destructive war ever to plague our planet. This was the war after The War to End All Wars. Giuseppina was running with her family to a Sottopassagio, a tunnel under the street, like the entrance to a subway, where they would take shelter when the airraid sirens started their fearful banshee wail, when she saw the headless man, his body running the last few steps, obeying the final commands of the severed head, before falling to the ground, legs flailing, arms and torso twitching grotesquely. So many residents of Genova ran to the tunnels under streets, or to the “Gallerias,” the above ground tunnels that ran through the hills of northwest Italy, that there was not always room for everyone. My grandfather, an idiot, had been a celebrated carpenter in Morocco when the war broke out. He was a master craftsman and he ran a business that made furniture with the delicacy and precision one finds in Thomas Chippendale’s work. Exquisitely seamless, his furniture was bought by Moroccan luminaries, and members of the royal family, including King Hassan, father of the current king. With a reputation for excellent carpentry, you would think he would stay out of the war in a neutral country where his talent was revered and making him an excellent living. However, that irresistible mix of toxins – patriotism and testosterone - got the better of him and he announced to his family that they must return to help Italy in its war effort against the allies. Not only did he make his family go back to Italy, but he chose Genova, an industrial port city, which would be bombed almost as heavily as Dresden. The image of the running and twitching headless man was burned into the consciousness of my teen-aged mother and stayed


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there for the rest of her short life, because she was running herself, trying to get to a shelter. On one occasion, when the sirens wailed out their terrifying warning, the family decided to go to a “Galleria” instead of the Sottopassagio they usually used as cover. After the bombing stopped the people were allowed to return to their homes. Giuseppina’s family walked through the smoking wreckage past their usual shelter and saw piles of bodies all around the entrance. When they asked one of the men piling the bodies up what had happened, he told them that some idiot had forgotten to unlock the gates at the bottom of the long staircase that night and everyone who ran into the entrance in panic, crushed and suffocated those that had entered first. Those that could not get in were blown to bits. My mother’s family saw this as a sign from God that they were to survive the war, although God did let my infant Uncle Ezio get eviscerated by an allied shell one night. My mother said: There was a pattern to the bombing. It was always at night.“First you would hear the sirens start howling,” she told me, “then you could hear the low rumble of the big motors, then you heard the pock, pock, pock of the anti-aircraft guns as their shells burst in the air around the bombers. Then came the whistling of the bombs as they fell, an eerie high pitched portent of death, followed by the earth shaking explosions and the screams of the people in the streets.”

The British, who had no bombs to spare always took longer to pick their targets – factories, shipyards, ships, trains and tunnels so the engines rumbled on for a long time before the sound of the whistling bombs. The Americans, who had a greater supply of ordinance, did not stay long in the sky and didn’t bother picking their targets in their haste to leave, so bombs were dropped wherever they could drop them and get away from the flack as quickly as possible. This resulted in many bombs falling into the city, residential areas, hospitals, parks, schools, etc. It was not purposeful, it was just a pragmatic attempt to bomb and survive and since there was no shortage of ordinance, why take the risk. Since she hadn’t the time to wait until the headless man stopped twitching, he ran on in her mind for as long as she lived. A thin, frightened body still trying to get to safety in a tunnel some place other headless bodies might be sheltering together. And despite the poetry of people like Rupert Brook and Siegfried Sassoon, who suffered through the First World War and committed their experiences to paper, despite the fact that The First World War

was so vicious and barbaric that it was called the “War to End All Wars,” mankind forgot that there is no honour in war, no mercy, no gallantry, no winners, no point, no reason, no justification and we fall into the old belief: Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori. (It is sweet and honorable to die for one’s country.) F . . . war and those who profit by it! John Ward

Saw you in the Ojo 65

$1 81(;3(&7(' 9,6,725 %\ )HUQDQGR *DUFLD


t was near my mother’s end. A hospital bed was set up in her living room. We got the news of ma’s pancreatic cancer three months before. My mother, who had feared death more than anything, cancer, we got the news in the doctor’s office, Ma was 84 years of age. Two of my sisters had taken her for the appointment. Mom accepted the news calmly and with grace. The prognosis was not good, three to six months. My sisters were in tears as they informed us. The doctor gave them her options. An aggressive treatment with much discomfort with only the possibility of a short extension of life or treat the symptoms with effective drugs to keep her comfortable till the end. Thankfully ma chose the latter. This woman who knew fear all too well handled her end with a courage we did not know she possessed. I and my brothers and sisters took turns staying night and day with her two at a time. We fed her, changed her clothes, bathed and administered the pain medications. All was recorded in a log for the health care providers to check. Initially she was coherent and very engaged with us, reading the newspaper and watching the news on her television. As Mom declined she asked for very little, her well-used rosary near at hand. The ever present picture of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the patron saint of


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her beloved Mexico hung on the wall watching over her. As the short weeks passed she began to come in and out of consciousness. On one afternoon when my wife and I were on duty she opened her eyes and asked me for her wedding ring, my father, her husband of nearly fifty years had long passed. She also asked for a ring my older brother and his wife had made for her with the birthstones of her seven children. I found both rings in her purse and handed them to her. She slipped them on and closed her eyes content. A few moments later she came back to consciousness and asked me to open the front door. I quietly asked her why. She said there are people outside wanting to come in and it would be rude not to let them in. We weren’t expecting any visitors nor did we hear anyone. My wife asked her “Carolina, do you hear angels?” I walked to the door to let them in and back to the bedside. Satisfied, Mom closed her eyes and drifted off to eternal rest.

Saw you in the Ojo 67

The Little People %\ %RE 7HQQLVRQ


ood morning. This is your five-thirty wakeup call. The temperature is twenty-five with light snow flurries.” I glanced at the other bed. It was empty. Jumping up, I saw that my luggage was gone—my new clothes and gifts for my family in Houston where I was headed for my father’s funeral. I had kept my billfold under my pillow. I called the night manager. The house detective would be with me as soon as possible. All I had left was a bathrobe and slippers. Opening the door, I watched the detective’s eyes move from straight ahead down in amazement to the four


foot-five baby-faced creature in a plaid bathrobe looking up at him. At least he didn’t ask, “Is your father here, Sonny?” I told him I would be back in ten days to file a formal police complaint and fill out the necessary insurance forms. As I waited for the coffee machine buzzer, I wondered what I was going to do. No stores were open, and I had no idea if the airlines would let me board wearing only a robe and slippers, but I had no choice but to go to the airport and hope for the best. The hotel courtesy car was available, and the desk clerk gave me a lap robe to use until my return, so I wrapped it around myself and headed for the car. The look on the driver’s face would

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have made a fabulous photograph. I looked like something out of “Ten Little Indians” minus a feather in my hair. Heading for the ticket counter I got some strange looks. Since the agent was unable to see me over the counter, I went to the space for luggage and handed her my ticket along with an explanation of why I was dressed in the robe. Before she could laugh I added that I was headed to Houston for my father’s funeral. She called the supervisor. Since I was traveling First Class I would not have to walk down the aisle of the entire plane and be embarrassed further. On the way to my seat the supervisor said he recognized me from my recent TV appearances and was greatly impressed. A stroke of luck had made a fantastic change in my life. Applying for jobs posed a big problem and was a futile experience. I applied at the finest and best-known circus and became the fourth member of a group of three other little people that led to my present career. We were acrobats and tumblers. Attending a party one night, the four of us gathered around a piano and performed a song we had been singing in our dressing room, and many of the guests including some entertainers advised us to try out for a TV talent show. We began rehearsing a tumbling

act and dance routine daily and finally signed up for the show. We won first place weekly, eventually leading up to a contract at the Circus Circus in Las Vegas where I was headed after my return from Houston. My brother was waiting for me at the airport, total shock on his face as I came through the door. Before I had a chance to explain, he asked if I had been entertaining the passengers. We stopped at a mall on the way to his house to buy clothes. Again people stopped to watch a little man in his bathrobe and slippers walking casually as if I were wearing a suit and tie. Some recognized me. The funeral mass was beautiful and the next few days enjoyable. My brother’s wife and ten-year-old twin boys, who were now taller than I and old enough to understand why I had not “grown up” saw me off at the airport promising they would come see me in Vegas. From the Chicago airport I returned to the hotel to fill out my insurance claim. The surprise of my life awaited me. My suitcase was there intact. The thief had been caught shortly after my departure. Greed had overcome good sense. He made the mistake of hitting one more room. The occupant happened to be in the adjoining room with her friend. Thinking she heard somebody in her room, she called the front desk who alerted the police. They were waiting when he came out of the room with an armload of expensive dresses over his arm. My luggage was destined for another problem. My suitcase was incorrectly tagged for Las Palmas, Spain, finally catching up with me two weeks later after a tour of Europe just in time for our smash hit opening in full costume. Bob Tennison

Moonlight On “Lake Louise” It’s three am—my rest belied— The screen door hardly makes a sound As carefully I step outside To see if wildlife abound. There! Three coyotes ‘cross the lake, Nocturnal hunters at their meal; Now one less rabbit will awake, I once imagined, now it’s real. Tonight a gibbous moon is bright Directly overhead and stars Illuminate a stygian night And on the right the planet Mars. Deep sleep now a lazy truant, I guess I won’t return to rest. Soon, eerie and incongruent, I’m beckoned to a Rorschach test. Reflections surface on the lake Of certain trees on yonder shore; A mammoth luna moth do make, A Monarch butterfly and more… A tiger skin, a grizzly hide, And Chinese dragons sport goatees. Yes, wild life abounds outside Along the shores of Lake Louise. Perhaps descendants of Herr Freud Would ponder o’er my Rorschach test, Prescribing things I should avoid While recommending lots of rest. When suddenly a voice, well bred, Disperses all my reveries. Insistent tones, “Come back to bed!” Safe harbor with the fair Louise.


Saw you in the Ojo 69

The Ojo Crossword



of the month



ACROSS 1 Meat alternative 5 Demean 7Lႇ 14 Persia 15 Hot sĂĄndwich 16 Horse game 17 Revival of classic art 19 Convex shape 6FLHQWLVWÂ?V RႈFH 21 African nation 23 Blemished 26 Objects 28 Acid drug 31 Toilet 32 Takes by force 33 Kimono sash 34 Lure 37 Make sad 39 Yearn 40 Elk´s cousin 42 __Matisse, painter 45 Dooms 49 To be in debt 50 Shinny silver metal 53 Lubricate 54 High-school club 55 Superior 56 Synthetic resin 58 Palm parts 60 Undergarment 61 To turn over 63 Material for an ankle wrap (2 wds.) 69 State 70 Sheikh


71 Tints 72 Associaton (abbr.) 73 Asian nation 74 Bark in pain '2:1 1 Can metal 2 Lode yield 3 Food and Agriculture Organization (abbr.) 4 Father´s brother 5 Middle East dweller 6 Jitney 7 Abdominal muscles (abbr.) 8 Abductor 9 Make camp 10 Foster 11 Shaddocks 12 Loose gown worn at Mass 13 Also 18 Boy 22 Distributed 23 Boxer Muhammad 24 Learn 25 Winter mo. 26 Island 27 Second day of the wk. 29 South by east 30 Morse code dot 32 Expression 35 Serving of corn 36 Ice hanging from roofs %HIRUH SUH¿[

40 Curved roof 41 Vane direction 42 Skip 43 Ram´s mate 44 Brother´s sons 45 Sprocket 46 Cow sound 47 Veto 48 Cunning 51 1st Everest conqueror 52 Help 56 White-tailed sea eagle 57 Rice wetland 59 Vivacity 60 Farm building 61 Killed in action 62 Goddess of Down 64 Tree 65 Bumbling insect 66 Positive vote 67 Harden 68 Sixth sense

El Ojo del Lago / May 2018

his pretty little girl Izel came to Niùos Incapacitados in February 2011. Her sister joined our program the previous year. Eugenia is a single mom as the father abandoned the family while she was pregnant with Izel. At birth Izel was diagnosed with Hydrocephalus which is the buildup of fluid in the cavities (ventricles) deep within the brain. The excess fluid increases the size of the ventricles and puts pressure on the brain. A shunt was surgically implanted in Izel’s brain to drain off the excess fluids. Symptoms of hydrocephalus include headaches, nausea, eye problems, unsteady gait and leg weakness, and sudden falls. Between the ages of three and four, Izel was experiencing all of these symptoms. She was referred to an orthopedic specialist who recommended special orthotic boots and braces to help with her walk. She was now on meds for headaches and then more meds as she developed pulmonary infections. It was never ending. She started having severe abdominal pains and had trouble urinating. She was referred to another specialist who diagnosed her with a Neurogenic Bladder. This is caused by neuro-

logic damage which symptoms can include overflow incontinence, frequency urgency, and retention. The specialist informed Mom that a Vesicostomy surgery was required. This is where an opening is made from the bladder to directly outside her body below her navel. This opening helps in draining urine to prevent urinary tract infections and prevent damage to the kidneys. Special diapers must be worn to hold everything in place. The doctors determined that by age 7 or 8 they should be able to reverse the procedure. This was very traumatic for Izel but with the support of her sister and Mom she was handling it like a pro. As of her last visit and with all her positive test results, the doctor determined she was ready and surgery is scheduled for mid to late November. To date, NiĂąos Incapacitados have reimbursed the family 182,665. pesos for medications, sterile supplies, diapers, consults, blood work, orthotics, hospitalization and transportation. We will of course support Mom with the cost of the upcoming surgery. If you would like to know more about NiĂąos Incapacitados clinics, you can contact Nicole Sergent at 376-766-4375 or Barb Corol at 376776-5452



s there a more complex subject than that of intimacy? As humans we are built for connection, we even come out of the womb connected to our mothers. Here at Lakeside it’s a popular topic over meals and drinks, whenever people meet and talk. But, it’s rarely understood. Most of us deeply desire it even though we may not understand our own feelings about it, let alone those of anyone else. We elders seem especially challenged by how to fill the hole that our need for intimacy has created deep within us. No longer fueled by the raging hormones of youth, negative self issues take over working to deprive some of what many believe is the best part of being alive. “Am I attractive enoughâ€?, “am I worthy enough,â€? â€œwill I be hurt againâ€? and a whole lot of other stories we tell ourselves that only serve to keep us from this joyful experience of life. The lucky among us recognize that having a significant other to cherish helps them to feel more alive, content, and fulfilled. I know lots of fine and worthy people that would like nothing better than to have love in their lives. Others, however, aren’t aware that this is the source of their dissatisfaction or that it’s hiding in their subconscious mind. Even knowing does not make coming together with a good match any easier.  According to the book Fear of Intimacy, “The ideal combination of loving companionship and sexual contact in a long lasting relationship is conducive to good mental and physical health and is an essential goal for most people. Love is the one force that is capable of easing existential despair and the endemic pain of the human condition. To develop emotionally as well as spiritually, one needs to learn how to love, to continue to search for love throughout life, and to remain positive, not become cynical or despairing when love fails.â€? Then there are the illnesses and disabilities for which experimenting

with new positions for intercourse is healthy and desirable. For those that this won’t work for there is something called “outer-courseâ€? which refers to sensual activities like kissing, hugging, caressing, etc. This form of connection is ideal for those that want to feel young at heart despite health and physical limitations. Chronic illness affects sexual and orgasmic dysfunction more than aging alone does. Chronically ill individuals experience greater deterioration in sexual and orgasmic quality at any age. Reasons for stopping sexual activity differs a lot between men and women, with loss of a partner in women and deteriorating health in men being the primary ones. It is essential to know that many can heal and recover from chronic illness if they choose to focus their attention and efforts to treatments that assist the body to heal the way that it was naturally designed to. If for no other reason than to regain intimacy, healing and strengthening the body is more than worthwhile for the richness it adds to your experience of life. Below are Web MD’s 10 Surprising Health Benefits of Sex: 1. People who have sex have higher levels of what defends your body against germs, viruses, and other intruders. 2. Having sex will make sex better and improve your libido. For women, having sex ups vaginal lubrication, blood flow, and elasticity, all of which make sex feel better and help you crave more of it. 3. Good sex is like a workout for your pelvic floor muscles and important for avoiding female incontinence. 4. Research suggests a link between sex and lower blood pressure. 5. Sex is a really great form of exercise. 6. Sex is a great way to raise your heart rate and helps balance estrogen and testosterone levels, low levels can cause osteoporosis and heart disease. 7. An orgasm can block pain. It releases a hormone that helps raise your

pain threshold. 8. Men who ejaculated frequently (at least 21 times a month) are less likely to get prostate cancer. 9. After orgasm the hormone prolactin is released, producing feelings of relaxation and sleepiness. 10. Being close to your partner can soothe stress and anxiety, touching and hugging releases a lot of oxytocin, your body’s natural “feel-good hormone.â€? Sexual arousal releases a brain chemical that revs up your brain’s pleasure and reward system. Finally in a study conducted at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital in Scot-

land found that those who were enjoying lots of intimacy with a steady partner—four times a week, on average—were perceived to be 7 to 12 years younger than their actual age. Regular sex promotes the release of hormones which can keep your body looking young and vital. Sex and intimacy boost your self-esteem and happiness. It’s not only a prescription for a healthy life, but a happy one. Anna Elena Berlin

Saw you in the Ojo 71

Over 60 years of “People Helping People�


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A Message From LCS’ New President, Carole Wolffe As we begin our 63rd year here at LCS all the great interactions and networking of our fellow members, staff and the community at large will be a challenge. Our differences at LCS create a wonderful landscape in moving forward with our interactive campus. A famous quote comes to mind often that “I’m not young enough to know everything.� - Oscar Wilde. You as members of LCS keep this in mind as we move forward in our promotion of artists and cultural activities; challenge and stimulate our thinking; to continue to facilitate regular meetings to promote friendship and camaraderie among our members and the lakeside community; to make a difference to ourselves and to our community. Will Rogers so eloquently put this to task, “Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.� So take up the challenge with our Board of Directors in the coming years to rejuvenate our campus building, grounds and facilities that need to be dramatically remodeled to overcome age-related usage and help undertake the necessary fundraising to support a multi-year, multi-phase major restructuring; to promote our differences; educate the young and older and make a new light into a promising future that will bring forth a wonderful legacy for those who will follow us. If anything comes to light in your mind we as a Board with our Executive Director, Terry Vidal, staff and volunteers are here for you. Take up the torch with us. Carole Wolff, President

In Memoriam: Ruth Darling The Lakeside community mourns the passing of Ruth Darling on March 24. Ruth was just shy of her 94th birthday when she passed away at her home in Ajijic, a community she loved and had lived in for over 30 years. Ruth was a great hostess who continued to cook her own food for guests into her 90’s. Ruth’s many volunteer commitments included the serving at the library of the Lake Chapala Society, St. Andrews Anglican Church and various boards of directors. Her beautiful home became the South Campus of LCS. Ruth will be missed by her daughters Bobbie (Sean) and Jennifer Nash, grandchildren Dylan, Morgan, Alison and Hank, three great grandsons, four step daughters, and many dear friends. Ruth Darling’s memorial/celebration of life, open to all, will take place Wednesday, June 13 at the LCS South Campus (Formerly Ruth Darling’s home) at 2 p.m.Â


El Ojo del Lago / May 2018

Introduction to Lakeside for Newbies “Introduction to Lakeside� available to LCS members only. Topics include: Daily Life – includes banking, shopping, medical services, transportation; Housing - major housing developments, utility payments, maid and gardening services; Cultural Insights – greetings and other social protocols, fiestas, holidays, religious observations. Join us in the Sala at 9 a.m. Thursday, June 14. Cost is 250 pesos. Register in the office or on the website. Open to members only.

Follow Us on Facebook For all things LCS, you can like us at www.facebook.com/ lakechapalasociety.

Check It Out! Our amazing website is a place where you can register and pay for classes and events.

LCS Language Classes

Volunteers Needed

LCS offers a variety of Spanish language courses and classes for those of you who want to learn Spanish or brush-up on your language skills. One of them is sure to suit your schedule and interests. Spanish/English Conversation: Held every Wednesday from 12 to 1:30 p.m. and Saturday from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Sala. Members only. Free Introduction to Spanish This casual class for beginners covers the Spanish alphabet, simple vocabulary, phrases useful about town, and information about Lakeside and Mexican culture. Sessions are held beginning the first Tuesday of each month continuing for three weeks. This month classes start on May 8 because of the holiday on May 1. The first class, from 12 until 1:30 p.m., is in the Gazebo; the second class runs from 2 to 3:30 p.m. in the Ken Gosh Pavilion. Tuition is $220 pesos. Members only. Warren Hardy Spanish Classes Classes meet two days a week for an hour and a half each session at the Wilkes Education Center (Biblioteca). The program is based on the Warren Hardy Spanish language course designed for the adult student. Several levels of instruction are available to suit the student’s proficiency. Classes run from May 7 to June 23. Register for classes at the LCS office or on line. You may also register at the Blue Umbrella Patio April 30 to May 4. A representative will be there to recommend the appropriate class for your language skill level. Tuition for the course is $900 pesos; the required textbook is an additional $670 pesos. Other instructional materials may be purchased separately. This is a members only class. Your membership must be current for the duration of the class. For more information about the Spanish classes or LCS membership, visit www.lakechapalasociety.com. Conversaciones en Español usually held on Mondays from 10 to 11:30 a.m. in the Sala, will return on October 8.

Events Coordinator Our sterling events coordinator, Karla Boentgen, will be retiring soon and we are looking for someone to take over her responsibilities. The candidate must understand marketing and promotion, have experience in producing successful events that make a positive impact on the target audience, have excellent supervisory and organizational skills, can prepare and work within budgets, have experience with catering, decor, and entertainment The successsful candidate should have fresh ideas and suggestions to enhance an event’s success. Position requires five to ten hours a week. Contact volunteer@lakechapalasociety.com, or fill out a form on the LCS website. Handyman We are looking for an experienced and knowledgeable worker who can maintain and repair the interior and exterior of buildings on the LCS campus. We also host many events throughout the year that require special support for the events team. Must be reliable. This is a volunteer position requiring five to ten hours a week. Contact volunteer@lakechapalasociety.com, or fill out a form on the LCS website. Data Base Manager: Volunteer position requiring five to ten hours a week. LCS depends on three separate databases: Membership, Customer Relations Management (CRM) and Accounting. This position focuses on the CRM and membership databases and has nothing to do with the accounting system. Duties: data entry into the CRM, synchronization and maintenance between the CRM and membership databases, and extracting useful reports for the Executive Director. Advanced understanding of MS Access databases including MS Excel. May work at LCS or off-site. Reports to the Executive Director. Contact volunteer@lakechapalasociety.com, or fill out a form on our website. Membership Desk needs volunteers in the Service Office. Training will be provided. Contact volunteer@lakechapalasociety.com, or fill out a form on our website.

LCS’ New Docent Program LCS is launching a valuable new docent program similar to those now operating in many museums and airports. Docents will work a four and a half hour shift helping members and visitors navigate our campus and guiding them to our services, facilities, programs, and special events. Docents will also provide assistance to the Information and/ or Service Desks if required. If you are a member interested in volunteering as a LCS docent, you may complete a volunteer application in the LCS Service Office. Coordinator David Huff, will contact with you to describe the program’s mission and volunteer expectations and responsibilities. Training will be provided. Please note: LCS’ regular blood pressure screenings usually offered Mondays and Fridays, will take place on Mondays only in May. Friday screenings will not be offered in May.

Attention U.S. Citizens: Voter Assistance After April 24, the ballot box for U.S. voters will not be available. To request more information or to submit or request ballots, speak with consular representatives at the scheduled visits at LCS on May 9, June 13, July 11, and August 8. The ballot box will be available when Democrats Abroad return on Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. August 28 through October 23 to help make requests for absentee ballots.

Social Security Assistance? Contact: FBU.guadalajara@ssa.gov or U. S. 880-772-1213 from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. EST. The 880 number will work, but it may depend on where you are calling from, and/or the type of chip you’re using-U.S., or Mexico, or the type of plan you have with your telephone service provider) You may call 001-883-772-1213 from a Mexican landline. (Calling later is better; you can talk to a real person) Or install Skype on your computer. Your Skype account allows you to make free calls to anywhere.

Saw you in the Ojo 73

Video Library May

May Activities *Open to the Public ** US Citizens (S) Sign in (C) Member card Health Insurance * IMSS & Immigration Services Mon+Tues 10-1 Lakeside Insurance Broker Tues+Thur 11-2 Health and Legal Services * Becerra & Galindo Services Thurs 10:30-12:30 Blood Pressure Mon 10-12 Glucose Screening 1st Tue 10-12 Hearing Aid Services (S) M+Sat 11-4 Ministerio Publico Wed May 16+25 10-2 Optometrist Claravision (S) Thur 9-3 Skin Cancer Screening (S) 2nd + 4th Wed 10-12 US Consulate** (S) 2nd Wed May 9 10:30 Sign up 10 Lessons(C) Beginner’s Photography 2nd+4th Mon 12-2 Begins May 14 Children’s Art Sat 10-12* Children’s Chess Club Sat 12-1 Children’s English Class Sat 9:30-10:30 Clases de Bordado Artistico Mon 3-6, Wed & Fri 4-6 Exercise Mon+Wed+Fri 9-10 Exploring Spamish Wed 12-1:30 Sat 11-12:30 Help with Tech Issues (S) by email only 1st+3rd+4th+last Thurs 1011:30 Intermediate Hatha Yoga Tues+Thur 2-3:30 Introduction To Spanish (S) Tues 12-1:30, 2-3:30 cost Line Dancing Tues+Thurs 10-11:15 PEP and Prueba Mexico Series (register and cost; check office) Photography Club 1st+3rd Mon 12-2 Stretch and Balance Exercise Tues+Thurs 8:45--9:45 Tai Chi Chih Fri 10-12 Taller Communicacion Creativo (youth 13-18) Sat 14+28 11:30-1 Tech Help Desk Thurs 12-2 Write-to-Prompt Writers’ Group Thurs 10-12 Zumba Gold Wed 10-11 Libraries Audio Thur 10-12 Book & Video Mon-Sat 10-2 Library of Congress Books*/ Talking Books Thurs 10-12 Wilkes Mon-Fri 9:30-7, Sat 9:30-1* Members Only Social Activities (C) All Things Tech Fri 10-11:30 Bridge 4 Fun Tue+Thurs 1-5 Discussion Group B Wed 12-1:30 Film Aficionados Thurs 2-4:30 Games Group Mon 1-4 Mah Jongg Wed 2-4:30 Next Chapter Book Group 2nd Thurs 1:30-3 Scrabble Fri 11:30-1:30 Spanish/English Conversation Sat 11-12:30 TED Talk Learning Seminars Tues 12-1:15 Tournament Scrabble Tues 12-1:50 Service and Support Groups * Al-Anon (in Spanish) Mon 6-7:30,Wed 5:30-7:30 Information Desk Mon-Sat 10-1 Lake Chapala Painting Guild 2nd Fri 1:30-3:30 Lakeside AA Mon +Thurs 4:30-5:30 Needle Pushers Tue 10-12 Open Circle Sun 10-11:30 SMART Recovery Mon 2:30-4 Toastmasters Mon 7-8:30 p.m. Ticket Sales


El Ojo del Lago / May 2018

Mon - Fri 10 a.m. to 12 noon .

All video rentals are now for five days. We can copy your old videotapes onto DVDs cheap: only $50 pesos for members and $75 pesos for non-members.

Tech Help Desk Mike Goss, one of our techno-wizards,will answer your questions and try to solve any problems you may have with your devices. Consultations are held Thursdays from noon to 2 p.m. at a table outside the Sala. This popular feature is very well attended, so arrive early.First come; first served.

Tech Classes Cancelled Please note: Our tech classes have been cancelled for the moment, but will resume in the near future. Check the Service Office or the website for the latest information on upcoming class schedules.

US Consulate Passport Checklist May, 2018 Proper form completed and signed. Simple passport renewal MXN Pesos/$110 USD Form DS-82 Book and Card MXN Pesos/$140 USD Form DS-82 Renewal for age 15 and under MXN Pesos/$115 USD Form DS-11 Lost or Stolen passport MXN Pesos/$145 USD Forms DS-64 & DS-11 Two photos 2”x2” or 5 x 5 cm. (without glasses) Important news from the US Consulate: Fees must be in the exact amount required for consular services. No money will be exchanged if your check is incorrect for passport renewals and notarizations. Information regarding the current exchange rate will be available one week before the scheduled consular visit. Check the LCS website for up-to-the-minute information or visit the LCS Service Office. Bank checks must be made payable to “United States Disbursing Officer on Behalf” in Mexican pesos only. Applications for a bank check require a payment. Call the LCS Service for the price of the bank check. Your original passport and a photocopy must be submitted at the bank in ordering the transaction. Bank checks in pesos are available only from Banamex located at Avenida Francisco I Madero 222, Col. Centro in Chapala. Do not sign or write anything on the check. No cash or credit cards will be accepted as payment. No first time applications will be accepted. Do not print your application in one page. Use one sheet per page. Notarizing a document requires MXN Pesos/$50 USD per impression. You must present an official and current US or Mexican ID such as: a US Passport, US Driver’s License, Mexican Passport, Mexican Driver’s License, or Mexican Voter Card (IFE) to have documents notarized.

TED Talks

Thursday Film Aficionados

Tuesdays In the Sala 12 noon to 1:15 p.m. Members only. Bring your card. Tuesday, May 1, The History of Our World in 18 Minutes Historian David Christian, narrates a complete history of the universe, from the Big Bang to the Internet, in a riveting enlightening, wide-angle look at complexity, life and humanity. Tuesday, May 8 Why Does the Universe Exist? Jim Holt, writer and philosopher asks ”Why is there something instead of nothing? Why does the universe exist (and why are we in it?). Holt offers three possible answers. Or four. Or none. Tuesday, May 15 A Theory of Everything Emily Levine, Philosopher-comedian talks (hilariously) about science, math, society and the way everything connects. A brilliant trickster, she pokes holes in our fixed ideas bringing hidden truths to light. Let her ping your brain. Tuesday, May 22 “The Gift and Power of Emotional Courage” Psychologist Susan David shares shows how we deal with our emotions shapes everything that matters: our actions, careers, relationships, health and happiness. She challenges a culture that prizes positivity over emotional truth and discusses the powerful strategies of emotional agility. A talk to share. Tuesday, May 29 The Revolutionary Power of Diverse Thought Novelist Elif Shafak says, “From populist demagogues, we will learn the indispensability of democracy. From isolationists, we will learn the need for global solidarity. And from tribalists, we will learn the beauty of cosmopolitanism.” A native of Turkey, Shafak has experienced firsthand the devastation that a loss of diversity can bring. In a passionate, personal talk, she reminds us that there are no binaries, in politics, emotions and our identities. “One should never, ever remain silent for fear of complexity,” Shafak says.

Open to LCS members only. Bring your card. All films shown in the Sala from 2 to 4 p.m. No food. No pets. May 3 Jane 2017 USA Academy Award nominee for Best Documentary, this brilliant film portrays the life and work of famed primatologist Jane Goodall and features never-before-seen footage. (88 minutes) May 10 The Distinguished Citizen 2017 Argentina In ”El Ciudadano Ilustre” a recipient of the Nobel Prize for literature, who has been living in Europe for decades, accepts an invitation to receive an award in his native Argentina. (113 minutes) May 17 In The Fade (Auf Dem Nichts) Germany Katja’s life collapses after the death of her husband and son in a bomb attack. After a time of mourning and injustice, Katja seeks revenge. Academy Award nominee for Best Foreign Language Film. (101 minutes) May 24 The Meyerowitz Stories 2017 USA An estranged family gathers together in New York for an event celebrating the artistic work of their father. Dustin Hoffman was a nominee for Best Actor at the Academy Awards for his role. (110 minutes) May 31 Un Coeur En Hiver (A Heart In Winter) 1992 France A subtle French psychodrama starring Daniel Auteuil, Emmanuelle Beart, and Andre Dussollier. This fascinating film conveys, with startling clarity, the soullessness of a man unable to sustain an intimate relationship. (102 minutes)

May Bus Trips

Free Spanish language films are shown every Friday at 7 p.m. at the Wilkes Biblioteca Publica de Ajijic at Galeana #18. Open to the public. Bring the family. Quatro peliculas de Alvin Y Las Ardillas Viernes 4 A Menor Tamano Mas Talento Viernes 11 Los Chicos Han Vuelto Y Tienen Competencia Viernes 18 Fiesta En Alta A Mar Viernes 25 Fiesta Sobre Ruedas

Thursday, May 10 Tlaquepaque/ Forum Mall Find upscale retailers and fine dining in Tlaquepaque’s historic, architecturally significant pedestrian-only zone. For those wishing to shop nearby Forum Mall, arrangements will be made. Cost is $370 pesos for members and $470 pesos for non-members. Bus departs promptly at 9 a.m. Wednesday, May 23 Home Depot/Costco Shop Home Depot for home and garden needs, then on to Costco and Mega. Cost to members is $370 pesos and $470 for nonmembers. Bus departs promptly at 9:30 a.m. All trips depart from the sculpture in La Floresta; Please note: tickets must be purchased no later than two days before any trip.

Friday Family Films for May

Costco Returns (date to be announced) At this time, we didn’t have a specific date for Costco’s return to LCS. Check the LCS website later this month. Look for Costco representatives at the Blue Umbrella Patio to get information on upcoming sales and special offers and open or renew Costco memberships.

THE LAKE CHAPALA SOCIETY, A.C. 16 de Septiembre #16-A, Ajijic, Jalisco LCS Main Office: (376) 766-1140 Office, information and other services - Monday-Saturday, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Grounds open until 5:00 p.m. LCS BOARD OF DIRECTORS President - Carole Wolff (2020); Vice-President - Sandra Britton (2019); Treasurer - Vacant (2019); Secretary - George Radford (2020); Directors: Azucena Bateman (2019); Tim Boardman (2020); Dee Dee Camhi (2019); Nicolas Hanson (2019); Philip Newbold (2020); Janis Sirany (2019); Elizabeth Villaseñor (2020). Immediate Past President: Ben White * Executive Director - Terry Vidal

The LCS Newsletter is published monthly. Deadline for submissions is the 17th of the month preceding publication. Submit all news items to newsletter@lakechapalasociety.com Note: The editorial staff reserves the right to edit all submissions according to time, space availability and editorial decision.

Saw you in the Ojo 75


El Ojo del Lago / May 2018

Saw you in the Ojo 77


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El Ojo del Lago / May 2018

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- EASY TECH Tel: 33-3598-3263


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$-,-,& '(17$/ &/,1,& Tel. (376) 766-3682 3DJ %09 '(17$/ Tel. 766-1772, 766-1774 3DJ & ' 6$1'5$ $1$<$ 025$ Tel: 108-0977, Cell: 331-218-6241 3DJ - CHAPALA DENTAL CARE Tel. 765-5584, 766-3847 3DJ '(17$/ (;35(66 Tel: 106-2080 3DJ - DENTAL HEALTH ONE Tel: 106-0826 3DJ '5 $/%(572 '21 2/,9(5$ Tels: 765-4838, 765-4805 3DJ '5$ $1*(/,&$ $/'$1$ /(0$ ''6 Tel. 765-5364, Cell. (045) 331 351 7797 3DJ '5 )5$1&,6&2 &2175(5$6 Tel: 765-5757, Cell: (045) 33 1143 1787 3DJ - HECTOR HARO DDS Tel. 765-3193 3DJ /$.( &+$3$/ '(17$/ *5283 Tels: 766 0144, 108 1707 3DJ 0& '(17$/ Tel: 765-3225 3DJ 2'2172 &/,1,&. Tel: 766-5050 3DJ - ODONTOLOGY DEPOT Tel. 766-4202 3DJ





$;,;,& 635,1* &/($1,1* Tel: 766-5140- Cell: 33-1075-7768

%$1. ,19(670(17

&+5,67,1(¶6 Tel: 106-0864 - CRISCO SALON Tel: 766 4073 (',7+¶6 Cell: 33-1310-9372 +,/'$ :25/':,'( Tel: 33-3676-2514


%(72¶6 :,1( /,4825 Cell: (045) 333-507-3024 9,126 < /,&25(6 3$= Tel. 766-0292


- COLIBRI GARDEN Tel: 765-4412, Cell: (045) 333-156-9382 - ROCHATAS Tel: 387-763-0295




,17(5&$0 Tel: 766-5978 08/7,9$ Tel: 766-2499


/21$6 0(;,&2 Tel: 766-0045, Cell: 33-3956-4852




(0(5*(1&< +27/,1( $0%8/$1&( &58= 52-$ ),5( '(3$570(17 POLICE $MLMLF &KDSDOD /D )ORUHVWD




- REAL ORTEGA & SONS-+DUGZDUH IRU &DUSHQWHUV Tel: 765-2404, 765-3404 3DJ


0$// 287/(7


- CENTRO LAGUNA Tel: 766-5514

$8720$7,& *$5$*( '225 23(1(56 Tel: 766-4973 3DJ

* GARDENING $-,-,& :$7(5 *$5'(16 Tel: 766-4386 - GARDEN CENTER Tel: 765-5973

0($7 328/75< &+((6( 721<¶6 Tel: 766-1614



0(',&$/ 6(59,&(6


$/7$ 5(7,1$ 'U 5LJREHUWR 5LRV /HyQ 2SKWKDOPLF 6XUJHRQ Tel: 766-1521 3DJ - BESTLAB Tel: 688-1174- Cell: 331-096-9173 3DJ &$6,7$ 0217$f$ Tel: 766-5513 3DJ




&+$3$/$ 0(' Tel: 766-4435, Cell: (045) 331-605-9645 3DJ '(50$72/2*,67 Tel: 765-2400, Cell: (045) 333-170-6570 3DJ '(50,.$ 'HUPDWRORJLF &HQWHU Tel: 766-2500 3DJ '5 $1721,2 52-$6 0$&('2 3ODVWLF DQG 5HFRQVWUXFWLYH 6XUJHU\ Tel: 33-3611-2011, 33-3611-2121 3DJ '5 *$%5,(/ +(51$1'(= Tel: 766-5513 3DJ '5 *$%5,(/ 9$5(/$ Tel: 765-6666, Cell: 333-128-6347 3DJ '5 ,9$1 +(51$1'(= Tel: 766-4435, 766-5126 3DJ '5 -8$1 0 $&(9(6 0 Tel: 766-1244, Cell. 331-429-1343 3DJ '5$ &/$8',$ / &$0$&+2 &+2=$ 2SKWKDOPRORJLVW Tel: 33-3403-3857 3DJ '5$ 0$57+$ 5 %$//(67(526 )5$1&2 Cell: (045) 333-408-0951 3DJ - FLYING NURSES INTERNATIONAL Tel: 001-877-521-1333 3DJ - GO LAB Tel: 106-0881 3DJ +$33,1(66 &DUH 5HVLGHQFH IRU (OGHUO\ Cell: 33-3137-9604 3DJ +263,7$/ $1*(/(6 '(/ &$50(1 Tel: (01) 3813-0042 3DJ - HOSPITAL COUNTRY Tel: 38-54-45-00, 38-19-34-00 3DJ ,&0, 'U 5DPRQ *DUFLD *DUFLD Cell: (044) 333-157-4741 3DJ ,0(' ,17(*5,7< Tel: 766-5154 3DJ - ISILAB Tel: 766-1164 3DJ /$.( &+$3$/$ 36<&+2/2*< *5283 Tels: 766 0144, 108 1707 3DJ /$.(6,'( &$5',2/2*< &/,1,& 'U 6DOYDGRU 0R\D Tel: (387) 763-0665 3DJ /$.(6,'( 0(',&$/ *5283 Tel: 766-0395 3DJ 0(',&$/ &$5( *'/ Tel: (376) 688 1148, (33) 3797-4375 3DJ - PLASTICA LIFT Tel: 108-0595 3DJ 3/$67,& 685*(5< 'U %HQMDPLQ 9LOODUDQ Tel: 33-3630-1135, 766,4871 3DJ 6752.( &$// &(17(5 Tel: 765-6666, 33-3128-6347 3DJ 9$5,&26( 9(,16 75($70(17 Tel: 765-4805 3DJ

029(56 /$.( &+$3$/$ 029,1* Tel: 766-5008 67520 :+,7( 029(56 Tel: 766-6153


086,& 7+($75( (9(176 ' - +2:$5' Tel: 766-3044


* NURSERY /$6 3$/0$6 9,9(52 Cell: 33-1195-7112


* PAINT 48,52= ,PSHUPHDELOL]DQWHV Tel: 766-2311 48,52= 3LQWXUDV Tel: 766-2311


* PERSONAL ASSISTANCE 0$11<¶6 6(59,&(6 Cell: 331-863-2163


3+$50$&,(6 )$50$&,$ &5,67,1$ Tel: 766-1501 )$50$&,$ (;35(66 ,, Tel: 766-0656 )$50$&,$ 0$6.$5$6 Tel/Fax: 765-5827 )$50(; Tel: 765-5004


* REAL ESTATE $// ,1 Tel. 766-1161 3DJ $-,-,& +20( ,163(&7,216 Tel: 766-2836 3DJ - BETTINA BERING Tel: 766-1049, Cell. 33-1210-7723 3DJ - CHULA VISTA NORTE Tel: 766-2177 Cell: (045) 33-1892-2194 3DJ - CIELOVISTA Tel: 33-2002-2400 3DJ &2/':(// %$1.(5 &+$3$/$ 5($/7< Tel: 766-1152, 766-3369 Fax: 766-2124, Tels: 765-2877 Fax: 765-3528 3DJ - CONTINENTAL REALTY Tel: 766-1994 3DJ &80%5(6 Tel: 33-2002-2400 3DJ - EAGER & ASOCIADOS Tel: (376) 766 1917, 1918 3DJ *(25*(77( 5,&+021' Tel: 766-2077 3DJ -8',7 5$-+$7+< Cell: (045) 331 - 395 - 9849 3DJ - LORI FIELSTED REALTY Cell: 331-365-0558 3DJ 0,&+$(/$ 6,5%8 Cell: 333-141-5979 3DJ 035 5($/ (67$7( Tel: (315) 351-5167 3DJ - RADISSON BLU - Ajijic Resort, Spa & Residences Tel: 766-4525, Cell: 332-255-5972 3DJ 5$8/ *21=$/(= Cell: 33-1437-0925 3DJ - TRUDIE NELSON Cell: 331-074-3308 3DJ - VISTA ALEGRE Tel: 33-2002-2400 3DJ

5(17$/6 3523(57< 0$1$*(0(17 &2/':(//%$1.(5 &+$3$/$ 5($/7< Tel: 766-1152, Cell:(045) 33-1175-9632 3DJ - FOR RENT 3DJ Cell: 331-115-6584 - FOR RENT Tel: 331-834-9329 3DJ - LORI FIELSTED REALTY Cell: 331-365-0558 3DJ - SANTANA RENTALS Cell: 315-104-3283 3DJ

* RESTAURANTS/CAFES/BAR $-,-,& 7$1*2 Tel: 766-2458 3DJ $/)5('2¶6 &$/,)251,$ Tel: 33-1301-9862 3DJ - ARILEO Tel: 106-1627 3DJ $50$1'2¶6 +,'($:$< Tel: 766-2229 3DJ - CASA LINDA Tel: 108-0887, Cell: 331-298-2560 3DJ &$)( 0217$f$ Tel: 33-2172-9377 3DJ - EL ANCLA Tel: 106-2011, Cell. 33-1552-8014 3DJ - ELEGANTE Tel: 766-1066 3DJ - GO BISTRO Cell: (045) 33-3502-6555 3DJ *26+$¶6 Tel: 766-2121 3DJ - GRUPO PASTA Tel: 33-3615-4952 3DJ - HUERTO CAFÉ Tel: 108-0843 3DJ /$ &$6$ '(/ :$))/( Tel: 766-1946 3DJ - LA CASA DEL CAFE Tel: 766-2876 3DJ /$ 0(6$ Tel. 766-2948 Cell. 33 3814 5834 3DJ - LA NUEVA POSADA Tel: 766-1444, 766-1344 3DJ /$ 3$&(f$ Tel: 33-3800-6233 3DJ ³/$ 7$9(51$´'(, 48$7752 025, Tel: 766-2848 3DJ /26 02//(7(6 Tel: 766-4296 3DJ 0$1,; Tel: 766-0061 Cell. 33-1065-0725 3DJ 020¶6 '(/, 5(67$85$17 Tel: 765-5719 3DJ

- PANINO Tel: 766-3822 3DJ 3,==(5,$ 726&$1$ Tel: 765-6996 3DJ 6,03/< 7+$, Tel: 766-4767, Cell: 333-393-2770 3DJ - TEPETATE THAI RESTAURANT Tel: 766-2020 3DJ - THE HOT DOG SHOP Tel: 766-3807, Cell: 33-3662-9990 3DJ 7+( 3($&2&. *$5'(1 Tel: 766-1381 3DJ 721<¶6 5(67$85$17 &$03(675( Tel: 331-433-6112 3DJ - YVES Tel: 766-3565 3DJ

5(7,5(0(17 5(67 1856,1* +20(6 - CASA ANASTASIA Tel: 765-5680 / 33-3452-5864 - LA CASA NOSTRA Tel: 765-3824 - LA VALENTINA Tel: 766 5179, Cell. 33-3157-5242 1856,1* +20( /$.( &+$3$/$ Tel: 766-0404 - OHANA Tel: (01387) 761-0403

63$ 0$66$*( - FRAU SPA Tel: 766-4393, Cell. 33-1736-5772 - GANESHA SPA Tel: 766-5653 - LA BELLA VIDA Tel: 766-5131 - TOTAL BODY CARE Tel: 766-3379


7$;, 75$163257$7,21 $57852 )(51$1'(= Cell: (045) 333-954-3813 - PERSONAL TRANSPORTATION Cell: 331-112-5745, 333-954-9694









6$7(//,7(6 7 9 $-,-,& (/(&7521,&6 6 $ '( & 9 Tel/Fax: 766-1117, 766-3371 3DJ 6+$: 6$7(//,7( 6(59,&(6 Te: 33-1402-4223 3DJ

- TECNO AQUA Tel: 766-3731, 108-0808


* SELF STORAGE - SELF STORAGE-BODEGAS CHAPALA Tel: 766-0661, Tel/Fax: 766-1045 3DJ

6(37,& 7$1. 3803,1* -3 +20( 6(59,&(6 Tel. 766-1569, Cell: 333-968-2938 5(<12%$f26 Cell: 333-815-1775


62&,$/ 25*$1,=$7,216 /$.( &+$3$/$ 62&,(7< Tel: 766-1140 3DJ /26 1,f26 '( &+$3$/$ < $-,-,& Tel: 765-7032 3DJ

* SOLAR ENERGY - SUN QUEST ENERGY Tel: 766-1761, Cell: 33-1603-9756 3DJ

The Ojo Crossword

Saw you in the Ojo 79


:$17(' I am moving back to the States and needing a trailer. It does not have to be enclosed. Email: marsmex@yahoo.com. FOR SALE: VW Beetle 2008, automatic Tiptronic, 120 km, 3 new tires, Color Red. Email: raul061070@gmail.com. FOR SALE: 2008 Honda CVR – EXL. 89000 KM, new tires & rear brakes, leather seating & sunroof, dual climate control, back up sensor, CD stacker, dark grey in colour, Mexican plated, emission tested. Price: $165,000 pesos or USD or CND equivalent. Call Neil: 669-150-9136. FOR SALE: 1999 Ford Expedition XL Triton V8. Leather seats, electric windows, doors and seats. Air conditioning. Well maintained by local mechanic. Recently Serviced and Oil Changed. New Battery. Mexican Plated. 180,000 miles. Email: suelong2run@ gmail.com FOR SALE: Not sure what size it is, not full size but stock spare and rim for Honda CRV--mine’s a 2007. $15 and come pick up. Email: emily@beebeedesign.net. :$17(' Looking for spare TIRE with RIM 2003 Toyota Highlander. Email: donna@treeco.com. FOR SALE: Beautiful red 1994 Mazda Miata MX-5 convertible. 162k miles. Legally imported and plated in Jalisco. Fees paid for 2018. 5 Speed manual. Recent complete new front suspension. New brakes, new power steering rack. Runs and drives like a dream. New BBS style rims with new tires. Air Conditioning. Price: $10k usd or peso equivalent. Call or text 331-000-7777. FOR SALE: I’m selling my Geo Tracker 1997 /same as Suzuki Sidekick 1997. 3 sp. automatic 2WD, soft-top. Asking price: $3,200 USD obo. Please call for photos or inspection. 333-100- 9690.


FOR SALE: It’s an ASUS Vivo book, Model X 5053 (or X 505B) 1 TB h/d, etc. I paid $549.00 USD plus a bunch of tax and environmental fee, etc. at Fry’s. I never used it because I didn’t know what/how much was involved in transferring all my programs/ data over. I´ll take US$500 or pesos. I’m in Chapala Haciendas. email me: 1988jeopardychampion@gmail.com. FOR SALE: Asus GTX 770 video card. $VNLQJ SHVRV RU QHDUHVW RႇHU SULFH reduced to 3,000 ONO). Ram For sale here is KHX21C11T2K/16X 16gb dual channel 2133mhz , cost me 499 usd import from amazon, would like to get $200 reduced $180 RU QHDUHVW RႇHU (PDLO daviesgareth@gmail. com. FOR SALE: Laptop Memory 4gb, The other one tested as perfect, ddr3 1600Mhz. SODIMM. Min price Amazon mx $1000, 0DNH PH DQ RႇHU ,DLQ :$17(' /RRNLQJ IRU D Ă€DVKHG URXWHU in Lakeside Any info appreciated. Email: txriverlady@yahoo.com. FOR SALE: Windows 7 Tower. $4,000p. Rebuilt. ($12,000 new.) NOTE this is the tower only, although I do have a used 19â€? monitor available. 500 Gig hard drive. Gigabyte F-945/FXM-52C motherboard. Intel Core 2 Duo E4600 Dual core CPU, 2.40 GHz, 2MB L2 Caches, 800 MHz FSB4 Gigs RAM; Intel 82945G Express CPU and onboard video chip DVD burner. Mike the Computer Guy. 765-4156. mike-at-ajijiccomputing.com FOR SALE: IPAD MINI. Price: $150. USD or $2600 Pesos. Call: 376-766-5723. FOR SALE: Asus Desktop with Dual Core ES400 2.7GHz, 6GB RAM (upgradeable to 16GB), 1TB Hard Drive, 8 USB 2.0


ports, US keyboard & mouse. Currently Win-7 but genuine windows software so can be upgraded to Win-10 if you want. Price: US$200 or $3,700 pesos. Call Brian at 7664836. FOR SALE: Samsung Tablet Tab A. 10.1 LQFKHV :L Âż ,QFOXGHV JE PLFUR FKLS ,Qcludes 16gb internal memory, In Ajijic $5000 pesos. 331-706-1234, Over $7500.00 at TELMEX. FOR SALE: Baby Locks Ellageo. Quilting/embroidery machine. Price: $1175. Call: 766-5723. :$17(' Sound bar for TV. The sound RQ P\ ´ Ă€DW VFUHHQ79 LV QRW WKDW JUHDW HVpecially for playing DVD’s or music. Looking to purchase a reasonably priced soundbar for it. Call: 766-4338 or 39carrol@gmail. com.

3(76 6833/,(6

FREE: Greyhound mix needs home. Young approximately 1 year old greyhound mix needs home. Rescued from Chapala neighborhood. Very lovable, calm, clean, KRXVH EURNHQ DQG , WKLQN Âż[HG 6ZHHW GRJ Loves other dogs. I would keep but have 2 others. 332-055-6255, Email: boswelltb@ yahoo.com. :$17(' Lost poodle, miniature, purebred, grey (silver), female, last seen 3/15/18 in Chapala Hacienda neighborhood; reward of $5,000 pesos for her return; contact 331831-6779. :$17(' The Dog Adoption Ranch is in need of crates or donations to buy crates to transport our dogs to their new homes. If you can help in any way, please contact me here or with a pm. Email: vivtomh@hotmail. com.

*(1(5$/ 0(5&+$1',6(

FOR SALE: :DWHU ¿OWHUV IRU URRI WRS RU SRRO RU KRXVH , ERXJKW WKHVH ¿OWHUV D week ago and then the landlord turned Rႇ WKH V\VWHP 7KH\ ZHUH XVHG RQH GD\ I paid $470 pesos for them and would like SHVRV IRU WKHP WR ¿QG D QHZ KRPH instead of just throwing them away. Email: UKVFKDႇHU#\DKRR FRP FORSALE: Evans 4000 Watt Generator - 7.5 hp with wheel kit installed. Easy pull start with lots of power to run household appliances plus much more. Asking price is $7,000.00 pesos - OBO. Lower La Floresta area. neptune54321@gmail.com FOR SALE: Pioneer VSX 1024-K 7.2 channel audio/visual receiver. 140 watts x 7 FKDQQHOV 8OWUD +LJK 'H¿QLWLRQ SDVV WKURXJK on HDMI ports. 6 HDMI in – 1 out. $2500 MN. cbednarz@gmail.com. FOR SALE: &RႇHH PDNHU SHVRV Wicker basket $350 pesos, Garrafon and stand $650 pesos. Email: UKVFKDႇHU#\Dhoo.com. FOR SALE: Table top barbecue with hose adaptor and 20 lb(9.5 kg) tank. Excellent for two people. Contact Murray Olson at rmolson75@gmail.com or call 376-1062039. Used for 5 months. Will sell for $3000 pesos. FOR SALE: Android box + wireless keyboard remote, This box works great w/ Kodi, 7HUUDULXP 0REGUR 1HWÀL[ HWF *% 5DP 16GB Rom, Android 6. HDMI cable included, $500 pesos. 765-2603. FOR SALE: Shaw 35 inch elliptical satellite dish. 333-723-0376. FOR SALE: CPAP Machine, $5,500, Used but in excellent condition. Includes NEW mask and hose. Your choice either a full face or a nose mask. Also includes traveling case. Email:

El Ojo del Lago / May 2018

julieywayne@yahoo.com. FOR SALE: Mead telescope. Excellent FRQGLWLRQ RU EHVW RႇHU FOR SALE: One pair brown calf-high GUHVV ERRWV LQFK KHHO VPDOO ¿WWLQJ 1HDUO\ $300. new, sell for $150. U.S. or peso equivalent. 2nd pair golden brown ankle boots with zipper, 1 inch heel. $60.00 USD or peso equivalent. Email: karinagmex@yahoo.com FOR SALE: $2000 pesos, seldom used as it was a second TV, Call: 766-7026. FOR SALE: Champion juicer 1/3 HP Heavy duty. The Cadillac of Juicers, $1500 pesos, 766-5896. FOR SALE: Marcato Atlas deluxe model 150 pasta machine, $1000 pesos, 766-5896. FOR SALE: Almost new Mio GPS. Supposedly the best for Guadalajara. New $3,000 pesos for only $1,500. 333-723-0376. FOR SALE: Scottish Books, Castles and Keepers of Scotland, Scottish Kings, In Search of your British and Irish Roots, Tartans, The Anglo-Saxon Age c400-1042, The Highland Clans, Scottish Clans and Tartans, Scottish Clan and Family Encyclopedia, every book in perfect condition, unread, $50p per book, mycasa17@gmail.com. FOR SALE: Ten books related to the Course in Miracles and the two texts for $100p total. mexicomolinari@gmail.com. FOR SALE: I have a collection of about ÀDJV WKDW , QR ORQJHU XVH 9DULRXV FRXQtries and areas. 333-723-0376. FOR SALE: Complete Noritake set of china, Blue Hill pattern, 8 place settings plus serving pieces. All in excellent condition with only one teacup missing. US$100 or peso equiv. Call 766-4836. FOR SALE: 21 tubes of Jo Sonja’s DFU\OLF JRXDFKH YHOYHW PDWW ¿QLVK PO DQG Companion Booklet, a few partially used. US$3.24 +$4.99 shipping on Amazon.com, not available in Mexico. Plus 2 60ml bottles of Pickling Gel. All for $1000 pesos. Contact 376-766-2722 FOR SALE: Window Air Conditioner LG 1 Ton 110V. Good condition, works perfect. $2,500 Pesos cgot_x@hotmail.com FOR SALE: Mabe Stove/Estufa, propane, 31�W x 30�H x 24�D, $4000 pesos. Call: 766-5856 FOR SALE: Lightly used GE Refrigerator, 23 Cu.Ft., 32�D, 70�H, 33� W, $11,000 pesos not inc. delivery. Call: 766-5856. FOR SALE: I have a complete Amateur Radio Station (Ham] for sale. ICOM 756 Pro II Shortwave Radio transceiver, Tokyo Hy 3RZHU ZDWW DPSOL¿HU DQG DQWHQQD WXQer, microphone, headset and miscellaneous equipment. I also have parts from WW2 military radios, antennas, and a 60 ft. Crank up, tilit over Tower and a tri-band beam antenna DQG URWDWRU 0DNH RႇHU FOR SALE: Carpet, recently professionally cleaned, 66 by 95 inches, for $2000 pesos. :$17(' Wanted jewelry making supplies beginner’s basic tools, 3 kinds jewelry pliers, bead board. Need crimping pliers, crimping beads. Need maybe 100 of 40 different kinds of beads. If you want make a donation I can give you a 501c tax deduction receipt for your jewelry supplies. Wayne 766-1860. FOR SALE: Unlocked Apple Iphone 6. Ready for Telcel use. Price: $4500 pesos. Call: 333-461-5442. FOR SALE: Matching white wrought iron and wood bedroom suite includes queen size bedframe, mattress and box spring, 2 side tables, dressing table and Mexican tin/ tile wall mirror. US$800 complete. 7 drawer wooden chest of drawers. $US120 or peso equiv. 2 brown bedside table lamps with large cream coloured shades. US$100 or

peso equiv for pair. Call: 766-4836. FOR SALE: HDDRS 600 Shaw receiver with service, Receiver with 2 months shaw service included. No dish or other equipment included. Price: $5000. Call: 333-461-5442. FOR SALE: Lacquered Indonesian woven grass occasional chair with upholstered cushions. US$120 or peso equiv. Call 7664836. FOR SALE: Two 24â€?W X 17â€?H frames each containing 2 watercolors by a Chinese artist in San Francisco. Unique with beautiful water, waterfall, and boat scenes. US$140 or peso equiv for the pair. Call 766-4836. FOR SALE: 23â€?W X 20â€?H framed and signed original Enrique Valazquez waterFRORU SDLQWLQJ RI ÂżVKHUPDQ GU\LQJ KLV QHWV RQ shoreline of Lake Chapala. US$200 or peso equiv. Call 766-4836. FOR SALE: Custom painted (green with FDFWXV Ă€RZHUV IRON DUW KDOO WUHH IRU KDWV coats. US$30 or equiv. Call 766-4836. FOR SALE: Custom built oak blanket stand, light brown stain. US$60 or peso equiv. Call 766-4836. FOR SALE: ´ KLJK ZRRGHQ Ă€RRU ODPS ZLWK RULJLQDO ÂżQLDO QHZ VKDGH 86 or peso equiv. Call 766-4836. FOR SALE: 50.5â€?L X 16â€?W X 29â€?H chocolate brown wrought iron sofa table with glass top insert. US$80 or peso equiv. Call 766-4836. FOR SALE: 18 1/2â€? diameter wrought iron end table with glass top insert. US$40 or peso equiv. Call 766-4836. FOR SALE: Jansport rolling backpack. Price: $900 Mx. Sharon or Allen 765-5882 FOR SALE: Baby Lock Ellageo sewing/ embroidery machine. I found some machines in spanish for $26000 pesos. I’ll sell mine for SHVRV RU 86' FKHFN LV ÂżQH , also want to sell one smaller machine and will be glad to sell the new machine that we just got with our large Janomes. It sells for $549.USD so I’ll sell it for $275.USD or 5,000 p. or they can buy the one like you have for $200.USD or 3400 pesos. I also have an ipad mini which I’ve had wiped so it is like new, for $150. or $2550 pesos. Call: 376766-5723. FOR SALE: 29â€?W X 35â€?H framed original Dimitar Krustev (signed 2000) pencil & pastel drawing titled “The Baby Sitterâ€?. US$400 or peso equiv. Call 766-4836. FOR SALE: 50â€? round brown bamboo dining table with glass top and 4 matching chairs with upholstered seat cushions. New condition, custom made US$360 or peso equiv. Call 766-4836. FOR SALE: 86â€?H X 72â€?W woven wool rug wall hanging from San Miguel area, very XQLTXH WURSLFDO ÂżVK PRWLI ZLWK FUHDP EDFNground. Comes with decorative custom black wrought iron support bar and wall brackets for hanging. US$120 or peso equiv. Call 7664836. FOR SALE: Unique 52â€?L X 26â€?W X 36â€?H chocolate brown wrought iron kitchen island with glass tiled top & bottom shelves for kitchen work space & storage. US$260 or peso equiv. Call 766-4836. FOR SALE: Elegant 78â€? tall green/grey hand painted curio display cabinet with 4 mirror-backed display shelves with bottom storage cupboard. US$280 or peso equiv. 30â€? X 33â€? dark brown hanging display cabinet with glass doors & shelves. US$120 or peso equiv. 76â€? tall dark brown corner cabinet with 6 display shelves. US$60 or peso equiv. All very elegant and in beautiful condition. Call 766-4836. FOR SALE: 2 cream coloured wood Queen Anne style side chairs with beautiful carved backs and upholstered seats. US$120 each or peso equiv. Call 766-

4836. FOR SALE: 60�-90� long elegant hardwood (cherry) dining room table, dark brown, EHDXWLIXO ¿QLVK ZLWK H[WHQVLRQ OHDYHV DQG 4 matching upholstered seat chairs, 2 silence clothes, 3 table cloths for multiple lengths plus 8 placemats & napkins. US$1,000 complete. 2 rattan captain chairs with upholstered seats. US$250 or peso equiv for the pair. Dark brown 50� long X 35� high VLGHERDUG EXႇHW ZLWK FDUYHG IURQW GUDZHUV and cupboards. US$280 or peso equiv. Call 766-4836. FOR SALE: Antique rocking chair, dark wood with tapestry upholstery on seat & back. US$120 or peso equiv. Call 766-4836. FOR SALE: 2 Rattan Livingroom Chairs, tall occasional chairs plus 1 ottoman, with removable upholstered fabric seat & back cushions. US$280 or peso equiv for set. Call 766-4836. FOR SALE: Full size, tall, wing chair in rust multi-stripe fabric. Excellent for tall person. US$280 or peso equiv. Call 766-4836. FOR SALE: 83� long, chocolate brown, custom made 3 seat sofa in beautiful condition. US$400 or peso equiv. Call 766-4836. FOR SALE: Haier wine refrigeratorholds 30 bottles. Red and white zones. Price: $2000 pesos. Email ianandjen88@ gmail.com or 766-5896 FOR SALE: Mountain Bike. It has 27.5-inch wheels, hydraulic disc brakes, 24 speed Shimano gears and adjustable front shocks. It comes with a kickstand, rear mounting rack, tools, extra tubes. I have

an electric front wheel for the bike. I can be reached at adw2011@live.com or on my cell phone at 332-213-3339. I am selling the bike and electric wheel for $700 US or just the bike for $350 US. I have invested over $1200 US into the bike. It is one year old. :$17(' I am seeking to buy a bicycle 26 with suspension for riding in the city to replace the one that was stolen. If you have one you would like to sell or no longer need please let me know. Email: sweetkandi425@ yahoo.com. :$17(' If you have an air bed for sale or rent, please contact me. I have a guest coming and not enough beds. Call: 766-5723 FOR SALE: Apple ipad mini, Excellent condition, $150usd. Pictures of front and back by request. Ajijic62@yahoo.com. FOR SALE: Two brand new bikes, still in fabric boxes, Children bikes, Star telescope, Golf clubs, 4 complete sets in bags + 2 extra carrying bags, Bar and weights, dumbbells, punching bag and gloves, Barbie house and more to see at our house in Ajijic downtown. Call 333-394-9770. :$17(' Washer/dryer not to expensive but in Working order. UNIVERSITY student getting set up away from home. Please call Susanne 376-766-4456, Cell 331-8245205. FOR SALE: Newly upholstered Chair GLGQœW ¿W ULJKW LQ WKH /LYLQJ 5RRP :RXOG also be great in a Bedroom. 28� Wide, 42� Deep, 32� High. $1500 pesos. tucantalk@ gmail.com or 766-5856. :$17(' 6PDOO GRRU ¿OLQJ FDELQHW

reasonably priced. Email: mike@acspaging. com. FOR SALE: Baby Locks Ellageo sewing and embroidery machine. Minor adjustment needed. $600. USD as is. And smaller Janome (great for taking to a Bee.) The Janome is new and I’m it for $400. Email: ajijic62@yahoo.com. FOR SALE: Golf Balls, we still have some, left including Power Distance. TITLEIST.SFT PACKS of THREE and by the dozen. The amazing price of $30 pesos X 3 balls. Call David or Susanne 376-766-4456 Cell: 331-824-5205. :$17(' Student requires MINI BAR for his University room. Call Susanne or David 376-766-4456 Cell 331-824-5205. FOR SALE: 10X10 GAZEBO comes complete with frame roof, and curtains. COLOUR creamy beige comes with all the hardware to install. $6000pesos. Call Susanne 376-766-4456 Cell 331-824-5205. FOR SALE: THIS set comes with 3 dress pillows, king size comforter, 2 pillow shams, and bed skirt. MATERIAL is silky cotton colour cafe/beige $3500 pesos. Call Susanne 376-766-4456 Cell 331-824-5205. FOR SALE: Brand new Cannon Printer $2000pesos. Please call Susanne 376-7664456 or Cell 331-824-5205. FOR SALE: Chest Horizontal freezer 9 cubic feet, excellent conditions, Dimensions in centimeters 120X60 height 80 Must sell $3500 pesos. Email: rennicint@yahoo.com. FOR SALE: Painted Wood Mirror, 50 in.

x 34 in. $1000 pesos. Call 766- 5856. FOR SALE: Solid wooden rocking chair for in/outdoors. $30usd (about $560mxn) scrubbers1958@gmail.com or 332-617-3588. FOR SALE: Large wooden display cabinet w/6 glass shelves (contents not included). W: 181cm D: 44.5cm H: 203cm $165usd (approx. $3080mxn). Email: scrubbers1958@ gmail.com or 332-617-3588. FOR SALE: Adams Idea irons left hand 5 to pitching wedge. Adams Idea Rescue Clubs - 4 (23 degrees) and 3 (19 degrees) Taylor Made R5 left hand driver. Odyssey Rossie 2 left hand putter. $3,500.00 pesos. Email: casaalba20@gmail.com. FOR SALE: Dish for Dish satellite, dish only for sale $500 pesos. Email: rennicint@ yahoo.com :$17(' Looking to buy the following: Bedroom: dresser with mirror, bedside tables, queen bed headboard, lamps, Living URRP FRႇHH WDEOH ODPS WDEOH ODPS 2EORQJ tables about 3 ft high, 3-4 ft long. Small desk, Book shelve, Elliptical, Treadmill. Email: swj_smj@hotmail.com FOR SALE: Motion sensor chime and alarm for open doorway, Originally 45 USD. Suitable for shop entrance or any open doorway that is sometimes out of your sight. Can be mounted higher than your dog, or not. You can set it to sound “ding-dong� or a loud “wah wah wah� as desired. Email: jdbaehr@ gmail.com.

Saw you in the Ojo 81


El Ojo del Lago / May 2018

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