El Ojo del Lago - May 2019

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Saw you in the Ojo


Saw you in the Ojo


 D IRE C TOR Y  PUBLISHER Richard Tingen

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Alejandro Grattan-Domínguez Tel: (01376) 765 3676, 765 2877 Fax: (01376) 765 3528 Associate Publisher David Tingen Graphic Design Roberto C. Rojas Reyes Diana Parra Morales





Brooke Gardner at a very young age has survived cancer, and her story is little less than inspirational.

8 Cover by Jan McCusker

Special Events Editor Sandy Olson

30 MOVIE TRIVIA Dennis Crump was a young fella growing up here at Lakeside in the early 60’s when the U.S. Navy came to Ajijic to help in the filming of the John Wayne WWII movie, In Harm’s Way.

Associate Editor Victoria Schmidt Art Critic / Contributing Editor Rob Mohr Theater Critic Michael Warren

36 FOODS AND STUFF Ralph Graves writes about the historical roots of what is today known as Mexican Cuisine.

Book Review Panel Margaret Van Every Margaret Porter Clare Gearhart Roving Correspondent Dr. Lorin Swinehart Sales Manager Bruce Fraser Carmene Berner Office Secretary Rocio Madrigal ADVERTISING OFFICE Av. Hidalgo # 223, Chapala Mon. thru Fri. 9am - 5pm Sat. 9am - 1pm Tel. 01 (376) 765 2877, 765 3676 Fax 01 (376) 765 3528





40 COMMON CHALLENGES Judy Dykstra-Brown’s topic is neatly summed up in the title of her article: Facing the Inevi-


table . . . Alone



Dr. Lorin Swinehart gives credit where it is due in singling out an animal that did much to help the territorial expansion of the United States of America.



Henri Loridans finds Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 11/9 both compelling and amusing, if a bit over the top.

Send all correspondence, subscriptions or advertising to: El Ojo del Lago http://www.chapala.com ojodellago@prodigy.net.mx Ave. Hidalgo 223 (or Apartado 279), 45900 Chapala, Jalisco Tels.: (376) 765 3676, Fax 765 3528 PRINTING: El Debate El Ojo del Lago aparece los primeros cinco días de cada mes. (Distributed over the first five days of each month) Certificado de Licitud de Título 3693 Certificado de Licitud de Contenido 3117. Reserva al Título de Derechos de Autor 04-2011-103110024300-102 Control 14301. Permisos otorgados por la Secretaría de Gobernación (EXP. 1/432 “88”/5651 de 2 de junio de 1993) y SEP (Reserva 171.94 control 14301) del 15 de enero de 1994. Distribución: Hidalgo 223 Chapala, Jalisco, México. All contents are fully protected by copyright and may not be reproduced without the written consent of El Ojo del Lago. Opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflect the views of the Publisher or the Editor, nor are we responsible for the claims made by our advertisers. We welcome letters, which should include name, address and telephone number.




El Ojo del Lago / May 2019


Saw you in the Ojo



Editor’s Page By Alejandro Grattan-Dominguez “SOCIALISM”—With a Personal Twist


n the past few weeks, I have heard more than a few American ex-pats voice concern that the United States seems to have now entered into a serious flirtation with Socialism—but the truth is that the United States has had a long history of enacting “socialistic” programs. The crash of the American economy in 1929 brought on the worst economic depression in its entire history but also brought about some of the most sweeping national relief programs ever enacted. Today those programs are highly valued but back then many of them were considered the first stepping stones to Communism, national initiatives like Social Security, federal aid to Education, Medicine and the Arts, and on and on . . . Later, the end of World War Two saw the passing of the GI Bill, geared up to help the millions of returning servicemen find their post-war footing as they returned to the country they had done nothing less than save. Later came the War on Poverty, FHA, Workers Compensation, the Public Parks Service, Temporary Aid to Needy Families, national scholarship funds and many other programs to aid the less fortunate among the American population.


El Ojo del Lago / May 2019

Much later were the Federally Guaranteed Loans, one of which was for the building of a hundred million dollar golf course in New York City. Strangely enough, the federal government stood behind the loan but did not participate in any share of the profits. The recipient of such a “socialist” deal was none other than the current president of the United States. But at its best, the American system is one of the finest ever devised, thanks in part to two of the framers of the U.S. Constitution: James Monroe and Alexander Hamilton. Monroe was of the opinion that the one true test of the greatness of any country is how humanely it treats the least fortunate of its citizens, while Hamilton championed the entrepreneurial spirit that is primarily responsible for the financial vitality of the country itself. I’ll close on a personal note: Once long ago, seemingly in another lifetime and while still a relatively young man, I reached a dead-end professionally, but was able to stay alive (literally!) thanks to the Federal Food Stamp Program. Luckily, within the next few months my luck did a 180-turn and I was soon able to set up a California corporation for the making of a motion picture whose production would eventually hire more than seventy people and keep many of them employed for more than six months. God bless the United States of America. Alejandro GrattanDominguez

Saw you in the Ojo


Cancer Can’t Take My Smile By Brooke Gardner


ancer is something that happens to other people and not yourself. Everybody knows someone who has or had cancer. It’s something you hear about on TV or read about online. Despite cancer being fairly ubiquitous, it’s not real until it affects you or someone you love. Cancer became real for me in January 2016. I was nineteen years young. My oncologist found an orange sized malignant tumor in my uterus. I was diagnosed with embryonalrhabdomyosarcoma. One of my first thoughts was, “Wow, that’s a mouthful.” I was told that it was stage 1, which was a big relief. However, soon after we found out that it was actually stage 4 because the cancer had spread to my lungs. My treatment included ten months of weekly chemo as well as radiation. I was told that I had a 50% chance of making it, which were better odds than a lot of people had. There’s a twisted beauty in knowing that things could always be worse. One of my first steps was to have an egg-retrieval. I was going to have a hysterectomy and I still wanted biological children. My amazing sister offered to carry my future child for me. It still hurts that I won’t be able to carry my own child, but I focus on the positives of that—the main one being that I don’t have to deal with the excruciating pain of childbirth. Next, it was time to have my uterus ripped out. The hysterectomy went fairly well, although soon after I had internal bleeding. Talk about ouch! After I fully recovered it was time to bring on the poison. Because my treatment was so aggressive, I had a myriad of side effects. I believe that I handled my cancer rather well because of two reasons: one of them was because of my incredible family, and the other was my sense of humor. Losing my hair was one of the first side effects of chemo. On the night of my hairs’ funeral, I had my dad give me a Mohawk. My hair was falling out whether I liked it or not, so I figured I would have some fun with it. I also eventually lost all of my hair, including my eyebrows and eyelashes. I really did look like a naked mole-rat. I know that my sense of humor made it easier on my loved ones, and that’s one of the reasons why I kept it for the year in which I was sick. Cancer could take my hair and my uterus, but it wasn’t going to take my smile.


El Ojo del Lago / May 2019

The absolute hardest thing about cancer was seeing how it affected my loved ones. With each run to the emergency room, each chemo treatment, and each obstacle I saw their hearts break just a little bit more. I stood strong for both myself and the people I cared about, but it was mostly for them. I refused to feel sorry for myself. I had cancer and there was nothing I could do about it, so why dwell? I won my war against cancer, and I have the battle scars to prove it. I see my experience as an opportunity to help others. After my treatment ended, I changed my major to radiation therapy, and I was accepted into the Radiation Therapy Program at Galveston College. Ever since my first day of school I have been so excited to step into a clinic and begin my career. It is such a wonderful program, and I’m so lucky to be a part of it. I fought my battle, and now I want to help others fight their own. I have never been in a better place in my life. I’m healthy and cancer free. I have an amazing and supportive family. I found the man who I’m going to marry. I’m in school studying for my dream career. I believe that cancer had led me to this part of my life, and I am so incredibly grateful. Ed. Note: Brooke is the grand-niece of Fred Mittag, one of the Ojo’s finest writers. Obviously, literary talent runs in his family. She has won a scholarship for $2,000.00 from the Ruth Cheatham Foundation. This will be awarded at a gala in Dallas that has her excited. The essay has also been submitted to M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston as part of an application for a scholarship.

Saw you in the Ojo


Unseen Powers By Rico Wallace


ife is unfair. Did you ever hear about the author who could not get his book published and after he committed suicide that book became a Pulitzer Prize winner for Literature? It should be a lesson for us to never give up. Public television in the U.S.A. (PBS) did a program this year called, THE GREAT AMERICAN READ. They polled Americans on their favorite fiction novels. They had a panel select 100 of them to be voted on by the viewers to ultimately find American’s best loved novel. Spoiler alert: it is TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD. When I turned the TV on one evening a panel member was discussing his favorite book, A CONFEDERACY OF DUNCES by John Kennedy Toole. It reminded me of Saul Bellow’s, Pulitzernominated, HENDERSON, THE RAIN KING. The disgruntled Jewish doctor who raises pigs to spite convention and takes off on a bizarre adventure to the unexplored depths of Africa.


El Ojo del Lago / May 2019

Intrigued, I was astounded to learn that A CONFEDERACY OF DUNCES was rejected by all publishers but one who was interested if many revisions were made. They were never able to agree on those revisions so it was not good enough for them to print. After Toole’s suicide his mother never quit trying to sell the book. She finally succeeded and found an author who agreed to get the book published and it won the Pulitzer Prize the next year in 1981. But wait, that is just the start of strangeness. The real irony here is found in the book itself. The story and the main character, “Ignatious,” who is a little crazy, (understatement, think John Belushi or Jackie Gleason for the movie role) disrespects society, the world and the universe. He ridicules life as it is. But did the universe have its revenge, rejecting the author, Toole, until after his “sudden” demise? Was it the ultimate payback? Do not mock the unseen powers. Rico Wallace

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FRONT ROW CENTER By Michael Warren Season 55 – 2019/2020


ext season opens later than usual on November 8, in order to allow for possible overruns on the ambitious renovations planned for this summer. As a result there will be five shows instead of the normal six. The first play will be Lunenburg by the prolific Canadian playwright Norm Foster. American widow Iris Oulette has inherited a beach house in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, and discovers that her recently deceased husband had a secret life. Foster is a master of humorous dialogue, and the repartee is as always clever and entertaining. First-time directors Susan Quiriconi and Johan Dirkes are masterminding this sentimental comedy/drama. Opening on December 6, we’ll get to see a couple of hilarious oneact plays The Real Inspector Hound and After Magritte by Tom Stoppard. The first play is a crazy parody of the typical whodunit murder mystery, set in a British country house Muldoon Manor. It also takes a dig at the pomposity of theater critics, as Moon and Birdboot arrive to critique a performance and somehow get involved in the action. The second play features an eccentric family who are placed under arrest for illegal parking, and other strange offences. Confusion and misunderstandings abound – if you enjoy absurd British farces, you will have a great time watching these two plays.


El Ojo del Lago / May 2019

Opening on January 17, we have 20th Century Blues by Susan Miller. Ms Miller is a two-time Off Broadway award winner and also a recipient of a Guggenheim Playwriting Fellowship. This recent play focuses on four women who originally met in lock-up in the 60’s. They get together every year for a reunion and a photograph. Now they are in their sixties and the Museum of Modern Art wants to show the photographs as a retrospective exhibition. This play may cause you to reflect on your own journey through life. Then the musical, planned to open on February 21, will be My Fair Lady, assuming that LLT is able to acquire rights approval. Well, you all know the story and the memorable Lerner and Leowe tunes. This classic show opened on Broadway in 1956 with Rex Harrison as Henry Higgins and Julie Andrews as Eliza Doolittle. It was followed by a hit London production, a popular film version, and many revivals. Enjoy! The final play of the season is The Actress by Peter Quilter, opening on March 27. This romantic comedy dramatizes the events backstage as a colorful actress gives her emotional farewell performance. Various people invade her dressing room to say their good-byes, declare their love, roar with laughter, spit insults, grab a final embrace or renew old battles. So there you have it – a shortened Season 55 in the new auditorium will include three semiserious comedies, a crazy British evening of parody and farce, and a muchloved musical. Get your season tickets now! Michael Warren

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hen we are in Canada during the summer, Herself and I often play at the Aurora Bridge Club in the town of the same name just north of Toronto. The diagrammed hand came our way there in a duplicate game. East passed in first seat and I had a decision to make: what should I open? 1, 3 or 4 spades were all options that crossed my mind but I finally settled on the one level as being the best description of my holding. My rationale was that as East had already passed I would be in danger


of pre-empting my partner rather than the opposition if I opened 3 or 4 spades. West made a takeout double (which would not be everyone’s cup of tea but the man had paid his entry fee and was entitled to bid as he pleased) and Herself raised me to 2 spades. East chimed in with 3 hearts and I closed proceedings with a jump to game. I felt this was a 2-way shot: the contract might make or it could be a good sacrifice against the enemy’s contract. West led the diamond jack and I had another assessment to make, whether or

El Ojo del Lago / May 2019

not to take the finesse. As I couldn’t see any other way to get to rid of a diamond loser, I really had no choice but to play low and, not too surprisingly, East won with the king. East now continued with ace and king of hearts, which I ruffed. I had already lost 2 tricks and had at least one certain club loser to come so it was essential that I lose no trump tricks. A finesse for the spade king seemed the only possibility of salvation With this in mind I crossed over to dummy’s diamond ace and played a spade to my queen but, alas, it lost to the king. I later guessed the location of the club jack so had to go down 1 trick. Herself was not amused. “You could have made that” she said, “in fact you should have made it!” Now if you know Herself, you will know that even though she is not always right, she is never wrong! So, dear reader, before reading on, see if you can figure out why I should have dropped the singleton king of spades offside without having a little peek. Did you work it out? If you look back at the bidding you will see that East passed in first seat yet played the diamond king, heart ace and heart king as her first three cards on defence. That adds up to 10 high card points – there wasn’t room in her hand for the spade king as well as that would have given her an opening bid! Therefore, my only hope

was that his majesty must be in the west hand and must be the only spade that player holds. So, here I am back in the doghouse. To make matters worse, Herself checked the results after the game and informed me that we would have won the event, instead of finishing second, if I had only used my brain, confirming my status as the Rodney Dangerfield of bridge. Questions or comments: email: masson.ken@gmail.com Ken Masson

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Moving To Ecuador By Neil McKinnon neilmcki@yahoo.ca From the Ojo Archives


friend of ours is moving to Ec u a d o r. When my wife asked her why, she said she had made a list of the things she wanted to do before she died. That seemed logical so I too decided to make a list of the things that I should do before disease or death carried me off or rendered me so wasted that I wouldn’t care one fig about a list or any item on it. To be useful my list had to contain only items that I was capable of doing or else it would be just an exercise in wishful thinking. Becoming a violin virtuoso, playing major league baseball, being canonized as a saint and having sex with Jennifer Lopez would, of necessity, be absent from my list. So, to find appropriate items for my list I cast my mind back past decades to search out the elements of life that I had missed and which might be attainable at this late stage. I decided not to put Ecuador or any other country on my list because I reasoned that if I travelled to a new place I would arrive with the same tired personality and behaviors I had when I left home. I determined the criteria I would use would be to think back to those times when I was most uncomfortable because being uncomfortable must be due to some lack, either within or outside of me, which it might be possible to remedy even at this belated hour. Therefore, the only journey I would take would be that from the cradle to where I now sit, feeble but still capable of making a list and perhaps, God willing, acting on it. I selected many items for my list but rejected them all for a variety of reasons: Attainment would take too much effort, result in too much stress or detract too much from those things that I already found valuable in my life. Thus, at a loss and with a blank


El Ojo del Lago / May 2019

sheet in front of me, I decided there was only one alternative ... so I prepared a list of all the things that caused me worry hoping that explicit identification would be the first step in eliminating many of these psychic critters from my mental menagerie. However, most of my worries turned out not to be trivial and so I concluded that they were legitimate and, as such, must be pared from my list. After paring, only two remained and so I resolved: 1. that I would no longer worry about how I appeared to others, and 2. I would no longer worry about how the future appeared to me. Apart from these two items I would continue to live my life as I now do with the exception that I would be able to attend social functions without combing my hair or wearing a tie, and I would cease to care if so doing resulted in fewer invitations. Not worrying about the future or how I appeared in the present allowed me to quit fretting about such seemingly important and time-consuming activities as making money, my moves on the dance floor, keeping others happy, being published and getting laid. Lest someone misunderstand, I do not intend to give up all of these activities, only to quit fretting about them. I am not a stubborn man and I do not beat dead horses. During my life I have many times quit smoking and drinking. Consequently, I determined that I would follow the prescripts on my list for one month to see if I could detect any improvement to either my personality or my outlook. As of yesterday, one month has gone by, and this morning I booked my ticket to Ecuador. Neil McKinnon

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ear Editor, I write in response to your second running of David Moss’ piece, “There Are Always Consequences”, in your March 2019 issue of El Ojo del Lago. Moss obviously did some research for his article, but he made a number of mistakes. Moss correctly describes the “Little Ice Age” but failed to mention the four massive volcano eruptions that happened in the years leading up to this event. (1) Instead, it appears Moss tries to claim the “Little Ice Age” was just part of the normal cycle of our planet. The cooling effects of a massive injection(s) of volcanic debris shot into the upper levels of earth’s atmosphere are fairly well understood and documented. Nor does he mention any of the volcanoes which erupted during the “Little Ice Age”. (1) A key piece of knowledge is the difference between weather and climate. Weather is what you are experiencing right now: in your yard; as you look outside, etc. If you watch the weather for a number of days, weeks, or even, months, you can develop a local weather pattern. None of these weather related events are climate. Climate is what the globe experiences over a year, decades, millennia, etc. Let me use a simplified example to help show the difference. Take 500 locations spread around the world. Every location has two temperatures; a high and a low. So, for any given day you have 1,000 temperatures for those 500 locations. Take the temperatures for a whole year and you have 365,000 temperatures. If you add up all of those temperatures and divide


El Ojo del Lago / May 2019

the result by 365,000 you will have the global average annual temperature; which is about 49 degrees Fahrenheit. So, what happened to all of the extreme high and extreme low temperatures? Well, it’s an average, so they are part of what makes up the end result. You can’t see, or feel, the global average annual temperature from day-today. What does the global average annual temperature mean? By itself, not much. It becomes useful when you compare the average annual temperatures of multiple years. When you compare the average annual temperatures for the last twenty years, you will see something interesting. Since about 1978 the average annual temperature has pretty consistently gone up. Think about this for a moment. In order for there to be an affect on the average annual temperature (an affect that would cause the average to go up, or down) there have to be many more days that are warmer, or colder, each year than the year before. There are a number of sources on the web for the historical average annual temperatures since the 1880s. You don’t need a scientist to see that since 1978 the average annual temperature has pretty consistently gone up. You just need to see the numbers. Lastly, Moss appears to cast doubt on the connection between CO2 and global warming. I will let the references below speak for themselves, but will note that two of the links are to agencies from the U.S.A. government. (2) A big issue with both weather and climate is many people think these science fields are relatively easy. They are not. Even the most complex weather forecast computer model that looks at well over 120 separate layers of atmosphere is not able to produce forecasts with better than 78% accuracy, and these forecasts are only good for at most five (5) days. On the other hand, Global climate computer models (models that look at 50 to 200 years) have proven to be more accurate. To put things into a different perspective, more is known about the human anatomy than is known about weather science, yet weather is a science and medicine is a practice. Regards, Douglas Grant

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President of the Board for Tepehua



he five virtues of Sikhism to reach Mutki are: Truth, Compassion, Contentment, Humility and Love. Confucius wrote ‘Goodness without a love of learning leads to simple-mindedness’, and ‘Straight forwardness without propriety is rudeness’. There are seven deadly sins and seven virtues, and I am sure most of us have experienced all of them at some time or another. Including the suggestion of Ayn Rand who wrote the book The Virtue of Selfishness. According to Ayn, to be ‘selfish’ is a virtue, because considering yourself first leads to personal happiness, that makes you more inclined to reach out


to make others as happy, whereas the virtue of ‘selflessness’, service to others, self-sacrifice, leads to frustration, weariness and low self-esteem. If you do something just for servitude, resentment will creep in sooner or later. This includes personal relationships within a marriage or any commitment where there is not equality. Peter Schwartz argues that acts of friendship and love are acts of selfinterest, explaining that you have the moral right to exist for your own sake rather than a moral duty to serve the needs of others. So where does this leave ‘volunteerism’? The word ‘volunteer’ was taken from the French word ‘voluntaire’,

El Ojo del Lago / May 2019

created in the 1700’s to describe the newly formed volunteer army. In the 1800’s Volunteerism came into its own with the ‘Big Awakening’, people forming groups to help the poor, feed the hungry, and protest against slavery. The first YMCA was formed followed closely by the YWCA. The Red Cross started to mobilize for disaster areas, and volunteer groups such as Rotary International, Kiwanis, Lions Club and others, all reached out to make a difference. In 1964 President Lyndon B. Johnson declared war on poverty, a never ending war all over the world. Without self-sacrificing, volunteering is fun. It has been proved to be a health benefit as people come together to change something unjust, have a reason to think outside of self briefly and belong to the better good of all. This can be considered selfish because it really makes you feel good. Volunteering for the young and old is a powerful learning experience because it involves the mind and the heart by giving energy and intelligence, plus commitment to the human and the community needs and thereby understanding cultural differences and how to live with them and share your own. The companionship of volun-

teering does become self-serving, because you will become extremely pleased with self. To have a friend is to be a friend, and to give is to receive. Have a totally selfish summer and volunteer for the Tepehua Treasures Team, supporting medical and dental services, education and self-improvement in the barrio of Tepehua, one of the poorest areas in Jalisco that sits on an unforgiving hill overlooking the opulence of Chapala, a bustling beautiful tourist town...so near and yet so far. Contact Moonie. moonie1935@ yahoo.com

Saw you in the Ojo 21


ear Mr. Tosca, Your recent article in the April issue of El Ojo del Lago regarding historical firearms and the Second Amendment is much appreciated. You corrected many misunderstandings about the subject, mostly as a consequence of Hollywood script writers playing games with historical realities. For instance, in a film like The Patriot, itself a historical abomination, movie goers were treated to the spectacle of small boys ambushing a column of British regulars. Every shot hit its mark. Such would never have happened in the real world. For nine of my twelve seasons as a National Park Service ranger, I conducted live fire black powder demon-


strations one or two days each week at Perry’s Victory and International Peace Memorial, a War of 1812 monument on an island in Lake Erie. Your observations about the inaccuracy and cumbersomeness of the .69 caliber Charlesville musket are bang on. Those weapons were first given to colonial forces as a form of foreign aid from France and were later copied by Springfield Arms in Massachusetts. Park visitors would frequently question the infantry tactics of the era, involving ranks of soldiers standing in formation, supposedly offering easy targets to the enemy. I would explain that the line of infantry functioned as one huge shotgun, that if one hundred men were given orders to fire, perhaps seventy of the muskets would actually

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go off. The misfire rate was generally around 30%. In addition, as the old timers of my youth would have said that you couldn’t hit the broad side of a bank barn from the inside with a musket. By its very definition, a musket has no rifling inside the barrel. In addition, the weapons would often become rusty and gummed up from being toted around in all sorts of weather. Firing at an enemy was the equivalent of blowing a pea through a McDonald’s straw. A soldier might actually hit a member of the advancing enemy infantry, but most likely he would not. There are other inaccuracies promoted by movie makers more intent upon providing entertainment than historical reality. In the promotions for the film Last of the Mohicans, which I confess that I have not seen, a character is shown firing what would have been a .69 caliber musket from either hand at the same time. There are a host of reasons why such a stunt would have been pure idiocy, among them that the recoil of a loaded musket would resemble that of a 20 gauge shotgun. The shooter would have at the very least suffered dislocated wrists. The bayonet charge was more to be feared than the possibility of being shot. The advance was slow and relentless. Up close and personal, the bayonet was thrust into the enemy and twisted. When extracted, everything came out with it. No one survived such horrendous wounds. Death was slow and agonizing. Those of us who opted to take part in the black powder program were required to endure 16 hours of training each spring, followed by a lengthy written exam and a practical test where one demonstrated skill at the drill and practiced all the safety measures, all the while under the watchful eye of our trainer Gerry Altoff, a man much admired by the lot of us, who continues to be legendary throughout much of the National Park Service. At the end of the long day of train-

ing or of conducting seven firing demonstrations, each accompanied by a twenty minute historical program, it remained to clean the weapon. That task took at least another hour and included cleansing out the barrel with boiling water. Each part had to be cleaned and oiled. Even a single fingerprint on the steel barrel would turn to rust within a short time, so the cleaning had to be meticulous. Today, Gerry Altoff remains one of my most valued friends. As black powder trainer, though, we were complete strangers, grunts, total incompetents. He was the stern drill instructor. It had to be that way. He would be turning us loose in front of the public with a loaded firearm. Gerry was a perfectionist, and we all accepted that we had to become perfectionists as well. Our status as black powder demonstrators had to be earned, and we were proud to have made the cut. During the War of 1812 era, militia members were mostly untrained amateurs who gathered once a month, drilled for a while, played cards, chewed tobacco, and had a few shots of rotgut whiskey. When in the midst of a battle the going got really rough, many got going, miraculously realizing that they had left home before completing the plowing. The desertion rate was high. The possession of private firearms continues to be a hot button political issue in the US. Wherever one stands on the matter, it is accurate to observe that the framers of the Constitution did not foresee the emergence of firepower available today when they framed the Second Amendment. One could not gun down a mass of strangers in a school, church or MacDonald’s restaurant with a .69 caliber musket. Respectfully, Dr. Lorin Swinehart Ed Note: Dr. Swinehart lives in the United States and for several years has been a highly-valued contributor to the pages of the Ojo.

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By Victoria Schmidt


love Mexico. It speaks to me in a way that no other place has. Random sights I see remind me of the variety of life that has assembled here in Mexico at Lakeside. Just from today, I see two horses standing outside their fence grazing on the weeds with what may be their owner who is against the tree in the shade napping. That’s one way to cut the grass. Traffic slows as the truck ahead of me is being pushed across two lanes of the carretera as an elderly man crouches in the drivers seat steering the car. Waiting outside the abogada, an aged Mexicana wears a scarf, and jacket. Her right arm is in a sling and her life written upon her face. She pulls a wire with her meager morning purchases across unyielding gravel. I sit inside my air-conditioned car in comfort. At the dog groomers, I wait inside my Mexican automobile with my little adopted street dog waiting for my husband and our other dog. I remember that there weren’t so many dog groomers when we first arrived in Mexico. Outside my window a car washer on his bicycle stops by to say hello, asks how we’ve been. “No work today.” He says. “No money for babies, no comida.” “Lo siénto” I say shaking my head. “Otro día” he says as we wave goodbye. I am ashamed as I sit there waiting for my dog to be groomed while his kids

have little food. I haven’t been washing my car as much now that our home has a garage and we don’t live on a dusty road. Maybe I’ll take it to him soon. This was the second car washer of my day. The first stopped me as I was just going to grab one thing from the store, and had no time for a car wash. That car washer, an older gentleman, noticed my headlight falling out, and he straightened it out for me even though he was earning nothing. He takes pride in his work, even if it is “just’ washing a car. The beautiful young woman who works at the laboratory fills out paper work for a lab test for my ailing husband. She scoffs me and warns me to take more time for myself. I told her I would when she does. “Yes” she answers in perfect English. “Maybe we go for chilaquiles soon.” I leave the lab, and as I get into my car, she is behind me with more specimen cups. “For next time.” She says. My heart fills with the warmth of another small gesture of kindness. Dropping off a few things at home, I see the staff giving one of our housemates a beauty treatment. There was a female nurse working with the resident’s hair, and a male nurse working on her toenail polish. I was in too much of a hurry to snap this precious photo. We live in a home for people with disabilities, mostly dementia. This particular woman rarely knows where she is or what is going on, but they try so hard to make her feel special. Maybe if she was not so ill, she could appreciate this beautiful portrait more. The only “Mexican Stand Off” I’ve ever been in is at intersections where people will wave me through, and I wave them through, and they motion to me again. Eventually one of us will relent. Twice that happened today. Since the first day we stepped foot on Mexican soil, we have felt as if we have finally come home. ¡Gracias a Dios! Victoria Schmidt


El Ojo del Lago / May 2019

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Completion by Mike Cook of (last month’s) Secret within a Secret By Rob Mohr Web link to the complete story https://tinyurl.com/yy2o77pf


ob interjects, “Stop, both of you. If you, Shadow, and Carla are in a conversation you are both real within this world we shape. Shadow, for example, what if I give you the responsibility to end this story?” “Me?” How?” “Let’s find out. This is your story now. Carla, please help him.” “So walk with me Shadow into the next level Shadow where perception becomes inception of a dream within a dream. Rob is drifting into REM, it’s time for us to play. Shall I shut down the prefrontal cortex so you and I can fall in love if only for a minutia of time?“ “Carla we have to know a way of knowing the results of our tomfoolery, Carla might even exist, a raison d’etre outside of us both. Dangerous consequences may befall such actions.” “Meet me at the Amygdala, you could say this will be our first date and we can see if I can seduce you over a bottle of Chateau Rothschild 57. Do you want me, do you? Sorry reader I’m just taking a time out to listen Stayin Alive by the Bee Gees. Okay, I’m back with laser focus now.” In need of some Dutch courage, Shadow stops off in the prefrontal lobe for a few shots of Cerebrospinal fluid. It’s Friday and the place is packed with neurotransmitters. Scanning the room he sees Carla making new synapses with a handsome nerve cell. The atmosphere is electrically charged.

Carla looked beyond ravishing in a spray on black halter neck dress, with silver strands that ran vertically, to draw his eye down to her curvaceous calves, standing on top of red heels. They had known each other since Rob’s hormone rush going through adolescence. Yet this was the first time that they had conversed in the second dream of a dream within a dream. Until this moment it was not a reality. Finding a place for their eyes to cross paths once more Carla beckoned him over with a man’s finger as though it was stimulating a womb man to sigh. Catch that sigh, do you want more. “Oh, yes,” walking towards him she looked so graceful with a smile of Joie De Vivre. It was an exultation of spirit. Making love was the only thing that both of them wanted, but time was running out before Rob awoke. They held hands and walked the Milky Way till they found a crescent moon for their bed. What was needed was a portal to let them escape the physical and become metaphysical. A shower of meteors was given and Carla and was gifted. “My love, I want more than sleep Shadow” Their bodies exploding like a red giant They dripping in cosmic sweat. Shadow was devoid of what to say. “What can we do, Carla?” “If we can’t find a portal we have to find a way to become immortal. I have an idea. It’s the only way we can both spend days and nights together.” 6 am - “Rob, Rob it’s not like you to still be asleep.” “Morning, Carla, my love, I know.” Rob Mohr


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here are many war-related holidays celebrated in The United States and Mexico. The United States celebrates July 4 because the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence on that day in 1776. Mexicans celebrate Independence Day on September 16, the day in 1810 when Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla rang the bell of his little church, issued his famous Grito de Dolores, and called for independence from Spain. When Spain signed the Treaty of Córdoba on September 27, 1821, Mexico included three provinces north of the Rio Grande River: California, Texas, and New Mexico. Mexicans also celebrate Cinco de Mayo, which commemorates the defeat of elite French troops by Mexican irregulars at the battle of Puebla in 1862. However, one infamous date that both the United States and Mexico tend to ignore is May 13. That was the day in 1848 when President James K. Polk declared


El Ojo del Lago / May 2019

war against Mexico, a war which has impacted citizens of both countries for the past 160 years. In the 1820s, when many Americans sought cheap land in the Mexican province of Texas, they were welcomed. In many instances, land was given at no cost. But the immigrants were a thankless bunch, complaining about the laws and customs of the country that had embraced them. One of these immigrants, Sam Houston, publicly declared that he did not want to live under Mexican rule. In 1836 he led a move for Texas independence, which was thwarted when the Alamo in San Antonio was taken by Mexican troops led by General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna. But President Polk was not dissuaded. He believed in the concept of Manifest Destiny, popularized by New York journalist John L. O’Sullivan to urge the annexation of Texas. In 1845 President Polk sent John Slidell, a Louisiana Senator (and later a Confederate supporter), to purchase California and New Mexico. But Mexican president José Joaquin de Herrera said, “Lo siento, pero no están para la venta.” But in spite of that, in 1846 the U. S. Senate voted to annex Texas. When Mexico severed relations with the United States, Polk sent General Zachary Taylor to set up camp on the northern bank of the Rio Grande facing the Mexican army across the river. Ordered to retreat, Taylor refused. On April 24, the Mexican Army crossed the Rio Grande and killed or wounded sixteen American soldiers. Polk then declared war, stating that Mexico had “invaded our territory and shed American blood upon the American soil.” The war between The United States and Mexico ended on February 2, 1848, with the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. Mexico had lost almost half its territory. Two young American West Point graduates, Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant got their first battle experience. Because of America’s first war of aggression, about 150,000 Mexicans became part of the American population, producing a cultural clash that chafes Mexican-American relations to this day. To be sure, some Americans denounced the war. Abe Lincoln condemned it in Congress. Henry David Thoreau went to jail for refusing to pay taxes to support it. But given this inglorious period in each country’s otherwise proud history, I suppose it is understandable why both countries tend to ignore May 13.

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The Time the U.S. Navy Came to Lake Chapala By Dennis A. Crump


t was in the early 1960’s when a US Navy battleship, destroyer, and submarine appeared on Lake Chapala to engage in battles against the Japanese. As a young teenager, it was intriguing to witness the battles unfolding—battleships with the big guns blasting their massive power at the enemy, the submarine performing its underwater attacks, and the destroyer charging around to protect the battle group. I’m sure there are few that remember those battles. As a matter of fact, the battles on Lake Chapala aren’t even recorded in the filming locations where Otto Preminger’s In Harm’s Way with John Wayne, Kirk Douglas, and Henry Fonda had been filmed.


One day, we teenagers were informed by our friend’s dad, Jim, that we would not be able to use the ski boat for awhile because he had rented it to a camera crew to film battles for an upcoming movie. It wasn’t until sometime later we learned the name of the movie was In Harms Way. This was in the day when Cool or Rad had not yet caught on in our early teenage vocabulary, everything at that time was “bitchin.” And – these perfect scaled down navy vessels were incredibly “bitchin,” complete with their big guns firing heavy projectiles, destroyer firing its guns, (can’t remember if they dropped “depth charges to disable enemy subs), and the submarine cruising in stealth mode, don’t remember if they fired torpedoes

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either. But it was “bitchin’” to watch them cruising around off shore and engaging in battles. Lake Chapala waters turned out to be the perfect setting for these scaled down vessels. The waves were proportional in size to the scaled replicas, almost in every condition, from smooth seas to heavy Pacific storms. And with a little imagination, the lirio – hyacinth, may have appeared to be small islands in the South Pacific. From what we understand from second hand sources, filming went well except in the maiden runs. Our ski boat was retro-fitted with a large platform for the cameraman and crew. A local Chapala “lancha” skipper was hired to drive the boat. However, apparently there were a couple of insurmountable challenges where the crew could not effectively communicate with him, and his attention and focus was most often concentrated on the battleship, sub, and destroyer and battle scenes themselves, not on the cameraman and director giving the signals where to go. This minor detail was corrected by enlisting one of our group to drive the boat instead. From their account it was lights camera, action and smooth sailing for the rest of the filming. We didn’t learn who the stars or cast were until much later, not until after the film came

out. A few years later, after finishing up my high school studies in Guadalajara, I returned to the States in the summer of 1965 to go to college. One of my first jobs upon arriving to Newport Beach in the summer of 1965 was at a boat yard and yacht sales cleaning boats and yachts on the weekends. One Saturday, the owner of the boat yard told me that I would be working on the 54’ Chris Craft that had just been brought into dry dock. It would require special care and attention, and the owner would pay “very well” separately from my regular paycheck. I was busy cleaning and spit shining everything to perfection. About mid-afternoon, I heard a voice behind me say, “Looks great! How ya doing, son?” Turning around to thank the voice only to be looking up at John Wayne. Stumbling and speechless, I could only summon a “Thank you, sir. I’ll be done before the end of the day.” I still didn’t know he was the star nor had I seen In Harm’s Way. Life was always interesting for us teens in Ajijic and Lake Chapala. It was fun to watch the filming when we had the chance. It was also fun to get “our” ski boat back so we could resume our weekend water skiing and boating activities once again.

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Sandy Olson

Phone: 331-283-8529 Email: sandyzihua@hotmail.com OPEN CIRCLE Sunday morning finds Lakeside residents at the Lake Chapala Society and Open Circle, a forum on a variety of stimulating topics. A social hour with coffee and snacks at 10 am is followed by an interesting lecture and discussion at 10:30. May 5 Metamorphosis: Surviving and Thriving through Environmental Illness Presented by Pam Wolski ¨Multiple chemical sensitivity,¨ ¨sick building syndrome,¨ ¨food/dental intolerances¨—these are just a few of the many terms that can describe Environmental Illness. Pam Wolski will tell of her 30 year struggle against this condition, which began after several overexposures to toxic chemicals. She will share how she learned to thrive instead of just survive, how she found true love along the way, and how she discovered the truth of the statement, ¨the greater the struggle, the more glorious the triumph.¨ Case studies, personal memoir, and poetry will be included. After graduating from college and working for 11 years as a book editor at a publishing company, Pam experienced the drastic changes in life that are caused by Environmental Illness. She spent many years researching and receiving medical treatments, exploring alternative methods in psychology and spirituality, and finding solace through friendships, faith, and poetry. May 12 Mariachi Real Axixic and Mariachi Infantil Cosalá Although they’ve been singing together for only a little over a year, this homegrown group has distinguished itself from all the others. Led by Dani Medeles, member of the renowned musical family by that name, the instrumentalists have extraordinary technique combined with original arrangements. Medeles recently started a mariachi group of 14 children enrolled in the San Juan Children’s Choir and Orchestra, the delight of Open Circle each December. The kids will be performing this Sunday as well. May 19 The Snake Swallows Its Tail: An Eternal Cycle of Renewal Presented by Sydney Metrick The ancient symbol of the snake eating its tail represents the past appearing to disappear but actually transitioning into a new experience of reality. Or as T.S. Eliot said, “the end is where we start from.” Dr. Metrick will review the five major transitional stages of our lives: beginnings, mergings, cycles, healings and endings, and discuss how we support these important passages. In this talk you’ll learn how to bring more meaning to your own transitions. She has authored five books that address rites of passage: The Art of Ritual, I Do, Crossing the Bridge, Rituals for Life, Love and Loss, and the soon to be released From There to Here, which includes interviews Sidney Metrick with people who have moved to Mexico from another country. Sydney has a doctorate in expressive arts therapy and decades of experience creating and performing ceremonies for individuals, families and groups. May 26 Mexican Haciendas: Where They Came From, How They Functioned, Where They Went Presented by Jim Cook Most foreigners have a somewhat hazy and usually very romantic vision of haciendas. Today, most haciendas are in ruins, but for 400 years they provided the way in which Mexico’s agriculture, ranching, and mining were organized. This presentation will show how and why haciendas got started in Mexico; the central role they played in the centuries between the Spanish Conquest and the Mexican Revolution; and what became of them following the Revolution. Jim Cook has visited and photographed more than 100 haciendas during the 12 years he and his wife have lived in Mexico. Many of these photos appear in his internet blog called “Jim and Carole’s Mexico Adventure”. His work has also appeared in Ojo del Lago and other local magazines, as well as in books and websites published


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in English, Spanish, Danish, and Russian. June 2 Náhuatl—Linguistic Window to the Aztec Culture Presented by Agustín Vásquez Calvario Tonatzin represents The Earth from which we came and to which we will return. For the Mexicas she was the Mother of everything that exists. She gave us eyes to behold the majesty of the mountains, seas, and vegetation. She gave us ears to listen to the sound of birds, water, and wind passing through the leaves of trees. And she gave us mouth and tongue to interpret those sounds with poems and songs in her honor and to be always in harmony with mother nature. Agustín Vázquez is originally from San Juan Cosala. His ancestors belonged to the Cocas tribe, a branch of the Aztecs who spoke Náhuatl. He will speak to Open Circle about the languages of his ancestors, which he believes are important because through them we can keep that culture alive. Through language we can return to the gift of nature that sustains us. Agustín is the owner of Viva México restaurant in San Juan Cosala. LLT NEW SEASON We hear from Lakeside Little Theatre about Season 55. It starts a bit later, on November 8, on account of construction and revision activities. Here is the lineup and starting dates: Lunenburg, comedy/drama by Norm Foster. November 8-17 The Real Inspector Hound and After Magritte, two comedies by Tom Stoppard. December 6-15 20th Century Blues, comedy/drama by Susan Miller. January 17-26 My Fair Lady, musical by Lerner & Loewe. February 21-March 3 The Actress, romantic comedy by Peter Quilter. March 27-April 5 Ticket prices are $300 for regular shows, and $350 for My Fair Lady. The price of this year’s season ticket will be $1300 for five shows, including a $300 theatre membership. Starting this year, you can now pay for show or season tickets (at the Box Office only) by credit or debit card. For season tickets, check tickets@lakesidelittletheatre.com and www.lakesidelittletheatre.com for information. HOW DOES YOUR GARDEN BLOOM? It blooms very well for members of the Lake Chapala Garden Club.

2019 Board Members, from left to right: Jean Marie Harmon, Sandy Feldmann, Melanie Wolski, Barbara Baker, Judie Keck, Karen Rowell, Nancy Segall, Cindy Matheson, and Erica Pierce (not pictured, Karen Calderon) The Club meets the third Wednesday of every month for a local garden tour, followed by lunch at La Nueva Posada. Membership is open to all. Visit their website at lakechapalagardenclub.org. WHEN YOU TURN 95…… …and look as good as Lois Schroff, you too can get a birthday writeup in Lakeside Living. She celebrated her 95th with her friends last month at La Bodega with dinner, cake and dancing. Lois has been a local resident for the past 14 years Recently her watercolors were

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on display in her one-woman show at the Gallery/ Café La 133 in San Antonio. As President of the Lake Chapala Painting Guild for the past seven years, she guided the group into exhibition successes locally and at the Pacific Coast. One of her watercolors earned second place in the recent Ajijic Society of the Arts judged show. What a beautiful lady! Many happy returns, Lois! LOOK AT ALL THEY’VE DONE This year was the 50th Anniversary of the founding of the Centro Educativo Jaltepec, the Tecnico Universitario en Hoteleria & Hospitalidad. A 50th Anniversary celebration mass and luncheon was held in perfect weather on the school Lois Schroff grounds. The beloved Virgin of Zapopan arrived in her own private vehicle and hundreds of people came to celebrate a special outdoor mass in a beautiful flower filled tent overlooking the lake. The students then served an elegant lunch for the 400 VIP guests who are Jaltepec’s major supporters. Jalatepec is proud of its graduates and current students, not to mention staff. At the luncheon, Linda Buckthorp received a special award to recognize her contribution as the Community Facilitator and President of the Lakeside Scholarship Program over the past 20 years. A special moment occurred when Lulu, a 1990 graduate who is currently the Hospitality Manager of the Dodgers Stadium in Los Angeles, came to say thank you for helping girls like her achieve success and go beyond their wildest dreams. Another successful alumna is Adriana Rameño of Adri’s Repostería. She lives in San Juan Cosalá. For more than 10 years she had been selling cakes and cookies on Ajijic’s malecon. Every weekend she sold her cakes, jellies and cookies from a small shopping cart. Her clients motivated her to set up a pastry shop and she invested a large part of her savings to open her own business. Adri’s Repostería is located at #36 Hidalgo in Ajijic. Adri gives Jaltepec credit for her culinary expertise and business training because without the experience of being educated at Jaltepec, she would not have been able to start her business. Linda Buckthorp was in Morelia in January and visited the bakery of a 1991 alumna, Angelina Delgado Plaza. Angela’s Bakery’s products are all made from organic/healthy ingredients. She is now making mole and will soon start to sell this product in Guadalajara in a powder form. A percentage of the profits will be donated to Jaltepec in appreciation for what Jaltepec has done for her and her family. Angelina has been in business for 20 years. Ten years ago she bought the property that she was renting and filled it with commercial Angelina Delgado Plaza and equipment. She also purchased another property close by for her and her parents whom she Linda Buckthorp cares for, as well as her sister in Guadalajara. A NICE MONTHLY MEETING Lakeside Singles provides a way for single people in the Lake Chapala area to meet and interact with other singles. Ron Bowra is the go-to guy who sets up events and mail notices. Members meet once a month at different restaurants. The club has been in existence for 12 years.


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David Allen, Judy Greenberg and Sue Hodge at the Blue Moon In April, the group of about 30 met at the Blue Moon. Other venues recently have been the Brew House, Manix, El Barco and La Nueva Posada. Ron says, “A lot of people don’t have cars and we try to schedule events where they can get to them easily.” Notice of planned events is accomplished via email notices sent to those on the mailing list as well as noted on this site. You can contact Lakeside Singles by sending an email to singles@ajijicsingles.org. COBBLESTONES AND POTHOLES Some of us would be happy if we never saw another cobblestone or pothole. But there’s a new theory that might get us into a more accepting state of mind. Here’s how it goes: there are so many artists here at Lakeside that eventually people with a lot of money and artistic pretensions will start coming in and taking over and pricing out the poor and talented, which has happened in other places. But here’s the stopper. Rich people don’t like cobblestones and potholes. We at Lakeside are therefore safe from gentrification! (Don’t forget you heard this here first). FERIA MAESTRO DEL ARTE It’s not too soon to think about the 18th Annual Feria Maestro del Arte. It will be held on November 8-10 at the Chapala Yacht Club. Returning and new artists from all over Mexico will demonstrate and sell their works. Buyers also come from all over Mexico; we are lucky to have such an important event here at Lakeside. Here is a representative piece, an alejibre, created by Felipe Bentiz Miranda of Guanajuato, a Nahuatl tlacuilo (painter). The Feria staff is proud to announce that one group they have supported since the first Feria, the Huichol Center for Cultural survival and the Traditional Arts, has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. GOOD NEWS FOR BALLET LOVERS We hear from Suzanne Salimbene, who tells us that if we want to be informed about ticket sales or the Ballet de Jalisco schedule, or Lakeside sponsorship of a dancer, to send her your email and specify your interest: salimbene.s@gmail.com. Suzanne and her committee hope that soon we will be able to purchase tickets to the symphony, ballet and opera here in Ajijic with our INAPAM discount, and also take advantage of reasonably priced transportation to and from events. These plans aren’t ready yet, but send Suzanne your email address and she will keep you posted. Here is the Jalisco Ballet schedule until the end of the year (all performances are at the Degollado): June 14 (8:30), 15 (7:30), 16 (12:30) Don Quixote Carmen September 6 (8:30), 7 (7:30), 8 (12:30) Nutcracker December 12, 13, 18, 19, 20 (8:30) December 14, 21 (7:30) December 15, 22 (12:30)

Saw you in the Ojo 35

Ancient Roots Of Mexican Cuisine By Ralph F. Graves

From the Ojo Archives


meal fit for a king! You´ve probably enjoyed any number of them here without realizing it. The fact is, many of today´s typical Mexican dishes are comprised of much the same ingredients served to the royalty of Mayan, Toltec, Aztec and other ancient civilizations. The cuisine of Mexico, based on corn, is one of the world´s oldest, dating back to cultures that flourished over 6000 years ago, and although corn was the mainstay of the ancient Mexican diet (it was even worshipped as a god in early times), many other foods in current use were also included. Tomatoes, chiles, beans, avocados,


pumpkins, even cactus leaves were then, as now common elements in everyday meals. From these and other ingredients, augmented by herbs and condiments, today´s delectable Mexican cuisine evolved. Think back to the last typical Mexican meal you enjoyed. Perhaps it included a rich zucchini soup, an entree of chicken in pine nut sauce with guacamole salad and a basket of steaming tortillas. Or was it chiles rellenos or grilled red snapper or a bowl of pozole with a side order of refried beans? Or just a snack consisting of tacos, enchiladas, tamales or quesadillas washed down with a mug of hot chocolate? If you feasted on any of these, you were

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dining in the style of ancient Mexican royalty. The cooks of Moctezuma´s courts are said to have whipped up over one hundred different dishes a day to please the demanding palates of the ruling hierarchy. Seasonal fruits and berries were always included; fresh fish and seafood were transported from coastal areas daily by teams of runners. Wild game and domesticated fowl were common and root vegetables, corn beans, tomatoes, squash and other vegetables were eaten as individual dishes or combined in thick stews and soups. With the coming of the Spanish, new domestic meats (pork, mutton, goat) were incorporated into the cuisine and the French invaders later added their special influence. But most of the basic foods developed and enjoyed by the ancients persist in the Mexican cuisine of today. Corn (maize) was cultivated here as early as 800 B.C. according to carbon dating analysis. As Mexican civilizations developed, it became an integral part of the diet, forming the basis for the masa, or corn meal dough, from which tortillas and a host of derivative foods (tacos, sopes, enchiladas, panuchos, gorditas, to name just a few) are made. Then, as now, ground corn was made into a gruel (atole); kernels were made into hominy (pozole); and whole ears were roasted and eaten steaming hot. For centuries, beans provided ancient Americans with their primary source of protein. Many of today´s varieties resulted from the cross breeding of earlier species. Centuries ago, indigenous people learned how to preserve beans by drying them. They were then cooked slowly with water, meat and herbs in large clay pots a method which has changed hardly at all over the years. Chiles are another staple with ancient roots. A number of varieties were cultivated by the early Aztecs who used them to cook and season wild game. Later they became a primary in-

gredient of the rich, spicy sauces used to accompany any number of dishes. And, of course, some varieties are still stuffed, cooked and eaten as a main course. Modern Mexican cuisine includes countless preparations of chicken, beef, pork, veal, lamb and seafood. But meat, fish and fowl were no strangers to the ancient cuisine, and many of the same types are found in today´s menus. In the Yucatan, pheasant and deer were (and still are) domesticated. Turkey, rabbit, duck, pigeons and turtledoves were hunted and trapped in other areas. Iguana, turtles and frogs are still considered delicacies in some regions, and of course, fish and seafood abounded in coastal waters as well as in lakes, rivers, and streams of the upper plateau. Fruits and vegetables were plentiful, mushrooms and herbs were used to cook with and were also ingredients of curative potions and ritual concoctions. The flowers of squash and other plants were used in soups. The ancients enjoyed some of the same beverages, as well, as intoxicating brews made from fruits, grains and cactus were generally restricted to the priests, who used them in ceremonial proceedings. Chocolate was more widely available, but since the cacao beans were valued so highly, only the well-to-do could afford what is now one of the most popular beverages in Mexico. The beans were crushed and steeped in boiling water, sweetened with honey and spiced with cinnamon and vanilla. Sound familiar? The Spanish Conquistadores became so addicted to this drink, the Catholic Church subsequently outlawed it as “immoral and provocative.” So as you can see, the roots of many Mexican culinary delights are deep indeed, producing gastronomical rewards unequalled by few other regions of the world. And, if you´ve never experienced a meal fit for a king, try a typical mexican dish. You can´t miss. Buen provecho.

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—MARK BOYER— R.I.P. Mark Boyer traveled on from this life on Sunday, April 7th. He was an educator. The majority of his life was spent teaching and learning from others. He was a writer, playwright, actor and director. Both traditional and experimental works excited and drove him. He was a thinker and a dreamer. Artistic projects for the benefit of others filled his thoughts and actions. He was a great friend to people, dogs and cats. His friends were legion and worldwide, and every animal found a friend in him. He appreciated the work of others and was never hesitant to reveal that appreciation. His praise was truthful and generous. He did not try to impress with position, money or the denigration of others. His humanity was

impressive. He listened more often than he spoke. He, almost always, spoke from kindness. He loved and was enchanted by his wife Marianne, feelings that were always evident. He enjoyed sitting on his patio, drinking Tequila and talking. So did I. Michael R. Thompson

Creativity The creative flow from spirit within Only to know, just where to begin… The spark of genius within our hearts, Must be nourished in order to start. Love and stillness allow you to know, The still, small voice is part of your soul. Thoughts slow down! Mind be still! Creativity is very real. Universe whispers secrets of old, Some of them have never been told. Love and Light are the Creator’s clay, Mold your life for a perfect day! We all have the tools, the answers are near, Sing God’s glory and release your fear. We create what we think as it flows from our hand, Your life’s what you make it, whether steel or sand. Life is a quest wherever we go, Create your world, tap into the flow… Expand your Light to your soul’s desire, Knowing the Source will always inspire.

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Saw you in the Ojo 39

FACING THE INEVITABLE . . . Alone By Judy Dykstra-Brown


ilting at windmills or slaying dragons is too retro for my taste. I’d rather just have a man who tickles my funny bone, or at the very least one who tickles my fancy. At my age, I am between vulnerable stages. I don’t need anyone to save me financially or ego-wise. I’m pretty sure I’ll be able to house and feed myself for the twenty or so years I have left and unless I have a serious decline in mental and physical power, I will always have blogging to salve my ego–a few loyal followers who still want to hear what I have to say. Whatever I have made of my life, it is a pickle of my own choosing. I have not been jinxed or done ill to—at least recently. What I have I deserve. What I don’t have, I deserve. I don’t look for-


ward to that day when fate will serve me a bitter dish, but that part of me that has to binge-watch *After Life or listen to an Audible book to get to sleep at night knows it one day will. In spite of my niggling lifelong conviction that I’ve been left on this planet by some foreign species and that I’ll be picked up soon and whisked off to a life unending, that part of me that needs constant distraction knows that I am human and therefore vulnerable. Those with partners may think my title here sad, but there is another way of looking at it. Those of us unmatched and “un-espoused” have only one inevitable death to face. We need fear no phone call when parted or unwelcome discovery when together. The only death we need fear is our own. We have half of

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the dread that the happily paired must face as they approach a certain age. With increasing regularity, when with friends my own age, after we have hurriedly (I hope) gone over the ills of today—knee replacements and hip replacements and intestinal disorders and the ilk—we eventually get around to discussing various methods of insuring the end we desire over Alzheimer’s or stroke. I have a high bridge picked out. Various friends have pill stashes. Everyone knows which friends, in spite of their obituaries, have already made this choice. What we fear most is waiting too long and forfeiting the choice and spending the rest of our days in some repository for the walking dead—those antiseptic storehouses where they partition off residents unlucky enough to have not experienced a swift death— those cursed either with an active mind trapped in a body turned to stone or the reverse. What living hell is this, that so many of the aged are now preserved in part who in an earlier age would have been afforded a dignified death? There is something about writing that takes us into a part of our brain where otherwise we might have not gone. So it is with this seemingly pessimistic rambling into the dark side of my brain. Although nothing I say is fiction,

still, perhaps the balance is wrong. Here is no discussion of the birds outside my early-morning sunlit curtains or the components of my morning smoothie that await my hand in compiling them. It does not mention friends that still stimulate and amuse, relatives that still fill my heart. It overlooks those twenty potential years that I hope will lead up to whatever end I face. These are just words that I shed during a side trip through consciousness. Do not call me or consult with mutual friends, worrying about my state of mind. I am in no way suicidal. I am not morose. I am simply wandering through a few alleys where I think we must all wander from time to time, and as we grow older, where we wander more frequently. For in spite of my title, I don’t really think I wander here alone. * “After Life” is a new show on Netflix, written and played by Ricky Gervais. A bit dark, but worth binge-watching if you’re in the right frame of mind. It is perhaps what put me in the mood to write this piece. I have a feeling it is more Ricky Gervais’s attitude than my own. Well, maybe a wedding Judy Dykstraof the two. Brown

Saw you in the Ojo 41

What Price Survival? By Ronald A. Barnett From the Ojo Archives


he Huichol Indians of Jalisco and Nayarit have been the focus of much attention ever since they were “discovered” by the Norwegian explorer Carl Lumholtz in the late nineteenth century. Many interested persons and groups have shown concern for the health and welfare of these hardy and independent native people. Missionaries seek to convert them, doctors and nurses introduce new medical treatments, academics and others continue to write books about them. But few of these well-meaning benefactors ever stop to ask the Huichols what they really want. Now the tables have turned. Led by Aemilio, a Huichol marakame or shaman-priest, one group of Huichols, along with sympathetic Mexican supporters from different parts of Mexico, have decided to carry the Huichol message to the world. Their mission is to tell the outside world who the Huichols really are and why they are so determined to preserve their traditional way of life in the face of increasing pressure from the demands of modern technological society. Perhaps the real turning point came in 1992 during the 500th year celebration of the “discovery” of America by Christopher Columbus. Thousands of Indian runners and their supporters entered a two-continent marathon to celebrate not the so-called “discovery “ of America but rather the 500th year of the survival of the native peoples under European domination. Runners, setting out from all parts of the Americas, eventually converged upon the sacred site of Teotihuacan near Mexico City for a final grand celebration of Native American solidarity, Today the Huichols are part of a continent-wide movement to enable native peoples to preserve their customs and languages. Their geographical isolation in the mountains of northwestern Mexico and their strong core of religious beliefs have enabled the Huichols to preserve more of their pre-European world outlook than almost any other native group in the Americas. Today,


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they even have their own web sites on the Internet, where they are broadcasting their message around the world. The Huichol religion is based on the use and veneration of peyote. The three most important elements in Huichol religion are the maize (corn), the deer, and the peyote. Maize represents the daily sustenance of the people, deer blood the means by which the maize is nurtured, and peyote the magical elixir that binds everything together into a highly integrated world outlook. Hikuri, as they call peyote, is a form of cactus, which for the Huichols, is capable of producing the visions that guide their spiritual life and help them to maintain the ancient customs of their forefathers. Central to Huichol religion is the annual pilgrimage to Wirikuta, a sacred area in the desert around San Luis Potosi, where the Huichols gather the peyote. The main purpose of the pilgrimage is to enable the people to “find themselves” again. Various groups of peyoteros or “peyote-seekers,” set out from the different Huichol religious centers in the Sierras. During the trip the peyoteros cross over from this material world to the realm of the supernatural. To assist in the transition, the names of people and things are all changed. For example, the sun may be called a hill. The names of the participants are also changed. In this way they distance themselves mentally and spiritually from the everyday world of cause and effect, and prepare themselves to enter the world of the spirit. Their religious beliefs and ceremonies provide the Huichols with a psychologically sound and essentially integrated way of life. They have not only survived but have preserved their own unique view of the universe and the place of human beings in the cosmic scheme of things. We may not agree with many of their explanations of the physical universe but in matters of the spirit the Huichols are at least our equals, if not our betters. For them, religion is a daily concern and their calendar of religious

ceremonies is fuller today than ever, for they have incorporated into it the most compatible elements of the Christian religion. Modern science and technology may make our lives easier but cannot answer the deeper questions also addressed by the Huichol shamans, such as why we are here and what this life is all about. If we doubt the visions of the Huichol shaman under the divine influence of Dios Hikuri, the peyote god, how many of us have actually seen an atom? And yet we take such scientific “facts” for granted. If we regard Huichol religious beliefs as mere superstition,

they may well regard our “science” as a form of mythology. It all depends upon your point of view. The price of survival for the Huichol people has been the sacrifice of many material comforts in favor of things of the spirit, a fact often overlooked by many well-meaning persons who seek to help the Huichols by changing their way of life. So, if you have a chance to buy some of their arts and crafts, remember that you are not simply putting money in someone else’s pocket but helping to preserve and cultivate a way of life without which the world would be a much poorer place.

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his year was very special as it is the 50th Anniversary of the founding of Centro Educativo Jaltepec - the Technical University for Hoteleria and Hospitality. The elaborate festivities were held at Jaltepec on Sunday February 10th in perfect weather. Hundreds of people came to celebrate a special outdoor Mass in a beautiful flower filled tent overlooking the lake with the beloved Virgin of Zapopan front and centre. José Francisco Robles Ortega, the Cardinal of Jalisco led the Mass with the Jaltepec students participating with great self-confidence in responses, readings, music and song. The students then served an elegant lunch for 400 VIP guests which consisted of the major supporters of Jaltepec - the Foundation Group in México City and Guadalajara and Alumni who travelled from all over the USA and Mexico as well as a large contingent from the local community. A special moment occurred when Lulu, a graduate who is currently the Hospitality Manager of the Dodgers Stadium in Los Angeles, came to say thank you for helping girls like her achieve success and go beyond their wildest dreams! The Open House for the local community interested in learning more about Jaltepec, took place on Tuesday, February 19th. There were ten young women who required scholarships in order to complete their studies. Much of the sponsorship money for one young student was contributed in memory of Mary Lu Saavedra,


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who supported the scholarship program with the DAR for many years.

Cinthia Martinez (left) accompanied by Carole Baker, Assistant Community Facilitator, received a DAR scholarship presented by Libby Ball (right) a member of Mexico City’s John Edwards DAR Chapter. Another very special sponsor, who presently resides in Florida has been keeping in touch with Jaltepec through our Quarterly Newsletter. HR recently contacted Linda, and two students will be blessed with a full scholarship thanks to a very generous donation given as a Memorial for his wife Barbara Urquhart Thornton.

Saw you in the Ojo 45

What Is 5G? By Lois Schroff


eview of an article: 5G: THE FINAL ASSAULT by Jeremy Naydler appearing in the Winter 2018-19 issue of New View, a journal supporting spiritual renewal.) In Nov. 2018, the FCC authorized the rocket company, SpaceX, owned by Elon Musk (of Tesla fame), to launch a fleet of 7,518 additional satellites to complete their ambitious scheme of 20,000 global satellites providing broadband services to every corner of the earth and bathe us in increasingly higher electromagnetic frequencies. 5G is short for 5GHz (gigahertz) and refers to a fifth generation wireless network—the creation of a new global electronic ecosystem—geo-engineering on a scale never before attempted, and the creation of conditions within which electronic or artificial intelligence will be able to assume an ever-greater presence in our lives. Not one inch of the planet will be free from mini-microwave irradiation twenty-four hours each day. 5G will unlock the potential of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). The irony that the connected future is one in which dizzying profits stand to be made from technologies that disconnect us more and more from the real world is ignored. The industry-funded Interphone Study which managed to conclude that holding a mobile phone to the head protects the user from brain tumors has been discredited. At present there are approximately 2,000 satellites beam-


ing down commercial GPS for TV, mobile phone services and some that bounce radar to produce images for meteorologists and military surveillance. However, the new Space X fleets will constitute a massive increase in radiation reaching the earth, and will be just one of several that are due to be launched in the next few years, providing broadband service. The question we should be asking is whether we want such intense exposure of the natural environment (and all living creatures) to more and more electro-magnetic radiation that can travel through brick, stone and cement, as well our bones and into our organs. Do we really believe this could be harmless? What about the bees—those small creatures that pollinate our food? Studies have shown that, because of their small size, insects, bacteria and plants are very vulnerable, as well as the eyes of animals and human beings. Research suggests that radiation can have a significant and highly detrimental impact on living cells. Despite thousands of research papers demonstrating adverse health effects, the programs call for the new digital infrastructure to be in place by 2025. In addition to the health effects, there is another level of what the roll-out of 5G involves. Electromagnetism and the electromagnetic spectrum were not known before the late 1800s. Beyond lightning and sunlight, the energies of that spectrum did not impact human life. We touch here on a deeply-felt relationship to nature that has been eroded

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in the centuries since the scientific revolution began. It stripped both lightning and sunlight from their connection to the great natural universe, thereby clearing the way for a materialistic explanation of light, and a technological approach to electricity. As each of the new technologies was introduced, human beings became a little more disassociated from the natural world. With the advent of the Smartphone, the trend towards addictiveness was strengthened, partly because the screen became a portable interface with the Internet, and partly because of the deliberately exploitative policies of Facebook, Google and others, to hook people into an addictive relationship with their devices. Smartphone addiction both dislocates users from their own inner center of stillness and, at the same time, disconnects them from the natural environment. 5G promises to make advanced Virtual Reality accessible to all. While VR headsets have been available for some time, VR is still in its infancy. The next development in VR is to supplement the headset with a haptic suit that enables the wearer to experience sensations of touch, i.e., pressure, warmth, hardness, softness, moisture and dryness. Such opportunities for total immersion will lead to an increasing confusion as to which world we belong—the electronically generated or the natural world. The temptation will be for human beings to give their loyalty to that which not only undermines their relatedness to nature but also has a corrosive effect on their psyche. The confusion will be exacerbated by a huge increase in the use of 3D holographics that will give virtual entities the ability to incarnate electronically in the physical environment. Video games, drones, etc. have been preparing us for dissociated from our actions, leading to greater violence and wars. 5G promises to radically alter the experiential world we inhabit, and there is something further we must understand if we are to grasp what is really being prepared: a global network of electronic intelligence. At first this was under close supervision but it has gradually grown more autonomous, until now it has established itself as a permanent, constantly available electronic infrastructure of undefined scope and reach. Over recent decades it has become coordinated intelligence-endowed machines that operate without need of human supervision. The 5G electronic ecosystem is the necessary precondition for developing and perfecting a global Artificial Intelligence network that feeds on the very fast transfer of large amounts of information. This global electronic brain innocuously called the Internet of Things is already impacting our lives, and will lead

to the Internet of Thinking whereby humans will find themselves having to live in relationship to the vast global electronic intelligence. It will be active everywhere in our environment and we will be obliged to interact with it in order to accomplish the simplest of tasks, perhaps leading to an electronically supercharged totalitarian state. Putting in place 5G means putting in place a new system of systems. The electromagnetic energies that we have summoned, and which promised to give us new powers, now appear to be overpowering us, carrying us down into an underworld realm of hessish entertainment and distraction, of illusion and disconnection from the reality that really matters—the reality of nature and the natural order that infuses nature, the reality of fellow creatures with whom we share our planet. We must ask ourselves: Does the earth need an electronic ecosystem? Will it be benefitted in any way by being irradiated with millimeter waves? Is there actually any need at all for 5G? Can we remotely conceive that it will answer any of the pressing ecological and social problems that face us today? We stand at a dreadful threshold, and yet surrender to despair cannot be the answer. What can we do? There are campaigns we can join, petitions to sign, letters to write, and legal actions to support. A place to begin is with the International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space that has gathered nearly 30,000 signatures, including those of many health professionals, environmentalists and other scientists. We can also nurture a relationship to our inner light that is the source of all that is creative and good in the world. As the curtain of electrosmog is drawn across our world, we are presented with the task that we attend to all that the light has to give, for therein lies the saving power. Ed. Note: Lois Schroff is an awardwinning watercolor painter. Her work has been published in several magazines and periodicals, including the centerfold of Being Human, the quarterly magazine of the Anthroposophical Society of America. Her paintings are in many private collections in the Washington, D.C. area where she exhibited in local and national shows. Lois has published magazine articles, four arts-related books, as well as a DVD, on a technique in watercolor painting recommended by Dr. Rudolf Steiner, the German philosopher. One can view her work on lakechapalapaintingguild.org and on escapetoajijic.com. Lois Schroff

Saw you in the Ojo 47

The Return Of Bucky Beaver By Dr. Lorin Swinehart


ack in the 1950’s, a toothy cartoon character named Bucky Beaver appeared on our old black and white TV screens promoting Ipana toothpaste. Later, Ipana toothpaste vanished from supermarket shelves, and Bucky disappeared from the air waves. There have been other cartoon depictions of beavers down through the years, the creations of Walt Disney and Nickelodeon. Perhaps, as in the case of Bambi, such lovable caricatures may engender a desire to know more about the real animal and care for its wellbeing. The beaver has played a major role in North American history, transforming Native cultures from simple hunting and gathering into sad shadows of their former selves as the fur trade fueled appetites for alcohol and western industrial products. For the most part, Native


Americans sought the basics, food and shelter. Western man was motivated by acquisitiveness. The author William Faulkner promoted the concept of the America as a Second Eden, a paradise where western man might have a second chance to do things better than he had in the past. However, mankind’s darker side resurfaced, manifesting itself through the twin evils of destruction of the natural world and the enslavement and persecution of his fellows. Native populations were either marginalized or eliminated altogether by a combination of infectious disease and genocide, and one species after another suffered extinction or near extinction from the grasp of an ever more ravenous mob of alien invaders as forests were felled and waterways were contaminated. The ingenious beaver suffered more than most. The near destruction of the beaver population by western man is symptomatic of his overall destructive attitude and careless disregard for the long term consequences of his activities. Between 1700 and 1770, the United Kingdom exported 21,000,000 hats made from the pelts of North American beavers. The beaver nearly went the way of the passenger pigeon. It is estimated that at the time of European invasion, there may have been as many as 120 million beaver ponds throughout North America. The beavers’ intricately constructed dams and lodges provided safety from predators, shelter

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from all kinds of weather and a place to store food. Beavers’ favorite foods consist of the inner layer, or cambium, of the bark of aspen, willow and cottonwood trees. Their niche on the food chain was never a safe one, as bears, coyotes and wolves made a habit of eating them. But only humans posed a threat to their very existence. Native Americans did make use of beaver fur for items of clothing, but the beaver population remained relatively stable until the arrival of white European invaders. Throughout the 18th and 19th centuries, the beaver population was decimated in order to satisfy the insatiable appetite for beaver hats, robes and other articles craved by European fops and dandies. Native Americans were naively complicit in the destruction of the beaver population, exchanging pelts for firearms, metal tools, alcohol and other trade goods. All was not well on the European end of the beaver trade. When men’s beaver hats needed cleaning, for instance, after becoming targets of road apples flung by small boys called street urchins in the Sherlock Holmes stories, hatters used mercury to repair the damage. Inhalation of mercury fumes destroyed brain cells, causing erratic behaviors that gave our language the phrase “mad as a hatter”. While the lives and exploits of Canadian Voyageurs and western mountain men have been extolled in books and movies, cruel realities lurk beneath the glamour. Beavers and other fur bearing animals suffered long hours of agony in the jaws of steel leg hold traps. Trappers routinely took it a step farther, destroying beaver lodges and dismantling dams, depriving their prey of the water they require for safety. Water is the beaver’s natural element, but they are clumsy and nearly helpless on land, where trappers pursued them with spears and clubs. The steam rising from beaver lodges during freezing winter days were dead giveaways, and beavers suffered as a result. Rivalry between British and French traders spurred violent clashes between Native American nations such as the Iroquois. Some peoples, like the Erie, after whom one of our Great Lakes is named, were totally annihilated. International tensions were exacerbated by the continued unlawful presence of British fur trading posts on US soil, from Michilimackinac on Michigan’s Upper Peninsula to the sites of present day Sandusky and Toledo, Ohio, and finally exploded into war in 1812. Reports of vast beaver colonies in the mountain West by the Lewis and Clark Expedition caused mountain men to flock into as yet unexplored territories to profit from the fur trade. Native peoples of the Great Plains, unlike eastern nations, subsisted on bison hunting and looked askance at trapping beaver. The

Blackfoot nation, for instance, banned beaver trapping because dams provided water that attracted bison and other game animals. There were some voices of dissent. Henry David Thoreau charged that the destruction of the beaver population of New England had emasculated the region. Such protests fell largely upon deaf ears until the beaver population tipped on the edge of extinction. As beaver populations declined, the cost of clothing manufactured from their hides became prohibitively expensive, and European enthusiasm turned to other products, like Chinese silk. The system of National Wildlife Refuges established during the administration of President Theodore Roosevelt, together with legislation like the Lacey Act outlawing the transportation of poached wildlife across state lines caused the beaver population to begin a slow but steady recovery during the early twentieth century. The beaver population of North America has rebounded, and it is estimated that there may be as many as 15,000,000 now, compared to the all time low of perhaps 100,000 in 1900. In the West, wetlands account for only 2% of the land area but support 80% of the biodiversity. Organizations like the Wyoming Wetlands Society capture and relocates beavers. Activists have successfully resettled over 250. According to a 2011 report, restoring beavers to the Southwest’s Escalante River would create tens of millions of dollars in annual benefits. Beavers preserve water and mitigate the effects of droughts. Their activities foster healthy wetlands that attract waterfowl and wildlife. Because their dam building efforts are so relentless, however, many westerners continue to regard them as pests and attempt to eradicate them. Because of the human penchant for rapacity and shortsightedness, the Age of Extinction did not end with the recovery of beaver populations or even with the resurgence of threatened gray wolves, grizzly bears or the American eagle. Now, in the Anthropocene Era, numbers of many species are dwindling, from monarch butterflies and honey bees to majestic African elephants, the magnificent Siberian tiger and the beautiful Himalayan snow leopard. Perhaps, though, the beaver will have the last laugh. He remains one of nature’s most determined architects, and he is the national symbol of Canada. One beaver dam in Alberta is 1/2 mile wide and can be observed from outer space. Ipana toothpaste may be long forgotten, but one can imagine Bucky chortling over the successes of his offspring. Lorin Swinehart

The Lakeside Charity, the “School for Special Children,” supporting the Escuela Para Niños Especiales school in Jocotepec, Jalisco, is proud to welcome our new Board of Directors elected at the Annual General Meeting on March 28th 2019, held at the Real de Chapala in Ajijic.

Bill Crowder

Jan Riley

Heather Hunter

Gina Esteva

Christine Stephan

Ian Lambert

Carlos Rodriguez Lupita Campbell

Steve Cross

Connie Pecsar

This is the most diverse and largest team that we have ever had, and we look forward to contributing to the on-going operations of this very special school with its 92 students, ranging in ages from toddlers to 20 years plus. We would also like to thank the Ajijic community for their support of our Fundraising efforts, which include the famous “Home Tours,” all of which have been sold out throughout the year, and our highly successful annual Auction Fashion Show, held each year at Las Caballerizas, at the Racquet Club in San Juan Cosala in early December. We would also like to thank all the people who came to the AGM, which was our largest attendance ever, and specifically thank Sr. Salvador Macìas, the Director of the School, who spoke and shared his passion to every person attending. If you would like to join our team of volunteers, we would be pleased to have you on board. We have many exciting initiatives planned for this year, including diligently working on much needed repairs to the School. Please contact Mr. Bill Crowder, President, at billcrowder50@aol.com

Saw you in the Ojo 49

DELUSIONAL or Who are you calling Anal-Retentive? By Mel Goldberg


he other day my wife walked into the bedroom I use as a studio, where I have my computer and I write. “Who were you talking to?” “No one.” “I heard you. You were discussing philosophy with Bertrand Russell.” “Russell said that a hallucination is a fact, not an error; what is erroneous is a judgment based upon it.” “Russell may be right but you are delusional. You should try to act more normal. Like Jane’s husband, Jerry.” I know Jerry. I even like him. He’s is a retired CPA who has an office in his house. He has a cabinet with drawers that are labeled for different types of ink pens and pencils. He would never put a number 2 pencil in with the number


4 pencils. Once he cautioned me when I was about to put a pencil in a drawer with pens. That’s a bit anal but sometimes I think I’d like to be more normal, so I went to see a therapist. ”What’s the problem?” she asked. I’ve been told I’m delusional because I talk to people who aren’t there. “I see,” she said. “You sometimes talk to people who aren’t there.” “And my wife thinks I need to act more normal.” “So your wife thinks you need to act more normal.” She sounded like an echo. “Yes,” I said. “That’s why I’m here.” I wanted to

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ask her why she kept telling me what I already knew. I wanted her to tell me what I didn’t know. When I explained that the desk in my studio had stacks of stories I had written and sometimes I would discover one after I had looked for it days earlier. “Maybe you need to be more organized,” the therapist said. “I couldn’t function if I took notes and kept them in a pile and said, ‘Oh, I’ll put them in patients’ folders later.” I asked, “How does that relate to me?” “It’s called being organized. I think I can help you.” I should have gone to someone who knows she can help me. I asked her, “Have you ever seen the movie The Fisher King with Robin Williams? Or A Beautiful Mind with Russell Crowe? They’re both about people who are really delusional.” “No,” she said. “I don’t care for fantasy, only like real life.” I told her fiction and movies are about real life. In fact sometimes fiction is more real than life but she ignored me. She prepared a folder with my name and put her notes in it. Then she said, “We need to take a scan of your brain. Some of your signals may be getting mixed up.” I wondered who she meant by we? Only the two of us were in her office. She sent me to see a doctor the next day. The doctor took me to a room with a big machine and told me to lie down on the hard bed and put my head on the plastic covered pillow. Then he pushed me into the machine to look at my brain. The machine hummed and thumped like a Grateful Dead tune that I recognized so I hummed and tapped my fingers and nodded my head. He told me to be quiet and lie still and think about flowers in a meadow. I thought of my green and yellow cat that slept at the foot of my bed every night. My wife had told me the cat was gray and white, but I knew his true color. I even knew his secret cat name that only other cats know but he shared it with me one morning

when I thanked him for bringing me a dead mouse as a gift. I fell asleep in the machine. The doctor woke me and showed me a sheet with squiggly lines. He pointed to one and said, “That’s your problem. This line should go up but it goes down.” Then he gave me a prescription for Risperidal. “Take one every morning with your breakfast. It will make your life more normal. And cut out coffee and alcohol.” I told him I drank three or four cups coffee every day. And once a week I drank a few beers with some friends. After I left his office, I went to see one of my friends and told him about my experience with the therapist and the doctor. “I took Risperidal once,” he said. “It almost made me crazy. I had headaches all the time. And they told me not to drive. It’ll make you dizzy and tired and you won’t be able to think clearly. Throw that shit away and try one of these.” He gave me some of his special brownies and told me they’d make me feel much better. “Will they make me stop talking to people who aren’t there?” “No. But you won’t mind and you’ll like them.” When I got home, I ate a brownie with my coffee and had a beer. Then I went into my studio and got into a discussion with Hemingway about William Faulkner’s work. “Poor Faulkner,” Hemingway said. “Does he really think big emotions come from big words?” But Faulkner had a rebuttal. “Hemingway has never been known to use a word that might send a reader to the dictionary.” Then I sat at my computer with my cat on my lap to help me and we started writing a science fiction story about space aliens posing as CPAs. Mel Goldberg

Why Men Are Seldom...Depressed


en Are Just Happier People—What do you expect from such simple creatures? Your last name stays put/Wedding plans take care of themselves/ Chocolate is just another snack/ You can never be pregnant/You can wear a white T-shirt to a water park/ Car mechanics tell you the truth/The world is your urinal/ Wrinkles add character/Wedding dress $5000. Tux rental-$100/People never stare at your chest when you’re talking to them. Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat/A five-day vacation requires only one suitcase/You can open all your own jars/Your underwear is $8.95 for a three-pack/ Three pairs of shoes are more than enough/Everything on your face stays its original color. You can ‘do’ your nails with a pocket knife/You have freedom of choice concerning growing a mustache/You can do Christmas shopping for 25 relatives on December 24 in 25 minutes. Men Are Just Happier People! EATING OUT When the bill arrives, Mike, Dave and John will each throw in $20, even though it’s only for $32.50. None of them will have anything smaller and none will actually admit they want change back. When the girls get the bill, out come the pocket calculators. MONEY A man will pay $2 for a $1 item he needs. A woman will pay $1 for a $2 item that she doesn’t need but it’s on sale. BATHROOMS A man has six items in his bathroom: toothbrush and toothpaste, shaving cream, razor, a bar of soap, and a towel. The average number of items in the typical woman’s bathroom is 337. A man would not be able to identify more than 20 of these items. ARGUMENTS A woman has the last word in

any argument. Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument. FUTURE A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband. A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife. MARRIAGE A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn’t. A man marries a woman expecting that she won’t change, but she does. DRESSING UP A woman will dress up to go shopping, water the plants, empty the trash, answer the phone, read a book, and get the mail. A man will dress up for weddings and funerals. NATURAL Men wake up as good-looking as they went to bed. Women somehow deteriorate during the night. OFFSPRING A woman knows all about her children. She knows about dentist appointments and romances, best friends, secret fears and hopes and dreams. A man is vaguely aware of some short people living in the house. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY A married man can forget his mistakes. There’s no use in two people remembering the same thing!

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The Ojo Crossword

ACROSS 1 Dirty área 5 Splendor 9 Recommended 14 Walk through water 15 Double-reed instrument 16 Bake unshelled eggs 17 East 18 College head 19 Son 20 Finger 22 Medical student 24 Type of meat 25 Pouched mammal 27 Leered 31 Song by the Village People 32 Baby dog 34 Wrath 35 Glow 38 Trinitrotoluene 40 Unindulgent 42 Chews like a rodent 44 Price sticker 46 Small island 47 Tilted 48 Brassiere 50 Totals 51 Brooch 52 Still 55 Like a wing 57 Otherwise 59 Pregnant 61 Pester 64 Entertain 66 Belgian Congo 68 Nether 71 Properly 73 Nova 74 What a hitch-hiker wants 75 Women´s magazine 76 Relieve 77 Looker 78 24 hour periods 79 Beers


El Ojo del Lago / May 2019

DOWN 1 Cut a path 2 High ranking man-used formerly 3 Loathing 4 Sport group 5 Spacecraft detachment 6 Respectful 7 Groans 8 Caged (2 wds.) 9 Russia 10 River 11 __Rummy (card game) 12 European sea eagle 13 Lose moisture 21 Metronome marking 23 Flightless bird 26 Halloween mo. 28 Output 29 Goofed 30 Nicks 31 Ship´s small boat 33 Pounds per square inch 35 Open mouthed 36 To that time 37 “when it__it pours” 39 Check 41 Tyrant 43 Pigpen 45 Having lots of stones 49 Boxes Muhammad 53 Chicken creation 54 Swapped 56 Cutting tool 58 Eataway 60 Birds “thumb” 61 Animated 62 Efface 63 Former name of Jerez 65 Pitcher 67 Afloat 68 Container 69 Epoch 70 Movie star Taylor 73 Yea


FAHRENHEIT 11/9 A Review by Henri Loridans Henri.loridans@gmail.com

ALL SAINTS LUTHERAN Church Worship Service and Sunday School at 11:00 am 4600 Avenida Tepeyac, Guad. Tel. (01 333) 121-6741. ABUNDANT LIFE ASSEMBLY OF GOD Carr. 140 next to Mail Boxes etc, Tel: 766-5615. CENTER FOR SPIRITUAL LIVING CELEBRATION SERVICE 1st Sunday of each month, Nicolas Bravo #17 Ajijic. Tel: (376) 766-0920 or tim@revdoctim.com CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS Services in English and Spanish, 10 am, Riberas del Pilar Tel. (376) 7657067, President: Pedro Aguilera. Recidence (376) 762-0299. CHURCH OF THE HOLY SPIRIT Services Sun. 10 am, Alvaro Obregon 119, Chapala. Tel. (376) 765-4210. CHRIST CHURCH LAKESIDE Eucharist for each Sunday 11:00 am. La Huerta Eventos Center in West Ajijic. Rev. Danny Borkowski at (376) 766-2495 or Jim Powers (387) 761-0017. HOME CHURCH INT’L Locations by calling (332) 242-8648, or email yeshuapfa@gmail.com JEWISH CONGREGATION Santa Margarita 113, Riberas del Pilar, Tel: 766-2668. lcjcac@gmail.com for information and service times. Web site: www. lakechapalajewishcongregation.com. LAKE CHAPALA BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday, September 24, 11 a.m., Brother Hendrick will give the sermon at the worship service of the Lake Chapala Baptist Church. Santa Margarita 147, Riberas del Pilar. Tel. (376) 765-2925 www.lakechapalabaptist.com. LAKESIDE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Worship-Sunday 10 am; Bible Study-Friday at 9:45 am; San Jorge 250; Riberas del Pilar Church Office at 376-106-0853. Website at www.lpcchapala.org LITTLE CHAPEL BY THE LAKE Sun. services 11:15 am, Chula Vista,. Jal, Tel. (376) 106-1199, 766-4409 SAN ANDRES CATHOLIC CHURCH Services 7:00 am. Ajijic, Tel: 766-0922. SAINT ANDREW´S ANGLICAN CHURCH Calle San. Lucas 19, Riberas del Pilar, Worship begins at 10 a.m., and the bilingual children’s Sunday School starts at 9:45 a.m. “Coffee Hour,” a time of fellowship and welcome. Tel: 765-3926. www.standrewsriberas.com. ST. MARK’S ANGLICAN GUADALAJARA St. Mark’s is at Chichimecas 836 in Colonia Monraz. THE UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST The Unitarians meet Sundays at 10:30 am. Hidalgo #261 Riberas del Pilar. Fred 376-766-1458.


AHRENHEIT 11/9 is a documentary written, produced, directed and narrated by Michael Moore. Moore began production in May 2017, working with brothers Harvey and Bob Weinstein. He had to start over when Harvey encountered problems with the manner in which he dealt with starlet hopefuls. The film was released at the Toronto International Film Festival in September 2018. Moore is not known for subtlety and this film is no exception. It is an examination of the Trump presidency with a smorgasbord of related problems including the poisoned water in Flint, Michigan, and gun violence. While Moore remains relatively calm, his presentation throbs with passion. Some critics thought he went a little too far when he had Adolph Hitler lip-sync some of Trump’s diatribes, but it was scary. Anything could happen if the President’s hardcore, dogmatic base grew to the size of Benito Mussolini’s supporters in the 1920’s and 30’s. Moore has also captured the raw hate of racists and bigots found in that SHINING CITY ON A HILL. Michigan’s Governor Snyder appears pure evil for his handling of the flint water crisis. There is comic relief when Moore attempts to make a citizen’s arrest, then sprays a truckload of Flint water all over the front lawn of the Governor’s Mansion. For over two hours the film pulsates with interviews of kids calling the National Rifle Association to task, and working men and veterans eloquently and passionately demanding reform from their government. Michael does not let Democrats off the hook. He puts Obama on the carpet for not taking action in the Flint water crisis and has criticisms of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. He does give a platform to the new generation of progressives

like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The documentary is not sophisticated. After all, if you gave Michael a preppy haircut and put him in a Brooks Brothers suit he would not be Michael Moore. You do not have to be a Ph.D to understand exactly what he is telling us. The United States does have some major problems and maybe we should be listening to the likes of 29-year-old Representative Ocasio-Cortez and 77 year-old Senator Bernie Sanders. The documentary was shown in a Mexican movie theater. The presentation was oversold. Chairs were brought in and tickets were refunded. If the film comes back to Chapala, I will see it again. There were no dull moments, and the audience was reluctant to see it end. The film is liberally sprinkled with language that would have had the production banned in the past, but I will take my two teenage daughters and remind them that I still have that bar of Lysol Soap I use to clean potty mouths. Henri Loridans

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(NOTE: If there is any change, please advise us so that corrections may be made. Call Rosy: 765-3676) AJIJIC SOCIETY OF THE ARTS (ASA): www.ajijicart.weebly.com Provides local artists an opportunity to meet, demonstrate techniques and organize art shows; and provides assistance to young Mexican artists to learn and show their work. Deena Hafker 376-766-2249 or oliodee@hotmail.com AA LAKESIDE: Alcoholic Anonymous group. Meets Monday & Thursday from 4:30-5:30 PM at the Lake Chapala Society. Ian Frasier 376-766-4990 iandavid81@gmail. AL-ANON: No website or face book. Monday 10AM at Club12- Men’s meeting. Monday 10:30AM at Little Chapel-Open meeting. Saturday 10 AM at Club 12-Open meeting. Information: Call 376-766-4409, Cell 333-480-7675 AL-ANON (IN SPANISH): Mondays 6-7:30 & Wednesdays 5:30-7:30. Meets at the Lake Chapala Society. Ericka Murillo 376-766-1788 erickamurillo2000@yahoo.com.mx AJIJIC QUILT GUILD - Meets second Tuesday monthly at 10 am. Guests & New Members Welcome. ajijicguild@gmail.com AJIJIC WRITERS’ GROUP- Meets 1st and 3rd Fridays at 10 am. Nueva Posada. Coffee. Meeting followed by lunch at the Nueva Posada. AMERICAN LEGION OF CHAPALA POST- #7: General Membership meets 11 am 2nd Thursday. Tel: 765-2259. AMERICAN LEGION, FRANK M. VALENTINE POST 9: (Fito’s Restaurant in Riberas Del Pilar) 3rd Wednesday. For meeting times and information call Perry King at 763-5126 or Al King at 737-0859. AMITIES FRANCOPHONES: A social gathering for people speaking French fluently. The group meets the 3rd Saturday of each month at 1:00PM for a potluck and BYOB. Jill Flyer 331140-1171 fotoflyer2003@yahoo.com ANCIANITAS DE SANTA CLARA DE ASIS: Web site : https://rudiselj.wixsite.com/ancianitaslagochapal . Lisa Le :387 761 0002 - lisale888@gmail.com AXIXIC MASONIC LODGE #31- Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at Hotel Perrico at 3:00 pm. The address is Libramiento Chapala-Ajijic #2500. Contact Sheldon Stone at (376)765-3306 or stoneshel@gmail.com. BARE STAGE THEATRE: Hidalgo #261 in Riberas del Pilar, barestagetheatre2018@gmail.com. BRAVO! THEATRE: www.facebook.com/Bravotheatre (unofficial) Semi-professionsal theatre with live theatre and ongoing adult arts education in dance and theatre. Jayme Littlejohn 331-045-9627 mymytickets@gmail.com BRITISH SOCIETY: Assist the British Community facilitates the transmission of information with The British Embassy in Mexico. Meetings are the 1st Saturday of the month at Manix restaurant for lunch and speaker. Sue Morris 376-766-0847 /331-156-0346 ibbocat@gmail.com CARD & DOMINO CLUB- Wednesday, Friday & Saturday. Call for times. We will teach; make friends! Tel. 766-4253, Cell: (045) 33-1402-4223. CANADIAN CLUB OF LAKE CHAPALA: www.canadianclubmx.com Club Objectives are: 1. To promote fellowship among Canadians and friends within the Lake Chapala area. 2. To encourage a cultural exchange and foster friendly relations with all residents. 3. To be a centre for providing current Mexican and Canadian Information. 4. The Club shall be non-profit, non-political and non-sectarian CASAS CARIÑOSAS, A.C.: www.abbeyfield-ajijic.org As part of the world wide non-profit organization of Abbeyfield, help an increasing number of older people enjoy a high quality of independent living provided through a range of services, including housing, support or care, with local community involvement. 376-766-2045 info@abbeyfield-ajijic.org CASA DEL LAGO (CASA DE ANCIANOS) CHAPALA: Provides support for local area elderly citizens through a residential home in Chapala. Ana Luisa Maldonado 376-765-2497 adultosdellago@gmail.com CENTRO DE DESAROLLO JOCOTEPEC, A.C.: www.cedejo.org Improve the quality of life for Lake Chapala families with limited resources through promoting the health and well being of the family. Calle Ocampo # 45-A. 376-766-1679 CHAPALA SUNRISE ROTARY CLUB: www.chapalarotary.org Participate in activities that will support lakeside residents. Provide assistance to international projects and meet with other like -minded Rotarians to build friendships. Meetings: Thursdays 10AM Monte Carlo Hotel CREM: AJIJIC MUSIC SCHOOL: www.cremajijic.com For 24 years this school has provided music education to children at lakeside. Students are taught to play an instrument and participate in the orchestra or the choir. There are 43 students and 8 faculty, all university graduates. Scholarships are offered to students from low-income families. 333-496-8976 cremajijic@ gmail.com CRUZ ROJA MEXICANA DELEGATION CHAPALA: www.cruzrojachapala.com Offers clinical, ambulance and other emergency medical services to all Lakeside residents and visitors. Yolanda [Yoly] Martinez Llamas Consejo President 766-2260 consejochapala@ gmail.com CULINARY ARTS SOCIETY OF AJIJIC: www.ajijiccasa.org Provides CASA members, Associates and guests a monthly forum to share foods, learn new preparation techniques, stimulate culinary ideas, meet new people and enjoy the world of food: in a competitive atmosphere that encourages creativity and rewards excellence. CASAlakeside@yhoo.com DAR: (At Lakeside) - THOMAS PAINE CHAPTER meets every 3 Wednesday at 12:30 noon at the Janelle´s Restaurant in Ajijic. September thru June. Tel: 766-2981. DAYS FOR GIRLS: www.daysforgirls.org, www.daysforgirlslakechapala.org A group of women working together giving days back to girls through access to lasting feminine hygiene solutions. This results in a more dignified and educated world, for the girls of the Lake Chapala area. We create hand made menstrual kits and distribute them along with education to empower, enlighten and strengthen the young women receiving them. All this because of access to these products and taking responsibility of ones menstrual situation,


El Ojo del Lago / May 2019

sexuality, pregnancy planning and hygiene. Darlene Macleod 387-761-0175 darmacleod@ gmail.com DEMOCRATS ABROAD MEXICO/ LAKE CHAPALA CHAPTER: www.democratsabroad.org, www.facebook.com/DemocratsAbroadMexico Official arm of the Democratic Party of the United States, working as a state party for US citizens living abroad. The mission is to represent and serve American citizens living outside the United States who support the principles of the Democratic Party. Larry Pihl, Executive Chair 376-766-3274 larry.pihl@gmail.com, da_mexico@ democratsabroad.org ESCUELA PARA NINOS ESPECIALES (SCHOOL FOR SPECIAL CHILDREN) : www.schoolforspecialchildren.org The mission is to improve the educational opportunities for children with a wide variety of disabilities and in doing so, increase the probability that they might enjoy a brighter future. Mission is accomplished through provision of a clean, safe physical environment and improved nutrition during the school day. Working closely with the Mexican school board and teachers, we help support the educational programs for the children, young, adults and families. 387-763-0843 FERIA MAESTROS DEL ARTE: www.feriamaestros.com & www.mexicoartshow.com To preserve and promote Mexican indigenous and folk art. We help preserve these art forms and the culture that produces them by providing the artists a venue to sell their work to galleries, collectors, and museums. In collaboration with Mexican government agencies, we promote regional and international awareness to the plight of these endangered arts. Antje Zaldivar, President Rachel McMillen 333-442-3054 rjmcmillen@shaw.ca FOUNDATION FOR LAKE CHAPALA CHARITIES: www.lakechapalacharities.org The prime purpose is to attract money for the charities around Lake Chapala, Mexico and to allow those who donate to claim U.S. tax deductions for their gifts to those charities. The Foundation will also accept “endowments” and “memorial support” for any of the charities and will provide free Mexican legal assistance in setting up those endowments and memorials. 376-766-2606 or cell 331-260-7123 Admin@LakeChapalaCharities.org GARDEN CLUB- Meets the 3rd. Wednesday 12:00 noon at La Nueva Posada. GERMAN CLUB: Provides social opportunities for German-speaking residents. The group meets 2nd Thursday for lunch at 1PM. One does not have to be German but must speak German. Ing. Javier Aguilera 387-761-0777 javier.aguilera@mudanai.com HASH HOUSE HARRIERS: International running group with local chapter walks on Saturday morning, 8:30 AM, La Nueva Posada Hotel with goals of getting exercise, having fun, and enjoying breakfast. Denny Strole 376-766-0485 dstrole@gmail.com HOPE HOUSE: www.hopehousemx.org The Hope House is a safe shelter for boys ages 8 to 18. Our vision is to develop character, provide love and impart tools to be a successful part of society. Rodney Drutos 376-762-0032 oficina@casahogarmexico.org HAVE HAMMERS WILL TRAVEL: www.havehammer.com The mission is to provide learning and social experiences within a safe, supportive environment so that our students acquire: basic woodworking skills for exploration of career pathways (Level 1: ages 10-14) intermediate woodworking skills for entry-level employment (Level 2: ages 15+) advanced woodworking skills for professional employment, incl. coops (Level 3: ages 21+) skills to maintain a well equipped woodworking shop Tuition $400 pesos/month limited scholarships available Information: hhwtchapala@gmail.com. Office 376-766-4830 Richard Thompson 331-895-6866 rctinmx@yahoo.com, rcteaz@yahoo.com JALTEPEC CENTRO EDUCATIVO (FORMERLY CENTRO DE FORMACION JALTEPEC): www. jaltepec.edu.mx. A Tecnico Universitario en Hoteleria, providing education in hotel & hospitality management and an entrepreneurial program. 387-763-1781 info@jaltepec.edu.mx. LAKE ASSISTANCE: www.facebook.com/ LAG Importing equipment for firefighters and police and to distribute around the lakeside fire departments. John Kelly 331-758-0676 jkelly203@gmail.com LAKE CHAPALA BIRDERS: www.chapalabirders.org Encourages bird watching; organizes bird walks, bird trips and the Audubon Christmas Bird Count. John & Rosemary Keeling 376766-1801 chapalabirders@yahoo.com LAKE CHAPALA GARDEN CLUB: www.lakechapalagardenclub.org Promotes an interest, appreciation and better understanding of botanical subjects including but not limited to all plant materials, their care and use in the home and garden. Meetings explore the many garden species and practices unique to this area of Mexico. Open to all interested in gardens and their care. Supports lakeside organizations with beautification and educational projects. LAKE CHAPALA GENEALOGY FORUM: A group of family historians meeting once a month to share ideas, methodologies and topics of interest for genealogy enthusiasts. Meetings are the last Monday of the month at the LDS Church and Family Center in Riberas del Pilar. Marci Bowman marci452@yahoo.com LAKE CHAPALA SHRINE CLUB: www.shrinershospitalsforchildren.org & www.shrinersinternational.org www.facebook.com /pages/Lake-Chapala-Shrine-Club/757185090966972 Physical examination of lakeside children to determine if they qualify for treatment locally or by Family trips to the Mexico City Shrine Hospital the cost of which is financed by frequent Fundraisers such as Dine With the Shrine, Rib fest and tax deductible donations. David Eccles, President 331-017-1724 davideccles@hotmail.com Perry M. King 376-763-5126 pking1931@ gmail.com LAKE CHAPALA SOCIETY A.C.: www.lakechapalasociety.com The mission is to promote the active participation of Lakesides’ inhabitants to improve their quality of life. By making this commitment we signal to the community that our focus is based not just on ex-patriots, but everyone living at lakeside. For the Mexican community, provides English as a second language, remedial tutoring, student financial aid, Wilkes Education Center and Biblioteca at Galeana #18 and free medical checks. Ben White president@lakechapalasociety.com Terry Vidal 376-766-1140 executivedirector@lakechaplasociety.com

LAKE CHAPALA SOCIETY CHILDREN’S ART PROGRAM: www.lakechapalasociety.com “A visual arts program free for all lakeside community children aged 3 to 17 that provides them an opportunity to explore their creativity. A Neill James legacy program that began in 1954.” Danielle Page childrensart@lakechapalasociety.com LAKE CHAPALA SOCIETY STUDENT AID FUND: www.lakechapalasociety.com Provides financial support to qualified area students to enroll in university, vocational and high school programs. directoreducacion@lakechapalasociety.com. Alfredo Perez 376-7661140 apoyoeco@lakechapalasociety.com LAKE CHAPALA SOCIETY WILKES EDUCATION CENTER (BIBLIOTECA PUBLICA): www. lakechapalasociety.com Provides classes in language and other topics for both Anglo and Mexican community Alfredo Perez 376-766-1140 directoreducacion@lakechapalasociety.com LAKESIDE FRIENDS OF THE ANIMALS, A.C.: www.lakesidefriendsoftheanimals.org Provide funding for spay/neuters, emergency care and operations for pets of Mexican nationals of limited means. Assists in providing humane education programs in the local schools, and fund a feline leukemia testing program. Operate the pet store/shelter in Riberas del Pilar. Sue Hillis, President 376-765-5544 hilliss@yahoo.com LAKESIDE GARDEN GUILD: www.gardenguild.weebly.com Limited membership gardening group promoting the interest in the development of local gardens with an accent on the exotic species available in central Mexico. Presents annual Floral Design Show, supports local projects for community improvement and beautification such as Wipe Out Graffiti project in Ajijic. LAKESIDE LITTLE THEATRE A.C.: www.lakesidelittletheatre.com To provide theatrical entertainment to the residents and visitors of the Lakeside community: to nurture and develop existing and new talent in every aspect of the performing arts and technical support areas: and to maintain and preserve the theatre facility and properties. Tickets: tickets@lakesidelittletheatre.com 376-766-0954 lakesidelittletheatre@gmail.com Peter Luciano drpeterluciano@ icloud.com LAKESIDE SPAY AND NEUTER RANCH & ADOPTIONS, A.C.: www.lakesidespayandneutercenter.com Provides shelter and helps curtail the over-population of animals. Syd Sullins 376766-1411 or 331-270-4447 adoptaranchdog@outlook.com LAKESIDE WILDLIFE RESCUE & REHABILITATION: Promotes the rescue and rehabilitation of wild animals, trees and plants around Lake Chapala. 376-765-4916 LAKESIDE YOUTH PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA: orquestainfantildechapala.mx Golden Strings of Lake Chapala, A.C., training disadvantaged kids between the ages of 8 and 18 years who want to learn a musical instrument with the possibility of becoming a member of the “Lakeside Youth Philharmonic Orchestra”. Coco Wonchee 333-200-5563 soco.wonchee@gmail.com LA OLA/CASA HOGAR, A.C.: www.laolacasahogar.org La Ola Casa Hogar is a children’s shelter. We are an interfaith children’s ministry. Our scope is more than that of an orphanage in that we care for abandoned and abused children as well as orphans. 376-688-1005 laola@ laolacasahogar.org Becky Plinke 332-312-7756 bgnickel@yahoo.com LCS EDUCATION CENTER- Provides classes in language and other topics for both Anglo and Mexican community. Calle 16 de Septiembre # 16-A Ajijic. 766-1140. LCS STUDENT AID FUND- Provides financial support to area students to enroll in university, vocational and high school program. Calle 16 de Septiembre # 16-A Ajijic. 766-1140. LOS CANTANTES DEL LAGO: www.loscantantesdellago.com A community choir striving that is for artistic excellence in choral singing. We encourage members to improve their vocal skills and to work continually toward greater skill through rhythmic and note training in order to become more literate musicians. Our principal objectives are the support of young musicians, the performance of works of Mexican composers, and sharing our music with the Mexican community. LOS NIÑOS DE CHAPALA & AJIJIC A.C. (NCA): www.lakesideninos.org Provides financial support for the educational, nutritional and social development of local area children. Office 376-765-7032, info@lakesideninos.org LOVE IN ACTION- Shelter for abused and abandoned children. For volunteers and donations. Anabel Frutos 765-7409, cell: 331-351 7826. LUCKY DOG: www.luckydoglakechapala.com www.facebook.com/LuckyDogLakeChapala/ To provide shelter to rescue dogs, socialize them and restore them to health, and adopt them out to good homes. To work with other animal organizations to promote spay and neuter. 331-300-7144 luckydogchapala@yahoo.com MARIPOSA PROJECT: BUTTERFLIES EN MEXICO: www.gomariposa.org Objectives: Provide options for how youth can make sustainable changes and provide opportunities for change. Mac Whyte 387-761-0360 ravensmac@gmail.com MEXICAN ASSOCIATION TO EMPOWER WOMEN FOR FAMILY INTEGRATION, AMSIF: amsif.org.mx To work with the poor, mainly women, to transform the family values in the community. Educate women so they can have a critical mind and thus liberate themselves and become agents of change through a liberated and integral education. A method of education used where they can “see, judge, and act”. MEXICAN NATIONAL CHILI COOKOFF: www.mexicannationalchilicookoff.com The Mexican National Chili Cookoff is the largest fundraising organization Lakeside. For more than 41 years the event has raised funds to support local charities in their work. The 3 day event, always held in February, features hundreds of vendors of the finest Mexican handcrafts, on-going hourly entertainment, and a variety of food and beverages. The event is held at Tobolandia Water Park in Ajijic. The organization currently funds 9 IJAS approved charities and in the latest year made donations of 60,000 pesos to each participating charity. Jacques Bouchard 376-766-4350 jacqueandcarol@hotmail.com MUJERES APOYANDO A MUJERES: Mezcala jewelry collective with the focus to create a cottage industry jewelry making project that will give the women of Mezcala and la Cuesta a means of economic independence. The jewelry is being sold at Cugini’s and Diane Pearl in Ajijic. Doris Wakeman. NIÑOS INCAPACITADOS DEL LAGO, A.C.: www.programaninos.com A non-profit, all-volunteer organization that helps low-income Mexican families pay medical expenses for their children with disabling or life-threatening illnesses. Email: ninosincapacitados@programaninos.com Dave Pike, President 376-765- 3137 dave.ppni@gmail.com Carol Antcliffe carol.ppni@gmail.com

“NO GRAFFITI AJIJIC” GROUP: Group of residents, who remove and cover graffiti. Paint donations appreciated. Contact with details. Email Dan Houck with graffiti reports. Dan Houck 376-766-3225 houck1022@gmail.com NORTHERN LIGHTS MUSIC FESTIVAL: Provides young talented Canadian artists exposure and experience on the international concert stage and provides the community with a wide range of classical music venues including concerts and demonstrations to young Mexican students and musicians through an annual music festival. NSDAR CHAPALA THOMAS PAINE CHAPTER: www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~mextpdar/ thomaspainedar/Goal is to make education available to deserving students and to help the community. Contribute to scholarships for the Technical School and students in Ninos de Chapala. Contribute to Hammer Hammer Will Travel and to Needle Pushers and the Lake Chapala Society Wilkes Education Center. Lorene Fields 376-766-1658 ltfields@hotmail.com OPEN CIRCLE: www.opencircleajijic.org Provide a supportive environment for social interactions. Presentations span a wide range of intellectual, cultural, physical and spiritual topics. David Bryen 376-766-4755 opencircleideas@gmail.com, Margaret Van Every 376-766-2092 OPERACION AMOR: www.facebook.com/chapala.operacionamor Our mission is to provide free spay/neuter services for cats and dogs of persons of limited means in the greater Chapala area. 331-872-4440 cgcothran1@yahoo.com Amalia Garcia, Co-leader 376-763-5597 amgarciao10@gmail.com Cameron Peters Co-leader 376-766-4341 zo-onna@hotmail.com OPERATION COMPASSION MINISTRIES: Feeding the hungry a comida meal in San Antonio, Monday to Saturday at Jesus Garcia #4. Tom Music 331-547-2726 tmusic3856@yahoo.com OPERATION FEED: www.operationfeed.weebly.com Our mission is to increase self-sufficiency by providing weekly despensas and supporting other educational and income opportunities for people of limited resources in San Juan Cosala. OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS: www.OA.org Monday 12PM and Thursday 10:15AM. Lakeside Little Chapel, Carretera Ajijic-Chapala (next to Chula Vista Country Club). Information: 376766-4409, email Sugarfreeme@hotmail.com ROTARY CLUB OF AJIJIC: www.rotaryajijic.org Within the community and Rotary International, The Rotary Club of Ajijic serves as a model providing humanitarian serviced to others while maintaining high ethical standards. Rotarians develop community service projects that address many of today’s most critical issues, such as children at risk, poverty and hunger, the environment illiteracy, and violence. They also support programs for youth, and for educational opportunities. Meetings: Tuesday 1PM Hotel Real de Chapala ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION: http://royalcanadianlegionchapala.org To provide assistance to veterans of the Canadian Armed Forces, including veterans of Commonwealth Forces and, in some instances, U.S. veterans and Mexican veterans living in the Lakeside area. Being a Legion member is not required for assistance to veterans who meet the criteria. This is done through our Poppy Fund Campaign. To support the local community by providing money and assistance to specific projects as designated by our members. Our specific charity is El Corazon del Anciano, A.C., a residence and drop-in centre for seniors. John Kelly 331-758-0676 jkelly203@gmail.com SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, MEXICAN SOCIETY: Lineal descent from a Patriot of the American Revolution, not necessarily a soldier. Kenneth Loridans 376-766-2981 SoTouch@prodigy.net.mx ST. ANDREW’S OUTREACH PROGRAM: www.standrewsriberas.com Provides financial support to selected local charities from activities organized through this Anglican Church parish at Lakeside. The main fundraising event is a huge bazaar (Regalorama), which is held on the first Saturday of December, and is supported by the whole community. 376-765-3926 Laura Foster, Outreach Information foster312@earthlink.net TAILS OF MEXICO: www.spayneuterlakechapala.weebly.com Tails of Mexico’s mission is to provide free spay/neuter clinics in the municipality of Jocopetec, Jalisco Mexico to poor Mexican families, street dogs, and others of limited means in order to reduce animal suffering and help the communities in which we work. Another program is to relocate dogs to specific rescue organizations and shelters North of the Mexican border. Dee Mistrik 01-387-761-0041 deemistrik@gmail.com Linda Rudisell-Hines, Communication Lead 01-387-761-0688 rudiselj@yahoo.com TEPEHUA CENTRO COMUNITARIO, A.C.: www.facebook.com/tepehuacommunitycenter. org A center helping a village through education, counseling and social functions. President: Moonyeen King 376-763-5126 moonie1935@yahoo.com TOASTMASTERS: Weekly meeting of bilingual Lake Chapala Toastmasters. Open to all interested in learning public speaking. Tim Schubert 376-766-0920 revdoctimothy@gmail.com U.S.A. THINKING TEAM: www.usathinkingteam.com Office is in Ajijic for 12 years. Supported by Grandparents for a Better World. Support programs for charitable organizations in Ajijic and includes concerts with That’s Entertainment, speakers and radio shows. Contact: mexicosydneygay@yahoo.com UVA [UNIVERSITY & VOCATIONAL ASSISTANCE] SCHOLARSHIP FUND, A.C.: www.uvalakeside.org Founded in 1976, provide university/technical scholarship assistance to qualified Lakeside students. Monitor and verify the recipients’ qualifications for scholarship assistance (maintain a GPA of 8.5 or better each semester). Assure that 100% of donations for students are distributed to students. Operate as an independent charity and cease to exist if and when support of the charity no longer exists. Sue Torres 376-766-2932 mst0414@hotmail.com VIVA LA MÚSICA: www.ajijicviva.org Supporting fine music lakeside by helping Mexican musicians make beautiful music. To encourage Mexican music students and organizations. To provide performance opportunities at lakeside for Mexican musicians. To promote local concerts and bus trips to musical events in Guadalajara and elsewhere. Rosemary Keeling 376766-1801 vivamusica3@yahoo.com VILLA INFANTIL ORPHANAGE: www.villainfantil.com.mx Facebook: Villa Infantil Guadalupe y San Jose Provides care and financial support for 30 children under the care of the Catholic Sisters of the Congregation of Our Lady of Guadalupe and St. Joseph. info.villainfantil@gmail. com VEGGIE GROWERS CLUB: Meetings are held at Huerta Organic Café, Hidalgo #212 in Riberas del Pilar on the second Monday at 10AM. Discussions on problems with growing vegetables at lakeside, local pests and how to treat them, composting and all matters related to growing vegetables. John McWilliams 376-766-0620

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El Ojo del Lago / May 2019

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Tel. 765-3676

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Tel: 766-4073

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Cell: 33-1310-9372 - HILDA WORLWIDE Cell: 33-3676-2514

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- PET PLACE Pag: 50


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Tel: 33-3170-6135, 33-3677-3482

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Pag: 11

- LA BELLA VIDA Tel: 766-5131

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- SOL MEXICANO Tel: 766-0734

Pag: 46

Pag: 44

- GENERAL HOME SERVICES - Amancio Ramos Jr. Pag: 38

Cell: (045) 331-520-3054 - PISOS Y AZULEJOS DE LA RIBERA

- CASA DEL SOL Pag: 23

Tel: 766-0050

Pag: 15 Pag: 11


Tel. 766-3682

Pag: 18

Tel: 766-0880, Fax: 766-2440

Tel: 33-1350-1156

Cell: (045) 331-218-6241

Pag: 15

- LA NUEVA POSADA Tel: 766-1444, 766-1344

Pag: 03


Tels. 766-0599, 766-0630

Pag: 43

Tel: 33-1095-6808, 33-2788-0208, Pag: 33




- FRATS Tel: 765-2505, 765-3946

Pag: 22


Pag: 28

Tel: 766-0045, Cell: 33-3956-4852



Pag: 44

Tel: 108-1087

Pag: 50


Pag: 11


Tel: 765-6602

Pag: 09

Mexico Toll Free 01-800-681-6730

Pag: 40

Pag: 47

- STEAM CLEAN Tel: 33-2385-0410

Tel: 766-4828

Pag: 28



Pag: 20

- KITCHEN & HARMONY Tel: 766-2954, Cell: (045) 331-444-8582

El Ojo del Lago / May 2019

Pag: 18




Pag: 38

U.S. Toll Free 1-800-608-5743

- AXIXIC SPRING CLEANING Tel: 766-5140- Cell: 33-1075-7768

Tel: 765-5287, 765-4070 - PROTEXPLAN



Pag: 26



Pag: 13, 31

Pag: 39

- LAKESIDE INSURANCE - EDGAR CEDEÑO Cell: (045) 33-3106-6982



Tel: 766-2499

Pag: 42

Tel: 766-0395, 1-888-449-7799

Tel: 766-3000

Tel: 766-5978

Tel: 333-451-8139


- COLIBRI GARDEN Tel: 765-4412, Cell: (045) 333-156-9382



Pag: 50



Pag: 23


(376) 766-5457


Pag: 62



Tel: 766-0133



Pag: 07, 43



Pag: 20


Pag: 03

Tel/Fax: 766-1790

Pag: 49



Pag: 44

Tel: 106-2430, 624-143-2282


Pag: 36

Tel: 766-5959


Cell: (045) 333-507-3024


Pag: 14

Tel: 766-3771, Cell: 331-340-3758 - SIKA

- CASA TRES LEONES Cell: (045) 331-350-6764

Pag: 26


Tel: 766-6153

Pag: 51

Cell: 331-250-6486 - ROBERTO MILLAN - ARCHITECT

- CASA FLORES Tel: 766-5493

Tel: 33-3689-2620

Pag: 16

Tel: 33-1228-5377




Pag: 41

Tel: 33-2174-7525

Pag: 21


Cell: 333-1964-150

Pag: 16



Pag: 23



Tel: 766-0287

Tel: 765-5973


Cell: 331-331-0249


Tel: 765-5544


Pag: 08

Tel: 763-5126


Tel: 766-6000, 33-3950-9990 Tel: 766-0808

766-1760 765-4444 766-5555



066 765-2308, 765-2553 766-3615



Pag: 36

Tel: 106-0864







Pag: 03

Pag: 49


Tel: 766-1152, 766-3369 Fax: 766-2124,


Tels: 765-2877 Fax: 765-3528 - SOLBES & SOLBES

Pag: 64


Tel: 331-520-5529, Cell: 333-676-6245

Tel: 766-1994

- PANINO Pag: 15

Tel: 33-2002-2400

Pag: 05

Tel: (376) 766 1917, 1918 Pag: 44

Tel: 766-1064

Pag: 63

- JUDIT RAJHATHY Pag: 17, 25

Cell: 331-365-0558 Pag: 30

Tel: 765-2404, 765-3404

Pag: 31, 45

Tel: 333-141-5979 Tel: (315) 351-5167

Pag: 24 Pag: 47

- RADISSON BLU - Ajijic Resort, Spa & Residences Tel: 766-4525, Cell: 332-255-5972


Tel: 766-5514

Pag: 02

Pag: 16


Pag: 09

Tel: 766-3565

Pag: 30


Pag: 48

* STREAMING TV - 7000 CHANEL TV Tel: 387-761-1101


Tel/Fax: 766-1117, 766-3371

Tel: 331-123-4606

Pag: 14


Pag: 28


Pag: 38

Te: 33-1402-4223

Pag: 43



Pag: 24



- VISTA ALEGRE Tel: 33-2002-2400


Pag: 22

Pag: 10

- TOTAL BODY CARE Tel: 766-3379

Tel: 331-433-6112

Pag: 03

Pag: 33

(376) 766-5457

Tel: 766-1614


- HOTEL & VILLAS MONTE LAGO Tel: 33-1095-6808, 33-2788-0208,


Pag: 23


Tel: 766-5131 Pag: 12

Tel: 766-1381

- RAUL GONZALEZ Cell: 33-1437-0925


Pag: 26

Tel: 766-2020




Pag: 42

Tel: 766-4767



- REAL ORTEGA & SONS-Hardware for Carpenters

Tel: 766-1761, Cell: 33-1603-9756


Cell: (045) 331 - 395 - 9849


Pag: 45


Tel: 766-2301

Tel: 766-6148, 01-800-099-0763








Tel: 765-5719


Cell: (045) 333-954-3813

Pag: 06



Ophthalmic Surgeon Tel: 766-1521, 688-1122

Pag: 25


Tel: 766-1152, Cell:(045) 331-386-7597

Pag: 52

- SELF STORAGE-BODEGAS CHAPALA Tel: 766-0661, Tel/Fax: 766-1045


Tel: 762-0602

Pag: 44


Tel: 766-2500

Pag: 08

- DR. BEN - CERTIFIED PLASTIC SURGEON Tel: 766-4871, Cell: 333-105-0402

Pag: 19

Cell: 333-667-6554 Cell: 333-115-6584

Pag: 18

Pag: 47

Tel: 766 3163, 766 5171

Pag: 42

Cell: 315-104-3283


Pag: 47 Pag: 06

- STROM-WHITE MOVERS Tel: 766-6153

Pag: 51

Pag: 50



Tel: 766-3731, 688-1038


US/CANADA: (915) 235-1951 US Cell: (520) 940-0481

- TECNO AQUA Pag: 44





- JP HOME SERVICES Tel. 766-1569, Cell: 333-968-2938




Pag: 51


- AJIJIC TANGO Tel: 766-2458

Pag: 20

Pag: 51

- C2 Tel: 766-1300


Pag: 56

- ALFREDO’S CALIFORNIA Tel: 33-1301-9862


Tel: 765-7032 Pag: 62

Pag: 25


Tel: 766-3044

Pag: 44

Tel: 108-0887

Pag: 19


Pag: 43



Tel: 766-5792 - QUIROZ-Impermeabilizantes Tel: 766-2311

Pag: 45

- ELEGANTE Pag: 26

- QUIROZ-Pinturas Tel: 766-2311

The Ojo Crossword

Tel: 766-1066

Pag: 31


Tel: 766-1122

Pag: 38

- GO BISTRO Cell: (045) 33-3502-6555


Pag: 06

- GRUPO PASTA - ALL-IN-1 Tel. 766-1161

Tel: 33-3615-4952 Pag: 21


Tel: 108-0843 Pag: 12

- AJIJIC REAL ESTATE Tel: 766-2077

Pag: 48

Tel: 766-1444, 766-1344

Tel: 766-1049, Cell. 33-1210-7723


Pag: 12, 29

Tel: 766-2177, Cell: (045) 33-1892-2194

Tel: 766-2848 Pag: 07 Pag: 05


Pag: 03 Pag: 49

- LOS MOLLETES Tel: 766-4296

- CIELOVISTA Tel: 33-2002-2400

Pag: 47



Pag: 11


- BEV COFELL Cell. 331-193-1673

Pag: 24

- LA CASA DEL WAFFLE Tel: 766-1946

Pag: 29

Pag: 21


Pag: 53

- MANIX Tel: 766-0061, Cell: 331-0650-725

Pag: 20

Saw you in the Ojo 59


0847 or 331-793-2625.

FOR SALE: CONTINENTAL PREMIUM CONTACT tire 215/55R 17 V 94 for use on many SUV’s near new condition with only 10,600 km, Original cost 3200 P, selling for $100 Pesos. Robert 766-3505. FOR SALE: 2014 Nissan X Trail, 60,000 kilometers. $180,000 pesos. Call: 333-723-0376. WANTED: Looking for cover for VW Beetle (old style). Email: jmm46@gmx. com. WANTED: US Plated Car and/or Trailer. For a move to the states. Call Mike at. 331-330-1050 FOR SALE: 2015 Chevrolet Spark, 5 speed manual, 33000km, as new condition. Selling because returning to US. $98000 pesos. 387-761-0125, Email: carphil10@ gmail.com FOR SALE: 2005 Artic Fox 11.5’ Camper. This camper can be used on a one ton truck or for a completely self-contained guest area on the ground. Air conditioned, Forced Air Heater, Hot Water Heater, Solar Panels, Generator, Dry Shower, Fridge (3 way) with large freezer, 3 Burner Stove and oven, Microwave, Stereo (cassette deck), Queen Size Bed, 2 6 Volt Batteries (charged by solar), One slide out in kitchen area. $8000. US. Email: mrippel@live.com. FOR SALE: SMARTCAR 2012 BY MERCEDES BENZ, CREAM puff - perfect condition inside and out. Less than 19,000 Km, Passion 3 LTR Engine -EXTREMELY gas efficient, Easy to park in tiny spaces. Mexican plates. $6,000 USD or peso equivalent. Call Michael to take a look. 376-7664555 or 331-903-1990 FOR SALE: 2013 Hyundai I10, 67,000KM, standard in very good shape, $75K, Call: 331-415-9195 FOR SALE: 2013 SEAT X-Track54,000 Kms - TURBO 211 HP - low fuel consummation - perfect state - all maintenance done at dealer - MXN $170,000. Cell: 331-344-3341. FOR SALE: 88 Honda, Runs Good, needs a bit of work, but runs nice. 40 MPG over the last 17,000 Miles. Email: coffeeboulder@gmail.com. FOR SALE: Motorcycle 2017 Pulsar 200 AS, black - perfect condition, 18,700 Km, $38,000 pesos firm. Mexican title (factura) paid and clear. cglane2007@yahoo. com – 376-766-1218 “Chris”


COMPUTERS FOR SALE: I have a used LG Q10 cell phone (LG K410g) with Android 5.0.2 (June 2018). Goes for $3,500 new. Two years old. Android version 5.0.2 with February 2019 updates. Screen size 5.3”. Resolution: 1280x720. Cameras: 8 MP rear-facing; 5 MP front-facing. Memory: 1.5 Gig. Storage: 16 gigs. Expandable memory with SD card. Price: $2,000p. PM me, email me (mike-atajijiccomputing.com) or call at 765-4156. FOR SALE: I’ve installed a fresh copy of Windows 10 on this Lenovo G505. Here are the specs: X64 based. Windows 10 pro. 4 Gigs RAM. Hard drive: 350 Gigs. WiFi: 802.11n. 15.6” screen. AMD E1-2100 APU with Radeon HD Graphics, 1000 Mhz, 2 Cores, 2 logical processors. Price: $3,000p. PM me, email me (mike-at-ajijiccomputing. com) or phone 765-4156. FOR SALE: Logitech speaker system Z313, Upgraded my system so no longer required, make me an offer. Call: 376-766-


WANTED: I am looking for someone to care for my girl, Lady while I return to Florida for about 30 days beginning about May 9. Lady is 8 years old, about 50 lbs and very friendly. Will consider house and pet setting as an option. House is located in Ajijic Centro. Email: cannonda@cfl.rr.com. FREE: Somebody left 3 little cats. If nobody takes them they’ll be sacrificed. Please help them. Email: tanakairma144@ gmail.com. WANTED: Good Dog Grooming Clippers Wanted. If you have a set you no longer need, I sure would be interested in buying them. 766-4338. FREE: I don’t have the full story, but our cleaner’s daughter ended up with 9 puppies/rescues. The family is too tenderhearted to toss the dogs on the street, thank God, but they just can’t keep them for oh-so-many obvious reasons. These dogs are adorable and have their first sets of vaccinations. They were born (approximately) 31 November and are just waiting for their forever home. Please, can you help out? There are 3 females and 6 males. If interested, please PM me or call me at 332-617-3588. WANTED: Wanted Male Chihuahua, female dachshund or female Chiweenie (dachshund/chihuahua cross) 2 to 6 months. Puppy must be ready to travel to Canada by April 1, 2019. Email: sorenson85@yahoo.com.

GENERAL MERCHANDISE FOR SALE: I have a brand new, in sealed box, Amazon Echo for sale, $2200 pesos. If interested call 766-6124. FOR SALE: Have tow bar for sale or to trade in on a tow dolly, to tow front wheel drive car behind motorhome. Tow bar is high quality and comes with brackets, cover etc. cash price only $2200 pesos. Please call, text or 332-726-5718 or e mail me lawandrew29@outlook.com. FOR SALE: Brand new Shaw HDPVR 830 receiver. $9,000 pesos. Email: elzear. swain@gmail.com. FOR SALE: I’m looking for a gas powered lawn mower and gas powered weed whacker that are in good shape. If you have either or both to sell call me at 766-6124. FOR SALE: Selling Black y Decker leaf blower with vaccum and mulcher with collection bag excellent condition, selling only because am moving long distance. $1800 Pesos, with Heavy Duty extension cord. Call or text 332-804-9579 or email lawandrew29@outlook.com. FOR SALE: I have a brand new, in sealed box, Amazon Echo for sale, $2200 pesos. If interested call 766-6124. FOR SALE: Shaw HDPVR 830 receiver. Email: elzear.swain@gmail.com. WANTED: If you have some antiretroviral medicine (for hiv+) you want to give away, please let me know at my email account arvs@tutamail.com. FOR SALE: Plumbing Supplies. Never Installed Helvex toilet paper holder or towel rack, satin, model 15104, $900 pesos (Mercadolibre $1435 pesos). Never Installed Helvex bath/shower mixer tap, chrome, model E-702, $2800 pesos (Home Depot $3677 pesos). Email: bolancm@gmail. com.

El Ojo del Lago / May 2019

FOR SALE: I’m looking for a gas powered lawn mower and gas powered weed whacker that are in good shape. If you have either or both to sell call me at 766-6124. WANTED: I’m looking for a set of dumbells that are not plates or Kettles. I need 2 of each @ 5lbs, 10lbs, 15lbs, 20lbs, and 25lbs. I’d also consider 30lbs. If you’re interested in selling any of these weights in a pair, contact me at 766-6124. FOR SALE: I have a wooden framed, glass display cabinet for sale. The approximate measurements are 6’ 8”/2.3 mts in height x 5’ 7”/1.7 mts wide x 19”/48 cms deep with glass shelving. Make an offer. If interested contact scrubs1946@msn.com. WANTED: Wanted to buy a recumbent exercise bike in great condition. Email gbphipps@gmail.com if you have one you are not using. FOR SALE: 12 ft Hertiage kayak with storage compartment. Comes with vest and paddle. Was used by snow birds, few times a year. Has water tight hatch. $6500 pesos. Call: 766-0043. Email andymundi15@ gmail.com. FOR SALE: Bookcase: 75” tall x 35” wide: $2000p. Bookcase: 75” tall x 20” wide: $1500p. Black leather futon: 71” long: $2,700p. Brown leather couch: 85” long: $4,500p. Large Sun Painting: 4’ x 4’: $1,500p. Cube bookcase: 80” tall x 37” wide: $1,200p. Night stands with drawers: $1,000p for both. For information and directions, call Kat at (315) 109-4501. WANTED: The new assistant police chief needs to furnish his office. He needs a desk, chairs for visitors, bookcase, file cabinet etc. donations are welcome of course, but he can pay a small amount. If anyone knows of a business that is upgrading, or a home office that has used furniture please post or PM. Email: chapala45900@prodigy. net.mx. WANTED: I’m looking for the double bed/matrimonial size which when opened, opens lengthwise, parallel to the wall. Please call and leave a message 766-5723. FOR SALE: Selling brand new men’s Italiano leather sole shoes. Sizes range 8 to 10. Email: jimluciano1967@yahoo.com. FOR SALE: Elliptical Trainer, ELIPRO 9.0 Smooth Quiet with LCD Monitor and Heart Rate. Bodyfit ELIPRO 9.0 Smooth Quiet with LCD Monitor and Heart Rate. $4000 pesos. Email: sunshineyday2013@ yahoo.com. FOR SALE: 2 year old Shaw receiver 600 series and dish for sale. $3000 pesos. Email: lyn04and@gmail.com. FOR SALE: Sauna, Bought in Sept. 2017. Paid $71,000 pesos. Best offer. Email: lyn04and@gmail.com. WANTED: Free Shaw 600 receiver as well as share account with me. This receiver is available April 26. You can phone 766-6170 for details. Approximately 37 US dollars a month. WANTED: Looking for cover for VW Beetle (old style). Email: jmm46@gmx. com. FOR SALE: Roland Digital Intelligent Piano, Model KR-575. This is a very sophisticated 88 key instrument that would fall into the console piano category. It is lower than an upright but looks like a piano, not a keyboard, but it only weighs 150 pounds. Original price was $4000 USD. Asking $2000 USD. For more info or to set up an appointment to see it, email Mike at mjtiernay@

gmail.com. WANTED: We live in Michoacán and are wondering if anyone in the Lake Chapala area knows of a used tandem, sit-ontop kayak for sale? We have no interest in a Mexican-manufactured kayak, the ones carried by Costco, etc, nor in a single kayak or a sit-inside. We’re coming to Chapala on Friday, 3/15 and can pick it up then. Email: dogslifeproductions47@gmail.com. FOR SALE: THULE’S largest cartop carrier. 91” x 37” x 18” (22 cu. ft.). 2-sided opening with keyed locks, very good condition. $3000 pesos. Call 332-591-0401 or dwletts@gmail.com. FOR SALE: I have a bodega full of glaze making chemicals from frits, oxides, carbonates in quart sized containers to silica, and even gertsley borate in much larger quantities. If you are interested, come take a look. 766-4360 Make an offer for any or all. FOR SALE: SAMSONITE ROLLER BAG, Expandable, 11”x21”x32” including wheels. $200 pesos, nicely constructed. Lots of compartments 766-4360. FOR SALE: Olympic Hex/Trap bar weights 60lbs, 3 25lb plates, 2 10lb plates, 2 dumbbells with extra plates, 2 25lb Kettle Bells and 2 15 lb Kettle Bells. Hex bar is great for doing dead-lifts and squats without injuring yourself as you pull straight up rather than bent over. Much easier on the back. Asking price $3,000 pesos or US$150 for all or best offer. Contact Charlie chazgree@yahoo.com or Call 331-6935536. See the stuff at Villas Formoso Condos. FOR SALE: Never Installed Helvex toilet paper holder or towel rack, satin, model 15104, $1000 pesos (Mercadolibre $1435 pesos). Never Installed Helvex bath/shower mixer tap, chrome, model E-702, $3000 pesos (Home Depot $3677 pesos). Email: bolancm@gmail.com. FOR SALE: 24” LED TV perfect for bedroom or kitchen. Manuals in both English and Spanish. 2 HDMI and 1 VGA input. This is not a smart TV. $1899 Pesos. Call Mike at 766-2275. WANTED: looking for an air purifier. Email: pgreermexico1@gmail.com. FOR SALE: Cuisinart food processor with full set of tools. Wrong Voltage to take home so must go. Iain 376-766-0847 or 331-793-0847. FOR SALE: 6 drawer, handmade wooden curing rack. 300+ decorative bags. 61 Soap molds: Large honeycomb; pie slices; Round gift soaps(2 molds of 8); Long insert molds (6 - circle, square, moon, flower, star, heart); Large, 12 bar molds (2); Guest/individual molds (26 of 8 - “Soap,” 8 - “Thank You,” 10 - “100% Hand Made”); Various small soaps/inserts (7 - ducks, stars, hearts, and Xmas themes); Square soaps (2 of 9 bars). Price: $10,000mxn firm (this comes as a package; please don’t ask me to sell just the rack or anything else separately). Please PM me or call 332-6173588. WANTED: Have guest that requires a raised toilet seat. Call: 331-844-5707. WANTED: Not an extension ladder please since I have one of those and it’s heavy as sin. I don’t care if it’s got paint on it or is dirty. I would prefer if it didn’t have concrete chunks on it. I have a 5 step stepladder if you want to trade + some cash. Email: mexpooh2u@yahoo.ca.

FOR SALE: Wood photo frame with glass. Can hold 11” x 14” or 8” x 10” photo. Hangs vertically or horizontally. $250 pesos. Phone 766-0527; email bos77coe@ gmail.com. FOR SALE: Slide Sorter and Viewer, This sorter holds up to 80 slides at a time and can be illuminated. Uses 2 60 watt bulbs. $200 pesos. I also have a Kodak Carousel 650H that doesn’t turn on. Perhaps it can be fixed, or useful for parts, like the lens. It is free with purchase of the slide sorter. Phone 766-0527 or email bos77coe@gmail.com. FOR SALE: Framed grapefruit painting; frame is 13” x 11” outside, and 8-3/4” x 6-3/4” inside. $300 pesos. Phone 7660527, email bos77coe@gmail.com. FOR SALE: Dehumidifier, wrong power supply to take home so must go. Iain 376766-0847 or 331-793-0847. FOR SALE: 2003 Yamaha 15hp 4 Stroke Outboard Motor, The motor comes with a stainless steel cart for transportation and storage. There is also a plastic gas container and the tubes to connect it to the motor. I am asking $15,000 pesos for all 4. Send me a PM or call 33-1526-1032 if you are interested. WANTED: Rearranging our outdoor space and looking for two COMFORTABLE armchairs. Any reasonable options considered. And I have two anti-gravity outdoor chairs if you’re interested. $300 pesos

each. Email: ericurmudgeon@yahoo.ca. FOR SALE: Sanyo HiFi VCR player can be connected to flat screen TV plus over 250 PG and PG13 movies. Email me at rsw46231@aol.com. FOR SALE: Full/matrimonial bedspread, Off-white. 20” drop from welting at edge of bed top. Email: bos77coe@gmail. com. FOR SALE: Wood picture frame, hang horizontal or vertical or stand horizontal or vertical. Glass included 7-1/2” x 9-1/2” inside; 9-3/4” x 11-3/4” outside. $100 pesos. Phone 766-0527. FOR SALE: Lightweight purse. Never used cotton/leather (we think) purse. Folds up (with velcro snap) to 14” (incl. handle) x 2-1/2”. Open size is about 13” wide by 12” high. Zipper opening. $150 pesos. Phone 766-0527. FOR SALE: 2 fabulous iron bar stools, beautifully upholstered. $2000 pesos for both. Phone me for picture. 376-766-1390. FOR SALE: Equipale round table 51.5” (129 cm). This table is really one of a kind, purchased at the Féria a few years ago and rarely used. It has a Lazy Susan with an Aztec design in the middle 21.5” (54 cm) diameter. The table is 30” (75 cm) high. Can easily accommodate 6 regular dining chairs, possibly more, or 4-6 equipale small dining chairs. $3,800 pesos. Phone: 7660527. FOR SALE: Jules jeans - Men’s. Grey.

W32”, L30”. Button front. Like new condition. $400 pesos. 376-766-0527. WANTED: Looking for 10 speed men’s bike, mountain bike or hybrid bike in good condition. Email: lynhffmn@yahoo.com. FOR SALE: Honda gas generator. Like new. Less than 20 hours use. Model EG6500CXS-LD1H, 6.6 KWS/5.5 KWS, Max/normal, 1 fase, 120/240V.motor 389 CC. Battery included. Phone 762-1695. FOR SALE: Cinsa-13B Propane Gas Hot Water Heater, 10 l./min. capacity; used only 1 month; original price $3,700 pesos; asking $2,500 or B.O. Call 763-5258(Vista Del Lago). E-mail: pedro121440@gmail.com. FOR SALE: Honda Gas Generator. Model EG6500CXS-LD1H. Has less than 20 hours use. Like new. Includes battery. $1200 U.S.D. Phone 762-1695. FOR SALE: 12 setting china dinner service. 108 items unmarked rarely used. Make me an offer. Iain 376-766-0847 or 331-793-2625. FOR SALE: Brand new portable toilet $950. p. Bath towel never been used 50X29 $130.p. each, Call me 333-721-4968 or pm. FOR SALE: Golf balls in bag- $400 pesos, Golf balls- & 80 pesos each box, Books and &CD-$ $250 for all of them, Golf shoes- $1,000 (Size 11 US), Body board $800, Weight lifting bar $ 400 . All prices are in pesos but I accept dolars equivalent as well. If you have any questions please feel

free to message me. All items are used but in good condition. Email: sweetkandi425@ yahoo.com. FOR SALE: 2014 8x5 enclosed trailer. Tie downs, lights with snap on baskets and accessories. Light wear. Title available. Travel ready. $1000 US or $20,000 pesos. 332-497-4148. English/ some Spanish. FOR SALE: Roku 3600R Streaming Media Stick - US Version. Price: 700 MXN. Email: angusamactavish@gmail.com. FOR SALE: Lovely sofa $500 pesos in Upper Ajijic. Email: tomorrew@hotmail. com. FOR SALE: A Dobro, Yamaha fg375s, Peavy International fury bass, Carvin Cobalt 980, Takamine eg523sc - 12 string, Yamaha sa2100. All instruments in good solid cases. IF you are interested, please contact me and we can set up an appointment for you to look at the item you are interested in. Email: jjkellum@ yahoo.com. FOR SALE: Original Prada Shoes, size 24.5 mexican, Only 1 time was used, price $3000 pesos. Call to Alma 331-005-3109. FOR SALE: Individual Brass Headboard, Price $2,200.00 pesos. Call to Alma 331-005-3109.

Saw you in the Ojo 61


El Ojo del Lago / May 2019

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