El Ojo del Lago - October 2012

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Saw you in the Ojo



El Ojo del Lago / October 2012

Saw you in the Ojo


Richard Tingen

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Alejandro Grattan-Domínguez Tel: (01376) 765 3676, 765 2877 Fax: (01376) 765 3528 Associate Publisher David Tingen Graphic Design Roberto C. Rojas Sandra Hernandez Special Events Editors Kay Davis Associate Editor Jim Tipton Contributing Editor Paul Jackson Contributing Editor Mark Sconce Drama Critic Michael Warren Art Critic Rob Mohr Roving Correspondent Dr. Lorin Swinehart Sales Managers Omar Medina Bruce Fraser Office Secretary Rocio Madrigal ADVERTISING OFFICE Av. Hidalgo # 223, Chapala Mon. thru Fri. 9am - 5pm Sat. 9am - 1pm Tel. 01 (376) 765 2877, 765 3676 Fax 01 (376) 765 3528 Send all correspondence, subscriptions or advertising to: El Ojo del Lago http://www.chapala.com ojodellago@prodigy.net.mx Ave. Hidalgo 223 (or Apartado 279), 45900 Chapala, Jalisco Tels.: (376) 765 3676, Fax 765 3528 PRINTING: El Debate





Carol Curtis faced many icy challenges up in New England, and thought in coming to sunny Mexico, there would be no more slipping and falling. She had not reckoned on encountering the cobblestones of Mexico!

8 Cover by Cuca Velarde

14 LOCAL CUSTOMS M.A. Porter ventures into socially dangerous ground when she discusses differing attitudes toward tipping here at Lakeside. She is especially disdainful of the false accounting that goes on between women at the lunch table.



Editor’s Page


Uncommon Sense


Bridge by Lake


Joyful Musings


Welcome to Mexico

Tony Passarello writes about those most nomadic of merchants, Lakeside’s street vendors, reminding us of the title of Hemingway’s memoirs, A Movable Feast.


Grape Expectations


Anita’s Animals



Heart at Work


Thunder on Right


Lakeside Living


The Poets’ Niche


Focus on Art

30 HUMOR John Ward does the impossible, finding much humor in passing through airport security in the USA, a procedure which in earlier times was called “running the gauntlet.”


Liz Hartman writes from the perspective of her cat, Hobbes, who was one of the felines here at Lakeside who lost his first owner, but ended up with a new one, whom he absolutely adores.

55 MEDICAL ADVICE Judy Lacy sounds a warning that is very much like the old Boy Scout oath: Be Prepared! Disaster can strike at any age, but older people, especially, should take to heart the moral of this article.

El Ojo del Lago aparece los primeros cinco días de cada mes. (Distributed over the first five days of each month) Certificado de Licitud de Título 3693 Certificado de Licitud de Contenido 3117. Reserva al Título de Derechos de Autor 04-2011-103110024300-102 Control 14301. Permisos otorgados por la Secretaría de Gobernación (EXP. 1/432 “88”/5651 de 2 de junio de 1993) y SEP (Reserva 171.94 control 14301) del 15 de enero de 1994. Distribución: Hidalgo 223 Chapala, Jalisco, México. All contents are fully protected by copyright and may not be reproduced without the written consent of El Ojo del Lago. Opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflect the views of the Publisher or the Editor, nor are we responsible for the claims made by our advertisers. We welcome letters, which should include name, address and telephone number.




El Ojo del Lago / October 2012






Saw you in the Ojo


Editor’s Page

By Alejandro Grattan-Dominguez

Mexico’s Most Mysterious Man


t the height of his fame in the 1940’s, with his novels known in nearly every corner of the world, no one knew his real name. Some thought he was Ret Murat, a communist rabble-rouser in pre-Hitler Germany, others thought him the illegitimate son of Kaiser Wilhelm II, and some speculated he might be the famous American writer Ambrose Bierce, who had disappeared into Mexico in 1913. What he called himself was B. Traven. On several occasions, he also claimed seven different nationalities, and had entered Mexico in 1914 under an assumed name and with a questionable passport. What is beyond dispute is that he was a novelist of substantial power, having written The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, The Death Ship, The Cotton Pickers, The Rebellion of the Hanged, The Bridge in the Jungle, and La Rosa Blanca, most of which were set in Mexico. Through his work and in his life, he was a passionate defender of what he called “the beaten man,” and in Mexico he found many of them. The mystery of Traven’s identity snapped into focus in 1948, when the legendary film director John Huston came to Mexico to make The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, bringing with him a world-class roster that included Humphrey Bogart and Huston’s father, Walter. Soon afterward, the director was awakened in the pre-dawn hours by a small, scrawny-looking man standing by his bed. Sporting a pith helmet, the little man solemnly introduced himself as “Hal Croves, Translator for B. Traven.” Insisting that he had been sent by Traven to assist Huston, “Croves” was hired and Huston set off into the wilds of Mexico to make what later was acknowledged as one of the best movies ever made. Throughout the filming, Huston suspected that the little man was actually Traven himself. Many years later, Huston, then living in Puerto Vallarta, offered a theory on a masquerade that by now had become one of the world’s most fascinating literary enigmas. Huston felt that the novelist, (whatever his name) was deeply embarrassed by the disparity between his rather silly physical appearance and bashful personality and—the muscularity of his prose and


El Ojo del Lago / October 2012

“B. Traven” hard-bitten philosophy behind it. Years earlier, Traven himself had offered another explanation for his elusiveness. Asked by a reporter for the New York Times to explain his phobia of publicity, the author said that only the work mattered, not the writer. To illustrate, he spoke of a time when he was living in the jungles of Chiapas, and whenever he had completed a book, would telegraph Mexico City to send someone to pick it up and hand-carry it back to the proofreaders. For years, it was always the same young man, who never failed to safely return with the only copy (this, before Xeroxing machines) of the manuscript. Then the elderly proofreaders would expertly do their work, after which the ms. would be sent to Traven’s publisher (the esteemed Alfred Knopf ) in NYC who would invariably find the right market for the book. Hence, the writer, Traven would aver, was but one factor among many in the success of any novel. (This humble attitude was not shared by Ernest Hemingway, who had stage-managed to his advantage most of the major events in his life—with the possible exception of his birth.) As for the mystery of Traven’s real identity, it was finally solved many years after his death in 1969 by a BBC film unit that initiated an investigation that commenced in a Chiapas jungle and ended in a small Polish border town. Traven’s real name was Otto Feige, born in Poland toward the end of the 19th century to working-class, utterly prosaic parents. It was only when he came to Mexico that Traven took on a “Walter Mitty” personality. Here at Lakeside, we call such shenanigans “border promotions.” Alejandro Grattan

Aura, Ghosts and Such By Marnie Johnson


friend of mine believes in auras. I have never seen this ghostly glow and therefore don’t know if auras exist. At the same time, I’m aware that my friend does see them. She calls the glows ‘energy fields’ and tells me that everyone has an aura, and anyone can see an aura if they try. She has observed mine. The auras she sees are clear, see-through emanations occasionally tinged with blue. Over the years I have also known three people who profess to having seen a ghost. One is my mother who told me she saw a ghost while walking in a forest in Germany where she was born. I have a son-in-law who tells me that when entering the United States for the first time, a ghost appeared in his New York hotel room. My third ghost observer is a friend who came across a ghost while living in the Philippines. Because I’ve never seen a ghost, I doubt they exist, but I also believe anything is possible—even the impossible. Why do I believe this? The scientific world has recently arrived at the same conclusion – the impossible is possible because of experiments at the CERN accelerator on the Swiss-French border, where miniscule particles have been zapped around a sixteen mile underground track at a velocity close to the speed of light. For an idea of a particle’s size, an atom is to an orange as an orange is to the Earth. This infinitesimally small particle’s world doesn’t play by the same rules as larger objects. In this strange world an object can be in two places at once. Most people consider this to be impossible, but it’s true. When I was growing up in Michigan, when we couldn’t play outside we sometimes played a popular indoor game imported from Britain called “Rise Table Rise.” The game consisted of three people sitting around a card table, leaving the fourth side of the table open. We began by rubbing our shoes on the carpeting supposedly to cause friction, spreading our hands

out on the table so that finger tips touched, then after much giggling, serious pleading with the spirit of the table to enter the room, instructing it to rise once for a ‘yes’, twice for a ‘no’. We asked the table questions and it would respond with the free end bouncing up and down, sometimes furiously. The table would bounce of its own accord; no one was manipulating it. Many readers won’t believe the following, but it happened. My father, who scoffed at many things, sat down one day and played the game with us. Everyone else in his original family had died at an early age. My dad asked the table how old he would be when he left this world. The table began a frenzy of bouncing: up-down, up-down eighty times. It was amazing. My dad lived to be almost 80 years old. Coincidence? Who knows? I could go on, relating two surprisingly accurate visits with “fortune tellers” when I was a teenager. In college my roommate and I played the Ouija board for hours. I have a friend at Lakeside who believes in ancient aliens, two friends who believe in flying saucers, another who believes in haunted houses. Then there are poltergeists, séances (wouldn’t that be a kick!), extrasensory perception (ESP), precognition, doppelgangers – the list goes on, so many weird goings-on in the world of the supernatural, the paranormal and the occult. Fun? I think so.

Saw you in the Ojo




hen living in northern New England, sliding on the ice was always a worry. Each winter, Gary and I would pray that we would survive another icy slip n’ slide season; each winter one of us came close to ending our time on earth by a misstep on the slick pavements of winter. The closest I came was lying in my driveway looking up at the stars wondering if I’d be found before morning. I had come home late from work and pulled into our driveway. I got out of the car, slammed the door shut, took my first step, and performed one of those banana peel falls seen in cartoons. Both feet went out from under me … I was airborne for what felt like a full minute … then down I crashed onto my back while slamming my elbows into the icy pavement. Without much breath and in a lot of pain, I lay there wondering if my husband had heard me arrive. After a few minutes, I realized that my arrival was not noticed by anyone. I was going to have to figure a way out of this myself. Standing up wasn’t an option; the driveway was too icy for me to get a grip. So, I scooted on my back over to the edge of the driveway into a snow bank. Here I could possibly manage to stand up. Trying not to lie too long in the foot of snow, I did manage to turn over and get my feet under me. Slowly I walked through the snow at the edge of the driveway and made it to the mudroom door. Covered in snow with blood dripping down my arms, I limped inside. My beloved husband of close to forty years looked up and said, “I was beginning to worry about you. What took you so long?” I simply asked, “How long will it take you to pack for Mexico?” Ah, Mexico. Lake Chapala would present us with no icy challenges. We’d be safe. That is until I went up against the cobblestones and lost. Many stories about trips and falls caused by the pesky cobblestones are passed on from resident to resident. Now I can add my own story to


El Ojo del Lago / October 2012

the other legends legends. After a lovely morning, I was walking back home. Sunshine, no job pressure, a good retirement life was mine. I was carrying a glass canning jar with a wonderful pickled lemon concoction inside, a gift from a friend. In the other hand, I had a square, hard plastic CD case with some interesting research done by another friend. One minute I’m healthy and upright 30 yards from my door; the next I’m lying on the cobblestones with some serious injuries. Seems that whether it’s ice or cobbles, when fate reaches up to slap you there isn’t time to ask for a recount. The glass jar had broken upon hitting the cobblestones; I first noticed the large piece of glass that was embedded in my left palm. I was dripping with pickled lemon juice. Seemed bad enough until I looked at my right hand. The innocent CD case had gouged a large chunk out of my right palm and sliced open the area below my thumb. I knew I had to get home, but how was I going to get up? Given that this is low season, our block was almost vacant. I couldn’t push myself off the ground due to the hand injuries. I did manage to pull the glass out of my hand, though, so I could partially sit up. Lucky me, two workers a few houses down had heard the crash of the glass. Realizing that I needed help, they came running. They were able to pull me up and help me home. Serendipitously, a neighbor called and learned of my accident. She came running, avoiding cobblestones, I hope, with a first

aid kit. After a few minutes trying to stem the bleeding, we agreed that I needed to get to a doctor quickly. So, off we went. Our first experience with emergency Mexican care. With both hands in dish towels and blood soaking through, we entered a clinic in Ajijic a few minutes later. One look at my hands and the receptionist got me into a room. She never asked my name or for proof of payment. In came the doctor and nurse. Quickly they began the process of washing the wounds and examining the damage. The gouge was deep and wide, but there could be no stitches to help with that injury. Nothing left to stitch together! So, it was cleaned and bandaged. The thumb … well, I was looking at my husband who was on my left as the doctor moved my right thumb. Husband went white and said, “It’s really hot in here. I’m going outside for a moment.” That’s when I looked to my right. The poor doctor was drenched in blood. As it dripped off his glasses and as the nurse wiped off his hair, he calmly explained that I had severed the artery in my thumb. I kept apologizing, but he explained that this was rather normal around here. The good doctor cleaned, injected, stitched, and bandaged my hands. He got me into a sling and helped me outside into the waiting room. Within a few minutes, the doctor, in clean clothes and all washed up, brought us into his office. He told me how to care for my hands and gave me the prescriptions. Then we finally went to pay the bill. My battle with the cobblestones turned out to be a long one. Both hands were mummy wrapped for 3 days. Try getting your panties up or down with no fingers to help you. “Oh, honey, could you come here please?” Eating was also difficult. Even when I could use a few of the fingers on my left hand, I learned how hard it is to change a pattern.

Food just didn’t easily make it to my mouth. All the tasks that seemed so simple became quite difficult … brushing teeth with a weak left hand … lifting the dog up onto the couch … cutting an apple. Six weeks later, I’m almost back to normal. The right hand is insisting on leaving me with a permanent reminder to avoid the cobblestones when possible. The feeling in my thumb is not normal. Know what it feels like when you have a body part really fall asleep and then tingle itself awake? Well, that’s my thumb. I have to look at it to remind myself about the task at hand. If not, then whatever I’m trying to hold onto will crash to the ground. With new admiration for cobblestones, I continue to move through retirement in Mexico. So, tonight I’m carrying a box of wine to our neighbors’ house and making sure that I walk on the paved road. We’ll toast the fact that the only ice we have is in our drinks! And to the cobblestones that move the rain waters along so Carol Curtis nicely.

Saw you in the Ojo


UUNCOMMON NCOM MM MON CCOMMON OM MM MON SSENSE ENSE By Bill Frayer billfrayer@gmail.com Critical Thinking Is Subversive!


hen I used to attend the International Conference on Critical Thinking in California each year, I became convinced that teaching students to think clearly was not only desirable, but possibly essential to finding our way out of the morass of political gridlock we find ourselves in. I returned to Maine where I initiated critical thinking instruction at our community college, and offered thinking skills training in industry and state government. Some people might argue that teaching critical thinking skills are subversive. Here is a definition of critical thinking provided by Daniel Willingham a cognitive scientist at the University of Virginia: Critical thinking consists of seeing both sides of an issue, being open to new evidence that disconfirms your ideas, reasoning dispassionately, demanding that claims be backed by evidence, deducing and inferring conclusions from available facts, solving problems, and so forth. Of course teaching such skills might be considered by some to be subversive. After all, if you teach students to think for themselves it might encourage them to question what others (parents, teachers, pastors) tell them is true. So, in a way, teaching thinking could cause problems in a culture where faith and conformity to tradition are the norm. So now, we come to Texas, just such a culture. The Texas GOP developed, as part of their 2012 platform, the following language on education: “We oppose the teaching of Higher


El Ojo del Lago / October 2012

Bill Frayer Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs... which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority.” So there we have it, in black and white, published for everyone to see for themselves. The Texas GOP has made it clear that teaching higher order thinking skills is downright dangerous. Students, in other words, should be taught what to think, not how to think. I remember well teaching a class in which I required the students to read Ishmael, a novel by Daniel Quinn which challenges students to consider what humankind has done to other plant and animal species on our planet. It was a component of a course on the effects of technology on society. I remember two young sisters approaching me after class and explaining that they “could not read” this book. They explained that the book assumes that Darwin’s theory of evolution was correct. “That’s right, it does.” I agreed. “But why can’t you read it?” “Because our religion teaches that the theory of evolution is incorrect.” I explained to them that I was not requiring them to believe it, just that they needed to read it and respond to it. This encapsulates the problem the Texas GOP is trying to solve. Teaching students to think might lead them to question the tenets of their religion and, by proxy, their culture. It is rare we are able to see the two sides drawn in more stark relief. But at least it’s honest. And I think it is emblematic of the political divide we see in the United States and, in some respects, in the world today. Do we want to live in a society where people are taught to think for themselves and base decisions on evidence and rational thought, or do we want them to follow authoritarian beliefs, suspending any inclination to reason and reach their own conclusions? If we come down on the latter side, heaven help us. Pun intended. It is the job of poetry to clean up our word-clogged reality by creating silences around things. ~Stephen Mallarme



hey say that a little learning is a dangerous thing and I found this out to my cost when I played this hand during my summer sojourn in Toronto. As herself had the day off for good behaviour, I was playing with another partner at Hazel’s, probably the premier bridge club in the Greater Toronto Area. Sitting South as dealer I opened 2 clubs. West passed and North bid 2 diamonds which promised at least a king and forced our partnership to game. East now entered the fray with 2 hearts but that didn’t hinder my planned 2 spades rebid. West now raised her partner’s hearts to the three level and North jumped to 4 spades. Since we were on a path to game anyway, my partner employed the principle of fast arrival meaning that her jump bid was the weakest it could be consistent with her bidding to date. Despite this warning bell, I felt that virtually any hand with spade support would give me a dummy with at least a fighting chance of making a slam so that is what I bid next. West led a low heart and partner displayed her dummy showing the absolute minimum consistent with our agreement, so the onus was on me to make the most of the situation. Obviously I had an inevitable heart loser so I turned my attention to the other suits. If the opponents’ spades were divided 3-2 and their clubs 3-3 I could rattle off 12 tricks without breaking a sweat. However, this is where the little learning came in: I knew that the probability of the

trumps breaking favourably was about 67% while that of the clubs being 3-3 was only about 35%. What all this means in practice is that if I drew all the enemy spades and relied on finding the clubs to my liking, I would succeed only about one time in three. So I thought I would improve my chances by only drawing two rounds of trumps and then playing off the top three clubs. If that suit behaved, I could draw the last trump and claim. But if the clubs were divided 4-2, and the player with the long club also had the outstanding spade, I could ruff a losing club before getting back to my hand to draw the last trump. With this plan in mind, I played a spade to the king and then another back to my ace, only to find West showing out. Now my contract was in tatters as I had no way of picking up East’s trumps even though the clubs had split favorably. When I later showed the hand to herself she suggested a way in which I could have combined my chances: Start by cashing the spade ace and then play a spade to the king. When West showed out I could have abandoned Plan A, drawn trumps by way of a finesse and hoped for the antipercentage break in clubs. As you can see, I would have emerged as a hero instead of a goat! Questions or comments: email: masson.ken@ gmail.com Ken Masson

Saw you in the Ojo 11


El Ojo del Lago / October 2012

Joyful Musings By Joy Birnbach Dunstan, MA, LPC, MAC Facing Our Fears


ith the approach of Halloween, what better time to talk about fear. Many children and adults love celebrating Halloween because sometimes it’s fun to be scared. Lots of people enjoy masquerading as their favorite monster, going to a horror movie, or riding the Cyclone at the amusement park. Pretend-scary is fun, but often our fears are much more serious and real. When fear has a grip on you, it’s important to stop and identify what it is that you’re really afraid of. Is your fear realistic or is it the product of your imaginings about the future? Are there other possibilities besides this worst possible scenario you are panicking about? If what you fear is real, is there something you can do today to minimize or eliminate this problem? If there is something, do it. If not, let it go and focus on something in the here and now. Life can throw some devastating curve balls in our path. Accepting the unchangeable, even if you don’t like it, gives you the equanimity to find sensible solutions instead of knee-jerk reactions. Fears can be a way to protect ourselves from things we don’t want to face. People frequently use avoidance as a way of coping with a scary unknown. The truth is, most things aren’t nearly as bad as our fears tell us they will be. Dealing with whatever it may be is generally easier than all the energy it takes to avoid or work around the issue. Plus, dealing with it is likely to bring about a much more satisfying result. My St. Bernard Lucy would have done well facing her fear head-on. This is a true story that happened back when Lucy was only about seven months old. Now, mind you, a 7-month-old St. Bernard is not exactly small; she was probably about 110 pounds by then. One afternoon, my husband took her for a walk to our neighborhood Plaid Pantry. He carefully attached her leash to the garbage can outside before he went in, one of those really big, industrialstrength steel cans. As he was making his purchase, he suddenly heard lots of clattering and banging, so he went outside to see what was going on. And what did he

see, but our big puppy racing down the street in total panic with this huge steel can clanking down the sidewalk behind her. The faster she ran, the faster that big, mean, steel monster chased her. Garbage was strewn everywhere in the block-long path she’d blazed from the market. My husband called her several times before she finally stopped long enough for him to catch up with her. But the most amazing part was that the moment she stopped running from that scary can, it immediately stopped chasing her. When she stood still and turned around to face what had been so frightening, it didn’t scare her anymore. Who can’t remember some time in your life when you ran and ran from something that seemed truly terrifying only to finally stop and face it head-on later and discover that it really wasn’t so bad after all? From now on, think of FEAR as standing for False Evidence Appearing Real. Take an objective look at what scares you. See it for what it truly is. Consider what might be the worst possible outcome of dealing with it headon. Assess the likelihood of that worst outcome actually coming to pass. Identify the potential gain of facing this fear. Don’t let fear rule your life and prevent you from enjoying today or doing what your heart tells you to do. Editor’s Note: Joy is a practicing psychotherapist in Riberas. She can be contacted at joy@dunstan.org or 7654988. Check out her new website: http:// joydunstan.weebly.com .

Saw you in the Ojo 13



floated a crackling, blue 20peso tip onto the cuenta tray. My friend Sheila (name changed to protect the super-nice) said, “Oh, doncha think it should be about fifteen?” Her eyes swept over my 20-peso note as if it were worrisome manna. I asked, “Fifteen what?” She said, “Fifteen pesos. For the propina.” I shrugged and intoned in my best elitist voice: Oh, sure, if you are planning to leave only 10 percent. Good food, service here, so authentic and fresh. Not many like this left around Lakeside…but who wants to live in Oaxaca? I mean, you can rent a dirt floor over there for $3000 pesos and pour your own concrete and lay in some high-fired ceramic, and still come out ahead. But, whoa! Sheila didn’t hear any of my nauseous gas-bagging, except the only 10 percent. “So you leave more than 10 percent for these little meals, do you?” she responded, her voice tip-toeing through her astonishment. She’s from a big country north of the United States of America. I don’t really want to name it as that could be misconstrued here as not being very nice. My grandmother was from the eastern part of that country, which means that, by some standards, I have at least one drop of that blood in me and I can claim to be kin of its people. Which, I do, especially after I have been told that I am nice. And doesn’t that big northern place have a proud history of conquering need and raising opportunity! In these modern times, such an effective ethos of social action flows from coast to coast, and those of us from the more pock-marked plains on the south side of the tracks often gaze enviously upon her morally enhanced bosom with… oh, for God’s sake! Enough of that. Still, it’s all largely true, the details of which the people from up there will eagerly share, usually sans any hint of sanctimony, which is another positive trait; I’m tired of writing about them. I dislike stereotyping people only because they share commonalities like bloodlines or boundaries, even though I do it all the time while in the throes of egalitarianism, reserving a special litany for my own American roots and their behavioral outcomes. Therefore, if I were to speak aloud what I think of the Shei-

las of the world in the financially generous sense, then I should expect from her a counterpoint that all Americans are willfully stupid, irresponsible, addicted consumers of pleasure who are prone to frenzies of violence (though some may be well-ordered under military leaders), and all soon to be hatefully managed by drones. Anyway, there I was, with Sheila, and the 20-peso note between us taunted like a gauntlet tossed down in a copacetic challenge. She picked it up and agreeably, but with certain purpose, said, “Here, I have some change.” Within seconds, Sheila had the twenty tucked away, I had five pesos in my palm and there were 15 pesos in the cuenta tray for the lucky waiter Juan. Because I was forced to play it her way, I went all in. I asked Sheila if I would now still owe her something, because the earlier agreed-upon accounting of ‘me leaving only the tip’ today had been because of that breakfast we’d had where she paid the whole bill, but then I’d overpaid her with that scarf she wanted but she didn’t have her purse, and then that latte the other day. (It could be said that the false accounting that goes on between women at the lunch table could entice Bernie Madoff to sin again.) Sheila whispered kindly, “We don’t have to be so exact on things. We’re friends.” Okay, then, I fretted, but tell me this. You went to all that trouble because you didn’t want Jose to receive another five pesos? It’s five pesos. You have, like, one million five-peso pieces invested in your house alone. Just the walls, even. Silence hung. Finally, she sputtered, “Well, alright! We can leave twenty!” She dug around in her coin purse and snapped five pesos into the cuenta tray with a ‘take that!’ flourish. Atta girl, I chimed. But here, that’s not right. You already gave me five. Now I owe you ten. Sheila’s head bobbed as she chirped her derision. “You doggoned Americans. Must be right! Must be right! Must get my way! Bully.” Then she gave me a really nice hug. M.A. Porter


El Ojo del Lago / October 2012

Saw you in the Ojo 15

By Victoria Schmidt

Medicine in Mexico


elcome” was the last word I expected to hear as I was wheeled into the operating room at Sanatorio de San Francisco de Assisi in Guadalajara. Yet “Welcome” was exactly what I heard; and Beethoven’s Für Elise playing in the background. My surgeon introduced everyone who was in the room, even though they were indecipherable behind their blue gowns and masks. The last thing I remember was the anesthesiologist asking me if I felt sleepy yet. “No” was my answer, and then I heard him counting, “uno, dos, tres…” I was gone by seis. I had arrived at the hospital, early in the morning, about an hour prior to surgery, and while I was going through the pre-admission details, a gentleman came up and introduced himself to me. There in the lobby, the anesthesiologist who would be working on me was already assessing me. It wasn’t that my neck surgery was going to be so difficult, but my size made the anesthesiology the more difficult part of the surgery. He walked with me to my hospital room and was delighted to see me walk over 200 yards with no problems. In my room, he told me that he had started praying for me when my neurosurgeon booked him for my surgery eight days before. How could I not feel comforted by this? His was the voice I keyed into in the operating room, the voice I awoke to, and the voice I heard the next day, as I


El Ojo del Lago / October 2012

was getting ready to leave the hospital. He came to visit me to see that everything else went OK. I am no beginner at surgery. The last anesthesiologist who worked on me, came into pre-op with his heavy gold chain shining beneath his green scrubs. His attitude was arrogant, and he was irate because the staff had a difficult time starting the IV. His feeling of superiority leached from every pore, yet he was also unable to start the IV. On the 14th attempt, they finally got enough medication into me to put me out, and did a cut down on my ankle. I never saw him or his gold chain again! Here in Mexico, I pointed the best vein out to the nurse who smiled, and started my IV on the first try. I told her my story, and her eyes sparkled as she accepted my gracious compliment. The surgeon checked on me at 8:30 that night. (Also a first.) When he saw how well I was doing, he told me if I felt the same in the morning, they would remove the drain and send me home. I left the next morning. I know that the many prayers and positive thoughts provided by friends and neighbors also helped. I was told that when my neighbor two doors down heard of my upcoming surgery, that her small church dedicated a mass to me—that was a first. When people learned I needed to have surgery on my neck, they were surprised I didn’t return to the USA for the surgery. Circumstances prevented my return, but I wanted my surgery done here, in Mexico. I wanted the neurosurgeon who saved my husband’s life to operate on me. He and his family have become friends over the years. I knew that this man cared for me, and that he would do his best. With very few exceptions, the doctors I have met and worked with here in Mexico have been superior in every way to the doctors I was forced to endure in the USA. After my husband’s three surgeries here, and my own surgery, that gives me four experiences to draw upon here in Mexico. I continue to prefer the medicine Victoria Schmidt here in Mexico.

Saw you in the Ojo 17

GRAPE EXPECTATIONS By Robert Kleffel and Noemí Paz

Bordeaux Red Wines


ordeaux There is something very special about the first sip of a great wine from Bordeaux. The history of this wine growing area goes back to Roman times. Bordeaux wine production seems to have begun sometime after 43 AD, when César’s Legions conquered most of Europe, during the Roman occupation of Gaul, when the Romans established vineyards to cultivate wine for the soldiers. However, it is only in 71 AD that Pliny the Elder recorded the first real evidence of vineyards in Bordeaux. Although domestically popular, French wine was seldom exported, as the areas covered by vineyards and the volume of wine produced was low. In the 12th century however, the popularity of Bordeaux wines increased dramatically following the marriage of Henry Plantagenet and Aliénord’Aquitaine. In what may have been one of the largest dowries ever given, the marriage made the province of Aquitaine, English territory, and henceforth the majority of Bordeaux wine was exported in exchange for other goods. Upon the ascension of their son, Richard, to the English throne, Bordeaux became the base for Richard’s French operations. For those of you who read great English literature, you will recall that many an Englishman enjoyed his “claret.” Claret is an old-fashioned wine term whose roots go back to the British wine trade of the 1600s. Clarets of the day were decent-quality red wines from Bordeaux, shipped in casks to British wine merchants, who bottled them under their own labels. The export of Bordeaux was effectively halted by the outbreak of The Hundred Years’ War between France and England in 1337 followed by the outbreak of the Black Death which ravaged the area. By the end of the conflict in 1453


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Robert and Noemi France had repossessed the province, thus taking control of wine production in the region. In 1725, the spread of vineyards throughout Bordeaux was so vast that it was divided into specific areas so that the consumer could tell exactly where each wine was from. The collection of districts was known as the Vignoble de Bordeaux, and bottles were labeled with both the region and the area from which they originated. In 1855, a classification system was set up that ranked the top chateaus of the Médoc according to their market price. Characteristics of Red Bordeaux: The great Bordeaux are “ROUND” with exceptional “BALANCE”; that is, all of the sensory characteristics are in near-perfect harmony. Nothing dominates and there are absolutely no sharp edges. While Red Bordeaux is primarily Cabernet Sauvignon, many Chateaus (producers) will blend up to 30 (+ /-) percent of some ratio of Merlot and Cabernet Franc. These grapes tend to help balance the wine and reduce “TANNIN.” Bordeaux are lighter “BODIED” and more “ELEGANT” than California Cabernet Sauvignon. It’s a matter of taste …and your mood. Here are some great Bordeaux Reds to try: Chateau LA BILLETTE Bordeaux $115.00 Pesos “A great Bordeaux table wine.” BEAU-RIVAGE Grande reserve $201.00 Pesos I had to try it, with pasta and red sauce, tonight for dinner. I was only going to have one glass, but we finished it off. Noemí Paz: licorespaz@hotmail.com Robert Kleffel: bkleffel@hotmail.com

Saw you in the Ojo 19

Anita’s Animals By Jackie Kellum


ou have found or rescued a cat/dog. After your initial action, then the problem arises, what do you do with this animal? If you think of Anita’s Animals to help you with your problem, you have now transferred ownership of your problem to another person – which is fine. But, the question now is: what help are your going to provide to the person who will now care for this animal? Sadly, more than half of those who bring Anita an animal, although financially capable, do not give a donation towards the care of their cat/dog. By this lack of thoughtfulness, respect and consideration, that person has now added a further burden to an already stretched care budget. In terms of human health care costs, expenses fall into two distinct categories. This cost system very easily applies to an animal rescue sanctuary. The first category called “Direct Care” relates to those costs that directly “touch” the cats and dogs. Direct care costs are greatly affected by population. The most obvious cost item would be pet food, with costs influenced by the volume/ type of animals In the hierarchy of costs, wet and dry cat food being the most costly, followed by kitten/puppy food and then dry dog food. Followed by Vet. bills - treatment, medications, follow-up care, and flea-tick control medications - all of which are affected by the animal’s age and in-coming health status. The majority of in-coming animals arrive with no vaccination history, which requires a vaccination regime to be started, costing 200 pesos per animal. In this grouping also is paid staff who feed twice a day, help transport animals to Vet. appointments, do grooming, etc. and have to be paid per Mexican labor laws, including paid sick time, vacations and holiday time. Anita is not a paid employee


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– she gets no salary. The second expense category is indirect Care. These items and services support the daily functions of the sanctuary where the animal resides until it gets adopted. These costs are generally unchanged, and have to be paid regardless of pet population volume. In order to transport animals to the Vet., pick up pet food, and etc, a vehicle is required. This creates bills for car registration, insurance, repairs/ maintenance and gas. Services such as water delivery [not on city water], Telmex, CFE and garbage pickup are needed for the sanctuary to function. To maintain sanitary conditions, supplies need to be purchased and utilized. The facility keeps an on-going maintenance system which includes repair materials. Paid staff who do the facility care work are also in this category. The question arises – what is the cost to care for a cat or dog that resides at Anita’s rescue sanctuary? Lots of cost factors were gathered, looking at an average number of animals on a given day [ not during a high kitten/puppy season ]; lots of number crunching was done. The end answer came out to be: 21.4 pesos, per day, per animal. On the face of it, that does not seem like a whole lot of money. But at last count, two weeks ago , Anita had 85 adult dogs, 27 puppies, 59 adult cats and 39 kittens. Do the math. 21.4 pesos times 210 animals / day . A thought to consider – what would this community do without Anita for just one day? For a week? Consider “sponsoring” an animal for a week. Please, make a donation of cash or pet food – it would be greatly appreciated, and it will help ease the budget. www. anitasanimals.com/- with Pay Pal function.

Saw you in the Ojo 21

MOVING TO MEXICO By Lisa Jorgensen Reviewed by Francine Britton


big thank you to Lisa Jorgensen for writing this book! I read through it just as I was approaching my sixth month of living as a newly-minted retiree in Ajijic, Mexico and knew for sure that Lisa Jorgensen had ‘been there and done that’ on every single page. I thank Lisa for writing this book. In doing so, she has created the ultimate resource for anyone thinking of, dreaming of, or actually planning to move to Lake Chapala. Lisa’s solid research, fact-finding, trial and error problem solving, and persistence in finding the correct answers to questions, the right directions to places, and the correct people to talk to is very timely, useful and extremely relevant. Most books on moving to Lake Chapala were written at least five years ago and laws and requirements have changed. Especially helpful is the process that takes a reader from entering the country on a tourist visa to acquiring residency status with answers to the “who, what, when, where and how” of each process. Lisa’s voice of reason separates the facts from fiction, rumors from truths, and will be useful in the decision-making process, whether the person reading her book plans to retire, semi-retire or commute back and forth to the States every six months on a seasonal basis. Lisa’s style, mixed with anecdotal information, wit and humor, takes the book into the realm of pleasure reading. Her perceptions as she integrates into full time living in the Lake Chapala area are insightful, grounded in reality and give the reader a tremendous fund of knowledge. Once a decision to move to the Lake Chapala area is made, the ‘to do lists’ simply help things fall into place as the


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reader checks off each milestone toward moving day. Practical information about customs, etiquette, culture, and ways of life in Mexico are also covered. Lisa also provides essential information about culture, learning Spanish, customs, economy, financial requirements and local, state, and national politics for the newlyminted ex-pat. My only regret in reading the book was that I did not have this insightful, informative book to read before I moved to Ajijic in March of 2012, it would have saved me hours of time, days of decreased anxiety and many months of trying to figure out to do this move on my own. I left Massachusetts on March 1, and drove through the US into Mexico and down to Lake Chapala. I successfully crossed the border, and arrived to start the latest chapter of my life. Meeting Lisa, getting to know her these past few months has been a true joy. Enjoy her wonderful book! Ed. Note: Copies can be found at Lake Chapala Society Bookstore, Diane Pearl’s Colecciones, and Book Store in the Bugambilias Plaza (among others). Francine Britton

Saw you in the Ojo 23

“¡OBAMANOS!” By Fred Mittag


his election should alarm us into urgency. The alternative to the incumbent, according to top economists, is “disaster.” Obama is educated in scientific economics and Romney is a wealthy beneficiary of “supply-side,” or “trickle-down economics.” The first Bush called it “voodoo economics.” Romney is a “job creator” in America by keeping his money hidden in Swiss banks. That’s real voodoo. Obama’s economics builds the middle class. Romney’s economics redistributes wealth from the middle class to the very top, thereby turning us into a banana republic. The contrast in economic policies compels our civic duty in an election that Republicans are trying to steal. Congressman John Lewis (D-Georgia), who suffered a concussion and carries scars from the beatings of the Civil Rights Movement, said, “Today it is


unbelievable that there are Republican officials still trying to stop some people from voting. The Republican leader in the Pennsylvania House even bragged that his state’s new voter ID law is ‘gonna allow Governor Romney to win the state.’ That’s not right. That’s not fair. That’s not just. Too many people struggled, suffered and died to make it possible for every American to exercise the right to vote.” The Democrats made it plain they support the right of women to choose and to have access to contraception. Romney says he wants to overturn Roe v. Wade. He doesn’t understand abortion is never a decision made lightly. In an insult to working women, Romney repeatedly

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refuses to say he supports the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. Romney declined to censure Rush Limbaugh when he called Sandra Fluke a “slut” and “prostitute.” Romney said he would have used “different words.”“Whore,” maybe? Obama appointed women to the US Supreme Court, a Jew and a Hispanic. This represents not only gender equality, but the diversity of America. Conservative judges appointed by Republicans are partisan rather than judicial, and made the disastrous decision of appointing Bush as president and more recently ruled in Citizens United for the corruption of our elections. Judicial appointments are powerful reason to vote for Obama in order to resurrect the blindfolded lady holding the balance scales. Foreign policy in the Bush years was based on lies and insults to allies such as France and Germany. Romney has 17 neo-con foreign policy advisors who served Bush and Cheney. He supports their imperialistic aggression. Generals warn that an attack on Iran would be disastrous in American lives and treasure because Iran will not be easy to defeat. Iran will block the shipment of oil through the Strait of Hormuz and we will be in big trouble. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs said that an Israeli strike against Iran would be ineffective and “I don’t want to be complicit if the Israelis choose to do

it.” Obama practices diplomacy and sees war as a last resort. Romney said, “Obama has thrown Israel under the bus.” Sheldon Adelson’s $billions have created a talking Zionist puppet named Romney. Republicans harmed America by blocking the Jobs Bill and almost everything else. It’s unpatriotic, on top of which Romney refused to thank and recognize our troops who are still in dangerous combat. His explanation was that he wanted to discuss things that are “important.” Even though Republicans have tried to put government in shameful gridlock, Obama has accomplished much, including legislation for women and the Affordable Health Care Act that people will increasingly love as all its provisions come into effect. President Obama ended the war in Iraq. He rescued the American Automobile industry, saving countless jobs, while Romney said, “Let them go bankrupt.” President Obama’s Stimulus Bill saved America from another Great Depression. He brought bin Laden to justice. There’s a list that shows over 200 major accomplishments, including protection and hope for children of undocumented workers who know only America. Character counts. Romney’s a pathological liar. As one example, Robert Scheer said, “Romney is an unmitigated liar unrestrained by any moral or logical standard. . . .” John Kerry noted a list of reverses Romney has made in his positions, and quipped, “Talk about a flip-flopper!” Kerry said, “Before Romney can debate Obama, he needs to finish the debate with himself.” Fox News – imagine that! – even Fox News declared that Paul Ryan’s acceptance speech was “. . . an apparent attempt to set the world record for the greatest number of blatant lies.” Love of country calls us to vote for President Obama and a Democratic straight-ticket in order to save the middle class and to save our democratically elected government from further Republican subversion. And unlike Romney, Obama doesn’t insult friends such as the British.

Saw you in the Ojo 25

Hearts at Work A Column by James Tipton “Insist on yourself; never imitate.”


nce again I have experienced in a few short months some dramatic changes in my life, and once again I have resorted to what has always helped to heal me: cleaning and reorganizing (in some cases tossing out) the things that immediately surround me. Last week in my library, I removed my books, dusted and oiled the shelves, dusted the books themselves, and replaced them. One I left on my desk was a well loved, falling apart Modern Library Edition of The Writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson. I was a junior in Ashland High when I first read Emerson’s essay, “Self Reliance”; and in this crumbing copy I hold before me, I have noted nine different dates that I have read that essay, not including the initial date when, through the grace of all that is good and true, I was assigned to read it. I remember how excited I was when I talked with my dad about that essay. He told me that of all Americans, he thought Emerson was the man most wise. My dad, incidentally, was throughout his life (he’s still alive at 98) a combination of both the reflective and the practical man, someone Emerson (and his friend Thoreau) would have appreciated. For several years my father taught high school, both literature and shop. As I read “Self Reliance” at least a tenth time, duly recording today’s date, some fifty years after I first read it, Emerson’s exquisitely phrased thoughts come back to me, like old friends dropping in for a visit: • Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string.


El Ojo del Lago / October 2012

And we are now men…and not minors and invalids in a protected corner, nor cowards fleeing before a revolution, but guides, redeemers and benefactors, obeying the Almighty effort and advancing on Chaos and the Dark. • Society everywhere is in conspiracy against the manhood of every one of its members. • Whoso would be a man, must be a non-conformist. • Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind. • Your goodness must have some edge to it—else it is none. • We cannot spend the day in explanation. Expect me not to show cause why I seek or why I exclude company. • It is easy in the world to live after the world’s opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude. • A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines. With consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do. • Ordinarily, everyone in society reminds us of somewhat else, or of some other person. Character, reality, reminds you of nothing else. • An institution is the lengthened shadow of one man. • If we live truly, we shall see truly. • Insist on yourself; never imitate. Here at Lakeside, where so many of us are looking toward the setting sun, Emerson’s exhortations remind us that if we do not live our own lives, then society (and this can include political party, religion, family…even our own children) will live our lives for us. It is never too late to live our own lives. As we walk softly toward the rest of our lives, what words and what thoughts do we want to carry in our pack? Jim Tipton

Saw you in the Ojo 27

MITT VERSUS BARACK—No Contest! By Thomas Hally


will not surrender America’s role in the world,” stated Mitt Romney in a speech at The Citadel in Charleston, South Carolina. And he continued, “If you don’t want America to be the strongest nation on Earth, I am not your president. You have that president today.” The challenges facing the United States are formidable. Historically, each time the country has faced challenges like these, we have come through the gauntlet stronger and more united than ever before. Mitt Romney stands out as the better candidate in this year’s Presidential election; and he can beat Barack Obama in his bid for reelection and get the country back on track. Starting


with Romney’s experience as CEO of his company, Bain Capital, and his time as Governor of Massachusetts, his economic leadership far surpasses anything Barack Obama and his team has shown or can offer. And now, Obama cannot deal with the “Great Recession!” Nor is he able to solve such critical “issues” as the nation’s unemployment problem or its mounting debt. Romney is concerned about these problems, and he has the experience and ability to transform these negatives into positives. Barack Obama has not provided that kind of focused leadership since he took office. Mitt Romney has ample experience making executive decisions. Throughout his adult life,

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starting with his career as CEO of Bain Capital and, later, while Governor of Massachusetts, Romney had to make decisions affecting people’s jobs, lives and futures. Obama is a poor executive, but a great legislator. Let’s send him back to Congress where he belongs! Mitt Romney can turn the country around economically, recreating jobs, profitability and economic growth and opportunity. When he took over as CEO of the Salt Lake City Olympics, the organization was in chaos, in debt and scandal- ridden. Romney turned it around. He unified diverse coalitions with their competing interests, and the games became a financial and diplomatic success. Obama is big on symbolism but short on substance. His stimulus package may have saved or created a number of public-sector jobs, but a positive impact on the private sector has been nil. Mitt Romney clearly understands how jobs are created and how government policies affect economic growth; Barack Obama has shown that he does not. “It’s the economy stupid!” Barack Obama is weak on national defense issues. (That, too, is an understatement!) For Example, the heads of state of China, Russia and Iran do not take him seriously. (Does anybody…?) His conciliatory attitude vis á vis these

leaders is not only “somewhat admirable,” but it also works against him. Obama has been unable to curb the special interests in Washington, but Mitt Romney will... Romney will not be beholden to the special interest groups. According to Romney, “If military might is the core of hard power, America is in a league of its own. Even so, there are those who like to overstate the extent of our military advantage, believing as they do that our military investment is excessive and disproportionate to our needs.” Romney will raise the United States’ defense budget from 3.8 to 4.0 percent of our GDP, adding $30 billion to defense. “It is time for our allies to increase their investment in national and global security in order to assume their fair share of the load and strengthen our combined capabilities.” The former Governor from Massachusetts will increase the United States’ strength and credibility and let U.S. “popularity” take care of itself. We must take action to protect ourselves from the grand spectrum of threats that confront us. And Mitt Romney will insure a renewal of defensive power necessary to protect the cause of freedom in the twenty first century. Briefly, Mitt Romney is the man to vote for in November if you want a strong and vibrant economy. Obama has moved the economy south for the last nearly four years; but Mitt Romney, America’s next President, will transform our country into a prosperous nation once again; a nation and an economy where the phrase “I have a great job” will not necessarily mean you are flipping hamburgers for overtime pay at some greasy spoon or washing cars in a church parking lot on weekends. You will have a salary that affords you a decent and comfortable life, doing that which you were trained for or that which you wish to do, with enough money to comfortably pay your mortgage, pay off your auto loan and educate your children. This is the “Promise of America” and it is exactly this that Mitt Romney promises. See you at the polls!

By Paul Jackson paulconradjackson@gmail.com

Paul Jackson


’m asked by my editor to list the presidents of the USA that I admire most. That’s easy - the column virtually writes itself. Tops is obviously Franklin Delano Roosevelt. An incredible individual. Not only did he have to deal with the Great Depression at home and the Second World War abroad, but he deserves a Profile in Courage award for his amazing accomplishment of not letting crippling polio deter him. He saved Britain from going under with his Lend-Lease program. Then, after the war, created an entirely new middle class with his GI Bill. Incidentally, the best biography I have ever read on Roosevelt is by Canadian media baron and acclaimed historian, Conrad Black. Next, Ronald Reagan. He gave

America its confidence back after the dismal, chaotic years of Jimmy Carter. Reagan inherited crippling inflation, soaring interest rates, and rapidly rising unemployment but turned these disasters around. Then, as I’ve said often before, he ended the Cold War without firing a shot or losing one American life, and freed hundreds of millions of people both in the Soviet Union and in Moscow’s Eastern European slave states. Third, Harry Truman courageously ended the war with Japan in two quick master strokes - thus saving hundreds of thousands of American and Japanese lives. Then, with the creation of the North Atlantic Treaty organization (NATO) he drew the line against Josef Stalin’s plans for further encroachment in Europe, and rebuilt

war-shattered Europe with the Marshall Plan. On to Lyndon Johnson. His Civil Rights Voting Act - opposed by members of his own party - Johnson put principle ahead of popularity. Then he outlined his vision for the Great Society, giving average Americans more equality and opportunity, and safety nets for those who had fallen on hard times. It’s noteworthy that Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford expanded Johnson’s Great Society programs. Too bad the Vietnam War overwhelmed him. He never quite forgave John F. Kennedy for dumping it in his lap. Johnson was a much maligned man. Another much-maligned president is Richard Nixon, who ended the Vietnam War, ended the military draft, and opened the road to Communist China. His proposed health care reforms were far more extensive than those of Barack Obama, and he tinkered with a Guaranteed Annual Income program for all Americans. Nixon knew nothing in advance about the Watergate break-in, his ‘crime’ — misguided loyalty by trying to cover up for those who did. Finally, Dwight Eisenhower. Ike basically engineered the postwar prosperity of the USA that lasted for a gen-

eration, and like Truman he kept the Soviets at bay, and fought vigorously against segregation. Some thought Eisenhower a rather simplistic man. He wasn’t. He was a deep thinker and very canny. Like the superb military tactician he had been, he carefully assessed where he wanted to go politically, and how he would get there. Sad to think, his achievements are often all but forgotten now. Perhaps the most perceptive - and fair - readers have noticed three of the six listed above are Democrats and three Republicans. I’d say a pretty objective assessment, wouldn’t you?

Saw you in the Ojo 29

Why W hy I wil will ll Ne Never eve er FFly ly Th Through hro ough the US Again By John Ward

TSA = Taze Suspect Air-travelers


t was a flight to Amsterdam in the winter of 2010. I checked in early and left my hold baggage with the airline. Soon I was heading for the security check point and found a line of people waiting for a preliminary interview before the electronic gauntlet. The single line was intelligently created so that as soon as an agent came free, the next person in line would go to that agent and be served in order of arriving. Unfortunately an extremely well fed woman, who was fluent in Ebonics and packed into a uniform like a sausage into casing, decided that she had an even better system. She started taking people from the source line and telling them to go and stand behind


people who were being interviewed, effectively negating the first-comefirst-served effect of the one line system. As I got to the end of the source line she motioned for me to stand in the line for interview booth number five. I said “If you don’t mind, I would rather wait for the first booth that comes open.” She looked at me as if I was a simpleton, shook her head in pity at my obvious inability to grasp her genius and told the person behind me to “go to five” and then the next person was sent to another booth line and so on. Realizing that no booth would come open if she continued, I allowed myself to be sent to a booth line with two

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people already in it. As luck would have it, people who were sent to booth lines after me got to their interview before me, because I was now in a line with a white-haired, octogenarian lady who was obviously a mad terrorist bomber and who was now suffering through a very comprehensive and aggressive interrogation at the hands of an irritated security man with one frozen glass eye and one very animated sighted eye. He was extremely agitated that her responses were at human speed, whereas his questions were fired at her as if he had already determined she was a threat to the country and his career was about to leap into the stratosphere with this astounding revelation. After reducing the lady to tears and placating whatever personal animosity he had towards his own grandmother, he motioned the next person over. I stayed back, not because there was a yellow line or anything of that nature, but because I wanted to avoid the shower of saliva his enthusiastic interrogations produced. When my turn finally came he asked me first: “Do you hate the USofA?” “Not at all!” I said. I wanted to add, ‘just the goose-stepping neo-Nazi martinets in immigration that purport to protect the country…,’ but - I held my tongue. “What do you think of Jane Fonda?” A red flag went up in my mind… I knew this was in reference to her opposition to the Viet Nam “Police Action” but I just said: “Well, I think she’s a fairly good actress.” “I mean her politics!?” he interrupted sharply. “I don’t know her personally, so I’ve never asked about her politics…” He glared at me. I wanted to say, ‘do you realize that it is now common knowledge that the claimed “attack” on the destroyer Maddox in the Gulf of Tonkin was a lie, that in fact Captain Herrick of the USS Maddox fired first at what he later claimed were “radar ghosts” to provide an excuse to enter the conflict? Do you know that this action and misinformation resulted in an unwinnable war that

caused 58,000 American deaths and unfathomable numbers of veterans with horrific psychological problems? Do you realize that after the “carpet bombing” by B-52s of Cambodia, which was not in the war, a small, insignificant, rag-tag band of political nut-jobs called the Khmer Rouge got enough support from that bombing to swell into a major political force which, in turn, resulted in the grotesque, wholesale genocide of one and a half million innocent Cambodians, who were killed for as little as wearing glasses and appearing intelligent?’ But - I held my tongue. “Are you Australian?” he demanded. Thinking of Julian Assange I said: “Nah, no way, mate.”“You talk funny” he continued. “Yes” I said “It’s a speech impediment” hoping that the ADA might provide some protection. “Do you believe Iraq attacked the US on 9/11?” Red Flag! “Well,that’s what I heard…” seeing his good eye start to jitterbug I continued “and yes I think those Iraqis were behind the suicide bombers Alcaida sent to destroy the US. In fact I believe, although he’s a Saudi who hides in Afghanistan, Bin Laden keeps a summer condominium in Bagdad from which he issues all his anti-American orders.” His jaw relaxed slightly… “How do I know you ain’t a terrist?” he continued. I wanted to say ‘a terrist sounds like someone from planet earth and in that sense I am terrorist,’ but instead I answered: “I guess you can tell by the fact that I haven’t yelled Allah au Akbar yet. Isn’t that an hourly requirement for terrorists?” I could see this question actually got him thinking. Without dismissing me he shouted “Next.” The fact that asking the question allowed me to utter the phrase didn’t seem to occur to him. I was relieved, but the best was yet to come. Look for the rest of the story in next month’s Ojo….

John Ward

Saw you in the Ojo 31

Kay Davis Phone: 376 – 108 – 0278 (or 765 – 3676 to leave messages) Email: kdavis987@gmail.com

PAST EVENTS Out at last is Lisa L. Jorgensen’s Moving to Mexico’s Lake Chapala. Lisa moved here just this past spring from the US. Her discoveries in making that move and as a newcomer to this area have formed the basis of her writings. The subtitle for the book is Checklists, How-To’s and practical information and advice. Check it out: www.movingtomexicoslakechapala.com. The Grand Opening of the Friday Artisan Market was a resounding success. Your support will make this a regular option for buyers, 10 – 12:30 at Rio Bravo #10-A in West Ajijic for unique gourmet foods including dinner to take out, art, jewelry, wearables, and more. Keep an eye out for the Rio Bravo turnoff and head downhill to Plaza de la Rivera (for- Practical guide for newmerly Sol y Luna). comers On September 1st the photo show named Foto septiembre 2012 opened at the Ajijic Cultural Center on the plaza. It was a collective show of many good photographers from this area. The collection is worth a walk through, at the very least. Just down Colon from the Plaza is Quattro Gallery, currently showing Xill Fessenden’s Photo Art. Jill captures photos in a way we are not accustomed to seeing and presents the art within.

Calla Lily by Xill (Jill) Fessenden as possible. On October 13 – 14 Efren Gonzalez will hold a street show along Marcos Castellanos between Constitución and Parroquia. The show will feature paintings, sculptures, photography, etchings and ceramics. Performers will dance and play music. To become involved, or to display items, call 766 – 5381. On October 14, 2 – 6 p.m. there will be a book signing of The Dream is Over – The Nightmare Begins, a World War II drama by Gudrun Jones. This will take place at Paseo De La Colina # 27, Upper La Floresta (first street paralleling the Carretera). Snacks will be available. Books sell for $200 pesos. The book is also available on www.Amazon.com.


UPCOMING EVENTS: Soon to come is The Lucky Dog Adoption Center. Losing Geoffrey Kaye’s Dog Shelter left a great need, and Christine Bublin at ms1cb@yahoo.com among others is trying to find suitable locations. Everything is still in transition, but once they find the right home, they’ll be looking for donations and volunteers. More to come as soon

Big or small, they all need someone to love.

El Ojo del Lago / October 2012

October 16, 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m., the Lakeside Women’s Fair will be held at the Hotel Real de Chapala in La Floresta, Ajijic. Come and hear professional speakers on issues like general health maintenance, bone strength, heart, and skin protection. Plastic surgery and Sex After 60 are also on the agenda, along with some informative and entertaining beauty and style tips. Tickets are $300 pesos from Diane Pearl Colecciones at Colon and Ocampo and from Opus Boutique in Ajijic. You can also contact Kari Higgins at 766 – 3651 for those from Chapala to Ajijic or contact Debra Fry at (387) 763 – 2599 for locations in San Juan Cosala to Jocotopec. You can also reserve a table for 8 – 10, or seats at “open” tables by emailing Kari Higgins at info.lakesidewomen@gmail.com or by calling her at (376) 766 – 3651. All proceeds will be divided between Niños Incapacitados, Cruz Roja, Book Signing CSI at 1-800-Tips, EDS (Employment-Dignityby the author Security) and HEA (Humane Education Alliance). October 17, 6 p.m., Jaltepec Centro Educativo is hosting a fund raising dinner for the benefit of their students. This event includes cocktail music compliments of Timothy Welch with a no host bar and hors d’oeuvres. The menu offers a choice of main course between Fish Papillote (foil wrapped) or Chicken Breast with Parmesan Cheese, accompanied by Asparagus and Tomato salad with wine vinegar dressing. The dessert is Black Forest Cake with tea or coffee, regular or decaf. A donation is requested of $350 pesos per person for the dinner. Contact Linda Buckthorp at (376) 766 – 1631 or email to buckthorplm@gmail. com. Tickets will be available for pick up from Multiva’s Reception Desk as of October 10. Please RSVP before the 9th with your main course preference. It would be of great help if those who wish to order a bottle of wine do so when they RSVP. Available will be Santa Alicia Reserva, Merlot or Chardonnay at $220 pesos per bottle, payable at the door. Your attendance helps needier students of this Technical University in Hotel and Hospitality Management. Your support makes a difference, not only to the young ladies attending the school but also to their families. The students value the education they receive and in turn become financially able to help educate their siblings and aid their parents. This benefit dinner is excellent. I highly recommend it. Good food, good company, good cause. October 26, 27, 28 at 4 p.m., box office open at 3:15, bar at 3. The Naked Stage will read the play Other Desert Cities by Jon Robin Baitz, directed by Betty Lloyd Robinson. Brooke Wyeth returns to Palm Springs after six years away to celebrate Christmas with her parents, her brother, and her aunt. Brooke is about to publish a memoir dredging up a pivotal and tragic event in the family history – a wound they don’t want reopened. Brooke draws a Poster for the hit play line in the sand and dares them all to cross it. The play opened on Broadway on October 12, 2011 and won the Outer Critics Circle Award for Outstanding New Off-Broadway play. The players are Day Dobbert, Don Chaloner, Peter Luciano, Kevin O’Byrne, Jeritza McCarter and Diana Rowland. The Naked Stage is located at #10 Rio Bravo. Drive west on the carretera from Ajijic, turn south on Rio Bravo and look for the San Pedro Restaurant on the east side, about 2 blocks down. The theatre is behind the restaurant, which is open for lunch and dinner with a no host bar available. Donations are 80 pesos. It is not suitable for children and reservations are recommended. Please contact Betty Robinson at 765 – 3262 or betty.lloydrobinson@gmail.com. The Naked Stage email address (thenakedstagegroup@gmail.com) is only for general inquiries, comments and to add your name to the mailing list. Their

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Egrets at feeding time…wait

Facebook page provides more information. You must be on Facebook to search for “The Naked Stage”. November 1, 9 a.m. shotgun start, at Chapala Country Club they are featuring the annual Cruz Roja Golf Tournament. There will be lots of prizes including a Hole-in-One Golf Cart compliments of the Chapala Association of Realtors. Following the game there will be a mixed grill BBQ. Entry fee for golf is $1200 pesos, dinner only is $250 pesos, tickets available through the CCC Pro Shop (763 – 5136). For more information, call 766 – 4990. November 10 – 18 in Chapala, Poncitlán, and Jocotepec Tizapán, Heart of the Earth AC will present the Bird Festival on Lake Chapala 2012. This year’s theme is one of nature’s most outstanding elements: birds of the Lake. The program includes academic, artistic and sporting activities.

Mulitple Events: #14 - The American Legion post #7 schedule for October: Sundays: 12 – 3 p.m. Legion grill burgers Oct 5 – 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Yard Sale & health screenings Oct 8 – 1 p.m. Canadian Thanksgiving, $150 pesos, tickets NOW Oct 20 – 5 p.m. Oktoberfest: Roast wild boar, German sides, $130 pesos Oct 29 – 4 p.m. Trivia Night with Swiss steak For information, call 765 – 2259 or www.americanlegionchapalapost7.org Lake Chapala Society has a series showing each Friday of October in the Sala. Bill Moyers narrates these documentaries of thoughtprovoking films called On Our Own Terms. Each starts at 2:30 p.m., entrance fee $50 pesos. Oct 5 Living With the Dying…Longer lifespans and medications present complicated choices Oct 12 A Different Kind of Care…Palliative care means On Our Own Terms relief from pain Oct 19 A Death of One’s Own…The critical issues to be confronted Oct 26 A Time to Change…Caregivers & policy reformers Seat reservation is requested. Email info@ lakechapalahospice.com with date and number of persons. Lakeside Little Theatre news: Season 48 is underway! Tickets are $200 pesos per seat, except the musical which is $250 pesos. Season tickets are $1,000 pesos on sale at the theatre. It is still early in the season, so give it a try. For the full season’s listing of shows, box office Kicking off the LLT season, a comedy and ticket information and


El Ojo del Lago / October 2012

to get email updates, go to www.lakesidelittletheatre.com. Starting off is Ronald Harwood’s Quartet, directed by Ann Swiston. Performances are from September 29 – October 7. This is a wickedly funny play about art, opera, the eccentricies of age and the celebratory power of the human spirit. I’ll Be Back Before Midnight, by Peter Colley will be directed by Roseann Wilshere. Performances will take place November 3 – 11. Jan is brought to an isolated farmhouse by her husband to help her recover from a nervous breakdown. However, after a crazy farmer reveals unsettling tales about the place, strange and frightening things begin to stir. For scripts and information, contact Roseann at roswilshere@gmail.com. The Lakeside Little Theatre encourages and welcomes everyone interested in acting, new or experienced, to attend auditions for any of this season’s plays. If you would like to volunteer behind the scenes, the LLT is always looking for people to train in lighting, sound, wardrobe, props, make-up, stage managing and other positions. Contact Don Chaloner at 766 – 1975 or email at 77dondo@gmail. com. MAS (Music Appreciation Society) gets the 2012 – 2013 season off to an exciting start with a gratis Gala Kick-off Party for Season Ticket holders at La Nueva Posada on October 30, 4 – 6 p.m. Entertainment will be provided by Melodia Acustica and their world music. Season tickets will be sold at the Tickets booth at LCS or at the Charter Club at Plaza Montaña. Prices are $1300 pesos (center), $1100 pesos (side). Individual shows cost $350 pesos per seat. All performances will be at the Auditorio de la Ribera in La Floresta, starting at 6 p.m. unless specified otherwise for an afternoon performance. The scheduled season is: Dec. 4 – Juanito Pascual y El Periquin – classical-flamenco guitar Jan. 12 – Classical FX – Vocal Quartet from Wash, DC or Jan. 13, 1 p.m. at La Nueva Posada – Classical FX Feb. 16 – Viva Flamenco! The Passion of Dance, Mexico City Mar. 23 – Banderas Bay Jazz AllStars – 3 piece smokin’ ensemble from Puerto Vallarta MAS MUSICA is always happy to welcome new volunteers to help with ticket sales, hospitality and other concert related duties. Please contact Kathleen Phelps at 766 – 0010 or cell 331-461-1309 or visit www.masajijic.com. VIVA! La Musica: Bus trips to “Live from the Met” Opera continues – Viva plans to run a bus to each of the operas being live-streamed to the Teatro Diana. These are on Saturdays and tickets are available at $300 pesos for members, $400 pesos for nonmembers (sold Thursdays and Fridays 10 – 12 at LCS Ticket Booth). Oct. 13 L’Elisir d’Amor (Donizetti) Oct. 27 Otello (Verdi) Nov. 10 The Tempest (Thomas Ades) Dec. 1 La Clenenza de Tito (Mozart) Dec. 8 Un Ballo en Maschera (Verdi) Dec. 15 Aida (Verdi) Anton Belov, baritone, will sing a program of operatic arias by Mozart and Russian composers, the beautiful Liederkreis sing cycle by Schumann and I Canti de la sera by Francesco Santoliquido. The concert will be held October 11 at 7 p.m. at the St. Andrew’s Anglican Church in Riberas del Pilar. Tickets are $200 pesos for members and $300 pesos for nonmembers, available at LCS, Diane Pearl Colecciones, and at the door. Belov is a native of Moscow, but he studied music at the New England Conservatory and the Juilliard School of Music. He has sung operatic roles with many North American companies, including the Boston Lyric Opera, Chamber Opera Chicago, the Connecticut Grand Opera and the Washington National Opera, to name a few. Nov. 15 Puss in Boots, the operetta, will be performed at the Auditorio as an early Christmas show and so it is a child friendly event. The singers and ballet dancers are all first class. Anton Belov If you would like more information about Viva or would like to be added to the mailing list or to reserve tickets, call Rosemary Keeling at 766 – 1801.

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AJIJICÊS A JIJICÊS S STREET TREET M MERCHANTS ERCHANTS By Antonio Ramblés AKA Tony Passarello www.antoniorambles.com anthony.passarello@yahoo.com


t’s nearly a century since pushcarts plied the streets of most American neighborhoods; sidewalk vendors of nearly every stripe went out of style when the nation traded Main Streets for malls.

Baskets & brooms on the Carretera

the Carretera rarely lack for either. The variety of merchandise and services offered by these “no-store stores” often surprises.

Fresh watermelons on the Carretera

In Mexico street merchants are alive and well. It seems as if wherever in Mexico three or more people are gathered a fourth will show up with something to sell them. Retail here is up close and personal and the store often comes to you. Ajijic’s street merchants are not the annoying chachki vendors of the coastal resort beaches, but a retail subculture that’s baked into Ajijic’s endearing DNA.

Freshly-squeezed juices on the Plaza

Food vendors sell everything from frozen treats and freshly-squeezed beverages to prepared foods (taco stands warrant a blog post all their own!), home goods, and flowers. Street merchants will also duplicate

Ice cream vendor stocks up

More people gathered attracts more sellers, and in Ajijic the Plaza and


El Ojo del Lago / October 2012

Basket vendor on the Plaza

Street vendor walking on Colon

your keys, shine your shoes, sharpen your knives and wash your car in less time than it takes to find a parking spot at your average Stateside Safeway. Walkabout vendors are the salt of the street merchants. They carry their entire inventory on their backs, often walking miles every day. Some merchandise, though, begs to be wheeled through the crowd, and the conveyances are nothing if not inventive. Other merchandise better lends itself to hanging from trees and fences each day to be carted off at day’s end and re-hung each morning. A very few even sell from roadside kiosks not much larger than a phone booth.

CD & DVD bike cart on the Plaza

Most of the street merchants not walking or wheeling about are parked so routinely in the same spots at their self-appointed times that people sometimes use them as directional landmarks. Among them will appear for a day or a week spontaneous street capitalists who vanish as suddenly as they appeared. Many of these sidewalk merchants start each day very early by walking, bicycling, or riding the bus to Ajijic from homes in nearby villages. Others stock push carts or buy fresh products at a wholesale market before the selling day begins.

Coffee vendor/grinder on the Carretera

There are no bar codes or credit cards here. There are no frequent shopper programs, blue light specials, or rebates. There’s just cash and carry from a

On the Plaza curb in front of BBVA

sole proprietor who does one thing only and strives to do it better than anyone else. There are also plenty of merchants who are as well known to their customers as the customers are to them, and there’s no small amount of loyalty between many buyers and sellers. It’s a relationship long gone in America’s retail landscape, but for those who can take it in stride it can be a richly rewarding trade-off for America’s impersonal, one-stop, “big box” shopping experience. See my related post “American Values“ Browse my book Laguna Tales, for free here on Amazon

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here were six Boy Scouts in the tent: Dan, Gerald, Ralph, Jim Tipton, the future poet and “Man Who Fell in Love with Everything,” and myself. Later in the week, another boy named Jim arrived, an irascible character that always seemed to get into fights wherever he went. We were twelve years old, and we were at Camp Avery Hand in the rolling hills of Ohio for one week. In many ways, it was a great week, a great adventure. There was a pet fox squirrel that lived in a tree at the bottom of the hill where our tent was pitched, who would visit us every day expecting handouts. There was the time ants got into the delicious cake my mother had brought us on parents’ night. We gobbled down the cake anyway, ants and all. One dark night, the tail end of a hurricane that had come rampaging up the Atlantic coast struck our region with such a maelstrom of wind, rain, thunder and lightening that we expected our tent to collapse at any moment. For most of us, growing up in our tiny Midwestern town where everyone looked, acted and thought alike, it was our first opportunity to get to know a black man. His name was Willie, and he was a soldier in the army reserves, as well as the scoutmaster of a troop in nearby Mansfield, Ohio. We were at first intrigued by Willie. In a short time, we came to admire him. He was a great teacher and scout leader. We learned many wilderness and survival techniques that week, many of them from Willie, things like orienteering, which wild plants were edible and which poisonous, how to build a fire from wet wood with a single blueheaded “farmer’s match”, basic first-aid.


El Ojo del Lago / October 2012

TToward d the h end, d we were shown h h how to make ground beds from pine boughs, a simple enough chore. Large limbs cut from dead trees were used for the frame, which was then filled with pine boughs. Shallow depressions were dug into the ground to correspond to the sleeper’s hip and shoulder, should he decide to sleep on his side. Jim and I were quite proud of our ground beds and resolved to sleep out under the stars that night. I was to go on a family vacation to Lake Erie the following week. I was assured by the rest of our peers that sleeping outside in the night air would cause the two of us to get sick, that I would ruin my vacation. I remember one boy looking at me with deep concern and telling me that I was being a fool. I was astonished then, as I am today, with the number of people who have never heard of the germ theory of disease, that in the 1600’s the father of microscopy Anton van Leeuwenhoek, peering through his primitive lens, observed creatures he called “little beasties” swarming about in a drop of water, that Robert Koch and Louis Pasteur learned some of the little beasties can make people sick, that the use of antiseptics, immunization and pasteurization will render them harmless. Recalcitrant to the end, we spent the night beneath the canopy of stars that dotted the vastness of the crystalline heavens. I remember that I slept well. The Big Dipper and Little Dipper wheeled overhead, as Cassiopeia gazed vainly into her mirror and sex-crazed Orion pursued the hapless Pleiedes across the spangled void. I did not get sick. On the final night of camp--a dark rainy night—all of us were led out into the woods, where a series of ten campfires had been kindled. Each of us was instructed to gather ten small stones.

We were told to be completely honest with ourselves, to walk alone through the blackened woods, past each campfire, which stood for the ten points of the Boy Scout Law. If we felt in our heart of hearts that we had lived up to a given point of the Law, we were to cast one of our stones into the fire. We were to be completely alone, with our consciences and with our Creator. At the end, we were all told to stand in a long line with our backs to the towering hardwoods behind us and cast all of our leftover stones off into the treetops. There was quite a clatter of stones hitting the treetops. I no longer remem-

ber what offenses against God or the Scout Law I believed myself to have been guilty of at the time, but I do know that I tossed a fistful of stones off into the darkness. What I remember most about that week at Boy Scout camp was the first night in my young life when I had nothing but the starstudded heavens for my roof and the earth itself for my bed. There have been many times since. Lorin Swinehart

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IN MEMORIAM KENNETH JOHN CLARKE —1938-2012— Ken Clarke was born in 1938 in the town of Aldershot, in Hampshire England on July 4, Independence Day in the United States. When he was 3, his family moved to Bodmin in Cornwall. He felt a lifelong attachment to Cornwall, about whose history he wrote many times. Ken attended the School of Navigation in Plymouth. At the age of 17, he graduated as an apprentice officer and spent seven years in the Merchant Navy. His book, Seven Years a Mariner, is a testament to his many adventures on land as well as at sea. In 1962, he married Lise Godbout. After moving to Montreal, Canada, he started a business buying and leasing shipping containers world-wide. Influenced by the writings of Rudyard Kipling, he was a voracious reader and researcher of history, which led him to write books on such varied topics as the Holy Grail and the British Invasion of Afghanistan, which he made factually accurate by basing it on personal diaries. He moved to Ajijic in 1999, where he joined other writers.


El Ojo del Lago / October 2012

On June 20, 2012, Ken and Lise celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. He suffered a fatal heart attack in Ajijic and passed away on the morning of September 16, Independence Day in Mexico. He is survived by his wife, Lise, their son Steven, and a brother, David. Two daughters, Linda and Diana, tragically preceded him in death. His booming voice, his many talents, and his poignant wit will be sorely missed. Submitted by Mel Goldberg (Ed. Note: With Ken’s passing, this magazine has lost one of its finest writers, and I have lost an irreplaceable friend. Bon voyage, Ken.)

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The Poets’ Niche

By Mark Sconce msconce@gmail.com

Robert W. Service (1874-1958)


ertainly not a “serious”poet as defined by the poetry cognoscenti but one of my favorites because my mother introduced him to teenager me. She harbored a fascination for his poems and fell under the spell of the Yukon as depicted by Service during the great Klondike gold rush. She recited many of his poems by heart as readily as her Hail Marys. And so did many others. His first collection of poems was an immediate success and earned him the moniker Bard of the Yukon. It also earned him more money than a battalion of “serious bards” combined. Born and bred in Liverpool and Glasgow respectively, a restless soul, Service sailed to Canada where he worked as a teller until the Canadian Bank of Commerce transferred him to the rip-roaring towns of Whitehorse and Dawson. There he chronicled the waning days of the Gold Rush and its hard-bitten prospectors from around the world enduring the savage conditions of the frozen North all for the yellow stuff. The lonely sunsets flare forlorn/Down valleys dreadly desolate; The lordly mountains soar in scorn/As still as death, as stern as fate. The lonely sunsets flame and die/The giant valleys gulp the night; The monster mountains scrape the sky/Where eager stars are diamond-bright. Let the lone wolf-cry all express/Thy heart’s abysmal loneliness. Two poems especially caught the imagination of readers who loved to memorize and recite them---and still do! The Shooting of Dan McGrew A bunch of the boys were whooping it up in the Malamute saloon; The kid that handles the music-box was hitting a jag-time tune; Back of the bar, in a solo game, sat Dangerous Dan McGrew, And watching his luck was his light-o’-love, the lady that’s known as Lou. *** Then I ducked my head, and the lights went out, and two guns blazed in the dark, And a woman screamed, and the lights went up and two men lay stiff and stark. The Cremation of Sam McGee Now Sam McGee was from Tennessee, where the cotton blooms and blows. Why he left his home in the South to roam ‘round the Pole, God only knows. He was always cold, but the land of gold seemed to hold him like a spell; Though he’d often say in his homely way that he’d “sooner live in Hell. *** And there sat Sam, looking cool and calm, in the heart of the furnace roar; And he wore a smile you could see a mile, and he said, “Please close that door. It’s fine in here, but I greatly fear you’ll let in the cold and storm— Since I left Plumtree, down in Tennessee, it’s the first time I’ve been warm.” Service then travelled -- to Paris, the French Riviera, to Hollywood, and beyond. During World War I, he drove an ambulance and acted as war correspondent for the Canadian government. Later, he returned to writing fiction and more serious poetry. Several of his novels and his poem “McGrew” were adapted to movies. He even made a brief appearance with Marlene Dietrich in the 1942 film The Spoilers where he played The Poet, a fictionalized version of himself. But he kept his perspective: Just think! Some night the stars will gleam upon a cold grey stone, And trace a name with silver beam, and lo! ‘twill be your own. That night is speeding on to greet your epitaphic rhyme. Your life is but a little beat within the heart of Time. A little gain, a little pain, a laugh lest you may moan; A little blame, a little fame, a star gleam on a stone. Mark Sconce


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e hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office. ~Aesop * If we got one-tenth of what was promised to us in these acceptance Speeches, there wouldn’t be any inducement to go to Heaven. ~Will Rogers * Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber. ~Plato * Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build a bridge even where there is no river. ~Nikita Khrushchev * When I was a boy I was told that anybody could become President; I’m beginning to believe it. ~Clarence Darrow * Why pay money to have your family tree traced; go into politics and your opponents will do it for you. ~Author Unknown * If God wanted us to vote, he would have given us candidates.~Jay Leno * Politicians are people who, when they see light at the end of the tunnel, go out and buy some more tunnel. ~

John h Quinton * Politics is the gentle art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich, by promising to protect each from the other. ~ Oscar Ameringer * The Democrats are the party that says government will make you smarter, taller, richer, and remove the crabgrass on your lawn. The Republicans are the party that says government doesn’t work and then they get elected and prove it. ~ P.J. O’Rourke * I offer my opponents a bargain: if they will stop telling lies about us, I will stop telling the truth about them. ~ Adlai Stevenson, campaign speech, 1952



jijic is one of hundreds of cities on five continents who are registered to try to break the world record for simultaneous dancing. Thrill the World is an annual worldwide flashmob, done to Michael Jackson’s “Thriller,” to break the record and to raise money and awareness for charity. Workshops will be held starting September 29 every Saturday at The Ajijic Cultural Center from 12:00 to 2:00, and at The Hole in One restaurant on Wednesdays from 5:00 to 7:00. Everybody is encouraged to join, and instruction will be offered in English and Spanish. We will be dancing


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to raise money for the Cruz Roja. If you’d like to participate, but aren’t quite ready to take your inner Michael Jackson public, find a dancing Zombie to sponsor. Last year, we raised $66,000 pesos! Of course, the audience hooting it up also helps the excitement and the fun. Differences fade away and we all just celebrate the love of music, dance and having fun! The event takes place on Oct 27, 2pm at the Ajijic plaza. For more information, Call Elliott at Absolut Fenix 766 1776 or ask4ellijo@yahoo.com w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / t h r i l l theworldajijic

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Focus on Art By Rob Mohr robmohr@gmail.com Kathy Seaboyer: A Woman’s Art of Self-Realization


athy Seaboyer’s emotional, metaphorical and symbolfilled paintings require that we viewers bring a lot to the table if we hope to unravel the subtle and nuanced meanings hidden within her works. Tolstoy gave us a clue when he wrote, “Art is the transfer of emotions from one person to the other.” Such a transfer best occurs when both artist and the viewer have mastered the language and vocabulary of the visual arts— form, pattern, color, line, space, emotion, spirit, and metaphor --have a well-honed ability to see


beyond the surface of things, and have a desire to work and live at the cutting edge of human understandings. The element most often ignored or forgotten is the viewer’s responsibility to gain both the understanding and education needed to develop their capacity to appraise the artist’s work with sense and sensibility. When naïve and under educated visual artists join forces with unprepared viewers, together they create an art community that feeds on its own weak-

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ness and can have no good impact on the related society. Fortunately, here at Lakeside, artists like Kathy and many local viewers have resisted walking that easy and pointless path. Honesty--- that which this artist perceives as honest--- charged with emotion and veiled in symbols, is the primary approach for Kathy Seaboyer. Her paintings remind me of the works of several excellent women poets working here at Lakeside in their use of symbolism and emotionally-laden, surreal, overlays. Kathy’s painting “There is a Bell that Rings for Sinners and Saints” evokes the emotions imparted in Frida Kahlo’s (1907–1954) painting Two Fridas (1939),where the one Frida is traditional Spanish and the second fully indigenous to Mexico --- both Fridas are deeply disturbed by surrounding reality. Such works remind us that we need to be aware of the ways that gender influences the formation of ideas about art, artists, and aesthetic values. (photo) “When I paint I expose myself— what I feel as a woman, as a mother. You can’t do art yourself if you are trying to push someone else. You need to focus on your own work and what is real in your own life.” Kathy’s words are manifest in several of her works that symbolically address the relationship between a man and woman, where the woman is seen as a dancing bear there to entertain her master, yet at the same time capable of the fierce actions of a wild animal. More nuanced and motherly is her painting of a street child who is contrasted with symbols of a different quality of life lived by children of affluent families. The contrasts are poignant. The boy sleeping on the curb is emotionally convincing and rendered with painterly finesse. (photo) Unlike male artists who work

with symbols and metaphors placed in a surreal environment, women artists like Kathy further feminist interests by creating art that challenges established modes of thought. Kathy’s art, relating to her past experiences, presentday situations, fears, hopes, and desires, furthers the feminine dialogue between the self and the other in ways that are distinct from male artists’ outward projection of their desires. In Kathy’s paintings, the female body becomes a site of psychic power and creative en-

ergy. She further encourages feminist attitudes by creating art that challenges established social institutions and gender boundaries while expressing different facets of her personality and situation with brutal honesty seldom achieved by male artists. (Ed Note: Kathy’s show will run from Oct.19-Nov 7. Reception 5-8pm on 19that Sol Mexicano, Galeria del Arte. Will be showing with Rob Mohr Brian Pimlott)

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was taken from my owner’s home and placed in the animal shelter. I do not know why I am here. I had a nice home and a loving owner. I am very scared. Inside the cattery, I scurried to the top ledge, found a basket, and curled up in it. I was afraid to venture too far from my basket, but the human volunteers brought me food and spoke to me. They were very kind. I have been at the shelter for a long time. My owner never came to take me home. I am sad. I watch as many kittens are adopted and taken away, but I remain. I am no longer a kitten, but I am a good cat. A female human visits me on a regular basis. She brings me food and talks quietly to me. She brought a red cat-carrier and the volunteers gently lifted me into it. No! I did not want to go! I was afraid and I howled and cried as I was placed inside. Everyone was saying good-bye to me. After a brief journey (I was still howling and crying), I arrived at a large home, where I was released from the carrier. Run, run…must run! I charged down a hallway, and through a bedroom door, I scurried under the bed and hunkered down in the corner. No one will find me here. I will stay hidden where I am safe. I curled up in a ball and lowered my head. Where is my owner? I was a good cat. Why was I abandoned? I closed my eyes and entered the world of cat dreams. Perhaps when I awake, I will be home with my owner. I was awakened by a soft voice calling me “Hobbes.” The voice wants me to come out from under the bed and says, “Come on Hobbes, let’s get some food.” I see small sandals walking away. Mustering up all of my courage, I follow the female human to a bright kitchen where food awaits me. As I wandered away from the empty food bowl, the female human allowed me to explore my new surroundings. She opened the door to the backyard that had a high wall surrounding it. I


El Ojo del Lago / October 2012

stepped out onto the soft grass. It reminded me of my former home. The female human watched me carefully, and I glanced cautiously at her. I hoped she would not abandon me. The female human continued to allow me to explore my new environment. I encountered many strange noises, which precipitated my customary fur-in-the-air routine and the need to flee. After I became accustomed to my new home, I decided I liked this place. There were comfortable chairs to sleep on, and a long hallway where I could run and stretch. Initially, and because of my abandonment fears, I was concerned when I was left alone in the house, but the female human always returned and called for me as soon as she opened the door. Gradually, my fears of being abandoned began to disappear. I now have complete run of the house and yard. When I beg for food, it is forthcoming. I am occasionally referred to as a “piggy,” because my new owner thinks I have gained a few pounds and placed me on a diet. I am definitely going to like living here. I can wander around the yard and sleep any place I want—I gave up the under the bed routine—and I love the way my new owner scratches my ears! What more could I ask for…well, more food would be nice. I am now the designated house cat. My new owner is very kind to me. She lets me sleep on the bed, and she always scratches my ears and speaks tenderly to me. When I found the courage to jump in her lap, she called me a good boy. She scratched my ears and spoke softly to me. I closed my eyes and purred. I am home! ____________ Hobbes is a gray tabby, approximately two-years old, that was delivered to the animal shelter after his owner passed away. He remained at the shelter for almost three months before he was adopted. He now lives comfortably with his new owner.

Saw you in the Ojo 51

Jaltepec Graduates Eighteen Students By Mike and Sally Myers


eptember 16, 2012, was not only a special day acknowledging Mexican Independence, but also a day of joy, pride, and celebration at Jaltepec, the Technicial University of Hotel and Hospitality Management for young women. Promptly at 1pm, the 42nd graduation ceremony began. Eighteen young women, wearing traditional caps and gowns, were awarded their Degree En Hoteleria, and are now prepared to enter the “real world” of the hospitality industry. The names of this year’s distinguished graduates are: Monica Elizabeth Becerra Cynthia Yadira Navarro Ana Flor Bravo Sonia Lizette Nunez Mariela Chavez Marisol Paniagua Karla Patricia Gonzalez Sandra Perez Leslie Judith Higuera Fatima Rameno Yesenia Carolina Hipolito Maria del Carmen Rameno Graciela Merced Luna Marleny Rodriguez Magdalena Munoz Bertha Alicia Rodriguez Alicia Nataly Navarro Nayeli Rodriguez In order to earn their degrees, the young women had to complete 1750 hours of practical work time. Many local hotels and restaurants help support this program by providing actual work opportunities for the students. They also were required to write a thesis and submit it to the Secretariat of Public Education for approval. The purpose of this thesis is to make the students aware of future potential business opportunities, especially in the areas that they plan to be working. During the two years the new graduates spent at Jaltepec, their classes included cooking, cleaning, laundering, hotel management, administrative skills, computer and word processing, accounting, English


El Ojo del Lago / October 2012

language, grammar, and social interaction. Now, before entering the work force, each student must do 450 hours of Social Service, a requirement for all university graduates in Mexico. The majority of the graduates are from low to middle income families and have been graciously assisted by the community with scholarships. Eight of this year’s eighteen graduates were on scholarships, and many of their sponsors sat proudly and teary eyed to watch “their girls” successfully complete this challenging curriculum. After the ceremony, held in the new multi-purpose room, refreshments were prepared and served by the younger students, professionally dressed in white chef jackets and black pants. The botanas were all Mexican, in honor of Independence Day. There were lots of picture taking and hugs by the proud families. These young women will forever alter their living standard and that of their families in the years to come. Two students are already working as partners in Yahualica, Jalisco. They prepare fried potato chips in addition to catering. They have already successfully catered five parties. Another graduate will open her Birreria business in Sayula, and one student has already started, with the help of her family, a pizza business in Tlaquepaque. Each student seems to have a bright future ahead, and, without Jaltepec, they probably would never have had a chance to further their education. Most are the only children in their families to receive higher education, and many of them want to use the money they will now be able to make to help their siblings. All graduations are moving and happy occasions, but the ones at Jaltepec are really dreams come true for the students and their families. For those who might be interested in finding out more about Jaltepec, what goes on there, and possibly joining the “Jaltepec family”, please contact Linda Buckthorp, at buckthorplm@gmail.com.

Saw you in the Ojo 53

The Ojo Crossword

ACROSS 1 Cliff dwelling bird 6 Negative (prefix) 10 German composer 14 Small bunch of flowers 15 Tilt 16 Eye 17 Softness 18 What dogs sit on 19 Realm 20 Title 21 Abates (2 wds) 23 Serving of corn 24 Billions of years 26 Caption 28 Warning bells 31 Pass Over 32 Lake 33 Sport match 36 Eden dweller 40 Hint 42 Pod vegetable 43 Rant 44 Sledge 45 Herb 48 Pluto 49 Smirk 51 Middle East capital 53 Large fig tree 56 Dunking cookies 57 The other half of Jima 58 Skirt folds 61 Taboo 65 Zip


El Ojo del Lago / October 2012

67 Bridge support 68 Author Poe 69 High School senior 70 Before ten 71 Bring food 72 Snaky fish 73 Elk´s cousin 74 Shade providers DOWN 1 Sport channel 2 Capital of Western Samoa 3 Metric weight unit 4 Long 5 Freudian term 6 Ethan that led the Green Mountain Boys 7 Shipshape 8 Knocks (2wds.) 9 Diabetes medicine 10 Snake 11 Concur 12 Remove dirt 13 Judged 21 Disadvantage 22 Spiritedness 25 Flightless bird 27 Camping equipment 28 What children learn 29 Lounge 30 Accent mark 31 Deprive 34 Begin 35 Pencil´s pal 37 Pater 38 Eager 39 Net 41 Fidgety 45 Country NE Baltic sea 46 Goofs 47 Tell a tall tale 50 Type of music 52 Over there 53 Gorge 54 Hip 55 Knobby 56 The one left 59 Canal 60 Teen disease 62 Giant 63 Church part 64 Mined metals 66 Advertisements 68 Eastern Time



e (call him Monty) woke one morning feeling very ill, but he didn’t know why. Unfortunately, he waited until the next day to go to the doctor. An exam and electrocardiogram was followed by an emergency trip to a hospital in Guadalajara. This article isn’t about signs of a heart attack. What it is about is what happened next. Monty’s heart attack had caused catastrophic damage. He was put into a chemically induced coma and the diagnosis was grim; in fact, during the first day in the hospital he went into heart and kidney failure. During these stress- filled hours, Monty’s significant other (call her

Sue) had to deal with this tragedy by herself. First, how to pay for his medical care. He didn’t have any insurance, and had no assets. Although he was a veteran, he couldn’t be moved back to the States. Sue had to give the hospital her personal credit card before they would admit him. Somehow Monty survived that first night, and the next, and the next. The doctors told her there was little hope he would come out of the coma, but Sue wasn’t legally able to take him off life support even though she knew he wouldn’t want to be a burden on her. Daily charges were mounting and she didn’t know what to do.

After getting over her initial shock, Sue put her grief on hold and contacted the U.S. Consulate and then a Spanish-speaking attorney to help her deal with the hospital issues. Next she contacted the American Legion in Chapala, a great source of information and strength for her. A week later, the hospital agreed it was time to take Monty off life support. One little hitch: authorization from a family member was necessary. Sue finally located Monty’s only remaining family member. Life support was removed. She went in to say good-by, thinking this would be the last time she would see him. But he was awake and even though he wasn’t able to talk, he was able to communicate that he would like to go home to die. Now what? She couldn’t take care of him herself, didn’t know the first thing about caring for an invalid. Enter a knight on a white horse. A hospital bed was rented, supplies were delivered and Monty was brought home by ambulance. The doctor made a house call to review everything with the nurse and Sue got her first good night’s sleep. Monty passed away the next morning, with his partner in life, Sue, by his side. She had found a way to

give him what he wanted most as her parting gift to him. The moral? Get your stuff in order, now. Below is a short list to get you started. There are many wonderful people in the area to give us a helping hand when we need it, but it is our responsibility to do what needs to be done so we won’t be a burden to anyone: • Submit the appropriate post-life forms to LCS or The American Legion • Talk to an attorney about a will • Prepare a file containing all pertinent information listing next of kin and how to contact them, monthly income and expenses and, health and life insurance information. • Names and phone numbers of friends, doctors, hospitals, and hospice personnel that you can contact for assistance in case of an emergency • Know your spouse/friend/partner’s rights and your financial obligations when checking into a hospital • Know what is required to take someone off life support You owe it to yourself, and others, to know what you would do if a medical situation occurs.

Saw you in the Ojo 55

26-14 and 3 By Michael McLaughlin


ou usually saw him wandering the pubs on Clancey Street, Dublin. He was a big man with a square jaw and for the price of a beer he would chinwag all his professional fights. If the bartender saw him coming he’d ring a small bell and all the regulars would roar and the big guy would bob and weave, a big grin on his marked face, all the time people cheering as he shadow boxed down the length of the bar. No one knew his name, most called him 26-14 and 3 for his record as a professional fighter. Some nights he fought every named heavyweight of the Twentieth Century, including Mohammed Ali, Joe Louis, Jack Dempsey and even Rocky Balboa.


But his fight stories were always exciting and entertaining. The ending to the fight might change, but that was the lure of a 26-14 and 3 story. Then, if on cue, a regular bought him a beer and he’d begin another tale of the sweet science. “Yea, me most poetic fight was against an American black man named Tugboat Willie. He was a muscle guy who worked on the docks in Jersey and when God was handing out bodies, Tugboat was first in line. He had stomach muscles so ribbed you could do your wash on them and arm muscles that looked like loaves of bread… So, after the third round my manager said Tugboat was too strong for me. So I said

El Ojo del Lago / October 2012

to my manager, Jerry, what am I gunna do to win the fight? “My manager says he’d watch Tugboat and get back to me by round 5. I said, don’t make it too long before you get back to me or I might lose the fight. I ask Jerry at the end of the fifth round what the plan is to outsmart him and he said he’s still working on it. We’re only going to 10! I shouted back. So Jerry said I should start talking to him in the clinches. What do you want from me, poetry? That doesn’t seem like a good plan. Do you have plan B? He said if I didn’t like his suggestions go back to plan A. I said what’s plan A and he doesn’t answer because the bell rings and I’m back out there trying to stay away from a bone crusher right.” 26-14 and 3 paused to take another drink of beer and all the regulars crowded in. “So, I got to thinking, maybe I should start talking to him, recite some poetry. So the next time we get in a clinch I start with ‘Twinkle, twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are?’ The next clinch I say, ‘Georgy porgy, pudding and pie, kissed all the girls and made them cry.’ End of round six I staggered back to my corner, ready to give up the ghost, and Jerry didn’t say a word. I guess he didn’t hear my poetry. For the seventh round, the first time we get in a clinch,

Tugboat starts reciting poetry back at me. It sounded Oriental. He whispered in my ear, ‘And how clear in the water, the nearness of the moon. I leave my message with the moon. And turn to my bed, hoping for dreams.’ “The tenth round starts and we are clinching and Tugboat is reciting more poetry. So we’re banging away and this time I fake like I want to clinch. He leans forward to embrace me and starts in with, ‘Why should I frighten sea-gulls when whispers of night clouds float on my…’ That’s when I tag him with a good left uppercut. He staggers back and I hit him again and drive him into the corner. I’m pounding away and to my surprise the referee jumps in and stops the fight. Jerry and my corner men rush in and grab me and Jerry says how did I do it and I said from somewhere, ‘The poems of greater fighters are my bones.’ That’s when he looks at me all queer like and I said, maybe I should be a fight manager.” When 26-14 and 3’s story was over the regulars all cheered and someone mentioned that the last time he told that fight story it ended in the 8th round and the fighter was Mexican and quoting Cervantes. 26-14 and 3 just shook off the comment, saying he might be wrong sometimes; fighting does that to a man.




October 2012

LCS HEALTH DAY II Wednesday, October 10 10 AM - Noon Shots *$: 10-Noon Neill James Patio Pneumonia $350 (note: pneumonia shots 2011 and after, are effective for life. Before 2011, shots are effective for 5 years) Hepatitis A/B Combo - Series of three. $700 each shot, total $2100 pesos. Please note: it is very important to complete the entire series of three shots: first shot, followed by a second shot within one month, followed by a booster in six months later. Flu shots - 300 pesos.* Skin Cancer Screening: 10-Noon Clinic & Insurance Rooms Blood Sugar Screening: 10-Noon Neill James Patio (note: eat a high carbohydrate meal two hours before the test: pancakes, oatmeal, granola, yoghurt, fruit, fruit juice) Blood Pressure: 10-Noon Talking Books Room * Sign up required in LCS office. $ Pay the day shot is administered at the nurse’s station. The International Friendship Globo - Launched during the September 16 Independence Day celebration.

SEPTEMBER 16 WAS A REAL BLAST! If you came to our Independence Day festival you already know that it was an incredible day. Tacos, pozole, sopes and more, to your hearts content. The entertainment was warm and fun, and the children’s games were a real hoot. Musical chairs, three-legged races, and a greased pole lead to hilarious fun. Our thanks to Hector and Oscar España for their hard work and organization to make the event successful for the second year in a row! Mary Ann Waite was a cowinner of the Women’s musical chairs competition, although her techniques were questionable.

One of the ladies in the desfile de rebozos.

Saw you in the Ojo 57

INTRODUCTION TO SPANISH CLASSES Have you been promising yourself that you’d learn Spanish? Here is an excellent opportunity. This casual class offers the beginner the Spanish alphabet, simple vocabulary and phrases to use about town for shopping, and other useful information about this area and the Mexican culture. Classes are held each month starting the first Tuesday of the month and going for four weeks and are held at the LCS campus from noon until 1:30 PM. Learning materials are provided and tuition is $150 pesos. Sign up at the LCS office from 10 AM to 2 PM Monday through Saturday. Office: (376) 766-1140. More info on the website.

NEW! CONVERSACIONES EN ESPAÑOL Presentaciones multimedia en español ante todo sobre la geografía, historia, y cultura de México: arte, música, literatura, películas, costumbres y noticias actuales. NOTE: This is not a class. Participants must be able to read, understand and speak Spanish. LCS membership is required, and active participation is expected. No fee. Mondays: 10:00 – 11:50 AM at the LCS La Sala. Moderator: Karl Homann. Contact 766.3766; khh.dm209742@hotmail.ca

SHARE YOUR EXPERTISE--PLEASE The LCS “Blood Pressure Group” is looking for volunteers with medical/nursing training and experience to take blood pressures twice a week at LCS. If you have had training and practice taking blood pressure, consider joining us and sharing your expertise. Our schedule is flexible – you can sign up on a regular basis or just once a month, whatever suits your schedule. Where: Lake Chapala Society When: currently Fridays, (will add Mondays, if there are enough volunteers) Time: 10 AM – 12 noon Contact: Lindy White - lindywhite246@hotmail.com or 766-3053 OR Mary Anne Molinari - mycasa17@gmail.com

BILINGUAL SPEAKERS WANTED If you have fluency in both English and Spanish and would be willing to be a part of a cadre of interpreters for bilingual events at LCS, please contact Terry Vidal, Executive Director, to provide information concerning your willingness to interpret.

INTRO TO WORD Need to learn more about the most common word processor used. A one hour class will begin Tuesday, November 6 and run every Tuesday through November 27, 3-4 PM. $450 pesos, must be an LCS member, sign up in the LCS services office.


El Ojo del Lago / October 2012

CASI NUEVO THRIFT/CONSIGNMENT STORE UPDATE For those of you who have been on vacation this summer we welcome you back and have good news. Our decision to accept consignment items has been a huge success! As a result of our prompt, efficient and friendly service, our consignment sales have been doubling every month. Our stock includes sofas, love seats, tables, a queen size mattress, headboards, lamps and candle holders, a refrigerator, desk, daybed, TV, knickknacks, etc. We would like you to be one of our happy customers, so, please, let us consign your unneeded items. Our split is 70% to you and 30% to our charities. All you have to do is contact Jacqueline at smithjacqueline55@gmail.com or call 766-1303, and if your piece doesn't fit in your car, our delivery man, Aurelio, will be happy to pick it up. Aurelio can also be hired to deliver to your house from our store. Small items may be deposited in the drop box outside the LCS library. Store hours are from 10:00 AM until 3:00PM Monday through Saturday. Casi Nuevo is the corner store with the red door across from the 7-Eleven on the Carretera in Riberas del Pilar. We are looking for more friendly faces to help us. No experience is necessary. We will train you, and working hours are flexible. Our well-deserved charities are the School for the Deaf and Children with Special Needs, Have Hammers...Will Travel, and the LCS Community Education Program.

STORYTELLERS TAKES A BREAK After a full year of entertainment, Storytellers is taking a hiatus, it was announced at its September show. Storytellers gained an appreciative audience for its presentation of readings of original fiction by Lakeside writers. The very talented readers brought a special dimension to the mix of funny, romantic, moving and occasionally outrageous themes. The events were free, but the hat was passed for donations. All proceeds went to the Jim Collums Education Fund. The money is earmarked for local Mexican children to help cover school expenses. LCS distributes the funds. Larry Reeves got well-deserved credit for producing the shows and he in turn thanked his “helpers”: Thetis Reeves, publicity, Nancy Martinez at the bar, Susan Q. Miller, drink tickets, Jim Spivey perfected the sound system, and Arden Murphy, the very lively m.c. All were friends of Jim Collums. Storytellers is appreciated for two things: It showcased the works of local writers and it raised thousands of pesos to help keep Mexican kids in school. A worthy combination, we’d say. LCS looks forward to the return of Storytellers. Larry Reeves says, “Look for us in November.”

OCTOBER ACTIVITIES *OPEN TO PUBLIC ** US CITIZENS TICKET SALES M-F 10-12 * CRUZ ROJA * Cruz Roja Sales Table 10-12 Cruz Roja Monthly Meeting 1st W 1:30-4 HEALTH INSURANCE * IMSS M+T 10-1 NYLife/Seguros Monterrey Insurance T+TH 11-2 Health Benefits San Javier TH 10-12 TioCorp M 10:30-1 HEALTH & LEGAL SERVICES * Becerra Immigration F 10-12 Blood Pressure F 10-12 Blood Sugar Screenings 2nd+3rd F 10-12 End of Life Documents F 10-12 Free Skin Cancer Screening 2nd+4th W 10-12 Sign-up Hearing Services M & 2nd+ 4th SAT 11-3 Sign-up Information Desk M-SAT 10-2 Loridans Legal T 10-12 Optometrist TH 9-4 Sign-up US Consulate 1st W 10:30-12:30 Sign up 10AM ** LESSONS Children’s Art SAT 10-12 * Country Line Dancing T+TH 10-11:15 Exercise M+W+F 9-10 Have Hammers T 10-12+ TH 3-5 * Intermediate Hatha Yoga T+TH+SAT 2- 3:45 Conversaciones en Espanol M 10-12 Grammar Required LIBRARIES Audio TH 10-12 Book & Video M-SAT 10-2 Talking Books US Library of Congress TH 10-12 ** SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Beginners Digital Camera W12-1 Beginners iPad W 1-2 Begins 17 October Computer Windows Club F 10:30-11:45 Digital Camera Club W 10:30-11:50 Discussion Group W12-1: 30 Everyday Mindfulness M 10:30-12 Film Aficianados 1st & 3rd TH 12-2, Begins 16 Aug. Film Aficianados 2nd+4th +Last TH 2-4, Genealogy Last M 2-4 iPad/iPod/iPhone F 9:30-10:30 Mac OS 1st M 12-1:30 Mac User 3rd W 3-4:30 Mah-Jonng F 10-2 Needle Pushers T 10-11:45 Pathways to Inner Peace SAT 2-3 * Scrabble M+F 12-2 Story Tellers 2nd T 3-6 * Tournament Scrabble T 12-2 SERVICE & SUPPORT GROUPS * AA Lakeside M+TH 4:30-6 Al-Anon/Al-aTeen M 4:00-5:30 Gamblers Anonymous W 11-1 Green Group 1st T 3-4:30 MS Support Group 3rd W 3-4:30 Niños de Chapala & Ajijic F 10-1 Open Circle SUN 10-12:15 SMART Recovery W 3-4

VIDEO LIBRARY NEWS NEW ADDITIONS FOR OCTOBER If you have VHS tapes gathering dust and taking up room and would like to have them transferred to long lasting, space saving DVDs, we can do that. Cheap too, only – 50 pesos per tape. THE ARTIST Ref# 5920 Enthusiastic fan Peppy Miller literally bumps into the hero of silent film, George Valentin. The star reacts graciously and Peppy plants a kiss on his cheek as they are surrounded by photographers. The headlines demand: “Who’s That Girl?” and Peppy is inspired to audition. As Peppy slowly rises through the industry, the introduction of talking-pictures turns Valentin’s world upside-down. Five Oscars 8.2 on scale of 10 SALMON FISHING IN THE YEMEN Ref# 5910 A fisheries expert is approached by a consultant to help realize a sheik’s vision of bringing the sport of fly-fishing to the desert and embarks on an upstream journey of faith and fish to prove the impossible possible. EMILY BLUNT EWAN McGREGOR GANDHI Ref# 5916 Biography of Mohandas K. Gandhi, the lawyer who became the famed leader of the Indian revolts against British rule through his philosophy of non-violent protest. 8 Oscars including Best Actor/Best Picture . BEN KINGSLEY 8.1 on scale of 10 HAROLD AND MAUDE Ref# 5917 A Classic!!! Young, rich, and obsessed with death, Harold finds himself changed forever when he meets lively septuagenarian Maude at a funeral. One of the quirkiest comedies ever made, heartwarming, hilarious and romantic. Just recently, it made the AFI’s Top 100 Funniest Movies of All Time (#45) 8.0 on scale of 10 RUTH GORDON BUD CORT MRS. DALLOWAY Ref# 5923 In 1923 London, socialite Clarissa Dalloway’s well-planned party is overshadowed by the return of an old suitor she had known 33 years earlier. VANESSA REDGRAVE MICHAEL KITCHEN THE WINSLOW BOY Ref#5909 Early 20th century England: while toasting his daughter Catherine’s engagement, Arthur Winslow learns the royal naval academy has expelled his 14-year-old son, Ronnie, for stealing five shillings. The lad denies it, and to pursue justice, Arthur risks fortune, health, domestic peace, and Catherine’s matrimonial prospects . REBECCA PIDGEON JEREMY NORTHAM NIGEL HAWTHORNE BOARDWALK EMPIRE – Second year


Saw you in the Ojo 59


Film Aficionados Thursdays in October Members only - No Dogs 4 October - 12:00 NOON THE CLOCKMAKER OF ST PAUL - (France, 1974) This was the great director Bertrand Tavernier's first film. The story of a murder, based on a novel by Georges Simenon. Stars the inimitable Philippe Noiret. 11 October- 2:00 PM THE PRINCESS OF MONTPESIER - (France, 2011) This is Bertrand Tavernier's latest film, an intelligent and moving evocation of the terrible conflict between duty and passion in Europe several centuries ago. 18 October- 12:00 NOON WELCOME TO THE STICKS - (France- 2006) A French comedy that was the most popular movie ever released in France. 25 October- 2:00 PM LORNA'S SILENCE - (Belgium, 2008) Another film from the Dardenne brothers of Belgium. This gripping film is a realistic thriller with a strong ethical component. PLEASE BE ON TIME...

Have you recently received an iPad? If so, this may be the class for you: four weekly one-hour sessions, beginning Wednesday, October 17 at 1 PM in La Sala. Keith Martin will be leading the class. LCS members only. Starting with the basics including connecting to the internet, sending and receiving e-mail, connecting to the Apple store and downloading apps, we will cover downloading and reading ebooks, music and other media, taking and e-mailing photos; other topics will include setting up folders, basic word processing functions, and travelling with your iPad. Participants may also suggest other topics they would like to have covered. This is a beginner’s class, so if you have more iPad experience, consider attending the iStuff group that meets between 9:30 and 10:30 every Friday in La Sala. Please e-mail lcsipadclasses@gmail.com. Ask the office service desk to give you the password for the LCS WiFi connection needed for the classes. (If you arrive at the class without doing this, you will have to go to the office to get the password.) And of course, bring your iPad to the class. These classes are helpful if you have an iPod Touch or iPhone, We may have to restrict the number of students, depending on the level of interest. However, we are planning to repeat the classes several times during the fall and winter season, so if you cannot be in the first session, the next one will start on November 14.


ON OUR OWN TERMS Bill Moyers hosts four thought-provoking documentaries on death and dying in the LCS Sala at 2:30PM. Entrance fee is 50 pesos Friday, October 5th “Living with Dying” Friday, October 12th “A Different Kind of Care” Friday, October 19th “A Death of One’s Own” Friday, October 26th “A Time to Change” Presented by the Lake Chapala Hospice, Reservations are advised and can be made by sending an e-mail to info@lakechapalahospice.com; indicate the dates of the programs you would like to attend and the number of people attending. For detailed information www.lakechapala.com.

Voter registration assistance is available Fridays in October from 10-12 at the Blue Umbrella Patio.

Oktoberfest sells out for second year in a row! - Thank You! Please note: The Personal Security / Situational Awareness lecture has been cancelled.

THE LAKE CHAPALA SOCIETY, A.C. 16 de Septiembre #16-A, Ajijic, Jalisco LCS Main Office: (376) 766-1140 Office, information and other services open Monday – Saturday, 10 AM to 2 PM. Grounds are open until 5 PM LCS BOARD OF DIRECTORS President - Howard Feldstein (2014); Vice-President - Fred Harland (2013) Treasurer - Paula Haarvei (2013); Secretary - John Rider (2014) Director - Karen Blue (2014); Director - Lois Cugini (2013); Director - Aurora Michel Galindo (2013); Director - Cate Howell (2013); Director - Ann D. Houck (2014); Director - Wallace Mills (2013); Director - Erik Slebos (2014); Director - Ben White (2013); Executive Director - Terry Vidal ◊ THE LCS NEWSLETTER IS PUBLISHED MONTHLY. ◊ Deadline for submissions is the 17th of the month preceding publication. ◊ News items can be e-mailed to Reba Mayo rebaelizabethhill@yahoo.com; cc to Terry Vidal tqv56431@yahoo.com ◊ Note: The editorial staff reserves the right to edit all submissions. ◊ Articles and/or calendar of events will be included according to time, space availability and editorial decision.


El Ojo del Lago / October 2012

Saw you in the Ojo 61








- BETO’S WINE & LIQUOR Cell (045) 333-507-3024 - LICORES PAZ Tel: 766-0292 - MODELORAMA Tel: 766-2678, 765-2055

Pag: 07 Pag: 18 Pag: 61

Pag: 48


* ART GALLERIES/HANDCRAFTS - ART HOUSE Tel: 765-5097 - DIANE PEARL COLECCIONES Tel: 766-5683 - EL PALOMAR Tel: 01 (33) 3635-5247 - FERIA MAESTROS DEL ARTE Tel: 765-7485 - LOLITA’S INN GALLERY Tel: 766-1857 - SOL MEXICANO Tel: 766-0734 - ZARAGOZA Tel: 766-0573, 766-7049

Pag: 55 Pag: 19 Pag: 42 Pag: 14 Pag: 60 Pag: 30

- SANDI Tel: 01 (33) 3121-0863

Pag: 42

- ARATI Tel: 766-0130 - CUGINIS OPUS BOUTIQUE Tel/Fax: 766-1790 - FIAGA BOUTIQUE Tel: 766-1816 - LA BELLA VIDA Tel: 766-5131 - MI MEXICO Tel: 766-0133 - ROSIE’S Cell: (045) 33-1242-1304

- CUSTOM MADE HOME ELEVATORS Tel: 333-559-0444 Pag: 47 Pag: 03

Pag: 49 Pag: 53

* CASINO Pag: 66

- DR. VICTOR J. YOUCHA Tel: 766-1973

Pag: 37

- ORIENTAL RUGS CLEANING Tel: 3625 8456 Pag: 42 - PROFESSIONAL WINDOW WASHING Tel: 765-4507 Pag: 54

Pag: 29


Pag: 05

* BEAUTY - BLUE MOON Tel: 766-0937 - GLORIOSA Tel: 766-3372 - JAMES DON SALON Tel: 766-4073 - NEW LOOK STUDIO Tel: 766-6000 - SAVIA Tel: 766-0087

- MAILBOXES, ETC. Tel: 766-0647, Fax: 766-0775 761-0363, Fax: 761-0364 Pag: 22

Pag: 15 Pag: 40

* BED & BREAKFAST - CASA DE LAS FLORES Tel: 766-5493 - CASA DEL SOL Tel: 766-0050 - CASA TRES LEONES Cell: (045) 331-350-6764

Pag: 57 Pag: 16 Pag: 18 Pag: 14 Pag: 12

Pag: 45

* FURNITURE - TEMPUR, MATTRESS AND PILLOWS Tel: (52) 333-629-5919, (52) 33 3611-3049 Pag: 51


- L & R WATER GARDENS Tel: 766-4386 - STIHL Tel: 3619-2447 Cell: 33-3100-1860

Pag: 09 Pag: 41

Pag: 15

Pag: 44 Pag: 47 Pag: 27 Pag: 03 Pag: 20 Pag: 22 Pag: 58

- EDGAR CEDEÑO - MEXICO PROTECT Cell: (045) 33-3106-6982 - LAKECHAPALAINSURANCE.COM Tel: 01-800-467-4639 - PARKER INSURANCE SERVICES Cell: (33) 3809-7116 - PROTEXPLAN U.S. Toll Free 1-800-608-5743 Mexico Toll Free 01-800-681-6730 - RACHEL’S INSURANCE Tel/Fax: 765-4316 - TIOCORP Tel: 766-3978

Pag: 12 Pag: 31 Pag: 45

Pag: 42 Pag: 59 Pag: 19


Pag: 27


Pag: 33

Pag: 17


- CABO DO MUNDO- INTERIOR DESIGN Tel: 766-0026 Pag: 09 - WARWICK CONSTRUCTION Tel: 765-2224 Cell. (045) 331-135-0763 Pag: 28 - ZARAGOZA SERVICE-Plumbing & Electricity Tel: 766-1480 Pag: 26

El Ojo del Lago / October 2012

Pag: 21

* GAS - MAGO’S OFFICE Tel: 765-3640 - LAW OFFICE RINCON SALAS & CO Tel: 766-4714, 766-4813

Pag: 08 Pag: 57


- FERRETERIA Y TLAPALERIA GALVEZ Tel: 766-0880, Fax: 766-2440 Pag: 66

* HEALTH - NATURAL SOLUTIONS Tel: 765-5666 - SAVIA Tel: 766-0087

Pag: 45 Pag: 40

Pag: 13

- LAKESIDE HEARING SERVICES Cell. (045) 33-1511-4088

Pag: 59

Pag: 38

* MALL / PLAZA - CENTRO LAGUNA Tel: (376) 766-5514


- ADOBE WALLS INN Tel: 766-1296 - DOLPHIN COVE INN Tel: 01-800-713-3250 - ESTRELLITA’S INN Tel: 766-0917 - HOTEL PERICO Cell: 333-142-0012 - LA NUEVA POSADA Tel: 766-1444, Fax: 766-2049 - LOLITA’S INN GALLERY Tel: 766-1857 - QUINTA DON JOSE Tel: 01-800-700-2223 - VILLAS DEL SOL Tel: 766-1152

Pag: 13



Pag: 58

Pag: 53

- NAPOLEON Tel: 766-6153

* DENTISTS Pag: 26

- ELECTROVENTA Tel: 765-2222


- FUMIGA Tel: 766-6057


Pag: 16 Pag: 20




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766-1760 765-4444 766-5555

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Pag: 19

066 765-2308, 765-2553 766-3615

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- BANCO MONEX Tel: 765-8100 01 800 0036 663 - INTERCAM Tel: 766-5978 - MULTIVA Tel: 766-2499

Pag: 37



Pag: 15





Pag: 09


Pag: 57

* AUTOMOTIVE - LINEA PROFESIONAL Tel. 766-2555, Fax. 766-0066

- HUNTER DOUGLAS Tel: 766-0026

Tel: 765-3502, 765-5444 - DENTAL EXPRESS Cell: (045) 331-121-6518 - DENTAL HEALTH ONE Tel: 1060-826 - DR. ALBERTO DON OLIVERA Tels: 765-4838, 765-4805 - DR. CARLOS CERDA VALDÉZ Tel: 766-0336 - DR. FRANCISCO CONTRERAS Tel: 765-5757 - DRS. MEDELES & BODART Tel: 766 5050 - HÉCTOR HARO DDS Tel: 765-3193 - INTEGRITY Tel: 766-4435


Pag: 02

* MEAT/POULTRY/CHEESE - AJIJIC MEAT CENTER Tel: 766-45-54 - TONY’S Tel: 766-1614, 766-4069



Pag: 41 Pag: 22

Tel: (33) 3100-3317 Pag: 49 - COSMETIC SURGEON-Sergio Aguila Bimbela M.D. Tel: 766-2500 Pag: 53 - DERMATOLOGIST Tel: 766-1198, 765-2400 Pag: 44 - DERMIKA-Dermatologic Center Tel: 766-2500 Pag: 26 - DRA. MARTHA R. BALLESTEROS FRANCO Cell: (045) 333-408-0951 Pag: 17 - HOSPITAL ANGELES DEL CARMEN Tel: (01) 3813-0042 Pag: 08 - INTEGRITY Tel: 766-4435 Pag: 12 - INTERNAL MEDICINE SPECIALIST & GERIATRICS Dr. J. Manuel Cordova Tel: 766-2777 Pag: 60 - ISILAB Tel: 766-1164 Pag: 25 - ORTHOPEDIC SURGEON Tel: 33-3640-0686 Pag: 40 - PLASTIC SURGERY-Dr. Benjamin Villaran Tel: 766-5513 Pag: 43 - PLAZA MONTAÑA HEALTH & BEAUTY CENTER Tel: 766-5513 Pag: 43 - PODIATRIST-DOCTOR GEORGE Tel: 766-4435 Pag: 39 - RECONSTRUCTIVE & PLASTIC SURGERY - Dr. Manuel Jiménez del Toro Tel: 766-5513 Pag: 43

* MOVERS - BALDERAS Tel: 01 (33) 3810-4859 - LAKE CHAPALA MOVING Tel: 766-5008 - STROM-WHITE MOVERS Tel: 766-4049

Pag: 06 Pag: 10 Pag: 17

* MUSIC/THEATRE - PARTY TIME MUSIC Tel: 766-4880 Pag: 53 - TEATRO DIANA-Temporada De Opera 2012-2013 Tel: 3614-7012 Pag: 67 - THE NAKED STAGE READER’S THEATRE Tel: 766-5986 Pag: 24


Pag: 21 Pag: 49

- JUSTUS HAUSER Tel: 763-5333, Fax: 763-5335 Emergencies: 01 (33) 3441-8223 Pag: 19 - NEWCOMERS ILSE HOFFMANN Cell: 33-3157-2541, Ilse40@megared.net.mx www.mexicoadventure.com/chapala/guadalajara.htm Tel: 01 (33) 3647-3912

* PHARMACIES Pag: 58 Pag: 28 Pag: 57 Pag: 60


* REAL ESTATE - AJIJIC HOME INSPECTIONS Tel: 766-2836 - AJIJIC REAL ESTATE Tel: 766-2077 - ALL IN ONE REAL ESTATE SERVICE Tel: 766-1161 - ALMA NIEMBRO Cell: 331 212 9553 - BEV. & JEAN COFELL Home 766-5332,Office 765-3676 - CHAVEZ REALTY & SERVICES Tel: 766-5481 - CHULA VISTA NORTE Tel: 766-2177 Cell: (045) 33-3841-8867

* RENTALS/PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - COLDWELLBANKER CHAPALA REALTY Tel: 766-1152, movile: (045) 33-1175-9632 Pag: 50 - FOR RENT Cell: 331-402-4223 Pag: 63 - HACIENDA PMR Tel: 766-3320 Pag: 39 - JORGE TORRES Tel: 766-3737 Pag: 15 - MANZANILLO VACATION RENTALS Tel: (314) 100-6773 or (314) 125-2817 Pag: 46 - RENTAL LOCATERS Tel: 766-5202 Pag: 16 - ROMA Pag: 47 Tel: 766-3163 - SANTANA RENTALS Cell: 315-104-3283, Pag: 54 - VILLAS DEL SOL Tel: 766-1152 Pag: 58

Pag: 22 Pag: 21 Pag: 19 Pag: 21 Pag: 44 Pag: 25

Pag: 17

Tel: 766-5213 - TOMAS Tel: 765-3897 - TONY’S Tel: 766-1614, 766-4069 - YVES Tel: 766-3565

Pag: 40 Pag: 41

* SOLAR ENERGY - ESUN Tel: 766-2319

Pag: 23

Pag: 22

* SPA / MASSAGE Pag: 42

* RETIREMENT/REST/NURSING HOMES - LA CASA NOSTRA Tel: 765-3824 - LA VALENTINA Tel: 766-5179 - SHANGRI-LA Tel: 766-1359 - THE BLUE HOUSE Tel: 766-3558

Pag: 06 Pag: 19 Pag: 47 Pag: 23

- LA BELLA VIDA Tel: 766-5131 - MASSAGE BY MARTHA Tel: 765-6425 - RESPIRO SPA Tel: (045) 33-3157-7790 - TERMAL COSALA Tel: 01 (387) 7610-494/ 7611-100 - TOTAL BODY CARE Tel: 766-3379

Pag: 19 Pag: 53 Pag: 30 Pag: 51 Pag: 21


* SATELLITES/ T.V. - AJIJIC ELECTRONICS S.A. DE C.V. Tel/Fax: 766-1117, 766-3371 Pag: 18 - SATELLITE SERVICE Cell: 331-100-2800 Pag: 46 - SERVICIO BELTRÁN Tel: 765-3949, 766-4586 Pag: 57 - SHAW SATELLITE SERVICES AT LAKESIDE Tel: 331-402-4223 Pag: 46

- AIMAR Tel: 766-0801

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Pag: 17



- CHARTER CLUB TOURS Tel: 766-1777 Pag: 31 Pag: 12


Pag: 60


Pag: 09



Pag: 60

- SELF STORAGE-BODEGAS CHAPALA Tel: 766-0661, Tel/Fax: 766-1045 Pag: 28

* REPAIRS * SOCIAL ORGANIZATIONS - TV REPAIR SERVICIO BELTRÁN Tel: 765-3949 - WATCH & CLOCKS Tel: 765 5190, Cell: (045) 33-1331-9226

Pag: 57

Pag: 60



- FARMACIA CRISTINA Tel: 766-1501 - FARMACIA EXPRESS II Tel: 766-0656 - FARMACIA MASKARAS Tel/Fax: 765-5827 - FARMACIA MORELOS Tel: 765-4002

- COLDWELL BANKER CHAPALA REALTY Tel: 766-1152, 766-3369 Fax: 766-2124, Tels: 765-2877 Fax: 765-3528 Pag: 68 - COLLINS REAL ESTATE Tel: 766-4197 Pag: 27 - DEREK TREVETHAN Cell: 333 100 2660 Pag: 21 - FOR SALE BY OWNER Cell: 33-3815-7573 Pag: 59 - FOR SALE BY OWNER Tel: 766-5355 Pag: 49 - GEORGETTE RICHMOND Tel: 766-2077 Pag: 11 - MYRON’S MEXICO Cell: 331-364-6524 Pag: 26 - PABLO CABRAL Tel: 766-2612 Pag: 23 - PETER ST. JOHN Tel: 765-3676 Pag: 38 - PRIMAVERA DEL MAR Tel: (33) 3642-4370 Pag: 33 - RAUL GONZALEZ Cell: 33-1437-0925 Pag: 03

- AJIJIC TANGO Tel: 766-2458 - ARMANDO’S HIDEAWAY Tel: 766-2229 - CASA DEL WAFFLE Tel: 766-1946 - EL JARDIN DE NINETTE Tel. 766-4905 - GO LE CLUB Cell: (045) 33-3502-6555 - LA BODEGA DE AJIJIC Tel. 766-1002 - LA NUEVA POSADA Tel: 766-1444, 766-2049 - “ LA TAVERNA”DEI QUATTRO MORI Tel: 766-2848 - LA UNA Tel: 766-2072 - LE CAFE PARISIANNE - LOS TELARES Tel: 766-0428 - LOS NOPALITOS Cell: 333-186-7691 - MANIX Tel: 766-0061 - MEL’S BAR + DINER Tel: 766-4253 - MOM´S DELI & RESTAURANT Tel: 765-5719 - NUMBER FOUR Tel: 766-1360 - PIZZERIA TOSCANA Tel: 765-6996 - RESTAURANT FOR SALE Cell: (045) 333-156-9382 - RUSTICA-Bakery & Cafe - TABARKA Tel: 766-1588 - THE GRILL - THE SCORE SPORTS BAR Cell: 331-789-5937 - THE SECRET GARDEN

Pag: 48

- LAKE CHAPALA SOCIETY Tel: 766-1140 Pag: 57-60 - LAKESIDE SPAY & NEUTER CENTER, A.C. Tel: 766-3813 - LOS NIÑOS DE CHAPALA Y AJIJIC Tel: 765-7032 Pag: 65

Saw you in the Ojo

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The Ojo Crossword

Pag: 13 Pag: 03 Pag: 10 Pag: 37 Pag: 51 Pag: 15 Pag: 53 Pag: 38 Pag: 24 Pag: 11 Pag: 21 Pag: 20 Pag: 65 Pag: 41 Pag: 31 Pag: 42 Pag: 25

Saw you in the Ojo 63

CARS FOR SALE: 97 Nissan Max. 4 dr., 6 cyl., leather seats, Mexican plates. Price $1,800.00 USD. Call Violet at (376) 7652407. FOR SALE: Practical Small Sedan Nissan, Fully equipped, 4 Cylinder. Price: $5,400.00 USD. Call: 331-269-2696. FOR SALE: Excellent Shape Honda CVR. Year 2006, Original Paint, Very Low Mileage, Original Title, 3 Keys, Owner Manuals, Price: $11,700.00 USD, Call: 331-2692696. FOR SALE: Honda Accord, Year 1994, 4cyl, everything works, new paint and tires, California plates, Price: $2,500.00 USD. WANTED: Cargo Van or P/U Need HD tow vehicle and trailer, US plated for return trip to USA. Need ASAP. FOR SALE: Nissan X-Trail 2010, Excellent condition, loaded. Location Garaged in Fracc Mirasol Lirios #14. 38,000km = 23,600 Miles, Jalisco plates, Price: $270,000 pesos. Call: 333-156-7768 FOR SALE: Pristine Honda Accord, Kelly blue book price is $7000.USD one owner, never in accident, SD plates, but applying for Jalisco plates. Price: 6,500 USD. FOR SALE: Terrific Small Station Wagon. Year 1992, New Tires, Battery, Front shocks, A/C reworked, New Radiator, Tune up & Oil change 139,000 Miles, Grey Cloth & Leather Interior, California plates -legal in Mexico, Price: $ 35,000.00 pesos. FOR SALE: Pontiac Sunbird, Year 1996, Canadian Plates, standard shift, 180,000 miles, Price: $1800 USD or $24,000.00 pesos. Call:. 763-5126, email: pking1931@ gmail.com. FOR SALE: VW Beetle, Year 1993, new re-built motor, new brakes, new paint job, Jalisco plates. Price: $24,000 00 Pesos, Call: (387) 763-2962. FOR SALE: 2005 Ford Taurus. US plated. Price: $ 43,000. Price reduced to $39,000 pesos, for quick sale. Call: (376) 765-2726. FOR SALE: Dodge van. Year 1997. Texas title and plated. Price: $30,000 pesos. Call: (376) 766- 5130. FOR SALE: VW Trike, built in 2011, rebuilt engine & transaxle, new tires, rims, carb, Mexican plates. Price: $2200 USD or peso equivalent. Call: 333-496-5883

COMPUTERS FOR SALE: H.P. 61 Black cartridges (2),These are from the U.S. and will only work with a printer sold/purchased in the U.S. These are original H.P. OEM. Price: $200 for both. FOR SALE: Loudspeaker docking station for IPod, Never been used. Price: $2,500 pesos, FOR SALE: Sony Vaio Netbook, Intel Atom N470 Processor 1.83GHz,1GB RAM, Excellent Condition, Price: $3,800 pesos. Call: 765-4521, Cell: 331-330 1050. FOR SALE: PC Notebook Computers, New only used twice, 1 GB, Price: $3,500 pesos,

PETS & SUPPLIES POSITION DESIRED: Looking for a loving lair for kittens, with sweet huggable genes and socially, mellow attitudes. A gentle lovable mom, hopped our wall and made herself at home followed by - you guessed it. Vaccinated and dewormed. 2 males and 3 females. A set of twin females, white with blue eyes and abso-


lutely adorable, Call: (376) 766-3327. FOR SALE: Good riding horse, 15,5H, Sound gelding, good trail horse, reins, stop and goes, etc. He knows a lot, including some dancing. Experienced rider. Selling cheap to make room for new horse. Price: $11,500 pesos. Call: 333-445-8085. FOR SALE: 3 month old full blood female German Sheppard, This puppy was vaccinated on 25 July and is available immediately. Price: $2,500 pesos, Contact Perry King (376) 763-5126 or email pking1931@ gmail.com. FOR SALE: Aquarium, 300-litre aquarium and stand; all supplies included (Resun air pump AC9362; DC battery air pump SA1500; Aqua Clear power filter-Model 110; test kits for ammonia, nitrite and pH; T5-11 high-performance 28watt light; BioPro H100 300 watt heater; auto feeder when absent). Dimensions of tank are 45cm deep, 80 cm high and 103 cm wide. Price: $9,000.00 pesos. Call: (045) 331-382-4771. WANTED: Cat Carrier, hard non-crushable kind. Call: (376) 766-2839 FOR SALE: African Grey Parrot, excellent domestic pet is considered the most intelligent parrots, Spanish spoken only. Price: $25.000.00 pesos.

GENERAL MERCHANDISE WANTED: looking for 2 tennis rackets email: debmzz@yahoo.ca. FOR SALE: Sony Wega TV 32”, great picture, works well, Remote, Manual, 600 Ps..- Love seat, green cloth, exc. condition, 600 Ps.- Garden tools, some tools, oil can, axes, some art work, Deutsche Gramophone, all Beethoven records in cassettes, all for 300 Ps. Call: (376) 766-2839 FOR SALE: Table and Chairs, Small black table with metal legs, with two matching chairs. Perfect for a small space. Table top measures 31” (79cm) x 23” (60cm). Price: $300 pesos. Call: (376)-766-6026 FOR SALE: Side table. Mahogany finish with brass fittings. Measures 45” x 16” x 26” (w x d x ht.) Measures 115cm x 40cm x 66cm (w x d x ht.). price: $275 pesos. Call: (376) 766-6026 FOR SALE: Six drawer dresser. Brown/ Wine color. Measures 53” x 17” x 31” (w x d x ht) Measures 136cm x 43cm x 79cm (w x d x ht). Price: $450 pesos. Call: (376) 766-6026 FOR SALE: Queen bed and Box Spring, Purchased new for $7000 pesos, and only used for 15 months. Price includes a mattress cover valued at $800 pesos. Half priced at $3,500 pesos. Call: (376) 766-6026. FOR SALE: Samsung Refrigerator, used 15 months. Purchased new (April 23, 2011) for $4,795 pesos and for sale for $3,600 pesos (Cash),OBO. Call after: 7:00pm (376)766-6026. FOR SALE: Office Supply: Hanging Folders, letter size, some legal, $3.US for 12. Slash folders $ 2 Ps. ea. new and used. Hard clear plastic stand-up files for lose papers or folders, 2 for $ 50 Ps. Call: (376) 766-2839. FOR SALE: Great running 4 cycle Yamaha outboard motor 8 hp, Call Roman: 333-159-4300. WANTED: Remote for shaw receiver #603. FOR SALE: Free Kombucha Scoby. Call Jeannie: (376) 766-5431. WANTED: looking to purchase a LNB for a 75E dish for Shaw Direct dish, FOR SALE: Key board/organ, Technics PCM Sound EX10L Organ w/bench, dual keyboards, synthesizer (many different in-

El Ojo del Lago / October 2012

struments), backup rhythms, recorder. Price: $250 USD. FOR SALE: Kawaii Digital Upright Piano, Great upright electrical piano with grand piano sound. Price includes bench. Price: $750 USD or peso equivalent. FOR SALE: Chicago Brand 16” metal chop saw, 120V, cuts heavy steel. Price: 50 USD, Call: 333-496-5883. FOR SALE: Microwave Cooking Library books. Price: $10 each , sell $5 each or $45 for set of 18 books. Call: 333-496-5883. FOR SALE: Bistro style table 39” across & 42” tall pedestal, includes 3 dark oak swivel chairs with brass foot rails. Price: $125 USD or peso equivalent, Call: 333-496-5883. FOR SALE: Pair of very unique table lamps, base made from polished heavy grape stock- Price: $75USD or peso equivalent pair. FOR SALE: Tables/night stands. Dark wood top w/drawer. Top is 12” X 27” and 24 1/2” tall. Plexiglas sides and back w/glass shelf on bottom. Price: $75USD or peso equivalent pair. FOR SALE: Chair-glider. Beige fabric with light colored wood frame. Price: $50USD or peso equivalent. Call: 333-4965883. FOR SALE: Electric treadmill Lifestyler 4000, programmable incline, time and distance. Price: $ 150 USD. Call:333-496-5883. FOR SALE: Large round Marble top dining table with 6 upholstered chairs, matching china Cabinet with hutch. Price: $6,000 pesos. FOR SALE: Whirlpool dishwasher. It includes insulated cover and noise reducer. Price: $1,450 pesos. FOR SALE: Red four wheeler. Runs great. Presently needs new battery and spark plug. 250 cc motor. Price: $13,000 pesos. Call: (376) 765-3427. FOR SALE: solid wood dresser, with 12 drawers. Includes a matching mirror. Dark cherry color. Price: $6,000 pesos. Call: (376) 765-3427. FOR SALE: Solid Wood cutting block. Great to place in the middle of your kitchen, for easy access. Price: $2,500 pesos. Call: (376) 765-3427. FOR SALE: Authentic marble table. On iron pedestal. Price: $2,500 pesos. Call: (376) 765-3427. FOR SALE: We have a Semi new basketball hoop. In great condition. Has a handle to adjust the height. Includes rebounder attachment. Price: $$2,500 pesos, Call: (376) 765-3427. FOR SALE: Antique bedroom set. Great condition, and very nice. Made from solid wood. Includes king size head board, 2 dressers and a night stand. Price: $10,000 pesos, Call: (376) 765-3427. FOR SALE: Great heater, works really well. In great condition except one of the wheels is broken, so it is a little harder to get around. Price: $900 pesos. Call: (376) 7653427. FOR SALE: Exercise bike. In good condition except one of the pedals is a little chewed. Price: 700 pesos, Call: (376) 7653427. FOR SALE: A very nice and somewhat fancy Gas pl heater. Simulates a real fire. Price: $4,000 pesos, Call: (376) 765-3427. FOR SALE: 40 Inch Samsung flat screen tv, awesome quality. Great condition. Price: $6,500 pesos. Call: Call: (376) 765-3427. FOR SALE: Fender squire classic vibe

strat. & fender g-deg junior amp. Gig bag, very good quality guitar stand & music stand. Tuner, 4 complete sets of new strings. Price: $6,300 pesos. Or best offer. Call: (376) 7661942. FOR SALE: Pre-moving sale, loads of good quality household items, home improvement, pet supplies, Mex. arts, kitchen wares, patio furniture, BBQ, books, etc. Priced to sell! 50% of proceeds to Anita’s Animals to feed the hungry! Sunday:11-6 Monday: 11-6 Wednesday: 11-3 closet tuesday Price: $0-1,000 pesos. Call: (387) 761-0177. WANTED: Looking for a projector that I can hook my laptop into. Call: 766-3025 WANTED: Patio furniture, rattan or rattan-like. Table, 6 chairs, loveseat, 2 chairs. FOR SALE: Office Desk. Barely used all wood desk L-55”x W-30”x H-32”. 2 drawers plus storage cubbies. Price: $1,300 pesos. Call Zane: (376) 765-3538 or email: zanymar@yahoo.com. WANTED: I need either a chest of drawers and/or a dresser for bedroom. At least 5 or 6 drawers. Call: 331-245-8651. FOR SALE: 8 White plastic lawn chairs For Sale, excellent condition. Price: $100 pesos each. FOR SALE: This is like an electric blanket but it fits over a twin mattress. Clean condition and washable too. Price: $220 pesos, Call: (376) 766-6036. FOR SALE: Brand New Astro 320 GPS Dog Tracking with 2 DC40 collar come with 1 year warranty. FOR SALE: Brand New Apple Iphone 4s 32GB Unlocked come with 1 year warranty and 90 days return policy, the Iphone comes with complete box. FOR SALE: New beautiful sideboard or cabinet in rosa morado wood. It can be sale alone or with a table set with 6 chairs. Price: $ $7,000 pesos. FOR SALE: Dinning set beautiful marmol base, glass cover 6 chairs in rosa morado wood. Price: $15,800 pesos. FOR SALE: Car Roof Top Cargo Carrier, Thule/Excursion locking carrier. Can be used with standard racks. No missing parts, good condition, Their discounted price is $368US. For sale for $250US, or OBO. Contact: jaliscosusan@gmail.com. FOR SALE: Shaw Satellite Receivers for Sale and Programming. Call: 331-402-4223. FOR SALE: We have 2 double hammocks that are unused. Made in Santa Ana, Isla de Margarita, of fine materials. Call: (376) 766-4266. FOR SALE: Cartop carrier for canoe or kayak, includes 4 closed cell foam blocks, gutter clips & rope W/instructions, NEW IN PACKAGE. Price: $250 pesos. Call: (387) 761-0177. WANTED: A remote control recliner. Call Stella: (376) 766-6036. FOR SALE: Pair of 3 ft tall speakers with awesome loud sound. Don’t know all the woofer & tweeter specs, Price: $700 pesos for the pair. Call: (387) 761-0177. FOR SALE: YAMAHA stereo system with 5 disc CD changer, Double cassette deck, AM/FM receiver. Excellent sound quality!. Price: $3,300 pesos. Pair large speakers sold separatel $700 pesos pair. Call: (387) 761-0177. FOR SALE: Moving, must sell: 32” Sony TV 500 Ps., Cloth love seat, green, Price: $600 Ps., Tools, Artwork, Much more. Call: (376) 766-2839, come and look. FOR SALE: Power Drive Supreme

Self propelled 22.2 per amp uses only 7.38 amps. 3 extra bags, all attachments included has hose. Price:$1,800 pesos. Call: (376) 765-5221. FOR SALE: Patio Set, Black wrought iron 5 piece patio set. Made in Tonala. One bench, 3 chairs and table. Eclipse pattern on backs of chairs and bench and around table edge. Vanilla color vinyl upholstered. Price: 8,000.00 pesos. FOR SALE: Living Room, Large 3 piece living room set. Terra cotta color fabric. Sofa, loveseat and chair. Price: $10,000.00 pesos. Call: (376) 766-1710. FOR SALE: Cameras: Olympus Infinity DX with flash, Lens Zuiko 35mm 1:2,8, use 35mm film, $80.00Pesos.- Zeiss Ikon Voigtlander, Model Vitoret DR, exposure meter, in leather carrying case, takes 35mm film, Price: $80 - $150.00 pesos. Call: (376) 7662839 FOR SALE: Portable air conditioner 12000 BTU, covers 400 sq. ft. Make/model “New Aire 12000E”. Like new, floor model with wheels, original box. Uses “Nano Max” technology which requires no water drain or tank, compact-ergonomic-quiet, 2 speeds, thermostat, timer, remote control, external exhaust hose. Dimensions 12”W x 15”D x 30”H, weighs 50 lbs. Price: $350.00 USD, Call: (376) 766-1312 WANTED: Birkenstock Sandals, Woman’s size 10. Good condition, good price. Call: (376) 766-4106. FOR SALE: Solid Wood 50 + Years GR8 Cond, Genuine Caoba wood construction bedroom set, 2 night tables with 2 drawers each, king size headboard, 6 drawer 2 door centre shelving dresser, 3 section mirror. Walnut type finish with Brass handles. Price: $6,500.00 pesos. FOR SALE: Rival electric fondue pot with forks, Price: $120.00 pesos. Call: (387) 761-0259. FOR SALE: Space Heater portable, Price: $300.00 pesos, Call: (376) 766-2839. WANTED: Fresh water fishing Gear, Need used rods, reels, tackle. E-mail: alanhenn@aol.com FOR SALE: Ladies Bicycle, Extreme Turbo7. Color blue. 14 gears. Price: $1,000.00 pesos, FOR SALE: Capris size 16, $50.00 pesos, some long pants $60.00 pesos. Call: (376) 765-4590 WANTED: Rain Barrels. Can be new or used, Want 3 or 4 50-gallon plastic barrels. Lids not necessary. Also want a used Tinaco type of container – the larger the better, for longer-term water storage. We can pick up at your location. Call: Pedro or Sharon at (376) 763-5187 WANTED: Large Sofa, Preferably leather, and curved, Matching sectional is OK. Call: (376) 766-2542. FOR SALE: Olympia Typewriter in carrying case and manual. Price: $225 pesos. Call: (376) 766-2839 FOR SALE: These are the 401 series of the Canadian Shaw receivers only with remotes. They are all free and clear, ready for hook up. Price: $500.00 pesos. Call: (376) 765-4590 FOR SALE: Two S-curved base sprinklers (large spray area). Call: (376) 766-3580 FOR SALE: Beautiful 29’ Samsonite Expandable Spinner suitcase, black, Price: $199.00 USD. FOR SALE: Unused 61 key rollup silicone electronic keyboard with AC power and percussion. Price: $75.00 USD. FOR SALE: Skilsaw, 7 1/4” hard tooth, electric, safe guard, exc. condition, Operating Manual. Price: $500.00 Pesos. Call: (376) 766-2839 FOR SALE: Bow flex exercise equipment, It can be appropriate for a more progressive exercise program for both men and women. There is also a video as well as manual and fitness guide with 70 exercises. Price: $5,000.00 pesos, Call: (376) 766-1786 FOR SALE: 3 Piece furniture set, sofa 6ft, Synthetic suede, buckskin color, brand

new from cost co. Ask about other items for sale. Price:$12,000.00 pesos, Call: (387) 763-3264 FOR SALE: Non-lethal home protection weapon. For sale 8 adjustable fps (400) paintball guns. I have also solid rubber balls that can render the intruder unconscious. fully rechargeable tanks included. (one tank will shoot a minimum of 200 full speed balls) Call: (045) 333-956-8657 FOR SALE: Games. Scrabble, brand new in case, $100.00 Pesos. - Cribbage board, new, $50.00 Pesos, - Monopoly game, excellent condition, $90.00 Pesos. New Puzzles 500 & 750 pieces, $50 Pesos and $80 Pesos. Call: (376) 766-2839 FOR SALE: “Red Hat Society” book: Fun and Friendship after Fifty, $30.- Pesos. Red Hat $270.- Pesos. Call: (376) 766-2839 FOR SALE: Men’s casual and dress pants, size 34-38, brand names, Price: $100 Pesos each. Leather belts, regular and reversible, size 36-38, Price: $50-70 Pesos. Call: (376) 766-2839 FOR SALE: Satellite receiver, Dish Network. Price: $300.00 Pesos FOR SALE: Olympia Typewriter in carrying case. Price: $225.00 pesos. WANTED: Used computer training book. Call: (376) 765-2726 FOR SALE: Thule 21 cu. ft. cargo box Used for one trip from Arizona to Ajijic, Mexico. In great condition. Attached and detached easily and locked securely. Price: $400 USD. or $5,600 pesos FOR SALE: 300-litre aquarium and stand, all supplies included (air pump AC9362; DC battery air pump SA-1500; Aqua Clear power filter-Model 110; test kits for ammonia, nitrite and pH; T5-11 high-performance 28watt light; Dimensions of tank are 45 cm deep, 80 cm high and 103 cm wide. Price: $9,000 pesos OBO. FOR SALE: “New Air 12000E” portable A/C unit, with wheels, immaculate condition, original box, “Nano Max” technology requires no water drain or tank, long external vent hose fits any window, compact and ergonomic, 2 speeds, thermostat, timer, remote control, 12000 btu covers rooms to 400 sq. ft. Price: $350 USD OBO. Call: (376) 766-1312. FOR SALE: High quality, heavy duty treadmill. Milestone 1200, stability extension system in excellent condition. Price: $550. Call: (387) 761-0827. WANTED: Share our Mail Box at Home services. The annual fee is 3459 pesos so half amounts to $1,729 pesos. Call: (376) 766-5779. FOR SALE: Magnetic Travel Mattress Pad for Single Bed. Price:$500 MXP. Call Pedro or Sharon: (376) 763-5187. FOR SALE: Brand New electric scooter never used. Fire engine red lights and horn comes with hydraulic lift and ramps. Price: $2000 USD. Call: (376) 766-4456, (376) 766-4087 and (376) 766- 2066.

Saw you in the Ojo 65


El Ojo del Lago / October 2012

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