El Ojo del Lago - October 2015

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Saw you in the Ojo



El Ojo del Lago / October 2015

Saw you in the Ojo



Richard Tingen


Alejandro Grattan-DomĂ­nguez Tel: (01376) 765 3676, 765 2877 Fax: (01376) 765 3528 Associate Publisher David Tingen Graphic Design Roberto C. Rojas Sandra Hernandez Special Events Editor Sandy Olson Associate Editor Jim Tipton Contributing Editor Mark Sconce Theater Critic Michael Warren Art Critic Rob Mohr Roving Correspondent Dr. Lorin Swinehart Sales Managers Bruce Fraser 2IÂżFH 6HFUHWDU\ Rocio Madrigal ADVERTISING OFFICE Av. Hidalgo # 223, Chapala Mon. thru Fri. 9am - 5pm Sat. 9am - 1pm Tel. 01 (376) 765 2877, 765 3676 Fax 01 (376) 765 3528 Send all correspondence, subscriptions or advertising to: El Ojo del Lago http://www.chapala.com ojodellago@prodigy.net.mx Ave. Hidalgo 223 (or Apartado 279), 45900 Chapala, Jalisco Tels.: (376) 765 3676, Fax 765 3528 PRINTING: El Debate El Ojo del Lago aparece los primeros cinco dĂ­as de cada mes. (Distributed over WKH ÂżUVW ÂżYH GD\V RI HDFK PRQWK) &HUWLÂżFDGR GH /LFLWXG GH 7tWXOR &HUWLÂżFDGR GH /LFLWXG GH &RQWHQLGR





Mark Sconce weighs in with a compelling story about the discovery of the Aztec Rain God, Tlaloc, which weighs more than 168 tons—and how the gigantic monolith was moved (very slowly) to the National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City.



Karl Homann looks back on a long OLIH ÂżOOHG ZLWK GHYDVWDWLQJ ZDUV PRVW totally unnecessary, and remembers Bertrand Russell’s famous admonition: “War is not about who wins but about who is left.â€?


Antonio Rambles reviews Lakeside resident R.J. McMillen’s Black Tide Rising, DQG ¿QGV LW KXUGOHV WKH EDU VHW so high by her previous mystery novel.


Loretta Miller reminds us of the upcoming world-famous Cervantino Festival of the Arts coming up in November in Guanajuato. Performers will be coming from as far west as Japan, as far south as Argentina. Check your travel agency as the Festival dates in November change from year to year.

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Editor’s Page




Uncommon Sense


Front Row Center


Heart at Work


Profiling Tepehua


Dear Portia


Lakeside Living


Welcome to Mexico


Child of the Month


Anyone Train Dog


LCS Newsletter



Judy Dykstra-Brown’s enchanting poem, told from the point of view of an amoeba, is entitled Once Upon a Lime in Mexico.


The Lake Chapala Society celebrates its 60th year. Long one of our community’s most important resources, its festivities will begin on November 7 on the Society’s beautiful grounds.

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El Ojo del Lago / October 2015


Saw you in the Ojo


Editor’s Page Guest Editorial %\ 'DYLG 7 3LVDUUD (VT Courts Don’t Treat Male Rape Victims Equally– But They Should!


n the United States of America we don’t want to believe that women can be aggressors in rape or in domestic violence cases, but the truth is they are. The belief that women are “not as bad� or “not as harmful� is an insult to their victims, to the respect of the judicial system and to our society which tolerates their abusive behavior by minimizing the damage done, and we cannot tolerate it any longer. We have to recognize that boys are affected when an adult, of either gender, abuses them, and that an abuser should be punished in a gender neutral manner. This past week has been a banner week for the news about pedophiles. Jared Fogle, the former Subway spokesperson, pled guilty to multiple charges of child molesting and production of child pornography. Under Federal mandatory minimums he will be in prison at least 5 years, and faces up to 50 years. Fogle will pay restitution of $100,000 per victim. His crimes involved multiple victims over an extended period of time. Former Baltimore Ravens Cheerleader and socialite Molly Shattuck was sentenced this week for her repeated sexual molesting of a 15 year old boy. She will serve her time, every other weekend, in a work-release detention facility. Her restitution was just over $10,000 to the victim. Her crimes occurred with one victim over a short period of time. Is this disparate treatment? Was she treated less harshly than Fogle because of gender? Did she get a lighter sentence because she only had one victim? Maybe, maybe not. Fogle was charged under


El Ojo del Lago / October 2015

Federal statutes and Shattuck was sentenced under Delaware state guidelines. A more apt comparison is a state to state, male perpetrator to female perpetrator comparison. In California a man who had an ongoing sexual liaison with one minor female, analogous to Molly Shattuck’s criminal behavior, was sent to prison for five years. In Texas a Baylor student was found guilty of raping a fellow student and will serve six months in jail. Does the difference in penalties indicate the court is going easy on the female perpetrator or undervaluing the victim? I argue both. By not holding female perpetrators as responsible as male perpetrators we are sending a message that we tacitly approve of the behavior. That approval, then plays in to the “lucky guy� storyline and the “hot for teacher� mythos that all teenage boys are looking for, and are ready to handle—an older woman. I call it the Mrs. Robinson Myth. But as we all know, boys develop emotionally and mentally at a different rate than girls. A young man (like many a young woman) may be physically ready to perform sexually, but not be capable of handling the emotional complexities that accompany sex. If a female abuser is given a light sentence aren’t we saying that we recognize the harm done to a boy is not as great as the harm done to a girl? These cases are tragedies all around, and they are coming to our collective consciousness with greater regularity, which is why we need to send a message to all abusers, that we will not tolerate their behavior. We also need to send a message to all survivors that

they are valued, that their pain is real, and that we will not ignore it, with lighter sentences that allow a woman to pay her debt to society in a work-detention facility at her convenience, while a man has to do hard time in prison. Same crimes should get the same time. It is how we tell abusers we will not tolerate your behavior, and how we show victims we value them. David T. Pisarra

Saw you in the Ojo




y Spanish teacher, Herlinda Diaz, told me a remarkable story known to most Mexicans but hardly any foreigners. It began when Herlinda was maybe six or seven. One day she and her classmates boarded a school bus for a field trip to Coatlinchán not far outside Mexico City. Near the village, lying in a dry stream bed, the kids saw a huge gray stone with carvings on it and a good deal of graffiti. They climbed up on the stone’s surface and cavorted and laughed and shared some snacks. Years later, an archeologist identified the colossal megalith as a pre-Hispanic statue of Tlaloc, the Aztec god of life-giving rain and, by extension, agricultural fertility. Tlaloc lay sleeping in that ravine for five centuries. Standing 23 feet tall and weighing 168 tons, it is the largest existing monolith in the Americas. About the time it was identified as Tlaloc, the National Museum of Anthropology was under construction in Mexico City. The archaeologists decided that the great rain god Tlaloc, as important as Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered Serpent, should grace the museum grounds at its very entrance. And so they entered into discussions with the village elders (more like orders) and laid out their plan for bringing Tlaloc to the capital for a very public showing. Their first task— the engineering task—was figuratively


El Ojo del Lago / October 2015

Herculean. Lengthy preparations involving hundreds of people ensued. The giant statue was finally raised by sixty steel cables in order to be placed on an especially built trailer transport for its final journey. But during the night local hombres snipped enough cables to sabotage the plan. They insisted that the removal of Tlaloc would cause the rains—and thus life itself—to cease. To avoid further resistance, federal forces were called in, and government negotiators and archeologists sat down with the pueblo fathers to resolve the age-old struggle between tradition and change. Finally, an agreement was reached. The leader of the village addressed his people and assured them that Tlaloc would be pleased with his new home and persuaded them to let him leave on his long journey. On the morning of April 16th, 1964, in the middle of a heat wave, the good folks of Coatlinchán watched the national treasure leave its centuries-old home. The accord they reached with the government included a road, a medical center and of course electricity, all of which have since been received. It was way past midnight when Tlaloc arrived in Mexico City. Yet the Zocalo thronged with at least 25,000 people. The city was lit up as if for a fiesta; traffic came to a halt. Herlinda told me that she witnessed people falling to their knees in supplication, crossing

themselves and even ululating. Ironically or not, the arrival of the rain god was greeted by the heaviest rainfall ever recorded in that ordinarily dry season. The statue now stands guard at the entrance to the National Museum of Anthropology and has become the symbol for this world-class museum. He is solemn, he is imposing and he is majestic. He is the great god Tlaloc. _____________________ Post Script: It’s a good thing Tlaloc was sleeping when Herlinda and her classmates played on his stomach. Had he been upright and sentient, he would have demanded child sacrifices just like he did 500 years ago. A simple trade of blood for rain. Yale Professor of Anthropology, Michael Coe, writes, “One of the more horrifying of Aztec practices was the sacrifice of small children on mountain tops to bring rain at the end of the dry season, in propitiation of Tlaloc. It was said that the more they cried, the more the Rain God was pleased.” Imagine the horror visited on Fray Diego Durán, a Spanish priest, upon learning that children were to be sacrificed, slain by an Aztec priest! Fray Diego writes that “the blood was collected by the high priest who then bathed the face and body of the idol Tlaloc. If there was insufficient blood, another child or two, ages six or seven years, was slain accompanied by the sound of many trumpets, conch shells, and flutes.” This ritual performance each spring took place atop Mount Tlaloc. Meanwhile, in Tenochtitlan (Mexico City today) a little girl “dressed in blue (Tlaloc’s color), representing the great lake and other springs and creeks” waited, terrified in an enclosed litter. Upon hearing the joyful trumpeting from on high, men transported the little girl by canoe to an auspicious spot where they slit her throat, allowed her blood to flow, then cast her into a whirlpool spiral that swallowed her body. Archaelogist Isabel Gutiérrez reflects on the practice: “They were sup-

posed to be killed for the god. At death they became his companions. Some here had a jade bead in their mouth to serve as their heart in the afterworld. It was good if the child cried very much at the sacrifice. Their tears represented rain. The children (sometimes as young as three months), the mothers and fathers—everyone must have cried. We found the skulls and only half of the ribs and an arm and a leg. The bodies were dismembered before they were placed here.” What became of those small remains? We can only imagine… Perhaps an ancient Aztec midwife should have the last word, a word of joyful welcome, then, a word of warning: “O precious necklace, O quetzal feather, O jade, O armlet, O turquoise! You have come into the world, a place of suffering, a place of affliction, a place of searing heat, bitter cold, harsh winds. It is a place of hardship, a place of thirst, a place of hunger. It is a place of cold, a place of tears, Indeed, it is not an agreeable place; it is a place of weeping, a place of sorrow, a place where one suffers affliction. Here your task shall be weeping, tears, sorrow, fatigue…Rest now, repose now on this earth.” Amen! Mark Sconce

Saw you in the Ojo


Sex %\ 7HUL 6D\D


he title to this article has caught your attention, has it? Hugh Hefner, an American erotic magazine publisher, once said, “Sex Sells,” and the Mexicans use it in abundance for advertising here. When walking into a liquor store near the Centro on a weekend, you will see young women dressed in tight uniforms holding a platters with several different samples of tequila, vodka, or rum. The employment ad for this position in the local paper reads, “Help wanted. Must be female, between eighteen and twenty-three years old, thin, and attractive with no children.” You will never see that type of ad in the California papers for fear of legal retribution. These young, pretty women are everywhere; In grocery stores serving little samples of cheeses and meats. In the mall kiosks selling cell phones or hair


curlers. Enticing customers to come in at the entrance to a fine restaurant. Applying makeup on each other while selling cosmetics in a department store. All dressed in tiny outfits and tall heels. They don’t need to know much about whatever they’re selling, they just have to look the part. I noticed that the department stores also hire feminine looking gay men to sell cosmetics and hair products as well…..I wonder how that ad goes. *** I had never been to a sex themed motel before, but I know they exist in the United States. My husband and I accidentally came across one in Mexico on our road trip here.

El Ojo del Lago / October 2015

It was close to dusk and we had been on the road since dawn. We were both very tired, so we turned in at the first hotel we came across. It was nicely landscaped and had beautiful, tall adobe arches at the entrance under which a guardhouse sat. We asked the guard what the price was for one night. He informed us that for twelve hours it would cost $195 pesos, around $15.00 US. I thought it was somewhat strange to rent on a twelve-hour basis, but the price was very reasonable. We had a large load on top of and inside the car, so we were glad to see that included in the price was a lockable garage. We walked up the stairs and into a spacious, clean room. As I looked around, I realized why these rooms rented half-day at a time. It included a king sized bed with a large mirror on the ceiling above it, a sitting/viewing area with two couches, one facing the bed and the other facing the stripper’s pole which stood very prominently on one end of the room next to the wash basin. On the nightstand, in a glued down ashtray, were complimentary mints and condoms. There was a phone and an industrial sized tissue dispenser on the wall next to the bed. Next to the door was a rotating wall butler where refreshments could be served without disturbing the occupants. The little television that sat

on a rack facing the bed, we found out, played nothing but hard-core pornography in HD. We dropped our bags, looked at each other, and began laughing hysterically. If we were not so tired from driving all day, this might have been fun! Hmmm. Although, I was not so sure about that copper stripper’s pole…. it looked pretty dang flimsy. Both of us collapsed into bed, turned off the porn, and watched ourselves fall asleep in the mirror. Teri Saya

Saw you in the Ojo 11


Altared States

In Mexico, altars are not found just in churches. Makeshift and highly original altars appear on highways throughout Mexico as poignant reminders of traffic fatalities, and they’re a signature facet of the Dia de Los Muertos. On each December 12, they honor the Virgin of Guadalupe, Catholic Mexico’s patron. In many towns, several days of public observances lead up to the holiday, but on the afternoon of this December 12 in the village of Ajijic, families are still putting the finished touches on freshly constructed altars. I walk the cobblestones streets capturing their images as I reflect on the tradi-


El Ojo del Lago / October 2015

tion. Catholicism has a long history of incorporating and reshaping local religious deities into its observances to ease the path to conversion, but perhaps nowhere has the practice taken a more remarkable turn than in Mexico. The legend has it that ten years after the Spanish Conquest, a Mexican native named Juan Diego saw a vision of a brownskinned maiden on a hill near Mexico City which had once been the site of a temple to a female Aztec deity. Speaking to him in his native tongue, she asked that a church be built at that site in her honor. He was instructed by the city’s archbishop to return to the hill and ask for a sign to prove the lady’s identity, and then she healed Juan’s sick uncle. She also told him to gather flowers from the normally barren hill, where Spanish Castilian roses now miraculously bloomed. She arranged the flowers in his cloak, and when he opened it before the archbishop on December 12, they fell to the floor to reveal the image of the Virgin on the fabric. To the indigenous peoples, the vision was interpreted as a legitimization of their own Mexican origin. As the common denominator among the varied tribes which make up Mexico, it’s no surprise that the Virgin

is sometimes referred to as “the first mestiza”, or “the first Mexican”. Part of the power of this image for indigenous Mexicans was the preColombian symbolism with which it is imbued. The blue-green color of her mantle was once reserved for the divine couple Ometecuhtli and Omecihuatl. Her belt symbolizes pregnancy, and a cross-shaped image symbolizing the cosmos and called nahui-ollin is inscribed beneath the image’s sash. She was also called “mother of maguey,” the source of the sacred beverage pulque, which was also known as “the milk of the Virgin.” The rays of light surrounding her are interpreted to represent maguey spines. Although the Virgin is the recognized religious symbol of Catholic Mexicans, she is also closely intertwined with the spirit of Mexican nationalism. Mexico’s first president changed his name to Guadalupe Victoria in her honor, and patriot armies carried flags emblazoned with her image during Mexico’s War of Independence and the Mexican Revolution. When the army led by Padre Miguel Hidalgo, the father of Mexican independence, attacked Spanish Royalists, they placed her image on brightly colored reeds and wore the same image on their hats. Hidalgo’s grito, the hallmark cry of the battle for Mexican independence, ends with the words…”long live the Virgin of Guadalupe!” Following Hidalgo’s capture and execution, his successor José Morelos declared that the Virgin was the power behind his victories, and her image was incorporated into the seal of the Congress of Chilpancingo. Her feast day was also written into the constitution. In this century, Mexico’s revolutionary Zapatista National Liberation Army named their “floating capital city” Guadalupe Tepeyac in honor of the Virgin. Latin American liberator Simón Bolívar wrote, “… the veneration for this image in Mexico far exceeds the greatest reverence that the shrewdest prophet might inspire.” Mexican novelist Carlos Fuentes once

said that “you cannot truly be considered a Mexican unless you believe in the Virgin of Guadalupe.” Nobel Literature laureate Octavio Paz wrote that “the Mexican people, after more than two centuries of experiments, have faith only in the Virgin of Guadalupe and the National Lottery”. Antonio Ramblés

Saw you in the Ojo 13



ulie and Mark, who are sister and brother, are traveling together in France. They are both on summer vacation from college. One night they are staying alone in a cabin on the beach. They decide it would be interesting and fun if they tried making love…Julie is already taking birth control pills, but Mark uses a condom too, just to be safe. They both enjoy it but decide not to do it again. They keep that night as a special secret between them… So what do you think about this? Was it wrong for them to have sex?” Johathan Haidt used this scenario in research to determine how people view morality. The research is outlined in his book, The Righteous Mind. Most people, of course, thought this behavior was not a good idea. But when the researchers asked if the behavior was immoral there was a distinct difference of opinion. Those who considered themselves conservative overwhelmingly thought it was immoral. The liberals, on the other hand, thought it was a bad idea, but not necessarily immoral. Why? Haidt suggests there are five areas of morality that people, throughout the world, use to decide if something is morally correct: harm, fairness, loyalty to one’s group, respect for authority, and sanctity. There appears to be no harm in their behavior. It was not unfair, nor did it involve loyalty to a group or respect for authority. But it could be seen as violating the sanctity of the family or of longstanding sexual mores.


El Ojo del Lago / October 2015

%LOO )UD\HU Haidt has suggested that, for liberal thinkers, the two most important values on which morality rests are avoiding harm and promoting fairness. Conservatives, on the other hand, value all five values when making a moral decision. Liberals, although they might not agree with Julie and Mark’s decision, were likely to say it was harmless, therefore not immoral. Conservatives were quick to label it as immoral, a violation of the value of sanctity. If we consider many contemporary questions on which liberals and conservatives disagree, many come down to the values which conservatives value more than liberals: abortion (sanctity), patriotism (loyalty), immigration (loyalty), value of military experience (authority), and homosexuality (sanctity). I am abbreviating these drastically because of my word limit, but if we consider the differences, most liberal positions focus on the harm and fairness values, while the conservative positions have a broader justification which in addition to harm and fairness, also focus on loyalty, authority and sanctity. Haidt makes the point that in most of the rest of the world (exception: Western Europe), moral values strongly use all five of the values, often focusing more strongly on loyalty, authority, and sanctity than on fairness and harm. Is this why we have so much trouble understanding each other? Do we just fail to see how the other side can think about the big issues of the day? Of course Haidt is using a broad brush to draw these distinctions. This runs the risk of oversimplifying, of course. For example, some liberal positions focus, to a degree, on sanctity (opposition to NGO foods, environmental protection). Conservatives are obviously concerned about harm and fairness, just not to the exclusion of other values. I have conservative friends who are good people. When I can’t understand why they believe what they do, I am reminded of a Francis David quote which hangs in our Unitarian-Universalist church: “We do not have to think alike to love alike.”

Saw you in the Ojo 15



n September 25, 2014, I saw in the Stadtmuseum of Salzburg an exhibition of black and white photos, which depicted the effects World War l had had on the birth city of Mozart. Suddenly it dawned on me that 100 years and a couple of months had passed since its beginning in 1914. And I asked myself whether anything had changed. Bertrand Russell said: War is not about who wins, but about who is left. I am one of those “left,” a child of war, left after WW II which followed only 25 years after the first; “left” with bloody feet, at the age of four and at two o’clock in the morn-


ing, after walking barefoot through the sticky blood of my mother, of my one-year-old brother, and of my grandparents who had been shot in front of me. THAT is war! Not the thing we see on TV as if it were a game in a video arcade: the little radar square of the target followed by a large cloud of greyish dust – no ear splitting explosions, no screams, no blood and guts spilled on a cold stone floor. Nice and precise; clean and antiseptic; far away and somewhere else. And so we carry on with “playing at war.” In the seventy years since the end of the Second World War, there has hardly been a year in which there

El Ojo del Lago / October 2015

was not a military conflict somewhere on earth. We all remember the big ones: Korea (1950), Cambodia (1955), Vietnam (1961-1975), Iraq (Desert Storm, 1991), Bosnia (1990s). We invent catchy and dishonest names for them, like “Operation Power Pack” (Dominican Republic, 1965), “Operation Just Cause“ (Panama, 1989), “Restore Hope” (Somalia, 1993) etc. so that our military meddling in the affairs of others in fact sound like games in a video arcade. We conveniently forget smaller events such as “Operation Urgent Fury”. If I stopped here, not many would remember that I am referring to the “glorious” victory over the “mighty” island of Granada (1983) and its 90,000 inhabitants by a bully of 300,000,000. I don’t forget because I vacationed on Grenada a couple of months after the invasion. I saw the T-shirts with Reagan’s mug shot and the cynical inscription, “Thank you Mr. President for liberating us.” And I have read Margaret Thatcher’s message she sent to Ronald Reagan on the very morning of the invasion, Tuesday, October 25, 1983: “This action will be seen as intervention by a Western country in the internal affairs of a small independent nation, however unattractive its regime… I cannot conceal that I am deeply disturbed by your latest communication. You asked for my advice. I have set it out and hope that even at this late stage you will take it into account before events are irrevocable.” When Thatcher telephoned Reagan twenty minutes later, he assured her that an invasion was not contemplated. Reagan later said,”She was very adamant and continued to insist that we cancel our landings on Grenada. I couldn’t tell her that it had already begun. So, Operation Urgent Fury turned into “Operation Urgent Lie.”

And now we are dealing, of course, with the aftermath of Iraq (another “urgent lie”) and Afghanistan. We will continue down this path for as long as we tolerate a death culture that kills unarmed teenagers on our streets and ambushes policemen in their line of duty; for as long as we cheer at the execution of a human being in statesanctioned murders (death penalty); for as long as we believe in such asinine slogans as “guns don’t kill; people do;” for as long as those who invade other countries without cause or with blatant lies are not hauled in front of the International Court of Justice for crimes against humanity because they believe themselves of superior moral standing; for as long as those who clamour for war have not waded barefoot in the blood of their own family, as I have. We are hypocritically disgusted with Putin over his aggression in the Ukraine and Crimea, yet he had some egregious role models to follow. Now we are dealing with Al-Qaeda and the ascendency of ISIL in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Egypt and Libya and are rightfully dismayed by their vicious cruelty. But they are our creations. We are reaping what we sowed. AlQaeda was formed at some point between August 1988 and late 1989, with origins traceable to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Of course, in our willful ignorance, we didn’t learn. And ISIL or ISIS was formed by the merger of different Iraqi insurgency groups in 2006, not as the political narrative of some “news” outlets want us to believe, after Obama withdrew US troops “prematurely” from Iraq. No, it happened at the very height of the Iraqi war. What will we do next? Will we go after ISIL and its affiliates in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, North Africa, Somalia and Nigeria all at once? Or will we let the arch villain Iran do it for us? How ironic! Heraclitus of Ephesus (535 – c. 475 BCE), “the weeping philosopher,” wrote: War is father of all and king of all; and some he made gods, some men; some he made slaves, some free. Who are we? In answer to my earlier question, have we learned anything since 1914? No, nothing! We are still playing at war for the same dishonest reasons and lies as we did before. Twelve-Step Recovery Programs define insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Could the same definition apply to our insane addiction to war?

Saw you in the Ojo 17

Dear Sir: I am writing regarding the August Editor’s Page on OJ Simpson. Although I agree with a great deal of the information presented, my memory of the trial differs from that of the writer in a few key places. My husband and I had the opportunity to watch a significant portion of the trial as it was happening and to tune out most of the commentators and summation “specialists.” This allowed for an experience closer to that of the jurists than of the usual TV spectators. Of particular note was the loss of “chain of custody” standards and procedures with the transportation of blood samples from the three parties. That presentation by the defense team concluded with the shocking blow that a small amount of blood samples was missing. The next bit of scientific testimony revealed that the one drop of Nicole Simpson’s blood that was found on the sock was present on both sides of the sock. That is to say that a person could not have been wearing the sock when the blood got on it. Finally, it appears that the amount of blood found in so many locations was very very close to the amount of blood that went missing. These are just a few of the facts that I remember. There were many others that I’ve forgotten. I do not recall any annihilation by the prosecution on these issues. I remember waiting for a retort that didn’t measure up. Even if only one piece of evidence had the suspicious appearance of being “planted,” this made all the other evidence questionable, and that made the case for reasonable doubt. This highlighted the absolute brilliance of Johnny Cochran. It is for these reasons that I take exception to the premise that 1. “a jury heavily weighted with AfricanAmericans” was loathe to do anything but make a decision based on the information they had. And 2. that the jury members were not educated. Finally, it is institutions like the LAPD and the US judicial system that are capable of real racism. Institutions like these are major contributors to


El Ojo del Lago / October 2015

the overwhelmingly disproportionate number of African-Americans incarcerated, harshly sentenced, and executed in comparison to the larger US society (or rest of the world). What African Americans know is that OJ Simpson had enough money to buy a defense team to find and exploit the cracks in the case against him to get a non-guilty verdict. This is no more and no less than what has come to be expected of wealthy White Americans. I think it is a sick measure of success, but that is the current game of justice that is being played. Nana Anu nanadene@gmail.com Our Editor Replies: You make a good point about the chain of custody standards for important evidence. But you presume a desire on the part of the LAPD to falsely incriminate Simpson, which if successful might have sent him to his death. The truth is that the LAPD was/is celebrity-mad and had often let Simpson slide on the many spousal abuse incidents that had been logged against him. Celebrities in LA have long been coddled by the authorities, going all the way back to the 1930’s when the major studios made it their business to see that the “right” people were elected to the District Attorney’s office. But of course, the average citizen does not fare nearly as well, especially if they are black. The Rodney King case amply demonstrated that the “sophisticated” LAPD could be just as vicious as any red-neck police department in the Deep South. Insofar as the planting of evidence, Furhman was not one of the lead detectives on the case, and arrived at both the crime scene and the police work at his house more than forty minutes after the lead detectives—and well after the all-important second bloodied glove had been removed from the scene of the crime. Moreover, I think the case against Furhman fails the motive test. Had he been caught planting evidence, the detective could have served a long term in prison. So why would he have chanced that? Further, to falsely try

to send Simpson to his death would have required a burning hatred on the part of Furhman—and the record showed that there was little if any evidence that the two men had even met! By the way, Mark Furhman went a long way toward rehabilitating his tarnished reputation when many years later he investigated the longdormant Shakel/Moxley murder case in Connecticut in such a brilliant way that Shakel (of the famous Kennedy Connection) was finally brought to trial, convicted and sent to prison, where he languishes to this very day.

Saw you in the Ojo 19


The Cu Chi Tunnel Experience


couldn’t breathe in the fourfoot high, three-foot wide passage. Grunts from the person behind me bounced off mud walls. Dank, moldy air filled my lungs, my eyes strained to make out faint images and claustrophobic fears ruined the adventure. I wanted this underground crawl to end and mumbled, ‘Where’s the damn exit?’ We were exploring a complex system of subterranean tunnels, 30 miles north of Saigon in Cu Chi District. Dug in three levels at depths of 10-30 feet, these burrows meander for 75 miles, connecting villages all the way to the


Cambodian border. Initially carved out by peasants during the French occupation of Vietnam in the 1940’s, these tunnels served a new purpose with the US combat intervention twenty years later. Expanded hideaways connected shelters, hospitals and meeting rooms, where thousands of Vietnamese civilians sought refuge from US bombing raids. The Viet Cong used this virtually invisible base of operation to launch the 1968 Tet Offensive and performed deceptive guerilla warfare so skillfully that the clueless Americans built a base directly atop

El Ojo del Lago / October 2015

part of this excavated network. The Army deployed the Canine Corps to sniff out tunnel openings. To confuse the dogs, the VC lined hidden entrances with black pepper and chili powder and blanketed channels with ‘friendly’ smells of American uniforms, washed in a familiar soap. Viet Cong vanished into the earth, after every kill of a German shepherd and his handler. Years after the conflict ended, the Vietnamese government converted this once live battleground of ‘the American War’ into the country’s second most visited attraction. Tourists can explore sections of the Cu Chi Tunnels, as part of this expansive War Memorial Park. I felt pensive, walking through this arena of combat, where Communist guerillas had engaged Western allies. I wondered if my ex-husband had suffered his Vietnam nightmares here. I never knew, since he never talked about ‘The War.’ I thought about Rabbit, a college friend and football running back, who flunked out in 1966, lost his deferment, got drafted, sent to ‘Nam and was killed, all within six months. Park guards guided us to a mandatory stop: a rustic pavilion with rough-hewn benches, a TV monitor, two maps of the Cu Chi Tunnel maize and a portrait of Ho Chi Minh nailed to a post. A scratchy, black and white, 1967 propaganda film popped up on the screen. A female narrator spoke in broken English of “That crazy batch of American devils, whose bombs ruined the peaceful area of Cu Chi; American devils who killed women, children, chickens and ducks with Washington’s bullets.” The video showcased a teenage girl, who received the ‘Championship Title of Killing American Soldiers’ in a contest that rewarded those with the most foreign military slayings. Her personal ‘dead count’ using a grenade launcher, numbered 118 US GI’s. Had Rabbit been one of her statistics?

My mood turned bitter and paranoid. For the first time since landing in Vietnam three weeks before, I felt vulnerable and visibly American. I overheard other tourists speaking with British, Australian and European accents. I kept quiet, hoping the group of Vietnamese sitting behind me wouldn’t point and shout, ’There’s one of those devils.’ We traipsed through new jungle growth, sprouting from the chemical and bomb scarred earth, after decades of deforestation. Uniformed park rangers demonstrated the graphic evidence of the VC’s ingenious guerilla tactics, a myriad of booby-traps. They used trip-wires that set off explosives, hidden snares of rolling metal spiked logs, and baskets of scorpions and poisonous snakes dumped on US patrols from overhead tree branches. See-saw rectangle boards camouflaged with leaves, flipped soldiers who stepped there into deep pits and impaled them on sharp speared bamboo poles. Jugular piercing panels lined with long sharp nails, slammed neck-high when triggered. The intended goal of these devices was to maim rather than to kill. The guide explained that mutilation took three foreign fighters out of action; for each one injured, it took two to maneuver a stretcher. I felt physically ill, thinking about all those vets who returned damaged. I stared at Vietnamese teenagers, laughing and taking pictures on top of a destroyed American tank. Anger at their disrespect churned inside me. But they were just kids, what did they know of war. Cu Chi Tunnels represented a place of national pride for them, where their grandparents had made great sacrifices. An estimated 45,000 Viet Cong died in defense of these tunnels. I realized if another nation invaded America, we’d display the same fierce patriotism. I had watched this futile war unfold on the nightly news 50 years ago and the question still lingers. Why did we ever intervene? The entire time we spent in the Memorial Park, I heard shots fired in the distance. The source was a shooting range, where tourists could buy bullets to fire the VC’s Russian-issued Kalashnikov AK-47, or the US soldier’s M-16 rifle. I had crawled through a miserable tunnel. I didn’t need to trigger a gun to intensify this experience. Enough visions of killing had passed through my mind for one day. Carol L. Bowman

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Season 51 at the Lakeside Little Theatre


ell, it’s that time again – rehearsals and program notes! Season 51 is soon to begin at the Lakeside Little Theatre, and an ambitious series of five plays and a musical show is advertised. “Murder by Misadventure,” directed by Debra Bowers, opens on October 2. As you might guess from the title, it’s an ingenious murder mystery by British scriptwriter Edward Taylor. What happens when two writers who have collaborated for years begin to hate each other? You’ll have to buy a ticket to find out. The second offering of the season is “Stepping Out” by Richard Harris, which premiered in England in 1984. It’s a comedy-drama set in a dance studio - the West End production received the Evening Standard Comedy of the Year award. It’s directed by Ann Swiston and opens on November 6. Then there’s “Rumors” directed by Paul Kloegman. It’s a


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crazy farce by Neil Simon – the plot is insanely complicated and extremely funny. “Rumors” opens on December 4 and runs through December 13. In 2016, we are offered “Good People” by David Lindsay-Abaire, an American drama with moral and social themes. This play was nominated for two 2011 Tony awards – one for Best Play and one for Best Leading Actress (Frances McDormand), with the latter winning. It is directed by Lynn Phelan and opens on January 15. The musical this season is “Nunsense” – a very successful 1985 musical comedy with book, music and lyrics by Dan Goggin. “Nunsense” ran in New York for 3,672 performances and is the second longest-running off-Broadway show in history. Barbara Clippinger is in charge of the singing and dancing nuns, and the show opens on February 19. The final play of the season is “Other Desert Cities” by Jon Robin Baitz. This intense play involves a family with differing political views and a long-held family secret. Russell Mack will direct “Other Desert Cities” which opens on March 25. All in all, an entertaining and challenging bill of fare for the 2015-16 season. Theatre aficionados may wish to mark their calendars. Michael Warren

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n Black Tide Rising, author R. J. McMillen has amply fulfilled the promise of a sequel to her earlier Dan Connor Mystery, Dark Moon Walking. Connor is an ex-cop hoping to exorcise his personal demons by plying the waterways around Vancouver Island. When his route puts him at the remote site where a lighthousekeeper’s wife has been abducted and evidence of more foul play quickly surfaces, Connor receives an invited recall to police duty. From that moment on, he’s torn between the familiar pull of his old job against his fear that a return to police work will be a deal-breaker for Claire, his love interest. While she barely appears in this work, Claire is rarely out of Connor’s mind and feeds his internal dialogue throughout. All of McMillan’s works have an overarching theme of respect both for the environment and for Native peoples whose ancient life lessons often present themselves as startlingly relevant to today’s world. The backdrops of the Connor stories are so vibrant that they’re almost characters in and of themselves. Verdant forests, wildlife, winds, and tides are woven so thoroughly into this tale that it could have been set nowhere else. The same goes for the values of the local Native cultures, which run through both plot and dialogue like a bright thread that informs without preaching. Many of the revelations drawn from Native culture are presented through the words and deeds of Walker, a character also introduced in the earlier Connor book. He’s likeable - if often cryptic - and has admirably managed to reconcile


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himself to life as a cripple without surrendering to it. His wry sense of humor is often driven by the contrasts between his culture and Connor’s, but their banter is always marked by mutual respect. As the story unfolds, the reader is afforded only fleeting glimpses into the conspiracy of thieves which has triggered kidnapping and murder, and the puzzle pieces remain teasingly unassembled until the climactic conclusion. Like the earlier Connor book, Black Tide Rising gets to the heart of the case without psychic profilers, exotic forensics, or electronic surveillance. This is a straightahead mystery solved solely by the wits of the protagonists... and those of the reader. Black Tide Rising ably hurdles the bar set high by its predecessor. Published by Touchwood Editions. Available on Amazon in paperback for US$9.96, and on Kindle for $6.10. Antonio Ramblés

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CERVANTINO: Mexico’s Premier Festival of the Arts %\ /RUHWWD 6FRWW 0LOOHU


nce a year, the entire city of Guanajuato transforms itself into a performing arts center called Festival Internacional Cervantino. The premier arts festival in all of Latin America, it features top conductors, orchestras, ballet dancers, singers and actors from around the world. Performers will be coming from Thailand, India, Japan, Iran, Moscow, Spain, Portugal, Cuba, Venezuela, Argentina and of course Mexico. Now an international event, Cervantino is rooted in a performance tradition that goes back to 1954 when the University of Guanajuato first produced the entremeses or farcical works


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of Spain’s most famous writer, Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616), known to present day theatergoers through The Man of La Mancha. Although entremeses are still performed in plazas around the city and minstrels in 16th-century garb still roam the city’s narrow, winding streets singing and playing for free, most of the festival performances have nothing to do with Cervantes or his Man of La Mancha. Nevertheless, Cervantes and his immortal characters, Don Quijote and Sancho Panza have come to symbolize Guanajuato. Larger-thanlife-size bronze sculptures of the two occupy a plaza next to the Cervantes Theater at the south entrance to the

city. A few blocks away is the Museo Iconografrico del Quijote housing an impressive collection of sculptures, carvings, ceramics and paintings of Sancho Panza and Don Quijote. It includes works by Dali and Picasso and several splendid Lladro porcelains of the pair. Anyone who has ever tried to attend the festival knows that finding a hotel room is next to impossible. Wholesalers and consolidators tie up blocks of hotel rooms as soon as the festival dates are announced. But, there are a few alternatives: the most practical option is to look for a package tour through a travel agent. At least one Lakeside agency always has a festival package at a reasonable price. Another option is to show up for the festival and hope for the best, for there are always last-minute cancellations at the hotels and locals willing to rent a spare room. As a last resort, you can stay in nearby Silao or a bit further away in San Miguel de Allende. Some events are free, while tickets for headliners sell quickly and can be costly. These can be purchased in advance through Ticket Master in Mexico City (915-325-9000). For detailed festival information, contact a travel agent.

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Hearts at Work $ &ROXPQ E\ -LP 7LSWRQ

Everything’s just a dear old grandpa.


or more than fifty years I have found companionship, solace, and wisdom in the poetry of ancient China and Japan. Like those Buddhists and Taoists who wrote those poems, increasingly I choose to detach from, and perhaps in the future even leave, this world of external values and often questionable relationships in order to see more clearly a world of internal values. So often these poets seek detachment from what they formerly found dear. Let’s look at a few passages from their poems. Seng-Ts’an (?-606), the “Third Founding Teacher of Zen,” instructs us that: “The Great Way isn’t difficult for those who are unattached to their preferences. Let go of longing and aversion, and everything will be perfectly clear.” He concludes this particular passage thusly: “The mind of absolute trust is beyond all thought, all striving, is perfectly at peace, for in it there is no yesterday, no today, no tomorrow.” Li Po (701-762), like so many early Chinese poets, loved the mountains, and he writes contemplatively about them: “We sit together, the mountain and me, until only the mountain remains.” (Legend, perhaps fanciful, has it that Li Po died drunk while trying to embrace the moon in the Yellow River.) Tu Fu (712-770), perhaps the most famous of the early Chinese poets, believed so much in the power of poetry that he even prescribed his own poetry for the treatment of malaria. In this poem it is spring in the mountains and he visits the hermitage of a monk: You want nothing, although at night You can see the aura of gold And silver ore all around you. You have learned to be gentle As the mountain deer you have tamed. The way back forgotten, hidden Away, I become like you, An empty boat, floating, adrift. Aging well, then, for these early poets include leaving the busy world behind, living in harmony with totally ordinary daily affairs, realizing as Layman P’ang (c.740-808) discovers, “Even the poorest thing shines” and “you are neither holy nor wise, just an ordinary fellow who has


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completed his work.” What truth we may find is inside, and as Tung-Shan (807-869) tells us, “If you look for the truth outside yourself, it gets farther and farther away.” All of these poets seem to be asking, “What’s the use of cluttered houses, and cluttered minds? So much clutter that we can no longer experience a mountain, the moon, the scent of jasmine, our own hands.” Shinsho (dates unknown) writes: Does one really have to fret About enlightenment? No matter what road I travel, I’m going home. Of course those who relentlessly pursue their own way often find themselves alone in a world that no longer fits. Han Yu (768-864), one of the most famous writers of the Tang Dynasty, goes alone, “picking my way through storm clouds on the mountain, the “only life where a man can find happiness.” Back in the city, the world of others, he spends his “days bridled like a horse/With a cruel bit in his mouth” and ponders: If only I had a few friends Who agreed with me we’d retire To the mountains and stay till our lives end. When we finally pass through the “gate,” and live in the world without illusion, without longing, suddenly harmony and understanding is everywhere and as Chosha (9 c.) writes, then “just everything´s a dear old grandpa.” I’ll end with some of my favorite lines by Wu-Men (1183-1260): Ten thousand flowers in spring, the moon in autumn, a cool breeze in summer, snow in winter. If your mind isn’t clouded by unnecessary things, this is the best season of your life. Jim Tipton

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PROFILING TEPEHUA %\ 0RRQ\HHQ .LQJ President of the Board for Tepehua



rugs.com states: “There is no absolute number of drinks per day or quantity of alcohol that defines alcoholism”. Tolerance varies between men and women and even nationalities. One can be drunk on 2 beers and another can drink 2 bottles of wine with no outward effect. What happens inside the body is another column. Alcoholism comes from a combination of biological and environmental influences. Does alcoholism cause poverty or does poverty cause alcoholism? The answer, of course, is both. One can drink oneself ‘into the poor house’, or in the depression of poverty, go to alcohol for solace. Each is as devastating as the other because, in the end, you still lose everything, including life. Juan Jesus had the world on a string, living in America with a wife and two children and a job. His marriage and dreams were shattered because of continued drinking, which he started at 14 after the divorce of his parents because of alcoholism. Returning to Mexico, having lost everything in America, he moved into the Tepehua barrio to start over. He married again, but his alcoholism became worse and he once again was alone, living in a house where he had sold the door and windows to feed his habit, causing his wife and children to flee. Juan kept sliding into a hell of his own making. Watching someone die of sclerosis of the liver, in poverty, in a home environment with no medical care is enough to scare the devil himself sober. The body becomes twice its size and the victim drowns from the inside. If hospitalized, machines to the work of the liver. It is something we do not want to think about, and neither did Juan, but he had to care for the victim. It scared him straight into the Rehabilitation Center of Santa Cruz. The Rehab. Center was built by addicts of all kinds. When you check yourself in, after a few months you can get a pass to go out and work or see family. If you are committed by relatives or by the police because of a vagrancy charge, there is no checking out for quite a long time, and only with a doctor´s clearance. In


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Juan’s case, he can check himself out to work, but he has to be “home” at a certain time every day. He could check himself out entirely, but even after two years he is not sure he could resist the temptation and end up sliding back. The men at the Rehab. Center work every day building more rooms, making their own gymnasium, washing clothing, doing kitchen duties and cleaning in general. Some are on scavenger duty, which means they are allowed to work free at Soriana in return for the food and vegetables that have reached the end of their shelf life. They would like to expand the facilities to treat women addicts, which is desperately needed. Every barrio has women on the mean streets as well and they, too, lose everything. They are worse off than men because they allow themselves to become sex slaves to feed their habit. The Santa Cruz Rehabilitation Center is a remarkable place. A lot is achieved there, a support system between patients, a center where there is no place for guilt. There is only achievement, one day at a time. Juan Jesus is doing well. He has started a small construction business, no job too small. He also drives people to the border and back, a service for those who are nervous driving through Mexico alone. All the workers he hires are from the Center. He is still living at the Center, but rebuilding his home for the time when he feels he can handle the world on his own. Juan speaks perfect English. Should you require his services, contact Moonie. Everyone deserves another chance. Well, almost everyone.

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DEAR PORTIA Advice to the Lovelorn, the Drastically Distracted and the Deeply Disgruntled


ear Portia, My friend and her husband are splitting. She’s pretty new here and doesn’t have lots of friends. What’s my best shot to help her? Take her to exercise class? Lectures? We go out for lunch a lot, but don’t want to gain weight. I’m at a loss. Help! Dear Loss, Unless you moved here last night, it’s hard for me to believe you don’t know the answer to that (and many of the other questions that arise). TEQUILA! Dr. Portia recommends multiple internal applications, until such time as the physical sensations have blotted out the mental anguish. Treatment continues as long as necessary, which could be a lifetime unless you come across a new squeeze in the process. Dear Portia, I’m in the habit of stowing my excess cash in various super-secret spots in my home. Lately, I have forgotten which spot I used last, and have ripped the place to bits many times. I know a sneaky chick like you has the answer! Dear Hide-y My personal secret is an inconspicuous tattoo. It’s a lovely little heart shaped thing with flowers located high on my left thigh. In the center are two words, Bath Room. No one has been cheeky enough yet to ask about it. I use the First National Bank of Cottonelle to stow


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The New Portia! bills. Tucked in the roll, I am sure to find it at one point or another Also, if a thief goes to the trouble of stealing the toilet paper, then I figure it’s gone to a really needy place! Dear Portia, In homage to Miley Cyrus, my new culture queen, I have taken up pan-sexuality. My therapist seems alarmed and prissy! Do I just need to lie to her? I’m having more fun than ever. Dear Pan, If you’re seeing the therapist for self- improvement, then by all means lie! Honing your skills at manipulation and prevarication is often a useful and under-rated practice. You may have stumbled upon an answer to the numbers game in dating. On the other hand, if you’re a guilt ridden liar with a horribly problematic life, you may want to come clean. Nasty job, that! However it will keep you off the streets and out of circulation for at least an hour or two a week.

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Sandy Olson

Phone: 331-283-8529 Email: sandyzihua@hotmail.com

TIMES A-WASTIN’ Right after this edition of Ojo comes out, you can hurry and get tickets to the fashion show sponsored by Feria Maestros del Arte. The show is on October 7, 3:00 to 5:30 p.m., at Casa del Sol B&B, Javier Mina #7, Ajijic. This year the Feria will be featuring Cecilia Bautista, rebozo artisan from Michoacán, who is famous for her rebozos with feathers. She will be showing the guests how to tie and wear rebozos. Also featured will be Gabriela Sanchez, a silver jewelry designer from Guadalajara whose work is beautiful jewelry with miniature folk art objects. The ticket price is $200 pesos and will include botanas and a refresco. Tickets can be purchased at Diane Pearl Colecciones, Mia’s Consignment Boutique or by contacting Cathy Roberts at 376 766 0050. Last year’s event was a sell-out so get your tickets early. All proModel With Jewelry by Gaceeds go to the Feria. briela Sanchez ALSO IN A FEW DAYS….. Last month the Lakeside Little Theatre hosted the children’s theatrical performance of The Legend of Queen Xochitl-Mich-Cihualli . Local artist Antonio Lopez Vega authored and narrated the legend of the naming of Ajijic, according to his grandmother. The show will be presented again on October 7 at 7:00 p.m. There is a pre-show bar, entertainment, and goods for sale at 6:30. At intermission there will be free drinks and small snacks. The second part of the show after intermission is Tribu, an important Prehispanic musical group from Mexico City. Tickets are 200 pesos before the show, at the Auditorio, Diane Pearl Colecciones, Fiaga Boutique and Corazon Creativo. They are 250 pesos at the door. Check www.cocheracultural. blogspot.com for more information OPEN CIRCLE Sunday morning finds many Lakeside residents at the Lake Chapala Society and Open Circle. A social hour with coffee and snacks at 10 is followed by an interesting lecture and discussion at 10:30. Here’s the program for next month. October 4 “Kinesiology—the Mind and Body Connection.” Presented by Jacobo Marroquín, a licensed practitioner of holistic kinesiology. October 11 “The Evolution of Monotheism.” Presented by Otto Rand. Otto defines monotheism and ultimately asks the question “Is there real monotheism, and where?” October 18 “Emotional Connection.” Presented by Anna Berlin and Michael Cook. This pair of psychologists explore the fundamentals of how we connect and disconnect emotionally with the world we live in. October 25 “So You Eradicated Smallpox, Connie. What’s Next?” Presented by Connie Davis, M.D. Connie will talk about her global adventures as a woman doctor addressing international health crises like smallpox eradication, meningitis, and HIV. November 1 The Vision Council--Guardians of the Earth. Presented by Tracy Barnett, Abuela Esperanza, and Raquel Lucas. They will talk about a network-building effort to connect people, organizations and projects with a similar focus on holistic health, sustainability and a creative approach to the problems confronting our society. LAKESIDE LITTLE THEATRE The LLT 2015-16 season has just begun, with a current performance of Murder by Misadventure. The show is directed by Debra Bowers. Actors are Ed Tasca, Ken Yakiwchuk, Kathleen Morris and Michael Warren. Tickets are still available for the season, which promises to be exciting. The plays are as follows: October 2-11 Murder by Misadventure November 6-15 Stepping Out December 4-12 Rumors


January 15-24 Good People February 19-March 6 Nunsense March 25-April 3 Other Desert Cities A GREAT GOLF TOURNAMENT The Lake Chapala Shrine Club invites you and your golfing friends to participate in our Invitational Golf Tournament to be held on Thursday, October 8, at the Country Club de Chapala, San Nicolas de Ibarra. The Tournament format is an 18-hole 4-person scramble limited to 72 players. Individual players (women or men) will be assigned to a foursome. The registration fee is 1200 pesos per player, or 1,000 pesos for Chapala Country Club members). The fee includes a continental breakfast, 18 holes of golf, a box lunch, use of a golf cart and ticket to the awards banquet after the tournament. Player registration forms and/or awards banquet dinner tickets are available at the O&A Investment Office across from Wal-Mart in San Antonio or to the Pro Shop at the Chapala Country Cecilia and Her Friends Club. Perry King and Bob Salvatore All funds raised will be donated to the Shrine Children’s Transportation/Treatment Fund. Since 2006, the Lake Chapala Shrine Club has spent 2,400,000 pesos to treat over 1200 Mexican children living in the Chapala north shore area NOTES FROM VIVA MUSICA The Metropolitan Opera at the Diana Viva will run bus trips to the following “Live at the Met” offerings: Saturday October 17 Otello by Verdi, featuring tenor Aleksandr Antonenko in the title role in this tragic opera based on Shakespeare’s play. Bus departs 10.30 a.m. Saturday October 31 Tannhauser by Wagner; with Wagnerian tenor Johan Botha in the title role and soprano Eva-Maria Westbroek as Elisabeth in this most understandable of Wagner’s great operas. (4.5 hours). Bus departs 8.30 a.m. Saturday November 21 Lulu by Berg; with soprano Marlis Petersen in the title role of the demented femme fatal; a tale of love and obsession. The bus departs at 10.00 a.m. Viva La Musica Concert Thursday October 22 “Piano Four Hands” with the amazing Guadalajara pianists Blandine Tricot and Marita Zimmer – don’t miss this one! 7.00 p.m, in the auditorium. Tickets $200 pesos, available at the LCS Thur & Fri 10.00-noon. The program for the Philharmonic Fall Season at the Degollado Theater will be announced this month. IS WASP-DOM IN DECLINE?

From left: Chester (Chet) Beeswanger, Karen Lowe, Beryel Dorscht, Collette Clavadetscher and Director Howard Feldstein The Naked Stage show for October is Children by A.R. Gurney. It’s directed by Howard Feldstein. It runs October 30, 31 and November 1. Gurney presents upper-class white Anglo-Saxon Protestantism in decline: an insular, dysfunctional family going through well-bred motions and a character who upsets the orderly apple cart. The e-mail address for reservations: nakedstagereservations@gmail.com. Reservations guarantee a seat until 3:50, after which seats will be sold to those waiting without reservations. Naked Stage is located at #10A Rio Bravo. Directions: west on the carretera from Ajijic, south on Rio Bravo, about two blocks down behind Daniel’s Restaurant on the east side. Daniel’s is open for lunch and dinner with a no host bar available at 3:00 p.m. The box office opens at 3:15 and the show starts at 4:00 p.m. YOU TOO CAN BE A ZOMBIE It’s Thrill the World time again! Ajijic is preparing for its fifth attempt to dance the same exact

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choreography at the exact time as other groups around the world to Michael Jackson’s mega-hit, ”Thriller.” Going by Greenwich Mean Time ensures that the dance occurs simultaneously all around the world and, says coordinator Elliott Joachim, “We hope to break our own record for the most people dancing at the same time.’ Ajijic Zombies are lucky this year. The time is October 24 at 5:00 p.m., in the Ajijic plaza. For more information, and to find out how to turn yourself into a zombie, call Elliott at 331-546-9249. “THRILLER IN AJIJIC” IS COMING AGAIN! If you haven’t seen this movie, don’t miss it. If you have seen it, come and enjoy it again. The plot, if you can call it that, describes the process and problems of putting on the Thrill the World flash dance to the music of Michael Jackson Val Jones Ready to Go (refer to YOU TOO CAN BE A ZOMBIE above).“Thriller in Ajijic” was written, produced and directed by John Ward. It’s playing on October 31 at Plaza Bugambilias again at 3:30 pm in the big salon. The stars will be there in all their finery and the proceeds go to the Cruz Roja as well. This time there’ll be a John Ward costume contest too. Don’t miss it! HELP FOR TEPEHUA The American Legion Post 9 will have a fundraiser on Saturday, October 31, to support the Tepehua Community Center. Dress up in your favorite Halloween costume or mask and join the Tepehua party anytime that day from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.. The party will raise money to help fund the Community Center activities: a free hot meal every Friday for 200 women and children, free medical and dental clinics for Tepehua area residents, sewing, cooking and English classes for local women, drug and abuse counseling, family planning and education classes for “special needs” children. Tepehua is one of the poorest communities in Jalisco and the Community Center is now operating for the fifth year, fulfilling its mission statement: “Helping a Village to Help Itself.” The fundraiser will be held in the garden of Let’s Help These Kids the Perico Hotel, located at 2500 Libramiento Chapala-Ajijic (entry adjacent to the Michelin Tire Shop). In addition to a gourmet meal, the program features a cash bar, music and dancing, Admission is only 200 pesos (children under 10 years old, 100 pesos at the entrance) Tickets can be bought in advance at Diane Pearl Colecciones, Tepehua Treasures Bazaar in Riberas del Pilar or by calling Don at 766-2521, Vince at 331-358-8944 or Perry at 763-5126. GOLF A GO GO! It is that time of year again! The Cruz Roja Golf Classic is on the horizon. It will be held on Thursday, November 5, at Country Club de Chapala. There will be a 9:00 a.m. shotgun start. Tickets are $1000 for members of CCC and $1200 for non-members, and are available at the CCC Pro Shop. Tickets include golf and a shared cart, a continental breakfast, a goody bag from the sponsors, a sandwich lunch on the course, and the rapidly-becoming-famous barbecue dinner at the end of play. Such a deal! Prizes are great as usual: Closest to the Pin, Ramiro Barajas, Director of Golf men and ladies,; Closest to the Line, men and laand Mauricio Aguirre Garcia, dies; Hole-in-One on Hole # 4, a car donated by Greens Keeper Dalton; Hole-in-One on Hole #8, a golf cart donated by Lozano; and many door prizes.There will also be a putting contest, a raffle, a silent auction and a 50/50 draw. ALL OUR WORDS NEEDED SAYING….. … is the new anthology of 21 stories, plus poetry, by eight Lakeside women writers. The


El Ojo del Lago / October 2015

Standing, left to right: Glenda Roman, Patricia Hemingway, Margaret Van Avery and Ilsa Picazo. Seated: Janice Kimball, Rachel McMillen, =R¿D %DULVDV DQG &DURO %UDGOH\ authors had a book launch last month, an apportunity to enjoy readings and meet the writers. The anthology is on sale for 200 pesos. It’s available at Yves’ Restaurant. Standing, left to right: Glenda Roman, Patricia Hemingway, Margaret Van Avery and Ilsa Picazo. Seated: Janice Kimball, Rachel McMillen, Zofia Barisas and Carol Bradley. ASA GOES TO ZAPOPAN Some 44 members of the Ajijic Society of the Arts went on a day trip to Zapopan recently.

First they visited Studio 21, a foundry that casts in bronze, polymers and other materials. The visit was arranged by sculptor Bob Wilson. They then went to Zapopan Centro, where they toured the Basilica de Zapopan, the Huichol Museum and the Museum of Modern Art. The outstanding day ended with lunch on the Zapopan main square. NCA CELEBRATES MEXICO Los Niños de Chapala y Ajijic held its second annual “Celebration of Mexico” event at Agustin Nunez’ celebrated restaurant Viva Mexico in San Juan Cosala. A children’s choir sang several

selections, leading off with a Beatles’ favorite, as they sang “Imagine all the people, living in harmony...” Kenia Sanchez and Lilia Quezada. who direct NCA student/sponsor liaison, presented several “A” students, who have been waiting for sponsors. Students must maintain a grade average of 80% or better to remain within the program. Many work hard enough to score consistently in the 100% range. For more information about sponsorship, go to http://www.LakesideNinos.org or email: info@lakesideninos.org GROW YOUR OWN…. …vegetables, that is. The Ajijic Organic Vegetable Growers meet on the second Wednesday of the month at 10:00 at the gazebo at Tabarka Restaurant, Rio Zula #7. The next meeting will be on October 14.There is usually a guest speaker at each meeting. There is always a plant exchange and a “show and tell” of what’s going on with each person ‘s garden. New members are welcome. They can contact John at mcwilliamsmx@gmail.com or by phone at 376-766-0620. There are two websites that gardeners will find very informative: growingyourgreens.com and smilinggardener.com/introduction/why-grow-a-garden

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Once Upon A Lime In Mexico I was just a small amoeba living on a lime, and though the lady disinfects her fruit every single time, I fear that the bartender doesn’t bother to so that is how the tale occurred that I am telling you. She squeezed her lime above the ice, then dropped it in the drink. The Coca Cola fizzed up and the ice began to clink. As she took her first big swallow, I lost hold of the lime and slid down a soft pink chute into another clime. I’d heard of other journeys and knew how this might end, but I decided I’d enjoy every curve and bend. I wound up in a reservoir where I gave in to sleeping, but woke up to a million of me jumping, kicking, leaping. It wasn’t half so pleasant as it had been before, so I commenced to swim around, looking for the door. Unfortunately, though I found it, it seemed to be blocked. The wind was brisk, the waters churned, but the way out was locked. When I heard the one outside of me groan and cry and cuss, I rued the fate to which that Cuba Libre had doomed us! For as distressed as she must be with headache and each cramp, I was suffering equally from jostling and the damp. For two days she lived on Electrolit, in bed and with no food. And I held on for my dear life, listening to my brood tell of what we could expect, flushed to a watery hell down in the earth with all our kin—this legend they knew well. Two days I lived just like this--held on for my dear life, listening to her pleas as spasms cut her like a knife— too ill to go for help and unable to even sit. I wondered how much worse this grisly tale was going to get. Then suddenly, this morning, I felt the waters swirl. I felt myself slip-sliding right out of the girl into a clear container where I could see the world from prison I’d once more escaped, or rather, I’d been hurled! I felt the jostling and the engine of the moving car that set up small vibrations in my little jar. Yet still my progeny and I enjoyed the five-mile ride. It was so much better now that we were not inside that dark and windswept place where we’d resided for two days. Though I’ll admit none of our legends accounted for this phase. No other amoebian Aesop had written any story that took a turning such as this. Former endings had been gory! I heard the car door open, footsteps and a creaking door. Other footsteps, blinding light, and I was freed once more! Spread onto a sheet of glass, surveyed by a big eye, I breathed a sigh of pure relief. I’m such a lucky guy. While they weren’t looking, I slipped off and landed on a shelf where ever since I’ve been observing others like myself who have escaped amoeba hell at least for a small time. While I’m in amoeba heaven, and my dears? It is sublime!!! So clean, well-lit and active. Just like a picture show. I sit here so languidly and just go with the flow, calling out encouragement to visitors like myself. And now and then, others come and join me on my shelf. The girl who works here likes to put her sandwich very near, where it serves as a good cushion for those of my kind, I fear. The moral? Take care what winds up inside you, please, my friends; for in spite of all my warnings, this story never ends.

—Judy Dykstra Brown— 40

El Ojo del Lago / October 2015

Saw you in the Ojo 41



he more thin tthings ing in gs he m ore or e change the more t the they stay th same. he e past paast eight e eigh ight ig ht That really sums up the months at the Ranch. Gudrun Jones has been the face of the Ranch for 14 years. During this time she worked tirelessly to shelter Lakeside dogs that were most in need and most at risk. Her “spare time” was spent fundraising and serving as an animal advocate. Mexico has a long way to go in addressing animal cruelty and neglect, but it’s because of strong voices and dogged determination like Gudrun’s that change is finally coming. In February Gudrun was still griev-


El Ojo del Lago / October 2015

ing the loss of her husband when she suffered a fall that kept her bedridden for two months. At this time she asked the animal lovers she knew if someone would step up and attempt to fill her shoes. In the end, Diane Hazen, Leigh Sheardown and I agreed to be the Board members on the AC and oversee management of the Ranch. While new names appear on the AC and management has changed, most is the same. The Ranch is still a haven for 65-70 dogs. We make every effort to find a safe place for needy dogs, and all our dogs receive as much love and attention as we can give them. Gudrun remains a valued Ranch supporter. The owner of the land housing the Ranch has restated his commitment to us. And as always what we need most is the support of our community. Our organization is only as strong as the volunteers who help us and those who support us through donations and bequests. Please consider what you can do to help. We find that caring for these wonderful dogs makes us feel truly blessed. Contact us at adoptaranchdog@ outlook.comor visit our website at lakesidespayandneutercenter.com.

Watch Out for Topes %\ +HOHQ 0XUUD\ :KLWH 5HYLHZHG E\ %LOO )UD\HU


he title of Helen White’s new book, Watch Out for Topes, is really a metaphor for living happily as an expat in Mexico. When driving to dine at Viva México in San Juan Cosalá, we know we need to watch our speed to protect the undercarriage of our vehicle as we experience the numerous topes . Of course, just living in this beautiful country requires us to slow down, adjust our expectations, and take our days one at a time. White, who has over forty years’ experience living and traveling in Mexico, offers a detailed memoir which will appeal to Lakeside residents and Mexico neophytes alike. She offers a very educated gringo’seye-view of Mexican culture, food, and travel opportunities. Even though many of us are familiar with many of the places she has visited, she brings considerable research and often dry humor to her detailed descriptions. For example, she first visited Mexico City in 1968 with her husband, Bill. Although she was not sure she wanted to see a bullfight, she did not want to miss the experience. She writes, ”While we were watching the intricate movement of the bullfight, Bill heard a little trickling sound behind us. A spectator was urinating in a paper cup, apparently too engrossed in what was happening to take time to go to the baño.” Later, on the same trip, they decided to hire a guide do drive them around the city, ”It was unnerving to watch Tony put his hand out the driver’s window, waving for other cars to stop as he made a U-turn on Paseo de la Reforma. Tony told us he ate raw eggs and oysters every day to make him manly and that women came from the United States just for him to guide them around the city. He looked at me; I looked away.” White’s writing is rich with detail and captures the joy she has experienced living at Lake Chapala and developing close relationships with many of her Mexican friends. She shares many of the aspects of Mexican life which endear her to this

community, but she does not ignore the difficulties of adjusting to another culture. Her commentary includes many anecdotes about the beautiful spirit and generosity of her Mexican neighbors. She also makes it clear that living in this country requires an acceptance of different customs and occasional “surprises,” which can be disconcerting. The book includes large segments describing the many fiestas celebrated in the community, trips “never seen in guidebooks,” and the preparation and enjoyment of the many types of Mexican food she has enjoyed over the years. Taken as a whole, the message seems to be: This is a unique and wonderful culture, very different from the US and Canada. To enjoy living in this special community, immerse yourself in the experience, make friends with your Mexican hosts, and make necessary adjustments in your expectations. “You’re not in Kansas anymore!” Watch Out for Topes would be an excellent book for Lakeside residents to read and share with their friends who may be unfamiliar with Mexico. White’s extensive experience, wit, and pithy, honest observations will delight readers interested in learning more about this community and about Mexico in general. The book can be purchased from Amazon in paperback or ebook editions. It is also available from Dianne Pearl’s Collections on Ocampo and at The Nueva Posada. Bill Frayer

Saw you in the Ojo 43

Lake Chapala Socie ety Celebrates 60 Years! %\ %DUEDUD +LOGW


n Saturday Nov. 7, 2015, the Lake Chapala Society will celebrate its 60th Anniversary with a grand all-day “Freeesta”. Dozens of lakeside non-profits and businesses will participate. There will be live music, dancing, displays and free food provided by local restaurants. The remarkable history of LCS is something everyone living at Lakeside can appreciate and celebrate. In January of 1955 a group of 21 foreigners decided to establish a society to benefit both foreign residents and the Chapala community as a whole. Two committees were formed: Information Services and Mosquito Control. This tells us what two great issues for Lakesiders were 60 years ago. Since its founding LCS has survived and thrived becoming what many of its 2,800 members consider to be their second home. Almost 300 volunteers help to provide more than 30 programs and services, including staffing the information and services desk, the English-language library with more than 25,000 titles, a video library of 4,000 titles, affordable Spanish classes, and free health services. And much more is offered to members, non-members, expats and members of the Mexican community. LCS members, who give the equivalent of $3.00 USD a month to belong, have the satisfaction of being part of a service organization that is improving the lives of hundreds of Mexican children and adults each year by providing the only public library in the area with publications in Spanish, scholarships for 30 local students for higher education, free ESL classes, and the Children´s Art Program that for 60 years has nurtured the development of young local artists. Several program participants have become successful professional artists who currently volunteer to teach art to children each Saturday morning. Free-esta Time! Anyone who appreciates LCS and all it provides to the community and to visitors to Lakeside will have good reason to attend the Nov. 7th celebratory international “Free-esta” on the LCS campus from 10 a.m. until 7 p.m. An opening ceremony scheduled for 10:30 will acknowledge the significance of the occasion with young people and adults speaking briefly about how LCS has made a dif-


El Ojo del Lago / October 2015

ference for them. There will be a display of archival photographs showing what LCS was like in the early years and a new short video made by Harriet Hart and Roy Nolan will be shown repeatedly in the sala. It will trace LCS history with brief interviews and feature Neil James who started reading and art programs 60 years ago on her property, which is now home to LCS. Children from Chapala will tell the myth of Lake Chapala through dance and the Children’s Choir of San Juan Cosala will perform. Twenty children from the art program will be dressed in costumes made by LCS Needlepushers to represent the cultures of countries where LCS members have originated. Great photo ops, so bring your camera! Yoly Martinez, owner of Yoly´s Beauty Shop and President of the local Chamber of Commerce, has spent months visiting local business owners to ask them to show their appreciation for all LCS has done for our community by giving back in the form of food or other offerings for the “Free-esta.” Their response has been enthusiastic and generous. Those attending the festival sample free snacks offered by local restaurants. Soft drinks and water will be free. A cash bar will be open from 12 -7 pm serving beer, wine, Margaritas and other mixed drinks. Up to 20 Lakeside non-profits will have booths along with local restaurants and other businesses that are contributing to the “Free-esta.” Live music for dancing or just listening will also be provided by a variety of groups including Javier Reygoza’s Orchestra Typica, Blanca and Ricardo, and Noe. LCS members will welcome all expats and Mexicans to join this lively celebration of Lake Chapala Society’s first 60 years. So mark your calendars!

Saw you in the Ojo 45

%\ 9LFWRULD 6FKPLGW Manners for Mexico


t’s early morning. I watch people moving about starting their day. I see a young woman make the Sign of the Cross and place something in her purse. I smile. This isn’t the first time I have seen this. At breakfast a while ago, I saw our waiter make the Sign of the Cross after he made his first sale. I asked him, “Why do you do that?” He explains that here, in Mexico; it is tradition to show thanks for the first money made each day. I think back to the many times in the USA when I paid my bill. Usually a gum-cracking waitress would snap a practiced line: “Come again.” Mexican culture is one of proprieties and courtesies. When selling an ad one day, the gentleman came in to pay for it, I said “Hello” and proceeded to write out a receipt. And I saw two men exchange a look and a smile at this brash newcomer. Later I asked, “Did I do something wrong?” Finally I discovered that my straightforward manner was viewed as rude. I was horrified. So I sought out a bi-lingual friend who explained to me a little bit about the every day habits and customs of the Mexican people. First, there is the greeting. It is custom in Mexico to greet someone as you pass by even if you don’t know who they are. “Buenos dias.” Good day. One beautiful Mexican woman who has traveled in the United States compared us to Zombies. We walk by people, rarely acknowledging them; and don’t even make an apology when we might accidently bump into someone. Here in Mexico, it is considered rude not to acknowledge someone. And the proper


El Ojo del Lago / October 2015

way to walk by someone on a crowded village sidewalk is to say “Con permiso.” Which means “with permission.” And their response would be “propio” which means, please pass. When walking into a small store or place of business, it is customary to greet the staff, even if you may not see them right away. And it is common courtesy to leave by saying “Buen Dia.” Often as you receive your purchase, you will hear them say something in Mexican, something along the lines of “have a nice day.” Your response should be “Igualmente.” Which loosely translates as “and to you.” Manners in the USA seem to have fallen by the wayside. The every day niceties have seemed to vanish. Even smiling at strangers seems to be difficult, as people seem to be wary of everyone—especially in large cities. As I have continued to live here in Mexico, I have learned that the people who clean our houses, tend our gardens, serve our meals, attend to our needs live under conditions we would not tolerate. Their homes are mainly in poor barrios. Often they do not have water for most of the day. Their electric service is even more precarious than other areas. Many of their homes have no windows, as that seems to be a unaffordable luxury. Yet if you stop and listen as they go about their day, their work, they are happy. Singing or whistling, and they share jokes and laugh freely. In the USA we take one day a year to reflect and be thankful for our bounty. It seems that most Mexicans are thankful every day for the very little that they do have in comparison to us. I never felt “rich” until I assimilated to life in Mexico. Here, I enjoy a wealth of friends and have learned to be grateful for each day. Victoria Schmidt

Saw you in the Ojo 47



e all have our heroes. Mine include my father, a WWII veteran who valiantly fought campaigns in Germany, Italy and the Philippines. And my five children. All now successful professionals, parents and spouses in spite of enduring childhoods raised only by their father. But the real hero in my life, the one who defines the word� heroic�, was a diminutive man who smoked too much and bathed too little. Claude Vanerum, French-born, spent the latter part of his life piloting people throughout the South Pacific and Coral Sea. I met Claude in 1980 when he was assigned to fly me to the islands of the

New Hebrides in the process of explaining a constitution proposed by the northern islands as an alternative to the official government version. The New Hebrides (now Vanuatu) was then a colony of both the French and British set for independence for the next year. I didn’t like him. His French-flavored supercilious attitude did little to endear him to anyone. Add his general scruffiness to his garlic-laced breath, and it was easy to see why he was not high on the social register. Still, he was a good, if not slightly bold pilot, who was always on time and landed alive—even on the last flight of his life. “Are we ok to fly today?� I asked Claude as we were set to fly to New

Caledonia in my exodus from the islands in which I had just spent over 30 days. “Sure, no problem.� But there was a problem and it appeared about forty-five minutes into our flight. “You’d better strap on the five point restraint. This might get a little rough.� The storm came from nowhere and met us with unexpected ferocity, pummeling the small de Haviland like a boxer pounding a defenseless opponent. Then, appeared Malekula, and a small savannah- our only hope to land. As the plane plunged toward the ground, the winds became unseen hands, clasping the plane in a death grip, dropping it to stall speed. Just before it touched down, a brutal blast slammed us. The right wing dipped just enough to catch its tip in the murky meadow below, hurtling us into an eternity of cartwheels. Then everything went black. Several hours later, I regained consciousness lying in a covering concealed by fronds and branches. Claude had dragged me from the plane. Fortunately, it had not burned. “Why are we hiding?� I asked. “Because this island is half cannibal and I’m not sure where we are. We can’t light a signal fire. We just have to wait.� “Fantastic! Who’s going to find us?�

“I don’t know.� For eighteen days, we hid from the natives, who systematically dismantled the plane. First the seats, then the radios, flares, the horizontal stabilizers. Then, the crumpled wing. “Tomorrow it will be the last wing. I need to do something�. “You’re crazy, Claude. You can’t do it.� The next morning, despite my protestations, Claude headed to the plane. With a rock, he continued to pound the remaining wing. Fuel gushed out. He threw his lighter onto the wing. It burst into flames. The pounding and fire was not unnoticed by the natives, who now ran toward him, howling fiercely. Claude bolted away from where I hid, pursued by the frenzied foursome. But he was no match for the lead pursuer, who stopped about thirty feet from him, planted his feet, and hurled a spear. It tore though Claude, its bloody spearhead ripping out through his stomach. Claude stumbled for a few more strides and then fell. He raised his hands in futile defense and looked toward me. Gleeful shouting, brutal thrusts, then silence. I retched as I watched Claude trussed onto the bowed spears and carried off like a pig. The horrific underscored the local language for a human being— “long pig.� Back into our hiding place I lay in shock. Claude’s empty space now haunted me. We hadn’t talked much during our ordeal, but he knew about my children. He had no one, he told me. Then I noticed a scrap of paper. Remember me Tom. No one else will. Claude had sacrificed himself to save my life to give me a chance to return home to my children. The ploy worked. Two days later, a small plane saw the burned out plane and landed. I traded my black pearl necklace, given to me by the New Hebrideans, for a flight to safety. Claude, you are my true hero. And this is written in your memory with my undying Tom Eck gratitude.



El Ojo del Lago / October 2015

Saw you in the Ojo 49


of the month

%\ 1LFROH 6HUJHQW Kimberly Anahi B. P.


he is four-years old, an only child, and lives with her family in Mezcala. She was born with Infant Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Her family brought her to our clinic in Chapala when she was 3 months old. Although most babies with this syndrome are premature, she was not. Other factors can influence the chances of developing the disease. These include the following: Caucasian or male babies Caesarean delivery Perinatal asphyxia (lack of air immediately before, during or after birth) Cold stress (a condition that suppresses surfactant production)


Perinatal infection What are the symptoms: While each baby may experience symptoms differently, some of the most common symptoms include: difficulty breathing at birth that gets progressively worse cyanosis (blue coloring) flaring of the nostrils tachypnea (rapid breathing)

El Ojo del Lago / October 2015

grunting sounds with breathing chest retractions (pulling in at the ribs and sternum during) Symptoms usually peak by the third day and may resolve quickly when your baby begins to diurese (excrete excess water in urine) and needs less oxygen and mechanical help to breathe. Kimberly has had therapy at Teleton since she was born. Her mother takes her there 4 times a week. When she was younger she could not play outside, go up stairs, walk a long distance, run… because of her lungs. After nearly four years of therapy her doctors have told her parents this month that after one more year of therapy (in 2016) she will be able to live a normal life and do all the things that children do. Ninos In-

capacitados has reimbursed the family 21,000 pesos. This includes medicine and transport to and from Chapala to Teleton. As Director of the Chapala clinic, thank you for this opportunity to present Kimberly. Please note that Ninos Incapacitados regular monthly meetings are on the second Thursday of the month at the hotel Real de Chapala in Ajijic at 10:00am. We have three clinics: Jocotepec, Ajijic and Chapala. Should you want to visit, do not hesitate to contact Barb Corol for Jocotepec (376-766-5452) or Nicole Sergent for Ajijic and Chapala (376-766-4375). To learn more about Ninos Incapacitados, please visit our website at: www. programaninos.org

Dear Sir: The global impacts of anthropomorphic climate disruption (ACD) continue to intensify, as corporations and the global elite continue to plunder our planet and humanity continues to consume the products they pull from the Earth. Many places are already facing freshwater scarcity and other environmental contamination problems. We may have passed a tipping point to where human survival beyond the next few decades cannot be assured, wrote Dahr Jamail in Truthout, last Monday August 03, 2015. Indeed, a recently published study by a team from Anglia Ruskin University’s Global Sustainability Institute shows that society will likely collapse by 2045 due to catastrophic permanent food shortages resulting from the everworsening impacts of ACD. Many activists, academics, and policy experts on global warming have

concluded that “Humanity is at a crossroads and that our only hope is to stop burning the world’s remaining fossil fuel reserves”. They demand that we “end subsidies to the fossil fuel industry” and “freeze fossil fuel extractions.” They might have added the word “NOW” and suggest that “We switch to100% renewable energy.” If we meet their demand, we can no longer use our cars, save all-electric vehicles; cook our food on gas or coal and we must use drinking water sparingly. In return, we might live. If we do not meet their demand, we will live a few more years as we have for the last 30 years. In return we’ll gradually choke or starve to death, fall ill or die violently in a food riot within the next 30 years. There are no further alternatives; it is up to us, what will it be? John de Waal john.dewaal@gmail.com

Saw you in the Ojo 51

Anyone Can Train Their Dog %\ $UW +HVV artthedogguy@yahoo.com Basic Essentials for Successful Dog Training


et you and your dog up for success. Train in a familiar and friendly environment. No distractions. No noise, cell phones, TV, and especially no other pets or children. When the dog masters the current task in this environment you will gradually change spaces and slowly introduce minor distractions. When you introduce a new exercise you go back to basics always setting yourself up to succeed. You must always have the dog’s attention before you ask him to do something. So before you give a command or more specifically before you give a directive you say the dog’s name.


El Ojo del Lago / October 2015

This the Thi is i why h our first fi t task t k is i to t tteach h th dog his name. Until you have his attention and focus there is no sense giving a command or directive. There must always be a reason for the dog to perform a task. This is called motivation. When we want the dog to do something we use a food treat or a toy. We start with food because it is the strongest motivator. This is positive motivation. With positive motivation the dog willingly performs the task and is anxious to repeat the task. If we want the dog to not do something or to stop doing something, we use negative motivation. For example we will take away something the dog wants. With negative motivation the dog does not willingly want to repeat the task. We determine specifically and exactly what it is we want to teach and we break it into the smallest teachable and learnable part. Using our treat we lure the dog into the desired position or through the desired action. When he is in the desired position we mark the performance with either a single word (such as “yes”) or with a Clicker. The marker (word or click) simply tells the dog “you have done what I want you to do.” After we mark the performance we open our hand and offer the reward. The entire sequence then becomes, get the attention, lure through the desired action, mark the performance, reward. The most successful method is to repeat this action six or seven times and rest, and repeat this process several times a day. REPEAT AND REWARD !!! (Re Cartoon, ...”I wish I had said that.”)

Saw you in the Ojo 53

/,77/( 0255,6¶ 9,(: 2) 7 7+( : :25/' %\ 7RP 1XVVEDXP RP P 1XV P 1XV VVE VED DX XP X P


have o idea no ho o LitLit who i was. tle Morris But I was introduced to him many times throughout my childhood. We met whenever I would naively state my child-like expectations about a new experience or in an unfamiliar situation. Comments like, “I can buy a lot with a whole dollar,” “Politicians must really care about the people because they get so many votes,” “Popular girls will be nice to me even though I don’t play sports,” would draw Little Morris into the conversation. My father, who was born and raised in Germany and my Swiss mother would respond to my naïve comment with what could loosely be translated from German as “How Little Morris sees the world.” More worldly English-speakers might have said, “Oh, you’re in for a big surprise,” or “That’s not how it works,” or “You’ll see.” Moving to Mexico in April has reunited me with Little Morris. Many times. A particularly awkward occasion occurred in May when I attended my first Ajijic Writers Group meeting. I had learned about the group through the Lake Chapala Society. I am a struggling writer and thought this group would be a perfect place for me to


El Ojo del Lago / October 2015

improve my recce skills, receive critic constructive criticis criticism, d network t k with ith other th and needy would-be authors. I envisioned a group of 6-10 people huddled around a table sipping coffee and critiquing one another’s attempts at creating a New York Times best-seller. I arrived at La Nueva Posada several minutes before the meeting began and meandered throughout its restaurant searching for the Ajijic Writers Group. The restaurant was rather empty. The few diners there were in pairs, not groups. I was a bit puzzled and disappointed. I wandered outside where I found a lovely patio and garden dining area full of people. “Ah,” I thought, “we’re in Ajijic. Why eat or meet inside when you can do so in the fresh air and sunshine?” Preoccupied, I did not notice the lack of menus or dishes on the tables. I scanned the tables, studying the faces, searching for what appeared to be a group of writers. Although none of them looked like Papa Hemmingway, J.K. Rowling, Marcel Proust, or Willa Cather, one group of four looked like they could be writers. “Is this the Ajijic Writers Group?” I asked. “Yes,” a woman said. Without asking permission, I plopped into an empty chair next

to her. “I’m Tom,” I said. “I’m new.” The woman courteously introduced the others at the table to me and then pointed to an empty chair across from me. “We’re waiting for one more to come,” she said. Another woman arrived a moment later and sat in the empty chair. We were introduced and I expected the meeting would begin. But it didn’t. So, to make small talk, to fill the awkward silence, I asked how many people usually attend these meetings. Our table seemed full, I thought; how many more could comfortably fit? “Oh, forty, maybe forty five,” the first woman answered.” I reacted with a jolt. Then it hit me. I turned in my chair and scanned the other tables dotting the patio garden. My head swiveled from side to side studying the faces around me. “All these people are in the Writers Group?” I asked with great embarrassment. “Yes,” the woman confirmed. With that, the event facilitator began the meeting. She used a microphone because it was necessary with a crowd that size, a gathering so much larger than I had expected. She made a few announcements and introduced the first writer who read an excerpt of his work. I listened to several others that day. They exhibited various degrees of skill, a variety of styles, and they wrote about vastly different subjects. It was quite enjoyable, educational, and entertaining. As the readers read, I perused the audience. I knew no one, but I saw one man who looked vaguely familiar. He looked a bit like an acquaintance from my distant past. After the meeting, I approached him and asked him his name. “Morris,” he said. Tom Nussbaum

Saw you in the Ojo 55



ur daughter Hope, an avid backpacker, flew to Colorado with a friend to visit my wife and me while we were serving as rangers at Rocky Mountain National Park several summers ago. On the morning after their hike deep into the mountains, she was preparing breakfast when a lone chipmunk approached and began to innocently nibble on a wildflower. The furry intruder seemed to be focused upon a nearby zip lock bag of mixed nuts. It is illegal to feed wildlife in national parks, but the squirrels and chipmunks have learned to appeal to the charitable instincts of many wellintentioned humans. Assuming that


the tiny visitor was about to beg for a handout, she ignored him, while legions of his friends converged on the campsite from behind in a perfect ambush maneuver. Each time Hope glanced back at the approaching hoard, the original trespasser would begin to trill and act cute in order to focus her attention on him. His role was to act as decoy while his friends assembled to raid the campsite. The mass of chipmunks continued to grow as ever more members appeared. Within seconds, Hope found herself surrounded by the beadyeyed interlopers. When her hiking companion returned to the tent to retrieve a forgotten item, leaving her in

El Ojo del Lago / October 2015

the midst of the multitude of cute but ravenous rodents, she surrendered to the inevitable, gave the bag of nuts a toss and fled from the field. The chipmunks won the day. This incident suggests pre-planning, concentration, effective strategy, the successful scheming of tiny brains, and, yes, reason on a level that we humans but dimly comprehend. It often seems that there is much more to the creatures sharing our world than the preponderance of mainstream science would have us believe. While hiking through the Montana and Alberta wilderness some years ago, I was advised to hang my food supply on a rope ten feet off the ground to protect it from scavenging bears. By the time I signed on as a ranger at Rocky Mountain National Park, a mere fourteen years later, the bears had figured it out. They had learned to hand-over-hand, or, rather, paw-over-paw, down the food bags and make off with them, and they had instructed generations of cubs in the procedure. Remarkably, bears as far apart as the Rockies and the Appalachians all seem to have acquired this new skill at about the same time. British biologist Dr. Rupert Sheldrake, a professed scientific heretic, accounts for such phenomena by posing that morphogenic fields are transmitted from past members of a species—bears or chipmunks—through morphic resonance to subsequent generations, resulting in collective, instinctive memory. Sheldrake posits that memory is inherent in nature, that many of the laws of nature are in reality habits. In Sheldrake’s view, morphogenetic fields are not static but evolve. Bears in Montana learn how to bring down hikers’ food bags, and it becomes easier for bears as far away as Canada or North Carolina to do likewise. Perhaps chipmunks everywhere learned from our Colorado specimens how to better invade campsites to steal peanuts from unwary hikers.

Sheldrake argues that all the laws of nature did not spring into existence at the moment of the Big Bang but that they evolve. As nature evolves, so do the laws of nature. Long years of careful research have convinced him that telepathy is real and measurable and that many species are telepathic. Telepathy is neither paranormal nor metaphysical. Neither do all memories need to be stored inside the brain. The brain, according to Sheldrake, is like a TV receiver. Through intention and attention, morphic fields of mental activity extend beyond the brain, much as magnetic waves extend beyond a magnet or as gravity extends beyond a heavenly body like the earth. Morphic fields are middle grounds between genes and evolution. Individual organisms inherit collective memories from past members of the species. “Things are as they are because they were what they were.” The late Lawrence Anthony’s memoir The Elephant Whisperer attests to the great sensitivity and telepathic powers of wild pachyderms, causing me to remember my husky dog Lexi, who always stood by the front door when I was headed for home, no matter the time of day or night. Sheldrake explores such incidents of telepathy in his book Dogs That Know When Their Owners are Coming Home. Humans, too, can be sensitive to morphic fields. Last September, my wife LaVon sensed the presence of two wild wolf packs deep in the forests of northern Minnesota long before their members began to answer our calls. Sheldrake has his critics among the mainline scientific community, but his research deserves serious consideration. He causes us to question our presuppositions regarding our animal friends and to view life in the universe from a differDr. Lorin ent perspective. Swinehart

Saw you in the Ojo 57

The Ojo Crossword

ACROSS 1 Toothbrush Brand 6 It is proven 9 Goggle 13 Fasten with a metal bolt 14 North American Indian 15 Glass kitchenware 16 Bye 17 Incorporated (abbr.) 18 Musical production 19 What Celestial Seasonings makes 20 Begins 22 Total 23 Stray 24 Admiration 25 Little Mermaid´s love 27 Asian country 29 Falls 33 Bolus 34 Compass point 35 Popular American desserts 36 Not happily 39 Toll 40 __ Carlo 41 Spoken 42 Pain, Sorrow 43 Cooking ingredient 44 Plotter 46 Expression of regret 49 Shallow area 50 10 liters (abbr. for dekaliter) 51 In possession of 53 Enact


El Ojo del Lago / October 2015

56 French pancake treats 58 Can Not 59 Mont __ 61 Unwell 62 Domineering 63 Powdered Chocolate 64 Oolong 65 Perfect 66 Descry 67 Voice 68 Chili con __ DOWN 1 Speak 2 Horseback travelers 3 Bird sanctuary 4 Dregs 5 Energy unit 6 Fairly 7 Volcano 8 Wane 9 Cheat 10 Greek god of war 11 South American nation 12 Student’s dread 15 Postulate 20 Dab 21 Right 24 Light 26 Rooftop structure 28 Hair curler 30 Least amount 3UR¿W 32 South southeast 6QDNH OLNH ¿VK 36 Distress call 37 Electric spark 38 Term of endearment 39 Gives up right to play 40 Grinder 42 Stag 43 Grow acorns 45 Islam´s city 47 Pursuer 48 American 50 Pause 52 What’s in 53 The alphabet 54 Horse’s walking sound 55 Mexican sandwich 57 Guilty or not 58 Musical repeat 60 Negative 62 Pen brand

SH HAKESPEARE’S SONNETS – The Dark La ady, Much Loved and Much Hated %\ 0LFKDHO :DUUHQ


he final 24 sonnets (out of a total of 154) are very different from the earlier ones which describe Shakespeare’s love and admiration for his patron, the young Earl of Southampton. These latter sonnets are poems of infatuation, desire and lust and finally dislike, about a young woman who has dark hair and a sultry skin. Shakespeare describes her, and at the same time parodies the unreal comparisons that other poets use, in Sonnet 130: My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun,/ Coral is far more red than her lips’ red;/ If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun,/ If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head… I love to hear her speak, yet well I know/ That music hath a far more pleasing sound;/ I grant I never saw a goddess go,/ My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground./ And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare/ As any she belied by false compare. Here Shakespeare rejects the obvious flattery that was fashionable at the time. He loves her just as she is, with black hair and olive complexion. But this woman, with whom he is madly in love, is also capricious and cruel – as he tells us in the very next sonnet: Thou art as tyrannous, so as thou art,/ As those whose beauties proudly make them cruel;/ For well thou know’st to my dear doting heart/ Thou art the fairest and most precious jewel… In nothing art thou black save in thy deeds,/ And thence this slander, as I think, proceeds. Things get even worse – she jilts him

(possibly for his patron Southampton) and Shakespeare is in torment. He describes his agony in Sonnet 147: Past cure I am, now reason is past care,/ And frantic-mad with evermore unrest;/ My thoughts and my discourse as madmen’s are,/ At random from the truth vainly expressed./ For I have sworn thee fair, and thought thee bright,/ Who art as black as hell, as dark as night. So who was the beautiful, capricious and cruel Dark Lady? All will be revealed next month. Michael Warren

Saw you in the Ojo 59

“People Helping People”


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October 2015

0HVVDJH IURP WKH 3UHVLGHQW /HDYLQJ D /HJDF\ This is based on an important article from the September 2014 edition of the LCS newsletter. When members ask me how much of their LCS annual dues is used to finance programs they are often surprised when I tell them virtually none. The fact is almost all money collected from your dues goes to operating expenses (mostly utilities, salaries, and building and grounds maintenance). Most of the money used to finance our programs for members and the Mexican community comes from fundraising events and donations. If you believe in the benefits of these programs you can ensure their long term viability by establishing a bequest to the LCS. We’ve established a program in the spirit of Neill James, the 20th century Ajijic philanthropist. As a benefactor you could bequeath a legacy to LCS that will help continue the valuable programs that we offer the community. Neill’s passion was to introduce children to the arts, to empower women by teaching them vocational skills, and to promote literacy. Three of her important programs continue to flourish today under the auspices of the LCS: community libraries with English and Spanish collections, the Children’s Art Program and the Needlepushers, an organization of volunteers who knit and sew children’s clothing. Other programs the LCS sponsors include English as a Second Language, which serves about 300 people annually, one-on-one computer training, student aid for two dozen students, and a new program bringing a Career Day to area high schools. Legacy gifts to LCS may be left in wills, trusts or estate plans to support a favorite cause or help people in need. You may also bequeath property or designate LCS as beneficiary on a bank account or insurance policy. Leaving a car, jewelry, or art that can be sold will help ensure the success of our work in the community. Gifts to charitable institutions are simple to make and may have significant tax benefits to your estate. Discuss your options with your financial planner or attorney. For more information, pick up an informative brochure in the LCS office. Your bequest from the heart can help bring dignity, meaning, and purpose to deserving lives. ------ Ben White, President


El Ojo del Lago / October 2015

LCS Celebrates 60 Years! On Saturday Nov. 7, 2015 the Lake Chapala Society will celebrate its 60th Anniversary with a grand all day “Free-esta”. Dozens of Lakeside non-profits and businesses will participate. There will be live music, dancing, displays, and free food provided by local restaurants. LCS invites all expats and Mexicans to participate in the celebration. This is a celebration where the local vendors want to thank LCS and LCS wants to thank Lakeside residents for their past and continued support. Bring your friends and neighbors down, and enjoy the day, it’s on us!

6LS DQG 6DYRU :LQH )HVW October 17, from 3 to 7 p.m., LCS and Restaurant 4 are hosting a Wine Fest from 3 to 7 p.m. on the LCS campus. An extensive wine selection from all over the world including Mexico, will be available for tasting, or purchase by the glass, bottle or even a case. Appetizers created by Restaurant 4 will also be available for purchase at the event. Notable musical ensemble “Black Swan with Diamonds” will be performing at the fest for your pleasure. The 100 peso charge is for admission only.

5H 0RXQWHG /HJHQG RI 0LFKL &LKXDOOL Goes to the Big Stage LCS partnered with the Lakeside Little Theatre this summer by supporting a theatre camp for area children and families. Two performances were offered at the time, primarily for the parents and other VIPs. A public performance is now scheduled for October 7. La Leyenda de la Reina Xochitl – Michi-Cihualli is the story of the spirit of Lake Chapala from the perspective of Lakeside artist Antonio Lopez Vega, a protege of Neill James. The story was passed to him by his grand mother and he has created this play to tell the story. The performers are 34 young dancers, musicians, puppeteers, and singers. The performance will be at the Auditorio de la Ribera in Ajijijc on October 7, at 7 p.m. Tickets will be on sale at Diane Pearl’s and the Auditorium. For more information contact Jennifer Stanley at 766-3543 or jenthom.enroute@gmail.com. Attention All Members Membership needs your help. This is the year the new LCS membership expiration dates go into effect according to your birth date. You can facilitate the renewal process by providing information now. Please email Operations Manager Adela Alcaraz at administracion@lakechapalasociety.com with your name, birth date, member number and any changes you’ll be making when you renew. Your timely response will help us improve our services to members. If you plan to renew on line, ignore this message.

(6/ 3URJUDP 1HHGV D 9ROXQWHHU LCS English as a Second Language classes, held at Wilkes Education Center, started the 2015-2016 school year September 21. In addition to classes on reading, writing, speaking, and listening, the ESL program offers two auxiliary conversation classes where students can practice the skills they learned in the classroom setting. While conversation practice sessions are scheduled Monday, Wednesday and Saturday mornings from 10 to 11:30 a.m., a 5:30-7 p.m. conversation class is desperately needed to assist students or workers who need to hone their English communication skills but can’t attend day classes. No registration is required for students to attend this class. To date, no one has volunteered to fill this time slot as facilitator. The volunteer leader would suggest topics for discussion and facilitate conversation among the participants. If you are interested LQ ¿OOLQJ WKLV LPSRUWDQW UROH contact Inez Dayer at Inezme@gmail.com.

Thursday Film Aficionados Open to LCS members only. Bring your card. All films shown in the Sala from 2-4 p.m. No food. No pets. 2FWREHU /LNH )DWKHU /LNH 6RQ 2014 Japan Ryota and his wife, Midori, have a 6 year-old son. A blood test reveals that the son and another baby were switched at birth. Two families are thrown together and forced to make a difficult decision. 2FWREHU 7DNYD $ 0DQÂśV )HDU RI *RG 2006 Turkey A promotion brings a devout Muslim’s relationship with God into question. 2FWREHU &REUD 9HUGH 1988 Germany A plantation overseer in 19th century Brazil is sent to West Africa on a dangerous slave buying mission. Klaus Kinski stars and Werner Herzog directs. October 22 Iron Island 2006 Iran Squatters, mostly Arabs, live on a mothballed oil tanker in the Persian Gulf. 2FWREHU 7KH :D\ +H /RRNV 2014 Brazil Leonardo, a blind teenager, is longing for independence. His everyday life and the way he ‘sees’ the world change completely with the arrival of Gabriel.

:H 6WLOO 1HHG <RX The Garden needs volunteers to maintain our gardens. The Information Desk needs a manager and volunteers familiar with directions and locations here at Lakeside. Bilingual volunteers are especially welcome, but it’s most important that volunteers be friendly, helpful and a great representative of LCS!  A four-hour shift is required. The Membership Desk has vacancies on both Wednesdays and Fridays. Volunteers can work two or four-hour shifts (preferred) and should have some experience with computers. The Service Desk has openings for substitute volunteers. You need a friendly, outgoing personality plus the ability to operate under occasional pressure. The job involves operating a computer-based point-of-sale system, (we’ll train you) and the ability to make change, etc. You’ll work four-hour shifts. This may become a permanent one-day a-week position. Special Events Coordinator is looking for volunteers to greet guests, collect tickets, and help with fiesta decorations. If you have a bit of flair and are an outgoing person, this position may be for you. Seniors’ High Tea project needs a manager and volunteers to organize and run this program. This is an opportunity for seniors and shut-ins to gather in our garden for conversation, a cup of tea or coffee, and a traditional scone with strawberry jam and cream. For more information and applications for these positions and others which may be available, contact 766-1140 or visit the LCS Service Office during office hours from 10 to 2 p.m. every day except Sunday.

Saw you in the Ojo 61


October Activities *Open to the Public ** US Citizens (S) Sign in required (C) Membership card required CRUZ ROJA * CRIV (Cruz Roja) Sales Table M-F 10-1 CRIV (Cruz Roja) Monthly Meeting 2nd Wed 2-5 HEALTH INSURANCE * IMSS & Immigration Services Mon+Tues 10-1 Lakeside Insurance Broker Tues+Thur 11-2 San Javier Hospital Services Last F 10-12 HEALTH & LEGAL SERVICES * Becerra Immigration Thur 10:30-12:30 Blood Pressure Fri 10-12 Hearing Aid Services (S) Mon+2nd+4th, Sat 11-4 Ministerio Publico Wed Oct 7+21 10-2 My Guardian Angel Mon+Tues 10-1 Optometrist-Claravision (S) Thur 9-4 Pharmaceutical Consultation 4th Mon 10-12 Skin Cancer Screening (S) 2nd + 4th Wed 10-12 :30 US Consulate** Wed Oct 14 10 10-12 Sign up 10-11:30 LESSONS (C) Children’s Art Sat 10-12* Children’s Reading Program Sat 9-10* Exercise Mon+Wed+Fri 9-10 Fitness and Strength Thru Yoga Mon+Fri 2-3:30, Sat 1-2:30 Line Dancing Tues+Thur 10-11:15 Stretch and Balance Exercise Tues+Thur 9-9:50 Thursday Yoga Thur 2-3:30 LIBRARIES Audio Thur 10-12 Book & Video Mon-Sat 10-2 Library of Congress Books**/ Talking Books Thur 10-12 Wilkes Mon-Fri 9:30-7, Sat 9:30-1 SOCIAL ACTIVITIES (C) All Things Tech Fri 9:30-11:30 Beginners’ iPad Classes Thurs 10-12 Bridge 4 Fun Tue + Thur 1-5 Conversaciones en Espanol Mon 10-12 English/Spanish Conversation Sat 11-12 Everyday Mindfulness Mon 10:15-11:45 Film Aficionados Thur 2-4:30 Genealogy Forum Last Mon 2-4 History Club Begins Tues Oct 20 1-4 Mac OS 1st Mon 12-1 Mac User Group 3rd Wed 1-2 Memoir Writers 2nd Wed 2-4 Needle Pushers Tues 10-12 Open Gaming (*open to the public from 2) Mon 1-4* Scrabble Mon+Fri 12-1:50 Tournament Scrabble Tues 12-1:50 SERVICE & SUPPORT GROUPS * Caregiver Support Group 2nd+4th Wed 1030-12:30 Have Hammer Workshop Demo 1st+3rd Mon 10-12* Information Desk Mon-Sat 10-2 Lakeside AA Mon +Thur 4:30-5:30 Open Circle Sun 10-12:30 Toastmasters Mon 7-8:30 TICKET SALES Mon-Fri 10-12


El Ojo del Lago / October 2015

We are liquidating our VHS tape inventory. For those of you who still have VHS players that work, we have several hundred VHS tapes that are available for 5 pesos each, or less, depending on quantities purchased. And, if you don’t have a VHS player that works, we can transfer the tape to a DVD disc if you spot a title you like. Cost is fifty pesos per tape for members and 75 pesos per tape for non-members. Please see the volunteers on duty for additional information. The new additions listed below are just a few of the October additions. See the LCS web page or the bulletin board, and the green catalogs at the Video Library for the complete list and reviews of the new entries. :KDW RQ (DUWK #7038 Documentary about the crop circles that have mystified the world. $PHULFDQ 6QLSHU #7045 Bradley Cooper and Sienna Miller $Q\ 'D\ 1RZ #7034 Superb and challenging film with Alan Cumming and Garet Dillahunt. 7KH /DVW RI WKH %ORQGH %RPEVKHOOV #7033 Judi Dench and Iam Holm – great movie. :LWQHVV IRU WKH 3URVHFXWLRQ #7028 Oldie but goodie!! Tyrone Power and Marlene Dietrich $ 0DQ IRU $OO 6HDVRQV #7039 Don’t miss it – it’s a classic. &URVVLQJ 'HODQF\ #7040 Light hearted, cute movie – if you like cute movies. )DUHZHOO 0\ &RQFXELQH #7036 8.1 on scale of 10 – Foreign drama %RG\ +HDW #7042 Smoldering with William Hurt and Kathleen Turner 0RQVWHUœV %DOO #7031 Just smokin’! Billy Bob Thornton and Halle Berry Drop by and say hello. Tell us what you would like to see.

8SFRPLQJ L3DG &ODVVVHV There are a few spaces left in the October Pad classes that start on October 1. The third session of iPad Classes for Beginners starts on Thursday, November 5. Each session consists of four classes held 10 to 11:45 a.m. on consecutive Thursdays. Space is limited. For more information and to register, e-mail lcsipadclasses@gmail.com. Registration can only be done by email. Classes are for iPad, iPod Touch and iPhone only.

Costco Returns to LCS Costco will be here at LCS Monday and Tuesday October 5 and 6 on the Blue Umbrella Patio from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. for information on special sales, new and renewal memberships.

,Q WKH 6HUYLFH 2I¿FH The Warren Hardy Spanish textbooks for registered class members are available in the Service Office. Much-needed donations to the kitty fund for the care and feeding of our feline friends and our wonderful children’s art cards are available in the Service Office, too.


Shot Day Rescheduled

The LCS Post Life Program, the central registry for all Lakeside post life information, has formed partnerships with area organizations to better serve Lakeside residents. LCS and the American Legion have combined their post life programs. Those who are existing members of the American Legion’s Post Life Program will automatically be included in the LCS Post Life Emergency Registry. My Guardian Angel, on the LCS grounds on Mondays and Tuesdays, provides critical information cards in two formats to keep with you. Guardian Angel has also partnered with LCS and the Legion by offering a discount for their product to our respective members.

Flu, shingles, hepatitis series, and pneumonia (five year or life) shots will be available on the Patio from10-2 p.m. Friday, October 9. Must sign up for all shots in the Service Office.

/&6 6LQJOHV &RPLQJ (YHQW LCS Singles will be having the next event at La Bodega on Thursday, October 22 at 5 p.m. More information to come…so be on the lookout for more news. If you are not on the singles contact list, please e-mail us at singles@lakechapalasociety.com so you won’t miss the fun!

Bus Trips for October Wednesday, October 7 Guadalajara Zoo Includes transportation, show and train ride. Cable car is extra at $43 pesos. Food and beverages available. Departs from the sculpture in La Floresta promptly at 9 a.m. Cost is $320 pesos for members and $370 pesos for non-members. Only a few seats remain. Thursday, October 22 Our regular trip to Galerias Mall. Shop major retailers and restaurants. Super Walmart and Costco are nearby. Meet at the sculpture in La Floresta at 9:30 a.m. Tickets for members are $250 pesos and $300 pesos for non-members. Buy your tickets in the Service Office now. Remember: no refunds or exchanges.

Introduction to Spanish Classes This casual class offered for the beginner covers the Spanish alphabet, simple vocabulary, phrases to use about town, and other useful information about our area and Mexican culture. This class is open to LCS members only. Classes are held each month starting the first Tuesday and continuing for three weeks starting Tuesday, October 6 on the LCS campus from 12 until 1:30 p.m. Materials are provided; tuition is $175 pesos. Sign up in the Service Office or on line at lakechapalasociety.com.

Bravo Productos Corazon! Productos Corazon, LCS’ new cafe, has been open for only a couple of weeks and has already built a great reputation for tasty food. LCS partnered with Executive Chef Alejandra and her English/ Mexican husband Mark Foster, to open their new restaurant here on the LCS campus. The enterprising duo created Corazon’s concept of providing healthy, delicious meals and snacks from locally produced, freshly cooked products. Executive Chef Alejandra offers diners both traditional Mexican and international dishes. Menus include daily soup specialties, agua fresca made from fresh fruit, entrees that include popular fish and meat loaves, and their delicious award-winning cheese flans and mouth-watering lemon curd tarts. Every Tuesday features a special of the day. Fresh salads and freshly-brewed coffees and teas are always available. Hours are Monday through Saturdays, 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.. Productos Corazon says “Eating for the heart is always a good choice.”

&RQJUDWXODWLRQV 1HZV $ERXW /X] This year, our own optometrist Luz Zepeda, will soon be celebrating an impressive anniversary at the Lake Chapala Society. Luz has been providing open-to-the-public eye care to Lakeside clients for nearly twenty years. She offers free eye exams and a full line of optometric services. Luz specializes in difficult prescriptions. She offers a wide selection of frames at affordable prices. Her office hours are 9 to 3 p.m. every Thursday. Sign up on the Neill James Patio outside her office.

The Library Corner - Attention Bibliophiles: Great news for book lovers: access all of the nearly 26,000 titles of our entire collection of books on the LCS website. The LCS Library houses one of the largest collection of English language books in Latin America and its collection is one of the biggest in Mexico. Titles are available in nearly every genre imaginable. Check out the new books donated almost every day and the recently purchased new material currently available.

THE LAKE CHAPALA SOCIETY, A.C. 16 de Septiembre #16-A, Ajijic, Jalisco LCS Main Office: (376) 766-1140 Office, information and other services - Monday-Saturday, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Grounds open until 5:00 p.m.

LCS BOARD OF DIRECTORS. President - Ben White (2016); Vice-President - Cate Howell (2017); Treasurer - Michael Searles (2017); Secretary - Carole Wolff (2016); Directors: Matthew Butler (2016); Lois Cugini (2017); Ernest Gabbard (2016); Fred Harland (2017); Barbara Hildt (2017); Yoli Martinez (2017); Garry Musgrave (2017); Pete Soderman (2016); Joan Ward (2016); Immediate Past President: Howard Feldstein. Executive Director - Terry Vidal

The LCS Newsletter is published monthly. Deadline for submissions is the 17th of the month preceding publication. Submit all news items to newsletter@lakechapalasociety.com Note: The editorial staff reserves the right to edit all submissions according to time, space availability and editorial decision.

Saw you in the Ojo 63


El Ojo del Lago / October 2015

Saw you in the Ojo 65


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El Ojo del Lago / October 2015


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- CASA DEL SOL Tel: 766-0050 - CASA FLORES Tel: 766-5493 - CASA TRES LEONES Cell: (045) 331-350-6764

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$-,-,& /(*$/ 5(7,5(0(17 6(59,&(6 Cell: 33-1172-1724 3DJ

/80%(5 - REAL ORTEGA & SONS-+DUGZDUH IRU &DUSHQWHUV Tel: 765-2404, 765-3404 3DJ

0$// 0$5.(7 - CENTRO LAGUNA Tel: 766-5514


0($7 328/75< &+((6( - PURITAN POULTRY Tel: 765-4399 721<¶6 Tel: 766-1614


0(',&$/ 6(59,&(6 $/7$ 5(7,1$ 'U 5LJREHUWR 5LRV /HyQ 2SKWKDOPLF 6XUJHRQ Tel: 766-1521 3DJ &$6,7$ 0217$f$ 0(',&$/ &(17(5 Tel: -766-5513 3DJ &+$3$/$ 0(' Tel: 765-7777, Cell: (045) 33-3950-9414 3DJ '(50$72/2*,67 Tel: 765-2400, Cell: (045) 333-170-6570 3DJ '(50,.$ 'HUPDWRORJLF &HQWHU Tel: 766-2500 3DJ '5 *$%5,(/ 9$5(/$ Tel: 765-6666, Cell: 333-128-6347 3DJ '5 -$0(6 -$5$0,//2 &+$9(= 0 ' 0HGLFDO 3V\FKLDWU\ Tel: 765-4805, Cell: 331-571-0789 3DJ '5 -8/,2 &(6$5 025(12 )/25(6 &RVPHWLF 5HFRQVWUXFWLYH 3ODVWLF 6XUJHU\ 3DJ '5 5,&$5'2 025$ '85È1 3V\FKLDWU\ 1HXURSV\FKLDWU\ Tel: 766-0662, 766-0500 3DJ '5$ &/$8',$ / &$0$&+2 &+2=$ 2SKWKDOPRORJLVW Tel: 765-5364 3DJ '5$ .$5(1 *21=È/(= *HQHUDO 3K\VLFLDQ Cell: 33-1158-4236 3DJ '5$ 0$57+$ 5 %$//(67(526 )5$1&2 Cell: (045) 333-408-0951 3DJ - GO LAB Tel: 106-0881 3DJ +263,7$/ $1*(/(6 '(/ &$50(1 Tel: (01) 3813-0042 3DJ - ISILAB Tel: 766-1164 3DJ /$.(6,'( &$5',2/2*< &/,1,& Tel: (387) 763-0665 3DJ /$.(6,'( 0(',&$/ *5283 Tel: 766-0395 3DJ 0(' ,17(*5,7< Tel: 766-5154 3DJ 3/$67,& 685*(5< 'U %HQMDPLQ 9LOODUDQ Tel: 766-5513, Cell 044-333-105-0402 3DJ - QUALITY CARE Tel: 766-1870 3DJ 5,&$5'2 +(5(',$ 0 ' Tel: 765-2233 3DJ 9$5,&26( 9(,16 75($70(17

Tel: 765-4805


029(56 /$.( &+$3$/$ 029,1* Tel: 766-5008 67520 :+,7( 029(56 Tel: 766-6153 7+( 029(56 /$.(6,'( Tel: (045) 555 478 6608 Cell: (045) 33-1301-1441



086,& 7+($75( (9(176 ' - +2:$5' Tel: 766-3044 3DJ /$ 5(,1$ 0,&+, &,+8$//, 3DJ 7+( 1$.(' 67$*( 5($'(5¶6 7+($75( Tel: 765-3262 3DJ 7+5,//(5 ,1 $-,-,& 3DJ


5(17$/6 3523(57< 0$1$*(0(17

/$6 3$/0$6 Cell: (045) 33-3170-1776/33-1195-7112 3DJ

* PAINT 48,52= ,PSHUPHDELOL]DQWHV Tel: 766-2311 48,52= 3LQWXUDV Tel: 766-5959


* PERSONAL ASSISTANCE 1(:&20(56 ,/6( +2))0$11 ilsecarlota40@gmail.com, www.guadalajarachapalatravelguide.com Tel 01(33) 3647-3912 Cell (045) 33-3157-2541

3+$50$&,(6 )$50$&,$ &5,67,1$ Tel: 766-1501 )$50$&,$ (;35(66 ,, Tel: 766-0656 )$50$&,$ 0$6.$5$6 Tel/Fax: 765-5827 )$50(; Tel: 765-5004

-8',7 5$-+$7+< Cell: (045) 331 - 395 - 9849 3DJ /25(1$ & %$55$*$1 Cell: (045) 331-014-5683 3DJ /,1'$ )5((0$1 Cell: (045) 333-661-6386 3DJ /8&, 0(55,77 &HOO 2I¿FH 3DJ 035 5($/ (67$7( Tel: (315) 351-5167 3DJ 12e /23(= Cell: 331-047-9607 3DJ 3(7(5 67 -2+1 Tel: 765-3676, 331-323-0893 3DJ 5$8/ *21=$/(= Cell: 33-1437-0925 3DJ - SANDI ALLIN BRISCOE Tel: (376) 765-2484, Cell: (045) 331-563-8941 3DJ - VISTA ALEGRE Tel: 766-4867 3DJ


'21'( 0,5$ (/ 62/ Tel: (+52) (744) 460-2713 3DJ &2/':(//%$1.(5 &+$3$/$ 5($/7< Tel: 766-1152, movile: (045) 33-1175-9632 3DJ - FOR RENT Tel: 765-2671 3DJ - FOR RENT Tel: 334-593-8551 3DJ - FOR RENT Tel: 33-1359-1367 3DJ - FOR RENT Tel: 765-7749 3DJ +$&,(1'$ 305 Tel: 766-3320 3DJ -25*( 7255(6 Tel: 766-3737 3DJ 0$1=$1,//2 9$&$7,21 5(17$/6 Tel: (314) 100-6773 or (314) 109-0657 3DJ - RENTAL LOCATERS Tel: 766-5202 3DJ 520$ Tel: 766-3163, 766-5171 3DJ - SANTANA RENTALS Cell: 315-104-3283 3DJ - VILLAS DEL SOL Tel: 766-1152 3DJ

322/ 0$,17(1$1&(


(48,30(17 $1' 322/ 0$,17(1$1&( Tel: 766-1617 3DJ

5(67$85$17( Tel: 766-1360 3DJ $-,-,& 7$1*2 Tel: 766-2458 3DJ $/)5('2¶6 &$/,)251,$ Tel: 331-301-9862 3DJ &$)( 3$5,6 3DJ - CASA FUERTE Tels: 3639-6474 / 81 3DJ - COLIBRI GARDEN Tel: 765-4412 3DJ - CASA FUERTE Tels: 3639-6474 / 81 3DJ - GO LE CLUB Cell: (045) 33-3502-6555 3DJ - HUERTO CAFÉ Tel: 108-0843 3DJ -$60,1(¶6 &ODVVLF ,QGLD Tel: 766-2636 3DJ -2+$11$¶6 *HUPDQ 5HVWDXUDQW Tel: 766-0437 3DJ - LA CASA DEL CAFE Tel: 766-2876 3DJ /$ &$6$ '(/ :$))/( Tel: 766-1946 3DJ /$ 0(6$ Tel: 766-2948, Cell. 33-3814-5834 3DJ /$ 0,6,21 Tel: 108-0887 3DJ - LA NUEVA POSADA Tel: 766-1444, 766-2049 3DJ ³ /$ 7$9(51$´'(, 48$7752 025, Tel: 766-2848 3DJ /26 02//(7(6 Tel: 766-4296 3DJ 0$1,; Tel: 766-0061 3DJ 0(/¶6 Tel: 766-4253 Cell: 331-402-4223 3DJ 020¶6 '(/, 5(67$85$17 Tel: 765-5719 3DJ

* REAL ESTATE $-,-,& +20( ,163(&7,216 Tel: 766-2836 3DJ - ALL IN ONE REAL ESTATE SERVICE Tel: 766-1161 3DJ %(9 -($1 &2)(// +RPH 2I¿FH 3DJ %,(1&20 Tel: 766-1186 3DJ &$0,/2 '(/ /$*2 Cell 331-093-1980 3DJ &+$3$/$-$5$ Tel: 106-1206 3DJ - CHULA VISTA NORTE Tel: 766-2177 Cell: (045) 33-3841-8867 3DJ - CIELOVISTA Tel: 766-4867 3DJ &2/':(// %$1.(5 &+$3$/$ 5($/7< Tel: 766-1152, 766-3369 Fax: 766-2124, Tels: 765-2877 Fax: 765-3528 3DJ - CONTINENTAL REALTY Tel: 766-1994, Cell: (33) 1366-2256 Pag: 28 &80%5(6 Tel: 766-4867 3DJ - DON SNELL Cell 33-1005-9129 3DJ - EAGER & ASOCIADOS Tel: (376) 766 1917, 1918 3DJ )25 6$/( %< 2:1(5 Tel. 331-833-3095 3DJ )25 6$/( %< 2:1(5 Cell: 333-952-5225, Tel: (01) 387-761-0987 3DJ *(25*(77( 5,&+021' Tel: 766-2077 3DJ *(5$5'2 0(',1$ Cell. 331-121-7034 3DJ

- PANINO Tel: 766-3822 - PIAN THAI RESTAURANT Tel: 766-2020 3,==(5,$ 726&$1$ Tel: 765-6996 67 5(0< Tel: 766-0607 7+( 3($&2&. *$5'(1 Tel: 766-1381 721<¶6 Tel: 766-1614, 766-4069 - YVES Tel: 766-3565


/26 1,f26 '( &+$3$/$ < $-,-,& Tel: 765-7032




- ESUN Tel: 766-2319, 01-800-099-0272



63$ 0$66$*(


5(7,5(0(17 5(67 1856,1* +20(6 $/,&( 1856,1* +20( Tel: 766 1194, 766 2999 3DJ - LA CASA NOSTRA Tel: 765-3824 3DJ 0, &$6,7$ 1XUVLQJ +RPH $VVLVWHG /LYLQJ Center Tel. 106-2081, Cell. 045 33-1115-9615 3DJ 1856,1* +20( /$.( &+$3$/$ Tel: 766-0404 3DJ - OHANA Tel: (01387) 761-0403 3DJ

6$7(//,7(6 7 9 $-,-,& (/(&7521,&6 6 $ '( & 9 Tel/Fax: 766-1117, 766-3371 3DJ 6+$: 6$7(//,7( 6(59,&(6 Tel: 33-1402-4223 3DJ

* SCHOOL - INSTITUTO TERRANOVA Tel: 766-2401, 766-3033

0$66$*( )25 :20(1 Cell: 331-630-9491 - RESPIRO SPA Cell: 33-3157-7790 - TOTAL BODY CARE Tel: 766-3379


7$;, $57852 )(51$1'(= Cell: (045) 333-954-3813


* TENNIS - TENNIS COURTS Tel: 761-0527


* TOURS '$< 75,3 72 7$3$/3$ 02817$,1 Tel: 33-1022-4868 /<',$¶6 72856 Tel: 765-4742, (045) 33-1026-4877 - CHARTER CLUB TOURS Tel: 766-1777 :$1'(512: Tel: 333-481-9310





- SELF STORAGE-BODEGAS CHAPALA Tel: 766-0661, Tel/Fax: 766-1045 3DJ

6(37,& 3803,1* 6(59,&(6 +,'52029,/ Cell: 33-3127-3500


62&,$/ 25*$1,=$7,216 /81$6 '( 0$/85, Tel: 33-1778-7980 /$.( &+$3$/$ 62&,(7< Tel: 766-1140


Saw you in the Ojo

The Ojo Crossword

Saw you in the Ojo 67


FOR SALE: Mercedes Benz. Nice veKLFOH ZKHHO GULYH 1HZ JV ¿OWHU EUDNHV PXIÀHU 3ULFH XVG FOR SALE: Sienna LE. Jalisco Plates, Original Factura from Toyota Gdl, perfect FRQGLWLRQV YHU\ ORZ NPV 3ULFH pesos. Call: 331-269-2696. FOR SALE: Nissan Tsubame Wagon. One of the most economical cars for gas and repairs in Mexico. This is like a Tsuru often used as taxis, but the wagon version Tsubame. It even gets better mileage than many newer 4 cylinder cars. Recent repairs: brakes rebuilt including master cylinder, New rubber/bushings in front-end, tires and more. Actual mileage of vehicle unknown due to a faulty odometer. Price: &DOO FOR SALE: 2011 Dodge Journey, 3.6L, V6, 55,000 km, one owner, original factura, plus all maintenance records, always parked in covered garage. Bought at ROCA motors in GDL, 30 June 2011. Cherry Red Exterior, Black interior. Fully loaded – Black leather seats, large video screen with rear camera, GPS system, Bluetooth for hands-free calling Seating for 7 people. Great stereo system (MW/FM/CD/DVD/MP3) with 6 Alpine speakers. 19 in. wheels. Price: SHVRV &DOO FOR SALE: 2003 gold met. Lincoln Aviator, V8, AWD, one owner, mx. plated, 30,000 mi. excellent condition leather, loaded, no accidents, garaged, locally serviced, heavy duty tr. hitch plus car carULHU 86 SHVRV HTY 6HULRXV FDOOHUV only 387-761-0472. FOR SALE: 2000 Honda Accord, 4doors, 4 cyl V-Tec Motor with 124,000 miles, 5 speed, A/C, silver color, body & paint good, cloth interior good, 30 mpg on highway. Runs & drives great. Jalisco licensed and plated. Call: 333-2744576 or email swright@email.com for picWXUHV 3ULFH 86' FOR SALE: Miata MX-5 Special Edition, Convertible, Automatic Transmission, rich Burgundy color with camel top and interior. Wonderful running, trouble free, show-stopper car. Made in Japan. Can not EH 0H[LFDQ SODWHG 3ULFH 86' RU 0; HTY &DOO FOR SALE: Universal automobile tow EDU 8S WR OE FDSDFLW\ SHVRV Call: 766-1994. :$17(' Want to buy a class motor home in excellent conditions in/out. pls. only in almost new conditions. Call: 333662-3040.


:$17(' Wanted Partner to share Shaw Direct Satellite TV, must own receiver. FOR SALE: 750 hard drive, batWHU\ : &'V EDWWHU\ $OO IRU KDUG GULYH IRU EDWWHU\ DQG IRU :LQGRZV (PDLO IRU SLFWXUHV swright@email.com or call Mike at 333-7234576. Various prices per item. FOR SALE: Wireless Printer cartridges EON FRORU 3ULFH 0;1 &DOO 1710. FOR SALE: Projection bulb for Dell 2300MP projector. Also used bulb-unknown KRXUV SHVRV 3ULFH SHVRV FOR SALE: 10.1� Tablet w/US Key-


board. Used 4-5 times only. Includes US NH\ERDUG DQG FRYHU 3ULFH 86' RU 0;1 HTXLY &DOO FOR SALE: HP Color Laserjet 2550L IRU VDOH H[FHOOHQW FRQGLWLRQ 03


:$17(' Would love to have a female applehead chihuahua. Black and white, brown blend. NO chihuahua bred with larger dogs.....must be a small chihuahua.


FOR SALE: King size Traditional Metal Canopy Bed in Beige Finish boasts a charming arched design; The Set includes headboard, footboard and canRS\ 3ULFH SHVRV RU EHVW RIIHU Please call for more details. Cell: 331-2682192. FOR SALE: Home Multi Gym Workout Station Fitness Weights Machine with Leg Press and Dip Station This home gym system makes it really easy to perform a whole programme of exercises in your home. 3ULFH SHVRV RU EHVW RIIHU 3OHDVH Call for more details. Cell.331-268-2192. FOR SALE: 5RFNEDQG (TXLS IRU 36 Guitar, Bass, Drums, Keyboard, Microphone and 5 games (Rockband 1,2,3,Beatles, Green Day). Used very little. Price: SHVRV &DOO :$17(' Looking for someone who is driving to then from the border in a truck that can haul my motorcycle (me too). Will share driving and expenses. Must go by Oct 20. Contact me at markgregory51@ hotmail.com. FOR SALE: Celestron Telescope. Power Seeker 127 EQ. Bought 3 years ago, almost not used, original box with all the OHQVHV DQG VRPH ¿OWHUV DOO RI WKHP FDPH ZLWK WKH RULJLQDO SXUFKDVH 3ULFH MX. Call: 766-4315. FOR SALE: Nice bicycle, perfect for rides around Ajijic, almost not used. Bought 3 years ago and stays at the garage all the WLPH 3ULFH 0; &DOO FOR SALE: Minibar Sanyo SS. Almost brand new, stainless steel minibar, Sanyo YROWV FD WR &XELF IHHW 3ULFH MX. Call: 766-4315. FOR SALE: Slacks from USA. Purchased more than I need last trip to the States and selling 34 x 30 slacks. Mark $QWKRQ\ EUDQG 'RFNHUV UHWDLO 86 YDULRXV FRORUV %ODFN /HYL EXWWRQ À\ $OO 6OLP VWUDLJKW OHJ 3ULFH 86 RU SHVR HTXLYDOHQW HDFK &DOO FOR SALE: Cherry wood Buffet. Brought from Canada. 50� x 19� x 38�. 3ULFH SHVRV FOR SALE: Dark Tan leather sofa brought from Canada in excellent condition. 90�(L) x 39�(D) x 34�(H). Very solid FRQVWUXFWLRQ 3ULFH SHVRV :$17(' Looking for a second hand chest freezer 8 cubic feet minimum capacity. Flexible in the size but can’t be too large. 14 cubic feet would be too large. FOR SALE: Large citrus juicer for sale. Will work for oranges, grapefruit, lemons and large limes. In perfect condition. Price: SHVRV &DOO FOR SALE: Two Lamps. Palomar, VLJQHG SHVRV HDFK RU WZR IRU pesos. Like new condition. One has a wooden base and the other does not. Call:

El Ojo del Lago / October 2015

387-761-0259. :$17(' Tool box, roller cabinet preferably with multiple drawers. Also consider D FKHVW VSHFLÂżFDOO\ IRU ZRRG ZRUNLQJ WRROV as well as a tool cabinet. Either or, or both. I brought my tools down now I need a place to put them. FOR SALE: 4’ Diameter 10mm Thick Glass Table with Wrought Iron Stand. Height of Table is 30.5â€?. Excellent condiWLRQ 3ULFH SHVRV &DOO 5869. FOR SALE: Dish 311 Receiver. We moved into a house with this receiver in place. We do not need it. A search of the web says it is still usable and has not been discontinued by Dish. Best offer gets it. Price: 045-331-382-4771. :$17(' I am looking for a stationary ELNH GHFHQW TXDOLW\ DQG UHDVRQDEOH SULFH It is for health reasons so cannot be cheap, wobbly etc. FOR SALE: ,ÂśP VHOOLQJ DOO P\ TXLOWLQJ fabrics and sewing materials in general. (15 years collecting fabrics). Price: 01376765-3695. FOR SALE: Pair of hand painted folkDUW GHFRUDWLYH VWRROV 2QO\ SHVRV Call: 766-2230. FOR SALE: Large terracotta decoraWLYH Ă€RRU YDVH ´+ ; ´: ZLWK 0D\DQ FDOHQGDU FDUYLQJ 2QO\ SHVRV &DOO 766-2230. FOR SALE: 8QLTXH ´ WDOO WHUUDFRWWD DQFLHQW ZDUULRU ÂżJXUH 2QO\ SHVRV Call: 766-2230. FOR SALE: Various beautiful patio and house plants. Moving make offers. Email for pictures swright@email.com or call Mike at 333-723-4576. FOR SALE: An overstuffed comfortable brown chair new for best offer; beautiful 2 large wall pictures for best ofIHU EHDXWLIXO LQFK VFUROOHG ZRRG Ă€RDWing wall shelf for best offer. Everything in excellent condition, email for pictures to sherry@email.com. or call Mike at 333724-4576 FOR SALE: Hanging Pot Rack. Calphalon 27â€? X 18â€? stainless steel oval pot rack that hangs from ceiling in your kitchen. All ceiling chains and pot hooks included. Only SHVRV &DOO FOR SALE: Quilting Frame. 31 1/2â€? KLJK Ă€RRU VWDQGLQJ TXLOWLQJ IUDPH (DVLO\ DVVHPEOHG WXEXODU 39& 2QO\ SHVRV Call 766-2230. FOR SALE: %HDXWLIXO XQLTXH PHWDO glass tile kitchen island or bar. 52â€?W X 32â€?L X 26â€?W with lower shelf. Multiple shades of EURZQ 3ULFH SHVRV &DOO FOR SALE: Pair of Mexican folk art (distressed) bedroom side tables with ODPSV 2QO\ SHVRV IRU WKH SDLU &DOO 766-2230. FOR SALE: I have several Christmas RUQDPHQWV DQG OLJKWV 3ULFH *DUGHQLQJ XPEUHOOD ZLWK VWDQG 7HO 766-11-57. berame@hotmail.com. FOR SALE: Nintendo Wii System. Comes with balance board, sensor bar, console, ac adapter, av cable, operations PDQXDO DQG JDPH GLVFV 3ULFH MXN. Call: 766-1710. FOR SALE: Oriental carpet 6 x 10 feet VLON ZH NHSW LW LQ WKH RIÂżFH DQG LW ZDV KDUGO\ ZDONHG RQ 3ULFH P[ XV FOR SALE: Sofa sleeper living room

set, sofa sleeper, sofa chair and ottoman. This is a matching set French Provence, Mediterranean blue, 6 pillows yellow And blue. Also matching yellow area rug. See pictures nonsmoking, clean DQG ZH KDYH QR SHWV 3ULFH RU best offer must see. FOR SALE: 6 cushions, never out of SDFNDJH ´ VTXDUH (PDLO IRU SKRWRV 3ULFH SHVRV FOR SALE: The couch is a 3 piece sectional with dark brown fabric. It is just over 1 year old. It is very comfortable and looks almost new. Each side is approxiPDWHO\ ´ ORQJ 3ULFH SHVRV FOR SALE: 2 wooden racks that are perfect for DVD/VHS storage. Price is for 2 racks. If interested, we will include (for free), 2 identical racks that are missing the top row. They’re handy for storing your vidHRV '9'V LQ WLJKW VSDFHV 3ULFH 86' Call: 765-5085. FOR SALE: Maya trailer used to haul items during bicycle tour. Able to haul up WR NJ OEV )RU ELNHV ZLWK TXLFN UHlease tires. Includes extra tire. Note: once you arrive home with groceries, etc, the two handles convert the trailer into a miniwheelbarrow! Any REASONABLE offer will be considered. Call: 765-5085. FOR SALE: Rawlings Softballs 4 origiQDO SDFNDJLQJ 3ULFH SHVRV &DOO 765-4667. :$17(' looking for several large suitcases in reasonable condition for a temp move back North. FOR SALE: Selling 4 24 inch Limited Brand Magnesium Rims, perfect FRQGLWLRQ YHU\ EHDXWLIXO VXSHULRU TXDOLW\ &RVW RYHU 86' MXVW IRU WKH rims Also selling 3 24 inch Wanli S 1098 tires, model 305 35 R 24, with about 4,000 miles on them. These tires are OLNH QHZ &RVW RULJLQDOO\ RYHU USD. I believe he would sell rims and tires separately, if someone wished. 3ULFH IRU ULPV DQG WLUHV 86' )RU photos or to view the rims and tires please email heltonbcs@aol.com or Call Barry or Christine at 376-762-1628. FOR SALE: Whirlpool Stainless steel side by side fridge with ice maker and water dispenser in freezer door. Only 3 years old and in perfect condition. Dimensions: 33 inches wide, 66 inches tall, 30 inches GHHS ,I SXUFKDVHG QHZ DERXW Pictures available, trouble loading them KHUH 3ULFH 3OV &DOO or email mysanditoes@hotmail.com FOR SALE: Complete IP Phone System. Cisco SPA504G Small Business Phone. Jabra Pro 9450 Wireless Headset. Jabra GN1000 Remote Handset Lifter. 3ULFH 86' FOR SALE: Two matching end tables, black, wicker, each with one drawer and VKHOI EHORZ ´ KLJK ´ VTXDUH SHUIHFW KHLJKW IRU P\ VRID 3ULFH 3HVRV &DOO 376-766-4898. FOR SALE: 29 inch color stereo TV by Daewoo, plus stand/cabinet. Flat screen, 3+ AV outlets, remote, owner’s manual, excellent condition, sound and picture. Cabinet is light-colored laminate wood, holds TV on top with 2-door storage area below, 23 inches high, shelf for DVD player. Available in October; can deliver. 3ULFH 3HVRV &DOO

FOR SALE: Rattan 3 drawer Bombay Chest/night stand.32â€? high - 31 1/2 wide GHHS 3ULFH P[ FOR SALE: Ninja blender about 2 months old. Excellent condition, I love it, RQO\ SHVRV RU EHVW RIIHU 3ULFH pesos. Contact by email swright@email. com for pictures. I’m in Riberas. FOR SALE: King size bedding, sheets, VSUHDG TXHHQ VSUHDG GHFRUDWRU SLOORZ HYerything new condition and beautiful. Various prices. Email for pictures to swright@ email.com or phone 333-724-4576 FOR SALE: Tools, Includes Black & Decker cordless drill with battery & case. Includes assortment of drill bits, driver bits and hole saw. Includes tool box with socket set, hammer, level, tapes, channel ORFNV PLVF WRROV $OO IRU SHVRV )RU pictures email swright@email.com or call Mike at 333-724-4576 FOR SALE: Queen Bed...bought for )LUP FRPIRUWDEOH DQG FOHDQ :LOO OLVten to any offer. Call: 331-433-1408. FOR SALE: Unusual, very original dining table, zinc top, distressed grey wood painted legs. 39â€? X 69â€? (1m. X 1.75m.). 3ULFH 3HVRV &DOO 3LHUUHWWH DW Cell: 315-107-0836. FOR SALE: 18 speed Mountain bike. Good tires, new tubes and rides good. 3ULFH SHVRV RU EHVW RIIHU (PDLO swright@email.com for pictures or call Mike at 333-724-4576. FOR SALE: 7HQQLV 5DFTXHWV 3 Wilson. 2 Prince. 1 Babolat. These are for beginner to advanced intermediate players. 7KH UDFTXHWV DUH ÂżYH \HDUV WR WZR \HDUV old, all in very good condition. Price: 7653668. FOR SALE: White Vinyl Patio Furniture 50â€? Octagonal Table with 4 chairs and FKDLU SDGV SHVRV ´ 5RXQG 7DEOH ZLWK FKDLUV DQG FKDLU SDGV SHVRV

Call: 766-2230. :$17(' 3rd Person share MBE mailbox Have 2 light users on a 2kg mailbox at MBE. Looking for 3rd light user--mail plus 1 magazine/month. Prorated until April when must pay for another year. If interested, 3ULFH 8'6 \U VKDUHG &DOO 2773. FOR SALE: Chi Machine - used only WZLFH 2SHQ WR DQ RIIHU 3ULFH SHsos. FOR SALE: Beautiful wood free-hanging decorator shelf with ornate edging. 3ULFH SHVRV &DOO RU email swright@email.com for pictures. FOR SALE: Wood writing desk by AsSHQ KRPH IRU SHVRV &HQWHU GHVN drawer or computer keyboard drawer with built-in computer cord placement. A beautiIXO ¿QH SLHFH RI IXUQLWXUH PRYLQJ DQG FDQœW take with us. Call: 333-274-4576 or email swright@email.com for pictures. FOR SALE: House and Patio Plants Many large and various plants for house or patio, all in pots, nice variety, many bloomLQJ SHVRV WDNHV DOO &DOO 4576 or email swright@email.com for pictures FOR SALE: 2 TVs. One TV is a Pioneer LQFK ÀDW VFUHHQ IRU SHVRV DQG WKH VHFRQG 79 LV $79,2 LQFK ÀDW VFUHHQ IRU SHVRV %RWK DUH VWLOO XQGHU UHSODFHment warranty. Blu Sens DVD player with 6 speakers and base unit plus 200 DVDs in English (but can be programmed to 6SDQLVK 3* WR 3* IRU SHVRV $OO HTXLSPHQW LV OHVV WKDQ PRQWKV ROG &DOO 333-274-4576 or email swright@email.com for pictures. FOR SALE: Computer parts 634250005--750GB SATA hard disk drive - 5,400 RPM, 2.5-inch form factor, 9.5mm height UDZ GULYH 86' %DWtery pack (Primary) - 3-cell lithium-Ion (Li-

,RQ $K :K 86' VHWV RI Windows 8.1 System Recovery DVD for HP RU &RPSDT 86' &DOO 4576 or email swright@email.com. FOR SALE: Dining room table with glass WRSSHU DQG PDWFKLQJ FKDLUV IRU SHVRV %XIIHW WDEOH SHVRV 4XHHQ PDWWUHVV DQG ZLWK EDVH SHVRV ZRRG GHVN SHVRV GUDZHUV RQ UROOHUV DQG ERRN VKHOI SHVRV QLFH SDWLR IXUQLWXUH SHVRV OLYLQJ URRP furniture with couch, love seat, chair and WDEOH SHVRV (PDLO IRU SLFWXUHV WR swright@email.com. FOR SALE: 2007 Ajijic artist Javier =DUDJR]D RLO SDLQWLQJ 3ULFH P[ FOR SALE: Complete set of hand painted Mexican Crockery consisting of: 20 large, medium and small plates, bowls, plus some extras. Large and small coffee cups for 10 people plus some extras. 2 large jugs, 1 large coffee pot, 1 large tea pot, 1 large Tureen and 1 serving plate. 3ULFH 86' &DOO FOR SALE: 48 Inch Pioneer HD Flatscreen TV, nearly new with warranty good through January 3ULFH SHVRV *UHDW SLFWXUH TXDOLW\ 3LFWXUHV DYDLODEOH E\ HPDLO DW swright@email.com or phone Mike at 333724-4576. FOR SALE: Cargo Trailer 6.5 x 10 Feet, this trailer is Jalisco plated!!! Back 45 inches are open-top for better access to contents of trailer. Front 75 inches have metal top for protection from rain. 3ULFH XVG RU SHVRV &DOO 765-3668 in Chapala. FOR SALE: Vita Hot Tub, American made, self-contained, new cover with marine grade vinyl, jet settings include aromatherapy and energy saver. Seats 6 easily. Includes ornate, iron step ladder, for ease

RI HQWU\ 3ULFH 86' ([FHOOHQW condition! For photos or to view, Call: 376762-1628 or email us at heltonbcs@aol. com. FOR SALE: )OXRUHVFHQW OLJKW ¿[WXUHV with bulbs 2 x 48� lg and one x 24� lg. Like QHZ $OO WKUHH ¿[WXUHV 0;3 &DOO :DOter 333-444-7868 or 766-5452. FOR SALE: 4 newly upholstered dining/game table or living room chairs, orDQJH FRORU 03 HDFK 9HU\ QLFH ORRNLQJ SLFWXUHV RQ UHTXHVW &RQWDFW 765-3170. FOR SALE: Two teak pool side (or PaWLR HQG WDEOHV IURP 7KDLODQG 3ULFH mxp for two. Call: 766-5299. FOR SALE: Sofa, loveseat & Chair in soft, tan leather. Like new. Purchased 2 yrs DJR IRU 0;3 &DQ SURYLGH SKRWRV 3ULFH P[S &DOO FOR SALE: 6HW RI ODPSV 3DFL¿F coast lighting AFG – Model 4.0 AE (bedURRP OLYLQJ URRP RI¿FH

FOR SALE: AFG 4.0 AE Elliptical, like new + Super mats Heavy Duty P.V.C. Mat for elliptical + Elliptical Machine Cover/ Rear Drive. Price: Best offer. FOR SALE: WAGAN AC/Inverter. Just plug it in and you have 115V power. 150W Z : SHDN VXUJH :RUNV ÂżQH EXW DLUlines now use regular 3-prong receptacles. 3ULFH &DOO FOR SALE: I have two electric motors for water pumping. One is NIB with a transition adaptor from metal to PVC. The other LV XVHG DQG ZRUNV ÂżQH EXW QR WUDQVLWLRQ 3LFN XS LQ &KDSDOD +DFLHQGDV 3ULFH 86 RU 86 RU SHVRV &DOO 48. FOR SALE: furniture, linens, safety box, kitchenware & utensils. Tables and chairs, gardening umbrella. Call: 376-7661157 email: berame@hotmail.com.

Saw you in the Ojo 69


El Ojo del Lago / October 2015

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