Saw you in the Ojo
Saw you in the Ojo
Richard Tingen
Alejandro Grattan-Domínguez Tel: (01376) 765 3676, 765 2877 Fax: (01376) 765 3528 Associate Publisher David Tingen Graphic Design Roberto C. Rojas Diana Parra Morales
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Child Of Month
Robert James Taylor relates a true story that anyone who ever saw the movie Born Free will love.
Uncommon Sense
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Welcome To Mexico
Bridge By The Lake
Kay Davis writes about a house on a hill that was touched by both magic and P\VWHU\ ZKLFK DႇHFWHG ERWK KXPDQV DQG DQLPDOV
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Lakeside has gone gone maniacal for Thriller, and the next event to raise money for local charities will be on Oct. 28. Ajijic Plaza, see you there!
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Margaret Van Every touches on a very delicate subject, one which makes us hope that our readers have not lost their sense of humor.
Dr. Lorin Swinehart recalls an unforgettable experience that happened many \HDUV DJR ZKHQ KH ZDV D ¿UVW \HDU WHDFKHU RQ WKH 1DYDKR 5HVHUYDWLRQ LQ 1HZ Mexico.
Send all correspondence, subscriptions or advertising to: El Ojo del Lago Ave. Hidalgo 223 (or Apartado 279), 45900 Chapala, Jalisco Tels.: (376) 765 3676, Fax 765 3528 PRINTING: El Debate El Ojo del Lago aparece los primeros cinco días de cada mes. (Distributed over WKH ¿UVW ¿YH GD\V RI HDFK PRQWK) &HUWL¿FDGR GH /LFLWXG GH 7tWXOR &HUWL¿FDGR GH /LFLWXG GH &RQWHQLGR Reserva al Título de Derechos de Autor 04-2011-103110024300-102 Control 14301. Permisos otorgados por la Secretaría de Gobernación (EXP. 1/432 “88”/5651 de 2 de junio de 1993) y SEP (Reserva 171.94 control 14301) del 15 de enero de 1994. Distribución: Hidalgo 223 Chapala, Jalisco, México. All contents are fully protected by copyright and may not be reproduced without the written consent of El Ojo del Lago. Opinions expressed E\ WKH DXWKRUV GR QRW QHFHVVDULO\ UHÀHFW WKH views of the Publisher or the Editor, nor are we responsible for the claims made by our advertisers. We welcome letters, which should include name, address and telephone number.
Mark Boyer puts the Battle of Charlottesville in perspective, and as a wise man once said, “The truth hurts.”
Associate Editor Victoria Schmidt
Art Critic Rob Mohr
Special Events Editor Sandy Olson
Roving Correspondent Dr. Lorin Swinehart
El Ojo del Lago / October 2017
Saw you in the Ojo
Editor’s Page %\ $OHMDQGUR *UDWWDQ 'RPLQJXH] The Greatest Novel Ever Written
emingway thought Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn was one of the best novels ever written; others have thought it was Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, or Melville’s Moby Dick, Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights, Remarque’s All Quiet on the Western Front, Tolstoy’s War and Peace, Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath, Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women, Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities, Dostoyevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov, Margaret Mitchell’s Gone With the Wind or Gabriel García Márquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude. Also ranked very high by many literary critics/historians
are Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury, The Razor’s Edge by Somerset Maugham, Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, Jack London’s The Call of the Wild, Kim by Rudyard Kipling, Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms and Arrowsmith by Sinclair Lewis.
El Ojo del Lago / October 2017
Some of the criteria for calling anything “great” should start with a dictionary’s definition of the word itself, i.e., distinguished, important, celebrated, highest quality, widely admired, powerful, etc. To the above and for our purposes here, we shall add: Immediate response, longevity, critical (educated) reaction, timeless (universal) theme, historical significance, unforgettable characters, impact on the time in which it was written, number of movies and plays based on the book, as well as the author’s place in the history of literature; finally, other works by the same author which further consolidate his/her eminence. My choice is Victor Hugo’s Les Miserables. Completed in 1862, the English-language version was published in New York that same year to earn ecstatic reviews in all of the city’s major newspapers. As for other works by the same author, his unforgettable The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1831) was more than enough to certify Hugo’s literary stature. Further, his later novel was considered “the veritable motherlode of French Literature,” this in a country that boasted of authors of such international renown as Zola, Moliere, Voltaire, Dumas and de Maupassant. As for unforgettable characters, anyone who has ever read the book will never forget “Jean Valjean” and “Inspector Javert.” The characters are by now so well known that they have literally become archetypes in the public’s mind. As for significance, the novel was about social injustice and the power of love to bring about personal redemption. The book (an astounding 1900 pages long) gave rise later to La Societe des Amis de Victor Hugo, established to promote his novels, something virtually unprecedented at that time anywhere in the world. (The only
similar group I know of is the subsequent The Baker Street Irregulars, established many years ago in London to help keep alive Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes stories.) Moreover, there have been some half-dozen film adaptations of Hugo’s timeless novel, the 1935 MGM version with Fredric March and Charles Laughton the most celebrated. More recently, the musical based on the book has played to packed theaters all over the world. As for the book’s impact, it created changes in France over the next 150 years, the more immediate being laws to allow convicts to reenter society, and amending the penal code regarding crimes of necessity (the poor stealing bread to feed their families, etc.) to insure that they no longer could be sentenced to hard labor. Other changes involved creating more employment for the uneducated, building schools for the poor, and making elementary education both universal and obligatory. More than any other person, Hugo gave France its social conscience. He began writing the novel at age 43, and at that same age he was made a peer by the French realm, but he did not continue working on the book until 13 years later, while living on the Isle of Guernsey after he was banished from France by Napoleon III, whom Hugo had accused of taking power illegitimately in an eloquent if blistering charge which became a rallying point for those disenchanted with the emperor’s autocratic regime. Victor Hugo eventually returned triumphantly to France in 1870, having finally entered Alejandro the pantheon of Grattanthe world’s greatest Dominguez writers.
Saw you in the Ojo
%\ .HOO\ +D\HV 5DLWW
ew places in the world have endured the carnage that Palmyra, Syria, has during its 5,000-year history. The ancient city’s towering gate and 375-columned colonnade have withstood massacres, marauders, an earthquake and centuries of sandstorms. Now the ruins of this former caravan trading hub are funding history’s richest terrorist organization: ISIS. When I toured Palmyra on camelback early one dawn in 2008, I never dreamt that I’d be among the last Americans to see the UNESCO World Heritage site intact. I imagined Palmyra in its heyday, with adventurous, dusty and exhausted explorers and traders inching down the Great Colonnade, glad to finally reach this economic and intellectual oasis. As a crossroads between the hungry buyers from the Roman Empire and the peddlers of spices, silks and other trea-
sures from China, Persia and India, Palmyra was a melting pot of civilizations and ideas — from religious rites to political ideologies to cultural mores. Now the village luxuries that once beckoned traders from Mesopotamia to the Mediterranean are archaeological treasures being illegally sold in order to adorn the coffee tables of private collectors. During ISIS’ 10-month siege of Palmyra, which ended March 31, militants brutally beheaded the heritage site’s director of antiquities, 82-year-old Khaled al-Asaad, for refusing to reveal where valuable artifacts had been hidden for safekeeping. Terrorists and tomb raiders also plundered approximately 20% of the archaeological site, according to Dr. Franklin Lamb, who during the past three years has traveled several times to Syria from
El Ojo del Lago / October 2017
his home in Beirut. He has documented illegal excavations and looting in his new book “Syria’s Endangered Heritage: An International Responsibility to Protect and Preserve.” “The museum, which I have visited twice, is another story. It’s pretty much gutted, and the loss is nearly complete of what remained when ISIS arrived,” Lamb writes in our email conversation. “ISIS used the museum as a ‘court,’ so it was always occupied, [which] increased the damage.” ISIS earns up to $1 million each year from looting and trafficking antiquities, according to a congressional fact sheet issued by the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. It’s a mere pittance compared to the estimated $1 million per day from their black market oil dealings, but significant nonetheless. Deleting the Historic Record Like a modern-day Silk Road, the trail of an artifact smuggled from the sands of Syria into the hands of a private collector may traverse three continents. “The trade is underground and goes through all sorts of disguises,” says Dr. William Fulco, S.J., professor of archaeology at Loyola Marymount University and director of the school’s archaeology museum, which boasts one of America’s most unique “hands-on” antiquities collections. Smugglers need to cleanse the origin
of plundered artifacts so when they end up on the market, they won’t be known as coming from Palmyra, Fulco explains. “For an archaeologist, the origin is its value. But the people who are buying want coffee table ornaments. That’s the big market,” he says. “I’ll bet at least 50% of the antiquities on the market, no matter where they are from, [the dealers] say they are from the ‘Jordan Valley’ or ‘Jericho.’” Smugglers often funnel a stolen artifact through Dubai with phony claims of its origin. “Dubai is one of the great clearinghouses. If you go on eBay, you’ll find a large number of dealers of antiquities in Dubai. But they don’t make as much money that way. If it’s a significant item, they want it to go Big Time, so from there it would typically go to Zurich — that’s a clearinghouse,” says Fulco. “[The item] would eventually end up in London or Paris or Los Angeles, which is a big center in antiquities. By the time it ends up in these markets through various agents, we’ve lost all track of the origin. All you know is it’s a beautiful, fun antique to have.” Black Market Loopholes In a bipartisan effort to keep black market artifacts from entering the States, Congress passed the Protect and Preserve International Cultural Property Act, which
Pres. Obama signed May 4. The bill calls for “emergency import restrictions on atrisk Syrian cultural property” and an “interagency executive committee to protect international cultural property,” according to bill sponsor Rep. Eliot Engel’s (D-NY) website. There’s no blanket guideline to importing artifacts. The U.S. allows the importation of artifacts that have been legally exported from their country of origin, according to that country’s laws. So, whatever the rules are for exporting the artifact become the rules for importing the artifact into the U.S. Since Syria is unable to control stolen exports, emergency legislation was needed to establish illegality. Congress passed similar legislation during the Iraq War to prevent the importation of pilfered heritage treasures. But will this legislation make a dent in ISIS’ illegal smuggling? “Probably not much,” Fulco says. “Something from ‘the Jordan Valley’ is shipped as a ‘ceramic pot,’ period,” he explains. “One dealer told me he shipped a wooden figure from Egypt that was about 5,000 years old and it was simply listed on the customs form as ‘doll.’ How many thousands of packages come from London to New York every day? There are planefuls of them! They’re not going to open every package. They’ll be going by
the customs slip. “What the FBI cares about is not the dealing in minor pieces. They’re concerned with masterpieces that cost hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars. They’re more concerned about where the money is going,” he says. “The money frequently goes back to where the antiquity came from — Dubai and then back to ISIS.” That said, Fulco believes having the law is “a matter of principle.” Also on principal, LMU’s Department of Classics and Archaeology currently refuses to purchase or accept gifts of artifacts from the Middle East due to the region’s instability. “The more you buy from the market, the more you encourage people to rob archeological sites. We don’t want to be a party to that,” he says. ISIS Erases History to Rewrite It Is this wholesale plundering of significant cultural heritage sites unique in history, or just an extension of what’s been happening for centuries? “The motivation is different,” Fulco says. “During the Ottoman Period before the First World War, the Greeks attacked the Turks and the Turks attacked the Greeks and they all attacked the Egyptians and so on. It wasn’t a question of ethnic artistic cleansing, it was a question of stupidity. So, for example, soldiers shot
at the Sphinx because it was fun to knock its nose off. … Stupid people doing stupid things. “In Palmyra, they blew up two huge structures just to prove a point. They raided private collections and plundered the museum. It’s very clear ISIS wants to cleanse the Earth’s history and start afresh under their terms. To do that, they have to destroy history as it exists. There is a double motivation: remove all faces of history that do not correspond to their image and loot for financial reasons. These aren’t ideologically compatible, but that doesn’t stop them.” Rebuilding a Broken City Controversy has already begun about the restoration of Palmyra. Some experts are employing virtual imagery techniques using three-dimensional digital technology and robots to create models of Palmyra’s Roman arches. “Given these sophisticated advancements in technology, why is it so critical to physically restore the ruins?” I ask both experts. “Authenticity is a rather significant human desire,” Fulco responds. “Re-creation is re-creation, it’s not the site itself. They are not the artifacts that people [originally] created. You can go to Disneyland or Universal Studios where they reconstruct an entire city; they may look the same, but they are not the same. I can’t examine the
way the artifact was fired. If it’s made out of brick, I want to know what that brick is, what its content is. Re-creating it or having pictures of it does not give you the evidence you need to research human development.” “Digital imaging is a useful tool in helping restore damaged cultural sites such as Palmyra. But that is all it is, one tool,” Lamb emails from Beirut. “Anthropologists, sociologists and specialists from other branches of the humanities and social sciences recognize that cultural heritage is critical to supporting peoples’ identity. One of our deepest needs as humans is for a sense of identity and belonging, and a common denominator is our attachment to place and how we find meaning and identity in both cultural and natural landscapes. “It is not that we have lost things that have stood as they were for [thousands of] years. What we have lost is the effort, the intellectual and labor effort, of generations of Syrian historians who lovingly restored [Palmyra’s] columns and stones.” Kelly Hayes-Raitt spent the summer of 2008 assisting Iraqi refugees in Damascus. She blogs at Kelly HayesRaitt
Saw you in the Ojo
Senescent Choices %\ -RKQ 7KRPDV 'RGGV
ife it seems is what I wake up with. All of a sudden it is today. Sure, I have a few aches and pains. Daily, my body expands and flattens, my feet grow wider as I shrink. Not going gently into the night bits and pieces fall apart, are manufactured and left overnight on my nightstand. I am here, having journeyed a lifetime to get to where I have a need to step out of the picture, and elevate the consciousness of illusion in an endeavor to know myself. We don’t travel on an unmarked road; however, it is possible to miss
the milestones and signs along the way that provide choices. Sometimes we need to recollect what just happened along the route in order to make sense of it all. Sometimes oncoming decisions need to be made immediately without the opportunity to reflect, and if we don’t pay attention, the road may just come to a dead end having missed our cutoff. That’s where choice comes in. Cancer was a sign that said time to turn here. A sexagenarian friend of mine is financially able to retire comfortably, but remains dedicated to pursuing a line of work he says all
El Ojo del Lago / October 2017
his previous working life has led him to. After an expensive divorce, a bout with cancer and lingering aftermath, an early golden handshake, and a gift card from the government for officially being old, you’d think it would be time to stop expanding in the universal scheme of things, whoa down, slow down, leave behind the rebound, spend time staying healthy doing the daily come along, and not much more. Anything but back to work. Yet. Who knows where that road may lead? I’m not saying that it’s ever time to stop. If you don’t use it, you know, it wears down from lack of friction with life, and rusts. Neuroscience research shows the brain’s biological growth reaches full maturity around age 25. If it did keep growing no one would be able to wear those ubiquitous baseball caps. Continuous higher learning and occupational attainment, on the other hand changes the brain and every experience brings on cognitive growth. Decision making, planning, relationships, the part of the brain that makes us human just keeps chucking along when we use it, for better or worse. H.L. Mencken’s observation that
the older he grew, the more he distrusted the familiar doctrine that age brings wisdom probably has some merit based on some of the curmudgeons I know. Older brains chock full of expert erudition relevant to a pursuit or passion when utilized for solving problems and coming up with solutions slows the mental aging process. So who’s to say which is the better choice, keeping the pedal to the metal on the road you’re on, or taking the next turn to follow your dreams? No matter how long it takes there is an ending to everything. Is it possible that what we are after, after all, is an expression of self, and in that an understanding of what it is we are meant to do? All choices are worthy of consideration, or for what reason would we have to wonder, we have to question. I made the choice to follow my dream and take the exit heading for a quiet (sometimes) small village on the shore of Lake Chapala, Mexico and have no regrets. As John Barrymore put it: “Man is not old until regrets take the place John Thomas of dreams.” Dodds
Saw you in the Ojo 11
Road Trip Bread Crumbs %\ 7HUL 6D\D
often wonder what it would have been like to be a teenager or young adult here in Jalisco. How would the following story compare to a group of Mexican Jovenes? Here is a fictional story based on some of the fun and care-free road trips I had experienced in California. Later, my children did the same thing. Today, it’s sad to say, that heightened terrorist attacks and rampant bigotry have pretty much stunted this type of travel. This story begins on a California highway in a rented camper. Six college friends near the end of their summer vacation are on a road trip before the next semester begins. They have been stopping along the way to meet new people, party, and experience the “sow-
ing of oats” that most of us have done at least once in our lives. __________________ Lying on the bed in the back of the camper, Lindsey opened one bleary eye to the sight of silhouetted arms and legs sticking out from the fold down bunks on either side of the short aisle. Beyond, a long road stretched into the distance as scrub brush and power lines flashed past. Lifting her head created a spinning vortex. She plopped her face back into the pillow. Damn, I shouldn’t have had those last few tequila shots. Her full bladder and dry mouth made her move. A moan escaped her lips as she sat up on the edge of the bed.
El Ojo del Lago / October 2017
“Hey, girl!” It was Monica, her dark, curly haired head sticking out sideways. Monica never seemed to have a hangover, no matter how much she drank the previous night. “Was that a blast at the beach last night or what?!” Steadying herself on the moving floor, Lindsey headed for the bathroom. “Yeah, I had fun, but I can still feel sand in places I didn’t know I had.” The bathroom was the size of a broom closet, and Lyndsey’s knees pressed up against the wall while she relieved herself. She left the accordion door open, so she could bend over the miniscule sink to wash her hands and rinse her face while the rest of her stuck out into the aisle. Six of us and we couldn’t afford a camper with a larger bathroom? She brooded. A croak came from one of the bottom bunks, “water, I need water, uuuuhg!” Tony’s long arm reached grasping into the air. Monica, being closest to the little fridge, opened it from her bunk and pulled out six bottles of cold water. Handing one to Tony and then tossing two more at the bunks across the aisle started up a chorus of groans. “You guys are a bunch of wusses!” Monica admonished as she cracked open her own bottle. Finished in the bathroom and feeling a little better, Lindsey snagged two
bottles from Monica and headed for the front of the camper. Plopping herself into the co-pilot’s seat, she opened both bottles and placed one in the cup holder next to Joni. The redhead was the oldest of the group and was, most of the time, the designated driver. “Thanks Linds. I saw the bucket of seashells you guys collected out of the tide pools last night. Sorry, but I had to Free Willy your starfish back into the sea. He kept trying to climb out of the bucket, and I could just picture trying to find that dead, smelly thing in the camper. “ “Good idea, I don’t think Marcus will miss it. He’s the one who put it in there.” Lindsey swigged down the last of her water and chucked the empty bottle into the trash bag. Joni spotted a diner coming up on the right and began to pull over. “Let’s get something to eat. We can go over the map while we’re at it.” Joni was old fashioned in that she kept a physical, folded map to show everyone, instead of having to review their route on a small e- screen. *** Sitting in the booth waiting for their meal, the six friends leaned over the map spread out on the table. Joni traced her finger along the highway they had been traveling. “Ok guys, we’re on the last leg of our
trip.” Tapping the map, Joni continued. “We are going to stop here for a couple of days and do some river rafting, then head home and get our deposit back on the camper.” “And then classes start three days after that.” Sally reminded everyone, forgetting that they had all agreed NOT to speak about college on the trip. Sally looked around the table at everyone staring at her. “I’m just sayin’….” “Anyway,” Joni continued, “Y’all are going to have to cough up some cash for the cost of the campsite.” Lindsey spoke up. “Uh, guys, I’m totally broke at the moment. Can I borrow for now and pay you back when I get home?” Now all eyes were on her. Monica was the first to say “Oh hell no!” “What did you do with the money you had? I know you had enough to last the trip,” Marcus put in. “I’ll lend you some money,” Tony offered “Me too,” Sally tagged in. Joni stopped them from taking out their wallets. “I agree with Monica….oh hell no! Lindsey here has used up all of her money buying things that she had to replace during the whole trip.” “I did not!… Well, some things I had to replace.” Monica pointed to the map. “Girl,
you lost your sunglasses in Lake Tahoe.” She moved her finger and tapped it while Joni and Sally chimed in, “your sandals at Mammoth Lakes,” tracing the map and tapping again as Tony added his voice, “your bathrobe at Panamint Springs.” Then Marcus joined them in the chorus, “your bra and that boy named Kenny in Las Vegas!” With the exception of Lindsey, they all laughed uproariously. Monica pointed to the map again. “You lost your little binoculars in Barstow, and your toothbrush in Santa Barbara, and we just left Monterey…..What did you leave there?” Lindsey’s eyes widened. “Did you say we’re going river rafting?” They all nodded. Lindsey looked at Joni. Joni knew before she said anything else and handed over the keys to the camper. Lindsey skipped around the server balancing trays, and ran out the door. They were halfway through their meal when Lindsey returned. Joni looked around the table and said, “You might as well tell us so we can lend you the money.” Looking sheepish, Lindsey replied, “My water shoes.” Teri Saya
Saw you in the Ojo 13
of the month
ariana Belen was born December 24, 2004 and lives with her parents and two siblings. She was referred to NiĂąos Incapacitados by DID Jocotopec and accepted into the program in March 2017. In December 2016, Mariana was experiencing excruciating pains and rushed to the hospital. After undergoing an MRI and numerous blood tests, she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Shortly thereafter she was operated on where doctors removed one tumor from her ovary and began chemotherapy. Subsequent testing reveals that Mariana will need further surgery. Seguro Popular are helping the family with all hospital costs. We are helping with transportation for her
El Ojo del Lago / October 2017
chemo, blood analysis and medications. To date, we have reimbursed the family $4500 Pesos. Mariana will finish with her chemotherapy shortly and doctors will monitor her condition in preparation for her second surgery. As Director of the Jocotopec Clinic, thank you for the opportunity of presenting some of our children to you. Remember we see families at three locations, Jocotopec, Chapala and Ajijic. Should you be interested in attending a clinic, please contact Nicole Sergent at 376-766-4375 or Barb Corol at 376-766-5452 We are looking for individuals or foundations who can help us take over the care of our ageing out-children. If you can help, please contact Nicole Sergent at the number listed above. If you would like to learn more about NiĂąos Incapacitados, check our website
Saw you in the Ojo 15
Do I Have to Like Everybody?
o. Of course not. That would be very unlikely, probably impossible. But I think it’s beside the point. I am a Unitarian Universalist. Of course I’ve heard all the Unitarian jokes centering around the idea that we don’t know what we believe. Very funny, but not accurate. As UUs, we do not have a creed, or a prescribed set of theological prescriptions to which we must adhere. Instead, we have a set of seven principles which we agree to embrace. For many of us, the first principle is the most difficult to live up to. It sounds innocuous enough: “We believe in the inherent worth and dignity of every person.” It seems like a no-brainer, yet every morning I get up and glance at the news headlines, and by 9AM I have broken the first principle Let’s face it. There are people who we instinctively do not like. There are people with whom we have vehement disagreements. There are people who seem to have values that we deplore. There are people who do not understand the level of their own ignorance but insist on throwing their uninformed opinions around like birdseed... You get the picture. Now, when I read this over, it sounds like we are a bunch of intolerant elitists. Maybe we are. But for me, the question is, how do I value the inherent worth and dignity of a person with whom I disagree or do not hold in high regard. Obviously, we do not need to agree with or even like a person in order to understand their worth and value. But it is often difficult to get past our negative view of a person in order to appreciate his/her individual value. So how can we do this? I have several suggestions which relate to my career in teaching critical thinking. First, avoid jumping to conclusions about someone. In the overwhelming majority of cases, Muslims
El Ojo del Lago / October 2017
are not violent, Trump voters are not racist, developmentally-delayed people are not stupid, and politicians are not corrupt. These are stereotypes, not accurate generalizations. When we encounter someone who is easily stereotyped, don’t. Getting to know them will prove it. It’s easy to get into arguments with people with whom we disagree. Problem is, it rarely works. Neither of you is listening. Instead, try asking questions and listening to the answers. I can almost guarantee that, over time, you will find some areas of agreement. People are the same, basically. We all fall on Maslow’s scale. We want food and water, a safe environment, good friends, satisfying work, etc. Once we cut through our preconceived, media-driven ideas about who people are and how they must think, we find they are good souls, just like us. Sometimes, of course, this is difficult. Consider those white supremacy demonstrators in Virginia in August. It is difficult to see their worth and value when they were spewing their hate and venom. They say sinfulness is rooted in brokenness. Maybe so. Maybe they are broken. It is difficult to the worth and dignity of Neo-Nazis, for sure. I doubt meeting them and having a conversation would help much. Maybe it would be a start. We all struggle with this. Yet now, more than ever, we need to find a way to come together. We need, somehow, to find ways to connect on a personal level. We won’t get anywhere screaming across a gaping divide. It’s the only way we can move ahead peacefully and productively. Yes. The first principle is difficult, but it’s worth the work.
Saw you in the Ojo 17
Focus on Art %\ 5RE 0RKU $ 5HYLHZ RI The Long Journey Home* %\ $OHMDQGUR *UDWWDQ 'RPLQJXH]
ournalism can never be silent … it must speak, and speak immediately, while claims of triumph and the signs of horror are still in the air.” —Albert Camus Every man and woman has a dream for their life, an accomplishment, a way to define themselves, a secret inner hunger. The Long Journey Home is the story of Alejandro Grattan’s search— an adventure through time and space into places forgotten that he awakens, and others new and unexplored. A journey filled with memories, insights, friends, political commentary, and the nuances of life. Throughout, his fearless writing points to disconnects and inside stories on writers, filmmakers, actors, and politicians conveyed with wisdom garnered from his rich trove of experience. Grattan consistently entertains, and informs with focused intelligence about a culture, that for better or worse, is one in which we are all entangled. Many years before the advent of The Long Journey Home, Grattan was captivated by the lure of opportunity in California, where, as if by magic he became a film director and screenwriter. After a string of successes, including his feature film Only Once in a Lifetime which premiered at the Kennedy Center, he moved to Ajijic, where he began to write novels. Again, as if by magic, his historical novel The
El Ojo del Lago / October 2017
Dark Side of the Dream, a provocative look at the reality of Mexican workers and soldiers in the United States, was broadly acclaimed. After publishing seven novels, years of study and exploration, as well as encouraging other writers and serving for twenty three years as Editorin-Chief of El Ojo del Lago even while mentoring Lakeside’s largest and oldest writers’ group, he has come to realize nothing happens by magic; his dream was always wrapped in a process of revelation. The Long Journey Home is his conspectus. To understand this complex and accomplished man and his writings, I some time ago decided that it was his love of dogs that turned him into a “watchdog” of the ups and downs of human endeavor. His uncanny ability to dig out the bones of relevant news and stories of human interest and to share these treasures in this book of well-crafted essays, supports this the-
sis. For thousands of years humans have shared experiences and significant events that occur within the boundary of well-defined communities. Today we exist in a global village where boundaries have lost meaning. A time where the vagaries and the speed at which information and misinformation are disseminated, leave us exhausted and ill informed. Grattan, in contrast, as both an editor and a writer for El Ojo del Lago, has consistently provided focused content which intelligently synthesizes universal and local happenings with a sensual awareness that expands horizons and encourages discourse. His essays, consolidated in The Long Journey Home, present a progressive and open understanding of life, supported by careful research, insatiable curiosity, insight, and unfailing acumen that together present honest observations that avoid the common realm of unstudied opinion. This progressive bent is augmented by his uncanny ability to discern what’s essential and find the extraordinary in the ordinary. Grattan’s reflective gifts and focused understanding of writing make this anthology a fascinating soiree through time. Stories flow with an inundation of precise words that have the force of a full-blown summer thunderstorm. His concise summations, brisk, no-nonsense essays touch the heart and awaken a reader’s sensibility. In an essay on Hemingway, he writes, “Rather than ‘pretty up’ his work with decorative adverbs … (Hemingway) put his stock in unique nouns, muscular verbs and some of the best dialogue ever written.” Art engenders emotional reactions created by well-developed characters and their interactions within a wellstructured story. Through some of Alejandro Grattan’s writings, (which include several short stories) now chronicled in The Long Journey Home, character, story, and refinement of language create memorable dramas filled with unexpected twists, as in his article about Margaret Mitchell of Gone with the Wind fame. Moreover, Grattan-Dominguez seemed to learn early on that the creative process requires that a writer use everything he has, including his soul. He has done just that in The Long Journey Home. (*Soon available on Amazon. Now, along with his seven novels, in the LCS Library in the Local Authors Section.) Rob Mohr
Saw you in the Ojo 19
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They tried to manipulate their message and divert our attention to others. They said Muslims, Mexicans, Blacks, Native Americans, and LGBTQs were bad. They said our heroes weren’t really heroes. They said the poor and the helpless were cheaters and a burden. They said THEIR religion was threatened. They said NO immigrants were allowed (as their ancestors frowned). They said the only facts and truth were their facts and truth. They said the earth is merely a resource to be consumed and plundered. They said it is OK to lie and deceive if it serves their purpose. They said it is all about winning and others losing. They told desperate refugees they were not welcome. They obsessed about their Dow god and all that is golden. They talked endlessly about dangerous foreign invaders. They ripped out and distorted entire chapters of history. They preached hate, divisiveness, and suspicion. They defined patriotism in their own terms. They professed power and control through ignorant righteousness. They killed and injured people who courageously tried to resist. They rejoiced at the silence of Americans who chose to look the other way. They stormed onward with their tiki torches into the darkness. And shouted “Make America White Again!” Even though it never was . . . And hopefully never will be
El Ojo del Lago / October 2017
Saw you in the Ojo 21
Missing Mexico
s I sit in my hotel room in Minnesota, I miss my Mexico so very much. Gone are the sweet brown faces that greet me each morning. I walk outside my door here, and there are no vecinos to wave to, to greet, to stop and converse with. Or just to wave at as I drive by saying “adios!” The noise here is unfamiliar to me. No gas trucks, water trucks, or fresh fruit vendors. The only noise is just a constant flow of traffic, not my Chapala. Here, people walk by us as if we don’t exist. There is an air quality alert today, which will keep my husband indoors all day. The news is displayed on televisions in almost every building we enter. I do not like the news here. There is no “good” news here. Luckily, my email inbox and my face book feed deliver news of Mexico and news from my Mexican friends who miss me. One good experience, on the plane taking us to Minnesota, the young man in front of us was helpful and gregarious. After talking a bit, we find out that his dad and my husband went to school together, and that he, like us, was going north to attend our son’s wedding. I will see family and friends who still shake their heads and cannot understand why we moved to Mexico. And I shake my head and wonder why they stay in the United States. I read the papers here, the headline
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tells of the premier hospital in Washington D.C. that has sewage draining down its walls. The hospital serves most of our Congressional representatives and some of the poorest people in Washington D.C. No Mexican hospital I’ve been in has such problems. The United States became foreign to me before my husband and I moved to Mexico. It was as if the country I grew up in and loved was leaving me bit by bit. I didn’t recognize my own country anymore. And that is when Mexico began calling our name. Now that our home is in Mexico, our life is full and happy. Yesterday our son ran me around to pick up some things we needed for our stay. I believe I had heart failure at 2:38 p.m. when I was at the checkout for the grocery store. Sticker shock doesn’t even begin to describe it. And the produce aisle was the sorriest excuse for produce I’d ever seen. Give me Mexico where the Mercado is just up the street with beautiful fresh fruits and vegetables. Give me Mexico, where I can buy fresh eggs at the tienda up the street. Where the vendor knows us by name and always returns my husband’s cane, or wallet, keys, or food that he paid for but left at the store. Give me Mexico where my neighbors look after us and pray for us and make sure that no one parks in our space because they know we cannot walk far. I feel angry when I find out the USA has done nothing to help Mexico through the earthquake disaster. I read that over 2,000 schools had to be closed. There is devastation everywhere. Mexico sent fire fighters to Canada to help them. Mexico sent help to Houston. While the government of the USA sends no condolences, no response to Mexico. I don’t understand what has happened to the USA. Yes, there are beautiful and generous people who live in the USA. They try to educate our government, but I will feel anxious and outof-place until we return home to Mexico. Victoria Schmidt
Saw you in the Ojo 23
Christian, The Lion %\ 5REHUW -DPHV 7D\ORU
hristian was born on August 12th 1969, in a zoo in Devon, one of three cubs, and he was acquired by the zoological dept. at Harrods in London. Two Australian ex-pats, namely John Rendall and Ace Bourke, noticed the three-month old cub and decided to purchase him with the intention of giving him a better future. After being interviewed by Harrods for their ‘eligibility,’ they took him to their Chelsea home. (Exotic pets were popular in London in the 60’s—laws now forbid the indulgence). Christian spent the next few months with John and Ace, playing like a mischievous puppy dog. Outdoor exercise was made possible by a local Reverend who allowed the cub to have the run of a nearby cemetery. They all played together each day and the cub, became totally dependent on John and Ace, they never showed fear as he grew to over 150 pounds. Christian was gaining in size rapidly, eating three kilos of meat a day, and finding him a suitable home was becoming an urgent necessity. They did not want Christian to be in captivity, like his parents— another solution had to be found. A chance encounter unfolded that opened a huge possibility for Christian: The husband and wife film stars Virginia McKenna and Bill Travers,
El Ojo del Lago / October 2017
now famous f ffor the h movie i Born B Free, F the story of Elsa the lioness, visited John and Ace at their home and took to Christian instantly. They were still very connected with George Adamson, who inspired the movie. Adamson was a legendary conservationist living in Kenya who was devoted to lions unable to fend for themselves. He agreed to receive Christian at Kora National Reserve provided the Kenyan government would authorize it. After several anxious weeks of waiting, the Kenyan Government finally gave the required permission. Christian was on his way. Within days, he arrived in Africa with John and Ace. Adamson was at the airport to greet them. Christian’s future existence was now at a crucial stage: the transition from his former domesticity to the wild habitat of Africa was vital if he was to survive. Adamson conceived an idea: he would attempt the introduction of Christian to a mature male lion- named ‘Bob’- and a young female, thereby forming the nucleus of a new pride. It would be a tense moment. Christian would have to be accepted by Bob: the initial confrontation was uneasy but Christian sensibly lay on his back in submission. In time Bob became mentor to Christian and he taught him the ways of nature. John and Ace, their mission
accomplished, returned to London. (Later that year Bob was attacked by rogue lions which turned him into an aggressive menace; one day he attacked Adamson’s assistant and killed him. Adamson had to shoot him.) A year later John and Ace went back to Kenya in the hope of seeing Christian at the compound. Adamson warned them that Christian was wild now and might not recognise them, but the attempt was nevertheless made. Adamson, stood at the top of a hill with Christian by his side and John and Ace fifty meters below, nervously looking up at them. Christian walked slowly down the hill towards them; he stopped for a moment. They called out his name. Christian knew that sound. He ran towards them and what Adamson witnessed at that moment was a re-union beyond beliefthe love between man and beast, had endured. Christian, standing on hind legs hugged them: Ace would say later “whether we were human and he was animal was irrelevant.” After several minutes Christian’s ‘wife’ joined in the embrace. In June 1973 John and Ace made the second and final visit to Adamson’s compound knowing that the chances of even seeing Christian were very slim for he was now the head of his pride, outside the compound. They waited for days; and then, one day, there he was walking towards them, now twice the size from the year before. He was majestic in his prime, and he, with his lionesses, spent a day with his old friends. It was a moment of supreme triumph. The next day he was gone, back to his new domain. It was the “Call of the Wild”: he was never seen again. Adamson counted the days Christian did not appear and on the 96th day he stopped counting. Robert James Taylor
Saw you in the Ojo 25
ean Higgins has one but he says it doesn’t work all the way,” I told my fifth-grade friends. Kyle, the Alfalfa look-alike, who always wore cheap, scuffed, cowboy boots to remind us all that he had once ridden a horse, chipped in, “Nothing he has works all the way.” “We can make it work for him, then we can listen to Cap’n Midnight, Jack Armstrong, Hop Harrigan and all the neat programs every afternoon. Then after we repair it and we’re sure it works OK, we’ll re-
turn it. He’ll really like that.” “Sure! He’ll just let you walk out with his Philco radio?” Kyle sneered. “Naw. How about we take it during the Parachute Jump at the Monrovia Airport late Sunday afternoon? Dean and his folks will be out on Maple Avenue with all the others watching it.”
El Ojo del Lago / October 2017
“He’ll miss it right away,” said Kyle, whose enthusiasm would fail whenever he met challenges attendant to any activity. Philly, chiming in behind his horned-rim glasses and runny nose tended to by the back of his left hand and sleeve, said, “Not our Dean. He doesn’t even know if he’s got his shoes on.” “No. If we plan it and follow our plan carefully it’ll be easy,” I said, with my usual optimism. The Maple Avenue crowd assembled for one of the few free offerings of late 1941, the Sunday afternoon parachute jump. The radial-engine bi-plane growled its way to jump altitude in the eastern skies of Monrovia as the sun started its slide toward the Pacific Ocean. The screen door to the service porch of Dean’s house was never hooked. The spring moaned during its torturous extension as Philly slowly pulled the door open for my stealthy entrance. Kyle, at the corner of the lot, was the lookout. I slipped through the opening with the almost silent footfalls my aging sneakers provided. Preparations for Sunday dinner had commenced with the familiar smell of boiled cabbage. The floorboards squeaked their complaints as I moved across the kitchen toward Dean’s room. His mother had made his small bed; the rest was in mild disorder. Beside a beat up cardboard wardrobe was a card table with an incomplete model airplane lying on its side. Next to it was the mute Philco - unplugged. I scooped it up. “Hey! This thing’s heavy.” I carried it through the kitchen, out and down the stairs, to my house where I put it under my bed. The next afternoon the gang gathered on the floor of my room for the test. “OK, let’s hear it,” Philly said. “Hmmmmmm,” It moaned. “It needs an antenna,” Kyle
chipped in. “There’s a long one on the radio Dad uses every night to listen to Gabriel Heater’s news. It’s too long. I’ll cut some off for Dean’s radio.” And I did. “Let’s try it now,” I said, “With the volume all the way up.” Kyle lit up. “The hum is louder. We’re on the right track.” “Beans,” Philly said. “No, really I think I heard Morse code in there.” “Double beans,” Philly said. “It’s the radio. It’s no good. Got to get it out of my room before my mom finds it. She’s always cleaning and will spot it. Can’t throw it in the trash, its Dean’s. That would be stealing. We got to return it.” “Why? Forget about it. We were lucky to get it out. We’ll be caught we’ll be cat burglars,” Philly said. “C’mon! This Sunday during the Jump we can get it back into Dean’s room. We know how.” As the people gathered on Maple Avenue we cat burglars took up our practiced positions to undo our previous crime. Kyle, the lookout, kept peeking out to watch the jump. Philly cautiously pulled open the screen door at the back of Dean’s house muttering, “I’ve never stolen anything before. Quick! Put it back.” Carrying the ill-gotten goods I sneaked up the steps past Philly and the open door, through the kitchen by the table down the hall and into Dean’s cell-like bedroom. The model plane lay in its same state of disassembly on the card table. I put the Philco down, glared at its failed promise and exited. The kitchen still smelled of boiled cabbage. The three of us snuck away reveling in the restoration that we hoped absolved us of guilt. The next day we returned to the scene of the crime, but this time Dean, unaware of our earlier invasion of his space, was with us. “It works, it works! “Dean yelled. “My dad must have taken it to work at the shipyards to get it fixed and now it’s back and all our programs come through swell.” “Dad told me the little knob in the middle, the AC/DC knob, had to be turned to the right all the way.” Philly stared at Dean and said, “That’s all it took to make it work, turn that center knob to the right?” “Yeah, isn’t that great?” Dean exclaimed, with his goofy grin. Philly sighed and hit Dean square on the nose. Bernie Suttle
Saw you in the Ojo 27
o matter how long one has been playing bridge there is always something new to learn and there is no better way than watching experts in high level competition. The website Bridge Base Online frequently broadcasts tournaments from all over the world free of charge and this month’s deal originated there. Whenever they meet in a competitive arena there is always a spe-
El Ojo del Lago / October 2017
cial rivalry between the English and the Irish. Whether it’s Rugby, Soccer or Bridge, playing against England seems to bring out the best in the Irish as they take an extra pride in beating the auld enemy. In recent years the boys from Erin have put together a very strong team of bridge players that can compete with any on the world’s stage, so it is no longer a surprise when they defeat teams from countries with much larger populations. And so it was when the Camrose Bridge Tournament was held this year between teams from England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The illustrated hand went a long way in helping Ireland to prevail over the Anglos on their way to winning the overall competition. At one table, the English South opened one spade and when his partner responded two hearts he jumped in spades to show a solid (he thought) suit. North took this to mean that his partner had a weakish hand in context so he decided not to explore any further and signed off in four spades. West led a diamond and in quick
order the contract was down as the defense won two diamonds and two trumps as the foul split of spades became apparent. The bidding was quite different at the other table where the Irish South opened one club to show a hand of 17+ high card points and any distribution. North bid one heart showing at least a five card suit, eight+ points and forcing to game. South now bid two spades, similar in nature to his English counterpart’s, to which North rebid three hearts showing at least six good hearts. South responded with a cue bid in clubs which encouraged North to bid six clubs, offering his partner a choice of slams. It was easy now for South to close proceedings by bidding six hearts. While the heart slam is cold as the cards lie there could have been a more difficult lead for North than the actual diamond ace followed by a low spade hoping West was the one with the void in that suit. Now all that remained was for declarer to draw trumps ending in the dummy, establish the spade suit by ruffing one more back to hand and using the club king as the entry to garner his 12 tricks. Although I was rooting for the land of my birth while watching this contest, I can sympathise somewhat with the English pair sitting North-South. North had a marginal game force holding 11 high card points and a void in his partner’s first bid suit. I believe the Irish North-South were successful primarily because they were playing a Precision-type big club system and were able to find a trump fit at a relatively low level that allowed them to move beyond the game level with a good degree of confidence. Questions or comments: email: masson.ken@gmail. com Ken Masson
Saw you in the Ojo 29
Focus on Art - September 2017 BrettFoster Estela’s sculpture really must be seen in person although it photographs well. To experience it personally you can “feel” the work truly aweinspiring Editor’s Page - September 2017 Herbert Piekow Well laid out and to the point. Most people did not feel that justice was served, but that God will be the final judge. It Ain’t For Sissies! John Howell Good one Tom, keep ‘em coming :D Welcome to Mexico! - August 2017 Gabrielle Blair It is strange, but true, that many of us fortunate enough to be living our retirement in Mexico, and who are
blessed with enough money to be able to afford the help of the local people, indulge ourselves in feelings of superiority. We should listen to ourselves as we speak about the Mexicans, hold up the mirror and take a good look at the person who is so ready to cast aspersions on the Mexicans, our hosts, who have graciously accepted us into their community. If we were able to really imagine being on the receiving end of our ungrateful, self-serving manners, observe what we do and hear what we say, we might shame ourselves into a bit of humility. It would seem that economic wealth, for some, encourages ingratitude and a desire to denigrate those with less. The master/slave relationship comes to mind. Dear Mr. Hemingway Rob Mohr Michael - enjoyed your wit - as always - thanks - rob
hen Ivy and Zoey, two terrified Terriers, got to The Ranch they were handled like all other new arrivals with individual care. Once The Ranch determines there is enough space to accommodate another dog, it is treated for fleas and parasites and vaccinated for viruses and rabies. They also receive a bordatella shot. Because it can be a stressful time, dogs are not bathed until they’ve settled in. New arrivals get their own run so that staff can observe their behavior to determine who best to board together. Some dogs need quiet attention of petting and talking while others are anxious for a walk. There’s an art to placing dogs together in one run. With the exception of puppies, two or three dogs usually share a run. Once a dog’s personality is observed careful choices are made for matches. The Ranch’s staff includes Martin, aka the Dog Whisperer, who has an uncanny ability to select and pair doggie roommates to everyone’s happiness. Ivy and Zoey, were trembling and huddled together when they arrived.
El Ojo del Lago / October 2017
No volunteer could even approach them to give hugs or reassuring petting. Ivy and Zoey were put into a run of their own, but after a week with no signs of improvement, they were introduced to Buster, a three-legged Pit mix and a lover of human attention. Within only a few days the Terriers began to mimic Buster’s enthusiasm for people by running to their gate to meet volunteers. Other than two paid staff that manage the grounds and see that the dogs are safe and out of harm’s way, a growing number of volunteers walk, feed, administer medication, drive dogs to Vet appointments and provide endless love and attention. To find out how to volunteer or make a donation please contact The Ranch: or 331.270.4447.
Saw you in the Ojo 31
&,1'(5)(//$ %\ -DFN (VWHV
n 1980, I lived in a one-room apartment with the bathroom down the hall, next to a plasma center, where folks sold their blood for twelve bucks and a sack lunch. Each Sunday, I searched the newspaper’s real estate section looking at “For Sale by Owner,” ads to call, trying to create some business. That summer, I came across an ad: “We have $250,000 and would like to buy an apartment building.” I was so excited. I never met anyone with that kind of money. I knew nothing about apartments but figured if I could fight in the jungles and rice paddies in Vietnam, this would be cake. I called and spoke with an older sounding woman named Claire. We exchanged information and then she asked me, “What do you have for sale?” I had nothing for sale. Not even a house and especially no apartment buildings. I diverted the question. “Tell me exactly what you’re looking for and tomorrow, when I’m in the office I’ll check my ‘portfolio.’” Of course I had no portfolio. At work, I searched in the Realtor’s Multiple Listing Book for apartment buildings and called Claire with information and suggested buildings she should drive by. This excitement went on throughout the summer. Each time a new building popped up for sale, I would call Claire. Finally, one morning, she
phoned and said she liked a property and we agreed to meet the following day at the building. I had a beat up 1963 green Chevy with mismatched fenders that I bought for two hundred bucks. The worst part was the noise the heater made. One day I was driving down the road bemoaning my fate that I had no money and then my tailpipe started dragging. I stopped at a light and smashed the dashboard with my fist as hard as I could and swore. It was winter and my heater was working hard to keep the cabin warm. When my fist hit the dashboard it cracked the dash and when I swore, the cap on my front tooth flew off and went down into the dashboard heat vent. I got a new cap but couldn’t afford to fix the heater. It clanked whenever I turned it on. I parked my clunker away from the building to save embarrassment. I waited for Claire’s Mercedes or Cadillac to pull up. I had on my best sweater vest. Soon a beat up, red Volkswagen turned in and parked. That couldn’t be her, I thought. Out stepped an elegant woman in her sixties. I remember she wore a scarf and smelled like vanilla. “Hello, she said. You must be Jack?” I liked her voice and the kindness in her eyes, and immediately she made me feel important. We shook hands and I did my best to show the building and give her information and make a
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good impression. All the time I worried that if she had that much money, why did she drive such a beater? I wrote an offer that night. The offer was presented and rejected the next afternoon. Over the following weeks, I wrote counter offers with more rejections. In November, Claire told me, “We go to Hawaii for the winter, please call us in the spring.” I was crushed and felt stupid and my dream of making decent money evaporated. In the spring, Claire and her husband Pat were home and I was ready. I was knowledgeable about apartment buildings and had several to show them. “Oh Jack, I’m sorry but Pat has changed his mind, he wants to purchase an office building. A triple net leased property?” This depressed me. I would look, I said, and hung up. I knew nothing about triple net leased properties. I found nothing of interest for Claire and as summer faded into fall, I realized all my time had been wasted again. “Jack, we are leaving next week for Hawaii,” Claire said. “I’m sorry it didn’t work out, but I wanted to call to give you a referral.” I listened politely but thought this too was a waste of time. “My daughter lives in Seattle,” she said, “but she has an apartment building she wants to sell in Portland. Her name is Colleen and I’ve told her about you. By the way she’s single and very beautiful.” I thanked her for the phone number but felt it was another dead end. After a while I began to reconsider. But what are the chances she could be beautiful? I called the number a couple days later, but her roommate said she was in Paris and would not be coming home for ten days. I finished a first draft of my book, sold a duplex and called again. This time her room-mate said she was in Alaska working on a residential development. Two weeks later she was in Vegas working on another land deal. The next time I called she was in Hawaii visiting her parents but would be home after Christmas and would call me. I imagined what it would be like to fly all over the world when the only plane I had ever been on was going and coming from Vietnam. Finally, we connected on the phone. “My mother told me that you were persistent,” she said. “I’ll send you some information and you work up a proposal and we can meet in Portland. What do you think?” Her voice was fast, rich and confident. It sounded so full of joy that it reached inside of me and filled me with hope. That was what she was to me hope. She said she would fly down the
next week to meet me. I had nine dollars - period - when I walked into the lobby of the finest hotel in Portland, a hotel so beyond my means that I never had the occasion to be in it. I had no money in the bank but with nine bucks I’d buy her coffee and I’d get an orange juice. The marble lobby with its giant chandeliers and dark cherry walls overwhelmed me. I felt intimidated and nothing much intimidated me back then. The doors of the elevator opened and out stepped a staggeringly beautiful blond in a clinging red dress. I felt speechless. She was from a different world where people had things and owned and achieved and accomplished. She walked toward me, smiling, and as I stood up, she reached out her hand and said, “I’m Colleen.” She represented something profound and good that had been eluding me all my life. In that moment I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. She was a successful land developer, vice president of a major development firm and perhaps, more importantly, she had been a literature major in college. I worked hard to sell Colleen’s building and talked with her on the phone daily. I loved her voice and struggled to keep up with all her ideas and comments. I told her about the manuscript I wrote and sent it to her. She read it quickly and called me and said that I was a wonderful writer, and she wanted to help me get it published. I fell in love over the phone. When we met again, she would smile and throw her head back to laugh and her fingers danced through the air. I felt she liked me and never was concerned that we were from different stations in life. Finally, I sold her building and we met for a drink to celebrate. Across from the bar, the Rose Festival with bands and rides and thousands of folks, was going on in the park by the river. We walked outside during the fireworks. She wore a white Stetson, white blouse and green leather skirt. She touched my arm, and said she was greatly moved by my writing and loved my voice and looked forward to my calls. I kissed her that night and later in the evening, we kissed again. “I love you,” she said, and then she asked me to marry her. I was shocked. I told her I had no money, but Colleen said, “Don’t worry. I believe in you and will take care of the bills for the first year.” Two months later we were married in a cabin on the North Fork of the Santiam River. This year is our 35thanniversary. (Ed. Note: Mr. Estes is the author of the recently published novel, A Soldier’s Son.)
Saw you in the Ojo 33
History Says A Man Discovered The Clitoris %\ 0DUJDUHW 9DQ (YHU\
f course, it had to have been a man because there were no women anatomists. Discovering something in the mid-16th century meant that you were the first to announce your finding in print, something akin to “discovering” a new land already inhabited by others and having to plant your country’s flag on the beach to make it official. So the man who claimed credit for the discovery of the woman’s pleasure button, hitherto unnamed, unmentioned, and therefore nonexistent, was an anatomist at the University of Padua by the name of Mateo Renaldo Colombo. Colombo was also the first to have discovered the circulation of blood but was delayed by the Church in getting that finding published, so the Englishman Harvey beat him to the punch and got the credit. Science was a risky profession back then and Colombo got himself into really big trouble with the Catholic Church for writing his illustrated treatise De re anatomica. In it he named his discovery amor veneris (Love of Venus), described its purpose and behavior, and painted beautiful illustrations of it. Like Galileo, he was tried and threatened with burning at the stake for heresy, perjury, blasphemy, witchcraft, and Satanism. The outcome of the trial was censorship of De re anatomica and making Colombo swear a vow of silence concerning his dangerous finding. The Church fathers, those sham-celibate
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potentates, wanted to maintain the “phallusy” that the sexual universe revolved around the penis and that pleasure for the woman during the sex act was degrading and disgusting. The mother of God, after all, was a virgin at conception—totally pure, hymen intact, and without any corrupting pleasure in the act. As I write this reflection on August 9, 2017, International Day of the Clitoris, an orgasmic hallelujah chorus reverberates around the world—with some large geographical exceptions. No shouts of joy in Muslim countries where millions of women are required to undergo genital mutilation in the name of religion. No shouts of ecstasy either in certain underdeveloped areas of the world that regard the clitoris as a trigger of evil that once awakened will spur even the purest woman to stray from home just Margaret Van like men do. Every
Saw you in the Ojo 35
ow could ld he make a ut ut career out sof that after such a disastrous start. Will he always ys W remember his debut? We will. u utes. He spoke forty minutes. Presented clearly, all per lesson l plan. Nobody can recall a word he said. We didn’t know iff we bePh i in i longed. It was a science, Physics our junior year, 1950 at Monrovia High school, but if we were going to go to college it was required. It was Mr. Dunston’s class. He was professional, but not threatening. All the “smart kids” were in the room. The A girls were in the first row wearing pleated wool skirts, soft cashmere sweaters and saddle shoes. They had Savoir Fare. Slightly smiling lips exposed, they knew without saying. The grade level decreased with each row moving toward the back of the room until reaching where guys like Owen and I sat in our T-shirts, Levi’s and Keds. This was new territory for us. This was a ‘Solid,’ a science. No more winging it. If we were going on for a Bachelor’s degree we had to succeed here. Mr. Dunston greeted the class with, “Today’s lesson will be presented by Mr. Eckles. He is completing his teachertraining by doing his student teaching here with us. His presentation, “Proper Preparation for Lab Work,” will follow my lesson plan for Physics 101. The student teacher stepped out from behind the podium with a con-
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fident fid fi en smile. Six feet tall, e wearing a well tailored, w we ea single-breasted worsted sing ngl brown brow brow br w suit, white shirt, and muted m mu te e Rep tie. He checked out out tthe class from left to right, tilted his head up towardss the last row, and began. gan The class in return checked him out up and che down, and fell apart. d His eyes flicked left then right with concern, and then he continued his lecture. Heads bobbed, came together, pulled apart. Girls looked at their shoes. Boys looked at the girls. I caught a glimpse of a blush on Rosemary Lane’s cheek. The guys were smiling broadly while elbowing each other. There was a constant stirring and hum in the room. “The poor man,” Harriet whispered to Janice. “What a jerk!” Steve muttered in selfdefense to no one in particular. We wondered, “How long before he discovers his flaw?” “When he does, how will he react?” What would I do if I discovered myself in such a state. “What if I make a wise crack; will the class laugh nervously?” This suspenseful drama dragged on. Mr. Eckles warmed to the task, striding back and forth, swinging to a stop facing the class to make a particular point that evaporated when the students’ eyes once more fell to the unplanned flaw in his attire. Would he remember this day thirty years hence? We would. I was becoming drained emotionally by the suspense, like watching a trapeze artist, knowing this tragedy already had a disgraceful ending. The bell rang. The period was over. We released our breaths. Afterwards, Bart ‘s summation was accurate, “Mr. Eckles spoke the whole period. I don’t recall a thing he said. All the time his fly was open.” Bernie Suttle
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In a field beside our ancient lake I scan the twilight shore, a bucolic landscape by an old master, Gainsborough, perhaps. Spread from tree to tree hang fishing nets, their web-like strands await repair. A tethered horse snorts and strains To feast on greener tufts of grass, just out of reach. Anchored boats, bows pointing to the wind Bob gently in the evening breeze beside white egrets long-legged in the shallows, their stealth rewarded with a tasty catch. I turn to see a fence, a rickety structure of wire and branches that de-mark the place, staked like a prospector’s claim. Scavenged items from better days and finer circumstances are scattered in this wall-less space: a plastic chair with missing limb; an equipales partly come unstrung; black vinyl couch, its stuffing oozing out provide a sitting-room; no TV but a view across the lake of matchless splendor from sunrise to sundown in brilliant technicolor. The sturdy stone wall of a spacious lake-front home is all that separates this shabby squatters’ place from someone’s grand abode. It serves as backdrop to the bedroom; the rest is framed with planks and airy fronds of palm. Tin roof, held down with rocks, keeps out the rain; Accompaniment to the lapping waves, on makeshift shelf, nailed to a towering eucalyptus tree, a transistor radio, its volume turned down low, plays pop tunes. I am reminded of our camping days, when after a day-long paddle, we’d squat beside a glassy lake or roaring rapid. Then, a rocky hearth and tent with pine-soft floor was all we needed for a good night’s rest, when so little was enough to call that place our home.
—By Gabrielle Blair—
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Sandy Olson
Phone: 331-283-8529 Email:
Viva Bus Trips to Teatro Diana for the Met Opera Saturday October 7 Norma by Bellini, with Sondra Radvanovsky as Norma and Joyce DiDonato as Adalgisa. The tragic role of Norma includes many beautiful arias. It has been a launching pad for many distinguished sopranos. (3.3 hours) Bus departs at 10:30 am. Saturday October 14 The Magic Flute by Mozart, with Golda Schultz as Pamina and Kathryn Lewek as Queen of the Night. This is one of Mozart’s most popular operas, both moving and witty. (3.4 hours) Bus departs at 10:30 am. Saturday November 18 The Exterminating Angel by Thomas Ades, the third opera by this British composer, based on a famous surrealist movie, with Audrey Luna as Leticia Maynar and Amanda Echalaz as Lucia de Nobile. It has an “urgent and apocalyptic intensity.” (2.5 hours) Bus departs at 10:30 am. Trips to the opera are 450 pesos (550 for non-members) and are available at the LCS ticket booth Thursday and Friday from 10 to noon, or call Rosemary Keeling at 766-1801. SINGING ON A STAR “Singing on a Star” runs October 8 and 15, all Sundays, from 4-6 pm, at La Bodega. There will be bar service an hour before the show and during intermission. The popular new Lake Chapala Chorale has put together an all-Broadway revue of hit showtunes everyone loves best. If you enjoyed this vivacious group’s Christmas and Spring concerts, director Cindy Paul says you’ll come away from this one “high as a flag on the Fourth of July.” The Chorale in Rehearsal Advance tickets for only 150 pesos are now on sale at Diane Pearl Colecciones and Mia’s Boutique, and for 200 pesos at the door, if available.
OPEN CIRCLE Sunday morning finds many Lakeside residents at the Lake Chapala Society and Open Circle, a forum on a variety of stimulating topics. A social hour with coffee and snacks at 10:00 a.m. is followed by an interesting lecture and discussion at 10:30. October 8 The Witty Wise Words of a Silly Serious Man Presented by Tom Nussbaum Tom Nussbaum claims to be among the world’s silliest serious men. He says he’s seen the list and he’s #17, and blames his low rating on the gridlock in Washington, D.C. Nussbaum will perform excerpts from his comic scripts, three novels, and memoir. What members of Ajijic’s Writers Group have discovered when listening to Nussbaum is that he does not simply read. He entertains. His works range from absurd silliness to painfully serious topics. The audience will laugh, think, and learn. October 15 Does Education Need a Revolution? Presented by Carlos Martínez Escalona With the advent of the Internet and communications technologies, the new generations approach learning their own way. Traditional methods and systems have already become obsolete Tom Nussbaum and create a state of boredom in our students. There’s a movement that’s catching enormous momentum in countries like Sweden, Finland, Spain and in South America. The result is a revolutionary open-source method that is changing education forever. Carlos Martínez Escalona is Professor of Philosophy and Physics at Panamerican University, Guadalajara, with degrees in Philosophy, Engineering, Education and Journalism. October 22 Recovering in Chaos Presented by Pete Soderman Americans are killing themselves with drugs like never before. More Americans died from opiate overdoses in 2016 than were killed in the Vietnam and Iraq wars combined. One out
of every eight Americans suffers from an alcohol-related disorder, a 50% increase over the previous decade. The American dream has become a nightmare for some, and unfortunately there’s no single cause we can point to as a source of the problem Is there anything to be done? Pete Soderman facilitates a local SMART Recovery® meeting and is the author of Powerless No Longer: Reprogramming Your Addictive Behavior. October 29 Rewriting History: Lake Chapala’s Forgotten Foreigners Presented by Tony Burton Events at the end of the nineteenth century conspired to ensure that Lake Chapala became a powerful magnet for foreigners and has remained one to this day. However, without the vision of a handful of determined individuals, such as Septimus Crowe, Chapala and Ajijic might still be languishing in relative obscurity. I will share stories of some of these individuals and their contributions to the area, while arguing that the commonly accepted history of these early days deserves a drastic rewrite. Former Jocotepec resident Tony Burton is the author of several books about Mexico, including Western Mexico, A Traveler’s Treasury (2013) and Mexican Kaleidoscope: Myths, Mysteries and Mystique (2016). November 5 Beyond Belief Presented by David Bryen A belief is not an idea the mind possesses but rather an idea that possesses the mind. Beliefs are not based in truth! They are mere filters the mind uses to understand and negotiate our world. They are subconscious mechanisms the mind employs to defend against our fears. However, our beliefs may actually perpetuate anxiety. David will explore the possibilities available when we live beyond belief and disempower the mind’s unconscious insistence to be in control. WHO RULES AMERICA? Last year the September meeting of the Ajijic Book Club focused on One Step Ahead by Jack Prins. His daughter Nomi, also a writer, had published her book All the President’s Bankers. Come and listen to Nomi’s narrative of how an elite group of men transformed the American economy and government, dictated foreign and domestic policy, and shaped world history. Please note that this special Ajijic Book Club event on Tuesday, October 10 at 4 pm is being presented with strong support by Democrats Abroad Mexico Lake Chapala Chapter. LITTLE THEATRE PLAYHOUSE SERIES Lakeside Little Theatre is pleased to announce the 2017-2018 Playhouse Series. This will be the fourth season of collaboration with London’s National Theatre Live. All of these are actual performances recorded in stunning high definition before live audiences and shown on LLT’s 14x8 foot screen. Still to come are: October 14-15 Peter Pan by JN Barrie November 18-19 Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmond Rostand, Anthony Burgess December 2-3 Il Volo with Placido Domingo Notte Magica January 27-28 Angels in America 1&2 by Tony Kushner March 3-4 Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? by Edward Albee April 7-8 Yerma by Simon Stone, Federico Garcia Lorca Performances are Saturday evenings at 7:30 pm and Sunday matinees at 3:00 pm. Tickets (250 pesos) for the upcoming shows can be purchased two weeks prior and the week of the show at the LLT box office Wednesday and Thursday from 10am until noon, and one hour before curtain. VIVA LA MUSICA AND THE DEGOLLADO THEATER This is exciting news for music and ballet lovers. Here are Viva bus trips to the Degollado Theater. Wednesday October 18 Hungarian Impressions, conductor Marco Parisotto, Kodaly: Suite, Liszt: Piano Concerto No.1 with Daniela Liebman, piano, Brahms: Hungarian Dances, Bartok: Mandarin Suite. Bus leaves at 4:30 pm with a stop at a good restaurant. Thursday October 26 Saint-Saens Organ Symphony No. 3 conducted by Marco Parisotto, with Aldo Degadillo, organ; Ivan Perez, cello. Concertó No.1, soloist Eric Picard. Bus leaves at 4:30 pm with a stop at a good restaurant. Sunday November 19 Gustav Mahler, Resurrection Symphony, conducted by Marco Parisotto, Nicole Heaston Soprano, Cassandra Zoe Velasco Contralto, with the Zapopan Municipal Choir: Director Timothy Ruff Welch. Bus departs at 3:30 pm for the 6:00 pm concert. No dinner stop.
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Sunday November 26 Operatic Gala, directed by Marco Parisotto, Nicole Heaston, soprano; Lorenzo Decaro, tenor. Mozart, Don Giovanni; Bellini, Norma; Puccini, La Boheme and Turandot. Bus departs at 10:30 am. Thursday December 14 Ballet: The Nutcracker, Conductor Jesus Medina, Ballet de Jalisco: Director Dariusz Blajer. This is an annual sell-out. Bus departs at 6:00 pm. No dinner stop. 700 pesos (800 pesos for non-members). All theater seats are premium orchestra seats. Trips to the Symphony are 450 pesos (550 for non-members). Tickets are available at the LCS ticket booth Thursdays and Fridays 10 to noon, or call Rosemary Keeling at 766-1801. SAVE THE DATE FOR THIS ONE Centro Cultural Gonzalez Gallo in Chapala is the setting for a recital of Spanish and Mexican music by four very talented músical artists. The date is Sunday, October 22 at 4:30 pm. Tickets at 100 pesos will be available from 3:30 p.m. Other performers are Marco Antonio Rodríguez, piano; Jim Byers, guitar; and guest artist soprano Virginia Mora. The recital is a mixture of songs and some zarzuela duets, by composers García Lorca, Obradors, Moreno Torroba, Penella, Ponce, Elizondo and Del Moral. LOVE THOSE SQUATTERS The next production from Naked Stage is My Old Lady. It’s directed by Liz White. Performance dates are October 27, 28, 29 at 4 pm. Here’s the plot: Mathias, a nearing-60, downon-his-luck New Yorker thinks his fortunes could be changing when, after the death of his estranged father, he learns he has inherited a vast Paris apartment that could be sold for a hand- Tenor Fernando López-Hernández some sum. But, of course, there’s a catch: his apartment is already inhabited by Mathilde, a refined and feisty 90-something retiree, and Chloé, her beautiful but tart-tongued daughter... and they have no intention of leaving! Naked Stage is at Hidalgo #261, on the mountain side and directly across from the Catholic Church. Reservations are recommended. For more information and reservations, email For those who use Facebook, look for The Naked Stage for breaking news and upThe Cast: Diana Rowland, Peggy Lord Chil- dates. YOU GET TO SEE THE ton, Harry McFadden PRETTY ZOMBIES….. ……that’s if you come to the annual “Thrill the World” dance event at the Ajijic Plaza on Saturday, October 28 at 4 pm. You can also be a zombie by joining in rehearsals at the Ajijic Cultural Center from 1-3 pm. Rehearsals will continue each Saturday until the October 28 event. There are also Wednesday rehearsals from 5-7 pm. Event planners have chosen Tepehua and The School for Special Children, AKA School for the Deaf (located in Jocotepec) as the beneficiaries of this year’s event. TEQUILA, CHOCOLATE, BINGO AND MORE TEQUILA How can you lose? Every Wednesday at 1 (play starts at 1:30) local citizens gather to enjoy the adrenaline rush of playing bingo. A new added feature is the introduction of tastings of tequila, wine, fruit candy, chocolate, Mexcala Crème and other delights. Tastings will be held once a month from 12:30 to 1:30 and at the 15 minute break. Goods will be for sale, too. Bingo Players on the Verge of a Big Win Bingo Lago is a benefit for Have Hammer, where students learn how to do detailed carpentry work: furniture, cabinets and the like. The maestro’s salary is paid by the proceeds from the bingo games and other fundraisers. For more information, contact bingolago@aol. com.
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Lakeside Little Theatre’s latest production is Time Stands Still. It’s directed by David Goldman. Show dates are November 3-12. The Cast: Don Beaudreault, Johanna Labadie, Greg Custer, Carolyn Cothran The play explores the lives of Sarah and James, a couple who work as journalists documenting the horrors of war. When they return from covering the war in Iraq, they are physically bruised and emotionally beaten. While they are recovering, their best friend, Richard, brings his new, young girlfriend to visit. This burgeoning relationship makes James and Sarah examine their own relationship and way of life. The performances are at 7:30 pm and 3 pm. First Saturday and both Sundays are matinees. Tickets are 250 pesos and are available at LLT’s Box Office, 10 to noon every Wednesday and Thursday, also one hour before curtain. Email: tickets@ The Cast: Don Beaudreault, Johanna Labadie, Greg lakesidelittletheatre. com or call (376) 766 Custer, Carolyn Cothran 0954. LET’S GET MORE AMBULANCES ON THE ROAD On Thursday, November 9, the Country Club de Chapala will host the XIV Cruz Roja Golf Classic. Last year the club was able to provide the seed money for the purchase of a brand new ambulance, the first in 30 years! For information on the festivities call Don, 766-4990, or Ramiro at the pro shop, or call the Country Club de Chapala at 763-5136 FERIA MAESTROS DEL ARTE The 16th annual Feria Maestros del Arte will be held on Novembeer 10-12, from 10 am to 5 pm at the Club de Yates de Chapala. Admission is 70 pesos. For Feria questions (general infor-
mation, volunteering, artists), contact For Hosting questions, contact Brenda Byrom. For donations, contact Cathy Roberts IT’S ALMOST THAT TIME OF YEAR Book early for Christmas at Jaltepec Centro Educativo for their traditional Christmas dinner or lunch prepared and served by the students. Musical Director Timothy G. Ruff Welch and Los Cantantes del Lago will entertain as a special contribution to this festive occasion. The dates are Tuesday, November 28 for the luncheon at 600 pesos per person and Wednesday November 29 for the candlelight dinner at 700 pesos per person. Contact Linda Buckthorp at 766-1631 or email to book now.
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Marilyn We loved her years ago, before the lines of age could ever mark her face, before the history books defined her place in wax museums and in cinematic lore – before we knew her, we had loved her so as one might love a memory of snowwhite skin and rosy lips – and more we loved her for she seemed to need our love, we wanted her to feed upon our unfulfilled desire. Even in life she was not really there, she had become an icon to us then – and if she’d lived, with crow’s feet round her eyes, I and a million other men would love her, filled with our still-young memories. —Michael Warren—
e moved slowly to admire the myriad of goods for sale by smiling vendors. Suddenly before me appeared a frame holding three butterflies encased between two pieces of glass. Their iridescent, effervescent, magical and alluring beauty called out to me. I tried to hide from the vendor how much I wanted them. I knew they wouldn’t come cheap and it would be foolish of me to spend the money. “Ohh,” I sighed, In my whole life I have never seen anything more beautiful! “For you, I will sell them for $1,000 pesos,” the man said. I knew that my wallet harbored two $500 peso bills and a $200 peso bill, but said nothing. I also knew that although I was willing to spend money foolishly, I had to think about it. On the way home the butterflies were only mentioned once. “They are unique,” my Mexican companion told
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-DQLFH .LPEDOO me. “I have never seen such huge butterflies like that and never expect to again!” “The vendors’ tents will be taken down this afternoon,” my friend told me the following morning. “Do you want me to check to see if the butterflies are still there?” “Only offer $900 pesos for them,” I replied reaching into my purse. I wondered about the worth of the remaining $100 pesos. Would it be the amount needed to pay respect to a dead aunt, the price of food needed by the vendor’s family? Mulling these questions over was a waste of energy for me, however, as my Mexican friend already knew the answers. He would pay the vender full price and spare himself those questions.
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%\ 6\GQH\ *D\
true story: Arlene e iiss thirty seven years old, old, d, she s e mentally retarded, lives in a special home with tw twenty wenty six equally challenged adults, s, she s has a limited vocabulary, about 14 words. Arlene is my spirit teacher, perhaps rhaaps you never heard of such a thing, let me explain. When I volunteered to help Arlene, I was a Hoffman Institute graduate with a professional license in electrolysis with an office in the Medical Arts Center of Manhattan. My patients were mostly women traumatized by abuse of one kind or another, usually they had been to several doctors before meeting me, when all else failed my office was the last hurrah so to speak. However, I never met anyone like Arlene, a tall woman who taught me intelligence of the mind is one skill, but intelligence of the heart is bigger. Arlene and I read one another’s thoughts, on most issues we did not need words to understand one another, she was very easy to be with, but she was not a saint. I found Arlene quite capable of deliberately annoying the house manager, a mature Irishman named Michael. She preyed on Mike’s attention by following him room to room continuously repeating two word phrases like “toilet paper, toilet paper, toilet paper, toilet paper” and this could go on for several minutes. I figured such a habit was due to boredom, the environment of a government supported handicapped facility is often dull, for a good part of each day the residents sit on hard chairs, aside from bland meals, there are few diversions. One day I got the idea yo-yos might create laughter and a fun bit of challenge. Simply re-winding the string would be entertaining, truly I didn’t expect more than that, I chose yo-yos in lovely bright colors and this is what happened. Nancy, age twenty seven, who normally greets people by biting their arms, grabbed her yoyo the way a hungry pet reacts to food, the minute it was in her hand she shrieked, ran to the other side of the room and banged her head on the wall. George, whose head never grew larger than a six month-old baby, snorted at his yoyo. Peter looked at his yoyo and flung himself to the floor, then George with the small head began to scream, all the others backed away with fists knotted, totally refusing to touch them.
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Disappointed that my gift was good for nothing, I went to the kitchen to regroup my thoughts and there was Michael so intensely arguing with Arlene over toilet paper, he did not see me come into the room, he yelled with full force, “You want toilet paper!” Bam! He punched Arlene in the face and she fell to the floor. At this point he saw me, his face became fiery red and he flew out of the house slamming the door. Immediately I dropped to my knees, “You okay, Arlene?” Tears rolled from her eyes, her cheek was turning purple, but she was smiling. She loved Michael O’Malley, I could see that. I pulled her to her feet and life went back to normal. On the way home I had knots in my stomach. Early the next day I returned to the home and with trembling fingers knocked on the door. Michael was not there, a different attendant said he took a day off. “Forgive me.” I replied, “this is not my scheduled volunteer time, but something happened here yesterday, the owner of this home needs to know.” Did it feel good to defend Arlene? Nothing about this felt good, the memory of that moment lingers and still makes me choke. I’m older now, Arlene passed away some time ago, even so her spirit remains alive in my spirit. We experienced real love together. Twelve years ago I left America and moved to Ajijic, a mountain village in Mexico, the happiness of the people here offers me a new perspective on the care of handicapped. There is no government supported home for mentally retarded in this village, handicapped are rarely sent away, the family honors them as special gifts from God, as angels sent to earth for a purpose. Some time ago, CBN Television sent documentary photographers to my work site, we wanted viewers to see the difference between happy homes of mentally retarded and severely handicapped whose families maintain deep faith that a loving God is guiding them to rise above every problem. We compared this state of mind to the opposite experience of parents who are fearful, resentful, deeply disappointed that they gave birth to a person with problems.
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If Our Pets Could Only Talk %\ -DFNLH .HOOXP
ou know your dog pretty well. Sometimes he talks out loud, sometimes his body language says it all. Dogs have similar brain structure and chemicals as humans, involving emotions. However, the mind of a dog is roughly equivalent to that of a human two year old. So do not give him more credit than a toddler. Toddlers and adult dogs have basic emotions like joy, fear, anger, disgust, excitement, contentment, distress, affection and love. A dog will not develop more complex emotions like guilt, pride, contempt or shame, even as he ages like a child would do into adulthood. IF you come home and find that your dog has done something he should not have done, the dog has learned that when you appear and he has done something wrong, bad things happen to him. Do not misinterpret his slinking around behaviors showing guilt or shame, when in fact this behavior is fear of punishment. Yes, dogs do dream. Studies have shown that small dogs have more dreams than big dogs. A small dog like a toy poodle may dream once every 10 minutes. While a large dog like a Dane or a Mastiff may have about an hour between dreams. But big dog’s dreams last longer. Dog hair can tell a story. A scared or stressed dog is likely to shed hair more than normal. Take a look at the examining table after their visit with a Vet. Dogs may also stick up their hair which is sometimes called ‘raising their hackles’ when they are aroused about something. It is comparable to a person having ‘goose bumps.’ Raised hackles can mean that the dog is afraid, angry, insecure, unsure, nervous or very excited about something Dogs do invite you and other dogs to play with them. They do what is called a ‘play bow.’ They lower the front of their body with
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their front legs extended out in front of them, and their butt and tail high in the air. Sometimes it is accompanied by a bark. Tail position and barking are body language communications. Usually if the tail is held at a middle height, the dog is relaxed. As the tail position moves up, it is a sign that the dog is becoming more threatening, with the vertical tail being a clearly dominant signal meaning “I’m the boss around here.” Similarly, barks say a lot about what your dog is thinking. Low pitched sounds like growls make the animals seem larger and dangerous, usually indicating anger and possible aggression. High pitched sounds mean the opposite, a request to be allowed to come closer or a doggie signal saying: “It’s safe to approach.” There is a whole bark ‘vocabulary.’ Sounding the alarm is a rapid string of 2-4 barks with some pauses. This equals “there’s something going on and should be checked.” Continuous slow low pitched barking suggests that there is an imminent problem. And there are happy barking sounds. Barks in one or two sharp in the high to midrange is the most typical greeting sound. This sometimes replaces an alarm sound once the dog recognized the person approaching them is really a friend and not an unknown. A long string of solitary barks with deliberate pauses after each bark is a signal of a lonely dog asking for companionship. Time for fun sounds like a stuttering bark, sounding like ‘harr-ruff‘ with the front legs flat on the ground and rear held high. That equals “Let’s play!” Next time, dog tail wagging language will be discussed. Jackie Kellum
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The House On The Hill %\ .D\ 'DYLV
hey had owned the property for six years before building. He had walked the land, watched light playing through the trees and the wind bending the treetops. He knew it had to face the 180º water view. Mountains rushing into the inlet, eagles soaring on the breeze, it was a peaceful place. As he worked, curiosity brought animals. Snoopy was one of them. He was a small tree squirrel whose belly was orange, the rest of him brown except for those ever-busy white teeth. One day the man reached into his tool belt for a nail and a look of surprise came over his face. He had a handful of tail, soft and bushy. Snoopy
was after the peanuts the man carried, and he was quite indignant at having his tail grabbed. He chattered scoldingly but he left with a peanut firmly in his teeth. The man smiled. First contact. It was going well. A few months later the man’s wife moved in. She too fed Snoopy. Soon a Stellar Jay she called Blue joined them. Blue’s head and crown were black as were his wings so that when he was at rest with his wings snuggled against his body, the tips of the wings looked like black lace over the royal blue. In the morning Blue would fly around the house at window level, cawing that raucous noise made by jays. “Ah, yes,” she would say. Blue was her alarm clock.
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Sometimes black bears came through the property. Bear mothers can be dangerously protective but the cubs were cute, running along behind their mom, sniffing at flowers and stopping to box one another whenever mom decided to check out possible food sources. Hummingbirds came to the large flower baskets the lady hung on the deck. While she was weeding those, Blue would sit on the deck rail and Snoopy would take a nap at the lady’s feet. When the baskets were all cleaned up, the lady would go up the path to water more flowers. As soon as she turned on the hose, one little hummingbird would buzz over her shoulder and sit on a branch of the Japanese Maple tree. That was a clue to the lady that he was ready for his afternoon shower. She would hold the hose so the water would fall lightly over the little bird, and he would stretch his head up, fluttering his wings in the water. When finished, he would fly to another branch and shake off the excess. As autumn began, the lady began planting flower bulbs for the following spring. When she took a rest break on the deck, Snoopy came up and sat beside her foot. “Look at this article, Snoop”, she said. “Some of your cousins have been digging up the old folks’ flower bulbs. Are you going to dig up mine?” He never did. But the deer ate her flowers. She had planted impatiens for their cheery colors and hardiness. They were low plants that fit well with the general lines of the garden pathway until one day there were only stalks. The deer had eaten every flower. “Hey,” the lady exclaimed, “the flowers are for me!” But it was too late. Clearly impatiens was edible. The man had planted strawberries for his own treat, and when they were ripe and juicy, ready to pick, the lady called her husband and told him it was time. Unfortunately he was unable to get home until the weekend. That
delay gave the deer the opportunity they were waiting for. Next morning, the strawberries were all gone! When the lady told her husband, he moaned. But his wife laughed. “My flowers, your strawberries. We made a haven for the animals and they have taken us at our word.” There was a morning when the lady entered the kitchen and …. Ye gads! A mouse! He was on the fourth shelf up in the pantry. However did he get up there? Not that mice are a total surprise on a mountainside. But this was the first one seen indoors. She swatted at the mouse with a shoe. It literally scared little pellets of waste product out of him. He jumped and, in mid-air, turned and raced down the shelves, using his claws to hang on whenever needed. He ran for his life, finally escaping somewhere unseen. Each day thereafter there was an encounter with the mouse soon dubbed Gus Gus from the Disney movie Cinderella. Gus Gus had been a fat and friendly little mouse the movie public soon came to love. This little mouse was persistent in coming after the stash of food, but the lady was just as persistent in chasing him. Finally their pursuit came to a head. The lady grabbed a broom and, once again, scaring little pellets out of Gus Gus as he ran his fat little legs off, she discovered the hole he had gnawed through the baseboard in the dining room next to the deck. Blocking it with some temporary building materials, she managed to keep the mouse out of the house until her husband came home on the weekend. He laughed as his wife told him about Gus Gus. Neither of them wanted to kill the little guy. He was just doing his mouse thing. So the man checked out the hole and sealed it up so that it would be a lot harder for Gus Gus to gnaw his way back in again. Farther down the hill was a house with several pets. There was an old dog named Basil, a golden retriever with a protective nature toward his family and also the couple up on the hilltop. Basil would visit every day, making sure all was secure. Along with Basil came Terrence, a white cat who liked the peace and quiet he found on this mountaintop property. He would pay his respects and then go halfway down the hill on the water side. There he would sit or nap on his favorite mossy boulder, looking over what he deemed his territory. These neighbor animals were as welcome as the wildlife. Everyone lived in harmony at the house on the hill. Kay Davis
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Season 53 At LLT
ere we are again – it’s the beginning of another season! So what do we have to look forward to in Season 53? The first play is Ripcord, a comedy by David Lindsay-Abaire, which opens on September 29. Eighteen months ago we saw Good People, a terrific play by the same author, so we know we are in the company of a good writer. Ripcord, set in a retirement home, is a situation comedy with two old ladies battling to embarrass, dismay and ultimately destroy each other. Sounds like fun. Next up, at the beginning of November, is Time Stands Still by Donald Margulies. It’s a drama about the interaction between a female war-zone photographer and her boy-friend who is a writer who has also recently returned from Iraq. The tension and adrenaline of war affects their lives and their feelings about each other. It’s an intense and well-written play, recently performed as a reading at Naked Stage. I look forward to seeing it on stage at LLT. Opening on December 8 we have Calendar Girls by Tim Firth. If you’ve seen the movie, you’ll know that it’s based on a true event that took place in Yorkshire, England. Some courageous middle-aged ladies from the Women’s Institute produced a “nude” calendar for a very good charitable cause. It’s a delightful and heartwarming story, and you’ll laugh and cheer at the bravery of the cast. Then in January we can look forward to Agnes of God by John Pielmeier. It’s a drama about a novice nun who
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gives birth and insists that the child is the result of a virgin conception. A psychiatrist and the Mother Superior of the convent clash during the ensuing investigation. This is a powerful and thought-provoking play. Fiddler on the Roof is the musical in February. This incredibly popular show opened on Broadway in 1964 and ran for over 3,000 performances. Fiddler held the record for longest-running musical for almost 10 years until Grease surpassed its run. It won nine Tony Awards, including Best Musical and book, score, direction and choreography. This should be a sell-out show. Finally, at the end of March, we have The Clean House, a comedy by Sarah Ruhl. A truly wacky and whimsical play, it features a Brazilian cleaning woman who would rather be a comedian. The Clean House was a finalist for the 2005 Pulitzer Prize for Drama. So there you have it, a really interesting program for Season 53. Three comedies, two dramas and a memorable musical. Get your season tickets now! Michael Warren
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he Tepehua Community Center was introduced to the Cement Stove by FWOP (Future Without Poverty) organization. Designed for Third World Countries, it is a stove to replace open wood fires that are so dangerous to cook on. It is relatively cheap to build, wood burning, but remains cool to the touch. Mexico is not a Third World Country by any means. With its mining riches of assorted minerals plus gold and silver, oil, etc, and rapidly growing industrial parks, it could be up there in the big five if it weren’t for the corruption of governments. Pundits predict Mexico will be in that group in the coming years. For the pockets of extreme poverty found in barrios, this stove is the answer to a lot of ills. Although a simple design, it has to be specific, with special components to make it work. Its design keeps the wood contained and a specially crafted area makes the wood burn slowly retaining heat on the top plates, with a flu pipe to carry smoke out of the house. Its size can vary according to the needs of the family. It eliminates the accidental burns of pots tipping over on open fires as wood shifts, cuts down on wood needed, eliminates smoke inhalation causing lung ailments in babies and adults. For the small home it is far more efficient than a small gas stove, whose cylinder is such a hazard, and an ill afforded cost. The stove is adaptable. In the case of Lupe, living on her own at the age of 84,
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%HIRUH a tiny stove was built outside her shack, not very high off the ground to match her three foot frame. Hers is poverty at its worst. Or Alfredo and his son - they live in a tent that just covers a bed, so the stove was built outside with two burners. Most have three burners and a place underneath to store the wood. Under the watchful eye of Fred Snyder, from Rotary Ajijic, who supervised his team closely, eight stoves were built in the Tepehua Barrio just outside of Chapala, with a grant from St.Andrews Church in Riberas. There is now a long waiting list. Although the stove is free for the people through the Tepehua Community Center, those who receive the stove have to help with the labour, or help their neighbor if it is a single Mum or the elderly like Lupe. Lupe has two sons who live in another barrio, struggling against poverty like their Mother. Neither of them could afford the luxury of education when younger, without which there is little chance to break this cycle. Meanwhile, life can be made easier for them with a little help. The basic cost of the bricks, mortar and attachments per stove, is approximately $200 USD. Depending on the exchange rate... sometimes (if one is small like Lupe´s) the dollars can be stretched to cover two stoves. Looking into the future, we not only want to help save unnecessary burns and congestion of the very poor, we would like to start a small industry for the men locally. We are training the team and giving them the tools. With your help, and if you have an interest in the construction, contact Moonie Simplicity at its finest.
Saw you in the Ojo 57
ou might wonder what the mega star, Michael Jackson, who once ruled the airwaves and dance floors around the world and Jasmine, a young girl with special needs living in Mexico have in common. It’s the universal joy that music and dance bring to everyone regardless of language, money, or learning style. In November 1982, Thriller came out and at the same time, Jackie Hartley and Roma Jones were leaving their hopes of a peaceful Mexican retirement behind and starting up a school for deaf children living around Lake Chapala. Thirty-five years later, the world celebrates and simultaneously dances to Thriller. The purpose isn’t just to dance, but to break down barriers of race, politics, economics, and religion. It’s those same barriers that The School for Special Children works to eliminate. The teachers and principal, many who have been at the school for over twenty years, perform a daily “dance” to show the children just what they are capable of and guide them to aspire to great things. The school has gone through many changes from the time when an old chicken coop was cleaned up and used as the first classroom. Deaf children with normal intelligence are now main streamed earlier. This has allowed the school to have space for a wide variety of children with special needs, such as Downs Syndrome and Austism. The physical plant now has seven well-maintained classrooms, a small computer lab, a library, and a free lunch program. But it’s the learning that makes it so special. And part of the educational program is fulfilled through music and dance. Michael Jackson would have been inspired
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by these young performers. Watching the Ajijic zombies perform each year, you are encouraged by their appetite for more than human flesh. Their appetite for camaraderie, fun, and supporting charities is what is so obvious. You can find these same appetites for working together and having fun when you watch the children perform. For each holiday and special event, the staff brings joy to the students by helping them learn a dance, lip sync a song, and perform for their community. When the music starts, their faces light up and for those moments they are the stars who have learned something difficult and are giving this gift to the community. And for those few minutes, the community has a window into the special, integrated learning that loving happens within the walls of this school. On October 28th, 2017 beginning at 5 p.m., hundreds will come together in Ajijic to join with millions of others around the world. They will celebrate Michael Jackson’s talent and raise money to support charities here at Lakeside. The School for Special Children is honored to have been chosen to receive a portion of the profits. The children are being given an opportunity to see that others care about them, appreciate how hard they work to meet their own learning goals, and acknowledge their aspirations to bring joy to everyone through music and dance.
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Making the Most of Change
s I work through the huge task of packing up my entire house and settling into another house here at Lakeside, I can’t help but thinking a lot about change and transitions. Though the two terms are often used interchangeably, change and transition are not the same. Change is really the “what� that is happening, a situational shift. Transition is the inner process through which we come to terms with the change. In my case right now, for example, change refers to leaving one house and moving into another. Transition is more about letting go and saying goodbye to all the aspects and memories of my former home and then creating a new home in a different house. There are many varieties of transitions. Some come as a result of changes we may have chosen to bring into our lives: moving to a new home, taking a new job, getting married or divorced, having a baby. Some are part of a normal progression of life: graduating school and joining the work force, aging, retirement. Some are forced upon us by circumstances out of our control: job layoffs, illness or injury, death of a loved one. Whether the change is chosen or imposed, sudden or gradual, expected or unexpected, it requires numerous internal readjustments to manage it in a positive manner. The usual routines of our life will be disrupted, and new ones need to be established. Even if the change is a welcome one, transition can be a difficult time. A wonderful book on this topic is a classic by William Bridges called Transitions: Making Sense of Life’s Changes. Bridges points out that there are three parts to all transitions. First, there is an ending. We must say goodbye to things as they were, the “good old days.� If a change is unwelcome, it can be especially difficult to let go of what was, and without letting go it is impossible to move forward. It helps to acknowledge the change or loss with rituals. We can honor the change with moving-away parties, graduation ceremonies, funerals, etc. The second part of transition is what Bridges terms the “Neutral Zone.� This
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can be a period of confusion, uncertainty and distress. We no longer have the familiarity of the old, and we don’t yet have any clarity about the new. There is a disconnection from the past and still no emotional connection to the present. It can be difficult to know if our decisions are good ones or if we are on a wise path. This in between place is the most uncomfortable and difficult to tolerate for most people.      The third part of transition is the new beginning. It can be scary, but it is also exciting and filled with promise and opportunity. It is a time for setting goals and priorities as you establish a new stability. Transitions are a wonderful opportunity for personal growth. To help yourself navigate successfully through the murky waters of the “Neutral Zone,� ask yourself, “What is it time to let go of?� “What needs will I have to find other ways to get met?� “Because of this change, what habits or parts of myself are now out of date?� These are important questions that can benefit us throughout our lifetime, yet they are often left unasked in ordinary times and forgotten in the chaos of change. Even if there are no dramatic shifts going on for you right now, the very process of aging is a gradual change and transition that affects us all. Make the most of your transitions, and use the answers these questions provide to give impetus and direction to your growth in everything you do. And if you’re facing changes that seem overwhelming, remind yourself that “The very things we now wish we could hold onto and keep safe from change were themselves originally produced by Joy Birnbach change.� Dunstan
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have to tell you, I’m so happy about many of the changes in women’s clothing. I’m happy I’ve lived long enough to enjoy the freedom of fashions today. No more girdles or garter belts. How would you like to have been cinched into to one of those whale bone corsets that the ladies in the 16th century wore? Although the rubber girdles in the 20th century were almost as bad. I have a couple of funny stories about my experience with those that I’d like to share with you. My friend Barbara and I were on the party train, going from Ventura to Santa Barbara for a football game between our Ventura Pirates and the Santa Barbara Dons. I wanted to wear a knit skirt but my mother said if I wore my knit skirt I needed to wear a girdle so I wouldn’t jiggle. “It’s not lady like to be jiggling”, she said. So two days before the trip I bought a Platex rubber girdle, guaranteed not to let anything move. Barbara and I were having a great time when suddenly I felt this thrrpp! My girdle was rolling up my thighs toward my waist. It hadn’t occurred to me that the darn thing needed something to anchor it in place. I excused myself, went into the ladies room, rolled it down, giving an extra tug, hoping it would stay in place. Back to the party car I went and right in the middle of what could have been a very meaningful
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flirtatious moment –you guessed it – the damn girdle was on the move again, rolling and pinching once more! I excused myself again, went back to the lady’s room wriggled out of it and winged the damn thing out the window! Another story about these fiendish girdles concerned a friend of mine. She bought one of these rubber traps but instead of pulling it up from the bottom she tried pulling it down from the top, got her boobs wrapped up in the folds of latex. She called me and told me to get some scissors and come and cut her loose. And how about those high heels that are so popular with young women today? When I was younger I couldn’t wait to wear them but the novelty wore off in a hurry. I teetered along on four inches of skinny spikes and by the end of the day when I took them off I had such cramps in my feet that I cried. I began to envy men and their boxer shorts and shoes that looked like the boxes they came in. Pure comfort. When women’s lib came along I couldn’t understand what all the fuss was about. Those Playtex Girdles were long gone, panty hose erased the need for garter belts, 70’s fashions dictated two inch heels, and I sure wasn’t about to burn my bra – I loved that uplifting feeling! I say hooray to the fashions of today. We can dress any way we choose and if we choose not to dress – well, that’s okay too.
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s of September 1st, Programa Pro NiĂąos Incapacitados Del Lago and Amistad Canada are entering into a project partnership that strengthens their abilities to benefit sick and disabled children and their families in the Lake Chapala region of Jalisco. Amistad Canada (Amistad) is a registered Canadian charity that makes tax-deductible donations to projects run by seven non-governmental organizations in San Miguel de Allende, and now to an eighth, NiĂąos Incapacitados at Lakeside. Amistad-supported projects to support youth include literacy, music
and art education, school hot- meal services, dental care in poor communities, midwife training as well as high school and post- secondary scholarships. Of particular note to Canadian supporters of Ninos Incapacitados is that your donation to Amistad Canada in our name will give you the tax-deductible receipt that is often important to our donors. Dave Pike, president of NiĂąos Incapacitados, says “the organization is delighted to join forces with Amistad Canada whose extensive experience in assisting other NGOs in Mexico, and stature as a Canadian charity, will be of real benefit to our ability to help children and their families in the Lakeside community.â€? “Amistad Canada is excited to be launching a new project in the Lake Chapala region,â€? says its president Charles Novogrodsky, “NiĂąos Incapacitados has a sterling community reputation. This project advances our work to build civil society relationships between Canada and Mexico.â€? All updates for on-line donations through our website will be ready for September 1, 2017 For more about NiĂąos Incapacitados, go to: To learn about Amistad Canada, visit:
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The Bears Are Crying %\ 'U /RULQ 6ZLQHKDUW
t was Armistice Day weekend, 1966, and I was a first-year teacher on the Navaho Indian Reservation in New Mexico. A fellow teacher and I decided to go walkabout during the three day weekend. Our travels took us one freezing night to the slope of a mountain named El Capitan, near the Lincoln National Forest. We were later told the story of a tiny bear cub rescued from a fire in 1950 by soldiers from Fort Bliss. The little bear’s paws had been badly burned while seeking refuge in a tree. The press grabbed hold of the story, and Smoky the Bear stepped forth into the public imagination, urging from billboards and TV screens, “Only you can prevent forest fires.” Transported to a life of leisure in the
National Zoo in Washington, DC, this story would seem to have a happy ending. Smoky was to live for 26 years at the zoo. A few dissident voices have arisen, however, arguing that Smoky lived a near catatonic existence in a cage, unable to roam the wilds as a bear should, perhaps dreaming of happier days of freedom in his mountain home. No bear belongs in a cage. I had my first bear encounter that same autumn while backpacking in New Mexico’s Chuska Mountains. Winding along an old trail at sunset, I came upon two yearling black bears gorging themselves on pinion nuts. When they caught my scent, they arose on hind legs, stared in my direction in deep concentration until convinced that, yes, I was indeed a
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member of that dread species known as humans, and lumbered off, crashing through the underbrush. I remained standing, awestricken. Over the years since, I have met other bears while backpacking in the wilds of Montana, West Virginia, Colorado, New Mexico and Florida. None posed a threat except for an angry female grizzly on a mountain trail in northwestern Montana who objected to my snapping a picture of her cub as he scaled a tree. That encounter could have ended badly, given that Mrs. Bear let out a thundering roar and charged directly at me, coming to a halt perhaps twenty feet from my position. I calmly turned and began to walk slowly down the trail, following the wise counsel of park rangers, uncertain as to whether or not the great bear was dogging my footsteps. I harbor no resentment toward the bear. It was the bear’s home, and I was the interloper. My seasons spent as a National Park Service ranger far more often involved protecting bears from people, rather than people from bears. Bears subsist on low calorie diets in their natural habitat. Whenever they consume human food, it affects them much like cocaine would a person. Generally, these so-called garbage bears have to be euthanized after repeated incidents. No day went by when we did not confiscate picnic lunches left unattended by heedless campers. Frequently, such carelessness earned the offenders hefty fines. Bears are as ingenious as the cartoon character Yogi when it comes to stealing human food. One sunny Colorado morning, a mother bear ushered her twin cubs up a tree and proceeded to tear the screen door off the office of a horse stable and treat herself to hot chocolate. One of our park volunteers found the same two cubs ransacking his van on another occasion, gobbling up whatever they could find. Thankfully, our season ended with the bear family safe and sound in their wilderness home. I want all of the comical, lumbering creatures to live out their lives in peace, doing what bears are supposed to do, lazing in the sun, munching on roots and berries, and, like Winnie-the-Pooh, raiding honey trees. While I am heartened by the news that British Columbia has outlawed the hunting of grizzly bears, the intense lobbying efforts of Defenders of Wildlife and The Animal Welfare Institute to strictly limit bear hunting in the state of Maine ended in defeat a few years ago. Already, the California and Mexican grizzlies are extinct, as are the Bergman’s bear of Siberia and the Atlas bear of Morocco. The polar bear of the far north faces unprecedented challenges as global warming causes sea ice to melt. North American poachers kill bears for their body parts, which are sold on the black market in Asia and among
Asian communities in the United States and Canada. President Barak Obama established policies protecting cubs and hibernating bears in Alaskan wildlife refuges from being baited or shot, but now the vandals are in charge in Washington, DC. Mr. Trump has abolished those protections. Perhaps one can expect nothing better from an artificial man who continues to live an artificial life inside an artificial bubble, sequestered behind his stubbornly preserved delusions. Too many of our ursine friends suffer far worse fates than that posed by hunters or even poachers. There are an estimated 12,000 bears enduring endless agony in the bear bile farms of Asia, despite the governments of Vietnam, South Korea and other nations having declared such practices illegal. Bears are captured, locked into tiny metal cages, often a mere two by four feet, and restrained while crude catheters are rammed into their abdomens in order to draw bile twice daily. Witnesses report that bears sob like wounded human infants, writhe and bang their heads against their cages during this procedure. They are “tapped” in this way, much like maple trees, until they can no longer produce, then slaughtered, their organs marketed as imaginary treatments for imaginary conditions. Bear parts are prized for use in traditional Chinese medical practices. Vietnamese moon bears are particularly prized for their unique coloration. Bear gall shows up increasingly in eye drops, ointments and top of the line shampoos marketed to gullible consumers. As always, cruelty pays high dividends. The use of bear gall to treat a host of ailments, including erectile dysfunction, is a product of superstition, not good science. In China, where the human population is burgeoning, erectile dysfunction must be epidemic, with so many males so insecure about their manhood and sexual prowess that they find it necessary to seek such quack remedies as bear gall and rhino horn. There are, it seems, three categories of humans: First, those who actively pursue evil by acts of cruelty and greed; second, a great mass who display their indifference through an obsession with trifles and trivia, games and distractions; finally, those who simply give a damn and struggle endlessly to confront and ameliorate the actions of those in the first category. St. Paul tells us that all creation groans as it awaits the return of the Redeemer. As these lines are being penned, the frivolous and indifferent continue to fritter their lives away. All the while, the bears continue crying. Dr. Lorin Swinehart
Saw you in the Ojo 67
n myth, he was a powerful god-king. In reality, his influence spanned centuries. As a human, he was a kindly priest-ruler. As a deity, he was god of the wind, part bird, part serpent. And in history, his prophesied “return from the east” foreshadowed the fall of the Aztec empire. In all Mexican mythology, no other single figure attained the prominence of Quetzalcoatl, the plumed serpent deity. Honored throughout Mesoamerica with temples, codices, stelae, narratives and chronicles, this godking was worshiped by cultures from the ancient Olmecs to the pre-conquest Aztecs. His teachings have been likened to those of both Buddha and
Christ. But why was he such an enduring presence, and was there an historic basis for his many deeds and exploits, as some legends would have us believe? The answers seem to lie shrouded in the very basis of New World mythology, where men and gods are often intermixed and simple tales transform into legends and religious beliefs. The Quezalcoatl of myth was a composite figure--part deity, part human, part symbol. As god of the wind, he travelled to the sun and brought back the gift of music. He also took the form of an ant to steal corn from the sun god and provide this life-giving food to mankind. He bestowed upon his worshipers the gifts of enlightenment, culture, ethics and laws. In various iterations of the myth, he symbolized wisdom-tolerance culture. And at one point, he was believed to have assumed an incarnate form, ruling his subjects in a highly moral tradition. Also, according to myth, this deity was betrayed by a rival god, who goaded him into a night of revelry and incest with his sister. Ashamed and repentant, he banished himself to an exiled existence at an isolated spot on the seacoast. Here he built his own funeral pyre and cast himself upon it, heart rising from the ashes to become the planet, Venus. In another version of the myth, he left the coast in a raft
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of serpents, vowing to return from the east on a specified date. It is the latter version that gave rise centuries later, to the belief that Hernan Cortes was the god, Quetzalcoatl incarnate once more, since the conquistador’s arrival coincided with the predicted date of the legend. The origins of the myth and surrounding legends are obscure, but probably arose during the Olmec civilization which flourished on the Gulf coast between 1200 and 100 B. C. Perhaps the earliest and most dramatic evidence of the influence of Quetzalcoatl can be found at Teotihuacan, a powerful religious center and site of the famed pyramids outside Mexico City. This center dominated the central highlands between 400 B.C. and 600 A.D. and it is here that an elaborate temple dedicated to the deity was built by a cult of his followers. (Its remains, including images of the plumed serpent, can be viewed today.) From here, the cult spread its influence and religious precepts to other cultures of the era. Images of Quetzalcoatl can be seen in ruins of Toltec and Mayan religious centers among others. Many Mayan codices also depict the deity in various iterations and activities. Several centuries after the collapse of Teotihuacan, the Toltec capital of Tollan had been established. According to ancient records, one of its rulers sent his son, Topiltzin, to study under priests of the religious order of the plumed serpent, an outgrowth of the cult of Teotihuacan. Topiltzin eventually became a high priest and was given the surname of the order, Quetzalcoatl. He later assumed leadership of the Toltecs. At this point, legend and history become confused. There is ample evidence that Topiltzin was indeed a priest-ruler of Toltecs who, upon gaining leadership, moved the capital from Tollan to Tula. This legendary ruler Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl is described in chronicles as a compassionate leader, a great lawgiver and civilizer. He taught his people new agricultural methods as well as the process of refining and working silver, gold and copper. He also banned the practices of human and animal sacrifices, welcomed outsiders who embraced religious beliefs and attempted to put an end to the continual warfare with surrounding territories. However, many Toltecs were greatly disturbed by this “heresy.” Their traditional religion had required warfare and resulting human sacrifices as a means to appease their blood- thirsty gods. If angered, these deities would surely withhold rains and other blessings required for ample crops. Plots against the leader were hatched
among various dissidents and political and religious rebellion ensued. Finally the once-powerful ruler was unseated and forced to flee the capital, taking with him a cadre of his faithful priests of the order of Quetzalcoatl. They journeyed east to the religious center of Cholula, near the present day city of Puebla, where apparently other practitioners of the cult held sway. Some years later, he travelled to the coastal area of Veracruz, promising to return to the highlands on the date of Ce Atl, which represented a specific point in the calendar. His travels then took him to the Yucatan where Mayan chronicles indicate that he arrived sometime between 987 and 1000 A. D. Here he was called Kukulcan and is said to have settled in the city of Chichen Itza, another prominent religious center. Did he, as some historians surmise, seek out Mayan followers of his priestly order? Or were the Mayan legends and codices dedicated to the plumed serpent the result of his visit? Surprisingly, many of the images of Quetzalcoatl in Yucatan have been dated back to the same period of Topiltzin’s arrival. Some chronicles indicate that he did indeed return to the highlands, but legends give varying accounts again blending probable historical events with folklore, or adapting one to the other. The most widespread of the legends of Quetzalcoatl is a primary example of this, and is based on his promise to return from the east on the date, Ce Atl. By fantastic coincidence Spanish conquistador, Cortes, arrived from the east to the shores of Veracruz on approximately the same date some centuries later. Another coincidence was that of the appearance of Cortes. Quetzalcoatl of myth and legend was described as fair skinned, bearded and of taller than average stature. Cortes came very close to matching this description. The rest is well-documented history. Appalled at the apparent fulfilment of the 500-year-old prophesy, the Aztec ruler, Moctezuma, concluded that it would be futile to fight off a god, so he sent gifts—including gold—to appease the invader. This, of course, only incited the gold-hungry Spaniards to press on to the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan, which they eventually overthrew in their conquest of the Aztec empire. But the enigma remains. How much of the legend is myth and how much is history? To what extent did the legend mirror actual events? And to what extent did mythology influence them? Only one thing is certain. If indeed Cortes was the reincarnation of Quetzalcoatl, the plumed serpent’s qualities of kindness and humanity were lost somewhere in the transition.
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The Ojo Crossword
ACROSS 1 Masculine 6 Karma 10 Want 14 Unsociable 1RWLRQ 16 Intend 17 Title of Islam´s head 18 Tyrant 19 Taboo 20 Tails 21 Trunks 23 Pro 24 Thousand (abbr.) 26 Baseball player 28 Gretel´s friend 31 Ditto 32 Before, poetically 33 III health 36 Set 40 Costa__ 42 Put together 43 Espy 44 Very large trees 45 Supervisors 48 Pro Football Conference (abbr.) 49 Possessive pronoun 51 Muslim theologen 53 Sock 56 Mummer 57 Animal’s coat 6RPHWKLQJ WKDW KDV DQ HႇHFW 61 Festive 65 Except
El Ojo del Lago / October 2017
67 Trolley car 68 Fear 69 Capital of Italy 70 Steering mechanism 71 Eight 72 Writer Bombeck 73 Young Women’s Christian Association 74 Making a knot DOWN 1 Spice 2 Actor Alda 3 Icy 4 Lifts 5 Spoiled 6 Sheer, triangular scarf 7 Tool 8 What Celestial Seasonings makes 9 Terrestrial 10 Licensed practical nurse 11 Held high 12 Long, skinny boat 13 Seasoner makers 21 Soda 22 Bro.´s sibling 25 Skirt edge 1RW ERWWRPV 28 Champion 29 Opera solo 30 Where a necklace goes 31 Totals 34 Country in SE Asia 35 Advertisements 37 Opaque gem 38 Lounge 39 __ -a sketch (child´s toy) 41 Ashen 45 Audible emission of breath 46 Muslim ruler 47 Total 50 Pixy 52 Inheritance 53 Before 54 Hearsay 55 Fairy Tale writing brothers 56 Female parent 59 Sailors 60 Baby powder 1HJDWLYH SUH¿[
63 Legal Claim 64 Acting (abbr.) 66 Beverage 68 Cooking vessel
What design features make a house ouse comfortable?
sm1mex Have plenty of windows for cross ventilation and the front living side of the house should face the south to get the sun in the winter to take advantage of the heat from the sun and the back non living area on the north where it gets the sun in the summer when it is warmer. Also in the winter the north side of the house is colder since there is no sun on that side. LakeViews We have high ceilings and low utility bills. Almost no energy is spent heating or cooling. We do not own a heater or a/c. Our home faces south with a large shaded veranda on the south towards the view. The passive heating and cooling is about all we need. Inside our home rarely gets colder than 68F or hotter than 83F. The shaded south facing veranda is a blessing not a problem. The concrete and brick construction of the homes in the area provide decent insulation and mass for passive heating/cooling. There are a few days where a heater would be nice, but it’s not essential. For us noise is a bigger issue than climate so don’t ignore that when designing a home (double pained or laminated glass). If anything the good climate provides freedom in design like glass door walls, skylights, and large verandas. The UV radiation is strong here, we ended up putting tinting on the 19 skylights in the living room. Ferret Tough question to answer as it totally depends on your style. I like character in my home. So I have niches and wrought iron rectangular grilled windows. I am not a fan of really high ceilings because, for the couple of months that it is cool at night makes it very hard to heat. I face east but have no windows at all on the north side and am grateful because the sun blasts the north side all summer long. And, as stated above, cross ventilation and good fans are a must. RVGRINGO Our Chapala centro home faced south, was large and had three interior patios, which provided light and cross ventilation to all rooms. The
d a north side had eranda full length veranda nd a doggie with screens and d west walls door. East and n with other were common homes. There was parking for two or more cars in a courtyard treet, plus two other treet off the main street, rivada, with space for garages off a privada, three or more additional cars; an sideration in Chaimportant consideration h t t may pala or Ajijic, where streets be crowded. We did add gas taps in several rooms during remodeling, but used only one radiant propane heater, on low, in the living room, as using the fireplace was too hot most of the time & good hardwood is very expensive. cstone North/South orientation. Windows in the right location to provide cross ventilation. We have a long hallway with doors at both ends and are grateful for the lovely breeze. (Just the same as when I was a child in South Louisiana!) I like interior patios and we have several. I like skylights, we have several. We happen to have a lot of storage capacity in the kitchen, which is great. elisabeth I will think I am in heaven if I can have an interior patio. We aren’t looking for a particularly large house, so I don’t know if interior patios will otherwise fit what we need. Of course it would be great for cat containment (I worry about them climbing plants against exterior walls, and escaping). Of course, sometimes the interior courtyard flooded in my Tunisian house, and water spilled over into interior spaces. WideSky Comfort for me is the kitchen; I bake at least once per week and often will prepare meals ahead and freeze for those days when we just are too busy. We saw many houses that the kitchen was, shall I say, meager. New meaning for galley kitchen. For some that works but not me. bdmowers I like high ceilings for the feeling of space, many houses here with those. I like a nice large veranda and large garden space. And at least one room that
is quite large. My house has all these. I also like an interior room that is open a where I can hear the to the air rain. Those are somewhat comm common here too, not, unfor unfortunately, in my little o heaven. My house slice of doesn’ doesn’t have windowed space open on the south where the sun can burn it’s way in way in. I am grateful for that. I think windowed space on the no north would be ideal for allowing all light. A light house is important to me. Min Mine has skylights that br bring in the light quite well. cedros For me a covered mirador is essential. A place to keep cool on hot days. A great view. And a place to hang my laundry if it is raining (otherwise I use my clothsline). Cross ventilation in the house is essential. As is openess and brightness. I need privacy from the neighbours on my property and a good view. CHILLIN Hmmm - those lovely breezes, especially in the summer. We too have
the super high ceilings and walls of glass. On those walls the “shear” fabric billows with the breezes. Also lots of green around to clean the air, our community has many mature, gigantic trees- over 40 years old. Many people from the town and lakeside take a deep breath of air when they visit, or deliver, - and it is not because we smell nice, or are burning some magical incense. To check for breezes, look for the buzzards circling above - they are gliding the thermals, they know where the fresh air is.
Saw you in the Ojo 71
Over 60 years of “People Helping People”
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LCS Campus: Planning for the Future
LCS Health Day
The LCS Board of Directors has been working to address our aging campus infrastructure and prepare for the future growth of our organization as the baby boomers in the U.S. and Canada retire in record numbers. Our challenges include: Aging buildings (70 plus years old) which require constant and increasing maintenance. Buildings that are inadequate for today’s requirements, such as classrooms and meeting spaces. The Wilkes Center, which requires some duplication of services - staff, office equipment, etc. In anticipation of the eventual need to rejuvenate the main campus, the board is in the process of assembling plans to accommodate long-term LCS needs on the 16 de septiembre property. The proposal calls for: Construction of a new “Sala Grande” to accommodate large audiences, that will be flexible enough to be configured for many of the activities currently hosted in the Gazebo. Additional classrooms and a combined English/Spanish library to be built at the front of the campus. Preservation of the Neill James home, the gardens, fish ponds, tree canopy and green space. To construct the new Sala Grande, a badly needed large meeting facility, while maintaining precious green space, will require the removal of the Gazebo. This decision was very carefully considered and not taken lightly by the Board of Directors. Under discussion with the municipality is the possibiliy of donating the Gazebo as a gift to the village and moving it to a new home on the malecon. The campus redevelopment plans, when ready, will be reviewed extensively with the LCS community and stakeholders. Once consultations have been completed and plans finalized, fundraising will begin. It will probably be a year or two before sufficient funds are raised to begin the Sala Grande construction and the subsequent removal of the Gazebo. Ben White, President
Friday October 20, from 9 to 1 on the Patio. Health services are open to the public. No membership is required. Shots (pay when administered; $ subject to change. *Note: flu & pneumonia may be taken together. Shingles and hepatitis series cannot be taken with any other immunization shot. Influenza 450 pesos Pneumonia for Life (Prevnar 13) 1,600 pesos Pneumonia - 5 year 650 pesos *Must sign up in the office for Zostavax and hepatitis shots Zostavax (shingles vaccine) 2,300 pesos Hepatitis A & B series 1,200 pesos* (1st shot, 2nd shot one month later; booster after six months. Must have all three.) CPR Class by Red Cross: 12 to 2 p.m. 200 pesos *Sign-up and pay in office – class is limited to 30 Blood Pressure Check: 9 a.m. to 1p.m. Free Diabetes Screening: 9 a.m. to 1p.m. Free *Note: eat a high carb meal 2 hours before testing, i.e. pancakes, oatmeal, granola, fruit, honey, etc. Hearing Services: 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Free screenings for those interested in purchasing hearing aids. 20% discount on hearing aid orders. No repairs. *Sign-up in office. Optometrist Services: 9 a.m. to 1p.m free glaucoma or cataract screening *Sign-up in office *Hepatitis shots are estimated at 1,200 pesos each How to Die in Mexico: A Primer for Foreigners presented by Cynthia Guzman, Funeraria San Francisco on the Patio from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Information on other medical services available at Lakeside will be offered by various providers in booths on site.
2017 Annual Fund Thanks to those who have given. Our annual fund is growing but there is still a way to go. Please help LCS build its programs. Donate online or in the office.
El Ojo del Lago / October 2017
LCS Directory Cover Art Winners Announced The Children’s Art Program announced the winners of the LCS Directory Cover Art Contest: 1st Prize: Samantha Sánchez Garcia (age 17); 2nd Prize: Kenhya Mariana Hernandez Durán (age 10); 3rd Prize: Sara Yolotzin Mariscal (age 7); and Honourable Mentions: Daniela Rojas Navarro (age 12) and Saúl Ulises Sánchez Garcia (age 15). All of the young artists are participants in LCS’ most popular program. The first place winner won $500 pesos; the second place winner received $300 pesos; third place, $200; pesos and the two honorable mention winners won $100 pesos each. The first place winner’s submission will appear on the cover of the 2018 LCS Member Directory. Each artist received a certificate of acknowledgement, a card, and a reproduction of their artwork. Congratulations to all of our winners!
McAllen, Texas Shopping Extravaganza
Personal Enrichment Program (PEP)
Take advantage of U.S. prices and selection without the hassle of searching the internet or arranging delivery. Join us November 5 to 8 for two full days of shopping in McAllen, Texas and three nights at the Hampton Inn. Transportation to and from mall is provided. Cost: $499 U.S. single occupancy; $449 U.S. p/p double occupancy. Non LCS members add $50 U.S. Mexican consulate will be in McAllen for visa services. The required non-refundable deposit is $125 US (unless trip is cancelled). All costs are payable in pesos at the exchange rate of the day. Space is limited to two large suitcases per person. Final day for sign up is October 22. Final payment must be made by October 29. We depart November 5 at 7 a.m. arriving at 9 p.m. Returning November 8 at 7 a.m. arriving in Ajijic at the sculpture in La Floresta at 9 p.m. U.S. and Canadian citizens must present valid passports; Citizens from other countries need current passports with valid U.S. visas. Contact Wendell Jackson at for more information.
Introduction to Creative Writing Rachel McMillan Tuesdays 10 a.m. to 12 noon, October 3 to 21 in the South Campus Board Room. Fee for the course is $400 pesos. Creative writing is considered an art, a door through which you can express thoughts and emotions with imagination. Learn how to use language and voice, character development, dialogue, narration, back story, theme, point of view, plotting, how to create the story arc, and of course, editing and critiquing. Minimum/maximum students: 11/20 Deadline to register is September 28. A Novel Approach to Films Marshall Krantz Wednesday 2 to 5 p.m. in the Sala, October 4 to November 1. Fee for the course is $750 pesos. When we talk about reading a book and watching the movie from which it was inspired, then comparing them, we realize these are two different languages that communicate the same message in very different ways. While literature is based on the written word, cinematic language is composed of several elements that work together in a message we receive as spectators—not only image but music, camera management, editing, etc. Electronic reader required. Deadline to register: September 29. Practical Gardening at Lakeside ( English) Francisco Nava Wednesdays, October 11 to November 29 from 9-10 a.m. in the garden at LCS. Fee is $600 pesos. Having theoretical knowledge of gardening is good, but getting your hands dirty, learning how to germinate your own seeds, prepare your own soil, nurture you own plantings, and harvest your own food is better. We will be assigning gardening plots to students in the LCS Heritage Gardens to learn how to grow their preferred plants. Minimum/maximum students: 11/15. Register by September 28. Mexico’s Winter Holidays and Traditions Judy King Mondays, October 30 to December 4 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the South Campus Board room. Fee is $600 pesos. Understand the diverse and fascinating traditions surrounding Mexico’s winter holiday season. Learn the informal name for the period between December 12 and January 6, and the meaning of the Aztec name for poinsettias, and much, much more. Minimum/maximum students: 11/20. Register by October 25.
Warren Hardy Spanish Classes The final 2017 Spanish language classes for LCS members runs from Monday, October 23 through December 11 two hour and a half classes a week at the Wilkes Education Center (Biblioteca). The program is based on the Warren Hardy Spanish language course designed for the adult student. Several levels of instruction are available to suit the students’ proficiency. Register at the LCS Service office or on line. Ask questions or register any day from October 16-20 between 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the Blue Umbrella Patio. Tuition for the course is $750 pesos; the course textbook is an additional $670 pesos. Other instructional materials may be purchased separately. Want more information about the Spanish classes or LCS membership? Visit the informative LCS website www.lakechapalasociety. com. This is a members-only program. You must be a member of LCS to attend, and your membership must be current for the duration of the program.
Introduction to Spanish This casual class for the beginner that covers the Spanish alphabet, simple vocabulary and phrases useful about town, and information about Lakeside and Mexican culture. Starting the second Tuesday of the month and continuing for three weeks, the next session will start Tuesday, October 10, and continue October 17 and 24 on the LCS campus from 12 to 1:30 p.m. Learning materials are provided. Tuition is $175 pesos. Sign up at the LCS office or on our website. This is a members-only program. You must be a member of LCS to attend, and your membership must be current for the duration of the program.
Follow Us on Facebook Keep up on all things LCS. Like us at www. IDFHERRN FRP ODNHFKDSDODVRFLHW\
Experimenta Mexico Returns This popular series that took a hiatus two years ago returns with a thrill. MOCK DEATH YOU SAY! The day of the dead is just such a opportunity. Learn about Mexico’s most famous tradition, the origin and role of the Catrina. Help LCS build its alter as part of understanding the ingredients and heart that go into building it. Finally a more obscure aspect to the Day of the Dead festivities is the Calavera Literaria. Hone your poetic skills and discover a new way to mock death, at the expense of your best friends and worst enemies. This is a two part course, after learning about the Catrina and the Calavera Literaria, you’ll return on the day of the dead in full costume and presenting your newly honed poetic repertoire. There will be a small contest too, with a surprise for the winner. Course Fee: $300 MXN Course Dates and Times: Oct 31, 2-5 PM and Nov 02, 1-2 PM Course Location: South Campus Enrollment ends October 25. 30 students max.
Saw you in the Ojo 73
October Activities *Open to the Public ** US Citizens (S) Sign in required (C) Membership card required Health Insurance * IMSS & Immigration Services Mon+Tues 10-1 Lakeside Insurance Broker Tues+Thur 11-2 San Javier Hospital last Fri 10-12 Health and Legal Services * Becerra & Galindo Services Thur 10:30-12:30, Sat Oct 14&28 Blood Pressure Fri 10-12 Health Day Fri Oct 20 9-1 Hearing Aid Services (S) Mon+2nd and 4th Sat 11-4 Ministerio Publico Wed Oct 11+25 10-2 My Guardian Angel Tues 10:30-12:30 Optometrist Claravision (S) Thur 9-3 Skin Cancer Screening (S) 2nd + 4th Wed 10-12 US Consulate** Wed Oct 4 10:30 Sign up 10 Lessons(C) Chair Yoga Fri 2-3 Children’s Art Sat 10-12* Children’s Chess Club Sat 12-1* Children’s Reading 2nd Sat 11:30-12:30* Clases de Bordado Artistico Mon 3-6, Wed & Fri 4-6 Exercise Mon+Wed+Fri 9-10 Exploring Spanish Wed 12-1:30 Sat 11-12:30 Fitness Thru Yoga Mon 2-3:30 Intermediate Hatha Yoga Tues+Thur 2-3:30 Introduction to Lakeside (S) 2nd Thur 9-1 cost Introduction To Spanish (S) Tues 12-1:30 cost Line Dancing Tues+Thurs 10-11:15 PEP Series Register and cost see office for details Photography Club 1st Mon 12-2 Stretch and Balance Exercise Tues+Thurs 8:45--9:45 Tai Chi Chih Fri 10-12 Warren Hardy Spanish Classes (S) Mon-Sat check office Write-to-Prompt Writers’ Group Thurs 10-12 Libraries Audio Thur 10-12 Book & Video Mon-Sat 10-2 Library of Congress Books*/ Talking Books Thurs 10-12 Wilkes Mon-Fri 9:30-7, Sat 9:30-1* Social Activities (C) All Things Tech Fri 10-11:30 Bocce Ball Tues 2-3 begins Oct 11 Bridge 4 Fun Tue+Thurs 1-5 Cane Fo Self Defense Wed 2-3 begins Oct 11 Conversaciones en Espanol Mon 10-12 Creatively Mindful Art Wed 11-12:30 Discussion Group Wed 12-1:30 Everyday Mindfulness Mon 10 -12 Film Aficionados (C) Thurs 2-4:30 Games Group Mon 1-4 Needle Pushers Tues 10-12 NextChapter Book Group 2nd Thurs 1-3:30 Scottish Country Dancing Thurs11:30-1:30 begins Oct 19 Scrabble Fri 11:30-1:30 Spanish/English Conversation Sat 11-12:30 TED Talk Learning Seminars (C) Tues 12-1:15 Tournament Scrabble Tues 12-1:50 Service and Support Groups * Al-Anon (in Spanish) Mon 6-7:30,Wed 5:30-7:30 Information Desk Mon-Sat 10-2 Lake Chapala Painting Guild 2nd Fri 1:30-3:30 Lakeside AA Mon +Thurs 4:30-5:30 Open Circle Sun 10-11:30 Smart Recovery Mon 2:30-4 Toastmasters Mon 7-8:30 p.m. Toastmasters Youth Mon 5-7 p.m. Ticket Sales Monday-Friday 10-12 a.m.*
El Ojo del Lago / October 2017
Video Library Additions October As we said in last month’s Newsletter: “We are always on the lookout for movies that will interest the LCS members. If you have any suggestions about good movies, old or new, please give the name of the movie, your name and your email address to the volunteer on duty.” Four people stepped right up. Here are the movies they asked for: Zorba the Greek #7700 An uptight English writer traveling to Crete on business finds his life changed forever when he meets the gregarious Alexis Zorba. A comedy with Anthony Quinn and Alan Bates (1964) Shall We Dance #7691 A successful but unhappy accountant finds the missing passion in his life when he secretly begins to take ballroom dance lessons. Japanese comedy. Japanese with English subtitles. (1996) 7.8 on scale of 10 A Bridge Too Far #7702 It’s September 1944: The allies attempt to capture several strategically important bridges in The Netherlands in the hope of breaking the German lines. Sean Connery and Ryan O’Neal (1977) Purple Rose of Cairo #7696 A 1985 Woody Allen comedy about a movie character walking off the screen and into real life. Mia Farrow and Jeff Daniels These three , “the house” picked – hope you enjoy ‘em. Dark Horse #7690 Documentary: An inspirational true story of a group of friends from a working men’s club in Wales, UK, who decide to take on the elite ‘sport of kings’ and breed themselves a racehorse. (2015) Irina Palma #7697 Fifty-year-old widow Maggie, is desperately in need of money for a medical treatment for her ill grandson. In London’s Soho, she sees a small poster in the window of a shop called “Sexy World”, which reads “Hostess Wanted”. Drama (2007) 7.2 on scale of 10 Gett #7703 In Israel there is neither civil marriage or civil divorce. The dissolution is only possible with the full consent from the husband, who in the end has more power than the judges. Viviane Amsalem has been applying for a divorce for 3 years. But, her husband, Elisha, will not agree. (2014) 7.7 on scale of 10. English subtitles. Stop by the video library for TV series, the foreign movies, the oldies but goodies, and the new additions available each month. Check the covers of the color coded catalogs to find the video of your choice. Or, just ask the volunteer on duty. Feliz Película Viendo!!! I had to Google that.
October Family Films at Wilkes Spooky stuff this month includes: October 6 La Leyenda de la Nahuala October 13 La Leyenda dé las Momias de Guanajuato October 20 La Leyenda de la Llorona October 27 La Leyenda de El Chupa Cabras All films are free, in Spanish and open to the public. Bring the family. Films are shown every Friday night at 7 in the Wilkes Education Center at the Neill James Biblioteca.
TED Talks Learning Seminars In the Sala 12 noon to 1:15 p.m. Members only. Bring your card. Tuesday, October 3rd, The Evolution of Compassion Robert Wright, Journalist and Philosopher uses evolutionary biology and game theory to explain why we appreciate the Golden Rule (“Do unto others...”), why we sometimes ignore it and why there’s hope that we might all have the compassion to follow it. Tuesday, October 10th, Compassion and the True Meaning of Empathy Joan Halifax, Author and Zen Priest works with people at the last stage of life (in hospice and on death row). She learned about compassion in the face of death and dying, and a deep insight into the nature of empathy. Tuesday, October 17th, Reconnecting with Compassion Krista Tippett, Journalist de-constructs the meaning of compassion through several moving stories, and proposes a new, more attainable definition for the word. Tuesday, October 24th, Inside the Mind of a Master Procrastinator Tim Urban knows that procrastination doesn’t make sense, but he’s never been able to shake his habit of waiting until the last minute to get things done. In this hilarious and insightful talk, he encourages us to think harder about what we’re really procrastinating on, before we run out of time. Tuesday, October 31st, Brain-to-brain communication has arrived. How we did it Dr. Miguel Nicolelis, Neuroscientisit and Author built the brain-controlled exoskeleton that allowed a paralyzed man to kick the first ball of the 2014 World Cup. At present, he is building ways for rats and monkeys to send messages brain to brain. As he says, his work may go to “the limit of your imagination.”
Bus Trips October Thursday, October 5 Guadalajara Centro/Downtown Self Guided Walking Tour Discover the historical 17th, 18th and 19th century architecture and admire the stunning murals and artwork. The Instituto Cultural Cabanas is a must. Relax and people watch in the beautiful plazas, have lunch in the Plaza de los Laureles or enjoy elegant dining in the Hotel Mendoza. A detailed map will be provided. Cost: $350 pesos for members, $450 for non-members. Bus will leave promptly at 9:30 a.m. from the sculpture in La Floresta. Wednesday, October 25 Galerias Mall/Costco Cost is $350 pesos for members and $450 for non-members. Enjoy major retailers and restaurants. Bus departs promptly at 9:30 a.m. from the sculpture in La Floresta. Mark your calendars! One of our most popular trips returns. We will visit the famous Guadalajara Zoo Wednesday, November 8. Details to follow.
Thursday Film Aficionados Open to LCS members only. Bring your card. All films shown in the Sala from 2-4 p.m. No food. No pets. October 5 Sami Blood 2017 Sweden Elle Marja is a reindeer-breeding Sami (Lapp) girl. Exposed to the racism of the 1930’s and race biology at her boarding school, she begins to dream of another life. (104 minutes) October 12 Stefan Zweig: Farewell to Europe 2017 Austria This movie charts the years of exile in the life of the famous Jewish-Austrian writer, Stefan Zweig, his inner struggle for the “right attitude” toward the events in war-torn Europe, and his search for a new home. Based on actual events. (103 minutes) October 19 The Cuckoo 2002 Finland-Russia 1944, an imprisoned Finnish soldier manages to get free. A Soviet Army captain escapes the secret police. A Lapp (Sami) woman gives shelter to them. They all speak different languages. The men are enemies, but for Anni, they are just men. (100 minutes) October 26 The President 2014 Georgia A brutal dictator comes face-to-face with the injustices committed by his regime when his country is taken over by revolutionaries. Filmed in and around Tblisi, Georgia. Originally scheduled to be seen in August, but was postponed due to a power failure. (116 minutes) Discussion to follow.
Intro to Lakeside New to Lakeside? LCS in partnership with Lake Chapala Resource Academy, is pleased to present “Introduction to Lakeside” available to LCS members only. You’ll learn about your new community, your new neighbors and your new neighborhoods. Topics include: Daily life: banking, shopping, medical, transportation, etc. Housing information: major housing developments, utility payments, maids and gardeners. Cultural insights: fiestas, greetings and other social protocols, Thursday, October 12, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Seating is limited, sign up soon in the Service Office. Cost is $250 MXN per person and includes a copy of Street Smart Maps.
Come to a Ceilidh! Join us for Scottish country dances to Scottish music (not bagpipes)--excellent if you’re reasonably active and want to stay fit. No partners required. Classes are from October 19 till the end of March, Thursdays 11:30 a.m. till about about 12:45 p.m. in the gazebo at LCS. Open LCS members only.
THE LAKE CHAPALA SOCIETY, A.C. 16 de Septiembre #16-A, Ajijic, Jalisco LCS Main Office: (376) 766-1140 Office, information and other services - Monday-Saturday, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Grounds open until 5:00 p.m. LCS BOARD OF DIRECTORS President - Ben White (2018); Vice-President - George Radford (2019); Treasurer - Michael Searles (2019); Secretary - Carole Wolff (2018). Directors: Dee Dee Camhi (2019); Nicolas Hanson (2019); Cate Howell (2018); Philip Newbold (2018); Philip Rylett (2019); Roberto Serrano (2019) Janis Sirany (2019) Immediate Past President: Howard Feldstein. * Executive Director - Terry Vidal
The LCS Newsletter is published monthly. Deadline for submissions is the 17th of the month preceding publication. Submit all news items to Note: The editorial staff reserves the right to edit all submissions according to time, space availability and editorial decision.
Saw you in the Ojo 75
El Ojo del Lago / October 2017
Saw you in the Ojo 77
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$872027,9( - FRATS Tel: 765-2505, 765-3946 - LINEA PROFESIONAL Tel. 766-2555, Fax. 766-0066
* BAKERY - COLIBRI GARDEN Tel: 765-4412, Cell: (045) 333-156-9382
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- STEREN Tels. 766-0599, 766-0630
* CLEANING SERVICES 02%,/( 352)(66,21$/ &/($1,1* SERVICES Tel: 766-5360, Cell. 331-2825-020 3DJ
* BEAUTY - AFRODITA Tel: 766-6187 &+5,67,1(¶6 Tel: 106-0864 - GLORIOSA Tel: 766-3372 - GLOSS NAIL SALON Tel: 766-0375 - HAIR BY SASHA Tel: 765-2223, Cell: 33-3362-1272 0,&52%/$',1* %< +,/'$ 5$0Ã&#x2039;5(= Cell: 33-3676-2514 - NATURAL BEAUTY Tel: 333-1319-300 1(: /22. 678',2 Tel: 766-6000 - PANACHE 766-2228, Cell: 333-404-5276
* BED & BREAKFAST - CASA DEL SOL Tel: 766-0050
El Ojo del Lago / October 2017
- CORE TRAINING IN CHAPALA Tel: 766-3860, 333-474-1192
* HEARING AIDS - LAKESIDE HEARING SERVICES Cell. (045) 33-1511-4088 - OTICON Tel: 765-4805, 33-3813-1302
* HOT TUBS - HYDROPOOL Tel: 766-4030
* INSURANCE - LAKESIDE INSURANCE - EDGAR CEDEÃ&#x2018;O Cell: (045) 33-3106-6982 3DJ - PARKER INSURANCE SERVICES Tel: 765-5287, 765-4070 Pag: 22 3527(;3/$1 U.S. Toll Free 1-800-608-5743 Mexico Toll Free 01-800-681-6730 3DJ - TIOCORP Tel: 766-4828 3DJ
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- L&D CENTER Tel: 766-3506
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* GRILLS %$-$ *5,//6 Tel: 106-2430 - NAPOLEON Tel: 766-6153
- PURITAN POULTRY Tel: 765-4399 721<¶6 Tel: 766-1614
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- ACUPUNCTURE Cell: 33-3829-9228 - RESPIRO SPA Cell: 333-157-7790
- SOLBES & SOLBES ABOGADOS Tel: (376) 108-1830, 333-676-6245
$8720$7,& *$5$*( '225 23(1(56 Tel: 766-4973 3DJ
- COSTALEGRE Tel: 108-1087, Cell: 33-1242-9457
- CONFORT SOLUTIONS Tel: 33-1228-5377 3DJ *(1(5$/ +20( 6(59,&(6 $PDQFLR 5DPRV -U Cell: (045) 331-520-3054 3DJ - ING. SERGIO CABRERA Cell: 33-3496-3034 3DJ -26( ,%$55$ Cell: 33-1063-5098 3DJ 0$5%/( *5$1,7( Tel: 766-1306 3DJ 52%(572 0,//$1 $5&+,7(&7 Tel: 766-3771, Cell: 331-340-3758 Pag: 20 522),1* :$7(53522),1* 63(&,$/,676 Tel: 766-5360, Cell: 331-282-5020 3DJ - SIKA Tel: 766-5959 3DJ - SOUL Tel: 108-1632, 33-1465-7646 3DJ :$5:,&. &216758&7,21 Tel: 765-2224 3DJ
& ' 0$5Ã&#x2039;$ /8,6$ /8,6 9,//$ Tel/Fax: 766-2428 & ' 6$1'5$ $1$<$ 025$ Tel: 108-0977, Cell: 331-218-6241
),6+ 0$5.(7
,17(5&$0 Tel: 766-5978 08/7,9$ Tel: 766-2499
&20387(56 - EASY TECH Tel: 33-3598-3263
- ASESORES UNIDOS Tel: (33) 3343-9814, Cell: 33-1108-2653 ()),&,(17 :($/7+ 0$1$*(0(17 Tel: 766-4836
- LA NUEVA POSADA Tel: 766-1444, 766-1344
* CHIROPRACTIC '5 9,&725 - <28&+$ Tel: 766-1973 - INTERLAGO CHIROPRACTIC Tel: 766-3000
- CHAPALA DENTAL CARE Tel. 765-5584, 766-3847 3DJ '(17$/ (;35(66 Tel: 106-2080 3DJ - DENTAL HEALTH ONE Tel: 106-0826 3DJ - DR. ALBERTO DON OLIVERA Tels: 765-4838, 765-4805 3DJ '5$ $1*(/,&$ $/'$1$ /(0$ ''6 Tel. 765-5364, Cell. (045) 331 351 7797 3DJ - LAKE CHAPAL DENTAL GROUP Tels: 766 0144, 108 1707 3DJ /((1' *HQHUDO 'HQWLVWU\ 6SHFLDOWLHV Tel. 766-1870 3DJ 0& '(17$/ Cell. 33-1850-8664 3DJ - ODONTO CLINICK Tel: 766-5050 3DJ - ODONTOLOGY DEPOT Tel. 766-4202 3DJ
/21$6 0(;,&2 Tel: 766-0045, Cell: 33-3956-4852
&216,*10(17 6+23 3DJ
%$1. ,19(670(17
- FIRESTICK TV Tel: 333-968-8343 ,6+2310$,/
(0(5*(1&< +27/,1( $0%8/$1&( &58= 52-$ ),5( '(3$570(17 POLICE $MLMLF &KDSDOD /D )ORUHVWD
+$5':$5( 6725(6
)(55(7(5,$ < 7/$3$/(5,$ *$/9(= Tel: 766-0880, Fax: 766-2440 3DJ
$/%(572 2&+2$ 0 ' Tel: 766-2428 3DJ - ALTA RETINA - Dr. Rigoberto Rios León 2SKWKDOPLF 6XUJHRQ Tel: 766-1521 3DJ &$6,7$ 0217$f$ Tel: 766-5513 3DJ &+$3$/$ 0(' Tel: 766-4435, Cell: (045) 331-605-9645 3DJ '(50$72/2*,67 Tel: 765-2400, Cell: (045) 333-170-6570 3DJ '(50,.$ 'HUPDWRORJLF &HQWHU Tel: 766-2500 3DJ '5 $1721,2 52-$6 0$&('2 3ODVWLF DQG 5HFRQVWUXFWLYH 6XUJHU\ Tel: 33-3611-2011, 33-3611-2121 3DJ '5 (51(672 *5,0$/'2 85587,$ 1HXURVXUJHU\ DQG 6SLQH 6XUJHU\
Tel: 766-2428 3DJ - DR. HĂ&#x2030;CTOR BRISEĂ&#x2018;O G. - Cardio Vascular Solutions Tel: 766-1870 3DJ - DR. GABRIEL VARELA Tel: 765-6666, Cell: 333-128-6347 3DJ '5 -8$1 0 $&(9(6 0 Tel: 766-1244, Cell. 331-429-1343 3DJ '5$ &/$8',$ / &$0$&+2 &+2=$ 2SKWKDOPRORJLVW Tel: 33-3403-3857 3DJ '5$ 0$57+$ 5 %$//(67(526 )5$1&2 Cell: (045) 333-408-0951 3DJ - GO LAB Tel: 106-0881 3DJ +263,7$/ $-,-,& Tel: 766-0500, 766-0662 3DJ +263,7$/ $1*(/(6 '(/ &$50(1 Tel: (01) 3813-0042 3DJ ,&0, 'U 5DPRQ *DUFLD *DUFLD Cell: (044) 333-157-4741 3DJ ,0(' ,17(*5,7< Tel: 766-5154 3DJ - ISILAB Tel: 766-1164 3DJ - LAKE CHAPAL CARDIOLOGY GROUP Tels: 766 0144, 108 1707 3DJ - LAKE CHAPAL PSYCHOLOGY GROUP Tels: 766 0144, 108 1707 3DJ - LAKESIDE CARDIOLOGY CLINIC - Dr. Salvador 0R\D Tel: (387) 763-0665 3DJ /$.(6,'( 0(',&$/ *5283 Tel: 766-0395 3DJ - NEURO REHABILITATION & PHSICAL THERAPY Tel: 766-4435, Cell: 333-950-9414 3DJ - PLASTICA LIFT Tel: 108-0595 3DJ 3/$67,& 685*(5< 'U %HQMDPLQ 9LOODUDQ Tel: 33-3630-1135, 766,4871 3DJ 526$/%$ 627(/2 $1$<$ 0DVWHUÂśV 'HJUHH LQ Clinical Nutrition Tel: 766-2428 3DJ 9$5,&26( 9(,16 75($70(17 Tel: 765-4805 3DJ
029(56 /$.( &+$3$/$ 029,1* Tel: 766-5008 67520 :+,7( 029(56 Tel: 766-6153
086,& 7+($75( (9(176 $// 7+( 35(6,'(176Âś %$1.(5 Cell: 331-295-5795, 331-760-9307 3DJ %$//(7 0(;,&2 )2/./Ă?5,&2 Tel: 766-1254 3DJ %(+,1' 7+( :$//6 Tel: 766-1438, 766-6129, 766-0420 3DJ )(5,$ 0$(67526 '(/ $57( 3DJ ' - +2:$5' Tel: 766-3044 3DJ 1,f26 ,1&$3$&,7$'26 &8*,1,Âś6 )$6+,21 6+2: Cell: 331-071-7840 3DJ 7+( 1$.(' 67$*( 5($'(5Âś6 7+($75( 3DJ
* PAINT 48,52= ,PSHUPHDELOL]DQWHV Tel: 766-2311 48,52= 3LQWXUDV Tel: 766-2311
322/ 0$,17(1$1&( (48,30(17 $1' 322/ 0$,17(1$1&( Tel: 766-1617, Cell: 33-3952-4175 3DJ
* REAL ESTATE $// ,1 Tel. 766-1161 3DJ $-,-,& +20( ,163(&7,216 Tel: 766-2836 3DJ - ARELLANO CORPORATION GROUP Cell: 33-1331-0249 3DJ - CHULA VISTA NORTE Tel: 766-2177 Cell: (045) 33-1892-2194 3DJ - CIELOVISTA Tel: 33-2002-2400 3DJ &2/':(// %$1.(5 &+$3$/$ 5($/7< Tel: 766-1152, 766-3369 Fax: 766-2124, Tels: 765-2877 Fax: 765-3528 3DJ - CONTINENTAL REALTY Tel: 766-1994 3DJ &80%5(6 Tel: 33-2002-2400 3DJ - EAGER & ASOCIADOS Tel: (376) 766 1917, 1918 3DJ - ENTORNO LAGUNA Tel: 766-3504 3DJ )25 6$/( %< 2:1(5 Tel: 314-162-6209 3DJ )25 6$/( %< 2:1(5 Cell: 333-100-3013 3DJ *(25*(77( 5,&+021' Tel: 766-2077 3DJ +20( ,163(&7256 Tel: 766-5360, Cell: 331-282-5020 3DJ -8',7 5$-+$7+< Cell: (045) 331 - 395 - 9849 3DJ 0,&+$(/$ 6,5%8 Cell: 333-141-5979 3DJ 035 5($/ (67$7( Tel: (315) 351-5167 3DJ 3(7(5 67 -2+1 Tel: 765-3676, 331-323-0893 3DJ - RADISSON BLU - $MLMLF 5HVRUW 6SD 5HVLGHQFHV Tel: 766-4525, Cell: 332-255-5972 3DJ 5$8/ *21=$/(= Cell: 33-1437-0925 3DJ - RINCONADA DEL LAGO Cell: 331-242-9801, 333-956-6338 3DJ - TRUDIE NELSON Cell: 331-074-3308 3DJ - VISTA ALEGRE Tel: 33-2002-2400 3DJ
- LA ANTIGUA RESTAURANT Tel: 331-329-8748 3DJ /$ &$6$ '(/ :$))/( Tel: 766-1946 3DJ - LA CASA DEL CAFE Tel: 766-2876 3DJ /$ 0,6,21 Tel: 108-0887 3DJ - LA NUEVA POSADA Tel: 766-1444, 766-1344 3DJ ³/$ 7$9(51$´'(, 48$7752 025, Tel: 766-2848 3DJ /26 02//(7(6 Tel: 766-4296 3DJ 0$1,; Tel: 766-0061 Cell. 33-1065-0725 3DJ 020œ6 '(/, 5(67$85$17 Tel: 765-5719 3DJ - PANINO Tel: 766-3822 Pag: 22 3(55<œ6 Tel: 766-2841 3DJ 3,==(5,$ 726&$1$ Tel: 765-6996 Pag: 20 3287,1( 3/$&( 3DJ 6,03/< 7+$, Tel: 766-4767, Cell: 333-393-2770 3DJ - TEPETATE THAI RESTAURANT Tel: 766-2020 3DJ - THE BAGEL PLACE Tel: 766-0664 3DJ - THE HOT DOG SHOP Tel: 766-3807 / Cell: 333-662-9990 3DJ - THE PEACOCK GARDEN Tel: 766-1381 3DJ 75,3œ6 %85*(5 3DJ 721<œ6 5(67$85$17 &$03(675( Tel: 331-433-6112 Pag: 20 - YVES Tel: 766-3565 3DJ
5(7,5(0(17 5(67 1856,1* +20(6 - CASA ANASTASIA Tel: 765-5680 / 33-3452-5864 - LA CASA NOSTRA Tel: 765-3824 0, &$6,7$ 1XUVLQJ +RPH Tel: 106-2081, Cell: 331-115- 9615 1856,1* +20( /$.( &+$3$/$ Tel: 766-0404 - OHANA Tel: (01387) 761-0403
* SELF STORAGE - SELF STORAGE-BODEGAS CHAPALA Tel: 766-0661, Tel/Fax: 766-1045 3DJ
6(37,& 7$1. 3803,1* -3 +20( 6(59,&(6 Tel. 766-1569, Cell: 333-968-2938
62&,$/ 25*$1,=$7,216 - LAKE CHAPALA SOCIETY Tel: 766-1140 3DJ /26 1,f26 '( &+$3$/$ < $-,-,& Tel: 765-7032 3DJ
63$ 0$66$*( - CORPO BALANCE Tel: 31-2132-3415 - FRAU SPA Tel: 766-4393, Cell. 33-1736-5772 - GANESHA SPA Tel: 766-5653 - LA BELLA VIDA Tel: 766-5131 - NATURAL BEAUTY Tel: 333-1319-300 - RESPIRO SPA Cell: 333-157-7790 - TOTAL BODY CARE Tel: 766-3379
7$;, $57852 )(51$1'(= Cell: (045) 333-954-3813
* TOURS - CHARTER CLUB TOURS Tel: 766-1777 /<',$Âś6 72856 Tel: 765-4742, (045) 33-1026-4877
* SATELLITES/ T.V. $-,-,& (/(&7521,&6 6 $ '( & 9 Tel/Fax: 766-1117, 766-3371 3DJ
5(17$/6 3523(57< 0$1$*(0(17 &2/':(//%$1.(5 &+$3$/$ 5($/7< Tel: 766-1152, movile: (045) 33-1175-9632 3DJ - FOR RENT Tel: 387-761-0987, Cell: 33-3952-5225 3DJ - FOR RENT 3DJ Tel: 333-667-6554 - FOR RENT 3DJ Tel: 331-242-9801 +$&,(1'$ 305 3DJ Tel: 766-3320 +(51$1'(= 5(17$/6 -RUJH 7RUUHV Tel: 766-3737, 766-3030 3DJ 0$1=$1,//2 9$&$7,21 5(17$/6 Tel: (314) 100-6773 or (314) 109-0657 3DJ - SANTANA RENTALS Cell: 315-104-3283 3DJ
The Ojo Crossword
* PERSONAL ASSISTANCE 1(:&20(56 ,/6( +2))0$11, Tel 01(33) 3647-3912 Cell (045) 33-3157-2541
3+$50$&,(6 )$50$&,$ &5,67,1$ Tel: 766-1501 )$50$&,$ (;35(66 ,, Tel: 766-0656 )$50$&,$ 0$6.$5$6 Tel/Fax: 765-5827
)$50(; Tel: 765-5004
$-,-,& 7$1*2 Tel: 766-2458 - ARILEO Tel: 106-1627 $50$1'2Âś6 +,'($:$< Tel: 766-2229 - EL INFIERNO BAR - ELEGANTE Tel: 766-1066 - GO BISTRO Cell: (045) 33-3502-6555 - GRUPO PASTA Tel: (33) 3615-4952 - HUERTO CAFĂ&#x2030; Tel: 108-0843 -$60,1(Âś6 &ODVVLF ,QGLD Tel: 766-2636
Saw you in the Ojo 79
FOR SALE: 2007 Honda Odyssey EXL, Jalisco plated, 95,000 kms, Leather Interior, Stow and Go Seats in Very Good Condition. Price: $140,000 pesos. Call: julieywayne@ FOR SALE: 2004 Audi A6 Quattro w/only 55,000 miles. Going permanente, so must sell to someone going north of the border. Best car Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve ever owned. 3-litre, 6-cyl. engine, leather, sunroof, permanent all-wheel drive, C/D, A/C. Always garaged. Price: $87,500 Pesos/$5000 U.S. Call: 766.2754 or railsplitter58@gmail. com FOR SALE: , KDYH D 1LVVDQ 6HQWUD that I recently drove here from the U.S. I have decided I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want a car here and want to sell it. It is in excellent condition, about 43,000 miles, 4 door, air conditioning, power steering, power brakes, power windows/doors, etc. CD player. Call: FOR SALE: Mercedes 500 ML, all-wheel drive, 108,000kms, Mexican plates, asking $390,000 p or $22,000 U.S. Email: seaFOLá&#x201A;&#x2021;UDQFK#\DKRR FD FOR SALE: 2007 8 passenger van. 95,000 Km. Very good condition. 3.5 litre engine. Camel color. 155,000 pesos. ph. # 7652290 FOR SALE: +21'$ &59 /; 0H[Lcan plated, white exterior, black interior, cruise control, excellent condition and well; maintained, 114,000 km. Price: $155,000 pesos, contact 376-766-4128. FOR SALE: Honda 1100 CC Motorcycle. Jocotepec Centro. 2006 Honda Sprint with 16,000 miles, excellent condition. U.S plated in Arizona. Price: $60,000 Pesos. Call 333949-8770 or email: lawandrew29@outlook. com FOR SALE: VW DERBY Jalisco Plated. One owner, (spotless interior/undamaged exterior)1996 4 door with 45,000 Miles. Tires nearly new. Air Conditioning, Standard Transmission. Gold tan color. Service/repair history. Delivery early 2018 when am returned to Mexico to sell home/furnishings. Contact me on site and provide your contact information if interested. $4,000 USD FOR SALE: 6.5 x 10 feet utility trailer converted to cargo trailer (sided and topped 3/4 of way back). Reliable. Outstanding heavy duty trailer tires ($300 usd service work in Albuquerque). Trails straight behind the tow vehicle. Jalisco plated. Price: $18,000 pesos. 765-3668. Chapala. :$17(' Student going back to U.S. to study needs U.S plated car. Email: :$17(' Starting university in August, looking to buy a small car in good condition so that I can get to school, I would prefer a four cylinder, and it doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have to be very new. My dad is a mechanic so no worries about minor details. You can email me at es336011@ :$17(' I am in need of an automatic transmission, air conditioned, 2005-2010 automobile in good condition. Sooner rather than later. Email is, Chapala phone 765-3134, my cell is 360-3013464. FOR SALE: )25' (6&$3( 12 /,.,1*6 &(52 RLO GURSV &HUR DQWLIUHH]H consumption, Runs Incredible Great, 183,000 miles, Temporary import permit expired, A/C GRHVQÂ?W ZRUN 86' WR Âż[HG 3ULFH USD. Cell Phone 333-559-6671, Gerardo. FOR SALE: Wanting to buy a Jalisco plated car from an American or Canadian. Any LGHDV RQ KRZ WR ÂżQG RQH (PDLO ODUU\ÂżHOG # FOR SALE: I have a 2001 Super Beetle
ZLWK IRXU YHU\ VSLá&#x201A;&#x2021;\ DQG YHU\ H[SHQVLYH GHsigner wheels and tires. I would be willing to trade them for regular sized wheels and good quality tires for my Beetle. Write me if interested: Email:
FOR SALE: Desktop Monitor and Television. 24inch BenQ monitor (DVI cable included) also HDMI cable compatible $2,200 pesos. 32 inch Tv (no remote included) for sale for $2,100 pesos :$17(' Computer speakers or dog whistle or other similar device. Email: :$17(' Does anyone have a used newish laptop theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re looking to sell? Standard no frills generic laptop with a cam and Bluetooth. US model. 3& RU 0$& QR GLá&#x201A;&#x2021;HUHQFH WR PH (PDLO FOR SALE: Almost new iPad Mini 4. 64GB. Includes Case, help setting up and one hour of individual iPad tutoring. If interested email me at 6000 pesos. Email: cynthiatheappletutor@ FOR SALE: I have a set of Epson 195 cartridges for sale. One each black, magenta, Cyan and Yellow. Current cost $1,096 pesos at Wal-Mart. Will sell for $600 pesos. Bought a QHZ SULQWHU WKDW XVHV D GLá&#x201A;&#x2021;HUHQW FDUWULGJH %HVW to contact me by email: chazgree@yahoo. com 1DPH LV &KDUOLH FOR SALE: Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m selling a complete home security system that was purchased at SMART-HOME in Centro Laguna shopping center. I can install the system at no charge. Please contact me at 1(719)235-7795. :$17(' I am in need of a used server rack. Contact me FOR SALE: HP Laptop for Sale (Used). 1RZ L KDYH UHSODFHG LW ZLWK QHZ SDUWV $OVR LWÂśV DQ English keyboard and Operating System (WinGRZV +DUG 'ULYH *% 1HZ *% ''5 1HZ %DWWHU\ 1HZ 4XDG &RUH &38 $0' 2.0GHz. Price asking: $6,000.00 Peso. Email: FOR SALE: Sony S-VHS Hi-Fi stereo editing video recorder. Model slv-r-1000 with remote. Loaded with features and mint condition, like new probably used 5hrs total. Asking $300 us. Call: 333-444-7868. FOR SALE: Wireless HD Audio/Video transmitter. IOGEAR model GW3DHDKIT up to 100ft. Full 1080p and 5.1 digital audio. Like new used for approx. 2 hours. Asking $160 US. Call 333-444-7868 FOR SALE: A - Laptop Computer Model 13 ; / % &RSLHU ;SUHVV 0 ): Both Samsung (English) 2016 year. Owner retiring, Call a professional: Luis 376-766-5933 / Cell: 332-340-7501 or Heriberto Cell: (045) 331-016-7480 or Ruben Samuel (376) 7657595. FOR SALE: ADATA HV100 portable hard drive, capacity 1 TB. My ancient GHVNWRS FDQÂśW XVH LW &RVW SHVRV Rá&#x201A;&#x2021;HUHG for $1400 pesos. Call 766-3870 or mexrayh@ FOR SALE: Logitech Computer Keyboard â&#x20AC;&#x201C; English. USB connector, Mod. Y-UM76A $295 pesos. Include contact information when replying via this web forum or to this email address:
El Ojo del Lago / October 2017
gin, some with, Long tails (Males?), they need regular feeding, Bring container. Call: Tel. 766-3273
FOR SALE: Toaster Oven, Mabe brand, Clean and in real good shape. Email: FOR SALE: Two matching decorative planters made in San Juan Evangelista by Emilio Barrera. $300 pesos each or both for $500 pesos. Each planter measures 13 inches across by 10 inches high. FOR SALE: Dual sim card Samsung Galaxy A3 smart phone. 2 years old excellent condition. Allows you to have two numbers on one phone. Or extend internal memory to 32gb. Or just use as normal. 4.5 inch screen. Original VDPVXQJ Ă&#x20AC;LS FDVH 8QXVHG HDUEXGV &KDUJHU Can install live tv apps if interested. Price: $3200 pesos. Email: derekyoungmex@gmail. com. FOR SALE: Cargo Carrier. 30 â&#x20AC;&#x153; x 66â&#x20AC;? x 12â&#x20AC;? Cargo Carrier adapts to most roof racks. Available for U.S. $320.00 used twice. Email: :$17(' I have a mailbox at the ishop mailbox center at #144 on the Carretera in San Antonio. I can share with 2 more people. The best way to contact me is at dms555@ or call 376-766-3281. I have paid through August 17th and would like to share the cost with one or two others. Cost per month is $34.00. Diane Schmidt FOR SALE: Large lantern style heaterPaid $2.4K, sell $2k, Queen size blue/cream quilt+ 1 sham $400pesos, Send a pm with contact info please. Email: :$17(' Chain Saw, borrow, rent or buy. Email: FOR SALE: 2 still-in-the-package replaFHPHQW ZDWHU ÂżOWHUV IRU .LWFKHQ $LG :KLUOSRRO Jann-Air, Maytag or Amana by One Purify. Price: $265mxn. Call: 331-960-5885 (cell) or FOR SALE: Slow cooker/Rice Cooker/ Food Steamer like new $750, Aroma, olla de cocciĂłn lenta y arrocera, Horquilla de bici/Bicycle Fork $100, English books for teaching (never used) $50-$75, Knee & elbow pads $200. Questions feel free to contact me. FOR SALE: Complete Shaw Equipment and Service. HD DSR600 receiver with remote for $2500p. Service is paid through May 5, 2018 with CP Electronics, at $60 usd a month = $1000p. per month. Email: julieywayne@ FOR SALE: Rustico Secretary. Specialty painted. Price: $2,900 peso. Call: 333-9665657. FOR SALE: Two, black out, or room darkening shades. Six feet across and adjustable to 5â&#x20AC;&#x2122; height. Price: $2,000 pesos for the pair. Will sell one for $1,250.00, One is in great condition, the other has a stain that I am sure the maker, in Ajijic, can remove at little cost. Email: FOR SALE: Queen size air mattress with EXLOW LQ SXPS <RX FRQWURO WKH ÂżUPQHVV ZLWK just the push of a button. Batteries are new. Cost is $1,000 pesos which includes the batteries at $200 pesos. Email: williampearson01@ FOR SALE: Garden Furniture, Square table and four chairs, excellent condition. Email: FOR SALE: Downsizing, LIme Promequipment treadmill, used only a month, paid $900US, asking $500. Like new Schwinn Airdine stationary bike, $175 US. Like new stepper, $40 US. Ph.
387-661-0472. :$17(' Small Chest Freezer for home use. Email: :$17(' In search of used items in excellent condition for a local young paramedic in training: Stethoscope, digital blood pressure FXá&#x201A;&#x2021; DQG JOXFRPHWHU 3OHDVH JHW LQ WRXFK LI \RX have any of these items for sale. Email: FOR SALE: HD Shaw DSR 600 Series Receiver for $2500p. It has service already on it for $1000p per month. Premium package. Email: :$17(' Golf Cart A friend would like WR EX\ RQH DQ\RQH NQRZ ZKHUH VKH FDQ ÂżQG some for sale? Email: luvsdawgs1@yahoo. com. :$17(' I would like to buy the complete (Dish, Received and Control) Shaw system connected to active account, preferably in Ontario. Call: 766-2326 FOR SALE: 621< ´ 3URMHFWLRQ 79 ,Qputs: Cable, 2 Video, 2 others, with remote, Model KP 53 V100 - $3000pesos OBF. Call: 766-4315 Miguel. FOR SALE: Warren Hardy Spanish CDs: 1, 2 and 3. Half price at $350 pesos per CD. Email: FOR SALE: Voltage Regulator. Price $500 pesos OBO. Email: williampearson01@ FOR SALE: I have several old pieces of Mayan pottery. Contact me if you are interested. Email: FOR SALE: Reciprocating Saw. Price: $1000 pesos. Call: 331-125-8877. FOR SALE: Large Amoire or TV Cabinet. $2400p. Measures 48â&#x20AC;?w x 22â&#x20AC;?d x 79â&#x20AC;?high. Heavy duty strong wood used. We can deliver anywhere from Ajijic to Chapala for $300p. :$17(' Does anyone have a rowing machine for sale, or know of a gym that has RQH" 7ULHG ÂżYH J\PV VR IDU ZLWK QR OXFN (PDLO FOR SALE: Philips XL Airfryer, The Original Airfryer, White, HD9240/3 - $3,000 pesos. Breville BCI600XL Smart Scoop Ice Cream Maker - $3,000 pesos. Both are practically new and in perfect condition. Call: 766-4558. FOR SALE: Rockford Files-Complete Set. 2QO\ RSHQHG 6HDVRQ 2QH ÂżUVW GLVF %DODQFH remain sealed. I paid $189 will sell for $100 or peso equivalent. Call: 106-1254 late mornings best. Email: FOR SALE: <RXQJ JLUO ELF\FOH 6&+:,11 CRUISER, excellent condition, color mauve with front wire basket and mud guards on both wheels. Top brand, sturdy build. Asking $75.00US. Call 376-766-1965 or e-mail at FREE: Would like to give some to people that teach music to kids, maybe a good stack to each person interested. Box full of books. Email: FOR SALE: Honeywell HFD-120-Q Ioni]HU $LU 3XULÂżHU ,Q ([FHOOHQW FRQGLWLRQ QRW XVHG much. $1000p Almost looks new. Email: FOR SALE: Vizio VA19LHDTV10T 19â&#x20AC;? 720p HD LCD Television. Price: $1000p. FOR SALE: Whirlpool gas range, Gently used, 4-5 years old. Two oven shelves, 6 burQHUV FRPDO 3 RU EHVW Rá&#x201A;&#x2021;HU FOR SALE: 2 folboats kayak with extra equipment and lessons. $20,000 pesos. With equipment. Please see them Todo Bueno Consignment and thrift shop in Riberas Phone 331-016-0619. FOR SALE: I have seven pieces of various sizes of a chain link fence. They range from about six feet to 8 feet high and about 5 feet or so wide. Come and have a look if
youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re trying to fence in that garden. Hoolia 376-765-7569 FOR SALE: 3$1$621,& ´ +LJK 'HÂżQLWLRQ 3ODVPD 79 ,QSXWV &DEOH +'0, 2 Video, 2 others. Excellent condition, c/w manuals and remote Model TH-C50 HD18 - 4500pesos. Call 766-5128 FOR SALE: I have 3 pine kitchen stools in fairly good condition has a few dings on them. Asking $1000 pesos for them. Call 7664971 if interested. FOR SALE: Set of 2 nice little end tables. Tables measure 23 1/2â&#x20AC;? x 20â&#x20AC;? x 24 3/4â&#x20AC;? tall. There are large wheeled casters on the legs making them easy to move around. Price: $1,500.00 for the set. 376-766-2521 or PM here. :$17(' Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m looking for a good used apple iPhone 5 or 6 for the Telcel network. Eric. 332-310-2084. :$17(' Largish patio umbrella, preferably with stand. Sharon at 331-196-6423. :$17(' 2 comfy easy chairs and 32â&#x20AC;? Smart TV. Sharon 331-196-6423. FOR SALE: 3RRO 7DEOH 3RRO FXHV DUH Âżberglass and not wood. Table base made of 1â&#x20AC;? Italian stone. Table surround made of pine wood. Call 331-382-4771 for appt. Buyer must arrange for transportation. Price: $25,000 pesos. :$17(' I want to purchase a treadmill. Email: :$17(' I want to purchase a practice piano--I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want an electric keyboard. My only requirement is that it is tunable. Email:
FOR SALE: ESPA half HP water pump. Reason for sale, upgraded. Asking 0;1 7HO RU HPDLO FOR SALE: Prince EXO3 Hornet 110. Originally priced at Tennis Mart online at $129 U.S. I will sell it CHEAP for $800 pesos. I bought 2 of them and only really needed one which I am using. If interested send me an HPDLO IRWRĂ&#x20AC;\ FOR SALE: 1LVVLQ 77/ Ă&#x20AC;DVK 0DUN ,, Di 622 power zoom, 24 - 105 mm. Fabulous Ă&#x20AC;DVK FDQ ERXQFH OLJKW +DV RSDTXH OHQV WR XVH WR GXOO LQWHQVH Ă&#x20AC;DVK ,W KDV 77/ 7KURXJK the Lens) metering. Used price DW 1HZ <RUN VWRUHV LV 8 6 QHZ 1LVVLQ Ă&#x20AC;DVK LV U.S. Will sell for $50 U.S. OBO. Write Jill: fotoĂ&#x20AC;\HU #\DKRR FRP FOR SALE: Sigma lens, almost brand QHZ PP ZLWK EDJ DQG ÂżOWHU 8VH ZLWK 1LNRQ camera, maybe others. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s an 18 - 35 mm ]RRP 8 6 RU PDNH DQ Rá&#x201A;&#x2021;HU 6HQG PH DQ email: IRWRĂ&#x20AC;\HU #\DKRR FRP. FOR SALE: 1LNRQ ' SURIHVVLRQDO FDPHUD IRU VDOH ZLWK 1LNRQ PP ]RRP ,W comes with 3 batteries, several SD cards, a EDWWHU\ FKDUJHU D ÂżOWHU IRU WKH OHQV D VXQVKDde and a camera bag. The lens used goes for about $425 USED and new about $650. Plus the batteries each cost about $40.00 (or $120 for all 3) I will sell the camera with the lens, batteries and all the equipment listed above IRU 8 6 &RQWDFW PH DW IRWRĂ&#x20AC;\HU # FOR SALE: IKEA single blue bed sofa, new condition with spare beige cover. Price:
$300 USD. Call: 763-5272. :$17(' I will be traveling a good bit and would like to purchase a used kindle in good working condition solely for my month long travels. The model is not important but it really needs to be in good working order, some books loaded would be a plus. Call Richard in Chapala at 331-116-6081. FOR SALE: Icom ICR-75 30kHz-60MHz Receiver. Like new with power supply, carrying handle, and DC power cable. $10,000 0;1 )LUP
:$17(' Looking for a bench press and weighs, i.e. dumbbells and barbell. Email: :$17(' I will be returning to Ajijic midSeptember, for the next one to two years. I am looking to share the cost for a Shaw box and active account. I would prefer an Ontario account (to watch Maple Leafs games) HoweYHU WKH ER[ DQG DFFRXQW FRPH ÂżUVW (PDLO
Saw you in the Ojo 81
El Ojo del Lago / October 2017