El Ojo del Lago - September 2012

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Saw you in the Ojo



El Ojo del Lago / September 2012

Saw you in the Ojo


 D IRE C TOR Y  PUBLISHER Richard Tingen

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Alejandro Grattan-Domínguez Tel: (01376) 765 3676, 765 2877 Fax: (01376) 765 3528 Associate Publisher David Tingen Graphic Design Roberto C. Rojas Jazmin Eliosa Special Events Editors Tod Jonson Barbara Clippinger Associate Editor Jim Tipton Contributing Editor Paul Jackson Contributing Editor Mark Sconce Drama Critic Michael Warren Art Critic Rob Mohr Roving Correspondent Dr. Lorin Swinehart Sales Managers Omar Medina Bruce Fraser Office Secretary Rocio Madrigal ADVERTISING OFFICE Av. Hidalgo # 223, Chapala Mon. thru Fri. 9am - 5pm Sat. 9am - 1pm Tel. 01 (376) 765 2877, 765 3676 Fax 01 (376) 765 3528 Send all correspondence, subscriptions or advertising to: El Ojo del Lago http://www.chapala.com ojodellago@prodigy.net.mx Ave. Hidalgo 223 (or Apartado 279), 45900 Chapala, Jalisco Tels.: (376) 765 3676, Fax 765 3528 PRINTING: El Debate





Tod Jonson, a long-time Lakeside resident, writes about the legendary Neill James, a magnificent woman who has been aptly called “The Godmother of Ajijic.”

8 Cover by José Maria Reyes

14 FICTION First-time contributor Zofia Barisas checks in with a story that is both haunting and vaguely terrifying. 22 COMMENTARY Fred Mittag writes about how misinterpretations of the US Constitution’s Second Amendment has turned the “land of the free and the brave” into an armed camp. 24 PROFILE Dr. Lorin Swinehart looks into the life of Ambrose Bierce, one America’s most legendary writers, whose disappearance in Mexico in 1913 remains one of the great mysteries of the 20th century. 30 BOOK REVIEW Bob Drynan reviews Roberto Moulun’s The Iguana Speaks My Name, a collection of short stories, some of which have delighted Ojo readers for many years. 50 HUMOR John Ward can find humor in almost anything, but he has outdone himself in writing something funny about the passing of a kidney stone. 54 POETRY Mark Sconce pays homage to the young dancing girls of Ajijic, who prove once again that the sights and sounds of Mexico are among the most vibrant in the world.

El Ojo del Lago aparece los primeros cinco días de cada mes. (Distributed over the first five days of each month) Certificado de Licitud de Título 3693 Certificado de Licitud de Contenido 3117. Reserva al Título de Derechos de Autor 04-2011-103110024300-102 Control 14301. Permisos otorgados por la Secretaría de Gobernación (EXP. 1/432 “88”/5651 de 2 de junio de 1993) y SEP (Reserva 171.94 control 14301) del 15 de enero de 1994. Distribución: Hidalgo 223 Chapala, Jalisco, México. All contents are fully protected by copyright and may not be reproduced without the written consent of El Ojo del Lago. Opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflect the views of the Publisher or the Editor, nor are we responsible for the claims made by our advertisers. We welcome letters, which should include name, address and telephone number.




El Ojo del Lago / September 2012



Editor’s Page


Uncommon Sense


Bridge by Lake


Joyful Musings


Welcome Mexico


Child of Month


Anyone Train Dog


Hearts at Work


Thunder on Right


Lakeside Living


Magnificent Mexico


The Poets’ Niche


Focus on Art


LCS Newsletter

Jose Maria Reyes Cornejo Our cover this month is graced by a painting done by 17-year-old Jose Reyes Cornejo, whose work just won First Prize in the Children’s Art Program at the LCS, sponsored by Feria Maestros del Arte. Luckily, this happened simultaneously with our cover story about the late Neill James, who founded the program several decades ago. One of her students was Javier Zaragoza, and Maestro Javier in turn has helped young Jose, who though a deaf mute, has not let this handicap keep him from developing a remarkable talent. Congratulations, Jose! To see the other winners go to page 12.

Saw you in the Ojo


Editor’s Page

By Alejandro Grattan-Dominguez

On Being Exceptional


here is a new, but already highly rated show on HBO. The Newsroom stars Hollywood perennial Jeff Daniels, who has been mostly associated with whacky comedies like Dumb and Dumber and on occasion more sophisticated fare like Woody Allen’s quaintly touching Depression-era fantasy, The Purple Rose of Cairo. The show’s creator is Aaron Sorkin, who’s also responsible for The West Wing, The American President and the recent Brad Pitt movie, Moneyball. In short, Sorkin is one of America’s premier screenwriters. Jeff Daniels plays a cable news anchor and managing editor, and in one of the first moments of the initial episode gives notice that The Newsroom has more on its mind than simply creating mindless entertainment for the masses. Daniels is on-stage with a panel of so-called experts, all of whom are being grilled by a right-wing moderator who is showing off for an enclosed amphitheater filled with college students. The question: Is America the greatest country on the face of the Earth? The news anchor is slow to respond, but under pressure from the show’s moderator to declare his undying allegiance to the idea that America is indeed the greatest country in the world, Daniels stops the show by finally declaring, “No, it’s not. But it was.” Having immediately gotten the attention (as well as the animosity) of almost everyone in the packed room, the newsman quietly but forcefully begins to make his case: —The US today is 7th in Literacy, nd 22 in Science, 178th in Infant Mortality, and a distant runner-up in many of the remaining important categories. — America is, however, at the top of the list in the number of people who believe in angels, and in defense spending, which has a budget larger than the next 27 countries combined, 25 of which are US allies. We also are ahead of the number of people in prison, in ratio to our population. Does this sound like the “greatest”


El Ojo del Lago / September 2012

Jeff Daniels country in the world? But what about the “home of the brave and land of the free”? The newsman asks: could not England, Canada, France, Australia, Germany, and Mexico, to name only a few, say the same thing? So stop the hype! Stop this “exceptionalism mania,” this persistent thumping of the chest that has drawn the ridicule of so much of the world. Being exceptional is not something you brag about, it’s something you aspire to. Besides, he says, the first step in fixing a problem is admitting that you have one. Get serious, the news anchor warns the students. The “Greatest Generation” was that one that survived the deepest American depression ever, then played a major role in winning the bloodiest war in all of recorded history. This current generation could well be the “Worst Generation.” That “Greatest Generation” stood up for what was morally right, sacrificed for the common good, explored the heavens, aimed for the stars, were not afraid of intelligence, had a sense of fair play, and created the strongest economy ever known—and in the process made America the most beloved and admired nation on the face of the Earth. Yet that generation seemed to have far fewer compulsive braggarts than the current one has. When Daniels finishes telling the students what they did not come to hear, they seem stunned, chastised, though there is a vaguely resolute look on the young faces of many in the crowd. Some seem to get it: being exceptional is not something a country can smugly assume about itself, it’s something it has to earn—and then keep on earning. Alejandro Grattan

TTHEATER—Greek HEATER—Greek w word ord ffor or ““The The SSeeing eeeing PPlace.” laace.”” By Barbara Clippinger


akeside is home to many expat actors and directors. For some they’ve put their talents on hold to satisfy the demands of raising families and so have worked in conventional careers. Others have acted or directed most of their lives and now in retirement are doing more of the same. Somehow, Dave MacIntosh managed to do both. He had a long career as a Public Health Inspector in Scotland, England, Bermuda and Canada, and managed to participate in community theatre at the same time. Born in Scotland, he got involved in the theatre by a chance meeting. While attending licensing school he sat next to a man named Bill Bryden(*) who turned to him and said, “I’m starting a theatre and I’m looking for young people. Have you ever acted?” Dave told him no, but he could recite The Lord’s Prayer in Welsh—and so began a long career in theatre. Dave says he loves community theatre mostly because it’s comprised of a whole bunch of people working together towards the same goal. He feels he would never have had the chance to play so many leading roles in professional theatre, nor could he have handled the rejection that goes along with it. A director told Dave early on, “I don’t know what you’ve got, but don’t lose it!” He was talking about ‘stage presence’, something you either have or you don’t. Dave says he has always known how to get attention on stage. Although he never thought he was funny, he knew instinctively the way to pay attention to details: just how to touch a cheek, how to move convincingly if you’re old, how to speak if you’re happy or in pain. He knows how to find the sensitivity in a scene and how funny suffering can appear to be. When you meet Dave he’s “up,” friendly, light-hearted and full of fun. But at his core he is also a man who takes acting and directing very

seriously. Dave is a perfectionist, he’s nervous and a type “A” personality. He says his confidence comes with structure, lots of worrying, and doing his homework, and then he can flourish and create. Dave doesn’t fear growing old because “there are lots of great character parts that become available as you age.” What makes him happy? Living here, his friends, his wife Win, golf, our weather and the LLT that has embraced Dave and his talents. I think Dave would agree with Oscar Wilde who said, “I regard the theatre as the greatest of art forms, the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of what it is to be human.” Dave will be directing the musical The Drowsy Chaperone for LLT in late February 2013. (* Bill Bryden went on to become the Artistic Director for the National Theatre in London.) Barbara Clippinger

Saw you in the Ojo


NEILL JAMES —Ajijic’s Woman of the Century! By Tod Jonson



d. Note: This article was first published in the February 19th, 2012 edition of the USA Today’s weekend feature La Voz de Mexico.) Neill James lived for almost a full century. In late 1994, a century closed on one of the busiest lives most of us have ever heard about. Born on January 6, 1895 in Grenada, Mississippi, she was a nomad at a young age. Travel was in her blood, inherited from a father who was on the road much of the time. He bought one of the first automobiles, and put it into immediate use with daughters Neill and Jane sitting right beside him. When Neill graduated from college, with a Degree in Journalism, she started to move on. Never shy, she met many celebrities of the day, including Amelia Earhart, from whom she developed a romance with flying. It turned into a habit and she expanded her highway into the sky. Ms. James had never been afraid of anything, so traveling the world was “just another trip.” She had made plans to travel across the entire Orient, but something about Japan stirred a desire to remain longer. In Japan, she lived with and adored the primitive oriental Ainu people of northern Hokkaido, often dining with the Master Chiefs of the many and different Ainu tribes. She documented with both text and pictures the years of her stay. Her diaries turned into books which delighted the literary world, placing her in the literary Who’s Who as an author of note. She was installed twice in the Hall of Fame in Literature with the American Biographical Society, and Personalities of America. In 1983 she was included in the International Who’s Who of Intellectuals from Cambridge, England. In total she received 43 major citations acknowledging her contributions to the world of fine arts. Ms. James, upon returning from Japan just before December 7, 1941, decided to travel all “thirty nine corners of Mexico.” It was on the slopes of the volcano Paricutin when it erupted that she met her first disas-


El Ojo del Lago / September 2012

ter. Badly injured, she was taken from the mountain in Michoacan to Ajijic, Jalisco, for a year of bed rest and recuperation. There, she fell in love with Mexico and its people. With extra time on her hands, she compiled her notes and journals into the popular Petticoat Vagabond series of which Dust on My Heart, Petticoat Vagabond: In Ainu Land, Petticoat Vagabonds: Up and Down The World in Asia and White Reindeer became extremely popular. Her publisher was Scribner’s, who at the time was also publishing Thomas Wolfe, F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway— three of the most legendary writers of the 20th century. Neill’s five books introduced and drew flocks of writers to Lakeside to share in her wealth of information. As the desire to travel began to subside and she settled in Ajijic, Ernest Hemingway, D.H. Lawrence, George Bernard Shaw, plus the editor of Life Magazine, came to visit her. In the years that followed, Ms. James became a great benefactress to her beloved Mexican people. She turned the small fishing village of Ajijic on the shores of Lake Chapala into an art center that drew international attention. This art center was not only for oil paints on canvas, but was also dedicated to cultural growth in many of the arts, which in turn inaugurated the popular Chapala Festivals, the first form of international musical fine arts imported into the area. Living in a poor community which supported mulberry trees, she remembered the silk worms she had seen in Japan, and went back to get them so she could establish the first weaving factory of silken products in Mexico. The mulberry trees were the feeding grounds of the worms, but unfortunately it was the coldest rainy season

this area had had in many years, and the worms perished. Immediately she converted the looms to cotton. The weaving looms soon became big business in the village. Everywhere she traveled she picked up rare plants and brought them “home.” The garden at LCS is still filled with some 200 varieties she personally planted. Neill also founded the first library of Chapala, then Ajijic, and taught cooking to make life easier for the women of the large households at Lakeside. Concerned about sanitation and health, she developed a water purifying system, paid to dig the first deep water wells, helped install both electricity and the telephone, discovered gold in the mountain caves above Ajijic, all while setting up schools for the local children. Being a woman of means (inherited from her father), she financed many of her most talented children on through the university level. Six of her original students still live and paint at Lakeside today: Antonio Cardenas, Dionicio Morales, Victor Romero, Jesus Lopez Vega and his brother, Antonio Lopez Vega, as well as Javier Zaragoza. Today, each of these men has his own gallery in Ajijic and is actively engaged in using the talents Neill taught them as little children. All six are the best of friends, another trait taught during their instructive years at the knee of their beloved instructor. After WWII, hundreds of former military men came to Mexico, sponsored by the G. I. Bill. Many of their friends traveled with them, coming from every walk of life. Literary personalities, film and stage personalities, magazine editors and major writers came to enjoy the glorious year-round weather, and decided not to return “home.” This became “home” and it is to this very day to so many of us. Since the Lakeside area had grown so much since Neill’s arrival in 1942, on January 15, 1955 she was part

of the “Thirty-one Foreigners” who decided an expatriate society was needed. Brig. General John Paul Ratay (a highly decorated military officer in WWII), with Dr. Pennock, became the first co-presidents of the new organization, The Lake ChapaIa Society. Neill James was a philanthropist. One of her most important donations was that of her last home, including contents, as well as the huge grounds on which sits, to the Lake Chapala Society, the largest expatriate community (in any one area) in Mexico. A Neill James Trust was set up to provide care for Neill for the rest of her life. Today the Society is an information center for travelers, residents, and the friendly Mexican people. She was involved from the first with the annual Canada Day and U.S. Independence Day picnic that takes place the first part of July. True to her southern heritage, she enthusiastically helped start this yearly picnic four years before her death in 1994. The 13th Annual Celebration in 2003 was dedicated to Neill James—an extraordinary, unforgettable lady who once saw the need to help and did so. Tod Jonson

Saw you in the Ojo


UUNCOMMON NCOM MM MON CCOMMON OM MM MON SSENSE ENSE By Bill Frayer billfrayer@gmail.com The Future of Libraries


K. I admit it. I have a Kindle and I love it. In fact, we now have two Kindles so we can each read any e-book we want without having to wait our turn. We can download e-books from our library in Maine, even when we’re in Mexico. All three of my own poetry books are available on Amazon as Kindle books. So, this is where I begin to feel a little guilty. As most people my age, I love real books. I still read them and enjoy the feel of a paper book in my hands. And I love libraries. We visited the Library of Congress this spring. All those books; how wonderful! But, what is happening to the publication and availability of real books? What will happen to libraries? People like me, buying e-books, may be changing the literary landscape forever. Will paper books continue to be available? Will libraries still be wonderful collections of paper books? Alas, I fear not. David Bell, writing in The New Republic in July makes me feel a little better about this. He suggests that although digital publishing is changing the nature of our reading forever, that libraries will still serve a critical function. Libraries are, at their essence, incredible adult-education institutions. They are places where people can go to learn new things, learn about world events, and of course, find books to read. Now, in our digital age, we no longer do research in the annual volumes of The Readers’ Guide to Periodical Literature. We no longer need to


El Ojo del Lago / September 2012

Bill Frayer go to libraries to look in Almanacs to find sports records, world capitals or other miscellaneous information. We don’t even need to go to libraries to find books. So why do we need libraries, and why will we continue to need them? Bell argues that libraries will not diminish or disappear as a result of digital reading. They will, he suggests, serve the same functions in different ways. They will adapt, as they always have, and will continue to facilitate lifelong learning and the needs of adult readers. By embracing the new digital nature of information and reading, libraries can, and will, continue to provide resources for many of those who cannot enjoy the benefits of the digital age in their homes. Some people still have no adequate Internet access at home. Or they do not understand how to access digital information, how to apply for jobs or find apartments online. Libraries, with their public computer access, and their staff, can help many people access and navigate our contemporary digital age. Will the stacks of moldy books disappear? Over time, probably they will. But digital collections like Google Books will continue to preserve these editions. Libraries will provide digital access without the stacks. They will continue to lend e-books to those with e-readers, and I imagine they will find ways to provide digital books to those who cannot afford to buy e-readers. As adult education institutions, they will likely offer seminars on topics of interest to their communities. They will offer discussion forums, lectures, and film series. They might offer artists and author forums to share and discuss their works. Libraries have always existed to make information and culture available to the public. They will, perhaps sadly, not be the same musty-smelling places they have been. However, they will adapt and evolve with the digital revolution to continue to provide access to everyone who needs information. You can count on that. No need to worry about the future of libraries!



here is more than one way to skin a cat” goes the rather grizzly saying that could apply to the play of this month’s hand. In the diagrammed hand which was played at the Lake Chapala Duplicate Bridge Club in Riberas, North and South were playing the 2/1 game force system which is very much in vogue these days in a team game and South opened the bidding with 1 heart. With the opponents silent throughout, North responded 2 clubs which meant that the partnership was committed to reach game at least. South responded 2 spades which by agreement was not a traditional “reverse” bid but merely bidding out his pattern. North now bid 3 hearts, setting the trump suit, and South signed off with his bid of four hearts. West began proceedings with a low club and declarer paused to consider his alternatives. On a good day, the opponent’s trumps would be divided evenly (3 in one hand, 2 in the other) with at least one honour in the east hand and repeated finesses would hold the losses there to 2. Then it would be a question of taking the diamond finesse for an overtrick and, if that didn’t work, settling for just making game. South eyed the club 4 suspiciously and wondered if West might have been under-leading his King, but unwilling to take that chance at trick 1, he won the opening lead with the ace. Next declarer called for the heart 8 and was disenchanted to see East play the ace without hesitation – could that be a singleton? East exited with a small spade, won by North’s queen.

When South next played another heart from the dummy, his fears were realized when East showed out and it was now apparent that there were 3 trump losers. South let the heart seven ride around to West who now had a problem of her own in deciding what to play next. She solved it by continuing with a spade, won by declarer in hand as he pitched a diamond from dummy. Now declarer took another time out to consider his options. West was known to have 4 hearts to East’s 1, consequently East was likely to have more diamonds than West and therefore also more likely to hold the queen so the straightforward diamond finesse was unlikely to work. Then declarer saw that if he could ruff a diamond in the dummy it could solve his problem. Fortunately, his spade holding provided him with the means to achieve his goal. South played one more spade and was relieved to see West follow as he pitched another diamond from the board. Next he played a diamond to dummy’s king, the jack of diamonds to his ace and finally the diamond 9 from his hand which he ruffed with dummy’s last trump. All that remained was for South to ruff a club back to hand, draw West’s last small trump and claim 10 tricks. Declarer’s careful analysis of the likely layout had paid huge dividends so perhaps the cat’s loss of one of its lives was not in vain! Questions or comments: email: masson.ken@ gmail.com Ken Masson

Saw you in the Ojo 11



eria Maestros del Arte board members, Diana Ayala and Marianne Carlson, announced and presented the winners of the recent Feria-sponsored children’s art contest held this past month during the free Saturday morning art class at LCS. Judges Bridget Andrews, Feria Board Member and Maestros José Luis Cortez Hernández and José Manuel Robles reviewed more than 50 entries. Winners include: Honorable Mention – Fatima Guadalupe Lopez Guzman Renata Carolina Medina Cruz Oscar Orlando Ibarra Lopez Jose Bruno Mariscal Ortiz Sandra Medina Castellanos The 3rd place winner is Giselle Guadalupe Miramontes.


El Ojo del Lago / September 2012

The 2nd place winner is Rosario Lopez Garcia. 1st place Jose Maria Reyes Cornejo. The purpose of the concurso was to educate and remind the children of lakeside about their heritage and the importance of Mexican folk art. The Feria’s mission is to preserve and promote Mexican indigenous and folk art. In addition to their awards, the winners will also exhibit and sell their works at the upcoming Feria Maestros del Arte, Nov. 16-18 in Ajijic at Plaza de la Ribera.

Joyful Musings By Joy Birnbach Dunstan, MA, LPC, MAC No Need to Get Old!


t’s inevitable: life throws many challenges our way, and we must deal with them one way or another. Some things are just a fact of life; we don’t have to like it, but we can learn to accept it with grace. The only thing we can truly control is our attitude as we face these challenges. Getting older is one of those undeniable facts of life. There’s no stopping it. Doing it with grace and acceptance makes a world of difference. I’m reminded of a story that highlights this well: A very old lady looked in the mirror one morning. She had only three remaining hairs on her head, and being a positive soul, she said, “I think I’ll braid my hair today.” So she braided her three hairs, and she had a great day. Some days later, looking in the mirror one morning, preparing for her day, she saw that she now had only two hairs remaining. “Hmm, two hairs... I fancy a center-part today.” So she duly parted her two hairs, and as ever, she had a great day. A week or so later, she saw that she had just one hair left on her head. “One hair, hmm...,” she mused, “I know, a ponytail will be perfect.” And again she had a great day. The next morning she looked in the mirror. She was completely bald. “Finally bald, huh,” she said to herself, “How wonderful! I won’t have to waste time doing my hair anymore.” Now, that’s a positive attitude! I understand how difficult the adjustment to our aging self can be as I look in the mirror these days and wonder who that old person is looking back at me. We live in a youth-focused society (particularly up north, where most of us grew up). Youth is touted as beauty; older folks step out of the way. But how about, instead, if we learn to honor aging by seeing wrinkles as badges of honor acquired from years of living passionately. Let age be determined more by your attitude instead of the calendar. Old is more about being cranky and impatient, bored and boring, with no sense of humor. Aging is inevitable, but getting old is optional. I’ve known “old” people who were still in their twenties and thirties!

It is said that middle age is the awkward period when Father Time starts catching up with Mother Nature. It happens to us all, like it or not (unless, of course, we are struck with the farworse alternative). Age is certainly not the only thing we need to accept in this life. Many things come our way that are not of our own choosing. For some, change of any sort is unwelcome. But change is inevitable, and not always the change you were hoping for. Finances can change, relationships may change, health may change. We don’t always have control of these things. Do what you can to make things the best you can, and learn to accept those things you can’t change. Being angry, bitter or depressed doesn’t make any of them get any better. You don’t have to like everything that comes your way, but if you can’t change it or avoid it, acceptance is about the only thing that allows a person peace of mind. Adopt the spirit of Patti LaBelle who sang: “I’m feelin’ good from my head to my shoes, Know where I’m goin’ and I know what to do. I tidied up my point of view, I got a new attitude.” It’s up to each of us to choose to be peaceful inside regardless of what is happening outside. After all, that’s all we can truly control. Editor’s Note: Joy is a practicing psychotherapist in Riberas. She can be contacted at joy@dunstan.org or 7654988. Check out her new website: http:// joydunstan.weebly.com

Saw you in the Ojo 13

NIGHT FLOWERS By Zofia Barisas


he garden lies in deep darkness even in the noon of blazing day. A steamy pond lies still in wait for uncertain footsteps. Here aquatic green spiders, big as frogs, spin iridescent webs from leaf to leaf. Gigantic, ancient trees stand about like medieval knights. Their branches sweep the ground and the water with monstrous black leaves, from which emanates a fine, dense vapor that fills the garden with an eternal fog. In this darkest, deepest part of the garden grow amazing giant plants, such as cannot be found anywhere else. The butcher guards the live seeds in a wooden casket at the back of the freezer, behind rows upon rows of hanging carcasses. Flowers like tremendous Chinese lanterns, of purple velvet skins with deep red veins, grow in clusters at the farthest reach of the misty shadows. These swollen pods rest on the ground and from all around the bottom, roots thick as ropes reach out along the burning, steamy ground and penetrate the hungry, black earth where they intertwine with the roots of the mist trees. Wrapped in each one of these huge shells, caressed by the velvet


El Ojo del Lago / September 2012

skins, live women with long black hair, so long that it twines itself around their feet in thick lustrous coils – women with brilliant yellow eyes, skin the color of polished bronze and lips as purple as bat’s blood. A mere narrow slit in the front of the giant pods, a vertical opening, allows to be seen mysterious beams like moonlight, pouring forth from the women’s bellies. From here is diffused a sweet and humid perfume of honeyed flesh. The butcher enters the sunlit part of the garden with a knife still in his hand and sits down with his back to the hot rocks of the wall to enjoy the last sunrays of the dying day. He remains seated, motionless, eyes partly closed, inhaling deeply the honeyed perfume. Darkness falls, little by little. The giant flowers open imperceptibly, so slowly that no movement can be detected. The butcher is waiting. A long time passes. In the deepest, most hidden part of the garden, something is moving. From the bottom of one of the pods now black with night, a foot slowly emerges, then an ankle, the ankle restrained, wrapped tight in purple roots that hold it fast to the ground. Tiny little moons and stars of pure gold, encrusted in the nails of the toes, brightly glow. The butcher rises. He walks towards the darkest part of the garden, towards the narrow openings where the light of the moon can be seen. The bats, until now quiet, fly as if crazed, in all directions. From the throats of the frogs in the pond comes a terrible cry. A great wind rises. The black branches, with their enormous leaves, violently sweep the ground, barring access. The flowers of the garden tremble, wet with mist. The butcher smiles. Zofia Barisas

Saw you in the Ojo 15

By Victoria Schmidt



e recently celebrated our fifth anniversary of our arrival in Mexico. While I no longer feel like a “newbie,” my days are filled with learning experiences. My husband and I experienced another “first” just last week. While we were both getting ready for the start of our day, I heard a stream of expletives from our back yard. I’m sure our neighbors heard them as well. A few moments later my husband came inside and said, “I was taking your things off the line and I got stung by a scorpion!” (MY things, makes this my fault?) I was in the process of taking my morning medication, so I handed him two Benadryl and had him take them. I asked if he hurt, and he said, “No it just feels like a bee sting, only a bee sting stops hurting after a minute… this is still stinging.” I noticed he was carrying a plastic container and I asked him what that was. He said “This is Lupe.” “Lupe?” “Yah, I named the scorpion Lupe and then I killed him, he’s here.” Shoving the corpse at me to examine. Yup, it was a scorpion. A dark one, I was relieved to see, and medium in size. So the three of us, my husband and I and Lupe all traveled to the doctor, who upon seeing the corpse asked if we should get out candles for a service. He examined my husband,

asked when he was stung, examined the site (his little finger) and asked questions about his breathing and swallowing. The doctor took his pulse and listened to his lungs and decided a shot would be necessary. Yup, the kind of shot my poor husband had to drop his drawers for—saying that the shot hurt worse than the sting! The doctor kept him for observation for a half hour, then prescribed a medication to be taken twice a day for three days and released us back into the wilds of Mexico. In our conversation, the doctor did share that the deadliest of scorpions do not reside at Lakeside. There are only two places in Jalisco where they do reside. Sorry, I don’t remember which two, because I go to neither. My husband has now met and conquered his greatest fear. Two days later, I saw something strange in our hallway near our laundry cart. I told him it was either a twisted piece of thread or a scorpion. He bolted from his position of repose, grabbed a slipper and went to investigate. This was indeed a scorpion, it did not rise to the level of a christening, however, as he was slapped viciously by that slipper several times. The Kleenex I handed him to clean up was not enough…THIS one got a doublefolded paper towel along with many of those expletives. He was telling it that it was not going to sting his wife or his pets--my knight in shining armor. It was bad enough that one was outside hanging around the laundry line, but to be inside the house was too much to be borne! Now, a week later, all is peaceful. Except now, before removing the clothes from the line, he takes a stick and hits each article of clothing—just to be sure. So if you see someone in their back yard looking like they are taking batting practice at the clothesline, fear not. He hasn’t lost his mind… he’s just being cautious. Victoria Schmidt


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Saw you in the Ojo 17


of the month

By Barb Corol


ur first meeting with Kayra was overshadowed by her mom Maria Eugenia who arrived visibly upset. Her husband Jesus and father of her children had called to tell her that he would not be coming back as he had met someone else. This news devastated her. More so when she realized she was now on her own with two children, soon to be three as her doctor confirmed that she was pregnant. She thought perhaps this would bring Jesus home but he just said it was all too much for him. We felt it was a blessing in disguise that she walked in to the Niños Incapacitados office that day back in March 2010. Little Kayra is a very happy child. Throughout the time we spent with mom, she played with a toy we had given her and remained calm. Upon completing her intake, we learned that Kayra was diagnosed with heart and lung problems. Shortly after our first meeting her breathing became so erratic that she was rushed to the hospital where she stayed for several weeks undergoing multiple x-rays and tests as doctors tried to determine the cause of her breathing problems. When the results were finalized, the doctors agreed that Kayra needed heart surgery. In the meantime she has been prescribed a cocktail of medicines including several anticonvulsive medications. She is being monitored closely with bi-monthly visits to Hospital Civil. Heart surgery was scheduled for this past February however it did not take place due to her breathing difficulties. Doctors hope to perform the surgery in the fall. Izel is the child Maria Eugenia was pregnant with when she came to us back in March 2010. Mom named her daughter Izel as she said it means “unique or one of a kind.” Niños Incapacitados accepts two children per family into our program. Shortly after birth, Izel was diagnosed with hydrocephalus. Hydrocephalus was once referred to as “water on the brain” but is actually cerebrospinal fluid. The most common treatment is the surgical insertion of a drain-


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age system called a shunt to route the cerebrospinal fluid to other parts of the body. Izel will probably need this shunt system in place for the rest of her life. Izel also has regular bi-monthly visits to the Hospital Civil which the doctors have coordinated so mom can bring both girls in at the same time. She too is on a cocktail of medications and at present is undergoing x-rays, scans and special studies. To date, Niños Incapacitados has reimbursed mom 40,000 pesos for transportation, doctor consults, therapies, medications, x-rays and scans. I should mention that Maria Eugenia’s life has turned around. Niños Incapacitados helped her obtain some important documentation as well as the children’s birth certificates. She has a part time job and says her employer is very accommodating when she needs time off to see us or to take Kayra and Izel for their visits to the hospital in Guadalajara. As Director of the Jocotopec Clinic, thank you again for the opportunity of presenting some of our children to you. Just a reminder that the monthly meetings for Niños Incapacitados will resume September 13, 2012 at the Real de Chapala Hotel in La Floresta, starting with coffee at 10:00, meeting at 10:30. We invite you to come and meet another one of the children we are helping. If you would like to learn more about Niños Incapacitados, please visit our website at www.programaniños.org or call Rich Petersen (376-765-5511) or Barb Corol (376-766-5452).

Saw you in the Ojo 19

Anyone A nyone C Can an Train Train Their Dog By Art Hess artthedogguy@yahoo.com



n a recent class a member was bemoaning the fact that her seven- month- old pup had discovered the joys of digging and her yard was beginning to resemble a mine field. I immediately remembered an idea that came out of a class a few years back and I can attest to the fact that it always works. When picking up after your dog in the morning simply put a couple of shovels of stool in the newly dug hole. At least the dog will not go back to dig in that hole and if you are persistent it will break the habit. I was reading about a product in America for correcting that aggravating habit of your dog’s constant barking at other vehicles and dogs when he is riding in the car. It is simply a can of compressed air that emits a loud hiss. It’s not unlike an aerosol can of Raid or WD40 but it’s nothing but air. You don’t point it at the dog you simply press the button to emit the hissing sound which seems to get their attention and stop them from barking and acting silly. A friend said, “Why not try the compressed air can that you use to clean your computer?” Last week he reported that he tried it on his four dogs and three stopped immediately and the fourth after a couple of goes. Certainly worth a try, particularly if you buy the three or four can pack at Costco. I’m told it also works on the dog that runs


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and barks at the door when the bell rings. In that instance I would be inclined to reward the dog if he stopped barking and came when called. After the column on Head Halters we had a lot of favorable comments but buying them in our area is difficult. The Vet Clinic beside the Animal Shelter had the “Gentle Leader” model. I have seen several styles in the $10 range on Amazon. I’m currently using a cheaper model that is quite simple and we’ve had great success with a couple of year olds that were a big handful using any of the conventional schooling collars and they both settled down in less than ten minutes with the head halter and the owners are enjoying pleasant and safe walks without the jerking and pulling. We’ve had several schooling sessions in the new play park in San Antonio on Ramon Corona. If you haven’t tried it you’re missing a fun opportunity to try your dog over some elements of an Agility Course or to simply let Fido run free and play with his buddies. We had five in a class that were all young adults with some anxiety challenges and after giving them some other things to focus on they were soon working off leash and having a ball. With the warm wetter weather I’ve encountered several cases of “hot spots” lately. If your dog has longish hair and gets an angry itchy spot near the middle to rear of his back and near his tail and it really aggravates your dog it often is caused by an acquired bite or scratch that becomes infected and because it is under the hair and stays warm and wet it tends to get infected and spread. If you catch it soon enough and trot Shep off to the Vet he will treat it and it will go away quite quickly. If you ignore it your poor dog will truly have a “pain in the butt.” Remember to be a good dog leader, train a little on a regular basis, and above all have fun with your dog. Art Hess

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! Our 18th Annual Writers’ Awards Luncheon will be held on September 18, 12 noon, at the Ajijic Tango Restaurant in Ajijic. Those writers who contributed (sorry, Letters to the Editor are not included) to our pages from October 2011 through September 2012 are cordially invited to attend and encouraged to bring a guest. The event, featuring food, drink, entertainment and the awards ceremony, is the Ojo’s way ay of thanking the many wonderful writers who are the main reason for our success. See you there!

Saw you in the Ojo 21

“The Right To Bear Arms” By Fred Mittag


e careful if you go to America. You may be shot and killed.” That was from a former deputy prime minister of Australia, who warned his countrymen after the Colorado theater massacre that they were 15 times more likely to be shot in America. The gun lobby says, “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people.” Well, then, a nuclear bomb didn’t destroy Hiroshima; it was the bombardier. A bulldozer doesn’t move earth; the operator does. In spite of the alarming rise of gun killings in Mexico, they are barely ahead of us, with a murder rate of 12 per 100,000 compared to


10.27 in America. Compare that to England’s 0.46 rate where not even the police are armed. President Calderon has pleaded with the U.S. for better gun control. Many illegal guns in Mexico have been traced back to a popular sporting goods store in Houston called “Carter’s Country.” Yet, the U.S. expects Calderon to control drugs in Mexico. Something’s wrong about this equation. More than 30,000 annual gun deaths in America numb our souls, making us forget that blood really does flow, followed by human grief, along with the gouging of a $6,000 dollar funeral that adds fi-

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nancial pain to emotional distress. Wayne LaPierre, of the National Rifle Association, makes a salary of $1 million dollars per year. For gunmaker profits, it’s good to have an occasional massacre, because sales will go up. It’s even better to have a black Muslim president who was born in Kenya. Gunmakers could not keep up after Obama’s election and had to suspend orders. LaPierre helps gun sales, too, with threats to cowardly congressmen if they attempt controls – juxtaposed with sinister warnings that the government is about to take away your guns. It’s appalling that the NRA has convinced so many people – including politicians and judges – that the Second Amendment gives individuals the right to own guns. A basic grasp of English is enough to understand that the Second Amendment means a “well- regulated militia.” By contrast, James Holmes of the Aurora massacre was “not well- regulated,” buying firearms at will and 6,000 rounds of ammunition over the Internet. Warren Burger was a conservative Republican and Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. Unfortunately, a test of the Second Amendment never came to the Court during his tenure. But he did write an article for Parade Magazine titled “The Right to Bear Arms.” Burger proved that the Founding Fathers considered the militias to be the backbone of defense. The first Congress authorized a standing Army of only 840 men. When President Washington put down the “Whiskey Rebellion,” he raised an army of 3,000 from the state militias. Burger wrote “Today, a huge national defense establishment has taken over the role of the militia of 200 years ago.” The Chief Justice concluded that the interpretation of an individual’s right to bear arms is “. . . one of the

greatest pieces of fraud, I repeat the word ‘fraud,’ on the American public by special interest groups that I’ve ever seen in my lifetime. The real purpose of the Second Amendment was to ensure that state armies – the militias – would be maintained for the defense of the state. The very language of the Second Amendment refutes any argument that it was intended to guarantee every citizen an unfettered right to any kind of weapon he or she desires.” The Second Amendment was about flintlock muskets that required 15 seconds to reload, at the fastest. Muskets were fitted with bayonets and after firing their round, soldiers charged with bayonet. Cannon were too heavy to bear. Since Burger’s departure in 1986, Republican appointments have made the Court ever more conservative and less judicial. In 2009 the Supreme Court ruled in District of Columbia v. Heller that the D.C. ban on handguns violated the Second Amendment. This was the first time in history that the Court had ruled on this interpretation of the Second Amendment. The decision was 5-4, meaning five ideological opinions and four legal opinions. Nobody in America has bloodier hands than Wayne LaPierre. “Well armed civilians being necessary to the conduct of massacres, the right to bear arms shall not be infringed [by gun control].” Republican Congressman Gohmert of Texas could not understand why nobody in the theater was armed to defend against James Holmes. Don’t leave home without your AK47. You may need it when you go to the movies. Fred Mittag

Saw you in the Ojo 23

AMBROSE A MBROSE B BIERCE IERCE —Vanished — Vanished iinto nto M Mexico exico iin n1 1913 913 By Dr. Lorin Swinehart


exico was swept by violence in 1913, as forces loyal to President Victoriano Huerta battled insurgents, led by Emiliano Zapata and Pancho Villa. Into the cauldron of conspiracy and violence strode Ambrose Bierce, one of America’s most prominent journalists and the author of such classic stories as “The Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge.” Bierce, a hero of the American Civil War, intended to observe the fighting but disappeared and was never heard from again. At the age of 72, Bierce’s caustic wit and cantankerous personality had earned him the sobriquet “Bitter Bierce.” By reputation, he was an angry misanthrope, a disgruntled curmudgeon, a corrosive satirist. If the pen is indeed mightier than the sword, then no one was safe from his literary thrusts, not the


powerful, heavy-handed railroad moguls of his day, the pandering lobbyists and venal politicians of Washington, DC, the adherents of organized religion, which he despised, nor even his fellow artists and journalists. He was the quintessential muckraker, piercing the veils of subterfuge, euphemisms and rationalizations that mask so

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much of human activity and exposing the graft, cruelty and corruption that lurk underneath. He directed his barbs at presidents, corporate and military leaders and even his loyal but long-suffering publisher William Randolph Hearst. He habitually fulminated against the US government, arguing that it was corrupt beyond redemption. He portrayed the “common man” as a sluggish, illiterate ass, shallow, venal, and un-teachable. Having survived the horrors of warfare on the killing fields of Chattanooga, Chickamauga, Shiloh and other battle sites and suffering a near fatal head wound at Kennesaw Mountain, Bierce despised war, calling it destructive, dehumanizing and suicidal. His essay “What I Saw at Shiloh” is among the world’s best battlefield writing, emphasizing its horrors and disparaging its supposed glory. Maintaining a lifelong antipathy toward radicals, anarchists and revolutionaries of any stripe and never manifesting any interest in Mexico or sympathy for Pancho Villa’s cause, his trip south of the border is confusing. He told a New Orleans reporter, “I enjoy the game. I like the fighting. I want to see it,” contradicting everything he had ever written on the subject. Bierce had always advocated suicide and listed five criteria for ending one’s life. By 1913, he had met most of them:

Failing health, the loss of family and friends through death or estrangement, the hostile critical reception given the 12 volumes of his recently published collected works. His Civil War experiences intensified his obsession with death, as his many macabre short stories suggest. Before leaving for Mexico he wrote, “My work is done and so am I,” and told his daughter Helen, as he signed a cemetery plot over to her, that he would never use it, that arrangements were already made, and that she would not be bothered about her father’s remains. In yet another note, he portended, “Good-bye—if you hear of my being stood up against a Mexican stone wall and shot to rags please know that I think that a pretty good way to depart this life. It beats old age, disease or falling down the cellar stairs.” He is quoted as saying, “To be a gringo in Mexico—ah, that is euthanasia,” leading some to speculate that his disappearance was a form of “suicide by bandito.” Was he, then, killed in battle alongside Villa’s band? His last communication on December 26 claimed that he was in Chihuahua City and leaving for Ojinada, where a fierce ten-day siege would take place. No one saw him in Ojinada. He may never have even met Villa. None of the legions of US reporters assigned to cover Villa ever laid eyes on Bierce. Rumors and theories have proliferated over the years, some outlandish. He was seen on the Western Front in 1915 plotting strategy with Lord Kitchener. He was found living among Brazilian rain forest Indians who regarded him as a god. He was shot while smuggling a machine gun to the rebels. He had been poisoned to death in someone’s El Paso backyard. One rumor that should delight Indiana Jones fans had him acquiring the Crystal Skull of Doom of the Maya, after which he lived on inside a cavern in Guatemala. A more likely scenario suggests itself. Once, while visiting Grand Canyon he had remarked that it would be a perfect place to end one’s life and never be found. He had warned that, if not accepted as a member of Villa’s forces, he would, “Crawl into some out-of-the-way hole in the mountains and die.” It is probable that Bierce died by his own hand and that his bones rest in a shallow grave in Chihuahua or beneath a rocky outcropping in Grand Canyon or elsewhere. It is apparent that he orchestrated his end, playing one last joke upon the world and joining the roster of the disappeared: The fabled Lost Colony of Roanoke Island, the world’s first skyjacker D.B. Cooper, Judge Joseph Crater, Amelia Earhart, Jimmy Hoffa, Raoul Wallenberg. Lorin Swinehart

Saw you in the Ojo 25

Hearts at Work A Column by James Tipton “This is the only moment that one can live….”


ast month in this column I wrote about the indefatigable Peace Pilgrim, Mildred Lisette Norman, who in her forties began what would become 26 years of walking across the United States, crossing it seven times, walking well over 40,000 miles, a distance equal to over one-and-one-half times the circumference of the Earth. Before beginning her wanderings on foot she had already reduced her life to two dresses and had become a vegetarian. She had been learning to “appreciate the great freedom of simplicity.” She was experiencing the freedom of simplicity through eliminating whatever things were unnecessary in her day-to-day life, but she was also eliminating in her mind and heart whatever was not in harmony with her new sense of self. She writes in Steps Toward Inner Peace (free at www.peacepilgrim. org), “If you’re harboring the slightest bitterness toward anyone or any unkind thoughts of any sort whatever, you must get rid of them quickly. They aren’t hurting anyone but you. It is said that hate injures the hater, not the hated. It isn’t enough just to do right things and say right things, you must also think right things before your life can come into harmony.” This step is part of her purification of thought. There are three other “Purifications.” The first is purification of the body, which includes sensible eating habits (vegetarian…fruits, whole grains, vegetables, nuts), sensible sleeping habits, and “plenty of fresh air, sunshine, exercise and contact with nature.” The second purification is the already mentioned purification of thought, which “can be a powerful influence for good when they’re on the positive side, and they can and do make you physically ill when they’re on the negative side.” The third is the purification of desire. To bring your life into harmony, what desires would you have? The fourth is purification of motive. Ask yourself, “What is your motive for whatever you may be doing. If it is pure greed or selfseeking or the wish for self-glorification, I would say Don’t do that thing.” Indeed, if you are to find inner peace,


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Peace Pilgrim says your motive “must be giving, not getting.” Closely related to the Four Purifications, Peace Pilgrim recommends four relinquishments. The first of these is the relinquishment of self-will. She is very clear about not suppressing our less noble inclinations: “You can work on this by refraining from doing any not-good thing you may be motivated toward, but you never suppress it! If you are motivated to do or say a mean thing, you can always think of a good thing. You deliberately turn around and use that same energy to do or say a good thing instead.” Second is the relinquishment of separateness. “We are all cells in the body of humanity…. As soon as you begin working for the good of the whole, you find yourself in harmony with all of your fellow human beings.” Third is the relinquishment of attachments. Many of us in this materialistic age “are possessed by our possessions.” (This reminds me of Thoreau’s reprimand…”Men have become the tools of their tools!”) And last, the relinquishment of all negative feelings. These are not necessarily toward other people…“one negative feeling which the nicest people still experience…is worry.” We seldom worry over the present moment, which is all there really is, but instead worry about the past, “which you should have forgotten long ago,” or the future, “which hasn’t even come yet.” Here are a few words to tape to your mirror: “We tend to skim right over the present time. Since this is the only moment that one can live, if you don’t live it you never really get around to living at all.” Jim Tipton

Saw you in the Ojo 27

THE 2012 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION—Possibly the most important ever in the history of the USA! By John de Waal, MBA.


ompromise is dead in Washington! The Republicans have produced a divided government, complete gridlock and widen ideological gaps on financial stabilization and economic recovery, on deficits and debt, on climate change and on health-care reform. “The Republicans are the Problem,” says Norman J. Ornstein, the renowned conservative spokesperson of the American Enterprise Institute. In an article in the Washington Post a few days ago, he and Thomas E. Mann state: “The GOP has become an insurgent outlier in American politics. It is ideologically extreme, scornful of compromise; unmoved by conventional


understanding of facts, evidence and science. It is dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition.” Mann and Ornstein have never seen the Republican Party this dysfunctional. They usually criticize Democrats, but today they have no choice but to blame the Republican Party that has shifted so sharply to the right, that they went right off the map! This makes it impossible for our political system to work. The Democratic Party has retained

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its diverse base. They have hewed to the center-left on welfare reform, fiscal policy and such, but they are not nearly as far out to the le as the Republeft li licans are to the ri right. The reasons, M Mann and Ornstein p point out, are Newt G Gingrich’ strategy to create a Republic majority in the can H House. The forces h unleashed dehe s stroyed whatever c comity existed a across party lines, a activated an extr treme and virulently anti-Washington b base, and helped drive moderate Republicans out of Congress. Republicans dismiss any nonpartisan analyses of their behavior that doesn’t fit their ideology. In 2009 the Republican co-sponsors of health-care reform dropped their support; in 2010 there was zero GOP backing for any of Obama’s reform initiatives and the Republican cosponsors of the ‘Resolution to create a debt-reduction panel’ voted against their own resolution. Republicans have stopped any progress and rank-and-

file GOP voters appear not to care, or perhaps they are misled. Former Republican Senator Chuck Hagel calls his party “irresponsible” and “captive to a political movement that is very ideological and intolerant.” Mike Lofgren, a 30-year veteran Republican and staffer ended his career on the Hill and wrote “The Republican Party is becoming less and less like a traditional political party in a representative democracy and becoming more and more like an apocalyptic cult, or one of the intensely ideological authoritarian (Nazi) parties of 20th century Europe.” Political scientists Poole and Rosenthal found that Republicans are “now more conservative than they have been in more than a century.” If the media would address the problems squarely and analyze the consequences of the coming elections, perhaps Republicans would come to their senses. As voters we have little responsibility left in our democracy, but we can punish ideological extremism at the polls and force the Party back to the center. (Ed. Note: As we draw closer to the presidential election in the US, the Ojo welcomes articles and letters espousing the positions of the Republican Party.)

Saw you in the Ojo 29

THE IGUANA SPEAKS MY NAME By Roberto Moulun Reviewed by Bob Drynan


oberto Moulun’s collection of short stories weaves a tapestry as brilliantly colorful as the tejidos hawked in the streets and shops of Chichicastenango, Antigua and Guatemala City. Panimache, a hidden village in the mountains overlooking Lake Atitlan in Guatemala could be a metaphor for our own village of Ajijic. The inhabitants of Panimache pretended not to notice the cloud of “war that raped the land and left a trail of orphans.” The backdrop of random violence and intimidation, fed by political ambition, greed, and foreign manipulation darkens the lives of simple folk who have “no dog in the fight.” The problems of everyday existence demand their attention, but a hostile outside world haunts their dreams and occasionally intrudes into their lives. Moulun’s tapestry is of whole cloth, laced with a wide ranging dramatis personae, rich with deeply human characters; some mundane, a few passionate, often drolly humorous, and frequently tragic. He introduces the reader to such colorful characters as La China, the wistful whore; the French painter Alizarin pining for his German enamorata; El Lobo the local military commander who totes a pistol, butt forward “like Wild Bill Hickok”; the sajorin, a Mayan witch doctor that exorcizes an ailing infant; the tragic lovers, Lotario and Coco; and Juan Domingo, a one-armed gardener who assists the protagonist In the rescue of an abused iguana. This Guatemalan indigenous world oscillates from the harsh realities of life in the humble village to the imaginary or perhaps allegorical flights of inherited Mayan legends. In one deliciously erotic incident his protagonist is almost seduced by La Ciguanagua, a siren who entices young men to their death. Roberto’s imagery is evocative; a mad woman’s laughter that began “at first lightly like a brook, and then like overflowing water.” His description of a village plaza in which “children and dogs ran freely, as if they...had sprouted from the soil,” evokes visions of a Sunday morning in the Ajijic town


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square. His love of the majesty of the Guatemalan highlands is lyrical, “...the incandescence of the rising sun on the three volcanoes which stood like oriental magi worshipping the birth of a god.” Moulun’s writing exposes other personal passions, as his treadle threads into his narratives allusions to the brushes of Manet, Goya, Cezanne, Titian, and Van Gogh; the literary classics of Goethe, Byron and the poetic insights of Robert Frost; and he delightfully draws parallels of Mayan mythology with the imaginations of the cultures of Mediterranean antiquity. As wide ranging as Moulun’s interests extend, his writing reflects the choice of his life work as a psychiatrist, his deep seated compassion for human vulnerability. His chapters in Iguana could stand alone as single anecdotes, each describing an aspect of the human condition; insightful displays of individual foibles and conflicting virtues. His Part Two: Ten Backyard Stories from Panimache, is indeed a collection of standalone anecdotes, but they cleverly tie together as a whole with Part One. Read his words, meet his characters, view his world, revel in his imagination and when you finish you will want to consider yourself a friend of Roberto Moulun. Ed. Note: Kindle and paperback versions of The Iguana Speaks My Name will be available on Amazon.com in early September 2012. Print copies will be available in Ajijic at book signing events with the author beginning in late September, and at Diane Pearl Colecciones and La Una Restaurante. Please visit www.egretbooks.com/moulun for further information.

By Paul Jackson paulconradjackson@gmail.com


vintage clip of one of William F. Buckley’s television shows came fleeting across my screen a week or so ago with Buckley’s guest in this episode being Robert F. Kennedy. Now, before I hear yelps from people, let me say I consider the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King to be the greatest American political tragedies of my lifetime. I gnash my teeth when I see civil rights types saying Sirhan Sirhan should be given parole at his next hearing. Sirhan never gave Robert Kennedy a second chance, why should he get one? Whatever, Robert Kennedy told Buckley when he became president of the USA one of the first items on his agenda would be to seek an ‘accommodation’ with the Soviet Union. Buckley gave one of those famous thoughtful looks into the distance, and then said: “The Soviet Union has

Paul Jackson enslaved a dozen Eastern European countries, from Hungary to Latvia, from Czechoslovakia to Estonia, from Poland to Lithuania and from East Germany to Romania, Bulgaria and Albania, and you want to reach an ‘accommodation’ with Moscow? Kennedy blinked. Buckley gave another thoughtful look into the distance, and said: “Tell me, Robert, Adolf Hitler, after he and Josef Stalin divided up Poland between them, went on and invaded France, Holland, Denmark, Norway, and would have invaded Britain, but the British were not going to be a pushover. Italian dictator Benito Mussolini invaded Ethiopia, and wanted to be part of Hitler’s overall plan. Do you think Sir Winston Churchill and later, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, should

have sought an ‘accommodation’ with Hitler, Mussolini, or Hideki Tojo?” Kennedy’s jaw just dropped. Of course, Robert Kennedy wasn’t the only naive politician in this area. Through his grey eminence, the selfserving Henry Kissinger, President Richard Nixon forged a policy of ‘Detente’ with the Soviet Union. The policy did nothing for the West, it just allowed the shadowy Soviets to continue trying to undermine western democracies and for Moscow to spread its policies in Africa and South America. President Gerald Ford made a

speech saying he didn’t believe the Poles thought they were an enslaved people under Soviet domination, and he immediately lost the ethnic Eastern European vote in the following election. It took President Ronald Reagan to convince America you could not play friends with modern day dictators, and, together with Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and Pope John Paul, undermined the Soviet Union and won the Cold War without firing a shot or losing one American life. There was no ‘accommodation’ with the Kremlin.

Saw you in the Ojo 31

The T he T Third hird E Ethnic thnic R Root oot of of the the “La “L a Raza R aza Mexicana” Mexicana” By Rick Rhoda


ome Mexican Mestizos refer to themselves as “La Raza” literally “the race.” “Dia de la Raza” is celebrated on Columbus Day (October 12) as the day indigenous Mexicans started their resistance against the European invasion. The term “La Raza” derives from Jose Vasconcelos’ 1948 book “La Raza Cósmica,” which argued that Mestizos are a new superior race. In developing his thesis, Vasconcelos drew upon many concepts including Marxism; he felt that Europeans were too materialistic and capitalistic. The government of Mexico tacitly agreed with this approach which engendered national pride. It was also consistent with the government’s postMexican Revolution view that all ethnic groups should be combined into a common Mexican national identity. While almost all people in Mexico refer to themselves as simply “Mexicans,” the available data suggest that about 73% are Mestizo compared to 15% indigenous, 10% white and 2% other. Many overlook the historical fact that between 100,000 to 200,000 African slaves were brought to Mexico during the 16th through 18th centuries to work sugar cane plantations, mines, and later textile mills. This is nearly a third the number brought to the USA. In 1646 there were 35,000 African slaves in Mexico, more than 2.5 times the white population. In colonial times, the Catholic Church used at least 16 categories of racial mixes for marital and baptism purposes. A Spaniard-Indian mix was a Mestizo; Spaniard-Black mix was a Mulatto; Indigenous-Black mix was a Zambo; Mestizo-Spaniard mix was a Castigo; Mulatto-Spaniard mix was a Morisco; Spaniard-Morisco mix was an Albino; etc., etc. However, after independence nobody could keep track of all the combinations and eventually everyone of mixed race was simply considered a Mestizo. Of course those which looked more European had better opportunities while those who had more African- looking features faced stronger discrimination. Thousands of slaves escaped and


El Ojo del Lago / September 2012

either assimilated with indigenous groups or formed their own rural communities. The most famous of these was established in central Veracruz around 1570 by Gaspar Yanga and his followers. They fought with the Spanish colonial government for over 40 years eventually gaining legal autonomy. The town, later renamed Yanga, was one of the first free African settlements in the Americas. Now it is well-known for its Afro-Mexican heritage. Mexico’s second president, Vicente Guerrero, whose mother was partially Black, abolished slavery in 1829, four years before Britain and 34 years before the USA. Thousands of escaped slaves moved into northern Mexico from the USA before it abolished slavery in 1865. Mexico currently has about a third the population of the USA and imported about a third as many slaves. One might expect that Blacks in Mexico would be about as apparent as Blacks in the USA. However, today there are very few black faces in Mexico. One can travel for many weeks in Mexico without seeing a Black Mexican. By paying very close attention, one can identify people of African heritage in a few selected communities in Veracruz, like Yanga, and along the Costa Chica in Guerrero and Oaxaca. What happened to all the Blacks in Mexico? In a word they fully assimilated by having offspring with other racial groups. Modern research based on DNA indicates that on average Mexican Mestizos are genetically about one-eighth African. While Brazil is often identified as the world’s foremost melting pot, the evidence suggests that in Mexico the races have melted more than in any other country. While there are very few black faces in Mexico, there is a great deal of African heritage represented in art, music, dance, food, and even in fishing and agricultural practices1. As part of the 500th anniversary of Columbus’ famous voyage, the government of Mexico in 1992 finally acknowledged officially that Africa was the “third root” of la Raza Mexicana. 1 “Africa’s Legacy in Mexico” : http:// afrosistahdiaspora.wordpress.com/75-2/

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SEPTEMBER is one of the shorter months of the year, only 30 days, but it contains four vividly memorable dates in history: LABOR DAY WEEKEND, MEXICAN INDEPENDENCE DAY (9/16),…. AND no one will ever forget 9/11 and the TWIN TOWERS (another day of infamy), and last, but not least for those of us old enough to remember 9/2/1945 -- the dayJAPAN SURRENDERED, finalizing WWII. 9/1/1894 officially recognized Unions as a very important part of American history. Labor Day is meant to be a time to reflect upon all the gains won by the U.S. labor movement for all workers allowing us the right Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla to be proud of who we are, for what we stand, and to honor our history. 9/16/1810: Mexico’s Independence Day is celebrated annually on the anniversary of Grito de Dolores, which started the Mexican War of Independence when Mexico wanted to separate from the domination of the Spanish colonies. 9/11/2001: the deadliest terrorist attack on American soil ever, when hijackers crashed passenger planes into the Pentagon and the World Trade Center towers in New York, toppling the 110-story twin towers, killing all those aboard the jets and more than 3,000 people on the ground. 9/2/1945: the surrendering of the Empire of Japan brought the hostilities of World War II to an end. Even though it was a war started by Japan when they joined Germany seeking world domination, they failed and then surrendered September 2nd. The war was over! Mexican athletes won the country’s first Olympic gold medal at the London Games. This is the first significant international soccer trophy of any kind with a lively 2 to 1 victory over Brazil during the games at Wembley Stadium at the 2012 Olympic Games. Sr. Oribe Peralta scored the first goal of the game just 28 seconds in, then added a second 15 minutes from full time to set off a wild and raucous celebration from the Mexican fans, who have craved global success for so long. This victory is likely to be hailed by many Mexicans (as well as rest of the world) as the greatest ever for the team, and it will also serve as another reminder of the gap in quality between Mexico and the United States. The United States failed to qualify for the Men’s Olympic tournament while Mexico overcame an injury with its best player to stun one of soccer’s world powers in the gold medal match. For Brazil, there was only anguish! The Brazilian team was loaded with stars already playing club soccer for top European teams like A.C. Milan, Manchester United, Inter Milan and Real Madrid, was stunned Oribe Peralta at the loss. ORIBE HAS BECOME THE PLAYER OF THE WEEK. Sr. Peralta, scoring the two goals for Mexico in their 2012 Olympic football gold medal winning match against Brazil, has said he would like to make a “name for himself in the English Premier League, just like Manchester United star, Javier Hernandez.” Salutes from everyone to Mexico for its shining hour of brilliance. THE 2012 SUMMER OLYMPIC GAMES ARE OVER! The cost factors are not


El Ojo del Lago / September 2012

available yet, but it would be wise of them to exclude the price tag of that costly mess of the Closing Ceremonies. Suspecting it might contain the mediocrity of Socialism—although posing in capitalist clothes—I should have persuaded myself NOT to watch it. However, this time, I was more interested in an anticipated British classy cultural event rather than a historic romp through ancient traditions of the past. The current British Closing Ceremonies were far more pop than pomp even though I recall that it is supposed to continue through the dousing of the torch, in the style of such a traditional event as THE OLYMPICS. Peralta redeemed us somewhat with him, and his team’s magnificent win! The Naked Stage Reader’s Theatre is now well received at Lakeside......This month, Naked Stage presents “A THOUSAND CLOWNS” written by Herb Gardner and directed by Liz White. Lovely Liz has a Liz White remarkable list of hit shows at LLT, and will show us her broadening talents in directing once again. This benchmark of Broadway Comedy introduced one of the theaters most unconventional and beloved characters, “Murray Burns,” the eccentric guardian and mentor to his precocious nephew, “Nick.” Tired of writing cheap comedy gags for a children’s television show, Murray finds himself unemployed with plenty of time to chase his own rainbows and indoctrinate his friends and neighbors into his freewheeling lifestyle. He manages to maintain his ideals, even finding true love in the end. It is filled with laughter, warmth, sweetness and an inspired daffiness. The Naked Stage production dates are September 21, 22, and 23. Reservations please call Betty Lloyd Robinson at 765-3262 or email her at betty.lloydrobinson@ gmail.com LLT is preparing to launch their 48th Season in September. The first play will be Quartet by Ronald Harwood and directed by Ann Swiston opening on September 29th and running through October 7. I’ll Be Back Before Midnight written by Peter Colley and directed by Roseanne Wilshere will show November 3 through November 11th. Both of these shows have been cast. Balance of the roster of Season 48: 3rd play: Best Wishes by Bill Barker and directed by Peggy Lord Chilton. Auditions will be: Oct. 5 & 6. 4th play: Too Soon for Daisies by William’s Dinner and Morom to be directed by Sally Jo Bartlett: Auditions: October 12 & 13. 5th play: The Drowsy Chaperone by Martin McKellar, Lambert & Morrison. Directed by Dave McIntosh, choreography by Barbara Clippinger and Musical Direction by Judy Hendricks Auditions: Nov. 23 & 24. 6th play: Not Now Darling by Ray Cooney and John Chapman. To be directed by Shirley Appelbaum. Auditions are January 18 and 19 (2013). All auditions take place at the Lakeside Little Theatre. Sept 4: 1609 the island of Manhattan was discovered 402 years ago by navigator Henry Hudson Sept 4: In 1781 Los Angeles was founded by Spanish governor Felipe de Neve near the site of the Native American Village, Yang Na It was called “El Pueblo de la Reina de Los Angeles”—the city of the queen of the angels Sept 4: 1886 finally ended the United States and Indian wars when Geronimo was surrendered at Skeleton Canyon near the Arizona/New Mexico border. Sept. 11: a dreadful day when the Twin

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Towers of NYC were leveled by terrorists. Rockin’ Rotary Independencia Dinner/Auction. Hold on to your sombreros, the Rotary Club of Ajijic is throwing a Dia de la Independencia Fiesta Fundraiser on Friday, September 14, from 3 pm to 7 pm, at Las Caballerizas Coxala Restaurant in The Racket Club, San Juan Cosala. The celebration will include dinner and dancing to live music by Noe, a Silent Auction and a Cash Bar. Party-goers will receive a free margarita at the door to toast the Mexican Independence Day in style. The auction will include a variety of special items such as art, a handcrafted pewter bowl, antique and designer turquoise jewelry, iron candlesticks, wine and Tequila in collector containers, unique statues, cookbooks, handmade silk purses and shawls, Mexican art objects, dinner gift certificates and much more! Tickets are available at Diane Pearl’s Gift Shop in Ajijic and cost $300 pesos each. For further information, contact Anita Hocker at ganitahocker@gmail.com or visit the club’s website at www.rotaryajijic.com. Proceeds from Rotary fundraisers support the club’s community projects at Love in Action, Hope House for Boys, Tepehua Community Center, CODENI, ADART Therapy Dog Program, and education grants for local students. Rotary meetings are held every Tuesday from 12:30 pm to 2:00 PM at the Hacienda Ajijic Steak House. Visitors and persons interested in becoming a member are welcome to attend meetings. Rotary is a community service and fellowship organization with over 2 million members worldwide. Anne Drake, Rotary Club Publicity Chairman--Home: 376-765-3030 E-mail: drake.Anne@ yahoo.com Niños Incapacitados—Helping Sick Children at Lakeside. Although, usually this time of the year is less of an active time, the Board of Directors of Niños Incapacitados is already preparing events for 2013. Clinic directors, with their volunteers, are working hard at the clinics preparing for activities in the future. There are a goodly number of families needing assistance, so they are taking new children into the program right now. Information can be acquired at the September 13th meeting. PLEASE SAVE THESE DATES FOR GETTING INVOLVED: September 13, 2012.........Monthly meetings resume at Real de Chapala with coffee at 10 a.m., and the meeting at 10:30 a.m. New Volunteers always welcome October 18, 2012........... Lakeside Women present an informative day of health and beauty donating one third of the profits to Niños Incapacitados January 15, 2013.............Afternoon and Evening Trivia Quizzes January 25, 2013.............Robby Burns Night, a Scottsman to the kilts. March 14, 2013………... “All Aboard the Oriente-Express” annual dinner dance at Hotel Real de Chapala, Ajijic. September 16, Mexican Independence Day! The Lake Chapala Society invites you to “Viva Mexico” to celebrate Mexican Independence Day on Saturday, September 16th from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. A traditional fiesta dinner will include birria, pozole, tamales, tacos and sopes. LCS encourages everyone to come and experience a truly Mexican fiesta where the Ex-Pat and Mexican communities join together on this very special day. For only 120 pesos you can enjoy this traditional feast which remains free for children 10 years and under. Children’s games will be held throughout the day and prizes awarded. Lots of entertainment including: Mariachi Band, Ballet Folklorico, music groups and Frankie Dino for your dancing pleasure. This is a very important day in Mexican history and one that you will want to be part of. What a wonderful opportunity to invite Mexican friends or neighbors and their children and share in their history. Tickets at Lake Chapala Society: 120 pesos in advance; or 150 pesos at the entrance. OKTOBERFEST revisited: Prost…… Prost!! On Saturday, October 6 between 2:30 - 6 p.m. the Fest Halle (beer tent) at Lake Chapala Society will be alive with


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the sounds of music and song. A traditional German meal of Bratwursts, red cabbage, and German potato salad will be served along with various beers and beverages. Practice your yodeling for a contest. Get out your dirndl or Lederhosen or dress in the Bavarian colors of blue and white. For over 200 years this fair has been celebrated world-wide; so, let’s join in the fun! Reserved tables can be available in the tent. For further information contact Patricia Doran,inajijicpat@yahoo.com while also watching for details on the LCS bulletin board. Focus on Art in this issue features Milo Needles, whose works will be on exhibition at the Galeria Gecko (Daniel Palma), Ocampo #61, Ajijic, beginning on Friday, the 21st of September. There is an opening reception planned for Friday the 21st of September at 5PM (drinks and snacks). All are invited. Milo Needles is an exceptional artist who sees through the surface of things Painting By Milo Needles into human reality -- with deep psychological understanding. OKAY, let’s go fishing. One of the major staples that we should consider for our health is FISH! Lots of Lakesiders don’t know the first thing about baiting a hook, or scaling a fish, but we all know it’s healthy to eat fish a couple times a week. ESCOJA SU PESCADO (Spanish ~~ (Pick your Fish). We are so fortunate to have wonderful “pescaderias” (fish markets) here at lakeside with fresh fish brought in daily from the pacific coast. (ENGLISH=SPANISH) Abalone=Abulón / Alligator Fish=Peje Lagarto / Anchovy=Anchoa / Bass=Cabrilla / Carp=Carpa / Catfish=Bagre / Clam=Almejas / Cod=Bacalao / Crab=Jaiba / Crayfish=Langostino / Cuttle fish=Choco / Dolphinfish=Dorado / Eels=Anguilas / Flounder=Lenguado / Freshwater Crawfish=Acamaya / Giant Sea Bass=Mero Pescada / Grouper=Mero / Haddock=Eglefino / Herring=Arenque / Lobster=Langosta / Mackerel=Caballa / Monkfish=Peje Sapo / Mussels=Mejillones / Octopus=Pulpo / Have Hammer Carpentry Trade School. The only one in Mexico is having an OPEN HOUSE Thursday, September 20th 3:00 to 7:00 pm and YOU are invited. Come join them in celebrating their move to a much larger needed facility that will accommodate more students and woodworking machines. Their motto “teaching valuable life skills thru carpentry” brings hope closer to a living reality for all the students. Many of the students projects will be on display including beautifully crafted hand carved quality furniture.

Ed. Note: All information for this column should now be sent to Kay Davis at kdavis987@gmail.com and to Tod Jonson, who will continue on for an indefinite period. We extend our deepest thanks to Barbara Clippinger, who stepped in to do a wonderful job for us.

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Why Is It Important To Let Plaza Montaña Health & Beauty Center Handle Everything? Everyone knows there can be complications with any type of surgery. Here at Plaza Montaña, the chances are slim because our doctors are well trained and have years of experience The preliminary consultation includes extensive questions regarding your health history and various tests. Some of our clients are given strict guidelines of changes that need to be made in preparation for plastic surgery, and a few are told they shouldn’t go forward. With our board certified plastic surgeons, it’s not about the money, it’s about doing the very best job they can to transform your looks and transform your life. Once you are given a green light, we schedule the surgery--all the details are taken care of for you. Anne Dyer, owner/manager, asks that you check into her B&B a day or so prior to the actual surgery to get started on the all important pre-op procedures. You need to be both physically and mentally prepared and well rested! The day before surgery, professional photos are taken. A nurse will double check you again, you will receive a relaxing massage, a hypnosis session, and then a nice dinner and a mild sedative to help you sleep better. Early the next morning Anne and her driver will take you to Guadalajara and check you into the hospital. She will stay with you until you go into surgery. Our private, bilingual nurse will be waiting for you when you are returned to your private room and she stays with you all night to make sure you are comfortable and properly cared for. You will never be alone. When is the most critical time? It’s within the first 24 hours. That’s why it’s so important your procedure is performed in a clinic or hospital that has the facilities to handle any unexpected situation, and where you can be monitored by professionals. The next morning you will be driven back to Casita Montaña Bed & Breakfast for your follow-up care. It’s important for the local patients to stay at the B&B for at least another 24 hours. Our professionals are trained to be alert for any signs of a problem--a problem that a lay person might not recognize.


El Ojo del Lago / September 2012

In other words, this isn’t a time for you to go it alone, or have your friends or spouse try to take the place of a professional. Think of it as a mini-vacation, where you will be pampered and spoiled by our staff of caring people. Your meals will be provided for you and you don’t even have to make your bed in the mornings! Peace of mind, because you’re in good hands with Anne, will allow you to relax and start your healing process on the fast track. For the patients from out of town, it’s also very important to not rush the process. Stay a while. After about three or four days you’ll be feeling and looking well enough to go out to dinner. We suggest you stay 14 to 21 days to ensure that the healing process is complete. Some stay longer to enjoy the beauty of Ajijic. The doctors remove some of the stitches 3 to 4 days after surgery and the rest further along in the healing process. They will continue to visit you, at least two times a week, until you leave. Our registered nurse will administer proper medications and change bandages, as well as help you with showering and shampooing your hair during the first couple days. These are extra perks while staying at the Plaza Montaña Health & Beauty Center, all included at a very reasonable package price. What should you expect as a recovery time? Each individual is so different that it’s hard to give one answer. If you bruise easily, your progress will probably take a bit longer. Your overall health plays a part as does your age and physical condition. Two to three weeks of babying yourself is a good standard to make sure the healing is progressing as it should. A tummy tuck or a breast augmentation may take longer. After that, people will only notice how great you look! Your body didn’t get to this point in a day, and your bruises won’t go away in a day. Take your time making the decision, allow yourself the freedom to do something for YOU, and go for it. As long as your expectations aren’t unrealistic, you won’t be disappointed!

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INSIGHT STRAIGHT By Jim Tuck The Greatest Short Story Ever Written


ith due respect ect to Poe, Maupasass-sant, O. Henry nry y and other masters of the e art, my nominee for outtstanding short story writter of all time is Somerset et Maugham. For one thing, g g, Maugham had the advantage age of longevity, living longer than Poe and Maupassant put together. Ask any Maugham aficionado the title of his finest piece of short fiction and almost certainly the answer will be Rain. Enormously successful, Rain was staged on Broadway and filmed twice. Taking nothing away from it, I would nonetheless rate it Number 2, with top honors going to The Outstation. My choice is based on a conviction that The Outstation presents the reader with a character study far more complex—and in the end more interesting than the somewhat simplistic theme of an austere cleric who becomes infatuated with a prostitute. Locale of the story is British North Borneo and principals are Warburton, the Resident, and Cooper, his assistant. The two are polar opposites and an intense hatred eventually develops between them. Warburton is a ferocious snob who has taken the colonial post only because he went broke gambling. An incurable namedropper, he never tires of informing bored listeners that he once played baccarat with the Prince of Wales. Cooper, on the other hand, is a rough-hewn colonial who detests Warburton’s snobbery —to say nothing of Warburton’s obvious perception of him as a social inferior. The tone of their relationship is set at the very beginning. Cooper comes to dinner in shorts and encounters Warburton in white dinner jacket and black tie. Incredulously, he asks Warburton if he always dresses for dinner. Warburton frostily replies that he does. Cooper: “Even when you’re alone?” Warburton: “Especially when I’m alone.” Another exchange gives Maugham the opportunity to display his gifts as a


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ma m master social satirist. At dinner with Cooper, Warburn ton ““to “told a little anecdote, of which w wh icch the only point seemed t be to b that he knew an earl.” By now the reader is fully prepared to loathe the snobprep pa Warburton and feel symbish W pathy for Co Cooper. It’s at this juncture that Maugham springs his trap and the story takes on an entirely new dimension. Though a snob, Warburton is no racist and his relations with the Malays are excellent. By contrast, Cooper’s egalitarianism begins and ends with the white race and he harbors an ugly prejudice against people of color. This brings on another confrontation between the two men. To Warburton’s comment that he respects well-born Malays every bit as much as he does their English counterparts, Cooper boorishly replies that to him all Malays are “niggers.” In the end, Cooper’s blue-collar bigotry has fatal consequences. He beats up Abas, his houseboy, and that night Abas slips into his bungalow and stabs him to death. The story ends with Warburton’s reaction to Cooper’s murder. Talk about not a wet eye in the house! Dutifully, he tells Abas’s uncle that Abas should turn himself in. The uncle hesitates. Will the tuan hang Abas? Reassuringly, Warburton says Abas will serve a short term of imprisonment and then he himself will take him on as a houseboy. Abas shouldn’t have killed tuan Cooper but, he adds comfortingly, “the provocation was very great.” His pleasure mounting, Warburton looks forward to a congratulatory letter he plans to write his friend, Lady Ormskirk, who has just given birth. To the best of my knowledge, The Outstation was never filmed. Hollywood really dropped the ball on that one. Jim Tuck

The Color Of My Life By Carol Bradley

“What do you do?” she asked while we slathered warm croissants with fresh preserves in the golden, morning sun. I told her about the city, my job, my days. She was an artist, a florist, a traveller; nothing of real value in the steel, grey world I couldn’t leave behind. The sun was behind her lighting up her wild, blonde-grey hair. She was happy in this tropical place; alive, fulfilled. That morning in the sun; the vibrant, vivid village all around me would change the color of my life. “What do I do?” What is important? Who am I? not the person in rush hour traffic; nor the one working 10 hour days. Ask me again; “What do you do?” I’m filling my garden with lavender blooms, learning fiery, red Spanish, making pale, pink tea. I’m a mother, sister, wife, a gardener, dog rescuer...a bit of a writer.

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Dream Hackers By Rob Krakoff Review by Harriet Hart


ob Krakoff ’s latest book is a futuristic novel that begins in 2099 when disenfranchised youth are waging a cyber war against their elders who own 83% of the planet’s wealth. Elders, equipped with computational innovations to keep them alive, live in comfortable charter cities while Gen, Computer Generation, is relegated to squatter cities lacking basic necessities such as sanitary systems. Criminals and deviants inhabit the void lands. Androids, created as simple mechanical robots, evolved into reasoning machines programmed to serve the elders, and are hated by humans because of their abilities. Thus the author sets the stage for a battle to determine who will prevail – the selfish elders or the disenfranchised youth. He chooses to tell the tale by using four narrators: Park, the computer hacker, Brenda, an elder married to Clem, their android servant Andre and Alexander, an employee of the Royal Bank of Scotland who is the same age as the Com Gen hackers but has chosen to work for the establishment. At the outset Park and his hacker army are engaged in a hack attack, targeting key leaders of S.E.N.I.L.E., the elder movement, hacking into their brains to plant subliminal messages. Clem is targeted and becomes conscious of having too many possessions; Brenda is alarmed at the change in his thinking; his loyal android Andre removes the chip against orders and is banished to the void lands where he falls in with a bad bunch. Meanwhile, in Edinburgh Alexander is hired by the richest man on earth, Pablo Corazon, to infiltrate the Com Gen movement and put a stop to bank hacking. A summit meeting is planned in Madrid where representatives from S.E.N.I.L.E. and the Com Gen generation are to meet for peace talks. Clem is chosen to attend, as is Park who represents the Nairobi Com Gen Base; Alexander is ordered to assassinate Clem; Brenda’s feminine instincts tell her that Clem may be in danger and sends Andre the An-

droid in disguise to protect him, and author Krakoff skillfully brings things to a climax worthy of The Bourne Conspiracy. This novel is a great read for many reasons. Krakoff describes the global society of the future with relish: “Times have changed the world; governments have all but vanished and the modern military-industrial complex is now driven by banks…” There is global drought, dried up rivers, wild fires burning and populations on the move as coastal cities are flooded by rising sea waters. The plot marches forward relentlessly. But what’s best about Dream Hackers is its moral depth. At the beginning everyone is motivated by self interest but gradually the four narrators develop in complexity. Is our species driven by greed and the desire to live forever or can we exhibit courage and compassion? Ironically, Andre the machine says it best: “My programming is simple; I am here to serve. But there is so much more to celebrate about life… the vast knowledge of the world, appreciation of culture, awareness of the sciences, being around humans, animals, nature…to view and accept the beauty of life is its own reward.” Krakoff has penned an entertaining novel depicting a bleak future for our planet, but makes us shake our heads in sorrow, laugh and feel tiny twinges of hope. Copies are available for $200 pesos at Diane Pearl’s Collection on Colon or on Kindle for $4.99.

ATTENTION: Our popular column Grape Expectations will not run in this issue. Please be looking for it in our October issue. Gracias!


El Ojo del Lago / September 2012

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El Ojo del Lago / September 2012

Dear Sir: I would like to thank you for having the courage to print the article, “They Shoot Horses, Don’t They,” by Vern & Lori Geiger and Eliana Herrerias. The article was eye-opening, while the photo was heartbreaking. Like millions of others, I was already sickened by the basics of bullfighting --that it´s hardly a fight since the bull must be nearly incapacitated before the “hero” (a/k/a the matador) faces him in the ring -- but I never knew of the terrible cost to the horses. The article had me in tears as I realized just how many animals are used, abused and tortured yearly in the name of

sport, culture or art. As someone once said to me, “Art never destroys.” I hope Ms. Herrerias continues to publish in your magazine. This courageous woman´s voice must be heard. Sincerely, C. Eisley Our Editor Replies: The article has received nearly 900 hits, so apparently it struck a nerve in our readership. We will continue to espouse the cause of animal rights whenever possible. Thanks for your interest in the Ojo.

Dear Sir: Thank you for the excellent editorial on Warren Buffet. It is a shame that very few of the 1% share his views. I find it incomprehensible that any women or that anyone in the 99% could support the Romney-Ryan ticket. They plan to continue the Bush policies that got us in the economic mess that we are in plus pass legislation to make it even worse for the middle and lower classes. I really admire Warren

Buffet for his generosity. It seems that most of the wealthy have the attitude that “I got mine and I do not care that you do not even have a chance to get any.” Sincerely, Susan B. Eubanks Priv. Los Jarales #14 San Antonio Tlay. 766-2698

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The Poets’ Niche

By Mark Sconce msconce@gmail.com

Dorothy Parker (1893-1967)

Perhaps America’s most oft recited couplet belongs to Dorothy Parker: “Men seldom make passes/At girls who wear glasses.” This saucy insight undoubtedly led to the development of contact lenses. Ms Parker dashed that off on a cocktail napkin one afternoon at The Algonquin Round Table in downtown Manhattan. There she gathered regularly with other popular authors and literary wits of the day, the likes of Robert Benchley, Alexander Wolcott, James Thurber, and Edna Ferber. She later expanded on the subject of Men in a rather more somber mood: They hail you as their morning star/Because you are the way you are. If you return the sentiment, They’ll try to make you different; And once they have you, safe and sound, They want to change you all around. Your moods and ways they put a curse on; They’d make of you another person They cannot let you go your gait; They influence and educate. They’d alter all that they admired. They make me sick, they make me tired. Not only tired but privately depressed and drinking injudiciously, she attempted suicide several times in mid-life. But she always pulled back: Razors pain you; Rivers are damp; Acids stain you; And drugs cause a cramp. Guns aren’t lawful; Nooses give; Gas smells awful; You might as well live. One of her poems (there were hundreds) is regarded as a profound feminist manifesto even today nearly a century after its publication in The New Yorker. In youth, it was a way I had to do my best to please, And change, with every passing lad/To suit his theories. But now I know the things I know/And do the things I do; And if you do not like me so/To hell, my love, with you! With so much to be cynical about these days, it’s not especially surprising to learn that Dorothy Parker is enjoying a resurgence as the younger generation meets a kindred spirit and hears her poetry and sharp remarks*-- the brittle cynicism of her day. Sophisticated and witty observations like this one bring knowing smiles to young adult faces. Thought for A Sunshiny Morning: It costs me never a stab nor squirm/To tread by chance upon a worm. “Aha, my little dear,” I say, “Your clan will pay me back one day.” But her attitude changed with the Great War and Great Depression. Her usual Jazz horn, speakeasy flippancy was replaced by sad and solemn lyrics. She was a better poet than she had been given credit for. I cannot conjure loveliness, to drown/The bitter woe that racks my cords apart. The weary pen that sets my sorrow down/Feeds at my heart. Married thrice, twice to the same man, Ms. Parker dedicated her last poem to her second husband off to the war. Soldier, in a curious land/All across a swaying sea, Take her smile and lift her hand---Have no guilt of me. Soldier, when were soldiers true? If she’s kind and sweet and gay, Use the wish I send to you—Lie not lone till day! Only, for the nights that were/Soldier, and the dawns that came, When in sleep you turn to her/Call her by my name. *www.dorothyparker.com Mark Sconce


El Ojo del Lago / September 2012

LETTER TO THE EDITOR Having recently returned from a visit to Havana on a U.S. passport, I was disappointed to read Paul Jackson’s Cold War-era sentiments on that country in his Thunder on the Right commentary, which I usually enjoy. I found little evidence of the oppressions of Cuba’s communist dictatorship, and instead found a happy, optimistic, prospering country with a booming (if non-U.S.) tourist industry (albeit government-run and not very efficient). The 51-year-old U.S. trade embargo against Cuba, of which Paul seems to approve, has accomplished nothing positive and has actually hurt U.S. industries and citizens by causing Cuba to deal instead with Russian and Chinese industries, evidence of which is everywhere. We found Cubans – and their foreign tourists from Canada, Europe and elsewhere – eager to see Americans return as visitors, something that is beginning slowly to happen in a limited way. A question for Paul: If the U.S. can profitably trade with communist dictatorships like the one in China, why should it not do the same with Cuba? Both countries are modernizing and introducing citizen freedoms in their own ways. If you’re a conservative, you believe free trade benefits everyone. Actually the U.S. is Cuba’s seventhlargest trade partner, so the embargo isn’t working as it once did. And who are we to economically bludgeon them into doing things our way, and faster than they already are? Such policies haven’t worked with North Korea, Iran and Syria, and they are not what caused the overthrow of Ghadaffi in Libya. In short, trade sanctions are futile and counterproductive as strategies. They hurt the wrong people. Some things in the world we can’t fix. Jim Dickinson

Paul Jackson Replies: Of course, Jim Dickenson saw only supposedly happy and optimistic people in Cuba on his recent visit there. In Communist Cuba, as in any other dictatorship, anyone who displays anything but absolutely contented faces, especially to foreign visitors, is immediately slammed into prison or otherwise penalized. Again, why does the Communist government there not allow freedom of the news media or free elections? President Barack Obama has had almost four years to end the U.S. trade embargo on Cuba. Why hasn’t he? Jim, I know the answers to many questions, but not to that one. Let’s not forget, back when John F. Kennedy was President, a man I greatly admire, Fidel Castro tried to install Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba, aimed at the USA and Canada. It bought the world to the edge of nuclear war. Just recently it was announced Russia is negotiating for a submarine base in Cuba. Seems like a dreadful repeat of history. Jim seems to imply I don’t mind the USA trading with Communist China or nations with other fearsome regimes, I made it clear I never buy products from China or any other nation that exploits its people. Actually, Canadian Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper was dead set against doing trade with China because of its abusive human rights record, but after Obama vetoed the Keystone pipeline, in came the “unintended consequences” clause and Harper reluctantly accepted Canada must start selling almost one million barrels of excess oil a day to China, and China is reported to be planning to build as many as 400 huge supertankers to cross the oceans every day to Canada’s West Coast to pick up that oil. To me, an environmental nightmare - likely to Jim, too - far, far worse than any potential environmental damage from Canada’s Keystone pipeline. I stand my ground.

Saw you in the Ojo 49



ince the dawn of time on planet earth, when rocks were born of cooling magma billions of years ago, or: since about ten thousand years ago, when God thought having stones in his diorama would be good idea, the creation of rocks has always been a laborious process. Not so much with kidney stones. Geologically speaking the birth of a kidney stone is a very rapid affair that only seems to take an eon. It’s hard to imagine that acid indigestion, from which I suffer, can lead to the development of kidney stones, but if you fight acid indigestion with TUMS, it can happen. Glaxo Smith Klein discovered that antacids can deplete a person’s calcium which, later, can result in osteoporosis, a serious condition which causes an otherwise healthy person to crumple into a pile of amorphous flesh as you ask for directions in WalMart. To counteract this side effect, the company infused their product with enough calcium to re-create Ayer’s Rock in my right kidney. It was another beautiful day in Ajijic. I remember that because I thought it was my last. At about 10 a.m., on a Saturday, it seemed that my duodenum decided to wrap around my kidney like a boa constrictor and begin using my ureter as a thong. It was so painful I was afraid I was going to die, but then it got so painful, I was afraid I wasn’t going to die! The pain of passing a kidney stone can reduce a heathen the caliber of Attila the Hun to a kneeling, pleading, praying penitent, begging for relief and/or death! I am told the only thing worse is giving birth. What seemed like a bowling ball being squeezed through a garden hose was in fact more like a tiny grain of sand through a pipette. Compared to the birth of an eight pound child being shoved through a space that has had no more stretching, in many cases, than that provided by an organ the size of a humble


El Ojo del Lago / September 2012

graphite writing instrument, the kidney stone is a walk in the park. If this is the case, and I have no reason to doubt it is, women should be placed on pedestals and treated with awe and reverence at all times. Yes, the way Jim Tipton treats them. As my pain hit, I broke into a sweat and knew that if I didn’t lie down immediately I’d drop. I made it to the spare bedroom and flopped onto the bed. Saturday the maid cleans and she had left several carpets folded up on the bed, so I lay there on a pile of carpets like Aladdin after a magic carpet mid-air collision. The pain was so intense that I was both trembling and sweating. The sweat ran down my legs and into my shoes, escaping as steam from the lace-holes. The only thing that saved me from feeling deathly sick was the all-consuming feeling of nausea. I couldn’t call for my wife; I was afraid of opening my mouth to speak in case the pain got any worse. All I could do was make mewling noises. Mentally, I tried to go to my meditational tranquil place and found it had been overrun by kidney strangling, ureter twanging psychopathic Hell’s Angel bikers. I remembered my father having had kidney stones after a friend of his suggested that sea-shell calcium was a good supplement. He had been taking it for several months and it grew a little rock quarry in his Kidneys. His reaction was much like my own: “Shoot me now.” An ambulance was called, but by the time they arrived, he had given birth to a healthy, young, kidney-stone called Ralph and the crisis had passed. I had to pay for the ambulance anyway. As the pain grew, so did my groans and, as a result, my wife discovered me and, seeing that every drop of blood had left my face and retreated to the safety of my ankles, called a doctor to come to the house immediately. When he arrived, he could not seem to understand why

I was confessing to the theft of the Hope Diamond, the murder of Jimmy Hoffa and several of Dillinger’s robberies. Oh yes, pain will make you confess to just about anything. That’s why torturers have this undying belief in the efficacy of torture, they get answers! They may not be the right answers, but they are answers. After he gave me an injection with a needle the thickness of a Harley-Davidson tail-pipe, the pain started to abate. I was able to unhook my finger and toenails from the ceiling and land back on my

crashed carpet bed. With the help of a drug called Alopurinol, my urethra relaxed enough to allow the rock through to my bladder and from thence out through my urethra to join the other cobblestones of Calle Javier Mina. A subsequent examination and urinalysis showed I was retaining urine “Like a dog that has to pee everywhere” the doctor said. ‘Oh well,’ I thought, ‘at least people would know which patch of Mexico is mine.’ John Ward

Saw you in the Ojo 51

Focus on Art By Rob Mohr robmohr@gmail.com Milo Needles ”The Fine Art of Psychological Disclosure”


homas Merton understood, “Every one of us is shadowed by an illusory person: a false self … “ Once in a rare while you meet someone who makes you glad to be alive – to be a part of our imperfect but perfectly human community. Milo Needles is such a person. His perseverance and his capacity to see beyond the surface of life have resulted in paintings and drawings that open to the viewer an evocative psychological world that simultaneously informs and stimulates. Facades are stripped away and illusions crumble. “My paintings come like premonitions – it is not magic – it is years of training, looking and seeing, probing for a catalytic window. When I first arrived in Ajijic, it was the cobble stones. When I was in Baja, it was the ocean.” Milo’s alert creative eye ‘sees’ the world with keen awareness, an essential beginning place for the creative mind. He moves the surface aside, the easily apparent, and goes deep into the heart of what is there. In his painting, “Fat Guy on the Beach” a man alone on his beachfront terrace observes the top of an umbrella peeking out above a dune, and wonders what life might be like underneath its cover. The composition, color, form, pattern, and narrative combine to manifest a profound sense of loneliness and isolation. <www.absolutearts.com/needles/> In “The Wedding Photo”, the metaphorical image of beauty and beast, a passive and satisfied male ape, sporting spats, clutches a thin fish-woman with a hard and inflexible look fixed on her face. The scene leaves the viewer wondering which is beauty and which is beast. Equally intriguing is the setting - figures and table float (there is no chair or table legs), creating the sense of a world where hidden truths are being uncovered. Milo’s painting, “Lakeside Overture”, captures the psychological essence of a self-assured woman. As in all of Milo’s paintings this work is full of clues that


El Ojo del Lago / September 2012

Milo Needles reveal what is hidden and what is illusion. I invite you, the reader, to analyze this work in light of our lives here at lakeside. (Photo) “I see something out there – it grows and begins to take form – a story emerges as I paint. This narrative gives life to my work.” Milo extracts what is most vital in what he has seen. His paintings begin with a sketch which he transfers to the canvas. He then applies full-hue colors to block out the composition. A final dry brushing over the base colors softens the focus. In 1964 Milo rode a bus from Boise Idaho to Mexico City to study art at the Universidad de las Americas. After he received his BFA degree, a rich and diverse life unfolded as Milo painted sets for major movie, theatre, ballet, and opera companies; designed American towns for films made in Romania; and served as art director for music videos for Paul Simon, The Grateful Dead, Fleetwood Mac, and other famous performers. He was gang boss for crews doing scenic art for the 1984 Olympics, and for the Democratic convention in San Francisco. Whew! His paintings have been exhibited in museums, galleries and competitive shows throughout Europe, Mexico and the USA. You are invited to enjoy the works of this fascinating artist on exhibition at the Galeria Gecko, Ocampo #61, Ajijic, beginning with a reception (drinks and snacks) on Friday, September 21, at five PM. “I never toss off anything. Everything is seriously considered and completed.” Milo Needles Rob Mohr

Saw you in the Ojo 53

O body swayed to music, O brightening glance, How can we know the dancer from the dance? W.B. Yeats


An Ajijic mother glances at her daughter Seated beside her and smiles approvingly… She looked to be of tender age, Her full attention on the stage; Her eyes transfixed by each plié: The Kirov troupe, the corps de ballet ballet.. Cinderella’s foot slips into place; Pink ribbons substitute for lace, So she can pirouette and leap, En pointe her dancing dervish feet. The curtain falls, the crowd erupts. The little girl, in hand with mamá, Walks, silent, home… Before she went to bed that night, She clenched her cross, as in a trance, And prayed beneath a lambent light To Xochipilli, god of dance. Leaping, soaring, arabesque, Striving to be statuesque. A butterfly emerging---free. A dream of endless filigree. But other dreams are being dreamt By other girls in Ajijic-Of other dances to attempt With native costumes, tried technique. Dreams-- Ballet Folklorico! Pride---Jalisco, Mexico! Whimsies of a southern belle Whirling like a carousel. Not just a sheer artistic whim, But whimsy nonetheless, A pre-Hispanic native hymn In vivid, multi-colored dress. Dances of the Indio From every part of Mexico, Dances from the Yucatán, Oaxaca and Michoacán Chiapas and Quintana Roo Tabasco and Hidalgo too. Her elegant and supple line, Her blur of charm, quicksilver curve, She sparkles like a summer wine, The joy of life, the life of verve. Her flying skirts, black bouncing braids Submit to swirl and counter swirl Or stately, graceful promenades In makeup meant for masquerades.


El Ojo del Lago / September 2012

And then there are the Latin dances, Well-known to girls of Ajijic, Forever sparking fresh romances, Forever dancing cheek to cheek. The samba, rumba---ay, caramba! The mambo, tango---light fandango! Do-re-mi-fa---cha, cha, cha! cha, cha, cha! The salsa, merengue, y paso doble…

Finally there’s the restaurant Manix, Home to expats and Hispanics, Who come to hear the music play And gladly dance the night away. And there one night in Ajijic Two dancers charmed my soul--Two little girls across the street, Two sisters I was told. The one was eight, the other ten. I saw them there that night Across from Manix restaurant, A vision in the light. While we all danced the night away, The music sounded fair; And on their roof across the way, Those sisters danced on air. The rhythm and the rhyme of it, The tempo and the time of it, The lovely charm and chime of it,

The Dancing Girls of Ajijic, A joy to move my weary soul. O body swayed to music, O brightening glance, Now we know the dancer from the dance!

THE OJO INTERNET MAILBOX (Wherein we publish some comments about our previous issues.)

HEARTS AT WORK LaVon Davis Swinehar Jim, this piece is excellent......your true talent is quite evident......I look forward to the “more next month”. THUNDER ON THE RIGHT Linda Steele Well said! I agree! STEPPING OUT OF MY COMFORT ZONE Francisco Barragan Rick, There are not enough words to thank you for sharing your experience and amazing narration of your saga during the trip. I’m a Chapala native and was in Talpa once when I was a kid... I haven’t had the fortune of taking the trip you did, but I certainly will in the future.

Thanks again for sharing your story and God Bless you. THEY SHOOT HORSES, DON’T THEY? Eliana Herrerias Congratulation for these kind of articles.

Saw you in the Ojo 55



new game called canicas seems to have evolved in my neighborhood now that the rains have started. Boys of all ages and a few grown daddies, too, sometimes a dozen of them, play this game in the street with great interest, laughter, hooting, and howling. It appears to be a unique and imaginative hybrid of... golf, gambling, and billiards, played with…marbles…and a few pesos, in the rough, rutted, puddled cobblestone course they charted out. As if serving appetizers at an elegant soiree, a girl walks by my bench in the Plaza carrying a tray of funny little hand-crafted bobble-headed birds for sale, all of them nodding together silently in the breeze. I buy a couple of them to make her happy. At the Tres Reyes (Three Kings) fiesta in the plaza on January 6, I sit down by a family who had a pigtailed toddler running – no…sprinting around into the crowd on her already sturdy little legs while the mom and grandma sit calmly by as the bigger kids keep running every which way to fetch her. I note her apparent athletic talent and they tell me she is exactly One Year And Fifteen Days…meanwhile at least a hundred young kids are merrily chasing around the area without even a faint whiff of bad behavior but that’s perfectly normal here. Across the street, my neighbor is getting some work done on her house, giving me a good chance to watch the almost acrobatic albañil work from his single narrow plank like a gymnast’s balance beam, suspended about 4 feet above the ground on two metal drums on the sloping sidewalk. The guy nimbly jumps up and down from his perch, bending over to mix the cement in a small tray at his feet then expertly slaps it on the wall. Later, he’s working even higher, looking up all the while at the boveda overhang above, mixing and slapping on more concrete, balancing on a small ledge


El Ojo del Lago / September 2012

– without scaffolding or safety measures or fear. Upon leaving the San Andres church after a funeral Mass, I’m struck by the seemingly incongruous sound mix of the mournful and somber tolling of the bells and a mariachi band playing outside. I quickly realize that the cheerful melodies helped soothe the sadness of the day, although the usually romantic lyrics are appropriately sad for the occasion…goodbye, forever, etc…and as the sun just barely peeks out from the lingering drab grey, the whole large crowd of mourners walks over a mile through Ajijic to the cemetery accompanied by the mariachis with the coffin carried on the strong shoulders of the pall bearers. There are more prayers, crying, wailing, screaming, mixed with the melodious mariachi music that continues until the deceased is buried deeply in the ground. Pacing back and forth in the plaza at high noon, a very portly foreign man in a Hawaiian shirt, Bermuda shorts, socks, and sandals, bellows loudly into his invisible cell phone (or to his invisible friends?) while gesticulating dramatically with his free hands and arms with great selfimportance, as if he were auditioning for a Shakespearean play. My friend and I cringe and laugh. We do not applaud the performance. An ancient cowboy passes me on the street and softly calls me “chiquita”. My maid and I like to play-fight over Alejandro Fernandez, the abundantly handsome and romantic singing superstar from Guadalajara… Oh, look, my boyfriend is on TV…no, he’s MY boyfriend…no, es mio…no, es mio, mio, mio!!...well, he fathered MY children! We laugh. She wins! And so goes the daily, delightful minutiae of living in Ajijic.

ESTOFADO—Comes E STOFADO—Comes tto o A Ajijic! j i ji c ! By Mikel Miller


jijic resident Susanna Chavez Sánchez has a dream: to create an Estofado industry at Lake Chapala offering artistic and economic opportunity to villagers. Estofado, used by European Masters since the 15th Century, is the technique of applying gold leaf to three-dimensional sculptures—often religious figures. “I was only six-years-old when my mother began teaching me Estofado. Of 10 children from my mother, I was the only one to learn this art,” she says. For the last 35 years—in Mexico, Europe and the USA—I have been dedicated to this ancient art,” she says. “Now I feel the strong need to pass on what I have learned to the next generation. I do not want the beauty of Estofado to be lost in our ever-changing world.” In the fall of 2012 the Centro de Cultural de Axixic will offer workshops in Estofado taught by this remarkable artist. Proceeds from the classes will be used for an apprenticeship program to re-establish the nearly extinct craft and offer a viable career path in Estofado to the people of Ajijic. Please call 331-145-55-51 for more information. Susanna was born in El Paso, Texas, and raised in Guadalajara, Mexico by a Mexican mother and a New Mexican father. “Though I was not born in Mexico, I carry the seal of the Mexican craftsmanship in my blood,” she says. “When I was 16-years-old my greatest desire was to become an artist, and that is how I began my career at the Universidad de Arte de Guadalajara. I have always been most fascinated with the Architecture of Mexico— its patios, gardens, Cathedrals and Churches,” she continues. After her studies at the University, she married a German industrialist and moved to Europe, where her daughter Maria was born, and she studied Estofado anew in Europe. After the marriage, she returned to her beloved Guadalajara to refine her artistic skills. Ten-years later she and

Maria moved to Madrid, Spain, where she became a master in Estofado, Restoration, and Painting in El Centro de Estudios de Restauracion en Obras de Arte. Unsatisfied with being the master of only one ancient art form, Susanna packed up Maria and studied Fresco at Il Laboratorio per Affresco di Vainella in Florence, Italy. After returning from Europe, they lived in the little village of Corrales, New Mexico, the homeland of her father. Susanna went into a prolific frenzy of fresco, Estofado and painting that included a large series to illustrate a book based on her 800-kilometer religious pilgrimage across northern Spain on El Camino de Santiago. While working in New Mexico, she completed many important commission pieces for some of the largest Catholic churches in the southwestern United States. Some of her recent works are: Saint Thomas Aquinas, Padre Kino and Saint Teresa of Avila in Saint Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church, Avondale, Arizona, and many others. It was in New Mexico where she met a raspberry farmer who has become her soul mate. In the fall of 2011 they moved together to Ajijic, where they operate a small restaurant named La Una and are writing the story of their love.

Saw you in the Ojo 57

The Ojo Crossword

ACROSS 1 Swamp 6 Sentry´s station 10 Swiss – like cheese 14 Toothbrush brand 15 Plushy 16 Huge whale 17 Sanskrit language 18 At sea 19 Very dry wine 20 scrap 21 Resign 23 Lovingness 25 Golf swing 26 Climbing vine 27 Soccer position 30 Brilliant 34 Accord 35 Star Trek Automoton´s 36 Not (refix) 38 Midshipman 39 Dined 40 Pay to keep quiet 42 Evening 43 Salad 44_ of passage 45 Missions 48 Forest gods 49 Alien´s spaceship 50 Genius 51 Japanese religion 54 Expires 55 Container


El Ojo del Lago / September 2012

58 Connecticut (abbr.) 59 Animal homes 61 Accustom 63_ upon a time 64 Brim 65 Taboos 66 Eye liquid 67 Doe 68 Allow DOWN 1 Danish physicist 2 Opera solo 3 Yin´s partner 4 Olden 5 Omnipresence 6 Pleat 7 Throw out 8 South southeast 9 Melting 10 Fetus 11 Residence hall 12 Connect 13 Story 22 Southwestern Indian 24 Street abbr. 25 Pad 27 Match 28 Fatty vegetable 29 Birch´s cousin 30 Tiny amounts 31 Planted 32 Wholeness 33 Dignified 35 Hairless 37 Loch _ monster 40 Cooking 41 Round cracker brand 43 Dozed 46 Jogger 47 American Federation of Teachers (abbr.) 48 Her 50 Smarter, like an owl 51 Scotsman 52 Polish 53 Ancient Indian 54 Former magistrate of Venice 55 Sandwich fish 56 press 57 Bird´s home 60 Lyric poem 62 Neither´s partner

Saw you in the Ojo 59

AA- Meets daily at 10:00 am. Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday at 4 pm. Marcos Castellanos 51-A. 766-5961. Meets every Wednesday 8 am for breakfast at La Nueva Posada. www.aalakechapala.org. AA Lakeside- M+TH 4-6 Gazebo at the Lake Chapala Society. www.aalakechapala.org AA Women- TH 10:30-12 Sala at the Lake Chapala Society. www.aalakechapala.org A COURSE IN MIRACLES- Meets on Saturday at 2:00 at # 17 B Nicholas Bravo. For information email: clarecgearhart@gmail.com ADULT CHILDREN OF ALCOHOLICS AND DYSFUNCTIONAL FAMILIES (ACA)- Sat., 11:30AM, Danny’s Restaurant, 2nd floor, Careterra Ote. #2, near Calle Colon, Ajijic. For more info call Kay (376) 766-4409 or email G.C. at regc80@yahoo.com AIR FORCE ASSOCIATION OF CANADA 904 WING- September to April meet the 2nd Thursday 4pm-6pm at La Nueva Posada. Ron Hudson 766-21-42. AJIJIC QUILT GUILD - Meets second Tuesday monthly at 10 am. Guests & New Members Welcome. ajijicguild@gmail.com AJIJIC SCRABBLE CLUB- Tuesdays and Thursdays noon-3 pm at LCS Ken Gosh Pavilion. Dan Stark 766-0411. AJIJIC WRITERS’ GROUP- Meets 1st and 3rd Fridays at 10 am. Nueva Posada. Coffee. Meeting followed by lunch at the Nueva Posada. AXIXIC MASONIC LODGE #31- Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at LCS 5:00pm. Contact the Secretary at (387) 7610017 for details. AL-ANON- Step study, M 4:30-5:30 Ken Gosh Pavilion at the Lake Chapala Society. Sat. 10 am, Club 12, Marcos Castellanos 51-A, Ajijic Contact 376-106-1199, 7664409. AMERICAN LEGION OF CHAPALA POST- #7 General Membership meets 11 am 2nd Thursday. Tel: 765-2259. AMERICAN LEGION, FRANK M. VALENTINE POST 9 - (Fito’s Restaurant in Riberas Del Pilar) 3rd Wednesday. Additional info Call Vince 765-7299. AMIGOS INTERNACIONALES- Every Wednesday 6 to 8 pm, Nueva Posada; informal friendly group meet to make new friends. AMIGOS DEL LAGO A.C.- Working to improve the ecology. See www.amigosdelago.org or contact us at info@amigosdelago.org. AMITIES FRANCOPHONES- Meets every 3rd Saturday at 1 pm contact: Roland and Camille at 766-0149. rvanhoudt@prodigy.net.mx. ANIMAL SHELTER- Provide shelter and new homes for dogs and cats. Tel: 765-5514. ANITA’S ANIMALS- Free loving dogs and cats. call (01 387) 761-0500. www.anitasanimals.com. ASA- Ajijic Society of the Arts. Meets every 1st Monday of the month at Nueva Posada, 10 am. ARDAT (Ajijic Rotary Dog Assisted Theraphy)- Theraphy dog visits & Children Reading to Dogs program. Julianna Rose 766-5025, rotariojrose@gmail.com BARBERSHOP MIXED CHORUS- Meets Mondays 10 a.m. Lake Chapala Baptist Church. Contact Audrey 387-761-0204 or Don 376-766-2521. BRIDGE AT MANIX RESTAURANT- Monday 1:15 check in. Alicia Salcido (387) 761-0185. BRITISH SOCIETY- Lunch meeting the 1st Saturday of each month, 1pm at Manix Rest. 765-4786, chapalainn@prodigy.net.mx. CARD & DOMINO CLUB- Wednesday, Friday & Sunday. Call for times. We will teach; make friends! Tel. 766-4253, Cell: (045) 33-1295-6485. CANADIAN CLUB OF LAKE CHAPALA- 2nd Wednesday of month, Sept. through April. Social hour: 3:00 pm, program 4:00 pm. www.canadianclub.mx.com CASA DE ANCIANOS- Provides support for elderly citizens, 765-2497. CASA DE LA AMISTAD PARA NIÑOS CON CANCER.- Provides funds, obtain cancer treatments. www.casadelaamistad.org.mx. 01-55-3000-6900, 766-2612 CENTRO DE DESARROLLO AJIJIC- Provides family planning and reproductive health education. 766-1679. CHILI COOK OFF- Providing a carnival for residents raising charitable funds, 763-5038. DAR- (Guadalajara)- Daughters of the American Revolution, meets monthly Sep. through June. Cell:333-897-0660 or Tel: (376) 766-2284. DAR- (At Lakeside)- THOMAS PAINE CHAPTER meets every 3 Wednesday at 12:30 noon, September thru June. Tel: 766-2981 or 762-0834. DEMOCRATS- Meets 2nd Thursday 4pm at La Nueva Posada EASTERN STAR ESTRELLA DEL LAGO CHAPTER #10- 1st Wed. at 1:00 pm at Hotel Monte Carlo. 766-3785, www.oesestrelladellago.org. ECO ORGANICO MARKET- Tuesdays,10 am-12-30pm, Centro Laguna Mall at carretera and libramiento. ECKANKAR- For information about HU Chants and Dream Workshops please call Penny White.766 1230 FRIENDS OF VILLA INFANTIL (FOVI)- Financial support for children: www.friendsofvillainfantil.org. Lisa Le: (387) 761-0002, lisale888@gmail.com GAMBLERS ANONYMOUS- Wednesday 11:30-1:30 Ken Gosh Pavilion at the Lake Chapala Society GARDEN CLUB- Meets the 3rd. Wednesday 11 am for lunch at La Nueva Posada. GARDEN GUILD- promoting the interest in the development of local gardens with an accent on the exotic species available in central Mexico. GERMAN MEETING- 2nd Thursday, 1:00 pm. La Nueva Posada. Call Thea 765-2442 or Werner 763-5446. GOLDEN STRINGS OF LAKE CHAPALA, A.C.- Rehearsals at auditorio de la Floresta. Tuesday & Friday, 3-6 pm. HASH HOUSE HARRIERS- Every Saturday at 8:30 am at La Nueva Posada. HEART OF AWARENESS BUDDHIST COMMUNITY. Meditation and Dharma talks. Wed. at 4:30. Meets in Upper Floresta. KarinMiles@aol.com or 766-0020. HUMANE EDUCATION ALLIANCE (HEA)- Fostering ethical treatment of animals. John Marshall, 766-1170, alianzaeducacionhumnitaria@hotmail.com JUNIOR LEAGUE DE GUADALAJARA A.C.- Av. San Francisco #3332. ligagdl2@prodigy.net.mx, Guadalajara, Jal. Tel. (33) 3121-0887. LAKE CHAPALA DUPLICATE BRIDGE CLUB- Meets every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 1:15 p.m.. www.chapalabridge.com. LAKE CHAPALA GARDEN CLUB- Garden tours and meeting 3rd Wed at Nueva Posada for lunch and program. sandy_feldmann@yahoo.com. LAKE CHAPALA GREEN GROUP- Sustainable living for a better tomorrow. Meets first Tuesday, Sept. through May. LCS, 3:00. www.lakechapalagreengroup.com. LAKE CHAPALA SHRINE CLUB.- Meets the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 1 pm in the Nueva Posada. Denny Strole (376) 766-0485 LAKE CHAPALA SOCIETY - LCS- 16 de Sep. # 16-A Ajijic, Open Monday - Saturday, 10 am to 2 pm. www.lakechapalasociety.org. 766-1140. LAKESIDE COMMUNITY AWARDS- We benefit all the community by honoring lakeside’s most talented. 766-3232. LAKESIDE FREETHINKERS.- For all who reject relief in the supernatural, meets 3rd wednesday. Email gypsyken@prodigy.net.mx. LAKESIDE FRIENDS OF THE ANIMALS- For information contact John at 766-1170 or visit our website www.lakesidefriendsoftheanimals.org LAKESIDE LAUGHTER CLUB- Meets every Wed. from 9 am - 9:40 beginning September 29. For information call Charlene 766-0884. LAKESIDE LITTLE THEATRE A.C.- Balanced theatrical entertainment, English-speaking, 765-5942. LAKESIDE SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF- The 4th of each month. Nueva Posada 10:30 am. Call 766-3964, www.lakesideschoolforthedeaf.org. LAKESIDE USA TEA PARTY- Meeting 2nd Tuesday at 4pm, Sunrise Restaurant, Carretera, San Antonio Tlayacapan LAKESIDE WILDLIFE RESCUE & REHABILITATION- Rescue & rehabilitation of wild animals. 765-4916. LAKE SPAY AND NEUTER CENTR A.C.- Provides shelter and helps curtail the over-population of animals. 766-3813. LCS EDUCATION CENTER- Provides classes in language and other topics for both Anglo and Mexican community. 766-0499. LCS STUDENT AID FUND- Provides financial support to area students to enroll in university, vocational and high school program. 766-0716. LITTLE BLUE SCHOOLHOUSE- Provides financial assistance for students at school for disabled children in Chapala 766-1552. LOS NINOS DE CHAPALA Y AJIJIC, AC Providing educational scholarships to Lakeside children 376-765-7032, www.lakesideninos.org. LOVE IN ACTION- Shelter for abused and abandoned children. For volunteers and donations. Anabel Frutos 765-7409, cell: 331-351 7826. MAS- Music Appreciation Society. Concerts from fall to spring. Classical music and dance concerts. For info call Kathleen Phelps, 766-0010. MISION SAN PABLO- Helping 60 orphaned children ages 2-14 yrs, Bonnie Shrall - Bonnie@shrall.com #766-0009. www.misionsanpablo.org. NAVY LEAGUE, LAKE CHAPALA COUNCIL- Meets the third Saturday for lunch at 1 pm, Manix Rest. 766 4750 or 766-1848. NEEDLE PUSHERS- Sew dresses, knit or chet sweaters for local kids. Every Tues. 10 am at LCS. Gay Westmoreland - 765-5607. NIÑOS INCAPACITADOS DEL LAGO, AC.- Assisting Lakeside disabled children www.programaninos.org , 766-2201. NIÑOS Y JOVENES CARAVAN- Delivers foodstuffs and used clothing to orphanage in San Juan. Call Reuben Varela, 01-387-761-0828. OPEN CIRCLE- Fostering body, mind & spirit, every Sunday at the LCS from 10 am to 12 noon. 765-3402 or frankdburton@yahoo.com. OPERATION COMPASSION OR SAN ANTONIO SOUP KITCHEN.- Located at 4 Jesus Garcia in San Antonio T. Tom Music, 331 547 2726, tmusic3856@yahoo.com. OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS- Every Tuesday & Friday 12 pm at Marcos Castellanos 51-A, in Upper Ajijic.766-4409 o 376-106-1199. PASOS MILAGROSOS (MIRACULOUS STEPS.)- Helping Handicapped Children Through the Magic of Horses. Saturdays 8-2. www.pasosmilagrosos.com. RED CROSS VOLUNTEERS- Meets 1st Wednesday at 1:30-4 Gazebo at the Lake Chapala Society. New members welcome. ROTARY CLUB OF AJIJIC- Tuesdays. Fellowship at 12:30 p.m., meeting at 1:00 p.m., Hacienda Ajijic Steakhouse, Carr. Ajijic Pte #268-7. www.rotaryajijic.org. ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION- Meets the 3rd Tuesday each month @ 2:30 pm, Bar Tomas, Chapala. Contact rclchapala@gmail.com or 376-765-2602. SAILING LAKE CHAPALA- Meets for lunch/drinks-1 pm the 1st Thursday Club Nautico in La Floresta, www.sailinglakechapala.com SAN ANTONIO TLAYACAPAN (SAT) EXPATS.- Meets last Saturday of the month 6pm, at Cenaduria de Elvira, #127 Ramon Corona, San Antonio SCIENCE OF MIND STUDY GROUP- Discussion Thursday at 10:30 AM, Nicolas Bravo #17 Ajijic; contact Rev. Tim at 766-0920 or tim@revdoctim.com. SCOTIABANK NORTHERN LIGHTS ANNUAL MUSIC FESTIVAL- For details please visit: www.scotiabanknorthernlightsmusicfestival.com THE GENEALOGY FORUM- Meets monthly on the fourth Monday in the Sala at LCS, from 2:00 to 3:45. TOASTMASTERS LAGO DE CHAPALA BILINGUAL GROUP- Meets Tuesdays 6 to 7:30 pm. English & Spanish works! Learning center. Independencia 153 San Antonio, Jalisco. For info; Tim at 766-0920 or Maureen 766-2338. email tim@revdoctim.com UVA - University/Vocational Assistance (Little Chapel by the Lake a.c.)- Sue Torres, 766-2932 or Lynn Hanson 766-2660. VIVA LA MUSICA - Bus trips to the symphony, summer concert series, call Rosemay Keeling 766-1801. www.ajijicviva.org. VOLLEYBALL IN CHAPALA- At Cristiania park Tues., Thurs., Sat. mornings at 10, 333-502-1264. VOLUNTEER HEALTH RESOURCE GROUP- Meeting last Saturday of each month at LCS in sala, 10:30. VOLUNTEERS OF THE CRUZ ROJA- Sponsors fund raising events and provides administrative and support services to the Delegation. (NOTE: If there is any change in the above, please advise us so that corrections may be made. Call: 765-2877)


El Ojo del Lago / September 2012

All Saints Lutheran Church Worship Service 11:00 am 4600 Avenida Tepeyac, Guad. Tel. (01 333) 121-6741. Abundant Life Assembly of God Carr. 140 next to Mail Boxes etc, Tel: 766-5615. Center For Spiritual Living Celebration Service, 5pm Fridays, Nicolas Bravo #17 Ajijic. (376) 766-0920 or tim@revdoctim.com. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Services in English and Spanish, 10 am, Riberas del Pilar Tel. (376) 765-7067, President: Pedro Aguilera. Recidence (376) 762-0299. Church of the Holy Spirit Services Sun. 10 am, Albaro Obregon #119, Chapala Tel. (376) 7654210. Christ Church Anglican Fellowship Eucarist 10am upstairs in Manix Restaurant Ocampo #57 Ajijic. Rev. Danny Borkowski at (376) 766-2495 or Jim Powers t (387) 761-0017 Grace Baptist Church 5th Sun. Evening service 6 pm, Pedro Buzeta No. 970, Guad. Tel. (013) 641-1685. Lake Chapala Baptist Church Mid-week service, 9:30 am, worship service, 10:45 am. Santa Margarita #147, Riberas del Pilar, Tel. (376) 765-2925, 765-3329. www.lakechapalabaptist.com. 7th Day Adventist meet at Camino Real #84 in La Floresta, 9:30 am, Potluck follows, Tel: 7665708 Little Chapel by the Lake Sun. services 11 am, Chula Vista,. Jal, Tel. (376) 763-1551. Lake Chapala Jewish Congregation Santa Margarita 113, Riberas del Pilar, Tel: 765-6968. For information and service times, please call Pres. Chuck Diamond. contact us@ lakechapalajews.com. Web site: www. lakechapalajews.com. Lakeside Fellowship Sun. worship 11 am, Javier Mina #49 Ajijic, Tel. (376) 766-0795. Lakeside Presbyterian Church Worship-Sunday 10 am; Bible Study-Friday 10 am; Hidalgo 231A, Carr. Chapala/Joco; Riberas del Pilar Tel. Pastor Ross Arnold at 376-766-1238, or Norm Pifer at 376-766-0616 Website at www.chapalalakesidepresbyterian. org Saint Andrew´s Anglican Church Calle San. Lucas 19, Riberas del Pilar, Sunday 2 services, 9 a.m & 11 a.m. Rev. Winston W. Welty Tel: 765-3926. www.standrewsriberas. com San Andres Catholic Church Services 9:00 am. Ajijic, 766-0922. St. John’s Catholic Church Between Av. Vallarta & Av. Lazaro Cardenas, Guad. Sun. 11am. (013) 121-8131. The Lake Chapala Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Meets Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Sta. Margarita #113 in Riberas del Pilar (on the SW corner of Santa Clara) For additional information call 766-1119 or email to lcuufinfo@gmail.com. We are a Welcoming Congregation www.lcuuf.org



News Viva Mexico ! Mexican Independence Day is September 16 The Lake Chapala Society invites you to a community fiesta celebrating Mexican Independence. On Saturday, September 16 between 2 pm to 6 pm, the ex-pat and Mexican communities will join to celebrate this very special holiday. Last year’s event proved to be a big success thanks to the catering expertise and organizing skills of Manix Restaurant. Hector and Manuel will again cater the dinner and run the day’s activities. For 120 pesos you will enjoy a traditional meal: birria, pozole, tamales, tacos al pastor and sopes on the LCS grounds. Free admission for children 10 years and under, includes food and a beverage. This year’s activities include several musical groups including mariachi, baile folklorico, and Frankie Dino for your dancing pleasure. Children’s games will be held throughout the day and prizes awarded. Activities include sack races, musical chairs and universal games for all ages. You can’t miss the greased pole climb for prizes or the launching of the hot air balloons (globos). Invite your Mexican friends and neighbors and their children to share this very important day in Mexican history. Tickets are available at Lake Chapala Society at 120 in advance; 150 pesos at the entrance.

September 2012 From the Director’s Desk There is a lot to report this month. I’ll begin with our website. LCS has a new Internet domain: www.lakechapalasociety.com. The previous domain had a private owner, the new domain is owned by LCS. We apologize for any inconvenience it may have caused, but redirect your browser to the new URL and it’s fixed. The Board is addressing the physical space and technology needs of the LCS and Wilkes campuses for the next 30 years. The result of work done by the Long Range Planning Committee, as reported last month, is the formation of an Exploratory Committee whose job it is to offer a recommendation to the board of whether, or not, a Capital Campaign is feasible. I am delighted to see the board showing leadership and vision when it comes to LCS’ future! Let’s support their effort by giving constructive ideas that will lead to LCS’ ability to fulfill its mission for the current and next generation of LCS members. If you have an expertise that you can lend throughout this process please contact Committee Chair, Cate Howell. Ask for her in the Library Workroom. As a result of Mexican federal and Jalisco state legal reforms in 2009 and 2011, LCS has made the decision to no longer assist with obtaining a document concerning the disposition of individual remains. The document, “Being Prepared for Life and Death Lakeside,” available in the LCS Service Office, makes it clear that a new document is now the proper tool to use - essentially a “health care directive.” A “health care directive” is complex, and it would be inappropriate to expect comprehensive volunteer expertise. Therefore the document ““Being Prepared for Life and Death Lakeside,” is a primer that gives information on what your options are and what you might want to consider if these issues are important to you. LCS proudly retains the Post Life/Emergency Registry as a fail-safe. The Post Life/Emergency Registry enhances the former* Post Life program. The Post Life/Emergency Registry compiles information that is useful for those responsible for following-up with someone’s incapacitation or death. *If you have filed Post Life data in the past and received a notarized document, be sure that it is as valid today as it ever was. However the Post Life/Emergency Registry contains additional data that you may want to consider registering. It’s also important to announce that all of the Post Life data is being migrated to an electronic format, which will allow access to the information on demand, instead of between the LCS service hours of 10 am to 2 pm. I thank volunteer Judith Katz for her leadership in this endeavor. Times are changing in Mexico, and LCS is keeping up with the times. I cannot mention the LCS Post Life program without paying homage to Elizabeth Schrader, the matriarch of the program. Her continued dedication and assistance assures that the LCS Post Life/Emergency Registry will continue to serve the ex-pat community for years to come.

Saw you in the Ojo 61

NEW! CONVERSATIONAL SPANISH CLASSES LCS announces the addition of a seven week Conversational Spanish Class for members beginning Wednesday, September 5th. Participation in the class will be limited to those students whose proficiency is at least at the Warren Hardy (WH) Level 2B. It’s for you if you are currently taking WH 3A, 3B or 4. All students are admitted at the sole discretion of the instructor. Priority will be given to students who have taken the LCS WH classes. Register Tuesdays and Fridays from 10 am to 2 pm in the Service Office, or any time during the week of August 27 31 at the blue umbrella patio. For more information see the LCS website at www.lakechapalasociety.com

WARREN HARDY (WH) SPANISH CLASSES The start of the next term of WH Spanish classes begin on Monday, September 3, and will cover seven weeks of study ending on October 20. The LCS Spanish program uses the WH Spanish language course which is designed for the adult student. Several levels of learning are available as students progress through the program. Registration for these upcoming classes is currently under way at the LCS office weekdays on Tuesdays & Fridays from 10 am to 2 pm, or August 27 thru August 31 on the blue umbrella patio. Classes cost $600 pesos, LCS Membership required, cost of materials is separate.

INTRODUCTION TO SPANISH CLASSES This is a casual class offered for the beginner that covers the Spanish alphabet, simple vocabulary and phrases to use about town for shopping, and other useful information on our area and the Mexican culture. LCS Members only! Classes are held each month starting the first Tuesday and going for four weeks. Classes start September 4, and are held at the LCS campus from noon until 1:30 pm. Learning materials are provided to the student. Tuition is $150 pesos. Sign up is currently available at the LCS office from 10 am to 2 pm Monday through Saturday.

Renew Your Membership Now September is the month when we begin our annual Membership Renewal campaign. Don’t put it off, December 15 comes all too soon! Remember, December 15 is the cut off date for being listed in the LCS Annual Directory. We’re happy to report, with the help of volunteer Robert Bayless, that you can now renew online using Paypay paying directly in pesos. Though there is a 50 peso service charge to cover our costs with Paypal and bank transfer fees, by paying online you will avoid the line in the office. So, go online - membership renewal is now easier than ever!


El Ojo del Lago / September 2012

LCS HEALTH DAYS Wednesday, September 12, and October 10, from 10 until noon Schedule both days: *$ Shots: 10-Noon Neill James Patio Flu $400 pesos Pneumonia $350 (note: pneumonia shots 2011 and after, are effective for life. Before 2011, shots good for 5 years) Hepatitis A/B Combo - Series of three. $700 each shot, total $2100 pesos Please note: it is very important to complete the entire series of three shots: first shot, followed by a second shot within one month, followed by a booster in six months later. * Skin Cancer Screening: 10-Noon Clinic & Insurance Rooms Blood Sugar Screening: 10-Noon Neill James Patio (note: Eat a high carbohydrate meal two hours before the test: pancakes, oatmeal, granola, yoghurt, fruit, fruit juice) Blood Pressure: 10-Noon Talking Books Room * Sign up required in LCS office $ Pay the day shot is administered at the nurse’s station

Storytellers Begin Second Season For the past year, Storytellers has presented readings of original works by Lakeside’s best writers to benefit the Jim Collums Education Fund (JCEF). LCS is pleased to be the distributor of all the proceeds from these events through its Student Aid Program. The JCEF’s slogan is “It Helps To Keep A Kid In School.” Many Mexican families in our community struggle to pay their children’s school expenses, which can include uniforms, pencil-and-paper supplies, field trips, special classroom equipment, and so much more. Without such aid to cover these costs, some kids have to drop out. We urge you to support LCS’ Student Aid Program, in particular the Jim Collums Education Fund through your donations at the very entertaining Storytellers events. This September don’t miss: “Remembering” Original stories that will move you, make you smile, and bring back memories of your own. Read by the Lakeside authors and their talented friends. In the gazebo, Tuesday, September 11, 4 pm (cash bar opens 3:30) Admission Free Donations Very Welcome Join us for a very pleasant late afternoon

SEPTEMBER ACTIVITIES *OPEN TO PUBLIC ** US CITIZENS CRUZ ROJA * Cruz Roja Sales Table M+W+F 10-12 Cruz Roja Monthly Meeting 1st W 1:30-4 HEALTH INSURANCE * IMSS M+T 10-1 NYLife/Seguros Monterrey Insurance T+TH 11-2 TioCorp M 10:30-1 HEALTH & LEGAL SERVICES * Becerra Immigration F 10-12 Blood Pressure F 10-12 Blood Sugar Screenings 2nd+3rd F 10-12 End of Life Documents F 10-12 Skin Cancer Screening 2nd+4th W 10-12 Sign-up Hearing Services M & 2nd+ 4th SAT 11-3 Sign-up Information Desk M-Sat 10-2 Loridans Legal T 10-12 Optometrist TH 9-4 Sign-up US Consulate 1st W 10:30-12:30** LESSONS Children’s Art Sat 10-12 * Country Line Dancing T+TH 10-11:15 Exercise M+W+F 9-10 Intermediate Hatha Yoga T+TH+Sat 2- 3:45 Spanish Conversation M 10-12 LIBRARIES Audio TH 10-12 Book & Video M-SAT 10-2 Talking Books TH 10-12 ** SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Beginners Digital Camera W12-1 Computer Windows Club F 10:30-11:45 Digital Camera Club W 10:30-11:50 Discussion Group W12-1: 30 Film Aficianados 1st & 3rd TH 12-2 Film Aficianados 2nd+4th +Last TH 2-4 Genealogy Last M 2-4 iPad/iPod/iPhone F 9:30-10:30 Kundalini Yoga F 2:30-4:30 *$ Mac OS 1st M 12-1:30 Mac User 3rd W 3-4:30 Mah-Jonng F 10-2 Needle Pushers T 10-11:45 Pathways to Inner Peace Sat 2-3 * Scrabble M+F 12-2 Story Tellers 2nd T 3-6 * Tournament Scrabble T 12-2 SERVICE & SUPPORT GROUPS * AA Lakeside M+TH 4:30-6 AL-Anon/Al-aTeen M 4:00-5:30 Gamblers Anonymous W 11-1 Green Group 1st T 3-4:30 MS Support Group 3rd W 3-4:30 Niños de Chapala & Ajijic F 10-1 Open Circle SUN 10-12:15 SMART Recovery W 3-4 TICKET SALES M-F 10-12 *


NEW ADDITIONS FOR SEPTEMBER If you have VHS tapes gathering dust and taking up room and would like to have them transferred to long lasting, space saving DVD’s, we can do that. Cheap too, only 50 pesos per tape. I SERVED THE KING OF ENGLAND Ref No D5874 The works of Czech director Jiri Menzel are a tasty cocktail of humanism and laughter. Early in the film , the narrator and lead character, an innocent country bumpkin, describes his simple goals--to get rich and charm beautiful women, but as he observes, “It was always my luck to run into bad luck.” Menzel’s morally ambiguous body of work is reminiscent of the social satire of Charles Chaplin and the visual gags of Buster Keaton. Foreign Comedy English subtitles GASLAND Ref No D5864 All across America, rural landowners are receiving unexpected lucrative offers to lease their land. The reason? Halliburton has developed a way to extract gas out of the ground using a controversial hydraulic drilling process called “fracking”. Tapping into this natural gas reservoir could make America an energy superpower. Documentary THE KENNEDYS Ref Nos D5872 – 5874 The story of the most fabled political family in American history, told in a manner similar to The Godfather: a manipulative, egocentric father determined to live out his own ambitions through his sons, who in turn spent their lives dancing to his tune while trying to stand on their own. Mini Series Greg Kinnear Tom Wilkinson DANIEL DERONDA Ref No D5877 Set in Victorian London, Gwendolen Harleth is drawn to Daniel Deronda, a selfless and intelligent gentleman of unknown parentage, but her desperate need for financial security may destroy her chance at happiness. This is a four day rental. There are four 50+ minute episodes are equivalent to two film rentals. Romance Hugh Dancy Romola Garai Hugh Bonneville SNOWCAKE Ref No D5862 Ex-convict Alex Hughes, on his way to Winnipeg to see an old friend., meets annoying, but vivacious, Vivienne Freeman who bums a ride with him. Just as he begins to warm to this eccentric girl, they are involved in a serious accident which kills Vivienne. Alex survives, and after meeting with the police, he decides to speak with Vivienne’s mother Linda, highly functional autistic woman who convinces him to stay long enough to arrange Vivienne’s funeral and take out the garbage the day after. Drama Alan Rickman Sigourney Weaver TOO BIG TO FAIL Ref No D5879 A close look behind the scenes between late March and mid-October, 2008: we follow Richard Fuld’s benighted attempt to save Lehman Brothers; conversations among Hank Paulson (Secretary of the Treasury), Ben Bernanke (chair of the Federal Reserve), and Tim Geithner (president of the New York Federal Reserve) as they seek a private solution, with back-channel negotiations among Paulson, Warren Buffet, investment bankers, a British regulator, and members of Congress working to save the U.S. (and the world’s economy) in this highest stakes effort. Drama James Woods William Hurt Paul Giamatti The fifth year of DOC MARTIN


Saw you in the Ojo 63

Film Aficionados Thursdays in September ALL SHOWINGS IN THE SALA LCS MEMBERS ONLY - NO DOGS 6 - Noon BERNIE- (2012) This unique work, a special story, a dark satire with amazing characters. It's very funny, very poignant...and it's a true story. 13 - 2 pm HEADHUNTERS- (2012) An exhilarating thriller from Norway...a delirious blast of sordid violence. Quite possibly the best film of the year! 20 - Noon WHITE MATERIAL- France (2009) Probably the best film by Claire Denis, this exploration of a woman driven to the edge focuses on racial conflict and the limits of the human will. 27 - 2 pm SANSHO THE BAILIFF- (1954) A masterpiece from Japan by Kenji Mizoguchi. This is a profound, poetic, and superbly lucid film of breathtaking visual beauty.

Singles Romp in the Park Let's celebrate the arrival of fall with an LCS Singles Group picnic at Cristiania Park in Chapala! Join a group of interesting people, make new friends, enjoy lunch and drinks, and play games on the lawn Friday, September 7 from 1 to 5 pm. Bring your picnic lunch. Grilles and charcoal will be available for cooking and the park has concrete benches and tables under sheltered areas. If you like, bring folding chairs for comfort. There are facilities for sports and games. Take the Chapala-Jocotepec bus to Hidalgo and Madero and walk along the malecon to Cristiania Avenue; enter at the main entrance.

Oktoberfest! Saturday, October 6 from 2 - 6:30 PM Lake Chapala Society’s Oktoberfest People’s Party is one of thousands celebrated around the world. Heralded as the largest fair in the world, it was originally a Bavarian celebration created by Bavaria’s Crown Prince Ludwig in 1810. Today Oktoberfests, are held in numerous cities around the world between September and October and are often referred to as the People’s Party (Volkfests). Cervecería Minerva, our official beer sponsor, will set up an Oktoberfest tent on the back patio where three types of draft beer, the German Erdinger and Minerva’s own 2012 Oktoberfest brew will be sold. Big Daddy is catering the food and guarantees that there will be plenty of it. Two brats (different recipes) for each ticket holder. red cabbage, sauerkraut, and German potato salad with a free glass of Oktoberfest special brew. Desserts, including plum cake, will be available. The wine bar will offer red or white wines as well as soft drinks and water. A selection of more expensive wines will also be available for purchase. Toastmaster Hans Boentgen and our musicians will offer an assortment of German polkas and drinking songs to create the proper mood and will spin your favorite songs on request. The Harmonizers, The Barbershop Mixed Chorus, and a marching band will provide some good old down home entertainment. Dancing will take place in the Gazebo. Tickets are available at the LCS, Diane Pearl or Opus Boutique. Last year’s event was a sell-out, so dust off your dirndl, loosen your lederhosen or wear the blue and white colors of the Bavarian flag and get out your beer stein. Prizes will be awarded for: best authentic costumes, best yodeler and the best toast given. Stay tuned for further details.

THE LAKE CHAPALA SOCIETY, A.C. 16 de Septiembre #16-A, Ajijic, Jalisco LCS Main Office: (376) 766-1140 Office, information and other services open Monday – Saturday, 10 AM to 2 PM. Grounds are open until 5 PM

LCS BOARD OF DIRECTORS President - Howard Feldstein (2014); Vice-President - Fred Harland (2013) Treasurer - Paula Haarvei (2013); Secretary - John Rider (2014) Director - Karen Blue (2014); Director - Lois Cugini (2013); Director - Aurora Michel Galindo (2013); Director - Cate Howell (2013); Director - Ann D. Houck (2014); Director - Wallace Mills (2013); Director - Erik Slebos (2014); Director - Sharon Smith (2014); Director - Ben White (2013); Executive Director - Terry Vidal

◊ THE LCS NEWSLETTER IS PUBLISHED MONTHLY. ◊ Deadline for submissions is the 17th of the month preceding publication. ◊ News items can be e-mailed to Reba Mayo rebaelizabethhill@yahoo.com; cc to Terry Vidal tqv56431@yahoo.com ◊ Note: The editorial staff reserves the right to edit all submissions. ◊ Articles and/or calendar of events will be included according to time, space availability and editorial decision.


El Ojo del Lago / September 2012

Saw you in the Ojo 65








- BETO’S WINE & LIQUOR Cell (045) 333-507-3024 - LICORES PAZ Tel: 766-0292 - MODELORAMA Tel: 766-2678, 765-2055

Pag: 07

* DENTISTS Pag: 42 Pag: 54

Pag: 52


* ART GALLERIES/HANDCRAFTS - ART HOUSE Tel: 765-5097 - DIANE PEARL COLECCIONES Tel: 766-5683 - EL PALOMAR Tel: 01 (33) 3635-5247 - LOLITA’S INN GALLERY Tel: 766-1857 - SOL MEXICANO Tel: 766-0734 - ZARAGOZA Tel: 766-0573, 766-7049

Pag: 59 Pag: 19 Pag: 18 Pag: 64 Pag: 57

- SANDI Tel: 01 (33) 3121-0863

Pag: 48

* BOUTIQUE / CLOTHING STORES - CUGINIS OPUS BOUTIQUE Tel/Fax: 766-1790 - FIAGA BOUTIQUE Tel: 766-1816 - LA BELLA VIDA Tel: 766-5131 - MI MEXICO Tel: 766-0133 - ROSIE’S Cell: (045) 33-1242-1304

Pag: 03 Pag: 17 Pag: 19 Pag: 51

- REAL ORTEGA Tel: 765-7556

Pag: 39 Pag: 31

* BEAUTY Pag: 14 Pag: 20 Pag: 15 Pag: 40 Pag: 32

Pag: 70


Pag: 50

- CRISANTEMO ROJO Tel: 766-4030

- DR. VICTOR J. YOUCHA Tel: 766-1973

* COMMUNICATIONS - MAILBOXES, ETC. Tel: 766-0647, Fax: 766-0775 761-0363, Fax: 761-0364


Pag: 10 Pag: 61 Pag: 16


Pag: 55

Pag: 24 Pag: 11 Pag: 15

- CABO DO MUNDO- INTERIOR DESIGN Tel: 766-0026 Pag: 09 - CONSTRUCTION & REMODELING Tel: 766-3626 Pag: 13 - EVERSEAL Tel: (33) 15899562 Pag: 46 - WARWICK CONSTRUCTION Tel: 765-2224

El Ojo del Lago / September 2012

- NATURAL SOLUTIONS Tel: 765-5666 - SAVIA Tel: 766-0087

Pag: 53 Pag: 44

- LAKESIDE HEARING SERVICES Cell. (045) 33-1511-4088

Pag: 63


Pag: 62

* HOTELS / SUITES Pag: 18 Pag: 14 Pag: 12

Pag: 49

Pag: 43

- ADOBE WALLS INN Tel: 766-1296 - ESTRELLITA’S INN Tel: 766-0917 - HOTEL PERICO Cell: 333-142-0012 - LA NUEVA POSADA Tel: 766-1444, Fax: 766-2049 - LOLITA’S INN GALLERY Tel: 766-1857 - QUINTA DON JOSE Tel: 01-800-700-2223 - VILLAS DEL SOL Tel: 766-1152

Pag: 21 Pag: 40 Pag: 27 Pag: 03 Pag: 64 Pag: 20 Pag: 62

Pag: 54


* GARDENING - L & R WATER GARDENS Tel: 766-4386 - STIHL Tel: 3619-2447 Cell: 33-3100-1860

Pag: 09 Pag: 45

* GAS - SONIGAS Tel: 765-3328

- EDGAR CEDEÑO - MEXICO PROTECT Cell: (045) 33-3106-6982 - LAKECHAPALAINSURANCE.COM Tel: 01-800-467-4639 - PARKER INSURANCE SERVICES Cell: (33) 3809-7116 - PROTEXPLAN U.S. Toll Free 1-800-608-5743 Mexico Toll Free 01-800-681-6730 - RACHEL’S INSURANCE Tel/Fax: 765-4316 - TIOCORP Tel: 766-3978

Pag: 16 Pag: 33 Pag: 51

Pag: 52 Pag: 63 Pag: 19


Pag: 27


- MAGO’S OFFICE Tel: 765-3640 - LAW OFFICE RINCON SALAS & CO Tel: 766-4714, 766-4813

* GRILLS - NAPOLEON Tel: 766-6153


Pag: 45


Pag: 13

- FERRETERIA Y TLAPALERIA GALVEZ Tel: 766-0880, Fax: 766-2440 Pag: 70 - REAL ORTEGA-Hardware for Carpenters Tel: 765-7556 Pag: 50





Pag: 30

- TEMPUR, MATTRESS AND PILLOWS Tel: (52) 333-629-5919, (52) 33 3611-3049 Pag: 53 Pag: 14

766-1760 765-4444 766-5555


- FUMIGA Tel: 766-6057

Pag: 50

066 765-2308, 765-2553 766-3615

Pag: 46



* BED & BREAKFAST - CASA DE LAS FLORES Tel: 766-5493 - CASA DEL SOL Tel: 766-0050 - CASA TRES LEONES Cell: (045) 331-350-6764

Pag: 15


Pag: 05

- BLUE MOON Tel: 766-0937 - JAMES DON SALON Tel: 766-4073 - NEW LOOK STUDIO Tel: 766-6000 - SAVIA Tel: 766-0087 - SPACIO ANGELICAL Tel: 766-0955

Pag: 07



Pag: 13

Pag: 57


- BANCO MONEX Tel: 765-8100 01 800 0036 663 - INTERCAM Tel: 766-5978 - MULTIVA Tel: 766-2499

- AJIJIC DENTAL Tel: 766-3682 - C.D. MARÍA LUISA LUIS VILLA Tel/Fax: 766-2428 - C.D. SANDRA ANAYA MORA Tel: 765-3502, 765-5444 - DENTAL EXPRESS Cell: (045) 331-121-6518 - DENTAL HEALTH ONE Tel: 1060-826 - DR. ALBERTO DON OLIVERA Tels: 765-4838, 765-4805 - DR. CARLOS CERDA VALDÉZ Tel: 766-0336 - DR. FRANCISCO CONTRERAS Tel: 765-5757 - DRA. REBECA SANDOVAL Tel: 1060-839 - DRS. MEDELES & BODART Tel: 766 5050 - HÉCTOR HARO DDS Tel: 765-3193 - INTEGRITY Tel: 766-4435




Pag: 09


Pag: 61

* AUTOMOTIVE - LINEA PROFESIONAL Tel. 766-2555, Fax. 766-0066

- HUNTER DOUGLAS Tel: 766-0026

Cell. (045) 331-135-0763 Pag: 30 - ZARAGOZA SERVICE-Plumbing & Electricity Tel: 766-1480 Pag: 32


Pag: 17


Pag: 08 Pag: 61

Tel: 765 5067

Pag: 26

* MALL / PLAZA - CENTRO LAGUNA Tel: (376) 766-5514

Pag: 71

* MEAT/POULTRY/CHEESE - AJIJIC MEAT CENTER Tel: 766-45-54 - TONY’S Tel: 766-1614, 766-4069

Pag: 45 Pag: 25

* MEDICAL SERVICES - BERNARDO LANCASTER JONES MD Tel: (33) 3100-3317 Pag: 45 - COSMETIC SURGEON-Sergio Aguila Bimbela M.D. Tel: 766-2500 Pag: 57 - DERMATOLOGIST Tel: 766-1198, 765-2400 Pag: 48 - DERMIKA-Dermatologic Center Tel: 766-2500 Pag: 26 - DR. RAFAEL ARENAS-Plastic Surgery Tel: 765-7777 Pag: 47 - DRA. MARTHA R. BALLESTEROS FRANCO Cell: (045) 333-408-0951 Pag: 17 - HOSPITAL ANGELES DEL CARMEN Tel: (01) 3813-0042 Pag: 08 - INTEGRITY Tel: 766-4435 Pag: 12 - INTERNAL MEDICINE SPECIALIST & GERIATRICS Dr. J. Manuel Cordova Tel: 766-2777 Pag: 63 - ISILAB Tel: 766-1164 Pag: 47 - ORTHOPEDIC SURGEON Tel: 33-3640-0686 Pag: 44 - PLASTIC SURGERY-Dr. Benjamin Villaran Tel: 766-5513 Pag: 41 - PLAZA MONTAÑA HEALTH & BEAUTY CENTER Tel: 766-5513 Pag: 41 - PODIATRIST-DOCTOR GEORGE Tel: 766-4435 Pag: 30

* MOVERS - BALDERAS Tel: 01 (33) 3810-4859 - LAKE CHAPALA MOVING Tel: 766-5008 - STROM- WHITE MOVERS Tel: 766-4049

Pag: 06 Pag: 10 Pag: 17



Pag: 31

- JUSTUS HAUSER Tel: 763-5333, Fax: 763-5335 Emergencies: 01 (33) 3441-8223 Pag: 19 - NEWCOMERS ILSE HOFFMANN Cell: 33-3157-2541, Ilse40@megared.net.mx www.mexicoadventure.com/chapala/guadalajara.htm Tel: 01 (33) 3647-3912

* PHARMACIES Pag: 62 Pag: 28 Pag: 61 Pag: 64



Pag: 33

Tel: 766-0061 - MEL’S BAR + DINER Tel: 766-4253 - MOM´S DELI & RESTAURANT Tel: 765-5719 - NUMBER FOUR Tel: 766-1360 - PIZZERIA TOSCANA Tel: 765-6996 - RUSTICA-Bakery & Cafe - TABARKA Tel: 766-1588 - THE SCORE SPORTS BAR Cell: 331-789-5937 - THE SECRET GARDEN Tel: 766-5213 - TOMAS Tel: 765-3897 - TONY’S Tel: 766-1614, 766-4069 - YVES Tel: 766-3565

Pag: 40


Pag: 43

- LAKE CHAPALA SOCIETY Tel: 766-1140 Pag: 57-60 - LAKESIDE SPAY & NEUTER CENTER, A.C. Tel: 766-3813 - LOS NIÑOS DE CHAPALA Y AJIJIC Tel: 765-7032 Pag: 69

Pag: 11 Pag: 21, 33 Pag: 28 Pag: 45 Pag: 29

Pag: 23

* SPA / MASSAGE Pag: 55 Pag: 25 Pag: 46

Pag: 06 Pag: 19 Pag: 51

- HYDROPOOL Tel: 766-4030 - LA BELLA VIDA Tel: 766-5131 - RESPIRO SPA Tel: (045) 33-3157-7790 - TOTAL BODY CARE Tel: 766-3379

Pag: 43 Pag: 19 Pag: 32 Pag: 21

* STAINED GLASS - AIMAR Tel: 766-0801

Pag: 32



* SATELLITES/ T.V. - AJIJIC ELECTRONICS S.A. DE C.V. Tel/Fax: 766-1117, 766-3371 - SATELLITE SERVICE Cell: 331-100-2800 - SERVICIO BELTRÁN Tel: 765-3949, 766-4586

Pag: 17

* TOURS Pag: 18 Pag: 50 Pag: 61


- COLDWELLBANKER CHAPALA REALTY Tel: 766-1152, movile: (045) 33-1175-9632 Pag: 56 - HACIENDA PMR Tel: 766-3320 Pag: 15 - JORGE TORRES Tel: 766-3737 Pag: 22 - MANZANILLO VACATION RENTALS Tel: (314) 100-6773 or (314) 125-2817 Pag: 50 - RENTAL LOCATERS Tel: 766-5202 Pag: 16 - ROMA Tel: 766-3163 Pag: 49 - SANTANA RENTALS Cell: 315-104-3283, Pag: 58 - VILLAS DEL SOL Tel: 766-1152 Pag: 62


- TV REPAIR SERVICIO BELTRÁN Tel: 765-3949 - WATCH & CLOCKS Tel: 765 5190, Cell: (045) 33-1331-9226

- ESUN Tel: 766-2319

Pag: 42

* RETIREMENT/REST/NURSING HOMES - LA CASA NOSTRA Tel: 765-3824 - LA VALENTINA Tel: 766-5179 - SHANGRI-LA Tel: 766-1359 - THE BLUE HOUSE Tel: 766-3558


Pag: 25


- CHARTER CLUB TOURS Tel: 766-1777

Pag: 09



Pag: 64


Pag: 64

* SELF STORAGE - SELF STORAGE-BODEGAS CHAPALA Tel: 766-0661, Tel/Fax: 766-1045 Pag: 28

The Ojo Crossword



- FARMACIA CRISTINA Tel: 766-1501 - FARMACIA EXPRESS II Tel: 766-0656 - FARMACIA MASKARAS Tel/Fax: 765-5827 - FARMACIA MORELOS Tel: 765-4002

- AJIJIC HOME INSPECTIONS Tel: 766-2836 Pag: 20 - AJIJIC REAL ESTATE Tel: 766-2077 Pag: 21 - ALL IN ONE REAL ESTATE SERVICE Tel: 766-1161 Pag: 19 - ALMA NIEMBRO Cell: 331 212 9553 Pag: 21 - BEV. & JEAN COFELL Home 766-5332,Office 765-3676 Pag: 46 - CHAVEZ REALTY & SERVICES Tel: 766-5481 Pag: 25 - CHULA VISTA NORTE Tel: 766-2177 Cell: (045) 33-3841-8867 Pag: 17 - COLDWELL BANKER CHAPALA REALTY Tel: 766-1152, 766-3369 Fax: 766-2124, Tels: 765-2877 Fax: 765-3528 Pag: 72 - COLLINS REAL ESTATE Tel: 766-4197 Pag: 43 - DEREK TREVETHAN Cell: 333 100 2660 Pag: 21 - EL DORADO Tel: 766-4525 Pag: 02 - FOR SALE BY OWNER Tel: 766-1660 Pag: 42 - FOR SALE BY OWNER Cell: 33-3815-7573 Pag: 69 - GEORGETTE RICHMOND Tel: 766-2077 Pag: 11 - HAMACAS Tel: 766-2099 Pag: 02 - MYRON’S MEXICO Cell: 331-364-6524 Pag: 26 - PABLO CABRAL Tel: 766-2612 Pag: 23 - PETER ST. JOHN Tel: 765-3676 Pag: 40 - PRIMAVERA DEL MAR Tel: (33) 3642-4370 Pag: 35 - RAUL GONZALEZ Cell: 33-1437-0925 Pag: 03

Pag: 61

Pag: 64

* RESTAURANTS/CAFES/CLUBS - AJIJIC TANGO Tel: 766-2458 - ARMANDO’S HIDEAWAY Tel: 766-2229 - BAYA BISTRO Tel: 766-2845 - CASA DEL WAFFLE Tel: 766-1946 - GO LE CLUB Cell: (045) 33-3502-6555 - LA BODEGA DE AJIJIC Tel. 766-1002 - LA NUEVA POSADA Tel: 766-1444, 766-2049 - “ LA TAVERNA”DEI QUATTRO MORI Tel: 766-2848 - LA UNA Tel: 766-2072 - LE CAFE PARISIANNE - LOS TELARES Tel: 766-0428 - LOS NOPALITOS Cell: 333-186-7691 - MANIX

Pag: 52 Pag: 51 Pag: 53 Pag: 03 Pag: 23 Pag: 13 Pag: 03 Pag: 10 Pag: 39 Pag: 47 Pag: 15 Pag: 32

Saw you in the Ojo 67

CARS FOR SALE: Terrific Small Station Wagon. Year 1992, New Tires, Battery, Front shocks, A/C reworked, New Radiator, Tune up & Oil change 139,000 Miles, Grey Cloth & Leather Interior, California plates -legal in Mexico, Price: $ 35,000.00 pesos. FOR SALE: Van, Year 2001, new brakes. Needs, freon, seats 7. 4, Ontario plates, Price: $40,000.00 pesos, Call: Mike at 376-765- 7494. FOR SALE: Pontiac Sunbird, Year 1996, Canadian Plates, standard shift, 180,000 miles, Price: $1800 USD or $24,000.00 pesos. Call:. 763-5126, email: pking1931@gmail.com. FOR SALE: WW Beetle, Year 1993, new re built motor, new brakes, new paint job, Jalisco plates. Price: $24,000 00 Pesos, Call: (387) 763-2962. FOR SALE: Cheap dependable transportation, Year 1996, Engine and transmission are fine, Price: $1,700. US. FOR SALE: 2005 Ford Taurus. US plated. Price: $ 43,000. Price reduced to $39,000 pesos, for quick sale. Call: (376) 765-2726. FOR SALE: Dodge van. Year 1997. Texas title and plated. Price: $30,000 pesos. Call: (376) 766- 5130.

battery air pump SA-1500; Aqua Clear power filter-Model 110; test kits for ammonia, nitrite and pH; T5-11 high-performance 28watt light; BioPro H100 300 watt heater; auto feeder when absent). Dimensions of tank are 45cm deep, 80 cm high and 103 cm wide. Price: $9,000.00 pesos. Call: (045) 331-3824771. WANTED: Cat Carrier, hard noncrushable kind. Call: (376) 766-2839 FOR SALE: Horses for sale or lease, Different breeds and prices. Tennessee Walker Stallion beautiful and noble. Call: (045) 333-749-7730 WANTED: Young female dog. White Bichon Mix or similar, under 20 pds. Call: (376) 106-1213. FREE FOR ADOPTION: Beautiful male chocolate brown puppy, affectionate, brave and intelligent. Free to loving home! FOR SALE: 300-Litre Aquarium and stand, fresh water fish (approx. 18); all supplies included (2 pumps, high-end filter, light, heater, etc.). Dimensions of tank are 45cm deep, 80 cm high and 103 cm wide. Price: $10,000 pesos. FOR SALE: African Grey Parrot, excellent domestic pet is considered the most intelligent parrots, Spanish spoken only. Price: $25.000.00 pesos.



WANTED: Wacom Tablet for use with Photoshop. Contact Norm: 7662196, Call: 331-431-7264, email: ntihor@hotmail.com. FOR SALE: 15.6” LED HD display, has 320 GB Western, Digital hard drive, Windows 7 (x64), used no more than 8 times. Comes with Windows 7 disk, power cord, wireless mouse, Has an 802.11b/g/n wireless card and webcam. Windows 7 has been cleaned. Laptop has been returned to original factory specs. Price: 400 USD. FOR SALE: HP INK CARTRIDGE, 1 Black cartridge HP 94, 2 photo cartridge HP 99. Price: $100.00 pesos. WANTED: Epson R1800 Computer Printer. Call: 331-431-7264. E-mail: ntihor@hotmail.com. FOR SALE: Epson Stylus C92 ink printer. Software included. Price: $350.00 pesos. FOR SALE: Change bag essential for changing film outside, for cutting unprocessed film and/or putting it on spool for darkroom development, with light proof sleeves for your arms and spacious inside pouch to work in. Price: $250 pesos. Call: (376) 766-3025. FOR SALE: Lexmark - 310 Series Photo Jet printer. New and has manual and all paperwork. Price: $600.00 pesos, Call: (376) 765-4590.

PETS & SUPPLIES FOR SALE: Aquarium, 300-litre aquarium and stand; all supplies included (Resun air pump AC9362; DC


FOR SALE: Apple I Phone 3G-S from US jail broken and unlocked. I have the box and all instructions. Price: $3,500.00 pesos. Call: (376) 765-7749 FOR SALE: Good Stuff, Large, Professional Juicer. Used twice. Bought at Wal-Mart for 1,000 MXN. Will sell for 600 MXN. 20+ New, Clean, Artist’s Canvases. Ranging in size from 5”x7” to 3’x4’. Yours for 1,500 MXN. PLUS $150 worth of Painting Books FREE! Lots of Special Chocolate Dessert and Cake Recipe Books. Call: Graham, (376) 765-3693 FOR SALE: Patio Set, Black wrought iron 5 piece patio set. Made in Tonala. One bench, 3 chairs and table. Eclipse pattern on backs of chairs and bench and around table edge. Vanilla color vinyl upholstered. Price: 8,000.00 pesos. FOR SALE: Living Room, Large 3 piece living room set. Terra cotta color fabric. Sofa, loveseat and chair. Price: $10,000.00 pesos. WANTED: Want to buy a used microwave in reasonable condition. Call: (376) 766-3577 FOR SALE: Cameras: Olympus Infinity DX with flash, Lens Zuiko 35mm 1:2,8, use 35mm film, $80.00Pesos.Zeiss Ikon Voigtlander, Model Vitoret DR, exposure meter, in leather carrying case, takes 35mm film, Price: $150.00 pesos. Call: (376) 766-2839 FOR SALE: File Cabinet, metal, 4 drawers for hanging folders, 51H x 22D x 141/2W, Price: $550.00 Pesos, Call: (376) 766-

El Ojo del Lago / September 2012

2839 FOR SALE: Portable air conditioner 12000 BTU, covers 400 sq. ft. Make/ model “New Aire 12000E”. Like new, floor model with wheels, original box. Uses “Nano Max” technology which requires no water drain or tank, compactergonomic-quiet, 2 speeds, thermostat, timer, remote control, external exhaust hose. Dimensions 12”W x 15”D x 30”H, weighs 50 lbs. Price: $350.00 USD, Call: (376) 766-1312 FOR SALE: Canon Rebel 200 EOS, Uses 135mm film. Includes manuel and bag. Price: $2,250.00 pesos, Call: 333 171 7455 WANTED: Birkenstock Sandals, Woman’s size 10. Good condition, good price. Call: (376) 766-4106. FOR SALE: Solid Wood 50 + Years GR8 Cond, Genuine Caoba wood construction bedroom set, 2 night tables with 2 drawers each, king size headboard, 6 drawer 2 door centre shelving dresser, 3 section mirror. Walnut type finish with Brass handles. Price: $6,500.00 pesos. FOR SALE: Rival electric fondue pot with forks, Price: $120.00 pesos. Call: (387) 761-0259 FOR SALE: Space Heater portable, Price: $300.00 pesos, Call: (376) 7662839 FOR SALE: Set of 22 clean canvases ranging in size from 5”x7” to 3’x4’. Price: $1,500 pesos. PLUS a couple of used canvases and $150.00 USD, worth of painting books FREE with this purchase! Call: Graham, (376) 7653693 WANTED: Fresh water fishing Gear, Need used rods, reels, tackle. E-mail: alanhenn@aol.com FOR SALE: Ladies Bicycle, Extreme Turbo7. Color blue. 14 gears. Price: $1,000.00 pesos, WANTED: Cat Carrier, non-crushable hard cage. Call: (376) 766-2839 FOR SALE: Capris size 16, $50.00 pesos, some long pants $60.00 pesos. Call: (376) 765-4590 WANTED: Rain Barrels. Can be new or used, Want 3 or 4 50-gallon plastic barrels. Lids not necessary. Also want a used Tinaco type of container – the larger the better, for longer-term water storage. We can pick up at your location. Call: Pedro or Sharon at (376) 763-5187 WANTED: Large Sofa, Preferably leather, and curved, Matching sectional is OK. Call: (376) 766-2542. FOR SALE: Olympia Typewriter in carrying case and manual. Price: $225 pesos. Call: (376) 766-2839 FOR SALE: These are the 401 series of the Canadian Shaw receivers only with remotes. They are all free and clear, ready for hook up. Price: $500.00 pesos. Call: (376) 765-4590 FOR SALE: Two S-curved base sprinklers (large spray area). Call: (376) 766-3580 FOR SALE: Men´s 21 spd Hy-

brid Bike, is cross between racing and mountain bike, light-weight but strong. Price: $1,500.00 pesos. Call: (376) 7663580 FOR SALE: Beautiful 29’ Samsonite Expandable Spinner suitcase, black, Price: $199.00 US, FOR SALE: Unused 61 key roll-up silicone electronic keyboard with AC power and percussion. Price: $75.00 USD. FOR SALE: Skilsaw, 7 1/4” hard tooth, electric, safe guard, exc. condition, Operating Manual. Price: $500.00 Pesos. Call: (376) 766-2839 WANTED: Sturdy Treadmill wanted for exercise, reasonable priced good condition. Call: (045) 333-822-4806 FOR SALE: Bow flex exercise equipment, It can be appropriate for a more progressive exercise program for both men and women. There is also a video as well as manual and fitness guide with 70 exercises. Price: $5,000.00 pesos, Call: (376) 766-1786 FOR SALE: 3 Piece furniture set, sofa 6ft, Synthetic suede, buckskin color, brand new from cost co. Ask about other items for sale. Price:$12,000.00 pesos, Call: (387) 763-3264 FOR SALE: Compressor, Makita 2 1/2 HP with hose and accessories. Price: $2,500.00 pesos Call: (376) 7664694 FOR SALE: Non-lethal home protection weapon. For sale 8 adjustable fps (400) paintball guns. I have also solid rubber balls that can render the intruder unconscious. Fully rechargeable tanks included. (one tank will shoot a minimum of 200 full speed balls) Call: (045) 333-956-8657 FOR SALE: Weber 22 INS Charcoal Grill, Only three months old. Complete with Weber Fast Starter, Weber Cover and manuals. Price: $175.00 USD or $2,350.00 pesos. Call: (376) 766-4665 FOR SALE: Games. Scrabble, brand new in case, $180.00 Pesos. Cribbage board, new, $50.00 Pesos, - Monopoly game, excellent condition, $120.00 Pesos. Call: (376) 766-2839 FOR SALE: Wood dinning room set. Made of cedar wood two piece hutch, table with 8 chairs. hutch with drawers and china cabinet make the two piece hutch set. Price: $18,000 pesos. Call: (045) 331-254-0589 FOR SALE: Set of living room.3 large sofas with wood trim and red velvet type of covering, very comfortable and fancy. Price: $9,000.00 pesos, Call: (045) 331-264-058 FOR SALE: Hand carved wood table with glass center, for living room. Price: $3,000.00 pesos Call: (045) 331264-0589 FOR SALE: Sport bag/backpack, appx 17” H x 13” wide. Almost brand new. Stylish mauve and purple pattern against a black background. Rain resistant. It has 2 large compartments plus 3 other outer pockets and one inner

pouch, plus a water bottle holder. Price: $450 pesos. Call. (376) 766-3025. FOR SALE: Compact Tiered Computer Desk. Brushed metal & glass tiered computer desk. Assembly required if purchased after August 15th. It’s assembled now. 48” x 24” x 40” (LxWxH). Price: $900.00 pesos. Call: 333338-2397. FOR SALE: “Red Hat Society” book: Fun and Friendship after Fifty, 30.- Pesos. Red Hat 270.- Pesos. Call: (376) 766-2839 FOR SALE: Men’s casual and dress pants, size 34-38, brand names, Price: $100 Pesos each. Leather belts, regular and reversible, size 36-38, Price: $50-70 Pesos. Call: (376) 766-2839 FOR SALE: Hand carved stand up corner cabinet with glass on top and doors on bottom. Price: $2,500 pesos. FOR SALE: Wood table. Hand carved design with glass cover. Price: $3,000 pesos. FOR SALE: Combination/Key safe. The Protector fire safe. Stand up safe with combination and key. Price: $3,500 pesos. Call: (387) 763-1475. FOR SALE: Almost new living room sofa. excellent condition two large sofas and one small. Wood with red velvet type cloth. Price: $10,000 pesos. Call: (387) 763-1475. FOR SALE: Char Broil Propane 3 burner BBQ. Price: $1,750 pesos. FOR SALE: Satellite receiver, Dish Network. Price: $300.00 Pesos FOR SALE: Olympia Typewriter in carrying case. Price: $225.00 pesos. FOR SALE: Shaw satellite receiver box, dish and remote. Great reception. Price: $250 USD. WANTED: Used computer training book. Call: (376) 765-2726 FOR SALE: Thule 21 cu.ft. cargo box Used for one trip from Arizona to Ajijic, Mexico. In great condition. Attached and detached easily and locked securely. Price: $400 USD. FOR SALE: Pool Table. Nearly new Brunswick Contender model, perfect cloth, with cues, balls & cue rack. Price: $34,995 pesos. Call: (045) 33 3121 2395. FOR SALE: Golf Shoes.. Size 7.5. Lightly used. Price: $500.00 pesos. FOR SALE: Elliptical – Precor EFX. Great machine. Gym quality. Brought from States, Call.(376) 766-6004 FOR SALE: Shaw Direct (Star Choice) Race. I have two 401 model receivers for 500 Pesos each and two 530 model DVR’s. Pause and rewind

live shows or record for later viewing. Price: $4000 pesos each. Call: (376) 108-0151. All have remotes and power cords. WANTED: Small Efficiency Refrigerator. Right now I’m in the US, but in September I’ll be in Ajijic and I need a small efficiency refrigerator for our casita. Email: ernst_graf@yahoo.com FOR SALE: 300-litre aquarium and stand; fresh water fish (approx. 18); all supplies included (2 pumps, high-end filter, light, heater, etc.). Dimensions of tank are 45 cm deep, 80 cm high and 103 cm wide. Price: $10,000 pesos OBO. FOR SALE: Four pairs of Authentic SALVATORE FERRAGAMO woman’s’ shoes, x|3 pairs of boots ankle to knee high and one pair of dress shoes. all including original boxes. Size 7.5 AA US. Prices: $800-$2,700 pesos. Call: (387) 761-0570 FOR SALE: “New Air 12000E” portable A/C unit, with wheels, immaculate condition, original box, “Nano Max” technology requires no water drain or tank, long external vent hose fits any window, compact and ergonomic, 2 speeds, thermostat, timer, remote control, 12000 btu covers rooms to 400 sq. ft. Price: $350 USD OBO. Call: (376) 766-1312. WANTED: Seeking cushy, comfy long equipale sofa, table and chair set. Prefer bistro height or wicker lightweight for mirador. Also small light patio chairs and table. Call: (376) 766-4106 FOR SALE: High quality, heavy duty treadmill. Milestone 1200, stability extension system in excellent condition. Price: $550. Call: (387) 761-0827. FOR SALE: Brand New electric scooter never used. Fire engine red lights and horn comes with hydraulic lift and ramps. Price: $2000 USD. Call: (376) 766-4456, (376) 766-4087 and (376) 766- 2066. FOR SALE: 2 Orthopedic Equipment, Patient walker belts $100 Pesos each, Foot exerciser wood from Finland $200 Pesos. FOR SALE: Brand New electric scooter come complete with hydraulic lift and ramps. Scooter is totally easy to disassemble but now is functional and ready to ride. Call: Susanne (376) 7664456 Cel: 33113833193

Saw you in the Ojo 69


El Ojo del Lago / September 2012

Saw you in the Ojo 71

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