Saw you in the Ojo
El Ojo del Lago / September 2013
Saw you in the Ojo
PUBLISHER Richard Tingen
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Alejandro Grattan-DomĂnguez Tel: (01376) 765 3676, 765 2877 Fax: (01376) 765 3528 Associate Publisher David Tingen Graphic Design Roberto C. Rojas Sandra Hernandez Special Events Editor Kay Davis Associate Editor Jim Tipton Contributing Editor Mark Sconce Drama Critic Michael Warren Art Critic Rob Mohr Roving Correspondent Dr. Lorin Swinehart Sales Managers Omar Medina Bruce Fraser 2IÂżFH 6HFUHWDU\ Rocio Madrigal ADVERTISING OFFICE Av. Hidalgo # 223, Chapala Mon. thru Fri. 9am - 5pm Sat. 9am - 1pm Tel. 01 (376) 765 2877, 765 3676 Fax 01 (376) 765 3528 Send all correspondence, subscriptions or advertising to: El Ojo del Lago Ave. Hidalgo 223 (or Apartado 279), 45900 Chapala, Jalisco Tels.: (376) 765 3676, Fax 765 3528 PRINTING: El Debate El Ojo del Lago aparece los primeros cinco dĂas de cada mes. (Distributed over WKH ÂżUVW ÂżYH GD\V RI HDFK PRQWK) &HUWLÂżFDGR GH /LFLWXG GH 7tWXOR &HUWLÂżFDGR GH /LFLWXG GH &RQWHQLGR
&2/8016 7+,6 0217+
Herbert Piekow spins an intriguing tale of an era that came soon after the Mexican Revolution.
Editor’s Page
Dear Portia
Front Row Center
Uncommon Sense
Harriet Hart reviews Judy King’s Living at Lakeside DQG ¿QGV LW ¿OOHG with humor, wisdom and a deep and abiding love of Mexico and its people.
&DURO %UDGOH\ YLYLGO\ UHPHPEHUV KHU father, and the rivalry she had with her older “perfect� sister for his affection.
'U /RULQ 6ZLQHKDUW ÂżQLVKHV D VKRUW series on FDR, this section about his indomitable leadership in the most horrendous war in all of recorded history.
%RE 7HQQLVRQ RIIHUV D VWRU\ WKDW KDV QR plausibility, logic or resolution—and is all the funnier for it!
Well-known Lakeside actress Diana Rowland’s short poem, inspired by the life and death battle by one of our area’s most unforgettable characters.
Reserva al TĂtulo de Derechos de Autor 04-2011-103110024300-102 Control 14301. Permisos otorgados por la SecretarĂa de GobernaciĂłn (EXP. 1/432 “88â€?/5651 de 2 de junio de 1993) y SEP (Reserva 171.94 control 14301) del 15 de enero de 1994. DistribuciĂłn: Hidalgo 223 Chapala, Jalisco, MĂŠxico. All contents are fully protected by copyright and may not be reproduced without the written consent of El Ojo del Lago. Opinions expressed E\ WKH DXWKRUV GR QRW QHFHVVDULO\ UHĂ€HFW WKH views of the Publisher or the Editor, nor are we responsible for the claims made by our advertisers. We welcome letters, which should include name, address and telephone number.
El Ojo del Lago / September 2013
Anyone Train Dog
Profiling Tepehua
Child of the Month
Hearts at Work
Lakeside Living
Gringas & Guacamole
LCS Newsletter
Saw you in the Ojo
Editor’s Page *XHVW (GLWRULDO E\ 'DYLG 3LVDUUD (Reprinted by permission of the Santa Monica (Ca.) Daily Press.) Immigration Insanity
llegal immigrant. It’s an emotionally packed phrase. My entire life I’ve heard derogatory terms for people who cross our borders in the dead of night, or sneak in with less than official papers. Many of them come here to find work and build a life for themselves and their children. Most of the time they blend in because they don’t want to be found. Other times they stand on street corners looking for work. Gardening, painting, tiling, demolition that’s what these men from South and Central America come here to do. The silent army of illegal men and women who cook for us, clean for us and raise the children of the privileged come here not seeking to take advantage of social welfare programs, much as the lunatic fringe of the Repuglican Party (yes, I did spell it that way on purpose) would have us believe, but rather to better their lives for themselves and their family. Immigration, both legal and illegal, has been going on for centuries, and this latest wave of anti-immigration sentiment is really nothing more than an ignorant protectionist attempt to make life easy for those of us who are already here. My grandparents were Italian, Irish and German, much like the grandparents of many of my friends. I assume they were legal, but couldn’t swear to it. The waves of immigrants our country has seen have varied over the years and truthfully they have always come here seeking to add to our country. Multi-culturalism is a benefit of immigration and it will be our saving grace, not our downfall. Consider the hallmark of an interesting dinner companion - they are well-travelled and have wonderful stories and experiences to share. What makes for a more interesting person—the one who stays forever in the same three blocks they grew
El Ojo del Lago / September 2013
up in, or the person who has sought out the world and explored? Who has more to offer in wisdom and insight, the person who found other cultures, values and examined them, or the person who knows nothing beyond their backyard? We all benefit from the influx of new blood and ideas, and I can’t think of a single time that the current occupants of our continent welcomed the new people with open arms. Perhaps some of the initial settlers got a nice greeting from the Native Americans, but that turned sour quickly. It is easy to get caught up in the hype and hysteria that the Repuglicans put forth to get the country into a frothy “discussion” of the issue of immigration, but let’s recall that historically, most of our families came from somewhere else, and at one point in time, we were the immigrants of which we now speak. (Ed. Note: David is a writer for the Santa Monica Daily Press (www. and is co-author of What About Wally? Co-Parenting a Pet with an Ex. He is an “internationally recognized authority” on pet custody. As a lawyer he practices both domestic and international family law. He lives in Santa Monica, CA where he shares the custody of an overly-pampered, long-haired dachshund. He can be reached at david@ David Pisarra
Saw you in the Ojo
The Sc cho ola astic c “Pearl of the West t” %\ 6R¿D %HQLWH]
ou wouldn’t guess it from looking at its weathered stone walls, but there’s a haven of learning inside this one city block enclosure in Colonia Providencia. Buoyant with the exuberant nature that characterizes the city, The American School Foundation of Guadalajara, A.C. first opened its doors to educators and students from around the world 105 years ago. Now, ASFG has evolved to become a school that is considered to be one of the finest in Latin America. Its graduates gain acceptance to world class universities and it is a leading force in educational and technological innovation. The reputation of the
American School comes from its history as an educational facility that takes pride in its academic excellence and encourages its pupils to high achievement. The successful tenure of Janet Heinze’s directorship ended this past June after twelve fruitful years. Now ASFG’s new director, David McGrath, will be challenged to build on her legacy, and expand the American School for a growing population.
History Delia Walsh first envisioned the concept of the school in 1908, when the Southern Pacific Railroad brought American workers to the “Pearl of the
West,” as Guadalajara was known in those days. As an American school, this institution’s initial goal was to provide the children of consulate and other U.S. officials and local business leaders with education of the highest quality. After World War II, ASFG became part of a network of overseas schools supported by the U.S. Department of State. There are now more than 160 State Departmentassisted schools in over 50 countries around the world. However, from the very start, ASFG has been characterized by its multicultural community. The American School consistently delivers the best level of education in a coeducational and bilingual manner to students from Japan, Korea, China, Great Britain, South Africa, Brazil, Canada and the U.S. as well to the best and brightest in Mexico. The ASFG community continues to grow with every coming year, and plans to build a new campus are well underway.
Academics Much of what has been accomplished by ASFG students directly derives from its committed faculty and staff. The courses are taught by educators who have all received an undergraduate degree and more than 60% have earned a Master’s degree as well. In addition, there are six teachers who have their doctorates. These educators come from several different countries to share their knowledge attained through years of research, traveling, and experience. This diverse environment is enriched by parents, students, teachers as well as writers, artists and university partners in the community. This exchange of ideas, opinions, and information make the academic challenges similar to a university setting. Since its introduction in 1990 by Charles Prince and Michael Hogan, the Advanced Placement (AP) Program has become an opportunity to feed intellectual curiosity and fulfill
students’ potential by offering university level courses to high school scholars during their last two years of study. Students who obtain a passing grade in an external exam may earn college credit in over 4000 universities in 60 countries. In addition to increasing the academic rigor of the curriculum, the AP program is a tool for students to challenge themselves and pursue the subjects that may provide orientation in what they later choose as a professional career. Students at ASFG also graduate with a dual diploma. Through an agreement with Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) the school also mandates dual course work in Spanish. Students thus obtain both a Mexican Bachillerato and a U.S. high school diploma upon graduation. While many choose to study at excellent universities in Mexico, more than 40% choose to study abroad at Harvard, Stanford, Columbia, Yale, University of Pennsylvania and Dartmouth to name a few of the colleges into which ASFG students have earned acceptance among dozens of other international institutions. Last year, graduates from The American School were granted over 2.3 million dollars in university scholarships. The school is also a caring community that supports its members. When families are facing tough times and their children’s education is jeopardized, the Educational Scholarship Foundation comes into play. Providing qualified students with financial assistance since 2004, ESF managed to raise more than $1.5 million pesos within its first four years and continues to fund the academic careers of committed students to this date. Service Learning is a core component of the ASFG identity. Community service opportunities are widely available to all students. Numerous organizations work in conjunction with the school in order to establish volunteer programs that range from offering assistance in the city’s civil hospital to reforestation projects in Bosque de la Primavera. As a graduation requirement, ASFG students must complete a total of 100 service hours, though graduates often exceed the minimum. The 100 hours are equally divided between help within the school community as well as outside of it.
Extracurricular Activities After school clubs and classes respond to students’ demand for activities that matche their ambitions. Between sports, theater, languages, social activism and other alternatives, ASFG students have their hands full when it comes to finding ways of
El Ojo del Lago / September 2013
putting their abilities to work. Connexion, The W, and perhaps the widest known and most praised publication of all, Sin Fronteras, offer an opportunity for students and teachers alike to voice their opinions and share their creative work. Sin Fronteras was born in 1991 as a result of Dr. Hogan’s enthusiasm for the arts, and what’s more, his desire for the school community to share its literary talent. What makes this literary magazine timeless and unique is its bilingual nature. It has consistently been awarded recognition by the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) and earned the Highest Award among all international schools on three occasions. The Language Institute, adjacent to the Arts and Technology center on campus, offers individual or group lectures in six different languages: Japanese, Chinese, Italian, German, English and Spanish. The staff firmly believes in the importance of the eloquent, multilingual individual in present day society. Its qualified staff and solid educational strategies set up the basis for the successful development of modern day citizens of the world. The athletics program trains its participants and represents ASFG in different parts of the country in a vast range of disciplines. Events such as the ASOMEX tournaments bring together American Schools from all of Mexico in order to share their passion for sports. The Warriors are restless soccer, football, swimming, basketball, and volleyball players that bring their A game to every match and repeatedly earn awards for outstanding performances. The Physical Education Department is committed to providing programs that promote a healthy lifestyle. Fine arts are highly valued and supported at the school. The ArtFest is one of the most anticipated events of the year, where new talents and wellknown artists present their work at the ASFG campus. In addition to food booths and workshops, work from students K-12 is displayed alongside the renowned artists in a one-of-a kind opportunity to share their love for art. The auction that takes place prior to the festival draws novice and veteran collectors in search of pieces of the highest quality.
Security Architectural upgrades and state of the art security measures are two of the most significant contributions to the school from the U.S. Department of State. Measures taken such as campus-wide cameras, ID cards, fingerprint registration, trained secu-
rity personnel, and biometric entry, allow for a safe and tranquil environment as well.
Present Day With all four sections (pre-kinder, elementary, middle school and high school) functioning as one due to Ms. Janet Heinze’s initiatives, the increase in communication and exchange of ideas have come to create a unified campus that implements its philosophy that each student be an effective communicator, critical and creative thinker, community contributor and purposeful learner. The result is a close knit community tied together with strong values. The close interaction between the Board of Directors and the Administration has allowed for a higher level of efficiency in carrying out projects and improving the school on a daily basis. Yearly, the school campus gains ground and upgrades the technology in its classrooms. The entire high school body is provided with MacBooks that are set up with state of the art programs to allow for students to take advantage of their aptitudes. Whether it is programming, design, movie production, or other media management, the laptop computers guarantee an equal access to the tools that allow them to pursue their interests. Projectors in every classroom, online textbooks, 3D printers and other technologies are available in order to make up a well-rounded learning experience. Since its foundation over a century ago, The American School remains an unparalleled experience that stays true to its commitment to rigorous education. Its vibrant community, caring teachers and pursuit of excellence make this institution one in which its students take the initiative to fulfill their potential and pursue their dreams. (Ed. Note: Sofia Benitez is a senior at the American School of Guadalajara. She is the Editor-in-Chief of The W, a student news magazine. In addition, she is a regular contributor to Sin Fronteras, and writes a monthly column for Milenio, Guadalajara’s most popular daily newspaper. She plans to attend a small liberal arts college in New England where she can continue to get the personalized attention she has come to expect. We also wish to thank celebrated author Prof. Michael Hogan, who was responsible for seeing that this feature story was written exclusively 6RÀD %HQLWH] for the Ojo.)
Saw you in the Ojo
%\ 5RE 0RKU
erna waits for him. Her body trembles in anticipation. She gasps for breath - then is still. He will come soon. In the cool of the late afternoon Peter maneuvers his 1958 Porsche into his narrow parking slot. He opens his car door slamming it into the new Nissan coupe that has encroached on his space, then squeezes through the narrow opening between cars. Frustrated, he yanks open his heavy wrought iron garden gate which strikes his equally eloquent iron fence and bounces back striking his leg. “Damn!” He mutters as he hobbles into his garden where the rich fragrance of his roses floods over him. For-
getting his pain, he stoops to breathe in their essence. His mind clears as the day’s tensions seep out of his body. Content, images of Verna take form in his mind. From above, Verna watches Peter move through the garden. As he touches each plant she feels his caress. Her desire grows. She strokes her stomach to calm herself. Peter has worked hard to make their garden a horticultural delight, one filled with cultivated roses whose
El Ojo del Lago / September 2013
delicate hues shift from a subtle purple to a pale orange, intense red, and faint pink. His fingers caress his favorite, an impossible translucent blue rose. Each petal of the rose, like the rest of his garden, is perfect, and flourishes in stark contrast to his weathered brick townhouse where Verna waits. ‘He is my flower,’ she thinks, as the full scent of his body wafts up to her. Aroused, she anticipates the taste of his body. Peter moves to a bush in the center of the garden and picks a ripe fig of a deep purple color. Placing the fig in his mouth its heavy musky overtones overwhelm his senses. Satiated, he licks the remains of fig from his lips. Watching, Verna licks her lips in harmony with Peter. The savor of fig fills her. In the semi-darkness she removes her night dress. She touches herself in anticipation. Peter sits for a moment on the wooden garden bench to reflect on his creation. He observes how holly and other broad leaf evergreens provide contrast. How the dogwoods and a flowering cherry add shade and a change of scale. He dotes on the wild flowers he has transplanted from the river bank, each with its unique, pungent scent. Satisfied, he is at peace, integrated into the lushness that sur-
rounds him. His sense of unity peaks his desire to be one with Verna. They like the garden will merge, to materialize fresh and new. She trembles, aware of his deep desire. Her body is on fire. Looking up at her open window, he senses her desire. A premonition takes hold of him as he looks down at the rich dark earth where a new plant has pushed its slender green leaves above the ground. Overcome, he sees that it is a vitis aestivalis, and that Verna is manifest in the emerging vine. Anticipating her essence in the fruit, his mouth fills with the zest of orange and chocolate. Excited by his vision - filled with anticipation, Peter hurries into their town house. Naked, Verna waits in the cool darkness - makes no sound as she curls her legs under her and listens to his quick steps on the stairs. Ecstatic, she anticipates how their bodies will intertwine. She runs her hands across the pillows, smoothing them, then pulls down their deep purple bed covers as the last light of the afternoon sun creates a soft pattern of shadows across her sybaritic body. Rob Mohr
—Advice to the Lovelorn, the Overfed and The Deeply Disgruntled
(Ed. Note: The Portia column has become one of our publication´s most controversial. Some people despise it, others are vastly amused. A few folks— including “Portia” herself—think she is sadly misunderstood. Hence, hoping to discover this acerbic lady’s more compassionate side, we elicited her opinions on a wide variety of topical issues.) On the Status Race here at Lakeside “Stop trying to keep up with the Jones’s. It’s easier to simply drag them down to your level.” On the Local Art Scene “You don’t need to know anything about painting to call yourself a painter. Once Jackson Pollack was admitted into the pantheon of great painters, the door opened to anyone who could afford to buy a gallon bucket of paint.” On the Widely-Mixed Nature of the Ex-Pat Community “As far as I’m concerned, it matters little if a person is a stone alcoholic, a dope fiend, an ex-felon, or even a communist. But if a person doesn’t drive a car, I have to conclude that there is something seriously wrong with him.” On the Growing Trend Toward Psychoanalysis in Mexico “Risky at best. I was in therapy for eight months with a shrink in Guadalajara, when he finally woke up long enough to confess that he spoke very
little English. My advice: Find a bedmate who speaks your language.” On the Struggle to Get Published “Many should give up the struggle and try, for a change, to get a good night’s sleep. Others, however, should never give up. My own self-help book was accepted only after I had gone (starting with A) through almost all of the publishers listed in the Writer’s Market. The book was finally published by Zebra Press, which was rather far down in the alphabet.” On the Caliber of the Local Acting Talent “Several local performers are exceptionally talented. But others are effective only at portraying blithering neurotics, in much the same way a midget might be good at playing a person who is very short.” On Her Stock Reply to Incomprehensible Queries “I always send along the same letter: ‘The polysyllabic grandeur of your interrogation precludes comprehension. Eschew superfluous verbosity and elucidate in a more explicate manner.’ Fortunately, I rarely hear from these idiots again.” (Uh, we’re now rather sorry we asked. But at least our readers might finally understand why “Portia” prefers to remain anonymous. Public stoning in the village square could come back into style.)
Saw you in the Ojo 11
he green-eyed Jesuit priest Father Bernardo came into Filomina´s life shortly after the death of both her parents, in the fall of 1925. At the time Filomina was married to the priest´s older brother Rafa. Rafa sat at the dining table, his muddy boots with their silver spurs on the waxed table top. “My brother is both a priest and a lawyer, so he can administer your father’s will.” There was never any arguing ng with Rafa. Within the week Father Bernardo had made the journey from Guadalajara to Filomina’s family three hundred year-old-estate. After the Revolution, there were new inheritance laws, which no one knew how to administer. Already the family property was reduced from over 20,000 acres to about 1,600 acres. Rafa´s family had lost almost everything and their home lay in ruins. Both lay buried in the family’s weed-infested pantheon. Filomina knew her husband resented that her family had managed to save their home, some land and both their linen mills, mines and shoe factory. “You and your family always think you’re better than the rest of us,” he shouted one night when they argued about his philandering and drinking. ¨No, you blame others for your faults,” she remembered screaming as she threw a silver-framed photo of her parents. At first she had loved the older, once married and childless man; she dreamed of having his children and growing old with him. However, Rafa was nothing like her father; instead her husband stayed away for days at a time, drank too much and argued over trivial matters. Now he was trying to control her inheritance by having his priest brother come to manipulate her father’s will. Her father died of a broken heart, or rather he charged his horse off the cliff two days after the death his wife died trying to give birth to what would have been their only son. “Father, you can stay in the casita behind the chapel.” Filomina said while they stood facing one another on the hacienda’s colonnaded entry patio. The next week was busy and full of gossip from other parts of Jalisco about the Calles Law that required
El Ojo del Lago / September 2013
all priests to register and to desist from any public statements about the government. All foreign-born priests were to be expelled immediately and any priest heard criticizing the government would be jailed and fined. “I am a Mexican-born priest,” Bernardo said over dinner with his sister in law and drunken brother. “I think this will all be done with as soon as the President has made his point that after this last revolution we are all equals.” “I don’t know,” Filomina said as she signaled the maid to clear the dishes before following the two men into the main room where a low fire burned in the fireplace. “Today I heard that the Federalists in Guadalajara stormed the Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe and slaughtered everyone inside,” she said as she poured tequila for her husband and a glass of sherry for herself and the priest. During the next couple of weeks, the priests made several trips to the courts in Ocotlan to process the will and argue the fact that everything was done according to current legalities and that, “Yes, there has been an addendum added after the Revolution that takes into account the distribution of properties to the landless.” The priest directed his response to the judge. During the past several months, Filomina and the priest had formed a strong working relationship and she respected her brother in law. The final night Filomina had her cook prepare a mole for the departing priest. Rafa had been drinking throughout the day. When he entered the room, he walked to his wife and said, “How is my cold bitch?” “As usual you´re drunk before din-
ner.” She turned and the priest pulled out her chair. “You barren bitch.” Rafa leaned over his wife, “No children but you certainly provide every other comfort including your family´s grand home.” He poured himself more tequila. Filomina and Bernardo talked until he and Rafa left at daylight. “They hung your husband and the priest from a telegraph pole alongside Guadalajara,” said the maid sometime later. “One of the ranch hands told me he saw the Federales lynch them.” A few days later Filomina left for
Guadalajara; she knew if they could hang Rafa for being Catholic, they could hang her for less. How ironic she thought: her husband had been martyred for being Catholic, something he was only because of birth. She was living in her family’s Guadalajara home when she realized she was pregnant. When her son was born she named him Bernardo because of his green eyes. Herbert W. Piekow
Saw you in the Ojo 13
FRONT ROW CENTER %\ 0LFKDHO :DUUHQ Tickle Your Fancy Devised and Compiled by Dave McIntosh & Barbara Clippinger
his LLT fundraiser was very entertaining and wildly funny in the best vaudeville tradition. It was a mongrel cross between Benny Hill’s salacious humor and Hollywood/ Las Vegas musical numbers. At the opening we saw the whole cast singing “Everything‘s Coming Up Roses” in front of a glittery Hollywood-style curtain, and all the songs were well performed. A special mention is merited by Mac Morison who can still wow us all with his powerful baritone. “Lullaby of Birdland” was sweetly sung, with some clever glove choreography, by Olga Kaplounenko, and Mac and Alexis Hoff had a cute number “Just the Way You Look Tonight.”
Also Alexis and Val Jones danced their butts off throughout the show (more about butts later!). Though they were good, the song and dance numbers really served as diverting interludes between some very funny comedy acts. I think the “Dead Parrot” scene was borrowed from Monty Python, as was “The Audition” and possibly “The Pope and Michelangelo.” You don’t have to be British and crazy to appreciate this brand of humor, but
El Ojo del Lago / September 2013
it helps. Then there was the “Caballeros” scene at the gents’ latrine – all I can say is that you had to be there to appreciate this piece, entirely performed in mime. And finally, to round out the first half, we had the unforgettable “Ajijic Full Monty.” If you remember the movie, this was just as good (or as bad, depending on your point of view), so hats off, as well as everything else, to Dave McIntosh, Paul Kloegman, Greg Clarke, Jim Donnelly, Ken Yakiwchuk and Douglas Pinkerton! They bravely bared their butts for a good cause. After the Full Monty, the second half was almost an anticlimax. But there were some good musical numbers and clever skits – I particularly enjoyed Patrick Dumouchel’s rendering of “My Sweet Lady” and Alexis Hoff singing (and dancing) “Don’t Tell Mama.” “The Unhappy Husband” required excellent timing between Paul Kloegman and Russell Mack, and Paul was also very good in a couple of stand-up comic routines. Then Patteye Simpson and Mac Morison sang a memorable duet “Let’s Fall in Love.” The best piece in the second half was a comic routine “If I Were Not Upon The Stage” performed with terrific timing by Patteye, Dave, Alexis, Greg, Olga, Russell, Val and Roger Larson. This was all great entertainment
and raised money to update some of the stage rigging equipment. Many thanks to Dave McIntosh and Barbara Clippinger for pulling the show together, and to Win McIntosh (Stage Manager) and Vee Shelton (Assistant Stage Manager). Also to Pierre Huot (Lighting Design), Garry Peerless (Lighting Operation), Karen Lee and Dave Hutchinson (Sound), and Tina Jones (Wardrobe). A hilarious time was had by all! 0LFKDHO :DUUHQ
s I observe our contemporary problems, I am struck by how many people make poor or uninformed decisions. They make disastrous financial decisions which have long-term, painful consequences. They eat foods which make them obese and ill. They are duped by unscrupulous advertisers into buying costly products they do not need, and they are persuaded to vote a particular way by politicians who are more interested in their own reelection than in governing well. I am sure you can think of many examples. I think a good remedy for this, the Texas School Board notwithstanding, is to teach our children to think and reason clearly. Unfortunately, with all the emphasis on standardized testing, much of K-12 education has become more concerned with rote learning, teaching to the test. So how can we teach children to think critically? First, we can teach them to be skeptical. Canada has done a much better job than the US teaching media literacy to children. Many schools offer courses which teach children to evaluate what is being fed to them by the media. Adults need to teach children to evaluate claims made on television commercials. They need to watch the news broadcasts with children and discuss what is being reported and what is being omitted. Our schools can teach children to develop criteria for deciding whether to believe something is true or not. This naturally will lead to a discussion of what a fact is, what an opinion is, and how to evaluate the evidence offered in support of a claim. My experience is that children and adults enjoy participating in such discussions because it is so interesting. Another essential skill children need is how to formulate and dare to ask good questions. So much communication in popular culture is passive and does not require children to interact. The ability to think of useful questions requires that children bring some skepticism to the discussion and learn to probe for more information. Rather than just accept something they see on television or read in a newspaper or in a book, children need to learn to question and assess for themselves whether a claim is likely to
%LOO )UD\HU be true. Of course, teaching children to really think can be a bit subversive. The Texas School Board halted thinking instruction in the schools because it undermined parental authority and challenged fixed beliefs. Well, if our goal is to teach children to believe everything they are told and never change their beliefs, then we should clearly not teach them to think independently. In reality, children need to prepare for a quickly-changing world. To succeed, they will need to adapt and learn to make adjustments to new job requirements and carefully consider their financial, health, and social decisions. If they have not developed the skills to evaluate information and make clear, informed decisions, they will be easily deceived and likely end up in unhappy situations. Raising them to think for themselves, of course, causes them to question their parents, teachers and other authority figures. This may not always be pleasant, but it is necessary to ensure that our future generations are ready to assume the responsibilities of supporting themselves adequately and making informed decisions about their lives. Our democratic institutions are in trouble because of apathetic and ill-informed voters. If more voters understood and practiced clear thinking skills, they could elect better leaders and insist on better government and more accountable corporate behavior. The alternative is not pretty.
Saw you in the Ojo 15
ntique markets afford a window into the lives of each treasure’s original owner, and Guadalajara’s antique flea market is loaded with artifacts that look like they once graced the drawing rooms of the gentrified west side neighborhoods built around the turn of the 20th century. Held on Sundays from 9AM5PM at the intersection of the Avenida Mexico and Chapultepec Norte, this outdoor market unwinds over several blocks and the scope of the collection is mind-boggling. The stalls are chock full of collectibles from statuary to silver and crystal, furniture, and books and records. There are also plenty of personal items and memorabilia that often leave the shopper with the sense that the aura of their original owners is somehow still present among them. If you’re expecting a flea market that requires you to sort through a ton of junk to find a few gems, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by this place. Much of the merchandise appears to be in museum piece condition, and it’s clear that the vendors know their artifacts intimately and take great pride in their displays. Here you’re stopped by an item caught out of the corner of an eye and find yourself still browsing the same stall half an hour later, unraveling threads into the past. This market, though, is not just a window into Guadalajara’s past, but also a snapshot of its present. The vendors are of all ages, and it’s clear that these folks have come to know each other well over years of Sundays spent here together. The shoppers are also diverse, but the crowd includes a healthy mix of young urban professionals that the visitor is unlikely to encounter at the city’s more classic tourist sites. You don’t have to be a collector to appreciate this place, and you don’t have to buy a thing to have an enjoyable day here. Afterwards take a walk down Chapultepec and join the Sunday promenade always in progress on a traffic-free Avenida Vallarta.
El Ojo del Lago / September 2013
Saw you in the Ojo 17
Living At Lake Chapala %\ -XG\ .LQJ 5HYLHZ E\ +DUULHW +DUW
ver since I met Judy King she’s been the person I called when confronted with a Mexican dilemma such as what to do when the gardener or maid asks for a hefty loan. Judy’s response was always practical: “How much are you prepared to write off if you have to?” Her newly published book Living at Lake Chapala is 378 pages of that kind of pithy, pragmatic advice I have come to rely on from her. Judy King is co-founder and publisher of the on-line magazine Living at Lake Chapala which ran successfully from 2001 until 2013. With 1800 articles in her possession, it seemed obvious to take the next step and produce a book featuring the best of the best. She invites her readers to travel with her through the adventure of living at Lakeside–in six sections with 76 articles on topics ranging from the cultural, like mariachi music and folk dance, to day-to-day realities like driving, buying a home, finding a dentist, shopping, sightseeing, touring and tipping. This is not a guide book on how to move here; it’s a resource manual on what to do once you’ve arrived! One of my favorite chapters is #12: The Virgin of Guadalupe. In it Judy details the history of the Virgin, gives an interpretation of her image and an account of the scientific research into this miracle and concludes with an explanation of why Guadalupe inspires such devotion: “Guadalupe creates a bond, a profound pride in being Mexican. Her influence crosses all borders…transcends the normal division of social and economic strata…with her devotees the rich and humble, the industrialized and the farmer, the educated and the illiterate, the religious and the cynical…she is the Mother of Mexico, the Queen of the Americas, She is Mexico.” This passage illustrates Judy’s clear, concise writing style and her deep appreciation for her adopted country. Chapter after chapter provides expatriates with tips on how to behave. For example, in Death and Funeral Customs she explains that you don’t send flowers to the bereaved. “You’ll need to go to the flower shop to purchase an arrangement, bouquet or a funeral wreath which is called the corona. Be sure to wait until the flowers are ready
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and then take them to the home yourself.” If the death occurs in the family of a close friend or employee, Judy suggests making a cash donation to help cover funeral expenses. Years ago I when my gardener’s wife died, I telephoned Judy to see what to do. Now owners of this book have the answer at hand. Where else could you find a directory of hospitals complete with addresses, phone numbers and services provided or a comprehensive calendar of celebrations? I have used The Walking Tour of Guadalajara (#68) and Sightseeing in Tonala (#69) while entertaining an endless stream of visitors from up north. Living at Lake Chapala is well-organized, comprehensive, entertaining and informative, bordering on essential. I’m giving one to the volunteers at the Information Desk, Lake Chapala Society and recommend all local realtors who make a successful sale buy one for new home owners. This volume is as valuable a contribution to the community as its author, Renaissance woman Judy King, who edits The Chapala Review, offers newcomer seminars and sells comfort food at the Monday market. Don’t pick up your phone like I do and call Judy King for advice: buy her book instead. It costs $300 pesos and is available at Diane Pearl’s, La Nueva Posada, Yves Restaurant, at the Monday market and in electronic form from Amazon in September. +DUULHW +DUW
Saw you in the Ojo 19
Anyone Can Train Their Dog %\ $UW +HVV
Puppy Nipping
ne of the most common complaints from new puppy owners is, “How do I get my puppy to stop biting my hands and arms and chewing on my pant legs?” Okay, before we address the problem let’s recognize that this is a perfectly normal activity of puppies who, like little babies, have a craving to explore and play with their new world. Unlike babies, they don’t have hands so they use their mouths. Yes they will grow out of this annoying habit but it will be roughly their fifth to sixth month when their permanent teeth have replaced those razor sharp little needles. Plus we have to remember that during the latter stage their mouths are itchy because the new teeth are coming in and thus an increased craving to gnaw and chew. First rule when dealing with this challenge is “Remove the problem from the dog or the dog from the problem”. Tattoo this on the fridge door because it’s the basis for solving many dog problems. Obviously it’s not realistic to remove the dog from the problem unless he’s crated or tethered, so let’s remove the problem from the dog. Starting immediately, stand up straight and keep your hands away from the dog until he settles down and lets the air out of his tires. While you’re at it, no more waving your hands about and talking baby talk. All you’re doing is stimulating the dog and encouraging him to jump up
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and grab at your hands. Only after he’s settled do we reach down and pet him under the chin so we don’t encourage him to jump up for attention. Same thing goes for the jeans that come down to junior’s crotch and have six inches of pant leg flopping along the floor. Here’s your chance to make a few new rules in the house. If the dog doesn’t have an opportunity to bite your hands and clothes he will change. Next get some chewy play toys. Tie a light cord around a piece of old towel or old shoe and tease the dog and have him chase the toy around the yard. No he won’t learn to chew your socks or shoes because you’re going to pick them up where the dog can’t get them, aren’t you. Remember the part about removing the problem from the dog. If you don’t want the dog chewing on you, provide an alternative. This isn’t rocket science. Enthusiastic youngsters need something to keep them occupied, they’re not robots that you turn off and pull the batteries. Filling the yard with toys doesn’t cut it. It’s your job as a responsible pet parent to do a good job and this includes being involved. If you don’t want to make the effort, don’t get a puppy. Go to your nearest animal shelter and chose an adult dog. You’ll both be happier. Okay now we know what you should do. What about what you shouldn’t do. Do Not encourage mouthy behavior/Do Not smack your dog for biting. Do Not jam your finger down the dog’s throat/Do Not “alpha roll” or scruff shake your dog for biting/Do Not lose your temper. Dogs are social animals and they have a very strong need to interact with us. Have a plan and follow it. Redirect the dog with toys, tugs, or even ice cubes. Provide lots of physical and mental exercise. Employ regular one on one activity. Remember a tired puppy is a good puppy. Love her and enjoy her. $UW +HVV $ W+
Saw you in the Ojo 21
7+( //21* 5 5,'( %\ %HUQLH 6XWWOH
ere comes one. Yeah, a guy by himself in a ’39 Ford coupe, a good bet when hitching rides. I’d been there five minutes. I hitchhiked there every school day both to get home and for the adventure. But I wanted less adventure after what was to be a very long ride. The black coupe pulled over. I opened the door as the driver said, “Hop in”. But I tried to suspend my hop in mid-flight when I saw a revolver on the bench seat, lying next to the driver, with the menace of a rattlesnake. Yeah, a gun, just like the one Bogart used. Wow! I tried to keep from staring at it. I wanted to be cool. Do I acknowledge it, “Nice gun, mister,” or ignore it
and discuss the weather with the driver? “Thanks, Mister,” was all that came out. This wasn’t a common cargo. What’s up with this guy? Early 20’s, thin, black, waved hair. Wearing jeans, long-sleeved sport shirt, turned-up unbuttoned cuffs, he was curled around the steering wheel with his hand gripping the necker’s knob, leaning against the door with the window rolled down for his cigarette ashes. “How far ya’ goin’ kid?” “Almost the end.” The Pasadena Freeway was 11 miles end-to-end allowing just
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enough time for me to fabricate a story to get out of this car. The driver kept his right hand on the weapon, occasionally using it to gesticulate or for emphasis. This was preferable to laying his hand on my thigh like other weirdos had done. “Good,” he said, itching his nose with the barrel of the pistol. “Queers!” The word blasted out of his mouth. “Bring this along for when I do find ‘em,” he explained while rolling his right hand open to show the weapon. “Oh,” I said, weakly at first, before repeating, “Oh,” in a deeper, more authoritative tone than my normal 13-year-old voice. “Do you find many?” I continued to seem friendly and sympathetic. (Like I really wanted to know?) “They’re out there and I’m ready for ‘em,” he replied. How do I get out of here quickly, and alive? Don’t anger him; don’t excite him. “How far are you going?” I asked. “All the way,” he responded while examining the driver of the car passing on his left. He was ever vigilant. What did he mean by that statement, “All the way?” “See that mirror, knee-high below the center of the dash?” He
asked. I looked, saw it, thought it over and responded, “Hmm.” “When a girl sits where you are I can look up her dress.” “Well, there’s something new!” As soon as we got on the freeway he pulled over to the right lane and slowed to 35 miles per hour. I was captive. My mind screamed, How can I escape? “I have an aunt in Highland Park, along the way. I should go see her,” I blurted. “Where? I can take you.” “Oh, God! No,” I prayed. “I forgot; she’s not home today.” After a slight pause, he asked, “Got a girlfriend?” Oh! Oh! Here it comes, the intro to dirty talk. I’d heard about this from other guys. If I say, No, he’ll think I’m a Queer and probably shoot me. If I say, Yes, I open the floodgates of smut. “I’m between girls now. I play baseball,” I said while thinking, How long will this last, this long ride? If I signal a cop I could be taken hostage and I have homework to do. Here comes my off-ramp. Well, here goes. “Pull over here at the bottom of the ramp,” I said. I’ll get out and then you can pull right back onto the freeway”. “I’ll take you home,” he said with a helpful tone. Yeah but whose home? I thought. And then I had an idea. “No, that’s OK. I’m getting carsick. I can’t keep riding. I’m going to throw up!” He blanched, dropped the pistol and swung his arm toward me. As his hand headed in my direction I ducked but he just reached to roll down my window while pulling the car over. “OK, Kid. Nice talking with ya’. See ya’.” Not if I see you first, I thought. I sprinted up the off-ramp miraculously cured of my nausea. I wonder if that mirror really worked.
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Dear Sir: I want to compliment El Ojo del Lago and Margaret Van Every for the story, Water for All, in your last issue. I sincerely hope that Margaret’s piece raises awareness of a very important matter. Though “fictional,” her article carries a very real message of social consciousness, which I hope will not be lost on “los ricos” with their palatial homes, swimming pools, and manicured lawns. I believe that some of what we see around here is frankly quite unethical, and yet more and more of these exclusive enclaves and monster homes are being built, all the way up the surrounding mountains, without the infrastructure to support it. Besides, much of our needed water trickles down from the surrounding
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mountain sides, a source which is being dimished by more concrete and asphalt. As a result, there will be less and less water, not only for the “poor,” but for all. My own water comes directly from the pipes of the village (San Antonio Tlayacapan) and, at times is so bad, that a few weeks ago the sediments in it had plugged the hose that leads to the house (with one bathroom and no pool) so completely that the flow was reduced to a trickle. What is happening is shameful, and I hope that Margaret’s writing has raised the level of awareness a little, though I have my doubts. I suppose it has to come to the point first where – as was the situation en Puebla where I lived before – the city water was turned on only two or three times per week to fill our cistern. (And I know that to be the case in other Mexican cities as well.) And when the city water ran out, you had to buy it by the truck load. Expensive! In fact, there are scientific assessments that in the not-so-far future, water will be a far more expensive commodity than oil. It is difficult to change the whole world; we can only do our part. So, stop building mansions with four or five bathrooms and huge lawns. Drain your pools! What’s happening right now is unconscionable and irresponsible. Karl H. Homann San Antonio Tlayacapan 766-3766 Cel. (662) 111.0234
the little boys in the band saw my bobbing foot, and it made him smile. This created an interesting problem, since his instrument was the tuba and he couldn’t play it while smiling. Reminded me of the time my mother as a little girl went, with her two sisters, to Central Park in New York City, sat on the brass side of the band shell, and sucked on lemons. Mom said that this made the musicians salivate and they could no longer play. I love that story. My mom and her siblings, at the ages of 8, 9 and 10,
h, the wonders of Mexico, they never cease to amaze me. I wonder how the lawn gets watered. The sprinkler is always moved to another area, yet I never see the gardener. Once, I spied a sombrero floating along the top of the wall, but can only assume there was a gardener under it. I wonder whatever happened to the performer who fell into the orchestra pit at the Degollado Theater during a performance of Ballet Folklorico I was attending a few months ago. The horse that lives next door was moved last night. He was my neighbor’s mode of transportation and he ran out of grass. How come I never see a Mexican with zits? Why do they seal stuff in jars so that you can’t open the darned things? By the time you get the aspirin out, your headache is gone. Why do they sell hot dogs eight to a package, but the hot dog buns come in packages of 10? Why don’t Americans maintain their cars the way Mexicans do? Incidentally, a good way to meet men is simply to raise the hood of your car and stand over to the side. Why don’t Lakeside foreigners eat more Mexican food? In my opinion, other foods can equal, but not excel it. My housekeeper, Josefina, could hold her own with the finest chefs of the world. Nothing is too fancy or demanding that she can’t fix it. The meals replicate perfectly the photographs in the cookbook. I used to think no meal was any good unless you could set fire to it before serving. Josefina can also iron better than anyone I ever saw. I’m considering a face lift because I’m getting tired of my neck hanging in the soup. Wattles and dewlaps. I’d like to get a body lift
were banned from Central Park. Nowadays, you can pillage and plunder and still not be banned from Central Park. The greatest wonder of Mexico is not the weather, nor the mountains, nor the waterfalls nor the interest the banks pay, it’s the people. They personify the meaning of the phrase, “pure and simple.” 0DJJLH 9DQ 2VWUDQG
but, if you pick the wrong plastic surgeon, you could end up with hair over your arms. On Josefina’s birthday, Enrique Grande had the Banda de Caramelo (all 17 of them) play love songs to her. She invited me to join her and a few of her amigas. Exactly as described in Village in the Sun, chairs were drawn up in a horizontal row. The only difference between us ladies was that they sat rather stiffly, while I was guilty of displaying a rhythmic foot. None of the other ladies moved a muscle, including facial. One of
Saw you in the Ojo 25
lthough the Author strays away from Profiling Tepehua Barrio, she is trying to show that the trap of poverty and all that comes with it, is the same in any corner of the world. Poverty is Tepehua. Tepehua is everywhere. India, Thailand, Kathmandu. Even to the wealthy neighbors of the North, where it is frankly worse. Here in Mexico, you know the enemy, in the North you do not. Tepehua Centro Comunitario is a world within its own walls. It is a world of problems, challenges. A place where those that live in cardboard or plastic homes, can find common ground with those who have cement walls and running water or electricity. The educated and the illiterate, every shade of brown. What they have in common is poverty. Every Barrio has a pecking order, but when you bring people together in a mutual quest to help the community as a whole, this fades...almost, but not quite. The educated and light colored skin, will always have the upper hand, the finger on opportunities. Although most Mexicans will say there is no racism in Mexico, sadly they are wrong. Most Mexicans will not admit to knowledge of Afro-Mexican. The heritage of which goes back to the Spaniards, who bought their black slaves to most parts of Mexico from the North to the South, and left them. These groups formed Barrios and then intermarried with the native Indian. Barrios ignored by the Government, who would not recognize their existence. With a population estimated a little over a hundred million, is there significant ethnic diversity to merit racism in Mexico? Ahmed Muhammed, who spent elementary, high school and college years in Mexico, states: “It is difficult to find a reliable source for the exact black population of Mexico, because all legal documents such as birth cer-
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tificates, do not include racial information only nationality. The percentage of Mexicans with African ancestry is higher than people imagine, because they will also deny it.” According to Church records, there were more black people than Indians in most Cities, black slaves were bought in to replace the deficit of Indian slaves who were dying in great numbers, due to disease, murder and mistreatment by Spanish Conquistadores during the 14th,15th and 16th centuries. Ruben Navarette Jr., CNN contributor, wrote an article in 2012 about ‘In Mexico, Racism hides in plain view”. Not just black versus light skin, but religion. The migration of Jews began in 1519, when they were forcibly converted to Catholicism and called Cripto-Jews. It wasn’t until the 19th century, practicing Jews were allowed into the country. This is a column of its own, later. Colonial records show 200,000 African slaves were imported into Mexico by the Spanish in the 16th and 17th Centuries to work the silver mines, sugar plantations and cattle ranches. After Mexico’s Independence, the needs of the Afro-Mexicans were ignored. Alexis Okeowo, a black journalist in Mexico City stated. “The notion of race in Mexico is frustratingly complex. Many have claimed to have African blood, but still discriminate against their darker countrymen. Black Mexicans complain such bigotry makes it harder to find work, regardless of the level of education they have.” Afro-Mexicans and Indians are among the poorest in the nation, some living in Barrios well out of reach of schools or hospitals. Mexico’s Government released a study in 2008, under pressure from activists, that confirmed Afro-Mexicans suffer from ‘institutional Racism’, or as historian Ted Vincent called it, “Mexico’s Racial Amnesia.”
Saw you in the Ojo 27
My Father’s Walking Stick %\ &DURO %UDGOH\
n the back corner of the last closet to clear out before our move to Mexico stood the walking stick my father left to me. My father died more than 20 years ago, but finding his walking stick brought to mind vivid images of him; the jaunty tilt of his hat, the arch of his eyebrows when he disagreed, and the fact he didn’t like kids until they were old enough to play chess and argue politics. It also brought to mind one of the last visits I had with my dad and my plan for a discussion about my sister. I grew up in the shadow of a “perfect” older sister always thinking our father loved her more than me. It shaped my early life. She was a straight A student, highly competitive, pretty and popular. She met a boy from a prominent family before going off to teachers college. I was one of their later children. One more was a menopause baby. They were tired by the time we came along. I was a tomboy running barefoot all
summer barely tethered to home. My only sister resented sharing her room with a brat who had fistfights with our brother and was plagued with motion sickness on even the shortest drive in the family sedan. My father threw her a big wedding. It was 1968, a different time. We had to look worthy. I was to be the junior bridesmaid; paired with my dreaded, shorter brother. I was excited to be included in the trip to the City with the “girls” to try on dresses and shoes. I felt grown up; I was 11, tall
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and gangly for my age. I couldn’t wear high heels. I was trying to hold back the tears while the sales lady pushed the big, flat shoes on my feet. I felt like Cinderella’s ugly step-sister. On the drive home, my father bravely quelled the mutiny when my elegant sister and her tony entourage dove for the windows when I started puking grape soda. My humiliation was complete. I hate flat shoes and grape soda to this day. After my sister left, I grew up rebellious. I wore scruffy clothes, drank beer, played hockey and stayed out late. After high school, I took a job in a dirty warehouse. I had a baby out of wedlock. I spent my adult life trying to make up to my father for what a “terrible” daughter I was; along with trying to figure out why. When my father was dying, it was important to know if he did love her more than me. I thought I had a right to know so I could learn to be a better person, a more worthy parent. I booked a flight to the coast and took along my oldest son. I thought hard about what I was going to say. I imagined a walk along the beach with him, tossing rocks into the ocean while I talked. I wondered what he would say and how I would react. There was no “right” answer. If
he said yes, I would be devastated. If he said no, I would wonder if he was lying to protect me. Either way, I knew my resentments should not weigh him down with guilt in the short time he had left. We did go for that walk on the beach. It was a cool, windy day with a rare ray of sunshine. He had his trusty walking stick with him; his hat at the familiar tilt. We threw stones into the advancing winter tide and talked. I told him I loved him, a rare occurrence in our family. He told me he was proud of me. It was all I needed. We knew it was likely good-bye. Then my son slipped and fell into the dark ocean. We fished him out, took him home and into dry clothes with a hot chocolate. I told my beautiful son how much I loved him and I do in every conversation I have with him or his brother. I visited once more with my father before he died. I let him go, knowing I had said everything I needed to say: I love you. I will use his walking stick with pride when we explore our new home in Mexico. He will be there with me as he has always been. He helped me live a good life, raise a wonderful family and become a better person. And secretly, I think he loved his rebellious daughter more.
Saw you in the Ojo 29
of the month
José Uriel García Torres
his little tyke is 3-year old José Uriel García Torres, known at home as “Uriel.” If Uriel’s face looks a bit tired and sad, it’s because since birth the little guy has had to fight off infection after infection--gastrointestinal, upper and lower respiratory distress, febrile syndrome, bloody noses, intolerance to gluten, anemia—as well as yet-unconfirmed muscular dystrophy. The first time his mother brought Uriel to enroll him with Niños Incapacitados, he was so feverish and sick that one of our volunteers immediately took him over to the Red Cross for evaluation and hopefully some treatment. His mother had been at wit’s end with local doctors trying to find out what was wrong with her son, but at that time—2 years ago— no one had been able to come up with a diagnosis and/or treatment. Unfortunately, we are still at an impasse with regard to both definitive diagnosis and effective treatment. One problem will seem to be improving when another emerges, or the “improved” problem will relapse. Uriel has had EEGs, CT scans, x-rays, innumerable blood tests…even a genetic scan. Mom, Tania, has been constantly on the run, back and forth to Guadalajara, many times to the E.R. when Uriel spikes a very high fever. Her care and concern have never been lacking, even with one other child at home. Fortunately, the family has Mexico’s “Seguro Popular” which pays for some tests and medications, but not all. Again fortunately, Uriel’s father, José Ricardo, has a good
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job as a mechanic, but the costs incurred for Uriel’s tests, medicines and other appointments would pretty much deplete a monthly budget were it not for Niños Incapacitados. Each month when we see Uriel and his mother, we are hopeful there will be news of improvement in his condition—or I should say conditions—and at times we are rewarded with some good news…..but not always and not enough to think he is on the road to being a healthy three-year-old. Maybe next month. Niños Incapacitados has been “off” for the summer with regard to our monthly meetings, but now that September is right around the corner, we will again hold monthly members’ meetings on the second Thursday of each month (in this case Sept. 12), beginning at 10:00 for coffee and cookies and socializing, business meeting to start at 10:30. Location has not changed: one of the meeting rooms at the Hotel Real de Chapala in La Floresta. Please mark your calendars for Sept. 12. As always you will get a chance to meet one of the children we are helping and hear his or her story first-hand. New members always welcome, so bring a friend.
Saw you in the Ojo 31
Hearts at Work $ &ROXPQ E\ -DPHV 7LSWRQ
“The Last Generation”
dam and Eve were the “last generation” to live in a world without “things”… without shoes, for example, or Chinese food, or books (including Genesis), or children, or spoons, or baseball, or Penelope Cruz, or clocks, or cities, or towns, or villages, or even families. In short, they were the last generation to live before there was a history of the world, before there was a history of anything. But all of us, also, are the “last generation” to live in a certain kind of world. Jane Doe, the protagonist in Tropic of Night (2003), a fine novel by Michael Gruber, reflects upon her father and “his generation, that particular lost one that was born during the Second World War. He used to tote up the things that his generation was last at. Last to experience the segregation of the races, last to come to sexual maturity before women’s
lib and the Pill, last to believe that the United States was invariably the good guy, last to defer without much question to teachers and elders in general, last to get the full load of dead white male culture force-fed into their brains and souls, last to grow up before TV became the ruling power. If Catholic, last to get raised in the pre-Vatican II shut-up-anddo-what-we-say, superstitious, devotional American church. The last to start
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screwing before Roe v. Wade, and hence and finally, the last to think it mandatory to marry the girl you got pregnant.” I was born January 18, 1942, a little over a month after Pearl Harbor, into that generation that Gruber calls “that particular lost one,” although I never thought about it as being “lost,” in part because Gertrude Stein (although the phrase was popularized by Ernest Hemingway in The Sun Also Rises) had preempted the words to identify the generation that came to maturity after World War I as “the lost generation.” But I certainly grew up in that World War II generation Gruber’s Jane Doe is thinking about. And I might add a few things. That generation I belong to grew up in a world where trains were still used for transportation, where Morse Code and the telegraph were still used for communication, and where bank deposits and withdrawals were still recorded by hand in a little book. We were almost the last to be born into a world that had no nuclear weapons, no Sputniks, and no violated moon. We were also the last generation to live in a world without sophisticated computers, although, amazingly, the generation that follows us was also born into a world that did not yet have email (which was not created until 1972), or the internet (a term first used in 1974), or
the world-wide-web, which arrived only in 1992. I grew up in Ashland, Ohio. A small town then was the heart of life itself, and it was all to be loved, including the elderly people on our street: Wiley and Macy Hart, Dr. Meuser, Rev. Brown (who always called me “Brother Jim”), Jesse Fitzpatrick and her sweet husband Morgan (who hung himself one summer night in his garage and a frantic Jesse called Dad to cut him down), and down the street the two mysterious spinsters-the Dick sisters--who raised sheep and who taught me a few things about the centers of flowers. At neighborhood gatherings after hamburgers and croquet and handcranked ice cream served with peaches plucked before our very eyes, we would in those days sing…verses like “how the old folks would enjoy it…they would sit all night and listen…as we sang in the evening…by the moonlight…” Now I have become one of those “old folks” who “sit all night and listen….” What would my grandparents have thought about this strange new world? My maternal grandfather was a horseand-buggy doctor. My paternal grandfather was a blacksmith. They were born before electricity, before radio, before the automobile, before the airplane, even before the Revenue Act of 1913 that established income tax. Well, my grandparents ultimately were unable to avoid either death or taxes; but Adam and Eve were born before both death and taxes. Had they been able to keep their hands where they belonged—or at least off the apple—they would not even have introduced death into the world. Adam and Eve were also the last generation to experience another very important thing (and I ask all those women I have loved to forgive me for saying this), they were the last generation to experience Paradise. -LP 7LSWRQ
ucrezia stalked between the headstones. Her figure cast long, dark shadows onto the granite monuments as she passed between them in the glare of the full moon. She was intense in her hurried search, intent on finding the most advantageous spot. “Here,” she announced, pointing at a spot with a long, talonlike fingernail. Her black hair was stark against the white shroud. A simian-like male trudged from side to side behind her, lugging heavy buckets. He lowered his burden to the ground with a grunt, bent to pry off a lid. His fingers, long and hairy, were strong, but thick and clumsy. Lucrezia’s dark lips curved into a snarl. “Hurry!” she ordered. “It’s nearly midnight. The others will be here soon.” She eased the shimmering garment off her shoulders and let it fall to the ground. She tossed it atop a nearby marble slab. The male eyed her with lust, emitting a low, hoarse grumble. He tore the cover off one of the buckets, stepped up onto the other and began to pour the contents across Lucrezia’s shoulders. Lucrezia writhed and moaned,
spreading the fluid over her face and breasts and belly and thighs. Black in the moonlight, the liquid shone with a slick gloss, slowly running down her legs to pool on the grass at her feet. “Wonderful,” Lucrezia said in a voice husky with passion. “It’s worth it every year, the things I do to win best Halloween costume. Where did you get all this fake blood, anyway?” The simian stopped pouring. “You wanted fake blood?”
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT The 19th Annual Ojo Awards Luncheon will be held on Tuesday, the 24th of September, 12 noon at the Tango Restaurant. All those who contributed tto our pages from October 2012 through Se September 2013 are cordially invited and encourag couraged to bring one guest. All the food, drinks and entertainment will be provided by the Tingen Family, who as always wishes to express its gratitude to the many talented writers who are the main reason for our magazine’s success. We’ll see you there!
Saw you in the Ojo 33
octezuma did it. So did Cortez. Maximillian and his wife enjoyed it together. And in modern times, untold thousands of Mexicans and foreign visitors have followed suit each year, soaking in the mineral-rich hot springs that are scattered throughout the country. Indeed, nearly 100 “developed”, mineral spring locations have been listed and there are probably hundreds more which are undeveloped and known only to local residents. Most Lakesiders are familiar with the spa at San Juan Cosala. Boasting a motel, restaurant and condos, this facility has thermal, spring-fed pools that range from tepid to torrid. Also nearby, in the Primavera Forest area of Guadalajara, is the Spa Rancho Rio Caliente which offers several pools, a restaurant and overnight accommodations. Although mineral spring balnearios or baths can be found in just about every corner of Mexico, such natural hot tubs abound at our general latitude due to a fairly active volcanic belt that crosses the country’s mid-section. Within this belt, pockets of heat have formed deep underground, converting water deposits to steam. Under pressure, the steam rises, dissolving minerals as it makes its way to the surface, finally emerging as hot or warm water. The therapeutic value of these mineral waters has long been a source of dispute. Local enthusiasts are likely to tout their spring’s unique ability to cure anything from gout to kidney ailments. Most scientists, however, are reluctant to offer any verification of such claims. So while there may be no hard evidence of the curative powers of such minerals, the consensus is that they impart an overall feeling of relaxation that is sure to re-charge the body’s run-down batteries. Most of the better known spas are easily reached over well-paved roads. Many locations have added
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such attractions as tennis, handball courts, horseback riding, massages, mud pack facials, gyms, and vegetarian cuisine. The largest and best-known facility is also the most luxurious— Ixtapan de la Sal, in the state of Mexico. The posh Hotel lxtapan has just about every feature a spa enthusiast could wish for: golf, tennis, horseback riding, and even a giant water slide. Nearby are several less pretentious hotels (with the same radioactive thermal waters), a large public park and public baths. In the state of Puebla, the Spa Peñafiel in the town of Tehuacán has seen better days. But the waters which are bottled here are still distributed throughout Mexico. As for the tiny state of Morelos, it boasts a number of mineral spas. The extensive Oaxtepec Center, run by the Social Security Institute, offers playgrounds, pools, athletic fields, lodging and restaurants. In nearby Cuautla is the large springfed pool, Aguas Hedionda, whose sulfur content is made obvious by its distinctive smell. Farther south is Las Estacas, which though primitive, is a great favorite with folks from as far away as Mexico City. Closer to Lakeside, in the neighboring state of Guanajuato, the resort spa la Caldera at Abasolo has thermal pools, a large hotel, restaurant, along with facilities for tennis and other sports. The state also has spas at Comanjilla and San Miguel de Allende. In Michoacan, Balneario San Jose Purua near Zitacuaro offers rooms with private thermal baths, as well as tennis, golf and large thermal pools. Local travel agencies and state tourist bureaus have more complete information about any of the spas mentioned that our readers might care to consider. (Ed. Note: San Jose Purua will sound familiar to inveterate movie buffs: the now legendary movie, The Treasure of the Sierra Made, was shot there in 1947.)
Mexican Voices; American Dreams By Marilyn P. Davis Published by Henry Holt Book Review by Mary Fuller
hat makes the dreams of Mexicans different from the dreams of northern European settlers of North America over the past five hundred years. Not much. Marilyn Davis’s book began as a fifteen-year study documenting the social structures, relationships, attitudes and values of a traditional people moving into the twentieth century. But as she continued her research in a tiny pueblo in the western part of Mexico, she discovered something that would greatly alter the nature of her project. She found that in every family in the town, at least one member was working in the United States. Over half the people in the village had been there. One in five of the husbands, fathers and sons were in el Norte. To follow their trail, Ms. Davis joined the coyotes at one border town and experienced the terror of a nighttime crossing. She talked and for a short while lived with people so desperate to improve their fortunes that they were willing to risk even their lives to do so. But then Mexicans have been making this journey to the north for a long time. Sometimes invited and warmly received, often not. During World War II, the U.S. instituted the “Bracero Program” to help solve a severe manpower shortage. But when the crisis was over, hundreds of thousands of Mexicans were unceremoniously deported. By then, however, thousands of Mexicans had laid down roots in the U.S. and were reluctant to leave. Congress has waffled on this issue ever since. Today the border seems little less fortified than the old Berlin Wall. But even with all the newspaper reports, rarely does the human-interest part of the story get into print. More often the people are drowned in a sea of statistics. But Marilyn Davis has given a face to many of these facts, as well as the dreams behind the descriptions; further, she has done so
in a poignant, yet non-maudlin way. Here are a few samples. “Agustin’” from Los Angeles: “It is difficult here. There are many risks. And even though your neighbors live very close you don’t have confidence ... but for the very poor people in my country, they hear only about the good money, though never do they hear of the battle and difficulty of crossing the border, like hiding in the trunk of a car. When I return, I am going to tell them the truth.” “Martin” from San Francisco, “It took some years of living here to realize that people are not necessarily connected with the policies of the government. Here there is very little difference between the boss and the worker. The boss usually works harder and sometimes doesn’t make as much as his employee.” “Ramiro” from Bryan, Texas: “I was born close by. What happened is that right before the Mexican Revolution, our family on my mother’s side was very wealthy. But then my grandmother ended up a broken person. My grandfather too. They had had plenty of cattle, land, money, and then like overnight nothing. They felt ashamed, and so they migrated to Texas.” Ninety individuals were interviewed. No one refused to talk, and Ms. Davis, having financed the project herself, was under no pressure to alter the thrust of her endeavor. The book is a gem of candor and clarity, emotionally powerful and quite beautiful in its simplicity. (Ed. Note: Ms. Davis, a member of the Ajijic Writers’ Group, is one of our area’s most distinguished writers. Her book Mexican Voices; American Dreams was published by Henry Holt & Son, and recently went into its sixth printing.)
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Sandy Olson
Phone: 331-283-8529 376-766-3035 Email:
PAST EVENTS )URQW 5RZ +DUU\ :DONHU %RE -RQHV GLUHFWRU /L] :KLWH 0DU\DQQH *LEEDUG DQG -LP /OR\G %DFN 5RZ *HRUJHWWH Richmond, Peter LuciDQR 'DP\Q <RXQJ DQG &OD\ 0F$GDP The Naked Stage presented â&#x20AC;&#x153;After-Play,â&#x20AC;? written by Anne Meara and directHG E\ %RE -RQHV RQ $XJXVW 23-25. In 1998 After-Play was produced at the LakeAfter-Play-Naked Stage Cast side Little Theatre with rave reviews. Two of the people involved in that production are in the current reading at The Naked Stage. Jim Lloyd played the role of Phil which he is recreating and Liz White reading the role Terry was in charge of props at LLT. 0RRQLH .LQJ 3UHVLGHQW RI WKH %RDUG RI 'LUHFWRUV RI 7HSHKXD &HQWUR &RPXQLtario AC, held a welcome tea for volunteers and interested members of the community on August 4. 7KH PRWWR RI WKH JURXS LV Âł+HOSLQJ D 9LOODJH WR +HOS ,WVHOI ´ 7KH 7HSHKXD %DUULR Project is committed to providing assistance to families in the Tepehua community. Less than an hour from Guadalajara, Mexico Tepehua sits on a rocky hilltop in the town of Chapala. Tepehua is one of the poorest barrios in Jalisco. Crime, violence and substance abuse are rampant. In 2010, volunteers formed a legal â&#x20AC;&#x153;A.C.â&#x20AC;?, raised money and created the Tepehua Community Center. The goal was to offer support through education, counseling, nutrition and health with the hope of bringing back independence and self-respect to the people of the village. In 2012, funds from Rotary InThe Tepehua Barrio Project ternational paid for a commercial kitchen. That year, volunteers also opened a soup kitchen & bazaar. Three years later, both are run by women of the barrio. A community meal is served every Friday. It started with 30 people and now over 400 show up each week. The bazaar is located in Riberas del Pilar. All proceeds from the Thrift Shop go back into the community. The ex-pat community is very generous in donating used or unwanted items to the shop. Other services begun by these volunteers include medical and dental care, sewing lessons, counseling, bathing services and plans to improve living spaces. For further information, contact Moonie King at moonie1935@yahoo. com or visit the website at www.tepehua. org. 7LFNOH <RXU )DQF\ ZDV D ÂłIXQ HYH-
Tickle Your Fancy
El Ojo del Lago / September 2013
QLQJ RI FRPHG\ VRQJ DQG GDQFH ´ SUHVHQWHG DW WKH /DNHVLGH /LWWOH 7KHDWHU $XJXVW The production was devised and compiled by Dave McIntosh and %DUEDUD &OLSSLQJHU ZKR DOVR GLUHFWHG The event was a fundraiser to help upgrade Lakeside Little Theaterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s stage equipment. The company: Pattye Simpson, Dave McIntosh, Roger Larson, Olga Kaplounenko, Paul Kloegman, Russell Mack, Ken Yakiwchuk, Greg Clarke, Alexis Hoff, Val Jones, Mac Morison, Patrick DuMouchel, Jim Donnelly and Douglas Pinkerton. &KDUOLH .OHVWDGW 6DOHV &KDLUSHUVRQ RI &UX] 5RMD YROXQWHHUV ZDV VHULRXVO\ LQMXUHG E\ D KLW DQG UXQ GULYHU RQ -XQH +H LV UHFRYHULQJ QLFHO\ DW KRPH QRZ DIWHU VHYHQ ZHHNV RI KRVSLWDOL]DWLRQ :KLOH Ă&#x20AC;DW RQ KLV EDFN LQ WKH KRVSLWDO &KDUOLH UDLVHG SHVRV IRU &UX] 5RMD E\ VHOOLQJ UDIĂ&#x20AC;H DQG OXDX WLFNHWV WR KLV YLVLWRUV Charlie, in his signature straw hat, has resumed his regular rounds at SuperCharlie Klestadt ODNH DQG RWKHU ORFDO SODFHV VHOOLQJ UDIĂ&#x20AC;H WLFNHWV DQG necklaces made and donated by his wife Ann. 2Q $XJXVW IULHQGV RI /RV 1LxRV GH &KDSDOD \ $MLMLF 1&$ JDWKHUHG DW WKH &KDSDOD KRPH RI 6KDURQ )RUG DQG 'DYH 3DWHUVRQ The occasion was a Mexican
NCA Board Members Garden Party, complete with mariachis, famed songstress Lupita Jimenez, and a feast of hand-made tacos and side dishes, beer, wine, and margaritas. The event was declared a huge success by the guests. Another NCA Garden Party is in the works. 1&$ LV D QRQ SURÂżW FKDULWDEOH RUJDQL]DWLRQ LQFRUSRUDWHG LQ 2YHU VHYHUDO GHcades, NCA has helped thousands of needy young Mexicans attend and stay in school. For more information, visit: Facebook: Los NiĂąos de Chapala y Ajijic AC 0HPEHUV RI WKH 1&$ %RDUG /HIW WR ULJKW 'RXJ )ULHQG 6KDURQ )RUG %LOO )ULHQG Laura Diez, Amy Friend, Dave Paterson. Absent: Lori Skoda, JosĂŠ Duran. &RQJUDWXODWLRQV WR 5HY *HQH DQG 6HUHQD 5D\PHU, who celebrated their twentieth wedding anniversary (July 30) with a renewal of vows after the The Little Chapel by the Lake Sunday service on $XJXVW 2IÂżFLDWLQJ ZDV )DWKHU 'DQQ\ %RNRZVNL RI &KULVW &KXUFK $QJOLFDQ &DWKolic Fellowship. A well-enjoyed barbecue potluck followed the ceremony. Who Rescued Who: Tales of Street Dogs and The People Who Love Them Valerie Siegle writes that after the publication of Who Rescued Who: Tales of Street Dogs and The People Who Love Them,â&#x20AC;? almost a year ago, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Lots of people loved the stories and wanted to help our charities. So far Luna and Winston have received over 4,000 pesos each and have donated them to ARDAT (Ajijic Rotary Dog Gene and Serena $VVLVW 7KHUDS\ SURJUDP DQG $QLPDO %XGdies, the feeding program for dogs (and cats) at the Lakeside Animal Shelter AC store. We also selected two new charities for donations.â&#x20AC;? Look for upcoming Who Rescued Who 2: MORE Tales of Street Dogs and The
Saw you in the Ojo 37
People Who Love Them. Valerieâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s website: MULTIPLE EVENTS American Legion in Chapala Saturdays: 3:30 - 6:30 p.m. Fish Fry 6XQGD\V %XUJHUV 'RJV S P COMING EVENTS Lakeside Little Theatre opens its 49th season with Local Hero, a modern day fable about the lesVRQV OHDUQHG ZKHQ %LJ 2LO PHHWV Wee Scotland, based upon the movie of the same name. Performances will run October 4-13. The play is adapted for the stage by Neal Checkoway from WKH RULJLQDO VFUHHQSOD\ E\ %LOO Forsyth. It is directed by Neal Checkoway, and assisted by Russell Mack. Open season ticket sales can be purchased September 10 and 11, from 10 to 12, at the LitWOH 7KHDWHU ER[ RIÂżFH 7KH SKRQH number is 766-0954. Season tickets can also be ordered by email. Add â&#x20AC;&#x153;Season Ticketsâ&#x20AC;? to the subject line and include what nights or days, number of seats, and when to make payment. The seating chart is on the Website under â&#x20AC;&#x153;Tickets.â&#x20AC;? Email: or There is a change this year in the play schedule. Opening nights will be on Friday, QRW 6DWXUGD\ DQG WKH WKHDWUH ZLOO EH FORVHG GDUN RQ WKH ÂżUVW 0RQGD\ DIWHU RSHQLQJ night. 7KH 1DNHG 6WDJH September production, Here on the Flight Path by Norm Foster, will be performed on September 27, 28 and 29. The director is Michael Warren. The play is a wacky, humorous commentary on male/female relationships. It takes place on adjoining balconies of an apartment building near the airport of a big city. John Cummings is a recently divorced journalist who likes to chat with and get to know his IHPDOH QHLJKERUV LQ WXUQ )D\ $QJHO DQG *ZHQ ,I \RX ZDQW WR ÂżQG RXW PRUH \RXÂśOO KDYH to come and see the play. Norm Foster is generally recognized as Canadaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most produced playwright. In a Globe and Mail article, theatre commentator Richard Ouzounian linked the Fredericton writer with Alan Ayckbourn (England) and Neil Simon (United States) as the three most talked-about playwrights of their respective countries. The e-mail address for future reservations: or phone Michelle at 765-6408 &RQFHUW 6HSWHPEHU S P The 2013 Summer Sunday concert series presented by Viva Musica is at St. Andrewâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Church, Riberas del Pilar. This time VIVA is presenting an outstanding duo: David Mosqueda on classical guitar and 1XU\ 8ODWH RQ Ă&#x20AC;XWH 7KHLU SURJUDP LQFOXGHV SLHFHV IRU VROR JXLWDU E\ $ %DUULRV 0DQJRUH - 6 %DFK 0DQXHO 0 3RQFH DQG - 7XULQD DV ZHOO DV GXHWV IRU JXLWDU DQG Ă&#x20AC;XWH E\ & 3 ( %DFK - &HVDU 2OLYD DQG 0D[LPR 'LHJR 3XMRO 1XU\ 8ODWH ZDV ERUQ LQ &RVWD 5LFD DQG EHJDQ VWXG\LQJ WKH Ă&#x20AC;XWH DW WKH DJH RI HLJKW playing in competitions and winning the Jovenes Soloistas competition in 1980. She graduated from university there as a solo performer in 1985 and immediately joined the Symphony Orchestra of Costa Rica. Nury moved to Mexico in 1990 and became a QDWXUDOL]HG FLWL]HQ 6KH MRLQHG WKH -DOLVFR 3KLOKDUPRQLF 2UFKHVWUD DV FR SULQFLSDO Ă&#x20AC;XWH EHFRPLQJ SULQFLSDO Ă&#x20AC;XWH WZR \HDUV ODWHU 6KH KDV SOD\HG DV D Ă&#x20AC;XWH VRORLVW ZLWK RUFKHVtras throughout Mexico, the United States and Europe. 'DYLG 0R]TXHGD was born in Guadalajara and studied guitar there and later at USC in Los Angeles where he completed post graduate studies. He has taken master classes with Pepe Romero among other great guitarists. David has taken part in the most important guitar festivals in Mexico, South America, Europe and the States. Mr. Mozqueda currently teaches classical guitar at the University of Guadalajara and is considered one of the best classical guitar players in Mexico. Since 1998 Nuri and David have presented concerts and played in festivals widely DV D Ă&#x20AC;XWH DQG JXLWDU GXR Âł'82 35(/8'( ´ 7KH\ DUH PDUULHG WR RQH DQRWKHU DQG WR their art and their music is a delight. St Andrewâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Anglican church is located at the corner of Calle St. Lucas and Calle St.
El Ojo del Lago / September 2013
Viva Musica-Nury and David
Luis in Riberas del Pilar. A cash bar will serve champagne during intermission. Admission: $200 members, $300 general, free for music students with ID, $100 for students. Tickets are available at LCS, 10 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 12 Thursdays and Fridays, or at Diane Pearlâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s. Concert #5 October 13, S P A Quartet featuring Tania Tourby Piano, Konstantin Zumbilov Violin, Robert Nelson Viola and Yalissa Cruz Cello playing 0R]DUW DQG %UDKPV 3LDQR 4XDUtets. All music lovers are invited to come and spend a lovely Sunday afternoon in the company of young and talented Mexican musicians. &UX] 5RMD *ROI &ODVVLF The 10th Annual Cruz Roja Golf Classic will be held on Thursday, November 7 at the Country Club de Chapala. There will be even greater prizes this year, and as always, a wonderful
barbecue dinner. This is a day not to be missed! Tickets go on sale September 15 at the club pro shop (1200 pesos/player, 250 pesos for dinner only). For more information call Don at 766-4990. 7KH )HULD 0DHVWURV GHO $UWH WKH DQQXDO IDLU IRU 0H[LFDQ DUW ZLOO EH KHOG DW WKH &KDSDOD <DFKW &OXE &OXE GH <DWHV GH &KDSDOD 3DVHR 5DPyQ &RURQD RQ 1RYHPEHU The times )ULGD\ 6DWXUGD\ D P WR S P DQG 6XQGD\ D P WR S P There is a $50 pesos admission. Credit cards for purchases will be accepted. The Feria chooses a different image for promotional material every year. This year it is a wonderful ceramic piece shown above created by artist Angel Ortiz. Potter Angel Ortiz Gabriel, has his studio-house-workshop located in TonalĂĄ, Jalisco, Mexico. As is customary, his calling is a family affair. His vocation was learned from, and taught by his grandparents Cruz Gabriel and MarĂa Felix Bautista. It isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t just a livelihood, it is a lifestyle that is passed on through generations. He has been working with clay since he was 11 years old $PHULFDQ 7KDQNVJLYLQJ $W WKH %HDFK 5DIĂ&#x20AC;H Ninos de Chapala y Ajijic is sponsoring ÂżYH GD\V DQG IRXU QLJKWV DW WKH +RWHO 5LX Jalisco in Nayarit. The prize includes door to door transportation from Chapala/Ajijic and is all inclusive for two persons. &RVW RI WKH UDIĂ&#x20AC;H WLFNHW LV SHVRV 7KH GUDZLQJ ZLOO WDNH SODFH LQ HDUO\ 2FWREHU 3URÂżWV DUH GRQDWHG WR 1LxRV GH &KDSDOD \ $MLMLF $GPLQLVWUDWLYH )XQG The dates of the Thanksgiving vacation are November 25 - 29. 5DIĂ&#x20AC;H WLFNHWV DYDLODEOH IURP WKH %D]DU GH ORV 1LQRV LQ 5LEHUDV WKH 1&$ RIÂżFH LQ Chapala, 765-7032, call Dave at 765-2334, or Amy at 765-5454. JAZZ GREATS PLAY AJIJIC 0DUN \RXU FDOHQGDUV IRU ZRUOG FODVV MD]] FRQFHUWV FRPLQJ WR $MLMLF RQ -DQXDU\ DQG 0ROO\ -RKQVRQÂśV IDEXORXV VPRN\ YRLFH DQG *XLGR %DVVRÂśV VXSHUE WUXPSHW SOD\LQJ EDFNHG E\ WKUHH RWKHU -XQR $ZDUG ZLQQLQJ MD]] PXVLFLDQV ZLOO PDNH WKLV D MD]] HYHQW WR WRS DOO RWKHUV DW /DNHVLGH 7KH FRQFHUWV ZLOO EHQHÂżW 1LQRV ,QFDSDFLWDGRV GHO /DJR Email Ninos Incapacitados at WR KDYH \RXU QDPH DGGHG WR RXU 9,3 9HU\ ,QWHUHVWHG 3HRSOH OLVW 7KHUH LV D SRVVLELOLW\ RI ZLQQLQJ WZR IUHH WLFNHWV DQG XSGDWHV RQ DOO the latest information
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ELIANA HERRERIASâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;The Animalsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Advocate %\ *XVWDYR /DULRV 9HODVFR (*President of the Mexican Association for Animal Rights/AMEDEA.* Spokesman for META/Mexico for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, Representative of the Humane Society International.)
: Eliana, what links do you find between your educational and professional profile and the rights of non-humans? A: As a Social Educator, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m especially interested in violence prevention in schools and communities. Humane Education promotes non-violence, respect and responsibility towards all species, and here is where violence prevention starts: through not harming anything that lives. Q: What about the argument that one must first help children and then the animals? A: As the most rational beings on the planet, we must support different causes at the same time, based on where our interests and skills are. Supporting only children or only animals, or the environment will not have a positive effect in our planet. We are all interconnected and all causes have exactly the same worth and level of importance. Q: Do you believe it is right that laws protect non-human animals, punishing those who abuse them...even with jail? A: Yes. New generations are starting to question legal systems that support violence and abuse towards any living being. Social networks are increasing awareness and professional key activists like you are now involved in the animal regulations area promoting a more consistent law: if killing is a crime, then hunting, bullfights, dogfights, and
El Ojo del Lago / September 2013
cockfights should be punished as such. Q: How do you perceive the new generation regarding its treatment of other species? A: It is through technology and social sites that young generations have been able to connect with those who share their interests and views regarding the importance of protecting other species. Also, those who were not aware of the animal situation in the world are now becoming better informed about the abuse and suffering that animals go through. Many are joining animal welfare groups to support their actions. Q: In less than a year, there have been five states within Mexico that enforce sanctions for animal abuse, while seven municipalities and one state ban bullfighting, and another municipality does
not allow animals in circuses and prohibit cockfighting. Why do you think this is happening? A: People are now more organized in groups and alliances. This way, authorities have been receiving a lot of pressure from these welfare sectors who actively promote their messages in public demonstrations and media. These municipalities have finally considered that these practices promote violence through desensitizing its population from the suffering of others who feel and have the right to live. Q: You participated in the development of a great book that can educate children to respect human rights and the rights of nonhumans. What was the aim of this work? A: The objective of this educational project, soon to be implemented in schools in the Lakeside area school system, is to promote respect among children toward their own species, animals and the environment as a way to live in a world of peace they deserve. Q: Do you think animal welfare education is possible and what would be the significance if it happened? A: It will be possible on the long term. Our Humane Education project is the first milestone in Mexico to provide animal welfare education with official authorization within the public education system. Its significance lies in that,
when progressively implemented, we will become a society with more citizens sensitized to the suffering of others, and who will no longer hurt other species. As a consequence, hurting our own species will one day become unthinkable. Q: You are a META Delegate in Jalisco (Mexico for the Ethical Treatment of Animals). What goal do you have this year and what benefit will this contribute to our community? A: Part of the goal already has been accomplished: The introduction of the first professional Humane Education Program in the public school system. The first stage of its implementation will soon begin in 51 schools within the Chapala Lakeside community. Through Salud y Derecho Ambiental, A.C. comember of the Humane Education Alliance, we will launch the first Animal Welfare Training for staff in municipalities: Ecology, Police, Firefighters and all those involved in animal cases. (Ed. Note: Congratulations, Eliana! The service you and your associates are providing here at Lakeside will guarantee many marvelous benefits to both our two-legged and fourlegged residents for many years to come!) *XVWDYR /DULRV
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Mexican Perros I Have Known %\ 0DUJLH +DUUHOO DUUHOO
riends still ask what it was about Mexico that I enjoyed d so much while living there. ere. If I think they are really interestterested, I tell them about the e Mexican perros (dogs to you u gringos) that are everywhere. ere. To me they are one of the delights ghts of Mexico. They certainly don’t act like any dogs I ever knew in the United ed States. They say animals pick up the traits of their owners. I believe it. Easyy going, nonaggressive and friendly are all words I would associate with the Mexican people and their animals and they all seem to live in harmony. I remember a day when no amount of honking would budge a sleeping dog from my path. The street were too narrow to go around him, so I had to get out of my car and physically move him over to the side of the road, while he continued to sleep. It was such incidents that kept a smile on my face the entire three years I lived there. Another day I saw a little pooch lift his leg on the side of a building to relieve himself, only to fall over sideways in a deep sleep. It was afternoon siesta time for him and nothing was going to interrupt him. I have been a walker for years and would not dare go out the door in the U.S. without my trusty can of Mace. Besides a stray dog, a few coyotes have crossed my path. But after only two days in Mexico, I threw away my Mace. What was I going to spray? The longhorned cows that roamed the lakeshore? As slow as they moved, it would take them a week to fall over. Or maybe the burros that sleep standing up in
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the square. Certainly not the perros. They were w my friends. I had one friend in particular. He lived in a little tar shack down by the lake with five children I had befriended. The niños delighted in my daily visits as I would always have a few candies hidden in my pockets, which they would try to find. But I always had one candy hidden away for my special friend, their dog. He was a mangy-looking thing, his long legs out of proportion to his body because he was so thin. But those eyes, they looked at you and through you. I called him Perro (very original) and he came running to me every day. After the children had said their hellos, Perro would walk the rest of the way with me, running after sticks I had thrown into the lake, biting at the water like a silly child. This dog had no promise of even his next meal, much less his next day, but he was happy. He warmed my heart many a day when I was feeling a little homesick. It seems, when we are open to the possibility, we find friends in the most unusual places. While visiting some Americans one day, I noticed the difference in their dog and my local friends. He was highstrung, and wouldn’t stop barking, even though he had his own bed and bowl of food at the ready. Given time, I thought he would learn the ways of Mexico. Relax, take it easy and make a friend. I still walk every day here in Nevada but I am back to carrying my Mace. An encounter with a very large, unattended dog convinced me to do so. He got my best sweater as a trophy, and I got to keep my fingers. A long walk along the shores of a lake and a nice siesta on the warm cobblestones is what he needed, I thought. 0DUJLH +DUUHOO
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ave you ever had a Cowpuccino?” asked my friend Ceci while I was down in Mexico. Ceci is from Mexico and I thought this was just another of her charming expressions twisted around in translation. “You mean a cappuccino?” “No. A Cowpuccino. Right from the cow.” Ceci went on to explain that there was a farm in the mountain near the village of Ajijic. The farmers offered strong black coffee, an addition of liquor, some spice flavoring and sweetener, topped off with warm, frothy milk, straight from the cow’s udder. How delightful! Unfortunately, this was done just before daybreak. I am not a morning person, and my late rising was an issue standing between me and the Cowpuccino. Further complicating the matter was my husband’s reaction. “That doesn’t sound safe. You won’t be having that.” He spoke like a doctor with the Food and Drug Administration. I tried to remember what disease Louis Pasteur had cured by inventing the process of pasteurization. Thankfully, it escaped me and I wasn’t planning to investigate the matter, as I didn’t really want to know about it as badly as I wanted to experience this new beverage. Then, on my last trip down to Mexico, an expat friend asked my husband and me to go on a historic haciendas tour. We stood in long lines waiting for our bus in the early morning light. Everyone looked dull and a little tired. Finally, our tour guide showed up a bit late, on “Mexican time,” and we were shepherded aboard our bus. Slowly we made our way on the highway as the bus swayed back and forth on the rough roads. Shortly there were no homes or businesses outside our windows, but crops being tended by workers while cattle grazed. Suddenly our bus stopped, and our tour guide announced that we
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would have a brief stop for refreshments. I looked out my window, but all I could see was a tent and a card table set up next to it. The table had a few bottles in evidence, but it looked like something you could set up on a New York corner in three minutes. “This is a Mexican Starbucks,” joked our guide. My heart quickened. We were in the country, coffee was being offered by farmers. Could this be the experience I wanted so badly? I perked up immediately, and before my husband could figure out what was happening, I was running down the center aisle of the bus, stampeding to the front so I would be one of the first in line off the bus. The first thing I saw as I stepped down the steps was a large brown cow under the tent. Eureka! My first Cowpuccino! I stood at the card table and watched as the elderly Mexican woman poured hot steamy coffee in my Styrofoam cup. She added a generous shot of Mexican vanilla. Then she offered me what looked like homemade hooch in a clear glass bottle, telling me to pour as much liquor as I wanted. (That wouldn’t happen back in the U.S., where shots are measured to control costs.) I poured with a generous hand. Then I added a heaping teaspoon of raw brown sugar. Finally, I was directed to the cow. The cowhand pulled down on the udder and a long stream of naturally warm milk topped off my coffee. How quaint, how natural this was. I stood and marveled at the fragrant beverage aromas wafting to my nose. I guzzled the drink down like a thirsty cat. Back on the bus, I settled into my seat, satisfied and happy. When we finally headed down the road towards our first destination, I giggled to myself. The morning seemed rosier than it had been before our stop for a fabulous café Mexicana.
Saw you in the Ojo 45
ife goes fulll e circle. We’ve all heard thatt sentiment, but as I tohead toward the automatic, lifting-loungerr phase of my life, I know it’s just not true. Life isn’t a circle; it’s more like one of the old-fashioned paddles with the ball attached by elastic. We start in a resting position, get launched full speed into the living and then, more quickly than we ever imagined, go through the same stages back to the starting place. I know that someday I have a good chance of finding myself swaddled in Depends (diapers), resting in my wheelchair (stroller), being fed oatmeal. About two-thirds of the way back to the paddle, we reenter the middle school years. When my father gave up living in his own home, he moved to a senior residence. This provided him with scheduled activities, a dining hall, and a peer group. At this time, I was a principal of a middle school and immersed in the lives of 650 hormones-in-sneakers. I looked forward to visiting my father in his new setting and getting a break from adolescent behaviors. Within minutes of my arrival, I understood how a senior center was merely a middle school in an alternate universe. My arrival coincided with a group of seniors going on a “field trip.” They had on name tags and the chaperone was reading a list of rules. Don’t go anywhere without your partner. Make sure you have your belongings at all times. Don’t expect anyone to carry your stuff. Be back to the bus by 3 p.m. See … middle school! Not only were the rules similar, but the senior men were acting like middle school boys. They were jostling in line … teasing the women … and asking about the food court. Dad next prepared me for meals in the dining hall. The residents’ director decided that everyone needed to get to know each other. So once a week, she changed the seating plan.
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Middle M dd Mi d l schools do t this, too. This way, the few fe men at the senior center could get to meet the plethora of p ladies eager ffor their company. Great idea, but not everyone was willing to follow the chart. Gladys really couldn’t stand Betty. Herman was “going out” with Hazel and wanted to eat every meal with her. The “jocks” liked to eat together and reminisce. Yep, middle school cafeteria duty all over again. Meals are looked forward to in the senior center and in middle school. If lunch is to begin at noon, you’ll find early creepers heading down by 11:45 a.m. No matter what is being served, half of those attending will start complaining in the hallway on the way down. And both places outlaw peanuts! No peanuts in Dad’s dining hall or my school’s cafeteria. This was before the peanut allergy alert, too. Reason? Well, middle school staffs are fearful of flying projectiles. In the senior center, it was the due to the staff’s desire for a minimum of Heimlich maneuvers at meal time. Putting a group of peers together in tight quarters can bring out unkind behaviors. While listening to a high school chorus sing show tunes, the ladies were into whispering to each other … just as middle school girls do. “Look at Hazel’s outfit. Bet she got that from her granddaughter’s closet. Just how young can you look at 87?” “Herb is acting like he’s a stud! He’s not a good kisser, but he’s willing to practice.” So, I know I’m headed back to middle school soon, but this time I’m armed with Twitter, Facebook, and a cell phone camera. Watch out, girls! &DURO &XUWLV
Saw you in the Ojo 47
FDR—Great Wartime Leader %\ 'U /RULQ 6ZLQHKDUW “A Day That Will Live in Infamy...”
he legacy of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the 20th century’s preeminent US president, endures. He successfully led the US through the Great Depression and, along with Winston Churchill, the world through history’s bloodiest conflict. He realigned domestic politics, redefined the role of the federal government, ushered in the atomic age, and inspired the creation of the United Nations. On December 7, 1941, the war that had been raging across the globe came home to the United States of America when Japan staged a successful attack upon our Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor, sinking ships, destroying planes and facilities and killing and wounding many servicemen. President Roosevelt was convinced that Germany posed the greater threat to civilization than did Japan and that the US would be on the Nazi hit list once Britain was defeated. Knowing that Germany would be committed to declaring war on the US once we declared war on its Axis partner, FDR, in words that resonate to this day, asked Congress for a declaration of war against the Japanese Empire. As anticipated, Germany and Italy then declared war on the US. While the majority of Americans were opposed to our entry into this new conflict, US neutrality was largely a fiction in the months leading up to Pearl Harbor. On March 11, FDR had signed into law the Lend-Lease Act, providing an eventual $50.1 billion to the UK and its allies. On September 2, he signed the Destroyers for Bases Agreement, trading 50 US destroyers for base privileges in Newfoundland, Trinidad and several Caribbean islands. US Neutrality Patrols tracked and reported the movements of German warships, eventually assisting the Royal Navy as it convoyed materials across the Atlantic. Following the German invasion of Denmark, the US proclaimed Greenland and Iceland to be within its sphere of influence. FDR and Churchill had agreed in the Atlantic Charter that when—not if— the US entered the war, Germany would be the first priority. As a wartime leader, Roosevelt energized the American people with his inspiring rhetoric and charismatic personality, as he had done through the darkest
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days of the Great Depression. In his famous Four Freedoms speech—freedom of speech and worship and from want and fear—on January 6, 1941, he set the tone for US aims in the coming conflict. Contrary to his own ideals, however, FDR acquiesced in the wave of anti-Japanese hysteria sweeping the country after Pearl Harbor and signed Executive Order 9066, causing 100,000 innocent Americans of Japanese descent to spend the war years in concentration camps, yet another dark chapter in the history of xenophobia and racial discrimination. Throughout the war, FDR focused upon ways to avoid future conflicts especially the formation of an effective United Nations to replace the defunct League of Nations. He attended twelve conferences with allied leaders, mapping strategy and planning for the world of the future. At first, he expressed confidence that he could work with Joseph Stalin to create a lasting peace. The controversies arising from the Big Three conference at Yalta, February 4-11, 1945, continue to the present. At the time, the Red Army, numbering three times the allied strength, occupied most of eastern and central Europe and was within forty miles of Berlin. While he gave lip service to the formation of democratic societies in the region, Stalin was in a strong position and reneged on all his agreements, sending FDR into a rage. The military and geopolitical realities of the time rather than FDR’s alleged naivete brought about the unhappy consequences. Fated not to see the end of the conflict he had led the world through, Roosevelt died at his Warm Springs, Georgia, retreat on April 12, 1945, less than a month ahead of the German surrender and six months before the adoption of Lorin Swinehart the UN Charter.
Did discovery come by slow degrees one small thing upon another Or was it thrust into your unbelieving face? Did realization napalm your soul? Tear the skin from your dreams blow up your heart? Did you scream lost inside the pain? or were your eyes wide with fear fixed open staring stunned into the white heat of recognition? Were you abandoned, dropped from a great height? Did you plunge into a fetid marsh, left to drift drowning in darkness, mouth filled with rotting dreams? Did that little catfish mouth that encircled you so sweetly hide shark’s teeth? Did you bore her, darling? Did her attention flicker, then turn away while you were still wallowing in fantasy? Did she toss that Cleopatra wig, rake you with those plastic nails and prance away unconcerned leaving you fat and foolish, tears of hot shame stinging your fond heart? Does loss now dog your steps? Does emptiness now labor your lungs? Does pain now halt your breath in strange, foreign rhythms? Must you remind yourself to breathe? Do you look in the mirror? Do you see yourself and know your youth has fled? Are the words “middle-aged fool” branded across your brow? Do you see your desperate eyes peering wounded through the pain, Sorrow leaking like blood from a seeping wound? Is your heart constricted with grief? Did she hurt you, baby? By Reba Mayo
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Dear Sir: I read the rebuttal to your article on Edgar Cayce. Mr. Kenneth Crosby’s suggestion that things outside the jurisdiction of scientific verification are quackery and deception, is rather dogmatic. I too am sceptical with regard to claims of psychic abilities, but for quite different reasons. My own skepticism is largely based on the observation that people tend to abdicate responsibility for their circumstances by looking to others for answers. Seeking out guides and gurus has become a form of entertainment. Individuals possessing no particular perceptive skills, pose as psychics, Healers or Spiritual advisers; - A fool and his money will soon be parted !
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Amongst the poseurs are those who make a positive contribution to others through the employment of their intuitive faculties. A case in point: the formulation of the Periodic Table by Dmitri Mendeleev in 1869, partly as the result of a dream. A quote from Albert Einstein: “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” Human Consciousness remains largely a mystery to science, which is only recently making headway in describing its origins and attributes. This is a long way from proving any assumptions with regard to its absolute nature. Science has indeed been unable to prove the existence of psychic ability, but neither has it been able to disprove such a thing may occur. Quantum Physics is exploring the realms of consciousness, presenting concepts which appear to turn the rules of conventional science, topsy-turvy! Looking to science to prove or disprove dimensions of Human Consciousness, may be unrealistic. Can science prove the response of millions of people, to their religious convictions? Some scientists themselves are adherents to Faiths which purport such things as Virgin Birth; the transubstantiation of water to wine; or the presence of an invisible God-Man. Even seemingly rational human beings occasionally experience something outside the bounds of the known and explainable. Can science prove the brilliance of a great work of art or music? Is there a laboratory formula to demonstrate the cause and effect of things which inspire people and call them to something greater in their own lives? Scepticism requires some degree of objectivity. Neither gullible acceptance nor outright dismissal should become fixed positions. If you set out to either prove or disprove a thing, you’ll likely confirm only those things determined by your own predisposition. Richard Di Castri
Glosa For Time
Strange planet and strange people on it They yield to time but they don’t want to recognize time They have their ways of expressing resistance They make pictures such as this Wislawa Szymborska “People on the Bridge” The past is a foreign country you pour over old photographs wonder at yellowing images of wicker chairs lace table cloths, tea parties on the lawn what were they talking about? Two flappers, bobbed hair, silk stockings, on a visit to the sea-side at Brighton, they look happy an older woman, slightly rumpled, poses a monkey on her shoulder – your favorite. Strange planet and strange people on it. In the park old men walk briskly elbows pumping, chests out if they walk fast enough they’ll catch up with their youth those years when their bodies were firm and they in their prime. In a distant park in Beijing men with long brushes paint poetry in water their words transitory, sublime. They yield to time but don’t want to recognize time. though they see it when they look in a mirror - a window clothes locked away in an attic carry the odor of patchouli, old perfume leaves fall from a tree, dry and wrinkle like skin. Dorian Grays hope by chance they’ll defeat it. Carpe diem – if only they could, seize each day and hold it, halt the years’ advance. They have their ways of expressing resistance. Emperor Qin two thousand years ago deciding he would live forever, designed his city of terra cotta. Today crowds rush to Xi’an, gaze at his soldiers and chariots and wonder in awe: he lives on. Now you lounge in your garden this autumn evening, feel the last faint rays of sun warm on your face, savor this glass of wine this dish of dusky plums, this scent of clematis. They make pictures such as this. By Margaret Zielinski
Saw you in the Ojo 51
laire and David were ecstatic when she gave birth to identical twin boys; they had difficulty telling them apart until she had a small leather band made for Tommy Gene’s wrist. When Claire’s father died, the boys were old enough to travel. They flew to Boulder, Colorado for his funeral. Their parents remained to take care of many details, so the boys were put on a non-stop bus to Dallas. They were seated behind the driver, who promised to take special care of them. The weather suddenly changed to sleet and snow, which excited the boys but put a damper on adult passengers, aware of problems in mountain travel. The driver stopped to pick up a man who flagged him down, boarded the bus, shot the driver and pulled him out of the door. The boys grabbed each other’s hands and followed them out. Landing in the freezing water was indeed a shock; on rising to the surface they heard the bus hit the water a short distance away. They swam toward a dim light; no easy task in the freezing water. Nearing exhaustion, on reaching the shore they discovered the dim light was over a sign reading “Donald’s Fishing and Boat Rentals.” The door was answered by a surprised man, Donald, who took a quick look at the shivering boys, invited them in, led them to a room with a blazing fireplace, and hurried for some army blankets, hot coffee and brandy. The boys ripped off their wet clothes, wrapped themselves in the blanket and stretched out in front of the fireplace. Early the next morning Donald left in his truck, headed into the village for supplies and to see if emergency vehicles had responded to his urgent call. The boys were awake and having coffee when they heard strange noises under the floor. Finding a trap door to the cellar, they thought they were in a house of horrors on seeing an attractive blonde hanging on a rope from the rafters by her hands, heavy ropes binding her wrists. Her story was a grim, ugly one. Donald was her jealous husband who found her laughing and talking to some fishermen, accused her of flirting, and began the rope- hanging program, letting her out of bondage to fix meals, eat under constant watch before return-
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ing to the ropes. They prepared for her rescue by waiting for his return, knocking him out, tying him up and leaving him in the cellar while they escaped in the truck. It worked as planned, and the twins waited in the truck while the woman packed a small suitcase. Two shots rang out before she came to the truck, but no questions were asked. She started messing with one of the boy’s crotch until he took her hand, put her fingers in his mouth and bit down as hard as possible. She screamed for what seemed like hours, moving as close to the door as possible. The trip to her sister’s house in Denver took about four hours. The boys sat in the truck until they saw her sister open the front door, followed with many hugs, then sped off to the airport for a flight back to Dallas. They would leave the keys and parking ticket under the driver’s seat, calling to tell her where it was parked. They had been home about three nights when the doorbell rang at four in the morning. Opening the door they found a large black trash bag, and their day turned into a nightmare as they discovered the pretty blonde’s dismembered body. Afraid to call the police and get involved in a murder case, they dragged the bag to the porch of the old grouch next door who called the police whenever they had a party, complaining about the noise. Worst of all, he had forced them to get rid of their dog, which he claimed barked too much and kept him awake during his nap time. After hearing sirens and commotion from his house they went back and rang his doorbell, but there was no answer. His car was not in his driveway. They never heard from him again. %RE 7HQQLVRQ
Saw you in the Ojo 53
The Path Traveled Only Once
t was becoming increasingly difficult to concentrate and steer the SUV; the weight of the sleeping two year old was causing my arms to go numb. In the passenger seat, the old Mexican grandmother, shrouded in a black shawl, was muttering the Rosary. Three teenage boys in the back seat were whistling at and calling out to girls. Six children in the rear screaming and chattering like monkeys. No, I was not driving a Community Center Service vehicle; I was part of a Mexican funeral procession in Mexico. Concha was seventy years old when her family lost her to the wheels of a car driven by a gringo. Respected and honored by the village, she left a legacy of eleven children and sixty-two grandchildren. While I felt deeply honored to be asked to share this sad day with the family, I was naïve as to the protocol. Mourners spilled from the church into the street. Umbrellas, opened to offer protection from the sun, moved toward the cemetery like a parade of brightly, colored gumdrops. Saddled horses, tied outside the church, shifted nervously awaiting their riders. I had agreed to transport the very young and old unable to make the trek. Trailing behind the charros, (Mexican cowboys), I was annoyed when they stopped before we even passed the Plaza for a round of beers and tequila. Didn’t wakes occur after the burial? After a few more “pit stops” by the charros, I decided to stop looking at the rear end of horses and passed them. At the cemetery, I waited patiently for someone to retrieve my passengers. Concha’s casket had been placed on an altar in a small, open pavilion and the Rosary was being said. The heat and flies were taking their toll on my human cargo. Having no idea who belonged to whom, I helped everyone out and ushered my multi-generational charges toward the rest of the mourners. As the baby cried and the youngsters whined for their mothers, I became aware that
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I was one of only four gringos present. Would the family and villagers resent our presence? The service moved toward the gravesite and I tried to remain inconspicuous. After an hour I was becoming hot and tired and questioned why the service had not been completed. Much to my chagrin, I saw they were still digging the grave and far too deep. This is what I call poor planning! I was to learn that it is an honor and a show of respect for the deceased as each man takes a turn with the shovel. Off to the side, another group of men were mixing concrete by hand. When the casket was lowered into the freshly dug grave, again, man after man, took a turn shoveling cement onto the casket. Embalming is not required by law and far too costly for the meager means of many families. The cement curtails odors, prohibits the casket from floating upwards and provides a resting place for yet another family member, an underground mausoleum. As darkness dropped like a mourning veil, bottles of tequila changed hands, babies slumped in the arms of their aunts and grandmothers, and young children whimpered from thirst and hunger. Enterprising Mexican vendors with coolers sold soda pop and snacks to weary mothers. I too was tired after three hours, and approached family members to offer them a ride back to the village. Sleeping babies were placed in my arms and gnarled hands grasped my shoulders, but the women of the family would remain behind to complete one final task. Many massive stands of flowers, the number indicative of the high esteem the villagers had for Concha, were to be strategically placed around the grave. Bouquets of cut flowers, some in tin cans, graced the perimeter. Villagers drifted away, tequila-sodden charros clumsily tried to mount their horses, and Concha’s family knelt to say their final good-byes. I come away marveling how Mexicans celebrate life and death, respected, endured and faced without fear.
hat brings you to Mexico? I came here looking for my husband, actually. He went out for a newspaper, and never returned. This was years ago, and at first it was a relief, you know. But a friend of mine sent me a YouTube link of him doing the Thriller dance on the Ajijic Plaza. And sure enough, there he was, looking more divine in all that zombie makeup than ever. I found the thought of him as a “living dead man,” quite arousing, for some reason. Love is strange, is it not? Apparently. Have you been able to find him? Yes, darling, but the fact that the makeup was full-body was a bit offputting, after all. We did try a little canoodling one evening, but he slid clean off the couch, and wrenched his back. One whole Viagra pill, wasted. What a shame it was. But I did find a new beau. I’m not surprised. There are many handsome single men down here. Yes, but not quite as many young ones as I’d like. I had to go all the way down to the skate park on the malecón to find him. It was just murder in my heels. The long walk, you mean? No, skate boarding. But what fun we had! All afternoon, swooshing up and down the malecón with my skirt flapping in the breeze, and people covering their eyes...and all in time to the Mariachi music a little band was playing. You should have seen the looks on their faces! People here really do appreciate older people more, don’t they? Everyone was so enthusiastic. I’m
told laughing and pointing are signs of respect here in Mexico. What will you do now? Are you planning to stay in the area? Oh, I can’t possibly. Home calls me, you know. And besides, my beau turned out to be a little younger than I realized. So, the sooner the better, according to the local police chief. But I shall always cherish the fond memories!
Saw you in the Ojo 55
mericans have to decide whether the National Rifle Association and the gun industry should continue to corrupt and control our political system— whether the NRA with an estimated 3 million membership and a management dominated by firearms manufacturers should elect politicians and determine public policy for 315 million. The NRA has morphed from a group that represented gun owners into a front group for the firearms industry, whose profits are increasingly dependent on the sale of military-bred weapons like assault rifles. The NRA is not only out of touch with mainstream America, it is out of touch with its own members. NRA members (a good many of whom appear to have been coerced to join) are much more rational than the management of the non-democratic, top-down, hierarchical NRA. A May 2012 poll revealed moderation on behalf of its members: three out of four believed that background checks should be completed before every gun purchase. Nearly two-thirds supported a requirement that gun owners alert police when their firearms are lost or stolen. NRA’s corporate patrons include 22 firearms manufacturers, 12 of which are makers of assault weapons with household names like Beretta and Ruger. Do-
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nors from the industry and other dark reaches of the corporate world have funneled some $52 million to the NRA in recent years. The NRA CEO, Wayne LaPierre, serves at the pleasure of a 76-member board that is stocked with industry brass, and which is all but self-perpetuating. Only one-third of the board’s membership is up for re-election in any given year. Voting is limited to the NRA’s honored “lifetime” members and to dues-payers with at least five consecutive years of being in good standing. The NRA’s 10-member nominating committee – one of whose members is the CEO of Freedom Group, which manufactures the Bushmaster semiautomatic that Adam Lanza used to slaughter children in Newtown. The NRA political contributions totaled $2,850,033 between 2003 and 2012, 74 percent of which went to the Republican Party, according to Follow the In the 2012 political races, the total percentage of contributions that went to the GOP: 88%. The NRA’s traditional, regulated PAC is strong as ever. It spent $16.6 million in national political races in 2012. It was joined by a newly empowered NRAILA, which kicked in an additional $7.4 million from undisclosed sources, making the NRA the eighth-largest dark-money group in the country. Primary Source: “The NRA vs. America” by Tim Dickinson, Rolling Stone.
Against The Dying Of The Light
As Nature sentences the land to die It screams its last appeal in blazing leaf Exploding ‘gainst the shortened days. So I Invoke all powers to rage before the grief. I cling to you, as life to limb. Let fires Dissolve the ice that’s creeping in your veins; Let sirens shriek - red lights, Code Blue - in choirs Of colors that must drown out Death’s refrains. The shades of winter, like old film, are cast In memories replayed on shadowed screen. They wait to fill the hollows with the past Ensuring nothing’s left but where we’ve been. If spring is clouded in our horoscope Then dark is stayed in technicolor hope By Diana Rowland
Saw you in the Ojo 57
The Ojo Crossword
ACROSS 1 _ and pains 6 Note of debt 9 Father 13 Arrive 14 Lick 15 Roof coverings %URQ]H 17 _A Small Worldâ&#x20AC;Ś 18 Anger %OLQW] 20 Palace 22 Small gulf 23 Drunk 24 Sonny 25 Ethereal 27 Project 29 Pierced 33 Time zone 34 Sphere 35 One of Columbus´ships %UDJ 39 Hertz %% 3OD\HU $EGXO -DEDU 41 Wort 42 Make lace 43 East southeast 44 Hair plucker 46 Thinks 49 Shout 50 Killed in action 51 Snack 53 Ship initials 56 Position
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58 Lazy 59 Violent outbreak 61 Gorilla 62 From Asia 63 Drops off 64 Harden 65 Feather 66 Eden dweller 67 Moray 68 Pay
DOWN 1 Mid-Eastern dwellers 2 Large stringed instruments 3 Common salt 4 Economics abrv. 5 Mousey %RRN E\ +RPHU 7 What horses eat 8 House´s 2nd Ă&#x20AC;RRU 9 Atmosphere 10 Tattle 11 Second letter 12 Wan 15 Idiot 20 Captain (abbr.) 21 Extremity 24 Crave 26 Union member 28 Ripper 30 Fib 31 East northeast 32 Dyke 34 Choose 36 Greenwich Mean Time 37 Statute %XOOÂżJKW FKHHU 39 Surrey 40 At sea 42 Rend 43 Rewrite 45 Soars 47 Normal 48 Salted sausage %HOO VWURNH 52 Lore 53 U.S. Department of Agriculture 54 Wall Support %RG 57 Dueling sword 58 Island 60 Revolutions per minute 62 Rainy mo.
Saw you in the Ojo 59
Dear Sir: Many people have asked me the location of my story “Water for All” in August’s Ojo. My intention was to be vague so that the story would read like an allegory that could evoke any place at any point in time, including the future. The truth is that though the setting was fictionalized, the events were based on true events some 35 years ago near Mexico City where my family had rented a house. I recently wrote to a friend, who still lives there, and asked if the water problem had improved. This is his reply. I read your moving piece on the water shortage. You wonder if the critical situation has improved. No, only today I went out to check the level of the water in our cistern and it had sunk to a quarter full. Although we are still in the rainy season, it isn’t coming down of-
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ten enough. So while showering we are catching water in a bucket for flushing. Surrounding us ten thousand swimming pools are full but tens of thousands are carrying buckets of water... So Mexico is still a paradise for us, because we live in enclaves isolated from the hell around us. That’s why your piece is needed--to remind us of those outside. A reporter once asked Hemingway if he was happy. Hemingway said, “In general, yes, but when I think of what most people are going through, then I’m not happy anymore.” Bertrand Russell warned that from time to time you must grasp the suffering of the world and feel it deeply and then you can go on being happy again. Your piece causes a moment of the necessary feeling. I hope that is the case and I thank the Ojo for publishing it. Margaret Van Every
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In the spirit of Neill James, LCSâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; original benefactor, you may bequeath a legacy to LCS that will help continue our valuable programs to this community. Introducing children to the arts and empowering women through vocational skills were her primary passions when she settled in Ajijic. Three of her important proJUDPV FRQWLQXH WR Ă&#x20AC;RXULVK XQGHU WKH DXVSLFHV RI /&6 a community library, the Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Art Program, and Needlepushers, an organization of volunteers who knit and sew childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s clothing. Currently, LCS is sponsoring more than two dozen proJUDPV EHQHÂżWLQJ WKH /DNHVLGH FRPPXQLW\ LQFOXGLQJ expanded English as a Second Language and computer classes for children and adults. LCS also provides scholarships 25 to 30 students at the university level. We have additional programs, some in the development stage, which will need funding. If you have an area of special concern, or a project close to your heart, you may be interested in contacting us for further information regarding funding opportunities. Legacy gifts to LCS may be left in wills, trusts or estate plans to support a favorite cause or help people in need. You may also bequeath property or designate LCS as EHQHÂżFLDU\ RQ D EDQN DFFRXQW RU LQVXUDQFH SROLF\ Leaving a car, jewelry or art that can be sold will help ensure the success of our work in the community. Gifts to charitable institutions are simple to make and PD\ KDYH VLJQLÂżFDQW WD[ EHQHÂżWV WR \RXU HVWDWH 'LVFXVV \RXU RSWLRQV ZLWK \RXU ÂżQDQFLDO SODQQHU RU DWWRUQH\ )RU more information, pick up an informative brochure in WKH /&6 VHUYLFH RIÂżFH <RXU EHTXHVW IURP WKH KHDUW ZLOO bring dignity, meaning, and purpose to a life well-lived.
:DUUHQ +DUG\ 6SDQLVK &ODVVHV Resume The Warren Hardy Spanish classes resume Monday, September 9 at the Wilkes Center. Designed for adult students, the course is open to all LCS members. Tuition for the small class seven-week course is $600 pesos. The required workbook is $430 pesos and additional RSWLRQDO PDWHULDOV LQFOXGLQJ Ă&#x20AC;DVK FDUGV SHVRV and DVDs ($430 pesos), are available at the Patio Table. A four-week Introduction to Spanish class will be held in the Gazebo every Tuesday from noon to 1:30. Tuition is $150 pesos. Register for the Warren Hardy course or the ,QWURGXFWLRQ WR 6SDQLVK FODVVHV DW WKH /&6 RIÂżFH 0RUH information is available online
September 2013 o om me e A On l l e, !!!
All you can eat Mexican Buffet Cash Bar Entertainment Games Dancing Globos
iNDEPENDENCIA MEXICANA Monday September 16, 2 PM to 5 PM
$ 150 pesos Presented by Manix and the EspaĂąa brothers.
9LVLWV /DNHVLGH LCS was fortunate to be the host of the Ambassadorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s visit. Despite security protocols, it is an honor to host a state visit! Unfortunately at the time this article is required for press there is little to report. Look on the LCS website for the monthly PDF for more coverage.
7RZQ 7RSLFV A follow-up on our meetings with Transito and Customs: We met with the transito RIÂżFHUV DJDLQ LQ D SULYDWH PHHWLQJ WR GLVFXVV WKH GHDO WKDW was struck at the public meeting - that a form would be available at LCS IRU SHRSOH WR XVH WKDW ZHUH KDYLQJ SUREOHPV ZLWK RIÂżFHUV DVNLQJ IRU D mordida. Unfortunately the comandantes backed off of their promise to help us create such a form, but assured us that things were getting better, and that citizens should follow the currently prescribed steps, essentially reporting it locally to the transito Chief. We still hope to resolve this issue. :H UHFHLYHG D ZULWWHQ UHVSRQVH IURP WKH FXVWRPV RIÂżFLDO WR WKH TXHVWLRQV he was given regarding legalizing your car. His responses are given on the next page.
Saw you in the Ojo 61
5HVSRQVHV IURP WKH &XVWRPV 2IÂżFH 5HJDUGLQJ 1DWLRQDOL]LQJ )RUHLJQ &DUV :KLFK FURVVLQJ ERUGHU FLW\ FDQ D FDU EH OHJDOL]HG" Any crossing border city or at any port, where there is an authorized FXVWRPV RIÂżFHU ZLOO EH DEOH WR KHOS \RX ZLWK WKH SHUPLW IRU D GHÂżQLWLYH FDU legalization. You have to present the vehicle that you are importing at the designated area of the customs grounds, and it should be driven in order to activate the evaluation mechanism. 7KLV SHUPLW LV WKURXJK WKH GHÂżQLWLYH LPSRUWDWLRQ RI WKH YHKLFOH DQG LW is accordingly to the rule 3.5.1. 2nd fraction, letter a & c by the rule of general matter regarding the current exterior commerce rules. ,Q IURQW RI WKH FXVWRP RIÂżFHU DW WKH ERUGHU WKURXJK D FXVWRP DJHQW \RX FDQ DVN IRU WKH GHÂżQLWLYH LPSRUWDWLRQ SHUPLW DFFRUGLQJO\ WR WKH FRGH number where it belongs, and it has to be accordingly to the law, that is stipulated on the international commerce rules. :KDW ZRXOG KDSSHQ WR WKH FDUV WKDW ZHUH DOUHDG\ OHJDOL]HG LQ *XDGDODMDUD" Does not apply. ,V WKHUH DQ\ WDEXODWLRQ SULFLQJ VKHHW WR WDNH DV UHIHUHQFH WR NQRZ WKH WRWDO FRVW RI WKH FDU OHJDOL]DWLRQ" $QG PD\ ZH KDYH D FRS\ RI LW" ,Q RUGHU WR GR WKH ÂżQDO LPSRUWDWLRQ RI D XVHG YHKLFOH IURP DQRWKHU FRXQtry, when you are getting the permit, the general importation tax will be determined, as well as the i.v.a. tax, the new car tax and the right for the custom permit. This cost should be determined according to the last paragraph of article 78th of the current importation law. The base to determine the tax is the result of applying the value of the new vehicle with equivalent characteristics to the model of the year when the importation is taking place. There is a 30% deduction for the previous year, adding a 10% deduction for every following year, until it reaches 80%. $W WKH UHVXOW RI GHÂżQLQJ WKH FRVW RI WKH FDU DQ DG YDORUHP RI ZLOO EH applied in order to pay the general importation tax, and this will avoid WKH QHHG WR KDYH D FHUWLÂżFDWH RI RULJLQ RU D SUHYLRXV SHUPLW IURP WKH VHFUHWDU\ RI ÂżQDQFH WR LPSRUW WKH FDU $V \RX PD\ NQRZ PRVW RI WKH IRUHLJQHUV DUH ROGHU DQG ZRXOG KDYH GLIÂżFXOW\ GULYLQJ WR WKH ERUGHU ZKLFK LV D ORQJ GULYH LQ RUGHU WR OHJDOL]H WKHLU FDU ,V WKHUH DQ\ ZD\ WKDW WKLV OHJDOL]DWLRQ FDQ EH GRQH ZLWKRXW WKHP GULYLQJ WR WKH ERUGHU" At the moment, there is no special program that will help legalization at FXVWRPV RIÂżFHV ORFDWHG LQ WKH LQWHULRU RI WKH FRXQWU\ There is a program held by the customs agents called â&#x20AC;&#x153;retorno seguroâ&#x20AC;?, by which the agent is authorized to take the vehicle and do all the paperwork on your behalf, through the border where you entered Mexico. This has a day limit of 5 days to complete. :KDW DUH WKH \HDUV DQG PRGHOV RI FDUV WKDW DUH DOORZHG WR EH OHJDOL]HG" 7KH XVHG IRUHLJQ YHKLFOHV WKDW FDQ EH LPSRUWHG GHÂżQLWLYHO\ ZLWKRXW D SUHYLRXV SHUPLW IURP WKH VHFUHWDU\ RI ÂżQDQFH DQG DFFRUGLQJO\ WR WKH WOF treaty, are as follows: It will not apply for a previous importation permit if the used vehicle registration number of manufacturers number, or serial number when car was assembled in USA or Canada, or if the serial number of that particular model be: I. At least ten years before the current year, starting January 1st, 2009. II. At least eight years before the current year, starting January 1st, 2011.
El Ojo del Lago / September 2013
III. At least six years before the current year, starting January 1st, 2013. IV. At least four years before the current year, starting January 1st, 2015. V. at least two years before the current year, starting January 1st, 2017. VI. Without any antiquity, starting January 1st, 2019. As bottom line, any car manufactured, assembled, registered in the USA or Canada whose model year is 2006 or older can be legalized. ,V LW SRVVLEOH IRU WKH ORFDO FRPPHUFH RIÂżFH WR ÂżOH D complaint against individuals that are advertising FODLPV WKDW WKH\ FDQ OHJDOL]H FDUV LQ *XDGDODMDUD" <HV \RX DV FRPPHUFH RIÂżFH FDQ ÂżOH D FRPSODLQW against any individual that promotes and say they can do the legalization of the car. This complaint should be presented to the proper authorities. :KDW LV WKH SKRQH QXPEHU ZKHUH ZH FDQ JHW PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ RQ WKLV PDWWHU" Customer service at 01 800 46 36 728, Monday through Saturday 8:00 am to 21:00 pm, from USA or Canada 1 877 44 88 728. Or at the web site http://www.sat.gob. mx/home.asp ,W LV LPSRUWDQW WR PHQWLRQ WKDW LUV RIÂżFH ZLOO KHOS \RX LQ answering all your questions as well.
/LEUDU\ $OHUW +HUHÂśV <RXU &KDQFH Did you know that we've added over 1,500 books to the library in the last 18 months, many of them new UHOHDVHV DQG PDQ\ FODVVLFV ERWK ÂżFWLRQ DQG QRQ ÂżFWLRQ +HUHÂśV \RXU FKDQFH WR UHDG WKH ERRNV \RX should have read, but didn't in those high school or college literature classes!
For Your Convenience: Touch Screen &DUG &DWDORJ DW WKH /LEUDU\ If you havenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t used it yet, or are not familiar with it, the libraryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s touch screen card catalog is a fast, easy way to access our 24,000 plus volumes without a keyboard or a mouse. You may search by author, genre, title or keywords simply by touching the appropriate keys. A genre search might be Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Literature (especially helpful for grandparents visiting or young families living in at Lakeside), or perhaps a general category like computers (Macs and pcs, operating systems, iPads, computers for seniors, etc). Search for archeology, erotica, memoirs, true crime, crafts, medicine, health, cookbooks including Mexican, European, Asian and traditional North American FXLVLQHV WKH DUW DQG KLVWRU\ RI YDULRXV HUDV UHJLRQV and cultures. Spend a few minutes with the genre VHDUFK IXQFWLRQ DQG ZLWK D WRXFK RU WZR ÂżQG VRPHWKLQJ special weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve missed mentioning here. We also have many reference books which canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be checked out, but are available for reading and research in the library. Once youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve found something that piques your interest, relax at one of the tables in the reading room at the rear of the library. Did we mention that free WiFi is available, too?
*Open to the Public ** US Citizens (S) Sign in required (C) Membership card required &58= 52-$ Cruz Roja Sales Table M+T+F 11-1 Cruz Roja Monthly Meeting 2nd W 2-4 +($/7+ ,1685$1&( %OXH $QJHO ,QVXUDQFH ) IMSS & Immigration Services M+T 10-1 Met Life Insurance T+TH 11-2 ReHealth Therapies 1st+3rd TH 10-12 +($/7+ /(*$/ 6(59,&(6 %HFHUUD ,PPLJUDWLRQ ) %ORRG 3UHVVXUH ) Diabetes Screenings 2nd+3rd F 10-12 Hearing Services (S) M and 2nd+4th SAT 11-3 Hypnotherapy 1st +3rd W 2-5 Information Desk M-SAT 10-2 Loridans, Marquez & Assoc T 10-12 Optometrist TH 9-2 Sign-up Pharmaceutical Consultations 4th M 10-12 Skin Cancer Screening 2nd +4th W 10-12 Sign-up US Consulate 2nd W 10:30-12:30 Sign up 10 ** /&6 3$7,2 /&6 3DWLR %XV 7ULSV 6DOHV 7DEOH 0 ) LESSONS Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Art SAT 10-12* Exercise M+W+F 9-10 Have Hammer Workshop Demo W 10-12* Intermediate Hatha Yoga T+ TH 2-3:30, SAT 1-2:30 Line Dancing T+TH 10-11:10 LIBRARIES Audio TH 10-12 %RRN 9LGHR 0 6$7 /LEUDU\ RI &RQJUHVV %RRNV 7DONLQJ %RRNV 7+ Wilkes M-F 9:30-7, SAT 9:30-1 SOCIAL ACTIVITIES %HJLQQHUV 'LJLWDO &DPHUD : %HJLQQHUV L3DG&ODVV ) %HJLQV 6HSW %ULGJH )XQ 0 : Digital Camera Club W 10:30-11:50 Discussion Group W 12-1:30 )LOP $ÂżFLRQDGRV VW UG 7+ )LOP $ÂżFLRQDGRV QG WK /DVW 7+ Genealogy Last M 2-4 iStuff Discussion Group F 9:30-10:30 Mac OS Class 1st M 12-1:30 Mac User Group 3rd W 3-4:30 Mahjong F 10-2:30 Needle Pushers T 10-12 Scrabble M+F 12-2 Storytellers T 3:30-6, 10 September * Tournament Scrabble T 12-2 Windows Computer Group F 10:30-11:45 6(59,&( 6833257 *52836 Gamblers Anonymous W 11-1 Green Group 1st T 3-4:30 Lakeside AA M +TH 4-5:45 MS Support Group 3rd W 3-4 NiĂąos de Chapala & Ajijic F 10-12 Open Circle SUN 10-12:15 SMART Recovery W 2:30-4
9,'(2 /,%5$5< 1(: $'',7,216 New Additions for September /DVW PRQWK ZH KDG D EXQFK RI IRUHLJQ ÂżOPV IRU \RX 7KLV month we have added new series and additions to series that have been in inventory for awhile. See the Video Library bulletin board or check them out in the orange SERIES catalog or on the LCS web page under â&#x20AC;&#x153;Librariesâ&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Video Rentalsâ&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Latest Videosâ&#x20AC;? where there are newer additions reviewed.. Additions to series in stock: Damages, (WKH ÂżQDO \HDU The Borgias, (the 3rd year), and Call the Midwife, (the 2nd year). New complete series: Rome, Berkeley Square, and The Forsyte Saga 1HZ VHULHV ÂżUVW \HDU only: Newsroom and White Collar. 0\VWHULHV RI /LVERQ #6229 & 6230 (2010) Portuguese mini-series, a drama that follows a jealous countess, a wealthy businessman, and a young orphaned boy across Portugal, France, Italy and %UD]LO ZKHUH WKH\ FRQQHFW ZLWK D YDULHW\ RI P\VWHULRXV LQGLYLGXDOV $GULDQR /X] 0DULD -RDR %DVWRV Hoosiers %DVHG RQ WKH WUXH VWRU\ RI D VPDOO WRZQ ,QGLDQD WHDP WKDW PDGH WKH VWDWH ÂżQDOV LQ WKLV PRYLH chronicles the attempts of a coach with a spotty past, and the town's basketball-loving drunk to lead their high school team to victory. *HQH +DFNPDQ %DUEDUD +HUVKH\ Buena Vista Social Club #6232 (1999) A documentary about aging Cuban musicians whose talents had been virtually forgotten following &DVWUR V WDNHRYHU RI &XED %URXJKW RXW RI UHWLUHPHQW E\ 5\ &RRGHU ZKR traveled to Havana in order to bring the musicians together. The result?... triumphant performances of extraordinary music, and the resurrection of the musicians' careers. Compay Segundo Eliades Ochoa 7RUFK 6RQJ 7ULORJ\ #6233 (1988) A very personal story that is both funny and poignant, chronicles a New Yorker's search for love, respect and tradition in a world that seems not especially made for him. From Arnold's hilarious steps toward domestic bliss with a reOXFWDQW VFKRRO WHDFKHU WR KLV ÂżUVW WUXO\ SURPLVLQJ ORYH DIIDLU ZLWK D young fashion model, Arnold's greatest challenge remains his compliFDWHG UHODWLRQVKLS ZLWK KLV PRWKHU $QQH %DQFURIW 0DWWKHZ %URGHHQ Quartet #6234 (2012) At a home for retired musicians, the annual concert to celebrate Verdi's birthday is disrupted by the arrival of Jean, an eternal diva and the former wife of one of the residents. Maggie Smith Tom Courtenay :H $UH 0DUVKDOO #6235 (2006) When a plane crash claims the lives of members of the Marshall University football team and some of its fans, the team's new coach and his surviving players try to keep the football program alive. Matthew McConaughey Matthew Fox 7KH *DWHNHHSHUV #6236 (2010) A documentary featuring interviews ZLWK DOO VXUYLYLQJ IRUPHU KHDGV RI 6KLQ %HW WKH ,VUDHOL VHFXULW\ DJHQF\ whose activities and membership are closely held state secrets. Ami Ayalon Avi Dichter If you have VHS tapes that you would like to have transferred to DVDs, we can do it for only 50 pesos per tape. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s cheap. Please be advised: if your VCR is a Region 4 (Mexico) the movies available at the LCS Video Library are very likely NOT to play satisfactorily. They are all for Region 1 players.
7,&.(7 6$/(6 0 )
Saw you in the Ojo 63
'RZQVL]LQJ RU /HDYLQJ /DNHVLGH" Casi Nuevo Can Help Our experienced staff can organize an estate sale to sell your household items. The sale can take place in your home or we can transport the items to our store. We have the space, knowledgeable sales people and clientele to showcase and sell items quickly. If you prefer to sell your household items yourself, you can consign any unsold items to Casi Nuevo. If you are looking for that special something for your own home, stop in at Casi Nuevo frequently because we have a constant turnover of interesting items at attractive prices. To donate items, there is a drop box on the LCS grounds next to the library for your convenience. We can pick up large items from your house. We are DQ DOO YROXQWHHU DFFUHGLWHG FKDULWDEOH VWRUH $OO SURFHHGV EHQHÂżW our three charities: School for Special Needs Children (formerly known as School for the Deafâ&#x20AC;?), LCS Community Education Program, and Have Hammerâ&#x20AC;ŚWill Travel. For further information, contact Jacqueline Smith at or call 766-1303. Our store with the red door is located on the carretera in Riberas del Pilar on the corner across from 7-Eleven. Open 10 am to 3 pm, Monday to Saturday. Volunteer sales persons are always welcome.
Âľ0DNH ,W RU %UHDN ,W 6LQJOHV 0HHWLQJ We're having an open meeting of the Singles Club at 4 pm on Wednesday, August 21 at Mel's Diner, at the back of the hotel on the Ajijic Plaza. If you want the singles to survive, it's vital that you attend, and be prepared to help out with some of our ongoing needs and upcoming events. For instance, we need someone with good computer skills to help us manage the website, add pictures, etc. We've planned some exciting events, such as a Halloween Party (tying in with the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thrillerâ&#x20AC;? dance and LCS), a possible trip around the lake and a Christmas Party, but we can't do it all by ourselves!! %H WKHUH EULQJ D IULHQG DQG \RXU ZLOOLQJQHVV WR EH LQYROYHG 7KH LCS Singles Social/Happy Hour at Mel's Diner will follow this LPSRUWDQW PHHWLQJ DW SP 7KLV FRXOG EH RXU ODVW RIÂżFLDO RQH
iPad/iPod/iPhone Classes
7KH ÂżUVW VHVVLRQ RI L3DG FODVVHV ZDV IXOO\ ERRNHG LQ WKH ÂżUVW IHZ days. There are only a few spots left in the second session starting on Friday, September 27. Subsequent sessions will take place on Fridays: October 4, 11 and 18 from 2:30 to 4:30 in the Sala. The third four-week session starts on October 15. To enroll, you must e-mail Passwords IRU WKH /&6 :L)L DUH DYDLODEOH DW WKH /&6 RIÂżFH <RX PXVW EH D /&6 member and have an iPad, iPod Touch or iPhone.
THURSDAY FILM AFICIONADOS /&6 0HPEHUV 2QO\ %ULQJ <RXU &DUG $OO ÂżOPV VKRZQ LQ WKH 6DOD No food No pets September 5 Noon BREATHING Austrian 2012 An affecting portrait of an incarcerated teenager attempting to win parole through a work program. September 12 2:00 pm THE FORGIVENESS OF BLOOD Albanian 2012 7KLV SRZHUIXO ÂżOP IRFXVHV RQ DQ $OEDQLDQ IDPLO\ FDXJKW XS in a blood feud. A memorable portrait of a society and the demands it makes on those who are caught up in it. 19 September 19 Noon *,1*(5 $1' 526$ 8QLWHG .LQJGRP A coming of age story, set in the 1960's, about a pair of teenaged girls who rebel against their mothers. Fabulous acting in this one. September 26 2:00 pm IN THE FOG Russian 2013 Set in German-occupied western Russia in 1942. Partisans DUH ÂżJKWLQJ D EUXWDO UHVLVWDQFH FDPSDLJQ +RZ GRHV RQH PDNH moral choices under the most immoral circumstances?
3OHDVH MRLQ 6WRU\WHOOHUV DW LWV ÂżUVW HYHQW RI WKH IDOO VHDVRQ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Mixed Emotionsâ&#x20AC;? will present some of Lakesideâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s best writers reading their own stories. On the program are Jim Tipton, 0DUJLH .HDQH DQG =RÂżD %DULVDV $UGHQ 0XUSK\ ZLOO UHDG RQH of Jim Collumsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; funniest stories. :HÂśOO EH RQ /&6 %DFN 3DWLR RQ 7XHVGD\ 6HSW SP WKH bar opens at 3:30 pm. The event is free, but weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be passing the hat, as usual. All donations and bar proceeds are in honor of the Jim Collums Education Fund. This money is given to the LCS Student Aid Program for distribution. JCEF is proud to have a part in sponsoring 40 college students.
9LYD /D +DFLHQGD 'RQ 3HGUR La Hacienda Don Pedro restaurant is offering a generous 10% to all LCS members, and all dining checks over 500 pesos will garner a 15% discount. Pick up your exclusive member discount FDUG IURP WKH /&6 RIÂżFH <RX PD\ FRQWDFW WKH UHVWDXUDQW directly at 376 766 4906 for reservations. Check out information on hours, location, and cuisine at lahaciendadonpedro@gmail.
The LCS Newsletter is published monthly. Deadline for submissions is the 17th of the month preceding publication. News items may be e-mailed to Reba Mayo; cc to Terry Vidal Note: The editorial staff reserves the right to edit all submissions according to time, space availability and editorial decision.
El Ojo del Lago / September 2013
Saw you in the Ojo 65
Service $'9(57,6,1* ',5(&725<
Pag: 56
$1,0$/ &/,1,&6 3(7 6+23 $1,0$/ 6+(/7(5 $ & Tel: 765-5514 Pag: 39 - CLINICA VETERINARIA SAN ANTONIO Tel: 766-0808 3DJ '((¶6 3(7 +27(/ Tel: 762-1646 Pag: 62 0$6.27$¶6 /$.( Tel: 766-0287 Pag: 64 - PET FOOD AND GROOMING Tel: 766-3062 Pag: 63
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$'2%( :$//6 ,11 Tel: 766-1296 - HOTEL DEL PESCADOR Tel: 106-1247 - HOTEL PERICO Cell: 333-142-0012 - LA NUEVA POSADA Tel: 766-1444, Fax: 766-2049 - QUINTA DON JOSE Tel: 01-800-700-2223 - VILLAS DEL SOL Tel: 766-1152
Pag: 16 Pag: 31 Pag: 45 Pag: 03 Pag: 34 Pag: 61
Pag: 34
- BUGS OR US Tel: 762-1516 - FUMIGA Tel: 766-6057, Cell: (045) 33-1464-6705 - TOTAL MOSQUITO CONTROL Cell. 333 459 8103
Pag: 42 Pag: 65
Pag: 45
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Pag: 57 Pag: 22 Pag: 30
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Pag: 52
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Pag: 40
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- SPRING CLEAN Tel: 765-2953
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Pag: 45
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Pag: 11
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Tel: 766-0050 - CASA TRES LEONES Cell: (045) 331-350-6764
- EL OJO DEL LAGO Tel. 765-3676
EMERGENCY HOTLINE $0%8/$1&( &58= 52-$ FIRE DEPARTMENT POLICE Ajijic Chapala La Floresta
- TEPEHUA TREASURES Tel: 763-5126, 763-5147
Pag: 26
&216758&7,21 $54 *867$92 5,9(5$ 0(1'2=$ Tel: (044) 333 952 6475 Pag: 55 - CABO DO MUNDO- INTERIOR DESIGN Tel: 766-0026 Pag: 42 &216758&7,21 5(02'(/,1*
El Ojo del Lago / September 2013
48,&. %/,1'6 Tel: 765-5067
Pag: 55
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Pag: 54 Pag: 62
- CENTRO LAGUNA Tel: (376) 766-5514 021'$< 0$5.(7
Pag: 02 3DJ
0($7 328/75< &+((6( 721<Âś6 Tel: 766-1614, 766-4069
Pag: 16
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1856(5< - SAN ANTONIO VIVERO Tel: 766-2191
Pag: 13
3(5621$/ $66,67$1&( - JUSTUS HAUSER Tel: 763-5333, Fax: 763-5335 Emergencies: 01 (33) 3441-8223 1(:&20(56 ILSE HOFFMANN Tel 01(33)3647-3912 Cell 33-3157-2541
Pag: 15
- CENTURY 21 Tel: 766-2612 Pag: 26 &2/':(//%$1.(5 &+$3$/$ 5($/7< Tel: 766-1152, movile: (045) 33-1175-9632 Pag: 56 - FOR RENT Tel: 765-2671 Pag: 56 - FOR RENT Cell: 33-1344-3192 Pag: 59 - FOR RENT Tel: 765-3402 Pag: 52 - HACIENDA PMR Tel: 766-3320 Pag: 51 - JORGE TORRES Tel: 766-3737 Pag: 23 - MANZANILLO VACATION RENTALS Tel: (314) 100-6773 or (314) 125-2817 3DJ - RENTAL CENTER Tel: 765-3838 Pag: 49 - RENTAL LOCATERS Tel: 766-5202 Pag: 53 - SANTANA RENTALS Cell: 315-104-3283, Pag: 61 - VILLAS DEL SOL Tel: 766-1152 Pag: 61
Tel: 766-2848 Pag: 26 - LOS MOLLETES Tel: 766-4296 Pag: 33 - LOS TELARES Tel: 766-0428 Pag: 30 - MANIX Tel: 766-0061 Pag: 50 020Â?6 '(/, 5(67$85$17 Tel: 765-5719 Pag: 13 - NUMBER FOUR Tel: 766-1360 Pag: 17, 33 - PANINO Tel: 766-3822 Pag: 24 - PIZZERIA TOSCANA Tel: 765-6996 Pag: 15 7+( &2))(( .,1*'20 Cell: 33-1115-6584 3DJ 7+( 3($&2&. *$5'(1 Tel: 766-1381 Pag: 41 721<Âś6 Tel: 766-1614, 766-4069 Pag: 16 - YVES Tel: 766-3565 Pag: 53
Tel: 766-1140 Pag: 61-64 /$.(6,'( 63$< 1(87(5 &(17(5 $ & Tel: 766-3813 - LOS NIĂ&#x2018;OS DE CHAPALA Y AJIJIC Tel: 765-7032 Pag: 59
5(7,5(0(17 5(67 1856,1* +20(6
- LA CASA NOSTRA Tel: 765-3824 - LA VALENTINA Tel: 766-5179 /$.( &+$3$/$ 1856,1* +20( Tel: 766-0404
Pag: 03 Pag: 21 Pag: 42
6$7(//,7(6 7 9 $-,-,& (/(&7521,&6 6 $ '( & 9 Tel/Fax: 766-1117, 766-3371 - SERVICIO BELTRĂ N Tel: 765-3949, 766-4586 6+$: 6$7(//,7( 6(59,&(6 Tel: 331-402-4223
- ESUN Tel: 766-2319
Pag: 23
63$ 0$66$*( - TOTAL BODY CARE Tel: 766-3379
Pag: 13
7+(5$3,676 /(6/,( ' 67521* 3K ' 0DULWDO )DPLO\ Therapist Tel: 766-5374 Pag: 52 - PROFESSIONAL REHABILITATION Tel: 766-5563 Pag: 19
&$5/26 $1'5$'( / 7RXU *XLGH Tel: 333-4000-838 Pag: 64 - CHARTER CLUB TOURS Tel: 766-1777 Pag: 09, 33 - PRIMO TOURS MEXICO Cell: 331-456 - 4175 3DJ
75(( 6(59,&( Pag: 17 Pag: 64 Pag: 62
6&+22/ - INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE Tel: 766-0903 - INSTITUTO TERRANOVA Tel: 766 2401, 766 3999
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Pag: 61
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Pag: 24
Pag: 20 Pag: 25
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The Ojo Crossword
5(3$,56 - TV REPAIR SERVICIO BELTRĂ N Tel: 765-3949
Pag: 64
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3+$50$&,(6 - FARMACIA CRISTINA Tel: 766-1501 - FARMACIA EXPRESS II Tel: 766-0656 )$50$&,$ 0$6.$5$6 Tel/Fax: 765-5827 - FARMACIA MORELOS Tel: 765-4002
- AJIJIC HOME INSPECTIONS Tel: 766-2836 Pag: 15 - ALL IN ONE REAL ESTATE SERVICE Tel: 766-1161 Pag: 15 %(9 -($1 &2)(// +RPH 2IÂżFH Pag: 57 - BUTCH HARBIN Cell: 33-3107-8748 Pag: 50 - CHULA VISTA NORTE Tel: 766-2177 Cell: (045) 33-3841-8867 Pag: 17 &2/':(// %$1.(5 &+$3$/$ 5($/7< Tel: 766-1152, 766-3369 Fax: 766-2124, Tels: 765-2877 Fax: 765-3528 Pag: 72 - CONTINENTAL REALTY Tel: 766-1994 Pag: 14 - DAMYN YOUNG Cell: 331 603 7501 Pag: 47 )25 6$/( %< 2:1(5 Cell. 33-3970-6749 Pag: 54 - GEORGETTE RICHMOND Tel: 766-2077 Pag: 11 - LORI FJELSTED Cell: (045) 331-365-0558 Pag: 49 - MPR REAL ESTATE Tel: (315) 351-5167 Pag: 61 12e /23(= Cell: (045) 331-047-9607 Pag: 19 3(7(5 67 -2+1 Tel: 765-3676 Pag: 50 - RAUL GONZALEZ Cell: 33-1437-0925 Pag: 03 - SANDI ALLIN BRISCOE Tel: 765-2484 Pag: 27
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3DJ Pag: 61 Pag: 34 Pag: 64
322/ 0$,17(1$1&( - EQUIPMENT AND POOL MAINTENANCE Tel: 766-1617 Pag: 52
- AJIJIC TANGO Tel: 766-2458 - BAYA BISTRO Tel: 766-2845 - CASA FUERTE Tels: 3939-6474 / 81 &+,&.(1 %$5 ³%´ 48( Cell: 331-144-2907 &+2367,&.6 Tel: 331-329-4943 - GO LE CLUB Cell: (045) 33-3502-6555 - HACIENDA DE DON PEDRO Tel: 766-4906 - LA BODEGA DE AJIJIC Tel: 766-1002 /$ &$6$ '(/ :$))/( Tel: 766-1946 - LA NUEVA POSADA Tel: 766-1444, 766-2049 ³ /$ 7$9(51$´'(, 48$7752 025,
Pag: 60 Pag: 51 Pag: 21 Pag: 63 Pag: 55 Pag: 23 Pag: 14 Pag: 62 Pag: 19 Pag: 03
Saw you in the Ojo 67
CARS FOR SALE: Jetta VW, Year 2012, Perfect Conditions. Triptonic (standart option) 6 Speeds. Kenwood Stereo. One Owner. Price: $165,000 pesos. Cell: 333-677-7832 FOR SALE: One Owner â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Mexican Plates, Year 2006. Purchased at the Honda Dealer in Guadalajara and maintained per Honda´s recommendation. New tires, totally serviced and detailed on August 10, 2013, NEW TIRES, mileage is mostly highway travel. Price: $14,000 USD - FIRM FOR SALE: Trailer - Remolque. This trailer is in great condition, only used once. It has American and Mexican papers. Price: 12,000 mxp - 1,000 usd. Please contact me at 3338434-525. FOR SALE: Cummins Diesel, one owner, truck is licensed in the U.S. iTS A 2 wheel drive with the short bed, Has towed a 5th wheel and has bedrails for hitch. Price: $11,000 US. FOR SALE: 2008 Honda Accord MX plated, V6 EXL 4 door sedan. Original 65,000 km. Excellent condition. Mexican plated. Sunroof, Cruise control, CD. Price: $185.000 Call: 766-5686. FOR SALE: Toyota Land Cruiser. Automatic transmission. Full time 4 wheel drive. Trailer hitch. One owner. Excellent condition. Current South Dakota plates. Price: $6,000 USD. FOR SALE: 9: %8* , KDYH D %XJ WKDW KDYH RZQHG IRU \HDUV LQFOXGing the 1600CC engine, it has a brand new custom paint job , with black textured fenders, new tires and wheels, new shocks, and EUDNHV , DP MXVW ÂżQLVKLQJ WKH LQWHULRU WKLV DXWR in the states would cost 10 to 15 thousand dollars, you can check that out on auto trader collector edition of the magazine. Price: $8,000. FOR SALE: 2000 Ford F-150 Pick-up 4x4, Top-of-the-line XLT package. V-8 engine. Trailer towing package Four wheel drive. $XWRPDWLF WUDQV 0DWFKLQJ ÂżEHUJODVV FDS RQ back. Well maintained, very good condition. Tires very good. Slight scratches and dents. $PHULFDQ SODWHV %HVW RIIHU 3ULFH 86 FOR SALE: Hitch for a U Haul trailer, used a few years ago only once to haul a trailer coming from the U.S. down here. Can haul up to 2000 lbs. Current website shows the price for a new hitch at $170 U.S. I would sell it for $100 U.S. Call me at 766-3025 or write :$17(' Pickuo/Scooter/Car. TRANSPORTATION needed badly. Car was totaled by drunk driver. Cheap please. marsmex@ FOR SALE %ODFN 6LGH 0LUURUV IRU D 'RGJH SUV or Truck, Price: $500p each, new $76.95 USD each. Call: 765-4590.
COMPUTERS FOR SALE: Dell Studio XPS 7100 + 24â&#x20AC;? Screen. Windows 7 Professional. Copyright 2009 Microsoft. System Type 64-bit Operating System. Processor AMD Phenon (TM) II X6 1090 T Processor. Nice Desktop. Price: $25,000.00 pesos. Call: 765-4590. FOR SALE: 3rd Generation iPad sturdy cov. If you wish to protect your 3rd generation iPad, this is the cover for you. Looks new - excellent condition. It has the Apple Logo cut out on the front. Price: $350 pesos. :$17(' I need 30 feet of Cat 5 Ethernet cable with connectors on each end. FOR SALE: Power Inverter. Plug into a car or airplane 12v socket and have150 watts of power. Can accommodate two pieces of electronic equipment. Overload protection. Call me: 376-765-6348. :$17(' Want 50 feet Ethernet cable. I
need an approximate 50â&#x20AC;&#x2122; run of Ethernet cable with connectors on both sides. Let me know what you have. I could use two sections as I have a connector but prefer single run. FOR SALE: Printer, hp7960 Photo smart, four colors ink jet. Like new. Price: $650 pesos. Call: 376-766-5452. FOR SALE: Original computer desk 2 feet x 4 feet (60x120 cm) Cracked Temporized safety glass desk. Like an extra thick sliding glass door with center layer shattered, encased. Complete with base. A steal at 1000 pesos. Call: (33)36570139. FOR SALE: Two for price of one, Cable router and DSL modem. You donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t need these until you do. %RWK ZRUN ÂżQH DQG FDQ EH EDFNXSV IRU ZKDW you have now. Price: $125 for both, $75 each. Call me. 376-765-6348 FOR SALE: EZ CAP. Transfer VHS or DVD. Capture and edit high-quality video and audio to your computer. Complete with CD and ready to roll. You can burn captured prodXFW WR D '9' RU &' RU SXW LW RQ D Ă&#x20AC;DVK GULYH Price: $175. Call me. 376-765-6348. FOR SALE: VHS to DVD setup. Includes video stabilizer that will let you copy most all VHS tapes even when they have copy proWHFWLRQ 3ULFH LV ÂżUP DQG OHVV WKDQ , SDLG IRU it (which is not relevant). $150.00 USD or pesos. My phone is: 376-765-63-48. FOR SALE: , KDYH %UDQG QHZ 9LYLWDU Cameras still in the box, they all shoot Pictures and Video. The models are 9112, with 9.1 megaPixels(600), model 410(500),model 7122, 7.1 MegaPixels(500), & The Freelance with 2.1 megapixels (400). I saw a Exact same camera at Soriana a 5.1 Mega Pixel for 999 pesos. Prices: 400, 500, & 600 Pesos. Call: 3331500658 or FOR SALE: Logitech Trackman wheel WUDFNEDOO PRXVH 7 %% 3ULFH 1HZ 86' Used $100p. Call: 765-4590. FOR SALE: Logitech Trackman Marble T CH11 trackball mouse. New $35USD used $100p. Call: 765-4590.
PETS & SUPPLIES FOR SALE: Dog Costumes Small/Med. lobster, jean jackets, dresses, hats all kinds, priced $20p, $50p and $100p each. Call: 7654590. FOR SALE: %UDQG QHZ WUDLQLQJ FROODU 7KLV collar is used to stop a dog from unwanted EHKDYLRU %UDQG QHZ SXUFKDVHG IRU SXSS\ ZLWK &20( LVVXHV 1HYHU XVHG DV VKH ÂżQDOO\ JRW LW herself. This is not an electrical device. It works with small static shocks. Price $1,800 pesos. FREE: Adopts beautiful doggy, Schnauzer. Call: 376-766-3813. FOR SALE: Very nice â&#x20AC;&#x153;Charroâ&#x20AC;? parade sadGOH :LWK HPEHOOLVKPHQW RQ VDGGOH KRUQ EHDXtifully engraved cinch buckles. Saddle frame made of mesquite wood, with inlayed wood. Saddle blanket included. Price: $2,500.00 pesos. For more info: 765-4916. FOR SALE: AKC registered puppies, pedigree and health records will be furnished, one champagne colored male and one white male, fantastic bloodlines, Price: $5,500 pesos. Disposition - FOR SALE: Large size dog carrier used a few times. Excellent condition. Measures 20â&#x20AC;? Wide, 28â&#x20AC;? High, 36â&#x20AC;? Long. Price: 1900 pesos or U.S. equivalent. Call or text to 331-7488868 Speaks English only. FOR SALE: Outward Hound Pet Gear Car Seat. New $32 USD Sale $250p. Call: 7654590.
El Ojo del Lago / September 2013
GENERAL MERCHANDISE FOR SALE: Cargo basket that connects to your hitch includes a lock. New $85 USD used $500p. Call: 765-4590. FOR SALE: %HDXWLIXO 6KDNHU 6W\OH %HGURRP 6HW %HG 0DWWUHVV WZR EHGVLGH WDEOHV two bureaus. Made in Canada 100% Maple. Pictures on request. Quality assurance. Price: $1,600 USD $20,000MX. FOR SALE: Princess House Crystal, one large pitcher with drinking glasses and large bowl. Great for entertaining. Price: $400p. :$17(' Textbooks, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m looking for the following hard copy textbooks, or a web link to free downloads. 1.Providing Home Care: A Textbook For Home Health Aides by William Leahy. 2.Home Health Care Provider: A Guide to Essential Skills by Emily Prieto. 3 Learning to Speak Alzheimerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s: A Groundbreaking Approach for Everyone Dealing with the Disease. Coste, Joanne Koenig. 4.KeepLQJ %XV\ $ +DQGERRN RI $FWLYLWLHV IRU 3HUsons with Dementia. Dowling, James R. 5.The Home Health Aide Handbook. Jetty Fuzy. 6 Workbook for Providing Home Care: a textbook for home health aides. FOR SALE: %LJ 0HQÂśV 3DQWV -HDQV GUHVV slacks and dockers, 5 pairs in all. Sizes 1 - 46, 2 - 58 and 2 - 60. I pair dress slacks has the tags on them. Price: $200p each. Call: 7654590. FOR SALE: Sport Rack car top carrier. Pretty big. Suitable for van or SUV. Price: $120 USD. Call: 765-3427. FOR SALE: In case of break-in. Furniture with a hidden and locked compartment. MexiFDQ VW\OH (DV\ WR DFFHVV EXW GLIÂżFXOW WR ÂżQG Safely, conceal your defensive weapons or your values, jewelry, money or documents! FOR SALE: 20 Gallon/75.7 Ltrs Water Pump. Used for less than 1 year, stored for 8 years. Pressurized water tank w/pump. HP 3/4, single phase, 8.5 amp, 115V with 30 psi. Asking $870 Pesos or near offer. Call 7655085 or email FOR SALE: I have a 1 year old slightly used SHAW HDPVR630 receiver for sale. $400 US or equivalent in peso. FOR SALE: Four Windsor Dinning Chairs DQG 7DEOH %HDXWLIXO FRQGLWLRQ EURXJKW IURP Canada. Table wood and ceramic top. Price: $500.00US - $6,425MX. FOR SALE: %DWWHU\ VWUHQJWK 9ROW OLWKLXP ion 1.5AH: 2 drills(1 impact)1 battery charger and case. Price: $130.00US - $1,600MX FOR SALE: Three years old, practically SHUIHFW FRQGLWLRQ QHZ PRGHO RI /$=<%2< loveseat, chocolate leather, with cream stitching. Price: $500.00US - $6,425MX. Email for photo. FOR SALE: Massage Table. Like new! Removable face support. Portable with cover. Price: $4000pesos/obo. FOR SALE: Nice, clean, and comfortable single bed: mattress, iron frame and cover. Price: $1,500 pesos. Call: 766-2534. FOR SALE: Yamaha Portable Grand top of the line keyboard - DGX-505. 88 piano style keys, high resolution stereo piano sample 6PDUW 0HGLD VWRUDJH 86% FRPSXWHU FRQnectivity, large bitmapped LCD screen, can be used for karaoke, two button pushes and youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re recording and so much more! Light wood stand. Price: $6,000 pesos. Call: 7654551 or FOR SALE: Colman style lantern & tank, For when your electric goes out (and you know it will). Two new mantles and tank is almost 100% full. Will light a full room easily. Price: $500 pesos. Call or email: 376-765-6348.
FOR SALE: Roto-Tiller. Used less than 4 hours. Excellent condition. Price: $10,000 Pesos new. $4000 Pesos/ Offer. Call: 376-7656570. FOR SALE: Mexican saddle in excellent condition. Price: $250 US. Call: 376-7656570. FOR SALE: I have two (2) fresh-out-of-thebox DCX3200 3 series Shaw cable system ONLY receivers. I purchased them in error and canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t connect them to the satellite system. They cost me $140.00 CDN but you can have them for $100.00 each and take them back with you and make $80.00. FOR SALE: Large supply of new and gently used materials. Carry tote with glues, scissors, colored pens, ink pads and cleaner, etc. Other large container with box of assorted stamps, paper cutters, cards for all occasion, envelopes and other miscellaneous items. Will only sell as a set. Price:2,000 MXN. :$17(' We need a paper shredder. If you have a paper shredder for sale, please contact us with details and price. FREE: Pental K1000 camera body, In good condition. Call me. 376-765-6348 FOR SALE: Wireless video/audio Camera. $MRND 0RGHO $- 3ULFH 2%2 &DOO 376-764-6348. FOR SALE: Wireless headphones. Works ÂżQH 3ULFH &DOO FOR SALE: Motorcycle helmet. Good condition with black bag/covering. Price: $300 2%2 &DOO FOR SALE: Solid brass kitchen faucet. This cost over $2,000 at the large plumbing/tool store in Ajijic, but it ended up being too heavy for the cheap sink we have. The sprayer pulls out. Price: $600. Call of email: 376-765-6348. FOR SALE: 16 foot Alum craft with 48hp Even rude. 5 seats and trolling motor. New tires on trailer. Seat semi-new material. 2 extra rims and one extra tire for trailer. Re-decked and carpeted recently. Price: $1995.00 U.S. o.b.o. Call 762-1628 or email barrisroom@ will send photo. FOR SALE: Plavix 75mg, fresh and actually more than 350. Call or email me: 376-7656348. FOR SALE: %ODFN /HDWKHU 0RWRUF\FOH %DJ - Looks brand new. Excellent quality. Many pockets. Expandable. Price: $1,200 pesos. Call: 376-106-0882. FOR SALE: %RRNV LQ (QJOLVK , KDYH DFcumulated many books and we are moving so must sell. Many by Agatha Christie, Laura Childs(Teashop Mysteries), Diane Mott Davidson (Caterer mysteries), Some health and diet related. Many others. If you are looking for something just ask. Price: 10 pesos each. FOR SALE: Casio Keyboard with stand, Works perfectly. Price: $75us. FOR SALE: %HDXWLIXO VWULQJ 'XOFLPHU E\ Folks craft Instruments. The Dulcimer is one of the easiest instruments to learn to play. Reading music is not necessary as you can play by the numbers. Price: 150.00 with case and music. FOR SALE: Nearly 200 VCR tapes. We have many old classics and some newer movies. If you want a list please e-mail and I will send it. These movies are all in English. Price: 20p each. FOR SALE: Standard Pool table in excellent condition, with Italian slate playing surface. Accessories include a cue rack, complete with 8 cues in excellent condition. If space is a problem there are also 6 smaller cues approximately 93 cm in length and never used. 1 bridge, chalk holders + chalk, 2 tri-
angular shaped and 2 diamond shaped ball racks. Two deluxe repair kits as new, containing chalk, cue tips, metal clamp, cloth mender, sandpaper with holder, cement and spots. Dust cover and small brush. Asking $1,450 USD or near offer. Please call (376) 765 5085 or email at FOR SALE: Mitsubishi Projection TV. Complete with handbook and remote control. The TV is in two sections. The top/screen section measures approximately 59 inches/150 cms wide x 36 inches/91 cms deep. The bottom section 59 inches/150 cms wide x 25 inches/64 cms deep. Asking $3,000 Pesos. Call (376)765 5085 or email scrubs1946@msn. com. :$17(' , QHHG D ELF\FOH UDFN WR ÂżW WKH back of a 2011 Honda CRV. Must hook on to the â&#x20AC;&#x153;trunkâ&#x20AC;? lid without drilling etc. and be in Very Good cond. Any reasonable price. Please contact Raphael at doslocos9@gmail. com or daytime phone 376-766-2771. FOR SALE: 5DFLQJ %LNH &ROQDJR &DPSDJQROR 5DFLQJ %LNH IXOO\ &DPSDJQROR (TXLped with Ergopower, well treated, of course used for sale, men frame but perfect for women as well. Especially for people up to 175 cm hight. I can deliver bike to Chapala ĂĄrea, includes many spare psrts and shoes size 39. The italian bike is from Germany. Price: 900 US. Call: 333-161-8996. FOR SALE: Different recreation equipment for children with special needs, such as special bikes, special buggys and truckle beds, for every equipment photos available. Price: $4,500 pesos each. FOR SALE: Walker, caminadora, with 1500 Pesos and without breaks 1000 Pesos from Germany. FOR SALE: I am downsizing and selling my collection of paintings by famous Mexican and international artists, also 2000 books, mostly mystery and selection of coffee table books. :$17(' We need a table for a computer, needs to be 36 inches wide, 24 inches deep, between 27 and 30 inches tall. FOR SALE: %LNH FDUULHU UDFN GHVLJQHG WR ÂżW over rear mounted spare tire. Holds two bikes. Fits our 2006 CRV or similar spare tire. Very secure. Price: $1,000.00. FOR SALE: lot of photo paper for sale, many kinds, Fuji, Staples, mostly 8.5X11, also 4X6 and 5X7. More than $100 large & $100 + small. Price: $350 for the lot. Call: 387-761-0259. FOR SALE: 7KLV 3HS %R\V 9R\DJHU ;/ &DU Top Carrier was purchased this past June and used just once to get us from Virginia to Ajijic. Comes with all the mounting hardware and one key. Paid $200 US. Will consider trade for a kayak. Price: $1,500. FOR SALE: QLFH Ă&#x20AC;RZHULQJ SODQWV LQ ODUJH plastic pots. Photos available upon request. Price: $220 pesos each. FOR SALE: Nearly new Shaw HDPVR 630 UHFHLYHU DQG GLVK ZLWK /1% $OO ZLULQJ LQFOXGed. Price: $6,500 pesos. FOR SALE: 6KDUS $TXRV ´ /&' Ă&#x20AC;DW VFUHHQ TV. Purchased at Costco last year for $16,366 pesos. Stunning picture when hooked up to a HD system. Price: $9,700 pesos. FOR SALE: Taser/Stun Gun. 100% legal in Mexico. 8.9 million volts. With carrying case ÂżWV RQ EHOW 1RQ OHWKDO 3OXJ LQ WR UHFKDUJH Excellent for defense against people or animals. Price: $500. Call or email: 376-7656348. FOR SALE: Cardio cross trainer (Elliptic) almost new, very little used. Price: 3,000 pesos. Call: 765-2547. FOR SALE: STIHL garden trimmer/edger/ ZKLSSHU ,Q ZRUNLQJ FRQGLWLRQ MXVW UHSODFHG the whipper part. This is a gasoline model, not HOHFWULF 3ULFH SHVRV 2%2 4XHVWLRQV 045-331-382-4771. email brunoyito@hotmail. com. FOR SALE: && *DV %LNH , KDYH D brand new heavy duty custom built motor bike with a 50 cc engine,that gets 100 mpg and goes 25 MPH, I can also sell you a complete motor kit and you can install it on your bike for $3000,email me for pics, chicagochichi@ FOR SALE: +HDY\ 'XW\ %%4 &RYHUV QLFH green. Price: $150p each. Call: 765-4590.
FOR SALE: A designer asset to your living room. Old chair, but complete redone. In perfect shape, elegant and comfortable. Price: $6,000. FOR SALE: Limoges Porcelain Set. 12-place setting, serving platters, bowls, CofIHH VHW :KLWH Z UHG JROG ERUGHU OLNH QHZ (over US$12,000 new). Price: $2,500 US / $30,000 Mxp. Call: 376-766-5299. FOR SALE: %RE %HFN :DWHU 2]RQDWRU model WOZ5 by SOTA Instruments $1,500p. Call: 765-4590. FOR SALE: High Quazlity Cookware. AllClad Copper Core 13-Piece Cookware Set New paid $2,000 USD barely used $5,000p. Call: 765-4590. FOR SALE: Texas Dawn Hardy Yellow WaWHU OLO\ IXOO VXQ SDUW VKDGH D UHDO EHDXW\ 5RVD GH OD 1RFKH SHVRV D QLJKW EORRPLQJ /LO\ IXOO VXQ VSHFWDFXODU SLQN FRORU /LQGVH\ :RRGV 7URSLFDO /LO\ EULJKW SXUSOH IXOO VXQ SDUW VKDGH VWLOO VPDOO SUROLÂżF EORRPHU FOR SALE: Sport Rack Car top Carrier 45â&#x20AC;?x35â&#x20AC;?x14â&#x20AC;?. Price: $110. FOR SALE: IW 6DWHOOLWH 'LVK %RXJKW years ago - never used. $350. FOR SALE: Whirlpool Dishwasher. Like new dishwasher, used only a few times. Price: $2000 mxp. Call: 376-766-5299. FOR SALE: Jacuzzi Heater - never used. Price: $5,000 mxp. Call: 376-766-5299. FOR SALE: Singer sewing machine. It has various stitches straight and all kind of zig zag IRU RYHU ORFN DQG PRUH %XWWRQKROH IXQFWLRQ It is white, plastic, with pedal. Price: $1,000 MXN. FOR SALE: %UDQG QHZ PDVVDJH WDEOH Used only a few times. Fine wood frame, foldable, head support, carrying bag with zipper. Wide model. Price: $3,500 MXN. FOR SALE: Custom made clothes rack measures 67â&#x20AC;? long by 60â&#x20AC;? high. Great for when your closet space is limited. Price: $700 pesos. Call: 331-748-8868. FOR SALE: %HVW (TXLSPHQW 6HW RI 5/10/15/20/25 lbs cast iron weights. Ez curl bar - Chromed and knurled with collars. Trip cep bar - All chrome and knurled with collar. Some benches - Pretcher/sitting and lying bench. Heavy bag with cloves. Call Johnny 766-2210. :$17(' Looking for a surveyorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s digital level. Call: 766-5686. FOR SALE: Oleo Painting. Price: $11,000 MNX. FOR SALE: XM Radio Model 136-4345 includes the radio, docking station, car plug in and antenna for your car $400p. Price: $300p. Call: 765-4590. FOR SALE: Mr. Heater-Convection Heater New was $135 USD sale $500p. Call: 7654590. FOR SALE: KITCHEN SCALE. Digital. Range: 0-11 lbs, 0-5,000 grams (precision 1 gr). New, never used, but box open. Duplicated wedding present. White color, LCD screen. Price: $16.50 USD. FOR SALE: MICROWAVE / CONVECTION KENMORE OVEN 1.5 cu. ft. DIGITAL. Used but well cared, includes Recipe / Instruction book, temperature sensor, delivered to your place. Settings: MICRO 0-100 %, CONVECTION 120-450 F. External dim.: 15â&#x20AC;? x 18â&#x20AC;? x 24â&#x20AC;? Internal dim.: 10 7/8â&#x20AC;? x 14â&#x20AC;? x 15 1/4â&#x20AC;?. Price: 120.00 USD. FOR SALE: Dishwasherâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;industrial, Hobart â&#x20AC;&#x153;under the counterâ&#x20AC;? LX30 Commercial Dishwasher. Wash cycle: 85 seconds/150° F (66°C), rinse cycle: 10 seconds, 180° F (82° C). In excellent condition. $2,000 US, or best offer. Call at: 376-765-4521 or e-mail at: FOR SALE: :D\ ÂżQGHU 9 'LJLWDO 9Hhicle Compass Thermometer. Price: $200p. Call: 765-4590. FOR SALE: Heavy Duty Lawn Furniture Covers nice green. Price: $150p each. Call: 765-4590. FOR SALE: Used for two years. Electric wheelchair, Invacare Pronto M94 complete with manual, extra braces for legs, charging system. 25 miles to each charge. New lists $6,900 USD. Good Condition. Price: $3,000 USD, negotiable within limits.
FOR SALE: Prindle 16 w trailer. Main sail and trampoline are almost new. Pontoons and all rigging in new condition. Price: 18,000P Call: 01-387-761-0125. FOR SALE: Various Items. Shaw system DSR401MN - GEN INST - DISH AND Remote. Replica of Mexican show, dancing horse, approx 3 feet tall-3 feet long-unique hand carved saddle sitting upon black leather blanket, embroidered in gold all around, genuine leather cinches, stirrups, leather headgear and reins, real horses hair tale-mounted on pedestal, UHSOLFD RI EULOOLDQW ÂżJKWLQJ URRVWHU PDGH IURP metal, stands 3 feet high, great for home or garden. Call: Johnny 766-2210. FOR SALE: Outdoor Lounge Chairs. +DPSWRQ %D\ +RPH 'HSRW QDPH EUDQG outdoor lounge chairs, rust proof aluminum frame, fully welded construction, all weather cushions. Have 2 for sale at $1,800.00 pesos each. Will email pictures on request. Call: 7665686 FOR SALE: 4 new Watair Atmospheric Water Generators. Makes pure (hot and cold) water from the air all around us. $1,000.00 US each or best offer. FOR SALE: Stove- US Range cast iron and stainless steel 4 burner stove with griddle, in great condition. Price: $1,200 US or best offer. Call at: 376-765-4521 or e-mail at: FOR SALE: SAMSUNG 27â&#x20AC;? TV. Silver With remote and manual. Price: $1,500 pesos. Call: 765-7123. FOR SALE: Wheeled clothes racks. Two %ODFN LURQ ´+LJK [ ´ ORQJ YHU\ PDQHXYHUable clothes racks. Price: $1,200 pesos each. Call: 765-7123. FOR SALE: Inversion Table. Professional anti-gravity inversion table for athletes and rehabilitation of the spine and brain blood circulation. Price: $3,200 pesos. Call: 765-7123. FOR SALE: Covered wardrobe rack. Chrome shelving on wheels with two zipper cover. $2,500 pesos. Call: 765-7123. FOR SALE: 3 Pieces iron patio set. 2ft6
inch diam glass table top 3 seater couch with cushions 2 seater coch with cushions. Price: $3,000MXN. Call: 765-7123. FOR SALE: SHOWER PANEL mod A030A with 3 sprinkles and waterfall on top of it, massages your body while having a bath, still in box. Price: $1,900. E-mail: leopoldoernesto@ â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 376-766-1833. FOR SALE: LITTLE GIANT submersible pump never used, removes water to 1/8 of surface I have the invoice as well. Price: $1,600. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 376766-1833. FOR SALE: I have a box of â&#x20AC;&#x153;Recover onâ&#x20AC;? Acido Acexamico medication (crystals). There are 10 packets in one box. I opened the box, but did not use the medication or open any of the 10 packets. Cost $897.30 MXN. Since I didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t end up using it, perhaps someone else could? Would like to get $500 MXN if possible, RU PDNH DQ RIIHU &DOO
Saw you in the Ojo 69
El Ojo del Lago / September 2013