El Ojo del Lago - September 2014

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Saw you in the Ojo



El Ojo del Lago / September 2014

Saw you in the Ojo



EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Alejandro Grattan-Domínguez Tel: (01376) 765 3676, 765 2877 Fax: (01376) 765 3528 Associate Publisher David Tingen





Dr. Lorin Swinehart looks into a humanitarian crisis the likes of which the United States has rarely faced: the arrival of almost 60,000 Latin-American children on the southern edge of Texas.



Graphic Design Roberto C. Rojas Sandra Hernandez




Associate Editor Jim Tipton

Blanca Salazar writes about something everyone does but rarely thinks about. Think about it.

Contributing Editor Mark Sconce


Drama Critic Michael Warren

Cassandra Torres, a junior at the American School in Guadalajara, looks at the problem from a different perspective: Learning English!

Art Critic Rob Mohr Roving Correspondent Dr. Lorin Swinehart Sales Managers Omar Medina Bruce Fraser 2I¿FH 6HFUHWDU\ Rocio Madrigal ADVERTISING OFFICE Av. Hidalgo # 223, Chapala Mon. thru Fri. 9am - 5pm Sat. 9am - 1pm Tel. 01 (376) 765 2877, 765 3676 Fax 01 (376) 765 3528 Send all correspondence, subscriptions or advertising to: El Ojo del Lago http://www.chapala.com ojodellago@prodigy.net.mx Ave. Hidalgo 223 (or Apartado 279), 45900 Chapala, Jalisco Tels.: (376) 765 3676, Fax 765 3528 PRINTING: El Debate El Ojo del Lago aparece los primeros cinco días de cada mes. (Distributed over WKH ¿UVW ¿YH GD\V RI HDFK PRQWK) &HUWL¿FDGR GH /LFLWXG GH 7tWXOR &HUWL¿FDGR GH /LFLWXG GH &RQWHQLGR



Mark Sconce begins with a simple declarative sentence: A taxi drops off a passenger at the Ajijic cemetary— El Panteon. Thereafter, we take a fascinating journey back in time.


(YHU\RQH FDQ QDPH WKH ¿UVW SUHVLdent of the United States, right? Not necessarily.

29 LITERARY HISTORY Liz Larrabee fantasizes about living in Paris during the 1920’s and laments the loss of F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, and later Albert Camus—all of whom died too soon to suit her.



Marion Fischman relates a true story about coming across a person who has fainted on a street in Guadalajara—and how dangerous it is to make snap judgments.

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El Ojo del Lago / September 2014

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Editor’s Page


Anyone Train Dog




Front Row Center


Uncommon Sense


Hearts at Work

30 Conservative Corner 32

Lakeside Living

40 Profiling Tepehua 42

Child of Month


Bridge by Lake


Ghosts Among Us


LCS Newsletter


Special Events Editor Sandy Olson




Saw you in the Ojo


Editor’s Page %\ $OHMDQGUR *UDWWDQ 'RPLQJXH] For more editorials, visit: http://thedarksideofthedream.com

Robin Williams—The Pagliacci of Comedy


igmund Freud once said that a person’s disposition is often set by the age of five— and perhaps this was true of Robin Williams. Raised in a wealthy suburb of Detroit, his father was an executive with one of the auto industry’s Big Three car companies, but neither he nor his wife spent much time with Robin, who was an only child. Years later, he would recall that left alone to play with dozens of expensive toys, he tried to break the solitude by giving them all names and voices. Later, as a chubby, small child in grade school, he would often use humor to disarm schoolyard bullies; so despite a privileged background, and perhaps from an early age, he came to regard life as something to be endured rather than enjoyed. Luckily for him (and much of the rest of the world, as well!), he discovered that he did greatly enjoy acting, and after high school enrolled at the Julliard School in NYC, where he became best friends with Christopher Reeve. Many years later, after Reeves’ fall from a horse had left him crippled for life, the handsome actor would recall that his good friend was the first to visit him in the hospital, storming into an intensive care unit fully dressed in a doctor’s scrubs, sporting a foreign accent and announcing to Reeves that he was a Polish proctologist there to conduct a personal examination. Reeves later said that had he not


El Ojo del Lago / September 2014

been strapped to a table, he would have fallen to the floor with laughter. The mold had been set, and it was only a matter of time before the comic was hired on Mork and Mindy, which soon became one of the most successful TV shows of all time, often playing to some 60 million viewers each week! In another great stroke of luck, Williams would meet Jonathan Winters, who became his idol, mentor and fellow space traveler, but whose own life would end sadly. Winters, though a great improvisational artist, lacked the young actor’s depth and range, talents that would eventually bring Williams many of the entertainment world’s most prestigious awards. But there was more at work here than mere critical and financial success. A famous French writer once said that up until age 40, God is responsible for what we look like; after that, we are. Ultimately, Robin Williams came to look like the man he had become: a noble humanitarian, spokesman for the disenchanted and disenfranchised and a proud vessel harboring a talent for the ages. In his relatively brief lifetime, he raised tens of millions of dollars for the homeless, this among many other worthwhile causes—and like Oscar Wilde, another unique talent, he knew that if you purport to tell people the sad truth, the best way is to make them laugh. In doing this, he became like a great clown who could make people’s eyes dance with mirth even as his own filled with tears. My first thought upon hearing that this magnificent human being had committed suicide was of Frank Capra’s immortal film It’s a Wonderful Life. Made in 1946, the movie is today a perennial holiday favorite with TV audiences all over

the world. For those unfamiliar with the story, it deals with a small town businessman who believing that his life has been a total failure finally attempts to kill himself. But he is saved by an “angel,” who to prove to him that he is not a failure, takes him back in time to show him that he did far more good than he had ever known. His life had touched so many others whose own lives had become better because of him. The original inspiration for the movie’s script had been a single sentence from a 1930’s greeting card: No man is a failure who has made at least one friend in his life. Robin Williams made tens of millions

of them, but still he who had brought so much joy to so many people could no longer find it for himself. Where was Capra’s angel when we really needed him? On the subject of angels, a quote by Shakespeare lamenting the death of another good man who died too soon seems appropriate: “Now cracks a noble heart. Good-night, sweet prince; and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.” Alejandro GrattanDominguez

Saw you in the Ojo


Massiv ve Human Righ hts Traged dy on US Southern Bor rder %\ 'U /RULQ 6ZLQHKDUW


n recent months, there has been an influx across the southern U.S. border of approximately 57,000 children from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, most unaccompanied by their parents. Ordinarily, the sight of impoverished, homeless, abandoned, mostly parent-less children would inspire compassion among adults. Instead, we have been treated to the spectacle of frenzied mobs shouting at buses transporting the unfortunate passengers to inadequate sanctuaries. President Obama has asked Congress to authorize $3.7 billion to address the crisis. The funds would be used to provide detention, care and transportation for the children, to increase the capacity of immigration courts, prosecute those who traffic in humans, increase border surveillance and assist Central American nations in repatriating the refugees. The children are innocent victims, trapped in a vicious cycle, chess pieces in a cruel and barbarous geopolitical game. Many have fled violence and predation in their home countries. They did not ask to be brought into this world, and they are not at fault for their plight. Local resources are inadequate to deal with the situation, and it is unfair to expect states such as New Mexico and Texas to bear the burden alone. This is not a state or local problem, and it cannot be solved on a state or local level. In many cases, cruel traffickers have profited from the plight of these desperate ones, assuring them that once inside the US, they will be allowed to remain. Senator Richard Durbin of Illinois has urged the prosecution of these so-called “coyotes.” Little has been said regarding Mexican officials complicit in the transportation of the refugees across 1500 miles of their territory. Most of the refugees are fleeing Honduras, which, according to the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, has the world’s highest per capita murder rate. Honduras suffers from a stagnant


El Ojo del Lago / September 2014

economy as well as political instability. The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund have both labeled it a Heavily Indebted Poor Country. Human rights workers and reformers are routinely harassed, beaten and even murdered, with government complicity. In a 2009 coup d’état, condemned by the OAS and the UN, the Honduran president was ousted and replaced by the leader of the congress. Only the US regarded the move as legal. In Honduras, where the birth rate hovers at 3.7 per woman, the government is currently attempting to criminalize emergency contraception. Emergency contraception is not abortophasic. With an estimated 800,000 to 1,000,000 Hondurans already living in the US and more in Spain and throughout the Americas, Honduras should not be discouraging contraception. In the 1980’s, Honduras hosted the world’s largest Peace Corps mission. At the same time, there is suspicion that the CIA supported a campaign of extra-judicial killings by the military while combating Marxist guerrillas. The US has been in dire need of a rational immigration policy for decades. Meaningful reform has often been thwarted by employers, particularly in agriculture, eager to profit from a population of undocumented workers willing to work for low wages and under harsh conditions. When I was very young, I worked alongside Puerto Rican migrant workers in the steaming summer fields of an Ohio truck farm. I was shocked and angered by the degradation they suffered and by the grower’s overbearing, supercilious attitude toward those men whom I had come to know as friends. Today, as the nation lurches out from under the Great Recession, undocumented workers are met with increasing hostility. Recent demonstrations in California and elsewhere are especially repugnant, with protestors flourishing the American flag as a symbol not of freedom and hope but of ugliness and hatred. One wonders if the protestors would be so fervent if

the refugees hailed from Canada. The dark specter of racism looms over the debate. President Bush signed into law a bill requiring illegal immigrants from Latin countries other than Mexico to be granted a hearing before being sent back to their homelands, ostensibly in order to protect women and children from trafficking and sex slavery. The immigration courts frequently take one to three years before hearing a case. Simply dumping the immigrants back into the societies from which they have fled would be illegal under current US law. Small, parentless children would be easy prey for human predators. While tighter border security is required to end the current stampede, the situations of those already here need to be evaluated on a case-bycase basis. Undocumented immigrants help drive US population growth, contributing to widespread loss of habitat and biodiversity. Recently, Science Magazine postulated that the world is facing its sixth great extinction because of overpopulation. As always, the problems of human suffering and environmental depletion cannot be separated. Overpopulation and the consequential depletion of natural resources exacerbate all other issues. Family planning and contraceptive services on a global level would do much in the long run to ameliorate conditions such as those in Honduras and throughout much of Latin America. A necessary prerequisite is the empowerment of women, especially with regard to the ever-controversial issue of reproductive rights. Any doctrine encouraging population growth anywhere, whether promoted by governments, religious organizations or macho bullies needs to be soundly rejected. The US cannot unilaterally reform Honduras. Altering the manner in which a society thinks and acts from the bottom up dwarfs the seven labors of Hercules. Our efforts will meet with limited success in a region where the

charge of Yankee Imperialism still resonates. The scenes along the US southern border will be repeated many times in the future, as societies collapse beneath the burdens of too many people and too few resources. In his prescient study, “The Coming Anarchy,” Robert Kaplan warns that conflicts will arise over scarce water and topsoil resources in the 21st century, as they have over petroleum reserves in the 20th. Simple solutions, raging rhetoric and the latest outbursts of Congressional Newspeak only worsen a tragic situation. The President has offered a responsible plan. It is time for Congress to step up to the plate. Many countries in the world today are economic and societal failures, as is evidenced by the number of their citizens eager to flee elsewhere. To simply move on to a new place after devouring one’s own country from beneath oneself is no solution to world poverty and the depletion of natural resources. No country, including the US, can admit everyone who wants to enter, whether legally or illegally. To do so invites chaos. In the meantime, humane treatment is required for those whom the great prophets of the Old Testament would have called “sojourners” among us. Given that the infant Jesus Christ was himself a refugee in a strange land, those who profess to follow him need to ask themselves whether they will behave like the Good Samaritan or like the Scribe and the Pharisee who, when confronted by the sufferings of a crime victim, chose to look the other way. Before submerging one’s mind and soul in the jingoistic mob, it might be wise to remember the words, “What you did not do for one of these least ones, you did not do for me.” Lorin Swinehart

Saw you in the Ojo


Anyone Can Train Their Dog %\ $UW +HVV artthedogguy@yahoo.com

Fishing in a Cranberry Bog


read a cute story awhile back about a couple of Good Ole Boys who loved ice fishing. Seems they heard of a good spot a couple of hours away so they gathered their gear and headed out early on the next Saturday. When they got to where they thought the fishing was, they stopped at a store and asked if this was the spot where the fishing was supposed to be pretty good. The proprietor obliged and gave them directions, and they filled the coffee thermos and went down the road. Shortly they found the suggested area and started to look for likely ponds and sure enough it wasn’t long before they noticed open spaces covered with snow so they pulled in, kicked some


El Ojo del Lago / September 2014

snow aside and decided that this was possible. It wasn’t long before they had the gear unloaded, chopped a couple of holes in the ice, set up the wind breaks, and proceeded to get some lines in the water. Before long they were enjoying the coffee and telling fish stories. The best part of ice fishing. You do know it’s called fishing, not catching. After about an hour they weren’t getting any action and suddenly a pickup came through the gate and drove right over to where they were. A tall gent stepped out and asked what they were doing, whereupon they both replied , “Ice fishing, what does it look like?” The gent said well you won’t catch anything

there because you’re fishing in a cranberry bog. Now, normally they would have sat there for a few hours and started to talk of all the reasons they weren’t getting any bites. You know, we have the wrong bait, the fish are in a different part of the pond, and on and on. We all are inclined to blame everything but ourselves for our failures but luckily for these two, a nice man pointed out they were fishing in a cranberry bog. Now how does this relate to dog training you’re thinking and I’m glad you asked. I get lots of calls or I go see people and when I ask how I can help them, the answer always starts out “My dog won’t come when called, won’t walk on a loose leash, won’t stop jumping up, etc., etc.” You fill in the blanks. It seems the problem is never at the other end of the leash. It’s always the dog’s fault when the solution rests with the person. Here’s the deal. Quit worrying about the problem and work on the solution. Teach your dog what you want him to do instead of nagging him about what you don’t want him to do. Get the answers first so you’re not caught fishing in a cranberry bog. Art Hess



ake a deep breath. This is very important to live a healthy life, to enjoy the pleasure of listening to your silent voice. Deep breathing is such a good experience because it helps us to come back to the principal fountain of energy which is beating in ourhearts. It invites us to practice the awareness of mental silence, guiding us to find an easy way to face all the challenges in this interesting world. Breathing is the vital necessity of life. Human beings have tainted their daily lives with accelerated pace to such a degree that all the work they generate becomes automatic and the common result is stress. Since childhood, ‘fulfilling obligations’ is the task imposed on us, and responsibility and discipline are healthy habits to develop, even though they do eventually become overkill. Unconsciously, we have forgotten that inner peace is the main nutrient of soul and body. Making time and space for silence in our minds returns neurons to their vital source, restores and stabilizes the functioning of the brain and allows for clearer ideas to be generated as well as healing of the body. The habit of tranquility and calm is so easy to lose in these fast times that we live. Everything that is put in front of you can be trampled and pushed aside, without giving your mind some silence to regenerate itself. Mental stillness is not a conquest; it is a part of human nature. To achieve these periods of mental silence, one only needs to be refreshed by that pleasant feeling of being in a place without doing anything. Just be… observing, witnessing the existence of aromas and colors, sounds and rhythms around you; perceive without judgment or qualifications, without the mind…flow with your breath. Go beyond yourself, releasing thoughts, emotions and feelings, beyond the mind as a witness or observer. In the beginning, this is the hardest thing to do; sit and be quiet, allowing

relaxation to take over effortlessly. Enter a state of ‘non-doing.’ Allow the mind to be cleansed daily, so that it is fresh to encounter life’s new stories each day. Only by activating the consciousness of the observer, without useless grand standing, can one’s mental alertness be improved. Don’t just let life happen and witness it without letting it enter the mind and watching with empty eyes. Remain silent and collect your thoughts and be with yourself. Staying aware that deep and conscious breathing is the perfect exercise to learn how to live well in harmony and peaceful silence. Being in the present is living in the present. Put aside the past, break from immediate reflection of the future. The past is a memory and the future is a product of the imagination. Children respond to sounds with the consciousness of enjoying every second, with no expectations. As adults, it is important for us to pause and experience silence at least three times a day. During these periods of silence, there is nothing- no fear, no ego, no doubts, no ambitions, no competition; there is just the feeling of recognizing yourself as the Supreme Being that you are. Value your life with complete freedom. As you sit quietly, observe that there is no more chaos that exists in your mind. This freedom from mental clutter is necessary to put the mind in order to enjoy the wonderful little flash we call spiritual orgasm during an infinite moment of joy and love, which proclaims itself in every being. During absolute silence, all sensations fade to allow the best things to happen in a state of calm and inner peace. Panda, The Apprentice, recognizes that silence is the best tool to deal with the EGO, which is said to be the main cause of suffering. Blanca Salazar

Saw you in the Ojo 11


The air is cool and a weak dawn filters through the clouds as I rub sleep from my eyes and hope that there’s someplace to buy coffee at this early hour. The heavy clouds seem to bode ill for a Machu Picchu sunrise, but visitors are undeterred as they queue up on a street corner waiting to board one of the busses that ferry everyone but Inca Trail hikers up the mountain and back. The dirt road on which it ascends is full of switchback curves and narrow enough that the bus often has to back up a few yards to allow returning vehicles to pass. Machu Picchu’s altitude is nearly a quarter of a mile higher than Aguascalientes’, and for the better part of a half hour the bus passes through the changing vegetation of several microclimates. The entrance gate sits above most of the archeological site, but the famous panoramic view can only be seen from the hillside above. The lookout seems like a good place to gain bearings before diving into the ruins below. Wisps of clouds hang over the site and hover around the backdrop mountains, lending an otherworldly quality to the scene. It would take an Ansel Adams to do justice to this stunning landscape. Even at this hour, the overlook is crowded with earlier arrivals, including backpackers who’ve just hiked in on the Inca Trail. Everyone seems to want a selfie with the ruins in the background. The complex below doesn’t at first seem so big until I begin to measure heights and distances against the antlike streams of people passing through it. I’m surprised to see the Urubamba River passing within hundreds of yards more than a thousand feet below, for it rarely appears in photos. In hindsight, though, it comes as no surprise that this inaccessible place was nevertheless built close to the Sacred Valley’s heartbeat. At Machu Picchu, everything seen earlier in bits and pieces at Pisac and Ollantaytambo – the rounded temple walls with immaculately fitted stones, the terraces and homes, and the granaries and cemetery – are all pulled together in one incredible design. Less than half of the ruins have been restored, but even in its unfinished state


El Ojo del Lago / September 2014

it is just as unquestionably original as it is a masterpiece. The sun at last stabs through the clouds in a single beam that cuts all the way to the valley floor. In less than twenty minutes the veil of clouds completely lifts and the ruins are bathed in sunlight. On the mountainside above, the Inca Trail winds its way down nearly 6,000 feet from its peak to pass through what was once the city’s main gate. A family of alpaca grazes on a meadow amidst the ruins, eyeing the photographers that surround them, but otherwise as indifferent as sacred cows. The Inca are so often presented as shapers of land that it’s interesting to see how they also integrated natural formations into their architecture. Only the Roman ruins at Ephesus compare with the scope and sophistication of Machu Picchu, but there’s a different feel to this place. Clustered around temples set within a natural cathedral, it’s a place that impresses the visitor even more with its spirituality than with its construction. It’s a feeling that recurs often in the Sacred Valley. This site was abandoned less than 100 years after its completion as a consequence of the Conquest, which lends a particular sadness to its majesty. Like Pompeii, it cannot help but evoke the sorrow of leaving home unwillingly and in haste, and it leaves forever open the question of what might have been. The train departs tomorrow afternoon, retracing the tracks to Ollantaytambo and then turning into the mountains before arriving at Cusco. Come along for a walk about the Inca capital. Antonio Ramblés

Saw you in the Ojo 13

FRONT ROW CENTER %\ 0LFKDHO :DUUHQ Lakeside Little Theatre – 50th Anniversary Season


he Lakeside Little Theatre is offering us seven plays this season, and in addition we’ve already been delighted by the special NTLive showing of War Horse. There will be more special screenings direct from London’s National Theatre, with tickets available only to LLT members. The first play is The Last Romance, a bittersweet comedy by Joe Di Pietro, directed by Ann Swiston. Currently running through September 7, it’s a fundraiser to help pay for the solar installation and many structural improvements to the theater, and is not included in the six-play season ticket package. The normal season begins in October with Yasmina Reza’s awardwinning comedy God Of Carnage, directed by Roseann Wilshere. It’s a comedy with the gloves off, after the style of Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf, and we can expect fireworks from the four-person cast. Then, in November, we look forward to Betrayal – a classic Harold Pinter play directed by Neal Checkoway. Finally, with plenty of belly-laughs at the end of 2014, LLT is putting on an adult musical comedy Sinderella in the British Pantomime tradition. No doubt the Ugly Sisters will be hairy men in frilly dresses, and Prince Charming will have lovely legs. This Christmas offering has been created by Dave McIntosh, and will be directed by Paul Kloegman. In 2015, we’ll see Wrong Turn At Lungfish by Garry Marshall and Low-


El Ojo del Lago / September 2014

ell Ganz, directed by Peggy Lord Chilton. If you enjoyed the movie In Her Shoes with Cameron Diaz as a sexy young woman learning to read and to respect herself by reading poetry to a blind and dying English Literature professor, you’ll also enjoy this Pygmalion-type play. At the end of February, there will be the steamy Tennessee Williams drama The Night of The Iguana, directed by Dave McIntosh. And this 50th anniversary season will wind up with The Dixie Swim Club by Jessie Jones, Nicholas Hope and Jamie Wooten, directed by Barbara Clippinger. It’s a touching comedy-drama featuring five Southern women whose friendships began many years ago on their college swim team. Every August, free from husbands, kids and jobs, they get together to catch up, laugh and meddle in each other’s lives. This promises to be a memorable season, worthy of the oldest English language theater in Mexico. It’s not too late to get your season ticket now! Michael Warren



am a baby boomer, as are many readers of the Ojo. We grew up in simpler times, remember communism, the assassinations and Vietnam war protests of the 1960’s, the Iran hostage crisis, and the Reagan years in the 1980’s. The events and trends of the last half of the twentieth century have formed our conception of the world. Many of us on the left still hold FDR in high regard and enjoy sitting down to read a paper newspaper whenever we can. Our Generation X children are now in middle age and producing grandchildren for us. While we were not looking, the largest demographic group today, some 80 million in the US alone, have been sneaking up behind. These young people, the Millennial Generation, born between 1980 and 1999, are now between the ages of 15-34. As this large generation comes into its own, wielding their power in the marketplace and at the voting box, the world is certain to change. Here are a few facts gleaned from the US Chamber of Commerce: Millennials are more optimistic than older adults with 45% saying they are satisfied. They are tolerant, with 45% suggesting that preferential treatment should be given to less fortunate people. They are comfortable with their gay and lesbian cohorts. They are comfortable with multitasking and technology. (New research on neuroplasticity suggests that their brains may actually be developing in significantly different ways which accommodate information differently.) Many still rely on financial support from their parents. Religion is less important to them, while having a high-paying career is more important. So how will their emergence affect public policy in the future? Thomas Edsall wrote an op-ed for the New York Times in which he examined the Millennials’ attitudes towards contemporary concerns. While US Millennials tend to vote heavily Democratic, there are some significant differences with older Democratic voters. Older liberal voters agreed (67%) that hard work is no guarantee of success any more. Eighty percent believe that “circumstances” are to blame for poverty. In contrast, 77% of the Millennials believe that people who work hard can get ahead. Only 47% believe that

%LOO )UD\HU “circumstances” are the reason for poverty. Older Democrats (73%) believe that government should and can do more to solve society’s problems, while 50% of the younger voters believe government is trying to do too much. A 56% majority believes “Wall Street helps the American economy more than it hurts, in contrast to just 36% of the older voters. In a nutshell, it seems as though young voters tend to be quite liberal on social issues like abortion, gay rights, and acceptance of ethnic diversity, they are clearly more conservative on economic issues. They are in favor of helping those who need help, but see the large, federal government-based programs, like the FDR’s New Deal and LBJ’s Great Society, as no longer effective. It’s easy to understand, in a way. While many of us Baby Boomers are enjoying such benefits as fixed-benefit pensions and affordable health care benefits, many younger voters are expecting that these benefits will not be available for them. They are worried about what will happen to them over the next 60 years. So, what are we to expect? Many young people are looking at changing paradigms. They favor decentralized government which is responsive to local needs. They have faith in entrepreneurial enterprise to produce wealth and meet their needs. They have faith in technology to produce lifestyle breakthroughs. We may not all agree, but get ready. They’ll be in charge soon enough!

Saw you in the Ojo 15

Dear Sir: I’ve waited a few weeks after the article in “Ojo del Lago” written by Robert Nipper, to see what impact it would have on people, and, boy did it ever! Mr. Nipper wrote, using the Preamble to the Constitution, what it means to be a Constitutional Conservative. The first letter to the editor from a Liberal responding was a personal attack on Mr. Nipper. The writer called him a “racist bigot,” an “ugly American,” and told him he was “not welcome in Mexico.” The writer went on to blame Mr. Nipper for, evidently, being responsible for taking away America from the Indians (Native Americans). He then attacked the Constitution, not with one shred of facts or statistics, but a blanket statement about the irrelevance of that document. The letter proved two things: First, this particular Liberal has an inability to use facts, statistics and logic in his response. Secondly, the best he can do is “call names.” What was blatantly clear was this writer’s hatred of Americans, in general. In his name calling…he can’t even stick to the facts. Mr. Nipper had the audacity to write, “It is indicative of the American Dream, that by our individual efforts we may succeed.” Nowhere does Mr.


El Ojo del Lago / September 2014

Nipper exclude Blacks, Mexicans, or any other race from that dream. Yet, Mr. Nipper is a racist? Mr. Nipper, like many other Americans, does not appear to have any problems with “legally” immigrated people. America is a melting pot and has always accepted that status. However, other letters to the editor want to convolute Mr. Nipper’s statement, “nowhere is there a reference to, and/ or an inclusion of illegal aliens simply because they were somehow able to make their way to the USA, ignoring our immigration laws.” What is baffling is some Liberals view this statement as being racist…yet, summarily they follow the immigration rules and regulations of other countries. Do these immigration rules and regulations make these countries “racist” in some Liberal’s logic or lack thereof? In the last letter response, the writer makes the accusation that Mr. Nipper has broken Mexican Law. How? This statement is totally false, again, not one shred of evidence, but a general statement meant to potentially cause trouble for Mr. Nipper. Mr. Nipper loves Mexico and the lovely people here. He intends on staying. He has no problems living under the authority of the Mexican government. Now, more than ever, it is clear the “Ugly American Moniker” hangs around the necks of some Liberals. For those of you that respond to articles with which you disagree, it would be really, really, nice if you would remove the “name calling” play from your play book and please document any general statement with “it’s my opinion” or provide us with a shred of evidence and/or fact to back up your misinformed statements. Don Daniel “1960 JFK Democrat” Still Co n s e r v a t i ve / I n d e p e n d e n t Today

Saw you in the Ojo 17



e are all born (I believe) with the resources to speak and understand language. After that, we are free to express however and whatever we want.” - Noam Chomsky. For the past three weeks the Language Institute of the American School of Guadalajara offered a summer program, Passport to Summer, in which students reinforced their English skills. As a Teacher Assistant, I was to supervise the younger kids and interacted with them in my second language, English. For most of the kids English wasn’t their maternal language either. At times I would ask them a question and they would simply stare at me tilting their heads with curiosity, a gleam in their eyes. It was at this moment that I realized how that might have been me a couple of years ago. The best way to learn a language is through exposure. As we visited Colomos Park, the kids were to complete a scavenger hunt. As they were looking around for rocks shaped like dinosaurs and something smooth, a little Japanese boy from the class asked me what a feather was. I described the texture and shape, but he stood motionless. I tried something different; I told him where they came from, “Birds,” I said. He responded, “Birds?” I pointed to the sky but he said, “Rain?” so I figured out the best way was to search for a feather with him. Once the feather was found, he said, “Ahhh!” followed by the translation of it in Japanese. This was one of my most determined and persistent


El Ojo del Lago / September 2014

students. While engaged in an activity identifying body parts, he asked me what an elbow was. I pointed to my elbow and asked him to repeat after me. Then, he found the elbow on his handout and copied letter by letter the word from the word bank. At first I didn’t think he would remember any of the body parts, but later on during recess he fell down scratching his elbow slightly. He came to me and told me, “Elbow hurts.” There were times when the teacher went outside to prepare an activity, and I was left in charge. It was then that I felt how wonderful and strange it was for me being the “profesora.” I also discovered that the teaching was mutual. The children reminded me that I needed to forget myself once in a while, and to be patient. I also learned that language is not a barrier when it comes to friendship. During recess everyone would play together regardless of the language they spoke. They would communicate with signs and actions and the few English words that they knew. I realized what a blessing teachers are. They are the ones who show us the basics of life, such as the colors of the rainbow, how to interact with others and the mysteries of mathematics. They also introduce us to the kindness of others outside the family. A wise man once told me he hoped one day I would be able to give back to others the knowledge that had been passed on to me. At the age of sixteen I believe this has been my first step. At some point in my life I would like to devote my life to teaching in order to give back what once was given to me. (Ed. Note: Cassandra Torres is a junior at the American School of Guadalajara. She is currently in studying Advanced Placement composition and is also a summer intern with Dr. Michael Hogan.)

Saw you in the Ojo 19

(/ &$'(-2 %\ 5REHUWR 0RXOXQ


he villages followed one another like pretty sisters on their way to school. We were in the highlands, and the fields were blond with wheat. Here and there, as if they had been planted in error by Albino, banana trees shivered. They looked like they could use a drink. As we drove on, we heard the most beautiful sound a human can hear: the sound of a river as it rolled over boulders through the jungle. We breathed the aroma of jungle like the scent of a woman– not intense, but announcing its presence, brought even closer by the brief songs of birds and fleeting drops of color from butterflies. Soon, the trees grew taller, and their branches held orchids like giants bringing flowers to women they loved.


I saw, flying over the green canopy of foliage, what seemed to be four gigantic birds with stretched wings, blue and green, yellow and red, circling slowly, descending toward the ground looking for a branch or a rock on which to alight. We had entered the land of men who fly like birds. “It is the dance of el palo volador,” Emilio explained, “worth seeing even if we must deviate some from our route.” We drove into the small town and left the Rover on a cobbled side street, next to a tiny store that reminded me of La Rosita. I wondered what had finally happened to Cisca and the Nazareno. Then I noticed the large bushy black dog that had its red eyes fixed on me. Emilio had walked away and was already far along toward the plaza. A shiver that felt like

El Ojo del Lago / September 2014

the blade of a cold knife pierced my loins. I brought my hand to my throat where as a child a medal had protected me, but my neck was bare. It is El Cadejo, I whispered to myself, the infernal hound that haunted my childhood. The dog sat as if waiting, his red eyes still on me in recognition. Then, slowly he got up and came to where I stood frozen, sniffed my legs and lifted his own to squirt his foul urine on me. I felt humiliated. Then my anger again turned to fear. My leg was dry, and, as the dog walked away, it cast no shadow. Emilio waited for me at the plaza. He looked at me intently and shrugged his shoulders. “Maybe thou should be happy,” he said. “Thou seemeth to be getting quite a homecoming from all the devils of the land.” “Was it El Cadejo?” I asked. “What else?” asked Uno. “What is unusual is that it came to you in daylight.” I wished to talk more, to ask questions and understand better. But that would have to wait. The spectacle before me in the plaza was so fantastic that it almost broke the boundary of reality. A straight pole, which was higher than the church’s steeple, had been planted in the center of the plaza; a fragile platform at the top held four ropes, and from them, their feet held in loops, four men flew in a wide circle as in a magic spiral. They were dressed in feathers of brilliant colors, and their arms moved like the wings of birds as they slowly descended. When they landed, each stood at a point of the horizon, east and west, north and south. The village elders dressed in short black jackets and black trousers reaching to their knees, held by a purple sash and with their heads covered by the ritual tsutes, approached them in respect to offer aguardiente and kernels of roasted maize. It had been a ritual dance, el palo volador, the flying pole, or the “Dance of the Monkeys.” The name was of no consequence; it was given only to describe the performance. “Not much of a name,” Uno said, “but perhaps this is how it should be. One

could call them Hombres Pajaros, but that would make it circus-like, like the Flying Wallendas, the trapeze artists who would get shot out from a cannon and land on a net. This is totally different. This is an ancient ritual dance, perhaps from before the times of the seventh Nahuatl tribe. I don’t know its meaning, and the very few who do know it won’t reveal it to me.” “What do they fear?” “Mysteries lose their power when they are divulged.” “But El Cadejo came to me in broad daylight!” “No one can predict what El Cadejo does. He is a benign, infernal creature, which seems a contradiction. But Lucifer was an angel before he was thrown from Heaven, and perhaps some of the good qualities stuck to him. Don’t ask me difficult questions; theology was never my forte. The fact is: El Cadejo often protects drunks when they are lost at night or in danger of attack by robbers. He often came to play with you when you were a child, and he seemed happy today when he recognized you. Dogs, you know, mark with their urine what they regard as theirs.” “But is it then a dog?” “Only in appearance, and even then he has the hooves of a goat.” Emilio became all at once preoccupied and restless like a cat prescient of an earthquake. He held my arm and walked me back toward the car. “We must get out of here and make it straight to the border,” he said in an urgent tone. I didn’t protest; I trusted Uno. I myself sensed the town had become alien and unfriendly as if it had caught a chill. Then, like a hiccup, came the ugly sound of automatic gunfire in short blasts, and the hurried anguish of villagers running for cover. Soldiers quickly closed off the streets. They blocked the exits of the plaza and surrounded the church and the school building. The village people, in their colorful fiesta finery, milled into tightening circles. I thought of the agony of dolphins caught in a gill net. The soldiers, indifferent to despair, separated the young men from the old, as if they were fish. It was the levy. The army needed recruits to continue its fight against the guerrillas. Land Rovers always start when you really need them. El Sargento Feliciano Velada examined our papers and waved us away. As we parted, I gave him the finger. It wasn’t like me to do that, but he must have thought it was a good luck sign, like Roberto Moulun V for victory.

Saw you in the Ojo 21



sk any American what’s wrong with the US and he or she will say, “It’s their fault.” “They” are always the other people. No one acknowledges any personal responsibility. Big business says government regulations and employee demands force them to send jobs overseas. Or spending $200,000 for a machine to replace a $50,000 per year employee it will pay for itself. Machines don’t call in sick, or get paid vacations or go on strike. They work twenty four hours a day without overtime or a pension plan or health insurance. Big business says they aren’t to blame. Government regulations and labor are to blame. “It’s their fault.” The unemployed worker says he needs that $50,000 a year to feed his family. And those benefits are necessary, too. No one works forever. He needs a pension to continue to live comfortably after 65. That company CEO doesn’t really need a seven figure salary and a “golden parachute.” It’s not the common man who caused the problems, it’s those fat cats. “It’s their fault.” Any respectable liberal will tell you that it’s those rich conservatives hoarding the wealth and preventing the poor from earning a living. I still don’t understand how liberals have just as much money, but they’re not hoarding. If those conservatives would just pay a little more in taxes, the impoverished could prosper. And the economy would grow. “It’s their fault.” Conservatives will tell you that if the liberals would quit giving away our money, those free loaders would take those $7.00 an hour jobs and earn their own money. But if they can make $250.00 a week doing nothing, why work for $280.00 a week? If those liberals would quit giving away our money, people would go back to work. “It’s their fault.” Many born in the US say our problems are caused by immigrants.


El Ojo del Lago / September 2014

They forget that a generation or two earlier, their ancestors were immigrants. Since 9-11, every bad thing that has happened here has been blamed on Muslims. Yes, those were Muslim extremists on 9-11. But were those boys at Columbine or Sandy Hook Muslims, too? Was Senator McCarthy wrong? Should he have been going after Muslims in the 50‘s? “It’s their fault.” And Latinos are crossing the border. They’re working for $5.00 an hour and taking jobs from Americans who would do the same thing for $10.00 an hour. If they would go back where they came from, agricultural prices would double and every one would be rich. They are also putting a strain on our health care system. Perhaps the next time I’m at Seguro Popular getting my free blood pressure medicine, I should tell them “It’s their fault.” I always fancied myself a Republican. Perhaps because someone gave me an “I Like Ike” button when I was nine. I wasn’t a big fan of JFK but I did like what he said in his inaugural address, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” Not many folks are doing that today. Most have turned it around. Maybe greed and its associated evils are the real problem. If more political experts asked, “What can I do better?” rather than waxing rhetorically about what those others are doing wrong, we would have a better nation. As long as extremists, left or right, emphasize “I’m right, you’re wrong.” there will be no harmony in the US. The USA will become the DSA —the Dysfunctional States of America. And when we do, “It’s their fault!” (Ed. Note: Mr. Raymer earned a Bachelor of Divinity from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in 1969. He has been associated with the Little Chapel on the Highway for the past few years.)

Saw you in the Ojo 23

“A spreading oak looms high above the graves And rustling, stirs. . .” Alexander Pushkin, 1826 Trans., James Falen

The Day After the Day of the Dead (November 3, 2013)

By Mark Sconce msconce@gmail.com A taxi drops off a passenger at the Ajijic cemetery—El Panteón Diego couldn’t join them yesterday; The plane he’d booked to bring him here Had suffered a prolonged delay, A ghost within the landing gear. Diego’s family missed their eldest son, And wondered why it was he hadn’t come. It’s early morning now in Ajijic, A drizzling rain has turned it cold and bleak. The Old Gray Lady blows her chilly kiss To every stone in this necropolis. Then comes the trumpet of a burro’s bray, The shudders of a horse’s neigh. A dog slinks by—a glance of timid fear— Some ravens jockey for the crumbs Amid the litter of another year, Among the petals of the floral wreaths, Among the mass of golden marigolds. Balloons and banners, Catholic manners;


El Ojo del Lago / September 2014

Votive candles for atonement, Katrinas mocking Death’s enthronement. Hand-cut from colored tissue—flags Festoon the air in joyous swags; And sugar skulls with haunting faces, Sleek skeletons on hallowed places. Diego passes gravely through the arch, A dampness on his jet-lagged face; A heavy burden weighs upon his heart. As he steps down to enter holy space, He feels a trembling touch across his face, A spider’s web in dawn’s dim light Has given him a moment’s fright. He hurries down the stony path To reach his family’s graves at last, To see once more their final site, Still hazy now in morning’s light. At first he contemplates a single tomb, The one where Anna Rosa sleeps, his bride, And with her there--the boy within her womb. And he recalls the midwife’s cries That bitter, dread-filled night last year, That night when all the family agonized, When all were gripped with sudden fear. His five-year old, Elizabeth, Collapsed in grief--and lost her bloom; Part orphan with her mother’s death, She felt the early touch of doom. Her papa’s madre took her in, Since he went north for work again… A sudden splash of tears on cobblestone. Diego felt so utterly alone. A morning shaft of light illuminates A photo of her young and smiling face, Her glossy black and plaited hair That prompted even girls to stare. That wondrous smile to tantalize, Those Aztec cheekbones, Spanish eyes! Fate gave, then took away the sweetest kisses, And kisses for a son unborn. No more to know those family blisses, But time enough and more to mourn. From Spanish eyes he tore away his gaze And saw an image in the morning rays: Madonna and her infant child! . . . Oh God, he cried, then turned and fled And stumbled down the stony way. He finally slowed his pace and wept— Past row on row of brightening tombs Inscribed to those who slept . . . and slept. The clouds had scattered here and there Among the tombs in disrepair. The sun now lit Diego’s way; He staggered on in disbelief Then finally bent his knees to pray. El Panteón abounds with trees, Planted there to soothe the grieving, Planted just perhaps to please. Diego drank the morning air, The breath of life—a gentle breeze, The unheard thoughts between two trees. “A spreading oak looms high above the graves, And, rustling, stirs. . .”

Saw you in the Ojo 25

Hearts at Work $ &ROXPQ E\ -DPHV 7LSWRQ 5HUXQ E\ 5HTXHVW

“A Test”


n 1964 I was living in San Francisco, in a boarding house on California Street, two blocks up from Chinatown, where I paid ninety dollars a month for room and board. I spent most evenings at the famous City Lights bookstore, where I pored over books and looked for beautiful young women who liked poetry and Buddhism and coffee shops. Late one winter afternoon I heard that Maxwell Maltz would be delivering a lecture that very evening. I had read his recent book Psycho-Cybernetics, which popularized “success conditioning,” a method of self-improvement based on “reprogramming” the subconscious, changing the “internalized” words and sentences. The sponsors had scheduled the lecture in a building in a fading neighborhood whose streets were filled with homeless people. As I entered the lobby with its worn tiles and dim lighting, I saw a man, apparently very drunk, lying on the floor in a pool of his own urine. His arm stuck out at a strange angle, as though broken, and he was obviously in pain. Part of me wanted to help him, but another part of me wanted to appear cool and groovy to the comely young women who were there to attend the lecture on personal growth. Along with the rest, I walked around him and began to climb the stairs to the lecture room above. But at the top I turned and looked back. I watched a woman, of middle age, bejeweled and wearing a luxurious fur coat, enter the lobby, obviously there to attend the lecture. Without hesitation, she walked right over to the moaning man, knelt down beside him, touched him, tried to comfort him, and determined that his arm was, indeed, broken. I could hear him beg her not to call the police. She promised she would not. Then she asked someone to step outside to the pay phone to call a social agency she was somehow already familiar with. The rest of us stood on the stair watching, almost transfixed, and knowing that we had passed him by.


El Ojo del Lago / September 2014

Given a choice between getting a good seat to learn more about “personal growth” or helping a suffering human being, that wealthy woman in her jewels and furs—whom some had mocked as she entered—was the only one among us who “passed the test.” That incident affected me a lot. A couple of years later when tens of thousands of Hippies invaded the lovely old city, stripping the city parks of flowers to pass out to tourists on the cable cars, and “borrowing” books from my beloved City Lights bookstore, and shouting crude curses to the young soldiers who were shortly to be serving their country in Vietnam, “called to duty” whether that war was legitimate or not—I remembered that woman who was so beautifully dressed in a city that had until recently prided itself on elegance and who was herself “called to duty” that cool January night when she walked in and saw a man who was crying, lying in his own urine, his arm broken—a man whom the rest of us had passed by. I paid little attention to the lecture. Because of that woman I was thinking about my life. She never got to hear about Psycho-Cybernetics at all because she waited below with that suffering man until help arrived. I thought of her today while I was looking at a little card I bought years ago from the Tools for Change catalog and which I have kept on a shelf of treasured things. It says: “Always hold firmly to the thought that each one of us can do something to bring some portion of misery to an end.” Jim Tipton



hink back to your history books. The United States declared its independence in 1776, yet George Washington did not take Office until April 30, 1789. So who was running the country during these initial years of our young country? It was the first eight U. S. Presidents. In fact, the first President of the United States was one John Hanson. I can hear you now - John who? John Hanson, was the first President of the United States. (Check Google for more detailed information. There was also a U.S. stamp made in his honor.) The new country was actually formed on March 1, 1781 with the adoption of The Articles of Confederation. This document was actually proposed on June 11, 1776, but not agreed upon by Congress until November 15, 1777. Maryland refused

-RKQ +DQVRQ -RKQ +DQVRQ to sign this document until Virginia and New York ceded their western lands (Maryland was afraid that these states would gain too much power in the new government from such large amounts of land). Once the signing took place in 1781, a President was needed to run the country. John Hanson was chosen unanimously by Congress (which

included George Washington). In fact, all the other potential candidates refused to run against him, as he was a major player in the revolution and an extremely influential member of Congress. As the first President, Hanson had quite the shoes to fill. No one had ever been President and the role was poorly defined. His actions in office would set precedent for all future Presidents. He took office just as the Revolutionary War ended. Almost immediately, the troops demanded to be paid. As would be expected after any long war, there were no funds to meet the salaries. As a result, the soldiers threatened to overthrow the new government and put Washington on the throne as a monarch. All the members of Congress ran for their lives, leaving Hanson as the only guy left running the government. He somehow managed to calm the troops down and hold the country together. If he had failed, the government would have fallen almost immediately and everyone would have been bowing to King Washington. Hanson, as President, ordered all foreign troops off American soil, as well as the removal of all foreign flags. This was quite the feat, considering the fact that so many European countries had a stake in the United States since the

days following Columbus. Hanson established the Great Seal of the United States, which all Presidents have since been required to use on all official documents. President Hanson also established the first Treasury Department, the first Secretary of War, and the first Foreign Affairs Department. Lastly, he declared that the fourth Thursday of every November was to be Thanksgiving Day, which is still true today. So what happened? Why don’t we hear about the first eight presidents? It’s quite simple: The Articles of Confederation didn’t work well. The individual states had too much power and nothing could be agreed upon. A new doctrine needed to be written—something we know as the Constitution. And that leads us to the end of our story. George Washington definitely was not the first President of the United States. He was the first President of the United States under the Constitution we follow today—and the first eight Presidents have been forgotten in history. (Ed. Note: For those interested in trivia contests, the above information seems an excellent way to win a bet. Asked the same question, I would have certainly given the “obvious” answer: George Washington, of course!)

Saw you in the Ojo 27


Sounds of Mexico


ou’ll never have to be alone in Mexico. Especially when you live in a village. All I have to do is step outside my door, and I see my neighbors walking down the street, and I hear their greeting “Buenos Dias, Como estas?, “Hola vecino!” The morning starts quiet, but around 7:00 a.m. the birds are telling us the sun is rising, the buses rumble down the rock road. Soon, the garbage truck makes it way past our door, and we hear the sounds of the workers signaling each other as they toss garbage bags into the truck, and their laughter when they find something that amuses them. So the traffic picks up, more cars go up our street, more people walk down our sidewalk. The dogs across the street bark at our dogs when the dog walker arrives.


Soon water trucks drive by, their drivers yelling “agua!’ Gas trucks soon pass by with their particular brand of gas playing their individual songs through their speakers. The knife sharpener plays his flute, the ice cream seller rings a bell reminiscent of my bicycle bell when I was a child. Up the street, roosters crow. The hen’s eggs are sold at the corner abarrotes. I can hear the clip, clop of a horse’s hooves as they walk the rock road. Horns beep warning people to move their car along, or extending a greeting. The junk truck drives by broadcasting the type of junk he will take. Fresh fruit arrives on the bed of a pick-up with a speaker mounted atop the battered truck. “Fresas!” Later another truck, this time shouting “Queso!” cheese, just outside my front door. If

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walking, be prepared for rooftop dogs to look down and bark. The big dogs seem fierce, the Chihuahua’s –only think they’re tough! As afternoon begins, our neighbor across the street gives us a concert of tunes, while our neighbor in back practices or gives music lessons. Down the street I can hear the children at the school singing, and playing with squeals of delight as they play at recess. The timbre on the door rings as people try to sell fruit, or sometime they just ask for aid. While our local church bells chime the time, and announces the times of service. Young people drive by in their car and their speakers, which are almost the same size of their car, are booming their tunes so loud that my own bones seem to shake. As the day becomes evening I watch the mariachi y bandas migrate toward the pier to entertain the diners. On weekends, our neighborhood is filled with residents and visiting tapatios that the locals call the “Guad Squad.” Bus, after bus, carries people to the pier or the park. The Malecon and the pier become a carnival of vendors, and clowns, music, balloons, and cotton candy. The night arrives, and a festival is in the village. Music blares from the sound system, and announcers’ voices cut through the night air while cohetes

shoot fireworks to color the night sky. Chapala’s Patron Saint is St. Francis of Assissi, the Patron Saint of Animals. For nine days in the spring, cohetes go off at 6:00 a.m. noon, 6:00 p.m. and 11:00, sending my frightened dogs hiding four times a day. Mexico is filled with sound, it is the voice of the village, the chorus of the culture, the heartbeat of the people. If one finds oneself lonely in Mexico, they need only stop, look and listen. They will be lonely no more. Victoria Schmidt



adness would have mercifully ended the reign of my martyr motherhood had it not been for my irrepressible flights, undone at dawn. Our adjoined garret rooms above a rowdy cabaret on the Left Bank, my ancient Smith Corona clacks in duet with Hemingway’s. Fitzgerald’s divine aura in smoking silhouette against a street lamp in the alley fades into a dim shadow as I struggle against the bed sheet that has fallen half way to the floor. I cling tight to illusion long enough to find myself humming Lili Marlene into the chilly evening, my longblocked novel about to burst with overwhelming inspiration. The Stranger’s footsteps closing in, I’m about to succumb to my pounding desire when the damn dawn bursts between the slats of the window blinds and shatters the best part. I squint against the sunlight for a few seconds, and then I stretch and yawn as if to stave off the

weariness of another wide awake day in the summer of ‘72. Hemingway, tired of living, has pulled the shotgun’s trigger. F. Scott has drowned in mint juleps. My Stranger has crashed an eternity too soon. What is left now but to wait for my gritty remains to find their way to his stardust and settle my claim?

Saw you in the Ojo 29

THE CONSERVATIVE CORNER %\ 5REHUW / 1LSSHU “Dr. Savage was right!”


ichael Savage, a noted Conservative author and Radio Talk show host, wrote the controversial book, “Liberalism is a Mental Disorder” a few years back. The Libs went crazy and attacked Dr. Savage relentlessly. They called for him to be fired from his syndicated radio show and demanded his books be pulled from the shelves of Barnes and Nobel, Walden’s, and other book stores. I’m sure that if they could have found the location of his residency in San Francisco some screaming Liberal would have attempted to do him in. An analysis of Liberal mindless tendencies shows more than just a degree of insanity, however. Liberals swoon around the likes of Fidel Castro. In fact, the U.S. sanctions placed against Cuba during the missile crisis are an outrage to most


El Ojo del Lago / September 2014

Libs today. Our Pseudo-President glorifies Castro, and has on several occasions. But, Cubans that were lucky enough to escape Castro’s reign of terror will tell you he was a cut-throat murderer. He didn’t like what journalists were writing about him, so he lined them up and executed them. Does that sound like someone who should be idolized as a hero? Not by sane people.

Look at how rigorously the Left supports and defends Roe v. Wade. They postulate how great Planned Parenthood is, (A misnomer of a name if there ever has been one), for having murdered 45,000,000+ unborn babies since 1973. And, that number is vastly proportionate to racial profiling. i.e. in New York State 6 out of 9 abortions are Black fetuses. And, Margaret Sanger, a known racist/ hater of Blacks, was the founder of that despicable organization. Again, does that sound sane to support an organized genocide? PP claims to be protecting the woman’s rights, yet when we suggest someone should be speaking out for the rights of the unborn that have no voice...we hear Liberal shrieks from the rafters. Sane? I think not. Murderers on death row are made into folk heroes by the Libs. Instead of focusing on the victims, like the many women or children raped and/or murdered by these convicts, they focus on the “civil rights” of the murderer. Rolling Stone Magazine put the Boston Bomber on the cover, making him look like a rock star rather than the murderer he was. Does that sound sane? I’ll never forget the television interview with the young adult that referred to himself as “an anarchist”. He was spiking trees in the Willamette Forest with ceramic spikes to kill or maim loggers falling trees. He was interviewed by a local news outlet, where he was quoted saying, “The life of a pine tree is worth more than that of a man.” That is true insanity. And, I’ll never forget the PETA lady protesting outside a chicken rendering plant holding a sign that said, “Chickens have souls!” Another with her held a sign that said, “Chickens feel pain!” The Liberal mindset that claims to be compassionate and accepting is far from either adjective. Take, for example, the Liberal public school teacher in Wisconsin calling in death threats to Governor Scott Walker’s office. Liberals have ”feel good” terms for them like: compassionate, diverse, accepting, and enlightened. They wear them around their brows like monikers. But, when the smokescreen is lifted they are exactly the opposite; ruthless, immoral, and often times, brain-dead. Now, those are adjectives that call a spade a spade. It is said, “Know a man, not by his rhetoric, but by his actions.” Michael Savage was right! Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Saw you in the Ojo 31

Sandy Olson

Phone: 331-283-8529 Email: sandyzihua@hotmail.com

PAST EVENTS IT ISN’T TOO LATE FOR ROMANCE The Lakeside Little Theatre told us DOO DERXW LW LQ WKHLU ¿UVW RIIHULQJ RI WKH IDOO season, The Last Romance, directed by $QQ 6ZLVWRQ. 62 0$1< .,'6 It made for a lively week at the Lake &KDSDOD 6RFLHW\ when the Second Annual Children’s Art Camp was in full session. There were about 120 kids

Cast members from left: Peggy Lord Chilton, Ken Bridges and Candace Luciano.

From left: Maestro Antonio Lopez Vega, Coordinator Jennifer Stanley, Program Director Danielle PagĂŠ and Publicity Director Suzanna Baillergeau.

from ages three to eighteen doing jewelry, clay, watercolor and paper machĂŠ, with teaching and assistance by a team of ASA members and enthusiastic volunteers. The local artists who donated their time were -RH 6PLWK /RLV 6FKURII $QWRQLR /RSH] 9HJD 'HHQD +DINHU %REE\ /DQFDVWHU %DUEDUD 3DVVDUHOOD )OR 5KRGHV 'DQ :KLWH /LEE\ 6KLSPDQ and $QLWD /HH Each day ended with a snack for the kids and a party on Friday. The week ended on Saturday with a sale of many original artworks that the kids create during the week. The children received 50% from pieces they sold.


-$== ,1 $-,-,& Jazz lovers can enjoy a series of performances in September at several venues that are not asking for a cover charge. September 6 at 7:30 Juan CastaĂąon is the VROR MD]] JXLWDU DUWLVW DW /D 5XHGD &DIp 3RULÂżULR Diaz #120 in San Juan CosalĂĄ September 12 at 10 Blue Velvet Jazz Trio plays “Tha Funkâ€? at La Sangrita Bar Morelos #12, Ajijic September 13 at 7:30 Blue Velvet Jazz TrĂ­o plays “standardsâ€? at Lago CafĂŠ, Carretera PoniJazz Guitarist Juan CastaĂąon ente #29, Ajijic September 20 at 7.30 Juan Castaùón at Jardin de Ninette Restaurant, Javier Mina #7, Ajijic September 27 at 7 Juan Castaùón at Te Para Dos, Tea Room, Encarnacion Rosas #282, Ajijic BARKERITAVILLE /DNHVLGH 6SD\ 1HXWHU is presenting “Barkeritavilleâ€? on September 10 at 5 pm. It’s a Sommerfest featuring Gudren Jones’ famous bratwurst, German potato salad and homemade pickles. There’s a cash bar (including “barkeritasâ€?), music and dancing to Sol y Luna and a chance to have fun for a good cause. Tickets are 200 pesos at Diane Pearl’s, Handy Mail, PetCare, Bagel Shop, Zaina Boutique and the Ranch table on Friday mornings in front of Actinver. NAKED STAGE The September show at From left to right: Peter Luciano, Barbara Pruitt, Sharon Lowry, Joan Lowy Warren, Mi- Naked Stage show is a comedy, The Supporting Cast, di-

chael Warren. (Not pictured: Judy Long)


El Ojo del Lago / September 2014

rected by Collette Clavadetscher Ellen, the wife of a successful author, has written a book about friends who are spouses of celebrities and what it is like to be married to Somebody Famous. The play runs September 26, 27, 28. Naked Stage is located at #10A Rio Bravo. Directions: west on the carretera from Ajijic, south on Rio Bravo, about two blocks down behind Daniel’s Restaurant on the east side. 'DQLHOÂśV LV RSHQ IRU OXQFK DQG GLQQHU ZLWK D QR KRVW EDU DYDLODEOH DW S P 7KH ER[ RIÂżFH opens at 3:15 and the show starts at 4:00 p.m. The email address for reservations: nakedstagereservations@gmail.com. Reservations guarantee a seat until 3:50, after which seats will be sold to those waiting without reservations. A RETREAT AND YOU DON’T HAVE TO /($9( 72:1 “Embrace Your Basic Goodness,â€? a live stream retreat from the Omega Institute in New York, features Pema Chodron, a notable $PHULFDQ ÂżJXUH LQ 7LEHWDQ %XGGKLVP 7KH SUHsentation will take place in Ajijic from Friday, September 26 to Sunday, September 28. A spokesman says, “During this retreat, we explore practices that can help us contact our fundamental goodness even when we are under stress, overwhelmed, and overburdened.â€? Editor’s note 6SHDNLQJ RI VWUHVV RXU SDUDGLVH KDV LWV VKDUH RI VQRZELUG WUDIÂżF WKH relaxed Mexican maĂąana, and other issues we don’t tell our friends about when we’re bragging about Lakeside living. Maybe we can get onto something here! The +HDUW RI $ZDUHQHVV %XGGKLVW &RPPXQLW\ is sponsoring the event, to be held at EncarnaciĂłn Rosas #11 in Ajijic. There is a registration fee of 250 pesos, which includes all sessions and a continental breakfast on Sunday. Payment must be received by Sept. 24 to hold your place. To register, contact Patricia at pemaretreat2014@gmail.com. A limited number of full/ partial scholarships are available. Ask Patricia. IN THE MOOD FOR SOMETHING SAVAGE? 7KH ÂżUVW SOD\ RI WKH UHJXODU Lakeside Little Theatre season, God of Carnage, opens on October 3 and runs through October12. It’s directed by Roseann :LOVKHUH and Arleen Pace as assistant director. This play is a savage comedy about two pairs of parents who meet in a civilized manner to discuss an argument between their kids. Wait and see what happens! The four-person cast includes Collette Clavadetscher, Ken <DNLZFKXN 'RXJODV 3LQNHUWRQ and .DWKOHHQ 0RUULV //7ÂśV ER[ RIÂżFH RSHQV IURP WLOO 12 noon on Wednesday, October 1 and From bottom to top: Ken Yakiwchuk, Thursday, October 2 and then through Collette Clavadetscher, Douglas the run of the play (except Sundays). On Pinkerton, and Kathleen Morris and a VKRZ GD\V WKH ER[ RIÂżFH LV DOVR RSHQ IRU reminder that this is LLT’s 50th season. one hour before curtain time. Note that WKH ÂżUVW 6DWXUGD\ LV QRZ D SP PDWLQHH and as before both Sunday shows are matinees. There is no performance on Monday, October 6. Tickets are 225 pesos, or you can buy a season ticket for 1100 pesos for the entire six-play season. MUSIC HATH CHARMS We heard from -RKQ .HHOLQJ 9LYD 0XVLFD 3UHVLGHQW, about exciting musical offerings from now to the end of the year. 7KXUVGD\ 2FWREHU at 7.00 p.m. Violin and piano recital featuring Robert Markus, violin, and Rosa Maria Valdez, piano, playing works by Brahms, Moncayo, Carrasco, de Falla and Bartok. 7KXUVGD\ 1RYHPEHU at 7.00 p.m. The Revueltas String Quartet with Diego Rojas and Cesar Huizar, violins, Manuel Olivares, viola, and Yalissa Cruz, cello. Program includes Rudo by Domingo Lobato, Five Novelettes by Glazunov and American Quartet by Dvorak. 7KXUVGD\ 'HFHPEHU , at 7.00 p.m. Christmas Concert with the Hermosillo family singers and their friends Hector Lopez and Paty Hernandez , back by popular demand. These concerts will be in the Auditorium at 4.00 p.m. Tickets are 200 pesos and will be on sale at the Auditorium, Diane Pearl Colecciones, and LCS ticket booth Thursdays & Fridays 10-12. PRACTICE THOSE PUTTS It’s time to dust off the clubs and start practicing your putting! The XIth Annual &UX] 5RMD &KDOOHQJH will be here before you know it with the opportunity to sink a hole in one for a car or a golf cart. There are lots of other prizes to reward a golfer’s prowess, and drawings and door prizes for “duffers and diners onlyâ€?

Saw you in the Ojo 33

Join your friends at the Golf and Country Club de Chapala, Vista de Lago and support this essential community service on October 30 at 9 am. Player tickets are available through the Pro Shop at the club (1200 pesos includes meals, game, and cart) Bar-B-Que dinner only tickets at 250 pesos are available at the club and at the LCS Red Cross Table. For more information on how you can participate as a player, diner or support the event as a sponsor, call 766-4990 or 766-4443.

9$66$5 :2: “Our 6RÂżD %HQLWH] left recently to attend Vassar College on a four-year scholarship. 6RÂżD ZURWH WKH KLVWRU\ RI WKH $PHULFDQ 6FKRRO of Guadalajara (“Scholastic Pearl of the Westâ€?) which appeared in the August 2013 issue of Ojo del Lago. This past year she also received the Silver Medal for Writing from Scholastic Magazine in New York and she wrote a weekly column for the Guadalajara newspaper Milenio. “She is one of a handful of talented students whom Hogan has recommended to this editor over the years and whom we have SXEOLVKHG LQ RXU SDJHV %HVW RI OXFN WR 6RÂżD Benitez at Vassar College, our ambassador from Jalisco and a forever friend of Ojo del Lago. We wish you the best!â€? From $OHMDQGUR *UDWWDQ (GLWRU LQ &KLHI

6RÂżD %HQLWH] is pictured here with her long-time mentor Dr. Michael Hogan.

ONGOING EVENTS A MILLION LAUGHS /DXJKWHU <RJD ZLWK *LWD meets every Wednesday, from 4:30 –5:15 at 16 de septiembre, #30, one block east of LCS. It is free and open to the public. Donations are accepted. Contact Gita 376-766-5879, 333846-4265, or email gitajill@gmail.com. Gita Fendelman LV D &HUWLÂżHG /DXJKWHU Yoga Teacher and Leader, and a KripaluFHUWLÂżHG \RJD WHDFKHU ZLWK RYHU WKLUW\ \HDUV RI experience. Laughter Yoga uses the cutting edge modality of laughter as an innovative stress and health management tool. You can call her at 376-766-5879, 333-846-4265 or email her at gitajill@gmail.com. 35(77< 0$,'6 $// ,1 $ 52: The Lakeside Garden Club has been around since the 1970s and is “the best deal in town,â€? according to Vice President SanG\ )HOGPDQ. For an individual fee of 100 pesos and 150 per From left to right: President, Annie Green; Vice Presicouple, members can enjoy monthly dent, Sandy Feldmann; Past President, Tracy Rueter; Secmeetings, discounts retary and Web Master, Nancy Segall; Treasurer, Karen at local viveros, and access to local gar- 5RZHOO 5DIĂ€H /HVOLH $UFKHU %DFN 5RZ 6SHDNHUV DQG Tours, Patty Gates. Missing are: Membership, Judie dens. .HFN DQG 0HPEHU DW /DUJH /LQGD )ULHGPDQ Currently, the Garden Club’s projects are the redoing of the garden at Casa Ancianos in Chapala by -HVXV *RGR\ Angel of 0DJQLÂżFHQW *DUGHQVFDSHV DQG GRQDWLQJ WR 3URMHFW 6HHG LQ 6DQ -XDQ &RVDOD &KHFN RXW their website at www.lakechapalagardenclub.org. IN PERFECT UNISON, ALMOST Tai chi with $OLFH DQG 5DQG\ 7XPEOLQ meets MWF at 9, weather permitting, and it usuDOO\ GRHV 7KLV JURXS KDV EHHQ JRLQJ VWURQJ IRU DERXW ÂżIWHHQ \HDUV $OLFH LV WKH WKLUG WDL FKL teacher. She took over the class in 2009 from the late Dona Dean. Experience isn’t necessary. Here’s how it goes: the newcomer show up, follows the others and soon gets over that feeling of not-knowing, or at least gets used to it. It all works out. Newcomers are welcome at any time; this is a friendly bunch. For information, call Alice


El Ojo del Lago / September 2014

or Randy at 766or email them at randy.and.alice@ gmail.com. WIPE OUT GRAFFITI Volunteers in Ajijic work tirelessly to keep the Lakeside beautiful and free from unsightly Left front: Eileen Bednarz, Wendy Hamblin, Instructor JUDIÂżWL :LSH 2XW Alice Tumblin, and Saul Lule. Rear: Randy Tumblin, Car*UDIÂżWL has been ol Dickinson, Michael Hall, Derek Firth, and John Wells. very successful, because of these workers, the support of the Lakeside Garden Guild, and the Chapala Association of Realtors, which continues to encourage the group’s efforts through its funding. If you see someone marring a building or surface, call the police (but don’t announce this to the “artist at work!â€?). Also, if you would like to help volunteer or donate funds, email: letswipeoutgraffiti@ yahoo.com AGE THIRTEEN TO INFINITY Los Cantantes del Lago is revving up preparations for its holiday concert December 9 and 2WKHU :LSH 2XW *UDIÂżWL YROXQWHHUV 10 and is looking for new singers. Publicity person -D\PH /LWWOHMRKQ VD\V Âł)UHVK YRLFHV IURP DJH WKLUWHHQ WR LQÂżQLW\ DUH DOZD\V welcome.â€? Rehearsals start in October and run twice a week until the concert dates. Music runs from classical to secular to Christmas to Hanukkah. For information contact Music Director 7LP :HOFK at loscantantesdellago@gmail.com 6,;7< *5((1 7+80%6ÂŤ ‌show up at -RKQ 0F:LOOLDPVÂś veggie club every month. The $MLMLF 2UJDQLF 9HJHWDEOH *URZHUV was started six months ago and has now grown to sixty members. The club meets on the second Wednesday of the month at 10 at Azul Frida Restaurant, Carretera #61 in West Ajijic. The next meeting will be on September 10. New members are welcome. They can contact John at mcwilliamsmx@gmail.com or by phone at 376-7660620. 648($.< :+((/ 5($',1*6 La Rueda (The Wheel), a coffee gallery in San Juan Cosala, stages monthly readings in (QJOLVK 7KH\ DUH KHOG RQ WKH ÂżUVW :HGQHVGD\ RI HDFK PRQWK DW Readers in September were 3DWULFLD (\UH 0LFKDHO :DUUHQ 0DUJDUHW 9DQ (YHU\ 6DQGL *HOOHV &ROH .HQQHWK 6HO]PDQQ and %RE 'U\QDQ Directions to La Rueda: at the only stop light in San Juan Cosala, turn towards the ODNH *R RQH EORFN DQG WXUQ ULJKW DW WKH SOD]D RQ 3RUÂżULR 'LD] 'ULYH WZR EORFNV RU VR SDVW Viva Mexico restaurant on the right. Writers who want to read, or those needing further information, can contact Judy at 387761-0281 or email her at jubob2@hotmail.com. AMERICAN LEGION IN CHAPALA Saturdays: 3:30 - 6:30 p.m. Fish Fry Sundays: Burgers & Dogs 12 - 3 p.m. LAKE CHAPALA COUNTRY CLUB For an interesting evening, attend a talk given by 2MR GHO /DJR (GLWRU $OHMDQGUR *UDWWDQ who was invited to speak on September 12 about the history of Mexican migrations to the US. Grattan is the author of an historical novel, The Dark Side of the Dream, which has been very well received by the reading public. The talk begins at 7 and is followed by a dinner. For information, contact Fran Reidelber at franandbrooke@gmail.com.

Saw you in the Ojo 35



modern blue and white façade catches the eye of the visitor, as she enters the theatre minutes before the show begins. She walks to a domed pavilion which is also the signature image of the theatre, along with hundreds of excited patrons of different ages, and backgrounds. Once inside, an impressive chandelier lights the stairs and below is the welcoming lobby, covered in cream-colored marble with two concessions filled with refreshments. Along the wall there are snug couches to sip one’s beverage while awaiting the opening or relaxing during the intermission. The Teatro Galerías, located in


Guadalajara, has hosted sixty percent of all cultural events fostered by the city since 1991. This August, the Theatre celebrated its twenty-third anniversary of entertaining people in Guadalajara and around the world with a range of quality and diverse plays such as Peter Pan, The Woman in Black, La Senora Presidenta and Las Obras Completas de William Shakespeare. This latter play was a big hit with Shakespeare fans and local teachers. It featured Diego Luna and other notable Mexican actors doing short scenes from some of the more famous Shakespeare plays such as Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet. Avenida Lapizlazuli, the locale

El Ojo del Lago / September 2014

of this theatre, used to be a compact mall called “Plaza Bonaventura”, which hosted four movie complexes called “Salas Lumiere.” The owner was Mr. Arturo Méndez Valencia, who envisioned a theatre which would have a diverse set of shows that would satisfy a more sophisticated tapatío audience. Construction began two years before its opening night, and during that time there was a myriad of hardships, most notably the fact that the tower was built higher and narrower than expected, leaving no room for the elegant and intimate dressing rooms Mr. Méndez had in mind. However, the play Out of Order by Ray Cooney opened to the public that August to rave reviews. Even though it was a pleasant theatre, it still had many details that were not up to the standard of elegance that Mr. Méndez had in mind. So, a month after the release of Out of Order the whole bottom section was remodeled in order to enhance aesthetics and audience comfort. Changes included an improvement to the isoptics and acoustics, reduction of the number of seats, and more comfortable stairs. For the convenience of patrons, Mr. Méndez also added a parking lot. Today, it can seat over one thou-

sand eight hundred people and has comfortable dressing rooms that will satisfy the most self-indulgent diva. In addition, there are three parking lots for patrons. For the twentythree years it has entertained the tapatío audience, its motto has never changed: the audience is always right. Mr. Mendez´s words still resonate in each employee’s mind while hosting: “It´s not a crammed theatre, the people are first for us, the people dictate.” In other words, if the theatre sells out, that’s it. There is no standing audience or doubling up. The audience comfort and satisfaction is primary. One example of how this works was the concert of the well-known Guatemalan singer Ricardo Arjona. Struck by both the intimacy of the audience singer arrangement and the warmth of the audience, he said: “Teatro Galerias was my most personal experience with an audience--ever” But all is not sweetness and light. Sometimes the stage is raucous with the beat of a different drummer as when “Stomp” hit Guadalajara. Matchboxes, brooms, garbage cans, Zippo lighters and more filled the stage with energizing beats of this British group, for an inventive and invigorating stage show that was dance, music and theatrical performance blended together. For the more conservative patron there are many classical concerts, ballet performances and even opera. There are also English and bilingual performances. Teatro Galerias has it all. (Luciana Mendez is an Advanced Placement student at the American School Foundation of Guadalajara. She writes for the literary magazine, Sin Fronteras. She would really like to thank Dr. Hogan, since he has helped her grow as a student and a person. “Plus, he is really awesome,” Luciana Mendez she says.)

Saw you in the Ojo 37

Timeball %\ 5 0 .UDNRII $ %RRN 5HYLHZ E\ -DPHV 7LSWRQ ISBN 0-9765153-6-9 Author’s Blog: KWWS UREHUWNUDNRII EORJVSRW P[


always look forward to reading a new R. M. Krakoff novel. Timeball, his latest, displays once again Krakoff’s wild imagination, his ability to craft a story that is both outrageous and believable, and filled with dark humor, alternative history, adventure, and love. I also recommend his earlier books: Die Laughing is about a stand-up comedian who makes people laugh while his own life crumbles around him; The Atzlàn Kid assumes a world that might have been had the Aztecs defeated Cortez; Future Schlock:2047 places us into a world controlled by banks, Wall Street, and mega-corporations, a world in which the USA has been merged into one of several massive Continental Unions and is now part of the UFA, Union of Federated Americas; Dream Hacker—in the near future, in a world of Haves versus Havenots, impoverished young adults organize into a devastating army of computer hackers, preying on wealthy seniors, hacking into their life savings, their wills, health records, property and even their dreams. In Timeball, Aaron Wells Kinsley, a thirty-five year old wealthy entrepreneur, with the help of a new mind technology—not yet totally perfected (and still illegal)—is able to fulfill a boyhood fantasy of pitching in the major leagues for a St. Louis team. “I must admit I felt immense disappointment when I realized I had awakened in the body of a Browns player and not one of my beloved Cardinals.” For one year he will be Browns pitcher Albert Hollingsworth…but his “mind, spirit, soul is that of a twenty-first century time traveler Aaron Wells Kinsley.” Aaron selected 1944 because players then “were smaller, slower” and “nearly all the stars of the game were defending our country at war.” Incidentally, and a delight to most readers and certainly to fans, Albert Hollingsworth and the other players in the book are real, as are the ball parks and even the games themselves. Professional players are still ordinary people. Albert is salaried at a refreshing $197.95 a week. Aaron Kinsley of course must “pretend” to be Albert Hollingsworth. That includes attending meetings of a covert German cult—run by “Himmler’s own henchwomen”—determined to destroy America and its president. Aaron-now-


El Ojo del Lago / September 2014

Albert would like to destroy the Nazi organization but a strict condition of mind travel is that it is “Not to take any risk of potentially altering history….” Aaron-now-Albert is attracted to a barmaid named Bonnie, “a very attractive and athletic-looking blonde” who “has a thing for ballplayers.” But it turns out Albert already has a friend, Annie, “a petite red-headed female wearing way too much eye makeup.” Our hero does not recognize her and he realizes that “Hollingsworth has a past that I have yet to uncover and it appears that his past is now my present.” He tells Annie, who has been waiting at his door, “I do remember your face but I can’t recall your name.” Annie informs him that they have had a “strong physical relationship for a couple of years now….and for your information my name is Annie Buster, from Chicago, thank you very much.” Our hero introduces Annie to sexual pleasures that women rarely experienced in the 40s. “I… Jesus, Al…what are you doing?” Our hero does become a successful pitcher. I liked the banter between players, and the games and trips in those far more innocent times. Aaron-now- Albert loves the mid-forties: “This is a wonderful time to be alive. People are more open, honest, and direct than in the year 2020. Life is simple. You work, you play, and occasionally you pray. People are proud of their work and their contribution to their city state and country.” (Krakoff will be the featured writer at the Meet the Writer Luncheon at Oasis Cloud Café on September 24. Further information at info@oasiscloud.mx or 765-3516. Timeball is available at Diane Pearl’s Colecciones and at Amazon and in various electronic forms including Kindle.)

Saw you in the Ojo 39



here have been many editorials regarding the “War against Women” raging around the world, an outcry for equality and liberation. There is also the surge of educating Third World women about self help. That does not get as much attention as the other does. Micro financing for women and the development of co-operatives aim at the independence of women. Micro financing and co-operatives’ goals and principles are the same. ‘Co-operative Enterprise’, written by MacDonald, Wallace and MacPherson, explains in layman’s terms exactly what it means. Simply put, it means pooling resources, group ownership, borrowing without interest. Dr. Mohammad Yunus started micro financing for women in India in the 1970’s. He had noted that when the women borrowed from banks with interest, it dug them into a cycle of debt they couldn’t get out of. Pooling resources helped the women to meet their common economic goals and social needs. Dr. Yunus also started the Gameen Bank for Micro Financing in Bangladesh that enticed women to borrow without interest, because they paid back their loan in full, whereas men didn’t. Interestingly enough, the first co-operative was the Pawn Shop, started in the 1500’s by Franciscan Monks. Then came credit unions in the 1800’s in England and Germany, followed in the 1900’s by America and Canada. According to “Co-op News and Community Action”, human cooperation dates back prior to written history; it is natural. The survival of humans is directly linked to working together for the common welfare. With no concept of privately owned land or tools or resources, it all works for the common good. In Mexico, the reform act of 1915 created a co-operative in shared land called Ejido. The state retained title to the land but granted the villagers (Ejidatorios) the right to farm. They could not sell the land nor mortgage it, only pass it to their heirs. And, if the land was not worked, another could apply for it. In 1992 that changed. Ejidatorios can choose to rent out their properties


El Ojo del Lago / September 2014

or mortgage them, and do not need to maintain their property to retain it. They can lose it by default...if they miss payments for a long period of time—a little like repossessing, the decision of which belongs to the Local Government Council and the Council for Ejidatorios. The Tepehua Community Center plans to build a Co-operative in Tepehua, providing micro-financing for the women to pool their interests and set up micro-management in Tepehua. The Mayor of Chapala, Joaquin Huerta Barrios, has ‘gifted’ some land to the Tepehua Centro Comunitario A.C., to help the empowerment of the women in the Barrio. Empowering women will strengthen the ‘middle class’, without which you have a floundering economy and an unbalanced society. Tepehua is situated just outside of the bustling tourist town of Chapala, and sooner rather than later, tourism will spill over to Chapala’s outskirts. The giant church with the figure of Jesus holding out welcoming arms to the people overshadows Tepehua. The municipality has already invested money around the church, which is the highest pinnacle in Chapala with a breathtaking view of the mountains, lake and the town—a tourist haven. It will happen. The time has come for investing in women in the work place. Emmilenne de Leon states “Mexico is a country with many resources, but it still has a huge gap in the distribution of wealth. Fifty two percent of the population lives under the poverty line, and 70 per cent are women”. Poverty has a woman’s face and investing in women is not an option but a necessity for the health of the family unit.

Saw you in the Ojo 41


of the month

%\ 5LFK 3HWHUVHQ Juan Paul M.


uan Paúl is 14 years old and lives in Ajijic with his parents and four siblings. Juan Paúl was born blind, but that didn’t deter either his family or him from learning to lead a “normal” life. In Guadalajara there is a special school for deaf and blind children (the Instituto de Capacitación de Niños Ciegos y Sordos– Training Institute for Blind and Deaf Children.) He did all his primary education there and was where he learned to read and write Braille. This meant that since the age of five he went to school every day on the bus, accompanied by his mother. She would stay and wait for him while he was in class and then they would return to Ajijic. There are four other children in the family, so this determination to help Juan Paúl was a big commitment on his mother’s part, not to mention the other members of the family who had to take turns caring for the other children. When Juan Paúl was 12 and ready for “secundaria,” the school in Guadalajara felt that he could be integrated into the regular school system as he was very proficient in Braille and was doing well with his schoolwork. Initially this move was unsuccessful because of bullying and teasing in the local high school, so he was changed to the Ricardo Flores Magón High School in Jocotepec, where they have a special needs teacher who works with Juan Paúl on a daily basis. In October 2011 his mother enrolled


El Ojo del Lago / September 2014

him with Niños Incapacitados, for the most part to help with the transportation costs of visits with his ophthalmologist in Guadalajara—he still suffers from itchy eyes and has to use special eye drops. Later in 2013, the family asked if we could help with the cost of the two daily round-trips from Ajijic to Jocotepec. Again, the bus is not a feasible option, but the family is fortunate enough to have a small car, so Niños Incapacitados is paying approximately 1800 pesos per month for the petrol costs. Juan Paúl continues to do very well in school and is a “B” student. He is also quite musically inclined and plays the drums in the school band. One difficulty, however, is that his homework has to be typed out and handed in. One of our generous members donated a used laptop for him to use, and this was presented to him just last month. You should have seen the smile on his face! Ideally, though, what he needs is a newer laptop or tablet that doesn’t weigh so much, plus software with speech-activated text or other aids for a visually impaired person. A printer for use at home would also be a boon to his studies. It has been very rewarding to see Juan Paúl’s progress and to know that he has a teacher who can help him with his disability, as well as with the computer. If you would like to find out more about the children we help and about our organization, please attend our regular monthly meetings at the Hotel Real de Chapala the second Thursday of every month—10:00 a.m. for socializing and coffee, meeting starts at 10:30. For more information about us and our upcoming fundraising events, please visit our website: www.programaninos.org Next meeting is Thursday, September 11.

Saw you in the Ojo 43

:+$7 35,&( )25*,9(1(66" %\ 0DULRQ )LVFKPDQ %DVHG RQ D WUXH VWRU\


he was lying on the sidewalk in the rear of the Hyatt Hotel in Guadalajara. Scenes like this were not uncommon but I never witnessed one before. For some inexplicable reason, I knew this was different. Then my sympathy turned to anger. This should be the Hyatt’s responsibility, not mine. I would report her body to the manager, then leave and forget it. But I couldn’t move. Somewhere in the deep bowels of my conscience I thought “This could be me.” Curious, I bent over to read the letters on her bracelet. Inscribed was the name “Maria.” Just at that moment her eyes opened and she turned and looked piercingly into mine, then gradually turned her head away. Covering her face with one arm she weakly motioned with her other one for me to go away. But I couldn’t abandon her. I felt she was now in my care. More than that, she was a part of me, the part I hid from myself and the world. The me that knew right from wrong yet sometimes made the wrong choices. Or the me that would sometimes give up and want to die. Now I was going to be her savior. How I got her into my hotel room was a miracle. The taxi driver parked in front of the Hyatt was kind and helpful and carefully put the repulsive, foulsmelling woman into his nice, clean cab. Like a rag doll, she was limp and offered no resistance. During the short ride to my hotel, my mind was spinning with ideas and questions. Would they allow her into the hotel? I’d manage that somehow.


El Ojo del Lago / September 2014

Then what? Meantime, the driver followed my instructions and explained to her in a comforting voice that she was in good hands and would be well taken care of. The woman opened her eyes, but for only a moment. I planned to give her a shower, put clean clothes on her, then give her a nourishing meal. But did she speak English? Was she ill? An alcoholic? Maybe a drug addict or a mentally disturbed person? Or just a homeless street person who could recover with some care. I would be her benefactor. Me, the big heroine. The taxi driver agreed to wait outside for me while I rushed into my apartment to get a serape to partly hide my new friend. That’s how I was able to get her into my place with no objections from the manager. Still not a word from Maria. Every time I tried to talk to her, the only response was a few words in Spanish. After I showered her, scrubbed her twice, her hair had to be washed three times. Some of my clothes were too big for her but when we finished, the transformation was gratifying. She stood in front of the full length mirror with tears rolling softly down her cheeks. Mine were inconspicuous compared to hers. She repeatedly touched her now beautiful glistening black hair. Then I called room service for some food. At first she refused to eat. When she couldn’t resist any longer, she dug in. I caught her glancing at me in between mouthfuls of food. I figured she felt ashamed and humbled. But I had seen enough to recognize she was not only a handsome woman but one with much dignity and pride. Next was a physical and mental examination and evaluation. Fortunately I knew of a nunnery in Zapopan where this was available for only a donation. One of their rules was this service was for women who would agree to be their guest for ten days. No less, no

more. They provided clean sleeping quarters, healthy food and a professional medical examination including a psychiatric study. Then, if the circumstances allowed, they tried to find a job and home for their patient before discharging her. Mother Mary Elena spoke to me, then privately with Maria. One condition was that she not have visitors for the first three days. Watching her following the nun and not even looking back at me, I couldn’t help but wonder if she was relieved to get away from my “do good” behavior. Then, upon returning home, I realized that my four carat diamond ring was missing. I had worn it to a party the night before and carelessly left it on my dresser instead of using the hotel safe. Who else could have stolen it but Maria? No wonder she couldn’t look me in the eye. The hotel manager agreed to report the theft to the police and also question the employees. As he suggested, I went to the police station with my friend and interpreter, Raul. The police completed their initial report and promised to investigate— but they were adamantly against questioning Maria. Borrowing a sleeping pill that night helped stop the churning thoughts of suspicion and anger. Finally I was able

to visit her and when I told the nun the story, Mother Mary Elena took Maria into a private room and gently questioned her. Hearing Maria sobbing and repeating, “No, no,” touched my heart. Maria refused to see me. The only good news was that the final doctor’s report showed nothing wrong with her except severe malnutrition. This gave me some consolation but not much. The fire that lit the fury still burned. Though shamed by my lack of compassion, my suspicions were as strong as ever. A combustible set of mixed emotions caused me to make another search of my apartment. Then in a flash, I remembered. I rushed to the zippered sofa pillow and there was my ring. Raul rushed me to Zapopan to admit my mistake. But I was too late. Maria had run away, taking only the clothes on her back. There was little doubt she was on the cold winter streets again. The sisters searched for her for days. Even the police made an unsuccessful attempt to find her. We never saw her again. Many times I’ve returned to the spot where I first found her, but I have seen her frail body only in my weeping dreams. Perhaps Maria has pardoned me. Surely God has granted me His mercy. Maybe someday, I can forgive myself.

Saw you in the Ojo 45

When There Were Ghosts %\ $OEHUWR 5tRV

On the Mexico side in the 1950s and 60s, There were movie houses everywhere And for the longest time people could smoke As they pleased in the comfort of the theaters. The smoke rose and the movie told itself On the screen and in the air both, The projection caught a little In the wavering mist of the cigarettes. In this way, every story was two stories And every character lived near its ghost. Looking up we knew what would happen next Before it did, as if it the movie were dreaming Itself, and we were part of it, part of the plot Itself, and not just the audience. And in that dream the actors’ faces bent A little, hard to make out exactly in the smoke, So that María Félix and Pedro Armendáriz Looked a little like my aunt and one of my uncles-And so they were, and so were we all in the movies, Which is how I remember it: Popcorn in hand, Smoke in the air, gum on the floor-Those Saturday nights, we ourselves Were the story and the stuff and the stars. We ourselves were alive in the dance of the dream. (Ed. Note: Alberto Rios is a Chancellor of the Academy of American Poets and Poet Laureate of Arizona, and was born in Nogales, AZ.)

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT The 20th Annual Ojo Awards Luncheon will be held on Tuesday, the 23rd of September, 12 noon at the Ajijic Tango Restaurant. All those who contributed tto our pages from October 2013 through Se September 2014 are cordially invited and encourag couraged to bring one guest. All the food, drinks and entertainment will be provided by the Tingen Family, that as always wishes to express its gratitude to the many talented writers who are the main reason for our magazine’s success. We’ll see you there!


El Ojo del Lago / September 2014

Saw you in the Ojo 47



re-emptive bidding causes more than its fair share of bother. Used judiciously it can create difficulties for even the most experienced of players. Such was the case with this month’s deal but fortunately for North and South they had a seldom used gadget in their arsenal that saved them from a very bad result. West dealt and opened the bidding with a slightly unorthodox bid of 3 spades. It is generally recommended that bids at the 3 level should have most if not all their high card points in their long suit and rarely have as much as an ace outside. But the game has evolved to the point where the benefits of pre-emption are now widely understood so I dare say that most duplicate players would have replicated this West’s opening salvo. North had an awkward hand to deal with. He only had 14 high card points including the spade queen which was of dubious value. He could have passed but this could have put undue pressure on his partner who would have been unlikely to be able to make a takeout double. So without too much ado North took the plunge with a bid of 4 hearts. East was no doubt glad to not have to participate in this auction and passed so now the spotlight shone on South who had some problems of his own. With his decent holding South could visualize the possibility of a slam if North had the appropriate cards. It seemed to South that the best contract would be some number of no trump to be played from the South hand to protect the KJ2 of spades. Just imagine that North bought the contract, ei-


El Ojo del Lago / September 2014

ther in hearts or no trump, and East was on lead. Any possibility of a slam would likely dissipate with a spade lead. So what was South to do? Pass and let North play in four hearts could produce a very poor result if slam was on from the other side of the table. After some thought South decided to bid 4 no trump, Roman Key Card Blackwood, in the hope that North would show 3 key cards (the king of hearts being counted as a fifth ace) in which case South could contract for the small slam in no trump. Unfortunately North’s response of 5 hearts showed only 2 key cards and South feared leaving his partner in this contract due to the aforementioned lead coming from the East and possibly scuttling the contract right away. But what else could South do? An immediate bid of 5 no trump would ask for kings and commit the partnership to the six level which was known to be unsafe. Then South remembered a strategy that they played but which hadn’t come up in an age – a bid of 5 spades (a hitherto unbid suit) would by agreement request North to bid 5 no trump and which South would then pass! As South was the first one to bid no trump, he would buy the contract. And that is exactly what happened. With careful play there was no way to stop South from taking 11 tricks and earn a well-deserved good board. Questions or comments: email: masson.ken@gmail. com Ken Masson



eading ing ng up up to to C Canada’s anad an da’ a’s tenniiall iin n 19 1 967 67, the th he centennial 1967, federal provincial eral and d provi incial i l governments made grants available to communities to construct commemorative public buildings, sports facilities and art works. Some of the larger cities built new concert halls and museums, some of the towns constructed new arenas, murals and statues proliferated everywhere. The community of Komarno, Manitoba commissioned a giant statue of a mosquito as their centennial project. It still stands proudly beside the highway leading into town. Given the size of the little beast, we humans certainly allocate a

llo ot of o ttime, ime, im e, eenergy e, ne lot and money to it. it. t. And, it money seems that ev se seems everyone thinks they have the worst mosquito infestation in the world. At a minimum, mosquitoes are a nuisance – most of us have a mild allergic reaction to the saliva they exchange for our blood, some have a strong reaction. At worst, they can carry viruses and parasites that they also leave us with during the bloodsucking operation and that can lead to serious illness and death. Some of the many diseases borne by mosquitoes include Yellow Fever, Malaria, West Nile Virus, Dengue Fever, various brain infections including en-

cephalitis, and a new one here in the Western Hemisphere – Chikungunya. If you read the literature, you will find there are many strains of mosquitoes, and a few seem to cause most of the damage. In the midst of an attack, I doubt that many of us are interested in which variation is doing the damage; we just want to swat them and figure out how to keep them away from us. There are natural products and synthetics that help to prevent mosquitoes from being a bother, there are things you burn, stuff you rub onto your skin, sprays, traps, fans, netting and screens, no end of human ingenuity applied to keeping the little monsters away. Once bitten, there are also a myriad of products to alleviate the itching and swelling. However, for the serious diseases there is a paucity of preventive measures available. There is currently no licensed vaccine for West Nile Virus, Dengue Fever or Chikungunya, although the Center for Disease Control reports that it is in Stage III trials with a vaccine for Dengue. Similarly, there are no specific medications to treat these diseases once contracted. Fortunately, the vast majority of cases are not life-threatening, and most infected people recover after a few days or weeks of fever and

discomfort. Standard medicines that reduce fever, pain killers and antiinflammatories are all we have available. Of course, it is the rare case that leads to a death that makes the headlines and leaves us wondering how to protect ourselves. Given that there have been 1.5 million reported West Nile infections since 1999, and it is estimated that 390 million people are infected with Dengue each year, even a small percentage of fatal infections will leave a lot of people dead. Just as the female mosquitoes require the protein from blood to produce eggs, so they also need standing water in which to lay the eggs, and thick grasses or shrubbery in which to protect themselves from the dehydrating effect of the sun while they are plotting their next attack. Therefore, paying attention to the state of your property helps keep mosquitoes at bay – keep the grass cut, make sure there is no standing water after a rain storm, thin out those bushy shrubs.Those of us over 50 are considered to be at greater risk and therefore need to take more precautions. If you do start to experience a fever, joint or muscle pain, unusual headaches, a strange rash, fatigue or weakness you may want to check with your doctor.

Saw you in the Ojo 49



oldiers line the tarmac. Automatic weapons with toylike plastic stocks, but real bullets, are borne by boys with coal black eyes. They flirt with las muchachas. The girls are excited by the fiesta mood of the crowd, the boys’ eyes drawn to their short skirts, to a naked shoulder slipping from a blouse. It is the last week of the rainy season. Already La Zapopanita, tiny Virgin of corn paste, has been carried to the Basilica. We are safe from plague for another year; protected from the rains which flood the arroyos, wash away the crops, and uproot the ancient trees. The vintage planes rev their engines. The loud-speakers play Glenn Miller. My good friend sways to the old familiar tunes. Nostalgia and excitement merge in him like the confluence of two rugged rivers. The loudspeaker announces el piloto of the first plane will be CAPITAN JEEMEE O’BREE-HAN OF TAY-HAHS. O’Brian of Texas. The Irish, as mother says, are everywhere. Here, too, they are loved. For in Mexico, when los Yanquis said: War! The Irish deserted in droves, fought alongside their fellow Catholics, and those not killed in battle were hanged from the gallows in San Angel by the conquering gringos. Los San Patricios, those of Saint Patrick, are still green in the Mexican memory, connected to the roots of the ash trees, flying in the green branches.


El Ojo del Lago / September 2014

Now O’Brian of Tejas has returned with the entire Confederate Air Force! There is his ghost plane taking off now in the east, his jaunty thumbs-up to the two thousand Mexicans thronging the runway as the soldiers yell at the crowd (rifles at point arms): “Detrás, detrás, quince metros!” But the crowd ignores the boy soldiers, pushing forward against the barrels of atomic weapons. The loud speaker is now playing “Danny Boy,” and above the lugubrious tune is the sound of the gallant engine in a flimsy metal craft which inspires the crows to wheel from the trees in formation, quiet and disciplined. Something about the day, the air, the music, which makes the crowd forget Tejas, (O Hated Republic! O Arrogant State) and think instead of Capitan O’Breehan, el irlandés, doing a loop now over the crowd, then another, now climbing up in the morning’s perilous sun, and then descending, Flying Tiger teeth on the fuselage, machine gun blazing at an unseen enemy. This irlandés is for us all. And we know him. Just as the zopilotes know, blackly secure in their haven of majestic ash trees beyond the furrowed fields in the darkening morning with the old corn stalks drying. Just as the hawks know, banking lazily over the sun flowers, the dandelions, then swooping down through the flame trees to where un ratóncito discovers the world is no longer safe. A bomber takes off now, shining silver and terrible on the dark runway, “MIREN A LA IZQUIERDA!” the loud speaker blares. The Queen of Terror, “LA SUPERFORTRES,” thundering down the sky. “TAL VEZ...UNA BOMBA.” And yes! Explosions at the west end of the field: flame, black oily smoke, tremors of the earth! Thunderheads from over the ash trees: there is rain in the air. The fields grow dark and shadowed. The buzzards crane their bald necks. They know that man is nothing more than a soul holding up a corpse. But it is this soul, once briefly seen, remembered by old warriors in Legionnaire caps, by my friend singing along (and now dancing!) to Tommy Dorsey at the end of the rainy season on a damp Mexican airfield, which beckoned

us here. There is lightning in the air, the taste of sulphur, and the loud speaker shifting to “Taps� as the fighters fly in formation over the field, the crowd, the soldiers and the young girls, all frozen in place looking upwards. Then one plane peels off from the formation, flies south alone over the hills, in memory of el piloto perdido, the one lost, whose soul impregnates the morning sky, who holds us bound together with the furrowed fields, the ash trees, the dying field mouse, young soldiers and old warriors, and the rain coming down in great drops, like holy water sprinkling the faithful.

(Ed. Note: Michael Hogan is the author of 22 books, including the best-selling Irish Soldiers of Mexico. He lives in Guadalajara with Lucinda Mayo and their dog Molly Malone. This selection is from his book Mexican Mornings: Essays South of the Border which can be purchased from Amazon in either paperback or Kindle.) http://www. amazon.com/M exican-M ornings-Essays-South-Border/ dp/1552129292/ ref=tmm_pap_title_0? ie=UTF8&qid=140770 6781&sr=8-1 Michael Hogan

Saw you in the Ojo 51

THE GHOSTS AMONG US %\ )UHG 0LWWDJ “Remembering Sandy Hook”


fter the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary, one mother asked Governor Malloy in the funeral home to look at her son, six-year-old Noah Pozner. His mouth and jaw were blown off. The governor wept at the sight. The mother said if gun control legislation ever came across the gov1RDK 3R]QHU ±

ernor’s desk, she wanted him to remember her lated militia.” son’s face. In 1977, the NRA supported a ban The debate in colonial America on “Saturday Night Special” handguns. was over maintaining state militias That same year, they had a convention vs. a standing army. King George had in Cincinnati, Ohio. Angry conservaa standing army that could oppress tives who opposed the ban on “Saturpeople. Colonists saw state militias as day Night Specials” voted out the leadprotection against the abuse of cenership of the NRA. Gun manufacturers tralized authority. began to give them money to lobby But the Articles of Confederaagainst gun laws. The NRA’s lurch to tion had been a disaster. The need the far right was part of the abrupt for strong central authority is what shift across the Republican base. Racthe Constitutional Convention was all ism played a major role, as millions of about. Should that authority include a white Southern Democrats fled to the standing army? Republicans. They saw guns as imporThere were no city police in early tant to their defense against racial danAmerica. Every man between the ages gers. In 2008, the election of a black of 16 and 60 was required to own a president spurred a big spike in gun gun at home. The gunpowder, howsales. Republicans own twice as many ever, was kept in common storage in guns as Democrats. the town. The militias did police work Conservative Republican presiand most importantly, were ready to dents appointed Republican judges. keep potential slave rebellions under The stage was set. Congressmen were control. The final version of the Second frightened of the NRA’s political power. Amendment passed by Congress and The Supreme Court became a rightkept in the National Archives reads: “A wing ideological majority of five. well regulated Militia, being necessary A security guard named Dick Heller to the security of a free State, the right wanted to bring his gun home. But it of the people to keep and bear Arms, was illegal in Washington, D.C. to have shall not be infringed.” a handgun in one’s home. Heller chalThe Supreme Court ruled on sevlenged this and it came to the U.S. eral related cases over the next 200 Supreme Court. Vice President Dick years, and every time found that the Cheney filed a brief with the Court, Amendment applied only to the right backing Heller. of states to maintain a militia and not Five Republican justices struck to any individual right to bear arms. down the D.C. law banning guns in A grammatical point noted by the home. In this one landmark case, scholars is that the first clause is an ab200 years of American jurisprudence lative absolute. In grammar, that means was turned upside down. Now, for the that the first clause sets the conditions first time, the Second Amendment for which the rest of the sentence is protected an individual right to keep valid. What this means is that the part arms. This interference with the D.C. that says, “the right of the people to legislative process made this an “activkeep and bear arms” can only be in the ist” Court. context of the descriptive “A well regu-


El Ojo del Lago / September 2014

As late as 1990, Republican Chief Justice Warren Burger wrote that the idea that the Second Amendment protected an individual right to keep arms was “. . . one of the greatest pieces of fraud, I repeat the word ‘fraud,’ on the American public by special interest groups that I have ever seen in my lifetime.” Cities instituted police departments and America acquired a standing army. Militias vanished completely in 1903 and are now called the National Guard. They are trained at federal expense and are at the president’s disposal. The whole rationale for the Sec-

Dear Sir: The new mega treatment plant on the north side of Guadalajara will be a big step in cleaning up the Santiago, Jalisco’s filthiest river. My husband Antonio and I firmly believe that the treated water could be as big a plus for Jalisco’s largest freshwater lake. If there was a second aqueduct, it could be used to carry that water back to Lake Chapala. It could carry water both ways - to Guad and to the lake - depending where the need was. There could be an international design competition

To the Attention of Fred Mittag: Well, I just read your article on Rommel and wanted to let you know how much I appreciated your accuracy and respect for this very courageous soldier. My husband and I had a group travel business and one of our favorite clients was a U.S. Military professor who traveled with us for 15 years. He lived and breathed this war (WWII) and we learned more than any textbook could ever have the space to print it. Rommel’s name came up many times and always mentioned with great respect. The professor even

ond Amendment evaporated. It would be extinct were it not for the case of Heller in 2008 that converted it to mean an individual right to keep arms. However ideological, the Supreme Court is the final word on constitutional questions. The Heller decision means a lot of new questions will have to be decided. How far does this individual right extend? May a convicted criminal still buy firearms, as he has the right of continued free speech? Sorry, Noah. Fred Mittag

with the winner getting the biggest bottle of Jalisco’s best tequila. Hmmm. Sounds too logical to me. Think it could ever happen?? Saludos. Nanette Phillips San Antonio Tlayacapan Our Editor Replies: We enthusiastically approve of any plan that would be more water to our beloved lake. As to whether it could happen because of the idea you mention, we can only fall back on that old bromide, “Que sera, sera.”

named his female ridge-back dog after him. Another thing you mentioned that the professor pointed out was the fact that the Germans out-soldiered us, but we out-machined them. And that is essentially what you said in this article. I think Rommel recognized it. Really enjoyed your article as the professor made a WWII student out of me. My other all-time hero was General George S. Patton. Thanks for writing it. Phyllis Ewing paceinaxixic@yahoo.com

Saw you in the Ojo 53

The Ojo Crossword

ACROSS 1 Me Too 6 Realm 10 Object 14 Abhorrence 15 Following 16 Stark 17 Old 18 Fence opening 19 Outlet 20 Grain 21 Chilled 23 Words to a song 25 Elliptical 26 Roman three 27 Czar 30 Groom 34 Accumulate debt 35 Make less distinct 36 Sports official 38 Woken 39 Klutz 40 Fish tank growth 42 Chop 43 Skullcap 44 Charge 45 Liberal 48 Diamond patterned sock 49 Picnic visitor 50 Bulb flower 51 Tortilla rollup 54 Traditional Wineskin (Span.)


El Ojo del Lago / September 2014

55 Expression of surprise 58 Like a wing 59 Duo 61 Subject 63 Vilify 64 Active Volcano 65 Scots´ neighbors 66 Merely 67 Allows 68 Come to an end DOWN 1 Portal 2 Lazily 3 Ocean movement 4 Second day of the wk. 5 Animal and vegetable eater 6 Halo wearer 7 Look at a book 8 Extension (abbr.) 9 Artist´s studio 10 European peninsula 11 Cab 12 Little Mermaid’s love 13 Baseball team 22 Mouser 24 Shrill bark 25 Sonata 27 Call 28 Enter 29 Extent 30 Pleat 31 Collar 32 British football 33 Electronic mail 35 Hisses 37 Peter, for short 40 Sea near Italy 41 Not arms 43 Stronghold 46 So-so 47 Dynamite 48 Creative work 50 Tiny amounts 51 Gambling game 52 Actor Alda 53 Imprison 54 Damaged 55 Capital of Western Samoa 56 Snake sound 57 Throb 60 Southwestern Indian 62 Miner’s goal

Dear Sir: First, I wish to congratulate you on your Benjamin Franklin award. Well deserved. And thank you for continuing to publish thought-provoking and, at times perhaps, provocative contributions to the Ojo. In the August issue Fred Mittag captures correctly the political climate of the US – a climate driven by paranoia, hate, divisiveness and money. US citizens may believe that they have the best government in the world. The way I see it, the US has the worst government corporate campaign contributions can buy. I cannot for the life of me understand (though I know the historical underpinning) how a country of 330 million people has only two political parties. Is there no diversity of political opinion in such a large country? Only “conservatives” and “liberals” (Democrats)? Are there no shades of grey, just black and white? Such simplistic and naive perspective unfortunately is reflected, not only in domestic but also in foreign policy to the detriment of the US. I believe the world is a bit more complex than that. George W. Bush’s words ring true, today more than ever: “You’re either for us or against us.”“United” States has become a misnomer. A more appropriate name would be “Divided” States of whatever. Take a look at your electoral map and the blobs of red and the blue, and you will see what I mean. By the

way, I no longer use the word “America” or “American” when referring to the US or its citizens because America is not a country, but a continent, with about 35 countries. Mr. Mittag is also right about the lack of logic in conservative thinking and the spewing of hate and brainwashing by certain media outlets and news channels: “raw red meat,” he calls it, just as the Romans fed the lions in the Coliseum to entertain the uneducated masses. One notorious anchor who claims to have the largest audience for 14 years running often uses as his clinching argument, “Everyone knows.” First, given the low academic world rankings of US high school graduates, I would not be overly proud of being the show with the largest audience. Secondly, in logic, the phrase “everyone knows” is considered a logical fallacy and proves nothing. Given the aforementioned complexity of the world, with ISIS beheading US journalists and “non-believers” in Iraq and nightly rioting in the streets of Ferguson, Missouri, US-ers had better reflect deeply before voting in the upcoming elections, even if there are only two choices. Karl Homann dm-209742.khh@live.ca dm.209742.khh@gmail.com lakemonk41@outlook.com 376.766.3766 662.111.0234

Saw you in the Ojo 55

“People Helping People�


Lŕľşŕś„ŕľž Cŕś ŕľşŕś‰ŕľşŕś…ŕľş Sŕśˆŕľźŕś‚ŕľžŕś?ŕś’





When members ask me how much of their LCS annual dues LV XVHG WR ¿QDQFH SURJUDPV WKH\ DUH RIWHQ VXUSULVHG ZKHQ I tell them virtually none. The fact is almost all money collected from your dues goes to operating expenses (mostly utilities, salaries, and building and grounds maintenance). 0RVW RI WKH PRQH\ XVHG WR ¿QDQFH RXU SURJUDPV IRU PHPbers and the Mexican community comes from fund-raising events and donations. In the spirit of Neill James, LCS’ original benefactor, you may bequeath a legacy to LCS that will help continue these valuable programs to our community. Introducing children to the arts and empowering women through vocational skills and educational opportunities were her primary passions when she settled in Ajijic. 6HYHUDO RI KHU LPSRUWDQW SURJUDPV FRQWLQXH WR ÀRXULVK today under the auspices of LCS: , English as a Second Language classes, which served over 240 children and adults this year; a community library of English and Spanish collections; the very popular Children’s Art Program; Needlepushers, an organization of volunteers who knit and sew children’s clothing; computer classes; and tuition assistance for 36 university students who have demonstrated ¿QDQFLDO QHHG ,I \RX EHOLHYH LQ WKH EHQH¿WV RI WKHVH SURJUDPV \RX FDQ ensure their long term viability by establishing a bequest to LCS. Legacy gifts to LCS may be left in wills, trusts or estate plans to support a favorite cause or help people in need. To help ensure the success of our work in the community, you may also bequeath property, such as a car, jewelry or art that can be sold, or you may designate LCS as a EHQH¿FLDU\ RQ D EDQN DFFRXQW RU LQVXUDQFH SROLF\ Gifts to charitable institutions are simple to make and may KDYH VLJQL¿FDQW WD[ EHQH¿WV WR \RXU HVWDWH 'LVFXVV \RXU RSWLRQV ZLWK \RXU ¿QDQFLDO SODQQHU RU DWWRUQH\ )RU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ SLFN XS DQ LQIRUPDWLYH EURFKXUH LQ WKH /&6 RI¿FH Your bequest from the heart will bring dignity, meaning, and purpose to a life well-lived.

Renowned local muralist, painter, gallery owner and artist, Javier Zaragoza, dreamt of selling his paintings when he was eight and a student at Neill James' Children's Art Program where he got free paper, pencils, brushes, and paints; students could sell their work and keep the proceeds. Over the next 5 years, Javier's skill, earnings and ambition grew, along with Neill James' dream that he would become a professional artist. He was 14 when James offered a scholarship to Javier to study at The Art Institute of San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato. Javier again followed his dreams and returned to Ajijic a year-and-a-half later to begin his career as an artist. Later Ixtlahuacan priest Pablo Cedillo, observed him painting in the street and Javier's life-long vocation began. He was commissioned to paint a series of murals in the church about the life of St. James, which earned him $3,000 pesos. Javier's father, a ORFDO ÂżVKHUPDQ ULJJHG D URSH EDU WR VXSSRUW WKH \HDU ROG DV he painted the six 12 by 20 foot murals. Javier went to the U.S. and for eight years, he worked in factories while pursuing free art lessons and learned English. His break came when Gannett Outdoor Company hired him as the 50th member of their Billboard Unit, a fantastic and SURÂżWDEOH \HDU H[SHULHQFH +H SDLQWHG PRYLH VWDUV FDUV show girls, ads for Marlboro, Kools, Black Velvet Scotch and even bottles of tequila with a girl on the side. Commercial art was not Javier's passion. He returned to Ajijic in 1999 and has grown in stature and reputation as an accomplished painter. For the past few years, Javier has devoted himself to teaching local children who, as he did, participate in the Saturday LCS Children's Art Program (CAP) where he was an art instructor from 2001-2005. He's delighted to help lakeside's future artists and says that he is now truly living his dream. Currently celebrating its 60th year, CAP meets every Saturday, 10 a.m. to noon on the LCS back patio. It's free, and all children are welcome. The program also receives support from the Ajijic Society of Artists (ASA). Volunteers are needed to help out with the growing weekly attendance of 50-100 children, rain or shine. There are no special language or art requirements: just patience, a kind heart, and a willingness to be involved with the community.

,QWR WKH VW &HQWXU\ Now you can follow us on Facebook. Keep up to date on the many programs and events at LCS. “Like� us at www.facebook.com/ lakechapalasociety.



September 2014

El Ojo del Lago / September 2014


&KDUUHUtD &KDUURV DQG 'DQFLQJ +RUVHV Caballos con mucho brĂ­o, y charros con seĂąorĂ­o. (Horses with great spirit and gentlemen horseman) Continue your education with the third presentation of Experimenta Mexico. The charreada or charrerĂ­a is a competitive event similar to a rodeo and was developed from animal husbandry practices used on the haciendas of old Mexico. The sport has been described as “living history,â€? or as an art form drawn from the demands of working life. Evolving from the traditions EURXJKW IURP 6SDLQ LQ WKH WK FHQWXU\ WKH ÂżUVW charreadas were ranch work competitions between haciendas. The modern charreada developed after the Mexican Revolution when charro traditions were disappearing. Competing charros often came from families with a tradition of charreria, and teams today are often made up from H[WHQGHG IDPLOLHV ZKR KDYH EHHQ SHUIRUPLQJ IRU XS WR ÂżYH generations. Charro is a term referring to a traditional horseman from Mexico. The Mexican terms vaquero and ranchero (cowboy and rancher) are similar to the charro but are different in culture, etiquette, mannerisms, dress, tradition and social status. CharrerĂ­a, the culture of horsemanship and rodeo riding in Mexico, is the focus of this exciting new interactive presentation to be held Friday, 12th September at Lake Chapala Society, from 5 to 7:30 pm. You’ll learn about this Mexican national sport and discover who and what the charros are and how they use communication and respect to train their horses to dance. You will get a chance to experience this live and see charros perform amazing tricks with the rope. There will be a mini class in which you'll learn some of the rope tricks. Included will be a shot of tequila from local producers Sandy and Daniel. Tequila will be for sale at discounted prices. Cost for this exciting educational presentation is $250 pesos for LCS members and $300 pesos for non-members. Reserve your place: experamentamexico@lakechapalasociety.com.

7KH /&6 OLEUDU\ QRZ OLVWV VFL ¿ DQG IDQWDV\ ERRNV E\ JHQUH VR if you’re not sure of the title or the author you’re searching for, you can now check out computer listings in those categories. -XVW D 6XJJHVWLRQ If you have trouble reading small print, you might want to consider perusing our selection of large print books in Room 2 of the main library. You might also check out the hundreds of audio books in the Talking Books Library nestled on the back veranda. This tiny treasure of a library has hundreds of books on tape. By special arrangement, we’ve acquired the Library of Congress collection of tapes of virtually all kinds of publications. Originally made for the disabled, they are now available here exclusively to American citizens. Talking Books is open Thursdays from 10 a.m. so you can browse at your leisure. We operate on the honor system, so you may borrow as many tapes as you like for as long as you like. Donations are always welcome and greatly appreciated. Look for the blue doors on the back veranda.

So Long Summer... Experimenta Mexico & Woodstock

Saw you in the Ojo 57


*Open to the Public ** US Citizens (S) Sign in required (C) Membership card required &58= 52-$ Cruz Roja Sales Table CRIV Monthly Meeting

M-F 10-1 2nd W 2-5

+($/7+ ,1685$1&( Blue Angel Insurance IMSS & Immigration Services Met Life Health Insurance

F 10:30-1 M+T 10-1 T+TH 11-2

+($/7+ /(*$/ 6(59,&(6 Acupuncture 1st+4th + Last F 9-2 Becerra Immigration F 10:30-1 Blood Pressure F 10-12 Diabetes Screening (no sign up) 2nd+3rd F 10-12 DIF T 10-2 Hearing Aid Services (S) M+2nd+4th SAT 11-4 Loridans Legal T 10-12 Ministerio Publico W September 3rd+17th 10-2 Optometrist (S) TH 9-5 Skin Cancer Screening (S) 2nd + 4th W 10-12 US Consulate (sign up 10-11:30) M Sept 15th 10-12 Voter Registration

M 10-12 begins Sept.1

/&6 3$7,2 LCS Patio, Bus Trips & Sales Table

M-F 10-1

LESSONS Children’s Art SAT 10-12* Chidren’s Reading Program SAT 9-10* Exercise M+W+F 9-10 HH Workshop Demo W 10-12* Int Hatha Yoga T+TH 2-3:30, SAT 1-2:30 Line Dancing T+TH 10-11:15 LIBRARIES Audio TH 10-12 Book & Video M-SAT 10-2 Library of Congress Books**/ Talking Books TH 10-12 Wilkes M-F 9:30-7, SAT 9:30-1 SOCIAL ACTIVITIES All Things Android F 11-12 Bridge 4 Fun M+W 1-5 Digital Camera Club 2nd + 4th W 10:30-11:50 English/Spanish Conversation SAT 11-12 )LOP $¿FLRQDGRV 7+ )LOP $¿FLRQDGRV VW UG 7+ )LOP $¿FLRQDGRV QG WK /DVW 7+ Genealogy Forum Last M 2-4 iStuff Discussion Group F 9:30-10:30 Mac OS 1st Mon 12-1 Mac User Group 3rd W 1-2 Needle Pushers T 10-12 Open Gaming (open to the public from) M 1-3:45* Pathways to Inner Peace SAT 2-3:30* Scrabble M+F 12-2 Tournament Scrabble T 12-2 Windows Discussion Group F 10:30-11:45 6(59,&( 6833257 *52836 Gamblers Anonymous W 11-1 Information Desk M-SAT 10-2 Lakeside AA M +TH 4-6 Open Circle SUN 10-12:30 SMART Recovery W 2:30-4:30 7,&.(7 6$/(6 0 ) Mahjongg returns in September


El Ojo del Lago / September 2014

9,'(2 /,%5$5< 1(: $ '',7,216 New for September See the Video Library bulletin board and the ELQGHUV RQ WKH FRXQWHU WR ÂżQG ÂżOPV RI LQWHUHVW We have four documentaries this month that might interest you: 8 6 YV -RKQ /HQQRQ # 6623 A documentary on the life of John Lennon with a focus on the time in his life when he was transformed from a musician into an antiwar activist. The Imposter # 6620 A young Frenchman claims to be the missing 16-year-old son of a Texas family who has been grieving his absence for 3 years. Francisco, El Papa de Todos # 6630 7KH VWRU\ RI WKH HOHFWLRQ RI -RUJH 0DULR %HUJRJOLR WKH ÂżUVW SRSH IURP WKH $PHULFDV DQG WKH ÂżUVW IURP WKH VRXWKHUQ KHPLVSKHUH The Heart of the Game # 6618 A documentary featuring the Roosevelt Roughriders, D JLUOVÂś KLJK VFKRRO EDVNHWEDOO WHDP LQ 6HDWWOH DQG RQH SOD\HU V ÂżJKW WR regain her eligibility to play. QuinceaĂąera # 6627 As Magdalena's 15th birthday approaches, her simple, blissful life is complicated: she discovers she's pregnant. Get the Gringo # 6613 A career criminal nabbed by Mexican authorities is placed in a tough prison where he learns to survive with the help of a ten-year-old boy. 7KUHH IRUHLJQ ÂżOPV WR FRQVLGHU Besieged # 6616 When an African dictator jails her husband, Shandurai goes into exile in Italy, studying medicine and keeping house for Mr. Kinsky, an eccentric English pianist and composer. -HDQ GH )ORUHWWH and Manon of the Spring– both on the same disc, a “twoferâ€? # 6615 A greedy landowner and his backward nephew conspire to block the only water source for an adjoining property in order to bankrupt the owner and force him to sell. In this sequel to Jean de Florette, Manon has grown into a beautiful young shepherdess living in the idyllic Provencal countryside, determined to take revenge upon the men responsible for the death of her father which happens in WKH ÂżUVW ÂżOP The Kings of Summer # 6631 Joe Toy, on the verge of adolescence, ÂżQGV KLPVHOI LQFUHDVLQJO\ IUXVWUDWHG E\ KLV VLQJOH IDWKHU )UDQN V DWWHPSWV to manage his life. Declaring his freedom once and for all, he escapes to a clearing in the woods with his best friend, Patrick, and a strange kid named Biaggio, to build a house there, free from responsibility and parents. This is just a partial list of the new additions for September. If you haven’t been here before, drop by the LCS Video Library. The volunteer RQ GXW\ FDQ KHOS \RX VHOHFW D ÂżOP WKH YLGHRV ZH KDYH DYDLODEOH In addition to renting movies we can transfer any VHS tapes that you have to DVD discs which take up less space and last longer. At 50 pesos per tape, that’s cheap. ,I WKHUH LV D ÂżOP \RXÂśYH KDYH QHYHU VHHQ DQG ZRXOG OLNH WR VHH RU D favorite you want to see again, ask the volunteer on duty if we have it. If we don’t have it, leave the title of the movie, your name and your email address and we will let you know if and when we might add it to our inventory. Also available at the Video Library are many VHS tapes and D IHZ '9'V IRU VDOH DW RQO\ ÂżYH SHVRV HDFK


&DVL 1XHYR 1HZV Don’t want to take it with you? Let our experts sell your excess household items quickly and make your moving job easier. No item is too small or too expensive. Large consignment LWHPV" 1R SUREOHP :H FDQ UHFRPPHQG D TXDOL¿HG ORZ FRVW mover to pick up and deliver your items to our store. We also buy selected items for cash. Please be aware that we do not accept or sell electronic items. Now under new management, we will re-open the store on September 1. We are still an all-volunteer organization and we need additional volunteers. If you’d like to have a fun job, learn a bit more Spanish and help provide a needed service, come to the store and sign up. We thank both Mike Campo and Jacqueline Smith for their years of service and dedication to make Casi Nuevo the success that it is! We support the 300 children in our three charities: LCS Community Education Program, School for Children with Special Needs, and Have Hammer...Will Travel. Look for red store with the corner door across from 7-Eleven in Riberas de la Pilar. Our hours are from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Call 376 106-2121 for more information.

September Trips Galerias Mall Wednesday, September 3. Cost $250 pesos. Bus leaves promptly at 9:30 a.m. from the sculpture at La Floresta. No refunds or exchanges. Guadalajara Zoo Thursday, September 25 Cost $320 pesos (skyride extra) Bus leaves promptly at 9:00 a.m. from the sculpture in La Floresta. No refunds or exchanges.

1HZ 0DLO &RXULHU 6HUYLFH IRU &DQDGD The new LCS volunteer mail courier service for our Canadian members started August 1st. The service is for regular envelopes weighing up to 30 grams only. Stamps for destinations in Canada are $15 MXN. Stamps for destinations outside of Canada: $45 MXN. &DQDGLDQ PHPEHUV WKLV VHUYLFH LV IRU \RX 7KH RIÂżFH ZLOO separate mail with U.S. vs. Canadian stamps. We need volunteers traveling to Canada to courier the mail with &DQDGLDQ VWDPSV &RQÂżUP DW WKH VHUYLFH GHVN WKDW \RX KDYH the correct mail, and sign for it. Also, we will need Canadian members to bring stamps to us maintain our inventory. Contact administracion@ lakechapalasociety for details. Please be aware that the mail courier service is for LCS members only.

THURSDAY FILM AFICIONADOS /&6 0HPEHUV 2QO\ %ULQJ <RXU &DUG $OO ÂżOPV VKRZQ LQ WKH 6DOD No food No pets September 4 12:00 noon A Five Star Life - (Viaggio Sola) 2013 Italy Forty-something Irene has a dream job that makes her life easy: she's a luxury hotel inspector who travels the world... but does a dream job necessarily mean a dream life? September 11 2:00 p.m. 7KH /XQFK %R[ (Dabba)- 2013 India A PLVWDNHQ GHOLYHU\ LQ 0XPEDL V %RPED\ IDPRXVO\ HIÂżFLHQW OXQFK delivery system connect a young housewife to an older man. September 18 12:00 noon /H :HHNHQG 2013 UK, France A British couple return to Paris many years after their honeymoon in an attempt to rejuvenate their marriage. September 25 2:00 p.m. Starred Up 2013 UK A troubled and explosively violent teenager is transferred to adult prison. Extraordinarily realistic portrayal of life in a British prison.

&DWÂśV 0HRZ Prices for pet food have skyrocketed! We need more dinero to care for and maintain our little buddies in good health. Another $2,000 pesos will bring our budget in line this month. Please consider making a donation of $20, $50, or $100 pesos at the CafĂŠ Patio table.

Costco Returns in September Costco is scheduled to be here September 9 and 10 from 10-2 on the Blue Umbrella Patio. Sign up or renew your membership, ask questions and learn about sales and special promotions.

'LVFXVVLRQ DQG 3KLORVRSK\ *URXSV 5HWXUQ The Discussion Group and the Philosophy Group will return in the fall. Watch for the schedule. For information, contact Roger Heath at heathesq@hotmail.com.

9RWHU $VVLVWDQFH IRU 8 6 (OHFWLRQV U.S. Voter Registration and absentee ballot forms will be available on the Blue Umbrella Patio on Mondays from September 1 to October 13, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Sponsored by Democrats Abroad. For additional information contact Howard Feldstein at howard42@ gmail.com or call 766-5707.

THE LAKE CHAPALA SOCIETY, A.C. 16 de Septiembre #16-A, Ajijic, Jalisco /&6 0DLQ 2IÂżFH


LCS BOARD OF DIRECTORS President - Ben White (2016); Vice-President - Cate Howell (2015); Treasurer - Michael Searles (2015); Secretary - Carole Wolff (2016); Directors: Lois Cugini (2015); Ernest Gabbard (2016); Aurora Michel Galindo (2015); Fred Harland (2015); Keith Martin (2016); Pete Soderman (2016);

Executive Director - Terry Vidal The LCS Newsletter is published monthly. Deadline for submissions is the 17th of the month preceding publication. News items may be e-mailed to Reba Mayo rebaelizabethhill@yahoo.com; cc Terry Vidal tqv56431@yahoo.com Note: The editorial staff reserves the right to edit all submissions according to time, space availability and editorial decision.

Saw you in the Ojo 59


El Ojo del Lago / September 2014

Saw you in the Ojo 61





%(' %5($.)$67

$'9(57,6,1* ',5(&725< (/ 2-2 '(/ /$*2 Tel. 765-3676

$/&2+2/,&6 $121<0286 - ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Tel: 766-5961

Pag: 54

$1,0$/ &/,1,&6 3(7 6+23 - CLINICA VETERINARIA SAN ANTONIO Tel: 766-0808 Pag: 14 - DEE’S PET HOTEL Tel: 762-1646 Pag: 57 - LAKESIDE FRIENDS OF THE ANIMALS AC Tel: 765-5544 Pag: 33 - MASKOTA’S LAKE Tel: 766-0287 Pag: 59 - PET PLACE Cell: 333-1964-150 Pag: 52 - PET FOOD AND GROOMING Tel: 766-3062 3DJ

$57 *$//(5,(6 +$1'&5$)76 -- ALFREDO’S GALERIA Tel: 766-2980 %(/9$ (15,48( 9(/È=48(= Tel: 766-0162 - DIANE PEARL COLECCIONES Tel: 766-5683 - SOL MEXICANO Tel: 766-0734 - THE CREATIVE HEART Tel: 766-0496 - EL PALOMAR Tel: 01 (33) 3635-8089

Pag: 40 Pag: 43 Pag: 23 Pag: 20

%((5 /,4825 6725(6 %(72¶6 :,1( /,4825 Cell (045) 333-507-3024 /,&25(6 3$=


%/,1'6 $1' &857$,16 - QUICK BLINDS Tel: 766-3091

Pag: 14

%22.6725( %22.6 - SANDI - Bookstore Tel: 01 (33) 3121-0863

Pag: 50

%287,48( &86720 6(:,1* - CUGINIS OPUS BOUTIQUE Tel/Fax: 766-1790 - HEIDI’S Tel: 766-5063 - MI MEXICO Tel: 766-0133 2/*$¶6 &XVWRP 6HZLQJ Tel: 766-1699

Pag: 27 3DJ

Pag: 50 Pag: 15

- SPRING CLEAN Tel: 765-2953


Pag: 10

%($87< Pag: 51 Pag: 22 Pag: 42 Pag: 19 Pag: 41


),1$1&,$/ 6(59,&(6 ()),&,(17 :($/7+ 0$1$*(0(17 Tel: 766-2230

Pag: 22

),71(66 - SKY FITNESS Tel: 766-1379 - SUPER SENIOR FITNESS Cell: 045 333 458 1980

- EME ARQUITECTOS Tel: 765-4324 Pag: 44 - GENERAL HOME SERVICES - $PDQFLR 5DPRV -U Cell: (045) 331-520-3054 Pag: 42 0$5%/( *5$1,7( Tel: 766-1306 Pag: 45 - ONLINE ARCHITECTURAL TECHNOLOGY Tel: 331-252-1613 Pag: 50 7+( /$.( +$1'<0$1 *(1(5$/ CONTRACTOR Cell: (045) 33-3459-5533 Pag: 57 522),1* :$7(53522),1* 63(&,$/,=(' 2I¿FH &HOO Pag: 31 :$5:,&. &216758&7,21 Tel: 765-2224 Pag: 52

El Ojo del Lago / September 2014

$'2%( :$//6 ,11 Tel: 766-1296 - CASA MONTORE Tel. 3826-2482 & 3630-0212 - HOTEL DEL PESCADOR Tel: 106-1247 - LA NUEVA POSADA Tel: 766-1444, Fax: 766-2049 - PUNTA SERENA Tel: 01-800-713-3020 48,17$ '21 -26( Tel: 01-800-700-2223 - THE PENTHOUSE Tel: 765-4521 - VILLAS DEL SOL Tel: 766-1152

Pag: 57 Pag: 49

- BLUE ANGEL Tel: 766-0547 - EDGAR CEDEÑO - MEXICO PROTECT Cell: (045) 33-3106-6982 - PARKER INSURANCE SERVICES Cell: (33) 3809-7116 - PROTEXPLAN U.S. Toll Free 1-800-608-5743 Mexico Toll Free 01-800-681-6730 - RACHEL’S INSURANCE Tel/Fax: 765-4316 - TIOCORP Tel: 766-3978 :(67 &2$67 0(;,&2 ,1685$1&( Tel: (818) 788-5353

*$5'(1,1* 3DJ Pag: 57

Pag: 03 Pag: 29 Pag: 31 Pag: 44 Pag: 56

Pag: 16 Pag: 20 Pag: 25

Pag: 26 3DJ Pag: 31 Pag: 36

- QUICK BLINDS Tel: 766-3091

Pag: 14

/80%(5 5($/ 257(*$ 6216 +DUGZDUH IRU &DUSHQWHUV Tel: 765-2404, 33-1261-0053 3DJ

Pag: 45

*5,//6 - NAPOLEON Tel: 766-6153

Pag: 41


*5$1,7( 0$5%/( 0$5%/( *5$1,7( Tel: 766-1306

Pag: 51



- GARDEN CENTER Tel: 765-5973 / 5 :$7(5 *$5'(16 Tel: 766-4386

Pag: 07

Pag: 40

0$// 0$5.(7 - CENTRO LAGUNA Tel: (376) 766-5514

Pag: 17

+$5':$5( 6725(6 )(55(7(5,$ < 7/$3$/(5,$ *$/9(= Tel: 766-0880, Fax: 766-2440 Pag: 66


+27(/6 68,7(6

- CASA GOURMET Tel: 766-5070 Pag: 59 - CASA IMPORTS 622.131.2951 Mex Cell, 520-841-7279 USA Pag: 37

- 7(0385 0$775(66 $1' 3,//2:6 Tel: (52) 333-629-5919, (52) 33 3611-3049 Pag: 33

Pag: 30


Pag: 46



- LAKESIDE HEARING SERVICES Cell. (045) 33-1511-4088

,03257(' ,7(06

)80,*$7,21 - BUGS OR US Tel: 762-1516 - FUMI-TECH Tel: 766-1946 - FUMIGA Cell: (045) 33-1303-7764 - TOTAL MOSQUITO CONTROL Tel: 766-2520

+($5,1* $,'6

Pag: 42

Pag: 13

&216,*10(17 6+23 - TEPEHUA TREASURES


*$5$*( '2256 23(1(56


$-,-,& '(17$/ Tel: 766-3682 Pag: 13 & ' 0$5Ë$ /8,6$ /8,6 9,//$ Tel/Fax: 766-2428 Pag: 07 & ' 6$1'5$ $1$<$ 025$ Tel: 765-3502, Cell: 331-218-6241 Pag: 11 - CHAPALA DENTAL CARE Tel. 765-5584, 766-3847 Pag: 24 - DENTAL EXPRESS Tel: 106-2080 3DJ - DENTAL HEALTH ONE Tel: 1060-826 Pag: 14 - DENTAL PLASTICA LIFT Tel: 108-0595 Pag: 37 '5 $/%(572 '21 2/,9(5$ Tels: 765-4838, 765-4805 Pag: 12 '5$ $1*(/,&$ $/'$1$ /(0$ ''6 Tel: 765-5364 Pag: 36 - HÉCTOR HARO DDS Tel: 765-3193 Pag: 21

)851,785( Pag: 26

765-4444 766-5555


Pag: 31

&/($1,1* 6(59,&(

066 766-3615


Pag: 03

'5 9,&725 - <28&+$ Tel: 766-1973 Pag: 09 - INTERLAGO CHIROPRACTIC Tel: 766-3000 Pag: 46 - SPINAL DECOMPRESSION THERAPY Tel: 766-3000 Pag: 35

Pag: 35

- FRESH BEAUTY Tel: 766-4596 - GLORIOSA Tel: 766-3372 - GLOSS - Nail Salon Tel: 108-0848 1(: /22. 678',2 Tel: 766-6000 - PANACHE Tel: 766-2228 - RESPIRO SPA Tel. 108 0879 Cell: 33-1414-9131

Pag: 15

Pag: 54

%$1. ,19(670(17 - INTERCAM Tel: 766-5978 - MULTIVA Tel: 766-2499

Pag: 13


%$.(5< - PASTELERIA FRANCESA 3DWULFH 6RSSKLH Tel: 331-840-1109

Pag: 16

Pag: 45

$872027,9( - AUTOCHECK - Felipe Morales Tel: 106 2188, Cell. 331-464-2324 - LINEA PROFESIONAL Tel. 766-2555, Fax. 766-0066

- CASA DE LAS FLORES Tel: 766-5493 - CASA DEL SOL Tel: 766-0050 - CASA TRES LEONES Cell: (045) 331-350-6764


Pag: 02

0($7 328/75< &+((6( 1(: <25. 67</( &251(' %(() Tel: 766-5063 - SONORA´S FINE MEAT Tel: 766-5288

Pag: 27 Pag: 59

- TONY’S Tel: 766-1614

Pag: 19

0(',&$/ 6(59,&(6 $/7$ 5(7,1$ 'U 5LJREHUWR 5LRV /HyQ Ophthalmic Surgeon Tel: 766-1521 Pag: 37 - CHAPALA MED Tel: 765-7777 Pag: 25 - DERMATOLOGIST Tel: 766-1198, 765-2400 Pag: 51 - DERMIKA-Dermatologic Center Tel: 766-2500 Pag: 12 '5$ 0$57+$ 5 %$//(67(526 )5$1&2 Cell: (045) 333-408-0951 Pag: 17 - GO-LAB Lake Chapala Tel: 106-0881 Pag: 33 - HOSPITAL ANGELES DEL CARMEN Tel: (01) 3813-0042 Pag: 06 - ISILAB Tel: 766-1164 3DJ - LAKESIDE MEDICAL GROUP Tel: 766-0395 Pag: 41 - MED INTEGRITY Tel: 766-5154 Pag: 16 - PLASTIC SURGEON-6HUJLR $JXLOD %LPEHOD 0 ' Tel: 108-0595 Pag: 37 3/$67,& 685*(5< 5(&216758&7,9( 'U 0DQXHO -LPpQH] GHO 7RUR Tel: 765-4805 Pag: 39 5,&$5'2 +(5(',$ 0 ' Tel: 765-2233 3DJ - VARICOSE VEINS TREATMENT Tel: 765-4805 Pag: 10

029(56 - LAKE CHAPALA MOVING Tel: 766-5008 67520 :+,7( 029(56 Tel: 766-4049

Pag: 06 Pag: 17

086,& 7+($75( - BALLET FOLCLORICO DE LA U DE G Pag: 39 ' - +2:$5' Tel: 766-3044 Pag: 16 - MÉXICO TRADICIONES Tel: 766-0026 Pag: 43 - THE NAKED STAGE READER’S THEATRE Tel: 765-3262 Pag: 31

3$,17 48,52= ,PSHUPHDELOL]DQWHV Tel: 766-2311 48,52= 3LQWXUDV Tel: 766-5959

Pag: 46 Pag: 51

3(5621$/ $66,67$1&( 1(:&20(56 ,/6( +2))0$11 ilsecarlota40@gmail.com, www.guadalajarachapalatravelguide.com Tel 01(33)3647-3912 Cell 33-3157-2541

3+$50$&,(6 - FARMACIA CRISTINA Tel: 766-1501 - FARMACIA EXPRESS II Tel: 766-0656 - FARMACIA MASKARAS Tel/Fax: 765-5827

Pag: 59 Pag: 56 Pag: 50

322/ 0$,17(1$1&( - EQUIPMENT AND POOL MAINTENANCE Tel: 766-1617 Pag: 40

5($/ (67$7( $-,-,& +20( ,163(&7,216 Tel: 766-2836 Pag: 06 - ALL IN ONE REAL ESTATE SERVICE Tel: 766-1161 Pag: 15 %(9 -($1 &2)(// +RPH 2IÂżFH Pag: 44 - CHULA VISTA NORTE Tel: 766-2177 Cell: (045) 33-3841-8867 3DJ - CIELOVISTA Tel: 766-4867 Pag: 05 &2/':(// %$1.(5 &+$3$/$ 5($/7< Tel: 766-1152, 766-3369 Fax: 766-2124, Tels: 765-2877 Fax: 765-3528 3DJ - CONTINENTAL REALTY Tel: 766-1994 Pag: 29

- CUMBRES Tel: 766-4867 ($*(5 $62&,$'26 Tel: (376) 766 1917, 1918 )25 6$/( %< 2:1(5 Cell: (045) 33-3149-9415 )25 6$/( %< 2:1(5 Cell: 33-3869-9298 - GEORGETTE RICHMOND Tel: 766-2077 - MPR REAL ESTATE Tel: (315) 351-5167 12e /23(= Cell: 331-047-9607 3(7(5 67 -2+1 Tel: 765-3676 5$8/ *21=$/(= Cell: 33-1437-0925 - SANDI ALLIN BRISCOE Tel: 765-2484 - VISTA ALEGRE Tel: 766-4867

Pag: 05 Pag: 67 Pag: 57 Pag: 54 Pag: 11 Pag: 56

Pag: 57 Pag: 03

Pag: 30

Pag: 45

Pag: 03, 21 Pag: 47 Pag: 05

&2/':(//%$1.(5 &+$3$/$ 5($/7< Tel: 766-1152, movile: (045) 33-1175-9632 Pag: 52 - FOR RENT 3DJ Tel: 765-2671 - FOR RENT Tel: 3615-9356 Pag: 59 -25*( 7255(6 Pag: 25 Tel: 766-3737 0$1=$1,//2 9$&$7,21 5(17$/6 Tel: (314) 100-6773 or (314) 109-0657 Pag: 54 - RENTAL CENTER Pag: 60 Tel: 765-3838 - RENTAL LOCATERS Tel: 766-5202 Pag: 55 - ROMA Tel: 766-3163 Pag: 40 - SANTANA RENTALS Cell: 315-104-3283, Pag: 56 - VILLAS DEL SOL Tel: 766-1152 Pag: 56

$57852 )(51$1'(= Cell: (045) 333-954-3813

Pag: 55


Pag: 42

&+$3$/$ 0(' 0,*8(/ 5(<(6 3K\VLFDO Therapist Tel: 765-7777 Pag: 22 /(6/,( ' 67521* 3K ' ,QGLYLGXD 0DULWDO )DPLO\ 7KHUDSLVW Tel: 766-5374 Pag: 53 - RESPIRO SPA Tel. 108 0879, Cell 33-3157-7790 3DJ

Pag: 59


Pag: 11

Pag: 53

6(&85,7< $/$50 6<67(0

&$5/26 $1'5$'( / 7RXU *XLGH Tel: 333-4000-838 - CHARTER CLUB TOURS Tel: 766-1777 - LYDIAS TOURS Cell: 33-1026-4877

Pag: 44 Pag: 09 3DJ

75(( 6(59,&(

0 * 0 $/$506 Cell: 331-343-0865


6(/) 6725$*(

Pag: 56

- SELF STORAGE-BODEGAS CHAPALA Tel: 766-0661, Tel/Fax: 766-1045 3DJ

62&,$/ 25*$1,=$7,216 - LAKE CHAPALA SOCIETY Tel: 766-1140 Pag: 56-59 /26 1,f26 '( &+$3$/$ < $-,-,& Tel: 765-7032 Pag: 60

62/$5 (1(5*< - ESUN Tel: 766-2319, 01-800-099-0272

5(67$85$176 &$)(6



6&+22/ - INSTITUTO TERRANOVA Tel: 766 2401, 766 3999

Pag: 17

Pag: 47

6$7(//,7(6 7 9 $-,-,& (/(&7521,&6 6 $ '( & 9 Tel/Fax: 766-1117, 766-3371 - SATELLITE SERVICE Cell: 331-631-7161 6+$: 6$7(//,7( 6(59,&(6 Tel: 33-1402-4223

- TOTAL BODY CARE Tel: 766-3379

Pag: 23

Pag: 23

5(17$/6 3523(57< 0$1$*(0(17

$-,-,& 7$1*2 Tel: 766-2458 - ARILEO Tel: 106-1627 - BRUNO’S Tel: 766-1674 - CASA FUERTE Tels: 3639-6474 / 81 - GO LE CLUB Cell: (045) 33-3502-6555 -$60,1(Âś6 &ODVVLF ,QGLD Tel: 766-2636 -$5',1 '( 1,1(77( Tel: 766-4905 /$ &$6$ '(/ :$))/( Tel: 766-1946 - LA BAMBOLA Tel: 766-4013 - LA NONA Cell: 33-1130-9584 - LA NUEVA POSADA Tel: 766-1444, 766-2049 - “ LA TAVERNAâ€?DEI QUATTRO MORI Tel: 766-2848 - LOS MOLLETES Tel: 766-4296 - LOS TELARES Tel: 766-0428 - MANIX Tel: 766-0061 - MAQUINA 245 020Âś6 '(/, 5(67$85$17 Tel: 765-5719 3,==(5,$ 726&$1$ Tel: 765-6996 - RICK’S Tel: 766-5063 - TABARKA Tel: 766-1588 - THE PEACOCK GARDEN Tel: 766-1381 - TONY’S Tel: 766-1614, 766-4069 - YVES Tel: 766-3565

Tel: 766-2365 - LA CASA NOSTRA Tel: 765-3824 - LA VALENTINA Tel: 766-5179 - LAKE CHAPALA NURSING HOME Tel: 766-0404 - MI CASITA Tel: 106-2081, Cell: 331-115-9615 - THE BLUE HOUSE Tel: 766-1695

Pag: 19

63$ 0$66$*( Pag: 55 Pag: 14 Pag: 26 Pag: 17

- BLUE MOON Tel: 766 0937 - MARIALE Tel: 766-4229 - RESPIRO SPA Tel. 108 0879, Cell 33-3157-7790

Pag: 47 Pag: 36 3DJ

Saw you in the Ojo

Pag: 23 Pag: 42 Pag: 13 Pag: 19

The Ojo Crossword

3DJ Pag: 43 Pag: 03 3DJ Pag: 50 Pag: 41 Pag: 44 Pag: 54 Pag: 07 Pag: 23 Pag: 27 Pag: 39 Pag: 40 Pag: 19 Pag: 11

5(7,5(0(17 5(67 1856,1* +20(6 - ALICE NURSING HOME Tel: 766 1194, 766 2999 - EL PARAISO

Pag: 43

Saw you in the Ojo 63

CARS FOR SALE: Jeep, Year 1999, Its Jalisco plated with current registration and clear title. New tires and battery one year ago. Vehicle driven daily and handles well. Body is straight, no collisions. Price: $45,000 mnp. OBO. Price: 333-359-8864. FOR SALE: Acura, Year 2002, Just imported from USA (Texas) and converted to Mexican system. It’s an MDX, great car with 2, 3 and 2 places. 3 rows of seats with total of 7 seats. 6 cyl. 3,500 CC brand new tires Goodyear, automatic. Price: $149.000 pesos. Call: 376-766-0149 cell 331-1432361. email callbackmx@yahoo.com. FOR SALE: 2004 Ford Mondeo. One owner, never in an accident, bright red, immaculate inside & out, new paint & tires, excellent V6 automatic, fully maintained, mostly highway driven, Mexican (Jalisco) plated, superior midsize predecessor of Ford Fusion sold in Europe & Mexico, big inside, small outside. Price $80,000 pesos. Call 766-2230. FOR SALE: 2007 Chevrolet C2. The car has Mexico plates, runs great, great gas mileage. Price: $50,000 pesos. Please call Sue for more info or photos-US-702-448-8838 or 376-766-1258 or cell-333-578-7471. :$17(' U.S. Plated Truck, van, SUV. Looking for a small pick-up with shell, small van or SUV. I don’t care how banged up it may be as long as it runs well. Going 1RUWK VR 86 SODWHV DUH ¿QH FOR SALE: National. Good condition 4 cylinders, standart, offert. Price: $33,000.00. Call: 331-386-7597. FOR SALE: U.S. Plated Car. Good Tires. Runs Great. Good Suspension/Good Shocks. Always kept mechanically sound. Condition above average for the year and miles. Oil always changed, timing belt replaced. Battery good. One owner since 2003. Very comfortable. Price: $4,000 U.S. Call: 331-017-0323. :$17(' I want to buy a dependable used golf cart. Call: 376-765-3239. FOR SALE: Pristine Accord. original RZQHU QHYHU LQ DFFLGHQW V\QWKHWLF RLO ¿QH tires, US plates valid until FEB 2015. Perfect for person returning to US. Bargain at $63,700 pesos. FOR SALE: Nissan Altima SL 2006. Mexican 4 cylinder, full loaded car, leather, cheap on gas. Price: $107,000 pesos. Call: 331-269-2696. FOR SALE: 2011 Mazda 3. Very low mileage car with a 4 cylinder engine, one owner, automatic. Price: $169,500 pesos. Call: 331-269-2696. FOR SALE: Tracker 2005. Mexican plated (Jalisco), very good condition, new tires, sun roof, excellent motor, 4 cylinder, well maintained, A/C. Price: $9,000 USD. Info: 331-043-7625 or 331-043-7625 FOR SALE: 2005 Jeep Liberty Limited 4X4. Jalisco Plates. Roof rack, tires like new with spare, cruise, tinted windows, trailer hitch, disc brakes, excellent condition, orestwakaruk@gmail.com, 333-8157436


FOR SALE: One owner Malibu 4 cylinder engine, luxury car, new Michelin tires. Price: $165,000 pesos. Call: 331-2692696. FOR SALE: Mercedez Smart For Two 2011, all dealer services, new tires, 3 Cylinder cheap on gas, Price: $133,500 pesos. Call: 331-269-2696.

COMPUTERS FOR SALE: Old Computers PC Notebook. Refurbed by Sony & new battery & H.D. 2 years ago. Not cheap plastic crap w/no DVD drive. Windows XP but upgradable to W7. Docking station and 2 extra 7650ma batteries. Bat life: 4 - 8.5 hours. Weight 3#. Price: $1,750.00. Call: 376765-6348. I can eMail you specs if you want. FOR SALE: Lenovo IMB Thinkpad laptop. 160 gb hdDVD player/recorder. Top of the line Thinkpad. Very durable computer. Currently has Zorin Linux on it, which has an interface similar to Windows XP. Will UXQ :LQGRZV RU MXVW ÂżQH DQG , ZLOO LQstall them for you if you have the install disks. However, Linux will provide you with a much more secure experience. Price: $2,600 pesos. Call: 376-765-3516 :$17(' IPHONE 4S, 5, 5S o 5C. I want an IPHONE any model from 4S, I had one but trade for a galaxy 2 at the end of 7HOFHO FRQWUDFW DQG ,Â?P QRW VDWLVÂżHG LI \RX have one even if its screen is damaged but repairable send me a mail please. FOR SALE: Monitor LCD Flat Panel. HP Monitor 19 inch excellent condition. 90 day guarantee. Price: $55.00 US dollars. FOR SALE: USB Memory Stick Flash Drives: 1GB (100 Pesos); 4GB (150 Pesos); 32GB (320 Pesos). Contact me at ernst_graf@yahoo.com or call me at 7663210.

PETS & SUPPLIES FREE: 2 dogs need homes ASAP. After being in a serious vehicle accident about two months ago, the owners of two beautiful dogs have to return to the United States with their son. They are unable to care for themselves and need 24-hour care. The dogs, Duke & Princess, are therefore desperately searching for new loving owners to care for them. They are both about 7 years old and are neutered and spayed. Friendly and good with kids. They will bark at persons passing by, but don’t bark at night. Please pass the word and help the RZQHUV ¿QG WKHP D QHZ KRPH TXLFNO\ FOR SALE: Marty is a black male standard poodle, AKC registered, crate trained, smart, loving, non-shedding and available now with 3 vaccines. Parents are Patty & Giorgio (pictures attached). Price: $5,500. spschools_711@yahoo.com. FREE: Black and white Panamanian. Cats are brother and sister. Both cats are declawed and neutered. These are my Mom’s cats and she has fallen twice because the cats are underfoot. Looking for a good home for these guys. FOR SALE: Four beautiful Shih Tzu puppies. 3 females ($3,500) and 1 male

El Ojo del Lago / September 2014

($3,000). Taking deposits - ready on AuJXVW :LOO KDYH ÂżUVW VKRWV +DYH ERWK SDUents. Call 331-075-2479

GENERAL MERCHANDISE FOR SALE: One comfortable American style sofa, matching chair, over stuffed type, moving home everything must go, ask for Sue. 702-448-8838. Vonage.333 578 7471 cell phone. FOR SALE: Gently used, like new, 1 1/2yr old side by side refrigerator/freezer. 6WDLQOHVV ÂżQLVK ´Z [ ´K 3LFWXUHV XSRQ request. Price: $500 pesos. Call: 376-1062010. FOR SALE: *DV ÂżUH ZLWK FHUDPLF ORJV auto on and off. Price: $4,000 pesos. FOR SALE: Whirlpool washer and dryer in good order. Price: $3,500 pesos. FOR SALE: Miscellaneous Items. Bushnell Ensign Binoculars w/case, $1000p; Queen size complete comforter set in chocolate brown, NOT from WalMart, $3300p; Queen size blow up bed w/foot pump,$1000p; Golf travel bag, $1000p; Dyson Animal Vacuum w/attachments, $3300p; 3 piece Hartman luggage set, $2800p; 2 large Samsonite 29â€? spinner suitcases (used once) $3800p; Christmas tree pre-lit, 7’ in stand, $2500p; miscellaneous Christmas ornaments in storage cases, $1000p. FOR SALE: I have a Respironics HS456 Inspiration Elite Nebulizer Compressor that I am selling cheap. It is in very good condition. I have accessories too. This can be that inexpensive backup you never knew you needed. I am selling this for a friend and have never personally used a Nebulizer. I cannot answer any questions, sorry. Price: $289 pesos. Call: 376-766-2637. FOR SALE: Numerous things for sale. Blue tooth keyboard or keyboard cover combo for Ipad 2/3. SanDisk adapter and Ultra micro 64 GB memory card, $500p. 2 HP printer cartridges 122 tricolor $250p. HP printer cartridge new 75 XL tricolor $200p. Jewelry armoire furniture piece... openable top with sections and mirror, 2 doors with necklace hangers, draws below one lockable with key. wood, nice for storage of jewelry or what have you $1500 pesos. 2 equipale loungers, good condition $400 pesos each. Numerous cross stitch items. Costume jewelry, earrings, bracelets and necklaces. Will send pics via email. See by appointment only. FOR SALE: DVD NCIS seasons 1-9. Great Condition purchased in the US. I DOVR KDYH &6, FRPSOHWH ÂżUVW DQG WKLUG VHDson. Total: $70 P each series. Call: 333966-5657. FOR SALE: This is Ironstone (Pottery) service for 12 in burnt orange with beaded black octogon shaped rims from NOB. Includes serving pieces. Each place setting has dinner plate, luncheon (or dessert or salad) plate, soup or cereal or ice cream bowl, cup and saucer. All pieces are still available when needed. This service is dishwasher and microwave proof. Price: $2,995 MXN. Call: 376-766-1213.

:$17(' 2 Interior lounge chairs. I want the upholstered kind where the back goes down to some degree and a foot rest pops up. Matching would be nice but not near critical. Fair condition is OK as I can have them redone as needed. As everyone wants, price needs to be reasonable. Call: 376-765-6348 FOR SALE: Black dining table or boardroom table with 8 chairs. Glass top in excellent condition. Table is 8 ft. long. Best offer. Price: $8,000. Call: 766-2763. FOR SALE: 9 foot stepladder. Price: $700. Call: 376-108-525. FOR SALE: Shaw TV Satellite system includes: dish, receiver (HD) and remote for sale. Complete for this season’s US and Canadian television experience; minus the contract. Price: 4,000. :$17(' Seeking Shaw direct receiver in good condition. :$17(' Want to buy outdoor loveseat, two chairs, and tables with weatherproof frames. With or without cushions. FOR SALE: Refrigerator--DAEWOOcall for description, Stove Sears Kenmore, Microwave, Washer DAEWOO---moving back to the US-everything must go including all home furnishings-all barely used. Call Sue @ 333-578-7471 or 376-7661258 or email sea619@aol.com :$17(' Wood chipper/shredder Wanted. Call: 766-1132. FOR SALE: Beautiful 4x6 hardwood beams. 7 pcs --17 ft. long. 4 pcs --14 ft. Build something. My cost $6,000 Pesos, -make OFFER. Call: (376) 765-3796 FOR SALE: Whirlpool stainless steel stove hood, purchased at Tio Sam, still in original container, 3 speed fan, 2 light setting, night light and regular light, dimensions 31.5inches long by 17.2 inches wide. Paid over $2,000 pesos-decided not to remodel kitchen, so do not need. Price: $1,200 pesos. call 762-1628 Barry or Christine or email heltonbcs@aol.com if you would like a photo. FOR SALE: REMINGTON New Hair Clipper set. I tried this for about 5 minutes and I looked like a disaster. Has several clip/combs, etc. Price: $400 Call: 376-7656348. :$17(' A portable oxygen system that meeting FAA regulations. Call: 376765-7061. FOR SALE: *( SUR¿OH VWDLQOHVV VWHHO side-by-side refrigerator-freezer model #pim23lgtfgv Icemaker and water dispenser in door Height: 179 cm, Width: 91 cm, Depth: 69.5 cm $6,000 pesos CONTACT: Margaret or Bob 766-2092 FOR SALE: Portable Gas BBQ, nice condition. Hardly used. Good quality unit. Comes with extra gas bottles and also inFOXGHV DQ XQXVHG (= ¿OO SURSDQH FRXSOHU for recharging the 1lb small bottles from a 25lb propane tank. Price: USD $65 or Pesos equiv. FOR SALE: home gym for sale (for musculation) with adjustable weight system. Contact via e mail martin.dupont@ live.com. FOR SALE: ¿QH ¿VKLQJ YHVWV KDYH

more pockets, zippers and secret compartments than imaginable. One made by CRYSTAL RIVER, one by Magellan, and other by Beverly Hills Polo Club. Original price $30-40 USD each. Price: $195 pesos each or $500 for all. Call: 766-1975. :$17(' Looking for new or gently used bookshelves about 4’wide x 3’high. Please contact 333-846-4265 or 376-7665879. FOR SALE: %HQH ¿W +HDOWK 3URG GRXble bed Magnetic Mattress New $1,395 USD now $11, 250 Pesos or best offer. FOR SALE: Beautiful 4x6 palm wood hardwood beams. 7 pcs at 17 ft. 4 pcs at 14 ft. Build something. Cost $6,000 pesos, make offer. FOR SALE: glass topped table with solid base and umbrella. Excellent quality. Price: $1,500 pesos. Call: 376-108-0525. :$17(' Need a portable oxygen tank. Please Call or email. Call: 766-2365. FOR SALE: Garden wedding gazebo, beautifully decorated. If you wish to see it, Price: $150.00 US. please contact us. FOR SALE: Red Hat with Feathers. Michael Howard 100% Wool made in the USA red felt hat with feathers. New with tags $75.00. Only $250p. Call: 765-4590. FOR SALE: 6 ft. Ladder. Price: $400 pesos. FOR SALE: Water Heater. Cinsa de Paso 6 liters purchased June 22, 2014. :RUNV ¿QH EXW WRR VPDOO DQG WRR IDU IURP my gas tank to work correctly. Price: $1,900 pesos. Call: 376-766-0944. FOR SALE: Cement Mixer. CIPSA MAXI-10D. KOHLER 8-HP Gasoline engine. One owner. Very good condition. Purchased in 2010. Operation instructions and orignal factura available. Price: $19,000

pesos. Call: 331-502-5445. :$17(' Weights, Equipment. InterHVWHG LQ ¿WQHVV LWHPV SP to 6pm FOR SALE: Golf Clubs. Top Flight bag DQG VWDQG 7RS ÀLJKW LURQV PHWDO ZRRGV Price: $500 pesos. Call: 376-766-3377. FOR SALE: Shaw direct 60cm. dish with two lnbs One switchable. Price: $500 pesos. Call: 376-766-3377. FOR SALE: PRE-WWII MOVIE Projector. EUMIG P8 8MM and Super 8 in original carrying case from Vienna, Austria, ca 1939. In good working order and can be FRQ¿JXUHG WR XVH VRXQG WDSH 3ULFH MXP. Call: 376-766-1213. FOR SALE: Almost new Love seat for sale, light tan color. Price: $3,000p. Call: 376-106-2086. FOR SALE: 2 Person Iron Lounge Chair with Vinyl Upholstering. Price: $1,550 pesos Must Sell Call Adilia 387-763-0907 or email beammonte1@yahoo.com . FOR SALE: 2 Custom Outdoor Iron Chairs with vinyl cushion. Price: $1,500 pesos each OBO. Must Sell Call Adilia 387-763-0907or email beammonte1@yahoo.com. FOR SALE: Beautiful Dining Table with leaves and Fiberboard protector. Price: $3,000.00 pesos or make offer Must Sell. Call Adilia 387-763-0907 or email beammonte1@yahoo.com. FOR SALE: %RZÀH[ 5HYROXWLRQ 8VHG twice. Must Sell $20,000.00 pesos or make offer. Call Adilia 387 763-0907 or email beammonte1@yahoo.com. FOR SALE: Beautiful dining room table and chairs. Contemporary style wood table and leather chairs. Seats six comfortably. Less than a year old. Originally pur-

chased at Muebles Plascencia a high-end furniture store in Guadalajara, for $21,000. The dining room set is in Riberas del Pilar. Contact: Carlos at 331-423-6767. FOR SALE: Pool table 8 foot regulation. New cloth + vinyl cover 48 snooker balls with rack, 2 sets of 8 balls like new made in Belgium with rack + regulation board and 3 lights on a bar + more Price $1,200 U S dollars :$17(' I want to buy a dependable used golf cart. FOR SALE: Hogan irons in great conGLWLRQ SZ ¿UP VWHHO VKDIW ZLWK /DPNLQ grips. Price: $1,500p. FOR SALE: Wood Frame / Glass Display Case. Great for displaying all types merchandise. measures 3.5ft H x 20� W x 6 ft. L If. Price: $3,500. Interested please contact me at 622-131-2951. FOR SALE: Stand Up Freezer is good working condition has about 5 interior and door shelves. Price: $1,800. If interested contact me at 622-131-2951. FOR SALE: Tor-Rey Industrial grade refrigerator with clear glass doors for display of merchandise. Used for one year and is in great working condition. Price: $14,000. Call: 622-131-2951. FOR SALE: Couch, 4 piece sectional, L shaped, emerald Green cloth, with 2 recliners catchcan_4@outlook.com 376766-5770. FOR SALE: A complete SOLOFLEX system for sale complete with leg and upper body extensions. In excellent condition for home use. A total body work out system. A new system costs $15,000 Pesos asking $4,000 Pesos. Ajijic. Phone: 7662763. FOR SALE: Canon power Shot S2

1S Camera. This is a great camera, but I dropped it and zoom lens is locked in “outâ€? position. Repair guys in Guad. wanted too PXFK &DQRQ LQ 8 6 FDQ Âż[ IRU EHWWHU SULFH by don’t have means to get there/back so opted for cheaper new one for my “point and shootâ€? needs. Camera buffs will know this one -- let’s make a deal! (Have guide book and install discs.) Call: 766-3580 :,// *,9( $:$< Hyundai Elantra (2009) WIX Air Filter #49070. Sold car in US but forgot to include the brand-new exWUD DLU ÂżOWHU &DOO :$17(' Looking for someone to share a mailbox at the new Ishopmail located in the Laguna shopping center. Price: $200 pesos per month. Call 766-5896. FOR SALE: Pretty glass punch bowl complete service including cups, ladle and glass stand for the bowl and for 18 people. Price: $530 MXN. Call: 376- 766-1213. FOR SALE: Black & Decker Professional Sander/Polisher. Used only once. 1300W, 7â€?, 180mm, 1000-3000rpm, 1.8m cord. Polishing pad, wire scraper and sandpaper incl. Pictures on request. Price: $1,000 pesos. Call: 045-331-382-4771. FOR LEASE: Shaw Account to Share with another individual. Fee is for monthly service only, you must have your own satellite dish and receiver. Monthly service is the Silver Choice (East Coast) package, bundles include: Lifestyle, Smart Stuff and Real Life. If you want any additional programming, it is available at an additional charge. Price: $40 U.S. :$17(' Low Income Mexican family needs wheelchair for Grandmother with broken hip. Prefer loaner for a few months or low price to buy or rent. Call: 376-7635331.

Saw you in the Ojo 65


El Ojo del Lago / September 2014

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