5 minute read
How Can Oklahoma 4-H Change a Community
from 2021 Annual Report
by Oklahoma 4-H
Essay by Madison Nickels, County 4-H 1st Place — 2021 Dr. Ron and Linda Sholar Essay Contest
One’s community has an enormous impact on who they are as a person and help build one into whom they become later, as does 4-H. When asked what first comes to mind when thinking of 4-H, one might say livestock, while others may think of shooting sports; but when I’m asked what first comes to mind when thinking of the world’s largest youth organization, I think of how 4-H impacts a community. Oklahoma 4-H teaches youth the importance of giving back to their community through various activities throughout the year. Studies show that 4-Hers are 1.8 times more likely than other youth to contribute to their communities and that sure shows!
From a young age, 4-Hers are taught how big of an impact they can make on their communities, by lending a helping hand. Members learn different ways they can give back; whether that be by donating their time to a local charity, helping another 4-Her with a service project they started, or by starting their very own service project. One of my earliest 4-H memories is of baking dog treats and making dog toys to bring to a local shelter. That service project was the start of my love for giving back to my community. As I continued to become more involved as a 4-Her, I was given more citizenship opportunities; one of which was helping a 4-Her from my county with her service project, where we sewed toiletry bags for the Women’s shelter. Seeing her success with her service project, had me thinking, maybe I should start my own, and that’s exactly what I did! I started making things for Operation Gratitude, an organization that send care packages to troops overseas. With my project, I have sent 400 coolties and 245 paracord bracelets. 4-H gives everyone something different; whether it be public speaking skills you didn’t have or recordkeeping skills which we all need to complete record books. It is because of 4-H that I can write a proper thank-you note, know how to give a proper handshake, and can interview for anything with confidence. 4-H has definitely taught me some valuable life skills.
Organization and time management are just a few life skills that helps me, and other members and I become successful community members which helps change a community for the better. 4-H teaches leadership and public speaking skills which can, in turn, create amazing politicians. Looking back at past political figures, it’s amazing how many of them were in the 4-H program. Take Jimmy Carter for example President Carter was a Georgia 4-Her who learned leadership and public speaking skills from the program, making him a successful politician!
Jimmy Carter is 96 years old and still remains active in his community by donating time and resources to Habitat for Humanity. President Carter is still using the civic engagement skills he learned in the 4-H program to help those in need. The dedication to serving one’s community doesn’t stop after graduation or career, it lives on throughout one’s life. 4-H has also allowed me to meet new people from
across the state. I’ve met some of my best friends through the 4-H program. 4-H relationships are like no other! We are always there to support each other and often time lend a hand when a 4-Her is struggling. Although some 4-H friendships don’t last after graduation, some are forever! My parents are a prime example of that.
My dad was a Woodward county 4-Her, while my mom was a Major county 4-Her. They met at State 4-H Roundup. Not only does 4-H build friendships, but it also builds families. Families are what make up a community; they are the ones who bring culture and tradition to the area.
Throughout my 4-H career, I have been blessed with several leadership opportunities that have helped shape me into the person I am today. Being able to serve on different committees and officer teams has taught me teamwork skills and given me the chance to work with the community leaders. 4-H gives youth the experience of serving on a team with adults, which prepares them for the workforce. 4-Hers are given the opportunity to not only attend events but plan them as well. As President Dwight D. Eisenhower stated at the 1959 dedication of the National 4-H Center in Chevy Chase Maryland, “I like 4-Hers because they are dedicated to their work, they want to do things better. Next thing I like about them is their examples to other young people. They lead us to greater dedication to our country. They are, by their work, indeed, making this country a better one. As long as we have young people of these characteristics, devoted with their hearts and their heads and their hands and their health to doing these things, America cannot be anything but successful.”
The opportunities given to me through 4-H have helped me recognize my passion as well as plan a career built on that. 4-H has allowed me to realize how much I enjoy teaching others and I have decided to go into the education field. Knowing this, I have started teaching workshops at my county, district, and state level. Teaching these workshops allows me to share the life skills I have learned in 4-H. Without the opportunities given to me through the 4-H program, I may have never discovered my love for teaching others. I cannot thank Oklahoma 4-H enough for all these amazing opportunities!
By allowing youth to find something they are passionate about, see a need in their community, and teaching them how to fill that need, 4-H is having a significant impact on its communities. The organization inspires kids to follow dreams and make a difference in the world. I truly believe that the world would not be the same without 4-H and everything it has done to impact those who take part in it. Not only does 4-H change a community, but it also changes a country and our world.