August 2021

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The Oklahoma OUTLOOK is published by the Oklahoma District Council of the Assemblies of God. Publisher: Dr. Darryl E. Wootton Designers: Jayson Evans, Chris Ainsworth, Kyler Clapp Copyeditor: Renae Elmore GENERAL PRESBYTERS Dr. Darryl E. Wootton Superintendent

MINISTRY DIRECTORS Chad Brodrick Church Ministries

Craig Dacus Assistant Superintendent

Heath Corrales Youth Ministries

Jamie Austin Corporate Secretary

Dean Guthrie Children’s Ministries

EXECUTIVE PRESBYTERS Bruce McCarty Darren Pilcher

Susie Purkey Women’s Ministries


National Fine Arts General Council 2021 (Orlando, FL) GM Celebration & Honor Star Crowning Century Leadership Roundtable OSSOM Graduation


SECTIONAL PRESBYTERS Jackie Crafton Section 1

Kelly Coffey Section 8

Keith Williams Section 2

David Brooks Section 9N

Terry Bradley Section 3

Steve Lance Section 9S

Bob Yandell Section 4

Don Barnes Section 10

Jamie Austin Section 5E

Ric Freeman Section 11

Jason Byers Section 5W

Arlis Moon Section 12

Jeromye Jackson Section 6

Deborah Burke Ordained Female Presbyter

Jimmy Keith Section 7

©2021 Oklahoma District Council of the Assemblies of God P.O. Box 13176 Oklahoma City, OK 73113 (405) 475-1100 @OKDCofAG

Upcoming Events August 2-6 August 3-6 August 14 August 26 August 28

PK Retreat (Camp Cargill) Daughter’s Conference Girls Ministries Week Main Event Men’s Conference Nationwide Girls Ministries Sleepover

September 4-6 September 10-11 September 12-18 September 23-25 September 24-25

Prayer & Listening Tour: NE Oklahoma Area NW Oklahoma Area Central Oklahoma Area SW Oklahoma Area SE Oklahoma Area

September 14 September 20 September 21 September 27 September 28


OSOM Gameday (OKC) October 2 Credentialing Seminar (OKC) October 2 District Ministers Retreat – Branson, MO October 4-6 National Royal Rangers Week October 3-9 OSOM Gameday (Muskogee) October 9 OYM Youth Fest October 15-16 Network of Women in Ministry Seminar October 23 ACTS 2 Journey - Retreat #4 October 29-30 Light for the Lost Tour: Section 3 October 11 Section 7 October 12 Section 12 October 18 Section 11 October 19 Section 10 October 21 Section 9 October 25 Section 1 October 26 Section 5 October 28 Section 8 November 1 Section 2 November 2 Section 4 November 4 Section 6 November 8

Prayer & Listening Tour Prayer and Listening. Prayer and

listening are vital tools for any effective Pastor. In our culture, prayer is uncommon and listening is rare. As a Pastor to Pastors, I want the focus of our annual “Fall Tour” to be hearing from God listening to one another. Would you please join me on our tour? I really look forward for this opportunity to…

1. Pray for YOU. 2. Hear from YOU. 3. Share my vision with YOU. Would you invest 60 minutes? Each stop on the tour will start at 6:30 pm and end at 7:30 pm. At 7:30 pm, I will stay as long as anyone would like to share. I really want to pray. I really want to listen. I really want to share a bit of what God has downloaded into my heart this summer for the future.

At the beginning of 2021, the OKAG team planned the Fall Tour with five stops in easily accessible locations. Those locations are as follows:

NORTHEAST OKLAHOMA SEPTEMBER 14, 2021 at 6:30 pm Claremore Assembly of God 2100 W. Blue Starr Drive, Claremore

NORTHWEST OKLAHOMA SEPTEMBER 20, 2021 at 6:30 pm Central Assembly of God 1202 W. Oxford, Enid

CENTRAL OKLAHOMA SEPTEMBER 21, 2021 at 6:30 pm Discovery Church 900 E. Main Street, Yukon

SOUTHWEST OKLAHOMA SEPTEMBER 27, 2021 at 6:30 pm First Assembly of God 2201 N.W. 82nd, Lawton

SOUTHEAST OKLAHOMA SEPTEMBER 28, 2021 at 6:30 pm Northside Assembly 3602 N. George Nigh Expressway, McAlester I hope to see you! Let’s pray. Let’s listen. Let’s roll. Grace and Peace, Dr. D.E. Wootton

Darryl E. Wootton Superintendent


Internal Controls The Oklahoma District Council

has worked with an outside financial audit firm for as far back as I can see. As a part of each audit cycle, we give some dedicated time for the sole purpose of evaluating our internal control structure to ensure we are building financial systems, which significantly decrease the opportunity for errors and misconduct. Internal Controls are nothing more than a system of measures put in place to achieve some level of order and efficiency in the daily operation of the church. As a part of this construct, it also helps a church safeguard its assets, detect and deter fraud and errors, and ensure the accuracy and completeness of financial information. As part of this process, as we look at our internal control structure, we must always evaluate and implement things within our current resources and personnel boundaries. In other words, we have to look honestly at what resources we have in place (e.g., personnel, budget, technology, etc.) and build our system in a scalable and workable framework. Below are some practical things every church can (and arguably should) do, regardless of size, to ensure the resources are being used for their intended purpose. CASH Cash is a part of church life. We collect in offerings; we may have it around the office in the form of petty cash, we may use it to make change for events throughout the year. To go completely cashless is often impractical and improbable. That being said, when cash is present, controls MUST be in place. If people use cash, you must build a system that requires full accountability and a full accounting both before and after the event. Some things which you should avoid: •

DO NOT cash checks out of offerings or deposits. The church is not an ATM or a bank. If cash

came in an offering, it needs to go to the bank. If you need cash, write a petty cash check. Doing this will keep a clean and clear paper trail. •

DO NOT count or handle cash alone, and DO NOT allow anyone else to do this either. Always have two or more people present when cash is counted or collected. If possible, rotate those people from time to time.

RECEIPTS Everyone even marginally involved in the church’s financial arm understands what a challenge it is to collect receipts from some folks. That being said, collecting receipts to document expenditures of church funds is essential. Without the receipt, you have little to no way of accounting for expenses. Not presenting receipts could also trigger taxable issues with the IRS.


RECONCILE Bank accounts need to be reconciled promptly. In my view, this means every month. The longer you wait to perform your bank reconciliation, the longer potential issues can go unnoticed. REPORT Financial reports are essential. Calling the bank on Monday morning for a balance is a pretty good sign that your financial house is out of order. If transactions are recorded and accounts are reconciled, reports should be accurate enough for church leadership to make wise financial decisions. It is difficult to make good decisions with bad information. Internal controls are an absolute must in the operation of a church, regardless of size and budget. They help ensure good stewardship and protect both the people and financial resources of the church. Without them, you can find yourself in a ditch very quickly. With them, you can leverage your resources more effectively than ever.

Kevin Conner Director of Finance & Operations

For more resources, visit

There is Light for the Lost Light for the Lost (LFTL) has been so

effective in the presentation of the Gospel that every minute of every day, someone is utilizing a LFTL resource, seeing lives transformed! I have been amazed at the incredible work that our Oklahoma Missionaries are doing with the resources we provide them. They have worked hard to creatively share the Gospel with the tools they have available to reach people daily! They have purchased Fire Bibles, printed curriculum to train ministers, developed podcasts, web programs, resourced Teen Challenge locations, and produced movies that are shared with millions every day. Requests for Light for the Lost funding have increased year by year which means that our missionaries are working on creatively reaching the lost through print, audio, video, internet, and technology tools. These Oklahoma missionaries are some of the best on the field and we have resourced them with the most effective tools to reach their area of ministry. Thank you for partnering with them! Why should you partner with Light for the Lost? 1. It supplies the tools our Oklahoma Missionaries need for effective evangelism on the field! 2. Lives are transformed and the Kingdom of Heaven rejoices! 3. Light for the Lost challenges your people to have an outward focus on reaching people! (This fulfills one of the five purposes of the Acts 2 church!) Because Light for the Lost focuses on evangelistic tools our missionaries and missions partners need, Oklahoma churches are planting seed in some of the most fertile fields around the world! God’s Word is being proclaimed among previously unreached people groups and

people’s lives and eternal destinies are changed! We get to be a part of this incredible harvest!

Oklahoma churches are planting seed in some of the most fertile fields around the world! Ways you can partner with Light for the Lost: 1. Have a “Light for the Lost” Sunday and celebrate what God is doing through our missionaries. Many of our Oklahoma Missionaries have testimonies of how LFTL has assisted them in reaching their field. Utilizing those stories can help people see the results of their giving! 2. Receive Faith Promises so that people of the church can stretch their faith and trust God to fulfill. These Faith Promises can help your congregation put faith in their missions giving. Allowing God to miraculously provide helps build the faith of your people! 3. Receive an offering regularly for meeting the quarterly needs of Light for the Lost. Each quarter, we are approving new projects for which missionaries are applying for. Your regular giving throughout the year helps us keep up with funding of these vital project needs.

Light for the Lost Tools Available to Churches: 1. Utilize the resources available at to show videos, download graphics, and order print materials to promote LFTL in your local church. 2. Invite missionaries on the field to share the value of LFTL through a video or personal interview. God is moving around the world in significant ways and doing extraordinary things. We can be in the middle of what God is doing by serving our Oklahoma Missionaries through Light for the Lost. Fulfilling the commission that Jesus commanded us to do comes with a promise! Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” – Matthew 28:18–20 (ESV) I am so blessed to see God use churches across the state to supply the needs our Missionaries have enabling them to reach people around the world. Thank you for your commitment to partner together to see a great harvest in these last days. May God richly bless you in spreading the Gospel to all nations! Blessings, Chad Brodrick

Chad Brodrick Church Ministries

Only One Month Away! We are Praying. We are Fasting. We

are believing God for a divine impartation of truth that scares Hell to death. Come experience the Power of “The One,” who triumphed over death, Hell and the grave and who can heal every brokenness – JESUS CHRIST! “And I will put enmity {open hostility} between you and woman, and between your seed (offspring) and her seed; He (Christ) shall {fatally} bruise {crush} your head, and you shall {only} bruise His heel.” – Genesis 3:15 AMP The beautiful and intriguing theme of our 2021 Daughters Conference references the first Messianic prophecy in the Bible – from God to Eve and in Christian theology—is known as “The protoevangelium” (First – Gospel.) This is God’s direct statement to the serpent (in the Garden of Eden) about how the seed of the woman would crush the serpent’s head and refers to Jesus Christ, the “seed” or “offspring” of the woman. This is a collective noun representing our collective victory – there is no confusion here on “Gender” or “Origins of birthing.” It is our intention to highlight the finished work of the Cross through Christ’s Victory over death, hell, and the grave. And how despite Eve’s poor choice, falling prey to temptation, God immediately arose and, in His Brilliance, made a PATH for ALL of us, to have victory over every crisis and calamity in OUR lives!

Currently, there is a discount in place for EVERY woman but the Early-Bird Discount is set to EXPIRE on August 10th!


This is some of what your Ticket provides:

12:30pm Registration/Vendor Shopping

• 7 hours of VENDOR shopping with over 40 Product Booths • Free Coffee from Eurasia Coffee • Daughters Nook/Selfie Space – Grand Prize valued at $500 • Sweets and Treats Booths • (3 )Sessions with Prize Drawings Galore - worth Hundreds of Dollars • Prize Awarded for the Church with the most Attendees • Dynamic Worship Arts from our Daughters Conference Band • Dove DANCE! Award-winning team in their 30th Year • (3) Bilingual Sessions in English and Spanish • (3) Powerfully Anointed Speakers from across America • Inspiring Videos from Around the World • 4,000 Seat Auditorium at OKC Crossroads Church • Balloon Arts! • (NEW) a Dedicated Prayer Room on Campus • Powerful Altar Times for Response in each Session • First opportunity to purchase our Cuuute Conference T-shirt and Matching Rose-gold Tote

Friday, September 10, 2021


Session 1 – Susie Purkey

4:30pm Dinner on your own 7pm

Session 2 – Chrissy Toledo

Saturday, September 11, 2021 9am

Registration/Vendor Shopping


Session 3 – Sheila Harper

Meet Me There! Susie Purkey

I am hopeful that this will be the most POWERFUL Women’s Conference to date with hundreds of our women coming up higher to find their hope and help comes through JESUS and the Power of the Holy Spirit! THIS IS OUR LARGEST and HIGHEST SPIRITUAL CALIBUR EVENT OF THE YEAR – drawing women from all over the U.S. Last year we had 7 States represented at Daughters Conference.

$25 t-shirt/tote matching*set (S-XL) $30 t-shirt/tote matching *set (2XL – 3XL)


*Only available inside the Venue

Susie Purkey Women’s Ministries

Thank You for Supporting

Speed the Light It seems like every time I write an article my opening statement is “Wow! What a year!” To say that about 2020 would be an understatement! Let me share with you a memory. In 2019, I had just completed my first Speed the Light sectional tour and had returned back to the office. I shared with Brother Cargill how the tour went and updated him on our giving pledges. He listened to what I had to say and followed up with “Heath, we need Speed the Light” and in that moment I began to fully realize the importance of Speed the Light. In 2020, the students in Oklahoma helped build a water well in Africa, provided support to rescue trafficking victims through FREE International and served communities in need through Convoy of Hope, as well as continuing to support our Oklahoma missionaries. Today I want to take the time to express my gratitude for all of our churches who decided, that even in the midst of a pandemic, they would be faithful in their giving to Speed the Light.

Here are the churches who gave $1,000 or more: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Bartlesville Spirit Church Broken Bow First Claremore First Verdigris Assembly Cordell New Beginnings Cushing Lifeline North Church Elk City First Fairland First Guymon First Muskogee New Hope Mustang The Bridge Noble Assembly OKC Bethesda Assembly OKC Christ’s Legacy OKC Crossroads Church Oolagah Assembly Owasso First Poteau Covenant Purcell Memorial Skiatook Assembly Tahlequah 29Eleven Thomas Freedom Worship Center Tulsa Carbondale Tulsa Woodlake Weatherford Life Fellowship Woodward First Yukon Discovery

Thank you all for your generosity! Today I want to challenge all of churches and youth ministries with a “floor goal” of $1,000. What I mean by “floor goal” is let that be the foundation not the ceiling... if you believe you can do more, then, of course , do more! Again, because of your faithful giving we have a list of projects that we are able to pay for and I would love to start a brand new list for 2021. “We over Me” is the vision we have for everything that we do for OYM. Let’s continue working together and do more for our missionaries and our world through the life changing ministry of Speed The Light. I’m excited for the future Oklahoma! It’s an honor be called your DYD. Heath Corrales

September 4-6 Camp Cargill

Heath Corrales Youth Ministries

Kids Camp Summer Games Definitely Gets The Gold! At the time of writing this article,

the Olympics in Tokyo are well under way. I’m not sure what the medal count is, or which countries are dominating, but as far as Kids Camp here at Camp Cargill goes, everyone is going for the gold! These past few weeks have been tremendous. We have seen wonderful things happen here at Kids Camp both in and out of our services. God has been doing great things in the hearts and life

of not only our campers, but also in the lives of our coaches, support staff and summer staff as well.

giving at camp. I’ll be sharing those details at a later date, along with our Kids Camp results and reports.

One of the largest moves of God that we have seen is in the area of missions. We have seen the generosity of our churches that have attended this year go through the roof. At present time we cannot share totals yet because funds are still coming in, however, we have had way more than just a record breaking year for BGMC

Thanks again so much for the support and prayers that have come our way for Kids Camp this summer. It has most definitely been a GOLD MEDAL SUMMER!

Dean Guthrie Children’s Ministries


SCHEDULE AN OKAG AMBASSADOR “our hands extended to a hurting world” World Missions * Meredith Bagby South Africa, Africa DB **Sensitive Country * WB **Sensitive Country Mike & Debbie Caldwell Latin America Caribbean * Jordan & Shea Campbell Germany, Europe MC ** Sensitive Country KC **Sensitive Country Darin & Dianna Clements Asia Pacific Blake & Katy Edgmon Ireland/Europe Kirk & Karla Ford IMM, Spain SG **Sensitive Country *Chris & Amy Hales Czech Republic/Europe TH **Sensitive Country Tim & Lynley Hatcher Wycliffe Bible Translation Daniel & Janene Hazelrigg Mexico, Latin America Caribbean Ted & Carolyn Heaston Global University Bethany Hines M.A. Columbia, Latin America Caribbean Cory & Angela Hogan Mexico, Latin America Caribbean JJ **Sensitive Country Bill & Barbara Kuert Kenya, Africa * Tim & Jennifer Land Cameroon, Africa SL **Sensitive Country Jimmy & Cynthia Lemons Togo, Africa Madison McClure MA Peru, Latin America Caribbean * MM **Sensitive Country Quentin & Elizabeth McGhee Latin America Caribbean * Stephen & Kristen McKnight Philippines, Asia Pacific

Joni Middleton France, Europe Project Rescue * Bill & Reita Moore Africa Tabernacle Evangelism Lauren Morgan MA Indonesia, Asia Pacific * Trent & Tina Morrow Uruguay, Latin America Caribbean * Garo & Jordania Nargiz Brazil, Latin America Caribbean * Ryan & Lauren Plute International Ministries Adam & Sarah Quinn Costa Rica, Latin America Caribbean * ZR **Sensitive Country Fari Rider Taiwan, Asia Pacific Kristie Ridge MA Botswana, Africa * MR **Sensitive Country David & Carol Schmidt Cameroon, Africa Josh & Lisa Sears Brazil, Latin America Caribbean *TS **Sensitive Country Jared & Kaila Shoultz Mozambique, Africa Grady & Janet Smalling Belgium, Europe * LS **Sensitive Country JS **Sensitive Country * AS MA - Sensitive Country Steven & Kimberly Snow Chile, Latin America Todd & Leslie Stamps Portugal, Europe Charles & Linda Stewart Latin America Media, Latin America Caribbean David & Shirley Swafford Latin America Caribbean * Adam & Bethany Weatherly Spain, Europe Bob & Karen Welch Continental Theological Seminary, Europe Loretta Wideman Kenya, Africa

U.S. Missions * Brian & Mariah Abraham Finlea Baxter Leo & Rebecca Belovoskey Winston & Kim Bui Garrett Boren Charlie & Dona Bunn Deborah Burke Vickie Cone Karen Coon Michael & Candice Coppock John & Kathy Deisher Destry & Cynthia Dobbs John & Erika Fields Mark & Nancy Fitzgerald Dale & Virginia Floyd * Brandon & Stacy Garrett Wayne & Mischa Gray Jonathan & Melissa King

Langston University XA - MA OU XA - MAC OSU XA - MA Chi Alpha Campus Ministries TU XA - MA UCO XA OKC Inner City Church CMIT XA Prison Ministry Church Planting & Development - MA OSU XA CMIT Directors TU Chi Alpha CMIT XA Intercultural Hispanic Ministries Chaplain- Prison Ministry OSU XA - MAC Teen Challenge Ministries OU XA - MAC

JoLeta Nash Dacia Perkins James Scott Michael & Jaylynn Sperry Baxter & Shayla Stewart Vanessa Taylor Greg & Susan Tiffany Jasen & Alyssa Waterson

Widows Link - MA TU XA - MA Intercultural Native American Ministries OSU XA - MA NSU XA - MAC TU XA - MA Oklahoma XA Director NSU XA - MA

Out of State Honorary Oklahoma Misisonaries Shane & Treva Adams Chi Alpha Campus Ministries Mike & Nancy Ferguson Missionary Church Planters & Developers Joseph & Patricia Habibi Intercultural Ministries Alex & Samia Hanna Intercultural Ministries Tracy & Pamela Hodges Missionary Church Planters & Developers to Alaska Kathryn Pierce Native American, Intercultural Ministries Vernon & Geraldine Poncho Native American, Intercultural Ministries

*Itinerating Missionaries Contact information for each name listed above may be obtained by calling the Oklahoma District Missions Office: 405.475.1100

Celebrate with Us! We are ready to celebrate another Bible school graduation. August 28th, Iglesia Eficaz at 6621 E Latimer Place in Tulsa, will host the graduation. This year the graduation will be for the 2019-2020 school year and the 2020-2021 school year. The virus made it impossible to have the graduation last year, but it did not stop the students from studying and learning to serve. Between the two groups we will have over 70 students receiving a certificate of level completion. We are praying that as October comes, we will see the students that have finished

the 1st or 2nd levels returning to study and serve in God’s kingdom. Also, we are praying that God lays it on the heart for more people to begin studying. We have seen many workers grow in the three years of study and go on to hold credentials or become teachers and leaders in their local church.

Celebrate with us the truth that God is continuing to call and prepare workers in His kingdom. Reaching Oklahoma for Him, Nancy and Mark Fitzgerald

Mark Fitzgerald Spanish Ministries

Breakaway 2021 Get ready for an AMAZING weekend! Breakaway is a conference hosted by Oklahoma Chi Alpha for all young adults, high school seniors, and their leaders. You can expect dynamic worship, relevant teaching and tons of fun! Special Guests: Brad & Kay Lewis, Collegiate Pastor, Author of “Small Group University” and State Director of North Dakota Chi Alpha

Worship with Marcellus Coleman gifted worship leader, songwriter and great friend of Chi Alpha

Cost for lodging, meals and more is only $80 (if pre-registered by Oct 1) Get all the info at Don’t let a collegian be “lion bait” this fall (1 Peter 5:8). We want to partner with you to get them connected to XA. Give us a call, text or e-mail to Greg and Susan Tiffany (405) 203-7377; or check out our list of campuses and leaders and upcoming events at

Greg & Susan Tiffany Chi Alpha

What We’ve Learned Girls Ministries in Oklahoma... what we’ve learned this past 16 months. We are strong. We are devoted to winning girls to Jesus Christ even when life throws us unusual challenges. Technology can be our friend and we can connect in so many ways we never dreamed we could. We are lifelong learners, because we want to continue to meet this generation where they live. Numbers aren’t everything, minister to those who are faithful. The Girls Ministry Clubroom can be anywhere girls can meet and connect. That we CAN cast all our cares/fears on God. We actually DO believe that healing is for today and that we can pray for others and ourselves to be healed. Our hope is Heaven and an eternity with Jesus Christ! During this time, we have stayed connected and grown together in Oklahoma Girls Ministries. New clubs are

starting across the state each month. We would love to help your church develop a vibrant ministry to girls. Connect with us at •

Everyone is invited to join us for District Girls Ministries Celebration on Saturday, August 14, 2021 held at OKC Crossroads Church at 1:00 pm.

September 13-19 is National Girls Ministries Week

September 24-25 Nationwide Event

First OK GM Camp was a wonderful time with 75 attending. Royal Ranger leaders helped give the girls the full Camp Adventure experience!

Plan something special for your church girls club, it can be an evening event, a daytime event or a sleepover!

Liz Moon Girls Ministries

Stronger Together! This past year has been full of great change, hard stops, and unplanned firsts! We have seen a level of faith in God that has been stretched, and like always, He has Come Through again!

Pastors Jeromye Jackson and Jason Mooy at Stroud First AG have been working on Foundations online training with about 15 men who will serve in various capacities to restart the RR ministry.

There are several events scheduled around the district to highlight Royal Rangers at the local level. Altus Freedom and Woodlake Church are kick starting the RR ministry with Royal Ranger Expos.

Royal Rangers in Oklahoma is coming back strong, and the future is looking great for the churches who have this spindle in the wheel of available ministry. Several pastors have revitalized RR teams and are seeing an impact church wide.

Pastor Jeff Bradley and Kids Pastor Travis McCrate have seen a similar effect on the church in Collinsville. The RR ministry restarted prior to the lockdown and it has been thriving since opening back up! The support from men stepping up to serve is breathing life into the church community.

Our district staff will be onsite to assist with the events and show our support. We would love to assist pastors and lead teams with similar activities. Be in contact with the staff through the OCM office for assistance.

Sid McCoy Royal Rangers

In Memory Rachel M. Pierce

3/4/1933 – 7/25/2021 Reverend Rachel Marie Pierce received her heavenly promotion on Sunday afternoon July 25, 2021 in Stillwater. She was 88. Rachel was born March 4, 1933 near Camp, Arkansas in Fulton County to Earl Cecil Davis and Opal Mildred (Elliott) Davis. She attended school in Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Alabama, and was proud to receive her GED in 1977. At the young age of 16, Rachel accepted Christ and never got tired of living for the Lord and being a Christian. As she commented many times, “it was a wonderful life”. In 1955 Rachel was ordained as a licensed minister with the Arkansas District Assemblies of God and later with the Oklahoma District Assemblies of God. In her younger years she traveled the country preaching revivals in Missouri, Arkansas, Mississippi, Michigan, and Oklahoma sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ to all who would listen. She married John Burton on October 28, 1955 in Hurando, Mississippi. Together they had two children, Thomas Dewayne Burton and Lynette Marie Burton Rhea. They were married until 1986. She was married to Rev. M.I. Pierce on July 23, 1988 in Mooreland, OK. Together they preached many revivals and filled in for churches without pastors. After retirement they spent a lot of time fishing, camping and spending time with grandchildren until his passing in 2003. Some of Sister Pierce’s hobbies when she wasn’t preaching include raising a large garden, making jelly, crocheting, cooking, board games, storytelling, spending time with her children, grandchildren, extended family, and her church family. Survivors include one son, Thomas Dewayne Burton and wife Dianne of Norman, OK; one daughter, Lynette Marie Rhea of Stillwater, OK; two step-children, Leon Pierce and Paul Pierce; five grandchildren, James Lyon of Woodward, OK, Joe Irvin of Kemp, TX., Kaitlyn Burton of Norman, OK., Jessica Rhea of Stillwater, OK., and Jeffrey Rhea of Stillwater, OK; four sisters, Blanche Reynolds and husband Bill of Farmington, MO., Betty Schlotthauer and husband Jim of Okeene, OK., Wanda Adair and husband Dennis of Seiling, OK; and Ruthie Drake and husband Kenneth of Perkins, OK; several great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren; nieces, nephews, cousins, and many friends. She was preceded in death by; one sister, Juanita Stehr; two brothers, Eugene Davis and Robert Davis; one step-son, James Pierce; and one son-in-law, Robert Rhea.

Norene C. Feller

9/17/1930 – 7/17/2021 Reverend Norene Carole Cole Feller, daughter of Floyd Arthur Cole and Norma Valentine Liebler Cole; and wife of Robert E. Feller was a truly amazing woman. She held a diploma in Ministry from Central Bible College, was an ordained minister and was a missionary with the Assemblies of God. Her entire life of selfless ministry was dedicated to working with children. In addition to her own seven children, she taught children’s church, Sunday school classes, vacation bible schools, and Missionettes throughout her entire adult lifetime. She is survived by her husband, 7 children, 21 grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren.

Ministers’ Spouses Evelyn L. Butts 12/31/1924 – 7/4/2021 Spouse of the Late John Butts Naomi Jean (Allen) Bickel 7/21/1935 – 3/25/2020 Spouse of the Late Otho L.C. Allen

District News Pastors Reports • •

Prayer Requests

Bobby Wingo, Jr., Interim Pastor at Savanna, reports two saved in Sunday services. Jerry Yoder, Thomas, reports one saved.

Evangelists Reports •

Alex Hanna reports 480 Arabs and Muslims were saved. Healing miracles of cancer, covid, deafness, and auto- immune diseases thru Arabic Satellite TV programs and outreaches. Twenty Syrian Muslims were saved and one was healed from chronic asthma attacks for many years. Mohammad changed his name to Simon Peter to build a church instead of a mosque. Fifteen Muslim families were saved that had lost their employment and family ties because of their new faith in Jesus. They received supernatural miracle with passports, visa, and jobs in Europe. An Iraqi from Canada was saved and healed from kidney failure and cancelled kidney transplant. Fifteen-twenty million followed live and social media programs. Dale Floyd reports 40 men and women saved in prison services.

Transfers Farewell

Cameron Tilus


Southern Missouri

New Pastors OKC Hilltop

Trevor Clark

• •

Anita Davis – prayers for family. Bill Rackley – healing for daughter, Michelle.

Needed Shawnee All Nations Fellowship needs a passenger van donated to pick up people who want to come to church. (405) 380-7945.

Information Help for Pastors call (918) 758-4147 or visit

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