VO LU ME 7 3 /// I SSU E 12 /// DE C E MBE R 2021 /// W WW.OKAG .ORG
The Oklahoma OUTLOOK is published by the Oklahoma District Council of the Assemblies of God. Publisher: Dr. Darryl Wootton Designers: Jayson Evans, Chris Ainsworth, Kyler Clapp Copyeditor: Renae Elmore GENERAL PRESBYTERS Dr. Darryl Wootton Superintendent
MINISTRY DIRECTORS Chad Brodrick Church Ministries
Craig Dacus Assistant Superintendent
Heath Corrales Youth Ministries
Jamie Austin Corporate Secretary
Gary Davidson Missions Director
EXECUTIVE PRESBYTERS Bruce McCarty Darren Pilcher
Dean Guthrie Children’s Ministries Susie Purkey Women’s Ministries
SECTIONAL PRESBYTERS Jackie Crafton Section 1
Jimmy Keith Section 7
Keith Williams Section 2
Kelly Coffey Section 8
Terry Bradley Section 3
David Brooks Section 9N
Bob Yandell Section 4
Steve Lance Section 9S
Dave Mewbourne Section 5E
Don Barnes Section 10
Jason Byers Section 5W
Ric Freeman Section 11
Jeromye Jackson Section 6
Arlis Moon Section 12
©2021 Oklahoma District Council of the Assemblies of God P.O. Box 13176 Oklahoma City, OK 73113 (405) 475-1100 www.okag.org @OKDCofAG
Upcoming Events DECEMBER
OSOM Gameday (OKC) Senior Ministries Heritage Christmas OSOM Gameday (Muskogee) Missions Faith Promises Due Christmas Break (Office Closed) Ministerial Credentials Renewal Deadline Office Closed
OSOM Gameday (OKC) Speed The Light Rally (Haworth) OSOM Gameday (Muskogee) Shhh! Retreat (Camp Cargill) Credentials Application & Exam Deadline Speed The Light Rally (Owasso) Speed The Light Rally (Lawton) WM Sectional LIFE Rallies ACTS 2 Journey– Preview Speed The Light Rally (Woodward) Century Leadership Roundtable ACMR Deadline
December 4 December 4 December 11 December 15 December 23-24 December 31 December 31
January 1 January 7 January 8 January 13-14 January 14 January 16 January 19 January 21 January 22 January 22 January 27 January 31
OSOM Gameday (OKC) OSOM Gameday (Muskogee) OKNWM Spring Seminar Speed The Light Rally (Yukon) ACTS 2 Journey - Retreat #1 OYM Conference
February 5 February 12 February 19 February 20 February 25-26 February 25-26
Sectional Council Section 3 (PM) Section 2 (AM) Section 1 (PM) Section 4 (AM) Section 5E&5W (PM) Section 6 (AM) Section 9N&9S (PM) Section 10 (AM) Section 7 (PM) Section 8 (AM) Section 11 (PM) Section 12 AM)
February 7 February 8 February 8 February 10 February 10 February 11 February 21 February 22 February 22 February 28 February 28 March 1
Joy to the World! The lyrics of the Christmas hymn,
Joy to the World, were penned by Isaac Watts in 1719. The opening stanza proclaims, “Joy to the world! the Lord is come; Let Earth receive her King.” These poetic words describe the moment a Holy Savior was born in the Holy Land. Jesus, the Son of God, discipled His followers in a geographical area approximately the size of New Jersey. From this seemingly insignificant geography came the hope of salvation.
Today, less than 1% of Israel’s population are Christians. Today, less than 1% of Israel’s population are Christians. Nearly 80% of the population doubts even the existence of God. Israel is a mission field. Surely the heart of our heavenly Father breaks for these lost souls. Someone needs to proclaim to them the “Joy of the Lord.’ Matt and Randi McComber are some of Oklahoma’s newest Missionaries, and they are going to Israel! The McCombers are active members of Christian Chapel in Tulsa, where Chris and Angie Dow serve as Pastors. After experiencing the baptism in the Holy Spirit, the McCombers immediately felt a call to world missions, obtained credentialing through the Oklahoma Assemblies of God, and have now become fully appointed AGWM Missionaries. During this Christmas season, may we rejoice that God has raised one of our own families to declare “Joy to the World” to the land where this joy first originated.
Shhh! Retreat
The McCombers have four beautiful daughters – Kenley, Maren, Ashlyn and Brenna and plan to depart for Israel and Palestine sometime in 2022. They have attended almost every OKAG event during 2021, meeting our OKAG family and sharing their vision. Hopefully, you have had an opportunity to meet them.
24 hours of prayer, fasting and listening. Camp Cargill January 13–14 5pm–5pm I would like to invite any credential holder and their spouse to join us for our Shhh! Retreat.
During this Christmas season, would you pray for the land of Israel? Would you please pray for the McCombers? Please pray for all of our Missionaries around the globe as they proclaim, “Joy to the World.”
In the culture we live in, most everyone is speaking, and hardly anyone is listening. It is hard to turn out the distractions. The Shhh! Retreat will give you a chance to pray, fast, listen and journal. Orientation will be at 5pm. Then, we will do our best to “Shhh” for the next 24 hours.
This Christmas season, I am so thankful our OKAG family is preparing to send a Christmas gift of Joy, the McCombers, to the place where Christmas joy began.
• No phones • No electronic devices • No human conversations • No meals • Only prayer • For 24 hours!
Evangelist Appreciation Month Let’s make December “Evangelist appreciation month.” Evangelists are a gift to the church. Let’s be a gift to them this December. Most Evangelists do not book a single service in December due to the Christmas schedule of local churches. Would you pray for our evangelists this December? Would you consider encouraging and blessing an evangelist for Christmas? Let’s let them know how much we love them in this Holiday season.
Feel free to bring snacks or food, if physical or medical reasons prevent you from fasting for an entire day. Think of this as a spiritual detox and a supernatural opportunity to prepare you for what God has purposed in 2022. Register for free at okag.org/silence
Darryl Wootton Superintendent dw@okag.org
Love One Another “By this, everyone will know you are my disciples if you love one another.”
John 13:35 (NIV)
One of the truest ways to show the love of Jesus to the world is found, not by what we do for ourselves but by what we do for others. 2021 has been a miraculous year for the Assemblies of God of Oklahoma Foundation. Donations to the Foundation grew by $420,000, and 31 additional endowment funds were created. These endowment funds are a perfect example of putting John 13:35 into action. Each of these endowment funds was created by local churches and individual donors to ensure the love of Jesus is made known through missions and ministry to the next generation. In fact, over the next decade, the endowment funds of the AGOK Foundation are on track to give a total of $500,000 directly to the ministry.
Now is the time to
build the Church. Now is the time to
invest in ministry. Now is the time to
prepare for your future.
For more resources, visit www.ecfa.church/churchexcel
Kevin Conner Director of Finance & Operations kevin.conner@okag.org
Christmas 1981 It was early December, 1981 and
our family was gearing up for our second Christmas in Ireland. The year before we had rented a 200 year old manor house. With a few updates and a lot of elbow grease we had turned it into our home. We lived in the upstairs along with a volunteer from the USA and another member of our staff living in a small room downstairs. Wyattville House, as it was known in the area had become the center for the ministry that had launched the year before. During this time we had met a lovely Irish lass named Mary who was 19 years old with a deeply troubled past. As a baby Mary ended up in a home for abandoned babies with no idea who her parents were. As a child she had contracted polio through a mismanaged vaccination experiment leaving her badly crippled. She spent the next 9 years in a hospital where conditions and care left much to be desired. Eventually she was shunted off to an orphanage run by a local religious order. The situation was less than ideal and
she, along with the other young girls, were subjected to systemic emotional and physical abuse. After leaving the orphanage Mary struggled with finding her place in life and ended up in our residential Teen Challenge Girls Home. One day while visiting in our home she shared about her past and never meeting her mother. On an impulse (which we now believe was a God moment) Wilma said “I will be your mother” and she has been our daughter ever since. Our youngest daughter, Dana, was three and cannot remember life without her Irish sister. Immediately there was a dramatic change in Mary’s demeanor and she quickly became part of our family, in fact we often say that she came for three or four days and 41 years later she still hasn’t left! Anyway, Christmas was coming and our Christmas tree was up and presents were gradually beginning to appear from our Irish friends and family in the USA. Everyone had their Christmas gift list well rehearsed including Mary. On her list were a number of items including a black Bible like “Dad” had and a watch. We
were not “flush with funds” that Christmas and we wondered how we could manage everyone’s want list. Shortly before Christmas a gift box arrived from a church in Durant, Oklahoma who had “adopted” Christie, Mark and Dana. Enclosed among the gifts was a portable “pac-man” which we had never seen before. (We, including Dad, literally wore it out in a month, it was so addictive!) Included in the gift box was a beautiful ladies watch with our son Mark’s name attached. When Wilma and I saw it we knew immediately this was for Mary not Mark. That Christmas morning before she opened her final gift we shared the story of the Christmas watch with Mary. It was such a confirmation to her of how valued she was, not only did our Father in heaven send His son as a gift to the world on that first Christmas but he also remembered one of his children on Christmas 1981. And, yes, she received the big black Bible and still has it!
Thank you for supporting our Fall 2021 OKAG Itinerating Missionaries Meredith Bagby
South Africa, Africa
Stephen & Kristen McKnight
Westley Burns
Garo & Jordania Nargiz
Brazil, Latin American Caribbean
Jordan & Shea Campbell
Germany, Europe
Ryan & Lauren Plute
Global Initiative, International Ministries
Chris & Amy Hales
Czech Republic
Zach & Amanda
*Sensitive Country
Jim & Cynthia Lemons
West Africa
Larry & Sharon
*Sensitive Country
Matt & Randi
*Sensitive Country
Todd & Leslie Stamps
Portugal, Europe
Joni Middleton
France, Europe, Project Rescue
Adam & Bethany Weatherly
IMM, Spain
Bill & Reita Moore
Africa Tabernacle Evangelism
Gary Davidson Missions gary.davidson@okag.org
Thankful for Our Churches! In 2020 our Oklahoma Churches gave over $600,000 to Light for the Lost! What an incredible miracle
of God’s provision and the obedience of his people to partner together with our Oklahoma Missionaries to share the Gospel. This year as we restarted our banquets, many of our sections, pastors, and congregants stepped up and made supernatural Faith Promises. I am grateful for Oklahoma’s commitment to our missionaries and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ! Thankful! Chad and Nyree
Chad Brodrick Church Ministries chad.brodrick@okag.org
A Proverbs 31 Woman This month, I would like to highlight a lay leader in the local church who, passed from this life a few weeks ago. She was one of my Life Friends and her life is an example to us all—of how to Love and Serve Well and Finish Strong, for none of us knows the date of our “departure” from this life. We must “work while it is day and work like it is our last day.“ Tammie never stopped being a GIVER. She gave generously to Pastors and Missionaries. I know first-hand, that she contributed to our OKAG LIFE Missionary Fund and never missed a January LIFE Rally. She also faithfully attended Daughters Conference and loved the move of the Holy Spirit – often times, leading worship at her local church-- into the presence of God. May She Inspire you! Tammie Johnson of Tahlequah, Oklahoma, joined the heavenly choir on November 15, 2021, after having a stroke while worshipping at church on Sunday, November 7, 2021. Her loss was unexpected and has deeply saddened family and friends worldwide. She is survived by her husband, Donny, three grown daughters, Briana Johnson, Bailey (Micah) Frye and Britney (Hayden) Hefner. She had one granddaughter – Lively Frye and soon-to-be born, grandson, Shepherd Hefner and many other relatives.
Her Pastors at 29Eleven Church, Tahlequah, OK are Aaron and Lauren Doan. I asked Pastor Lauren to give me an encapsulation of how Tammie Johnson served her Church. Here are her words: Again – May She Inspire you to Greater! “Tammie was on our staff as worship pastor. She also had a heavy hand in design, decor, and all things creative. She decorated for events, showers, and sets. I loved having someone as gifted as her on my team because I could just come up with an idea and she could execute it flawlessly. This year for Mother’s Day, I wanted to do a succulent theme. I just threw out the idea and she put together a giant succulent wall that was absolutely breathtaking! Our foyer was covered in succulents for every lady to take home! She wrote and directed productions. Her cinnamon rolls were famous! She was the absolute best host! She loved to host parties and small groups in her home. I had recently asked her to lead our women’s ministry group, Gems. Sadly, she was only able to host one event before her passing, but it was beautiful and had her special touch. She spoke at that event. She gave us a picture of a gem to write our notes on. She went through the Proverbs 31 woman and for each facet of our gem, we filled in an adjective that describes a Proverb 31 woman.
Tammie served faithfully in so many areas. Now that she’s gone, we’re finding so many things we didn’t even realize she did, like keeping our coffee areas stocked and the coffee makers full of water and grounds. She also watered all our church plants. She really was one of those people who just found anything that needed to be done and did it. Many of the ladies in our church started organically using the hashtag #BeLikeTammie after her unexpected passing. Her life was one to emulate. As a staff member, her attitude was always positive. She was a team player, always running toward vision that was cast. Tammie was a prayerful pastor. She was simply amazing.” Friends, may you be BLESSED this Christmas with the Joy and Realization that JESUS is ENOUGH for everything you are facing in your life!!! May fresh Revelation of the Holy Spirit inside of you—EMPOWER you for Ministry and give you depth and tenacity to move forward! Emanuel! God - JESUS With Us!!! Merry Christmas! We love and appreciate you All and consider it pure joy to serve you in our Offices, if there is ever anything we can do for you, please reach out. Susie Purkey Claudya Elliott, Administrative Assistant Melissia Flores, Administrative Assistant
As I think about her life, she was the epitome of a Proverbs 31 woman. Tammie was so vital to everything we do at 29Eleven. We are broken hearted and there are going to be so many holes because
Susie Purkey Women’s Ministries susie.purkey@okag.org
Experiencing Revival It’s hard to believe we are about to
wrap up yet another amazing year with OYM. Let me start by saying thank you for believing in our district and for investing in students’ lives every single week. It has been quite the year of challenges to say the least, but God has remained faithful. It was just the other day I spoke with Patrick Fahlen, Youth Pastor at Muskogee First Assembly as he shared with me his excitement about what God has been doing in the students of their youth ministry. “We are experiencing revival at M1A Youth! The last couple of months I have seen a monumental change in our youth. Our youth ministry has doubled and we are seeing record numbers, but that’s not even the best part. Our altars have been filled with students crying out to God, praying over each other, and operating in the Gifts of the Spirit. God is on the move! Students from all over the area are visiting, because of the stories they are hearing and life change they are seeing in their friends’ lives.”
I was a youth pastor in the local church for 11 years and it wasn’t uncommon for our youth ministry to be down in attendance and energy during the holiday season. Most youth pastors you talk to around the state would say they have experienced the same at times. Well, apparently, Muskogee, OK didn’t get that memo!
Let’s walk into 2022 with an attitude of expectancy. I hope this gets you excited. I know people have many different thoughts and opinions of this generation, but every testimony like this one gives me hope. Let’s take the time to thank God for revival we’ve experienced in 2021 and the continued revival we are going to experience with Gen Z in the future!
Heath Corrales Youth Ministries heath.corrales@okag.org
Let’s walk into 2022 with an attitude of expectancy. Merry Christmas Oklahoma! Heath, Alisha, Lincoln, Miriam and let’s not forget soon to be Harrison.
PB&J Recap God did some amazing things in the lives of kids this weekend at PB&J Retreat at Camp Cargill! We began our journey on Friday night searching for “The Wonderful Wisdom of God.”
The weekend was especially great not because of the fun and great times that we had, but the incredible move of God that was evident in each service. On Friday night, kids and adults from 30 churches across Oklahoma, flooded the worship center for a time of dynamic praise and worship. At the closing of the service each church began breaking into groups to pray and ask the Lord into their hearts. It was an awesome sight to see. A huge thanks to all who had a hand in making this weekend not only possible, but for making it the best PB&J ever!
During this incredible weekend, our students learned in order to receive the wisdom that we were searching for, they must first give their HEART to the Lord (Tin Man), keep their BRAINS clean (Scarecrow), and have the COURAGE to share their faith (Lion) with others. Aside from the three powerful sessions that were held, the rest of the weekend was filled with hayrides, campfires and lots of s’mores and fun.
Dean Guthrie Children’s Ministries dean.guthrie@okag.org
Wonderful Counselor “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6 NIV As I rehearse this past year I am overwhelmed by the way God has been all of Isaiah 9. In June we held a Girls Campout at Camp Adventure and it was wonderful. We saw girls praise and worship God, enjoy the great outdoors and have fun!
The worship service focused on “Who God Says I Am” and before the altar time, cards were prayerfully handed out as the song “You Say” by Lauren Daigle was played. One teen girl got a card that read “Loved” and she shared that the card was hard to receive because she had never really felt loved. She shared that her parents had done drugs and alcohol and didn’t take care of her. She was moved from place to place and felt abandoned. That night she let Jesus into her heart and felt His love!
We are excited about 2022 and all the ways that we can mentor girls and develop leaders to make a difference in our world. Oklahoma Girls Ministries wishes you a wonderful Christmas and a joyous New Year! With our love and appreciation, Liz and Arlis Moon
Thank you to the Wonderful Counselor, Everlasting Father! This is the very reason we love doing Girls Ministries. We are changing the world, one girl at a time.
Liz Moon Girls Ministries okgirlsministries@gmail.com
What it Takes Do I have what it takes to be a Godly man? I have attended many training opportunities during my time in Royal Rangers. Still, I recently had the opportunity to attend the National Rangers Ministry Camp, and all I can say is it was one of the best experiences of my life. This camp helped me to evaluate the above question in my own life. The boys that we minister to in our churches need a Godly example demonstrated to them to grow up to be Godly men. At this camp, I developed new friendships and strengthened older ones. We had 23 men who took the training, 13 men from different outposts in the Oklahoma District. We were taught how to function
as a patrol, team-building initiatives, camping, learned various skills, activities, trades, and had the concept of “boy-led, adult-facilitated” ministry demonstrated to us. What I needed and was delivered to me was the spiritual part of the camp. The staff and chaplains presented what you need to show Godly manhood. We had powerful services every night, and you could tell that the staff prayed for each one of us. I left the camp an “Empowered Servant,” “Ready” to lead more men and boys to Christ.
I highly recommend this camp to any Royal Ranger leader, but also, this would be a great experience for any man in the church who wants to deepen their relationship with the Lord and will improve their ministry effectiveness within the church and district. Submitted by Roger Freels Sr. Oklahoma District Outreach Coordinator South Central Region Outreach Coordinator
Sid McCoy Royal Rangers mrsidmccoy@gmail.com
Merry Christmas! We are so grateful for the unity amongst the pastors and churches of the Oklahoma District. Recently, the pastor of one of the Oklahoma Hispanic Churches, Rocio, contacted us about starting a woman’s prayer group. Rocio has started having prayer with all of the Oklahoma Hispanic minister’s wives and female ministers twice a week. She has included other evangelical women, not just Assemblies
of God. Rocio says that to have unity in our churches, and to preach about unity, we must come together as the leaders of the Body of Christ. It has always been our prayer to see the Hispanic ministers work together. God is moving.
Mark Fitzgerald Spanish Ministries markfitzgerald@usmissions.org
Christmas Joy to You! The Angels said in Luke 2:10 – “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.” Such a promise for us all and on behalf of our Chi Alpha family we want to wish and challenge you to embrace all the Joy possible. Thanks for all your love, prayers and support. Let’s keep sharing God’s Joy on campus and see what He will do! Greg and Susan Tiffany State XA Directors
SALT Is Back!
December 29 – January 1 Sheraton Hotel Dallas, TX
Help us spread the news to all high school seniors, collegians, young adults and their leaders. Special Guests Sean Smith and Destiny Deas. Three nights lodging, two luncheons and all sessions for $199 (if registered by Dec 6). Online registration is available at www.saltcentral.com
Greg & Susan Tiffany Chi Alpha xaoklahoma@gmail.com
In Memory Esther Anna Ingels
Ellen A. Thompson
Reverend Esther Ingels was born March 13, 1929 in Enid to John and Martha Larkey Tribble and passed away Monday, June 21, 2021.
Reverend Ellen Adelia (Gentry) Thompson passed from this life September 13, 2021 in Elk City at age 88. Ellen was born March 5, 1933, to William and Pearl (Barbee) Gentry in Pottawatomie County. She grew up in Tecumseh where she attended school.
3/13/1929 – 6/21/2021
She graduated from Enid High School in 1947 and later earned her Bachelor’s Degree from Southwestern Assemblies of God College and her Masters of Education from Emporia State Teacher’s College. She was also a Licensed children’s minister with the Assemblies of God. On June 4, 1954, she married Cleo Olen Ingels in Enid, OK. Together they pastored a number of small churches, then became elementary school teachers, teaching in several schools in Kansas and more than 30 years teaching at Garfield Elementary School in Enid, taught Sunday School and Children’s Church at First Assembly of God in Enid. Summers were spent conducting vacation bible school and kid’s crusades throughout Oklahoma, Texas and Kansas. After retirement, she volunteered at local nursing homes, spoiled grandchildren and adults with baked goodies and was a beacon of faith and love for all around her. Esther is survived by her son Andrew “Andy” Ingels of Enid, two grandsons, Cody Andrew and wife Mercedes and Kaleb Albert, five great-grandsons, Ashton, Jude, Keller, Leo and Kyla, and a brother, Paul Tribble. She was preceded in death by her parents, husband Cleo, and siblings, Betty, David, Dorotha, Naomi and Grace.
Ministers’ Spouses Thelma Mae Estes 3/25/1946 – 11/2/2021 Spouse of Thomas L. Estes Delores L. Starling 3/6/1943 – 3/17/2021 Spouse of The Late Lorn Starling
3/5/1933 – 9/13/2021
She married the love of her life William Oliver Thompson. They dedicated their lives pastoring at he Assembly of God Church in Carter, OK for 40 years. Ellen enjoyed quilting and attended her quilting club weekly. She always served people wherever she was needed. She is survived by her two nephews, Boyce West and Trent Gentry, five nieces, Patricia McCray, Bonita West, Rita McLaughlin, Marvela James, Patricia L. Garretson-Hart and sister-in-law Mae Gentry. She is preceded in death by her husband, W.O. Thompson, three brothers, Ross, John and Robert Gentry, two sisters, Jane West, Willie Stephens, nephews, Paul Gentry, Gary Brooks and Larry Slack.
Donald R. Whitis
11/9/1938 – 11/13/2021 Reverend Donald Ray Whitis of Moore was born on November 9, 1938 in Maysville, OK to Elbert R. Whitis and Beulah Modenia (Bolding) Whitis. He passed away on Saturday, November 13, 2021 in Oklahoma City at the age of 83 years. Donald grew up in Maysville and graduated from Maysville High School in 1957. He attended the University of Oklahoma where he obtained a Bachelors Degree in Education and lacked two hours completing his Master’s Degree. He started teaching in 1962 at Garber High School where he introduced and taught modern mathematics, chemistry, physics, and the atomic chart. In 1967 he began working as a computer specialist for the Department of Defense at Tinker Air Force Base. In 1972 Donald married Lillie Mae Frizell and they served the Lord in every church they attended. He was a minister for many years who led mission trips, both in the United States and Internationally in Israel, Russia, Mexico, and Africa. He was most at peace when he was preaching. Donald was a member of the First Assembly of God Church. He enjoyed his family, genealogy, watching the stock markets, antiques, the 4th of July, reading the Bible, and Bible commentaries. Survivors include his wife, Lillie Mae Whitis of Norman; Sisters: Pat Jones and husband David Lee of Norman; Dorris Long and husband, Willie of Norman, and many nieces and nephews. Donald was preceded in death by his parents, Elbert and Beulah Whitis; brother, Elbert Dean Whitis; and sisters, Juanita Bennett, Wanda Bennett, and Carolyn Sue Williamson.
District News Pastors Reports • • •
New Pastors
Gary Walden, Peggs, reports three filled with the Holy Ghost and two saved in revival. Bo Gibbs, Carney, reports 25 saved in October. Launched small groups on Sunday evenings, averaging 13 a week. Jerry Yoder, Thomas, reports 12 saved in their Wednesday night kids’ programs.
Evangelists Reports • • • •
Alex Hanna reports 25 Ethiopian and Sudan people were saved and 10 healed from cancer, diseases, and blood issues. Twelve were filled with the Holy Ghost. Marna Hillard reports two healings. Dale Floyd reports 79 men and women saved. Fifty-seven saved in October in prison services. Larry Martin reports 5335 saved in Harvest revival crusade in Pakistan.
John Carnett Matthew Castleberry Alisha Castleberry John Scroggins Susan Scroggins Corey Webb
John & Susan Scroggins
Prayer Requests Fred Ticeahkie – healing for his wife, Janice. Sandy Ticeahkie – pray for young man named Tommy, Clayton, Raymond, Dimitrim, and Indian school staff. Also, please pray for a settlement and for a car.
Needed Hobart Calvary Life is looking for a worship leader/keyboardist to help with Sunday services. Please contact Dr. Clyde Frizzelle at 817917-3469.
Transfers Welcome
Kingston First
Northern Missouri Arkansas Arkansas North Texas North Texas North Texas
Help for Pastors call (918) 758-4147 or visit www.pastoralcareinc.com.
Gene Anoatubby, 90 Betty Bartlett, 94 Joe Bartlett, 95 Ellen Bright, 90 Chester Capps, 92 Doyle Clenney, 99 Bernice Combs, 91 Clarence Combs, 92 Billy Covey, 90 H.H. Davis, 92 C. Donald Dorsey, 92
William Eccles, 90 Loetta Franklin, 91 Viaretta Hardison, 90 Alma Hill, 91 Charles Holybee, 90 Ray Hood, 99 C. C. Jeffcoat, 95 Patricia Jones, 92 Clarence Lambert, 93 Lorene Lambert, 93 Lloyd McGuire, 90
Margie McQueen, 92 E. Ray Myers, 91 Alma Perkins, 91 Jerry Shoemaker, 91 Alfred Storie, 94 Peggy Swaim, 89 A.W. Thomason, 94 Bob Warman, 90 Jewel Young, 90