The Oklahoma OUTLOOK is published by the Oklahoma District Council of the Assemblies of God. Publisher: Dr. Darryl Wootton Designers: Jayson Evans, Chris Ainsworth, Kyler Clapp Copyeditor: Renae Elmore GENERAL PRESBYTERS Dr. Darryl Wootton Superintendent
MINISTRY DIRECTORS Chad Brodrick Church Ministries
Craig Dacus Assistant Superintendent
Heath Corrales Youth Ministries
Jamie Austin Corporate Secretary
Gary Davidson Missions Director
EXECUTIVE PRESBYTERS Bruce McCarty Darren Pilcher
Dean Guthrie Children’s Ministries Susie Purkey Women’s Ministries
SECTIONAL PRESBYTERS Jackie Crafton Section 1
Jimmy Keith Section 7
Keith Williams Section 2
Kelly Coffey Section 8
Terry Bradley Section 3
David Brooks Section 9N
Bob Yandell Section 4
Steve Lance Section 9S
Dave Mewbourne Section 5E
Don Barnes Section 10
Jason Byers Section 5W
Ric Freeman Section 11
Jeromye Jackson Section 6
Arlis Moon Section 12
Upcoming Events FEBRUARY
OSOM Gameday (OKC) February 5 OSOM Gameday (Muskogee) February 12 OKNWM Spring Seminar February 19 Speed The Light Rally (Yukon) February 20 ACTS 2 Journey – Retreat #1 February 25-26 OYM Conference February 25-26 Sectional Tour Section 3 (PM) Section 2 (AM) Section 1 (PM) Section 4 (AM) Section 5E&5W (PM) Section 6 (AM) Section 9N&9S (PM) Section 10 (AM) Section 7 (PM) Section 8 (AM) Section 11 (PM) Section 12 (AM)
Ordination Interviews OSOM Gameday (OKC) Credentials Seminar – Entry Level (OKC)
March 4 March 5 March 5 District Council Resolutions Submission Deadline March 11 OSOM (Gameday) Muskogee March 12 Rural Compassion March 25-26 Girls Ministries FLOURISH Conference March 26
©2022 Oklahoma District Council of the Assemblies of God P.O. Box 13179 Oklahoma City, OK 73113 (405) 475-1100 www.okag.org @OKDCofAG
February 7 February 8 February 8 February 10 February 10 February 11 February 21 February 22 February 22 February 28 February 28 March 1
Fine Arts (Mustang The Bridge) April 1-2 OSOM Gameday (OKC) April 2 Credential Celebration (Christ’s Legacy, OKC) April 9 OSOM Gameday (Muskogee) April 9 ACTS 2 Journey – Retreat #2 April 22-23 109th District Council April 25-26 Women in Leadership Luncheon April 25 OCM Fun Arts April 30
Better Together We are better together. God
designed the body of Christ with unique and gifted components. The Oklahoma Assemblies of God is a family made up of many members. Not one member is more important than the other. In fact, all parts are vital in order for the body to fulfill our mission. This is evident in the Old Testament. God gave the detailed plans for the tabernacle, Ark of the Covenant, and sacred furniture to Moses. God never intended Moses to build these items. God created Bezalel for that purpose. In Exodus 31:1-5, The Lord said to Moses, “See, I have called by name Bezalel the son of Uri, son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, 3 and I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with ability and intelligence, with knowledge and all craftsmanship,4 to devise artistic designs, to work in gold, silver, and bronze, 5 in cutting stones for setting, and in carving wood, to work in every craft.’” God filled Bezalel with His Spirit and equipped him for a special task and a special moment. Imagine if Moses had tried to carve the golden cherubims? Have you ever met a Pastor that tried to do everything? Moses was the leader but it took many craftsmen, priests, farmers, teachers and more to accomplish the plan of God. Moses, Aaron, Joshua, and many nameless Jewish servants - they were better together.
This is also evident in the New Testament. The Corinthian church had their favorite preachers. Some followed Paul, some followed Peter, some followed Apollos, and the super-spiritual members of the church claimed to only follow Christ. Out of all the problems plaguing the Corinthian church, Paul tackled unity first. In Corinthians 3:6, Paul taught, “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth.” Paul, Aquila, Priscilla, Apollos, Simon Peter – they were better together.
I am convinced that someone in attendance needs YOUR ENCOURAGEMENT.
EVERY minister will be reminded of their importance in our OKAG family in 2022.
EVERY minister will commit to establishing more healthy relationships in 2022.
EVERY church will commit to “adopt” and “encourage” another OKAG church in 2022.
We are better together. Would you plan on attending Sectional Tour 2022? I admit that you may not need any information that is presented. I am convinced that someone in attendance needs YOUR ENCOURAGEMENT. I hope to see you in February. We are better together! Darryl Wootton
Better Together. That is the theme for our 2022 Sectional Tour in February. Our mission is the Great Commission. Jesus only left us one small task – REACH THE ENTIRE PLANET BEFORE HE RETURNS. In order to finish this mission, we need each other. During this year’s Sectional tour, I am praying for 3 things:
Darryl Wootton Superintendent dw@okag.org
The Importance of Others Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: 10If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. 11Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? 12Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. – Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 (NIV) 9
Smile and be friendly. This may seem obvious, but we have all met people with a severe problem regarding their facial expressions. I know because I have such a face. If I do not smile and show myself friendly, I can present as cold, annoyed, or disinterested; or so my wife has explained to me!
Find people with whom you can truly be yourself. You have to put yourself out there. I have a small group of guys I meet with weekly over breakfast and have since 2006. This is a place I know I can be myself. It is a place of accountability. It is a place of honesty. It is a place that helped me keep my sanity on more than one occasion. We can bring our failures, our successes. It is a judgment-free zone, but one in which we will be honest with each other, sometimes brutally, to make each other better.
The writer of Ecclesiastes gives us some good insight into our capacity as human beings. The essence of this passage is that we can accomplish more together than we can alone. Two are better than one. Why? Because two get a better return on their labor. If one falls, the other is there to help him up. They can be there to provide comfort to each other and protect each other. He says it pretty plainly, two are better than one. While the writer says our lives are better with other people, it does not say our lives are easier. People make life more complicated. People bring tension. People bring dysfunction. People can be difficult, selfish, unreliable, annoying, and complicated. So can I. So can you. But this passage makes it clear, other people make us better. This means, as followers of Jesus, we should actively pursue relationships with other people. Pursuing new relationships does not come naturally to me. It is something I have had to learn. I am pretty good at keeping to myself. Over time, however, I have learned that I need other people, and other people need me. I have listed a few things I have learned over the years that make relationships easier.
Now is the time to
build the Church. Now is the time to
invest in ministry. Now is the time to
prepare for your future.
Listen more than you talk. You have two ears and one mouth for a reason. You will never go wrong listening twice as much as you talk. Your empathy will grow. You will have better insight into how to help people.
We are in the people business. It comes naturally to some, and it is a learned skill to others. None of this negates the fact that we need each other. Put yourself out there. Be proactive when it comes to building relationships. Some will fail, but some will succeed. In the end, everyone is better for it.
For more resources, visit www.ecfa.church/churchexcel
Kevin Conner Director of Finance & Operations kevin.conner@okag.org
Meet our Newly Appointed Oklahoma Global Workers Thank you!
Ethan is our newest Missionary Associate. He has just completed a successful oneyear MAPS assignment in Central Eurasia and is now itinerating to return for two years at the request of the national leadership.
Because of the faithful giving of our Oklahoma Churches these Global Workers have raised their funds and are preparing to return to their place of ministry. • Meredith Bagby South Africa • Darin and Diana Clements Philippines, Asia Pacific • Adam and Bethany Weatherly Spain, Europe
Aaron and Krista grew up together at The Bridge Assembly of God. Aaron went to OSU-OKC and Krista attended SAGU. It was during this time that God clearly called this couple to cross cultural ministry with a special burden for Muslims. They volunteered for nine years in a North Texas church plant while Aaron gained supervisory experience in manufacturing and Krista taught in public schools. In 2013, they moved home and started attending The Bridge in Mustang and soon after met Darrin and Sarah. In 2017, they helped launch The Bridge Piedmont and were blessed with their son, Asher. Now they have the opportunity to work with Darrin and Sarah and are so excited about this long time dream of going to Eurasia!
Danny and Faith have been serving with AGWM since 2005. Their kids, Caleb (14) and Viola (13), were both born in Northern Asia. Danny’s parents were missionaries from the North Texas District, and Faith is the daughter of Oklahoma missionaries Quentin and Elizabeth McGhee. Danny and Faith were commissioned out of North Texas and are excited to now be joining the Oklahoma team as dual-district missionaries! For their next term, God has opened the door for them to reach out to more than 3.5 million Northern Asian people who have immigrated to Latin America and the Caribbean. After language school in Costa Rica, Danny and Faith will partner with national churches and AGWM team members to focus on this large segment of unreached people. Danny and Faith are itinerating through the end of July and would love to get to know you better and hear about what God is doing in your community!
Gary Davidson Missions gary.davidson@okag.org
Three Keys to Being Better Together From the very beginning,
God created us with the need for a relationship with him and relationships with others. In fact, God said of Adam that it was not good for him to be alone and created Eve to fill that need in Adam’s life. Similarly, we need relationships with one another in order for us to be a healthy church and to fulfill the purposes God established in Acts 2. The word community is often used when describing a group of people so let’s look at this definition. Merriam Webster defines community as: 1. a group of people who live in the same area (such as a city, town, or neighborhood) 2. a group of people who have the same interests, religion, race, etc. While this word is often used to describe the church it really does so loosely. The definition denotes that we are a group of people who live in the same area, have the same interests, the same religion, and the same race. Yet this is not the truest definition that the scripture gives us concerning the Acts 2 church. A better word is the Latin word Communitas which means: having the very spirit of community; an intense community spirit, the feeling of great social equality, solidarity, and togetherness. In other words, this group of people come together not because of an external interest, but an internal drive to serve together, do life together, and grow together. This word personifies the early church as described in Acts 2:44-47 when it says: And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.
There are 3 key ingredients for us as a church locally (your community) and as a state (OKAG) in becoming the communitas that God illustrated through the Acts 2 description that I believe are applicable to the Oklahoma District Council. They are: 1. WE MUST SERVE TOGETHER As the body of Christ, we are not designed to be an island to ourselves, but to serve one another. Christ was the prime example of what it means to have a servant’s heart and live it out before others. In fact, Jesus told us that we let our light shine by doing good works for the benefit of other people so that saint and sinner alike, may give glory to God. (Matthew 5:16) 1 Peter 4:10 states: As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace. God has gifted you uniquely to be used for the purposes of the kingdom. When we serve together, using the varied gifts as a ministry team, extraordinary results are bound to come to fruition! How are you serving in the communitas of the OKAG? 2. WE MUST DO LIFE TOGETHER Paul identifies us as God’s chosen ones in Colossians 3 to identify us as a community and then lays out how we are to operate in relationship to one another. He tells us to build relationship through compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, patience, and bearing with one another! He states that we are to operate with forgiveness as God has modeled to us and above all else…pour on love! Why? We know that doing life together is going to produce conflicts, hurt feelings, and even bad attitudes. We also know that mistakes will be made because we are all human after all. If
Chad Brodrick Church Ministries chad.brodrick@okag.org
we operate with love as the Father has displayed to us, then that kind of love will bind us together. We cannot do life alone; we must do life together! How are you building relationships in order to do life together in the OKAG? (Don’t wait for someone else to make the first move!) 3. WE MUST GROW TOGETHER Paul declares: Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love. Ephesians 4:15–16 (ESV) The perfect picture of the OKAG is that we as a body are growing upward in our relationship with God together and that we are growing together in our relationship with one another. How do we do this? We must go to God daily for our personal growth and for unified growth as His Church. We must be intentional about building relationships with one another. We must be outward focused in fulfilling the purposes of the Church. Finally, we must worship together as the body on a regular basis. May God help us to serve together, do life together, and grow together as the Oklahoma District Council! Blessings, Chad and Nyree Brodrick
Thank You for Supporting
We are so GRATEFUL for our grass-
missionaries than what Oklahoma Women do. Thank you, OKAG Women! Our missionaries are constantly expressing their thanks!
roots Oklahoma Women’s groups and Oklahoma Churches who have come out and supported our January, 2022 LIFE Rallies! THANK YOU!!!! Many have asked exactly “where” these LIFE mission’s dollars go. Below is a detailed list of how we support Missions and Missionaries through the LIFE Missionary Fund of the OKAG. May God Bless You and May God Bless our Missionaries both here and Abroad!
Africa’s Children - monthly
Asia’s Children - monthly
Europe’s Children - monthly
AG Family Compact Services - (Includes: Hillcrest Children’s Home, Highland’s Maternity Home, Transitional Living, Foster & Therapeutic Care, Respite Care, Adoptions, Clinical Support, etc.) monthly
Financial support of over 125 Widows of OK Credentialed Ministers, through Christmas Love Offerings and an annual Luncheon,” to help foster support, love and inter-personal connection with one another.
National AG Women’s Department monthly support
Freedom House Women’s Teen Challenge, Checotah, OK - monthly Sonrise Ranch Boys Teen Challenge, Cache, OK - monthly
We Host an annual Women in Ministry Luncheon during District Council, Century Leadership Conference providing powerful, Spirit-filled ministry and connection for our leaders.
New Lifehouse Girls Teen Challenge, Disney, OK - monthly
Inner City AG Church AKA: the Dream Center, OKC, OK - monthly
Special Projects: Annually we choose a large project called the LIFE Project, which ranges
Conduct our annual bilingual Daughters Conference for approximately 1,000 women from the ages of 12 - 65+ to facilitate spiritual growth, connection and to be mightily challenged by the Holy Spirit in their walk with God.
Susie Purkey
What LIFE Pays For •
Financial support of over 200 foreign and U.S. missionaries and their family members through Birthday and Christmas Love Offerings and Housing Allowance and household goods for Oklahoma Foreign M.A.’s and Fully Appointed, Foreign Missionaries. When they arrive overseas, they literally purchase everything they need to set up house and home with the money we give them. If they don’t feel at home where they are, chances are they might not stay - would you? Thankfully, we help lead the way nationally in what we do for our missionaries. Very few states in our fellowship provide more for foreign or U.S.
in scope of $20,000 and up. Oklahoma Women have provided such things as: Oklahoma Youth Camp Improvements, kitchens, sanctuary pews or chairs, church furnishings, remodels, underwritten International Media Ministries Women of the Bible Series in Arabic, Farsi, French, etc. and muchmuch more!
Susie Purkey Women’s Ministries susie.purkey@okag.org
Speed the Light It seems like every time I write an article my opening statement is “Wow! What a year!” To say that about 2020 would be an understatement! Let me share with you a memory. In 2019, I had just completed my first Speed the Light sectional tour and had returned back to the office. I shared with Brother Cargill how the tour went and updated him on our giving pledges. He listened to what I had to say and followed up with “Heath, we need Speed the Light” and in that moment I began to fully realize the importance of Speed the Light. In 2020, the students in Oklahoma helped build a water well in Africa, provided support to rescue trafficking victims through FREE International and served communities in need through Convoy of Hope, as well as continuing to support our Oklahoma missionaries. Today I want to take the time to express my gratitude for all of our churches who decided, that even in the midst of a pandemic, they would be faithful in their giving to Speed the Light.
Here are the churches who gave $1,000 or more: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Bartlesville Spirit Church Broken Bow First Claremore First Verdigris Assembly Cordell New Beginnings Cushing Lifeline North Church Elk City First Fairland First Guymon First Muskogee New Hope Mustang The Bridge Noble Assembly OKC Bethesda Assembly OKC Christ’s Legacy OKC Crossroads Church Oolagah Assembly Owasso First Poteau Covenant Purcell Memorial Skiatook Assembly Tahlequah 29Eleven Thomas Freedom Worship Center Tulsa Carbondale Tulsa Woodlake Weatherford Life Fellowship Woodward First Yukon Discovery
Heath Corrales Youth Ministries heath.corrales@okag.org
Thank you all for your generosity! Today I want to challenge all of churches and youth ministries with a “floor goal” of $1,000. What I mean by “floor goal” is let that be the foundation not the ceiling... if you believe you can do more, then, of course , do more! Again, because of your faithful giving we have a list of projects that we are able to pay for and I would love to start a brand new list for 2021. “We over Me” is the vision we have for everything that we do for OYM. Let’s continue working together and do more for our missionaries and our world through the life changing ministry of Speed The Light. I’m excited for the future Oklahoma! It’s an honor be called your DYD. Heath Corrales
A Part of Something Bigger I think we’ve all been there. It’s late
are fine by themselves. But when was the last time you walked into the kitchen and downed a spoonful of flour? It’s awful by itself. However, when it is combined with the other ingredients, it turns into something wonderful!
You realize that you are in between trips to the grocery store. Everything that you try to piece together for a snack has at least one ingredient missing. Peanut butter sandwich? Out of bread! Tub of French onion dip? No Frito’s! There are three different bottles of popcorn seasoning, but no popcorn!
In life and in ministry, there is a benefit of being together.
at night…The dinner you ate earlier in the evening is starting to wear off...You feel the munchies coming on…So, you head towards the kitchen to find something that would satisfy your late night craving.
Desperate times call for desperate measures! So, you reach past the first couple of rows–grabbing something from the back of the pantry. You know these items. They are the items that you bought at the store that seemed to be a great idea at the time. But when you get them home, they seem to make their way to “no-man’s land” in the back of the pantry. Then–you forget about them!
Now, I’m not trying to make you hungry, and this is not a lesson on Expectation vs. Reality. Nor is it a place to show off my culinary skills. Truth be known, the cake on the box looked awesome. The cake I made was as ugly as sin, but it tasted so good! (Stay with me! I am going somewhere with this.)
This exact thing happened to my daughter and a few nights ago. Tori and I found ourselves at almost midnight looking for something sweet to eat in our kitchen. We had no luck. We didn’t find anything. So in a desperate attempt to find something in the back of the pantry, I reached back and found a Duncan Hines Fruity Pebbles cake mix that we bought back in the summer time. Before we knew it, the oven was preheating. Tori started to grease two 8” cake pans, while I started gathering the rest of the ingredients. With ¾ cup of water, 1/3 cup of vegetable oil, and three eggs later, we were on our way to curbing the munchies. Within the hour, we found ourselves choking down a slice of Duncan Hines Fruity Pebbles cake with a tall glass of milk!
Just before Jesus was arrested, He prayed for his disciples and for all believers. The main point of his prayer was unity. He prayed: “11 I will remain in the world no longer, but they are still in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name, the name you gave me, so that they may be one as we are one.” – John 17:11 Look at the depth of togetherness Jesus prayed for us to have. He prayed that his followers would be one, “as we are one.” He’s praying that his followers would be as close as Jesus is to God! God doesn’t want his children to be stand-alone ingredients in this world. He wants each of us to contribute the gifts that He has given us, for the purpose of accomplishing greater things together than we could ever do on our own. Why be a stand-alone ingredient when we could stand together and be a part of something bigger?
When it comes to baking a cake, it just doesn’t happen. Several ingredients are needed: flour, water, oil, sugar, salt, butter, and everything else needed for whatever recipe you are following. Of all the ingredients needed for baking a cake, some of them do serve a purpose and are tasty by themselves. Sugar, salt, and water
Dean Guthrie Children’s Ministries dean.guthrie@okag.org
In Memory Barry N. Dunn
John H. Bright, Jr.
Reverend Barry Neal Dunn, 83, passed away peacefully in his sleep on September 30, 2021. He was the husband of LucyAnn Dunn. They shared 57 years of marriage and life together.
Reverend John H. Bright of Muskogee, OK, entered his heavenly home on Wednesday, October 13, 2021 at the age of 92. He was born Friday, March 8, 1929 in Poteau, OK to John Hilary and Sara Ellen (McAdoo) Bright. John grew up in Arkansas and Arizona. Upon, returning to Arkansas where he worked for Alma Canning Company.
Born on December 17, 1937 in Indianapolis, Indiana, Barry was the son of Walter and Gertrude Dunn. He graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in History and Master’s Degree in Education from the University of Arizona and became an ordained minister through the Assemblies of God Berean program. He was employed as a public school teacher, pastor and even taught for a semester on a Naval ship. Barry was a member of Family Life Assembly of God in Nicoma Park. He enjoyed going to church, exploring caves, writing poems, writing plays, acting, playing board games, reading to his grandchildren and spending time with his bride, LucyAnn. He loved reading, especially the Word of God.
James Beasley
3/21/1966–10/3/2021 Reverend James W. Beasley, 55, Frederick, passed away on Sunday, October 3, 2021 at Jackson County Memorial Hospital. James William Beasley was born on March 21, 1966 in Lexington, Kentucky to Paul and Margaret (Leisure) Beasley. He graduated from Scott County High School in Georgetown, Kentucky with the Class of 1984. James had trained as an Emergency Medical Tech and later attended Liberty University for Divinity. He married Michelle Sursa on September 28, 1992 in Mt. Vernon, Illinois. He pastored for several years before taking the position of Pastor at the Frederick First Assembly of God. James enjoyed woodworking and was an ardent University of Kentucky Wildcat fan. He was also known for being “an all around nice guy” by all who knew him.
Minister’s Spouses Altus Mae Linker 11/11/1936 – 9/30/2021 Spouse of the Late Alton Linker Naomi Ruth Dickenson 8/15/1946 – 10/6/2021 Spouse of the Late M.E. Dickenson Deborah E. Kilgore 11/6/1953 – 10/24/2021 Spouse of Charles Kilgore, Sr.
On Thursday, May 26, 1949, John married the love of his life, Ellen Moore, on the creek bank in Mulberry, AR. They were married 72 years. John accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior at 26 years of age. He began preaching and built his first church in Locke, AR. The Brights pastored at many locations throughout the years beginning with Locke, AR; Uniontown, AR; Fairfax, CA; Spiro,OK; Terrell, OK; Fairfax, California; Red Oak, Oklahoma; Terrell, Oklahoma; Tipton, Oklahoma; Asphault, Oklahoma; Tipton, Oklahoma; Fort Gibson, Oklahoma; Elm Grove, OK. While pastoring, John worked as a roofer and farmed. John loved the church, he played the guitar, he had a good ear for music and a great bass voice. He was a devoted husband and loving father and grandfather. John enjoyed fishing and loved his dogs. He will be greatly missed by all that loved and knew him.
Larry D. Maze
8/13/1945–10/19/2021 Reverend Larry D. Maze, 76, went to be with his Lord and Savior Tuesday, October 19, 2021. Larry was born August 13, 1945 in Enid, OK to Darrell and Elsie (Kirk) Maze. Larry married the love of his life, Jeannie L. (Kincheloe) Maze on December 5, 1969 in Fairview, OK. Larry served in the National Guard and Air Force from 1965 to 1969. Larry was an ordained minister in the Assemblies of God, and pastored several churches throughout Oklahoma. In addition to being a Pastor, he was an Evangelist and was part of a singing group with his wife and sister-in-law. Despite health issues for the last 30 years, Larry took joy in ministering to everyone he met. Larry was quick to pray with those he met and always had an encouraging word. He was known to have a funny joke or story at any moment. He enjoyed being a father and granddad, delighted in his family moments, and loved his two dogs who were his constant companions.
District News Pastors Reports
New Pastors
Leonard Stoner, Bluejacket, reports one person saved on Wednesday night.
Evangelists Reports •
K.G. Samuel built a small church in India. Church is called The Bridge AG Parumala Campas.
Prayer Requests •
Fred Ticeahkie – health issues and Native American souls.
Transfers Farewell Michael Hartman Janelle Hartman
To Southern Missouri Southern Missouri
Henry & Cathy Kellogg
Information Help for Pastors call (918) 758-4147 or visit www.pastoralcareinc.com.
Minister’s Spouses Orval E. Stephens 10/20/1933 – 12/30/2021 Spouse of The Late Pearl E. Stephens