The Oklahoma OUTLOOK is published by the Oklahoma District Council of the Assemblies of God. Publisher: Dr. Darryl Wootton Designers: Jayson Evans, Chris Ainsworth, Kyler Clapp Copyeditor: Renae Elmore GENERAL PRESBYTERS Dr. Darryl Wootton Superintendent
MINISTRY DIRECTORS Chad Brodrick Church Ministries
Craig Dacus Assistant Superintendent
Heath Corrales Youth Ministries
Jamie Austin Corporate Secretary
Gary Davidson Missions Director
EXECUTIVE PRESBYTERS Bruce McCarty Darren Pilcher
Dean Guthrie Children’s Ministries Susie Purkey Women’s Ministries
SECTIONAL PRESBYTERS Jackie Crafton Section 1
Jimmy Keith Section 7
Keith Williams Section 2
Kelly Coffey Section 8
Terry Bradley Section 3
David Brooks Section 9N
Bob Yandell Section 4
Steve Lance Section 9S
Dave Mewbourne Section 5E
Don Barnes Section 10
Jason Byers Section 5W
Ric Freeman Section 11
Jeromye Jackson Section 6
Arlis Moon Section 12
©2022 Oklahoma District Council of the Assemblies of God P.O. Box 13179 Oklahoma City, OK 73113 (405) 475-1100 www.okag.org @OKDCofAG
Upcoming Events JANUARY
OSOM Gameday (OKC) January 1 Speed The Light Rally (Haworth) January 7 OSOM Gameday (Muskogee) January 8 Shhh! Retreat (Camp Cargill) January 13-14 Credentials Application & Exam Deadline January 14 Speed The Light Rally (Owasso) January 16 Speed The Light Rally (Lawton) January 19 WM Sectional LIFE Rallies January 21 ACTS 2 Journey– Preview January 22 Speed The Light Rally (Woodward) January 22 Century Leadership Roundtable January 27 ACMR Deadline January 31
OSOM Gameday (OKC) February 5 OSOM Gameday (Muskogee) February 12 OKNWM Spring Seminar February 19 Speed The Light Rally (Yukon) February 20 ACTS 2 Journey - Retreat #1 February 25-26 OYM Conference February 25-26 Sectional Tour Section 3 (PM) Section 2 (AM) Section 1 (PM) Section 4 (AM) Section 5E&5W (PM) Section 6 (AM) Section 9N&9S (PM) Section 10 (AM) Section 7 (PM) Section 8 (AM) Section 11 (PM) Section 12 AM)
February 7 February 8 February 8 February 10 February 10 February 11 February 21 February 22 February 22 February 28 February 28 March 1
Shhh? “Shhh?” That must have been the
question of the Israelites to Moses. You want us to “Shhh?” The great Red Sea was in front of the Israelites. The world’s greatest army at the time was behind the Israelites. What were they to do? The Hebrew Midrash shares the oral tradition that at this critical moment the Israelites broke into four factions. The first group wanted to throw themselves into the sea. The second group wanted to return to Egypt. The third group wanted to fight the Egyptian army and the last group said we better pray. As a leader, what do you when you are at a critical ministry moment and factions of your congregation are expressing dissenting opinions? What would you do if you had a sea in front of you, an army behind you, and one million complaining parishioners surrounding you? Moses responded with faith and courage. In Exodus 14:14, he declared to the Israelites, “The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.”
Can you imagine the response of the people? “You want us to, Shhh?” That is exactly what God was requesting. As a church, we are facing many challenges. Spiritual apathy, cultural wokeness, and vulgar hedonism surround our culture. Moses did not say be angry, be agitated, or be anxious. Moses said, “BE SILENT.” The Lord fought for the Israelites and they were victorious. We need the Lord’s victorious battle in the spiritual war that is waging.
our first-ever “Shhh! Retreat” at Camp Cargill. We will have an orientation Thursday at 5 pm. After that, we will get alone with God. There will be prayer stations set up. Those requiring food for medical and dietary reasons are welcome to bring their own supply. The cafeteria will only provide drink service. Cabins will be assigned and rest and sleep are encouraged. We can listen better when we are rested. Many of our churches do a fasting and prayer emphasis in January. We hope the “Shhh! Retreat” will be an added catalyst in seeking God together at the beginning of 2022. Registration is open at www.okag.org/ silence. We hope to see you (but not hear you) at the “2022 Shhh! Retreat”. The battle is the Lord’s!
Would you consider being silent for 24 hours? On January 13-14, we will conduct
Darryl Wootton Superintendent dw@okag.org
Year End Checklist 2022 is here and it comes with the
promise of hope for all of us. As you make plans to execute your vision for the new year, make sure to button up the essentials from 2021. Keep in mind that even though churches operate as non-profit organizations and are generally free from the burden of filing income tax and informational returns, it can be easy to overlook some of the few important things we are required to do. Below is a list of important dates and items you should work through every year during the transition into January. Look it over and make sure you are not letting any of these items slip through the cracks at your church.
January 31, 2022 •
Contribution acknowledgements must be provided to donors for 2021 contributions
Quarter 4 – 941 Employer’s Quarterly Federal Tax Return Forms must be filed to the IRS
W-2 forms must be provided to all employees
1099-NEC forms must be provided to all independent contractors (see https://www.irs.gov/forms-pubs/ about-form-1099-nec) for more detailed information)
All Church Ministries Report (ACMR) must be completed and sent to the District Office
February 28, 2022 •
Form W-3 must be filed with the Social Security Administration
Form 1096 must be filed with the Internal Revenue Service
Copies of W2 and 1099 Forms must be filed with the Oklahoma Tax Commission
As you make the transition into a new year, you will no doubt do so with a more sharpened focus and clarity of vision. As you keep an eye on providing excellence in ministry execution, do not neglect to keep that same eye on providing excellence in ministry administration. If there is ever anything we can do to help, do not hesitate to reach out.
Now is the time to
build the Church. Now is the time to
invest in ministry. Now is the time to
prepare for your future.
**Special Note on Contribution Statements** To ensure the deductibility of a donor’s contributions to your church make sure to include the following language on all contribution statements. “Other than intangible religious benefits, no goods or services were exchanged for these donations.”
Kevin Conner Director of Finance & Operations kevin.conner@okag.org
For more resources, visit www.ecfa.church/churchexcel
Praying for Heavenly Intervention 1971 was a difficult year for many
in Dublin as the “troubles” in Northern Ireland continued to escalate. 1972 was the deadliest year on record as the violence began to spill over into the Republic of Ireland and the UK, eventually resulting in the loss of over 3500 lives. Yet for two dear evangelical ladies who attended the local parish church on Pearse Street, St Mark’s, their lives were consumed by a very personal issue. The Dublin Archbishop had decided, due to dwindling attendance, to amalgamate the St Mark’s congregation with St Anne’s church, closing their beloved church that had served the local community since 1746. Pleas to remain open fell upon deaf ears, and they were broken-hearted. Once all avenues of appeal were exhausted, they began to pray for a heavenly intervention.
For the next 15 years, they meant monthly interceding that God would reopen St Mark’s as a place of worship and evangelism. Wilma and I had started a church in our front room in 1984, and it quickly outgrew our home. We moved into a hall in the heart of Dublin, which soon proved to be too small, requiring another move. We earnestly prayed for a permanent location for our church but could find nothing suitable for our growing congregation. A friend who was a realtor contacted us about the availability of the St Mark’s church currently used as a maps storage warehouse for Trinity College. We summoned the church to a week of prayer and fasting to ascertain the mind of our Lord concerning the purchase.
We were allowed to conduct a prayer meeting in the building, asking the people not to discuss their thoughts or feelings but to find a quiet place to seek the Lord. It became quickly evident to our leadership and prayer team that God had ordained St Mark’s as our new church home. It was only afterward that we were made aware of the two dear ladies who believed and trusted that one day their church would once again be a place of worship and ministry. St Mark’s served as the catalyst for the entire movement that today numbers over forty congregations around the nation. Each Sunday, hundreds of people attend the three services conducted in St Mark’s, mostly oblivious to the 15 years invested by two dear ladies that refused to quit until the God of heaven answered!
Thank you for supporting our OKAG Itinerating Missionaries Meredith Bagby
South Africa, Africa
Stephen & Kristen McKnight
Westley Burns Japan 299173
Ryan & Lauren Plute
Global Initiative, International Ministries 2889335
Jordan & Shea Campbell
Germany, Europe
Fari Rider
Taiwan, Asia Pacific
Chris & Amy Hales
Czech Republic
Jared & Kaila Shoultz
Jim & Cynthia Lemons
West Africa
Todd & Leslie Stamps
Portugal, Europe
Matt & Randi
*Sensitive Country
Adam & Bethany Weatherly
Nexus, Spain
Joni Middleton
France, Europe, Project Rescue 2900645
Gary Davidson Missions gary.davidson@okag.org
A Holy Hunger for More When Nyree and I were in college
we would travel home to her parents for the weekend. Typically, I had my choice concerning the food we would eat as her mom would specifically ask, “What would Chad like to eat?” Chili, vegetable soup, or steak, and of course cookies were always available for the asking! Our stopping point for a bathroom break was typically the McDonalds that spanned I-44. We would reason that we could use the free bathrooms and get on our way quickly. However, that was not always the case. On one occasion we determined that we were so hungry we could not resist the smell of hamburgers and fries. So, a snack was in order to tide us over until we arrived home. Yet, hunger drove our orders and soon we walked out of there with two full meals, scarfing them down as we continued on our journey. When we arrived, her mom had supper waiting on us and was in full expectation that we would be ready for a good home-cooked meal! However, we were so full that we could not eat much at all. Needless to say, when she found out that we had eaten on the way, she was not happy! We had traded what was best for what was convenient, immediate, and far inferior to the meal that awaited us. However, this is not a lesson in waiting to eat physical food, rather it is a story to illustrate why believers often don’t spend time in prayer. We are stuffed with spiritual junk food. Our lack of desire for the bread of life originates in what we consume as a substitute. God has so much available for his church today! Just as Nyree’s mom was not happy that we didn’t wait for her homecooked meal; God is grieved when we chose a form of godliness to satisfy our inner longing, rather than finding it in Him. Jeremiah spoke of God’s heart when he said: “Be appalled, O heavens, at this; be shocked, be utterly desolate, declares the LORD, for my people have committed two
evils: they have forsaken me, the fountain of living waters, and hewed out cisterns for themselves, broken cisterns that can hold no water.” Jeremiah 2:12–13 (ESV) If we find ourselves in a desolate place, going through the motions of church leadership and services, it may be time to come back to our source. We can cry out with the Psalmist who said: “O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water… Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you. So I will bless you as long as I live; in your name I will lift up my hands. My soul will be satisfied as with fat and rich food, and my mouth will praise you with joyful lips” Psalm 63:1, 3-5 (ESV) How do we restore this hunger for God? How do we position ourselves to once again hear and respond to his call? 1. Memorize the prayers of those who were hungry for God found in scripture. I think of the prayers of the Apostle Paul when he prayed “that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him, having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the working of his great might…” Ephesians 1:17–19 (ESV) 2. Fast regularly to be filled with God. More often than not our dedication to fasting is about what prayer request we can get answered. I hear believers often utilize fasting as a hunger strike to get God’s attention to do our bidding. But this isn’t what Christ had in mind when he went to the wilderness for 40 days and fasted.
Chad Brodrick Church Ministries chad.brodrick@okag.org
Our hunger for food should remind us of our needed hunger for God. The meaning of hunger and all desire is to point us to God who is our complete source. When we satisfy ourselves with the things of this world, we exclude the very one who offers us the fullness of life! 3. Focus on big picture prayers that impact the Kingdom of God. When we fast and pray, our focus should have a purpose. Jonathan Edwards summed it up when he called for the churches of eighteenth-century New England to pray for “the spiritual awakening of the church in our town and beyond, and the spread of the kingdom of God worldwide.” We have a purpose as a church and that is to throw ourselves completely into the mission of reaching people with the Gospel. God is calling: “Come, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and he who has no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread, and your labor for that which does not satisfy? Listen diligently to me, and eat what is good, and delight yourselves in rich food. Incline your ear, and come to me; hear, that your soul may live; and I will make with you an everlasting covenant, my steadfast, sure love for David.” Isaiah 55:1–3 (ESV) As a new year begins, may churches across the state of Oklahoma respond to the call of God to fast, pray, and work to impact people with the transformative Gospel message! Blessings, Chad and Nyree Brodrick
Name Meaning: We have chosen a pairing for this story. It is for the purpose of highlighting a group of women that share a commonality…Susanna and Joanna-like Mary Magdalene were among “certain women,” who had been healed of evil spirits and diseases. (Luke 8:2, 3) Joanna is a Hebrew name which means “Jehovah has shown favor”, or “The Lord gives graciously.” It was truly that the Lord showered Joanna with favor and she rose up and followed Him. Susanna means “White Lily” and she was also one of those “certain women” whom Christ healed both physically and spiritually, and who revealed her gratitude by following Him and ministering to Him and His disciples of her substance (wealth and resources), for the rest of her life. Scripture References: Luke 8:1 -3; 23:55; 24:10 Setting: Susanna and Joanna, like MaryMagdalene, Mary the mother of JESUS, Mary the mother of James, etc. were all part of a sister-hood that travelled with JESUS and His disciples during His three-year earthly ministry. As previously pointed out, it took finances and resources to feed, clothe and house this Evangelistic team and God provided for the needs of the ministry from within this group of consecrated women. Having freely received His touch, these girls gave freely what they possessed back to Him! We know that Joanna was married to Chuza, the steward (tutor or guardian), of Herod, a well-paying position within the King’s court. Therefore, it is reasonable to believe she had access to wealth. Tradition has it that Chuza lost his prestigious position in Herod’s household when his wife became a confessing Christian. One can imagine Joanna could hardly contain “sharing her joy and excitement” after being healed miraculously by the master, as opportunity
presented itself! These were dark days to live in and a bright light had shown upon the land in the form of the Messiah. Good News was rare and hard to contain and JESUS was certainly the topic of discussion everywhere He went in the region. As people were healed, who had suffered for many years, they would Go and Tell. It’s no different today, as it was back then. We can imagine how Joanna longed to give something back to the one who had relieved her physical pain and forgiven her sins. She wisely chose to give generously into the work of Christ, so that others could experience what she had…its called mission’s EVANGELISM. Susanna was another person of this sacred sister-hood that we have mentioned. The Bible says that she was a woman of resources and gave generously from a thankful heart, to the one who had ministered to her at a deeply low time in her life. She was also grateful to the Master for healing and deliverance and for forgiveness of sins and longed to “do something” in return. She chose to ‘pay it forward” as we say and invested in the Kingdom of God. Money always wisely spent because it “lays up treasures in heaven where moth and rust cannot destroy or where thieves cannot break in and steal.” (Matthew 6:20) Susanna wanted others to know the joy she had received…news too Good to keep to herself! Like Mary-Magdalene, Joanna and other women of their sister-hood, followed Jesus all the way to the cross. They watched Him die in agony and shame and bought burial spices and ointments to prepare his dead body for the grave. (Luke 23:55,56) He had ministered to them all, while He was alive and now, they would minister to Him in death. These consecrated women were also among the first to arrive at JESUS’ silent tomb on that Holy Sunday morning, to mourn Him and linger in the presence of the
last place He would lay His head on this earth. However, the massive stone to the sepulcher was rolled aside and there was no body of the savior inside. They became eyewitnesses to this unprecedented and remarkable occurrence and were left to wonder in awe. It was Mary-Magdalene who was spoken to first by two angels of the Lord telling her: “The Lord Jesus is not here but had risen just as He said He would.” (Luke 24:1-6 Mary-Magdalene, Joanna and Mary, the mother of James became the first human beings to herald the wonderful news of the Resurrection. Joanna, Susanna and Company…the “certain women” who were joyful, committed and loyal to our Lord, became the sister-hood of women who leave us much to imitate. They were honored in scripture for their faith and works, as ALL will forever be, when we “sell out” and decide to follow Christ! Ladies won’t you and your women’s groups begin now to pray about making a generous donation into our 2022 L.I.F.E. (Ladies Investing For Eternity) MISSION’S FUND? We begin in January with 14 simultaneous L.I.F.E. Rallies all across our State on Friday evening, January 21, 2022. More detailed info is coming your way on this with locations and times, however, would you please mark this date on your calendar now and make plans to attend? Thank you and God Bless You All! We are So Grateful for you. Happy Thanksgiving! Susie Purkey
Susie Purkey Women’s Ministries susie.purkey@okag.org
Speed the Light It seems like every time I write an article my opening statement is “Wow! What a year!” To say that about 2020 would be an understatement! Let me share with you a memory. In 2019, I had just completed my first Speed the Light sectional tour and had returned back to the office. I shared with Brother Cargill how the tour went and updated him on our giving pledges. He listened to what I had to say and followed up with “Heath, we need Speed the Light” and in that moment I began to fully realize the importance of Speed the Light. In 2020, the students in Oklahoma helped build a water well in Africa, provided support to rescue trafficking victims through FREE International and served communities in need through Convoy of Hope, as well as continuing to support our Oklahoma missionaries. Today I want to take the time to express my gratitude for all of our churches who decided, that even in the midst of a pandemic, they would be faithful in their giving to Speed the Light.
Here are the churches who gave $1,000 or more: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Bartlesville Spirit Church Broken Bow First Claremore First Verdigris Assembly Cordell New Beginnings Cushing Lifeline North Church Elk City First Fairland First Guymon First Muskogee New Hope Mustang The Bridge Noble Assembly OKC Bethesda Assembly OKC Christ’s Legacy OKC Crossroads Church Oolagah Assembly Owasso First Poteau Covenant Purcell Memorial Skiatook Assembly Tahlequah 29Eleven Thomas Freedom Worship Center Tulsa Carbondale Tulsa Woodlake Weatherford Life Fellowship Woodward First Yukon Discovery
Heath Corrales Youth Ministries heath.corrales@okag.org
Thank you all for your generosity! Today I want to challenge all of churches and youth ministries with a “floor goal” of $1,000. What I mean by “floor goal” is let that be the foundation not the ceiling... if you believe you can do more, then, of course , do more! Again, because of your faithful giving we have a list of projects that we are able to pay for and I would love to start a brand new list for 2021. “We over Me” is the vision we have for everything that we do for OYM. Let’s continue working together and do more for our missionaries and our world through the life changing ministry of Speed The Light. I’m excited for the future Oklahoma! It’s an honor be called your DYD. Heath Corrales
Happy New Year! It is hard to believe that we are well on our way into the year 2022. It seems that every year about this time we tend to reflect on lasts year’s achievements, as well as some of our not so great achievements that we would like to forget.
I believe that God has a plan for each of us for this year. Sometimes there is a newness that comes with a New Year. A sense of newness in our passion of what we do, the way we minister, or even in the direction of where God wants to take us. I believe that God has a plan for each of us for this year. He has a path that He wants us to follow and He wants us to be successful in reaching the goal that He has for us. Following the will of God for our lives is not always easy, but God is always there to help us if we will just ask Him to guide us. In Isaiah 30:21, God tells His people, “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’” God is still there! He is still behind us saying, “This is the way, walk in it.” We just need to be sure that we are listening to Him!
Surfs Up Dude! I know for some of you, you still have your Christmas trees up, munching on stale Christmas candy, and some of the toys that you have bought your kids are already broken. But everything here in the OCM office is all about sand, surf, beach parties and Jesus! We are preparing everything to get the beach ball rolling for Kids Camp registration to open in February.
Kids Camp Beach Party dates are as follows: Little Radicals: July 6th – 8th Kids Camp 1: July 11th – 15th Kids Camp 2: July 18th – 22nd Kids Camp 3: July 25th – 29th We are looking forward to all the things that God has in store for us at Camp Cargill during our 2022 camp season. Please be in prayer with us, even now, that God will show up and do awesome things in the lives of our kids this summer.
Dean Guthrie Children’s Ministries dean.guthrie@okag.org
In Memory Barry N. Dunn
John H. Bright, Jr.
Reverend Barry Neal Dunn, 83, passed away peacefully in his sleep on September 30, 2021. He was the husband of LucyAnn Dunn. They shared 57 years of marriage and life together.
Reverend John H. Bright of Muskogee, OK, entered his heavenly home on Wednesday, October 13, 2021 at the age of 92. He was born Friday, March 8, 1929 in Poteau, OK to John Hilary and Sara Ellen (McAdoo) Bright. John grew up in Arkansas and Arizona. Upon, returning to Arkansas where he worked for Alma Canning Company.
Born on December 17, 1937 in Indianapolis, Indiana, Barry was the son of Walter and Gertrude Dunn. He graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in History and Master’s Degree in Education from the University of Arizona and became an ordained minister through the Assemblies of God Berean program. He was employed as a public school teacher, pastor and even taught for a semester on a Naval ship. Barry was a member of Family Life Assembly of God in Nicoma Park. He enjoyed going to church, exploring caves, writing poems, writing plays, acting, playing board games, reading to his grandchildren and spending time with his bride, LucyAnn. He loved reading, especially the Word of God.
James Beasley
3/21/1966–10/3/2021 Reverend James W. Beasley, 55, Frederick, passed away on Sunday, October 3, 2021 at Jackson County Memorial Hospital. James William Beasley was born on March 21, 1966 in Lexington, Kentucky to Paul and Margaret (Leisure) Beasley. He graduated from Scott County High School in Georgetown, Kentucky with the Class of 1984. James had trained as an Emergency Medical Tech and later attended Liberty University for Divinity. He married Michelle Sursa on September 28, 1992 in Mt. Vernon, Illinois. He pastored for several years before taking the position of Pastor at the Frederick First Assembly of God. James enjoyed woodworking and was an ardent University of Kentucky Wildcat fan. He was also known for being “an all around nice guy” by all who knew him.
Minister’s Spouses Altus Mae Linker 11/11/1936 – 9/30/2021 Spouse of the Late Alton Linker Naomi Ruth Dickenson 8/15/1946 – 10/6/2021 Spouse of the Late M.E. Dickenson Deborah E. Kilgore 11/6/1953 – 10/24/2021 Spouse of Charles Kilgore, Sr.
On Thursday, May 26, 1949, John married the love of his life, Ellen Moore, on the creek bank in Mulberry, AR. They were married 72 years. John accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior at 26 years of age. He began preaching and built his first church in Locke, AR. The Brights pastored at many locations throughout the years beginning with Locke, AR; Uniontown, AR; Fairfax, CA; Spiro,OK; Terrell, OK; Fairfax, California; Red Oak, Oklahoma; Terrell, Oklahoma; Tipton, Oklahoma; Asphault, Oklahoma; Tipton, Oklahoma; Fort Gibson, Oklahoma; Elm Grove, OK. While pastoring, John worked as a roofer and farmed. John loved the church, he played the guitar, he had a good ear for music and a great bass voice. He was a devoted husband and loving father and grandfather. John enjoyed fishing and loved his dogs. He will be greatly missed by all that loved and knew him.
Larry D. Maze
8/13/1945–10/19/2021 Reverend Larry D. Maze, 76, went to be with his Lord and Savior Tuesday, October 19, 2021. Larry was born August 13, 1945 in Enid, OK to Darrell and Elsie (Kirk) Maze. Larry married the love of his life, Jeannie L. (Kincheloe) Maze on December 5, 1969 in Fairview, OK. Larry served in the National Guard and Air Force from 1965 to 1969. Larry was an ordained minister in the Assemblies of God, and pastored several churches throughout Oklahoma. In addition to being a Pastor, he was an Evangelist and was part of a singing group with his wife and sister-in-law. Despite health issues for the last 30 years, Larry took joy in ministering to everyone he met. Larry was quick to pray with those he met and always had an encouraging word. He was known to have a funny joke or story at any moment. He enjoyed being a father and granddad, delighted in his family moments, and loved his two dogs who were his constant companions.
District News Evangelists Reports •
• •
Alex Hanna reports Dr. Ibrahim, a professor of Islamic Sariah law was saved and has become an evangelist. Sixty-eight Iraqi, Jordan, Syrian, Egyptian, and Lebanese were saved through tv and social media. Healing miracles from eye disease, disc problems, cancers, covid, lung fibrosis and deliverances from demons. Marna Hillard received testimonies of changed lives, miracles of healings and deliverance. Dale Floyd reports 62 men and women saved in prison in November services.
Prayer Requests • •
Fred Ticeahkie – healing for Janice’s lungs. Sandy Ticeahkie – pray for healing for her and parents and many hurting, dealing with grief.
Donations Doyle Clenney has a small Yamaha organ, he would like to donate to a church. (405) 348-6896
Needed Hobart Calvary Life is looking for a worship leader/keyboardist to help with Sunday services. Please contact Dr. Clyde Frizzelle at 817917-3469.
Transfers Welcome Danny Hudson
From West Florida
Farewell Charles Reed
To North Texas
Information Help for Pastors call (918) 758-4147 or visit www.pastoralcareinc.com.
Minister’s Spouses Darlene Goins 12/27/1935 - 12/10/2021 Spouse of Tom Goins Katie Boykin 2/1/1927 - 12/17/2021 Spouse of The Late Raymond Boykin