July 2021

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VOLUME 73 IS S UE 7 JULY 2 0 2 1


The Oklahoma OUTLOOK is published by the Oklahoma District Council of the Assemblies of God. Publisher: Dr. Darryl Wootton Designers: Jayson Evans, Chris Ainsworth, Kyler Clapp Copyeditor: Renae Elmore GENERAL PRESBYTERS Dr. Darryl Wootton Superintendent

MINISTRY DIRECTORS Chad Brodrick Church Ministries

Craig Dacus Assistant Superintendent

Heath Corrales Youth Ministries

Jamie Austin Corporate Secretary

Dean Guthrie Children’s Ministries

EXECUTIVE PRESBYTERS Bruce McCarty Darren Pilcher

Susie Purkey Women’s Ministries

SECTIONAL PRESBYTERS Jackie Crafton Section 1

Kelly Coffey Section 8

Keith Williams Section 2

David Brooks Section 9N

Terry Bradley Section 3

Steve Lance Section 9S

Bob Yandell Section 4

Don Barnes Section 10

Jamie Austin Section 5E

Ric Freeman Section 11

Jason Byers Section 5W

Arlis Moon Section 12

Jeromye Jackson Section 6

Deborah Burke Ordained Female Presbyter

Jimmy Keith Section 7

©2021 Oklahoma District Council of the Assemblies of God P.O. Box 13179 Oklahoma City, OK 73113 (405) 475-1100 www.okag.org @OKDCofAG

Upcoming Events JULY

Lil Radicals July 1-3 Kids Camp #1 July 5-9 Kids Camp #2 July 12-16 OYM Roundtable July 15 Kids Camp #3 July 19-23 RR FCF Regional Rendezvous (New Mexico) July 22-25 ACTS 2 Journey- Retreat #3 July 23-24 Kids Camp #4 July 26-30


National Fine Arts General Council 2021 (Orlando, FL) GM Celebration & Honor Star Crowning Century Leadership Roundtable OSSOM Graduation


August 2-6 August 3-6 August 14 August 26 August 28

PK Retreat (Camp Cargill) Daughter’s Conference Girls Ministries Week Main Event Men’s Conference Nationwide Girls Ministries Sleepover

September 4-6 September 10-11 September 12-18 September 23-25 September 24-25

Prayer & Listening Tour: NE Oklahoma Area NW Oklahoma Area Central Oklahoma Area SW Oklahoma Area SE Oklahoma Area

September 14 September 20 September 21 September 27 September 28

Day One “Day One.” The first day of every new journey is important. We celebrate “Day One” of life with birthday celebrations. We celebrate “Day One” of marriage with anniversary celebrations. Beginnings are significant. “Day One” of the tabernacle was miraculous. “So the Tabernacle was set up on the first day of the first month of the second year (Exodus 40:17).” After Moses obeyed all the instructions and finished the dedication, “The cloud covered the Tabernacle, and the glory of the Lord filled the Tabernacle (Exodus 40:34).” “Day One” of Solomon’s temple was miraculous. After more than seven years of construction and an extended dedication, the temple was functional. On “Day One,” God’s glory was revealed in a magnificent way. “The priests could not continue their service because of the cloud, for the glorious presence of the Lord filled the Temple of God (2 Chronicles 5:14).” “Day One” of the Church was miraculous. “On the day of Pentecost all the believers were meeting together in one place (Acts 2:1).” As they waited for the Promise of the Father, God’s glory was revealed. God’s Holy Spirit previously filled the tabernacle of Moses and the temple of Solomon. On “Day One” of the church, God’s Holy Spirit

filled each believer! “And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance (Acts 2:4)” July 1 is my “Day One” as the new Superintendent. Pastor Cargill has been so faithful and continued to serve until June 30. This is a new beginning for my family, our great network of ministers, and our entire District Council. We are humbled and honored to begin this new role.

I believe the most important item on my “Day One” agenda is prayer.

that God will FILL all of our credential holders and FILL each of our churches with a renewed outpouring of God’s Spirit. I have already printed out the more than 1500 names that belong to our network. I have already printed out the list of more than 460 churches that belong to our District Council. I will call each name individually before the Lord in prayer. Would you believe with me for a mighty move of God’s Spirit? I am praying on “Day One” that God will give us fresh strategies to reach the lost. I am praying that God will remind us that our best strategy is the power of the Holy Spirit! We love each of you. After we finish praying on “Day One,” we look forward to serving you any way possible on “Day Two” and beyond. Grace and Peace, Dr. D.E. Wootton

On “Day One,” what should a new superintendent do? After much reflection, I believe the most important item on my “Day One” agenda is prayer. On July 1, I will be praying for every minister and missionary in the Oklahoma Assemblies of God family. I will be praying for every one of our churches across the State of Oklahoma. On my “Day One” I am praying

Darryl Wootton Superintendent dw@okag.org

How to Communicate with the Financial Decision Makers You have the vision. You have the

passion. You have the plan. What you do not have is access to the money. You are not the financial decision-maker in your ministry. You do need to work with them to get the funding you need to make your ministry go. Often these relationships can turn adversarial, but they do not need to. Every ministry has financial decisionmakers. It could be the senior leader, the board of directors, a high-level staff member, or some combination of each. Very few people work with complete autonomy. We are all accountable to someone. Most of us have an idea and need funding to make the idea happen. While it can be intimidating and frustrating, learning to communicate with the financial decision-makers is critical to the success of your ministry. Having worked on both sides of the table, I have laid out some things to consider before making your pitch for resources. 1. GIVE THEM REASONS TO SAY YES. Most of the financial decision-makers in your ministry want to say yes. They, however, have a different assignment and view of the money. When you layout your proposal, do not just show them how your

request will benefit your ministry alone. Show them how it can help the entire organization. Show them how it can move the whole ministry forward. What might be suitable for your ministry; may not be good for the whole of the ministry. 2. PROVIDE OPTIONS. Before you make your request, do your homework. Put together three options for them to consider. Give them a high, middle, and low option to consider. The more options you provide, the better the chance of getting your request approved. Do the homework for them. Do not expect them to have the same level of knowledge you do about what you want. Educate them quickly and provide them with options to consider. 3. BE OPEN TO FEEDBACK AND NEW INFORMATION. Do not get defensive when you are asked direct and challenging questions about how and why you need what you need. The finance people have people to answer to as well. If they ask for more information, go and get it for them. It may seem frustrating, but if they ask questions, that is typically working in your favor.

Kevin Conner Director of Finance & Operations kevin.conner@okag.org

For more resources, visit www.ecfa.church/churchexcel

4. BE A GOOD STEWARD OF WHAT YOU ALREADY HAVE. Financial people can have long memories. If you have a track record of making poor decisions with money, that will always work against you. If you are wasteful and do not take care of what you have been given, do not expect to have more handed over to you. 5. BE GRATEFUL FOR A YES, AND BE GRACEFUL FOR A NO. When you get a yes, be grateful. Put the money to good use and work hard to turn your vision into a reality. If you get a no, do not pout. Do not get upset. Do not go around the system and find another way to get what you want. Go back and get creative. Show the maturity to move forward anyway. This type of attitude will always benefit you in the long run.

Building the Church

The Church Ministries Department is committed to building healthy Ministers, Ministries and Churches. Through training and events we are able to strategically provide the resource to build people individually and corporately. We believe that the Holy Spirit is giving us a tremendous opportunity in these changing times, to be most effective in reaching people with the Gospel! September 23-25, 2021 we will be hosting Main Event Men’s Conference at Camp Cargill. We couldn’t be more excited about the opportunity to partner with churches to invest in Courageous Men! With activities such as the Three Gun Shoot, Fishing, Archery, Motorcycle Ride, Golf, Corn Hole, Basketball and more, it will be a time of great fellowship! However, the most important aspect of Main Event is the opportunity to build up men through the preaching of the Word and the Holy Spirit Empowerment! This year’s Conference Speaker is Rick DuBose from the Assemblies of God Headquarters and is a gifted and anointed speaker that will challenge men to live in their calling and purposes as God has designed. You can sign up at www.OKAG. org/mainevent and find more information! Every year I pray that God would supernaturally challenge men to live out their faith courageously in their homes, churches, and communities. That God would empower them to be effective witnesses to their unsaved loved ones and to lead others into a journey of faith. The following verse has been on my mind as we have been making preparations for Main Event: And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him. Hebrews 11:6 (ESV)

I am also excited to announce that we are planning on holding our Light For The Lost tour this year in October and November! This is always a great opportunity to connect with Missional pastors and congregants as their passion for reaching the lost gives our Oklahoma Missionaries the tools they need to be effective.

Every year I pray that God would supernaturally challenge men to live out their faith courageously in their homes, churches, and communities. Currently on my desk, I have over $100,000 in requests that I am working to fulfill just this quarter! The challenge is great. However, I have found that as the requests come in, God moves on the hearts of pastors and leaders to help fulfill the need. We couldn’t provide the evangelistic tools our missionaries need without faithful supporters of Light for the Lost. We are grateful! I prayerfully ask that you would consider helping our Oklahoma Missionaries by giving to Light for the Lost. You can do so through an individual gift on your OKAG giving portal or by sending a personal or church check to the District Office with LFTL in the memo. This will help us to fulfill the current needs that we have.

promise forms, posters etc. You are also welcome to call our office and we can assist you with speakers and any other resource you might need for funding these projects. We are believing that God will provide a miracle offering for these critical evangelism tools! Oklahoma Healthy Church has been such an integral part of our focus over the past couple of years. This initiative, taught by Oklahoma Facilitators, has provided the means by which churches have developed healthy strategies through the leadership of the Holy Spirit. The strength of this initiative has not only come from the material, but the availability of our leadership team to assist pastors during the challenges of change that happen. Let’s face it, change is never easy, but inevitably it is needed for a church to be effective in their community. As Oklahoma facilitators partner with you and your lead team, we believe that you will see God do some miraculous things in your church and community. Jesus is coming soon...so let’s get healthy so we can reach people with the greatest news of all. Jesus saves! We will begin a new Oklahoma Healthy Church Cohort January 2022 so be watching your emails for more information about this important training! If Nyree or I can serve you in any way, feel free to let us know! We are better together! Chad and Nyree

You are also welcome to use the resources found at www.lftl.ag.org such as the Celebrate the Light videos,

Chad Brodrick Church Ministries chad.brodrick@okag.org

Her Seed

Will Crush The beautiful and intriguing Theme of our 2021 Daughters

Conference references the first Messianic prophecy in the Bible – from God to Eve and in Christian theology—is known as “The protoevangelium” (First – Gospel.) This is God’s direct statement to the Serpent, (in the Garden of Eden) about how the seed of the woman would crush the serpent’s head and refers to Jesus Christ, the “seed” or “offspring” of the woman. This is a collective noun representing our collective victory – there is no confusion here on “Gender” or “Origins of birthing.” “And I will put enmity (open hostility) between you and the woman, and between your seed (offspring) and her seed; He (Christ) shall (fatally) bruise (crush) your head, and you shall (only) bruise His heel.” Genesis 3:15 AMP It is our intention to highlight the finished work of the Cross, through Christ’s Victory over death, hell and the grave and how despite Eve’s poor choice, falling prey to temptation – God immediately arose and, in His Brilliance, made a PATH for ALL of us, to have Victory over every crisis and calamity in OUR Lives! I am hopeful that this will be the most POWERFUL Women’s Conference to date with hundreds of our women coming up higher to find their Hope and Help comes through JESUS and the Power of the Holy Spirit! THIS IS OUR LARGEST and HIGHEST SPIRITUAL CALIBUR EVENT OF THE YEAR – drawing women from all over the U.S. Last year we had seven states represented at Daughters Conference. We are approximately 60 days away REGISTER NOW @ OKAG.org/daughters to take advantage of the best discounts. Currently, there is a discount in place for EVERY woman but that is set to EXPIRE on August 10th!!! Meet me there!

This is some of what your ticket provides: • 7 hours of VENDOR shopping with over 40 Product Booths • Free Coffee from Eurasia Coffee • Daughters Nook/Selfie Space – Grand Prize valued at $500 • Sweets and Treats Booths • (3 )Sessions with Prize Drawings Galore - worth Hundreds of Dollars • Prize Awarded for the Church with the most Attendees • Dynamic Worship Arts from our Daughters Conference Band • Dove DANCE! Award-winning team in their 30th Year • (3) Bilingual Sessions in English and Spanish • (3) Powerfully Anointed Speakers from across America • Inspiring Videos from Around the World • 4,000 Seat Auditorium at OKC Crossroads Church • Balloon Arts! • (NEW) a Dedicated Prayer Room on Campus • Powerful Altar Times for Response in each Session • First opportunity to purchase our Cuuute Conference T-shirt and Matching Rose-gold Tote

SCHEDULE: Friday, September 10, 2021 12:30pm Registration/Vendor Shopping 2pm

Session 1 – Susie Purkey


Dinner on your own


Session 2 – Chrissy Toledo

Saturday, September 11, 2021 9am

Registration/Vendor Shopping


Session 3 – Sheila Harper

Chrissy Toledo Chrissy Toledo was born and raised in New York City, where as a pastor’s daughter she accepted the Lord at a very young age. As a pre-teen, however, something began to happen in her heart, that would set her down a road of turning her back on everyone she loved. After a life-transforming encounterChrissy, a 23 year old single mom, married her best friend, Al Toledo. In short order, Al and Chrissy began to serve together in ministry, and in 2002 sensed God was leading them to the inner city of Chicago to pioneer the Chicago Tabernacle. Today the Chicago Tabernacle is a vibrant lighthouse in the city. Chrissy shares about this season in her life in her personal memoir, entitled Girl In The Song.

Sheila Harper Sheila Harper is the Founder and President of SaveOne, an international outreach ministry for men, women, and families suffering in silence after an abortion. She holds a Master’s degree in biblical counseling and is the author of 10 books. SaveOne, founded in 2000, currently has more than 300 chapters in 25 countries. Sheila has traveled the world speaking on the topic of abortion recovery as well as training abortion recovery leaders. Sheila and her husband Jack planted Crossroads Church and pastored there for 11 years before working together at SaveOne. After enduring seven years of personal anguish over choosing abortion, she found restoration and forgiveness through Jesus Christ. Sheila has two awesome sons, and now lives in Nashville, TN with her husband, Jack. You can order the books, or find a chapter near you at www.saveone.org

Susie Purkey

Susie Purkey Women’s Ministries susie.purkey@okag.org

Thank You for Supporting

Speed the Light Thank You for Supporting It seems like every time I write an article my opening statement is “Wow! What a year!” To say that about 2020 would be an understatement! Let me share with you a memory. In 2019, I had just completed my first Speed the Light sectional tour and had returned back to the office. I shared with Brother Cargill how the tour went and updated him on our giving pledges. He listened to what I had to say and followed up with “Heath, we need Speed the Light” and in that moment I began to fully realize the importance of Speed the Light. In 2020, the students in Oklahoma helped build a water well in Africa, provided support to rescue trafficking victims through FREE International and served communities in need through Convoy of Hope, as well as continuing to support our Oklahoma missionaries.

Here are the churches who gave $1,000 or more: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Bartlesville Spirit Church Broken Bow First Claremore First Verdigris Assembly Cordell New Beginnings Cushing Lifeline North Church Elk City First Fairland First Guymon First Muskogee New Hope Mustang The Bridge Noble Assembly OKC Bethesda Assembly OKC Christ’s Legacy OKC Crossroads Church Oolagah Assembly Owasso First Poteau Covenant Purcell Memorial Skiatook Assembly Tahlequah 29Eleven Thomas Freedom Worship Center Tulsa Carbondale Tulsa Woodlake Weatherford Life Fellowship Woodward First Yukon Discovery

Thank you all for your generosity! Today I want to challenge all of churches and youth ministries with a “floor goal” of $1,000. What I mean by “floor goal” is let that be the foundation not the ceiling... if you believe you can do more, then, of course , do more! Again, because of your faithful giving we have a list of projects that we are able to pay for and I would love to start a brand new list for 2021. “We over Me” is the vision we have for everything that we do for OYM. Let’s continue working together and do more for our missionaries and our world through the life changing ministry of Speed The Light. I’m excited for the future Oklahoma! It’s an honor be called your DYD.

Youth Camp

Today I want to take the time to express my gratitude for all of our churches who decided, that even in the midst of a pandemic, they would be faithful in their giving to Speed the Light.


Heath Corrales Youth Ministries heath.corrales@okag.org

Greetings From

Camp Cargill At the time of writing this article,

I am sitting behind the desk of our new camp office overlooking the central area of Camp Cargill. Kids Camp Interns are working hard to get the campground flipped and set up for Little Radicals camp. The entire Kids Camp staff is praying that God will do incredible things in the lives of our campers this season. As we prepare the grounds, we would like to ask you to pray that God will begin to prepare the hearts of the kids that are coming to camp this summer.

Please take advantage of the excitement that follows after a child comes home from Kids Camp. It is a prime time to get those kids plugged in and start the discipleship process. Continue to pray for Kids Camp all during the month of July. I know that without a doubt, this will be the best summer ever! Dean & Joy

Pastor, Children’s Pastors, and Leaders: When your campers return home from camp, please give them a chance to share all of the wonderful things that God has done. Whether you can carve out a few minutes of a Sunday morning to have Kids Camp testimonies, or maybe have an after church Kids Camp reception and make it an event.

Dean Guthrie Children’s Ministries dean.guthrie@okag.org


SCHEDULE AN OKAG AMBASSADOR “our hands extended to a hurting world” World Missions * Meredith Bagby South Africa, Africa DB **Sensitive Country * WB **Sensitive Country Mike & Debbie Caldwell Latin America Caribbean * Jordan & Shea Campbell Germany, Europe MC ** Sensitive Country KC **Sensitive Country Darin & Dianna Clements Asia Pacific Blake & Katy Edgmon Ireland/Europe Kirk & Karla Ford IMM, Spain SG **Sensitive Country *Chris & Amy Hales Czech Republic/Europe TH **Sensitive Country Tim & Lynley Hatcher Wycliffe Bible Translation Daniel & Janene Hazelrigg Mexico, Latin America Caribbean Ted & Carolyn Heaston Global University Bethany Hines M.A. Columbia, Latin America Caribbean Cory & Angela Hogan Mexico, Latin America Caribbean JJ **Sensitive Country Bill & Barbara Kuert Kenya, Africa * Tim & Jennifer Land Cameroon, Africa SL **Sensitive Country Jimmy & Cynthia Lemons Togo, Africa Madison McClure MA Peru, Latin America Caribbean * MM **Sensitive Country Quentin & Elizabeth McGhee Latin America Caribbean * Stephen & Kristen McKnight Philippines, Asia Pacific

Joni Middleton France, Europe Project Rescue * Bill & Reita Moore Africa Tabernacle Evangelism Lauren Morgan MA Indonesia, Asia Pacific * Trent & Tina Morrow Uruguay, Latin America Caribbean * Garo & Jordania Nargiz Brazil, Latin America Caribbean * Ryan & Lauren Plute International Ministries Adam & Sarah Quinn Costa Rica, Latin America Caribbean * ZR **Sensitive Country Fari Rider Taiwan, Asia Pacific Kristie Ridge MA Botswana, Africa * MR **Sensitive Country David & Carol Schmidt Cameroon, Africa Josh & Lisa Sears Brazil, Latin America Caribbean *TS **Sensitive Country Jared & Kaila Shoultz Mozambique, Africa Grady & Janet Smalling Belgium, Europe * LS **Sensitive Country JS **Sensitive Country * AS MA - Sensitive Country Steven & Kimberly Snow Chile, Latin America Todd & Leslie Stamps Portugal, Europe Charles & Linda Stewart Latin America Media, Latin America Caribbean David & Shirley Swafford Latin America Caribbean * Adam & Bethany Weatherly Spain, Europe Bob & Karen Welch Continental Theological Seminary, Europe Loretta Wideman Kenya, Africa

U.S. Missions * Brian & Mariah Abraham Finlea Baxter Leo & Rebecca Belovoskey Winston & Kim Bui Garrett Boren Charlie & Dona Bunn Deborah Burke Vickie Cone Karen Coon Michael & Candice Coppock John & Kathy Deisher Destry & Cynthia Dobbs John & Erika Fields Mark & Nancy Fitzgerald Dale & Virginia Floyd * Brandon & Stacy Garrett Wayne & Mischa Gray Jonathan & Melissa King

Langston University XA - MA OU XA - MAC OSU XA - MA Chi Alpha Campus Ministries TU XA - MA UCO XA OKC Inner City Church CMIT XA Prison Ministry Church Planting & Development - MA OSU XA CMIT Directors TU Chi Alpha CMIT XA Intercultural Hispanic Ministries Chaplain- Prison Ministry OSU XA - MAC Teen Challenge Ministries OU XA - MAC

JoLeta Nash Dacia Perkins James Scott Michael & Jaylynn Sperry Baxter & Shayla Stewart Vanessa Taylor Greg & Susan Tiffany Jasen & Alyssa Waterson

Widows Link - MA TU XA - MA Intercultural Native American Ministries OSU XA - MA NSU XA - MAC TU XA - MA Oklahoma XA Director NSU XA - MA

Out of State Honorary Oklahoma Misisonaries Shane & Treva Adams Chi Alpha Campus Ministries Mike & Nancy Ferguson Missionary Church Planters & Developers Joseph & Patricia Habibi Intercultural Ministries Alex & Samia Hanna Intercultural Ministries Tracy & Pamela Hodges Missionary Church Planters & Developers to Alaska Kathryn Pierce Native American, Intercultural Ministries Vernon & Geraldine Poncho Native American, Intercultural Ministries

*Itinerating Missionaries Contact information for each name listed above may be obtained by calling the Oklahoma District Missions Office: 405.475.1100

In Memory Jeanne Jones

2/7/1943 – 6/20/2021 Reverend Jeanne Beth Jones was born February 7, 1943, in Greenville, TX to Frances Marie Landreth and Harmon Haskell Phipps. She passed away on June 20, 2021, at her residence in Chickasha at the age of 78. Jeanne was married to Reverend Dwain Waid Jones on April 25, 1959, and they celebrated 57 years of marriage before he passed away on December 4, 2016, in Chickasha, OK. Reverend Dwain and Jeanne Jones served as Pastors of First Assembly of God in Chickasha from 1984 to 1990. Afterwards, he traveled and raised funds for almost 30 years, representing Calcutta Mercy Ministries.

Darrell K. Martin

10/9/1967 – 6/20/2021 Reverend Darrell Keith Martin went to be with his Lord and Savior June 20, 2021, at Joplin, MO. He was born October 09, 1967, in Ozark, AR the son of Cecil Martin and Melvina (Willis) Martin. Darrell attended school and graduated from Cedarville, AR. He joined the Air National Guard in 1988. Darrell married the love of his life Denna Hibbard, August 11, 1992, they celebrated 28 wonderful years together. They moved to Eucha in 2017 where he had lived and worked as a pastor at Topsy Assembly of God. He enjoyed golf, hunting, fishing, archery, and shooting guns. Darrell’s most cherished times were pastoring his flock and spending time with family and friends but most of all his grandchildren. Darrell will be loved and missed by all who knew him.

Leon L. Seaton

2/10/1938 – 6/22/2021 Reverend Leon L. Seaton, 83, entered into his eternal reward on Tuesday, June 22, 2021, after a battle with health issues over the past 15 years. He was born in Lyons, KS., February 10, 1938, to Walter H. and Dorothy Elizabeth Vaughn Seaton. Leon graduated from Lyons High School in 1956 and joined the United States Air Force in 1957 as a hospital corpsman. After completing his four years, mostly at Shepherd Air Force Base in Wichita Falls, Texas, he enrolled in the OU School of Nursing at the University of Oklahoma Medical Center in Oklahoma City and graduated in 1964. While he attended nursing school, he met another nursing student, Roberta Wehrenberg, and they were married August 31, 1962. After completing nursing school and completing boards, he began a two-year tour of duty with the U.S. Army Nursing Corp, serving at Ft Riley, KS., and Tokyo, Japan. He returned to Kingfisher, OK, where he became Director of Nursing at the Kingfisher Community Hospital for two years. While he was in Japan, he was called into the ministry. He attended Bethany Nazarene College, earning a BA in religion in 1972, and was ordained by the Assemblies of God in 1973. He served as pastor In Kingfisher, Hennessey, Okarche and Loyal. He retired from the Loyal Evangelical church in January of 2020 after 25 years as pastor. While he pastored, he continued to work in several hospitals in the Oklahoma City area and also designed and implemented the chaplaincy program at the OU Medical hospital and became the first salaried chaplain. He also worked as a dialysis nurse and finished his nursing career with the Russel Murray Hospice, where he also served as a chaplain. One of his greatest joys in life was ushering people through the gates of heaven as a chaplain and minister.

Horton H. McDonald 3/14/1927 – 6/22/2021

Reverend Horton H. McDonald, 94, longtime Assembly of God Minister, went to be with his Lord and Savior on Tuesday, June 22, 2021 at Durant, OK. He was born on March 14, 1927 in Battiest, OK, the son of Clay and Blanche Meek McDonald. He was a graduate of Battiest High School. Following high school he attended Eastern Oklahoma State College and Oklahoma State University. On January 26, 1950, Horton and Joyce England were married in Clebit, OK. He and Joyce began full time ministry in February 1953. Being affiliated with the Assemblies of God Denomination, Horton pastored churches in Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi and Missouri until their retirement in 1993. Reverend McDonald continued his ministry after the death of his wife, Joyce McDonald, preaching revivals and pulpit supply. He often said “A God called preacher never quits or retires, no more than a rooster quits crowing”. Through the years he helped groom seventeen young preachers into the ministry.

Conley D. Wright

6/29/1931 – 5/20/2021 Reverend Conley David Wright, age 89 of Nashoba, OK, passed away from this life to join our Father in Heaven on May 20th, 2021 at his home with his family by his side. Conley was born on June 29th, 1931 in Nashoba, OK to Mollie (Kuykendall) and Barry Wright. Conley was called to be a minister and preached at Wilburton First Assembly of God for 12 1/2 years, and at Nolia Assembly of God for 23 1/2 years. Witnessing to the lost, reading his Bible, and spending time with his family was his passions. He also enjoyed hunting and gardening, but most of all, he served the Lord in his everyday life. Conley will be deeply missed by all who knew him.

District News Evangelists Reports • • • •

Bob and Jan Teel report 20 saved in April and six saved in May. Alex Hanna reports 325 Arabs and Muslims were saved. Healing miracles and deliverances. Marna Hillard reports three saved and delivered. Two were healed of serious diseases. Fred, Janice, and Sandra Ticheahkie had a potluck and water baptism on Memorial Day. 14 were saved and baptized.

Prayer Requests •

Anita Davis – health and strength.

Needed •

Tecumseh First needs a Student Ministries Pastor. Contact Don Jonker at (405) 915-5522, if interested.

Transfers Farewell Stephen Owen Denise Owen

To South Carolina South Carolina

Welcome Bryan Benedict Charles W. Kinman II Joe Wilmoth

From South Texas Northwest Mississippi

New Pastors Skedee AG Don Brown Altus Glad Tidings Jason Pickering Eagletown Mark Duren, Jr. Muskogee Restoration Stephen Collins

Information Help for Pastors call (918) 758-4147 or visit www.pastoralcareinc.com.

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