March 2022

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The Oklahoma OUTLOOK is published by the Oklahoma District Council of the Assemblies of God. Publisher: Dr. Darryl Wootton Designers: Jayson Evans, Chris Ainsworth, Kyler Clapp Copyeditor: Renae Elmore GENERAL PRESBYTERS Dr. Darryl Wootton Superintendent

MINISTRY DIRECTORS Chad Brodrick Church Ministries

Craig Dacus Assistant Superintendent

Heath Corrales Youth Ministries

Jamie Austin Corporate Secretary

Gary Davidson Missions Director

EXECUTIVE PRESBYTERS Bruce McCarty Darren Pilcher

Dean Guthrie Children’s Ministries Susie Purkey Women’s Ministries

SECTIONAL PRESBYTERS Jackie Crafton Section 1

Jimmy Keith Section 7

Keith Williams Section 2

Kelly Coffey Section 8

Mark Davidson Section 3

David Brooks Section 9N

Bob Yandell Section 4

Steve Lance Section 9S

Dave Mewbourne Section 5E

Don Barnes Section 10

Jason Byers Section 5W

Ric Freeman Section 11

Jeromye Jackson Section 6

Arlis Moon Section 12

©2022 Oklahoma District Council of the Assemblies of God P.O. Box 13179 Oklahoma City, OK 73113 (405) 475-1100 @OKDCofAG

Upcoming Events MARCH

Ordination Interviews OSOM Gameday (OKC)

March 4 March 5 District Council Resolutions Submission Deadline March 11 OSOM (Gameday) Muskogee March 12 Rural Compassion March 25-26 Girls Ministries Purpose Leadership Training March 26


Fine Arts (Mustang The Bridge) April 1-2 OSOM Gameday (OKC) April 2 Credential Celebration (Christ’s Legacy, OKC) April 9 OSOM Gameday (Muskogee) April 9 ACTS 2 Journey – Retreat #2 April 22-23 109th District Council April 25-26 Women in Leadership Luncheon April 25 Heritage & Elite Ladies Luncheon April 27 OCM Fun Arts April 30


OSOM Gameday (OKC) OSOM Gmeday (Muskogee) Youth Camp #1

May 7 May 14 May 29-June 1

To Make A Disciple In Matthew 28:19, Jesus shares the Great Commission. Included in this mission statement is the command to go and “make disciples.” The verb form of this word μαθητεύω. (mathéteuó), which can mean to follow and learn.

ignore discipleship. How does your church disciple new believers? How do we disciple children? How are teenagers being discipled in an increasingly digitized world? How are people learning to follow Jesus?

Jesus spent a little over three years ‘discipling’ 12 servants. These 12 students followed and learned. When Jesus ascended into heaven, 11 of these original students changed the world by focusing on the Great Commission.

How does your church disciple new believers?

Worship, evangelism, fellowship, and ministry are four other vital components for a healthy church. But we must not

discipleship tools constantly change. Whether in a classroom or a living room, whether with printed material or digital material, whether topically or exegetically, discipleship must be a priority. Would you join me in prayer and believe that God will help us create spiritually mature believers? Let’s share ideas, share resources, and share testimonies of how God’s spirit is empowering our people to disciple others. Let’s believe for a great resurgence of discipleship across Oklahoma.

Over the last 20 centuries, the purpose of discipleship has always remained the same. However, the preferences of

Darryl Wootton Superintendent

We Are Better Together! SECTIONAL TOUR 2022

Discipleship and People We Choose A basic reading of the New Testament makes it pretty clear that

discipleship is foundational to following Jesus. We are both to BE disciples of Jesus and MAKE disciples of Jesus. Anything short of this is missing the mark. There is no shortage of writing about discipleship. Discipleship has become its own industry. There are conferences, books, small group studies, webinars, and social media accounts dedicated to making disciples. When it comes down to it, discipleship is about developing ourselves and developing others to become more like Jesus. Like the original disciples, we are called to follow Jesus. Unlike the original disciples, we do not have Jesus incarnate to follow. We have the Holy Spirit, the Church, the Bible, and each other. No matter how much we learn to rely on the Holy Spirit, involve ourselves with the Church, or dig into scripture, we will not be the disciples we are called to be without relationships with other people. To that end, I believe there are three groups of people we all need in our lives. 1. People who are where we want to be. We need to seek these people out. They have walked the path we are walking. They can provide us with wisdom and insight. While these people can teach us a great deal, they may not be people we have a great in common with. This is not only likely but it is also preferred. One of the best things these people bring into our lives in perspective.

2. People who are where we are. We need to have people in our lives who are where we are. These are people who are actively walking and leading through similar situations. These people are often learning the same lessons and share similar needs. One of the best things these people bring into our lives is a broader perspective. They can help us see in real-time things we might be missing. 3. People who are where we were. We need to have people we are developing and pouring into their lives. These are people with a great deal of confidence and certainty. What they don’t have is experience. One of the best things these people bring into our lives is patience. Patience to help them through their inexperience. Patience as we allow them to teach us to navigate an emerging world we often do not understand.

Now is the time to

build the Church. Now is the time to

invest in ministry. Now is the time to

prepare for your future.

Take a few minutes to evaluate the relationships in your life. Do you have people in each of these categories? Are you actively pursuing your relationships with them? If not, begin to take some steps to make it happen.

For more resources, visit

Kevin Conner Director of Finance & Operations

Refusing to Be Deterred Hello Fellow OKAG Ministers, The last six weeks have been eventful to say the least! Wilma and I survived a seven day quarantine with Covid and thankfully are back up and going strong.

We are thankful to be celebrating these missionaries as they return to their chosen field of ministry!

Darin and Dianna Clements, Philippines

Meredith Bagby, South Africa

Sadly, we’ve lost one of our great missionary colleagues with the passing of our Hispanic Director, Mark Fitzgerald. Mark’s pioneering spirit and vision for our Hispanic Ministries launched numerous churches and ministries that continue to “make a difference” for now and eternity. Our thoughts and prayers are with his beloved Nancy and family.

A big “shout out” to all our churches and pastors who are refusing to be deterred by the challenges of the last two years and staying focused on fulfilling the great commission! Our Sectional Council Tour was such a blast! It was great to reconnect with so many friends and colleagues. We are loving this new role we find ourselves in! Until all have heard, Gary and Wilma Davidson Serving our OKAG Family

Jordan and Shea Campbell, Germany

Gary Davidson Missions

Why is Discipleship So Important? At the very core of discipleship is

the relationship between the believer and the Word of God. Discipleship is more than just a program that we schedule. Instead, it is the strategic development of people to become fully devoted followers of Christ. This mandate was given to us through the Great Commission in Matthew 28. Consequently, it was lived out as an example in Acts 2. God has always revealed himself to humanity using various means from the beginning. His presence, power, creation, and the work of the Spirit testify to his desire for relationship. But His primary use of the Word is something that is of utmost importance. Our spiritual and relational growth results in fulfilling the Great Commission! John opened with, “In the beginning, the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John 1:1 (NLT) This indicates that John established that God is the source that he relied upon. Because God established himself as the word, we can have confidence that He will reveal His will for our lives. Although the church has established its foundation in God’s word, studies show it is sorely neglected. In a survey by the American Bible Society, only 16% of church attendees said that Bible reading is a part of their morning routine. Comparatively, 37% said that they start their day with coffee. As ministry leaders, we are aware that the study of the Word is essential to spiritual and relational growth. Yet, how do we convince the church and new converts that the study of the Bible is important? How do we move them toward the source of knowing the heart of God and realizing the value of spiritual growth? The church must be strategic in developing disciples, which begins with planning. Any endeavor will fail without proper planning. If we are attempting

to see our people become fully devoted followers of Christ, we will not shame them into it. We must be intentional in our leadership of the discipleship process. Providing the tools like the Bible Engagement Project ( is one great way to do so. This incredible tool can bring your church and ministries into alignment by guiding the congregation through systematic study together. Additionally, the church will utilize tools inside and outside the church to deepen their walk with the Lord.

16% of church attendees said that Bible reading is a part of their morning routine. Why is Discipleship as a church so important? There are four key benefits of a systematic and intentional discipleship plan. 1. Identification Discipleship at its core is a follower of Christ who has committed themselves to identify with Christ through word AND deed. The follower desires to know more about their relationship with God and His heart’s desire. In doing so, the congregant identifies with Kingdom purposes and plans. 2. Unification Instead of every department and age group studying different topics, an intentional plan like Bible Engagement brings everyone to the same table. Not only does this have a unifying effect on the church, but also on the family that attends. Parents and

Chad Brodrick Church Ministries

children can talk about what they have learned and develop good spiritual disciplines at home. Discipleship can unify the body! 3. Transformation Many of the troubling circumstances we face in the church have an answer found in the Word of God. When the church has established a strong foundation of discipleship, it transforms the hearts and minds of those who participate. Discipleship transforms the attendee into a fully devoted follower of Christ with the power of knowing the word! 4. Reproduction The church in the book of Acts took the commandment seriously to make disciples and teach all they knew. It was a catalyst for the explosive growth of the early church when empowered by the Holy Spirit. Because of this, when the church understood the heart of God, they were compelled to not only tell more people about it but to take on the responsibility to disciple them as well. I would encourage every pastor and leader to consider signing up for the Bible Engagement Project ( for all of your discipleship needs. Your church will benefit from the available online tools. Additionally, the church will have a readymade plan for spiritual growth! If you would like more information, contact us by email! You can also connect with the Bible Engagement Project team at the National AG Office. We will be happy to serve you! Blessings, Chad and Nyree

Understanding Discipleship Ministry to Women The mission of ministry to women is to touch women’s lives by the transforming power of Jesus Christ. We are helping them to receive the powerful infilling of the HOLY SPIRIT, discipling them to follow Jesus’ example, and then training them to minister to others.

Paul instructed Timothy to: “Likewise, teach the older women to…teach what is good. Then, they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure…Titus 2:4-5 (NIV) WHO SHOULD LEAD? Mature (not necessarily age-related) Christian women are responsible for “teaching” (other women) to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in this present age. At the same time, we wait for the blessed hope- the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.” (Titus 2:12 NIV) THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE LOCAL CHURCH: It is knowing the importance of Women ministering to Women. 1. Women understand women and have a unique perspective in ministering to other women. 2. A mature woman can best model feminine godliness for younger Christian women. 3. A godly woman can mentor other women in applying God’s Word to their relationships, emotional lives, commitment to purity, and responsibilities on a different level than a man can.

4. Women ministering to women can reduce the risk of unhealthy attachments between women in our churches and male ministers. 5. As we equip maturing Christian women to minister to other women, we effectively make disciples of half of the adult population in our churches. Give guidance and financial support to your local Women’s group. 1. Pastors, give time and space in the annual church budget to facilitate your women’s group. 2. Meet with your Woman’s Director/ team regularly to show interest, keep informed of activities, and offer your support. 3. Pray for your Women’s Ministries Group regularly! Inform your Leader of resources available such as Bible studies, websites, and statewide ministry events offered through the Oklahoma District Women’s Department. (More on this below.) Encourage leaders within the local church to receive training and inspiration through District training events, Women in Leadership events at OK District Council in April, Annual Daughters Conference in September, and OSOM - Oklahoma School of Ministry courses designed especially for women. Become a “Charter Church” with the Oklahoma Women’s Ministries Department by signing up and paying a $25 fee, which helps underwrite the District Women’s Department. (For more information, contact the OK Women’s Ministries office at 405.475.1192 or email Adopt a Missionary – this program is offered through the OK District Women’s Department, which provides an opportunity for your local women’s group to become a part of a missionary families’ life and pray for them regularly. (Contact us @ info above) PASTORS AND WOMEN’S LEADERS: Our New National AG Women’s Ministries Director is Nonda Houston. This office has a fabulous website. Please check out all the valuable and extensive resources and current activities offered at: www.women. and Instagram @ag_women. Also, visit and create an account where you can download facilitator and participant guides for individual or group Bible studies. Additionally, your Oklahoma Women’s Ministries Department has a beautiful online Page chalked FULL of Events, Bible studies, and an online store full of goodies for your local women’s group! Check us out at: WomensMinistries on FB at Oklahoma Women’s Ministries or on Instagram @susie_purkey. Pastors, my passion is to see your Girls and Women’s Ministries groups be discipled to come up higher, be filled with the Holy Spirit, and to see every woman and girl in Oklahoma “set free to reach her DESTINY. I am here to help in any way I can. Feel free to reach out to me. Honored to Serve, Susie Purkey

Susie Purkey Women’s Ministries

Speed the Light It seems like every time I write an article my opening statement is “Wow! What a year!” To say that about 2020 would be an understatement! Let me share with you a memory. In 2019, I had just completed my first Speed the Light sectional tour and had returned back to the office. I shared with Brother Cargill how the tour went and updated him on our giving pledges. He listened to what I had to say and followed up with “Heath, we need Speed the Light” and in that moment I began to fully realize the importance of Speed the Light. In 2020, the students in Oklahoma helped build a water well in Africa, provided support to rescue trafficking victims through FREE International and served communities in need through Convoy of Hope, as well as continuing to support our Oklahoma missionaries. Today I want to take the time to express my gratitude for all of our churches who decided, that even in the midst of a pandemic, they would be faithful in their giving to Speed the Light.

Here are the churches who gave $1,000 or more: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Bartlesville Spirit Church Broken Bow First Claremore First Verdigris Assembly Cordell New Beginnings Cushing Lifeline North Church Elk City First Fairland First Guymon First Muskogee New Hope Mustang The Bridge Noble Assembly OKC Bethesda Assembly OKC Christ’s Legacy OKC Crossroads Church Oolagah Assembly Owasso First Poteau Covenant Purcell Memorial Skiatook Assembly Tahlequah 29Eleven Thomas Freedom Worship Center Tulsa Carbondale Tulsa Woodlake Weatherford Life Fellowship Woodward First Yukon Discovery

Heath Corrales Youth Ministries

Thank you all for your generosity! Today I want to challenge all of churches and youth ministries with a “floor goal” of $1,000. What I mean by “floor goal” is let that be the foundation not the ceiling... if you believe you can do more, then, of course , do more! Again, because of your faithful giving we have a list of projects that we are able to pay for and I would love to start a brand new list for 2021. “We over Me” is the vision we have for everything that we do for OYM. Let’s continue working together and do more for our missionaries and our world through the life changing ministry of Speed The Light. I’m excited for the future Oklahoma! It’s an honor be called your DYD. Heath Corrales

Oklahoma BGMC Breaks Previous Records This year, 2021, was a recordbreaking year for Oklahoma! The BGMC giving total for our state was an all-time high of $378,264.38! That is $138,000 more than what we gave in 2020. To God be the glory!

We’re so excited to report that 2021 also was a national record-breaking year for BGMC! The BGMC giving total for 2021 was $10,364,453.61! This is an incredible amount for missions! Since BGMC started in 1949, $184,855,923.70 nationwide has been given to missions! Thank you for all you do to support missions, teach your kids about missions, and sacrifice for the cause of missions. Millions of lives have been touched and won to the Kingdom of God because of you, your church, and your kids! We can’t wait for another incredible year of BGMC giving in 2022!

TOP 10 BGMC GIVING DISTRICTS 1. Peninsula Florida $1,066,977.80 2. Alabama Ministry Network $578,163.29 3. Georgia District Council $533,661.58 4. Arkansas District Council $493,032.69 5. West Florida Ministry $472,458.87 6. Michigan District Council $418,099.97 7. Minnesota District Council $397,676.55 8. Oklahoma District Council $378,264.38 9. Iowa District Council $374,705.76 10. North Texas District $351,827.53

TOP 10 OKLAHOMA BGMC GIVING CHURCHES 1. Mustang The Bridge AG $41,278.36 2. Owasso First AG $33,627.17 3. Carbondale AG $18,450 4. Bartlesville Spirit Church $11,810.55 5. OKC Harvest AG $10,216.00 6. McAlester Northside AG $9,029.32 7. Skiatook Assembly of God $8,492.54 8. Purcell Memorial AG $8,195.00 9. Miami First AG $7,973.17 10. Pickens AG $7,102.03

Dean Guthrie Children’s Ministries

In Memory Ronald C. Campbell

Jerry J. Shoemaker

Reverend Ronald Carson Campbell, 68, of Westville, OK passed away Saturday, December 10, 2021 at his home.

Reverend Jerry J. Shoemaker was born December 2, 1929 to Abner and Addie Shoemaker in Midland, TX.


Ronald was born October 4, 1953 in Mesa, AZ to Tivis Campbell and Estella Livingston-Campbell. He served honorably for the United States Navy during the Vietnam War. After serving, he went on to become a welder. After retirement, he found his true calling. He became a licensed reverend in the State of Oklahoma. In his spare time, he enjoyed riding motorcycles, fishing, working on old cars, being active outdoors, and playing pranks.

Robert Feller

5/19/1933–1/25/2022 Reverend Robert Eugene Feller (May 19, 1933 - January 25, 2022), son of Fay W. Feller and Mildred E. Bellinger Feller and husband of Norene Carol Cole Feller, was a truly accomplished man. He held a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, a Master’s Degree in Accounting, and a Doctor’s Degree in Business Administration. Over his lifetime, he was a pilot in the Air Force, a Certified Public Accountant, a lead accountant for Marathon Oil Company, a Professor of Accounting at Oral Roberts University, an Ordained Minister, and a Missionary with the Assemblies of God World Missions. His entire life was dedicated to passing on his love for the Word of God. In addition to always teaching some form of a Sunday school class, he led the Christ Ambassador’s Youth ministry in Findlay, OH; was an Associate Professor at Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, OK and at Southwestern Assemblies of God University in Waxahachie, TX; ministered in churches around the world; and was a guest lecturer in Bible schools on five continents.


Jerry was well-known as a licensed minister with the Assemblies of God organization for over 50 years. He built and pastored many churches in Texas and Oklahoma, including Assembly of God churches in Mazie, Vinita, Locust Grove, and Coweta. He had a way with people that was unparalleled and a fiercely dedicated love for God and helping others. Growing up between Texas and Oklahoma, Jerry lived a colorful, adventurous, and inspiring life; he was a self-taught construction man, founder of Shoemaker Concrete Co, who also taught himself to read from the Bible after starting work at an early age to help support his family, and even served the US Air Force as an aerial photographer for several years. It was in Tulia, TX that he met the love of his life, Leola EmbryShoemaker; the two were married on April 2, 1949 and together, they would raise two children, remodel many homes and churches, and begin a life in service of the church together. Jerry had a passion for restoring and remodeling churches as well as homes, including his own 100-year-old home in the heart of historic Chouteau, OK where he lived for over 50 years with Leola and their children and grandchildren. He spent his later years redoing churches across the state from the floorboards to the steeples, building congregations as a pastor and serving a very active role in the community.

William E. (Bill) Peters 5/21/1939–1/29/2022

Reverend Bill Peters was born on May 21, 1939 to Sammy Katherine (McNeil) Peters and Simon Jack Peters and passed away on January 29, 2022 in Fort Smith, AR. Bill was married to Florence Eugenia (Estep) Peters on April 18, 1960 in Shady Point, OK. He graduated from Picher Oklahoma High School. He is a Graduate of Draughons College of Business majoring in Accounting & Commercial Law; and the JCI Technical Institute of Milwaukee, WI; Berean College of the Bible for Ministers in Springfield, MO; MIST – Minister in Service Training in Little Rock, AR; Continuing Education at Oklahoma State University Stillwater College of Engineering, Architecture & Technology; and CEUs also at Carl Albert State College; and at OU in Norman; ORU in Tulsa and CEUs in Church Financial Management, Dallas, TX.

District News Pastors Reports

New Pastors

Alva First Muskogee Elm Grove Perkins Cimarron Worship Center

Chaplain Dale Floyd, In January we had 71 men and women saved in our prison services.

Evangelists Reports •

Alex Hanna, reports 570 Syrians, Egyptians, Iraqi saved. 120 healed from Covid-19, respiratory failure, coma and cancer.

Prayer Requests • • •

Anita Davis – Pray for recovery from COVID Fred and Jan Ticeahkie – Pray for souls in our Native People Jan Ticeahkie – Pray for lungs healed from Fibroses.


Minister’s Spouses Frances Ellen Thompson 10/4/1933 – 1/12/2022 Spouse of The Late Lesslie Thompson Sonjia Dalrymple Henderson Lowry 2/9/1955 – 2/1/2022 Spouse of Lester Lowry Kathryn Lee 6/18/134 – 2/9/2022 Spouse of The Late Glen Lee


Welcome From Corley, Nathan Arizona Cowart, Leroy Rocky Mountain DeWitt, Aaron Illinois Harris, Brandon Arkansas Hedin, Aaron North Texas Hedin, Ruby North Texas Lund, Faith North Texas Mattix III, Charles Southern California Morgan, Jada North Carolina Rehbein, Dakota Penn Florida Waldrop, Steven Arkansas Waldrop, Donna Arkansas Weatherholt, Robert Penn Florida Weatherholt, Christy Penn Florida Wineinger, David Illinois Farewell Hartman, Michael Hartman, Janelle Cox, Jonathan Flores, Meagan Gilmore, Jason Williams, Jesse

Jeffery Hall Cyrus Spears Larry Huff

Help for Pastors call (918) 758-4147 or visit

To Southern Missouri Southern Missouri Arkansas Minnesota Arkansas Arkansas


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