Oklahoma Outlook | 1
2009 OKLAHOMA District Council
General Presbyters
Assistant Superintendent
Executive Presbyters
District Departments
Missions/ Men’s Ministries
Women’s Ministries
Christian Education
Youth Ministries
2009 Comittees CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE: H. Franklin Cargill, Chairman; Craig Dacus, Tom Goins, Ron McCaslin, Curtis Owens, Arlis Moon, Leo Guthrie, Melvin Baker, Steve Rose, Bruce McCarty, Darryl Wootton, Doyle Seeley, Weldon Wright, Micah Wells, Steve Lance, Darren Pilcher, Ron Meador, Billy Martin, T. D. Gifford, Lindell Warren, Jack Salkil, Doug Everaard, Linda Stamps-Dissmore RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE: Craig Dacus, Chairman, Jamie Austin, Ruth Collins, Tom Goins, Mark LeMarr, Billy Martin, Steve Rose, Kevin Ward FINANCE COMMITTEE: Darryl Wootton, Chairman, Darren Dix, Kevin Tyler ROSTER COMMITTEE: Robert Yandell, Chairman, Larry Hutcheson, Marilyn Murray, John Randell, Laith Ryals, David White
CAMPUS EVANGELISM COMMITTEE: Lindell Warren, Chairman; Doug Everaard, Greg Tiiffany, Curt Bellinger, Charlie Bunn, Nick Callaway, Tracy Fitzgerald, Ric Freeman, Will Jenkins, Jimmy Keith, Phil McGechie, Arlis Moon CHRISTIAN EDUCATION COMMITTEE: Jack Salkil, Chairman; Brian Smith, Brad Jones, Jerry Burnside, Jana McCalip, Rebecca Cook,, Robert Adams, Tom Estes, Richard Smith, Dustin Burpo, Byron Elmore, Jerry Yoder, Don Stewart MEN’S MINISTRIES COMMITTEE: Lindell Warren, Chairman; Raymond Frizzelle, C. Lynn Bullard, Scott Stuart, Guy Parrish, Randy Dyer, Rick McElhannon, Chad Brodrick, Jimmy Keith, Brock Carlile, Mark LeMarr, Duane Elmore, Larry Hatfield, Ric Freeman, Roger Reston
MISSIONS COMMITTEE: Lindell Warren, Chairman; Terry Stone, DEVOTIONAL COMMITTEE: Ron McCaslin, Chairman, Larry Hatfield, Keith Williams, Larry Womack, Jack Manley, Mike Buie, Gary Rogers, Walt Spradling, Micah Wells Kevin Wehrli, Mike Southerland, Kevin Ward, David Brooks, Darren Dix, Don Barnes, Wesley Peterman, Dolan Ivey TELLERS COMMITTEE: Randy Dyer, Chairman, Gene Allen, Mark Fitzgerald, Ray Myers, Jeff Robinett, Kent Tucker, Rich Young YOUTH MINISTRIES COMMITTEE: Doug Everaard, Chairman; David Sheckels , Chris Wilson, Mark Fulks, Jason Fullerton, Jeff Walker, USHERS COMMITTEE: Bob Walker, Chairman; Jack Barron, Mike Joseph Kellogg, Jayson Evans, Robert Ferguson, Rodney Wardwell, Crenshaw, Charley Hudspeth, Kevin Jennings, Allen Lewis, Kelly Matt Cossey, Tracy Fitzgerald, Donnetta Hunter, Amanda Baker, Roberts, Mike Southerland, Bob Weeks, Troy Wilder, Jerry Yoder Greg Tiffany, Jamie Austin PARLIAMENTARIAN COMMITTEE: Lynn Bullard, Chairman, Joe Hancock, Robert Polvado MUSIC COMMITTEE: Mickey Kinsey, Chairman; Greg Erway, Jason Rose, Rex Stafford
WOMEN’S MINISTRIES COMMITTEE: Linda Stamps-Dissmore, Chairperson; Linda Goldner, Janie McKeehen, Carol Stuart,Debra Rose, Kay Couch, Betty Calabrese, Nyree Brodrick, Sandra Hutcheson, Estee Eubanks, Maria Allen, Janice Perryman, Jan Meador, Tammy Holman, Judy Gifford
REVOLVING FUND COMMITTEE: H. Franklin Cargill, Chairman; Craig MISSIONETTES COMMITTEE: Elizabeth Moon, Chairperson; Monica Dacus, Tom Goins, Ron McCaslin, Curtis Owens Clark, Renita Ruark, Kathy Ogdon, Dana Chandler, Tracy Collins, Dawnya Bean, Judy Huff, Sandy Gaskey, Debbie DeWitt, Tonya Pember, Connie Boggs, Mary White, Lanette Clevenger, Tommy Coffman
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H. Franklin Cargill
My daily prayer is that I might have the mind of Christ. The demands of this present age have never been more challenging. But the promise of His coming has never been more affirmative. We must work as if assigned to this world forever yet remain aware that we may never see tomorrow. It is with that heart that Linda and I have endeavored to serve this Fellowship. Our ministers and churches are our commission. We are honored to serve with wonderful people. “I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” The demands of ministry are always present. However, the rewards discovered during the journey have exceeded my expectations. I live daily with a grateful heart and a confidence that the best days are yet to come! This past year marked the transition of sectional alignments. After over 60 years of structure
established through 12 sections, we now enjoy the new relationships that 14 sections have afforded. It has been a delight to welcome the input from two new presbyters, Darren Pilcher and Darryl Wootton. The Oklahoma School of Ministry continues to excel. This vital arm of ministry makes it possible for us to enable and equip a grassroots army for the future. I wish to acknowledge Tom Goins and Jack Salkil who have led this effort and have devoted hours to its success. I am excited about the amount of interest demonstrated by credentialed members seeking to advance to Ordination. I would desire every person to make that a goal. We must strive to never stop learning and should refuse to be content with compliancy. There is also tremendous interest among those seeking to be recognized as ministers. That should cause the church to rejoice! “How then
shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?” Certainly, not all who begin the race will finish. I understand and accept that reality. There were those who had questions when I received credentials. But I am thankful for the opportunity – and I am renewed in my excitement about the next generation as they respond to the call. We are here to encourage! Linda joins me in expressing our appreciation for the many expressions of love that have been extended to us and our family. We love our ministerial family and are consumed with a passion for your success! Respectfully submitted, H. Franklin Cargill District Superintendent
DISTRICT SECRETARY-TREASURER Tom Goins My heart is filled with praise and worship to my Lord this morning for the many blessings He has given to me and my family. I can’t thank Him enough for all that He has done in giving us such a wonderful family. Darlene and I enjoy life so very much and admittedly, we enjoy 10 smart and beautiful grandchildren. Of course we love and enjoy their parents as well, but I’m afraid the grandkids get most of the attention. This has been a wonderful year as we have enjoyed our work in the District Office. We have seen increases in every area of our work. The over all financial picture for the District is amazing. God has met our every need and we continue to see increases in each fund. In these
times, this truly is a miracle. Of course we know it happens because our ministers and churches are faithful in their tithe and support. It is true, we cannot do this without you, so please accept our thanks for your faithfulness to the District Ministries. As we look at the statistics for the District, I am amazed. We are the second largest District in the General Council in the number of ministers. With 481 churches and 48,594 members, we are one of the top Districts in every area.
STATISICAL REPORT Churches Adherents Members Sunday Morning Worship Sunday School Sunday Evening Worship Conversions Water Baptisms Holy Spirit Baptisms Ministers Ordained License Certified
481 87,423 48,594 56,370 31,781 22,844 11,054 3,370 2,540 1,513 757 508 248
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ANNUAL REPORTS Continued from Page 3 We rejoice with 11,054 Salvations and 2,540 Holy Spirit Baptisms. Even though we rejoice with these numbers, we can never be content until we reach our communities and state with the Good News and see thousands more saved and baptized in the Spirit.
This must be the burden of our hearts and we pray for a revival to sweep across the state of Oklahoma again, like a “Prairie Fire.” Let’s pray for revival. We have this promise “In the last days I will pour out my Spirit.” Darlene and I would like to thank your for your love and support. The many friends we have
across the state is a source of strength to us everyday. Respectfully submitted, Tom Goins District Secretary-Treasurer Director
As I report my ministry activities for another year in the Missions/Men’s Department, I still consider it a sacred trust to represent the Oklahoma District Council of the Assemblies of God. Being somewhat of a history buff, we have a rich history in the Oklahoma District, but an even brighter future I believe. This past year has been another busy and productive year in God’s work. Upon invitation, I have spoken or participated in nine different mission conventions; six home mission churches; a Royal Rangers service; a Light For The Lost service; a property dedication; four funerals; and a wedding. I also attended seven other funerals and another wedding. In September of 2008, I conducted all 12 Sectional Mission Banquets in conjunction with the Sectional School of Ministry Tour. In these mission banquets Wayne Gray, Executive Director of Oklahoma Teen Challenge, presented a program on the 50th Anniversary of Teen Challenge. Besides the meal expenses over $10,000 was given to Teen Challenge from our churches in these meetings. I led the World Missions Rally at Campmeeting, organized the All-District Missions Banquet, and conducted an all day seminar for the Sectional Missions Representatives and the itinerating missionaries. Church planting continues to evolve. I find myself running to stay up with the complex nature of modern day church planting. Different ethnic groups and subcultures have all become great targets for new church plants. What a joy
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it has been this past year to work with Oklahoma Spanish Ministries Coordinator, Mark Fitzgerald, in developing Spanish ministries across the state. It also blesses me to see some of our church plants really taking off and maturing. Regarding Men’s Ministries, I conducted six Light For The Lost Banquets, attended the National Men’s Ministries Leadership Conference, actively participated in our Annual Royal Rangers Powwow, and directed the Annual Men’s Retreat. Other ministries that I provide oversight to include Chi Alpha Campus Ministries, Deaf Ministry, Native American Ministry, Prison Ministry, and other Ethnic Ministry. I actively support the Reach The World Auction and the Veteran’s Ministry. The committees that I chair or am a member of include the Missions Committee, the Men’s Ministries Committee, the Campus Evangelism Committee, the South Central Deaf Committee, the Tex-Ok-La Indian Camp Committee, the Missionary Screening Committee, the District Credentials Committee, and of course, the District Presbytery Board. I also, represented the District’s Men’s Ministries Department at the Student banquets in Waxahachie, Texas and Springfield, Missouri. I find myself having to spend more and more of my time administratively. It goes with longevity, I suppose, but that’s where I am. Ministry, successful ministry, has never been an eight to five endeavor. This is a 24/7 job. The challenge to manage time and money while still being visionary has never been greater.
In conclusion, I wish to express how I feel about those I work with. The district team under Brother Cargill’s capable leadership is a joy to work with. From the officers to the staff, everyone is committed to ministry. God Bless the Oklahoma District! Respectfully submitted, Lindell Warren District Missions/Men’s Director
The unique thing about the writing of the personal report is the time of reflection that is necessary to make the report. In doing so I am reminded of the extreme faithfulness God has shown toward this ministry and myself. It also gives opportunity for me to see the blessing of working with so many tremendous people and hopefully to serve you in whatever capacity I can serve. You have allowed me to fill your pulpits on Sundays and to share teaching ministry with many of your staff. You have supported what we are doing by your presence and financial support. You have allowed us to coordinate I-Camp, Kids Kamp, and Little Radicals camp and have entrusted more than 2300 campers into our care. We have had the privilege of assisting in the School of Ministry and to see men and women
reach a greater potential in their relationship with God each game day. I have had the honor of working with some of the finest children’s pastors in the world.What a joy to serve with a great team! The creativity of those who serve in our local churches is always a blessing. It has been a great blessing to serve on the planning committee that has had the task of developing the new camp facility at the Sparks property. Seeing the property unfold into what I believe is going to be one of the premier camp facilities nationwide has indeed been an honor. What an honor to travel across this District on the district School of Ministry tour and to also be involved with sectional councils. I have been so extremely blessed by getting the opportunity of visiting with each of the pastors and other church
leadership in these meetings. The opportunity of being a part of the Light for the lost tour has been tremendous as well. It has been an extremely busy year and yet as I reflect back it almost seems that it should only be March or April. Certainly not November and preparation for district council needing to be done. Let me simply say thank you for your support, friendship and love. Also, thank you for allowing us the privilege of serving with such an awesome team of individuals who serve here in the District office. Respectfully submitted, Jack Salikil District CE Director
YOUTH DIRECTOR Doug Everaard It has been a great honor to serve the churches in the Oklahoma District Council this past year as District Youth Directors. We have enjoyed another great year of working with the youth leaders of our state, local pastors, our OYM staff, as well as the rest of our District Office staff. We personally want to thank the ministers of the Oklahoma District for their support and allowing us the opportunity to share our heart for youth ministry and missions in their pulpits. Our ministry consisted of church services, revivals, youth services, conventions, University/College chapels, camps, rallies, retreats and STL services. We love the students of this generation and it is our continued desire to develop generations to lead. During this past year we have led many district activities, including: Discipleship Camp, Speed-
The-Light Missions Conventions, Youth Workers Conference, Girls Retreat, Fine Arts Festival, Christian Fun Day, 5 Youth Camps, STL Cup Golf Tournament, Convergence Youth Convention, Youth Pastors Retreat, Praisong and Bible Quiz. We also participated in several national events such as the National DYD Conference, National Speed-The–Light Banquet and National Fine Arts Festival. I also attended District Board Meetings, District Planning Meetings for the New Youth Camp, the Southwestern Assemblies of God University Board of Regents meetings and Spiritual Saturation Week.
hard work and assistance in our department. As well as saying hello and, “Thank You” to our new assistant Robin Johnson for her hard work. Jill, Seth, Grayson and I appreciate you and our District Leadership for allowing us to serve in this position and look forward to what the Lord has in this upcoming year. Respectfully submitted, Doug Everaard District Youth Director
I appreciate the youth committee for their help and ideas in leading the youth ministries of this state. I would also like to say one final goodbye and, “Thank you” to Salena Leatherwood for her
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WOMEN’S DIRECTOR Linda Stamps-Dissmore For the past 12 years it has been my privilege to direct the women of the Oklahoma District Council of the Assemblies of God. I have been blessed to have a ministry that I have dearly loved. It has been a joy to get up every morning and come to the office. The Oklahoma District team has been a family to me and I will miss them greatly. I will also miss the interaction that I have been honored to have with all of you. I will be leaving this position on November 30, 2009. I could not have filled this position without the help of some very talented and dedicated people. These include Elizabeth Moon, our district Girls Ministries director and Sherry Whitlow, who served earlier as GM director. I have been blessed during these 12 years to have had three very capable and loyal Administrative Assistants: Shirley Ophus, Julie Allred, and Christie Wert; many wonderful sectional Women’s Representatives, my hard working, special events
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SWAT Teams, and former coordinator, Betty Calabrese and present coordinator, Judy Gifford, of the Anna Intercessory Prayer Ministry, and my husband, Lewis Dissmore, who has been my supporter and encourager. They have made my job much easier. District events this past year included the Gals Getaway Retreat at Dry Gulch USA, sectional LIFE and GROW Rallies, Girls Retreat, various GM retreats/sleepovers, 10th annual Elite Ladies (ministers’ widows) Luncheon, two regional Girls Ministries Celebrations, GM Power Surge and Mega Training Day and the Women’s Conference at OKC Crossroads Church. I have conducted three Women’s Ministries board meetings, spoken for several local Women’s Ministries functions, and served on the District Presbytery Board.
Regents of Southwestern AG University; attended the national Women’s District Leadership Seminar in Orlando, FL; co-sponsored the Oklahoma students’ banquet at SAGU in Waxahachie, TX; CBC, Evangel University, and AGTS banquet in Springfield, MO; the Missionary Renewal Oklahoma missionaries dinner in Springfield, MO, and traveled to El Salvador with Convoy of Hope. Thank you for speaking into my life these past 12 years and for allowing me to serve this wonderful Oklahoma fellowship. Respectfully submitted, Linda Stamps-Dissmore District Women’s Director
Outside of Oklahoma I have served on the board of AG Family Services Agency, on the Board of
J Ruel Baxter 11/23/24 - 9/17/08
Elmer L Coleman 7/18/13 - 4/15/09
Willie R Davis 8/9/02 - 4/13/09
James C Dodd 3/11/18 - 3/29/09
William L Dunning 7/19/42 - 9/14/08
Lonnie H Finney 8/28/20 - 1/30/09
John E Frady 9/10/21 - 11/26/08
Gorman G. Godwin 3/31/16 - 3/21/09
Billy G Guthrie 3/24/47 - 11/25/08
Janice Hall 1/3/33 - 11/21/08
Robert L Ireton 6/16/25 - 1/26/09
Robert D Neel 6/10/09 - 7/6/09
Floyd K Renfro 11/1/20-5/24/09
Isaac L Snow 5/16/24 - 8/15/09
No Picture
Colleen Tipton 6/15/31 - 10/16/08
Walter Q Swaim 2/22/14 - 5/6/09
Homer E Bair 1/9/37 - 9/2/08
Milton A Haworth 11/26/50 - 4/19/09
Melvyn Wright 9/17/21 - 9/11/08
Ronald G Allen 3/19/41 - 3/6/09
Woodrow W Burgess 12/8/16 - 7/1/09
William C Comstock 6/22/32 - 3/11/09
Spouses Lyle Murray Sheron McEwen Pat Starling
Leta Hawkins Faye Godwin Retha Shell
Troy Walker Edith Jacobs Patricia Lovvorn
Oklahoma Outlook | 7
Marcia Aycock
Bradley Baker
David Boutwell
Lynn Bullard
Deborah Burke
Joshua Byrd
Nick Callaway
Nathaniel Dash
Todd Drake
Joshua A Drury
Velio J Estrada
Amani Fam
Magdy Fam
Caleb Fellenstein
Dean Guthrie
8 | Oklahoma Outlook
Alex Holman
H. Joseph Kellogg
Donnie Knight
Wayne Long
Phillip Ludwyck
Elizabeth McGhee
Elizabeth Moon
Brett K Nation
Clifton Phelps
Gregory D Pollard
Brian Pounds
Kelly Roberts
Cindy Robertson
Julian Rodriguez
Roger Rounsaville
Dale Tarp
Amanda Tyler
Randy Whitlow
Loretta Wideman
Tony L Wisdom Oklahoma Outlook | 9
10 | Oklahoma Outlook
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