October 2021

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VOLUME 73 IS S UE 10 O CTOB ER 2 0 2 1


The Oklahoma OUTLOOK is published by the Oklahoma District Council of the Assemblies of God. Publisher: Dr. Darryl Wootton Designers: Jayson Evans, Chris Ainsworth, Kyler Clapp Copyeditor: Renae Elmore GENERAL PRESBYTERS Dr. Darryl Wootton Superintendent

MINISTRY DIRECTORS Chad Brodrick Church Ministries

Craig Dacus Assistant Superintendent

Heath Corrales Youth Ministries

Jamie Austin Corporate Secretary

Dean Guthrie Children’s Ministries

EXECUTIVE PRESBYTERS Bruce McCarty Darren Pilcher

Susie Purkey Women’s Ministries

SECTIONAL PRESBYTERS Jackie Crafton Section 1

Kelly Coffey Section 8

Keith Williams Section 2

David Brooks Section 9N

Terry Bradley Section 3

Steve Lance Section 9S

Bob Yandell Section 4

Don Barnes Section 10

Dave Mewbourne Section 5E

Ric Freeman Section 11

Jason Byers Section 5W

Arlis Moon Section 12

Jeromye Jackson Section 6 Jimmy Keith Section 7

Upcoming Events OCTOBER

OSOM Gameday (OKC) October 2 Credentialing Seminar (OKC) October 2 District Ministers Retreat – Branson, MO October 4-6 Chi Alpha Breakaway October 8-10 OSOM Gameday (Muskogee) October 9 OYM Youth Fest October 15-16 Network of Women in Ministry Seminar October 23 ACTS 2 Journey - Retreat #4 October 29-30 Light for the Lost Tour: Section 3 October 11 Section 7 October 12 Section 12 October 18 Section 11 October 19 Section 10 October 21 Section 9 October 25 Section 1 October 26 Section 5 October 28 Section 8 November 1 Section 2 November 2 Section 4 November 4 Section 6 November 8


Youth Pastors Retreat November 4-5 OSOM Gameday (OKC) November 6 OSOM Gameday (Muskogee) November 13 Credential Celebration November 13 Century Leadership Roundtable November 18 PB&J Retreat November 19-20 Thanksgiving Break (Office Closed) November 24-26


©2021 Oklahoma District Council of the Assemblies of God P.O. Box 13179 Oklahoma City, OK 73113 (405) 475-1100 www.okag.org @OKDCofAG

OSOM Gameday (OKC) Senior Ministries Heritage Christmas OSOM Gameday (Muskogee) Missions Faith Promises Due Christmas Break (Office Closed) Ministerial Credentials Renewal Deadline Office Closed

December 4 December 4 December 11 December 15 December 23-24 December 31 December 31

Thank You! Paul expressed his heart to the

church at Thessalonica with these words “We give thanks to God always for all of you, constantly mentioning you in our prayers.” (1 Thessalonians 1:2) These words express my heart to our amazing Oklahoma Assemblies of God family. 1. THANK YOU FOR PRAYING AND FASTING. During our 21 days of prayer and fasting, I heard great testimonies of what God was doing in the lives of His people. Thank you for taking extra time to pray through our OKAG prayer guide and to be led of the Holy Spirit into a journey of fasting. 2. THANK YOU FOR AT TENDING. Each stop on the fall tour was powerful and well attended. I was overwhelmed with the crowds and grateful for those who drove so far. Thank you for attending but also thank you for entering in. We experienced God’s power and a moving of His Holy Spirit upon us at each stop. I am believing this is a start of a great renewal across Oklahoma. 3. THANK YOU TO THE OKAG RURAL PASTOR’S NETWORK. Our anointed rural pastors took the initiative to encourage our OKAG family during the 21 days of prayer via video and social media. These prayers were powerful and were such a blessing to me and others.

4. THANK YOU TO THE OKAG DIRECTORS. These men and women of God crisscrossed the State of Oklahoma to pray and serve during our Fall Tour. They assisted me with listening to all of our ministers and I am so grateful for them. 5. THANK YOU FOR HOSTING. Thanks to all the pastors, presbyters, hosts, and church volunteers who greeted all of our ministers with overthe-top hospitality. You blessed each of us.

My heart is full of gratitude, and I believe this is just the beginning.

7. THANK YOU TO OUR MISSIONARIES. Thank you to our world changing missionaries. These servants of God never complain but tirelessly travel across the State of Oklahoma. Their prayers and encouragement were such a blessing during the Fall Tour. Thank you to Pastors, leaders, and churches who embrace our missionaries, support them, and pray for them daily. My heart is full of gratitude. I believe this is just the beginning. Let us make praying together a constant priority. In the same section of Scripture that Paul shares his gratitude for the Thessalonians, he writes these words, “For we know, brothers loved by God, that he has chosen you.” (1 Thessalonians 1:4) I know God has chosen YOU for such a time as this. I am so thankful for YOU.

6. THANK YOU FOR COMPLETING THE SURVEY. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to listen to YOU. The time you took to complete our Fall OKAG survey was a gift to us. We want to continue to listen to you as you serve on the front lines of ministry.

Darryl Wootton Superintendent dw@okag.org

Effective and Efficient Church leadership is as much about behind-the-scenes administration as it is about up-front leadership. Building infrastructure to accomplish a vision requires as much (if not more) effort as does being up front communicating the vision. Good organizations learn how to accomplish both.

One characteristic well-run churches have in common is that they ask good questions. One of the best questions to apply to decisions within a ministry context is to ask, is this decision going to be effective and efficient?

Is this decision going to be effective and efficient? This question applies at almost every level and to almost every decision a church leader makes. Anywhere the resources of time, money, facilities, and volunteers can be put to work, this question is necessary.

You don’t have to apply this filter to your decision making process very long to discover that “effective and efficient” can be an uncomfortable measuring stick. It is for this reason that many church leaders opt to make decisions based on what is expedient. Expedient is easy. Expedient is comfortable. Expedient does not make waves…at least in the short-term. But what is expedient is not always what is best in the long-term. As leaders who care about the long-term health and sustainability of what God has called us to accomplish, it would serve us well to begin doing away with what is easy and comfortable and begin to look at what is best for our churches. This is especially true when what is best for the church in the long-term may not be what is best for us in the short-term.

Now is the time to

build the Church. Now is the time to

invest in ministry. Now is the time to

prepare for your future.

The filter of ‘effective and efficient’ will cause us to look at things differently. It will be uncomfortable. It will surface the need for personal development and greater dependency on God in our lives. It will lead to uncomfortable conversations (mostly about our own leadership). Most importantly it will enable us to become better leaders and better stewards of what God has put in our charge.

At its core, looking at issues through the lens of their effectiveness and efficiency is all about stewardship. It is about looking at your resources (people, money, facilities, time, influence, etc.), and asking if each is being developed and utilized to its highest and best use.

Kevin Conner Director of Finance & Operations kevin.conner@okag.org

For more resources, visit www.ecfa.church/churchexcel

Reviving Godly Men! It was a beautiful morning in San Diego as we arrived on base to celebrate a nephew that was graduating from Marine Basic Training. It was a day to celebrate!

As the family gathered to honor our graduate, we could not help but get a glimpse into the culture of the Marines Corps. The history, purpose, structure, discipline and expectations were made very clear throughout our time there. As we watched the pomp and circumstance surrounding graduation, we were not oblivious to all the hard work that the graduates, drill sergeants and others put in to get here. They endured some of the most difficult physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual challenges that anyone has faced. Yet each one would state that it was worth the effort to get to graduation day! However, this is just the beginning for each graduate as they boarded buses after the ceremonies to travel to their next level of training. Yet each young man would carry with them the training that they received. The most important? Each one understood the values of the Marine Corp and what it takes to live up to the standard. “Marines live by a set of enduring core values that form the bedrock of our character. These values guide our actions and bolster our resolve. Honor, courage, and commitment lead us to victory over the physical, mental and moral battles faced during combat, or while serving in our communities on behalf of our Nation. These are the values that ensure every fight in current and future battles supports our common moral cause.” (https://www.marines.com/life-as-amarine/standards/values.html)

As I thought about the values that are ingrained into every Marine, I could not help but think about the men across our state that have been called into Kingdom Service. Men who have committed themselves to be a part of the Kingdom and attend our services. These men are a valuable part of the work that God has called the church to do! Yet I also know that these men are struggling. The world has done all that it can to try and discourage our men from their faith and serving the Lord with all that they are. If they are weak in their faith at all, the world will eventually lead them to sever their connection to God altogether. We need a revival among the men in our nation. A revival that transforms men into fully devoted followers of Christ. Men who change the world around them! What does it take? Men need a set of values to live by every day. Like the Marines, God’s men need the biblical values communicated and reinforced each day. As a church, we need to help them to see that God has a purpose for their lives! Read the Core Value Description of the Marine Corp above again. Isn’t it interesting that these values have much in common with the Biblical standards for all those who would believe? While we are not in combat with flesh and blood, we are in a spiritual battle every day! Reviving the men in our churches will require a spiritual transformation of hearts. It will necessitate those men to live with Honor, Courage, and Commitment.

Look at the Marine Corps value of Courage: Courage is the mental, moral and physical strength ingrained in Marines. It carries us through the challenges of combat and aids in overcoming fear. It is the inner strength that enables us to do what is right, to adhere to a higher standard of personal conduct, and to make tough decisions under stress and pressure. (https://www.marines.com/life-as-amarine/standards/values.html) This year the National Theme for Men’s Ministry is COURAGE. Why do men need courage? Because it will carry them through the challenges of the spiritual battles they face. It gives them the faith and strength to live with Godly standards and to make the right decisions. This world is tough and Godly men need to be strong in the battle! Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 (ESV) Main Event Men’s Conference on September 23-25, 2021 is designed to encourage the men of your church to Be Courageous! Make plans to bring your men! They will be challenged by the presence of the Spirit and the preaching of the Word of God! The men of your church can change the world! Register at: www.okag.org/mainevent Blessings, Chad and Nyree

Chad Brodrick Church Ministries chad.brodrick@okag.org

Pentecostal Fire is Falling! While the pandemic drags on –

Daughters Conference saw an incredible gathering of 1,000 women from four states, converge upon OKC Crossroads Church, EXCITED to experience an outpouring of the Holy Spirit! We have been praying and fasting for months, and The Lord is moving! Altars were packed in all three Sessions, with hungry hearts – many of them broken, seeking FREEDOM from tormenting addictions, the weight of sin and shame, or just from disabling depression. Others were DRY and needed a Fresh Touch of Power! There was a real physical PRESS. An audible Cry. A tangible presence of God. We collectively give God PRAISE for this miraculous turnout and will continue stoking the Fires of “Holy Hunger” by having more and more prayer meetings throughout the State. Another praise, despite the lagging economy – the largest single offering for LIFE - Missions was taken up during our 2-day conference! “REVIVAL ALWAYS SUPPLIES MISSIONS!” Glory to God, great things He IS DOING! I would like to thank over 75 Staff and Team members for Serving with us this year! THANK YOU, TEAM!!! Blessings! Susie Purkey

Susie Purkey Women’s Ministries susie.purkey@okag.org

A Record Year for

Kids Camp!

It is the beginning of September,

and we are still amazed and excited about all of the things that God did this past summer at Kids Camp. Last month, I was able to give you just a glimpse of what God was doing at Camp Cargill, but as Paul Harvey used to say, “And now, here’s the rest of the story.” From July 1st to July 30th, Kids Camp was jam packed full of fun and excitement and most importantly an incredible move of God each week. We kicked off our camp season with Little Radicals. This is our camp that is especially designed for kids ages 6 and 7 years old. Our Evangelists were Missionaries Mike and Anita James. They did a wonderful job making sure that our Little Radicals’ first experience at Camp Cargill, was one they will never forget. After we were finished with Little Radicals, we moved into four powerpacked weeks of Kids Camp. This camp is for kids ages 8-12 years old. Mike and Anita stayed and were also our evangelists for Kids Camp 1 and 2. They brought the same excitement and ministry that they had at Little Radicals and made a huge impact on our first two camps. Camps 3 and 4 were awesome as well. Our camp evangelist for Camp 3 and 4 was Patty Chapman. She along with her husband, Terry, and son, Vince, helped create an awesome atmosphere for God to speak directly to our campers for those two weeks. All in all, the ministry at Kids Camp was top notch for 2021! Campers Saved: 314 Campers Rededicated:


Campers Filled with the Holy Spirit: 197 Campers Called into Ministry:


In the area of missions and BGMC, Kids Camp 2021 had a record smashing year. Each year we designate a mission’s project that we raise funds for during Kids Camp. This year’s project was for Africa Tabernacle Evangelism. This is a ministry that helps build churches all across Africa. Our goal for the 2021 Kids Camp season was $10,000. The most that we had ever raised across all of our kids camps was in the area of about $7500. This year our goal was $10,000 over the course of all four camps! On Wednesday morning chapel of Kids Camp 1, I had issued the challenge that if we would raise the $10,000 over all four camps, I would color my beard Buddy Barrel yellow and walk the exhibit hall at General Council in Orlando. During the Friday morning dismissal from Kids Camp 1 the results came in and Kids Camp 1, all by their self, had raised $10,000. Praise God. I was destined to have a yellow beard at General Council. So, Kids Camp 2 rolls around and everyone is asking, “What are you going to do? You already have to walk around council looking like Buddy…” So after finding out that it takes $7500 to build a tabernacle in Africa, I challenged Kids Camp 2 that if they would raise enough money for one tabernacle, I would spend the night on the roof of the new Solid Rock building that was completed this year at Camp Cargill. Well, reporting live from a livestream via the roof of the Solid rock, a little over $13,000 came in for BGMC on the second week of camp. Upon hearing this, some campers and coaches from Camp 1 heard this and raised the total from $10,000 to $12,000. I forgot to mention that heading into Camp 3, Camp 1 and 2 had upwards of 800 in attendance. Moving into the third camp, our attendance was cut right at

Dean Guthrie Children’s Ministries dean.guthrie@okag.org

half. I issued the same challenge to raise enough to build one tabernacle. If the goal was made, at the end of the week, I would be turned into a human baked potato. $16,000 later, I was dripping with potato, sour cream, butter, chives, cheeses, and a dash of Siracha. The same challenge was issued at Camp 4, if they raised enough to build a tabernacle I would be turned into what is called a “Dean Special” at the end of the week. (Imagine a cross between a chilidog and a Frito chili pie.) At the end of the week, dripping with chili and cheese, we celebrated the fact that Camp 4 raised $10,000. When it was all said and done, just a little over $52,000 for BGMC had been given or pledged during Kids Camp! I am happy to say that over half of those funds have already came through our offices. BGMC is a dynamic tool to teach your kids to have a heart of compassion. Kids who grow up in church with a heart of compassion, become leaders in the church with a heart of compassion. We give glory and honor to God for the incredible year we have had in 2021 and cannot wait to see what He has in store for us in 2022!


Thank you for supporting our Fall 2021 OKAG Itinerating Missionaries

Meredith Bagby South Africa, Africa meredithrbagby@gmail.com

Bill & Reita Moore Africa Tabernacle Evangelism bill.moore@agwmafrica.org

Westly & Lindsay Burns Japan sonriseburns92@gmail.com

Stephen & Kristen McKnight Phillippines mcknightsinasia@gmail.com

Jordan & Shea Campbell Germany, Europe Jscampbell1016@gmail.com

Garo & Jordania Nargiz Brazil, Latin American Caribbean garonn@gmail.com

Chris & Amy Hales Czech Republic chrisandamy58@hotmail.com

Ryan & Lauren Plute Global Initiative, International Ministries laurenplute@gmail.com

Zach & Amanda

Contact the District Office for information *Sensitive Country

Jim & Cynthia Lemons West Africa, Africa jim.lemons@agwmafrica.org

Larry & Sharon

Contact the District Office for information *Sensitive Country

Matt & Randi

Contact the District Office for information *Sensitive Country

Todd & Leslie Stamps Portugal, Europe toddjstamps@gmail.com

Joni Middleton France, Europe, Project Rescue jonimiddleton@gmail.com Adam & Bethany Weatherly IMM, Spain bethany.weatherly@gmail.com

In Memory Greg Newton

Dale D. Jennings

Reverend Gregory Alan Newton left this world behind to spend eternity with Jesus on Saturday, August 7, 2021, in Oklahoma City, OK, at the age of 59 years. Pastor Greg, as he was affectionately known to all, was born in Oklahoma City, OK, to his parents, Rev. Curtis and Arlene (McConnell) Newton on March 2, 1962.

Reverend Dale Dean Jennings passed away at his home in Norman, OK on Saturday evening, August 7, 2021, at the age of 86 years.

3/2/1962 – 8/7/2021

Greg came to know Jesus Christ as his savior and was called into the ministry at a very young age. He began full time ministry as a pastor at the age of 22. Greg received his Ministry License and Ordination from the Assemblies of God organization. He and his wife of 32 years, Lisa Haigood Newton, were married in Lubbock, TX, on July 15, 1989. From this union three daughters were born and raised to carry on the Christian heritage. Greg always had a pastor’s heart not just to Elk City Gateway, but the community at large. He served the schools in each community where he lived. He served as referee, umpire, bus driver, radio announcer and fan to the local sports teams. He served in hospital ministry wherever God led him as well as being involved in the ministerial alliance in many communities. He was an avid OU and Oklahoma City Thunder fan. He was also an enthusiastic golf player and fan, playing numerous tournaments with friends and family. Greg was heavily involved and loyal to the Mission Fields of Africa and Mexico making several missionary journeys spreading the love of Christ around the world. This was done not only through personal ministry, but also through raising funds for Bibles in foreign languages through the “Fire Bible” Ministry. Many souls will enter heaven’s gates because of Greg’s faithful service to the Gospel. His pastor’s heart led him to become “best friends” with each member of his congregation becoming their confidant, moral support, prayer warrior, and spiritual leader. He loved to rib his friends, and joke with all who would listen. Everyone who knew Greg would say he was an avid sports enthusiast. From golf, high school basketball, OU football, tennis, and volleyball he enjoyed the thrill of competition. Greg will be missed from the Erick basketball games where he announced the games to the Sayre Golf Course where he competed. This season of Greg’s race is complete, but his eternal life has just begun.

Minister’s Spouses Carolyn Dean 9/24/1942 – 7/28/2021 Spouse of Charles Dean Delores Robertson 8/20/1946 – 8/29/2021 Spouse of Roy Robertson

10/20/1934 – 8/7/2021

Dale was the son of Floyd Jennings Sr. and Winnie Mae (Hooper) Jennings, born on October 20, 1934 in Seminole County, OK, where he was brought up. He attended Pleasant Grove schools, where he played in the band and on the basketball team, and graduated Pleasant Grove High School. He married Myrtle Harrelson in Seminole on April 9, 1955, when she was 17 and he was 21. She was the love of his life, a beloved wife, mother, grandmother, great grandmother, and excellent minister’s wife until she passed away on February 9, 2019, two months before their 64th wedding anniversary. Dale was a minister for more than 50 years with the Assemblies of God. He traveled with his family for several years as an evangelist in Texas and South Carolina, then returned to Oklahoma. His passion and calling in life was to pastor churches, and for many years he pastored in various parts of the state Ferguson, Maud, Chickasha, Duncan, Holdenville, Ryan, Oklahoma City, Del City, Ada - and finally returned to pastor Holdenville Assembly of God a second time, from 2001-2005. When that pastorate ended he returned to evangelizing for a while, and then retired in 2008. In those later years, he enjoyed reading and listening to music, and he loved just spending time with his children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. He has recently been blessed with the company of Clara Jennings, his wife of six months.

Forest E. Gibbs

2/5/1933 – 8/19/2021 Reverend Forrest Emanuel Gibbs passed away on August 19, 2021, at the age of 88 at his home. He was the son of Reverend Forrest Rose “Taff’ Gibbs and Minnie Lee (Scribner) Gibbs, born February 5, 1933, in Glover, OK. On June 30, 1951, Forrest Gibbs married the love of his life Wanda Webster. They celebrated 70 years of marriage this year. In 1967, Brother Gibbs received a certificate of Ordination from the General Council of the Assemblies of God. In 2017, he received an Honor of Recognition from the fellowship of the Assemblies of God for over 50 years of dedicated service. He received his Award of Honor for the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma for his long-standing dedication in the ministry. He received a Meritorious Achievement Award from the Ministerial Network International. Rev. Gibbs had a BA in Biblical Studies with the Carolina University of Theology; a degree in Doctrine of Divinity with Emanuel Baptist University; and a degree of science in Biblical Studies with the Bible May Institute & Seminary.

District News Pastors Reports

New Pastors

• •

Atoka First Cushing First Davenport The Connection Okmulgee Compass

Daryl Lee, Disney, reports 12 saved at VBS. Michael Lobmeyer, Tulsa, reports many men have accepted Christ. Five were filled with the Holy Ghost in ICE Detention. Gary Mullen, Sallisaw, reports eight new members, five saved in regular service, and one saved on the job.

Evangelists Reports •

Marna Hillard reports two more family members and one of their friends saved.

Prayer Requests • •

Fred Ticeahkie – healing for family, strength to lead. Anita Davis – healing from shingles.

Needed •

The OKC Dream Center is in need of a couple of donated 12-15 passenger vans. They will be used for bringing people back and forth to church services. Please contact Chase Parsons at 405.634.2615.

Transfers Welcome William R. Johnston, Jr Stephen Leo Korista Lewis Glen Perkins Dylan Steiger Mikayla Steiger

From Northern California-Nevada Potomac Ministry Network South Texas Southern Missouri Rocky Mountain Rocky Mountain

Ronn Cunningham, II William Jenkins III Steven Mooy Nathan Lamirand

Minister’s Spouses Sherry E. White 11/17/1942 – 9/3/2021 Spouse of the Late Orville White

Information Help for Pastors call (918) 758-4147 or visit www.pastoralcareinc.com.

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