Nature Speaks Sampler

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This Power is Nature and it speaks to and through everything. a publication of the Okanagan Institute | $33.00 ISBN 978-0-9881477-4-4

9 780988 147744

43300 >

Are you ready to receive Nature’s gifts?

Okanagan Institute

Cherron Dawn Abernethy has been studying and observing nature from that still small voice within and connecting it to the experiences she has in the external world. Her faith and understanding literally grows with each new day. Dawn will forever be the student and the teacher of this ever-growing and evolving thing we call life. As she awakens more and more each day she feels inspired to share her experiences with others, for this is her gift back to life. Dawn is a Spiritual Practitioner and does one-on-one coaching, performs workshops and creates journals to inspire others to be active and creative with their thoughts and feelings.

Nature Speaks

Nature Speaks

The time to be happy and feel supported by a Power that is greater than you have ever known is now.

Cherron Dawn Abernethy

Cherron Dawn Abernethy

Cherron Dawn Abernethy

Nature Speaks

Cherron Dawn Abernethy is the author of the book New Dawn – 30 Days to a New You. She is a crusader for the Power and Presence within. This coffee table book is designed to reassure others that there is something greater happening on this planet, and that it flows through all creation. When we decide to live our lives from our heart centre, we then learn to receive the love of this Power and we can live happy and peaceful lives. As 20th Century spiritual philosopher Ernest Holmes states: “Let us waste no further time looking for the secret of success or happiness. Already the door is open and whosoever will, may enter.”


Cherron Dawn Abernethy




Birds and the Messages They Speak over the years as i’ve watched the birds and how they show up in my life, I’ve noticed a series of patterns. It’s a bit like dream interpretation – finding the connections has a lot to do with figuring out what the meaning is to you. While there may not be any universal meaning, here is what I’ve observed in my own life. Here is what I’ve noticed, and you’ll see how the birds revealed these lessons in the pages that follow. The list of birds is not limited, just as spirit is not limited. Find the birds in your region and watch to see what they have to reveal to you.

American Kestrel Bald Eagle Blue Heron Dove Duck Hawk Merlin Osprey Owl Raven Seagull Swan Turkey Vulture

Release and Let Go The Power Lies within You Everything is the Activity of God Peace is the Destination Family is Within Us You are Supported and Guided Always You are the Light Joy is the Purpose Truth and Understanding is Wisdom Life is Magical Love is the Solution Faith is the Wings that Protect Us See the Beauty and Perfection in Diversity




Preserve the Nature of Life

am at a place in my life where I know there must be more to life than how I am living it and I want it – whatever that may be. There are days when it’s a struggle to get out of bed, a struggle to go for a walk even though we are perfectly able, and sometimes it even feels like a struggle to simply survive. These are difficult days when everything around appears dead and lifeless, and that was certainly true for me. I was in the midst of experiencing mixed emotions and disjointed relationships with friends and family, when the hawk appeared and seemed to be supporting and guiding me to look within and listen. I observed the beauty of this hawk in flight as I listened to my still voice within. I heard: the power to make a choice is yours- a choice about how to feel, about what actions to take, what I want to be and what I want to do.

The hawk arrives to awaken me to a Power greater than I have ever known. The beauty of this bird in flight flying towards me triggers a thought in me: this is life. This bird is what life is. Not the deadness I see around me, but the flight. Not flying away from what is happening, but flying towards my home, towards my inner Self. As I listen to my still voice within, light breaks through my inner protective wall – the wall I depend on to stop me from expressing emotions I longed for. These emotions now stir deep within me and I realize I have the power to express them. I can no longer suppress my need to know the truth about myself and about the true nature of life.

AFFIRMATION OF PRESERVATION Today I recognize that as I go within I am being guided to return to my natural state of being. It is only I who can preserve my authentic self. As I choose to honour my inner voice that gives direction, I know that I am preserving my original or already existing state. I open my eyes and see the beauty of life that exists around me and through me. I know life is the gift and it is worth preserving.



Welcome Your Challenges There are particular types of seeds that remain dormant until they are broken open by a forest fire. Likewise, there is a seed within you that opens by the fire of your readiness to transform. Challenges are the great awakeners, and when we welcome them we ignite the inner fire of transformation and invite a greater vision for our life to emerge from within us. MICHAEL BERNARD BECKWITH




Vibrational Frequency

ibration is law in execution. To vibrate may mean to fluctuate, to waver; a moving or swinging to and fro. We speak of being in vibration with one thought and then another, switching from one to another. Our thoughts create a vibrational frequency that determines how we move along the ladder of evolution. Our thinking moves us from side to side, or it can move us forward and upward. All phenomena are determined by their rate of vibration. The highest vibration which humans experience is that of love. Days after the raven brought me the frog, the hawk arrived to give me confidence. It’s not always easy trusting what the Universe is giving, especially when it’s scary – the big decisions like selling your home, marriage, moving to a new city. The hawk reminded me that the choices I make determine how I vibrate through life.

Do I want to slow down my vibration, and barely hover, or do I want to soar? If I can imagine that soaring is a possibility, then I am capable of achieving that. Some part of me resonates with that idea, and I can feel my body relax into that thought – and be energized by it. I choose to see and believe that I am being guided and inspired by that Intelligence in the Universe that always demonstrates my highest good. As I stay in that train of thought I move up the ladder of evolution. If I were to believe the opposite of that in all its possible forms, I would find vibration dropping, or at least staying stuck. I choose to be open and receptive to that Intelligence knowing that it is done onto me as I believe and the greater my faith in It, the greater the phenomena I will experience.


Today I know that nothing in the universe can stop me. I am vibrating at my highest level of consciousness. All my senses are attuned to that greater idea of who I am. I am always evolving, but today I evolve consciously, with confidence. I embrace my place in the world.



The Frog totem indicates metamorphoses and new directions in life. Frogs are often symbolized with a gold coin in their mouths signifying good luck and the energy of increased wealth. Shamans felt that frogs could make the quick and effortless leap from one stage of consciousness to another, thus they are a symbol of transformation, creativity, adaptability, sudden change, healing, movement, metamorphosis, joy, agility, wisdom to know when to rest and re-charge, re-birth, and magic. 73



Change Is the Nature of Things

t this time in space on my journey of human experiences I find myself doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. I made the choice to commit to my marriage again for the fifth time because I believed I had a fear of commitment. As I said earlier I sold my house and moved back in with my husband. Well five months in and I am beside myself with how horribly we communicate and get along. I know that something has to change but do not know how or what. One morning I go down to my favourite little lake where I sit and ponder my thoughts and commune with God. As I sit right at the water’s edge a duck comes and swims circles at my feet. After a few times the duck walks up onto the shore only a few feet away from me, and starts to pick at an object. Within moments it realizes this object is not food and will not be nourishment and leaves it behind, and returns to the water, where it circles the edge a few times then returns once more back

onto shore, and starts picking at the same object, drops it, and once more returns to the water. This takes place a few more times, and I can’t help myself. I start giggling. I think about the pet fish trapped in a bowl that keeps passing a castle and thinking – Hey! Look it’s a castle, as though it’s never seen it before. Finally after about the fifth time I hear in my mind what I believe the duck was really demonstrating. How many times are you going to go around the same circle and stop at the same thing? I stepped back into my marriage relationship and realized that it does not nourish my soul and I step out. I again step back in to discover nothing has changed. My soul does not feel nourished. The second I realized what the duck was saying, the duck swam away. I know if I want a new experience I need to accept that I must change what I am doing to be open to receive that which does nurture my soul.

AFFIRMATION OF WISDOM Today I know that I have earned my wisdom. I am aware of the patterns in my life, and I mindfully and consciously choose to release those that no longer serve me. I am wise, I am resilient, and I am at peace with my decisions. I grow from each decision I make, knowing that each one takes me one step closer to selfactualization.



Things do not change; we change. HENRY DAVID THOREAU




We are Living Symbols of Love

am so in love with nature that I share with others the joy that my experiences bring me. My joy inspired the Spiritual Leader at the Centre for Spiritual Living to share my story with his congregation. While driving home following his inspirational message, I felt very blessed and grateful to know that my sharing has rippled out in the world. It was not long before I saw a hawk gracing the sky off the highway. I had a deep desire to express my gratitude and love for this feathered friend for all the light and truth it has shared with me. Moments later I was parked on the side of the road and the hawk came and greeted me. It was so close, I was able to photograph it through the open window of my driver’s door.

I could feel a vibrational frequency of energy hovering above the roof of my vehicle. This pull felt so powerful that I had to get out and see what was causing this incredible force of energy to permeate down on me through the roof of my vehicle. Much to my surprise it was a flock of seagulls circling above me. I knew deep within me this was the energy of love expressing. I took some photos and stayed present in this moment for as long as it lasted. When I got back to my vehicle, the next song on the radio was Queen’s “This Crazy Little Thing Called Love”. This little thing is life and LIFE is CRAZY about LOVE.


I know that I am a little part of this thing called Life and my Love for life ripples far and wide, like a wave over the body of an ocean. As I express and share my truth, I become a symbol for love and remember who I am: Spirit expressing by means of me to unify us with the beauty of life that flows to us and through us forever and always. Just as the seagull soars through the sky with heavenly bread, I know the Kingdom of Heaven is Now.



Love is a deep sense of the underlying unity and beauty of all life, the goodness running through everything, the givingness of Life to everything. ERNEST HOLMES




Know that You are Already Home

ne of my friends lives near a bald eagle’s nest. I have stopped by to see the mom and dad show up delivering goodies for their chicks. I would only get a glimpse of the chicks little heads reaching up to receive the goodies. On this particular day as I drove past the nest I couldn’t stop, so instead I said out loud: “Hey mommy and daddy! When your babies are flying I would absolutely love it if you could bring the family and come see me at my home.” This idea made my heart skip a beat because I would truly love that. Why not ask? I had lunch with my friend, and on my drive home I was at a stop sign when the eagle took flight from a tree in the distance, not too far from its nest. This eagle was flying to me with a large stick in its talons. I reached for my camera and received the image of this eagle soaring with this large stick. I photographed the eagle and as it reached me it veered to the left flying towards its nest. I instantly knew this eagle was inviting me to its home.

I followed it. Literally within seconds I arrived at this eagle’s nest. It had already dropped the stick and was perched waiting for my arrival. I spent a few minutes with this mommy eagle when the daddy eagle took flight from a lower branch. These two eagles merged as one for a few minutes before they both spread their wings in unison to take flight. I felt like this was my home, all of this. I stayed with the eagles for 45 minutes, and when I left I thanked them for the oasis of serenity that calls me back to truth. My home, or the eagle’s home, for it is all the same. Home is right where I am – being my authentic self, regardless of circumstance, place or thing. I am never off course. I may choose a longer more scenic route but I am always being guided to see the truth. Truth is that home is in God and God is everywhere I go. This is the essence of serenity.


Today, I know I have all the energy, power and strength I need to create the life and home I want to have. I know the essence of who I am is honourable and respectful and I realize and experience empowerment, respect, honor, truth and integrity within myself. I am at peace with myself and it is all good. Serenity is home and home is found in God.


This Power is Nature and it speaks to and through everything. a publication of the Okanagan Institute | $33.00 ISBN 978-0-9881477-4-4

9 780988 147744

43300 >

Are you ready to receive Nature’s gifts?

Okanagan Institute

Cherron Dawn Abernethy has been studying and observing nature from that still small voice within and connecting it to the experiences she has in the external world. Her faith and understanding literally grows with each new day. Dawn will forever be the student and the teacher of this ever-growing and evolving thing we call life. As she awakens more and more each day she feels inspired to share her experiences with others, for this is her gift back to life. Dawn is a Spiritual Practitioner and does one-on-one coaching, performs workshops and creates journals to inspire others to be active and creative with their thoughts and feelings.

Nature Speaks

Nature Speaks

The time to be happy and feel supported by a Power that is greater than you have ever known is now.

Cherron Dawn Abernethy

Cherron Dawn Abernethy

Cherron Dawn Abernethy

Nature Speaks

Cherron Dawn Abernethy is the author of the book New Dawn – 30 Days to a New You. She is a crusader for the Power and Presence within. This coffee table book is designed to reassure others that there is something greater happening on this planet, and that it flows through all creation. When we decide to live our lives from our heart centre, we then learn to receive the love of this Power and we can live happy and peaceful lives. As 20th Century spiritual philosopher Ernest Holmes states: “Let us waste no further time looking for the secret of success or happiness. Already the door is open and whosoever will, may enter.”

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