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“A Tradition of Pride” is the theme for the 2011 Annual Meeting (Hyatt Regency Hotel downtown Tulsa) — pride in who we are, what we do and our accomplishments. Pride in our profession, our heritage, our country. The Annual Meeting Committee and bar staff have spent hundreds of hours working to make this Annual Meeting one which encourages us to celebrate our profession. If we are not proud of who we are and what we do, why should we expect others to respect us and our profession? If you haven't attended the Annual Meeting before — or it's been awhile — 2011 is THE year to check out all the opportunities.

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT ANNUAL MEETING  What is the registration fee for Annual Meeting? Registration fee payable to the OBA is only $60 through October 17th and then $85 after October 17th. Follow this link to register- http://am.okbar.org/2011/register/ You do NOT pay this to the OBA FLS. OBA FLS Members attend the Family Law Section Meeting and CLE at no charge. See information below for details.

 What do you get as part of the registration fee? Registration fee includes: • • • • • • • •

Wednesday continental breakfast in hospitality area President’s Boots & Bandanas Reception featuring the Red Dirt Rangers band-Wednesday night YLD Tombstone Casino Night- Wednesday night Bench and Bar Breakfast- chance for judges and lawyers to talk informally- Thursday morning Veterans Appreciation Reception honoring bar members who are serving and have servedThursday afternoon Red White & Blue Reception- Thursday night The Capitol Steps from Washington D.C.- A musical-comedy group pokes fun at the national political scene- Thursday night Convention gifts- each registrant gets a gift bag that not only contains lots of merchandise and information from our many vendors and sponsors, but also Bedre chocolate and customized badge holder, beverage mug and bandana Vendor’s expo An attorney is not required to register for the OBA Annual Meeting in order to attend our Thursday OBA FLS meeting/CLE, however, the registration fee is a great bargain and we are encouraging all of our OBA FLS members to support our Bar Association and register. You can pay only the registration fee. Attending the Annual Meeting offers attorneys an opportunity to network with other professionals in addition to the entertainment during the evening events.

 What is the difference between the OBA Annual Meeting events on Wednesday, November 2nd and the OBA FLS events on Thursday, November 3rd?  Wednesday, November 2, 2011: Wednesday is the day the OBA CLE Department offers four tracks of CLE presentations: Family Law, Criminal Law, Recent Developments and “Charm School for Lawyers”. You can attend any of the 4 program tracks and you do not have to attend only the family law track on Wednesday. You can “mix and match”! http://am.okbar.org/2011/cle/tracks/ . In order to attend this CLE you register for the Annual Meeting and you pay the CLE registration fee to the OBA. In addition to the four CLE tracks on Wednesday, the OBA is offering a separate CLE titled “Trial and the Art of War”. http://am.okbar.org/2011/cle/art-of-war/ . In order to attend this CLE you register for the Annual Meeting and you pay the CLE registration fee to the OBA. On Wednesday, November 2nd the OBA Family Law Section does not offer any CLE that is separate from the OBA CLE. Our CLE Chair, Tamera Childers, coordinated the speakers on the Wednesday Family Law CLE track and as you can see from the line-up, it is a great presentation with a variety of topics.  Thursday, November 3, 2011: OBA Family Law Section Annual Meeting and CLE! Any member of our OBA Family Law Section is welcome to attend our meeting and CLE (5 hours no ethics credit) and there is no additional charge to attend. The meeting and CLE are held in Promenade D 2nd floor of the Hyatt Regency Hotel beginning at 8:45 a.m. and ending at approximately 5:00 p.m. We will hold our elections for 2012, present our 2011 OBA FLS awards, the Attendance Appreciation prize drawing occurs, and we offer many drawings, including one lucky attorney who wins a certificate to attend any ABA Family Law Section CLE or OBA Family Law Section CLE in 2012.

 Am I required to complete a registration form to attend the OBA Family Law Section Annual Meeting and CLE held on November 3, 2011? No. Any member of the OBA FLS is welcome to attend the Thursday event at no cost and no registration is required. Attendance to this meeting and CLE are included in the membership dues of $25. All you have to do is show up on Thursday, sign in, receive your CLE materials with goodie bag and be prepared to be educated by our two CLE presenters. If you are

not yet a member of our Section, you may pay $25 on the day of the CLE as dues for 2011 and receive the pleasure of full member benefits, including CLE credit.

 What are the OBA FLS CLE presentations on Thursday? We offer two CLE speakers this year for a total of 5 hours CLE credit, no ethics credit.  Professor Robert G. Spector Robert G. Spector is the Glenn R. Watson Chair and Centennial Professor of Law Emeritus at the University of Oklahoma College of Law. He will present his highly anticipated programs: THE HIDDEN LAW: AN ANALYSIS OF UNPUBLISHED FAMILY LAW CASES FROM THE COURT OF CIVIL APPEALS and RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN FAMILY LAW 2010-2011. His presentation is the highlight of our meeting each year and you don’t want to miss this important event. Professor Spector writes and lectures extensively on family law topics. He received the Chair’s Award from the Oklahoma Bar Association’s Family Law Section in 1994 and 1997 for significant contributions to the development of family law and in 1990 was named the Outstanding Family Law Attorney. He has also received the Earl Sneed Award for significant contributions to Continuing Legal Education by the Oklahoma Bar Association in 1991. He was a member of the Governing council of the American Bar Association’s Family Law Section for ten years. He also chaired the Committee on Marital Torts and served as ViceChair of the Law School Curriculum Committee. He is currently the Vice-Chair of the Family Law Committee of the International Law Section. He serves as a consultant to the Oklahoma Bar Association’s Section of Family Law. He is the author of Oklahoma Family Law: Cases and Materials, Oklahoma Family Law: The Handbook and Oklahoma Family Law: Statutes and Rules Annotated, all published by Imprimatur Press and over 100 articles on family law. He also serves as the Associate Editor of the Family Law Quarterly, and is a member of the Board of Editors of Divorce Litigation and the American Journal of Family Law.  Dr. Sol R. Rappaport, a Licensed Clinical Psychologist We are also pleased to present speaker Dr. Sol R. Rappaport, a Licensed Clinical Psychologist specializing in Forensic Psychology, from Libertyville, Illinois. Dr. Rappaport’s first presentation is “The Impact of Divorce on Children: What we think we know, what we know, and what we need to do”. Does divorce really impact children, and if so, how? This presentation will address the impact of divorce on children using current research to dispel common myths. The presentation provides a thorough review of the research on the impact of divorce on children which can guide attorneys in understanding how to best help their clients prevent their children from developing significant problems following divorce. It can also guide

attorneys representing children in understanding what may be contributing to a child’s difficulties so that they can provide useful information to the courts as to how to ameliorate any problems. The research on the impact of parenting plans on children will also be addressed. Dr. Rappaport’s second presentation is “Psychological Testing and Cross Examination in Custody Evaluations”. Psychologists conducting custody evaluations often misuse psychological testing data. This presentation will prepare attorneys for how to cross examine psychologists on a variety of psychological tests in custody evaluations, including the MMPI-2, MCMI-III, TAT, Rorschach, and various other tests. Detailed information will be provided regarding the most common mistakes evaluators make and how to successfully challenge them in court. The increased use of computer generated reports by psychologists will also be addressed. Dr. Rappaport has been appointed in over 500 custody evaluations in the last 16 years and has testified throughout Northern Illinois. Dr. Rappaport has presented nationally to a variety of professional audiences on custody and other topics. He has trained both attorneys and mental health professionals on the use of psychological testing in custody evaluations. He has also trained other mental health professionals in how to conduct custody evaluations. He consults with and trains attorneys in cross examination techniques. In addition to his forensic practice, Dr. Rappaport is a co-founder of a therapeutic day school for children and adolescents with autism. He performs educational testing and risk assessments for school districts and police agencies. The OBA CLE Department offers additional CLE on Thursday and Friday and this is separate from our events. http://am.okbar.org/2011/cle/

 What is there to do in the evening during Annual Meeting? During Wednesday and Thursday evenings the OBA has planned fantastic events for members and guest who pay the registration fee ($60 before October 17th and $85 after October 17th). Visit this link to learn about the evening activities: http://am.okbar.org/2011/events/ The OBA FLS is the co-sponsor of the 2011 OBA Annual Meeting App. A benefit of our sponsorship is that any OBA FLS Member who attends the Thursday FLS CLE will receive a ticket to attend the Thursday evening OBA event that includes the Red, White and Blue Reception with free food, a chance to network with attorneys and judges and enjoy the performance by The Capitol Steps musical-comedy group. The OBA FLS will not host a separate dinner on Thursday night. In addition, our OBA Family Law Section will host a Hospitality Suite on Wednesday night and Thursday night in the Hyatt Regency Hotel Room #1234 (Regent’s Suite). We will be open Wednesday night from 10:00 p.m. – Midnight and Thursday night from 9:30 p.m. – midnight. Plan to stop by for some light snacks, beverages and socializing. We will be celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the OBA FLS!

 Now that I have decided to attend the OBA Annual Meeting, what do I do next?  Mark off your calendar so you can attend in Tulsa on November 2nd & November 3rd  Call and make your hotel reservation, contact Hyatt Regency at 1-888-591-1234. Call by Oct. 11 and mention Oklahoma Bar Association 2011 Convention for a special room rate of $110 per night. For online hotel reservations, go to www.hyatt.com and use G-OKBA as the Corporate/Group #.  Send in your registration form to the OBA by October 17th to pay the fee of $60 http://am.okbar.org/2011/register/  Tell others not to miss the 2011 OBA Annual Meeting!

Sincerely, Kimberly K. Hays, OBA FLS Chair 2011

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