1 minute read

Four Picker Panel Coffee company’s corporate headquarters coming to Village

By Eric Oesch Staff Writer

The Village is to be the new corporate home of Viridian Coffee Co. when the company opens in the old Casady Square Bank of Oklahoma location, 9300 N. Pennsylvania, later this year, bringing with it 40 employees. The announcement was made during last week’s Village City Council meeting.

The 1960s-era building has been vacant since Bank of Oklahoma shuttered their branch location nearly three years ago. The building has a

3,403 square-foot footprint on the ground floor and a basement featuring 3,520 square-feet. Prior to Bank of Oklahoma, the building was occupied by Continental Federal Savings and Loan.

Viridian Coffee Co. joins Walmart Neighborhood Market, Braum’s Ice Cream & Dairy Store, and 7-Eleven on the southeast corner of Casady Square.

The Viridian presentation to the city council shows the new coffee house is to feature restaurant seating for 79 occupants, a lounge with seating for See VILLAGE, Page 5

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