OKC FRIDAY $1 per copy
Vol. 56 No. 3 • One Section • 12 pages • May 27, 2022
www.okcfriday.com facebook.com/okcfriday OKC’s only locally-owned legal newspaper with all local news Serving Oklahoma City, Nichols Hills, The Village, Quail Creek, The Greens and Gaillardia for 48 years
Village council split on benefits of providing public transportation By Eric Oesch Staff Writer For years, The Village City Council has toyed with the idea of entering a partnership with Oklahoma City EMBARK to provide public transportation to residents of the city. Last week upon the invitation of Vice Mayor Wynter Griffis, Jason Ferbrache, administrator/director for
EMBARK shared a Transit Rider Profile, a proposed budget and answered questions from the council. Ferbrache proposed an extension to Route 007 that would bring service to The Village by extending the May Avenue bus north from NW 63 to Hefner Road. The bus would then encircle the city traveling Pennsylvania Avenue to Britton and Britton west to May Avenue
Four to receive Sister Cities Visions Awards Four well-known Oklahomans are set to receive Global Vision Awards presented by Sister Cities International Oklahoma City on Nov. 18 at the Embassy Suites at the OU Medical Center. They are Secretary Bill Lance, Justice Yvonne Kauger, Major General Rita Aragon and Dr. William Parry. Sister Cities International OKC Board of Directors voted unanimously to expand the Global Achievement awards to reflect the continued growth of Oklahoma City as a national leader in global cooperation at the municipal level, promoting cultural understanding and stimulating economic development. Chickasaw Nation Secretary of Commerce Bill Lance is the recipient of the Global Vision Philanthropist Award. Lance is the longestserving Secretary of Commerce in the history of the Chickasaw Nation. Since he was first appointed to the role in 2009 annual net income generated by the nation’s businesses more than tripled, with a compounding annual growth rate of 11 percent. Prior to his tenure as Commerce Secretary, Lance served as administrator of the nation’s health system where, under the leadership of Governor Bill See AWARDS, Page 11
before returning south towards downtown. The EMBARK Transit Rider Profile reports 61 percent of riders were born between 1960 and 1989 with 80 percent reporting a 2020 household annual income of less than $19,999. He shared that 47 percent of riders do not own cars, 40 percent use transit for work and 86 percent walk from home to the nearest bus stop.
The proposal would provide bus service every 30 minutes at bus stop locations to be determined. Estimated time from The Village to the downtown transfer terminal is 30 minutes. Ferbrache presented an estimated budget of $1.63 million with EMBARK purchasing a new bus totaling $550,000. EMBARK would also cover the annual $857,245 cost to run the route.
The Village would cover the cost of bus stop signage estimated at $12,518 with an annual route cost to the city at $217,600. “The Village is a prominent and critical part of the Oklahoma City metro and providing new ways to connect with our neighbors is a no-brainer,” said newly elected Mayor Adam Graham. See VILLAGE, Page 5
Our graduates are off to prestigious colleges Heritage Hall graduates Olivia Ross and Allie Lathrop are all smiles as they receive honors during the school’s annual awards ceremony. See our Salute to the Class of 2022 in this week’s edition to learn more about students’ achievements.
By Rachel Dallalio Student Intern The 2022 high school graduates are preparing for higher education. OKC FRIDAY’s nearly 100 All Stars included in the Salute to the Class of 2002, in today’s edition, are planning to attend 43 individual colleges, including two Ivy League schools. Many of these schools are considered highly prestigious or close to the Ivy League level. The majority of the schools are outside of Oklahoma representing 22 differ-
ent states from the East to West Coasts. These colleges range from extremely familiar to utterly unique catering to the students' choice in career path. This includes places such as Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. and the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Va. There are also three students attending two of the top eight Ivy League schools: Princeton and Harvard. These schools are followed by highly prestigious colleges such as the University of
Chicago and the University of Georgia which require above a 4.0 GPA for acceptance. This is alongside two schools ranked Tier 1 for education which includes Rice University in Houston, Texas and Southern Methodist University in Dallas. There are multiple other universities held in high prestige which these graduates plan to attend including the state’s own University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma State University and the University of Central Oklahoma.
Bishop McGuinness student a finalist for OKC Broadway’s Kelli O’Hara Awards By Rachel Dallalio Student Intern Bishop McGuinness student Matthew Fowler is an OKC Broadway 2022 Kelli O’Hara Awards finalist for outstanding performance by
an actor. These awards are meant to highlight the students and teachers within the performing arts program across Oklahoma. If Fowler is chosen as the winner for the overall Best
FRIDAY’s Rescue
Actor Award, he has the opportunity to participate in the National High School Theatre Awards also known as The Jimmy Awards. The National High School Theatre Awards take place virtually where Fowler
would be able to receive professional training. Winners then have the chance to compete and perform in front of a national audience in New York City, June 18-28. This program has over
100,000 applicants annually and Fowler is one of 10 finalists from all over Oklahoma. Fowler was to attend the awards along with the rest of the finalists Thursday in celebration of his theater achievements.
Cats of the Week Four of our students are going to I was a young mother, and they call me April. Can you promise me I'll never have to live in an attic again? My adoption fee is waived. Lola, Lucy, Liam and Levi — look in these faces and say you're not smitten. They can come to your home as soon as they're altered and their fee is waived! Call Kadin at the Village shelter, (405)751-9518.
This sponsorship is available! Call (405) 755-3311 for details.
college on National Merit Scholarships By Rachel Dallalio Student Intern The National Merit Scholarship Corporation has announced its 2022 National Merit Scholarships winners. There are four Fridayland high school seniors who were awarded the $2500 scholarship, funded by the National Merit Corporation. These students were specially selected by a committee of college admissions officers and high school counselors for their high academic and community achievements. The NMSC has a goal of shining a light on the younger generations' achieve-
ments inside and outside of the school environment. With this knowledge in mind, here are the four Fridayland high school students recognized as National Merit Scholarship winners. Garrett Baumert, a Crossings Christian School graduate, is planning to study chemical engineering. Heritage Hall’s Gary Smith’s major is computer science. Divya Chandrasekaran, from Casady School, wants to be a journalist. Aishwarya Swamidurai See MERITS, Page 2
Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, May 27, 2022, Page 2
MERITS From Page 1 is from Classen School of Advanced Studies. She hopes to study political science. These four students began their journey for the National Merit Scholarship Competition in October 2020 by taking the PSAT/NMSQT. The students were then chosen from a pool of 15,000 students as a part of 2,500 Merit Scholars finalists for the scholarship program. Then, the students completed multiple rounds of testing and evaluation ultimately leading to their point of selection as a finalist. After careful evaluation of their test scores and academic achievements, they were among the top percentile chosen for this award. After these scholarships are officially implemented, it will go toward furthering their education after they graduate from their respective high schools.
- Photos by Rose Lane
Oklahoma City nonprofit Cleats for Kids (C4K) celebrated 10 years of equipping and empowering kids with its Gamechangers campaign which raised $1.3 million dollars for their mission. The achievement was announced during a tailgate party along Fred Jones Avenue. Above: Founders Mark and Stacy McDaniel. At left: Tim and Liz McLaughlin are inducted into the C4K Hall of Fame.
Gamechangers raises $1.3 million From left: Adam Rainbolt, Hunter Mankin, Eddie Rados, Whitney Rainbolt and Courtney Mankin.
At right: Cathy Colton, Kindt Steven Myers and Barbara Cooper. C4K’s mission has impacted kids, families and schools across the entire state, serving 140,000 kids with 200,000 pieces of sporting goods. Former NFL and OU quarterback Sam Bradford, one of the 600 people who attended the tailgate, with Lance McDaniel, one of the chairs.
Graham Colton, above, and Brian Bogert, below, chaired the event with Lance McDaniel.
Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, May 27, 2022, Page 3
Kelly Bret Clark Sept. 10, 1967 ~ April 28, 2022
Kelly Bret Clark, of Texas and Oklahoma, died unexpectedly on April 28, 2022. He was only 54-years-old. The family is deeply saddened and shocked by his sudden death. He was born in Fullerton, Calif. At age five his family moved to Oklahoma. He attended Casady School, Heritage Hall and graduated from Wentworth Military Academy, and received his B.A. from the University of Central Oklahoma. He moved to Washington, D.C., after college to intern for Sen. James Inhofe. He left that office after earning his Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) to work for the U.S. Senate. After receiving his PCI-QSA he worked for large companies internationally and across the United States, many of which are confidential. He eventually received his Certified Information Security Manager (CISM). As a Principal Consultant for Verizon Enterprise Solutions, he managed a premiere set of consultants as a part of Verizon’s Professional Services. At the time of his death, he was a PCIDSS Consultant for Protiviti, Dallas. Kelly met Jennifer Starcevich at Heritage
Hall in 1984 when he was a junior and she was a freshman. They became life-long friends and stayed in contact throughout the years. In 2009, Kelly and Jennifer’s paths finally synced and they were able to begin a life together. He introduced Jennifer to scuba diving and they split their time between Lake Texoma and Edmond with Jennifer’s children Parker Easton, Mia Easton and many adored pets. They were married on
March 30, 2013, in the home of Cheryl and Paul Clements. In addition to a successful career, Kelly was an avid scuba diver and had recently received his rescue diver certification. He had plans to train and dive the infamous Truk Lagoon in Micronesia. Lake life and speed boating were other passions of his as well as computer gaming, where he made many good friends all over the world. Kelly was a great stepfather who enjoyed spoiling Jennifer and the kids any chance he had with vacations, computers, gaming consoles, and gadgets. He was the most generous son, brother, nephew, cousin, stepdad, husband, partner, and friend - traits that were obvious to all after even just a single meeting.
Kelly is survived by Jennifer Clark, the love of his life, and her children Parker Easton and Mia Easton, whom he loved greatly. Also survived by his mother Vicki Clark Gourley, brother Brandon Clark, sister-in-law Stacy Clark and nephews Graham and Gavin Clark. Also, his aunt and uncle June and Mike Graham of Dallas, as well as cousins Jeff Graham and Holly Graham Boney, stepmother Barbara Clark, stepsister Marcie Wilson-Kelley, aunt Teresa Clark Sprowls, uncle Cary Clark and an abundance of friends. Kelly is preceded in death by his father Jerry Clark and stepfather Leland Gourley, and grandparents Mary Helen and Tom Graham, and Ernestine and Ray Clark. We will miss him more than words can say.
Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, May 27, 2022, Page 4
Sports Weekly 2022 spring season in photos The Heritage Hall girls soccer team celebrates after winning the Class 3A state championship.
- Photo by Kimberly Richelle, kimberlyrichelle.myportfolio.com
Crossings Christian’s Lauren Asbury prepares to hit a backhand return during her state tournament doubles match with partner Anna Lapere.
- Photo by Kimberly Richelle, kimberlyrichelle.myportfolio.com
FRIDAY Publication No. (USPS 893-600) PHONE 755-3311 • www.okcfriday.com Official Legal Newspaper For OKLAHOMA, OKLAHOMA CITY and OKLAHOMA COUNTY, Including NICHOLS HILLS and THE VILLAGE Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Office of publication, 10801 N. Quail Plaza Drive, PO aBox 20340, Oklahoma City, OK 73156. FRIDAY is published each Friday by Nichols Hills Publishing Co., Inc. It is an official, legal newspaper, under Oklahoma law, published in Oklahoma County, primarily serving Oklahoma City but also The Village and Nichols Hills. Mail subscription price in county $30. elsewhere in Oklahoma $40, elsewhere U.S. $40. Newsstand price $1. Periodicals postage paid at Oklahoma City, OK. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: FRIDAY, PO Box 20340, Okla City, OK 73156. MEMBER: Oklahoma Press Association, National Newspaper Association, Greater Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce, Northwest OKC Chamber of Commerce. Represented nationally by USSPI, New York, Chicago, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Detroit, Dallas. Represented regionally by Central Oklahoma Newspaper Group (CONG), OKC. Phone 752-2664
- Photo by Richard Clifton, rtcditigalimages.zenfolio.com
Above: PC North’s Landon Fonzi throws a pitch against Bethany. Right: John Marshall’s Elijah Goldsmith runs the 100 meters at the All-City track meet.
- Photo by Richard Clifton, rtcditigalimages.zenfolio.com
- Photo by Kimberly Richelle, kimberlyrichelle.myportfolio.com
Above: Heritage Hall’s Larson Vanhorn won a No. 2 singles title at the Class 5A state tournament.
- Photo by Richard Clifton, rtcditigalimages.zenfolio.com
Left: PC North’s Camryn Drake passes ahead to a teammate during a game against Westmoore.
From Page One
VILLAGE From Page 1 “Partnering with EMBARK will better serve every member of our community, particularly the most vulnerable who lack access to vehicles. I’m excited to see how this partnership will continue to flourish.” While Graham, Griffis and council member Sonny Wilkinson have expressed support for exploring EMBARK public transportation services during previous council meetings, other council members are not as enthusiastic. “At this time, I would not support the proposed EMBARK system for The Village,” said councilman Bubba Symes. “In my 20 years associated with the council and my 50-plus years living in The Village, I have never been asked why we do not have a bus system or heard talk concerning a bus system before this came up. “A $200,000-plus fixed cost for this service, per year, is a commitment that, though may be socially nice, in reality, is not practical for a city that is still trying to catch up with years of bad drainage, needed street improvements, expanded needs by our police and fire departments, our street crews and park and city maintenance needs,” said Symes. “Remember, our Village is for the most part built out. Our tax income will vary from year to year and will not improve leaps and bounds as our neighbors in Edmond and Oklahoma City. “If we lose one of our grocery
Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, May 27, 2022, Page 7
stores, just one, this loss will cut into the way we run the city dramatically. Over the years we have lost three, including a big Walmart,” he added. “We must preserve our financial stability and keep our reserve for losses we may incur in the coming uncertain times.” Councilman Sean Cummings has twice traveled the proposed route and posted videos of his EMBARK experiences on his Facebook page. “The presentation from EMBARK was fantastic. Full of energy and ideas,” said Cummings. “He (Jason Ferbrache) brought both good information and information that could be taken as a negative as well. For example, the drop in ridership in the last two years.” According to Ferbrache, EMBARK has experienced a decline in ridership from 150,000 riders in FY 2019 to just 80,000 in FY 22. He attributes much of the decline in ridership to the COVID pandemic. “Oddly enough, my wife Cathy Cummings approached EMBARK initially because of a customer of mine who requested information on getting a bus line through The Village,” he added. “She and former council member David Bennett met with them for months.” Cummings was recently elected to replace his wife, Cathy, who resigned to run for another office. “When I rode the bus on two separate occasions, only two customers (riders) were on the bus from 63rd St and May. Maybe four customers were on the bus from Hefner to Penn,”
said Cummings. “We did gather a large amount of people downtown at the Hub. Maybe 10 or 12. Other than the one person who initially asked me about the bus, I have never had another person in The Village ask me. “The bus routes presented were the beginning of a conversation,” he said. “Town Halls, public meetings, input from businesses and residents will be needed before any of those decisions can possibly be made.” EMBARK shared some riders would have a possible half mile walk to the nearest bus stop. “If this proposal were to come to fruition with possible half mile walks to the bus stop some people would be happy while others might be angry it was too far,” Ferbrache said. “Walking, bicycling or park and ride will be part of how this works. There is no right answer for this.” City Manager Bruce Stone remembers when the city had a less expensive alternative to public transportation. “We used to have a program called Share a Fare, which was subsidized taxi service for low income, elderly citizens,” said Stone. “The Village bought coupons from COTPA (now Embark) and the eligible citizens paid a part of the cost. The annual expenses for this program were around $2,000. Embark has a similar program using Send a Ride. “The City Council did not opt to participate in this program when I brought it up a couple of years ago,” he said. “It would be an inexpensive option to help citizens who need help with transportation.”
May 27 Kenneth Adams Susan Amis Jane Clark Lee Garland Helen Haun Fred Jones Rick Naifeh John Smelser Ron Yordi May 28 Christopher Bruner Jonathon Murrah Jerry Neff Pamela Neff Donald Quinten Melissa Sellars LeAnn Smith May 29 Dana Hobson Henry Jones Bair Molly Matheson Josh Smith Shannon Sutherland Vivian Waddell May 30 JoAnn Doser Anita Eischen Bryce Martin Amy McFarland Esther Rainey Matthew Rooney Jill Swyden
May 31 Doris Clifton Ted Gumerson, Jr. Heather Jones Skip Lybrand Luann Schmeidel Tom Thomas, Jr. June 1 Emily Aust Jennifer Bentley Victoria Cudjo Midge Gustas Bill Hawk Rodney Kinslow Carol Mears Yen Nixon Ruthie Reavis Robert M. Rice Jim Root June 2 Caitlin Aust Nicole Bondurant Kathleen Coleson John Durie Keri Hallman Jim Irwin Gayle Jones Jim Meade Trent Mewbourn Margaret Monsour John Norman Lane Savage Margaret Swanson
Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, May 27, 2022, Page 6
CALENDAR CONCERTS June 1014 • Brightmusic Guest pianist Peter Miyamoto joins cur rent and returning Brightmusic musicians to take a turn at differ ent musical combina tions through four concerts June 10, 12, 13, and 14 at its pre pandemic venue: St. Paul’s Cathedral in downtown OKC. This festival juxtaposes works from Mozart’s time to several Ameri cans, including 19th trailblazer Amy Beach, jazz professor David Baker and Chickasaw composer Jerod Impichchaachaaha' Tate. Admission for each concert is $20 at the door and free for children, activeduty military and students with ID. Or save $30 with a festival pass ($50) available by mail or online at brightmu sic.org/passes.
EXHIBITS Through July 24 • Pop Art and Text In this exhibition, some of America’s firstgeneration Pop artists are highlighted, such as Andy Warhol, whose Campbell’s Soup II series turns an everyday product into high art, as well as Robert Indiana, who referred to himself as a “sign painter” rather than an artist. The ideas of Pop continue today as seen in the work of Oklahoma artist Ed Ruscha, who creates “word paint
deadCenter University
June 3 • Twilight After Party The inaugural OKC Zoo Gala, Under African Skies, is sold out, but that’s not the only party. The Twilight After Party presented by Devon Energy is Friday, June 3, from 9 pm to midnight. Dance the night away in your best Safari Chic! Entry to the Twilight After Party is $75/person and each ticket includes event admission, 2 complimentary drink tickets, food truck access, photo booth, silent auc tion, dancing, opportunity to visit the Her petarium and unlimited carousel rides. Twi light After Party tickets are limited and advance reservations are required at okc zoo.org, no tickets will be sold at the gate. toric Paseo Arts Dis trict, selling original artwork in a wide vari ety of media, from painting and photog raphy to wood and jewelry. The festival is also famous for its more than 50 musi cians and live perform ers on two stages who donate their time and THIS WEEKEND talents to support the May 2829 • Paseo. Visit thep Chuck Wagon Festival aseo.org for the festi Families and foodies val guide. alike will delight at the 31th Annual Chuck Through October • Wagon Festival, a cele Farmers Market bration of Western Shop all local Oklaho and Native American ma farmers, produc history, art and cuisine ers and artisans at for all ages at the Scissortail Park on National Cowboy & Saturdays. Make it Western Heritage part of your Saturday Museum. Visitors can morning routine to also enjoy artisan pick up the freshest demonstrations, West produce, meats, poul ern reenactors, try, honey, coffee, archery, craft stations, spices, baked goods country and western and more. Free park dancing, live music ing during the market performed by Rodeo weekends. The Silver Opry and more. Visit Flyer will shuttle nationalcowboymuse guests with limited um.org for details. mobility from the parking lot to the May 2830 • Farmers Market. Look Paseo Arts Festival for signage directing More than 100 visual to the pickup/drop artists will fill the His off areas. ings” that play with language and put “the noise of everyday life” onto the canvas. Two newly acquired litho graphs by Ruscha are featured – Boom Town (2020) and Turbo Tears (2020). Visit okc moa.com for details.
Send calendar events to jennifer@okcfriday.com Paycom Center Events/Shows: Andrea Bocelli June 23 James Taylor July 21 Kevin Hart Aug. 14 My Chemical Romance Aug. 20 Backstreet Boys Sept. 14 Pearl Jam Sept. 20 Shawn Mendes Sept. 27
Keith Urban Greta Van Fleet Zoo Amphitheatre: Matchbox Twenty The Black Crowes Goo Goo Dolls Civic Center Music Hall: The Lion King
Sept. 30 Nov. 4 June 22 Aug. 24 Sept. 17 May 1129
f you know a high school student who wants learn how to make movies, there is no better place to start than deadCenter University. deadCenter University is a free program offered by the deadCenter Film Festival, June 912, that gives students aged 15-19 the opportunity to learn hands-on filmmaking from local filmmakers, industry professionals, and film professors from different schools and universities. The program is free, but requires registration by June 1 at www.deadcenterfilm.org/deadcenteruniversity. deadCenter University, which is open to 80 students, is broken up into two intensive training days and two days of watching movies and special events. The intensive training starts on June 9 at Green Pastures Studio in Spencer, where the students will learn how short films are created. The training will cover directing, camera operations, lighting, sound recording, styling, and on-set procedures. Castle Row Studios in Midwest City will host day two on June 10, providing an inside view of a busy post-production studio. Castle Row Studios has recorded movie soundtracks and albums for years. When the film industry started to blossom, Castle Row expanded their post-
production facilities and became one of the biggest post houses in the state. The day at Castle Row will also feature interactive sessions with several filmmakers whose movies are screening in the film festival that weekend. The final and most exciting aspect of deadCenter University is the free film festival pass for the students and a parent to attend movies together, make connections with other future filmmakers, and participate in Oklahoma largest gathering of filmmakers and film enthusiasts. Every year, deadCenter screens films from young Oklahoma filmmakers whose first exposure to making movies was deadCenter University. deadCenter University was launched in 2012 to provide an entry level look at the filmmaking process and film industry to Oklahoma high school students. The first few years were set up as a series of interactive discussions with outstanding filmmakers from Oklahoma or visiting from elsewhere. Oscar winning producer Gray Freder-
Tim Allen June 4 Matilda June 2126 Carousel July 510 Kinky Boots July 1924 Vince Gill Aug. 12 Pretty Woman The Musical Aug.1621 Weird Al Yankovic Sept. 4 Other Events/Shows/Awards:
ickson, director Fritz Kiersch, location scout Alison Naifeh, OCCC studio manager Sean Lynch, and casting director Chris Freihofer all shared their first-hand experience and inspired students to enroll in one of the great local film schools. deadCenter University kicked into high gear when deadCenter partnered with the film and digital media team at Metro Technology Center. Metro Tech loved the idea of DCU, but believed that there needed to be more hands-on film training. They offered to host the program and set up production teams led by local filmmakers so the students could produce actual scenes from movies. Eventually, those scenes included special effects, green screens, stop motion animation, and CGI. Today, deadCenter University is still hosted by Metro Technology Centers. But the classes and training sessions are hosted inside working film studios across the metro area. This gives students a firsthand look at the types of places they will be working in addition to the different jobs available. I highly recommend deadCenter University to any teenaged filmmaker. And, for all of you adults, go buy a deadCenter pass and join the celebration of film at eadcenterfilm.org.
Sip and Stroll Chuck Wagon Festival deadCenter Film Festival Walk for Kids OLFC Pickelball Tourney
Apr.21Sept.15 May 2829 June 912 June 11 June 26
CASA celebrates 7th annual Join in June campaign For the seventh year in a row, Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of Oklahoma County is asking members of the community to step forward and join the ranks of their volunteers and supporters during a special June awareness push. Dubbed “Join in June,” the campaign focuses on all the ways Oklahoma County residents can get involved with the nonprofit program. CASA works in conjunction with the juvenile court system to provide trained volunteer advocates who speak for the best interests of children in the foster care system due to abuse or neglect. As part of the June recruitment campaign, CASA of Oklahoma Coun-
ty will host several public awareness events, including Lunch & Learns, a coffee and an Open House. Visit JoinInJune.org for details on these and other events throughout the month of June. “We held our first Join in June campaign back in 2016, then turned it into an annual celebration of CASA’s mission,” said CASA’s Director of Recruitment Kathy North, “Our volunteer opportunity involves both a fragile population and a complex court system. We’re looking for a very special kind of person who is willing to confront the realities of the system with a compassionate heart.” At CASA’s informational events, members of the community are invit-
ed to meet and hear from staff and even current volunteers, as CASA staff helps to demystify foster care in Oklahoma County. Last Fiscal Year, the program served approximately 40% of the nearly 2,000 children in care in the county. North says the Open House and Lunch & Learn events introduce the community to the human side of CASA’s mission: “These events highlight the important outcomes a CASA volunteer can help achieve in these cases. Community problems require community solutions. It takes all of us working together to create positive change across our county.” CASA volunteers are supported in their service by an Advocacy Super-
visor who coaches the advocate in writing court reports, appearing in court and participating in necessary meetings and visits. The volunteer advocate is never alone in their journey of service. Join in June's events are free to the public and guests can RSVP by calling 405-594-3384 to speak to Kathy North. Find CASA of Oklahoma County on the web at JoinInJune.org or OKCountyCASA.org. For information on other CASA programs around the state, visit the Oklahoma CASA Association website at oklahomacasa.org. CASA of Oklahoma County is a proud United Way Partner Agency.
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Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, May 27, 2022, Page 7
(Published in OKC Friday, Friday, May 27, 2022) 05-02-2022 BOCC Minutes Monday May 2 2022 Board of County Commissioners Call to Order Roll Call Present: 3 - County Commissioner Carrie Blumert County Commissioner Brian Maughan and District 3 - Chief Deputy Myles Davidson Notice of the meeting was posted April 28 2022. For purposes of this agenda “Action” means any of the following: amending approving approving as amended deferring denying giving instructions to staff making a recommendation to another public body receiving documents or presentations referring to committee reconsidering re-opening returning or striking the item. Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance Approval of Minutes Discussion and possible action regarding the minutes of the meetings held on April 18th and 25th 2022 prepared by the County Clerk as authorized by statute 19 O.S. §243 244 and 445 subject to additions or corrections by the Board of County Commissioners. Blumert moved Davidson seconded to approve. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 3 - Blumert Maughan and Davidson Recurring Agenda Items: Opening of the following bids and/or Requests for Qualifications. Any vendor wanting to review the bids or RFQs may see the Purchasing Agent immediately following this meeting. CW22003 Ammunition Gun and Range Supplies CW22077 Landscape Maintenance Services RFP - Use of the Oklahoma County Spencer Substation Blumert moved Davidson seconded to tabulate and return. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 3 - Blumert Maughan and Davidson Discussion and possible action regarding all claims list is attached and available for inspection in the office of the County Clerk Room 201. Blumert moved Davidson seconded to approve. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 3 - Blumert Maughan and Davidson Discussion and possible action regarding Resolution No. 2022-1428 for Blanket Purchase Orders as submitted by each department list available for inspection in the office of the County Clerk Room 201. Blumert moved Davidson seconded to approve. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 3 - Blumert Maughan and Davidson Consent Agenda Items on the consent agenda are routine in nature and approved with a single vote. However any item on the consent agenda is subject to individual consideration at the request of a member of the body. The following items are Consent Items and are routine in nature: Blumert moved Davidson seconded to approve. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 3 - Blumert Maughan and Davidson Discussion and possible action regarding Employee Benefit CVS Invoice# 53417023 for Oklahoma County in the amount of $398 602.58 pending notification of encumbrance to Jackie Wilson Oklahoma County Treasurer’s Office. approve Discussion and possible action regarding Employee Benefit Warrant No. 802237 through 802822 for Oklahoma County in the amount of $ 219 107.54 pending notification of encumbrance to Jackie Wilson Oklahoma County Treasurer’s Office. approve Discussion and possible action regarding Workers’ Compensation claim payments from Consolidated Benefits Resources in the amount of $2 080.32 for the period of April 26 2022. approve Discussion and possible action regarding Workers’ Compensation claim payments from Consolidated Benefits Resources in the amount of $1 548.11 for the period of April 19 2022. approve Cancel check# 800004073 in the amount of $1 692.29 issued to Athena Energy Services Holdings LLC dated 7-12-2021. Do not re-issue. approve Cancel check# 800004074 in the amount of $390.75 issued to Cox Communications dated 7-12-2021. Do not re-issue. approve Discussion and possible action regarding the Treasurer Depository Fund Summary for the month of March 2022. Requested by Forrest “Butch” Freeman Oklahoma County Treasurer. approve Discussion and possible action regarding Tin Horn Installation in District 1 for Todd Wilmoth. This item is in compliance with Resolution No. 2020-5733. Requested by Stacey Trumbo PE County Engineer. Blumert moved Davidson seconded to approve. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 3 - Blumert Maughan and Davidson Discussion and possible action regarding Transcript of Proceedings from the County Treasurer on the sale of county property acquired at RE-SALE described as follows: EVA BURRIS 12-1941890; FOREST CREEK ADDITION; LOT 004; BLOCK 006 EVA BURRIS 12-194-1900; FOREST CREEK ADDITION; LOT 005; BLOCK 006 EVA BURRIS 12-194-1910; FOREST CREEK ADDITION; LOT 006; BLOCK 006 Authorize Chairman to execute County Re-Sale deeds conveying the above described real estate transactions. Requested by Forrest “Butch” Freeman County Treasurer. approve Election Board Monthly Report.March 2022 approve Litigation: Case No. CF-2020-3108 Subpoena Case No. CV-2022-427 Foreclosure Case No. TC-2022-019 Tort Claim approve End of Consent Docket Departmental Items District No. 1 Commissioner Calvey entered the meeting at 9:05 a.m. Discussion and possible action regarding a resolution to recognize May as Mental Health Month KC in at 9:05 Blumert moved Calvey seconded to approve. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 3 - Blumert Calvey and Maughan Aye: 3 - Blumert Calvey and Maughan Discussion and possible action to request the Criminal Justice Authority Citizen’s Advisory Board make recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners to fill the at-large vacancy on the Criminal Justice Authority. Blumert moved Calvey seconded to allow the Citizens Advisory Board to make some recommendations to us for who will serve on the trust. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 3 Blumert Calvey and Maughan Discussion and possible action to approve the Agreement for Specific Assistance between Oklahoma County and the Oklahoma City Public School District pursuant to Title 19 O.S. § 33918 and Title 19 O.S. § 359; to assist with construction of a new parking lot and rehab of an existing parking lot at F.D. Moon. County agrees to provide the equipment materials and personnel for the project at an estimated cost of One Hundred Twenty-Two Thousand One Hundred Sixty-Nine Dollars and Five Cents $122 169.05. Oklahoma County Highway Cash will be made 100% whole with District 1 General Funds Req. 12205835 reimbursing Highway Cash for Thirty-Five Thousand Dollars $35 000 of the cost of labor & equipment. Additionally the School will reimburse the County for the remaining labor and equipment costs and all materials associated with this project at an estimated cost of Eighty-Seven Thousand One Hundred Sixty-Nine Dollars and Five Cents $87 169.05 This Agreement shall be effective upon signature of both parties and shall terminate on June 30 2022. Requested by Carrie Blumert Commissioner District No. 1 Blumert moved Calvey seconded to approve. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 3 - Blumert Calvey and Maughan District No. 2 Discussion and possible action regarding a Mutual Agreement between Oklahoma County and the Harrah Public School District pursuant to Title 19 O.S. § 33918 to assist the School upon request with reconstruction improvement repair or maintenance of property owned by the school district. This Agreement shall commence on July 1 2022 and shall terminate on June 30 2023. Requested by Brian Maughan Commissioner District No. 2 and approved as to form and legality by Gretchen Crawford Assistant District Attorney. 19-28 Maughan moved Calvey seconded to approve items 19-28. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 3 - Blumert Calvey and Maughan Discussion and possible action regarding a Mutual Agreement between Oklahoma County and the Western Heights School District pursuant to Title 19 O.S. § 33918 to assist the School upon request with reconstruction improvement repair or maintenance of property owned by the school district. This Agreement shall commence on July 1 2022 and shall terminate on June 30 2023. Requested by Brian Maughan Commissioner District No. 2 and approved as to form and legality by Gretchen Crawford Assistant District Attorney. approve Discussion and possible action regarding a Mutual Agreement between Oklahoma County and the Oklahoma City Community College pursuant to Title 19 O.S. § 33918 to assist the School upon request with reconstruction improvement repair or maintenance of property owned by the school district. This Agreement shall commence on July 1 2022 and shall terminate on June 30 2023. Requested by Brian Maughan Commissioner District No. 2 and approved as to form and legality by Gretchen Crawford Assistant District Attorney. approve Discussion and possible action regarding a General Mutual Cooperation Agreement between the City of Warr Acres and Oklahoma County pursuant to Title 69 O.S. § 1903 B Title 19 O.S. § 339 paragraph 18 Title 11 O.S. § 36-113 paragraph D and County Resolution No. 118-08 to reconstruct improve repair and maintain certain city streets in the City of Warr Acres. This Agreement shall become effective on July 1 2022 and shall terminate on June 30 2023. Requested by Brian Maughan Commissioner District No. 2 approve Discussion and possible action regarding a General Mutual Cooperation Agreement between the City of Valley Brook and Oklahoma County pursuant to Title 69 O.S. § 1903 B Title 19 O.S. § 339 paragraph 18 Title 11 O.S. § 36-113 paragraph D and County Resolution No. 118-08 to reconstruct improve repair and maintain certain city streets in the City of Valley Brook. This Agreement shall become effective on July 1 2022 and shall terminate on June 30 2023. Requested by Brian Maughan Commissioner District No. 2 approve Discussion and possible action regarding a General Mutual Cooperation Agreement between the City of Choctaw and Oklahoma County pursuant to Title 69 O.S. § 1903 B Title 19 O.S. § 339 paragraph 18 Title 11 O.S. § 36-113 paragraph D and County Resolution No. 118-08 to reconstruct improve repair and maintain certain city streets in the City of Choctaw. This Agreement shall become effective on July 1 2022 and shall terminate on June 30 2023. Requested by Brian Maughan Commissioner District No. 2. approve Discussion and possible action regarding a General Mutual Cooperation Agreement between the City of Harrah and Oklahoma County pursuant to Title 69 O.S. § 1903 B Title 19 O.S. § 339 paragraph 18 Title 11 O.S. § 36-113 paragraph D and County Resolution No. 118-08 to reconstruct improve repair and maintain certain city streets in the City of Harrah. This Agreement shall become effective on July 1 2022 and shall terminate on June 30 2023. Requested by Brian Maughan Commissioner District No. 2 approve Discussion and possible action regarding a General Mutual Cooperation Agreement between the City of Bethany and Oklahoma County pursuant to Title 69 O.S. § 1903 B Title 19 O.S. § 339 paragraph 18 Title 11 O.S. § 36-113 paragraph D and County Resolution No. 118-08 to reconstruct improve repair and maintain certain city streets in the City of Bethany. This Agreement shall become effective on July 1 2022 and shall terminate on June 30 2023. Requested by Brian Maughan Commissioner District No. 2 approve Discussion and possible action regarding a General Mutual Cooperation Agreement between the City of Woodlawn Park and Oklahoma County pursuant to Title 69 O.S. § 1903 B Title 19 O.S. § 339 paragraph 18 Title 11 O.S. § 36-113 paragraph D and County Resolution No. 118-08 to reconstruct improve repair and maintain certain city streets in the City of Woodlawn Park. This Agreement shall become effective on July 1 2022 and shall terminate on June 30 2023. Requested by Brian Maughan Commissioner District No. 2 approve Discussion and possible action regarding a General Mutual Cooperation Agreement between the City of Nichols Hills and Oklahoma County pursuant to Title 69 O.S. § 1903 B Title 19 O.S. § 339 paragraph 18 Title 11 O.S. § 36-113 paragraph D and County Resolution No. 118-08 to reconstruct improve repair and maintain certain city streets in the City of Nichols Hills. This Agreement shall become effective on July 1 2022 and shall terminate on June 30 2023. Requested by Brian Maughan Commissioner District No. 2 approve County Clerk Discussion and possible action regarding funding in an amount not to exceed $25 million dollars to Ground Zero Emergency Training Center for the purpose of acquiring land and constructing and maintaining a training center to raise and train specialized canines used for emergency disaster recovery. Funding would be sourced from the American Rescue Plan Act ARPA Fund 1415. This item was approved by the Oklahoma County Budget Board on July 15 2021. This item requested by David B. Hooten Oklahoma County Clerk. no action No action Engineering Discussion and possible action to approve Agreement between Oklahoma Communications Systems LLC and the Oklahoma County Board of Commissioners for utility relocation to improve N. 108th Street. The utility owner will pay 100% of the cost. Requested by Stacey Trumbo PE County Engineer. Blumert moved Calvey seconded to approve. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 3 - Blumert Calvey and Maughan Discussion and possible action to approve Agreement between ONEOK Hydrocarbon LP and the Oklahoma County Board of Commissioners for utility relocation to improve Triple X Road near N.E. 36th and Triple X. Oklahoma County agrees to pay Four Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Six Hundred Seventy Dollars and no/100 $425 670.00 Requisition # 12206065. Requested by Stacey Trumbo PE. Maughan moved Calvey seconded to approve. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 3 - Blumert Calvey and Maughan Juvenile Bureau Discussion review and possible action regarding a proposal for renovation to office space leased by the Department of Human Services. Requested by J’me Overstreet Oklahoma County Juvenile Bureau Director. Blumert moved Calvey seconded to approve. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 3 - Blumert Calvey and Maughan Discussion and possible action to approve construction contract for the purchase and installation of a generator from Native Energy Source LLC for the Juvenile Bureau. Requisition #12205813-00 in the amount of $67 000.00. Requested by J’me Overstreet Juvenile Bureau Director. Blumert moved Calvey seconded to approve. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 3 Blumert Calvey and Maughan Discussion and possible action regarding the approval of Agreement for Services with The Hair Initiative. The Hair Initiative will provide barber services for the youth in detention. Requisition number 12300007-00 in the amount of $4 000.00. Requested by J’me Overstreet Juvenile Bureau Director and approved as to form and legality by Aaron Etherington Assistant District Attorney. Blumert moved Calvey seconded to approve. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 3 - Blumert Calvey and Maughan Discussion and possible action regarding the approval of Agreement for Services with Community Health Centers of Oklahoma to provide medical and dental services to juvenile when needed. This is at no cost to the County. Blumert moved Calvey seconded to approve. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 3 - Blumert Calvey and Maughan Sheriff Discussion and possible action regarding the FY 2022-23 Memorandum of Understanding renewal between Eastern Oklahoma County Technology Center and the Oklahoma County Sheriff’s Office for the provision of one 1 School Resource Officer at a daily rate not to exceed $325.00. The effective dates of this contract are July 1 2022 through June 30 2023. Requested by Tommie Johnson III Oklahoma County Sheriff and approved as to form and legality by Aaron Etherington Assistant District Attorney. Blumert moved Calvey seconded to approve. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 3 - Blumert Calvey and Maughan Discussion and possible action regarding the FY 2022-23 Memorandum of Understanding renewal between Deer Creek School District and the Oklahoma County Sheriff’s Office for the provision of one 1 School Resource Officer at a daily rate not to exceed $325.00. The effective dates of this contract are July 1 2022 through June 30 2023. Requested by Tommie Johnson III Oklahoma County Sheriff and approved as to form and legality by Aaron Etherington Assistant District Attorney. Calvey moved Blumert seconded to strike. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 3 - Blumert Calvey and Maughan No Commissioners Comments/General Remarks No New business Executive Session Recess into executive session Blumert moved Calvey seconded to recess at 9:35 a.m. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 3 - Blumert Calvey and Maughan To enter into executive session pursuant to 25 O.S. 307 B 4 to engage in confidential communications between the public body and its attorney concerning a pending investigation claim or action in Arinwine v. Oklahoma County CJ-2020-6087 and where on advice of its attorney the board has determined that disclosure will seriously impair the ability of the public body to process the claim or conduct a pending investigation litigation or proceeding in the public interest. To enter into executive sessions pursuant to 25 O.S. 307B4 to engage in confidential communications between the public body and its attorney concerning a pending investigation claim or action in GDS Holdings LLC vs. The City of Oklahoma City Case No. CV-2022-427 and where on advice of its attorney the board has determined that disclosure will seriously impair the ability of the public body to process the claim or conduct a pending investigation litigation or proceeding in the public interest. Return from executive session Blumert moved Calvey seconded to return at 9:42 a. m. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 3 - Blumert Calvey and Maughan Action regarding confidential communications between the public body and its attorney concerning a pending investigation claim or action in Arinwine v. Oklahoma County CJ-2020-6087 and where on advice of its attorney the board has determined that disclosure will seriously impair the ability of the public body to process the claim or conduct a pending investigation litigation or proceeding in the public interest. Calvey moved Blumert seconded to proceed as discussed. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 3 - Blumert Calvey and Maughan Action regarding in confidential communications between the public body and its attorney concerning a pending investigation claim or action in GDS Holdings LLC vs. The City of Oklahoma City Case No. CV-2022-427 and where on advice of its attorney the board has determined that disclosure will seriously impair the ability of the public body to process the claim or conduct a pending investigation litigation or proceeding in the public interest. Calvey moved Blumert seconded to disclaim subject to any unpaid taxes. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 3 - Blumert Calvey and Maughan Citizen Participation: Sean Cummings Sean Cummings was called to speak Adjourn Blumert moved Calvey seconded to adjourn at 9:43 a.m. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 3 - Blumert Calvey and Maughan
05-02-2022 BOCC Proceedings 101023667 BOK Bank Fees for 2021-22 ADD 15984.88 BANK OF OKLAHOMA NA 101023668 MONTHLY MILEAGE 61.43 ADAM HAFTMAN 101023669 TONY MIDDLETON BLKT-OK CO CREM 630.00 AFFORDABLE INC 101023670 EA- SW1020A- 13” MacBook Pro 1578.00 APPLE INC 101023671 MONTHLY MILEAGE 223.47 APRIL DOOLEY 101023672 BLKT- FY 22- SW450- POTS Lines 104.30 AT&T OKLAHOMA 101023673 1001-2550017 AT&T OneNet Long 133.61 AT&T OKLAHOMA 101023674 Blanket CW21022-2 Groceries fo 373.09 BIMBO BAKERIES USA INC 101023675 MONTHLY ICB LEASE SPACE 2157.15 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 101023676 84441248 CW22033-Medical Supp 144.20 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC 101023677 monthly mileage 65.52 CHAD STEJSKAL 101023678 CHELSEA BARNETT D3 NOC Mileag 239.74 CHELSEA BARNETT 101023679 MONTHLY MILEAGE 245.70 CHRIS BEVILL 101023680 Utility Bill/Water Acct #25010 2451.52 CITY OF OKLAHOMA CITY 101023681 PERMIT# 0387503 PERMIT RENEWAL 17.00 CITY OF OKLAHOMA CITY 101023682 NOC-VFC Thermometer Recalibrat 64.00 CONTROL SOLUTIONS INC 101023683 BLANKET for professional svcs 1695.00 COSTAR REALTY INFORMATION INC 101023684 MILEAGE REIMB:COUNTY CLERK’S S 179.01 DAVID B HOOTEN 101023685 MONTHLY MILEAGE 110.57 DAVID CLEVENGER 101023686 REQ-NOC-Debra Helliker-Transcr 185.50 DEBRA ANN HELLIKER 101023687 MAY 2022 ESTIMATED SALARY/BENE 59953.08 DISTRICT ATTORNEYS COUNCIL 101023688 MONTHLY MILEAGE 112.32 DON STOTTS 101023689 EB Sec’y Mileage reimbursement 112.32 DOUG SANDERSON 101023690 EB Postage for permit 479 50000.00 DOUG SANDERSON / POSTMASTER 101023691 Blanket NOC for Carwash/Detail 22.00 ECM CAR WASH LLC 101023692 MISC AIR FILTERS 1328.88 ENGINEERED EQUIPMENT INC 101023693 MILEAGE REIMB/INSPECTIONS 316.71 ERIK BRANDT 101023694 BLKT-Federal Express-NOC-FY 20 50.70 FEDERAL EXPRESS 101023695 Blnkt-CW21002-fuel for OCSO ve 27024.64 FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES INC 101023696 ROGER O’NEIL SMITH CREMATION 315.00 GENE ADAMS FUNERAL HOME 101023697 CW22027-Item #TWGR Shoes for D 392.64 GOALTEX CORPORATION 101023698 BPO USC#16154 misc supplies 16.77 HOME DEPOT USA INC 101023699 Blanket OMNIA - 16154 for Mai 201.91 HOME DEPOT USA INC 101023700 CW22028-Janitorial Supplies Co 659.52 HOME DEPOT USA INC 101023701 SIGNAGE 35.00 J & B GRAPHICS 101023702 jASON HILL TRAVEL REIMBURSEME 312.86 JASON HILL 101023703 Jessica Brody Travel Mileage 20.48 JESSICA BRODY 101023704 MONTHLY MILEAGE 86.58 JIMMY HORTON 101023705 EB employee mileage reimbursem 77.22 KELLEY CARAWAY 101023706 RMILEAGE REIMB: COUNTY CLERKS 135.72 KERRIE HUDSON 101023707 MONTHLY MILEAGE 121.10 KYRAN WHEELER 101023708 D3 NOC Mileage Reimbursement 242.78 MELANIE DEEMY 101023709 EMPLOYEE PARKING 115.00 METRO PARKING GARAGE 101023710 EMPLOYEE PARKING 17560.00 METRO PARKING GARAGE 101023711 BLKT- FY 22Replacement Parki 20.00 METRO PARKING GARAGE 101023712 BLKT- FY 22- Replacement Parki 20.00 METRO PARKING GARAGE 101023713 EB Employee mileage reimbursem 362.12 MICHAEL C WILSON 101023714 FY 22 Contract for Co-Location 4674.00 MIDCON RECOVERY SOLUTIONS LLC 101023715 MONTHLY MILEAGE 184.86 MIKE FREEMAN 101023716 MONTHLY MILEAGE 60.84 MIKE SLEPKO 101023717 Travel Per-Diem Reimbursement 235.50 NICHOLAS RUTLEDGE 101023718 1142009-8 Bill/Electric for Ma 15182.49 OG&E 101023719 ROBERT WENDELL
OSBORNE CREMATI 315.00 OK CREMATION & MORTUARY SERVICE LLC 101023720 Blanket NOC for OCJB Vehicle 1814.84 OKLAHOMA COUNTY HWY DIS3 101023721 FUEL REIMBURSEMENT 163.58 OKLAHOMA COUNTY HWY DIS1 101023722 BPO for fuel at D2 53.68 OKLAHOMA COUNTY HWY DIS2 101023723 BLANKET Rental Agreement Linc 22076.26 OKLAHOMA COUNTY PUBLIC BLDG AUTHORITY 101023724 BLANKET Rental Agreement Krow 26317.31 OKLAHOMA COUNTY PUBLIC BLDG AUTHORITY 101023725 BLANKET Office Space Rental A 32971.98 OKLAHOMA COUNTY PUBLIC BLDG AUTHORITY 101023726 81-1563301 EB Unemployment cla 226.72 OKLAHOMA EMPLOYMENT SECURITY COMMISSION 101023727 81-1563301 Unemployment Benefi 3855.48 OKLAHOMA EMPLOYMENT SECURITY COMMISSION 101023728 81-1563301 Unemployment Benefi 983.47 OKLAHOMA EMPLOYMENT SECURITY COMMISSION 101023729 Utility Bill/Gas for March 202 1711.83 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 101023730 2112818131939262-18 Natural 497.57 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 101023731 OSU SERVICES:FARMERS RANCHERS 138336.25 OSU CO-OP EXTENSION SERVICE 101023732 BLANKET - printing - CW21020 301.90 PEREGRINE CORPORATION 101023733 Minutes & Proceedings for Marc 1044.00 PERRY DAILY JOURNAL INC 101023734 BRUCE FITZELL CREMATION 315.00 POLLARD FUNERAL HOMES INC 101023735 BLANKET-SW095-PRESORT MAILING 77.67 PRESORT FIRST CLASS 101023736 BLANKET - CW21006 - WATER 50.00 PUREVIDA WATER TECHNOLOGIES LLC 101023737 RAFAEL VALEZ Modeling Concept 400.00 RAFAEL VALEZ 101023738 CW22028 pink ice melt 1622.00 RIGHT A WAY 101023739 MONTHLY MILEAGE 375.57 ROCKY SLOAN 101023740 BLANKET-SERVICE AGREEMENT-RELI 1501.74 RPHS INC 101023741 MONTHLY MILEAGE 811.98 RYAN EPLEY 101023742 MONTHLY MILEAGE 45.63 RYAN LOWRANCE 101023743 Scott Snyder MONTHLY MILEAGE 188.96 SCOTT SNYDER 101023744 NOC-Extradition-DAReturn Rome 1712.82 SECURITY TRANSPORT SERVICES INC 101023745 1554282 1554279 AIRFARE:EXTRAD 2059.72 SPEARS WORLD TRAVEL SERVICE INC 101023746 1554033 1554035 1554035 Prison 984.42 SPEARS WORLD TRAVEL SERVICE INC 101023747 BPO noc rounds phone 37.12 SPRINT SOLUTIONS INC 101023748 3504937357 EB Copier Paper SW 3076.40 STAPLES 101023749 BLANKET - SW022 - Funds for of 2220.37 STAPLES CONTRACT AND COMMERCIAL INC 101023750 SIGN MAGNETIC DOOR DECALS 1641.00 STATE OF OKLAHOMA - DEPT OF CORRECTIONS 101023751 REQ-NOC-Susan Boudin-Transcrip 175.00 SUSAN BOUDIN 101023752 SW0156 Groceries as needed for 5873.36 SYSCO CORPORATION 101023753 BPO noc misc air samples 20.00 TEC-AN INC TECHNICAL ANALYSIS INC 101023754 NOC - Hiring Event Newspaper A 300.00 THE JOB PAPER LLC 101023755 Blanket SW177 for Document Shr 739.20 THE MEADOWS CENTER FOR OPPORTUNITY 101023756 Tim Conner TRAVEL REIMBURSEME 2278.21 TIM CONNER 101023757 BLANKET FOR PROF SVCS 8250.00 TOTAL ASSESSMENT SOLUTIONS CORP 101023758 CW22022-2 for Fresh Produce as 224.60 TULSA FRUIT COMPANY 101023759 BLANKET sw1012v - mifi svcs 3867.70 VERIZON WIRELESS SERVICES LLC 101023760 BLANKET for annual renewal ma 2935.39 VERTIGIS NORTH AMERICA LTD 101023761 Blanket CW22076 for Trash Pick 954.00 WASTE CONNECTIONS OF OKLAHOMA INC 101023762 CW22076 big dumpster empty 418.02 WASTE CONNECTIONS OF OKLAHOMA INC 101023764 REQ-NOC-SOUTHWESTERN STATIIONE 2839.38 SOUTHWESTERN STATIONERS INC 101023765 BLKT-Staples-SW0180-Office sup 330.80 STAPLES CONTRACT AND COMMERCIAL INC 800006692 ALICIA HEMBEKIDES CREMATION 630.00 ABSOLUTE ECONOMICAL FUNERAL HOME LLC 800006693 BLKT-Amazon-US Comm OMNIAR TC1 10444.34 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 800006694 #39603 NATURAL GAS SERVICE FOR 1468.41 ATHENA ENERGY SERVICES HOLDINGS LLC 800006695 Utility Bill/Natural Gas Custo 1753.67 ATHENA ENERGY SERVICES HOLDINGS LLC 800006696 CM# 1900KU1316 GENERATOR BATTE 133.21 BATTERY OUTFITTERS INC 800006697 GSA 47QTCA21D00DN/SUBSCRIPTION 2228.32 BENTLEY SYSTEMS INC 800006698 BLANKET - NOC-PUBLICATIONS FOR 58.95 BRIDGE TOWER OPCO LLC 800006699 EA- NOC- 24/7 Service Agreemen 7531.20 CDW GOVERNMENT INC 800006700 BLANKET - SW1012V - Funds for 329.00 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP 800006701 WINDOW ENVELOPES 3000.50 CENTRAL PRINTING AKA STATE CENTRAL PRINTING 800006702 BLANKET for digital adap - NOC 6431.44 COX COMMUNICATIONS INC 800006703 SourceWell #083116-XOX-Blanket 252.41 DAHILL OFFICE TECHNOLOGY CORP 800006704 computer/SW1020D 3893.78 DELL MARKETING LP 800006705 EA- SW1048D- Avigilon Server U 1237.04 DIGI SECURITY SYSTEMS LLC 800006706 FY 22 Contract for Call Record 259.00 DUBBER INC 800006707 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 247.74 EMSCO ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO INC 800006708 D3 CW22006 Blanket - Bottled W 280.50 EUREKA WATER COMPANY 800006709 BPO USC#16154 18” BIGFOOT SNOW 94.95 HD SUPPLY FACILITIES MAINTENANCE LTD 800006710 BLANKET-FOR CONTRACT FOR 211 3333.34 HEARTLINE INC 800006711 BLANKET FOR SERVICES 24000.00 JUST APPRAISED INC 800006712 ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE-CHAIR LIF 190.00 KONE INC 800006713 ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE 3976.96 KONE INC 800006714 BLKT-NOC-Language Associates-I 611.34 LANGUAGE ASSOCIATES INC 800006715 BLANKET - NOC - Funds for prin 277.11 LOVETONER LLC 800006716 BLANKET Drug and alcohol test 657.00 MCBRIDE CLINIC ORTHOPEDIC HOSPITAL LLC 800006717 BLANKET FOR STORAGE SVCS 150.75 MIDCON DATA SERVICES LLC 800006718 CM29797 MMCAP SW023A-MEDICATIO 2362.48 MORRIS & DICKSON COMPANY 800006719 Blanket-DA Contract for Lawn M 630.00 NORTHWEST LAWN MAINTENANCE INC 800006720 20576 Detention Kitchen Unifor 905.76 ORCHID UNIFORM RETAIL SALES LLC 800006721 AP5 MAINTENANCE & SUPPORT 31018.00 PATRIOT PROPERTIES INC 800006722 BLKT-RK Black - Sourcewell/083 4023.81 RK BLACK INC 800006723 LOCKSMITH SERVICE 20.00 ROGER’S SAFE & LOCK LLC 800006724 BlanketSW0817PA for Paint and 92.45 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS CO 800006725 SW1010 - Adobe Licenses- VIP 1 185866.93 SOFTWARE HOUSE INTERNATIONAL INC SHI 800006726 CW22028-Janitorial Supplies-Al 213.48 SOUTH CENTRAL INDUSTRIES INC 800006727 PLUS NETWORK SITE CONNECTIVITY 588.00 STATE OF OKLAHOMA 800006728 BLKT- FY 22- NOCComputer Equ 1098.76 SYNERGY DATACOM SUPPLY INC 800006729 BLKT FY 22 Contract for Annual 46207.00 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 800006730 Blanket NOC-Cleaning Service 18157.28 UBM ENTERPRISE INC 800006731 BLKT-Utility Data-NOC-Online S 1300.00 UTILITY DATA SERVICES INC 800006732 SW817L lightbulbs 612.00 VOSS ELECTRIC CO 800006733 Blanket SW0817-NVP Maintenance 27.78 W W GRAINGER INC 800006734 SW114-Renewal Notary Bureau Em 73.00 WALKER COMPANIES INC 800006735 BLKT-WEST PUBLISHING-SW1046A-D 238.46 WEST PUBLISHING CORP 800006736 BLKT-WEST PUBLISHING-SW1046A-D 4706.49 WEST PUBLISHING CORP 800006737 BLKT-Amazon-US COMM OMNIA R-TC 223.68 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 800006738 BLKT-NOC-Language Associates-I 147.56 LANGUAGE ASSOCIATES INC 800006739 BLKT-Pacer-NOC-Online Electron 122.70 PACER SERVICE CENTER UNITED STATES COURT AO 800006740 REQ-NOC-Print Finishing System 118.00 PRINT FINISHING SYSTEMS INC 800006741 BLKT-SW1008N Quadient Mail Mac 264.31 QUADIENT LEASING USA INC 800006742 BLKT-RK BlackSourcewell 03032 424.30 RK BLACK INC 800006743 1000086481 PUB-SW1046A -Assure 1656.29 WEST PUBLISHING CORP 110013675 BLANKET- Engineering Services 2820.00 CP&Y INC 110013676 SW0708 BLANKET Road Signs 600.00 ACTION SAFETY SUPPLY COMPANY 110013677 CW22017 BLANKET MISCELLANEOUS 40.00 ALLSTATE TERMITE AND PEST SOLUTIONS INC 110013678 D3 NOC Blanket Lease Purchase 3467.10 ARMSTRONG BANK 110013679 D3 CW22025-2 Highway Materials 31443.68 ATLAS ASPHALT COMPANY 110013680 D3 NOC Software subscription 4517.75 AUTODESK INC 110013681 Blanket D3 SW0039 gaseous fuel 1555.00 BG PRODUCTS INC 110013682 D3 NOC 301-384 198.94 BOB HOWARD CHRYSLER JEEP DODGE INC 110013683 D3 NOC - Highway Services 960.00 BURGESS TESTING COMPANY INC 110013684 BLANKET NOC Shop Supplies 175.54 CHASE ENTERPRISES INC 110013685 D3 NOC Blanket / City Water & 486.09 CITY OF OKLAHOMA CITY 110013686 NOC BLANKET Equipment & Other 128.00 CROSSLANDS A & A RENT-ALL & SALES CO 110013687 D3 Quote # Q22-021 Fuel 51475.79 EARNHEART CRESCENT LLC 110013688 BLANKET SW0817 AUTOMOTIVE SHOP 183.86 FASTENAL COMPANY 110013689 STANDARD NOC 302351 EQUIPMENT 1508.45 FLEETPRIDE INC 110013690 BLANKET CW22106 SHOES AND BOOT 323.90 GELLCO CLOTHING & SHOES INC 110013691 Blanket D3 NOC Automotive Part 1083.95 GENUINE PARTS COMPANY 110013692 D3 NOC Safety Supplies Hard Ha 536.00 HARD HAT SAFETY AND GLOVE 110013693 CW22025-2 BLANKET Road & Bridg 391461.10 HASKELL LEMON CONSTRUCTION CO 110013694 Blanket D3 US Comm Yard Buildi 1189.08 HOME DEPOT USA INC 110013695 USC16154 BLANKET Bldg & Ground 151.68 HOME DEPOT USA INC 110013696 D3 SW0685 Signage & Access. Qu 240.24 K & K SYSTEMS INC 110013697 NOC Shop Supplies 91.70 LOYAL SUPPLY INC 110013698 BLANKET NOC FUEL OIL GREASE 558.80 LUNDYS PROPANE GAS COMPANY INC 110013699 D3 NOC Blanket - Highway Mater 470.07 MAXWELL SUPPLY COMPANY 110013700 D3 NOC Blanket - Metro Parking 270.00 METRO PARKING GARAGE 110013701 D3 130821779-1 NOC Blanket - 149.75 OG&E 110013702 NOC BLANKET Utilities Electric 906.94 OG&E WAREHOUSE 110013703 Blanket D3 NOC Highway Equipme 199.41 OIL FIELD IGNITION PARTS COMPANY 110013704 NOC Hwy Equip Repair/Parts DA3 671.12 OKC TARP AND SUPPLY 110013705 D3 211271956194176291 - Natura 1310.31 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 110013706 451726 D3 NOC HWY Equip Re 1287.67 P & K EQUIPMENT INC 110013707 3027220733 D3 NOC Required tr 3430.00 PERFECTION EQUIPMENT CO INC 110013708 NOC BLANKET Road & Bridge Mate 47.61 PINNACLE PROPANE LLC 110013709 NOC Shop Supplies 2666.95 RHOMAR INDUSTRIES INC 110013710 BLANKET SW022 OFFICE SUPPLIES 193.43 STAPLES CONTRACT AND COMMERCIAL INC 110013711 NOC BLANKET Hwy Equip Repair/P 250.00 STEVEN C DUNBAR 110013712 NOC BLANKET Shop Supplies 241.74 TDC SERVICES LLC 110013713 NOC BLANKET Professional Servi 55.00 TERRY L DITTNER 110013714 NOC Equipment Repair 950.00 TURBO DIESEL OF OKLAHOMA INC 110013715 Blanket D3 CW22057 Uniform Ren 1728.38 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS INC 110013716 OKLA003 Equipment Telecommunic 1045.97 VERIZON CONNECT 110013717 323076555-00004 BLANKET SW1012 442.01 VERIZON WIRELESS SERVICES LLC 800006665 BLANKET FUEL OIL GREASE AND 920.70 AEG PETROLEUM LLC 800006666 D3 Omnia R-TC-17006 - Telecomm 14.75 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 800006667 D3 367 NOC Blanket for Monthly 678.55 ATHENA ENERGY SERVICES HOLDINGS LLC 800006668 XA104038679.01 $56.52 SW0035T 787.47 BRUCKNER TRUCK SALES INC 800006669 Blanket D3 NOC First Aid Suppl 281.25 CINTAS CORPORATION 800006670 Blanket D3 SW0455 Construction 932.25 CLARENCE L BOYD COMPANY INC 800006671 D3 SW081 Blanket- Highway Mate 33.17 CRAFCO INC 800006672 BLANKET NOC PUMPING EQUIPMENT 494.40 D&H UNITED FUELING SOLIUTIONS INC 800006673 D3 Blanket CW22025-1 Highway M 122.60 DUB ROSS COMPANY INC 800006674 D3 NOC Blanket Alarm Monitorin 179.50 EALES ELECTRONICS CORPORATION 800006675 BOTTLED WATER 319.00 EUREKA WATER COMPANY 800006676 D3 Sourcwell Utility Tractors 46014.92 GREAT PLAINS LLC 800006677 NOC BLANKET Highway Equipment 970.90 HOWARD GM II INC 800006678 D3 SW0500 SNOW REMOVAL EQUIPME 1082.39 INDUSTRIAL TRUCK EQUIPMENT 800006679 Blanket D3 SW0455 Construction 44.77 KIRBY-SMITH MACHINERY INC 800006680 D3 CW22031-2 Lawn Maintenance 2772.40 MADISON TURF FARMS LLC 800006681 Blanket D3 NOC Motor Vehicle - 514.38 MIDWEST HOSE AND SPECIALTY 800006682 0234-339994 $67.99 BLANKET SW3 2674.99 O’REILLY AUTOMOTIVE STORES INC 800006683 BLANKET NOC EQUIPMENT AND REPA 35.00 OKLAHOMA COPIER SOLUTIONS 800006684 D3 SW0818 TOOL REPAIR 175.00 SNAPON INCORPORATED 800006685 Blanket D3 NOC Equipment Repai 106.59 SOUTHWEST TRAILERS & EQUIPMENT LLC 800006686 BLANKET D3 SW0024 TIRE TUBE & 2434.02 T & W TIRE LLC 800006687 NOC BLANKET MISCELLANEOUS SERV 1437.60 US FLEET TRACKING LLC 800006688 CW22025-1 BLANKET Road & Bridg 6330.10 VANCE BROTHERS INC 800006689 SW0817NVP BLANKET Hwy Equip Re 523.85 W W GRAINGER INC 800006690 D3 NOC Equipment Diagnostic 2115.34 WARREN POWER & MACHINERY INC 800006691 NOC Signs Materials 477.47 XCESSORIES SQUARED DEV & MFG INC 111000192 Blanket Engineering Services f 1094.00 BKL INC 800006624 BLANKETCovell Road Design An 15433.75 MESHEK & ASSOCIATES LLC 113002974 43601-46036 BLANKET-WATER SERV 137.77 CITY OF MIDWEST CITY 113002975 BG162216 BLANKET-CW20002-RESAL 161.83 FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES INC 113002976 BLANKET-CW22016-RESALE BLDG SA 139.95 GELLCO CLOTHING & SHOES 113002977 BLANKETEMPLOYEE MONTHLY PARKI 2320.00 METRO PARKING GARAGE 113002978 BLANKET-STAPLESSOURCEWELL#012 198.60 STAPLES CONTRACT AND COMMERCIAL INC 113002979 BLANKET-CW22057-RESALE BLDG UN 103.18 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS INC 113002980 41661-93005 BLANKET-NOC-RESALE 201.86 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF OKLA CITY 800006625 BLANKET-AMAZON BUSINESS-OMNIA- 25.86 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 800006626 BLANKET-CW21006-BOTTLE WATER R 11.50 EUREKA WATER COMPANY 800006627 BLANKETNOC-ECHECK RETURN FEES 18.00 OFFICIAL PAYMENTS CORP-ACI PAYMENTS INC 800006628 BLANKET-NOCSEARCH BANKRUPTCY 72.90 PACER SERVICE CENTER - UNITED STATES COURT AO 800006629 BLANKETCW22017-PEST CONTROL R 30.00 STEPHEN M USSERY 800006630 BLANKET-NOC-RESALE-BLDG SHOP S 423.00 STEVE’S WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS INC 114000661 PARKING STANDARD-2022 CTAO CON 28.00 EVA BADILLO 114000662 MEALS -STANDARD-2022 CTAO CONF 22.86 EVELYN FARRELL 114000663 MEAL & PARKING STANDARD-2022 C 39.34 JEANISE BILYEU 114000664 BLANKET-EMPLOYEE MONTHLY PARKI 410.00 METRO PARKING GARAGE 115000350 BLANKET- NOC- Prof Svc- Consul 1200.00 GARRIDY HAMILTON 115000351 BLANKET- NOCPresort Mail Ser 70.92 PRESORT FIRST CLASS 800006631 OMNIA #R TC 17006- Calculator 1993.25 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 800006632 BLANKET- NOC- Coffee Machine L 231.46 DAIOHS USA INC 800006633 OMNIA #201801102- Annual soft 1425.60 SOFTWARE HOUSE INTERNATIONAL INC SHI 800006634 BLANKET- NOC- Maintenance 149.76 SUMMIT MAILING & SHIPPING SYSTEMS LLC 800006635 BLANKET- GS- 03F-046DA- Plotte 488.48 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC 800006636 Sourcewell 090320-TTI - PACE 12363.75 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 116005308 831052 NOC-Blnkt-Towing Svc 415.50 ARROW WRECKER SERVICE INC 116005309 Blnkt-FY21-22 postage meter s 96.00 FRANCOTYP-POSTALIA INC 116005310 SW0307A-Blnkt-misc auto parts 428.24 GENUINE PARTS COMPANY 116005311 NOC-Quote-Business Cards 713.07 IMPRESSIONS PRINTING AND COPYING SERVICES INC 116005312 NOC_Reimbursement-new K-9 vet 423.43 JOHNNY BERRYMAN 116005313 blnkt-Courthouse Gate Svc 350.00 SCUDDER SERVICE & SUPPLY INC 116005314 Blnkt-Sourcewell 012320-Misc s 402.92 STAPLES CONTRACT AND COMMERCIAL INC 800006637 Omnia 2017000280-Blnkt 914.79 ADVANCE STORES CO INC 800006638 Blnkt-Omnia RTC-17006 697.90 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 800006639 001-6110-077094601 Blkt-Intern 15.78 COX COMMUNICATIONS INC 800006640 CM7461661 CM7565973 CM7478124 528.36 HOWARD GM II INC 800006641 Blnkt-SW307misc auto parts 331.99 O’REILLY AUTOMOTIVE STORES INC 800006642 Blnkt-FY22 OMES network connec 588.00 STATE OF OKLAHOMA 800006643 Blnkt-SW0817-NVP-misc. supplie 59.40 W W GRAINGER INC 800006644 SW0114Notary Renewals- 305.50 WALKER COMPANIES INC 161003628 NOC-’14 Ram Truck-Quote 2153.75 DAVID STANLEY DODGE 800006645 NOC-Quote-oil for Tahoes 929.50 AEG PETROLEUM LLC 800006646 Omnia-R-TC-17006 2607.64 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 800006647 Blnkt-FY22-Copier Lease SW1013 16243.48 IMAGENET CONSULTING LLC 162000143 FY22 BLKT Radio System Usage a 74495.88 CITY OF OKLAHOMA CITY 123000189 Blanket for DA Contract for Pr 3131.25 BOARD OF REGENTS OF THE UNIV OF OKLA 124000818 Elvis Patterson IN STATE TRAV 115.25 ELVIS M PATTERSON 124000819 IN STATE TRAVEL / JOHN MILLS 450.45 JOHN MILLS 124000820 IN STATE TRAVEL / MATTHEW KEIT 465.07 MATTHEW KEITH 124000821 BLANKET FOR METRO PARKING NOC 640.00 METRO PARKING GARAGE 124000822 STAPLES CONTRACT SWO 22 / OFFI 539.12 STAPLES CONTRACT AND COMMERCIAL INC 800006648 BLANKET PO FOR JOURNAL RECORD 1520.05 BRIDGE TOWER OPCO LLC 126000363 Blanket - NOC - Parking Garage 1375.00 METRO PARKING GARAGE 129000177 BLANKET SW1012V COMMUNICATIONS 96.00 VERIZON WIRELESS SERVICES LLC 129000178 BLANKET CW22076 Waste Services 1282.99 WCA WASTE SYSTEMS INC 140000117 CARES FUND 1065 MDC OMES SW102 337166.00 TURN-KEY MOBILE INC 800006649 CARES FUND ID 1064 State Contr 756424.00 JOE COOPER CHEVROLET CADILLAC OF SHAWNEE LLC 401001611 Emp Ben 4-18-2022 Check 801 610902.70 EMPLOYEE MEDICAL BENEFITS 401001612 Emp Ben 5-2-2022 Check 7995 16234.27 EMPLOYEE MEDICAL BENEFITS 401001613 Emp Ben 5-2-2022 Check 8022 219040.96 EMPLOYEE MEDICAL BENEFITS 800006650 Emp Ben 5-2-2022 Inv# 5341 398602.58 CVS PHARMACY INC 800006651 BLANKET Employee Assist Progr 1782.72 DEER OAKS EAP SERVICES LLC 800006652 BLANKET Admin Fee Flex Spend 582.00 HEALTHSMART BENEFIT SOLUTIONS-FLEX 800006653 Life Ins Admin Fees for May 2 181628.26 HEALTHSMART BENEFIT SOLUTIONS INC 402000463 WC 5-2-2022 Check 26264 - 2 1548.11 WORKERS COMPENSATION 402000464 WC 5-2-2022 Check 26270 - 2 2080.32 WORKERS COMPENSATION LPXLP
Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, May 27, 2022, Page 8
AUCTION PRIME STILLWATER REAL ESTATE AUCTION. 5300+ sq. ft. office building, 7th and Western Ave., Stillwater. Seller = Oklahoma Ag Credit. June 3, 10:00 AM. Call Gregg for details. 405-747-9304. www.pickensauctions.com.
1-888-815-2672 WANT TO BUY OLD GUITAR$ WANTED! LARRY BRING$ CA$H for vintage USA guitars, tube amps, banjos, mandolins, etc. Fender, Gibson, Martin, Gretsch, others. Call or text 918-288-2222. www.stringswest.com
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Put your message where it matters most – IN OKLAHOMA NEWSPAPERS. We can place your ad in 146 newspapers. For more information or to place an ad, contact Landon Cobb at (405) 499-0022 or toll-free in OK at 1-888-815-2672.
NOTICE! You have been sued in the above-named Court by the abovenamed Petitioner for Dissolution of Marriage on grounds of incompatibility. The Petition requests that the parties be awarded an equitable division of the property and debts. If you intend to defend this lawsuit, you must file a written response to the Petition on or before the 13 day of June, 2022, or said Petition will be taken as true and judgement will be rendered for the Petitioner for the relief requested. If you intend to seek the advice of an attorney in this matter, you should do so promptly so that your response may be filed on time. Issued this 27 day of April, 2022. Rick Warren, Oklahoma County Court Clerk 320 Robert S. Kerr Avenue 409 County Office Bldg. OKC, Oklahoma 73102 By: /s/Lisa Rithro Deputy Court Clerk (SEAL) (Published in OKC Friday, Friday, May 13, 2022; Friday, May 20, 2022; Friday, May 27, 2022) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF OKLAHOMA COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA Case No. FD-2021-824 Judge: Oakes IN RE THE MARRIAGE OF: CANDICE ELAINE BARRON, Petitioner, and ROBERT HUDSON BARRON, III, Respondent.
her possession. You are notified that you must answer the Amended Petition filed by the Petitioner on or before the 28 day of June, 2022, or the allegations contained in the Amended Petition will be taken as true and judgment will be entered against you and in favor of Petitioner as prayed for in her Amended Petition. Given under my hand and the seal 6 day of May, 2022. Rick Warren, Court Clerk Oklahoma County, Oklahoma By: /s/Teresa Becker (Deputy) (SEAL) Peary L. Robertson, OBA#22895 NAAV, CIRCLE PROJECT PO Box 2336 Seminole, OK 74818 Tel: (405)382-7300 Attorney for Petitioner
) ) ) ) ) )
SERVICE OF AMENDED SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NOTICE STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: ROBERT HUDSON BARRON, III TAKE NOTICE that you have been sued for a dissolution of marriage in the above-styled case in the District Court of Oklahoma, State of Oklahoma. The action alleges that the Petitioner is entitled to a Decree of Divorce from you based on the grounds of incompatibility, that she retain her interest in Syphsis Garden, LLC, Unity Management, LLC, and Pierson Acquisitions, LLC, that she be awarded the 2005 Mercedes, 2010 Toyota Matrix, and all property in
Landscape design and installation, flowers, clean-ups and landscape renovations. Degree in Landscape Architecture and Horticulture, 30 yrs exp, References, Free Consultation and Estimates. Call Charlene: 405-517-1665 Garden Design
DIVORCE (Published in OKC Friday, Friday, May 13, 2022; Friday, May 20, 2022; Friday, May 27, 2022)
Deadline: Friday 3:00 p.m. the week before publication 405-755-3311
PROBATE (Published in OKC Friday, Friday, May 20, 2022; Friday, May 27, 2022) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF OKLAHOMA COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ALLEN M. SMITH, DECEASED Case No. PB-2022-662 NOTICE OF HEARING PETITION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION, APPOINTMENT OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE, AND DETERMINATION OF HEIRS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all persons interested in the Estate of Allen M. Smith, Deceased, that on this date, Joseph L. Higgins filed in the District Court of the County, State of Oklahoma, a Petition praying for Letters of Administration to be issued to Joseph L. Higgins, to serve without bond, upon the Estate of Allen M. Smith, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Petition further prays that the heirs-atlaw of Allen M. Smith, Deceased be determined at the hearing thereon, all for the purpose of waiver procedures as provided by the applicable statues of the State of Oklahoma. Pursuant to an Order of said Court, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 13 day of June, 2022 at the hour of 9:00 o’clock am has been appointed as the time for hearing said Petition in the Courtroom of the undersigned Judge, or the Judge to whom this cause is assigned on said date, in the County Courthouse in the City of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, when and where all persons interested may appear and contest said Petition as provided by law, or may assert rights to the administration and pray that Letters be issued. Dated this 17 day of May, 2022. ALLEN WELCH Judge of the District Court RICK WARREN, Court Clerk Oklahoma County, Oklahoma By:/s/illegible signature
Evan Williams Black 1.75L.................. $21.79 Maker’s Mark 1.75L............................ $42.49 Crown Royal 1.75L.............................. $45.39 Patron Silver 750ml............................ $46.19 Teremana Silver 750ml ....................... $26.19 Teremana Reposado 750ml ................. $28.79 Bacardi Superior 1.75L .........................$18.19 Bacardi Gold 1.75L ..............................$18.19 Bombay Sapphire 1.75L ...................... $34.49 Hendricks 750ml ................................ $26.19 Svedka 1.75L ..................................... $16.39 Grey Goose 1.75L ............................... $43.59 Veuve Clicquot Brut 750ml .................. $50.99 Kim Crawford Prosecco 750ml ............. $14.29 Chateau D’Esclans The Palm Rose 750ml ................... $14.99 Masut Chardonnay 750ml ................... $38.99
Woodbridge Infusions Black Raspberry 750ml ....................$9.49 Strawberry Kiwi 750ml ....................$9.49 Woodbridge Infusions Peach 750ml ........$9.49 All Bota Box 3L................................... $16.99 Coop F5 24pk .................................... $30.52 Michelob Ultra 24pk Cans.................... $22.13 Bud LT 30pk Cans ............................... $23.59 Coors LT 30PK Cans ............................ $23.59 Coors LT 18PK Bottles ......................... $14.98 Truly Poolside Pack ............................. $16.96 Warsteiner 24/12 Cans....................... $21.36 Clubby Variety pack 12PK Cans .............$17.85 Modelo especial 24PK Cans ................. $28.12 Bud LT Freeze-a-Rita ............................. $8.37 Hard Mountain Dew Variety 12PK Cans. $15.69 Coronita 24PK Bottles ......................... $22.89
AD VALID 5/24/22 - 5/30/22 Hours: Monday-Saturday 9am-10pm, Sundays 12pm-6pm Address: 2322 N Broadway Ave OKC, OK 73103 Phone: 405-525-2158
Online ordering available for in store or curbside pickups @
DAKIL AUCTIONEERS, INC. 200 NW 114TH ST, OKLA. CITY, OKLA. (W. Side Service Rd of the Bdwy Ext. between 122nd & Hefner)
COMMERCIAL PROPERTY 3831 ALAMEDA ST, NORMAN: B&B COUNTRY STORE. Approx. 3,000 SF Building. Setting on Approx. 2 Acres MOL. TO BE SOLD IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING REAL ESTATE: Contents of Convenience Store, Equipment, Shelving & Food (Any food that is out of date will be disposed of by purchaser) & 8’x40’ Conex.
2530 S. WESTERN AVE AND 831 SW 25TH ST, OKC: Approx. 2,822 SF Building. Formerly a Catering Company. Setting on Approx. 0.38 Acres MOL. Fenced Lot Behind Building Goes with Property. Lot Sized 50 x 140’ Zoned C4-General Commercial.
2508 NW 39TH ST, OKC: Approx. 1,144 SF Building. Former Vehicle Shipping Office. Setting on Approx. 0.20 Acres MOL. TERMS ON REAL ESTATE: 5% down, 45 days to close. Closing cost & title ins. split 50/50. 10% Buyers Premium.
REAL ESTATE, 405-751-6179
(Published in OKC Friday, Friday, May 27, 2022)
05-03-2022 BOCC Minutes Tuesday May 3 2022 Board of County Commissioners Amended Special Call to Order Roll Call Present: 3 County Commissioner Brian Maughan District 1Chief Deputy Joe Blough and District 3 Chief Deputy Myles Davidson Notice of the meeting was posted on April 29 2022. For purposes of this agenda “Action” means any of the following: amending approving approving as amended deferring denying giving instructions to staff making a recommendation to another public body receiving documents or presentations referring to committee reconsidering re-opening returning or striking the item. Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance was led by Brandi Mertens Consent Agenda Items on the consent agenda are routine in nature and approved with a single vote. However any item on the consent agenda is subject to individual consideration at the request of a member of the body. The following items are Consent Items and are routine in nature: Davidson moved Blough seconded to approve the consent agenda. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 3 - Maughan Blough and Davidson Discussion and possible action regarding Employee Benefit Warrant No 801625 to 802236 for Oklahoma County in the amount of $610 902.70 pending notification of encumbrance to Jackie Wilson Oklahoma County Treasurer’s Office Approve Departmental Items District No. 2 Discussion and possible action regarding Standard Long Term Lease contract with Standley Systems LLC for lease of Copier from May 1 2022 until June 30 2022. Requisition 12205841 has been issued to Standley Systems LLC in the amount not to exceed $492.78 for lease and been issued to for copy overages contingent upon encumbrance of funds. Requested by Commissioner Brian Maughan. Davidson moved Blough seconded to receive document. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 3 Maughan Blough and Davidson Davidson moved Blough seconded to approve. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 3 Maughan Blough and Davidson No Commissioners Comments/General Remarks: No Citizen Participation Adjourn 2:03 Davidson moved Blough seconded to adjourn at 2:03 PM. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 3 Maughan Blough and Davidson
DAKIL AUCTIONEERS, INC. 200 NW 114TH ST, OKLA. CITY, OKLA. (W. Side Service Rd of the Bdwy Ext. between 122nd & Hefner)
APPROX. 60 PARCELS OF LAND BEING SOLD IN 11 COUNTIES ACROSS OKLAHOMA including Oklahoma, Creek, Wagoner, Tulsa, Murray, Canadian, McClain, Grady, Lincoln, Rogers & Craig. See web site for detailed listing & maps. TERMS: 5% down, 45 days to close. Closing cost and title insurance split 50/50. 10% Buyers Premium.
REAL ESTATE, 405-751-6179
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Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, May 27, 2022, Page 9
Endangered okapi calf due this fall at the OKC Zoo
Painted Sky Opera's 2022 summer season of opera in Oklahoma City • June 11 – Pagliacci by Ruggero Leoncavallo Experience this gritty tale of a traveling show, an unfaithful wife and a murderous clown. When a troupe of traveling actors visit a small town, little do they realize that jealousy and lust will lead their show in directions they never expected. Performed with orchestra in Italian with English supertitles. • July 30 – Carmen in concert by Georges Bizet Carmen has entranced audiences with its seductive melodies, its captivating characters and its thrilling story of obsession and betrayal. Experience the glorious music of Carmen featuring the Painted Sky Opera Orchestra and a stellar cast of singers led by Maestro Jan McDaniel in this semistaged performance. Performed with orchestra in French with English supertitles. Both opera performances are at Rose State College in the Hudiburg Chevrolet Center, 7:30 pm. Plus, enjoy one of eleven free performances in July at branches of the Metropolitan Library System of The Enchanted Forest - a choose-your-ownadventure opera designed for kids. Go to okcciviccenter.com for details.
Myriad Botanical Gardens’ Children's Garden Festival is June 3–12 from 10am to 5pm daily. It is a family fun, multi-day event in June that features a book theme. Bring your little artists to celebrate art in literature with these four books: The Day the Crayons Quit, Harold and the Purple Crayon, The Dot and Aaron Slater, Illustrator. Admission is $8 per person, free for ages 2 and under and for Gardens members at myriadgardens.org.
Summer programs at the OKC National Memorial & Museum There’s a wide variety of activities and something for everyone at the Oklahoma City National Memorial & Museum this summer. STEM Summer Camp July 11-15 Become a forensic investigator, structural engineer, first responder and brand new – an environmental scientist. Experience stories of the rescue, recovery, investigation and justice following the Oklahoma City bombing. Students will engage with experts in structural engineering, forensics, environmental science and disaster response, interact with touchscreen tables and participate in hands-on activities using critical thinking skills to solve prob-
lems. Campers will also learn leadership skills and strategies that will engage them in Better Conversations with others. For students 6-8 grades. Summer Program for High Schoolers July 18-22 Federal Bar Association and the Memorial Museum are partnering to work with high school students considering careers in the legal field and who want to learn more about their own roles in conflict resolution. Learn from federal judges, U.S. Marshals, FBI agents and others with the justice system. For high school sophomores through seniors. For more information go to MemorialMuseum.com/events.
This fall, the Oklahoma City Zoo and Botanical Garden will welcome a new addition to its okapi (pronounced oh-COP-ee) family when adult female okapi, Kayin, gives birth to her first calf. Kayin, 6, is pregnant and due this fall. This will be the first offspring for the OKC Zoo’s okapi pair, Kayin and Bosomi, 4. The last okapi born at the OKC Zoo was Kayin in 2015 and now, life is coming full circle with the awaited arrival of her calf. “We are extremely excited about Kayin’s pregnancy and cannot wait to see her caring for her own calf,” said Tracey Dolphin, OKC Zoo’s curator of hoofstock and primates. “An okapi birth is a significant event not only for our animal family but for the okapi population as a whole. By participating in a successful breeding program with the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA)’ Species Survival Plan® (SSP) for okapi, the Zoo is contributing to the conservation of this endangered species.” Kayin was born at the OKC Zoo in 2015. The calf’s father, Bosomi, arrived at the Zoo on a recommendation with the AZA’s SSP for okapi from Sedgwick County Zoo, Wichita, Kansas, in 2020. The Zoo’s veterinary team confirmed Kayin’s pregnancy through ultrasounds and following an approximate 15month gestation period she is expected to give
birth this fall. Kayin is in good health and her daily routine including diet, training and spending time with Bosomi will remain consistent throughout her pregnancy. She is receiving excellent care and attention from her caretakers who are working closely with the Zoo’s veterinary team to monitor both mom and calf through ongoing exams and ultrasounds. Through positive reinforcement training and the strong relationship Kayin has with her caretakers, she voluntarily participates in these exams making it is a stress-free and comfortable experience for her. Native to the Democratic Republic of the Congo in central Africa, okapis are a reclusive species often referred to as the “ghosts of the forests”. These unique animals have distinguishing physical features including a velvetlike brown coat, striped legs and hind quarters and enlarged ears. Plus, the okapi is the only living relative of the giraffe. Classified as endangered by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, okapi populations in the wild – estimated between 10,000 and 50,000 – are currently decreasing primarily because of habitat loss resulting from logging and human settlement. The presence of illegal armed groups around protected areas and poaching are also major threats. Wildlife fans can
help conserve okapi by donating their used electronic devices at the OKC Zoo. Small electronics frequently contain coltan and mining for this substance threatens the habitats of okapi and other endangered species. When individuals donate used phones or other electronics, the coltan from those devices is re-used and reduces the need to mine for the compound in okapi habitats. Additionally, guests can also choose to Round Up for Conservation, when purchasing items from gift shops or restaurants, located throughout the Zoo. Funds from Round Up for Conservation has been donated to the Okapi Conservation Project to help support the organization’s conservation efforts in Africa. When visiting the Zoo, be sure to see Kayin and Bosomi at their habitat located across from Predator Pass. The Zoo will share updates on Kayin’s pregnancy on its social platforms. Connect to wildlife and tons of fun as you experience the all new Bricklive Animal Paradise at the OKC Zoo. Sponsored by Devon, Bricklive features 45+ life-sized animal statues made with almost two million toy bricks! Bricklive Animal Paradise will be at the Zoo now through October 30, 2022 and open daily from 9 am to 4:30 pm. To learn more or purchase your Bricklive tickets in advance visit okczoo.org/bricklive.
Locally-owned Business Directory Debbie South RE/MAX Preferred 9520 N. May, Suite 110 Oklahoma City, OK 73120 Office: (405) 751-4848 debbiesouth.com
Nancy Farha’s 9205 N. Pennsylvania Casady Square The Village, OK 73120 (405) 775-0404 nancyfarha.com
Full Circle Bookstore 1900 NW Expressway Oklahoma City, OK 73118 (405) 842-2900 (800) 683-READ
Journey Quilt Company T-shirt Quilts 16516 N. Penn Ave. Edmond OK 73012 (405) 340-0444 journeyquilts.com
Swiss Cleaners @ Laundry 3737 NW 50th St. Oklahoma City, OK 73112 (405) 946-0629 Junior’s Supper Club 2601 NW Expressway Oil Center Building (405) 848-5597 juniorsokc.com Boutique One 6478 Avondale Dr. Nichols Hill Plaza (405) 888-9822 boutiqueone.store The Learning Tree 7638 N. Western Wilshire Village (405) 848-1415 learningtreeokc.com Carwin’s Shave Shop 6411 Avondale Dr. Nichols Hills Plaza (405) 607-1197 carwinsshaveshop.com Winter House 6411 Avondale Dr. Nichols Hills Plaza (405) 607-1199 winterhouseinteriors.com International Wigs 4429 NW 10th St, . Oklahoma City, OK 73107 (405) 943-1233
23rd Street Antiques 3023 NW 23rd. (405) 947-3800 Oklahoma City, OK 73107 Antiques23.com Concordia Life Plan Community 7707 W. Britton Rd. Oklahoma City, OK 73132 (405) 720-7200 concordiaseniorliving.com Coyle Law Firm 125 Park Ave. No.100 Oklahoma City, OK 73102 (405) 583-3909 coylelaw.com Gulfport Seafood Market 8016 N. May Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73120 (405) 848-3468 Gulfportseafoods.com Home Care Assistance of Oklahoma 323 S. Blackwelder Ave. Edmond, OK 73034 (405) 277-0035 homecareassistance.com Mary’s Maid Service 7009 NW 53rd St. Bethany, OK 73008 (405) 728-1805 marysmaidokcity.com
Moorman's Distinctive Carpets and Area Rugs 3835 NW 63rd St. Oklahoma City, OK 73116 (405) 848-4888 moormanscarpetsoklahomacity.com Naifeh Fine Jewelry 6471 Avondale Dr,. Nichols Hills, OK 73116 (405) 607-4323 Naifehfinejewelry.com Retirement Investment Advisors 2925 United Founders Blvd. Oklahoma City, OK 73112 (405) 842-3443 theretirementpath.com Thrifty Pharmacy 10904 N. May Ave. L Oklahoma City, OK 73120 (405) 751-2852 230 S. Santa Fe Ave. Edmond OK 73003 thriftypharmacyedmond. com State Farm Insurance Gary Baccus 16145 N. May Ave. Edmond, Ok 73013 (405) 844-6300 Garybaccus.com
First National Bank of Oklahoma 10900 Hefner Pointe Dr., No. 300 Oklahoma City, OK 73120 (405) 848-2001 fnbok.com La Baguette Bistro 7408 N. May Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73116 (405) 840-3047 labaguettebistro.com McBride Orthopedic Clinic 9600 Broadway Ext. Oklahoma City, OK 73116 (405) 486-2530 mcboh.com CK & Co. 6429 Avondale Dr. Oklahoma City, OK 73116 (405) 843-7636 ckandcompany.com Chickasaw Community Bank 909 S. Meridian Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73108 (405) 946-2265 ccb.bank Quail Creek Bank 12201 N. May Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73120 (405) 755-1000 quailcreek.bank
We Pay Fast 2239 NW 39th St. Oklahoma City, OK 73112 (800) 937-2932 wepayfast.com
First Fidelity Bank 6404 Avondale, Oklahoma City, OK 73116 (405) 416-2222 Website: ffb.com
Cindi Shelby, Stylist Lela Rose & Pearl by Lela Rose 333 W. Wilshire Blvd., Ste. F Oklahoma City, OK 73116 (405) 830-1138
Mathnasium of North OKC The Math Learning Center 14101 N. May, Suite 106 Oklahoma City, OK 73134 mathnasium.com/northokc (405) 412-8758
Quail Plaza Barber Shop 10940 N. May Ave. (495) 751-2126
Denner Roofing Co. LLC 6608 N. Western Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73116 (405) 848-4411 dennerroofing.com
All About Travel, Ltd. 6104 Northwest 63 Oklahoma City, OK 73132 (405) 384-3880 www.allabout-travel.com
Beef Jerky Emporium 810 W Danforth (next to Hobby Lobby) Edmond, OK (405) 359-8200
Pirates Alley Picture Frames 2733 W. Britton Road (405)751-4395 1700 NW 23 (405) 525-0091 piratesalleyokc.com
Norwalk Furniture & Design 12100 N. May OKC, OK 73120 (405) 919-3847
Papa Dios 10712 N May, Suite D Oklahoma City, OK 73120 (405) 755-2255 papadiosokc.com
First Source Real Estate Residential Sales 12020 N. Penn Ave. OKC, OK 73120 (405) 236-4747 Michael Biddinger Real Estate Commercial Sales, Management 12020 N. Penn Ave. OKC, OK 73120 (405) 236-4747
Balliets 6443 Avondale Dr. Nichols Hills, OK 73116 (405) 848-7811 Balliets.com
James B. Lowe, DDS 2821 NW 58th Oklahoma City, OK 73112 (405) 848-3535
Deer Clan Books 3905 N. College Ave. Bethany, OK 73008 (405) 495-9005 deerclanbooks@gmail.com
BancFirst 6200 Waterford Blvd Oklahoma City, OK 73118 (405) 270-1622 Bancfirst.bank
Covenant Brothers 5900 Mosteller Dr. No. 7 Oklahoma City, OK 73112 (405) 842-4671 covbros.com
J. Holland Photography 1130 W. 15th St. Edmond, OK 73013 (405) 341-5088 jhollandphotography.com
Britton Feed & Seed 708 W. Britton Rd. Oklahoma City, OK 73114 (405) 842-5590 britton-feed-seed.hub.biz
Justin Beasley, DDS 4600 W Memorial Rd. Oklahoma City, OK 73142 (405) 755-5400 drbeasley.com
First Liberty Bank 9601 N. May Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73120 (405) 608-4500 myfirstliberty.com
The Adult Clinic at Hearts for Hearing 11500 N. Portland Ave. OKC, OK 73120 (405) 548-4335
Editorial Page
Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, May 27, 2022, Page 10
OPINION O UR S TAND “And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32 (quoting Jesus). The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” – Edmund Burke paraphrase, 1767. If you want it in the paper, it’s advertising. If you don’t want it in the paper, it’s news.” – Ancient Chinese Proverb. “Without, or with, offense to friends or foes, We sketch your world exactly as it goes.” – Byron, 1818. “Every violation of truth is a stab at the health of human society.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1878. “We must always stand – alone if necessary – as the conscience of this community.” – J. Leland Gourley, 1959.
MEMBER OF We urge courtesy in disagreement. We view with favor wise public choices and view with alarm flawed public choices. We give good advice to public officials at federal, state and local levels, and society in general, on what to do right. So, if they don’t take our advice, it’s not our fault. EMAIL YOUR OPINION to: vicki@okcfriday.com
Follies rocks the stage and audience
he annual Senior Follies brought Oklahoma’s most talented performers, who are over age 50, back to the stage again for a terrific show at the Hudson Performance Hall at Northwest Classen. The event benefits the Alzheimer’s Association. This is the 11th year of the Senior Follies which Bobbie Burbridge Lane founded after apprearing in the Dallas Senior Follies. John Peebles served as the Artistic Director and Stage Director and also performed. The show opened with John Peebles
In MY Opinion by VICKI CLARK GOURLEY vicki@okcfriday.com
and the entire company singing “Joy to the World.” The theme this year was “Music We Loved.” David Hooten played “A Taste of Honey” solo on his trumpet. Vince Gill, a Northwest Classen graduate, sang “Oklahoma Borderline” and “Whenever You Come Around” on the big screen. The cast included Lou Carmichael, Christy Carson, Cathy Costello, Larry Darnell, Bob Davis, Daren Fernandea, Patsy Hutchens, Charlotte Franklin, Tom Freeman, Babara Giager, Jane Hall, Roger
Holland, Pamela Holzberger, David Hooten, James Hostler, Jim Ivins, Dorothy Johnson, Bob Lane, Dot Liles, Kay Manning, DeWayne McAnally, Darla Morgan, Tom Nix, John Peeples, Margie Peebles, Bill Perry, Marti Barona Rickman, Billie Rodely, Carol Sander, Gary Sander, Jackie Short, Linda Slane, Ken Sprouse, Nick Strom, Barbara Bryant-Waggoner, Robert Woods and Linda Piro-Wright. John Ferguson, “Count Gregore” was the 2022 Senior Follies King. Bill Perry, “Cardiac the Magnificent” always does a great routine a la Johnny Carson’s “Carnac.” The Follies Beauties for 2022 were Rose Lane, Patsy Hutchens, Barbara McMullin, Roxanne Parks, Annette Basey and Janda Lemons. Don’t miss it next year.
Send your letters to the Editor to: Editor, OKC FRIDAY, PO Box 20340, Okla. City, OK 73156 or email: vicki@okcfriday.com
OKC FRIDAY OKC FRIDAY Nichols Hills Publishing Company PHONE 405-755-3311 www.okcfriday.com 10801 N. Quail Plaza Drive, OKC PO Box 20340 Oklahoma City, OK 73156 VICKI CLARK GOURLEY, CEO & Publisher ROSE LANE, Editor & Deputy Publisher MARY McCUTCHEON, Publisher’s Assistant LOVINA MORGAN, Senior Advertising Account Exec. JASON JEWELL, Production Mgr., Web & Sports Editor JENNIFER CLARK, Legals Mgr./Circulation/Classifieds JOY RICHARDSON, Social and Travel Contributor -------------------------KELLY CLARK, CIO/CISO --------------------------JAY L. GOURLEY, Vice Chairman Emeritus JANNA L. GOURLEY ROUSEY, Secretary Emerita J. LELAND GOURLEY, FOUNDER
Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, May 27, 2022, Page 11
Friday Society
OKIE presents #stateofstyle
- Photo by Frank Kozakowski
- Photos by Rose Lane
Pretty ladies: Mary Ellen Gumerson, Karen Delaney, Nancy Anthony, Elaine Levy and Alyson Ray support the mission of the Alzheimer’s Association during the 10th Annual AWARE Luncheon at the Oklahoma City Golf and Country Club.
AWARE supports Alzheimer’s Association
A crowd of almost 350 entered the second floor walkway of the OSU DISCOVERY venue, catching a glimpse of the glittering tables below for the the OKlahoma Israel Exchange (OKIE) #stateofstyle. Sherri Lance introduced Israeli Fashionating by Liri creator Liraz Cohen (Liri) who wowed with her multimedia runway extravaganza. Twenty of OKC’s chic celebrities, dynamic dignitaries and illustrious leaders donned Israeli fashion from 1909 to present day, part of Liri’s own curated collection of vintage pieces. Above: Trung Nguyen, Grand Dame Ann Lacy, Fmr. First Lady Cathy Keating, Jay Shanker, and Chris Lawson chat it up.
Above: DG Smalling and Valerie Naifeh are runway ready in their authentic Yemenite garb. At left: Wearing vintage inspired El Al stewardess uniforms and ready for take-off are Elaine Levy and Ann Hargis, event co-chairmen.
Above: AWARE Luncheon Co-Chairman Jane Thompson, the Alzheimer’s Association’s Sandi Pellow and Co-Chairman Cindy Riesen. At left: Emcee Marla Morgan and Cara Curtis. Dr. Claire Sexton, director of scientific programs and outreach for the Alzheimer’s Association, was the guest speaker via video. Jonathan Foster, Alzheimer’s advocate, told the story of how the organization helped when his wife was diagnosed.
AWARDS From Page 1 Anoatubby, he led development of the 370,000-squarefoot Chickasaw Nation Medical Center in Ada. Justice Yvonne Kauger is the the Global Vision Humanitarian Award honoree. Kauger is a fourth-generation Oklahoman from Colony. She graduated from Colony High School as class valedictorian and from Southwestern Oklahoma State University magna cum laude. She became a certified medical technologist to put herself through Oklahoma City University’s night law school and graduated first in her class. She was the first woman judicial assistant to the Oklahoma Supreme Court for Justice Ralph B. Hodges. On March 14, 1984, she was appointed by Gover-
nor George Nigh as only the second woman named to the Oklahoma’s highest court. Kauger was the first woman to serve as vice chief justice and chief justice of the Oklahoma Supreme Court and the last Chief Justice to address a joint session of the Legislature on the state of judiciary. She has been inducted into the Oklahoma Women's Hall of Fame, named a distinguished alumnus by the Oklahoma City University and Southwestern State University, was the Red Earth Ambassador of the Year and adopted by the Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes of Oklahoma, and received the Governor’s Arts Award twice, among countless other awards and honors. Major General Rita Aragon is the recipient of the Global Leadership Service Award. From Dale, Major General Aragon served as
At right: Martha Burger presents OKIE’s 2022 LIGHT LEADERSHIP LEGACY Award to Carla Hinton, Oklahoman religion editor. Below: Exec Edie Roodman calls on Miss Oklahoma Ashleigh Robinson for a musical toast of “Happy birthday” for guest Kasi Shelton.
the first female general officer, first female commander of the Oklahoma Air National Guard, and first woman in the United States to command a state’s Air National Guard. She was selected as the first woman and the fourth secretary of veterans affairs for the state of Oklahoma in 2010. During her career she served two tours in the Pentagon – as assistant to the secretary of Air Force for financial management and as assistant to the deputy chief of staff of the Air Force for manpower and personnel. She was the senior Air National Guard officer responsible for military and civilian personnel, education, training and resource allocation. The American Red Cross of Central Oklahoma YWCA, the Memorial Institute of Prevention of Terrorism, INTEGRIS Health Edmond,
4 Star Leadership for Tommy Franks, Folds of Honor, among others, have benefitted from her leadership. Aragon’s awards and honors include the Air Force Distinguished Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Air Force and Army Commendation. She was Oklahoma Woman Veteran of the Year and inducted into the Oklahoma Military Hall of Fame. Dr. William Parry is the Global Lifetime Achievement Award honoree. Parry received his medical degree from the University of Rochester School of Medicine and has devoted his life to medicine. Dr. Parry is truly one of the pioneers in medicine in the United States. Oklahoma is truly fortunate to have him focus his energies and expertise in the field of urology. As one of the longest
reigning chairs of urology, OU and Oklahoma reaped the fruits of labors. His devotion to patients, doctors in training and the community he so loved make this lifetime achievement award all the more fitting. At its core, Sister Cities OKC International recognizes, celebrates, and magnifies the catalytic power of people-to-people interaction through mutual respect, understanding, and cooperation — one individual, one community at a time. Sister Cities International OKC recognizes private citizens, municipal officials, and business leaders for conducting long term programs of mutual benefit with sister cities and promoting its mission to “Connect globally, thrive locally.” The Global Achievement Awards luncheon are 11:15 a.m. to 1 p.m., Nov. 18, at the Embassy Suites.
Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, May 27, 2022, Page 12