07-14-23 Print Replica

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Shop the Look

Fashion Editor Jennifer Clark helps you Shop the Look with styles from CK & Co., Krista Anne’s

Page 13


Oklahoma Contemporary Director Jeremiah Davis, Oklahoma City Mayor David Holt and Oklahoma Contemporary founder and Chairman Christian Keesee. Page 12

OKC’s only locally-owned legal newspaper with all local news

‘I have been drinking’

Police find man asleep in car with multiple beer cans, bottles

It used to be said that if someone this drunk had died, he wouldn’t need to be embalmed.

Hurrah for the Red, White and Blue!

The streets of Fridayland communities were filled with patriotism on the Fourth of July as residents paraded through on bikes and trikes, golf carts and vintage automobiles. Above: Maisie, Matt and Georgina Payne in the Nichols Hills Parade. Above right: Hawaiian was the theme of Toni and Kary Brand’s golf cart over at The Greens. At right: Parker Sanders awaits the launch of the Quail Creek Parade.

For more photos, see Pages 2, 3, 11 & 14

McGuinness student takes home third at nationals

Price Collier, a senior at Bishop McGuinness Catholic High School, was the final round champion and third overall in humorous interpretation at the National Speech and Debate Association competition in Phoenix, Ariz. last week.

Price is a three-time national qualifier, but this marked his first time to advance to the final round. He was one of six students from across the nation to compete on the final stage at the national competition. Price had to compete and advance through 12 rounds of competition in Phoenix to qualify

Four of our students are Merit Scholars

Four more of our students have been named National Merit Scholars in the National Merit Scholarship Corporation’s award competition. They are among 750 winners of National Merit Scholarships financed by colleges and universities. These Merit Scholar designees join more than 3,000 other college-sponsored award recipients who were announced in June. Officials of each spon-

sor college selected their scholarship winners from among the finalists in the National Merit Scholarship Program who will attend their institution. College-sponsored awards provide $500-2,000 annually for up to four years of undergraduate study at the institution financing the scholarship.

Our Merit Scholars and the schools they are attending are:

Norah F. Hager, Deer Creek High School, National Merit University of Tulsa Scholarship. Possible

career field: Medicine.

Austin Liu, Deer Creek High School, National Merit University of Oklahoma Scholarship. Possible career field: Biomedical Engineering.

for the last round of six finalists.

The final round was held at the Phoenix Convention Center in front of a packed audience and a panel of 15 judges who awarded Price Collier as the final round winner.

The National Speech & Debate Tournament is an annual event. Students from across the United States qualify for nationals by competing at their state district competition.

Oklahoma is made up of two

See DEBATE, Page 5

FRIDAY’s Dog of the Week

Jacob M. Love, Bishop McGuinness Catholic High School, National Merit University of Wyoming Scholarship. Possible career field: Wildlife Conservation.

Sean X. Wu, Classen School of Advanced Studies, National Merit Tufts University Scholarship. Possible career field: Medicine.

This is Elle, a 3-year-old, 12pound Goldendoodle who cannot get enough love or admiration from anyone. She poses for anyone with a camera!

Elle guards her mother, Gay Ashcraft and her two Devon Rex cats. Email Dog, Cat, Pet and Baby of the Week nominations with complete descriptions to rose@okcfriday.com. Submissions are used in the order they are received.

Nichols Hills police were dispatched to the vicinity of NW 63rd and Penn one day last month to check on a vehicle that was stopped in the roadway, the driver slumped over. When the officers arrived they found the vehicle’s brake lights on and the transmission still in “drive,” Police Chief Steven Cox related.

Officers beat on the windows and shook the vehicle but were unable to wake the driver, who was breathing normally but was asleep. The Fire Department was summoned and attempted to use a vehicle unlock kit “to gain entry, but was unsuccessful,” Cox said.

So a “window punch” was employed on the side window, and the driver “eventually woke up after multiple attempts,” police said.

Officers found “multiple” beer cans, and during an inventory of the

See NHILLS, Page 5

NHFD issues report

Building permits, website traffic, water consumption and Fire Department activity reports from June were reviewed by the Nichols Hills City Council.

The NHFD responded to 89 calls

See FIRE, Page 5

and the Women’s Health Boutique.
Vol. 57 No. 10 • One Section • 14 pages • July 14, 2023 $1 per copy
Price Collier on stage at the final round of the National Speech and Debate Tournament Humorous Interpretation competition Phoenix, Ariz. - Photo by Photoville

Quail Creek displays its love of America!

Fourth of July Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, July 14, 2023, Page 2
Mark, Hudson and Renee Miller watch the parade go by in Quail Creek. Members of Boy Scout Troop 168 Erich Bayless, Antonio Ortiz, Kingsly Gwaabe, Hayden Tribbey, Carly Wilson, Ryan Lemons, Will Matteson, Connor Yamamoto, Wesley Lemons, David McCombs and Holden Cobb march in the Quail Creek Fourth of July Parade. Luke Turner, Michael Bloyd, Abigail Bloyd, Caleb and Rebekah Bloyd and Kristi Turner show off their patriotism. Above: Steve and Chandra Boyd, Alex Yager, Poppy Boyd and Kristy Yager salute the USA. At left: Oklahoma County Presiding Commissioner Brian Maughan.

Nichols Hills lets freedom ring!

It was also Sue and Michael

25th wedding anniver-

Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, July 14, 2023, Page 3 Fourth of July
Jade Krieg with her doggie Lucy. Above: Russell Walker (Uncle Sam) with Becky and Richard Books. Nichols Hills Mayor Sody Clements and Wiley Hugos, the chairman of the Nichols Hills Fourth of July Parade. Above: Becky Books, Nichols Hills Band Director Mike Forcina, Melda Kirk, Dianna France and David Vandewalker. Each year, the band entertains from the gazebo in Kite Park after the parade. Chip Oppenheim and Diana and Michael Robinson embrace the Fourth of July activities in Nichols Hills. Doggie Stanley, Cory and Quincy LeNorman. The fourth was Quincy’s 21st birthday. Geatz’s sary.

Sports Weekly

Scissortail Croquet Club enjoys strong season

ScissorTail Croquet

Club hosted a successful state croquet tournament last month at their home lawns at Oklahoma City Golf and Country Club.

In late June, the ScissorTail Oklahoma Championship attracted players from Tennessee, Texas, Kansas, Tulsa, and OKC.

Connor Helms won the Championship Flight with Matt Baird the runner up, and Britt Ruby claiming third.

In First Flight, Dale Jordan won, with Carl Archiniaco as runner up, and Suzanne Spradling taking third.


Publication No. (USPS 893-600)

PHONE 405-755-3311 • www.okcfriday.com

Official Legal Newspaper For OKLAHOMA, OKLAHOMA CITY and OKLAHOMA COUNTY, including NICHOLS HILLS and THE VILLAGE Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Office of publication, 10801 N. Quail Plaza Drive, P.O. Box 20340, Oklahoma City, OK 73156. FRIDAY is published each Friday by Nichols Hills Publishing Co., Inc. It is an official, legal newspaper, under Oklahoma law, published in Oklahoma County, primarily serving Oklahoma City but also The Village and Nichols Hills. Mail subscription price in county $35. elsewhere in Oklahoma $45, elsewhere U.S. $45. Newsstand price $1.

Periodicals postage paid at Oklahoma City, OK.

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: FRIDAY, P.O. Box 20340, Okla. City, OK 73156.

MEMBER: Oklahoma Press Association, National Newspaper Association, Greater Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce, Northwest OKC Chamber of Commerce. Represented nationally by USSPI, New York,

The lawns presented challenges with firm hoops, some slope, fast hoop approaches and good speed overall.

The Club Golf Croquet Championship was held in early June, and featured 10 First Flight members and 4 Championship Flight members.

Scott Spradling won the Championship Flight with Suzanne Spradling taking runner

up. First Flight winner was Jim Loftis, with Bruce Day as runner up. ScissorTail members have also been active on the national circuit this season, bringing home significant hardware.

Carl Archiniaco, Dale Jordan, Nina Browning, Suzanne and Scott Spradling played in the Indian Territory Open in Tulsa

over the Memorial Day weekend.

Suzanne and her partner from Missouri took second in First Flight Doubles, Carl and Dale won the first flight doubles.

Dale won First Flight Singles and Scott won the Championship Flight Singles. Club members competed this year in tournaments from Southhampton to

West Palm Beach. In July Connor Helms, Jane Helms and Carl Archiniaco will represent the ScissorTail Club at the competition at the Meadows Club in Southhampton. Members Connor Helms, Jane Helms and Carl Archiniaco are also expected to compete weeks later at the Mallet Club in West Hampton.

Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, July 14, 2023, Page 6 OKC FRIDAY
Suzanne Spradling, left, finished second and Scott Spradling won the championship flight during last month’s Scissortail Croquet Club tournament at Oklahoma City Golf and Country Club. Scissortail Croquet Club members, from left, Scott Spradling, Conner Helms, Dale Jordan and Carl Archiniaco show off their hardware from various croquet tournaments over the 2023 season. - Photos provided by Scissortail Croquet Club Above, Scissortail Croquet Club members include, top row, Ford Austin and Bruce Day; front row, Carla Tourtelotte, Tina Day, William Cook, Janet Cook, Linda Lee Carpenter, Suzanne Spradling, Scott Spradling, Jim Loftis and Jan Loftis. At right, the Club Golf Croquet Championship First Flight runner-up Bruce Day and winner Jim Loftis.
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From Page 1

districts, East and West Oklahoma. Competition at these two district events determines the students that will qualify and move on from Oklahoma to the national competition.

In addition to qualifying for Nationals, Price won District Student of the Year for West Oklahoma.

Price’s team is coached by Brett Young. Young had seven


From Page 1

McGuinnes students compete at the 2023 national competition.

Asher Thorson, a junior at Bishop McGuinnes, placed 21st in humorous interpretation. Other

last month, of which 33 were emergency medical service calls, 28 were false alarms, 23 were service calls, and five concerned “hazardous conditions.”

“Risk Manager Lindy Hough and I provided training on the city’s newly purchased automatic external defibrillators to all Public Works members during their monthly safety meeting,” Fire Chief Kevin Boydston wrote. In addition, all members of the NHFD completed “active shooter” online training, he


From Page 1

vehicle prior to impoundment they “also located empty liquor bottles.” The driver “advised he had been drinking,” Chief Cox deadpanned.

The driver declined to perform any standardized field sobriety tests but did submit to a breath test – which showed a blood-alcohol concentration of 0.21% –

competitors included Delaney Anderson, Daneil Soto, Kayleona Hill, Brock Gowens and Fina Chongwa. McGuinnes was awarded a Speech School of

said. City Hall issued almost two dozen building permits in June.

They included five for residential fences, four for roofs, four permits to drill water wells, two for swimming pools, three for bedroom remodeling projects and one for a bedroom addition, two for curb construction, and one permit for a residential demolition project at 7301 Waverly.

Information Systems Manager

Neil Gray reported that Google Analytics “provided us with some statistical information about our website.” More than 4,200 people “browsed” the website, Gray wrote;

nearly three times the Oklahoma threshold of 0.08% for being considered intoxicated.

The 27-year-old driver was charged in Oklahoma County District Court with two misdemeanors: aggravated drunken driving and transporting an open container of beer.

In other matters: Nichols Hills officers were dispatched to 53 residential alarm calls and eight business alarm calls in June. Also last month the

Members of the Bishop McGuinness Speech and Debate Team who competed at nationals, from left: Brock Gowens, Daniel Soto, Asher Thorson, Price Collier, Brett Young, Fina Chongwa, Kayleona Hill and Delaney Anderson.

Excellence Award at the national competition.

Young’s McGuinness speech and debate team was also the Oklahoma 5A State Champions in 2022 and 2023.

users averaged two minutes and four seconds during each visit. More than 45% of the visitors “browsed directly at the website” and 40% “used a search engine to navigate the site,” Gray wrote.

The Public Works Department produced 35.99 million gallons of groundwater last month, an average of 1.156 million gallons per day, Director Randy Lawrence reported. Of that volume, 33.8 million gallons were sold, 2 million gallons were used in city parks, and city facilities consumed 46,800 gallons.

Average water losses over the past 12 months were less than 1.1%, records indicate.

officers conducted 106 business checks, eight personal welfare checks to confirm whether individuals were alive and

safe, and performed 199 house checks. NHPD officers wrote 107 traffic citations and 118 warnings in June.

Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, July 14, 2023, Page 5


Aug. 10­20 • Shakespeare In Love

Oklahoma Shakespeare in the Park announces casting for "Shakespeare in Love" which makes it's Oklahoma premiere Aug. 10 and runs through Aug. 20 in the company’s new outdoor theater, the Shakespeare Gardens, located at 2920 Paseo. The production is directed by Tyler Woods. Tickets are on sale on at okshakes.org.


July 17­29 • Dance Festival

The Oklahoma International Dance Festival is returning for its fourth year from July 17 ­ 29. This summer intensive brings together professional and aspiring dancers from across the US and South America for an immersive experience focused on ballet and modern dance. Participants will take master classes in classical ballet, modern dance, west African dance, gaga dancers and Broadway jazz. Session One will take place at Magnolia Studio, situated on 7th and Broadway, providing dancers with an opportunity to explore OKC closely. Session Two will be held at UCO ­ Mitchel

Paycom Center Events/Shows:


The Harry Potter Film Concert Series returns to The Civic Center Music Hall with Harry Pot‐ter and the Chamber of Secrets in Concert, the second film in the Harry Potter series on Wednesday, April 26, 2024 as part of the Harry Potter Film Concert Series. The concert will feature an orchestra performing live, to picture, every note from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Audiences will be able to relive the magic of the entire film in high­definition on a 40­foot screen while hearing John Williams’ unforgettable score. Sign up for presale access at HarryPotterinConcert.com and view the announcement video.

Educational Center Dance Studios, bringing dancers back to Edmond. For more information on the festival, the faculty, and how to register as a participant or observer, visit okdancefest.org.

July 19 • Block Party

This block party has live music that will get you dancing and singing along, and some of the city's best food trucks serving up mouth­watering cuisine. Don't miss out on the golf cart parade, where barns show off their creativity and decorate their golf cart to impress the crowd. And if you're looking for some familyfriendly activities, we've got you covered. From carnival games to face painting, there's something for everyone.

Sponsored by the Arabian Horse Associ­

Thomas Rhett ­ Aug. 17

PBR Freedom Fest ­ Sept. 8­10

Jelly Roll ­ Sept. 19

Koe Wetzel ­ Sept. 30

ODESZA ­ Oct. 12

Jason Aldean ­ Oct. 13

Nate Bargatze ­ Oct. 22

Oklahoma City’s diverse history will come alive during a free presentation by Oklahoma historian and author Dr. Bob Blackburn during the July Human Rights Commission meeting.

The presentation, which is open to the public, will be held at noon Tuesday, July 25, in the City Council Chamber on the third floor of City Hall, 200 N Walker. It will also be streamed on the City’s YouTube channel, youtube.com/cityofokc.

“We look forward to learning from Dr. Blackburn about the history of human rights in our com-

ation at the State Fair Park from 6:30­9 pm.


July 15 •

Roller Derby

Tornado Alley faces off against the South Central Roller Girls in what will be a fierce battle of Oklahoma derby teams. After the first bout, our home teams, the Lightning Quads and the Outlaws will duke it out for Twister City bragging rights. As always, come for the derby and make sure to check out the raffle, bake sale, vendors, and special halftime entertainment.

The doors to Arctic Edge will open at 5 pm on July 15 and the first bout starts at 5:30 pm. Tickets are $15 in advance; $20 at the door. Children 12 and under get in free with a paid adult. Get tickets at brownpapertickets.com.

Hot Wheels Monster Trucks ­ Nov. 18­19 Ringling Bros Show ­ Dec. 15­17

Zoo Amphitheatre: Sam Hunt ­ Aug. 5 Incubus ­ Aug. 20 Rick Springfield ­ Aug. 23 All American Rejects ­ Oct. 14

munity,” said Human Rights Commission Chair Valerie Couch.

“His lifetime of scholarship and study has put him in touch with people and events that shaped our city and built our capacity for progress. Through our new Human Rights Commission, our city is uniting around the idea of being a place where every person’s basic human rights are recognized and respected, and Dr. Blackburn’s unforgettable stories will give life to that idea. He is a masterful teacher, and we welcome his contributions to our understanding of where we’ve

A Celebration of Quilts

If you want a chance to win either a beautiful quilt or a featherweight machine or a Pfaff Passport machine, then come to A Celebration of Quilts 2023, Footloose in 2023, hosted by the Central Oklahoma Quilters Guild. The Celebration will take place from 9 am to 5 pm on July 28 and 29 (Friday and Saturday} at the Cole Community Center, 4400 NW Expressway, Oklahoma City.

The Celebration includes a quilt show featuring over 200 traditional, modern, pictorial, group, challenge and art quilts. Also, for your shopping pleasure, there will be lots of vendors from various states and a booth filled with wonderful recycled treasurers. You could also win a great door prize.

Attendees may purchase a 3-chance raffle ticket for a chance to win a beautiful 90” x 90” quilt, a featherweight machine with accessories or a Pfaff Passport machine. Money from raffle ticket sales will be used to fund the guild’s charity projects. Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5. Drawing Saturday at 4 pm. Need not be present to win.

Serving those interested in the art of quilting for over 30 years, the Central Oklahoma Quilters Guild has over 200 members, both men and women, with ages ranging from teenagers to octogenarians and skill levels from beginner to master. The Guild schedules a variety of workshops and educational programs covering a wide range of quilting topics for the membership and publishes a monthly newsletter with information on upcoming programs, special events and other information. Monthly meetings include programs presented by quilting authors, designers and teachers, a number of which are nationally known.

Members may enter their quilts in the Quilt Show by completing the online forms and email them to 2023QuiltShowEntries@gmail.com. The information packet and entry form can be found until the Quilt Show tab on this website.

The Guild strives to serve the community by the love of quilting and provides hundreds of quilts annually to Infant Crisis Center, OU Childrens Hospital, Battered Women’s Center and other agencies in the Oklahoma City area.


Admission price: $10 one day; $15 both days; free parking.

For more information about the Central Oklahoma Quilters Guild or the Celebration, go to centralokquilters.org

Civic Center Music Hall: The Prom ­ July 11­16

Ain’t Misbehavin’ ­ July 25­30

Ain’t Too Proud ­ Aug. 15­20

Spider­Man ­ Sept. 21

To Kill a Mockingbird ­ Oct. 10­15

Bluey’s Big Play ­ Oct. 17­18

Tina Turner Muscial ­ Dec. 26­31

been, where we are now, and the promising future of our city.”

Known for his vivid storytelling, Dr. Blackburn served as the executive director of the Oklahoma Historical Society from 1999-2021 and was instrumental in planning and building the Oklahoma History Center. He has written or co-authored more than 20 books and numerous articles, journal entries and screenplays.

Dr. Blackburn is a 1973 graduate of Southwestern Oklahoma State University, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts in history. He earned his M.A. and Ph.D. in his-

Other Events/Shows/Awards: Prix de West ­ June 2 ­ Aug. 6 Red, White and Tuna ­ June 29­July 16 Frosé All Day B­Day Partay ­ July 15 Disney On Ice ­ Sept. 14­19

tory from Oklahoma State University.

While in City Hall, participants are invited to read a series of panels and see historic photos dedicated to Oklahoma City’s history.

The City of Oklahoma City encourages all people to participate in its programs. People who anticipate needing accommodation or have questions can call (405) 297-2345 or email HRC@okc.gov at least two working days in advance.

For more information, contact the Office of Inclusion and Diversity at hrc@okc.gov.

Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, July 14, 2023, Page 6 Booster CALENDAR Community
diverse history T HIS M ESSAGE S PONSORED B Y T HESE L OCAL B USINESSES : FURNITURE DESIGN SUPPLIES PRINTING Oklahoma City (405) 947-5676 www warrenproducts com Local y Owned & Operated s nce 1983 10301 Nor th May The Village (405) 752-2265 Member F D I C
invited to hear Dr. Bob Blackburn discuss OKC’s
Send calendar events

Local cadet graduates from West Point

Cadet Erick Lassiter, son of Lance and Valerie Lassiter of Oklahoma City, graduated from the United States Military Academy.

Cadet Lassiter attended Mount Saint Mary Catholic High School. While at West Point, he concentrated his studies in kinesiology. He was commissioned as a second lieutenant field artillery officer in the U.S. Army, and is to report to Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, for his first assignment.

The mission of the U.S. Military Academy is to educate, train, and inspire the Corps of Cadets so that each graduate is a commissioned leader of character committed to the values of Duty, Honor and Country and prepared for a career of professional excellence and service to the

nation as an officer in the United States Army.

About West Point: The U. S. Military Academy at West Point is a four-year, co-educational, federal, liberal arts institution. The college is located 50 miles north of New York City. It was founded in 1802 as America’s first college of engineering and continues today as the world's premier leader-development Institution consistently ranked among the top colleges in the country. Its mission remains constant--to educate, train, and inspire the Corps of Cadets so that each graduate is a commissioned leader of character committed to the values of Duty, Honor and Country and prepared for a career of professional excellence and service to the nation as an officer in the U.S. Army. For more information, go to www.westpoint.edu.

Cadet Erick Lassiter graduated from the United States Military Academy. He has been commisioned as a second lieutenant field artillery officer in the U.S. Army, and is to report to Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, for his first assignment.

Ren Staggs is named to Dean’s List at RIT

Ren Staggs, of Oklahoma City, was named to the Dean’s List at Rochester Institute of Technology for the spring semester of the 2022-2023 academic year. Staggs

is in the environmental science program.

Full-time degree-seeking undergraduate students are eligible for Dean's List if their term

GPA is greater than or equal to 3.400; they do not have any grades of Incomplete, D or F; and they have registered for, and completed, at least 12 credit hours.

Students Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, July 14, 2023, Page 7 July 14 Earnestine Allen Nicole Black Sam Blackstock Hadley Finley Doug Ford Jay Henry Dianne Midlren Catherine Ratliff Ashley Ross Delois Sackett Stacy Seikel Carol Spruill Viola Williams July 15 Jason Buschman Mary Lou Carver Martha Coe Teresa Cole Connor Dempsey Mary Farrell Angela Fletcher Linda Gray Michelle McAuliff Kaylea Schemm Pearl Sullens Ed Wells Midge Woodard July 16 Addy Bell Mary Jane Close Jacqueline Huffman Robin Kennedy Harvey Low Bethany Markcum Kay Oliver Jodie Peters Patsy Reger Lisa Ringwald Bari Lynn Taylor July 17 Andrew Knott Bobby Lane Cheryl Martin Bob Mulcahy Julie Peck HH Rice Norma Sharp Todd Stewart Holly Wilson Velma Morse Thelma Wilson July 18 Ervin Biglow, Jr. Jim Canton Claude Green Ginnie Johnson Ken Lawton. Jr. Claire Mackenzie Christie Moon Michelle Newton Rusty Sanders Jamin Shepherd Claire Six July 19 Barbara Beeler Susan Corp Ryan Dawkins Gary Hook Barbara Hyroop Jennifer Jones Boom Meason Connie Mitchener Will Portland Jim Roberts Anne Rundell Bentley Williams Judy George July 20 Margery Baysinger Patricia Copeland Will Corbyn Vivian Edge Brenda Eisenhour Lynn Garrett Chris Gregath Deen Gumerson Kristen Bohanon Kevin Machala Madison Mueller Aloha Sanders TJ Schallner Sosina Young

(Published in OKC Friday, Friday, July 7, 2023; Friday, July 14, 2023; Friday, July 21, 2023)


In the Matter Of The Marriage Of: ) Anthony O. Sam-David,) Petitioner,) -and-)

Nyeba Lasha Sterns,) Respondent.)


Comes now the Petitioner by and through William O’Brien, attorney at law in support of this petition states as follows:

1. That the parties were married in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, on or about August 30, 2018, and that since that time they have grown incompatible to a degree that warrants the legal termination of their marriage.

2. That the Petitioner has been a legal resident of Oklahoma City in Oklahoma County for the preceding six months that makes this jurisdiction the proper forum for this action in accordance with Oklahoma law, and that despite the Petitioner’s efforts to locate the Respondent’s current whereabouts, and will submit a request to this Court to provide her with legal notice of this proceeding via publication in accordance with Oklahoma law and an affidavit of due diligence that details the unsuccessful efforts he has made to locate her will be submitted as well.

3. That no children have been born of the marriage and that the Petitioner is not now pregnant.

4. That during the marriage the parties have acquired personal property and that they should be awarded the personal property that is currently in their individual possession and that any debts that may have been incurred during their marriage is in their individual capacity and that they should personally be responsible for any such debts.

WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Petitioner requests that this Court issue an order dissolving the marriage of the parties in accordance with the terms set forth in this Petition.

RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, /s/William O’Brien #6736 Attorney for Petitioner 9009 N. May Ave. #115 Oklahoma City, OK 73120 405-752-1733 bobrien3@cox.net


This is to certify that I, Anthony SamDavid, the Petitioner in this action, state under penalty of perjury that I have read it and that its terms are true and correct.

/s/Anthony Sam-David

(Published in OKC Friday, Friday, July 14, 2023; Friday, July 21, 2023; Friday, July 28, 2023)


In the District Court within and for said County and State. State of Oklahoma,} } ss. Oklahoma County}

Orilaa Mathis, Plaintiff vs. Vernan Bills, Defendant

The State of Oklahoma to the said

Defendant, Greeting:

You, the said defendant, will take notice that you have been sued in the above named Court in the above named and


Put your message where it matters most – IN OKLAHOMA NEWSPAPERS. We can place your ad in 146 newspapers.


(Published in OKC Friday, Friday, July7, 2023; Friday, July 14, 2023)

Sealed bids,




(Published in OKC Friday, Friday, July 14, 2023)


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an application has been filed seeking a variance from the Nichols Hills City Code on the following described property:

Lot Four (4) in Buttram Estates section to Nichols Hills, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, according to the recorded plat thereof, less and except a part of Lot Four (4) in Buttram Estates Section to Nichols Hills, Oklahoma, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the most Northerly corner of said Lot 4; thence South 26°09’21’’ West on the Northwesterly line of said Lot 4 a distance of 221.69 feet to the most Westerly corner of said Lot 4; thence North 28°30’24’’ East for a distance of 217.46 feet to the Northeasterly line of said Lot 4; thence North 37°18’13’’ West on the Northeasterly line of Lot 4 for a distance of 10.00 feet to the point or place of beginning.

The property is also known as 1502 Buttram Road. Current zoning is E-2.

The applicants desire to appeal the City Code Official’s decision to issue a permit for an accessory structure (Sport Court).

A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD on said application by the Nichols Hills Board of Adjustment in the Council Chambers, City Hall 6407 Avondale Drive, Nichols Hills, Oklahoma 73116 on the 19th day of July 2023 at 5:30 p.m.

ALL PERSONS, OWNERS, OR RESIDENTS within the above described area are hereby given notice that they may appear at said hearing or file a petition within the Board of Adjustment and offer arguments and evidence for or against the granting of said application as they deem proper in the premises.

Dated this 3rd day of July 2023.

Amanda Copeland, City Clerk City of Nichols Hills, Oklahoma

(Published in OKC Friday, Friday, July 14, 2023)



In the Matter of the Application ) of Taileyah Jones) as next of friend of (child) ) Ana Malayia McKenzie Cyrus) to Change Her/His Name )




before Judge Dishman at 2:00 o’clock in his/her courtroom in the Oklahoma County Courthouse. Should you know of some reason why this change of name should not be allowed you must file a written protest in the above styled and numbered cause prior to the above date with the Clerk of this Court. Should you fail to do so, the petition for change of name will be granted as prayed.

COURT CLERK /s/illegible signature By: DEPUTY (SEAL)

(Published in OKC Friday, Friday, July 14, 2023)


To Whom It May Concern: Take notice that (a) Taileyah Jones, as next of friend of Ana Malayia McKenzie Cyrus has filed in the above court a Petition to have the minor child’s name changed as follows, towit: From (a) Ana Malayia McKenzie Cyrus to (b)Ana Malayia McKenzie Jones; and that the same will be heard by the Honorable Judge Ogden of Oklahoma County, in the County Courthouse, located at 321 Park Avenue, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102, on the 27 day of July, 2023 at 1:30 o’clock p.m.; and that any person may file a written protest in the case, prior to the date set for hearing. RICK WARREN, Court Clerk By /s/Jamie Houston Deputy (SEAL) CLERK/BAILIFF OF THE DISTRICT COURT

(Published in OKC Friday, Friday, July 14, 2023)


In the Matter of the Application )



(Published in OKC Friday, Friday, July 14, 2023)


THE APPLICATION OF ) Jennifer L. Whisenhunt) To Issue Title)


Please take notice, that the undersigned will bring the above Application for hearing before Judge Bonner in room 304, Oklahoma County Courthouse, City of Oklahoma City, on the 26 day of July, 2023 at 9:30 o’clock a.m. /s/ Jennifer L Whisenhunt

(Published in OKC Friday, Friday, July 14, 2023)


All persons having an indebtedness or claim against the City of The Village are hereby notified that a purchase order or contract must be recorded in the office of the encumbering officer on or before September 30, 2023, covering all debts now unpaid and incurred during the period beginning on July 1, 2022, and ending on June 30, 2023, or said account shall be

Beverly McManus City Treasurer/ Encumbering Officer


In accordance with Title 37, Section 522 and Title 37A, Section 2-141 Agave Azul Cocina Mexicana LLC, 1801 W. Edmond Rd., Edmond, OK 73003 an/a LLC hereby publishes notice of their intention to apply within sixty days from this date to the Oklahoma Alcoholic Beverage Laws Enforcement Commission for a Mixed Beverage License under authority of and in compliance with the said Act: That they intend(s), if granted such license to operate as a Mixed Beverage establishment with business premises located at 1801 W. Edmond Rd. in Edmond, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, under the business name of Agave Azul Cocina Mexicana.

Dated this 3 day of July, 2023.

/s/Giovanni Cuellar Becerra County of Oklahoma, State of Oklahoma.

Before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared: Giovanni Cuellar Becerra to me known to be the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing application and acknowledged that he executed the same as his free act and deed.

/s/Jennifer Clark, Notary Public (SEAL) State of Oklahoma #13007871

My commission expires 08/27/2025

(Published in OKC Friday, Friday, July 7, 2023; Friday, July 14, 2023)


In accordance with Title 37, Section 522 and Title 37A, Section 2-141 Quezada Restaurants LLC 1389 E. 15th St. Edmond, OK 73013, an/a LLC hereby publishes notice of their intention to apply within sixty days from this date to the Oklahoma Alcoholic Beverage Laws Enforcement Commission for a Mixed Beverage License under authority of and in compliance with the said Act: That they intend(s), if granted such license to operate as a Mixed Beverage establishment with business premises located at 1389 E. 15th St. in Edmond, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, under the business name of Chico’s Mexican Restaurant.

Dated this 3 day of July, 2023.

/s/Maria Garcia Alvarec County of Payne, State of Oklahoma.

Before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared: Maria Garcia Alvarec to me known to be the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing application and acknowledged that she executed the same as her free act and deed.

/s/Kinslee Ooley, Notary Public (SEAL) State of Oklahoma #22008914

of Taylor Griggs) as next of friend of (child) ) Haarlym Hurtt ) to Change Her/His Name ) NOTICE OF FILING PETITION FOR CHANGE OF NAME To Whom It May Concern: Take notice that (a) Taylor Griggs as next of friend of Haarlym Hurtt has filed in the above court a Petition to have the minor child’s name changed as follows, to-wit: From (a) Haarlym Jewel Unique Hurtt to (b) Haarlym Jewel Unique Nguyen; and that the same will be heard by the Honorable Judge Ogden of Oklahoma County, in the County Courthouse, located at 321 Park Avenue, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102, on the 27 day of July, 2023 at 1:30 o’clock p.m.; and that any person may file a written protest in the case, prior to the date set for hearing. RICK WARREN, Court Clerk By /s/Teresa Becker Deputy (SEAL) CLERK/BAILIFF OF THE DISTRICT COURT (Published in OKC Friday, Friday, July 14, 2023) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF OKLAHOMA COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA CV-2023-1548 In the Matter of the Application ) of Lorena Arreaga Siguenza ) as next of friend of (child) ) Genessis Vanessa Arreaga) to Change Her/His Name ) NOTICE OF FILING PETITION FOR CHANGE OF NAME To Whom It May Concern: Take notice that (a) Lorena Arreaga, as next of friend of Genessis Vanessa Arreaga has filed in the above court a Petition to have the minor child’s name changed as follows, to-wit: From (a) Genessis Vanessa Xic Arreaga to (b) Genessis Vanessa Arreaga; and that the same will be heard by the Honorable Judge Stinson of Oklahoma County, in the County Courthouse, located at 321 Park Avenue, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102, on the 27 day of July, 2023 at 1:30 o’clock p.m.; and that any person may file a written protest in the case, prior to the date set for hearing. RICK WARREN, Court Clerk By /s/Jamie Houston Deputy (SEAL) CLERK/BAILIFF OF
numbered cause for a divorce on the grounds of incompatibility and for irreconcilable differences and you must answer Plaintiff’s petition filed herein on or before the 8 day of August, 2023, or said petition will be taken as true and judgment for said Plaintiff will be rendered against you according to prayer of Plaintiff’s petition. /s/illegible signature, Deputy Clerk (Published in OKC Friday, Friday, July 14, 2023; Friday, July 21, 2023; Friday, July 28, 2023) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF OKLAHOMA COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA Case No. FD-2023-1592 IN RE THE MARRIAGE OF: ) Julia G. Robles Molinari,) Petitioner,) -and-) Ruben Tovar Valdes,) Respondent.) NOTICE BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, July 14, 2023, Page 8 LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES & CLASSIFIEDS okcFRIDAY Deadline: Friday 3:00 p.m. the week before publication 405-755-3311 THE VILLAGE MOVING? Take FRIDAY with you Call 405­755­3311, x301, Email: jennifer@okcfriday.com or visit okcfriday.com CITY OF NICHOLS HILLS OKLAHOMA CLASSIFIED AD NETWORK FOR MORE INFO CALL 1-888-815-2672 WANT TO BUY OLD GUITAR$ WANTED! LARRY BRING$ CA$H for vintage USA guitars, tube amps, banjos, mandolins, etc. Fender, Gibson, Martin, Gretsch, others. Call or text 918-288-2222. www.stringswest.com PUBLIC AUCTION PUBLIC AUCTION. 20+/- Collectible Ford Mustang/Galaxie/Lincoln Cars, 1000’s Vintage Parts, Cessna Airplane, 69’ Ford P.U., Bobcat Skid Loader…Sat July 15, 2023 www. branchauction.com 405-627-3920 Classifieds Work! 755-3311 METAL ROOFS $4750* COMPLETLEY INSTALLED SIDING/WINDOWS 40%. OFF Factory warranty • Free Estimates LIMITED TIME CALL NOW! 800-664-4856 TM CONSTRUCTION Sr/Military Discounts *1500 SQ Ruben Tovar Valdes You will take notice that the Petitioner has sued you for Dissolution of Marriage. You must answer the Petition on or before the 8 day of August, 2023 or the Petition will be taken as true, and a divorce and other relief sought will be granted to the Petitioner. WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL this 10 day of July, 2023. RICK WARREN, Court Clerk By: /s/Diane Watson Court Clerk (SEAL) (Published in OKC Friday, Friday, July 14, 2023) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF OKLAHOMA COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA CV-2023-1513 In the Matter of the Application ) of Brandy Redmon) as next of friend of (child) ) Rowan Park) to Change Her/His Name ) NOTICE OF FILING PETITION FOR CHANGE OF NAME To Whom It May Concern: Take notice that (a) Brandy Redmon, as next of friend of Rowan Park has filed in the above court a Petition to have the minor child’s name changed as follows, to-wit: From (a) Rowan Max Park to (b) Roen James Max Park; and that the same will be heard by the Honorable Judge Dishman of Oklahoma County, in the County Courthouse, located at 321 Park Avenue, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102, on the 11 day of July, 2023 at 11:00 o’clock a.m.; and that any person may file a written protest in the case, prior to the date set for hearing.
in OKC Friday, Friday,
notice that
parties. Take
DIEP BRAEMY NGUYEN has petitioned to change his/her name to BREAMY NGUYEN.
Hearing on said petition is set for 2:00 o’clock P.M. on the 20 day of July, 2023,
OF OKLAHOMA COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA CV-2023-1633 IN RE APPLICATION) OF FABIAN AVITIA,) Petitioner) NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETITION TO: All interested parties. Take notice that Fabian Avitia has filed a Petition seeking to change Petitioner’s name and gender marker, and to reflect such changes on Petitioner’s birth certificate, driver’s license, social security card, and other identifying documentation. A hearing on said Petition is set for 1:30 o’clock P.M. on the 27 day of July, 2023, before Judge Ogden in said Judge’s courtroom in the Oklahoma County Courthouse, located at 320 Robert S. Kerr Ave. STE 203, OKC, OK 73102. Should you know of some reason why this change of name and gender marker should not be allowed, you must file a written protest in the above-styled and numbered cause with the clerk of this court prior to the above date. Should you fail to do so, the Petition will be granted as prayed. RICK WARREN, Court Clerk /s/Jamie Houston By: DEPUTY (SEAL) LPXLP
For more
an ad,
at 1-888-815-2672.
information or to place
Cobb at (405)499-0022 or toll-free in OK
in the form of Online Bidding only, will be received by the Capital Assets Management, Construction, Planning, and Real Estate Services, Construction and Properties (CAP) up to 96 hours prior to the time and date indicated below. The bids will be opened and read aloud after the time indicated. Copies of the plans and bid documents may be obtained from the CAP’s Online Plan Room accessed from: https://omes.ok.gov/services/construction-and-properties. Copies of the bid documents are on file at the Construction and Properties office and are available for public inspection. CAP Project Number: CAP-000696 Project Name: Connors Building Sub Basement Remodel Project Location: MC Connors Building 2501 N. Lincoln Blvd Using Agency: Office of Facilities Management Bid Documents Available: June 29, 2023, Fee to Submit Online Bid: See Website Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory, Refer to “Instructions to Bidders” in Project Manual. In case of adverse weather conditions, please call 405521-2112 prior to Pre-bid Conference. Date and Time: Wednesday, July 12, 2023 at 9:30am Location: At Project Site – Meet in 1st Floor Lobby Bid Opening Date: Thursday, July 20, 2023 at 2:00 P.M. Location: Online Bids Only Mailing Address: PO Box 53448, Oklahoma City, OK 73152-3448 Bid Opening Time: 2:00 PM Contact Person(s): Patrick Bowers – 405-522-7106 David John – 405-522-5499 Paul Haley – paul.haley@omes.ok.gov If the bid exceeds $100,000, a cashier’s check, a certified check or surety bid bond in the amount of five percent (5%) of the total bid shall accompany the sealed bid of each bidder. Security checks will be returned to all but the three lowest bidders after the bid opening. The three lowest bid securities will be retained until the contract is awarded. By: Paul Haley Project Manager, Construction & Properties Department
void and forever barred.

(Published in OKC Friday, Friday, July 14, 2023)

at 6407 Avondale Drive, Nichols Hills, Oklahoma, 73116, provided it is received by the City Clerk not less than three days before the public hearing.

Dated this 3rd day of July 2023

Amanda Copeland, City Clerk City of Nichols Hills, Oklahoma


Notice is hereby given that an Ordinance amending Article V of Chapter 50 of the Nichols Hills City Code and related defined terms regarding the Building Commission review process; repealing all conflicting ordinances or parts of ordinances; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency will be considered at public hearings to be held by both the Nichols Hills Planning Commission and the Nichols Hills City Council. These public hearings will be held by the Nichols Hills Planning Commission on Tuesday, August 1st, 2023 at 5:30 p.m., and by the Nichols Hills City Council on Tuesday, August 8th, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. These public hearings will be held in the Council Chambers at Nichols Hills City Hall, 6407 Avondale Drive, Nichols Hills, Oklahoma, 73116.

Any person may address the Nichols Hills Planning Commission and Nichols Hills City Council at these public hearings regarding the Ordinance. Written support for or protest against the proposed Ordinance may be mailed to the City Clerk at 6407 Avondale Drive, Nichols Hills, Oklahoma, 73116, or hand delivered to the office of the City Clerk at 6407 Avondale Drive, Nichols Hills, Oklahoma, 73116. Written support or protests must be received by the City Clerk not less than three (3) days before the public hearing.

Dated this 5th day of July, 2023.

Amanda Copeland, City Clerk City of Nichols Hills, Oklahoma

follows: Commencing at the Northernmost corner of Lot 4 of said Block 44;

THENCE along and with the Northeasterly line of said Lot 4 on a curve to the left, having a radius of 1,072.00 feet, a chord bearing of South 44°33’23” East, a chord length of 151.06 feet and an arc length of 151.18 feet;

THENCE South 48°48’00” East, continuing along and with the Northeasterly line of said Lot 4 and along and with the Northeasterly line of said Lot 3, a distance of 49.51 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING;

THENCE continuing South 48°48’00” East, along and with the Northeasterly line of said Lot 3, a distance of 108.04 feet;

THENCE continuing along and with the Northeasterly line of said Lot 3 and along and with the Northeasterly line of said Lot 2 on a non-tangent curve to the right having a radius of 680.00 feet, a chord bearing of South 47°54’46” East, a chord length of 58.29 feet and an arc length of 58.31 feet;

THENCE South 59°26’07” West, departing said Northeasterly line, a distance of 222.40 feet to a point on the Southwesterly line of said Lot 2;

THENCE North 53°30’00” West, along and with the Southwesterly line of said Lots 2 and 3, a distance of 131.47 feet;

THENCE North 49°56’47” East, departing said Southwesterly line, a distance of 225.53 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 32,090 square feet or 0.7367 acres, more or less.

Basis of Bearing: Grid North as established by state plane datum (Oklahoma State Plane North Zone NAD83)

The property is also known as 6606 NW Grand Boulevard. Current zoning is E-2. The applicants desire to construct a new dwelling. For the proposed construction, the application are seeking a 30’ variance from the front yard setback leaving a 45’ front yard setback.

A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD on said application by the Nichols Hills Board of Adjustment in the Council Chambers, City Hall 6407 Avondale Drive, Nichols Hills, Oklahoma 73116 on the 19th day of July 2023 at 5:30 p.m.

ALL PERSONS, OWNERS, OR RESIDENTS within the above described area are hereby given notice that they may appear at said hearing or file a petition within the Board of Adjustment and offer arguments and evidence for or against the granting of said application as they deem proper in the premises.

Dated this 3rd day of July 2023.

Amanda Copeland, City Clerk City of Nichols Hills, Oklahoma

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an application has been filed seeking a variance from the Nichols Hills City Code on the following described property: Lots three (3) and four (4) in Block forty-one (41) of Nichols Hills, Oklahoma,

19th day of July 2023 at 5:30 p.m. ALL PERSONS, OWNERS, OR RESIDENTS within the above described area are hereby given notice that they may appear at said hearing or file a petition within the Board of Adjustment and offer arguments and evidence for or against the granting of said application as they deem proper in the premises.

Dated this 3rd day of July 2023.

Amanda Copeland City Clerk City of Nichols Hills, Oklahoma


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an application has been filed seeking a variance from the Nichols Hills City Code on the following described property:

tract of land being a part of the South Half (S/2) of Section Five (5), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Three (3) West of the Indian Meridian, Nichols Hills, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, being a portion of Lots Three (3) and Four (4) Block Forty-four (44) as shown on the recorded plat NICHOLS HILLS, being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northernmost corner of said Lot 4;

THENCE along and with the Northeasterly line of said Lot 4 on a curve to the left, having a radius of 1,072.00 feet, a chord bearing of South 42°24’19”

East, a chord length of 70.68 feet and an arc length of 70.69 feet to the


THENCE continuing along and with the Northeasterly line of said Lot 4 on said curve to the left, having a radius of 1,072.00 feet, a chord bearing of South 46°26’43” East, a chord length of 80.47 feet and an arc length of 80.49 feet

THENCE South 48°48’00” East, continuing along and with the Northeasterly line of said Lot 4 and along and with the Northeasterly line of said Lot 3, a distance of 49.51 feet;

THENCE South 49°56’47” West, departing said Northeasterly line, a distance of 225.53 feet to a point on the Southwesterly line of said Lot 3;

THENCE North 53°30’00” West, along and with the Southwesterly line of said Lots 3 and 4, a distance of 135.00 feet to the Southernmost corner of a tract of land recorded in Book 11969, Page 855;

THENCE along and with the Southeasterly line of said tract of land recorded in Book 11969, Page 855 the following three calls:

1.North 43°17’21” East, a distance of 65.34 feet;

2.North 59°34’16” East, a distance of 34.58 feet;

3.North 45°42’06” East, a distance of 93.23 feet to a corner on the Southeasterly line of said tract of land recorded in Book 11969, Page 855;

THENCE South 79°02’26” East, departing said Southeasterly line, a distance of 22.50 feet; THENCE North 39°22’41” East, a distance of 34.90 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 31,149 square feet or 0.7151 acres, more or less.

Basis of Bearing: Grid North as established by state plane datum (Oklahoma State Plane North Zone NAD83)

The property is also known as 6608 NW Grand Boulevard. Current zoning is E-2.

The applicants desire to construct a new dwelling. For the proposed construction, the application are seeking a 30’ variance from the front yard setback leaving a 45’ front yard setback.

A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD on said application by the Nichols Hills

Board of Adjustment in the Council Chambers, City Hall 6407 Avondale Drive, Nichols Hills, Oklahoma 73116 on the 19th day of July 2023 at 5:30 p.m. ALL PERSONS, OWNERS, OR RESIDENTS within the above described area are hereby given notice that they may appear at said hearing or file a petition within the Board of Adjustment and offer arguments and evidence for or against the granting of said application as they deem proper in the premises.

Dated this 3rd day of July 2023.

Amanda Copeland City Clerk City of Nichols Hills, Oklahoma

Locally-owned Business Directory

Debbie South RE/MAX Preferred 9520 N. May, Suite 110 Oklahoma City, OK 73120 Office: (405) 751-4848 debbiesouth.com

Full Circle Bookstore 1900 NW Expressway Oklahoma City, OK 73118 (405) 842-2900 (800) 683-READ

Swiss Cleaners @ Laundry 3737 NW 50th St. Oklahoma City, OK 73112 (405) 946-0629

Junior’s Supper Club 2601 NW Expressway Oil Center Building (405) 848-5597 juniorsokc.com

Boutique One 6478 Avondale Dr. Nichols Hill Plaza (405) 888-9822 boutiqueone.store

The Learning Tree 7638 N. Western Wilshire Village (405) 848-1415 learningtreeokc.com

Carwin’s Shave Shop 6411 Avondale Dr. Nichols Hills Plaza (405) 607-1197 carwinsshaveshop.com

Winter House 6411 Avondale Dr. Nichols Hills Plaza (405) 607-1199 winterhouseinteriors.com

International Wigs 4429 NW 10th St, . Oklahoma City, OK 73107 (405) 943-1233

Nancy Farha’s 9205 N. Pennsylvania Casady Square The Village, OK 73120 (405) 775-0404 nancyfarha.com

Journey Quilt Company T-shirt Quilts 16516 N. Penn Ave. Edmond OK 73012 (405) 340-0444 journeyquilts.com

23rd Street Antiques 3023 NW 23rd. (405) 947-3800 Oklahoma City, OK 73107 Antiques23.com

Concordia Life Plan Community 7707 W. Britton Rd. Oklahoma City, OK 73132 (405) 720-7200 concordiaseniorliving.com

Coyle Law Firm 125 Park Ave. No.100 Oklahoma City, OK 73102 (405) 583-3909 coylelaw.com

Gulfport Seafood Market 8016 N. May Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73120 (405) 848-3468 Gulfportseafoods.com

Home Care Assistance of Oklahoma 323 S. Blackwelder Ave. Edmond, OK 73034 (405) 277-0035 homecareassistance.com

Moorman's Distinctive Carpets and Area Rugs 3835 NW 63rd St. Oklahoma City, OK 73116 (405) 848-4888

moormanscarpetsoklahoma city.com

Naifeh Fine Jewelry 6471 Avondale Dr,. Nichols Hills, OK 73116 (405) 607-4323 Naifehfinejewelry.com

Retirement Investment Advisors

2925 United Founders Blvd. Oklahoma City, OK 73112 (405) 842-3443 theretirementpath.com

Thrifty Pharmacy

10904 N. May Ave. L Oklahoma City, OK 73120 (405) 751-2852

230 S. Santa Fe Ave. Edmond OK 73003 thriftypharmacyedmond. com

State Farm Insurance Gary Baccus 16145 N. May Ave. Edmond, Ok 73013 (405) 844-6300 Garybaccus.com


6443 Avondale Dr. Nichols Hills, OK 73116 (405) 848-7811 Balliets.com

BancFirst 6200 Waterford Blvd Oklahoma City, OK 73118 (405) 270-1622 Bancfirst.bank

Britton Feed & Seed 708 W. Britton Rd. Oklahoma City, OK 73114 (405) 842-5590 britton-feed-seed.hub.biz

First National Bank of Oklahoma 10900 Hefner Pointe Dr., No. 300 Oklahoma City, OK 73120 (405) 848-2001 fnbok.com

La Baguette Bistro 7408 N. May Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73116 (405) 840-3047 labaguettebistro.com

McBride Orthopedic Clinic 9600 Broadway Ext. Oklahoma City, OK 73116 (405) 486-2530 mcboh.com

CK & Co. 6429 Avondale Dr. Oklahoma City, OK 73116 (405) 843-7636 ckandcompany.com

Quail Creek Bank 12201 N. May Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73120 (405) 755-1000 quailcreek.bank

Covenant Brothers 5900 Mosteller Dr. No. 7 Oklahoma City, OK 73112 (405) 842-4671 covbros.com

Justin Beasley, DDS 4600 W Memorial Rd. Oklahoma City, OK 73142 (405) 755-5400 drbeasley.com

We Pay Fast 2239 NW 39th St. Oklahoma City, OK 73112 (800) 937-2932 wepayfast.com

Cindi Shelby, Stylist Lela Rose & Pearl by Lela Rose 333 W. Wilshire Blvd., Ste. F Oklahoma City, OK 73116 (405) 830-1138 Quail Plaza Barber Shop 10940 N. May Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73120 (495) 751-2126

All About Travel, Ltd. 6104 Northwest 63 Oklahoma City, OK 73132 (405) 384-3880 www.allabout-travel.com

Papa Dios 10712 N May, Suite D Oklahoma City, OK 73120 (405) 755-2255 papadiosokc.com

Deer Clan Books 3905 N. College Ave. Bethany, OK 73008 (405) 495-9005 deerclanbooks@gmail.com

J. Holland Photography 1130 W. 15th St. Edmond, OK 73013 (405) 341-5088 jhollandphotography.com

First Liberty Bank 9601 N. May Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73120 (405) 608-4500 myfirstliberty.com

First Fidelity Bank 6404 Avondale, Oklahoma City, OK 73116 (405) 416-2222 Website: ffb.com

Denner Roofing Co. LLC 6608 N. Western Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73116 (405) 848-4411 dennerroofing.com

Beef Jerky Emporium 810 W Danforth (next to Hobby Lobby) Edmond, OK (405) 359-8200

First Source Real Estate Residential Sales 12020 N. Penn Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73120 (405) 236-4747

Michael Biddinger Real Estate Commercial Sales, Management 12020 N. Penn Ave. OKC, OK 73120 (405) 236-4747

The Adult Clinic at Hearts for Hearing 11500 N. Portland Ave. OKC, OK 73120 (405) 548-4335

Christian Science Reading Room 6490 Avondale Drive (Nichols Hills Plaza North) Nichols Hills, OK 73116 405 843-5334 christianscienceokc.org

Steam It Klean It LLC Carpet Cleaning PO Box 20232 Oklahoma City, OK 73156 (405) 602-4960


Amy Wade & Co. Real Estate Team Amy Wade - Listing Specialist 3000 E. Britton Rd. (405)605-9195 AmyWadeandCo.com

Locally-owned business listings are only $25 a month. Email rose@okcfriday. com for more information.

Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, July 14, 2023, Page 9 Legals
CITY OF NICHOLS HILLS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BUILDING COMMISSION – CITY OF NICHOLS HILLS, OKLAHOMA CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL APPLICATION Notice is hereby given that an Application for a Certificate of Approval from the Nichols Hills Building Commission has been filed by the following applicant as to the following project: Applicant: James Staggs BC-2023-16 Proposed project: Constructing an addition to a main dwelling and a façade change requiring approval Proposed project’s address or descriptive location: 6508 NW Grand Boulevard The Application and supporting documentation may be inspected in the office of the City Clerk during regular business hours. No later than the Friday preceding the hearing, the full application and supporting documents will be posted at www.nicholshills.net. This Application will be considered at a public hearing to be held by the Nichols Hills Building Commission on Tuesday, July18, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. This public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers at Nichols Hills City Hall, 6407 Avondale Drive, Nichols Hills, Oklahoma, 73116. Any person objecting to or supporting this Application may appear before the Nichols Hills Building Commission on the above public hearing date and show cause why the proposed Application should be approved or disapproved. Further, written support or protest regarding the Application may be filed with the City Clerk at 6407 Avondale Drive, Nichols Hills, Oklahoma, 73116, provided it is received by the City Clerk not less than three days before the public hearing. Dated this 3rd day of July 2023 Amanda Copeland, City Clerk City of Nichols Hills, Oklahoma NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BUILDING COMMISSION – CITY OF NICHOLS HILLS, OKLAHOMA CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL APPLICATION Notice is hereby given that an Application for a Certificate of Approval from the Nichols Hills Building Commission has been filed by the following applicant as to the following project: Applicant: Candelaria Design Build, LLC BC-2023-17 Proposed project: Construction of a new dwelling Proposed project’s address or descriptive location: 1506 W. Wilshire Boulevard The Application and supporting documentation may be inspected in the office of the City Clerk during regular business hours. No later than the Friday preceding the hearing, the full application and supporting documents will be posted at www.nicholshills.net. This Application will be considered at a public hearing to be held by the Nichols Hills Building Commission on Tuesday, July18, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. This public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers at Nichols Hills City Hall, 6407 Avondale Drive, Nichols Hills, Oklahoma, 73116. Any person objecting to or supporting this Application may appear before the Nichols Hills Building Commission on the above public hearing date and show cause why the proposed Application should be approved or disapproved. Further, written support or protest regarding the Application may be filed with the City Clerk
BOA 2023-10
according to the recorded plat thereof. The property is also known as 1606 Drury Lane. Current zoning is E-1. The applicants desire to rebuild a fence/wall. For the proposed construction, the applicants are seeking a 6’ variance from the front yard setback, leaving a 14’ front yard setback. For the proposed construction, the applicants are also seeking a 6’’ height variance. A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD on said application by the Nichols Hills Board of Adjustment in the Council Chambers, City Hall 6407 Avondale Drive, Nichols Hills, Oklahoma 73116 on the
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CASE NO. BOA 2023-13 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an application has been filed seeking a variance from the Nichols Hills City Code on the following described property: Lot 3 Block 44 November 5, 2021 Revised December 29, 2021 Revised January 6, 2022 A tract of land being a part of the South Half (S/2) of Section Five (5), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Three (3) West of the Indian Meridian, Nichols Hills, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, being a portion of Lots Two (2) and Three (3) Block Forty-four (44) as shown on the recorded plat NICHOLS HILLS, being more particularly described as
Revised December
4 Block 44
5, 2021
29, 2021
January 6, 2022



“We must always stand – alone if necessary – as the conscience of this community.”

– J. Leland Gourley, 1959.

We urge courtesy in disagreement. We view with favor wise public choices and view with alarm flawed public choices. We give good advice to public officials at federal, state and local levels, and society in general, on what to do right. So, if they don’t take our advice, it’s not our fault.

OKC’s June sales and use tax summary

Oklahoma City’s June sales and use tax report shows combined General Fund collections were above this month last year and below the combined monthly projection.

The June report includes tax collections for the last half of April and estimated collections in the first half of May. June is the 12th month of fiscal year 2023.

Read the General Fund’s June sales and use tax report below.

Sales tax summary

General Fund sales tax collections for June were about $26.1 million. That’s around $1.9 million (6.7%) below the projection and $166,000 (0.6%) above the same month last year.

General Fund sales tax revenue is about



Advertising Account Exec.

1.1% (about $3.6 million) below the fiscal year-to-date projection and 6.5% (about $19.8 million) above this point last year.

Use tax summary

General Fund use tax collections, which typically fluctuate more than sales tax collections, were about $7.6 million for June. That’s around $7,000 (0.1%) above the projection and $485,000 (6.8%) above the same

Dear Wise Elder: I am an appliance repair man and am often in homes of people who live alone. Many apparently have no one checking on them but obviously need some personal help with life skills. To whom do I go or reach out to alert?

Dear Mr. Repairman: As a last resort there are Adult Protective Services in every state, but much better would be if you could intervene as a good neighbor to be an advocate. Ask for the church they attend. Ask for names and contact information for parents, children and nieces and nephews.

Take the responsibility to

month last year.

General Fund use tax revenue is about 1.9% (about $1.7 million) above the fiscal year-to-date projection and 8.7% (about $7.6 million) above this point last year.

About sales and use tax

Sales tax comes from retail sales in Oklahoma City. Use tax is charged at the same rate and comes from goods purchased elsewhere and shipped or brought to Oklahoma City, like online sales or equipment not available from Oklahoma suppliers.

Learn more about municipal taxes in Oklahoma City at okc.gov/tax.

Note: Oklahoma City businesses located in Cleveland, Canadian and Pottawatomie counties collect a slightly higher sales tax rate due to county sales tax.

make a call. If it is an older person, they may be reluctant to reveal how lonely or isolated they are.

In Oklahoma, the Gatekeeper Program allows utility workers and community helpers such as police and fire to make routine observations and connect with local support.

But, ultimately it is the responsibility of each family to care for their own, and you should contact them. In most cases, they will thank you for caring for their loved one.

- Courtesy of VillagesOKC, www.VillagesOKC.org (405) 990 6637

Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, July 14, 2023, Page 10
“And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32 (quoting Jesus). The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”
Edmund Burke paraphrase, 1767. If you want it in the paper, it’s advertising. If you don’t want it in the paper, it’s news.”
Ancient Chinese Proverb
or with, offense to friends or foes, We sketch your world exactly as it goes.”
– Byron, 1818.
violation of truth is a stab at the health of human society.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1878.
Editorial Page
OKC FRIDAY Nichols Hills Publishing Company PHONE 405-755-3311 www.okcfriday.com 10801 N. Quail Plaza Drive, OKC PO Box 20340 Oklahoma City, OK 73156
CLARK GOURLEY, CEO & Publisher ROSE LANE, Editor & Deputy Publisher MARY McCUTCHEON, Publisher’s
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Parading patriotism

Enjoying the VIP dinner are, at left, OKCPHIL Artistic Director Alexander Mickelthwate, right, with his son Jack; and above, Louise Cannon and musician Sadarius Slaughter.

Red, White & BOOM electrifies the sky!

The OKC Philharmonic’s Red White & BOOM! Fourth of July concert at Scissortail Park was preceded by a VIP dinner and followed by a fireworks display. Above: Lillie-Beth Brinkman with her sons Bennett and Ramey and Bennett’s dog Moony. The concert included many patriotic numbers and other classics.

Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, July 14, 2023, Page 11 OKCPHIL/The Greens Golf and Country Club
- Photos by Rose Lane - Photos by Rose Lane OKCPHIL Executive Director Brent Hart and longtime Philharmonic supporter Mark Taylor. The Greens Golf and Country Club’s annual Fourth of July Parade included decorated golf carts, bikes, babies and more. Above: Melanie Hinther, Chelsey Torres and Carrie Boevers. In their best red, white and blue attire are, from left: Brandon Adkins, Anastasia Svec and Brandi and Toni Richie. Davey O’Donnell is ready to roll through the streets of The Greens. Above: Ces Vorse, Heather Howerton and Kylee Smith. At right: Lynne and Evie Heinen.

‘Art Now: The Soul is a Wanderer’ opens at OK Contemporary

Robert Clements, the president of the Board of Trustees of Oklahoma Contemporary, and his wife Sody; Art Now Opening Ceremony Honorary Chairman Annie Bohanon; OK Contemporary Director Jeremiah Davis and patrons Glenna and Dick Tannenbaum. The Opening Celebration broke all records with over 700 people in attendance.

Oklahoma Contemporary marked the opening of “Art Now: The Soul is a Wanderer” with a lively evening full of music, food and cocktails.

The opening of the biennial exhibition, which highlights new and recent art from a selection of 600, takes its title from a line in the poem, A Map to the Next World by 2019-2022 United State Poet Laureate Joy Harjo. Working across painting, sculpture, video, installation, performance, photography and ceramics, 13 artists draw inspiration from the poem to capture moments of passage, reckoning and renewal.

Attendees explored the interactive Learning Gallery, where they drew their own maps to the future using artist Isa Be Rodriguez’s prompts and listened to a recording of Joy Harjo reading her poem, A Map to the New World.

The exhibition is on view through Jan. 15, 2024.

Above: Lori Burson, Robin Fields and Michelle Tibbs. At right: OKCPHIL Executive Director Brent Hart and Kirsten Reynolds.

Oklahoma Contemporary Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, July 7, 2023, Page 12
- Photos by Rose Lane Above: Bill and Pam Shdeed at the Art Now Opening Celebration. At left: Edie Roodman and Sue Ann Arnall.

Shop The Look

Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, July 14, 2023, Page 13

Vehicles decorated with red, w h i t e and blue cruise parades In Quail Creek

Fourth of July Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, July 14, 2023, Page 14
Nicholas Fortne and Jim Bugg grace the parade route in a classic t-top car. Ben Walker, Olivia LaForge, Anna LaForge, Addie Rischard and Presley Kates are no “cow”ards about expressing their pride of the United States of America. This classic cruiser was driven through the streets of Nichols Hills by Steve and Annamarie Cooper. Above: Tim and Erin Cooper flank their daughters Elisa and Adelle as they are ready to begin the parade in their Volkswagen Bug convertible. At right: This vintage vehicle has cruised many Nichols Hills Fourth of July parades. It is pictured with Monique Naifeh, Tom Kilpatrick and Caroline Naifeh. Heath and Margot Hornbeek with Oliver Riemenschneider in a Chevrolet Stingray Corvette.

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