OKC FRIDAY Vol. 55 No. 11 • One Section • 12 pages • July 23, 2021
www.okcfriday.com facebook.com/okcfriday OKC’s only locally-owned legal newspaper with all local news Serving Oklahoma City, Nichols Hills, The Village, Quail Creek, The Greens and Gaillardia for 47 years
NHills employees rewarded for hard work, dedication
New title for former Miss Oklahoma
By Eric Oesch Staff Writer Nichols Hills employees will be rewarded for their hard work after the City Council approved bonuses. Six years ago, the Nichols Hills City Council began providing bonuses to city employees from surplus funds available at the end of the fiscal year. This year employees will share approximately $932,000 in surplus funds remaining in the General Fund and Nichols Hills Municipal Authority Fund. Bonuses will range between $1,400 and $5,500 for all 75 employees. The council unanimously approved the bonuses and publicly thanked city employees for their hard work and quality service. As in previous years, the bonuses were offered to all employees including police, fire, public works and city staff. “The council does not guarantee surpluses, or bonuses every year,” said City Manager Shane Pate. “Nichols Hills generally experiences a surplus every year thanks to careful planning and stewardship of public funds by the council and staff.” Pate said the response from staff to the bonuses has been overwhelmingly positive. “They are a great boost to morale particularly this year as our staff worked through navigating a pandemic that affected their personal and professional lives, as well as two major winter weather events,” he said. In other business: • The council approved an Interlocal Agreement for jail services with the Oklahoma County Criminal Justice Authority and the Board of County Commissioners ending June 30, 2022. The agreement has been approved as standard operating practice for years. Earlier this month, The Village City Council voted unanimously to table approval of a jail services agreement citing concerns of deteriorating conditions, overcrowding, maintenance issues and unusually high death and suicide rates. Nichols Hills has one holding cell available to See NHILLS, Page 7
- Photo by Vicki Clark
Miss Oklahoma 2013 Kelsey Griswold and her husband, banker Hunter Paul, are expecting their first child, a little girl whom they will name Keller Grace Paul. The couple was feted at a baby shower and lunch at the Esperanza Club House last week. (See story and more photos on Page 12.)
Ground broken on Love Family Women’s Center By Rose Lane Editor
- Photo by Rose Lane
From left: Darren Goff, M.D.; John Stanley, III, M.D.; Donald Rayhall, M.D.; Mercy Lynn Britton, president and CEO; Jim Gebhart, president, Mercy Oklahoma City; Cathy Keating, fundraising co-chairman; Judy Love, fundraising co-chairman; OKC Mayor David Holt; Archbishop Paul Coakley; Jesse Campbell, M.D., president, Mercy Clinics Oklahoma; Sister Claudia Ward, sister of Mercy; Sister Rose Power, sister of Mercy; and Laura Beck, director, Women’s Services.
Heroes Ball returning as hybrid event By Elyssa Gerstel Student Intern The Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy (OICA) is hosting its 5th annual Heroes Ball on July 30 at the Skirvin Hilton in Oklahoma City at 6 p.m. This ball is meant to honor individuals in Oklahoma who go the extra mile for the state’s children. The charity ball is returning to a hybrid in-person event, after being completely virtual last year due to the pandemic. However, for those who would prefer an online option, there is a
live stream of the event via Zoom. In fact, in 2020 OICA won a national award for the Best Virtual Presentation from Lawrence Ragan Communications, a leader in training for corporate communications and social media. This award was due to the advocacy group’s virtual Heroes Ball last year. Attendees of the ball are encouraged to dress as their favorite superhero, to honor the Champion for Children Award winners. This year’s theme is specifically focused on See HEROES, Page 7
On what Mercy OKC President Jim Gebhart called a “momentous occasion for Oklahoma,” ground was broken on the new Love Family Women’s Center at Mercy Hospital. See LOVE, Page 3
Dog of the Week Say hi to Cho Cho! He is an American Staffordshire Terrier and he will be 2years-old in September, and boy does he act like it. He likes posing for the camera, going to the lake and he looooves cookies — or really any food at all. His humans are Unique and Joseph Douglas. Send Dog, Baby and Cat of the Week nominations with complete descriptions to rose@okcfriday.com.
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