FRIDAY’s Dog of the Week sponsorship is available! Call (405) 755-3311
Brightmusic Chamber Society of Oklahoma celebrates 20 years as premier presenters of the world’s greatest chamber music. Chamber musicians lauded the format.“Among the hallmarks of chamber music are the variety of its ensembles and the wealth of its repertoire,” wrote James M. Keller. Trios, quartets, quintets, chamber music is endlessly varied. Mozart’s famous “Gran Partita” has 13 players.“Even if you are a pianist,” said chamber musician David Finckel, “your concerto repertoire is very limited compared to what your chamber repertoire would be ... ” Co-artistic directors Chad Burrow and Amy I-Lin Cheng created a balanced season featuring three guest artists and works by composers old and new, from solos and sonatas to octets and even a nonet!Concert 1, Sept. 27, “Music of Dreams and Angels,” features guest trombonist David Jackson playing works by various composers including the soulful “Till I Wake,” the fifth and final piece of a song cycle by late 19th and early 20th-century composer Harry Burleigh based on a text by Laurence Hope. It was Burleigh See MUSIC, Page 3
Hello my name is Giorgio Armani, but mom calls me Gio.My favorite thing to do is play with my babies. And I love to take naps. I’m a little King Charles Cavalier Spaniel. My humans are Nina and Tim Kirpicheva. Send Pet and Baby of the Week nominations with complete descriptions in the order they are received.
See MAYORS, Page 3
bread, ByrelationshipreaffirmEricOesch
Trisha Finnegan has been named president and chief executive officer of the Oklahoma City Community Foundation, which works with donors across the region to create charitable funds that benefit the community. She succeeds Nancy B. Anthony who led the Community Foundation for 37 years.“With 20 years of experience across the public, private and nonprofit sectors, Finnegan brings a commitment to innovation, collaboration and placebased investment to address community needs,” said Oklahoma City Community Foundation Chairman T. Scott Spradling. “As president and CEO, she will continue to enhance the foundation’s relevance as a trusted philanthropic partner and strive to increase and use its assets to impact and benefit the Finnegancommunity.”washiredafter a nationwide search conducted by Kittleman & Associates. She comes to Oklahoma from the Community Foundation of Louisville, where as chief strategy officer and senior vice president, she consistently secured funds and partners to See FOUNDATION, Page 7
The Heroes Ball benefiting the Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy was the occasion for these three, from left, Vicki Clark Gourley, Gary and Carol Sander to put on their hats and boots for the party at the Skirvin Hotel. They were greeted by Zorro and one of the Ghost Busters, who said he had already found two ghosts. For more photos, see Page 12. Guy & Girls for the Greater Good Finnegan next president, CEO of OKC Community Foundation
for details. $1 per copy
Brightmusic announces 20th season
Mayors break
Fashion Editor Jennifer Clark helps you shop fashions from CK & Co., Krista Anne’s and the Women’s Health Boutique. Page 11. ShopLooktheNew sheriff in town Sunny Cearley, left, the new president and CEO of Allied Arts, responds to outgoing President and CEO Deborah Senner’s introduction during RANCHtini. Page 2. Vol. 56 No. 13 • One Section • 12 pages • August 12, 2022 OKC’s only locally-owned legal newspaper with all local news Serving Oklahoma City, Nichols Hills, The Village, Quail Creek, The Greens and Gaillardia for 48 years
Staff Writer The unexpected resignation of Village Mayor Adam Graham has left the city scrambling to replace a vacant Ward 3 seat, and mend fences with their neighboring City Council and police department in Nichols Hills. At the recent City Council meeting newly appointed Village Mayor Sonny Wilkinson reported to the council and audience that, “I had a wonderful breakfast with Nichols Hills Mayor Steve Goetzinger. It was a long overdue meeting for the two of us and was quite Wilkinson.nersger.suburbsbetweenmoreshipstrongbetweenthatdentstheWilkinsonenjoyable.”reassuredcouncilandresi-ofTheVillagetherelationshipthetwocitiesisandthepartner-thatwascreatedthan50-yearsagothetwometroisnotindan-“Wearegreatpart-andfriends,”said “That’s something Steve (Mayor Goetzinger) and I don’t want to ever see quadrant.theresidents.whichvacantpreparingVillagetuity.”shipweassistsTheportdecadesgrateful“WeSteveWilkinsononuestrongcerstionshiptheirthroughment.VillagewiththeWilkinsonchanged.”alsotoldcouncilhevisitedmembersofThePoliceDepart-“Myunderstandingthemisthatprofessionalrela-withtheoffi-inNicholsHillsisandtheycontin-tosupporteachothercallswhenneeded,”said.NicholsHillsMayorGoetzingersaid,atNicholsHillsareforthefiveofmutualsup-wehavehadwithVillage.TheVillageuseverydayandhopethisrelation-continuesinperpe-Meanwhile,TheCityCouncilistofilltheWard3seatrepresents1,930Ward3isincity’snortheast“We’vereceivedcalls BygalamuseumchairBeffortsartballRoseLane
Editor Julie and Mark Beffort are the chairman of the 46th Annual Renaissance Ball, the largest ingrefreshmentsanbeginslycelebration,dinner.lowedcocktailfeatureevent.”takeamgreatlygenerousthisBeffortsthankfulandAnderson,Ball,”year’stoofpatronsingtoweOKCpartamazingTwenty.”Now:“Chihulythedowntown20thbratesClub.City7setMuseumthefundraiserannualbenefitingOklahomaCityofArt.Theblack-tiegalaisforFriday,Sept.9atp.m.attheOklahomaGolfandCountryTheeventcele-themuseum’sanniversaryofitslocationandnewexhibition,ThenandTheCollectionat“Ithasbeenan20yearsasofthedowntowncommunity,andarelookingforwardhonoringandthank-allourloyalfortheiryearssupportandservicetheMuseumatthisRenaissancesaidMichaelJ.presidentCEO.“Wearealsofortheforchairingyear’sgala.Theirsupportisvalued,andIexcitedtoseetheironthisyear’sTheeveningistoanopenbarreceptionfol-byanelegantThelate-nightaseparate-ticketedevent,at9:30p.m.withopenbarandcontinu-untilmidnight.“We’rehonoredto

- Photos by Rose Lane Above: Tasting martinis at Artini are, from left, Sandy and Blair Kirkpatrick and Ben and Morgan Brammer. At right: Incoming Allied Arts President and CEO Sunny Cearley, Immediate Past-Chairman of the Board of Directors Steven Mason and outgoing President and CEO Deborah Senner. Patrons saddle up for the arts at RANCHtini
Allied ArtsOklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, August 12, 2022, Page 2
Artini, in addition to being Oklahoma City’s largest martini-tasting event, includes an exclusive arts auction which raises critical money for Allied Arts. Above: Rebecca and Desmond Mason with his contribution to the sale.
Above: The theme of this year’s event was RANCHtini. Greeting guests Kristin Messick, Nunu Ruttman and Marla Barnett at Camp Trivera are stilt-walkers Jeremy Philo and Julia Phillips. A mechanical bull was available for those brave enough to test their riding skills. Below: Dr. Amalia Miranda Silverstein, Terri Cooper and Susan Webb.

Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, August 12, 2022, Page 3From Page One
Concert 3, Jan. 17, “Musical Moments in Time,” featuring guest pianist Sylvia Wang, includes three short pieces for piano, four hands, by Fanny Mendelssohn, Felix’s sister, and the C minor piano quartet by Brahms.Concert 4, March 28, “Masterworks Revisited,” features guest violinist YooJin Jang and presents four works by masters Haydn, Ravel, and Brahms. Concert 5, May 2, “Symphony of Winds,” presents octets by Beethoven and Mozart and Gounod’s “Petite Symphonie pour Vents,” written for nine winds.The 2022-23 season is to be performed at First Baptist Church, 1201 N. Robinson in midtown Oklahoma City. Free parking is available north and southwest of the building. The COVID pandemic isn’t over yet, and the venue offers a lot of space to spread out and attend concerts in greater safety. Masks are optional but are recommended for anyone who is not fully vaccinated or who has a compromised immune system. Handicap access is available through the door under the awning on the south side of the building. The elevator is just inside, around the corner to the left. Go up one level to the sanctuary.Single concert admission tickets are $20 at the door and season subscriptions are available on the website and at the door for $125 and include the five regular concerts and all four concerts of the Summer 2023 Festival. Admission is free for students and active-duty military withForID.more information, visit us at
Filing period for the next general election to fill council seats for Wards 1, 2 and 3 is Feb. 1-3, 2023, with general elections set for the first Tuesday of April. City officials anticipate increased interest in this election.Wilkinson was tapped to fill the unexpired seat of former Mayor Adam Graham last month. His term as mayor expires May 2023. He said he plans to work with the council at that time about continuing to serve as mayor and make a decision that makes the best sense for the city.
- Photo by Malcolm Zachariah Katrin Stamatis, Gregory Lee, Mark Neumann and Jonathan Ruck at First Baptist Church, Oklahoma City.
and emails from numerous people expressing their desire to be appointed to the vacant seat,” said Wilkinson. The council is set to consider those seeking the appointment at its next meeting “I anticipate we’ll get close to a decision at that time and vote to appoint someone,” he said. “From there we’ll get them sworn in at the next meeting or during a special meeting in between.” Wilkinson expressed his wish to appoint someone who has no desire to run for City Council in the next general election, for the vacant seat or any other seat.“That may sound a little counter intuitive, but my reasoning is that should someone be appointed who could run as an incumbent will almost certainly have a huge advantage in whatever campaign may arise,” he added. “I’d like the council to stay out of the politics of that. Ward 3 needs to organically produce a candidate or candidates and the whole city will vote in April 2023 to fill that seat.”
MAYORSFromPage1 who introduced Antonìn Dvořàk to Black American music, which influenced some of his most famous compositions. The concert includes vocal works by Brahms and Eric Ewazen, which both feature mezzo-soprano and OCU professor Christine McDaniel.Concert 2, Nov. 1, “Musical Transcendence,” includes the six-movement Schubert Octet in F major, fashioned after a septet by Beethoven (Schubert added a second violin). The piece, although written during a difficult period in the young composer’s life, is good-natured and energetic with a transcendent adagio second movement.

OCCC Named Top Film School
The 17th annual Village Lion’s Club Car Show will be at Duffner Park with registration beginning at 9 am. Judging will be in 25 categories, six best of show, five ball judging, club participation, goody bags cash drawings. Registration fee is $20 per car and free to spectators. Proceeds benefit Lions EYEBank, Lions Boys Ranch, Coats for Kids, BritVil Food Pantry and other projects in The Village. Awards at 2 pm. Bring your used eyeglasses to be recycled with Lions Recycle for Sight! THEATRE Aug. 1819 • Lizzie: The Rock Musical What happened on that fateful night in August of 1892? Delve into the mysterious mind of Lizzie Borden set to a rock score, this is an unapologetic, raw, powerful retelling of one of America's most bizarre unsolved mysteries. For tickets go to touseertheatreokc.comtowandcode40WHACKSgethalfoff. Oct. 9 • Elijah The triumphant oratorio Elijah is one of the most momentousoperaticedVoices,andthecaptivatingOklahoma.tor,ducingMichaelwithwithjointlife’sFelixstagedoratorios,”“oratoriowritten.musicalspectaculardramaseverKnownasthetoendallthissemiproductionofMendelssohn’sworkwillbeacollaborationchoirsfromOCU,stagingbyBaron,ProArtisticDirecLyricTheatreofJoinedbysoloists,OKCPhilharmonicCanterburyYouthyou’llbeinvitintoavividandworldofhistory. details visit
The Civic Center Foundation proudly announces Amy Grant in Concert at the Hudiburg Chevrolet Center at Rose State College on Thursday, Oct. 20, 7:30 pm. Tickets are available at or by calling (405) 594-8300 Mon Fri 10 am –5 pm. “The Civic Center Foundation is excited to bring an artist with the versatility and recognition of Amy Grant to Midwest City. We have managed the Hudiburg Center since 2018 and this has to be one of our most illustrious events! We know Amy has a huge fan base in Oklahoma and we hope to see them all there.” said Dee Llanusa, Director of Marketing and Sales, Civic Center Foundation. “It is the perfect size venue to treat Amy’s fans to a slightly more intimate audience experience. Part of the mission of the Civic Center Foundation is to present a variety of programming in our community!” said Elizabeth Gray, Executive Director, Civic Center MusicAmyHall.Grant’s career spans more than 40 years and stretches from her roots in gospel into becoming an iconic pop star, songwriter, television personality and philanthropist. With three multi-platinum albums, six platinum albums and four gold albums, her total career album sales have exceeded 30 million and over 1 billion global streams. Grant’s chart success has been consistent throughout her career with six No. 1 hits, 10 Top 40 pop singles, 17 Top 40 Adult Contemporary tracks and multiple Contemporary Christian chart-toppers. In addition to her six Grammy® Awards, Grant has earned 26 Dove Awards (including four Artist of the Year Awards) and has been awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame as well as the Music City Walk of Fame and the Nashville Songwriter’s Hall of ConventionalFame.wisdom has it that Grant put Contemporary Christian Music on the map, becoming the first Contemporary Christian artist to have a platinum record, the first to hit No. 1 on the Pop charts, and the first to perform at the Grammy® Awards. With that, her legacy as one of the most influential artists of the past four decades is assured. In April of 2016, Grant celebrated the 25th anniversary of her iconic hit Baby Baby with a worldwide release of the song featuring pop sensation Tori Kelly. Tennessee Christmas was released in late 2016 and marked Grant’s first all-new holiday album in nearly 20 years. Last February, The T.J. Martell Foundation – the music industry’s leading nonprofit to fund innovative medical research focused on treatments and cures for cancer – honored Grant with the Tony Martell Outstanding Entertainment Achievement Award at their 2020 Honors Gala. 2021 found Grant celebrating her iconic, 5x platinum album, Heart In Motion, releasing a double disc 35th Anniversary Edition that included never-before released tracks and updated remixes of the hit singles. 2022 promises to be a busy year with touring as well as a new single release, a cover of the classic song Put A Little Love in Your Heart which closes out Amy’s current shows. Additionally, 2022 marks the anniversaries of her platinum-selling classic “Age To Age” album and the gold-selling Behind The Eyes album. MovieMaker magazine. OCCC was joined in the prestigious ranking by several top universities, including USC, UCLA, andInstituteStanford,Chapman,CaliforniaoftheArts,NYU.Inthewrite-up, MovieMaker links the success of the program to the availability of local film jobs: “Gone are the days Oklahomanswhenhadto go east or west to work on top-notch television and films: OCCC graduates and students worked on Martin Scorsese’s Killers of the Flower Moon, and are currently working on Paramount’s series Tulsa Kings, starring Sylvester Stallone.” The article acknowledgesalsothe significance of OCCC’s most famous faculty member and the impact of his Hollywood connections on the program: “With just under 200 students, this hands-on program boasts faculty members like Gray Frederickson, who won an Oscar as coproducer of The Godfather Part II. In 2015, Francis Ford Coppola workshopped his concept of “Live Cinema” – a movie performance piece created in real time – on OCCC’s soundstage, working with its beenFredericksonstudents.”hasinvolvedsince the inception of the program. He and Bud Elders recruited Fritz Kiersch, the director of the original Children of the Corn, to move from Los Angeles and launch the film program at OCCC. Kiersch agreed and set the school on a path that would define it to this day. He hired working professionals to teach the classes; he provided enough equipment for students to get hands-on experience; he prepared students for how to act on set; and, he helped students get jobs by connecting them to productions.Theprogram is now directed by Greg Mellott, a winningincludingstudentsscaleducingstudents,stage,ductionsattractinggrownUSC.anddegreeducerscreenwriterHollywoodandpro-withafilmfromUCLAamastersfromMellotthastheprogrambymorepro-tothesound-allofwhichhireandbypro-originallarge-productionswithandfaculty,theEmmy-
Robert S. Kerr documentary Dream No Little Dream. After describing the general details of the OCCC film program, the MovieMaker feature concludes by discussing the role workforce development plays in keeping OCCC graduates here in Oklahoma: isForPrairiebetweenencesgramends.”whentionplentyOklahomaPrairiemillion-square-footprogramforcesoon-to-launch“Thework-developmentatthenewSurfStudioinCitymeansoffilmproduc-opportunitiestheprogramTheworkforcepro-thearticlerefer-isacollaborationOCCCandSurfStudios.OCCC,theeffortbeingmanagedby Sean Lynch, Professor of Digital Cinema Production. For Prairie Surf, Co-CEO Matt Payne leads all of the studio’s education and workforce initiatives. Sean Lynch is writer, producer, and property master who has worked on several feature films and documentaries. Lynch was the co-writer and producer on my first two feature films: Unsolved and Crazy Enough. He has managed the OCCC studio for years, overseeing their soundstage and millions of dollars of modern film equipment. Lynch is the first film graduate selected for the OCCC Alumni Hall of Fame and, for most students, the heart and soul of the OCCC Digital Cinema Production program.Congratulations to the hundreds of students, teachers, filmmakers, administrators, and community leaders who have helped OCCC achieve this wonderful recognition.
Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, August 12, 2022, Page 4 Booster CALENDAR Civic Center Foundation welcomes Amy Grant to Rose State College T HIS M ESSAGE S PONSORED B Y T HESE L OCAL B USINESSES : FURNITURE DESIGN SUPPLIES PRINTING Oklahoma City (405) 947 5676 www warrenproducts com Local y Owned & Operated s nce 1983 10301 Nor th May The Village (405) 752 2265 Member F D I C MUSEUM TOUR Aug. 19 EYEwitness• Tours Experience the Oklahoma City National Memorial Museum with those most impacted by the bombing of the Federal Building in Downtown Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995. Hear accountsfirsthandfrom Sara Sweet, whose dad, W. Stephen Williams was killed in the bombing. Private tour before the Museum opens beginning at 8 am and SHOW Aug. 27 • Car Show
Paycom Center Events/Shows: Kevin Hart Aug. 14 My Chemical Romance Aug. 20 Pitbull Sept. 4 Backstreet Boys Sept. 14 Pearl Jam Sept. 20 Jo Koy Sept. 23 Keith Urban Sept. 30 Greta Van Fleet Nov. 4 Judas Priest Nov. 20 Luke Combs Dec. 910 Zoo Amphitheatre: The Black Crowes Aug. 24 Goo Goo Dolls Sept. 17 Civic Center Music Hall: Vince Gill Aug. 12 Pretty Woman The Musical Aug. 1621 Weird Al Yankovic Sept. 4 Hairspray Sept. 611 The Beach Boys Sept. 24 Swan Lake Live Oct. 7 Amy Grant Oct. 20 Tootsie Nov. 1520 Blue’s Clues & You! Nov. 26 CATS Dec. 30Jan. 1 Other Events/Shows/Awards: Sip and Stroll Apr.21 Sept.15 Cookies & Cocktails Aug. 12 Lizzie: The Rock Musical Aug. 1819 Cyrano de Bergerac Aug.521 Small Art, Big Impact Sept. 16 Gala Under the Stars Oct. 14 Send calendar events to The Digital countrybestognizedlegeCitygramProductionCinemapro-atOklahomaCommunityCol-wasrecentlyrec-asoneofthefilmschoolsintheby
The INTEGRIS Health Foundation hosts its annual gala at 5:30 pm Friday, Sept. 30, at the Oklahoma City Convention Center. Proceeds from this year’s event support the INTEGRIS Health Heart Hospital anchored in OKC but statewidewithreach. The Foundation will award its Philanthropist of the Year honor to the INTEGRIS Health Volunteer,galaEmceeingAuxiliaries.the2022willbeSusananativeofElkwhobecameMiss1981andhasasuccessfulinmusicandOklahomavocalistGrahamwillthenight’sInforandregistraonlineat Sept. 16 • Small Art, Big Impact For over 34 years, the Oklahoma Visual Arts Coalition (OVAC) hosts the Annual 12×12 Art Fundraiser, which fuses 175 of Oklahoma’s finest artists with local food, a cash bar and live entertainment to create a memorable onenightonly art event. Sept. 16, from 7–10 pm, Lively Beerworks, 815 SW 2nd St., will host this art auction. For 12×12, each artist creates a work that conforms to the dimensions of 12x12” or 12x12x12” for 3D artwork. Event attendees can bid for pieces they want to purchase in an online auction. All bids begin at $200. Attendees afraid of losing a piece in the auction may “Buy It Now” to trump the auction. Attendees may also bid on silent auction packages to win prizes from local businesses. Ticket sales and donations go toward OVAC’s mission to grow and develop Oklahoma's visual arts community through education, promotion, connection and funding. Ticket prices are $45 in advance online at and $50 at the door. Children 16 and under get in free.

Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, August 12, 2022, Page 5News
ScoutschampionCocktails.html./en/Donate/Cookies-tion,leaders.mostershipscholarshipstheming.engagementawardsOklahoma’sWesternhigherandcivicprogram-Inotherwords,proceedsprovideandlead-trainingtothe-dedicatedfutureFormoreinforma-visitgswestok.orgLeahhasbeenaofGirlformanyyears, including more than two years serving on the Board of Directors. However, her involvement with Girl Scouts began when she was a young girl when her mother, Pam Roper, was a head volunteer of the Sooner Council, as well as a troop leader and day camp director.Leahhas been involved with Cookies & Cocktails for seven years. For two of those years she was co-chairman of the event, including a memorable year that involved pivoting to a drivethrough format for safety.This year, Leah has taken on yet another leadership role through the brand-new young professionals group, Friends of Trivera. Members of FOT support Camp Trivera with their time, talent and treasure. She has been a key player in the successful startup of this group. In addition to her extensive community volunteer work, Leah is the managing attorney at Center for Employment Law. Leah has earned recognition by Super Lawyers in 20172022 for her employment litigation practice. Outside of work and volunteering, Leah has two little dogs whom she loves dearly. She enjoys board games, trivia nights and the zoo.
LEAH ROPER Q: Is there Life After Retirement? A: We are here for a purpose. Just as the high school graduate evaluates personal interests and capabilities to create a plan for the next season, mature adults who enter retirement evaluate personal interests and capabilities to create a next steps plan. Most find this easier when they join with other, likeminded adults, who love to inglearningcontinueandhelp-others.
Dr. Randi Von Ellefson, artistic director of Canterbury Voices and director of choral Activities at Oklahoma City University, announced his upcoming retirement at the conclusion of the 2022-23 season. This season marks Canterbury Voice’s 54th and Dr. Ellefson’s 19th year as artistic director. “After serving as artistic director for Canterbury Voices since 2004, the time has come for me to begin a new chapter and enable Canterbury to continue the exciting momentum we’ve experienced with a new director and a new vision,” he said.During his tenure, Canterbury Voices has grown into one of the premier choral organizations in the Central United States, known for its innovative programming, commissioning of new choral works, and masterwork performances. “I have been so fortunate to lead this amazing organization of choral artists,” Ellefson said. “I am proud of the music we have created and the legacy of great choral music we have left to Oklahoma City,.” Under Ellefson’s direction, Canterbury has expanded its repertoire, increased membership in the ensemble and presented five world premieres (works by tyOklahomaEdwardDavidDominickStephenImpichchaachaaha’JerodTate,Paulus,Argento,Janssen,andKnight).AtCityUniversi-hehasdirectedthe Chamber Choir and the University Women’s Chorus, and taught courses in the graduate choral curriculum. He has conducted many significant works, including Beethoven’s Ninth RonO’Hara,DavehasCityoftenDanDominickgreats,collaboratedRequiem.Brahms’Warstein’sHandel’sMendel-ssohn’sSymphony,Elijah,Messiah,Bern-MASS,Britten’sRequiemandEinDeutschesThechorushaswithchoralincludingArgentoandForrest,performingwiththeOklahomaPhilharmonic,andsharedthestagewithBrubeck,KelliBarryManilow,Raines,Gabriel Preisser, Sarah Coburn and Andrea Bocelli. With Ellefson, Canterbury has toured internationally in Ireland, France and China, and in 2020 formed the Canterbury Chamber Voices. “I want to thank the many singers of Canterbury who have sung throughout the years and made Canterbury Voices what it is today,” Ellefson said. “I’ve been so honored to stand before you and create music with you, and I will cher-
Dr. Randi Von Ellefson to retire from Canterbury Voices
- Brought to you by VillagesOKC DR. RANDI VON ELLEFSON
Canterbury Board President Mark Clayborn said, “On behalf of the Board and Canterbury Voices, I want to sincerely thank Randi for his countless contributions over many years. We are thankful for the time he has shared with us. His retirement is well-deserved after his long and impressive tenure.“The mission of Canterbury Voices will continue and grow as we move forward to a new chapter. In addition, the partnership we have shared with Oklahoma City University has empowered two Oklahoma City institutions the ability to provide our city with world-class, choral music education, and for that we are truly thankful.”
Girl Scouts Western Oklahoma to honor Leah Roper at Cookies & Cocktails Leah Roper is the honorary chairman of the Girls Scouts Western Oklahoma’s Cookies and Cocktails, set for this Friday at Camp Trivera.Doors open for VIP at 5:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. for Admission.General“Thiseventis one of our favorites; we partner with local restaurants that offer unique sweet and savory bites and cocktails featuring our famous Girl Scout Cookies,” organizers said.Proceeds from Cookies & Cocktails benefit Girl Scouts
ish the memories and years in this wonderful city with a profound sense of gratefulness.”

Rockets seek another title Rockets sweep Capitol Hill Mount St. Mary opened its softball season last Monday with a doubleheader sweep at Capitol Hill. In the first game, Karly Shahan belted a solo inside-thepark home run, while Amelia Smith got a hit, drove in two runs and scored three tmes and Maddie Biswell singled and scoredAlso,twice.Biswell through a nohitter with five strikeouts over four innings to pick up the win. Smith went 2-for-2 with a double and two RBIs to lead the way the nightcap. Pitcher Hannah Cage threw a two-inning no-hitter and struck out five. The Rockets (2-0) hosted PC West on Thursday and visit Ada this Monday.
By Jason Jewell Sports Editor With about three weeks until opening weekend, Fridayland football teams opened fall practice over the pastFourweek.ofthe teams, including John Marshall, Mount St. Mary, Casady and PC North begin the 2022 season with newNewcoaches.John Marshall coach Chris Berus is focusing his team on constant improvement and work ethic. “We always looking at continued improvement in our practice and consistency in preparation,” the coach said. “As we grow in chemistry and caring about each other, I believe this could be a special season.”
Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, August 12, 2022, Page 6 OKC
Crossings Christian secured an 8-0 win over Jones last Monday in its season opener. Holland Robertson led the way with a homerun and double. and pitcher Addie Martin recorded a complete-game victory. The Knights (1-0) hosted Luther on Thursday and travel to OCA this Tuesday.
FOOTBALL ROUNDUP SOFTBALL ROUNDUP Fridayland teams beginning fall workouts
PANTHERS BLOW PAST PC WEST Erupting for 11 hits, PC North cruised to a 15-0 victory at PC West last Monday. Karia Coleman, Monica Coats, Angel Frank- lin and Aubrey Miller had two hits each. Story continued By Jason Jewell Sports Editor Bouyed by a state championship to end last season, the Mount St. Mary volleyball team refuses to rest on its laurels or take anything for granted. “Our goal every year is to win a state title,” coach James Ward said. “We’ve challenged our group to work hard and keep motivated all season.”
OKLAHOMA FRIDAYCITY Publication No. (USPS 893-600) PHONE 755-3311 • Official Legal Newspaper For OKLAHOMA, OKLAHOMA CITY and OKLAHOMA COUNTY, Including NICHOLS HILLS and THE VILLAGE Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Office of publication, 10801 N. Quail Plaza Drive, PO aBox 20340, Oklahoma City, OK 73156. FRIDAY is published each Friday by Nichols Hills Publishing Co., Inc. It is an official, legal newspaper, under Oklahoma law, published in Oklahoma County, primarily serving Oklahoma City but also The Village and Nichols Hills. Mail subscription price in county $30. elsewhere in Oklahoma $40, elsewhere U.S. $40. Newsstand price $1. Periodicals postage paid at Oklahoma City, OK.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: FRIDAY, PO Box 20340, Okla City, OK 73156. MEMBER: Oklahoma Press Association, National Newspaper Association, Greater Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce, Northwest OKC Chamber of Commerce. Represented nationally by USSPI, New York, Chicago, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Detroit, Dallas. Represented regionally by Central Oklahoma Newspaper Group (CONG), OKC. Phone 752-2664
The Rockets opened their season last Tuesday at Choctaw and traveled to Shawnee on Thursday. With several key returning players and a new move-in, Ward feels like his 2022 squad might even be better than last year’s team. “We might even be a better team if everything falls together like we hope,” the coach told FRIDAY Two seniors are projected to be in the starting lineup, including Jane Ertl who is a middle blocker and libro Maria Roquemore. A libro is regarded as a defensive player and cannot play on the front line. Other key players include junior Ally Frees, an outside hitter, along with sophomores Liv Ward and GeorgiaMove-inAhlert.Gia McGrew complements the lineup in coming to Mount St. Mary from Florida. The “big-time”player’s parents played at the University of Florida and her dad is on Brent Venables’s coaching staff at Oklahoma. Deer Creek and Heritage Hall begin their seasons on Friday, with the Antlers at the Norman tournament and Chargers at Cascia Hall.
Casady hired long-time coach Ty Prestidge, while PC North turned to former Panther assistant Derek Dean to lead the program. Both John Marshall and Mount St. Mary open their seasons on Aug. 26, with the Bears hosting Lawton MacArthur and the Rockets traveling to Hennessey. Look for more stories on John Marshall and Mount St. Mary along with Casady, Crossings Christian, Deer Creek, Heritage Hall and McGuinness in FRIDAY’s annual Pigskin Preview to be published on Aug. 26.
Since winning a Class 3A state title in 2017 under Rashaun Woods, the Bears have hired three different coaches.“Since we were hired back in January, we want to develop the athlete 360 not just in performance on the field but in the classroom and all other aspects of life,” BerusMountsaid.St. Mary coach Matt Truelove enters a similar situation at the south OKC school, also as a firsttime head coach. “I’ve learned under some great coaches, and I’m super blessed to have this chance at The Mount,” Truelove said. Over spring practice, the Rockets were able to install much of the new offensive and defensive schemes, the coach“We’resaid.doing a complete overhaul, but our players have come in with a great attitude to learn,” Truelove said. “We want to be successful and find our way to theBeingplayoffs.”able to work with the players over both spring practice and summer conditioning has allowed Truelove to begin developing relationships with them.
“Building a relationship is a process and trust is slowly developed,” he said. “On Day 1, I got to speak to our seniors. The quicker they buy in, the more success we’re going to have.”

Julie and Mark Beffort are the chairman of the 2022 OKCMOA Renaissance Ball.
From Page One Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, August 12, 2022, Page 7 August 12 Ann PaxtonCarolynAvianAckermanBlackburnBarbaraBogertFredBellZacBraunChancellorCherylCliftonSaraNicoleElliotJerekJedlickaJohnLimberKamberMcMasterAudraMausSchweighartLisaThorpeMaryTigerSamVinal August 13 Rodney Bates Ramon Bates Kenny Bridges Pat HershelDustinGalegorHambyLamirandAmyLeeJaneLepakKristenLongChrisLopezJodieLukemanJackieJonesScotMartinBarbaraPachecoScottStarcevichAmberTaylorBeckyWalker August 14 Scotty Adams Louis HenryCandiRussellBorgmanBrownCombsBullardCtaciCombsKaylaCourtneyBarbDennyPhilipD.IsaacsJamesGauthierChristieGilbertHalHarris Shanna Kristic PatsyLallySchoonoverSweeneyRonWinfrey August 15 Dorsey LaneJenniferMaureenButtramMartinFreemanBrannonLepakSchollenbargerShannonSmithTinaStrickling August 16 John F. Benham Stacy JohnnaLeslieFitzgeraldKearnsKienholzHollyMillionSharonNaylorHillaryStaleyJoeSummers August 17 Terri TulaMorganBenearChaneyMargeChesherCarolCorneilCarolFehrleFessendenBrodyHallBrianHowardDottieJacksonRoyB.MooreKatieNeilsonMarySmithGaryStonerDougSummersMaryTrussJeremyWhitlow
August 18 Chris Adams Daryl MichaelNormaBeadlesCokeleyLynElamEttaEmersonF.GrossTravisMillsPamRothwell extend that foundation’s reach and elevate important issues across sectors. This work not only attracted new support, but also increased visibility and extended relationships leading to increased investment and fueling community change alongside partners, grantees andPriordonors.tojoining the Community Foundation of Louisville, Finnegan held roles across multiple sectors, including work with social ventures, charitable organizations and fortune 500 corporations. She is excited to bring this depth of expertise to her role at the Oklahoma City Community Foundation. “With a diversifying population, growing economy, and deep community pride, Oklahoma City continues to rise. As the Community Foundation’s next president and CEO, I will have the tremendous opportunity to set a course for the organization’s future growth, which is only possible thanks to the strong foundation created by Nancy B. Anthony and all current and previous trustees and staff,” said Finnegan. “With the support of the trustees, the commitment of the capable team, and the generosity of our donors, I look forward to the Community Foundation creating significant impact across Oklahoma City andFinneganbeyond.”has a history of community service, and is currently a Board Member of the Community Foundations of Canada, Dendri Fund and serves on the Federal Reserve Banks’ Community Advisory Council – Eighth District. She holds a B.S. in business and organizational behavior from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio and completed a graduate certificate in design thinking and innovation through the Darden School at the University of Virginia.
be the chairs of the Renaissance Ball this year and are thrilled to have Meredith and Bobby Wegener join us as co-chairs,” said Mark alsotoincredibleeventArt.mafundingandCity'sBall“TheBeffort.RenaissanceisoneofOklahomapremiereventsisamajorsourceoffortheOklaho-CityMuseumofNotonlydoesthishelpbringexhibitionstheMuseum,butithelpsfundrobust event sponsor, contact Sara Wise at (405) 278-8216
cinematic and educational informationRenaissancenowmuseumbeenthemostsancethetonityersbeenhomathefundamentalMuseum“TheJulieprograms.”Beffortadded,OklahomaCityofArtisaassettoartssceneinOkla-City.Wehavelongtimesupport-oftheartscommu-andwe’rethrilledserveaschairsfor46thannualRenais-Ball–oneoftheexcitingpartiesofyear.”TheBeffortshavesupportersofthesince2015.SponsorshipsareavailablefortheBall.Foronhowto become an
BALLFromPage 1

IN THE MATTER OF THE) GUARDIANSHIP OF) EWARD BLAKE FISHER) NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to an Order of the District Court of Oklahoma County made on July 27, 2022, authorizing sale of real property, in the above styled matter, the Guardian will sell at private sale on a cash basis only, at 9:00 a.m. at the address of Gwartney Law Group, PLLC 16312 Muirfield Place Edmond, OK 73013, on or after August 15, 2022 (by which time and place all written bids must be received) all of the right, title, and interest of the said EDWARD BLAKE FISHER, in and to the following real 13821Address:property:Oakmond Rd Oklahoma City, OK 73013
In accordance with Title 37, Section 522 and Title 37A, Section 2-141 Design Cafe, 7010 N. Classen Blvd., an/a LLC hereby publishes notice of their intention to apply within sixty days from this date to the Oklahoma Alcoholic Beverage Laws Enforcement Commission for a Beer and Wine License under authority of and in compliance with the said Act: That they intend(s), if granted such license to operate as an Beer and Wine establishment with business premises located at 7010 N. Classen Blvd. in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, under the business name of Design Cafe. Dated this 1 day of August, 2022. /s/ Tim Hughes County of Oklahoma, State of Oklahoma. Before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared: Tim Hughes to me known to be the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing application and acknowledged that he executed the same as his free act and deed. /s/Laney Martin, Notary Public (SEAL) State of Oklahoma #20012737 My commission expires 10/14/2024 Title 37, Section 522 and Title 37A, Section 2-141 Rexroat LLC, 1634 W. Main, Oklahoma City, OK 73106, an/a Limited Liability Company hereby publishes notice of its intention to apply within sixty days from this date to the Oklahoma Alcoholic Beverage Laws Enforcement Commission for a Caterer/Mixed Beverage License under authority of and in compliance with the said Act: That it intend(s), if granted such license to operate as a Caterer/Mixed Beverage establishment with business premises located at 216 S. Santa Fe Ave. in Edmond, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, under the business name of Falcone’s DatedPizza. this 3 day of August, 2022. /s/James Paul Wilson and /s/John Goetz County of Oklahoma, State of Oklahoma. Before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared: James Paul Wilson and John Goetz to me known to be the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing application and acknowledged that he executed the same as his free act and deed. /s/Jared William Kinley, Notary Public (SEAL) State of Oklahoma #22002801 My commission expires 02/28/2026
Legal Description: Lot Twenty (20), of Block Two (2), in GLEN OAKS I, an addition to the City of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, according to the recorded plat thereof: By: /s/Aaron Gwartney Aaron D. Gwartney, OBA #17229 Gwartney Law Group, PLLC 16312 Muirfield Pl Edmond, OK 73013 (Published in OKC Friday, Friday, August 5, 2022; Friday, August 12, 2022) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF OKLAHOMA COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMAPB-2022-870 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JAMES K FORTSON COMBINED NOTICE TO NOTICECREDITORSOFHEARING of SUMMARY ADMINISTRATION Now on the 27th day of JULY, 2022, the Court has reviewed the Petition for Administration. Based upon the affidavit of James B. Williams, the Court finds that this matter is proper for summary administration pursuant to the 58 OSJames245. B. Williams is cousin of the 1.Thedeceased:deceased is James K. Fortson, of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 2.Petitioner is James B. Williams, 2235 Givens Rd, Dacula, GA 30019. 3.The deceased left a holographic Will which has been filed with the Court. 4. That James B. Williams has been appointed as personal representative to serve without bond. 5. The heirs are: James B. Williams 2235 Givens Road, Dacula, GA 30019 That the following may have an interest in theDeborahestate:Ann Johnson, Mother 1722 Chattanooga,StanfieldTN 37406 The probable value of the estate is 6.The$50,000.00.finalhearing is set for Sept. 21, 2022 at 1:30 pm before Judge Welch District Court, Oklahoma County Court, 320 Robert S. Kerr, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Room 217. 7.That the person receiving the notice or any interested party may file objections to the petition at any time before the final hearing and send a copy to the petitioner or petitioner’s attorney or that person will be deemed to have waived any objection to the petition. 8.If an objection is filed before the hearing, the court will determine at the hearing whether the probate proceedings are appropriate and, if so, whether the estate will be distributed and to whom the estate will be distributed, and 9.The claim of any creditor will be barred unless the claim is presented to Attorney, Chuck Moss, 5929 N May Ave, #504, Okla. City, OK 73112 no more than thirty (30) days following the granting of the order admitting the petition and combined notice.Dated this 27th day of July, 2022. /s/ illegible signature Judge of the District Court Bondurant Prepared by: /s/Chuck Moss OBA 6465 5929 N May Ave #504 Okla. City, OK 73112 chuck@mossbankruptcy.comFax405-849-577_405-849-9581AttorneyforPetitioner (Published in OKC Friday, Friday, August 12, 2022)
In the Matter of the Application ) of Camisha Lollis) as next of friend of (child) ) Cayson Shawn Plaire ) to Change Her/His Name ) NOTICE OF FILING PETITION FOR CHANGE OF NAME To Whom It May Concern: Take notice that (a) Camisha Lollis, as next of friend of Cayson Shawn Plaire has filed in the above court a Petition to have the minor child’s name changed as follows, to-wit: From (a) Cayson Shawn Plaire to (b) Cayson Shawn Lollis-Plaire; and that the same will be heard by the Honorable Judge Bonner of Oklahoma County, in the County Courthouse, located at 321 Park Avenue, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102, on the 20 day of September, 2022 at 2:30 o’clock p.m.; and that any person may file a written protest in the case, prior to the date set for hearing.
Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, August 12, 2022, Page 8 LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES & CLASSIFIEDS okcFRIDAY Deadline: Friday 3:00 p.m. the week publicationbefore 405-755-3311 ANTIQUES FOR SALE MOVING? Take FRIDAY with you Call 4057553311, x301,
DISTRICT COURT OF OKLAHOMA COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA CV-2022-1477 IN RE: The name of:) Tiffany Patterson) NOTICE OF HEARING ON CHANGE ON PETITION TO CHANGE NAME TO: All interested parties. Take notice that Tiffany Mundschenk Patterson has petitioned to change his/her name to Tiffany Rachelle Mundschenk. A Hearing on said petition is set for 10:00 o’clock A.M. on the 9 day of September, 2022, before Judge Stinson at 10:00 o’clock in his/her courtroom in the Oklahoma County Courthouse. Should you know of some reason why this change of name should not be allowed you must file a written protest in the above styled and numbered cause prior to the above date with the Clerk of this Court. Should you fail to do so, the petition for change of name will be granted asRICKprayed.WARREN, Court Clerk /s/Teresa Becker By: DEPUTY (SEAL) (Published in OKC Friday, Friday, August 12, 2022) DISTRICT COURT OF OKLAHOMA COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA CV-2022-1452
LPXLP WANT TO BUY OLD GUITAR$ WANTED! LARRY BRING$ CA$H for vintage USA guitars, tube amps, banjos, mandolins, etc. Fender, Gibson, Martin, Gretsch, others. Call or text 918-288-2222. RURAL LAND OWNERS OWN RURAL LAND? Earn $5,000+ every year from Hunting Leases. Upfront payments from our hunters. Reduce risk with FREE liability insurance. Call for a quote today. (888) 871-1982 AUCTION WIGGINS AUCTION – 160 Acres | Offering 20-160 Acre Tracts | Productive Sm. Grain/Livestock Land | Outstanding Investment/ Development/Executive Home Site Potential | Enid Area, OK | Aug. 18th @ 10a | | 580.233.3066 ADCLASSIFIEDOKLAHOMANETWORK FOR MORE INFO CALL 1-888-815-2672 PUBLIC NOTICE PROBATE ADVERTISE STATEWIDE Put your message where it matters most – IN OKLAHOMA NEWSPAPERS. We can place your ad in 146 newspapers. For more information or to place an ad, contact Landon Cobb at (405) 499-0022 or toll-free in OK at 1-888-815-2672. 10WANTEDHOMES In your county needing ROOFS, SIDING OR WINDOWS We will be using these homes to complete our Fall brochure. SAVE HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS No money down financing @ 5.9% interest rate* with payments as low as $69/mo* Plus 10% off for Sr/Military LIMITED TIME ONLY CALL NOW! 800-664-4856 Mention this ad and receive $300 gas card with completed job.*wac NAME CHANGE Everything to run a MACHINE SHOP: Arbor Press, Pipe Cutters & Coping Machines, Band S aws, Milling Machines, Tractors, Trailers, Club Cart, Grinders, Hit & Miss Engines and Parts, Oil Pumper Engines, Tractor & Engine Parts, Saws, 3 Phase Motors, Shop Tools, Hand Tools, Air Tools, Specialty Tools & Bits, Tables & Work Benches, Vises, Scrap Metal Cordless & Electric Tools, Vintage Barber Chair, Case Knives and Much More! Live Onsite & Online Bidding on Lots 100-121 @11:31 AM followed by Lots 1-63 ESTATE AUCTION Thursday, Aug 18 • Starts @ 8:48 AM | 31105 E. 161st St. S., Coweta, OK 74429 For more info & pictures, visit | Running 2-3 rings all day!! Dale & Maria Chupp, Coldwell Banker Neokla Select (918) 630-0495 D ON’T MISS THIS SALE! 40+ YR TOOL & EQUIP. COLLECTIO N ONSITE & ONLINE ELITE TOWERS ONLINE AUCTION Items located at 911 S. Mustang Rd. Blanchard, OK AUCTION ENDS TUES., AUG. 16, 2022 Preview time Thursday, August 11, 3:00-6:00 pm Peterbilt Semi, Ford F-250, Dodge 1500, Toyota Forklift, Gooseneck trailer, enclosed trailer, Frack trailer, metal storage building, welders, welding supplies, work benches, wheel carts, metal fabricating machines, bandsaws, presses, generator, scissorlifts, bubble tower, stack mixer, huge selection of metal stock, aluminum and S.S., beam and square tubing, angle iron and plate, power tools and much more. call Aaron Owens 405-229-2973 or Ken 405-620-1524 KEN AUCTIONCARPENTER&REALTYLLC405-620-1524 LAND AUCTION ONLINE BIDDING ONLY ESTATE OF EDWARD J. BLAKLEY 200 ACRES SOLD IN 2 TRACTS. TRACT 1: 160 acres m/L. TRACT 2: 40 acres m/L undeveloped land loaded with trees and wildlife. East side of Edmond, Okla. KEN Ken:AUCTIONCARPENTER&REALTYLLC405-620-1524 Directions: From I-35 & Waterloo Rd, East to Anderson Rd, North 1 mile to Simmons. Property is located ½ East of Anderson Rd on Simmons Rd. OPEN HOUSE SAT., AUG. 20 • 9-11 AM You are welcome to bring your ATV that day to ride over property. BIDDING ENDS TUES., AUGUST 30, 2022 See for auction terms and legal description. (Published in OKC Friday, Friday, August 12, 2022; Friday, August 19, 2022) OKLAHOMA ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LAWS ENFORCEMENT COMMISSION NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR AN ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE In accordance with
IN RE: The name of:) Jess Coonrod Curry-Reid) NOTICE OF HEARING ON CHANGE ON PETITION TO CHANGE NAME TO: All interested parties. Take notice that Jess Coonrod Curry-Reid has petitioned to change his name to Jess Coonrod Curry. A Hearing on said petition is set for 2:30 o’clock P.M. on the 6 day of October, 2022, before Judge Andrews at 2:30 o’clock in his/her courtroom in the Oklahoma County Courthouse. Should you know of some reason why this change of name should not be allowed you must file a written protest in the above styled and numbered cause prior to the above date with the Clerk of this Court. Should you fail to do so, the petition for change of name will be granted as prayed.RICK WARREN, Court Clerk By /s/illegible signature (SEAL)Deputy (Published in OKC Friday, Friday, August 12, 2022) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF OKLAHOMA COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMACV-2022-1458
RICK WARREN, Court Clerk /s/illegible signature (SEAL) CLERK/BAILIFF OF THE DISTRICT COURT For Your Large Dining Room Country French Table with 8 Country French upholstered dining chairs See Dealer FQ-4 at the French Quarter Antiques 2625 W. Britton Rd. Serious inquiries call 405-749-8855
(Published in OKC Friday, Friday, August 5, 2022; Friday, August 12, 2022) IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR OKLAHOMA COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMANO:PG-2017-908

McBride Orthopedic Clinic 9600 Broadway Ext. Oklahoma City, OK 73116
Carwin’s Shave Shop 6411 Avondale Dr. Nichols Hills Plaza (405) carwinsshaveshop.com607-1197
Retirement Investment Advisors 2925 United Founders Blvd. Oklahoma City, OK 73112 (405) theretirementpath.com842-3443 Thrifty Pharmacy 10904 N. May Ave. L Oklahoma City, OK 73120 (405) 751-2852 230 S. Santa Fe Ave. Edmond OK thriftypharmacyedmond.73003 com
Michael Biddinger Real Estate Commercial (405)OKC,12020ManagementSales,N.PennAve.OK73120236-4747
Ann Arthur Fur and Leather 5637 N. Pennsylvania Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73120 (405) comannarthurfurandleather.262-3015
The Adult Clinic at Hearts for Hearing 11500 N. Portland Ave. OKC, OK 73120 (405) 548-4335
Journey Quilt Company T-shirt Quilts 16516 N. Penn Ave. Edmond OK 73012 (405) journeyquilts.com340-0444 23rd Street Antiques 3023 NW 23rd. (405) Oklahoma947-3800City,OK 73107
State Farm Insurance Gary Baccus 16145 N. May Ave. Edmond, Ok 73013 (405) Garybaccus.com844-6300 Balliets 6443 Avondale Dr. Nichols Hills, OK 73116 (405) Balliets.com848-7811
Denner Roofing Co. LLC 6608 N. Western Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73116 (405) dennerroofing.com848-4411
Britton Feed & Seed 708 W. Britton Rd. Oklahoma City, OK 73114 (405) britton-feed-seed.hub.biz842-5590
Notice is hereby given that an Application for a Certificate of Approval from the Nichols Hills Building Commission has been filed by the following applicant as to the following project: Applicant: Grant Willoughby BC-2022-16
Proposed project: Altering more than 50 feet of the façade of a main building for which a Certificate of Approval was previously approved on November 16, 2021Proposed project’s address or descriptive location: 7005 Trenton Road The Application and supporting documentation may be inspected in the office of the City Clerk during regular business hours. No later than the Friday preceding the hearing, the full application and supporting documents will be posted at be considered at a public hearing to be held by the Nichols Hills Building Commission on Tuesday, August 16, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. This public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers at Nichols Hills City Hall, 6407 Avondale Drive, Nichols Hills, Oklahoma, 73116. Any person objecting to or supporting this Application may appear before the Nichols Hills Building Commission on the above public hearing date and show cause why the proposed Application should be approved or disapproved. Further, written support or protest regarding the Application may be filed with the City Clerk at 6407 Avondale Drive, Nichols Hills, Oklahoma, 73116, provided it is received by the City Clerk not less than three days before the public hearing.
Notice is hereby given that an Application for a Certificate of Approval from the Nichols Hills Building Commission has been filed by the following applicant as to the following project:
Notice is hereby given that an Application for a Certificate of Approval from the Nichols Hills Building Commission has been filed by the following applicant as to the following project: Applicant: Pine Lake Development, LLC BC-2022-19 Proposed project: Demolish and construct a main dwelling Proposed project’s address or descriptive location: 1117 Glenwood Avenue
The Application and supporting documentation may be inspected in the office of the City Clerk during regular business hours. No later than the Friday preceding the hearing, the full application and supporting documents will be posted at be considered at a public hearing to be held by the Nichols Hills Building Commission on Tuesday, August 16, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. This public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers at Nichols Hills City Hall, 6407 Avondale Drive, Nichols Hills, Oklahoma, 73116. Any person objecting to or supporting this Application may appear before the Nichols Hills Building Commission on the above public hearing date and show cause why the proposed Application should be approved or disapproved. Further, written support or protest regarding the Application may be filed with the City Clerk at 6407 Avondale Drive, Nichols Hills, Oklahoma, 73116, provided it is received by the City Clerk not less than three days before the public hearing.
Dated this 2nd day of August 2022 Amanda Copeland, City Clerk City of Nichols Hills, Oklahoma (Published in OKC Friday, Friday, August 12, 2022) Applicant: Michael & Leah Reel BC-2022-17 Proposed project: Constructing an addition to a main dwelling Proposed project’s address or descriptive location: 1711 Elmhurst Avenue
Justin Beasley, DDS 4600 W Memorial Rd. Oklahoma City, OK 73142 (405) drbeasley.com755-5400 We Pay Fast 2239 NW 39th St. Oklahoma City, OK 73112 (800) wepayfast.com937-2932
First National Bank of Oklahoma 10900 Hefner Pointe Dr., No. Oklahoma300 City, OK 73120 (405) 848-2001
La Baguette Bistro 7408 N. May Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73116 (405) labaguettebistro.com840-3047 (405) (405) (405) 2821 NW Oklahoma58thCity, OK 73112 (405) 848-3535
Winter House 6411 Avondale Dr. Nichols Hills Plaza (405) winterhouseinteriors.com607-1199
Nancy Farha’s 9205 N. Pennsylvania Casady Square The Village, OK 73120 (405) nancyfarha.com775-0404
Rose 333 W. Wilshire Blvd., Ste. F Oklahoma City, OK 73116 (405) 830-1138 Quail Plaza Barber Shop 10940 N. May Ave. (495) 751-2126 All About Travel, Ltd. 6104 Northwest 63 Oklahoma City, OK 73132 (405) www.allabout-travel.com384-3880 Papa Dios 10712 N May, Suite D Oklahoma City, OK 73120 (405) papadiosokc.com755-2255 Deer Clan Books 3905 N. College Ave. Bethany, OK 73008 (405) deerclanbooks@gmail.com495-9005 J. Holland Photography 1130 W. 15th St. Edmond, OK 73013 (405) jhollandphotography.com341-5088 First Liberty Bank 9601 N. May Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73120 (405) myfirstliberty.com608-4500 First Fidelity Bank 6404 OklahomaAvondale,City, OK 73116 (405) Mathnasium of North OKC The Math Learning Center 14101 N. May, Suite 106 Oklahoma City,
International Wigs 4429 NW 10th St, . Oklahoma City, OK 73107 (405) 943-1233
ccb.bank946-2265 Quail Creek Bank 12201 N. May Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73120
First Source Real Estate Residential Sales 12020 N. Penn Ave. OKC, OK 73120 (405) 236-4747
quailcreek.bank755-1000 James B. Lowe, DDS
Notice is hereby given that an Application for a Certificate of Approval from the Nichols Hills Building Commission has been filed by the following applicant as to the following project: Applicant: Erin & Ryan Smith BC-2022-18 Proposed project: Constructing an addition to an accessory building Proposed project’s address or descriptive location: 1120 Larchmont Lane The Application and supporting documentation may be inspected in the office of the City Clerk during regular business hours. No later than the Friday preceding the hearing, the full application and supporting documents will be posted at be considered at a public hearing to be held by the Nichols Hills Building Commission on Tuesday, August 16, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. This public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers at Nichols Hills City Hall, 6407 Avondale Drive, Nichols Hills, Oklahoma, 73116. Any person objecting to or supporting this Application may appear before the Nichols Hills Building Commission on the above public hearing date and show cause why the proposed Application should be approved or disapproved. Further, written support or protest regarding the Application may be filed with the City Clerk at 6407 Avondale Drive, Nichols Hills, Oklahoma, 73116, provided it is received by the City Clerk not less than three days before the public hearing.
Naifeh Fine Jewelry 6471 Avondale Dr,. Nichols Hills, OK 73116 (405) Naifehfinejewelry.com607-4323
Dated this 2nd day of August 2022 Amanda Copeland, City Clerk City of Nichols Hills, Oklahoma
Portrait of an WomanUnknown By Daniel Silva Daniel Silva’s newest thriller Portrait of an Unknown Woman has hit the bookstores. This is his 25th book and it is headed for the best seller list already. The place, time and crimes may change, but Silva always turns out a masterpiece. This one involves Gabriel Allon the noted Israeli intelligence spy who has finally left his dangerous and violent past and settled in Venice with his wife Chiara and two children, Irene and Raphael. Enter London art dealer Julian Isherwood who convinces Gabriel he should help him identify a criminal involved with forgery, theft and money laundering. It quickly involves drug rings, beautiful women and a Ponzi scheme, journalists and connoisseurs of Italian Old Masters. Art dealers, brokers, experts join in. What seems to bring them all together is that everyone has access to millions of dollars and for years there has been a growing history of wealthy buyers who continue to thrive on the art world gold mine for crooks. These people continue to get wealthy over sale of reproductions of 17th and 18th Century art which already has a history of turning into a multimillion-dollar gold mine for collectors. Recognized as the premier art expert and as a painter himself, Gabriel slowly moves back into finding this threat to the art world without revealing his own part in its solving. He does not pursue answers alone and involves New York and European experts, law enforcers, FBI, art forgers so skilled that experts in museums and shops from the Louvre to the J. Paul Getty Museum are unsure of real from fake in several
Moorman's Distinctive Carpets and Area Rugs 3835 NW 63rd St. Oklahoma City, OK 73116 (405) ty.commoormanscarpetsoklahomaci-848-4888
The Learning Tree 7638 N. Western Wilshire Village (405) learningtreeokc.com848-1415
Cindi Shelby, Stylist Lela Rose & Pearl by Lela OK
Beef Jerky Emporium 810 W Danforth (next to Hobby Lobby) Edmond, OK (405) 359-8200 Norwalk Furniture & Design 12100 N. May OKC, OK 73120 (405) 919-3847
Concordia Life Plan Community 7707 W. Britton Rd. Oklahoma City, OK 73132 (405) concordiaseniorliving.com720-7200 Coyle Law Firm 125 Park Ave. No.100 Oklahoma City, OK 73102 (405) coylelaw.com583-3909
Boutique One 6478 Avondale Dr. Nichols Hill Plaza (405) boutiqueone.store888-9822
Home Care Assistance of Oklahoma 323 S. Blackwelder Ave. Edmond, OK 73034 (405) homecareassistance.com277-0035 Mary’s Maid Service 7009 NW 53rd St. Bethany, OK 73008 (405) marysmaidokcity.com728-1805
The Application and supporting documentation may be inspected in the office of the City Clerk during regular business hours. No later than the Friday preceding the hearing, the full application and supporting documents will be posted at be considered at a public hearing to be held by the Nichols Hills Building Commission on Tuesday, August 16, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. This public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers at Nichols Hills City Hall, 6407 Avondale Drive, Nichols Hills, Oklahoma, 73116. Any person objecting to or supporting this Application may appear before the Nichols Hills Building Commission on the above public hearing date and show cause why the proposed Application should be approved or disapproved. Further, written support or protest regarding the Application may be filed with the City Clerk at 6407 Avondale Drive, Nichols Hills, Oklahoma, 73116, provided it is received by the City Clerk not less than three days before the public hearing.
Gulfport Seafood Market 8016 N. May Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73120 (405) Gulfportseafoods.com848-3468
BancFirst 6200 Waterford Blvd Oklahoma City, OK 73118 (405) Bancfirst.bank270-1622
Portrait of an Unknown Woman, is almost a chapter-bychapter testimony to that as people and events turn completely around, upside down and often become opposites of what Silva has spun. It keeps the reader on his/her toes. There are svelte females and wealthy contributors as well as male victims and crime solvers. All are believable in the intrigue of the financial worlds and art
booksBookstoreanotherDanielisandandishappenareawayguysicevenasMercedesstarabouting.tosomethereamazingareeverydollarsMillionsskullduggery.andbillionsofpassthroughphonecall.Dealerswipedoutwithswiftness,butisalwaysahintoffundssomewherekeepthedollarsmov-Somethingisthrillingjumpingfromfive-hotelstoyachts,andBentleys,wellasfoulplayandlossoflivesinexot-citieswherethebadareaslikelytogetasthegoodguystobekilled.Thingsquicklyaspeacerestoredfortherichfamous.Themoneythepaintings?ThatanotherchallengeforSilvatosolveinbook.ThankstoFullCircleforsharingitswith FRIDAY readers. Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, August 12, 2022, Page 9News/Legals Locally-owned Business Directory Debbie RE/MAXSouthPreferred 9520 N. May, Suite 110 Oklahoma City, OK 73120 Office: (405) debbiesouth.com751-4848 Full Circle Bookstore 1900 NW Expressway Oklahoma City, OK 73118 (405) 842-2900 (800) 683-READ Swiss Cleaners @ Laundry 3737 NW 50th St. Oklahoma City, OK 73112 (405) 946-0629 Junior’s Supper Club 2601 NW Expressway Oil Center Building (405) juniorsokc.com848-5597
Covenant Brothers 5900 Mosteller Dr. No. 7 Oklahoma City, OK 73112 (405) covbros.com842-4671
Dated this 2nd day of August 2022 Amanda Copeland, City Clerk City of Nichols Hills, Oklahoma LPXLP
mcboh.com486-2530 CK & Co. 6429 Avondale Dr. Oklahoma City, OK 73116 (405) ckandcompany.com843-7636 Chickasaw Community Bank 909 S. Meridian Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73108

• The nation’s first parking meter was installed in Oklahoma City in 1935.
Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, August 12, 2022, Page 10
• The Shopping Cart was invented in Ardmore by Syl Goldman who later lived in Nichols Hills.
• The Oklahoma State Capitol is the only capitol in the U.S. with working oil wells on its grounds.
• The first Girl Scout Cookie was sold in Muskogee in 1917. OpinionMYby VICKI CLARK GOURLEY
Here is more trivia fun from Lee Allan.
VICKI CLARK GOURLEY, CEO & Publisher ROSE LANE, Editor & Deputy Publisher MARY McCUTCHEON, Publisher’s Assistant GINA NICHOLS, Advertising Account Exec. JASON JEWELL, Production Mgr., Web & Sports Editor JENNIFER
• The nation’s first “Tornado Warning” was issued on March 25, 1948 in Oklahoma City minutes before a devastating tornado. Because of the warning, no lives were lost.
• The Bread loaf twist tie was invented in Maysville.
• WKY Radio in Oklahoma City was the first radio transmittingstationwest of the Mississippi.
• Boise City, Okla., was the only city in the United States to be bombed during WWII. On July 5, 1943, at 12:30 a.m., a B-17 Bomber based at Dalhart Army Air Base, Texas, dropped six practice bombs on the sleeping town, mistaking the city lights as target lights.
CLARK, Legal Notice Coord./Circ./Classif. JOY RICHARDSON, Social and Travel Contributor -------------------------JAY L. GOURLEY, Vice Chairman Emeritus JANNA L. GOURLEY ROUSEY, Secretary Emerita J. LELAND GOURLEY, FOUNDER OKC FRIDAY We urge courtesy in disagreement. We view with favor wise public choices and view with alarm flawed public choices. We give good advice to public officials at federal, state and local levels, and society in general, on what to do right. So, if they don’t take our advice, it’s not our fault. EMAIL YOUR OPINION to: M EMBEROF YOUR FRIDAY CAUCUS Trivia lists about Oklahoma City My friend, Lee Allan Smith, collects all sorts of knowledge. One of his latest gifts is trivia lists about different town names in Oklahoma. Why travel to other cities when Oklahoma has them all? Cleveland, OK Orlando, OK Miami, Pittsburgh,OK OK Santa Fe, OK St. Louis, Chattanooga,OK OK Peoria, Fargo,Burbank,OKOKOK Another list made my heart sink and my head fill with memories. Stores and Businesses Ancel Earp, McEldowney Andy Connolly’sConstructionCommanderTheTheCastonCain’sCockC.R.Burk’sBlackBeverly’sBarth’sAPCOAnderson’sOILAngusAnthony’softheWalkCoffeeLumberCellarChandelierClubCo. Cullen Lumber Cyrk & LivermonLerner’sLadyMarketKimberlingsKerr-MGeeKerr’sGoodsKellersKathrynKateKatzKamber’sKaisersKabets’sJohnHudginsThompsonHarterHarold’sHarold’sHarbourHandyHalliburton’sLeonhardtGlen’sFourFordDunlapDulaney’sTheDaddy’sCompanyGarageDoloresSportingGoodsDistributionSeasonsHick’ryInnLumberManLongmireShoesConcrete&BallA.BrownDrugstoreLangford’sLipesSportingSuperClassenInsurance Lone Star Brewing Long-Bell Lumber Co. Loucks WilsonWillmann’sUnitedFlemingTammy-Linn’sSwandaSturm’sStreet’sSteakStandardSussy’sSpivey’sSouthwesternSir’sSleepySecurityRoyalRothschild’sRosenfieldPettee’sPark’sOrbach’sO’Mealey’sGoodsMillerMid-ContinentMen,McWilliamsMcKownMargaret’sHardwareandInsuranceInc.LifeSportingHardwareJewelryCrownBottlingFederalHollowBellLifeNAleSheetMetalCompaniesFoundersLifeFurs&Company Woolworth’s Clubs and Bars Blossom UptownTowerSnugSilverShangriPrairieOnyxNikzMichaelsLouie’sLittleLittleKentuckyJakes’sInfinityEaglesDerbyChiefHabanaChatterboxCedarBrandingHeathIronTerraceJim’sClubNestClubCowShedClubLouie’sWhiteCloud29PlumLady-LaLoungeHarborClubPitBBQ
“And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32 (quoting Jesus). The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” Edmund Burke paraphrase, 1767. If you want it in the paper, it’s advertising. If you don’t want it in the paper, it’s news.” Ancient Chinese Proverb “Without, or with, offense to friends or foes, We sketch your world exactly as it goes.” – Byron, 1818. “Every violation of truth is a stab at the health of human society.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1878. “We must always stand – alone if necessary – as the conscience of this community.” – J. Leland Gourley, 1959. OKC FRIDAY Nichols Hills Publishing Company PHONE 405-755-3311 10801 N. Quail Plaza Drive, OKC PO Box 20340 Oklahoma City, OK 73156

Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, August 12, 2022, Page 11
The Look

Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, August 12, 2022, Page 12
Heroes for Children
Above, Jason and Tami Constable, Amy and Kyle Coulter, and Young and Keith alThiscrowdAndersonGovernorroom.nerreceptionright,JoAnnaBilltumes.DoctorLindaBelow,Dorman.ExecutivePointerRight,Chappell.MaryBlankenshipandO.I.C.A.DirectorJoeDr.StevenandCrawfordintheirandJudgecos-AndersonandBlackstock,atthecocktailbeforethedin-intheSkirvinBall-Oklahoma’sKidandCharlotteaddressedthebyremotevideo.wasthesixthannu-event.
The Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy hosted it annual “Heroes Ball” last Saturday at the Hilton Skirvin and the River Spirit Casino in Tulsa simultaneously last Saturday. It honored those who have committed their careers to improving the lives of Oklahoma’s children.