Village Lions Club Car Show rolls into Duffner Park Saturday By Rose Lane Editor
Her summer internship at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation provided Kate Walker a glimpse into the sea of change that followed – an 800mile move to college. Walker, a 2022 graduate of Heritage Hall High School, was part of OMRF’s 66th class of Fleming Scholars. She worked in the lab of OMRF Vice President of Clinical Affairs Judith James, M.D., Ph.D., investigating how people with the autoimmune disease lupus react to Covid-19 vaccination. “I knew how to work independently,” Walker said, “but this experience has really taught me how to adapt to new situations and how to problem-solve on my own. Beyond that, this is real-world experience; it’s not just something you turn in for a grade. My work here might actually be used.”
Casady promotes boys volleyball Casady coach Jay Gallegly helped form the Oklahoma Boys Volleyball Assocation (OBVA) to promote boys volleyball across Oklahoma For more, see Page 5. Vol. 56 No. 14 • One Section • 12 pages • August 26, 2022 OKC’s only locally-owned legal newspaper with all local news Serving Oklahoma City, Nichols Hills, The Village, Quail Creek, The Greens and Gaillardia for 48 years
Dancing for a Miracle David Hyer and Mary Blankenship Pointer raise their trophies as the winners of the Children’s Health Foundation 2022 Dancing for a Miracle. Each of the dancers were paired with a professional for the competition. For more, see 2. up or you’re done’
Wondering when my adopter will find me. If I were human, I'd be an undercover agent because I'm stealth chasing the critters out of the back yard. My house manners are perfect, I will devote myself to you completely.Iloveothers dogs, indoor cats are unknown. Please come meet all 30 pounds of me, Molly.Call foster mom Cheryl at (405) 922-6542.
Two days after her internship ended, Walker flew to Madison, Wisc., for freshman orientation at the University of Wisconsin, where she plans to major in neurobiology and Spanish. She hopes to incorporate research into a career as a pediatrician.Walker’s summer lab experiments didn’t always go as smoothly as she’d hoped, and that was a good lesson about medical research, said her OMRF mentor, Ken Smith, Ph.D.“Two-month projects are always a bit challenging, because in science, you don’t often see results that quickly,” SmithThesaid.Fleming Scholar program is named for Sir Alexander Fleming, the British scientist who discovered penicillin and in 1949 came to Oklahoma City to dedicate OMRF’s first building. Founded in 1956, the eight-week program
See AP, 2 Said unlicensedCummingsCouncilmantoairbnbs
City Manager Bruce Stone shared the city’s current ordinance on home sharing adopted by the council in July 2021.
The council heard complaints ranging from congested residential streets to loud late-night parties from some while others took the podium to tout the benefits short term rental properties can bring to the city like increased revenues from sales tax, hotel/motel taxes and fees.“We like regulations,” said Eric Casper, community volunteer for Airbnb Oklahoma City. “We want to keep bad hosts out – we want the bad apples out. We’re just small business owners trying to make a living.”
Fleming scholar learns problem-solving skills at OMRF
Page 3
McGuinness sets records with AP Scholar Awards
By Eric Oesch Staff Writer
See 11
FRIDAY’s Rescue
“The regulations seem to provide adequate language to hold licensees (home sharing property owners) accountable,” Stone said in his report to the council. “However, like many misdemeanor offenses, enforcement is not always easy and can take some effort and time.
One hundred eight Bishop namedstudentsMcGuinnesshavebeenAPscholars, the most in the school’s history.And, 66 seniors achieved the recognition, the most of any graduating class at Bishop McGuinness. In 2022, 278 Bishop McGuinness students took 567 exams in 22 subjects with 80 percent of students earning a passing score of 3 or higher. The encedemicingschool.whilecoursesoffersPlacementAdvancedprogramcollege-levelforstudentsstillinhighBeyondprovid-studentstheaca-rigorandexperi-ofacollege-level class, these courses also offer the opportunity for students to earn college credit for qualifying scores on the end of the year AP exam. Taking AP exams gives
The Village Lion’s Club’s 17th Annual Car Show is set for this Saturday at Duffner Park, just east of May on Hefner. Plans are for 25 categories, six best of show awards, a five-ball judging, club participation awards, goodie bags and a 50/50 prize. Three participants are to win $100 each in cash drawings. The fun begins with 9-11:30 a.m. registration. Judging of the participants is noon to 1 p.m. and the awards are to be presented at 2 p.m. The registration fee is $20 per car, but there are no pre-registrations available. The show is free to spectators.Proceedsfrom the car show benefit Oklahoma Lions EYEBank, Oklahoma Lions Boys Ranch, Coats for kids, the BritVil Food Pantry and other projects in The AttendeesVillage.are also asked to bring used eyeglasses to be recycled.For more information, call David Ralston at (405) 478-4783 or Sean Ralson at (405 209-7326.
Dog of the Week This sponsorship is available! Call (405) 755-3311 for details. $1 per copy
Photo by Richard Clifton,
“I looked at our sales tax collections for the first five months of 2022 and see that Airbnb contributes, on an annualized basis, somewhere in the range of $30,000 in sales taxes,” he told the council. Stone told the council that Oklahoma City levies a 5.5% hotel/motel tax on their home share property owners, which if adopted by voters in The Village would, “likely more than double annual revenues from home sharing operations.”TheVillage currently charges an initial $75 home sharing license fee with a $25 annual renewable fee. It has never had a hotel/motel tax no hotels or motels operate within city limits.Stone said a hotel/motel tax has been discussed and, “it seems that the council is open to putting the questions to the voters, who must vote to approve such a tax.”
scheduleSeeSouthmoore.sontheFridaylandalongweek.duringthe(28)PCkicksFootballseasonoffFridayNorth’sRyanGoochtriestobringdownNormanquarterbackascrimmagelastThePanthers,withfiveotherteams,begin2022footballsea-thisFridayagainsttheentireWeek0on Sports, Page 4 ‘Pay
Short term rental properties proved to be a hot topic of discussion at last week’s Village City Council meeting. Dozens of citizens filled the council chamber both for and against short term rental properties in the city. Many had attended the overflowing Town Hall Meeting earlier this month at The Village Library hosted by Ward 4 Councilman Sean Cummings and Donna Rice Johnson.

Children’s Health FoundationOklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, August 26, 2022, Page 2 students advantageanin college by allowing them to earn credit while in high school, letting students open up time in their college schedules, graduate early and save money on their collegiate education. In the class of 2022, 78 percent of graduates had taken an AP course while at McGuinness, while the national average is just 39 percent.With the AP Scholar Awards, College Board’s Advanced Placement Program recognizes high school students who have demonstrated outstanding college-level achievement through their performance on multiple AP Exams. The different award levels are described below:
APFromPage 1 - Photos by Rose Lane Dancing for a Miracle The theme of Children’s competition.TheDancing2022Foundation’sHealthDancingforaMiraclewasColorMeDancing.Inphoto,DavidHyerandMaryBlankenshipPointerdancetofirstplaceinthebenefitevent.JenniandAdamAguilarcuttherugduringforaMiracle.eveningincludedsilentandliveauctions,dinnerandanopendancefloorafterthe Above: Chris Lawson, Ann Lacey, Huneryager.McCrackenutiveHealthKalidy.Above:Nguyen.MeckstrothCassieandTrungSabihandNatalieBelow:Children’sFoundationExec-DirectorKathyandGail
AP Scholar — Granted to students who receive scores of 3 or higher on three or more AP Exams.
AP Scholar with Honor — Granted to students who receive an average score of at least 3.25 on all AP Exams take, and scores of 3 or higher on four or more of these exams. AP Scholar with Distinction — Granted to students who receive an average score of at least 3.5 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on five or more of theseBishopexams.McGuinness’ AP Scholars are: AP Scholar (39) - Destiny Adedayo ’23, Gracelyn Blevins ’23, Emily Casebolt ’22, Eli Challis ’22, Price Collier ’23, Baxter Cornelius ’22, Lucia Corredor ’23, Claire Duginski ’22, John Eberle ’23, Kellen Fraile ’23, Henry Gauthier ’22, Lauren Goodman ’23, Gabrielle Hamm ’22, Hailey Harrington ’22, Emily Healy ’23, Olivia La Forge ’23, Abigail Maupin ’22, Madeline McLaughlin ’22, Jenson McPherson ’22, Erin Baylee Melot ’23, Charlotte Mounger ’22, Natalie Nguyen ’23, Tony Nguyen ’22, Abigail Pefferman ’23, Griffin Plank ’23, John Meade Poarch ’22, Atticus Richard ’23, Alyssa Schmit ’23, Nicholas Schoeffler ’23, Amy Schoelen ’23, Catherine Schultz ’23, Vincent Shivers ’23, Jinna Smail ’23, Madelyn Smith ’23, Thomas Andrew Smith ’22, Vivian Vo ‘22, Joseph Vy ‘23, Natalie Waddell ’23 and Victoria Whitbeck ’23. AP Scholar with Honor (25) — Braedon Black ’23, Megan Bohrmann ’22, Elizabeth Carter ’23, Julia Coats ’23, Vy Dinh ’22, Charles Greene ’23, Maureen Grimes ’23, Reid Henderson ’23, Luella Hollis ’22, Henry Ison ’23, Caroline Kivett ’23, Jacob Love ’23, Helen Mcdonald ’22, Sarah Miller ’22, Jacqueline Nguyen ’22, Tara Nguyen ’23, Hannah Potter ’22, Maria Raglow ’23, Noah Rice ’23, Kathleen Schomas ’23, Julio Suarez ’22, Marc Tawk ’23, Haley Turman ’22, Isabelle White ’22 and Kelly Willis ’23. AP Scholar with Distinction (44) — Romy Abu-Fadel ’22, Christopher Bayless ’22, Hannah Bernstein ’22, Lindsay Best ’22, Jenna Carnine ’22, Paulina Covarrubias ’22, Katharine Elbow ’22, Anna Ford ’22, Gabriella Gasbarra ’23, Lilianna Gavula ’22, Encho Genchev ’23, Mackenzie German ’22, Emma Glaviano ’22, Amelia Goodrich ’22, Emery Hammond ’22, Kirby Johnson ’22, Celine Keddissi ’22, Caroline Lawton ’23, Alexander Leffel ’22, Cade Leonard ’22, Sophia Lopez ’22, Sally Lytle ’22, Riley McCoy ’22, Reese Mears ’22, Jason Nguyen ’22, Andrew Pham ’23, Henry Regier ’22, Charles Hutton Rhodes ’23, Curt Schwager ’23, Blayne Schwarz ’23, Rory Sebastian ’22, Samuel Shadid ’22, Kathryn Skarky ’22, Aidan Smith ’22, William Smith ’22, Daniel Soto ’23, Skye Stewart ’23, Julia Thomas ’22, Cate Tollison ’22, Brayden Tran ’23, Ann-Marie Weitzel ’22, Samuel Wilson ’22 and Daniel Zavala ’22.

A short program is to include videos highlighting the stories of three VillagesOKC members and how membership in the nonprofit has impacted their lives, including two members who met and married. Two members tell how VillagesOKC connected them with NewView Oklahoma, who provides them with low-vision assistance.
The event includes a plated meal from Rococo. Lance Ward, congregational care pastor at Crossings Community Church, is set to keep the festivities moving. New member Angel Meyer is creating fabulous table decorations you will want to take home. The event begins at 6 p.m.“We expect 120 people – 15 tables of eight,” Olson said. “Many tables are sponsored by businesses; other tables are sponsored by individuals who want to honor the story of an influential elder in their life. For example, one member is honoring the story of “Grandmother Robbins – Who Taught Me to Fish.”Reservations may be made at or by calling (405) 990-6637. Cost is $35 for members and $50 for not yet members.
Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, August 26, 2022, Page 3From Page One
“Oklahoma City’s tax is 5.5 percent in addition to licensing fees and sales tax,” he said. “So, Oklahoma City gets 10.672 percent on home sharing sales (motel tax plus sales tax).”While The Village has only six licensed home sharing properties, officials believe there could be as many as 40-100 total properties currently operating within city limits. “This number comes from searches on social media, Google, etc.,” said Stone. “Usually, no addresses are given, but there are pictures of the inside and outside of the houses, so with some detective work the addresses could be figuredMayorout.”Sonny Wilkinson is not surprised to learn there could be as many as 100 short term rental properties within the city limits. “The fact there are so many proves that we have an issue with the code we passed last year that we need to revisit,” said Wilkinson. “That number also demonstrates that they really aren’t a disruption problem. This whole debate was brought up because of one Facebook post about one house. “One disruptive house isn’t going to ruin the businesses that others have established that aren’t causing problems for neighbors.”Councilman Sean Cummings wants to send a letter to those operating unlicensed short term rental properties stating that they are out of compliance with city ordinances. “I’ve counted 47 short term rentals in The Village on various websites,” said Cummings. “Let’s give them 30 days to pay up and get a license or they’re done.”The city is working to gather a list of unlicensed home sharing properties.
to celebrate fourth anniversary
VillagesOKC, a membership based organization which connects the metro Oklahoma City aging community to resources and each other, is celebrating its fourth anniversary with the theme “Everybody Has a Story.” “This is a milestone year, and we are celebrating in a big way,” said Executive Director Marilyn Olson. “Sept. 9 at the Oklahoma History Center will be an inspiring event you don’t want to miss.”
NewView is just one of the VillagesOKC partners as they execute their plan for aging that connects a community. They also support Senior Living Truth Series, a monthly free seminar series which intends to educate, equip and empower older adults, as well as other area services which focus on seniors“With this year’s theme ‘Everybody Has A Story,’ it is fitting that the evening is held at the beautiful center filled with many fabulous Oklahoma stories – where last March we pinned 350 Vietnam War Era Veterans and heard their stories,” Olson said. “There will be plenty of time for meeting, conversation filled with stories, photos and touring the Oklahoma History Center exhibits.”
Amy Shirola, operations manager, prepares VillagesOKC anniversary celebration invitations for mailing.

Collecting two finishes in the top 26, the Heritage Hall boys finished fifth at the Norman Summer Showcase last week. The Charger girls took sixth and the Mount St. Mary boys claimed seventh place in the team standings. Both Harding Charter Prep squads were in the top 10, with the Eagle girls in seventh and boys in 10th place. Jackson Fowler paced the Charger boys with a third place finish in 10:28.66 over the 2-mile course. Will Blalock came in 23rd place to round out the duo. Story continued at
By Jason Jewell Sports Editor With a couple of weeks practice and the annual AllCity Preview scrimmage under its belt, the John Marshall football team opens its 2022 season this Friday against Lawton MacArthur. Kickoff is set for 7 p.m. at Taft“We’veStadium.seen lots of improvement so far (in practice),” said new coach Chris Berus. “We’re still learning how to stay consistent and striving to establish excellence in all we do.”
Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, August 26, 2022, Page 4 OKC SportsFRIDAYWeekly OKLAHOMA FRIDAYCITY Publication No. (USPS 893-600) PHONE 755-3311 • Official Legal Newspaper For OKLAHOMA, OKLAHOMA CITY and OKLAHOMA COUNTY, Including NICHOLS HILLS and THE VILLAGE Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Office of publication, 10801 N. Quail Plaza Drive, PO aBox 20340, Oklahoma City, OK 73156. FRIDAY is published each Friday by Nichols Hills Publishing Co., Inc. It is an official, legal newspaper, under Oklahoma law, published in Oklahoma County, primarily serving Oklahoma City but also The Village and Nichols Hills. Mail subscription price in county $30. elsewhere in Oklahoma $40, elsewhere U.S. $40. Newsstand price $1. Periodicals postage paid at Oklahoma City, OK. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: FRIDAY, PO Box 20340, Okla City, OK 73156. MEMBER: Oklahoma Press Association, National Newspaper Association, Greater Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce, Northwest OKC Chamber of Commerce. Represented nationally by USSPI, New York, Chicago, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Detroit, Dallas. Represented regionally by Central Oklahoma Newspaper Group (CONG), OKC. Phone 752-2664 FOOTBALL | WEEK 0 PREVIEW: HIGHLANDERS AT BEARS • 7 P.M. FRIDAY CROSS COUNTRY ROUNDUP - Photo by Richard rtcditigalimages.zenfolio.comClifton,
“Lawton Mac is a storied program,” Berus said. “They are well coached and we’ll have our hands full.”In other Week 0 games, Deer Creek and PC North open with home games sonstartsrespectively.andEdmondagainstNorthSouthmoore,Casady,whichitsfirstsea-asanindependent in the OSSAA, visits Community Christian in Norman, while McGuinness travels across town to Putnam City and Mount St. Mary heads to Hennessey.
Friday, August 26 Casady at Community Christian Edmond North at Deer Creek Lawton MacArthur at John Marshall McGuinness at Putnam City Mount St. Mary at Hennessey Southmoore at PC North
The Bears are coming off a 3-7 record last season and placed fifth in their district. Playing a third season in Class 4A, John Marshall boasted a tough pre-district schedule including Lawton MacArthur, Bethany and ending at Fridayland rival Heritage Hall. “We want to play against great competition in preparation for the district season,” Berus said. “I just want us to get better from week to week and have the maturity to see and make the proper adjustments.”Threeoffensive starters return for John Marshall in 2022, led by quarterback Davien Taylor. The junior, who spent the previous two seasons as a wide receiver before moving under center, has a pair of strong receivers in senior Dorien Middleton and Kylin Drennon.Leading way on defense are senior Crayden Sanderfield, junior Tre’Quan Johnson and senior Alante MacArthurMeanwhile,Benford.Lawtonfinished11-2 last year and lost to McAlester in the Class 5A state semifinals.
The Highlanders lost to John Marshall in the 1995 5A championship game and last played each other in 1995.
Note: All games start at 7 p.m., unless noted.
PC North tailback Camarion Jones (5) takes a handoff from quarterback Robert Duke during last week’s scrimmage against Norman. The Panthers open their season this Friday against Southmoore.
Antlers capture Field Run Festival title
Bears host Lawton MacArthur in season opener
With all five runners finishing in the top 25, the Deer Creek boys cross country team ran to the Field Run Festival title to open the 2022 season. The Antler girls also finished second in the meet hosted by Deer Creek. Brody Woodcock paced the Antlers with the individual title. Woodcock completed the 5-kilometer course in 16:06.89 to win by just under a Grahamsecond.Mitchell crossed the line just about three seconds behind Woodcock in third place. Tyler Schwarz finished second, while Spencer Carlson came in 14th place and Daniel Collins took 22nd place. Tabitha Fox claimed the runnerup trophy with a time of 18:34.51 over the 5K track for the Deer Creek girls. Sadie Wedge finished just over a minute behind Fox in fifth place. Three others cracked the top 25 including Madelynn Clark in 16th place, Mattie Cottier in 20th place and Cadee Shannon in 21st place.

Casady takes lead in promoting boys volleyball across Oklahoma
Hampered by four errors, Crossings Christian suffered a 10-0 loss to host Hinton to finish second at the Hinton Invitational tournament.
Photo by Johnny Holland,
Crossings Christian came in No. 7 in 3A as the only other Fridayland team to be ranked.
On the heels of its first tournament championship of the season, the Mount St. Mary volleyball team has achieved the top ranking in the first Class 5A poll of the 2022 McGuinness,season. which also earned a tournament title last weekend, took second in the opening survey and Deer Creek was named No. 2 in 6A.
With the rising popularity of girls volleyball in CasadyOklahoma,coachJay Gallegly hopes to harness of that energy in promoting boys volleyball programs in high schools across the state. “Boys volleyball is gaining traction at the collegiate level so we hope that can trickle down to high school,” Gallegly said. “It’s a good team sport and for parents looking to get their boys into a bit saferGalleglysport.”helped form the Oklahoma Boys Volleyball Association two years ago to help grow the sport to a point in which it would be sanctioned by the Oklahoma Secondary Schools Activities Association (OSSAA). “I’m glad we finally did it,” Gallegly said. “We have a good board and had interest from all over the includingboastsCurrently,state.”theOBVAsixvarsityteamsPutnamCity, Edmond schools, OKC Storm home school, Jenks, Broken Arrow and schoolteamsinghindrancesOneShawnee.ofthebiggesttoadvanc-boysvolleyballhasbeenamongathleticdirectors.
The Deer Creek softball team cruised to a 15-0 win over PC West in last week’s action.Jaiden Coffey and Riley Houska belted two hits each to lead the Antlers (9-3). Coffey had a pair of doubles and drove in a pair of runs, while Houska hit a double, drove in three runs and scoredCayleetwice.Mann also provided a double and three RBIs, and Ashlee Hogg added an RBI single and scored once. Coffey picked up the pitching victory, striking out seven and allowing just one hit over three innings. This weekend, Deer Creek is set to compete at the Shawnee tournament, before hosting Yukon on Tuesday and Edmond Memorial on Thursday.
Antlers run over PC West
IRISH CLAIM CARL ALBERT TOURNEY CROWN In a battle of top five teams, McGuinness came away with a 20 victory over 4A No. 5 OCS to win the Carl Albert Invitational title last week. The Irish (6-0) swept host Carl Albert 2-0 in the semifinals. They also didn’t lose a set in pool play with triumphs over Newcastle, Coweta and Midwest City. This weekend, McGuinness also competes at the Lincoln Christian Bulldog Showdown before its match at Mount St. Mary on Thursday. Story continued Rockets ranked No. 1 in 5A poll Casady’s Zach Dunn (8) goes for a kill during an SPC boys volleyball match last season.
Mount St. Mary cruised to a 31 victory over Owasso to claim the Westmoore Jaguar Invitational title last weekend. The Rockets (9-0) downed the OKC Storm home school team by a 3-1 decision in the semifinals. They also beat Norman, host Westmoore and Owasso in pool play on MountFriday.St.Mary entertains Fridayland rival McGuinness this Thursday in a battle of 5A’s top twoPCteams.north also competed at the Jaguar Invitational with losses to Norman, Piedmont and Moore. The Panthers (1-6) are scheduled to participate this weekend at the Lincoln Christian Bulldog Showdown in Tulsa.
Elle Rouse, Aubrey Martin, Emmy Rouse and Addie Martin accounted for all four hits for the Knights (5-5). Addie Martin allowed 10 runs on seven hits and struck out six over 6 2/3 innings in the loss. At the tournament, Crossings Christian earned wins over the El Reno JV, Sayre andTheCalumet.Knights took on Fridayland rival Heritage Hall on Thursday before hosting Millwood on Monday at 5 p.m. CHARGERS HOLDENVILLEDOWN After opening with three straight losses, Heritage Hall closed out the Prague tournament with a 3-0 win over Holdenville.CharlieZeigler went 2for-2 and scored a run and Kendall Beres chipped in a double along with three RBIs to lead the Chargers (2-6). Pitcher Addie Thompson threw a 1-hit shutout and struck out eight over four innings for the win. Story continued
Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, August 26, 2022, Page 5Sports Weekly
By Jason Jewell Sports Editor
Story continued SOFTBALL ROUNDUP

Sept. 8 •
Paycom Center Events/Shows: Pitbull Sept. 4 Backstreet Boys Sept. 14 Pearl Jam Sept. 20 Jo Koy Sept. 23 Keith Urban Sept. 30 Reba McEntire Oct. 15 Greta Van Fleet Nov. 4 Judas Priest Nov. 20 Luke Combs Dec. 910 Zoo Amphitheatre: Goo Goo Dolls Sept. 17 The Chicks Oct. 5 Civic Center Music Hall: Weird Al Yankovic Sept. 4 Hairspray Sept. 611 The Beach Boys Sept. 24 Swan Lake Live Oct. 7 Amy Grant Oct. 20 Tootsie Nov. 1520 Blue’s Clues & You! Nov. 26 CATS Dec. 30Jan. 1 Other Events/Shows/Awards: Sip and Stroll through Sept.15 Beer & Ballet Sept. 1 Flight for Futures Sept. 9 Small Art, Big Impact Sept. 16 Cattle Baron’s Ball Sept. 23 ZOObrew Sept. 30 The Rocky Horror Show Oct. 530 Gala Under the Stars Oct. 14 Send calendar events to
Sept. 217 • [title of show]
The Unusual Calling of Charlie Christmas was recently feted with a raucous 10th anniversary screening at Rodeo Cinema. Charlie Christmas is an award-winning superhero movie made in Shawnee, Oklahoma by a team of best friends called Outsiders withProductionsmovies,LikeProductions.allgoodOutsidersbeganascreenplay.
A Beautiful Day and a comic book comedy called Charlie Christmas: Corndogs and Justice, where they introduced the character for the first time as a small-town vigilante.
Sept. 16 • 12x12 Art Show For over 34 years, the Oklahoma Visual Arts Coalition (OVAC) hosts the annual 12×12 Art Fundraiser, which fuses 175 of Oklahoma’s finest artists with local food, a cash bar and live entertainment to create a memorable onenightonly art event. Mark your calendars for the event from 7 10 pm at Lively Beerworks, 815 SW 2nd St.
Charlie Christmas 10th Anniversary
Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, August 26, 2022, Page 6 Booster CALENDAR New attractions at the 2022 Oklahoma State Fair T HIS M ESSAGE S PONSORED B Y T HESE L OCAL B USINESSES : FURNITURE DESIGN SUPPLIES PRINTING Oklahoma City (405) 947 5676 www warrenproducts com Local y Owned & Operated s nce 1983 10301 Nor th May The Village (405) 752 2265 Member F D I C CONCERTS Sept. 22 • Jose Feliciano Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with An Evening with Jose Feliciano at the OCCC Visual and Performing Arts Center Theater at 7:30 pm. Get tickets Aug.FUNDRAISERS30•Luncheon
This Tonynominated musical’s simple premise is about two people writing a show... about two people writing a show. “It's an irreverent but charming tale about the trials and tribulations of struggling artists,” says Artistic Director, Jared Blount. “The show includes adult language and is sprinkled with quirky, offbeat humor that theatre patrons will love, but it’s a show for anyone on a journey of creative selfexpression; even more so, it’s a production for the young at heart.”
With just over a month until Opening Day, Oklahoma State Fair officials are finalizing all the details to make sure the 2022 Oklahoma State Fair is a hit. Fairgoers are sure to be delighted by the new competitions, shows and exhibits coming this year. Ninja Nation – Fairgoers will have a chance to race against each other or the clock on the Ninja Nation Obstacle Course. From age 7+ visitors are invited to test their athletic ability and skills. Closed toed shoes and a signed electronic waiver are required for all participants. Waivers will be completed on site. Mini Silky Fainting Goat Show – For the first time at the Oklahoma State Fair, exhibitors will vie for bragging rights and ribbons in the Miniature Silky Fainting Goat Show. This interesting small breed will be competing in the Super Barn on Sept. 20 - 22. Pirate Game Show – Fairgoers can participate in this fun and interactive game show with a pirate twist. The ship has weighed anchor and will raid the Plaza Stage at the Pirate Game Show. A great time for all ages, adults and children can experience what family fun is all about. Audience members and participants will laugh, jump up and down and walk the plank. Equine Empowerment Horse Show – For the first time, the Oklahoma State Fair is offering a horse show for equestrians with disabilities. The competition will offer 17 classes including showmanship, trail and both Western and English Equitation. This equine competition will take place in the Performance Arena on Sept. 21, at 10 am. Oklahoma Senior Games Line Dancing Competition – The Oklahoma Senior Games and Oklahoma State Fair have partnered to bring the first annual Oklahoma Senior Games Country Western Line Dancing competition to the Modern Living Building on Sept. 25. Participants can compete individually or as a team. Registration closes Sept. 11 and details can be found at Youth Extemporaneous Speaking Competition – Youth will combine their agricultural knowledge and speaking skills to generate a speech on the spot. Come see these exemplary youth at the Capital City Auditorium beginning at 9 am on Sept. 18. Giant Pumpkin Competition and WeighOff – Working together with our youth competition, giant pumpkin growers will weigh their produce to see who will earn the title of heaviest fruit. The weigh-off event will be held on Sept. 17 at noon in the Oklahoma Expo Hall. Fiber to Felt to Historical Hats – Located in the Oklahoma Frontier Experience, Cindie is part of a husband-and-wife team who are very passionate about keeping history alive and passing on the skills and trades used by our ancestors. She’ll demonstrate how felt is made and then turned into a historical felt hat. Rope Making – Also located in the Oklahoma Frontier Experience, Bob is passionate about several historical crafts, and one of his favorites is transforming strands of cord into a strong rope. Drop by, say hi, and watch him create. Maybe you’ll get to make and take your own little piece of history home.Tostay up-to-date on all the Fair fun, visit, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
The Unusual Calling of Charlie Christmas is a great reminder to young filmmakers and to all of us that the collaborations you start today can lead to exciting projects, successful careers, and lifelong friendships. Go out there and create the future you want. It’s yours for the taking.
The Hole Shebang! United Way of Central Oklahoma is celebrating its 2022 Campaign Kickoff from 4 7:30 pm at Scissortail Park. The event will feature live music, food trucks, special announcementsUWCO and the second annual The Hole
THIS WEEKEND Aug. 26 • Free Open House Residents in the neighborhoods surrounding The National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum are invited to come experience a special evening at the Museum with Jabee, including live music from Ckai Dawson & the Elevation Band, free food and a new exhibition, “Art of the Northwest Coast.” The block party is from 6 –8 pm at The Cowboy. Aug. 26 • BTS Bingo The Jones Assembly hosts its LAST BINGO of the summer with Cleats For Kids to help fill C4K’s donation bins so that all kids going backtoschool have the sports equipment they need! Bring your donations to the final Hot Bingo Night from 911 pm with a guaranteed $1,000 jackpot winner.
The Unusual Calling of Charlie Christmas was their first feature film. It offered a little bit of humor like the short film, but it was much more of an intense drama. It featured a real-life super hero called to save a woman from domestic abuse. It was dark but thoughtful, exciting, and emotional. It won several awards on the independent film festival circuit, including Best Feature Film in Austin, Cleveland, Fort Worth, Las Vegas, and festivals across webdirectionadecidedNextOklahoma.up,theteamtoventureinmorepersonalbycreatingaseriescalled Rough Cut. The series dealt with the trials and tribulations of small-town filmmakers. It was centered around the writer, played by writer Adam Hampton, and based on his experiences creating Charlie Christmas, touring film festivals, and figuring out what to create next. Rough Cut proved to be catnip for regional festivals. It won the Outsiders another 15 awards. Audiences loved the realistic portrayal of filmmakers working outside of the system. The on-screen chemistry of the Outsiders team was unmistakable.These days, Outsiders Productions is mostly known for their televisionEmmy-winningseries Play It Loud, created in partnership with Grand LaunchedCasino.in2018 and now up to 23 episodes, Play It Loud follows Adam Hampton as he
On Aug. 30 at 11:30 am, the organization is hosting its
Adam Hampton, a Dale native on a full English scholarship to East Central University, was asked to write a screenplay by his best friend Jason Alexander, a budding film director in friendsattractedTheirCommunication.Massstudentfilmlikeminded Kenny Pitts and Chad Matthews All of them took on different roles on the film, but they all agreed that filmmaking was a passion they wanted to pursue. Together, they formed filmatedthebehindfilmmakers,honethatducingtionsProductions.OutsidersOutsidersProduc-startedoffpro-shortfilmssotheguyscouldtheirskillsasbothandinfrontofcamera.Theycre-areligioushorrorcalled
The show features only four performers and one pianist, all acting out the “true” story of lyricist, Jeff Bowen and author, Hunter Bell writing the very musical they are performing. [title of show] is 90 minutes and is showing at the Pollard Theatre in Guthrie. Tickets range from $10 to $35 and are on sale The production is rated for mature audiences.
The Education and Employee Ministry (TEEM) is a local nonprofit that seeks to break cycles of incarceration in the community through education, personal development and work readiness training.

September 1 Les Basset
Chapel Hill United Methodist Church is looking for adults to help elementary school students with their reading, 3-5 p.m., after school on Tuesdays as part of its Whiz Kids program.“Ifyou can read, you qualify (must also be 18 years or older),” organizer Beth Hammack said. The first meeting for tutors is set for Tuesday, Sept. 6, 3-4:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. The first day with tutors and children is Tuesday, Sept. 13, at 3 p.m.Whiz Kidz is a faith based tutoring program of willing churches partnered with neighborhood schools. “We do one to one reading tutoring with children predominantly second, third and fourth graders who read below their grade level,” Hammack said. Chapel Hill’s partner school is Quail Creek Elementary. Teachers and parents must sign their children up. “We can have as many qualifying students as we have adult tutor volunteers,” Hammack said.Church vans, together with a couple of volunteer tutors, pick the children up from school on Tuesdays and deliver them to the north entrance of Chapel Hill, 3-3:15 p.m. Snacks are provided by the church in Fellowship
Whiz Kidz is a faith based tutoring program of willing ElementaryChapelpartneredchurcheswithneighborhoodschools.HillUnit-edMethodistChurchpartnerswithQuailCreektotutorchildrenafterschoolonTues-days.
Chapel Hill UMC seeing tutors for Whiz Kids
John Cowan
Luke RebeccaSandyDeFehrEllisFisbeckSteveGarrettCourtneyGreenSandyMeyersEricRobertsMarkSelvidgePeggySmithDeNeanTkach
“WeHall.offer a creative Bible lesson during snack time,” Hammack said. At aprooximately 3:45 p.m. the children meet one-on-one with their assigned tutor to read books of the child's choice. Parents are asked to come 4:45-5p.m. to pick their child up in a carpool line. “Tutors leave around 5 p.m. with a lot of joy of giving in their heart,” Hammack said. For more information, contact Hammack at bethhammack@
Religion Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, August 26, 2022, Page 7 August 26 Mabel Louise Baker Sue Burks Susan Crouch Mark Edge Richard MichaelMandiAaronEllegardFordHansteinKarlaKuefferHenlineJohnMcAuliffDanaSommerBettyStoner August 27 Nancy Bonham Web Brunsteter M. Diann Cassidy Tricia KristyTrinityPatriceChesnuttDouglasKathyFreemanWardHallDianeKingHurshReynoldsElizabethKanoskiReiganKennedyPatienceLattingKarolineLeonardRossMayoLindaMcIntyreFredineRamoClaireRichardKyleSkidmoreDavidSmithPaulaSorensonJenniferJarrard August 28 Kathleen Abshere Sherri Blevins Herman Crowley Helen JaneRickBobJerryHarrisonHillMayR.MooreDianePalmWeatherly August 29 Patrick Carver ChrisNancyCleburnEllis Randy NormaSherriElizabethJenniferEverestHaselKanoskiStephanieLewisReneeNicholsMeganRyanJeanSimpsonBarbaraJoWhite August 30 Bob MackenzieElizabethDebbieJanBensonClarkFelderJoyceGriffinMaryGuestNancyGuillotDylanLepakMarcMearsPortmanJimRappSallyRoyseBillTrautmanP.Walker August 31 Jane ChelseaMackenciCarolynAitkenBellBullardKentCarlin,Jr.ChelseaDurrettVickiGourleyGilMitchellKennethNashJoelPardueJudyRemisDeanSmithStoughton

RICHARD W. KIRBY Judge of the District Court RICK WARREN, Court Clerk By /s/ J. Pulley Deputy (SEAL) by: /s/Chuck Moss OBA
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all persons interested in the Estate of Evelyn Brodersen Hooge, deceased, that on the 19 day of August, 2022, Brent Alan Helms and Conner Lane Helms (“Petitioners”) produced and filed in the District Court of Oklahoma County, State of Oklahoma, a Petition praying that the purported Last Will and Testament of Evelyn Brodersen Hooge be admitted to probate, that Petitioners be appointed Personal Representatives and issued Letters Testamentary, and that the Court determine the identity of all heirs, devisees, and legatees of Evelyn Brodersen Hooge, deceased.
TO THE CREDITORS OF JOHN DEER, JR., DECEASED and RONALD GENE DEER, DECEASED All creditors having claims against the above-named Decedents are required to present the same, with a description of all security interest and other collateral (if any) held by each creditor with respect to such claim, to the named Personal Representative at the offices of Winblad Law PLLC, attorneys for said Personal Representative, at the address shown below on or before the following presentment date, to-wit: the 10th day of October, 2022, or the same will be forever barred.Dated this 10th day of August, 2022. S/Brenda DeRosier Brenda DeRosier Personal Representative Richard Winblad, 14457 Winblad Law PLLC 102 E. Thatcher St Edmond, Oklahoma 73034 Telephone: (405) 696-0422 Facsimile: (866) AttorneyRichard@WinbladLaw.com712-1093forPersonalRepresentative Friday, August 19, 2022; Friday, August 26, IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF OKLAHOMA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Margaret A. Doolittle DECEASED DISTRICT COURT NO: PB-2022-937 STATE OF OKLAHOMA }} ss. COUNTY OF OKLAHOMA } NOTICE OF HEARING PETITION FOR LETTERS
(Published in OKC Friday,
NoticeADMINISTRATIONOFisherebygiventhat on the 9 day of August, 2022, Felicia Doolittle and Marcus Morton Filed in the District Court of the County of Oklahoma and State of Oklahoma, a Petition praying for Letters of Administration to be issued to Felicia Doolittle/Marcus Morton upon the Estate of Margaret A. Doolittle, deceased, late of the County of Oklahoma and State of Oklahoma. And pursuant to an order of said Court, the 12 day of October, 2022 at the Hour of 1:30 pm o’clock am of said day has been appointed as the time for hearing said application, before Judge Bondurant, Judge of the District Court in the District Court Room Probate Division Room 117, Oklahoma County Courthouse 321 Park Avenue, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, when and where any person interested in said estate may appear and contest said petition by filing written opposition thereto on the ground of incompetence of the applicant, or may assert his/her own right to the administration and pray for Letters to be issued to Heirs Sonna Hudson, Cortez Hudson and Deangelo Wright.Dated this 9 day of August, 2022. SARA MURPHY BONDURANT Judge of the District Court Rick Warren Court Clerk Oklahoma County, Oklahoma By: /s/illegible signature (SEAL)Deputy (Published in OKC Friday, Friday, August 26, 2022) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF OKLAHOMA COUNTY STATE OFCaseOKLAHOMANo.PB-2022-1110
NOTICE BY PUBLICATION No. District Court for said County and State. State of Oklahoma,}} ss. Oklahoma County}
Shanae Mitchell, Plaintiff vs. Kevin McCombs, Defendant The State of Oklahoma to the said Defendant, Greeting: You, the said defendant, will take notice that you have been sued in the above named Court in the above named and numbered cause for a divorce on the grounds of separation for ten years and you must answer Plaintiff’s petition filed herein on or before the 22 day of September 2022, or said petition will be taken as true and judgment for said Plaintiff will be rendered against you according to prayer of Plaintiff’s petition.
Dated this 18 day of August, 2022.
within and
Now on the 18th day of August, 2022, the Court has reviewed the Petition for Administration. Based upon the affidavit of James M. Pendleton, the Court finds that this matter is proper for summary administration pursuant to the 58 OS James245.M. Pendleton is grandson of the deceased: 1. The deceased is Harvey Lee Pendleton, of Oklahoma City, 2.OklahomaPetitioner is James M. Pendleton, 2300 Towers Court, Oklahoma City, OK 73111 3. The deceased left No Will 4. That James M. Pendleton has been appointed as personal representative to serve without bond. 5. The heirs are: Cheryl R. Cooper, Deceased with one child Son – Winford Pendleton 1801 NE 20th St. Okla. City, OK Maurice73111 H. Pendleton, Son Lavern M. Hill, Daughter 805 NE 32nd St. Okla. City, OK Michael73105 S. Pendleton, Son 805 NE 32nd St. Okla. City, OK 73105Theprobable value of the estate is 6.$60,000.00.Thefinal hearing is set for Sept. 26, 2022 at 1:30 pm before Judge Kirby District Court, Oklahoma County Court, 320 Robert S. Kerr, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Room 223. 7. That the person receiving the notice or any interested party may file objections to the petition at any time before the final hearing and send a copy to the petitioner or petitioner’s attorney or that person will be deemed to have waived any objection to the petition. 8. If an objection is filed before the hearing, the court will determine at the hearing whether the probate proceedings are appropriate and, if so, whether the estate will be distributed and to whom the estate will be distributed, and 9. The claim of any creditor will be barred unless the claim is presented to Attorney, Chuck Moss, 5929 N May Ave, #504, Okla. City, OK 73112 no more than thirty (30) days following the granting of the order admitting the petition and combined notice.
FD-2022-1852 In the
Natalie E. Stewart OBA #34028 HELMS LAW FIRM One N.E. Second St. Suite 202 Okla. City, OK Facsimile:Telephone:natalie@helmslegal.comscott@helmslegal.comconner@helmslegal.com73104(405)319-0700(405)319-9292 Attorneys for
NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN that the 12 day of September, 2022, at the hour of 1:30 pm of said day, has been appointed as the time for hearing said Petition and proving said Will before the Honorable Judge Kirby at the Oklahoma County Courthouse at 320 Robert S. Kerr Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK, 73102 when and where all persons interested may appear and contest the same.Dated this 19 day of August, 2022.
RICHARD W. KIRBY JUDGE OF THE DISTRICT COURT By: /s/L.Bell DeputyCourt Clerk (SEAL) /s/ Connor Helms L. Helms OBA #12115 A. May OBA #33963 Petitioners (Published in OKC Friday, Friday, August 26, 2022; Friday, September 2, 2022) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF OKLAHOMA COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMAPB-2022-1103
Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, August 26, 2022, Page 8 LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES & CLASSIFIEDS okcFRIDAY Deadline: Friday 3:00 p.m. the week publicationbefore 405-755-3311 EMPLOYMENT ANTIQUES FOR SALE MOVING? Take FRIDAY with you Call 4057553311, x301, (Published in OKC Friday, Friday, August 19, 2022; Friday, August 26, 2022) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF OKLAHOMA COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA Case No. PB-2022-943 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATES OFJOHN DEER, JR., and RONALD GENENOTICEDEERDECEASED.TOCREDITORS
6465 For Your Large Dining Room Country French Table with 8 Country French upholstered dining chairs See Dealer FQ-4 at the French Quarter Antiques 2625 W. Britton Rd. Serious inquiries call 405-749-8855 Marilyn’s Sudoku LPXLP AUCTIONS AUCTION: Aug. 29 th, Begins Closing @ 6PM Oilfield Related Equipment | Hustler Riding Mower (Diesel) | Tires | Enid, Garfield Co., OK | AUCTION:580-233-3066WigginsAuctioneers.comSept.6th,10AM: 160 Acres | Livestock/Recreational Land | 23 Acre Watershed Lake | Water Well | Breckenridge/Garber Area, Garfield Co., OK | Wiggins AUCTION:580-233-30669/9 @ 2PM: 2,460 +/- sf Ranch Style, Brick Home on 6+/c. in Castle Estates Subdivision, Cameron/Poteau Area, LeFlore Co., OK | 16197 Meadow View Rd., Cameron, OK | Keith Thompson, Auction Mgr., 479-653-0610 | Wiggins ADCLASSIFIEDOKLAHOMANETWORK FOR MORE INFO CALL 1-888-815-2672 ADVERTISE STATEWIDE Put your message where it matters most – IN OKLAHOMA NEWSPAPERS. We can place your ad in 146 newspapers. For more information or to place an ad, contact Landon Cobb at (405) 499-0022 or toll-free in OK at 1-888-815-2672. 10WANTEDHOMES To Advertise Our NEW INSULATED METAL ROOF INSULATEDSYSTEMWINDOWSorPREMIUMSIDINGforOurFallBrochure SAVE HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS NO MONEY DOWN • RATES 5.9%* PAYMENTS FROM $79/MO *wac PLUS 10% OFF FOR SR/MILITARY ONLY A LIMITED NUMBER OF HOMES WILL BE 800-664-4856SELECTED 160 Acres +/- with 3 bedroom 2 bath home, 1080 s q ft +/b ui l t in 1962. Storm ce ll ar, d etac h e d 2 car g ara g e w/over h ea d door, 24 x 30 barn, sheds & more! Beautiful rolling pasture f ully fenced w/ corral, 2 ponds & creek REAL ESTATE AUCTION Wednesday, Sept. 14 • 12:01 PM | 56001 S 35700 Rd, Jennings OK 74038 For Info & Online Bidding visit Dale & Maria Chupp, Coldwell Banker Neokla Select (918) 630-0495 ONSITE ONLINE& Open Houses: Monday August 29 & September 5 • 4-6 P M LAND AUCTION ONLINE BIDDING ONLY ESTATE OF EDWARD J. BLAKLEY 200 ACRES SOLD IN 2 TRACTS. TRACT 1: 160 acres m/L. TRACT 2: 40 acres m/L undeveloped land loaded with trees and wildlife. East side of Edmond, Okla. KEN Ken:AUCTIONCARPENTER&REALTYLLC405-620-1524 Directions: From I-35 & Waterloo Rd, East to Anderson Rd, North 1 mile to Simmons. Property is located ½ East of Anderson Rd on Simmons Rd. OPEN HOUSE SAT., AUG. 20 • 9-11 AM You are welcome to bring your ATV that day to ride over property. BIDDING ENDS TUES., AUGUST 30, 2022 See for auction terms and legal description. REAL ESTATE AUCTION WEDNESDAY, AUG. 31 • 6:00 PM OPEN HOUSES: Sat. Aug. 20th & 27th from 10 AM to 3 PM AUCTION HELD AT: DAKIL AUCTIONEERS 200 NW 114TH ST, OKLA. CITY (W. Side Service Rd of the Bdwy Ext. between 122nd & Hefner) COMMERICAL PROPERTIES PROPERTIES ON NE 23RD ST OFFERED SEPARATELY THEN AS A WHOLE TRACT 1: 11778 NE 23RD ST, NICOMA PARK: Building 1- Approx. 7,728 SF Building 2-Approx. 1,516 SF. Setting on Approx. 1.55 Acres MOL. Zoned: Industrial. TRACT 2: 11772 NE 23RD ST, NICOMA PARK: Approx. 3,450 SF Auto Repair Building w/4 Work Bays. Setting on Approx. 0.807 Acres MOL. Zoned: Industrial. SEE WEB SITE FOR SURVEY 2545 SW 59TH ST, OKC: Approx. 1,444 SF Retail Store Building. Approx. 4,204 SF of Blacktop Paving. Setting on Approx. 0.19 Acres MOL. Zoned: C3-Commercial. NW OKC: 1435 NW 34TH ST, OKC: Approx. 2,062 SF Beautiful Remodeled 2-Story Home w/3 Bedrooms & 2 Baths. SE OKC: 315 SE 26TH ST, OKC: Approx. 1,220 SF 2-Story Home w/3 Bedrooms & 1 Bath. STATE OF OKLAHOMA PROPERTIES JUST E. OF INTERSECTION OF N. MORGAN RD & NW 63RD ST (CANADIAN COUNTY): Approx. 22.43 Acres MOL. Zoned R1-Residential. VALLEY VIEW, LUTHER (OKLAHOMA COUNTY): Approx. 8.11 Acres MOL. Zoned Agricultural & Rural Residential. VALLEY VIEW, LUTHER (OKLAHOMA COUNTY): Approx. 4.3 Acres MOL. Zoned Agricultural & RuralTERMS:Residential.5%down, 45 days to close. Closing cost and title insurance split 50/50. 10% Buyers Premium. REAL ESTATE, www.dakil.com405-751-6179Dakil PROBATE ABSOLUTE AUCTION FLOWER UP MARIJUANA GROW FACILITY PALLET RACKING TUES., AUG. 30 • 10:00 AM ITEMS LOCATED AT: 1035 S. SARA RD., BRIDGE CREEK/BLANCHARD, OKLA. AND SHELVING: 5925 NW 38TH ST, WARR ACRES INSPECTION: MON. AUG. 29TH FROM 8:00 AM TO 5:00 PM AND STARTING AT 8:00 AM DAY OF AUCTION AUCTION HELD AT: DAKIL AUCTIONEERS, INC. 200 NW 114TH ST, OKLA. CITY, OKLA. (W. Side Service Rd of the Bdwy Ext. between 122nd & Hefner) CAN’T MAKE IT TO THE AUCTION, BID LIVE ONLINE AT WWW.DAKIL.COM Everything at Flower Up is 2 years old or less, in excellent like new condition. SEE WEB SITE FOR DETAILED LISTING & PICTURES AUCTIONEERS, www.dakil.com405-751-6179Dakil We are looking to hire a front desk receptionist/customer service representative, the successful candidate should be outgoing and friendly with a gregarious personality and a natural talent for customer service to join our Purpose-Driven team immediately. If interested contact: 5929 N May Ave #504 Okla. City, OK 73112 chuck@mossbankruptcy.comFax405-849-577_405-849-9581AttorneyforPetitioner (Published in OKC Friday, Friday, August 19, 2022; Friday, August 26, 2022; Friday, September 2, 2022)
RICK WARREN, Court Clerk By /s/Teresa Becker, Deputy (SEAL) DIVORCE Answers

First Source Real Estate Residential Sales 12020 N. Penn Ave. OKC, OK 73120 (405) 236-4747
Cocktail title goes to Dylan Kemp from Milo at The Ellison
Ranky Tanky is an American musical ensemble based in Charleston, South Carolina. It specializes in roughlyGullahTanky”eastregiontheenslavedamongculturetionalarrangementsjazz-influencedoftradi-Gullahmusic,athatoriginateddescendantsofAfricansinLowcountryoftheSouth-US.Thename“Rankycomesfromaexpressiontranslatedas ‘get funky.’ The overall goal of the group was to create a contemporary interpretation of the Gullah musical vocabulary to share with the world, while remaining true to the dancedren'sspirituals,rangeRankyandofworking-classpared-down,attitudethesongs.TheGullahlyricsmelodiesthatTankyusesfromtraditionaltochil-rhymesandmusic.Ranky Tanky's use of instruments like the electric guitar and trumpet are novel additions to Gullah music, which was historically performed using only a cappella voices and body,Performancepercussion.isDec.6,7:30attheOCCCandPerform-ArtsCenter,7777MayAve.Forcallorgoto
Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, August 26, 2022, Page 9News Locally-owned Business Directory
Britton Feed & Seed 708 W. Britton Rd. Oklahoma City, OK 73114 (405) britton-feed-seed.hub.biz842-5590
Dylan Kemp from Milo at The Ellison claimed the title Cocktail Shakedown Champion by creating an outstanding cocktail using the final championship mystery ingredient: Blue Chair Bay Key Lime Rum Cream. This was the eighth annual Oklahoma Restaurant Association Cocktail Shakedown at the ORA Expo on August 17, 2022. Kemp was one of several bartenders scoring the highest number of total points in the first and second rounds of the competition, qualifying him to advance and compete in the the beat of the music, Kemp prepared his final concoction in the Championship Round which earned him a $1,000 cash prize, the Grand Champion belt, and a feature in the upcoming quarterly ORA magazine. Avery Callarman of The Jones Assembly also showed his creative talents throughout the day, eventually claiming second place and walking away with a $500 cash prize. Additionally, each competitor received a gift basket full of competition swag provided by Republic National Distributing Co.
information.Thisworld premiere horror-comedy is a satirical take on “self-care” culture. Three women try to take a break from their busy late 30s lives by having a “self-care” weekend at a cabin in the north woods of Minnesota. However, their misguided relaxation and rejuvenation methods conjure up supernatural forces that terrify them into facing the darkest parts of themselves in order to survive. 3rd Act’s Noire productions introduce plays that push boundaries for adult-only audiences and have included 1984 Medusa Undone and Hamlet Characters: Jessica: 39, Female-Presenting, TypeA go-getter; ambivert. Gretchen: 36, Female-Presenting, Negative goth, snarky; introvert. Amy: 36, Female-Presenting, Trendy New-Age-y “witch”; extrovert. J-Inverse: Sort of resembles Jessica but doesn’t; part demon, part biological, part manifestation. G-Inverse: Sort of resembles Gretchen but doesn’t; part demon, part biological, part manifestation. A-Inverse: Sort of resembles Amy but doesn’t; part demon, part biological, part clown, and part manifestation. More character information can be found at
Covenant Brothers 5900 Mosteller Dr. No. 7 Oklahoma City, OK 73112 (405) covbros.com842-4671
Junior’s Supper Club 2601 NW Expressway Oil Center Building (405) juniorsokc.com848-5597
Chickasaw Community Bank 909 S. Meridian Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73108 (405) ccb.bank946-2265
Thrifty Pharmacy 10904 N. May Ave. L Oklahoma City, OK 73120 (405) 751-2852 230 S. Santa Fe Ave. Edmond OK thriftypharmacyedmond.73003 com
Carwin’s Shave Shop 6411 Avondale Dr. Nichols Hills Plaza (405) carwinsshaveshop.com607-1197
First National Bank of Oklahoma 10900 Hefner Pointe Dr., No. Oklahoma300 City, OK 73120 (405) 848-2001
Introducing Ranky Tanky and Gullah Jazz 3rd Act Theatre Company, a 501(c)3 non-profit theatre company in Oklahoma City, announces auditions for the world premiere of Eat, Slay, Leave by Heather Meyer. Eat, Slay, Leave will be directed by Artistic Director Amandanell Bold and is the second Noire production of Season 4: REGENERATE.Auditionswill be online via Zoom Aug. 27, with masked in-person callbacks Aug. 28. Audition sides and access to the Zoom meeting will be provided via link sent prior to the audition time. Perusal scripts, early access to sides and video auditions for those unable to attend will be available upon request. Rehearsals begin Sept. 19 with performances Oct. 21 – Nov. 6. Rehearsals and productions will be in-person and a small stipend will be provided.3rdAct Theatre Company is committed to diverse, inclusive casting. For every production, please submit without regard to ability, race, age, weight, color, national origin, ethnic origin, gender identity, or any other basis. Any specifics integral to the plot or required by the publisher will be listed in the audition announcement, and audition information is subject to change. Audition registration can be found on the theatre’s website
OK 73132 (405) www.allabout-travel.com384-3880 Papa Dios 10712 N May, Suite D Oklahoma City, OK 73120 (405) papadiosokc.com755-2255 Deer Clan Books 3905 N. College Ave. Bethany, OK 73008 (405) deerclanbooks@gmail.com495-9005 J. Holland Photography 1130 W. 15th St. Edmond, OK 73013 (405) jhollandphotography.com341-5088 First Liberty Bank 9601 N. May Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73120 (405) myfirstliberty.com608-4500 First Fidelity Bank 6404 OklahomaAvondale,City, OK 73116 (405) Mathnasium of North OKC The Math Learning Center 14101 N. May, Suite 106 Oklahoma City, OK Denner Roofing Co. LLC 6608 N. Western Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73116 (405) dennerroofing.com848-4411 Beef Jerky Emporium
The Learning Tree 7638 N. Western Wilshire Village (405) learningtreeokc.com848-1415
State Farm Insurance Gary Baccus 16145 N. May Ave. Edmond, Ok 73013 (405) Garybaccus.com844-6300 Balliets 6443 Avondale Dr. Nichols Hills, OK 73116 (405) Balliets.com848-7811
Home Care Assistance of Oklahoma 323
McBride Orthopedic Clinic 9600 Broadway Ext. Oklahoma City, OK 73116 (405) mcboh.com486-2530
homecareassistance.com277-0035 Mary’s Maid Service 7009
Full Circle Bookstore 1900 NW Expressway Oklahoma City, OK 73118 (405) 842-2900 (800) 683-READ Swiss Cleaners @ Laundry 3737 NW 50th St. Oklahoma City, OK 73112 (405) 946-0629
Boutique One 6478 Avondale Dr. Nichols Hill Plaza (405) boutiqueone.store888-9822
Nancy Farha’s 9205 N. Pennsylvania Casady Square The Village, OK 73120 (405) nancyfarha.com775-0404
La Baguette Bistro 7408 N. May Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73116 (405) labaguettebistro.com840-3047
marysmaidokcity.com728-1805 Moorman's Distinctive Carpets and Area Rugs 3835
Journey Quilt Company T-shirt Quilts 16516 N. Penn Ave. Edmond OK 73012 (405) journeyquilts.com340-0444 23rd Street Antiques 3023 NW 23rd. (405) Oklahoma947-3800City,OK 73107 Concordia Life Plan Community 7707 W. Britton Rd. Oklahoma City, OK 73132 (405) concordiaseniorliving.com720-7200 Coyle Law Firm 125 Park Ave. No.100 Oklahoma City, OK 73102 (405) coylelaw.com583-3909
Ann Arthur Fur and Leather 5637 N. Pennsylvania Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73120 (405) comannarthurfurandleather.262-3015
Naifeh Fine Jewelry 6471 Avondale Dr,. Nichols Hills, OK 73116 (405) Naifehfinejewelry.com607-4323
Flight atFuturesforlandsWileyPost
Retirement Investment Advisors 2925 United Founders Blvd. Oklahoma City, OK 73112 (405) theretirementpath.com842-3443
“The amazing bartenders who compete always bring personality and creativity to the competition,” said Patti Colley, ORA Chief Strategy Officer. “The Cocktail Shakedown evolves each year, and continues to be a fan favorite and opens the ORA Expo with
Debbie RE/MAXSouthPreferred 9520 N. May, Suite 110 Oklahoma City, OK 73120 Office: (405) debbiesouth.com751-4848
James B. Lowe, DDS 2821 NW Oklahoma58thCity, OK 73112 (405) 848-3535
Get ready for takeoff!
BancFirst 6200 Waterford Blvd Oklahoma City, OK 73118 (405) Bancfirst.bank270-1622
International Wigs 4429 NW 10th St, . Oklahoma City, OK 73107 (405) 943-1233
Quail Creek Bank 12201 N. May Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73120 (405) quailcreek.bank755-1000
Michael Biddinger Real Estate Commercial (405)OKC,12020ManagementSales,N.PennAve.OK73120236-4747 The Adult Clinic at Hearts for Hearing 11500 N. Portland Ave. OKC, OK 73120 (405) 548-4335
3rd Act Theatre Company announces auditions for Eat, Slay, Leave
CK & Co. 6429 Avondale Dr. Oklahoma City, OK 73116 (405) ckandcompany.com843-7636
The 8th annual Flight for Futures benefitting Boys & Girls Clubs of Oklahoma (BGCOKC)Countyissetfor Friday, Sept. 9 hosted by Jet Sets at their hangar at Wiley Post Airport. Attendees will enjoy first-class tastings while sipping on premium craft beer provided by COOP Ale Works and listening to live music by Take Cover. Each boarding pass enters attendees to win a surprise getaway trip for two on a vacation of a lifetime.Theevent, presented by Boeing, raises crucial funds and brings awareness to BGCOKC’s programs.“We look forward to welcoming guests aboard Flight for Futures for a night of casual, aviation-inspired fun,” said Teena Belcik, BGCOKC President and CEO. “This event helps us fund programming at our Clubs and teach members the sky is the limit.”Erin Stanfill and John Esche are this year’s event co-captains and the flight crew consist of BGCOKC’s young professionals committee. Major sponsors of this event include Boeing, Bank 7, Candor, Mansions Senior Living, Kirkpatrick Bank, Barnes & Lewis, Black Mesa Investors, Private Jets and COOP Ale Works.Tosponsor or purchase tickets for Flight for Futures,
Gulfport Seafood Market 8016 N. May Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73120 (405) Gulfportseafoods.com848-3468 S. Blackwelder Ave. Edmond, OK 73034 (405) NW 53rd St. Bethany, OK 73008 (405) NW 63rd St. Oklahoma City, OK 73116 (405)
Justin Beasley, DDS 4600 W Memorial Rd. Oklahoma City, OK 73142 (405) drbeasley.com755-5400 Pay Fast 2239 NW 39th St. Oklahoma City, OK 73112 (800) wepayfast.com937-2932 Shelby, Stylist Lela Rose & Pearl by Lela Rose 333 W. Wilshire Blvd., Ste. F Oklahoma City, OK 73116 (405) 830-1138 Plaza Barber Shop 10940 N. May Ave. (495) 751-2126 About Travel, Ltd. 6104 Northwest 63 Oklahoma City, 810 W Danforth (next to Hobby Lobby) Edmond, OK (405) 359-8200 Norwalk Furniture & Design 12100 N. May OKC, OK 73120 (405) 919-3847
Winter House 6411 Avondale Dr. Nichols Hills Plaza (405) winterhouseinteriors.com607-1199
“And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32 (quoting Jesus).
From the wonderful people I worked with to all the projects I worked on, it really feels like I experienced what the heart of Oklahoma is. With this in mind, I hope to carry all I learned and experienced with me into my last year of college and into my career path. To everyone at OKC FRIDAY, you have all been a light and a joy to work. You have made me feel welcome and comforted as I transition into looking for a real career. Thank you all for being the community I never knew I was looking for. Thanks to OKC FRIDAY, I have learned how important community is to any newspaper, no matter the size.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” Edmund Burke paraphrase, 1767. If you want it in the paper, it’s advertising. If you don’t want it in the paper, it’s news.” Ancient Chinese Proverb “Without, or with, offense to friends or foes, We sketch your world exactly as it goes.” – Byron, 1818. “Every violation of truth is a stab at the health of human society.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1878. “We must always stand – alone if necessary – as the conscience of this community.” – J. Leland Gourley, 1959. FRIDAY, PO BOX 20340, OKC, OK 73156
By Rachel Dallalio Student Intern Heading into my internship with OKC FRIDAY, I had no idea what to expect. I had never heard of it before but I knew I wanted a real-world journalism experience compared to my college newspaper. I have lived in Oklahoma for 10 years and I feel like I only just had the opportunity to discover the Oklahoma City area. This area is rich with community, art and education which I never imagined could be buried in this great city. This experience is all thanks to writing for OKC FRIDAY. I thought I would be more of a secretary and do small things here and there but it became so much more. It has been such a joy to meet and talk with the variety of people I had the chance of writing about. This internship allowed me to realize how much I enjoy hearing people’s stories and how I have the capability to share those stories with others who may need to hear them. College is great for preparation in facing the real world, but there is nothing compared to the experience of hands-on learning. This internship reignited my passion for journalism and I truly plan to use everything I learned in my future career path.
Editorial Page OPINIONOPINION OOURUR SSTANDTAND OKC FRIDAY Nichols Hills Publishing Company PHONE 405-755-3311 10801 N. Quail Plaza Drive, OKC PO Box 20340 Oklahoma City, OK 73156 VICKI CLARK GOURLEY, CEO & Publisher ROSE LANE, Editor & Deputy Publisher MARY McCUTCHEON, Publisher’s Assistant GINA NICHOLS, Advertising Account Exec. JASON JEWELL, Production Mgr., Web & Sports Editor JENNIFER CLARK, Legal Notice Coord./Circ./Classif. JOY RICHARDSON, Social and Travel Contributor -------------------------JAY L. GOURLEY, Vice Chairman Emeritus JANNA L. GOURLEY ROUSEY, Secretary Emerita J. LELAND GOURLEY, FOUNDER OKC FRIDAY We urge courtesy in disagreement. We view with favor wise public choices and view with alarm flawed public choices. We give good advice to public officials at federal, state and local levels, and society in general, on what to do right. So, if they don’t take our advice, it’s not our fault. EMAIL YOUR OPINION to: M EMBEROF YOUR FRIDAY CAUCUS Send your letters to the editor to: or mail to OKC
Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, August 26, 2022, Page 10
A: Nope! Not in Oklahoma! A Will simply states what you want distributed; but does not keep you out of costly, lengthy probate. There are many capable, even flat-fee Oklahoma attorneys who will help create a trust which is the legal document with the power to execute the Will.Get with other adult children who attend The GIFT Workshop with their parents to located trusted resources.
Intern tells of experiences at OKC FRIDAY
Q: Mom has a will; isn’t that enough?

2022 Fleming Scholar Kate Walker says she gained real-world experience as a Fleming scholar at OMRF.
Brothers William and Christopher Bankhead are off to Casady School where William is a senior and Christopher is a freshman. They are the sons of Amy and Roy Bankhead. Lyon Cornett is hard at it during his first day in Pre-K at John Rex Charter School. He is the son of Marek and Casey Cornett. HouseHadley is all dressed up for her first day of Pre-K House.andareparentsHall.HeritageatHerWendyEthan More photos in Septemberthe2edition.
Our kids go back to school
Colette and Taylor Fudge’s three sons attend Christ the King. From left: Ben is in second grade, Will is a kindergartener and Jack is a fifth grader. Pierce and Avery Ward show their status at Heritage Hall. Margo and Harper Ward are their parents. A sophomore at Heritage Hall, Presley Rasmussen stops for photos on her way out the door with her dads, Tim Rasmussen, left, and Sean Olmstead, right.
OMRF’s James and Vice President of Research Rod McEver, M.D., started their research careers as Fleming Scholars.“Ourhope has long been to inspire the next generation of Oklahoma’s scientists through the Fleming Scholars program,” said OMRF Vice President of Human Resources Courtney Stevens Greenwood. “But even those who eventually choose a different career path often say their OMRF experience significantly impacted their Applicationslife.”for the 2023 Fleming Scholar Program will open this fall. For more information, visit
Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, August 26, 2022, Page 11Back to School/From Page One gives Oklahoma high school and college students hands-on biomedical research experience. Students write scientific papers and deliver presentations to OMRF’s research staff at the end of their internship. A panel of scientists chose this year’s 12-member class based on their scientific achievements and demonstrated interest in a career in medical research.

Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, August 26, 2022, Page 12