Exhibit at
OKC’s only locally-owned legal newspaper with all local news City, Hills, Village, Creek,
Music teacher earns Distinguished Faculty Award
FRIDAY’s Dog of the Week
The Greens and Gaillardia for 48 years
Heritage Hall
Armstrong Auditorium’s 2022-23 Performing Arts Series begins Sep. 15 with GENTRI—short for “The Gentlemen Trio.” Skyrocketing to See SEASON, Page 3
Vol. 56 No. 15 • One Section • 12 pages • September 2, 2022 Pigskin Preview www.okcfriday.com facebook.com/okcfriday
“I wanted the seat to be filled by someone not currently living in Ward 3 or planning to seek election within the next year in See VILLAGE, Page 2
The Armstrong International Cultural Foundation is set to raise the curtain at Armstrong Auditorium on Sep. 15 for its 24th annual Performing Arts Series. The 2022-23 season features live performances from international artists such as the Lviv National Philharmonic of Ukraine, the U.K.’s Academy of St. Martin in the Fields Wind Ensemble, Scotland’s Maxwell Quartet and Dublin’s Irish Dance production WINGS. Featured American artists include bluegrass legends Edgar Meyer, Sam Bush and Mike Marshall, The Five Browns piano quintet, classical crossover singers GENTRI (The Gentlemen Trio), L.A.’s chamber orchestra Delirium Musicum and Syrian-American clarinetist Kinan Azmeh with the Aizuri String Quartet.“It’swonderful to have an international lineup on stage alongside several American musical legends,” concert manager Ryan Malone said. “We are continuing our theme for this season of ‘Rediscover Joy!’ We want to continue reminding audiences of the incredible joy of experiencing the performing arts live.”
FRIDAY Back to school
Staff Writer
Longtime Village resident David Glover, 59, has been appointed to the vacant Ward 3 seat following a special session of The Village City Council last week. Glover, a resident of Ward 5, was unanimously approved during the special meeting to fill the seat left vacant by the unexpected resignation of Mayor Adam Graham last July following an altercation with Nichols Hills police during a routine traffic stop.Glover is a self-employed research consultant and will represent residents of Ward 3 through the April 2023 city elections when seats for Wards 1, 2 and 3 go before voters. His term will expire the first Monday in May 2023 as the newly elected council member is sworn in. A list of eight potential candidates for the vacant seat was presented to the council at the Aug. 15 City Council meeting. They included Braxton Banks, Ward 4; Jon Sousa, Ward 2; Melodie Moore, Ward 3; Jane Lowther, Ward 3; Carol Jensen, Ward 5; David Bennett, Ward 1; and Carol Lindsay, Ward 4. At the council meeting Carol Jensen asked to have her name removed from the list of Thecandidates.councilalso expressed its desire to find a candidate who was not interested in running for reelection at the end of this abbreviated term.
This sponsorship is available! Call (405) 755-3311 for details. $1 per copy
Opening across Oklahoma Contemporary’s campus on Sept. 23, “La casa que nos inventamos: Contemporary Art From Guadalajara” provides an opportunity to consider how, since the 2000s, one city in Mexico has built upon its rich cultural history as the capital of the state of Jalisco to become a leading hub of contemporary architecture, design, cuisine, literature and visual art. In recent decades, the social and economic impact of culturally dynamic communities has been widely recognized, Oklahoma Contemporary Director Jeremiah Matthew Davis said. The exhibition “La casa que nos inventamos,” which translates to “The house that we invented,” reflects on and responds to place — to the rich and complicated history, present and future of a creative community. Guest curated by Viviana Kuri, director and chief curator of the Museo de Arte de Zapopan (MAZ), the exhibition features nearly 50 conceptual artworks — paintings, sculptures, installations, performances — created within the last decade by 19 visual artists from or living in Guadalajara. Featured in the survey are works by figures who rose to international prominence in the 2000s — Gonzalo Lebrija, Jose Dávila, Eduardo Sarabia, Francisco Ugarte — as well as by a generation of artists — Isa Carillo, Larissa Garza, Renata Petersen — who have gained greater attention in recent years. “After years of research, dialogue and exchange with the artists, galleries, institutions and collectors of Guadalajara, we’re thrilled to welcome this special group of artists to Oklahoma,” Davis said. Through focusing on one dynamic art scene across platforms, “La casa que nos inventamos” provides a moment to consider the many factors — strong art museums and schools, generous supporters and galleries, plentiful studios and See EXHIBIT, Page 2
David ByCouncilvacantappointedGlovertoVillageseatEricOesch
The Heritage Hall Alumni Association (HHAA) has honored Lower School music teacher Katsumi Hagiwara as the recipient of its 2022 Distinguished Faculty Award.Presented in August during the School’s annual Faculty Luncheon,Recognitiontheaward lauds a current faculty or staff member who has exhibited dedication and commitment to inspiring and educating lifelong learners. In presenting the award on behalf of the association, HHAA President Ashley Stark Ford (Heritage Hall Class of 2002) noted the enthusiasm and passion Hagiwara brings to the school community. Quoting former Heritage Hall President Guy Bramble, Ford said, “He has brought a level of cheer every day that is sometimes hard to summon and very hard to sustain. He goes all day every day and rarely takes a break. In addition to his involvement with his students, he is See AWARD, Page 3
Gonzalo Lebrija, “Breve historia del tiempo,” 2020. Installed in Oklahoma Contemporary’s Campbell Art Park as part of “La casa que nos inventamos: Contemporary Art From Guadalajara.”-Photo by Ann Sherman
Armstrong unveils 24th season
Serving Oklahoma
Ellie is an 11-year-old Bassador (Basset Hound and Black Lab) who loves walks and car rides. She’s also a huge fan of tortillas and jasmati rice. Her human is Bennett Berry.Send Pet and Baby of the Week nominations with complete descriptions to received.inrose@okcfriday.com.Submissionsareusedtheordertheyare
The Beasley girls go back to school! Eva is in seventh grade at Christ the King, Ashlyn is a freshman at Bishop McGuinness and Viv is a fourth grader at Christ the King. They are the daughters of Kerri and Dr. Justin Beasley. See more school photos, Page 12
Get ready for the high school football season with OKC FRIDAY’s 2022 Pigskin Preview. It features stories on all eight Fridayland squads, along with team photos, rosters and schedules. See Section B in today’s edition.

another Ward,” said Mayor Sonny Wilkinson. “I didn’t think it would be right to appoint someone who instantly gets to run as an incumbent. As Sean (Councilman Cummings) said, that person would almost certainly win in the election should they have that advantage. “I’d like to keep the council out of what ever race develops for the Ward 3 seat next year,” said Wilkinson. “That doesn’t mean I or individual councilmen won’t endorse anyone who chooses to run. “I wanted someone who could hit the ground running, understands how the cities operate, understands the projects in front of us and wants to work with the council on the direction we’ve got the city headed - not against us.” City Manager Bruce Stone said Glover is highly knowledgeable and very familiar with The Village. “He is very familiar with city government in general and has experience on the Planning and Zoning Commission.“Thisisn’t the first time the council has had to appoint a person to fill a vacant seat,” he added. “It has happened numerous times over many decades.”
- Photos by Rose Lane An Evening of Royals benefited Cristo Rey OKC Catholic High School. Above: Frank and Cathy Keating with Patrick Raglow, executive director of the Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City. Cathy was the Legacy Award winner. Also honored was the Bethany Children’s Health Center as the Corporate Work Study Partner of the Year and two students.
Cristo Rey/From Page OneOklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, September 2, 2022, Page 2 collective spaces — that together make a city’s creative community distinctive, resilient and enduring.“We believe this exhibition and its related programs will uncover some unexpected parallels between the communities of Guadalajara and Oklahoma City,” Davis says. “For anyone who has ever wondered how an arts scene grows from tender seeds to a thriving ecosystem, this show is a must-see.”Theexhibition launches concurrently with Oklahoma Contemporary’s Open House, Sept. 23-24, a curated weekend filled with one-of-a-kind arts experiences, including performances from and talks with “La casa” artists, tours, art-making, music, a car parade and more. The free festivities reflect some of the pomp and circumstance originally planned for the arts center’s grand opening, which was canceled in March 2020 because of the pandemic.Dubbed Open House to mirror “La casa que nos inventamos,” the weekend is to welcome the public to not only its new facilities, but also to the messages within the blockbuster Guadalajara show.“This beautiful, immersive exhibition dives deep into an exciting scene in Mexico, and prompts vital questions: What makes for a fertile creative community? What defines the cultural language of a city?” said Kate Green, guest director of curatorial affairs at 2023.viewAmericas.”temporarymostandopportunityjara’raryinventamos:Greenareandativecity’slearntraveledmanfounderdezDávila,laboratingrary,space,porarysoloplanned2014,Guadalajararary’sinsideOklahomaexhibitionand—video,paintings,ingdoorworksed.they—artistslietitleContemporary.Oklahoma“Asthesuggests,theanswerswithintheartworks,anddynamiccityinthebeautifulhousehavetogetherinvent-“Throughover40—massiveout-sculptures,asprawl-colorfulmural,quietaluminouslivelyperformancebynearly20emergingmid-careerartists,thetransformsContemporaryandout.”OklahomaContempo-connectiontodatesbacktoastheorganizationthefirstoffourexhibitionsatitstem-experimentalartsMarfaContempo-inTexas.Aftercol-withLebrija,UgarteandMén-Blake,Davisandandboardchair-ChristianKeeseetoGuadalajaratomoreabouttheartssceneandcre-community.Thoseyearsofresearchrelationshipbuildingreapingrewards,said.“‘LacasaquenosContempo-ArtFromGuadala-isanextraordinarytoexperiencelearnfromoneofthevibranthubsofcon-artintheTheexhibitionisonSept.23–Jan.9, EXHIBITFromPage1
Above: Lori and Cristo Rey President and CEO Chip Carter. At right: Jeff and Kingsley Burke and Chelsea and Wes Sims.
An Evening of RoyalsGayle and Barney Semtner and Judy Love came to support the mission of Cristo Rey. Its students work one day a week with a sponsor.corporate

Festival Chamber Players. Hailed as a “virtuoso” and “intensely soulful” by the New York Times, Azmeh will collaborate with mation.officeprice.offtomorestrongAuditorium.org.7474Series,Performingstrongthetickets.asscribersavailableingtheenthusiasticsubscribeevidentcallyluxuriousperformingexperiencedence“OurmarketingstrongShaneeveryreturnsubscribersotherandBeethoven,theprogramsPhillips,SimondebutwhichWindSt.withfinishescaljazzspanningintanandMusicCurtistet-inQuartet—StringacclaimedtheAizuriQuar-ResidenceattheInstituteofinPhiladelphiaattheMetropoli-MuseumofArt—aneclecticprogramclassical,andArabicmusi-languages.The2022-23seasononApril18TheAcademyofMartinintheFieldsEnsemble,makesitsU.S.withpianistCrawford-performingfeaturingquintetsofMozartBrahms,amongworks.“We’rehappythatcontinuetotoArmstrongseason,”saidGranger,Arm-Auditoriumdirector.patrons’confi-thattheywillthejoyofartsinourandacousti-superiorhalliswhentheyinsuchnumbers.”Ticketpackagesfor2022-23Perform-ArtsSeriesaretonewsub-now,aswellindividualeventTosubscribeto24thannualArm-AuditoriumArtscall(405)340-orvisitArm-Groupsof20ormaybeeligiblereceiveadiscounttheoriginalticketContacttheboxformoreinforone of the leaders among faculty in supporting the Annual Fund, which speaks volumes about his devotion to the students and the school’s mission.”Heritage Hall Head of Lower School Betsy Horn said “to watch Katsumi is to watch excellence in “Overaction.thepast 16 years, his students have benefited from his passion for music and developmentally appropriate approaches to teaching. Katsumi is beloved by students, parents, and colleagues and is truly a gift to Heritage Hall.”Inexpressing his gratitude to the association, Hagiwara commented, “I want to thank the Heritage Hall Alumni Association for honoring me for doing what I love.
toire is by Composerin Residence Gianluca Bersanetti, Jan.ancebe-sold-outdowns,andtions,lyplusandturedHome”edingtheirFeaturingbluegrassusuallyspecialviolinEdgar’sEdgarcomposerclassical/bluegrasscombinenamestwoandvirtuososmastersAmericanerstrongreturntheirstrong,certa2008ArmstrongChart.zine’sonovercumulativelysixensembleMarshallmakeRachmaninoff,sensationbiggestgersfivewrites:TheOprahbeenFive”dubbedtion.thelingsonlySchoolNewDesiraery,Ryan,rium.atanpianoswithBrownssiblingsthesuccesstionsBaroque”“contemporarywhosecomposi-havemetgreatinEuropeandU.S.TheworldrenownTheFivewillappearfiveSteinwayonJan.12forencoreperformanceArmstrongAudito-The5Browns—Melody,Grego-Deondra,and—allattendedYork’sJuilliardandarethefamilyoffivesib-everacceptedbyprestigiousinstitu-Peoplemagazinethemthe“Fabandtheyhavefeaturedonand60Minutes.NewYorkPost“Onefamily,pianos,and50fin-adduptotheclassicalmusicinyears…Whenthesekidsdothey’llyouforgetaboutamps.”Thehasreleasedalbumswhichhavespent30weeksatno.1Billboardmaga-ClassicalAlbumTheirsold-outdebutinwasfollowedbysecondsold-outcon-in2010.StillgoingtheymaketriumphanttotheArm-stageforanoth-encoreperformance.AlsoinJanuary,bluegrassandmandolinSamBushMikeMarshall—ofthegreatestinbluegrass—withthegreatandbassistMeyerandsonGeorgeonforthekindofcollaborationheardonlyatfestivals.worksfrom1999genre-bend-Grammy-nominat-album“ShortTrip(whichfea-Bush,Marshall,theelderMeyer),originalclassical-tingedcomposi-oldfiddletunesbluegrassbreak-theirsure-to-perform-willtakeplaceon31.
Armstrong Auditorium’s 2022-23 Performing Arts Series begins Sep. 15 with GENTRI—short for “The Gentlemen Trio.” Their deeply emotional performances touch hearts through a mix of beautifully sung covers, Broadway favorites and classical repertoire.
Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, September 2, 2022, Page 3From Page One
“I also want to thank all the faculty, students, and patrons for encouraging, inspiring, and motivating me every day. This show of appreciation by the people of this outstanding community brings me such joy.”
Direct from Dublin comes a brand-new Celtic dance production featuring exquisite Irish and World champion dancers together with Ireland’s finest musical and vocal DanceWINGS:virtuosos.ACelticCelebration will appear on Feb. 15. Complete with original music and choreography, this groundbreaking production, infused with world dance and musical influences, will thrill audiences with its transformative emotional energy and imaginative design. With world attention focused on their war-torn country at present, Armstrong is thrilled to present the Lviv National Philharmonic of Ukraine on Feb. 28. Founded in 1902 in Lviv, the National Philharmonic of Ukraine was led by historic figures such as Gustav RichardMahler,Strauss and Ruggero Leoncavallo. This illustrious orchestra continues its twocentury legacy in 2023 joined by UkrainianAmerican pianist Stanislav Khristenko under the baton of principal guest conductor, the torservesGrammyheEnsembleYo-YoAzmehclarinetistMarchNo.thecertotureBrahms,tureThetormostTheodoreaward-winningmultipleKuchar—therecordedconduc-ofhisgeneration.programwillfea-twoworksbyTragicOver-andPianoCon-No.1,aswellasDvorakSymphony9(NewWorld).Appearingon16,Syrian-bornKinanisamemberofMa’sSilkRoadwithwhomwasawardedain2017,andasartisticdirec-oftheDamascus
international fame in less than a decade, GENTRI was established in 2014 by three brilliantly talented dynamic tenors: Brad Robins, Casey Elliott and Bradley Quinn Lever. Pioneering a signature sound they call “Cinematic Pop,” the music of GENTRI is transfused with lush, epic orchestrations and rich, dynamic three-part harmonies.Their deeply emotional performances touch hearts through a mix of beautifully sung covers, Broadway favorites and classicalOnrepertoire.Nov.10,the second performance in the series

Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, September 2, 2022, Page 4 OKC
Plating seven runs in the fourth McGuinnessinning,cruised to an 11-2 win at TulsaBishop Kelley in last week’s action. The Irish (3-7) made the most of five hits, as Ari Maxwell led the way with a triple, two RBIs and two runs scored.Molly Taylor added a 2-run double and score another run, while Abbie Pefferman singled and scored twice, Grace Grimes scored a run and Abby Edwards drove in another.Pitcher Julia Coats struck out two and surrendered just a run on six hits over four innings to earn the complete-game victory. McGuinness hosted Fridayland rival Mount St. Mary last Thursday and visits Guthrie this Tuesday.
Rockets win 1st-ever tourney title
Trailing by a run over the first five innings, Deer Creek scored two runs in the top of the sixth before Shawnee answered back with two of its own to hand the Antlers a 3-2 road loss lastBaileyweek.Nettles and Jaiden Coffey led the Antlers (15-4) with two hits each. Nettles doubled and drove on two runs.Kennedy Wardlaw, Caylee Mann and Maddie Oakley accounted for the other hits, with Wardlaw scoring a run. Pitcher Madi Sein allowed three runs on three hits and struck out five over six innings to take the loss. After a few days off, Deer Creek next hosts Carl Albert this Thursday. First pitch is set for 6:30 p.m.
MEMBER: Oklahoma Press Association, National Newspaper Association, Greater Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce, Northwest OKC Chamber of Commerce. Represented nationally by USSPI, New York, Chicago, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Detroit, Dallas. Represented regionally by Central Oklahoma Newspaper Group (CONG), OKC. Phone 752-2664 1 PREVIEW: EAGLES AT KNIGHTS • 7 P.M. FRIDAY Knights kick off ‘22 season against Hennessey
By Jason Jewell Sports Editor
WEEK 1 SCHEDULE Friday, September 2 Hennessey at Crossings Christian Deer Creek at Edmond Memorial Bethany at John Marshall Clinton at McGuinness PC West at PC North Thursday, September 1 Heritage Hall at Millwood Note: All games start at 7 p.m., unless noted.
In a battle of Fridayland rivals, Heritage Hall suffered a 10-6 loss at Crossings Christian last Charlieweek.Zeigler batted 3-for-4 with two doubles and drove in four runs to lead the Chargers (3-7-1). Reagan Creamer added a pair of hits, including a double, and scored threeEllatimes.Gary also was 2for-3, while Kendall Beres had an RBI single and scored a run. Story continued OKCFRIDAY.com.at
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: FRIDAY, PO Box 20340, Okla City, OK 73156.
Since reestablishing itself over the last halfdecade or so, the Mount St. Mary softball team hasn’t enjoyed muchThatsuccess.appears to have changed this season, as new coach Will Biswell has the Rockets at 10-6 overall and led them to their first-ever tournament title last weekend.
OKLAHOMA FRIDAYCITY Publication No. (USPS 893-600) PHONE 755-3311 • www.okcfriday.com Official Legal Newspaper For OKLAHOMA, OKLAHOMA CITY and OKLAHOMA COUNTY, Including NICHOLS HILLS and THE VILLAGE Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Office of publication, 10801 N. Quail Plaza Drive, PO aBox 20340, Oklahoma City, OK 73156. FRIDAY is published each Friday by Nichols Hills Publishing Co., Inc. It is an official, legal newspaper, under Oklahoma law, published in Oklahoma County, primarily serving Oklahoma City but also The Village and Nichols Hills. Mail subscription price in county $30. elsewhere in Oklahoma $40, elsewhere U.S. $40. Newsstand price $1. Periodicals postage paid at Oklahoma City, OK.
Contrary to many of his fellow Fridayland coaches, Crossings Christian football coach Jonathan Keathly chose to wait until the official first week of the season before his Knights take the field against Hennessey this FridayKickoffnight.isset for 7 p.m. at Knights Stadium. “I really just wanted a little more time for us to prepare for the first game,” KeathlyHennessey,said. however, has a game under its belt as the Eagles pulled off a 48-27 win against Mount St. Mary last Friday.“We did have an extra scrimmage which is basically the same (as a game),” the coach said. “Our guys are ready to play. We’re pretty experienced so I’m hoping we won’t have a lot of jitters.” Locked in a 2-way battle during fall camp, quarterback Nate Rouse emerged to get the start but Bennett Baker is also expected to see action, according to Keathly. “It was a really close battle,” the coach said. “Eventually you just have to throw them out there and see what happens.”Rouseis complemented by a good group of returning starters in senior tailbacks Silas Ward and JustinSplittingWalraven.carries in 2021, Ward rushed for 663 yards and 758Walraventouchdowns,nineandgainedyardsandnine scores. Seniors Preston Mahen and Cole Crawford anchor the offensive line. The Knights’ defense also boasts seven returning seniorLinebackerstarters. Blake Meek leads the way after collecing a team-best 117 tackles. Ward joins Meek at linebacker and chipped in 93 tackles. In other Week 1 contests on Friday, three tlesandatentertainsJohnStadium,Clintonstatenessgames.teamsFridaylandplayhomeMcGuin-hostsClass4AchampionatPribilwhileMarshallBethanyTaftStadiumPCNorthbat-rivalPCWest at Panthers Stadium. Deer Creek also travels to EdmondMeanwhile,Memorial.Heritage Hall hit the road to Millwood on Thursday.
Mount St. Mary scored five runs in the top of the third inning to claim an 8-3 win over U.S. Grant in the Queens of the South Invitational championship game at Southeast.Amelia Smith batted 2-for-3 with a double and triple, drove in three runs and scored another to lead the Rockets. GuarnieriSkylarhada pair of hits, scored twice and drove in a run. Maddie Biswell belted a 2-run double and Hannah Cage chipped in an RBI double. Biswell also earned the pitching victory, allowing three runs on three hits and striking out five over six innings.Mount St. Mary is set to host Seminole this Tuesday at 5 p.m.

By Jason Jewell Sports Editor
Bears fall to Lawton Mac
Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, September 2, 2022, Page 5Sports Weekly CROSS COUNTRY ROUNDUP
Cyclones GreenhillwinRelay title
Thanks to four athletes in the top 25, the Heritage Hall boys ran to second place in the small school division (Class 2A-4A) at the Harrier Invitational in Mustang. The McGuinness boys also finished fourth in the large school divisionHeritage(5A-6A).Hall’s Jackson Fowler had the best finish among Fridayland runners with a fourth-place effort in 17:22.96 over the 5K race. Will Blalock placed 15th for the Chargers, while Finn Martin came in 21st place and Calvin Zenner took 25thHardingplace.
Facing an uphill battle against Class 5A semifinalist Lawton MacArthur, the John Marshall football team didn’t go quietly but eventually fell in a 4318 loss to the Highlanders last Friday night at historic Taft Stadium.“Wereally fought our guts out tonight,” new Bears coach Chris Berus said after the game. “Even when we got down and kids could have given up, we fought through adversity.“Ifeveryone believes in each other and have an urgency in preparation, I think we can be a good football team,” the coach Middleton.8-yardingfourthother10-yardinsidetoreceiveryardrun,withTayloring12-play,respondedJohnoffensivedownsleadjumpedLawtonadded.MacArthurouttoaquickwithtwotouch-initsfirstnineplaysbutMarshall(0-1)withalong80-yardscor-drive.QuarterbackDavienendedtheseriesa1-yardscoringandhitabig17-passplaytoShawnPowellsettheBearsuptheLawtonMacline.Taylorscoredtwotimesinthequarter,includ-a7-yardrunandanpasstoDorien
– By Jason Jewell
ANTLERS RALLY PAST ED. NORTH Trailing by a touchdown early in the third quarter, Deer Creek rallied for six touchdowns over the final two quarters to pull off a 49-20 win against Edmond North.First-time starting quarterback Grady Adamson enjoyed a big debut night in accounting for five touchdowns to lead the Antlers threeAdamson(1-0).threwTDpassesto Jacob Sullivan for 75 yards, Colton Neal for 14 yards and Mason Smith for 47 yards and ran for two more scores.
Knights net tourneyHardingtitle
With all five runners finishing in the top 10, the McGuinness girls claimed the Duncan Invitational championship last week. The Irish occupied fourth through seventh positions, with Gracie Blevins in fourth, followed by Olivia Fosbenner, Kathryn Hadrava and Alessandra Grella. Blevins finished the 5K course in 22:50.35 and Fosbenner was just behind in 23:22.67. Torie Whitbeck finished in 10th place, while Maggie Kirt took 11th, Olivia LaForge placed 12th and Emery Atchison came in 13th place.
Mike Taffe ran for a 25-yard score and Kellen Fraille returned an interception 80 yards for a TD.
Mount St. Mary opened its season with a 48-27 loss at Hennessey in Week 0 action. Quarterback Joe Krug scored all three touchdowns for the Rockets (0-1) on passes to John Allison for 15 yards, Jaxson Daniels for 30 yards and Evan Hamilton for seven onRodriguezKickeryards.Gaelconnecteda29-yardfieldgoal.
Cruising through the field, the Crossings Christian volleyball team swept Fridayland rival Casady, 2-0, in the championship match lastTheweekend.Class3A No. 5 Knights (8-1) also beat host Harding Charter Prep and Oklahoma Christina Academy on the their way to the first-place trophy. This week, Crossings Christian hosts 4A No. 4 OCS this Tuesday and 4A No. 3 Community Christian on Thursday. All matches start at 6 p.m. IRISH TAKE 2ND AT LINCOLN CHR. McGuinness boasted a nearly perfect run through the Lincoln Christian Bulldog Shootout field but fell 2-1 against 4A No. 4 OCS in the championship match. The Irish (14-1), ranked No. 3 in 5A, also posted wins over host 4A No. 6 Lincoln Christian along with Fridayland rivals Heritage Hall and PC North. Fellow Fridayland team Heritage Hall also competed at the Lincoln Christian tournament and earned a win over PC North to go along with losses to OCS, Lincoln Christian andTheInola.Panthers (2-11), meanwhile, didn’t win a match at the tournament.After a big match at 5A No. 1 Mount St. Mary last OKCMcGuinnessThursday,hoststheStormthisTuesday and 6A No. 3 Edmond Memorial on Sept.The8.Chargers (4-9) host the Rockets this Tuesday and visit OCS on PCThursday.Northenjoys a week off before hosting 6A No. 12 Choctaw on Sept. 13.
Deer Creek split a pair of games against ranked opponents in last week’s action. The 6A No. 5 Antlers (6-2) willed their way to a 3-2 win over No. 9 Edmond Santa Fe with both teams splitting the first two sets and Deer Creek posting a 15-11 victory in the fifth set. They also fell 3-0 to No. 10 Edmond North earlier in the week. Story continued OKCFRIDAY.com.at
Charter Prep’s Joe Betancourth cracked the top 40 in 35th place to lead the Eagles. Meanwhile, three Irish runners made the top 25 led by Will Leonard in 15th and Andrew DeKeratry in 16th place. Henry Ison rounded out the trio in 25th place. In the small school girls race, Heritage Hall’s Neveah Johnson and Lucille Sullivan placed 28th and 29th, respectively, and Harding Charter Prep’s Rachel Carr came in 35th place.
– By Jason Jewell
McGuinness jumped out to a big lead and cruised to a 52-17 win at Putnam City on FridayQuarterbacknight. River Warren accounted for four touchdowns for the Irish (1-0). Warren threw three TD passes, connecting with Kazeyn Bird for 14 yards, Noah Rice for 20 yards and Atticus Richard for 32 yards and added a 21yardTailbackrun.
Mount St. Mary quarterback Joe Krug fights through a Hennessey defender during Friday’s game.
- Photo by Mary-Ellen Wolf
Subscribe and follow Friday Sports Weekly at OKCFRIDAY.com
Last weekend, the Casady boys cross country team opened its season with a first-place trophy at the Greenhill 6-Mile Relay in Dallas. The Cyclones posted a combined time of 32:37.51 to claim the title in the lower-school division (Class 4A and below) in a field of 27 teams. Each of the Casady team members, including Larry Mathis, Sam Rhoades, Johsua Goggins and David Craine ran 1 ½ miles over a 5-kilometer course with the best time winning the meet. The Cyclone girls team placed 9th out of 17 schools in the 4A-andunder division.
Scoring twice in the first half, PC North surrendered 21 points in the second half on the way to a 28-14 loss to Southmoore on Friday. Quarterback Robert Duke threw a 21-yard touchdown pass to Trell Churchwell and Kamron Oliver ran for a 15-yard score to lead the Panthers (0-1).

Kickoff on Thursday, Sept. 8, from 4 to 7:30 pm at Scissortail Park. The event will feature live music, food trucks, special UWCO announcements and the second annual The Hole Shebang! fundraising cornhole tournament (cornament) on the Love’s Travel Stops Stage & GreatTheLawn.cornhole tournament will feature teams from various local companies and nonprofits competing for corporate bragging rights and The Hole Shebang! Traveling Cornhole Cup, currently held by reigning champion, Duncan Oil Properties, Inc. In addition to the corporate challenge, each participating sponsor will receive one entry into the Boss Toss CEO Challenge. Some of the top company leaders in central Oklahoma will face off in a competitive bracket with revised rules and extra fundraising incentives. Proceeds from The Hole Shebang! will contribute to UWCO’s 2022 fundraising campaign in support of 101 health and human service programs at 53 local nonprofit Partner Agencies. A percentage of food truck proceeds for the evening will be donated to UWCO’s campaign. Additional donations can be made by texting SHEBANG to 41444.UWCO’s 2022 Campaign Kickoff is free and open for the public to attend. Friends, family and colleagues are encouraged to attend and cheer on tournament competitors while enjoying live music, food trucks and drinks at Oklahoma City’s favorite park.
The Beach Boys Sept. 24 Swan Lake Live Oct. 7 Amy Grant Oct. 20 Tootsie Nov. 1520 Blue’s Clues & You! Nov. 26 CATS Dec. 30Jan. 1 Other Events/Shows/Awards: Sip and Stroll through Sept.15 Flight for Futures Sept. 9 Small Art, Big Impact Sept. 16 Cattle Baron’s Ball Sept. 23 ZOObrew Sept. 30 The Rocky Horror Show Oct. 530 Gala Under the Stars Oct. 14 Send calendar events to jennifer@okcfriday.com
Sept. 4 •
The Oklahoma City Innovation District is hosting a symposium on innovations in filmmaking as part of its 2022 Symposium Series. The event will include film industry panel discussions, networking opportunities, and a artistAward-winningOscarpresentationkeynotefromandEmmyVFX
Innovations in
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Michael Lister, Manager of Virtual Production for the Cherokee Nation Film Office and manager of their LED andtrictsoundstageequippedinOwasso.TheInnovationDis-isledbyPresidentCEO
Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy before winning the Oscar for Best Visual Effects for Martin Scorsese’s Hugo (2011), the Emmy for Game of Thrones (2019), and another Emmy for Love, Death & Robots (2021). Schulz will highlight the variety of work he develops, the workforce and processes required, and the importance of private and public collaboration in developing an industry. Matt Payne, CoFounder and Co-CEO of Prairie Surf Media, will host a panel on Workforce and Technical Training at the event. Matt has led workforce development discussions for the past couple of years as his studio attracts hundreds of new jobs to town. He has put together a great group of experts, including Gray Frederickson, Oscar-winning Producer, Oklahoma City Community College; Amanda Fortney, Workforce and Economic Development, Francis Tuttle; Ryan Bellgardt, Executive Producer and Owner of Boiling Point Media; Sandino Thompson, Vice President at Public Strategies for ment;WorkforceEmploymentDevelop-and Austin Taylor, Executive Director of Film willOklahoma.beingvativehostInstituteEducationofOklahoma.Attheevent,IwillapanelonInno-TechnologiesusedhereinMypanelinclude Stephanie Bellgardt, Lead 3D Animator and CGI Character Artist for Boiling Point Media; Chris Castor val;derbirdDirectoratonVFX/Animation/Moti,GraphicsspecialistTheSkitGuys,oftheThun-DroneFesti-and
Pitbull: Can’t Stop Us Now Tour International superstar Pitbull brings his tour with Iggy Azalea to the Paycom Center beginning at 8 pm. Get tickets ticketmaster.com.at Sept. 10 •
Katy Evans Boren. Boren is a Heritage Hall graduate with a law degree from the University of Oklahoma. Boren has practiced oil and gas litigation, served as the vice president of regulatory affairs for Cox Communications for the eastern half of the country, owned her own law firm, and acted as the chief of the Utilities Regulation Unit for the Oklahoma Attorney General’s office.AsCEO of the Innovation District, Boren leads the development of the emerging district with a goal to develop collaboration between Oklahoma’s diverse sectors – bio science, aerospace, tech, energy, manufacturing and more – to foster new opportunities for entrepreneurship and innovation. In this effort, she has already been wildly successful, attracting OSU engineering to the district and coordinating a collaboration between OU Health Sciences and GE Energy Research that resulted in the launch of a new medical technology company. For the graduateBishopBorenSymposiumInnovationSeries,worksalongsideMcGuinness Carly Collins, who is the Director of Programs and Events at Oklahoma City Innovation District. Collins has done an excellent job creating this event and lining up so many outstanding industry leaders. Please join us on Thursday, Sept. 29, from 1 – 5 pm at the Embassy Suites Downokcinnovation.com.town:
The event will be held in the Innovation District at the Embassy Suites Downtown on Thursday, Sept. 29, from 1 – 5 pm. Tickets and details are available tributorSchulzstagevirtual3500Kelvin,effectsexpertisehistryentertainment25-yearokcinnovation.com.atWalterSchulzisaveteranoftheindus-whohasleveragedaward-winninginvisualtolaunchthelargestproductioninArizona.wasaleadcon-tothe
Paycom Center Events/Shows: Pitbull Sept. 4 Backstreet Boys Sept. 14 Pearl Jam Sept. 20 Jo Koy Sept. 23 Keith Urban Sept. 30 Reba McEntire Oct. 15 Greta Van Fleet Nov. 4 Judas Priest Nov. 20 Luke Combs Dec. 910 Zoo Amphitheatre: Goo Goo Dolls Sept. 17 The Chicks Oct. 5 Civic Center Music Hall: Weird Al Yankovic Sept. 4 Hairspray Sept. 611
Walter Schulz
Twister Downtown OKC Partnership and the Downtown sicOklahomabasedscreening8freeDeucepresentsImprovementBusinessDistricttheDeepDirector’sCutoutdoormovieatpm.Thisyear’sis1996’sclasfilm, Twister at 24 NW 4th St., just south of the Edward L. Gaylord Downtown YMCA. THIS WEEKEND
Member F D I C
Sept. 911 • Painted Sky Opera Join Painted Sky Opera for the statewide premier of Derrick Wang’s US Supreme Court Comic Opera “Scalia/ Ginsburg”, inspired by the opinions of the U.S. Supreme Court Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Antonin Scalia. Oklahoma Contemporary’s Te Ata Theater, Sept. 9 and 10 at 7:30 pm and Sept. 11 at 2 pm. Tickets available at opera.org.ghomacontemporary.oroklaoratpaintedsky
Sept. 9 •
United Way of Central Oklahoma is celebrating its 2022 Campaign
Get ready for the annual Boots, Bandanas & Barbecue event at the historic Oklahoma Governor’s Mansion on Wednesday, Oct. 12, from 6:30 8:30 pm. The event will include local cuisine from Head Country BBQ, local beer and live music by the Tulsa native country group Voth. Returning this year, guests can enjoy the silent dessert auction featuring a variety of treats made by local celebrities and some of Oklahoma’s finest bakers and restaurants. Tickets to the event are $75 per person and Mansion Society members will fomok.org.moresioncomplimentaryreceiveadmistotheevent.Findinformationat
Fishing With Dad Community Health Centers of Oklahoma’s Central Oklahoma Healthy Start Initiative will host its 7th Annual “Fishing with Dad” event at 8am at Edward’s Park Pavilion, 1515 N. Bryant. If you would like to be a part of this free family fun day please RSVP by Sept. 2nd by calling 4054273200. Immediately following the fishing event families will be treated to an RC Boat Racing Competition, food trucks, moon bounce and more. There will be prizes for: First Fish, Most Fish, Largest Fish and everyone will receive a ribbon for participating. Reels, bait and license are provided and each child will get a fishing pole to keep. Dads will be entered to win giveaways that include a flat screen TV, grill and more. Speaker/Author Rev. Michael McDaniel, M.Ed will be on hand to sign his recent book “Things I Think You Ought To Know” for those who RSVP.
Sept. 911 • Dance Festival Five Moons Dance Festival honors the five renowned Native American ballerinas from ou.edu/finearts/uniareMoonsTicketsArtsReynoldsSept.dancewillatrethescholarsdancewitheducationalofFAMRestaurant9ingwillcampus.onMuseumatMoonsknownOklahomaastheFiveonSept.911theFirstAmericansinOKCandtheOUNormanThefestivalincludeanopenreceptiononSept.atThirtyNineinsidetheaswellasaseriesdiscussionsandeventsPeoriamembers,artistsandonSept.10atFiveMoonsTheinsidetheFAM.Itculminateinaperformanceon11inthePerformingCenteratOU.fortheFiveDanceFestivalonsaleat versitytheatre or by calling (405) 3254101. More info moonsfest.dance.ou.edu/fiveat FREE MOVIE NIGHT
Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, September 2, 2022, Page 6 Booster CALENDAR United Way kicks off campaign with The Hole Shebang! cornament T HIS M ESSAGE S PONSORED B Y T HESE L OCAL B USINESSES :

Religion Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, September 2, 2022, Page 7 September 2 Jeff Bragg, Sr. Brandy Bullard Tim AnnaKevynBerneyColburnJohnGabeCinaGaileyBillieHughesJulieJonesSallyLimberPhillipO’HareMaudRobertsDanaTryonDaleTryon September 3 John Bruza Jan BarbaraChristyMarthaCulverGarvieJohnsonBlairKesoLathamRoyLoveIIIClayStoldt September 4 Nancy Atkinson Christi Craddock PatrickTeresaSashaPatSusieKileyDaneshmandEllegardJackHardieHobsonSteveKerrKirkpatrickLumpkinPortwoodEleanorRecordsMichaelReelJLSparlin September 5 Murray Anderson Jay Baker Pam Burton Mark Dawkins Greg HeatherKathrynFisbeckHenlineHowerton HollyArtRandelGaylaHunzickerKellyLeeKayLuwigSanders September 6 Diane JenniferCharlesAltshulerBechwithJimCampbellEdithDurantEntesharyMarionFinchLonFosterIIIMarianGuthrieDurwardHendeePeggyLeMasterVictoriaLieddtkeStephenLongLarryNilsonSharonPhilbinFranWill September 7 Debbie Berney Lee FaithParkerDuroyEastonWayneHirstClarkJolleyAllenLackeySueOldhamRoundtreeNancySeelyAnnTubbsHayleyStewart September 8 Jean JohnJackMelissaDaveChrisColemanCudjoDavenportDavidHilgerLisaHodgesKarenJarvisKatzungA.Mann,Jr.DavidSylvesterBrendaWatts
Esther Women announces speaker series
Esther Women, a monthly program tailored for women of faith led by former Miss America Jane Jayroe Gamble, is announcing its 20th season. The 2022-2023 speaker schedule includes state leaders, musicians, journalists and more. “The themes of the life of Queen Esther in the Old Testament continue to resonate today for Oklahoma women,” said Jayroe. “Just as this young woman of faith risked everything for others so long ago, God has a purpose for each season of our lives, as well. We bask in the assurance of a God who is involved in this time of life whether it’s on the mountaintop or in the dark valley, whether it’s defined by busyness or boredom. We were created for such a time as Estherthis.”Women luncheons are held in the Christian Life Center at St. Luke’s United Methodist Church, NW 14th St. and Harvey, in Oklahoma City from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Free and ample parking is available. All events will be held in person and via live streaming. A season pass or live streaming pass is required to view the program. A season pass is $225. Live streaming passes are free.
“Our sisterhood of women has extended throughout the state for twenty years and this year we’re able to offer the opportunity to join our online community at no cost so I’m hoping that distance will no longer keep anyone from enjoying these inspirational programs and beautiful connections with each other and our Creator,” Gamble said. 2022 - 2023 Speaker Schedule: Wednesday, September 7, 2022: Sister Rose Powers and Rev. Linda Harker Many of us strive to live a life for God, but for some, their lives are dedicated full-time to the work of HearingGod.from their stories will impact our own. Sister Mary Rose Powers from the Sisters of Mercy will talk about her 74 years of service as a nun in the Catholic tradition. Rev. Linda Harker is an ordained clergy in the United Methodist Church. She recently retired from her position as senior pastor at McFarlin UMC in Norman. Linda’s journey to ministry is a beautiful faith experience. Rev. Harker currently serves on staff part-time at St. Luke’s UMC. Wednesday, Oct. 5: Maestro Alexander Mickelthwate and OKC Philharmonic musicians God speaks to us in many ways, but His voice continues to be heard by some of the greatest composers of the world. The Maestro of the OKC Philharmonic and some of our remarkable professional musicians will share the divine sounds of the ages and how the work of the Holy Spirit has impacted culture for centuries through music.
Monday, Dec. 19: Annie Moses Band Sponsored by Mo Anderson. Individual tickets can be purchased for this event. The Annie Moses Band from Nashville is known as “The First Family of American Music.” They are an extraordinary group of musicians whose careers mirror their discipleship to follow Jesus. Trained as classical musicians at Julliard, the group changed direction to create their own unique Nashville musical sound that includes string instruments, singing, and creative arrangements that make up a 10-piece band. Their Oklahoma connection makes them a perfect choice for our Christmas special.
Wednesday, Nov. 2: Former Mayor Mick Cornett interviews Regina Tisdale Wayman Tisdale is one of the greatest basketball players to have been on the court at OU. Greater still was his smile and his positive influence. Wayman went on to the NBA, then a career as a jazz musician before dying too soon at an early age. His wife Regina tells the story of loss and survival to former Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett.
Wednesday, Jan. 4, 2023: Lee Woodruff A popular speaker and the author of three best-selling See ESTHER, Page 11

(Published in OKC Friday, Friday, September 2, 2022; Friday, September 9, 2022) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF OKLAHOMA COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMAPB-2022-1137
Prepared by: /s/Chuck Moss OBA 6465 5929 N May Ave #504 Okla. City, OK 73112 Attorneychuck@mossbankruptcy.comFax405-849-577_405-849-9581forPetitioner
In the Matter of the Application ) of Kateleen Norton) as next of friend of (child) )
LPXLP Sept. 6th, 10AM: 160 Acres | Livestock/Recreational Land | 23 Acre Watershed Lake | Water Well | Breckenridge/Garber Area, Garfield Co., OK | Wiggins Auctioneers.com 2PM: 2,460 +/- sf Ranch Style, Brick Home on 6+/c. in Castle Estates Subdivision, Cameron/Poteau Area, LeFlore Co., OK | 16197 Meadow View Rd., Cameron, OK | Keith Thompson, Auction Mgr.,
CAN’T MAKE IT TO THE AUCTION, BID LIVE ONLINE AT WWW.DAKIL.COM BUILDINGS TO BE MOVED & FENCING & CRANES FOR PRIVATE SHOWING ON BUILDINGS CONTACT: RONNIE AT 405-650-8568 Approx. 18,650 SF Metal Building, Approx. 1,800 SF 3-Sided Storage Shed. Approx. 1,871’ of 8’ & 6’ Fencing w/3 Strand Barb Wire, 177 Posts & Gates; (There will be special requirements to purchase Building to be Moved), (2) 10-Ton Cranes (1-OMi & 1-Stewart System)-Bridge Structure is Approx. 220’. 3-Ton Stewart Systems Crace-Bridge Structure Approx. 100’. UNBELIEVABLE 3 ACRE BONE YARD OF CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL. Everything Used to Build Metal Buildings. Buyers premium will apply. SEE WEB SITE FOR DETAILED LISTING & PICTURES AUCTIONEERS, www.dakil.com405-751-6179
(Published in OKC Friday, Friday, September 2, 2022)
NOTICE OF HEARING ON CHANGE ON PETITION TO CHANGE NAME TO: All interested parties. Take notice that Savannah Danielle Waldrop has petitioned to change his/her name to Savannah Page King. A Hearing on said petition is set for 10:00 o’clock A.M. on the 5 day of October, 2022, before Judge Dishman at 10:00 o’clock in his/her courtroom in the Oklahoma County Courthouse. Should you know of some reason why this change of name should not be allowed you must file a written protest in the above styled and numbered cause prior to the above date with the Clerk of this Court. Should you fail to do so, the petition for change of name will be granted asRICKprayed.WARREN, Court Clerk /s/L. Bell By: DEPUTY (SEAL) (Published in OKC Friday, Friday, September 2, 2022) DISTRICT COURT OF OKLAHOMA COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA CV-2022-1678 IN RE: The name of:) Kevin Nels vanBenthuysen)
DISTRICT COURT OF OKLAHOMA COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA CV-2022-1679 IN RE: The name of:) Savannah Danielle Waldrop)
In the District Court within and for said County and State. State of Oklahoma,}} ss. Oklahoma County} Shanae Mitchell, Plaintiff vs. Kevin McCombs, Defendant The State of Oklahoma to the said Defendant, Greeting: You, the said defendant, will take notice that you have been sued in the above named Court in the above named and numbered cause for a divorce on the grounds of separation for ten years and you must answer Plaintiff’s petition filed herein on or before the 22 day of September 2022, or said petition will be taken as true and judgment for said Plaintiff will be rendered against you according to prayer of Plaintiff’s petition.
NOTICE OF HEARING ON CHANGE ON PETITION TO CHANGE NAME TO: All interested parties. Take notice that Kevin Nels vanBenthuysen has petitioned to change his/her name to Kevin Nels King. A Hearing on said petition is set for 9:00 o’clock A.M. on the 5 day of October, 2022, before Judge Bonner at 9:00 o’clock in his/her courtroom in the Oklahoma County Courthouse. Should you know of some reason why this change of name should not be allowed you must file a written protest in the above styled and numbered cause prior to the above date with the Clerk of this Court. Should you fail to do so, the petition for change of name will be granted as prayed.RICK WARREN, Court Clerk /s/L. Bell By: DEPUTY (SEAL) (Published in OKC Friday, Friday, September 2, 2022) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF OKLAHOMA COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMACV-2022-1673
RICK WARREN, Court Clerk /s/illegible signature By: DEPUTY (SEAL) (Published in OKC Friday, Friday, September 2, 2022) In the District Court of Oklahoma County State of Oklahoma No. PSS-2022-47 Re: Application of Kie’Aira Perry ) for License as a Statewide Private) Process Server)
NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE OF HEARING of SUMMARY ADMINISTRATION Now on the 18th day of August, 2022, the Court has reviewed the Petition for Administration. Based upon the affidavit of James M. Pendleton, the Court finds that this matter is proper for summary administration pursuant to the 58 OS James245.M. Pendleton is grandson of the deceased: 1. The deceased is Harvey Lee Pendleton, of Oklahoma City, 2.OklahomaPetitioner is James M. Pendleton, 2300 Towers Court, Oklahoma City, OK 73111 3. The deceased left No Will 4. That James M. Pendleton has been appointed as personal representative to serve without bond. 5. The heirs are: Cheryl R. Cooper, Deceased with one child Son – Winford Pendleton 1801 NE 20th St. Okla. City, OK Maurice73111 H. Pendleton, Son Lavern M. Hill, Daughter 805 NE 32nd St. Okla. City, OK Michael73105 S. Pendleton, Son 805 NE 32nd St. Okla. City, OK 73105Theprobable value of the estate is 6.$60,000.00.Thefinal hearing is set for Sept. 26, 2022 at 1:30 pm before Judge Kirby District Court, Oklahoma County Court, 320 Robert S. Kerr, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Room 223. 7. That the person receiving the notice or any interested party may file objections to the petition at any time before the final hearing and send a copy to the petitioner or petitioner’s attorney or that person will be deemed to have waived any objection to the petition. 8. If an objection is filed before the hearing, the court will determine at the hearing whether the probate proceedings are appropriate and, if so, whether the estate will be distributed and to whom the estate will be distributed, and 9. The claim of any creditor will be barred unless the claim is presented to Attorney, Chuck Moss, 5929 N May Ave, #504, Okla. City, OK 73112 no more than thirty (30) days following the granting of the order admitting the petition and combined notice. Dated this 18 day of August, 2022. RICHARD W. KIRBY Judge of the District Court RICK WARREN, Court Clerk By /s/ J. Pulley Deputy (SEAL)
PROBATE daung7876@gmail.com
RICK WARREN, Court Clerk (SEAL) By /s/illegible signature Deputy CLERK/BAILIFF OF THE DISTRICTCOURT (Published in OKC Friday, Friday, September 2, 2022) DISTRICT COURT OF OKLAHOMA COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA CV-2022-1661 IN RE: The name of:) Thanh Loan Thi Le McNeil) NOTICE OF HEARING ON CHANGE ON PETITION TO CHANGE NAME TO: All interested parties. Take notice that Thanh Loan Thi Le McNeil has petitioned to change his/her name to Loan Le McNeil. A Hearing on said petition is set for 11:00 o’clock A.M. on the 22 day of September, 2022, before Judge Timmons at 11:00 o’clock in his/her courtroom in the Oklahoma County Courthouse. Should you know of some reason why this change of name should not be allowed you must file a written protest in the above styled and numbered cause prior to the above date with the Clerk of this Court. Should you fail to do so, the petition for change of name will be granted as prayed.
(Published in OKC Friday, Friday, August 26, 2022; Friday, September 2, 2022) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF OKLAHOMA COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMAPB-2022-1103
LoanGovernmentProgram Congress has set aside up to $25,000 to homeowners for We are looking to hire a front desk receptionist/customer service representative, the successful candidate should be outgoing and friendly with a gregarious personality and a natural talent for customer service to join our Purpose-Driven team immediately. If interested contact:
(Published in OKC Friday, Friday, September 2, 2022)
ITEMS LOCATED AT: 10302 E. 55TH PL, TULSA, OK INSPECTION AT BOTH LOCATIONS: Tues. Sept. 13 & Wed. Sept. 14 from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM and starting at 8:00 AM Day of Auction HELD AT: DAKIL AUCTIONEERS, INC. 200 NW 114TH ST, OKLA. CITY, OKLA. CAN’T MAKE IT TO THE AUCTION, BID LIVE ONLINE AT WWW.DAKIL.COM LED Lighting Liquidation! All Brand New, Name Brand LED Light In Pallets, Boxes & Shrink Wrapped. Approx. $500,000 At Wholesale Cost Largest retrofit lighting company in Oklahoma liquidation. The whole warehouse must go! Inventory includes the following and much more: 2x4 retrofit basket kits - color and wattage changeable; 2x2 Flat panels: backlit color and wattage changeable; 2x2 retrofit basket kits - color and wattage changeable; 8ft strip light; 4ft strip lights; 4ft vapor tights; 4ft wraps; 4ft LED tube lights; 6” & 8” can lights - color and wattage changeable; Wall packs; Parking lot lights; UFO high bays; Flood lights; Emergency LED drivers; and many many more LED lights and bulbs! SEE WEB SITE FOR DETAILED LISTING & PICTURES AUCTIONEERS, www.dakil.com405-751-6179Dakil
Beverly Whitener City Treasurer/Encumbering Officer
IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Henry Edward BittnerCOMBINED NOTICE TO NOTICECREDITORSOFHEARING of SUMMARY ADMINISTRATION Now on the 25th day of August, 2022, the Court has reviewed the Petition for Administration. Based upon the affidavit of Terresa Henley, the Court finds that this matter is proper for summary administration pursuant to the 58 OS Terresa245.Henley is granddaughter of the deceased: 1. The deceased is Henry Edward Bittner, of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 2. Petitioner is Terresa Henley, 3800 Veterans Lane, Del City, OK 73115. 3. The deceased left No Will. 4. That Terresa Henley has been appointed as personal representative to serve without bond. 5. The heirs are: Henry, “Hank” Bittner son Address unknown Charles Allen Bittner son 213 E Ercoupe Midwest City, OK 73110 Jeffrey R. Bittner Box 133, Wayne, OK 73095 The probable value of the estate is 6.$34,000.00.Thefinal hearing is set for October 26, 2022 at 1:30 pm before Judge Welch District Court, Oklahoma County Court, 320 Robert S. Kerr, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Room 202. 7. That the person receiving the notice or any interested party may file objections to the petition at any time before the final hearing and send a copy to the petitioner or petitioner’s attorney or that person will be deemed to have waived any objection to the petition. 8. If an objection is filed before the hearing, the court will determine at the hearing whether the probate proceedings are appropriate and, if so, whether the estate will be distributed and to whom the estate will be distributed, and 9. The claim of any creditor will be barred unless the claim is presented to Attorney, Chuck Moss, 5929 N May Ave, #504, Okla. City, OK 73112 no more than thirty (30) days following the granting of the order admitting the petition and combined notice. Dated this 25th day of August, 2022. /s/ no signature Judge of the District Court Prepared by: /s/Chuck Moss OBA 6465 5929 N May Ave #504 Okla. City, OK 73112 chuck@mossbankruptcy.comFax405-849-577_405-849-9581AttorneyforPetitioner
Public Notice – Private Process Server License Application Notice is hereby given that Kie’Aira Perry has filed an application in the District Court of Oklahoma County, State of Oklahoma, in accordance with the provisions and requirements of 12 O.S. § 158.1, for a statewide private process server’s license. Action will be taken on said application on the 29 day of September, 2022 9:00 A.M. before Judge Andrews, Room 359, and if there are no protests and the court determines the applicant is qualified, a license will be granted to the applicant by the court. Dated: 8/24/2022Rick Warren, Court Clerk By: /s/Teresa Becker Deputy Court Clerk/Deputy (SEAL) (Published in OKC Friday, Friday, August 19, 2022; Friday, August 26, 2022; Friday, September 2, 2022)
Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, September 2, 2022, Page 8 LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES & CLASSIFIEDS okcFRIDAY Deadline: Friday 3:00 p.m. the week publicationbefore 405-755-3311 EMPLOYMENT ANTIQUES FOR SALE
All persons having an indebtedness or claim against the City of The Village are hereby notified that a purchase order or contract must be recorded in the office of the encumbering officer on or before September 30, 2022, covering all debts now unpaid and incurred during the period beginning on July 1, 2021, and ending on June 30, 2022, or said account shall be void and forever barred.
AUCTION:580-233-30669/9 @
Supervisor, Clinical Office - OU Medicine, Inc. dba OU Health in Oklahoma City, OK. •Req. Associate degree in Acct., Bus. Adm., Health Care Adm. or related + 24 mo. of professional work exp., incl. at least 12 mo. exp. managing an inpatient or outpatient clinic. •Also req. knowledge of mgmt. & organizational processes; knowledge of healthcare policy; knowledge of Medicaid & Medicare guidelines & other applicable federal & state laws; ability to plan, organize, direct, & schedule clinic employees; ability to train & mentor other clinic personnel; excellent verbal & written communication skills; ability to identify & discuss w/ mgmt. opportunities to improve overall patient care & improve the clinic processes; & proficient with Microsoft Office tools. To apply, email resume to recruitment@ouhealth.com
For Your Large Dining Room Country French Table with 8 Country French upholstered dining chairs See Dealer FQ-4 at the French Quarter Antiques 2625 W. Britton Rd. Serious inquiries call 405-749-8855
HUNTING LEASES WANTED OWN RURAL LAND? Earn $5,000+ Every Year from Hunting Leases. Upfront payments from our hunters. Reduce risk with FREE liability insurance. Call for a free quote. (888) 871-1982. TO BUY OLD GUITAR$ WANTED! LARRY BRING$ CA$H for vintage USA guitars, tube amps, banjos, mandolins, etc. Fender, Gibson, Martin, Gretsch, others. Call or text 918-288-2222. www.stringswest.com STATEWIDE your message where it matAUCTION HOBBY LOBBY SURPLUS BUILDING TO BE MOVED – OVERHEAD CRANES THURS., SEPT. 22 • 10 AM ITEMS LOCATED AT: Boneyard-4617 S. Rockwell Ave, OKC Building, Fencing & Cranes-6725 SW 44th St, OKC INSPECTION AT BOTH LOCATIONS: Tues. Sept. 20 & Wed. Sept. 21 from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM and starting at 8:00 AM Day of Auction AUCTION HELD AT: DAKIL AUCTIONEERS, INC. 200 NW 114TH ST, OKLA. CITY, OKLA.
THE VILLAGE Ashton Foxx Szalay-Hewitson) to Change Her/His Name )
NOTICE OF FILING PETITION FOR CHANGE OF NAME To Whom It May Concern: Take notice that (a) Kateleen Norton, as next of friend of Ashton Foxx Szalay-Hewitson has filed in the above court a Petition to have the minor child’s name changed as follows, towit: From (a) Ashton Foxx SzalayHewitson to (b) Ashton Foxx Joseph Norton; and that the same will be heard by the Honorable Judge Andrews of Oklahoma County, in the County Courthouse, located at 321 Park Avenue, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102, on the 6 day of October, 2022 at 2:30 o’clock p.m.; and that any person may file a written protest in the case, prior to the date set for hearing.
479-653-0610 | Wiggins AUCTIONAuctioneers.com-9/15@2PM (Online Only): OIL & GAS INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY! Producing & Nonproducing Minerals | RI/ORRI - Revenue from 100 +/- Producing Wells | Desirable Oklahoma & Texas Counties | WigginsAuctioneers. com | 580.233.3066 ADCLASSIFIEDOKLAHOMANETWORK FOR MORE INFO CALL 1-888-815-2672 |
ters most – IN OKLAHOMA NEWSPAPERS. We can place your ad in 146 newspapers. For more information or to place an ad, contact Landon Cobb at (405) 499-0022 or toll-free in OK at 1-888-815-2672. WANTED 10 HOMES To Advertise Our NEW INSULATED METAL ROOF SYSTEM INSULATED WINDOWS or PREMIUM SIDING for Our Fall Brochure SAVE HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS NO MONEY DOWN • RATES 5.9%* — PAYMENTS FROM $79/MO *wac PLUS 10% OFF FOR SR/MILITARY ONLY A LIMITED NUMBER OF HOMES WILL BE SELECTED 800-664-4856 ABSOLUTE
RICK WARREN, Court Clerk By /s/Teresa Becker, Deputy (SEAL)

First Source Real Estate Residential Sales 12020 N. Penn Ave. OKC, OK 73120 (405) 236-4747
James B. Lowe, DDS 2821 NW Oklahoma58thCity, OK 73112 (405) 848-3535
Boutique One 6478 Avondale Dr. Nichols Hill Plaza (405) boutiqueone.store888-9822
Path Lit by Lightning: The Life of Jim Thorpe
Gulfport Seafood Market 8016 N. May Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73120 (405) Gulfportseafoods.com848-3468
OCCC exhibit
Home Care Assistance of Oklahoma 323 S. Blackwelder Ave. Edmond, OK 73034 (405) homecareassistance.com277-0035
CK & Co. 6429 Avondale Dr. Oklahoma City, OK 73116 (405) ckandcompany.com843-7636
Naifeh Fine Jewelry 6471 Avondale Dr,. Nichols Hills, OK 73116 (405) Naifehfinejewelry.com607-4323
Debbie RE/MAXSouthPreferred 9520 N. May, Suite 110 Oklahoma City, OK 73120 Office: (405) debbiesouth.com751-4848
Interactive explores colors of the rainbow
Denner Roofing Co. LLC 6608 N. Western Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73116 (405) dennerroofing.com848-4411
Oklahoma City Communication College is hosting a family-friendly, interactive exhibit that takes visitors on a journey through the entire spectrum of the rainbow. “A Colorful Dream” opened Sept. 1. “A Colorful Dream,” by contemporary fine art photographer Adrien Broom, features photographs detailing a young girl as she discovers a series of monochromatic fantasy worlds exploring the rich hues and associations that people have with colors. “We are excited to host Adrien Broom’s work here at OCCC,” said Lemuel Bardeguez, OCCC Director of Cultural Programs. “The colors in this exhibit are intense and stir emotions in the viewer, while at the same time, creating a space for all ages to enjoy the photography.”Broomisa contemporary fine art and commercial photographer living in Brooklyn, New York. Broom’s fine art photography often alludes to themes of childhood fantasy, using young women as protagonists. Her commercial work includes music, fashion, and portrait photography. To create the exhibit, Broom constructed eight individual sets composed of objects evoking the essence of each respective color. She then photographed a young girl exploring and traveling through each world, passing through small portals that lead her on a journey through a red world, then orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and lastly a rainbow encompassing all theThecolors.images were not put together using photo-editing software, but are the result of hours of hard work, so what the viewer sees is what was in front of the camera’s lens during the shoot.In addition to 40 photographic images, the exhibition includes timelapse videos showing the process of constructing the sets for the photographs, which offers insight into Broom’s creative process and the production required to bring these images to life.“AColorful Dream” runs through Oct. 20 in the Inasmuch Foundation Gallery inside OCCC’s Visual and Performing Arts Center. The exhibit is open Monday through Friday, 12 to 5 pm and by appointment. Call for reservations outside scheduled hours. Admission is free.
Nancy Farha’s 9205 N. Pennsylvania Casady Square The Village, OK 73120 (405) nancyfarha.com775-0404
Quail Creek Bank 12201 N. May Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73120 (405) quailcreek.bank755-1000
The Learning Tree 7638 N. Western Wilshire Village (405) learningtreeokc.com848-1415
Britton Feed & Seed 708 W. Britton Rd. Oklahoma City, OK 73114 (405) britton-feed-seed.hub.biz842-5590
Cindi Shelby, Stylist Lela Rose & Pearl by Lela Rose 333 W. Wilshire Blvd., Ste. F Oklahoma City, OK 73116 (405) 830-1138
We Pay Fast 2239 NW 39th St. Oklahoma City, OK 73112 (800) wepayfast.com937-2932
Winter House 6411 Avondale Dr. Nichols Hills Plaza (405) winterhouseinteriors.com607-1199
By David Maraniss
Locally-owned Business Directory
Vote for Pumpkinville in the USA Today 10Best Poll
Justin Beasley, DDS 4600 W Memorial Rd. Oklahoma City, OK 73142 (405) drbeasley.com755-5400
Moorman's Distinctive Carpets and Area Rugs 3835 NW 63rd St. Oklahoma City, OK 73116 (405) ty.commoormanscarpetsoklahomaci-848-4888
Chickasaw Community Bank 909 S. Meridian Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73108 (405) ccb.bank946-2265
The Myriad Botanical Gardens’ 17‐day Pumpkinville Festival features THE BEST pumpkin murals and everything fall. Winning this contest would help them earn the national acclaim they so richly deserve. Please go to 10best.com/awards/travel/best‐pumpkin‐patch/ and find Pumpkinville –Myriad Botanical Gardens, click on it and select Vote. Through September 12, participants may cast one vote per day.
First National Bank of Oklahoma 10900 Hefner Pointe Dr., No. Oklahoma300 City, OK 73120 (405) 848-2001 fnbok.com
The Adult Clinic at Hearts for Hearing 11500 N. Portland Ave. OKC, OK 73120 (405) 548-4335
Thrifty Pharmacy 10904 N. May Ave. L Oklahoma City, OK 73120 (405) 751-2852 230 S. Santa Fe Ave. Edmond OK thriftypharmacyedmond.73003 com
International Wigs 4429 NW 10th St, . Oklahoma City, OK 73107 (405) 943-1233
Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, September 2, 2022, Page 9News
23rd Street Antiques 3023 NW 23rd. (405) Oklahoma947-3800City,OK 73107 Antiques23.com
Coyle Law Firm 125 Park Ave. No.100 Oklahoma City, OK 73102 (405) coylelaw.com583-3909
Mary’s Maid Service 7009 NW 53rd St. Bethany, OK 73008 (405) marysmaidokcity.com728-1805
First Liberty Bank 9601 N. May Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73120 (405) myfirstliberty.com608-4500
Michael Biddinger Real Estate Commercial (405)OKC,12020ManagementSales,N.PennAve.OK73120236-4747
Carwin’s Shave Shop 6411 Avondale Dr. Nichols Hills Plaza (405) carwinsshaveshop.com607-1197
All About Travel, Ltd. 6104 Northwest 63 Oklahoma City, OK 73132 (405) www.allabout-travel.com384-3880
Covenant Brothers 5900 Mosteller Dr. No. 7 Oklahoma City, OK 73112 (405) covbros.com842-4671
Retirement Investment Advisors 2925 United Founders Blvd. Oklahoma City, OK 73112 (405) theretirementpath.com842-3443
Beef Jerky Emporium 810 W Danforth (next to Hobby Lobby) Edmond, OK (405) 359-8200
Papa Dios 10712 N May, Suite D Oklahoma City, OK 73120 (405) papadiosokc.com755-2255
State Farm Insurance Gary Baccus 16145 N. May Ave. Edmond, Ok 73013 (405) Garybaccus.com844-6300 Balliets 6443 Avondale Dr. Nichols Hills, OK 73116 (405) Balliets.com848-7811
McBride Orthopedic Clinic 9600 Broadway Ext. Oklahoma City, OK 73116 (405) mcboh.com486-2530
Junior’s Supper Club 2601 NW Expressway Oil Center Building (405) juniorsokc.com848-5597
La Baguette Bistro 7408 N. May Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73116 (405) labaguettebistro.com840-3047
J. Holland Photography 1130 W. 15th St. Edmond, OK 73013 (405) jhollandphotography.com341-5088
The title of this biography Path Lit by Lightning written by a twotime Pulitzer Prize winner, David Maraniss and is not just a description of Thorpe’s athletic skills. This title is the English translation of the Indian name his mother gave him which described the weather on the night of his birth when lightning flashed continually along the river bed. He and his twin, Charlie, were born into the Sac and Fox Nation and were inseparable in childhood until Charlie died from Typhoid Fever. This was the first of many devastating losses that Jim would have in his life. He was sent to Carlisle Indian School where his unbelievable skills, speed and natural abilities were early to develop. He excelled at every sport. In 1904 he was the star of the spring track season, set several school records, tied in the high jump and finished second in the shot put. He loved football but when asked his favorite sport he would always mischievously reply, “fishing and hunting.” He won Olympic gold medals at the Stockholm Olympics
Concordia Life Plan Community 7707 W. Britton Rd. Oklahoma City, OK 73132 (405) concordiaseniorliving.com720-7200
Journey Quilt Company T-shirt Quilts 16516 N. Penn Ave. Edmond OK 73012 (405) journeyquilts.com340-0444
in 1912 where he was praised by none other than King Gustav V of Sweden who referred to him as “the greatest athlete of all time.” This title remained with him although he was stripped of Stockholm medals because he had played some minor league baseball long before.Jimwas handsome, hearty, kind and through the years had many friends on whom he could call for financial or emotional support. Alcohol, broken marriages and financial problems followed him all of his days. Even when his death from a heart attack occurred, it resulted in a hassle over the funeral, burial site and reported grave robbers who hovered around with plans of causing damage. However dismal these times appeared, they revealed evidence of Jim’s loyalty and grace. From ballroom dancing to bit roles in movies, humor and goodwill were often at his side and he had many tales to tell. One such tale was when he was participating in a marathon in North Carolina with Shiso Kanakuri from Japan. The weather conditions were horrible and his friend left the track, went to the train station and went home. Kanakuri returned to finish the race in March 1972 when he was 72 years old with a recorded finishing time of “54 years, 246 days, 5 hours, 32 minutes and 20.3 seconds.” The record still stands.While at Carlisle he faced racist assimilationist politics “Kill the Indian. Save the man,” and other slurs, but he continued to love action and all sports, especially football which would hardly be recognized as the game it is today. This book is about more than trophies and records, however. One must read every page to get the feel for the development of sports, leagues, sportsmanship (and lack thereof), rivalries, three marriages, alcohol and financial difficulties. Four sons, four daughters, the full treatment. Fascinating. His life had all that makes a good movie, so leaning heavily on the support of his friends Bob Hope and Bing Crosby, he got one made with Burt Lancaster playing Thorpe. Incidentally, some of these stories Thorpe told himself gave questionable facts and were followed with the statement “which may or may not be true,” so enjoy the book, enjoy the life of Jim Thorpe and his fellow Oklahoma friends before he died of a heart attack in 1953 when age and whiskey got to him. The word is that David Maraniss himself will be stopping by Full Circle Bookstore to talk more about this incredible athlete, talented Native American and famous Oklahoman. It couldn’t get much better than this!Thanks to Full Circle for sharing books with FRIDAY readers
Deer Clan Books 3905 N. College Ave. Bethany, OK 73008 (405) deerclanbooks@gmail.com495-9005
First Fidelity Bank 6404 OklahomaAvondale,City, OK 73116 (405) Website:416-2222ffb.com
BancFirst 6200 Waterford Blvd Oklahoma City, OK 73118 (405) Bancfirst.bank270-1622
Full Circle Bookstore 1900 NW Expressway Oklahoma City, OK 73118 (405) 842-2900 (800) 683-READ Swiss Cleaners @ Laundry 3737 NW 50th St. Oklahoma City, OK 73112 (405) 946-0629
Ann Arthur Fur and Leather 5637 N. Pennsylvania Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73120 (405) comannarthurfurandleather.262-3015
Quail Plaza Barber Shop 10940 N. May Ave. (495) 751-2126
Mathnasium of North OKC The Math Learning Center 14101 N. May, Suite 106 Oklahoma City, OK mathnasium.com/northokc73134(405)412-8758

“And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32 (quoting Jesus).
Sincerely, Jane Lowther A Village Resident
That’s great, but experience knows a crisis will happen. If you really care, you will make sure you have your dad’s vital information such as current medications, contact information for physicians, dentists, pharmacy and insurance information IN WRITING. Sit with him and have a conversation. He will appreciate your interest and care. Join with other adult children who are finding ways to communicate with their parents. praise of OKC FRIDAY’s Village reporter
Editorial Page OPINIONOPINION OOURUR SSTANDTAND OKC FRIDAY Nichols Hills Publishing Company PHONE 405-755-3311 www.okcfriday.com 10801 N. Quail Plaza Drive, OKC PO Box 20340 Oklahoma City, OK 73156 VICKI CLARK GOURLEY, CEO & Publisher ROSE LANE, Editor & Deputy Publisher MARY McCUTCHEON, Publisher’s Assistant GINA NICHOLS, Advertising Account Exec. JASON JEWELL, Production Mgr., Web & Sports Editor JENNIFER CLARK, Legal Notice Coord./Circ./Classif. JOY RICHARDSON, Social and Travel Contributor -------------------------JAY L. GOURLEY, Vice Chairman Emeritus JANNA L. GOURLEY ROUSEY, Secretary Emerita J. LELAND GOURLEY, FOUNDER OKC FRIDAY We urge courtesy in
A conversation for one of the agenda items, possible candidates to fill an unexpired term for the ward 3 council seat, introduced a few new voices, and council members shared their opinion, and the meeting proceeded.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” Edmund Burke paraphrase, 1767. If you want it in the paper, it’s advertising. If you don’t want it in the paper, it’s news.” Ancient Chinese Proverb “Without, or with, offense to friends or foes, We sketch your world exactly as it goes.” – Byron, 1818. “Every violation of truth is a stab at the health of human society.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1878. “We must always stand – alone if necessary – as the conscience of this community.” – J. Leland Gourley, 1959. disagreement. We view with favor wise public choices and view with alarm flawed public choices. We give good advice to public officials at federal, state and local levels, and society in general, on what to do right. So, if they don’t take our advice, it’s not our fault. YOUR OPINION to: vicki@okcfriday.com FRIDAY CAUCUS
I attend The Village council meetings regularly, and sometimes, the reporter from your paper, Eric Oesch, sits at the end of the row I sit on often or the one behind me. We chatted on occasion, and he has answered many of my questions when I needed clarification.Hehasbeen nothing but polite, patient, and obliging when I asked something of him. He even connected me with an old friend that I hadn’t seen in years through his reporting and second job in Edmond.Itwasa long meeting, even after starting earlier since the time had changed from 7:30 to 6:30 pm a while back. There was a detailed agenda and folks were there to give their opinion of Airbnb’s (shortterm rentals given by one of the audience participants). I was surprised to see as many Village residents as possible that filled the benches of city hall. Mayor Wilkinson kept the meeting moving forward and did exercise the 3-minute limit of discussion time by one speaker so the audience would not be spending the night there.
A lot of information was dispensed, and many of the audience members had left, and the chamber population was shrinking. Bruce Stone, the city manager, was going over his regular report. Humdrum facts that the regulars expected.Atthis point, I need to share that I live close to Meeker Park and frequently discuss questions that pertain to the revamping of our park. It has been hard on our older children, who loved the tall slide, and I am always asking questions about the restoration of the slide or buying an equally tall Suddenly,one.the city manager, announces information about “Oklahoma’s Tallest Slide” which is a joke on me!!! He said it would take parachutes or zip lines to get back on the ground if a child elected not to use the slide! (It was a far taller slide than even I had imagined!)Itwasreally funny and brought humor to a profoundly serious council meeting. We all laughed and moved on, and I did not know until the meeting had concluded that Bruce had reacted to Eric’s questioning of my constant mention of the “tall slide,” and Eric had planted the seed for this funny item on the agenda. Bruce came to me directly and told me why this was included in his notes. We had a good laugh, and it was a reminder to not get too serious over everyday problems. Eric does an excellent job of reporting the news and adding a little humor along the way. Thank Eric for creating humorous moments and bringing laughter and some sunshine into our Village lives. It is much appreciated!
Send your letters to the editor to: vicki@okcfriday.com mail to OKC FRIDAY, PO BOX 20340, OKC, OK 73156
Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, September 2, 2022, Page 10
To the Editor of OKC Friday
Q: Dad is amazing. At age 90, he manages all his own affairs. What do I need to A:do?

MAPS4 proposal. When complete, the $42 million project is to be operated by Palomar, with design expected to begin next month.“Chief visionary officer is an apt title for Kim Garrett, because it was truly her vision that fueled the development of Palomar,” said David Holt, mayor of Oklahoma City. “After just five years, Palomar is an established lifeline in our community, saving lives and changing lives. That work will continue as Kim moves into this newSincerole.”its opening in 2017, Palomar has served more than 17,000 assault,violence,servicesthroughindividualswraparoundfordomesticsexualstalking, human trafficking, child abuse and elder abuse. Palomar’s work is made possible through more than three dozen community partnerships providing everything from mental health and medical services to “Palomarhousing. is an ideal example of collective impact: identifying a need and coming together to provide tangible solutions,” Everest said. “The solid foundation Kim captained has made even bigger dreams possible, and Hillary is the right person to steward those dreams. “Both of these women share a heart for service and the tenacity to break down barriers in support of victims in our community. I can’t wait to see what they do next.”
Wednesday, April 5, 2023: Jeremie Kubicek CEO, international speaker, and author, Jeremie is a powerful communicator, serial entrepreneur, and content builder. He creates content used by some of the largest companies around the globe. Jeremie is the Executive Chairman of GiANT. He has started over 20 companies while living in Oklahoma City, Moscow, Atlanta, and London. He is an amazing witness for God. Wednesday, May 3, 2023: Jennifer Rothschild *Note: Individual tickets can be purchased for this event.Atthe age of 15, Jennifer was diagnosed with a rare, degenerative eye disease that would eventually steal her sight. However, it didn’t steal her life as a wife and mother or as an author and speaker. Jennifer weaves Biblical truth with relatable stories, making God’s Word accessible to those just starting out in scripture and endearing to those who have walked with Christ for years. She is the author of 19 books and Bible studies. Jennifer has been featured on The Today Show, Dr. Phil, ABC’s Good Morning America and the Billy Graham Television Special.
“These luncheons are not about networking or promoting a cause,” said Jayroe. “They are meant to encourage and inspire women who already serve their families and communities and will benefit from this time for themselves. It is about the bonds of friendship and the strengthening of Eachfaith.”program will include inspirational music courtesy of OCU and St. Luke’s United Methodist Church.Members of the public interested in learning more about Esther Women, the speakers, or purchasing a season pass should www.estherwomenokc.org.visit
Kim Garrett, visionary and founder, was elevated to the role of chief visionary officer and will serve on the board of directors. With 20 years OklahomabywhichFamilyconstructioninformedoverseeenterprises.innovationsetexperience,nationally-recognizedofGarrettistodrivePalomar’sandsocialGarrettwillalsothetrauma-designandoftheJusticeCenter,wasapprovedvotersaspartofCity’s
Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, September 2, 2022, Page 11Business
C ommunity advocate Hillary Burkholder has been named as the new CEO at Palomar, Board Chairman Tricia Everest announced.hasBurkholder joins Palomar from the Oklahoma Department of Human Services where she served as deputy chief of strategic engagement and director of concentrationadministrationheragement.CenterAuthoritymaworkReMerge,engagementdirectorincludingriencebringspartnerships.communitySheextensiveexpe-tohernewrolestintsasofcommunityforaswellaswiththeOklaho-HealthCareandtheOUforPublicMan-Burkholderearnedmastersofpublicwithainnonprofit management from the University of Oklahoma.“Hillary is a dynamic and compassionate leader who will be a terrific champion for the mission of Palomar,” said Justin Brown, Oklahoma secretary of human services. “Her ability to build meaningful relationships in joint service to the community aligns perfectly with Palomar’s mission to remove barriers for victims of domestic violence.“Iamexcited for the next stage of the organization with Hillary’s experience and commitment rallying a team of dedicated servants into the future.”
Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2023: Jim VanSteenhouse aka The Bear Man *Note: Men are invited to attend this event. Thanks to a special connection from an EW, Deborah Senner, we invited and secured Jim VanSteenhouse as our speaker. A former CEO from Houston, Jim will share details from a 2015 brutal grizzly bear attack and explain how his survival equipped him to come face-to-face with his inner “Bears” and change his life. He shares his testimony in a way that few will forget.
books, journalist Lee Woodruff’s distinctive voice comes from the heart. Her book, In An Instant, chronicles her family’s journey to recovery following her husband Bob’s roadside bomb injury in Iraq. The couple has helped put a face on the serious issue of traumatic brain injury among returning war veterans.
Wednesday, March 1, 2023: Donnie Strack Vice president of human and player performance for the OKC Thunder, Donnie Strack is an amazing influence on the lives of our Thunder community. He is excited to talk to Esther Women about “taking care of ourselves and how that affects our ability to live the life the Lord has designed for us.”
ESTHERFromPage7Burkholder takes reins of Palomar; Garrett new chief visionary officer

Back to SchoolOklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, September 2, 2022, Page 12
Our kids go back to school
Grace and John McDaniel are all smiles as they start school. Grace is a freshman at Bishop McGuinness and John is an eighth grader at Westminster. Their parents are Julie and State Treasurer Randy McDaniel.
Julie McCasland is in 10th grade at Bishop McGuinness. Her parents are Veronica and Lance McCasland.
Steinberg and Garrett Steinberg’s daughter Birkley is off to first grade at Clegern Elementary School.
Megan Starling, dentsCasadystop10thgrade,eighthandAddisonStarling,grade,fortheobligatoryfirstdayofschoolphoto.Thestu-arethedaughtersofSallyandJeffStarling.
Bishop McGuinness freshman Rylan Turner is ready for her first day of high school. Kyla and Kelley Turner are her parents. Lisa and Stephen Smith’s children, Miller, 13, and Lela Kendal, 11, are Edmond’s Central Middle School students.