The Village is set to embark on its largest single capital improvement project in the 72year history of the city when ground is broken for the new Civic Plaza area this fall. The $8 million project is focused near the busy intersection of Hefner Road and Pennsylvania Ave near the Love’s Corporate Campus, Village Library, City Hall, and the Hawthorn Village neighborhood.TheCivic Plaza is the final project of a massive Tax Increment District (Tiff District No. 1) created by the council in 2006 to redevelop the area following years of problems created by a large dilapidated 1970s era apartment complex that accounted for much of the crime in the city. LAUD Studio, a landscape and design firm hired by the city to develop a comprehensive plan and oversee the project, presented its final updates to the council which it approved. Now the city manager is authorized to solicit competitive bids for the Civic Plaza allowing for construction to begin as early as this fall.The massive project includes a Civic Plaza near Manchester Drive and Vineyard Blvd, a linear park from the Civic Plaza to Pennsylvania Avenue, landscaping and the reduction of Vineyard Boulevard from four lanes to three, a senior fitness center and play area, and reconfiguration of the street signals at the intersection of Pennsylvania Avenue and Vineyard Boulevard.
For more photos, Page 2.
The honors are based on academic achievement and outstanding performance on the PSAT and/or AP exams. The College Board, which administers the PSAT and SAT among its activities, recognizes academic excellence through its RecognitionNationalPrograms. These programs help students from underrepresented backgrounds stand out to colleges during admissions.
FRIDAY’s Rescue Dog of the Week
The Kyiv City Ballet makes its only stop in Oklahoma at See OCCC, Page 3
Also guest starring at the concert is to be surf rock icon Dean Torrence, of Jan and Dean. See STAMOS, Page 3
This sponsorship is available! Call (405) 755-3311 for details.
By Eric Oesch Staff Writer
$1 per copy
Heritage Hall students are lauded
John Stamos and the Beach Boys are ‘getting around’ to OKC for benefit show
Heritage Hall senior Daniel Yeaman and junior Cole Spence were designated College Board National Hispanic Recognition Award and National African American Recognition Award recipients.

Performing arts series announced
- Photo by KozakowskiFran Vol. 56 No. 16 2022
OKCPHIL signs multi-year contract with Mickelthwate; announces other staff changes
• One Section • 12 pages • September 9, OKC’s only locally-owned legal newspaper with all local news Serving Oklahoma City, Nichols Hills, The Village, Quail Creek, The Greens and Gaillardia for 48 years Heritage HallColeawardeesNationalCollegeBoardSpenceandDanielYeaman. OKC FRIDAY

Oklahoma City Community College is celebrating 50 years of excellence and impact this year along with 25 years of offering its distinguished Performing Arts Series to the community at large and state of TicketsOklahoma.are now available for OCCC’s 2022-2023 Performing Arts Series, which includes eight shows including the Kyiv City Ballet and “An Evening with José Feliciano.”“Weare proud to celebrate 25 years of world-class shows and performances,” said OCCC President Dr. Mautra Staley Jones. “OCCC plays a pivotal role in keeping the arts and cultural events alive in our community, and we’re especially honored to celebrate with this season’s all-star lineup.”The season kicks off Sept. 22 with “An Evening with José Feliciano” in celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month. The concert is also part of a series of events occurring that same week honoring and celebrating OCCC’s 50th anniversary.
The Oklahoma City Philharmonic has announced a new multi-year contract extension for Music Director Alexander Mickelthwate. “This marks the beginning of my fifth season leading the OKCPHIL,” Mickelthwate said. “It is truly a thrill to work with musicians of this caliber. Individually, they are so incredibly talented, and as an orchestra they are a source of pride for our entire community.“An Oklahoma audience is something else to behold,” Mickelthwate continued. “They are so much fun and enthusiastic about what we do. And we feel that energy on the stage. They give us love, and we give it right back. I came to Oklahoma City five years ago, and right away felt like this was home. “I lived in New York, Los Angeles and Atlanta, and wouldn’t want to be anywhere else but here. It has the feel of a large city, yet small enough for a sense of community. My wife and sons and I love it here and Oklahoma City has become our Mickelthwatehome.”leads the orchestra as the OKCPHIL takes the stage at 8 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 17 at Civic Center Music Hall to kick off its new season. Worldrenowned pianist Garrick Ohlsson is to be the featured soloist in a program that includes works by Gabriela Lena Frank, Beethoven and Strauss.TheOKCPHIL is also welcoming a new director of development. Blossom Crews brings extensive experience in leadership and fundraising. Her previous roles include work at The Virtue Center, as well as Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Oklahoma and See OKCPHIL, Page 11
See VILLAGE, Page 11 scarves.atJ.R.‘Thankyou,thankyouverymuch’BirthdayboyHomseydoeshisElvisimpres-siontothecrowdalavishpartyattheOklahomaCityGolfandCountryClub.InhonorofJ.R.’s75thbirth-day,the300-plusguestsreceived“TheKing’’ishOklahomaMusicHallofFamerLeonaMitchellsang“HappyBirthday”toJ.R.
Oscar: My ideal human would provide me with at least 3 tennis balls because I can get them all in my mouth. Also a splash pad because water sports is myI'mhobby.looking for someone who can chill with me, at 5-years-old and also wants a guy with some skills, because I know all the standard ones.Call (405) 751-9518 and leave me a message. I'll have someone call you back or drop by The Village Animal Shelter, 1701 NW 115 to meet me.

Village to take on biggest capital project in its history
Actor and musician John Stamos is coming back to Oklahoma City to join The Beach Boys, featuring Mike Love and Bruce Johnston, for a Sept. 24 concert at Civic Center Music Hall benefitting the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma's Food for Kids Programs. “We are so excited John was able to break away from his busy filming schedule to visit Oklahoma City for this special benefit event,” said John Occhipinti, show producer and Edmond resident. “John is such an accomplished, brilliant musician and has played off and on with the Beach Boys for decades." All net proceeds from the concert will be donated to the Regional Food Bank's Food for Kids Programs. In the last school year, the Food for Kids Programs provided more than 2.3 million meals for chronically hungry children. “The Regional Food Bank is ecstatic to welcome back The Beach Boys and John Stamos for this one-of-a-kind benefit show,” said Stacy Dykstra, chief executive officer of the Regional Food Bank. “We encourage all Oklahomans to join us for this night of fun and know that every ticket sold will help put meals on the table for Oklahoma children living with hunger.”

Friday SocietyOklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, September 9, 2022, Page 2 Happy birthday J.R.!J.R.him.topeopleMoreCountryCitythebirthdayduringKaylyLeCroywayElvisperformsHomseyaswithBroad-startsErynandVoorhieshis75thpartyatOklahomaGolfandClub.than300cameoutcelebratewith


In photos, clockwise, starting above: Jerry and Joy Richardson and Anne and Barry Gray; Dodge and Lori Hill; Bob and Gennie Johnson; and Darlene and Larry Parman.

Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, September 9, 2022, Page 3From Page One

The OCCC Visual and Performing Arts Center boasts more than 1,000 seats in its state-of-the-art theater space. For more details on each show or to buy season tickets, go to or call the OCCC Box Office at 405-682-7579.
“Both Mike Love and I are very excited to be back in OKC and looking forward to playing for this awesome cause,” said Bruce Johnston, GrammyAward-winning artist and longtime Beach Boy. “Oklahomans are second to none when it comes to helping others. We expect the turn out to be huge.” The Beach Boys are led by Mike Love, who, along with Johnston, musical director Scott Totten, Brian Eichenberger, Christian Love, Tim Bonhomme, John Cowsill, Keith Hubacher and Randy Leago, continue the legacy of the iconic group. Through Sept. 30, all donations to the Regional Food Bank's Food for Kids Programs are matched thanks to generous donations from Masonic Charity Foundation of Oklahoma, Mark and Beth Brewer, David Gorham, Energy Transfer, David and Lezlie Hudiburg, Dolese Bros and Marathon Oil. Visit to donate or text Kids to 501-501 to make an automatic $10 donation. Tickets can be purchased at or by phone at (405) 594-8300.

Jo Carol Camerson dies at 86

Civic leader Jo Carol fewandfocuscommunity,aboutShetorstioncanservedday,passedCameronawayThurs-Sept.1,atage86.JoCarolCameronontheAmeri-FidelityFounda-BoardofDirec-untilherdeath.waspassionateservingthewithaoneducationthearts.Justaoftheorganizations she served and events she hosted include the Junior League, Renaissance Ball, Beaux Arts Ball, Oklahoma City Art Museum, Mummer’s Theatre and Symphony Orchestra League. She was a founding member of the Annie Oakley Society at the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum.Cameron graduated from Classen High School and the University of Oklahoma. She married C.B. Cameron in 1959. They went on to have two children, Bill (and wife Anna Maria) and Lynda; three grandchildren, Caroline Ikard (and husband Gabe), Liza Reilly (and husband Mitch) and Claire Cameron; and two great-grandsons, Cameron Ikard and Sterling Reilly. “On behalf of the American Fidelity family, I want to offer condolences to the Cameron family and to the many people Jo Carol impacted,” said Bill Durrett, senior chairman of American Fidelity. “Jo Carol’s passing is a great loss to American Fidelity, the Oklahoma City community and the Cameron family. We will remember her love of her family and friends and the countless ways she helped make Oklahoma City a better place.” Jo Carol and her husband C.B. were involved in the Westminster Presbyterian Church, and active in founding Westminster Day School, where Bill and Lynda both began their education. Jo Carol continued supporting educational endeavors throughout her lifetime. In 2013, she was honored by the Oklahoma City Public Schools Foundation by being named to their Wall of Fame. Jo Carol will be missed by many, but her contributions to our community will never be forgotten. Memorial service information is pending.
OCCC, performing two shows on Oct. 9. The shows are part of the troupe’s inaugural tour of the United States. Other shows include Million Dollar Quartet Christmas, Ranky Tanky, Music of the Knights, Step Afrika!, Jazz at Lincoln Center: Songs We Love and Canadian Brass. “We have a remarkable lineup this season,” said Lemuel Bardeguez, OCCC director of cultural programs. “There is a great deal to look forward to this season; we truly think there is something for everyone in this lineup from the fan favorite Million Dollar Quartet Christmas to Step Afrika! and so muchSeasonmore.”tickets range from $279 to $399 for all eight shows. Single show tickets are also available to the general public and range from $25 to $75.

Following an opening loss in a Week 0 contest, the Mount St. Mary football team stepped up a couple of classes for last Thursday night’s contest against NW Classen at Father Fulton Field. The Rockets (0-1) are coming off a 48-27 loss at Hennessey.Meanwhile, NW Classen – which competes in Class 5A –opened its season with a 20-0 victory against U.S. Grant last Friday. This was the first meeting between to the twoInschools.othergames on Friday, four Fridayland schools host Week 2 contests.McGuinness entertains Catholic school rival Tulsa-Bishop Kelley at 7 p.m. Friday at PribilTheStadium.Irish(2-0) look for a perfect non-district schedule after a dominating 46-14 victory against Clinton last Friday and a 52-17 drubbing of Putnam City in Week 0. The 4A defending state champion Red Tornadoes make a second straight trip to Oklahoma City on Friday for a matchup against Heritage Hall. The Chargers (1-0) escaped with a 35-28 win at GibsonCrookedhostweek,Friday.againstbuildKnightsChristian,rivalentertainsCrossingsMillwood.Christianfellow2ACommunityasthe(1-0)hopetoona38-13victoryHennesseyonComingoffabyeCasadyplaystocrosstown-rivalOakatHootField.TheCyclones(1-0) pulled off a 31-24 win at Community Christian in Week 0. Deer Creek takes its perfect record on the road to Mustang on Friday.TheAntlers (2-0) cruised to a 39-14 triumph at MemorialEdmondlastweek.
The Knights defense secured a safety in the third quarter and forced Hennessey into four turnovers including two fumbles and two third39-yardoffdefense.”playedsaid.plethem“Weinterceptions.onlyallowedtoscoreonacou-drives,”thecoach“IthoughtweprettygoodonJonahNaherfinishedthescoringwitharunlateinthequarter.
– By Jason Jewell
SportsFRIDAYWeekly FRIDAYCITY Publication No. (USPS 893-600) PHONE 755-3311 • Official Legal Newspaper For OKLAHOMA, OKLAHOMA CITY and OKLAHOMA COUNTY, Including NICHOLS HILLS and THE VILLAGE Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Office of publication, 10801 N. Quail Plaza Drive, PO aBox 20340, Oklahoma City, OK 73156. FRIDAY is published each Friday by Nichols Hills Publishing Co., Inc. It is an official, legal newspaper, under Oklahoma law, published in Oklahoma County, primarily serving Oklahoma City but also The Village and Nichols Hills. Mail subscription price in county $30. elsewhere in Oklahoma $40, elsewhere U.S. $40. Newsstand price $1. Periodicals postage paid at Oklahoma City, OK. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: FRIDAY, PO Box 20340, Okla City, OK 73156. MEMBER: Oklahoma Press Association, National Newspaper Association, Greater Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce, Northwest OKC Chamber of Commerce. Represented nationally by USSPI, New York, Chicago, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Detroit, Dallas. Represented regionally by Central Oklahoma Newspaper Group (CONG), OKC. Phone 752-2664 AT ROCKETS
Mount St. Mary seeking 1st win against NW Classen Knights dominate Hennessey in opener
Page 5
By Jason Jewell Sports Editor

Favoring an extra scrimmage over an early start to the season, the Fridayoverseason-openingpaymadeChristianCrossingsfootballteamthatphilosophyoffinabig38-13victoryHennesseylastnightatKnights Stadium.“Itwas way too sloppy, but we’ve got a lot to build on,” coach Jonathan Keathly said after the game. “We need to clean up a lot and keep on getting better.”Both teams scored on their first possessions as the Knights (10) took an 8-7 lead on a 9-play, 66-yard drive capped off by tailback Silas Ward’s 5-yard touchdown progress,”butmomentsshoulderRousetakingthebackalternatedTDLukeandscoredwhilepassBakertime.advantagefirstthreefoundCrossingsrun.Christiantheendzoneonotherseriesinthehalftotakea29-7intohalf-QuarterbackBennetttosseda5-yardtoNateRouse,Rousealsoona1-yardrunconnectedwithOlsonona7-yardtoss.BakerandRouseatquarter-throughmostofevening,withBakeroverlateaftersufferedaslightinjury.“Wehadsomegood(onoffense),we’reaworkinKeathlysaid.
FRIDAY Fumble In last week’s 2022 Pigskin Preview, McGuinness offensive lineman Brody Smith was incorrectly identified as Cody Smith. OKC FRIDAY regrets the error.
- Photo by Richard Clifton,

Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, September 9, 2022, Page 4 OKC
WEEK 2 SCHEDULE Friday, September 9 Crooked Oak at Casady Crossings Christian at Community Christian Deer Creek at Mustang Clinton at Heritage Hall Tulsa Kelley at McGuinness Friday, September 9 NW Classen at Mount St. Mary Note: All games start at 7 p.m., unless noted. Deer Creek tailback Deontaye Wilson looks for running room against Edmond Memorial.

Building a 3-touchdown lead by halftime, Deer Creek cruised to a 39-14 victory at Edmond Memorial last FridayQuarterbacknight. Grady Adamson and tailback Deontaye 1-yardWilsontonyardsJakepairleadtouchdownsaccountedWilsonfortwoeachtotheAntlers(2-0).AdamsontossedaofTDpassestoSullivanfor27andBerkleyDal-for21yards,whilescoredonshorttumbles. WEEK 1,
ROCKETSCYCLONES,OFF After playing in Week 0, both Casady and Mount St. Mary enjoyed byes last Friday night.
ANTLERS TAKE 7TH AT COACH T INV. Venturing out of state, the Deer Creek boys finished seventh at the prestigious Marcus Coach T Invitational on Saturday in Denton,FourTexas.Antlers cracked the top 50 out of 211 runners from all over the region. Brody Woodcock paced the trio in 36thandCarlsonfollowedcrossedGraham16th-place.Mitchellin25thplace,bySpencerin32ndplaceTylerSchwarzinplace.
Deer Creek’s Berkley Dalton (18) fights off an Edmond Memorial defender during last Friday night’s football game. Dalton scored twice against the Bulldogs on a 21-yard reception and a 1-yard run as the Antlers cruised to a 39-14 win. - Photo by Richard Clifton, Follow Sports Weekly online at
Charger girls run to title at Jones
hitter to go along with 16 Heritagestrikeouts.Hall is set to host Elk City this Friday at 5 p.m. and visit Jones on Tuesday.
PANTHERS FALL TO PC WEST IN OT Hampered by five turnovers, PC North suffered a 29-21 overtime loss to rival PC West last Friday night as the droppedPanthersto0-2 on the young season.

Saving its runs for the final inning, the Heritage Hall softball team tallied four in the top of the seventh inning to pull away for a 4-0 win against Chisholm in last week’s action.Charlie Zeigler batted 3-for-4 with a double and drove in two runs to lead the ChargersKendall(6-9). Beres and Addi ajustwithdroveaRBIeach.chippedThompsonintwohitsBeresbeltedandoubleandscoredrun,whileThompsoninanother.Fourothersfinishedatleastahit.Thompsonallowedonebaserunnerincomplete-gameno-
Four Mount St. Mary athletes placed inside the top 50 at the Carl Albert sioninfinishedoverClassfifth-placetheJosieInvitational.PetersonpacedRocketswithafinishinthe2A-4Adivisiona5Kcourse.MackenziDeHartin15thplacetheGirlsElitedivi-5Krace.
With a pair of victories in last week’s action, the Mount St. Mary volleyball team remained undefeated as the 2022 season begins to wind down. The Class 5A No. 1 Rockets (11-0) cruised to 3-0 sweeps against Fridayland McGuinnessrivaland 4A No. 4 OCS. IRISH SHUT OUT CHR. HERITAGE In addition to loss to Mount St. Mary, the 5A No. 2 Irish cruised to a 3-0 win against Christian MountThisHeritage.weekend,St.Maryis set to compete at the Port City Classic in CreekdaySouthmooreMcGuinnessCatoosa.hoststhisMon-andvisitsDeeronTuesday.
Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, September 2, 2022, Page 5Sports Weekly CROSS COUNTRY ROUNDUPSOFTBALL ROUNDUP
KNIGHTS TOP SANTA FE SOUTH Erupting for 11 hits, Crossings Christian cruised to an 18-0 win against Santa Fe South. Audrey Martin batted 3-for-3 with a double, triple, five RBIs and two runs scored for the Knights (6-7). Elle Rouse and Emmy Rouse had two hits each and combined for five RBIs and six runsJaydenscored.Kakich also contributed two hits and scored three times. Emmy Rouse struck out two but didn’t allow a run or hit over three innings for the victory. Story continued
– By Jason Jewell
IRISH RUN OVER CLINTON McGuinness has opened its season with two dominating wins, including a 46-14 win over defending Class 4A state champion Clinton last Friday night at Pribil touchdowns.sixWarrenQuarterbackStadium.RiveraccountedforoftheIrish’ssevenWarrenandreceiver
With all five runners in the top 15, the Heritage Hall girls cross country team captured the Jones Invitational title last weekend. The Charger boys, which boasted the individual champion, took second in the team standings.Jackson Fowler dominated the field with a 40-second victory, covering the 5-kilometer course in 17 minutes, 38.42 KayleeinwithpacedFowlerunderBlalockTeammateseconds.Willcameinjustaminutebehindinfifthplace.NeveahJohnsontheChargergirlsafifth-placeeffortthe2-milerace,withNormancrossing about 20 seconds behind Johnson in sixth place.Other Heritage Hall athletes cracking the top 15 included Finn Martin, seventh; Lainey Portman, eighth; Lucille Sullivan, ninth; Katherine Cook, 14th; and Ethan Lagere, 15th. Calvin Zenner and Ethan Carr made the top 25 in 17th and 21st places, respectively.
Tyrell Burner hooked up for three scores covering eight, five and 17 yards. The junior also hit Noah Rice for a 5yard TD, Zane Shadid for nine yards and Brett Jacobs for 46 yards. Lineman J.P. Spanier provided a defensive score for McGuinness (2-0) on a 75-yard fumble return.
Story continued

The Rocket boys took seventh in the team standings, as John Rockers finished 24th, Soren Lawson placed 40th and Zachary Penner came in 48th place.
ANTLERS FALL TO MEMORIAL Deer Creek rallied from a six-run deficit to force extra innings but ultimately fell in a 12-9 loss to Edmond Memorial last Cayleeweek.Mann went 3for-5 and drove in a run to lead the Antlers (15-6).Jaiden Coffey belted two hits and scored twice, while Cayman Casey also had two hits, drove in a run and scored AmorosiPitcheranother.Ryanallowed five runs on 12 hits over eight innings to take theDeerloss.Creek hits the road this Monday at Westmoore and hosts Edmond North on Thursday.
From Page 1
Rallying from a 2-set deficit, Deer Creek rebounded to win the last three frames in a 32 win against Westmoore.The6A No. 5 Antlers (7-2) endure two road games this week, starting Tuesday at Norman and Thursday at Enid. OTHER RESULTS Bears knock off Harding Fine Arts: John Marshall came away with a 3-1 victory against Harding Fine Arts last week. The Bears (9-6) enjoy a light week with a road game at Hennssey on Tuesday. Knights top Chisholm: Crossings Christian ended its week with a 3-1 triumph Chisholm.againstThe 3A No. 5 Knights (9-1) are set to participate in the Destiny Christian tournament this weekend. Community too much for Chargers: Heritage Hall endured a 3-0 loss to 4A No. 3 Community Christian. The Chargers (4-10) host Crossings Christian this Thursday. Eagles fall to SWC: Harding Charter Prep suffered a 3-0 loss at Southwest Covenant last week. The Eagles (1-5) compete this weekend at the Bethany tournament.
Dalton added a 1-yard scoring run and kicker Adrian Arambula connected on field goals of 24 and 33 yards along with 3 of 4 extra-point attempts.
CHARGERS MILLWOODTOP Heritage Hall tailback Barrett Travis plunged for a 1-yard touchdown run in the fourth quarter to help the Chargers to a dramatic 35-28 triumph at Millwood on Friday. Travis also ran for a 10-yard TD to open the game for the Hall (1-0). Quarterback Andy Bass hit Rashaud Smith on an 11-yard scoring pass, while defensive lineman Xavier Freeman returned a fumble and Jaxon Carter chipped in a 5-yard run.
Paycom Center Events/Shows: Backstreet Boys Sept. 14 Pearl Jam Sept. 20 Jo Koy Sept. 23 Keith Urban Sept. 30 Reba McEntire Oct. 15 Greta Van Fleet Nov. 4
Sept. 17 • Ballet Under the Stars OKC Ballet is ready to open up the season with its thirdannual free performance to the community titled Ballet Under the Stars at Scissortail Park. The event will be Saturday, Sept. 17 at 7 pm on the Love’s Travel Stops Stage & Great Lawn. Guests are encouraged to arrive early to take part in familyfriendly activities, like meet the dancers, watch the dancers warmup on stage and partake in family dance class, beginning at 5:30 pm. day,rescheduledtheinclementtown7thattrucksconcessionsandbringDance.andwithwillprofessionalFourteendancersbefeatured,alongOKCB'sstudentsOUSchoolofGuestsmaypicnics,blanketslawnchairs.Someandfoodwillbeavailablethepark,300SWStreetindownOKC.Incaseofweather,eventwillbeforSaturOct.1.
Sept. 16 • Cowboy Hat Exhibit Someone in a Westernstyle hat is one of the most identifiable people in the world. Sombreros, Texanas and Bosses of the Plains exhibition will showcase the Cowboy Museum’s unique and extraordinary collection of cowboy hats so as to encourage visitors to connect this symbol with people they might only “know” through the written word or the projected image. Exhibiting from Sept. 16 to Jan. 8 at the National Cowboy & Western Museum.Heritage
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Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, September 9, 2022, Page 6 Booster CALENDAR

THIS WEEKEND Sept. 924 • Hamlet Revenge thriller, ghost story, psychological drama, political epic and family saga, all packed in one, with unforgettable characters, theatrical masterstrokes and lines.worldfamous Hamlet plays Sept. 924 in the outdoor,Shakespeare2920Paseo.ticketsat
Sept. 9 Renaissance• Ball The 46th annual ball celebrates the OKC Museum of Art and the impact its had on our community. The blacktie gala is at the OKC Golf and Country Club from 7 – 9:30 pm with an after party until midnight.
Teen Arts Council • TAC Application
The Arts Council OKC’s initiative of All Access Arts has a Teen Arts council that offers a safe and inclusive space for young artists to collaborate with peers, build their skills and engage with the OKC arts community. This free program allows teens ages 14 – 18 to engage in the art community and gain experience by participating in workshops and exploring a variety of exhibits, performances and installations. They are also given volunteer opportunities and behindthescenes access to certain arts events. TAC meets twice a month, starting in October and ending in May, with an annual arts advocacy project or collaborative exhibit designed and implemented by council members. They also have opportunities to gain handson experience with event planning and operations while volunteering at incredible events like Opening Night and Festival of the Arts. Apply at or contact All Access Arts Coordinator Nick Caudle at with any questions.
OKC Beautiful’s Sustainability Social Hour series is for those who love the environment and Oklahoma City. Each session, hosted on the second Wednesday of every month, is centered around networking with those who have a passion for and want to learn more about environmental stewardship topics. The next session will be Sept. 14, 5 pm, at Anthem Brewing and will feature guest speakers Council Member JoBeth Hamon and T.O. Bowman of the City of Oklahoma City. Past sessions have included topics like fast fashion and consumption, the plant-based plastic alternative industry and composting industry in OKC. September’s session features JoBeth Hamon and T.O. Bowman, for a discussion of municipal government and its role in bettering the environment.JoBethHamon was elected in 2019 to serve Oklahoma City’s Ward 6. She lives without a car, navigating the city solely on her bike and the city’s EMBARK bus system. She also volunteers for and serves on the board for a local urban farm dedicated to sustainability and providing alternative uses for empty lots in Oklahoma City. T.O. Bowman directs the Office of Sustainability in the City of Oklahoma City’s Planning Department. In that role, Bowman develops policy and manages grants including energy efficiency upgrades funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 and projects via Federal Highway Authority, Department of Energy, and Environmental Protection Agency. “These sessions have been an opportunity to discuss all of the incredible progress being made in environmental sustainability fields in Oklahoma City,” said Natalie Evans, OKC Beautiful Program & Marketing Director. “We hope to foster a space through these sessions where people can be encouraged and empowered to take ownership in helping create a more sustainable Oklahoma City.” You can learn more about the event and register,’sandenvironmentalthroughcollaboration,andadvocacy.Youcanmoreabouttheorganizationat
The Oklahoma Film + Music Office was recently honored as the Outstanding Film Commission at the 2022 seriestheassisting,itsnizedOF+MOnationalManagersLocationGuildInter-Awards.wasrecog-bytheLMGIforeffortsinattracting,andhostinghitFXtelevision Reservation Dogs, which is currently streaming its second season on Hulu.The OF+MO is a division of the Oklahoma Department of Commerce tasked with connecting film and television productions with Oklahoma’s skilled crew, talent, production services, and diverse filming locations. The goal is to attract productions from both in-state and out-of-state directors and producers so the crew base is constantly working and expanding.TheLMGI is a global organization of location professionals in the motion picture, television, and commercial members,fessionalstwoCommissionOutstandingties.nesses,mentductionsshipsingdedicatedindustriestosupport-strongrelation-betweenpro-andgovern-agencies,busi-andcommuni-InadditiontotheFilmaward,locallocationpro-andLMGI
KucharskiChris and Shane Brown, were nominated for their work on Reservation Dogs in the Outstanding Locations in a Contemporary Television Series category.Co-created by University of Oklahoma graduate Sterlin Harjo, Reservation Dogs is the first scripted television series to be produced in-state. It has had a direct, positive economic impact on multiple locations CreekandNortheastthroughoutOklahomatheMuscogeeNation.Reservation Dogs just wrapped season two last month, and is slated for at least another season. Harjo is also connected to several new television and film projects and is working to bring those to Oklahoma as well.The news was well received by all, but particularly by Senator Chuck Hall and Representative Scott Fetgatter. Those are the two dealthatmillion2021,”inauthoredlegislatorsOklahomathatthe“FilmedOklahomaActofthenew$30incentivebillhelpedsealthefor
Monthly events bring together residents with a love of the environment USINESSES
Reservation Dogs filming in Oklahoma. The new legislation offers a base rebate of 20% to qualified film and television withworkingproductionsinOklahomaadditionaluplifts

for filming in by+inglessOF+MOtheFetgatter.ruraltunitiesbringingstate,dousisacrossandingtunitiesnewbutOklahomaingSen.deservedtremendousMusicthetelevisionpost-production,fiedmunicipalities,ruralquali-soundstages,andseasons.“CongratulationstoOklahomaFilm+Officeonthisandwell-award,”saidHall.“It’sexcit-tonotonlyseeon-screen,alsotoseethejobsandoppor-thisisbring-toOklahomanscommunitiesourstate.”“Thefilmindustrymakingatremen-impactinourparticularlyinnewoppor-andinteresttoareas,”saidRep.“Iapplaudworkoftheandtheirtire-approachatgrow-thisindustry.”TheOklahomaFilmMusicOfficeisrunDirector
OKC Beautiful’s Sustainability Social Hour Series spotlights environmental progress in Oklahoma
GalaSept.FUNDRAISERS16•AfterParty Enjoy latenight brilliance at the Tribal Nations Gala After Party celebrating its 1year anniversary at the First nousincludes10MoonsMuseumAmericans(FAM),FiveTheaterfrompm–1am.ThisliveIndigeDJs,lighthors
d’oeuvres and two drink tickets for $49 per person. Tickets are limited. Purchase at

Judas Priest Nov. 20 Luke Combs Dec. 910 Zoo Amphitheatre: Goo Goo Dolls Sept. 17 The Chicks Oct. 5 Civic Center Music Hall: Hairspray Sept. 611 The Beach Boys Sept. 24 Swan Lake Live Oct. 7 Amy Grant Oct. 20 Tootsie Nov. 1520 Blue’s Clues & You! Nov. 26 CATS Dec. 30Jan. 1 Other Events/Shows/Awards: Sip and Stroll through Sept.15 Flight for Futures Sept. 9 Small Art, Big Impact Sept. 16 Cattle Baron’s Ball Sept. 23 ZOObrew Sept. 30 The Rocky Horror Show Oct. 530 Boots, Bandanas & BBQ Oct. 12 Gala Under the Stars Oct. 14 Send calendar events to
Tava Sofsky, Deputy Director Jeanette Stanton, Outreach and Production Manager Yousef Kazemi, Incentive and Administrative Coordinator Lindsay Martin and Music Business CoordinatorDevelopment Kati Thomason. During this team’s tenure at the OF+MO, production in the state has risen from less than 10 films a year to production expenditures of $170.4 million in 2021, despite the pandemic. To find out more about film production in Oklahoma, or find out how to get more involved, please visit the Oklahoma Film + Music website.
Oklahoma + Music Honored
A new year has begun at Heritage Hall

OnAug.Wednesday,17,Heritage Hall opened its doors for the 2022-23 school year.Several traditional activities led up to the start of school to welcome students new to the Upper School and kick off the seniors’ final year of high school. Among them, senior peer leaders led the freshman and new student withfamiliarizemeetdentswhichorientation,providesstu-agreatwaytooneanotherandthemselvestheirhomefor the next four years. That evening, all seniors gathered for the parking lot auction to secure their parking spaces for the coming year. The fun and often chaotic fundraising event benefits the senior classFollowingfund. the auction, the group went outside to paint their cars and chalk their newly acquired parking spots with classic senior slogans while enjoying a DJ, pizza and snow cones.On Tuesday, Aug. 16, the seniors woke up extra early to meet on the practice field at 6:30 a.m. to enjoy the sunrise together. Students also enjoyed visiting over smoothies and taking one of the first of many class photos to come this year. Members of the Heritage Hall class of 2023 gather for the annual Senior Sunrise. by VenkataramanEsha HALL HAPPENINGS
Students Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, September 9, 2022, Page 7 September 9 Elaine Bates Thomas MildredMillieMitchellColdwellDennyJoAnnDudleyAddisonEatonLisaHunterKirkpatrickLindsayNelsonD.RichardCarlaTourtellotte September 10 Carla Carman Jean Carroll Bill DeborahSteveCondrenKristicCarlMootzSennerAngieTaylorMaxineTyler September 11 Leni Burrow Patrick Daneshmand Ruth JimmyDanHendersonMcCoyMcCannShelbyNoonanBudOehlert September 12 Evan Emanuelle Amis Madison Dawkins Joe M. Howell Kelli CourtneyRosaliaMcElweeMyersCindyStonerWarren September 13 Meghan Buthion Jim JohnFredCollinsColbDitmars, III Peggy JeffLarryVondaGandyLuskNewellRingwald Deana Tyburczy September 14 Danielle Van AlexandriaAndreaKasermanZandtKearnyKellyMarrMendezKelleyTimMorrisJayShepardJillThompsonCandaceWellsMollyWizenberg September 15 Zella GlendaGrantRandiClabornCloudCuellarBettyDavisF.DensonJaimeFranklinBryanHardingGinaCooperCarolLindseyTraceySwanJamesZeiders September 16 Elisabeth Altshuler Tootsie AlexanderWynnJordanTabithaDonnaAndersonBassCarolinaMiaEastonKarlaFeeleyJonathanFishHamiltonAnneHookJeremyImesSinaKhosravaniEmilNovakRobRobertsKatySmithKodayStradalLianeStarnsKelseyStreckerWettington


ITEMS LOCATED AT: 10302 E. 55TH PL, TULSA, OK INSPECTION AT BOTH LOCATIONS: Tues. Sept. 13 & Wed. Sept. 14 from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM and starting at 8:00 AM Day of Auction AUCTION HELD AT: DAKIL AUCTIONEERS, INC. 200 NW 114TH ST, OKLA. CITY, OKLA. MAKE IT TO THE AUCTION, BID LIVE ONLINE AT WWW.DAKIL.COM LED Lighting Liquidation! All Brand New, Name Brand LED Light In Pallets, Boxes & Shrink Wrapped. Approx. $500,000 At Wholesale Cost Largest retrofit lighting company in Oklahoma liquidation. The whole warehouse must go! Inventory includes the following and much more: 2x4 retrofit basket kits - color and wattage changeable; 2x2 Flat panels: backlit color and wattage changeable; 2x2 retrofit basket kits - color and wattage changeable; 8ft strip light; 4ft strip lights; 4ft vapor tights; 4ft wraps; 4ft LED tube lights; 6” & 8” can lights - color and wattage changeable; Wall packs; Parking lot lights; UFO high bays; Flood lights; Emergency LED drivers; and many many more LED lights and bulbs! SEE WEB SITE FOR DETAILED LISTING & PICTURES AUCTIONEERS, www.dakil.com405-751-6179Dakil ADVERTISE STATEWIDE Put your message where it matters most – IN OKLAHOMA NEWSPAPERS. We can place your ad in 146 newspapers. For more information or to place an ad, contact Landon Cobb at (405) 499-0022 or toll-free in OK at 1-888-815-2672. PROBATE MOVING? Take FRIDAY with you Call 4057553311, x301, 1 60 Acres +/- with 3 bedroom 2 bath home, 1080 sq f t +/built in 1962. Storm cellar, detached 2 car garage w/overhead door, 24 x 30 barn, sheds & more! Beautiful rollin g pasture f ully fenced w/ corral, 2 ponds & creek REAL ESTATE AUCTION Wednesday, Sept. 14 • 12:01 PM | 56001 S 35700 Rd, Jennings OK 74038 For Info & Online Bidding visit Dale & Maria Chupp, Coldwell Banker Neokla Select (918) 630-0495 ONSITE ONLINE& Open Houses: Mon d ay August 29 & Septem b er 5 • 4-6 P M WANTED 10 HOMES To Advertise Our NEW INSULATED METAL ROOF SYSTEM INSULATED WINDOWS or PREMIUM SIDING for Our Fall Brochure SAVE HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS NO MONEY DOWN • RATES 5.9%* — PAYMENTS FROM $79/MO *wac PLUS 10% OFF FOR SR/MILITARY ONLY A LIMITED NUMBER OF HOMES WILL BE SELECTED 800-664-4856 (Published in OKC Friday,

Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, September 9, 2022, Page 8 LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES & CLASSIFIEDS okcFRIDAY Deadline: Friday 3:00 p.m. the week publicationbefore 405-755-3311 (Published in OKC Friday, Friday, September 2, 2022; Friday, September 9, 2022)


others. Call
Now on the 25th day of August, 2022, the Court has reviewed the Petition for Administration. Based upon the affidavit of Terresa Henley, the Court finds that this matter is proper for summary administration pursuant to the 58 OSTerresa245. Henley is granddaughter of the deceased: 1.The deceased is Henry Edward Bittner, of Oklahoma City, 2.PetitionerOklahomais Terresa Henley, 3800 Veterans Lane, Del City, OK 73115. 3. The deceased left No Will. 4. That Terresa Henley has been appointed as personal representative to serve without bond. 5. The heirs are: Henry, “Hank” Bittner son Address unknown Charles Allen Bittner son 213 E MidwestErcoupeCity,OK 73110 Jeffrey R. Bittner Box 133, Wayne, OK 73095
(Published in OKC Friday, Friday, September 9, 2022; Friday, September 16, 2022)
The probable value of the estate of Daniel Clyde Martinez, Deceased, so far as known to the Petitioner is The above named Decedent died on the 4th day of August, 2022, at which time the address of the Decedent was 2809 Rosewood Ln., Edmond, Oklahoma 73013.
871-1982. WANT TO BUY OLD GUITAR$ WANTED! LARRY BRING$ CA$H for vintage USA guitars, tube amps, banjos, mandolins, etc. Fender, Gibson, Martin,
In accordance with Title 37, Section 522 and Title 37A, Section 2-141 Lounge 405 LLC, 5634 NW Expressway, a limited liability company hereby publishes notice of its intention to apply within sixty days from this date to the Oklahoma Alcoholic Beverage Laws Enforcement Commission for a Mixed Beverage License under authority of and in compliance with the said Act: That it intend(s), if granted such license to operate as an Mixed Beverage establishment with business premises located at 5634 NW Expressway, in Warr Acres, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, 73132 under the business name of Lounge 405. Dated this 31 day of August, 2022.
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The probable value of the estate is 6.The$34, hearing is set for October 26, 2022 at 1:30 pm before Judge Welch District Court, Oklahoma County Court, 320 Robert S. Kerr, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Room 202. 7.That the person receiving the notice or any interested party may file objections to the petition at any time before the final hearing and send a copy to the petitioner or petitioner’s attorney or that person will be deemed to have waived any objection to the petition. 8.If an objection is filed before the hearing, the court will determine at the hearing whether the probate proceedings are appropriate and, if so, whether the estate will be distributed and to whom the estate will be distributed, and 9.The claim of any creditor will be barred unless the claim is presented to Attorney, Chuck Moss, 5929 N May Ave, #504, Okla. City, OK 73112 no more than thirty (30) days following the granting of the order admitting the petition and combined notice.Dated this 25th day of August, 2022. /s/ no signature Judge of the District Court Prepared by: /s/Chuck Moss OBA 6465 5929 N May Ave #504 Okla. City, OK 73112 Attorneychuck@mossbankruptcy.comFax405-849-577_405-849-9581forPetitioner

HUNTING RURAL with for a free quote. (888) Gretsch, or text 918-288-2222. Friday, September 9, 2022; Friday, September 16, 2022) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF OKLAHOMA COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA Case No. PB-2022-1131 THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF DANIEL CLYDE MARTINEZ, NOTICE TO CREDITORS; NOTICE OF HEARING PETITION FOR ADMISSION OF WILL TO PROBATE, PETITION FOR SUMMARY ADMINISTRATION, HEARING ON THE FINAL ACCOUNTING, AND THE PETITION FOR DETERMINATION OF HEIRS, DISTRIBUTION OF ESTATE AND DISCHARGE NOTICE IS HEREBY given to all persons interested in the Estate of Daniel Clyde Martinez, Deceased, that on this date, Sue A. Davis Martinez, who may be contacted through counsel at the address below, filed a Petition for Summary Administration in the District Court of Oklahoma County, State of Oklahoma, attaching thereto an instrument purporting to be the Last Will and Testament (“Will”) of said Deceased and naming Sue A. Davis Martinez as Personal Representative, praying for the probate of said Will, that Letters of Special Administration issue to Sue A. Davis Martinez, that Letters Testamentary, if necessary, issue to the same. Said Petition further prays that the heirs at law, devisees and legatees of said Decedent be determined; that the final accounting be approved; that the property of the Decedent subject to the jurisdiction of this Court be distributed; and that the Special Administrator be discharged, and for other relief as prayed for in said Petition, which Petition you may refer to for further particulars. The names and addresses of the heirs-at-law, legatees, devisees and nominated or previously appointed Personal Representatives of the Decedent so far as known to the Petitioner are: Heirs-at-Law, Legatees and Devisees Name Age Residence Relationship to Decedent Sue A. Davis Martinez Adult 2809 Rosewood Ln. Edmond, OK 73013 Spouse Gregory T. Martinez. Adult 6803 Ashmore Dr., Houston, TX 77069 Son Individuals or Entities Nominated in Will Name Address Sue A. Davis Martinez2809 Rosewood Ln. Edmond, OK 73034
Bulldozer, Oilfield Equipment & Supplies, Pipe, Pumps, Pumping Units, Motors, Winches, Trailers, Forklifts, Tractors, Air Compressors, Bench Grinders, Valves, Pipe Wrenches, Cutters & Threaders, Electric Boxes, Tires & Wheels, Chains & Boomers, Nut & Bolt Bins, Cattle Gates, Stock Tanks, Shop Fans & Lots More. Live OnSite and Online Bidding on Lots 1-44 Start at 12:31 PM. Owners: Cane Creek Energy RETIREMENT AUCTION Thursday, Sept. 15 • Starts @ 9:03 AM | 22060 Liberty Rd., Morris, OK 74445 For more info & pictures, visit | 2-3 rings all day!! Dale & Maria Chupp, Coldwell Banker Neokla Select (918) 630-0495 ONSITE ONLINE&

NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION NOTICE OF LIEN SALE In accordance with the provisions of State law, there being due and unpaid charges for which the undersigned is entitled to satisfy an owner and/or manager’s lien of the goods hereinafter described and stored at the Life Storage location(s) listed below. Life Storage: Life Storage #1060 – 1401 NW 122nd St, Oklahoma City, OK 73114 (405)652-0880. 327 – Joan Graham 629 FM 2054, Tennessee Colony, TX 75861 Hsld gds/Furn 328 – Joan Graham 629 FM 2054, Tennessee Colony, TX 75861 Hsld gds/Furn 682 – Vicki Smith 711 S 3rd St, Duncan, OK 73533 Hsld gds/Furn 830 – Charmaine Williams 306 NW 120th St, Oklahoma City, OK 73114 Hsld gds/Furn, Other: Boxes Life Storage #1061 – 15505 N. Pennsylvania Ave., Edmond, OK 73013 (405)735-5722. 116 – Terry Maestas 2437 NW 159th Ter, Edmond, OK 73013 Hsld gds/Furn, Other: Boxes/Totes 351 – Clemmon Bridges 3621 Wynn Dr Apt 85, Edmond, OK 73013 Hsld gds/Furn 709 – Amanda Kirk 13600 N Blackwelder, Oklahoma City, OK 73134 Hsld gds/Furn, Acctng rcrds/Sales Sampls 815 – Solomon Saleem 11805 Sundance Mountain Rd, Okla. City, OK 73162 Lndscpng/Constr equip, Tools/Applnces Due notice having been given to the owner of said property and all parties known to claim an interest therein, and the time specified in such notice for payment of such having expired, the goods will be sold to the highest bidder or otherwise disposed of at a public auction to be held online at, which will end on Wednesday, September (Published in OKC Friday, Friday, September 9, 2022)
TO ALL CREDITORS OF THE ABOVE NAMED DECEDENT: All creditors having claims against the above named Decedent are required to present the same, with a description of all security interest or other collateral (if any) held by each creditor with respect to such claim, to Richard Winblad at the offices of Winblad Law PLLC at the address shown below, within thirty (30) days following the filing of the Petition and Combined Notice herein, or the same will be forever barred. Dated this 30th day of August, 2022. /s/ SARA MURPHY BONDURANT JUDGE OF THE DISTRICT COURT Richard Winblad, 14457 Winblad Law PLLC 102 E. Thatcher St Edmond, Oklahoma 73034 Telephone: (405) 696-0422 Facsimile: (866) AttorneyRichard@WinbladLaw.com712-1093forPetitioner
Pursuant to an Order of said Court, notice is hereby given that 1:30 pm on November 1, 2022. in the Courtroom of the undersigned Judge, or the Judge to whom this cause is assigned on said date, in the Oklahoma County Courthouse Room 217, in the City of Oklahoma City, Room 217, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, has been appointed as the time and place for hearing said Petition, proving said Will, and considering all relief prayed for in the Petition presented to the Court on said date. All persons interested may appear at said hearing. Any person receiving this notice or any interested party may file objections to the Petition at or before the final hearing. All objections to the Petition and/or any relief requested must be made in writing, with such objection to be filed herein, with a copy being provided to the Petitioner and the attorney for the same, and if an objection is not made within the allowed time, all persons will be deemed to have waived any objection to the Petition and the relief prayed for. If an objection is filed on or before the hearing date, on the hearing date the Court will determine whether summary proceedings are appropriate, and, if so, whether the Estate will be distributed and to whom the Estate will be distributed. The Special Administrator shall present the final accounting at the final hearing.
ALCOHOL BEVERAGE LICENSE AUCTIONS AUCTION: 9/9 @ 2PM: 2,460 +/- sf Ranch Style, Brick Home on 6+/c. in Castle Estates Subdivision, Cameron/Poteau Area, LeFlore Co., OK | 16197 Meadow View Rd., Cameron, OK | Keith Thompson, Auction Mgr., 479-653-0610 | Wiggins (Online Only): OIL & GAS INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY! Producing & Nonproducing Minerals | RI/ORRI - Revenue from 100 +/- Producing Wells | Desirable Oklahoma & Texas Counties | WigginsAuctioneers. com | 580.233.3066 ADCLASSIFIEDOKLAHOMANETWORK FOR MORE INFO CALL 1-888-815-2672

/s/Vushufambom Vuyofkiria County of Oklahoma, State of Oklahoma. Before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared: Vushufambom Vuyofkiria to me known to be the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing application and acknowledged that she executed the same as her free act and deed. /s/Jennifer Clark, Notary Public (SEAL) State of Oklahoma #13007871 My commission expires 08/27/2025 SEPT. 22 • 10 AM ITEMS LOCATED AT: Boneyard-4617 S. Rockwell Ave, OKC Building, Fencing & Cranes-6725 SW 44th St, OKC AT BOTH LOCATIONS: Tues. Sept. 20 & Wed. Sept. 21 from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM and starting at 8:00 AM Day of Auction AUCTION HELD AT: DAKIL AUCTIONEERS, INC. 200 NW 114TH ST, OKLA. CITY, OKLA. CAN’T MAKE IT TO THE AUCTION, BID LIVE ONLINE AT WWW.DAKIL.COM BUILDINGS TO BE MOVED & FENCING & CRANES FOR PRIVATE SHOWING ON BUILDINGS CONTACT: RONNIE AT 405-650-8568 Approx. 18,650 SF Metal Building, Approx. 1,800 SF 3-Sided Storage Shed. Approx. 1,871’ of 8’ & 6’ Fencing w/3 Strand Barb Wire, 177 Posts & Gates; (There will be special requirements to purchase Building to be Moved), (2) 10-Ton Cranes (1-OMi & 1-Stewart System)-Bridge Structure is Approx. 220’. 3-Ton Stewart Systems Crace-Bridge Structure Approx. 100’. UNBELIEVABLE 3 ACRE BONE YARD OF CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL. Everything Used to Build Metal Buildings. Buyers premium will apply. SEE WEB SITE FOR DETAILED LISTING & AUCTIONEERS, www.dakil.com405-751-6179Dakil
LAND? Earn $5,000+ Every Year from Hunting Leases. Upfront payments from our hunters. Reduce risk
OKC FRIDAY urge courtesy in disagreement. We view with favor wise public choices and view with alarm flawed public choices. We give good advice to public officials at federal, state and local levels, and society in general, on what to do right. So, if they don’t take our advice, it’s not our fault. EMAIL YOUR OPINION to:


Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, September 9, 2022, Page 10

“And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32 (quoting Jesus).
The Best of J. Leland Gourley — from OKC FRIDAY, July 28,
Take off everything but your tie and socks
Q: Dementia runs in my family. Can I prevent this in myself? A: Yes. Start now to live with joy. According to the book, Aging with Grace, practicing positivity and joy along with exercise and good diet are key to strengthening the brain and reducing the symptoms of Untildementia.they find a “cure,” I’m going with “no symptoms.” Get with others who are joyful; be the bird who finds joyful flocks. — Courtesy of Villages OKC

The other day I had an appointment with my Society Urologist, Dr. ScottAfterSamara.ashort wait, his friendly nurse, Janice, came after me and led me to one of those rooms where you get treated. She said, “Take off everything but your tie and socks. We’ll be back.”Ilooked around and saw a 10-gallon water jug hanging from a steel pole, a coil of about 20 feet of 2-inch garden hose and a high bed with stirrups. I also thought I saw a 35 mm camera attached to the end of the garden hose. Right away, my high level of intelligence told me this was not going to be one of my better days. But let me flash (Freudian slip) back... Two or three weeks ago I woke up with a horrible, intense pain inside the lower middle part of my torso. The location was later described to me as on the border line between my abdomen and pelvic region.After examining that general area, with me jumping at every pressure and forcing myself not to yell uncle, and giving them a sample of every fluid in my body, Doc Samara said, “I want you to get a cat-scan today.”“Doc, I thought MRI’s were later things than cat scans,” I said. “Stop trying to practice medicine,” he said, “get a cat scan.” What he didn't tell me is that the radiology lab firm (that was invented by my neighbor and friend, Dr. Bob Sukman) has since figured out a way to take two cat scans -- for two prices. My pain just had to be on a border line between two potential problem areas. After seeing the cat scan reports, Doc Samara called me and said he was sending the report to my docandgastroenterologistformetocallthatimmediately.“Therealsomaybe a problem with your esophagus,” Doc Samara said. “Then get back in touch with me.” (Esophaguses are not in Doc Samara’s domain.) Scared the hell out of my wife even though my burial insurance is fully paid.Dutifully, I called my Society Enterologist, Dr. Mark Mellow, who has experience probing me with instruments, from every angle. His nurse said for me to “come in tomorrow” so Doc Mellow could send his camera down my esophagus to my stomach. His nurse allowed me to keep on my pants and shoes. Doc Mellow pronounced my esophagus as okay.Backto Doc Samara’s office from the flashback...Iwas lying on my back on that high bed, feet in stirrups when Doc Samara’s nurse came back. She walked up to my bed, standing between my outstretched legs“Just relax,” she said. “This may hurt a little but just for a moment. I’m going to neutralize you.”“WAIT! Just a minute,” I screamed. “Have you got a knife?” “No,” she smiled sweetly, “I’m going to apply some nerve relaxant to neutralize it and deaden the pain when the Doctor inserts the catheter.”“Ishegoing to stick that garden hose down, er, up me?” I asked. “It won’t hurt,” she assured me. The Doc did come in and he did stick that hose in me and stir it around and look in that gadget he had on his end that, thank goodness, he didn't insert.Then he reached for the connection to that 10gallon jug of water and hooked it on the hose in me.“Doc,” I pleaded, “isn't there some easier way to cure dehydration? I’ll drink a gallon right here.”“I’m just going to flush out your bladder,” he said, instilling a great deal of trust and fearlessness in “Theme.full 10 gallons?” I asked.Entering into the prevailing spirit of merriment and hilarity, he smilingly replied: “No, today, we’re only using 5 gallons.” At this point, he informed me something else revealed in the cat scan.Ihave a golf-ball size bladder stone. I had never heard before that bladders had stones. We’re going to have a reunion, Society Urologist Scott Samara and Society Publisher Leland Gourley, and get rid of that stone in 12 days, August 9. If you would like to come to the party, tickets will be $10 a person. Limited seating. Mine, too.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” Edmund Burke paraphrase, 1767. If you want it in the paper, it’s advertising. If you don’t want it in the paper, it’s news.” Ancient Chinese Proverb “Without, or with, offense to friends or foes, We sketch your world exactly as it goes.” – Byron, 1818. “Every violation of truth is a stab at the health of human society.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1878. “We must always stand – alone if necessary – as the conscience of this community.” – J. Leland Gourley, 1959. L.

Editorial Page OPINIONOPINION OOURUR SSTANDTAND OKC FRIDAY Nichols Hills Publishing Company PHONE 405-755-3311 10801 N. Quail Plaza Drive, OKC PO Box 20340 Oklahoma City, OK 73156 VICKI CLARK GOURLEY, CEO & Publisher ROSE LANE, Editor & Deputy Publisher MARY McCUTCHEON, Publisher’s Assistant GINA NICHOLS, Advertising Account Exec. JASON JEWELL, Production Mgr., Web & Sports Editor JENNIFER CLARK, Legal Notice Coord./Circ./Classif. JOY RICHARDSON, Social and Travel Contributor -------------------------JAY

LAUD Studio’s approved plans for the Civic Plaza to feature a fountain with plaza floor landscape lighting. The area is planned to have the capability to convert into a gathering space for markets or performances. Two covered shelters for shade and a public restroom are in the works. The Linear Park project converts the large existing right of way of Vineyard Boulevard into a landscaped park providing a safe pedestrian connector between city Hall and The Village Library.
Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Friday, September 9, 2022, Page 11From Page One

“This is a big deal and is the culmination of a process that began in 2006 with the primary goal of removing or upgrading the blighted apartment complex next to City Hall,” said City Manager Bruce Stone. “The original plan was to renovate the apartments, but the city ended up buying the complex and selling the cleared property to a developer to build newThehomes.”Hawthorn Neighborhood was the result of that sale, which has added approximately $70 million in new property values to the“ knowledge outside of the city constructing City Hall, the library and the fire station, I don’t think we’ve ever embarked on such an ambitious plan,” said Mayor Sonny Wilkinson. “For sure when it comes to parks. “An interesting way to think about this is that so far we’ve committed to spending almost $7 million on all our parks through two bond issues,” he said. “Our total parks improvement plan is in the ballpark of $13 million. That’s including the Civic Area.“So, just in the new Civic Area, we are spending the same amount in the next year,” he added. “This is a huge project and we are just gettingWilkinsonstarted.”said he thinks the project gives The Village a new identity and finally provides a new gathering space that isn’t Duffner Park. “Calling this project transformative doesn’t even do it all the justice it deserves,” he said. “This whole area of the city is going to look different in five years. Combine this project when it’s fuly finished with what the YMCA is considering and what Love’s continues to do as they expand their campus – for a city our size, I think that’s absolutely remarkable and somet;hing we should be proud of.” Inflation and limited funding has caused the project to be scaled back from earlier plans.

“Phase I will not include several previously announced projects including a Dog Park, Village Trail and probably will only include part of The Village Green configuration,” said city manager Stone.

The Senior Fitness and Children’s Play Area replaces the Masonic playground and instead offers an exercixe area of permanently-affixed workout equipment for all ages andStoneabilities.said he expects the project to begin this fall barring any unforseen complications and could be completed as early as fall 2023. When asked if there are additional projects in the making after this, Stone said, “Probably, but we have enough on our plate for the time being. We have $13.3 million in bond projects on the horizon that need to be done over the next five to six years including streets, sidewalks, drainage and park improvements.”
The unique shape of the site and presence of large utility easements presents opportunities for long strolling paths with screened borders leading to park programs. A street level plaza brings people down to the main path of the linear park, and provides dining space for community events with food truck service.
A reconfigured Vineyard Boulevard from Manchester Drive to Pennsylvania Avenue includes one lane of traffic each way with a dedicated turn lane. Parallel spaces distribute parking along the linear park. Right of way along Vineyard Boulevard is reallocated for a gracious 10-foot path with an allée of trees for shade.

United Way of beginsCrewsOklahoma.Centralher new role on Sept. 22. And, OKCPHIL Executive Director Agnieszka Rakhmatullaev is leaving the organization at the end of November, after three-and-a-half years with the philharmonic. She is set to assume a new position as the senior vice president and chief operating officer of the Baltimore Symphony"FewOrchestra.peoplein the industry could have pulled our beloved orchestra through the pandemic, continuing to serve our audiences, like Agnieszka,” said OKCPHIL Board President Jane Jayroe Gamble. “She is a bright star with a big heart. Regretfully, we say ‘goodbye’ but gratefully, we say thanks for outstanding leadership during a difficult time." The search process for Rakhmatullaev replacement is underway, led by the Search Committee which is chaired by President-Elect Jerrod Shouse.More information on the OKC Philharmonic, its concerts and programs, can be found by visiting the website at