Cleats for Kids is beneficiary of Bachelors Club Ball
CCleats for Kids is the recipient of the charita ble proceeds of this year’s Bachelors Club ball.
Cleats for Kids is a local nonprofit desig‐nated by Club President Luke Chansolme. Cleats for Kids, or C4K for short, seeks to change lives by providing free sports shoes and safe equip‐ment to kids in need so they have a chance to play sports regardless of financial circumstance. So far, C4K has equipped more than 275,000 Oklahoma kids so they can play.

community and supporting the well‐being of Oklahomans. The club’s support of an organi‐zation that has a track record of doing the same –Cleats for Kids –reflects that com‐mitment, he said. In the fall of 2011, Stacy and her husband Mark McDaniel came up with an idea to advo‐cate for sports equity to benefit Oklahoma’s youth.
Stacy said.
When visiting the OKC Pilot Recreational Center, the couple met with Director Lenora Ware, who shared a story about kids in the cen‐ter failing to engage in physical activi‐ty despite expressing their interest. When Stacy and Mark heard that some parents had no choice but to use their money on groceries and utilities rather than athletic shoes, the pair knew they had to make a dif‐ference.
Chansolme said he chose Cleats for Kids because it has a strong impact on communities across the metro area. The Bachelors Club of Oklahoma City has a long history of uplifting the
From that time forward, Cleats for Kids has brought the community together collecting donations of new and used gear to serve Oklahoma kids.
“Cleats for Kids started because Mark McDaniel took the time to notice kids who were not playing,”

As a local sports coach, Mark found that many children were struggling with finding the funds for their equip‐ment. The idea of Cleats for Kids was born with Stacy and Mark finding donations of gently used sports gear for kids in need, some of which was in their own garage.
Cleats for Kids focuses on donating
See C4K, Page 11

Members of the Bachelors Club gather at the Oklahoma City Golf and Country Club to climb into limousines to hand deliver invitations to debutantes. From left: Back row, Tucker Jacobsen, Evan Condon, Will Margo and Pearce Wade; fourth row: Brennan Wade, Jackson Naifeh and Blake Oliver; third row: Mason Georgia, Luke Butler, Jackson Roberts, Jack Duncan and Henry Hooten; second row: Bo Naifeh, Matthew Smith and Henry Gauthier; and first row, Nick Parkinson, Ramey Brinkman, Joseph Harroz and Luke Chansolme. Not pictured are William Paque and Austin Pendarvis.

Members of Bachelors Club to escort Debs
NNineteen women are set to make their debut at the 78th annual Bachelors Club Christmas Ball on Sunday, Dec. 22, at the Oklahoma City Golf and Country Club.
The black‐tie ball is set to begin at 8 p.m. with the debu‐tante presentation following at 9 p.m. Each debutante is escorted by a member of the Bachelors Club of Oklahoma City.
After the debs are presented, guests dance to the music of Souled Out and the evening will conclude with a late breakfast.
According to tradition, Bachelors Club members –“escorts” – invited the women to be debutantes on Thanksgiving Day. They presented each debutante person‐ally with an invitation and a rose and toasted them with a glass of champagne.
The Bachelors Club of Oklahoma City has raised more than $1,120,000 for local charities through its annual Christmas Ball. Last year, the ball raised $40,000 for Pivot, A Turning Point for Youth.
The Bachelors Club of Oklahoma City was founded in 1938 by a group of young men who wished to promote the social and philanthropic undertakings, as well as leader‐
ship in the Oklahoma City area. The debutante presenta‐tion began in 1945 as a way to raise funds for various Oklahoma City charities. It has been held annually, except in 2020 due to the pandemic, since then.
Portraits of the debutantes and the names of their par‐ents are on Pages 4‐7.
The escorts and their parents are:
Luke David Chansolme, president, son of Jennifer and David Chansolme; Ramey Edward Brinkman, son of Lillie‐Beth Sanger Brinkman and Heather and Wade Brinkman; Lucas Todd Butler, son of Sarah and Doug Butler; Evan Wilson Condon, son of Sheri and Bill Condon; Jack Pruitt Duncan, son of Merrie and Robert Duncan; Henry James Gauthier, son of Kylie and Stephen Gauthier and the late Christine Gauthier; Roy Mason Georgia, son of Trisha Georgia and Roy Georgia; Joseph Anthony Harroz, son of Ashley and Joe Harroz and Samia Harroz; Henry David Hooten, son of Whitney and David Hooten; Tucker David Jacobsen, son of Nicole and Jeff Jacobsen; and William Henri Margo, son of Debbie and Brad Margo.
See ESCORTS, Page 8

Parker Kays escorts Sophia Mathis during the 2023 Bachelors Club Ball.

Hadley Allen Sarah Cate Bass Bella Brown
Hadley Stark Allen is the daughter of Chris Allen and Stacey Rist.

Sarah Catherine Bass is the daughter of Paige and Mike Bass.

Bella Dianne Brown is the daughter of Kristen and Matt Brown.

Kate Johnson AllieLathrop Helen McDonald
Kate Wolf Johnson is the daughter of Jackie and Patrick Boyle.
Allison Blair Lathrop is the daughter of Katie and Jamie Lathrop.
Helen Elizabeth McDonald is the daughter of Lisa and Mike McDonald.
Bachelors Club

Camden Furnish Anna Holden
Camden Marie Furnish is the daughter of Laura and Ryan Furnish.

Anna Elizabeth Holden is the daughter of Kimberly and Tony Holden.

Meg Miller Aspen Minihan
Meg Meridith Miller is the daughter of Angela and Mark Miller and the late
Mrs. Traci Tarwater Miller.
Aspen Grace Minihan is the daughter of Lisa and David Patrick Minihan.
2024 Debutantes

Sarah Jane Pitzer is the daughter of Jill and Clint Pitzer.
Julia Michele Reynolds is the daughter of the late Joe Brett Reynolds and Sheli and Phil Stenseth
Olivia Emiline Ross is the daughter of Amy and Frank Sewell and Jeff Ross.
Georgia Lillian Seres is the daughter of Donna and Rusty Rasmussen and Ken and Stephanie Seres.
Tennegrace Pauline Shapard is the daughter of Kim and Bill Shapard.

Sarah Pitzer Julia Reynolds
Olivia Ross Georgia Seres Tennegrace Shapard
Bachelors Club 2024 Debutantes

Vivienne Ella Sweet is the daughter of Sara and Kyle Sweet.
Cate Caroline Tollison is the daughter of Stephanie and Mike Tollison.
Caroline Kathleen Watkins is the daughter of Kari and Hardy Watkins.
Kylie Ryan Wood is the daughter of Jeff Wood and the late Michelle Cobb.

Vivienne Sweet Cate Tollison
Caroline Watkins Kylie Wood

Thanksgiving toasts with the Bachelors Club

Above: Delivering an invitation, a glass of champagne and a rose to Aspen Minihan, center, are, from left, Nick Parkinson, Brennan Wade, Pearce Wade and Ramey Brinkman. Visiting Kylie Wood, center, are Will Margo, Luke Butler, Mason Georgia and Joseph Harroz.

Also, Jackson Zeak Naifeh, son of Monique and Justin Naifeh; Robert Franklin Naifeh, son of Libby and Todd Naifeh; David Blake Oliver, son of Jennifer and David Oliver and Karen Wright; William Matthew
Paque, son of Brittanie and Matt Paque; Nicholas Alexander Parkinson, son of Breena and Andrew Parkinson; Austin Price Pendarvis, son of Kathryn and Kent Phillips; Jackson Browning Roberts, son of Sarah and Hayden Roberts; Matthew Davidson Smith, son of Karen and Martin Smith; Brennan Charles Wade, son of Paula and Buddy Wade; and Pearce Garnett Wade, son of Paula and Buddy Wade.

Thanksgiving toasts with the Bachelors Club

Above: Evan Condon, Bachelors Club President Luke Chansolme, Debutante Bella Brown, Henry Gauthier and Jackson Roberts. At right: Debutante Camden Furnish. According to tradition, Bachelors Club members – “escorts” – invited the women to be debutantes on Thanksgiving Day. They presented each debutante personally with an invitation and a rose and toasted them with a glass of champagne.
From left: Tony Holden, Anna Holden, Brennan Wade and Kimberly Holden.
Brennan Wade, Pearce Wade and Nick Parkinson, dressed in tuxedos, are meeting debutantes on Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving football and the Bachelors Club
Bachelors Club member, Tucker Jacobsen, barely made it to his family's annual Thanksgiving Day football game, after spending the morning delivering Bachelors Club Ball invitations to the future debutantes. Pictured, left to right, Jeff Jacobsen, Tucker Jacobsen, Nicole Jacobsen and Teddy Jacobsen prior to playing in the 53rd annual "Supper Bowl" football game at "Fumble Field" (aka, the Grand Boulevard Park), along with more than 30 members of their family.

From Page B2
sports gear and shoes to children in need as a way to broaden the horizon of many young athletes. With the benefits of physical activity including positive mental health, better educational out‐comes and graduation rates, increased cognitive func‐tions and overall healthy lifestyles, Executive Director and Co‐Founder Stacy McDaniel believes in the power of giving.
“Our mission is about collaboration and community engagement,” Stacy said. “We have kids involved in all aspects of our mission. They have the hands‐on experi‐ence of giving back to help other kids in their backyard.
“We knew this mission made an impact when we saw the visible, instantaneous smile of the first kids we helped. For many, shoes and sports gear are just vehicles so the kids feel seen and know they matter. For others, shoes and gear that fit correctly are the vehicles that open doors for athletic scholarships. In either case, it is life‐changing.”
Since its founding, C4K has experienced exponential growth in the amount of equipment distributed and kids' lives impacted. The organization works with schools, community partners and nonprofits to get gear to kids in need. C4K equips and empowers kids in all 77 Oklahoma counties.