1 minute read

NSO offers life‑changing services

MMeet Angel, a resident at NSO’s Martha’s House. Angel is just one of thou‐sands of neighbors in need, whose lives are being transformed thanks to NSO and their vital programs.

Not long ago, Angel found herself pregnant and living in her car with nowhere to go. When she gave birth to her daughter, Lilly, Angel had to make an impossible decision. She chose to give Lilly to her grandmother, so she would have a safe place to live – even if it meant Angel could not go with her.

Despite the grief and struggle of being separated from her newborn, Angel knew living in her car with Lilly was not what was best for either of them. She knew she had to be strong and find a solution that would allow her to be the best mom to her daughter.

After eight long months of being separated from Lilly and searching for help, Angel found NSO and the safe, healthy home she and her daughter need‐ed. Angel was able to move into her fully furnished apartment and be perma‐nently reunited with Lilly. Now, they are both on the path to a successful, bright future together.

"I was homeless, sleeping in my car,” Angel said. “NSO scooped me up, gave me a home and helped me get back on my feet. I honestly thought that this couldn’t be real, but it is.”

Angel is just one of 109 residents currently living with NSO. Her call for help was just one of more than 82,000 NSO received last year.

NSO’s programs and services are life‐changing, but we cannot do it without your support. Join our mission and be part of transforming thousands of lives. Angel, Lilly and so many others are counting on you!

Visit nsookc.org for more information or to give today!

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