2015 Interfraternity Council Recruitment Information

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n behalf of the Interfraternity Council, I would like to welcome you to Oklahoma City University! We hope that you will be able to call this place your home for the next four years. I would also like to welcome you to Greek life at OCU. Here at OCU, the Greek system is by far the largest and most evident form of student involvement. Members of Greek life are a huge presence in the classroom, on stage, and out helping the community. They come from diverse backgrounds, and represent wide variety of majors, interests, and beliefs. There are three fraternities on campus: Kappa Sigma, Lambda Chi Alpha, and Phi Gamma Delta/FIJI. Each have their own values, philanthropies, and merits, but each is bound by a deep fraternal brotherhood, and is dedicated to helping you grow to be true gentlemen. It is my hope that you will call one of these fraternities your home, and these men your brothers. The Interfraternity Council (IFC) is here to ensure that the true values of fraternity thrive at OCU and facilitate a fraternal system where all men are welcome. If you have any questions about Greek life on campus, contact IFC at greeklife@okcu.edu. I wish you good luck on your upcoming life at Oklahoma City University, and hope you will find Greek life to be for you. Sincerely, Austin Martin IFC Director of Recruitment Class of 2018

REGISTER FOR FRATERNITY RECRUITMENT To register visit www.okcu.edu • Click on “Campus Life” Tab • Click on “Greek Life” Tab • Click on “Interfraternity Council” Tab • Click “Online Registration” Link • Fill in required information and submit your payment!



he Interfraternity Council is the umbrella organization over all Fraternities. On a national level, The IFC seeks to promote the idea that Greek men can make a significant positive impact on the world. Here at Oklahoma City University, IFC exists to promote across campus our four core values: Brotherhood, Philanthropy, Scholarship, and Leadership. We work to create a positive community where college men can learn and grow into strong leaders with the support of hundreds of Greek students around them. We oversee the entire fraternity recruitment process, and we want to make sure you have all the information you need before you decide to take the first step into OCU’s Greek family. Welcome to OCU, and welcome to Greek Life!

ACADEMIC STANDARDS OCU Interfraternity Council sets a minimum of 2.75 high school GPA in order for a student to receive a bid during the fall semester of their freshman year. Also, it is important to understand each chapter may have grade point average requirements set by its inter/national organization and local chapters. After accepting membership in a chapter, there are academic requirements for men to stay active in the chapter. The GPA requirements differ from chapter to chapter.

ABOUT GREEK LIFE Welcome! Your first week of college is one of the most exciting weeks you will have in your college career, and taking the leap to participate in Fraternity Rush may be where you meet lifelong friends! Upon accepting a bid from one of our three prestigious chapters, you will be joining a century old legacy of OCU Greek students who have focused their life around the values of leadership, scholarship, service and brotherhood. OCU’s Interfraternity Council hosts a formal recruitment process during your first few weeks on campus each Fall. If you are looking to create lifelong connections, make lasting memories, and become a leader on the OCU campus, review this booklet in detail, as it will be a resource to many of the questions you will have regarding Greek Life. If you still have questions, don’t hesitate to contact the Rush Chairman or IFC Advisor. Any men with special needs due to health or disability are encouraged to contact the OCU IFC Advisor at 405.208.5378. We want everyone to have an outstanding recruitment experience! The OCU IFC Advisor, President, and Rush Chairman are here to assist you in the recruitment process and help you get adjusted during your first few weeks at OCU. Don’t hesitate to strike up a conversation; we just may be your new brothers soon!

CONTACT INFORMATION Greek Life Website: www.okcu.edu/students/greeklife Interfraternity Council Phone Number: 405.208.5378 Greek Life Email: ocugreeklife@okcu.edu

RECRUITMENT SCHEDULE August 27-28 - Formal Presentations August 29 - Bid Day

REGISTRATION FOR FRATERNITY RECRUITMENT IS AVAILABLE ONLINE AT WWW.OKCU.EDU/STUDENTS/GREEKLIFE The following information will be required for registration: • $25.00 Registration Fee • Your student ID Number (B-Number). Your B-Number is a nine-digit number starting with the letter B. • Your high school information, including your GPA. Plan to register for everything in one-sitting, if you close your application it will not be saved and you must start from the beginning. No refunds will be accepted once applications have been submitted. Once you have completed your registration application and your payment has been received, a confirmation email will be sent within the following two weeks. Remember to check your OCU email regularly to see any updates or information you might need!




Scholarship is an important aspect of any college organization, but OCU Greek men have taken their commitment to scholarship to the next level! Greek men have consistently outperformed their all-men counterparts ten out of the past ten semesters. How do they do this? Fraternities concentrate on creating successful scholarship programs that help each member reach her academic goals. Some of these programs include study hours and academic tutors. Each chapter takes great pride in their academic accomplishments and makes a priority to encourage academic excellence in their members.

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FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS The financial requirements of joining a fraternity vary from chapter to chapter. Dues consist of expenses related to membership fees, new membership fees and cost of maintaining chapter operations. At OCU, the first year of membership ranges in $480 per semester to $700 per semester. Payment options vary from chapter to chapter, also. Many of our chapters offer payment plans and scholarships. All financial information for each chapter will be discussed during Formal Recruitment. Feel free to ask any questions you have about the financial commitment to have a clear picture of the investment you are making. It is important to consider all of the financial obligations associated with being in a fraternity.

SOCIAL CONNECTION Joining the Greek system give you the opportunity to create a unique and special bond with the brothers in your organization. One of the greatest aspects of joining Greek Life is making new friends that will last long after you graduate from OCU. Brotherhood is more than just wearing the same letters, attending meetings, and going to parties; it is about developing the camaraderie and sense of belonging that will impact your college years and your life beyond. Fraternities were founded as social organizations bonding men of similar character beliefs, and having the opportunity to interact in these environments will help you in your professional and personal life outside of college. Our events support the important goal of bringing people together to develop bonds and friendship.

PHILANTHROPY & SERVICE One of the most rewarding aspects of being involved in a fraternity is the opportunity to work as a group to make both the nation and your community a better place. Each fraternity at OCU makes service a priority in their activities and for their members, most requiring their members to log several community service hours. Each chapter has both national and local philanthropies in which, collectively, they raise thousands of dollars and devote hundreds of hours of their time to each year in an effort to improve the OCU and Oklahoma City community. It is the ideal of many of our organizations to instill a sense of responsibility in their members to enrich the quality of life to those around them.

LEADERSHIP Leadership is acquired through hands-on experience, and OCU fraternities offer just that to their members. Chapters encourage their members to get involved and to maximize their potential in their chapter and on campus. Almost 40% of all OCU current student organization presidents and 30% of all OCU student-athletes are members of Greek Life. Each organization offers dozens of opportunities for their members to take-on leadership roles. Additionally, each chapter offers programming targeted to leadership development and cultivating the skills that will enable their members to excel.

HOMECOMING Homecoming is an amazing time on campus. It’s really a time when organizations work together to show everyone what OCU means to them. While Homecoming is a competitive time, it brings everyone together by uniting us as a student body that loves our university. Other than showing campus pride, Homecoming is fun! You learn things about your organization, the university, your peers, and yourself that you would not have known otherwise and you create bonds that will last your entire time on campus. Homecoming is part of what makes being an OCU star so spectacular!

SPRING SING Spring Sing is a campus wide event where all the houses compete in a friendly way as to who can put on the best musical production. It is a refreshing time to hear the talents of all the different houses on campus and always draws each chapter closer together. Judges select the Best Production and the Blue Key Honor Society, who produces the event, selects the Best in Show award. The event is a great way to help philanthropies all around the school and is a wonderful way to give back to our community.



Oklahoma City University has a zero-tolerance policy regarding hazing that is consistent with Oklahoma state law. Hazing is contrary to the purposes of the Greek community and the University. Hazing is not tolerated. If you sense a student may be participating in inappropriate activities as a result of membership in a sorority or fraternity, you should contact the Dean of Students Office. Calls will be handled in a discreet manner.

The Student Code of Conduct States

“Hazing, defined as an act which endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student, or which destroys or removes public or private property, for the purpose of initiation, admission into, affiliations with, or as a condition of membership in, a group or organization. The express or implied consent of the victim shall not be a defense. Neither apathy nor acquiescence in the presence of hazing is a neutral act; both are violations of this rule.”


Oklahoma City University is a “dry campus” and the use, possession, manufacture, or distribution of drugs and/or alcohol is strictly prohibited. Furthermore, providing these substances on or off campus is strictly forbidden. If you sense a student is violating this policy you should contact the Dean of Students Office.


Oklahoma City University has a zero-tolerance policy for discrimination, harassment, retaliation, or violence. Allegations of such conduct will be investigated and anyone found to have violated the University’s Policy concerning these actions will be subjected to University sanctions, as well as possible civil and criminal penalties. Fore more information on this policy, click the following link: www.okcu.edu/policies/documents/Sexual-Harassment-Policy.pdf


Find information on OCU’s Policies by following this link: www.okcu.edu/policies/


KAPPA SIGMA Welcome to OCU! Congratulations on choosing to join us here at Oklahoma City University! No matter what field of study you wish to pursue, I am confident that you made an excellent choice for your higher education. I can assure you on behalf of the student body that we are excited for you to become a part of our community. Along with the many other student organizations on campus, OCU greek life exists to promote the collaboration of ideas and efforts. Kappa Sigma in particular strives to excel in each of our four pillars - Fellowship, Leadership, Scholarship, and Service - to maintain an active and fruitful college experience. Unlike larger state schools, OCU greek life does not isolate itself from the rest of campus. In fact, members of greek organizations tend to be the most involved in campus organizations and events. You will find Kappa Sigmas in every discipline on campus from business to music and dance to biology. This creates a diverse brotherhood that is nearly impossible to find elsewhere. Contrary to the stereotypes that exist in entertainment and media, Kappa Sigma at OCU holds its brothers to high academic and social standards. We require our members to maintain at least a B- average every semester they are here and have a strict no-tolerance policy in regards to hazing and other forms of harassment. Kappa Sigma also prides itself in giving back to the community by logging more community service hours than any other on-campus organization. Kappa Sigma at OCU is a thriving brotherhood within an already vibrant community of students. We look forward to meeting you when you come to campus and encourage you to consider greek life and Kappa Sigma as part of your college experience. Fraternally,

Daniel McClain President, Kappa Sigma Fraternity

• Chapter: Theta-Psi • National Founding: December 10, 1869 • Local Founding: May 13, 1967 • National Philanthropy: Military Heroes • Flower: Lily of the Valley • National Website: www.kappasigma.org • Local Website: www.ocukappasigma.com • Number of active members: 61 • Length of new member program: 60 days • Pledge fee: $45 • Initiation fee: $150

LAMBDA CHI ALPHA Greetings from Lambda Chi Alpha, Congratulations on your choice to join the Greek community here at Oklahoma City University! There isn’t a doubt in my mind that you have embarked upon a journey that will impact the rest of your life. The friendships that you will inevitably make here will last far beyond your graduation. At Lambda Chi Alpha, we strive to take men and help them become better men. We develop loyal brothers, ambitious leaders on campus, and academic achievers. In order to accomplish these goals we constantly work to create an atmosphere that will foster your growth and improvement as a man, through the application of our core values and teachings. We are all very excited for the opportunity to meet you and share with you the reason Lambda Chi’s are considered the leaders of the OCU community. Congratulations again on your decision to go Greek, it is our hope that each and every one of you find a place where you feel at home in our IFC community! Best Regards,

Daniel Grix President, Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity

• National Founding – November 2, 1909 • Local Founding Theta Kappa Nu 1906, Merger with Lambda Chi Alpha 1939 • National Philanthropy – Feeding America • Colors – Purple, Green, Gold • Flower – White Tutor Rose • National Website – www.lambachi.org • Chapter Website – oculambdachialpha.org • Active Members – 64 • Length of New Member Program – 10 weeks • GPA requirement – 2.8 as Pledge, 3.0 as Initiate • For Rush information please contact Daniel Grix, 231-590-6626, dmgrix@my.okcu.edu

PHI GAMMA DELTA (FIJI) On behalf of the Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta at Oklahoma City University, I want to personally thank you for your consideration of joining Greek Life. This is no doubt a huge step that you will take on your college journey. You will meet the friends here that will last with you forever. • AAA scholarship, First semester Pledges who keep their GPA above a 3.20, their dues will be paid for. • National Founding: December 10, 1869 • Local Founding: Colonized 2010; Chartered 2015 • National Philanthropy: Red Cross and USO • Flower: Purple Clematis • National Website: www.phigam.org/ • Local Website: www.ocufiji.com • Active members – 33 • Length of New Member Program – 6 weeks • GPA requirement – 2.75 as Pledge; Scholarships • Philanthropy: Fall- USO Spring- American Red Cross Jacob Overling • National scholarship opportunities: first semester paid for with 3.2 GPA President, Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity

WHAT TO WEAR Formal recruitment nights, August 28th, require formal attire. A jacket and tie are recommended and a button-down shirt and slacks is required.

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS What if I want to be in a Fraternity but I’m not interested in participating in Formal Recruitment? Snap bidding is an informal recruitment process that takes place thirty days after fully-structured recruitment in the fall and lasts throughout the school year. Please keep in mind not all chapters can or will participate in snap bidding.

What if I decide I don’t want to participate in fraternity recruitment? Can I still join a fraternity?

If a man decides to withdraw from recruitment, he must check out with the Interfraternity Rush Chair and the Interfraternity Council Advisor. If he is interested in a snap bid, he can still be eligible to accept a bid after the allotted time. However, please keep in mind there is no guarantee that any chapter will participate.

I have a scheduling conflict with formal presentations, can I still participate?

We take this on a case-by-case basis. Please contact the IFC Advisor 405.208.5378 to set up an arrangement.


An initiated collegiate member who is currently paying dues to an undergraduate chapter.


Members of a fraternity who have graduated.

New Member

A new member of a fraternity or sorority aspiring to become an initiated member.


Someone whose father or brother are members of a particular Greek-letter organization.



The local group of undergraduate students on a particular campus recognized by the university and the (Inter)national organization.


The organized period for the recruitment of prospective new members. For IFC fraternities, formal recruitment occurs the week after Labor Day each fall semester.


A spiritually based ritual which marks the acceptance of a lifetime commitment to the fraternity.

Interfraternity Council (IFC)

An invitation to membership extended to a prospective member.

The umbrella organization for the fraternities at Oklahoma City University.

Bid Day

Panhellenic Council

Big Bro/Brother

Order of Omega National Greek Leadership Honor Society

The last day of recruitment that includes a reception at the chapter house. The new member selects an active member to serve as their Big Brother. This initiated member serves as a resource, role model, and problem solver for the new member.

The governing body of the National Panhellenic Conference sororities at Oklahoma City University.

An honor society for Greek members who demonstrate outstanding leadership and superior academic performance.

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