Focus Magazine Fall 2015

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No. 1,458

The Rev. Charles Neff sheds light on his mysterious collections.

Alumni employ Broadway, touring experience to create professional theatre in Oklahoma City.

Softball coach Phil McSpadden claims record wins to lead four-year schools.


Bird Lady Legendary professor celebrates two Tony Award-winning alumnae

CONTENTS Robert Henry, President Kent Buchanan, Interim Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs

ADMINISTRATIVE CABINET Jim Abbott, Assistant Vice President of Intercollegiate Athletics Amy Ayres, Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students Leslie Berger, BA ’02, Senior Director of University Communications Joey Croslin, Chief Human Resources Officer Jason Foreman, Acting Assistant Provost Gerry Hunt, Chief Information Officer Donna Nance, Chief Financial Officer Charles Neff, BA ’99, MBA ’11, Vice President for University-Church Relations Marty O’Gwynn, Vice President for University Advancement and External Relations Casey Ross-Petherick, BSB ’00, JD ’03, MBA/JD ’03, General Counsel Elizabeth Sheppard, Assistant Vice President for Development Kevin Windholz, Vice President for Enrollment Management

ALUMNI RELATIONS Cary Pirrong, BS ’87, JD ’90, Director of Alumni Relations Mike Slack, BA ’07, MA ’12, President, Alumni Board

EDITORIAL STAFF Leslie Berger, BA ’02, Editor of FOCUS and Senior Director of University Communications April Marciszewski, Art Director of FOCUS and Graphic Designer Rod Jones, MBA ’12, Assistant Director of Media Relations

WRITERS Terry Phelps, Professor of English Rich Tortorelli, Assistant Athletic Director for Communications

PHOTOGRAPHER Josh Robinson, Web Content Coordinator


TEACHING THE LEADING LADIES Legendary voice professor Florence Birdwell recently visited her students Kelli O'Hara and Kristin Chenoweth on Broadway leading up to the Tony Awards. Both stars were nominated this year for best leading actress in a musical. PAG E 6 Cover: Professor Birdwell revels in New York City outside American Airlines Theatre. Photo by Josh Robinson. Above: Alumna Kelli O'Hara and Birdwell on the OCU campus. Photo by M.J. Alexander.

FOCUS ALUMNI MAGAZINE 2501 N. Blackwelder Ave., Oklahoma City, OK 73106-1493 (405) 208-7000 Story Ideas: Alumni News: FOCUS is produced semiannually by the Communications and Alumni departments for alumni, parents, and friends of Oklahoma City University. Oklahoma City University pledges to recruit, select and promote diversity by providing equality of opportunity in higher education for all persons, including faculty and employees with respect to hiring, continuation, promotion and tenure, applicants for admission, enrolled students, and graduates, without discrimination or segregation on the grounds of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, handicap or disability, sexual orientation, or veteran status. The Chief Human Resources Officer, located in Room 108 of the Clara E. Jones Administration Building, telephone (405) 208-5075, coordinates the university’s compliance with titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act. Printed on recycled paper.

FEATURES Summer Camp in Taiwan


Alumni Rack Up Accolades with Regional Theatre Company


Dance Alumnus Wields Stage Skills for Retail, Residential Business


Reverend Returns Home to OCU


School of Theatre Ushers in a Golden Age


President's Message Letters University Update Alumni Athletics Class Notes In Memory Honor Roll of Donors Calendar

Stay Up-To-Date Between Issues:  //  Read the Archives:

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A Culture of Creativity Fall is an exciting time at Oklahoma City University. A promising academic year is well underway and some of our best communitywide events are just around the corner. Oklahoma City University is a hub of creativity. On this campus, we nurture visionary minds and passionate performers, and we encourage our students to grow into successful servant leaders.

Creativity in Business Innovations are always underway at the Meinders School of Business. Dean Steve Agee, who is one of just a handful of deans anywhere who teaches an academic course, has brought in guest lecturers from many of Oklahoma City’s leading energy companies to speak to his master’s-level students. These include GE Global Research Centers Manager C. Michael Ming, Chesapeake CEO Doug Lawler, Sandridge Energy CEO James Bennett, OG&E CEO Sean Trauschke, and Oklahoma Corporation Commissioner Dana Murphy. President Robert and Dr. Jan Henry Photo by M.J. Alexander

Creativity in the Sciences Our newly renovated chemistry labs are giving science students enhanced learning opportunities and opening new doors for incoming students. We continue to lead the way in sending science graduates to their professional schools of choice.

Creativity in the Liberal Arts Interim Dean Amy Cataldi is spearheading a promising initiative to pair arts and sciences students with area nonprofit agencies. Our students will gain valuable professional experience while living out the OCU mission of servant leadership.

Creativity in the Performing Arts This issue is chock full of the amazing accomplishments of our music, theater, and dance alumni. Our alumni are at the top of their fields and proudly represent OCU around the globe.You can catch the Stars of tomorrow during our popular Christmas performances. Tickets are available now at

Creativity in Nursing OCU’s Kramer School of Nursing is on the forefront of continuing education initiatives and provides valuable opportunities for health care professionals in the surrounding community. The nursing school recently hosted its annual Caring Across Cultures Conference with keynote speaker Paula Davis Scimeca, a registered nurse who wrote “Unbecoming a Nurse” and detailed the problems of addiction in the healthcare industry.

Creativity in Law It has been a banner year for OCU Law with our move to the historic Central High School building in downtown Oklahoma City. Our school is bucking the national trend in declining law enrollment by posting increases, and that is directly related to the personal learning scenarios and professional opportunities that come with an OCU Law education.

Creativity in Athletics Our athletics program continues to hold more national championship wins than any school in the NAIA. OCU has 59 national championships and was recently recognized as a Champions of Character Five-Star Institution by the NAIA. Our program was selected for our commitment to character training, conduct in competition, academic focus, character recognition, and character promotion.

I am also proud to report the university jumped ahead two spots to No. 23 in the U.S. News & World Report rankings of master’s-level universities in the West. We are the top school in Oklahoma in this category and a leading university nationwide. This is a tremendous testament to the creative culture that pervades our campus, and we invite you to take part in these exciting times! Best regards, ROBERT AND JAN HENRY CREATIVE PERFORMANCES:  //  1

PRESIDENT’S POST Hundreds of letters come across President Robert Henry’s desk every semester. Following are excerpts of what friends of the university have to say.

Mounting Thanks

Moment of Honor

Thank you very much for visiting Mount St. Mary High School. We appreciate that you came and spoke to us, sharing your knowledge and insight on politics and the economy. We enjoyed your visit immensely, and we hope you come again!

I was pleasantly surprised yesterday in returning to my office to find a handsomely framed remembrance of my commencement experience on your campus. This is a special treat and I will cherish this memento for years to come. But well-framed paper pales in comparison to the swell of honor that I experienced in the receiving of a doctorate from Oklahoma City University and the “moment” of addressing the graduates of your bastion of learning. It was a day that I will never forget and I only wish that my life’s experiences were of greater impact on a larger host so that I might feel deserving of such recognition. I am humbled and appreciative for what the Cherokee would describe as “oo le he la ste” … (an honored welcome).


Supremely Written The Sandra Day O’Connor letter opener is a fine reminder of Wednesday’s celebration. Your comments about Sandra were as witty as they were wise. I so enjoyed listening to you. With appreciation for a gift to treasure, JUSTICE RUTH BADER GINSBURG Supreme Court of the United States

Chartered Chat Thank you for taking time to share your thoughts with us about the Magna Carta. I really enjoyed your comments, and I had others comment as well. I appreciate your service to our state. Sincerely, CHRIS BENGE Oklahoma Secretary of State

Legal Briefing Thank you for coming to speak at the Holloway Inn of Court Wednesday night. The discussion was very entertaining and informative. We are grateful for the instrumental role you played in our new law school. STUDENTS OF THE HOLLOWAY INN OF COURT Oklahoma City University School of Law

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JAY HANNAH, PH.D. (HONORARY) Executive Vice President of Financial Services BancFirst

In Remembrance It is with deep gratitude that we thank you for the gift given in Michael’s memory to the Michael Schafer Endowed Scholarship. Michael was able to attend Oklahoma City University due to a similar scholarship and we hope through this endowment scholarship that deserving students will be given the same opportunity. Michael’s time at OCU was a wonderful and enriching experience, and he received an excellent education. Michael loved so much about OCU, and we know educators as well as students loved him. We miss him deeply, but we hope this is a way to keep his memory alive and bless others. Thank you for your kind and generous donation. In Christian love, EDDIE AND ROCHELLE SCHAFER

P.S.Yours was the first gift we received. Thank you for blessing us this way, and in turn blessing other students. OCU will always have a special place in our hearts.


Top: Group members explore the historic Cihou Fort in Cijin District, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Left: Children who attended summer camp with OCU students at the XinYi Children’s Home in Yunlin County. Right: Volunteers from OCU and universities in Taiwan at Taroko National Park. Bottom: New friends Max Lin and Sydney Hughes at Cihou Fort in Kaohsiung. Photos by James Ma

Teaching in Taiwan Sixteen students, accompanied by James Ma, finance professor, and Carrie Sauer, assistant director of annual giving, visited Taiwan July 7-21 as part of the inaugural OCU-Doers Taiwan Cultural Exchange Program. The team, alongside Taiwanese college students, led summer camps for underprivileged grade-school children in several locations, in addition to traveling and learning about Taiwanese culture. The team included students from each of the university’s schools and colleges: Liz Ramirez, Kelsey Ricks, Brooke Crutchfield, Katey McMahan, Joe Wathika, Jennifer Treloggen, Lizzie Forman, Lauren Duroy, Kyle Wardwell, Hope Wiggs, Sophia Hackney, Misael Martinez, Felicity Owens, Brade Bradshaw, Sydney Hughes, and Paty Lopez. Dr. Wei-Hsien “Wilson” Lin, Honorary Doctor of Business ’14 and founder of the Doers Cultural and Educational Foundation, made a donation to establish the annual trip. SEND STARS ABROAD:  //  3


High Honors John Richels, retired president of Devon Energy and OCU board member, visits with President Robert Henry during a dinner May 8 for recipients of honorary doctorate degrees. Richels received an Honorary Doctor of Laws. Also honored this spring were Gov. Bill Anoatubby, Honorary Doctor of Business; Dr. Brent Beson, BS ’95, Honorary Doctor of Science; Susan Barber, Ph.D., Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters; D. Jay Hannah, Honorary Doctor of Business Administration; Chris Harrison, BA ’93, Honorary Doctor of Fine Arts; Judy Love, Honorary Doctor of Humanities; and George Tseng, Ed.D., Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters.

Barber Leaves Lasting Legacy Oklahoma City University Provost Susan Barber retired June 30 after a 32-year career with the university. Barber served as a full-time Susan Barber biology professor for 20 years. As provost, she was instrumental in the new renovations to the chemistry labs, the creation of the Physician Assistant program, and the downtown location for the School of Law. “A lasting legacy of Susan’s will be our beautiful campus,” said President Robert Henry. “Throughout her time here, she has been heavily involved in grant requests to beautify our campus by planting trees.” Assistant Provost Kent Buchanan was named interim provost and vice president for academic affairs effective July 1. A national search process is underway to fill the position.

Cataldi Fills Interim Dean Post Associate Arts and Sciences Dean Amy Cataldi, MA ’98, was named interim dean of the Petree College of Arts and Sciences July 1 following Dean Mark Davies’ decision to return to the classroom as the Wimberly Professor of Social and Ecological Ethics. Cataldi joined the OCU faculty as a psychology professor in 1997, became chair of Amy Cataldi the psychology department in 2011, and served as associate dean of the college from 2012 to 2015. A national search for a new dean is underway. Cataldi holds a BA from Boston College and an MS and Ph.D. from the University of Oklahoma. 4  //  FOCUS Fall 2015

Fresh Ayres and Student Affairs Amy Ayres joined the OCU community in July as vice president for student affairs and dean of students. In this role, she oversees counseling services; career services; the dean of students office; housing and residence life; student engagement, inclusion, and multicultural programs; student conduct; the Behavioral Intervention Team; Greek life; Student Government Association; and other Amy Ayres engagement opportunities. Ayres holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of Oklahoma and a master’s in higher education from the University of North Texas. She has a doctorate in higher education from UNT. Most recently, Ayres served as senior director for involvement and engagement at the University of Texas at Arlington. Previously, Ayres served the UNT community for 15 years, much of that time as associate dean of students. “I am beyond blessed to have the opportunity to join the OCU family,” Ayres said. “As a native Oklahoman, it is so good to be ‘home’ after nearly 20 years in the Lone Star State. I look forward to working collaboratively with students, faculty, and staff on ways in which Student Affairs can further build community and seek to remove barriers to academic success.”

To Your Health The Campus Health Center has opened in a newly renovated section of the Kramer School of Nursing West. The center provides physician assistants and a physician to assist students and employees and their dependents with primary healthcare needs. Center hours are 9 a.m.-noon and 1-5 p.m. Mondays and 8 a.m.noon and 1-5 p.m. Tuesdays through Fridays. For more information, call (405) 208-5090.


Squinting Modifiers BY TERRY PHELPS, PH.D. (Editor’s Note: Phelps’ book, “Grammar Upside Down,” will soon be available at

Do you see any problems with the sentences below? 1 Dee Linquent decided eventually to pay off the note. 2 The proposal that was considered last week apparently will

be accepted. 3 Interest accrues on new accounts only on the first of the month.

The problems are subtle and consequently often go unnoticed, sometimes with negative results. If you didn’t see any problems, check the sentences again for ambiguity. Then look at the different interpretations below: 1a Dee Linquent eventually decided to pay off the note. 1b Dee Linquent decided to eventually pay off the note. 2a The proposal that was considered last week will apparently

be accepted. 2b The proposal that was apparently considered last week will be accepted. 3a Interest accrues on new accounts on the first of the month only. 3b Interest accrues only on new accounts on the first of the month. In the original sentences, the adverbs “eventually,” “apparently,” and “only” are called squinting modifiers. If the writer of such sentences is lucky, the reader reads it the way the writer intended. If the writer is less lucky, the reader doesn’t know which way to

interpret the sentence. If the writer is even less lucky, the reader interprets the sentence wrong. Squinting modifiers are ambiguous adverbs or adverbial phrases or clauses, which might refer to what precedes or follows them. A squinting modifier can usually be eliminated by moving it to different positions in the sentence. Sometimes a squinting modifier may be a phrase or a clause. Examine the sentences below: 1 The CEO said before the meeting he would consider all

options. 2 She said when the speech ended she wanted to nap.

Depending on the meaning, the sentences could be restructured as below: 1a Before the meeting the CEO said he would consider all

options. 1b The CEO said he would consider all options before the

meeting. 2a When the speech ended, she said she wanted to nap. 2b She said she wanted to nap when the speech ended. Practice finding vague referents below. 1 The movie that appealed to Rana tremendously bored Max. 2 The council advises patients regularly to check

prescription dates. 3 He was certain by October he’d get a job offer. 4 The way she silenced the class completely amazed me. 5 Writing clearly increases readability.

Join the Inaugural Alumni Book Club Relive your liberal arts college days by reading “Happy City” by Charles Montgomery and joining a lively discussion on campus during All-Alumni Weekend April 22-24. This nonfiction book by a Canadian journalist examines history, neuroscience, urban design, and the psychology of happiness in a quest to uncover what makes a happy city. “Is urban design really powerful enough to make or break happiness?” Montgomery asks in the book. “The question deserves consideration because the happy city message is taking root around the world.” For OCU alumni, serving as community leaders around the world, the questions could be particularly relevant. For more information, visit





 NEW YORK—Three weeks before the 2015 Tony Awards, legendary Oklahoma City University voice professor Florence Birdwell, BFA ’45 and MAT ’69, embarked on a 1,500-mile journey to Broadway that celebrated perhaps the most significant milestone of her 67-year career. Birdwell has produced stars who have performed on the world’s most famous stages, from La Scala to Broadway, and this year she became one of the world’s only professors to have two alumni nominated for a Tony in the same category in the same year. Kristin Chenoweth, BM ’91, MM ’93, and LHD ’13, and Kelli O’Hara, BM ’98, who coined Birdwell’s affectionate nickname, “The Bird Lady,” earned Tony nominations this year for best leading actress in a musical.

Above: Kelli O'Hara and Florence Birdwell catch up on Broadway. Photo by Josh Robinson. Left: Alumnae O'Hara and Kristin Chenoweth with their teacher, Florence Birdwell. Photos courtesy of Birdwell.

Left: Chenoweth catches Birdwell after a performance in “On the 20th Century.” Chenoweth says Birdwell taught her how to sing technically better, from her heart, and with meaning, in addition to life and career lessons. Photo by Josh Robinson

There were three other nominees, but as Birdwell so aptly noted, it was never about competing with others. “They only have themselves to compete with,” she said. Similarly, when O’Hara sat down with FOCUS in May, she recounted how comforting it was to run into Chenoweth at Tony events. “We’ve had so much fun with it,” O’Hara said. “I think the best part about it is that we both want the best for each other. I think Kristin and I have the same feeling that we hope one of us can thank (Birdwell) this year. It’s not a smackdown. Kristin’s helped me so much in my life; she’s a generous person, and she’s my friend. We’re just celebrating the fact the two of us are here and able to shed some light on this woman.” O’Hara got the chance to thank Birdwell on June 7 when she was announced as the Tony Award winner. “Thank you with all of my heart,” O’Hara said to begin her acceptance speech. “I love what I do and I don’t need this, but now that I have it, I’ve got some things to say. I come from a place far away and there’s a little teacher there, and two of us tonight, Kristin and I, share her. Florence Birdwell, thank you.” O’Hara went on to thank her parents for giving her roots, Birdwell for giving her wings, and theater director Bartlett Sher for teaching her to fly. O’Hara literally danced off the stage, exuding joy to conclude her speech, which ranked first in a poll of viewers’ favorites. O’Hara portrays Anna Leonowens in “The King and I,” which won this year’s Tony Award for Best Revival of a Musical. In a casual

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chat with Birdwell about the musical, O’Hara told her, “You know I’m playing a teacher, and I have one inspiration in that department.” Of Birdwell, O’Hara says: “It has to do with so much more than voice lessons. She’s been my life teacher. She’s gotten me through everything. I owe her everything. She just changed me. She’s built me up.” Chenoweth, co-host of this year’s Tony Awards ceremony, winner of a previous Tony, and leading lady Lily Garland in “On the 20th Century,” echoed similar sentiments about Birdwell during a recent interview with FOCUS. “I didn’t know what I didn’t know,” Chenoweth recalled, “and that’s why she was the right teacher for me.” She said Birdwell taught her the importance of listening, particularly to others. “Don’t listen to yourself too much because that means you’re not into the moment,” Chenoweth said. “She really did teach me to be a better listener, mainly to the audience.” She said Birdwell also taught her to be generous with other actors, a lesson she continues to carry with her. “Florence did a lot of talking with her hands, and with her thumbs in particular and her fingers, and I saw this hand come at me so many times,” Chenoweth remembered. “She had such a love and energy that came from her hand — it sounds really funny to say — I could tell if she was happy, mad, sad, (if) she was furious with how I was singing, or enthralled — I could tell with a finger, a lift. And she just exudes love. And realness, realness. So what I always got from her was the truth, whether I liked it or not. I still get it, in fact, and I still want it from her.”

Center: O'Hara and Birdwell talk in O'Hara's Lincoln Center Theater dressing room about their shared OCU history before O'Hara performs in “The King and I” on Broadway. Right: Birdwell hams it up in Times Square. Photos by Josh Robinson

Birdwell’s alumni

are part of a vast network of Oklahoma City University graduates working in the performing arts. The

university has three of the nation’s top-ranked performing arts programs in higher education. The music, dance, and theater schools have produced more than 60 graduates who have performed on Broadway and many more who have taken their talents to famous venues around the world. For more information, visit


Tony Awards

Performances during the 2015 Tony Awards ceremony included several alumni:

Richard Riaz Yoder BPA ’06 “On the 20th Century”

Kristin Chenoweth BM ’91 and MM ’93 Tony Awards co-host and “On the 20th Century”

Kelli O’Hara BM ’98 “The King and I”

Chip Abbott BPA ’03 “On the Town”

STAR POWER:  //  9


Oklahoma City University’s tradition of producing graduates who perform on the world’s most famous stages is stronger than ever. Alumni from the Wanda L. Bass School of Music, School of Theatre, and the Ann Lacy School of American Dance and Entertainment performing in recent, current, or upcoming productions include:

Lifelong Teacher The work that led to this epic year for Birdwell began in 1946 when she began teaching at OCU. Shortly before, Birdwell, a promising opera performer, contracted a throat infection and lost her ability to sing. Devastated, she asked her own vocal instructor what she should do.
“She looked at me and said, ‘Remember this, you may not be able to sing, but you can certainly talk!’” And Birdwell’s teaching career was born. Birdwell then taught continuously at OCU until 2013. She continues to refer endearingly to alumni as her students and quickly corrects anyone who labels them as former students. “They are students until they get another teacher, and they haven’t,” she quips. Backstage at “The King and I” on May 16 at Lincoln Center Theater, Birdwell caught up with O’Hara, offering words of encouragement and praise — and a little advice to her student, “I like your hair long; don’t cut it.” O’Hara replied, “I won’t; I usually take your advice.” As O’Hara lovingly pushed Birdwell in a wheelchair down the hall, she leaned in and told her teacher, “You’ve been pushing me for my whole life.”
 One evening earlier, Birdwell waited eagerly to go backstage after “On the 20th Century” at American Airlines Theatre. The crowd had cleared, and Chenoweth walked into the house. Overcome with emotion, she approached Birdwell at her chair, collapsed at her feet and cried. By the time she composed a smile and looked up at her mentor, Birdwell happily told her: “You have your show.You were wonderful.” While in New York City, Birdwell reconnected with about a dozen other OCU alumni during a master class at Shelter Studios in Midtown Manhattan. Although already successful performing artists, participants gladly absorbed the respected professor’s critiques and advice. “It’s so much fun to teach people who are in the business,” Birdwell commented. “It’s so much fun to remind them of what we all forget. It was wonderful to work with them.” Birdwell’s legacy is something that lives in the hearts of her numerous students. Each graduate also receives a visual reminder of some of her more important lessons — a framed quote by dancer and choreographer Martha Graham. Birdwell even keeps a copy of the quotation — centered on the gifts of uniqueness, creativity, and motivation — prominently displayed in her home. It reads: 10  //  FOCUS Fall 2015

On Stage

Chip Abbott BPA ’03 “On the Town” Belinda Allyn BM ’12 “Allegiance” (Opens Nov. 8th) Heather Botts MM ’12 “Doctor Zhivago” Kristin Chenoweth BM ’91, MM ’93 “On the 20th Century” Jeremy Hays BM ’03 “The Phantom of the Opera”


Sasha Hutchings BPA ’11 “Hamilton” Colby Q. Lindeman BPA ’05 “Wicked” Lauralyn McClelland BPA ’05 “Matilda” Matt McMahan BM ’09 “Les Misérables” Manna Nichols MM ’09 “Allegiance” (Opens Nov. 8th)

Kelli O’Hara BM ’98 “The King and I” Nathan Peck BPA ’97 “Kinky Boots” Brian Shepard BA ’10 “Something Rotten” Jonathan Warren BPA ’02 “Wicked” Richard Riaz Yoder BPA ’06 ”On the 20th Century”

There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is nor how valuable nor how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open. You do not even have to believe in yourself or your work. You have to keep yourself open and aware to the urges that motivate you. Keep the channel open. ... No artist is pleased. There is no satisfaction whatever at any time. There is only a queer divine dissatisfaction, a blessed unrest that keeps us marching and makes us more alive than the others. —MARTHA GRAHAM Dancer & Choreographer

“I just love teaching voice. … Sixty-seven years, you say? Well, I wish it were 70.” —FLORENCE BIRDWELL Clockwise from top left: Professor Florence Birdwell poses with a close friend. Birdwell sings in a 1979 performance at OCU. Birdwell gives an interview in her home earlier this year in celebration of her 67 years of teaching and her students' Tony nominations. “An Evening with Florence Birdwell” presented by KOCU in 1992. A March 1989 performance at OCU. Photo at center right by Josh Robinson; photo at bottom right by Terry Zinn; remaining photos courtesy of Birdwell SPOTLIGHT ON BIRDWELL:  //  11


Spanning the


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Clockwise, starting at left: OCU alumnus and CityRep co-founder Jonathan Beck Reed, OCU professor Hal Kohlman, OCU alumnus and CityRep co-founder Marcellus Hankins, OCU professor Lance Marsh, OCU student Jordan Jacobs, and Matthew Brown in the CityRep/OCU Oklahoma premiere co-production of “Peter and the Starcatcher.” Photo by Wendy Mutz, Mutz Photography

OCU Friendships Lead to Equity Theater Company You might call them the Three Musketeers of Oklahoma City Repertory Theatre.You won’t find them striding about in hip-high boots, buckling swashes while wearing brocaded hats adorned with extravagant feathers, unless they get cast in roles that call for that costume. On normal days, you’ll find Founding Artistic Director Donald Jordan, BA ’80; Co-Founder and Resident Artist Jonathan Beck Reed, theater ’83; and Artistic Associate Michael Jones, theater ’81, attired in work duds, employing a wide array of creative, communication, and business skills to make CityRep the award-winning professional Equity regional theatre company it has become. One major thing they have in common — they all attended Oklahoma City University. “Don and I share 44 productions, which includes being in each other’s weddings!” Jonathan Beck Reed met classmate Donald Jordan at OCU, when he transferred in as a performing arts major in 1979. The day before school started, he headed off to audition for OCU’s “The House at Pooh Corner,” a production led by world-renowned OCU Children’s Theatre faculty member Claire Jones. “I met this big guy in blue overalls — Don Jordan — crossing the street. He led me to the auditions, and it was like we had been life-long friends. More than 35 years later, we have never lost that close friendship.” Jordan played God and Reed played the devil in OCU’s “J.B.” before Jordan went on to Music Theatre of Wichita, Missouri’s famed Mule Barn Theater, and finally, the Dallas Theater Center. Their careers as full-time, professional actors and singers launched, but they still managed to maintain contact in an era prior to cell phones and

Internet. Ten years passed. All three men racked up impressive résumés for performance in prominent shows and tours but only worked together once, on a production of “Guys and Dolls” at Oklahoma’s Lyric Theatre in the mid-1980s. Then divine intervention stepped in. Reed recalls fondly: “After I appeared in the national revival of ‘The Music Man’ as Harold Hill, I moved on to ‘42nd Street.’ As things do happen, a fine actor cast in the comic role in the show backed out at the last minute, leaving the show on pause and its director furious for the costly, brief notice. I arrived in his office for a meeting just as he received the news. He snapped at me, ‘Do you know anybody who can play this role well, not just a buddy, but someone who can really play it?’ I knew exactly who to recommend: that same big guy who led me across the OCU campus to my first audition a decade earlier, Donald Jordan. During 1988 to 1989, we performed together in the Broadway tour of ‘42nd Street,’ logging hundreds of performances across the U.S., Canada, and even touring to Israel.” On the road, they shared many dressing rooms and late-night dinners, talking non-stop. They dreamed aloud about starting their own Equity theatre company that would represent the arts well, where they could apply the craft and professionalism experienced on Broadway and in the big-time touring league. They dreamed of opening this company on their alma mater’s turf. Time passed with many more pro gigs, as well as an increasing array of awards and honors for both men. Finally in 2002, that dream became a reality. “Pick your friends wisely in college because they will haunt you STAGE MAGIC:  //  13

the rest of your life,” quips Jordan. Jones later toured in “Pacific They launched CityRep during Overtures,” starring Mako, and 2002-03 with a tight, appealing “Sugar Babies,” with Eddie Bracken. season of three Oklahoma premieres: He moved to the West Coast, “The Leading Ladies,” “I Love You, working in nonprofit development You’re Perfect, Now Change,” and and establishing a national reputation the original social commentary as a stage and television director, work, “I Am A Teacher.” Since then, for which he won an Emmy in the a carefully orchestrated and sensibly mid-1990s. During a trip home from developed process merges artistic Seattle, he saw that CityRep was value with audience appeal, on a coming together. Jordan immediately fastidiously tended budget. asked him to direct “I Am A Few loose ends mar a CityRep Teacher.” Taking a leap of faith, production. One local critic Jones returned to Oklahoma. recently wrote, “CityRep now What makes the three-way sets the standard for Oklahoma partnership flourish and endure life’s OCU students Jordan Jacobs as Peter and Olivia Cinquepalmi as Molly City theatre.” Growing every year, challenges? Reed answers without in the CityRep/OCU Oklahoma premiere co-production of “Peter and the in spite of economic challenges, hesitation: “Maintaining open and Starcatcher.” Photo by Wendy Mutz, Mutz Photography CityRep produces engaging, honest relationships is key. We don’t quality entertainment to spark the always agree on everything, but we imagination and please the visual palate. The company have high standards and constant communication. As a mounts shows in three major theatre spaces in the small Equity theatre, we manage to pull together winning city: the first two in the Civic Center Music Hall in a shows on tight budgets because we work together well, Part of our dream … proscenium theatre that seats 250, and the third in an always a team, always focusing on the art.” Jordan adds: is to give today's OCU intimate basement black box that seats about 88 patrons. “I value the gift of their friendship, and I am still, after “We are also proud to co-produce major works students the chance to all these years, dazzled by the depth and breadth of their yearly at OCU in the Burg Theatre in conjunction talent. Jonathan and Michael are two of the finest artists work with successful, with the School of Theatre, as well as occasionally with it has ever been my pleasure to work with. Between us, professional artists the School of Music in the Kirkpatrick Auditorium,” we’ve now done thousands of performances of hundreds Jordan said. “Part of our dream and our mission is to of plays together, and how many friends get such a gift? I from across the give today’s OCU students the chance to work with am very grateful.” country even before successful, professional artists from across the country Jordan reflects on their time at OCU: “I know I even before they graduate.” speak for Jonathan and Michael, as well, when I say how they graduate. CityRep has garnered national honors since critically important the outstanding professional training, —DON JORDAN encouragement, and mentoring we received at OCU 2002 as its seasons have expanded and attendance BA ’80 was in providing the foundation for success we have all has increased. Recognition includes winning the Oklahoma Governor’s Arts Award; a national award enjoyed in our careers, together and separately. A strong, from the organization that produces the Tony Awards, the American focused grounding in professional standards, ethics, and procedures, as Theatre Wing; and a special proclamation from the national Actors’ well as a diversity of experiences in performing, directing, design, and Equity Union for excellence in professional production. In 2014, management helped prepare each of us for successful careers. We owe PBS/Oklahoma Educational Television Authority produced the so much of that to OCU and its committed professors and mentors. documentary “Back in Time,” commemorating the 75th anniversary Gratitude for such exceptional mentoring is part of what motivates us of Steinbeck’s novel “The Grapes of Wrath,” which featured the to give back and mount a show with OCU every season.” CityRep/OCU co-production of the stage adaptation. In 2015, the The Oklahoma premiere of “Peter and the Starcatcher,” the latest documentary won an Emmy Award in the Arts/Entertainment— co-production and the multiple Tony award-winning musical fantasy Program/Series/Special category. prequel to “Peter Pan,” ran September 18-27 on the OCU campus. “I wanted to move to New York City and be in the chorus of Jones, a longtime “Peter Pan” fan, directed; Jordan produced; and a Broadway show,” remarked Jones. He entered OCU in 1977 on Reed starred as an energetic, lovable, tongue-tied pirate chief. After a music scholarship. He knew Reed from Lyric Theatre, where he more than 35 years of artistry, friendship, and the OCU standard ushered in high school. When he got cast in “J.B.” at OCU, he met of servant-leadership, the Three Musketeers of CityRep and OCU Jordan and Reed. The Three Musketeers friendship was born. joined forces again to work their unique and celebrated stage magic.


14  //  FOCUS Fall 2015

Life’s a Dance

Puskas Pursues Prolific Passions BY ROD JONES

It’s not too far a leap from the dance studio to designing store window displays. They’re both creative outlets for self-expression. Both are visually artistic and attract large audiences, at least when there’s a high enough degree of talent involved. And for Alec Puskas, BPA ’87, elements of both disciplines were necessary in his first job out Alec Puskas of college at the Pollard Theatre in Guthrie. “I was hired because I could perform on stage and run a table saw,” Puskas explained. “It was a brand new theater company so we all had to have multiple skills.” Puskas now owns a design company in Seattle called Visionart. He specializes in staging new homes, retail merchandise displays, and storefront windows. Among his many clients is the Space Needle, which includes a famous Christmas tree display. “It’s fun knowing that hundreds of people take photos in front of that tree every year,” he said. With the type of design he is known for, the Christmas season is his busiest time. “Some people think of the holidays as a very stressful time, but I love it. People just seem happier, more spirited, and more willing to treat each other with respect. I love that time of year,” he said. Puskas opened his own design firm after working for the Nordstrom retail store company for 10 years. There he designed and built window displays and floor displays, and spent many years setting up new stores around the country. His first job at Nordstrom was in the scenic shop, where crews build handmade, hand-painted decorations for stores around the Pacific Northwest. Puskas got into decorating at a young age. During a celebration of one of his more recent birthdays, his mother recounted a story about his propensity for decorating his room.

“I didn’t have clothes in my closet,” he said. “Instead it had a bunch of brown grocery bags full of decorations I made for my room. I kept changing my decor and saved everything I thought I might use again. “When my dad redid my room after I moved out, he said he didn’t realize what a mess I was making. There was all this tape stuck to the ceiling and walls — it was tough to clean it off.” Puskas grew up in the Detroit area. He would take family trips to Chicago during Christmas breaks from school and remembers being inspired by the many unique, creative, and intricate store window displays on State Street downtown. His mother sang opera, so Puskas grew up around performance stages. His father taught woodshop in high school, so he also grew up around craftsmanship. He took tap dancing classes throughout high school and helped design and build scenic designs for plays. He said he was torn between pursuing theater tech work and performing for a living. A family member had heard about the dance program at OCU, and Puskas said a visit convinced him that he should make the move to Oklahoma. It was 1983, and Jo Rowan, chairwoman of the dance department, had recently started traveling the country on recruiting trips for her new dance program. “Jo and John (Bedford, dean of the school) were so influential to me. They not only excel in teaching dance, but also in preparing you for life,” he said. “Jo had all of these little sayings she would use, little lessons that translate into any field you want to work in. They conveyed a way of life, a way of thinking that put me where I am today.” For example, before his interview for a job with Nordstrom, he said he went out and bought new clothes so that he would look the part to his future employer. “I went in and did everything I thought it would take to work at a company like Nordstrom, and it worked out for me.” His advice to students preparing to graduate from college is similar to what he learned at OCU: “Follow your passion, no matter what it is — dance, painting, music.You’ll be your best if you’re doing something you like to do.” JO KNOWS:  Download her wisdom at  //  15


OCU was ranked No. 2 and claimed the national title for the third time in four years. Photo courtesy NAIA

Women’s Basketball Nets Repeat Championship BY RICH TORTORELLI

The Stars powered their way to an 80-63 victory over Campbellsville (Ky.) to repeat as NAIA Division I national women’s basketball champions March 24 at the Independence Events Center in Missouri. Second-ranked Oklahoma City (30-2) captured its third national title in four years and eighth overall national crown to lead NAIA women’s basketball. OCU reached 30 wins for the 11th time in 15 years. Rateska Brown, a senior from Alvin, S.C., boosted Oklahoma City with 29 points, eight rebounds, five assists and three steals. Brown provided OCU with 19.2 points, 4.0 rebounds and 2.0 steals a game during the tournament to earn first-team all-tournament accolades. OCU’s Yvonte Neal pitched in 11 points and five rebounds. Neal took tournament most valuable player as she posted 18.0 points, 7.0 rebounds and 2.0 thefts a contest during the Stars’ championship run.

OCU’s Phil McSpadden owns the most wins against four-year competition of any college softball coach. Photo by Rich Tortorelli

NUMB ER 1,458

McSpadden Shatters National Record Softball coach Phil McSpadden collected a milestone victory in the Stars’ 13-1, 8-0 sweep of Southwestern Assemblies of God (Texas) on April 10 before a record crowd at Ann Lacy Stadium that included many OCU softball alumnae who contributed to those wins over the years. McSpadden reached win No. 1,458 to move ahead of NCAA victory leader Margie Wright to hold the most wins against four-year schools of any college softball coach. The OCU coach finished the season with a 1,478-361 record in his 28th year.

OCU Stars in Director’s Cup Standings Oklahoma City University’s three national championships fueled a third-place finish in the final 2014-15 NAIA National Association of College Directors of Athletics Director’s Cup standings. The Stars won national crowns in women’s basketball, cheerleading and men’s cross country during the academic year. OCU made its third consecutive appearance in the Director’s Cup standings top 10. After an 11th-place finish in the NAIA men’s track and field championships, the Stars finished with 802.75 points — 51.75 shy of first place — while garnering points in 13 sports. OCU had a fifth16  //  FOCUS Fall 2015

place finish in the NAIA wrestling championships, plus a sixth-place showing in the NAIA women’s golf championships and an eighthplace finish in the NAIA men’s golf championships. Oklahoma City owns 59 national championships in all sports. OCU has won a national crown in each of the past 22 years. Since 1996-97, OCU has posted 14 top-10 finishes and 18 consecutive top-13 finishes in the Director’s Cup standings. Off the field, the Stars boasted of a 3.096 combined grade point average to have at least a 3.0 GPA for the 13th year in a row.


Stars Welcome Basketball Coach OCU officials have selected Bo Overton as the head coach for women’s basketball. Overton returns to his home state after spending the past few years coaching for teams abroad. During that time, he served as an assistant coach for the Chinese national team in the 2012 Olympics. Overton’s last coaching stint in Oklahoma came during an ultra successful run as Sherri Coale’s assistant at the University of Oklahoma. During that time, the Sooners advanced to the 2002 NCAA championship game. The Stars were 85-10 with two national titles and three conference regular-season championships in three seasons under Latricia Trammell, who left to become an assistant at NCAA Division I Georgia State. TENTH TA K E

Cheer Adds National Title Oklahoma City collected the cheerleading national title in the NAIA Cheer and Dance Championship Invitational on March 14 at the Midland Event Center in Fremont, Neb. The Stars have captured 10 national championships in cheerleading and pom/ dance the past four years. OCU won the NAIA large coed and large pom/dance championships in 2011, the NAIA all-girl and large coed crowns in 2012 and the NAIA all-girl and pom/dance titles, the NCA Division II coed championship in 2013, the 2014 cheer and dance NAIA titles and now the 2015 small coed championship. OCU finished in first place with a total score of 90.4 points. The Stars finished 0.8 points ahead of runner-up finisher Concordia (Mich.). St. Ambrose (Iowa) finished third, followed by St. Gregory’s.

Baseball Scores New Endowment The Denney Crabaugh Endowment for OCU Baseball has been established to aid student-athletes. The endowment will be invested permanently to benefit OCU baseball and provide funds toward the program’s needs including scholarships, equipment, and travel. To make a gift to the endowment, contact OCU athletics at (405) 208-5309. For the past 27 years, Crabaugh has guided the OCU baseball program as head coach, building a 1,314-407-2 record with a national championship in 2005. He has become a member of the Oklahoma Baseball Coaches Association Hall of Fame, OCU Athletics Hall of Fame, NAIA Hall of Fame, and the American Baseball Coaches Association Hall of Fame. The Stars gave Crabaugh his 1,300th career win April 17. Crabaugh guided OCU to the 2015 SAC Tournament title 7-5 over Oklahoma Baptist on May 4 on Connor Lynch’s ninth-inning grand slam.

Ricky McCarty of OCU celebrates winning the NAIA wrestling 165-pound championship on March 7, 2015. Photo by Austin Bernard

McCarty Wrestles for National Title OCU’s Ricky McCarty became the NAIA 165-pound national champion March 7 in the NAIA wrestling championships at the Kansas Expocentre in Topeka, Kan. McCarty triumphed 7-2 over Michael Nord of Jamestown (N.D.) for the 165-pound national title. McCarty made the national final by winning 13-3 over Brock Picard of Great Falls (Mont.) in the semifinals. A sophomore from Lawton, he joined Kevin Hardy as national champion wrestlers from OCU. Hardy took the 165-pound crown in 2012. The Stars equaled their finest team finish ever at fifth place with 71 points. OCU also had its most all-Americans ever with five. The Stars’ Aaron LaFarge finished as 125-pound national runner-up. OCU’s Zach Skates finished fifth at 157 pounds to become a three-time all-American, while Derek Sivertsen reeled in fifth at 184. Adrian Gaines of the Stars notched a sixth-place finish at 133. FOLLOW THE CHAMPIONS:  //  17


Charles Neff

//  Vice President for University-Church Relations and Dean of the Chapel


For the Rev. Charles Neff, returning to the OCU campus after being appointed vice president for university-church relations in 2014 has been a homecoming. As an OCU undergraduate, he arrived on campus as a Bishop Scholar after receiving a call to the ministry when he was 14 years old. During his freshman year as a work-study student in the chapel, then under the direction of Dorothy Graham, he was inspired to do more. “Notices would come across Dorothy’s desk for youth ministers, and I decided to answer one,” Neff said. Proving he was a natural at university-church relations, he drove to the small town of Blanchard to the church requesting help and on the spot became their youth minister. After an invitation from Bishop Robert Hayes Jr. in 2014, the now-Rev. Dr. Neff accepted his current job when the Rev. Maggie Ball retired. When he is not in the chapel or visiting churches across the state, Neff is in the church relations office tucked away on the somewhat mysterious fifth floor of the historic Jones Administration Building, with its own semi-private elevator and staircase. The window-lit space overlooking the campus reflects Neff’s journey back to OCU, his commitment to his faith, and his dedication to teaching, tradition, and learning. “My teaching style is reflected throughout this office. Whether it is Sunday School or college classes, I always try to use visuals to highlight different ideas and themes, and to give another dimension to teaching.” Many items have been collected from his travels, such as a Yamaka from a visit to the Western Wall in Israel and several oil lamps from the Middle East that serve as a reminder of the many sayings about light in the Bible. 18  //  FOCUS Fall 2015




1 Purchased on eBay, the helmet usually makes an appearance around Holy

Week to serve as a reminder that the people living at the time of Jesus were practicing their religion in an occupied territory under the rule of an oppressive foreign government. “Imagine going to worship in your most holy place with armed troops stationed in the balcony and around the perimeter.” When teaching, Neff uses the helmet to symbolize how the Roman army created an illusion of strength and power over the followers of Jesus. 2 The ossuary, or bone box, is a scale replica of what would have been used in the

first century when, after a year, families would remove the bones of a deceased loved one from a tomb and place the bones in the box. Neff uses the box as a teaching tool to show how archaeology and the Bible can inform each other. 3 The John Wesley bobblehead, which stands guard over a collection of early

Methodist resources, is not a permanent fixture in the office, but Neff hopes it will be there another year. He earned the whimsical traveling trophy after winning the Young Clergy Fantasy Football League last year.

CLASS NOTES 1964 Barbara McAlister, BM ’64, is a voice instructor for the Cherokee Nation in Tahlequah. 1967 Jill S. Hunt, BM ’67, played her final organ concert at First Presbyterian Church of Lake Forest in Illinois after being part of the music ministry staff for two decades.

of his distinguished career as an energy sector professional whose contributions have had a major impact on energy law and policy. 1979 Virgil Gant, MBA ’79, won re-election to the Pearland ISD Board of Trustees. 1984


Jon Downard, JD ’84, was elected to the board of directors for Bank of Sullivan in Missouri.

Paul Brogan, BSB ’70, was appointed director of West Texas Resources, Inc.


1974 Joe Biscone, JD ’74, received the MartindaleHubbell Client Distinction award. Demetra George Mustafoglu, music ’74, D. Music ’07, received the Ambassador’s Award for Cultural Diplomacy from the U.S. ambassador to Cyprus, John Koenig. 1975

Attorney Bryce Johnson, JD ’85, of Johnson & Biscone, P.A. was recognized by the American Academy of Trial Attorneys as one of the Premier 100 trial attorneys for Oklahoma. 1987 OCU Alumni Relations Director Cary Pirrong, BS ’87 and JD ’90, was named vice president/ president-elect of the Uptown 23rd District in Oklahoma City. 1988 Sandra Mitchell, JD ’88, was named deputy commissioner-general of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East. Mark S. Thetford, JD ’88, joined the Savage O’Donnell Affeldt Weintraub & Johnson firm in Tulsa. 1991 Dennis Calloway, MBA ’91, released his science-fiction novel “Return to Earth.” Brian Carney, JD ’91, was appointed to the board of directors of Sanchez Energy Corporation.

Michael Decker, BA ’75, JD ’78, is director of the Office of Administrative Proceedings for the Oklahoma Corporation Commission and received the 2014 Eugene Kuntz Award for Leadership in Natural Resources Law and Policy. He received the award from the OU College of Law in recognition

Kristin Chenoweth, BM ’91, MM ’93, won a Drama Desk Award for outstanding actress in a musical for her role in “On the Twentieth Century,” and was awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Cathy Hayes

Dave Ross, MLA ’91, was the featured speaker at the Red River Toastmasters Open House in Altus. Ross, now a professional speaker and life coach, was the Toastmasters International World Champion of Public Speaking in 1991. Don Wood, MBA ’91, announced his retirement as executive director of the Norman Economic Development Coalition after serving the Norman community for 18 years. 1992 Ron Bussert, JD ’92, was honored as Citizen of the Year at the Bixby Metro Chamber of Commerce Awards annual gala. Cathy Hayes, secondary education ’92, became the Oklahoma City Fire Department’s first female district chief. Felix Yip, MBA ’92, is a senior lecturer and program director at Hong Kong Baptist University. Yip is also the president of Hong Kong People Management Association, a human resources professional organization; and chairman of the Hong Kong Baseball Association, a national association promoting baseball in Hong Kong.  //  19

CLASS NOTES 1999 Judge Sharon Holmes, JD ’99, became the first female black district judge in Tulsa County. 2001 Frank Collamore, BSB ’01, designed Fan Medal, a promotional necklace for athletic teams by sports novelty company Teamo. Peter Markes, BME ’01, led the youth Summer Symphony Strings Camp in Oklahoma City, with help from fellow alumnus Gary Keller, BME ’99, as guest conductor. Board of Trustees Chairman Ron Norick, Alumnus Peter Markes, and OCU President Robert Henry



David Lee, MBA ’93, was promoted to senior assurance officer of the HoganTaylor public accounting firm.

Sarah Miller, JD ’97, was appointed general counsel of the Williams natural gas company in Tulsa.

John Sawyer, BM ’93, put together his first cabaret show for the Broken Arrow PAC’s Up Close concert series. 1994 Patrick H. Hayes Jr., JD ’94, was appointed as a district court judge in Colorado. 1996 Chad S. Aduddell, MBA ’96, was named interim market CEO for Catholic Health Initiatives — St. Vincent in Arkansas. Heather Griswold, BA ’96, was named deputy chief of staff for state schools by Superintendent Joy Hofmeister. Jenny Fullington Johnston, BPA ‘96, received the Community Service Award from Arkansas Gov. Mike Beebee. Johnston has been doing choreography for community theaters in the central Arkansas area for the past five years. Tom Marchese, JD ’96, is leading the new Tallahassee, Fla., branch of the Chartwell Law Offices. 20  //  FOCUS Fall 2015

Rev. Trevor Smith, BA ’97, was named pastor of the Nichols Hills United Methodist Church. Steve Turk, MBA ’97, was appointed executive vice president and COO of SandRidge Energy. 1998 Carolyn Boyd, JD ’98, released her book, “The Langston Saga.” Danielle Ezell, MBA ’98, was named executive director of the Oklahoma Women’s Coalition. Scott Forest, MBA ’98, was elected to the Madison International Trade Association board of directors in Wisconsin. Longtime Assistant District Attorney Doug Pearson, JD ’98, joined the Hendersonville, N.C., law firm of Gillett Stallings. Jonathan Powell, MBA ’98, was named to the FCC’s Communications Security, Reliability and Interoperability Council. Brett Riley, music theater ’98, released his first comedy CD, “I’m An Idiot.”

2002 Grant Chenok, BPA ’02, a co-founder of Flow 40 Dance Workshops, taught master classes for children to help celebrate National Dance Week at a studio in Fort Wayne, Ind. 2003 Chip Abbott, BPA ’03, is assistant choreographer, dance captain and swing for the Broadway revival of “On the Town.” Abbott is featured in the March 2015 issue of Dance Magazine. Don Eben, MBA ’03, is CEO of TXW Solutions and was a guest speaker at the COMPTEL PLUS Business Expo 2015 in Florida. Jonathan Jared Ihrig, JD ’03, was promoted to chief compliance officer for the Credit Union National Association. 2004 Ashly Cochran, BM ‘04, was hired to be an assistant principal at Horn High School in Mesquite, Texas. Takesha Watson, BS ’04, was named an assistant coach and recruiting coordinator for the Loyola University Ramblers women’s basketball team. Watson is a member of the OCU Athletics Hall of Fame.

CLASS NOTES 2005 Amanda Portie Bass, BS ’05, performed in the movie “Pitch Perfect 2.” 2006 Mike Cheong, BA ’06, was named communications manager for CNBC Asia Pacific. Jennifer Finley, MBA ’06, joined the office of Grant Thornton LLP as a manager in its business advisory services practice. Bat-Or Kalo, BM ’06, and her trio KALO made the semifinals in the International Blues Challenge in Memphis, Tenn., beating out nearly 70 other bands from across the world. Henry P. Stampfl, BM ’06, appeared on “The Real Housewives of New York City” on Bravo. Alan R. Woodland, JD ’06, was appointed as a special municipal judge for the municipal court of record for Oklahoma City. The ensemble for “On the Twentieth Century,” which includes alumnus Rich Yoder, BPA Dance Performance ’06, won The Fred and Adele Astaire Award for Outstanding Dance Ensemble. Yoder was also nominated for Outstanding Male Dancer. 2007 Keith Hines, BM ’07, is playing the role of Nick Massi in the touring production of “Jersey Boys.”

and Lifestyle!” On the day of release, “Get in the Game” reached best-seller status in seven categories, reaching as high as No. 1 in three categories: Direct Marketing, Marketing for Small Business, and Business Marketing. Ashley Rivers, BPA ’08, wrote “Rockettes Revamp,” an article published in the March 2015 issue of Dance Magazine.

Brian Shepard, BA ’10, was in the cast of the Broadway musical “Something Rotten!” 2011 Nathaniel Harding, MBA ’11, was named one of the Journal Record’s Most Admired CEOs in Oklahoma. John Reisenberg, BSB ’11 and MS ’14, was named president of Uptown 23rd District in Oklahoma City.

2009 Erika Hebron, BPA ’09, was cast in the national tour of “42nd Street.” Matthew McMahan, BM ’09, was accepted into the Teach For America program to teach in the New York City region. Jillian Nelson, MA ’09, presented “Power, Honor, and Shame: Implicating Herod’s Guests in the Beheading of John the Baptist” at the Southwest Commission on Religious Studies regional meeting in Texas. Kristin Van Nort, MLA ’09, of The CARE Center, was named to the Journal Record newspaper’s Achievers Under 40 list.

David Scott, BSB ’11, was promoted as interim executive director for the Oklahoma Democratic Party. Stephanie Wood, BPA ’11, performed in a production of “9 to 5” in Fredericksburg, Va. 2012 Heather Botts, MM ’12, made her Broadway debut in “Doctor Zhivago.” Sarah Fagan, BPA ’12, was cast in the national tour of “42nd Street.”


Chadwick Holeman, JD ’12, of Devon Energy Corp, was named to the Journal Record newspaper’s Achievers Under 40 list.

Rocky Chavez, BSB ’10, of Blueknight Energy Partners, was named to the Journal Record newspaper’s Achievers Under 40 list.

Kelly Waggoner, BS ’12, joined Focus Federal Credit Union’s senior leadership team as vice president of information systems. Helen Ann Woodard, BPA ’12, joined the Honey Bees cheer squad for the Charlotte Hornets basketball team.

Joon-sun Yoon, MBA ’07, was appointed as associate director, business development in charge of the Korean Desk of Savills Viet Nam.

2013 2008

Kelsey Dolphin, BS ’13, accepted the position of national events coordinator at USA Triathlon in Colorado Springs, Colo. She has previously been the national events coordinator at the OKC Boathouse Foundation.

Heather Anderson, BA ’08, a teacher at Stillwater Junior High School, was named one of the top three finalists for district teacher of the year. Rachel Pappy, JD ‘08, managing attorney and vice president at the Law Offices of Roderick H. Polston, co-wrote a book titled “Get in the Game: The World’s Leading Entrepreneurs and Professionals Reveal how You Can Get off the Sideline and Start Improving Your Health, Wealth

J. Warren Mitchell, MM ’10, was named a winner of the 2015 Kammeroper Schloss Reinsberg Competition.

Jarin Giesler, JD ’13, and his Giesler Sports World-Wide organization started a program to develop players for American-style football in New Zealand.  //  21

CLASS NOTES Lizzy Olsen, JD ’14, director of operations for the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, was crowned Miss D.C. USA. Tabitha Rooney, BFA ’14, assisted with the Cañon City School District’s summer music theater program in Colorado. Megan Spradlin, DNP ’14, became an advanced practice registered nurse at Mercy Clinic Primary Care in Edmond. Kyle Tully, JD ’14, joined the Funds For Learning E-rate management company. 2015

Constance Langhorst, MFA ’13, had an essay accepted for publication in the book “Creative Composition, Inspiration and Techniques for Writing Instruction.” Langhorst’s essay is titled “A First-Timer’s Approach to Teaching in a NonTraditional Setting.” Alicia Jin Newcom, BPA ’13, was cast in the national tour of “42nd Street.” Michael Palmer, BSB ’13, won a second IGT Tour title in the RAW Golf School Classic in South Africa. Katy McDonald Rush, BS ’13, returned to OCU to serve as the coordinator for external affairs for the Ann Lacy School of American Dance and Entertainment. Katy met Trevor Rush, BSB ’13, during her freshman year and they married in April. Trevor is a treasury analyst for Love’s Corporation. Dakoda Smith, English ’13, received a teaching assistantship at Oklahoma State University in his MA in Literature program. Smith will be focusing on two tracks: American literature and women’s and gender studies. Drew Wright, political science ’13, is a corporate wellness specialist for Fit Rev 24 in Oklahoma City. Kasey Yeargain, BM ’13, played Jud Fry in the Lyric Theatre production of “Oklahoma!” 22  //  FOCUS Fall 2015

2014 Alley Agee, BA ’14, OCU alumna and admissions counselor, helped prep and judge two OCU debate teams for National Parliamentary competitions. Isaiah Bailey, BM ’14, played Javert in the Hope Summer Repertory Theatre production of “Les Miserables” in Michigan. Adam Black, BS ’14, made his professional debut with the Tulsa Roughnecks FC team in the United Soccer League. Mollie Craven, BFA ’14, performed in the Mind the Art Entertainment NY production of “Whiskey Pants: The Mayor of Williamsburg.” Ricardo De Bem, BA ’14, signed to play for the Macae professional basketball team in his native Brazil. Tami Hines, JD ’14, was awarded the prestigious Student Writing Award of the American College of Consumer Financial Services Lawyers for her Quarterly Report article “MERS: Sometimes Agent, Sometimes Principal, Often Misconstrued.” Hines was editor-in-chief of the Law Review while at OCU and is working at the Hall Estill law firm in Oklahoma City. Miss Crescent City New Orleans April Nelson, BM ’14, was named Miss Louisiana 2015 and third runner-up in the Miss America competition.

Sheryl Buckner, DNP ’15, was selected for the ninth class of fellows for induction into the prestigious National League for Nursing’s Academy of Nursing Education. She also received the 2015 Midwest Nursing Research Society/NLN Doctoral Dissertation Grant Award for her work, “The Effects of Attention on Academic Performance.” Buckner will be recognized during the National League for Nursing Education Summit in Las Vegas in October. Dustin Cook, biology ’15, was drafted by the New York Yankees. Katie Dudzik, BS ‘15, joined the cast of SandCastle Dinner Theater in Guam. Jordyn Poston, BS in Dance Management ‘15, joined the cast of SandCastle Dinner Theater in Saipan. SandCastle, managed by the Baldyga Group, specializes in presenting Las Vegas-style productions in Pacific island resort settings in both Guam and Saipan.

IN MEMORY Dr. Billie Earlene Brundage McElroy AUG. 27, 1 93 2 -  J U LY 29, 2 0 15

Billie McElroy was born Aug. 27, 1932, to Sarah Mae and Orphus Art Brundage in Tribbey, Okla. She passed away July 29, 2015, in Ardmore. During her tenure as a professor at Oklahoma City University, she received the Teacher of the Year Award. Billie grew up at the Triple B Ranch in Tribbey with her family. She was a lifelong member of the Church of Christ. Billie graduated from high school in Tribbey and went on to college at Oklahoma College for Women in Chickasha. She met a sailor named Jack McElroy and they were married Dec. 30, 1950. Billie and Jack have three children: Robert McElroy, Vicki McElroy Gelona, and Mark McElroy. Billie was a homemaker until she went back to school to pursue her bachelor's degree in elementary education at Oklahoma Christian College in 1965. She received her master’s in education from the University of Central Oklahoma and a Doctor of Education from Oklahoma State University. Teaching was her gift and calling. She taught in Edmond Public Schools and Oklahoma City Public Schools as a teacher, principal, and director of curriculum. Following her retirement and move from Edmond to Ardmore, she tutored at Oak Hall Episcopal School and tutored privately in her home. Billie loved children and was an advocate for many children in her years as an educator. She touched many lives and hearts with her love of learning.

David L. May D EC . 25 , 1 950  -  M A RC H 2 1, 2 0 15

Dr. David L. May, of Oklahoma City, passed away March 21, 2015, after a gradual progressive decline from frontotemporal degeneration. David was a professor of economics, chairman of the Department of Economics and Finance, and the Henry J. Freede, M.D., Endowed Chair in Teaching Excellence. David was a loving husband to Nancy, devoted father to son and daughter Corey and Ellie, and proud grandfather to Grace, Bonnie, Noelle, Coltrane, and Emmett, all of Atlanta, Ga. David attended Putnam City High School in Oklahoma City and graduated in 1969 from Arlington High School in Texas. He spent time in the Army Reserves as a helicopter repairman and then went on to graduate with his BBA in finance in 1974 from the University of Oklahoma. After a successful career in the oil business, he returned to school, graduating in 1996 with his Ph.D. in economics from Florida State University. He then returned to Oklahoma, becoming a professor of economics at OCU. David was an avid golfer and hunter and enjoyed teaching abroad in England and China. He was a superb teacher, receiving numerous awards in teaching excellence. He will forever be cherished, treasured, and greatly missed by his family and many friends.

By age 11, she had her own weekly local radio program, featuring her live performances on the piano, organ, and accordion. Ernestine Scott AP RIL 23 , 1926 - MAY 7, 20 15

Ernestine Scott, 89, passed away May 7, 2015. She was born to Dora and E. Luther Holmes in Pampa, Texas, on April 23, 1926. She moved to Oklahoma City to pursue studies at Oklahoma City University and later attended the Eastman School of Music in New York. As an adjunct professor at Oklahoma City University, she pursued a prolific professional teaching career instructing students from every part of the United States and abroad. Her musical interest and talent began as a child, and by age 11 she had her own weekly local radio program, featuring her live performances on the piano, organ, and accordion. Although she had the talent and ability to pursue her own performing career, she chose instead to spend her talent nurturing young people to discover their talent, to love and create music, and for many, to find their own careers in music. As a longtime member of Oklahoma Music Teachers Association and Music Teachers National Association, she led her students to top honors on every level. Her students have won critical acclaim and have performed with major orchestras and in recitals throughout the world. In addition to guiding and caring for her students, Ernestine (known as “Teenie” to her husband and close friends) poured out her love on her many dogs, numbering 13 over the course of her adult life. Other passions included using her talented hands to produce roses in her backyard, and driving her 1966 yellow Stingray Corvette, which she owned from 1966 until recent years.

Michael Shane Schafer AUG. 1, 19 9 1 - J UN E 9, 20 15

Michael Shane Schafer, 23, passed away June 9, 2015, in Dallas. He was born Aug. 1, 1991, in Hawkins, Texas, to Eddie and Rochelle Schafer. He graduated from Denton High School and Oklahoma City University with a Bachelor of Music in vocal performance. He married Jillian Gottlieb on May 29, 2015, in Plano. He had moved to Chicago to pursue his Master of Music at DePaul University before returning to Texas for cancer treatment. Michael was a proficient musician with a tenor voice and a love of conducting. He had natural talents for cooking, woodworking, and chess and loved adventurous outdoor activities, particularly fishing and snow skiing. Michael’s life was truly a testament to a quote from his favorite movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life” — “No man is a failure who has friends.”  //  23

IN MEMORY Pamela Sue Raetz Sullivan JAN. 23, 1 964  -  A P R I L 24 , 2 0 15


Pamela Sue Raetz was born to Raymond Stanley “Buddy” Raetz and Martha Jean (Biggs) Raetz Cantrell in Weatherford, Okla., Jan. 23, 1964, and passed away April 24, 2015, after a sudden illness. After graduating from high school in Hydro, Okla., in 1982, Sullivan went on to receive undergraduate and master’s degrees in opera voice performance from Oklahoma City University. After teaching voice as an adjunct professor at OCU for nearly a decade, Sullivan taught voice from her private studio at home for nearly 10 years while being a dedicated mom to her son, Logan.

For the next three years, she served as middle and upper school vocal music director for Crossings Christian School, where she fostered lifetime relationships with faculty, staff, parents, and students. Her “kids” were her passion, her pride and joy. After her time at Crossings, Sullivan resumed her private practice. She was an encourager, a mentor, a friend. Sullivan’s love for music went well beyond her vocation — it was her lifelong passion. She was a member of Crossings Community

Church congregation choir and chapel choir. She was also a devoted alto of the Canterbury Choral Society. She not only served as a vocal coach to many successful Miss Oklahoma pageant students, but was also a registered judge with the pageant system for more than 20 years. Introduced by mutual friends in 1987, Pam met Steve Sullivan on a blind date and married him in 1989; they celebrated their 25th anniversary in 2014 by returning to their honeymoon destination in Banff and Lake Louise in Alberta, Canada.




1 946

Dorothy L. Howard 1 947

Bernice Wey 1 949

Ernestine Scott Kenneth E. Hazen 1 950

Jerry A. Potter Leymond A. Bowlby Edmund G. Rotzinger 1 952

Jean B. Kelne Robert R. Spears Mary E. Fariss 1 953

Marjorie Harrigan 1 954

Allen D. Mitchell 1 957

Bill G. Olson Travis T. Benson 1 958

James P. Schones 1 960

Victor E. Bailey 1 962

Richard H. Walton

24  //  FOCUS Fall 2015

1 9 6 4

Gorst H. Duplessis 1 9 6 5

Dale Jarvis Jerry H. Holland 1 9 6 6

Jean B. Kelne 1 9 67

Margaret T. Coin 1 9 6 8

Betty J. Brooks Robert L. Barr 1 9 69

Michael R. Green Jerry D. Parker 1 973

T. Logan Brown 1 974

Jerry D. Parker Lewis H. Tew Helen V. Harrison 1 976

Barbara B. Doty 1 9 8 0

1 9 8 4

Wilbert H. Henderson 1 9 8 6

Pamela S. Sullivan 1 9 87

Gary W. Briggs 1 9 92

Douglas E. Paris 1 9 93

Gene B. Russell Carolyn M. Yearwood 2001

Neil A. Clark 2002

Stephen E. Booker 2004

Leo F. Blades 2007

Jacob Decker 201 1

Jeremy B. Cumbie 2014

Michael S. Schafer

Page P. Morgan Frank C. Ray 1 9 8 1

Paul J. Lane


Since the founding of our University in 1904, this enterprise of United Methodist higher education has been sustained by donors who realize they are investing in the future by supporting our students. Oklahoma City University is privileged to recognize our donors for the 2014-15 year, and we invite you to join us in honoring them for their generous support of the University. These individuals and organizations are as diverse as the student population they support with their contributions, yet they have a common goal of sustaining a mission which has resulted in thousands of exceptionally equipped servantleaders for our community and our world. Our staff has worked carefully to ensure that this list of donors who have made cash gifts, pledges, and pledge payments of $1,000 or more between July 1, 2014, and June 30, 2015, is as accurate as possible. If you know of an error or omission or have questions regarding this information, please call the OCU Office of University Advancement at (405) 208-7000. COMPLETE LISTING For a comprehensive list of our overall 2014-15 Honor Roll of Donors, please visit s  Member in memorium


OCU employee  //  25


CUMULATIVE GIFTS OF $1 MILLION OR MORE Founders are an exceptional group of donors who have earned a place of distinction through their commitment to Oklahoma City University and their remarkable generosity, which continues to advance the university’s mission. Each has made cumulative gifts of $1 million or more. Ann Simmons Alspaugh Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Wanda L. Basss Martha Burger Clays and Eleanors Carrithers Chesapeake Energy Corporation, Inc. The Chickasaw Nation Jeroldine Zacharitz Clarks Marvins and Enas Dawson Devon Energy Corporation The Luther T. Dulaney Family Josephine W. Freede Jerry Gamble and Jane Jayroe Gamble Gaylord Family Harris Foundation, Inc. Hatton W. Sumners Foundation, Inc.

Inasmuch Foundation Clara Edith Joness Lou Kerr/The Kerr Foundation, Inc. Kerr-McGee Corporation, Inc. Kirkpatrick Family Ann Lacy and James Alexanders Kurt and Cathy Leichter Haskell L. Lemon Family Tom and Judy Love The J.E. and L.E. Mabee Foundation McLaughlin Family Charitable Fund Charles E. Mehrs Herman and LaDonna Meinders The Meinders Foundation Gary M. Moore The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation

Families of Henry Norick Ron and Kandy Norick Oklahoma Conference of The United Methodist Church Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company Foundation, Inc. The Robert A. Parman Foundation Petree Family Robert & Ruby Priddy Charitable Trust Sarkeys Foundation Dick and Jeannettes Sias Jeanne Hoffman Smith Vivian Wimberlys Flora Rouse Winters

Annual support provides a vital source of institutional momentum, allowing OCU to enhance learning opportunities, provide financial assistance to students, meet emerging needs, and take advantage of new opportunities. The university is pleased to be able to recognize those who have shown exemplary support through their gifts between July 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015.

Distinguished Stars Benefactors $100,000 & ABOVE Anonymous 63 Grand, LLC G.T. and Libby Blankenship Phil and Cathy Busey Chesapeake Energy Corporation, Inc. The Chickasaw Nation Delaware Resource Group of Oklahoma, LLC E.L. and Thelma Gaylord Foundation The William Randolph Hearst Foundation Inasmuch Foundation The J.E. and L.E. Mabee Foundation, Inc. McLaughlin Family Charitable Fund Bill Mee Charles E. Mehrs Herman and LaDonna Meinders The Meinders Foundation Ron and Kandy Norick Oklahoma City Community Foundation Oklahoma Conference of the United Methodist Church Ray and Pat Potts 26  //  FOCUS Fall 2015

Premier Assets, Inc. George Scott Family Trust Dick Sias Sous Family Foundation, Inc. Ziad Sous WCM Investment Company

Stars Benefactors $10,000-$99,999 Ad Astra Foundation Steve Agee« Ann Simmons Alspaugh Ahmed and Ola Nawar Amayem American Fidelity Foundation Anonymous Anschutz Family Foundation The Ayco Charitable Foundation BancFirst Wanda L. Bass Foundation, Inc. Charlie and Cassie Bowen Charles and Cassandra Bowen Charitable Foundation Dennis« and Chris Box John Brogan Henry W. Browne

Martha Burger Bob and Chimene Burke Communities Foundation of Oklahoma Joe and Valerie« Couch Cresap Family Foundation Joe and Sherry Crosthwait Crowe & Dunlevy Crowe & Dunlevy Foundation, Inc. Sam and Bushra Dahr Phil H. Deschners Dexter Johnson Education Trust David Donchin Dick and Cynthia Dugger Drew and Linda Edmondson El Dorado Corporation Matthew and Jill Epperson Clyde R. Evans Charitable Trust Jose Freede William Scott Gallagher William Scott Gallagher, P.L.L.C. General Board of Higher Education & Ministry of the UMC Steve and Carol Goetzinger Harry Goldman and Jettie Person Goodin Family Foundation Kenneth and Janet Goodin

Harris Foundation, Inc. Nicholas Harroz The Nick Harroz Jr. Familly Foundation Hartzog, Conger, Cason & Neville, LLP Gretchen Hartzog HC Financing LLLP Larry« and Gay Hellman Robert Henry« and Jan Ralls Henry Gary and Sue Homsey Kevin Hoos Integris Health, Inc. Jexal Foundation, Inc. Bill and Stacy Junk Farouk and Noha Kanaa Steven and Carrie Katigan Lou C. Kerr/The Kerr Foundation, Inc. Linda Petree Lambert Larason Blue Ridge Rams, LLC Timothy and Linda Larason Duke and Linda Ligon Greg and Lisa Love Tom and Judy Love Love's Travel Stops & Country Stores, Inc. John Mackechnie Jason and Carly Maderer Karl F. and June S. Martin Family Foundation

HONOR ROLL OF DONORS Steve Mathis McAfee & Taft Philelle D. McBrayer Glynn and Sandy McCauley Tom and Brenda McDaniel Bud and Marilyn Meade Midtown HC, LLC Jeaneen Naifeh Norick Investments, Inc. Christian O'Donnell Oklahoma United Methodist Foundation

Ted and Frances Oney The Robert A. Parman Foundation Phillips 66 Jeffry and Julie Puryear Tom Quinn Gene Rainbolt George and Mary Ellen Randall Robert Glenn Rapp Foundation George and Nancy Records Records-Johnston Family Foundation, Inc. Sarkeys Foundation

Satori Productions LLC Anne L. Schneider Stuart and Pamela Schroeder Schwab Charitable Fund Ann M. Shaw Bill and Pam Shdeed Simmons Charitable Foundation Richard and Norma Small Richard P. and Norma T. Small Foundation Jeanne Hoffman Smith SSM Health Care of Oklahoma

Richard and Glenna Tanenbaum Trust Company of Oklahoma Trust Company of Oklahoma — Tulsa Steve and Marsha Turner Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Jerry and Melinda Vannatta Village of Woodland Hills, LLC Lew and Myra Ward Watson Family Foundation Wesley Foundation Board of Directors Frank and Carol Williams

President’s Partners is Oklahoma City University’s annual giving recognition society showcasing the generosity of those who contribute $1,000 or more during the year. Such loyal donors, whether they make unrestricted gifts or gifts designated toward their areas of interest, inspire others to make a difference for the university at a leadership giving level each year.

GOLD $5,000-$9,999 Access MLP Operating, Inc. American College of Bankruptcy Foundation Anonymous Robert and Nancy Anthony Terry Baransy Susan Barber and David Nagle Beasley Oil Company Andrew and Debby Benton Joel and Jackey Bieber David Bohnert Vivian Bonifields George W. and Louise W. Brown Memorial Trust Bob and Karen Browne The Burbridge Foundation Butterfield Memorial Foundation Tom and Toni Casso Roy and Pat Chandler Wallace H. and Emogene G. Collins Compliance Technology Group, LLC Bill and Mary Ann Corum Crossroads District of the OK Annual Conference UMC Jim and Mickey Daniels Design+Build Group, LLC Tricia Everest Paul and Debbie Fleming Frankfurt-Short-Bruza Associates, P.C. Jerry Gamble and Jane Jayroe Gamble Michael Gibson« Jack Golsen Robert and Debra Gray Robert Dean Gray, PC Chris Harrison Gwen Harrison

Keegan Harroz HC Services, LLC Heritage Hall Dan and Sarah Hogan Conor Holt« and Camille Herron Michael and Sydney Homsey Cliff and Leslie Hudson IBM International Foundation James and Phyllis Jackson Niles Jackson and Barbara Thornton Sheryl Jacobs George Kaiser Family Foundation Kennedy Consulting Team, LLC John Kennedy Kimray, Inc. King Family Properties, LLC Robert King Kirkpatrick Foundation, Inc. Eric Laity« Bobbie Burbridge Lane Art« and Betsy LeFrancois Kurt and Cathy Leichter Harrison and Elaine Levy Lance Lodes McDaniel Family Foundation Vicki Miles-LaGrange Bob and Margaret Mills Bob Mills Furniture Ali Moussa Phillips Murrah, PC Dolores Neustadt Keri Coleman Norris and Ty Norris Oklahoma Bar Foundation, Inc. Oklahoma City Boathouse Foundation Oklahoma City National Memorial Foundation Oklahoma County Bar Foundation Jake Pfarr and Jana Wingo-Pfarr

Jane Jayroe Gamble and Jerry Gamble attend the inaugural Holiday Gala, a benefit of membership in President's Partners. Photo by Jerry Hymer  //  27



Caroline Goodin Accounting Junior


James Pickel Thomas and Lisa Price Tom and Lisa Price Charitable Foundation The Professional Basketball Club, LLC Paul and Kim Sanders Rebecca Schneider Chris and Jeanie« Sholer Smith & Pickel Construction, Inc. Hatton W. Sumners Foundation, Inc. Art Swanson Barry and Rebecca Switzer Theatre Arts, Inc. Cullen and Bonnie Thomas Linda Tucker Ty and Lori Tyler Justin Vogt Wal-Dot Foundation Williams Box Forshee & Bullard, PC Brent Foster and Keri Williams Foster Paul and Linda Woody Hub Worrell

SI LVER $2,500-$4,999 Scot Akins Phil and Jo Albert Sue Ann Arnall Anonymous Glen and Kolee Bailey Brian and Julia Bakeman 28  //  FOCUS Fall 2015

OCU has had a huge impact on my life. Not only have I been blessed with teammates as best friends for life and a coach who helps us improve our golf games every day, but I’ve made strong connections with business leaders in Oklahoma City through my professors. AC T I V I T I E S


• Women’s Golf Team member • Student Athletic Advisory Committee • NAIA Association of Student Athletes • Alpha Phi Director of Finance and Statistics Chairman • Student Accounting Society • Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society

• NAIA Golf National Championship • Chesapeake Presidential Scholar • SAC Freshman of the Year • NAIA First Team All-American • Jim Wade Award Finalist

Bank of Oklahoma Bank of Oklahoma Foundation Ronald and Debbie Barnes Marc and Amie Bostian David Brown and Ann Noble Brown Bob and Barbara Bunce Jack Bush Rod and Peggy Campbell Steven and Taolo Cargill Doug and Rose Carlson Central Liquor Company Chamberlain Medical, Inc. Jim Ditmars and Cathy Christensen Cathy M. Christensen, P.C. Dougherty Family Charitable Trust Fund of Triangle Community Foundation Dennis and Nancy Dougherty Greg Downs Echols and Associates Jalal Farzaneh Mohammad Farzaneh Christopher and Jacqueline Fiegel First National Bank of Oklahoma General Electric Company Granite Fiberglass Pools and Spas Mo and Jacque Grotjohn Bradley Gungoll Irene Ham John Q. Hammons Two, LP Carol M. Hansen

PLANS • Work in the sports business industry

James and Jean Hartsuck Kim and Suzette Hatfield Brad and Kim Henry Henry-Adams Companies Randy Hogan Eric and Kami Huddleston John and Janet Hudson Interfaith Youth Core International Bank of Commerce John K. Johnson Laurie L. Jones« Stephen Jones Khichi Family Ann Lacy The Ann Lacy Foundation David Lee LSB Industries, Inc. Marathon Oil Corporation Robert and Marty Margo Aubrey and Kathleen McClendon Gregory and Kathy McCracken Greg McCracken & Associates Pat McGarrity and Leroy Ball Liz McLaughlin Mercy Accounts Payable Shared Services Melvin and Jasmine Moran Jim and Lou Morris Kyle and Ashley Murphy Bob and Carol Naifeh Brad and Valerie Naifeh

OG&E Energy Corp. OGE Energy Corp. Foundation, Inc. Marty«and Deborah« O'Gwynn Oklahoma Energy Resources Board Oklahoma Natural Gas Company Richard and Gayle Parry Marsh and Debbie Pitman Puterbaugh Foundation Ralph A. Sallusti, PC Ralph and Sandy Sallusti Meg Salyer James Schmidt Tony and Phyllis Shelby Roger and Barbara Simons Elliott Fenton and Lu Simpson Craig Stinson and Krista Jones James and Elizabeth Tolbert Triangle Community Foundation, Inc. Deb Tussey« University of Oklahoma Foundation, Inc. Gail Vines Jim Wade Kirk Woford Mark and Gale Wood John M. Yoeckel

BRONZ E $1,000-$2,499 611 Construction 7-Eleven Stores

HONOR ROLL OF DONORS Jim« and Annetta Abbott David and Kathie Aelvoet Rhodly and Betty Alden Robert D. Allen Jerome and Judy Altshuler American Fidelity Assurance Company Anonymous Walker Arenson Charles Ashley and Nancy Coats-Ashley Amy L. Bankhead Michael and Julia Barber Michael and Anita Barlow Ed Barth Hamden and Robyn Baskin Jim and Kay Bass Chris Bayouth David and Laura Beal Mark« and Teena Belcik Lance and Linda Benham Jean Benner Mary Benner« Loyd and Judy Benson Steves and Sally Bentley Kevin Berry Norwood Beveridge Paul and Colleen Bicket Travis and Elise Blalock Mike and Rita Blaser Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Oklahoma James and Dianna Bonfiglio Jim and Jo Booher Joellyn Brown Jim and Betty Bruce Norman and Karen Bryant Kent« and Lauri Buchanan Doug and Rhonda Buckles Bill and Billie Buckles William R. and Billie Dean Buckles Foundation Brandon and Kimberly Burton Linda Byford Carol Byrd Mary Gilmore Caffrey Anders and Terry Carlson Joe and Kristin Carson Kyle and Susan Chambers Wade Christensen and Mary Fallin Donald and Karen Clewell Lawrence« and Chris Cobb Steve Coleman Conklin Family Foundation Thomas Conklin ConocoPhillips, Matching Gift Program Ray Cornelison Cotton Consulting LLC Art and Sandy Cotton J.W. Coyle Barbara S. Crandall Brian Craven Duane Cummings Vivian Dale Mark and Jackie Darrah Mark Davies« and Kristin Alex Davies

Kyle Dean« Al and Rita Dearmon Michael Decker Pete and Karen Delaney Peter and Karen Delaney Family Foundation Patricia R. Demps Paul Derby Derryberry & Naifeh, LLP Robert Doenges Bill and Liz« Donnelly Mark and Jennifer Doremus Matthew and Christina Dowell Carole J. Drake Frederick Drummond DW Trucking, LLC The Economic Club of Oklahoma Eddie Foundation, Inc. Phyllis Edson James A. Egans Robert and Nancy Ellis Barbara L. Eskridge Lance Evans Eventures, Inc. Jim and Christy Everest Clay and Jamie Farha Brad and Celine Ferguson Joe and Marti Ferretti Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund First Commercial Bank First United Bank and Trust Company Denise Flis« Charles and Carla Flournoy Timothy Foley Foundation Management, Inc. Four Par Properties LLC Bert and Peggy Francis Kenny and Melba Frazier Gray and Karen Frederickson Gerald L. Gamble Company, Inc. Robert and Paulette Gordon Warren and Jill Gotcher Vicki Gourley Grace Dental Design Sandra Grace Matt and Hallie Grant Nate and Linda Grantham Kyle Graves Great Plains Coca-Cola Bottling Company Greater Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce Greater Saint Louis Community Foundation Mark Guethle Rochelle Guinn Jim and Shelley Hamby Homer and Treva Hancock Theodore Hans Meredith and Helen Hardgrave Jane Harlow Health Care Service Corporation John and Melvena Heisch David« and Lucy Herendeen Heritage Trust Company Brian and Laura Hobbs

HoganTaylor, LLP John and Claudia Holliman Glede and Teresa Holman J.R. and Patsy Homsey Joe R. Homsey, Attorney at Law, PC Henry and Laura Hood Karen Howick Ronald Howland Hunzicker Brothers Tom and Ann Hunzicker Ronnie and Shahnaaz Irani Scott Jackson Jenco Roofing Company Robert and Mary« Jenkins Dennis and Cheree Jeter Jo-Dex Group, Inc. Barry Johnson« and Melissa Smith-Johnson Carroll Johnson David Johnson Tom Johnson Investment Management , LLC Bill and Ann Johnstone J.T. Jones Tom Jones and Leslie Tregillus Donald Jordan Yvonne Kauger Mark and Gayla Kelly Nancy Kenderdine Michael and Shirley Kendrick John and Jane Kenney Alan and Angela Kennington Michael and Candace Kiehn Sandy Kimerer Craig and Julie Knutson Lois and Stanley Kruschwitz Lambert Company, LLC Lambert Investment Company, LLC Mindy Lambert Dan and Phyllis Larson Lazy K Properties Cindy Lee The Lewis and Butler Foundation Syd Lewis Foster and Judy Lindley Darren Lister and Jenee Naifeh Lister Dan Little Donald« and Sandra Longcrier Dave and Lana Lopez Janis Love Edward« and Marie Lyons MA+ Architects Donald and Barbara MacPherson Chetan Mangalwedhe Ed and Kathy Martin Michael Massad Michael P. & Eunice M. Massad Foundation Inc. Massey Family Foundation John Massey McClintock Heritage Collection Rick McKee Larry and Rozia Foster Burrel and JoAnn McNaught Dan McNeill«

Jerry Meek Robert Meinders Joel and Nikki Miliband Jason and Cindy Miller Glen and Yvonne Miller Cal and Eleanor Moser Blair and Stephanie Naifeh Bernard Nash Kenneth Nash Nicole Nelson Pete and Virginia Nelson Northcutt Law Firm Marc Nuttle Oklahoma Bar Association Oklahoma City Repertory Theatre Oklahoma Employees Credit Union David Ooley Orthopedic Associates, Inc. Michael« and H. Anne O'Shea Gunay Ozturk Panhandle Oil and Gas Inc. Sandy Pantlik Mark Parker« Brian« and Dana Parsons Bill and Barbara Paul Homer Paul Jerry and Charlette Perryman James Peterson Arnaud Pham Dionne Phelps« Joseph Phillips David Pitzer Pitzer's Lawn Management, Inc. Paul and Bridget Poputa-Clean Ford and Sheryl Price George Proctor and Nancy Dumoff Prosperity Bank Quail Creek Golf & Country Club David and Kim Rainbolt Ronald Raines and Dona Vaughn Steven and Julie Raney Ghazi and Hoda Rayan Stephen and Sue Reel REES Associates Inc. Linda A. Rice Riverwind Casino Justin and Allison Robinson John Robinson Wyatt and Joni Robson J.D. and Patricia Rohrer J.D. Rohrer, PC Pat and Marianne Rooney Casey R. Ross-Petherick« James and Sharon Rowan Shannon B. Rundell Wes and Suad Salous Gary and Carol Sander Shane and LaDonna Sanders Shelly Sanders Pete Serrata« Gary and Anne Shaner Stephanie Shanor Randy and Elizabeth« Sheppard  //  29

HONOR ROLL OF DONORS Bob« and Pam Spinks Andrew« and Ellen Spiropoulos Irwin and Kelley Steinhorn Scott Stone Victoria K. Swinney« Marvona and Michael Tavlin Clayton and Marnie Taylor Auda M. Thomas Jerry Thomason Tinker Federal Credit Union Windle and Shirley Turley Elaine R. Turner

Ann C. Sherman Ann Sherman Photography SMG Bill and Jean Smith Charles and Rayvon Smith Lee Allan and DeAnn Smith Shelby Smith W.M. Smith Energy LLC Darrell and Margaret Smokewood Sooner Beer Company Douglas Sorocco« Cynthia Sparling

Frosty and Gayla Turpen UMB Bank, NA United Methodist Higher Education Foundation Robert and Sharon Varnum Vast Randi Von Ellefson« Joseph and Cynthia Walkowski Warhawk Legal WeGoLook Terry West Ellen Jayne Wheeler

Martha E. White Chuck and Renate Wiggin Larry and Ashlie Wilhelm Williams Companies Foundation John and Beverly Williams John Michael and Kathy Williams Woodland Products Inc. Evelyn Wynell Woodruffs Lawrence and Sheryl Young

“Nebula,” the material from which stars are formed, is an appropriate description of this generous group of donors whose investment in OCU is essential to creating stars from each generation of OCU students. Nebula Society donors make unrestricted gifts of $1,000 or more annually , providing flexible resources to meet unexpected challenges or take advantage of exciting opportunities.

GOLD $5,000+ Vivian Bonifield« Robert Henry« and Jan Ralls Henry Linda Petree Lambert Oklahoma City Community Foundation George and Nancy Records Richard P. and Norma T. Small Foundation

S I LV E R $2,500-$4,999 Anonymous Terry Baransy Christopher and Jacqueline Fiegel Jerry Gamble and Jane Jayroe Gamble Irene Ham Kim and Suzette Hatfield Niles Jackson and Barbara Thornton Harrison and Elaine Levy

Jeaneen Naifeh Marsh and Debbie Pitman James Schmidt Tony and Phyllis Shelby

BRONZE $1,000-$2,499 7-Eleven Stores Walker Arenson David and Laura Beal Loyd and Judy Benson Joellyn Brown Doug and Rhonda Buckles Bob and Barbara Bunce Mary Gilmore Caffrey Vivian Dale Kyle Dean« Frederick Drummond Robert and Nancy Ellis Jim and Christy Everest

Tricia Everest Joe and Marti Ferretti Jose Freede Nate and Linda Grantham Jane Harlow Tom and Ann Hunzicker Ronnie and Shahnaaz Irani Carroll Johnson Bill and Ann Johnstone J.T. Jones Yvonne Kauger Lou C. Kerr/The Kerr Foundation, Inc. Dan and Phyllis Larson Duke and Linda Ligon Foster and Judy Lindley Dan Little Dave and Lana Lopez Tom and Brenda McDaniel Burrel and JoAnn McNaught Dan McNeill«

Melvin and Jasmine Moran Kenneth Nash Ron and Kandy Norick Marty« and Deborah« O'Gwynn David Ooley Sandy Pantlik« Gene Rainbolt Steven and Julie Raney John Robinson Pat and Marianne Rooney Shannon B. Rundell Gary and Carol Sander Gary and Anne Shaner Stephanie Shanor Marvona and Michael Tavlin Clayton and Marnie Taylor Richard Wansley and Meredith Davison Chuck and Renate Wiggin John Michael and Kathy Williams

The Gold Star Society recognizes donors who provide support for OCU through deferred or estate gifts. Such legacy gifts can touch OCU in a variety of ways. Some donors choose to have their gift applied wherever the need is greatest, while others support endowed scholarships, professorships, or chairs. Others direct their support toward a program or project that inspires them. Also among the members are donors who have established endowed funds with the university. Marilyn Abercrombie-Joyner Helen Hinman Abernathys Kay Adair Jean M. Affeldts Bess M. Aikenss Victor F. Albert 30  //  FOCUS Fall 2015

Betty J. Alden Rhodly L. Alden J. Bart Aldridges Geronimo Alexander Katherine Alexanders Stephanie B. Allisons

Nabhan Alnabhan Ann S. Alspaugh Jerome K. Altshuler Judy M. Altshuler Alan B. Anderson Kalpa M. Andersons

William Ed Archers Dorothy M. Atkinss Joseph N. Atkins Josephine E. Atkins Raymond T. Ayerss Troy E. Bailey

William S. Baileys Julia Bakeman T. Brian Bakeman Susan C. Barber Roland K. Barkers Linda C. Barnett

Marguerite P. Barretts Clark Basss James C. Bass Kay Bass Wanda L. Basss Bruce L. Bates

HONOR ROLL OF DONORS R. Thomas Beadles Floy S. Beans Jean Frances Beattys Gladys Beavens George P. Bensons Travis T. Bensons Howard K. Berry Florence Bettiss Florence G. Birdwell Robert L. Birdwells James H. Blossoms Norma R. Blossoms Caroline L. Blues Johnny A. Blues Kathleen Tucker Bones Vivian A. Bonifields Opal Bostons Edna H. Bowmans Loretta Kay Bradley Esther E. Brindleys Alan B. Brooking Albert H. Brookss George W. Browns Kleida W. Browns Louise W. Browns Henry W. Browne Ellen L. Bryans Robert A. Bryan Lillian B. Bryants Paul T. Bryant Tanya S. Bryant Becky Buchanan James C. Buchanan Mary L. Buress Martha A. Burger Bob G. Burke Clarence W. Burrs James L. Burtons Vince Busbys Jack G. Bush Robert Butkin M.K. Butler Hugh V. Bylers Chester Cadieux Debbie Cadieux Mabel Campbells Bettie Carey John M. Carey John Hoyle Carlocks Henry Carlsons Lucille Carlsons Eleanor Carritherss Claudia Carroll-Phelps Roy W. Chandler B.C. Clarks Jeroldine Zacharitz Clarks Bard H. Coats Donna R. Coats Carol H. Cochran Mary E. Coffey Christine Collins Elizabeth Herring Collinss Jack T. Conns

Lois A. Cooprider Don E. Copelin George D. Craig Lelah P. Craigs Catherine Crains Nuell Crains Pearl E. Crains Lisa Crone-Sheldon Russell Croochs M. Joe Crosthwait Bessie B. Cunninghams Curtis B. Cunninghams A.S. Dahr Philip E. Daughertys Herbert E. Daviss Ena Dawsons Marvin Dawsons Michael L. Decker Phil H. Deschners Judith H. Dillon Peter G. Dillon William C. Doengess Catherine E. Dougherty Dennis J. Dougherty Nancy Dougherty Patricia J. Downing Cleo Drabeks John Prather Easts Larry A. Eberhardt Emmanuel E. Edem Irene Edem Phyllis K. Edson Orville E. Edwards Sarah S. Edwardss Jim A. Egans Violet Egans Pat Eitzen Ronald P. Eitzen Donald G. Emler Juel Emricks Jill A. Epperson Matthew A. Epperson Broneta D. Evanss LeVerda Evanss C. Randolph Everest Harvey P. Everests Ellis E. Fairs Marjorie J. Fannings Clifford E. Farmer Esther W. Farmers Jalal Farzaneh Mohammad Farzaneh Sylvanus G. Felixs Elliott C. Fenton Lee Findlays G. Russell Fletchers O.F. Folmers Joe Foor Sharon G. Fore Ted Fosters Paul A. Fox Josephine W. Freede Milton H. Freelands

Robert D. Fry Nick L. Gales Marion B. Galloways Gerald L. Gamble Michael Gardner Barbara Garrett Velma Gillettes Elizabeth Girtmans Roger Givenss Gordon D. Goering Jack E. Golsen Jennie Goodson-Cannons John S. Gorrell Dorothy M. Grahams Drucilla L. Graves Mary Greenshieldss Kenna R. Griffin Mary K. Grisso Jacque Grotjohn Mo Grotjohn Norma Rowe Gunns Larry M. Haag Colbert F. Hacklers Attieson H. Halbrook Lee P. Hall Richard E. Hall Treva R. Hancock Carol M. Hansen Herschel Willis Harders Allen K. Harris Helen O. Hartmans Basel S. Hassoun Richard P. Hastings Patricia Hatamyar Gretchen L. Hatley Morris L. Hatley Beryl Hawkins Elton M. Hendersons Robert H. Henry Elizabeth A. Hensleys John G. Herveys J.B. Hitts Orina E. Hoke Tom R. Hoke Connie Holland Wayne Holland Gary B. Homsey Frank L. Hortons Karen A. Howard Florence Hrons Lyndall F. Hudsons Darrell W. Hughess Verna Hursts Ronald G. Jacob Jane A. Jayroe Gamble Dixie S. Jensen Donald F. Jensens Baxter Johnsons Dexter Johnsons Patricia A. Johnson Clara E. Joness Sybil R. Jones M. Farouk Kanaa


Lauren Urso

Music Theater and Vocal Performance Junior


My acceptance letter into OCU was the biggest blessing I received during my senior year in high school. Along with my acceptance letter, I was given scholarship money for my area of study and I instantly felt feelings of deep gratitude that not only was I accepted into the school of my dreams, but I was also wanted in my program. The scholarship money meant that I could worry less about the inevitable financial strain of my study and focus more on the work and joy of developing myself into the performer I had always dreamed of becoming.

Nelma M. Karns William T. Karnss Joseph W. Kaufman Roumaine Kearses Iva B. Kelleys Richard B. Kellss Nancy I. Kenderdine Lou C. Kerr Karen L. Kirkpatrick Steve C. Knight Ewald J. Kramers Jim D. Kutch Mary J. Kutch Ann Lacy

ACTIVITIES • Gamma Phi Beta member

ACHIEVEMENTS • Appeared in OCU productions of “9 to 5,” “Bonnie and Clyde,” and “Rent” • Master Choral Scholarship from Central Presbyterian Church

PLANS • Perform, teach, or be surprised as an artist where the future leads

Grace D. Lamars Sally J. Langstons Margaret M. Larasons Tim M. Larason Ruth G. Leebron Cathy J. Leichter Kurt Leichter Haskell L. Lemon Familys Helen Lenns W. Penn Lerblances Frances Norick Lillys Ona E. Loewensteins Lloyd L. Longs Janis S. Love

Fred R. Lynchs Andrea L. MacMullin Donald W. MacPherson Mary N. Mailman Elda Maniss Harlene Marley Samuel E. Marrs James L. Martins Callie Jane Maschals Michael P. Massad W.C. Mathess Margaret G. Mathiss Christopher A. Mauldin Dorothy Mayess  //  31



Charles Mehr BA ’43

Benefactor Charles Mehr has generously enabled dozens of OCU students to study the performing arts at Oklahoma City University and make their mark on the world. His endowed scholarships, made through a series of donations — including real estate, cash gifts, and planned gifts — support dance performance and music theater students and will continue to positively impact scholarship recipients for generations to come.

BAC KG R O U N D Born in Claremore in 1919, Mehr enlisted in the U.S. Navy in 1941. In the summer of 1942, he was commissioned as an Ensign and attended the Amphibious School at Camp Bradford in Norfolk,Va. He was then deployed to England and participated in the invasion of Europe in 1944. In 1945, he transferred to Guam and became commanding officer of the U.S.S. LST 694. He also served on the U.S.S. Krishna, U.S.S. Franklin D. Roosevelt, and U.S.S. Wren. He served in various roles on aide duty, including as aide and flag lieutenant to the military advisors to the joint chiefs of staff at the United Nations. Mehr completed tours of duty in Korea and Germany and worked at the New York Headquarters of the Military

Aubrey K. McClendon Gene L. McCornack Mariann McCornack Jane M. McCreights William G. McCreights Brenda S. McDaniel Tom J. McDaniel Richard F. McDivitt Dean A. McGees John R. McInnis Burrel J. McNaught JoAnn McNaught Doloris A. McVay Charles E. Mehrs Herman Meinders LaDonna Meinders L.D. Meltons Nellie R. Meltons Gene H. Midyetts Patrick K. Miles Frances Milhouses Paul W. Milhouses

32  //  FOCUS Fall 2015

Glenn E. Millard Mary A. Millard Bonnie L. Miller Glen O. Miller Lewis Millers Maudie M. Miller Retta Miller Roberta E. Millers Yvonne Miller Nannette E. Millesons Frederick F. Mischler Margaret L. Moedt Nile W. Montgomerys Chloe J. Moore Gary M. Moores Helen G. Moores Loy Morriss Marian Morriss Theresa L. Morriss Eugene H. Morrison Frederick J. Murnanes Debbie Musick

David P. Nagle Jeaneen E. Naifeh Raymond Naifeh Dennis B. Neff Clara L. Neils Gene A. Nelsons Grace Nelsons Charles Nesbitts Margaret E. Newtons Helen Nicholsons Margaret Norick Marjorie J. Noricks Ronald J. Norick John W. Norman Tal Oden Patricia Orza Vincent F. Orza Neva L. Osbornes M. Lavell Owen Raymond H. Owens Evelyn Parkers Mark E. Parker

Richard H. Parry Margaret F. Pates Bernie L. Patterson Nell Pattersons Marcella A. Pecks Jane B. Pelley George Pellingers Brenda D. Penwell Charlette R. Perryman Jerry W. Perryman F.M. Petrees Margaret E. Petrees Terry O. Phelps Richard W. Pickenss F. Warren Pixleys Patricia J. Potts Ray H. Potts Pamela R. Prentice Parrishs Winona S. Presleys Emma Prices Robert R. Prices Aran R. Priddys


Far Left: Charles Mehr served as a Navy Ensign in World War II. Left: OCU administrators and deans of the performing arts schools greeted Dr. Richard Poole, seated at right next to President Robert Henry, when he delivered a $500,000 check in support of the Mehr Scholarship Fund in May. Photo by Rod Jones

Sea Transportation Office. He retired from the Navy in 1964. Mehr went on to work at AMETCO Shipping and International Carbon Company in New York. He later went into the inn and restaurant business in Massachusetts and Maine. He returned to Oklahoma City in 2006 and passed away in 2014.

Betty Quinlans George R. Randall Mary Ellen Randall Ghazi M. Rayan Jeanne Reeds Ellen G. Reids Margaret K. Replogles Mary E. Replogle Robert E. Reynolds Kathleen Rhodess Helen A. Riddles Esther A. Robinsons Charles A. Rockwood Warren O. Rombergers Casey R. Ross-Petherick Flora Rouse Winters Erma L. Rouses Maryetta H. Rowes Dennis N. Rubenstein Richard N. Ryerson Joseph H. Sahmaunt Arthur W. Salisbury

CHARLES E. MEHR SCHOLARSHIP FUND Mehr’s love for music, dance, and theater inspired him to establish several endowed scholarships at OCU for students in those disciplines. At the urging of his brother-inlaw, Richard Poole, Ph.D., Mehr decided to establish the scholarships while living so that

Orval J. Samss Mary C. Sargents Freeda M. Sarjents George B. Saunderss J.B. Saunderss Michael D. Schag Merrill Schnitzer Pamela B. Schroeder Stuart R. Schroeder George W. Scotts Hugh W. Scott Shirley D. Scott Minnie Sebas Cheryl Seguine Robert W. Seguine Ruth E. Seideman Garvin Senn John Shakelys Pamela H. Shdeed William F. Shdeed George H. Shirks Ruby Lu Simpson

Naomi L. Singer Carl W. Skinners Ruth Skinners Emma P. Smiths Jeanne Hoffman Smith Jessie C. Smith Shelby L. Smith William E. Smith Alberta W. Soloways Ziad Sous Lynnie C. Spahns Robert H. Spahns Carol V. Spencers Arlene Staatss Barbara F. Steinberg Grace M. Stephensons Irene Stewart Walter Stillers James R. Stith Carl W. Stokess J. Russell Stone Wayne D. Stone

he could interact with scholarship recipients. “I told him, ‘Don’t wait until you die because if you do it now, you’ll get to have a lot of interaction with it,’” Poole remembered. Poole continues to receive letters on Mehr’s behalf from past recipients who express deep appreciation for his support, encouragement, and influence.

William R. Strain Hope R. Strasners Lemuell Summerss Irene Swateks Rosalinn H. Swinkas Glenna G. Tanenbaum Richard I. Tanenbaum Marvona S. Tavlin Michael J. Tavlin Donald W. Tharps Charles R. Thigpens Mary E. Thigpens Bette Thomass Marge Edwards Thomass Pete Thomas Tom A. Thomass Abbie Thompsons Edith Thompson Kelly R. Thompson MacKenzie C. Thompsons Howard B. Thorntons Peggy Thorntons  //  33

HONOR ROLL OF DONORS Gladys M. Tuckers M. Kevin Tully Patricia R. Tully Melinda D. Tune Alireza Vahabzadeh Robert W. Van House Nellie Mae Vandegrifts Wilbur Vandegrifts James Vanderpools Jerry B. Vannatta Marianne B. Vannattas

Betty L. Veatchs George E. Vickrey Nadine Vincents Mildred S. Voaks James L. Wade Larry R. Wades Mary J. Wades C. Gene Walker Jerald C. Walker Virginia K. Walker Dora Warnes

Warren K. Watsons Herman Wegeners Mary Wegeners Miriam M. Wests Helen L. Westervelds Clarrissa E. Wheats William H. Wheats Ellen Jayne Wheeler Gladys B. Whetstine Alice B. Whittens Spudds Wideners

R.A. Wildmans Annette G. Wilkess Norman G. Wilkss Max V. Williams Drew Williamson Lizette R. Williamson Florence O. Wilsons Raymond D. Wilsons Owen Wimberlys Vivian Wimberlys Georgia Wintons

Jacqueline M. Wise Charles C. Wisler Frances J. Wislers Lisa M. Wolfe Betty L. Wooden Evelyn Wynell Woodruffs W.W. Woodworths Rose Woodworths Willis C. Worleys Hubert R. Worrell Celine M. Wyatts

Euclid M. Wyatts Kiyoko Yamamotos Lisa Ye Mark Ye Beverly A. Young Carl W. Young Mary Wells Youngs L. S. Youngbloods Edna Zaspels

Endowment gifts serve as a meaningful way to support the university, not only providing for today’s needs but continuing to make a difference in perpetuity. A named endowment conveys values in a powerful way, creating a legacy that outlives the donor. An endowment, which may be established with an investment of $25,000, can build up over time, and even receive an ultimate gift through a donor’s estate. Oklahoma City University is grateful for our generous donors whose commitment will be carried into the future, impacting generations to come. Alumni Association Alumni Legacy Endowed Scholarship Alumni Lifetime Membership Endowment Ann Lacy School of American Dance and Entertainment American Spirit Dance Company Endowment American Spirit Dance Company Endowed Scholarship Peg Leg Bates American Dance & Dance Management Endowed Scholarship John Hitt Endowed Scholarship Ann Lacy and James E. Alexander Endowed Scholarship Tom and Brenda McDaniel Endowed Scholarship for Dance and Arts Management Charles E. Mehr Endowed Dance Scholarship Lee Paramore Endowed Dance Scholarship Marcella Patterson Endowed Dance Teacher Scholarship Ritz International Foundation Endowed Scholarship Jo Rowan Endowed Dance Scholarship Alleyne F. Schweinle Endowed Scholarship Betty Stockard Endowed Scholarship Athletics Denney Crabaugh Endowment for OCU Baseball Melvin Decker Memorial Athletic Endowed Scholarship Devon Boathouse Quasi Endowment Education Athletic Endowed Scholarship William A. Grana Endowed Scholarship Paul Hansen Memorial Endowed Athletic Scholarship Brian Harvey Academic Soccer Endowed Scholarship Abe Lemons Endowed Athletic Scholarship Eugene H. Morrison Endowment for Men's Basketball Eugene H. Morrison Endowment for Baseball Eugene H. Morrison Endowment for Men's Golf William Nashert Endowed Scholarship 34  //  FOCUS Fall 2015

Hugh and Diane Scott Athletic Endowment Star Elementary School Memorial Endowed Scholarship General James L. Wade Athletic Endowment Dulaney-Browne Library William & Romaine Bailey Religious Library Collection Endowment Logan Cary Science & Engineering Library Book Endowment Dulaney-Browne Library Endowment Elizabeth Clark Gordon Memorial Endowment B.D. Lack Endowment General University 8000 for OCU Endowed Scholarship Palmer C. Abercrombie Endowed Scholarship African American Endowed Scholarship AFS Employee Dependent Endowed Scholarship Emery O. and Bess M. Aikens Scholarship American Indian Alumni Endowed Scholarship James Noble Atkins Memorial Book Endowment Troy Bailey Endowed Scholarship Brian and Julia Bakeman Endowed Scholarship Erminda and Sophia Banning Endowed Scholarship Bruce & Marjorie Bates Endowed Scholarship McKinley Billy Endowed Scholarship James H. & Norma R. Blossom Endowed Scholarship Clyde & Evelyn Bowen Endowed Scholarship Homer S. & Margaret Brauer Anderson Endowed Scholarship Edward W. and Ethel Mae Brindley Endowed Scholarship Alice Brown Endowed Scholarship Ellen L. Bryan Endowed Scholarship James C. Buchanan III & Becky Buchanan Endowed Scholarship & Capital Expenditures C. W. Burr Endowed Scholarship Campus Beautification Endowment

H. Arthur Carlson & Mary Lucille Carlson Memorial Endowed Scholarship Roy Chandler Endowed Scholarship Chapel Maintenance Endowment — Harris Foundation Chinese Endowed Scholarship Church of the Good Sheperd Endowed Scholarship Clint Foundation Endowed Scholarship Student Senate Coffia Award Endowed Scholarship Council for Excellence Endowment Hazel & Russell Crooch Endowed Scholarship Devon Energy Clara Luper Endowed Scholarship Distinguished Speakers Series Endowment Kamil Eddie, Sr. Memorial Endowed Scholarship Walter N. & Alice K. Epler Endowed Scholarship Broneta Evans Endowed Religion Scholarship Fair-Folmer Endowed Scholarship George D. Findlay Memorial Endowed Scholarship Gerald L. & Jane Jayroe Gamble Endowed Scholarship & Capital Expenditures Richard Gibbens Endowed Scholarship J. E. Hall Endowed Scholarship Richard E. Hall Endowed Scholarship Paul Hansen Endowed Scholarship for the Hearing Impaired John & Martha Hardt Endowed Scholarship Mary E. Harris Endowed Scholarship Judge Robert Henry Endowed Chair Dan Hogan Endowed Scholarship Holland Family Endowment Homeland Endowed Scholarship for Native American Students Honda Native American Endowed Scholarship Hoopes Endowed Scholarship Frank Horton Memorial Endowed Scholarship Indian Misson Land Endowment Clara E. Jones Endowed Scholarship Paul Jones Native American Endowed Scholarship



Tanner Pflueger Dance Performance Junior


Iva B. Kelley Art & Law Endowed Scholarship Ann Michele King Memorial Endowed Scholarship Lambda Chi Alpha Endowed Scholarship Clara Luper General Endowed Scholarship OG&E Clara Luper Endowed Scholarship Fred & Margaret Lynch Endowed Scholarship Fred R. and Margaret Lynch Endowed Methodist Scholarship William D. Maril Memorial Endowed Scholarship Cordis Martin Endowed Scholarship Michael & Eunice Massad Endowed Scholarship D. & E. Mayes Endowed Scholarship Anabell McConnell Memorial Endowed Scholarship McDaniel Endowed Leadership Scholarship Dean McGee Endowment Flora H. McKay Endowed Scholarship Genevieve Middagh Endowed Scholarship Bishop & Mrs. Paul Milhouse Endowed Scholarship Gene Nelson Endowed Scholarship Oikos Endowed Scholarship John F. Olson Endowed Scholarship John F. Olson Memorial Endowed Lectureship Harvey L. & Laura M. Parker Methodist Endowed Scholarship Richard & Gayle Parry Endowed Fund for Operations Gertrude M. Patton Endowed Scholarship Jerry W. and Charlette R. Perryman Endowed Scholarship F.M. Petree Endowed Book Scholarship Terry & Lauren Phelps Endowed Scholarship D.N. Pope Endowed Scholarship Olen D. Presley Endowed Scholarship C.L. & Aran Priddy Endowed Scholarships for American Indian Students

AC T I V I T I E S Coming into my freshmen year, my parents and I were very concerned about how we were going to afford tuition, but receiving help from donors has really alleviated a lot of the financial burden and I could not be any more grateful. It means that I can pursue my passion of studying dance.

Winnifred Reneau Endowed Scholarship Scottish Rite Endowed Scholarship Rotary Club Endowed Scholarship Bud & Ronald Sahmaunt Native American Endowed Scholarship A.C. Scott Endowed Scholarship George C. & Sara Scott Endowed Scholarship L.E. Shackelford Endowed Scholarship L.L. Shirley Endowed Scholarship M.L. Simmons Endowed Scholarship Charles E. Simpson Endowed Memorial Scholarship Ruth Ida Skinner Unrestricted Endowment Sloan-Fitzwilliam-Fanning Endowed Scholarship William H. Smith Endowed Scholarship Lynnie & Robert Spahn Endowed Scholarship E.A. and Winnie Stewart Endowed Scholarship Lemuell Summers Endowed Scholarship Rosalinn Swinka Endowed Scholarship Esther Taylor Endowed Memorial Scholarship H. Emerson Thomas Endowment Tom A. Thomas, Jr. and Bette C. Thomas Unrestricted Endowment Colonel William Thompson Endowed Scholarship Unrestricted Endowed Scholarship Unrestricted Endowment Jerald C. Walker International Endowed Scholarship H.H. Wegener Endowed Scholarship Miriam West Endowed Scholarship Louis Allen Whitten Endowed Scholarship Dean Thomas A. Williams Memorial Endowed Scholarship Florence O. Wilson Endowed Scholarship

• Kappa Sigma vice president of communications • National Society of Leadership and Success

AC H I E V E M E N T S • Ann Lacy School of American Dance and Entertainment Most Promising Freshman • Charles E. Mehr Scholarship Recipient

PLANS • Perform on Broadway, tours, cruise ships and other venues

Florence O. Wilson House Endowment Flora Rouse Winter Endowed Scholarship Jackie and Bill Wise Endowed Scholarship Betty L. Wooden Endowed Scholarship Euclid M. & Celine M. Wyatt Endowed Scholarship Edna L. Zaspel Endowed Scholarship Kramer School of Nursing R.T. Ayers Family Endowed Scholarship Denise Burton Endowed Nursing Scholarship David & Barbara Green Endowed Nursing Scholarship Brandon L. Hubbard Endowed Scholarship Kramer Nursing Endowed Scholarship Harold & Edith Maris Memorial Endowed Nursing Scholarship Elaine Masters Endowed Leadership Scholarship MSN Education Track Endowed Scholarship Nursing Endowed Scholarship Nursing Dean's Endowed Chair Daphyn Owen Endowed Scholarship for Kramer School of Nursing Ed & Lorraine Reynolds Endowed Nursing Scholarship Ruth Kramer Seideman Endowed Scholarship Marvel Williamson Endowed Nursing Scholarship Meinders School of Business American Floral Service Marketing Endowed Chair C.R. Anthony Endowed Chair in Competitive Enterprises Jeanne Reed Bowman Memorial Endowed Scholarship Alan B. Brooking Endowment Martha Burger and Donald Rowlett Endowed Scholarship Burwell Endowed Chair  //  35

HONOR ROLL OF DONORS Chester Cadieux Endowed Undergraduate Scholarship in the Meinders School of Business Chesapeake Energy Endowed Scholarship B.C. Clark, Jr. Endowed Chair in the Meinders School of Business Coca Cola Entrepreneur Speaker Series Endowment Jack Conn Endowed Chair in Meinders School of Business Ann Covalt Endowed Scholarship William C. Doenges Endowed Scholarship B.D. Eddie Endowed Scholarship Harvey P. Everest Endowed Business Scholarship Henry James Freede Endowed Professorship Michael Gardner Endowed Business Scholarship Golsen Family Endowed Business Scholarship

Kathryn Meinders Endowed Scholarship Miss America Women in Business Endowed Scholarship Robert Z. Naifeh Endowed Business Scholarship Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation Endowment Norick Endowed Chair in Marketing Families of Henry Norick Endowed Scholarship Vince and Patty Orza Endowed Business Scholarship B. Claude Shinn Endowed Accounting Scholarship Walter Stiller Endowed Scholarship Swartz Endowed Scholarship Peter Swartz Endowed Business Scholarship Richard and Glenna Tanenbaum Endowed Scholarship Sam Tune Endowed Business Scholarship Wilbur & Nellie Vandegrift Endowed Business Scholarship Verle & Lawrence Watson Endowed Business Scholarship Warren K. Watson, Sr. Endowed Chair in Management C.W. Wisdom Endowed Lectureship Willis C. Worley, Jr. Endowed Scholarship Oklahoma United Methodist Foundation

J. Leland Gourley Scholarship in Business James A. Graves Endowed Scholarship Mo & Jacque Grotjohn Endowed Business Scholarship T.K. Hendrick Endowed Chair in Marketing & Management Bill Hutton Memorial Endowed Scholarship George C. Jones, Jr. Endowed Scholarship Kerr McGee Business Endowed Scholarship William M. Leebron Endowed Business Scholarship Kurt and Cathy Leichter Business Scholarship Charles B. Love Memorial Endowed Scholarship Tom J. McDaniel Endowed Scholarship Fund in the Meinders School of Business Dave and Jean McLaughlin Endowed Scholarship Meinders School of Business Endowed Scholarship (Brick Campaign) Meinders School of Business Enrichment Endowment Herman Meinders Endowed Scholarship in Business 36  //  FOCUS Fall 2015

Jung Adair Endowment Ernestine Baker Memorial Endowment Claude & Ollie Bell Scholarship Endowment Claude & Ollie Bell Children's Center for the Arts Ollie & Claude Bell Endowment for Religious Life Programs Ollie May Bell Religion Scholarship Elsie Blakeley Endowed Scholarship Boyce Bowdon Award Endowment W.E. & Ruby Bowers General Endowed Scholarship Ruth J. Brooks Scholarship Neola Carpenter Endowment Eleanor Lou Carrithers Chair in Composition & Writing Duane Alan Carson Memorial Endowment Elizabeth Cowherd Memorial Scholarship Virgil A. Cowherd Endowed Scholarship John Crooch, Sr. Endowed Scholarship Russell & Hazel Crooch Endowed Scholarship Floyd & Doris Croxton Memorial Scholarship Endowment Elliott C. Fenton Endowment J. Edward Ford Endowment Richard E. Gibbens Scholarship Elmer Graham Endowed Scholarship George Graham Endowed Scholarship Mary Evans Greenshields Scholarship Endowment John & Martha Hardt Scholarship Endowment Vivian Head Scholarship De and Jean Hinckley Scholarship Hulet Family Scholarship Endowment Mildred Humphrey Endowed Scholarship Robert & Linda Humphrey Scholarship Trust Dwight R. & Ruth M. Hunt Endowed Scholarship Betty Jean Jacobs Scholarship Endowment Johnson-Rainwater Memorial Ministerial Jessie Mae Jones Scholarship Endowment Karns Memorial Endowed Scholarship Robert S. Kerr, Jr. Chair Paul L. Kienholz Fund Tannie & John King Endowed Scholarship Let's Get it Done Campaign David Long Memorial Endowed Scholarship Retta Miller Scholarship Fund Marvin & Kaye Nelson and Jean & Lowell Powers Clergy Scholarship

OK Conf CTV OCU & CONG Development OK Conference Memorials Scholarship Okeene First United Methodist Scholarship Endowment Old Testament Endowed Chair Amos L. Osborne Memorial Scholarship Glenda M. Pate Scholarship Margaret E. Petree Music Scholarship Margaret E. Petree Scholarships & Awards Russell & Louise Rowley Scholarship Endowment Gene & Doris Russell Endowed Scholarship Corinne L. Sare Scholarship Trust Morton Seigman Scholarship David and Paula Severe Family Estelle Shepard Endowed Scholarship Owen B. Skinner Scholarship Bess Smith Memorial Scholarship Endowment D.C. & Ruth Smith Endowed Scholarship Augusta Specht Endowment Pat Sprouls Endowed Memorial Scholarship Jim & Helen Taylor Scholarship Endowment Louise Turner Endowment UM Higher Education Foundation Partner Martin & Ramona Voytko Endowment Dail & Frances West Religious Leadership Scholarship Miriam West Endowed Scholarship Petree College of Arts and Sciences American Association of University Women Endowed Scholarship Webster Lance Benham Endowed Memorial Professorship Theo “Doc” and MarEllen Benson Endowed Scholarship Virginia Berry Endowed Art Scholarship Johnny Blue Endowment Ann Carlton Book Endowed Scholarship Jean Boyle Endowed English Scholarship Ruth Jeanette Brooks Endowed Fine Arts Scholarship Jane Atwood Brown Memorial Endowed Scholarship Sarah Bernice Butkin Endowed Presidential Discretionary Scholarship in the Arts & Sciences William J. Coffia Memorial Endowed Scholarship Robert P. and Betty Dennis Endowed Scholarship Doers Cultural & Educational Foundation World House Endowed Scholarship OCU-Doers Taiwan Cultural Exchange Program Eileen W. and Raymond J. Dougherty Scholarship Roberta M. Eldridge Miller Endowed Art Scholarship Endowed Chair in Islamic Studies Robert Fink Endowed Chemistry Scholarship Gamble-Buchanan Endowment Great Plan Endowed Scholarship Brooke Haley Memorial Endowed Scholarship Dennis Hawkins Memorial Endowed Scholarship Elizabeth Hensley Endowed Scholarship (Quasi) Homer C. Hyde Classical Studies Scholarship Arne V. & Louise Hunninen Endowed Biology Scholarship Rita Louise Kacey PL+US Endowed Scholarship Callie Jane Maschal Norick Art Gallery Endowment Dean Nellie R. Melton Endowed Scholarship Susan C. Barber and David P. Nagle Endowed Scholarship Clara Cates Neil Endowed Scholarship Marjorie J. Norick & Frances Norick Lilly Endowed Scholarship OCU Film Institute Endowment Roberta Olson Great Plan Endowed Scholarship

HONOR ROLL OF DONORS Outdoor Laboratory and Environmental Studies Endowment Petree-Lambert Family Arts and Sciences Endowed Honors Scholarship PL+US Alumni Endowed Scholarship Dr. Raniyah Ramadan Memorial Endowed Scholarship Mary Ellen & George R. Randall Great Plan Endowed Scholarship Bill Richardson Endowed Art Scholarship Esther Robinson Endowed English Scholarship Rockwood Biology Endowed Scholarship George B. Saunders Endowed Scholarship Singapore MDIS Endowed Scholarship C.Q. Smith Memorial Endowed Scholarship Jeanne Hoffman Smith Endowment Dr. Elaine D. Smokewood Endowed Scholarship Arlene Staats Endowed Scholarship Grace M. Stephenson Endowed Scholarship Marjorie Nell Sussex Endowed Spanish Scholarship (Quasi) Edyth Arnold Swartz Endowed Scholarship Howard & Peggy Thornton Endowed Mass Communications Scholarship Bradley H. Wahnee Memorial Endowed Scholarship Dr. Lin Wei-Hsien Endowed Education Scholarship Darbeth Whitten Endowed Chair in History Ken Yamamoto Endowed Memorial Art Scholarship Saint Paul School of Theology at Oklahoma City University Martha Jean Lemon Endowed Scholarship SPST OKC Richard and Johnece Ryerson Endowed Seminary Scholarship School of Law American Academy of Medical Ethics Endowed Scholarship John Amick Endowed Law Scholarship William H. Bell Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fred A. Biehler Endowed Scholarship Von Creel Endowed Scholarship Crowe & Dunlevy Diversity Endowed Scholarship Phil Daugherty Memorial Endowed Law Scholarship Marjorie Downing Endowed Law Scholarship Felix Endowment Ted Foster, Sr. Memorial Endowed Scholarship Friedman-Lerblanc Endowed Law Scholarship Melba R. Gaudin Law Library Endowment Roger Givens Endowed Scholarship Hatton Sumners Law Endowed Scholarship Lloyd Henry Endowed Law Scholarship John C. & Hallie Jean Hervey Memorial Endowed Law Scholarship W. Feagin Hood Endowed Scholarship Wayne Eugene Johnson Memorial Endowed Scholarship T. Hurley Jordan Endowed Scholarship Nancy I. Kenderdine Endowed Scholarship Kerr Challenge I Endowment Kerr Constitutional Endowed Law Chair Robert S. Kerr, Jr. Natural Resources/Environmental Law Chair Law Scholars Endowed Scholarship Law Building Endowment Law Dean Position Endowment Law School Energy Endowment Donald W. MacPherson Endowed Scholarship Tom and Brenda McDaniel Endowed Scholarship Baker H. Melone Endowed Memorial Scholarship Loy & Marian Morris Endowed Law Scholarship

Judge Raymond Naifeh Endowed Law Scholarship Native American Legal Resource Center Endowment Charles Nesbitt Awards Endowment Norman & Edem Endowed Professorship OAMA Endowed Scholarship OCU Law General Endowment Justice Marian P. Opala Endowed Scholarship Pate & Knarr, PC Commercial Banking Law Endowed Scholarship Ray Potts Endowed Scholarship Wayne Quinlan Memorial Endowed Lectureship Amy Rinehart Memorial Law Scholarship Seize the Moment Endowed Scholarship Richard and Jeannette Sias Art Preservation Fund Roger Stephens Memorial Endowed Scholarship Hope Strasner Endowed Scholarship Douglas M. Todd Endowed Scholarship Ernest L. Wilkinson Endowed Law Award

William M. Wilson Endowed Law Scholarship School of Theatre John & Helen Abernathy Endowment Maybelle Conger Endowed Scholarship Marianna Davenport Endowed Scholarship Treva Hancock Endowed Drama Scholarship Claire Jones Endowed Scholarship Charles E. Mehr Endowed Theatre Scholarship Ellen G. Reid Endowment University-Church Relations Robert Adair Endowment Barnett-Widener Ministerial Endowed Scholarship Herbert and Marguerite Barrett Endowed Religious Scholarship Herbert & Marguerite Barrett Mission Endowed Scholarship Frank G. Blackwood Endowed Religious Leadership Scholarship  //  37



Laura Jardine

Cell and Molecular Biology Sophomore



intelligent, hardworking, and fascinating students. Their success

• Kappa Phi • Honors Program • Beta Beta Beta Biological Honor Society

pushes me toward success, and they provide an environment of


camaraderie and encouragement. My professors and advisors

• Fleming Scholar Program at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation • Oklahoma City University Fabulous Fifty Freshman

One of my favorite aspects of my time at OCU is the community I have been gifted with. I get to study and live with such

are brilliant and passionate, constantly going out of their way to teach and guide. My professors and advisors supply me with endless opportunities, wisdom, and generosity. The monetary support of OCU has been instrumental in my academic career. It has given me the freedom to prepare for a future career rather than for a future that is focused on paying off extraordinary student debt.

Bishop Bruce P. Blake Endowed Scholarship R. Fisher Blanton Endowed Religious Leadership Scholarship Kathleen Tucker Bone Endowed Scholarship Virginia P. Bryant Endowed Religious Scholarship Clay & Eleanor Carrithers Endowed Scholarship Flora & B.C. Clark Memorial Endowed Scholarship Mary Coffey Endowed Scholarship Bessie B. Cunningham Religious Leadership Endowed Scholarship Lulu S. Doenges Endowed Scholarship James & Violet Egan Memorial Endowed Scholarship Donald & Suzanne Emler Religious Education Endowed Scholarship Wesley UMC — Elliott C. Fenton Endowed Scholarship Grace & Alma Garten Endowed Scholarship Joyce & Gordon Goering Endowed Scholarship Dorothy Graham Endowment A.R. Bert Larason Endowed Scholarship Lester W. & Mary E. Maddox Endowed Scholarship Elda A. Manis Endowed Scholarship W.C. & Clarabelle Mathes Endowed Religious Scholarship Glen O. Miller Endowed Ministry Scholarship Retta Miller Religious Leadership Endowed Scholarship Dennis & Susan Neff United Methodist Endowed Scholarship Gladys Teter Nichols Endowed Scholarship Oklahoma United Methodist Conference Endowed Scholarship Dana Owen Endowed Scholarship

38  //  FOCUS Fall 2015

Horace & Evalyn Patton Memorial Scholarship Robert & Emma Price Endowed Scholarship Roy W. & Jeanne Reed Endowed Scholarship Warren Romberger World Christianity Endowed Scholarship Colonel Thomas L. & Ruby L. Simpson Endowed Scholarship Bishop W. Angie Smith Memorial Endowed Scholarship George Sneed Memorial Endowed Scholarship Charles & Mary Thigpen Endowed Scholarship Mackenzie C. Sr. & Thelma Thompson Endowed Scholarship Unrestricted Church Gifts Endowment Wagoner United Methodist Endowed Scholarship Phil Wahl Endowed Scholarship Wanda Bass School of Music Ann Simmons Alspaugh Music Endowed Scholarship Josephine E. Atkins Endowed Music Scholarship Wanda L. Bass Chapel Organ Endowment Wanda L. Bass Music Endowed Chair Wanda L. Bass Organ Endowed Chair Wanda L. Bass Music Center Endowment Wanda L. Bass Piano Support Endowment Jean Frances Beatty Endowed Music Scholarship Florence Birdwell Endowed Chair Robert & Florence Birdwell Endowed Vocal Scholarship Edna Hoffman Bowman Endowed Music & Performing Arts Scholarship

PLANS • Attend graduate or professional school • Considering a career in scientific research

Clarence Burg Endowed Music Scholarship Naomi McCasland Burton and James L. Burton Student Travel Pearl English Crain Endowed Scholarship Herbert E. Davis Music Endowment William H. Dougherty Endowed Scholarship J. Emrick Endowed Music Scholarship Esther Wessel Farmer Endowed Piano Scholarship Myrtle S. Forsythe Endowed Scholarship Loretta T. Freeland Endowed Scholarship Marjorie Lee Germany Endowed Scholarship Mary Jean Hackler Endowed Music Scholarship Morris Hatley Canterbury Choral Performing Arts Endowment William Randolph Hearst Endowed Scholarship Ann Hundley Hoover Endowed Chair Kurt & Cathy Leichter Endowed Music Scholarship Elizabeth Loewenstein Endowed Music Scholarship Ethelene Cindy Long Memorial Native American Endowed Scholarship Martin Mailman Endowed Band Scholarship Ruth Mayer Memorial Endowed Music Scholarship Philelle & Charles McBrayer Endowed Piano Scholarship Brenda McDaniel Endowed Music Scholarship Charles E. Mehr Endowed Music Scholarship Darlene Milligan Endowed Music Scholarship Wit and Carolyn Music Endowed Scholarship Nellie J. Moss Endowed Scholarship

HONOR ROLL OF DONORS Music School Endowed Scholarship Robert & Jeaneen Naifeh Meditation Garden Endowed Fund Frances McMillan Oney Endowed Scholarship Opera Society Founders Endowment Mark Parker Endowed Scholarship Margaret Petree Endowed Music Scholarship Frances W. Preston BMI Endowed Music Scholarship Nancy Laughbaum Ragsdale Endowed Scholarship Margaret K. Replogle Endowed Music Scholarship Royal Sarjent Endowed Scholarship Inez Silberg Memorial Endowed Scholarship William Elza Smith Endowed Church Music Scholarship Forest and Gloe Stith Memorial Endowed Scholarship Watkins-Soloway Music Scholarship Verle & Lawrence Watson Endowed Music Scholarship Aleta Winkler Memorial Endowed Music Scholarship Georgia M. Winton Endowed Scholarship Wimberly School of Religion J. Bart Aldridge Endowment Mrs. Glen C. Archer Endowed Scholarship William E. Archer Memorial Endowed Scholarship Nova M. Atkins Endowed Religion Scholarship William & Romaine Bailey Endowed Scholarship William J. Bassett Memorial Endowed Scholarship Jean Frances Beatty Endowed Scholarship in Religion Ollie & Claude Bell Endowed Professorship in Church History Bettis, Bussell & Hunt Ministerial Endowed Scholarship Austin and Marjorie Bizzell Ministry Endowed Scholarship Fred & Opal Boston Religious Leadership Endowed Scholarship Edith Carlson Memorial Endowed Scholarship A.R. Carpenter Endowed Scholarship Ray & Florence Carroll Endowed Scholarship Ruby Chase Memorial Endowed Scholarship J. Cecil & Elva Coover Endowed Scholarship Cowden-Epperson Endowed Scholarship Nuell C. Crain Endowed Religious Leadership Scholarship F. Lahr & Blanche Einsel Endowed Scholarship Bishop & Mrs. Paul V. Galloway Endowed Scholarship

Barbara & J.M. Garrett Religion Leadership Endowed Scholarship William D. Greenshields Memorial Endowed Religious Leadership Scholarship Norma Rowe Gunn Endowed Religion Scholarship Mary Jean Hackler Endowed Religion Scholarship Vernon V. Harris Endowed Chair in Christian Education Hyde Endowed Scholarship Paul Jones Religious Education Endowed Scholarship Robert Jones Memorial Endowment Carl Jung Seminar Endowment (Quasi) Kramer Ministerial Endowed Scholarship Martha Jean Lemon Endowed Lectureship Martha Jean Lemon Endowed Scholarship Blanche & Lloyd Long Service Endowed Scholarship Lydia Lukenbaugh Endowed Scholarship Leroy Massengale Endowed Scholarship Bess & Calvin McGalliard Memorial Scholarship Paul W. Milhouse Endowed Religion Professorship Glenn E. & Mary A. Millard Endowed Scholarship Nile & Adena Montgomery Endowed Scholarship Billy B. Nelson Memorial Religion Endowed Scholarship Oakerhater Endowed Chair Beverly Osborne Memorial Religious Leadership Endowed Scholarship Ray & Lavell Owen Endowed Scholarship F. Warren Pixley Endowed Religious Scholarship W. Carroll Pope Memorial Endowed Scholarship Winona Presley Endowed Religion Scholarship Margaret K. Replogle Endowed Religion Professorship Glen Rhodes Memorial Endowed Scholarship Helen Riddle Church Leadership Endowed Scholarship Riley Endowed Chair in Religion Vernon Roberts Endowed Religion Scholarship Neal & Hazel Rock Memorial Endowed Religion Scholarship Maryetta Rowe Endowed Scholarship Arthur W. and Joi D. Salisbury Scholarship Don Schooler Memorial Endowed Professorship Minnie M. Seba Endowed Ministry Scholarship Alice Sincox Endowed Scholarship

Robert J. Smith Memorial Endowed Religious Leadership Scholarship Leslie G. & Irene Stewart Endowed Scholarship Russell Stone Endowed Religious Leadership Scholarship Bettie Ewert Stoneking Endowed Scholarship Clarence Sutton Religious Leadership Endowed Scholarship Naomi Thomas Endowed Scholarship Claude & Patty Todd Endowed Scholarship United Methodist Women's Endowed Religious Leadership Scholarship Herbert Voth Endowed Religious Leadership Scholarship Owen Wimberly Center for Continuing Education Endowment (Quasi) Owen & Vivian Wimberly Endowed Professorship Vivian Wimberly Center Endowment Wimberly Chapel Endowed Fund Wimberly Endowed Scholarship Wimberly Religion and Ethics Endowment Wimberly Quasi-Endowment Wimberly VP University Church Relations Endowment W.W. Woodworth Endowed Scholarship Richard K. and Effie D. Wootten Endowed Scholarship

Oklahoma United Methodist

John and Sherri Brown Jeannine Gibbens Jean Hinckley Tommy Karns David and Paula Severe Shelby Lee Smith Rex and Sacra Vaughan  //  39


School of Theatre Expands into Historic Gold Star Building

Top left: School of Theatre students and faculty gather in front of the Gold Star Memorial building Aug. 23 during a ribbon-cutting ceremony for its reopening. Above: Student Travis Huddleston prepares to give a tour. Far left: Laurena Sherrill, Bryan Bauer, Associate Dean Brian Parsons, Dean Mark Parker, Jeffery S. Cochran, Matt Redmond and Travis Huddleston cut the ribbon. Left: Student Joanne Hoch signs up for an audition.

The building became available after the School of Law moved to its downtown location. The Gold Star also now houses offices for the Wimberly School of Religion and the Honors program. Above: From left, Tim Fall, Luke Eddy, a guest, and Associate Dean Brian Parsons in one of the Gold Star Building offices. Right: Zach Payne, Dagny McCartney, Nick Mayes, Jasmine Richman and Brett Holleman in a student lounge area. All photos by Josh Robinson 40  //  FOCUS Fall 2015





DEC . 4-12

TheatreOCU will usher in the Christmas season with the comedy “The Man Who Came to Dinner” in Burg Theatre.

Home for the Holidays DEC . 10 -13

Homecoming NOV. 6 - 8

Join us for Homecoming 2015! We will honor the Class of 1965. Graduates from 1965 are encouraged to contact Alumni Director Cary Pirrong: (405) 208-5463  •

OCU’s American Spirit Dance Company returns to the stage with “Home for the Holidays,” a riveting Broadway-style holiday extravaganza in the Kirkpatrick Auditorium.

Christmas Vespers DEC . 11-12

OCU’s Symphony Orchestra and vocal ensembles, including more than 250 musicians, will give their 37th annual Christmas Vespers Concert at First Presbyterian Church in OKC.

Don Pasquale

Alumni Night at the OKC Thunder

NOV. 20 -22

DEC . 16

The Oklahoma Opera and Music Theater Company will present a main stage opera, “Don Pasquale,” in the Kirkpatrick Fine Arts Center.

Catch up with alumni in the Thunder Box and cheer on Oklahoma City as they take on the Portland Trail Blazers. Tickets are $95 and include admission and a complimentary high-end buffet. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and the game begins at 7. • (405) 208-5463

Open Call for Nominations!

30 30 UNDER

The OCU Alumni Association's Inaugural Thirty Under 30 Award will recognize the outstanding accomplishments of young alumni. Each recipient must show exceptional achievement and significant contributions to his or her profession, community/society, or the university. The recipient must exemplify outstanding professional and personal development through traditional channels or innovative approaches. Please submit nominations to Alumni Relations at or (405) 208-5463 by Feb. 15, 2016. The winners will be recognized during All-Alumni Weekend in April.


President Henry, a nationally recognized Will Rogers scholar, arranged for a Los Angelesarea alumni event to watch polo at the Will Rogers Ranch in Pacific Palisades, Calif. His report will appear in the next FOCUS.

SHINY & NEW:  //  41




PERMIT #2384

2501 N. Blackwelder Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73106


Take OCU to

New Heights Help OCU reach new heights with your gift of $100 or more and earn a trip to the top of the university’s most recognizable landmark. The OCU Alumni Association will lead a climb inside the historic Gold Star building the morning of April 23 for all donors who make their gift by April 22. Make your gift today to take part in this rare opportunity. (405) 208-7000

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