FOCUS - Spring 2010

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spring 2010

Legendary President Tom McDaniel

to Retire page 7


awards of excellence

Oklahoma City University Societies honored five

exceptional women during the annual Awards of Excellence dinner Feb. 20 at the Oklahoma City Golf and Country Club. This year’s honorees are the late Joan Kirkpatrick, recipient of the Distinguished Philanthropist Award; Barbara Brou, Kirkpatrick-Petree Music and Performing Arts Society Award; Helen Ford Wallace, Dulaney-Browne Library Society Award; Miki Farris, Norick-Hulsey Gallery Society Award and OCU First Lady Brenda McDaniel, Societies Special Achievement Award. OCU alumna and trustee Jane Jayroe Gamble emceed the awards ceremony. Judy Love chaired the event, Kirk Hammons served as co-chair and Cathy Leichter is president of OCU Societies.


1. Honorees Brenda McDaniel, Barbara Brou, Miki Farris and Helen Ford Wallace 2. OCU President and First Lady Tom and Brenda McDaniel 3. Honoree Helen Ford Wallace with OCU Societies President Cathy Leichter 4. Honoree Miki Farris 5. Chris Keesee accepts the Distinguished Philanthropist Award for the late Joan Kirkpatrick 6. Honoree Barbara Brou and husband, Paul 7. OCU First Lady Brenda McDaniel accepts a surprise award from Judy Love detailing the Brenda McDaniel Scholarships for the Ann Lacy School of American Dance and Arts Management and the Wanda L. Bass School of Music. Donors gave $230,000 toward the scholarships, which will be awarded annually. 2 3

7 4



spring 2010 Volume 54, No. 1


2 4 22 24 26 54

President’s Message University Update Focus on Giving Focus on Athletics Focus on Alumni In Memory


Shdeeds, page 14


7 Legendary President Tom McDaniel to Retire 12 OCU’s Number 1 Cheerleader: First Lady

Brenda McDaniel Puts OCU Students First

13 14

Devon Boathouse Construction Progresses

Shdeeds’ Dedication to OCU Shines From Behind the Scenes

15 Nursing School Expansion to be Complete by January

16 Renaissance Man Never Stops Learning: Professor Terry Phelps Finds Passion for Life at OCU 18 Shooting Star: Student-Turned-Staffer Rose to Shine

20 Under New Ownership: OCU Retrieves Bookstore

Bookstore, page 20


Softball Coach Takes Game to Higher Level

FOCUS • 2501 N. Blackwelder • Oklahoma City, OK 73106-1493

FOCUS Spring 2010 Editor Writers Designers

Christine Eddington Leslie Berger Rod Jones Rich Tortorelli Lechelle Calderwood Kevin Miller

Photographers Issei Aoyama Kendra Barreda Leslie Berger Rod Jones Kimberley Mlinar Rich Tortorelli

Tom McDaniel President, Oklahoma City University Art Cotton Vice President for University Advancement Sandy Cotton Senior Director of Development Dale Ross Planned Giving Specialist Jackie Miller ’85, MBA ’90, JD ’91 President, OCU Alumni Board

Focus is produced semiannually by the Communications and Marketing and Alumni Departments for alumni, parents and friends of Oklahoma City University. E-mail alumni news to and any story ideas to Check out Oklahoma City University at

Oklahoma City University pledges to recruit, select and promote diversity by providing equality of opportunity in higher education for all persons, including faculty and employees with respect to hiring, continuation, promotion and tenure, applicants for admission, enrolled students, and graduates, without discrimination or segregation on the grounds of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, handicap or disability, sexual orientation, or veteran status. The Vice President for Student Affairs, located in Room 205 of the Clara E. Jones Administration Building, telephone (405) 208-5831, coordinates the university's compliance with titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act.



OCU Our years at Oklahoma City University have been the most rewarding of my professional life. OCU has been our home, our job and our passion for almost a decade now and Brenda and I have loved our time in the presidency. Together with our visionary board of trustees and university leadership, we have seen great changes while maintaining, and even strengthening, the values that are the very core of the institution. We began together by prioritizing the goals and institutional dreams I shared at my inauguration: enhancing the student experience at OCU; strengthening the university’s connection with our church and our community; improving our diversity and inclusiveness; expanding our infrastructure so that we could grow existing programs and create new ones; and ensuring our financial stability by growing our endowment, increasing annual giving programs and initiating disciplined budget practices. We’ve managed to accomplish those goals though some have certainly occurred more easily than others. This issue of FOCUS Magazine is filled with the great things we’ve



worked on together and I hope you will enjoy reading about them. Our institution has experienced ups and downs that come with our business. Our biggest challenges have come this past year with the economic downturn that the world has experienced and in true OCU fashion, we have watched with pride as our campus has come together as a family to find solutions. My greatest joys have come from our students. Brenda and I have gotten to know as many of them as we can, attending their performances and athletic events and we’ve watched as they’ve matured from high school kids to young adults ready to take their futures by storm. We know that their time at OCU has instilled in them the importance of being servant leaders and they are, one by one, making their communities and the world a brighter place. The role of a university president is part steward, part parent, part accountant and part cheerleader. I have become a better listener, a bolder dreamer and a stronger person for it and I am thankful beyond words. That said, my involvement with Oklahoma City University will continue. I look forward to working with our new president in my new role of chancellor. Our incoming president and first lady, Judge Robert Henry and Dr. Jan Ralls Henry, have the commitment and vision this university needs to reach the next level. The selection process was conducted by a search committee, led by incoming Board of Trustees Chairman Ron Norick.

The search was extensive, and there were many strong candidates. Judge Henry is the right man for the job and that fact is underscored by how quickly the OCU family has embraced him. We have a dynamic, engaged leadership team in which I have tremendous confidence. As I prepare to transition from president to chancellor, I do so knowing that incoming President Henry will lead this university to places that we’ve only imagined thus far. From a personal standpoint, I have loved my years as your president and I look forward to continuing to serve you and the university for years to come. I close with a word of personal thanks from Brenda and me to our board of trustees for the opportunity we have had to serve at OCU, with a special word of appreciation to Chairman Bill Shdeed and his wife, Pam. Their unflagging support and dedicated servant leadership has been an inspiration.


Tom McDaniel President Oklahoma City University



uni v ersit y update


The three-member committee meets each year in Houston to recommend applicants for the program. The applications are judged on several factors, one of which is strong English language skills. The committee also seeks to select winners from a variety of U.S. regions. “With my experience on the committee, hopefully I’ll be able to help students here with similar scholarship application processes in the future,” Zhou said.

Oklahoma City University Names 17th President

Judge Robert H. Henry, Chief Judge of the United States Court of Appeals, Tenth Circuit, has been named the 17th President and CEO of Oklahoma City University by the board of trustees. He will succeed Tom J. McDaniel, who will retire in July as president and assume a new role as chancellor. A comprehensive national search was conducted. Fifty-three applications and nominations were reviewed by the 15-member search committee comprised of trustees, faculty, staff and president of the Student Government Association. “Judge Henry brings national and international visibility to the university,” said Ron Norick, trustee and chair of the search committee. “In addition to Judge Henry’s exceptional legal and public service career, he is an acclaimed foreign relations scholar and international humanitarian. We are so pleased to have Judge Henry serve as the next president of OCU,” said Norick. “We had an exceptionally large and well-qualified and diverse pool of candidates. Judge Henry is the right person to lead the university at this time in our 105-year history.” “The opportunity to return to Oklahoma City University as its president and CEO is an exciting challenge that my wife, Jan, and I wholeheartedly embrace. The future of Oklahoma City is bright and OCU is an important part of that future. The university has great faculty and continues to attract gifted students from around the world, including my son Josh, who is a theatre major. So on a personal and professional level, Jan and I look forward to joining the OCU family that includes our friends Tom and Brenda McDaniel,” Henry said.


Judge Robert Henry, incoming president

Board of Trustees President William F. Shdeed said, “Robert Henry was the top choice at each stage of the search process which began in August, and our board was enthusiastic in selecting him to be our next president and CEO. Judge Henry has a full appreciation of the remarkable achievements made under President McDaniel’s nineyear tenure. We believe he can lead OCU to the next level of national and international prominence in private higher education. OCU is poised for greatness.” Professor Picked for Fulbright Committee

An Oklahoma City University professor was selected to serve on a Fulbright scholarship selection committee for a three-year term. Ally Zhou, a Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) professor, is serving on the Institute of International Education’s committee for English language teaching assistantships in Southeast Asia. The national screening committee helps determine the winners of the Fulbright-Hays Program scholarships. fOCUS

Schools Combine Music and Pre-Med for New Student Opportunities

The Wanda L. Bass School of Music and the Petree College of Arts and Sciences are giving students new opportunities to work toward careers in medicine while pursuing their passion for music. OCU is now enrolling students in the Bachelor of Arts in music with elective studies in pre-medicine program. “Of the students who choose to attend medical school, those holding music degrees are the most likely to be accepted,” said Eduardo Prieto, OCU’s vice president for enrollment services. A study of the undergraduate majors of medical school applicants by physician and biologist Lewis Thomas found a 66 percent success rate for music majors, the best of any major. In comparison, 44 percent of biochemistry majors were admitted. The findings do not surprise Mark Davies, dean of the Petree College of Arts and Sciences or Mark Parker, dean of OCU’s Bass School of Music. “All pre-med students are required to take the same core classes and, of course, to take the MCATs,” Parker said. “The undergraduate majors of pre-med students vary; no one actually majors

“People have values that shape their behavior,” she said. “In a Muslim culture you approach business negotiations as relationships built on friendship and trust. The meeting starts with, ‘May I get you some tea?’ It’s very subtle and it may take hours, but it’s the formalities and rituals that matter. It’s a business model built on integrity, not just profit.” Bernard received enthuOCU Stages Significant siastic feedback on her Photography Exhibit OCU Law Professor workshop from particiOklahoma City University’s Nona Leads Istanbul pants including an Israeli Jean Hulsey Gallery hosted a phoNegotiation hostage negotiator and tography exhibit called “Forgotten Workshop an intelligence officer Time: Edward Curtis’ Visit to Oklahoma City with the Royal Canadian Oklahoma.” OCU student Jacquelyn University Law Mounted Police. Sparks, the exhibit’s curator, gave a Professor Phyllis In conjunction with talk during the opening reception. Bernard recently Phyllis Bernard the project, Bernard has Curtis is best known for “The returned from Istanbul, published an article in North American Indian,” a 20-volTurkey where she led the Harvard Negotiation Journal and ume portfolio of photographic a workshop at the international a chapter in the book Rethinking conference “Rethinking Negotiation Teaching: Innovations for Negotiation Training.” Context and Culture. Bernard is working on a project, titled “Next Generation,” that seeks 80 OCU Performers to make the standard Participate in NYC Spring models for teaching Break Workshop international negotiation Oklahoma City University’s more relevant to crossannual performing arts workshop cultural needs. The in New York City has been setting project involves about 70 attendance records since its incepscholars, practitioners, tion four years ago, and this year trainers and government was no exception. Students signed officials from multiple up for the workshop’s 80 spots in a disciplines throughout record-setting two minutes. the world. The spring break workshop— Bernard said busiopen to OCU dance, music and Edward Curtis’ “Skidi and Wichita Dancers” ness negotiations are theater majors—allows students to changing rapidly, mainly study alongside theater professionbecause of increasing globalizaals and get expert advice on how records created between 1907 tion. “You have to deal with other to live and work in New York. The and 1930 of Native American culcultures now if you want to make 2010 edition ran from March 15-18. ture. OCU exhibited the entirety money,” Bernard noted. As part of This year’s workshop feaof Volume 19, which was photothe conference, Bernard introduced tured master classes for “White graphed in Oklahoma during the Christmas,” “Jersey Boys,” “9 to mid-1920s and is the least-studied of differences in approach and tone consistent with a Muslim culture. 5” and “Memphis.” Other topics Curtis’ works.

in ‘pre-med.’ We do find, however, that those who succeed in medicine and in music share similar qualities of excellence, achievement and discipline including a powerful work ethic, critical thinking skills, the capacity to absorb new material quickly, devotion to long hours of study, the ability to work as a member of a team and the determination to succeed.”

“Anthropologically, literal readings of his writings and captions of the nearly forgotten Volume 19 are almost useless,” Sparks said. “However, it provides a unique window into a crucial time of transition for modern Indian people.” The exhibit included 72 photogravures from OCU’s Wegner Collection and the University of Oklahoma collections.



uni v ersit y update

included voice, casting, equity, commercial auditions, precision dancing and a mock audition workshop that simulates a New York City open call experience. OCU alumni working in show business and arts management serve as instructors for a dozen classes. Classes are designed to give students tips and tools to begin their transition from student to professional. The workshop is offered to students at no charge thanks to the OCUNYC alumni chapter and a generous grant from university trustee Dr. Ann Lacy, who was instrumental in bringing the first workshop to fruition. In addition to classes, the event gives students valuable networking opportunities with industry professionals and alumni, said Lyndy Franklin Smith, OCUNYC Alumni Association president. Web Site Wunderkind Wants to Change the World

An Oklahoma City University student added a new tool to the World Wide Web with the launch of his Web site “What I’d Change” at Justin Briggs, an MBA student in the Meinders School of Business, has been working on the Web site since the fall. It is his self-owned company’s first endeavor. Briggs, who calls himself the company’s chief change officer, said he latched onto the idea of creating a Web site where visitors could share their thoughts about what they would like to change about any topic imaginable. The topics range from product wishes like what Apple should add to its iPhone to more serious issues like eliminating homelessness. The topics are categorized and visitors can add their own. They can also leave comments about someone 6

team camped out on mats with mosquito nets and lived on energy bars and bottled water that they brought with them. “The number of sick people, especially children, living in the streets without shelter is overwhelming,” he said, adding that everyone he treated was extremely nice and grateful.“There was no rioting and no trouble,” Williamson said, “just a lot of nice people in need.” Williamson is a corporate physician for Hobby Lobby International at Religion their headquarAdjunct ters in Oklahoma Dr. Paul City. He teaches Williamson religion at Helps in Haiti Oklahoma City Oklahoma Dr. Paul Williamson with a translator University City University in Haiti and his wife, Adjunct Religion Dr. Marvel Williamson, is dean of Professor Paul Williamson took a OCU’s Kramer School of Nursing. medical mission trip to Petionville, Haiti in February. Williamson, a medical doctor, spent nine days in Kramer School of Nursing the Port-au-Prince suburb, as well as Faculty Publishes Research in rural areas near the city, treating One of the OCU nursing school’s hundreds of victims suffering from research teams, comprised of Dr. the Jan. 12 earthquake. Marvel Williamson, Dr. Linda Cook, Williamson, who learned of Professor Denise Burton and Dr. the mission opportunity through Lois Salmeron, has had its Phase 1 the Church of the Nazarene, said research, a qualitative study titled the vast devastation and ongo“Retaining Nursing Faculty Beyond ing need inspired him to take the Retirement Age,” accepted for publitrip. He traveled to Haiti with six cation in the July 2010 issue of Nurse nurses through Heart to Heart Educator, a peer-reviewed national International, based in Olathe, Kan. professional nursing journal. Phase Much of Williamson’s efforts 2 involves a national study on facfocused on injured children; he saw tors related to decisions to remain approximately 50 to 80 patients each in the nursing faculty workforce, day with his team. They worked a critically important strategy for 15-hour days mostly in an open field helping to address the nursing at a Nazarene seminary compound. faculty shortage. With no hotels and no restaurants operating in Haiti, Williamson’s

else’s idea and vote for their favorites. The most popular ideas will move to the forefront of the site in the Hall of Change. Briggs hopes visitors will act on some of the best changes, turning mere thoughts into reality. Briggs is the recipient of a Bill Hutton Endowed Scholarship and receives tuition assistance from his employer, Altheus Theraputics, where he works in corporate strategy and development.



Mc D a n i e l

Presidency is One for the History Books


Legendary President Tom McDaniel to Retire

By Leslie Berger and Rod Jones


f you could narrow nine years down to just one word, it would probably be legendary in Oklahoma City University President Tom McDaniel’s case. McDaniel will complete his ninth year at Oklahoma City University when he retires from the position this summer. The impact of his work here will last many lifetimes. From introducing new academic and athletic programs to doubling the university’s endowment and getting to know thousands of students personally, McDaniel’s presidency is one for the history books. Morale at OCU is at an all-time high thanks to McDaniel’s leadership. He has treated OCU as his family and as a result, students, faculty, staff and administrators share university pride as easily as ever. McDaniel will be widely remembered as one of the most caring individuals the OCU family has ever known and one of the greatest teambuilders to grace the campus. “Absolutely every encounter I have ever had with him, and fOCUS



Mc D a n i e l nnn

that includes six years of hearing him at dinners, recruitment events and staff breakfasts, has been awe-inspiring. That might sound dramatic, but it’s true,” said Janelle Warlick, OCU alumna and assistant director of student success and retention for the Petree College of Arts and Sciences. “He has the innate ability to make someone feel like they are the only person in the room. I don’t know anyone who possesses the ability to make people feel so special. He is such a treasure and I’m not going to think about him leaving until the last possible moment that I have to. I will definitely be in tears.” Rick Hall, OCU vice president for student affairs, said McDaniel is generous and supportive of the university community. “Goodness knows he and Brenda break their necks to be at every

McDaniel Folkisms President Tom McDaniel is well known for the folksy phrases he likes to use when discussing strategy or just to bring a little comic relief to the table. A few include: n Take another kick at the can. n We are at the lick log. n Ooch and scooch. n Even a blind squirrel sometimes finds a nut. n Get the ox out of the ditch. n Milk the easy cow first. n Call in Red Adair.

event and to learn every name and to commit themselves to individual programs and activities that students remember,” Hall said. “I have never seen anyone as good at remembering names and faces— and Oklahoma high school mascots. The students love it but so does everyone else.” McDaniel has brought the campus community together and inspired true school spirit. “It is obvious that the life of a university has its ups and downs, but no one over the last 10 years has been more reliable or dependable in terms of setting expectations and the course for our future than Tom McDaniel,” Hall said. “He has incredible ability to make folks believe we are heading in the right direction and they want to go with him. He generates confidence. Many people are committed to and invested in OCU because of confidence in leadership. Those folks are not limited to donors: this applies to staff, students and faculty as well. Everyone has choices and Tom has helped make OCU a good choice for us all.” McDaniel has ushered in a new renaissance at OCU. OCU’s annual Head of the Oklahoma Regatta, introduced under McDaniel’s tutelage in 2004, has attracted tens of thousands of spectators every year. Rowing News Magazine has even given the event

OCU Construction

Projects During the McDaniel Era P r e s i d e n t T o m Mc D a n i e l has overseen unprecedented growth during his tenure at OCU and fundraising has totaled more than $150 million. Projects include: n Wanda L. Bass School of Music n Meinders School of Business n Centennial Residence Hall n Devon Boathouse, home of OCU Rowing n The Edith Kinney Gaylord Center at the Ann Lacy School of American Dance and Arts Management n Lacy Stadium n Aduddell Center n Steve and Suzan Knight Strength and Conditioning Facility n Jim Wade Stadium n Kerr McGee Centennial Plaza n Renovation of the Tom and Brenda McDaniel University Center n Renovation of the OCU wrestling headquarters n Renovation and expansion of the Norick Art Center n Renovation of the Dulaney-Browne Library n Renovation and expansion of the Lacy Visitor and Admissions Center n Expansion of the Kramer School of Nursing n Multiple campus beautification projects


Mc D a n i e l nnn

the national distinction of “Event of the Year.” OCU also has added track and cross country, a volleyball team, competitive cheer and pom and men’s and women’s wrestling teams. Many young women with Olympic dreams have selected OCU for the opportunity to wrestle at the collegiate level. Each program has been highly successful and attracted more high-caliber students to Oklahoma City University. McDaniel hasn’t just helped bring these programs to fruition, he has enthusiastically cheered on OCU students and athletes every step of the way. McDaniel and his wife, Brenda, affectionately known as OCU’s No. 1 cheerleader, have been to thousands of games, student performances, chapel services and campus events. “President McDaniel is tireless in his efforts and frequently attends 30 or more athletic, performing arts, chapel or fundraising events each week,” said OCU Athletic Director Jim Abbott. “He doesn’t attend these events because he is required to, he goes because he is sincerely interested in supporting every facet of OCU.” New academic programs also have brought high-quality students to OCU during the past several years. The new Saint Paul School of Theology at Oklahoma City University, which opened in 2008, is giving students the opportunity to

attend seminary at OCU for the first the only university named Best time in history. The only United Places to Work in Oklahoma both Methodist seminary in the state, years and earning The Chronicle of the Saint Paul School of Theology Higher Education’s Great Colleges at OCU gives more Methodist stuto Work For distinction including dents in Oklahoma the opportunity a listing this year on their Honor to study locally without moving to Roll as a Top 10 institution among Kansas, Texas or other area states. medium-sized universities. AARP The Kramer School of Nursing now also picked OCU for this year’s offers two doctoral programs. The list of Best Employers for Workers Ph.D. program is designed to preOver 50. pare students to become nursing “These honors are a direct result educators and is helping address a of President Tom McDaniel’s severe national shortage of qualiadmirable dedication to students, fied nursing educators. The Doctor faculty and staff,” said Art Cotton, of Nursing Practice program is OCU vice president for university the first of its kind in the state. advancement and external relations. Additionally, the new Moving and McDaniel’s individual honors Mentoring Men into Nursing proinclude the 2010 Most Admired gram has brought more than CEOs Award from The Journal 20 men into OCU’s Bachelor’s-toRecord for private companies BSN program and seeks to reduce with more than 500 employees, the worldwide induction into nursing shortage by “Absolutely every encounter I have the Oklahoma ever had with him, and that includes Hall of Fame, introducing more six years of hearing him at dinners, men into the field. the Plaza District recruitment events and staff breakEnrollment and Association’s fasts, has been awe-inspiring. That retention numbers inaugural Urban might sound dramatic, but it’s true.” have dramatically Pioneer Award, Janelle Warlick, assistant director OKC Friday increased during of student success and retention the last decade. This for the Petree College of Newspaper’s Arts and Sciences year, OCU welcomed OKCITYAN of the its largest-ever freshYear Award and man class comprised of 34 high the University of Oklahoma College school valedictorians, nine salutaof Law’s Eugene Kuntz Award. torians and three National Merit Cotton said McDaniel has overwinners. seen unprecedented physical OCU has earned workplace hongrowth on campus and championed ors for the last two years becoming fundraising efforts totaling more



Mc D a n i e l nnn

than $150 million. OCU’s $100 milment, truly making OCU Oklahoma lion centennial development camCity’s university.” paign, which doubled the univer“Tom McDaniel has been a sity’s endowment and added new transformation leader for OCU, programs, was completed ahead of and the benefits of his tenure will schedule in 2006. The $50 million be felt for generations to come,” Cradle of Dreams campaign, comsaid Oklahoma City Mayor Mick pleted in February, also finished Cornett. ahead of schedule with a final tally Oklahoma Gov. Brad Henry of $50.975 million. Donations to the said McDaniel has built an incredcampaign are funding scholarships, ible legacy. professorships, new construction “During his years of leadership, and other projects. OCU experienced “Tom’s leadership has brought Major campaign phenomenal growth projects include the OCU to a new level of community and world-class involvement, truly making OCU construction of the capital improveOklahoma City’s university.” Devon Boathouse, ments like the OCU Trustee Ron Norick Meinders School home of OCU Rowing; a new of Business and building for the Kramer School of the Wanda L. Bass Music Center, Nursing and the renovation of the doubled its endowment and added Dulaney-Browne Library. new academic programs,” Henry OCU Trustee and former said. “Those achievements will Oklahoma City Mayor Ron Norick impact OCU for generations and said McDaniel’s leadership has ben- give tens of thousands of students efited the broader community just a world-class college education. as it has the campus community. Furthermore, those efforts ripple “Tom and Brenda have been outward into the Oklahoma City the perfect presidential couple for community and make an impact on OCU,” he said. “They have opened higher education across our state. their home and hearts to the stuTom McDaniel’s tenure as president dents who have passed their way. of OCU has left a lasting impact on They did this not from a sense of the university, on Oklahoma City duty, but from true love of the stuand on the State of Oklahoma.” dents and their well-being. Tom’s Oklahoma Senate President leadership has brought OCU to a Pro Tempore Glenn Coffee said new level of community involveMcDaniel has left a lasting impact.


“Oklahoma is at the forefront in higher education thanks to the efforts of President Tom McDaniel,” Coffee said. “The impact he has made will be felt for generations to come. President McDaniel’s leadership has been seen on many fronts, but his work on the Oklahoma Tuition Equalization Grant (OTEG) stands out because it continues to provide quality education opportunities to students from all walks of life and has helped keep Oklahoma kids in Oklahoma. My hope is that we can continue in his spirit of hard work and follow in the footsteps of a great Oklahoma leader.” “Tom McDaniel is the paradigm of what every university president should be,” said Todd Lamb, state Senate majority floor leader and OCU School of Law alumnus. “His vision was not limited by an academia monocle. Rather, Tom saw higher education through academics as well as through his personal and real life experiences in business and law. Tom has excelled at everything he has attempted—family, law, business and education. In addition, he is a very good man. Oklahoma needs more Tom McDaniels!” l



Momentous McDaniel Memories Mount for Many

By Leslie Berger

Take a walk across the Oklahoma City University campus and you’ll be hard-pressed to find anyone who doesn’t have a favorite story—or two, three or four—about soon-to-retire President Tom McDaniel. McDaniel has given the OCU community many happy memories that they say have inspired them to be better students, better workers, better parents, better citizens and better people all-around. OCU Nursing Dean Marvel Williamson didn’t have to think back too far to recall her favorite memory. Her husband, Dr. Paul Williamson, recently took a medical mission trip to aid earthquake victims in Haiti. “While my husband was in Haiti, Tom took the time to call to tell me that he and Brenda were thinking about me and praying for Paul,” she said. “I was honored that he took the time to call personally and was very touched by his kindness.” A phone call McDaniel made to OCU Vice President for Student Affairs Rick Hall also resonated in Hall’s mind. He had only worked for McDaniel for about a year and had just completed some major tasks for putting the university on a new track. “On the morning of New Year’s Day my phone rang,” Hall recalled, remembering that he thought something must be wrong at the university. Instead, it was a happy call to wish Hall and his family a happy new year. “He thanked me for the work I had done and for my investment in the team that had much work to do in the coming year. It was a thank you and a call to arms. I felt good. I felt empowered. I felt like part of a group of people with a common and noble objective of taking good care of OCU.” Hall said he has now made it a personal tradition to call the directors in his office. “Every New Year’s Day since then, I try to pass along the spirit of Tom McDaniel with a phone call to the people that make the good work of our division possible,” he said. “It’s a simple message, ‘We are together and glad you are on board.’” Entertainment business senior Elizabeth Newton said she will never forget the first time she met McDaniel. She was a junior in high school and was taking a university tour.

would never again be late to a meet“We were walking back to the visitor ing between the two of us, and he has center and passed President McDaniel been true to his word,” Agee said. on the way,” she recalled. “My admis“I appreciate President McDaniel’s sions counselor introduced my parents honesty, candor, thoughtfulness and and me to President McDaniel and we work ethic.” talked for a bit. As we walked away, OCU Vice President for University she whispered, ‘He will always rememChurch Relations Maggie Ball said she ber who you are.’ In the last four years appreciates McDaniel’s capacity to care at OCU I have found that to be true,” and take charge when needed. She Newton continued. “President McDaniel recalled a Christmas Vespers Concert is like a celebrity on our campus. a couple of years ago at the Bishop W. Students get excited when they see Angie Smith Chapel. him coming and want to have a con“As one of the choirs was performversation with him.” ing, it became apparent that one of the Newton said McDaniel was one of young ladies was getting wobbly and her biggest cheerleaders as she coorwas about to pass out,” Ball explained. dinated the Homecoming Sweepstakes McDaniel was sitting on the front row Competition this year. and immediately jumped up to assist “I know he wants me to succeed,” the student. she said. “I am so blessed that my “By the time I was able to get from college career has included President the other side of the sanctuary, he McDaniel.” had helped her into Harris Chapel and Bachelor’s-to-BSN Nursing Student had her lie down in one of the pews,” Lindsey Voss met McDaniel in 2001 Ball said. “He was like a mother hen when she was a mass communications caring for one of senior at OCU. her, in this case— She saw him “President McDaniel is like a celebrity his—chicks. It again a couple on our campus. Students get excited was so like him to of years after when they see him coming and want see exactly what graduating and needed to be done realized that to have a conversation with him.” and to jump up she was still Elizabeth Newton, senior and do it without “a name, not waiting to see if a number.” anyone else was “I ran into going to respond. What a great comhim a few years later on campus at bination of taking charge with great a baseball game,” Voss remembered. tenderness. This really captured the “He came right up to me, called me by essence of this remarkable man and name and remembered that I played his great love for students.” softball and had blown out my knee. Intramural and Recreational Sports The slogan ‘Where you’re a name, not Director Jonathan Triplett appreciates a number’ came to life that day.” McDaniel’s sense of humor. Pam Bobier, administrative assis“When he came through the smoke tant for the Petree College of Arts at the Celebration of the Century at and Sciences dean, said she rememthe Freede Center, he won me over,” bers getting a big hug and smile from Triplett said. “He was so funny. They McDaniel when she received her masintroduced him and had smoke going ter’s degree last year. and out of nowhere, he paused and “He may not know it, but that meant came out as if he had never seen a lot to me,” she said. smoke before. It was the talk of OCU Economics Professor Steve the campus for a very long time.” Agee still remembers one of his first Triplett said he also sees McDaniel’s meetings with McDaniel. Agee arrived strength. a few minutes early and waited while “He overcame cancer and came back McDaniel finished a budget meeting. to work. He is a soldier and a hero for As McDaniel apologized for being that,” Triplett said. late, Agee assured him there was no problem. “He was gracious in understanding my comment, but he added somefOC US 11 thing I will always remember—that he


Mc D a n i e l nnn

Brenda McDaniel OCU’s Number 1 Cheerleader: First Lady Brenda McDaniel

Puts OCU Students First nnn

By Rod Jones

It’s easy to tell that education is a high priority for Oklahoma City University’s First Lady Brenda McDaniel. She earned the title of OCU’s number-one cheerleader through a reputation of caring, attention to student needs and donations in many forms to events and programs on campus. As she and her husband leave the Wilson House residence that they’ve called home for the past nine years, McDaniel will leave behind a lasting impression with events, traditions and most of all the fond memories within those she encouraged. Students yet to come will benefit from the Brenda McDaniel Scholarships—one for the Ann Lacy School of American Dance and Arts Management, another for the Wanda L. Bass School of Music. The endowed scholarships are the result of a fundraising campaign relating to an Award of Excellence that she received in February. “This is the greatest university in the world,” she said. “Every student who comes here loves it, and we have the most outstanding 12

students. We will always have ties master’s degree from Northwestern to OCU and we’re very proud of Oklahoma State University in Alva, everything it represents.” Okla., which is where she met the McDaniel’s appreciation for eduman who would later become her cation starts with her roots. The husband. daughter of a teacher, she grew up She first saw him at a freshman on a farm near the town of Slapout orientation program at the college. in the Oklahoma panhandle. The “He was a sophomore and I was farm is still in her family and a freshman. He was speaking to the was named one of Oklahoma’s freshman class about what school Centennial Farms. life would be like. He was cracking Her family was actively involved jokes. I thought he was cute and with the United Methodist Church, funny. I was a quiet and shy person, the primary source of their social he was really outgoing, so I was life. Hers wasn’t surprised when he “Brenda McDaniel is a vivacious, a wealthy family, asked me for a date,” enthusiastic supporter of all things but “we didn’t she remembered. OCU. Her vitality and warmth in know that at the The couple dated reaching out to students and to the time. We were just greater Oklahoma City community for two years and have helped make ‘Stars’ of all of like everybody got married in 1959. us at the university. As First Lady else around us. They moved to of OCU, she will be a hard act “Everyone Norman so that to follow. But she also leaves a was neighborly. Tom McDaniel wonderful example of how one’s If there was a could get his juris personal engagement can make house on fire, such a difference in the lives of so doctorate from everyone jumped the University many, including all those whom in their cars to of Oklahoma. she will never know but who will experience the vibrant campus she Meanwhile, Brenda go and help put helped create.” it out. And then McDaniel finished we would pitch her education degree Virginia McCombs, professor and chairwoman of the OCU in to help rebuild and taught arts and History Department it. We had to be crafts for a Norman that way in order youth program. to survive in the panhandle. It Since then she has taught school in was hard sometimes, but I enjoyed Oklahoma City, Waynoka, Alva and going to school and working Edmond, and was named one of the around the farm.” top 10 new teachers by Oklahoma McDaniel followed in her City Public Schools in 1963. mother’s footsteps by getting a They started a family beginning teaching degree. She received her with son Mark in 1963. They had



two more sons—Randy in 1967 McDaniel has also been and Lance in 1969. They now have involved in the community five grandchildren. off campus. She helped with The McDaniels moved back recovery efforts after the to Alva in 2000 when Tom was 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. appointed president of his alma Murrah Federal Building and mater. A short time later, OCU was selected to write an article trustee chairman and friend Bill on the topic for the Salvation Shdeed called. Army’s book In Their Name. She “We just knew it was right to has been a board member for move back to Oklahoma City. several committees and was That’s where our family is, and we appointed to the Oklahoma Arts always knew that Council by Gov. OCU was a special “Brenda McDaniel’s impact on Brad Henry. campus goes beyond events she place,” she said. McDaniel helped to create like Light the They made it intended to Campus. Seeing her at lunch in their mission to the caf is something that students become a make it even more Methodist mislook forward to because she is special. McDaniel sionary before always smiling and interested in talking to you.” began the annual she was “led to Light the Campus a different callCorbin Hosler, OCU mass communications junior holiday celebration ing,” she said. in 2001 and started “I learned that OCU Chats, a relationship-building I could help and encourage program where students are invited young people here to achieve into the McDaniel home for dinner their dreams, and I know it was and to discuss university issues. the path God made for me.” l


OCU First Lady Brenda McDaniel will be remembered for her enthusiastic support of all things OCU.

Devon Boathouse Construction Progresses

OCU Rowing Coach Mike Knopp (right) looks over the Devon Boathouse construction site with Devon Energy President John Richels and Pat Downes, director of development for the Oklahoma City Riverfront Redevelopment Authority.

Construction crews set the first support beam for the Devon Boathouse, home of OCU Rowing, in March. The $10 million boathouse is on track for completion this fall before OCU’s annual Head of the Oklahoma Regatta Oct. 9 and 10, said OCU Rowing Coach Mike Knopp. The rowing tank foundation is already in place and major shoreline improvements have been completed. The new $10 million, 33,000-square-foot boathouse will be located along the shore of the Oklahoma River near Lincoln Avenue. It will include a high-performance training center, boat storage for OCU’s varsity rowing program, indoor seating with views of the regatta finish line and an outdoor performing arts area. The boathouse is among the most comprehensive and innovative facilities ever built specifically for the sport of rowing. Boathouse Architect Rand Elliott said Oklahoma City is taking rowing to a new level. “In Oklahoma City, we literally chose to do the boathouse of the future,” he said. “The potential for it to bring international athletes fOCUS 13 and attention is tremendous.”


s hd e e d nnn

Bill & Pam Shdeed Shdeeds’ Dedication to OCU Shines From Behind the Scenes


By Rod Jones

It’s no coincidence that the chairman of the board of trustees will say farewell to his post on the same day as the president he appointed. The move is partly a reflection of the enduring friendship his family has had with the first family. Leaving OCU is certainly not an accurate description. Just like the couple they found to lead OCU, trustee Chairman Bill and wife Pam Shdeed say they’ll remain active with the university on a custommade post. The board of trustees granted Bill Shdeed a lifetime appointment as chairman emeritus. After Bill was given the title of chairman of the board in 1999, the Shdeeds’ most important decision is also one of their greatest success stories. When OCU’s then-President Stephen Jennings was called to take the helm at the University of Evansville in 2001, time was of the essence to find a replacement. The Shdeeds happened to know someone who they thought could fit the bill. “I gave him a call and asked him to come for a visit,” Bill said about Tom McDaniel. “He saw it as an opportunity to come back to Oklahoma City. Their kids were 14










here and so were a lot of their closest friends. It was just a great all-around fit.” By then the Shdeeds and McDaniels had been family friends for more than 10 years. They attended Nichols Hills United Methodist Church together before the McDaniels moved back to Alva, Okla. Their children were in the same Sunday school class and both families were active in many of the same community functions. Bill credited Bob Kerr and Herman Meinders for helping him during his formative years as chairman. Of all the decisions, projects and events during their time here, Bill and Pam say they are most proud of the team they’ve helped assemble. Bill will hand the reigns of the chairman post to the current vice chairman, Ron Norick. Norick was the leader in the effort to secure the next president, Judge Robert H. Henry. “I know that OCU will be in good hands under this leadership. I have complete confidence in their ability to continue the proud tradition here,” Bill said. He said he is proud of each dean and others in leadership positions including Provost Bernie Patterson, CFO Brian Holland, General Counsel Bill Conger, Dean of Admissions Eduardo Prieto and Art and Sandy Cotton, university advancement vice president and senior development director, respectively. fOCUS










He reflected on one particular fond memory from a few years ago relating to the music school. “We had a dinner party honoring Wanda Bass. It was an outdoor event,” he said. “Later, after almost everyone had left, we were sitting in the living room talking about the future of the school. Wanda said, ‘Tom, you need $16 million for a new music school. I’ll give you $8 million as a gift and loan to you the other $8 million at a favorable rate. And by the way, I have this habit that if I like what I see of where my money went, I don’t ask for any of it back.’ “Right away, with no hesitation, Tom said, ‘Wanda, when would you like to meet?’ That was the first conversation about the amazing building you see there now.” The Wanda L. Bass Music Center is one of several transformations on Bill and Pam Shdeed have served on numerous boards and committees throughout the community. Pam has served for: n Oklahoma City Philharmonic n Harn Homestead n Oklahoma County Bar Auxiliary n Oklahoma Symphony Designer Show House n Oklahoma City Antiques Show n Tom J. McDaniel Inauguration n OCU Centennial Committee n OCU Galaxy Club n Nichols Hills Methodist Church Bill has served for: n UMB Bank Advisory Board n Oklahoma City Community Foundation n YMCA Camp Classen n Integris Baptist Medical Center Foundation n Nichols Hills Planning Commission n Nichols Hills Board of Adjustment

campus that has come as a result of what Pam calls “a step to a higher level.” “You can see what a great place this has become based on the respect we get from the city, and by looking at what our graduates in recent years have accomplished,” she said. “The broader community has more awareness about OCU and realizes its importance. Every city needs a strong university and I believe we have one. OCU is truly Oklahoma City’s university.” Pam said her friendship with First Lady Brenda McDaniel has helped in making campus improvement decisions. “We were friends and contemporaries through our children,” she said. “We continued that relationship through the OCU community. We shared the same focus and shared the same gift of giving.” Bill said he admired the friendship the two women had, which served as an inspiration for his own friendship with Tom.

“Through the last nine years Tom and I have tried to have the same level of friendship as Pam and Brenda. We’ve had a great personal relationship through our efforts to improve OCU,” he said. Bill and Pam first met at a wedding for his sister and her cousin. Pam had one year left at the University of Kentucky and transferred to OCU. The two have been married for 43 years. They have two children, four grandchildren and a set of twin grandchildren are due this spring. Pam was born in San Francisco but moved to western Kentucky at an early age. After moving to Oklahoma City and finishing her degree at OCU she taught school at Linwood Elementary. Bill was born and raised in West Virginia until he moved to Oklahoma City when he was 15. He attended Oklahoma City University School of Law at night while working for District Judge Boston W. Smith, who was married to OCU

trustee and philanthropist Jeanne Hoffman Smith. Bill graduated in 1965. The Shdeeds have three OCU degrees amongst the two of them, and an honorary doctorate from the law school for Bill. Bill and Pam have won several service awards including the John Gaines Hervey Award for Professionalism and Distinguished Service to the Community given by the Oklahoma City University School of Law. Hervey was a dean of the law school. Of all of their professional and service accomplishments, the couple is most proud of the university they led to a renaissance. “Over the last 11 years, OCU’s changes aren’t just in brick and mortar,” Bill said. “We have assembled a group of exceptional people in every department. This university has become financially and academically sound and well-respected. We have reached another level.” l Read Bill Shdeed's letter to OCU trustees at

Nursing School Expansion to be Complete by January

Construction is underway on the expansion to Oklahoma City University’s Kramer School of Nursing. The 50,000-squre-foot, three-story building, located on the east side of the current school, will quadruple the school’s space and is on schedule for completion by January 2011, said OCU Nursing Dean Marvel Williamson. The $8.5 million expansion will add 10 new classrooms, six seminar rooms and three labs with mock hospital rooms and will include a walkway that connects to the current school. Williamson said recent dirt work involved exchanging soil from other areas of campus as a cost-saving strategy. Crews are now focusing on the steel framework and the floors. Check out the building’s progress at www.okcu. edu/webcam.

OCU President Tom McDaniel gives a thumb’s up as officials break ground on the Kramer f O School C U S of Nursing expansion project Oct. 28. 15

OCU Renaissance Man Never Stops Learning n




















Professor Terry Phelps Finds Passion for Life at OCU

OCU Professor Terry Phelps with wife, OCU Professor Claudia Carroll-Phelps

By Leslie Berger


nglish Professor Terry Phelps began teaching at Oklahoma City University in 1983, but he has never ended his role as a student and he probably never will. Lifelong learning is a philosophy to which Phelps has subscribed for…well…all of his life. The classes he teaches range from composition and legal writing to advanced grammar and usage and writing for the stage and screen while the classes he has taken at OCU during the past 27 years range from ethnobotany, world religions and urban police to art, pop culture and music. Phelps even met his wife, OCU adjunct professor Claudia Carroll-Phelps, when he enrolled in her piano class. One of his favorite OCU memories is their 2002 wedding on the quad lawn in front of the iconic Gold Star Building. Another is serving as an assistant marshal at OCU commencement which enabled him to sit next to his daughter, Lauren, when she received her BA and MLA degrees, and hood her for the master’s degree. Other favorites include singing on stage two years during the American Spirit Dance Company’s Spring Show, watching his wife perform Stravinsky’s “Les Noces,” volunteering with OneGive and the time he taught his writing for stage and screen class in Donald Duck’s voice. A master of many cartoon voices, Phelps realized his Donald Duck impression didn’t involve the vocal chords and it was a perfect solution when he caught a cold and lost his voice. “The first few minutes were the toughest because the class kept cracking up,” Phelps said, “but after that it worked fine.” Phelps said teaching is his passion, so much so that he looks forward to Monday mornings. 16


“The most effective teaching, I believe, is interactive—not lecturing,” Phelps said. “I believe we learn best by figuring things out for ourselves, and teachers are facilitators for that process.” Phelps directs the Learning Enhancement Center, recruiting, training and supervising student tutors who work with more than 300 OCU students each year. He is serving his third term as chair of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee. He is president of the governing board of the OCU Galaxy Club and chairs OCU’s Special Accommodations Committee. He sponsors Sigma Tau Delta, the national English honor society, and its anthology of student writing and art, “The Scarab,” as well as “Stellar,” OCU’s undergraduate research journal. He also taught tennis at OCU for many years. Phelps enjoys coordinating writing retreats and workshops for Oklahoma public school teachers and will be attending the National Writing Project’s annual conference in Washington, D.C., this spring. He has published several scholarly articles in the English Journal, Journal of Teaching Writing, Scholastic Coach, Voice and others. Phelps, known by colleagues and students by nicknames such as Grammar Guru and Conan the Grammarian, has written a grammar book, “Grammar for Good,” which teaches grammar “upside-down,” as he says, with analysis of examples leading to rules and definitions. He uses the book in his grammar class and in training tutors. Those are just a sampling of Phelps’ academic undertakings, and his work outside the classroom is just as active. He sings and plays guitar weekly at The Grateful Bean and at Kamp’s Deli. During warm seasons, he rides his bicycle roughly 175 miles per

week. He calls winter his “reading season” because he devours dozens of books while he pedals on an indoor trainer. Phelps has won 18 state bicycling championships and has competed in 16 national championships, placing as high as eighth. Phelps enjoys painting, watercoloring and sketching and he currently is working on a variety of writing projects including a screenplay adaptation from a novel by OCU alumnus K.T. Meade, a Broadway musical titled “Someone Else’s Dream” and a children’s story called “Eggs A-Go-Go.” He has published articles in magazines and journals and once wrote and directed a musical. Phelps said he has found that Oklahoma City University is a great place to have friends. “There are so many intelligent, cultured, caring people here,” he said. “That means a lot to me. This is my home and my family. There are lots of reasons why I have been here for 27 years.” Phelps said he enjoys watching his former students succeed all around the world; students like Tony Award-winner Kristin Chenoweth and novelist Rene Gutteridge. He also regularly sees former students working on campus including Chief Financial Officer Brian Holland, Dean of Students John Riggs, dance and arts management academic counselor Angela Do, music school administrative assistant Debbie Musick and others. Phelps said he knew he wanted to teach by the time he was a junior at Altus High School. He earned a Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Arts in English Education from Southeastern Oklahoma State University and a Ph.D. in English Education from the University of Oklahoma. Phelps taught high school for six years in Beaver, Okla., and taught two years at the University of Texas at Arlington before starting his career at OCU. “Teaching is my favorite thing outside of spending time with my family,” Phelps said. “It’s the most fulfilling profession. I look forward to class every day.”l fOCUS


n n n

Shooting Star: Student-Turned-Staffer

Rose to Shine

By Rod Jones


he best stories involve people who have overcome adversity and risen up to greatness. One such story can be found in one of the most recognized figures on the Oklahoma City University campus not only for his accomplishments as a former student athlete, but also as a staff member. Intramural Sports Director Jonathan Triplett came from humble beginnings to become a man well respected by students, faculty and staff originally because of his basketball acumen, and then for his character. Triplett was raised by his grandmother in Fort Smith, Ark. He started working when he was 14 years old because “if I wanted clothes I had to. We didn’t have much money, so if there was something I needed for school I had to work for it. “I was making $60 to $70 a week, trying to help the family make ends meet. I’ve held a job almost as long as I can remember. I’ve worked in every restaurant in Fort Smith.” Triplett played basketball in his free time and came to love it. He also had a height advantage over everyone else his age. “I’ve been 6-foot, 6-inches tall since the 8th grade,” he said before admitting his height didn’t necessarily translate into ability. For that he worked long and hard in practice and in his spare time. The work paid off when universities around the country began to recruit him. Triplett took calls from major college basketball programs all around the region including the University of Arkansas and Louisiana State University. 18


“I had Bill Self (currently the University of Kansas head coach and last year’s OCU Sports Spectacular honoree) sitting in my living room,” Triplett said. “It was a great feeling to have so many big-time programs calling me up.” He scored high enough on his ACT to begin his higher education and went to a nearby junior college to work on his grades. “That team was full of guys in my situation—great skills but needing better grades. We were ranked the number two junior college in the country. Seven guys ended up going Division 1,” he noted. Triplett took his skills to Oklahoma State University in the small forward position. He used one of his two years of remaining eligibility before taking off on a professional basketball career. Triplett had a long journey ahead of him before he came back to Oklahoma. He went on a globetrotting stint as a professional thanks to interest from a member of the NBA’s Denver Nuggets organization. Triplett played professionally in Europe, South America, China, Mexico, Indonesia, the Philippines and Turkey. “That was a strange flight,” he said of his journey to Istanbul. “I wasn’t sure what it was going to be like. I kept thinking, ‘What am I doing selling my basketball skills away like this?’” Triplett couldn’t quite slide into the NBA. But he had more than enough intelligence, ability and work ethic to make it into another professional career. He returned to school at 30 years old, this time at OCU to finish his degree. He majored in sociology

but switched to kinesiology, two subjects that serve him well in his current career. Not only is Triplett an exceptional planner and healthy lifestyle motivator, he is also an encouraging force for students who are chasing their dreams. “I love watching students become successful individuals, and it makes me happy to at least be a part of that,” he said. Dean of Students John Riggs talked him into working for OCU. “I was shooting free throws in Freede when John asked me if I would be an RA in Walker Hall. I laughed it off at first. After all, that was the girls’ dorm,” Triplett joked. “He came back again and said I would be perfect for it. So I decided to go ahead and take the job. I could work, go to school and live in the same place.” Triplett still continues to learn in order to further his career and help others. He is in the process of becoming certified as a chemical dependency counselor and serves as chairman of the university’s Alcohol Awareness Committee. Sometimes what he learns strikes him on a personal level. “I was at a seminar where a guest speaker was talking about kids growing up with alcoholic parents. That was an emotional class for me, and something I could understand living with through my own childhood,” he said.

Although his official job title is intramural sports director, Triplett prefers to branch into whatever areas he can be of use. In fact, he manages multiple tasks that most universities separate into several positions. Triplett is handing down the Stars tradition to his daughter, Brittney May, who like her father before her is a residence assistant in Walker Hall. Brittney is a sophomore psychology major. “I try to give her as much independence as every other college student should have,” he said. “That’s an important part of life experience. I tell her, ‘go be a broke college student like everyone else. Go live it and embrace it.’ I’ve been there, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.”l




Under New Ownership: OCU Retrieves Bookstore nnn

By Rod Jones

Vice President of Student Affairs Rick Hall and Bookstore Manager Laura Warren


ticker shock—the most common reaction of college students across the country after they purchase their textbooks each semester. Those steep prices drive students to look at every option available to save money—the Internet, library, maybe even street peddlers in back alleys. After all, many students are scraping the bottom of the proverbial budget barrel to begin with. Oklahoma City University heard those desperate cries for help and took the most proactive approach short of starting a textbook publishing company. It took back its bookstore. Until last summer and for the last 27 years the store had been under an operational lease with the Follett Corporation, the largest operator of college bookstores in the country with more than 800 locations. OCU officials pointed out that there was no bad blood with the 20


corporation or its management when the university broached the return-ownership subject three years ago. “It was a smooth transition,” Vice President of Student Affairs Rick Hall noted. “They understood where we were coming from and they were very helpful in helping us figure things out. We enjoyed our relationship for a long time. In fact, we were up-front and honest. We said down the road if this doesn’t work out, we’ll be calling you back.” The OCU president appointed a committee to find out what it would take to manage a bookstore and put together a proposal. The proposal was presented to the board of trustees, accepted and a switch date was set for June 11, 2009. “It was the longest week of my life,” said bookstore manager Laura Warren. “We started as soon as we closed the door. I clocked 93 hours of work that week trying to reach our target opening date (June 22). Our team had so much to do in the transition, but we got it done and we’re doing great.” The store employs five full-time staff members, one part-timer and five student workers. As expected, the store has its busiest times at the beginning of each semester and the end during book buy-back. As an additional benefit, Warren noted that by running its own show, OCU can more easily address its unique needs. “What works at other universities doesn’t necessarily work here,” Warren said. “Students at our school are interested in different things than students at other schools.” The store can order merchandise that is in bigger demand instead of relying on standard “cookie-cutter” items that show up on any given campus. She said a prime example of that is in the apparel. “We have complete control over what we can stock. We know our own students better than a corporate office in a faraway place, so inventory is a more accurate science,” she said. According to the numbers after one semester of business, Hall said the university found yet another

advantage to self-ownership. More business has translated into a pleasantly surprising revenue source for the college, which in turn allows it to keep its prices under control. Hall estimated that students are saving approximately 15 percent on their textbook purchases and are able to sell them back more often than before, both of which are trends that were moving in the opposite directions. One reason for the ease in book buy-back is the partnership with faculty. Administrators stressed how important it was for professors to choose a book they could use for more than one semester, and to make sure they turn in prompt and accurate book request forms. He said the faculty responded and has been exceptionally helpful in the request. Students were given back more than $90,000 after returning their fall semester books. Warren estimates that students have received approximately $180,000 in discounts during the fall and spring semesters.

“We took the middle man out of the equation,” Hall said. “In a normal semester we’re putting $60,000 back into students’ hands. We almost doubled that.” A few years ago the bookstore was in a space now occupied by the Student Government Association down the hall. It was moved to its current location as part of renovations to the Tom and Brenda McDaniel University Center in 2007. Warren said the new space and new business model has proved beneficial to students and the university, with more improvements on the way including the continued expansion of the new text rental system that started last fall. “With digital delivery (downloading books from the Internet) getting bigger and bigger, to stay relevant it’s important that we be creative, flexible and innovative in how we do business. Our strengths over the competition are efficiency and convenience, so that’s our main focus,” she said. l fOCUS


focus on gi v ing A $1 million gift to Oklahoma City University has established the Martha Jean Lemon Scholarship Program and the Martha Jean Lemon Special Lectures. Pictured at OCU from left are OCU Vice President for University Advancement Art Cotton, OCU President Tom McDaniel, Lynette Lemon Wert, Martha Jean Lemon, Larry Lemon and Church of the Servant Senior Minister the Rev. Robert Gorrell.


Lemon Family Establishes Scholarship

and Lecture Series

A new scholarship and lecture series has been established by a $1 million gift from the Lemon Family at Oklahoma City University and was part of the university’s Cradle of Dreams campaign. The gift creates the Martha Jean Lemon Scholarship Program and the Martha Jean Lemon Special Lectures, honoring OCU alumna Martha Jean Lemon. Ms. Lemon is a 1968 graduate in history of Oklahoma City University. The new scholarships and lectures honor her work as an independent comparative religion scholar. The Martha Jean Lemon Scholarships will be awarded to religion and seminary students.

The annual lecture series will feature speakers, workshops or short seminars that promote religious leadership and service. OCU President Tom McDaniel said the gift from the Lemon family, which operates Haskell Lemon Construction Company, will address an important part of OCU’s mission to develop students intellectually, morally and spiritually. “The Lemon family is a longtime friend to Oklahoma City, OCU, and Church of the Servant,” McDaniel said. “We are very pleased their generous contribution will touch the lives of students who are preparing for religious service to many communities. The Saint Paul School of Theology at Oklahoma City University has created a new opportunity for Oklahoma students with aspirations of entering the ministry and the Lemon family’s contribution will create even more learning opportunities for these promising minds.”


Gift Establishes

B.C. Clark Jr. Chair at OCU’s Meinders School of Business

The B.C. Clark Jr. Endowed Chair will be created at Oklahoma City University’s Meinders School of Business, funded by a $1 million bequest from Clark’s late wife, Jeroldine Zachritz Clark. The gift was part of OCU’s $50 million Cradle of Dreams campaign. The Clark family, which owns B.C. Clark Jewelers, has longstanding ties to Oklahoma City University. B.C. Clark Jr., now 96-years-old, attended OCU and has maintained a close relationship with the university. “The Clark family has shown a tremendous commitment to Oklahoma City University,” OCU President Tom McDaniel said. “We appreciate the time, effort and financial support the Clarks have given to foster academic excellence at OCU. Jeroldine Zachritz Clark’s legacy will benefit generations of students to come.”



A $1 million bequest from Jeroldine Zachritz Clark has establsihed the B.C. Clark Jr. Endowed Chair at the Oklahoma City University Meinders School of Business. Attending a recent ceremony to recognize the gift were, from left, (front) OCU President Tom McDaniel and B.C. Clark Jr., and (back) Jim, Carolyn, Mitchell and Coleman Clark.

Softball Coach Takes Game to Higher Level By Rich Tortorelli


or Jay Miller, working at Oklahoma City University as the head softball coach meant hearing a different story every day. Miller spent time with legendary basketball coach Abe Lemons most days and got to know the character that he was. Lemons was teaming up with Vitas Gerulaitis in a celebrity doubles tennis match. The competition: Oklahoma coach Billy Tubbs and top pro John McEnroe. “I was sitting in my office one morning,” Miller said. “He came into my office with some rackets. He asked me if we could hit some tennis balls. He hit three and said that was enough. He said that playing doubles was good. ‘If it comes to me I’ll hit it, but if it doesn’t, I’ll say yours.’ “It was a very special time. Abe Lemons was coaching basketball. I got to listen to his stories every morning. We’d sit in the office around the coffee pot, him smoking cigars and telling one-liners all morning long. I learned a lot about coaching on the college level watching his practices.” Miller guided the Lady Chiefs from 1985-87, leading OCU to the 1986 NAIA title game. His first year at OCU was the athletic department’s last in NCAA Division I. “Arnold Short hired me, and Bud Sahmaunt took over for him,” Miller said, referring to OCU’s athletic directors then. “Those were great guys to work for and fun to work with. I should have been paying them.”

Miller went on to coach softball at Missouri from 1988-2002 and has been with Mississippi State since 2003. This summer, Miller took the reins of the USA Softball Women’s National team. U-S-A! U-S-A!

Miller has been busy lately. He became a National Fastpitch Coaches Association hall of famer on Dec. 13, 2008. A charter member of the NFCA, Miller was inducted during the association’s 25th-anniversary convention festivities on Marco Island, Fla. “He lives and dies softball,” OCU softball coach Phil McSpadden said of Miller. “It’s obvious in his longevity in the sport and his passion for the game. It reflects in his coaching. His record speaks for itself. Everywhere he has gone, his players respect him. Other coaches respect him.” Miller quipped, “It means I’m getting old more than anything. It’s a tremendous honor. It was a fun evening with old friends. “I would have never been in this position without the outstanding players and coaches that have stood beside me over the years.” When Miller was with OCU, he started working with the Amateur Softball Association and started a coaching clinic. “I have been fortunate to work with USA Softball for almost 20 years in one capacity or another and this is a great opportunity,” Miller said then. Miller guided a

team including superstars Jennie Finch, Monica Abbott and Cat Osterman as well as newcomers Kaitlin Cochran, Ashley Holcombe and Chelsea Bramlett. Team USA steamrolled through the competition, sweeping each of the international events last summer. The United States captured the Canada Cup in Surrey, British Columbia, the World Cup of Softball in Oklahoma City, the Japan Cup in Sendai City, Japan, and the Pan American Qualifier in Maracay, Venezuela. “They’re great kids to work with,” Miller said. “It’s a lot of fun to have that kind of talent. They work their tail off. We want kids that are committed and have the passion for the game and want to get better.” Miller, unfortunately, will not be leading the United States into Berlin in the 2016 Olympic Games. The International Olympic Committee excluded softball from the program, the executive board announced Aug. 13. Miller chose to focus on the task of preparing Team USA for future competitions. continued, page 53



focus on A thletics


OCU Athletics Collects Nearly 2,000 Food Goods for Needy

The OCU Student-Athlete Advisory Committee collected 1,995 food items for the Oklahoma Regional Food Bank during its annual holiday food drive held in December. The OCU softball team collected the most items with 640, while the women’s wrestling team came in second with 323 items. The OCU athletic department has made

bringing donations to the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma an annual tradition. The Stars partnered with Buy for Less grocery stores on the food drive. McDaniel Honored With Sports Excellence Award

OCU will honor President Tom McDaniel with the Abe Lemons/ Paul Hansen Award for Sports Excellence at the annual OCU Sports Spectacular dinner and auction April 27 at 6 p.m. in the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum. The Abe Lemons/Paul Hansen Award recognizes an individual who significantly contributes to the growth of sports in the state. Last year’s honoree was Bill Self. Past 24

award winners are Ron Norick, Clay Bennett, Lee Allan Smith, Dr. William Grana, Stanley Draper Jr., Bob Funk, Barry Switzer, Mick Cornett, the late Bobby Murcer and Bart Conner. The OCU Sports Spectacular includes a dinner, entertainment and live and silent auctions. Proceeds benefit OCU’s 19 varsity sports, the Paul Hansen Memorial Scholarship and the Abe Lemons Endowed Athletic Scholarship. Those scholarships provide funding to OCU student-athletes who have completed their eligibility and are within one year of graduation. The auction annually features a variety of items. The National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum is located on 1700 NE 63rd Street in Oklahoma City. For tickets or sponsorship information, call (405) 208-5660 or (405) 208-5309, or go to “Tom McDaniel has left an indelible mark on Oklahoma City University and more specifically OCU athletics,” OCU Athletic Director Jim Abbott said. “We are honored to pay tribute to him at this, our largest event of the year.” Stars Begin Year Ranked Third in NAIA Baseball

OCU has been tabbed at third in the preseason NAIA baseball rankings and second in the preseason Sooner Athletic Conference poll. The Stars finished 53-9 and tied for third in the NAIA World Series in 2009. OCU won 50 games for the 11th consecutive year. OCU stands fOCUS

tied for the most wins in college baseball since 1991 with Florida State (973). “It speaks volumes of what people think of our program,” OCU coach Denney Crabaugh said. “I'm happy with our ranking. This team has to go out and earn that.” Among OCU’s returnees will be seniors Garrett Parker, Brad Riddle and Steve Vitale. Stars Softball Team Ranked Third

OCU has been ranked third in the NAIA according to preseason softball ratings and is favored to win the Sooner Athletic Conference. The Stars closed out last season 53-9 and fourth in the NAIA Championships. OCU returns five starters and eight letter winners from last year’s team. Amanda Howard, a senior from Strathmore, Alberta, Canada, hit .436 with 26 home runs, 58 RBIs and 13 stolen bases in becoming the NAIA player of the year in 2009. OCU Athletics Update Unveiled

OCU fans can get a weekly look at Stars athletics with the OCU Athletics Update. Host Andrew Himes, a senior mass communications major at OCU, will have interviews with the Super Star of the Week as well as OCU coaches and administrators in the weekly program. It is available on the OCU athletics Facebook page, www.facebook. com/ocustars, and the university YouTube channel, com/oklahomacityuniver.

Women Wrestlers Repeat as National Champions

Oklahoma City University repeated as the Women’s College Wrestling Association national champion on the strength of four national individual champions and two runner-up finishes Jan. 30 in Marshall, Mo. Stephanie Waters at 44 kilograms, Michaela Hutchison at 55, Amberle Montgomery at 67 and Brittany Delgado at 95 each captured national titles for the Stars. Nicole Woody at 48 and Melissa Simmons at 82 made the finals at their weights as OCU outscored Cumberlands (Ky.) 124-76. The Stars had 13 all-Americans as Taylor Busboom at 44, Na’Tasha Umemoto at 51, Ashley Hudson at 59, Sheila McCabe at 63 and Brittney Roberts at 72 each took third. OCU’s other all-Americans were Audrey Morehouse, sixth at 59; and Tessa Plana, fifth at 63. The Stars' performance earned OCU Coach Archie Randall the WCWA national coach of the year award. “We’re pretty excited,” Randall said. “We wrestled pretty well. We had a couple of exceptional matches from the girls. The most important thing is we have everyone coming back.” The Stars benefited from having five individuals take third. While those didn’t finish in the championship round, they scored the maximum amount of points they could in that situation. “After we lost those semifinals, the way we wrestled those thirdplace matches, that’s where we won the tournament,” Randall said.

“We needed everyone to come back through the consolations. To win, you’ve got to battle back. They had to come right back up to the mat after losing in the semifinals.” Waters, a junior from Joliet, Ill., knocked off Lisa Martinez of Cumberlands 5-0, 5-2 in the 44-kilo championship bout. Waters pulled off a five-point move to win the first period. “She hit a five-point move to end the period in the first period in the first 40 seconds of the match,” Randall said. “It was exceptional.” Hutchison, a sophomore from Soldotna, Alaska, edged Shauna Isbell of Lindenwood (Mo.) 1-0, 2-0 to win her second consecutive national title at 55. Montgomery, a freshman from Orting, Wash., caught Veronica Carlson of Missouri Baptist in a headlock and finished her off a pin in 1:05. Montgomery, 22, joined the Stars at the start of the spring semester and became the 67-kilogram national champion. “She’s amazing,” Randall said. “She didn’t get in until Christmas. She came to Oklahoma City to get her degree and wrestle. She packed everything up and gave everything up to compete for us. Usually it takes those girls from the Olympic Training Center a year to get used to our style, but she works so hard.” Delgado, a sophomore from Simpsonville, S.C., beat Jessica Scott of Cumberlands 1-0, 2-1 at 95. fOCUS

Delgado overcame an illness to erase the sting of a third-place finish at 82 last year. To overcome Karon Scott’s injury at 95, Delgado bumped from 82 to 95. “Brittany Delgado had the flu, but she shook the curse and won the national title,” Randall said. “She finished third last year, and that was tough. She’s so mentally tough. She was so sick she didn’t get her award.” OCU Athletes Post 3.211 GPA in Fall Semester

OCU student-athletes achieved an overall grade-point average of 3.211 with 14 teams eclipsing the 3.0 mark during the fall semester of 2009. It is the second consecutive semester OCU teams have combined for a 3.2 GPA. OCU’s new competitive pom squad made a 3.493 cumulative GPA. The OCU women’s rowing team compiled a 3.438 GPA, while the baseball team had a 3.410 and the women’s wrestling team posted a 3.395. Seventy percent of OCU student-athletes made a 3.0 or higher GPA this past semester. Sixteen student-athletes posted a 4.0 GPA. Six teams had 80 percent of their members make a 3.0 or higher GPA. OCU athletes have combined for a 3.0 or better GPA each semester over at least the past seven years. l


focus on alumni

join us for

Homecoming 2010

Nov. 5 and 6

Join fellow alumni for OCU Reunion Weekend 2010 Nov. 5 and 6 on the OCU campus. Events include Lip Sync, a longtime favorite, the Marianne Vannatta Race with the Stars 5K and fun run, the Distinguished Alumni Awards Dinner and much more. For more information, visit

pizza &

basketball The OCU Alumni Relations Department hosted a pizza and basketball game celebration for the Feb. 13 matchup against rival Oklahoma Christian. Halftime activities included a Tom and Brenda McDaniel look-alike contest.

Alumni Reunite

in China n n n

Oklahoma City University recently held a global reunion for MBA students from the Great Wall program at Tianjin University of Finance and Economics. During the forum in China, participants heard alumni from various regions talk about how their MBA from OCU helped them reach their career goals. Keynote speakers included Jean-Luc Charles, general manager of Airbus in Tianjin; Michael Hart, chairman of AmCham Tianjin and of Jones Lang LaSalle and Dr. Douglas Love, one of the founding developers of the city of Dubai. Alumni also received a private tour of the Airbus production plant. Those attending came from Hong Kong, Australia, Singapore and various cities in China. 26 fOCUS Plans are underway for a reunion at OCU within the year.

Alumni from OCU’s Great Wall MBA program gathered for a global reunion in December at the Tianjin University of Finance and Economics.

Your Generosity. Their Future.



This Honor Roll of Donors is an opportunity for Oklahoma City University to publicly thank the many individuals and organizations that support this great university. This group of supporters is comprised of friends, alumni, staff, faculty, corporations, foundations, churches and organizations that, together, enable OCU to continue to provide an excellent education in the United Methodist tradition. We thank you.

A S p e c i a l T ha n k Y o u

Thank you

Together our donors are making a significant impact, one that will carry forward for generations to come. Our staff has worked carefully to ensure that this list of donors, who made cash gifts, pledges and pledge payments between January 1 and December 31, 2009 is as accurate as possible. If you should have questions regarding this donor information, please call the Development Office at (405) 208-5118.

As we introduce you to our donors, we invite you to honor them as we do. They are individuals and organizations. Their gifts are large and small. They are as diverse as the student population they seek to support with their contributions yet they have a common goal: to allow the university to achieve its mission of fostering students’ intellectual, moral and spiritual development and preparing them to become effective leaders in service to their communities.



27 27


Aduddell Development Group Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Wanda L. Bass Martha Burger and Donald Rowlett Clay and Eleanor Carrithers Chesapeake Energy Corporation Jeroldine Zacharitz Clark Clearwire Marvin and Ena Dawson Devon Energy Corporation Dulaney Family Families of Henry Norick Josephine W. Freede Gaylord Family Harris Foundation, Inc. Hatton W. Sumners Foundation, Inc. Inasmuch Foundation Clara Edith Jones The Kerr Foundation, Inc. Kerr McGee Corporation, Inc. Kirkpatrick Family Ann Lacy and James Alexander Kurt and Cathy Leichter

Their gifts have changed the face of our campus and will continue to transform the landscape of our future for generations to come.

The vision and commitment of this group of donors is unparalleled. Our Founders are individuals and organizations that have contributed $1 million or more over the lifetime of the university.



Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Anonymous Estate of Jean Frances Beatty Estate of Caroline Blue Martha Burger and Donald Rowlett Chapman Foundations Management, LLC Estate of Jeroldine Zacharitz Clark Clearwire Devon Energy Corporation Dulaney Brothers Investments, Inc.

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Lemon Family Tom and Judy Love Mabee Foundation, Inc Herman and LaDonna Meinders The Meinders Foundation Gary M. Moore Oklahoma Conference The United Methodist Church Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company Petree Family The Robert & Ruby Priddy Charitable Trust The Robert A. Parman Foundation The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation Sarkeys Foundation Richard and Jeannette Sias Jeanne Hoffman Smith Vivian Wimberly Flora Rouse Winter Ad Astra Foundation Aduddell Development Ann Lacy and James Alexander Ann Simmons Alspaugh American Fidelity Foundation Anonymous BancFirst Amy Bankhead Louise Bass Best Brands of Delaware, Inc. Broadhurst Foundation Bob and Chimene Burke Phil and Cathy Busey Chester and Debbie Cadieux Chesapeake Energy Corporation, Inc. Clark & Wanda Bass Family Foundation Clyde Evans Charitable Trust Jerome Cohen Crowe & Dunlevy Crowe & Dunlevy Foundation, Inc. Delaware Resource Group of Oklahoma, LLC


Stars Benefactor

Inasmuch Foundation Lemon Family Herman and LaDonna Meinders The Meinders Foundation Oklahoma Conference The United Methodist Church Robert & Ruby Priddy Charitable Trust Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Charles and Patricia Rockwood SSM Health Care of Oklahoma James Wade Wanda L. Bass Foundation, Inc.

Dobson Family Foundation Donald W. Reynolds Foundation Dennis and Nancy Dougherty Emmanuel and Irene Edem Matt and Jill Epperson Estate of Herbert E. Davis Elliott C. Fenton Michael and Lynda Gardner Geneva Rogers Foundation, Inc. George Kaiser Family Foundation Harris Foundation, Inc. Hatton W. Sumners Foundation, Inc. David and Cheri High Gary and Sue Homsey Integris Health, Inc. Niles Jackson and Barbara Thornton Jexal Foundation John and Cecelia Norman Family Foundation Josephine Freede The Kerr Foundation, Inc. Kirkpatrick Foundation, Inc. Steve and Suzan Knight Kurt and Cathy Leichter Greg Love Tom and Judy Love Love’s Travel Stops & Country Stores, Inc. Jason and Carly Maderer Aubrey and Kathleen McClendon Tom and Brenda McDaniel Lew McGinnis and Jennifer Price Paul and Jonalee McLaughlin Robert and Jeaneen Naifeh Norman & Edem, P.L.L.C. Oklahoma City Boathouse Foundation Oklahoma United Methodist Foundation Vincent and Patricia Orza Suzanne Pointer

Ed and Carol Abel Acme Brick Company David and Laura Beal Charles and Carol Blackwood Roy and Pat Chandler Caroline Chase Al and Sandra Cusack Daelansa Foundation Micheal and Teri Darrah Davis Farms/ Iron Mound Investments Dorchester Capital Corporation El Dorado Corporation Esther Women Tricia Everest William and Kristin Frankfurt

n n n

President’s Partners Gold

Tom Quinn H.E. Rainbolt Reserve Petroleum Company Ritz International Foundation The Robert A. Parman Foundation Robert Glenn Rapp Foundation Paul and Kimberly Sanders Ira and Sandra Schlezinger Stuart and Pam Schroeder Seven ‘S’ Foundation William and Pamela Shdeed Richard and Jeannette Sias Robert and Sylvia Slater William and Carol Talley Tom and Brenda McDaniel Charitable Foundation Jim Vallion Watson Family Foundation Wilshire Charitable Foundation Estate of Flora Rouse Winter

OCU nnn

Gerald Gamble and Jane Jayroe Gamble Stephen and Linda Garrett Steven and Carol Goetzinger Golsen Family, LLC Gary Gray John and Melvena Heisch Lawrence and Gay Hellman Joe R. and Patsy Homsey Denny and Carolyn Hook James and Phyllis Jackson James and Madalynne Norick Foundation Carol Lansdown Robert and V. Jean McSpadden Estate of Gene H. Midyett Estate of Gary M. Moore My Sports Dreams, LLC Robert and Carol Naifeh New Mexico Dancewear, Inc. Oklahoma Bar Foundation Phillips Murrah, P.C. Paul Poputaclean Records-Johnston Family Foundation, Inc. Richard & Norma Small Foundation Ann Richter Ruth Evelyn Seideman Mark and Annette Sewell Stanford and Carol Sewell Seymour Law Firm Simmons Charitable Foundation Roger and Barbara Simons Ruby Lu Simpson Jeanne Hoffman Smith Lee Allan and DeAnn Smith Tulsa World Publishing Company UMB Oklahoma Bank United Way of Central Oklahoma Betty Wooden Barbara Zausner Advancia Corporation Anonymous Ball Golf Center Susan Barber and David Nagle Jr. J. Edward and Gene Barth John Bedford and Jo Rowan Norwood Beveridge Charles and Cassandra Bowen Estate of Edna Bowman Henry Browne Jr. The Burke Family Foundation Rodney and Peggy Campbell Jeffery Castleberry Continental Resources, Inc. Jackie and Barbara Cooper Coppermark Bank Arthur and Sandra Cotton Joseph and Valerie Couch Richard and Marilyn Coulson Dobson Partnership Dotson & Merson Development Co. The Elliott Fenton and Le Noir Fenton Trust Robert and Nancy Ellis Estate of Evelyn Wynell Woodruff James and Christy Everest Christopher and Jacqueline Fiegel John Garrett Garrett and Company Resources, LLC General Board of Higher Education & Ministry The United Methodist Church Great Plains Coca-Cola Bottling Company


President’s Partners Silver

Robert and Imelda Greve William Hale II Hall, Estill, Hardwick, Gable, Golden & Nelson P.C. Carol Hansen Mischell Harrah Walt and Liz Hedrick Brian and Heather Holland Glede and Teresa Holman Richard Horton Ronald and Ellenmarie Howland J.O. Easley Oil and Gas Perry and Jeri Jones Lou Kerr Mack and Vicky Martin David and Nancy May Harry and Hedra Merson Michael & Eunice Massad Foundation Inc. Joel and Nikki Miliband Estate of Mary L. Morris Bures Dolores Neustadt Oklahoma Business Ethics Foundation Oklahoma Employees Credit Union Oklahoma Sports & Orthopedic Institute Bernie Patterson Estate of Emma O. Price Keri Coleman Prince Robert Reynolds John and Laura Roach Saint Paul School of Theology John and Lois Salmeron William and Rose Shaklee Simons Petroleum Cullen and Bonnie Thomas Jerry Vannatta Wal-Dot Foundation Paul and Marvel Williamson Hubert Worrell James and Annetta Abbott Ackerman McQueen Craig and Christin Adkins Mark and Amy Aduddell Aegis Roofing, L.L.C. David and Kathie Aelvoet Steven Agee Allstate Wrestling Association Alan Anderson Timothy and Cynthia Andrews Chad Autry Betty Aves T. Brian and Julia Bakeman Margaret Ball and F. Anthony Zahn Bank of Oklahoma Terry Baransy Steven Barghols and Cathy Campbell Ron and Deborah Barnes Susan Barnes James and Kay Bass Arnold and Jo Ann Battise Beau’s Wine Bin and Spirit Shoppe Mark and Teena Belcik Travis and MarEllen Benson Andrew and Deborah Benton Paul and Colleen Bicket Mike and Rita Blaser Bob Mills Furniture David Brown and Ann Noble-Brown Thomas and Jo Brown Robert and Karen Browne James and Betty Bruce Bob Bunce Dan Burdett and Janis Love


President’s Partners bronze


Neil and Cindy Cagle Charles and Ann Cantrell Kenneth and Lois Carlton Benjamin Chang Christ United Methodist Church Church of the Servant Clements Food Foundation Lawrence and Chris Cobb Roger and B. Ann Cole Chet Collier Lois Cooprider Cottonwood Salon & Spa Cox Communications, Inc.— Tulsa Barbara Crandall Avery Crossman Cusack Meats Glenn and Vivian Dale Ken and Jimi Davidson Rick and Pam Davis Edwin and Nancy de Cordova Michael Decker Phil Deschner Design Resources Steve and Ken Sue Doerfel Bill and Liz Donnelly Economic Club of Oklahoma Rick and Marcia Eddy James and Suzanne Edmondson Joe and Charlotte Edwards Elitesmiles The Empire District Electric Co. Ed and Barbara Eskridge Jason and Chelsea Ewald Amir and Katie Farzaneh Michael and Deborah Felice Bradly and Celine Ferguson Paul and Deborah Fleming Kim and Denise Flis Timothy Foley Lance and Jessica Franczyk Frankfurt, Short, Bruza Associates, P.C. nnn


Michael and Susan Frew Full House Enterprises, L.L.C. The George and Louise Brown Memorial Trust Michael Gibson Harry Goldman and Jettie Person Jack and Sylvia Golsen David Gonzales and April Davis Nathan and Linda Grantham Kyle Graves Arthur and Margaret Haizlip Richard and Lee Hall Royce and Kirk Hammons Meredith and Helen Hardgrave Irwin and Debbie Harms Nicholas and Keegan Harroz James and Jean Hartsuck James Hassett and Linda Kelly-Hassett Robert and Dee Hayes Robert Henry and Jan Ralls Henry Michael Hicks and Maudie Miller Brian and Laura Hobbs Michael and Jan Hogan Carol Howard John and Janet Hudson G. Bill and Deborah Hull Hunzicker Brothers Garvin Isaacs Jr. Michael Jackson John Jones Bill and Stacy Junk Ken Knowles Brant and Desiree Koenig Koenig Chiropractic Michael and Karleen Krywucki Wallace Construction Inc. William and Laura Laing Eric Laity Marlys Lamar David Lamb Brent Learned

Art and Betsy LeFrancois Betty Lemons Lighthouse Charities, Inc. Rebecca Love Mike Lunsford Lunsford Construction, Inc. Ba Luong Aixin Ma Donald and Barbara MacPherson Robert Mangold Melinda Marglous Dann May and Phyllis Bernard Don and Virginia McCombs Jeff and Debra McCormick Gregory and Kathlene McCracken Kenneth and Debra McKinney Burrel and JoAnn McNaught K.T. and Marilyn Meade Mercy Health Center Metro Electrical Contractors, Inc. John and Cynthia Meyer Midland Financial Company Bonnie Miller Donna Miller Glen and Yvonne Miller George Milner III Reese Milner II MIT Group, Inc. Daniel and Andrea Morgan Patrick and Judith Morgan Mustang Fuel Corporation Michael Myshrall and Bonnie Arthur Kenneth and Marie Nash Ned's Catering, Inc. David and Betty Nittler North Oklahoma City District of United Methodist Church Oikos, Inc. Oklahoma Amateur Wrestling, Inc. Oklahoma City Baseball Camp, L.L.C.

Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce Oklahoma City Convention & Visitors Bureau Oklahoma Gazette Oklahoma Goodwill Industries, Inc. Oklahoma Humanities Council Oklahoma United Methodist Board of Trustees—Tulsa District Marian Opala Raymond and M. Lavell Owen Mark Parker Michael and Vicki Patterson Helen Permenter Jerry and Charlette Perryman James and Sharon Peterson Ronald and Janet Petty Karen Pinion Ray and Pat Potts Prairie Dunes Country Club Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. Estate of Aran Rebecca Priddy Eduardo Prieto ProStar Services, Inc. James and Barbara Quillian Ronald Raines and Donna Vaughn Marjorie Ramana Ramp Communications, Inc. Archie Randall George and Mary Ellen Randall Steven and Julie Raney Paul and Pamela Ray Michael and Carol Rhodes Douglas and Kelli Riddle David Robinson Jr. Justin and Allison Robinson Rok Bar Scott and Gina Rowsam Kevin and Krista Sain Shane and LaDonna Sanders Hiram and Robbie Sasser

Sawyer Marglous Foundation Michael and Natala Schwartz Hossein Shafa Mahmood and Roya Shandiz Gary and Anne Shaner Chris and Jeanie Sholer Shelby Smith Danny Snyder Son Rise Woods South Lake Aviation Ken Spady and Kimberlee Taggart-Spady The State Chamber Irwin and Kelley Steinhorn Tracy Stetson Wayne Stone Victoria Swinney Marvona and Michael Tavlin Tennessee Properties Partnership MacKenzie and Edith Thompson J. Mac Troy and Carol Wilkinson Troy Linda Tucker Deborah Tussey Douglas and Kamee Van Meter Anthony and Denise Villani W.C. Payne Foundation Russell and Katherine Walker Joseph and Cynthia Walkowski Tiffany Warford Leo and Nancy Werneke Ellen Jayne Wheeler Wheeler Dealer Bicycle Shop William and Martha White Jim and Andrea Wilcoxen Geraldine Williams Gordon and Anna Williams John and Mary Ann Williams John Winkler Jr. Wynn Las Vegas Resort Lawrence and Sheryl Young Cheryl Zimmerman


1492 New World Latin Cuisine A Good Egg Dining Group The A.L. Luria Foundation AAA of Oklahoma Marin Abernathy Ben Abney Sue Abreu Abuelo’s Academy The Academy of Hair Design Ann Ackerman Acorn Growth Companies Bradley Adair James and Donna Adair Lyn Adams Mary Lousie Adams Murla Adams William Adams D.E. Adlof Air Technologies of Oklahoma City, Inc. Aircraft Specialties Services Ben and Martha Akers Petar and Alexandra Alaupovic Jose Alberola Ila and Susan Kovats Rhonda Aldridge Joseph and Ann Alesch Linda Alexander William and Katherine Alexander All Turf, L.L.C. Karan Allbright Gene and Kay Allen William and Esta Allen Keith Allford Howard and Kathryn Allnutt Fawaz Alqahtani John and Nancy Alsup

n n n

Stars Patron

OCU nnn

Jerome and Judy Altshuler Jerriann Altshuler Terencio and Jeanne Alviola Amar Engineering and Design American Fidelity Corporation Anautics, Inc. Betsy Anderson Carl and Claire Anderson James and Alison Anderson Mark and Vickie Anderson NaRita Anderson Natasha Anderson William and Ellen Anderson John and Conny Andres Andrews Pump Joseph and Charlotte Andrezik Joseph and Vicki Angus Anonymous ANR Services, Inc. Amy Anthony Mark Anthony Anthony David Salon Issei Aoyama Apple Computers Apple, Inc Warren Applegate Rita Aragon Joseph Arato Stephen and Elaine Archer Architects In Partnership, P.C. ARINC, Inc. Arizona Diamondbacks Dan and Eleanor Armstrong Phyllis Armstrong Robert and Rebecca Armstrong Thomas and Allesan Armstrong Aaron and Ashleigh Arnall George Arrington Art of Yoga ASA Softball Hall of Fame Sandra Ashford Rana Askins Aspen Athletic Club

Sharon Astrin AT&T—Little Rock AT&T—Oklahoma City AT&T—Wichita J. Noble Atkins Cissie Atkinson Steven Aton Robbie Auger Jack and Nancy Austerman Earl and Patricia Austin Gordon and Jane Austin Kathy Austin Paul and Jane Austin Avant United Methodist Church Charles and Gale Avery AWC Spectrum Paint Jon and Jane Axton Sarah Ayres B.C. Clark Jewelers, Inc. B.J. Printing, Inc. B.R.A.T., Inc. Ray and Jannelle Babb Rosemary Bachle Donald and Judith Bachman In-Hyun Baik Daniel and Nancy Baines Traci Bair Gordon and Vada Baird Dustin and Laine Baker Mary Baker Rod Baker Donald and Colleen Balaban Cassandra Ball Ruth Ball Balliet’s Tom and Jann Balue Marilyn Balyeat Ronald and Michele Barbeck Michael and Carla Barber Vinson Barefoot Virgil Barksdale Anita Barlow

Jim Barnaby and Ruth Lytle-Barnaby Rachel Barnard Brian Barnes Marion Barnes Tim and Janet Barnes Robert and Bettina Barr William Barr Marilyn Barragree Kendra Barreda Arden Barrett Phillip Barrett Todd and Jeanie Barrett Robert and Dona Barth Terry and Constance Bartley Stanley Basler John and Linda Bass Mike and Paige Bass Bass Law Firm, P.C. Jeremy and Lesley Basset Lawrence Bathgate, II L.H. and Dianne Bayley Chris Bayouth BBQ Shack Richard and Leah Beale Randal Beams Carol Beard Elly Beard Herschel and Sue Beard William and Sherry Beasley Beasley Oil Company Brian Beatty and Regan Strickland Beatty Kennety and Page Beatty Morgan Beauchamp Beauty Brands Charles and Ea Beck John and Serena Beckett Karen Beckman Richard and Mary Beisel Derrek and Rebekah Belase Bryant Belknap Chase Bell

Michael and Vanette Bell Jimmy and Pam Bell Bell & Rhodes Belmar Golf Club Timothy and Cynthia Bench Jerry and Jackie Bendorf Robert and DeDe Benham Mary Benner Dale Bennett James and Sherry Bennett Mark and Laurie Bennett Regina Bennett Sherry Bennett Cassandra Benoist Ben's Spraying Service Blythe Benson Lloyd Benson William and Nina Benson Benvenuti’s Restaurant Mary Berchtold Kenneth and Beverly Berg Eric and Leslie Berger William and Anne Berky Mike and Nancy Berland Jeff Berry Kevin Berry Larry and Charlotte Berry Robert Berry Best Buy Tere Bettis Cathy Bewley Big Sky Bread Company Mouzon and Gayle Biggs Ralph Bilyeu Denise Binkley Biotox, Inc. Rhone Bird Emily Biscone Joseph and Kathy Biscone Terry Bizzell B-K Inc. Christopher and JoBeth Black Joe and Polly Black


Skipper and Debbie Black Lisa Blackburn Warren and Margaret Blackketter William and Shirley Blaik Tracy Blair Kevin and Hilarie Blaney Jap and Nancy Blankenship Eloise Blanton Kyle and Krista Blaser Kenneth and Julie Blevins Blevins Henderson & Priest John and Carolyn Bluma BMS Management Company Richard and Pamela Bobier Don and Sandra Bobzien Bruce and Suzanne Bockus Steven Bocock Mary Boday Body Trends Spa in Casady Square Boeing Craig Boelte Carl and Norma Bogardus Lillian Bogie Keith Bohanan Richard and Annie Bohanon Boiling Springs Golf Course Boiling Springs State Park Lynn Bolay Bolero Spanish Grill and Tapas Bar Richard and Debra Boles Lee and Gale Bollinger Cheri Bolz Kenneth and Gerry Bonds Ronal and Linda Bonebrake James and Dianna Bonfiglio Wallace and Vivian Bonifield Sara Bonnell Barbara Bonner Jim and Jo Booher Stephen Booth Paul and Sue Boren



Melanie Borger Dianna Bottoms Boulevard Steak House Ruth Bouse Arthur and Breda Bova William Bowden Lani Bower Philip and Barbara Bowersox Jack P. and Janet Bowles Thomas Bowles Kym Bowman Dennis and Jan Box Jacqueline Perrin Bobby Boyanton and Alejandra Boyanton-Cano Charles and Barbara Boyd Gerry and Linda Boyd Terrell Boyle Phyllis Boyson Andrea Brack Barth and Linda Bracken Reagan and Cynthia Bradford Loretta Kay Bradley Max and Carol Bradley David and Lynn Brady Robert and Betty Brady David Brahm and Karen Hunold Caroline Brame James and Anita Brame Martha Brame Bob and Nanette Bramlett Brianna Brandon James and Barbara Brandon James Brandon Patrick Brandt Sharon Brantley Robert and Paula Brashear Eric Brauer Braums Ice Cream & Dairy Stores Leah Breslin William and Melissa Brett Melissa Brevetti-Walker Mary Brewer

Patsy Brewer Travis and Catherine Brewer Bricktown Brewery Bud and Denise Brinkman Natalie Brittingham Timothy Brittingham Brixton Opticians Kathryn Broad Suzanne Broadbent Broadway Wine Merchants Steven and Deborah Broberg Paul and Barbara Brou Adam and Tara Brown Carlye Brown Chad Brown Danny Brown Dorothy Brown Doug Brown and Ann Fulkerson Eric Brown and Centha Davis Kari Brown Kristen Brown Lee and Harriet Brown Marquetta Brown Matthew and Jill Brown Michael and Traci Linn Brown Michael Brown Monte and Deborah Brown Ron and Liz Brown Roxie Brown William and Sharon Brown Guston and Jacquelyn Browning Sean and Kimberli Brownlee Robert Brubaker and Susan Poole Brubaker Seth and Angela Brumley Steve and Kim Bruno Gloria Bryant Janice Bryant Paul and Genevieve Bryant Matthew Bryson James and Becky Buchanan Daniel Buckelew

Buckelew & Buckelew Attorneys at Law Buddha Tao Asian Bistro Christopher Bufkin Floy Bula Sarah Bullard Fred and Barbara Bunch Anne Bunting Gil Burch John Burchfiel Kevin Burditt Randy and Stephanie Hudson Randy Burghart and Stephanie Hudson James Burk William and Phoebe Burkett Richard and Sally Burpee Bob and Denise Burton Phil and Heather Busey Gary and Judith Bush Jack and Pat Bush Jason Bush and Jennifer Long James and Nancy Buskirk Keith and Judith Butler Buttram Energies, Inc. Stephen and Carla Buzin William and Sharon Bynum Byron's Package Store C.R. Homes & Renovations Cache Road Liquor & Wine Cafe 501 Cafe Do Brasil Cafe Nova Cortnie Cain Nancy Cain Caitlin Cairns Joyce Calderwood Lechelle Calderwood Trevor Caldwell Callaway Golf Jo Cameron Joseph and Trudy Campbell Virginia Campbell

Steven and Vickey Cannady Mark Cantrell Voorhis Cantrell Bryan and Jennifer Cardinale-Powell Ronald and Amanda Caress Paul Carlile Emily Carmichael Frank and Carol Carney Todd and Maria Caron Scott Carpenter Michael Carrier Emily Carson Spence Carson Alan and Meegan Carter Chip Carter Joe and Lori Carter Mark and Donna Carter Angela Carver Casady School Patrick and Robi Casey Earnest and Floris Cash Larry and Shirley Cassil Castle Consulting Amy Cataldi Richard and Rosemary Cato Central Oklahoma Association for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing Central Oklahoma Habitat for Humanity Central South District of the United Methodist Church Ben and Annie Chadd Malcolm and Linda Champlin Richard and Kitty Champlin Deborah Chapman Ernesto Chavez David and Adra Cheek John and Nancy Cheek Cheever’s Cafe Chun-Liang Chen Judy Chen Rocky Chen Xin Chen

32 Betty Chenault Cherokee Casino & Resort Carol Cherry Thomas and Norma Cherry Chesapeake Boathouse John Chiaf Chickasaw Nation Bradley and Mary Chilcote Chilcutt Direct Marketing, Inc. Don and Jane Childs Chili’s Simon Chio Bessie Chittwood Shin Cho Robert Chope Rachel Christensen Sherri Christian Kyung and Young Chung Cigar and Company CJ Dental Delbert and Lilliam Mathes Clancy Gennie Clanin Darryl Clark Janyce Clark Philip Clark Beverly Clarke John and Janis Claro Ted Clemens Jr. Cleveland Cavaliers Clifford J. Miller Agency, L.L.C. Bruce and Dana Clifton Homer Clifton Jeffrey and Debra Clifton Larry Clinton Teresa Cloud Mark Clouse Joseph and Margaret Clytus Coach’s Robert and Jane Coalson Terry and Christina Coalter Shaun Coates John Cochrane

OCU nnn

Phillip Cody Coffee Creek Golf Club Jeff and Ali Coffman Randy and Kathryn Coit Mark and Kim Colbert Nakita Colbert Kevin and Stephanie Cole Ann Coley Cindy Collins Collins, Butler & Co., P.C. Robert and Deahn Colombe Colony Homes, Inc. Colson’s Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc. Judy Colyott Don and Donna Combs Angela Comer William and Janie Comstock William and Sherry Conger Thomas Conigloine Conklin Family Foundation Cindy Conley Terry Conley John and Rose Conmy Robert and Marsha Conner Julie Conrady Dennis and Sarah Cook Edward and Kaye Cook Linda Cook Whitney Cooper Cooperative Bank James and LaRue Coover Gary Copeland Murray and Laura Corbin Kevin Cordova and Brian Brookey Humberto Cortes Herbert Corttis William and Mary Ann Corum Melissa Cory Jerry Cotton Courtyard by Marriott R. T. Coussons

Covington & Burling, LLP Jim and Dawn Cowan Nancy Cowden Julie Cowgill David and Patricia Cox Gwen Cox Kent and Kelley Cox Cox Business Services Convention Center Richard Coyle Duane and Frieda Crabaugh Cassady Craft Bill and Nancy Craig C.R. Craig Clifford and Frankie Craig George and Lelah Craig Earnest and Pam Crain Wayne and Carmen Craney Elliott Crawford Steven and Linda Crawford Russell and Dorothy Creaser Von Creel Thomas and Ann Creider Crescent Services John and Cindy Crittenden Tonya Cronin Barbara Cronk Marcia Crook Joey Croslin Cross Bar Gallery Edgar Crossett III Steve and Mary Crossley Don and De Crow James Crowder, Jr. Crowne Plaza—Tulsa Crowne Plaza Hotel—Kansas City Downtown Crowne Plaza Oklahoma City Sterling and Liza Cryder Roger Cudd Denise Cullen Douglas and Peggy Cummings Bo and Houng Cung

Clarence and Betty Cunningham O.K. and B.W. Cunningham Cupcakes and Tea Cuppies and Joe Jeff and Dorlinda Curl Jim Curran Brad and Patricia Curtis Torrey and Joyce Curtis Gary and Tina Cutter Joseph Czoch D & R Reporting and Video Service Wayne Dabney Marlin and Janice Dahlke Allison Dalke Ronald and Barbara Dall Dallas Stars Hockey Michael Dallman William and Anne Dalton Edith Daniel Eugene and Rhonda Daniel Tony Daniels Vaughn and Julia Daugherty Joe Daugomah Robert and Mary Davidson Scott Davidson Mark Davies and Kristin Alex Davies Carvel and Joanne Davis Elaine Davis James and Katie Davis John and Sandy Davis Kevin and Merrilee Davis Lela Davis Malvin and Janice Davis Scott Davis Yumi Davis David and Suzanne Davison Nancy Dawson Christopher Day Peter Day Day, Edwards, Propester & Christensen, PC

Scott de la Garza James and Heidi De Puy Deaconess Hospital Deaconess Pregnancy & Adoption Services Thomas and Kerri Dean Rickey and Jacque Dean Jacob Dearmon Thomas and Rita Dearmon Michael and Linda DeBerry Eugene Decker III Deep Deuce Grill Deep Fork Grill Donald and Kathleen Dees Michael and Gayla Degiusti Keith and Mary DeHaas Brian and Virginia Dell Dell Marc and Susan Dellamea Daniel Delluomo Ellie Delvecchio Carolyn Demaree Rick Denker Patrick Dennis R. W. Dense Albert and Judy Depee Derma Logic Center Gary Desjardin Lisa DeSpain Cecil Devine Thomas Devine and Sharon Betsworth Jeanne Devlin Diagnostic Medical Equipment, Inc. William and Diane Dickert Elizabeth Diener Susan Dillard Dillingham Insurance Sabrina Dimascio Stephen and Ann DiNovis John Ditmars and Cathy Christensen James Dixon


Angela Do E. L. and Shirley Dobbins John and Susan Dobson Robert Doenges Blake Donaldson and Amy O'Neill Anna Donat Mike and JoAnn Donovan Ann Dorff James and Barbara Dorff Russell and Sandra Doty William and Barbara Doty Double T Trading, L.L.C. James and Joyce Douglas John and Donita Douglas James Downer Patricia Downing Jimmy Doyle Dow and Carolyn Dozier Dr. Karen Rattan Dentistry George and Paula Drew Jayne Drummond Charles and Helen DuBose Paul and Debby Dudman Duffy Martin Enterprises Thomas and Candy Dulaney Richard Dulaney Teddy and Anca Dulca Henry Dumas Helen Dunbar Hall Duncan Dale and Donna Durnell Jackie and Patti Durrett William Dycus Presley and Connie Dye Eagle Land & Minerals Company John and Norma Eagleton Earl's Rib Palace Earlywine Cellar & Spirits Beverly Earnest Matthew Eastwood Megan Eaton Larry Eberhardt



Karen Eby Larry Eck Edward and Debra Eckhart Gregory and Christine Eddington Thalia Eddleman Gary and Wilma Eden Robert and Gina Edmisson Edmond Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery David and Jane Edmonds W.B. and Lisa Edmonds Drew and Linda Edmondson Phyllis Edson Michelle Edstrom Carl and Susan Edwards Gregory and Mary Edwards Jay and Patricia Edwards Orville Edwards Kathy Ehlers Warren Ehn Paul Eischen Ronald and Pat Eitzen Theodore and Lyn Elam Ronald and Lida Elkins Suzanne Elkins-Rose Lori Elliott Joe and Joe Ellis Ryan and Amanda Ellis Tracy and Tristan Ellis Ellis Organization L.L.C. C.G. and Ena Elmore Embassy Suites Hotel James and Hester Embry Donald and Suzanne Emler Mike Emmons Patricia Empie Mark and Diane Emrick Denise Engle Ron and Brenda English David and Carole Ennis Mary Epley Carla Epperson Jon Epstein

Robert and Phyllis Epstein Epworth Villas Phillip Erke Jonathan and Dansby Erwin Escape Day Spa Jay Eshbach II Tony Eskue Estate of John Prather East Steven Etzkin Garret Evans Everything BBQ Exploration Place Express Personnel Services Express Sports, L.L.C. Extreme Animals, Inc. Extreme Athletes Paul and Catherine Fagan Carolyn Faison Jay Paul and Barbara Farber Loreese Farha Farzaneh Properties Leland and Gloria Fass Jay Faulk Faulk Law Firm, P.L.L.C. Bob Faulkenberry Elizabeth Fawcett-Brown Jessica Fay William Federman Ronald and Roberta Feller Harry Fenimore S. E. and Beverly K. Fentress Dallas and Christine Ferguson Jon Ferguson Field, Trojan & Long, P.C. Warren and Karen Filley Blaike and Lisa Finley Robert and Ann Finley Sandra Finney First Glass Window Cleaning First National Bank of Oklahoma First United Methodist Church of Wagoner

First United Methodist Church of Claremore First United Methodist Church of Stillwater First United Methodist Church of Bartlesville John and Pamela Fischer Fish City Grill Daniel and Bessie Fisher Daniel Fisher Lynn Fisher Darryl Fisher Richard and Sara Fisher Johnny and Jane Fitch Anthony Fitch and Leslie Wileman Donald and Jennifer Fitzpatrick Robert and Ailda Flack Leonard and Margaret Flansburg Flatlands AG Consulting Terry and Peggy Flinton Flip's Wine Bar & Trattoria Charles and Carla Flournoy Flowers by Pat Douglas and Nita Folger Jason Foreman Fort Worth Zoo Brent Foster and Keri Williams Foster Clyde Foster Jason Foster R.T. Foster Stan and Bev Foster Dennis and Charlene Fowler Edward and Jeanne Fowler Tom and Kathleen Fowler Fowler Productions Inc. Connie Fox Paul and Barbara Fox FRACQC, L.L.C. Francis Tuttle Technology Center Lynda Franklin Frank’s Underwater Sports Desiree Franseen

Rodman and Joan Frates Leamon and Fay Freeman Megan Frelich Jessica French The French Cowgirl Thomas Fugard Larry and Carol Fugit Full Circle Bookstore Fred and Ann Fulmer Harry and Peggy Furr Jerry and Jean Gaby Russell and Shirley Gagnebin Gaillardia Country Club Galaxy Home Recreation Super Store John Gall and Adrienne Haddock-Gall Thomas Gallagher Morris Galloway Michael and Linda Gallucci Paris Gamble Carollann Gamino Kendra Gann Louis and Anne Garbarino Patricia Garcia Damon Gardenhire David and Jana Gardner Justin and Linda Gardner Garfield County Bar John and Ellen Garhart Joy Garland Chris Garrett Rick and Kerry Garrett William Garrett David and Helen Garrison Steve Garside Marcia Garst Dylan and Brandi Gateley Chad Gatewood Joseph and Lisa Gatta Timothy Gatton Helen Gaudin Richard and Nina Gaugler

34 Timothy Geib Rita Geiger Susan Geissler Orin and Nancy Gelvin Bennie George Jr. David George Emily George Steve and Tracy George Kedist Geremaw James Gettys Philip and Leanna Geyer P.B. Ghezzi Eugenia Gianos Charlotte Gibbens Andrew Gibson Gilbert and Alena Gibson Iva Lou Gibson Keith and Brandi Gibson Jerry and Velma Gilbert Mike and Wanda Gilliam James and Nina Gilliland Robert Gilliland and Ann Felton-Gilliland Joan Gilmore and Al McLaughlin Andy Gin John and Roberta Gingerich Scott Girod Gary Giudice Andrew Glasser The Global Trade and Development Corporation Richard Glowacki Thomas and Beth Gocke Joan Godlove Kay Goebel Larry and Sandy Goff Gold Star Graphics Gaybrielle Golsen Ernest and Sharon Gomez Gene and Linda Goodnight Travis and Melissa Goodnight Judy Gordon Mischa Gorkuscha

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Betty Gorrell Robert and Prudy Gorrell Leland Gourley Gordon Gowing Hubert Gragg Ardyn Graham Steven Graham and Vicky Kelly William and Susan Grana Grand House Chinese Bistro Grateful Bean Cafe/ Kaiser’s Ice Cream Parlor Matt Graves Virginia Graves Charles and Jane Gray Robert and Jerri Gray Robert Gray Stafford Gray Trae Gray Katrinka Greear John and Wanda Green Keith Green Kelly Green Louis Green Robert and Glenna Green Marillyn Greene Richard and Anne Greer Stephen and Christine Gregoire John and Marsha Greiner Daniel and Evelyn Grellner Joseph and Marion Grellner Gretta Sloane Norman and Kay Grey Alden Griesbach Kenna Griffin Dewel and Yvette Griffith Kenneth and Janice Griggy James and Rozz Grigsby Wendy Gritz Dawn Grooms Jeff Groves Matthew and Susan Grubb Mark Guerrero John and Heather Guild

Beckie Gunter John and Barbara Gunter Elizabeth Gurney Leslie Guthery Ernesto Gutierrez James Guzak Larry and Jeannette Haag Haag, Haag & Friedrich P.A. Rick and Ann Hadrava Clare Hadwiger Mary Lou Hadwiger Michael Hahn Thomas and Carol Haines Rita Hale Randal Haley George and Jo Hall Lindsay Hall Rowena Hall Steven and Patty Hall William and Suzanne Hall Nancy Hall Collins Matthew and Sheryl Hamilton Richard and Catherine Hammarsten Ronald and Dorothy Hammond Michael and Debra Hampton Holly Hance Homer and Treva Hancock Steven and Linda Haneborg Mel Hanson Harborside Storage, Inc. Sarah Hardimon Lloyd and Leigh Hardin Patsy Hardin Joe Hargrove and Elaine McIlroy-Hargrove Benjamin and Barbara Harjo Peter Harlin Timothy Harlin Jane Harlow Gary and Judy Harmon Rebecca Harms Matthew Harney

James Harp Annette Harper Alvin and Beverly Harrell Donald and Patricia Harris Jill Harris Lyndel and Kathryn Harris Melissa Harris Tiffany Harris James Harrod Harry’s TV, Video & Appliances Ronald and Edna Hart Brian and Judy Harvey Randy and Kim Harvill Hasco Manufacturing, Co. Richard and Elizabeth Hatcher Daniel Haun Cassandra Haverfield William and Willa Hawke Judith Hawkins Susan Hawkins Michael Haxton Amy Hayes-Thompson Skip and Sue Healey Brian Hedges Thomas and Catherine Hedglen Jerry and Jennifer Hedrick Hal and Anna Hefner Jo Heidebrecht Delton and Carole Heihn Dineo Heilmann Erik Heine Dan and Carol Heinen Audrey Heise-Fijalka Virginia Hellwege Charles and Margaret Helm Robert Hendrick Shirley Hendrick James and Jeani Henges Amy Henninger A.J. and Mary Henshaw Billy and Susan Hensley Chuck and Erin Hensley David Hensley

Heritage Hair Establishment John and Susan Hermes Laurin Hess Brooke Hessler Tommy and Cheryl Hewett Ange Hibbs Hibdon Tires Plus Jeff Hickey Keith and Susan Hickox Hideaway Pizza Ed and Mable Higganbotham William and Zula Higgins Joe and Nannette Hight Arietta Hightower Dannie Hightower Richard and Sondra Hilgendorf Corey Hill Frank and Bette Hill Leslie Hill Timothy Hill William and Jacquelin Hill Hilley & Wyant-Cortez, P.A. Cary and Lisa Hiltgen Hilton—Arlington Hilton Anatole Dallas Hilton Branson Convention Center Hotel Harold and Rita Himes James and Joan Hirnisey Historical Preservation, Inc Philip and Gussie Hixon Jo Hobbs Nelda Hobbs Bryce and Elaine Hodgden Clinton Hodges Susan Hodges John and Donna Hodkinson Donald and Carole Hoeft Ruth Hoehamer Dan and Sarah Hogan Connie Hohertz George and Amalia Hoke Gray Holden


Lawrence and Molly Holder Holiday Inn Express— Woodward Bill and Nancy Holland Carrie Holland John and Claudia Holliman Philip and June Holloway Christopher Holman Jerome Holmes Martha Holmes Home Depot Melba Homra Jason and Callie Homsey Michael and Sydney Homsey William and Sue Hood Randy Hook Jon Hooten and Anne Walker Mary Jo Hope Todd and Christine Hopeman Bambi Hora Jody Horn Kerry Horst Chris Howard Kimberly Howard Michelle Howard Rosemary Howard Ema Howell Liwen Huang Eric and Kami Huddleston Clifford and Leslie Hudson Vernon and Betty Jo Hudson Eva Hueneke Herman and Huffines Harold and Beth Hufnagel Audell Hughes Nick Hughes Rex Hughes Tina Hughes Justin Hull Ruby Humphrey Shawn and Marisela Humphries James and Linda Hundley Thurman Hunker Jr.



Charles and Yvonne Hunnicutt John Hunsucker Gerry and Angela Ann Hunt Patrick and Kahla Hurley Joe Hurst Huseby Family Foundation Hutchinson Oil Company James Hyde and Laurie McCann-Hyde James and Sue Ann Hyde Jeremy and Kristi Ice Immigration Law Society Industrial Investments Information Access Robert and Mary Inge Eleanor Inglis Jolene Ingram Integrated Massage & Therapy College Interurban Investrust IPGI Irma’s Burger Shack Mark and Janette Ison Jay and Gail Israel M. J. Israel Molly Ives Brower J.P. Construction, Inc. Jackie Lynn’s Flowers & Balloon Specialties Eddie and Alvertis Jackson Ernest and Carolyn Jackson Jenna Jackson John Jackson Matt Jackson Nick Jackson Rhett Jackson Scott and Darla Jackson Bob and Karen James Francesca James C.H. and Kimberley Jameson Karen Janes Robert and Mary Jardine

Java Dave’s Downtown Thomas and Joanie Jedlicka Carol Jenkinson Bruce and Paula Jennings Larry and Karen Jennings Donald and Dixie Jensen Jersey Mike’s Subs Bryan and Melanie Jester Paul and Helen Jester Gerald and Karen Jeter Jewelry Connection Brittany Jewett Jimmie Austin OU Golf Course Jimmie Lynn and Billye Austin Foundation Jimmy’s Egg Restaurant Shawnnessy Jiwa Bob and Suzanne Jobe The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Barry and Melissa Johnson Bryce and Laura Johnson Carroll and Merelyn Johnson Elaine Johnson Juanita Johnson Marla Johnson Patricia Johnson Richard Johnson Robert and Gennie Johnson Brenda Johnston Craig and Hilary Johnston J.C. and Susan Johnston Paul Johnston William and Ann Johnstone Andrew Jones and Andrea Beesley Charles Jones Elizabeth Jones F. and Christine Jones Katy Jones Laurie Jones Rod Jones Ryin Jones

Thomas Jones and Leslie Tregillus Valerie Jones Dorothy Jones Shahan Darcy Jordan Dennis Jordan James Jordan Jerry Jordan Stephen and Alyssa Jordan Benita Jose-Mathew Letitia Joullian Journal Record Publishing Company Journey House Travel, Inc. Dennis Jowaisas Shaun and Jennifer Joy Leon and Mary Joyce Kellye Judkins Judy Love Specialties Sambandam Kabilan Paul and Cynthia Kacynski Harry and Belia Kahl Alan Kahn Catherine Kain John Kalhoefer David and Jenny Kallenberger Kamp’s Market Beverly Kanaly Alfred and Marsha Karchmer William and Nelma Karns Frederick and Lois Kate Kathy’s James Kaufman Yvonne Kauger Ted and Harriet Kavrukov John Keating Lori Keaton Lincoln Keck Keebler/ Kellogg’s Snack Division Abigail Keegan Keenan, Hopkins, Schmidt & Stowell Contractors, Inc. Al and Marsha Keller

Chad Kelliher Richard Kells Hunter Kelly Michael and Lynn Kelly Lauren Kelly Mark and Gayla Kelly Richard and Mary Elynn Kelly Peter Keltch Joseph and Felicia Kem Irma Kendrick Ronald and Daunice Kennedy William and Pamela Kennedy John and Jane Kenney Robert Kennington Richard and Barbara Kerrick Greg and Kathy Kersgieter Mark and Barbara Keyl Anwar Khader Kicker Michael Kierl Kathryn Kildo Jennifer Killman Ann Kilpatrick Terry and Kathryn Kilpatrick Sandra Kimerer Fred Kincaid J. H. and Earlene King Chris and Sandra Kinnison Kenneth and Penelope Kirchofer Michael and Sandra Kirk Harold and Phyllis Kirkpatrick Haley Kitagawa Denver Kitch Kite House Bed & Breakfast James Kleinbaum Laurice Klemarczyk Debbie Kline Herbert and Karen Klontz John and Jennifer Kluge Henry Knight III Ted and Sharon Knight John and Helen Kniseley Michael and Tempe Knopp

36 Bill Knowles Jean Kobs Allen and Margaret Kochenower Andrew Koester Jeffrey and Angela Konczak Lynda Korvick Catheryn Koss Annetta Kotzke Edwin Kramer Naparat Kranrattanasuit Suzanne Kreider Greg and Angela Krempl Lane and Cassi Krieger Robin Krieger Ed and Diane Krittenbrink David and Sarah Krivy Sharon Krivy Marilyn Kruger Christine Krumins-Warras Lois Kruschwitz KSDesign Steven Kuder Frances Kuhlman Morris Kuper Charles Kuzniar John Lackey Paul Lacy Ladd, L.L.C. Ladies Music Club— Pianist Division Jerry Laffoon LaForge Properties, L.L.C. Gregory Laird Michael and Edith Laird William and Patricia Lamb Linda Lambert Paul and Judy Lambert Hershel Lamirand III Richard and Ruth Lampton Evalyn Lane Colley Duane and Carole Langley Gus Langrell Craig and Nancy Lankford

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Timothy and Linda Larason Christopher and Lindsey Large Diana LaRocque Greg and Erin Larson Vanessa Larwig Stefanie Latham Tommy and Nelda Latham Marilyn Laughbaum Charles Laughlin Dean and Phyllis LaVelle G. and Dana Laverty The Law Firm of Carlos Miranda III, PC Law Offices of Gregory D. Thatch Law Offices of June Clark, L.L.C. Lois Lawler-Brown Douglas and Virginia Lawrence Chris and Lisa Lawson Danny and Holly Lawson Linzy Lawson Patty Lawson Russell and Sherry Lawson Patrick and Kimberli Layden Janet Leadbetter David Leader Mable Leaf Kenneth and Sharon Lease Albert and Dixie Ledbetter Ted and Anna Ledbetter Ledbetter Eye Care Dustin Lee Jack and Brenda Lee Maribob Lee Maurine Lee R. G. and Christine Lee Ruth Leebron Levenson Don and Patti Leeman Ronald and Ann LeFever Legacy Cleaners & Laundry Lauren Lembo Jack and Karen Leonard Mark Lester

Diane Lewis Hilda Lewis Robert and Kay Lewis Sinnie Li Billy Libby Liberty Mutual Duke and Linda Ligon Donna Lilly Calvin and Geneva Lindsey Stephen and Lori Lindsey James and Pauline Lisle Mark and Candace Lisle Todd and Donna Lisle Arnie and Brenda Little Little, Little, Little, Windel, Oliver, Landgraf & Gallagher P.L.L.C. Susannah Livingood Tony and DuSharme Llanusa Michelle Lockhart Logan's Roadhouse Hunter London William London Jerry and Rebecca Long Larry Long Marilene Long Longhorn Steakhouse Dave and Lana Lopez Roman and Audelia Lopez Lorec Ranch Dirk and Phyllis Lorenz David and Colleen Losi Darren and Christy Loudermilk Brian Loughrin Laura Love Warner and Gwynetth Lovell LSB Industries Charlie Ludden Robert and Karen Luke Marvin Lunde III Charles and Pat Lundeen William and Ellen Lunsford Randal and Donna Lutz

Natalie Lyles Melinda Lyon Orville and Lois Lyon Lyric Theatre MA+ Architects Elin Mac An'Bhaird Vicki Lawrence MacDougall Bruce Macella Patricia MacGuigan Diane Mach John Mackechnie Robert Macmillan Kenneth and Deborah Maddox Joyce Madoux Magna Charta Dames & Barons Malcolm and Joan Maguire Mahogany Prime Steakhouse Tina Mailer Matthew Mailman Grace Mains Jim and Pam Maisano Dennis and Dee Maley Christina Mallory Jack and Maria Malone Stephanie Manczuk Lynnell Mandl William Manger Manhattan Construction Company Brett and Lauren Manis Sara Manning Todd and Kathleen Manning Phillip and Peggy Mannschreck The Mantel Wine Bar & Bistro Alan Marcum Melody Marcum Peter and Kristine Markes Market Capitol Group Daniel Markoff Allen and Doris Marks Vincent and Dorothy Marmorale Jose and Cherry Marquez Phil and Darwina Marshall

Sue Marshall Greg and Susan Martens Billy and Alana Martin Catherine Martin Danny and Annette Murphy Jacob and Stefanie Martin John and Irene Martin Mervyn Martin Ronald and Susan Martin William and Catherine Martin Martin Family Trust Jorge Martinez and Elizabeth Richards Matt Mashore Dennis and Karen Mask Roberta Mass Marcus and Carrie Massad Massage Therapy by Dean Samuels Susan Massara Jack Massey Michael Matthews Martha Matthis Clarence and Sybble Maune Daryl Maune Matt and Jennifer Maune James and Fleda Maxton Julianne McAchran Randall and Marilyn McAdoo McAfee & Taft Philelle McBrayer Stanley and Joan McCampbell Betty McCandless James and Sandy McClain Joe and Carole McClendon Stephen McCloy Kathryn McClure Steven and Ivy McClure Rachel McCombs David and Kathy McConaghie Robert McConathy Jeff and Kristin McCool Joe and Elsa McCormick


Mark and Kathy McCormick Jay and Cathy McCown Bryon and Annetta McCoy Timothy McCoy Howard and Marie Harkey Matthew McCreary Jan McDaniel Kenneth McDaniel Mark and Stacy McDaniel Randy and Julie McDaniel McDivitt & Casey, P.C. Colin McEwen Mark McFadden Patricia McGarrity Dewey McGee Ronnie and Mary McGee Thomas and Rebecca McGee William and Juliana McIntosh Patricia McKnight Richard and Lavonn McKnight Mason and Joye McLain Ellen McLaughlin Jean McLaughlin Lamar McMillin Jaime McNutt Dennis and McPhail Evelyn McPherson Kitty McPherson-Kravitz Philip McSpadden Mark and Janet McWilliams Denver and Dianne Meacham Maytha Mead Camilla Means MEC Ventures John Mee Meg Guess Couture Mehlville High School Band Parent Association Paul and Theresa Meier John and Sue Meikle Gordon Melson The Melting Pot—OKC The Melting Pot—Tulsa



Pamela Melton Tina Mendez Men’s Wearhouse Mary Meritt Stephannie Meritt Scott and Cherie Merkley Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc. Lester Metheny Oscar Metzger Theodore Metzler Ronald and Debbie Metzner MexiCasa Mattie Meyer Evelyn Meyers Robin and Shawn Meyers Rudolph and Doris Meyers Stewart and Sandra Meyers Michael McGrew & Associates Clifford and Ruth Michaelis Sam and Anita Michaels Daniel Michelson Mickey Mantle’s Steakhouse Matt Mickle Mielke Builders Meredith Miers Mike Fink Insurance Agency David and Lisa Miley Adam and Christina Miller Betty Miller Daniel Miller Donald and Ruth Miller Jerry and Novell Miller John Miller Karen Miller Karen Miller Kevin Miller Opal Miller Pat Mills Patrick Mills Jr. Mills Machine Company, Inc. Brian Minietta Joshua Minner

Sanjay Mirchia John Miriello Frederick Mischler and Lisa Wolfe Ashley Mise Mitchell & DeClerck, P.L.L.C. John and Constance Mitchener Miles and Ronda Mitzner MJ Webb, Inc. Kimberley Mlinar Jo Beth Moad Frances Mobley Modern Music Company Orville Moe Ed Moehlenbrock and Carrie Hulett Mostafa and Anvar Moini Charles Monnet Charles Monnot IV Doug Montgomery Robert and Margaret Montgomery Harold Moody Moon Realty Franklin and Joyce Moore Gregory and Betsy Moore Jerry and Marilyn Moore John and Karen Moore Mark and Pattye Moore Paul and Chloe Moore Rita Moore Teresa Moore William and Kay Moore William and Ronda Moore Moore & Vernier, P.C. Mike Moradi H. T. and Jane Moran Melvin and Jasmine Moran Susan Moran Warren and Martha Moran Michael Mordy Adria Morgan Cheryl Morgan

Lorraine Morrison Richard and Clarice Morrison Kevin and Morgan Morrissey Rachel Morse Ethan Morton Michael and Elaine Mosca James and Sandra Moseley Lisa Mosmeyer Movie Gallery Phillip and Gloria Moyer Marc and Christine Mueller Matthew Mullican Naim Mumallah Dustin Murer Estate of Frederick J. Murnane Dana Murphy Kyle and Ashley Murphy Laura Murphy Michael and Brooke Murphy Muscogee Creek Nation Lloyd and Nancy Musselman Clark and Kay Musser Franklin Naifeh Justin and Monique Naifeh John Nail Rebecca Nakanishi Mark and Shannon Nance Mark and Chris Nanny Mohammed Nashar Tommy Neathery Todd Neaves Michael and Paula Neely David Neer Jack and Toba Neer Richard Neergaard Jacob Neff Robert Nelon Craig and Shirley Nelson Nicole Nelson Kelly and Shandy Nemecek Donald Nevard Pam Newby Rodney and Ann Newman

Larry and Polly Nichols Maurice and Mary Nickell Nicola Banking System Parinta and Chariyar Nillpraphan Jana Nobles Nodus Graphics, Inc. Michael Noland Michael and Cynthia Noland Noland Pettigrew & Bruce, P.C. Ronald and Gay Norgaard Ronald and Kandy Norick Norman Fairfield Inn by Mariott Clinton Normore North Texas Conference of the United Methodist Church Rob and Sara Northwood Jon and Judy Novotny Carolyn Nuckolls Peter Nyaga Ashapiro and Neo Nyamambi Karen Obannon Robert and Karen O’Bannon Richard and Sharisse O’Carroll Richard Ochs and Susan Arnold John and Vicki O'Dell Virginia Oden J.D. Odom P.B. and Beth Odom W. H. and Keith Oehlert David and Laura Ogle OK Runner OKC Kayak OKC Thunder OKC Yard Dawgz Ade Okediji Donna O'Keefe Oklahoma Bankers Association Oklahoma Children’s Theatre Oklahoma City All Sports Association Oklahoma City Community College Oklahoma City Marathon, Inc.


Oklahoma City National Memorial & Museum Oklahoma City Pianist Club Oklahoma Department of Commerce Oklahoma Education Association Oklahoma Events, Inc. Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference of the United Methodist Church Oklahoma International Women’s Forum, Inc. Oklahoma One-Call Systems, Inc. Oklahoma State Parks Oklahoma United Methodist Historical Society Old Chicago Kendall and Sally Old Crow Old Plantation Oldfield & Buergler, P.L.L.C Olive Garden Gates and Kay Oliver On A Whim Patricia Oplotnik The Original Ole William and Carol Orr Heidi Osborn Michael O’Shea Antonio Osorio OU Medical Center Outback Steakhouse Outpouring Cindy Overstake H. E. Overstreet Joann Owen Carol Owen Browne P.F. Chang’s China Bistro Russell Pack Celeste Pagano William Page Lloyd and Rayshell Palmer Mark and Linda Palmer

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Paul and Heidi Palzer Panera Bread Panhandle Oil and Gas Inc. David and Vicki Pape Dorothy Pape Christopher Papin Jerry Paramore Park Harvey Athletic Club Steven Parker William Parker Parker Financial Services L.L.C. Ragan and Melisa Parkerson Clay Parks Judy Parks Randy and Debbie Parks Mike and Earlene Parr Charlotte Parrack Pamela Parrish Richard Parry Josh Parsons Parson’s Jewelry Party Craze, Inc. Paseo Grill Paseo Pottery James Pasquali David Pasto and Kae Koger Linda Pate Pathways Professional Counseling Jeanne Patrigo Harold and Sheila Patterson Tim and Kerri Patterson Homer and Ramona Paul Robert Paul and Linda Childers Paul Robert Paul William and Barbara Paul William Paul James Paulik Jared and Sara Pawelka Gary Paxton Fred Payne John Payson

Russell and Becky Payton Pearl’s Lakeside Pearl’s Oyster Bar Heather Pederson Pei Wei Patrick Pellegrino LeAnne Pence Kathryn Pendarvis Larry and Deanna Pendleton Lee Peoples and Emma Rolls Anne Pereira Perimeter Technology Center, L.L.C. Karen Perkins Rusty and Shelly Perkins Carri Perrier Carey and Meredith Perry Ronald and Barbara Perry Gilbert and Wilma Peters Andrea Petersen Robert and Susan Peyton The Peyton Family Foundation Terry Phelps and Claudia Carroll-Phelps John and Peggy Philbin Philbrook Museum of Art Gregory and Katherine Phillips Jerry and Jill Phillips Marjorie Phillips Stormy Phillips Susie Phillips Brad and Kathy Pierce Peter Pierce III Stanley and Jacquelyn Pietruska Bobby and Mona Pigg Clyde and Ila Pigg Pinpoint Monograms The Pinpoint Resources Pirates Alley Barbara Pirrong Cary and Randa Pirrong Cecil and Sandra Pirrong Michael and Lori Pitcher

Frank Pitezel Brad Poarch Danny and Melinda Points Michael and Catherine Pollack King Pollard and Christina Misner-Pollard Dennis Pollock Jennifer Polvado David and Madge Pomeroy David Pool Poos Taekwondo Shanna Pope David and Lisa Porter Billy and Winnolia Porterfield Benjamin Post Russell and Ruthann Postier Jerry and Ezell Potter Gregory Potts Michael and Bertha Potts Jane Powell Robert and Kimberly Powell John Powers and Martha Herron Powers Prairie Thunder Baking Company Melvyn Preisz Timothy Prentice Michael and Marquita Prescott Billy Presley Lynn Price Mark and Janet Price Primo’s Restaurant Estherine Prince Principal Technologies, Inc. Pringle & Pringle Daniel and Jan Pritchard Pro Camps USA Pro Depot George Proctor Jr. Prohibition Room The Protocol School of Palm Beach, Inc. Tom Pruitt Tiffany Puett

Daniel and Bonita Pulver Zach Punnett Kirk and Shannon Purnell Jeff and Sherrie Purser Ray and Velma Purser Charles Pursifull Jeffry Puryear Puterbaugh Foundation Kevin Putman Jamie Pybas Bill and Sharon Pyeatt James and Norma Pyron Robbye Pyron Quail Creek Bank Quail Creek Golf & Country Club Quail Creek Petroleum Management Corporation Jana Quattlebaum Quayle United Methodist Women Ronald and Ginny Quigley Socorro Quintero R-5 Chris and Cathy Rabel Ann Ragland Frank Ragsdale Bert Rainwater Randy Ramirez James and Henrietta Randolph Raney Drug, L.L.C. Ratcliffe's Medical Books Karen Rattan Terry Reavel The Recognition Company Reconstruction Partners, L.L.C. George and Nancy Records Red Lobster Red Pin Restaurant and Bowling Lounge Laurel Redding Redstone Investments, Inc. Robert and Linda Reece Gay Reed


Roxanne Reed V. R. and Carolyn Reed Joe Reeves Thomas and Pamela Rehm Katie Reichardt Mollie Reid Harold and Marcella Reiman Gordon and Louann Reische Coy Remer Remington Park Renaissance OKC Downtown Hotel Daniel Renner Dustin and Dana Renner Mary Replogle Norma Repp Residence Inn Donald Resler Berta Faye Rex Maria Reyes Jacob Reynolds Mary Reynolds John and Tamra Rhea Kathy Rhodes Timothy and Deborah Rhodes Timothy Rhodes Andrew Rice Linda Rice Mark Rich Rita Rich Troy and Melva Rich Rich Travis & Associates Richard Dulaney Foundation, Inc. Blake Richardson Harry Richardson John and Charlotte Richels David Richey Jeffrey and Melissa Richey Victoria Richey Alan and Irene Richter Gordon Rickard Charles and Piper Riddle



John Riesenberg Gary and Sally Riffey Dennis Rigdon John and Lisa Riggs Judy Riggs Matthew and Stephanie Riley Thomas Riley Gerald Ritchie John and Lindy Ritz River Oaks Golf Club RNL Systems Inc. Roadrunner Marketing Kendra Robben Wilson and Bana Roberts Jack Roberts Joseph and Anita Roberts Louisa Roberts Mitzi Roberts Shawn Roberts Roberts Trucking Joe and Jennifer Robertson Elaine Robinson Rolonda Robinson Valerie Robinson Wayne Robinson Beverly Roden Joe and Jacci Rodgers Shannon Roesler Neal and Joanne Rogers Mike Rogers Robert and Ina Rogers Stacey Rogers Edward Rolison Joe and Shirley Rolston Christopher Roman Nose Roofline Supply & Delivery Carol Rooney Rose Rock Bank Dale Ross William and Lil Ross Linda Rosser Joseph and Helen Rossney Chris and Shannon Roth

Gordon and Cindy Roth Dana and Beborah Rothaus Edmund and Wadad Rotzinger Edward Rousar III Route 66 Albert Roux Jim and Sharon Rowan Kevin and Nancy Roy John and Linda Rubens Robert and Margaret Rucker Joseph and Vestina Ruffin Bronson and Diana Rumsey Kirk and Calline Rushing Thomas and Vicki Russell Todd Rust Mary Frances Rutledge Ryan, Whaley, Coldiron, & Shandy, P.C. Tom and Ruth Ann Sailors Micheal Salem Ralph and Sandra Sallusti Jennifer Salmans Scott and Rebel Robertson Salon & Spa on Spring Creek Salon Genesis Christopher and Margaret Salyer Kay Samaripa Nicholas and Lora Samarripas Vignaswari Saminathan Sam’s Town Hotel and Gambling Hall Dean Samuels Ernesto Sanchez Maria Sanchez-Baker Carol Sander Kimerly Sanders Raymond and Linda Sanders Tara Sanders Keith and Poleteme Sappenfield Sara Sara Cupcake Bakery Sauced Robert and Kathleen Sauers James and Lynne Saunders

Scott Savage Gary and Frances Savely Charles and Betty Saviers Patricia Sawyer Mary Scanlan Donald and Mary Anna Scanlon Dennis and Leslie Schaefer Roland Schafer Harold and Janet Scheidel John and Pamela Schimek Art and Joane Schmidt Fred and Kathleen Schmidt Mark and Deborah Schoener Linda Schoenhals Duaine Schoneweis Otis Schoonover Chris and Tammy Schroder David and Nevonna Schroeder Albert and Joy Schwartz Nick Schwartz James and Melissa Scimeca Peter Scimeca Jeffrey Scoggins Mark Scott Scott Mitchell & Assoicates, Inc. Richard Seals Nita Searcy Charles Searock Frank and Janet Seay Sedgurick County Zoo Scott and Janet Seefeldt Bernard Seegel Rod and Susan Seely Luci Seem Lee and Janice Segell George and Margaret Selby David and Paula Severe Ruth Sexton Thomas Shaak Bruce Shackelford Sam Shadid Anthony and Victoria Shanbour Ben and Shirley Shanker

Pam Sharp Renza Sharpe Julie Shatswell Jim Shaw Ronnie and Dorothy Shaw Shawnee Mills John Shdeed Scott and Julie Shdeed Sheak Blyss Robert and Mary Sheets Maryanne Shelley Melanie Shelley Courtney and Elaine Shenkle Gary Shepard Larry and Jeannie Shepheard George Shepherd Ann Sherman John Shields Carolyn Shierk Theodore and Emily Shierk Harold and Christena Shock Kim Shoemake Mark Shores Denise Short Robert and Jeanne Short Showcase Trophy & Awards Center Burgess and Cynthia Shriver Paul and Ann Shurtz Abolghasem and Zahra Karimipour Donald and Trudy Sickles Tim and Sherry Siler James Sill Diana Silver Silver Dollar City Jim and Kathleen Simmons Keetah Simonds W. L. and Susan Simons Amy Simpson William Simpson Six Flags—Hurricane Harbor John and Nancy Sjulin

40 David and Barbara Skinner Skirvin Hotel Susan Small Earl and Tina Smedley Ardrea Smith Debra Smith Donald and Dixie Smith Flavious and Melanie Smith Gayle Smith Herbert and Jobeth Smith Roy Smith James and Darci Smith John Smith Kelley Smith Ken Smith Michael and Debra Smith Pam Smith Richard and Jan Smith Robert and Sharon Smith Robynne Smith Terry and Carolyn Smith William and Susan Smith Philip and Mary Catherine Smothermon Johnny and Sophia Snider Marshall and Carla Snipes Marshall Snipes Jack and Barbara Snoddy Kenneth Snow Patrick Solinski Herman and Marcia Solomon Matthew Solomon Someplace Else Deli Bill and Dorothy Sommers Hee-jun Son and Hyo-sun Her Sonic Drive-In—Woodward Sonic Drive-In of Ardmore Sooner Travel Center Southstar Exploration, L.L.C. Spaghetti Warehouse L.B. and Cynthia L. Sparling Everett and Mary Speaks Carol Spear

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Larry and Donna Spears Carol Speer Bruce Spence Jeannie Spence Ann Spencer Larry Spencer Spicy Pickle William and Karen Spies Spirit Bank Carla Spivack Sean Spivey Stephanie Spooner Donald and Martha Sprague St. Anthony Foundation Richard and Mary Louise St. Denis Edward St. Pierre Cathy Stackpole Guy and Priscilla Stagner Dick Stahl Stamper & Perrin, P.L.L.C. Standley Systems W.W. Stanfield Jr. Ann Stanford Jane Stanford Amanda Stankus Richard Stankus Gary and Jean Stanlake William and Linda Stark John Starkey Karen Starkey Steve and Libby Steakley Ann Stearns Steven Steele Emmanuel and Rebecca Steenbakker Susanna Stefanek Martha Jo Steffen Rance and Paula Stein Charles and Marian Stephenson Robert and Marsha Stephenson Colleen Stevens Tina Stevens

James and Linda Stewart Lara Stewart Sandra Stewart Wade and Tracey Stewart Janey Stewart-Wheeler Robert Stillwell Craig Stinson and Krista Jones Brent Stockwell Bob Stokes and Mary Ellison Stephen and Valorie Stokes Samantha Stoll William and Betty Stone Jeffry Stonebreaker Kenneth Stoner Norman Stoner Van and Julie Storm Ronald and Margaret Story Daniel and Phyllis Stough Patty Stowers Dan and Elizabeth Stroup Robert Strunin and Lori Dubin Studio Nails Rebekah Studyvin Terrence and Dana Stull Shirley Stutts Carole Sullivan Darryl and Jean Sullivan Mark and Lela Sullivan Scott and Denise Sullivan Douglas and Mary Ann Summers Robert Summers Rosalie Summers Sun Mountain Suntan Sushi Neko Laurie Suter Barbara Sutton Jimmy and Carolyn Sutton David and Mary Swafford SWC Production, Inc. Peter and Frances Swenson Robert and Marie Swiderski Bill and Wanda Swisher

Karen Swyden Brian and Monica Shaw Szymanski Roland and Patty Tague Viola Tallent Tamu Athletics Tan and Tone America Tapwerks George and Janice Tardibono Twana Tate-Baker Betty Taylor Helen Taylor James and Helen Taylor John Taylor Robert and Janel Taylor Roy Taylor David Teasdale Ted’s Cafe’ Escondido Teena Hicks Company Judson and Helen Temple James and Dorothy Tennery Ali Termos TGI Friday’s Gregory Thatch William and Rachel Thetford Jeanne Thomas Kyle Thomas N.C. and Gloria Thomas Clinton Thompson Jr. Hugh and Donna Thompson Jack and Ann Thompson Julie Thompson Marc and Jeanni Thompson Shane Thompson Sibby Thomsen Kevin Thornburg Charles Thornton Chuck Thornton Cary and Lillian Threat Norman and Doris Ann Thygesen Fangzhong Tian C.E. and Evelyn Tidholm

Don Tidholm John Tidholm Debra Tiehen Tigert Pharmacy Roderick and Carol Tillman Tinker Federal Credit Union Tinker Owens Insurance Agency & Marketing Services, Inc. Tobacco Exchange Donald and Barbara Tober Gregory Tobin Tokeco, Inc. James and Elizabeth Tolbert Michael Toler Tomerlin, High & High Tomlinson Insurance Agency Charles and Sharon Tompkins Tornado Alley Rollergirls Tatiana Torres-Matos Mark Tourgee Robert Towe Bobbi Towers The Trails Golf Club Henry Trattner Rex and Patricia Travis William and Ava Traylor Cindy Treadway Charles and Lael Treat Richard and Rebecca Trepagnier Tribe Cheer and Dance Trichology Salon Trinity United Methodist Church Jonathan Triplett Triquetra Class of St. Lukes United Methodist Church James Tritton Jerry Trol George Monroe Hilton and Shirley Huber-Smith Trotter Gladys Tucker Hugh and Robbie Tullos Mark Tully Dorothy Turk


Katelyn Turnbull Damaris Turner Brad Tuter Twentieth Century Class Twin Hills Golf & Country Club Twist & Shout Ben Twombley Lee and Jessica Tyner Doug and Angela Uhland Jeff and Valerie Underwood Eric and Amy Urbach Roy Utne Dana Vaden Valliance Bank Adrian and Barbara Van Brussel Doretha Van Horn Van Wieren & Jones David and Yenni Vance Lindsey Vanhooser Sheri Vanhooser Karen Vann John Vannatta Seth Vannatta Kimberly Vaughn Scott Vaughn James and Carol Vaught Michael Vernon Robert Vernon Victory Christian Center, Oklahoma City, Inc. Susie Viele Donald Vincent and Vela Langhofer Vincent Marvin and Joyce Visnieski Anne Vitale Mary Jane Vitale Thomas and Donna Vogel Vernon and Nancy Vollertsen Randi Von Ellefson Chad and Anji Vontungeln Vose Foundation, Inc. W Dallas—Victory Hotel Keith and Leanne Waddell



Josh Waddell Karen Waddell Ray and Shirley Wade Wagg’s Bar-B-Q to Go William Wakeham and Patsy Glover-Wakeham Geary and Barbara Ann Walke Jerald and Virginia Walker Lance and Jamie Walker Marcia Walker Robert and Linda Walker Walker, Ferguson & Ferguson Andrew and Dana Wallace David and Leslie Ann Wallis Walls, Walker, Harris & Wolfe, P.L.L.C. Evan and Heather Walter Felicia Walter David and Rhonda Walters Bobby Walton Richard and Susan Walton Bowie Wan Jenifer Wang Ning Wang and Gang Xu Carole Wanish William and Janet Wantland Bart and Mary Ward Kurtis Ward Nancy Warehime Robert Waring Cory and Janelle Warlick Larkin and Jean Warner Gary and Catherine Warren George and Rosilyn Warren Jean Warren Laura Warren Loyce Warren Warren Theatre Waterford Marriot Robin Waters Eddie and Rhonda Watkins Johnnie Watson Blake and Marian Wattenbarger Ethan Wayne

Arlene Webb Martha Webb Steve Webb and Shannan Cowden-Webb Carolyn Weber Teresa Weber Jack and Mary Weddle The Wedge Pizzeria Jackie Weekley Loren Weidner Ray and Darlene Weimer Robert Weiss Sabrina Weiss John and Gloria Welch Wellness Works, L.L.C. Calvin and Shannon Wells Joshua Wells Bob and Ronda Wenyon Rand Wergin Jack Werner Eric West Jason and Audra West Robert and Patti West West Alabama Claim Service Westin City Center Dallas Westin Stonebriar Resort Westlake Ace Hardware Timothy Weston Michael and Denise Westrem Mark and Kimberly Wewers Brett Wheat-Simms Barbara White John and Beverly White Kris and Sherry White Max and Janice White Peter and Lynne White Tom and Evelyn White John and Marceline Whitfield Fred and Margaret Whittet Wichita Mountain Lodge Wichita Online Truman Widener Terry Wiens and Jo Lynn Slama Larry Wiese

Ada Wiewel Charles and Renate Wiggin Wiggins Sewell & Ogletree David Wiggs Blair Wigington Henry and Renesia Wilburn Odalie Wildes Wildhorse Operating Company David and Toni Wildman Ashlie Wilhelm Kay Wilkes Juli Wilkins Dee Dee Willard Allen and Nancy Williams Angela Williams Carl and Alice Williams John Williams Joseph Williams and Carmin Tecumseh-Williams Kevin Williams Leonard and Gloria Williams Michael Williams Richard and Charlette Williams Robert and Karen Williams Thomas and Nedra Williams David Willis Jonathan and Elizabeth Willner Judith Willoughby Wilmington Orthopedic Group, P.A. Ron and Alice Wilson Winery of the Wichita’s Delma Wingo Jon and Lisa Wingo Donald and Elisabeth Winn Harbour and Mary Winn Carmen Winner Brian Winslow Clinton Winslow Robert and Hazel Winslow Charles Wisler Richard Witt Michael Wold Brian Wolf

Christina Wolf James and Debra Wolf Leona Wolford Shannon Wolford Joe and Jan Womack Kay Womack Billy and Patsy Womble Kenneth and Mary Wong Woodward Bowling Center Charlotte Wood-Wilson James Work Dick and Anne Workman Betty Worland World Imports Wormy Dog Saloon Ann Worthington Alvin and Eldona Wright Dick Wright Melissa Wright Wright & Associates Claire Wyant-Cortez Eric and Stacey Wyatt Michael and Elizabeth Wyatt Donna Wyskup Zijiang Yang Sheri Yarbrough Elizabeth Yates Porter John and Debra Yoeckel Ron and Judy Yordi Carl and Beverly Ann Young Janita Young Toni Young Young Chiropractic, Inc. Your Auto Logistics Eugene Zimmerman Daniel and Hazel Zorn ZT’s Cigars Zack Zuhdi Victor Zuniga Kathryn Zynda

42 James D. Abbott Bradley Adair Steven C. Agee Jerome K. Altshuler Truman Anquoe Issei Aoyama Joseph V. Arato Allesan Armstrong Dennis Arrow Steven J. Aton Jane A. Austin Chad W. Autry Cassandra J. Ball Margaret A. Ball Carmelita Banks Susan C. Barber Brian A. Barnes Susan J. Barnes Kendra L. Barreda Jennifer L. Basile Mark G. Belcik Pam Bell Mary S. Benner Regina J. Bennett Blythe Benson Leslie Berger Phyllis E. Bernard Norwood P. Beveridge Cathy Bewley Mary E. Bitting Christopher J. Black Kyle Blaser Pamela A. Bobier Debbie S. Boles Cheri Bolz Melanie Borger Star R. Bradford Brianna K. Brandon Sharon Brantley

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2009 Campus Campaign

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Mary E. Brewer Kathryn S. Broad Roxie Brown Thomas L. Brown Denise Burton Jacques Buttin Caitlin M. Cairns Lechelle Calderwood Vickey J. Cannady Charles Cantrell Jeffery Castleberry Kimberly Chancellor Benjamin H. Chang Ernesto Chavez Chun-Liang Chen Xin Chen Don Childs Gennie Clanin Shaun G. Coates Lawrence W. Cobb Judy Colyott Angela Comer J. William Conger Terry R. Conley Linda S. Cook Kenneth W. Cooper Brandy Corcoran Melissa A. Cory Susan G. Cosby Arthur Cotton Sandra Cotton Ruth A. Couch Valerie K. Couch Richard E. Coulson Nancy A. Cowden Julie Cowgill Barbara S. Crandall Hilda Crane-Smith Von R. Creel Joey C. Croslin Mark Davies Link E. Davis Karen Dickerson

Christine Dillon Peter G. Dillon Angela R. Do Liz Donnelly William E. Dudley Marie-Josee Dye Larry A. Eberhardt Karen Eby Rob Edmisson Randi V. Ellefson Donald G. Emler Carla Epperson David Evans Deborah R. Felice Lynn Fisher Roberta K. Feller Catherine D. Flis Jason Foreman Steven Foster Michael K. Frew Chris Garrett James E. Gettys Michael T. Gibson Jean Giles Nina L. Gilliland Dorothy Graham Gordon T. Gray Robert A. Greve Kenna R. Griffin Mark Griffin Robert Griffin Wendy Gritz Dawn Grooms Thomas E. Guild Lindsay Hall Richard E. Hall William R. Hall Alvin C. Harrell Lyndel T. Harris Brian Harvey Daniel Haun Elizabeth A. Hedrick Jo Heidebrecht

Audrey Heise-Fijalka Lawrence K. Hellman Brooke Hessler Nelda G. Hobbs Donna S. Hodkinson Brian W. Holland Glede W. Holman Teresa M. Holman Jody D. Horn Carol A. Howard Deanne D. Hughes Gerry L. Hunt Eleanor A. Inglis Darla Jackson John E. Jackson Michael W. Jackson Rachel Jacquemain Wayne James Carol Jenkinson Danne Johnson Michael A. Johnson Richard R. Johnson Brenda J. Johnston Bernard Jones Jeri L. Jones Laurie W. Jones Rod Jones Dennis B. Jowaisas Zahra Karimipour Abigail F. Keegan Vicky L. Kelly Robert Kennington Greg Kersgieter Salwa Khoddam Kathryn B. Kilpatrick Edward Knight Michael J. Knopp Jean Kobs Rajesh Konda Lynda M. Korvick Sarah Krivy Steven J. Kuder Morris J. Kuper

Howard A. Kurtz Eric T. Laity Lois K. Lawler-Brown Maribob L. Lee Art LeFrancois Sinnie Li Susannah B. Livingood DuSharme L. Llanusa Michelle E. Lockhart Erin Logan Jennifer J. Long Lois Lyon Keith A. Lytle Vicki Lawrence MacDougall Bruce H. Macella Brett Manis Darwina Marshall Alana Martin Billy J. Martin Lynette L. Martin Andrea Matthes Dann J. May David L. May Rachel McCarthy Virginia McCombs Matthew E. McCreary Jan L. McDaniel Tom J. McDaniel Sara J. McElroy Mitzi K. McGuire Alan C. McIntyre Leslie A. McKenzie Philip McSpadden Janet McWilliams Robin R. Meyers John H. Miller Kevin Miller Frederick F. Mischler Kimberley Mlinar Jo Beth Moad Charles L. Monnot Joyce Moore Cheryl R. Morgan


Daniel J. Morgan Judith A. Morgan Lisa M. Mosmeyer Naim A. Mumallah Dustin R. Murer Jacob D. Neff Rodney Newman Chariyar Nillpraphan Mark Norcott Clinton J. Normore Carol North Funmilade A. Okediji Timothy Olsen Patricia Oplotnik Vincent Orza Michael O’Shea Russell Pack Mark Parker Bernie L. Patterson Vicki W. Patterson Fred L. Payne Lee F. Peoples Karen Perkins Terry O. Phelps Melvyn G. Preisz Mary Price Boday Eduardo Prieto Sharon K. Pyeatt Socorro M. Quintero Jennifer L. Raasch Frank Ragsdale Randy Ramirez Archie Randall Pamela K. Ray Laurel H. Redding Gay Reed Roxanne R. Reed Elizabeth D. Richards Blake D. Richardson Dennis A. Rigdon John E. Riggs Lisa C. Riggs Valerie Robinson



Jacci L. Rodgers Stacey M. Rogers Dale Ross Gina Rowsam Michael Rowten Todd C. Rust Lois L. Salmeron Frederic S. Schwartz Imogene Scott Hossein S. Shafa Mahmood T. Shandiz Julie A. Shatswell Ronnie J. Shaw Dyan T. Shaw-Lambeth Melanie Shelley Jeanne Short Heather Shotton Keetah G. Simonds Amy D. Simpson Julie A. Sinclair Nikki Singer Linas Smailys Susan V. Small James A. Smith Kimberly Smith Sherrie G. Smith Patrick T. Solinski Steve Speaks Andrew C. Spiropoulos Priscilla A. Stagner John C. Starkey Brandt S. Sterling Tracy E. Stetson Kelli M. Stevens Sandy Stewart Janey Stewart-Wheeler Samantha A. Stoll Jan E. Stovall Ruth Sutter Victoria K. Swinney Viola L. Tallent Andrea F. Taylor John S. Taylor

Judson L. Temple Dorothy J. Tennery Julie M. Thompson Marc Thompson Richard L. Tortorelli Bobbi L. Towers Jonathan R. Triplett Katelyn B. Turnbull Deborah S. Tussey Jessica L. Tyner Tiffany Van Der Merwe Karen F. Vann Denise Volk Josh D. Waddell William R. Wakeham Linda D. Walker Brian M. Wall Chris Ward Tiffany Warford Janelle L. Warlick Laura Warren Carolyn J. Weber Jackie B. Weekley Leo G. Werneke Odalie A. Wildes Kay Wilkes Mary Ann Williams Marvel L. Williamson Elizabeth H. Willner Jonathan Willner H. Harbour Winn Christina A. Wolf Lisa M. Wolfe Ann M. Worthington Janita Young Toni A. Young Zack Zuhdi

44 James and Annetta Abbott Acme Brick Company James and Donna Adair Aduddell Development Aegis Roofing, L.L.C. All Turf, L.L.C. Fawaz Alqahtani Amar Engineering and Design American Fidelity Foundation Natasha Anderson Andrews Pump ANR Services, Inc. Warren Applegate Robert and Rebecca Armstrong Rana Askins Sharon Astrin Kathy Austin B.J. Printing, Inc. B.R.A.T., Inc. Dustin and Laine Baker Ball Golf Center BancFirst Mike and Paige Bass Beasley Oil Company Kennety and Page Beatty Michael and Vanette Bell Bell & Rhodes Timothy and Cynthia Bench Ben's Spraying Service Ralph Bilyeu Biotox, Inc. Rhone Bird Joseph and Kathy Biscone B-K Inc. Mike and Rita Blaser John and Carolyn Bluma BMS Management Company Steven Bocock


Champions Club

Lillian Bogie Kenneth and Gerry Bonds Bob and Nanette Bramlett James and Barbara Brandon Carlye Brown Lee and Harriet Brown Janice Bryant Daniel Buckelew Buckelew & Buckelew Attorneys at Law Gil Burch Gary and Judith Bush C.R. Homes & Renovations Neil and Cindy Cagle Rodney and Peggy Campbell Joe Carter and Lori Carter Richard and Rosemary Cato Ben and Annie and Ben Chadd Deborah Chapman Chilcutt Direct Marketing, Inc. Bruce and Dana Clifton Colson's Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc. William and Sherry Conger Arthur and Sandra Cotton Jim and Dawn Cowan Cox Communications, Inc.-Tulsa Cox Convention Center Duane and Frieda Crabaugh Cassady Craft Tonya Cronin Crowne Plaza Oklahoma City Bo and Houng Cung O. K. and B. W. Cunningham Al and Sandra Cusack Cusack Meats Marlin and Janice Dahlke Malvin and Janice Davis Rick and Pam Davis Davis Farms/ Iron Mound Investments Michael Decker Cecil Devine

Devon Energy Corporation Susan Dillard Sabrina Dimascio Duffy Martin Enterprises Beverly Earnest Rick and Marcia Eddy Ronald and Pat Eitzen Tracy and Tristan Ellis Ellis Organization, L.L.C. C.G. and Ena Elmore Ron and Brenda English Extreme Animals, Inc. Extreme Athletes First National Bank of Oklahoma Daniel Fisher Donald and Jennifer Fitzpatrick Edward and Jeanne Fowler Fowler Productions Inc. Richard Glowacki Grand House Chinese Bistro Nathan and Linda Grantham Stafford Gray Stephen and Christine Gregoire Daniel and Evelyn Grellner Dewel and Yvette Griffith Matthew and Susan Grubb Mark Guerrero John Gall and Adrienne Haddock-Gall Randal Haley Carol Hansen Patsy Hardin Debbie and Irwin Harms Rebecca Harms Donald and Patricia Harris Hasco Manufacturing, Co. Ange Hibbs Lawrence and Molly E. Holder Jason and Callie Homsey Joe R. and Patsy Homsey Nick Hughes Bill and Deborah Hull Shawn and Marisela Humphries

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Patrick and Kahla Hurley Hutchinson Oil Company Inasmuch Foundation IPGI J.P. Construction, Inc. Thomas and Joanie Jedlicka Carol Jenkinson Larry and Karen Jennings Jimmy’s Egg Restaurant John Jones Darcy Jordan Leon and Mary Joyce Kellye Judkins Keenan, Hopkins, Schmidt & Stowell Contractors, Inc. Chris and Sandra Kinnison Haley Kitagawa Steve and Suzan Knight Michael and Tempe Knopp Allen and Margaret Kochenower Brant and Desiree Koenig Koenig Chiropractic Jose Alberola Ila and Susan Kovats Suzanne Kreider KSDesign Charles Kuzniar Ann Lacy and James E. Alexander Ladd, L.L.C. LaForge Properties, L.L.C. Gregory Laird David Lamb Gus Langrell Greg and Erin Larson Stefanie Latham Danny and Holly Lawson Albert and Dixie Ledbetter Betty Lemons Arnie and Brenda Little Larry Long Lunsford Construction, Inc. Randal and Donna Lutz

Manhattan Construction Company Phillip and Peggy Mannschreck Market Capitol Group Billy and Alana Martin Clarence and Sybble Maune David and Nancy May Randall and Marilyn McAdoo James and Sandy McClain Joe and Elsa McCormick Mark and Stacy McDaniel Tom and Brenda McDaniel Paul and Jonalee McLaughlin Philip McSpadden Robert and Jean McSpadden Metro Electrical Contractors, Inc. John and Cynthia Meyer Mike Fink Insurance Agency David and Lisa Miley Pat Mills John Miriello MIT Group, Inc. Frances Mobley Harold Moody Kevin and Morgan Morrissey My Sports Dreams, L.L.C. Nicole Nelson David and Betty Nittler Nodus Graphics, Inc. J.D. Odom P.B. and Beth Odom Oklahoma City Baseball Camp, L.L.C. Oklahoma One-Call Systems, Inc. Oklahoma Sports & Orthopedic Institute Parker Financial Services, L.L.C. Clay Parks Party Craze, Inc. Perimeter Technology Center, L.L.C. James and Sharon Peterson Ronald and Janet Petty Gregory and Katherine Phillips

Jerry and Jill Phillips Marjorie Phillips Brad and Kathy Pierce Bobby and Mona Pigg Clyde and Ila Pigg Cary and Randa Pirrong Cecil and Sandra Pirrong Frank Pitezel Danny and Melinda Points Kathy Poore Benjamin Post Robert and Kimberly Powell Billy Presley ProStar Services, Inc. Zach Punnett Jeff and Sherrie Purser Chris and Cathy Rabel H. E. Rainbolt Archie Randall Karen Rattan William and Sally Ray V.R. and Carolyn Reed Daniel Renner Dustin and Dana Renner Maria Reyes Michael and Carol Rhodes Rich Travis & Associates Victoria Richey Charles and Piper Riddle Douglas and Kelli Riddle John Riesenberg RNL Systems Inc. Roadrunner Marketing Justin and Allison Robinson Wayne Robinson Roofline Supply & Delivery Rose Rock Bank Chris and Shannon Roth Gina and Scott Rowsam Nicholas and Lora Samarripas Paul and Kimberly Sanders Shane and LaDonna Sanders Tara Sanders

Harold and Janet Scheidel Mark and Deborah Schoener Seven ‘S’ Foundation Sam Shadid Anthony and Victoria Shanbour William and Pamela Shdeed John Shields Richard and Jeannette Sias Earl and Tina Smedley Richard and Jan Smith Robert and Sharon Smith Kenneth Snow Bill and Dorothy Sommers Larry Spencer Donald and Martha Sprague Wade and Tracey Stewart Van and Julie Storm Douglas and Mary Ann Summers Gregory Thatch Don Tidholm Tigert Pharmacy Tinker Owens Insurance Agency & Marketing Services, Inc. Gregory Tobin Tomlinson Insurance Agency Robert Towe James Tritton Hugh and Robbie Tullos Twist & Shout Victory Christian Center, Oklahoma City, Inc. Joyce and Marvin Visnieski James Wade Ray and Shirley Wade Jerald and Virginia Walker Felicia Walter Bobby Walton Loyce Warren Eddie and Rhonda Watkins Arlene Webb Bob and Ronda Wenyon Kris and Sherry White Henry and Renesia Wilburn


Helen Hinman Abernathy* Bess Aikens* Victor Albert Betty Jo Alden Rhodly Alden Katherine Alexander Stephanie Allison* Jerome Altshuler Judy Altshuler Kalpa Anderson* William Ed Archer* J. Noble Atkins Susan C. Barber Roland Barker* James Bass Kay Bass Wanda Bass* R. Thomas Beadles Jr. Floy Bean* Jean Frances Beatty* Gladys Beaven* George Benson* Florence Bettis* Caroline Blue* Johnny Blue* Kathleen Tucker Bone* Edna Bowman* Loretta Kay Bradley Kleida Weaver Brown*

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Gold Star Society Members

David and Toni Wildman Jonathan and Elizabeth Willner Hubert Worrell Dick Wright Eric and Stacey Wyatt Michael and Elizabeth Wyatt Young Chiropractic, Inc. Cheryl Zimmerman



Ellen Bryan* Robert Bryan Tanya Bryant Bob Burke Clarence Burr M.K. Butler Hugh Byler Jr. Mabel Campell Bettie Carey John Carey Roy Chandler B.C. Clark Jr. Jeroldine Zacharitz Clark* Carol Hutton Cochran Elizabeth Herring Collins* Jack Conn* George Craig Lelah Price Craig Lisa Crone-Sheldon M. Joe Crosthwait Jr. Philip Daugherty* Herbert Davis* Ena Dawson* Marvin Dawson* Michael Decker Phil Deschner Catherine Ellzey Dougherty Patricia Downing John Prather East* Larry Eberhardt Sarah Stanley Edwards* Pat Eitzen Ronald Eitzen Juel Emrick* Broneta Evans* LeVerda Evans* C. Randolph Everest Marjorie Fanning* Esther Wessel Farmer* Lee Findlay* O.F. Folmer* Sharon Fore Paul Fox

Robert Fry Nick Gales Marion Galloway* Velma Gillette* Elizabeth Girtman* Dorothy Graham Mary Kathryn Grisso Norma Rowe Gunn* Larry Haag Attieson Halbrook Herschel Harder* Allen Harris Jr. Helen Hartman* Richard Hastings Patricia Hatamyar Elton Henderson Elizabeth Hensley* J.B. Hitt* Gary Homsey Frank Horton* Karen Howard Florence Hron* Lyndall Hudson* Darrell Hughes* Verna Hurst* Ronald G. Jacob Dixie Jensen Donald Jensen Baxter Johnson Jr.* Patricia Johnson Clara Jones* Roumaine Kearse* Richard Kells* Nancy Kenderdine Karen Kirkpatrick Jim Kutch Mary Jo Kutch Ann Lacy Grace Lamar* Sally Jo Langston Timothy Larason Ruth Leebron Levenson Cathy Leichter

Kurt Leichter Helen Lenn* W. Penn Lerblance III* Frances Norick Lilly* Ona Elizabeth Loewenstein* Andrea MacMullin Donald MacPherson Elda Manis* Harlene Marley Samuel Marrs James Martin Jr. Callie Jane Maschal* Margaret Mathis* Christopher Mauldin Dorothy Mayes* Gene McCornack Mariann McCornack Jane McCreight* William McCreight* Richard McDivitt Dean McGee* John McInnis Jr. Burrel McNaught JoAnn McNaught Doloris McVay Charles Mehr Herman Meinders Patrick Miles Glenn Millard Mary Millard Bonnie Miller Glen Miller Maudie Miller Yvonne Miller Frederick Mischler Margaret Landrum Moedt Nile Montgomery* Gary Moore* Helen Galloway Moore* Jeannene Moore Loy Morris* Marian Morris* Theresa Morris*

Frederick Murnane* Debbie Musick David Nagle Jr. Grace Nelson* Margaret Newton* Helen Nicholson* Marjorie Norick* Neva Osborne* Mark Parker Pamela Richardson Parrish Margaret Farha Pate* Nell Patterson* George Pellinger* F.M. Petree* Margaret Petree* Richard Pickens* Winona Presley* Emma Price* Robert Price* Aran Priddy* Ellen Reid* Margaret Replogle* Helen Riddle* Esther Agnew Robinson* Warren Romberger Casey Ross-Petherick Erma Rouse Orval Sams Jr. Mary Clary Sargent Freeda Sarjent* Michael Schag Hugh Scott Jr. Shirley Diane Scott Minnie Seba* Cheryl Seguine Robert Seguine Jr. Garvin Senn III John Shakely II Pamela Shdeed William Shdeed Ruby Lu Simpson Carl Skinner* Ruth Skinner*

46 Erma Smith* Shelby Smith Grace Stephenson* Walter Stiller* Carl Stokes Jr.* Wayne Stone William Strain Hope R. Strasner* Lemuell Summers* Irene Swatek* Marvona Tavlin Michael Tavlin Donald Tharp* Charles Thigpen* Mary Thigpen Bette Thomas* Tom Thomas Jr.* Abbie Thompson* Kelly Thompson Gladys Tucker Mark Tully Patricia Tully Alireza Vahabzadeh Robert Van House Nellie Mae Vandegrift* James Vanderpool* Jerry Vannatta Marianne Vannatta* Betty Veatch* George Vickrey Nadine Vincent* Mildred Voak* James Wade Jerald Walker Virginia Walker Dora Warne* Miriam McGuffin West* Helen Westerveld* Ellen Jayne Wheeler Gladys Whetstine Alice Whitten* Spudds Widener* R.A. Wildman*

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John Alsup Kendra Barreda Wanda Bass* Forunato Battad Jr. Dixie Reding Beadles Nina Benson William Benson Lisa Blackburn Gerry Boyd Paula Huckaby Brashear Glenna Tidwell Brayton Deborah Brown Monte Brown Andrea Carpenter Norman Cecil


Alumni Association Lifetime Members

*denotes a Member in Memoriam

Drew Williamson Lizette Williamson Raymond Wilson* Vivian Wimberly* Flora Rouse Winter* Georgia Winton* Charles Wisler Jr. Frances Wisler* Lisa Wolfe Betty Wooden Evelyn Wynell Woodruff* W. Woodworth* Hubert Worrell Celine Wyatt* Euclid Wyatt* Kiyoko Yamamoto* Beverly Ann Young Carl Young Mary Wells Young* Edna Zaspel*

Shin Cho B.C. Clark Jr. Larry Coshow Christopher Cost Aileen Caesar Crosley Kristin Alex Davies Scott Davis Charles Deaton Dennis Dougherty Robert Dudley Karen Engle* Jacqueline Leveridge Fiegel Nicholas Fiegel Josephine Freede Gerald Gamble Jane Jayroe Gamble Helen Garrison Enoch Haney Earnest Hardridge Jr. Roger Harrod Judith Hawkins Russell Hayes Cheryl Lynn Wofford Hill Philip Hixon Nelda Hobbs Brian Holland Evelyn Hooge Harrison House Jr. Michael Johnson Ronald Karns Gayla Kelly Mark Kelly John Kessinger Clara Lafferty David Leader Sharon Lease James Lowder II Ellen Lunsford William Lunsford Andrea MacMullin Martha Ann Ray McCaslin Kathlene McCracken Brenda McDaniel

Tom J. McDaniel Pat McFerron Sharon McFerron Paul McLaughlin Burrel McNaught JoAnn McNaught Benny McReynolds Herman Meinders LaDonna Meinders Christina Melton Crain Alyosha Mertens Jacqueline Miller Helen Galloway Moore* Frederick Murnane* Shannon Nance Tommy Neathery Kelly Nemecek Iyo Nsikak Keith Oehlert Brian Olden Patricia Orza Vincent Orza Jr. H.E. Overstreet Daniel Owens Margaret Freede Owens Dipak Parekh Pamela Richardson Parrish Johnnie Penton Lisa Penton P. Michelle Perry Vicki Withers Phillips Bill Pierce Cary Pirrong Seong-Teresa Pong Kathy Poore George Randall Mary Ellen Randall John Riggs Lisa Riggs Allison Robinson Justin Robinson Kimberly Sanders Paul Sanders Stacie Abla Karan Allbright Gene Allen Kay Allen NaRita Anderson Travis Arreaga Sandra Ashford Traci Bair Christin Baker


Alumni Association Annual Members

*denotes a Member in Memoriam

Peggie Saxton Sharon Schonthaler Janet Seefeldt George Selby Pamela Shdeed William Shdeed Carolyn Shierk Kelly Smith Mary Catherine Smothermon Danny Snyder Virginia Stanley Charles Stice Karen Stice Norman Stoner Mary Todd Greg Tolle Shirley Huber-Smith Trotter Jerry Vannatta Marianne Vannatta* Charles Waller Ellen Jayne Wheeler Larry Wiese Drew Williamson Bambang Winata Delma Wingo William Zook


Margaret Ball Terry Baransy Andrea Beesley Kimberly Begay Dale Bennett Tracey Beverly Joe Black Jr. Debra Boles Dianna Bonfiglio Vivian Bonifield Loretta Kay Bradley Eric Brauer Steven Broberg Aaron Brown Amanda Brunt Bianca Bryant DiAnne Bryant Joyce Calderwood Sanem Cardin Carol Hayward Carney Alexis Caron Amy Carruth Mark Carter Stacy Chaney Carol Cherry Bradley Chilcote Janyce Clark Joseph Clytus Jr. Ali Coffman Julie Conrady Sarah Cook Arthur Cotton Sandra Cotton Barbara Cronk James Crowder Jr. Lizette Cruz Brad Curtis II Joseph Czoch Thomas Dean Mary Elizabeth DeHaas Edgar DeLeon James Dixon Barbara Dorff



James Douglas Jimmy Doyle Robert Duncan III Kathryn Earl Michelle Edstrom Warren Ehn Mercy Elegbe Amanda Ellis Denise Engle Phillip Erke Rachel Erwin Jay Faulk Elizabeth Fawcett-Brown Carla Flournoy Shannon Foster Tyler Foy Megan Frelich Carol Fugit Harry Furr Bennie George Jr. Victoria George Kedist Geremaw Subhajit Ghosh Iva Lou Gibson Gabrielle Gomez Molly Gordon Esther Grabow Gary M. Gray Katrinka Greear David Gricol Ernesto Gutierrez Amara Haaksman Ann Hadrava Lee Hammers Nathan Hammett Matthew Harney Elizabeth Hatcher Carole Lowe Heihn Ernest Hendley Elizabeth Henricks Amanda Hernandez Guadalupe Hernandez Liliana Herrera

Erin Hirt Jessica Hisey Brian Hobbs Jade Hobza Kelton Hogan Michael Hogan Casey Holder June Holloway Joe Homsey Jr. Randy Hook Stephanie Hudson Rian Ada Hunter-Ott Alissa Huskey Mark Ison Ernest Jackson Jr. Rachel Jackson Rhett Jackson Francesca James Craig Johnston Elbert Jones Hunter Kelly Lou Kerr Lachelle Killgore Sandra Shultz Kirk Tyler Kirk Kevin Kissel Andrew Knifechief Brett Knight Amanda Kosack Whitney Kress Chandra Kroll Marilyn Kruger John Lackey Amanda J. Lamirand Emily Lamirand Nancy Tinsley Lankford Christopher Large Lindsey Large Nelda Latham Marilyn Laughbaum Linzy Lawson Crystal Lee Virginia Lee

Mikaela LeVett Lauren Livings Stacey Lloyd Jessica Logas Michael LoPera Charlie Ludden Sherri Lyon Natalie Magee Jack Malone Shannon Maloney Lynnell Mandl Doris Marks Vincent Marmorale Stefanie Martin Pedro Martinez Mark McFadden Ashley McGuire Jaime McNutt Brian McQuade Maytha Mead Sue Meikle Ruth Michaelis Daniel Michelson Daniel Miller Jonathan Miller Deborah Minard Ashley Mise Robert Montin Jerry Moore Latasha Moore Ronda Moore Amanda Morgan Michael Morris Christine Mueller Annette Murphy Ashley Murphy Nancy Musselman Dori Neff Manna Nichols Victoria Nsikak Vera Nushtaeva Ashapiro Nyamambi Jesus Ontiveros

Karley Osborne Christopher C. Papin Amber Paris Charlotte Parrack James Paulik Amy Pearson Heather Pederson Marisa Pels Carri Perrier Madeline Peyton Kylee Pfarr Dennis Pollock Whitney Ponder Gregory Potts Jessica Pries Tiffany Puett Toni Pyrum Jana Quattlebaum Bert Rainwater Ana Raygoza Thomas Rehm Coy Remer Jacob Reynolds James Richardson Alan Richter Gordon Rickard Douglas Riddle Lauren Rieger Jeffery Riles, Jr. Elizabeth Roberts Christopher Rogers Julie Russell Yvonne Safo-Kwakye Kimerly Sanders Matthew Schultz Bernard Seegel Michael Shanahan Stephanie Shanor Renza Sharpe Deborah Siew Diana Silver Julie Silverblatt Kathleen Simmons

48 Amy Simpson William Simpson Earline Smaistrla Ardrea Smith Jan Smith John Smith Hee-jun Son Ann Spencer Karen Starkey Ann Kaiser Stearns Brandt Sterling Amy Stevens Theodore Stoller Ashlee Thane Jamie Thomas Ashley Trammell Rebecca Turiciano Indira Ulaan Nancy Van Antwerp Adrian Van Brussel Jonah Vasquez Tyler Vaughn Carol Vaught Michael Vernon Gina-Marie Vincent Anne Walker Todd Walker Richard Walton Gary Warren Robin Waters Jack Weddle Sabrina Weiss Patrick Wells Honey Wenninger-Davidge Audra West Erin Wheeler Janice White Peter White Fred Whittet Ashlie Wilhelm Brendon Williams Danielle Williams Rachel Williams

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8000 for OCU Endowed Scholarship A.C. Scott Endowed Scholarship A.R. Bert Larason Endowed Scholarship A.R. Carpenter Endowed Scholarship Abe Lemons Endowed Athletic Scholarship African American Endowed Scholarship Alan B. Brooking Endowment Aleta Winkler Memorial Endowed Music Scholarship Alice Brown Endowed Scholarship Alice Sincox Endowed Scholarship Alleyne F. Schweinle Endowed Scholarship Alumni Legacy Endowed Scholarship Alumni Lifetime Membership Endowment American Academy of Medical Ethics Endowed Scholarship American Association of University Women Endowed Scholarship


Oklahoma City University Endowments

Keri Williams Foster Robert Wilson Ron Wilson Joni Windsor Brian Winslow Clinton Winslow Charlotte Wood-Wilson Elizabeth Wythe Zijiang Yang Zack Zuhdi

American Floral Service Marketing Endowed Chair American Indian Alumni Endowed Scholarship American Spirit Dance Company Endowed Scholarship American Spirit Dance Company Endowment Amy Rinehart Memorial Law Endowed Scholarship Anabell McConnell Memorial Endowed Scholarship Ann Carlton Book Endowed Scholarship Ann Covalt Endowed Scholarship Ann Hundley Hoover Endowed Chair Ann Lacy and James E. Alexander Endowed Scholarship Ann Simmons Alspaugh Music Endowed Scholarship Arne V. & Louise Hunninen Endowed Biology Scholarship Arthur & Joi Salisbury Endowed Scholarship Austin and Marjorie Bizzell Ministry Endowed Scholarship B. Claude Shinn Endowed Accounting Scholarship B.C. Clark, Jr. Endowed Chair in the Meinders School of Business B.D. Eddie Endowed Scholarship B.D. Lack Endowment Baker H. Melone Endowed Memorial Scholarship Barbara & J.M. Garrett Religion Leadership Endowed Scholarship Barnett-Widener Ministerial Endowed Scholarship Bess & Calvin McGalliard Memorial Endowed Scholarship Bessie B. Cunningham Religious Leadership Endowed Scholarship

Bettie Ewert Stoneking Endowed Scholarship Bettis, Bussell & Hunt Ministerial Endowed Scholarship Beverly Osborne Memorial Religious Leadership Endowed Scholarship Bill Hutton Memorial Endowed Scholarship Bill Richardson Endowed Art Scholarship Billy B. Nelson Memorial Religion Endowed Scholarship Bishop & Mrs. Paul Milhouse Endowed Scholarship Bishop & Mrs. Paul V. Galloway Endowed Scholarship Bishop Bruce P. Blake Endowed Scholarship Bishop W. Angie Smith Memorial Endowed Scholarship Blanche & Lloyd Long Service Endowed Scholarship Brenda McDaniel Endowed Scholarship for Dance and Arts Management Brian and Julia Bakeman Endowed Scholarship Brian Harvey Academic Soccer Endowed Scholarship Broneta Evans Endowed Religion Scholarship Brooke Haley Memorial Endowed Scholarship Bruce & Marjorie Bates Endowed Scholarship Bud & Ronald Sahmaunt Native American Endowed Scholarship Burwell Endowed Chair C.L. & Aran Priddy American Indian Students Endowed Scholarship C.Q. Smith Memorial Endowed Scholarship C.R. Anthony Endowed Chair in Competitive Enterprises C.W. Burr Endowed Scholarship

C.W. Wisdom Endowed Lectureship Campus Beautification Endowment Carl Jung Seminar Endowment Chapel Maintenance Endowment Charles & Mary Thigpen Endowed Scholarship Charles B. Love Memorial Endowed Scholarship Charles E. Mehr Endowed Dance Scholarship Charles E. Mehr Endowed Music Scholarship Charles E. Mehr Endowed Theatre Scholarship Charles E. Simpson Endowed Memorial Scholarship Charles Nesbitt Award Endowment Chesapeake Energy Endowed Scholarship Chester Cadieux Endowed Business Scholarship Chinese Endowed Scholarship Church of the Good Sheperd Endowed Scholarship Claire Jones Endowed Scholarship Clara Cates Neil Endowed Scholarship Clara E. Jones Endowed Scholarship Clara Luper General Endowed Scholarship Clarence Burg Endowed Music Scholarship Clarence Sutton Religious Leadership Endowed Scholarship Clay and Eleanor Carrithers Endowed Scholarship Clint Foundation Endowed Scholarship Clyde and Evelyn Bowen Endowed Scholarship Coca Cola Entrepreneur Speaker Series Endowment


Colonel Thomas L. and Ruby L. Simpson Endowed Scholarship Colonel William Thompson Endowed Scholarship Cordis Martin Endowed Scholarship Council for Excellence Endowment Cowden-Epperson Endowed Scholarship Crowe & Dunlevy Endowed Scholarship D. and E. Mayes Endowed Scholarship D.N. Pope Endowed Scholarship Dan Hogan Endowed Scholarship Dana Owen Endowed Scholarship Daphyn Owen Nursing Endowed Scholarship Darbeth Whitten Endowed Chair in History David and Barbara Green Endowed Nursing Scholarship Dean McGee Endowment Dean Nellie R. Melton Endowed Scholarship Dean Thomas A. Williams Memorial Endowed Scholarship Dennis & Susan Neff United Methodist Endowed Scholarship Dennis Hawkins Memorial Endowed Scholarship Devon Energy Clara Luper Endowed Scholarship Distinguished Speakers Series Endowment Don Schooler Memorial Endowed Professorship Donald & Suzanne Emler Religious Education Endowed Scholarship Dorothy Graham Endowment Dulaney-Browne Library Endowment



E.A. and Winnie Stewart Endowed Scholarship Ed & Lorraine Reynolds Endowed Nursing Scholarship Edith Carlson Memorial Endowed Scholarship Edna Hoffman Bowman Endowed Music & Performing Arts Scholarship Edna L. Zaspel Endowed Scholarship Education Athletic Endowed Scholarship Edward W. and Ethel Mae Brindley Endowed Scholarship Edyth Arnold Swartz Endowed Scholarship Elaine Masters Endowed Leadership Scholarship Elda A. Manis Endowed Scholarship Elizabeth Clark Gordon Memorial Endowment Elizabeth Hensley Endowed Scholarship Elizabeth Loewenstein Endowed Music Scholarship Ellen G. Reid Endowed Scholarship Ellen L. Bryan Endowed Scholarship Emery O. and Bess M. Aikens Scholarship Erminda and Sophia Banning Endowed Scholarship Ernest L. Wilkinson Endowed Law Award Esther Robinson Endowed English Scholarship Esther Taylor Endowed Memorial Scholarship Esther Wessel Farmer Endowed Piano Scholarship Ethelene Cindy Long Memorial Native American Endowed Scholarship Euclid M. and Celine M. Wyatt Endowed Scholarship

F. Lahr and Blanche Einsel Endowed Scholarship F. Warren Pixley Endowed Religious Scholarship F.M. Petree Endowed Book Scholarship Fair-Folmer Endowed Scholarship Families of Henry Norick Endowed Scholarship Felix Endowment Film Institute Endowment Flora and B.C. Clark Memorial Endowed Scholarship Flora H. McKay Endowed Scholarship Flora Rouse Winter Endowed Scholarship Florence Birdwell Endowed Chair Florence O. Willson Endowed Scholarship Florence Wilson House Endowment Forest and Gloe Stith Memorial Endowed Scholarship Frances W. Preston BMI Endowed Music Scholarship Frank G. Blackwood Endowed Religious Leadership Scholarship Frank Horton Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fred & Margaret Lynch Endowed Scholarship Fred & Opal Boston Religious Leadership Endowed Scholarship Fred A. Biehler Endowed Scholarship Fred R. and Margaret Lynch Endowed Methodist Scholarship Friedman-Lerblanc Endowed Law Scholarship Gamble-Buchanan Endowment Gene & Doris Russell Endowed Scholarship

Gene Nelson Endowed Scholarship Genevieve Middagh Endowed Scholarship George B. Saunders Endowed Scholarship George C. & Sara Scott Endowed Scholarship George C. Jones, Jr. Endowed Scholarship George Sneed Memorial Endowed Scholarship Georgia M. Winton Endowed Scholarship Gertrude M. Patton Endowed Scholarship Gladys Teter Nichols Endowed Scholarship Glen O. Miller Endowed Ministry Scholarship Glen Rhodes Memorial Endowed Scholarship Glenda M. Pate Endowment Glenn E. and Mary A. Millard Endowed Scholarship Golsen Family Endowed Business Scholarship Grace and Alma Garten Endowed Scholarship Grace M. Stephenson Endowed Scholarship Great Plan Endowed Scholarship Greenshields Endowment H. Arthur Carlson and Mary Lucille Carlson Memorial Endowed Scholarship H. Emerson Thomas Endowment H.H. Wegener Endowed Scholarship H.M. Barrett Religious Endowed Scholarship Harold and Edith Maris Memorial Endowed Nursing Scholarship Harvey L. and Laura M. Parker Methodist Endowed Scholarship Harvey P. Everest Endowed Business Scholarship

Hatton Sumners Law Endowed Scholarship Hazel and Russell Crooch Endowed Scholarship Helen Riddle Church Leadership Endowed Scholarship Henry James Freede Endowed Professorship Herbert and Marguerite Barrett Mission Endowed Scholarship Herbert E. Davis Music Endowment Herbert Voth Endowed Religious Leadership Scholarship Herman Meinders Endowed Scholarship in Business Holland Family Endowment Homeland Endowed Scholarship for Native American Students Homer C. Hyde Classical Studies Endowed Scholarship Homer S. and Margaret Brauer Anderson Endowed Scholarship Honda Native American Endowed Scholarship Hoopes Endowed Scholarship Hope Strasner Endowed Scholarship Horace and Evalyn Patton Memorial Endowed Scholarship Howard and Peggy Thornton Endowed Mass Communications Scholarship Hugh and Diane Scott Athletic Endowment Hulet Family Endowment Hyde Endowed Scholarship Indian Misson Land Endowment Inez Silberg Memorial Endowed Scholarship Iva B. Kelley Art and Law Endowed Scholarship J. Bart Aldridge Endowment J. Cecil and Elva Coover Endowed Scholarship J. Emrick Endowed Music Scholarship


J.B. Williams Memorial Endowment J.E. Hall Endowed Scholarship Jack Conn Endowed Chair in Meinders School of Business Jackie and Bill Wise Endowed Scholarship James A. Graves Endowed Scholarship James and Violet Egan Memorial Endowed Scholarship James H. and Norma R. Blossom Endowed Scholarship James Noble Atkins Memorial Book Endowment Jane Atwood Brown Memorial Endowed Scholarship Jean Boyle Endowed English Scholarship Jean Frances Beatty Endowed Music Scholarship Jean Frances Beatty Endowed Scholarship in Religion Jeanne Hoffman Smith Endowment Jeanne Reed Bowman Memorial Endowed Scholarship Jerald C. Walker International Endowed Scholarship Jerry W. and Charlette R. Perryman Endowed Scholarship Jo Rowan Endowed Dance Scholarship John Amick Endowed Law Scholarship John and Helen Abernathy Endowment John C. and Hallie Jean Hervey Memorial Endowed Law Scholarship John F. Olson Memorial Endowed Lectureship Johnny Blue Endowment Josephine E. Atkins Endowed Music Scholarship Joyce and Gordon Goering Endowed Scholarship

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Judge Raymond Naifeh Endowed Law Scholarship Jung Adair Endowment Kamil Eddie, Sr. Memorial Endowed Scholarship Karns Memorial Endowed Scholarship Kathleen Tucker Bone Endowed Scholarship Kathryn Meinders Endowed Scholarship Ken Yamamoto Endowed Memorial Art Scholarship Kerr Challenge I Endowment Kerr Constitutional Endowed Law Chair Kerr Law Endowment Kerr McGee Business Endowed Scholarship Kramer Ministerial Endowed Scholarship Kramer Nursing Endowed Scholarship Kurt and Cathy Leichter Endowed Music Scholarship L.E. Shackelford Endowed Scholarship L.L. Shirley Endowed Scholarship Lambda Chi Alpha Endowed Scholarship Law Building Endowment Law Dean Position Endowment Law Scholars Endowed Scholarship Law School Energy Endowment Law School General Endowment Lee C. Findlay Memorial Endowed Scholarship Lemuell Summers Endowed Scholarship Leroy Massengale Endowed Scholarship Leslie G. and Irene Stewart Endowed Scholarship Lester W. and Mary E. Maddox Endowed Scholarship Lloyd Henry Endowed Law Scholarship

Logan Cary Science and Engineering Library Book Endowment Loretta T. Freeland Endowed Scholarship Louis Allen Whitten Endowed Scholarship Loy and Marian Morris Endowed Law Scholarship Lulu S. Doenges Endowed Scholarship Lydia Lukenbaugh Endowed Scholarship Lynnie and Robert Spahn Endowed Scholarship M.L. Simmons Endowed Scholarship Mackenzie C. Sr. and Thelma Thompson Endowed Scholarship Margaret K. Replogle Endowed Music Scholarship Margaret K. Replogle Endowed Religion Professorship Margaret Petree Endowed Music Scholarship Marianna Davenport Endowed Scholarship Marjorie Downing Endowed Law Scholarship Marjorie J. Norick and Frances Norick Lilly Endowed Scholarship Marjorie Lee Germany Endowed Scholarship Marjorie Nell Sussex Endowed Spanish Scholarship Martha Burger and Donald Rowlett Endowed Scholarship Martha Jean Lemon Endowed Lectureship Martha Jean Lemon Endowed Scholarship Martin Mailman Endowed Band Scholarship Mary Coffey Endowed Scholarship Mary E. Harris Endowed Scholarship

Mary Ellen and George R. Randall Great Plan Endowed Scholarship Mary Jean Hackler Endowed Scholarship Maybelle Conger Endowed Scholarship McDaniel Endowed Leadership Scholarship McKinley Billy Endowed Scholarship Meinders School of Business Endowed Scholarship Meinders School of Business Enrichment Endowment Melba R. Gaudin Law Library Endowment Melvin Decker Memorial Athletic Endowed Scholarship Michael and Eunice Massad Endowed Scholarship Michael Gardner Endowed Business Scholarship Minnie M. Seba Endowed Ministry Scholarship Miriam West Endowed Scholarship Miss America Women in Business Endowed Scholarship Mo and Jacque Grotjohn Endowed Business Scholarship Morris Hatley Canterbury Choral Performing Arts Endowment Morrison Tucker Endowed Lectureship Mrs. Glen C. Archer Endowed Scholarship MSN Education Track Endowed Scholarship Music School Endowed Scholarship Myrtle S. Forsythe Endowed Scholarship Nancy I. Kenderdine Endowed Scholarship Nancy Laughbaum Ragsdale Endowed Scholarship Naomi McCasland Burton Music Endowment

Naomi Thomas Endowed Scholarship Native American Legal Resource Center Endowment Neal & Hazel Rock Memorial Endowed Religion Scholarship Nellie J. Moss Endowed Scholarship Nile & Adena Montgomery Endowed Scholarship Norick Endowed Chair in Marketing Norma Rowe Gunn Endowed Religion Scholarship Norman & Edem Endowed Professorship Nova M. Atkins Endowed Religion Scholarship Nuell C. Crain Endowed Religious Leadership Scholarship Nursing Dean's Endowed Chair Nursing Endowed Scholarship Oakerhater Endowed Chair OAMA Endowed Scholarship OG&E Clara Luper Endowed Scholarship Oklahoma United Methodist Conference Endowed Scholarship Olen D. Presley Endowed Scholarship Ollie and Claude Bell Children's Center for the Arts Endowment Ollie and Claude Bell Endowed Professorship in Church History Opera Society Founders Endowment Outdoor Laboratory and Environmental Studies Endowment Owen and Vivian Wimberly Endowed Professorship Owen Wimberly Center for Continuing Education Endowment Palmer C. Abercrombie Endowed Scholarship


Pate & Knarr, PC Commercial Banking Law Endowed Scholarship Paul Hansen Endowed Scholarship for the Hearing Impaired Paul Hansen Memorial Endowed Athletic Scholarship Paul Jones Native American Endowed Scholarship Paul Jones Religious Education Endowed Scholarship Paul W. Milhouse Endowed Religion Professorship Pearl English Crain Endowed Scholarship Peg Leg Bates American Dance & Dance Management Endowed Scholarship Peter Swartz Endowed Business Scholarship Petree Arts and Sciences Endowed Honors Scholarship Phil Daugherty Memorial Endowed Law Scholarship Phil Wahl Endowed Scholarship Philelle and Charles McBrayer Endowed Piano Scholarship Pierce Memorial Lecture Endowment PL+US Alumni Endowed Scholarship R. Fisher Blanton Endowed Religious Leadership Scholarship R.T. Ayers Family Endowed Scholarship Ray and Florence Carroll Endowed Scholarship Ray and Lavell Owen Endowed Scholarship Retta Miller Religious Leadership Endowed Scholarship Richard and Johnece Ryerson Endowed Seminary Scholarship Richard E. Hall Endowed Scholarship Richard Gibbens Endowed Scholarship nnn


Richard K. and Effie D. Wootten Endowed Scholarship Riley Endowed Chair in Religion Rita Louise Kacey PL+US Endowed Scholarship Ritz International Foundation Endowed Scholarship Robert Adair Endowment Robert and Emma Price Endowed Scholarship Robert and Florence Birdwell Endowed Vocal Scholarship Robert Fink Endowed Chemistry Scholarship Robert J. Smith Memorial Endowed Religious Leadership Scholarship Robert Jones Memorial Endowment Robert P. and Betty Dennis Endowed Scholarship Roberta M. Eldridge Miller Endowed Art Scholarship Roberta Olson Great Plan Endowed Scholarship Rockwood Biology Endowed Scholarship Roger Givens Endowed Scholarship Roger Stephens Memorial Endowed Scholarship Rosalinn Swinka Endowed Scholarship Rotary Club Endowed Scholarship Roy Clark Endowed Scholarship Roy W. and Jeanne Reed Endowed Scholarship Royal Sarjent Endowed Scholarship Ruby Chase Memorial Endowed Scholarship Russell Stone Endowed Religious Leadership Scholarship Ruth Ida Skinner Unrestricted Endowment Ruth Jeanette Brooks Endowed Fine Arts Scholarship Ruth Kramer Seideman Endowed Scholarship

Ruth Mayer Memorial Endowed Music Scholarship Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation Endowment Scottish Rite Endowed Scholarship Seize the Moment Endowed Scholarship Singapore MDIS Endowed Scholarship Sloan-Fitzwilliam-Fanning Endowed Scholarship Star Elementary School Memorial Endowed Scholarship Student Senate Coffia Award Endowed Scholarship Swartz Endowed Scholarship T. Hurley Jordan Endowed Scholarship T.K. Hendrick Endowed Chair in Marketing & Management Ted Foster, Sr. Memorial Endowed Scholarship Terry and Lauren Phelps Endowed Scholarship Tom A. Thomas, Jr. and Bette C. Thomas Unrestricted Endowment Tom and Brenda McDaniel Endowed Music Scholarship Tom and Brenda McDaniel Endowed Scholarship Treva Hancock Endowed Drama Scholarship United Methodist Women's Endowed Religious Leadership Scholarship Unrestricted Church Gifts Endowment Unrestricted Endowed Scholarships Unrestricted Endowment V.V. Harris Endowed Chair in Christian Education Verle & Lawrence Watson Endowed Business Scholarship Verle & Lawrence Watson Endowed Music Scholarship Vernon Roberts Endowed Religion Scholarship

Virginia P. Bryant Endowed Religious Scholarship Vivian Wimberly Center Endowment W. Carroll Pope Memorial Endowed Scholarship W. Feagin Hood Endowed Scholarship W.C. & Clarabelle Mathes Endowed Religious Scholarship W.W. Woodworth Endowed Scholarship Wagoner United Methodist Endowed Scholarship Walter Stiller Endowed Scholarship Wanda L. Bass / McAlester Endowed Scholarship Wanda L. Bass Chapel Organ Endowment Wanda L. Bass Music Center Endowment Wanda L. Bass Music Endowed Chair Wanda L. Bass Organ Endowed Chair Wanda L. Bass Piano Support Endowment Warren K. Watson, Sr. Endowed Chair in Management Warren Romberger World Christianity Endowed Scholarship Wayne Eugene Johnson Memorial Endowed Scholarship Wayne Quinlan Memorial Endowed Lectureship Webster Lance Benham Endowed Memorial Professorship Wesley United Methodist Church—Elliott C. Fenton Endowed Scholarship Wilbur and Nellie Vandegrift Endowed Business Scholarship William A. Grana Endowed Scholarship William and Romaine Bailey Endowed Scholarship

William and Romaine Bailey Religious Library Collection Endowment William C. Doenges Endowed Scholarship William D. Greenshields Memorial Endowed Religious Leadership Scholarship William D. Maril Memorial Endowed Scholarship William E. Archer Memorial Endowed Scholarship William Elza Smith Endowed Church Music Scholarship William H. Bell Memorial Endowed Scholarship William H. Dougherty Endowed Scholarship William H. Smith Endowed Scholarship William J. Bassett Memorial Endowed Scholarship William J. Coffia Memorial Endowed Scholarship William M. Leebron Endowed Business Scholarship William M. Wilson Endowed Law Scholarship William Nashert Endowed Scholarship William Randolph Hearst Endowed Scholarship Winnifred Reneau Endowed Scholarship Winona Presley Endowed Religion Scholarship Wit and Carolyn Music Endowed Scholarship

52 John and Sherri Brown John Wesley and Martha Hardt Jean Hinckley Tommy Karns William and Nelma Karns David and Paula Severe Shelby Lee Smith Pam White

These donors have made gifts to the Oklahoma United Methodist Foundation to benefit OCU in 2009.

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Oklahoma United Methodist Foundation

Ray and Lucille Ackerman Bob and Nancy Anthony John and Mary Coates Cole & Reed, P.C. Helen Galloway Moore Memorial Fund Kirkpatrick Family Affiliated Fund Richard J. and Clarice Morrison Cory and Christi Morrow OCU School of Law Oklahoma City Community Foundation Grant William and Pamela Shdeed Adrian and Karen Zimmer

These donors have made gifts to the Oklahoma City Community Foundation to benefit OCU in 2009.

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The Jay Miller File

Record: 954-607, 27 years Coaching career: Head Coach, Purdue, 1980-81; Assistant Coach, Missouri, 1982-84; Head Coach, Oklahoma City University, 1985-87; Head Coach, Missouri, 1987-2002; Head Coach, Mississippi State, 2003-present National tournament appearances: NAIA Championships 1986 (national runner-up), 1987; Women’s College World Series 1991, 1994 Honors: 1986, 1987 NAIA District Nine coach of the year; 1987 NAIA Southwest Region coach of the year; 1990, 1991 Big Eight Conference coach of the year; 1997 Big 12 Conference coach of the year; 1994, 1997 Midwest Region coach of the year; NFCA Hall of Fame

continued from page 23

“Obviously it’s a very frustrating and disappointing time for softball,” Miller said. “We worked very hard over the past four years to try to get back into the Games. You don’t have a whole lot of control over things. We’re obviously preparing and planning for the World Championships.” Building a Foundation

In 1986, OCU may have been one controversial call away from a national championship. OCU became the winner’s bracket champion of the NAIA softball championships, so St. Mary’s (Texas) would need to beat the Lady Chiefs twice to take the crown. St. Mary’s forced a winner-take-all game with a 3-2 win, then won the title 2-1 in nine innings. In the seventh inning of the championship game, OCU rallied to tie the game 1-1 on Rhonda Benhart’s bases-loaded RBI single. Jennifer Hightower flied out to left field, and Lori Ryan tagged up and apparently scored. St. Mary’s, though, appealed to the umpires, and Ryan was called out for leaving the base early. Miller disagreed with the crucial call. “That play was the game,” Miller said at the time. “I didn’t think she left early. That was a tough way to lose a game and a national championship. We have films of the game, and even though we didn’t have a real good angle of her tagging up, we’re almost certain she didn’t leave early.” In that national tournament, Tina Gailey and Stephanie Teehee

racked up four consecutive shutouts. Teehee no-hit Wilmington (Del.) in a 3-0 win. “Tina Gailey and Stephanie Teehee were our two best pitchers,” Miller said. “They dominated. We had an excellent group offensively and defensively. We had some tough luck in the championship game. It was a great group to work with. We built a solid foundation for the future. “Lori Ryan probably was our top hitter. Lisa Navas was a great shortstop. Carla Engel and Kim Duck were fine outfielders.” Back then, OCU played on Van Horn Field that lay where Cokesbury Court Apartments currently stand on campus. OCU used Van Horn Field until 1992. Ann Lacy Stadium was built in 2007 after OCU had spent the years in between playing at Hall of Fame Stadium. “Our booster club did a great job with helping us with the facility,” Miller said of Van Horn Field. “They built the dugouts and the storage shed. It was right across from our office. The kids could watch from the balconies and the dorms. It was sad when it was torn down.” When Miller left in 1987 for Missouri, OCU welcomed Phil McSpadden as its new head softball coach. McSpadden has since led OCU to eight national championships, the most among NAIA softball. “He built a competitive, respectable program here,” McSpadden said of Miller. “Any success we’ve achieved was directly linked to the fOCUS

program he built. He knew what he was doing.” Miller believes McSpadden has what it takes to join Miller in the National Fastpitch Coaches Association Hall of Fame. McSpadden is already an NAIA hall of famer. “You think of OCU, and they’re the powerhouse in softball in the NAIA,” Miller said. “He put the national championships on the board and has done the job. He has done a tremendous job with the program. He has done an outstanding job in terms of getting national recognition and keeping it at a high level. It will be a matter of time before they consider him. I think he’ll get in soon, in the next few years. I think he is deserving.” When Dr. Shelley Faubion was inducted into the OCU Athletics Hall of Fame in 2007, Faubion listed the Mental Toughness, Extra Effort Award as one of her honors. Faubion won that award as a freshman playing for Miller. Miller would recognize team members with awards like most valuable player, pitcher of the year, the gold glove, rookie of the year and leading hitter. When asked if he had a favorite player when he coached at OCU, Miller said, “You like kids that work hard and are good team players. We had a lot of those.” The search for such players has continued for Miller, whether it was when he was at OCU, whether it’s for Mississippi State or for the U.S. softball team. l




James Edwin Alexander James Edwin Alexander departed this life Feb. 20, 2010, four days after his 80th birthday. He was born February 16, 1930, to James Eugene Alexander and Lillian Ester Gamble Alexander in Indianola, Iowa. Jim was a student of life and eagerly shared himself and knowledge as an educator. Jim was dean emeritus of the Meinders School of Business at Oklahoma City University but his career was more varied and expansive than any single position would imply. He began his career in the area of electronics by serving from 1947-1955 in the U.S. Navy and 19551967 in the USNR. He achieved the rank of Chief Warrant Officer. Jim left the U.S. Navy to give his talents to the service of the church, and this led him to prepare himself for ministry by obtaining a B.A. James Edwin from the University of the Alexander Pacific, and degrees from Boston University (S.T.B., M.Th.) and Claremont Graduate School (M.A., Ph.D.). This enabled him to serve Methodist churches in Massachusetts and California. He also worked for the headquarters of the United Methodist Church in Nashville, Tenn. until 1981. He was ordained as deacon in 1960 and elder in 1962. Jim continued to be involved with ministry for the rest of his life. Jim obtained another Ph.D. in 1972 from Vanderbilt with additional studies at Harvard University, the Wharton School and Vanderbilt School of Law. This led Jim to become dean of the School of Management at Oklahoma City University in 1981. Even with Jim’s responsibilities at OCU, he expanded into the field of investments outside the academic 54

confines. He continued to serve and teach in every venue available to him. Jim authored or coauthored 37 books including a Book-of-the-Month Club selection. Jim produced 20 TV productions and 60 educational audio albums. He was a prolific writer and published about 1,200 articles. Some highlights of Jim’s career include a TV series on PBS, chairman of the media subcommittee of the Lake Placid 1980 Winter Olympics, panel of distinguished scholars for the New Media Bible and consultant to the Curriculum Development Project in Liberia-Sierra Leone. Jim is survived by his wife, Ann Lacy, and two brothers, David Dean Alexander of Columbia, Mo., and Frederick Alexander of Hollywood, Calif. Also surviving Jim are sisters, Catherine A. Cargill of Placentia, Calif., Shirley A. Patterson of Arlington, Texas, Jean Ann Peterson of Paris, Tenn., and Mary D. Alexander of Revere, Mass. Jim’s children are James Michael Alexander of San Diego, Calif., Dr. Michele Alexander Lee, DVM of Vacaville, Calif., and Dr. Marsha Ann Alexander, Md., of Vacaville, Calif. His grandchildren are Alexander Larson Lee, Mary Elizabeth Alexander, and Sierra Kristin Lee, all of Vacaville, Calif. Jim was preceded in death by his parents and brothers Richard Eugene Alexander, Sgt. 1st Class U.S. Army and Martin Jesse Alexander, Pvt. U.S. Marine Corps. In lieu of flowers, please make a donation to the Ann Lacy and James E. Alexander Endowed Scholarship Fund, attn. Sandy Cotton, Oklahoma City University, 2501 N. Blackwelder, Oklahoma City, OK, 73106. Memorial services were held Feb. 24 at MercerAdams Funeral Service, 3925 N. Asbury Ave, Bethany, OK. To share a memory or condolence, visit fOCUS

Marion Coles Pioneer dancer Marion Coles, who received the 2001 Living Treasure in American Dance Award from OCU’s Ann Lacy School of American Dance and Arts Management, passed away Nov. 6, 2009 at the age of 94. Coles danced in the Apollo Theater chorus line during the 1930s and more than 50 years later, went on to perform with and direct the Silver Belles, an ensemble of former chorus line dancers who performed at the Apollo and the Cotton Club. The Silver Belles performed for many years and were the subject of the 2005 documentary “Been Rich All My Life.” She taught master classes and workshops at New York University, Queens College, Kingsboro Community College, the Dance Theater of Harlem and at the 2000 Jazz Dance Project for Tulane University. Her husband, the late Honi Coles, received OCU’s Living Treasure in American Dance Award in 1992. Luther Thomas Dulaney Jr. Luther Thomas Dulaney Jr. died Feb. 3, 2010, after a long illness. A fixture in civic, cultural, educational and social activities for decades, Tom was born to Luther and Virginia (Piersol) Dulaney on Feb. 23, 1939. Tom was president of Dulaney’s, Inc, a wholesale appliance distributor for RCA and Whirlpool home appliances and chairman and founder of Best Video. A creative thinker, Tom was always the first to come up with new ideas to benefit the community. Always a leader and team player, he had been president of the Downtown Oklahoma City Rotary Club, the Touchdown Club of Oklahoma, the Seventy-Five Club, the Lotus Club, the Bachelors’ Club of Oklahoma City and the Nichols


Hills Crime Prevention Committee. A tireless worker and at the same time a funloving free spirit, he was king of the Beaux Arts Ball in 1998, recognized by the Rotary Club of Oklahoma with the “Service Above Self” award, given the University of Oklahoma Regents Alumni Award Luther Thomas in 2005 and was honDulaney Jr. ored by the Oklahoma City Public Schools Foundation with the Wall of Fame Humanitarian of the Year Award. He was a member of Westminster Presbyterian Church. Tom will be greatly missed by his loving wife, Candy, the three children of whom he was so proud, Luther T. Dulaney III of Truckee, Calif., Lisa Dobbs and husband Jimmy of Palm Beach, Fla., and Geoffrey P. Dulaney and wife Cassie of Charleston, S. C., and his three adoring grandchildren, E. Scott Fisher, Reid Dulaney Fisher and Baker Thomas Dulaney. He also is survived by his brother, Richard Piersol Dulaney of Oklahoma City, step-daughter Jennifer Willis of Norman and close friends, Dr. John R. Bozalis and wife Sharon and Bill Phillips and wife Judy, all of Oklahoma City. The family thanks caregivers Pepe Hernandez, Gerardo and Teresa Hernandez and Jay Willis and his beloved three Yorkies, who comforted Tom through the best and worst of times. Donations in Tom’s name may be made to: The Rotary Club 29 Foundation, 119 North Robinson, Ste. 360, Oklahoma City, OK 73102, St. Anthony Hospital Foundation, 826 Northwest 11th Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73116, or The Dulaney-Browne Library at OCU, 2501 N. Blackwelder,

Oklahoma City, OK 73106. Services were held Feb. 6 at Westminster Presbyterian Church. Dr. Jack Mackechnie Dr. Jack Mackechnie, of Duncan, 89, passed away Feb. 19 in his nursing home in Duncan while surrounded by his sons, granddaughter and caregiver, Jan Jackson. He was born Feb. 16, 1921 in Oklahoma City. His parents were J.R. and Ann Lewis Mackechnie. He graduated from Classen High School in 1939. He joined Oklahoma’s 45th Division of the U.S. Army in August 1940. He trained to fly at the Army Air Force flight schools at Ontario, Bakersfield and Santa Ana, Calif., at Luke Field, Ariz., and at St. Petersburg, Fla. He joined the 79th Fighter Group, 12th Air Force, at Newport News, Va., and then sailed to North Africa and crossed to Naples, Italy, in early 1944. Following the Allied invasion of Italy at Salerno and Anzio, his first mission was on his birthday, Feb. 16, 1944, when his squadron bombed and strafed the German-held abbey on the top of Monte Cassino in central Italy. He flew 89 missions in the P-40 Warhawk and the P-47 Thunderbolt from February to August 1944 from bases near Naples and on the islands of Corsica and Salerno. While training at Clovis, N.M., in 1945 for a second tour of duty, his P-39 Bell Airacobra caught fire in flight. He was injured but survived the crash. After recovering, he enrolled in 21 hours at Oklahoma City University in late 1945, determined to go to dental school. His enrollment was taken by his future father-in-law, Dr. Clinton M. Allen, dean of arts and sciences, whose daughter, Florence, would become Jack’s wife. In 1948, he graduated from OCU with a degree in chemisfOCUS

try, was married at Wesley Methodist Church, and began dental school at the University of Kansas City, graduating in 1952. His son, John, was born in Kansas City in 1950 and his son, Bill, in Enid in 1952. After practicing dentistry in Enid for two years, the family moved to Duncan in 1955 where he practiced until his retirement in 1992. He had hundreds of patients and wonderful nurses. He saw patients seven days a week. In addition to his general practice, he made dentures and used the back of the office as a photographic studio. He was an avid amateur photographer and was president of the Oklahoma Camera Club. He was preceded in death by his parents; his sister, Mary Lea M. Terrill, and her husband, Martin; and his wife, Florence. He is survived by his sister, Elizabeth Ann, and her husband, Stanley Rice, Denver; and by his sons, John of Oklahoma City, Bill of Annapolis, Md., Bill’s wife, Anne, and their daughter, Elisabeth; and his caregiver, Jan Jackson, of Meridian. Services were held Feb. 24 at the Don Grantham Funeral Home Chapel in Duncan, with the Rev. Phil Ware officiating, followed by a graveside service at Rose Hill Cemetery in Oklahoma City. Online condolences may be sent to the family at Lester Metheny Lester W. Metheny passed away Nov. 10, 2009 at the age of 91. He was born in Warner, Okla. Feb. 10, 1918 and married the love of his life, Billie D. Metheny on Nov. 15, 1946. During nearly 53 years of marriage, Les and Billie were virtually inseparable. Metheney worked for 36 years at Oklahoma City University, coaching baseball and golf and serving as athletic director, chairman of health and 55


Class of 1928

Alice Simpson Graham

Class of 1931 Horace Robinson

Class of 1932 Martha Jo Steffen

Class of 1933 Bue Cooper

Class of 1950

Donald Cochran Jack Mackechnie, Ph.D.

Class of 1951 Vernon Brewer

Class of 1953 Jack Hatfield

Class of 1955

Class of 1941 Martha Jones

Baird Askins Kathryn Waggoner McDonald

Class of 1945

Class of 1957

Mae Ruth Foth Swanson

Class of 1946

Mildred Boren Smith

Mary Teague Randall

Class of 1958

Donald McGee

Class of 1961

Montine Price Sprehe

Class of 1962 Hearl Carter Tom Perkins

Class of 1964 William Walker

Class of 1968

Sarajane Craft Batchelor Mary Jo Vaughn Kessler Norma Weeden Waugh

Class of 1969

Class of 1986

Class of 1973

Class of 1992

Class of 1976

Class of 1995

Class of 1977

Class of 2008

Jasper Shaffer Norton Wey

Byron Harkey Jack Mann

Harold Garvin

James E. Alexander, Ph.D. Richard Hamer Steven Hunt

Class of 1980 Lowell Martin

Frank Tarpley

physical education, dean of men and dean of students, retiring in 1986. Metheny grew up near Mountain View, Okla. He attended Connors Junior College, earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Lester Metheny Oklahoma A&M and held an Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters from OCU. He was preceded in death by his wife, Billie; his parents, T.P. and Lydia Metheny; his brothers, Walton, Dalton and Marshall; and his sister, Molly Metheny. He is survived by his son, Steve Metheny and wife Debbie along with their two daughters, Jennifer Freeman and her husband Troy and Julie Sims and her husband Kyle; his daughter, Cindy Smith and husband Rob Smith and their son, 2nd Lt. Rob Smith; his son, Rick Metheny and wife Connie and their two daughters, Jamie Smith and her husband Steven


Class of 1960

and Rachel Roberts and her husband Brent; his son, Matt Metheny; four great-grandchildren, and his brother, Dewey Metheny of Durant, Okla. Metheny once said, “If anything I’ve done has helped any youngster, I’ve been well paid.” Norton Eugene Wey Norton Eugene Wey was born June 1, 1921 in Eldorado, Okla., and passed away Jan. 1, 2010 in Oklahoma City. He was the youngest son of Cecil C. and Evelyn Norton Wey. He was preceded in death by his father; mother; three brothers; one sister and his first wife, Jane Lohman Wey. He was a graduate of Eldorado High School, William Jewell College and Perkins School of Theology. He received a master’s degree in education from Oklahoma City University. He was an active United Methodist minister in the Oklahoma and New Mexico conferences for 30 years. He was director of religious life and associate professor of Bible for 16 years at Oklahoma City University.


Michael Burton Stephen Deutsch

Gary Barger Lisa Goodspeed

John Larason

Michael McLaughlin

Alumni, Non Degrees Jeff Giannopoulos Scott Pate Butz Wilder

After leaving OCU, he was program coordinator at Putnam City Methodist, St. Mark’s Methodist and Wesley Methodist Church, retiring in 1986. He is survived by his wife, Bernice Kamp Wey; daughter, Karen Wey Smola and husband Bob, grandsons, John and wife Cassi, Rob and Carl Smola; daughter, Annamarie Wey Cooper; and husband Steve, grandchildren, Adam, Elaine, Claire and Ann Cooper; and daughter, Alyson Wey Bailey and husband Alan, and grandchildren, Natalie and Nick Bailey. Norton was a loving husband, father and grandfather, and a caring and compassionate friend. Funeral services were held Jan. 5 at Wesley United Methodist Church with burial following at Memorial Park Cemetery. Donations may be made to Wesley United Methodist Church; Skyline Urban Ministries, 500 S.E. 15th St., Okla. City 73129; or the charity of your choice. l

OCU + YOU = Progress!

Thanks to the many of you who’ve already added OCU to their charitable giving plans, OCU has added academic and athletic programs, schools and buildings. Recent additions include the Saint Paul School of Theology at OCU; the student-driven service event OneGive; men’s and women’s wrestling teams; cheer and pom teams; and we’ve just broken ground on the Devon Boathouse, Home of OCU Rowing and the Kramer School of Nursing expansion, which will add three stories of teaching and office space to the school of nursing!

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Create a Legacy of Giving Give a gift that will bring a lifetime of benefits to you and help secure the financial future of our United Methodist pastors. A seminary education for our United Methodist clergy is costly, and the Leadership Investment Fund through Education (LIFE), held at the Oklahoma United Methodist Foundation, was created to help alleviate the financial burden of clergy responding to the call to serve our church in the Oklahoma Annual Conference. With the LIFE Gift Annuity (LGA), you make a gift to the LIFE Scholarship Fund and receive fixed income for life. Your payment rate will be based on your age, and a portion of your payment may even be tax-free. You may also receive valuable tax savings from a charitable income tax deduction in the year you make the gift. The LGA may be for two lives and may be deferred until you retire. For more information about the LIFE Gift Annuity, contact David Battles today at 800-259-6863 or


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